CONTRACT DIRECTORY The right... DIRECTION WelcOme et NE 202 12th Stre P.O. Box 219 479 Staples, MN 56 www.njpacoo rs! pating Membe the top s from many of on ti lu so ed ct access to contra ged products, tionally levera , you now have na A JP of N y et of ri r va be ra rative ing mem ages of “coope A contracts offe nt JP N va As a participat y. ad tr d un an s co the ce the saving valued and suppliers in u will experien ovide you with yo , pr m to manufacturers ra le og ab pr e is ar gh th pense irements, we services. Throu the time and ex ve bidding requ ti cy ti en pe equipment and ag m co ur e yo th d ing , saving you an sing.” By follow t requirements en contract purcha em ur oc pr your tions that meet purchasing solu the bid process. The process to of duplicating lume discounts. vo le ab er id ns obligation or resulting in co A at no cost, no bid nationally JP ly N h ve it ti ti w p pe hi m rs be in this racts are co rmation found to establish mem fo is in t All NJPA cont ep ac st t nt rs co fi e r You ly, utilizing th e rest. racts is simple. They will do th of choice direct . or m ra nd access our cont og ve e pr r th t ou contac participating in next step is to NJPA, our and interest in p hi liability. Your rs advantages of be y em an m m ur e th yo t of ou ract ore ab ing them benefits of cont .org to learn m e op th y co directory, inform jo A en JP .N to w is t ww for you to do age you to visi only thing left he T . We also encour rs ne rt pa ndor d our many ve e same. membership an e others to do th ag ur co en to d nization, purchasing an within your orga ne yo an to on y cts and services hip opportunit from the contra ry and members t to fi ec ne ir be D t so ac al tr our Con u feel would ing Program. Please forward contacts that yo ontract Purchas C of r le ou rc g ci in ur rd yo ga es within with input re or other agenci t us at any time ac nt co to ee fr JPA. Feel provided by N rs u. welcome our d to serving yo To our Vendo ® is opportunity to th We look forwar ke ta to e lik lliance ld ci Welcome Parti Duff Erholtz elations Membership R t ations Specialis and Communic 218-894-5490 duff.erholtz@N 2 We wou int Powers A the National Jo to s d er rtn pa or vend . As an awarde hasing Program rc Pu ct d tra an on e C lu ) (NJPA rience the va r, you will expe joy business contract supplie ng.” You will en lli se ct tra on “c g the highest benefits of bers, representin em m A JP N ith d nontransactions w t, education an en m rn ve go al on ality of level of professi e exceptional qu Th . try un co e in th luable role in profit agencies es will lend a va ic rv se d an ts r agencies. your produc es of our membe ci en ci fi ef d an the operation pport of our nce for your su va g ad in u yo k our participatin We than and for serving s m ra d og ar pr w d to er contracts an working togeth look forward to e W . rs be em m siness goals. our common bu tAble Of cOntentS gEnERAL SEcTIon 4 ATHLETIc SURFAcES & EqUIpMEnT, IcE AREnAS & EVEnT SEATIng CO N T R A C T D I R E C TO R Y 27 SToRAgE 8 conSTRUcTIon 28 TEcHnoLogy, SEcURITy & coMMUnIcATIon SoLUTIonS 8 EdUcATIon & cURRIcULUM 30 UnIFoRMS & AppAREL FLEET SEcTIon 10 EnERgy SoLUTIonS 10 FAcILITy, MAInTEnAncE, REpAIR & opERATIonS 31 FLEET SERVIcES, pARTS & EqUIpMEnT 36 HEAVy & Ag EqUIpMEnT 13 FLooRIng 15 Food & Food SERVIcE EqUIpMEnT 16 HEALTHcARE, FITnESS & MEdIcAL RELATEd SoLUTIonS 18 JAnIToRIAL & AppLIAncES 38 LAndScApE & gRoUndS MAInTEnAncE 40 pUBLIc SAFETy, VEHIcLES, FIRE TRUcKS & EqUIpMEnT 42 pUBLIc UTILITy & AIRpoRT EqUIpMEnT 18 LogISTIc SERVIcES/MAIL EqUIpMEnT 47 RoAdwAy MAInTEnAncE, ASpHALT, Snow & IcE 19 oFFIcE & ScHooL SUppLIES, FURnITURE & EqUIpMEnT 49 TRAnSpoRTATIon 22 oFF-RoAd VEHIcLES, wATERcRAFT & RELATEd EqUIpMEnT 23 pARKS & REcREATIon 49 wASTE & REcycLIng IndEx 54 IndEx By coMpAny nAME 26 pRoFESSIonAL SERVIcES Get to Know Us Flyer How NJPA Works For You About Us Brochure Contract Directory General Section Contract Directory Fleet Section NJPAdvantage Newsletter 10/31/2014 TA B L E O F CO N T E N TS 3 Athletic SurfAceS & equipment, ice ArenAS & event SeAting BEcKER AREnA pRodUcTS, Inc. Athletic & Recreational Surfaces, playgrounds and Equipment/Ice Rink construction, Renovation and Equipment conTRAcT 022113-BAp Jim Becker 800-234-5522 Nancy Gustina 952-890-2690 Becker Arena Products, Inc. manufactures dasher boards for new or existing athletic and recreational facilities. Beyond the boards we manufacture and distribute many capital improvement and maintenance products that help keep ice rink facilities up to date and operational. These products include bleacher seating, lobby and lockerroom benching, protective rubber flooring, ice maintenance equipment, ice marking supplies, game goals, nets and more. We have been dedicated to providing quality products at reasonable prices with excellent customer service since 1988. Our main office, manufacturing shop and warehouse is located in Savage, MN with regional offices in CO and MA. connoR SpoRT coURT InTERnATIonAL, LLc TM Jeff Carney 801-401-3502 Sports Surfaces conTRAcT 082114-cSc connor Sports is the market leader in sports surfaces sustainably designed to meet the needs of all athletes. Connor Sports provides hardwood courts, vulcanized rubber for tracks and weight rooms, cushioned vinyl, and poured urethane sports flooring. Sport court is the industry-leader at providing safe, high-quality, low-maintenance outdoor courts and gym floors to facilities worldwide. From our Sport Court Maple Select™ gym flooring that delivers the look and feel of a suspended hardwood floor to our colorful PowerGame™ sports surface that can create unique curriculum courts, Sport Court delivers easy maintenance and outstanding value for every facility. conTRoLLEd pRodUcTS Synthetic Turf conTRAcT 082114-cTp Kevin Barker 706-277-1800, Ext. 124 Controlled Products produces the highest quality synthetic turf in the industry for every possible application. Sustainability, innovation, research, the ability to customize deliverables and the use of advanced, state-of-the art technology are key priorities for the organization. Established in 1989, Controlled Products is an ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 company. Name Brands include, Sporturf™, GrassTex™, Synthetic Turf International™ and GrassTurf Mills. Their expertise is unmatched in the industry. Their synthetic turf products are currently in use in thousands of athletic fields, playgrounds, landscape projects, golf courses and indoor sport facilities throughout the world. FIELdTURF Artificial Turf conTRAcT 082114-FTU Eric Fisher 503-563-6395 4 FieldTurf is the company that changed the industry, inventing and perfecting long-pile, infilled artificial turf. FieldTurf was developed and engineered for athletes, by athletes. The company that changed the way athletes view “artificial turf”. Before FieldTurf, natural grass was considered by many to be the best solution for sports fields around the world – even though it required constant maintenance and could not withstand heavy use. FieldTurf’s inventors were not trying to create a better artificial solution, they were trying to replicate natural grass. FieldTurf developed a product exceeding the limits of natural grass and changed the future artificial turf. HELLAS CONSTRUCTION, INC. Synthetic Sports Surfaces CONTRACT 082114-HLC Tommy McDougal 512-250-2910 Ruth Hawley 512-250-2910 Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Hellas Construction is a nationwide contractor with a strong reputation for delivering premium-quality sports construction projects across the United States. Hellas has the ability to custom-manufacture and install proprietary brands of synthetic surfaces for field sports, running tracks, and tennis courts, by controlling all related operations. Hussey Seating Stadium Seating CONTRACT 052910-CLS Ron Bilodeau 207-651-0045 A family-owned company founded in 1835, Hussey Seating is a world leader in designing, manufacturing and installing quality seating solutions for the K-12, college and university education markets, sports and entertainment, worship, corporate and government facilities. We’re proud to partner with NJPA to offer members contract pricing on our high quality products and project management solutions including: fixed auditorium and stadium seating, telescopic platforms, gym bleachers and stage systems, Clarin™ by Hussey portable spectator seating, fixed lecture hall seating, multi-purpose seating, portable table solutions and certified after-market inspection and service programs. Call us today or visit to learn more. Mondo USA, Inc. Chad Luttrell 239-728-8050 Athletic Surfaces & Equipment CONTRACT 082114-MUI Mondo is the global leader in the sports and contract flooring markets, manufacturing flooring surfaces for virtually every application. More than 1,100 Mondo tracks are installed worldwide. The official supplier of the athletic tracks for the past ten Olympic Games, Mondo also is the official supplier or official sponsor of more than 100 sports federations and associations. The company supplies a wide variety of commercial flooring, and it is the world’s largest producer of sports and toy balls with an average daily production of 450,000 units. A family-owned business since its founding in 1948, Mondo sells its products in more than 196 countries. musco sporting lighting, llc Sporting Lighting Solutions CONTRACT 082114-MSL Amber Schulte 800-754-6025, Ext. 4088 For nearly 40 years, Musco Lighting has specialized in the design and manufacture of sports and large area lighting solutions around the world. Musco has pioneered systems using metal halide and LED technologies that have made dramatic improvements in energy efficiency, and provided affordable ways to control spill light and glare. Permanent and temporary lighting solutions range from neighborhood Little League® fields to Olympic Games. Musco has a global team of experts that partner with customers to plan, complete, and maintain a cost-effective, trouble-free lighting solution for their facility. 5 Athletic Surfaces & Equipment, Ice Arenas & Event Seating NEVCO Video Display and Scoring Solutions CONTRACT 082114-NVC Greg Stamer 800-851-4040 Nevco is the largest private manufacturer and provider of video display and scoring solutions. For 80 years, Nevco has provided colleges, universities, high schools, park and recreation groups and other organizations with the most innovative scoring and LED video display products in the industry. Nevco is known for its specialty in designing custom facility solutions, quality of products and superior long term financial value. Today, Nevco scoreboards, message centers and video displays are used to enhance the fan experience at events in more than 100,000 locations around the world. NO FAULT SPORT GROUP, LLC Playground & Athletic Surfacing CONTRACT 082114-NFS Jennifer Smith 225-215-7760, Ext. 218 No Fault provides Resilient Playground & Athletic Surfacing for Playgrounds in Schools, Parks, Government Facilities, Child Care Centers, Churches, QSR Restaurants, Theme and Water Parks. We are readily available to assist you with design development, project management and construction. Our products include No Fault Safety Surface (poured in place), No Fault Safety Tiles (2’x 2’ tiles) and No Fault Rubber Mulch (bonded and loose). All of our products are certified and in compliance with the most current industry standards and guidelines as recommended by IPEMA, ASTM, ADA and CPSC. We provide factory installations that include our own factory warranty. porter athletic equipment Athletic and Recreational Equipment CONTRACT 082114-PTA Dan Powell 217-367-8438, Ext. 509 Porter Athletic offers a full line of indoor/outdoor athletic equipment for new and existing athletic/recreation facilities. We feature the world’s most innovative and highest quality basketball, volleyball, soccer, football, wall padding, gym divider curtains, and other athletic facility products on the market today. Porter is recognized by leading coaches, athletic directors, school administrators and architects throughout the world as being the leader in the industry. It is our long time commitment to stateof-the-art innovation and research and development that has enabled us to continue in our tradition of producing materials of the highest quality, durability, functionality and adaptability. ROBBINS SPORTS SURFACES Synthetic Sports Flooring Systems CONTRACT 082114-RBI John Ficks 513-871-8988, Ext. 5975 6 Robbins Sports Surfaces, a family owned business, is the premier supplier of high performance maple and synthetic sports flooring systems to the NBA, WNBA, NCAA, arena, education, religious and fitness markets. In