Fall 2012 - Arizona Kodály Teachers Society
Fall 2012 - Arizona Kodály Teachers Society
Volume XXXIV Issue 2 Fall 2012 Arizona Kodály Teachers Society Welcomes: Dr. Leigh Ann Garner “Purposeful, Practical, and Playful Activities: The Three P’s of AKTS An affiliate chapter of the Organization of American Kodály Educators Www.ArizonaKodaly.org Arizona Kodály Teachers Society the Music Classroom!” Do you find yourself challenged to address the various learning styles of your music students? Workshop participants will walk away from this session with adaptable and practical teaching strategies that will engage aural, oral, kinesthetic, and visual learners. In addition, participants will explore and discuss how the repertoire and activities presented can be utilized in multiple grade levels as well as in various stages of the teaching sequence, such as formal and informal assessment. Saturday, September 8, 2012, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (8:30 a.m. registration) OAKE members $25, Non-members $30, Full-time students with ID Free. Gammage Auditorium, ASU Main Campus Earn Four Professional Development Hours. For more info, contact Lisa Harney. Inside this issue: AKTS Board Members Upcoming Workshop Information 1 President: Lisa Harney: lisatues@hotmail.com President’s Message Spring 2013 Workshop Information 2 3 Past President: Karlena Leal: karlena@kkpsi.org Kodály in Your Classroom 4-5 AKTS Scholarship Recipients 6-7 OAKE & AKTS Scholarships 8-9 Early Registration & ASU 10 President Elect: Irene Rowland: rowlandirene@gmail.com Secretary: Beth Nichol: playsbassoon@yahoo.com Treasurer: Dalene Husky: dhusky@gmail.com Member-at-Large: Megan Rodriguez: meganhensberry@gmail.com Member-at-Large: OPEN! President’s Message: Lisa Harney The 2012-2013 school year has arrived! I am excited to be starting my term as the new AKTS President, and am very thankful to our Past–President, Karlena Leal, for all of her hard work and support. Karlena did a fantastic job as AKTS President with moving our chapter forward in a positive direction, securing great clinicians, and assisting in organizing the OAKE Conference that was held in Phoenix last spring. She continues to play a very active role in our chapter. A little about me: I have taught K-5 general music and chorus at Holiday Park Elementary School in the Cartwright District for twelve years and have had the privilege of studying Kodály Levels one through three during ASU Summer Levels Courses. I am looking forward to this school year and cannot wait to serve as president on the board with our other amazing board members, Megan Rodriguez, Karlena Leal, Irene Rowland, Dalene Husky, and Beth Nichol! If you have ANY questions about Kodály or AKTS, please email me at lisatues@hotmail.com. AKTS has an exciting workshop lined up for this fall! Dr. Leigh Ann Garner will be presenting “Purposeful, Practical, and Playful Activities: The Three P’s of the Music Classroom!” on Saturday September 8th. This workshop will give you valuable teaching strategies that will help you to engage students of all learning styles. Be sure to check out our flyer that is located within the newsletter for more information! Bring a friend! Information about AKTS workshops, scholarships, and board members is located on our BRAND NEW & UPDATED AKTS website. Check it out at www.arizonakodaly.org. Congratulations to all of those students who took Kodály Levels Courses this summer at ASU! We commend you on your hard work and hope that you gained valuable teaching tools as a result. I would like to acknowledge Jason Neumann, Mary Mininni, and Travis Clement, who all received scholarships to help pay for their course materials during Kodály Levels this summer. You can read about their course experiences within this newsletter! Kodály Levels Courses are offered every summer at ASU. If you would like more information, please refer to our website or contact Dr. Sandra Stauffer at Sandra.Stauffer@asu.edu. Good luck to everyone with the beginning of this school year, and I look forward to seeing you at our Fall Workshop on September 8th with Dr. Leigh Ann Garner! Sincerely, Lisa Harney Dr. Leigh Ann Garner teaches elementary classroom music at Christa McAuliffe Elementary School in Hastings, MN. In addition, she is the Director of the Kodály Institute at the University of St. Thomas, where she teaches Levels I and II pedagogy. Dr. Garner also taught on the Kodály faculty at Wichita State University. She is the co-author of Music and Movement, a music curriculum for children ages 1-5, and is a contributing author for MacMillan McGraw/Hill music textbook series. Dr. Garner served on the board of the Organization of American Kodály Educators from 2004-2012. She holds an Ed. D. from the University of St. Thomas, an M.A. in Music Education from the University of St. Thomas, and a B.A. in Vocal Music Education from St. Olaf College. PAGE 2 AKTS NEWSLETTER Spring 2013 AKTS Workshop: Saturday, March 2, 2013 Ms. Gemma Arguelles “Beyond Singing: Using Instruments in the Kodály classroom” (Using standard classroom instruments + Orff instruments.) Gemma Arguelles is Music Specialist and director of choruses at Convent of the Sacred Heart Elementary School in San Francisco. She is an adjunct lecturer at Holy Names University in Oakland where she is a regular faculty member of its Kodály Summer Institute. Gemma has led music workshops for various OAKE chapters and has presented at OAKE, CMEA (California Music Educators Association), CAIS (Calif. Assoc. of Independent Schools) and OMEA (Oregon Music Educators Association) conferences. She is a board member of