Final Programme Now Available Here


Final Programme Now Available Here
European Political Science Association
5th Annual Conference
Schloss Schönbrunn Apothekertrakt
Springer Schlößl
Vienna, June 25 - 27 2015
European Political Science Association
Members of the EPSA Council 2015-2016
Members Elect
Anja Neundorf (University of Nottingham)
Heike Klüver (University of Hamburg)
Gerald Schneider (University of Konstanz)
Mary Stegmaier (University of Missouri)
Micael Castanheira (Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management)
Indridi Indridason (UC Riverside)
Orit Kedar (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Gail McElroy (Trinity College)
Ex-officio Members
President: Fabio Franchino (State University of Milan)
Treasurer/ Vice-President: Ray Duch (University of Oxford)
Executive Director: Ken Benoit (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Chair of Programme Committee: Thomas Plümper (University of Essex)
PSRM editor: Vera Troeger (University of Warwick)
PSRM editor: Cameron Thies (State University of Arizona)
2015 Programme Committee
Chair: Thomas Plümper (University of Essex)
Co-chair: Anja Neundorf (University of Nottingham)
Section Chairs:
Mary Stegmaier (University of Missouri)
Heike Klüver (University of Hamburg)
Despina Alexiadou (University of Pittsburgh)
Nolan McCarty (Princeton University)
Halvard Buhaug (PRIO)
Frank Schimmelfennig (ETH Zürich)
Simon Hix (LSE)
Peter John (UCL)
Dominik Hangartner (LSE)
Table of Content
Venue Information ............................................................................................................................4
Wireless Access..................................................................................................................................6
Receptions and Meetings ..................................................................................................................7
Conference Overview ........................................................................................................................8
Vienna Card Information .................................................................................................................10
Organized Panels 2015 ....................................................................................................................11
Programme ......................................................................................................................................12
Vienna Townhall Reception / Empfang der Stadt Wien ..................................................................35
Name Index......................................................................................................................................46
Restaurant Information ...................................................................................................................52
June 23.-25. 2016
Square Meeting Center
6th Annual Conference of the
Venue Information
Schloss Schönbrunn Conference Venue Apothecary’s Wing
Springer Schlößl
Walking between venues takes approximately 5-7 minutes.
Exit Schoenbrunn Conference Venue via the Apothekerhof Entrance and leave the Park through the Meidlinger
Tor. Cross Grünbergstrasse at the traffic light, turn to the right following Grünbergstrasse for 100 meter, pass
through Zenogasse, at the end turn to right on Tivoligasse, the entrance to Springer Schlößl park and venue is
between house numbers 71 and 75.
Schloß Schönbrunn Meetings & Events
Schloß Schönbrunn, 1130 Wien
Fax +43-1-811 13 383
Seminarhotel Springer Schlößl
Tivoligasse 73
1020 Wien
Wireless Access
Schoenbrunn Apothekertrakt
Password: GemischterSatz
Springer Schlößl
information will be provided at the venue
Receptions and Public Meetings
Business Meetings
18:15 EPSA general assembly, Maria Theresia
(all welcome)
14:00 EPSA Council Meeting, Habsburg
19:00 EPSA Welcome Reception
Orangerie garden
(all welcome)
16:00 Editors’ Meeting, Habsburg
(on invitation)
9:00 European Union Politics
board meeting, Springer Schlößl
Schleinzerzimmer (members)
20:00 Vienna Town Hall Reception
Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, 1010 Wien, Austria
U2 Rathaus
(all welcome, please bring your conference badge)
13:00 Research & Politics board meeting
Springer Schlößl Schleinzerzimmer
14:40 PSRM board meeting, Landtmann’s
Jausenstation (members)
17:00 EPSA final chill out
Orangerie garden
(all welcome)
9:00 Italian Political Science Review
board meeting, Springer Schlößl
Schleinzerzimmer (members)
The Journal of the
European Political Science Association
Conference Overview
Maria Theresia 1a
Franz Joseph
Franz Stephan
Marie Antoinette
Raab Saal
Figl Saal
Kunschak Saal
Studio 1
EPSA Council
Maria Theresia 1a
Franz Joseph
Franz Stephan
Marie Antoinette
Raab Saal
Figl Saal
Kunschak Saal
Studio 1
Maria Theresia 1a
Franz Joseph
Franz Stephan
Marie Antoinette
Raab Saal
Figl Saal
Kunschak Saal
Studio 1
Habsburg to Maximillian are located at the Apothecary’s Wing, Raab-Saal to Schleinzerzimmer at SpringerSchloessl.
Vienna Card
More than 210 discounts at museums and sights, theatres and concerts, in shops, cafés, restaurants, the
‘Heurige’ wine tavern, and free travel on Vienna's public transport system for 48 or 72 hours - with the benefit
card for just €18.90 / €21.90. The ÖAMTC and its 17 partner clubs tested sixteen European city cards for the
first time in 2012: with a successful first place for the Vienna Card!
Vienna Card entitles one child up to the age of 15 to travel with you free (ID card) on Vienna public
transportation (underground, tram and bus).
Available in hotels and from the tourist information office on Albertinaplatz (daily from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm),
the tourist information office at Vienna Main Station (daily from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm) and the tourist
information office at the airport (daily from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm), from sales and information points of Wiener
Linien (e.g. Stephansplatz, Karlsplatz, Westbahnhof, Landstrasse/Wien Mitte) or from out of town by credit
card (+43-1-798 44 00-148).
Valid from date of issue. The enclosed Vienna Lines ticket is valid for 48 or 72 hours after validation. However,
discounts offered by the Vienna Card can still be enjoyed throughout the final day of the card's validity.
Organized Panels 2015
For the 2015 conference, EPSA selected these organized panels from approximately 20 proposals.
Strategic Interaction in Politics: New Empirical
Applications and Theoretical Challenges
Th. 16:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Patricia Wruuck
Discussant: Marius Radean
Separation in Strategic Estimators
Casey Crisman-Cox and Curtis Signorino
Modelling the Strategic Interactions in
Representative Democracies with Referendums
Simon Hug and Lucas Leemann
A Strategic Analysis of Antidumping Protection
Patricia Wruuck
Estimation in the Shadow of the Future
Casey Crisman-Cox and Michael Gibilisco
Electoral Competition in Rich Democracies
Fr. 16:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Orit Kedar
Discussant: Thomas Gschwend
Second-dimension Politics
Herbert Kitschelt and Philipp Rehm
The Tyranny of the Median Voter? Electoral
Dilemmas, Then and Now
Johannes Lindvall and David Rueda
Are Electoral-System Effects Really ElectoralCompetitiveness Effects?
Mark Kayser and René Lindstädt
Party-system Fragmentation: A new Look at an old
Orit Kedar, Liran Harsgor and Or Tuttnauer
Electoral Competition, Fiscal Contraction, and
Political Survival
Achim Kemmerling and Zbigniew Truchlewski
Academic Programme
Thursday, June 25
Protest and Conflict
Th. 10:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Cengiz Erisen
Discussant: Cengiz Erisen
Transparency and Accountability
Th. 10:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Robert S. Erikson
Discussant: Robert S. Erikson
Students in the Streets: Investigating the Role of
University Students and Graduates in Political Protest
Sirianne Dahlum
Time Allocation on Electoral Issues
Morgane Tanvé
What Kind of Court is Best for the Voters?
Patrick Le Bihan
Ethnic Diversity and Nonviolent Uprisings: Linking Arms
in Solidarity
Dragana Vidovic
Voting Transparency in Legislatures
Reto Wuest
Leading from the Periphery. An Experimental Study of
the Origins of Spontaneous Rebellion
Navid Hassanpour, Dominik Duell and Nicholas
Voters' Perception of Party Position
Th. 10:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Will Lowe
Discussant: Roni Lehrer
Preferences for Redistribution
Th. 10:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Michael Becher
Discussant: Michael Becher
Does Anybody Notice? How Position Shifts of Coalition
Parties are Perceived by Voters
Jae-Jae Spoon and Heike Kluever
Do Perceptions Matter? How Parties' Programmatic
Supply Influences the Perceptions and Decision-making
of Voters
Onawa Promise Lacewell and Aiko Wagner
Social Policy Preferences in Mature Welfare States: The
Role of Strong Reciprocity
Charlotte Cavaille
Why Voters Perceive Party Policy Shifts: The Effects of
Election News Coverage on Party Images
Nicolas Merz
Prospects, Redistribution, and the Political Determinates
of Social Conformism
Soenke Ehret
Party Competition
Th. 10:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Nathalie Giger
Discussant: Nathalie Giger
Poverty, Inequality and Social Spending: Preferences for
what Redistribution?
Fabiana V P Machado
State Regulation and Anti-Party Sentiments in Advanced
Nicole Bolleyer and Mariana Skirmuntt
Measuring Electoral Competition at the Party Level
Matthias Orlowski
Defending the Home Turf? Issue Ownership and
Negative Campaigning
Martin Haselmayer and Marcelo Jenny
Th. 10:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Leonid Peisakhin
Discussant: Leonid Peisakhin
Institutions and Conflict
Th. 12:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Sabine P. Otto
Discussant: Sabine P. Otto
Defamation or Dirty Laundry? Clientelism and Internet
Daniel Pemstein
Which Groups Fight? Institutional Explanations for War
applied to the Traditional Institutions of Ethnic Groups
and Communal Conflicts in Africa
Tore Wig and Daniela Kromrey
Discursive Accommodation: Popular Protest and Elite
Responses in China
H. Christoph Steinhardt
The Institutional Legacies of Local Political Violence:
Evidence from the Afrobarometer Surveys
Tore Wig and Andreas Forø Tollefsen
The Importance of Legitimacy: Explaining Peace and Civil
War Onset
Fenja Soendergaard Moeller
Wishful Tweeting
Th. 10:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Laura Sudulich
Discussant: Laura Sudulich
Austerity Politics at the Crossroads 1
Th. 12:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Evelyne Hübscher
Discussant: Nikitas Konstandinidis
Costly Tweets: The Impact of Negative Twitter Messages
on Sovereign Spreads during the Eurozone Crisis
Sebastian Wöhrle and Gerald Schneider
The Hidden Opposition to a Fiscal Union in Southern
Europe: A Conjoint Analysis of Attitudes on Economic
Policy in Italy
Fabio Franchino
A Bad Workman Blames His Tweets: The Consequences
of Citizens' Uncivil Twitter Use when Interacting with
Party Candidates
Yannis Theocharis, Pablo Barberá and Zoltan Fazekas
Electoral Systems and the Electoral Connection: MEPs'
Use of Social Media
Lukas Obholzer and William T. Daniel
The Impact of the Economic Crisis among Young People
on European identity
Marta Paradés Martín
The Web of Blame: Emotional Reactions, Political
Accountability, and Public Opinion, in the Aftermath of
the Greek Financial Crisis
Theofanis Exadaktylos and Tereza Capelos
And yet it moves: International Legislation
Th. 12:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Mareike Kleine
Discussant: Thomas Koenig
Representation and Mobilisation
Th. 10:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Jordi Muñoz
Discussant: Jordi Muñoz
Multiple Collective Principals and the European
Stephen Meserve and Frank Thames
Contingent Prize Allocation in One Clientelist
Democracy: Evidence from Senegal
Jessica Gottlieb
Waxing and Waning in World Politics: Rising Power
Voting Behavior in the UN General Assembly
Martin Binder and Autumn Lockwood Payton
The Influence of Online Social Capital on Political
Engagement and Electoral Behaviour
Javier Sajuria
Party Competition and the Mobilization of Social Groups
Lorenzo De Sio and Till Weber
rategic Roll Call Requests
Fang-Yi Chiou and Bjørn Høyland
Shadow Rapporteurs: Holding Rapporteurs to Account?
Lukas Obholzer, Steffen Hurka and Michael Kaeding
Central Banks
Th. 12:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Fabio Wasserfallen
Discussant: Liam McGrath
Policy Unbundling and Special Interest Politics
Dimitri Landa, Patrick Le Bihan
Party Bans
Carlo Horz
Does Partisan Bias at the Fed Explain 'The Republican
William R. Clark, Vincent Arel-Bundock, Paul M. Kellstedt
and Guy D. Whitten
Central Bank Independence, Economic Growth and
Cristina Bodea and Raymond Hicks
Big Data and Social Media
Th. 12:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Sebastian Schutte
Discussant: Slava Mikhaylov
External Financing, Power and Central Bank Policy in
Developing Countries
Florence Dafe
Follow Your Ideology: A Measure of Ideological Location
of Media Sources
Pablo Barberá and Gaurav Sood
The Diffusion of Inflation-Targeting
Fabio Wasserfallen
Tracing Signals in all that Noise: The Accuracy of Twitterbased Opinion Mining in Switzerland
Bruno Wueest and Christian Müller
Rational Design of Political Institutions
Th. 12:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: René Lindstädt
Discussant: John Patty
Tweets as a Tool for Election Forecast: UK 2015 General
Election as an Example
Philipp Burckhardt, Raymond Duch and Akitaka Matsuo
Conducting Large-scale Surveys through SMS: A Cellphone Based Approach Applied to India
Sebastian Schutte and Roos Haer
Conflict Structure and the Emergence of Direct
Democratic Institutions in the 19th Century
Lucas Leemann
Do Politicians Decentralize to Insure Against Electoral
Sofia Collignon
Political Corruption
Th. 12:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Federica Genovese
Discussant: Julia Gray
Tailor-made Design vs. Dysfunctional Horse-trading:
How the Circumstances of Electoral System Design affect
the Electoral System's Performance
Johannes Raabe
Electoral Behavior in the Time of Institutional
Misbehavior. Corruption Breaks the Party-Voter Linkage
Diana Burlacu
Property Rights Protection, Legal Systems and Electoral
Timothy Yu-Cheong Yeung
Political Finance Reform and the Impact of GRECO.
Towards Enhanced Transparency?
Jef Smulders
Theories of Electoral Politics
Th. 12:00
Springer Schloessl - Raab-Saal
Chair: Yvette Peters
Discussant: Philipp Koeker
Corruption and Preferences for Inter-regional
Redistribution: An Experimental Perspective
Theresa Kuhn and Sergi Pardos-Prado
Why Do Voters Re-Elect Corrupt Politicians? Evidence
from the Laboratory
Catherine De Vries and Hector Solaz
Electoral Imbalance and Democratic Responsiveness
Carlo Prato and Stephane Wolton
Pressure, Favors and Vote-buying: Experimental
Evidence from Romania and Bulgaria
Isabela Mares and Aurelian Muntean
Economic Downturns and Political Competition Since the
Johannes Lindvall
Electoral Politics in the UK
Th. 12:00
Springer Schloessl - Studio 1
Chair: Geoffrey Evans
Discussant: Nick Vivyan
The Implicit Trade: When Selection and Sanctioning
Preferences Collide
Roosmarijn de Geus, Catherine de Vries and Hector
Specification Issues in Spatial Voting Models.
Reassessing the Directional Theory of Voting
Guido Tiemann
Just not Relevant to us: The Role of Devolution in the
2010 British General Election Campaign
Edzia Carvalho and Kristi Winters
How Issue Ownership Shapes Priming Effects: A
Randomized Partisan Leafleting Experiment in the 2014
Local and European Elections in the UK.
Florian Foos, Kevin Cunningham, Peter John and
Dominic Collins
Information and Election Campaigning
Th. 12:00
Springer Schloessl - Figl-Saal
Chair: Davide Morisi
Discussant: Zoltan Fazekas
Forecasting Turnout at UK Elections
Andreas Murr and Simon Munzert
Realignment or Dealignment in the British Party System:
the 2015 General Election
Stephen D. Fisher
Social Media in Election Campaigns: Different Channels,
Different Patterns?
