Dokaflex table
Dokaflex table
User information 10/2010 Method statement 999778002 en-GB 9720-201-01 Dokaflex table The Formwork Experts Introduction User information Dokaflex table Introduction © by Doka Industrie GmbH, A-3300 Amstetten 2 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Introduction Contents 4 4 6 8 9 10 15 16 18 20 21 24 28 30 31 33 36 41 41 42 43 44 50 51 52 54 55 56 56 59 60 Introduction Elementary safety warnings Eurocodes at Doka System description System overview Instructions for assembly and use Adaptation to building layout Mounting the floor props Adapting to different slab thicknesses Structural design of standard-format tables Filling closure gaps Tables around edges of slab Slab stop-ends Assembly instructions for Dokaflex tables Combining with other Doka floor-slab systems Horizontal repositioning / travelling Vertical repositioning with transport forks Table Lifting System TLS Doka Table Lifting System TLS Product description Loading data Areas of use, possible configurations Repositioning and aligning the Table Lifting System Repositioning Doka tableforms Anchoring on the structure Possible ways of connecting the landing-level safety gates Computation of quantities for Lifting masts TLS 1.50m 62 General remarks Transporting, stacking and storing Safeguarding the edges of floor-slabs Reshoring props, concrete technology and striking Doka service offerings 64 Component overview 999778002 - 10/2010 3 The Formwork Experts Introduction User information Dokaflex table Elementary safety warnings Introduction User target groups Planning ● This User Information booklet (Method Statement) is aimed at everyone who will be working with the Doka product or system it describes. It contains information on the standard design for setting up this system, and on correct, compliant utilisation of the system. ● All persons working with the product described herein must be familiar with the contents of this manual and with all the safety instructions it contains. ● Persons who are incapable of reading and understanding this booklet, or who can do so only with difficulty, must be instructed and trained by the customer. ● The customer is to ensure that the information materials provided by Doka (e.g. User Information booklets, Instructions for Assembly and Use, Operating Instruction manuals, plans etc.) are available to all users, and that they have been made aware of them and have easy access to them at the usage location. ● In the relevant technical documentation and formwork utilisation plans, Doka shows the workplace safety precautions that are necessary in order to use the Doka products safely in the usage situations shown. In all cases, users are obliged to ensure compliance with national OH&S (occupational health and safety) rules throughout the entire project and to take appropriate additional or alternative workplace safety precautions where necessary. ● Provide safe workplaces for those using the formwork (e.g. for when it is being erected/dismantled, modified or repositioned etc). It must be possible to get to and from these workplaces via safe access routes! ● If you are considering any deviation from the details and instructions given in this booklet, or any application which goes beyond those described in the booklet, then revised static calculations must be produced for checking, as well as supplementary assembly instructions. Hazard assessment ● The customer is responsible for drawing up, documenting, implementing and continually updating a hazard assessment at every job-site. This document serves as the basis for the site-specific hazard assessment, and for the instructions given to users on how to prepare and utilise the system. It does not substitute for these, however. Remarks on this document ● This User Information booklet can also be used as a generic method statement or incorporated with a site-specific method statement. ● Many of the illustrations in this booklet show the situation during formwork assembly and are therefore not always complete from the safety point of view. ● Further safety instructions, especially warnings, will be found in the individual sections of this document! 4 Rules applying during all phases of the assignment: ● The customer must ensure that this product is erected and dismantled, reset and generally used for its intended purpose under the direction and supervision of suitably skilled persons with the authority to issue instructions. These persons' mental and physical capacity must not in any way be impaired by alcohol, medicines or drugs. ● Doka products are technical working appliances which are intended for industrial/commercial use only, always in accordance with the respective Doka User Information booklets or other technical documentation authored by Doka. ● The stability of all components and units must be ensured during all phases of the construction work! ● The functional/technical instructions, safety warnings and loading data must all be strictly observed and complied with. Failure to do so can cause accidents and severe (even life-threatening) damage to health, as well as very great material damage. ● Fire-sources are not permitted anywhere near the formwork. Heating appliances are only allowed if properly and expertly used, and set up a safe distance away from the formwork. ● The work must take account of the weather conditions (e.g. risk of slippage). In extreme weather, steps must be taken in good time to safeguard the equipment, and the immediate vicinity of the equipment, and to protect employees. ● All connections must be checked regularly to ensure that they still fit properly and are functioning correctly. It is very important to check all screw-type connections and wedge-clamped joins whenever the construction operations require (particularly after exceptional events such as storms), and to tighten them if necessary. 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Introduction Assembly Regulations; industrial safety ● The equipment/system must be inspected by the customer before use, to ensure that it is in suitable condition. Steps must be taken to rule out the use of any components that are damaged, deformed, or weakened due to wear, corrosion or rot. ● Combining our formwork systems with those of other manufacturers could be dangerous, risking damage to both health and property. If you intend to combine different systems, please contact Doka for advice first. ● The assembly work must be carried out by suitably qualified employees of the client's. ● It is not permitted to modify Doka products; any such modifications constitute a safety risk. ● Always observe all industrial safety regulations and other safety rules applying to the application and utilisation of our products in the country and/or region in which you are operating. Erecting the formwork ● Doka products and systems must be set up in such a way that all loads acting upon them are safely transferred! Pouring ● Do not exceed the permitted fresh-concrete pressures. Excessively high pouring rates lead to formwork overload, cause greater deflection and risk causing breakage. Striking the formwork ● Do not strike the formwork until the concrete has reached sufficient strength and the person in charge has given the order for the formwork to be struck! ● When striking the formwork, never use the crane to break concrete cohesion. Use suitable tools such as timber wedges, special pry-bars or system features such as Framax stripping corners. ● When striking the formwork, do not endanger the stability of any part of the structure, or of any scaffolding, platforms or formwork that is still in place! Transporting, stacking and storing ● Observe all regulations applying to the handling of formwork and scaffolding. In addition, the Doka slinging means must be used - this is a mandatory requirement. ● Remove any loose parts or fix them in place so that they cannot be dislodged or fall free! ● All components must be stored safely, following all the special Doka instructions given in the relevant sections of this User Information booklet! Instruction as required by EN 13374: ● If a person or object falls against, or into, the edge protection system and/or any of its accessories, the edge protection component affected may only continue in use after it has been inspected and passed by an expert. Maintenance ● Only original Doka components may be used as spare parts. Repairs may only be carried out by the manufacturer or authorised facilities. Symbols used The following symbols are used in this booklet: ☞ Important note Failure to observe this may lead to malfunction or damage. CAUTION / WARNING / DANGER Failure to observe this may lead to material damage, and to injury to health which may range up to the severe or even life-threatening. Instruction This symbol indicates that actions need to be taken by the user. Sight-check Indicates that you need to do a sight-check to make sure that necessary actions have been carried out. Tip Points out useful practical tips. Reference Refers to other documents and materials. Miscellaneous We reserve the right to make alterations in the interests of technical progress. 999778002 - 10/2010 5 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Eurocodes at Doka In Europe, a uniform series of Standards known as Eurocodes (EC) was developed for the construction field by the end of 2007. These are intended to provide a uniform basis, valid throughout Europe, for product specifications, tenders and mathematical verification. The EC are the world's most highly developed Standards in the construction field. In the Doka Group, the EC are to be used as standard from the end of 2008. They will thus supersede the DIN norms as the "Doka standard" for product design. Ed Ed Fd Fk γF Design value of effect of actions (E ... effect; d ... design) Internal forces from action Fd (VEd, NEd, MEd) Design value of an action Fd = γF · Fk (F ... force) Characteristic value of an action "actual load", service load (k ... characteristic) e.g. dead weight, live load, concrete pressure, wind Partial factor for actions (in terms of load; F ... force) e.g. for dead weight, live load, concrete pressure, wind Values from EN 12812 Comparison of the safety concepts (example) Permissible stress design 115.5 [kN] Fyield EC/DIN concept Rk 115.5 [kN] Rd gM = 1.1 90<105 [kN] n ~ 1.65 Factual A 98013-100 60 [kN] gF = 1.5 Fpermissible 98013-102 60<70 [kN] A Ed 90 [kN] Factual≤ Fpermissible The widely used "Permissible stress design" (comparing the actual stresses with the permissible stresses) has been superseded by a new safety concept in the EC. The EC contrast the actions (loads) with the resistance (capacity). The previous safety factor in the permissible stresses is now divided into several partial factors. The safety level remains the same! Rd Rd Design value of the resistance (R ... resistance; d ... design) Design capacity of cross-section (VRd, NRd, MRd) Rk Rk Timber: Rd = kmod · Steel: Rd = γM γM Rk Characteristic value of the resistance e.g. moment resistance to yield stress γM Partial factor for a material property (in terms of material; M...material) e.g. for steel or timber Values from EN 12812 kmod Modification factor (only for timber – to take account of the moisture and the duration of load action) e.g. for Doka beam H20 Values as given in EN 1995-1-1 and EN 13377 The "permissible values" communicated in Doka documents (e.g.: Qpermissible = 70 kN) do not correspond to the design values (e.g.: VRd = 105 kN)! ➤ Avoid any confusion between the two! ➤ Our documents will continue to state the permissible values. Allowance has been made for the following partial factors: γF = 1.5 γM, timber = 1.3 γM, steel = 1.1 kmod = 0.9 In this way, all the design values needed in an EC design calculation can be ascertained from the permissible values. Ed≤ Rd A Utilisation factor 6 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table 999778002 - 10/2010 7 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table System description Dokaflex table – the tried-and-tested high-speed tableform Doka floor props Eurex top ● DIB (German Institute of Construction Engineering) approval n° Z-8.311-905 ● EN 1065-compliant prop 9720-237-01 Dokaflex tables are easy and practical to set up and can be shifted and adapted very quickly. This makes them a cost-effective and efficient way of carrying out large-area slab projects. Of course, Dokaflex tables are fully combinable with Dokamatic tables. ● assembled from components of the Dokaflex 1-2-4 system ● 4 standard formats with an underlying “grid” logic: - 2.50 x 4.00 m - 2.50 x 5.00 m - 2.00 x 4.00 m - 2.00 x 5.00 m ● tableform faced with 3-S plus formwork sheets, 21 or 27 mm ● for slab heights up to 5.90 m ● can start to pay off after as few as 2 re-use cycles ● custom formats are also possible where needed ● site-ready, custom-format Dokaflex tables can be supplied by the Doka "Ready-to-Use" Service ● wedge-lock makes quick and easy work of attaching and detaching props ● low stacking height when transported and stored ● safe, fast shifting appliances, saving time and money ● forming can continue seamlessly into infill zones and closure gaps ● the technically perfected individual components make a big contribution to higher speeds ● commissioning quantities are easy to tailor to the construction schedule – a weekly cycle is no problem 8 9720-214-01 Their high load-bearing capacity is complemented by many practical details making them very easy to handle: ● numbered pegging holes, for easier height adjustment ● elbowed fastening clamps, reducing the risk of injury and making the props easier to operate ● special thread geometry, which makes the prop easier to release even when it is under high load The flexurally rigid link with the tableform superstructure increases the load-bearing capacity of the floor props by 10 kN, so that: ● permitted capacity of Eurex 20 top: 30 kN ● permitted capacity of Eurex 30 top: 40 kN WARNING ➤ It is not permitted to use Eurex floor props 20 top 700 on Doka tableforms. 