nakamichi mb100
nakamichi mb100 ISSUE 31 MAR 06 SOUND VISION INSTALL From the publishers of SMARTLIFE INTERNATIONAL Up The Bracket Vivanco prove they're out for the mount For more information and stocking details Contact Vivanco on 01442 403020 IT’S A DOG'S LIFE... 5 FIRST GLIMPSE 30 BACK TO MY PLACE unveil something a little special this month We build ourselves an idyllic install from the products we came across at the Smart Home Show It's not always easy to think positively when you're greeted with horror stories at every turn…commentators bemoaning the decline of the High Street, business journals speculating about the prospects of an economic slump and page after to page of national newspaper dedicated to tales of woe designed to keep you holed up in a bunker with a couple of steel chains across the door. It is a dog eat dog world out there and as an independent it's hard to ignore those over-fed, over-sized, steroid-pumped rottweilers looming over you attempting to quaff your slice of Pedigree Chum pie. But despite all the aggressive posturing and nibbling around the edges... they haven't claimed it yet. Having just returned from the Smart Home Show, the team here feel like we've just finished an intense session with a particularly adept psychiatrist and been given an industrial dose of mood enhancing stimulants into the bargain. Why? The sheer enthusiasm of the punters had a lot to do with it. It was positively infectious and must have rubbed off on all who made the trip. A diverse collection of exhibitors had snapped up the space available, with an interesting synergy of ideas and products evident across the floor. Installers and in-wall speakers sat comfortably alongside 5.1 surround sound systems and flat-screen TVs. HVAC control and automation became the bedfellows of universal remote controls and iPod docking stations. Nowhere has the closeness between the conventional AV sector and CI been better evident than here in the Midlands as representatives from both came together under one roof to woo the populace with their wares. Having been effectively marketed to the zealous homemaker under a lifestyle umbrella, there was something a little different about this show. Gone were the frugal anoraks and tyre kickers, as the musky aroma of the great unwashed was replaced with a waft of Chanel No. 5 and young, upwardly mobile families made their way around, genuinely intrigued by the creature comforts and entertainment technologies on display. Whether it was for home cinema kit or heating control, the people with the purchasing power and interest were there. Their imagination was captured - now what about their business? Find out about the latest distribution deals, technological developments, movers, shakers and moneymakers right here, right now... 32 INSTALLATION NATION Hamish McNair-Wilson, Editor 13 OUT AND ABOUT 38 STORIES FROM CEDIA IN THIS MONTH'S ISSUE 6 EYE ON THE INDUSTRY We take our usual hike around the AV world, from Berlin to Birmingham 15 DAY OF WEST The much-traveled HAMISH McNAIR-WILSON reports back from Bristol's Sound & Vision show From wall mounting solutions to multimedia servers, spin through a host of installationfriendly options 01/07/04-30/06/05: 4,309 15 24 30 32 Our association's MATT NIMMONS uses his insider status to feed us the latest info 40 CONTACT BOOK Find the phone number you've been looking for in our bulging directory 18 WHAT'S NEW A cutting-edge batch of products make the leap from our office to these pages 44 TRAINING DIARY Where can you gain those essential extra qualifications? Look no further… 24 WAITING FOR POD Smart mover SAM FULLER slips his MP3-player into a batch of the finest accessories 45 RECRUITMENT Move onwards and upwards courtesy of your informative friends at What's New... PLEASE SEND ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: WHAT’S NEW IN SOUND VISION INSTALL, 21-23 PHOENIX COURT, HAWKINS ROAD, COLCHESTER, ESSEX, CO2 8JY New venue, bigger event CEDIA Expo 2006 will be taking place at the high class, easily accessible venue, ExCeL London situated in the heart of London’s Docklands. Over 100 exhibitors If you are involved in the planning, design, specification, installation, distribution and manufacturing of automated electronic systems and technologies for the intelligent home, then mark your diaries now for the industry event of the year! Expanded training programme What makes CEDIA Expo so unique is CEDIA’s commitment to training. A 4-day extensive seminar programme is specifically targeted at custom installers and professionals within this industry to further knowledge and personal development. Training | 19–22 June 2006 Exhibition | 20–22 June 2006 CEDIA (the Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association) is the international trade association, which represents the residential custom installation industry and has a global membership of over 4,000 companies. CEDIA UK Ltd, Unit 2, Phoenix Park, St Neots, Cambs PE19 8EP Tel | +44 (0)1480 213744 Fax | +44 (0)1480 213469 Email | Web | WHAT’S NEW First Glimpse CANTON’S WELL KNOWN ERGO SERIES HAS BEEN GIVEN A SERIOUS OVERHAUL AND RETURNS TO THEIR 2006 CATALOGUE SOUNDING BETTER THAN EVER... ERGO BOOSTING Canton are a bit like the BMW of the loudspeaker world – they’re German, they’re renowned across the industry for the quality of their craftsmanship and they manufacture lavish products that rich folk are always keen to get their hands on. Add into the equation that you’re unlikely to find one of them an inch off your bumper every time you venture into the outside lane on the M25 and you really are dealing with an enticing range with no obvious drawbacks. That said, in any great range there is room for improvement and as a result Canton’s boffins have seen fit to revamp their classic Ergo line. This mid-priced range has always performed well when pitted against its peers, but now it sounds better than ever. Thanks to the technological developments made during the production of the Vento range, the revitalised Ergo speakers come equipped with high-end drive units capable of taking their performance to the next level. Sharing yet more characteristics with their motoring contemporaries, the Ergo speakers are fast and dynamic in their sounds, with the necessary muscle to add weight and an immersing soundscape to any AV setup. Clean and uncoloured reproduction comes as standard, with the newly designed cabinets and commitment to quality clearly registering an impact. The range may be steeped in history, having been a constant for Canton for over two decades, but the combination of the new drivers, crossovers and radically revised cabinets constitute the most significant improvements our friends on the continent have made in over 20-years. There are three impacting floorstanders available in the range: the Ergo 611 DC, Ergo 609 DC and Ergo 607 DC. These hit the market at £1,600 a pair, £1,300 a pair and £1,000 a pair respectively. The 611 DC and 609 DC are both sizeable, three-way bass reflex designs that serve up an extremely broad and linear frequency response, making them both proficient Hi-Fi speakers or front speakers for the serious home cinema fan. The 611 DC features two 9-inch Black Aluminium cone woofers and the smaller 609 DC, a pair of 8-inch woofers. The Ergo 607 DC employs a single 7-inch aluminium cone for bass and one for the midrange. Canton’s hard work in re-energising a classic selection won’t stop here. The 2006 Ergo range will be extended imminently to cater for smaller applications and full home cinema systems, with the 605 CM Centre Speaker, 603 and 602 Compact Speakers, 601 Low Profile On-Wall Speaker and the AS 650 SC Powered Subwoofer all on their way. We eagerly await their release – on the evidence of these three kings, they won’t let you down... FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: +44 (0) 239 250 1888 5 > SOUND & VISION EYE ON THE INDUSTRY Eye On The Industry THE WHO-WHAT-WHERE-WHEN-WHY OF AV... ATTENTION PLEASE! If you have news of any industry appointments or dismissals, achievements or crises, acquisitions or additions, and you’d like to see them in print, email the details to WILLING ACCESSORIES Consumer electronics accessories specialist Vivanco has been appointed as the sole UK and European distributor for iC Mounting Solutions - a complete retail line with 8 SKUs for Plasma, LCD TV and projectors designed for consumer use, from the leading US manufacturer, Chief. iC benefits from 27 years of engineering experience and innovation from one of the mounting world's biggest names, Chief, and offers both retailers and consumers a number of advantages. From an under cabinet mount for the kitchen to a tilt wall mount that holds flat-screen TVs of up to 60-inches in the bedroom, iC includes something for every need around the modern home. Exclusive features such as the StowAway arm - which hides larger LCD-TVs under cabinets - and the Centris TV interface with Turn-Tite technology, make the new iC line one of the most competitive around. Vivanco is also expanding its own mid-priced range of mounts to include four LCD, four plasma mounts and two projectors options. Stocking these could help you to maximise your profit opportunities from the mushrooming flat-screen TV market, which should see some 60-million more purchased over the next half-decade. Vivanco Product Marketing Manager Ben Osborne commented on the recent developments: “Having products pitched both at the premium and mid-price range will ensure that retailers can meet all consumer needs. A consumer who has just spent £2k+ on a flat panel will want a premium priced product to match his new screen, while someone who has only spent £350 on an LCD for the kids’ bedroom will only want an inexpensive bracket. So once again Vivanco is able to offer retailers a complete solution. Considering the critical margin that accessories can add to a flat-panel or projector sale, the iC and Vivanco ranges offer retailers a simple, complete solution to cater for all consumer wall mounting needs.” Vivanco are promising to support these launches with a comprehensive PR and advertising campaign. For further information contact: +44 (0) 144 240 3020 Vivanco hail the chief... GRAND DESIGNS Highly respected UK manufacturer Arcam has added yet another award to its expansive cabinet. No run of the mill commendation, the company were handed what is arguably Europe's most prestigious award of its kind - the IF Design Award 2006. It was claimed by the popular and innovative Solo system, a striking and sleek industrial design of Adrian Stokes of ASA designers. The German-based IF award is recognised across the globe, highlighting the extent of Arcam's achievement. It beat off competition from nearly 2,000 other products from 37 countries, with the judges proclaiming: "The Solo successfully asserted itself in a first-rate, highly competitive international environment". The iF design award has been staged since 1954 and employs a jury of top international designers. The universal appeal of the specially styled Solo was particularly noted and the Solo is up for a range of other awards for its looks. However, with a number of trophies already accrued for its performance, clearly this highly popular Arcam product is a bit of an all rounder. For further information contact: or 6 BE MY GUIDE Superpower of the retail world Tesco has formed a partnership with MXR, the UK's leading regional digital radio consortium, to work together in promoting DAB digital radio online. The supermarket giant is currently running a special DAB digital radio promotion on its website. The electrical retail section of the site showcases a wide range of digital radio products available to buy and also highlights MXR's essential online guide to DAB. The guide lists all the main benefits of making the transition from analogue to digital radio and highlights the variety of different local commercial radio stations that are accessible on DAB. Talking about their DAB digital radio promotion, Tesco Representative Helen Houghton said: "There's a huge market for DAB digital radios and a strong desire from the consumer to find out more about them. We have a great range of digital radios available on our website and the MXR guide provides our customers with exactly the right amount of information to help them make the decision to purchase." Managing Director of MXR, Diane Wray, said: "It's fantastic to see Tesco putting the necessary marketing support behind the sale of DAB digital radios online. Research shows that although the majority of people have heard of DAB digital radio many can't name any benefits or digital radio stations. Hosting MXR's essential guide alongside their DAB range will help to give Tesco customers these important facts." For further information contact: www.get HAPPY NEW REAR Once upon a time the rear projection TV was a fair unsightly cinematic option, boasting no advantage other than its relatively slender rear. However, along came Texas Instruments' DLP technology, an innovation that manufacturers were able to encompass in order to turn a once flailing idea into a product of genuine performance and appeal. The DLP TV was born and companies like Optoma and Sagem were soon producing sizeable models, growing the market and the dimensions of a TV that users could feasibly fit into their living rooms, without breaking the bank. Available in screens of up to 50 or even 60-inches, these considerably more slender options bought a genuinely immersing, high quality cinema-esque picture to lounges previously unprivy to such a treat. Of course, it wasn't long before other manufacturers and technologies sought to grab a slice of market, most notably Sony with their Bravia range of rear projection TVs, founded upon the world's most popular microdisplay technology - 3LCD. Much is being made of this 3-chip array, said to deliver outstandingly bright and natural images – and there was a significant stand devoted to its abilities at the recent ISE show. Sony's TVs have certainly helped it to assert its credentials and are valuable additions to a market keen to kill off the CRT TV once and for all. Having been one of the biggest names in the TV world for years now, it wasn't going to be long before JVC attempted to have their say... and this comes in the form of an exciting new range of what the corporation are terming HD-ILA Hybrid TVs. Founded on the abilities of three D-ILA chips developed for use in the professional sphere, and LCOS microdisplay device technology, JVC are claiming these have the ability to outperform their rivals. The combination of vivid, natural colours, exceptional grayscaling, a host of proprietary imageJVC make a push enhancement technologies and the highest aperture for the Rear Of The Year award ratio around are all significant to this claim, whilst convenience is also a key attribute with users able to change their own lamp if it eventually runs out. With only a third of the power consumption of an equivalent plasma or LCD-TV and images that weigh in at a spectacular 900 cd2m, allowing the HD-ILA Hybrids to perform in any conditions, these certainly sound a bit special. And they're no shrinking violets either: available in a 70-inch and 56-inch option, there can be no doubt these will make an impression. But which of the competing technologies will you choose to stock? For further information contact: +44 (0) 208 450 3282 7 > SOUND & VISION EYE ON THE INDUSTRY Good egg KEF reap a just reward at Sound & Vision 2006 BEST OF THE WEST The British Federation of Audio (BFA) has announced the results of its second BFA Sound and Vision Show Awards, held at this year’s event at Bristol's Marriott hotel. Having visited every room and booth at the show at least twice during the event and taken advice from various trade and press visitors - just in case the visit to a room had been during an off moment - the judges made their decision. With the results of a poll of public visitors to the show also considered, over all the conclusion was that the standard of demonstrations and product displays was very high. Key points in the judges’ minds included the sound quality of each demonstration, appearance of the room, graphical explanation of products, the room's atmosphere and the presentation of the brand image. The eventual winners were Focal for Best looking Exhibit, KEF for Best MultiChannel Demonstration and Neat for Best Two Channel Demonstration. Naim Audio and NHT were said to have given the latter a run for their money, but the simplicity of Neat's display and sensible demonstration choice won it for them. Focal offered visitors two different styles of room; one themed on a Euro living room and the other on a British living room. KEF, meanwhile, combined excellent presentation with some high-quality sounds that belie the price tag of their new KHT3005 system. For further information contact: WHAT'S NOU? Hitachi chose Spain's famous Nou Camp, close to Barcelona's vibrant city centre and the home of Barcelona Football Club, to launch the company's new product range for 2006. Following a path recently trodden by Jose Mourinho, Robert Jones (UK Sales Director, Hitachi) Hitachi's dealers show Chelsea how to behave and his colleagues introduced the at the Nou Camp manufacturer's latest product lineup in presentations to 50 dealer guests at the company's SEE2006 conference. Major additions to the company's range of HD Ready plasma and LCD TVs head the product line up for 2006. The new Picture Master HD Ready 42-inch plasma TV (42PD9700) is the first 42-inch model to use a truly 1080i HD ALIS panel capable of showing every line of high-definition broadcast without conversion or rescaling The product uses the very latest chip and plasma 8 UNDER LICENCE LG and Toshiba have signed a patent cross licensing agreement for optical discrelated products, providing each company with access to the related patents and technologies of the other. The agreement covers worldwide patents for optical discs and for the optical disc drives, players and recorders that use them. Benefits for both firms are expected when it comes to product development and reducing development costs for the relevant products, including nextgeneration DVDs. The market for optical disc products is continually growing, in line with the proliferation of high-definition content and ever-increasing need for larger capacities of storage. In the digital age related equipment is finding an increasingly prominent role and Toshiba and LG's new accord should help strengthen both their interests in its manufacturing. LG has long been a leader in the production of related products, whilst Toshiba is widely regarded as a global leader in optical disc technology. Both made substantial contributions in the defining of today’s DVD specifications, and each should retain a key role in the development and success of next generation formats. “Both companies expect mutual benefit in the field of optical discs related products through this agreement,” said Mr. B.B.Hwang, President and CEO, Digital Media Company, LG Electronics Inc. “This agreement is part of our strategy of promoting mutually beneficial cooperation with leading global electronics companies,” Mr. Yoshihide Fujii, President and CEO, Digital Media Network Company, Toshiba Corporation, commented. “Our goal is to reinforce our ability to bring competitive products to the rapidly growing optical media product marketplace at a faster rate.” OUT OF THE KITCHEN Kettles, toasters, coffee makers, grills... they're not that rock 'n' roll and they're certainly not AV kit. However, following in the footsteps of Morphy Richards, who recently made a similar manouevre, Dualit is set to enter the home entertainment market. Look out for news of their London product launch later this month, where the firm is all set to introduce its very first DAB digital radio. With DAB an ever-growing phenomenon, it will be interesting to see what this new face brings to the market. For further information contact: technology to deliver a truly exceptional multimedia flat panel TV. Three more Picture Master HD Ready models will follow during the year. A number of new DVD camcorders were also on display, whilst those with an interest dedicated home cinemas were treated to quite an experience courtesy of the awardwinning PJTX200 projector. "We must consider the interests and investments made by our traditional retailers," said Robert Jones in Barcelona. "It is Hitachi's intention to reward dealers who truly represent the brand, dealers who stock, display and welcome the new and emerging technologies that come from Hitachi," he added. The event was also used as a platform for Hitachi to ferment closer relationships with their independent dealerships in a period in which the traditional High Street retailer has been struggling. "The various initiatives put forward by Robert including new and better trading terms, exclusive display stands for independent dealers and a product range that boasts both technical quality and first class design was music to my ears in Barcelona," dealer Tom Hayes of TC Hayes remarked. For further information contact: +44 (0) 162 864 3000 GOOD TO BE FREE Apple are boxing clever once again APPLE OF THE I In news that's likely to strike fear into the hearts of all currently trying to grab a slice of this market, the iPod's creators are to launch a range of accessories to complement these most popular of MP3players. The first evidence of this comes in the form of the iPod Hi-Fi, recently launched across the world. This one box solution is said to offer sounds of warmth, clarity and depth that fill a significantly larger room than its compact dimensions suggest. Its universal dock and tone control make it a convenient and flexible system and, at £250, it will directly compete with many of the speaker docks some of the biggest names in AV have been launching over the last year. Given the credence of the Apple name in the MP3-player world, it will be interesting to plot the impact the iPod Hi-Fi has in this increasingly vibrant, lucrative market. For further information