La Grischa - Museum Regiunal Surselva
La Grischa - Museum Regiunal Surselva
Corin Curschellas Patricia Draeger Albin Brun Claudio Strebel La Grischa Per Corin Und das ist das schönste Lied. Wenn der Himmel am Abend klar ist. Dann legt sich auch die Kälte über die Täler, und mit der Kälte nimmt die Klarheit zu. Und die Kunst wird zum notwendigen Mittel, um sich klar zu werden, was man sieht. Die Zeit ist eine andere in der Abgeschiedenheit, aus der die Lieder stammen, und in der Sprache, in der sie erzählt werden, ist auch das Erleben ein anderes. Und wenn man Corin diese Lieder singen hört, mit ihrer Stimme, die überwältigt, ist es, so eng und begrenzt die Welt einem auch erscheinen mag, als erhebe man sich über die Niedrigkeiten des Alltags, und Gewöhnliches werde in Schönheit verwandelt. In ihren Liedern, in der Sprache ihrer Musik und in der Poesie ihrer Sprache ist die Sinnlichkeit einer gross gewordenen kleinen Welt. La Grischa erzählt aus den Tälern, in denen ich aufgewachsen bin, von der mal kargen, mal rauen Landschaft mit ihren Kanten und Felsen und Senken und Ebenen, vom Wetter und von der Natur erzählen diese Lieder, von den Menschen und vom Sterben, vom Lieben, vom Leben, unberechenbar, wie es ist. Es ist das Leben in dieser Landschaft, das die Menschen geprägt hat. Sie fanden Trost im Lied. Das Leid ist dem Lied nicht fern. Mit der Landschaft und den Menschen in ihrer Leidenschaft sind auch die Lieder begeistert, rau und zärtlich, sinnlich und überraschend, mal forsch, mal verträumt. Und dann ist da dieser Hauch an Traurigkeit, der den Liedern innewohnt, eine Wehmut, eine leichte Schwermut vielleicht, dieses den romanischen Tälern eigene Gefühl, diese romanische Saudade. Und dann sind es diese Lieder, die bleibende und berührende Bilder schaffen, die noch lange nachklingen. Und wenn Corin aus meinen Tälern singt, dann singt sie mir aus dem Herzen. Und das ist das schönste Lied. Arno Camenisch 1 2 randulin Jau mava da stgir a da notg Che fast qua tü randulin ourasom sün quel manzin Eu sun qua per t’avisar tü nu’t dessast maridar Swallow What are you doing here, swallow, perched on the end of yonder branch? I’m here to warn you against marrying. Jau mava da stgir a da notg la notg quell’era tont stgira schneladibeladihopsasa ch’ins veseva buc in crap Jau mava‚ von gl’esch la mia cara igl esch quel era serause a cau stuev jau spluntar Ellas vegnivan giù tuttas treis soras la giuvna quell’era la beala quei era mia marusa cara Ellas manavan mei si davos meisa a devan da mangiare ad er in cruag cun vin Ellas manavan mei sinsum la casa tertgavel jau d’ir a durmire spurnavan mei orda barcun Jau vegniva giù sin in crap rumpeva la comba dretga a quei enten duas parts Jau stevel aunc si a mava entupav’ina dunna viglia spurnava mei in toc sut via O Deus, sch’igl va schia cun mei a termagl vi jau ir pli a termagl vi jau buc ir pli vallader chanz. pop. rum. arr: Albin Brun sursilvan canz. pop. rom. arr: Patricia Draeger 3 Mintga sera cu jeu varghel I was wending my way through the darkness of night I was wending my way through the darkness of night. It was so dark that night schneladibeladihopsasa that not a stone was to be seen. I went right to my true love’s door, but locked is how I found it and so I had to knock. Down they came, all three sisters. The young one, the pretty one, that one was my true love. They took me upstairs to a table, where food they gave me and a tankard of wine. They took me to the top of the house, where I was to sleep, methinks, but they hurled me through the shutters. I landed on a stone, breaking my right leg, breaking it in twain. Mintga sera cu jeu varghel has ti aunc cazzola tia guila cus’e cusa launa e mangola Forsa cusa ella era siemis en las teilas siemis giuvens che splenduran sco vid tschiel las steilas Forsa spetgas che jeu splunti ina buna sera fors’glischass lu ti’egliada matg e primavera Every evening when I pass by Every evening when I pass by, your light’s still burning. Your needle is a-sewing wool and cotton. Perhaps it stitches dreams into the cloth as well, glistening young dreams like stars in the heavens. When I rose to go again, an old woman did I meet, who pushed me out of the way. Oh God, if that’s