Only £6 - Kent Express
J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:34 Page 1 Issue 5 September - October 2013 Best Seller Now Only .45 Glide Flosspicks see page 19 see page 5 £11 Limited time offer .99 £15 save up to Intro Offer Equivalent to only .70 ea £1 Dentists Choice Gum & Whitening Expert Toothpaste 60% see page 6 Saving £££’s on these great brands. Plus many more 01634 878787 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:34 Page 2 sto H c ur ouk ru ry! t f nn as in t g l Offer Specia £29.45 Colgate MaxWhite Professional Kit 216360 6% Hydrogen Peroxide 3ml Syringe x 4, Tray Case, Zipped Carry Case, IFU for Dentist and Patient S R E F F O L A SPECI E G F Total Pro Gum Range A Brush Refill x 6 x 12 Packs £16.99 211373 Size 2 Red B 211374 Size 4 Blue £16.99 C 211375 Size 5 Green £16.99 D 211376 Size 6 Orange £16.99 E Mouthwash 217069 400ml x 6 £12.95 F Toothpaste 217068 75ml x 12 £20.75 G Treatment Rinse 218064 300ml x 4 £12.75 A D B C 2 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:35 Page 3 Colgate Pro-Relief Range 211027 211026 Tube 35ml x 24 Tube 75ml x 12 £23.95 £27.95 215749 400ml mouthwash x 6 £18.99 216281 Multi Protection toothpaste x 12 £29.99 216282 Enamel Repair toothpaste x 12 £29.99 16.99 £ y l n O .99 9 1 £ y l On Total Advanced Toothpaste 215473 Total Advanced 75ml 12/Pk .50 1 1 £ y l On .25 4 1 £ y l On Colgate Total Pro Gum Health Floss Daily Rinse 217100 400ml x 6 Fluorigard Daily Rinse 207008 Total Pro Gum Floss 25m x 10 Alcohol Free 217101 400ml x 6 Duraphat Range 0.59 800 £2 .50 2 t a h Durap at 5000 £4 Duraph wash £23.99 Mouth Peroxyl Mouthrinse Duraphat Daily Mouthwash Duraphat 2800 Duraphat 5000 218251 300ml x 4 217198 400ml 6/PK 86638 75ml x 6 202512 51g x 1 Phone: 01634 878787 online: 3 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:36 Page 4 Orthodontic Toothbrush 211199 Brush x1 p 9e9 ach Colgate 360 Surround Toothbrush 215193 l Offer Specia @ buy 12 Brush x 12 6 l Offer a i c e p S .45 6 1 £ y l On £16.99 Colgate 360° Compact 113649 360° Medium x 12 19.99 £ y l n O .90 6 1 £ y l On Total Professional Toothbrush Colgate 360° Sensitive 205196 360° Sensitive x 12 211025 211024 17 Only £ .65 Soft x 12 Medium x 12 .95 5 2 £ y l On Colgate Barbie & Spiderman Battery Toothbrush 217366 Colgate Microsonic 360 205175 4 Microsonic 360 Medium x 6 217365 Barbie Toothbrush x 6 Spiderman Toothbrush x 6 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 A Save up to 60% 22/8/13 08:36 Page 5 ProClinical C200 • Electric toothbrush with distinct sonic cleaning actions with up-down and side-to-side strokes for healthier teeth and gums. 217434 Toothbrush B Only £15.99 ProClinical C600 • Electric toothbrush that has three distinct brushing modes- sensitive side-to-side strokes for teeth, mid-speed massaging strokes for the gumline and fast up-down strokes for molars. 217435 Toothbrush C Only £31.50 ProClinical A1500 • Electric Toothbrush with smart sensors that automatically adjust the speed and direction of the brush strokes. • LED display to allow the user to see which mode the toothbrush is in and when it is being held at a 45 degree angle. 217436 Toothbrush Only £53.75 A C B ProClinical Triple Clean Replacement Heads ProClinical Sensitive Replacement Heads 217437 Triple Clean x 2 217438 Triple Clean x 4 217439 Sensitive x 2 217440 Sensitive x 4 Phone: 01634 878787 online: £4.65 2 PACK £7.99 4 PACK 5 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:36 Page 6 er Save ov 30% £7.30 m o r f 5 as te Toothp ush only £12.1 r Toothb Smiles Toothpaste 50ml 211806 Ages 0-3 x 12 £7.30 211807 Ages 4+ x 12 £7.30 Smiles Toothbrush 201545 My First 0-2 x 12 £12.15 201546 Junior 2-6 x 12 £12.15 201547 Youth 6+ x 12 £12.15 Dentists Choice Gum & Whitening Expert Toothpaste • Toothpaste that contains Permothol, co-enzyme Q10, Folic Acid, Vitamin E and Panthenol, to help nourish and strengthen gums. • Fast acting, long lasting protection for people with sensitive teeth. • Advanced cleaning formula removed stains in just 1 minute, helping to restore teeth to their natural white colour without using harsh abrasives or bleach. • Low abrasion. 218290 75ml x 10 Beverly Hills Natural Whitening Expert Toothpaste • Natural Whitening toothpaste that contains aloe vera, xylitol and green tea to help fight bacteria, for natural gum protection. • Advanced cleaning formula removed stains in just 1 minute, helping to restore teeth to their natural white colour without using harsh abrasives or bleach. • Contains xylitol, glycerin and aloe vera to help moisturise, nourish and soothe gums, promoting the mouths natural defences for healthier saliva flow. • Fluoride free. 218289 6 75ml x 10 NEW ctor y Introdu nly Offer O £17.90 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:36 Page 7 l Offer Specia Only 90 . 