contact: This month Freeview announced that sales of Freeview-enabled digital boxes and digital televisions have passed the 10 million mark. Launched in October 2002, the successful free-to-air digital television service has found its way into 6.4 million homes, making it one of the fastest-growing consumer entertainment services ever launched in the UK. Celebrities from leading TV channels including Gemma Atkinson from Hollyoaks on E4, Bob the Builder from CBeebies, Emma Crosby from Sky News and Holly Willoughby from ITV’s Dancing on Ice joined in the celebrations for the 10 millionth sale in store this week. Ilse Howling, Freeview General Manager, commented: “We’re very excited to confirm Freeview’s continuing success, proving it to be a compelling and simple route to digital TV. People love Freeview’s simplicity, our great channels and the one-off payment with no subscription charges. With new entertainment channels like E4, More 4, Sky Three, ITV 4 and CITV, and FilmFour on the way, we have broadened our appeal to a wider and younger audience. We have also seen an increase in the range of products available to the consumer with sales of Freeview-enabled personal video recorders (PVRs) and digital TVs rising as the popularity of the service continues to grow." And, with its profile also growing along with the demand, the opportunity to sell this accompanying kit has never been better. For further information contact: A sleek route to FreeView from the Sagem range The popularity their docking station has powered Intempo up the charts ABOVE THEIR STATION The latest figures from GfK position Intempo Digital in second place in the UK PC speaker market. This comes only four months after Intempo first stepped into this area with the launch of its iDS-01 - a docking station and speaker system compatible with iPods and other MP3players. However, in this brief period Intempo has already begun outselling established brands of the magnitude of Bose, JBL, Logitech and Philips. "We're thrilled to have made such a huge impact on the speaker market in such a short space of time, especially as there are so many established players to compete with," Rhianon Lucas, Product Manager at Intempo, commented. "Our iDS-01 is not only an iPod docking station but a powerful speaker system, it fuses style with cutting edge technology and more importantly is very competitively priced, meeting the strong demand for iPod accessories. In the peak December sales period we were first to market with the iDS-01 in black, with Nano Adaptor, capitalising on the trend for the iPod Nano. This has been a best seller and is still flying off the shelves." The iDS-01 is lightweight and portable, utilising a built-in dock that sells for a frighteningly paltry £29.99. For further information visit 9 > SOUND & VISION EYE ON THE INDUSTRY SURROUND AND CONQUER A DTS-commissioned study conducted in conjunction with Nielsen Entertainment Research, has revealed the significance of the surround sound market across Western Europe. According to those responsible, the demographic base of people owning home theatre systems has been broadening consistently since the advent of the DVD era. The European research focused primarily on the UK, France and Germany, as these territories represent 67% of total Western European DVD spend levels. Its results revealed that close to a third of those households petitioned have some configuration of a home theatre system, which equates to over 50-million in total. In the UK, France and Germany over one-third of DVD households own one, with 80% of these using a 5.1 or more expansive configuration. With homes across the continent embracing the DVD-player and customers snapping up HD-ready flat-screen TVs in their droves, surround sound system purchasing will continue to boom. Those with the most dynamic cinematic sounds are the most inclined to purchase DVDs too – some 83% more than those without according to the survey. Of these, over half are aware of DTS with many choosing to use it over and above the alternatives. In the UK, DTS-aware users bought 39% more DVDs than non-DTS-aware consumers, with France and Germany also following the trend. And, DTS are delighted to reveal, the majority consumers aware of DTS strongly agree that the DTS brand delivers the highest quality in the form of superior audio technology. The rest, it seems, need our help to be educated as to its merits. Higher quality sound is clearly a key element in the home entertainment market, with 77% of French DVD consumers ranking upgraded surround sound as the most important special feature of the digital age. And, with the percentage of DVD consumers who actively change their surround sound format settings at the beginning of a DVD movie growing all the time – most notably in France - things are looking good for the hardworking team at DTS. These days, far from being restricted to the conventional older male with a sizeable disposable income, surround sound users come in all ages and both sexes. They are becoming more consumer savvy all the time and with great products abundant across the industry, rightfully so. The surround For further sound system information contact: has never been so popular OMNI PRESENT OmniMount are a hugely popular player in the American AV furniture, loudspeaker stand/bracket and flat-screen TV mounting market, and now their range is available in the UK thanks to distributor API. The range promises us state-of-the-art engineering, attractive designs and performance to match anyone operating in this area. These, coupled with affordable prices, have helped OmniMount's rise and rise over the pond and API will be hoping the UK market shares in the enthusiasm. With a team of highly skilled industrial designers and engineers producing their ranges in-house from the ground up at the company's Phoenix, Arizona headquarters, innovative solutions and new patents are commonplace at OmniMount. But don't take our word for it – check out the range for yourself... For further information contact: 10 Pioneer's PureVision series: wanted, preferably alive MOSTED WANTED Americans, those famous early adopters of cutting edge technologies, are in love with plasma - it's official. According to a study conducted by Roper Public Affairs, a division of GfK, half of the US want to get their hands on one. Entitled the I Want My Plasma TV survey, it was commissioned by Pioneer Electronics USA in order to discover the extraordinary lengths ordinary people are prepared to go to get their hands on one of the firm's PureVision models. According to the results, 40% percent of men surveyed said they would endure a torturous 48-hour chick flick marathon if it meant they would be rewarded with a plasma television. Meanwhile, 20% of the men surveyed said they would give up all sports related activities, including watching and playing, in pursuit of a flat-screen TV. And women are on the bandwagon too, with a third claiming they would give up chocolate for a year in return for such luxurious viewing. "We're gearing up for some of the biggest television events of the year. With international sporting events, awards shows and major basketball tournaments just around the corner, consumers are willing to do just about anything for a chance to have a high-definition plasma TV," said Russ Johnston, senior vice president of marketing for home entertainment at Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. "Once you experience the jaw-dropping image quality of a high-definition plasma television it's hard to go back to watching ordinary TV." Both the slender dimensions and crisp, vibrant images are driving this demand, with the PureVision ranges outstanding performance, founded on proprietary technology, making it one of the most popular options around. For further information contact: STATE OF REPAIR Sony has announced four key changes in the structure of its support services, which are designed to deliver improvements to all UK customers. The changes will take place over the next few months. A new European Zone Wide Field Engineering support team has been created to provide access to more experts for both Sony’s key and contract customers. These experts will be available to assist in resolving complex or difficult repairs and technical queries. Secondly, Sony announced the expansion of its Authorised Service Centres (ASC’s), all of which are approved by Sony to a high standard, to provide support for bench repair of those established products, such as DVW, that will no longer be repaired in-house. Sony will continue to repair products in new technology areas, such as HD. Thirdly, the UK Technical Helpdesk will be combined with Sony’s European Helpdesk, based at Basingstoke, providing access to a larger team of support personnel to field customer enquiries. To ensure that key accounts are supported with technical enquiries, Sony has also created the position of a Key Account Liaison Engineer who will assist with any escalation required from calls coming through the helpdesk. Finally, Sony announced the creation of a Phew, Sony will Central Repair Centre (CRC), based in Cologne. The still repair their HD-ready options new CRC is intended to become a centre of excellence in Europe, offering support on both new technology products and to support legacy products. All of these changes are intended to help Sony deliver both operational efficiency as well as service improvements to its customers, including ownership of customer queries from dedicated engineers and access to more Sony experts. For further information contact: ON THE GAYDAR THE GERMAN CONNECTION A new cable manufacturer is set to make its presence felt in the UK market in the coming months. Well, we say new, but Oehlbach Pure is actually Germany’s leading brand of cables and accessories for the home and in 2006 celebrates 30years in a business where it has specialised exclusively in cable design and manufacture. With most of their cables produced in Switzerland and Germany, these come complete with an assurance of quality, befitting of the two nations' reputations for craftsmanship and attention to detail. A wide range of Hi-Fi and home cinema options will be available across a huge price range, which starts at £15 and goes all the way to a staggering £6,000. The range is available now and has a lot to offer those who take their audio and visual solutions seriously. One product that has already caught our eye are the firm's HDMI Switch Boxes, which should prove very popular as the HD era dawns. For further information contact: +44 (0) 208 424 8844 Outright Research, the UK’s biggest and most detailed research project into the lifestyles of UK gay people, reports that gays are proportionately among the biggest spenders, trend setters and earliest adopters of new consumer technology products in the UK. The survey was commissioned by GaydarRadio, Channel 4 and OMD Insight. The Outright Research programme has delivered a powerful snapshot of the 21st century gay and lesbian marketplace and their behaviour towards brands and technology. The comparative research programme interviewed a healthy, robust sample of 18, 000 gay respondents and 4,000 straight people, aged between 16 and 55 years old. The Outright Research results report that brands launching new consumer tech products will have their wares purchased by a third of gay people, as they are first to jump on the new tech bandwagon, buying hot products like HDTVs, eight mega-pixel digital cameras and second generation 3G mobile phones. Over half of gay people prefer their gadgets to reflect their sense of style and individuality, compared to a third of straight people. 40% of gays admit investing a lot of money in new technology compared to a quarter of straights. Gay people are much more tech savvy than their straight counterparts, with half of all gay mobile users using many additional functionalities on their mobiles such as such as 3G, Bluetooth, viewing movie clips, compared to a third for straight people. The Outright Research programme identified three distinctive clusters of gay consumers. The first, labelled Gay Pods, apparently fill their apartments with the latest gadgets. They snap up products like the new black iPod Nano and are always amongst the first to buy the latest technology. They have Sky+, home cinema with Dolby 5.1 and a digital camera small enough to slip into your wallet. Reading tastes include the NME and Heat, they love going to concerts and spend a lot of time downloading music onto their 3G smart phones. The next classification, labelled Gay Style Setters, comprises men and women who give the gay community its reputation for trend-setting. These people are happy to spend beyond their means, like to stand out in a crowd, go to top clubs, work out and listen to cutting edge music. Finally, Gay Home Birds are comfortable with themselves and lifestyle, and watch the fashion obsessives from a distance, preferring to spend more wisely and choose more trusted products and tried and tested brands. They appreciate the value of companies like Easyjet, take a keen interest in current affairs and shop at Tescos. David Muniz, Commercial Director of GaydarRadio, commented: “The Outright Research project has delivered concrete facts showing the importance and power of gays and lesbians in the UK consumer tech market. Gay people embrace exciting, cutting edge technologies such as HDTV and home Wi-Fi networks. The Outright Research clearly shows that effective, creative and targeted gay media campaigns for consumer tech brands will deliver increased brand loyalty and ultimately a sustainable jump in sales.” Sarah Bridgman, Insight Manager at OMD Insight, added: “The Outright Research project has been a resounding success. Outright provides evidence of the importance of gay expenditure plays in the UK consumer technology landscape. The research shows that brands which have implemented gay friendly or gay specific campaigns have created a closer affinity to gay people and The black increased levels of brand loyalty Nano is a major hit on between them.” the gay scene, For further information contact: we're told 11 > SOUND & VISION EYE ON THE INDUSTRY QUALITY CONTROL The British Federation of Audio - the UK’s specialist AV consumer electronics trade body says it’s becoming increasingly apparent that consumers are not getting the enjoyment they could from their portable music devices or Hi-Fis. According to the BFA's latest report, there is considerable consumer apathy to high quality sound reproduction from popular contemporary portable media gadgets and today's music fans are happy to download and listen to low bit-rate music files – which often don't come close to conventional CD quality. The CD portable, meanwhile, despite offering a considerably higher quality of sound, is quickly losing ground to fashionable but generally poorer quality solid state or hard disk portable players. The BFA believes that downloads at inadequate bit-rates are causing the trend. Listening tests carried out by various members of the Federation, using a variety of MP3players, indicate that the standard recording rate of around 128kbits per second results in reproduction that is audibly inferior to CD by a significant margin – and demonstrably so. It is known that higher bit-rates of 256k and above deliver a far better performance... although still not as good as that from CD. None loss compression systems – such as Apple's Lossless still allow plenty of music to be stored on an iPod at a sound quality more akin to a budget specialist CD player. And the BFA is keen to encourage users using higher bit-rates to connect their portable music devices to their Hi-Fis, as the performance can be very good indeed. “The BFA is very pleased to see the renewed interest in music that mobile multi-media applications have stimulated and encourages music enthusiasts to pop into specialist Hi-Fi big It's t stores to hear just how good their music can h g i f t: sound,” says Stephen N Harris, the BFA nigh BFA s on Chairman. “We’re also urging our industry to try take ... to educate its customers into taking the time to set MP3 their portable music gadgets to the highest possible bit-rate and to make sound quality as high a priority as convenience. The difference in the overall sound experience is quite striking – and very rewarding.” For further information contact: + 44 (0) 142 871 4616 ONE IN A BILLION Highlighting the extent to which the audio world has changed over recent years, Apple has announced a landmark occurrence for its iTunes Music Store. On February 23rd, the onebillionth song was downloaded since its inception less than three years ago. It was Coldplay's Speed of Sound, purchased as part of the X&Y album package by Alex Ostrovsky from West Bloomfield, Michigan. To commemorate this stunning achievement, Apple awarded Alex a 20inch iMac, 10 fifth generation iPods and a $10,000 gift card good for any item on the iTunes Music Store. In addition, Apple will establish a scholarship to the world-renowned Julliard School of Music in his name to commemorate this milestone. “I hope that every customer, artist and music company executive takes a moment today to reflect on what we’ve achieved together during the past three years,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “Over one billion songs have now been legally purchased and downloaded around the globe, representing a major force against music piracy and the future of music distribution as we move from CDs to the Internet.” During its lifetime the iTunes stores has continued to evolve and now boasts pioneering features such as integrated video and Podcasting support, iMix playlist sharing, it seamlessly integrates with iPods and is typically easy to use. Current content available on it includes 3,500 music videos and Pixar short films, 35,000 podcasts, 16,000 audiobooks and more than two million songs from the major music companies and independent record labels. It has also established itself as the world’s most popular video download store with more than 15 million videos purchased and downloaded. With this in mind, it is no wonder that iPod enhancing accessories are proving big business for our industry as the moment, whilst innovative servers are growing in popularity, affording users the convenience to use their digital content around the home. For an insight into the former, turn to this month's feature where we unveil some of the finest options around. For further information contact: 12 GET FITTER! Vogels have introduced a new website to help consumers who have purchased an LCD or plasma screen, or resellers who want to advise customers, to choose the right mount for the screen. The website boasts a directory of all the current models of flat-screen TVs available on the market. All the important characteristics of each model – including its dimensions, weight, colour and fitting options – are listed. The website has the ability to cross reference this information with the specification of each Vogels mount, and inform the user of the best solutions available to them. Users are able to decide, as part of the process, how they want their screen to be fitted to the wall, with the site once again guiding them through their choices. This innovative tool for both the buyer and the salesman can be found at, and is available in Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. This site is the latest web-based innovation from Vogels, who also include and in their marketing arsenal. For further information contact: Samsung show off their OLED screen THE ORGANIC OPTION The Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation has announced that it has developed an organic lightemitting diode (OLED) device with the highest efficiency in the world in its new blue phosphorescence OLED material. The new OLED material, which can be produced by a lowercost, wet-coating process, is expected to open the way to the development of a new class of large flat-panel displays. Unlike LCD screens, OLED devices emit light when an electric current is applied and do not require a backlight to function. They consume less power, have a wider viewing angle and display a brighter image with a refresh rate that is a thousand times faster than LCDs. Current applications of OLED technology are limited to smaller display screens of mobile phones, car audio, portable music players and similar products, due to the difficulty in applying current OLED technologies to large screens. The evolution of Mitsubishi's OLED technology, however, promises to solve all this. Mitsubishi Chemical Group Science and Technology Research Center, Inc. (MCRC) has been developing materials, mainly phosphorescence-emitting layer material, suitable for manufacturing a thin, bright, large-screen display. Phosphorescent material has four times greater luminous efficiency in principle than that of fluorescent material, which is widely employed now. This higher efficiency of phosphorescence leads to low power consumption, which is critical for applications using larger screens such as flat-panel TVs. In addition, the wet-coating method enables low-cost processing and makes the fabrication of large-area screens practical – something which has proved to be difficult and expensive using standard vacuum deposition processes. "It is far superior to existing lines in terms of efficiency of phosphorescence emission. We expect to have early success in practical applications," said Dr. Junji Kido, a professor at Yamagata University and the internationally recognised lead scientist on the OLED project. Dr. Yoshimitsu Kobayashi, President and CEO of MCRC, stated: "This achievement is a milestone in the development of OLED technologies, because this enables OLED to be applied to flat-panel displays." MCC's research and development process is to continue, as its team pursues further improvements to its blue OLED material to guarantee a longer lifetime. With commercial products due for unveiling by the end of 2007, the prospects for this stunning technology continue to look good. Keep your eyes peeled for it... For further