more than 65 nations on six continents, athletes compete and practice on millions of square meters of Robbins’ sports surfaces. Professional and amateur alike know that when they play on a high performance Robbins’ system they’ll be able to play at peak levels, safely and comfortably. SHAw SpoRTS TURF Athletic Surfaces & Equipment conTRAcT 022712-SII Shaw Sports Turf is one of the leading synthetic turf companies in North America and has represented quality and innovation for more than two decades with over 1,000 successful installations, including high-profile fields for the Baltimore Ravens, San Francisco 49ers, Cleveland Browns, University of Arkansas, Vanderbilt University and more. Shaw Sports Turf is a part of Shaw Industries, a full flooring provider to residential and commercial markets, supplying carpet, rugs, hardwood, laminate, resilient, and tile/ stone flooring products, as well as synthetic turf. Shaw Industries is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Todd Britton 706-625-7915 wATER odySSEy By FoUnTAIn pEopLE, Inc. Splash pad, Spray park, or Aquatic play Area conTRAcT 022113-FpI Bill Hachmeister 785-249-7523 Fountain People, Inc., manufacturer of Water Odyssey™ aquatic playground equipment, is the world’s leading designer and manufacturer of specialty equipment and systems for architectural and interactive water features. Fountain People design personnel work with Architects, Landscape Architects, Aquatic Consultants, and end users around the world to develop new innovative wet play environments and equipment. Water Odyssey™ brings cutting edge technology to the design of aquatic playgrounds, and provides the highest quality aquatic play equipment available so that youngsters will return to your facilities for years to come. ZAMBonI coMpAny Nothing else is even close Doug Peters 800-926-2664 Zamboni Ice Resurfacers conTRAcT 022113-FZc Leadership and dedication to providing the finest possible ice resurfacing machines has resulted in making Zamboni the overwhelming choice of ice makers throughout the world. For over 60 years Zamboni has led the skating industry in innovation, dependability, value and time proven performance. Zamboni is looking forward to offering our products through the NJPA organization, offering more value to our customers with the NJPA discount. news you can Use Sign up to receive NJPA’s newsletter and learn how to save time, money and avoid the duplication of the bid process. NJPA’s newsletter, NJPAdvantage, is distributed quarterly to NJPA members via e-mail and posted on our website at Our newsletter provides valuable contract purchasing information success stories, newly awarded contracts announcements and NJPA’s upcoming tradeshow schedule. Sign up at 7 CONSTRUCTION EZ Indefinite Quantity Construction (ezIQC) Louis Patin 888-993-9472 Building & Infrastructure Repairs, Roofing, Alterations, Mitigation & Restoration Services Contract Awarded to Local Contractors Economical, competitive, fast track construction at your fingertips. NJPA and ezIQC® have already awarded competitively-bid contracts to a local network of quality contractors. These contractors are standing by to expedite your repairs, remodels and renovations and pass on group buying savings to you. Rely on ezIQC for proven, specialized contractors for whatever your needs dictate: • Broad range of repair and alteration projects, whether parking lot repairs, energy upgrades, facility retrofitting or more; •Immediate emergency recovery and repair. Contractors are bonded and carry the necessary insurance and licenses. Enter your basic project request now at Gordian Group, Inc. Louis Patin 888-993-9472 Customized Job Order Contracting Solutions for High Volume Repair and Alteration Needs CONTRACT 110911-GGI For the owner with high volume repair and alteration budgets, access to specialized data, specifications, contractors and reporting pays large dividends in cost savings and fast track results. The Gordian Group provides a full line of customized Job Order Contracting construction procurement solutions for facility and infrastructure owners. These award-winning solutions provide everything needed for success, including a locally customized Construction Task Catalog®, Technical Specifications, Contract Documents and eGordian® information management software. In addition, we provide Job Order Development and Construction Management Services for clients that desire hands on assistance. Visit to learn more. Education & Curriculum, By Age of Learning, Inc. Education Curriculum CONTRACT 101713-AOL Glenn Swenson 916-717-1749 provides a comprehensive, supplementary, online curriculum for preschool through kindergarten (1st, 2nd and 3rd grades will be added in 2014 and 2015) that supports Common Core and other key early learning standards for Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art and Music (includes many songs). Over 5,000 fun-filled learning activities are organized into 450 lessons that span six different academic levels, providing a child/student with an extremely well-rounded education from a single resource. Individualized lessons can easily be created for each student. 100’s of books and 1,000’s of printables are included. Carolina Biological Supply Company Education Curriculum CONTRACT 101713-CBS Elizabeth Stanfield 336-538-6294 8 Carolina Biological Supply Company is proud to be an awarded Science & Lab Equipment supplier for NJPA under nationally awarded contract #101713. We are committed to bringing you the highest quality instructional materials, equipment, supplies, and accessories for early childhood education through college/university and beyond. Our science solutions encompass all disciplines—from the physical sciences to genetics and forensics, STEM curriculum, living materials, and other products—to provide you and your students with outstanding inquiry-based resources. In addition, our experienced sales team is always available with technical support and world-class service. Fuel Education Education Curriculum CONTRACT 101713-KVS Kristin Nix 404-877-8154 Fuel Education (formerly K12 for Schools and Districts) partners with schools and districts to fuel personalized learning through online and blended learning programs. We offer NJPA members the curriculum, technology and services they need to successfully implement blended and virtual learning programs that are cost-effective. To ensure the success of our school and district partners you can expect a simplified procurement process, reduce procurement costs and overall lower-cost way to improve student outcomes. Grainger Science & Lab Equipment CONTRACT 091311-WWG Jeff MacNeil 804-357-3158 Grainger has been awarded a national, competitive contract for “Science Curriculum and/or Educational or Research Related Supplies, Equipment & Accessories.” This contract was awarded in addition to their Facility Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies contract. Some products and solutions Grainger offers safety, balances and scales, controlled environment, environmental sampling, lab equipment, lab instrumentation, lab chemicals, lab supplies, material handling, and more! Call us for those hard-to-find, infrequently used products. LightSPEED Technologies, Inc. Melissa Williams 800-732-8999 Classroom Audio CONTRACT 021412-LTI Lightspeed Technologies exists to make a significant improvement in the listening and learning environment for all children, and to provide teachers with tools that enhance their ability to maintain attention and manage the classroom. These easy-to-use audio systems are designed to deliver optimum speech intelligibility, overcome classroom noise and provide crystal clear sound to all students regardless of where they may be seated or where the teacher may be standing. In addition, teachers report reduced vocal fatigue, improved classroom management, and increased academic performance without changing curriculum or teaching methods. Volume discounts and FREE shipping are included. Middlebury Interactive Languages, LLC Education Curriculum CONTRACT 101713-MIL Jamie Northrup 802-458-9237 Middlebury Interactive, the recognized leader in digital world language instruction, offers a full suite of courses in Spanish, French, Chinese, German and Latin, for elementary through high school students. All courses have flexible implementation models and can be delivered fully online, in blended learning environments or as supplemental curriculum to bring authentic materials and cultural immersion to the classroom setting. All courses are based on the language pedagogy and teaching methodology of Middlebury College’s famed Language Schools. Courses align with the National Standards developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). 9 Education & Curriculum Pearson Education, Inc Education Curriculum CONTRACT 101713-PEI Lindsey Pietrowski 847-323-4782 Pearson is the world’s leading learning company. From pre-school to high school, early learning to professional certification, our curriculum materials, multimedia learning tools and testing programs help to educate millions of people worldwide. Pearson has the innovative curricula and digital educational materials to meet your needs. We can help inspire all students to reach their greatest potential through our solutions tailored to specific instructional needs. ENERGY SOLUTIONS Caterpillar, Inc. Power Generators CONTRACT 080613-CAT Chris Schwarz 309-310-6420 Big or Small. Simple or Complex. Any size or any shape. In any regulatory environment. When you need power, Caterpillar is equal to the challenge of meeting of the world’s emergency and standby needs with an unparalleled line of diesel and natural gas generator sets. The experienced Caterpillar Dealer Network can deliver power systems and the support you need. Caterpillar is proud to be a NJPA vendor and is excited about the opportunity to provide NJPA member’s with power solutions. Facility, Maintenance, Repair AND Operations Continental Flooring Acoustic Ceiling & Wall Panels CONTRACT 021412-CFC Diane Conti 480-949-8509 Continental Flooring Company has served state and local government customers and educational facilities nationwide for over 32 years. In addition to our NJPA Floor Coverings Contract, we now offer Armstrong’s Ceiling & Grid Systems and Soundsoak® Acoustical Wall Panels. Match existing or select designer choices like wood, metal, fabric-covered, decorative lay-in panels and more. Address problem areas with washable or paintable tiles; sound-absorbing, light-reflecting or soil resistant tiles. Improve acoustics in conference rooms and offices with fabric or wood-look wall panels. • Government customers are pre-approved—no paperwork required • Mill Direct Delivery • Free Samples • Eco-Friendly Product Options Grainger Facility & Maintenance, Repair, Operations CONTRACT 102109-WWG Jeff MacNeil 804-357-3158 10 The Grainger contract entitles NJPA members to access contract pricing discounts on facilities maintenance products, plus an array of services and solutions for your facilities. This includes all products in the Grainger catalog and online at Through this contract you’ll realize cost savings, not only on your MRO purchases, but also items for your state and local initiatives, such as Sustainability and Emergency Preparedness. Call us for those hard-to-find, infrequently used products. We can help you find other brands beyond the Grainger catalog. Grainger Lighting Services Lighting Services Brett Olbrys 203-721-8607 Energy Lighting Retrofit Management & Services CONTRACT 110811-AES Turnkey lighting retrofit services are now available on the NJPA Contract! Grainger Lighting Services can replace your old lamp, fixture and ballast technology with new, energy efficient technology. This is a great way for you to achieve financial savings, improve workplace safety and improve the quality of light. We take full responsibility from the initial facility assessment to project completion providing you with a single point of contact for the job. Grainger Lighting Services also will help secure any applicable incentives, rebates and tax benefits for your energy savings projects. Start saving money and schedule a FREE assessment and consultation today! Lennox Industries, Inc. Heating Air Conditioning & Ventilation CONTRACT 072711-LII Tom Dowling 972-497-7544 For over 115 years, Lennox innovation has led to the development of some of the most advanced commercial heating and air conditioning systems in the industry. Built according to internationally recognized ISO-9002 manufacturing standards, Lennox™ commercial products are among the most efficient and reliable units in the market. We have a complete