AR 2013 - Computer Society Of India
AR 2013 - Computer Society Of India
48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Computer Society of India Executive Committee 2012-2013 2013-2014 Mr. Satish Babu President Prof. S V Raghavan President Prof. S V Raghavan Vice – President Mr. H R Mohan Vice-President Mr. S Ramanathan Hon Secretary Mr. S Ramanathan Hon. Secretary Mr. V.L.Mehta Hon Treasurer Mr. Ranga Rajagopal Hon. Treasurer Mr. M.D. Agarwal Immd. Past President Mr. Satish Babu Immd. Past President Mr. R K Vyas Regional Vice – President, (Region – I) Mr. R K Vyas Dr. Dipti Prasad Mukherjee Regional Vice – President, (Region – II) Regional Vice-President, (Region I) Dr. Dipti Prasad Mukherjee Regional Vice – President, (Region – III) Regional Vice-President, (Region II) Prof. R P Soni Regional Vice – President, (Region – IV) Regional Vice-President, (Region III) Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Regional Vice-President, (Region IV) Mr. Raju L kanchibhotla Regional Vice-President, (Region V) Mr. C G Sahasrabudhe Regional Vice-President, (Region VI) S P Soman Regional Vice-President, (Region VII) Prof M N Hoda Chairperson, Division-I (Hardware) Dr. T V Gopal Chairman, Division-II (Software) Mr. Anil Srivastava Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Prof. D V B Sarma Regional Vice – President, (Region – V) Mr. C G Sahasaarabuddhe Regional Vice – President, (Region – VI) Mr. Ramasamy S Regional Vice – President, (Region – VII) Mr. Pramit Makoday Regional Vice – President, (Region – VIII) Dr. C R Chakravarthy Chairman, Division-I (Hardware) Dr. T V Gopal Chairman, Division-II (Software ) Dr. Debesh Das Chairman, Division-III (Applications ) Dr. A K Nayak Chairman, Division-III (Applications) Mr. Sanjay Mohapatra Chairman, Division-IV (Communications ) Mr. Sanjay Mohapatra Chairman, Division-IV (Communications) Prof. R.P.Soni Chairman, Division-V (Education & Research) Dr. Anirban Basu Chairman, Division-V (Education & Research) Dr. D D Sarma Chairman, NC Dr. Rattan Datta Chairman, NC Mr. Bipin V Mehta Member, NC Prof. H R Vishwakarma Member, NC Mr. Subimal Kundu Member, NC Prof. Anil Kumar Saini Member, NC 1 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM 48 Annual Report th for the year 2012-2013 Dear Members, Before presenting the annual report for the year 2012-13, I take this opportunity to share with you the growth trajectory of our society during the last year. The membership strength increased from 16025 members (80075 students) as of March 2012 to 18126 members (91,571 students) as of March 2013, a growth of 14%. The number of chapters remained 71 as of March 2013 whereas the number of student branches increased to 495. On the down-side, the membership from the non-academic institutions i.e. business, industry and government sectors declined while the individual professional membership saw a marginal growth during the year 2012-13. The year 2012-13 witnessed the most significant growth from 80075 students to 91,571 students - a growth of 14%. As evident, the students have become our major stakeholders constituting 83% of membership base. This means no small achievement but at the same it is a very big responsibility on the entire CSI fraternity, especially the working members to nurture the young minds and groom them as the next-generation IT professionals. With regard to the conferences and technical programmes (including seminars, workshops, student conventions and symposia) about 150 events were organized during the year 2012-13 at state, regional, national/ international levels across India, i.e. 2 to 3 events per week on an average- resulting into new kind of vibrancy and momentum for members and stakeholders. The most significant achievement of the year 2012-13 is the MOU between the Information Systems Audit and Control Association, Inc (“ISACA”) and CSI. The purpose of this MOU is to create a formal basis for co-operation & collaboration through mutual sharing of knowledge, experience and best practices. Heralding the beginning of the 48th Year of the Society, it’s a great privilege to present the Forty Eighth Annual Report of the Computer Society of India for the year 2012-13. Operational Highlights: 2 The Executive Committee ( ExecCom ) of the Society consisting of seventeen elected members and the immediate past president, entrusted with the responsibility of successfully running the society met five times during the year at various locations across the country to review the functioning and activities of the society and take decisions on important matters. 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 The Venue and dates of the meeting are as mentioned below: Meeting Venue Date Joint Meeting-I Mumbai 31st March/ 1st April 2012 ExecCom Meeting-II Mumbai 30th June 2012 ExecCom Meeting-III Chennai 30th September 2012 ExecCom Meeting-IV Kolkata 30th November 2012 Joint Meeting-V Mumbai 30th March 2013 The Members of the ExecCom attended these meeting as follows: Name Position No. of Meetings Held No. of Meetings Attended Mr. Satish Babu President 5 5 Prof S. V. Raghavan Vice President 5 4 Mr. S Ramanathan Hon. Secretary 5 5 Mr V. L. Mehta Hon. Treasurer 5 5 Mr R. K. Vyas RVP-I 5 5 Prof. Dipti Prasad Mukherjee RVP-II 5 5 Mr. Anil Srivastava RVP-III 5 3 Mr. Sanjeev Kumar RVP-IV 5 3 Prof. D. B. V. Sarma RVP-V 5 2 Mr. C. G. Sahasarabudhe RVP-VI 5 4 Mr. Ramasamy S RVP-VII 5 4 Mr. Pamit Makoday RVP-VIII 5 1 Dr. C. R. Chakravarthy Division Chair-I 5 3 Dr. T. V. Gopal Division Chair-II 5 5 Dr. Debesh Das Division Chair-III 5 5 Mr. Sanjay Mohapatra Division Chair-IV 5 3 Prof. R. P. Soni Division Chair-V 5 2 Mr. M. D. Agrawal Immediate Past President 5 3 National Council The National council is comprised of the Executive committee members and chairpersons of chapters. The council administers the Society through the preparation and maintenance of various operational manuals and make all decisions except those specially reserved for the General Body and shall advise the General Body on all matters coming up for decision. 3 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM The year 2012-13 witnessed an overwhelming of majority of chapters completing the elections as per the scheduled whereas a few of the chapters were guided with the respective Regional Vice Presidents and Nomination committees to form ad hoc management committees. The list of Chapter Chairpersons is appended hereunder: Chairpersons of Chapters 2012-13 Chapter Chairperson Chapter Chairperson Chapter Chairperson Ahmedabad Mr. Nikhil Anilkumar Jain Haridwar Prof. V.K Sharma Pune Mr. Amit Dangle Allahabad Mr. Manoj Kumar Saxena Hyderabad Mr. I L Narasimha Rao Ranchi Mr. A K Tiwari Annamalainagar Dr. R M Chandrasekaran Indore Mr. Pratosh Bansal Rourkela Mr. N S Kumar Aurangabad Mr. Prashant Deshpande Jaipur Mr. Naveen Hemrajani Sivakasi Dr. T Revathi Bangalore Mr. Vishwas Bondade Jhansi Dr. (Prof.) A K Tripathi Surat Mr. Tejesh Patel Bhopal Mr. Vivek Dhawan Kanpur Dr. Bijendra Singh Thanjavur Dr. G Jagajothi Bhilai Mrs. Ranjana Muley Kochi Ms. Ambika I S Tiruchirappalli Dr. Gopinath Ganapathi Chandigarh Dr A K Paul Kolkata Dr. Debasish Jana Thiruvananthapuram Mr. Biju B Varghese Chennai Mr. A Chandrasekaran Koneru Prof. T Pavan Kumar Udaipur Mr. M L Talesra Coimbatore Mr. C Ravi Lucknow Prof. Bharat Bhasker Ujjain Dr. Jagdish Narayan Vyas Cuttack Mr. Ajay N Mohapatra Mankapur Mr. Sri Kishan Verma Vadodara Mr. Ashok R Patel Dehradun Dr. Ajay Gairola Mathura Prof Krishna Kant Varanasi Dr. Subhash Chandra Yadav Delhi Mr. Rajnish Kumar Verma Mhow Cdr FCT & S Brig. R K Chaudhari, VSM Vellore Prof. P Kalyananraman Ghaziabad Mr. Suresh Tiwari Mumbai Mr Ravi Eppaturi Vijayawada Dr. A Koteswara Rao Goa Mr. Abhay Bhamaikarz Mysore Mr. Sudhakara A Mylarappa Visakhapatnam Mr. Ponnapalli Madhusudan Gurgaon Mr. Vaishney Vivek Nashik Mr. Shirode Avinash D Gwalior Dr. M VS Suryanarayana Puduchery Dr. Vijaykrishna Rapaka Membership Highlights CSI membership has shown about 14% increases in year 2012-13 as compared to the previous year membership. As on 31/3/2013 the membership was 1,09,697. Table 1 provides a comparative analysis of Individual members including Life members and Institutional nominees between 2011 and 2013. Table 2 provides a comparative analysis of both academic and non-academic Institutional membership between 2011 and 2013. 4 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Table 1: Individual members including Life members and Institutional nominees Grade AS ON 31.3.2011 AS ON 31.3.2012 AS ON 31.3.2013 Associate 3,536 4,166 6,113 Member 2,379 2,409 2,216 Senior 6,070 6,204 6,224 110 122 128 12,095 12,901 14,681 2,541 3,124 3,445 Sub Total 2 14,636 16,025 18,126 Students 63,303 80,075 91,571 Total 77,939 96,100 1,09,697 Fellows Sub Total 1 Institutional Nominees TABLE 2: Academic and Non-academic Institutional membership Grade Educational Non Educational Total AS ON 31.3.2011 AS ON 31.3.2012 AS ON 31.3.2013 680 908 1001 95 82 76 775 990 1077 5 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM Chapters Efforts were made by RVPs to revive some dormant chapters. The activities of Chapter region wise are listed below. Region I Navjot Singh and Mr. Pradeep Kumar, delivered talks on emerging trends in storage technology and appreciated efforts of Integral University for producing large number of storage professionals in India. Ghaziabad 7 April 2012: 10th National IT Seminar “Recent Trends in Software Technologies (RTST-2012)” Dr. Pankaj Jalote, Mr. Sunil Asthana, Mr. Amit Goenka, Mr. Navneet B. Gupta – Dr. Jalote discussed the definition of engineering, especially software engineering & skills required. He discussed role of science-based researcher and engineering researcher, abilities of researcher, difference between research & research manager. Mr. Sunil Asthana spoke about developments in IT Industry and covered various aspects of Mobile Commerce, Mobility, Mobile Applications & Cloud Computing. There were two technical sessions: 1. Emerging Trends & SIG Role in Software development 2. Recent Advances in Software testing, maintenance & quality assurance. Integral University organized Storage Technology Day at its campus, under the aegis of CSIndia, Lucknow Chapter. Mr. Arvind Kumar and Prof. Bharat Bhasker, presented key note address on the theme. It was very well received by the students. Chief Guest, Prof. Raj Kamal spoke on evolution of communication technologies and narrated their chronological development. He also addressed the issues related to efficient deployment of communication technologies and talked about 4G Networks. During the parallel sessions on relevant themes contributors from different parts of the country, including Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, etc., participated and presented their research papers. Region II Durgapur 21 April 2012: Storage Technology Day-2012 Dr. Bharat Bhasker, Mr. Arvind Kumar, Mr. Navjot Singh and Mr. Pradeep Kumar. Dr. Bhasker delivered speech on “Facilitating High Performance Computing” and Mr. Arvind Kumar delivered speech on “Growing Career Opportunities with Changing Trends of Data Storage Technologies”. Industry experts Mr. 6 29 April 2012: One-day workshop on “Application of IT in Core Industry Using CAD”. Prof. Debesh Das, Mr. Bimal Patwari and Dr. S. Dasgupta The workshop was organized on the occasion of formal revival of this chapter in association with Division III (Applications). The workshop was attended by students and faculty from the local colleges and the instructors were from CMERI, Durgapur. New managing committee took charge of the chapter activities under the leadership of Prof. Asish Mukhopadhyay. Lucknow 18 August 2012 : An IT Quiz Event in Tech Vista Fest. Miss Namita Agrawal and Mr.Ankit Agrawal Many schools of Lucknow participated in the IT Quiz Event in Tech Vista Fest. The event started with Prelims round and finally a stage Quiz Round. Miss Namita Agrawal and Mr.Ankit Agrawal were the quiz masters of the IT Quiz Event. "It was a great experience to interact with ingenious and quick-witted young minds", said quizmaster Namita Agrawal. Lucknow Public School was the winner of the Event. 20 October 2012: 7th National Conference “Communication Technologies & its Impact on Next Generation Computing (CTNGC-2012)”. Prof. (Dr.) Raj Kamal,Mr. Vipin Tyagi, Prof. Rishikesha T. Krishnan, Prof. Bharat Bhasker, Prof. A.K. Puri and Vineet Kansal. 