3 6 £ l Specia nit Trial U .00* 34 Only £ Triumph 5000 Patient Kit + Trizone Head Trial Kit + Trizone Head 216621 Triumph 5000, Charger Unit, Brush 216624 Triumph 5000, Charger Unit, Brush Heads x 6 (Trizone x 1, Precision Heads x 6 (Trizone x 1, Precision Clean x 1, Power Tip x 1, Sensitive x 1, Clean x 1, Power Tip x 1, Sensitive x 1, Floss Action x 1, Ortho x 1) and Floss Action x 1, Ortho x 1) and Brushing Instruction DVD Brushing Instruction DVD *Trial Unit - Available for dental professionals to try Phone: 01634 878787 online: 7 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 1. 22/8/13 3. 2. 08:37 Page 8 5. 7. 4. 1. Dual Clean Refill Head Only £6.50 6. 8. 4. Precision Clean Brush Heads Only £9.95 212527 Replacement Heads x 2 212522 Replacement Heads x 4 2. Floss Action Brush Heads 5. Interspace Replacement Head 7. Sensitive Brush Heads Only £6.30 Only £3.60 Only £5.95 212528 Floss Action Brush Head x 2 212530 Replacement Heads x 2 212524 Replacement Heads x 2 3. 3D White Replacement Head 8. Oral Care Essential Kit Only £6.45 212526 Replacement Heads x 2 6. Precision Clean Brush Heads Only £6.99 Only £5.95 212521 Replacement Heads x 2 Oral-B Professional Care 1000 .90 0 2 £ y l On 207097 Interspace x 1, Interdental x 1 and Tongue Cleaner x 1 Oral-B Professional Care 3000 .95 7 3 £ y l On 216623 216622 Power Brush, Brush Head x 4 (Trizone x , Precision Clean x 1, Sensitive x 1, Power Tip x 1) and Charging Station 8 Professional Care 3000, Charger Unit, Brush Heads x 5 (Trizone x 1, Precision Clean x 1, Power Tip x 1, Sensitive x 1, Floss Action x 1) and Brushing Instruction DVD J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 Childrens Stages Toothbrushes Buy 2 22/8/13 08:37 Page 9 Indicator Brushes REE Get 1 F REE et 1 F G 2 y Bu 4. 111687 I35 Medium x 12 1. 111692 Stage 1 x 12 (4-24 months) et 1 G 2 y u B 3. 212361 Years 8+ Soft Brushes x 12 FREE 1 t e G Buy 2 6. 207091 35 Soft x 12 Pro-Expert Cross Action Superior 2. 111693 Stage 2 x 12 (2-4 years) Pro-Expert Cross Action Professional 7. 207090 35 Medium x 12 FREE 5. 207088 35 Soft x 12 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 5. 9. 6. .39 5 1 £ y l On 8. .95 4 1 £ y l On 6.95 £ y l n O SatinFloss UltraFloss SuperFloss 7. 23689 SatinFloss Mint 25m x 12 9. 23682 UltraFloss Mint Waxed 25m x 12 10. 85130 SuperFloss 50 Strands x 12 Satin Tape 8. 23691 Satin Tape Mint 25m x 12 Phone: 01634 878787 online: 9 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 ORAL HYGIENE - A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CHOICE. A healthy lifestyle encompasses the choices we make every day. Good oral hygiene is a natural part of a healthy life, just as well as a balanced diet, regular exercise and not using tobacco – all important factors affecting general health. TePe collaborates closely with dental expertise worldwide in order to raise oral hygiene awareness and prevent oral diseases. All TePe products are developed with the aim of facilitating and improving daily oral hygiene care. 22/8/13 08:37 Page 10 TePe Interdental Brushes TePe Interdental Brushes Box Brushes x 80 Bulk Pack Brushes x 25 205335 Pink 0.40mm 205336 Orange 0.45mm 205337 Red 0.50mm 205338 Blue 0.60mm 205339 Yellow 0.70mm 205340 Green 0.80mm 205341 Purple 1.1mm 205342 Grey 1.3mm 50543 50544 50545 50546 50547 50548 50549 112476 211466 Pink XXXF Fine 0.40mm Orange XXX Fine 0.45mm Red XX Fine 0.50mm Blue X Fine 0.60mm Yellow Fine 0.70mm Green Medium 0.80mm Purple Large 1.1mm Grey 1.3mm Black XX Large 1.5mm .90 8 1 £ y l On .89 9 1 £ y l On 5.78 £ y l n O 6.99 Only £ TePe Extra Soft Interdental Brushes l Offer Specia £11 .50 10 Box Brushes x 80 204446 Red 0.50mm 204450 Blue 0.60mm 204449 Yellow 0.70mm 204448 Green 0.80mm 204447 Purple 1.1mm TePe Surgery and Perio Pack TePe Surgery Pack 112744 TePe Assorted Interdental Brushes x 32 plus Patient Leaflets x 12 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:38 Page 11 TePe Implant Kit Implant Kit 213475 TePe Implant Care Brush x 6, TePe Implant Brush x 6, TePe Interdental Brush x 6 (0.5mm Red x 3, 0.7mm Yellow x 3) l Offer Specia TePe Angle £19.99 Interdental Brushes (Surgery Pack) 10 Packs 214647 Blue, Orange, Green, Pink, Red and Yellow 99ea @ £0. 0 1 y u B l Offer Specia £7.45 TePe Compact Tuft 112762 Compact Tuft x 1 ea £0.65 @ 2 1 y Bu 15.25 £ y l n O .25* 4 1 £ y l On TePe Select 112766 Medium Texture x 1 112767 Soft Texture x 1 112768 Extra Soft Texture x 1 .29ea @ £3 2 1 y u B TePe Angle Interdental Brushes 216668 Blue x 25 216670 Green x 25 216666 Orange x 25 216665 Pink x 25 216667 Red x 25 216669 Yellow x 25 TePe Interdental Brushes 216663 Handle plus 12 Medium Tips 216662 Handle plus 12 Soft Tips 216664 Handle plus 12 Extra-Soft Tips TePe Travel Case 207085 Travel Brush Case *Brushes not included Phone: 01634 878787 online: 11 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:39 Page 12 TePe Medium Stand TePe Practice Box TePe Four Hook Rack 214760 213457 201819 8 Hook Display Stand Practice Box *Brushes not included Stand with 4 Hooks *Brushes not included *Interdental products not included .99* 0 3 £ y l On 13.65* £ y l n O 6.99* £ y l n O @ 0 1 y u B £1.89ea .99* 3 1 £ y l On @ Buy 10 £1.49ea TePe Brush Stand TePe Interdental Plastic Sticks TePe Mini Flosser 112745 112755 Plastic Sticks with Case 201820 Brush Stand *Brushes not included 12 Mini Flosser x 16 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:39 Page 13 .00 8 3 £ Only Gengigel 112936 Syringe Kit 1ml x 2 Plaqsearch Liquid Plaqsearch Two-Tone 213473 205366 Tablets x 20 x 12 Packs Bottle 30ml Buy 3 @ £2.99ea Only £15.95 Gengigel 41098 Gengigel Mouthrinse 150ml x 1 Only £4.64 41099 Gel Tube 20ml Buy 6 @ £3.96ea Phone: 01634 878787 online: 13 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:40 Page 14 9ea Buy 12 @ £1.7 Curaprox Sensitive 206676 Ultra Soft x 1 Only £2.85 Curaprox Interdental Brushes Prime x 5 111170 XXXXXXF 0.6mm Turquoise CPS06 5ea Buy 12 @ £2.1 111171 XXXXXF 0.7mm Red CPS07 111173 XXXXF 0.8mm Pink CPS08 111174 XXXF 0.9mm Yellow CPS09 111175 XXF 1.1mm Lime CPS011 Regular x 6 111177 XXXF 1.0mm White CPS10 Curaprox Surgical Toothbrush 111179 XXF 1.1mm Green CPS11 208573 Surgical Toothbrush x 1 111181 XF 1.2mm Blue CPS12 111183 Fine 1.4mm Orange CPS14 111184 Fine 1.4mm Orange Cylindrical CPS14Z 111185 Medium 1.5mm Black CPS15 111187 Coarse 2.5mm Violet CPS018 0ea Buy 12 @ £1.8 Implant/Strong x 4 111188 Fine Blue CPS22 Curasept Sensitive Toothbrush 208436 Sensitive Soft Toothbrush a Buy 6 @ £3.95e 111189 Fine Orange CPS24 111191 Fine Violet CPS28 113000 112894 Patient Use 200ml 14 Only £2.95 Curasept Toothpaste Toothpaste Gel 209291 Tube 30ml £3 Only £5.20 Metal - Double Ended Only £3.60 Curasept Mouthwash O Brush Holder 111182 Blue 413 .35e Buy 10 @ £1 a Floss 217306 Floss Waxed 50m J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:40 Page 15 @ Buy 12 .35ea £4 y £2.40 l n O l 300m y £4.59 l n O l 600m Mouthwash 41001 Mouthwash Original 300ml x 1 41101 Mouthwash Mint 300ml x 1 41100 Mouthwash Mint 600ml x 1 Corsodyl Spray 41112 Corsodyl Spray 60ml x 1 Only .05ea £3 Only £31.95 Daily Gum & Toothpaste 210183 Tube 75ml x 12 Corsodyl Daily Defence Mouthwash Corsodyl Mouthwash Bottle 500ml 217091 Fresh Mint 217092 Cool Mint Bottle 500ml 211709 Alcohol Free Mouthwash Phone: 01634 878787 online: 15 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:40 Page 16 Let Your Smile Dazzle with Opalescence 10% & 16% CP melon, regular & mint flavours available The First and Only Patented, Sticky, Viscous Gel with an optimum combination of potassium nitrate and fluoride Buy 3 Get 1 FREE* PF formula strengthens enamel, decreases sensitivity, prevents caries† Buy 5 Get 2 FREE* Formulated to prevent dehydration and shade relapse Day or night wear for patient convenience † Buy 7 Get 3 FREE* Studies available before Patient Kit 10% Patient Kit 16% Syringe 1.2ml x 8 217516 Melon 217515 Mint 217517 Regular Syringe 1.2ml x 8 217522 Melon 217523 Regular Only £49.75 after Refill Kit 10% Syringe 1.2ml x 40 217519 Melon 217518 Mint 217520 Regular Only £205.46 16 217521 Mint Only £49.75 Refill Kit 16% Syringe 1.2ml x 40 217525 Melon 217524 Mint 217526 Regular Only £205.46 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 08:40 Children's Toothpaste Big Teeth Mouthwash Only 22/8/13 £7.25 Only Children's Toothbrushes £11.50 205951 Big Teeth Toothpaste 50ml x 12 205954 Milk Teeth Toothpaste 50ml x 12 205953 300ml x 6 DEHP Home Bleach Page 17 Only £13.25 205950 Milk Teeth Toothbrush 0-3 Years x 12 205949 Little Teeth Toothbrush 4-6 Years x 12 Carbamide Peroxide • DEHP Home Bleach is a carbamide peroxide based tooth whitening gel. • Non-drip consistency for easy application to the custom made trays. • Formulated to help reduce sensitivity. • 10% and 16% formulations. • 16% formula suitable for both day and night use. • Mild mint flavour. • Initial treatment to be completed by dentist or under direct supervision to ensure patient safety. Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Home Kit: Syringe 1.2ml x 8 plus Tips x 8 9792763 10% 9792764 16% Now Only £33.55 Phone: 01634 878787 online: 17 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 13.25 £ y l n O 22/8/13 08:40 Page 18 13.25 £ y l n O 6.25 £ y l n O 1. Fresh Effect Whitening Toothbrush 2. Fresh Effect Sensitive Toothbrush 3. Fresh Effect Mint Burst Floss 211546 211547 Floss 30m x 6 211549 Mint Burst Toothbrush x 10 1. 2. 3. .75 3 £ m Fro Toothbrush x 10 4. 9.95 £ y l n O 5. .95 2 1 £ y l On 4. Step by Step Children's Toothbrush 211553 0-2 Years x 6 217233 3-5 Years x 10 211555 6-8 Years x 12 18 5. Wisdom Interspace Brush £3.75 £6.99 £6.99 211550 Interspace Brush x 12 6. Wisdom Clean Between Interdental Brushes 211552 Interdental Brushes x 20 x 12 Packs 6. J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:41 Page 19 Biotene Oral Balance Moisturising Mouthwash l Offer Specia 0 @ Buy 1 £3.15 .95ea 4 £ y Onl 211767 500ml Oral Balance Dry Mouth System Retainer Brite 211764 Cleaning Tablets x 36 4.50ea £ @ 2 Buy 1 86030 Saliva Replacement Gel 50g Glide Flosspicks 202702 Single-Use Floss Picks 20 x 6 Only Glide Tape 86358 Unflavoured Tape 25m x 12 £11.45 Glide Floss 86351 Unflavoured 50m x 12 86352 Mint 50m x 12 .95 4 2 £ Only .95 4 2 £ Only Phone: 01634 878787 online: 19 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:41 Page 20 CB12 Safe Breath Rinse • A unique