The Compton Newsletter April 2016
The Compton Newsletter April 2016
April 2016: Issue 2 THE COMPTON SCHOOL NEWSLETTER “Outstanding” Ofsted INSIDE: Message from the Headteacher * Message from the Chair of Governors * Celebrating Achievement * Student Leadership * Events and Activities * Departmental News * Trips and Visits * Sports Cover Photo: Year 12 Graphics students were given a rare and wonderful opportunity to try their hands at gilding a royal ornament. See page 9 EXCELLENCE THROUGH DEDICATION AND RESPECT Visit the school website on The school website is updated regularly. Please visit for the most up to date information. Information from the Headteacher Dear Parents and Students They say that success breeds success. Undoubtedly, our continuing success as one of the top schools in the country has contributed to the strong support we’ve received from Barnet local authority and the Department for Education for our application to open a new secondary ‘free school’. With almost perfect timing, just before we submitted our application, we received a letter of congratulations from the Minister of State for Schools, Nick Gibb, praising us on having one of the highest GCSE Progress 8 scores in the country - a ringing endorsement of all the hard work by staff and students at The Compton. It’s always nice to receive recognition for our achievements. I was lucky enough to be invited by the Prime Minister to 10 Downing Street for a lunch reception to celebrate International Women’s Day I joined a number of other women drawn nationally and like me invited to celebrate the contribution they make to the country as leaders in their field. Every day and every week I see motivated students striving for success, not only in their daily lessons but in the multitude of afterschool and enrichment activities that so many of our students participate in. The following pages will I hope, give you an insight into some of those activities and convey something of the many personal achievements that are part of daily life at the Compton. I wish you and your family the very best for an enjoyable and relaxing Easter and look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday, 19th April. Message from the School Governors Teresa Tunnadine Dear Parents Following a very well attended Sixth Form Open Evening last term, we have been delighted with the number of applications made for entry next academic year (September 2016) – an increase from our inaugural year last year. As many of you will now have seen, we have just applied to open a new secondary ‘free school’ in Barnet - our ambition and intention being to replicate the outstanding teaching and learning practices at The Compton to provide an outstanding education for students at a new school. This is something we have discussed and considered over the last couple of years as we have looked at our longer term strategy and development opportunities. Our application reflects the demands of the education agenda both locally and nationally and specifically as a result of the opportunity in Barnet with the increasing demand for secondary places over the next few years. We have received strong support from Barnet and the Department for Education for our application. Notwithstanding the application for a new free school, we remain focused on making sure that The Compton School continues to deliver excellent educational outcomes for students and I am delighted to tell you that we have received a letter of congratulations from the Minister of State informing us that we have one of the highest Progress 8 scores across all schools in the country. On behalf of the Governing Body, I hope you all enjoy the Easter holiday. Sebastian Wood, Chair of Governors The Year 7 Brilliant Club and The Scholars Programme You may be tricked into thinking from the title that this is a potential new storyline from JK Rowling and whilst there were magical moments, the creation of the Bristlebots was down to science, sweat and tears. Twelve of our Year 7 students were selected to participate in The Scholars Programme run by the Brilliant Club. The programme begins and ends with a visit to a highly selective university. The Brilliant Club believes that giving students a sense of the intellectual and physical environment of university is a key part of the experience and these trips provide an opportunity for students to develop the knowledge, skills and ambition needed to progress to higher education. The programme began in November 2015 with a launch trip to King’s College London, Waterloo Campus, where the students found out more along with the study skills required for successful completion of the project. In addition, the students were assigned a PhD tutor who delivered a programme of university-style tutorials developing their knowledge, skills and ambition with the aim that they will eventually secure places at highly selective universities. The students discovered that engineering would be their subject specialism and they learned all about the programming and science 2 behind designing and racing a Bristlebot. In case you are wondering what a Bristlebot is, it is a simple robot whose lower surface is covered with bristles. The students de-constructed an electrical toothbrush for this challenge and, in their last tutorial, raced their Bristlebot around an obstacle course. Their final assignment involved writing an abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion and a conclusion. The students worked incredibly hard to complete their assignments which were marked and graded like university degrees: • First-class honours (1st) • Second-class honours, upper division (2:1) • Second-class honours, lower division (2:2) •Third-class honours (3rd) The students did incredibly well; four achieved a 1st, three achieved a 2:1 and three achieved a 2:2. The students, their parents, Ms Bailey and Ms Hand all attended the graduation ceremony at King’s College London, Guy’s Campus on Saturday, 30th January 2016. It was a wonderful occasion enjoyed by all, as the students’ comments reflect: “I am so glad I was