Wet Woods LIFE Project Hydrological Survey of Monadh Mór


Wet Woods LIFE Project Hydrological Survey of Monadh Mór
Wet Woods LIFE Project
Hydrological Survey of Monadh Mór
Report No. F99PA18M
For further information on this report please contact:
East Highland Area Office
Scottish Natural Heritage
Fodderty Way, Dingwall Business Park
Dingwall IV15 9XB
Tel: 01349 865333
This report should be quoted as:
Egret Consultancy 1999. Wet Woods LIFE Project Hydrological Survey of Monadh Mór.
Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report F99PA18M.
This report or any part of it should not be reproduced without the permission of Scottish Natural Heritage
which will not be unreasonably withheld. The views expressed by the author(s) of this report should not be
taken as the views and policies of Scottish Natural Heritage.
© Scottish Natural Heritage 1999.
Wet Woods LIFE Project
Hydrological Survey of Monadh Mór
Report No. F99PA18M
As part of the European Commission (EC) funded Wet Woods LIFE Project, on behalf of the
Caledonian Partnership, a hydrological survey was commissioned by Scottish Natural Heritage
(SNH) to assess the condition of the bog woodland habitat of Monadh Mór. The site the Monadh
Mór candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
A range of management options were identified to preserve or improve site condition.
An initial survey was completed using both desk and field exercises. Desk work covered relevant
literature on hydrological studies, interpretation of aerial photographs and examination of
photomontages, previous NVC surveys, historical maps and estate records, current site
management reports and forest design plans, analysis of maps looking at current land use,
geomorphology, topography, soils, geology and water catchment analysis, limited meteorological
data and current drainage management plans.
Field exercises consisted of gathering data on the physical attributes of each site, such as peat depths,
watercourses, location and condition of drains, vegetation, forest physiognomy and condition,
management operations, topography, mire status and surface water movement. Verification of the
information found from the desk studies was ascertained, and any new data added.
Principal findings for Monadh Mór indicate that a possible cyclical pattern is emerging with changes
in loch-side vegetation. Fluctuations in vegetation cover and areas of open water in the smaller
lochans are signs of this.
The widening of the A835 Tore-Maryburgh road appears to have enhanced a definite lowering of the
water table outside the western “perforated ridge”.
However, field research in 1999 indicates that the rest of the site is becoming wetter since an NVC
survey was undertaken in 1994. A rising water table is indicated with a corresponding change in the
plant community along the hydrosere gradient.
Several distinct hydrological units have been identified on the Monadh Mór site – three Topohydrological Units (THUs) – Brae of Easter Kinkell, Newlands of Ferintosh and Millbuie; and three
Bio-hydrological Units (BHUs) – Monadh Mór, Wester Monadh Mór and Millbuie.
(These units are illustrated in the Map Appendices, p.34, in Map 7 ‘Proposed Management
Boundaries’ and Map 8 ‘Summary of Hydrological Management Features’.)
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
NE of the site (identified as Millbuie BHU in this survey) is an area of a wooded bog still well
developed and surrounded by Scots pine plantation of varying ages. The plantation is a mosaic of
different aged plots ranging from approximately 80 years to 20 years since planting. Within this
vicinity, there are many areas which show good potential for restoration.
Recommended essential management to preserve the bog woodland habitat consists of felling nonnative conifers, thinning of Scots pine, and blocking of forest drains.
Millbuie BHU has retained sufficient biological interest to, ideally, merit future conservation management.
Further management objectives would be the blocking of all drains that are influencing the hydrology
of the site, and the clearfelling of all non-native trees in peatland areas.
Due to the rarity of this kind of raised bog system in the UK, the protection of this mire is of prime
conservation interest. The hydrological units as defined within this report can be used to give a
flexible approach to the hydrological management of the site, and contribute towards improving and
safeguarding the condition of the wooded bog community.
Photograph 2
Monadh Mór BHU peat drying station
Compt 1026
[NH 5883 5337; 149m]
Redgate/NDR (ES), 1999
For further information on this project contact:
East Highland Area Office, Scottish Natural Heritage
Fodderty Way, Dingwall Business Park, Dingwall IV15 9XB. Tel: 01349 865333
For further information on the SNH Research & Technical Support Programme contact:
The Co-ordination Group, Advisory Services, 2 Anderson Place, Edinburgh. Tel: 0131 446 2400
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
This report was co-authored with Neil Redgate and David Holmes, with the principal fieldwork
undertaken by:
Philip James
Habitat Surveyor & Ecologist
25 Station Crescent, Fortrose IV10 8SZ
ph 01381 620162,
Neil D Redgate
email philip.james@cali.co.uk
NDR (Environmental Services)
24 Harland Road, Castletown, Caithness KW14 8UB
ph / fx 01847 821495,
René ter Schiphorst
email consultancy@ndres.co.uk
Ter Schiphorst Environmental Consultancy
6 Woodlands Farm Cottage, Dingwall IV15 9TT
ph 01349 864407,
email Rene.TerSchiphorst@cali.co.uk.
Data analysis, digitising and map production was completed by:
David W Holmes
Milton GIS
Wellesbourne, Milton, Drumnadrochit IV63 6UA
ph 01456 450264,
email milton@netcomuk.co.uk
Thanks to Neil Wilkie, Wet Woods LIFE Project Manager for advice and liaison throughout the
project, and the following staff at Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) for their time and assistance:
Simon Cohen, Andrew Coupar and the reception staff at SNH Dingwall.
For advice on forestry matters and permission to go on site, we are grateful to the following people
at Forest Enterprise (FE), Inverness: Fred Milwood who kindly assisted with information on several
occasions, Keith Black, David Jardine, Jack Mackay and Ken Sinclair.
For support with site equipment, thanks to Russell Anderson and Shaun Mochan of Forest
Research, Edinburgh. And for loan of Ordnance Survey data for the project: Lachlan Rennick,
Heather Shirra and Phillippa Vigano from SNH Edinburgh. For permission to use aerial photographs
within this report, staff at the National Monuments Record of Scotland, Edinburgh.
For borrowed literature and their time, staff at the Royal Botanic Gardens Library, Edinburgh,
Stuart Brooks of the Scottish Wildlife Trust, and James Ploughman and Norrie Russell of the
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Forsinard.
