COMMUNITY BASED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT in Sukunan Village, Yogyakarta, Indonesia ISWANTO Polytechnic of Health, Yogyakarta Email:, Mobile: +6281578755703 NEW PARADIGM OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN INDONESIA before Collect – Transport Dispose Approaches: Waste Mana End of pipe gement Act. Government service (No.18/2008) Effects: increasing waste +++ crisis of landfill space more pollution bad behavior more cost, less benefit after Reduce –Reuse– Recycle (3Rs) Approches: Reducing in sources Community participation Goal: reducing waste long life of landfill +++ less pollution good behavior less cost, more benefit MSW Management Mechanism (mostly) all solid waste goes to landfill Modern life style disposable things amount of waste “Suka menyampah, tetapi tidak mau mengolah” Waste tragedy in Bandung (Feb 21st, 2006) No space for landfill WASTE PROBLEMS (pollutants) POTENTIONS (resources) Integrated waste management system by community (group/village) productively and environmental friendly COMMUNITY BASED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT (CBSWM) CO-BENEFIT (Economic, Ecological, Human Health, etc.) ADVANTAGES for (community, government, private, etc.) CASE STUDY OF CBSWM IN SUKUNAN VILLAGE Welcome to Sukunan “the eco-tourism village” Location of the Sukunan Village Sukunan Village SUKUNAN Village : - a sub-urban village - 5 km from city center - surrounded by rice field - 296 families - 1117 people - 40% are farmers Sukunan is surrounded by rice field History of the Sukunan Program ISWANTO RONADEVA ENDAH RIFDAFADLILLAH My family has been living in Sukunan since 1997 First, we met waste problem, Sukunan has not gotten the waste management service from local Government Rubbish was found anywhere. In 2000, some farmers complained to the villagers who disposed their waste into the rivers and the irigation canals It’s the first waste problem for community Inorganic solid waste destroyed rice plants . Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) disposed anywhere More than 90% of Sukunan people burnt all their garbage everyday Social conflicts were often arose from Waste Who dump the waste here…..!! will die soon will go to the hell will be stupied will be poor COWS WERE PLACED NEAR KITCHENS SMELL AND MANY FLIES SOME HOUSEHOLDS (± 40) HAD NO TOILET SOME PEOPLE USED RIVER AND IRIGATION CANALS AS TOILETS WATER IN SOME WELLS WERE CONTAMINATED E.coli EVERY YEAR..... SOME COMMUNICABLE DISEASES EMERGED IN SUKUNAN diarrhea dengue fever typhoid some other intestine diseases Bad behaviour and wrong manage the waste Dangerous for public health and environment needed environmental friendly waste management system I was in confusion Needed an Agent of Change Looked for Solution MOVE ON collaboratiON visiON actiON passiON education rule leadership GOAL Needed multiple approaches Healthy & ecology EcONOMy social as a Javanese I HELD A LEADERSHIP BASED ON JAVANESE PHILOSHOPY Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho (lead in front) a leader must become as a model (good example) for community Ing Madyo Mangun Karso (among the people) a leader must work together with community talk less, do more Tut Wuri Handayani (lead from behind) a leader must support the community development Seko sithik, seko awake dhewe, seko saiki (begin small, begin myself, begin now) “think globally, act locally” “HAMEMAYU HAYUNING BAWONO” “the villagers join hands to save the earth” Learnt from Scavengers Learnt from Scavengers in the Final Disposal Site Almost all garbage is recyclable material after separating by scavengers From the study... with my daughter, I wrote a poetry…………… BALADA SEONGGOK SAMPAH karya Iswanto - Ronadeva AKU LAHIR KARENA