chosen to participate as it has given me the knowledge and information about engineering which I might now take up in the future!” “It has taught me so much and it was a lot of fun. It was an amazing experience.” “I learnt about different career choices for the future and it gave me a better understanding of universities.” Congratulations to: Wadah Abdelaziz, Parendy Ahmadi, Ivana Dimitrova, Ido Insler, Monica Lewis, Lion Malhamoub, Jacob Nustedt, Jasmine Sabri, Dylan Swift and Jade Walsh who all graduated. Karen Hand Deputy Headteacher AWARDS AND WINNERS Celebrating the Achievers of Autumn 2015 Congratulations to all these students whose efforts and hard work last term have been recognised through The Compton School’s Award system Headteacher’s Award Winners - Year 7 Eduardo Bovo, Naomi Carvatchi, Caleb Chan, Bruno Comba, Ivana Dimitrova, Ivana Ignatova, Jessica Kilkenny, Monica Lewis, Eisuke Matsuura, Charlie O'Shea, Keir Reid, Ruhi Shah, Mohamad Shuman, Francesca Smaldone, Aitana Soete-Lopez, Kenn Yamaguchi Headteacher’s Award Winners - Year 9 Alice Chadwick, Devika Dabasia, Ben Dixon, Genc Gashi, Joseph Kilduff, John Lanitis, Marsha Lau, Ryutaro Matsumura, Amirali Monshizadeh, Arjun Nanning Ramamurthy, Maria Savva, Saloni Shah, Eman Shahzad, Ruby Snell, Nicholas Surtees, Saffron Willett Headteacher’s Award Winners - Year 11 Archie Billingsley, Karishma Chauhan, Emma De Duve, Farah Fahad, Maeve Gibson, Mariqua Keshi-Klunis, Gabriella Kyriacou, Zoe Leibowitz, George Lesbirel, Cate Mandell, Louis O’Shea, Amy Phillips, Amir Razak, Niralee Shah, Blessie Simbol, Priyanka Siregar, Michael Spann, Shaelle Twum-Barimah, Dorian Williams Year 12 Subject Awards Lauren McNamara (Drama and Theatre Studies), Taran Patel (Physics), Alicia Pickard (Business Studies), James Ross (Sociology), Youcef Sedaoui (Product Design - Graphics) Akhil Shah (Accounting and Finance), Anjani Shingadia (PE) Headteacher’s Award Winners - Year 8 Summer Amster, Lily Archer, Ziggymantas Austynas, Dimitar Bozov, Chloe Benham, Caitlin Carter, Daniel Chiu, Joseph Dembina, Isabella Dickson, Elena Dionissou, Neha Master, Albert Mock, Aman Pathak, Rafi Shaikh, Zachary Shannon, Mishel Stefanova Headteacher’s Award Winners - Year 10 Doaa Ahmed, Josephine Chadwick, Jillian Tsu-Ling Cheng, Sofia Dellamura, Hannah Dembina, Lucy Gibson, Annika Keshu, Zachary Leibowitz, Sahil Nakrani, Meghana Pathak, Josh Pear, Nikola Petkov, Jaymin Shah, Anish Sheth, Ryan Sparks, Cavern Taylor Year 12 Subject Awards Jibriil Abdi (Biology), Sumeya Ahmed (Chemistry), Jason Cheng (Maths), Tejal Depala (Psychology), Yashil Gopee (History), Amina Hassan (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics), Ann-Marie Oluwagbemisola Ilesanmi (Geography), Amelia Kibblewhite (English Language and Literature) Year 12 Subject Awards Nilofar Soltani (English Literature), Harry Souroukides (ICT), Kiran Taylor-Patel (Further Maths), Nicole Zahouani (MFL), Gaius Zhou (Economics) Enrichment Awards: Mohamed Kassim, Maria Kyriacou Academic Excellence: Anya Mallerman-Bristow, Taran Patel SIxTH FORM DEVELOPMENTS TCS has its first Sixth Form Leadership Team The students of The Compton Sixth Form have had a tense but exciting few weeks making their applications for The Sixth Form Leadership Team. Students applied for a range of positions on the Leadership Team including Enrichment and Charity Coordinators, Career Coordinators, Events and Public Relations Coordinators, Deputy Head Boy and Girl and finally, Head Boy and Girl. Students had to go through a rigorous process including submitting CVs and covering letters and completing a first round interview. To be in the running for Head Boy and Head Girl, students were also required to complete a second round interview including a presentation to Mrs Tunnadine. Finally, students presented a one minute pitch to their year group in assembly about their ideas and suitability for the role. Workshops inspire post-18 choices The Year 12 Careers Workshop afternoon took place in March. Year 12 were able to choose two out of a series of workshops provided by: Ernst & Young post-18 opportunities; Former students now employed as apprentices at Accenture and the City & Guilds Institute; Frontier - a non-for-profit organisation offering overseas volunteering and travel experiences; Step Forward - an opportunity for students to gain a 12 month paid work experience placement after Year 13. Feedback from students and presenters was very positive and the afternoon has hopefully inspired the students to consider the wide range of opportunities existing along side the Higher Education options they have been investigating during form time. Dominique Doyle Sixth Form Careers and Study Support Adviser The standard of the applications was hugely impressive but it was the confidence in student’s public speaking that impressed staff the most from this process. A huge well done to all those who applied and we are very happy to announce that the following students were successful. Head Girl: Anya Mallerman-Bristow; Head Boy: Yashil Gopee; Deputy Head Girl: Meelie Kibblewhite; Deputy Head Boy: Kiran Taylor-Patel. Sixth Form Leadership Team: Jibriil Abdi, Rufeida Alhatimy, Faiza Dhaga'Alen, Leanne Drury, Amina Hassan, Maria Kyriacou, Tahsin Rahman, Yagoda Sokolowska, Nilofar Soltani, Khadijah Sufi, and Akhil Shah. Errin Keefe Sixth Form Administrator 3 Charity begins at...The Compton School Shelterbox Update Born Free Foundation Charity Day Charity Leaders decided that in February they would like to support an animal charity. After much research and discussion, it was decided that the Born Free Foundation would be our chosen charity. This charity supports the protection of animals in danger of extinction in Africa, particularly lions, tigers and rhinos. Charity Leaders organised a non-school uniform day and provided displays and information in the concourse. Earlier in the week, students across the school had learned about the charity through a PDT activity aimed at raising awareness about the plight of the big cats in Africa. Around £1000 was raised to support the Born