mouthwash that offers a lasting solution to bad breath. • Neutralises and prevents the cause of bad breath for 12 hours with just one use. • Contains fluoride to protect teeth from decay. Bottle 250ml 217391 Mint/Menthol 217392 Mint/Mild NEW Only £7.85 Eludril Mouthwash Only £5 .25 6 £ y l n O .60 71042 90ml x 1 1.50ea £ @ 2 Buy 1 Janina Ultrawhite Whitening Toothpaste Brodie & Stone 211573 Extra Strength 75ml 20 71043 250ml x 1 .09ea @ £3 2 1 y u B Travellers First Aid Kit for Teeth 73000 73001 Travellers First Aid Kit Travellers First Aid Kit with Needle J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:42 Page 21 Sonicare Elite Heads Chlorhexidine 113421 Standard HX7001 x 1 113422 Standard HX7002 x 2 86020 86021 Original 300ml x 1 Peppermint 300ml x 1 10.70 £ k P Single Pk £17.95 Double Buy 12 @ £1.55ea Kitty Hydro Floss Waterjet l Offer Specia 2 @ Buy 1 85563 £11.25 Colour-Coded Jet-Tips x4, Storage Rack and Wall Fixing Bracket with Fixings Sensodyne Search 3.5 55276 Pronamel Sensodyne 35.90 £ y l n O Search 3.5 x 12 Sensodyne Pronamel Daily Mouthwash 17 Only £ .85 203812 75ml x 12 211372 Only .95 £59 250ml x 8 Phone: 01634 878787 online: 21 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:42 Page 22 .30 3 £ m o Fr UltraDEX Oral Rinse 3 Only £ .99 Oral Rinse Original + Fluoride 216652 250ml £3.30 216651 500ml £5.30 UltraDEX Toothpaste + Fluoride 216653 Oral Rinse Mint + Fluoride 216656 250ml Toothpaste 75ml 5.50 £ y l n O 1.75 Only £ UltraDEX Oral Spray UltraDEX Recalcifying & Whitening Toothpaste 216655 £3.30 216654 Oral Spray 9ml Toothpaste 75ml 2. 3. 1. ea £0.84 @ 6 y Bu ea £0.84 @ 6 y Bu 1. Tongue Cleaner 2. Dental Floss 952222 952397 22 Tongue Cleaner Floss Mint Waxed 25m of the Buy 10ur @ £0.40ea olo same c 3. Retainer Boxes 952692 Blue 952693 Green 952690 Orange 952691 Pink 952688 White 952689 Yellow J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 Code Supplier 22/8/13 08:42 Page 23 Product Description Price Colgate 360 Toothbrush Compact Medium 12/PK Colgate 360 Toothbrush Surround 12/PK Colgate 360 Toothbrush Soft 12/PK Total Professional Toothbrush Compact Medium 12/PK Total Professional Toothbrush Compact Soft 12/PK Curaprox Soft Toothbrush (single) Curaprox Super Soft Toothbrush (single) Curaprox Prime Ultra Soft Toothbrush (single) Curaprox Surgical Toothbrush (single) DEHP Toothbrush - Travel Aquafresh Clean Control Toothbrush 12/PK Aquafresh Tooth 'n' Tongue Toothbrush 12/PK Sensodyne Pronamel Toothbrush 12/PK Sensodyne Search 3.5 Soft Toothbrush 12/PK Kent Disposable Toothbrush with Toothpaste 100pk Kent Toothbrush - Travel (Single) Kent Toothbrush White/Blue (Single) Special Care Toothbrush Compact (Single) Special Care Toothbrush Select (Single) TePe Select Toothbrush Medium (Single) TePe Select Toothbrush Medium Soft (Single) TePe Select Toothbrush Medium Xtra Soft (Single) Advantage Plus Toothbrush Soft 35 12/PK Indicator 35 Toothbrush Medium 12/PK Pro Expert Crossaction Professional 35 Medium 12/PK Pro Expert Crossaction Professional 35 Soft 12/PK Pro Expert Crossaction Superior Toothbrush 35 Soft 12/PK Pro-Expert Pro-Flex Toothbrush 38 Soft 12/PK Pro-Expert Pro-Flex Toothbrush 38 Medium 12/PK Fresh Effect Super Soft Toothbrush 10/PK Fresh Effect Whitening Toothbrush 10/PK Quantum Clean Toothbrush Medium 10/PK Quantum Clean Whitening Toothbrush Medium 10/PK £25.95 £28.40 £28.25 £20.75 £20.75 £1.85 £1.85 £1.85 £2.30 £0.95 £11.45 £21.80 £28.20 £13.45 £14.25 £1.05 £1.20 £1.20 £1.80 £0.75 £0.75 £0.75 £23.95 £12.95 £28.45 £28.45 £28.45 £35.60 £35.60 £14.89 £14.89 £23.40 £23.40 Smiles Toothbrush Junior 12/PK Smiles Toothbrush My First 12/PK Smiles Toothbrush Youth 12/PK Colgate Extra Soft Toothbrush 0-3 yrs 12/PK Colgate Extra Soft Toothbrush 4-6 yrs 12/PK Colgate Extra Soft Toothbrush 6+ yrs 12/PK Barbie Battery Powered Toothbrush 6/pk Spiderman Battery Powered Toothbrush 6/pk DEHP Toothbrush - Infant 0-4yrs Blue/NEON Green DEHP Toothbrush - Infant 0-4yrs Purple/NEON Green DEHP Toothbrush - 4-8yrs Blue/Green Aquafresh Big Teeth Toothbrush 12/PK Aquafresh Little Teeth Toothbrush 12/PK Aquafresh Milk Teeth Toothbrush 12/PK Curaprox Childs Toothbrush (Single) Toothbrush - Baby/Infant 0-4yrs Blue/NEON Green Toothbrush - Baby/Infant 0-4yrs Purple/NEON Green Toothbrush Child 4-8 Years (Single) Toothbrush - Youth Green/Red/White Stage 1 Toothbrush 4-24 Months X-Soft 12/PK Stage 2 Toothbrush 2-4 Years X-Soft 12/PK Stage 3 Toothbrush 5-7 Years 12/PK Pro-Expert Toothbrush 8+ Years 12/PK TePe Mini Xsoft 12/PK Club Cuties Wave Flashing Toothbrush 12/PK Animal Friends Liquid Flashing Toothbrush 12/PK Toothbrush Step By Step 0-2 6/PK Toothbrush Step By Step 6-8 12/PK £13.70 £13.70 £13.70 £16.25 £16.25 £16.25 £33.95 £33.95 £1.15 £1.15 £1.20 £14.95 £14.95 £14.95 £1.95 £1.25 £1.25 £1.30 £1.20 £14.20 £14.20 £15.95 £23.70 £14.40 £15.95 £21.05 £4.45 £8.95 Toothbrushes/Adult 113649 215193 205196 211024 211025 208436 208437 206676 208573 9792492 202100 112731 207020 55276 952592 952220 952335 112764 112763 112766 112767 112768 211561 111687 207090 207091 207088 218247 218248 