petrology and isotope systematics of magma mushes
petrology and isotope systematics of magma mushes
Revista Brasileira de Geociências 17(4):473-480, dezembro de 1987 PETROLOGY AND ISOTOPE SYSTEMATICS OF MAGMA MUSHES: SOME PORPHYRITIC GRANITOIDS OF NORTHEASTERN BRAZIL JUDE McMURRY*, LEON E. LONG** and ALCIDES N. SIAL*** ABSTRACT More than 80 coarsely porphyritic granitoid plutons with K-feldspar megacrysts (Itaporanga-type granites) intrude metarnorphic rocks of Northeastern Brazil. Textural evidence for fIlter pressing and flow foliation indicates that these bodies were emplaced as viscous, crystal-laden mushes. A representative Itaporanga-type pluton, the Monte das Gameleiras intrusion, consists of a variety of rock types with Si02 ranging from 49.5 to 71.6 weight percent. Chemically and petrographically, this hornblende-bearing pluton has !-type characteristics with some S-type affinities. Whole-rock oxygen isotope data are in keeping with the distribution of 5180 for unaltered granitic rocks. Similarly, REE data suggest a single magmatic process, at least for the more felsic rock types, without significant post-intrusive effects. A 5-point, whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron for the Monte das Gameleiras pluton gives t = 511 ± 26 Ma and an initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7099 ± 0.0004. This is contrasted with disparate ages calculated from texturally similar bodies such as the Fazenda Nova pluton, for which a 5-point whole-rock isochron gives t = 630 ± 24 Ma with initial 8 7Sr/86Sr = 0.7065 ± 0.0005, and the type locality Itaporanga pluton, for which a 6-point isochron gives t = 625 ± 22 Ma. RESUMO Mais de 80 plutões graníticos grosseiramente porfuíticos, com megacristais de feldspato potássico (granitos tipo Itaporanga), cortam rochas metamórficas do Nordeste do Brasil. Evidências texturais de diferenciação por fIltragem e foliação de fluxo indicam que esses corpos foram intrudidos como acumulações viscosas de cristais. Um plutão representativo do tipo Itaporanga, a intrusão de Monte das Gameleiras, consiste em uma variedade de litotipos com Si02 variando de 49,5% a 71,6% em peso. Química e petrograficamente, este plutão com hornblenda tem características do tipo-! e algumas afinidades com o tipo-S. Dados de isótopos de oxigênio para rocha total estão de acordo com a distribuição de 5018 para rochas graníticas inalteradas. Similarmente, dados de REE sugerem um processo magmático simples, pelo menos para os tipos de rochas mais félsicas, sem efeitos pós-intrusivos significativos. Uma isócrona Rb-Sr de 5 pontos para rocha total, do plutão de Monte das Gameleiras, fornece t = 511 ± 26 Ma e uma razão inicial 87Sr/86Sr = 0,7099 ± 0,0004. Esta contrasta com as idades calculadas para corpos texturalmente semelhantes, tais como o plutão de Fazenda Nova, onde uma isócrona Rb-Sr de 5 pontos para rocha total fornece t = 630 ± 24 Ma com razão inicial 87Sr/86Sr = 0,7065 ± 0,0005, e o plutão da localidade-tipo de Itaporanga, para o qual uma isócrona de 6 pontos fornece t = 525 ± 22 Ma. INTRODUCTION Numerous plutons and dikes of a wide variety of rock types intrude the polymetamorphosed and deformed shield rocks of Northeastern Brazil. Conspicuous among these is a group o.f porphyritic granitoids with coarse, tabular phenocrysts of alkali feldspar. At least 80 of these so-called "Itaporanga-type" plutons are known; they are located where metamorphism attained at least amphibolite facies with associated extensive migmatization (Almeida 1971, Brito-Neves & Pessoa 1974). Most have received little more than reconnaissance study. A thorough knowledge of their petrology, however, is important to understanding the nature of the lower crust from which the magmas presumably were derived during the last major orogeny to have affected this portion of Gondwanaland. We have analyzed samples from a large Itaporanga-type granitoid located about 80 km from the Atlantic coast on the boundary between Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte states (Fig. 1). The Monte das Gameleiras pluton is an enclave-rich, predominantly I-type granitoid (Chappell & White 1974). Like other