Free Foundation and their excellent work. Michael Barrett SMSC Coordinator In mid-December, we held a Charity Day, raising money for our chosen charity, Shelterbox. Shelterbox is a well known organisation that aims to support and give aid to people who have been affected by natural disasters and have been left homeless. As well as it being non-uniform day, we also held a cake sale to raise money and this was very successful. Additionally, we had a drawing competition and the winner was Dylan in Year 7. There were other interactive which were competitions enjoyed by the whole school. Overall, we raised over £1000 for Shelterbox. Vanessa Njoki said, “I enjoyed selling cakes” and Adam Dhaga’Alen said, “It was nice giving information.” As Charity Leaders, we would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ for all your support. Lemmuella Owusu-Ansah and Venessa Njoki Charity Leaders Modern Foreign Languages A taste of Paris in the sun Mademoiselle Kosovsky took 21 students to Paris this February for a cultural and linguistic trip aimed at boosting listening and speaking skills as well as cultural knowledge for GCSE exams. Mrs Lynch and Miss Vincent also accompanied and supported the group. The trip was fantastic! Both students and teachers had a very lovely time with bright sunshine and blue skies throughout which made all our visits even more enjoyable. After a long day of travelling on Friday, we had our first taste of France with a lovely dinner at Flunch, a famous French chain offering local dishes and desserts. Saturday was packed with visits to the Arc-de-Triomphe and Cathédrale Notredame-de-Paris. The Arc-de-Triomphe offers one of the best panoramic views over Paris and the Champs-Élysées. Later on, we took a boat cruise along the river Seine for a better view of the monuments and an insight into Parisian life. Students then had some free-time to shop on Rue de Rivoli, one of the main Central Paris shopping streets, which they thoroughly enjoyed! We were very proud to see that students took every opportunity to practise their French in restaurants and shops. But the most anticipated visit was undoubtedly the Eiffel Tower which we had the privilege of visiting at night time. The views and lights from the Eiffel tower were absolutely stunning! The Tower sparkles for a few minutes every hour at night so we quickly descended to enjoy the sparkling from the opposite gardens. We made our way back home on Sunday, stopping at Boulogne-Sur-Mer, a famous sea resort near Calais, where we spent part of the afternoon. Sadly it was time to get back to England after that but we brought back with us lots of wonderful memories and a deeper knowledge of the French language and culture! Thank you to all teachers and students who made this trip very special! Foreign Language Spelling Bee Foreign Language Spelling Bee is a competition for Year 7 students to practise and improve their vocabulary, spelling and memory skills in a foreign language (French, German or Spanish). Students have to translate the words from English Mademoiselle Muriel Kosovsky MFL Teacher Don Quijote challenges Spanish language students On 27th January 2016, 53 GCSE Spanish students went to Woodhouse College to watch a Spanish play of Don Quijote y la busqueda de Marcela, performed by The Firewalk Theatre Company. “The play was not only challenging in regards to the complexity of the language and vocabulary but was also very comical and enjoyable” Athena & Nicole “The play was great and going through the script in class really helped us to understand it” Mansi “The play was entertaining, interactive and made easy to follow for non-Spanish speakers” Lois Cristina Cabeza Redondo Head of MFL 4 and spell as many words as possible in their foreign language within one minute. After a fierce school competition on 11th February, three students will now represent our school in the regional finals in April: Leon Nitsch (Spanish), Alice Saldani (French) and Ivana Ignatova (French). They are all working hard with Miss Bienka and Miss Kosovsky to get ready for the competition ahead! A huge well done to all of the students involved! Magdalena Bienka MFL Teacher ENGLISH, LITERACY AND DEBATE Reading, Writing, Rewards World Book Day 2016 - Book Swap Everybody loves reading at The Compton and on Thursday, 3rd March, World Book Day, a range of activities took place to celebrate books and writing. Students recommended their favourites stories and we displayed them in the LRC to inspire new ideas. That afternoon after school, a rumble could be heard in the concourse as a throng of eager Key Stage 3 students hurried down to the LRC to take part in the book swap as part of World Book Day. Over 150 fantastic books changed hands, from current favourites such as Dork Dairies and Diary of a Wimpy Kid to sought-after classics such as The Borrowers and The Secret Garden. For some reason there were a few Skelligs left over… but these books will no doubt be invaluable next year when our new Year 7s read this great novel during their English lessons. Word millionaires As part of Accelerated Reader, students can view how many words a book contains and then see how many words in total they have read and been quizzed on. Students’ totals can easily reach the tens of thousands and soar to a million and above for the most avid readers/quizzers! We are proud to say that there are already many ‘word millionaires’ in the school whose names are listed here in order of word count: Bibi Maimona, Molly, Khadijah, Bibi Hanifa, Spike, Yi-An, Mena, Kathryn, Maia, Aitana, Anthea, Francesca, Jasmine, Sara E, Amy, Harvey, Savan, Tenshi, Emily M, Sara R, Prabhnir, Soma, Rafi, Rowdha, Mishel, Asha, Parendy, Jenny, Leon, Alexander K, Timera. Thanks to all who participated and to Maia, Francesca, Khadija, Amelia and Ambra for running the event. Many thanks also, to Parendy, Ella and Leon in Year 7, who visited many classes on the day and talked about the books they love the most. Luke Tokarz, 3ic English, Linda Oakley, Head of EMA and Natalia Marshall, LRC Manager Paired Reading success Students