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table System overview Dokaflex table 27mm Dokaflex table 2.50x4.00m 4x56.3 2x38.8 10.0 10.0 2x50.0 2x46.7 2x46.6 2x46.7 2x50.0 7.5 225.0 9778-210-08 280.0 Dokaflex table 2.00x4.00m 4x56.3 Dokaflex table 2.00x5.00m 2x38.8 10.0 10.0 2x50.0 2x46.7 2x46.6 2x46.7 2x50.0 225.0 7.5 10.0 180.0 145.0 9778-210-06 7.5 7.5 9778-210-05 25.0 25.0 145.0 180.0 25.0 25.0 7.5 2x38.8 7.5 47.5 230.0 230.0 150.0 47.5 47.5 150.0 47.5 9778-210-07 10.0 10.0 7.5 2x38.8 7.5 10.0 Dokaflex table 2.50x5.00m 280.0 Dokaflex table 21mm Dokaflex table 2.50x4.00m 4x56.3 2x38.8 10.0 10.0 2x45.0 6x50.0 2x45.0 9778-210-04 7.5 300.0 Dokaflex table 2.00x4.00m 4x56.3 2x38.8 10.0 10.0 2x45.0 6x50.0 2x45.0 225.0 7.5 10.0 180.0 145.0 25.0 9778-210-01 7.5 25.0 145.0 180.0 25.0 25.0 7.5 2x38.8 Dokaflex table 2.00x5.00m 9778-210-02 300.0 999778002 - 10/2010 7.5 225.0 7.5 47.5 230.0 230.0 150.0 47.5 47.5 150.0 47.5 9778-210-03 10.0 10.0 7.5 2x38.8 7.5 10.0 Dokaflex table 2.50x5.00m 9 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Instructions for assembly and use Dokaflex tables can cover a wide area of practical applications. Their flexible design enables them to be combined in very versatile ways. This means that in some projects, they will be put together differently, and a different sequence of operations will be needed, from the scheme shown here (e.g. for sloping walls). Pre-assembly ➤ While the tables are still on the stack, attach an edge strip (F) to each table that is going to be placed directly against a wall of the building. CAUTION ➤ Dokaflex tables with floor props may only be used to form horizontal slabs. ➤ It is forbidden to use Dokamatic tables in inclined situations. ☞ F All necessary traffic routes must be prepared at the site! Transporting / handling the panels ➤ For offloading Dokamatic elements from a truck, or lifting them on-site a stack at a time, use the Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m (see "Transporting, stacking and storing"). 9778-200-01 ➤ The sideguards for edge tables should also be premounted while the tables are still on the stack (see "Tables around edges of slab"). Where needed, attach side safety railings. 9778-201-01 10 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Erecting the formwork ➤ Use the Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m to lift the table superstructure onto the DoKart, or onto suitable temporary shoring (see "Transporting, stacking and storing"). ➤ If necessary, adjust the position and number of the table heads (see "Structural design of standard-format tables"). ➤ Mount the floor props (see "Mounting the floor props"). ➤ Fix the first table to the structure (e.g. with braces, Lashing strap 5.00m (A) or in-place solutions using e.g. the tie-holes in the wall). A 9778-203-01 ➤ Bring further tables to the usage location in the same way. 9778-202-01 ➤ Bring the table to its usage location using the Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m or the DoKart. Then raise it to its intended operational height, extend the floor props, and adjust the height. If possible, start by putting up the first table in one corner of the building - with the pre-mounted edge strip facing the wall. 9778-204-01 999778002 - 10/2010 11 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table ➤ Insert a strip of formwork sheeting between the tables, and nail where needed. Putting up edge tables ➤ In the case of edge tables (on which sideguards must already have been mounted), fit these tables with props in the same way as the standard tables, and put them up at the usage location. 9767-293-01 ➤ Set up further tables and insert strips of formwork sheeting. The T-ledge makes it easier to remove the tableforms. T-ledges are only needed in the area where formwork removal is going to begin. 9767-299-01 a a ..max. 15 mm 9778-205-01 CAUTION There is a risk of edge-tables toppling over due to cantilevering platforms, and in cases where the edge props have been relocated towards the inside! Moreover, stop-end formworks and downstand beams cause horizontal forces to occur in the direction of the edges of the slab! ➤ For this reason, secure all edge tables with a suitable tie-back! For details of the tie-back, see "Tables around edges of slab". ➤ Put up and secure all remaining tables as necessitated by the building layout. 12 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Closure zone, e.g. with Dokamatic insertion beams ➤ Place formwork sheeting over the closure zone, and nail where needed. ➤ Push insertion beams into the tableforms alongside the closure zone, flush with the secondary beams. 9778-206-01 9778-208-01 ➤ Put up further tables opposite the closure zone. ➤ Working from a platform trolley, pull each insertion beam across the closure zone (1) and turn it into the upright (2). ➤ Prepare the formwork for the edge of the slab. ➤ Spray the form-facing with parting agent. ➤ Place the reinforcement. Pouring To protect the surface of the form-facing, we recommend using a vibrator with a protective rubber cap. 1 2 9778-207-01 999778002 - 10/2010 13 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Stripping and repositioning the formwork ☞ ➤ Lower the table onto the DoKart and push up the floor props. Important note: As well as the instructions given here, the section headed "Reshoring props, concrete technology and striking" MUST be followed. a ➤ Check the concrete strength. ➤ Take the load off the floor props of the tables, and lower them approx. 5 cm. 9778-202-02 a ... approx. 5 cm ground clearance ➤ Wheel the table to its next usage location, or to the fork-transport pick-up point (see "Horizontal repositioning/wheeling" and "Vertical repositioning with transport forks". 9767-297-01 The insertion beams can be pushed into the tables before these are repositioned – just turn the beams on their sides and push them in. In this way, they are available for use again straight away at the new location. Exception: Insertion beams with a length of 1.95m must not be left inside 2.50m wide tables when these are repositioned (risk of insertion beams falling out)! ➤ Working from the platform trolley, turn the insertion beams on their sides (1) and push them into the tableform (2). Repropping ☞ 2 1 9778-207-01 Important note: As well as the instructions given here, the section headed "Reshoring props, concrete technology and striking" MUST be followed. ➤ Before pouring the next floor-slab (i.e. above the one that has just been stripped), put up reshoring props. ➤ Take off the formwork sheets from the closure zone. 9778-209-01 14 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Adaptation to building layout Grid logic Optimum adaptation to the shape of the layout is possible by: ● combining different sizes of table ● arranging the tables (lengthways and crossways) ● including the closure zones Strips of formwork sheeting between the tables (lengthways) The width of the sheet-covered area is 20 cm less than the system dimension of 2.00 m or 2.50 m. The minimum width of the formwork-sheet strip (E) is thus 20 cm - this corresponds to a closure of 0. For this width, Doka-formwork sheets 3-S plus 21 and 27 mm (E) are available, in lengths of 200 cm and 250 cm. A s E A A 9778-213-01 9767-275-01 A e.g. Dokaflex tables 2.50 x 5.00m or 2.00 x 4.00m Where fair-faced concrete has been specified, avoid mixing tables in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Adaptation with strips of formwork sheeting In the transverse direction (width of table), a strip of formwork sheeting is always fastened between the tables and on the side facing the wall. Strip of formwork sheeting (edge strips) on the side facing the wall and between lengthways and crossways tables On the side facing the wall, the tables must be fitted with 9.7 cm wide strips of Doka formwork sheets 3-S plus (F) . 9.7 F 40 50 B 9778-212-01 200 50 E 40 20 40 50 A 250 50 50 40 F Note: For closures, see "Structural design – formwork sheet and closure options". 9.7 Arrangement of formwork sheets and strips of formwork sheeting: s ... Width of formwork-sheet strip 9767-274-01 Dimensions in cm A Dokaflex table of width 2.50m B Dokaflex table of width 2.00m E Doka formwork sheet 3-S plus, width 20 cm F Doka formwork sheet 3-S plus, width 9.7 cm 999778002 - 10/2010 15 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Mounting the floor props The Table head 30 firmly links the Doka formwork beams H20 to the Doka floor props Eurex. Table head 30 The floor prop is quickly and securely fixed onto the Table head 30 with the aid of the double wedge. ➤ Pull back the wedge of the Table head 30 and insert the prop. A 9720-215-01 9720-217-01 B ➤ Tighten the wedge with the hammer. A Table head 30 9720-218-01 B Floor prop Eurex 20 top or Eurex 30 top This is all that is necessary to secure the wedge (no need for e.g. spring cotters). ☞ ● Having the outer tube at the top increases stability ● To make it easier to get at the adjusting nut, it is also possible to have the outer tube at the bottom. Note: Where the Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 550 is used, the Table head 30 can only be attached to the inner tube. 16 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Fitting intermediate props Intermediate props can be attached to the double primary beams very easily using the Intermediate head DF. This is mainly required where the tables have to be adapted for greater slab thicknesses (increased slab loads) in certain storeys only. Note: To attach intermediate props to a single primary beam, use a Supporting head H20 DF. A B 9768-215-01 A Supporting head H20 DF C 9720-216-01 B Doka beam H20 ☞ Important note: ● An increase in the load-bearing capacity of the floor prop, and moment transfer such as with the table-head, are not possible here! ● The main props of the table (at least 4 of them) must always be attached with a tablehead! WARNING Risk of intermediate props dropping out when table is lifted ➤ If intermediate props have been attached in such a way that they are only secured against falling over (e.g. with a Supporting head H20 DF), always remove these props before lifting. ➤ Intermediate props that are attached by an Intermediate head DF and are not dismounted must be pulled in sufficiently far. ➤ Place the Intermediate head DF on the inside tube of the floor prop and secure it with the integral springsteel stirrup. 3 2 9778-211-01 1 ➤ Push the Intermediate head DF up between the double primary beams, turn it 90° and pull it down. ➤ Twist the floor prop to fix it firmly onto the double primary beams. 2 3 9720-264-01 1 999778002 - 10/2010 17 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Adapting to different slab thicknesses The Dokamatic tables can be adapted to take account of the required slab thickness by: ● relocating the table heads (i.e. the edge props) ● installing extra intermediate props, attached either with table-heads (like the edge props), or with the Intermediate head DF. 2 Connection units DF 20/30 are needed for each Table head 30. b c Fitting intermediate props or relocating table heads a For exact positioning details, see "Structural design of standard-format tables". with Connection unit DF 20/30 for longer assignments involving high numbers of repeat uses. a ... 210 mm b ... 396 mm c ... 4 to 12 mm Use the Centre bit DF 30 to drill the holes in the webs. d Tools needed: ● Centre bit DF 30 ● Nut for box spanner 19 1/2" L ● Reversible ratchet 1/2" 9720-300-01 9720-299-01 9720-301-01 d ... diam. 30 mm 9720-230-01 The Dokaflex tables include secondary beams with the extra holes needed for the Table head 30. This means that they can quickly and easily be modified for 6 floor props. 9720-320-01 18 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table with Beam screw S 8/60 Table head for single primary beam Tools needed: ● Wood drill, diam. 10 mm ● Box nut 13 1/2" ● Reversible ratchet 1/2" Converting the Table head 30 Although designed as standard for double primary beams, the Table head 30 can easily be converted for use with a single primary beam by using different holes for its two M16x45 hexagon bolts. Position of bolts for single primary beam 9720-229-01 Position of bolts for double primary beam 4 Beam screws S8/60 are needed for each Table head 30. d 9720-296-01 b e c a Table head 20 Where Dokaflex tables are assembled with single primary beams, it is also possible to use the Table head 20 instead of the Table head 30. Beam screw S 8/60 9720-297-01 9720-295-01 Connection unit DF 20/30 9720-298-01 a ... 