product offering including packaged rooftop units rated up to 18 SEER, the first solar-powered commercial HVAC system, intelligent building controls and advanced indoor air quality products, just to name a few. No matter the application, Lennox systems can help improve comfort, reduce total cost of ownership and simplify installation and maintenance. Motion industries Vehicle Auto Truck Parts CONTRACT 011614-MII Anthony Chapman 804-399-1821 Motion Industries distributes industrial replacement parts and supplies such as bearings, mechanical and electrical power transmission, industrial automation, hose, hydraulic and pneumatic components, safety/industrial supplies, janitorial and material handling products to MRO (maintenance, repair and operation) and OEM (original equipment manufacturer) customers throughout the U.S. Motion™s extensive inventories are delivered to customers expeditiously through the best logistical MRO network in North America. Local markets are served through 525 local branches, 10 distribution centers and 52 service centers. Through this extensive operation network, our customers have access to over 4.8 million quality parts. orkin, llc Pest Control and Elimination CONTRACT 102412-ORK Mike Campbell 770-220-6165 Setting the Standard for More Than A Century, Atlanta-based Orkin, LLC, founded in 1901, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rollins, Inc. (NYSE:ROL). Orkin serves 1.7 million clients with more than 400 locations across the world. Orkin is Committed to Environmentally Conscious Approaches.By following latest best practices in Integrated Pest Management (IPM), we help our clients create cleaner and healthier working environments. But we feel a responsibility to help protect the larger environment as well and use non-chemical, as well as target-specific treatments that zero in on specific pest problems and help minimize any hazard to people, property or the environment. 11 fAcility, mAintenAnce, repAir And OperAtiOnS ppg ARcHITEcTURAL coATIngS paint & wall coverings conTRAcT 022411-ppg Ed Tinney 770-880-6405 | PPG Architectural Coatings is an industry leading supplier of paint, coatings and paint related items to commercial, institutional, government and hospitality accounts, professional contractors, and home owners. Our products are available in your local market under the brand names of PPG Pittsburgh Paints and PPG Porter Paints through an extensive network of company owned stores and distributors. We offer a wide range of commercial, industrial and environmentally friendly products in thousands of colors. SULLAIR portable Air compressors conTRAcT 060311-SAc TM Mark Hennessey 413-687-7725 Backed by more than four decades of leadership and innovative technology, Sullair Corporation sets today’s standards for dependable portable rotary screw air compressors for the construction, mining and energy-related market segments. To meet the needs of its customers, Sullair offers the broadest range of portable air power compressors in the world today, known for their universally applicable design, outstanding craftsmanship and superior quality. Sullair is also a recognized leading manufacturer of quality stationary air compressors for industrial applications, compressed air treatment equipment, vacuum systems, and contractors’ pneumatic tools. Sullair’s customers are served through a network of authorized distributors. THoMpSon pUMp public Utility Sewage, dewatering, Bypass pumps conTRAcT 031014-TpM Josh Mackey 386-944-4153 Thompson Pump manufactures multiple lines of high quality pumps ranging in size from 2 to 18 inches. With these different types of pumps, as well as a full complement of accessory hoses and piping, we can offer the proper pump and system for any application. Thompson Pump operates sales, rental and service centers throughout the U.S. with 21 branches. Thompson Pump offers dependable, highly efficient and low maintenance cost on all of its products and are an ISO 90012008 quality certified manufacturing facility. THySSEnKRUpp ELEVAToR Elevator Equipment & Services conTRAcT 102111-TKE Jeff Jaudes 972-365-6128 Charlotte O’Connor National Accounts Sales Coordinator 770-799-0473 12 ThyssenKrupp Elevator manufactures, installs and services a wide variety of passenger and freight needs. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation provides a full range of elevators, lifts and escalators for all types of passenger and freight applications. ThyssenKrupp Elevator is represented by over 135 branches and 250 local representatives in the United States and Canada, employing over 10,000 manufacturing, installation, service, repair, sales and management professionals. More impressively TyssenKrupp Elevator individually services nearly 204,000 elevators, escalators and lifts in North America, over 50,000 of which were manufactured and installed by other companies. United Rentals, Inc. Construction Rental Equipment CONTRACT 101310-URI Daniel Cunningham 877-874-4468 Customer Service Rep 877-874-4468 United Rentals is the largest equipment rental company in the world with an integrated network of over 800 rental locations. The company offers approximately 3,100 classes of equipment for rent with a total original cost of $7.6 billion. The company’s 11,000 employees serve construction and industrial customers, utilities, municipalities and homeowners. United Rentals is a member of the Standard & Poor’s MidCap 400 Index and the Russell 2000 Index® and is headquartered in Stamford, CT. Flooring Bentley Mills Myra Ramsey 707-386-7296 Floor Covering CONTRACT 022712-BPS For over 30 years, Beauty, Service, Quality and Partnership have driven Bentley Mills® – California’s largest commercial carpet manufacturer. Our award-winning broadloom, carpet tile and area rug products exude high performance backed by sustainability, featuring branded 6,6 nylon fiber, superior TARR ratings, Green Label Plus and NSF-140 Platinum/Gold certifications. Bentley Mills manufactures in a LEED for Existing Buildings Silver certified facility and hosts programs like Cool Carpet™ and ReEntry® 2.0 to help keep carpet climate neutral and out of landfills. Mission Zero®, our guiding philosophy, is the goal to eliminate any negative impact our company may have on the environment by 2020. Continental Flooring Floor Covering CONTRACT 022712-CFC Diane Conti 480-949-8509 Continental Flooring Company has successfully served state and local government customers and educational facilities nationwide for over 32 years. NJPA contract offerings include Armstrong, Congoleum, Dal-Tile, Centiva, Flexco, Roppe, Notrax, RC Musson, Shaw Contract Carpet and more. We offer mill direct material only product sales as well as complete tenant-occupied installation services all under contract. • Government customers are pre-approved—no paperwork required • Acceptance of major credit cards • Mill Direct Delivery • Variety of Products from Multiple Manufacturers • Free Samples -Eco-Friendly Product Options Interface Americas, Inc. (representing Interface) Modular Carpet Tile CONTRACT 022712-IFA Wendell Hadden 800-336-0225 Ext. 6115 Sharon Johnson 800-336-0225 Ext. 6356 By definition, Interface is the world’s largest designer and maker of carpet tile. By reputation, we are design with purpose. Since 1973, we’ve offered a distinct point of view when it comes to product design to help realize the design visions of any environment. We also stand for sustainability. Since 1994, we’ve created innovative manufacturing processes to reduce our waste and eliminate toxins from our products and facilities. Pioneering new ways to reuse valuable resources, our solutions allow us to recycle carpet backing and carpet fiber and have put us on the path toward eliminating the use of virgin materials. 13 flOOring MAnnIngTon coMMERcIAL Floor covering conTRAcT 060613-MMI David Stinson 804-580-0751 A fourth-generation, family owned company, Mannington Commercial offers a wide range of flooring solutions from a single point of contact – so its customers need never compromise between styling, performance, sustainability and customer service. The range of choices that work in carpet and hard surface categories is unparalleled, and its sustainability platform is built upon innovative measures to close the recycling loop, reduce waste streams, reuse waste materials and continue its leadership position in energy efficiency. MILLIKEn & coMpAny Floor covering conTRAcT 022712-MAc Randy Deelo 314-952-7608 Milliken Contract, a business unit of the international textile and chemical firm, Milliken & Company, has a long-term proven commitment to product engineering for delivering a high level of performance in the heaviest traffic commercial carpet environments. Milliken Contract offers a broad range of product and services solutions including standard collections, custom capabilities, entryway systems, and maintenance programs. • High performance products for all institutional spaces • Lifetime Warranties on every physical attribute • Shortest Lead Times in the industry • Environmentally preferred products MoHAwK cARpET dISTRIBUTIon Marcus Tate 404-392-7178 Floor covering conTRAcT 022712-Mcd Mohawk prides itself in being the most innovative flooring company in the world. From patented technologies to unique product offerings, we are well positioned in the marketplace. In addition to being the largest supplier to the Federal government, 2011 Mohawk offers the most extensive range of education flooring in the industry. Our recommendations are based on evidence based design, quantifiable research and Reach district data, so youschool know you’re gettingmanagers the right flooring solution for your space. We’re in charge of purchasing. with you every step of the way, delivering on time and on budget, and building long lasting partnerships. SaleS ContaCt: in the following publications: angie Barnum ascend Media 7015 College Boulevard, Suite 600 overland Park, KS 66211-1523 913/344-1443 College Planning & Management, Education Procurement K–12 Journal, Gov Fleet, Government Procurement, school districts will spend more than $540 billion this school year on products and Government Product News, School Business Affairs, School Nutrition, School Planning & Management services. Plan to be front and center as they make their purchasing decisions. 14 SHAw IndUSTRIES Flooring for performance & Sustainability conTRAcT 022712-SII Shaw Industries is a complete flooring provider; producing carpet, hardwood, laminate, ceramic tile and area rugs for the residential and commercial markets. Shaw contract group defines design not only by great appearance, but also performance and sustainability. Our products are designed to meet the needs of specialty markets within the commercial interiors industry. • More than 300 Shaw contract group products are installed in millions of offices, hospitals, schools and managed property spaces worldwide. Wanda Dunaway — Shaw Contract Group 404-966-0791 David Dembowitz — Patcraft 603-770-8085 Quentin Quathamer — PC•QC 706-275-3874 patcraft is the leader in providing flooring solutions for high performance environments with products such as carpet tile, performance broadloom carpet, and resilient sheet & tile. • patcraft is built on a legacy rooted in performance, merging unsurpassed customer focused service strategies with beautifully durable, high performance products and innovative solutions for end use customers. From a comprehensive pdQ quick ship program that offers styles delivered within 10 business days, to maintenance solutions through MAC Advantage an online maintenance program, and now a revolutionary new odorless non-wet adhesive called LokDots. philly queen commercial delivers exceptional customer service and a breadth of products with cutting edge design in pattern, texture, and hue. • From a preschool playroom to a collegiate student union; from a city hall’s lobby to a Capitol Hill conference room—philly queen commercial is equipped for various commercial markets and demanding deadlines, with over 200 styles featuring two-week delivery. TAndUS cEnTIVA US, LLc Floor covering conTRAcT 022712-TFU John Sumlin 706-259-2039 Tandus Centiva creates innovative floorcovering solutions through our unique product line of hybrid resilient, modular, broadloom and woven products that work in tandem to enhance spaces for learning, working, healing and living. Through inspired design and leading-edge technology, TTandus Centiva offers its customers a single-source for innovative product design and technology, comprehensive services, and environmental leadership. Tandus Centiva makes it simple for NJPA members to choose the right products for specific interior needs without compromising design or sustainability objectives. • Complete turn-key installations • Carpet buy-back programs • High recycled content products • Content to meet LEED and CHPS Projects fOOd & fOOd Service equipment STRATEgIc EqUIpMEnT & SUppLy co. Food & Food Service Equipment conTRAcT 103013-SES Mark E Burden 469-240-7255 TriMark Strategic specializes in foodservice equipment, supply, and design solutions. TriMark Strategic is a single source for comprehensive, seamless foodservice equipment solutions, from initial concept and design to equipment installation and product replenishment. They serve industries such as food and beverage, hospitality, and healthcare. Clients rely on TriMark Strategic for the full range of services that are critical to a successful operation. With diverse, nationwide capabilities and deep industry expertise, the TriMark Strategic team is a flexible, dependable and committed partner. 