in Paired Reading Club have achieved considerable success this term. With the support of their Year 10 partners, these Year 7s have made exceptional progress in reading. The weekly club sees Year 7 students reading with their partners and quizzing, using the Accelerated Reader Scheme. Most of the hard work happens behind the scenes. However, as students need to be reading daily at home in order to improve reading levels and to make the kind of progress that these young readers have. Congratulations to all of these students and a huge thank you to their very supportive Year 10 partners. Linda Oakley, Literacy Teacher Natalia Marshall LRC Manager Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge 2016 The Jack Petchey Regional ‘Speak Out’ Challenge took place on Tuesday, 26th January 2016. Students from across the borough took part in the public speaking event which was held at St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School. Last year’s Barnet Champion, Amir Razak was the event's MC and received personal thanks and congratulations from Jonathan Drew of the Speakers' Trust, who said, "Amir really got into his flow and soon captured the audience with his subtle use of humour and thoughtfulness. He managed the whole competition extremely well and was the constant glue that kept the 250 strong crowd engaged throughout. Well done to him.” Amira Bhatt won the in-school competition and represented The Compton School at the Barnet Finals. Amira gave a passionate and compelling speech entitled ‘Ask Questions’, about the importance of civic engagement in defending the rights of vulnerable citizens. Well done Amira, you did us proud! Jane Telot Year 10 Manager Asia House Literary Festival Last May, Jolie, now in Year 10, came second in a literary competition organised by Asia House. Let's see if we can do better this time round. Year 12 and Year 9 students have recently taken part in a series of creative writing workshops run by a visiting author that focused on cultural diversity. There will be another writer visiting The Compton soon and we will submit entries to join the celebration event later in the year. Poetry Live We took 30 Year 11 students to Poetry Live, a national literary conference, which is an annual symposium celebrating the poets whose work we appreciate and analyse studying for the English Literature GCSE. The outing was very successful and allowed a more nuanced insight into the texts. Many thanks to Ms Thompson and Ms Hickey who kindly chaperoned the group to Central London. Young Writers Winners Congratulations to Farid, Thugipa and Ivana whose spine-chilling gothic sagas were selected from over a thousand entries to be published in a collection of stories. Their success follows an earlier victory of our Year 11 poets whose lyrical compositions gained similar recognition. The stories are published on the school's website magazine - please have a look and enjoy reading. Luke Tokarz, 3ic English Young Writers Winners The annual CILIP Carnegie Medal is a highly prestigious prize recognising the very best in literature for children and young adults. We will again be taking part in the shadowing scheme from now until June. A small group of Year 8 and 9s will be reading as many books as possible prior to nominating a favourite and attending the presentation event in Barnet. Natalia Marshall, LRC Manager 5 Drama - Act I, Scene I Chickenshed’s Crime of the Century In January, Chickenshed Theatre Company performed The Crime of the Century to the whole of Year 9. It is a hard-hitting, raw piece of theatre which explores antigang violence issues. Students were asked to ’respond to live theatre’ by writing a review. They went on to write their first ever assessed piece of written work for drama. Here are some quotes that outline their views and experience as a plot: it goes back and forth between past, present and future; the scenes change often and very abruptly.” Marsha Lau critical audience member:“ChickenShed performed a jaw-dropping play that really Drama students eager to get involved with Frantic Assembly opened our eyes to gangs and knife crime” Yash Pankhania “This play has a non-linear Alice in Wonder.Land Sarah Tunnadine, Head of Drama On 10th February, a group of 20 Year 8 students were taken to The National Theatre to see Wonder.Land. This is a modern musical adaptation of Alice in Wonderland (set in the technological age) and is scored with music written by Blur's Damon Albarn. The students showed great interest in the interactive exhibition just outside of the theatre and gave really positive feedback about the show. The songs were definitely stuck in their head! They were beautifully behaved and it was lovely to see them being so enthusiastic about live theatre. As part of the A-level course, our students have to review live theatre, so, on 7th January, the second trip of the academic year was a visit to the Gielgud Theatre to see The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. The students had explored this in lessons and were pleasantly surprised by the visual and movement aspects of the play. They left buzzing with lots of elements to write about for their theatre reviews. Some of our GCSE Year 10 and 11 students also attended the trip and they were brilliantly behaved and shared positive reviews about the show: the presence of a real puppy on stage was what stole the show for them! 6 Sarah Tunnadine, Head of Drama Liana Anthony 2icDrama FaceFront Theatre Company Back in December, our Year 11 and 12 Drama students took part in a Frantic Assembly workshop. This supported and inspired the students in their practical work for their exam in March. We were very excited to have the physical theatre group teach our students many interesting performance techniques including stage lifts and movement sequences. Many of our students were eager to get involved and have now researched the theatre opportunity ‘Ignition’ which targets boys aged 16-25 which will run from September 2016. Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time “Expressing their anger through vandalism seemed like a really effective way to show troubled youth and their struggle to fit into society, creating a real sympathy for those who think they are living above the law” Areli Tumba Hannah Most Drama Teacher On 23rd February, FaceFront Theatre company visited The Compton to perform their play ‘Sex FM’ to our Year 10 students. The play focused on personal well-bring and explored the themes of identity, self-esteem, confidence and feeling empowered to make informed choices. The play explored the lives of four young people and contrasted comic and upbeat scenes with some more serious and moving moments. The play was a piece of ‘Forum Theatre’ meaning that our students had an opportunity to discuss the themes and issues presented with the actors as well as get up on stage with them to replay some of the scenarios to improve the outcomes for the characters. The actors commented on the maturity of our students and their excellent responses to the discussion and debate. Zoe Merritt Assistant Headteacher Art and Photography in focus Abstract Sculptures entered for Fourth Plinth Schools Award 2016 This great competition is open to all schools in London, giving students an opportunity to create any artwork inspired by the commissions for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square, their thoughts about London and London’s place in the world. In 2015, the Fourth Plinth Schools Awards had once again another recordbreaking year attracting more than 1,800 entries from over 3000 students representing every London borough. We at The Compton School are very proud to be entering students work in this award again. Our current Year 10 Art and Design GCSE students have worked hard to complete abstract sculptures. Initial charcoal studies of a still life subject were developed into large abstract paintings, these images were then explored in 3-D using plasticine and in conclusion to this exploration made into cardboard constructions. Please do take a look at the entries - they can be found at the web site address below. what-we-do/arts-andculture/art-anddesign/fourth-plinth Angela Barton 2ic Art/Photography Paper crafting for Arts Award A group of Year 9 students are working towards their Arts Award Bronze qualification this term. By taking part in a Paper Sculpture project they are exploring storytelling and illustration through the theme ‘Journeys’. So far they have been experimenting with a range of techniques and learning about paper craft practitioners, such as Sarah Bridgland, Peter Callesen and Polly Verity. After what was an inspiring journey around public artworks and local galleries in Kings Cross, work on their own paper craft final pieces is now underway. Look out for their creations coming soon! Coursework Inspiration at Tate Modern The Year 12 art students went on a visit to the Tate Modern. The aim was to find inspiration for their coursework and research several artists that they could respond to. They viewed collections by Picasso, Gerhard Richter and Rebecca Horn. It was a really enjoyable visit and students found lots of inspiring works to help them develop their own independent work. Since returning from the visit students have been experimenting with large scale figure drawings using sticks and string as well as with using latex and metal in their work. The art department is looking forward to showcasing some really imaginative and creative coursework final pieces soon. Watch this space……. Victoria Freed Head of Art Emilie Spark-Guillaume Art Technician Hitting all the right notes with Dominic Peckham Dominic Peckham, conductor and vocal coach, led an amazing vocal workshop with 60 students on Monday 8th February. Students learnt about the universal language of singing and how to breathe, create and sustain sounds effectively. They presented an evening performance to parents and staff. Angelina Barlow, Head of Music Musical Notes Musical inspiration courtesy of the Royal College of Music and Southbank Sinfonia On Monday 7th March, Year 10 GCSE Music students travelled to the Royal College of Music to watch a performance of Handel's 'Ariodante.' The performance was fantastic and the students of the Royal College were extremely impressive. Following this, on Thursday 10th March, a selection of Year 7 and 8 students went to St John's Waterloo to watch the Southbank Sinfonia perform in a Rush Hour concert. The Southbank Sinfonia were joined by students from a local school whose young musicians are mentored by the Southbank Sinfonia, to create an orchestra of 68. We were treated to the sounds of Shostakovich's 10th Symphony, a vivid depiction of Stalinist Russia marking a creative release following years of cultural oppression. The performance was impressive and inspiring. Alice Gray 2ic Music 7 MATHS DEPARTMENT The Compton Loves Maths 2016 Regional Final of the UKMT Team Maths Challenge On Wednesday, 24th February, a team of Compton students went to Preston Manor School in Wembley to compete in the Regional Final of the UKMT Team Challenge. Team members were Jemma Evans, Neha Master, Amirali Monshizadeh and Mathimakan Nadarajah. The UKMT Team Challenges promote mathematical dexterity, teamwork and communication skills. They also give students the opportunity to compete against students from other schools in their region. “We trained a lot before, working on being a team and helping each other with the maths. I found it enjoyable and exciting when the My challenges started. favourite part was the final round when we got to do some running as well.” Jemma Evans “The challenge took place at Preston Manor School in Wembley. Tasks included relay, shuttle, cross-number and a group challenge where we had 45 minutes to answer 10 questions. The day was great and we all had a lot of fun.” Neha Master We were team number 13 and we came 13th out of the 25 teams taking part, so 13 was a lucky number for us! The top three teams were University College School, Harrow and North London Collegiate, all independent schools so the competition was very strong. Well done team! You really worked well together