Finally, thanks to Estate staff for their help with locating historical information and also permission to
go on site, in particular Duncan Forbes of Ferintosh Estate.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
The Hydrology of Mire Systems
Desk Study
Field Survey
Survey notes regarding accuracy, and indication of stress
Monadh Mór Site Description
Land Cover
Principal Findings
Monadh Mór and Millbuie
Wester Monadh Mór BHU
Management Scenarios
The short- and long-term prognosis of doing nothing
Essential management to safeguard the features for which the site
is being managed
Desirable level of management, given any constraints
Ideal long-term management
Overall Summary
Survey Appendices
Data Recording Card
Transect A
Monadh Mór site
Transect B
Monadh Mór site
Transect C
Monadh Mór site
Sample points
Positional accuracy
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map Appendices
Monadh Mór Orthographic Perspective
Map 1
Site Location
Map 2
Map 3
Soil Map
Map 4
Recorded NVC changes since 1994
Map 5
Distribution of Stressed Trees
Map 6
Management Operations
Map 7
Land Cover
Map 8
Proposed Management Boundaries
Map 9
Summary of Hydrological Management
Map 10
Proposed Management Scenarios
Figure 1
Hydrology terms for terrestrial and mire ecosystems in the same water
catchment area
Figure 2
Aerial photographs: Monadh Mór BHU
Figure 3
Aerial photographs: Millbuie BHU
Figure 4
Aerial photographs: Wester Monadh BHU
Figure 5
Aerial photographs: Wester Monadh BHU
Figure 6
Aerial photographs: Wester Monadh BHU
Monadh Mór Millbuie BHU – wooded mire
front cover
Monadh Mór BHU peat drying station
Monadh Mór BHU “Black Loch”
Monadh Mór BHU “Lochan Long”
Wester Monadh BHU loch – mire filled
Wester Monadh BHU Loch Dubh
% annual precipitation change relative to the mean for the period
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
The Wet Woods LIFE Project being undertaken by the Caledonian Partnership (which comprises
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), Forest Enterprise (FE), the Forestry Commission (FC), the Royal
Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and Highland Birchwoods) aims, where possible, to
enhance and restore favourable conditions on bog woodland candidate Special Areas of
Conservation (cSAC) sites in Scotland.
Bog woodland is detailed as a priority habitat under Annex I of the European Commission (EC)
Habitats Directive (1992). The CORINE Biotopes Manual definition of bog woodland is “Coniferous and
broad-leaved forests on a humid to wet peaty substrate with the water level permanently high and even
higher than the surrounding water table. The water is always very poor in nutrients (raised bogs)…
These communities are generally dominated by Betula pubescens (Downy birch), Pinus sylvestris
(Scots pine),… with species specific to bogland or, more generally, to oligotrophic environments, such
as Vaccinium spp., Sphagnum spp., Carex spp.” (berry, moss and sedge species).
A further definition defined by MacKenzie and Worrell (1995) is “Wooded bogs can be defined as
bogs where trees and tree seedlings constitute a more or less permanent component of the
vegetation… receiving all or most of its water from precipitation (ombrogenic bog); and similarly, all
or most of its nutrients arrive in precipitation (ombrotrophic bog)”.
In Scotland, within the wider Caledonian Forest habitat, wooded bogs are part of the diversity of
natural forest types. In particular, Monadh Mór has more affinity to the wooded bogs of Scandinavia
than any habitat in the UK, supporting a mixture of woodland and peatland habitats (SNH Wet
Woods LIFE Project site description, 1999).
As bog woodlands are dependent on hydrological systems influencing their development, the Wet
Woods LIFE Project aims to assess their hydrological condition and identify a range of management
options and monitoring strategies to preserve or improve site condition.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
The Hydrology of Mire Systems
The hydrological cycle is readily acknowledged to be important within any ecosystem, however, for
any mire ecosystem it is paramount. Hydrological terminology was originally defined with respect to
mineral soils in terrestrial ecosystems and has been applied to mire ecosystems retrospectively
(Ward & Robinson, 1990, Lindsay et al., 1988). This has resulted in confusion as researchers apply
different meanings to these terms. Therefore, it is essential to describe the basic hydrological
principles applied to the contract and to define the terms used within this report. A simplified
hydrological cycle that applies hydrological terms to both terrestrial and mire ecosystems is shown in
Figure 1 and the terms are defined in the glossary (see Appendices 8.1, p.24).
Figure 1
Schematic diagram illustrating the hydrology terms for terrestrial and mire ecosystems in
the same water catchment area
Precipitation falling onto the ground will either infiltrate the ‘Unsaturated Zone’ of the regolith or flow
over the ground as ‘Surface Run Off’. This initial movement of water is influenced by the interaction
between the following parameters: the quantity and duration of the rainfall; the moisture content and
porosity of the soil; the type of vegetation cover, and gradient. Evaporation from the ground surface
as well as from the vegetation will also take place.
Infiltrated water will first be absorbed as soil moisture to the mineral soil. As infiltration continues,
the ‘Soil Water’ will percolate downwards towards the ‘Water Table’, filling up the interstitial spaces.
When the unsaturated zone becomes saturated, lateral movement or ‘Throughflow’ becomes
prominent; simultaneously with surface run-off, if precipitation still occurs. After precipitation has
ceased, the soil water will continue to move either, laterally along a topographical gradient or,
percolate downwards and ‘Recharge the Ground Water’. The water will eventually emerge as
springs or seep into surface channels such as streams and rivers.
This pattern of water movement is similar in mire systems as the diplotelmic zones correspond to
the unsaturated (acrotelm) and saturated (catotelm) zones. The water table within the acrotelm
fluctuates according to rainfall patterns, evaporation and throughflow. In contrast, the catotelm
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
remains permanently saturated, unless it becomes exposed to the air through draining or loss of the
protective acrotelm. The movement of soil water within the acrotelm is relatively fast compared with
that in the catotelm (Lindsay et al., 1988, Lindsay, 1995, Brooks & Stoneman, 1997). The water
retentive properties of mires often leads to the mire having a higher water table than the mineral soil
of the adjacent terrestrial habitat.
This has been a brief overview of the application of hydrological principles as applied to this
contract. A detailed quantitative hydrological study would be necessary to describe the precise
hydrodynamics and hydrology of each site.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
The site investigation comprised desk studies, interviews and fieldwork.
Initially the desk study involved the examination of site specific literature, such as map
assessment, vegetation surveys, and site management plans. Secondly, subject specific
information was appraised, such as peatland ecology and management, hydrology and aerial
photographs. A water catchment analysis was then undertaken for the survey area of the site.
