General Meeting - Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club


General Meeting - Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club
March/April ‘03
Vol. 7 Issue 3
Cheryl S. Dunkin
General Meeting
I hope this newsletter finds you
all well and enjoying the warm
weather as we approach Summer
I am pleased to report the
Chesapeake Golden Retriever
Club has successfully completed
our 2nd AOA Match. We now
have a committee established to
review our documentation before
final submission to AKC for
The board is in the process of
planning upcoming programs for
our future General meetings, If
you have any ideas for programs
of interest, please contact me or
any board member. We would
love to know about them. You
contact me at 410/472-4722 or
I encourage you to
attend our
"Golden Sun/Fun Day" Please mark your
calendars to meet at the home of Cindy
Williamson for a fun day with your
goldens! Tattoo clinic, dog games, and
picnic to be held from 1 to 4 p.m.
Please RSVP to Cheryl Dunkin at
410-472-4722 with the number of dogs
you would like tattooed, number of
adults in attendance, and what dish you
would like to share for the picnic.
the club!
June 20 - Greater Pittsburgh GRC
specialty - Washington, PA
June 22 - CGRC picnic
June 27, 28 - Southern Maryland KC Bel Alton, MD
June 29, 30 - Rock Creek KC - Bel
Alton, MD
July3 - Catoctin KC - West Friendship,
July4 - Northeastern MD KC - West
Friendship, MD
July5 - Upper Marlboro KC - West
Friendship, MD
July6 - National Capital KC - West
Friendship, MD
June 20 - Potomac Valley GRC Westminster, MD
Final A-OA Match
Requirement Successfully
Completed by CGRC.
Next step, Obtaining
License to Host a
Specialty Show.
Hotdogs free with a tattoo or a
donation to the Golden Retriever
Foundation. Or bring something edible to
share. Hot Dogs provided by Jingles & J. J .
I 95 south to MD. Continue over the bridge over the
Susquehanna River. As soon as you go over, take the
first exit for Havre de Grace (about 1 mi past bridge).
Turn right at Rt. 155 towards Bel Air . Follow Rt 155
to Rt 22 maybe about 7 mi) . Take right turn toward
Bel Air (about 5 mile) to Rt. 543, take right. When
you approach Hickory, there will be a light at the Rt 1
bypass, turn left onto the bypass and then shortly a
right onto Rt 23 towards Jarrettsville. Continue
( about 10 miles) on Rt 23 until it dead ends at Rt 165.
Turn right (north) on Rt 165. Go through next light in
the center of Jarrettsville, and go another 2 -2 1/2
miles beyond light and take a right on Old Federal Hill
Rd. Go about 1/8th mile and take the right onto
Grimm Rd. Follow Grimm Rd to the cul-de-sac and
take the lane that goes up the hill. The Williamson/
Slocums are the 2nd house on the left. It takes about
40 min to get from the bridge to your destination .
From Bel Air, Rt 24 to Rt 23, take left and proceed as
above. Don’t miss this important event!
Officers and contacts pg
Cost for tattoo, $13 per leg, with
either a check made out to the
Membership news pg Golden Retriever Foundation ( Tax
deductible) or cash. Protect your dog with
litter listing
pg 2 permanent identification.
CGRC Match
pg 3
Page1 1
pg 4
Treasurer’s report
pg 4
pg 5
Goldheart seniors
pg 6
Cheryl Dunkin, President
Debbie Abramson, Vice President
Kathy Landis, Corresponding Secretary
Diane Sparks, Recording Secretary
Nancy Grubb, Treasurer & Membership
Kay Bleinberger, Board Member
410 472-4722
Chris Saint, Board Member
410 357-0034
Advertising in the CGRC newsletter will be open to club
members and non-club members. However, litter listings will be open
to CGRC members only and must meet the criteria of the Puppy
Referral Program (available upon request). The same documentation
that is required by the Puppy Referral Coordinator must be included
with your ad to the Editor.