Itaporanga-type granitoids, it appears to have been emplaced as a viscous, crystal-laden magma derived from near-solidus partial melting with incorporated mafic phases inéluding hornblende and biotite. In addition, a Rb-Sr study was made of another Itaporanga-type igneous body in the vicinity of Fazenda Nova, located 140 km west ofRecife (Fig. 1). REGIONAL SETTING These bodies are emplaced into the Borborema tectonic province, a complex structural mosaic of linear metasedimentary fold belts separated by massifs of much older, previously deformed gneissic basement (Almeida et aI. 1981). The final major orogeny in this area was the Brasiliano Cycle, the metamorphic and intrusive events of which date from about 700 to 500 Ma and wich caused many of the older rocks to be thermally overprinted (Wernick 1981, Brito-Neves et aI. 1974). At this time, regional metamorphism created rocks of greenschist to amphibolite facies under low P/high T conditions. Isotopic ages cluster about several periods of thermal activity within the Brasiliano Cycle (Brito-Neves et aI. 1974). Ages of 700 ± 20 Ma may correspond to early thermal metamorphism accompanied by folding. Peak metamorphic conditions are well~documented by K-Ar ages of about 630 ± 30 Ma. A younger cluster of intrusive and * Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78713, USA. Current address: Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, TX 79409, USA Department ofGeological Sciences, University ofTexas. Austin, TX 78713, USA *** Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. CEP 50000, Pernambuco, PE, Brasil ** Revista Brasileira de Geociências. 474 ___ I""" EXPLANATlON (2] o • Faz.,.,da R.elf'. TERTlARY PRECAMBRIAN No,,",o o SEOIMENTARY AOCKS SEOIMENTAAY ROCK$ METAMORPHIC ROCKS: •.. (2J SERIDO GROUP Ei) ~'" OUATERNARY -- CAICÓ IGNEOUS FAULT. --'-STATE GROUP INTRUSION DASHED WHEAE INFERREO BOUNDARY Figure 1 - Location of study area, Northeastem Brazil and generalized geologic map of the Monte das Carneleiras region (after Barbosa et alo 1974) metamorphic ages ranges between 570 and 540 Ma Brasiliano activity ceased with post-tectonic intrusions ending about 410 Ma ago (Long & Brito-Neves 1977). PETROGRAPHY OF THE MONTE DAS GAMELEIRAS The major rock types of the Monte das PLUTON Gameleiras pluton can be classified as: 1. medium-to-coarse-grained, porphyritic silicic rocks (Itaporanga-type lithology); 2. fine-grained, equigranular granites sensu stricto; 3. dark, fine-grained, equigranular rocks (monzonites and quartz monzodiorites). ln addition, elongated mafic enclaves are common, as are aplitic and pegmatitic dikes. Angular, metasedimentary xenoliths are less abundant. Porphyritic granitoid Depending OFl the proportion of megacrysts and matrix (which may be extremely variable even on outcrop scale), the porphyritic rocks are granites, granodiorites, quartz monzonites, or quartz monzodiorites; for simplicity, these Itaporanga-type rocks are referred to as "porphyritic granitoids". Abundant tabular or (rarely) ellipsoidal megacrysts (1 to 10 cm long) of perthitic K-feldspar confer a striking texture to the porphyritic granitoids. ln hand sample, these pale pink or gray megacrysts have a faintly perceptible concentric zoning caused by oriented inclusions of plagioclase near the center in addition to inclusions of biotite, sphene, hornblende, and magnetite in the outer layers of the megacrysts. Modal abundances of megacrysts vary considerably throughout the pluton, but in general the megacrysts constitute 25% to 40% of a given sample. ln thin section, megacrysts commonly are bordered by a Volume 17, 1987 narrow, 0.5 to 2 mm, anhedral rim af very-finc-grained quartz, microcline, sericitized and turbid plagioclase, and lobate myrmekite. Ellipsoid megacrysts have "tails" of millimeter-sized anhedral quartz, plagioclase, and microcline which pinch out into more mafic matrix several millimeters from both ends of the megacryst. The megacrysts are perthitic; many also have poorly developed patches of microcline grid twinning. ln contrast, K-feldspar in the matrix is equant, fine-grained, anhedral microcline with sharply defined twinning. Quartz, plagioclase, biotite, and