information contact: > SOUND & VISION OUT AND ABOUT Out And About IT'S ONE OF THE BUSIEST TIMES OF THE YEAR FOR OUR INDUSTRY AND HAMISH MCNAIRWILSON’S FEET HAVE BARELY TOUCHED THE GROUND IN 2006... Already it seems like an age ago, a hazy memory, lodged so deep within the most far flung reaches of my mind that it would take a few highly paid psychiatrists several weeks of intense work to extract. In reality, however, it was a little over a month back that I was invited down to Microsoft's private demonstration facility, LifeSquared... somewhere not too far from Chelsea Harbour. CALL IN THE PLUMBERS Having eventually found the place, hidden on a rather innocuous side street with less signage than a secret bunker, a sizeable chunk of the UK's home-making and electronics press were treated to a tour of a mock up business, town and home. All of this had been kitted out with Microsoft's latest technologies in order that we might comprehend what they can bring to the working, commercial and residential sectors in 2006. And there was a lot there for us to appreciate. The worker on the road we were introduced to showed us how to share diagrams with the office via a PDA and annotate them over the airwaves too; the X-Box 360 proved able to act as something considerably more dynamic than a simple console... and home life and office life seemed a veritable breeze thanks to the latest software from Bill Gates's empire. But that wasn't why we were there. We were there because Digital Plumbers were using the facility to launch themselves into the consciousness of every relevant UK journalist willing to listen. And when I heard they were a spin off of SMC – one of the leading lights of our CI and integration industry – I was all ears. “This is for ordinary people – not just geeks,” Martin Banks began, as Digital Plumbers confidently set their stall out. Having been frustrated by a marketplace beyond the reaches of the average person, this new concern claim to have created a wiring system offering the most flexibility and least complicated installation around. Its compact, wall-mountable hub costs only £500 and, thanks to its simplicity and some easy to follow instructions, can be fitted by an electrical contractor on site. It is hooked up to each room by lightweight cabling at a cost of only about £50 per room. With this in place users can enjoy a range of benefits including whole-house audio, transported from their central stereo to the remainder of their home from whichever discreet speakers they choose; they can also have Sky, Freeview Digital Plumbers are on the move signals and the internet in any room, have remote access to scene-setting lighting and garner peace of mind from an easy to monitor security system. In essence, Digital Plumbers will prepare a home for the smart age at minimal cost, providing their customers with many of the benefits of the smart era without much of the expense or upheaval. And, thanks to the expertise their main men Steve Moore and Martin Banks have gained through their many years at SMC, Digital Plumbers know the smart world inside out. FILM 2006 Of course, while we hope to see affordable smart homes springing up everywhere in the not too distant future, the vast majority of those we encounter are better suited to the self-indulgent film star than the local estate agent's window here on the hard streets of Essex. The same could be said of the red carpet at a film festival, but thanks to the generous team at Canon an excited batch of the UK press got to slip into their glad rags and strut up it at the recent Berlin Film Festival. As a sponsor of the event, the company used it as a platform to introduce their latest product ranges, which included a number of projectors. The launch took place in the Canon dome, a temporary structure located a stone’s throw away from the Checkpoint Charlie on an industrial site that certainly had the feel of no-man's land. Three additions to the XEED range were on show – the flagship, professionally-inclined SX6, the XEED SX60 (which would make an excellent home cinema solution) and the SX50, which joins the range as an entry level option. From here it was off to the main to event to witness the first showing of Michael Winterbottom's telling tale of three British citizens captured by the American army in Afghanistan, before being transferred to Guantanamo bay where they Make Canon's XEED SX60 at home were held, tortured and eventually released without trial. Road To Guantanamo was a thought provoking piece of work that raised a multitude of questions and fully deserved the standing ovation it was greeted with. A tour of Berlin and some fine food completed an enthralling trip, during which Canon asserted their ambitions in the home cinema market. SMART MOVE The last port of call on my calendar this month was Birmingham, where the latest Smart Home Show was taking place at the NEC. This may have been born out of the Home Buildings And Renovation Show, but it is rapidly becoming a buzzing event in its own right. Our sister publication SmartLife International had a stand at the show and this gave us an opportunity to meet a huge number of visitors. The vast majority of those present seemed genuinely interested in the benefits the lifestyle technology around them could bring and were eagerly moving from stand to stand lapping up information on how they could enhance their home. An array of companies from our industry made the trip with installation specialists like SmartComm pimping their services and CI distributors RGB Communications showing off great products like AMX's MAX and projectiondesign's latest projectors. Transparent Distribution's stand proved a highlight for many, as here droves of homeowners with a sense of style were introduced to the Waterfall's stunning selection of speakers. The reaction, we were told, was fantastic. It was great to see an event so well attended and enthusiasm so rife – if it continues to improve with the rapidity it has thus far the Smart Home Show will have a huge role in taking the smart word to the right people. Roll on the next one... Waterfall's finest floorstanders caused quite a stir at the NEC 13 7KHPDLQDWWUDFWLRQ E P G 7KH:RUOG·V0RVW$GYDQFHG'LJLWDO5DGLR DMX-50 ZZZSXUHFRP OASIS + ChargePAK ™ R E A D Y Tri-Band USB UPGRADEABLE Digital Output DTM-300 :RUOG/HDGHUVLQ'$%GLJLWDOUDGLR SHOW REVIEW Day Of West Having taken on both the elements and the public transport system, a battle weary HAMISH McNAIRWILSON eventually made it to one of Bristol's finest Sound & Vision shows to date... I've never been a fan of the Pet Shop Boys, but there is one time in the year I pay heed to their most famous mantra and go west. It is, of course, the last weekend of February when the great, the good and a fair few others from the UK's AV industry descend upon Bristol's Marriott hotel to get an insight into what the year has in store for the world of home entertainment. It is here that many of the revelations first unveiled over at Las Vegas's CES make their UK debut and those journalists who didn't make it across the pond simply have to be in Bristol. As anyone who regularly makes the trip will tell you, this show is one of the most important on our calendar – it would have to be to drag the likes of us that far outside of the M25! Well attended by exhibitors, the trade and the public, for the duration of the show the tightly packed corridors and communal areas positively pulsate with activity. From the bar right up to the Presidential Suite, this year it proved a hive of activity, with business being done, company credit cards being strained and the most attuned ears and eyes being tested by some cutting edge kit. The first port of call for me was floor 10 and the aforementioned Presidential Suite, which had been taken over by SIM2 for the duration of the event. The Italian projector manufacturer's UK team was out in force, with two dedicated demonstration rooms up and running to highlight the ability of their latest and greatest home cinema projectors. Of particular note for us was the HT3000, which was making its European debut at the show, having been previewed over in the States earlier in the year. A healthy collection of our AV press made it to the grand unveiling, where we were talked through its strengths and then given the opportunity to judge them in action. A 1080p model, it includes Texas Instruments' next generation DLP chipset. Relatively compact, the single chip model, the HT3000 weighs only 11kg and benefits from SIM2's unique Alpha Path light engine which helps to keep it in trim. It has been carefully dressed with an ultra modern look and, as the SIM2 chaps quipped, bares a passing resemblance to Darth Vader's mask. In operation it does indeed cross over to the Dark Side with the staggering contrast ratio ensuring its blacks are indeed black and the graduation of colours defined and detailed. Indeed, in the high-definition footage we were shown, smooth, sharp images were evident throughout, with the projector making a serious case for itself. SIM2's commitment to quality shines through in both its performance and What Hi-Fi's HDTV demo proved popular The punters arrive on cue... specification, which includes 10-bit DSP processing and offers significant improvements over the industry standard 8-bit. The HT3000 will be available next month and, when it hits the market at £9,000, it’s sure to prove a popular choice. screen play From the dizzy heights of the tenth floor it was a question of working my way down and around the rest of the show... and as usual there was an awful lot to take in. It was at the opposite end of the Marriott where another of the bestreceived products was making its UK debut. KEF's KHT3005 is the latest incarnation of the range of small, curvy speakers that helped to redefine the multi-channel home cinema speaker market. Taking the performance of its predecessors to the next level and dressed in a thoroughly slick look, this compact package was up, running and making the right impression on the public. In fact, had it been available many claimed they would have snapped it up there and then… On the ground floor What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision had set up an HDTV demonstration suite capable of overpowering any other at the show. And herein they had a high capacity projector whirling out through-the-window images for the populace. But what is a projector without a projector screen? Not a lot, as continental firm Beamax were out to prove just around the corner. Making their debut at the Bristol show, these guys have quickly built up a sizeable dealer base in UK, turning it into their biggest export market in just two years. Their success has been built on a combination of a great product range and the incredible efficiency with which they operate. Of particular note on their stand was the X2 series, a new range of entry-level screens designed to accompany portable projectors. Available in a number of sizes and aspect ratios, these screens are light, easy to carry and can be bundled with a projector, giving your buyers an instant route to home cinematic splendour. The incredibly innovative ArtSoundScreen was also there for all to see and it really caught the eye thanks to its winning combination of aural and visionenhancing abilities and incredible discreetness. You won't find any more original approaches to projector screen production than this dynamic home cinema solution. Just around the corner from the Beamax stand, furniture specialists Blok were showing off a grand selection of cabinets and racks which really stood out from the crowd. In an industry dominated by gleaming metals and translucent glass, Blok are prepared to go against the grain, producing high 15 SHOW REVIEW imagination…Nestling on a shelf, subtly and discreetly, was the NX-A01 – a tiny square speaker that combines with a docking station to offer a surprisingly sonorous and detailed relay of an iPod's content. We eagerly await its release. In the meantime, however, Monitor Audio remain one of the leaders of this relatively new market thanks to their popular iDeck. This stereo system was on show once again, with a brand new, all-black option making an appearance. The freshly dressed model has been introduced to cater for the needs of the growing number of black iPods and this, like its lighter sibling, also allows users to customise its look thanks to the inclusion changeable, coloured grills. They'd certainly packed them in upstairs and just a little further along I came across the Opposition Group, who were busy taking their message to an intrigued audience. Products on show here included the Hifidelio Wireless Music Center – an innovative piece of kit with an 80GB hard drive that can also act as a network hub. Users can rip their music collections to it, compressing them where they feel the need and not compressing them if committed to the highest quality of audio. Blessed with an array of attractive features, this will automatically source out track and artist information of its content. Bristol provided an ideal opportunity for the UK distributors to introduce the traditional audiophiles to the future of music management and we can only hope they paid attention. Abbey Road's latest cables were also on show on this stand – remarkably light and founded on expertise and knowledge learned in and applied from the professional sector, they have clearly been a labour of love for their manufacturer. Having already been embraced by many industry insiders, and now commercially available through the Opposition Group, these are proving a real hit. Having taken a closer look at them on my travels, it's easy to see why. PURE Digital continue to lead the UK's DAB market and invariably put in a strong showing at industry events like this. No other company is as prolific when it comes to unleashing new products and innovative technologies pertaining to Digital Audio Broadcasting. Bristol witnessed our first introduction in person to the Evoke-3 – the latest model dressed in that distinguished PURE look, encompassing every one of the advanced technologies the company have been introducing over the last couple of years. Think ReVu, think SD-card support, think USB upgradability, an EPG and more. The CHRONOS was also on show and proving itself to be an awakening choice with enough alarms in its arsenal to wake me up on time – and believe you me, that's a challenge many have faltered with. Yes, I'll be getting my hands on one forthwith... For those seeking the optimum in home cinema, there was no by-passing NAD... quality, smoothly finished wooden furnishings sure to appeal to those with more traditional decorative leanings and befitting of the custom install market too. With a great deal of experience in producing furniture of every type behind them, this is a market the Blok team truly understand and there can be no doubt their luxurious looking cabinets drew the gaze of all who wandered past. Of course, the combination of glass and metal does remain en vogue and you'll need to give your buyers plenty of options in this area. Atacama were providing some of the most noteworthy of such modish solutions in the Marriott, having plucked a prime location for their stand, not far away from Blok. This homegrown manufacturer has claimed What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision's Best Accessory award the last two years running and its modular Equinox series remains a highly popular one with both Hi-Fi and home cinema users. Choice is imperative for the discerning buyer, so it was good to see Glasgow-based distributor Yello also in the house, showing off the highquality Germanic craftsmanship of the Spectoral and Just-Racks ranges they handle. The former have a huge range of chic metal and glass racks for every need, known for their high standards of build quality and commitment to safety. Just-Racks also make voguish stands, the simplicity of which makes them among the best priced on the market. Having also struck up a relationship with Hitachi, plenty of the trade flocked over to Yello to discover they can now supply any relevant product from this huge outfit catalogue. hands on deck Elsewhere on the ground floor Yamaha were making their presence felt. Over the last year or so we have become quite accustomed to seeing them at shows, with a demonstration suite on site to introduce visitors to the enrapturing abilities of their digital sound projectors... and the Bristol show continued in this vein. Of course they had a huge range of kit available, but it was these fine, discreet, ingenious and well-priced surround sound solutions that stood out once again, winning over whichever initial cynics lent them their ears. With new floor-standing speakers, flat-screen TVs and projectors all on the launchpad in 2006, it’s been a busy start to the year for Yamaha. But it was something a little smaller that really captured our Fujitsu's new flat-screen TVs vie for attention 16 the masters piece NAD's Masters Series had some serious pulling power at the event. Having won a huge amount of coverage across the AV press, both the trade and public were clambering to take a look at it in person. With several components available, put them together and they form one of the strongest home cinema and audio set-ups around. With up to seven powerful channels of sound available, full HDMI connectivity, HD-compatibility, an RS-232 port for the most advanced control and a universal disk-player at its heart, the Masters is as versatile and powerful a collection of components as you'll find - and it looks pretty hot too. With their C 445 DAB Tuner also on display for the first time, there was no passing NAD by. This has been designed to extract every ounce of musicality from digital broadcasts and it'll certainly make an impression. Lexicon are another company who have made a name for themselves by producing high quality home theatre systems and, thanks to CSE Solutions, there was a chance to catch up with their kit at Bristol. For those with an interest in the high-end of home entertainment, they were another must. With projector manufacturer InFocus also on the CSE books, stopping off here gave visitors a genuine insight into the possibilities in home cinema. Linn always make at impression in the West Country thanks to their prime location and properly coordinated listening sessions. 2006's event gave the team a chance to preview their new MAJIK System – a dedicated analogue collection of components designed for audiophiles with puritanical tendencies. And there were plenty about in the Marriott to appreciate it. Capable, Linn told us, of revitalising any CD or vinyl collection through its sheer simplicity and focus on delivering the best musical performance possible, it benefits from 30years of experience in sound reproduction. Comprising the MAJIK CD player, MAJIK KONTROL pre-amplifier and MAJIK 2100 power amplifier, this set-up should put the life back into two-channel and even allows its sounds to be broadcast around the home when combined with the KNEKT multi-room system. Both style and sound were certainly evident in Ruark's rooms, where two very different types of speaker were getting a public airing. Their Vita Symphony range has received a fair amount of press on these pages in recent months and here the public were able to put it to the test. Ultra sleek, yet smooth and impacting, it would have impressed all with up-to-theminute tastes and an ear for quality. And, for the more traditional audiophiles, there were the latest incarnations of the Sabre and Talisman ranges to catch up with. With Tivoli's cutting edge DAB and iPodenhancing systems also on show, there was plenty to see here and something for everyone. REL is always a company that inspires the listener who likes to tweak their system to the optimum and this renowned subwoofer manufacturer have put all of their award-winning abilities into their latest wares. And of course while the show has fully embraced the visual world, its long stated commitment to the most innovative audio remains intact. Continental team SIM2 step over to the Dark Side... Canton were another speaker manufacturer reporting a successful show, with an enticing selection at their disposal including elegant flat-screen accompanying speakers through to the truly absorbing, freshly redesigned ERGO Series. Jamo, whose products are now available in the UK via BBG Distribution, also had plenty to shout about, with the cutting edge design work of their Reference R 909s causing a stir. Yamaha's sleek iPod system shows the firm to be boxing clever once again Idioteque on one of the firm's incredible turntables. This time around, however, I was there to see some representatives of names like Meridian and Arcam discuss the respective merits of Blu-ray and HD-DVD – or, more to the point, condemn the brewing and potentially damaging format war that is emerging between the two camps. The industry, it seems, is deeply fearful that high-definiton visuals will go the same way as the highdefinition audio formats SACD and DVD-Audio – i.e down the swanny. However, once HD hits the airwaves its very apparent advantages will be there for all to see, rather than hidden away in specialist shops where they have to be hunted out, so it may not be the time to worry so much quite yet. And in the meantime, of course, there are plenty of superb DVD-players to concern ourselves with... All in all Bristol proved a great show for us and certainly restated its position as one of the most important of its kind on the calendar, as it continues to effectively evolve with a home entertainment market in constant flux. Not only did it succeed in dragging people out of and away from the capital for a weekend – more international distributors than ever were also spotted doing the rounds. The numbers were up on both the Friday and Sunday and most exhibitors we spoke to were more than happy with the quality and quantity of attendees. Our friends at Beamax have already snapped up 10 new dealers as a result of their stand, KEF reported an overwhelming response to their new KHT system from the public and press alike - and secured the best multi-channel demonstration award from the BFA for their efforts to boot while Tannoy's Max Maude claimed he'd never seen so many people at the show. With testimonials like this, we're already looking forward to the show's 20th birthday celebrations next year. The Marriott has been booked for February 25th-27th 2007 and no doubt the bars of Bristol will be buzzing with AV folk once again. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The usual suspects: the industry experts who gave the press an insight into the HD format wars at Bristol... new ears resolution For those seeking something a little more compact, Meridian's latest active monitors, the M3100s, were more than worthy of a closer look. These versatile models have that characteristic tone we associate with this respected manufacturer and the quality to impress those with a taste for the high-end. But if it was true originality and innovation in design terms you were after, there was no passing the Resolution Loudspeakers room by. Here the company's founder Nick Le Feuvre could be found enthusiastically expounding the benefits of his newly patented SUHTL technology, which many visitors agreed delivered some of the clearest, truest sounds they'd ever heard. Having surveyed the opinions of all who listened, Nick was delighted at the reception his labour of love received. For the ladies and gentlemen of the press there is always little more to experience than the product demonstrations and come five o'clock on the Friday we were herded back to the Wilson Benesch room, which I'd previously been lured into by a stunning presentation of Radiohead's 17 > SOUND & VISION ALL THE AV NEWS FIT TO PRINT What’s New? COMPILED BY SARAH ADCOCK WHAT’S NEW ‘S ROUND-UP OF ALL THE VERY LATEST PRODUCT NEWS BLACK FOR GOOD British loudspeaker guru Monitor Audio has been making a major name for itself with hip young consumers across the land thanks to the style and practicality of its iPod docking, stereo solution, the i-deck. This has swiftly become one of the best known systems of its ilk, accruing major awards along the way. And now it has been revitalised with a striking new makeover. Paying heed to the growing popularity of black iPods – which account for some 70% of new sales, we’re told - the ideck has stepped over to the Dark Side... and it looks incredibly classy for it. Featuring the same cutting edge technologies inside that made the original i-deck such a hit with reviewers, it retains the changeable grills and will confidently turn any compatible iPod – including a Nano – into a Hi-Fi capable of filling the room. For further information contact: +44 (0) 126 874 0580 THE IN CROWD An innovative cantilever stand branded In Stand is being manufactured for Yorkshire-based firm In Store Electrics Ltd. Unique features include its unprecedented no quibble 10-year guarantee, excluding the glass. With only one year conventionally handed out, clearly its manufacturers have some serious confidence in their design. This was confirmed by Bill Kent, In Store's MD, who drew our attention to some of the weaknesses of many products of this type available on the market today. Any that rely on glass sandwiched between mdf or steel, he reminded us, could at some future date fail. Complete structural integrity can only be achieved with a separate metal structure which does not stress the glass components and that is exactly what In Stand offers. It isn't just a robust model that's built to last, however, it’s attractive and practical too, thanks in part to its beautifully curved glass profile which will afford users easy access even when it's housed in a corner. Ease of construction is a further boon, with its screens hung by two clever universal clips which are compatible with all makes of TV. The lower part of the screen is also secured by two adjusters without the need for a bottom bar - something which doesn't suit all makes because of tuner bulges. As a result the In Stand will cater for virtually every need... and it is competitively priced too. With the option of a platinum silver stand with clear class (Model ST36) or a black gloss finish with darkened glass (Model ST36b) available, buyers will be able to choose which of the two voguish looks bets fits their interior. And, no matter which you feel you prefer, we're sure they'll both prove popular. For further information contact: +44 (0) 127 466 0196 18 OFF THE SHELF Black finishes seem to be where it’s at these days and Optimum International aren’t a company to be caught behind the times. As a result the firm is now offering its entire Fusion LCD range – one of its best selling – with gloss black glass shelving. This complements the polished chrome support rods creating a look that quite simply exudes style and sophistication. The range comprises of four modular stands, designed for flat-screen TVs of up to 50-inches in size. Each comes with up to four shelves, forged from 10mm toughened polished safety glass, features an integrated cable management system and has been designed to make the most of the space available to the buyer. For further information contact: +44 (0) 190 469 0089 WHAT’S NEW BRIMFUL OF FEATURES ON THE 45 Sagem seem to be on a mission to make enthralling home cinema affordable to all and the Axium HD-D45F DLP HD Ready TV is the latest manifestation of this. That the DLP-TV market is a growing phenomenon is beyond doubt and Sagem are one of the biggest players in the game. Their latest contribution should ensure continued success when it hits the market, as it will afford viewers a immersing 45-inches of high-definition pictures for only £1,199. Dressed in a slick silver finish, the HD-D45F is just 34cm deep allowing it to slip comfortably into any living space. Texas Instrument’s superior HD4 DLP chip brings its known quality to the pictures which boast a 2,000:1 contrast ratio and an impressively high resolution. Meanwhile, with an HDMI input in its rear, with HDCP management control, this model will be ready to rock when HD hits the airwaves. Feature ridden too, it comes equipped with an integrated digital receiver, providing users with immediate access to FreeView services, and a photocard reader with slideshow, thumbnail and 90-degree rotation capabilities to view that digital family album. You certainly couldn’t demand anything more for the money... For further information contact: +44 (0) 870 343 1111 PACKING IT IN Marantz’s spanking new DV6600 made quite an impression over at CES. This striking DVD-player uses the latest in video technology to deliver truly outstanding images. Faroudja’s DCDi processing, an HDMI 1.1 interface, video scaling circuitry capable of outputting 720p and 1080i video signals, PAL and NTSC Progressive Scan, as well as an ADV7322 216MHz/11-bit DAC from respected manufacturer Analog Devices, are all crammed into its ultra sleek shell. The serious construction rewards users with serious performance in the high-definition audio formats as well as in DVD playback, making the DV6600 something of a snip at £350. For further information contact: +44 (0) 175 368 0868 > SOUND & VISION ALL THE AV NEWS FIT TO PRINT MODEL GOOD LOOKS ON THE EGG SON Eclipse’s mission to refresh its range of speakers is ongoing and this month sees the release of the new TD508IIs, which replace the TD508s in their catalogue. These smaller sibblings of the speakers we featured last month serve up incredibly pure sounds and can be deployed in either a stereo, multi-channel or installation environment. Naturally they boast the distinctive, organic, egg-shaped enclosures that Eclipse rely upon to minimise the colouration of sounds... and look stunning into the bargain. Registering a 10% improvement in transient/impulse response over their predecessors, a new spiked energy earth path, more efficient magnet structure and freshly developed high density zinc internal components to improve dynamics, there is no doubt these smaller speakers are better than ever. They hit the market at £600 a pair. At last month’s Sound & Vision show NAD launched its first DAB Tuner, Model C445. Built upon the brand’s famous core values of performance, value and simplicity, this benefits from the inclusion of many of the high-grade parts used in the company’s renowned CD-players. The inclusion of an audiophile level DAC highlights the extent to which the firm have gone to in order to draw every nuance of detail out of digital broadcasts. With an FM and AM tuner also included for good measure, the C445 exudes all the quality its £350 price tag would suggest, making it a worthy addition to any stack of separates. For further information contact: +44 (0) 190 831 9360 For further information contact: +44 (0) 207 328 4499 SWITCHING SIDES Oehlbach, a new face in the UK industry, have bought some impressive products across from the continent and their HDMI switching boxes rank amongst the most appreciable. These are, the firm expound, the best of their type on the market as the only ones with a repeater/booster and auto-sensing. Built to cater for serious AV systems, the high quality two-way XXL 2100 and four-way XXL 4100 1080p can be fitted and then forgotten about. They sell for £395 and £595 respectively and perform with aplomb, helping to ensure the hardware in a home theatre can perform at its optimum. For further information contact: REMAKING A CLASSIC REASSURINGLY INEXPENSIVE OmniMount is arguably the biggest name in the US AV furniture market and, on the basis of the Stellar stand seen here, it is easy to see why. Strong, robust, yet sleek and suave in its looks, this low profile, patent-pending design comes forged in high-grade steel. Its scratch resistant, polished-edge tempered glass top shelf will hold kit weighing up to a staggering 113kg, ensuring it’ll take the largest of flat-screen TVs and a whole lot more for fun. With prices starting at a thoroughly affordable £250, this is one Stellar that won’t make its name for being reassuringly expensive. It is, however, reassuringly tough and sexy to boot. For further information contact: 20 Acoustic Energy are to take a step back in time by re-releasing their AE1 compact minimonitor in its original, classic form. The AE1 was a must-have product in the audiophile community in the late 1980s and early 1990s as it rewrote the rule book on speakers of this size. Now available once again, and at a truly inflation busting £845 per a pair, it is sure to be a hit, with Abbey Road Studios, Mick Hucknall, Seal and Roger Waters all fans of the model. While progress has undoubtedly been made in speaker production the core principles of accuracy, transparency and listening ease which underlie the AE1’s design remain... and it excels in each of these areas. Despite its age, the purity of sounds will be sure to impress. For further information +44 (0) 128 565 4432 RAISE YOUR GLASS While it is a flat-screen TV that invariably sells before its stand, we shouldn't forget that an attractive rack can, have alluring qualities and reap considerable extra revenue for its sales staff. While it is often given a secondary priority status for revenue generation, visually striking furniture can be worked into other sales in which it will secure the dealership a healthier margin. The Danberg DBFG300 float glass stand, just introduced to the UK market by Top Stands Ltd of Leicester, is one product likely to achieve all this. Top Stands are an audio-visual products distributor who plan to make a big impact on the growing support market and with this stand in their arsenal their prospects of achieving their objectives look great. As the flagship product of an expansive catalogue of TV supports they've taken on, there is more to the Danberg DBFG300 than its elegant, modish look. Top Stands source out kit built to the highest standards and as a result highly tempered glass and high-grade aluminium make the cut here. The style and functionality comes matched with considerable durability. As the sole distributor for this brand new range of LCD and Plasma TV supports in the UK, Top Stands is striving to echo the outstanding success attained by these products in Europe and North America. And they're off to a great start too, snapping up new dealers across the country as we speak, eager to represent a collection of products that offers unusual quality at commercial prices in addition to those all important, attractive margins. If you want to join them, get in touch – if the Danberg DBFG30 is anything to go by, it could be a very wise move. For further information contact: +44 (0) 116 289 3756 > SOUND & VISION ALL THE AV NEWS FIT TO PRINT KEEPING ACTIVE At Bristol renowned audio innovator Meridian launched an elegant, compact and high performance active analogue speaker – the M3100. Able to operate in a high-end Hi-Fi set up, or in a multi-channel environment alongside a matching centre speaker, this bookshelf model can be either stand mounted or wall mounted depending on its user’s needs. Formed from a combination of aluminimum and wood, its attractive cabinet ensures vibration is kept to a minimum, while a host of top notch technological tweaks ensure it is every bit worthy of operating alongside the stunning Meridian G series of components it has been aesthetically matched to. The M3100s will sell for £1,845 a pair and a DSP version is also available. For further information contact: +44 (0) 148 044 5678 CRYSTAL CLEAR The Greeks may not be renowned for their aesthetic sensibilities, but they soon will be if Crystal Audio’s range of speakers is anything to judge them on. This firm is taking its first steps into the UK’s AV market as we speak and it certainly has some attractive product to offer. Having spent years producing speakers for other companies, finally Crystal Audio is getting the credit it deserves for its own craft and this £800, slimline system is sure to raise their profile on these shores. Meet the SmArt 4! For further information contact: DOUBLE D! O’Heocha make some of the most distinctive and original speakers ever produced and the D2 Saturns are the latest manifestation of the firm’s endeavours. These three-way, curvaceous stunners hit the market next month and are sure to cause a stir. Already we’ve seen them grabbing the headlines in major consumer titles and to say they are eagerly anticipated is something of an understatement. Characterised not only by their looks, but by impressive performance across the frequency range, they are sure to sound as high-end as their £5,000 a pair price tag would suggest. Innovative in every area, they can be fitted with O’Heocha Power Modules, rendering them both active and wireless, making them that little bit extra practical too. For further information contact: +35 391 558 030 RELEASE THE ENDORPHINS There is the high-end and then there is the considerably higher-end, and it is the latter where the Pathos Endorphin comfortably sits, an all-singing, all-dancing embodiment of an entirely compromise free design, where the designers have allowed their most indulgent streaks to run wild. A stunning piece of kit in every way, it hits the UK this month and offers sounds the like of which you may never have heard before. Its incredibly modern look is equally striking and should be sufficient to make emotional audiophiles weep, particularly when it’s burned a £4,500-shaped hole in their pockets. For further information contact: 22 MP3-PLAYER ACCESSORIES Waiting For Pod The time for talking is over. These days, for those on the move, an MP3-player is an essential companion. SAM FULLER shows how your customers can make a whole lot more of theirs... Ever since the original Walkman came onto the market the demand for music on the move has grown; and our manufacturers have responded, evolving the idea with innovation after innovation. Portable CD-players came and went, the MiniDisc had a brief reign at the top and the audio cassette player constantly evolved in order to keep its share of the pie alive. However, then the digital age gradually emerged, conquering all, as the solid state audio-player blew everything else away. More commonly known as the MP3-player, but invariably capable of playing a little more, the ability to store a considerable amount of music on a genuinely pocket-sized piece of equipment truly struck a chord with a buying public always willing pay for convenience. Thus while the audiophiles sat around, holed up inside their dark, acoustically damped enclaves bemoaning the compression techniques and a loss of quality, Apple and their peers cleaned up as mobile young people the world over splashed their cash. The most famous player of its ilk is, of course, the iPod – a ubiquitous product which has even spawned new words in its wake. Now available in a host of ever more able and powerful options, it has blazed the kind of trail that would have overwhelmed many manufacturers, leaving them weak at the knees. Of course, strong competition remains and this has helped to drive the market, stimulating the development of fresh features. And the capacity of the players has grown concurrently, with users able to store substantial chunks of their music collections on board their diminutive player of choice. With this the case, it was never going to be long before more could be made of them and right now the accessory market is booming, with a multitude of products available bringing those meticulously downloaded digital audio files to a more expansive audience. The time has come to embrace this increasingly key end of the audio market and where better to gain an insight into what's available than here? Yes, from the smallest speakers you'll find for those who travel so light they'll positively glide to docking stations capable of hooking a player up to a whole-house network, it's all here. 24 TIVOLI AUDIO iSONGBOOK Tivoli Audio are known for their high quality radios, but it is the iSongbook that should make a name for the firm in 2006. This portable radio offers listeners a whole lot more thanks to its neat, flip-down iPod docking station. Slip in any model right down to the Nano, hook up at the detachable speaker and surprisingly full, rich stereo sounds will be heard. Styled to match our industry's most distinctive portable players, the iSongbook certainly looks the part. And with a typically impressive radio and an alarm clock included, it has enough dynamism to justify its £299.99 price tag. Contact: +44 (0) 170 260 1410 TIVOLI AUDIO iPAL Projecting the sounds of an iPod might be a fairly straightforward thing, but ensuring they are up to scratch takes a little more effort. However, Tivoli Audio is a firm likely to meet with the approval of those with discerning ears. Having produced many a legendary radio the company certainly has the credentials and, as one of the elder statesmen of this market, the iPal bears them out. An entirely portable speaker and radio system, it is founded on the abilities of the renowned Model PAL radio and brings the clarity of this to the MP3 world. Weighing in at a paltry 2lbs, buyers will be able to take this £139.99 option wherever they roam. Contact: +44 (0) 170 260 1410 INTEMPO DIGITAL iDS SERIES Intempo Digital haven't been in the speaker market for long, but they've certainly made an impression. The company's iDS Series of docking stations burst onto the scene with a bang, hastily pushing the firm up the rankings, and according to independent statisticians they are already one of the biggest players in the market. For less than £30, this sleek station will bring two-channels of 6W to virtually any iPod or whatever other portable audio device a user chooses to hook up. Stunning value, versatility, style and decent sound all come as standard, making the iDS a surefire hit on the shelf. Contact: LOGITECH WIRELESS MUSIC SYSTEM Logitech's Wireless Music System is a handy way of getting the best out of any portable music device using an existing speaker system. Using their Music Anywhere wireless technology, it is a plug and play solution that delivers a reliable connection with the utmost convenience. It comprises a music transmitter, which slips into the headphone port, and a music receiver that plugs into a home stereo receiver or multimedia speakers through an RCA port or a 3.5 mm jack. With these deployed users will be able to use their iPod from a range of up to 10 metres, through the speakers in their home entertainment set-up. For a mere £99.99 this offers the potential of some genuinely absorbing sounds. Contact: +44 (0) 175 387 0900 LOGITECH MM50 Logitech's mm50's is an iPodspecific docking station of some merit. Its combination of customised iPod features, an appreciable quality of sound and built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery certainly make it a functional option. When powered through an AC adapter it simultaneously charges both the iPod battery and the speaker battery, giving users up to 10 hours playing time when on the move. The inclusion of Max-X high-excursion drivers, which include neodymium magnets, 3-inch pressure drivers and 3D Stereo technology all help this to sound more expensive than its £99.99 tag would suggest. Contact: +44 (0) 175 387 0900 OREGON SCIENTIFIC MUSIC SPHERE One accessory that certainly stands out from the crowd is Oregon Scientific's WRS368 Music Sphere. This well-rounded, modish looking option is as innovative as it looks thanks to the inclusion of 2.4GHz Wi-Fi technology. It comes with the option of an iPod dock, allowing users to simply slot home their player and go about their business, taking the spherical speaker with them. Thanks to the wireless technology, they can roam anything up to 30 metres from their product, whilst remaining privy to a thoroughly acceptable depth of 2.1 sounds. This particularly stylish solution is one of the most convenient on the market and prices start at only £180. Contact: +44 (0) 871 122 1966 ACOUSTIC ENERGY AEGO M-SYSTEM While many firms have opted to embrace the docking station, Acoustic Energy have plumped for a more versatile solution. The M-System is the latest incarnation of the Aego range and