Ads may include Get Well Wishes, In Memoriam and
miscellaneous items or services that are dog related. Ads are subject
to approval by the Editor.
410 486-2148
410 377-0799
410 273-1114
717 840-8734
Half Page Ads
Quarter Page Ads
Business Card
$ 5.00($25.00 for year)
Half Page Ads
Quarter Page Ads
Business Card
$ 7.00($30.00 for year)
410 893 5011
Approved by the Board on 7/7/97
Advertisements must be submitted to the editor by the newsletter deadline.
410 836-1450
Joan Taylor, Board Member
410 836-1008
CGRC Puppy Referral, Linda Billings
410 620-1075
Golden Tales Editor, Sharon King
410 667-6512
Shaaron Plate, Golden Tales Assistant
CGRC Website:
800 252-8355
American Kennel Club
512 301-3499
GRCA, Secretary
GRCA Website:
410 268-9249
PVGRC Breeder Referral
Web Editor-Pam Ford 410 569-2205
CONGRATULATIONS to the winner of the puppy print!
The winner of the beautiful Janet Cairn puppy print raffled off at
the PVGRC Specialty was April Snyder. Congratulations!
Membership Chairman
Submitted by Nancy Grubb, Membership Chairman
Membership applications to be voted on at the June, 2003 General
Membership meeting are:
Andrew and Caryl Yaros, who have 2 golden retrievers and
are interested in Conformation, Grooming and Therapy Work.
Click- Clack...Toenails...
Can you hear your dog's nails "clicking" as it walks across the
floor? If so his nails need to be trimmed.
But why is it that this simple procedure causes such fear and
dread with owners? It really is as easy as can be and your dog
will appreciate the comfort. Nails can actually grown so long
they curl under the foot, cause pain and impede movement. If
toenails aren't trimmed often enough the vein will extend into
the nail and will probably bleed when cut, but the more the
nails are trimmed the further back the vein will recede and
the likelihood of bleeding will be reduced.
A good nail clipper and "Quick Stop" can be purchased from
Jemar Pet Supply, dog supply catalogs, pet shops, etc. Start
slowly by taking off the tip of the nail, but be sure to do it at
least weekly. You will soon see improvement and your pooch will
thank you. If you do happen to cut too closely and the nail
starts to bleed, just use some Quick Stop or tightly hold an
ice cube on the nail until the bleeding stops.
Exercise on abrasive surfaces like sidewalks will wear down
the nails more quickly than running on grass or soft surfaces,
so taking long walks through your neighborhood might be
a pleasant way for you both to tone up and to keep your
pooch's nails trim. ( Trimming a little often will avoid the
Lola Moore Cobb, who is a registered nurse and has recently
moved here from South Carolina. Her hobbies include bridge,
baseball and gardening. She owns one golden, and is interested in
obedience and rescue work.
CH Summits Truck'N Eldorado CD, OS, SDHF
X CH Lycinan March Madness CDX
This is a repeat of the breeding that produced
CH Lycinan's Big Bang. These are beautiful
healthy puppies. Whelped April 28, 3 boys and
4 girls. Puppies available to competition homes
( conformation, obedience, agility, tracking,
etc...). For more information contact
Cindy Williamson, 410-692-9335.
See Bang's latest accomplishments in the Brag
section on the next page!
above. Start puppies early and continue to adults.)
Page 2
They usually have crates in their living rooms.
Lycinan's Give Me Liberty (Cindy Williamson)
RWB Greater Fredricksberg, Monday -2pts
WB, BW, BOS Greater Fredricksberg, Tues. -2pts
WB, BW Cactoctin KC -2pts
WB Old Dominion -2pts
WB Lenape Golden Retriever Club 4 pts ( Over 80
WB, BW Mataponi KC - 2pts
She now has 13 pts and needs that last major!
They keep messy houses, but their kennels are spotless.
They can always find a show catalogue within an arms
And they have kids who know more about the birds and
the bees when they are five than most people know at
Lycinan's Big Bang (Cindy Williamson)
Sandlapper Golden Retriever Club RWD
WD Bucks Co KC 3 pts CHAMPION!