20 May 2012 : Organized Storage Technology Day Mr. Arvind Kumar and Prof. Bharat Bhasker. Kolkata 19 May 2012: Workshop on “Information Security” and “Enterprise Risk Management” Mr Vinod Agarwal, Dr. J. K. Mandal, Mr Arijit Roy Mr Vinod Agarwal spoke about importance of Information Security and Risk Management. Dr J.K. Mandal introduced 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Data Warehousing Concepts and Best Practices” the participants to the key elements of information security as applicable to e-Commerce Applications. Mr Arijit Roy spoke about fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management and the concept of Risk Intelligence. Prof. Jayesh M. Solanki and Mr. Vispi Munshi. Prof. Jayesh M. Solanki gave introduction and importance of this topic including speaker’s profile. The lecture provided exposure to real scenario on Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing. Mr. Vispi Munshi covered basic understanding of what a data warehouse is and how it can be used. He also explained various aspects of core data warehouse enablement techniques in practice 9 October 2012: Proceedings of the Half-Day Seminar on “Remote Sensing and Image Processing: Contemporary Contextualities and Vistas for Future Generation” Prof. C A Murthy and Prof. Bhabatosh Chanda . The principal objective was to foster strong scientific temper among young engineering aspirants on the application areas of Space Science with special reference to its contemporary contexualities in Remote Sensing and Image Processing technology. Prof. Murthy gave a technical talk on “Basics and Applications of Coloured Image Processing”. Prof. Chanda deliberated on “Basics and Applications of Remote Sensing” which motivated students to get acquainted with new emerging vistas of Space Science. Mr.Vikash Patel. Mr. Patel explained various topics like Android Operation System, Android Versions, Features of Android, Architecture of Android, Important Android components, Dalvik Virtual Machine, Security and permissions, AndroidManifest.xml,, Resources and Assets, Reference to resources in XML files. Many interesting questions were raised by students regarding usability of android, web service based applications and security of applications. The live project demo was also given by speaker. 19 January 2013: Young IT Professional Award (Region II) Event. Prof. Abhik Mukherjee, Prof. Devadatta Sinha, Prof. Jyotsna K Mandal, Mr. Sumit Misra and Mr. Kaushik Muhuri Seven teams participated in the YITP event. Projects presented by them addressed topics ranging from cutting edge business solution practices to application-driven innovations and a set of research challenges in IT and automation. Winning team comprising of Tamal Dey, Abhra Pal and Lahari Sengupta demonstrated an application of a machine vision solution for colour characterization of silk yarns. The 1st runner-up team comprising of Bhaswati Mukherjee, Somdatta Nag and Abhisekh Hazra from CDAC Kolkata demonstrated a Bengali online handwriting recognition system for telemedicine through multimedia conferencing. The special mention awardee was Mr. Nilanjan Roy of TCS Kolkata for his presentation on building a Iaas private cloud solution using opensource software. Bhopal Prof. Manish Parashar spoke about the cloud usage and related challenges with specific foucs on security issues in the context of cloud usage. Region III Ahmedabad 4 August 2012: Free Lecture on “Business Intelligence and 29 August 2012: Workshop on “e-finance & e-payments solutions in changing scenario”. Dr. V D Garde and Shri Hariranjan Rao CSI in association with MAP_IT & ICICI bank organized the workshop which was mainly attended by government & bank officials. From CSI Dr. VD Garde was the chief speaker who focused more on the security aspects of e-transactions. Secretary IT & Secretary to CM Hariranjan Rao spoke about current scenario of e-payments worldwide & its benefits. Senior officials from ICICI Bank highlighted their e-payment solution with flavours of applications & benefits. 11 September 2012: One day Research Scholars' workshop on “Computer Applications (RSWCSA-2012)”. In association with Salesian College, Siliguri chapter successfully organized one day Research Scholars' workshop on Computer Applications. Apart from technical paper presentation session, there was also invited technical talk. The chapter did their best effort to encourage participants to be members of CSI. 14 August 2012: Lecture on “Current Trends and Challenges in Cloud Computing” Prof. Manish Parashar, Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rutger’s University, New Jersey. Siliguri 2 November 2012: A special Lecture on “Android Overview” 6 December 2012: A general meet of CSI and release of a research book Dr. R. K. Datta A general meet was organized. There were many eminent personalities present including Dr. R. K. Datta, Professor V. P. Saxena, Mr. Vivek Dhawan and Dr. K. R. Pardasani. A research book on ‘Engineering Management & Pharmaceutical Science’ 7 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM was unveiled by the eminent guest of Android, Android SDK & Development Environment. He also spoke about services offered by Android and basic concept of using classes. Bhuwnesh Soni and Mohit Mehta covered SQL Lite Database concepts to store mobile data. “Career Guidance Session” was given by Mr Anomitra Das. Dr Azimuddin Khan spoke about Programming Concepts, Databases and networks. Gwalior 1 December 2012: 16th Computer Quiz Director DRDE Gwalior, AC Pandey,Dr MVS Suryanarayana, Er. Sushil Batham Chapter organized 16th computer quiz. Rishi Galav Public school won the first prize, Army public school secured 2nd position. Director DRDE Gwalior was the chief guest for this event, Convener of the quiz was CSI member AC Pandey. Dr MVS Suryanarayana addressed the audience. Chief guest distributed the prizes and certificates to the winners and the participants respectively. Prof. K Venugopalan, Dr Ridhima Khamesara, Dr B K Sharma, Mr Mazhar Hussain, Dr Azimuddin Khan, Dr. Archana Gowalkar, Mr Prince Boonlia, Mr Rajesh Dadhich and Mr Sanjeev Agarwal Surat Prof. Venugopalan gave key note address on “Ethical practices in ICT”. There was “Poster designing contest” and “Paper presentation” on the theme “Cyber Age”. A “Quiz on ICT” was conducted by Dr Khan and Dr Gowalkar. “Cultural event" was also organized. There was a workshop on “Information Security using FOSS” where Mr Boonlia enlightened on Information security, VMware and GNS3 for creating virtual lab, Nmap with the basics of scripting for automation and Metasploit framework. During the “Project Presentation Competition” Mr Dadhich and Mr Agarwal worked as judges. 21 July 2012: Seminar on “Brain-Computer Interface to Help Persons with Severe Disability”. Prof. Prabhat Ranjan Prof. Ranjan is an eminent personality working in the field of applying Brain-Computer Interface, along with body and voice sensors to help persons with severe disability. He is also using embedded systems and sensor networks for planetary exploration (moon mission), wildlife tracking, nuclear fusion, assistive technology and agriculture. Prof. Ranjan covered various technologies that can help differently enabled persons based on their specific abilities. He illustrated his points by specific show case studies which he had already implemented in the field. 5 November 2012: Technical Event Mr. Mazher Hussain and Dr. N.K. Pareek. In the event five activities, viz. – programming contest, IT quiz, Web designing, computer cross word and Sudoku - were held. Twenty five teams, comprising two members in each team, from various engineering and professional colleges of Udaipur city participated in the event. Udaipur 7-8 September 2012: 1st CSI Rajasthan State Student Convention on “Sustaining Developments in Information and Communication Technology” 22 July 2012: Young Talent Search in Computer Programming - 2012 Dr. Dharm Singh. First level regional contest for Young Talent Search in Computer Programming 2012 was held at Udaipur. Regional centre co-ordinator and Vice Chairman, CSI Udaipur Dr. Dharm Singh guided students about rules and format of the examination and infrastructures facility provided by the Techno NJR campus for the contest. Nine students participated from three different schools from Rajasthan. 1-5 September 2012: National Workshop on “Android Application Development” Mr. ML Talesra, Mr. Sardalia, Mr. Ganesh Sutar, Bhuwnesh Soni, Mohit Mehta, Mr Anomitra Das and Dr Azimuddin Khan. Mr. Talesra explained basic concept and requirement of application development using Android. Mr. Sardalia talked about Android vs other Mobile OS. Mr. Sutar explained Layers 8 Region IV Bhubaneswar 3 November 2012: Workshop on “Information Security and Ethical Hacking” Prof. Dr. K. C. Patra,Kyrion experts, Mr. Sanjay Mohapatra and Dr. Rachita Misra. RSC Prof. Ratchita Mishra's addressing to students picture. This workshop was intended to create awareness among students about malicious attacks such as Virus and Trozen Horses, Phishing, Illegal access, Website hacking, Mobile hacking etc., since students are the users of such facilities most of the time. Participants were demonstrated the techniques to identify the attacks and means to protect themselves from such attacks. 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Rourkela approach towards these injuries d) Significance of vertical MRI scanning facility over traditional MRI scanning facility e) Pictorial presentation of few simple physiotherapy exercises which could make management of few chronic pain simple and easy. 25 November 2012: CSI Quiz and Elocution-2012 Competitions for School Students. Mr S K Panigrahi, Mr N Suresh Kumar, Mr A K Dash and their team The students participating in the competitions..Chapter organized quiz and elocution competitions for school students of classes-IX and X around Rourkela. Topics covered were Computer Hardware, Programming Basics, Networking, Database and Who is Who in Computer Industry. The topic for elocution competition was “IT for the underprivileged mass”. 28 students of Class-VII and VIII from 14 schools participated in the competition. 16 December 2012: Ceremony of “Prize Distribution of CSI Quiz and Elocution-2012 Competitions” Ms. Aparna Naik Selenium is a leading software test automation tool. It is Open Source tool and is becoming very popular among Software Testing fraternity. This workshop was completely hands-on for 2 days duration. In this workshop participants learnt from the basics of Selenium to how to create good automation framework. Shri Dipankar Basu, Sri P.K.Padhi, Sri N Suresh Kumar, Mr S K Panigrahi, Mr A K Dash, Smt B Mohanty, Sri V P Arya. Bangalore This workshop was a hands-on training for designing and developing applications using OO concepts and OOD principles. The workshop was divided into several sections which covered basics of Object-oriented concepts, Objectoriented principles, Object-oriented Design Principles (SOLID) and Other OO Design Principles. The participants got hands on practice on OO Design principles. They learnt how to apply these concepts and principles and also got to know common mistakes that one must avoid. 21 April 2012: Workshop on “One Page Management System (OPMS)” 28 April 2012: Talk on “Issues: Back & Neck pain, why is it common among Software professionals?” 1 December 2012: One-day Workshop on “Software Configuration Management (SCM)” Mr. Suresh Thiagarajan. SCM is critical in ensuring integrity of software work products. Workshop started with basic concepts of configurable item identification, naming convention, establishing folder structure and controlling their access. Hands-on session using SVNTortoise tools was conducted for understanding features like repository creation, folder / file uploads, checking out, commit, multiple commit & conflict resolution, branching, tagging and merging. Other topics covered were concepts on CM planning, CM audits, CM status accounting and CM related metrics with related exercises. Mr. GS Chandy. Mr. GS Chandy, invented the ‘One Page Management System’ (OPMS). He was close collaborator of the late John N. Warfield and he facilitated over 60 highly-commended OPMS workshops for organizations. OPMS integrates various management systems for achieving a MISSION, like Things To Do, Transitive relationship between Things to be done, Barriers, Strengths, Opportunities, Milestones to be achieved & other systems like Planning / Marketing / Information / Production / Learning / Problem Solving and Finance Control Systems. 