15 Food & Food Service Equipment US Foods Food CONTRACT 083011-SPG Tom Ackerman 972-910-6434 US Foods is one of America’s leading foodservice distributors to government operations and educational institutions, healthcare and hospitality facilities. We offer more than 350,000 national brand products and our own high-quality private label items ranging from meats to produce to frozen foods. Our partnership with Provista allows us to leverage the resources and expertise to deliver vast economies of scale for products and services tailored specifically to your institution. Provista helps thousands of colleges, universities, schools and early learning centers across the country reduce and control their operational costs while streamlining the procurement process. HEALTHCARE, FITNESS & medical RELATED SOLUTIONS Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company Employee Voluntary Benefits CONTRACT 032414-CLA Jeff Brekken 320-980-2762 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company is a market leader in providing disability, life, accident, cancer, critical illness and supplemental health insurance through the workplace. Our benefit services and education, innovative enrollment technology and personal service support more than 80,000 businesses and organizations, of which we serve 5,000 local governments, 34 state governments and 2,700 educational agencies. Our proven suite of solutions can help you manage the rising cost of employee benefits while providing the financial protection your employees need. Learn more about the benefit services we can provide for you and your employees at datarx management, inc. Transparent Prescription Benefit Management CONTRACT 011713-DRX Gary Blair 877-223-1121 We take the time to understand the unique needs and challenges of your prescription drug program. We work closely with you to deliver a program that provides the lowest possible pharmacy costs and the most appropriate care at a price you and your employees can afford. Our solution eliminates all conflicts of interest, including the hidden mark-up or “spread.” We do not retain rebates, network discounts or incentives. Instead, we pass through 100% of the savings. This strategy of complete transparency ensures our motivation to be a steward of your best interests. We maximize generic savings, provide a value based formulary, and implement costreduction strategies that will save you money and help keep your employees healthier. Diamond Facilities and Clinics PHARMACY SERVICES M E D I C A L S U P P LY Mark Zilner, R.Ph 800-882-6337, Ext. 1003 Jeff DiGiorgio, R.Ph 800-882-6337, Ext. 1049 16 Pharmacy Benefit Management for Correctional Facilities CONTRACT 011713-DDI Diamond Pharmacy Services, a family owned business, is the nations largest correctional pharmacy provider, also servicing nursing homes, clinics, and other institutions. With our purchasing power, we are able to offer significant savings on patient specific prescriptions and medical supplies. We offer a facility customized turnkey mail-order program, streamlining the pharmacy process, and in addition provide our Sapphire software which includes online ordering and an eMAR. We are open 365/24 and our friendly staff is always available. Our devotion to providing our customers with the best, most efficient, cost-effective service, has kept us at the forefront of the industry. Life Fitness Exercise and Rehabilitation Equipment CONTRACT 021512-LFF Tim Moran 847-922-0344 Life Fitness is the fitness-industry expert, having delivered customized cardiovascular and strength-training solutions to thousands of fitness facilities around the country. The global leader in providing commercial exercise products, we offer more than 300 cardio and strength-training machines under the brand names Life Fitness and Hammer Strength as well as a wide range of support services – including facility layout, flexible financing and ongoing service and support. Those who demand the best choose Life Fitness. MOORE MEDICAL Medical, Surgical and First Aid CONTRACT 080614-MML Denise Rogers 1-800-234-1464, Ext. 5379 Beth Labella 1-800-234-1464, Ext. 5379 Moore Medical LLC, is a distributor of medical-surgical supplies, equipment and pharmaceuticals. Our catalog, of over 20,000+ products, ranges from Exam Room Furniture and Diagnostic Equipment to First Aid, EMS and Primary Care supplies. We work with over 700 manufacturers to bring you a variety of quality products to fit your medical-surgical supply needs. We keep abreast of industry trends within our core markets.We believe in providing quality medical products, on-time delivery and personalized service. We bring education, new medical technologies, and innovative tools to help you manage your medical supply inventory and programs. redwood toxicology laboratory, inc. Drug and Alcohol Testing Options CONTRACT 011713-RTL Mary Tardel 800-255-2159, Ext. 34394 Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc., a subsidiary of Alere, Inc., is a federally certified laboratory specializing in accurate and rapid turnaround drug testing in both urine and oral fluids. With our considerable experience performing forensic toxicology analyses, wide variety of accurate and easy-to-use instant on-site devices, state of the art scientific instrumentation, excellent client services, and sophisticated online collection and result reporting management system, RTL has the capacity and the means to supply NJPA members with the highest quality drug testing services. RTL accepts P-cards and purchase orders. School Health Corp. Athletic and Medical Supplies CONTRACT 071212-SHC Gail Kinateder 866-323-5465 Gina Streepy 866-323-5465 School Health is the leading supplier of medical supplies to healthcare professionals in schools and colleges nationwide. Founded in 1950, the company has evolved from a specialized distributor of basic supplies to a consultative solutions provider for major health initiatives including vision and hearing screening, emergency response preparedness and infection control. • Save time purchase though competitive bid contract • Save money leveraging national contract pricing Volume Discounts • Ask us how consolidating your school’s medical and athletic supply purchases affects your bottom line • Source hard-to-find products you don’t see in our catalogs. • Free, same-day shipping on qualified orders received before 2:00 p.m. CST. 17 HEALTHCARE, FITNESS & medical RELATED SOLUTIONS Zee Medical, Inc. Medical & First Aid Supplies & Equipment CONTRACT 080614-ZMI Leslie Tate 888-412-3995 Zee Medical has over 50 years of experience as an industry leader in providing first aid, safety and training solutions specifically designed for your business. Zee is focused on providing NJPA members with the products and training programs to keep your workforce healthy while helping you meet regulatory compliance. Zee offers a full service program that provides delivery, installation, training and maintenance for all your first aid and safety needs. • First Aid Kits and Cabinets • AED (Automated External Defibrillators) • Emergency Preparedness Supplies • Safety Supplies-Personal Protective Equipment • Flu Shots • CPR/First Aid and AED training-through the AHA Janitorial AND Appliances Best Buy For Business™ Custom Technology Solutions CONTRACT 081311-BBS Ryan Gritz 612-669-3098 Best Buy For Business™ provides complete appliance and electronic solutions as well as an extensive selection of consumer and commercial-grade audio-visual hardware, appliances, peripherals and more, including: • TV and audio-visual equipment • Washers and Dryers • Refrigerators, Freezers, Stoves • Microwaves, coffee makers and small appliances. Personal Account Managers are available over the phone, online or onsite, and trained associates are ready to help in your local Best Buy® store. Geek Squad® Agents provide professional installation services, basic networking and tech support, wherever and whenever you need it. Best Buy For Business offers e-Procurement and flexible financing, accepts P-cards and purchase orders integration with most online “punch-out” systems. Staples Facility Solutions Janitorial Supplies and Related Custodial Equipment CONTRACT 111010-SCC Don Hasch 714-868-4274 You may already know Staples as the world’s premier office supply company, but did you know that we also offer one of the leading cleaning and maintenance programs in the country? Staples® Facility Solutions offers a wide assortment of janitorial and cleaning supplies, break room products and emergency preparedness goods. And with more than 15 years of industry experience, the Staples Facility Solutions’ nationwide team consults with public sector and education customers to create a customized solution, helping with product selection, usage and training. It’s a complete program offering you a cleaner, healthier work environment at a cost that’s right for your organization. Logistic Services/Mail Equipment NEOPOST USA Mailing Machines & Related Equipment CONTRACT 043012-NPI David Nagel 573-489-8860 18 Neopost USA headquartered in Milford, CT, supplies technologically advanced solutions under its two flagship brands, Neopost and Hasler. With more than 85 years experience, Neopost USA partners with its customers to help them achieve higher levels of efficiency, control and value in their mailing operations. Neopost USA is known for its broad line of mailing and shipping systems and mail support equipment, such as mailing machines, postage meters, folder/inserters, address printers, tabbers, mail sorting and tracking systems and software solutions. Neopost USA’s equipment and systems are supported by a combination of direct sales and a network of independent dealers. Pitney Bowes Logistic Services & Mail Equipment CONTRACT 043012-PIT Bill Walter 480-206-2984 Pitney Bowes is a leading provider of Customer Communication Management [CCM] technologies. Our software, equipment and services integrate physical and digital communications channels to help businesses communicate more effectively in today’s multi-channel environment, so they can build long-term customer relationships and drive profitable growth. Our CCM solutions are your single source for marketing and transactional communications in both physical and digital formats and include: Shipping Management, Mailing Systems and Kiosks, Scales, Folders, Inserters, Tabbers, Mail Sorters, Letter Openers, Addressing Printers, Address & Deliverability Validation, Document Printers and Binders, Shredders, Furniture and pbSmart™ solutions. RYAN TRANSPORT SERVICE Logistic Services & Delivery CONTRACT 011014-RTP Kevin Broome 877-914-5899 Nathan Watson 877-914-5899 For nearly 30 years, Ryan Transportation has helped organizations around the world take control of their shipping needs. We specialize in customized shipping, logistics and other value-added freight services. Our recent award from NJPA allows members to satisfy their “competitive bid” requirement and receive discounted pricing on a range of industry-leading services that includes full truckload, less-thantruckload, expedited air/ground transportation, import/export shipping, customs clearance, project management, third-party logistics, supply chain management and warehousing. With Ryan Transportation, members receive the best in class service and pricing that they deserve. United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS) Shipping Logistics CONTRACT 121511-UPS Jamie Michael 202-675-4223 We understand that our customers want the best carrier, the best customer service and the best results. UPS brings over 100 years of experience to our customers. To remain successful for such a long time, we had to earn the respect and loyalty of those who do business with us. From our inception in 1907, UPS has grown into a $49.6 billion corporation by meeting our customers’ requirements, building an unrivaled global infrastructure, and rapidly advancing our technological capabilities. UPS has a proven history of serving our customers in ever-changing environments because we embrace innovation. Office & School Supplies, Furniture & Equipment debourgh manufacturing company Facility Security CONTRACT 031913-DBM Jorgen Salo 800-328-8829 Jay Bender 719-384-8161 After a century of satisfying customers’ needs, our family-owned, American company has earned a reputation as the leading manufacturer of durable, secure storage solutions. Throughout the industry, we’re known for consistently creating products unsurpassed in the marketplace. DeBourgh is one of the few manufacturers in the United States to provide an all welded product with a lifetime guarantee of quality, service and reliability. When you’re ready to invest in a secure storage solution that’s built to last, you’re ready for DeBourgh. 