210 mm b ... 51 mm c ... 4 to 12 mm d ... 39.6 mm e ... approx. 30mm A Drilling template DF is available on request, to speed up the job of drilling the holes in the beams. 9720-294-01 9720-293-01 999778002 - 10/2010 19 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Structural design of standard-format tables Max. slab thickness [cm] Max. slab thickness Table format [m] 2.50x4.00m 2.50x5.00m 2.00x4.00m 2.00x5.00m Dokaflex table with extra props in mid-span and at edges Type of prop Max. slab thickness [cm] Max. slab thickness [cm] Max. slab thickness [cm] Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 40 50 30* 35* 45 60 37* 46* 42* 55* 32* 42* 50* 70* 40* 52* 45 65 32 48 55 80 40 60 9720-326-01 9720-327-01 Dokaflex table with extra props in mid-span 9720-325-01 Dokaflex table *On projects with stringent quality requirements regarding the finish of the soffits, attention must be paid to the different deflections occurring at the boundaries between the tables and areas formed with Dokaflex 12-4. 20 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Filling closure gaps where form-ply can be supported on projecting beams Centre-propped form-ply Supported on Dokaflex table b b d 9720-313-01 9720-304-01 d ... min. 7.5 cm Form-ply 21 mm Gap covered with form-ply only Table format 2.50 x 4.00 m a 2.50 x 5.00 m 2.00 x 4.00 m 2.00 x 5.00 m Table format Form-ply 21 mm 2.50 x 4.00 m 2.50 x 5.00 m 2.00 x 4.00 m 2.00 x 5.00 m Max. slab thickness [cm] 37 30 20 48 30 20 29 29 20 35 30 20 43 30 20 57 30 20 35 30 20 44 30 20 15 20 25 b ... max. [cm] Form-ply 27 mm 9720-303-01 Table format Type of prop Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Type of prop Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Max. slab thickness [cm] 30 20 30 20 29 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 25 30 a ... max. [cm] 2.50 x 4.00 m 2.50 x 5.00 m 2.00 x 4.00 m 2.00 x 5.00 m Type of prop Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 37 48 29 35 45 60 37 46 20 Max. slab thickness [cm] 36 36 35 30 20 48 47 40 30 20 29 28 27 27 20 35 35 35 30 20 45 44 40 30 20 59 50 40 30 20 36 35 34 30 20 46 46 40 30 20 25 30 35 40 45 b ... max. [cm] Form-ply 27 mm Table format 2.50 x 4.00 m 2.50 x 5.00 m 2.00 x 4.00 m 2.00 x 5.00 m Type of prop Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 37 48 29 35 45 60 37 46 25 Max. slab thickness [cm] 36 35 30 20 47 40 30 20 29 28 27 20 35 35 30 20 45 40 30 20 50 40 30 20 36 35 30 20 46 40 30 20 30 35 40 45 a ... max. [cm] 999778002 - 10/2010 21 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Double-propped form-ply b c where form ply cannot be supported on projecting beams b 9720-306-01 9720-305-01 b b Table format 2.50 x 4.00 m 2.50 x 5.00 m 2.00 x 4.00 m 2.00 x 5.00 m Type of prop Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Max. slab thickness [cm] 37 30 20 48 30 20 29 29 20 35 30 20 43 30 20 57 30 20 35 30 20 44 30 20 15 20 25 b ... max. [cm] Form-ply 21 mm 2.50 x 4.00 m 2.50 x 5.00 m 2.00 x 4.00 m 2.00 x 5.00 m c b Form-ply 21 mm Max. slab thickness [cm] 50 20 25 30 c ... max. [cm] Form-ply 27 mm Type of prop Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 b b ... max. 10 cm Max. slab thickness [cm] 50 20 25 30 c ... max. [cm] Table format b ... max. 10 cm 9720-307-01 Form-ply 21 mm 37 48 29 35 45 60 37 46 20 Max. slab thickness [cm] 36 36 35 30 20 48 47 40 30 20 29 28 27 27 20 35 35 35 30 20 45 44 40 30 20 59 50 40 30 20 36 35 34 30 20 46 46 40 30 20 25 30 35 40 45 b ... max. [cm] Form-ply 27 mm 100 30 Max. slab thickness [cm] 70 30 35 40 c ... max. [cm] 20 45 Form-ply 27 mm 100 30 Max. slab thickness [cm] 70 30 35 40 c ... max. [cm] 22 20 45 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table with pushed-in Dokamatic insertion beams Propping the closure zone This additional propping is set up using H20 formwork beams, Supporting heads H20 DF and Eurex floor props. a A B 9768-215-01 A Supporting head H20 DF 9720-309-01 B Doka beam H20 Table format 2.50 x 4.00 m 2.50 x 5.00 m 2.00 x 4.00 m 2.00 x 5.00 m Type of prop Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Eurex 20 Eurex 30 Max. slab thickness [cm] 36 47 29 35 45 59 36 44 30 35 45 27 34 43 56 34 42 40 33 32 31 30 44 42 41 40 26 25 24 23 33 32 30 29 41 39 38 36 54 51 49 47 32 31 30 29 40 38 37 35 50 60 70 80 a ... max. [cm] 29 28 38 37 22 21 28 28 35 33 45 44 27 26 34 33 90 100 ➤ Place the Supporting head H20 DF on the inside tube of the floor prop and secure it with the integral spring-steel stirrup. 1 2 3 9767-233-01 Form-ply 21 and 27 mm ➤ If 'a' > 55 cm, either lengthen the support ledge, or fit the insertion beam with its support ledge facing down and wedge it up to the right height on the primary beam. Location of the Dokamatic insertion beams ➤ Place the insertion beams (A) at the ends of the tables, as close as possible to the edge. ➤ Do not space the insertion beams any further apart than the distance between the table beams. ➤ Insert an extra insertion beam (B) under the joint between the formwork sheets (C) . A C B 9767-238-01 999778002 - 10/2010 23 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Tables around edges of slab Dokaflex tables for the edge zones can be assembled with the downstand-beams, stop-end formwork and sideguards already integrated into the tables. Tie-back with Lashing strap 5.00 m and Doka Express anchor 16x125mm Tie-back using the Lifting hook DF ➤ Hook the Lashing strap 5.00m (A) onto the Lifting hook DF. 9720-227-01 A 9778-214-01 CAUTION There is a risk of edge-tables toppling over due to cantilevering platforms, and in cases where the edge props have been relocated towards the inside! Moreover, stop-end formworks and downstand beams cause horizontal forces to occur in the direction of the edges of the slab! ➤ For this reason, secure all edge tables with a suitable tie-back! Permitted tensile force per Lifting hook: 3 kN Tie-back directly from the table-head 9778-216-01 ➤ Hook the Lashing strap 5.00m (A) directly onto the Table head 30. A Permitted tensile force per Lashing strap: 10 kN 24 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table ➤ Prepare an anchorage point in the ground with the Doka Express anchor (B) - hook in the lashing strap (A) and tension it. Tension or compression-proof bracing Using plumbing struts fitted with a U-head D, Dokaflex tables can be fixed so that they are resistant to either tensile or compressive forces. A A B B 9767-258-02 The Doka Express anchor can be re-used many times over - the only tool needed for screwing it in is a hammer. Permitted load in "green" (new) concrete and in cured C20/25 concrete with a characteristic cube compressive strength fck,cube≥14 N/mm2: Fpermissible = 5.0 kN (Rd = 7.5 kN) C 9720-283-02 A U-head D B Plumbing strut C Doka Express anchor 16x125mm Follow the Fitting Instructions! When preparing anchoring points using dowels made by other manufacturers, carry out a statical verification. Follow the manufacturer's applicable fitting instructions. 999778002 - 10/2010 25 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Side protection with Handrail post T 1.80m The Handrail post T 1.80m is ideal for constructing high railings of up to 1.80 m in height. Sideguards on exposed platform-ends Suitable sideguards must be provided on exposed ends of platforms. Handrail clamp S A A B B C C 9778-223-01 9778-218-01 A Handrail post T 1.80m A Guard-rail board min. 15x3 cm (site-provided) B Guard-rail board min. 15x4 cm (site-provided) B Handrail clamp S C Doka formwork beam C Doka formwork beam Required nuts & bolts etc. ● 2 hexagon screws M20x90 ● 2 hexagon nuts M20 ● 2 washers R22 (not included with product) ☞ If possible, mount the sideguards to the table elements while these are still on the stack. How to mount: ➤ Mount the Handrail post T 1.80m in the ready-drilled holes in the beam. (Can be used on both primary and secondary beams) ➤ Secure the guardrail boards to the loops on the Handrail clamp S with one 28 x 65 nail per loop. The sideguard consists of: ● 2 Handrail clamps S ● 3 guardrail boards, min. 15 x 3 cm (in-situ) How to mount: ➤ Wedge the Handrail clamps firmly to the secondary beams (clamping range 2 – 43 cm). ➤ Secure the guardrail boards to the loops on the Handrail clamp S with one 28 x 65 nail per loop. Follow the directions in the “Handrail clamp S” User information! Note: Attach guard rails so as to comply with the applicable national regulations. 26 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Edge tables with downstand beam The Beam forming support 20 is the professional way of forming drop beams and slab stop-ends. In conjunction with the "Extension 60 cm for beam support", exact height adjustment to within 1 cm is possible. This does away with time-consuming jobsite squaredtimber constructions. The Beam forming support automatically clamps the formwork tight, resulting in clean concrete surfaces and grout-tight edges. Edge tables (no downstand beam) where edge props have been relocated towards the inside In this example, the floor prop (A) is located further towards the inside than on the standard table. This leaves a sufficiently large area of table free to work on beyond the stop-end. Safety railings can be erected using e.g. the Handrail post T 1.80m (B) . 586149000-3b B A A B 586148000-3b A Beam forming support 20 9778-220-01 B Extension 60 cm for beam support B A C D E F 9778-217-01 A Beam forming support 20 B Extension 60 cm for beam support C Height compensation with squared timbers or formwork beams D Edge table E Dokaflex table F Tie-back For more information on forming downstand beams and slab stop-ends, see the "Dokaflex 12-4" User Information booklet. 999778002 - 10/2010 27 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Slab stop-ends with Framax universal corner waling with Universal end-shutter support 30cm 9778-219-01 9778-215-01 Practical examples Configuration A: Fastened with nails B A a b D C E C d B A 9778-219-02 B a ... 6 to 16 cm b ... slab thickness max.40 cm A Framax panel 9778-215-02 B Framax universal corner waling C Retaining plate 15.0 d ... slab thickness max.30 cm D Super-plate 15.0 A Universal end-shutter support 30cm E Tie-rod 15.0 approx. 70 cm long B Nail 3.1x80 C Doka formwork sheet 3-SO Use a 20 mm diameter bit to drill the hole through the form-ply. Unneeded clamping holes should be closed off on the site with Universal plugs R20/25. Wherever possible, use tables in the same way every time, e.g. always as edge tables - this prevents holes being drilled in the tables unnecessary. 28 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Tip for striking formwork: ➤ Take out the nails on the stop-end side. ➤ Put the claw of a hammer under the corner (put a piece of wood under it to protect the formwork sheeting) ➤ Lever up the end-shutter support Structural design a TR652-202-01 Tr652-203-02 Configuration B: Fastened with Spax screws How fastened: 4 nails 3.1x80 4 Spax screws 4x40 (fully threaded) Configuration A B Max. influence width: a for slab thickness of [cm] 20 25 30 90 50 30 220 190 160 C E d D A D 9778-215-03 d ... slab thickness max.30 cm A Universal end-shutter support 30cm C Doka formwork sheet 3-SO D Spax screws 4x40 (fully threaded) E Doka beam H20 999778002 - 10/2010 29 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Assembly instructions for Dokaflex tables The professionals from the Doka "Ready-toUse Service" plan and assemble site-ready and custom formworks exactly to your specifications. Mount the remaining secondary beams ➤ Place the remaining secondary beams onto the primary beams (use a template if necessary). G For a clean concrete finish and for the Dokaflex tables to function at their best, it is important to assemble them correctly and precisely. Assembly floor with stop bars ➤ Prepare a flat assembly floor (wooden drawing floor). ➤ Attach stop-bars for the table heads, primary beams and secondary beams. Mount the table heads, primary and secondary beams ➤ Insert the table heads between the prepared stopbars. ➤ Place the primary beams into the table heads and push them up against the stop-bar. ➤ Lay the secondary beams centrally, directly over the table heads, and push them up against the stop-bar. B C G 9720-235-01 G Secondary beam ➤ Screw the secondary beams to the primary beams diagonally, using rack screws 6x80mm. Mount the formwork sheets ➤ Decide how the sheets are to be arranged. If necessary, mark the position of the first row of sheets with a chalk line. ➤ Lay the formwork sheets and pull them tight with the Strip tensioner B 5.00m. ➤ Nail the sheets to the secondary beams with ring nails 3.1x60mm. H A F D E 9720-234-01 A Assembly floor B Stop-bar for primary beams C Stop-bar for secondary beams D Stop-bar for table head E Table head 9720-236-01 H Formwork sheet F Primary beam G Secondary beam ➤ Bolt the table heads to the secondary beams (see "Attaching the Table head 30"). 30 The Lifting hook DF, or Dokamatic lifting straps 13.00 m, are ideal for lifting the pre-assembled units away from the assembly area. 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Combining with other Doka floor-slab systems Combining with Dokamatic tables ☞ The Dokamatic table (A) and the Dokaflex table (B) have different overall heights. When selecting the props, allow for the difference d of 8.2 cm! Combining with Dokaflex 1-2-4 or Doka Xtra B s1 C e e B 9767-216-01 d A d ... Difference 8.2 cm e ... 