25 August 2012: Workshop on “Object Oriented Design”. Mr. Vinay Krishna Prize distribution and winning team.Shri Dipankar Basu graced the occasion as Chief Guest and presented the Quiz and Elocution Awards to students. All the Prize winning students were given a Certificate, Memento and a Bag. Sri P.K.Padhi, was the Guest of Honour and handed over the CSI Service Awards. Region V 26-29 May and 9-10 June 2012: Workshop on “Selenium Testing” 10-11 January 2013: Workshop on “Faculty Development Program” Dr. Kodlady Surendra Shetty, Dhruv Taneja. Mr. E.S. Chakravarthy, Mr. Ramakrishnan, Joseph Sunil Nallapalli, Prem Sankar, Sandeep J Alur, Niranjan Maka, T Sabapathy, Tathagat Verma. Key points of the talk were - a) Reality behind every spine related injury b) How to manage and eradicate pain without the help of medication c) How advanced technology brought revolutionary changes in comparison to old conservative Mr. Chakravarthy delivered keynote address on “Software Trends”. NIIT, TCS, Ericsson, Microsoft, VMWare, Ninestar Technologies and Yahoo! supported the FDP. They sent experts to address FDP as “Outcome Based Education” Mr. 9 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM Ramakrishnan, “Leadership, management & Administrative challenges” Joseph Sunil Nallapalli, “Instilling thinking, Innovation & Research culture” Prem Sankar, “Current Trends in Technology” Sandeep J Alur, “Future of Cloud Technology” Niranjan Maka, “Mobile Apps Development” T Sabapathy and “Advanced Lean & Agile methods” by Tathagat Verma respectively. Hyderabad 8 September 2012: Workshop on “SOA” cloud computing platforms and cloud computing case studies using Aneka Platform. Various aspects of cloud computing were explained along with details on how to install cloud environment at lab. Demonstration on cloud computing with effective improvement in response efficiency was conducted. Region VI Aurangabad Rajeev Ranjan Kumar SOA is a methodology to provide collaborating services, which are published and available for invocation on the Service Bus and independent of implementation. Workshop covered topics such as - Service Oriented Architecture Basic, Principles of SOA, Client Server Architecture Vs SOA, Distributed System Architecture Vs SOA, Design of SOA, What SOA does for individual, SOA working Demo and hands-on session on writing Service oriented program. Dr. T.V. Gopal, Mr. Rahul Joshi, Mr. Dhanajaya K. and Dr. Radhakrishna Naik . This seminar included various topics from history to real time model based systems. The participants were extremely happy to learn new software development strategies from a highly experienced professor from Anna University. Goa 6 – 7 October 2012: Workshop on “CORE JAVA”. Mahboob Hussain Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar inaugurated the function. The annual exhibition of various IT products from latest in laptops and accessories to servers, desktops, power sources, peripherals and specialized software applications as well as information on career oriented IT Training courses were available under one umbrella at this mega event. The Agile India Goa 2012 conference featured presentations from leading software companies from India 14 December 2012: One-day Workshop on “Open Source Technologies – The Present Scenario” Dr. A. Govarthan, Muralidhar, Sh. Ramesh Loganathan, Sh. Atul Negi, Dr. L. Pratap Reddy, Dr Srineevas . Topics covered were - Introduction to Open Source software, FOSS Advantages, FOSS trends and initiatives in C-DAC, FOSS in Mobile Technologies, Implementation of Video Streaming using Open source tools, Latest open source technologies and applications like CMS, LMS etc., Demonstration of BOSS GNU/Linux and its compatibility with commercial software and Security in Open Source software. Visakhapatnam 13 December 2012: One-day Workshop on “Introduction to Cloud Computing” Prof. Raj Kumar Buyya. Dr. Raj Kumar Buyya enlightened the participants on Cloud Computing and spoke on topics on recent advances in parallel and distributed computing, Cloud Architectures, 10 24-26 August 2012: Exhibition of Computers and Allied Products titled “ECAP 2012" and Two-days Conference called “Agile India Goa 2012” Naresh Jain (ASCI), Shrikant Tadipatri (Cisco), Debashish Bannerjee (Yahoo!), Raja Bhavani (MindTree), Neeraj Bhandari (MCKinsey), Anay Kamat (PresentSoft), Ravi Chandran(Consultant), Walter Blender(USA), Srinath Chandrasekharan(HCL). This workshop was a hands-on training for designing and developing applications using OO concepts and OOD principles in JAVA. It helped to get a practical understanding of core Java which is a pre-requisite for Advanced Java EE workshop. Topics covered were: Classes and Objects, Primitives and references, Flow control and operations, Inheritance and Polymorphism Exception Handling, Threads, Collections, Serialization, I/O and Networking. 2 February 2013: Two-days Seminar on “Model Driven Design and Development” Mumbai 17 April 2012: Fellowship Evening and lectures on "The Art of the Possible – Practical Applications of Gesture Based and Thought Computing" and on "Super Computing – The Cutting Edge of Computing" Dr Mritunjay Bhadauri, CEO Edukinect and Mr Saurabh Sonawala, CEO, Hinditron Dr. Bhadauria introduced the latest topic of gesture based computing in an interesting manner and demonstrated using Xbox and Microsoft toolkit how a human being can use gestures in an interactive manner to manipulate computer program. Mr.Sonawala introduced the topic of supercomputing and took the audience through the historical developments in 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 this area right from days when Cray introduced their first supercomputer to the more cost-effective parallel processor supercomputers 27 August 2012: Knowledge Forum for Indian Navy. e-group of recipients over last 100 weeks, has now taken the number past 400. Pune Prof. Kannan and Mr. Narendra Sahoo Mrityunjay Singh, Unmesh Bhatija, Abhishek Dharme, Amit Dangle and Dr. Asanare. Prof. Kannan from IIT Bombay spoke on Free and Open Source (FOSS) and Mr. Narendra Sahoo from Vista Infotech spoke on Cyber War. Walk for Health was organized in Hinjewadi, the biggest IT hub of Pune. The event was meant to spread awareness that about 40% IT professionals are prone to diseases like Cancer, Heart Attack and Diabetics. Simple lifestyle changes like walking can improve their health and add years to the life. Apart from the symbolic walk, a free health check up camp was organized during the event. 13 October 2012: Annual Student Coordinators’ Meeting Mr. Paras Rastogi. Meeting was held with the theme that focused on stronger collaboration of the student & faculty coordinators with the parent Chapter for more effective and proactive development of student members. CSI Mumbai team presented their revamped strategy to bridge the gap between the academia and the IT industry and officially launched Student Synergy Group (SSG). Mr. Paras Rastogi, who is the author of the book “Smart Move, Great Career”, shared some thoughts from his book. Mayor of Pune Mrs Vaishali Bankar and Commissioner of Pune Mr Mahesh Pathak organized a meeting with Information Technology community in Pune. This interaction and brainstorming led to various ideas to improve e-governance, coordination in civic administration, improved internet bandwidth, GIS based solution to ease Road digging, Pune 2020 vision with 100% literacy, employability, IT managed public transportation/Traffic Signal synchronization, Re cycling of e-Waste, Rain water harvesting and state of the art citizen centric e-Governance. 14 July 2012: Lecture on “Unicode” Mr. Madhav Shirvalkar A talk on "Unicode" was organized to raise awareness of it in the society and industry. The Unicode Consortium enables people around the world to use computers in any language. An essential part of this seminar was to educate and engage academic and scientific communities, and the general public. The speaker spoke about the current status of Unicode in the Indian regional language and appealed to all to become members of Unicode consortium and make different Indian regional languages available on the globe. Pune Chapter organized ‘Walk for Health" initiative with an objective of raising awareness about the health risks that professionals from the IT industry face.This event organized in Magarpatta also highlighted measures that can be implemented by these professionals to address health-related concerns. The event saw good participation from different IT firms, which come together to spread the awareness about healthy living. The "Walk for Health" event included a symbolic walk inside Magarpatta city. Shekhar Paranjpe He expressed satisfaction about keeping recipients' interest alive and about their participation in monthly online IT Quiz, winner of which was declared and felicitated every month.. Shekhar Paranjpe broadcasted 100th weekly mail under the illustrious “Knowledge Sharing Series”. Activity completed 100 weeks of distribution of interesting articles related to IT along with apt e-cartoons. Every month, a link to an online IT Quiz, used to be inserted in the e-mail for the recipients to participate. Starting with a few, a steady addition to the 7 June 2012: Walk for Health. Amit Dangle, Rahil Shah,Soumi Alphons, Capt. Mahesh Jog . 2 September 2012: E-mail broadcasting under “Knowledge Sharing Series” completes 100 Weeks. Mr. Paranjpe acknowledged the guidance and support received from Mr. Karode, Fellow, CSI and from Mr. Kenge and Mr. Seth of CSI, Nashik. 22 May 2012: Meeting with Mayor and Commissioner of Pune Dr. Deepak Shikarpur, Mr. Amit Dangle Nashik 13 April 2012: Walk for Health Region VII Kochi 17 April 2012: Technical Talk on “INDUS” Mr. Mukesh Gupta Talk was organized in association with SAP India to give an overview on the activities of INDUS, the SAP user group in India. Mr. Gupta who represents INDUS spoke about INDUS and the benefits of joining this group. SAP users from different 11 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM companies, attended the session and got an idea of this support platform of SAP in India. for this purpose. 4 - 5 May 2012: Two-day Workshop on “Android” Mr. G. Pramod Mr. Vijaykumar Nair K. Workshop was conducted in association with IEEE CS. This was a hands-on training for designing and building mobile applications using Android open-source platform, which explained the philosophy of developing for Android through its main application development building blocks and their interaction with one another. Chapter in association with IEEE Computer Society conducted a Talk delivered by Mr. G. Pramod. He explained about E-Waste, the impact of dumping E-Waste on our environment and the scientific and approved methods of E-Waste disposal. The talk was well-attended by people from IT as well as nonIT verticals. 4 - 5 May 2012: Two-day workshop on “Android” IT Managers and team members from different companies in and around Kochi participated in the discussion which was focused on Laptop Security. Everyone shared the policies adopted for Laptops in their organizations and discussed about the pros and cons. It was a very knowledge-sharing session. Mr.Vijay S Paul Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) in technical collaboration with CSI conducted a two-days National Seminar on Indian Language Computing at the School of Computer Applications. The Vice Chancellor Dr.Ramachandran Thekkedathu inaugurated the function. Prof. Dr. B.B. Choudhari of Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata gave the keynote address. Mr. Sreejesh Regional finals of Discover Thinking Quiz, 2013 were conducted at Kochi. The finalists from Thirunelveli, Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi Chapters (3 teams) participated in the event. The teams from Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi qualified for the National Finals. Mr. Sarath Chakravarthy. 12 18 February 2013: Regional Finals of “Discover Thinking Quiz, 2013” CSI Kochi Chapter. 