Stephen Quinlan, Tobias Gummer, Joss Roßmann and
Christof Wolf
Party Competition and Coalition Formation
Th. 12:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Michael F. Meffert
Discussant: Jochen Müller
When to Talk about Europe? Selective Europeanization
of the 2014 EP Elections Social Media Campaign
Zoltan Fazekas, Hermann Schmitt, Sebastian Popa
What Does it take to Make it to the Polling Station? The
Effects of Campaign Activities on Electoral Participation
Maria Laura Sudulich and Siim Trumm
The Politics of Portfolio Design in Germany: Who Slices
the Cake?
Ulrich Sieberer
Voting Yes or No? How Information Shapes Voting
Intentions in Referendum Campaigns
Davide Morisi
Coalition Bargaining Duration in Central and Eastern
Alejandro Ecker and Thomas M. Meyer
Explaining Patterns of Whole Sale and Partial Alteration
in Cabinet Composition
Simon Otjes
Immigration Policies and Integration
Th. 12:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Piero Stanig
Discussant: Michael Bechtel
Patterns of Party Competition: Ideological Proximity and
Coalition Potential
Shaun Bowler and Indridi H. Indridason
Unintended Consequences of Anti-immigration Policy:
RD Evidence from Italian Municipalities
Piero Stanig
Testing Proximity and Directional Voting
Th. 12:00
Springer Schloessl - Kunschak-Saal
Chair: Ray Duch
Discussant: Spyros Kosminidis
Lives on Hold: The Effect of Asylum Policies on Refugees'
Economic Integration
Jens Hainmueller and Dominik Hangartner
Migrants Rights: A Trade-off?
Charlotte Fiala
An Updated Proximity Voting Model Versus the
Directional Voting Model: A Survey Experiment
Mark Pickup and Erik Kimbrough
The Political Significance of Social Penumbra
Andrew Gelman and Yotam Margalit
Exploring the Region of Acceptability. When do Voters
Deviate from their Directional Voting Predictions?
Peter Grand
Conflict Dynamics
Th. 14:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Vally Koubi
Discussant: John Schiemann
Political Consequences of Electoral Systems
Th. 14:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Rubén Ruiz-Rufino
Discussant: Christopher Vanberg
Consequences of Collective Side Switching on Civil War
Sabine P. Otto
Representative Agents or Electoral Vehicles: The
Institutional Underpinnings of Parties' Ideological
Monika Nalepa and Royce Carroll
Contested Incompatibilities and Armed Violence: A Twostage Model of Civil Conflict
Henrikas Bartusevicius and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch
Incentives to Cultivate a Personal Vote: A Game
Theoretic Approach
Daniel Kselman
Places to Hide: Terrain, Ethnicity, and Political Violence
David B. Carter, Andrew Shaver and Austin Wright
The Causal Effects of Proportional Representation:
Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Oyvind Skorge
The Road to State Rule: Accessibility and Insurgency
Philipp Hunziker
Isolation or Competition? Ethnic Electoral Geography
and Ethnic Party Mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa
Manuel Vogt and Thomas Koblet
The European Muddling Through
Th. 14:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Katjana Gattermann
Discussant: Michael Tatham
Persuasion and Voting Behaviour
Th. 14:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Stefanie Reher
Discussant: Aiko Wagner
Re-Organising Cabinets: An Organisational Analysis of
the 1999 Reform of European Commissioners' Cabinets
Renke Deckarm
The Long-term Electoral Legacies of Civil War in Young
Democracies. Evidence from Italy.
Stefano Costalli and Andrea Ruggeri
Signals to their Parliaments: Governments' Strategic Use
of Votes and Policy Statements in the EU Council
Sara Hagemann, Stefanie Bailer and Alexander Herzog
Vote Buying Strategies in the Aftermath of Natural
Disasters: Evidence from U.S. Presidential Elections
Massimo Mannino
Regulatory Agenda-Setting in the EU
Manuele Citi and Mogens K. Justesen
Instrumenting Interests: Bureaucratic Politics and the
Design of European Commission's Consultations with
Stakeholders Regime
Adriana Bunea
Voter Perceptions of Campaign Promises: Experimental
Evidence from Ghana
Mascha Rauschenbach
Democratization: Causes and Challenges
Th. 14:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: James Hollyer
Discussant: James Hollyer
Party Leaders
Th. 14:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Kristy Winters
Discussant: Kristy Winters
Violence in Transition: Assessing Political Violence in
Post-Mubarak Egypt
Lisa Blaydes and James Honaker
Staying in Power is a Matter of Balance. Party Leaders'
Survival and Removal in the Italian First and Second
Andrea Ceron
What do they learn? Investigating the Effect of
Education Quality and Content on Democratization
Sirianne Dahlum
Are Political Parties Loss Averse? Prospect Theory, Goal
Achievement, and Party Leader Turnover
Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik and Gijs Schumacher
Inequality and Inclusion: Democratization in 19th
Century Germany and Norway
Laura Bronner, Øyvind Skorge and Valerie Belu
Leaders and Labels
William B. Heller
The Scientific Study of Violence
Th. 14:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Roman-Gabriel Olar
Discussant: Steven Landis
Trust in Times of Riots: Violent Protests as a Natural
Robert Klemmensen and Mogens Kamp Justesen
Heuristics and Vote Choices
Th. 14:00
Springer Schloessl - Raab-Saal
Chair: Ann-Kristin Kölln
Discussant: Heiko Giebler
Do Amnesties Help Prevent Civil War Recurrence?
Geoff Dancy
Coalition Formation, Diversity, and Crisis Outcomes
Daina Chiba and Jesse C. Johnson
The Effects of Negative Partisanship on Vote Choice in
Multi-Party Systems
Sabrina Jasmin Mayer
Weapons of the Marginalized: Economic Sabotage and
Distributive Politics in Resource Rich States
Trevor Johnston
Voting Heuristics and Informational Spillover across
Electoral Arenas in the UK: Vote Switching in Scottish
Parliament Elections as a Function of Westminster
Konstantin Käppner
Violence and Cell Phone Communication Patterns:
Evidence from Cote d'Ivoire and Senegal
Daniel Berger, Shankar Kalyanaraman and Sera Linardi
Winning, Losing, and Believing: The Effects of Electoral
Outcomes on Legitimacy Beliefs in the Netherlands,
Kees Aarts and Ann-Kristin Kölln
Trade and International Organizations
Th. 14:00
Springer Schloessl - Figl-Saal
Chair: Karolina Milewicz
Discussant: Soo Yeon Kim
Compensational Voting under Coalition Governments
Annika Fredén
Why Trade Losers may behave like Winners: Regional
Specialisation, Competitiveness and Preferences for
Irene Menendez
Political Ramifications of Economic Crises
Th. 14:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Martial Foucault
Discussant: Stefanie Walter
Beyond Trade: Widening the Scope of the Non-trade
Agenda in Trade Agreements
Karolina Milewicz, James Hollway, Claire Peacock and
Duncan Snidal
Unemployment and Political Trust: A Causal Analysis
Paul C. Bauer and Giada Gianola
Are the Contents of International Economic Agreements
Todd Allee and Manfred Elsig
Political Ramifications of the Eurozone Crisis: Evidence
from Spain
Jose Fernandez-Albertos and Alexander Kuo
Conflict and Autocracy
Th. 14:00
Springer Schloessl - Studio 1
Chair: Natasha Ezrow
Discussant: Jakob Tolstrup
Intra-individual Change in Economic Status and
Attachment to the Nation
Maria Jose Hierro and Jordi Muñoz
The Role of the Economic Crisis on Attitudes towards
Roula Nezi
Morality Politics in the Authoritarian Context of Islamic
Tina Freyburg and Jale Tosun
Military Professionalism and the Arab Spring
Natasha Ezrow
How do Riots Spread over Space and Time? Evidence
from the Swing Riots
Toke Aidt, Gabriel Leon and Max Satchell
Candidates: Valence and Legitimacy
Th. 14:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Isabela Mares
Discussant: Michael F. Stoffel
A Strategic Analysis of Antidumping Protection
Patricia Wruuck
Estimation in the Shadow of the Future
Casey Crisman-Cox and Michael Gibilisco
Can Implicit Bias against Women be Mitigated by
Counter-Stereotypical Messages? Evidence from a
Parallel Encouragement Design
Livio Raccuia, Livia I. Schubiger and Marco R.
The Politics of Repression
Th. 16:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Belen Gonzales
Discussant: Lauren Young
The Leadership Dilemma: Examining the Impact of
'Strong Leaders' on Parties
Despina Alexiadou and Eoin O'Malley
Repression, Political Violence and Non-violent
Resistance: Unpacking the 'Punishment Puzzle'
Roman-Gabriel Olar
The Legitimacy of Representation. Selection Procedures
and Socio-economic Characteristics of Representatives
in Decision-making Processes
Sveinung Arnesen and Yvette Peters
The Metamorphosis of State-sponsored Violence
Belen Gonzalez
Leader Characteristics and the Personalization of
Electoral Politics in Central and Eastern European
Andrei Gheorghita and Mircea Comsa
Killing bad News: International Accountability and the
Treatment of the Press
Sabine Carey and Anita Gohdes
On Repression and its Effectiveness
Tiberiu Dragu
The Bigger Picture: Political Development
Th. 14:00
Springer Schloessl - Kunschak-Saal
Chair: Francesca Refsum Jensenius
Discussant: Matthew S. Winters
From War to What? The Legacies of War-Time Violence
on Post-War Order in de facto States
Kristin M. Bakke
Decentralization and Deregulation
Benjamin Neudorfer and Natascha S. Neudorfer
The Politics of Human Rights
Th. 16:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Monika Nalepa
Discussant: Alexandros Tokhi
The Economic Origins of Political Rights
Michael Mousseau and Demet Yalcin Mousseau
Global Egalitarianism from a 'Relational' Perspective
Kevin K W Ip
Cooperating through Comity: Legal Fairness and the
Efforts against International Child Abduction
Asif Efrat and Abraham L. Newman
The Effects of American Slavery on Contemporary Voting
Institutions and Behavior
Avidit Acharya, Matthew Blackwell and Maya Sen
Black Knights in the Security Council: Protecting
Dictators by Fighting for the Sovereignty-norm
Jakob Tolstrup and Johanne Grøndahl Glavnd
Strategic Interaction in Politics: New Empirical
Applications and Theoretical Challenges
Th. 16:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Patricia Wruuck
Discussant: Marius Radean
The Perfect Storm: Mass Media Influence on INGO
Responses to Natural Disasters
Anna Schrimpf
What Feeds African Social Unrest? How Shocks Upset
Social Stability
Alfonso Sánchez
Separation in Strategic Estimators
Casey Crisman-Cox and Curtis Signorino
Money Matters: Does a State's Income Level Affect Its
Asylum Policies?
Elizabeth Monika Juhasz
Modelling the Strategic Interactions in Representative
Democracies with Referendums
Simon Hug and Lucas Leemann
The Origins of the EU Agenda
Th. 16:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Moritz Osnabrügge
Discussant: Dominic Pakull
Voter Turnout
Th. 16:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Jens Olav Dahlgaard
Discussant: Helmut Norpoth
Voting Behavior in the Council of the European Union:
The Effect of the Trio Presidency
Philippe van Gruisen, Pieterjan Vangerven and
Christophe Crombez
The Crisis of Social Democracy and the Political
Demobilisation of the Working Class in Germany
Martin Elff
Are you Voting, Son? Estimating Causal Effects of Close
Social Networks on Voter Turnout
Jens Olav Dahlgaard
The Presidency Effect
Doreen K. Allerkamp
The Imperfect Agenda Setter: Analyzing the Implications
of National Elections for EU Decision Making
Serra Boranbay, Thomas König and Moritz Osnabrügge
Getting out the Vote with Voting Advice Applications
Micha Germann and Kostas Gemenis
Who Should Vote? Explaining Support for Compulsory
Shaun Bowler and Jeffrey Karp
Do Elections Matter in the Council of the European
Union? An Evaluation of the Influence of National
Elections and Politicization on Bargaining Success
Dominic Pakull
Do Polls Affect Turnout? An Uncertainty Principle for
Election Surveys
William B. Heller and Ekrem Karakoç
Scaling Text and Data
Th. 16:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Mark Pickup
Discussant: Philip A. Schrodt
Electoral Rules and Political Strategies
Th. 16:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Maciej A. Górecki
Discussant: Svitlana Chernykh
Comparison Metrics for Large Scale Political Event Data
Philip A. Schrodt, John Beieler and Andrew Halterman
Getting to M+1: District Magnitude, Candidate Viability,
and Pre-electoral Inter-Party Coordination in Plurality
and Majoritarian Electoral Systems
Valentin Schröder
Fast and Approximate Inference for Ideal Points with
Massive Data Sets
Kosuke Imai, James Lo and Jonathan Olmsted
The Electoral Sources of Good Government. A Field
Experiment on German MPs
Damien Bol, Thomas Gschwend, Thomas Zittel and
Steffen Zittlau
Natural Language Processing and Selection Bias in Roll
Call Votes
Daniel Pemstein
Strategic Voting for the US Congress in Presidential
Election Years
Robert S. Erikson
Extracting Ideological Proximity in the UN System: A
Topological Data Analysis Approach
Stefano Gurciullo and Slava Mikhaylov
Do Electoral Institutions Reduce Polarisation? A Field
Experiment of Legislative Campaigns
Christian R. Grose
Capturing Business Power Across the States with Text
Alexander Hertel-Fernandez and Konstantin Kashin
Contamination Effects in Vote Functions in Mixedmember Electoral Systems
Thomas Braeuninger and Franz Pappi
Political Effects of the Euro Crisis
Th. 16:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Roman Liesch
Discussant: Yotam Margalit
Minority Rights
Th. 16:00
Springer Schloessl - Raab-Saal
Chair: Scott Siegel
Discussant: Richard Traunmüller
Does Economic Hardship Erode Political Trust? Evidence
from the Euro Crisis
Roman Liesch
When the Best are the Worst: Implementing LGBT Rights
in the EU
Scott Siegel
Diversity in Information: Public Responsiveness During
the Economic Crisis
Ann-Kristin Kölln
Do Linguistic Minority Rights Make a Difference?