what’s to befall me, I’ll go off courting again, definitely go off courting. sursilvan m: Tumasch Dolf t: Gian Fontana arr: Albin Brun Perhaps you’re waiting for me to knock one fine eve. Perhaps May and spring might then light up when you behold them. 4 5 Star se legher Giu enten quella val Star se legher ed eir a plaz chegl è la lavour digls mats e deir urden da las mattangs chegl è chegl tgi fon Giu enten quella val ei era in mulin che mola spir amur e maina peglia fin Tot igls mats òn la bucca fegna ma digls creir na n’egl betg egna ainten bucc’ònigl aint spir mêl aint il cor spir fel Matta, matta ta pertgeira da lioms e da rantadeiras da rognucs e da barletgungs e da mutschignucs Matta matta betg ta feida franc vingst te ad esser leda fegn e bel è igl sies affar ma betg sa fidar Leu ei er in curtgin cun enten dus pumers in porta nuschnuschcate e l’auter neghels er Arising cheerily Arising cheerily and meeting on the village square – that’s the job of the lads. And keeping the lasses in their place – that is what they do. La nuschnuschcat ei petra ils neghels quels ein forts quei dun jeu a mia cara agli per in cunfort They all know how to talk nice, do the lads, but not one word will a lass believe. They’ve purest honey in their mouths and purest gall in their hearts. Jeu stoi naven tilar o vé tgei tresta sort mia cara bandunare quei ei sco petra mort Young lass, be on your guard against bonds and fetters, against rascals and rogues and against grotty upstarts. surmiran canz. pop. rom. arr: Albin Brun Young lass, don’t trust a word of it. You’ll be glad you didn’t. He has nice, fine manners, but is not worth an ounce of trust. sursilvan canz. pop. rom. arr: Albin Brun Down in yonder vale There was a mill down in yonder vale, grinding out pure love and never coming to an end. There’s a garden too over there, with two fruit trees in it, one bearing nutmeg, and the other cloves. The nutmeg is bitter. The cloves are strong. I give them all to my true love as a consolation. I must be moving on Oh what a sad, sad fate. Leaving behind my true love is like a bitter death. 6 7 Locust and Ant Canzun Veglia Da Ziteil Salep e la furmicla Sin liung stentus viadi nus mein oz a perdun en sogn pelegrinadi cun tutta devoziun Salep e la furmicla che levan maridar hoissa hoissum hoitirralla rideridum Sil cuolm eis cumparida al pietus pastur cheu vegns ti reverida dal pievel cun fervur O volva cun carezia tier nus pucconts tiu egl nus meina cun dultschezia la via dil sulegl Old Song From Ziteil On a journey long and gruelling to confession we go today, on a holy pilgrimage full of devotion. To the pious shepherd Thou appeared on the mountain top. Here Thou art fervently revered by the people. Oh, cast Thy loving eye on us sinners. Guide us gently by the path to the sun. Locust and Ant who wanted to marry hoissa hoissum hoitirralla rideridum Il bi salep quel scheva: jeu lessel maridar The handsome Locust would say: I want to marry Lu la furmicla scheva: ti lesses forsa mei? Then Ant would say: is it perhaps me you want? Ei mavan sigl altar per metter en gl’ani They hopped on the altar to put on the ring. Salep fa in tgaubriechel ch’ei segli’or il tschurvi Locust does a somersault, hurling out his brain. Sur mar va la furmicla per etg da medegar Off to sea goes Ant, to find an ointment for his wounds. L’ei ida suenter Pastgas, turnada da Nadal Cur ch’ella ei turnada sch’er il salep satraus sursilvan canz. pop. rom. arr: ensemble L’ei ida vi sur fossa bargend ch’ell’ha rut l’ossa sursilvan canz. pop. rom. arr: Patricia Draeger She went after Easter, came back at Christmas When she came back, Locust had been buried. She went to the grave, crying so much that her bones did break. 