draws its impacting sounds from any MP3-player, a PSP or whatever your buyer chooses to run through it. Two coolly styled satellites and a hefty subwoofer with bass adjustment make up the package. The solidly built speakers are forged from heavyalloy, allowing this system to pack quite a punch. This instant party package offers exceptional value at £99, with the sounds everything you'd expect from Acoustic Energy and the fabled Aego moniker. Contact: 25 MP3-PLAYER ACCESSORIES TEAC CR-H255 This particularly functional addition to TEAC's Reference 250 series may look like a high-quality micro Hi-Fi component, but don't you worry – it is all that and more. Not only does it offer a rich reproduction of sound from CDs and a smooth relay of DAB signals; it also includes a USB port and MP3/WMA encoding and decoding. Hook up any portable player with these files on board and the user will have instant access to its content, via the remote and – most impressively – full on-fascia track, album and artist information. TEAC's renowned performance at 25W per channel is sufficient to help any MP3-player rock the room. Contact: MONITOR AUDIO i-DECK Monitor Audio is a name synonymous with innovation and high quality sounds and the awardwinning i-DECK effectively combines these with populist sensibilities. Originally launched last year in silver-grey and now available in black, a number of coloured changeable grills are available allowing buyers to customise its look to their tastes. Boasting genuine stereo sound, with great performance at every level, it is everything you'd expect from one of the most reputable names in the speaker business. Available for £249.99 it will dock virtually every iPod and boasts an audio input for other devices. Contact: JAMO i300 Jamo claim their i300 will turn an iPod into the heart of a home entertainment system, offering true Hi-Fi quality performance into the bargain. And this stand-alone, powered, 2.1 speaker system is worthy of that boast. Comprising an iPod control dock, a meaty active subwoofer and two compact satellite loudspeakers, it is both sonorous and stylish. In addition to docking an iPod, an extra auxiliary input on the rear panel of this universal well and one on the sub make it capable of a whole lot more. The solid, twoway, magnetically shielded speakers highlight what a precision model this is, worthy of the £299.99 investment. Contact: +44 (0)192 320 5605 ONKYO DS-A1 Onkyo's DS-A1 RI Dock for the iPod was released last year to great acclaim from the industry. This clever mechanism creates an immediate interface between Onkyo's AV components and one of Apple's finest, allowing users to directly control its content via their conventional Onkyo remote. The combination of this convenience and Onkyo's renowned quality of reproduction has already made the DS-A1 a hit. Capable of interacting with every element of an Onkyo setup and even relaying photos through a home cinema system onto the screen, this is a digital media device of some merit and a snip at £60. Contact: +44 (0) 149 468 1515 26 GEAR4 POCKETPARTY V2 For quirky iPod accessories that prove functional too, GEAR4 have to be considered one of the first ports of call. The brand new PocketParty V2 is a tiny, cable-free, 1W, 52g, stereo speaker that runs off a single AA battery, without draining an iPod's power. Slotting into the dock connector with the greatest of ease, for £24.99 this brings sound to an audience wherever they are. Couple this with GEAR4's PocketPower, a diminutive battery recharger and reserve power pack usable anywhere, and you'll have an excellent box of tricks to offer any iPod sporting customers. Contact: DENON SMART LIFE SERIES For an all-encompassing home entertainment system that pays homage to the significance of the iPod to today’s consumer, you'd struggle to look beyond Denon. The S-101 and S-103 home theatre systems feature a top-notch universal diskplayer, sleek elegant speakers and a smoothly finished subwoofer. However, in addition to their obvious abilities these relatively high-end components interact fully with any iPod, via a straightforward connection, the remote control and a familiar and intuitive on-screen iPod-esque interface. The Smart Life Series brings those roving sounds home. Contact: +44 (0) 175 368 8499 GEAR4 HOUSEPARTY GEAR4's HouseParty has the ability to instantly turn every iPod (yes, even the Shuffle) into a mini stereo system, delivering two channels of 6W of sound. Compact and slickly styled, a new, limited edition model has recently been launched, colour-matched to the black iPods growing in popularity these days. It is also capable of synchronising with a PC via a USB port and charges the iPod when it is docked. Retailing at only £49.99, it is an excellent option for those on a budget and would make a fine addition to the kids’ bedroom. Contact: BOSE SOUNDDOCK Bose are a big name with a suitably big advertising budget, so when it comes to brand awareness these boys are up there with the best of them. As a result the SoundDock - viewed by many as the product that created this market - has been plastered over the pages of the national press for what seems like an eternity and there is still a lot of life left in it. By producing natural, balanced sounds from a conveniently docked iPod, it has won over the hordes and inspired a multitude of limitators. And, at £250, it's still worth every penny. Contact: +44 (0) 800 781 1081 AUDICA MPS1 The MPS1 from Audica has been built for those with the most discerning ears, delivering 25W of pure sounds from iPods, MP3-players and PCs. Quality is evident throughout its construction, with the gleaming extruded aluminium speakers a cut above the average. These employ high-tech 50mm drive units and come rigidly built and smoothly structured to produce some of the best clarity sounds you'll find in this marketplace. A versatile system, the MPS1 features three inputs (including an extra sensitive one) as well USB and FireWire connectors and sells for around £250. Contact: +44 (0) 148 083 9239 ECLIPSE TD LULET Convinced it's impossible to extract high-end sounds from the compressed files stored on an MP3-player? Well, the Lulet line-up from Eclipse's TD speaker range seeks to challenge all that. Borrowing from the array of innovative technologies used in its renowned larger siblings, the organically structured, egg-shaped 307PA speakers deliver the kind of rich, detailed sounds that are synonymous with this brand. Deployed alongside the 316SW subwoofer and the dedicated amplifier for the optimum performance, even the most ardent audiophile would struggle to knock this. Contact: +44 (0) 207 328 4499 27 MP3-PLAYER ACCESSORIES iPORT IN-WALL The In-Wall docking stations from innovative US firm iPort are amongst the most original ideas featured in this rundown. Designed for use in a custom installation, these will allow any iPod with the right connector to act as a server in its own right. They come equipped with an RS-232 module to allow interaction with other AV devices on an intelligent network and can afford the user the most advanced form of control of their content. With IR control also optional, iPort have created an ingenious route to deploying an iPod alongside a discreet AV system and recessed speakers. Contact: +44 (0) 127 950 1111 ALTEC LANSING INMOTION IM7 Altec Lansing are one of the most prolific manufacturers operating in the iPod accessorising market right now and the £199.99 inMotion IM7 is one of their finest options. Cradling the player between two powerful yet portable speakers with a subwoofer and a high efficiency digital amplifier, it brings that on-the-shoulder action of the classic 80s boombox to the MP3 generation. The key difference is that this looks and sounds a whole lot better, with the highly advanced neodymium drivers and tweeters and 50W of continuous power making their presence felt. Contact: +44 (0) 870 460 6060 YAMAHA NX-A01 Yamaha's NX-A01 is one of the very latest additions to this burgeoning marketplace, having been unveiled in the UK for the first at the recent Sound & Vision show in Bristol. This pint-sized cube features two 5W speakers firing in opposite directions and delivers a surprisingly full sound given its diminutive dimensions. Full range drivers are included, as is Swing Radiator – a unique Yamaha technology. Smoothly finished and capable of lending its abilities to either an iPod – through a docking station – or other players via a more conventional cable, it should prove a serious hit on its release. Contact: +44 (0) 192 323 3166 HARMAN KARDON BRIDGE harman/kardon's docking station, the Bridge, has been elegantly styled to match the firm's AVR 40 Series of receivers. Slot an iPod into this smooth solution and users will have the fullest access to its content via their system's remote control. They'll be able to spin through its content on screen, hear it reproduced in the quality that characterises this firm's products and even access it in other rooms if the AVR 340's multi-room abilities are used to their fullest. The Bridge also charges the iPod while it is in situ and hooks up to the rest of the system via a single cable. Contact: +44 (0) 208 731 4670 iPORT FS A sizeable array of free standing docks are available from iPort, each of which can lend any iPod's content to whatever impacting sound system graces your client’s living room. Their ability to communicate with other devices ranges from the basic, to the truly installation worthy, thanks to the inclusion of an RS-232 connector. The option of IR control is also available, whilst the docks can offer interfacing and syncing with a PC and iTunes. Given the popularity of the iPod these days, it could be worth working one of these into your forthcoming projects. Contact: +44 (0) 127 950 1111 28 Get the best piece. Come to Holland. Exhibit at Europe’s No.1 Show for AV System Professionals. Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is now in its 4th year and has matured into becoming Europe’s single most important showcase of technologies and solutions for the AV Systems and Electronic Integration industry. The staggering success of the 2006 show where visitor numbers were up by an unprecedented 45% reflects the optimistic mood in this market. ISE 2006 attracted 10,970 visitors from 78 countries as well as hosting 330 exhibitors from 30 nations. Like to be a part of this? Join Europe’s largest Show for the AV Systems Industry and reserve your space now. ISE 2007 will take place from 23-25th January 2007 at the Amsterdam RAI. For further information on how to exhibit at next year’s show, contact ISE 2007 organisers on 0031 20 40 50 257 or visit Integrated Systems Europe is a joint venture partnership of: 23-25 January, 2007. Amsterdam, NL Network, discover, learn and do business. INSTALLATION FOCUS Can you spot the Amina speakers in this Lifestyle Technology installation? No, neither can we... Back To My Place When he comes into some money, SAM FULLER plans to shell out on an install project. But what kit at the Smart Home Show inspired such dreams? Regular readers of our Installation Focus will be accustomed to their monthly trip through a recent project which highlights the abilities of the kit deployed, or an area of development which the installer in question has successfully exploited. However, this month, having literally returned from the Smart Home Show in Birmingham only hours ago, it seemed appropriate to do something different – to don my overalls and play installer myself... or, more accurately, drift into a world of dreams and create a hypothetical, technologically enabled home in my head, featuring the finest pieces of kit handpicked from the feast on display at the NEC. As a consumer show, this is what many visitors would have been doing, making mental notes and actual lists as they trawled round. And, having spent a great deal of my time there on the SmartLife International stand talking to them, their infectious enthusiasm inspired me to join in. Of course, in the context of a couple of pages of edit, it would be impossible to get to grips with every element of an expansive install – such is the depth and wealth of the kit you chaps have to handle to make those dreams a reality. But, for those members of the trade that didn’t make the show, here are some of the products that captured my imagination, proved popular with the public and would be genuinely appreciated if woven into the fabric of a smarthouse of the future... or should that be my smarthouse of the future. HUB THUMPING Just across the way from our SmartLife stand was that of Konnect2, a company who supply automation, entertainment, networking and access control systems to both ambitious home builders and, naturally, customer installers. On their stand the array of Jamo kit caught our eye. This included evidence of the Danish audio firm’s advanced multi-room systems. Founded upon the AM4.6, the audio master hub, it can distribute sound from up to six sources to four main zones and four sub zones via Cat5e cabling. This works in conjunction with the KP4.6 wall control panels, which are mounted in each one. These are both amplifiers and keypads, affording their user direct access to each source hooked up to the hub and the volume, bass, treble, balance and tone control thereof. The KP4.6s support infrared control and together with the hub make for a mighty fine multi-room audio system. Contact: +44 (0) 192 320 5600 30 GET PLASTERED Amina had a stand to themselves at the show, which proved an ideal vehicle for highlighting the incredible benefits of the firm’s Plaster In-wall loudspeakers. Unlike conventional in-wall options, these lightweight speakers can actually be plastered or wallpapered over once they have been wired up, keeping them completely hidden from view. Their high-power, vibration excitation drivers transfer their impulses through a flat panel to the front of the wall or ceiling and it is these that produce the sound. Due to their structure the sound waves are omnidirectional and aren’t afflicted by conventional phase considerations. This allows the speakers to perform where others may struggle due to their superb dispersion characteristics and they’d be an ideal inclusion in any extensive install, remedying any aesthetic concerns effortlessly... as the above image from a Lifestyle Technology project in North Yorkshire that featured the speakers illustrates. Contact: +44 (0) 148 035 4390 MAX WELL HOUSE RGB Communications had AMX’s MAX system up and running and this is certainly one of the finest solutions of its kind. A multimedia server of some power, it can provide a multitude of zones with access to its video and audio content. The latest incarnation has been designed to operate on a conventional AV rack thanks to its stylish shell and virtually inaudible operation, yet it can do so much more than any component that would accompany it. Available with a capacity of 250 or 750 DVDs, it allows users to develop their own playlists, features one of the most intuitive interfaces around and means they can watch whatever they want, wherever they want, at the touch of the button. As the smartest homes get continually smarter, video distribution is becoming a must... and AMX have one of the most functional, best priced options conceived yet. Contact: +44 (0) 148 873 366 SEIZE CONTROL The iPort could bring a touch of glamour to any home... PLAY THE WALL The emergence of the iPod as the digital storage solution of choice for our generation may have been greeted with disdain by audiophiles everywhere, but for the everyday consumer who prizes convenience and isn’t too preoccupied with every last nuance of a recording it is a product of godlike genius. And why limit its use to when on the move? With thousands of tunes, all the latest downloads and playlists for every occasion, having access to its content around the home would surely be a bonus for all. Enter iPort – a US company who make in-wall iPod docking stations capable of providing twoway communication with an AV system and the most advanced control of Apple’s masterpiece. Work one of these into a home and users can have their carefully selected playlists pumping out of the discreetest speakers the minute they get through the door. Thinkingbricks Ltd clearly agree and were showing the iPort In-Wall at the NEC... Contact: +44 (0) 127 950 1111 SEE THROUGH SOUNDS In virtually every installation we come across, a variety of speakers are deployed and – on the basis of those on show in the Midlands - Waterfall’s would certainly make the cut for me. Everyone in AV should already be au fait with the key USP of their floor-standing Victoria – its incredibly stylish, inimitable looks. I joined the masses in congratulating Transparent Distribution on its voguish sheen and learned that the speakers are technologically innovative too. For despite the apparent lack of internal damping, Waterfall’s own patented Acoustic Damping Tube ensures the delivery of clean, clear, uncoloured sounds across the frequency range. A particularly rigid and robust in-wall speaker from Waterfall was also featured at this stand, which benefited from entirely aluminium construction, helping to assert both the company’s commitment to quality and the diversity of needs they can satisfy. Contact: +44 (0) 162 351 7000 HEATING UP In the smart home world, advanced lighting control has rapidly become mandatory and it seems HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Control) is following in its footsteps, due to both the convenience and environmental benefits it can bring. Sensible Heat were one of several firms highlighting its benefits in Birmingham. This company are the sole UK distributors of the Honeywell Hometronic System, which can put users in control of their heating, lighting and blinds in up to 16 rooms around the home. It can harness control of virtually any heating system - including a conventional wet one using radiators like the stunning Accuro Korle Ecstasy seen here. A primarily wireless system, products such as the Radiator Controller make retrofitting a viable option. Once in place heating can be controlled remotely by both a mobile and the internet, while different lifestyle modes can be pre-programmed and instantly recalled. Contact: +44 (0) 127 347 5834 Invision UK had one of the finest selections of home cinema enchancing kit on show in Birmingham and the Harmony 895 would certainly add to any install. This well priced universal remote control is the latest addition to an award-winning family and rewards its users with both radio frequency (RF) and infrared (IR) control over anything from their everyday AV components through to all the integrated functions of a fully-specced and dedicated home theatre. With a USB wireless PC transceiver also included it can even be used to browse through any multi-media content stored on a PC, which could prove useful for the technophile already streaming HD movies or regular patrons of iTunes. The 895 features a vibrant, colourful display, easy to follow menus and is a snip at £299. Contact: +44 (0) 144 967 7233 Accuro Korle's Ecstasy radiator could be given the Sensible Heat treatment A flat-screen TV jumps out of the fire FIRE ME UP While many dream of a dedicated cinema room, not all have the space. Thus for those who want the impact of large screen visuals, without the aesthetic interference these often necessitate, hiding a sizeable flat-screen TV away must be a consideration. One of the most original ways of doing this came to my attention at the show’s stand 2420 where Picture House were showing off a stunning range of marble fireplaces. The patentpending Napoli, seen here, is a fully working option with the looks to embellish any interior. However, at the touch of a button one can summon their plasma TV from its depths to catch a film, before making it disappear with equal ease. Despite its hidden abilities, the Napoli supplies 2kW of heat and offers incredibly subtle access to whichever other components a user chooses to house below it. Contact: +44 (0) 193 234 5184 31 > SOUND & VISION WHAT’S NEW? INSTALLER Installation Nation COMPILED BY TOBY WATSON ART OF NOISE E’S ARE GOOD SpeakerCraft, arguably the world leader in the in-wall speaker market, is developing its own in-house art department. Last month Jordan R. Brant III was named as Art Director of this and is set to implement a number of changes. “This is a unique challenge in a unique company,” Brant remarked, “I have never seen a management team so intent on stepping outside the lines.” Brant boasts a double degree in studio art and graphic design from Cal State San Bernardino, as well as over 10 years experience in the game. “His attitude just fits,” Jeremy Burkhardt, SpeakerCraft’s president explained. “I am excited to have him on the team and I look forward to seeing what he can do.” Since its inception in 1976, SpeakerCraft has devoted itself to the design and development of architectural loudspeakers and having been the prime OEM for many other well-known, in-wall speaker brands now markets its own line - one of the most diverse in the business. For further information contact: +1 800 448 0976 E-Vision UK chose the buzzing hall of the Smart Home Show to launch its Spec M10, a new, solid, attractive plasma bracket. The M10 has a 570mm reach with a 180-degree left-right pivot and a 45-degree updown tilt mechanism, giving users a great deal of flexibility in their viewing. It comes with an optional one or two shelves and includes a well thought-out system of cable management. Other fresh models included the M4, which has a 450mm arm extension with 180-degree pivot from wall fixing, and a 75-degree tilt mechanism, and the M6 whose articulated arm holds up to 25kg of kit, features a 680mm reach, twin left-right pivots and allows for some considerable movement. To complement these new models, aesthetically matched aluminium trunking can be purchased in one-metre lengths to keep all the cabling neatly tucked away. The entirety of the E-Vision is straightforward to install and exudes quality. For further information contact: +44 (0) 127 383 2336 