Democracy, Citizenship, and Conflict in Multi-ethnic
Milan Svolik and Bonnie Weir
Issue Representation in Times of Austerity
Denise Traber, Nathalie Giger and Silja Häusermann
Assessing the Impact of Family Law on Women and Girls
in the Islamic World
Lisa Blaydes, Jeremy Weinstein and Yael Zeira
Coming into Politics during Hard Times: The Impact of
the Crisis on the Political Socialization of the Greek
Elias Dinas and Pavlos Vasilopoulos
Juxtaposing Levels of Discrimination: A Comparative
Analysis of Gay Rights
Udi Sommer
Islam, Christianity, and Attitudes on Women's Political
Rights and Leadership: Evidence from Mixed Religion
Kristin Michelitch and Keith Weghorst
Voters and Parties in the EU
Th. 16:00
Springer Schloessl - Kunschak-Saal
Chair: Martin Schultze
Discussant: Elina Brutschin
Political Processes in Autocracies
Th. 16:00
Springer Schloessl - Figl-Saal
Chair: Ilyas Saliba
Discussant: Frank Thomas
Divided We Stand, United We Respond: The Effect of
Party Unity on Responsiveness to Eurosceptic Public
Jae-Jae Spoon and Christopher J. Williams
Effects of Voting Advice Applications during Election
Campaigns. Evidence from a Three-wave Panel Study at
the 2014 European Elections
Till Heinsohn, Jonas Israel, Stefan Marschall and Martin
Political Business Cycles in Dictatorship
Masaaki Higashijima
Grasping at Straws: Procedures and Opposition Roles in
Competitive Authoritarian Parliaments
Aurélien Evéquoz and Simone Wegmann
The Institutional Roots of the Electoral Rise of the
Euroskeptic Parties
Stefano Camatarri and Francesco Zucchini
Share it or Lose It? Ethnic Politics and Authoritarian
Ilyas Saliba and Yannick Pengl
Parties' Candidate Selection Rules and their Effect on Reelection Probabilities of German Members of European
Parliament (MEPs)
Elena Frech
Learning to Manage Succession? The Diffusion of
Authoritarian Survival Strategies in the Post-Soviet Area
Jakob Tolstrup
The Spitzenkandidaten Campaigns in 2014: Towards
Sincere Voting Behaviour in European Parliament
Katjana Gattermann and Claes de Vreese
The Loyalty-Competence Trade-off in Dictatorships and
Outside Options for Subordinates
Alexei V. Zakharov
Legislation Networks
Th. 16:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Craig Volden
Discussant: David Fortunato
The Political Sociology of Immigration
Th. 16:00
Springer Schloessl - Studio 1
Chair: Stephen Fischer
Discussant: Sergi Pardos-Prado
Tracking Information Flows in the Council of the
European Union: A Social Network Analysis
James P. Cross and Derek Greene
Subnational Ethnic Fractionalization and Poverty
Sebastian Barfort, Jacob Gerner Hariri and Mogens K.
Exploring the Effects of Electoral Systems and Candidate
Selection in 28 Democracies using Survey Data
Marcelo Jenny and Theresa Kernecker
Victimhood, Public History and Anti-Semitism: Evidence
from a Survey Experiment
Giorgos Antoniou, Elias Dinas, Spyros Kosmidis and Leon
Collaborators Come and Go: A Dynamic Model of
Interest Group Networks
Janet Box-Steffensmeier and Dino Christenson
Are Immigrants Scapegoats? Evidence from South Africa
Christopher Claassen
Strategic Roll Call Vote Requests
Fang-Yi Chiou and Simon Hug
Pre- and Post-migration Experiences: How the Political
Context of Countries of Origin and of Destination Impact
on Current Rates of Non-electoral Participation among
Eline de Rooij
How do Policy Memes Spread? A Contagion Analysis of
the UK House of Commons Debates
Stefano Gurciullo, Slava Mikhaylov, Alexander Herzog
and Peter John
Interest Groups, Rhetoric, and Immigration Attitudes
Michael J. Donnelly
Friday, June 26
Austerity Politics at the Crossroads 2
Fr. 8:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Fabio Franchino
Discussant: Fabio Franchino
Electoral Rules and Election Timing
Fr. 8:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Anthony Bertelli
Discussant: Anthony Bertelli
The Popular Paradox of Thrift? Personal and Public
Lucy Barnes and Timothy Hicks
Population Size and Turnout: Evidence from a QuasiExperiment
Wouter Veenendaal and Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik
Austerity for the Win? The Effect of Fiscal Consolidation
on Political Support for the Government
Evelyne Hübscher, Achim Kemmerling and Thomas
Electoral Regimes and Voter Turnout
Tobias M. Hlobil and Jaroslaw Kantorowicz
Making Universal Suffrage Effective: The Power of the
Left and the Mobilization of Female Voters in Urban and
Rural Catalonia (1934-36)
Jordi Muñoz, Francesc Amat and Toni Rodón
The Austerity Debate and Mass Politics in Post-Crisis
Michael M. Bechtel, Jens Hainmueller and Yotam
Shifting Party Policy Positions
Fr. 8:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Julian Bernauer
Discussant: Tina Freyburg
Parties, Strategies, and Competition
Fr. 8:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Aldo F. Ponce
Discussant: Aldo F. Ponce
Party Competition and Policies of Immigrant Integration
in Germany
Matthias Kortmann and Christian Stecker
An Agenda-Setting Theory of Electoral Competition
Tiberiu Dragu and Xiaochen Fan
To Adapt or to Disregard? Parties' Reactions to External
Patrícia Calca and Martin Gross
How Do Parties React to Electoral Defeats? Motivation,
Learning, and Polarization
Eric Dickson and Carlo Horz
Long-Lasting Factions
Suhjin Lee
From Campaigns to Experts: A Unifying Theory of Party
Zachary Greene
Bayesian Methods
Fr. 8:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Daniel Stegmueller
Discussant: Daniel Stegmueller
Manipulating Sentiments
Fr. 8:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Manuele Citi
Discussant: Manuele Citi
An Empirical Typology of Political Regimes
Sebastian Ziaja and Martin Elff
When Consumer Sentiment Matters: Outperforming
Economic Indicators in Times of Political and Economic
Suzanna Linn, Paul M. Kellstedt and A. Lee Hannah
Party Policy Strategies in Multiparty Systems: Bayesian
Structural Equation Modelling for Dynamic Party
Tsung-han Tsai
Entrepreneurship Among Young Europeans:
Opportunities, Potentials, and Actual Intentions
Marian Holienka, Bernhard Kittel, Monika Mühlböck and
Julia Rita Warmuth
"Looking for What you Can't See:" A Non-parametric
Bayesian Specification Test for Heterogeneity
Scott Moser
The Meaning of European Identity and its Effects on Ingroup and Out-group Attitudes
Daniel Weber
The Politics of Natural Disasters
Fr. 8:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Tadeusz Kugler
Discussant: Tadeusz Kugler
Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Fr. 10:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Deniz Aksoy
Discussant: Eric Neumayer
The Two Sides of Economic Development: Vulnerability
and Disaster Protection
Alejandro Quiroz Flores
Electoral Proximity and Counterterrorism
Deniz Aksoy
Twisting Arms and Sending Messages: Terrorist Tactics
in Civil War
Sara Polo and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch
The Politics of Denying Aid: An Analysis of Disaster
Declaration Turndowns
John Gasper
Terrorism and Accountability: Mitigating Role of Local
Resat Bayer, Ozge Kemahlioglu and Zubeyde Ece Kural
Do Natural Disasters Boost Political Participation?
Evidence from the 2002 and 2013 Elbe Floodings
Lukas Rudolph and Patrick M Kuhn
Terrorist Attacks in Ethnic Conflicts
Katerina Tkacova
The Politics of Ethnic Diversity
Fr. 8:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Milan Svolik
Discussant: Milan Svolik
The Politicization of Crime: Elections and Maritime
Ursula E. Daxecker and Brandon Prins
International Cooperation and Public Opinion
Fr. 10:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Florian Weiler
Discussant: Katharina Michaelowa
Neighbourhood Ethnic Diversity and Support for
Universal Health Care in the UK
Charlotte Cavaille and Anja Neundorf
Government Policies and Ethnic Diversity
Albana Shehaj and Ronald F. Inglehart
Interests, Norms, and Mass Support for Global Climate
Michael M. Bechtel, Federica Genovese and Kenneth F.
The Origins and Persistence of Ethnic Dominance in the
Contemporary World
Manuel Vogt
Framing Citizens? Does Emphasizing CommunityBuilding, Economic Co-Benefits, and Public Health
Enhance Public Support for Climate Change Mitigation?
Thomas Bernauer and Aya Kachi
Parties by Numbers
Fr. 8:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Valentin Schröder
Discussant: Valentin Schröder
Support for Foreign Aid: Does Religion Make People
More Charitable?
Ivica Petrikova
Party System Fragmentation and Legislative Output
Elias Dinas, Florian Foos and Pedro Riera
The Consequences of International Rules on Domestic
Attitudes and Compliance
Allison Carnegie, Julia Gray and Jonathan Slapin
District Magnitude and the Number of Parties: A Natural
Maciej A. Górecki and Paula Kukolowicz
Ratifying International Agreements: How the Public
Opinion Influences the Rate at which Treaties are
Florian Weiler
Conditional Solidarity: Egalitarianism and Benefit
Conditionality in Boom and Bust
Alexander Horn
EU Implementation
Fr. 10:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Bernard Steunenberg
Discussant: Theresa Kuhn
Economic Crises and Government Survival
Fr. 10:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: William Bernhard
Discussant: Andrea Ceron
Too Difficult to Handle? Compliance with EU Policy in a
Multi-level Context
Antoaneta Dimitrova and Bernard Steunenberg
Sovereign Debt, Migration Pressure, and Government
William Bernhard and David Leblang
It's the Policy, Stupid! Sector-Specific Non-compliance in
the European Union
Tanja A. Börzel and Moritz Knoll
Assessing the Weimar Fear: International Financial
Crises, Polarization, Unrest and Government Survival
Gerald Schneider
An Opposition in the Council of the EU and its Impacts
on the Transposition of Directives
Brigitte Pircher
The Economy, Constitutional Variation and Cabinet
Petra Schleiter and Sukriti Issar
The Europeanization of Social Assistance: Interests and
Conflicts in Austria
Veronika Pollak
Economic Crisis, Patrimonial States, and Democratic
Stability: Exploring a Conditional Relationship
David Andersen and Jonas Kraft
Good Times, Bad Times: Taxation and Electoral
Martial Foucault, Katsunori Seki and Guy D. Whitten
Voting in Parliaments
Fr. 10:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Simon Hug
Discussant: Bjørn Høyland
Theories of Legislative Politics
Fr. 10:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Susumu Shikano
Discussant: Matthew Gabel
The Strategic Use of Recorded Votes in the German
Bundestag, 1949-2013
Henning Bergmann and Thomas Saalfeld
Competitive Agenda Setting in Parliamentary
Serra Boranbay and Thomas Koenig
Explaining the Dimensionality of the Polish Parliament: A
Longitudinal Analysis of Polish Legislators' Policy
Michael Jankowski and Kamil Marcinkiewicz
Choosing the Right Bureaucrat: Optimal Screening
Strategies in Legislative Oversight
Markus Tepe, Michael F. Stoffel and Susumu Shikano
Legislative Commitments and Economic News in Two
Parliamentary Democracies
Anthony M. Bertelli and J. Andrew Sinclair
Roll-Call Voting Under Random Seating Assignment
David Darmofal, Charles J. Finocchiaro and Indridi
Legislative Bargaining with Heterogeneous
Disagreement Values: Theory and Experiments
Luis Miller, Maria Montero and Christoph Vanberg
Do Women Matter? Female Representation and Policy
Outcomes in the German Bundestag
Tamaki Ohmura
Bidding for Attention: Effort, Efficiency and Oversight in
Legislative Committees
Scott Moser and Jonathan Lewallen
The Political Incentives of Non-Binding Resolutions:
Evidence from the Mexican Chamber of Deputies
Aldo F. Ponce and Rodrigo Velázquez
Causal Inference 1
Fr. 10:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Frederick Boehmke
Discussant: Dominik Hanggartner
Representation and Issue Congruence
Fr. 10:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Catherine de Vries
Discussant: Roman Lachat
It is not the Number of Regressions, Stupid. Visualizing
Estimates for Permutation Robustness Analysis
Richard Traunmüller and Thomas Plümper
The Consequences of Incongruence: Evidence from
European Party Systems
Ryan Bakker, Seth Jolly and Jonathan Polk
Does Regression Discontinuity Design Work? Evidence
from Random Election Outcomes
Ari Hyytinen, Jaakko Meriläinen, Tuukka Saarimaa, Otto
Toivanen and Janne Tukiainen
The Impact of Opinion Polls on Party Mandate
Fulfilment: Evidence from Ireland, the Netherlands and
the United Kingdom
Tom Louwerse
Causal Inference without Control Units
Adam Glynn and Konstantin Kashin
Contextual Determinants of Opinion-policy Congruence
Anne Rasmussen, Stefanie Reher and Dimiter Toshkov
Identification and Inference for Time-varying
Instrumental Variables
Matthew Blackwell
Ideological Congruence and Demand for Government
Jan Rosset, Nathalie Giger and Julian Bernauer
Endogeneity Testing as Tautology
Vera Troeger
Bringing Party Organization Back in: A Comparative
Analysis of Party Representation in Europe
Nathalie Giger and Gjis Schumacher
Text as Data 1
Fr. 10:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Paul M. Kellstedt
Discussant: Ken Benoit
Interparty Politics
Fr. 10:30
Springer Schloessl - Raab-Saal
Chair: Florence So
Discussant: William T. Daniel
Automated Multilingual Content Analysis: A New
Approach to Estimating Conflict from Parliamentary
Speeches Across Languages
Sven-Oliver Proksch, Will Lowe and Stuart Soroka
Electoral Systems, Interparty Dynamics, and Public
Opinion Shifts on Issues
Florence So
Manifesto Formation and Policy Vagueness
Margret Hornsteiner
The Media Mediates: How Voters Learn about the
Mark Kayser and Michael Peress
Internally Delayed: The Policy-Making Consequences of
Intra-Party Conflict
Zachary Greene and Matthias Haber
Automated Detection of Political Rejoinders: Identifying
Adjacency Pairs in Diplomatic Conversations
David Sylvan
Governator vs. Hunter and Aggregator: A Simulation of
Party Competition with Vote-Seeking and Office-Seeking
Roni Lehrer and Gijs Schumacher
The Power of Language: Convergence and Competition
in the Texts of Regional Trade Agreements
Soo Yeon Kim
An Automated Dictionary-Building Method for
Quantifying Concepts in Political Text
Iulia Cioroianu
Survey Research and Quantification
Fr. 10:30
Springer Schloessl - Kunschak-Saal
Chair: Kirill Zhirkov
Discussant: tba
How Gender Quotas Affect Future Elections: A Policy
Experiment on Gender Bias and Women's Electoral
Amanda Clayton and Belinda Tang
The Focus of Representation: A Comparative Analysis of
County Councillors in Europe
Cristina Stanus
Measuring Multiple Party Identifications
Sabrina Jasmin Mayer
Electoral Systems and the Representation of Public
Andrew Eggers
New Cultural Issues and Voting Behavior in Western
Europe: Multiculturalism in the Netherlands, 1994--2012
Kirill Zhirkov
Propensities to Vote: Investigating the Properties of a
New Measurement for Party Identification
Aldo Paparo, Lorenzo De Sio and David Brady
Foreign Policy's Driving Forces
Fr. 12:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Michal Onderco
Discussant: Gerald Schneider
Measuring Public Preferential Polarization
Ugur Ozdemir and Ali Ihsan Ozkes
The Quest for Influence
Fr. 10:30
Springer Schloessl - Studio 1
Chair: Scott A Tyson
Discussant: Despina Alexiadou
Has Foreign Policy become more Consensual?
Measuring Ideology over Time
David Sylvan and Ashley Thornton
Embedded Ideational Factors: The Relationship between
National Culture and Part Ideologies
Stephanie Hofmann
Do Governments Keep their Promises? A Comparative
Analysis of the Fulfilment of Legislative Pledges
Heike Klüver and Radoslaw Zubek
Why do Eastern Europeans think differently about
Michal Onderco
The Impact of Coalition Parties on Cabinet Policy:
Evidence from Germany
Evelyne Hübscher
Using Legislative Speeches to Understand the Evolution
of Anglo-American Relations from 1803-2004
Michael Colaresi and Benjamin Fordham
Strong President, Weak Legislature?