and your enthusiasm and determination were evident. Thanks also to Miss Clapham for running the Maths Club and working with the team to prepare for the competition. Maths Club continues on Mondays with lots of fun and engaging activities to stretch you and help you think mathematically. Joanna Lewis 3ic Maths Amazing results in the UK Intermediate Maths Challenge 2016 The Year 9, 10 and 11 mathematicians underwent a demanding yet exciting challenge this term by competing in the UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge. It was a unique and fun opportunity for the students to test their mathematical reasoning beyond the classroom. It allowed students to test their mathematical ability by applying it to a GCSE Religious Studies Conference In March, GCSE Religious Studies Students set off from school to visit the City of London School for Girls, which was the venue for a special GCSE conference where students participated in talks about issues relevant to their course of study. Students first heard about the work of the EducAid charity. This is a charity which has been working for over a decade to improve the educational opportunities of young people in Sierra Leone. Later there was a talk by an author and examiner who provided top tips on how to achieve great grades. Finally, Cardinal Vincent Nichols led a discussion on the sanctity of life and the value of education. The Compton students were fantastic and they fully participated in the discussion by asking questions and providing comments to the packed hall of students. Michael Barrett Head of RE 8 range of different scenarios that could only be solved through analysis and application of maths. We achieved some amazing results this year; Gold: Blessie Simbol, Cate Mandell, Michael Spann, Ferdous Azizi, Jillian Cheng and Nikola Petkov, Arjun Nanning Ramamurthy Silver: Zoe Leibowitz, Areeba Paracha, Sofia Dellamura, Josephine Chadwick, Ahmed Haj, Anjali Depala, Paul Jenkins, Annika Keshu, Anya Nanning Ramamurthy, Jack Kariya Bronze: Chhaya Ganda, Raza Naqvi, William Lloyd, Frankie Pearson, Markus Brighton, Jaimin Patel, Raphael Akamo, Amira Bhatt, Priyanka Depala, Anish Sheth, Abdulrahman Ahmed, Oliver Hewison, Jazmine Degrasse, Zachary Leibowitz, Kweku Ackom Mensah, Saffron Willett, Molly Hoon, Damon Judge, Riam Kaabi, Joseph Kilduff, Belle Malone. For the first time, we have six students who will be competing in the next round to compete in the Pink and Grey Kangaroo Challenge on 17th March. They are Blessie Simbol, Cate Mandell, Jillian Cheng, Nikola Petkov, Arjun Nanning Ramamurthy and Jack Kariya. Good luck to them all and we are confident they will do great! Emad Elkhalat Head of KS5 Maths A Mathematical Feast for Year 10 On Wednesday, 9th March, a team from The Compton went to Highgate School to take part in an exciting competition for students in Year 10 testing mathematical, communication and teamwork skills. Representing The Compton were Josephine Chadwick, Jillian Cheng, Sofia Dellamura and Nikola Petkov. Twelve teams took part, with schools from several surrounding boroughs represented. The competition, called the Maths Feast, is organised by The Further Mathematics Support Programme and is designed to support students in developing their problem solving skills. There were five rounds in the ‘Feast’; Starter, Amuse-Bouche, Main, Dessert and Petits-Fours. Our team worked together very well throughout and enjoyed the challenge of the competition. There was no overall winner declared but instead winners for each round. We performed very well in each round and were delighted to be joint winners, along with Henrietta Barnett and QE boys, of the Petit-Fours round. Congratulations Team! Joanna Lewis 3ic Maths Design and Technology A Rare Insight Into The Royal And The Beautiful Mrs Westgate and Mr Hall took 13 Year 12 Graphics students to the Royal Collection Trust in early February. It was fabulous. We were treated like royalty; all the staff had clearly downed tools for the afternoon and had prepared a presentation for us. An official photographer took endless photos. We started with the lacquer cabinet and furniture restorer with pieces from Windsor Castle, followed by the porcelain and ceramics restorer featuring parts of a giant pagoda from the Brighton Pavilion and ornaments from Balmoral Castle. Next came the armour restorer with some wonderful stories of the pieces he has worked on, including those with gunshot holes! The clock restorer was working on a magnificent tortoiseshell, ivory and silver commemorative piece and the 'Boulle' or tortoiseshell restorer explained how Skater Skirt Success difficult it was to work with this rare and beautiful material. We were given the fascinating history of a beautiful 17th century ceramic and gilded decorative clock; combining the best of Dresden porcelain and French metalwork and ceramics. The highlight was the gilding room where we were surrounded with golden Year 10 Textiles students have successfully completed making their own skater skirts, but not by using a commercial pattern. Instead, they took their measurements and plotted a pattern for a full circle skirt onto the computer using 2D Design. The laser cutter then cut out the skirt panels which included intricate cut out shapes. Students then learned how to apply a zip and waistband, complete with button and button hole. The skirts were made of suedette and some students added a lining too. A fantastic well done to the group. Fashion Trip to Paris During February half term, a group of 32 girls went on the very first TCS fashion trip to Paris. The group visited the Eiffel Tower, Parc de la Villette, March Saint Pierre, Sacre Coeur, Mademoiselle Slassi Hat Designer and the Musee des Arts Decoratifs by the Louvre. We even had time to fit in a bit of shopping. When visiting Mademoiselle Slassi, students learned about hat making and hat styles and were even able to try on Mademoiselle Slassi’s wonderful creations. A huge thank you to all the girls who were impeccably behaved and were excellent ambassadors for The Compton School. Thank