hornblende dominate the porphyritic granitoids. Quartz generally occurs in large, anhedral, composite pools. Plagioclase forms mostly anhedral, equant to subhedral tabular crystals, the larger crystals (1 to 5 mm) of which are faintly twinned and concentrically zoned. Both biotite and hornblende are intensely pleochroic: biotite Q = pale yellow-green and ~ = 'Y = very dark green, and homblende Q = pale yellow-green, ~ = brown-green, and 'Y = intense blue-green. Slender crystals of apatite are common inclusions in biotite and hornblende. Other accessory phases include slender, metamict prisms of allanite rimmed by epidote, magnetite, ilmenite rimmed by sphene, and discrete, stubby prisms of apatite and zircon. All of these minor phases occur in aggregates with biotite and hornblende crystals. Fine-grained granites Many of the fine-grained granites occur as crosscutting dikes in the porphyritic granitoids. Other exposures, although massive and fairly extensive, contain angular fragments of the porphyritic rocks. Their overall texture is granitoid and equigranular, with an average grain size less than 0.5 mm for most samples. Plagioclase and quartz are subordinate to microcline in these rocks. Scattered flakes of pleochroic green biotite (less than 5% modally) impart a slight foliation. Minor mafic phases include sphene, elongate zircon, apatite (as íninute inclusions in plagioclase and as discrete prisms), allanite rimmed with epidote, and rare Fe-Ti oxides. Dark Intrusives The color index exceeds 40% for these more mafic, equigranular rocks. Complexly twinned, normally zoned plagioclase is the most abundant mineral. Biotite and less abundant homblende exhibit the same intense green pleochroism as do their counterparts in the porphyritic granitoids. Some hornblende crystals have grainy cores of relict clinopyroxene. Quartz and microcline are present only in minor abundances. Quartz occurs as small, equant, individual grains. Microcline is anhedral, equant, and seriate; some crystals are rimmed by lobate myrmekite. The accessory mineral suite of the dark intrusives resembles that of the porphyritic granitoids. Sphene, apatite, and Fe-Ti oxides are common inclusions in homblende and also occur as discrete crystals. Zircon and epidote-rimmed allanite are present in some samples. Other rock types Dark, lens-shaped stringers are coínrnon as enclaves in the porphyritic granitoids. Modes and mineralogy are similar to the dark intrusives, but some enclaves also have ellipsoidal crystals of perthitic K-feldspar which resemble more tabular megacrysts in the surrounding granitoid. These large, cigar-shaped crystals are comparably rimmed by very fine-grained quartz and feldspars, and they Revista Brasileira de Geociências, 475 Volume 17. 1987 contain oriented rows of inclusions of slightly altered plagioclase, just as the megacrysts do. Large, angular xenoliths are far less common than the elongated mafic enclaves. Some xenoliths are composite blocks, including those in which amphibolite is in sharp contact with pink, slightly porphyritic granite which in tum veins the amphibolite, ali of which is entrained in porphyritic granitoid. Pegmatites with abundant K-feldspar, quartz, and biotite are ubiquitous but are of minor importance volumetricaliy. Narrow, even-sided, 2-t0-6 cm aplitic dikes crosscut ali other lithologies. TEXTURES Tabular K-feldspar megacrysts in the porphyritic granitoids weather in high relief from the matrix and accentuate the evidence that the Monte das Gameleiras pluton was intruded as a viscous, crystal-laden mush. In places, the megacrysts are aligned in faint swirls or ductile shears; elsewhere, they are subparaliel or are so consistently aligned that the rock has a gneissic appearance. Concentrations of megacrysts form cumulate-like layers which can be traced along strike for tens of meters. Filter pressing appears to have operated on a smali scale to produce some extremely megacryst-rich varieties of the porphyritic granitoid where interstitial magma was injected into narrow fissures in wall rock. Contacts between the porphyritic granitoid and the dark intrusive are complex, but