Svitlana Chernykh, David Doyle and Timothy Power
Political Text and Speech
Fr. 12:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: James P. Cross
Discussant: Bruno Wuuest
Revisiting Non-partisan Cabinet Ministers as a Measure
of Presidential Involvement in Government Formation
Philipp Koeker
Political Implementation and Coordination
Scott A Tyson
Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words? The Merging of
Non-Verbal Communication and Textual Analysis in
Parliamentary Oversight of Economic Policy
Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey
Fr. 10:30
Springer Schloessl - Figl-Saal
Chair: Livia Schubiger
Discussant: Lucas Leeman
Exploring the Political Agenda of the European
Parliament Using a Dynamic Topic-modelling Approach
Derek Greene and James P. Cross
Selective Representation in Direct Democracy
Julian Bernauer
Measuring Policy Diffusion with Automated Content
Fabrizio Gilardi, Manuela Giovanoli, Charles R. Shipan
and Bruno Wuuest
Engendering Gender Equality: A Cross-National Spatial
Analysis of Women's Rights
Hannah S. Chapman
Timing Diversity: The Time-Variant Logic of
Parliamentary Debate
Markus Baumann and Jochen Müller
Parties and Legislatures
Fr. 12:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Simon Hix
Discussant: Simon Otjes
Economic Assessment and Political Evaluations
Fr. 12:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Mary Stegmaier
Discussant: Mary Stegmaier
Strategic versus Ideological Party Switching in the
European Parliament
Simon Hix and Abdul Noury
When the Pound in People's Pocket Matters: How Actual
Income and Employment Changes affect Voters' Party
James Tilley, Anja Neundorf and Sara Hobolt
The Dynamics of Legislative Party Switching
Elad Klein
Initial Estimates of Economic Performance, Revised
Estimates and the Causal Effect of Media Coverage of
the Economy on Presidential Approval
Amber Boydstun, Benjamin Highton and Suzanna Linn
Shadow Parties: Dual Mandates in France
Alexandra Cirone
A Conditional Model of Economic Voting. Integrating
Voters' Issue Preferences into Sanctioning Models of
Economic Voting
Konstantin Glinitzer
The Role of Parties in the Economy
Fr. 12:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Jef Smulders
Discussant: James Alt
Voting for Coalitions?
Fr. 12:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Markus Wagner
Discussant: Shaun Bowler
Does High Coordination Moderate Top Executive
Compensation? A Comparative Study of Top Executive
Pay across Developed Economies
Renira Angeles
Parties, Coalitions and Vote Choice: Testing Reciprocal
Carolina Plescia and Julian Aichholzer
Offshoring and Partisan Preferences in Multi-Party
Tobias Rommel and Stefanie Walter
Strategic Coalition Voting in Multiparty Systems:
Assessing Strategies and Conditions by Simulation
Michael F. Meffert
Transparency and Electoral Cycles in Fiscal Policies
Vera Troeger and Christina Schneider
Estimators and Dimensionality
Fr. 12:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Scott Moser
Discussant: Scott Moser
Estimating Perceptions of Party Influence on Coalition
Policy Perceptions
Indridi H. Indridason and Thomas Gschwend
Coalition Signals and Strategic Voting: Evidence from
Survey Embedded Experiments
Albert Falcó-Gimeno and Jordi Muñoz
Public Good Provision and Political Support
Fr. 12:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Martin J Williams
Discussant: Daniel Berger
The Orthogonal Reparameterization Approach to
Estimating Dynamic Panel Models with Fixed Effects
Mark Pickup and Geoffrey Evans
Decomposing Connectivity Weights in SAR models: Freeriding versus Complementarities in Conflict Networks
Martin C. Steinwand
The Political Economy of Unfinished Infrastructure:
Evidence from Ghana
Martin J Williams
The Partial Observability Logit: A Two-Sided Model of
Multilateral Negotiations
Marius Radean
Strategies of Authoritarian Control
Tiberiu Dragu and Xiaochen Fan
Globalization and Distributional Conflict in Africa
Sebastian Ziaja
Does Political Oversight Improve Services? Experimental
Evidence from Uganda
Pia Raffler
Why do Autocrats Disclose?
James R. Hollyer, B. Peter Rosendorff and James
Raymond Vreeland
Political News and Financial Markets
Michael Breen and Iain McMenamin
Personality and Attitudes
Fr. 12:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Mara Grasso
Discussant: Elias Dinas
Cabinet and Institutional Change
Fr. 12:45
Springer Schloessl - Kunschak-Saal
Chair: Petra Schleiter
Discussant: Thomas Saalfeld
Taking Social Policy Personally: Personality Traits and
Welfare Attitudes across Contexts of Social Need and
Regime Socialization
Pieter Vanhuysse and Markus Tepe
The Missing link in European Cabinet Duration: The
Administrative Capacity Dimension
Daniel Walther and Torbjörn Bergman
Institutional Settings and Individual Differences. The
Role of Direct Democracy and Personality Traits in
Explaining Political Participation
Kathrin Ackermann
A Typology of Early Government Terminations
Petra Schleiter and Sukriti Issar
Contingent Learning: The Diffusion of Parliamentary
Oversight Institutions in the European Union
Nils-Christian Bormann and Thomas Winzen
Personality and Change and Stability in Political
Bert N. Bakker and Claes H. de Vreese
EU: The Future of the Beast 1
Fr. 12:45
Springer Schloessl - Raab-Saal
Chair: Daniel Finke
Discussant: Frank Schimmelfennig
Political Elites and Personality: The Relationship
between Dispositional Traits and Political Attitudes
Gail McElroy
The Context of Elections
Fr. 12:45
Springer Schloessl - Figl-Saal
Chair: Pedro Riera
Discussant: Dominik Duell
The Process of Integration and Its Results: Institutions
Christophe Crombez and Pieterjan Vangerven
Randomizing Electoral Districts
Peter Stone and Scott Wentland
The EU's Crisis: Effects in Internal and External Policies
Gerda Falkner
The Electoral Risk of Political Decisions
Jona Linde and Barbara Vis
Technocratic Shift during the Eurocrisis: What Impact on
European Democracies?
Eri Bertsou and Giulia Pastorella
Economic Contextual Influence on Voting Behaviour
Christian Glantschnigg
Voter Priorities and the Effectiveness of Supranational
Fiscal Governance
Sebastian Koehler and Thomas König
A Natural Experiment on the Effect of Electoral Reforms
on Party System Fragmentation
Pedro Riera
Networks in International Relations
Fr. 14:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Gabriele Spilker
Discussant: Timm Betz
Dictators and the Media
Fr. 12:45
Springer Schloessl - Studio 1
Chair: Alexei Zakharov
Discussant: Anita Gohdes
The Co-evolution of Depth, Flexibility, and Enforcement
in Trade Agreements: A Network Analysis Application
Leonardo Baccini, Andreas Dür and Oliver Westerwinter
Propaganda War: How Russian TV Influences Ukrainian
Leonid Peisakhin and Arturas Rozenas
Interdependent Choices: Studying Alliances Using
Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models of Network Coevolution
Oliver Westerwinter
Electoral Fraud and Monitoring
Fr. 14:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Ruben Ruiz-Fufino
Discussant: Florian Foos
Causes for Partnering among Non- Governmental
Organizations: Examining Similarity of Goals, of
Organizational Attributes, and of Structural Network
Positioning in the Context of the EU Daphne Program
Vladislava Petrova
Electoral Fraud in Multi-ethnic Societies
Rubén Ruiz-Rufino
The International Trade of Arms: A Network Approach
Paul Thurner, Skyler Cranmer, Goeran Kauermann and
Christian Schmid
The Propagandist's Curse
Andrew Little
Do International Election Monitors Turn a Blind Eye to
Fraud Against Islamic Opposition Parties?
Kerim Can Kavakli and Patrick Kuhn
Economic Elites and Tax Reforms
Fr. 14:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Mario Chacon
Discussant: Adrienne LeBas
Who's watching? Effects of Monitoring on Corruption
Strategies: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Congo
Macartan Humphreys, Raul Sanchez de la Sierra and
Peter van der Windt
Incorporating the Rabble: Suffrage Rules and
Government Size in the Early United States
Stephen Meserve
Political Appointments and Regime Survival
Fr. 14:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Pierre F. Landry
Discussant: Alejandro Quiroz Flores
Inequality, Redistribution, and the Power of Elites:
Evidence from the 19th Century US South
Mario Chacon and Jeffrey Jensen
Fiscal Capacity and the Enduring Legacy of the First
Income Tax Law
Thomas Brambor
Optimal Purge
B. Pablo Montagnes and Stephane Wolton
Loyalist and Dissident Cabinet Ministers and Cabinet
Despina Alexiadou
Autocratic Reversal
Fr. 14:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Svend-Eric Skaaning
Discussant: Mogens Kamp Justesen
The Regional Dynamics of Imperial Rule
Pierre F. Landry
Equilibrium Party Hegemony
Milan Svolik
Personalism, Executive Takeovers, and Authoritarian
Alexander Baturo
Between Civil Society and Party Institutionalization:
Explaining Democratic Survival in the Interwar Period
Agnes Cornell, Jørgen Møller and Svend-Erik Skaaning
Trust, Institutions, and Economic Outcomes
Fr. 14:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: John W. D’Attoma
Discussant: Gregory Love
The Democratic Micro-effect of Transgovernmental
Networks in Arab Liberalized Autocracies
Tina Freyburg
Taxing the Rich - What makes the High-income Earners
Consent to more Progressive Taxation in Latin America?
Sarah Berens and Armin von Schiller
Hold on to Power: Power and the Revenue Structure
under Different Dictators
Viola Lucas
What Explains Regional Disparities in Italian Tax Morale?
A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Civic Culture
and Social Capital on Tax Morale in Italy
John W. D'Attoma
The Conditional Effect of Political Trust on Tax
Vytautas Kuokstis
The Bigger Picture: Economy and Democracy
Fr. 14:45
Springer Schloessl - Figl-Saal
Chair: Aurelian Muntean
Discussant: Aurelian Muntean
Property Rights and Trust
Daniel Rubenson and Peter Loewen
Economic Interdependence and Post-Coup
Jonathan Powell and Mwita Chacha
Methods for Electoral Research
Fr. 14:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
Discussant: Guy Whitten
Costly Peace and Rationalist Explanations for War
Andrew J. Coe
Political Competition and the Initiation of International
Conflict: A New Perspective on the Institutional
Foundations of Democratic Peace
Benjamin Goldsmith, Gorana Grgic, Dimitri Semenovich
and Arcot Sowmya
Election Forensics: Strategies versus Election Frauds in
Walter R. Mebane, Jr., and Joseph Klaver
Public Employees as Politicians: Evidence from Close
Ari Hyytinen, Jaakko Meriläinen, Tuukka Saarimaa, Otto
Toivanen and Janne Tukiainen
A Quantitative Bargaining Theory of War
Brenton Kenkel and Kristopher W Ramsay
The Quality of Government
Fr. 14:45
Springer Schloessl - Kunschak-Saal
Chair: Ed Gareth Poole
Discussant: Peter John
Election Fraud, Digit Tests and how Humans Fabricate
Vote Counts
Verena Mack
Why do Internet Users prefer to go Offline? Selective
Mode Choice and its Implications
Tanja Dannwolf, Klaus Pforr and Michael Bosnjak
Legislative Professionalism and State Credit-Worthiness
David Fortunato
Disaggregating the Quality of Government
Joachim Wehner and Ed Gareth Poole
Interest Group Mobilization
Fr. 14:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Heike Klüver
Discussant: Heike Klüver
Redistribution, Partisan Ideology, and the Quality of
Governance: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
Bilyana Petrova
Government Architecture and Political Selection
Sebastian Barfort, Nikolaj Harmon, David Dreyer Lassen
and Søren Serritzlew
Explaining Interest Group Mobilization: A Longitudinal
Study of Interest Group Density
Christian Breunig and Heike Klüver
Political Protest
Fr. 14:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Megan MacDuffee Metzger
Discussant: Christopher Claassen
Interest Group Mobilization: Evidence from Australia
Darren Halpin and Bert Fraussen
External Representation before the European Union:
Interest Representatives from the Member States
Brendan Carroll and Anne Rasmussen
Emotions and Political Protest
Cengiz Erisen
Understanding Group Issue Specialization. Narrow Policy
Interests or Access Barriers?
Helene Helboe Pedersen, Anne Skorkjær Binderkrantz
and Darren Halpin
The Psychology of Repression: Emotions, Risk Attitudes,
and Collective Action
Lauren E. Young
Whether or not to Protest. Evidence from the Arab
Stephanie Dornschneider
Electoral Competition in Rich Democracies
Fr. 16:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Orit Kedar
Discussant: Thomas Gschwend
Protest, Crisis and Ethnicity: Evidence from EuroMaidan
and the Ukrainian Crisis
Megan MacDuffee Metzger, Joshua Tucker and Jonathan
Second-dimension Politics
Herbert Kitschelt and Philipp Rehm
Conflict and Violence: The Microperspective
Fr. 14:45
Springer Schloessl - Studio 1
Chair: S.P. Harish
Discussant: Kristin M. Bakke
The Tyranny of the Median Voter? Electoral Dilemmas,
Then and Now
Johannes Lindvall and David Rueda
Are Electoral-System Effects Really ElectoralCompetitiveness Effects?
Mark Kayser and René Lindstädt
Nexus between Land Redistribution and ViolenceEvidence from West Bengal
Rohan Gudibande
Party-system Fragmentation: A new Look at an old
Orit Kedar, Liran Harsgor and Or Tuttnauer
Stain Removal: How Violence Changes the Electorate in
J. Andrew Harris
Electoral Competition, Fiscal Contraction, and Political
Achim Kemmerling and Zbigniew Truchlewski
Intergenerational Effects of War: Evidence from Timor
S.P. Harish
Fr. 16:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Jun Koga
Discussant: Cameron Thies
Terrorists going Transnational: The Search for a Pattern.
The Case of AQIM and Boko Haram
Silvia D'Amato
EU: The Future of the Beast 2
Fr. 14:45
Springer Schloessl - Raab-Saal
Chair: Doreen K. Allerkamp
Discussant: Christopher Crombez
Silver Bullet or Flash in the Pan? Evaluating the Shortterm Effects of Mediation in Intrastate Conflict
Constantin Ruhe
Strait Jackets and Springboards: Explaining Mediator
Style of IGO Staff in Armed Conflict Contexts
Mathilda Lindgren
From Conductor to Orchestra Member: the Evolution of
the Council of the European Union
Amie Kreppel
Regime Types and Peacekeeping Contributions
Jun Koga and Sabrina Karim
A Janus-faced Commission: On the Internal Market and
the Crisis
Isabel Camisão and Helena Guimarães
The Peacekeeping Economy in Monrovia, Liberia
Bernd Beber, Michael Gilligan, Jenny Guardado and
Sabrina Karim
Towards Territorialization? Understanding Political
Conflict in a Post-Crisis European Parliament
Martin Wirtz
International Organization: New Approaches
Fr. 16:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Lisa Blaydes
Discussant: David B. Carter
Conditions for Effective Parliamentary Scrutiny of EU
Policy Proposals
Daniel Finke and Annika Herbel
Keeping Tabs on your Cooperating Partner: A Coalition
Perspective on International Organizations
Mareike Kleine
The Rise of International Parliamentary Institutions
Frank Schimmelfennig, Thomas Winzen and Jofre
Networks and Diffusion
Fr. 16:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Paul Thurner
Discussant: Fabrizio Gilardi
The Stronger, the Better? The Institutional Design of
Arms Control Agreements and Its Effect on States'
Commitment Behavior
Alexandros Tokhi and Autumn Lockwood Payton
Depth, Participation, and International Human Rights
Xinyuan Dai and Alexandros Tokhi
Networks and Political Preferences: Identifying Network
Effects Using Administrative Data on a Full Country
James Alt, Horacio Larreguy, David Lassen, John Marshall
and Amalie Jensen
The Noncompliant Guardian? Assessing Empirical
Patterns of Noncompliance by the European
Christian Adam and Michael W. Bauer
Experiments in Policy Diffusion: Ideology and Learning
Daniel M. Butler and Craig Volden
The Politics of Taxation
Fr. 16:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Armin von Schiller
Discussant: Stephen Meserve
Measuring Transnational Networks: A Multiple-Sources
and Multiple-Measurement Approach
Oliver Westerwinter
The Role of State Performance for Anti-State Violence:
Evidence from Post-War Nepal 2006-2012
Alexander De Juan and Viola Lucas
Party System Institutionalisation and Progressive
Taxation in Developing Countries
Armin von Schiller
Causal Inference 2
Fr. 16:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Andy Eggers
Discussant: Jane Tukiainen
Business Coordination and Tax Politics
Nestor Castaneda
The Global Expansion of the Modern Tax State
Hanna Lierse, Carina Schmitt and Laura Seelkopf
Blame it on the Crisis: Understanding the Political Cost
of Taxation
Thomas Brambor
What is Robustness?