yous are also in order for Ms Hylton, Mrs Cran and Mrs Telot who very kindly gave up their holiday time to escort the students on this trip. Don’t Throw it Away! Our Key Stage 3 Textiles projects are heavily focussed on recycling and making products from recycled materials. Year 7 and 8 students make fabric containers and Year 9 students make decorative cushion covers. We would love to see donations of buttons, ribbon, old zips, fabric and even old pairs of jeans. Any old bric-a-brac and haberdashery would be welcome and no donation would be too small. Julie Tinsley, Head of D&T objects, from huge picture frames to extraordinary furniture. Ismail and Martin can now claim that they have gilded an ornament that will soon be returned to its home in Buckingham Palace. The craftspeople and staff were exceptionally welcoming and we were greeted and introduced to the workshop by Rufus Bird the Deputy Surveyor of the Queen's Works of Art. It was clear that a lot of people had gone to a great deal of effort to make this trip as worthwhile as it proved to be. The students were wonderful; bright, polite and engaged. The skills and traditional techniques they saw will provide them with invaluable information for the manufacturing task they have begun for their AS Coursework. Electronics in Textiles Joanne Westgate ic Graphics This term, Year 9 Textile Technology students produced cushion covers using a range of decorative techniques to bring their ideas to life, including LED lights within their designs as an additional feature. All students produced fantastic cushion covers which they proudly took home at the end of the project. Both Miss Hylton and Mr Kumar were very proud of the work and attitude of all students. Bianca Hylton, Teacher of Textiles Technology Dennis Kumar, D&T Textiles Technician Cooking Club - Another Triumphant Array of Dishes A wide selection of dishes to tempt the palate were created by our cooking club students. These included pancakes, pasta with green pesto sauce, fruit crumble and chocolate dipped strawberries. The students and I would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Kelly for all the help she gave us every Wednesday. We wish her good luck in her new position within the school. Rotary Club Young Chef of The Year Our entrant into this year’s Rotary Club Young Chef of the Year competition was Belle Malone. Belle won through a tough heat held at The Compton last December to progress to the district finals held in Edgware in January. Although Belle did not win, she can feel proud of her achievements in competing against older students. Belle’s menu on the day was Sea Bass with a tomato and olive salsa served with fennel infused savoury rice followed by a dessert of Lemon Sorbet served in a lemon and lime jello cup garnished with lemon zest. Belle was presented with a recipe book by the Mayors of Barnet and Edgware in recognition of her talent. Jacqueline O'Shea, Food Technician 9 Getting Down to Business Footballing inspiration for business success In early March, a group of GCSE and A Level Business Studies students were selected to attend a presentation made by Mr David Dein, ex Vice Chairman of Arsenal Football Club. Mr Dein gave them wonderful advice about how to excel, both as students and as professionals, and impressed upon them the importance of working hard and taking pride in their own performance. A major part of the presentation focused on how football has developed from being a sport watched by a few to a world-wide business that attracts the attention of viewers and investors alike on a global scale. Students were also able to see how football clubs maximise revenue and use branding to help develop the Premier League as a product. This was a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn from a successful business owner who went on to become one of the most influential people in football today. Thanks to Mr Dein for visiting the school and sharing his experiences with us. Students Adapt and profit at trade fair On Wednesday 10th February, a group of Year 12 students attended the Old Spitalfields Market Young Enterprise Trade Fair. Throughout this academic year, 15 students in Year 12 have set up their own business called 'Adapt'. This has involved allocating roles, buying stock, holding meetings and designing packaging. The trade fair was the first opportunity for them to sell their products to the general public. By the end of a pretty hectic day's trading, their business had made just shy of £90 which was a fantastic achievement. During the day they showed some excellent Strategy pays off in Micro-Tyco Challenge In February, a group of our Year 8 students undertook the Micro-Tyco Challenge, the premise of which was to turn an original investment of £1 into as much money as possible over the course of one month. The idea was for entrepreneurial thinking to raise money which would be sent to The Wildhearts Foundation charity to support entrepreneurs in developing countries. Unfortunately, the students only had one week to raise as much money as possible, but they performed amazingly well, producing a 1000% profit and turning their £1 into £11. Shahar Koren, Bibi Farid and Jordan Orton showed outstanding team work skills to develop a strategy of buying products that their friends wanted, selling them and re-buying new stock that day. This took a high level of organisation, knowledge of their market and the ability to deliver their service on time - all excellent entrepreneurial skills. This was a fantastic achievement and one of which they should be amazingly proud. These young business stars have a very bright future! Morgan Crump Business Studies Teacher 10 Aashiq Pujara Head of Business Studies selling, customer service and communication skills and should be very proud of themselves. The day was rounded off with the group meeting last year's The Apprentice finalist, Vana Koutsomitis which left a few of them a little star struck! With a few more trade fairs to come this year, things are looking very bright (and profitable!) for this young group of budding