KAMU, AKU ADA JUGA KARENA KAMU, I was born because of you, I was on the earth because of you, SETIAP HARI ENGKAU HASILKAN AKU, SETIAP HARI PULA ENGKAU CAMPAKKAN AKU Everyday you make me, Everyday you also throw me. BETAPA MALANG NASIBKU JADI SEONGGOK SAMPAH; SELALU DIJAUHI, DIHINA DAN DISIA-SIAKAN. What a pity of me becoming a pile of rubbish, always avoided, humiliated and wasted, BETAPA SEDIH DITAKDIRKAN JADI SETUMPUK SAMPAH; DIANGGAP BIANG BENCANA DAN MUSIBAH What a sorrow predestined as a pile of rubbish,deemed the cause of calamities SALAH SENDIRI ENGKAU BUANG AKU KE KALI, HINGGA AKU KIRIMKAN BANJIR BERTUBI-TUBI, It’s your own fault throwing me to rivers, so I send flood and flood, SALAH SENDIRI KAU BAKAR AKU SEMBARANGAN,HINGGA AKU TEBARKAN RACUN PENCEMARAN, It’s your own fault burning me carelessly, so I spread poisons and fumes, SALAH SENDIRI ENGKAU BUANG AKU DI TEPI JALAN, HINGGA AKU MUNCULKAN KEKUMUHAN, It’s your own fault throwing me to streets, so I give you a dirty and slum SALAH SENDIRI KAU BUANG AKU DISEMBARANG TEMPAT, HINGGA AKU SEBARKAN LALAT DAN BAU MENYENGAT It’s your own fault throwing me anywhere,so I attract flies and smell bad. TIDAK MAMPUKAH WAHAI ENGKAU MANUSIA? MENGELOLA AKU DENGAN SEBAIK-BAIKNYA, Can’t you do this, human being? Treat me very well TIDAK SADARKAN WAHAI ENGKAU MANUSIA? ADA MUTIARA DALAM SEONGGOK SAMPAH. Don’t you aware this, human being? There is a diamond behind a pile of rubbish. Emerged an idea to separate and recycle waste Solid Waste Separated Sellable Waste Sold to Middleman, Thus to Industries Recyclable and Reusable Waste (Recycled by Community) Prevention & Reduce Recycling Products Sold Income for Community Unsellable Unrecyclable & Un-reusable Waste Income for Community Residual Waste Landfill I looked for an appropriate composting method My wife created handicrafts from plastic waste Implemented the idea into family (ing ngarso sung tulodho) Proposing the idea to “night watch” group I confused to realize the idea to community I had no money to buy the recyling facilities I wrote a proposal and proposed to the local government.... but failed I proposed again...and failed again..... Finally... I got a donor (a family from Melbourne, Australia) After got the donor..... I proposed the idea to community, established a vision of the village, and built a strong commitment Establishing Waste Management Team (LOCAL NGO for Managing Solid Waste in Sukunan Village) Socialization the system to women by local people Socialization to Youth by their leader Socialization to Children by youth Training how to make compost to children Training how to recycle paper to children Training how to separate the waste to children by playing game (organized by youth) Clean up the Sukunan Village with Children (monthly) Educating how to separate the waste to each household (door to door) (counducted by sukunan team) Socialization by song (created by sukunan people) KELOLA SAMPAH (Reuse Lagu Menanam Jagung, Syair : Iswanto) Ayo kawan kelola sampah Dengan tiga R dan pilah-pilah Kurangi sampah, manfaatkan sampah, Ayo semua recycle sampah kita, Pisah, pisah, pisahlah sampah Jalan terbaik kelola sampah Olah, olah, olahlah sampah Jalan terbaik kelola sampah Socialization by poetry Socialization by mural (made by youth) My wife & her friends trained to make plastic waste handicrafts Bins preparation by the Community (youth, women and men) Seeking old drums, welding, and painting the bins Mural competition (collaboration with othe NGO) Emerging sense of belonging to the program Placing three bins per collecting point (on 22 sites) by youth Bins were ready. One set (3 bins) for 10 – 15 families Sukunan community made the waste management rules and campaigned 3R for reducing “the