Eric Neumayer and Thomas Plümper
Does Encouragement Matter in Improving Gender
Imbalances in Technical Fields?
Cait Unkovic, Maya Sen and Kevin Quinn
Taxman, Mr. Wilson, Taxman, Mr. Heath: The Political
Economy of Tax Trade-offs
Christine Lipsmeyer and Guy Whitten
The Value of Citizenship: Evidence from a Field
Experiment in Germany
Dominik Hangartner and Giuseppe Pietrantuono
Group Decisions and Gridlock
Fr. 16:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Torun Dewan
Discussant: Eric Dickson
Modeling Political Processes as Boolean Circuits
Stephanie Dornschneider
Estimating Onsets of Binary Events in Panel Data
Liam McGrath
Compliance and Middle Managers
Deborah Beim
The Microfoundations of Gridlock
Molly Jackman and Saul Jackman
Social Media and Politics
Fr. 16:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Martin Dolezal
Discussant: Stephen Quinlan
Organizing Experts
Torun Dewan and Francesco Squintani
The Dynamics of Information Sharing in Groups
John Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn
Intermedia Agenda Setting and Influence: Studying
Media Networks on Twitter
Philip Habel, Ruth Moon and Anjie Fang
Voters, Governments, and Public Policy
Fr. 16:45
Springer Schloessl - Studio 1
Chair: Katarina Rietig
Discussant: Thomas Braeuninger
Are Governments More Responsive to Voters in Issues
They Own? A Comparative Study of the Quality of
Political Representation Using Social Media Data
Pablo Barberá and Jørgen Bølstad
Government Responsiveness in the Council of the
European Union
Sara Hagemann, Sara B. Hobolt and Christopher Wratil
MP Twitter Usage in a Mixed-Member-System: The Case
of Germany
Michael Jankowski and Markus Tepe
Issue Characteristics and Political Responsiveness: The
Case of Germany
Anne Rasmussen and Lars Mäder
The Determinants of Social Media Campaigning in the
2014 EP Elections
Andreas Jungherr, Pedro Magalhães, Harald Schoen and
Laura Sudulich
Does the Composition of Government Better Reflect the
Party Preferences of Citizens who are Better Off?
Eric Guntermann and André Blais
How European were the 2014 EP Elections? Exploring
the Campaigns of Austrian Candidates on Twitter
Martin Dolezal
The Comparative Macropolity: Public Opinion and Policy
in Majoritarian and Consensus Democracies
Anthony McGann and Sebastian Dellepiane-Avellaneda
Lobbying Strategies
Fr. 16:45
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Sebastian Koehler
Discussant: Bert Fraussen
Governments, Multi-dimensional Ideological
Congruence and Satisfaction with Democracy
Christian Stecker and Markus Tausendpfund
Social Capital and Trust
Fr. 16:45
Springer Schloessl - Raab-Saal
Chair: Conrad Ziller
Discussant: Martial Foucault
How and When Interest Groups Manage to Sway Public
Andreas Dür
Rational Mobilization of Ideological Group Members
Michael Becher and Daniel Stegmueller
Political Competition and Interpersonal Trust in Electoral
Ryan E. Carlin and Gregory J. Love
Shopping for Influence across EU Institutions: Why
Horizontal Venue-shopping may be Different from Multilevel Shopping
Joost Berkhout, Caelesta Braun and Marcel Hanegraaff
Forms of Social Capital, Conflict and Welfare
Colin Jennings and Santiago Sanchez-Pages
Drifting Apart but not Divorced? Relationships between
Centre-Left Parties and Trade Unions in Established
Elin Haugsgjerd Allern and Tim Bale
Why Does Social Capital Increase Government
Performance? The Role of Local Elections across Italian
Luca Andriani, Alberto Batinti and Andrea Filippetti
Is High Quality Policy Information Key to Interest Group
David Marshall, Andreas Dür and Patrick Bernhagen
Immigration, Social Trust, and the Moderating Role of
Value Orientations and Value Contexts
Conrad Ziller and Matthew Wright
Social Capital and Taxation in Lagos, Nigeria
Adrienne LeBas
Political Participation
Fr. 16:45
Springer Schloessl - Kunschak-Saal
Chair: Javier Sajuria
Discussant: Martin Elff
Incentives of Electoral Participation in Less Democratic
Alex Chang, Yen-chen Tang and Huoyan Shyu
Rebel Yell - Parliamentary Text Analysis and Political
Representation: The Case of Abortion Debates in the
Irish Parliament.
Michael Courtney
It's Not Fair! The Impact of Perceived Injustice on
Political Participation
Gabriele Magni
Rethinking Political Participation: Grievances or
Maria T. Grasso
What Drives Political Participation in Rural
Communities? Explaining the Effects of Socio-Economic
Change on Turnout at the Local Level.
Reinhard Heinisch and Armin Mühlböck
The Politics of Proximity
Fr. 16:45
Springer Schloessl - Figl-Saal
Chair: M. Socorro Puy
Discussant: David Karol
A Common Space of Voters, Parties, and Candidates in
Municipal Elections: Inferring Policy Preferences from
Multi-vote Ballots
Dominic Nyhuis
Culture War or the Economy? A New Perspective on the
Ideological Structure of the American Electorate.
Lukas Stötzer and Steffen Zittlau
Mixing Voting Logics. The Determinants of Pursuing a
Proximity or Directional Voting Rationale.
Peter Grand and Guido Tiemann
Motivated Selective Exposure among Issue Publics
Carlos Brenes Peralta, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Yphtach
Lelkes and Claes de Vreese
Issue Salience, Issue-divisiveness and Voting Decisions
M. Socorro Puy and Stephen Ansolabehere
Empfang der Stadt Wien
Wiener Rathaus, Vienna Townhall
The Mayor and Governor of Vienna
request the pleasure of your company
at a
Cocktail Reception
on the occasion of the
5th Annual Conference of the European Political
Science Association on Friday, 26th of July 2015, at
8.00 the City Hall of Vienna
Welcome address:
Omar Al-Rawi, Member of the Provincial Parliament
and the Vienna City Council
Vienna’s townhall is one of the city’s great neogothic buildings, finished in 1883. The building
occupies nearly 14,000 square meters of the former
Parade Ground.
Weather permitting, the Empfang der Stadt Wien
will take place in the arcaded courtyard in the centre
of the building, which is the largest of the townhall’s
seven courtyards.
Please take your EPSA nametag to the townhall.
Food and drinks are being served.
The reception is co-sponsered by the mayor of the
city of Vienna, the European Political Science
Association, and the EPSA’s journal Political Science
Research and Methods.
Entrance: 1010 Vienna, Lichtenfelsgasse 2
Saturday, June 27
Parties and Representation in European Politics
Sa. 9:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Jae-Jae Spoon
Discussant: Gail McElroy
Conflict Resolution
Sa. 9:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Daina Chiba
Discussant: Michael Colaresi
Second Order National Elections: European Identity,
Vote Motives and the Importance of EU Elections
Soetkin Verhaegen
The Political Economy of Power-Sharing in Post-Conflict
Felix Haass and Martin Ottmann
First Ideology, then Strategy: A Two-step Model of Party
Positioning on the EU Dimension
Mario Gavenda
Mortal Combat: Violent Dispute Resolution and
Institutional Development
Adam Ramey and Jeffrey Jensen
Policy Congruence between Parties and Voters in Europe
Kyriaki Nanou and Galina Zapryanova
Pro-Government Militias and Civil War Resolution
Govinda Clayton and Andrew Thomson
Disentangling Europe: An Assessment of the Impact of
the EU on Party Systems in Member States
Sanja Badanjak
Modelling Settlements to Civil Wars: Commitment
Problems in Multiparty Conflicts
Tatjana Stankovic
Measuring Policy Positions Through the Aggregation of
Survey Responses: Pitfalls and Promises
René Lindstädt, Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan Slapin
The Social Legacy of Armed Combat: Civil War and Trust
in Kosovo
Sara Kijewski and Markus Freitag
The European Parliament
Sa. 9:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Steffen Hurka
Discussant: Jonathan Polk
The Politics of International Trade
Sa. 9:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Karolina Milewicz
Discussant: Andreas Duer
Protectionism as a Commitment Problem
Jason S. Davis
Explaining Reelection to the European Parliament:
Expertise, Influence, and Intergroups
Nils Ringe, Jack van Thomme and Steven L. Wilson
Primary Resources, Secondary Labor: Resource Booms
and Immigration Policy in the Era of Trade Liberalization
Adrian J. Shin
Protect This House? Transnational Party Group Influence
on Candidate Selection to the European Parliament
William T Daniel
The Design of Non Trade Issues in Preferential Trade
Agreements: How Lobbying by Special Interest Groups
Breaks Path Dependency
Lisa Lechner
Moonlighting MEPs: The Determinants and
Consequences of Legislators´ Ancillary Income in the
European Parliament
Steffen Hurka
Trading Interests: Domestic Institutions, International
Negotiations, and the Politics of Trade
Timm Betz
Who Gets Committee Chairs in the European
Oliver Treib
Political Careers
Sa. 9:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Brenda Van Coppenolle
Discussant: Daniel Rubenson
Text as Data 2
Sa. 9:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey
Discussant: Oliver Proksch
Democracy, Development, and Personal Career
Trajectories of Former Political Leaders
Alexander Baturo
Political Speech: A Reflection of Ideology or Merely
"Cheap Talk"?
Ashley Thornton
Introducing the Political Identities of State Leaders (PISL)
Nils-Christian Bormann
Validating Wordscores
Bastiaan Bruinsma and Kostas Gemenis
Agenda-Setting Power in the Federal Open Market
Iulia Cioroianu and Mircea Popa
Cabinets, Committees and Careers in 19th Century
Alexandra Cirone and Brenda Van Coppenolle
Comparing Robustness Measurements of Lobbying Laws
Michele Crepaz and Raj Chari
Multi-Office Incumbency Advantage: Political Careers in
Leandro De Magalhaes and Salomo Hirnoven
An Automated Text-Analysis Approach to Measuring
Deliberative Quality
Valentin Gold and Katharina Holzinger
The Corporate Boardroom's Revolving Door
Maxwell Palmer and Benjamin Schneer
Violent Conflict and the State
Sa. 9:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Peter Schram
Discussant: Scott Gates
Issue Voting
Sa. 9:00
Springer Schloessl - Figl-Saal
Chair: Ingrid Mauerer
Discussant: Guido Tiemann
The Legacy of War on State Capacity
Didac Queralt
How Immigration Reforms affect Voting Behavior
Tarik Abou-Chadi and Marc Helbling
Is Africa Different? Historical Conflict and State
Mark Dincecco, James Fenske and Massimiliano
Issue Cross-Pressures and Turnout
QingQian He, Kees Aarts and Martin Rosema
Who Cares about International Relations? An Analysis of
Issue Salience in the US
Colton Heffington and Laron K. Williams
Coercive Force and the Political Foundations of
Centralized Authority
Scott A Tyson
The Relevance of Issue Voting: Country and Party
Romain Lachat and Aiko Wagner
Size and Survival of States
S.P. Harish and Christopher Paik
Heterogeneity in Spatial Models of Issue Voting
Ingrid Mauerer
Managing Terror
Peter Schram
Electoral Accountability
Sa. 9:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Christopher Kam
Discussant: Mihail Chiru
Enforcing Conditional Financial Assistance Agreements
in the Eurozone: Costly Signals Can Help
Alexandra Hennessy
Does One-party Dominance Increase Pork-barrelling
Spending? Evidence from Turkey's Public Investment
between 2004-2012
Davide Luca
The Evolution of Electoral Accountability
Christopher Kam and Adlai Newsome
Electoral Accountability in Multiparty Contests
Andrew Eggers, Nick Vivyan and Markus Wagner
Clientelism, Favoritism, Corruption, Giftgiving
Sa. 9:00
Springer Schloessl - Kunschak-Saal
Chair: Justin Valasek
Discussant: Anne Rasmussen
Parties' Answer to Voter Dealignment: The Record
Anna Katharina Winkler and Katrin Praprotnik
Media Systems and Electoral Accountability
Martijn Schoonvelde
Interest Group Influence in European Union Agencies:
Conceptualization and Measurement of Influence
Ixchel Pérez Durán
Economic Geography and Politics
Sa. 9:00
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Andrew Martin
Discussant: Joan-Josep Vallbé
Reforming an Institutional Culture of Corruption:
Collective Reputation, Signaling, and Public Sector
Justin Valasek
Comparing Political Participation in Local Perspective: A
Multilevel Analysis of German Districts
André Förster and Malte Kaukal
Local Favoritism in At-Large Proportional Representation
Jon H. Fiva and Askill H. Halse
Cities as Lobbyists: Local Public Goods, Representation,
and Intergovernmental Lobbying
Hye Young You and Rebecca Goldstein
Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts: The Political Economy of
Diplomatic Giftgiving
Julia Gray and Philip Potter
Making Accountability Work under Asymmetric
Devolution. The British Case
Sandra León and Lluis Orriols
Patronage and Coercion: Strategies of Electoral
Mobilization in Rural Hungary
Isabela Mares and Lauren Young
Multi-level Governance in Action: The Competence
Allocation Preferences of Regional Elites
Michaël Tatham and Michael W Bauer
The Conflict Potential of the Environment
Sa. 11:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Thomas Bernauer
Discussant: Patrick M. Kuhn
Class, Regions, and Endogenous Preferences: A
Reappraisal of Class Vote and Decentralization
Joan-Josep Vallbé
Methodological Insights and Challenges for Using
Climate Change Indicators in Conflict Research
Seyed Babak Rezaeedaryakenari, Steven Landis and
Cameron Thies
Aspects of Public Finance
Sa. 9:00
Springer Schloessl - Studio 1
Chair: Alexandra Hennessy
Discussant: Thomas Brambor
Environmental Migration and Conflict
Vally Koubi, Gabriele Spilker and Tobias Böhmelt
The Effects of Revealed Political Corruption on Public
Joaquin Artés, Juan Luis Jimenez and Jordi Perdiguero
The Competition over Resources: A new Approach in the
Context of Low Scale Violence
Zorzeta Bakaki and Elina Brutschin
Coup Risk and Fiscal Decision-Making in the Developing
Cristina Bodea, Masaaki Higashijima and Adrienne LeBas
Environmental Migration, Political Marginalization and
Fabien Cottier
International Investment and Lending
Sa. 11:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Cristina Bodea
Discussant: Cristina Bodea
Bicameralism in the EU
Sa. 11:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Stefanie Bailer
Discussant: Ami Kreppel
A Two-Level Principal-Agent Model of IMF Lending: The
Turkish Case
Merih Angin
Deciding over Controversial Issues: Voting Behavior in
the Council and the European Parliament on Genetically
Modified Organisms
Monika Mühlböck and Jale Tosun
Network Externalities, Power Asymmetry, and the
Taxation of Multinationals
Vincent Arel-Bundock
Nationality and Partisanship: Linking the Commission
and the European Parliament in the legislative process
Kira Killermann
On the Design of External Conditionality: Local
Ownership, Political Feasibility, and Scope of Reforms
Nikitas Konstantinidis
Informal Decision-making in the EU Bicameral
Nikoleta Yordanova
Bureaucratic Politics
Sa. 11:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Sara Hagemann
Discussant: Diana Elena Burlacu
Citizen Groups and the European Parliament: Natural
Allies in EU Decision-making
David Marshall, Andreas Dür and Patrick Bernhagen
Are Bureaucrats More Prosocial? A Lab in the Field Experiment Comparing Cooperative Behavior of Students
of Public Administration, Business Sciences and Law
Markus Tepe and Pieter Vanhuysse
Income Inequality and Welfare Transfers
Sa. 11:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Lanny Martin
Discussant: James Lo
Revisiting Policy Entrepreneurship: Incentives, Policy
Sectors, and State Capacity
Vincent Hopkins
How do Macro Political Factors Matter in Motivating of
Bureaucrats? : A Case of Local Governments in Japan
Hideki Kido and Masahiro Zenkyo
Income Inequality and Longevity Inequality
Eric Neumayer and Thomas Plümper
A Law Enactment Game: the Government-Council of
State Interaction In Italy
Elisa Rebessi and Francesco Zucchini
Opportunity Matters: Inequity-Aversion and Attitudes
towards Redistribution in Europe and the US
Bastian Becker
Legislative Dynamics
Sa. 11:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Thomas Daeubler
Discussant: Indridi Indridason
Where is the Political Response to Inequality in the US?