entrepreneurs; Yashil Gopee, Osman Murad, Youcef Sedaoui, Tejas Depala, Kaloyan Vasilev, Leanora Rexha, Nika Namini, Anjani Shingadia and Miranda Eracleous. Morgan Crump Business Studies Teacher Style and quality to make you stop and Oye-stare This year, as part of the Young Enterprise Challenge, we selected a group of Year 9s to start their own company and sell products with the aim of making as much profit as possible, which would be donated to a chosen charity at the end of the year. The group decided to sell high quality leather card holders and named their company 'Oye-Stare'. They were invited to sell their products at the Spitalfields Market near Shoreditch. I am pleased to say that the group performed amazingly and sold £100 worth of stock despite intense competition from other schools. A huge thanks to Riam Kaabi, Eman Shahzad, Yashvi Depala, Joshua Howell, Harry Morgan, Marwa Satar and Shiv Thakkar who all did a fantastic job selling the product and working tirelessly throughout the day. Aashiq Pujara Head of Business Studies Coca-Cola Real Business Challenge On Thursday 28th January, eight Business Studies students attended the London Regional Final of the Coca-Cola 'Real Business Challenge' at the Kia Oval in South London. The students had reached this prestigious event by being one of the ten best school teams out of over 2,000 entries. This was a fantastic achievement and one of which they should be immensely proud. The Compton team, ably led by Anjali Depala, had the task of designing an antilitter campaign for Coca-Cola. This involved creating a smartphone application, a busstop poster, a mascot and logo, costing the whole campaign and then delivering a speech about their idea to an audience of over 200 people. The Compton team were: Anjali Depala, Matthew Chadder, Teo Canmetin, Josh Pear, Sofia Dellamura, Soraya Siregar, Jaymin Shah and Anish Sheth. All of the students presented to the audience and they should be given a huge amount of credit for their clear, concise, informative and sometimes humorous delivery. Well done! Morgan Crump Business Studies Teacher SPORTS News at The Compton School by Nikki Chodurek And so we conclude another hectic winter season. Considerable success has been seen in Handball, Football (Girls and Boys) and Trampolining. Interform competitions have been well attended throughout the two terms and many thanks to Mr Clark and Mr Farley for organising these. We have some extremely talented and skillful students who constantly display enthusiasm, resilience and tenacity… .another excellent sporting term. Well done. • Year 7 and 8 Girls Football – North London Winners and are off to Goodison Park • Year 7 Boys – Rugby. Had a ‘blast’ at Saracens Allianz • Barnet Schools Cross Country Championships. Josephine, Maria and Wadeh all represented Barnet at the Middlesex Championships and Josephine went on to run at the English Schools competition in Nottingham. • Girls Rugby – Winners Year 7 and 8 Barnet Schools Tournament, and are now representing Barnet in the London Youth Games. • Winners Year 9 and 10 – Barnet Schools Tournament and represented Barnet at the Middlesex ‘play offs’ at Harrow RFU The Compton School Hall of Fame - Spring 2016 Interform Winners: Year 8 Girls Football Girls U15 Handball Team - Barnet representatives at the London Youth Games Interform Winners: Year 7 Girls Football Year 7: Barnet Netball League Winners Boys U15 Handball Team - Barnet Representatives at the London Youth Games Year 10 Boys Football: Barnet Cup Winners Terrific Tens! Barnet Schools Netball League Champions Top trampolinists triumph: medals galore! 11 SPORTS News at The Compton School A place in the Under 14 Middlesex Rugby Squad for Josh Joshua Howell captains Finchley Rugby Club and was put forward by his coach to try out for the Middlesex Under 14 rugby team. Josh performed exceptionally well over the three trial evenings and made it through to the squad training phase. This is an amazing achievement because all rugby clubs in Middlesex put forward their best three players for trials and from the hundreds of players who trial a squad of only 24 is selected. Josh has been training regularly with the Middlesex Squad in Staines RFU and is looking forward to his first game this month. Well done Josh, an amazing achievement! Stuart Merritt Assistant Headteacher Barnet Borough Boccia Champions Mr Civan and Ms Robinson accompanied four KS3 students to a borough-wide Boccia competition where they became the Barnet borough champions. This led to them taking part in the London finals where the students got through to the quarter finals - the furthest Barnet have ever got in this competition. Boccia, related to bowls, has been a Paralympic sport since 1984 and is played in over 50 countries across the world. The game was originally designed to be played by people with cerebral palsy but now includes athletes with disabilities affecting motor skills and is contested at local, national and international levels. Well done to our team! Sharon Robinson Senior Teaching Assistant by Nikki Chodurek Lewis wins a Scholarship Huge congratulations to Lewis Hobbs who has been offered a scholarship at Barnet Football Club beginning in September. This is something that Lewis has been working very hard towards over the course of Year 11, training hard whilst keeping on top of his academic work and we are delighted that all his diligence and his determination have paid off. The scholarship means that Lewis will be able to study for his A’ Levels whilst training with the club and pursuing a career in Football. Well done, Lewis, we are all extremely proud of you! Danielle Irving Key Stage 4 Leader Year 7 Boys Cross Country Barnet Schools Senior Girls Cross Country runners up Year 9 and 10 Barnet Schools Rugby Tournament winners - now representing Barnet in Middlesex playoffs Year 7 and 8 Barnet Schools Rugby Tournament winners - now representing Barnet in the London Youth Games Students return to school at 10.45am on Tuesday, 19th April 2016, Week 1 12
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