Dispatch 033116 - Navy Dispatch Newspaper
Dispatch 033116 - Navy Dispatch Newspaper
Padres Fanfest Free Fanfest April 1-2. Home opener April 4 vs. Dodgers. See page 16 Marine Corps • Coast Guard • Army • Air Force AT EASE • Check out our Around Town and Concerts sections for the latest local entertainment. See pages 22 & 23 Enjoy an afternoon with ‘rebel of the accordion,’ Celso Pina. See page 5 ARMED FORCES Navy Best bets this weekend Weekly contest S a n D i e g o N a v y / M a r i n e C o r p s D i s p a t c h • w w w. a r m e d f o r c e s d i s p a t c h . c o m • 6 1 9 . 2 8 0 . 2 9 8 5 Serving active duty and retired military personnel, veterans and civil service employees April monthly observances Adopt A Greyhound Arab American Heritage ASPCA Alcohol Awareness Amateur Radio Autism Awareness Cancer Control Car Care Celebrate Diversity Child Abuse Prevention (Cesarean Awareness Community Spirit Days Confederate History Couple Appreciation Defeat Diabetes Distracted Driving Awareness Emotional Overeating Awareness Fair Housing Financial Literacy Fresh Florida Tomatoes ICEX: San Diego’s USS Hampton Sailors surface in Arctic Sailors from Naval Station Everett participate in “Chalking it up for Sexual Assault Awareness Prevention” contest, designed to encourage and spread sexual assault awareness. Navy photo by MC2 Alex Van’tLeven Navy announces SAAPM 2016 theme: ‘Eliminate Sexual Assault: Know your part. Do your part’ Genocide & Human Rights Awareness Global Astronomy Global Child Nutrition Holy Humor Informed Women International Customer Loyalty International Guitar International Twit Award Irritable Bowel Syndrome Jazz Appreciation Keep America Beautiful Library Snapshot Math Awareness Month of the Military Child Month of the Young Child National African-American Women’s Fitness National Autism Awareness National Cancer Control National Child Abuse Prevention National Card and Letter Writing National Decorating National Exchange Club - Child Abuse Prevention National DNA & Genomics & Stem Cell Education & Awareness National Donate Life National Facial Protection National Grilled Cheese Sandwich National Garden National Heartworm Awareness National Humor National Kite National Knuckles Down FIFTY FIFTH YEAR NO. 42 THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 ARCTIC CIRCLE (March 15, 2016) - A Pave Hawk helicopter, assigned to the 210th Rescue Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard, and a Black Hawk helicopter, assigned to the 1-207th Aviation Regiment, Alaska Army ANG, fly over San Diegobased USS Hampton (SSN 757) during Ice Exercise (ICEX) 2016. ICEX is a fiveweek exercise designed to research, test, and evaluate operational capabilities in the region. ICEX 2016 allows the Navy to assess operational readiness in the Arctic, increase experience in the region, advance understanding of the Arctic Environment, and develop partnerships and collaborative efforts. (inset) The staff of Commander Submarine Squadron 11 brave the cold for a group shiver. Navy photo by Electricians Technician 2nd Class Nate Madlem 1890 Auto Park Place Chula Vista, CA 91911 www.sbmotor.com Wild new three-wheeler lets you carve canyons with a friend at your side! IN STOCK NOW! WASHINGTON - Navy leaders announced March 30, the 2016 Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM) theme of “Eliminate Sexual Assault: Know your part. Do your part.” The April awareness month is designed to build momentum for year-round efforts to eliminate the crime of sexual assault, while making sure all Sailors are treated with dignity and respect. “By sharing stories, ideas, and the resources needed to build awareness, we hope every command and every Sailor takes away something meaningful from this month,” said Rear Adm. Ann Burkhardt, director, 21st Century Sailor Office. “Leaders who feel empowered to make a difference and encourage their Sailors to do the same, are the critical link to ensure we end this crime across the fleet.” Earlier this year, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson, announced five initiatives to help “end the scourge of sexual assault” in our Navy. “Eliminating sexual assault requires more than words, zero tolerance requires an all-hands effort,” he said. CNO’s five initiatives include: 1) A Shipmate is not a “bystander.” If you see something wrong, do something right. 2) Establish counselors within the Fleet and Family Support Centers as a resource for victim support. 3) Improve our personnel management practices and procedures, following a sexual assault experience, to ensure our Sailors are put in the best position possible to succeed. 4) Continue our efforts to educate our Sailors and reduce alcohol abuse in the Navy, particularly binge drinking. 5) Better utilize technology to remove cultural barriers and stigma associated with reporting a sexual assault or seeking advice and counsel. For more, go to http://www.sapr.navy.mil and click on SAAPM 2016. Dunford discusses challenges to the joint force, need for defense reform by Jim Garamone WASHINGTON - Challenges posed by Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and Islamic extremism have implications for the joint force, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies here March 29. dience. “The current inventory, from my perspective, doesn’t have the kind of depth that I would like it to have,” he said. “And getting the balance right in addressing the lack of depth recovery from the fiscal challenges imposed by the Budget Control Act of 2011, Dunford said. “Frankly, although the Bipartisan Budget Act is going to get us through fiscal year 2017, Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford discussed the challenges and how the joint force must change to confront what many people consider the most complex and volatile security environment since World War II. The first implication for the joint force is foundational, the chairman said. “We need a balanced inventory of joint capabilities that are going to allow us to deter and defeat potential adversaries across the full range of military operations,” Dunford explained. “We actually don’t have the luxury of choosing between a force that can fight [the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] and one that has a modern nuclear enterprise, robust cyber capabilities, robust space capabilities, [and robust] conventional and special operations capabilities.” The United States must have a complete inventory of capabilities, the general told the au- Gen. Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, right, discusses military reform and organization with Kathleen Hicks, a Center for Strategic and International Studies scholar, at a CSIS forum in Washington, D.C. DoD photo by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Dominique A. Pineiro in areas like ballistic missile defense, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and certain logistics enablers, frankly, I think is going to be probably one of the biggest challenges during my tenure.” Through all this is the ongoing The second implication to the joint force is to decide how to best use the military instrument of power to develop more effective methods to deal with Russian behavior in Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine, or Iranian malign influence across the Middle East, or Chinese behavior in the South and East China seas, Dunford said. The traditional U.S. approach is that the country is either at peace or in conflict, the chairman said. But adversaries seek to advance their interests while avoiding American strengths, he added. “As an aside, I don’t find the current phasing construct for operational plans particularly useful right now,” he said. Phase 3 is conflict, and most combatant commanders believe their area is in Phase 2.5, the general said. “I call it competition with a military dimension short of a Phase 3 or traditional conflict, but the activities that they’re taking with regard to employment of cyber, unconventional capability, space capabilities [and] information operations are absolutely not associated with what we would call Phase Zero shaping,” he said. KAMPONG SPEU PROVINCE, Cambodia (March 25, 2016) - Cambodian martial arts experts demonstrate their advanced capabilities as part of the Angkor Sentinel 2016 closing ceremony at the Training School for Multinational Peacekeeping Forces. The ceremony marked the end of two weeks of relationship building and bilateral training between U.S. Army Pacific and Royal Cambodian Army Soldiers. (Army photo by Master Sgt. Mary E. Ferguson The military needs to develop a framework for deterring cyber threats and attributing cyberattacks, he said. The general said he believes one of the most significant implications of the current trend is “the high likelihood that any future conflict will be transregional, multidomain and multifunctional.” This is a marked shift from the past, he added, and he used the situation on the Korean Peninsula as an example. Fifteen years ago, he said, planners assumed any war in Korea could be contained to the peninsula, but now North Korea has developed ballistic missiles, so it now involves the region. “Today, if you think about a conflict with North Korea, you have to quickly factor in not only ballistic missiles, [but also] intercontinental ballistic missiles, cyber capabilities [and] space capabilities in addition to the traditional conventional threat that we confronted on the peninsula. “If I talked about a Korea scenario right now,” he continued, “I can quickly talk about the Pacific Command, Northern see Dunford, page 4 2400 NatioNal city blvd. 3150 NatioNal city blvd. 2940 NatioNal city blvd. www.franktoyota.com www.frankhyundai.com www.franksubaru.com oil & FiltER cHaNGE FRoNt bRaKE SPEcial 888.217.1866 866.542.8238 4-WHEEl aliGNMENt $ 95 2 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 we still have $100 billion of sequestration looming over us and a bow wave of modernization requirements,” he added. “All of that will kind of come together. At the same time, we’re trying to get out of a fairly significant readiness trough, and managing that over the next few years I think, again, will be a significant challenge.” 89 X WaS $11995 WD[ 3UHFLVLRQFRPSXWHUL]HGZKHHODOLJQPHQW$GMXVWFDVWHUFDPEHUWRH ,QVSHFWVXVSHQVLRQIRUZHDU&HQWHUVWHHULQJZKHHO,QVSHFWWLUHV 7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRW EHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV2IIHUH[SLUHV 3OXV 10% OFF $Q\UHFRPPHQGHG6HUYLFHVRU5HSDLUV 0D\QRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHUVSHFLDO 888.207.1891 Military Special only 29 $ 95 WD[ X Wa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rank Motors is now hiring part-time & full time employees. Apply on-line www.FrankToyota.com /LNHXVRQ)DFHERRN IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNWR\RWD IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNK\XQGDL IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNVXEDUX WE HoNoR oUR MilitaRy!! )ROORZXVRQ7ZLWWHU WZLWWHUFRPIUDQNWR\RWDVG WZLWWHUFRPIUDQNK\XQGDLVG WZLWWHUFRPIUDQNVXEDUX National Military “By establishing this task force, U.S. 6th Fleet is aligning our organization to better address the changing threats in Europe,” said Commander, 6th Fleet, Vice Adm. James Foggo III. “[Capt. Wolstenholme] will be formally identified as the U.S. ballistic missile defense expert in his position as commander of Sixth Fleet’s Task Force 64 and as Commander of NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense Task Force.” According to Wolstenholme, “The United States made a commitment to our NATO partners called the European Phased Adaptive Approach, to help defend NATO Europe against Ballistic Missile threats from the Middle East. And, as part of this commitment to NATO, the Navy has established this new Task Force to be the operational commander for Aegis Ashore and the tactical commander directing our Ballistic Missile Defense forces in defense of NATO Europe.” The establishment of CTF64 is in response to countering potential ballistic missile threats from outside the Euro-Atlantic area and improving the defense capabilities of Europe. CTF 64 will be responsible for executing operational and tactical integrated air and missile defense for NAVEUR-NAVAF, while also providing direct support for Aegis BMD planning to Commander, U.S. Air Forces Europe and Commander, Allied Air Command. The command’s BMD mission seeks to defend NATO allies and U.S. Interests and deployed forces throughout Europe with a commitment to regional security. A former Air Force pilot and Pentagon official, Davidson brings nearly 30 years of experience in military operations, national security policy and academic research to her new role. From 2009 to 2012, Davidson served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for plans, where she oversaw the formulation and review of military war plans and global force posture policy. Previously, she served as director for stability operations capabilities in the Office of Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, where she was the founding director of the Center for ComplexFOLLOW Operations, US FOLLOW US ONLINE an ONLINE interagency organization www.afdispatch.com www.afdispatch.com focused enhancingLike civilian us on Likeon us on Facebook Facebook and military in Armed Forces Armed Forces performance Dispatch Newspaper Dispatch Newspaper the field. Davidson also served as a Serving Active Duty Military, Retirees & their families for over 20 years ALYX MOREY O.D., STEVEN CHADO O.D. & YASMIN KOUCHAK O.D. Doctors of Optometry first woman to fly the Air Force’s tactical C-130. Davidson received her doctorate and a Master of Arts in international studies from the University of South Carolina and holds a Bachelor of Science in architectural engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Armed Forces Dispatch (619) 280-2985 Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper A native of California and Virginia, Davidson was commissioned as an Air Force second lieutenant in 1988. She flew combat support, airdrop and humanitarian air mobility missions in the C-130 and C-17 cargo aircraft, and also served as an instructor pilot at the U.S. Air Force Academy. She was the A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper Published by Western States Weeklies, Inc. PO Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160 E-mail: editor@navydispatch.com Publisher.............................Sarah Hagerty DISPATCH Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper The Dispatch is published weekly on Thursdays, by Western States Weeklies, Inc., as a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the DISPATCH Department of the Navy and is in no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Dispatch, however, is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publishers. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Dispatch or Western States Weeklies, Inc. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $65 per year to CONUS or FPO address. A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. GET THE LATEST NEWS, PHOTOS AND ADVERTISING SPECIALS. GET THE LATEST NEWS, PHOTOS AND ADVERTISING SPECIALS. DISPATCH Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper Official file photo of Dr. Janine Davidson, the 32nd Under Secretary of the Navy. Army photo by Spc. Tammy Nooner Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper Mossy Nissan Chula Vista Salutes our Armed Forces Sale going on Now!! For all Active, Reserves, Retired, Veterans & families!! VPP Program Available* *Vehicle Purchase Programs available for member of US Military that is Active and Reserve, Retired or Veterans (Must be within 12 months of active duty) Come & Visit us at our new location Ask for Kim Yuquimpo, the General Manager Appointments available Mon.-Sat. Call (619) 550-2679 Services available to authorized Navy Exchange patrons only. This advertisment is neither paid for, in whole or in part, by the Department of Navy or Nexcom. This advertisement does not constitute endorsement by Nexcom, Department of Navy, or the US Government of the products or services advertised. 64/7&5+PJOFEJO4VCJD#BZ tLJNZ!NPTTZDPN 1885 Auto Place, Chula Vista, 91911 619-397-6578 CHULA VISTA THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 3 Now accepting Medicare Contact lens prices lower than 1-800 Contacts Active Duty Discounts Walk-ins welcome presidentially appointed member of the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force, as a member of the Reserve Forces Policy Board and as a senior advisor to the Supreme Allied Commander, NATO. As an analyst and academic, Davidson has taught national security policy and political science at Georgetown University, George Mason University, and Davidson College, and is the author of numerous articles across a range of defense issues. ARMED FORCES U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa and U.S. Fleet Forces Command established CTF 64 to create a command focused on Ballistic Missile Defensein Europe. WASHINGTON - Dr. Janine Davidson was sworn in as the 32nd under secretary of the Navy March 22. Davidson serves as the Navy’s chief management officer and performs other duties assigned by the secretary of the Navy. ARMED FORCES NAPLES, Italy - Commodore Jeffrey Wolstenholme assumed command of the newly established Commander, Task Force 64 during a ceremony held on U.S. Naval Support Activity Naples, Capodichino, March 24. Davidson sworn in as Under Secretary of the Navy ARMED FORCES U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa establishes new task force U.S. authorizes ordered departure of DoD dependents from Turkey by Lisa Ferdinando WASHINGTON - The U.S. government has authorized the ordered departure of Defense Department dependents from Turkey, including those at Incirlik Air Base, according to Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook. The move announced March 29 comes out of an “abundance of caution” to security concerns in the region, and not in response to a specific threat, Cook told reporters. from U.S. European command. “This decision allows for the deliberate, safe return of family members from these areas due plies to all dependents whose sponsors are under the authority of the commander of U.S. European Command, and includes dependents whose sponsors are stationed at Incirlik. nel, including family members, while ensuring the combat effectiveness of U.S. forces and mission support to operations in Turkey. Dependents at Ankara and Istanbul are not impacted, the spokesman said. Turkey is a strong ally in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Cook said. Cook said the decision is intended to mitigate the risk to DoD elements and person- “The U.S.and Turkey are united in our common fight against ISIL,” Cook said. Incirlik Air ONI celebrates 134th anniversary Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his wife, Stephanie, speak with the families of U.S. service members during a town hall meeting at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, Dec. 15, 2015. The Defense Department today announced an ordered departure for all DoD dependents in Izmir, Adana and Mugla provinces. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Krystal Ardrey Defense Secretary Ash Carter, in coordination with Secretary of State John Kerry, authorized the ordered departure for all DoD dependents in Izmir, Adana and Mugla provinces, Cook said. to continued security concerns in the region,” he said. The decision impacts 670 out of the 770 Defense Department dependents in Turkey, Cook said, adding that it is his understanding that “this will move quickly.” This step does not signify a permanent decision to end accompanied tours at these facilities, according to a news release The ordered departure ap- SUITLAND, Md. - The men and women of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) celebrated the 134th anniversary of the establishment of America’s longest-serving intelligence agency in a March 23 ceremony. Past leaders and members of the Naval Intelligence community joined other guests in honoring some of ONI’s most accomplished military and civilian professionals. Eighteen members of the command were presented prestigious awards in recognition of their outstanding service. “As we have in the past, the men and women of Naval Intelligence have worked together to overcome obstacles, adapt to change and build relationships to better support our Navy and our nation,” said Rear Adm. Elizabeth Train, ONI’s commander. Today ONI is a core element of the Navy’s Information Warfare Community. Its 3,000 members specialize in the collection, analysis, production and dissemination of vital, timely and accurate scientific, technical, geopolitical and military intelligence for key strategic, operational and tactical decision makers. SELF STORAGE www.STORAGEWEST.com 877-917-7990 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT Base continues to play a key role in the coalition’s counter-ISIL operations, he said. The commander of U.S. European Command, Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, said in the Eucom statement that the decision was made in consultations that included the government Dunford continued from page 2 Command, Strategic Command, … and that’s if nothing else is going on in world at the same time.” All this means current planning, the military’s organizational construct and the military’s command-and-control are not suited to that character of war, the general said. “And we need some significant changes,” he said. The U.S. military is regionally focused today, Dunford said, and it relies on cooperation and collaboration among combatant commanders. “We have supported and supporting relationships, and that has all worked well for decades,” he said. “But if you think about it, the secretary of defense is the decider and is of Turkey, DoD and the State Department. “We understand this is disruptive to our military families, but we must keep them safe and ensure the combat effectiveness of our forces to support our strong ally Turkey in the fight against terrorism,” Breedlove said. the integrator in the department. And he is the lowest level at which integration - actually full integration - takes place amongst the combatant commanders.” The nature of war is changing, the speed of war is changing, and the military owes the defense secretary a better way to make decisions in a timely manner, the chairman said - “a better process for the prioritization and allocation of resources in real time when you’re dealing with the kind of challenges that I’ve described.” Defense leaders will make recommendations to Con gress on defense reforms, in the coming weeks, Dunford said. “We’re already moving out within our authorities to make some fundamental changes to be able to address those challenges I discussed,” he said, “and I expect we’ll hear more of that.” &+(&.285*5($77,&.(735,&(6 MANILA EARLY BIRD DECEMBER SPECIAL AS LOW AS Non-active duty personnel are invited to join the Navy League. No military service required, just a desire to serve those that serve. $ 1095 ASK US ABOUT OTHER ASIA DESTINATIONS AIRFARE lAyAwAy PlAN AVAIlABlE SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLIES. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE. #2007746-10 Visit our facebook page 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102 San Diego, CA 92111 Call Jay Lott at 619-230-0301 or email him at jay@navyleague-sd.com for more information. WITH TAX FROM SAN or LAX 7+(3/$&(72*2%()25(<28*2$1<:+(5( )D[ email: travelnetworksan@gmail.com 4 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 Business & Service Directory !!Attention Military!! The Oceanside Swapmeet 2SHQ6DWXUGD\V6XQGD\V Admission Saturday 1 & Sunday 2 Military Get in Free on Saturdays with ID $ $ Do Your Garage Sales on Saturday $5 3480 Mission Ave., Oceanside, Ca 92058 2I¿FH ND Call Gino 760-535-8880 $ Introduce your business to the military market by advertising in our Business & Service Directory Call 619.280.2985 1 Hour 3999 Massage Body & Sole Massage 6ZHGLVK 'HHS7LVVXH +RW6WRQH 6SRUWV Parking $5 Reimbursement 3983 30th, San Diego, CA 92104 619.297.8888 www.bodysolemassagespa.com Sharpen your focus. Sharpen your edge. The Place To go before you go anywhere! All natural Brain Supplement EHT Email: travelnetworksan@gmail.com 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102, San Diego, Ca 92111 After 20 years of research at Princeton University Labs http://tamilynnbickel.buyneriumeht.com Call Today 775-217-3841 !!Attention Military!! Escondido World Marketplace 2SHQ:HG)UL6DW6XQ Admission Saturday $1 & Sunday $2 Military Get in 2 for 1 Do Your Garage Sales on Saturday $5 635 W. Mission Ave., Escondido, Ca 92025 2I¿FHRU call Gino 760-535-8880 New Energy Massage 8QLYHUVLW\$YH6'&D 1 block West of I-15 $ 619.795.0955 10 Discount on any Massage Open 7 Days a Week • 9am-10pm NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Veterans News USS Conestoga: 95-year-old lost Navy ship mystery solved by MC2 David Zeigler WASHINGTON - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Navy announced the discovery of World War I-era fleet tugboat USS Conestoga (AT 54), 95 years after her disappearance with 56 officers and Sailors, at the Navy Memorial, March 23. NOAA located Conestoga, the last U.S. Navy ship to be lost without a trace, in the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of San Francisco. The exact location has not been disclosed to prevent unauthorized diving or looting. “Today was the announcement of the 95th anniversary, which will be this coming Friday, March 25th, of the loss of the USS Conestoga,” said Robert Schwemmer, West Coast Regional Maritime Heritage Coordinator. “It was believed to have gone missing off the coast of Hawaii 95 years earlier. It was found off the coast of Southern California in the Greater Farallones National Marines Sanctuary in September of 2014.” Conestoga was an ocean going tug built for commercial service in 1904 and was acquired by the Navy in 1917 for use as a fleet tender and minesweeper. Following service in World War I, Conestoga was formally classified as a fleet tugboat on July 17, 1920. Ordered to duty in Tutuila, American Samoa, Conestoga steamed from Mare Island Navy Yard in California on March 25, 1921 and headed to Pearl Harbor. Her and her crew never reached their destination. “Today was the first time we could reach out to the families in person, put faces to the long list of 56 Sailors lost 95 years ago,” Schwemmer. NOAA conducted Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) survey dives to positively identify the ship and determine the cause of its wreck. Based on the location and orientation of the wreck, three miles off Southeast Farallon Island, NOAA and its consultants believe Conestoga sank as officers and the crew attempted to reach a protected cove on the island. Video from cameras mounted on ROVs show the wreck lying on the seabed and largely intact. Extensive marine growth, primarily white plume anemones, drapes the hull’s exterior while various species of marine life, including wolf eels, ling cod and rockfish, inhabit the site. NOAA confirmed a number of features consistent with the description and plans of Conestoga published in 1904 including: Emil Fredreksen receives Medal of Honor AUSA to celebrate Army’s birthday SEATTLE - Medal of Honor recipient Chief Watertender Emil Fredreksen was finally given proper military honors during a ceremony at the Evergreen Washelli Cemetery in Seattle March 25. The San Diego Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army, or AUSA, is set to celebrate the Army’s 241st birthday June 14. Fredreksen, a Navy veteran who passed away more than 60 years ago, was a recipient of the rare peacetime Medal of Honor. With a service record that encompasses time on more than 20 ships, he is most notably defined by his time on USS Bennington (PG-4), Gunboat 4. The association plans to meet at the MCAS Miramar Officers Club from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Details include lunch buffet for $20 ($10 for military personnel in uniform) with RSVP no later than June 7 by contacting CSM Retired Bob Austin at e-mail at opainca@cox.net or CW5 Retired Teddy C. Datuin at tcdatuin@ gmail.com. On July 21, 1905, the ship was preparing to sail from San Diego to Panama when at 10:33 a.m., one of its boilers exploded due to an over pressured valve. Records of the incident state that “the ship shook violently for several seconds, large volumes of steam and ashes filling most of the living compartments and deck space.” With a total death toll of 66 and 46 severely injured, it was considered the worst peacetime disaster the Navy had seen. He, along with 10 others, was awarded the Medal of Honor for “extraordinary heroism displayed in the line of duty.” The invitation also extends to the recognitioon of local Army units’ NCOs of the Year and S a n D i e g o ’s JROTC Cadet of the Year. “Throughout our country’s history, courageous men and women of the Evergreen State have answered the call to protect and defend justice, liberty and the freedom we hold so precious,” said David Bloch, on behalf of Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. “Rising above the call of duty, at the risk of grave injury and loss of life the celebrated few of these fearless service members distinguish themselves as heroes in the eyes of there comrades.” Membership rates for 2016 are lower than past fees. Rates are 2 years: $30, 5 years: $50; life member: $300; 2 years: $10 (E1-E4, cadets only). Members receive monthly editions of Army Magazine and AUSA News. You can choose to receive the publications in print or via e-mail. For more information, go to http://www.ausa.org/membership/individual/Pages/. Fredreksen’s career eventually brought him to Washington state where, after 33 years of service, he would retire in 1930 from the Naval Reserve. He passed away in 1950 with no ceremony or headstone. Win two tickets to RAIN the Musical or RAIN Tribute A plaque dedicated to the memory of those who were lost at sea on Conestoga was unveiled in the lobby of the Navy Memorial Museum. Celso Pina Jacob’s Center Market Creek Plaza Amphitheater Sunday, April 17 w 3 p.m. • Truck Bed Covers • New and Used Camper Shells • Side Steps • Bed Liner • Trucks Racks • Tool Boxes • Fuel Tanks • Carpet Kits • Tow hitches • Mufflers • MILITARY DISCOUNT You name it, We’ve Got It Over 2,500 rods,ad customs, classics, muscle Get $25.00 off $300 or more with this cars and trucks thru 1972. •Special indoor Car show exhibit AND MORE. VA Disability Claim Denied? Know Your Rights and Don’t Take “No” for an Answer! Why Risk a Permanent Denial and Lose Back Pay? Call or Text the Professional Advocates Today! www.VetDisabilityAid.com “This coming season we will be looking at the area of the Farallones Sanctuary that has been recently expanded to the north,” said James Delgado, director of Maritime Heritage for NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuary. “We will not only be looking at the shipwrecks but we will be working with California State Parks and other partners to see how the sanctuary connects to the shore.” WINNER! Win two tickets to see 619-749-0742 www.socaltruck.net 760-585-4665 After the ship was identified, in 2015 the NOAA and the Navy held a memorial ceremony at sea to honor the family members of those that were lost during the incident. The Armed Forces Dispatch wants you to be a 10460 Mission Gorge Rd Santee, CA 92071 No Fees Unless You Win - Free Consultation the size of the wreck; the fourbladed, 12-foot 3 inch diameter propeller; the steam engine and boilers; the number and location of portholes, mooring bitts, and ventilator locations; a large steam towing winch with twisted wire on the drum; two porcelain marine heads; and a single, 3inch, 50-caliber gun that was mounted on the main deck in front of the pilot house. 0LVVLRQ*RUJH5G6DQWHH The internationally acclaimed “rebelde del acordeón” (rebel of the accordion) Celso Piña comes to San Diego for one night only. Enter to win tickets, dance into the night to a fusion of cumbia, rock, reggae, and hip-hop. This is a 21and-over festival. Rules: Fill out the entry form below and send it to us at: Dispatch Newspaper/Celso Pina, P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160. Entries must be in our office by Wed., April 6, 2016. One entry per family. Must show ID upon pickup. Entries may also be submitted via e-mail to contest@navydispatch.com, Subj: Celso Pina. Include all information requested below in online entries. Winners notified by telephone. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper/Celso Pina Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at noon. Please answer all questions to be eligible. name____________________________________ address_ _________________________________ city, state, zip______________________________ phone___________________________________ What radio station do you listen to?_______ Active duty military (which base): _______________________________________ Military spouse/family member Civilian Retired military THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 5 When the Conestoga didn’t arrive on her scheduled arrival date April 5, the Navy mounted a massive sea and air search for three months off the Hawaii and Mexican coast near San Diego before announcing the tug was lost on June 30, 1921. “It’s been an amazing honor to honor these Sailors and reach out to meet their families, bring them closure and let them know that the Conestoga lies in the National Marine Sanctuary and that it is protected by the sanctuary act and NOAA as a military gravesite.” of Worship 6/25 7/2 7/9 swap Family Life Coffee shop confessions … we want to know what you confessed to?” I felt twinge of fear when I realized that our youngest daughter may shock me with her answer, but Lilly responded, “I told him that I’ve been disrespectful to you guys a lot over the years.” by Lisa Smith Molinari “So Lilly, what did you tell Father Kris?” I asked our 15-yearold daughter recently at a local coffee shop. We had just picked her up from a confirmation class retreat, which included confessions with our parish priest. This sacrament is shrouded with an impenetrable veil of secrecy, but we knew Lilly would tell us. “Well,” she revealed between slurps of hot cocoa, “I told him, ‘Bless me father for I have sinned, it has been eight years since my last confession …’” “Yes, yes, we know that part tary School. However, it still wasn’t clear whether Lilly’s “mark” would be top grades, or graffiti on the girl’s bathroom wall. My Navy husband, Francis, was deployed for a year, and I was doing my best to hold it all together. Between the the meat and potatoes of life Relieved, I plopped another puddle of ketchup alongside my fries, and let my mind wander back to Lilly’s first confession to Father Jim when we were stationed in Virginia eight years ago. exterminator bills, scout meetings, dog walks, soccer games, dryer lint, piano lessons, sinus infections, and football practices, there wasn’t much time left for mother-daughter chats about right and wrong. Second grade was a dicey year for Lilly. Emerging from the shadow of her dominant older siblings, Lilly was making her mark in Mrs. Ryan’s class at Fairfield Elemen- As the third child, Lilly often got the short end of the stick, but she never once stopped to ask, “What about me?” With a smile full of awkward teeth, a fistful of her Family owned & operated since 1991 TRANSMISSION 3DOP$YH6DQ'LHJR&D 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQGLIIHUHQWLDOUHSDLUV 0DQXDODQG$XWRPDWLF7UDQVPLVVLRQV 6DPH'D\6HUYLFH$YDLODEOH )5((7RZLQJZLWKLQDUHDIRUPDMRUMREV h DIFFERENTIAL REPAIR SPECIALISTS CLUTCH REPLACEMENT TRANSMISSION REBUILD % OFF /DERU&RVWV 2IIHUH[SLUHV /DERU $ 6RPH5:'VPDOOFDUV&DOOIRUVSHFLDOVRQLPSRUWV5:' DQGRQDOOWUXFNV)OXLGH[WUD2IIHUH[SLUHV ([WHQGHG:DUUDQW\$FFHSWHG )5((/HDN,QVSHFWLRQ )5((3URIHVVLRQDO(VWLPDWHV )5((&RPSXWHU'LDJQRVWLFZLWKRXUUHSDLU TRANSMISSION 781(83 $ /DERU2QO\3DUWV([WUD 2IIHUH[SLUHV 6 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 6H+DEOD(VSDQRO Places of Worship B C C ayview Baptist Church 6126 Benson Avenue, SD 92114 (619) 262-8384 Sunday 7:00 am, 9:00am and 11:00 am Worship Service 2nd Wednesday's 6pm YLoV and YMoV Wednesday Night Live (WNL) 7pm "A Multi-Cultural, Multi Ethnic, Multi Generational Church" www.bayviewbc.org hrist Community Church Helping people love God and each other more! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Small Groups for Teens and Adults of all Ages! 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 www.gotoChrist.com or (858) 549-2479 ity of Praise The Perfect Place for Imperfect People to Mature in Christ! A place to belong with exciting life related messages for everyday living. See you at Sunday School - 9:00am & Sunday Moring Celebration-10:30am Tues Bible Connection-7pm Location: 2321 Dryden Rd., El Cajon, CA 92020 619.749.1767 visit us at www.thecityofpraise.org & twitter@citybishop Bishop Stephen M. Brunson, Senior Pastor, USN, Retired favorite Polly Pockets, and a carefree attitude, Lilly was easy to love. But as a happygo-lucky kid, Lilly was also easy to overlook. Until one day when I got a call from the school. “Mrs. Molinari,” Principal Stubblefield told me one afternoon, “we think Lilly has forged your signature. Can you come in?” Apparently, Lilly had bossed a boy on the playground, and was told to have a parent sign the Incident Report. Rather than draw any unnecessary attention to herself, Lilly decided to sign it for me. Problem was, she couldn’t write in cursive. So she conned her older brother into showing her “how Mommy signs her name,” then cut out his best attempt (white paper), and taped it onto the Incident Report (green paper). Not exactly foolproof, but pretty sneaky for a six-year old. As parents tend to do, I panicked. Thanks to my parental neglect, Lilly was now destined to rotate through dangerous county jails, maximum security facilities, and sketchy halfway houses on her way to a life of hard crime. My dreams for her future were suddenly reduced to hoping she’d get her GED while serving out a sentence for Grand Theft Auto. In an attempt to set things right, I asked Principal Stubblefield to rough Lilly up a little bit. Well, not exactly, but we planned that she would call Lilly to the Office (every kid’s worst nightmare), sit her down across from the big desk, and open the gigantic rulebook to the page that says dishonest kids get expelled from school. In case that didn’t scare her straight, I took Lilly to her first confession. I stood in the back of the church, as she walked down the center isle to sit in a pew with Father Jim. I couldn’t hear what was said, but I saw Lilly’s little head bobbing as she told Father Jim a long story. He listened intently and murmured back to her in solemn tones. Seeing Lilly confess, I bowed my own head and admitted that I should’ve paid more attention to my little girl. At the coffee shop, Francis finished the last of his tuna melt and asked Lilly what she was given as a penance. Rolling her eyes, Lilly reported, “Between now and Easter, I’m supposed to perform acts of respect toward my parents.” Despite our own parenting missteps, Lilly has turned out to be a pretty honest kid, and we realize that these moments of contrition have helped all of us to be better people. As for those “acts of respect”, I confess, we’re still waiting. Fleet and Family Support Center workshop highlights Effective parenting workshop: 4 day course Apr. 5, 12, 19, 26. 