10.0 cm s1 ... 20.0 cm A Dokamatic table 9720-219-01 B Dokaflex table Follow the directions in the "Dokamatic tables" User Information booklet! B Dokaflex table C Dokaflex or Doka Xtra Follow the directions in the “Dokaflex 1-2-4” and "Doka Xtra” User Information booklets! 999778002 - 10/2010 31 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table 32 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Horizontal repositioning / travelling DoKart Height adjustment The DoKart is a battery-powered lifting appliance that allows Doka tableforms to be travelled by just one man. The battery is designed to allow 1 whole day's operation before being recharged on mains electricity overnight. The tableforms are lifted and lowered hydraulically. The Stacking frame DF is used for increasing the height range. D C B h B Max. travel speed: 5 km/h (walking pace) A Max. load, where load is applied centrally: ● ● ● ● without Stacking frame DF: 2000 kg with one Stacking frame DF: 1918 kg with two Stacking frames DF: 1836 kg with three Stacking frames DF: 1754 kg Follow the directions in the Operating Instructions! 9767-339-01 A DoKart carrying frame Use for the designated purpose only: The DoKart and the stacking-frames may only be used for repositioning Dokaflex and Dokamatic tables. ☞ ● There must be a flat, firm (e.g. concrete), adequately dimensioned floor that is capable of supporting the load. ● Max. permitted inclination of trackway: 3% B Stacking frame DF C Distribution beam (Doka beam H20 2.65m) D Brace stirrup 8 Height ranges incl. distribution beams Number of Stacking frames DF 0 1 2 3 h min. [cm] 174.0 249.0 324.0 399.0 h max. [cm] 349.0 424.0 499.0 574.0 Assembly instructions for Stacking frame DF: ➤ Fix the stacking frame to the carrying frame of the DoKart with M12 nuts & bolts etc. (in all 4 corners), or to another stacking frame that has already been so fixed. E B G 9767-341-01 H A F Nuts, bolts etc. are included in the scope of supply of the Stacking frame DF. A Carrying frame of DoKart, or another Stacking frame DF B Stacking frame DF E Hexagon bolt M12x40 F Hexagon nut M12 G Washer A13 H Spring washer A12 999778002 - 10/2010 33 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Distribution beams ☞ Before tableforms can be repositioned, 2 extra distribution beams must be fitted to them. Selecting the right distribution beams: Length of distribution beams (Doka beams H20) Lmin = 1.80m L without stacking frames B 9778-202-03 Positioning the DoKart under the tableform ☞ Depending on the size of the table and the situation on the site, the DoKart is travelled under the table either from one end or one side of the table. The carrying frame of the DoKart and the Stacking frame DF come with centre markings (red arrows). These make it easier for them to be positioned centrally beneath the tables. A Lmin = 2.65m L ☞ with stacking frames 9778-242-02 A C A Distribution beam (Doka beam H20) B DoKart carrying frame ● Bolt on the fastening clamps of the floor props from the inside to the outside, so that they are facing outward and do not obstruct the DoKart when it moves in under the table. Points to remember with unsymmetrical tables: "Central positioning" means "central" in terms of the load centre. Take particular care with unsymmetrical tables (edge tables, tables with stop-ends). C Stacking frame DF Fitting the distribution beams: ➤ Attach both Doka beams H20 to the carrying frame of the DoKart, or to the Stacking frame DF, with two Brace stirrups 8 in each case. Arrange the distribution beams symmetrically, spaced max. 900 mm apart. Max. permitted eccentric position for the load centre: a = max. 200 mm b = max. 100 mm. aa b b c A C D 9767-346-01 c ... max. 900 mm 9767-345-01 A Distribution beam (Doka beam H20) C Brace stirrup 8 (four of these are supplied with the DoKart) Example: D Carrying frame of DoKart (or Stacking frame DF) 9778-241-01 a a ... 1450 or 1500 mm 34 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Travelling the DoKart with the tableform ☞ ● Particular care is needed with: - height offsets - steps - floor holes and wall openings - strong wind ● It is forbidden to use any mechanical assistance during the wheeling operation! ● For longer breaks between operations, or when the DoKart is permanently parked, it must not be carrying any formwork. WARNING ➤ "Passenger transportation" is forbidden! ➤ Before repositioning the tableform, remove any loose items (e.g. fitting-boards) from it. ➤ Check the wedge-clamped joins between the floor props and the tableform before repositioning it. b WARNING Risk of overturning! It is forbidden to travel the DoKart with its liftingturret extended. ➤ Push the floor props all the way in. ➤ Lower the tableform to max. 5 cm above the ground. 9778-242-01 b ... max. 5 cm After setting down and positioning the tableform ☞ ● Bolt on the fastening clamps of the floor props from the inside to the outside, so that they are facing outward and do not obstruct the DoKart when it moves out from under the table. ● Check the wedge-clamped joins between the floor props. 999778002 - 10/2010 35 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Vertical repositioning with transport forks Transport fork DM 1.5t (adjustable) Function of the fork markings Transport forks have proved ideal for lifting Dokamatic and Dokaflex tables on construction sites. ☞ Among the advantages of the Transport fork DM 1.5t (adjustable) are: ● adjustable fork width – one transport fork can handle any table format ● integrated tag-lines that make it easy to manoeuvre the fork under the tableforms ● additional "Vertical extension DM 1.5t 3.30m" - for lifting tableforms up 2 storeys Once you know the ideal position on the fork for a certain table, it is easy to repeat this position on subsequent tables of the same type, by referring to the markings on the fork. These markings are also a highly visible safety warning to the site crew when the fork is hovering in the air. For every lifting operation, it is desirable to position the table as near as possible to the horizontal. "Parked" position h Attaching/detaching the double-strand suspension chain is easy, as the bracket automatically tilts down into the parking position when it is placed on the ground. B A A l 9270-240-01 b A Integrated lifting slings b ... 90, 137, 204 or 227 cm l ... 580 cm h ... 421 cm B Double-strand suspension chain Max. load: 1500 kg Follow the directions in the Operating Instructions! 36 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Lifting extension bracket DF and Transport fork DF Selection criteria for the fork width Table heads with wedges facing outwards The transport forks are made up of a: ● Lifting extension bracket DF and a ● Transport fork DF of the appropriate width For standard sizes of table, a 90 cm wide fork is recommended. For heavy tables with attached platforms, choose the 1.5 t system. a a b h 9778-221-02 b ... spacing of primary beams 1.52 - 1.90 m 1.90 - 2.62 m from 2.62 m A B a ... fork width 0.90m 1.30m 2.00m This data-table allows for 5 cm play on either side of the fork. If the primary beams are spaced less than 1.22 m apart, the 2.00m wide fork can be positioned outside the primary beams. C b Table heads with wedges facing inwards D b E l b 9767-211-01 Overview of variants Lifting extension bracket DF Max. load (weight of table) Max. size of table length [m] x width [m] 1.5 t 5.0 x 4.0 8.0 x 5.0 Lifting extension bracket DF 1t Bracket length 'a' [cm] 336.2 Item (A) Clear opening 'h' [cm] Item (B) Transport fork DF 1t Fork width 'b' [cm] Item (C) Fork width 'b' [cm] Item (D) Fork width 'b' [cm] Fork length 'l' [cm] 280.0 Lifting extension bracket DF 1.5t 456.2 350.0 Transport fork DF Transport fork DF 1t/0.90m 1.5t/0.90m 90.0 90.0 Transport fork DF Transport fork DF 1t/1.30m 1.5t/1.30m 128.0 128.0 Transport fork DF Transport fork DF 1t/2.00m 1.5t/2.00m 200.0 200.0 380.0 600.0 Follow the directions in the Operating Instructions! a b 9778-221-01 b ... spacing of primary beams 1.44 - 1.82 m 1.82 - 2.54 m from 2.54 m a ... fork width 0.90m 1.30m 2.00m This data-table allows for 5 cm play on either side of the fork. If the primary beams are spaced less than 1.30 m apart, the 2.00m wide fork can be positioned outside the primary beams. Example: Fork positioned outside the primary beams 9720-269-01 The 2.00m wide fork is also useful when longer tables on a site are shifted only on their broadsides (gives the table greater stability on the fork). 999778002 - 10/2010 37 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Wheeling-out platform Where necessary, a wheeling-out platform can be assembled from Doka standard components. Using the Lifting hook DF or Dokamatic lifting straps 13.00m, the Dokaflex tables are lifted off the loading platform and up to the next level. General instructions on repositioning ☞ ● Tables may only be stood on firm, horizontal surfaces, in such a way that they stand unaided. ● Tables must be stood stably, and able to withstand wind loads, in every phase of the construction work. ● The table must not be loaded - not even temporarily with e.g. a stack of panels - until it has been completely erected according to plan (i.e. with all intermediate props). ● No persons or unsecured objects are allowed to be on the table when it is being lifted or travelled. Repositioning operation ➤ Position the DoKart beneath the middle of the table. WARNING Risk of intermediate props dropping out when table is lifted ➤ If intermediate props have been attached in such a way that they are only secured against falling over (e.g. with a Supporting head H20 DF), always remove these props before lifting. ➤ Intermediate props that are attached by an Intermediate head DF and are not dismounted must be pulled in sufficiently far. For information on fitting intermediate props, see "Mounting the floor props". ➤ Lower the table. ➤ Wheel the table to the pick-up point. 9778-222-01 For more information, please contact your Doka technician. 9778-239-01 ➤ Set the table down. ➤ Wheel out the DoKart from under the table (the next table can now be readied for repositioning). Check that the intermediate props are held firmly in the Intermediate head DF! 38 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table ➤ Pick up the table with the transport fork. Lifting tables at right angles to the direction of the fork 9778-240-01 a ➤ Lift the table out, and up to the next storey. b 9720-272-01 a ... fork width b ... max. 3 x fork width A Lifting extension bracket DF B Transport fork DF C Dokaflex table If the load is applied centrally, it is not necessary to fix the Dokaflex table. ☞ 9720-275-01 ➤ Set the table down at its new location ● If the table is wider than 3x the fork width, additional fastening of the Dokaflex table is required (e.g. with tension straps, tension chains, etc.) ● Another way of ensuring safe lifting is to mount a wider support surface to the fork Please contact Doka for more information. 9720-271-01 999778002 - 10/2010 39 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Lining-and-levelling the Dokaflex tables The Plastic mallet 4kg is a handy tool for finepositioning a tableform quickly without using any shifting appliances. The mallet has been designed with just the right weight for this job, and with plastic of the right hardness. When used correctly, it helps to prevent damage: ➤ Use in moderation, and only at the bottom of the floor props ➤ Use evenly on all floor props ➤ Give just one knock to each floor prop at a time, then move on to the next prop Integrated base makes it easy to put the mallet on "stand-by": 40 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS Doka Table Lifting System TLS Table Lifting System TLS Doka Table Lifting System TLS for vertical lifting of Doka tableforms with no need for a crane The Doka Table Lifting System TLS is used for moving Doka tableforms up to the next floor. It is also suitable for transporting Doka equipment between floors, in suitable multi-trip packaging containers (always comply with the loading data and loading rules for the Table Lifting System). Note: "Passenger transportation" with the Table Lifting System TLS is forbidden. (Exception: for carrying out siteassembly and maintenance work) ☞ Important note: ☞ ● The crew who are going to operate the Doka Table Lifting System TLS need special skills and knowledge which can only be passed on by skilled Doka personnel. ● As proof that they have received such special instruction, a certificate is issued to persons who have undergone this training. ● Persons who do not have this certificate are not allowed to start up or use the Doka Table Lifting System TLS. All assembly and disassembly work, and the first time of putting into service, must be supervised by a Doka Formwork Instructor or other authorised technician. A comprehensive system of safety features makes for fast, safe working, both when operating the Table Lifting System itself and when cycling the tables. With the Doka Table Lifting System TLS you can even carry on cycling tables safely during strong winds (of up to max. 72 km/h). 