211547 211546 216928 216929 Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox DE Healthcare Products Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Kent Dental Kent Dental Kent Dental TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene Oral-B Oral-B Oral-B Oral-B Oral-B Oral-B Oral-B Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom Toothbrushes/Child 201546 201545 201547 217990 217991 217992 217366 217365 9792620 9792619 9792390 205948 205949 205950 208438 952578 952577 952221 952576 111692 111693 200543 212361 213456 218043 218044 211553 211555 Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate DE Healthcare Products DE Healthcare Products DE Healthcare Products Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Curaprox Kent Dental Kent Dental Kent Dental Kent Dental Oral-B Oral-B Oral-B Oral-B TePe Oral Hygiene Twinklers Twinklers Wisdom Wisdom Toothbrushes/Orthodontic 112709 211199 112765 Colgate Colgate TePe Oral Hygiene Orthodontic Kit (Alcohol Free) Speciality Orthodontic Brush (Single) Molar Implant/Ortho Toothbrush (Single) £7.40 £1.60 £0.95 DEHP Toothbrush - Implant Red/Pink £1.15 Toothbrushes/Implant 9792585 DE Healthcare Products Toothbrushes/Adult Battery Operated 205175 206829 203905 Colgate Glaxo Smithkline Oral-B Microsonic 360 Toothbrush Medium 6/PK Aquafresh 3-Way Toothbrush Buzz 12/PK Pro Expert Pulsar Battery Brush 35 Medium 12/PK £27.95 £36.95 £45.95 Electric Toothbrushes 217434 217435 217436 216622 216623 213777 Colgate Colgate Colgate Oral B Oral-B Oral B Colgate ProClinical C200 Electric Toothbrush Colgate ProClinical C600 Electric Toothbrush Colgate ProClinical A1500 Electric Toothbrush Professional Care 1000 Brush + Trizone Refill Head Professional Care 3000 Brush + Trizone Refill Head Vitality Kids 6/PK £47.85 £74.00 £124.95 £36.43 £61.84 £149.95 Electric Toothbrushes/Replacement Heads 217439 217440 217437 217438 212526 212527 212528 Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Oral B Oral B Oral-B Colgate ProClinical Sensitive Replacement Heads 2/pk Colgate ProClinical Sensitive Replacement Heads 4/pk Colgate ProClinical Triple Clean Replacement Heads 2/pk Colgate ProClinical Triple Clean Replacement Heads 4/pk 3D White Refill Heads Twin 1/PK Dual Clean Refill Heads Twin 1/PK Flossaction Refill Heads Twin 1/PK Phone: 01634 878787 online: £7.98 £13.94 £7.98 £13.94 £7.35 £7.35 £7.35 23 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 Code Supplier 22/8/13 08:42 Page 24 Product Description Price Oral Care Essentials Kit Triple 1/PK Precision Clean Heads Twin 1/PK Precision Clean Refill Heads x 4 1/PK Precision Clean Refill Heads x 8 1/PK Precision Clean Replacement Heads Sensitive Twin 1/PK Precision Clean Replacement Heads Sensitive x4 1/PK Pulsonic Replacement Heads Twin 1/PK Stages Kids Refill Head 2/PK Sonicare Elite Replacement Brush Head Standard Single 1/PK Sonicare Elite Replacement Brush Head Standard Twin 1/PK £7.99 £6.95 £10.95 £20.35 £6.95 £10.95 £6.95 £6.95 £11.45 £19.99 Kitty Water Jet Oral Irrigator System £65.95 Colgate Total Pro Gum Health Interdentals Brush Size 2 12/PK Colgate Total Pro Gum Health Interdentals Brush Size 4 12/PK Colgate Total Pro Gum Health Interdentals Brush Size 5 12/PK Colgate Total Pro Gum Health Interdentals Brush Size 6 12/PK Colgate Total Pro Gum Health Interdentals Brush Starter Pack x4 x1/PK Curaprox Brush Holder Metal Blue UHS413 Curaprox Brush Holder Metal Gold UHS412 Curaprox Brush Holder Metal Pink UHS411 Curaprox Implant Interdental Brush Blue CPS22 x4 x1/PK Curaprox Interdental Brush Holder, Metal Double Ended UHS420 Curaprox Implant Interdental Brush Orange CPS24 x4 x1/PK Curaprox Implant Interdental Brush Violet CPS28 x4 x1/PK Curaprox Prime Interdental Brush Lime CPS011x4 x1/PK Curaprox Prime Interdental Brush Pink CPS08 x4 x1/PK Curaprox Prime Interdental Brush Red CPS07x5 x1/PK Curaprox Prime Interdental Brush Turquoise CPS06 x5 x1/PK Curaprox Prime Interdental Brush Yellow CPS09x5 x1/PK Curaprox Regular Interdental Brush Black CPS15 x5 x1/PK Curaprox Regular Interdental Brush Blue CPS12 x5 x1/PK Curaprox Regular Interdental Brush Green CPS11x5 x1/PK Curaprox Regular Interdental Brush Orange CPS14 x5 x1/PK Curaprox Regular Interdental Brush Orange Cylindrical CPS14Z x5 x1/PK Curaprox Regular Interdental Brush Violet CPS18 x5 x1/PK Curaprox Regular Interdental Brush White CPS10 x5 x1/PK Curparox Interdental Brush Holder Green Metal UHS410 Acclean Interdental Brush 2.5mm x10 x1/PK Acclean Interdental Brush 3mm x10 x1/PK Acclean Interdental Brush 8mm x10 x1/PK Dentocare 403C Interspace Brushes 12/PK Molar Compact Tuft Brush x1 TePe Angle Interdental 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£18.99 £18.99 £18.99 £18.99 £3.25 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £5.65 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £3.05 £1.79 £1.79 £1.79 £16.80 £1.05 £24.90 £24.90 £24.90 £24.90 £24.90 £24.90 £24.90 £8.29 £8.29 £8.29 £8.29 £8.29 £8.29 £8.29 £8.29 £8.29 £8.29 £8.29 £3.49 £8.95 £13.99 £6.10 £6.10 £6.10 £6.10 £6.10 £6.10 £6.10 £6.10 £6.10 