9-4pm FFSC NBC, Bldg. G, Saufley Road San Diego, CA 92135 This multi-session workshop discusses topics affecting today’s family, including: consistent and effective discipline, understanding developmental stages, communication with children or young adults, building child self-esteem, and dealing with bullies. Single parent resource connection Apr 13, 2:30-3:30 pm, FFSC NBC, Bldg. 318, Saufley Road San Diego, CA 92135 Apr 27, 2:30-3:30 pm, FFSC NBC, Bldg. G, Saufley Road San Diego, CA 92135 Join the New Parent Support Home Visitation program to network with other parents, learn about community resources, and discuss parenting topics. Walk-Ins Welcome! For more information, please call (619) 767-1786. SEE Workshops, page 7 Teen job fair Teen job fair Apr 16, 10 -1 pm at Murphy Canyon Youth Center, 4867 Santo Road, San Diego, CA 92124. The Fleet & Family Support Center is hosting a Teen Job Fair! Please come for an opportunity to network with over 30 employers looking for your skills! Explore volunteer opportunities as well as college scholarship information. There is a parent orientation about state labor laws and job permits. Bring copies of your resume and come dressed to impress. For more information, email: teensuccess@mwrsw.com F aith Bible Fellowship M ilitary Outreach Ministries COGIC F irst Baptist Church M t. Moriah Christian Church 9971 Mission Gorge Rd. Santee, CA (Behind Pacific Western Bank) Sunday School Classes 9am Sunday Services 10am and 6pm Awana Wednesdays 6:30 pm fbfsc.org "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach the World" Interim Pastor Jim Baize www.fbcoronado.com Sunday Bible Study 8:45 am, Sunday Worship Service 10 am Friday's Women's Bible Study 9:30-11:30 am 445 C Ave, Coronado,CA 92118 (619) 435-6588 ariel@fbcoronado.com FB: First Baptist Church of Coronado "Supporting all families, all people, at all times" Pastor Dennis Eley, Jr, MBA Sunday: Worship Service 10:30am to 12:30pm Wednesday: Bible Study 6pm to 7:30pm Skyline Recreation Center, 8285 Skyline Dr, San Diego, CA 92114 Toll free 855-209-3879 www.militaryoutreachministries.org Download APP "MoMinistries" "Purpose Driven" Gospel Church Multi- Cultural, Non-Denominational Services on Sunday at 9 a.m. Near Miramar Base L.J. Thomas - Sr. Pastor 7055 Carroll Rd, San Diego CA 92121 (858) 335-5795 www.mtmoriahcc.org L ighthouse Baptist Church N ew Directions Church M esa View Baptist Church P rince of Peace Lutheran Church "Where the Shout has not Died Out" 1345 Skyline Dr, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes: 9:30 am Sunday Morning Service 11am,Sunday Evening at 5:30pm Midweek Service and Teen Church, Thursdays at 7pm www.lighthousebaptist.com (619) 461-5561 Dr. Darrow Perkins, Jr., Th.D. Pastor/Servant Seeking Sinners; Saving Souls, Strengthening Saints Sunday Church School at 9:30 am Early Morning Worship at 8 am (Starting Jan. 3) Morning Worship at 11 am Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 pm (Will start back up January 6, 2016) 13230 Pomerado Rd, Poway CA 92064 www.mesaview.org (858) 485-6110 ayview Baptist Church A Church where a change of heart take place Sunday Worship 10:30 am Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:30 pm Rev. Phillip L. Brown, Sr.; Pastor 4855 Seminol Dr., San Diego, Ca 92115 PO Box 740443 San Diego, Ca 92174 Mailling address www.ndcsd.org (619) 822-4961 Pastor Paul Willweber www.princeofpeacesd.net Sunday Worship 9am Bible Class, Sunday School 10:30am Bible Study Tuesdays 10am Youth Night 2nd/4th Wed 6:30-8pm Sonshine Kids Wed & Thurs 10-11am and 3:30-4:30pm Sept thru May. (619)583-1436 6801 Easton Court San Diego, Ca 92120 Career & Education Navy Medicine Operational Training Center launches new eCampus for students Workshops continued from page 6 EFMP resource fair Apr 16, 11:30-1:30 pm Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD), Jerry Coleman Center, Bldg. 659, San Diego, CA 92140 Learn about the resources available from local and national community service providers. Fun and free child friendly activities provided. To RSVP or for more information, please call (858) 577-4668 Homebuying workshop Apr 27, 12:00-4pm Murphy Canyon Chapel, 3200 Santo Road, San Diego, 92124 First-time home buyers: Get the latest information on purchasing a home. Or if you’re more experienced, refresh your skills for the next home purchase. Attending “More Money, More Options” and “Master Your Credit and Defeat Your Debt” is encouraged, but not required. These two courses precede the “Home Buying Workshop” with a one hour lunch break. You are also welcome to bring your lunch to this class. Navy Medicine Operational Training Center announced March 23 the launch of its eCampus and eLibrary that could eventually impact every naval aviator, Navy aircrew member and Navy operational medicine student. C m d r. S t e v e n P a r k s , N M O T C ’s D i r e c t o r a t e o f Training (DOT) said through months of research, surveys and collaboration between NMOTC’s Directorate for Information Technology (DFIT) and the DOT, the eCampus site is now available to enhance the training experience for more than 600 staff members and thousands of NMOTC students annually. Parks said the command took advantage of today’s technology to provide an easier way of learning for the Sailors by “continuing the command’s tradition of advanced training technology for the warfighter. This initiative will enhance the knowledge and proficiency of future operational medicine professionals reporting to the fleet.” The site provides a onepoint access of materials for 64 courses taught at six detachments and eight Aviation Survival Training Centers geographically located across the country. On the eCampus site, the eLibrary contains courserelated textbooks, journal articles, and medical information in digital format for NMOTC staff and students. modules are further protected by a compartmental permission system. Instructors have the ability to make changes to student rosters and provide updates to course materials. “For decades, NMOTC has continually forged the path for operational medicine and aviation survival training by preparing the Navy’s finest medical personnel in the air, land and sea environments, thereby preventing catastrophic human factor related mishaps from occurring worldwide,” said Erwin. “Considering the diversity throughout the com- “The long-term goal is to establish collegiate-level experiential learning technology for the deck plate,” said Lt. Miles Erwin, NMOTC’s eCampus project manager. mand with training consisting of classroom academics, simulation, and hands-on laboratory experiences, NMOTC has been innovative and continually responsive to the challenges of the warfighter.” Staff and students may visit NMOTC’s eCampus website at http://www.med.navy.mil/ sites/nmotc/ecampus. Prospective students may access courses provided by NMOTC by looking through the course catalog. NMETC is an Echelon-4 command reporting to Navy Medicine Education and Training Command. NMETC and NMOTC are part of the Navy Medicine team, a global health-care network of Navy medical professionals around the world who provide highquality health care to eligible beneficiaries. Navy Medicine personnel deploy with Sailors and Marines worldwide, providing critical mission support on the sea aboard ships, in the air, under the sea and on the battlefield. For more news from Navy Medicine Education and Training Command, visit www.navy. mil/local/nmsc/. This new site has controlled access with common access card credentials required to ensure data security and the School Directory Public Charter School Grades K-8 Open to all San Diego County Families 858.271.1414 www.InnovationsAcademy.org Preschool Free for Families that Qualify Quality Teachers, Preschool Curriculum & Facilities Full-Day, Year Round Child Care 4:1 Student Teacher Ratio (18 mos. - 2 yrs.) 8:1 Student Teacher Ratio (3 yrs. - 5 yrs.) Healthy Meals & Snacks Included Tuition Assistance Available Call today for a tour at one of our 22 locations! NORTH COUNTY SAN DIEGO SOUTHBAY )XOO'D\3DUW'D\$JHV )XOO'D\$JHV0RV<UV (760) 639-4175 (858) 278-2571 )XOO'D\$JHV (619) 422-4642 www.educ-enrichment.org /LFHQVH((6LVDQHTXDORSSRUWXQLW\SURYLGHUHPSOR\HU RETAIL JOB FAIR +LULQJ1RZ :HDUHORRNLQJIRUHQHUJHWLFLQGLYLGXDOVZLWK¿QHFXVWRPHUVHUYLFH VNLOOVWRFRQWULEXWHWRWKHLOOXVWULRXVHQYLURQPHQWWKDWPDNHV+RWHO 'HO &RURQDGR ³7KH :RUOG¶V &KRLFH IRU &UHDWLQJ 0HPRULHV´ $YDLODEOH 6HDVRQDO 5HJXODU DQG 0DQDJHPHQW SRVLWLRQV LQ WKH IROORZLQJ FDSDFLWLHV %DQTXHWV &XOLQDU\ )RRG %HYHUDJH +RXVHNHHSLQJ 5HVHUYDWLRQV 6WHZDUGLQJ *XHVW 6HUYLFHV 3XUFKDVLQJ 6HFXULW\ 6SD 5HFUHDWLRQ Please apply online at http://www.hoteldel.com/careers/ (2(0)'9'UXJ)UHH(QYLURQPHQW Culinary Cooks The Pac Tide Room Monday, April 4th 4:00pm-8:00pm Shops at The Del, a collection of 12 speciality curated stores, are looking for outgoing people to join our retail team. Retail sales DVVRFLDWHVHQMR\ÀH[LEOHVFKHGXOHVJHQHURXVGLVFRXQWFRPSHWLWLYH wages while working with a leader in the San Diego hospitality industry. 0HHWWHDPPHPEHUVOHDUQDERXWFXUUHQWDQGVHDVRQDORSSRUWXQLWLHV in the retail department at The Del. Regular and Seasonal RSSRUWXQLWLHV DUH DYDLODEOH $SSO\ WKDW HYHQLQJ RU RQOLQH DW www.hoteldel.com/careers/ EOE/ADA Drug Free Workplace. We are looking for energetic, upbeat and engaging Culinary Full time, part time, and seasonal positions available. Minimum of 2 years of experience in kitchen operation of a hotel, restaurant or club. Must be able to obtain a San Diego &RXQW\ )RRG +DQGOHUV &DUG RU 6HUYH 6DIH &HUWL¿FDWLRQ Essential Duties and Responsibilities are to prepare, cook, and serve meals as directed by Sous Chef. We have regular & seasonal opportunities. Interested candidate, please apply online at http://www.hoteldel.com/employment/careers/ EOE/MF/DV Drug Free Environment THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 7 Exercise and nutrition vital for all ages About Your Health Nine ways to go healthy when eating out We love eating out. The National Restaurant Association estimates Americans eat one out of every four meals away from home. For nutritionists and health experts, this habit can be a concern because restaurants usually offer bigger portions than we eat at home. However, the County Health and Human Services Agency’s nutritionist, Naomi Billups, says restaurants don’t deserve all the blame for our unhealthy eating habits. March is National Nutri- tion Month and she offers some tips on how to stick to a healthy eating plan while enjoying a meal out. necessary. Plan ahead Restaurants generally offer multiple “servings” or “portions” so we begin to think these are normal amounts. Check this out - one serving of pasta is only a half of a cup. Try and measure that out. You will be surprised! Restaurants portions can be up to eight times as much. You can split a dish or plan to take away half for the next day’s lunch. Healthy foods can be found at most dining establishments; you just have to look. Many restaurants have their menus online, so you can check it out before you go in and are tempted by less nutritious menu options. By doing this, you can choose the restaurant with the healthiest options and order the best meal. Of course, you can ask for substitutions, if available and Dentists Affordable General Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Art Palaganas, D.D.S. Aleli Amos Palaganas D.D.S. 7RRWKFRORUHGILOOLQJV7HHWKFOHDQLQJ &URZQVEULGJHV9HQHHUV 5RRWFDQDOWUHDWPHQW 'HQWXUHV)XOO3DUWLDOUHOLQHUHSDLU 7RRWKH[WUDFWLRQ&OHDUFRUUHFWDOLJQHU 2UWKRGRQWLFV%UDFHV,PSODQWV 2UDO5HKDELOLWDWLRQ Children of all ages welcome!! MILITARY INSURANCE ACCEPTED Dental Emergencies/Walk-Ins Welcome Please call for an appointment: (619) 474-8441 &BTUUI4U4VJUF%t/BUJPOBM$JUZ Escape “portion distortion” Design your plate Eating healthy is not about what you can’t eat. Billups says you should think about adding healthy items to your meal. Try to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Whole-grain breads, pastas, and sides are a great option. So are healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, seeds and nuts. You should always go for leaner proteins, such as turkey, chicken, or fish or choose a plant-based entree. Ask for and choose sustainable and/or locally grown products – usually what is good for the earth is good for you. Go whole grain Whole grains have fiber unlike their processed counterparts. Fiber helps make you feel full without extra calories and is healthy for you. When ordering a sandwich, ask for whole grain bread. Order brown rice instead of white or start off with half and half. Rethink your drink Drinking calories adds up really quickly and many people do not realize how fast and how much. Stick to quenching your thirst with water or soda water. Add a little lemon or lime for flavor. This also not only helps you maintain a healthy weight but lightens up your bill. Unsweetened tea is another good option. Don’t go out hungry Sure, you’ve been looking forward to going out to eat, but if you’re starving by the time you get to the restaurant, chances are you’ll end up scarfing down the chips or bread before your main dish arrives. Billups says you should have a small snack at home to stave off hunger. Or order a broth-based soup or small salad, with a light dressing or the dressing on the side, while you’re waiting. Watch for cooking clues It’s important to look at the menu for clues as to how your dish is prepared. “Grilled,” “broiled,” or “steamed” are all good options because the food is cooked with less fat. “Fried,” “breaded,” and “creamy” all sound delicious—and probably are—but they are likely to be loaded with calories…and fat. Ask for low-fat dressings, and ask for dressings on the side. Once in a while, small amounts of butter and mayo are OK. Request to replace Remember that your server is your friend. Ask your server to help you make your meal healthier. You can request a salad instead of fries or chips. Your server can also make the bread basket or chips disappear. It’s also OK to ask the server if you can order “off-menu” and request that the chef prepare a special vegetarian dish or, maybe, grilled chicken and steamed vegetables. Many restaurants would be more than happy to show off their healthy options. Eating out could be just as healthy as eating at home, Billups says. All you have to do is plan and be ready to make savvy substitutions for a savory and nutritious meal as the ones you cook at home. Parmela Sawhney, MD. Family Practice & Holistic Medicine Ayurvedic Integrated Wellness VW6W8QLW&RURQDGR&$ 619-435-4488 WE TAKE TRICARE & MOST INSURANCES 8 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 Visit our website at: www.AyurvedicIntegrated.com Fleet Surgical Team Nine (FST9) mass casualty exercise by MC1 Marie Montez Sailors from Fleet Surgical Team (FST) 9 took part in a mass casualty exercise shipboard surgical training on March 5 at strategic operations in San Diego. Strategic operations staged a real world shipboard trauma unit to include an operating room and the medevac helicopter environment. Cmdr. Tuan Hoang, director of medical readiness division in (SURF PACK), organized the mass casualty drill to incorporate FST-9 and FST-1 corpsmen with specialized individual skills to work together cohesively in a safe and secure environment. Huang said it is important to train the team for how to conduct real world trauma care as realistic as possible. We have to train how we fight and replicate the battlefield before they go into battle. “I think the staff provided us with a very realistic environment for them to train, which I see the maturation of the team from a very well individual to a well- trained team with all the nuts and bolts running on the same frequency,” said Hoang. This training will be used for predeployment readiness. Kit Lavell, the executive vice president of strategic operations, said this is the first of six evolutions of this curriculum that will be held within a 24-month period here on this facility. “This particular training is different because we are doing a lot of science in this one. We are doing a lot of things to determine objective measurements and metrics to determine the efficacy of the training,” said Lavell. Hospital Corpsman Petty Officer First Class Larenzo Lott, lead surgical technologist at Riverside, Calif., said, “We are doing some good high speed training on surgery involve our fleet sets and actually put them to use, getting to use the equipment that we use shipboard. The training is pretty demanding but we are getting through it. It is very fast paced detailed. Energy is high and excited to be here.” NEW PATIENT SPECIAL! $ 35 includes cleaning, exam & x-rays $ 300 VALUE New patients only. In abence of potential/gum disease. Not valid with insurance or other offers. Must present coupon at time of appointment. Expires 4/30/16. FREE TEETH WHITENING! after new patient exam, cleaning & x-rays $ 300 VALUE Usually no out of pocket expense when paying with insurance. Call for details. Must present coupon at time of appointment. Expires 4/30/16. FREE ASK ABOUT YOUR MILITARY DISCOUNT SECOND OPINION New patients only. Does not include x-rays. Not valid with insurance or other offers. Must present coupon at time of appointment. Expires 4/30/16. Between 3rd & 4th Street Se habla Espanol On Base & On Board Dave & Buster’s Trips Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. The RECYARD, NBSD: 619-556-5078 Friday, April 15 • 5:30 pm • $5 Come out with Liberty for two great Friday nights! Cost includes transportation and snacks. Arm your team with the technology and training to capture, manage, distribute and deliver video and data for your operations. MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES FOR MILITARY & GOVERNMENT Professionals from the government and commercial sectors converge to discuss needs and solutions based on cutting-edge broadcast technologies. Content Highlights • • • • • Mission-Critical Intelligence and Training APRIL 16 – 21, 2016 • LAS VEGAS, NV USA NASA Animations and Visualizations Training Tools for Law Enforcement Why the Future SOC Must Understand Its Adversaries DOTS Archival Storage for Mission Critical Assets Broadcasting Data Over TV: First Responders and the Public FREE for direct employees of U.S. Military and Government Agencies. Valid agency ID required to qualify for this rate. Register and learn more at NABShow.com Free Exhibits Pass Code PA183 THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 9 Join the Navy’s Bay Bridge Run/Walk 30 Year Celebration! The Navy’s Bay Bridge Run/Walk, presented by SDG&E, Northrop Grumman and Unified Port of San Diego, is Sunday, May 15, 2016. Your only chance to walk across the Coronado Bridge! Register today at www.navylifesw.com/bridgerun. Comedy Night & Kid’s Fun Night Friday, April 1, 7-9 pm (doors open 6:30 pm), FREE (18 yrs.+) Sea ‘N Air 19th Hole Clubhouse Laugh the night away with top local talent from the SD/LA Comedy Circuit. Complimentary light hors d’oeuvres provided. Beverages available for purchase. Pick up your FREE admission tickets (limit 4) at the NAB or NASNI Ticket Offices/Liberty Centers. Call 619545-9576 for more information. Plus, sign your youngsters up for the Kid’s Fun Night while you enjoy the comedy show. The kid’s fun starts at 6:30 at the NASNI Child and Youth 24/7 Center and goes until 9:30 pm. The cost is only $4/hour. Call 619-545-5617 to register. Family Fun Night Fit Family Boot Camp, Dinner & Movie Under the Stars Friday, April 8, 6-9:30 pm, FREE* Silver Strand Youth Center, 1302 Leyte Road, Coronado Bring the whole family for a fun night of events: 6-7 pm - Fit Family Boot Camp (registration required: http://navylifesw.com/sandiego/events/) 7-7:30 pm - Art mural project with photo booth and dinner 7:30-9:30 pm - Movie under the stars with FREE popcorn and cotton candy * Dinner available for purchase. Info: 619-435-5056 Resort Spa Day Sunday, April 17, 9 am, $75 (16 yrs.+) Join us for a day of pampering and relaxation at Glen Ivy Hot Springs. Take time to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. Cost includes transportation, access to Glen Ivy’s lush gardens, ample lounge areas and the healing waters of 19 pools including naturally thermal mineral baths, a hot and cold plunge, saline pool and lap pool, plus a Grotto treatment. Register: 619-437-3190 or 619-545-9576 Come Roll With Us! Saturday, April 16, 12-2 pm, $10 per person (pre-paid)/$12 (day of) NBSD Admiral Robinson Bowling Center Join us for a bowling party. Cost includes 2 hours of unlimited bowling, shoe rental, pizza (2 slices), soda and ice cream sundae bar. Don’t miss this fun time! Register: 619-556-9597 or 619-556-7486 LISTED FROM PREVIOUS ISSUES…. Sunday Group Dance Classes $5 per person per class ~ 5 pm Beginner, 6 pm • Intermediate Head over to Admiral Robinson Recreation Center every Sunday to learn Salsa, Rumba, Cha Cha, Thursdays • 6:30-8:30 am NAB Pool, Bldg. 508, 619-437-5012; Mambo, Merengue, Samba, Swing, Waltz, Fox Trot, Tango, Hustle, Wednesdays • 7-7:45 am NBPL, Main Base Pool, Bldg. 1, 619and Night Club Two Step. Plus, LINE DANCE Classes NOW 553-0934 OFFERED! Every Sunday at 7 pm after the group classes, learn the Water Fitness A great full-body, low-impact workout! FREE Electric Slide and other popular line dances. Cost is $5 per person for active duty, dependents and DoD, $3 per guest Tuesdays and per class. Thursdays 3:15-4 pm • VADM Martin Pool, NASNI, Bldg. 1507, BINGO COVERALL game pays $750 every Saturday night! 619-545-0237 All Main Pack games pay $200. The BINGO Hall opens at 4 pm Masters Swim Practice NAB Pool, Bldg. 508 • Tuesdays & every Saturday night with Fun Games beginning when 5 or more Thursdays 11 am-12 pm VADM Martin Pool, NASNI, Bldg. 1507 players are present. Main session begins at 6:30 pm. For more in- • Wednesdays 11 am-12 pm Are you looking for serious workout? formation contact the Admiral Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD, We have the answer, come join us! Call 619-437-5012 (NAB) or Bldg. 3223, at 619-556-7486. 