9778-224-01 999778002 - 10/2010 41 The Formwork Experts Table Lifting System TLS User information Dokaflex table Product description Floor-to-floor height O P ● standing on ground and working from ground level: max. 40 m ● when suspended from floor-slab: max. 10 m M L K Lifting platform TLS F Max. load: when lifting: 1650 kg during loading: 2650 kg N ● Loading area: - Entrance width: 2.70 m (3.20 m between lifting masts) - Length: 4.93 m E D Q I B 4.93 C A G H 2.70 J 9767-318-01 A Basic unit TLS B Lifting platform TLS centre 3.00x1.60m C Lifting platform TLS back 3.00x1.60m D Protective grating TLS 1.80m E Protecting metal sheet TLS F Lifting mast TLS 1.50m G Supporting profile TLS 5.15m H Pressure strut TLS 3.70m I Floor support TLS 0.40m J Adjusting device TLS K Beam for Landing-level safety gate TLS 0.40m L Landing-level safety gate TLS with handle M Landing-level safety gate TLS with limit switch N Switchbox TLS ground control O Switchbox TLS landing-level safety gate P Lifting cross-bar TLS Q Lifting spreader beam TLS (in "parked" position) 9767-326-01 ● ● ● ● Integral railings Integral loading gates Integral loading ramp Protective grating TLS 1.80m may also be mounted if desired Landing-level safety gates ● For safeguarding the loading and offloading points ● Landing-level safety gates for every floor ● Integral control for every floor Drive mechanism The Table Lifting System is driven electromechanically. ● Required supply voltage: 400V/50Hz (fuse protection min. 3 x 32A, slow-blow) Lifting speed ● Starting speed: 5 m/min. ● Lifting speed: 10 m/min. 42 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS Loading data Anchoring forces per suspension point FZ(1)A FX(2) FY(2) FX(1) FY(1) FZ(2) FZ(1)B FZ(1)A A FX(1) FY(1) FZ(1)B FX(0) A 9778-224-02 A Temporary reshore FX(0) Note: Locate temporary reshores as statically required. 9778-225-01 A Temporary reshore Floor support TLS 0.40 m Inter-floor distance Reaction force (vertical) Tension FZ(1)A,k 26 kN 26 kN 26 kN FZ(1)B,k 2.65 m 3.00 m 4.50 m 73 kN 73 kN 73 kN Forces on dowel Shear FY(1),k (90° to Fx) 4 kN 4 kN 4 kN Shoring force (horizontal) FX(1),k 32 kN 28 kN 18 kN FX(0),k 37 kN 33 kN 22 kN Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross-bar 0.40 m Inter-floor distance Reaction force (vertical) 2.65 m 3.00 m 4.50 m 7.00 m FZ(2),k 2 kN 2 kN 2 kN 2 kN Forces on dowel Shear FY(2),k (90° to Fx) FX(2),k 16 kN 16 kN 16 kN 14 kN 16 kN 11 kN 8 kN 10 kN Subgrade reaction when stood on ground Bottom to top-floor height Total weight per mast-side Subgrade reaction 10 m 3620 kg 145 kN/m² 20 m 4210 kg 169 kN/m² 30 m 4720 kg 189 kN/m² 40 m 5310 kg 213 kN/m² 999778002 - 10/2010 43 The Formwork Experts Table Lifting System TLS User information Dokaflex table Areas of use, possible configurations Follow the directions in the "Doka Table Lifting System TLS" Assembly and Operating Instructions! Note: Check the Doka Table Lifting System TLS after assembly and every time before start-up, as described in the Operating Instructions. Standing on ground and working from ground level System dimensions: Pre-assembly A hard, flat, firm surface is needed! c a ➤ Set up the Basic unit TLS in an empty, accessible place in front of the building. ➤ Mount Base profiles TLS 2.14m to both sides of the Basic unit TLS. ➤ Guide the "Lifting platform TLS centre and "Lifting platform TLS back" to the Basic unit TLS, and bolt them on. b ☞ 9778-226-01 a ... 1.35 m (±0.08 m) b ... max. 7.00 m c ... min. 0.30 m C A B Space required: e D 9767-317-01 A Basic unit TLS B Lifting platform TLS centre 3.00x1.60m D Base profile TLS 2.14m f C Lifting platform TLS back 3.00x1.60m E 9767-337-01 e ... 5.80 m f ... with Lifting mast anchoring TLS: 4.60 m without Lifting mast anchoring TLS: 4.50 m E Lifting mast anchoring TLS 44 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS Basic design concept ➤ Mount "Struts for Base profile TLS" to both sides. The Basic unit TLS can be aligned with the "Spindles for ground set-up". ➤ Place sleepers underneath the mast connection points to support the Basic unit so that the forces which occur can be transferred into the ground. Extend the "Lifting mast TLS" and anchor it to the building. ➤ Place Lifting masts TLS 1.50m on both sides and bolt them on. ☞ Important note: ➤ It is forbidden to operate the TLS without a "Lifting mast anchoring TLS". ➤ Anchor a "Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross-brace" to the prepared suspension points. E A B 9767-312-02 C D E 9767-325-01 F F G D D Base profile TLS 2.14m E Strut for base profile TLS F Spindles for ground set-up G Sleeper The Basic unit is now stable for erecting the TLS up as far as the first "Lifting mast anchoring TLS". A Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross-bar 0.40m B Cone screw B 7cm C Universal climbing cone 15.0 D Sealing sleeve K 15.0 E Stop-anchor 15.0 ➤ When attaching the Lifting mast anchoring TLS, ensure that the lifting mast remains in the vertical. A B C 9767-328-01 A Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross-bar 0.40m B Lifting mast anchoring TLS strut C Lifting mast anchoring TLS mast connection ➤ Mount the Landing-level safety gates and controls. 999778002 - 10/2010 45 The Formwork Experts Table Lifting System TLS User information Dokaflex table Bottom to top-floor heights of up to 40 m By adding extra Lifting masts TLS and fixing "Lifting mast anchorings TLS" at regular intervals, the system can be set up for bottom-to-top-floor heights of max. 40 m. Wheeling-out platform The Doka Table Lifting System TLS can also be used as a wheeling-out platform. Usage situation: ● After the top floor has been completed, the Doka tableforms are craned off the building using Dokamatic lifting straps 13.00m or Transport forks. A c e a b d b B C 9778-230-01 a ... 1.35 m (±0.08 m) b ... max. 7.00 m (spacing between the anchorages) c ... max. 4.50 m (lifting height above the top "Lifting mast anchoring") d ... max. 40.00 m e ... min. 0.30 m A Switchbox TLS landing-level safety gate B Switchbox TLS ground control C Switchbox for cable-reel Note: The "Switchbox TLS ground control" and the "Switchbox TLS landing-level safety gate" each come with a 10 m control cable permanently attached. If these switchboxes are too far (> 10 m) away from the "Switchbox for cable-reel", then "Control cables TLS 20.0m" will be needed as extension cables. 46 9778-232-01 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS ➤ Attach the crane-guided Lifting spreader beam TLS to both Lifting cross-bars TLS. ➤ Insert the Base profile TLS 2.14m into the Basic unit TLS. ➤ Fix the Pressure struts TLS 3.70m to the holding mounts on the foot-pieces on both sides with a pin, and secure. Suspended from the floor-slab System dimensions: B c b A C 9767-314-01 A Floor support TLS 0.40m a B Supporting profile TLS 5.15m d C Pressure strut TLS 3.70m ➤ Carefully raise the Basic unit TLS plus Lifting platform until the Supporting profiles TLS 5.15m are hanging freely underneath. ➤ Pivot the Pressure struts TLS 3.70m to the Supporting profiles and fix them to the Supporting profiles with a pin. 9778-224-02 a ... min. 2.65 m - max. 4.50 m b ... max. 4.50 m (lifting height) c ... min. 0.30 m d ... 4.95 m Space required: f e 9767-310-01 e ... 5.80 m f ... with Lifting mast anchoring TLS: 4.60 m without Lifting mast anchoring TLS: 4.50 m Basic design concept ➤ Place Lifting masts TLS 1.50m on both sides and bolt them on. ➤ Mount a Lifting cross-bar TLS to each of the two Lifting masts TLS. ➤ Position the Floor supports TLS, on both sides. ➤ Lift the Supporting profiles TLS 5.15m into the holding mounts (hollow sections) on the Basic unit. 9767-313-01 C C Pressure strut TLS 3.70m ➤ Hoist the pre-assembled base unit by crane to the prepared suspension point in the floor-slab, anchor it in place and align it. ➤ Mount the Landing-level safety gates and controls. 999778002 - 10/2010 47 The Formwork Experts Table Lifting System TLS User information Dokaflex table ➤ Place further Lifting masts TLS 1.50m on both sides and bolt them on. Extending the lifting height When the system is used suspended from the floorslab, extending the Lifting masts permits a max. lifting height of 10 m. Anchor the Lifting mast TLS to the building, and extend the mast. ➤ Anchor a "Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross-brace" to the prepared suspension points. A c B C D E 9767-325-01 d A Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross-bar 0.40m B Cone screw B 7cm C Universal climbing cone 15.0 D Sealing sleeve K 15.0 e b E Stop-anchor 15.0 a ➤ When attaching the Lifting mast anchoring TLS, ensure that the lifting mast remains in the vertical. A B C 9778-231-01 A Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross-bar 0.40m a ... min. 2.65 - 4.50 m b ... max. 7.00 m (spacing between the anchorages) c ... max. 4.50 m (lifting height above the top "Lifting mast anchoring") d ... max. 10.00 m e ... min. 0.30 m B Lifting mast anchoring TLS strut ➤ Mount the Landing-level safety gates and controls. 9767-328-01 C Lifting mast anchoring TLS mast connection 48 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS 999778002 - 10/2010 49 The Formwork Experts Table Lifting System TLS User information Dokaflex table Repositioning and aligning the Table Lifting System Follow the directions in the "Doka Table Lifting System TLS" Assembly and Operating Instructions! After the crane-lifting operation, the Lifting spreader beam TLS is replaced in the holding fixture on the Lifting platform TLS. Note: Only position the Table Lifting System in slab-edge zones that have no projecting parts. A Lifting cross-bar TLS must be mounted to each of the Lifting masts TLS (with the lugs on the side nearest the motor) before the Table Lifting System can itself be lifted and repositioned). B C 9767-324-01 B Lifting spreader beam TLS A C Lifting platform TLS back 3.00x1.60m In order to shorten the distances travelled when setting up and striking the formwork, it may be helpful to reposition the Table Lifting System several times on one floor. Aligning the Table Lifting System 9767-322-01 A Lifting cross-bar TLS Later, the Lifting spreader beam TLS (which is guided by the crane hook) will be attached to these Lifting cross-bars TLS. Depending on how far the slab-edges are out of true in the vertical, there are two possible alignment methods: ● Spindles in the Floor supports TLS ● Fitting wedges between the Supporting profiles and the floor-slab, or setting the distance with the Adjusting device TLS B A B 9767-320-01 A Adjusting device TLS B Doka Express anchor 16x125mm A 9767-323-01 A Lifting cross-bar TLS B Lifting spreader beam TLS 50 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS Repositioning Doka tableforms With the DoKart, only one person is needed on each storey to manoeuvre the Doka tableforms. During the automatic lifting operation, the next Doka tableform is readied for lifting, while on the floor above, the previous tableform is moved to its proper location. ➤ Close the landing-level safety gates. General instructions on repositioning ☞ Important note: ● Tables must be stood stably, and able to withstand wind loads, in every phase of the construction work. ● Max. wind speed during resetting: 72 km/h. ● No persons or unsecured objects are allowed to be on the table or the Table Lifting System TLS during lifting and travelling. Repositioning operation Floor below ➤ Send the Lifting platform TLS to the floor in question. ➤ Open the landing-level safety gates. ➤ Lower the loading ramp and open the gates of the lifting platform. 9778-224-03 ➤ Raise the table to the next floor on the lifting platform. Floor above: ➤ Open the landing-level safety gates. ➤ Lower the loading ramp and open the gates of the lifting platform. ➤ Wheel the table off the platform. 9778-227-01 ➤ Set down the table on the lifting platform. The person operating the DoKart must always be on the building side. ➤ Move out the DoKart from under the table. ➤ Secure and tie down the table if necessary (required for edge tables with an integral downstand beam, platforms, ...). There are crane eyes on the lifting platform for tying back the Doka tables if necessary. ➤ Close the gates of the Lifting platform and tilt up the loading ramp. 9778-228-01 ➤ Close the gates of the Lifting platform and tilt up the loading ramp. ➤ Close the landing-level safety gates. ➤ Send the Lifting platform TLS back down to the floor below. After the last table has been repositioned, the DoKart can then be moved up to the next floor by the Table Lifting System. 