Interviews were conducted with Scottish Natural Heritage, Forest Enterprise, landowners, tenants,
and site managers on the historical land use practices both on, and adjacent to, the site.
Fieldwork consisted of the sampling of environmental parameters along transects, chosen to
reflect a gradient with either of the Bio-hydrological or Topo-hydrological Units present on
site (these units are defined in the glossary (see Appendices 8.1, p.24). Verification was
undertaken of existing and new watercourses and their condition, and existing and new wet
woodlands. An assessment was made of any changes in the NVC boundaries or unit itself,
since the last vegetational survey (illustrated in Map Appendices, p.34, Map 4 ‘Recorded
NVC changes since 1994’).
Desk Study
From topographical maps, the following were undertaken (refer to Map 2 ‘Hydrology’ in Map
Appendices, p.34):
Determination of watersheds, and water catchment areas for the site.
Scaled topographical profiles were drawn along appropriate transects to illustrate the
geomorphological location of the site.
All watercourses and bodies were marked.
The positions for topographical transects were determined.
From geological and soil maps: the physical attributes of the site were determined.
Field Survey
The following environmental parameters were considered (refer to the data recording card in Survey
Appendices, p.29):
Transects were chosen to cross a NVC transition along a groundwater gradient (dry to wet),
involving two or three NVC communities along each transect (defined as biological
transects in this report).
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
A 5m radius around each sample point was investigated to record the following:
Indication of surface wetness – It was recorded whether water was visible around the
surveyor’s (an 80kg individual) foot whilst standing on the vegetation. The presence of water
indicated that the depth of water table was between 0-10cm below surface. This was
estimated by measuring two sample boreholes in M18 vegetation and left for three weeks.
The depth of the water table below the surface was measured at 5cm, and water was also
present in the field surveyor’s foot depression near to these boreholes.
Acrotelm depth – The boundary cannot be measured precisely, therefore, a method was
devised to provide an suggestion of the depth of living and healthy Sphagna. This would
indicate an active and healthy “condition” of the unsaturated zone of the mire’s hydrology.
Sphagnum shoots were gently pulled out and measured; the supposition being that healthy
shoots will remain intact when extracted, leaving behind the basal sections that are beginning
to undergo decomposition in the “undefined boundary” between the acrotelm and catotelm.
Diplotelm depth – This was measured using a 2m ranging pole, marked into 5cm intervals.
Peat depth measurements were recorded to the nearest 5cm, up to a depth of 1.8m.
The current NVC community and any change from the previous NVC survey – Each NVC
community acts as a hydrological unit, each requiring their own specific groundwater
conditions. The acrotelm is the most sensitive layer of the peat’s diplotelm and does not
exceed 50cm in depth, regardless of the thickness of the catotelm. A series of transects
across each NVC transition from dry to wet until a peat depth of at least 1.5m would be
appropriate to provide a baseline of the current status of the groundwater conditions for each
of the NVC units present. Any change in the hydrology over a period of time will be reflected
in the change in peat depth and NVC boundaries. (This also avoids the risk to field
researchers, associated with walking over very deep peat.)
Forest physiognomy and condition – To assess the condition of the tree species present
by recording the particular health condition of a given height class as occasionally (<50%) or
frequently (>50%) experiencing.
Other fieldwork included (refer to Map 2 ‘Hydrology’ in Map Appendices, p.34):
The condition of any drains – Artificial and natural drains were assessed for their working
condition, and if any water flow movement was occurring. This was achieved by walking over
the site to verify the status of each drain and watercourse. These were marked on the map
as “flowing” (water was flowing in the burn or drain; or there was open water in a loch) or “not
flowing” (no water movement – dry burn or re-vegetated drain; or a loch had been infilled by
mire communities).
Any new watercourses or drains were identified and marked on the map.
Any new areas of wet woodland were identified and marked on the map.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Further transects (refer to Map 2 ‘Hydrology’ in Map Appendices, p.34) were chosen to investigate
the following two features of the site (defined as topographical transects in this report):
Potential outflow site for groundwater flow and seepage and throughflow in the peat
(labelled alphabetically) – The downflow side of each site is marked by a series of knolls,
that could be described as a “perforated ridge”. The movement of groundwater from the sites
will be restricted to these “perforations”. A series of transects across these areas is required
to assess the likelihood of any groundwater movement.
Survey notes regarding accuracy, and indication of stress
The nature of this contract did not allow the collection and analysis of accurate quantitative and
analytical data. The methods used to investigate the sites were chosen as they allow for quick
collection of data, in an inexpensive and replicable manner.
The use of GPS equipment allowed accurate positioning of transects and monitoring of NVC changes.
An unforeseen problem arose when assessing if there were any changes in NVC boundaries.
It became apparent that earlier maps were drawn by hand using aerial photographs to determine
boundaries. Therefore, any NVC changes may be due to cartographical errors rather than reflect
any genuine change and, hence, hydrological change. Where there was an apparent change within
10m of a NVC boundary, no change was recorded (see ‘Positional accuracy of sample points’ note
in Survey Appendices, p.33). Where there were obvious changes; in some instances a completely
different NVC unit was identified compared to earlier surveys; a change was recorded.
Stress was indicated by the presence of chlorotic and necrotic foliage as described by Innes
(1990). As the nature of the contract was a general overview of the sites in question, it was decided
not to carry out a full stress survey. A quick assessment was made to record whether 50% or more
individuals of a particular height class were showing chlorotic and necrotic stress. The pattern of
stress was not recorded but generally speaking, the trees showed entire older needle chlorosis
and/or necrosis.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Monadh Mór Site Description
The total survey area looked at for this contract covered approximately 350ha, and includes the
designations of Monadh Mór Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and Monadh Mór candidate Special
Area of Conservation (cSAC). The Natura 2000 interest is bog woodland and Caledonian forest.
Monadh Mór supports a complex of habitats of woodlands and peatlands. Most of the mire
communities are associated with the channels within which local conditions depend on the extent of
hydroseral succession. Various habitats have developed of oligrotrophic swamp communities, and
wet heath and blanket/raised mire, which displays a main feature of stunted Scots pine (Pinus
sylvestris) trees growing on the bog surface. Morainic ridges and mounds are dominated by
coniferous woodland (SNH Wet Woods LIFE Project site description, 1999).