residual waste” Implementation of the Solid Waste Management System in Sukunan Community Tom 09/05 Separate rubbish in each house 1) PLASTIC, 2) PAPER, 3) BOTTLE, CANS, GLASS, METAL from houses to bins from bins to the garbage deepo by a collector (weekly) PICKING BY SACK PAPER BOTTLE, CANS METAL,GLASS GARBAGE DEEPO PLASTIC Bimonthly the recyclable waste is sold to the buyer (middleman) ± 85% of all inorganic waste can be sold the money from selling rubish goes to waste collector and community (Sukunan villagers do not need to pay for waste management) the Waste Bank Model From Houses to The Waste Bank Saving the Waste in the Community Bank Weigh (accounting) each type of the waste Recording and Reporting by the waste bank staffs from the waste bank to the customers (community) But ............... Some Solid Wastes couldn’t be sold disposable sanitary napkin snack/coffee pacs (plastic + aluminium foil) car/motor bike tyre ex cloth styrofoam organic waste etc. Solution : 3R REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE Reducing Rubbish Campaign Don’t use disposable diapers daily Bring shoping bag from home Say no to styrofoam box! Use reusable sanitary napkins ! Sukunan Women Created Reusable Sanitary Napkins to reduce the solid waste The “SUKUNO” : Su = good; Kuno = ancient Back to ancient habit using cloth for women napkins The Sukunan women made plastic waste handicrafts cleaning and setting process Sewing process in each maker house The products School Bags Chair Motor Bike Pillows NOODLE PACKS FOR COVER TABLE EX.PLASTIC BAGs FOR COVER BOOKS & REUSABLE BAGS (IRON METHOD) EX. PLASTIC BAGS FOR FLOWERS (iron method) SELL THE RECYCLING HANDICFRAFTS (70% :Maker, 25% : Material, 2.5% : Village, 2.5% : Saving) Sukunan children and women made handicrafts and recycled paper waste Sukunan women made handicraft from cloth scrap Chairs from ex. Tires When Earthquake devastated Yogyakarta, included SUKUNAN (May 27th , 2006) Many houses were ruined…………… Needed materials to rebuild house Emerged idea to use the styrofoam waste as rebuilding material Grinding the styrofoam into granule Mixing with other materials by composition (1 PC : 3 sands : 3 styrofoam) + water For making styrofoam bricks Some houses were built from styrofoam For making styrofoam pots BROKEN GLASS FOR MAKING BRICKS (1 PC : 3 SANDS : 2 GRANULE GLASS ) USING BOTTLE GLASS FOR HANDICRAFTS Sukunan people created handicraft from eggshell Implementation of compost making in each household Clay pots for composting bin Sukunan’s composting bin models USING BIO-POROUS FOR COMPOSTING 10 cm ORGANIC WASTE 80-100 cm Biopori MAKING BIOPORI BIOPORI DOUBLE FUNCTIONS COMPOSTING RAIN HARVESTING COMPOST MAKING FROM LEAVES AND COWS MANURE COMPOSTING COMPOSTING ON THE GROUND DRY LEAVES FRESH LEAVES MIXING 1 : 1 : 1 & WATERING COWS MANURE COMPOSTING IN THE SACS WORK TOGETHER (gotong royong) FOR HARVESTING COMPOST PACKAGING AND SELLING COMPOST USING THE COMPOST/FERTILIZER Making and selling the composting facilities MAKING CACOAL (BRIKET ARANG) FROM HARD ORGANIC WATSE BY PIROLYSIS METHOD ARANG RANTING ARANG DAUN PROCCESSING COAL PRODUCTS CACOAL POWDER LIQUID GLUE DRY AND USE IT FOR COOKING LOCALIZED COWS IN THE COMMUNAL STABLE TREATING THE CATTLE MANURE INTO METHANE DISAIN DIGESTER BIOGAS MODEL DOME CATTLE MANURE + WATER = (1:1) 150 – 200 L/DAY GAS PIPE FOR COOKING FOR LAMP METHANE INLET EFFLUENT (SLUDGE) FOR FERTILIZER SLURRY OUTLET DIGESTER METHANE FOR COOKING, LAMP & FERTILIZER Socialization to other communities Many stakeholders spread the Sukunan model by some movies to over all areas of Indonesia from Sukunan to Yogyakarta and Indonesia more than 197 villages in Yogyakarta Province has replicated the Sukunan Model Established : Yogyakarta