8 9 Spel lag Saira per saira La sera ch’il tschiel ei sereins e l’aria respira entscheins lu carg’ina forza miu cor e trai mei egl uaul giuador Saira per saira fila la figlia tant cha seis bap da quai s’inapiglia figlia nu voust ir at recrear? na char bap perche ch’eu sto filar Leu dorm’in laghet enamiez la guardia da tieua e viez naven tegn disturbi mundan tegn tutta rueida lontan Pür sia mamma s’dà sten fadia da la trametter in cumpagnia tas cumpognas vegnan at clomar eu nu vegn perche ch’eu sto filar Il mescal ei cozza per mei e l’unda che betscha miu pei scutina a mi ell’uregl’in cant giavinont da smarvegl Ed ella fila fin cha’ls ögls larman sch’eir bap e mamma ferm as alarman figlia, di’ns nu’t voul el plü amar? ah laschà’m in pos, ch’eu sto filar Evening for Evening By the lake Under the clear evening sky with incense in the air, that’s when a force takes hold of my heart and drags me down through the wood. A small lake lies asleep in there. The watching pine and fir keep this world’s disruptions out, stop any noise from getting near. sursilvan m: Gion Antoni Derungs t: Gion Cadieli arr: Patricia Draeger The moss is my blanket, and the wave kissing my foot whispers a song of wondrous enchantment in my ear. vallader chanz. pop. rum. arr: Claudio Strebel Evening for evening, daughter does her spinning, so much that it worries father: Daughter, don’t you want to take a break. No, father dear, because my spinning must be done. Mother tries hard next to send her to join the others: Your friends are calling for you. I’m not coming, because my spinning must be done. And she spins until the tears fill her eyes. Father and mother both are fretting now: Daughter, tell us, doesn’t he love you any more? Just leave me in peace, because my spinning must be done. 10 Donna Donna ve a chà Donna donna ve a chà cha teis hom at cloma Sch’el am cloma, schi lascha’l clomar eu stun qua, e vögl ballar illura vegn a chasa Donna donna ve a chà cha tes hom ha mal Scha’l ha mal schi lascha’l crappar eu stun qua e vögl ballar illura vegn a chasa Donna donna ve a chà cha tes hom es mort Scha’l es mort, schi’l sepuli eu stun qua e vögl siglir illura vegn a chasa Donna donna ve a chà chi’d es da partir la roba Chi’d es da partir stögl finir da ballar o deis meis linzöls, o Segner char eu cuor be spüfs a chasa Wife, wife, come home Wife, wife, come home ’cos your husband’s calling you. If he’s calling, let him call. I’m staying here and want to dance. Then I’ll come home. Wife, wife, come home ’cos your husband’s feeling ill. If he’s feeling ill, let him perish. I’m staying here and want to dance. Then I’ll come home. Wife, wife, come home ’cos your husband’s dead. If he’s dead, you bury him. I’m staying here and want to jump. Then I’ll come home. Wife, wife, come home ’cos it’s time to share the chattels. If it’s time to share the chattels, I’ll have to stop dancing. O God, my sheets, dear Lord, I’m rushing home, fast as I can. vallader chanz. pop. rum. arr: ensemble 11 Oh stars Allas steilas O schei vus caras steilas el firmament pertgei viv’ins sin tiara mo in mo in mument Pertgei ston ins sin tiara pitir, pitir quei cuort mument ch’ins viva epi epi murir quei cuort mument ch’ins viva epi epi smarschir O quel ch’ei vies scaffider ha mei scaffiu quel che vies cuors diregia ei er ei er miu Diu Perquei siu mal emblida miu cor suffront cu’l ellas sferas vesa vus steilas tarlischont Oh tell us, ye bright stars in the firmament, why do we live on Earth only for, only for a moment? Why do we on Earth have to suffer, suffer for that brief moment that we live and then, and then die, for that brief moment that we live and then, and then perish? Oh, he who is your creator created me. He who determines your course is my, is my God too. So his suffering forgets my suffering heart, when in the heavens he sees you stars shining. sursilvan m: Tumasch Dolf t: Alfons Tuor arr: Albin Brun 12 13 La canzun Dil Bau Il cumün in silenzi A mi ha ina praula il vent oz raquintau ei mava inagada pil mund entuorn in bau Il cumün in silenzi uossa taidla sömgiand las anticas tarablas cha l’aual va quintand Purtava loschs la corna: jeu sun in grond signur e miu manti tarlischa, con paupers ei il pur Ed el sestend’e mira co’l bov sto trer il criec: co sun jeu libers, libers, mo trai ti pauper tschiec El stat sin ina comba e saulta spert sul prau cheu vegn ruclond la roda e smacc’il pauper bau Mintgatant il guitader sa chanzun fa dudir e’l passà in silenzi darcho tuot tuorn’a gnir Eir las uras chi battan sül clucher pac davent ün pa tremblan in l’ajer e svaneschan cul vent Be eternas splenduran sü casü stailas d’or che ma hast tü da batter uschè ferm o meis cour The beetle song Today, the