Located on the summit of the western half of the Millbuie Ridge, the majority of the site lies between
the A835(T) Tore-Maryburgh and A9(T) Tore-Tain roads (centred on NH 58 53). A small extension
of the site exists to the north-east of the A9(T) (NH 600 555). The whole of the site occupies the
summit of the gently south-western aspect ridge, down slope from Cnoc nan Cràisg (NH 60 55,
170m) to the A835(T) (NH 57 53, 150m).
(Refer to Map 1 ‘Site Location’ in Map Appendices, p.34.)
From a desk study analysis of various data, the following information was ascertained about the
Monadh Mór site:
Millbuie ridge corresponds to an interrupted watershed, orientated broadly through the longitudinal
axis of the site. In the east the average height is 170m, and in the west 150m; and descending
approximately 20m down slope either side of the summit (see topographical profiles A-C in the
Survey Appendices, p.30-32). Millbuie Ridge is an example of an “inversion of relief” as the ridge
has developed from a geological synclinal fold.
Towards the western edge of the site, the ridge appears to have been eroded away to a plateau, by
glacial activity that created the kettlehole topography. This is typical for the site as a whole but is
very dominant at this location. At its western edge, this geomorphological feature is delineated by a
“perforated ridge” with very widely dispersed knolls arising no more than 10m in height. West of this
“perforated ridge” the land is gently undulating. To the north and south of this kettlehole topography,
the land gently slopes downhill towards the north and south respectively.
The north-eastern part of the site – Millbuie – is located on the foot slopes of Creag Cràisg, to the
north-east of the A9(T) road. The main part of Millbuie is gently sloping to the north-west towards
the two lochans, after which the gradient of the slope increases sharply north-westwards.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
The underlying bedrock is Middle Old Red Sandstone for the whole Millbuie Ridge. Geologically, it is
very interesting as this ridge is formed by a syncline and is known as the Black Isle Syncline
(Geological Survey of Scotland, 1914a). The drift geology consists mainly of glacial morainic
deposits, which are found throughout the area of Newlands of Ferintosh and in a mosaic with peat
deposits on the ground of the Brae of Easter Kinkell (Geological Survey of Scotland, 1914b).
(Refer to Map 3 ‘Soil Map’ in the Map Appendices, p.34.)
Glacial-derived sands and gravels, boulder clay and peat overlie the solid geology of Devonian
Sandstone. The soil present on the site belongs to the Millbuie Soil Association and is exclusive to
the Black Isle. The association has two component soil units (SU): one (SU 406) is widespread and
forms 95% of the association and the second (SU 405) is found in small isolated pockets and forms
5% of the association.
The survey site is located entirely on the largest deposit of SU 405 (Futty & Towers, 1982). The soil
is variable with a poorly drained humus-iron podzol on the glacial mounds, with peaty and noncalcareous gleys and peats in the hollows.
Land Cover
(Refer to Map 6 ‘Management Operations’ and Map 7 ‘Land Cover’ in the Map Appendices, p.34.)
The dominant land uses in the survey area are forestry and, to a lesser extent, agriculture (see
Map 7). Forestry exists as three commercial woodlands: Newlands of Ferintosh (to the west of the
survey area), and the Mullans and Muckernich Woods on the southern periphery of the area. The
Newlands of Ferintosh plantation consists largely of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and Scots pine
(Pinus sylvestris), whereas the Mullans and Muckernich Woods are principally Scots pine. The main
land use on the northern periphery of the survey area is a mixed agricultural practice of livestock
and arable farming. The bulk of the survey area is the bog woodland dominating Monadh Mór itself,
which is managed solely for its mires and conservation interests.
(Refer to Map 2 ‘Hydrology’, Map 8 ‘Proposed Management Boundaries’ and Map 9 ‘Summary of
Hydrological Management Features’ in the Map Appendices, p.34.)
The hydrology of Monadh Mór is quite exceptional due to its geographical location and
geomorphological feature of “inversion of relief”. The site itself is part of the watershed between the
Cromarty Firth water catchment area (WCA) and the Moray Firth WCA. However, there are very few
surface channels that will allow surface water to move quickly down the slopes of the WCAs. There
is a large number of unconnected narrow drains that permeate through the surrounding agricultural
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
As there are very few obvious watersheds, due to its location, the Topo-hydrological Units (THUs)
are delineated by physical features to assist in the hydrological management of the Monadh Mór
site. The commercial forestry plantation is divided into two THUs: the Brae of Easter Kinkell THU
and the Newlands of Ferintosh THU. Although this would require a detailed hydrological study,
results of ground truthing strongly suggest that there is a hydrological link between the Brae of
Easter Kinkell THU and the Newlands of Ferintosh THU. The site has been extended to the northeast from its original study area to incorporate a third THU, Millbuie THU. There is no obvious
surface recharge to the soil water of all three THUs: the only input to the hydrological system is
through precipitation. Water movement will be through the soil and permeable layers of bedrock
down the gradient of the slope.
There will be a limited amount of throughflow and surface run-off from Creag Cràisg to Millbuie only, as
the A9(T) cuts across the site. However, there is a culvert under the A9 that flows into the main northern
drain flowing through the large clearfell area (Forest Enterprise, pers.comm., 1999). There are very few
surface channels whereby water is able to move water within the site between lochans and pools.
Of those that exist, the larger channels are responsible for the discharge of surface water from the site.
The rate of water movement is dependent upon the permeability of the bedrock, parent material and the
soil. The acrotelmic throughflow is the most rapid in contrast with the diplotelmic discharge of groundwater
(Lindsay et al, 1988, p.14). The volume of soil water within the acrotelm is very responsive to recharge
from both precipitation and surface run-off, which will result in fluctuating water table levels. Each NVC
community represents a particular niche. In the case of the mire communities at Monadh Mór, it is a
reasonable assumption that this will be a reflection on the degree of annual surface wetness.
Due to the synclinal nature of the bedrock and the varied permeability of the strata of the Old Red
Sandstone, groundwater could be stored in an aquifer, at the bottom of the geological dip of an
impermeable stratum of sandstone. Where this impermeable stratum outcrops at the surface, there
is a potential for springs to occur and wells can be sunk close to the outcrop. There is such
impermeable stratum that outcrops on the northern (approximately the 140m contour level) and
southern (approximately 130m) slopes of Millbuie Ridge. A series of springs and wells are found at,
or in the vicinity, of these contour levels on variously dated and differently scaled OS maps.