NOW OPTIMISE Cinemateq’s HDMI and audio upgrade kit for the Picture Optimizer Plus II (SDI) can bring a lot to any home cinema install project designed to make the most of the highdefinition era that’s about to dawn. Conceptually speaking, it offers all the HDTV functions one could wish for in a single device, including picture and sound switching, picture optimisation, de-interlacing and free scaling up to the cleanest and smoothest format of all, 1080p. The kit adds four HDMI inputs to the existing product, creating a solution with 11 digital and analog interfaces for video sources, with an additional five digital audio sources available if required. It also doubles the system’s HDMI and DVI outputs for digital HDTV video signals and for digital multichannel sound. In essence, it will reward its users with all the advantages of extra HDMI connections and a whole lot more without requiring them to invest in new equipment. In addition to the extra and appreciable connectivity, it can digitally scale everything from SDTV (480p/576p) to HDTV (720p, 1080i) to PC formats and provide a host of other benefits into the bargain. For further information contact: ON GUARD! Home security is a key element in many projects these days and Marmitek’s DoorGuard 100 offers a lot in this area. “Comfort, enjoyment and safety at home,” were the overriding principles behind its development. The Doorguard 100 is a video door telephone system that contains a doorbell, camera and monitor. The monitor shows users who is at the door, giving them the opportunity to decide whether to let the visitor in or not. Its narrow dimensions will allow it to fit on any doorframe, while the sturdy metal casing ensures it is truly vandal proof too. Up to four monitors can be connected to a single doorbell camera, each of which can be connected by an intercom, and the door can be opened from each of these, thanks to an electric locking device. Each monitor features a four-inch screen, the camera comes with a built-in microphone and loudspeaker and four infrared LEDs allow visitors to be seen in the dark. The Marmitek DoorGuard sells for £109, making it an ideal inclusion in an install project where you are running to a tight budget. For further information contact: 32 WHAT’S NEW POWER TO THE PEOPLE The Digital Plumbers team are get ready to rock the market A new installation company has been formed with a desire to open up the multi-room market to a range of homemakers previously priced out of it. Named Digital Plumbers, the firm is the brainchild of Steve Moore and Martin Banks, who made their name working with the award-winning major player, SMC. The new outfit was brought to our attention courtesy of a press launch held at Microsoft’s LifeSquared facility and claim to bring: “A simple, affordable solution to homeowners, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of integrated home without fuss.” Backing this up with friendly in-home support, they are an exciting addition to a growing sector, well equipped with the knowledge, experience and attitude to succeed. The system this fresh face has developed is founded on a central hub that costs a paltry £500. This combines with wiring, described by its developers as “blindly simple”, which can be installed on site by any electrical contractor worth their salt at an additional cost of only about £50 per room. Once in place it will bring users fully up to speed with the digital age. “Integrated electronics have hitherto only been available at the top end of the market,” Martin Banks explained. “The Digital Plumbers solution offers huge savings over traditional methods, so many more people can enjoy an integrated home.” The services Digital Plumbers will offer won’t end there. As well as setting up music, systems, lighting controls, computers and other digital content, they will solve computer problems, install wireless networks and ensure both protection from viruses and of young people’s minds. They promise to be a friendly civil team that will communicate with people in a warm, cheerful manner, on their own level of understanding. The Digital Plumbers service will supply customers with a range of benefits, depending how far they wish to take it. Whether they simply want access to their Sky, FreeView footage or internet in every room, remote controlled scene setting lighting, a highly sensitive home security system or a state of the art home cinema, this SMC spin-off can supply, with their Distribution Point always at its heart. Keep your eye out for them – their business should be booming in no time. For further information contact: +44 (0) 870 850 1337 FLY EMIRATES! The second coming of INSTALL at PALME, a unique showcase of cutting edge AV installation and integration technologies for residential and commercial projects in the Middle East, is now over 95% booked... and the few remaining stands are all set to sell out. Industry giants already confirmed include Crestron, Opus, Martin Audio, Crest Audio, Zio Technologies, Duran Audio, Bosch Security Systems, Linn, Loewe, Stardraw, Barco, Extron, AMX, Philips, AV Stompfl, Projecta and Klipsch, to name but a few. This year’s show promises to be a cracker with new features aplenty. These will include the Architectural Lighting and Interior Illumination zone, where the biggest names from the intelligent lighting industry, including the mighty Lutron, will be showing the UAE what’s new. Education will be a key element of the event too, with a dedicated master class and seminar programme up and running for its duration. This will cover a range of technologies and should bring a highly qualified visitor audience to the show floor. With only a matter of weeks left until the big event it’s time to seriously consider popping along. As arguably the fastest developing city in the world, Dubai and the UAE is a land of opportunity for anyone involved in installation. And, as the region’s only smart technology showcase, where better to take your message to those gold-paved streets? For further information contact: 33 > SOUND & VISION WHAT’S NEW? INSTALLER BORN IN THE USA RGB Communications have been appointed the sole distributor of the Audio Design Associates (ADA) ranges of multi-room audio, home entertainment and home cinema products in the United Kingdom and Southern Ireland. This appointment takes effect from Wednesday 1st March 2006 and has been described as a: “Key addition to the range of custom install products delivered by RGB.” “We are especially pleased to have reached agreement with ADA as they were top of our list with regard to product reputation, reliability and range when we were looking for a multi-room audio solution”, RGB Communications Managing Director Caroline Britt explained. “The ADA multi-room and home cinema audio solutions are the ideal complement to our existing range of custom install products and a perfect fit within our overall business model. We now have a world-beating range of fully integrated custom install products within our RGB SmartHome solutions package.” ADA Vice President and COO Richard Stoerger shared Caroline’s enthusiasm: “We are delighted to be working with a company of RGB Communications’ reputation and standing in the UK custom install marketplace. From day one our mission has been the pursuit of excellence in the design and build of lifestyle electronics. We know our products and our reputation are in safe hands with RGB.” ADA have been around since 1977, before the home cinema market had even emerged. With the pursuit of excellence in the design, manufacture and installation of lifestyle electronics a constant, they have evolved into one of the most reputable firms in their arena across the pond. Known for the sound and video quality they deliver, the operational simplicity of their complex systems, easy to integrate products and a commitment to the most robust build quality, they will constitute a fine addition to our domestic install industry. Everything they produce is handcrafted and rigorously handled in the US... so if it’s multi-room audio solutions, specialist home cinema packages or simply a highly progressive means to harnessing an iPod within a home entertainment system, give RGB a call. For further information contact: +44 (0) 148 873 366 CHANGING NAIMS Alan Ainslie, known most recently for his work as Sales Manager for key CI distributor Invision UK, has joined Naim Audio as Business Development Manager. Naim are said to have been particularly eager to benefit from his experience in the install sector, and Alan has been charged with developing, agreeing and implementing their long-term strategy for growing this side of their business. While we might be inclined to associate Naim with the conventional Hi-Fi sector, as the market moves and CI grows clearly they do not want to be left behind. Indeed, as a firm long committed to highend performance they are acutely aware that the market for audiophile quality in the CI sector remains small and want to examine in detail how to redress this. With a wealth of experience in all areas of the market – and in particular custom install and multi-room AV – Alan is an ideal candidate for the job. We wish him well in his new post. For further information contact: +44 (0) 172 242 6600 WEATHER THE WEATHER Sanyo is not a name anyone would naturally associate with the install sector, but then again this isn’t an installation specific product. However, it is one that could bring some very appreciable abilities to any family commanding you to kit out their home. This LCD isn’t simply a flat-panel TV – it’s a fully weatherproof one. Having been developed and manufactured in the UK in Sanyo’s Lowestoft factory, this 32-inch model can be used inside and out, and proves capable of handling harsh conditions wherever it’s deployed. Its IP56 weatherresistant accreditation proves this, ensuring users of full protection against the elements. More than just a gimmick, however, it offers a high resolution of images, bright enough to be seen under the sun. It comes complete with a TV tuner and all the connections you should need. For further information contact: +44 (0) 192 324 6363 CARRY ON SCREENING For those who use portable projectors, what better than a portable screen? It’s just common sense. Beamax agree and have embellished their range of these with the new X2 series, an entry-level alternative to their existing X-series. The X2 series is ideally equipped for functionality, when deployed alongside projectors such as Optoma’s DV10. It various screens can be bundled alongside such projectors offering instant home cinema for all. The 10566 (70-inch diagonal) and the 10567 (80-inch diagonal) both come in a 16:9 aspect ratio, with 4:3 options available in diagonal sizes of 60- and 80-inches. If there is no room in your project for a wall mountable screen, consider employing one of these. They are lightweight, easy to carry around, incredibly straightforward to install and attractively priced too. Costs start at £165, they can be speedily supplied and there are healthy margins to be made... For further information contact: +44 (0) 800 917 5943 34 Let's go on the ouside, say Sanyo... WHAT’S NEW THE X FACTOR The Monaco from X-Screen is a new high performance screen that can be used effectively even in the brightest of rooms. A high contrast, fixed frame model, it makes use of a revolutionary Daylight Thin-Film that is applied to a 4mm layer of hardened glass. This makes for an optically flat surface, which ensures the most accurate presentation of a projector’s images. Its innovative structure also serves to eliminate reflections from other light sources, which afflict any conventional TV or screen. As a result unusually high definition, rich colours, a wide contrast range, deep blacks and exceptional detail are all distinct possibilities, assuming you plump for the right projector. Whether DLP or LCD, during the day or in artificial light at night, the Monaco makes the most of the other components in a home cinema set up. Prices range between £900 for the 60-inch option to £1,800 for the 100-inch model and the screens are available now, through CSE Solutions. For further information contact: +44 (0) 142 335 9054 AS IF BY MAGIC... Pixel Magic’s HD MediaBox is a high-definition HDD media player that gives instant access to HD video, digital music, digital photos and DVD files no matter where a user decides to store them. This can be on the MediaBox’s own hard drive, on a PC, a USB HDD or a networked storage box. A dynamic player, this boasts a high-definition digital scaler catering for every resolution up to 1080p... making this a perfect middleman for a PC and any HDready viewing option – be that plasma, LCD-TV or projector. It features an array of the necessary outputs including, naturally, HDMI - ensuring a completely digital path between source and screen. Widely compatible with today’s digital formats, it will handle every form of MPEG, WMV9, DivX, XviD and more. In addition to optimising video content, the HD MediaBox also assures users of high quality sounds thanks to its 24-bit/192kHz DAC, exclusively developed timing circuitry and all round impeccable construction. With superb quality audio processing coming as part of the package, Pixel Magic’s masterpiece provides both the convenience of a server and the quality of a reference player. Cynical? Well, check out the Audiophile Edition (MB200), which adds a low jitter TCXO to its features, taking the clarity, purity and impact of its sounds a step further. Impressive compatibility with formats is evident throughout and iTunes users can even select their entire library through its on-screen display and play the content back through whatever Hi-Fi or multi-channel system this functional server has been hooked up to. They can access their digital photos with similar ease. No matter their format, they can also be viewed at their fullest resolution via a cutting-edge flat-screen TV. There is no doubt that Pixel Magic’s HD MediaBox is one of the most dynamic and able servers of its type on the market. It can store thousands of CDs itself, secure the most amenable access to anything stored on a PC and can seamless integrate with many popular mulit-room and control systems. It comes decked out in an aluminium alloy case, features an IR input and is an absolute bargain at £299 (MB100) or £369 for the enhanced, audiophile grade option. It is available now through CSE Solutions. For further information contact: +44 (0) 142 335 9054 35 > SOUND & VISION WHAT’S NEW? INSTALLER CAN YOU RIP IT? ALL THE ACTION Yes you can, thanks to Ripfactory, a leader in CD and content digitisation for digital audio servers and portable devices. The company has just announced the release of its new product: Ripstation Lite. Ripstation Lite is a single, one-stop solution combining robotic hardware and software to allow dealers, retailers and service providers to convert CDs on site and automatically load supported music players. Ripstation Lite supports all major formats including MP3, FLAC and WMA and through its robotic system loads each CD in turn for fully unattended operation, culminating in an automatic load to servers such as those from Russound, Imerge, Request, Escient, Digital Future solutions and of course the ubiquitous iPod. “RS Lite addresses the simple need for a quick on site solution to content loading, and in under 3 minutes the user can start the process leaving Ripstation to weave its magic” said Patrick McGrath, Director of Technology for Ripfactory. Snap up one of these and you could make your working life a whole lot easier, whilst offering an appreciable and potentially lucrative service to your customers at the same time. The Ripstation Lite is available now for only £1,500 which is snip considering the hard labour it will negate. Bristol’s Sound & Vision 2006 was the scene for the first showing of projectiondesign’s new Action Model Two, a compact, high-end DLP projector. Its impressively slender dimensions, quiet operation, high optical and thermal efficiency and general abilities should make this a strong competitor in the growing home cinema market. The Model Two builds upon the qualities of its predecessor, the Model One MKIII thanks to its redesigned optics, a new NDG colour wheel, improved driving of the DLP chip and enhanced firmware. At its heart you’ll find TI’s HD2+ DC3 DLP chip helping its to produce images of a stunning quality which register a 4000:1 contrast ratio and a 1000 ANSI lumens brightness rating. It will hit the market at £3,500, making it one of the most affordable installation grade projectors around. For further information contact: +44 (0) 845 226 2791 For further information contact: +44 (0) 148 873 366 EYE KNOW Asheridge Communications has launched the discreet Eye Q infra-red (IR) repeating system – an easy-to-fit, cost-effective and interference-free solution for the control of up to four concealed home AV devices. The Eye Q comprises a compact receiver and four signal emitter and acts as a low-cost control hub for IR-controlled AV equipment, allowing homeowners to hide these boxes away whilst retaining effective control. Once the system has been installed, users are a push of a button away from full control. The Eye Q will respond, sending the signal via a small 3-conductor cable to the selected AV device - a DVD-player, VCR, satellite receiver or Hi-Fi - where it is instantly repeated, activating operation. Reliable, effective and simple to install, the Eye Q is available in the UK exclusively through Asheridge. For further information contact: +44 (0)149 479 4770 TOOLS FOR THE JOB Kaleidescape has joined D-Tools’ Manufacturer Vantage Point (MVP) programme. This will allow dealers who use D-Tools’ System Integrator 4.5 (SI 4.5) software to specify Kaledeiscape’s award-winning products for customer projects within the software. “We are pleased to be working with D-Tools, making it even easier for dealers to offer our Kaleidescape products and services to their customers,” said Michael Malcolm, founder, chairman and CEO of Kaleidescape. “D-Tools’ MVP program will be a key affiliation as we continue our efforts to deliver new and exciting home entertainment experiences to the market.” The D-Tools MVP programme is designed to help provide the most up-todate product information to over 2,000 dealers using the D-Tools System Integrator software. D-Tools MVP members are dedicated to helping dealers streamline the home entertainment system design process and making it easier for dealers to present accurate proposals to their customers. “We’re honoured to name Kaleidescape as our newest MVP member,” commented Adam Stone, President and CEO of D-Tools. “Adding Kaleidescape’s award-winning entertainment servers to our ever-growing manufacturer database furthers our goal of providing our customers with the highest-quality and most respected product lines.” For further information, contact: +1 866 386-6571 36 WHAT’S NEW WHAT A CONTRAST AWE, the exclusive distributor for Yamaha to the UK CI trade, has introduced a new range of high performance DLP projectors designed to generate excellent picture quality in a living room environment or custom home cinema. The Yamaha DPX-530 is an affordable option serving up images of 1,500 ANSI lumens with a 4000:1 contrast ratio. Vivid bright scenes and detailed images come guaranteed, while there are all the necessary connections to make this a hit in the high-definition era. The DPX-1300 sits at the top of the range and delivers a professional broadcast-quality video processing platform incorporating thousands of display signal processors, with numerous programmable functions. A powerful 1.6x zoom lens gives positional versatility and the latest high definition DarkChip3 DMD device provides a remarkable 5000:1 contrast ratio. From any input, the projector provides 10-bit processing to achieve the optimum in picture quality. This latter model would make for an audacious home theatre and has to be worth considering in any uncompromising project. The Supporting Act Projection Screens, Mounts & AV Furniture at Net Trade Prices For further information contact: +44 (0) 137 272 9777 Please call for full literature, net trade price list and further info. Tel: 01604 811661 THE RIGHT ATTITUDE Speaker specialists Genelec used ISE 2006 to launch what they are terming, “the little speaker with big attitude.” The ultra compact 6020A two-way active speaker system combines with the 5050A active subwoofer to form the company’s smallest home cinema set up yet. Ideal for deployment at the least expansive end of the home theatre market, and in multi-media/gaming rooms, it delivers a high impact listening experience considering its size. The diminutive speakers use Genelec’s proprietary die-cast aluminium Minimum Diffraction Enclosure technology, ensuring the sounds emitted are heard at their very cleanest. The satellites are strong performers across the frequency range with their long, curved reflex port ends widely flared for surprisingly strong bass articulation. Hook them up to the subwoofer and the depth of sound is even more impressive. For further information contact: + 44 (0) 208 418 0778 37 > SOUND & VISION STORIES FROM CEDIA ExCel Yourselves! With the Expo less than three months away, MATT NIMMONS, CEDIA's Operations Manager, provides an update on the industry event of the year and brings us up to speed with some other key developments. LOOKING FORWARD TO EXPO With virtually no floor space now remaining at the forthcoming RIBA CPD accredited CEDIA Expo, we are in the happy position of looking forward to an event that promises not only to be the biggest yet, but a much more integrated, exciting and informative event for visitors than ever before. The Expo makes its debut at London's impressive ExCeL venue in 2006 with training running from Monday 19th June for four days, and the Expo exhibition opening for business between Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22nd June. The Expo The team at CEDIA are thrilled at having increased the exhibition space by over 50% in moving from Birmingham to ExCeL London, with all the major names in the industry taking part in its only dedicated trade showcase for new innovations in residential electronics technology. Those taking part include A+K UK, AMX, Armour Home Electronics, Artcoustic UK, AWE Europe, Crestron, CSE, Denon, Fujitsu, Helvar, Imerge, Kaleidescape, KEF, Linn Products, Linnsight, Living Control, Lutron, Marantz, Marata Vision, Philips, RGB, Sharp, SIM2, Universal Electronics and USD amongst others. In total CEDIA Expo 2006 will feature equipment from hundreds of top quality brands. We’ve also got a bundle of innovative feature areas planned for the show to help attract, entertain and educate visitors coming along to the show. There will be more on these in next month’s issue... Spring into action at the Expo The Education Programme The seminar programme for this year’s Expo is currently being finalised, with the first details of this available by the end of March. We can reveal that there are 24 new courses on offer this year, with a further 20 updated courses and an additional 65 hours of training in total available. There will be courses on topical subjects like Digital Rights Management (DRM) and High Definition, as well as a completely revised two-day Home Cinema Workshop. Industry gurus Mike Heiss and Steve Moore will be presenting their visions of the future and we will also be offering a one day project management workshop for the first time. And the highlight of our certification program is Installer Level 2, on offer for the first time in this country. THE SMART HOME SHOW CEDIA once again took part in the Smart Home Show at Birmingham’s NEC from 2nd-5th March with a busy exhibition stand supporting a CEDIA sponsored and managed free seminar programme. Many existing and potential CEDIA members visited or exhibited at the event, which ran alongside the National Homebuilding & Renovating Show. We also welcomed many homeowners, design professionals and property developers to the CEDIA stand who were keen to learn more about home electronic systems and the benefits of using a CEDIA member. The seminar programme proved to be a huge draw where some 3,000 people learned more about the smarthouse, with the seminar theatre at full capacity for most courses and some with standing room only. Our warmest thanks once again to everyone who gave up their time to help either with the seminar programme, manning the CEDIA stand or in many cases, both! CEDIA members who exhibited were Convergence Technology Group, DBCC, DYMO, e-visionuk, Goelst, Helvar, Invision UK,, Jung Controls, KEF,, Music Matters, o2m8, RGB, Smartcomm, Telestial + CCTV UK, thinkingbricks, USD Limited, Sensible Heat, Sevenoaks Sound & Vision, Smarthome Controls, Smartlife International and Sensory International. 