the two rock types appear to have been intruded over a brief time interval during which both magmas "mingled" (Vemon 1983) and deformed plasticaliy against each other. Some contacts are sharp and planar; others grade into undulating, swirls of felsic and mafic rock on the scale of a single outcrop. Elsewhere, lobes of dark intrusive have intruded convex1y into the porphyritic granitoid. Flow foliation and a curved concentrated band of megacrysts at the contact signify that the granitoid was plastically deformed by the intrusion. MEGASCOPIC MIC ROPROBE ANAl YSES Table 1- Chemical compositions of selected minerals were determined in Monte das Gameleiras rock types at the University of Texas with a three-spectometer Applied Research Laboratories EMX electron microprobe equipped with an energy-dispersive detector. Computer programs appropriate for 15 kv accelerating potential were used to calculate matrix corrections (Bence & Albee 1968, Albee & Ray 1970) and to convert the corrected data to weight percent oxides and atomic proportions. Natural and synthetic mineral samRles were used as primary and secondary standards. Large, zoned plagioclase crystals in the matrix of the porphyritic granitoid (Table 1) have cores of calcic oligoclase (An24 to An27) which grade monotonically into rims of sodic oligoclase (An17 to An2o). Plagioclase inclusions in alkali feldspar megacrysts are AnIs on the average, but their outer parts are likewise more sodic, and most are mantled by optically distinct collars of albite. Plagioclase in a dark-colored intrusive, GA-17, is zoned from andesine cores (An34 to An36) to oligoclase rims (An24 to An2S)' Note that there is mínimal compositional overlap between plagioclase cores in the granitoid and plagioclase rims in the dark intrusive (Table 1). Plagioclase Alkali feldspar The proportion of KAlSi3 Os component in alkali feldspar is consistently high in the matrix microcline and in the megacrysts of the porphyritic granitoid (Table 1). Microcline in the dark intrusive is also comparably high. Megacrysts are unzoned with respect to K, Na, or Ca, but significant variation in Ba was detected in microprobe traverses (Fig. 2). The Ba variations in the megacrysts correspond to opticaliy distinguishable zones. For example, the major portion of a typical megacrist in sample GA-5 contains concentric bands of oriented plagioclase inclusions and has a high, consistent Ba concentration of about 5,000 pprn. The outer millimeter of the megacryst is inclusion-free, and Ba concentration drops to about 3,000 Typical plagioclase and alkali te/dspar rnicroprobe analyses (oxides - W t %) Monte das Carneleiras pluton ---- -- 3n.d. .5 19.5 .0 5.2 0.2 n.d. 0.5 7.6 7of .4 87.0 1.5 clase clase clase n.d. 14.6 83.2 8.8 0.6 103.2 82.3 13.7 16.8 24.4 105.1 103.3 0.1 11.9 75.1 n.d. 14.00.0 1.9 98.5 0.1 8.4 103.8 1.1 101.0 03 84.6 2.9 100.4 1.0 63.4 7.4 0.0 1.2 15.5 0.9 99.9 8.3 74.3 24.9 0.1 n.d. 0.2 8.6ofof . 4.2 23.2 23.3 68.5 68.0 66.6 3.6 22.7 64.0 64.7 18.9 20.4 71.2 66.0 223 18.6 64.8 65.0 18.3 26.3 61.8 23.8 5.2 0.5 matrix 3.5 0.9 inchsion 90.7 91.4 0.8 Rim Core zoned of of inclusion zoned Matrix unzoned Matrix Core 9.7 100.5 80.4 19.1 104.8 9.9 0.2 nd. 15.2 0.8 35.9 103.2 62.8 0.5 "Mande" Matrix C ore 0.7 (microcline) K·feldspar (microcline) 100.6 in inmegamegacryst crystal K-feldspar PlagioPlagioPlagiorimming Megacryst (perthitic) llih PlagioPlagioRock An 2,9 Mol.% clase GA-15a GA-l1GA-17 Dark Intrusive matrix Granitoid crystal Porphyritic 476 Revista Brasüeira de Geociêru:ias. Volume 7,500 . + shell + ++ + +~ I"" [5,000 a. core ++ I.t"""rlm + +1'+ + +.. ++ + #+ + + matri. + • •• + + GA-15o o. °0L--~--~4--~-----'8'-----'--+ 12 Troverse (mm) • matri. •• GA- 05 inclusion 4 ---..t b. 8 12 17, 1987 mafic enclaves, and metasedimentary xenoliths. Chemical behaviour is more disparate for Al203, in which the content for enclaves of ali types is markedly aberrant. Na2O data are scattered, and MgO values are erratic. Strontium in the dark-<:olored intrusive rocks exceeds 1,000 ppm (Table 6). The more felsic rocks contain from 600 to barely 100 ppm Sr, diminishing with increasing Si02. Rubidium concentrations are low