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 £20.95 Electric Toothbrushes/Replacement Heads 207097 212521 212522 212523 212524 212525 212529 211567 113421 113422 Oral-B Oral-B Oral-B Oral B Oral-B Oral-B Oral B Oral-B Philips Philips Waterjet 85563 Interdental Brushes & Accessories 211373 211374 211375 211376 209380 111182 111180 111178 111188 113000 111189 111191 111175 111173 111171 111170 111174 111185 111181 111179 111183 111184 111187 111177 111176 9002450 9002452 9002453 211348 112762 214647 214644 214646 214642 214641 214643 214645 216668 216670 216666 216665 216667 216669 216670 216666 216665 216667 216669 216664 207084 214623 205338 205339 205340 205342 205336 205335 205341 205337 204013 211466 50546 50548 112476 50544 50543 50549 50545 50547 204447 204450 204448 204446 204449 24 Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox Curaprox DE Healthcare Products DE Healthcare Products DE Healthcare Products Dent-O-Care TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 Code Supplier 22/8/13 08:42 Page 25 Product Description Price TePe Interdental Travelcase TePe Surgery Pack x32 x1/PK TePe Practice Box (empty) Denti-Brush Wire-Free Interdental Brushes x30 x6/PK Clean Between Interdentals 12/PK Wisdom Toothbrushes Interproximal 12/PK Wisdom Toothbrushes Interspace 12/PK £14.95 £7.50 £7.39 £15.95 £16.50 £24.75 £12.95 Interdental Brushes & Accessories 207085 112744 213457 211522 211552 211551 211550 TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene Periproducts Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom Interdental Sticks 112895 112755 Curaprox TePe Oral Hygiene Curaprox Brush Sticks x10 x1/PK TePe Plastic Interdental Sticks with Case x75 x1/PK £3.45 £2.30 Colgate Curaprox Curaprox Johnson & Johnson Kent Dental Oral-B Oral-B Oral-B Oral-B P&G P&G P&G TePe Oral Hygiene Wisdom Colgate Total Pro Gum Health Floss 10/PK Curaprox Waxed Floss 50m 1/PK Curaprox Flosspic x 50 1/PK Plastic Floss Dispenser Kent Dental Floss Waxed Mint 25m 1/PK Oral B Satin Floss 25m 12/PK Oral B Superfloss 50 Strands 12/PK Oral B Pro-Expert Premium Floss Mint 40m 12/PK Oral B Ultra Floss Mint 25m 12/PK Glide Floss Mint 50m 12/PK Glide Floss Original 50m 12/PK Glide Single Use Floss Picks x 120 TePe Mini Flosser x16 1/PK Fresh Effect Mint Burst Floss 6/PK £17.20 £1.57 £2.65 £5.60 £1.05 £17.25 £22.45 £28.20 £14.95 £27.50 £27.50 £14.50 £1.70 £8.00 Oral-B P&G Oral B Satin Tape 25m 12/PK Glide Tape Unflavoured 25m 12/PK £17.25 £26.45 Kent Dental Peri Products Wisdom Kent Tongue Cleaner OOLITT eXcel Tongue Cleanser Fresh Effect Tongue Cleaner 12/PK £1.05 £2.59 £20.90 TePe 4 Hook Display Stand TePe Brush stand (Incl:5 sample brushes & 2 interden packs) £17.99 £15.00 Dental Floss 207008 217306 206679 23683 952397 23689 85130 218246 23682 86352 86351 202702 201820 211549 Dental Tape 23691 86358 Tongue Cleaner 952222 216657 211548 Counter Display/Retail Units 201819 112745 TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene Demonstration Units 113789 TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Communicator £135.00 Colgate Cavity Protection Regular Toothpaste 50ml 12/PK Colgate Multi Protection Toothpaste 12/PK Colgate Toothpaste Total Advanced 75ml 12/Pk Colgate Total Pro Gum Toothpaste 75ml 12/PK Colgate Max White Toothpaste 75ml x 12 Total Toothpaste Pump 100ml 6/PK Sensitive Pro-Relief Toothpaste 35ml 24Pk Sensitive Pro-Relief Toothpaste 75ml 12Pk Sensitive Pro-Relief Multi Protection Toothpaste 75ml 12Pk Sensitive Pro-Relief Enamel Repair Toothpaste 75ml 12Pk Curasept Gel 30ml Curasept Toothpaste 75ml Aquafresh Fresh 'n' Minty Toothpaste 50ml 12/PK Aquafresh Fresh 'n' Minty Toothpaste Pump 100ml 6/PK Aquafresh Iso-Active 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Whitening Toothpaste 75ml Beverly Hills Natural Whitening Expert Toothpaste 75ml 10/PK Beverly Hills Dentists Choice Gum & Whitening Expert Toothpaste 75ml 10/PK Opalescence Toothpaste Small Tube 1oz 24/pk Opalescence Toothpaste Large Tube 4.07oz 12/pk Quantum Clean & Protect Toothpaste 100ml 12/PK Quantum Clean & Protect Whitening Toothpaste 100ml 12/PK £9.95 £26.99 £23.20 £32.95 £35.00 £14.95 £29.95 £31.95 £32.00 £32.00 £3.85 £3.99 £11.20 £11.25 £14.75 £14.75 £11.25 £22.99 £37.40 £35.99 £22.50 £37.90 £22.75 £23.95 £38.99 £22.99 £38.49 £22.99 £35.99 £6.80 £6.80 £30.99 £30.99 £32.20 £59.95 £4.39 £6.19 £25.45 £25.45 £82.39 £155.93 £22.80 £22.80 Toothpaste/Adult 201494 215503 215473 217068 217138 211234 211027 211026 216281 216282 209291 209818 86283 86286 206827 206828 86287 112582 112583 210183 86273 203812 112576 112580 112581 212272 213674 112578 112579 211573 211574 214812 214813 218244 200360 216653 216655 218289 218290 217571 217570 216930 216931 Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Curaprox Curaprox Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Brodie & Stone Brodie & Stone Oral B Oral B Oral-B Oral-B Peri Products Peri Products Purity Laboratories Purity Laboratories Ultradent Ultradent Wisdom Wisdom Phone: 01634 878787 online: 25 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 