BOS Trenton KC, over 6 other specials
BOS Mataponi KC over specials
Dog show people will drive 100 miles, spend $100s on
gas and on meals to
bring home a 50 cent rosette.
Lycinan-Laurelridge's Ashley, (Cheryl Dunkin) received
her CD Title at the PVGRC Specialty with a score of 194
in 4th place. Good showing Cheryl & Ashley.
Gosling's Online King of Swing "Ben", (Sandy Selander)
had a grand slam of a day at the PVGRC Specialty. Sandy
put a BOS in Sweeps on him, then Kelly Shufflebottom
took over he went WD, BOW for a whopping 5 point major from the 9-12 Puppy class. By virtue of going BOW he
automatically went Best Puppy.
The following Thursday at Catoctin Kennel Club Ben
went WD for another point, the next weekend at the Sandlapper Specialty he went first in his class both days and
took RWD. He then went on to take a 3rd. in his class at
the Lenape Specialty. Congratulations to Ben & Sandy!
Laurelridge Nothin B Trouble (Diane Sparks) went high
obedience score at our CGRC A-OA Match with a score of
196 out of Open A.
Trouble also won High in Match at the Hilltown DTC
all-breed obedience match on April 13. What a team...way
to go!
Nautilus Bay Breeze Blu Crush (Jaime Campbell) took
Best Puppy at the CGRC A-OA Match.
Dog show people drive SUV's. And they can never be
reached on weekends, unless you happen to be at the
same show.
They have trouble getting to work on time but can be
at ringside by 8:00 am.
Dog show people will give up a $200,000 home to move
to a shack on 10 acres so they can have a dog kennel.
Dog show people have children who grow up believing
'Bitch' is just another household word.
Dog show people do not have gardens.
Dog show people may pay the mortgage 10 days late BUT
never miss a closing date for entries.
Dog show people would rather be audited by the
Internal Revenue than investigated by the AKC.
Dog show people use dog food bags for rubbish and
rubbish bins for dog food.
Dog show people talk on the phone for hours to another
dog person in a language known only to dog people.
Dog show people have parents and family who think
they've lost their minds, neighbors who think they're
strange and doggy friends who think they're terrific!
Kisamore Lycinan Justa-Minut (Christine Billings) was
awarded Best Adult at the CGRC A-OA Match.
"Brit" BayBreez n Honeybear Sometimes (Ch. Justmoor
Southern Renegade - Ch. Honeybear Golden Sugar
Cooky) went Winners Bitch/Best of Winners at the Gunpowder GRC Specialty. This finished Brit and gave The
Campbell's their first homebred champion!! They are very
proud of their "Sugar" pup!
Congratulations to all of our members and their dogs
who are training, showing and placing!
Page3 3
PAM FORD– has agreed to update/
redesign the web site.
Thanks- Send information for updates, ideas
or concerns
or or 410. 569. 2205
Chesapeake GRC holds A.K.C. Sanctioned A/OA Match
By Debbie Abramson
Our club held an A.K.C. Sanctioned A/OA match on Saturday, March 29, 2003 at the Wilmington Kennel Club Training Facility in
Newark, Delaware. There were 29 total entries with 18 dogs shown in the breed ring, 10 in obedience and 1 in Junior Showmanship. The
breed judge was Mr. Chris Berg and the obedience judge was Ms. Linda Miller.
Winners were:
Best Puppy: Nautilus Bay Breez Blu Crush (shown by Jamie Campbell)
Best Adult: Kisamore Lycinan Justa Minut (shown by Christine Billings)
Best Jr. Handler: Maureen Donahue
High in Trial: Laurelridge Nothin’B Trouble (handled by Diane Sparks)
with a score of 196.5.
Everyone who attended seemed to have a good time. Delicious refreshments and goodies to buy were provided by GoldHeart Golden
Retriever Rescue.