38 Need more information? For a full exhibitor list, or to find out more about the event, visit All enquiries for advertising or sponsorship packages should be made to the event’s Sales Manager Ian Morrish, tel: +44 (0) 137 272 2001 or email And if you’re interested in reserving rooms in nearby hotels where we have an allocation, then please use our recommended accommodation booking service Jigsaw Conferences. Call Jigsaw on +44 (0)870 7520433, quoting event code RCCED, or visit for more details. The Novotel London ExCeL is the CEDIA Headquarters hotel for the event. CEDIA AWARDS GO LIVE The entry form for the inaugural CEDIA Awards is now available for download from a special Awards section on the website, at The entry form should be used for the categories Best CEDIA Installation under £20,000, Best CEDIA Installation over £20,000 and below £100,000, Best CEDIA Installation over £100,000 and Best Multi-Dwelling Installation. You can also begin voting in the category for Best Trade Supplier via our special on-line system at The Awards are open to all CEDIA members, with the winners to be announced at this year’s CEDIA Expo. Closing date for the four categories where submissions are required is Wednesday 31st May 2006. The on-line vote for Best Trade Supplier will close on Friday 9th June 2006. We encourage all CEDIA members to get involved in these awards and look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any queries about the awards, contact Matt at CEDIA on tel: +44 (0) 148 021 3744 or email TV OPPORTUNITIES Learn how to become a CEDIA instructor... from a CEDIA instructor CEDIA CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR TRAINING We are delighted to announce that 21 subject matter experts have successfully completed the new, dedicated CEDIA Certified Instructor training course and achieved CCI status. This specially developed CCI training course has now run twice, taking place on 24th January and 15th February, in CEDIA’s purposedesigned training facility at its new head office in St Neots, Cambridgeshire. The intensive one-day course identified the requirements and role of a CCI and focused delegates on the key learning and presentation techniques needed to deliver effective courses in theory and through a series of practical activities and demonstrations. For further information on becoming a CCI, or information on CEDIA training events, contact Peter Aylett on or tel +44 (0) 148 021 3744. For information on booking the CEDIA training facility to run your own company’s training courses then please speak to Lianne at the CEDIA office on the same telephone number. CPD PROGRAMME KEEPS ON BUILDING CEDIA is instituting further training for architects and building industry professionals. A set of five CEDIA dates are taking place throughout 2006 for our RIBA CPD accredited course, with the first having taken place in London on 8th March. Additionally, CPD training will also be taking place at exhibitions and events throughout the year. Expert presenters from within CEDIA are providing the association’s Designing Integrated Future-Ready Homes course at the following locations across the country as part of the CPD series of regular roadshows; Belfast (28th March), Dublin (30th March). RIBA are running a further two CPD events in addition to these roadshows in Bristol (3rd May) and London (22nd November) which will feature the same course. CEDIA will also be presenting the course at design professional exhibitions throughout the year to add to the success of the recent Design Interiors Show and ARC 06 where over 400 delegates registered for the course. We are currently working with two TV shows keen to involve CEDIA members in the development of their programmes and highlight the skills of CEDIA design professionals. Talkback THAMES are making a second series of the popular design show Honey, I Ruined The House for peak time Channel 4 TV and have invited CEDIA members to help transform a gadget-loving homeowner’s DIY disaster into an automated property where the technology actually works. Fronted by Naomi Cleaver, the show will have an audience of approximately three million viewers. CEDIA is also working with BBC 2’s new prime time Home TV Show. TV Production Company Endemol UK have been commissioned to make this brand new series about home interiors, which will celebrate people who are passionate about their homes. They are looking for high-end properties in the UK, with characters to tell the stories of their sumptuous homes. It can be a single room home cinema, funky bachelor pad or a fantastic whole house installation – as long as there’s lots of integrated technology and the homeowner is interested in talking enthusiastically about it on air and showing the presenter about their home. The programmes will be character and story driven lifestyle shows, telling stories of high-end living in the UK via the houses and the homeowners – so your customers must be happy to participate. There is also the possibility that you may also be interviewed as part of the programme, and your company name-checked, with appropriate web-links provided from the Home website to your own. The CEDIA marketing campaign is dedicated to creating these opportunities for CEDIA members to promote their skills and services to a wider audience. If you have project that you’d like to generate wider publicity for on TV or in the press, then please email CEDIA’s PR agents Eleanor Crook or Jeff Hayward at Wildwood PR on without delay. If you have any further questions or would like more information, contact Eleanor at Wildwood PR on +44 (0) 140 389 2720 or Matt at CEDIA on +44 (0) 148 021 3744. It's no train, no gain at CEDIA HQ... 39 CONTACT BOOK •A Aanvil Audio T: +44 (0) 135 924 0687 Abbey Road Cable See THE OPPOSITION GROUP Absolute Sounds Ltd T: +44 (0)20 8971 3909 Aca-Apex Ltd T: +44 (0) 152 522 0782 ACM Installations Ltd (South) Holed Stoned Barn Stisted Cottage Farm Bradwell, Essex, CM77 2DZ +44 (0) 870 242 3285 Alltrade Aerial & Satellite ltd. T: +44 (0) 845 075 0751 F: +44 (0) 870 770 9151 AMX UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 190 434 3100 F: +44 (0) 190 434 3101 Anatek Audio T: +44 (0) 781 768 1402 Anders+Kern UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 163 851 0900 F: +44 (0) 163 851 0901 ACM Installations Ltd (North) T: +44 [0] 14 8237 7530 Ansar Audio Capacitors Ltd T: +44 (0) 169 167 9191 F: +44 (0) 169 167 9191 Acoustic Energy Ltd T: +44 (0) 128 565 4432 F: +44 (0) 128 565 4430 Anthony Gallo Acoustics T: +44 (0) 870 350 1348 F: +44 (0) 870 350 1346 Acoustic Partnership, The T: +44 (0) 870 047 0047 F: +44 (0) 870 047 0048 API (UK) Ltd T: +44 (0) 144 223 3853 F: +44 (0) 144 223 1860 Acoustic Solutions Ltd T: +44 (0) 132 734 2255 F: +44 (0) 132 734 2298 Apollo Hi Fi Furniture Ltd T: +44 (0) 121 520 5070 F: +44 (0) 121 522 2055 ACOUSTAT (UK) LTD T: +44 (0) 208 424 8844 Arcam T: +44 (0) 122 320 3200 F: +44 (0) 122 386 3384 Activ Distribution T: +44 (0) 163 529 1357 F: +44 (0) 163 529 1356 AKAI T: +44 (0) 113 251 1500 F: +44 (0) 113 251 1515 AKG The Dutch Barn, The Hyde, Woodcock Hill, Off Coopers Green Lane, St Albans, Herts AL4 9HJ T: +44 (0) 170 727 8100 F: 01707 278129 Aldous Systems (Europe) Ltd T: +44 (0) 870 240 1162 F: +44 (0) 20 7691 7844 Allison Loudspeakers T: (859) 236-8298 F: (859) 236 7476 Alphason Designs Ltd Alphason House, Bolton Road, Atherton, Greater Manchester, M46 9AW T: +44 (0) 194 288 5600 F: +44 (0) 194 287 6955 40 Artcoustic T: +971 (0)502738220 Art Loudspeakers T: +44 (0) 129 231 9416 F: +44 (0) 129 231 9416 Art Systems Limited T: +44 (0) 115 9380 380 F: +44 (0) 115 9380 381 Ash Designs Ltd, T: +44 (0)116 279 6601 F: +44 (0)116 279 6602 Atacama Audio Winston Ave., Croft, Leicester, LE9 3GQ T: +44 (0) 145 528 3251 F: + 44 (0) 145 528 3908 ATC Loudspeaker Technology Ltd. T: +44 (0) 128 576 0561 F: +44 (0) 128 576 0683 Audica UK T: +44 (0) 148 083 9239 F: +44 (0) 148 083 0582 Audiofreaks T: +44 (0)20 8948 4153 F: +44 (0)20 8948 4250 T: +44 (0)130 285 6330 F: +44(0)130 285 6330 Audio Group (UK) Ltd T: +44 (0) 175 284 8816 sales@audiogroupinternational. Audio Note (UK) Ltd T: +44 (0) 127 322 0511 F: +44 (0) 127 373 498 Audiosolutions Sales & Marketing T: +44 (0) 197 779 8844 sales@a Audio Technica Ltd T: +44 (0) 113 277 1441 F: +44 (0) 113 270 4836 Audio Visual World T: +44 (0) 208 455 3490 Audion International Limited T: +33 546 043282 F: +33 546 043693 email: Audiophile Club, The T: +44 (0)20 8882 2822 F: +44 (0)20 8372 3772 Audiophile Base T: +44 (0) 189 261 9319 M: +44 (0) 771 576 3777 Audio Partnership PLC T: +44 (0)20 7940 2200 F: +44 (0)20 7940 2233 Audio Reference T: +44 (0) 125 270 2705 F: +44 (0) 148 330 1412 Audio Synthesis T: +44 (0) 115 922 4138 F: +44 (0) 115 922 9701 AUDUSA & Co T: +44 [0] 2082419826 F: +44 [0] 2082410999 AVF Group Limited T: +44 [0] 1952 678855 F: +44 [0] 1952 606205 Avid T: +44 (0) 148 045 7300 F: +44 (0) 148 045 7057 AVM Ltd T: +44 (0) 125 251 0363 AWE Europe Ltd T: +44 (0) 137 272 9777 F: +44 (0) 137 272 9757 •B BADA T: +44 (0) 208 150 6741 Bandridge see BBG Distribution Ltd Barco UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 118 929 0105 BBG Distribution Unit 3 Watford Interchange Colonial Way, Watford Hertfordshire, WD24 4WP T: +44 (0) 192 320 5600 F: +44 (0) 192 320 5601 Beamax Bleekveldstraat 7 B 3900 Overpelt Belgium T: 0800-9175 943 F: 0800-9175 945 B.F.A. T: +44 (0) 142 871 4616 F: +44 (0) 142 871 4616 B & W Group Ltd Dale Road, Worthing West Sussex, BN11 2BH, UK T: +44 (0) 190 322 1800 B & W Loudspeakers Dale Road, Worthing West Sussex, BN11 2BH, UK T: +44 (0) 190 322 1800 B-Tech International Ltd T: +44 (0) 168 984 8535 F: +44 (0) 168 984 1087 Bang & Olufsen UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 118 969 2288 F: +44 (0) 118 969 3388 Beyerdynamic (GB) Ltd T: +44 (0) 144 425 8258 F: +44 (0) 144 425 8444 Black Rhodium T: +44 (0) 133 275 5766 F: +44 (0) 133 220 0698 Bose Ltd T: +44 (0) 870 741 4500 F: +44 (0) 870 741 4545 Boston Acoustics Distribution (UK) Limited T: +44 (0) 128 565 0814 •C Calculus Software Solutions Ltd T: +44 (0) 845 125 9192 F: +44 (0) 173 286 5997 Canton T: +44 (0) 239 250 1888 F: +44 (0) 239 250 1999 Cartridge Man, The T /F: +44 (0)20 8688 6565 Castle Acoustics Ltd T: +44 (0) 175 679 5333 F: +44 (0) 175 679 5335 CEDIA UK Unit 2, Phoenix Park St Neots, Cambs PE19 8EP, UK T: +44 (0) 148 021 3744 F: +44 (0) 148 021 3469 Celestion Consumer Division T: +44 (0) 162 268 7442 F: +44 (0) 162 268 7981 Chapter Audio Ltd T: +44 (0) 139 268 6797 F: +44 (0) 139 267 6795 Cherished Record Co T: +44 (0) 157 936 3603 F: +44 (0) 157 936 3604 Choice Hi-Fi T: +44 (0)20 8392 1959 F: +44 (0)20 8392 1994 Chord Company Ltd, The Tel: +44 1980 625700 Fax: +44 1980 625070 Chord Electronics Ltd T: +44 (0) 162 272 1444 F: +44 (0) 162 272 1555 CKS Entertainment Systems Ltd T: +44 (0) 134 430 7788 F: +44 (0) 134 445 6710 Claritycap Industrial Capacitors (Wrexham) Ltd T: +44 (0) 197 885 3805 F: +44 (0) 197 885 3785 Classe Dale Road Worthing, West Sussex BN11 2BH, UK T: +44 (0) 190 322 1800 Clipsal Integrated Systems T: +44 (0) 162 850 8530 Coles ElectroAcoustics Ltd T: +44 (0) 199 246 6685 F: +44 (0) 199 244 6583 Colourgen Ltd T: 01628 588777 F: 01628 588716 E-mail: dCS Ltd T: +44 (0) 179 953 1999 F: +44 (0) 179 953 1681 Comfort Home Controls T: +44 (0) 124 468 0675 DBS AUDIO T: +44 (0) 128 472 3933 F: +44 (0) 128 472 3933 M: +44 (0) 777 618 8547 DBSaudio@AOL.COM ConnectAV Ltd T: +44 (0) 797 362 9174 F: +44 (0) 870 432 3443 Control4 UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 134 781 2300 F: +44 (0) 134 781 2322 W: Convergent-AV Ltd T: +44 (0) 1555 890120 F: +44 (0) 1555 890120 CR Electronic Design T: +44 (0) 170 220 0111 Crane Audio T: +44 (0) 870 444 1056 Creek Audio 12 Avebury Court, Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 7TA T: +44(0) 144 226 0146 F: +44 (0) 144 224 3766 Crestron (UK) Ltd Neptune House, 2 Portsmouth Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 2LU T: +44 (0) 208 439 7272 Cromwell Business Systems T: +44 (0) 135 365 0900 F: +44 (0) 135 365 0930 C.S.E. Unit 9, Centre Park Holdings, The Airfield, Tockwith, York, YO26 7QF T: +44 (0) 142 335 9054 F: +44 (0) 142 335 9058 Custom Design (Newcastle) T: +44 (0) 191 262 4646 F: +44 (0) 191 262 4646 Custom Sight & Sound T: +44 (0) 199 257 3030 F: +44 (0) 199 257 4030 Cyrus Electronics T: +44 (0) 148 043 5577 F: +44 (0) 148 043 7715 •D D&T Electronics T ++44(0)870 444 5929 F +44(0)870 444 5945 Decibel Distribution Ltd T /F: +44 (0) 150 532 1351 M: +44 (0) 797 652 8537 Deltron Components Ltd T: +44 (0) 172 428 0120 F: +44 (0) 172 428 0353 Demion Products T: +44 (0) 118 977 4085 F: +44 (0) 118 978 5507 Denon T: +44 (0) 175 368 8499 Design e T: +44 (0) 124 337 7899 DF Solutions Digital Future Solutions 7 Somerton Grange, Coleraine, Co Londonderry, N Ireland, BT51 3GB T: +44 (0) 287 035 8894 david.perry@digitalfuture Dixons T: +44 (0) 144 235 3000 F: +44 (0) 144 223 3218 Dolby Laboratories T: +44 (0) 179 384 2100 F: +44 (0) 179 384 2101 DRDB T: +44 (0)20 7306 2633 F: +44 (0)20 7470 0062 DTS Europe 5 Tavistock Estate, Ruscombe Lane, Twyford, Berks, RG10 9NJ T: +44 (0) 118 934 9199 F: +44 (0) 118 934 9198 Dynaudio UK PO Box 1010, Maidstone ME14 4WZ T: +44 (0) 207 378 1810 F: +44 (0) 870 112 3947 •E E.A.R./Yoshino Ltd. T: +44 (0) 122 320 8877 F: +44 (0) 122 320 8761 Elan Systems (UK) Ltd Unit 4, Pumpfields Road, Liverpool, L3 6BA T: +44 (0) 151 236 1832 F: +44 (0) 151 255 1194 Eltax UK T: +44 (0) 132 786 0789 F: +44 (0) 132 786 1058 Eminence Speaker Europe Ltd T: +44 (0) 192 423 9999 Fax: +44 (0) 192 423 9988 email: Emotive Excellence T: +44 (0) 145 384 3682 F: +44 (0) 145 384 3682 EPOS Acoustics 12 Avebury Court, Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 7TA T: +44 (0) 144 226 0146 F: +44 (0) 144 224 3766 ESLab Ltd T: +44 (0) 190 381 4618 ETHOS Acoustics Ltd T: +44 (0)20 8842 0020 F: +44 (0)20 8842 0020 Futronix Ltd. T: +44 (0) 188 337 3333/3334 F: +44 (0) 188 337 3335/3336 Futureglass 1a Anglia Way, Braintree, Essex, CM7 3RG T: +44 (0) 870 033 0300 F: +44 (0) 870 005 48184 Future Automation Unit 2 Kimpton Enterprise Park Claggy Road, Kimpton Hertfordshire SG4 8HP T: +44 (0) 143 883 1094 F: +44 (0) 143 883 3565 www.future •G Games & Lifestyle Technology, direct line T: +44 (0) 20 7877 3373 switchboard T: +44 (0) 20 7929 2999 Garden Light & Audio T: +44 (0) 189 261 9319 Gecko Inc Ltd T: +44 (0)20 8603 0480 F: +44 (0)20 8688 2491 Genco Systems T: +44 (0) 148 865 7788 F: +44 (0) 870 051 4190 European Precision Moulding Ltd/Red Scorpion Industries T: +44 (0) 147 483 4345 F: +44 (0) 147 483 4340 Glenfield Software T: +44 (0) 148 040 7700 F: +44 (0) 148 047 3734 Excel Audio Systems Ltd. T: +44 (0)20 8354 0820 F: +44 (0)20 8354 0834 Graff Electronic Machines Ltd T: +44 (0) 163 689 3036 F: +44 (0) 163 689 3317 Expert Stylus & Cartridge Co T: +44 (0) 137 227 6604 F: +44 (0) 137 227 6147 •F Falcon Acoustics Ltd T: +44 (0) 149 375 1100 F: +44 (0) 149 375 1155 G T Audio T: +44 (0) 189 583 3099 F: +44 (0) 189 583 2594 •H Hadcock G.F.C. (Manufacturer) T: +44 (0) 188 956 9166 F: +44 (0) 188 956 9166 Ferguson Hill Studios T: +44 [0] 207 284 0969 HAMA PVAC Ltd T: +44 (0) 125 637 4700 F: +44 (0) 125 637 4749 Finlux UK T: 01793 870316 F: 01793 870318 Harbeth Audio Limited T: +44 (0) 144 448 4371 F: +44 (0) 144 448 7629 Focal-JM Lab UK T: +44 (0) 845-6602680 Eclipse T: +44 (0) 207 328 4499 F: Fryer Sales & Marketing Ltd T: +44 (0) 239 269 0999 F: +44 (0) 239 269 0666 ECT Ltd Projection screen and accessories T: +44 (0) 118 984 1141 F: +44 (0) 118 984 1847 Fujitsu General (UK) Co Ltd T: +44 (0)20 8731 3450 F: +44 (0)20 8731 3451 Harman/Kardon The Dutch Barn, The Hyde, Woodcock Hill, Off Coopers Green Lane, St Albans, Herts AL4 9HJ T: +44 (0) 170 727 8100 F: 01707 278129 Harvard Technology Group T: +44 (0) 845 450 1480 F: +44 (0) 208 263 6100 Hermstedt Hifidelio Range See THE OPPOSITION GROUP Henley Designs Ltd T: +44 (0) 123 551 1166 F: +44 (0) 123 551 1266 Hitachi Europe Ltd Whitebrook Park Lower Cookham Road, Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 8YA T: +44 (0) 162 864 3000 F: +44 (0) 162 858 5000 Hypex Electroniques 20 Osram Road, East Lane Business Park Wembley, HA9 7NG T: +44 (0) 208 908 3111 F: +44 (0) 208 908 3110 •I Icon Distribution UK T: +44 (0) 845 603 1375 F: +44 (0) 130 271 1196 If designs T: 01484 606 900 IKON AVS Unit 238, Ikon Estate Droitwich Road, Hartlebury Worcs, DY10 4EU T: +44 (0) 129 925 0991 F: +44 (0) 129 925 0983 iLight Limited T: +44 (0) 189 287 0072 F: +44 (0) 189 287 0074 Imerge Ltd T: +44 (0) 195 478 3600 F: +44 (0) 195 478 3601 Infinity The Dutch Barn, The Hyde, Woodcock Hill, Off Coopers Green Lane, St Albans, Herts, AL4 9HJ T: +44 (0) 170 727 8100 F: 01707 278129 e w Invision UK Ltd T:+ 44 [0] 144 967 7233 Isoblue Ltd T: 01332 875700 Isol-8 Teknologies See THE OPPOSITION GROUP 41 CONTACT BOOK •J Jamo UK See BBG Distribution JBL The Dutch Barn, The Hyde, Woodcock Hill, Off Coopers Green Lane, St Albans, Herts AL4 9HJ T: +44 (0) 170 727 8100 F: 01707 278129 e w JVC UK Ltd JVC House, JVC Business Park, 12 Priestly Way, London, NW2 7BA T: +44 (0) 20 8450 3282 F: +44 (0) 20 8208 3038 •K KEF Audio (UK) Ltd Eccleston Road, Tovil, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6QP T: +44 (0) 162 267 2261 F: +44 (0) 162 275 0653 Keene Electronics Ltd +44 (0)870 990 9000 Klegg Audio UK T: +44 (0) 870 075 5344 KM Acoustics Unit 8 Torafen Business Centre Panteg Way, Pontypool NP4 0LS Konnectson UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 148 043 4441 F: • L+44 (0) 148 043 3312 •L Lamba Plc T: +44 (0) 158 269 0600 F: +44 (0) 158 269 0400 Lawton Trade Supplies T: +44 (0) 121 511 1128 F: +44 (0) 121 544 6877 Living Control T: +44 (0) 168 986 1188 F: +44 (0) 168 985 9915 MJ Acoustics T: +44 (0) 870 744 5080 F: +44 (0) 870 746 9380 NEMKO Ltd. T: +44 (0)20 8646 8383 F: +44 (0)20 8646 8099 Living Voice T: +44 (0) 115 973 3222 Mode lighting The Maltings, 63 High Street, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 9AD T: +44 (0) 192 046 2121 New Media Image T: +44 (0) 239 245 1006 F: +44 (0) 870 167 4453 Lockwood Audio T: +44 (0)20 8864 8008 F: +44 (0)20 8864 3064 Loewe (Linn Products) T: +44 (0) 129 247 1568 F: +44 (0) 129 247 1554 Lutron EA Ltd T: +44 (0) 207 702 0657 F: +44 (0) 207 480 6899 •M Mango Marketing Limited T: +44 (0) 193 282 9077 F: +44 (0) 193 282 7576 Web: Mana Audio Ltd. (Manufacturer) T: +44 (0) 140 783 0530 F: +44 (0) 140 783 0535 Marantz Hi-Fi UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 175 368 0868 F: +44 (0) 175 368 0428 Martek (UK) Ltd T: +44 (0) 135 925 3555 F: +44 (0) 135 925 3559 Marata Vision T: +44 (0) 192 349 5595 F: +44 (0) 192 349 5599 Max Distribution Co Ltd T: +44 (0) 173 284 0845 F: +44 (0) 173 284 1845 Leax Controls T: +44 (0) 207 501 0880 F: +44 (0) 207 501 8890 Maxell Europe Ltd. T: +44 (0) 192 349 4400 F: +44 (0) 192 349 4410 Lektropacks (UK) T: +44 (0)20 8847 2776 F: +44 (0)20 8560 8050 Meiloon UK T: +44 (0) 190 820 0844 Lenbrook UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 190 831 9360 F: +44 (0) 190 832 2752 Meridian Audio Ltd T: +44 (0) 148 044 5678 F: +44 (0) 148 044 5687 L.G. Electronics UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 870 607 5544 F: +44 (0) 175 351 7445 Metropolis Music T: +44 (0) 189 253 9245 Linn Products Ltd Floors Road, Waterfoot, Eaglesham, Glasgow, G76 0EQ T: +44 (0) 141 307 7777 F: +44 (0) 141 