Code Supplier 22/8/13 08:42 Page 26 Product Description Price Smiles Toothpaste 0-3 Years 50ml 12/PK Smiles Toothpaste 4+ Years 50ml 12/PK Aquafresh Big Teeth Toothpaste 50ml 12/PK Aquafresh Little Teeth Toothpaste 50ml 12/PK Aquafresh Milk Teeth Toothpaste 50ml 12/PK £11.85 £11.85 £12.95 £12.95 £12.95 Mouthwash Chlorhexidine Original 300ml Mouthwash Chlorhexidine Peppermint 300ml Peroxyl Mouthwash 300ml x 4 Pro Gum Treatment Rinse 300ml x 4 Sensitive Pro-Relief Mouthrinse 400ml x 6 Total Pro Gum Mouthwash 400ml 6/PK Curasept Mouthwash Patient Use 0.2% 200ml Curasept Mouthwash Surgery Use 0.2% 200ml Corsodyl Alcohol Free Mouthwash 300ml Corsodyl Gel 50gm Corsodyl Daily Defence Mouthwash Cool Mint 500ml Corsodyl Daily Defence Mouthwash Fresh Mint 500ml Corsodyl Mouthwash Mint 300ml Corsodyl Mouthwash Mint 600ml Corsodyl Mouthwash Original 300ml Corsodyl Spray 60ml Sensodyne Pronamel Daily Mouthwash 250ml 8/PK Cervitec Liquid 100ml Cervitec Liquid 300ml Listerine Mouthwash Coolmint 250ml 6/PK Listerine Mouthwash Coolmint 500ml 6/PK Listerine Mouthwash Freshburst 500ml 6/PK Listerine Mouthwash Original 250ml 6/PK Listerine Mouthwash Original 500ml 6/PK Listerine Mouthwash Softmint Sensation 250ml 6/PK Listerine Mouthwash Stay White 250ml 6/PK Listerine Mouthwash Stay White 500ml 6/PK Listerine Mouthwash Tooth & Gum Defence 250ml 6/PK Endekay Daily Rinse 250ml 12/PK Oral B Multi-Protection Mouthwash 500ml 6/PK CB12 Safe Breath Rinse Mint/Menthol 250ml CB12 Safe Breath Rinse Mint/Mild 250ml Oraldene Mouthwash 100ml 12/PK UltraDEX Oral Rinse Original + Fluoride 500ml UltraDEX Oral Rinse Mint + Fluoride 250ml UltraDEX Oral Rinse Original + Fluoride 250ml UltraDEX Oral Spray 9ml Oraldene Mouthwash 200ml 12/PK Fresh Effect Cool Mint Mouthwash 500ml x 6 Quantum Clean & Protect Mouthwash x 6 Quantum Clean & Protect Mouthwash Non-Alcohol x 6 Eludril Mouthwash Bottle 250ml Eludril Mouthwash Bottle 500ml Eludril Mouthwash Bottle 90ml Eludril Spray 55ml £1.95 £1.95 £15.20 £16.95 £26.94 £21.95 £4.30 £14.50 £3.85 £1.75 £3.39 £3.39 £2.59 £4.95 £2.59 £4.95 £18.75 £5.49 £8.79 £10.09 £17.90 £17.90 £10.65 £17.90 £10.65 £11.45 £18.69 £10.65 £25.99 £13.25 £10.25 £10.25 £17.49 £5.89 £3.69 £3.69 £2.09 £23.49 £9.75 £13.89 £13.89 £3.55 £6.45 £1.59 £3.70 Toothpaste/Child 211806 211807 205951 217390 205954 Colgate Colgate Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Mouthwash & Gels 86020 86021 218251 218064 215749 217069 112894 205396 211709 41110 217092 217091 41101 41100 41001 41112 211372 211891 211892 85248 85249 86632 85244 85247 207104 203571 203570 55272 211355 218245 217391 217392 85246 216651 216656 216652 216654 85245 211543 216932 216933 71043 71044 71042 71045 Blackwell Blackwell Colgate Colgate Colgate Colgate Curasept Curasept Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo SmithKline Ivoclar Vivadent Ivoclar Vivadent Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson Manx Pharma Oral-B Meda Pharms Meda Pharms Pfizer Peri Products Peri Products Peri Products Peri Products Pfizer Wisdom Wisdom Wisdom Mouthwash/Child 205953 Glaxo Smithkline Aquafresh Big Teeth Mouthwash 300ml 6/PK £8.20 Acid Neutralisers 205534 207222 207223 207224 207225 207226 200192 205108 205109 205107 205110 205111 GC GC GC GC GC GC GC GC GC GC GC GC MI Paste Plus Assorted 10/PK MI Paste Plus Melon 10/PK MI Paste Plus Mint 10/PK MI Paste Plus Strawberry 10/PK MI Paste Plus Tutti Frutti 10/PK MI Paste Plus Vanilla 10/PK Tooth Mousse Assorted 10/PK Tooth Mousse Melon 10/PK Tooth Mousse Mint 10/PK Tooth Mousse Strawberry 10/PK Tooth Mousse Tutti-Frutti 10/PK Tooth Mousse Vanilla 10/PK £99.00 £99.00 £99.00 £99.00 £99.00 £99.00 £99.00 £99.00 £99.00 £99.00 £99.00 £99.00 Tri Plaque ID Gel Tube 40g Disclosing Solution Plaque Test 10ml Endekay Disclosing Tabs x240 x1/PK Plaqsearch Disclosing Tablets x20 x12/PK Plaqsearch Two-Tone x1000 x1/PK Plaqsearch Liquid 30ml £28.99 £11.59 £10.65 £17.60 £44.95 £4.39 Endekay Fluotabs 3-6 Years Tablets x200 x6/PK Fluotabs En-de-kay 4+ Years Tablets x200 x6/PK £22.95 £22.95 Duraphat 2800 Toothpaste 75ml 6/PK Duraphat 5000 Toothpaste 51g TePe Fluoride Gel 20ml 8/PK £21.15 £4.79 £18.99 Disclosing Tablets and Solutions 215493 23681 211358 205366 112477 213473 GC Ivoclar Vivadent Manx Pharma Oraldent Oraldent TePe Oral Hygiene Fluoride Supplements/Tablets 86301 86302 Manx Pharma Manx Pharma Fluoride Supplements/Paste & Gel 86638 202512 211467 26 Colgate Colgate TePe Oral Hygiene J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 Code Supplier 22/8/13 08:42 Page 27 Product Description Price Colgate Colgate Colgate Duraphat Daily Mouthwash 400ml 6/PK Fluorigard Daily Rinse 400ml 6/PK Fluorigard Daily Rinse Alcohol Free 400ml 6/PK £29.99 £18.99 £18.99 GC GC Glaxo Smithkline Glaxo Smithkline TePe Oral Hygiene TePe Oral Hygiene Oraldent Oraldent Oraldent Oraldent GC Dry Mouth Gel 35ml Assorted 10/PK GC Dry Mouth Gel 35ml Raspberry 10/PK Biotene Dry Mouth Saliva Replacement Gel 50ml Biotene Dry Mouth Mouthwash 500ml Chlosite Gel 0.25ml 6/PK Chlosite Gel 1ml 6/PK Gel