The Brae of Easter Kinkell THU is slightly larger than the Monadh Mór cSAC boundary. The survey has
identified two Bio-hydrological Units (BHUs) within the proposed designation, Monadh Mór BHU and
Wester Monadh Mór BHU, which are incompletely separated by the “perforated ridge”. Monadh Mór
BHU essentially covers the kettlehole glacial landscape that is located on the plateau. The BHU
consists of a mosaic of NVC communities associated with the different annual wetness regimes
present in the imperfectly draining hollows and freely-draining morainic ridges. The distribution of the
NVC communities within the BHU can be used as bio-indicators to reflect the current hydrological
conditions. The vegetation communities include Carex rostrata-Sphagnum recurvum (M4), Sphagnum
cuspidatum/recurvum (M2) and Erica tetralix-Sphagnum papillosum (M18) mires; marginal BetulaMolinia: Sphagnum (W4c) and dry Pinus sylvestris-Hylocomium splendens: Vaccinium (W18b)
woodland communities (Tidswell, 1994). Wester Monadh Mór BHU has been defined separately due to
its recent and current hydrological status; and its possible susceptibility of lowering water table due to
the development of the A835(T) road. These two BHUs are linked by narrow corridors of low lying
ground between the “perforated ridge” and by a “mire corridor” to the north of this ridge.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Although not looked at closely in this study, previous studies of the plantation dominated area of the
Newlands of Ferintosh THU show significant areas of former bog woodland. As already stated, this
area would have provided an important hydrological link for all the mires described in this study.
Drained and planted in the 1960s, this area has undergone a rapid decline although, notably,
several of the wettest areas still retain remnants of the original vegetation.
Millbuie THU contains a single BHU, Millbuie BHU, which again includes a mosaic of NVC
communities according to the annual wetness regimes present. The vegetation includes the same
diversity of communities that are present in Monadh Mór BHU (current survey).
Monadh Mór is located within the “Central & Southern Lowlands Zone” (zone 1) in Scotland (Usher
& Balharry, 1996). This is characterised by the typical glacial landscape features and the differential
erosion of sedimentary rocks. Lower ground is extensively covered by glacial deposits, from which
the soils are derived. The general climatic pattern is “characterised by relatively low rainfall and a
large temperature range between summer and winter” (loc. cit., p.10). The mean precipitation for
July is 88.6mm and January 97.9mm; the mean temperature for July is 13.7°C and January 2.5°C.
The Millbuie Soil Association reflects a “fairly warm and moderately dry climate, with an average
annual rainfall for the area approximately 800mm” (Futty & Towers, 1982). The site falls within the
climatic region described as “fairly warm and rather dry lowland” – accumulated temperature of
1100-1375 day degrees centigrade (day °C), having a ‘Potential Water Deficit’ (PWD) of >50-75mm
(Birse & Dry, 1970), and is moderately exposed with an annual mean wind speed of 2.6-4.4ms
(Birse & Robertson, 1970).
The former Highland River Purification Board (HRPB) monitored precipitation and river flows for
certain river catchments – unfortunately, none of these are relevant to Monadh Mór. However, in
their annual reports from 1991-1995, they produced a map showing the annual rainfall as a
percentage of the average for the thirty year period, 1961-1990. These changes are summarised in
Table 1 below and suggest a trend of an increase in annual precipitation for the area. Unfortunately,
data for after this period is not currently available.
Table 1Table
% annual
change relative
to the mean
for to
annual precipitation
for the period 1961-1990
% change (mid
Monadh Mór
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Principal Findings
(Refer to the following maps in the Map Appendices, p.34: Map 4 ‘Recorded NVC changes since
1994’; Map 5 ‘Distribution of Stressed Trees’; Map 8 ‘Proposed Management Boundaries’; and
Map 9 ‘Summary of Hydrological Management Features’.
Also refer to Figures 2-5, p.13-14 & 16-17, detailing relevant examples of aerial photographs with
corresponding notes, and Photographs 3-6 of mires, p.20.)
Three Topo-hydrological Units (THUs), namely Brae of Easter Kinkell, Newlands of Ferintosh,
and Millbuie, and three Bio-hydrological Units (BHUs), Monadh Mór, Wester Monadh Mór and
Millbuie, (see Maps 8 and 9) are identified at Monadh Mór. The BHUs correspond to the
individual mire macrotopes found at the western and eastern end of the site.
A study of aerial photographs and maps for a period between 1946-1989 indicate the lochside mire vegetation on the site has been slowly changing in what is possibly a cyclical
pattern. This is evidenced by fluctuations in vegetation cover and area of open water in the
smaller lochans. A more detailed discussion follows in Sections 5.1 & 5.2.
Outside the western “perforated ridge”, there has been a definite lowering of the water table in
the lochans. This trend appears to have been enhanced by the completion of the widening
construction of the A835 Tore-Maryburgh road. A further possibility is the effect of widespread
drainage schemes encouraged by past agricultural schemes (Cohen, pers.comm., 1999).
Field research in 1999 indicates that the site is becoming wetter since a NVC survey was
undertaken at the site in 1994. Some recorded changes are due to differences in
cartographical procedures used in the current and 1994 surveys and these have been
accommodated. All the recorded changes indicate a rising water table with a corresponding
change in the plant community along the hydrosere gradient (see Map 4). This is also
suggested by the incomplete meteorological data obtained from HRPB (see Table 1, p.10).
Although not looked at closely in this study, previous surveys of the Newlands of Ferintosh
plantation area show significant areas of former bog woodland. Furthermore, ground truthing in
1999 located another hydrologically linked area of former bog woodland to the south of the
Ferintosh plantation (Scottish Natural Heritage, pers.comm., 1999). Both these areas would
have, at one time, provided important hydrological links for all the mires described in this study.
These areas have undergone a rapid decline due to planting and drainage schemes in the
1960s, although several of the wettest areas still retain remnants of the original vegetation.
Natural regeneration of Lodgepole pine is occurring over an area of c. 20ha in the southwest corner of the cSAC. This probably originates from an area of planted Lodgepole pine on
an adjacent drier area which was felled c. 5 years ago. Clearly, such regeneration is an
unwanted component of the site as it will continue to displace the native flora by a long-term
drying out process.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Field research in 1999 investigated another mire macrotope and its corresponding BHU to
the NE of the original site, namely, Millbuie THU and Millbuie BHU. This is a good example
of a wooded ombrotrophic bog.
Tree growth is very extensive throughout the larger-sized mire mesotopes. There is a high
frequency of stressed Pinus (pine) trees; and scattered clumps of moribund Salix (willow)
(see Map 5).