Many thanks to all who helped out at the match, and special thanks to Sandy Selander, match secretary. This event the success that it
was because of you all!
Same CGRC match but
with golden adventures!!!
By Sandy Selander
Chesapeake GRC has another notch to
add to its holster! On Saturday March
29th we pulled off our second (and
hopefully final) sanctioned A-OA
match in fulfillment of our requirements to become a licensed club. The
Match was held indoors at the
Wilmington Kennel Club facility in
Newark, DE. Although the skies
looked gloomy on the outside, inside
all exhibitors and club members alike
were beaming with pride, as our young
hopefuls paraded around the edge to
edge matted and baby gaited rings.
There were 18 dogs entered in
conformation. Best of Breed Adult
went to the Open Dog Kisamore
Lycinan Justa-Minut, owned by
Christine and Linda Billings, shown by
Christine and bred by Linda. Bravo
Christine and Linda! We may see you in
the Bred By class soon. Best of Breed
Puppy went to the 9-12 Puppy Bitch,
Natilus BayBreez Blu Crush, owned by
Teresa and Jamie Campbell and Julie
MacKinnon, shown by Jamie and bred
by Julie. I am sure we will be seeing
more of these two in the winner's
circle in the upcoming months. Keep
your eyes peeled! Best Jr. Showman
went to the Open Junior, Maureen
Donahue, who did a very nice job
presenting her Golden. There were 10
obedience entries. You may have seen
a "Spark" in the obedience ring, with
Diane taking High in Trial from the
Open A class, with a sizzling score of
196.5. Seems like this pair promises to
be "Nothin'B Trouble".
Our judges Mr. Chris Berg and Linda
Miller did a fantastic job, putting
everyone through their "paces" (OK
not in the breed ring) and also making
them feel at ease. Obedience and
Conformation Chairs John Cotter and
Sandy Selander kept everything on a
steady and even keel, just as if we
were all at a "real" show. Between the
National anthem being played, the
professional looking catalog, the
beautiful ads that club members sent
in, the wonderful "Plate" of fresh
baked "muffies" and the hot chili that
folks were "Dunkin" their biscuits
into, only the color of the ribbons
gave away the fact that this was a
match. Many thanks to our Chairs for
all their "behind the scenes" efforts,
and to all who turned out to make the
day so successful.
Page 4
Treasurer's Report: Results of
A- OA Match on March 29,
Submitted by Nancy Grubb,
We had a successful A-match.
Our net profit was $2.06!!.
Thanks to all who supported the
club via advertisements catalog
sales and raffle ticket purchases.
Entries $224.00
Catalog Sales 42.00
Advertisements 40.00
Raffle Sales 68.00
Total Income $474.00
Catalog Printing $220.18
Ribbons 32.28
Photographs 14.48
Rent 175.00
Total Expenses $471.94
of pain, inflammation, and restricted movement, X-rays
reveal improper joint alignment, lesions on bones beneath
Submitted by Diane Sparks
the cartilage, and areas of advanced degenerative joint
disease. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure in
which a microscopic camera attached to a tube is inserted
Ost eochondr osis dessicans, or OCD, is a condit ion of into the joint so that the entire joint and abnormalities
which many of us may have heard, but few of us probably can be seen. It is the procedure of choice, but has limited
understand. As OCD is a pathological condition that
effects rapidly growing large breed dogs, we as golden
retriever owners and lovers may want to take a few
The goal of treatment of OCD is to alleviate pain, increase
minutes to familiarize ourselves with it's symptoms,
mobility, and prevent further damage. Conservative
causes, treatments, and implications in perpetuating and
treatment should be considered for older dogs and those
improving the breed.