999778002 - 10/2010 51 The Formwork Experts Table Lifting System TLS User information Dokaflex table Anchoring on the structure Components: The following components are fastened to the Universal climbing cone by means of the Cone screw B 7cm. C Floor support TLS 0.40m A For safe suspension of the Table Lifting System in all phases of the work. B F D 9767-321-01 A Universal climbing cone 15.0 B Sealing sleeve K (expendable anchoring component) C Cone screw B 7cm D Stop-anchor (expendable anchoring component) 9767-332-02 F Depth mark Both the positioning points and the suspension points are prepared using one single type of cone, the Universal climbing cone (A) . ● Depth of concrete cover on "cone" side of wall: 5.5 cm ● Depth of concrete cover on the "stop-anchor" side in a slab of minimum thickness: 2 cm Stop-anchor 15.0 11.5cm Stop-anchor 15.0 16cm Stop-anchor 15.0 40cm Minimum slab thickness 19 cm 24 cm 48 cm Dimensioning the suspension point The required cube compressive strength of the concrete at the time of loading must be specified separately for each project by the structural designer. It will depend on the following factors: ● load actually occurring ● length of the stop-anchor ● reinforcement / extra reinforcement steel ● distance from edge The introduction of the forces, the transfer of these forces into the structure, and the stability of the overall construction, must all be verified by the structural designer. Beam for Landing level safety gate 0.40m For fixing the Landing-level safety gates. 9767-329-02 Lifting mast anchoring TLS crossbar 0.40m The Lifting masts TLS are back-stayed to the structure on the Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross-bar. 9767-325-01 The required cube compressive strength fck,cube,current must be at least 10 N/mm2, however. 52 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Preparing the positioning point and suspension point Note: Universal climbing cones are supplied with Sealing sleeves K (B) . Every time the Universal climbing cones are used again, fit them with new sealing sleeves first! ☞ ● The axis of the universal climbing cone must be at right-angles to the surface of the concrete – maximum angle of deviation: 2°. ● Do not exceed the tolerances shown in the illustration for the locations of the positioning point and suspension point. a b WARNING ➤ Always screw the Stop-anchor into the Universal climbing cone until it fully engages (i.e. up to the depth mark). Not screwing the anchor sufficiently far into the cone may subsequently lead to reduced load-bearing capacity and to the failure of the suspension point – resulting in injury and damage. ➤ For the positioning point and suspension point, ONLY use Cone screws B 7 cm (head of screw is red, to indicate its high load-bearing capacity)! Table Lifting System TLS WARNING Sensitive rod steel! ➤ Never weld or heat tie-rods. ➤ Tie rods that are damaged or have been weakened by corrosion or wear must be withdrawn from use. ➤ Only use approved tie-rods. ➤ Prevent the vibrator from touching the positioningpoint. Tools needed: ● Reversible ratchet 3/4" ● Spanner for Universal climbing cone 15.0/20.0 ● Extension 20cm 3/4" ● Box nut 50 3/4" (for Cone screw B 7cm) These tools are all included in the "Tool box TLS". 9767-332-01 a ... 327 cm (± 2 cm) b ... 40 cm (± 1 cm) ● Embed the Universal climbing cone so that it is flush with the concrete surface. ● Protect the thread from soiling. Suspension point ➤ Fix the Floor support TLS (D) in the Universal climbing cone 15.0 (A) with a Cone screw B 7cm (C) . A tightening torque of 100 Nm (20 kg assuming a ratchet-length of approx. 50 cm) is sufficient. D Positioning point C b A B 9767-332-03 9767-306-01 Forcibly tightening the Cone screw B 7cm any more than this may cause damage and even cause the form-tie to break! The only tool allowed to be used for screwing in and fixing the Cone screw B 7cm in the Universal climbing cone is the Reversible ratchet 3/4". b ... 40 cm (± 1 cm) ➤ Screw the Cone screw B 7cm into the Universal climbing cone. ➤ Screw the Stop-anchor into the Universal climbing cone, until it engages (up to the depth mark). ☞ Important note: ➤ The positioning-point must align with the suspension point beneath it (± 1 cm in the horizontal). ➤ Tie the Stop-anchor tightly to the reinforcements with binding wire. Reversible ratchet 3/4" Tr687-200-01 Reversible ratchet 3/4" with extension Tr687-200-01 Ratchet MF 3/4" SW 50 Tr687-200-01 999778002 - 10/2010 53 The Formwork Experts Table Lifting System TLS User information Dokaflex table Possible ways of connecting the landing-level safety gates C D B A 9767-327-03 A Landing-level safety gate TLS with handle B Landing-level safety gate TLS with limit switch C Switchbox TLS D Floor support TLS 0.40m Push the corner post of the landing-level safety gate down onto the mounting fixture (E) and secure with the eyebolt (F) . Floor support TLS 0.40m Beam for Landing level safety gate TLS 0.40m F Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross-bar 0.40m F F E E E 9767-336-01 9767-334-01 54 9767-335-01 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Table Lifting System TLS Computation of quantities for Lifting masts TLS 1.50m Suspended from the floor-slab b a d c Standing on ground and working from ground level 9778-229-01 a ... Operational height b ... 2.40 m c ... min. 1.30 m n ... number 1) = 1) Operational height(a) - 2.40 m(b) + 1.30 m (c) 1.50 m Round up the result to a whole number. Total number of Lifting masts TLS 1.50m = 2 x n 9778-224-02 d ... Travel height Up to 2.80 m Up to 4.30 m Up to 5.80 m Up to 7.30 m Up to 8.80 m Up to 10.00 m Total number of Lifting masts TLS 1.50m 4 6 8 10 12 14 999778002 - 10/2010 55 The Formwork Experts General remarks User information Dokaflex table Transporting, stacking and storing General remarks Thanks to their compact design, up to 5 Dokaflex tables can be loaded onto a truck on top of one another - making for improved logistics and reduced shipping costs. General instructions on repositioning ☞ 9778-234-01 Stacking, and delivery condition Stack max. 5 elements on top of one another! c e d b a ☞ Observe the following safety instructions when transporting and storing pre-assembled table constructions: ● The table elements must be onloaded and off-loaded, transported and stacked in such a way that it is not possible for them to fall off, slip, tip over or slide apart. ● Table elements may only be set down and stacked on flat, firm surfaces. ● Spread-angle β of slinging chains: max. 30°. ● Do not detach a table element from the lifting straps until it has been safely set down. ● Never climb onto the stack of table elements. ● Before being transported by truck, the table elements must be strapped down securely. 9778-233-01 Dimensions in cm a (5 elements) b (4 elements) c d (c+packing strips) e Dokaflex table 27mm 274.3 218.9 52.7 55.4 10.0 Dokaflex table 21mm 268.9 214.7 52.1 54.2 10.0 Intermediate storage of tables ☞ Observe the following safety points regarding intermediate storage of completely assembled tables: ● Only set down tables on level, firm surfaces. ● Never place ready-to-use tables on top of one another. ● In exposed locations, secure against wind pressure. Precautions to prevent damage to the formwork sheets: ● Insert packing strips of formwork sheeting between the table heads and the sheets. ● Make sure the clamping wedges are pushed all the way in, and fix them in this position with Spring cotters 5mm. 56 Hoisting tables using the Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m Individual tableform elements, and entire stacks of elements, can be hoisted using the Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m. 2 Dokamatic lifting straps are needed for each unit to be lifted. The main features: ● Integral strap shoes for safe lifting of stacks of elements ● Anti-dropout safeguard for strap shoes ● Moveable, 8 m long protective sleeve enables the table to stay in the horizontal when being lifted, and protects the strap fabric. Max. load: 2000 kg Follow the directions in the Operating Instructions! 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table General remarks Transporting stacks of elements Repositioning tables If the Dokamatic lifting straps 13.00m are used with their built-in strap shoes, tableforms can be hoisted in a stack. The Lifting strap 13.00m can be used for lifting and setting down table-tops and completely assembled tables. The 13 m long strap is designed to be fixed and detached when working from ground level. Note: In this case, the integrated strap shoes (B) are not pushed onto the secondary beams. This makes it possible to operate the Lifting strap 13.00m when working from ground level. The strap shoes can either remain on the strap, or be detached from it as needed. 9778-235-01 CAUTION ➤ The Dokamatic lifting straps 13.00m may only be used as shown here if the strap shoes are correctly mounted and if there is no risk of the straps sliding out of position. ➤ Do not hoist more than 5 elements at the same time. B ➤ Push the strap shoes (B) of the Dokamatic lifting strap (A) onto the secondary beam, firmly and completely. Ensure correct positioning to right and left, and that both strap shoes are on the same beam. 9778-237-01 A B ☞ Important note for tables: ● with pre-mounted edge strips (C) ● covered in large-area sheeting (across the entire width) A 9778-236-01 C ➤ Prepare the second lifting strap in the same way, and push it onto the beam using the strap shoes. Make sure that the lifting straps are arranged symmetrically. D Important note: With custom tables, allowance must be made for the following points: ● secondary beams may cantilever out further ● greater weight ● oblique pull of the lifting strap Reinforce the secondary beams by e.g. nailing on a strip of formwork sheeting. 9778-238-01 ☞ e e ... approx. 1.0 cm A nailed-on plank (D) (approx. 15 x 5 x 60 cm) prevents the lifting strap (A) damaging or breaking off the edge strip. 9778-243-01 999778002 - 10/2010 57 The Formwork Experts General remarks User information Dokaflex table Hoisting tables with the Lifting hook DF The Lifting hook DF can be used to hoist tableform superstructures and ready-assembled tables. Max. load: 300 kg per Lifting hook DF Follow the directions in the Operating Instructions! Always bolt the Lifting hook DF to the inside beam-end holes on the primary beams. 9720-226-01 A A Lifting hook DF 9209-202-01 β ... max. 30° Where the formwork sheeting projects beyond the edges of the table, the lifting chain must be sufficiently long that it does not damage the formwork sheeting. Note: It is also possible to use the Lifting hook DF on the secondary beams. To do this, permanently bolt the relevant secondary beams to the primary beam. 58 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table General remarks Safeguarding the edges of floor-slabs Several products are available for erecting sturdy safety railings around the edges of floor-slabs and break-throughs. Guard rail 1.10m Handrail clamp T Handrail clamp S 9767-300-01 Fixing options: Fixing options: ● In an "Attachable ● Bolted onto floorslab sleeve 24mm" ● In a "Screw sleeve ● Bolted onto end face of wall or 20.0" floor-slab ● In a hole subsequently drilled in the concrete Clamped to floor-slab or to other parts of the structure with an overall height of between 2 and 43 cm Follow the directions in the relevant "Instructions for Assembly and Use" and "User Information" booklets! 999778002 - 10/2010 59 The Formwork Experts General remarks User information Dokaflex table Reshoring props, concrete technology and striking Important note: If the load is not removed from the floor props at this stage, they will remain loaded with the dead weight of the floor-slab. When the floor above is concreted, this may lead to a doubling of the load that is being applied to the floor props. The floor props are not designed to cope with such an overload, and the result may be damage to the formwork, the floor props and the structure. Why put up reshoring props after striking the formwork? Depending on the construction sequence, reshoring props may be needed to carry service loads on the new floor-slab, and/or concreting-loads from the next floor to be poured. Reference values for the evolution of the compressive strength of the concrete at storage temperatures of 20°C and 5°C as a function of the type of cement used 100 Positioning the reshoring props correctly The required numerical relationship between reshoring props and formwork props can be stated for the following two limit cases: ● only approx. 0.4 reshoring props per formwork prop where both floor-slabs have similar rigidities ● only approx. 0.8 reshoring props per formwork prop where the floor-slab below has a considerably higher rigidity (foundation slab). ☞ Ask an expert! As a rule, the question of using reshoring props should be referred to the responsible experts, regardless of the information given above. If there is any doubt, particularly where dissimilar floor systems are involved, the decision must be referred to the responsible structural designer. A 60 B 40 C 20 1 3 2 7 5 10 14 21 28 Age of concrete in days 100 Compressive strength as a %-age of the 28-day compressive strength of the concrete at 5°C Reshoring props have the job of spreading loads between the new floor-slab and the floor beneath it. This load distribution will depend on the relationship between the rigidities of these two floor-slabs. 80 9720-100 ☞ The following diagrams show the strength development where different grades of cement are used. If the temperature of the concrete is < 5°C, the chemical reactions are very greatly slowed down. This is why low temperatures require cements that have rapid heat evolution and strength development. 80 60 A B 40 C 20 9720-100 In the building construction field, the load occurring during pouring (i.e. the weight of the uncovered floor) will generally be approx. 