Gengigel 20ml Gengigel Professional Fluid 500ml Gengigel Professional Syringes x2 x1/PK Mouthrinse Gengigel 150ml £52.29 £57.79 £4.85 £7.25 £90.00 £39.95 £4.49 £39.95 £45.65 £5.25 Dentocare Dentocare Orthocare UK Ltd Kent Dental Kent Dental Kent Dental Kent Dental Kent Dental Kent Dental Secure Denture Cleaning Tablets x32 xPK/6 Secure Denture Adhesive Cream 40g Retainer Brite x36 x1/PK Retainer Boxes Blue Retainer Boxes Green Retainer Boxes Orange Retainer Boxes Pink Retainer Box White Retainer Boxes Yellow £28.89 £20.30 £4.30 £0.58 £0.58 £0.58 £0.58 £0.58 £0.58 Lifesystems Dental First Aid Kit Lifesystems Colgate DE Healthcare Products DE Healthcare Products Dentsply Dentsply Dentsply Dentsply SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI SDI Optident Optident Optident Optident Optident Optident Optident Optident Optident Optident Optident Optident Voco Voco Voco Voco Colgate MaxWhite Professional Kit DEHP 10% Home Bleach Kit DEHP 16% Home Bleach Kit Illuminé 10% Patient Kit Illumine 10% Patient Refill Illumine 15% Patient Kit Illumine 15% Patient Refill Pola Day Bulk Syringe Kit 3% 50 Syringe Pola Day 10 Syringe Kit 6% Pola Day Bulk Syringe Kit 6% 50 Syringe Pola Day Mini Kit 6% 4 Syringe Pola Night 10 Syringe Kit 10% Pola Night 10 Syringe Kit 16% Pola Night Bulk Kit 10% 50 Syringe Pola Night Bulk Kit 16% 50 Syringe Pola Night Mini Kit 10% 4 Syringe Pola Night Mini Kit 16% 4 Syringe Pola Office + 6% 1 Patient Kit Pola Office + 6% 3 Patient Kit Pola Paint Tooth Whitening Soothe Desensitising Gel Patient Kit 10% Mint Syringe 1.2ml 8/pk Patient Kit 10% Melon Syringe 1.2ml 8/pk Patient Kit 10% Regular Syringe 1.2ml 8/pk Refill Kit 10% Mint Syringe 1.2ml 40/pk Refill Kit 10% Melon Syringe 1.2ml 40/pk Refill Kit 10% Regular Syringe 1.2ml 40/pk Patient Kit 16% Mint Syringe 1.2ml 8/pk Patient Kit 16% Melon Syringe 1.2ml 8/pk Patient Kit 16% Regular Syringe 1.2ml 8/pk Refill Kit 16% Mint Syringe 1.2ml 40/pk Refill Kit 16% Melon Syringe 1.2ml 40/pk Refill Kit 16% Regular Syringe 1.2ml 40/pk Perfect Bleach 10% Kit Perfect Bleach 10% Patient Set Perfect Bleach 10% Refill 2.4ml x 3 Perfect Bleach 17% Kit Fluoride Supplements/Mouthwash 217198 217100 217101 Medicaments 209395 217071 86030 211767 213048 205365 41099 202456 112936 41098 Denture/Orthodontic Accessories 71093 71094 211764 952692 952693 952690 952691 952688 952689 First Aid Kits 72961 £9.55 Whitening 216360 9792763 9792764 215484 215486 215485 215487 113226 217135 217136 217137 113229 113230 113238 113239 113235 113236 218238 218237 200653 113241 217515 217516 217517 217518 217519 217520 217521 217522 217523 217524 217525 217526 207537 210735 202134 202138 Stickers 218000 207076 218002 218001 218003 218007 203669 203681 203688 203682 207067 203684 207075 207065 203668 211884 211880 217994 217995 £38.99 £33.55 £33.55 £41.99 £111.09 £41.99 £111.09 £183.55 £21.95 £45.95 £183.55 £45.95 £45.95 £183.55 £183.55 £21.95 £21.95 £31.90 £87.05 £14.95 £29.99 £49.75 £49.75 £49.75 £205.46 £205.46 £205.46 £49.75 £49.75 £49.75 £205.46 £205.46 £205.46 £58.55 £41.95 £29.99 £63.50 Stickers Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Angry Bird Star Wars 100/PK Attack Plaque 100/pk Batman Comic 100/PK Batman Dark Knight 100/PK Brave 100/PK Despicable Me 2 100/PK Disney Princess Classic 100/PK Disney Smile 100/PK Finding Nemo 100/PK Princess Ballerina 100/PK Spiderman 100/PK Sponge Bob Square Pants 100/PK Super Brusher 100/PK Thomas Tank Engine 100/PK Winnie The Pooh 100/PK Dora The Explorer 100/PK Princess & The Frog 100/PK Jake & The Neverland Pirates 100/PK Justice League 100/PK £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 215458 215459 215462 215464 215465 217996 218006 215466 215468 215461 94042 217999 217993 217997 218004 218005 217998 92171 Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Sherman Justin Bieber 100/PK Disney Tangled 100/PK Disney Cars 2 100/PK Cars Supercharged 100/PK Go Diego Go! 100/PK Madagascar 3 100/PK Monsters University 100/PK The Muppets 100/PK Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 100/PK Tinkerbell Glitter 50/PK Dental Googlies 144/PK Smurfs 2 100/PK Super Mario Bros 100/PK Team Umi Zoomi 100/PK Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 100/PK Wreck It Ralph 100/PK WWE Wrestling 100/PK Harry Potter 50/PK Phone: 01634 878787 online: £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £19.50 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £4.85 £18.50 27 J307-KE-SEPT13 Oral Hygiene Flyer :Layout 1 22/8/13 08:42 Page 28 PR 3 va Of E- 1s lid fer O t O 17 RD c th ER tob TO er DA Y KentExpressDentalSupplies Join us now @Kent_Express Exclusive Dental Promotions Check out our Web Only Offers Phone: 01634 878787 web: email: Fax: 0800 591 681 Kent Express Limited, Medcare House, Centurion Close, Gillingham Business Park, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0SB Terms and conditions: Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or gift campaign, discount scheme, price guarantee/commitment, cash back 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