overali (107 to 172 ppm), with less variability and no distinct variation with Si02 • Field evidence indicates that the porphyritic granitoids and the dark-<:olored intrusives were intruded contemporaneous1y and that they have similar mineral assemblages. However, divergent Al2 03, MgO, and Rb-Sr isotopic data do not support the conclusion that the two magma types are cogenetic. The connection between them, if any, is uncertain and requires more detailed chemical and isotopic study. Troverse (mm) Figure 2 - Electron microprobe traverses of alkali feldspar megacrysts in porphyritic granitoid of the Monte das Gameleiras pluton. Variations in Ba concentration correspond to optically discemible zones in the megacryst. Ba concentration in matrix microcline plotted alongside traverse for comparison SYMIIOL8 + GEOCHEMICAL SAMPLE o RB-SR • SAMPLE VILLAGE ppm. The outerrnost edge of the megacryst is a 'narrow, anhedral rim characterized by very high, erratic Ba values and by intricate, bulbous myrrnekite; both features have been ascribed in other studies to late-stage hydrothermal effects (Mehnert & Busch 1981, Phillips 1980). Microcline in the matrix has variable Ba but is generaliy comparable to megacryst rim and/or core values. Hornblende and biotite Amphibole in ali of the analyzed rock types is magnesian hastingsitic hornblende (terrninology after Leake 1978). Amphiboles in one sample of porphyritic granitoid have edenitic cores, however (Tab.2). Biotite compositions are homogeneous throughout the pluton (Tab. 2). It would be difficult to distinguish between biotite from a porphyritic granitoid and from a dark intrusive on the basis of chemical or optical properties. WHOLE·ROCK GEOCHEMISTRY Seventeen samples from the Monte das Gameleiras pluton, selected for broad lithologic and geographic coverage (Fig. 3), were analyzed at Sudene laboratory at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Na and K were analyzed by flame photometry, ali other major elements by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and Rb and Sr were determined by isotope dilution. Selected analyses are presented in tables 3 and 6. As expected from the assortrnent of rock types, the variation of Si02 in the Monte das Gameleiras pluton is broad, ranging from 49.5 weight percent for a dark-colored intrusive, to 64 to 69 weight percent for porphyritic granitoids, to between 69 and 71.6 weight percent for fine-grained, nonporphyritic granites (Table 3). The distribution. of CaO, total FeO, and K20 versus Si02 is systematic for ali samples, including dark-colored intrusives, Figure pluton 3 - Sample location map, Monte dos Gameleiras ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY Oxygen extractions were performed by reaction with flu'orine at the University of Georgia, Athens. Isotopic analyses were made using a VG Micromass 602C double-collector mass spectometer. A rose quartz standard was analyzed routinely during the analyses as a monitor of perforrnance. Four whole-rock samples of porphyritic granitoid and six of fine-grained granite from the Monte das Gameleiras pluton were selected for analysis. Most samples have rather homogeneous 0180 values of about +8.3 to +8.6%0 but several have anomalously low or high values to give a total range of 0180 of +7.0 to +9.2%0 (tab. 4). The isotopic signatures of theses anomalous samples do not appear to be systematically correlated with whole-rock Si02, geographic distribution, or rock type. The total range of oxygen isotope values is similar to data from several other porphyritic granitoids in Northeastern Brazil such as Itaporanga, Conceição, and Bodocó (Sial & Long unpublished data). Values of 018 O in quartz are higher than in feldspar and whole rock, as expected if the oxygen isotope compositions are essemtially at equilibriun (Tab. 4). Values of 6qz-bi for OXYGEN Uliw Revista Brasikirade Geociências, Volume Table 2 - Averaged values of hornblende and biotite microprobeGA-14 analyses (oxides - Wt%) Monte das Gameleiras GA-7b GA-{)9 GA-{)8 GA-{)2 GA-{)6 CG·38 GA-05 Fine-grained pluton (Total Fe reported as FeO) Porphyritic Rod< , 312.4 0..0. 0..0. 1.' 0..0. 1.' 9.4 0..' 0..0. 