Lucy M Goodhart
Policy Responsiveness and Welfare Spending in
Multiparty Governments
Lanny Martin
Playing Truant in Pairs? Parliamentary Vote Pairing
Zoltan Fazekas and Martin Ejnar Hansen
Asking Questions In Complex Multi-Level Systems:
Bringing The Party Back In
Roman Senninger and Daniel Bischof
Who gets what in Committee Chairs Allocation? Party
Strategy and Salience in European Legislatures
Jorge Fernandes and Thomas Saalfeld
Legislative Review by Individual MPs
Thomas Daeubler
Models for Spatial Dependence
Sa. 11:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Vera Troeger
Discussant: Scott Cook
Explaining Voter Preferences for Local Legislators:
Evidence from a Conjoint Analysis Survey Experiment
Rosie Campbell, Phil Cowley, Nick Vivyan and Markus
In Space, no one can hear you scream: Challenges to
Multivariate Inference in the Geographic Analysis of War
Sebastian Schutte and Philipp Hunziker
Gender Differences in Attitudes
Sa. 11:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Ted G. Jelen
Discussant: Amanda Clayton
Missing Data and Spatial Analysis
Emily Schilling, Frederick J. Boehmke and Jude Hays
Compression, Temporal Dependence Variables and the
Variability of Substantive Effects
Laron K. Williams
Gender Role Attitudes and Attitudes Toward Abortion: A
Comparative Study of Latin America
John Tuman, Danielle Roth-Johnson and Ted G. Jelen
Model Selection for Spatial Analysis: What can we learn
from the Spatial-Hausman test?
Scott Cook, Robert Franzese and Jude Hays
Religion, Feminism and Generational Replacement:
Explaining the Modern Gender Gap in Ideology in
Western Europe.
Rosalind Shorrocks
Vote Switching
Sa. 11:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Steffen Zittlau
Discussant: Martin Dolezal
Gender Differences in the Use of New Technologies:
Campaigning and Engagement in the European Elections
Maarja Lühiste and Laura Sudulich
Political Socialization among Siblings: Do Number and
Gender Matter?
Mathilde M. van Ditmars
Vote-Switching because of Europe? Modeling Individual
Voting Behavior Dynamics using Panel Data
Steffen Zittlau
Policy Preferences in Current Italy: What Links Parties
and Voters?
Aldo Paparo, Lorenzo De Sio and Roberto D'Alimonte
Sa. 11:15
Springer Schloessl - Figl-Saal
Chair: Fabiana V P Machado
Discussant: Timothy Hicks
Explaining Vote Switching in Post-Communist National
Lukas Linek
Party-Candidate Linkages and Electoral Instability:
Evidence from India
Francesca Refsum Jensenius and Pavithra Suryanarayan
Political Sustainability of Redistribution in Middle
Income Countries: The Case of the Turkish Welfare
Nihan Toprakkiran
Candidates and Legislative Behavior
Sa. 11:15
Springer Schloessl - Raab-Saal
Chair: Gijs Schumacher
Discussant: Gijs Schumacher
Anti-immigrant or Anti-competition? The Effects of EU
Expansion on Public Opinion about Immigration
Benjamin Laughlin and Barbara Piotrowska
Elections and Redistribution: Revisiting the Left-right
Fabiana V P Machado
Distributive Politics and Credit Claiming: MP
Communication in the Web in Mixed-Member Systems
Michael F. Stoffel
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Political Candidates
Niklas Harder
Political Socialization: Parents, Teachers, and Dictators
Sa. 11:15
Springer Schloessl - Kunschak-Saal
Chair: Richard Niemi
Discussant: Anja Neundorf
Ethnic Conflict
Sa. 13:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Nils-Christian Bormann
Discussant: Nils-Christian Bormann
The Legacy of State Repression Across Generations:
Evidence from Crimean Tatars
Leonid Peisakhin and Noam Lupu
Ethnic Separatist Movements and the Public Good of a
New State
Nils W. Metternich and Martin C. Steinwand
Teaching Citizenship: State-Level Civic Education
Requirements and Political Knowledge in the United
David Campbell and Richard Niemi
Ethnic Grievances or Ethnic Networks? The Influence of
Rumor Networks on Rebel Group Formation
Jennifer M. Larson and Janet I. Lewis
Killing in the Name of? Ethnic Group Identities and Civil
Lasse Lykke Rørbæk
1989 as a Starting Point for Generational Change?
Exploring the Effects of the Transition on Political
Participation in Eastern Europe
Tobias Spöri
Entrenchment and Escalation: How Territory and Time
Shape Subnational Claims for Self-Determination
Friederike Luise Kelle
Differences in Attitudes towards Spending: Age, Period
and Cohort Effects
Roula Nezi
War, Death …. and Smiling Politicians
Sa. 11:15
Springer Schloessl - Studio 1
Chair: Achim Goerres
Discussant: Pable Barbera
National Parliaments and EU Politics
Sa. 13:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Tanja Dannwolf
Discussant: Nikoleta Yordanova
Individual Differences in Striking the Responsive Chord:
Neuroticism and Extraversion Moderate Emotional
Response to Political News
Sophie Lecheler and Bert N. Bakker
Europeanized Responsibility vs. National
Responsiveness? National Parliamentarians and their
Patterns of Representation in EU Affairs
Lucy Kinski
The Nature and Origins of Cross-National Variation in
Political Interest
Seonghui Lee and Randolph T. Stevenson
European Integration and Legislative Patterns of
Thomas König and Bernd Luig
A Clearer Picture: Unpacking the Contribution of Visuals
and Text to Framing Effects
Tom Powell, Hajo Boomgaarden, Knut de Swert and
Claes de Vreese
Questioning Europe: Explaining the Variation in EURelated Parliamentary Questions in Europe's National
Lauren Perez
Evaluating Emotional Displays of Leading German
Oscar W. Gabriel and Lena Masch
Analyzing Legislative Behaviour in European National
Parliaments: Similiarities, Differences and their Causes
Sven Regel
The Effect of Parliamentary Scrutiny on the Compliance
with EU Law
Daniel Finke and Tanja Dannwolf
Election Campaigns
Sa. 13:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Sebastian Popa
Discussant: Zachary Greene
Money Talks
Sa. 13:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Lucy M. Goodhard
Discussant: Nolan McCarty
How Do Citizens React When Politicians Support Policies
They Oppose? Field Experiments with Elite
Daniel Butler and David Broockman
Lobbyists as Matchmakers in the Market for Access
Karam Kang, Hye Young You
Political Finance Regulation and Electoral Competition
Nestor Castaneda
Pure Democracy or Judicalization of Politics? Money and
Power in the Selection of Federal and State Judges in the
United States
Pawel Laidler
Fool me Once, Shame on You; Fool me Twice, Shame on
Me: Regulating Informational Lobbying
Sebastian Koehler
Do Local Pledges and Individualized Campaigning
Matter? Campaign Personalization Effects on
Constituency Service
Mihail Chiru
Evaluating Foreign Aid Branding: Survey Experimental
Evidence from Bangladesh
Simone Dietrich and Matthew S. Winters
Types of Special Interest Money
Simon Weschle
Campaign Finance Law and the Growth in U.S. Senate
David Karol
Campaign Contributions by Individuals in the US: 19792014
Valentino Larcinese
The Politics of Economic Growth
Sa. 13:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Hannah K. Simpson
Discussant: Colin Jennings
Origins and Transformation of the Welfare State
Sa. 13:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Tarik Abou-Chadi
Discussant: Achim Kemmerling
Party Institutionalization and Economic Growth
John Gerring, Allen Hicken, Carl Henrik Knutsen, SvendErik Skaaning, Michael Coppedge and Staffan Lindberg
Birth, Death, and the State
Ben Ansell and Johannes Lindvall
It is Quality rather than Quantity that Matters':
Democracy, the Quality of Education, and Economic
Sirianne Dahlum and Carl Henrik Knutsen
The Emergence of Redistributive Pensions in the
Developing World
Achim Kemmerling and Michael Neugart
Petroleum, Its Production Geography, and the 'Resource
Anar Ahmadov
Party Competition and Welfare State Calibration: The
Effect of the Competitiveness of Elections on Social
Policy Change
Tarik Abou-Chadi and Ellen M. Immergut
Explaining Variation in Legal Institutions - Inequality,
Growth, and Bias
Hannah K. Simpson
Democracy, Institutions and Economic Growth. Peering
Inside the Black Box
Domenico Rossignoli
Paying for the Welfare State in the European Periphery
Sebastian Dellepiane and Niamh Hardiman
Globalization and Domestic Politics
Sa. 13:15
Springer Schloessl - Raab-Saal
Chair: Christian Arnold
Discussant: Faisal Z. Ahmed
Who gets in? The Determinants of Coalition
Membership on the Local Level
Martin Gross
Asymmetric Opinion Poll Shocks and Cabinet
Termination. Exploring the Impact of Party-specific
Factors on Government Duration
Alejandro Ecker
Do Remittances Benefit or Hurt Incumbents?: Theory
and Evidence
Faisal Z. Ahmed
Coalition Conflict and Policy Accountability in Coalition
Mariyana Angelova
Capital Flows, Exchanges Rates, and the Political
Economy of High Beta Economies
Michael Gavin and Mark Manger
How Presidents Follow the Call of International Capital
Christian Arnold, David Doyle and Nina Wiesehomeier
The Bigger Picture: Democratization
Sa. 13:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Maximillian
Chair: Alexander Baturo
Discussant: Andrew Little
Migrant Remittances and Regime Stability: The Influence
of Sending Countries
Barry Maydom
Media, Voters, and Elections
Sa. 13:15
Springer Schloessl - Studio 1
Chair: Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik
Discussant: Martin Schoonvelde
Rising Up: A Dynamic Theory of Democratization and
Sean Burns
Who Gets into the Papers? Media Attention to Party
Communication in Election Campaigns
Martin Haselmayer, Thomas M. Meyer and Markus
Socio-economic Development and Democracy: A Multidimensional Approach
John Gerring, Carl-Henrik Knutsen, Svend-Erik Skaaning,
and Jan Teorell
The Information Environment and Consistency in
Citizens’ Policy Opinions
Thomas J. Leeper and Rune Slothuus
Global Patterns of Autocratization and Democratic
Marianne Dahl, Scott Gates, Håvard Hegre, Håvard
Mokleiv Nygård and Håvard Strand
Recessions, Inequality, and Democratization
Michael Dorsch and Paul Maarek
Foreign Support and Electability
Nikolay Marinov and Milan Svolik
The Politics of Crime
Sa. 13:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Mariaelisa Epifanio
Discussant: Resat Bayer
Bias Consistency in Election News Coverage
Jakob-Moritz Eberl and Hajo Boomgaarden
They did it: The Effects of Emotionalized Blame-shifting
as a Populist Communication Strategy
Michael Hameleers, Linda Bos and Claes de Vreese
Information and Crime Perceptions: Evidence from a
Natural Experiment
Nicola Matrorocco and Luigi Minale
Coalition Formation and Cabinet Duration
Sa. 13:15
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Martin Eijnar Hansen
Discussant: Johan Hellström
Patterns of International Counter-Crime Cooperation
Mariaelisa Epifanio
Government Survival in Europe: An Empirical Application
of Nested Games
Johan Hellström
A Micro-Level Study of Crime and Immigration in Urban
Ravi Bhavnani, Karsten Donnay, Rohan Ravindra
Gudibande and Dirk Helbing
Heads of State, Economic Performance, and
Government Survival
Luís Aguiar-Conraria, Jorge M. Fernandes and Pedro C.
Crime, Incentives and Political Effort: A Model and
Empirical Application for India
Kai Gehring, Florian Kauffeldt and Krishna Chaitanya
Welfare State Politics
Sa. 13:15
Springer Schloessl - Figl-Saal
Chair: Charlotte Cavaille
Discussant: Anthony McGann
Not for Nothing: The Politics of Aid
Sa. 15:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Rudolph
Chair: Laura Seelkopf
Discussant: Laura Seelkopf
Partisan Influence on Social and Labour Policies in Times
of Crises: Do Parties Matter?
Fedra Negri
Which Donors, which Funds? The Choice of Multilateral
Funds by Bilateral Donors at the World Bank
Bernhard Reinsberg, Katharina Michaelowa and Stephen
Political Parties in Times of Aging Societies: Do Election
Programs Turn Grey?
Sandra Brunsbach
Purchasing Power? Influence-Building by Small States at
the United Nations
Svanhildur Thorvaldsdottir
Do Majoritarian Electoral Systems lead to lower Social
Spending? The Effect of Recipients’ Geographic
Ignacio Jurado and Sandra Leon
Debt Networks: How Sovereign Creditors Maximize the
Political Benefits of Bilateral Loans
Jonas Bunte and Brandon Kinne
Political Concepts of Solidarity: a New Cultural Cleavage?