619-545-2877 (NASNI) for more details. LIBERTY Sharks Club $50 for 8 training sessions • Mondays • 4 pm Flower Fields Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. We’re a youth swim team developed to help students transition from Liberty Hall, NBPL, Harbor Drive Annex: 619-524-6587 Sunday, swimming lessons to swim team. Our focus is stroke technique to April 17 • Noon • $4 Welcome spring with a trip to North County’s enhance swimming skills needed for competitive swimming. It’s a famous colorful hills of natural artwork. Cost includes transportation; fun environment ~ check us out! Call the NBPL, Main Base Pool, Bldg. 1, at 619-553-0934. admission of $14 paid on-site. Overnight Fishing Trip Trip open to enlisted active duty and a MARINAS guest, 18+. Friday-Saturday, April 22-23 • $145 active/$155 guest Sailing Classes Ahoy Mates. Fiddler’s Cove offers beginner, Hook the BIG one with Liberty! Sign up at your base Liberty Center intermediate and advanced sailing classes designed to get you out or call 619-532-8909. Cost includes transportation, ticket and snacks. on the water. Held on Saturday and Sunday, each 2-day session Rod and license available for rental/purchase on site. runs from 9 am to 4:30 p.m. at Fiddler’s Cove Marina. Class fees SPORTS & FITNESS are E1-E6 $150; E7 and above and Retirees $200; DoD civilians You are Worth It! An MWR massage is the perfect addition $225; and sponsored guests $250. Dependent fees are calculated at to your healthy body, mind and spirit routine in 2015. Call for an the sponsoring active duty or retiree rate. Pre-registration is recomappointment today! NMCSD, Bldg. 26 1B, 619-532-7629 NBSD, mended as classes fill up fast. Registration fee includes boat rental, Bldg. 223, 619-556-7450 NBPL, Main Base, Bldg. 1, 619-553-7552 instruction and textbooks. For more information call Fiddler’s Cove NAB, Bldg. 162, 619-437-2186 NASNI, Bldg. 1507, 619-545- Marina at 619-522-8680. 0237 OUTDOOR RECREATION Get More Out of Your Workout! FREE fitness instruction is offered Anytime is Perfect for Outdoor Fun Stop by the Outdoor Advenat all base MWR Fitness Centers for all MWR patrons…that means ture Center today at Naval Base San Diego for all your sporting equipYOU! Individual or small group sessions are available. For full details ment needs such as mountain and road bikes, tents, stoves, sleeping or to schedule an appointment, contact the base Fitness Center nearest bags, safety helmets, kayaks, canoes, surfboards, snorkeling gear and you or visit www.navylifesw.com for locations. Also, did you know camping trailers. And don’t forget OAC or Party Rentals at Naval FREE, and low cost, group exercise class schedules are now online? Medical Center San Diego for all your year-round party-planning Bookmark www.navylifesw.com today! Stay fit with MWR! needs! We carry canopies, tables, chairs and more! (Items available AQUATICS vary per location.) Call the Outdoor Adventure Center at 619-556Youth H2O Polo$50 • NBPL, Main Base Pool, Bldg. 1 • 7493 or Party Rentals at 619-532-8466 for more information. 619-553-0934. A great introduction to the sport for youth 6-12 years old! Learn basic skills and understanding of the sport in a recreational format with “Splashy Ball”; MWR’s way to harness all the fun and dynamic aspects of the game! Fee includes eight (8) club sessions. Get started now! Contact Naval Base Point FREE ESTIMATES - Serving Military for Over 23 years Loma, Main Base Aquatics at 619-553-0934. CLUTCH A/C Body BRAKE SERVICE Learn to Swim with MWR! SPECIAL $ Service Work Affordable private and semi$ from Most Cars. Parts & Labor included. private lessons are available for and and Per Axle, Parts & Labor included. Most Cars Includes: Pressure plate and disc. Adjustment, all ages. NBPL, Main Base Standard Brake Packages Repair Paint New throw out bearing. Pilot bearing. Inspect flywheel Pool, Bldg. 1, 619-553-0934 Don’t Wait Until You Have a Problem! VADM Martin Pool, NASNI, Bldg. 1507, 619-545-2877 FREE FUEL INJECTION TIMING BELT CV JOINT Active Duty Swim Lessons. LesSERVICE SPECIAL AXLE sons are led by an American Red $ Cross Water Safety Instructor. $ $ from from from Available for beginning, interMost Cars. Parts & Labor included Most Cars. Parts & Labor included Most Cars. Parts & Labor included mediate and advanced swimmers with instruction on the side stroke available as well. Space is 0DLQ6WUHHW6DQ'LHJR limited ~ call today! Tuesdays & Local Military Great Green Fleet partic ipates in Fo al Eagle NB Point Loma receives recognition for outstanding food service MECHANICSBURG, Pa. - Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced the 2016 winners of the Navy Captain Edward F. Ney Memorial Awards for outstanding food service March 25. The annual awards encourage excellence in Navy Food Service programs, with the objective of improving the quality of life for Navy personnel. “While these awards are presented to the most outstanding CSs (culinary specialists), all 7,300 CSs are winners when it comes to positively affecting Sailors’ health, morale, and fleet readiness every day,” said Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command and Chief of Supply Corps Rear Adm. Jonathan Yuen. by MCSN Dakota Rayburn AT SEA - John C. Stennis Strike Group, the centerpiece of the Navy’s Great Green Fleet, joined the Air Force, Army and the Republic of Korea air force and navy to participate in Maritime Counter Special Operations Force exercise, part of the Foal Eagle exercise that wrapped up March 24 on the Korean peninsula. Stennis (CVN 74) and Carrier Air Wing 9 launched 36 sorties to support MCSOF missions, with USS William P. Lawrence (DDG 110) and USS Stockdale (DDG 106), part of Destroyer Squadron 21, executing maritime air control missions to defend the Korean coastline. 10 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 MCSOF focuses on joint and combined defense-in-depth military execution using units over sea, air and land. The goal is to increase the interoperability of U.S. and ROK forces in the Korean Theater of Operations. Lt. Cmdr. Jennifer Huck, Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron’s 71 operations officer, said that the MCSOF mission was designed to help defend the Republic of Korea. “For our event specifically, we had U.S. and South Korean aircraft participating, and each aircraft had a specific role.” Ships from Destroyer Squadron 15, based in Yokosuka, Japan, provided forces to aug- Ships assigned to the John C. Stennis Strike Group and ships assigned to the Republic of Korea Navy 1st Fleet Maritime Battle Group One steam together during Maritime Counter Special Operations Force exercise, part of Foal Eagle 2016. Navy photo by MC3 A. Richard ment JCSSG throughout the exercise, further enhancing U.S. and ROK combined tactics and sea control. As JCSSG executed the MCSOF mission, it also focused on energy conservation and demonstrating the capabilities of the GGF. The purpose of the GGF is to highlight a culture of energy efficiency and flexibility. JCSSG has different operational requirements depending on the mission at hand and completes those missions using as much smart energy use as possible. By using energy efficient systems while conducting operations, JCSSG increases its combat capability, flexibility, deployment range and duration. FE16 was a series of joint and combined field training exercises conducted by U.S. and ROK Combined Forces Command and U.S. Forces Korea component commands (ground, air, naval, and special operations). For more coverage on this story, visit afdispatch.com. “Congratulations to the 2016 Captain Edward F. Ney Award winners,” said Lt. Cmdr. Keith Capper, Navy Food Service director at NAVSUP. “Your pride and professionalism is highly admirable.” “It’s the team work, the hard work, the long hours and thinking Ney 24/7/365 that get our best culinary specialists to the finish line,” said NAVSUP’s Captain Edward F. Ney Awards Program Coordinator Cheryl Hernandez. “Well done and congratulations winners!” The 2016 Captain Edward F. Ney afloat winners representing the Navy’s Undersea Enterprise, Surface Warfare Enterprise and Naval Aviation Enterprise are: (1) Submarine Category Winner: USS Texas (SSN 775) (2) Small-Medium Afloat Category Winner: USS Antietam (CG 54) (3) Large Afloat Category Winner: USS Wasp (LHD 1) (4) Aircraft Carrier Category Winner: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) The 2016 Captain Edward F. Ney Ashore General Messes see Ney, page 13 Navy picks Digital Consulting Services for potential $500M research and educational support The Navy has selected companies including Digital Consulting Services, to award an estimated $87,996,380 multiple award, indefinitedelivery/indefinite-quantity, cost-plus-fixed-fee, task order contracts to provide a variety of Research and Educational Support with subject matter experts in support of various research and educational programs for the Naval Postgraduate School. year base period and four year option periods. If all options are exercised, the contract value will reach a ceiling value of $502,670,476. The contract includes a one- “We have been providing edu- Work will be performed in Monterey, San Diego, Washington D.C. and Norfolk, Va. This contract was competitively procured through the Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center contracting activity in San Diego. cation, training and research support to NPS continuously for the past 14 years with over 400 task orders while recruiting approximately 500 full time employees and 1099 subcontractors in support of NPS’s mission,” said Garry Noel, vice president and general manager for Digital Consulting Services. “This new contract will allow us to continue to provide support that NPS has been accustomed to while providing additional support capabilities to other Navy locations” Vinson Sailor named AIRPAC Engineer of the Year by MC3 Matthew Brown SAN DIEGO - A USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) Sailor, Electronics Technician (Nuclear) 1st Class Nicholas Newcomb, has been named the 2016 Naval Air Forces Pacific (AIRPAC) Engineer of the year. of time I spent here making sure that I always keep busy and that I am always setting and accomplishing new goals. I constantly maintain the mindset of always getting one more thing done.” Newcomb is currently the leading petty officer of the Carl Vinson reactor training division. He is also the propulsion plant drill team coordinator. Newcomb not only credits his achievement to his individual determination but also recognizes his leadership’s fundamental role in making him into AIRPAC Engineer of the Year material. “I was pretty excited about the award because I did a lot of work to get here,” said Newcomb. “I only got to this point because of the amount “My leadership has crucially impacted my naval career since I’ve been on the ship,” said Newcomb. “They have been my moral compass, my inspira- tion to improve my level of knowledge, and my model of how I should take care of my people.” As the reactor drill coordinator, Newcomb plans and oversees all the drills run by the reactor department. Carl Vinson is currently undergoing a chief of naval operations planned incremental availability period in preparation for future sea operations. For more news from USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), visit www.navy.mil/local/cvn70/. SAN DIEGO (Mar. 22, 2016) - (Left to right) USS Makin Island (LHD 8) Executive Officer Mark Melson, Command Master Chief (Retired) Kathleen Hansen, Airman Zakiya Calloway, Master Chief Avionics Maintenance Technician Joy McGill and Command Master Chief Larry Lynch cut a cake during the Women’s History Month Observance in the ship’s hangar bay. The event is part of a month-long women’s history celebration aboard Makin Island. Navy photo by MCSN Eric Zeak HONG KONG (March 22, 2016) Boatswains Mate 3rd Class Zachary Miller rides on a Hong Kong Police Department fast pursuit craft during a subject matter expert exchange with the Hong Kong’s small boat division. The Boxer ARG, 13thMEU team are visiting Hong Kong during their first port visit since departing San Diego on deployment Feb. 12. Navy photo by MC3 Zachary Eshleman THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 11 PACFLT announces 2015 Sea, Shore Sailors of the Year Pacific Fleet Sea Sailor of the Year (SOY) finalists and Pacific Fleet senior enlisted leaders pose for a group photo in front of the USS Arizona Memorial following a tour of the USS Missouri Memorial on Ford Island at Joint Base Pearl HarborHickam. The SOY finalists participated in a variety of personal and professional evaluations as well as leadership, naval heritage and team-building events throughout the week around historic Pearl Harbor. Navy photo by MC1 Phillip Pavlovich HONOLULU - Adm. Scott Swift, commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet, announced Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Corey Smith as the 2015 Sea Sailor of the Year and Navy Diver 1st Class Kristoffer Ilagan as Shore SOY during a ceremony at the Ala Moana Hotel in Honolulu March 25. Prior to announcing the winners of the competition, Swift and U.S. Pacific Fleet Master Chief Suz Whitman commended all 14 finalists for their excellence, integrity, teamwork, and leadership. “It’s been an extraordinary week for me and a reminder of the true value of our people, which is our most important resource,” said Swift. “All you need to do is be exposed to an event like this to realize it.” 12 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 Representing USS Essex (LHD 2), Smith will fly to Washington, D.C., and will be meritoriously promoted to chief petty officer. Smith was surprised when his name was announced as the Sailor of the Year. “Being here today to represent the Pacific Fleet is so humbling,” said Smith. “So many people along the way have taken the time to teach me ... now it’s time to pay it forward.” Ilagan, representing Undersea Rescue Command, will travel to Washington, D.C., to compete in the CNO Shore Sailor of the Year competition. “I’m feeling ecstatic ... it’s surreal,” said Ilagan. “This is such an overwhelming experience. Even still, I’m a little sad for my fellow competitors each one of those folks are winners.” Leading up to the ceremony, the 14 finalists spent the week in Pearl Harbor learning about the rich naval history and heritage of the area with visits to the Battleship Missouri Memorial, the National Memorial Cem- etery of the Pacific, and the USS Arizona Memorial. During their time on the Arizona Memorial, they honored the Sailors who lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor with a wreath-laying ceremony. For the complete list of nominees, see this story under local news at afdispatch.com. “I will never forget this experience,” said Cryptologic Technician (Technical) 1st Class Elizabeth Stanton, assigned to Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet. “I’ve learned so much since I first started this journey, from winning for my command to winning for the 7th Fleet AOR and now here. This journey really has reinvigorated my love for the Navy and I’m definitely going to pass that on to my Sailors.” The journey included boards at each echelon of command, leading up to this week, to identify the top Pacific Fleet Sea and Shore Sailor. “You put some stress on yourself because you want to be prepared,” said Naval Air Crewman 1st Class Kevin Remmers, assigned to Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 78. “You have binders and binders of information to study. From that aspect, it was stressful, but at the same time it’s so energizing to be around this caliber of people.” This process isn’t meant to be easy, and the master chiefs who sit the boards take their jobs very seriously. “We’re recognizing the best of the best and showing our junior Sailors that they’re valued, relevant, and that they have something to shoot for,” said Whitman. “Today we even had the honor of selecting the Navy’s newest chief petty officer.” For many of the other Sailors, the road to becoming a SOY finalist has been a rewarding experience in and of itself, one filled with self-determination and selflessness. “My hard work paid off and I feel truly blessed to be here,” said LN1 Belinda Hall, assigned to Carrier Strike Group 1. “It’s nice knowing that Sailors are being taken care of and will continue to be taken care of after the week is finished.” Former Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Elmo Zumwalt and former Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy John Whittet established the SOY program in 1972 to recognize an individual Sailor who best represents the group of dedicated professional Sailors at each command and, ultimately, in the Navy. For the complete list of nominees, see this story under local news at afdispatch.com. Boxer departs Hong Kong HONG KONG - USS Boxer (LHD 4) and the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit pulled anchor and departed Hong Kong after completing a five-day port visit March 25. During the rain-soaked visit, Boxer’s first port call since departing San Diego Feb. 12, service members participated in 14 Morale, Welfare and Recreation tours and five cultural and subject-matter expert exchanges. “The Boxer crew, Amphibious Squadron 1 and 13th MEU did a great job while enjoying some well-deserved rest and relaxation in one of the most beautiful cities in Asia,” said Boxer Commanding Officer Capt. Mike Ruth. Tips for a successful deployment by MC3 Emiline L. M. Senn WATERS SURROUNDING THE KOREAN PENINSULA - The crew of guided-missile destroyer USS William P. Lawrence (DDG 110) is two months into a seven-month deployment and many have settled into productive routines. “Don’t forget to write the people you like,” said Rauch. “Don’t forget to write the people you love. Don’t forget to write the people you don’t like at all because later on down the road, you may need a favor from them.” Yeoman 2nd Class Priscilla Goodall, from Houston, is on her second deployment, and believes personal attitude plays an important role during deployment. There are many new Sailors aboard William P. Lawrence who are still learning the ropes Of course, there are plenty of tasks to accomplish. Gunner’s Sailors man the rails aboard William P. Lawrence as the ship pulls into Suva, Fiji for a scheduled port visit. photo by MC3 Emiline L. M. Senn There are plenty of seasoned veterans, and a few new faces aboard who can offer a wide range of advice to help other Sailors be successful through the remainder of the Western Pacific deployment. Fire Controlman 1st Class Russell Rauch, from Pollock Pines, Calif., is on his fifth deployment, and knows that some of his shipmates don’t have a lot of free time. He recommends using any free time to keep in touch with loved ones who remain stateside. done and won’t find yourself waiting around,” said Aquino. “Idle hands, idle minds. Keep yourself busy.” “Just stay positive,” said Goodall. “Check your attitude towards small things, and remember you are out here for your family back home.” after experiencing their first time at sea. Personnel Specialist Seaman Bethany Akosa has learned to give herself a little bit of time every day, in order to decompress. Mate 2nd Class McJohn Holden, from Jacksonville, Fla., is on his fourth deployment, and his advice is to keep busy and stay focused on the mission. “I tell myself not to worry about home so much,” said Holden. “Everything will be fine. Just focus on your job and your qualifications. Get as much as possible done so that when you get back home, you won’t have to worry about it.” “Find your own thing that you need to do to get away from the day-to-day stuff,” said Akosa. “For me, it’s always been books and movies. Get away from the monotony and repetitiveness. Have something else to do to get Eventually, there will be bad days. Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class Danny Meadows is on his first deployment and has learned not every day is easy. “[You should] go to bed knowing that tomorrow is a new day, and forget about what happened today,” said Meadows. “Take everything for what it’s worth.” full color plate No two Sailors will experience deployment the same, and there are many different ways to capitalize on this time at sea. The key to success is balance. Focus on the mission and get involved in different activities to better yourself. Providing a ready force supporting security and stability in the Indo-Asia Pacific, William P. Lawrence, commanded by Cmdr. Walter C. Mainor, is operating as part of the John C. Stennis Strike Group and Great Green Fleet on a regularly scheduled 7th Fleet deployment. CNO’S STRATEGIC GUIDANCE Fire Controlman 1st Class Leighanne Aquino, on her fourth deployment, believes setting deployment goals can help you accomplish more during the many months at sea. Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson released his strategic guidance, A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority, Jan. 5, which will guide Navy behavior and investments both now and into the future. “Have a plan of what you want to achieve. You’ll get more To access the guidance, go to http://www.navy.mil/viewVideo.asp?id=21088. 