26 July 2012: Technical Talk on “Redefining IT Infrastructure Management Solution” Chapter in association with M/s.Nortech Infonet (P) Ltd. Kochi, organized a technical talk delivered by Mr. Sarath Chakravarthy. Mr.Chakravarthy spoke about the major problems faced by the IT team in managing systems in an organization and the benefits of using an automated software 19 January 2013: National Conference on Indian Language Computing Dr. Ramachandran Thekkedathu, Pro. Dr. B B Choudhari Mr. Biju M G 27 June 2012: Technical Talk on “Network Auditing” Mr. Sreejesh S, explained about the networking architecture and emphasized that it is vital that an organisation’s network infrastructure keeps pace with the business growth and therefore Network Audit Service is a must to identify and avoid potential problems caused by rapid expansions. He also mentioned that Network Audit can help determine how well the existing infrastructure is working, and gives an idea about new services and applications that may be required. 12 January 2013: CSI Discover Thinking Quiz 2013 Around 200 students from various schools in Central Kerala participated in the event. The winners are Naveen V and Naveen Unnikrishnan of Bhavan’s Adarsha Vidyalaya, Kakkanad. The prices were distributed by Soman S.P. Patron of CSI Kochi Chapter. 11 May 2012: Technical talk on “Social Media Marketing” This talk was organized in association with IEEE CS for celebrating the National Technology Day. The speaker talked about basics of why businesses need to focus on Social Media Marketing in the present day world, and the growth of "Relationship Marketing" over "Broadcast Marketing". It also gave an outline as to how each platform is being utilized by brands to interact with their consumers. 2 November 2012: A Panel Discussion on “IT Security” IT Managers from different companies. Mr. Vijaykumar Nair K. In association with IEEE CS this two-days workshop on Android Bootcamp Training was conducted. This was a handson training for designing and building mobile applications using Android open-source platform, which explained the philosophy of developing for Android through its main application development building blocks and their interaction with one another. 4 October 2012: Technical Talk on “E-Waste Management” Coimbatore 24 April 2012: Cyber Security Meeting Mr. S.N.Ravichandran 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 The speaker talked about threats and vulnerabilities in the context of cyber security. Highlighting today's challenges in this area, he recommended a cautious approach for all the netizens especially in the light of dangers posed by professional hackers and by organized hackers' groups. He spoke about the relevance of IT Act and the evidence mechanism. He described various IT Act as amendments of 2008. He shared his experiences in investigating and assisting the police in investing cybercrime especially in bank fraud cases. He highlighted practical problems faced by investigators right from the stage of enquiry and FIR up to the stage of final conviction. 24 June 2012: Orientation programme on “How to face Anna University Engineering Counselling” equipment is available at right place at right time. Mr. Vijaykumar Nair K . The workshop covered topics such as - Understanding how Android™ applications work and their life cycle, Designing and developing useful Android™ applications, Taking advantage of Android's Application Framework API to build complex applications, Utilizing the power of background services, threads and notifications, Using Android's communication APIs for SMS, telephony, network management and internet and Securing, tuning, packaging & deploying Android™ applications.. Dr. P. Narayanaswamy,Dr.S.Subha Rani, Dr.A.Chitra, Dr.K.Natarajan, Dr.G.Sankarasubramanian This orientation programme was for aspiring engineering students. The objective was to provide a platform for parents and students to listen to and interact with senior academicians. The academic experts guided students on the Anna University Single Window Engineering Admission process and provided clarity on various queries regarding choice of branches/colleges and latest industry and placement trends. Dr. P.Naryanaswamy assured the students that the process is very transparent. Chapter along with the Student Chapter of D J Academy for Managerial Excellence organized a 2 day workshop of Android programming for the benefit of MCA III students. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. J.Balachandar and Mr. T Nallaperumal. About 40 students and faculty members participated in the workshop. Arun Sundararaman during the lecture.Mr. Arun delivered the lecture with special focus on Healthcare and Manufacturing. The central theme of the lecture was around how the Information Management paradigm is changing from the relatively “simple” Enterprise Data Management world to the emerging “complex” era of Business Analytics. In short, key for successful corporate practices in leveraging potential of business analytics lies in generating differentiated and actionable insights and building appropriate algorithms 29 November 2012: Lecture on “The Changing Cyber Security Landscape”. Dr. Harjinder Singh Lallie Dr. Harjinder Singh Lallie during the lecture.Dr Lallie started with research trends in analytics related to cyber security and analysis of cyber crimes. He explained how analytics was used in analyzing and eliminating less critical entities and how to narrow down to identify critical entities crucial to the case. He dealt with further developments in areas of Cyber security and cyber crimes that are posing challenges to many countries and governments, than the corporates. He also highlighted the opportunities for the professionals and corporates. 8 August 2012: Technical talk on “RFID in Industry” Prof. Satish Bukkapatnam Prof. Bukkapatnam spoke about various types of Automatic ID (AID) and highlighted various components involved in implementing RFID. He mentioned that optimal solution is a mix of best of technology with the right technology. RFID is a relevant technology where we need to track movement of high value assets or critical assets. E.g. RFID can be used to track movement of Life Saving equipments in a hospital. This results in considerable saving and also helps to make sure that 2 November 2012: Lecture on “Business Analytics - Recent Trends and Industry Expectations” Arun Sundararaman. Mr. Sandeep Agawam. 28 - 29 August 2012: Workshop on “Android” Mr. J Balachandar, Mr. T Nallaperumal. 25 June 2012: Talk on “Enabling Business Agility in a Dynamic World”. Mr. Sandeep Agawam spoke about changing times and the need to stay competitive. Businesses also have to change. Successful companies are preparing by shifting their focus from deployment to delivery. Citrix enables organizations to step ahead of new application requirements. Today, applications are the life-blood of the enterprise. Organizations are increasingly represented by the quality of those applications. He mentioned that everyone in the organization will play an important role in delivering the benefits of Desktop Virtualization to the business. 28 - 29 August 2012: Android Boot Camp Kerala 14-15 September 2012: Kerala State Convention 2012 on 13 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM "Intelligent Infrastructure" Mr. Anoop John, Mr. Ragupathy Sambasivam and Mr. Satheesh Babu . A panel discussion was on ‘Enhancing Employability in IT sector’. Mr. Satheesh Babu was the moderator. Other events were - ‘Crack the Shell’ (Shell Scripting) in which aspiring programmers were asked to solve a problem using Linux shell, ‘Masterminds’ a technical quiz on Computer Science & Technology and ‘i -Talk’ a paper presentation. ‘Area -51’ provided a platform for avid gamers to flaunt their gaming skills. ‘Source Code’ was aimed at testing the C and C++ knowledge of programmers. The online treasure hunt ‘Cache’ also became hugely popular. active learners. Mrs .J.Angela Jennifa Sujana and Mrs.S.Soraja Chapter with Student Branch of Mepco Schlenk Engineering College successfully organized a workshop on “LATEX “ for the benefit of students. In this session, students learned how to prepare a document. It also helped final year students for their project and their report submission too. Workshop educated everyone regarding paper presentation for conferences and symposiums. Chapter successfully organized a CSI Discover Thinking Quiz competition for school students. In this event more than 10 students from various schools participated. Top 5 teams were selected for final round. Students were tested in the field of maths, science and sports. Prizes were distributed for them by Chair Person Dr. T Revathi. 14 December 2012: Workshop on “Cloud Computing” Mr. E.P. Subhash. Chapter conducted this workshop for the benefit of IT Staff members of Government of Puducherry. More than 40 government staff participated and benefitted in the workshop conducted by Mr. E.P. Subhash. Mr. Narayan, IT director, requested CSI to look for more avenues for the benefit of his department staff thereby servicing the society at large in Puducherry. Puducherry is one of the pioneer states which is introducing account transfer of money to beneficiaries of subsidy schemes. Tiruchirapalli The main objective was to sensitize the audience about concepts of cloud computing, the service models and delivery structures. Dr. R.K.Subramaniam inaugurated the seminar and released the “e-resources” for Cloud Computing. Mr. Leo Anand and Miss. Bhavya Siddappa delivered the special invited talks. 14 March 2012: National Conference with a Focus on Research issues in “Computing Technologies” Dr.Ranjani Parthasarathi Dr. Parthasarathi, delivered keynote address on Multicore Technologies and its Research Issues. Totally 24 selected authors presented their papers. Delegates from Orissa had active interaction in the areas of Video Compression, High Performance Computing, Wireless Technologies, Internet and Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing, Information and Network Security and Data mining. S. Ramasamy asked the faculty members to be good facilitators and ideal role model to the students, through their exemplary characters and dedicated working style. He asked the faculty members, to have a creative interaction with the students and also requested them to create such an atmosphere that would ensure that the youngsters become 14 Thiruvananthapuram 30 June 2012: One day workshop on “Risk Management”. Mr. Raghunandan Menon Chapter organized a one day case study based Workshop on Risk Management in Software Projects. The workshop focused on preparing an effective risk management plan by identifying risks, qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, risk response and contingency planning using case studies in software projects. 28 September 2012: Guest Lecture on “College to Corporate”. Mr. S. Ramasamy. 26 September 2012: National Seminar on “Cloud Computing” Dr. Gopinath Ganapathy, Dr.K.Meena and Dr. R K Subramaniam, Mr. Leo Anand and Miss. Bhavya Siddappa. Sivakasi 2 February 2013: CSI Discover Thinking Quiz Dr. T Revathi, Dr. K Muneeswaran, Mr. J Maruthu Pandi. Puducherry 7-8 January 2013: Workshop on “Latex” 28 July 2012: Workshop on “Python Programming” Mr. Vimal Joseph The workshop was organized in association with The International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (IC-FOSS). It provided a complete introduction to Python. The content included Syntax and Style, Data Structures, Flow 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 control (loops and conditionals), Files and I/O, Modules, Functions, Errors and Exception Handling in Python. Programming exercises were used to reinforce the learning. Thanjavur 29 September 2012: Workshop on “Javascript & jQuery”. Prof.V.Lakshmi Narasimhan. The Chapter in association with Zyxware Technologies organized this workshop. The workshop provided an introduction to Javascript and jQuery. The content included Basic Javascript, Functions, Data Structures, Error Handling, Debugging Javascript using Firebug, Introduction to jQuery and using Plugins in jQuery. Programming exercises were used to reinforce the learning. 25 January 2013: Lecture on “Genderization issues in Software Development Life Cycle” Dr Lakshmi Narasimhan in his lecture focused on the issue of organisational genderization and impact of genderization in software development life cycle, how genderization is used to improve effectiveness of the task and activity of each and every phase of the SDLC. He also stated the importance of genderization in work place and personal life for young technocrats. 