Content Analysis of Party Manifestos in Germany
Marta Kozlowska
Roots of Corruption
Sa. 15:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Leopold
Chair: Peter van der Windt
Discussant: Peter van der Windt
The Effects of Communicating Pressures: A Comparative
Experimental Study of Reform Pressure Framing on
Citizens Perceptions of Welfare State Sustainability
Achim Goerres, Rune Karlsen and Staffan Kumlin
Corruption as a Self-Fulfilling Prophesy: Evidence from a
Survey Experiment in Costa Rica
Ana Corbacho, Daniel Gingerich, Virginia Oliveros and
Mauricio Ruiz
Forms of Political Communication
Sa. 13:15
Springer Schloessl - Kunschak-Saal
Chair: Benjamin G. Engst
Discussant: Bernd Schlipphak
Political Corruption and Parties as Disciplinarians
James R. Hollyer, Rocio Titiunik and Marko Klasnja
Private Gains, Public Office: A Vignette Experiment in
North India
Simon Chauchard, Marko Klasjna and S.P. Harish
When Elites Talk and the Public Listens: The Origins of
Public EU Perceptions in Arab Countries
Mujtaba Isani and Bernd Schlipphak
Accountability and Political Performance
Sa. 15:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Joseph
Chair: Mark Andreas Kayser
Discussant: Mark Andreas Kayser
Sounds of Silence? Parliamentary Communication of EU
Affairs and Its Coverage by the Media
Katrin Auel, Olga Eisele and Lucy Kinski
You Better Listen: Effects of Legal Signals in the
Legislative Arena
Benjamin G. Engst
Politician Performance and Representation: Evidence
from Uganda's Local Government Gender Quota
Guy Grossman and Kristin Michelitch
Converging Worlds: Dissolving Cognitive Dissonance in
Coalition Politics
Christian Krekel and Christopher Wratil
Preventing Pandering. Oppositional Politics and
Unpopular Reforms
Holke Brammer
Information from Torture: An Agent-Based Model
John W. Schiemann
The Impact of News Coverage on Accountability under
Majoritarian and PR Rules
Pia Raffler
Populist Parties
Sa. 15:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Maria Theresia
Chair: Francesco Zucchini
Discussant: Francesco Zucchini
Capital Markets and FDI
Sa. 15:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Sisi
Chair: Lukas Linsi
Discussant: Barry Maydom
Measuring Right-Wing Populism from the Inside: The
German Party System and the Alternative für
Heiko Giebler, Marcel Lewandowsky and Aiko Wagner
BRICed! Self-fulfilling Prophecies in Global Financial
Lukas Linsi and Florian Schaffner
Complementarity in Policy Choice: Openness and
Property Rights
Amy Pond
Media Attention and Radical Right-Wing Populist Party
Sympathy: Longitudinal Evidence from the Netherlands
Carl C. Berning, Marcel Lubbers and Elmar Schlüter
Authoritarianism and Support for the Radical Right
Erik R. Tillman
Exchange Rate Regime Choice, Signaling, and FDI Inflow
in Developing Countries
Xiang Li
The Politics of Law
Sa. 15:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Franz Stephan
Chair: Johannes Lindvall
Discussant: Deborah Beim
European Governance
Sa. 15:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Marie Antoinette
Chair: Kyriaki Nanou
Discussant: Kyriaki Nanou
Outlawing the Spoils? The Illusion of Professionalizing
Patronage States through Legal Reform
J.W. Christian Schuster
Rethinking the Famous Decisions of the European Court
of Justice: "Van Gend en Loos" and "International Fruit"
William Phelan
Can the Judicial Hierarchy Deliver Effective Oversight?
Deborah Beim, Thomas Clark and Benjamin Lauderdale
European Party Federations and Alliances of National
Parties in Central and Eastern Europe
Raimondas Ibenskas
Self-Selection and the Judiciary: The Case of the
Tobias M. Hlobil
No Learning in European Governance? Convenient
Learning Myths and Missed Opportunities in Climate
Katharina Rietig and Richard Perkins
Making and Breaking Coalition Governments
Sa. 15:30
Apothecary’s Wing - Sophie
Chair: Thomas M. Meyer
Discussant: Thomas M. Meyer
Measures of Portfolio Importance and the Seat-Payoff
Proportionality in the Fifth French Republic
Cristina Bucur
Pulling the Trigger: Critical Events and Party
Participation in Coalition Governments
Ioannis Loukas Vassiliadis
The Impact of Group Identity on Coalition Building
Denise Laroze, David Hugh-Jones and Arndt Leininger
This index has been automatically generated.
Errors and omissions are possible.
Abou-Chadi, Sat 9.00, Sat 13.15
Ackermann, Fri 12.45
Adam, Fri 10.30, Fri 16.45, Sat 9.00
Ahmadov, Sat 13.15
Ahmed, Sat 13.15
Aksoy, Fri 10.30
Alexiadou, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30, Fri 14.45
Allerkamp, Thu 16.00, Fri 14.45
Allern, Fri 16.45
Alt, Fri 12.45, Fri 16.45
Andersen, Fri 10.30
Andriani, Fri 16.45
Angeles, Fri 12.45
Angelova, Sat 13.15
Angin, Sat 11.15
Arel-Bundock, Thu 12.00, Sat 11.15
Arnold, Sat 13.15
Bølstad, Fri 16.45
Bormann, Fri 12.45, Sat 9.00, Sat 13.15
Bos, Sat 13.15
Bowler, Thu 12.00, Thu 16.00, Fri 12.45
Braeuninger, Thu 16.00, Fri 16.45
Brambor, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45, Sat 9.00
Brammer, Sat 15.30
Breen, Fri 12.45
Brenes Peralta, Fri 16.45
Bronner, Thu 14.00
Bruinsma, Sat 9.00
Brunsbach, Sat 13.15
Bucur, Sat 15.30
Bunea, Thu 14.00
Bunte, Sat 15.30
Burlacu, Thu 12.00, Sat 11.15
Burns, Sat 13.15
Butler, Fri 16.45, Sat 13.15
Badanjak, Sat 9.00
Bailer, Thu 14.00, Sat 11.15
Bakaki, Sat 11.15
Bakke, Thu 16.00, Fri 14.45
Bakker, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45, Sat 11.15
Barberá, Thu 10.15, Thu 12.00, Fri 16.45
Barfort, Thu 16.00, Fri 14.45
Bartusevicius, Thu 14.00
Batinti, Fri 16.45
Baturo, Fri 14.45, Sat 9.00, Sat 13.15
Bayer, Fri 10.30, Sat 13.15
Beber, Fri 16.45
Becher, Thu 10.15, Fri 16.45
Bechtel, Thu 12.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 10.30
Becker, Sat 11.15
Beim, Fri 16.45, Sat 15.30
Benoit, Fri 10.30
Berens, Fri 14.45
Berger, Thu 14.00, Fri 12.45
Bergman, Fri 12.45
Bergmann, Fri 10.30
Bernauer, Fri 8.45, Fri 10.30,
Bernauer Fri 10.30, Fri 10.30, Sat 11.15
Bernhard, Fri 8.45, Fri 10.30, Sat 15.30
Berning, Sat 15.30
Bertelli, Fri 8.45, Fri 10.30
Bertsou, Fri 12.45
Betz, Fri 14.45, Sat 9.00
Binder, Thu 12.00
Blackwell, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30
Blaydes, Thu 14.00, Thu 16.00, Fri 16.45
Bodea, Thu 12.00, Sat 9.00, Sat 11.15
Boehmke, Fri 10.30, Sat 11.15
Calca, Fri 8.45
Camatarri, Thu 16.00
Camisão, Fri 14.45
Carter, Thu 14.00, Fri 16.45
Carvalho, Thu 12.00
Castaneda, Fri 16.45, Sat 13.15
Cavaille, Thu 10.15, Fri 8.45, Sat 13.15
Ceron, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30
Chacha, Fri 14.45
Chacon, Fri 14.45
Chang, Fri 16.45
Chapman, Fri 10.30
Chauchard, Sat 15.30
Chernykh, Thu 16.00, Fri 10.30
Chiba, Thu 14.00, Sat 9.00
Chiru, Sat 9.00, Sat 13.15
Christenson, Thu 16.00, Fri 14.45
Cioroianu, Fri 10.30, Sat 9.00
Cirone, Fri 12.45, Sat 9.00
Citi, Thu 14.00, Fri 8.45
Claassen, Thu 16.00, Fri 14.45
Clayton, Fri 10.30, Sat 9.00, Sat 11.15
Coe, Fri 14.45
Colaresi, Fri 12.45, Sat 9.00
Cook, Sat 11.15
Cornell, Fri 14.45
Costalli, Thu 14.00
Cottier, Sat 11.15
Courtney, Fri 16.45
Crepaz, Sat 9.00
Crisman-Cox, Thu 16.00
Crombez, Thu 16.00, Fri 12.45, Fri 14.45
Cross, Thu 16.00, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45, Sat 9.00, Sat
Fisher, Thu 12.00
Foos, Thu 12.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 14.45
Förster, Sat 9.00
Fortunato, Thu 16.00, Fri 14.45
Foucault, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30, Fri 16.45
Franchino, Thu 12.00, Fri 8.45
Fraussen, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45
Frech, Thu 16.00
Fredén, Thu 14.00
Freyburg, Thu 14.00, Fri 14.45
Dafe, Thu 12.00
Dahlgaard, Thu 16.00
Dahlum, Thu 10.15, Thu 14.00, Sat 13.15, Sat 13.15
Dancy, Thu 14.00
Daniel, Thu 10.15, Thu 10.15, Thu 14.00, Thu
14.00, Thu 16.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 8.45, Fri 10.30, Fri
12.45, Fri 12.45, Fri 14.45, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45, Fri
16.45, Sat 9.00, Sat 11.15, Sat 13.15, Sat 15.30
Dannwolf, Fri 14.45, Sat 13.15
Davis, Thu 14.00
Daxecker, Fri 10.30
de Geus, Thu 12.00
De Magalhaes, Sat 9.00
de Rooij, Thu 16.00, Sat 13.15
De Vries, Thu 12.00
Deckarm, Thu 14.00
Dewan, Fri 16.45
Dickson, Fri 8.45, Fri 16.45
Dinas, Thu 16.00, Thu 16.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 12.45
Dolezal, Fri 16.45, Fri 16.45, Sat 11.15
Donnay, Sat 13.15
Donnelly, Thu 16.00
Dornschneider, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45
Dorsch, Sat 13.15
Dragu, Thu 16.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 12.45
Duch, Thu 12.00, Thu 12.00
Duell, Thu 10.15, Fri 12.45
Duer, Sat 9.00
Gabel, Fri 10.30
Gasper, Fri 8.45
Gates, Sat 9.00, Sat 13.15
Gattermann, Thu 14.00, Thu 16.00
Gavenda, Sat 9.00
Gemenis, Thu 16.00, Sat 9.00
Genovese, Fri 10.30
Gheorghita, Thu 14.00
Giannetti, Fri 12.45
Gianola, Thu 14.00
Gibilisco, Thu 16.00
Giebler, Thu 14.00, Sat 15.30
Giger, Thu 10.15, Thu 16.00, Fri 10.30
Gilardi, Fri 12.45, Fri 16.45
Glantschnigg, Fri 12.45
Glavnd, Thu 16.00
Glinitzer, Fri 12.45
Goerres, Sat 11.15, Sat 13.15
Gohdes, Thu 16.00, Fri 12.45
Gold, Sat 9.00
Goldsmith, Fri 14.45
Gonzalez, Thu 16.00
Goodhart, Sat 11.15
Gottlieb, Thu 10.15
Grand, Thu 12.00, Fri 16.45
Grasso, Fri 12.45, Fri 16.45
Gray, Thu 12.00, Fri 10.30, Sat 9.00
Greene, Thu 16.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45,
Sat 13.15
Grose, Thu 16.00, Sat 9.00
Gross, Fri 8.45, Sat 13.15
Gschwend, Thu 16.00, Fri 12.45
Gudibande, Fri 14.45
Guntermann, Fri 16.45
Eberl, Sat 13.15
Ecker, Thu 12.00, Sat 13.15
Efrat, Thu 16.00
Eggers, Fri 10.30, Fri 16.45, Sat 9.00
Ehret, Thu 10.15
Elff, Thu 16.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 16.45
Elsig, Thu 14.00
Engst, Sat 13.15
Ennser-Jedenastik, Thu 14.00, Fri 8.45, Sat 13.15
Epifanio, Sat 13.15
Erisen, Thu 10.15, Fri 14.45
Evans, Thu 12.00, Fri 12.45
Exadaktylos, Thu 12.00
Ezrow, Thu 14.00, Thu 14.00
Habel, Fri 16.45
Hagemann, Thu 14.00, Fri 16.45, Sat 11.15
Halse, Sat 9.00
Hameleers, Sat 13.15
Hanegraaff, Fri 16.45
Hangartner, Thu 12.00, Fri 16.45
Hansen, Sat 11.15, Sat 13.15
Harder, Sat 11.15
Falkner, Fri 12.45
Fan, Fri 8.45, Fri 12.45
Fang, Thu 12.00, Thu 16.00, Fri 16.45
Fazekas, Thu 10.15, Thu 12.00, Sat 11.15
Fernandes, Sat 11.15, Sat 13.15
Fiala, Thu 12.00
Finke, Fri 12.45, Fri 14.45, Sat 13.15
Harris, Fri 14.45
Haselmayer, Thu 10.15, Sat 13.15
He, Sat 9.00
Heller, Thu 14.00, Thu 16.00
Hellström, Sat 13.15
Hennessy, Sat 9.00
Hicks, Thu 12.00, Fri 8.45, Sat 11.15
Higashijima, Thu 16.00, Sat 9.00
Hix, Fri 12.45
Hlobil, Fri 8.45, Sat 15.30
Hofmann, Fri 12.45
Hollyer, Thu 14.00, Fri 12.45, Sat 15.30
Hopkins, Sat 11.15
Horn, Fri 8.45
Hornsteiner, Fri 10.30
Horz, Thu 12.00, Fri 8.45
Høyland, Thu 12.00, Fri 10.30
Hübscher, Thu 12.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 10.30
Hug, Thu 16.00, Thu 16.00, Fri 10.30
Hunziker, Thu 14.00, Sat 11.15
Hurka, Thu 12.00, Sat 9.00
Kinski, Sat 13.15, Sat 13.15
Kitschelt, Fri 16.45
Klaver, Fri 14.45
Klein, Fri 12.45
Kleine, Thu 12.00, Fri 16.45
Kluever, Thu 10.15
Knoll, Fri 10.30
Knutsen, Sat 13.15, Sat 13.15
Koehler, Fri 12.45, Fri 16.45, Sat 13.15
Koga, Fri 16.45
König, Thu 16.00, Fri 12.45, Sat 13.15
Konstantinidis, Sat 11.15
Kortmann, Fri 8.45
Kosmidis, Thu 14.00, Thu 16.00
Koubi, Thu 14.00, Sat 11.15
Kozlowska, Sat 13.15
Kreppel, Fri 14.45, Sat 11.15
Kselman, Thu 14.00
Kugler, Fri 8.45
Kuhn, Thu 12.00, , Fri 10.30
Kuhn, Fri 8.45, Fri 14.45, Sat 11.15
Kuo, Thu 14.00
Ibenskas, Sat 15.30
Indridason, Thu 12.00, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45, Sat