wind told me a story: Once upon a time, a beetle was going round the world. Silence in the village. Now listen dreamily to the tales of yore as told by the stream. Now and then the night watchman can be heard singing, and all the bygones silently come back again. And the bells striking on the nearby tower tremble a bit in the air and vanish with the wind. Only golden stars eternal shine up over there. What is it that has you beating so strongly, my heart? It held its feelers up with pride: I’m a real gentleman. How my coat shines. What a poor devil the farmer is. He stretches and spies the ox forced to pull the plough: I’m oh so free. You keep on pulling, poor, blind thing. He stands on one leg, dancing quickly on the meadow. That’s when the wheel rolls along, and poor beetle is no more. Silence in the village sursilvan m: Tumasch Dolf arr: Albin Brun vallader m: Tumasch Dolf t: Peider Lansel arr: Albin Brun 14 15 Turn, wheel, turn Zuola roda Zuola Zuola roda zuola zuglia incuntin pleiga roda pleiga tgiembla laun’e glin ti raschunas da letezia mo en mei ei mo tristezia zuola roda zuola zuglia incuntin Mia mumm’ha era prus tei fatg isar ussa l’ei en fossa ed jeu stoi plirar ti raschunas da letezia mo jeu tscherchel la carezia mia mumm’ha era prus tei fatg isar sursilvan m: Carli Scherrer t: Alfons Vinzens arr: Patricia Draeger Suna roda sun’a fin uss la canzun tias melodias lain mei abandun ti raschunas da letezia mo en mei ei mo tristezia suna roda sun’a fin uss la canzun Turn, wheel, turn, Keep on turning. Fold, wheel, fold. Pile up wool and linen. Your talk is of happiness, but in me there’s nought but sadness. Turn, wheel, turn, Keep on turning. Agl iester Tgeara irundeala turnas tei digl sid vas an patria beala porta egn salid igl mieus cor andira mal da tgea jou ve o quegl fuss vantira da turnar cun te Igl duer mi leia da star lientsch davent legra vas tia veia nass cun te bugent mia olma crida bregia plagn dalur spert es tei svanida aint agl cler azur My mother worked diligently with you too, until worn out. Now she’s in her grave, and I’m left lamenting. Your talk is of happiness, but I’m in search of love. My mother worked diligently with you too, until worn out. Sing, wheel, sing the song until it’s over now. Your tunes leave me feeling distraught. Your talk is of happiness, but in me there’s nought but sadness. Sing, wheel, sing the song until it’s over now. Going abroad Beloved swallow, leaving the south, flying back to the lovely land of home, convey a greeting, please. How my heart aches with the homesickness I feel. What a joy it would be to return with thee. Duty makes me stay in distant parts Happy art thou to depart. Fain would I come with thee. My soul is crying out in pain. Thou art quickly out of sight in the clear blue sky. sutsilvan m: Curò Mani jun. t: Jon Guidon vers. sutsilvana: Curo Mani sen. arr: Patricia Draeger 16 17 Ninna nanna Sul sulet Ninna nanna buna notg ninna nanna dorma bagn steilas glischan giu digl ot gio sa perd’igl cling digls sains Tschantà davant meis prümaran in s-chüra not sulet sur mai las cleras stailas fan lur cuorsa plan planet nu saint inguotta a flippir co l’En giò’l fuond d’la val nu vez intuorn co a glüschir la pizza da cristal Ninna nanna t’vi ninnar cun canzungs durmantar o tge plascheir celest divin da ninnar sies unfantign Ninna nanna buna notg ninna nanna dorma bagn dorma dorma tger unfant sera ossa ties igligns Ossa cloma cun mies cant giu da tschiel igls angheligns fign tgi te ist durmanto spetgan els davant la tga Cur tg’er i’vign a pussar vignan aint els a ninnar ninna nanna buna notg ninna nanna dorma bagn surmiran m: Tumasch Dolf t: Jon Guidon vers. surmeirana? Lullaby Lullaby, good night. Lullaby, sleep well. Stars shine down from on high, and the ringing bells fade down here. Lullaby, I want to sing you to sleep with lullabies. Oh, what a divine, celestial pleasure it is to sing lullabies to your own tiny child. Lullaby, good night Lullaby, sleep well Sleep, sleep, beloved child, Now shut your tiny eyes. Now, sing along and call the tiny angels down from heaven. Until you’re fast asleep they’ll wait before the house. When it’s time for me to rest as well, they’ll come in for a