Commercial forestry and associated drainage have had a significant impact on the
hydrological integrity of this site. All but the wettest areas have been planted largely with
non-native conifers which has not only damaged the actual planted areas but is also causing
a long-term drying out effect of adjacent unplanted mires.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Figure 2
Aerial photographs of Monadh Mór BHU – Black Loch showing changes in wetness during
the period 1946-1990. [1:10 000 scale, North = top]
a) 9 October 1946
b) 23 April 1954
c) 3 May 1967
d) 13 June 1988
e) 17 September 1990
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Figure 3
Aerial photographs of Monadh Mór – Millbuie BHU showing changes in wetness during the
period 1967-1988. [1:10 000 scale, North = top]
a) 3 May 1967
b) 13 June 1988
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Monadh Mór – Black Loch and Millbuie BHUs
(Refer to the aerial photographs in Figures 2-3, p.13-14.)
Monadh Mór BHU – Black Loch (Figure 2)
In the period 1946-1990, there appears to have been a marked increase in the rise of the water
table and encroachment of mire vegetation into formerly wooded areas around Black Loch. In the
same period, the shape and size of Black Loch does not appear to have altered whatsoever.
The current survey in 1999 indicates that the area is beginning to dry out again. The long narrow
peninsula of pinewood, that ran parallel to the west margin of Black Loch in 1946, has continued to
re-establish itself since it was first documented in the 1994 NVC survey (Tidswell, 1994).
(See examples of this mire in Photographs 3 & 4, p.20.)
Millbuie BHU (Figure 3)
The area appears to have become drier in the period 1967-1988. The two main lochans became
smaller in surface area, yet two small pools appeared to the east of the two lochans by 1988.
There appears to have been some felling on the east margin of the larger of the two lochans,
although this may well be an optical illusion of the aerial photograph. Clearfelling has occurred to the
south-west of the two lochans by 1988. Also present is the current A9(T), which is below the site,
and is located in a cutting. Further investigations will be required to assess the impact of the A9(T)
road development up on the site’s and adjacent land’s hydrology. It is possible that the water table
has been lowered by the construction of the A9(T) road.
The 1999 survey discovered that the area of sloping land north and north-west of the two lochans
had been clearfelled and was being colonised by self seeding Betula (beech). The two small pools
are partially infilled by vegetation and there is greater tree cover of Pinus (pine) on the central mire
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Figure 4
Aerial photographs of West Monadh BHU showing changes in wetness during the period
1946-1990. [1:10 000 scale, North = top]
a) 9 October 1946
b) 23 April 1954
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Figure 5
Aerial photographs of West Monadh BHU showing changes in wetness during the period
1946-1990. [1:10 000 scale, North = top]
c) 3 May 1967
d) 13 June 1988
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Figure 6
Aerial photograph of West Monadh BHU showing changes in wetness during the period
1946-1990. [1:10 000 scale, North = top]
e) 17 September 1990
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Wester Monadh Mór BHU
(Refer to the aerial photographs in Figures 4-6, p.16-18.)
Wester Monadh Mór BHU (Figures 4-6)
In the period 1946-1990, there has been a marked lowering of the water table and the consequential
loss of open water surfaces. This loss of open water has also been exaggerated by the natural
hydroseral succession of water bodies.
Between 1946 and 1967, there were fluctuations in the size and appearance of lochans. Some were
becoming smaller, in the southern section, whereas new pools were forming in the northern section
of this BHU. The largest noticeable change occurs between 1967 and 1988, where Loch Dubh
(see Maps 2, 7 and 9) and two lochans to the north-east have disappeared, and the sinuous lochan
(to the east of Loch Dubh) has become fragmented. The lochans appear to have been in-filled by
mire vegetation and the pinewood has encroached onto the margins. Loch Dubh may have been
purposely drained or dried out without such management practice, and there appears to be more
trees in the vicinity of the loch in 1988. The remainder of the agricultural land that lies outwith the
site appears not to have undergone any major change in land cover and, hence, land use. The only
noticeable major change is the construction and completion of the A835 Tore-Maryburgh road in 1981
(Highland Council, Roads & Transport Service, pers. comm.). It is possible that the construction of the
cutting and the road is influencing the water table.
The 1999 survey recorded the drying out of these mires along with those lochans that lie outside the
site boundary (see Maps 2, 7 and 9).
(See examples of this mire in Photographs 5 & 6 overleaf.)
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Photograph 3
Monadh Mór BHU:
west of Black Loch – wooded mire
with many dead Pinus
[NH 5777 5388; 149m 76°]
James, 1999
Photograph 4
Monadh Mór BHU:
“Lochan Long” – dead Pinus trees
[NH 5816 5332; 149m 90°]
James, 1999
Photograph 5
Wester Monadh Mór BHU:
lochan – mire filled
[NH 5767 5350; 148m 274°]
James, 1999
Photograph 6
Wester Monadh Mór BHU:
Loch Dubh – hydroseral succession
[NH 5758 5332; 148m 346°]
James, 1999
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Management Scenarios
Map 10 ‘Proposed Management Scenarios’ (see Map Appendices, p.34) proposes the areas that
require management and monitoring. Refer also to Map 2 ‘Hydrology’, and Map 9 ‘Summary of
Hydrological Management Features’, which illustrates the condition of all drains and water, and the
boundaries of hydrological management units.
Taking the findings into account, the management scenarios, as stated in the contract, were examined.
The short- and long-term prognosis of doing nothing
Both short and long-term, there will be continued drying out of the lochs on the outside of the
perforated ridge. A fluctuating water table dependent on annual rainfall patterns, will result in
the loss and gain of small lochans.
The former areas of bog woodland connecting the Monadh Mór cSAC with almost all the
other mires in the area will continue to dry out due to the effects of forestry and drainage.
More specifically, the plantations of the Newlands of Ferintosh and those on its southwestern boundary will, in the long-term, destroy both the biological interest of the mires they
are growing on, but also, severely disrupt the hydrological integrity of the entire bog
woodland habitat on the Black Isle.
Essential management to safeguard the features for which the site is
being managed
A comprehensive tree felling programme within the Newlands of Ferintosh plantation is
considered essential. The reasons are twofold: firstly, to restore the conditions necessary for
the redevelopment of bog woodland; and secondly, to start the process of restoring the
hydrological integrity of the series of mires in this area. In particular, essential management
would be to fell all non-native conifers within forestry compartments 1026, 1031 and 1032,
together with a programme of thinning the remaining Scots pine element (see Map 10).