2 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2016 Ney continued from page 10 winners representing Commander, Navy Installations Command are: (1) Large General Mess Category Winner: Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan (2) Small General Mess Category Winner: Naval Base Point Loma NAVSUP’s mission is to provide supplies, services, and quality-of-life support to the Navy and Joint warf- ighter. With headquarters in Mechanicsburg and employing a diverse, worldwide workforce of more than 22,500 military and civilian personnel, NAVSUP oversees logistics programs in the areas of supply operations, conventional ordnance, contracting, resale, fuel, transportation, and security assistance. In addition, NAVSUP is responsible for food service, postal services, Navy Exchanges, and movement of household goods. SWEETWATER HARLEY FULL P.2 TO GROW IN UNEXPECTED WAYS Plant the seeds of social justice, respect for diversity, and individualism in the classroom. Master new approaches PUJ\YYPJ\S\THUKKL]LSVWTLU[[OLVYPLZH[7HJPÄJ6HRZ» SCHOOL OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND SCHOOL OF EDUCATION. Culinary Specialist 3rd Class Ashley Bailey, from Washington, D.C., decorates a cake in the bakery aboard amphibious assault ship USS Boxer (LHD 4). Boxer is the flagship of the Boxer Amphibious Ready Group recently participated in Exercise Ssang Yong, a biennial combined amphibious exercise conducted by forward-deployed U.S. forces with the Republic of Korea Navy and Marine Corps, and others. Navy photo by MC3 Jesse Monford THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 13 YOUR MOMENT 3LHYUTVYLH[WHJPÄJVHRZLK\ your mind elsewhere.” Arts & Entertainment SeaWorld has the magic touch SeaWorld® San Diego’s Magic Weekends takes center stage at the park April 2–May 1, unveiling some of the most hypnotizing performances that have left children and adults awestruck for centuries! During the April 2–3 weekend, reality TV magic star Steve Wyrick will have guests gasping in amazement with his motorcycle vanish and virtual reality sawing; notable “America’s Got Talent” standout Michael Grasso will amp the adrenaline up with his dynamic presence and unbelievable skills April 9–10; magician David Thomas will bring the “World of Magic” show and Las Vegas-style illusions to guests April 16–17; guests will not want to miss illusionist Rick Thomas’ intriguing and innovative illusions such as the slicer and “Flatin Latin” April 23–24; and magician Michael Turco, who has been featured on “Masters of Illusion,” will leave the audience captivated April 30–May 1. All shows will be performed live at SeaWorld’s Mission Bay Theater. Performance times will be listed on the park map. “Whether it’s a simple sleight of hand or a complex illusion, we are all fascinated by magic,” said Rick Schuiteman, the park’s vice president of entertainment. “SeaWorld’s Magic Weekends will wow our guests with mindboggling performances.” Guests do not have to worry about blinking once and missing anything; as part of Magic Weekends, special magical performers will share their bag of tricks before shows at Shamu Stadium. Along with the element of surprise, park visitors will be treated to feats of magic throughout the day at the new Magic Stage at Explorer’s Reef™. All of SeaWorld’s seasonal events, including Magic Weekends, are included with park admission, but the best way to enjoy all the fun is to purchase a 2016 SeaWorld Fun Card in advance, where guests can save $10 on single-day general admission and visit all year. Magic Weekends Performances Include: April 2–3: Steve WyrickReality TV star Steve Wyrick achieved fame with his unforgettable magic and has headlined in some of the largest and most prestigious casinos in Las Vegas for 15 years. Wyrick has been featured in multiple shows including the “Late Show with David Letterman,” Discovery Channel’s “American Chopper” and “Science Impossible” on the History Channel. Show highlights: Motorcycle Vanish and Virtual Reality Sawing April 9–10: Michael GrassoMichael Grasso’s incredible mastery of grand illusion and sleight of hand has impressed millions of people around the globe. This notable “America’s Got Talent” standout began crafting his art at the young age of 9 and was recently awarded Illusionist of the Year by the Society of American Magicians, the oldest and most prestigious magical society in the world. Grasso’s dynamic presence and unbelievable skills will leave guests in awe and wonder. Show highlights: Pole Levitation and Excalibur April 16–17: David Thomas- Magician David Thomas has been impressing audiences for many years, bringing the “World of Magic” show and Las Vegas-style illusions to audiences in Las Vegas and Egypt. His buzzworthy show’s stunning costumes, high-energy choreography, heart-stopping illusions and state-of-the-art production elements will mark an exciting and thrilling experience for park visitors. Show highlights: Modern Art and Aerial Metamorphosis April 23–24: Rick ThomasMagician Rick Thomas has completed five world tours in more than 50 countries. His blend of intriguing and innovative illusions is unlike any other magical entertainer. Thomas weaves magic, music, comedy and dance into a seamless spectacle. A recipient of the coveted “Magician of the Year” award by the Academy of Magical Arts and Magic, Thomas has also become the most successful show for families in the history of Las Vegas. Show highlights: Slicer and Flatin Latin April 30–May 1: Michael Wylde Sydes Tattoo & Piercing ,QGLD6WUHHWZZZHOLQGLRVDQGLHJRFRP 6XPPHUKRXUVRQ)UL6DWXQWLOSP 10% OFF TATTOOS and/or $ 5 OFF PIERCING tion and Eclipse In addition to Magic Weekends, other upcoming seasonal events include SeaWorld Seven Seas Food Festival (select dates May 7–June 12); Summer Nights (select dates May 28–Sept. 5); Summer Vibes (select dates Jun. 25–Aug. 14 ); all-new Fiestas Patrias (select dates Sept. 3–Sept. 18); SeaWorld’s Halloween Spooktacular® (weekends Sept. 24–Oct. 30); and SeaWorld’s Christmas Celebration® (Nov. 18, 2016–Jan. 1, 2017). San Diego Guitar Festival April 22 - 24. For FESTIVAL DATES AND TIMES, go to http://www.sdguitarfest.org/ Featuring: Irina Kulikova, Kyle Patterson, Jorge Caballero, Bassett Bros. ,Vladimir Gorbach. NO COST BREAST PUMPS! Tricare covers your Breast pump and supplies. We are Tricare Authorized and We handle All your paperwork! Free Shipping. 1515 Palm Ave. #K1 San Diego, CA 92154 619.575.6792 www.wyldesydestattoo.com 14 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 Turco Michael Turco fell in love with the mystery of magic when he was just 5 years old. Flash forward decades later: Turco has been featured on the popular “Masters of Illusion” TV show and live tour. He has also performed at multiple well-known venues, including his headlining show, “Michael Turco’s Magic & Mayhem” at Las Vegas’ Planet Hollywood. His creative illusions make him a magical extravaganza! Show highlights: Suspended Anima- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Visit us at: www.breastpumpbaby.com or 908-277-MOMS (6667) Dining Directory THANK YOU TO OUR MILITARY! Take Advantage of these great specials these restaurants are offering you! W,/>>W,/^Et/,KDWEz NEW LOCATION Est. 1979 ϲϵϬϰDŝƌĂŵĂƌZĚ͘ͻ^ĂŶŝĞŐŽ ϴϱϴͲϲϵϯͲϬϬϰϳͻΈĞŚŝŶĚĞŶŶLJ͛ƐͿ 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT with this ad ŐƵƐͻƚĂͻƚŽͻƌLJ ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚͲ>ƵŶĐŚͲŽĨĨĞĞ 15% MILITARY DISCOUNT ϭϮϬKƌĂŶŐĞǀĞ͘ͻŽƌŽŶĂĚŽ Daily 10% On Tuesdays 619-319=5696 MILITARY DISCOUNT Little Club Expires 4/30/16 WE DO CATERING COCKTAILS 132 Orange Ave. Karaoke - Mon 9-12pm 3RRO7DEOHV,QWHUQHW-XNHER[ )ODWVFUHHQ79V XS2SHQ'DLO\ 619-435-5885 2UDQJH$YH&RURQDGR Omarr’s weekly ARIES (March 21-April 19): Small things make a big difference. Write down your ideas and inspiring thoughts, make lists to prioritize your tasks and take note of all the most important details. In the week ahead you may move in lofty circles. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Keep your goals firmly in mind. Minor spats can distract you this week. Fun and games might not be suitable for serious subjects or at the workplace, but some gentle teasing might smooth out little aggravations. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The process of becoming more in tune with your surrounds requires processing information. In the week to come you may be more concerned about facts than fantasies. Domestic duties can be rewarding. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Forge ahead and achieve your goals. You may appear more sociable and outgoing in the upcoming week and may be more attractive to the opposite sex. It will be easy to focus your energies on sterling accomplishments. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You can become the leader of the pack. You will have plenty of opportunity to show off your leadership skills and dedication in the week ahead. A powerful friend can exert Astrological influence on your behalf if asked. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You will need to think about the direction new relationships should take. Demands on your resources could require a key decision in the week ahead. Enthusiastically meet challenges of this type and rise to the occasion. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Focus on your work and improving your health as this week unfolds. You may have big dreams about money making activities as ideas for achieving your goals builds. If you apply yourself you can finish projects. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Fake it until you make it. Throughout the week to come you may be able to put on a good front and appear more talented and accomplished than you really are. Someone may develop romantic ideas about you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21): Slow and easy does it. In the week to come make an effort to accept personal criticism with good grace and use it as a fulcrum to make improvements on many levels. Work hard and play harder. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Have faith that the universe will reward your efforts. Rub the lamp and the genie might grant your wishes in the week ahead. forecast Spend extra money to obtain your heart’s desire and you will be glad you did. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In the week ahead you can take advantage of being mentally incisive. You possess the ability to grasp details in depth. You may need to bring rational thinking to bear on some stressful situations in the workplace. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Just smile and play along. You can make headway on the career front in the week ahead by being pleasant and sociable. Share your schedule with loved ones so that your plans don’t cause a conflict with anyone else. History of the World ire Insp olette from C Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right. -from the internet ATTENTION INSTANT ONE STOP SHOP Smog & Registration & Tags All in minutes while you wait! No Hassel with DMV Out of state - Ok! by Mark Andrews April 1: ON THIS DATE in 1789, the U.S. House of Representatives held its first full meeting, in New York City. In 1979, Iran proclaimed itself an Islamic republic following the overthrow of the shah. April 2: ON THIS DATE in 1513, explorer Juan Ponce de Leon claimed Florida for Spain. In 1865, Confederate States President Jefferson Davis fled the capital of Richmond, Va., as Union troops approached. Bahia Resort Hotel seeks qualified applicants for the following positions: t4UFSOXIFFMFS$BQUBJO75 UPPQFSBUFPVSUXP4UFSOXIFFMFS WFTTFMT.JOZFBSTFYQFSJFODF t%FDL)BOE'5 UPQFSGPSNQSFWFOUBUJWFNBJOUFOBODFPO PVSUXP4UFSOXIFFMFSWFTTFMT t-BVOESZ.BOBHFS'5 UPNBOBHFPVSPČTJUFDPNNFSDJBM MBVOESZGBDJMJUZJO0ME5PXO.JOZFBSTFYQFSJFODF #JMJOHVBM&OHMJTI4QBOJTIQSFGFSSFE t-BVOESZ.FDIBOJD75 UPTFSWJDFPVSDPNNFSDJBM MBVOESZFRVJQNFOU.JOZFBSTFYQFSJFODF Cali V. Smog Now offering vehicle registration /D0HVD%OYG/D0HVD Please apply online: www.bahiahotel.com/employment-2/ To apply in person: 998 W. Mission Bay Dr., San Diego, CA 92109 or contact us at 858-539-7732 THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 15 Sports & Events Navy Wounded Warrior-Safe Harbor announces Team Navy roster by Shannon Leonard Forty seriously wounded, ill and injured Navy athletes have been chosen to represent Team Navy at the Department of Defense (DoD) 2016 Warrior Games this summer. The athletes were evaluated during the Wounded Warrior Pacific Navy Trials, which took place Feb. 20-26 in Hawaii. During the trials 54 athletes competed in seven sporting events, including swimming, track and field, wheelchair basketball, sitting volleyball, shooting, archery, and cycling. Each athlete showcased his or her athletic skills while vying for a spot on the Team Navy roster. “Nearly half of this year’s trials participants were new to the adaptive sports program,” said Navy Wounded Warrior - Safe Harbor Adaptive Sports and Recreation lead Megan Haydel. “This is a testament to the eagerness recovering service members have to bring sports into their recovery process. “Our Navy wounded warriors exhibited tremendous drive, spirit and competition throughout the trials, making this year’s team selection extremely difficult,” said Haydel. “We could not be more proud of the efforts that our Sailors and Coast Guardsmen put into the trials. We witnessed firsthand the great strides they have made in their athletic capabilities and have seen the positive effects that 3&1"*34 3&/5"-4 463'#0"3%#-"/,4 463'#0"3%4 8&546*54 '6--8&546*54 $ 99 95 15% .*-*5"3:%*4$06/5 0ODMPUIJOHBDDFTTPSJFT .JTTJPO#MWE .JTTJPO#FBDI (858) 488-9374 LOCAL ATTRACTIONS The Veterans Museum at Balboa Park Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-4pm Honoring the memories & contributions of the men & women who gallantly served their country. Events Venue: Exhibits, Artifacts, memorabilia, telling personal VWRULHVRIZDU%DQTXHW0HHWLQJ5RRPV 16 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 3DUN%OYG%DOERD3DUNZZZYHWHUDQPXVHXPRUJ &/,0%,1*<2*$),71(66 Become a member of San Diego’s best indoor climbing and yoga facility! 2)) '$< 3$66(6 $OYDUDGR&DQ\RQ5G6DQ'LHJR 619-283-2105 ZZZJURWWRFOLPELQJFRP adaptive sports can have on their recovery.” Navy Wounded Warrior (NWW) is the Navy and Coast Guard’s wounded warrior support program. All of the athletes who participated in the trials are enrolled in the program, which has provided non-medical care throughout their recovery. The 2016 Team Navy roster includes a diverse collection of athletes. It brings together service members from around the country, from both the enlisted and officer communities, with incredibly varied backgrounds and skill sets. The team will practice together for the first time at a training camp that will be held April 8-11 at Naval Base Ventura County, California. The 2016 DoD Warrior Games - a Paralympic-style competition among wounded warriors from all branches of the military service - will take place June 14-22 at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York. The Warrior Games were created in 2010 as a way to enhance the recovery and rehabilitation of wounded warriors and to expose them to adaptive sports. The games will feature more than 350 wounded warriors from five U.S. teams representing the Army, Marine Corps, Navy/Coast Guard, Air Force, and the Special Operations Forces, as well as international competitors. Once again, NWW will sponsor Team Navy. The DoD Warrior Games will be preceded by the Invictus Games, an international wounded warrior athletic competition that brings together more than 500 competitors from 15 nations to compete in 10 sports. The U.K.’s Prince Harry started the games in 2014 to honor wounded warriors. NWW will send 18 wounded warrior athletes to ESPN’s Wide World of Sports at Walt Disney World in Orlando May 8-12. The Navy’s Invictus Games participants can be viewed on the official Invictus Games website at http://invictusgames2016.org. The complete 2016 Team Navy Roster is below: Retired Navy Chief Logistics Specialist Leticia Baugher Navy Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician Ron Condrey Retired Navy Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Zachary Crites Navy Machinist’s Mate 3rd Class Christopher Custer Retired Navy Aviation Electrician’s Mate Apprentice Steven Davis Navy Machinist’s Mate 1st Class Michael Dayton Retired Navy Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Joseph Derbak Retired Navy Builder 1st Class Robert Dodd Retired Navy Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Nathan Dewalt Retired Navy Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Roel Espino Navy Aviation Electronics Technician 2nd Class Matthew Estes Retired Navy Airman Austin Field Navy Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Shane Gilley Navy Lieutenant Commander Maria Cristina Gomez-Mannix Retired Navy Engineman 3rd Class Jerrod Griffin Retired Navy Lieutenant Joan Hill Retired Navy Hospital Corpsman Adam Hygema Navy Musician 3rd Class Abbie Johnson Retired Navy Aviation Structural Mechanic 1st Class Andrew Johnson Retired Navy Airman Brittany Jordan Navy Operations Specialist 3rd Class Melissa Klotz Retired Navy Aviation Warfare Systems Operator 1st Class Daniel Kregstein Retired Navy Aviation Structural Mechanic 1st Class Steven Lee Retired Navy Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Sonny Lemerande Retired Navy Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Bernard Lowe Retired Navy Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class Christopher Lowe Retired Navy Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Stephan Miller Retired Navy Airman Brett Parks Navy Retired Aerographer’s Mate 1st Class Stephanie Purpish Retired Navy Aviation Technician 3rd Class Kathleen Ray Retired Navy Fire Controlman 3rd Class Jason Reyes Retired Navy Aviation Electrician’s Mate 3rd Class Michael Roggio Retired Navy Lieutenant Junior Grade Laura Root Retired Navy Electrician’s Mate 3rd Class Henry Sawyer Navy Information Systems Technician 1st Class Ryan Shannon Retired Navy Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Samanthia Silke Navy Electronics Technician 1st Class Scottie Smith Retired Navy Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Luis Surla Navy Chief Gunner’s Mate Jeannette Tarqueno Navy Chief Culinary Specialist Maria Torres For the latest news about the DoD Warrior Games, visit http://warriorgames.dodlive.mil/ and follow NWW on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/navywoundedwarrior , Twitter (@ navywounded) and Instagram (Navy Wounded Warrior). Visit http://www.safeharbor.navylive. dodolive.mil or call 855-628-9997 to learn more about NWW and the benefits of adaptive sports. Navy Installations Command is comprised of about 52,000 military and civilian personnel worldwide and is responsible for the operations, maintenance and quality of life programs in support of the Navy’s fleet, Sailors and their families. Doug Hill, a retired U.S. Navy Sonar Technician Surface 3rd Class and Wounded Warrior Pacific Trials (WWPT) competitor, competes in the cycling trials of the 2016 Wounded Warrior Pacific Trials at Ford Island, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Fiftysix athletes competed in team and individual adaptive sports for spots on the Team Navy roster. Those selected will continue on to participate in the DoD Warrior Games this June. U.S. Navy photo by MC1 Meranda Keller 2016 San Diego Padres April Schedule Mon, 4/4 Dodgers 4:05p Tue, 4/5 Dodgers 7:10p Wed, 4/6 Dodgers 6:10p Fri, 4/8 at Rockies 1:10p Sat, 4/9 at Rockies 5:10p Sun, 4/10 at Rockies 1:10p Mon, 4/11 at Phillies 12:05p Tue, 4/12 at Phillies 4:05p Wed, 4/13 at Phillies 4:05p Thu, 4/14 at Phillies 10:05a Fri, 4/15 D-backs 7:40p Sat, 4/16 D-backs 5:40p Sun, 4/17 D-backs 1:40p Tue, 4/19 Pirates 7:10p Wed, 4/20 Pirates 7:10p Thu, 4/21 Pirates 6:10p Fri, 4/22 Cardinals 7:40p Sat, 4/23 Cardinals 5:40p Sun, 4/24 Cardinals 1:40p Mon, 4/25 at Giants 7:15p Tue, 4/26 at Giants 7:15p Wed, 4/27 at Giants 12:45p Fri, 4/29 at Dodgers 7:10p April 1 & 2 Padres Fanfest 2016 Padres FanFest will take place at Petco Park on Friday and Saturday, April 1-2, in conjunction with two exhibition games against the Chicago White Sox. FanFest activities are free of charge. No ticket or pre-registration are necessary. Park at the Park will be fully activated each day, featuring activities for the whole family. Activities will be located in the Park at the Park, Power Alley and inside the Park Boulevard Gate, all areas that will be accessible to the public. General admission tickets to the exhibition games are free for all Padres Season Ticket Members (one ticket for every seat on Membership account) and $10 for the general public. FanFest will be the first opportunity for fans to experience this season’s ballpark updates, including the LED ballpark lighting and the new bi-level group and social space in right field: Sun Diego Beach and The Pier. Free parking will be available to Padres Members only in Padres-owned lots around the ballpark on a first come, first served basis and are expected to fill quickly. Members will be notified when they can claim their free parking passes on their My Tickets account through Compadres Fan Rewards. General fan parking is $15 and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Fans should plan to utilize public transportation or park