19 Office & School Supplies, Furniture & Equipment KI Classroom & Educational Furniture Contract 101012-KII & 052910-KII Government Orders: Education Orders: Randy Hoople Mark Waldecker 800-454-9796 800-454-9796 Ext. 2630 Ext. 3508 Respected as a foremost expert in classroom furniture, KI can help you plan for and achieve optimal high-performance learning environments. Beyond core functional aspects such as comfortable and durable seating and versatile work surfaces, the classroom image portrayed correlates to student perception of performance expectations. An attractive, highly functional, quality environment tells them you expect excellence. Discover how KI furniture for K-12 and higher education meets diverse learning needs at Palmer Hamilton, LLC Innovative Cafeteria Solutions CONTRACT 101012-PHL Nancy L. Foster 262-723-8200, Ext. 225 Palmer Hamilton is a leading manufacturer of cafeteria solutions, including Mobile Tables, Wall Pocket Systems, Outdoor Furniture, and an extensive line of Food Court Furniture and Decor. We offer a variety of choices for cafeteria and lunchroom seating needs and deliver high quality, durable products that are safe and easy to use. Palmer Hamilton is committed to providing an effortless purchasing experience and to creating lasting relationships with our customers. Palmer Hamilton mobile folding tables have been awarded both the GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certification® and the more stringent Children & Schools Certification™. p.s. furniture Furniture & Storage CONTRACT 101012-PFI Jeff Thompson 614-402-4958 PS Furniture, an industry-leading manufacturer of portable furniture, is proud to partner with NJPA. Twice-named to the Inc 5000 list of fastest growing privately-held companies, PS Furniture specializes in commercial furniture solutions designed to be portable, stackable and storable. Our range of products includes folding tables, folding chairs, stacking seating, portable dance floor, lecterns, transport carts, and other portable furniture products. We are proud to label many of our products with \”Made in the U.S.A.\” Most of the products that we sell are produced and shipped directly from our Pennsylvania factory. To find out how we can transform your commercial space visit! RR Donnelley Commercial Print, Forms & Labels CONTRACT 011211-RRD William P. Cullen 301-355-8176 20 As the largest printer in North America with strong positions across the globe RR Donnelley is changing the role of print in the public sector. Founded more than 100 years ago, our company provides solutions in commercial printing, forms, labels, direct mail, and print fulfillment. Public sectors entities, Institutions of higher learning and not for profits - large and small - rely on RR Donnelley’s scale, scope and insight through a comprehensive range of online tools, variable printing services, and market-specific solutions. CO N T R A C T D I R E C TO R Y ScHooL SpEcIALTy, Inc. Furniture & Equipment for Education conTRAcT 052910-SSI conTRAcT 101012-SSI Furniture & Equipment Scott Kurtzman 419-589-1906 Furniture & Equipment School Specialty is dedicated to helping educators create flexible and collaborative environments that align with 21st century learning skills to facilitate improved student outcomes. Offering the most complete range of educational solutions, services and products available, School Specialty can support your school’s vision for 21st century education. Our Projects by Design® no-cost turnkey solution is available to save you time and money whether you are renovating one classroom or opening several new school buildings. From pre-construction planning through design and installation, School Specialty will help you develop environments that support and inspire your entire learning community. SHARp ELEcTRonIcS copiers & digital Imaging conTRAcT 100312-SEc Bruce Ogrodnik 651-735-5840 NJPA’s exclusive national contract with Sharp Electronics offers your agency national volume pricing on the complete line of Sharp’s award-winning digital products. This contract offers the benefit of purchasing one or multiple models at National Contract price levels and includes a complete line of equipment accessories and software solutions. • Facilitated and serviced through your local, authorized Sharp dealer • Whiteboards • The very best national contract pricing • Cost per copy (CPC), purchase or lease options available STApLES AdVAnTAgE Office & Classroom Supplies conTRAcT 031210-Scc Don Hasch 714-868-4274 Staples Advantage workS collaboratively with our customers to efficiently manage procurement programs with the lowest total delivered cost. We are committed to making it easy to buy office products, including supplies, technology, and business services. Staples Advantage is focused on providing NJPA Members the highest level of quality products, service and dedication that you expect and deserve. Your account management team will constantly monitor, refine and enhance your program for your greatest gain throughout the life of your program. Contract includes discounts on the most commonly purchased products. Nationally leveraged, volume price advantage for all members. STApLES AdVAnTAgE Office & Classroom Furniture conTRAcT 052910-Scc Don Hasch 714-868-4274 Our comprehensive furniture offering provides NJPA members the highest quality furniture from a selection of over 40 of the country’s premier furniture manufacturers. From concept to completion, Business Interiors by Staples makes it easy to bring your workspace to life. From individual workstations and reception areas to complete furniture solutions for multiple locations, we will manage every detail from onsite assessment, design services product selection, delivery and installation. Contract includes discounts on the most commonly purchased products. Nationally leveraged, volume price advantage for all members. 21 Office & School Supplies, Furniture & Equipment Steelcase, Inc. Office & Classroom Furniture CONTRACT 052910-STI Kevin Loubert 616-246-9455 For over 100 years, Steelcase has helped create great experiences for the world’s leading organizations – wherever work happens. Steelcase and our family of brands – including Steelcase, Coalesse, Details, Nurture and Turnstone – offer a comprehensive portfolio of products and services designed to unlock human promise and support social, economic and environmental sustainability. Steelcase provides a broad range of innovative solutions including workstation systems, wood and metal desks, seating for every application, architectural walls, tables, storage, lighting, technology products and work tools - all designed to help create great environments whether you are in state or local government, education or a nonprofit. Off-Road Vehicles, Watercraft & Related Equipment Argo usa, inc. Extreme Terrain Vehicles (ETV) CONTRACT 113012-AUI ARGO is proud to be awarded National Join Powers Alliance contract # 113012AUI. The ARGO product line is designed for mining, resource exploration, utility construction, maintenance, the public sector, as well as agriculture and forestry. This versatile all-season workhorse can be equipped with optional accessories in order to customize solutions for any given task. Engineered and produced continuously since 1967, every ARGO is backed by decades of unrivaled experience in the design and manufacturing of off-road vehicles. Today, ARGO is the world’s leading manufacturer of lightweight amphibious vehicles and innovative off-road platforms. Melissa Hinch 1-800-298-1118, Ext. 362 Brunswick Commercial & Government Products Commercial and Government Boats CONTRACT 050714-BCM We’ve been in the business of building boats for commercial and military applications for more than fifty years. From our beginnings as an arm of the legendary Boston Whaler brand to now - part of Brunswick Corporation, the largest marine manufacturer in the world - we’ve focused exclusively on building the toughest boats for the toughest jobs. At Brunswick CGP, you’ll work with people who have been in your shoes - experienced professionals who know what needs to go into a boat so you get the most out of it. Whether you are in the market for an unsinkable fiberglass boat, a rigid inflatable or even an aluminum workboat, we have the platforms to support your mission. Jeremy Davis 386-423-2914 EZ Dock Inspiring the world to play. David Sheedy 573-366-6337 22 Dock Floating and Work Platform Systems CONTRACT 022113-LTS EZ Dock’s floating, modular, composite docks and accessories offer advantages like no other: unbeatable adaptability, exceptional performance in rough water, superior strength and durability, virtually no upkeep, universal accessibility, ease of installation, and more fun! LUND BOAT COMPANY Aluminum & Fiberglass Boats/Watercraft 12’-23’ CONTRACT 050714-LBC Matt Geiser Robin Salo 218-385-6450 218-385-6347 Lund Boat Company offers through the NJPA, a wide variety of boats that can meet the many challenges of government facilities. Built tough and durable, Lund has been building boats for the rigors of camp, commercial and personal use since 1948. NJPA members will receive high level discounts on boat/motor/trailer packages or basic Lund fish boat packages. Polaris Sales, inc. Off-Road Rescue Vehicles CONTRACT 090512-PSI Jim Burk 763-847-8345 Polaris is proud to offer our industry leading products direct to you through our NJPA contract # 090512-PSI. Our line of hardest working, smoothest riding utility side by sides, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and electric vehicles promise to help you get your tasks done faster and smarter. Vehicles are delivered to your location at no additional cost; ready to be put into service. All service, support and warranty can be provided by any of our over 1,600 dealers throughout North America. See our full line of products at reconcraft Aluminum Shallow-Draft Work Boats CONTRACT 050714-RCC Jon Hoflich 877-645-7761 ReconCraft improves tactical mission capability with rugged and proven vessels for law enforcement, military, and emergency response agencies worldwide. Customers include the US Department of Homeland Security, US Department of Defense, and many other federal and state agencies. ReconCraft’s durable workboats operate in waterways previously inaccessible to traditional watercraft, such as: Shallow Harbors, Rivers, Jungles & Estuaries Extreme Tidal Regions Rocky Coasts & Shifting Sandbars Debris-Laden Flood Zones NJPA Members will benefit from deep discounts to our MSRP pricing on all vessels and maritime training. ReconCraft is a 2013 Inc. Magazine Top 500 company (#205) and the SBA 2014 Veteran-Owned Business of the Year (Massachusetts & New England). Parks AND Recreation American Ramp Company Skateparks CONTRACT 022113-ARC John Hunter 417-206-6816 American Ramp Company is the world’s largest skatepark provider and the only company that offers every skatepark build option. ARC is skater owned and operated ensuring that each project is approached with a goal of creating a unique and high quality skatepark. ARC offers its products factory direct which means throughout the development, sales and construction process you are dealing with one of ARC’s in-house skatepark specialists. Call today to experience the highest quality product and services at the most competitive price through NJPA! 23 pArkS And recreAtiOn cxT, Inc Athletic & Recreational Surfaces, playgrounds and Equipment conTRAcT 022113-cxT CXT Concrete Buildings manufactures restroom, shower and concession buildings available in multiple designs, textures and colors. The roof and walls are fabricated with high strength precast