9.' l.l Rim 09'.2 ..0. 9.2 11.5 1.2 0..2 1.4 1.8 935.1 14.9 0..2 Biolite 9.8 43.6 9.5 0..5 9.3 0..5 1.' 0..4 93.6 Homble,* 93.9 8Kllile 963 295.1 2l.l 18.1 0..1 0..0. l.S 0..1 0..8 0.3 lU 11.2 0.3 0.0. 0..7 0..0. 0.3 0..0. 11.7 12.3 14.6 12.6 3>.9 41.7 0..6 8.9 0..5 U 0..' 0..5 8.' 14.6 8iotite 41.8 35.3 l.7 Homblende 0..6 41.0 10.6 6U 9.9 GA·lS. Hombltnde Homblende 933 19.4 J8.8 19.4 20..0. 18.9 18.3 0.0. 96.0. CÁ-I' GA.oS CoGraniloids •• Daril-colored Porphyritic:: intnuive -U-- -r~ ••• D.rk<Olored 00..6 80..1 13.4 ..2 .1 .2 9.8 9.8 0..4 14.4 13.5 0..7 2.5 53 99.9 GA.ol GA-lSb CÁ·17 GA-IS. 1.4 1.3 2.4 99.3 1.4 1.6 8.' 7.1 33.1 31.6 GA-Ib 0..1 0..0. 0..3 1.. 0..0. 7.2 21.9 '.9 6.' 22.2 1.9 5.7 0..3 18.4 20.2 3.6 5.9 5.1 9.7 10.3 10.2 19.8 18.2 9.1 83 1.4Porphyritic:: Fint-paincd 30.8 0..9 49.S 2.7 99.2 100.1 GA.{)S 0..8 0.., 1.8 GA CÁ-12. GA.()ll 34.' 33.4 35.8 32.4 15.2 15.0 163 14.0 16.8 18.0 15.6 32.6 29.6 30.6 34.t 25.3 3.1 1.2 8.6 69.0 65.8 66.1 67.7 98.9 0..' 985 983 100.1 0..4 34.2 14.7 22.0 28.5 21.4 27.9 15.0 2.' 4.8 50.2 56.7 0..6 1.5 2.5 98.6 1.8 l.S 99.6 U 99.9 100.1 68.8 15.2 0..6 2.0. 0..' 1.0. -173 2.2 2.' 0..5 2.2 2.8 3.3 '.8 5.0. 5.1 4.7 4.2 '.2 3.7 4.0. 3.5 3.8 8.1 0..1 2.1 12.6 16.5 0..2 5.4 7.' 5.0. 3.4 l.7 3.'.••• c::ndn~. 5.3 3.' 1.7 0..4 DA 2.0 0.0. 0..7 1.0. 0..0. 0..5 0..9 11.6 99.1 2.5 0..1 0..2 .,.,uloid Table 4 - Oxygen isotope data (0100SMOW) ---- --- ++4.6 8.8 1.4 + 9.7 4.8 +8.3 9.2 7.0 Biotite 0.8 8.3 Whole·rock +.9.6 8.6 +4.8 + 8.0 7.9 Quartz 6qz-fs Feldspar 6qz-bi Sample 5.1 GA·la GA-Ib granites granitoids • Table 3 - Representative chemical analyses (oxided - Wt%) and nonn calculations (CIPW - mol%), Monte das Gameleiras pluton Rock 477 17, 1987 pnite samples GA-l and CB-38 provide apparent equilibrium temperatures of 550°C and 500°C, respectively, indicating redistribution of 180 during slow cooling. Minor changes in biotite composition might be due to weathering, facilitated by circulation of water along rock fractures, or to a pervasive post-intrusive hydrothennal effect. Whole-rock Ó180 less than +100100 are consistent with an I-tipe magma (O'Neil et aI. 1977), in agreement with the other evidence for the character of the source of Monte das Gameleiras magma. RARE EARTH ELEMENT GEOCHEMISTRV Trace element and REE analyses were perfonned by a modified version (Fryer 1977) of the thin-film X-ray fluorescence procedure of Eby (1972) at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Johns. Four samples of porphyritic granitoid and one of fme-grained granite for which there are oxygen-isotope data were selected for analysis (Tab. 5). The analytical erro r is estimated to be less than 10% for ali the elements tabulated. Trace element concentrations among the porphyritic granitoid samples are similar to each other, with no conspicuous depletions or enrichments (Tab. 5). Relative to the granitoids, the fine-grained granite is enriched in Th and Ba and depleted in Ni and V. REE data from the felsic Monte das Gameleiras rocks point to a single magmatic process without evidence for significant post-intrusive events. There also does not appear to be much chemical evidence for the observed apparent "mingling" of felsic magma and more mafic magma. Chondrite-nonnalized abundance patterns for the porphyritic granitoids are all similar (Fig. 4). Each sample displays a steep, fractionated pattern with depleted heavy rare earths. Such a depletion of HREE suggests the likelihood of hornblende fractionation and/or residual hornblende or garnet in the magma source (Arth & Baker 1976, Frey et ai. 1978). It does not support the argument that hornblende was added to a silicic magma by magma mingling; unless the felsic magma was already so depleted in HREE that later additions are obscured, adding "extraneous" hornblende should enrich the rocks in HREE, contrary to observation. A slight LREE enrichment among the samples correlates with increasing silica contento Negative Eu anomalies are modest, Eu/Eu * varying from 0.61 to 0.87, and are consistent with the "buffering effects" of hornblende and plagioclase in the granitoids (Noyes et aI. 1983). Whereas the porphyritic granitoid samples exhibit a