arbuckle revitalization committee - Colusa County News – Williams
arbuckle revitalization committee - Colusa County News – Williams
A RBUCKLE R EVITALIZATION C OMMIT TEE N EWSLETTER “Our Mission is to Refresh, Restore, and Revitalize Business and Community Pride to the Town of Arbuckle” 9 Annual ARC Car Show & Depot BBQ th Arbuckle Revitalization Committee P.O. Box 784 309 5th Street Arbuckle, CA 95912 A PRIL 2012 (Photo by Rod Bradford) On Sunday, October 30th the Arbuckle Revitalization Committee hosted their 9th Annual Car Show and Depot BBQ. The weather was absolutely gorgeous for the 260 entries and approximately 800 spectators for the days show. DJ , Rick Alexander, set the mood throughout the day with music from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s along with musical performances by Pierce High School students. As usual the tri-tip bbq lunch was delicious and enjoyed by many. For the third year in a row the California Northern Engine rolled into Arbuckle sounding its whistle and spent the day letting spectators climb on board and tour the engine. This feature of the is a favorite among kids and adults and a big “Thanks” goes out to Tim and Adam, the train’s engineers, for donating their time to make the event extra special. Participant’s Choice Award-1962 Chevy Impala The 2011 Car Show Winners : Best Convertible – 29 Ford Roadster - Dennis Caskey, Winters Ladie’s Choice – 57 Pontiac Star Chief – Sue Roberts, Shasta Lake Best Rod – 32 Roadster – Steve Lockett, Fairfield Best Ford – 56 Ford P/U – Butch Cole, Vacaville Best Exhaust – 61 Buick Skylark – Royce Bradley, Vacaville Best Chrome – 56 Chevy Bel Air – Barry Swain, Glen Ellen Best Corvette – 54 Corvette – Del Vanderpan, Auburn Best Chevy – 56 Nomad – Steve Karr, Woodland Participant’s Choice -Tim Kerrigan, Sonoma People’s Choice -- Brant Davidson People’s Choice Award-1966 Pontiac GTO Thank You William "Bill" Charter family The Bill Charter family requested memorials, in Bill's memory, be made to "ARC". We sincerely appreciate your family request. ~ARC Board Members A RBUCKLE R EVITALIZATION C OMMITTEE P AGE 2 Creating A Better Future for Arbuckle I have enclosed my tax-deductible contribution to ARC. Please make checks payable to “Arbuckle Revitalization Committee” And submit to: P.O. Box 784, Arbuckle, CA 95912 □ $25 □ $50 □ $100 □ $200 □ $500 □ $________ Name(s)_______________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip__________________________________________________________________ A RBUCKLE R EVITALIZATION C OMMITTEE P AGE 3 Little League Opening Ceremonies By Dianna G. Voorhees, ARC Board Member The Arbuckle Little League celebrated the beginning of their 2012 season on March 23rd. Teams/coaches were introduced, hit-a-thon winners announced, raffle prizes awarded, and the "first pitch" was thrown by Ken Young. The ARC Board of Directors wish all of the teams and their Coaches, a fun filled season, and want to express our graditude to the many volunteers, who do an outstanding job! GRAFFITI IS UGLY The Colusa County Sheriff’s Department continues to work with ARC to help combat “Graffiti” in Arbuckle. It is very important to get graffiti covered as soon as possible after a tagging. Before it can be covered and/or removed the Sheriff’s Department must be notified so that they can document the area by taking pictures. It is the goal of ARC to get the graffiti cleaned up as soon as possible but since we are all volunteers it unfortunately sometimes takes longer than we’d like. If you spot graffiti please call the Sheriff’s Department(458-0200) to report (you can report anonymously) it. They will then contact the property owner and the ultimate goal is that the owner will take the responsibility to clean up their property. If not, then volunteers from the community will step in and do the work. Graffiti is “UGLY” and it is not only an embarrassment to the residents of Arbuckle but also when visitors drive through our town, so let’s work together to combat this issue….. A RBUCKLE R EVITALIZATION C OMMITTEE P AGE 4 9th Annual ARC Car Show & Depot BBQ 2011 Winners PARTICIPANT’S CHOICE TIM KERRIGAN (Photo by Rod Bradford) D FO O S DOR N E V FU N PEOPLE’S CHOICE BRANT DAVIDSON (Photo by Rod Bradford) P AGE 5 A RBUCKLE R EVITALIZATION C OMMITTEE PIERCE SOBER GRAD NIGHT 2012 Dear Community Members: We need your support! We are working hard to put together a Sober Grad Night, a parent/community sponsored event. The goal of the event is to provide a fun safe graduation celebration for all Pierce High School graduating seniors. We know our PHS Seniors will want to celebrate with their friends on this night so our hope is to make their celebration spectacular. Last year's was a huge success and we would love to repeat it for the 2012 graduates. The event will be held on June 1, 2012. We are asking for donations/sponsorships to make this an event to remember. Any contribution whether it be monitory, raffle items, gift cards, or food/drink donations would be sincerely appreciated. Sponsors will be recognized on the Sponsor's Wall at Pierce Sober Grad Night. Please contact Jacqueline Gonzalez (530)908-1287/ or Diana Lytal (530) 681-2532/ with any questions or to find out how you can donate or help with this very special event! ARC would like to thank all the ladies in the community that helped make our Annual Car Show a success by bringing desserts and helping serve them. If you would like to help with desserts for the upcoming Annual Carnitas Cook-off on Sunday May 6th, please contact Jackie Gonzalez 530-908-1287 . Thank you very much for your continued support. A very special Thank You To our special friend, Diane Taylor for being a wonderful past Newsletter editor! Your dedication and excellent editing have been evident in our newsletters! ~ARC Board of Directors A RBUCKLE R EVITALIZATION C OMMITTEE P AGE 6 RABIES CLINIC VACCINATIONS / LICENSES LaVanche Hursh Park 5th & Hall St. Arbuckle May 22th, 2012 6:00pm-8:00pm Fees Rabies Vaccination $7 1 yr License Fixed Dogs $10 1 yr License Not Fixed $20 1 yr License Seniors>60, Fixed Dogs $7 3 yr License Fixed Dogs $25 3 yr License Not Fixed $50 *Other vaccinations will be available by private treaty Other Clinics Stonyford: May 12, 2012 10-Noon Town Hall Maxwell: May 15, 2012 6-8 p.m. VFW Hall Williams: May 17, 2012 6-8 p.m. Fire Dept. Colusa: May 24, 2012County6-8 p.m. Colusa Animal Rural Fire Dept. Control Office 458-0229 Dispatch 458-0200 P AGE 7 A RBUCKLE R EVITALIZATION C OMMITTEE NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1 P.O. BOX 784, ARBUCKLE, CA 95912 POSTAL CUSTOMER ARBUCKLE, CA 95912
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