50% of the design load of the floor-slab (dead weight + flooring + service load). This means that the formwork can be struck once the concrete has reached 50% of its 28-day strength. The loading safety of the floor-slab is then equal to that of the finished structure. Strength development in the new concrete Compressive strength as a %-age of the 28-day compressive strength of the concrete at 20°C When is the best time to strike? 1 2 3 5 7 10 14 21 28 Age of concrete in days Water/binding-agent (cement) ratio = 0.50 A Z 45 F, PZ 475 (CEM I 42.5 R/52.5 R/52.5 N) B Z 35 F, PZ 375 (CEM II 32.5 R/42.5 N) C Z 35 L (CEM III 32.5 N) 60 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Deflection of the new concrete The modulus of elasticity of the concrete has already reached more than 90 % of the 28-day value after only 3 days, regardless of the formulation of the concrete. The increase in the elastic deformation taking place in the new concrete is thus only negligible. The creep deformation, which only finally ceases after several years, is several times more than the elastic deformation. However, early striking - e.g. after 3 days instead of 28 - only leads to an increase in the total deformation of less than 5 %. The part of this deformation accounted for by creep deformation, however, may be anything between 50 % and 100 % of the standard value, due to such variable influences as the strength of the aggregates, and the atmospheric humidity. This means that the total deflection of the floor-slab is practically independent of the time at which the formwork was struck. General remarks Striking the formwork from widespanned floor-slabs with support centres of over 7.5m In the case of thin, wide-spanned concrete floor-slabs (e.g. in multistorey car parks), the following points must be remembered: When the formwork is removed from beneath these floor-slab spans (i.e. when the load is taken off the floor props), the floor props that are still in place are briefly subjected to additional loads. This may lead to overloading, and to the floor props being damaged. When planning and designing floor formworks for these very thin concrete floor slabs, it is thus essential to allow for the loads occurring during formwork removal, as well as for the usual design loads. Please consult your Doka technician. ☞ Cracks in new concrete The bonding strength between the reinforcement steel and the concrete develops more rapidly in the new concrete than does its compressive strength. This means that early striking does not have any negative influence upon the size and distribution of cracks on the tension side of reinforced concrete constructions. Other cracking phenomena caused by e.g. shrinkage, premature striking, impeded deformation etc. can be countered effectively by appropriate curing methods. The basic rule is: The formwork should be removed starting from the middle of the floor slab (i.e. from midspan), and working towards the edges. For wide spans, this procedure MUST be followed! l A A Curing of new concrete New site-placed concrete is exposed to influences which may cause cracking and slow down its strength development: ● premature drying ● over-rapid cooling in the first few days ● excessively low temperatures or frost ● mechanical damage to the surface of the concrete ● etc. The simplest precaution is to leave the formwork on the concrete surface for longer. As well as the familiar extra curing measures, this measure should be carried out in any case. 9767-214-01 l ... Effective floor-slab spans of 7.50 m and over A Load redistribution 999778002 - 10/2010 61 The Formwork Experts General remarks User information Dokaflex table Doka service offerings Doka "Ready-to-Use" Service Ready-to-use formworks - for even the most unusual assignments Whatever it is you need to construct from concrete, the Doka Ready-to-Use Service can put together the right formwork for you - quickly, and in guaranteed Doka quality. No matter whether you are looking for a special concrete finish or a custom solution for a tunnel or bridge. The professionals from the Doka Ready-to-Use Service plan and make ready-to-use standard and custom formworks exactly to your specifications. By delivering "just-in-time", straight to your site, we save space on your site and reduce the amount of planning and assembly work that you have to do. We'll be pleased to inform you about all that the Doka "Ready-to-Use" Service can do for you. Your local/regional Doka branch would also be happy to draw up a tender for your next project. 62 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table General remarks Doka Reconditioning Service Doka customer training So that your formwork is in "top form" for its next assignment Formwork training pays Inspecting, cleaning and maintaining your Doka framed formwork - all tasks that the Doka Reconditioning Service will be pleased to take off your hands. Its highly qualified staff and special equipment will quickly get your formwork back in top form - quickly and economically. The advantage for you: You always have formwork that is ready for use, and also extend the service life of your equipment. What's more: It is only with well-maintained formwork that you will achieve the desired quality of concrete surface. In our modern plants, your formwork will be carefully cleaned using energy-saving and environmentally sound technology. The panels are then inspected for damage and dimensional accuracy and overhauled where necessary. Any damaged form-facing is repaired, or - if necessary replaced. Forming operations account for the lion’s share of labour costs on concrete construction sites. Modern formwork equipment helps to rationalise operations. By improving the overall construction sequence at the same time, however, further very worthwhile gains in efficiency can be achieved. This requires not only better equipment, but also greater skill in making optimum use of this equipment. Doka can help here, with its specialist training programme - to help each and every member of the team do his bit towards boosting efficiency and lowering costs. Doka customer training events also look at the formwork equipment and handling methods that are needed in order to achieve optimum safety - knowledge and awareness which can only enhance workplace safety on the site. You’ll find the Doka training programme well worth looking into. Your nearest Doka branch will be pleased to tell you more about Doka's various training offerings. 999778002 - 10/2010 63 The Formwork Experts Component overview User information Dokaflex table [kg] Article n° 385.0 470.0 317.0 386.0 586052000 586053000 586050000 586051000 [kg] Article n° Component Doka Dokaflex Floor table Systems overview Dokaflex table 2.50x4.00m 21mm Dokaflex table 2.50x5.00m 21mm Dokaflex table 2.00x4.00m 21mm Dokaflex table 2.00x5.00m 21mm Dokaflex-Tisch Doka floor prop Eurex 20 250 12.9 586086000 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 300 15.3 586087000 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 350 17.8 586088000 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 400 22.2 586089000 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 550 34.6 586090000 Length: 152 - 250 cm Length: 172 - 300 cm Length: 197 - 350 cm Length: 227 - 400 cm Length: 297 - 550 cm Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 20 Galvanised Dokaflex table 2.50x4.00m 27mm Dokaflex table 2.50x5.00m 27mm Dokaflex table 2.00x4.00m 27mm Dokaflex table 2.00x5.00m 27mm Dokaflex-Tisch Doka formwork sheet 3-S plus 27mm 9.7/200cm Doka formwork sheet 3-S plus 27mm 9.7/250cm Doka formwork sheet 3-S plus 27mm 20/200cm Doka formwork sheet 3-S plus 27mm 20/250cm Doka-Schalungsplatte 3-S plus 27mm 405.0 485.0 337.0 411.0 2.5 3.1 5.2 6.5 586054000 586055000 586056000 586057000 187052000 187053000 187050000 187051000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 250 12.8 586092400 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 300 16.4 586093400 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 350 20.7 586094400 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 400 24.6 586095400 Length: 148 - 250 cm Length: 173 - 300 cm Length: 198 - 350 cm Length: 223 - 400 cm Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 150 8.0 586096000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 450 29.1 586119400 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 250 12.7 586086400 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 top 550 38.6 586129000 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 300 14.3 586087400 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 350 17.4 586088400 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 400 21.6 586089400 Doka floor prop Eurex 20 top 550 32.3 586090400 Length: 92 - 150 cm Length: 148 - 250 cm Length: 173 - 300 cm Length: 198 - 350 cm Length: 223 - 400 cm Length: 298 - 550 cm Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 20 top Length: 248 - 450 cm Length: 303 - 550 cm Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 30 top Galvanised Galvanised Doka floor prop Eurex 30 250 14.8 586092000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 300 16.7 586093000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 350 20.5 586094000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 400 24.9 586095000 Doka floor prop Eurex 30 450 29.2 586119000 Length: 152 - 250 cm Length: 172 - 300 cm Length: 197 - 350 cm Length: 227 - 400 cm Length: 248 - 450 cm Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 30 Galvanised 64 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Component overview [kg] Dokamatic insertion beam 2.45m Dokamatic-Einschubträger 2,45m Article n° 10.0 183045000 [kg] Doka floor end-shutter clamp Article n° 12.5 586239000 Doka-Deckenabschalklemme Galvanised Height: 137 cm Table head 20 16.5 586085000 Tischkopf 20 Galvanised Powder-coated, blue Length: 41 cm Width: 33 cm Height: 30 cm Table head 30 End-shutter shoe Galvanised Height: 13.5 cm 18.5 586078000 Tischkopf 30 Galvanised Powder-coated, blue Length: 44 cm Width: 25 cm Height: 30 cm Spring cotter 5mm End-shutter tie rod 15.0 15-40cm 0.91 586258000 Abschalanker 15,0 15-40cm Galvanised Length: 55 cm 0.05 580204000 Federvorstecker 5mm 1.6 586257000 Abschalschuh Galvanised Length: 13 cm H20 screw-on bracket for formwork sheets Intermediate head DF 3.6 586058000 Zwischenkopf DF Schalhaut-Schraubwinkel H20 Galvanised Height: 19.2 cm Galvanised Length: 25 cm Width: 24 cm Height: 34 cm Connection unit DF 20/30 0.93 586084000 Spanneinheit DF 20/30 Lashing strap 5.00m 2.8 586018000 Zurrgurt 5,00m Yellow Galvanised Width: 15 cm Height: 12 cm Width-across: 19 mm Supporting head H20 DF 0.19 586256000 0.77 586179000 Haltekopf H20 DF Doka express anchor 16x125mm Galvanised Length: 19 cm Width: 11 cm Height: 8 cm Beam screw S 8/60 0.31 588631000 Doka-Expressanker 16x125mm Galvanised Length: 18 cm Follow fitting instructions! 0.06 580116000 Riegelverschraubung S 8/60 Galvanised Length: 7 cm Width-across: 13 mm Doka coil 16mm Beam connection plate H20 0.08 586263000 Gurtverbinder H20 0.009 588633000 Doka-Coil 16mm Galvanised Diameter: 1.6 cm Galvanised Height: 8 cm Framax universal corner waling Universal end-shutter support 30cm Universal-Abschalwinkel 30cm 1.0 586232000 12.8 588151000 Framax-Eckklemmschiene Painted blue Leg length: 60 cm Galvanised Height: 21 cm Retaining plate 15.0 1.8 586073000 Jochplatte 15,0 Galvanised Length: 17 cm Width: 12 cm Height: 11 cm 999778002 - 10/2010 65 The Formwork Experts Component overview User information Dokaflex table [kg] Universal plug R20/25 Article n° 0.003 588180000 Kombi Ankerstopfen R20/25 Blue Diameter: 3 cm Handrail post T 1.80m 17.7 584373000 Einschubgeländer T 1,80m Galvanised Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 1.50m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 2.50m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 3.50m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 4.50m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 5.50m Scaffold tube 48.3mm 6.00m Scaffold tube 48.3mm .....m Gerüstrohr 48,3mm [kg] Article n° 3.6 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.2 18.0 19.8 21.6 3.6 682014000 682015000 682016000 682017000 682018000 682019000 682021000 682022000 682023000 682024000 682025000 682001000 Galvanised Screw-on coupler 48mm 50 0.84 682002000 Anschraubkupplung 48mm 50 Handrail clamp S Galvanised Width-across: 22 mm 11.5 580470000 Schutzgeländerzwinge S Galvanised Height: 123 - 171 cm T ledge 21/42 2.00m 0.34 580196000 T-Leiste 21/42 2,00m Grey Handrail clamp T 12.3 584381000 Schutzgeländerzwinge T Galvanised Height: 122 - 155 cm Center bit DF 30 0.10 586081000 Zentrumsbohrer DF 30 Strip tensioner B 5.00m 3.5 580394000 Bandzwinge B 5,00m Galvanised Handrail post 1.10m 5.6 584384000 Schutzgeländer 1,10m Galvanised Height: 134 cm Plastic mallet 4kg 4.5 586097000 Kunststoffhammer 4kg Blue Length: 110 cm Attachable sleeve 24mm 0.03 584385000 Steckhülse 24mm Grey Length: 16.5 cm Diameter: 2.7 cm Screw sleeve 20.0 0.03 584386000 Schraubhülse 20,0 Yellow Length: 20 cm Diameter: 3.1 cm 66 Universal dismantling tool 3.7 582768000 Universal-Lösewerkzeug Galvanised Length: 75.5 cm 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Component overview [kg] Nut for box spanner 19 1/2" L Hülsennuss 19 1/2" L Article n° 0.16 580598000 [kg] Shifting trolley DF 566.0 586080000 Umsetzwagen DF included in scope of supply: (A) Positioning lever for shifting trolley DF (B) Brace stirrup 8 Box nut 13 1/2" 0.06 580576000 Stecknuss 13 1/2" Reversible ratchet 1/2" 6.0 586063000 2.7 582751000 4 pcs. Galvanised Width: 19 cm Height: 46 cm Width-across: 30 mm Galvanised Length: 181 cm Width: 130 cm Height: 154 - 303 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! 