Northern California Association of Kodály Educators (NCAKE). Gemma holds a bachelor’s degree in Music Education and Choral Conducting from University of the Philippines, and Master of Music Education with Kodály emphasis from Holy Names University. Are you an active AKTS Member? When you join OAKE, The Organization of American Kodály Educators, please list AKTS as your affiliate chapter. Our Chapter and Division receive a bonus from OAKE to help bring amazing clinicians to AZ! You may contact OAKE at (310) 441-3555 or by email at oakeoffice@oake.org. Thanks! Visit the National Conference website: http://www.oake.org/conferences V O LU M E XX X I V I S S U E 2 PAGE 3 Kodály in Your Classroom by Dr. Shelly Cooper “The Little School Bus in the Music Room” Songs and stories have a strong relationship to each other and have the capacity to boost brain development, increase vocabulary, and promote future academic success. The sounds and foundational structures of reading and singing provide children with successful pathways for advancing language skills, increasing memory, and promoting emerging literacy. Brain imaging provides researchers and teachers with evidence that songs and stories can “light up the brain” and “research shows that a love of books is the number-one determinant of future academic success” (Pfaff, 2008, pp. 123-124). Additionally, songs and books provide aural and visual stimulation and their foundational structure of rhythm and rhymes are building blocks for learning and literacy in all content areas. Enjoy “singing” the story “The Little School Bus” with your students. Suggested Grade Level: 1-2 Areas of Focus: • steady beat; pitch matching, singing a major scale series, experiencing 6/8 Materials: • Card Visuals: Ordinal Number Words, Animals, Rhymes, “Beep, Beep, Beep” school bus card • Book: The Little School Bus by Carol Roth Rhythmic Phrase/Chant: Melody: PAGE 4 AKTS NEWSLETTER Procedure: • Speak rhythmic chant several times. Have students start “filling in” the “beep, beep, beep” section with words and adding the motion of “pushing the horn;” add “pat, pat, clap” during words “take a seat.” • Read story to class. Have students speak the rhythmic chant as it appears in text and add the “Riding the Bus” melody for every appearance of the text. • Pass out cards with ordinal number words (e.g., first, second, third, etc.) to various students. • Have them put the words in order on the white board. • Introduce cards with the animal pictures that correspond with the book (e.g., pig, goat, etc.). Challenge students to put the animals in sequential order of their appearance in the book. • Introduce cards with the words that rhyme with each animal (e.g., “coat” for “goat”). Have students match each rhyme with the corresponding animal. • Read/Sing through the cards on the whiteboard: • ◊ first is a goat in a coat ◊ second is a pig in a wig ◊ third is a fox wearing socks ◊ fourth is a chick who is so quick ◊ fifth is a bear with lots of hair ◊ sixth is worm who starts to squirm ◊ seventh is a sheep who likes to sleep Transfer the scale pattern to tone bells, stair-step bells, and/or other barred instruments **Note: Have the first card series start on “do,” second card series on “re,” etc. (see figure below). Finish the scale by singing “they are” on high “do” before singing the “Riding the Bus” melody for the last time. do’ “they are…” ti Seventh Sheep Photo sleep la Sixth Worm Photo squirm so Fifth Bear Photo hair fa Fourth Chick Photo quick mi Third Fox Photo socks re Second Pig Photo wig do First Goat Photo coat References: Pfaff, L. G. (2008, July). “I love storytime.” Parents, 123-124. V O LU M E XX X I V I S S U E 2 PAGE 5 AKTS 2012 Summer Kodály Levels Scholarship Recipients Jason Neumann: Being a part of the Kodály training was a wonderful experience as a music educator. We spent 10 days looking through the eyes of children and experiencing what it is like to discover concepts. As a music educator I always seek to add more tools to my teaching toolbox. Kodály has given me just that. I now have myriad tools at my disposal to engage children in meaningful musical activities that help them discover the concepts first-hand. In addition to developing new skills, I also developed a network of other educators who are Kodály trained. We now have each other to use as a resource. This is invaluable to me as I wish to learn from those who are practicing in the field and experiencing success. Gleaning ideas from these colleagues will prove to be an invaluable tool for many years. Most importantly, I am glad I am now connected with a national organization that is committed to the continual growth and education of music teaching professionals. I look forward to working in tandem with other Kodály professionals as I move on in my teaching career. Jason Neumann (left), Travis Clement (center), Mary Mininni (right) Travis Clement: Attending the 2012 National OAKE conference in March made me excited for Level I this summer. While I expected to leave the two weeks with new ideas and materials for teaching, I never expected the dynamic experience my classmates and instructors created. Rarely does one have the opportunity to spend time with a group of teachers so open to trying new things, supporting each other’s growth (being “child-like” rather than “childish” for each other’s teaching demonstrations), and asking truly important questions about best teaching practices. The physical gesture of “two open arms” was a repeated theme throughout the two weeks, as we pushed each other to try new activities and ways of thinking. I am inspired by the unifying power of