in paid lots near the ballpark. Due to overwhelming demand for this event, re-entry will not be permitted, even for fans with tickets to the exhibition game. AutoMatters & More: NASCAR’s Auto Club 400 in Southern California highlight of their weekend. There is so much more to see and do. On a beautiful, sunny day in Fontana, the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series made its one and only stop in Southern California for the 2016 season. The Auto Club 400 was a nail biter right until the end, when California driver and local favorite Jimmie Johnson in his Hendrick Motorsports #48 Lowe’s/Superman Chevrolet got quick service in a late race pit stop – under the watchful supervision of his long time crew chief Chad Knaus – outsmarted the competition and charged from a few spots back in the field to pass Kevin Harvick – who had led most of the race – for the lead when it counted, on the last lap, to take the checkered flag and victory! That was how the race ended but for fans of NASCAR Sprint Cup Series racing, the race to the checkered flag is only the Many dedicated NASCAR fan families follow the circuit across the country in their motor homes, taking in as many race weekends as they are able. Long before they take their seats in the grandstands, they park in the grassy infield and set up for the weekend in instant towns, with their kids riding around on their bikes and food cooking on the BBQ. A large fan zone offers live entertainment, contests, opportunities to meet their favorite drivers, all sorts of souvenirs of the various race teams, and a variety of food to eat and beverages to drink – much like at a county fair. A big part of going to the races is getting to spend time in the garage area, up close to the colorful race cars as the teams make adjustments to prepare them for qualifying and the race. Guided tours are readily available and, at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, race fans may enter a garage and walk up the stairs to an elevated walkway, where they can get an overhead view of the teams as they work on the cars below. Qualifing is held to deter- round the concept of a green – white – checkers situation, whereby if there is a late race caution, the track is cleaned up and the race goes into overtime – to improve the chances of providing an exciting finish for the race fans, as opposed to just letting the race finish slowly under caution. mine how the cars will line up to start the race, but before the cars are allowed to race, they must pass tech inspection. Lined up and pushed along by team members, the cars proceed slowly towards the NASCAR Tech Inspection tent, where an overhead framework is lowered close to the car. Brand-specific templates (Ford, Chevrolet and Toyota) are attached to the frame and placed next to each car, to make sure that body dimensions and shape are in compliance with NASCAR’s rules. Shortly before the big race, fans are allowed to walk along pit lane to see all of the cars lined up. They also gather on the front stretch to watch and cheer as the drivers are introduced on the stage, just before they are paraded in pickup trucks around the track. In NASCAR Sprint Cup racing, the rules have been crafted to keep the cars close to each other during the race, which arguably makes the racing more exciting. Caution laps, for anything from crashes to debris on the racetrack, bunch up the field. NASCAR has a rule that the first car one lap down gets a “wave around,” which puts that car and driver back on the lead lap – again, to bunch up the racing. That, my friends, is the essence of a NASCAR race. Join in the conversation. Send your comments and suggestions to AutoMatters@ gmail.com. Racing in Turn 1 at 207 MPH Racing pit stops are exciting to watch. It only takes the crews a few seconds to change four tires, pour in cans of fuel, make adjustments and then send their cars out in a cloud of smoke billowing from under the spinning tires, as the drivers race each other to the line at the end of the pit lane – careful to not break the speed limit, for which they would suffer a pit lane speeding penalty. Copyright © 2016 by Jan Wagner – AutoMatters & More #430 Even the end of the race can be adjusted for the benefit of “the show.” A set of rules surCarl Edwards Subway Toyota pit stop THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 17 TV Listings WEEKDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 CW6 News in the Morning ESPN2 TLC USA am m9:30 m10 am CBS This Morning Good Morning America Live! With Kelly and Michael The View Ready Jet Go! Today Nature Cat Curious George Daniel Tiger Daniel Tiger Today Mickey TomorrowVaried land Programs SportsCenter SportsCenter DISN Mouse ESPN m9 San Diego Varied Living Programs Let’s Make a Deal First Take Varied The Little Programs Couple Varied Programs Varied Programs m10:30 am m11:30 pm m12:30 pm m1:30 pm m2:30 Judge Judy 10News Midday The Chew General Hospital FABLife Super Why! Thomas & Friends Days of our Lives Curious Curious George George The Meredith Vieira Show Arthur PJ Masks Sofia the First Sofia the First Varied Programs Varied Mickey Programs Mouse NFL Insiders NFL Live Varied Programs The Doctors m2 CBS News 8 at 11AM Peg Plus Cat Dinosaur Dinosaur Train Train NBC 7 News Access Hollywood Judge Mathis m1 The Price Is Right Sesame Street Today Judge Faith m12 Judge Faith Mickey Goldie & Bear Sofia the First Doc McMouse Stuffins SportsCenter Varied Outside the Programs Lines His & Hers Varied Programs The Little Couple m11 The 700 Club The Bill Cunningham Show Bold/Beautiful The Young and the Restless The Talk Mickey Mouse NBA: The Jump Nature Cat Steve Harvey m3 pm Paternity Court Dr. Phil 4/8 4/8 THE BOSS HARDCORE HENRY XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G The Boss After her release from prison, a business mogul must move in with a former employee and the woman’s daughter. m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News MARCH 31, 2016 m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 Mike & Molly ’ News 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 DC’s Legends of Tomor- The 100 “Stealing Fire” row “Left Behind” (N) ’ (CC) Big Bang Life in Pieces (Season 2 Broke Theory Finale) (N) (CC) Girls (N) Grey’s Anatomy (N) Scandal (N) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) West of the West: Tales West of the West: Tales From California From California You, Me and the Apoca- The Blacklist ’ (CC) lypse ’ (CC) m10 pm 18 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Dog Whisperer Dr. Chris: Pet Vet Good Morning Daniel Tiger Why Use a Pressure Cooker? Innovation The InspecNation tors 10News This Morning at 8am Saturday (N) (CC) Curious Nature Cat George (CC) NBC 7 News The Floogals Nina’s World ’ (EI) (EI) am m9:30 m10 pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) Rush Hour “Pilot” (Series News Late-Colbert Premiere) (N) The Catch “The Real 10News at Jimmy Killer” (N) ’ (CC) 11pm Kimmel West of the West: Tales The Story of Women and From California Art (N) Shades of Blue “One NBC 7 Tonight Last Lie” ’ (CC) News Show XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 APRIL 1, 2016 pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 Mike & Molly ’ News 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 The Vampire Diaries “Days of Future Past” The Amazing Race (N) ’ (CC) Last Man Dr. Ken ’ Standing (CC) Washington Roundtable Week Caught on Camera With Nick Cannon ’ m9 pm m9:30 The Originals “Alone With Everybody” (N) Hawaii Five-0 “Kanaka Hahai” (N) (CC) Shark Tank A proteinfilled pancake mix. ’ Death in Paradise “Stab In The Dark” Grimm “Skin Deep” (N) ’ (CC) (DVS) m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) News Late-Colbert CW6 News at 10pm (N) Blue Bloods “Town Without Pity” (N) ’ 20/20 ’ (CC) 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Scott & Bailey ’ (CC) Luther Luther returns to work. (N) ’ (CC) Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) NBC 7 News K.C. Under- Backstage Stuck/ Bunk’d ’ Mako Bunk’d (N) Stuck/ Backstage Walk the Star Wars Star Wars ’ cover Middle (CC) Mermaids ’ (CC) Middle (N) Prank ’ Rebels ’ Rebels ’ NBA Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers at Atlanta Hawks. From NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Golden State Warriors. From SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN Philips Arena in Atlanta. (N) (Live) Oracle Arena in Oakland, Calif. (N) (Live) (CC) ATP Tennis SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA ToJalen & ESPN2 (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) night (N) Jacoby Dateline: Real Life Say Yes, Say Yes, Say Yes, Say Yes To Be Announced Say Yes, What If We Get Married? Say Yes, TLC Mysteries ’ (CC) Dress Dress Dress Dress ’ (CC) Dress Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Motive Angie is lured USA Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ back to homicide. ’ Tonight Show Bunk’d ’ Stuck/ (CC) Middle SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Son of the Congo (CC) Best DISN Friends SATURDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON m9 m10:30 m11 CW6 News at 10pm (N) FRIDAY EVENING Genre: Action, Science Fiction Cast: Sharlto Copley, Danila Kozlovsky, Haley Bennett m8:30 NBC 7 News at 4 Girl Meets K.C. Under- Best Austin & Liv and Bunk’d ’ Stuck/ Backstage Liv and K.C. Under- Best Bunk’d ’ ’ World ’ cover Friends Ally (CC) Maddie Middle Maddie cover Friends (CC) College Basketball State Farm Slam Dunk & 3-Point SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN Championship. From Cypress, Texas. (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) ATP Tennis Miami Open, Men’s Quarterfinal and Women’s Second Semifinal. Baseball Tonight (N) NBA ToJalen & College GameDay Jalen & NFL Live ESPN2 From Miami. (N) (Live) (Live) (CC) night (N) Jacoby Scoreboard (N) (CC) Jacoby (N) (CC) Dateline: Real Life Mys- Global Beauty Masters My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized “Lupe’s Story” (N) Extreme Weight Loss “Meredith” Meredith tries to My 600-Lb. Life: Super TLC teries “Vanished” (N) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) reach her goal weight. ’ (CC) sized ’ (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles WWE SmackDown! (N) ’ (CC) ›››‡Skyfall (2012, Action) Daniel Craig, Judi USA “Fighting Shadows” “Blaze of Glory” ’ “Rage” ’ Dench, Javier Bardem. A man wakes up in a Moscow laboratory to learn that he’s been brought back from the dead as a half-human, half-robotic hybrid. With no memory of his former life, a woman who claims to be his wife tells him that his name is Henry. Before she can activate his voice, armed thugs storm in and kidnap her. As Henry starts to understand his new abilities, he embarks on a bloody rampage through the city to save his spouse from a psychopath who plans to destroy the world. am 10News: The Now San Diego Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Girl Meets World ’ College Basketball Hardcore Henry m8 Judge Judy Bunk’d ’ TVData© m5 m7:30 m4:30 DISN (CC) Genre: Comedy Cast: Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Bell, Peter Dinklage TVData© pm Judge Judy RightThisRightThisMinute Minute Ready Jet Odd Squad Go! The Ellen DeGeneres Show THURSDAY EVENING pm m4 CW6 News at 4pm SportsNation Questionable Around the Pardon the SportsCenter Varied Programs Horn Interruption SportsNation Varied Programs Pardon the Varied Programs Interruption Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Varied Programs TVData© m5 m3:30 Paternity Court Say Yes, What If We Dress Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ APRIL 2, 2016 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 Best Pan Ever! Dog WhisSave Our Dream Quest Hatched (N) perer Shelter (CC) With a Kiss (N) (CC) College Basketball Reese’s All-Star Game. From NRG Stadium in Houston. (Taped) (CC) Jack Hanna Ocean Sea Rescue The Wildlife Rock the Born to Mysteries (N) Docs Park (N) Explore (N) Ready Jet Wild Kratts 10 Reasons You Feel Old and Get Fat With Frank Lipman, Go! ’ (EI) (CC) MD ’ (CC) Ruf-TweetEnglish Premier League Soccer Liverpool FC vs TottenPrem Goal Dav ham Hotspur FC. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Zone m12 pm m12:30 Paid Program Top Cooker m1 pm Graduate m1:30 m2 pm Paid Program Graduate m2:30 m3 pm m3:30 m4 pm m4:30 Paid Program Paid Program Graduate Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Laura McK- Fortunes in WealthFortunes in enzie Flipping Trading Flipping Paid Program World of X Games (N) (CC) 30 for 30 (N) Paid Program Fortunes in Flipping Kings of the Craft Simply Ming Joanne-Fresh Test Kitchen Martha Bakes (N) ’ (N) PGA Tour Golf Shell Houston Open, Third Round. From GC of Houston in Humble, Texas. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Jacques Pépin WealthTrading Community Community (CC) (CC) Inside Edition Judge Judy Judge Judy ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Castle Beckett invites Demming to assist. ’ The Mind of a R. Steves’ Crossing Chef Europe South Open House Astroblast The Chica (N) (EI) Show (EI) Sofia the First Mickey The Lion Jessie ’ Austin & Ally Bunk’d ’ Stuck in the Liv and Mad- K.C. Undercover K.C. tries Best Friends Best Friends Girl Meets Girl Meets Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Liv and Mad- Backstage ’ Backstage ’ Mouse Guard ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) Middle die ’ to deal. ’ (CC) World ’ World ’ (CC) (CC) die ’ (CC) (CC) SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) High School Basketball Dick’s Sporting Goods Nationals, College Basketball State Farm Slam Dunk & 3-Point College GameDay (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 30 for 30 Shorts (CC) ESPN (N) Final: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Championship. From Cypress, Texas. (CC) Girls High School Basketball 30 for 30 (CC) ATP Tennis Miami Open, Women’s Final. From Miami. (N) (Live) College Softball Alabama at Florida. From Katie Seashole College Basketball State Farm Slam Dunk & 3-Point 30 for 30 ESPN2 Pressly Stadium in Gainesville, Fla. (N) Championship. From Cypress, Texas. (Taped) CIZE Dance Paid Program Paid Program My First My First My First My First My First My First My First My First Say Yes Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to TLC (CC) (CC) Home ’ Home ’ Home ’ Home ’ Home ’ Home ’ Home (N) Home (N) the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress English Premier League Soccer Norwich Chrisley Chrisley To Be Announced Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA City FC vs Newcastle United FC. Knows Knows Victims Unit “Raw” ’ Victims Unit “Name” ’ Victims Unit “Authority” Victims Unit “Trade” ’ Victims Unit “Cold” ’ DISN (CC) SATURDAY EVENING TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) ’ (CC) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour KPBS Wk Spectrum Noodle/ Nightly Doodle News Bunk’d ’ m6 pm m6:30 Cougar Cougar Town ’ Town ’ Evening News News 10News at RightThis6pm Minute (N) The Lawrence Welk Show “Farm” (N) 1st Look ’ Paid Program APRIL 2, 2016 m7 pm m7:30 Cougar 2 Broke Town Girls ’ Entertainment Tonight (N) ’ (CC) RightThis- Monopoly Minute (N) Mil. Keeping Up Miranda ’ (CC) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune ’ (CC) m8 pm m8:30 Mike & Mike & Molly ’ Molly ’ To Be Announced m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 Sharp 2 Broke CW6 News at 10pm (N) Health Girls ’ 48 Hours “Gone” ’ (CC) 48 Hours ’ (CC) ››‡MirrorMirror (2012, Fantasy) Julia Roberts, 20/20 ’ (CC) Lily Collins, Armie Hammer. ’ The Doctor Blake Myster- This Land Is Your Land (My Music Victor Borge ies (N) (CC) Presents) ’ (CC) Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) Figure Skating ISU World Championships: Ladies Free Skate. From Boston. ’ (CC) Bunk’d ’ Jessie ’ Austin & K.C. Under- Liv and ››BedtimeStories (2008) Adam Lab Rats: Lab Rats: Star Wars (CC) (CC) Ally (CC) cover Maddie Sandler, Keri Russell. ’ Bio. Bio. Rebels ’ SportsCen- SportsCen- 30 for 30 30 for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN ter (N) ter (N) Shorts (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) 30 for 30 Arena Football Jacksonville Sharks at Los Angeles KISS. From 30 for 30 (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) 30 for 30 ESPN2 the Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Say Yes, Say Yes, 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence TLC Dress Dress ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern USA Victims Unit “Trials” Victims Unit ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ DISN (CC) 2X3”ad pm pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Tosh.0 ’ (CC) (CC) News Blue ’ Bloods 10News at Sports 11pm XTRA 25,000 Mile Love Story (N) NBC 7 Saturday News Night Live Star Wars Austin & Rebels ’ Ally (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 30 for 30 30 for 30 Shorts (CC) 48 Hours: Hard Evidence ’ (CC) Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ TV Listings SUNDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 m9 am m9:30 APRIL 3, 2016 m10 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 m3 pm m3:30 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program The NeighBye Bye Paid Program CIZE Dance ›NotAnotherTeenMovie (2001, Comedy) Chyler borhood Foundation Leigh, Chris Evans, Jaime Pressly. CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Nation (N) ’ (CC) Balance, Hidden Game Paid Program PBR Bull Riding High School Basketball Sports Spectacular (N) (CC) Paid Program Laura McK(N) ’ (CC) Comfort Heroes Changers enzie Good Morn- 10News This Morning at This Week With George Joel Osteen Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program NBA Count- NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at Houston Rockets. From the Sharp Paid Program ing 8am Sunday (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos (N) (CC) down (N) Toyota Center in Houston. (N) (Live) (CC) Hospital Daniel Tiger Curious Nature Cat Ready Jet Wild Kratts Washington KPBS Round- Charlie Rose Ken Kramer’s Jazz “Gumbo: Beginnings to 1917” New Jazz “The Gift: 1917 to 1924” Young Armstrong, Ellington. EveryoneGeorge ’ (CC) Go! ’ (EI) (CC) Week table S.D. Orleans gives birth to jazz. ’ (Part 2 of 10) (CC) (DVS) Place Access Hol- Meet the Press (N) (CC) NHL Live (N) NHL Hockey Boston Bruins at Chicago Blackhawks. From the United PGA Tour Golf Shell Houston Open, Final Round. From GC of Houston in Humble, Paid Program Graham lywood (CC) Center in Chicago. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Texas. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Bensinger Paid Program CW6 News in the Morning Weekend (N) Sofia the First Mickey The Lion Mouse Guard ’ SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ESPN (N) Sports Cheerleading From Orlando, ESPN2 Reporters Fla. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program TLC (CC) (CC) (CC) English Premier League Soccer (N) (Live) DISN (CC) Top Blower Liv and Mad- ››BedtimeStories (2008, Comedy) Stuck in the die ’ Adam Sandler, Keri Russell. ’ Middle MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Pittsburgh Pirates. From PNC Park in Pittsburgh. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) ATP Tennis Miami Open, Men’s Singles Final. From Miami. (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Star Darlings (CC) SportsCenter (N) Cheerleading Star Darlings (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) Cheerleading Jessie ’ To Be Announced USA TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Cougar Cougar Town ’ Town ’ CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) ’ (CC) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour SciTech Wk Now (N) Rescue Nightly News m6 m4:30 APRIL 3, 2016 pm m6:30 EngageEngagement ment Evening News News 10News at RightThis6pm Minute (N) Doc Martin ’ (CC) Politically Speaking pm Backstage ’ Backstage ’ Jessie Jessie gets her big Bunk’d ’ Best Friends Girl Meets Girl Meets (CC) (CC) break. ’ (CC) (CC) World World SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Champion2016 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament First Semifiship Studio nal: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) MLB Baseball Toronto Blue Jays at Tampa Bay Rays. From Tropicana Field in St. Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Petersburg, Fla. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) (CC) (CC) Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL What If We Get Married? Who Do You Think You Are? Who Do You Think You Are? ’ (CC) “America Ferrera” “Julie Chen” (CC) Chrisley To Be Announced WWE Wrestlemania Kickoff ››Faster (2010, Action) Knows Show (N) (CC) Dwayne Johnson. SUNDAY EVENING CROSSWORDPUZZLE m4 Everybody Everybody Raymond Raymond Entertainment Tonight ’ (CC) Castle Beckett’s relationship with Demming. ’ California’s Historic Gold (CC) Places Access Hollywood Top stories of the week. ’ m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 The Middle The Middle Mike & Mike & 2 Broke 2 Broke CW6 News at 10pm (N) (CC) (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ Girls ’ Girls ’ 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) 51st Academy of Country Music Awards Honoring achievement in country music. (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) America’s Funniest Once Upon a Time “Our The Family “Nowhere Quantico “Clue” (N) Home Videos (N) ’ Decay” (N) ’ Man” (N) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Father Brown “The Man Call the Midwife Easter Masterpiece Mystery! (N) Masterpiece Classic (N) in the Tree” ’ approaches. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Little Big Shots “A One, Little Big Shots “Little Carmichael Crowded Hollywood Game Night Two Punch” ’ Piece of Heavenly” (N) ’ ’ (CC) Paid Program pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Community (CC) (CC) News Blue ’ Bloods 10News at Sports 11pm XTRA Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries ’ (CC) NBC 7 Jerome’s News Furniture K.C. Under- Bunk’d ’ Liv and ›››Tangled (2010) Voices of Mandy K.C. Under- Stuck/ Best Bunk’d ’ Girl Meets Austin & Liv and cover (CC) Maddie Moore, Zachary Levi. ’ cover Middle Friends (CC) World ’ Ally (CC) Maddie Baseball MLB Baseball New York Mets at Kansas City Royals. From Kauffman Stadium SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) ESPN Tonight in Kansas City, Mo. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) NCAA Final 2016 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCen- ESPN FC (N) SportsCen- MLB Baseball New York Mets at ESPN2 Four Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) (CC) ter (N) ter Kansas City Royals. Who Do You Think You Who Do You Think You Who Do You Think You Jill & Jessa: Counting Who Do You Think You Long Lost Family ’ (CC) Who Do You Think You TLC Are? ’ (CC) Are? ’ (CC) Are? ’ (CC) On- Recount (N) ’ Are? ’ (CC) Are? ’ (CC) ››Faster (2010) To Be Announced ››‡FastFive (2011, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Dom ››G.I.Joe:Retaliation (2013, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Bruce USA Dwayne Johnson. Toretto and company ramp up the action in Brazil. Willis, Channing Tatum. Girl Meets DISN World MONDAY EVENING TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 APRIL 4, 2016 pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 Mike & Molly ’ News 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 iZombie “Pour Some Jane the Virgin “Chapter Sugar, Zombie” ’ Thirty-Six” Big Bang Big Bang Scorpion Sylvester’s life Theory Theory is threatened. ’ Dancing With the Stars (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow “Tucson” (N) (CC) “Detroit” (CC) The Voice “The Knockouts, Part 3” Miley Cyrus helps prepare the vocalists. (N) ’ (CC) m10 pm m10:30 m11 CW6 News at 10pm (N) NCIS: Los Angeles “Unspoken” ’ Castle An armored-car driver is killed. (N) Secrets of Selfridges Selfridges in London. Blindspot “Any Wounded Thief” (N) Bunk’d ’ K.C. Under- ›››Tangled (2010, Musical Comedy) Voices of ››‡PrincessProtectionProgram Bunk’d ’ Liv and Stuck/ cover Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi. ’ (2009) Selena Gomez. ’ (CC) Maddie Middle MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at San Diego SportsCen- 30 for 30 SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN Padres. (N Subject to Blackout) (CC) ter Shorts (CC) College GameDay (N) NFL Live (CC) MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. From Angel Baseball Tonight (N) ESPN2 (Live) (CC) Stadium of Anaheim in Anaheim, Calif. (Live) (CC) (Live) (CC) Dateline on TLC ’ (CC) Dateline on TLC “The Born Schizophrenic: Born Schizophrenic: Jani My 40-Year-Old Child Nicky Freeman; Gabby Wil TLC Mystery Man” (CC) January’s Story ’ & Bodhi’s Jour. liams. ’ (CC) NCIS “Ravenous” ’ NCIS “Iced” ’ (CC) Modern Modern WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) USA (CC) (DVS) (DVS) Family ’ Family ’ DISN (CC) TUESDAY EVENING TVData© m5 pm m5:30 m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 Mike & Molly ’ News m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Late-Colbert Limitless (N) ’ (CC) 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel JohnPortman:ALifeof Building (2011) NBC 7 Tonight News Show ››‡Frenemies (2012, Drama) Bella Jessie ’ Thorne, Zendaya. ’ (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) NFL Live (CC) 30 for 30 30 for 30 ESPN2 Shorts Shorts Dateline on TLC ’ (CC) Long Lost Family ’ (CC) Long Lost Family ’ (CC) Jill & Jessa: Countdown Jill & Jessa: Counting On TLC to Counting On “Surprise!” (N) ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern USA Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Family ’ Family Family Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Liv and Stuck/ Maddie Middle SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NBA ToJalen & night (N) Jacoby The Willis Family Jack and Jedi wrestle. Chrisley Chrisley Knows Knows Girl Meets K.C. UnderWorld ’ cover SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 30 for 30 (CC) Jill & Jessa: Counting On “Surprise!” (CC) Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ APRIL 6, 2016 m7 pm m7:30 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 Arrow “Eleven-Fifty-Nine” Supernatural “Hell’s CW6 News at 10pm (N) (N) ’ (CC) Angel” (N) ’ (CC) Survivor (N) ’ (CC) Criminal Minds: Beyond Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (N) ’ Borders (N) ’ The Middle The Gold- Modern blackish (N) Nashville “What I Cannot (N) ’ bergs (N) Family (N) (CC) Change” (N) Nature Saving a stranded NOVA “Vikings Unearthed” Expeditions and settleorphan otter. ments of Vikings. (N) ’ (CC) (DVS) Heartbeat “100,000 Law & Order: Special Chicago P.D. “Now I’m Heartbeats” (N) ’ Victims Unit ’ God” ’ (CC) Best Stuck/ Best Austin & Stuck/ Stuck/ Bunk’d ’ Backstage Best ’ Friends Middle Friends Ally (CC) Middle Middle (CC) Friends NBA Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers at NBA Basketball Houston Rockets at Dallas Mavericks. From SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN Indiana Pacers. (N) (Live) American Airlines Center in Dallas. (N) (Live) (CC) MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at Cincinnati MLB Baseball Chicago White Sox at Oakland Athletics. From O.co Coliseum ESPN2 Reds. (N Subject to Blackout) (CC) in Oakland, Calif. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) Dateline on TLC “A Kill- My 600-Lb. Life “Amber’s My 600-Lb. Life “Susan’s My 600-Lb. Life: Where My 600-Lb. Life: Where TLC ing in Cottonwood” Story” ’ (CC) Story” (CC) NCIS “Angel of Death” NCIS A showdown with NCIS Ducky keeps a NCIS “Internal Affairs” NCIS The team hunts a USA (CC) (DVS) an arms dealer. secret from the team. (CC) (DVS) killer. (CC) (DVS) Girl Meets DISN World ’ pm Beyond the Tank Turbopup; Drop Stop. (N) Frontline Vladimir Putin’s career. ’ (CC) Chicago Fire Brett witnesses a murder. WEDNESDAY EVENING m6 m9 Liv and Stuck/ Maddie Middle SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) Two in a Million “Boys of Steel” ’ NCIS The team hunts for a killer. pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) News Late-Colbert 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Secrets of the Dead ’ (CC) (DVS) NBC 7 Tonight News Show Girl Meets K.C. UnderWorld ’ cover SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Jalen & First Take Jacoby Re-Take My 600-Lb. Life: Where Modern Family ’ Modern Family ’ 2X3”ad THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 19 The Flash “King Shark” ’ (CC) NCIS Agent DiNozzo’s identity is stolen. Fresh Off The Real the Boat O’Neals 10 Homes That Changed America (N) The Voice “The Road to the Live Shows” Best Stuck/ Bunk’d ’ Best K.C. UnderFriends Middle (CC) Friends cover NCAA 2016 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament Final: Teams TBA. ESPN Studio (N) (Live) (CC) Soccer Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) 30 for 30 (CC) m5:30 m8:30 Seinfeld (CC) News Nightly Business Nightly News 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) pm Girl Meets pm Girl Meets K.C. UnderWorld ’ cover SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) MLB Baseball: Mariners at Rangers Born Schizophrenic: January’s Story ’ Chrisley Chrisley Knows Knows CW6 News at 10pm (N) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Mike & Molly ’ News m8 DISN World ’ TVData© m5 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Independent Lens “Welcome to Leith” NBC 7 Tonight News Show APRIL 5, 2016 pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Late-Colbert iZombie Liv probes a student’s murder. (N) NCIS: New Orleans “Second Line” (N) ’ Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (N) (CC) The Secrets of Saint John Paul (N) (CC) Chicago Med “Us” (N) ’ (CC) (DVS) XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) m6 pm Seinfeld (CC) News CLASSIFIEDS ARMED FORCES DISPATCH CLASSIFIEDS To place your ad, please call the Classified Advertising Department (619) 280-2985. Deadline to place an ad is Tuesday at noon. See your ads in print, HELP WANTED CAREER/EDUCATION MILITARY SPOUSES Can train for a new career for FREE with MyCAA Funding. Train online in healthcare, technology, or administration and prepare to earn $30,000-$50,000/year. Visit CareerStep.com/spouse today! CONSTRUCTION Affordable Home Remodeling YOU DREAM IT WE BUILD IT! 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TFN ___________________________________________________ OFFICE MANAGER for Optometry office in the 32nd Street NEX at Naval Base San Diego. Full Time. Call 301-695-8771 EST. Email schado1918@gmail.com MILITARY MOMS Drop off the kids at school and then come earn some on Thursday! REAL ESTATE/HOUSES Looking for happy, enthusiastic person, to occasionally work promotional events, representing this newspaper to our nation’s military & families. This is on an as needed basis. Must have base access and your own vehicle. If interested please call 619-280-2985 and ask for Brenda. 4/7 ___________________________________________________ Military Discount and on the web, Good Morning…McDonald’s! Earn Extra $$$! Mornings with McDonald’s Afternoons/Evenings with your family. McDonald’s now hiring-flexible hours. Apply at McDonald’s MCAS Miramar. TFN ______________________________________ MORTGAGE BROKER money with us working part time 2-3 days per week. 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Free consultation Janice McMurray 619-929-9916 cabrillo Mortgage/NMLS 1073022 Thank you for serving our country! BURIALS AT SEA/MEMORIALS on board the last operational World War II Vessel in San Diego. 619-234-9153 ext 102. Make up to $2500 in a few hours - NO JOKE! Local studio needs in-shape models (over 18 yrs old). Set your own hours. Professional, clean and SAFE atmosphere. Gigs are adult themed. Please apply at: www.sierrablue.cc 3/31 ___________________________________________________ SERRA MESA – 5BR/3BA, big house, separate living rm, dining rm, family rm, fplc, 2 car gar, newly renovated, low rent near Qualcomm stadium. Credit check required. Call 858-4845131; 858-354-5046 and repeat your number twice and clearly. 3/31 ___________________________________________________ LD3DFLÀFD593DUN RIIHUVORQJWHUPVWD\V RENTALS APARTMENTS ADVERTISE YOUR RENTAL to the miltary in the Armed Forces Dispatch newspaper. Place your ad by calling Maria at 619-2802985. ___________________________________ SE SAN DIEGO – 1BR, partially furn, $900/ mo + $600dep, located off of Federal & Euclid (apt in rear). 619-857-3676 __________________________________________________ Conveniently located to your station in San Diego. We are a quiet community already housing some of your colleagues. Beaches are 3 miles away. Local shops and restaurants on the doorstep. We only have a limited amount of long term, affordable opportunities. 619.428.4411 $ PR'LVFRXQW for active military ROOM FOR RENT BLOSSOM VALLEY – Furnished w/stove & fridge, shared bath, upstairs, utils pd, no smkg/pets, $600/mo + $500dep. Call 619933-6613 1, 2 or 3 BR’s Apartments, 3/31 Townhouse & Houses PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPARKLING CARPET CLEANING Residential & Commercial Carpet Cleaning & Repair/Grout Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning/Stain & Odor Removal Water Removal/24 Hr Emergency Service Call Andy 619-669-8882 3/31 _________________________________________________ MOVE-IN SPECIAL ! SERVICES OFFERED LEADINGHAM REALTY 1062 Palm Ave., Imp. Beach PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 619-424-8600 ____________________ Let us take care of your Management problems Let us take care of the headaches for you. J&D Property Management currently manages properties for deployed military property owners in SD county. 24-Hr. maintenance line with proven & reliable vendors. Personalized service to owners & monthly financial statements. Oliver Tyson 619-715-5459 PACIFIC LEGACY PROPERTIES 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms available throughout San Diego County. Online Rental Hotsheet www.pacleg.com REALTOR 4/21 ___________________________________________________ RENTALS TOWNHOUSES 619-423-7500 Cristina Harvey REALTOR® RENTALS CONDOS CORONADO CAYS – 3BR/2BA, avail now, $4000/mo. Call Premier Properties 619-4294120 Military Reclocation Specialist 3/31 __________________________________________________ 1,500 CASH BACK at Closing LOGAN HEIGHTS – 2BR/1BA, Avail 3/15, $1260/mo + $1260 dep. 3265 Ocean View Blvd #6. Call Steven 619-997-7771. $ 4/21 __________________________________________________ www.SimplySellingSDHomes.com HomeSmart Realty West CalBRE Lic #01424298 POINT LOMA – Spacious 3BR/2.5BA, newly remodeled, block from beach, seconds from sub base, $3200/mo, 370 Rosecrans, avail May 1. 619-223-1611 3/31 REPRESENTING BUYERS AND SELLERS Call me today! I am here for all of your realty needs. Steven Sopha 619-997-7771 Bennion DeVille Homes stevensopha@yahoo.com BRE# 1290291 4/21 Advertise your rentals in our classifieds. Call today! 619-280-2985. Ask for Maria RENTALS STUDIOS LARGE STUDIO STEPS FROM BEACH **Call for Move-In Specials** Upgraded floors, walk-in closets, Parking, laundry, TV/Internet Hkup 1037 Seacoast Dr. 619-424-3119 “Military Friendly” 10/13/16 MODELING For a Free Report detailing the inner workings of this Exclusive offer Call my Free 24-hour hotline at 1-800-283-9487 ID# 1078 AVAILABLE NOW 858-531-0682 MEMORIAL SERVICES PREMIER PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT Seasonal & Multiple Month Rentals Furnished Long Term & Short Term. We can accommodate all D.O.D. Call today, we have the perfect house for you! 619-429-4120 4/7 HORSE BOARDING CARLSBAD $350/month Advertise your rentals in our classifieds. Call today! 619-280-2985. Ask for Maria 3/31 ___________________________________________________ /LF 6HOOHU3HWHUPXVWDJUHHWRSULFHWHUPVFRQGLWLRQV _____________________________________ 760.840.0187 DON’T GET STUCK WITH TWO HOMES *$5,000 CASH SAVINGS NORMALLY BUT $10,000 TO MILITARY PERSONNEL & FAMILIES or I’LL PAY YOU $1,000 CASH BACK 2$.9,(::$<(6&21','2&$ Private settings & easy access to everything. Call Peter DWWRVFKHGXOH\RXUSULYDWHVKRZLQJ ),1'287:+$7<285+20(,6:257+$7 ZZZ1RUWK&RXQW\6'&RDVWDO+RPHVFRP +HULWDJHY5HDOW\3HWHU7HDWDL$ULNL TFN Western casual, family-oriented ranch. We have roomy 12x48 or 24x24 corrals and provide a veterinarianrecommended diet twice daily. IMPERIAL BEACH – 4BR/2.5BA, 2 car gar, nice yrd, RV prkg, nr IB Blvd & Florida, avail 4/16, $2050/mo. Call 951-760-8464 for details. Call today! 619-224-2300 HORSE BOARDING RENTALS HOUSES ____________________________________ RENTALS HOUSES CITY HEIGHTS - 2BR/2BA, newly painted, new floors, ready to move in! 3536 47th St. Credit check required. Call 858-484-5131; 858-354-5046 and repeat your number twice and clearly. 3/31 ___________________________________________________ EASTLAKE – Furnished/unfurnished 3BR/ 2BA, 2 car gar, gym/pool, “The Summit @ Eastlake”, across from Otay Ranch Mall. Avail 5/1. 619-787-8721 4/21 ________________________________________________ EL CAJON – 2 Story, 2BR/1.5BA, Living room, Kitchen, prvt patio, fncd yard, off-st prkg, $1250/mo. MTM. Avail now. Call 619286-4272 4/14 _________________________________________________ Advertise your rentals in our classifieds. Call today! 619-280-2985. Ask for Maria SPA Love is a four legged word 10 reasons pets make the best travel companions www.tripswithpets.com While we all love hitting the road with family, friends, or a significant other for a road trip, there are times when we have to admit that the best possible travel companions may happen to have four legs and fur. Here are our top ten reasons why traveling with pets is truly the way to go: 1. They never criticize your driving. When traveling with your pet, you will never have to hear complaints about how that you should have braked sooner, that you’re going to fast or too slow, or that you should have changed lanes “back there.” Pets are happy to leave the driving to you – they’re a little shaky on the rules of the road, and they’re having too much fun watching the passing scenery to notice your driving anyway. 2. They’re happy with whatever route you take. You don’t have to confer with your pets to determine the best route. You can get where you’re going any which way you please. And if you do make a mistake and end up lost, your pets will never get annoyed that you keep going in circles, and they will never say “I told you so.” subject back to themselves. 3. They never ask “Are we there yet?” Pets don’t have a real sense of passing time, and they don’t know where you’re going anyway, so you will never have to hear them complaining that you are not arriving somewhere as quickly as they would like. 6. They never disagree with your restaurant choice. As long as it’s a pet friendly restaurant, you’re free to try any trendy, hip eatery or little out-of-the way hidden gem that seems interesting to you, without having to confer about the menu, or hearing that “nobody else feels like eating that.” 4. You have some built-in entertainment. Pets make trips infinitely more entertaining. They are cute to look at in the rearview mirror, they make funny faces at the passing scenery, they’re fun play with at rest stops, and no matter where you end up, they will be very excited to be there. 5. They are great listeners. You can truly unload on your pet as you travel – whether you need to vent about your co-workers, share your extensive, well-reasoned thoughts on a subject near and dear to your heart, work out the pros and cons of a decision you have to make, or rant about the latest injustice you read about in the news, your pets are ready and willing to listen to your monologue with the utmost patience, without ever getting bored or trying to change the Alvin & the Chipmunks: The Road Chip Genre: Animated Comedy Cast: Jason Lee, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Josh Green, Tony Hale, Bella Thorne and the voices of Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Christina Applegate, Kaley Cuoco and Anna FarisSynopsis: Mistakenly thinking Dave is going to dump them for his girlfriend, the chipmunks have three days to stop Dave. Rated: “PG” for some mild rude humor Length: 92 minutes 7. They never tire of window shopping with you. Indulge your rich fantasy shopping life, without anyone hurrying you along. As long as there are people to look at and interesting smells to investigate, your pet will be completely happy to window shop ‘til you drop, and they will not care which stores you look in or how long you linger. 