with other health problems, and includes rest and
Osteochondrosis Dessicans
OCD is a hereditary disease that commonly occurs during
the early development of dogs that leads to a painful
dist ur bance in j oint car t ilage gr owt h, most usually in t he
shoulder , elbow, knee, and/ or hock (ankle). I n OCD, t he
cartilage cells in one or more of these regions fail to
dif f er ent iat e in a nor mal manner . The j oint car t ilage
t hickens and pr event s t he lubr icat ing synovial f luid f r om
r eaching t he car t ilage cells beneat h it . W it hout t his f luid,
t he cells ar e not nour ished, so t hey degener at e and die,
causing cracks or lesions in the cartilage. The cracked
car t ilage is weakened and does not adequat ely at t ach t o
t he bone. Thus, t he bone involved does not r each it s f ull
length. In addition, the cracks can deepen and small pieces
of car t ilage may loosen, r esult ing in f laps t hat may ossif y,
or miner alize int o bone. Somet imes f laps may det ach, and
may eit her be r eabsor bed by t he body or may f loat inside
t he j oint capsule wher e t hey gr ow and int er f er e wit h
movement . The body at t empt s t o compensat e f or t he
damaged car t ilage by f or ming scar t issue or adding bone
to the affected area, making the joint more unstable and
Symptoms of OCD include mild to severe lameness in the
affected limb. Lameness may occur suddenly or may be
chronic. Rest alleviates the lameness and exercise
exacerbates it. Other symptoms include altered gait,
grating noise of bones rubbing against each other (called
Crepitus), decreased range of motion, pain when joint is
touched, resistance to full extension and flexion of the
joint, and swelling. Symptoms customarily develop between
4 and 10 months of age, but occasionally later.
confinement for 4-8 weeks and weight control. Other
treatments include non-weight bearing forms of exercise
such as swimming, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
corticosteroids, dietary supplements and, in severe cases,
surgery. Veterinary consultation is the best way to select
the course of treatment most appropriate for any animal.
Recovery depends on the extent of damage, treatment
selected, and location of the affected joint.
Research has shown that OCD is inherited. There is also
information to show that those dogs with more severe
lesions are more likely to produce puppies with OCD.
Consequently, the primary way to prevent OCD is to stop
breeding animals that may contain genes for the disease.
The suggested age for x-ray examination is 12 months,
when first hip x-rays are taken. Responsible owners and
breeders should consider monitoring OCD in the same way
as they monitor hip dysplasia and eye disease. It is
advisable to ask a breeder about OCD history of sire and
dam and litter mates before purchasing a puppy. Once you
have your new puppy at home, remember that a puppy that
grows too fast or is carrying excess weight has a higher
statistical chance of manifesting OCD and a myriad of
other diseases than a lean puppy. Feed a high quality meat
based diet that does not have grain as its first ingredient.
In addition, physical impact from jumping off high
elevations (jumping off a deck or from the back of a
truck) may also predispose a puppy to manifestation of
OCD. Enjoy your puppy, but be wise!
Diagnosis of OCD includes a physical examination, x-rays,
and/or arthroscopy. While a physical exam looks for signs
Page5 5
Seniors in need of
loving homes
Simba, GH-136;
Teddy, GH-135;
Hannah, GH-144 &
Sally, GH-141
10 Good Reasons to Adopt an Adult Dog
They are typically...
Calm, gentle and easygoing
Trustworthy when left alone
Willing to sleep throughout the night
Quiet and relaxed as you read the paper
Up-to-date on vaccinations, taking heartworm preventative, tested
internal parasites and tattooed
Finished with teething and chewing
Established with their personalities
The best of friends!
Chesapeake Golden Retriever Club
Editor: Sharon G. King
18 Greenwood St.
Elkton, Maryland 21921-7248
These "marshmallow faces" have
great house manners, unlimited love,
and that special Golden glow that
comes only from Golden Oldies. They
are special dogs looking for equally
special people who will love them
back. If interested in adopting one of
these wonderful Goldens, please
check out the GoldHeart web site at There is no
adoption fee for dogs over 10 years of
age. The adoption fee for dogs from 8
to 10 years is only $100.00.
You must see these guys in color.
Please help!
Not online- contact Shaaron & Cy
Plate at 410 667-6512
See page one for exciting general meeting, picnic & tattoo
clinic information!
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