concrete to meet all local building codes and textured to match local architectural details. All CXT buildings are designed to meet A.D.A. and to withstand snow, wind and group 1 seismic design category E earthquakes. All concrete construction also makes the buildings easy to maintain and withstand the rigors of vandalism. The buildings are prefabricated and delivered complete and ready-to-use, including plumbing and electrical where applicable. With thousands of satisfied customers nationwide, CXT is the leader in prefabricated concrete restrooms. Gary Burger 800-696-5766, Ext. 3450 Sales 800-696-5766 dUMoR Athletic and Recreational Surfaces, playground Equipment conTRAcT 022113-ppc We are proud to bring our years of success and tradition to NJPA as the exclusive national contract vendor for site furnishings. Through our long established network of Representatives in the US and Canada, we offer to NJPA members an extensive line of standard products, unmatched custom design and manufacturing capabilities as well as exceptional client service, all supported by one of the strongest warranties in the industry. We have products to meet the needs of organizations in virtually any market in addition to the ability and willingness to provide custom products to make your project vision a reality. Steve Shapard 717-436-2106 FIBAR gRoUp, LLc playground Safety Surfaces conTRAcT 022113-FBg In business since 1986, Fibar Systems is the leading supplier of playground safety surfacing with more than 50,000 playground installations throughout the U.S. and Canada. Fibar Systems employs a dedicated staff of playground professionals as well as a network of more than 110 Sales Representatives most of whom are certified by the National Playground Safety Institute as Certified Playground Safety Inspectors. Fibar Systems exceed the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) guidelines for impact attenuation and meet the Final Rule of the Access Board to comply with the current federal guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Ron Pierantoni 800 342-2721 Ext. 307 gREEnFIELdS oUTdooR FITnESS ® ™ Sam Mendelsohn 888-315-9037, Ext.103 Allison Abel 888-315-9037, Ext. 112 24 outdoor Fitness Equipment conTRAcT 022113-ppc Greenfields’ unique outdoor fitness zones offer communities a great way to promote wellness and fight obesity with exercise equipment that’s social in nature, fun to use and accessible for almost everyone. One of the most exciting concepts introduced to the public in recent years, the equipment is embraced by communities nationwide for its high quality and multi-generational appeal. Greenfields’ extensive product line includes body-weight resistance equipment, cutting-edge adjustable hydraulic units and apparatuses specially designed to be wheelchair-friendly. All exercise units are require minimal maintenance and no lubrication. Best of all, the equipment is free for the public to use 24/7. Inspiring the world to play. David Sheedy — PlayPower / Soft Play 573-366-6337 Brian Jenkins — HAGS 519-442-6331 Brett Kidd — Little Tikes Commercial 678-432-0077 Mike Sutton — Miracle Recreation Company 724-458-4986 Steve Wilson — USA SHADE 214-269-4117 Athletic & Recreational Surfaces,Shades, Playgrounds and Equipment CONTRACT 022113-LTS PlayPower LT Farmington, Inc is one of the largest manufacturers of recreational products in the U.S., the company has been dedicated to providing the highest levels of quality, safety and customer service for over 30 years. HAGS offers a wide range of play products, outdoor fitness equipment for all ages, sports arenas and park and urban furniture. Little Tikes Commercial manufactures high-quality playgrounds designed with safety in mind offering inventive products with environmentally-mindful green processes. Miracle Recreation is dedicated to Shaping the Future of PlayTM with continuous product innovation which promotes active play to help prevent childhood obesity. From churches and schools to park community centers, Soft Play can provide play equipment no matter what your needs. USA SHADE is the largest and most capable shade and fabric structure company in the world. We have installed over 250,000 structures nationwide. ® Ben Judy 616-399-1963, Ext. 204 PLAYPOWER LT Farmington, inc. Poligon by portercorp Park and Shade Structures CONTRACT 022113-PPC For over thirty years, Poligon has served the needs of city planners, landscape architects, and designers with tubular steel, fabric, and wood shelter products. With a proven track record of over 20,000 installations nation-wide, Poligon can provide a complete turnkey service from concept to completion. Poligon structures are quick to install, minimizing disruption and are engineered to the customer’s specifications. The company specializes in shelters of all sizes, including amphitheaters, pavilions, gazebos, trellises, transit shelters, walkway covers, dugout/bleacher covers and fabric shade. sofsurfaces, inc. Playground Safety Surfaces CONTRACT 022113-SFS Brad Goss 519-882-8799 For over 20 years SofSURFACES has specialized in the design, manufacture and distribution of high performing, synthetic, playground and athletic surfacing systems. The SofTILE and Duraflex brands are among the most widely recognized and accepted recreational and athletic surfacing brands in North America, having been specified by many of the largest municipalities and school districts in the U.S. The success of the SofTILE and Duraflex brands has been rooted in the ability to offer lower cost of ownership, vandal resistance, durability, low maintenance and superior safety performance. With one of the largest distribution channels in the country, SofSURFACES guarantees prompt regional service from their network of authorized industry professionals. 25 Professional Services GovDeals, Inc. A L i q u i d i t y S e r v i c e s M ar ket place Christy Logan 334-387-0476 Surplus Equipment Liquidation CONTRACT 042911-GDI GovDeals enables local and state government entities as well as school boards, public utilities and other public authorities to sell surplus assets in 150 asset categories. GovDeals provides comprehensive training, support and marketing services as part of the GovDeals online auction solution. With over 6,300 clients in 49 states and over 2.2 million registered bidders in the U.S., Canada and 116 countries, GovDeals is the preeminent online auction marketplace for government surplus assets. Our marketplace and our related services are designed to meet the unique needs of public sector clients selling to domestic and international buyers. Grainger Safety Management Solutions CONTRACT 110811-WWG Jeff MacNeil 804-357-3158 Grainger Online SafetyManagerSM is an easy-to-use, web-based safety management system that helps you manage safety and risk more efficiently and cost effectively. It provides tools to help you: Manage your safety program from your computer Reduce injuries, accidents and exposure to OSHA fines Reduce training costs Lower Worker’s Compensation costs Save time, money and create a safer workplace Grainger Online SafetyManagerSM tools and resources cover the Four Corners of Safety, with: ANALYSIS: Safety Audits and Checklists COMPLIANCE: Safety Program Templates, OSHA Recordkeeping, Regulations, more TRAINING: Face-to-Face and Online Training Libraries RESEARCH: Fast access to a wide range of safety information and answers J.J. Kane Associates, Inc. dba J.J. Kane Auctioneers Surplus Equipment Liquidation CONTRACT 042911-JJK Brian Sandon 856-764-7163 JJKane is a nationwide auction company conducting 50+ absolute public auction sales, annually. Buyers & Sellers participate both Face-to-Face on-site, and Live-viaInternet at our auctions. Sellers include governments, utility companies, manufacturers, contractors, lending institutions, rental companies, and more. We specialize in utility, power line, underground and construction equipment, specialty trucks, and fleet vehicles. We do conduct “On-Line-Only” sale of assets, selling items in our “Virtual Auction Yard” without moving the items, to eliminate transport costs. JJKane can provide a turnkey solution, handling all aspects of the sale process. NATIONAL COOPERATIVE LEASING Financing Professional Services Agreement Chris Canavati 320-763-7600 26 National Cooperative Leasing (NCL) is a leading provider of equipment & project financing in the government and education sectors. At NCL, our goal is to meet our clients’ needs, by making funds available to acquire what they need when they need it. Whether our client is looking to upgrade their existing technology solutions, acquire additional furniture, replace a roof or do a complete building addition, NCL can provide the funding necessary to make that acquisition or project a reality now. Work with one of our Government Finance Specialists to find a solution that fits your equipment, heavy equipment and project needs. Property Room Surplus Equipment Liquidation CONTRACT 042911-PRC Donald Nemer 240-233-9720 PropertyRoom assists municipal governments all over the country in helping them turn surplus, abandoned, seized and illiquid assets into cash. From pick up, to photography, cataloging and auctioning, Property Room does all of the work and just sends you a check and audit report each month. Since 1999, PropertyRoom has closed contracts with over 2,600 municipalities nationwide to conduct online auctions of assets seized and recovered by law enforcement agencies. Additionally, through their relationship with Copart, Inc., Property Room has the ability to conduct online car auctions including fleet and municipal vehicles on behalf of clients, supported by 155 facilities. RAM-usa Inspection Services CONTRACT 080913-RAM RAM USA is a national roof and building envelope consulting and engineering services firm focusing on cost effective asset life extension solutions. Our goal is to help you preserve and protect your portfolio of building envelopes as an asset. Whether you have one building or 100+, our all-encompassing Asset Management Programs help you take back control by proactively deploying a systematic approach to reduce capital, O&M, and energy expenditures, while extending the life of your assets. RAM’s Solutions for Roof, Wall, and Envelope Life Extension, Design, and Energy include: • Roof Asset Management Roadmap • Roof Design • Roof Online Management • Solar Roof Modernization • Energy Optimization • Design/Build & General Contracting Jeff Cacioppo 216-393-7663 STORAGE Spacesaver Total Storage Solutions CONTRACT 052910-KII Patty Koshak 920-563-0590 Time is money, space is limited, security is paramount and storage solutions affect all three. Storage decisions aren’t value neutral – they can move you forward, or hold you back. Spacesaver® Corporation is the innovator in storage – from highdensity mobile storage, to secure storage for military applications, government and public safety, to new ideas that can streamline education, business, industrial and healthcare operations. We offer solutions to make every aspect of your enterprise run better. Spacesaver® Corporation offers mastery over Time, Space, Security. “...many organizations that would normally need to go formal bid process are able to purchase our products utilizing the NJPA contract .” through a —Laura Blackmer, Senior Vice President, Sales —Sharp Electronics Corporation 27 Technology, Security & Communication Solutions CDW-G One-stop Total Technology Solutions Provider CONTRACT 111309-CDW National NJPA Contract Sales 800-808-4239 From classrooms to boardrooms, CDW-G’s architects and advanced technology engineers have been designing, implementing and managing technology, communication and security solutions for growing school districts, leading universities, healthcare providers and all branches of the U.S. government for nearly 30 years. Whether you need software, network communications, notebooks/mobile devices, data storage, video monitors, desktops and printers—or you require more advanced virtualization, collaboration, security, mobility, data center optimization and cloud computing solutions—CDW-G GETS IT. CDW-G’s just-in-time inventory model and multiple distribution centers will ensure you have the products and solutions you need when you need them. Mitel Telecom Phone Systems/Cellular Service 040314-MBS Murray Van Dyke 602-629-8811 Mitel is a market leader in providing business communication solutions. Mitel offers a wide range of communications solutions for government and education agencies. Mitel is recognized for its innovative, secure solutions and commitment to open standards – key elements NJPA members want in unified communication solutions. Among the many benefits