8. They’re pretty content with the status quo. You will not receive complaints about the choice of beverages you brought along, begged at each gas station for new or “better” snacks, asked to make extra stops for coffee, the paper, or souvenirs, or told that your hotel choice is subpar. Your pets are just happy to be there, with you, and as long as they’re fed, watered, and given M ov i e s Lowry Theater – NASNI, Thursday, March 31 5:50 pm Gods of Egypt (PG-13) 8:20 pm Risen (PG-13) Thursday, March 31 6:00 pm Gods of Egypt (PG-13) 8:20 pm Hail, Caesar! (PG-13) Friday, April 1 5:50 pm Zootopia (PG) 8:10 pm London Has Fallen (R) Friday, April 1 6:00 pm Zootopia (PG) 8:10 pm London Has Fallen (R) Saturday, April 2 12:50 pm Zootopia (PG) 3:00 pm Gods of Egypt (PG-13) 5:50 pm Zootopia - 3D (PG) 7:50 pm London Has Fallen (R) Saturday, April 2 1:00 pm Zootopia - 3D (PG) 3:10 pm Gods of Egypt - 3D (PG-13) 6:00 pm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (R) 8:10 pm Deadpool (R) Sunday, April 3 12:50 pm Zootopia (PG) 3:00 pm Zootopia - 3D (PG) 5:50 pm London Has Fallen (R) 7:50 pm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (R) Sunday, April 3 1:00 pm Zootopia (PG) 3:10 pm Eddie The Eagle (PG-13) 6:00 pm Zootopia - 3D (PG) 8:10 pm London Has Fallen (R) Monday, April 4 5:50 pm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (R) 8:00 pm Risen (PG-13) Monday, April 4 6:00 pm Zootopia (PG) 8:10 pm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (R) Tuesday, April 5 5:50 pm London Has Fallen (R) 7:50 pm The Witch (R) Tuesday, April 5 6:00 pm Zoolander 2 (PG-13) 8:00 pm Risen (PG-13) Wednesday, April 6 5:50 pm Zootopia (PG) 8:00 pm Gods of Egypt (PG-13) Wednesday, April 6 6:00 pm Zootopia (PG) 8:10 pm How To Be Single (R) Thursday, April 7 5:50 pm London Has Fallen (R) 7:50 pm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (R) Thursday, April 7 6:00 pm London Has Fallen (R) 8:00 pm Deadpool (R) 619-556-5568, Bldg. 71 619-545-8479, Bldg. 650 9. You don’t have to share the hotel bathroom. You will have to find a pet friendly hotel. But you will not have to wait for the shower, stand in line to brush your teeth, or be rushed through your morning routine by someone who urgently wants to check out on time. And the soap, shampoos and free coffee? All yours. 10. You can go at your own pace. You can make great time – or choose to stop at every fruit stand, kiosk and landmark that exists on your way from point A to point B. As long as he gets potty and exercise breaks, your pet does not care how long it takes you to get anywhere. In short, traveling with pets is the best of two worlds. You get the companionship, fun, and bonding experience of traveling with a loved one, with much of the freedom that comes with traveling alone. So the next time you want to hit the road and you need a travel buddy, be sure to bring your pooch along! Archibald is a a 5 year old neutered Retriever/Boxer mix who weighs 56 lbs. Returned to the shelter twice, Archibald is looking for a home who will accept him for who he is. He prefers the company of his humans most of all, and needs to be an “only dog” in his new family because doesn’t like to socialize with other dogs. When it comes to hanging with his beloved people though, he loves to play ball, walks great on a leash and knows several commands. Meet this handsome guy by asking for ID#A1411028 Tag#C442. Archibald can be adopted for $35. Belle is a 14 years young spayed Tortie who weighs 11 lbs. She is a sweet and mellow cat, who will politely seek attention from behind her cage door. Belle enjoys being petted, brushed, and having her head and neck scratched. She would do best in a quiet home where she can peacefully live out her years surrounded by love. Meet this beautiful gal by asking for ID#A1070902 Tag#CC117. Belle can be adopted for $35. We have many wonderful animals waiting to find new homes as the shelter. Dogs and puppies can be adopted for just $69. Adult dogs and cat over 5 years old can become a member of your family for just $35. If you’re a senior yourself, or disabled, you can make any pet your forever companion for just $35. Rabbits can be adopted for just $25, so be sure to visit our bunny room too! All adoption fees should be confirmed once you get to the shelter, and include spaying or neutering, basic vaccinations, and a 1 year license for dogs. A pet is a forever friend, so bring some love into your life by adopting today! You can visit these two and their many other friends at our Central County Shelter, 5480 Gaines Street, San Diego between the hours of 9:30AM to 5:30PM, Tuesday through Saturday. Visit http://www.sddac.com for more information and contact the shelter with questions and for holiday hours. a t the Bases Camp Pendleton Theater (760) 725-9217 Thursday, March 31 6:30pm Deadpool (R) Friday, April 1 6:30pm London Has Fallen (R) 9:00pm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (R) Saturday, April 2 1:00pm Zootopia (PG) 3:45pm Deadpool (R) 6:30pm London Has Fallen (R) Sunday, April 3 1:00pm Zootopia (PG) 3:45pm ***FREE MOVIE*** Star Wars: The Force Awakens (PG13) 7:00pm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (R) Wednesday, April 6 6:30pm London Has Fallen (R) Thursday, April 7 6:30pm Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (R) The Clubhouse – NBPL, Main Base, 619-53-9138, Bldg. 546 Thursday, March 31 6:00 pm Turbo (PG) Friday, April 1 6:00 pm The Waterboy (PG-13) Saturday, April 2 11:00 am The Wolverine (PG-13) 6:00 pm X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG-13) Sunday, April 3 11:00 am Saving Private Ryan (R) 6:00 pm Thor: The Dark World (PG-13) Monday, April 4 6:00 pm Wrath of the Titans (PG-13) Tuesday, April 5 6:00 pm Total Recall (PG-13) Wednesday, April 6 6:00 pm Rush Hour (PG-13) Thursday, April 7 6:00 pm Wreck It Ralph (PG) R | 1h 52min | Comedy, War A journalist recounts her wartime coverage in Afghanistan. Stars: Tina Fey, Margot Robbie, Martin Freeman Q-Zone Theater- NAB, 619-437-5487, Bldg. 337 Thursday, March 31 11:00 am Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (PG) 6:00 pm Daddy’s Home (PG-13) Friday, April 1 6:00 pm Spectre (PG-13) Saturday, April 2 2:00 pm In the Heart of the Sea (PG-13) 5:00 pm Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (R) Tuesday, April 5 11:00 am The Peanuts Movie (G) 6:00 pm Spotlight (R) Wednesday, April 6 6:00 pm Miss You Already (PG-13) Thursday, April 7 11:00 am Penguins of Madagascar (PG) 6:00 pm Star Wars: The Force Awakens (PG-13) Bob Hope Theater 858-577-4143 *Indicates last showing 31-Mar- Thur 1-Apr Fri 2-Apr Sat 3-Apr Sun 4-Apr Mon 6-Apr Wed 7-Apr Thur 6:30 PM *How To Be Single R 6:30 PM London Has Fallen R 9:00 PM Whiskey Tango Foxtrot-R 3:00 PM Brave (FREE for the Month of the Military Child)-PG 6:30 PM Zootopia(3D)-PG 9:00 PM Gods of Egypt (3D)PG-13 1:00 PM Zombie Apocalypse-Live 5 PM NCAA Basketball Championship - Finals-Live 6:30 PM *Zoolander 2-PG-13 6:30 PM *Deadpool-R THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 21 Naval Base Theater - NBSD, some play time now and then, as far as they’re concerned it’s the best trip ever, no matter where you go or what you do. Around Town Events subject to change. Please confirm details before attending! Glamour And Glow. Fri, April 1, 9pm-2am. $15-$20. 21+. Largest black-light fashion, body art, performance, and costume event in the nation.Fluxx, 500 Fourth Ave, San Diego Beats & Eats. Fri, April 1, 7:30-9:30pm. $40. 21+. Private dinner offered. A specialized and themed menu.Four-course dinner. Analog, 801 Fifth Ave, San Diego Goodguys Meguiar’s Del Mar Nationals. Fri-Sun, April 1-3 (FriSat 8am-5pm; Sun 8am-3pm). $6-$20. A full weekend of Southern California-style hot roddin’. Some of the finest show cars in the country. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar Boardwalk Craft Market. Sat, April 2, 8am-2pm. Free. Features original work by individual artists and craftsmen. Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Rd, Poway Sd Growlers Vs Sf Flamethrowers. Sat, April 2, 5:30-9pm. $15. Watch your hometown professional Ultimate Frisbee team. Balboa Stadium, 1405 Park Blvd, San Diego Exotics Expo. Sat, April 2, 12-4pm. Free. Raffles, snacks, music, and more. Turquoise Animal Hospital, 950 Turquoise St, Pacific Beach Peace-Love-Run Half Marathon. Sat, April 2, 7am-12pm. $10$80. Can You Dig It? Get your “Groove On” as we race along this scenic waterfront course. 1775 East Mission Bay Dr, San Diego His & Her Boutique: Opening Party. Sat, April 2, 4-9pm. Free. A party to celebrate the opening with boutique beers and cocktails. His & Her, 2314 India St, Little Italy San Diego Gulls V. San Jose Barracudas. Sat, April 2, 7:05pm. $18-$60. Valley View Casino Center, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd, San Diego San Diego Crew Classic. Sat-Sun, April 2-3, 5:30am-6:30pm. $12. Athletes from more than 100 programs from across the US will participate in San Diego’s two-day premier rowing event. Crown Point Dr, (East of Ingraham St)Mission Bay Carlsbad 5000. Sat-Sun, April 2-3, 7am-4pm. $40. The World’s Fastest 5k! Carlsbad 5000, 400 Carlsbad Village Dr Cinderella’s Attic Prom Boutique. Sun, April 3, 11am-4pm. Free. Girls! Get your perfect dress for prom, for free. Cinderella’s Attic will share its wardrobe of fashionable dresses, shoes, and accessories. The Handlery Hotel and Resort, 950 Hotel Circle N, San Diego MUSCLE RECOVERY. BOOST METABOLISM CRYOTHERAPY NOW AVAILABLE IN EAST COUNTY! 7KHPRVWHOLISTICZLWK0XOWLSOH +HDOLQJ0RGDOLWLHVLQWKH&U\R*HQLF ,QGXVWU\ &U\RWKHUDS\XVHVFROGIRUPXVFOH UHFRYHU\GXHWRWUDLQLQJLQMXU\ GHFUHDVHVLQIODPPDWLRQUHGXFHV VWUHVVDQGRUGHSUHVVLRQ Military Discount - 10% Off with this ad or ID 619.357.7778 22 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 www.revitaliceUSA.com 220 W. Main Street, Suite 102 El Cajon, Ca. 92020 Next to Subway - Across from 24 Hour Fitness @ Main & Magnolia AS SEEN ON DR. OZ San Diego Gulls Vs Stockton Heat. Sun, April 3, 3:05pm. $18-$60. Valley View Casino Center, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd, San Diego Chocolate Festival. Sun, April 3, 10am-4pm. $16. Observers will be able to experience chocolate as it was enjoyed in early America. San Diego Maritime Museum, 1492 N. Harbor Dr East Village Opening Day Block Party. Mon, April 4, 10am-6pm. Free. Root, root, root for the home team as you show off your Padre’s pride. Fun, craft beer, music, food and more. Sixth Ave & J St Craft Beer And Cheese. Mon, April 4, 6-8pm. $40. 21+. Featuring five craft beers and ten artisan cheeses, perfectly paired. Priority Public House, 576 North Coast Highway 101, Encinitas San Diego Padres vs. Los Angeles Dodgers. Mon-Wed, April 4-6 (Mon 4:05pm; Tues 7:10pm; Wed 6:10pm). Catch the San Diego Padres take on the Los Angeles Dodgers at Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd. San Diego John Leguizamo. Tues-Sun, April 5-17. Times vary. A comic/satiric take on “500 years of Latin History, spanning the Aztecs and Incan empires to World War II.” La Jolla Playhouse, 2910 La Jolla Village Dr, San Diego Celebrate Spring In Nature. Wed, April 6, 9:30-11am. Free. Surround yourself in nature’s splendor. Meet inside the Visitor Center. Mission Trails Regional Park, One Father Junípero Serra Trail, San Carlos San Diego Gulls Vs Bakersfield Condors. Wed, April 6, 7:05pm. $18-$60. Valley View Casino Center, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd, San Diego Wine & Craft Beer Tasting. Fri, April 8, 5-8pm. $20. Enjoy local wineries and craft breweries offering tastes of their finest selections on beautiful Maple Street Plaza. Grand Avenue at Maple Street, Escondido La Jolla Concours d’Elegance. Fri-Sun, April 8-10, 10am-4pm. $50-$375. Named as one of the top three most anticipated Concours in the world. Ellen Browning Scripps Park, 1133 Coast Blvd.,San Diego (760)459-5335 Swallowtail Swoop. Sat, April 9, 830-10am. Free. Meet at Campground Entry Station, near flag poles. Kumeyaay Lake Campground, Two Father Junípero Serra Trail, San Diego Silver Blade Canoe Kayak Regatta. Sat, April 9, 9am-4pm. Kayaks, canoes, surf-skis and stand up racing -- all on a sprint-style regatta course. U.S. Olympic Training Center, 2800 Olympic Parkway, Chula Vista Bird Walk & Presentation. Sat, April 9, 9am-12pm. Free. A bird walk around the preserve. Anstine-Audubon Nature Preserve, 2437 Hutchison Street, Vista Fashion With A Passion. Sat, April 9, 11am-3:30pm. $35-$50. Admission includes a food, beverage, and dessert tasting, fashion and beauty-related vendor village. Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, 350 Tenth Ave, 3rd floor, San Diego Multicultural Family Fiesta. Sat, April 9, 12-3pm. Free. This annual eventcelebrates the diversity of El Cajon. Information fair, free books, refreshments, and activities. El Cajon Library, 201 E. Douglas Ave, El Cajon Craft Brew Circus. Sat, April 9, 1-5pm. $60. 21+. Combination of two Southern California Brew Festivals. Ingram Plaza at Liberty Station, 2751 Dewey Rd, Liberty Station Call Today! 1-800-580-0150 www.MilitaryMutual.org *Home must be purchased with Military Mutual® within three (3) year from close of escrow to be managed for free! Military Mutual- Derek Barksdale, Real Estate Broker-Owner l California Bureau of Real Estate: 01804284 l 2015 Birch Rd, Suite 1701, Chula Vista, CA 91915 Equal Housing Opportunity Concerts Please confirm concerts before attending. NOTE: Some venues are age 21+ only. April Los Lobos & Los Lonely Boys. Fri, April 1, 8pm. Latin. Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, 84-245 Indio Springs Pkwy, Indio (760) 342-5000 Tyler The Creator. Fri, April 1, 7pm. Rap. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Ave, San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Eric Hutchinson. Fri, April 1, 8pm. Pop. 21+. Belly Up Tavern, 143 South Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. (858) 481-8140. Il Volo. Sat, April 2, 8pm. Italian Pop. Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, 84-245 Indio Springs Pkwy, Indio (760) 342-5000 Venice. Sat, April 2, 7:30pm. Folk/Pop/Rock. AMSDconcerts (Sweetwater High School), 1900 Highland Ave, National City (619) 303-8176. Biz Markie. Sat, April 2, 8:30pm. Pop/Rap. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 2992583. The Killers. Sat, April 2, 8pm. Pop/Rock. Harrah’s Rincon, 777 Harrah’s Rincon Way, Valley Center. (760) 751-3100. Adam Lambert. Sun, April 3, 8pm. Pop. Orpheum Theatre, 842 South Broadway, Los Angeles (877) 677-4386 Tinashe. Mon, April 4, 7pm. Rock. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Tori Kelly. Tues, April 5, 7:30pm. Pop. Humphreys by the Bay, 2241 Shelter Island Dr, San Diego Tank. Wed, April 6, 9pm. R&B/ Soul. Music Box, 1337 India St, San Diego. (619) 795-1337 Elvis Costello. Thurs, April 7, 7:30pm. $47-$97. Alternative/ Rock. Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave. (619) 570-1100. www.sdbalboa.org Moe.Thurs, April 7, 7:30pm. 21+. Rock. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Ave, San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Chris Smither. Fri, April 8, 7:30pm. Blues/Folk. AMSDconcerts (Sweetwater High School), 1900 Highland Ave, National City (619) 303-8176. Ellie Goulding. Fri, April 8, 7:30pm. Pop/R&B. STAPLES Center, 1111 S. Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015. www.staplescenter.com Floetry. Fri, April 8, 7pm. R&B/ Soul. The Wiltern, 3790 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles (213) 388-1400 Third Eye Blind. Fri, April 8, 7pm. Alternative/Rock. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Ave, San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Soul Music Festival. Sat, April 9, 8pm. R&B. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Rebel Souljahz. Sat, April 9, 7pm. Reggae. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. DMX. Mon, April 11, 7pm. Rap. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Ave,San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Chvrches. Wed, April 13, 8:30pm. Pop/Rock. SDSU Open Air Theatre, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. Steve Miller Band. Thurs, April 14, 7:30pm. $125$191. Pop/Rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. humphreysbythebay.com Bone Thugs N Harmony. Thurs, April 14, 8:30pm. Rap/ Hip-Hop. SDSU Open Air Theatre, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. Dwele. Thurs, April 14, 9pm. Neo Soul/R&B. Music Box, 1337 India St, San Diego. (619) 7951337 Iron Maiden. Fri-Sat, April 1516, 7:50pm. Metal. The Forum, 3900 W. Manchester Blvd, Inglewood. (310) 330-7300 Ramblin Jack Elliott. Sat, April 16, 7:30pm. AMSDconcerts (Sweetwater High School), 1900 Highland Ave, National City (619) 303-8176. Alan Jackson. Sat, April 16, 7:30pm. Country. Honda Center, 2695 East Katella Ave, Anaheim (714) 704-2400 Shinedown. Sun, April 17, 7pm. $10-$55. Rock/Alternative. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. James Bay. Sun, April 17, 8pm. Pop/Rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. humphreysbythebay.com Pepe Aguilar. Fri, April 22, 8pm. Latin. Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, 84-245 Indio Springs Pkwy, Indio (760) 3425000 Ellie Goulding. Sat, April 23, 6:45pm. Pop. Viejas Arena at Aztec Bowl San Diego State University. 5500 Canyon Crest Drive, San Diego THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 23 Think Fuller Ford Fuller Honda Family owned & operated since 1947! 3p*p2,*+ 2016 Ford Focus 4 Dr. Sedan S MSRP............................$19,195 Fuller Discount..............-$1,748 Sale Price.....................$17,447 Retail Bonus Customer Cash............................-$1,000 Retail Customer Cash....-$1,000 2016 Ford Military Appreciation Bonus Cash.....................-$500 $ “Your Last Impression is Our First Priority” 1.99% For 2016 Civic, CR-Z, Fit, HR-V and Pilots. 2015 Accord, CR-V, CR-Z, Crosstour, Fit, Odyssey & Pilots for 24-60 Months 710+ credit score. See dealer for details. 2016 Accords - 0.9% for 36 Months, 1.9% for up to 60 Months 2015 Civics - 0.9% for up to 60 Months, 1.9% for up to 72 Months 2016 Odyssey - 0.9% or up to 60 Months NET SALES COST 14,947 *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 4/4/16. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #275875 Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. 2016 Ford Escape S FWD MSRP............................$23,995 Fuller Discount..............-$4,548 Sale Price.....................$19,447 Retail Customer Cash....-$2,000 2016 Ford Military Appreciation Bonus Cash.....................-$500 Fuller Kia at Fuller Kia!! 2016 KIA RIO LX MSRP.........................$15,110 Fuller Discount............-$1,722 Finance Rebate*.................-$1,500 NET COST $ 11,888 2016 Honda CIVIC Sedan 4 Dr. LX $ 159 LEASE FOR AUTOMATIC *Must finance through Kia Motors Financial. 1 at this price #646171 2016 KIA FORTE LX PLUS TAX PER MONTH 88 LEASE FOR $ NET SALES COST $ 16,947 MONTH PLUS TAX $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $159. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $12,976. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. NEW 2016 Honda ACCORD LX 4 Dr. *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 4/4/16. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #C59843. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. 24 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 2016 Ford F-150 XL Regular Cab MSRP............................$28,910 Fuller Discount..............-$4,963 Sale Price.....................$23,947 Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash................-$500 Bonus Customer Cash...-$1,500 Retail Customer Cash.......-$500 2016 Ford Military Appreciation Bonus Cash.....................-$500 189 $ $88 per month, plus tax, 24 month lease. Residual $10,441. 10,000 miles per year. Only $2495 due at lease signing, $0 security deposit. 12,000 miles per year and 20c per mile in excess. 700+ credit score required. 1 at this price #550378 PLUS TAX PER MONTH 2015 KIA OPTIMA HYBRID LX 88 LEASE FOR $ $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 monthly payments of $189. $0 security deposit. Residual $13,588.80. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. MONTH PLUS TAX NEW 2016 Honda CR-V SE 2 WD AUTOMATIC 209 $ NET SALES COST $ AUTOMATIC LEASE FOR 20,947 LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 4/4/16. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #K03940 Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $209. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $16,345. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. $88 per month, plus tax, 24 month lease. Residual $14,606. 12,000 miles per year. Only $2495 due at lease signing, $0 security deposit. 10,000 miles per year and 20c per mile in excess. 700+ credit score required. All instock. *Warranty is a limited power train warranty. For details see retailer or go to kia.com 619-656-2600 800-507-1644 800-507-1644 580 AUTO PARK DR. *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 4/4/16. 560 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA www.fullerford.com SOUTHBAY’S SAVING ZONE CHULA VISTA BUYING SERVICE www.fullerhonda.com *Excludes taxes, titles and fees. Not all buyers may qualify. Subject to limited availability. See dealer for complete details. All prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge and any emission testing charge. Residency restrictions apply. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Dealer installed options are extra. Alarms can be purchased at additional cost or removed at customers option. Vehicles to retail customers only. No wholesale transactions allowed. See dealer for complete details. Prices & Terms expires 4/4/16 540 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA www.fullerkia.com *Prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges, and any emission testing charges. “On approval of credit”. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 4/4/16