Community Based Solid Waste Management Association “MERTI BUMI LESTARI” In 2009 Anniversary of the Indonesia “Waste Care Day” (every February, 21st) in Yogyakarta Province Amount of CBSWM Group vs. Residual Waste 100 93 91.13 90 82.75 thousand ton/year 80 67 70 65.17 60 Residual Solid Waste Volume (thousand ton/year) Amount of CBSWM Group 50 40 30 27 20 10 0 2008 2009 Year 2010 Sukunan got trophies, awards & rewards from Environment Ministry RI & Women Empowerment Ministry RI, 2004 Sukunan became one of best practices of CBSWM in Indonesia, 2006 Invited by President of Republic of Indonesia (2004) DEVELOPING OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS 1. Waste water treatment 2. Appropriate environment technologies innovation 3. Saving energy 4. Water conservation 5. Re-greening 6. Etc. 30 HOUSEHOLDS GREY AND BLACK WATER inlet RBC outlet Sedimentation Anaerobic Filter Settling TOILET PROBLEM SOLVING MAKING THE COMMUNAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES IN 5 SITES TREAT THE GREY & BLACK WATER FROM 150 HOUSEHOLDS WASTE WATER FROM 30 HOUSES TOILETS, KITCHEN, LAUNDRY, WASHING/BATHROOM, Etc (Black & Grey Water) Communal Waste Water Treatment Design (Anaerobic Filter & Rotating Biological Contactor) RBC INLET OUTLET Sedimentasi Anaerobic Filter Settling 30 Households Other design (Anaerobic Filter & Contact Aeration) Black & Grey Water Blower INLET OUTLET Sedimentasi Anaerobic Filter Contact Aeration Settling Treating the urine of human to liquid fertilizer ventilasi urinoir Stabilisasi dan aktivasi mikroba Fermentasi (masa tinggal > 5 hari) Aerasi (masa tinggal > 1 hari) HIDROPONIK PUPUK CAIR kotoran sapi pompa URINOIC (LIQUID FERTILIZER) FOR VEGETABLES (HYDROPONIC SYSTEM) ORGANIC VEGETABLE RAIN HARVESTING RAIN WATER + SCREEN STORAGE + CHLORINE OVER FLOW FISH POND FOR WASHING PLANTS SAVING WATER IN THE GROUND WATER CONSUMPTION EFFICIENCY : Using simple shower Made from PVC Pipe Community could make it themselves ENERGY SAVING TECHNOLOGY MY DAUGHTER AND I CREATED WATER HEATER ON STOVE double function for cooking & water heater Sun Light Harvesting for Energi Saving in Each House Using vegetable & fruit traditional storage (clay pots) “natural refrigerator” fresh longer (2-3 days) (producted by Tracy) Making and placing Chlorine Diffuser in the water storage water become safe from E.coli contaminated community could make it themselves Making and placing ovitraps to eliminate dengue fever cases reducing Aedes aegypti population Water conversations by re-greening program Water conservation to prevent water crisis in dry season Planting some type of fruits Planting “Red Ginger” (herbal) Herbal Gardens Effects of the Program Many people from overall of Indonesia & some countries in the World visited Sukunan: Emerged a new vision of the village in 2008: “SUKUNAN GOES TO THE ECO-TOURISM VILLAGE” 500 – 600 people/month visit to Sukunan Traditional dance “kuda lumping” Visitors learning gamelan Traditional culture to save the earth Visitors buying any recycle products Training to recycle any waste Training by local people Field study from many schools and universities Farming tourism Visiting Environment Ministry of Indonesia Sukunan as Pioneer of Cilmate Change Village in Indonesia in 2012) RESULTS OF THE SUKUNAN’S COMMUNITY BASED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT (CBSWM) PROGRAM • Community awareness for managing the waste and re-greening is improved; Rubbish Burning Habit is Reduced Waste Separation and Recycling Habit are Established Many plants are planted • Waste volume could be recycled and reduced • Environmental quality and public health are improved • Economic benefits for community (income generating) • Sukunan CBSWM is become a model in Indonesia