17 November 2012: One-day Hands on Workshop on “Introduction to HTML5” Vellore Chapter in association with Zyxware Technologies . Participants during HTML5 Workshop .The workshop provided a complete introduction to HTML5. The content included - how to build HTML5 pages, understanding differences between HTML5 and HTML4, using new semantic elements and attributes of HTML5, working with audio and video in HTML5, working with new Canvas element to create code-based drawings in HTML5, using Web Storage for offline applications, using new HTML5 form elements, understanding current state of browser support for HTML5 and how to make HTML5 sites degrade gracefully. Programming exercises were used to reinforce the learning. 21 January 2013: CSI vExploreIT Programme Dr. Viswanathan,H.R. Vishwakarma CSI vExploreIT, an exploratory course was for undergraduate and integrated postgraduate students. Dr. Viswanathan while inaugurating said that engineers are creative people. Although problems are solved by applying maths and computational principles, inspiration, experimentation, vision, analytical ability, creativity, imagination, energy, passion and communication skills are also extremely important. Twosemester long course is specially designed so that students explore IT discipline and its applications. CSI Division II [Software] Report by Dr. T V Gopal S. Events Organized No. Date & Location Organized by 1. “Computability, Complexity and The Digital Era” 23 June 2012 @ Kolkata CSI Kolkata Chapter 2. Alan Turing Year – India Celebrations 6 – 7 October 2012@ Bangalore CSI Bangalore Chapter 3. Alan Turing Year – India Celebrations 9 – 10 October 2012@ Kanpur 4. Alan M Turing – 18 – 20 Simplification in December 2012@ Bangalore Intelligent Computing Theory and Algorithms [Faculty Development Programme] No. of Description (Highlights of The Event) Participants 30 Venue: Birla Institute of Technology Extension Centre, Kolkata Southend Conclave, 4th Floor 1582 Rajdanga Main Road, Kolkata 700107 300 Venue: The Historic Faculty Hall Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore CSI Kanpur Chapter 30 Venue: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Foundation for Advancemnet in Education and Research [FAER], Bangalore 50 Venue: Panini Block PES Institute of Technology Bangalore 15 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM CSI Division II [Software] Report by Dr. T V Gopal S. Events Organized No. 5. Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science Date & Location Organized by 8 – 9 February 2013 @ Madurai Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai No. of Description (Highlights of The Event) Participants 50 Venue: Thiagarajar College of Engineering Co-Sponsor: Department of Science and Technology, Government of India 50 Breakfast Tutorial with 5 Eminent Speakers on “Electronic Health Records” Focus on Healthcare 6. 3rd International Conference on Transforming Healthcare with Information Technology 31 August & 1 September 2012 @ Hyderabad Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation [ATNF] Commitment to the Indian Defence Special Workshops exclusively for MCTE, Mhow 7. Two – Day Workshop on “Secure Computing Systems” 26 - 27, May MCTE, Mhow 2012 [Saturday & Sunday] 200 Fully Sponsored by MCTE, Mhow 8. Two – Day Workshop on, “Big Data and Its Impact”, 16 – 17, March MCTE, Mhow 2013 [Saturday & Sunday] 100 Fully Sponsored by MCTE, Mhow CSI Division II Flagship Events 9. International Conference on Software Engineering [CONSEG 2011] 5–7, September 2012 @ Indore CSI Indore & Mhow Chapters 150 In Fond Memory of (Late) Dr. Manohar Chandwani. Printed Proceedings 10. International Conference on Management of Data [COMAD 2012] 14-16 December 2012 @Pune CSI Pune Chapter 200 Printed Proceedings Other Niche Events 12. Agile Coach Camp Chennai 2012 December 22, 2012@ Chennai Anna University, Chennai & CSI Chennai Chapter 50 13. Model Based Design and Development February 1 - 2, 2013@ Aurangabad CSI AurangabadChapter 70 14. OTNYathra 2013 "18th Feb 2013 All India Oracle @ Mumbai" & Users Group & CSI "27th Feb 2013 @ SIGDATA Chennai" The content of the coach camp was deeply appreciated. 100 CSI Knowledge Management Farm: [] 16 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 CSI National Events April 2012 to March 2013 CSI EVENTS Sr. Event Title No. 1. Date and Location 10th National IT Seminar “Recent 7 April 2012 Trends in Software Technologies (RTST-2012)” Region I Ghaziabad Organized by Brief I.T.S., Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad in association with CSI Ghaziabad Chapter & ACM Delhi-NCR Chapter Dr. Jalote discussed the definition of engineering, especially software engineering & skills required. He discussed role of science-based researcher and engineering researcher, abilities of researcher, difference between research & research manager. Mr. Sunil Asthana spoke about developments in IT Industry and covered various aspects of Mobile Commerce, Mobility, Mobile Applications & Cloud Computing. There were two technical sessions: 1. Emerging Trends & SIG Role in Software development 2. Recent Advances in Software testing, maintenance & quality assurance. 2. National Workshop on “Android Application Development” 3. 7 t h N a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e 20 October 2012 “Communication Technologies Region I & its Impact on Next Generation Ghaziabad Computing (CTNGC-2012)” 1-5 September 2012 Region III Udaipur Computer Society of India, Udaipur Chapter in association with Techno India NJR Institute of Information Technology Udaipur Mr. Talesra explained basic concept and requirement of application development using Android. Mr. Sardalia talked about Android vs other Mobile OS. Mr. Sutar explained Layers of Android, Android SDK & Development Environment. He also spoke about services offered by Android and basic concept of using classes. Bhuwnesh Soni and Mohit Mehta covered SQL Lite Database concepts to store mobile data. “Career Guidance Session” was given by Mr Anomitra Das. Dr Azimuddin Khan spoke about Programming Concepts, Databases and networks. I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad by Department of IT in association with CSI Ghaziabad Chapter and other technical associates. Chief Guest, Prof. Raj Kamal spoke on evolution of communication technologies and narrated their chronological development. He also addressed the issues related to efficient deployment of communication technologies and talked about 4G Networks. During the parallel sessions on relevant themes contributors from different parts of the country, including Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, etc., participated and presented their research papers. 17 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA Sr. Event Title No. 18 TM Date and Location Organized by Brief 26 September 2012 Region VII Tiruchirapalli Computer society of India (CSI) Tiruchirapalli Chapter The main objective was to sensitize the audience about concepts of cloud computing, the service models and delivery structures. Dr. R.K.Subramaniam inaugurated the seminar and released the “e-resources” for Cloud Computing. Mr. Leo Anand and Miss. Bhavya Siddappa delivered the special invited talks. Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) in technical collaboration with Computer Society of India Cochin Chapter Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) in technical collaboration with CSI conducted a two-days National Seminar on Indian Language Computing at the School of Computer Applications. The Vice Chancellor Dr.Ramachandran Thekkedathu inaugurated the function. Prof. Dr. B.B. Choudhari of Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata gave the keynote address. 4. National Seminar on “Cloud Computing” 5. National Conference on Indian 19 January 2013 Language Computing Region VII Cochin 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Education Directorate Preface: CSI-Education Directorate (ED) is responsible for Student Membership Development & Renewals, Training and Workshops (Pilot Programs) on Emerging Technology, Student Support Services and Programs with other Associations. As on 31st March 2013, there are 586 Institutional members, 495 Student Branches and 91,571 student members in the Academic Segment of CSI. Membership Services: CSI- ED has been consistently contacting the Academic Institutions, Student Branches and prospective Student Branches, for renewals and for creation of CSI Student Branches. During the year, 350 Student Branches were renewed and 145 Student Branches were created. Around 57,608 new student members were enrolled during the year. Nearly 150 academic institutions were enrolled newly as Institutional Members. The detailed statistics about the Student Branches and Student Members are given below. Region Territory Student Branches as on 31/03/2013 Student Members as on 31/03/2013 I Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and other areas in Northern India 36 5162 II Assam, Bihar, West Bengal, North Eastern States and other areas in East and North-East India 3 489 III Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and other areas in Western India 54 6737 IV Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Orissa and other areas in Central & South Eastern India 7 1631 V Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh VI Maharashtra and Goa VII Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Andaman and Nicobar, Kerala, Lakshadweep 120 20397 99 15946 176 37193 All Regions Individual Student Members 4016 Total 495 91,571 Student Branches Programs (Regional /National/ International) conducted by CSI Student Branches: REGION-I Sr. No. College/ Institutions Name City Chapter DELHI 1. Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology New Delhi Delhi 2. Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Institute Of Engineering & Technology(JMIT) Radaur Delhi 3. Shri Balwant Institute of Technology Sonepat Delhi 4. Northern India Engineering College New Delhi Delhi 5. Lingaya's Institute Of Management & Technology. Faridabad Delhi 6. Hindu College of Engineering Haryana Delhi 7. Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications & Management New Delhi Delhi 8. Jagan Institute of Management Studies Delhi Delhi 9. HMR Institute of Technology & Management Delhi Delhi 19 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA Sr. No. TM College/ Institutions Name City Date Gurgaon Gurgaon HARYANA 1 Dronacharya College of Engineering PUNJAB 1 Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College Ludhiana Chandigarh 2 Chandigarh Engineering College Mohali Chandigarh 3 Rayat Institute of Engineering & Information Technology Ropar Chandigarh 4 Model Institute of Engineering & Technology Jammu Chandigarh 5 CT Institute of Technology (CT Institutions) Jalandhar Chandigarh 6 Advanced Educational Institutions Palwal Chandigarh UTTAR PRADESH 1 Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Science Allahabad Allahabad 2 Sant Baba Bhag singh Institute of Engineering & Technology Jalandhar Chandigarh 3 Bhagwant Institute of Technology Ghaziabad Ghaziabad 4 ABES Engineering College Ghaziabad Ghaziabad 5 IMS Engineering College Ghaziabad Ghaziabad 6 Maharaja Agarsain Institute of Technology Ghaziabad Ghaziabad 7 Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College Ghaziabad Ghaziabad 8 Institute of Technology & Science Ghaziabad Ghaziabad 9 Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology Ghaziabad Ghaziabad 10 Kanpur Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur 11 Institute of Technology & Management Gorakhpur Lucknow 12 G L A Instit of Technology & Management Mathura Mathura 13 Galgotias University Greater Noida Noida 14 Amity School of Engineering & Technology Noida Noida 15 JRE Group of Institutions Greater Noida Noida 16 Dronacharya College of Engineering Greater Noida Noida 17 Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology Greater Noida Noida UTTARAKHAND 1 B.P. Poddar Institute of Managment & Technology Kolkata Kolkata 2 Haldia Institute of Technology Haldia Kolkata 3 MCKV Institute of Engineering Howrah Kolkata City Chapter B.P. Poddar Institute of Managment & Technology Kolkata Kolkata 2 Haldia Institute of Technology Haldia Kolkata 3 MCKV Institute of Engineering Howrah Kolkata REGION-II Sr. No. College/ Institutions Name WEST 1 20 BENGAL 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 REGION-III Sr. No. College/ Institutions Name City Chapter GUJARAT 1 R.B. Institute of Management Studies Ahmedabad Ahmedabad 2 