Following tree felling, a programme of drain blocking should be an integral part of the
restoration work. The specification would be to block all drains marked as ‘flowing’ on
Maps 2 and 10. Given appropriate vehicular access, machine dug peat dams would be
recommended. (This is the method currently being used at the Abernerthy site to great
success). In the most sensitive areas of ground, plastic piling would be more appropriate.
For specific guidance on drain blocking, refer to Wilkie & Thompson (undated).
An ongoing programme of natural regeneration removal from the mire areas should also be
considered essential.
Desirable level of management, given any constraints
Preservation of the mosaic character of the site requires frequent hydrological monitoring.
An additional area of conservation interest has been identified to the north-east of the
original site (Millbuie BHU), which represents a good example of a wooded ombrotrophic bog
and requires a similar level of monitoring.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Fell all non-native conifers in the area on the south-west boundary of the Newlands of
Ferintosh plantation (forestry compartment 1033). Again, the main reasons are to primarily
restore the conditions necessary for the redevelopment of bog woodland; and secondly, to
begin the process of restoring the hydrological integrity of the series of mires in this area.
Any Scots pine growing on drier sections should be thinned to ultimately mimic a natural
pinewood (see Map 10).
Block all drains marked as ‘non-flowing’ on Maps 2 and 10. Although these drains are not
visibly degrading the site, they have locally lowered the water table. Damming material
should be selected on a drain by drain basis (or even dam by dam basis) but corrugated
perspex sheets are generally favoured for small drains. On specific larger key sections, the
more robust plastic piling would be more appropriate. For specific guidance on drain
blocking, again refer to Wilkie & Thompson (undated).
Closely monitor dam integrity for weaknesses and any leakages in the first few weeks after
installation and repair accordingly.
Establish simple repeatable monitoring programmes to measure the success of tree removal
and drain blocking. This may take the form of fixed point photographs along transects
to cover different felling prescriptions, or different levels of damage, for example, species,
or age. Rate of recovery would be measured by, for example, the regrowth of key genera,
e.g. Sphagnum, Eriophorum (moss, sedges).
It would also be seen as desirable to monitor the cost-effectiveness of the various
restoration treatments. A very useful exercise would be to compare unit costs for each
technique and their relative successes on this project versus costs of similar habitat
restoration work on other projects.
Ideal long-term management
The ideal long-term management goal for this area of the Black Isle should be the
restoration of all the areas of former bog woodland. In general, all peatland areas containing
non-native conifers should be felled and all drains having any influence on the hydrology
should be blocked. The proposed restoration programmes outlined in Sections 6.2 and 6.3
would bring significant benefit to the hydrological integrity of the entire area of mires
associated with Monadh Mór.
The site identified as Millbuie BHU has retained sufficient biological interest to, ideally, merit
being included into any future conservation management plans.
The ideal long-term management of this site should have a flexible approach and should be
based on the Topo-hydrological Units (THU) and Bio-hydrological Units (BHU) as defined in
this study. The site management boundary would ideally follow the aquifer line as identified
by the springs along the contour lines of 140m (on the northern slope) and 130m (on the
southern slope) as land management practices must consider their impacts on the hydrology
of the site.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Overall Summary
The Monadh Mór cSAC remains as one of the best examples of bog woodland habitat in the UK
and, therefore, is of prime conservation importance. Recent investigations have shown that the
Monadh Mór cSAC is all that remains of a much more extensive area of mires which would have
once stretched across the Millbuie ridge – a distance of perhaps 30km. Immediately adjacent to the
north-east of the cSAC is probably the best area of former bog woodland which was planted in the
1960s with a conifer crop. Although maturing fast, this area still retains many similar habitats where
the conservation interest has stayed largely intact. As it forms part of the same broad hydrological
unit, it is believed that this plantation may be posing a serious threat to the cSAC through the
combined drying out effect of a quickly maturing conifer crop and a network of drains specifically
dug out to dry out the peat. Consequently, to ensure the long-term favourable conservation status of
the Monadh Mór cSAC, it is considered essential to undertake a comprehensive tree felling and
drain blocking programme in the areas outlined in this report.
(Refer to Map 10 ‘Proposed Management Scenarios’ in the Map Appendices, p.34: which illustrates
the condition of all drains; the site, survey and proposed management boundaries, and essential
work to be carried out.)
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Accumulated Temperature
The accumulated total of degrees (°C) for each day the temperature
exceeds 5.6°C. The scale is –
> 1375
1100 – 1375
Fairly Warm
825 – 1100
550 – 825
275 – 550
Very Cold
0 – 275
Extremely Cold
The upper, aerated layer of peat that is composed of living and
healthy Sphagna, where rapid decomposition and transformation into
peat of each year’s dying vegetation occurs.
Bio-hydrological Unit (BHU) A recognisable biological unit, based upon a single or group of NVC
units, that reflects a particular hydrology required for research or
management purposes. A BHU is usually a sub unit of a THU but
may well be the same as a THU, and is an identifiable hydrological
management unit.
The lower layer of amorphous and more humified peat, where
decomposition is much reduced due to anaerobic and permanently
saturated conditions.
The complete peat unit, composing of the upper acrotelm and lower
The rate of water flow in a stream or the movement of groundwater
to water bodies at the surface.
Water found in soils and rocks in the ‘Saturated Zone’.
The process whereby precipitation is prevented from falling directly
onto the soil by vegetation.
The gravitational movement of soil water through the interstitial
spaces within the ‘Unsaturated Zone’.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Potential Water Deficit
The annual excess of potential evapo-transpiration over precipitation,
which indicates the effective wetness of the climate. The scale is –
> 75mm
50 – 75mm
Rather Dry
25 – 50mm
0 – 25mm
Rather Wet
The input of water into a hydrological zone, e.g.: precipitation into the
‘Unsaturated Zone’ or soil water into the ‘Saturated Zone’.
The unconsolidated material that is present above bedrock.
Saturated Zone
The region of soil and geology that lies below the lowest level of the
water table (averaged over a long-term period), and is permanently
Soil Water
Water found in soils in the ‘Unsaturated Zone’.
Surface Run-off
The movement of water on the surface of the ground.
Surface Water
Water within surface channels, streams, rivers and lochs.
The lateral movement of soil water through the interstitial spaces
within the ‘Unsaturated Zone’.
Topo-hydrological Unit
A recognisable topographical unit that may either be exactly the
same as, or a sub-unit of, the ‘Water Catchment Area’ for a
site. A THU is an identifiable hydrological management unit.