near-parallel trend, the more silicic, rme-grained granite is substantially more enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE relative to the most silicic porphyritic granitoid. Apparently the LREE continued to be concentrated in the evolving melt. Rb-Sr GEOCHEMISTRV OF THE MONTE DAS GAMElEIRAS PlUTON Rubidium and strontium were analyzed in a variety of whole-rock samples by isotope dilution at the University of Texas. Fifty to 80 sweeps to the mass spectrum were recorded for each analysis (Tab. 6). The coefficient of variation was less than ± 0.050/00 (20) for ali of the measured isotope ratios. A 5·point Rb-Sr isochron (Fig. 5) based on samples of grafite and porphyritic granitoid from across the pluton gives t = 511 ± 26 Ma, and initial 87Sr/86Sr) s,n 0.7099 ± 0.0004 (20 errors). Note that data points for dark-colored intrusives fall distinctly below the isochron defined by the data from the felsic rocks. The aberrant points were not used in the isochron caIculation; if included, they produce an age estimate of about 750 Ma, which is geologically unreasonable given the timeframe of the Brasiliano orogeny. 478 Revista Brasi/eirade Table 5 - Whole rock trace element abundances (ppm) Monte das Gameleiraspluton Geociências. ~OOO MONTE DAS GAMELEIRAS O O Sample Volume 17, 1987 23 10 420 4.5 5CG-38 14 17 15 278 2.7 3.2 5.0 5.5 118 78 GA-la 118 11 1.2 2127 1O0.3 24 GA-Q5 GA-lb 28 32 42 0.8 2.0 0.7 0.9 0.5 96GA-7b 31 30 489 603 27 49 167 43 0.0 4.9 0.6 34 O 19 16 120 622 59 42 45 26 73 66 134 137 13 315 289 0.9 46 7.5 83 7.8 1.8 1.9 2.8 2.5 0.2 5.6 1.5 1.3 1.1 5.1 524 1.4 1.2 0783 316 292 136 223 59 23 17 68 15 22 3.0 0.5 85.4 0.9 1.8 0.8 270 283 291 360 60 262 150 130 5.9 6.5 57 120 0.6 1,314 1,321 1,484 1,527 1,789 456 38 GA -Ia GA -Ib 6 GA - 5 O O CG - 38 GA -7b ou:~100 ..... aw Wo:: w u •.~ 10 Lo C. p, Nd Sm Eu Gd Oy Er Yb Figure 4 - Chondrite-normalized rare-earth datá, Monte das Gameleiras pluton. Abundances used for REE normalization are Leedey chondrite data (Masuda et al 1973) divided by 1.20 (Sun &Hanson 1977, Taylor & Gorton 1977) to make them comparable to average chondrite data Rock type: 1 = frne-grained granite; 2 = porphyritic granitoid Rb-Sr GA-12a2 GA-172 PEAL-2 GA-08 GA-13b3 GA-13a PEAL-3 GA-Q5 PEAL-4 PEAL-5 GA-13p3 (**)PEAL-1 (*) GA-02 OF GEOCHEMISTRY Table 6 - Rb-Sr isotope data Sample THE FAZENDA 0301 0.7100 403 1_208 0.7187 0.572 603 120 0.7141 0.993 480 0.294 0.7086 1.197 335 1.761 282 0.7220 1.418 332 163 184 0_7202 0.7394 0.7362 122 0.7104 0.7126 169 0.991 500 0.7172 0.7165 0.7191 2094 3.560 149 1534 0.580 610 1,026 87Rb/86Sr 140 1,072 Rb (ppm) 172 109 Sr (ppm) 107 172 3343 1804 7534 165 0.586 87Sr/86Sr NOVA As part of a reconnaissance study, Rb-Sr data were also obtained from another classic Itaporanga-type pluton between 6 and 19 km east of Fazenda Nova, Pernambuco, about 200 km SSW of Monte das Gameleiras (Fig. 1). Unaltered porphyritie granitoid, consisting of extremely coarse (up to 15 em) megaerysts of a1kali feldspar set in a much fine-grained, generally mafie J:latrix, was sampled from five roadside exposures. Unlike the Monte das Gameleiras samples, the rocks from Fazenda Nova are strongly sheared. A major lineament marked by a mylonite belt as mueh as 1 km wide trends eastward aeross Pernambuco, and a splay of this main shear zone extends into the region of Fazenda Nova. A whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron (Fig. 6, rabo 6) eorresponds to t = 630 ± 24 Ma (20) and initial 8 7Sr/8 6 Sr = 0.7065 ± 0.0005 (x). Analytieal errors of less than ± 0.3% were attributed to Rb/Sr ratios of the three samples analyzed by isotope dilution. Much larger errors of ± 3% were applied to Rb/Sr in samples PEAL-3 and -5, in which Rb and Sr were analyzed by X-ray fluoreseence at the Universidade de São Paulo. Nevertheless, the linearity of data-point distribution is adequate and the best-fit line is a true isoehron within the assigned errors (MSWD = 0.65). Both this and the Monte das Gameleiras isoehron are PLUTON Corrected for mass discrimination assuming that 86Sr/88Sr = 0.1194, Ã. = 1.42x10-11/year 2 Samp1e of "dark-colored intrusive", not included in isochron calcu1ation 