lullaby. Lullaby, good night Lullaby, sleep well La glüna uoss’vain sü cul cheu davo il grond vadret am guarda tais: o di’m ün pa est tü be sul sulet? qua brilla sü da meis löet ün cler chi’m fa güvlar na glüm chi arda suot il tet ün tet chi m’es tant char All alone Sitting before my cottage one dark night alone Above me the bright stars slowly cross the sky. Not a sound can I hear but the Inn down in the bottom of the valley. Nothing can I see around but the glistening of the crystal mountain tops. Now the moon pushes up its head behind yonder big glacier. Stares right at me: tell me, are you all alone? A bright light sparkling there above my tiny corner gladdens my heart, a light burning above the roof, a roof so dear to me. And up there, full of feeling I see an eye shining at me, greeting me with contented love as if to say to me: I am with you, you are with me My soul, my delight, however dark the night, however bright the sun, you are never all alone. E sü vers mai plain sentimaint ün ögl eu vez glüschir am salüdond d’amur cuntaint e chi am para dir: eu sun pro tai, tü est pro mai mi’orma meis dalet da s-chüra not, da cler sulai vallader nun est mai sul sulet m: Robert Cantieni t: Andrea Bezzola «Versiun Parodia»: LA GRISCHA Mes engraziament il pli cordial a suandantas persunas che han sustegnì LA GRISCHA cun cussegl ed engaschi! –Musica, arranschaments e passiun: Patricia Draeger, Albin Brun e Claudio Strebel –Als cumponists, poets e lur descendents per la lubientscha d’interpretar da nov quest stgazi da chanzuns: Gion Antoni Derungs, Carli Scherrer, Curò Mani, famiglia Tumasch Dolf: Trudi Bott-Juon, Telgia Juon, famiglia Peider Lansel: Bernard Andry Piguet, David Piguet, las famiglias R. Cantieni ed A. Bezzola. Nus sperain, che la parodia da jazz da Sul Sulet plaschia. –Tut las fotografias èn vegnidas fatgas en il magasin dal museum Museum Regiunal Surselva. Fotografias: Sava Hlavacek. –Iso Albin per avair chavà ils cristals ord il furn enorm da l’archiv Maissen e per sia savida profunda da la chanzun populara rumantscha. –Remo Arpagaus per ils cudeschs da chanzuns vegls e las notas: «canz. pop. rom.» –Al scrivent Arno Camenisch per las linernotes cun il det al puls. –Mike Evans per la translaziun dals texts en englais. –Per il booking da La Grischa: Erika Schaer, Kulturkontakte Basel –Patricia Umbricht per il «fundraising» e la lavur da pressa cultact-Giuliani Kulturbüro. –Phil Erdin per registraziun, maschaida e mastering –Nicola Kneringer percussion salep e la furmicla –Rolf Schocher per il design ed il hosting da –Annette Ringier & CLAP, Pflanzplätz, Claudia Weinmann, Andy Gabriel, Stubete am See, Menga Dolf, Benedetto Vigne, Astrid Alexandre, Roman Weishaupt, Anna Serarda Campell & La Vouta, Marianne Fischbacher, Carin Cadonau, Dide Marfurt, Walter Lietha & Narrenschiff, Anita Decurtins, Gieri Venzin, Mathias Balzer © Produktion, Walter Fuchs, Rico Valär, Isabella Mani, Peter Schmid, Ann Nielsen, Elisabeth Schubiger, Cinema Sil Plaz a Glion / Ilanz, Werner Carigiet, famiglia Aubry, Anna Ratti, Tosho Yakkatokuo/Club Exil, Brigitta Schwarz, famiglia Nicolay, famiglia Curschellas, a.d.a.m, *Linard Nicolay –Grazia R-tunes – Michel Decurtins e Manfred Zazzi – che jau dastg inaugurar il nov label rumantsch cun LA GRISCHA! Bler success! –Grazia als uffizis da cultura, als donaturs ed a las fundaziuns. Vus avais pussibilità il disc. 1 randulin 2 Jau mava da stgir a da notg 3 Mintga sera cu jeu varghel 4Star se legher 5 Giu enten quella val 6 Canzun Veglia Da Ziteil 7 Salep e la furmicla 8 Spel lag 9 Saira per saira 10 Donna Donna ve a chà 11 Allas steilas 12 La canzun Dil Bau 13 Il cumün in silenzi 14 Zuola roda Zuola 15 Agl iester 16 Ninna nanna 17 Sul sulet 3:20 5:25 2:46 3:52 4:01 3:30 3:28 4:36 2:30 2:11 4:26 3:37 4:41 4:42 2:47 3:45 3:51 Corin Curschellas: chant /Gesang Patricia Draeger: accordeon /Akkordeon Albin Brun: saxofon en sopran e tenor /Sopran- und Tenorsax, orgelet da maun da Sviz /Schwyzerörgeli (10 & 13), Toy-Piano (5), flauta da tuns armonics superiurs /Obertonflöte (7), Duduk (11), Waterphone (13) Claudio Strebel: cuntrabass /Kontrabass Deutsche Übersetzungen der Liedtexte auf
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