singing, and its ever-present role in bringing together our group of music teachers from all ages, experiences, and backgrounds. If each of us brings to the classroom half the level of joy and caring that we experienced with each other those two weeks, then our students and the future of music education are in good hands. Completing Level I Kodály has made me a stronger musician and made me feel more prepared for my first year of teaching. I can’t wait until Level II! Thank you, AKTS, for helping me participate in the best two weeks of my summer. PAGE 6 AKTS NEWSLETTER Mary Mininni: The Kodály Level I course offers exciting material for the classroom, a new method of teaching, and informed instructors who make the experience fun and absolutely worthwhile. Over the course of my training, I was exposed to many new activities, songs, and teaching aids that I will certainly make use of this coming school year. The Kodály course opened my eyes to a new approach to teaching, a method that is completely different from what I expected, and what I’m accustomed to. Most classes I’ve taken in the past focus on content driven instruction, which involves providing students with isolated experiences without necessarily putting that information into context, or stringing concepts together. The Kodály method, on the other hand, focuses on the students’ mental growth, the goal being to facilitate (instead of merely explaining) a broader understanding of concepts and how they relate. Instead of providing students with the answers, the Kodály method stresses the importance of the student’s own discovery, the teacher’s job being to help them to discover the objective and concept and how they relate to what has been “prepared” in the previous lesson. The Kodály method forces the students to think, and I like that. It challenges me as a veteran teacher to deliver good instruction, and ask more from my students. Ultimately, it has challenged and informed my teaching style. One of my favorite parts of the course was the people I met during it. I made a lot of great friends that I plan to stay in contact with, and the instructors were truly excellent. The variety of personalities, talents, and styles from the three instructors added to the experience. Dr. Shelly Cooper, Dr. Audrey Cardany, and Liza Meyers kept us on our toes, but paced out the assignments so the class would not be too overwhelmed. Kudos and Kisses to our instructors who made this summer’s experience a BLAST. The Kodály Level I class met and exceeded my expectations. It was worth the investment, and I look forward to mapping out a yearly plan for my K-1 with Kodály Prepare, Present and Practice Lessons. I also hope many of my classmates will join me next year for Kodaly Level II. 2012 Levels Students in their Final Concert in the Organ Hall at the ASU Music Building. V O LU M E XX X I V I S S U E 2 PAGE 7 2012 Kodály Summer Levels Highlights at ASU The men of the course perform at the Final Concert. 2012 Levels Students and Instructors. PAGE 8 AKTS NEWSLETTER OAKE Jenö Ádám Scholarship & AKTS 2013 Scholarship OAKE JENÖ ÁDÁM SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATON The purpose of the Jenö Ádám Scholarship is to provide partial funding to OAKE members toward study at OAKE-endorsed Kodály certification programs in the United States and Hungary. The Jenö Ádám Scholarship does not examine financial need as criteria for awards. Individuals may apply for more than one scholarship from OAKE, but will only be eligible for one award any given year, as determined by the Scholarship Committee. Prerequisites include: • Be a current OAKE member. • Have completed Kodály Level I. • Currently teach music or be actively involved in music education. • Exhibit a strong desire to study the Kodály concept. • Complete the Application form and references (available at www.oake.org/downloads) by February 1, 2013. AKTS 2013 Summer Levels Scholarship The purpose of the AKTS 2013 Summer Levels Scholarship is to provide partial funding to summer levels course students towards study in the Kodály Certification Courses at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. At this time, AKTS has one $100.00 Scholarship and we are working to increase this. Applicants must currently teach music or be actively involved in music education. Applicants will be judged on their essay and need per application. The Application will be on the AKTS website after the Spring 2013 Workshop and due by the end of May 2013. V O LU M E XX X I V I S S U E 2 PAGE 9 3859 E. Longhorn Drive Gilbert, AZ 85297 AR I Z O N A K O D ÁL Y T E AC H E R S S O C I E T Y W W W . AR I Z O N AK O D AL Y . O R G AN AF F I L I AT E C H AP T E R O F T H E O R G AN I Z AT I O N O F AM E R I C AN K O D ÁL Y E D U C AT O R S MUSIC FOR EVERYONE Lisa Harney Karlena Leal Newsletter Editors AKTS Newsletter A Publication of the Arizona Kodály Teachers Society OAKE on the web at: http://www.oake.org/ Directions to A.S.U. Gammage Auditorium (see map below) ARIZONA KODÁLY TEACHERS SOCIETY PRE-REGISTRATION FORM Name_____________________________________________ Date __________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City__________________ Zip___________________ Home Phone ________________________________ Workshop Fee Work Phone_________________________________ OAKE Member $25.00 Non-Member $30.00 Full-time Student Free with ID Please make checks payable to AKTS. Mail to: AKTS c/o Dalene Husky 3859 E. Longhorn Drive Gilbert, AZ 85297 Email_________________________________________ School________________________________________ District_______________________________________