3 Samp1es of porphyritic granitoid from same outcrop; values averaged to a single point for isochron 4 Concentrations analyzed by XRF (*) Monte das-Gameleiras (**) Fazenda Nova well-behaved in spite of the presenee of shearing (Fazenda Nova) and megaseopie textures suggesting the "kneading together" of a felsie, megaeryst-bearing magma and a more mafie, hornblende- and biotite-bearing magma (Monte das Revista Brasikirade Volume 17,1987 Geociências, 0725 The porphyritic granitoids and dark intrusives share similar mineral suítes and textures. If they are genetically related, the porphyritic granitoid could have resulted from mingling a silicic, partiy crystallized melt with a more mafic, nearly liquid melt (Vemon 1983), or the porphyritic rocks could result from an "unrnixing" of silicic partial melt and refractory material from the source region (restite: White & Chappell 1977). Chemical and isotopic data at this point in our study support neither hypothesis, however, and instead suggest that the dark intrusives are quite distinct from the more felsic rocks despite field evidence that the two were intruded contemporaneously. The Monte das Gameleiras pluton has some features typical of I-type granitoids, including a wide range of SiOz in varied rock types, b180 < +10%0, and a characteristic mineral assemblage of hornblende, biotite, sphene, magnetíte, and allanite. Nevertheless, the moderately high initial 87Sr/86Sr of about 0.709, 0180 typically > +8%0, and low CaO suggest that source rocks may have had a metasedimentary component. The regularity of REE abundance pattems and of Rb-Sr isotopic behavior indicates a rather uniform history of magma differentiation with no substantial post-intrusive alteration. Oxygen isotope equilibrium compositions for mineral separates support the conclusion that post-intrusive effects were slighi. Intrusion accompanied regional metamorphism during the late stages of the Brasiliano Cycle. The Monte das Gameleiras and Fazenda Nova intrusions are examples of a large group of Itaporanga-type granitoids . Intringuingly, the various bodies are characterized by a wide range of compositions (metaluminous, peralkalic, potassic), yet they share many of the same textural features, including alkali feldspar megacrysts and evidence for "kneaded" magmas. Despíte the composítional variability, all appear to have been influenced by similar differentiation processes and intrusive conditions. The regional extent and good exposure of these plutons commends them for further study, with implications for the origin of similar felsic bodies in Northeastern Brazil and in "mountain roots" worldwide. CONCLUSIONS MONTE I a DAS GAMELEIRAS 511 ! 25 Mo 875r/865r l. '"0_7099! 0.0004 0720 li; '" .."- ~0115 0710 • • Oork-colo'ed inl,usiwes 05 10 1.5 Figure 5 - Five-point whole-rock isochron, Monte das Carneleiras pluton. Data points co"esponding to a sarnple of dark intrusive and to a mafic enclave were not used in the isochron calculation but are indicated on the figure to illustrate that they are not colinear with data points representing the more felsic rocks 0.74 FAZENDA 1=630!. NOVA 24 Mo 815,/865,)." 0.7065' 0.0005 • 0.73 cii '" .. • ..... r--W 072 CD 4 Figure 6 - Five-point whole-rock isochronfor the Fazenda Nova suite. Squares indica te data obtained by XRF Gameleiras). It is noteworthy that the 5-point Fazenda Nova isochron, the 5-point Monte das Gameleiras isochron, and a 6-point isochron from the type Itaporanga pluton data) (625 ± 24 Ma, cf. Sial & Long unpublished correspond to somewhat diverse ages even though ali of the plutons consist of distinctive Itaporanga-type lithology. Acknowledgements Earlier version of this manuscript benefited from comments by Daniel S. Baker, Calvin G. Barnes, Fred W. MacDowell, and Douglas Smith. We also wish to thank Antonio Carlos Galindo, who provided valuable guidance in the fiefd and supplied us with several whole-rock samples for analysis. This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation (NSF) TraveI Grant 80LA/BOl to L.E. Long and by the Geology Foundation of the University of Texas. A.N. 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