members receive by having an exclusive telecom vendor through NJPA is the ability to obtain best-in-class products and services without a timely and costly procurement process. Mitel and its nationwide network of more than 600 authorized Business Partners are committed to support and work with NJPA’s members to dramatically change the way you communicate. SchoolDude and FacilityDude On-Demand Educational & Operations Management CONTRACT 113011-SDI School Dude Sandy King 877-868-3833 (DUDE) Facility Dude Donna Sanborn 919-459-8706 With nearly 5,500 clients, SchoolDude is the nation’s leading provider of ondemand operations management software designed exclusively for the unique needs of education. SchoolDude’s software is made available via the web, and automates the work processes education support professionals do every day. FacilityDude is a wholly owned subsidiary of While SchoolDude focuses exclusively on the educational institution, FacilityDude serves all other markets, offering webbased facility management solutions to help organizations save money, increase efficiency and improve services. Siemens Building Technologies Facility Security Equipment CONTRACT 031913-SIE Kevin Healy 510-731-3040 28 We are the trusted technology partner for energy-efficient, safe and secure buildings and infrastructure. Siemens Building Technologies is a leader in fire, safety, and security solutions for government, educational, and nonprofit organizations. Whether you require enhanced capabilities to protect students, faculty, and visitors’ at large campuses, or advanced security technology to protect passengers on busy rail platforms, Siemens has the experience to meet your needs. Our solutions include: • IP CCTV surveillance systems • Access control systems • Intrusion detection • Fire protection systems • Advanced video analytics • Physical Security Information Management • Mass notification. These solutions can be found at any of our branch offices across the U.S. SIMpLExgRInnELL Lp Facility Security & Related Services conTRAcT 031913-SgL Thomas Staves 302-419-2386 SimplexGrinnell, a Tyco business, is a longtime leader in fire and life safety, with one million customers and a history that dates back to the 1800s. SimplexGrinnell advances safety and security with a comprehensive array of fire alarm, fire sprinkler, fire suppression, emergency communications, integrated security, sound, and healthcare communications systems and services. SimplexGrinnell has 9,500 employees and serves customers through 150 company-owned offices in the United States and Canada. For more information, visit Tyco InTEgRATEd SEcURITy, FoRMERLy AdT coMMERcIAL SEcURITy Security Systems conTRAcT 031913-TIS Steve Leitz 910-796-2770 Tyco Integrated Security, formerly ADT Commercial Security, is North America’s leading commercial security systems integrator, providing security and business optimization services to more than 500,000 commercial and government customers. Tyco Integrated Security provides security solutions that can meet requirements of state and local governments, educational facilities and nonprofit organizations. Enjoy competitive bid access to new security and life safety technology while leveraging your existing security investments. Tyco Integrated Security can help you integrate public sector security initiatives and customize a security plan suited to your needs and resources. TyLER TEcHnoLogIES Administrative Software conTRAcT 113011-TTI Ehren Morse 800-772-2260, Ext. 4662 With more than 10,000 clients, Tyler Technologies is a leading provider of software and services for the public sector. Designed with an insider’s understanding of the public sector market acquired from more than 30 years of industry experience, Tyler Solutions streamline processes and improve the flow of information throughout an organization, empowering local and county governments, schools and other government entities to better serve citizens. Tyler solutions reach all areas of the public sector, including financials & HR, schools, courts & justice, land & vital records, appraisal & tax, document management, public safety and citizen services. growing with you We are especially proud of providing preferred and innovative contract purchasing solutions. Our focus on fleet solutions is just one example of how we are committed to responding to the growing needs of our members. 29 Uniforms & Apparel Payless ShoeSourcE Footwear CONTRACT 061812-PSS Matt Lemke 785-368-7530 Payless ShoeSource is North America’s largest footwear retailer with over 4,100 locations. Payless provides footwear and accessories to support: Efforts to serve the community; Employee purchases including slip-resistant options for maintenance and food service workers. Payless has many avenues to insure your footwear purchases are easy, and convenient: In one of the many local Payless stores; On-line with free shipping to any Payless store; Or leverage volume discounts on 100 pair or more orders. UniFirst Corporation Employee Uniforms CONTRACT 012111-UFC Kurt Nussle 888-851-2474, Ext. 7 Kurt_Nussle@UNIFIRST.COM Steelcase UniFirst has over 200 local service centers and serves over 225,000 customer locations throughout the United States and Canada. Our 10,000 employees, known as Team partners, provide superior quality occupational garments, career apparel, imagewear programs, and Facility Service programs to businesses and organizations of all sizes in virtually all industries. UniFirst specializes in helping our customers reduce their costs while improving their health, safety, and image. Our service programs are customized to fit the unique needs of your business, staff, and facility. Smart, collaborative Smart, Smart, SolutionS. collaborativecollaborative SolutionS. SolutionS. Together, offer aa fast fastand andstreamlined streamlined Together, Steelcase and NJPA offer way procure innovative, sustainablefurniture furniture way create and procure innovative, sustainable Together, Steelcase and NJPA offer a fast Together, andto streamlined Steelcase and NJPA offer a fast and streamlined way to create and procure innovative, sustainable way to create furniture procure innovative, sustainable furniture environments. solutions forand office, education, andcollaborative healthcare solutions offi ce, education, and environments. solutions for office, education, and healthcare solutions environments. for office, education, and healthcare environments. You’ll receive superior from Steelcase and You’ll receive a superior service fromand Steelcase andour our You’ll receive superior service from Steelcase You’lland receive our superior serviceservice from Steelcase our network of over 200 dealers in North America. network ofofover 200200 dealers in Northin America. network 200 dealers in NorthAmerica. America. network over dealers North Learn more at Learn more at Learn Learn more more at at node™ node™ node™ verb™ node seating transforms the traditional classroom nodeinto seating a more transforms the traditional classroom into a more ™ node seating and verb tables transform traditional classrooms into a more node interactive, dynamic teaching and learning environment. interactive, dynamic teaching and learning environment. interactive, dynamic teachingthe andtraditional active learning environment. node seating transforms classroom into a more answer® answer® interactive, ® dynamic teaching and learning environment. Answer Answer easily adapts to any environment. This Answer stackable easily system adapts to any environment. This stackable system is flexible, simple to install, expand, shrink, and isreconfigure. flexible, simple to install, shrink, and reconfigure. Answer easily adapts to expand, any environment. This stackable system is flexible, ® answer simple to install, expand, shrink, and reconfigure. ™ ™ X-tenz™ sleeper, cura™ patient chair, opusX-tenz headwall sleeper, cura™ patient chair, opus™ headwall Answer easily adaptsa to any environment. This stackable system In a healing environment, a patient room should In provide a healing caregiver environment, patient room should provide caregiver ® media:scape flexible, simple to install, expand, and reconfigure. access to the patient and the patient accessistoaccess their personal to the patient and the patient access toshrink, their personal ® media:scape integrates furniture and technology—bringing belongings and their loved ones. belongings and thoughtfully their loved ones. people, ™ space and information togetherchair, to enhance productivity and help ™ X-tenz sleeper, cura™ patient opus headwall groups excel. In a healing environment, a patient room should provide caregiver access to the patient and the patient access to their personal belongings and their loved ones. contract 052910-Sti 30 contract 052910-Sti provide expert advice,to superior customer support,and competitive pricing, and extensive producteducation and service offerings that government customers get ensure the right technology, right away. extensive product and service offerings to ensure that government and education customers get the right technology, right away. CDW�G, you get: get the right technology, right away. education customers y to the next level with: Laptops, With • A dedicated CDW�G account team that leads the industry in public sector customer service With CDW�G, you get: With CDW�G, you get: and product knowledge and is accessible bysector phone,customer e-mail orservice the web ent plus Interactive Whiteboards, • A dedicated CDW�G account team that leads the industry in public CDW�G is proud to support CDW�G is proud to support the the NJPA Consortium Contract # 111309-CDW NJPA Consortium Contract # 111309-CDW services include: Assessment Aand dedicated CDW�G team leads the industry inof public sector customer service and product knowledge is accessible byaccount phone, needs e-mailthat or the web • •Fast solutions to technology and same-day shipping credit-approved orders and product knowledge and is accessible by phone, e-mail or the web • Fast solutions to technology needs and same-day shipping credit-approved orders • An option to utilize our Madison, WI orof Dallas, TX. Enterprise Hosting Centers, powered by • Fast solutions toenergy technology needs and same-day shipping of credit-approved orders renewable • An option to utilize our100% Madison, WI or Dallas, TX. Enterprise Hosting Centers, powered by to of utilize our Madison, or can Dallas, TX. Enterprise Centers, powered by 100% renewable energy • •AAn fulloption catalog technology itemsWI that take your entity toHosting the next level with: Laptops, 100% renewable energyNetworking At CDW�G, we’re dedicated to making sure your technology solution Desktops, Slates, & Telephony equipment plus Interactive Whiteboards, • A full catalog of technology itemsTablet that can take your entity to the next level with: Laptops, At CDW�G, we’re dedicated towith: making sure solution Document cameras, and more •Projectors, ANetworking full catalog of items that can take your entity to the next level Laptops, Desktops, Tablet Slates, & technology Telephony equipment plus Interactive Whiteboards, meets your requirements before, during and your aftertechnology every purchase. We CDW�G, we’re dedicated to making sure your technology solutionWe Desktops, Tablet Slates, Networking &At Telephony equipment plus include: Interactive Whiteboards, Projectors, Document• Acameras, and more full services portfolio that is unmatched in ouryour industry, services Assessment meets requirements before, during and after every purchase. expert advice, superior customer pricing, Projectors, cameras,provide and more andDocument design,inInstallation, Telecom, Network Security, Configuration, Managed meets your requirements before, duringsupport, and aftercompetitive every purchase. We and • A full services portfolioplanning that is unmatched our industry, services include: Assessment provide expert advice, superior customer support, competitive pricing, and Virtualization, and Services extensive product and service offerings to ensure that government andand •Services, A full services portfolio thatMicrosoft is unmatched in our industry, services include: Assessment planning and design, Installation, Telecom, Network Security, Configuration, Managed provide expert advice, superior customertosupport, competitive pricing, extensive product and service offerings ensure that government and planning and design, Installation, Telecom, Network Security, Configuration, Managed Services, Virtualization, and Microsoft Services • A wide breadth of products fromeducation leading brandcustomers name manufacturers: get the rightofferings technology, right