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology Anand Ahmedabad 3 B.H.Gardi College of Engineering & Technology Rajkot Ahmedabad 4 AES Instit Of Computer Studies Ahmedabad Ahmedabad 5 D.L Patel Institute of Management & Technology Himatnagar Ahmedabad 6 Charotar Instit of Technology Anand Ahmedabad 7 GLS Institute of Computer Technology Ahmedabad Ahmedabad 8 Shri Jaysukhal Vadhar Institute of Management Studies Jamnagar Ahmedabad 9 S V Institute of Computer Studies Kadi Ahmedabad 10 Nirma University Institute of Technology Ahmedabad Ahmedabad 11 Dharmsingh Desai University Nadiad Ahmedabad 12 Grow More Faculty of Computer Application (Grow More Group of Institutions) Himatnagar Ahmedabad 13 SJPI of Business Management & Computer Application Gandhi Nagar Gandhi Nagar 14 Chaudhari Technical Institute Gandhinagar Gandhi Nagar 15 Anand Institute of Information Science Anand V V Nagar MADHYA PRADESH 1 Corporate Institute of Science & Technology Bhopal Bhopal 2 Jaypee Instit of Engineering &Technology Guna Bhopal 3 Scope College of Engineering Bhopal Bhopal 4 Jai Narain College of Technology Bhopal Bhopal 5 Technocrats Institute of Technology (Excellence) Bhopal Bhopal 6 Truba Institute of Engineering & Information Technology Bhopal Bhopal 7 Sagar Institute of Science & Technology Bhopal Bhopal 8 Technocrats Institute of Technology & Science Bhopal Bhopal 9 Technocrats Institute of Technology Bhopal Bhopal 10 TIT College Bhopal Bhopal 11 Globus Institute of Engineering & Technology Bhopal Bhopal 12 Madhav Institute of Technology & Science Gwalior Gwalior 13 IPS College of Technology & Management Gwalior Gwalior 14 Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology & Science Indore Indore 15 Sanghvi Institute of Management & Science Indore Indore 16 Rishiraj Institute of Technology Indore Indore 17 Acropolis Technical Campus Indore Indore 18 Sanghvi Innovative Academy Indore Indore 21 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA Sr. No. TM College/ Institutions Name City Chapter 19 Institute of Engineering & Technology (Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya) Indore Indore 20 Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research Indore Indore 21 Institute of Engineering & Science (IPS Academy) Indore Indore 22 Medi-Caps Institute of Technology And Management Indore Indore 23 Shri G.S. Institute of Technology & Science Indore Indore 24 Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Bhopal Indore 25 Mahakal Institute of Technology & Management Ujjain Ujjain RAJASTHAN 1 Global Institute of Technology Jaipur Jaipur 2 Marudhar Engineering College Bikaner Jaipur 3 Poornima Group of Institutions Jaipur Jaipur 4 Uttam Devi Mohan Lal College of Engineering Jaipur Jaipur 5 Aryabhatta College of Engineering & Research Centre Ajmer Jaipur 6 Apaji Institute of Mathematics & Applied Computer Technology Vidyapith Jaipur 7 Arya College of Engineering & I.T Jaipur Jaipur 8 Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur Jaipur 9 Sir Padampat Singhania University Udaipur Udaipur 10 Aishwarya Institute of Management & Information Technology Udaipur Udaipur 11 Techno India NJR Institute of Engineering of Techonogly Udaipur Udaipur 12 The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (BCA Programme, Faculty of Sc.) Vadodara Vadodara 13 Babaria Institute of Technology Vadodara Vadodara 14 Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology Vadodara Vadodara City Chapter REGION-IV Sr. No. College / Institutions Name CHHATTISGARH 1 Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute Of Technology Durg Bhilai 2 Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg Bhilai 3 Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional Management & Technology Raipur Raipur Jamshedpur Jamshedpur Bhubaneswar Cuttack JHARKHAND 1 National Institute of Technology ODISHA 1 22 C.V.Raman College of Engineering 2 Silicon Institute Of Technology Bhubaneshwar Cuttack 3 Gandhi Institute For Technological Advancement Bhubaneswar Cuttack 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 REGION-V Sr. No. College / Institutions Name City Chapter ANDHRA PRADESH 1 Deccan College of Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 2 Swarnandhra College of Engineering Narsapur Hyderabad 3 Krishna's Pragati Institute of Technology Rajahmundry Hyderabad 4 VNR Vignana Jyothi Instit of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 5 G.Pullaiah College of Engineering & Technology Kurnool Hyderabad 6 Sri Venkateswara College Of Engineering & Technology R.V.S. Nagar, Tirupathi Chittoor Road, Chittoor-517127 Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad 7 KG Reddy College of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 8 Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 9 Malla Reddy Engineering College Secunderabad Hyderabad 10 RRS College of Engineering & Technology Medak Dist Hyderabad 11 ACE Engineering College Hyderabad Hyderabad 12 Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 13 Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering. College Hyderabad Hyderabad 14 Institute of Aeronautical Engineering Hyderabad Hyderabad 15 St. Johns College of Engineering & Technology Yemmiganur Hyderabad 16 JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula Hyderabad 17 JNTUH College of Engineering (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Karimnagar Hyderabad) Hyderabad 18 Sridevi Women's Engineering College Hyderabad Hyderabad 19 Krishna Murthy Institute of Technology & Engineering Hyderabad Hyderabad 20 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Tirupati Hyderabad 21 Sri Venkateswara Engineering College For Women Tirupati Hyderabad 22 Padmasri Dr.B.V Raju Institute of Technology Medak Hyderabad 23 M V S R Engineering College Hyderabad Hyderabad 24 Al-Habeeb College of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 25 Ramappa Engineering College Warangal Hyderabad 26 SVS Group of Institutions Warangal Hyderabad 27 Sri Venkatesa Perumal College of Engineering & Technology Puttur Hyderabad 28 Abhinav Hi-Tech College of Engineering Hyderabad Hyderabad 29 Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology Anantapur Hyderabad 30 Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology Secunderabad Hyderabad 31 Adam's Engineering College Paloncha Hyderabad 32 Anurag Engineering College Nalgonda Hyderabad 33 G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College Kurnool Hyderabad 34 Sree Dattha Institute of Engineering & Science Hydearbad Hyderabad 35 Narsimha Reddy Engineering College Secundrabad Hyderabad 36 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - J.N.T.U. College of Engineering Anantapur Hyderabad 23 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA 24 TM Sr. No. College/ Institutions Name City Name of events Date 37 Jayamukhi Institute Of Technological Sciences Warangal Hyderabad 38 CVSR College of Engineering Hyderabad Hyderabad 39 Aurora's Scientific, Technological & Research Academy (ASTRA) Hyderabad Hyderabad 40 Avanthi Institute of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 41 Guru Nanak Institute of Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 42 GITAM University Rudraram Village Hyderabad 43 Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 44 Sree Vidya Nikethan Engineering College Tirupati Hyderabad 45 TKR College of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 46 G.Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science Hyderabad Hyderabad 47 Vasavi College of Engineering Hyderabad Hyderabad 48 CMR College Of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad Hyderabad 49 Andhra Mahila Sabha School of Informatics Arts & Science for Women Hyderabad Hyderabad 50 Prakasam Engineering College Kandukur Hyderabad 51 Hyderabad Institute of Technology & Management Hyderabad Hyderabad 52 Malla Reddy College of Engineering Secunderabad Hyderabad 53 Sphoorthy Engineering College Hyderabad Hyderabad 54 KLEF University Vaddeswaram Koneru 55 PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology Vijayawada Koneru 56 Geethanjali Institute of Science & Technology Nellore New Guntur 57 Vignan's Lara Institute of Technology & Science Vadlamudi New Guntur 58 Bapatla Engineering College Bapatla New Guntur 59 Narasaraopeta Institute of Technology Narsaraopet New Guntur 60 P.N.C & Vijai Institute of Engineering & Technology Repudi New Guntur 61 Kakinada Institute of Engineering & Technology For Women East Godavari New Guntur 62 St. Ann's College of Engineering & Tech Chirala Ongole 63 Audisankara Institute of Technology Gudur Ongole 64 Audisankara College of Engineering & Technology Gudur Ongole 65 Audisankara College of Engineering for Women Nellore Ongole 66 Paladugu Pravathi Devi College of Enigneering & Technology Vijayawada Vijayawada 67 Gudlavalleru Engineering College Gudlavalleru Vijayawada 68 Nova College of Engineering And Technology West Godavari Vijayawada 69 Usha Rama College of Engineering & Technology Telaprolu Vijayawada 70 BVC Institute of Technology & Science Amalapuram Vijayawada 71 DVR & Dr. H S MIC College of Technology Kanchikacherla Vijayawada 72 D.N.R. College of Engineering & Technology Bhimavaram Vijayawada 73 SRK Institute Of Technology Vijayawada Vijayawada 74 Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology Anakapalli Vishakapatnam 75 Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women Bhimavaram Vishakapatnam 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Sr. No. College / Institutions Name City Chapter 76 GMR Institute of Technology Srikakulam Vishakapatnam 77 Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology Rajahmundry Vishakapatnam 78 Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College Visakhapatnam Vishakapatnam 79 Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology Vizianagaram Dist Vishakapatnam 80 VITAM College of Engineering Visakhapatnam Vishakapatnam 81 Kaushik College of Engineering Visakhapatnam Vishakapatnam 82 Sri Vasavi Engineering College Tadepalligudem Vishakapatnam 83 Anil NeeruKonda Institute of Technology & Science Mandal Vishakapatnam 84 Gitam Institute of Technology Visakhapatnam Vishakapatnam 85 Kakinada Institute of Engineering & Technology-II Korangi Vishakapatnam 86 S.R.K.R. Engineering College, (Sagi Rama Krishnam Raju Engineering College) Bhimavaram Vishakapatnam 87 Avanthi Institute of Enginnering & Technology Visakhapatnam Vishakapatnam 88 Chaitanya Engineering College Visakhapatnam Vishakapatnam 89 Kakinada Institute of Engineering & Technology Korangi Vishakapatnam 90 Visakha Institute of Technology & Science Visakhapatnam Vishakapatnam KARNATAKA 1 Academy for Technical & Management Excellence Mysore Mysore 2 R.V.College Of Engineering Bangalore Bangalore 3 Nmam Institute of Technology Nitte Bangalore 4 Shridevi Institute of Engineering & Technology Tumkur Bangalore 5 The Oxford College of Enginering Bangalore Bangalore 6 Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering Bangalore Bangalore 7 Reva Institute of Technology & Management Bangalore Bangalore 8 Srinivas Institute of Technology Mangalore Bangalore 9 CMR Institute of Management Studies Bangalore Bangalore 10 HKBK College of Engineering Bangalore Bangalore 11 B.N.M. Institute of Technology Bangalore Bangalore 12 MVJ College of Engineering Bangalore Bangalore 13 Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology Chikmagalur Bangalore 14 Surana College Bangalore Bangalore 15 New Horizon College of Engineering Bangalore Bangalore 16 Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science & Commerce Bangalore Bangalore 17 KLS Gogte Instit of Technology Belgaum Bangalore 18 Sapthagiri College of Engineering Bangalore Bangalore 19 Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology Bangalore Bangalore 20 Acharya Institute of Technology Bangalore Bangalore 21 Siddaganga Institute Of Technology Tumkur Bangalore 22 K.L.E Institute of Technology Hubli Bangalore 23 GM Institute of Technology Davangere Bangalore 25 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM Sr. No. College / Institutions Name City Chapter 24 Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology Bangalore Bangalore 25 M.S. Engineering College Bangalore Bangalore 26 Shirdi Sai Engineering College Bangalore Bangalore 27 R N S Institute Of Technology Bangalore Bangalore 28 Amrita School of Arts and Sciences [Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University] Mysore Mysore 29 