Unsaturated Zone
The region of soil that is subjected to periodic rises and falls in the
water table.
Water Catchment Area
The area of land, defined by a watershed, through which all water
(Drainage Basin)
movement is towards an identified river or loch.
The highest topographical point between two or more ‘Water
Catchment Areas’.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Birse, E.L. & Dry, F.T. (1970).
Assessment of climatic conditions in Scotland.
I: Based on accumulated temperature and
potential water deficit. MISR, Aberdeen.
Birse, E.L. & Robertson, L. (1970).
Assessment of climatic conditions in Scotland.
II: Based on exposure and accumulated frost.
MISR, Aberdeen.
Brooks, S. & Stoneman, R. (eds.) (1997).
Conserving Bogs: The Management Handbook.
Stationery Office, Edinburgh.
Canham, M.D. (1998-2003).
Monadh Mór SSSI Management Plan Compt 1026.
Inverness Forest District. Forest Enterprise,
Futty, D.W. & Towers, W. (1982).
Soil Survey of Scotland. Soil and Land Capability
for Agriculture. Northern Scotland (1:250 000,
Sheet 3). MISR, Aberdeen.
Geological Survey of Scotland (1914a).
Inverness, Scotland Sheet 83, Drift Geology 1954,
1:63 360. Ordnance Survey, Chessington, Surrey.
Geological Survey of Scotland (1914b).
Inverness, Scotland Sheet 83, Solid Geology
1964, 1:63 360. Ordnance Survey, Chessington,
HRPB (1991-1995).
Annual Report no. 17 (1991-1992); 18 (1992-1993);
19 (1993-1994); 20 (1994-1995); 21 (1995-1996).
HRPB, Dingwall.
Innes, J.L. (1990).
Assessment of tree condition. Field Book no.12.
Forestry Commission, Farnham.
Ivanov, K.E. (1981).
Water movement in Mirelands. Academic Press,
Lindsay, R. (1995).
Bogs: The Ecology, Classification and
Conservation of Ombrotrophic Mires. Scottish
Natural Heritage, Battleby.
Lindsay, R.A., Charman, D.J., Everingham, F.,
The Flow Country: The peatlands of Caithness
O’Reilly, R.M., Palmer, M.A., Rowell, T.A.
and Sutherland. Nature Conservancy Council,
& Stroud, D.A. (1988).
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Lindsay, R.A., Riggall, J. & Burd, F. (1985).
The use of small-scale surface patterns in the
classification of British Peatlands. Aquilo, Seria
Botanica 21:69-79. Publication from Royal
Botanic Gardens Library, Edinburgh.
MacKenzie, N. A. & Worrell, R. (1995).
A preliminary assessment of the ecology and
status of ombrotrophic wooded bogs in Scotland.
SNH Research, Survey and Monitoring Report.
no.40. Scottish Natural Heritage, Battleby.
Moen, A. (1985).
Classification of mires for conservation purposes
in Norway. Aquilo, Seria Botanica 21:95-100.
Publication from Royal Botanic Gardens Library,
Moore, P.D. & Bellamy, D.J. (1974).
Peatlands. Elek Science, London.
Robins, N.S. (1990).
Hydrogeology of Scotland. HMSO (for the British
Geological Survey), London.
Rodwell, J.S. (ed.) (1991).
British Plant Communities I: Woodlands and Scrub.
CUP, Cambridge, 1998.
Rodwell, J.S. (ed.) (1991).
British Plant Communities II: Mires and Heaths.
CUP, Cambridge.
Rodwell, J.S. (ed.) (1995).
British Plant Communities IV: Aquatic communities,
swamps and tall-herb fens. CUP, Cambridge.
Tidswell, R.J. (1994).
A survey of the woodland vegetation at Monadh
Mór, Ross & Cromarty. Unpub. management
statement, Scottish Natural Heritage, Dingwall.
Usher, M.B. & Balharry, D. (1996).
Biogeographical Zonation of Scotland. Scottish
Natural Heritage, Battleby.
Ward, R.C. & Robinson, M. (1990).
Principles of Hydrology. 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill,
Wheeler, B.D. & Shaw, S.C. (1995).
Restoration of Damaged Peatlands. HMSO, London.
Wilkie, N.M, (1999).
SNH Wet Woods LIFE Project on behalf of the
Caledonian Partnership. Hydrological Survey.
Annex B Site Descriptions. Unpub., Scottish
Natural Heritage, Dingwall.
Wilkie, N.M. & Thompson, P.S. (undated).
Identification and Restoration of Damaged
Blanket Bog. Scottish Natural Heritage, Golspie.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Survey Appendices
Data Recording Card
Transect A
Transect B
Transect C
Positional accuracy of sample points note
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Data Recording Card
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Transect A
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Transect B
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Transect C
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Positional accuracy of sample points
National Grid co-ordinates of the sample points along transects were determined by two methods:
Landstar Mark 4 Surveyor Global Positioning System (GPS);
Direct reference to OS 1:10,000 scale Maps in the field.
The first method gives a positional accuracy of 3m or better, while it is estimated that the second
method is accurate to within 10m of the true National Grid co-ordinate.
Owing to repeated malfunctioning of the GPS equipment, and eventual failure, the percentage of
reliable GPS measurements achieved for Monadh Mór was 25%.
The accuracy of each sample point is recorded as an attribute with the digital dataset to be delivered
to SNH.
In determining changes in NVC communities since the last survey, where applicable, it is assumed
that the boundaries between communities on the available NVC maps are accurate to within 10m.
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map Appendices
Monadh Mór Orthographic Perpective
Map 1
Site Location
Map 2
Map 3
Soil Map
Map 4
Recorded NVC changes since 1994
Map 5
Distribution of Stressed Trees
Map 6
Management Operations
Map 7
Land Cover
Map 8
Proposed Management Boundaries
Map 9
Summary of Hydrological Management Features
Map 10
Proposed Management Scenarios
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Monadh Mór Orthographic Perspective
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map 1
Site Location
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map 2
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map 3
Soil Map
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map 4
Recorded NVC changes since 1964
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map 5
Distribution of Stressed Trees
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map 6
Management Operations
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map 7
Land Cover
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map 8
Proposed Management Boundaries
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map 9
Summary of Hydrological Management Features
Wet Woods Hydrological Survey – Monadh Mór
Map 10
Proposed Management Scenarios