Ip, Thu 14.00
Israel, Thu 16.00
Lacewell, Thu 10.15
Lachat, Fri 10.30, Sat 9.00
Landis, Th 14.00, Sa 11.15
Landry, Fri 14.45
Laroze, Sat 15.30
Larson, Sat 13.15
Lassen, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45
Laughlin, Sat 11.15
Le Bihan, Thu 10.15, Thu 12.00
LeBas, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45, Sat 9.00
Lecheler, Fri 12.45, Sat 11.15
Lechner, Sat 9.00
Lee, Fri 8.45,
Lee, Sat 11.15
Leemann, Thu 12.00, Thu 16.00
Lehrer, Fri 10.30
Lenz, Thu 16.00
Leon, Thu 14.00, Thu 16.00, Sat 13.15
Li, Sat 15.30
Liesch, Thu 16.00, Thu 16.00
Lindgren, Fri 16.45
Lindvall, Thu 12.00, Fri 16.45, Sat 13.15, Sat 15.30
Linek, Sat 11.15
Linn, Fri 8.45, Fri 12.45
Linsi, Sat 15.30
Little, Fri 14.45, Sat 13.15
Lo, Thu 16.00, Sat 11.15
Louwerse, Fri 10.30
Love, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45
Lowe, Fri 10.30
Luca, Fri 12.45, Fri 16.45, Sat 9.00
Lucas, Thu 12.00, Thu 16.00, Fri 10.30, Fri 14.45,
Fri 16.45
Jackman, Fri 16.45
Jelen, Sat 11.15
Jennings, Fri 16.45, Sat 13.15
Jensen, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45, Sat 9.00
Jensenius, Thu 14.00, Sat 11.15
Juhasz, Thu 16.00
Justesen, Thu 14.00, Thu 14.00, Thu 16.00, Fri
Kam, Sat 9.00
Käppner, Thu 14.00
Karol, Fri 16.45, Sat 13.15
Kashin, Thu 16.00, Fri 10.30
Katrin, Sat 9.00, Sat 13.15
Kauffeldt, Sat 13.15
Kayser, Fri 10.30, Fri 16.45, Sat 15.30
Kedar, Fri 16.45
Kelle, Sat 13.15
Kellstedt, Thu 12.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 10.30
Kemahlioglu, Fri 10.30
Kemmerling, Fri 8.45, Fri 16.45, Sat 13.15
Kernecker, Thu 16.00
Kido, Sat 11.15
Kijewski, Sat 9.00
Killermann, Sat 11.15
Kim, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30
Ohmura, Fri 10.30
Olar, Thu 14.00, Thu 16.00
Oliveros, Sat 15.30
Onderco, Fri 12.45
Onorato, Sat 9.00
Orlowski, Thu 10.15
Orriols, Sat 9.00
Osnabrügge, Thu 16.00
Otjes, Thu 12.00, Fri 12.45
Ottmann, Sat 9.00
Otto, Thu 12.00, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30, Fri 14.45
Ozdemir, Fri 10.30
Machado, Thu 10.15, Sat 11.15
Mack, Fri 14.45
Mäder, Thu 16.00, Fri 16.45
Magni, Fri 16.45
Manger, Sat 13.15
Mannino, Thu 14.00
Marcinkiewicz, Fri 10.30
Mares, Th 12.00, Th 14.00, Sat 9.00
Margalit, Thu 12.00, Thu 16.00, Fri 8.45
Marshall, Fri 16.45, Fri 16.45, Sat 11.15
Martin, Sat 11.15
Masch, Sat 11.15
Matsuo, Thu 12.00
Mauerer, Sat 9.00, Sat 9.00
Maydom, Sat 13.15, Sat 15.30
Mayer, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30
McGann, Fri 16.45, Sat 13.15
McGrath, Thu 12.00, Fri 16.45
Mebane, Fri 14.45
Meffert, Thu 12.00, Fri 12.45
Menendez, Thu 14.00
Merz, Thu 10.15
Meserve, Thu 12.00, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45
Metzger, Fri 14.45, Fri 14.45
Meyer, Thu 12.00, Sat 13.15, Sat 15.30
Michaelowa, Fri 10.30, Sat 15.30
Michelitch, Thu 16.00, Sat 15.30
Mikhaylov, Thu 12.00, Thu 16.00, Thu 16.00
Milewicz, Thu 14.00, Sat 9.00
Møller, Fri 14.45
Morisi, Thu 12.00
Mousseau, Thu 14.00
Mühlböck, Fri 8.45, Sat 11.15
Mühlböck, Fri 16.45
Müller, Thu 12.00, Fri 12.45
Müller, Thu 12.00
Muñoz, Thu 10.15, Thu 14.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 12.45
Muntean, Fr 14.45, Sat 9.00
Murr, Thu 12.00
Pakull, Thu 16.00
Palmer, Sat 9.00
Paparo, Fri 10.30, Sat 11.15
Pardos-Prado, Thu 12.00, Thu 16.00
Pastorella, Fri 12.45
Patty, Thu 12.00, Fri 16.45
Pedersen, Fri 14.45
Peisakhin, Thu 10.15, Fri 12.45, Sat 11.15
Pemstein, Thu 10.15, Thu 16.00
Perez, Sat 13.15
Peters, Thu 12.00, Thu 14.00
Petrikova, Fri 10.30
Petrova, Thu 10.15
Petrova, Fri 14.45
Petrova, Fri 14.45
Phelan, Sat 15.30
Pickup, Thu 12.00, Thu 16.00, Fri 12.45
Pietrantuono, Fri 16.45
Pircher, Fri 10.30
Plescia, Fri 12.45
Plümper, Fri 10.30, Fri 16.45, Sat 11.15
Polk, Fri 10.30, Sat 9.00
Pollak, Fri 10.30
Polo, Fri 10.30
Ponce, Fri 8.45, Fri 10.30
Pond, Sat 15.30
Poole, Fri 14.45
Popa, Thu 12.00, Sat 9.00, Sat 13.15
Powell, Fri 14.45, Sat 11.15
Praprotnik, Sat 9.00
Proksch, Fri 10.30, Sat 9.00, Sat 9.00
Puy, Fri 16.45
Nalepa, Thu 14.00, Thu 16.00
Nanou, Sat 9.00, Sat 15.30
Negri, Sat 13.15
Neudorfer, Thu 14.00
Neumayer, Fri 10.30, Fri 16.45, Sat 11.15
Neundorf, Fri 8.45, Fri 12.45, Sat 11.15
Nezi, Thu 14.00, Sat 11.15
Niemi, Sat 11.15
Norpoth, Th. 16.00
Noury, Fri 12.45
Nyhuis, Fri 16.45
Queralt, Sat 9.00
Quinlan, Thu 12.00, Fri 16.45
Quinn, Fri 16.45
Quiroz Flores, Fri 8.45, Fri 14.45
Raabe, Thu 12.00
Radean, Thu 16.00, Fri 12.45
Raffler, Fri 12.45, Sat 15.30
Obholzer, Thu 10.15, Thu 12.00
Ramey, Sat 9.00
Ramsay, Fri 14.45
Rasmussen, Fri 10.30, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45, Sat 9.00,
Sat 13.15
Rauschenbach, Thu 14.00
Rebessi, Sat 11.15
Regel, Sat 13.15
Reher, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30
Rehm, Fri 16.45
Riera, Fri 8.45, Fri 12.45
Rietig, Fri 16.45, Sat 15.30
Ringe, Sat 9.00
Rosset, Fri 10.30
Rossignoli, Sat 13.15
Rubenson, Fri 14.45, Sat 9.00
Rudolph, Fri 8.45
Rueda, Fri 16.45, Sat 13.15
Ruhe, Fri 16.45
Ruiz-Rufino, Thu 14.00, Fri 14.45
Skaaning, Fri 14.45, Sat 13.15, Sat 13.15
Skirmuntt, Thu 10.15
Skorge, Thu 14.00, Sat 13.15
Slapin, Fri 10.30, Sat 9.00
Slothuus, Sat 13.15
Smulders, Thu 12.00, Fri 12.45
Snidal, Sat 9.00
Sommer, Thu 16.00
Spilker, Fri 14.45, Sat 11.15
Spoon, Thu 10.15, Thu 16.00, Sat 9.00
Spöri, Sat 11.15
Stanig, Thu 12.00
Stankovic, Sat 9.00
Stanus, Fri 10.30
Stecker, Fri 8.45, Fri 16.45
Stegmaier, Fri 12.45
Steinhardt, Thu 10.15
Steinwand, Fri 12.45, Sat 13.15
Steunenberg, Fri 10.30, Fri 10.30
Stoffel, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30, Sat 11.15
Stone, Fri 12.45
Sudulich, Thu 10.15, Thu 12.00, Fri 16.45, Sat 11.15
Suryanarayan, Fri 14.45, Sat 11.15
Svolik, Thu 16.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 14.45, Sat 13.15
Sylvan, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45
S.P. Harish, Fri 14.45, Sat 9.00, Sat 15.30
Saalfeld, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45, Sat 11.15
Saarimaa, Fri 10.30, Fri 14.45
Sajuria, Thu 10.15, Fri 16.45
Saliba, Thu 16.00
Sanchez, Th 16.00
Sanchez, Fri 14.45
Sanchez, Fri 16.45
Sattler, Thu 16.00, Fri 8.45, Fri 12.45
Schiemann, Thu 14.00, Sat 13.15
Schimmelfennig, Fri 12.45, Fri 16.45
Schleiter, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45
Schlipphak, Sat 13.15
Schneider, Thu 10.15, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45, Fri 12.45
Schonhardt-Bailey, Fri 12.45, Sat 9.00
Schoonvelde, Sat 9.00, Sat 13.15
Schram, Sat 9.00
Schrimpf, Thu 16.00
Schröder, Thu 16.00, Fri 8.45
Schrodt, Thu 16.00
Schubiger, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30
Schultze, Thu 16.00
Schumacher, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30, Fri 10.30, Sat
Schuster, Sat 15.30
Schutte, Thu 12.00, Sat 11.15
Seelkopf, Fri 16.45, Sat 15.30
Senninger, Sat 11.15
Serritzlew, Fri 14.45
Shehaj, Fri 8.45
Shikano, Fri 10.30
Shin, Sat 9.00
Shorrocks, Sat 11.15
Sieberer, Thu 12.00
Siegel, Thu 16.00
Simpson, Sat 13.15
Tanvé, Thu 10.15
Tarlea, Fri 12.45
Tepe, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45, Fri 16.45, Sat 11.15
Thames, Thu 12.00
Theocharis, Thu 10.15
Thies, Fri 16.45, Sat 11.15
Thomson, Sat 9.00
Thornton, Fri 12.45, Sat 9.00
Thorvaldsdottir, Sat 15.30
Thurner, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45
Tiemann, Thu 12.00, Fri 16.45, Sat 9.00
Tilley, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45
Tillman, Sat 15.30
Tkacova, Fri 10.30
Tokhi, Thu 16.00, Fri 16.45
Tolstrup, Thu 14.00, Thu 16.00, Thu 16.00
Traber, Thu 16.00
Traunmüller, Thu 16.00, Fri 10.30
Treib, Sat 9.00
Troeger, Fri 10.30, Fri 12.45, Sat 11.15
Trumm, Thu 12.00
Tsai, Fri 8.45
Tukiainen, Fri 10.30, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45
Tyson, Fri 10.30, Fri 10.30, Sat 9.00
Valasek, Sat 9.00
Van Coppenolle, Sat 9.00
van Ditmars, Sat 11.15
van Gruisen, Thu 16.00
Vanberg, Thu 14.00, Fri 10.30
Vangerven, Thu 16.00, Fri 12.45
Vanhuysse, Fri 12.45, Sat 11.15
Vassiliadis, Sat 15.30
Vidovic, Thu 10.15
Vis, Fri 12.45
Vivyan, Thu 12.00, Sat 9.00, Sat 11.15
Vogt, Thu 14.00, Fri 8.45
Volden, Thu 16.00, Fri 16.45
von Schiller, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45
Wagner, Thu 10.15, Thu 14.00, Sat 9.00, Sat 15.30
Wagner, Fri 12.45, Sat 9.00, Sat 11.15, Sat 13.15,
Walter, Thu 14.00, Fri 12.45, Fri 14.45
Walther, Fri 12.45
Wasserfallen, Thu 12.00
Weber, Thu 10.15
Weber, Fri 8.45
Weiler, Fri 10.30
Weir, Thu 16.00
Westerwinter, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45
Whitten, Thu 12.00, Fri 10.30, Fri 14.45, Fri 16.45
Wig, Thu 12.00
Williams, Thu 16.00
Williams, Fri 12.45
Williams, Sat 9.00, Sat 11.15
Winters, Thu 12.00, Thu 14.00, Thu 14.00, Sat
Wirtz, Fri 14.45
Wolton, Thu 12.00, Fri 14.45
Wratil, Fri 16.45, Sat 13.15
Wruuck, Thu 16.00
Xena, Fri 10.30
Yeung, Thu 12.00
Yordanova, Sat 11.15, Sat 13.15
You, Sat 9.00, Sat 13.15, Sat 13.15
Young, Thu 12.00, Thu 14.00, Thu 16.00, Fri 8.45,
Fri 14.45, Sat 9.00, Sat 9.00, Sat 13.15
Zakharov, Thu 16.00, Fri 12.45
Zhelyazkova, Fri 10.30
Zhirkov, Fri 10.30
Ziaja, Fri 8.45, Fri 12.45
Ziller, Fri 16.45
Zittlau, Thu 16.00, Fri 16.45, Sat 11.15
Zubek, Fri 10.30
Zucchini, Thu 16.00, Sat 11.15, Sat 15.30
Restaurants in Walking Distance
a) 1-5 minutes
Restaurant Schönbrunner Stöckl
1130 Wien, Schönbrunn Meidlinger Tor
cuisine: Böhmisch
Jausenstation Landtmann
Schloss Schönbrunn Kronprinzengarten
cuisine: breakfast, deserts, …
Restaurant Sokace
Sechshauser Straße 99
cuisine: Serbian
Springer-Schlößl Restaurant
Tivoligasse 73
Café Restaurant Residenz
Kavalierstrakt 52
cuisine: Austrian
b) 5 – 15 minutes
Gastwirtschaft zum blauen Esel
Hadikgasse 40
cuisine: Austrian
Plachutta Hietzing
Auhofstr. 1
cuisine: Austrian
cuisine: that’s not the question
Michl’s Taverna
1130, Hietzinger Hauptstraße 174
cuisine: Italian
c) a little further away
Lainzer Straße 123
cuisine: Austrian
d) Naschmarkt
cuisine: a little bit of everything…
Wikipedia: The Naschmarkt is Vienna's most popular
market. Located at the Wienzeile over the Wien
River, it is about 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) long. The
Naschmarkt has existed since the 16th century when
mainly milk bottles were sold (as milk bottles were
made out of ash (wood from an ash tree), "Asch"
(German for "ash") led to the name "Aschenmarkt").
From 1793 onwards, all fruits and vegetables
brought to Vienna with carts had to be sold there,
while goods arriving on the Danube were sold
elsewhere. Nowadays, one can buy fresh fruit and
vegetables from around the world, exotic herbs,
cheese, baked goods such as bread, kaiser rolls, and
torte, meats, and seafood. There are also many
small restaurants which offer e.g. sushi, kebab,
seafood, traditional Viennese food such as
Kaiserschmarrn or Palatschinken (compares to rolled
up crepes) and stalls which offer clothes and
accessories. Since 1977, the market extends further
along the Wienzeile to an adjacent area every
Saturday, when a flea market takes place there. The
atmosphere of the Naschmarkt is famous far beyond
the borders of Vienna, and large numbers of tourists
visit the market every year.
Nashmarkt is on U4 between Schönbrunn and town
e) Michelin starred
Am Heumarkt 2A, 1030
+43 1 713 3168
Tuchlauben 4-6, 1010
+43 1 532 2222
Glacis Beisl
Museumsquartier, Zugang Breitegasse 4,
Museumsplatz 1, 1070
+43 1 526 5660
Bräunerstrasse 11, 1010
43 1 513 4200
Walter Bauer
Sonnenfelsgasse 17, 1010
+43 1 512 9871
see you next year in Brussels
Square Meeting Center and Brussels
June 23.-25. 2016
Square Meeting