644 4262 42 Mitsubishi Electric Europe Travellers Lane, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 8XB T: +44 (0) 170 727 8684 F: +44 (0) 170 727 8541 Monitor Audio Ltd. 24 Brook Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 7XL T: +44 (0) 126 874 0580 F: +44 (0) 126 874 0589 Nexus Technologies Pty. Ltd NHT T: +44 (0) 151 236 1832 F: +44 (0) 151 255 1194 Monster Europe Ltd T: 01923 431 634 Nottingham Analogue T: +44 (0) 177 376 2947 F: +44 (0) 177 353 356 Moth Group T: +44 (0) 123 474 1152 F: +44 (0) 123 474 2028 NXT - New Transducers Ltd T: +44 (0) 870 777 5555 F: +44 (0) 148 084 6190 Moulded Cords & Cables - MCC T: +44 (0) 134 486 8200 F: +44 (0) 134 486 8208 •O Multi-Room Company, The 4 Churchill House Churchill Road, Cheltenham GL53 7EG Tel: +44 (0) 124 253 9100 Fax: +44 (0) 12 4253 9300 Multiroom Systems T: +44 (0) 870 855 0010 F: +44 (0) 121 200 1167 Musical Fidelity Ltd. T: +44 (0)20 8900 2866 F: +44 (0)20 8900 2983 Musonic UK Ltd. T: +44 (0) 192 321 3344 F: +44 (0) 192 321 3355 Myryad UK See BBG Distribution •N NAD Electronics See Lenbrook UK Naim Audio T: +44 (0) 172 242 6600 Nakamichi UK Ltd See FSM Audio National Instruments Corporation (UK) Ltd T: +44 (0) 163 552 3545 F: +44 (0) 163 552 4395 Neaco Ltd T: +44 (0) 165 369 5721 F: +44 (0) 165 360 0418 NEAT Acoustics Ltd. T: + 44 (0) 183 363 1021 F: + 44 (0) 183 363 0022 Obelisk Audio Designs T: +44 (0) 179 450 1235 O'heocha Design Ltd T: +353 9150 6970 T: +44 (0) 156 478 2502 F: +353 9150 6972 Onkyo T: +44 (0) 149 468 1515 F: +44 (0) 149 468 0452 Optimum International 2000 Ltd T /F: +44 (0) 190 469 0089 Optoma Europe Ltd 42 Caxton Way, Watford Business Park, Watford, Herts, WD18 8QZ. UK. T: +44 (0) 192 369 1866 F: +44 (0) 1923 691888 Opus Technologies T: +44 (0) 845 090 2266 F: +44 (0)20 7940 2233 Orelle Ltd. T: +44 (0)20 8991 9200 F: +44 (0)20 8997 4060. Origin Live T: +44 (0) 238 057 8877 F: +44 (0) 238 057 8877 Overkill Audio T: +44 [0] 148 784 2911 F: +44 [0] 148 784 1341 Owl Video Systems Ltd T: +44 (0) 182 576 6123 F: +44 (0) 182 576 0246 •P P&C Industries T: +44 (0) 122 387 0712 F: +44 (0) 122 387 2654 Panasonic (UK) Ltd T: +44 (0) 134 486 2444 F: +44 (0) 134 486 1656 Partington & Co T: +44 (0) 147 470 9299 F: +44 (0) 147 470 9295 Paradigm Audio Visual Ltd T: +44 (0) 1234 843388 F: +44 (0) 1234 854477 PATH IXOS T: +44 (0) 184 421 9000 F: +44 (0) 184 421 9099 Pear Audio Ltd. T: +44 (0) 166 583 0862 F: +44 (0) 166 583 0051 Philex Electronics Ltd T: +44 (0) 123 426 3737 F: +44 (0) 123 426 7400 Pickering Cartridges T: +44 (0) 190 464 2463 Picture The Sound T: +44 (0) 700 044 3426 T: +44 (0) 7000 HIFICO F: +44 (0) 148 345 4992 Pink Triangle Partnership Ltd T: +44 (0)20 8694 9609 F: +44 (0)20 8694 7450 Pioneer GB Ltd T: +44 (0) 175 378 9789 F: +44 (0) 175 378 9528 Limited Tel: +44 (0)1206 391001 Fax: +44 (0)1206 391096 PMC Ltd Flying Mole Bryston T: +44(0) 870 444 1044 F: +44 (0) 870 444 1045 PM Components Ltd T: +44 (0) 163 484 8500 F: +44 (0) 163 484 867 Polk Audio T: +44 (0) 207 702 5277 F: +44 (0) 207 251 2487 Precious Metals T: +44 (0) 148 382 7722 Premier Mounts (Europe) Swallow House Shilton Industrial Estate Coventry, CV7 9JY T: +44 (0) 247 661 4700 F: +44 (0) 247 661 4710 Presence Audio T: +44 (0) 144 446 1611 F: +44 (0) 144 446 1510 Prima International Plc T: +44 (0) 113 251 1500 F: +44 (0) 113 251 1515 Proac (Celef Audio) Highpoint House, Riding Row Buck Road Industrial Estate Brackley, NN13 7BH T: +44 (0) 128 070 0147 Projecta BV PO Box 191 6000 AD Weert The Netherlands T: +31 495 580 858 F: +31 495 580 845 Prism Media Products Ltd T: +44 (0) 122 342 4988 F: +44 (0) 122 342 5023 Prospero Recruitment Ltd T: +44 (0) 207 404 6383 F: +44 (0) 207 404 6323 rjgrays@prosperorecruitment .com Pulse Marketing T: +44 (0) 127 965 5955 F: +44 (0) 127 965 6004 Pure Digital T: +44 (0) 192 327 7488 F: +44 (0) 192 327 0188 P.W.B. Electronics T: +44 (0) 113 268 2550 •Q Quad Electroacoustics Ltd T: +44 (0) 845 458 0011 F: +44 (0) 148 043 1767 Quadraspire Ltd T: +44 (0) 122 533 3360 F: +44 (0) 122 533 8083 QED Audio Products Ltd T: +44 (0) 148 374 7474 F: +44 (0) 148 354 5600 •R Recoton T: +49 223 498 4080 Redline T: +44 (0) 131 555 3922 F: +44 (0) 131 555 3964 Reference Point Computers T: +44 (0) 845 634 2032 F: +44 (0) 845 634 2033 Rega Reseach T: +44 (0) 170 233 3071 REL Acoustics Ltd T: +44 (0) 165 676 8777 F: +44 (0) 165 676 6093 Remote Media Ltd T: +44 (0) 845 458 3705 Revolver Hi-Fi loudspeakers The Acoustic Partnership LLP Unit 8 Saltash Business Park Saltash, Cornwall PL12 6LX Tel: 0870 0470047 Fax:0870 0470047 Email: Revox See Custom Sight & Sound RGB Communications Ltd T: +44 (0) 148 873 366 F: +44 (0) 148 873 377 Scandyna UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 147 362 6600 F: +44 (0) 147 362 6700 Stoneaudio UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 120 220 1735 F: +44 (0) 120 220 1315 Schneider UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 161 374 0101 F: +44 (0) 161 374 0102 Symmetry T: +44 (0) 172 786 5488 See Hear Ltd T: +44 (0) 179 559 7590 F: +44 (0) 179 559 7591 SYN Factory U-vola Suspended Loudspeakers T: +39 (0432) 972 362 F: +39 (0432) 972 684 Sennheiser UK Ltd 3 Century Point, Halifax Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 3SL T: +44 (0) 149 455 1551 F: +44 (0) 149 455 1550 Sharp Electronics T: +44 (0) 161 205 2333 F: +44 (0) 161 205 7076 Rip Factory PO Box 169 Newtownabbey Co Antrim BT36 9AB T: +44 (0) 845 226 2791 F: +44 (0) 870 762 7547 Silvernote T /F: +44 (0) 199 262 0905 Ringmat Developments T: +44 (0) 127 720 0210 F: +44 (0) 127 720 1225 Simplysonos T: +44 (0) 800 731 7308 Roksan Audio Ltd T: +44 (0)20 8900 6801/6802 F: +44 (0)20 8900 0734 Rotel Dale Road Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 2BH, UK T: +44 (0) 190 322 1800 Roth Multimedia Audio See THE OPPOSITION GROUP Royd Loudspeakers Co. Ltd T: +44 (0) 195 229 0700 F: +44 (0) 195 229 0190 Ruark Acoustics Ltd 59 Tailor's Court, Temple Farm Ind. Est., Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 5TH T: +44 (0) 170 260 1410 F: +44 (0) 170 260 1414 Russ Andrews Accessories Ltd. T: +44 (0) 845 345 1550 F: +44 (0) 153 979 7325 •S SIM2 UK Ltd T: +44 (0) 182 575 0850 F: +44 (0) 182 575 0851 SME Ltd T: +44 (0) 190 381 4321 F: +44 (0) 190 381 4269 SOLO Manufacturing T: +44 (0) 115 939 2345 F: +44 (0) 115 939 2111 Songlines T: +44 (0)1424 813888 Sony UK Ltd The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0XW T: +44 (0) 193 281 6000 F: +44 (0) 193 281 7000 Sonus Systems Ltd T: +44 (0) 115 944 5027 F: +44 (0) 115 944 5126 Soundations T: +44 (0) 870 350 1349 Spendor Audio Systems Ltd. T: +44 (0) 132 384 3474 F: +44 (0) 132 344 2254 Standesign UK T: +44 (0) 239 250 1888 F: +44 (0) 239 250 1999 Sagem Communications T: +44 (0) 156 477 2200 F: +44 (0) 156 477 7736 Stands Unique T: +44 (0) 193 341 2227 F: +44 (0) 193 341 2215 Samsung Electronics Ltd T: +44 (0)20 8391 0168 Stil-Stand Stilexo Industrial UK Ltd Penalita Industrial Estate Ystrad Mynach, Mid Glam, CF82 7QZ T: +44 (0) 144 381 6777 Samuel Johnson Audio Ltd T: +44 (0) 141 810 2828 F: +44 (0) 141 810 2829 Thear Technology Limited (REVOX) T: +44 (0) 152 584 1999 F: +44 (0) 152 584 1009 •T T&A See Transparent Distribution Tivoli Audio 59 Tailor's Court Temple Farm Ind Est Southend on sea, Essex, SS2 5TH T: +44 (0) 170 260 1410 F: +44 (0) 170 260 1414 Townshend Audio T: +44 (0)20 8979 2155 Transparent Distribution Ltd T: +44 (0) 162 351 7000 T&T Communications T: 08706 093686 F: 01255 863909 Trichord Research Ltd T: +44 (0) 168 457 3524 F: +44 (0) 168 457 7380 Tannoy Ltd Rosehall Ind Est, Coatbridge, N. Lanarkshire, ML5 4TF T: +44 (0) 123 642 0199 F: +44 (0) 123 642 8230 Troy innovations Victoria Works, Hillend Lane Rossendale, Lancs, BB4 7AG T: +44 (0) 170 622 1133 F: +44 (0) 170 622 2309 Target Audio Distribution Ltd T: +44 (0) 144 225 9994 M: +44 (0) 973 147 441 TCI Ltd Projection House, 19 Townley Way, Earls Barton, Northants, NN6 0HR T: +44 (0) 160 481 1661 F: +44 (0) 160 481 1715 True-Colours Industries T: +44 (0) 771 019 6949 F: +44 (0) 870 120 5923 Tube Technology T: +44 (0) 126 984 4771 F: +44 (0) 193 224 4455 Turbosound Earphones - as above See THE OPPOSITION GROUP •U TDI Tremiver Ltd T: +44 (0) 125 639 7770 F: +44 (0) 125 639 8880 TEAC UK Ltd 5 Marlin House, The Croxley Centre, Watford, Herts, WD1 8YA T: +44 (0) 192 381 9630 F: +44 (0) 192 323 6290 Tech Link International Unit 8, Bat & Ball Enterprise Centre, Bat & Ball Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN14 5LJ T: +44 (0) 173 277 9400 F: +44 (0) 173 277 9344 Technical & General T: +44 (0) 189 265 4534 Tektronix Ltd T: +44 (0) 134 439 2400 F: +44 (0) 134 439 2401 Top Stands Ltd Top Stands Ltd 11 Ayston Road, Leicester, LE3 2GA T: +44 (0) 116 289 3756 F: +44 (0) 116 263 0234 The Diamond Stylus Company Limited "Diamond Connection" Council Street West, Llandudno, Conwy, L30 1ED. T: +44 (0) 194 286 0880 F: +44 (0) 194 286 0653 THE OPPOSITION GROUP T: +44 (0) 118 949 7656 F: +44 (0) 118 949 7657 E: UAS Enterprises T: +44 (0) 870 066 0406 F: +44 (0) 870 066 0407 UKD T: +44 (0) 175 365 2669 F: +44 (0) 175 365 4531 Unicol T: +44 (0) 186 576 7676 Fax: +44 (0) 186 576 7677 Usher Audio Technology T: 886 2 2381 6299 F: 886 2 2371 1053 •V Vibe Technologies Ltd T: +44 (0) 121 311 9090 F: +44 (0) 121 311 9001 Vieta UK T: +44 (0) 149 472 3444 VPI (UK) T: +44 (0) 157 936 3603 Virtual Reality Audio Systems Ltd T: +44 (0) 127 722 7355 F: +44 (0) 127 722 4103 Visonary AV Solutions Ltd T: +44 (0) 207 722 0067 F: +44 (0) 207 483 1444 Visual Displays T: +44 (0) 207 222 9009 F: +44 (0) 207 233 2165 43 CONTACT BOOK Vivadi Plc T: +44 (0) 179 378 0033 F: +44 (0) 179 378 0044 Vivanco UK Ltd. T: +44 (0) 144 240 3020 F: +44 (0) 144 240 3030 Vivante Productions Ltd. (Software) T: +44 (0) 129 382 0509 F: +44 (0) 129 382 1965 Vogels See BBG Distribution •W Wavelength Distribution F: +44 (0) 162 276 1560 Wharfedale International Ltd T: (0) 845 458 0011 F: (0) 148 043 1767 Waterfall See Transparent Distribution •X Wilmslow Audio Lt T: +44 (0) 145 528 6603 F: +44 (0) 145 528 6605 Wilson Benesch T: +44 [0] 114 285 2656 F: +44 [0] 114 285 2657 Xixin Ltd T: +44 (0) 158 240 0340 •Y Yamaha Electronics (UK) Ltd 200 Rickmansworth Road, Watford, Herts, WD18 7GQ T: +44 (0) 192 323 3166 F +44 (0) 192 381 0410 Yello GB Ltd T: +44 (0) 141 576 1772 F: +44 (0) 141 950 2737 Get In Training What’s New may not be an education in itself, but it can certainly point you in the right direction. Read on to find out where you might want to be in the coming months… Armour Home Electronics Control4 Systemline 4.4 from scratch: 14/03/06, 11/04/06, 9/05/06, 13/06/06, 11/07/06 Systemline Modular introduction: 21/03/06, 25/04/06, 16/05/06, 27/06/06, 18/07/06 Systemline Modular Advanced: 22/03/06, 29/03/06, 12/04/06, 26/04/06, 3/05/06, 11-12/04/06, 9-10/05/06 17/05/06, 14/06/06, 28/06/06, 19/07/06L Introduction to Imerge sound servers: 28/03/06, 2/05/06, Product range overview, software and configurations: 21-22/03/06, For further information contact: +44 (0)134 781 2300 15/06/06, 20/07/06 Introduction to RF distribution: 27/04/06, 27/07/06 Introduction to Sonance speakers: 22/05/06 Introduction to Lighting control systems: 16/05/06, 11/07/06 Home Computer Networks: 20/03/06, 15/05/06 Sonance Navigator Harbor/K2 keypad: 23/03/06, 25/05/05, 12/07/05 NEVO Sl remote control systems: 30/03/06, 19/04/06, 4/05/06, 24/05/06, 7/06/06, 29/06/06, 6/07/06, 26/07/06 Crestron Installers Dates: 05/04/06, 14/06/06, 02/08/06, 04/10/06, 06/12/06 Lighting Dates: 03/05/06, 05/07/06, 06/09/06, 01/11/06 Essentials Dates: 11-13/04/06, 16-18/05/06, 27-29/06/06, 25-27/07/06, 1517/08/06, 26-28/09/06, 7-9/11/06, 12-14/12/06 Intermediate Dates: 25-27/04/06, 11-13/07/06, 12-14/09/06, 24-26/10/06 SIMPL+ Dates: 14-16/03/06, 30/05/06-01/07/06, 29/07/06-31/08/06, 10-12/10/06, NEVO SL, NEVO Link, UpnP: 31/03/06, 5/05/06, 7/07/06 21-23/11/06 For further information contact: Commercial Design Dates: 04/04/06, 13/06/06, 01/08/06 Residential Design Dates: 02/05/06, 04/07/06, 05/09/06 Commercial Afternoon Workshop Dates 2006: 24/03/06 - I Media, 21/04/06 – Helvar Helvar Digidim Lighting programming: 17/05/06, 11/07/06 Helvar Lighting Router Systems: 25-26/04/06, 27-28/06/06 Essential CAD for Custom Installation: 16-17/03/06, 11-12/05/06, 13-14/07/06 Introduction to Lutron Homeworks: 12/04/06, 12/07/06 Lighting design for residential projects: 26/05/06 Introduction to Home cinema systems: 16-17/03/06, 18-19/05/06 Multiroom audio and lighting systems for interior designers: 20/03/06 For further information contact: CEDIA CPD courses Belfast: 28/03/06 Dublin: 30/03/06 Roomview, 19t/05/06 - Touch panels, 30/06/06 – Processors, 28/07/06 - Quick Media, 25/08/06 – ILUX, 22/09/06 - I Media, 20/10/06- Room view, 17/11/06 – Processors, 15/12/06- Touch panel Residential Morning Workshop: 24/03/06 - Crestron HVAC, 04/07/06 – eControl, 21/04/06- Diagnostics, 05/05/06 – Touchpanels, keypads & Interfaces, 19/05/06 – Intercom, 02/06/06 – Lighting, 16/06/06- Adagio, 30/06/06- Video Distribution For further information contact: RGB i-school Kramer Electronics Training Day: 21-22/03/06, 19-20/04/06, 16-17/05/06 AMX Programming: 28/03/06, 25/04/06, 23/05/06 How to Sell & Specify AMX - Commercial: 5/04/06, 3/05/06 How to Sell & Configure AMX: 9/02/06, 14/03/06, 6/04/06, 4/05/06 Rack Design and Build: 23/03/06, 13/04/06, 18/05/06 Networking and WiFi for AV Systems: 16/03/06, 11/04/06, 31/05/06 ClearOne Technical Specialist: 12/04/06, 10/05/06 For further information contact: Designer Level 1, Review and Certification Exam: 27-29/03/06 For further information contact: Any manufacturers or distributors wishing to have their training details included in this section should email or contact +44 (0) 120 650 5959 44 Advertise your recruitment here free* or from as little as £100** RECRUITMENT elcome to the What's New recruitment section, a brand new tool for employers seeking the right person for their vacancy and employees looking to move onwards and upwards. Every opportunity that you see on these pages will also be placed live on our website, the moment the information becomes available, making it an extremely efficient vehicle for those seeking to expand their staff. To place an advert on this page, please contact Theresa on +44 (0) 1480 498953 or W POSITION: TOP NOTCH SALES EXECUTIVE REGION: WILTSHIRE SALARY: NEG We are an expanding young dynamic company based in Maiden Bradley, Wiltshire, with showrooms in Wiltshire, Bath and London. Are you hard working and have loads of proven sales experience within the residential custom install market place? If you are itching to move to a company where you can make your mark and be part of our success then we want to hear from you. Email your CV in confidence to POSITION: HEAD OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT REGION: WEST SUSSEX SALARY: NEG Turbosound is an established UK manufacturer of professional audio systems and products, widely distributed to over 70 countries around the world. As part of an energetic business expansion programme we are seeking an experienced manager/director to lead an existing and growing Research and Development team based at our West Sussex facility. The ideal candidate will have a solid engineering and managerial background, and will be educated to degree standard. You should also be experienced in project management, be able to demonstrate a successful track record of on-target delivery of development projects, have a sound knowledge of the professional audio industry and commercial awareness. In addition you will have an understanding of the needs of a small to mid-size company and a keenness to work in a “hands-on” way with the day-to-day engineering details of a competitive professional business. Please apply with your CV and covering letter to Turbosound Ltd., Star Road, Partridge Green, West Sussex RH13 8RY UK marking the envelope “Recruitment”, or by email to POSITION: BOARD APPOINTMENTS REGION: EUROPE SALARY: OTE 100K+ Vivadi plc has recently secured funding for major expansion and now seeks exceptionally talented professionals to help drive the company forward into European and US markets. Managing Director – to lead the company through a period of high growth and build Vivadi into an aspirational brand within both home and export markets. OTE £200K - £300K. Sales Director – to establish and develop export markets, particularly within Europe and the USA. OTE £100K - £200K. Financial Director – to develop financial infrastructure, manage investor relations and take the company to AIM. OTE £100K - £200K. Further information is available at and all enquires and applications should be addressed to Paul Roberts, CEO, at POSITION: DESIGN ENGINEERS REGION: WEST SUSSEX SALARY: NEG We are looking for degree level loudspeaker design engineers with or without industry experience to develop innovative professional loudspeakers for the concert touring and fixed-installation markets. Responsibilities include the design of the horns, drive units, cabinets, passive crossovers as well as systems integration. Please apply with your CV and covering letter to Turbosound Ltd., Star Road, Partridge Green, West Sussex RH13 8RY UK marking the envelope Recruitment or email to POSITION: TECHNICAL APPOINTMENTS REGION: UK SALARY: NEG Vivadi plc has recently secured funding for major expansion and now seeks exceptionally talented professionals to help drive the company forward into European and US markets. Mechanical Engineering Manager – to manage the design, development and supply of a range of stylish designs for forthcoming models. Electronics Engineer – to support and develop both current and next generation products. Software Engineer – to develop and evaluate embedded and Windows application software. Electronics Technician – to support the engineering team in development and production. Further information is available at and all enquires and applications should be addressed to Paul Roberts, CEO, at *Recruitment free with year’s commitment of advertising ** £100 per strip DIARY We make a point of exploring the most significant shows both at home and abroad PALME brings the install industry into focus in Dubai next month Integrated Systems hits China in April Please send all correspondence to: What's New, 21-23 Phoenix Court, Hawkins Road, CO2 8JY Events 2006/7 It’s Show Time! APRIL 06 1-2 12-14 22-27 23-25 Heathrow High Fidelity Show Integrated Systems China Interbuild Install @ PALME 2006 Park Inn, Heathrow Everbright Centre, Shanghai NEC, Birmingham DIEC, Dubai JUNE 06 2-4 3-9 19-22 Grand Designs Live infocomm 2006 Orange County Convention Center, CEDIA EXPO 2006 ExCel, ExCel, London Orlando London JULY 06 27-29 CEDIA Australasia Expo Gold Coast, Queensland SEPTEMBER O6 1-6 13-17 22-24 22-24 22-24 IFA 2006 CEDIA US Expo Smart Home Show Hi-Fi & Home Entertainment Show London Sound & Vision Show Messe Berlin Colorado Convention Center, Denver Excel, London Renaissance Hotel, Heathrow Park Inn, Heathrow OCTOBER 06 21-22 Scottish Sound & Vision Home Entertainment Show Radisson SAS, Glasgow Renaissance Hotel, Manchester NOVEMBER 06 1-3 Integrated Systems India Pragati Maidan Exhibition Centre, New Delhi JANUARY 07 8-11 International CES Convention Centre, Las Vegas LOOK OUT FOR THE NEXT ISSUE OF WHAT'S NEW ON APRIL 17TH FEATURING... Broadcasting Legends – the best DAB digital radios in the world... ever Work It Out – Will our recruitment section have the perfect job for you? Eco-Maniac – A look at the environmentalist edge of the CI world In Production – The latest AV kit to hit the launch pad ISSN 1478-1123 Editor: Hamish McNair-Wilson T: 44 (0)1206 505959 Editor-In-Chief: Stuart Pritchard T: 44 (0)1206 505924 Editorial Assistant: Jacob Stow Publisher: Steve Duffy Art Direction: Lee Whiteford Designers: Debra Pratt, Lewis Webb Advertisement Designer: Alison Williams Advertising Director: Theresa Jackaman T: 44 (0)148 049 8953 Contributors: Darren Harvey, Toby Watson, Sarah Adcock, Sam Fuller Design & Repro: Ace Pre-Press T: 44 (0)1206 797541 Circulation Manager: Mick Orrin T: 44 (0)1206 505912 46 Subscriptions: To ensure you receive your copy of What’s New every issue, go to and simply fill in the online form Accounts Admin: T: 44 (0)1206 505900 Published By: Partridge Publications (2000) Ltd, Avenue Lodge, 60 East Street, Brighton, BN1 1HN. Tel. +44 (0) 1273 719900 Not for correspondence Printed in England All contributions are submitted and accepted on the basis of a non-exclusive worldwide licence to publish or licence to do so unless otherwise agreed in advance in writing. What's New in Sound and Vision recognises all copyrights and trademarks. Where possible, we have acknowledged the copyright holder. Contact us if we haven’t credited your copyright and we will correct any oversight. All contents © Partridge Publications (2000) Limited While we make every effort to ensure that everything we print in What's New in Sound and Vision is factually correct, we cannot be held responsible if factual errors occur. Please check any quoted hardware specifications with your supplier before purchase. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Copyright Partridge Publications (2000) Ltd © 01/07/04 - 30/06/05: 4,309 Crestron's Adagio for Music Lovers NEW Adagio delivers multi-room audio distribution with amplification and control in an affordable, simple packaged solution. Everything you expect from Crestron - but now more! - Audio distribution for 6 rooms - NO programming required! - Integrated 45 watt x 12 channel power amplifier - On-board AM/FM and Sirius Satellite radio tuners - Plug-and-play support for Adagio Audio Server and iPod - Built-in 2-series Crestron control engine Crestron UK Ltd. Netptune House - 2 Portsmouth Road - Kingston, KT1 2LU - Tel: +44 (0) 208-43.972.72 - #"$,*/ #-"$, 5IFJEFDLJT#BDLJO#MBDL t4UZMJTIEFTJHOBOEGBOUBTUJDBXBSEXJOOJOHIJmRVBMJUZBVEJP t$IBSHFTBTJUQMBZT t$PNQBUJCMFXJUIBMM((NJOJQIPUPOBOP(WJEFP t4ZODTXJUI.BDPS1$WJB64#PS'JSFXJSF¥ #MVF(SJMMFT t0QUJPOBMDPMPVSFEHSJMMFTBWBJMBCMFJOCMVFBOEQJOL $POUBDU.POJUPS"VEJPPOPSLBSFO!JEFDLDPN 1JOL(SJMMFT JEFDLJTBUSBEFNBSLPG.POJUPS"VEJP-UEJ1PEJTBSFHJTUFSFEUSBEFNBSLPG"QQMF$PNQVUFS*OD