0.73 580580000 Umschaltknarre 1/2" Article n° Galvanised Length: 30 cm Doka stacking pallet 1.55x0.85m Doka-Stapelpalette 1,55x0,85m 42.0 586151000 Galvanised Height: 77 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! Extension for shifting trolley DF 40.0 586015000 Ausleger für Umsetzwagen DF Galvanised Length: 128.4 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! Attachable drive unit DF 512.0 586062000 Andockantrieb DF Bolt-on castor set B Painted blue Length: 100 cm Width: 100 cm Height: 130 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! 33.6 586168000 Anklemm-Radsatz B Painted blue Shifting appliances for tables DoKart DoKart included in scope of supply: (A) Brace stirrup 8 1620.0 586265000 Stacking frame DF Galvanised Length: 134 cm Width: 130 cm Height: 75 cm 2.7 582751000 4 pcs. Galvanised Width: 19 cm Height: 46 cm Width-across: 30 mm Yellow Length: 173 cm Width: 133 cm Height: 154 - 324 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! Extension set for DoKart Auslegersatz DoKart 82.0 586079000 Aufsatzrahmen DF Alu stacking frame DM 2.25m 59.2 586238000 Alu-Aufsatzrahmen DM 2,25m Aluminium Length: 187 cm Width: 128 cm Height: 225 cm 34.0 586266000 Galvanised Length: 80 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! 999778002 - 10/2010 67 The Formwork Experts Component overview User information Dokaflex table [kg] Transport fork DM 1.5t adjustable Umsetzgabel DM 1,5t verstellbar Article n° 1134.0 586233000 Galvanised Length: 634 cm Width: 245 cm Height: 507 cm Delivery condition: folded closed Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! [kg] Transport fork DF 1.5t 0.90m Transport fork DF 1.5t 1.30m Transport fork DF 1.5t 2.00m Gabel DF 1,5t Article n° 480.0 586065000 520.0 586066000 540.0 586067000 Galvanised Length: 638 cm Height: 71 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! Dokamatic lifting strap 13.00m Dokamatic-Umsetzgurt 13,00m 10.5 586231000 Green Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! Vertical extension DM 1.5t 3.30m Vertikalverlängerung DM 1,5t 3,30m Galvanised Height: 352 cm 240.0 586235000 Fix-De-Fix remote uncoupling system 3150kg 27.0 586014000 Abhängeautomat Fix-De-Fix 3150kg Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! Extension clamp H20 for fork 1.5t Aufsatzklemme H20 für Gabel 1,5t 4.5 586236000 Galvanised Height: 45 cm Extension profile H20 for fork 1.5t Aufsatzprofil H20 für Gabel 1,5t 34.1 586237000 Lifting extension bracket DF 1t Ausleger DF 1t Ausleger DF 1,5t 263.0 586068000 Table Lifting System TLS Basic unit TLS 2336.0 586301000 Basiseinheit TLS Length: 431 cm Width: 242 cm Height: 274 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! 475.0 586064000 Galvanised Length: 456 cm Width: 82 cm Height: 386 cm Delivery condition: folded closed Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! Transport fork DF 1t 0.90m Transport fork DF 1t 1.30m Transport fork DF 1t 2.00m 5.9 586077000 Galvanised Length: 42 cm Width: 20 cm Height: 36 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! Galvanised Length: 336 cm Width: 66 cm Height: 309 cm Delivery condition: folded closed Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! Lifting extension bracket DF 1.5t Lifting hook DF Umsetzbügel DF Galvanised Length: 83 cm Height: 52 cm Lifting platform TLS centre 3.00x1.60m Hubbühne TLS mitte 3,00x1,60m 310.0 586307000 Height: 139 cm 220.0 586069000 245.0 586070000 274.0 586071000 Gabel DF 1t Galvanised Length: 411 cm Height: 58 cm Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! 68 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Component overview [kg] Lifting platform TLS back 3.00x1.60m Hubbühne TLS hinten 3,00x1,60m Article n° 376.0 586308000 [kg] Pressure strut TLS 3.70m Schutzgitter TLS 1,80m 70.0 586318000 Druckstrebe TLS 3,70m Galvanised Height: 139 cm Protective grating TLS 1.80m Article n° 22.0 586334000 Galvanised Length: 141 cm Height: 121 cm Floor support TLS 0.40m 39.0 586315000 Deckenauflager TLS 0,40m Galvanised Length: 72.5 cm Width: 32.1 cm Height: 22.3 cm Adjusting device TLS 10.0 586336000 Justiereinheit TLS Protecting metal sheet TLS right Protecting metal sheet TLS left Schutzblech TLS Painted yellow Length: 85 cm Width: 32 cm Height: 73 cm Lifting mast TLS 1.50m Cable routing TLS 2.0 586333000 Kabelführung TLS Galvanised Length: 35 cm 82.0 586328000 Hubmast TLS 1,50m Galvanised Length: 42 cm Width: 16 cm Height: 16 cm 12.0 586309000 12.0 586310000 Galvanised Lifting mast anchoring TLS cross bar 0.40m 92.0 586329000 Lifting mast anchoring TLS strut 22.0 586331000 Hubmastverankerung TLS Traverse 0,40m Galvanised Length: 450 cm Hubmastverankerung TLS Strebe Galvanised Length: 153.5 cm Width: 50 cm Supporting profile TLS 5.15m Abstützprofil TLS 5,15m 210.0 586317000 Galvanised Lifting mast anchoring TLS mast connection 15.0 586332000 Base profile TLS 2.14m 28.0 586312000 Hubmastverankerung TLS Mastanschluss Galvanised Length: 72.6 cm Width: 66 cm Bodenprofil TLS 2,14m Galvanised 999778002 - 10/2010 69 The Formwork Experts Component overview User information Dokaflex table [kg] Strut for base profile TLS Article n° 11.8 586313000 Strebe für Bodenprofil TLS [kg] Bar for limit switch TLS Beam for landing level safety gate TLS 0.40m Träger für Etagentüre TLS 0,40m Galvanised Length: 186 cm 35.0 586319000 Lifting cross bar TLS Etagentüre TLS mit Griff 19.0 586327000 Hebetraverse TLS Galvanised Length: 76.5 cm Galvanised Length: 344 cm Landing level safety gate TLS with handle 5.0 586325000 Endschalterschiene TLS Galvanised Length: 257.3 cm Article n° 33.0 586321000 Length: 153 cm Height: 126 cm Lifting beam TLS 62.0 586326000 Hebeträger TLS Galvanised Length: 325 cm Landing level safety gate TLS w. limit switch Etagentüre TLS mit Endschalter 32.0 586322000 Length: 153 cm Height: 126 cm Doka 4-part chain 3.20m 15.0 588620000 Doka-Vierstrangkette 3,20m Follow the directions in the "Operating Instructions"! Switch box TLS ground control Schaltkasten TLS Bodensteuerung Height: 53 cm 7.0 586323000 Cone screw B 7cm 0.86 581444000 Konusschraube B 7cm red Length: 10 cm Diameter: 7 cm Width-across: 50 mm Switch box TLS landing level safety gate Schaltkasten TLS Etagentüre 7.0 586324000 Control cable TLS 20.0m blue Control cable TLS 20.0m red Steuerkabel TLS 70 Universal climbing cone 15.0 Universal-Kletterkonus 15,0 Height: 53 cm 1.3 581977000 Galvanised Length: 13 cm Diameter: 5 cm Tool: Spanner for universal climbing cone 15.0/20.0 4.0 586303000 4.0 586304000 Sealing sleeve K 15.0 0.03 581976000 Dichtungshülse K 15,0 Orange Length: 12 cm Diameter: 6 cm 999778002 - 10/2010 The Formwork Experts User information Dokaflex table Component overview [kg] Stop anchor 15.0 11.5cm Stop anchor 15.0 16cm Stop anchor 15.0 40cm Article n° 0.77 581868000 0.83 581997000 1.4 581999000 Sperranker 15,0 Maintenance toolbox TLS Tool box TLS 17.0 586337000 (A) Combination wrench 8 0.03 586343000 Article n° 6.1 586369000 Wartungs-Werkzeugbox TLS consisting of: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) Non-treated Werkzeugbox TLS consisting of: [kg] Grease cartridge TLS Filling press TLS Thickness gauge set 0.05-1.00mm Pliers for external circlips 40-100mm Water pump nut pliers 250mm Screw dr. f. recessed-head scr. PZ 2 Combination wrench 14 Digital multimeter TLS Dummy plug TLS 4 poles 0.46 0.93 0.09 0.32 0.32 0.15 0.09 0.22 0.04 586368000 586367000 586350000 586348000 586347000 586351000 586349000 586353000 586352000 2 pcs. (B) Combination wrench 10 0.04 586342000 2 pcs. (C) Combination wrench 13 0.06 586341000 2 pcs. (D) Combination wrench 17 0.16 586340000 2 pcs. (E) Combination wrench 19 0.14 582837000 2 pcs. (F) Combination wrench 22 0.20 582838000 2 pcs. (G) Combination wrench 24 0.25 582839000 2 pcs. (H) Combination wrench 30 Brake-disc pull-off tool TLS D200 4.3 586370000 Scheibenabzieher TLS D200 Height: 27 cm Width-across: 22 mm 0.43 582840000 2 pcs. (I) Reversible ratchet 3/4" 1.5 580894000 Galvanised Length: 50 cm (J) Box nut 50 3/4" (K) Universal cone spanner 15.0/20.0 0.81 581449000 0.90 581448000 Galvanised Length: 9 cm Width-across: 50 mm (L) Nut for box spanner 24 1/2" L (M) Extension 20cm 3/4" (N) Set of ball-head hexagon-socket screw keys (O) Slot-screw screwdriver 0.6x3.5 (P) Slot-screw screwdriver 1x5.5 (Q) Box spanners 1/2" set of 29 0.30 0.68 0.60 0.20 0.20 5.6 586364000 580683000 586346000 586344000 586366000 586345000 N P O M Q Torque wrench TLS 75-400Nm Drehmomentschlüssel TLS 75-400Nm Length: 69 cm 2.2 586338000 999778002 - 10/2010 71 The Formwork Experts Dokaflex table: The ideal formwork for large-area slab projects The tried-and-tested Dokaflex table is an extremely economical way of forming large areas of slab. It is easy to erect, and can be reset and adapted very quickly. And of course, the Dokaflex table can also be combined with the new Dokamatic table. Dokaflex tables are available for rental, leasing or purchase. At any of the Doka branches in your region. Why not give us a call? The Doka Group's central plant at Amstetten, Austria Doka international Certified to Doka GmbH ISO 9001 Josef Umdasch Platz 1, A 3300 Amstetten, Austria Tel.: +43 (0)7472 605-0, Fax: +43 (0)7472 64430 E-Mail: Internet: Algeria Japan Qatar Tunisia SARL Doka Algérie 24 A Route de la Rassauta Bordj-El-Kifane, BP 170, 16120 Alger Telephone: +213 (0)21 21 27 26 Telefax: +213 (0)21 21 28 98 E-Mail: Doka Japan K.K. Miwanoyama 744-6 Nagareyama-shi 270-175 Chiba-Ken Telephone: +81 (0)471 78 8808 Telefax: +81 (0)471 78 8812 E-Mail: Doka Qatar WLL P.O.Box 23439 Doha, Qatar Telephone: +974 44500628 Telefax: +974 44500608 E-Mail: Doka Tunisia Ltd. Bureau de Liaison Zone Industrielle, Rue d l‘usine Le Kram 2015 Tunis Telephone: +216 (0)71 977 350 Telefax: +216 (0)71 977 856 E-Mail: Korea Doka Formwork Technology Mahmoud Othman & Sons LLC P.O. Box 7620 Jeddah 21472 Telephone: +966 0)2 669 10 08 Telefax: +966 (0)2 664 86 25 E-Mail: Canada Doka Canada Ltd./Ltée 5404 - 36th Street S.E. Calgary AB T2C 1P1 Telephone: +1 403 243-6629 Telefax: +1 403 243-6787 E-Mail: China Doka Formwork (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Bldg. 2, No.3883 Yuanjiang Road Minhang District Shanghai 201109 Telephone: +86 21 6090 0899 Telefax: +86 21 6090 1099 E-Mail: India Doka Korea Ltd. Rm.N.220, Doosan Venture Digm Bldg., 126-1 Pyeongchon-Dong, Dongan-Gu, 431-755 Anyang City, Gyeonggi-Do Telephone: +82 31 478 3700 Telefax: +82 31 478 3701 E-Mail: Saudi Arabia Singapore Kuwait Doka Kuwait Div. of Riham Gen. Trad.& Cont. Co. P.O. Box 2217 Salmiyah 22023 Kuwait Telephone: + 965 2 4822 462 Telefax: +965 2 4822 472 E-Mail: Doka Formwork Pte. Ltd. 9 Gul Circle Singapore 629565 Telephone: +65 6897 7737 Telefax: +65 6897 8606 E-Mail: South Africa Turkey Doka Kalip-Iskele Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Güzeller Org. San. Bölgesi Inönü Mah. Nazarbayev Sok. No:19 41400 Gebze, Kocaeli Telephone: +90 262 751 50 66 Telefax: +90 262 751 50 05 E-Mail: United Arab Emirates Doka Gulf FZE P.O. Box 61407 Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai Telephone: +971 (0)4 881 8096 Telefax: +971 (0)4 881 8097 E-Mail: Doka South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Johannesburg Branch CA Brand Bldg, 2 Sebasa Road Chloorkop Ext.10 Kempton Park 1619 Telephone: +27 (0)11 310 9709 Telefax: +27 (0)11 310 9711 E-Mail: United Kingdom Doka Branch Lebanon Sodeco Square, Block C / 9th floor Beirut Telephone: +961 (0)1 612569 Telefax: +961 (0)1 612570 E-Mail: Ireland Norway Sweden USA Doka Ireland Formwork Techn. Ltd. Monasterboice, Drogheda County Louth Telephone: +353 (0)41 686 1620 Telefax: +353 (0)41 686 1525 E-Mail: Doka Norge AS Heggstadmoen 4 N 7080 Heimdal Telephone: +47 72 89 38 10 Telefax:n +47 72 89 38 11 E-Mail: Doka Sverige AB Kurödsvägen 20 S 451 55 Uddevalla Telephone: +46 (0)10 45 16 300 Telefax: +46 (0)10 45 16 309 E-Mail: Doka India Pvt. Ltd. Hiranandani Business Park Sentinel Bldg 2nd Floor Commercial Premises No 201&202 Powai, Mumbai - 400 076 Telephone: +91 22 402 64435 Telefax: +91 22 402 64436 E-Mail: Lebanon Doka UK Formwork Technologies Ltd Monchelsea Farm, Heath Road Boughton Monchelsea Maidstone, Kent, ME17 4JD Telephone: +44 (0)1622 74 90 50 Telefax: +44 (0)1622 74 90 33 E-Mail Other subsidiaries and representatives: Angola Azerbaijan Bahrain Belgium Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Bulgaria Chile Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Iran Italy Jordan Kazakhstan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Marocco Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Oman Panama Poland Portugal Romania Russia Senegal Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Ukraine Vietnam Doka USA, Ltd. 214 Gates Road Little Ferry, NJ 07643 Telephone: +1 201 329-7839 Telefax: +1 201 641-6254 E-Mail: Internet: The Formwork Experts 999778002 - 10/2010
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