that away. product andget service to ensure government and Services, Virtualization, and Microsoftextensive Services education customers the right technology, right away. • A wide breadth of products from leading brand name manufacturers: education customers get the right technology, right away. • A wide breadth of products from leading brand name manufacturers: With CDW�G, you get: ty, Configuration, Managed ufacturers: cdw-g rt the ct # 111309-CDW With CDW�G, you get: • A dedicated CDW�G account team that leads the industry in public sector customer service With CDW�G, youaccount get: • A dedicated CDW�G team that leads the industry in public sector customer service and product knowledge and is accessible by phone, e-mail or the web • and A dedicated account that leads the industry public sector customer service product CDW�G knowledge and team is accessible by phone, e-mailinor the web knowledge and isneeds accessible by phone, e-mailoforof the web • Fast solutions to technology needs andand same-day shipping credit-approved orders • and Fastproduct solutions to technology same-day shipping credit-approved orders ® •• Fast solutions to technology needs andDallas, same-day shipping of credit-approved ordersby • An option to utilize our Madison, WI or TX.TX. Enterprise Hosting Centers, At CDW�G, we’re dedicated to making sure your technology solution An option to utilize our Madison, WIDallas, or Enterprise Hosting Centers,powered powered by 100%• 100% renewable energy An option to utilize our Madison, WI or Dallas, TX. Enterprise Hosting Centers, powered by renewable energy meetsAt your requirements before, during and after every purchase. We solution CDW�G, we’re dedicated to making sure your technology 100% renewable energyitems • A full•catalog of technology thatthat cancan take your entity to to thethe next level For more information, visit A full catalog of technology items take your entity next levelwith: with:Laptops, Laptops, provide expert advice, superior customer support, competitive pricing, and meets your requirements and every purchase. We Slates, Networking Telephony Interactive Whiteboards, • Desktops, A after full Tablet catalog of technology items&that takeequipment your entity plus toplus the next level with: Laptops, Tablet Slates, Networking &can Telephony equipment Interactive Whiteboards, Mark Ellis before, duringDesktops, For more information, visit extensive product and service offerings to ensure that government and Desktops, Tablet Slates, Networking & Telephony equipment plus Interactive Whiteboards, Projectors, Document cameras, more Projectors, Document cameras, and and more For more information, visit CDW�G Program Manager Mark Ellis provide expert advice, superior customer support, competitive pricing, Projectors, Document and more inand 877.489.8641 Mark Ellistechnology, right CDW�G Program Manager A full services portfolio that is unmatched industry, services include:Assessment Assessment education customers get the right • Aaway. full•services portfolio thatcameras, is unmatched in ourour industry, services include: ® ® CDW�G Program Manager 877.489.8641 extensive product and service offeringsplanning to ensure that government and • planning A full services portfolio that is unmatched in our industry, services include: Managed Assessment and design, Installation, Telecom, Network Security, Configuration, Managed and design, Installation, Telecom, Network Security, Configuration, 877.489.8641 planning and design,and Installation, Telecom, Network Security, Configuration, Managed Services, Virtualization, and Microsoft Services 800.808.4239 | Services, Virtualization, Microsoft Services With CDW�G, you get: education customers get the right technology, right away. Services, Virtualization, and Microsoft Services 800.808.4239 • Abreadth wide breadth of| products leading brand name manufacturers: • A dedicated CDW�G account team that leads the industry in public customer service • A sector wide of products fromfrom leading brand name manufacturers: 800.808.4239 | and product knowledge and is accessible by phone, e-mail or the web• A wide breadth of products from leading brand name manufacturers: With CDW�G, you get: • Fast solutions to technology needs and same-day shipping of credit-approved orders • A dedicated CDW�G account team that leads the industry in public sector customer service r technology •solution An option toproduct utilize ourknowledge Madison, WIand or Dallas, TX. Enterprise Hosting Centers, powered and is accessible by phone, e-mail or the webby fter every purchase. We 100% renewable energy • Fast solutions to technology needs and same-day shipping of credit-approved orders port, competitive and • A fullpricing, catalog of technology items that can take your entity to the next level with: Laptops, Desktops, Tablet Networking & Telephony plus InteractiveHosting Whiteboards, • Anand optionSlates, to utilize our Madison, WI orequipment Dallas, TX. Enterprise Centers, powered by ure that government 800.808.4239 | Projectors, Document cameras, and more 100% renewable energy right away. ® ® ® • A full services portfolioof that is unmatched in our industry, services Assessment For more visit • A full catalog technology items that can take yourinclude: entity toinformation, the next level with: Laptops, For more information, visit visit planning and design, Installation, Telecom, Network Security, Configuration, Managed For more information, Mark Ellis Desktops, Tablet Slates, Networking & Telephony equipment plus Interactive Whiteboards, Services, Virtualization, and Microsoft Services Mark Ellis CDW�G Program Manager Mark Ellis n public sector customer service Projectors, Document cameras, and more CDW�G Program Manager CDW�G877.489.8641 Program Manager l or the web • A wide breadth of products from leading brand name manufacturers: 877.489.8641 877.489.8641 • A full services portfolio that is unmatched in our industry, services include: Assessment g of credit-approved orders planning and design, Installation, Telecom, Network Security, Configuration, Managed se Hosting Centers, powered by Services, Virtualization, and Microsoft Services A wide breadth of products from leading brand name manufacturers: y to the next level with: •Laptops, gRAIngER ent plus Interactive Whiteboards, ® services include: Assessment ity, Configuration, Managed ufacturers: For more information, visit Mark Ellis CDW�G Program Manager 877.489.8641 ® For more information, visit Mark Ellis CDW�G Program Manager 877.489.8641 52 800.808.4239 | 800.808.4239 | 800.808.4239 | 52 800.808.4239 | 800.808.4239| | 800.808.4239 NJPA AD.pdf 1 9/24/14 1:45 PM FAST TRACK YOUR REPAIRS, RENOVATIONS OR STRAIGHTFORWARD NEW CONSTRUCTION WITH COMPETITIVELY-BID, LOCAL CONTRACTORS ezIQC AVAILABLE THROUGH ezIQC® C M Y CM MY CY FASTER LESS EXPENSIVE MORE RESPONSIVE Immediate Access to On-call Competitively Bid Construction Contract Lower Direct Construction Costs Higher Quality of Work Non-Adversarial Relationship with Contractor Reduced Procurement and Administrative Expenses Response Time of Weeks Instead of Months Performance Based Contracting System Post Award Construction Savings Ready Today CMY K GETTING A PROJECT STARTED IS AS EASY AS: WITH ezIQC YOU GET: [1] Auditable proposals Go to Third-party price proposal review Joint site visits [2] Enter your contact information and brief project description [3] Scope of work clarification We will contact you and walk you through the process. CONTRACTS AWARDED TO LOCAL CONTRACTORS WWW.ezIQC.COM 1.855.467.9444 ext. 4571 index by company name A 8 Agile Access Control, Inc. 31 Alamo Group 36 Altec Industries, Inc. 42 American Ramp Company 23 Argo USA, Inc. 22 ARI 32 AssetWorks, Inc. 31 B Bandit Industries, Inc. 38 Becker Arena Products, Inc. 4 Bentley Mills 13 Best Buy for Business 18 Blue Bird 49 Bobcat 36 Braun Industries, Inc. 40 Brunswick Commercial 22 C CalAmp Wireless Networks 32 Cargill Deicing Technology 47 Carolina Biological Supply Company 8 Cascade Engineering 49 Case Construction 36 Case IH Agricultural 38 Caterpillar, Inc. 10, 37 CDW-G 28, 52 Colonial Life 16 Connor Sport Court International, LLC 4 Continental Flooring 10, 13 Controlled Products 4 CST Fleet Services 32 CUES 42 CXT, Inc 24 D DataRx Management, Inc. 16 DeBourgh Manufacturing Company 19 Diamond Facilities and Clinics 16 Diamond Mowers, Inc. 39 Ditch Witch 42 Doosan 36 DuMor 24 E Elgin Sweeper Company 42 Ennis-Flint 43 Envirosight 43 EZ Dock 22 ezIQC 8, 53 F Falcon Asphalt Repair Equipment, Inc. 48 Felling Trailers 43 Fibar Group, LLC 24 54 Fieldturf 4 Flex-O-Lite 43 Ford 34 Fuel Education 9 FUELMASTER 32 G General Motors 34 Genie Industries 44 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company 33 Gordian Group, Inc. 8 GovDeals, Inc. 26 Gradall 37 Grainger 9, 10, 26, 40, 52 Grainger Lighting Services 11 Greenfields Outdoor Fitness 24 H Hackney Emergency Vehicles 40 HAGS 25 Havis, Inc. 41 HD Industries, Inc. 48 Heil Environmental 50 Hellas Construction, Inc. 5 Hi-Vac Corporation 44 Husky International Trucks, Inc. 33 Hussey Seating 5 I Interface Americas, Inc. 13 J Jacobsen 39 J.J. Kane Associates, Inc. 26 John Deere 37, 39 John Deere Construction Retail Sales 37 K KI 20 Kubota Tractor Corporation 39 L Land Pride 40 LeeBoy 48 Lennox Industries, Inc. 11 Life Fitness 17 Lightspeed Technologies, Inc. 9 Little Tikes Commercial 25 Lund Boat Company 23 M Manitowoc 38 Mannington Commercial 14 M-B Companies, Inc. 48 Middlebury Interactive Languages, LLC 9 Milliken & Company 14 Miracle Recreation 25 Mitel 28 CO N T R A C T D I R E C TO R Y Mohawk Carpet Distribution 14 Mohawk Resources, Ltd. 33 Mondo USA, Inc. 5 Moore Medical 17 Motion Industries 11 Multiquip 44 Musco Sporting Lighting, LLC 5 n NAPA & NAPA IBS 33, 34 National Auto Fleet Group 34, 41 National Cooperative Leasing 26 Neopost USA 18 Nevco 6 New Holland Agricultural 38 New Holland Construction 36 No Fault Sport Group, LLC 6 Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation 44 o Old Dominion Brush Company 50 Orkin, LLC 11 Oshkosh Airport Equipment 45 p PAC-MAC 45 Palmer Hamilton, LLC 20 Patcraft 15 Payless ShoeSource 30 PB Loader Corporation 49 Pearson Education, Inc 10 Petersen Industries, Inc. 50 Philly Queen Commercial 15 Pitney Bowes 19 PlayPower 25 Polaris Sales, Inc. 23 Poligon By Portercorp 25 Porter Athletic Equipment 6 PPG Architectural Coatings 12 Property Room 27 P.S. Furniture 20 R RAM Mounting Systems 35 RAM-USA 27 Rapidview, LLC 45 ReconCraft 23 Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc. 17 Robbins Sports Surfaces 6 Rosenbauer 41 RR Donnelley 20 Ryan Transport Service 19 S Schwarze Industries, Inc. 45 Sewer Equipment Company of America 46 Sharp Electronics 21, 51 Shaw Contract Group 15 Shaw Industries 15 Shaw Sports Turf 7 Shred-It 50 Siemens Building Technologies 28 SimplexGrinnell LP 29 Smeal Fire Apparatus 41 SofSurfaces, Inc. 25 Soft Play 25 Spacesaver 27 Staples Advantage 21, 56 Staples Facility Solutions 18 Steelcase, Inc. 22, 30 Steep Manufacturing Company, Inc. 49 Sullair 12 Super Products LLC 46 T Tandus Centiva US, LLC 15 Terex Utilities 46 Thompson Pump 12 ThyssenKrupp Elevator 12 TriMark Strategic 15 Tyco Integrated Security 29 Tyler Technologies 29 U UniFirst Corporation 30 United Rentals, Inc. 13 UPS, Inc. 19 USA Shade 25 US Foods 16 V Vacall 46 Vac-Con 47 Vactor Manufacturing Company 47 Veolia Enviromental Services 51 Verizon Networkfleet 35 Vermeer Corporation 47 w Wastequip, LLC 51 Water Odyssey by Fountain People, Inc. 7 WEX 35 Wirtgen America, Inc. 38 Z Zamboni Company 7 Zee Medical, Inc. 18 Zonar Systems, Inc. 35 SchoolDude and FacilityDude 28 School Health Corp. 17 School Specialty, Inc. 21 55 Staples Advantage Full page ad (Staples) Countless possibilities. All the products you need, all in one place. The right products make your workday easier, and we know that every office and department is different. So you can count on Staples Advantage®, an NJPA supplier, for all your essentials, from the basics to the unexpected. Shop office and breakroom products, furniture, everyday technology, safety supplies, K–12 supplemental curriculum and much more. All through our publicly awarded NJPA contracts. As part of your program you get incredible NJPA contract pricing, easy online ordering through and free delivery. Other benefits include: • Quick and easy account setup and end user training • Contract pricing at retail stores • Dedicated account management • Recycled and eco-conscious choices For more information visit or email us at Office Supplies School Supplies Furniture Facilities Managed Print Solutions Technology 30897_08/13
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