AIMIT, St.Aloysius College Mangalore Mysore 30 National Institute of Technology Mangalore Mysore City Chapter Ponda Goa REGION-VI Sr. No. College / Institutions Name GOA 1 Goa College of Engineering 1 MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College Aurangabad Aurangabad 2 KCE Society's College of Engineering & Information Technology Jalgaon Aurangabad 3 Marathwada Institute of Technology Aurangabad Aurangabad 4 G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Management Jalgaon Aurangabad GOA 26 5 Godavari College of Engineering Jalgaon Aurangabad 6 Government College of Engineering Aurangabad Aurangabad 7 SGGS Institute of Engineering & Technology Nanded Aurangabad 8 Terna Enginnering College Navi Mumbai Mumbai 9 Vidyalankar Institute of Technology Mumbai Mumbai 10 Sardar Patel Instititute Of Technology Mumbai Mumbai 11 SIES Graduate School of Technology Navi Mumbai Mumbai 12 Fr.Conceicao Rodrigues College off Engineering Mumbai Mumbai 13 Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology Navi Mumbai Mumbai 14 M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering Mumbai Mumbai 15 Thadomal Shahani Engineering College Mumbai Mumbai 16 Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Engineering Navi Mumbai Mumbai 17 Usha Mittal Institute of Technology Mumbai Mumbai 18 Padmabushan Vasantdada Patil Pratistan Engineering College Mumbai Mumbai 19 Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering Navi Mumbai Mumbai 20 Pillai's Institute Of Information Tech, Engg, Media studies & Research Navi Mumbai Mumbai 21 VIVA Institute of Technology Thane Mumbai 22 Vidyalankar School of Information Technology Mumbai Mumbai 23 Thakur Coll of Enginering & Technology Mumbai Mumbai 24 A C Patil College of Engineering Navi Mumbai Mumbai 25 Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering Navi Mumbai Mumbai 26 V.E.S Polytechnic Mumbai Mumbai 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Sr. No. College / Institutions Name City Chapter 27 Thakur College of science & Commerce Mumbai Mumbai 28 Thakur Instt Of Mangtt Studies Career Develop & Research Mumbai Mumbai 29 Yadavrao Tasgaonkar College of Engineering & Management Karjat Mumbai 30 V.E.S. Institute of Technology Mumbai Mumbai 31 Veermata Jijabai Technlogical Institute Mumbai Mumbai 32 K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering Mumbai Mumbai 33 Shah And Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College Mumbai Mumbai 34 S.N.D.T. Women's University, P.G. Department of Computer Science Mumbai Mumbai 35 Datta Meghe College of Engineering Navi Mumbai Mumbai 36 Don Bosco Institute of Technology Mumbai Mumbai 37 St.Francis Institute of Technology Mumbai Mumbai 38 Konkan Gyanpeeth College of Engineering Raigad Mumbai 39 Shivajirao S. Jondhale College of Engineering Dombivali (East) Mumbai 40 Fr.C.Rodrigues Institute of Technology Navi Mumbai Mumbai 41 Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering &Technology Yavatmal Nagpur 42 St.Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology Nagpur Nagpur 43 Dhamangaon Education Society's College of Engineering & Technology Amravati Nagpur 44 Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering Nagpur Nagpur 45 Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering Research & Technology Chandrapur Nagpur 46 Bapurao Deshmukh College Of Engineering Wardha Nagpur 47 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Engineering & Research Nagpur Nagpur 48 S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research Nagpur Nagpur 49 G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur Nagpur 50 Jagadambha College of Engineering & Technology Yavatmal Nagpur 51 M.Patel Institute of Engineering & Technology Gondia Nagpur 52 Prof.Ram Meghe Institute of Technology & Research Amravati Nagpur 53 G.H. Raisoni Institute of Information Technology Nagpur Nagpur 54 Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering & Research Nagpur Nagpur 55 G.E.S's College of Engineering (Gokhale Education Society's) Nashik Nashik 56 Institute of Management Studies (Career Development & Research) Ahmednagar Nashik 57 MET"s Bhujbal Knowledge City Institute of Engineering Nashik Nashik 58 Amrutvahini College of Engineering Ahmednagar Nashik 59 K.K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research Nashik Nashik 60 Sandip Polytechnic Nashik Nashik Nashik 61 Institute of Management Research & Development Shirpur Nashik 62 SSBT's College of Engineering & Technology Jalgaon Nashik 63 D.N. Patel College of Engineering Nandurbar Nashik 27 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA 28 TM Sr. No. College / Institutions Name City Chapter 64 Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering Shirpur Nashik 65 Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj's Karmaveer Adv. Baburao Ganpatrao Thakare Nashik College of Engineering Nashik Nashik 66 Smt.Kashibai Navale College of Engineering Pune Pune 67 JSPM's Rajarshi Shahu College Of Engineering Pune Pune 68 Dnyanganga College of Engineering & Research Pune Pune 69 Institute Of Management & Entrepreneurship Development Pune Pune 70 Trinity College of Engineering & Research Pune Pune 71 Indira College of Engineering & Management Pune Pune 72 S. S. D. G. C. T's Sanjay Ghodawat Technical Campus Atigre Pune 73 Dr.J J Magdum College of Engineering Jaysingpur Pune 74 Pad. Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of MCA Pune Pune 75 Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT) Pune Pune 76 MIT College of Engineering Pune Pune 77 D Y Patil College of Engineering & Technology Kolhapur Pune 78 Poona Inst Of Mgmt Sci & Entrepreneurship Pune Pune 79 Marathwada Mitra Mandal's Institute of Technology Pune Pune 80 D.K.T.E. Society's Textile & Engineering Institute Kolhapur Pune 81 G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology Pune Pune 82 ATSS College of Business Studies & Computer Application Pune Pune 83 Cummins College of Engineering For Women Pune Pune 84 Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering Pune Pune 85 Rajarambapu Institute of Technology Islampur Pune 86 Bhivarabai Sawant College of Engineering & Research Pune Pune 87 MIT School of Management - (Maeer’s Mitsom) Pune Pune 88 Sinhgad Institute of Technology & Science Pune Pune 89 PES Modern College of Engineering Pune Pune 90 Vidya Pratishthan College of Engineering Pune Pune 91 All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society's College of Engineering (AISSMS) Pune Pune 92 Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology Pune Pune 93 Sinhgad Academy of Engineering Pune Pune 94 AISSMS Institute of Information Technology Pune Pune 95 Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration & Research Pune Pune 96 D.Y.Patil College of Engineering Pune Pune 97 Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration & Computer Application(MCA) Pune Pune 98 Walchand Institute of Technology Solapur Solapur 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 REGION-VII Sr. No. College / Institutions Name City Chapter KERALA 1 Mar Athanasios Coll For Advanced Studies Tiruvalla Calicut 2 Co-operative Institute of Technology Kozhikode Calicut 3 Thangal Kunju Mursaliar College of Engineering Kollam Calicut 4 Vimal Jyothi Engineering College Kannur Calicut 5 St. Joseph's College of Engg and Technology Palai Calicut 6 Nehru College of Engineering & Research Centre Thrissur Calicut 7 Federal Institute of Science and Technology Angamaly Cochin 8 Saintgits College of Engineering Kottayam Cochin 9 ToC-H Instititue of Science &Technology Ernakulam Cochin 10 Vidya Academy of Science & Technology. Thrissur Cochin 11 SCMS School of Engineering & Technology Cochin Cochin 12 Viswajyothi College of Engineering Muvattupuzha Cochin 13 Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering Ernakulam Cochin 14 Jyothi Engineering College Thrissur Cochin 15 Amrita Schools of Arts & Sciences Kochi Cochin 16 Sree Buddha College of Engineering Alappuzha Cochin 17 Union Christian College Ernakulam Thiruvananthapuram 18 Mar Baselios Coll of Engineering &Technology Trivandrum Thiruvananthapuram 19 Sree Chitra Thirunal college of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram 20 Government Engineering College Trivandrum Thiruvananthapuram PONDICHERRY 1 Surya School of Engineering & Technology Vikravandi Pondicherry 2 Arunai College of Engineering Tiruvannamalai Pondicherry 3 Mailam Engineering College Villupuram Pondicherry 4 Rajiv Gandhi College of Engneering & Technology Puduchery Pondicherry 5 Christ College of Engineering & Technology Pondicherry Pondicherry 6 Regency Institute Of Technology Yanam Pondicherry 7 Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology Pondicherry Pondicherry TAMIL NADU 1 Aarupadai veedu Instit of Technology Chennai Chennai 2 RMD Engineering College Chennai Chennai 3 Sri Ram Engineering College Thiruvallur Dist Chennai 4 Adhi parasakthi Engineering College Melmaruvathur Chennai 5 Aalim Muhammed Salegh College of Engineering Chennai Chennai 6 DMI College of Engineering Chennai Chennai 7 Vels University Chennai Chennai 29 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA 30 TM Sr. No. College / Institutions Name City Chapter 8 Rajalakshmi Engineering College Chennai Chennai 9 B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology (B S Abdur Rahman Chennai University) Chennai 10 Jeppiar Engineering College Chennai Chennai 11 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College Of Engineering Chennai Chennai 12 Sri Sai Ram Institute Of Technology Chennai Chennai 13 Jerusalem College of Engineering Chennai Chennai 14 Panimalar Institute of Technology Chennai Chennai 15 Prathyusha Instit of Technology & Management Tiruvallur Chennai 16 Sri Sai Ram Engineering College Chennai Chennai 17 S.A.Engineering College Chennai Chennai 18 Vel High Tech Sri Rangarajan sakunthala Engineering College Chennai Chennai 19 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology Thiruvallur Chennai 20 T.J.S. Engineering College Kavaraipettai Chennai 21 Asan Memorial College of Engineering & Technology Chengalpattu Chennai 22 Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engineering College Chennai Chennai 23 Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technological University Chennai Chennai 24 T.J. Institute of Technology Chennai Chennai 25 Velammal Instit of Technology Chennai Chennai 26 Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engineering College Chennai Chennai 27 Velammal Engineering College Chennai Chennai 28 Saveetha Engineering College Chennai Chennai 29 Alpha College of Engineering Chennai Chennai 30 R.M.K.Engineering College Kavaraipettai Chennai 31 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Sriperumbudur Chennai 32 Sri Muthukumaran Institute of Technology Chennai Chennai 33 Jeppiaar Institute of Technology Chennai Chennai 34 Veltech Mult-tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College Chennai Chennai 35 Sri Sivasubramanya Nadar College of Engineering Chennai Chennai 36 Ethiraj College for Women Chennai Chennai 37 St.Joseph's College of Engineering Chennai Chennai 38 SRR Engineering College Chennai Chennai 39 Rajalakshmi Instit of Technology Chennai Chennai 40 Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology Port Blair Chennai 41 SKR Engineering College Chennai Chennai 42 Madha Engineering College Chennai Chennai 43 Dr.M.G.R Educational and Resarch Institute Chennai Chennai 44 Panimalar Engineering College Vardharajapuram Chennai 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Sr. No. College / Institutions Name City Chapter 45 Saveetha School of Engineering Chennai Chennai 46 VIT University Chennai Chennai 47 Sri Shakthi Institute Of Engineering And Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 48 Angel College of Engineering & Technology Tirupur Coimbatore 49 Karpagam College of Engineering Coimbatore Coimbatore 50 P.S.G.R Krishnammal Coll For Women (G.R.Govindarajulu School of Applied Coimbatore Computer Technology) Coimbatore 51 Park College of Engineering & Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 52 Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science for Women Coimbatore Coimbatore 53 Kathir College of Engineering Coimbatore Coimbatore 54 Akshaya College of Engineering & Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 55 Sri Krishna College of Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 56 Bannari Amman Institute of Technology Erode Coimbatore 57 Dr.N.G.P. Arts & Science College Coimbatore Coimbatore 58 KGISL Instit Of Information Management Coimbatore Coimbatore 59 Jawaharlal Institute of Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 60 D.J. Academy For Managerial Excellence Coimbatore Coimbatore 61 Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Coimbatore Coimbatore 62 SNS College of Engineering Coimbatore Coimbatore 63 Avinashilingam Institute For Home Science & Higher Education for Women Coimbatore Coimbatore 64 Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Technology for Women Coimbatore Coimbatore 65 Erode Builder Educational Trust's Group of Institution Kangayam Coimbatore 66 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering Coimbatore Coimbatore 67 Sri Krishna Coll Of Engineering &Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 68 Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 69 Kumaraguru College of Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 70 CSI College of Engineering Ketti, (Near Ooty) Coimbatore 71 Hindustan College of Engineering And Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 72 United Institute of Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 73 Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology Coimbatore Coimbatore 74 Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering & Technology Pollachi Coimbatore 75 Karpagam University Coimbatore Coimbatore 76 Amrita School of Engg. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore Coimbatore 77 Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja college Pollachi Coimbatore 78 Karunya University Coimbatore Coimbatore 79 Er.Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering Hosur Hosur 80 Jayam College Of Engineering And Technology Dharmapuri Hosur 81 Vickram College of Engineering Enathi Karaikudi 82 Latha Mathavan Engineering College Madurai Karaikudi 31 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA 32 TM Sr. No. College / Institutions Name City Chapter 83 Vinayaka Mission's Kirupananda Variar engg college(Vmkv Engg Coll) Salem Salem 84 Excel College of Engineering for Women Namakkal Salem 85 Paavai Engineering College Namakkal Salem 86 Mahendra Engineering College Namakkal Salem 87 RVS College Of Engineering & Technology Dindigul Salem 88 Vivekanandha College of Engineering For Women Elayampalayam Salem 89 M.P Nachimuthu M.Jaganathan Engg College Erode Salem 90 Narasu’s Sarathy Institute of Technology Salem Salem 91 Maha College Of Engineering Salem Salem 92 Excel Engineering College Sankari West Post Salem 93 Gnanamani College of Engineering Namakkal Salem 94 AVS Engineering College Salem Salem 95 Kongu Engineering College Erode Salem 96 Paavai College of Engineering Namakkal Salem 97 CMS College of Engineering Namakkal Salem 98 Knowledge Institute of Technology Salem Salem 99 Vivekananda Engineering College for Women Salem Dist Salem 100 Erode Sengunthar Engineering College Erode Salem 101 Edayathangudy G.S.Pillay Engineering College Nagapattinam Salem 102 Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Virudhunagar Dist Sivakasi 103 P.S.R. Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women Sivakasi Sivakasi 104 Einstein College of Engineering Tirunelveli Sivakasi 105 Sethu Institute of Technology Virdhunager Sivakasi 106 Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science & Technology (Prist University) Thanjavur Thanjavur 107 P.R. Engineering College - (Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institutions) Thanjavur Thanjavur 108 Srinivasa Ramanujan Center (Sastra University) Kumbakonam Thanjavur 109 K.L.N College of Engineering Sivagangai Dt Tiruchirapalli 110 Thiagarajar College of Engineering Madurai Tiruchirapalli 111 Kamaraj College of Engineering & Technology Virudhunagar Tiruchirapalli 112 Christian College of Engineering & Technology Oddanchatram Tiruchirapalli 113 Dr.Sivanthi Aditanar Coll of Engineering Tiruchendur Tiruchirapalli 114 Velammal College Of Engineering & Technology Madurai Tiruchirapalli 115 M A M College of Engineering Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirapalli 116 PSNA College of Engineering & Technology Dindigul Tiruchirapalli 117 M.A.M. School of Engineering Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirapalli 118 Kings College of Engineering Pudukottai Tiruchirapalli 119 M. Kumarasamy College of Engineering Karur Tiruchirapalli 120 Syed Ammal Engineering College Ramanathapuram Tiruchirapalli 121 Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Engineering & Technology Trichirappalli Tiruchirapalli 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Sr. No. College / Institutions Name City Chapter 122 Jayaram Coll of Engineering & Technology Tiruchirapalli Tiruchirapalli 123 Dr.Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engineering Tholudur Tiruchirapalli 124 K.L.N. College of Information & Technology Pottapalayam Tiruchirapalli 125 National College of Engineering Tirunelveli Tiruchirapalli 126 Saranathan college Of Engg,Trichy Tiruchirapalli Tiruchirapalli 127 Francis Xavier Engineering College Thirunelveli Tiruchirapalli 128 Shri Angalamman College of Engineering & Technology Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirapalli 129 AVC College of Engineering Nagapattinam Tiruchirapalli 130 J.P. College of Engineering Tenkasi Tiruchirapalli 131 Kalasalingam University Virudhunagar Dist Tiruchirapalli 132 N.P.R. College of Engineering & Technology Dindigul Tiruchirapalli 133 Mount zion College of Engineering & Technology Pudukkottai Tiruchirapalli 134 J.J.College of Engineering And Technology Tiruchirapalli Tiruchirapalli 135 Mookambigai College of Engineering Keeranur Tiruchirapalli 136 S.Veerasamy Chettiar College of Engineering & Technology Puliangudi Tiruchirapalli 137 Kongunadu College of Engineering & Technology Trichy Tiruchirapalli 138 Cape Institute of Technology Levengipuram Tiruchirapalli 139 MAM College of Engineering & Technology Siruganur Tiruchirapalli 140 National Engineering College Kovilpatti Tiruchirapalli 141 Sengamalathyaar Educational Trust Women's College Mannargudi Tiruchirapalli 142 Oxford Engineering College Tiruchirapalli Tiruchirapalli 143 Jamal Mohamed College Tiruchirapalli Tiruchirapalli 144 St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering Nagercoil Tiruchirapalli 145 Ponjesly College of Engineering Nagercoil Tiruchirapalli 146 Vellore Institute Of Technology Vellore Vellore 147 Ganadipathy Tulsis Engineering College Vellore Vellore 148 Bharathidasan Engineering College Vellore District Vellore 149 Ranippettai Engineering College Walajah Vellore Student Branch Activities: During the year, 11 Student Conventions (State / Regional / National Level) were held all over the Country. The details are given below: National Level Student Convention: 1) Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Coimbatore on 15th & 16th March 2013 Regional Level Student Conventions: 1) C V Raman College of Engineering, Bidyanagar, Mahura, Janla, Bhubaneswar (Region IV) on 25th and 27th Feb 2013 2) G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool on (Region V) 8th & 9th August 2012 3) MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad (Region VI) from 4th to 6th October 2012 33 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM 4) CAPE Institute of Technology, Levengipuram, Tirunelveli (Region VII) on 15th & 16th February 2013 State Level Student Conventions: 1) Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Anakapalle, Visakhapatnam on 3rd & 4th August 2012 2) Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur on 12th & 13th October 2012 3) T K M College of Engineering, Kollam on 14th & 15th September 2012 4) R.V.S College of Engineering and Technology, RVS Nagar, Karur Road, Dindigul on 11th & 12th September 2012 6) Aishwarya Institute of Management and IT, Udaipur on 7th & 8th September 2012 7) Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil, Srivilliputtur on 11th & 12th October 2012 8) MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Karvenagar, Pune on 24th & 25th August 2012 Educational Activities: The Education Directorate conducted several workshops, Seminars, Certification Programmes, Training Programmes. The Pilot programmes were conducted at the ED Premises. These courses were subsequently rolled-out to other locations PAN India. The details are given below: Workshops conducted by CSI – ED at CSI - ED: 1) Ethical Hacking on 31-03-2012 and 01-04-2012 2) Mobile Application Development for iPhone & iPad on 21-07-2012 3) Ethical Hacking between 28-07-2012 and 29-07-2012 4) Windows Server 2008 Administration on 04-08-2012 and 05-08-2012 5) Cloud Computing on 08-09-2012 6) Mobile Application Development using Android on 13-10-2012 7) Computer Networks on 02-02-2013 and 03-02-2013 8) Understanding IPv6 on 17-02-2013 9) Android – Mobile Application Development on 23-02-2013 10) Cloud Computing on 09-03-2013 11) Software Project Management on 23-03-2013 and 24-03-2013 Workshops and Training programs: CSI - Education Directorate has created list of workshops and certification programs and rolled out at it’s student branches which are listed below: 1. Mobile Application Development Android 4.0 at VIT Chennai campus on 01-09-2012 2. Enterprise Private Network and Networking Security at Mahendra Engg College, Mallasamudram, Namakkal on 08-09-2012 and 0909-2012 3. Mobile Application Development Android 4.0 at Bharathidasan Engineering College, Natrampalli on 18-09-2012 4. Mobile Application Development Android 4.0 at Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Oddanchatram on 22-09-2012 5. Mobile Application Development Android 4.0 at Shanmuganathan Engineering College, Arasampatti on 24-09-2012 6. Cloud Computing at Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor, Alappuzha on 01-11-2012 7. Game programming using Java at SA Engg College, Chennai on 04-01-2013 and 05-01-2013 8. Ethical Hacking and Network Security at GITAM University, Hyderabad on 24-01-2013 and 25-01-2013 9. Mobile Application Development at Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor, Alappuzha on 15-02-2013 34 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 10. Designing an Enterprise Networking with IPv4 & IPv6 and Security Essentials at Arunai Collge of Engineering, Thiruvannamalai on 23-02-2013 and 24-02-2013 11. Digital image processing at Anurag group of institutions, Hyderabad on 25-02-2013 and 25-02-2013 Certification Programmes: 1. Certificate on E-Waste Management Associate on 06-10-2012 and 07-10-2012 2. CSI Certified Cyber Security Professional on 9th, 10th, 16th, 17th 23rd & 24th February 2013 XRVC Examination for Visually Challenged Students: Examination on Windows 7, Ms-Word, Excel and Power Point was conducted for the Visually Challenged Students at the Xavier’s Resource Centre for the Visually Challenged (XRVC), Mumbai on 10th March 2013. Support for Minor R & D Projects: During the year, 9 Minor R & D Projects were supported by CSI – ED. The Expert Committee of CSI scrutinized the applications received and based on its recommendations the ExecCom approved to fund the following research projects. SL. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name, Designation & Address Category & Title of the Project Dr. M V Srinath, Ph.D Director - MCA Dept Sengamala Thayaar Educational Trust Women's College Sundarakkottai, Mannargudi - 614 016 (T.N) CSI Membership No. N1118784 CSI Institutional Membership No. I01576 Software Dr. A. Askerunisa, Ph.D Professor & Head - Dept of CSE Vickram College of Engineering Sreenivasa Gardens, Madurai Sivagangai Rd Enathi - 630 561 CSI Membership No. 00137530 CSI Institutional Membership No. I01590 Software Dr. Kiran Kumari Patil, B.E, M.S., Ph.D Dept of CSE REVA Institute of Technology and Mgmt Kattigenhalli, Jala Hobli Yelahanka, Bangalore - 560 064 CSI Membership No.N1136792 CSI Institutional Membership No. I01733 Hardware Dr. S. Chitra, M.E., Ph.D Principal / HOD-CSE Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engg 17th KM Hosur-Krishnagiri Highways NH-7, Konneripalli, Hosur - 635 117 CSI Membership No. N1183195 CSI Institutional Membership No. I01611 Hardware Approved Amount - ` 25,000 Title of the Project: Developing Computer Based and Web based learning environments for Pedagogical Training of Teachers of Higher Education 20,000 Title of the Project: An Intelligent Approach for Improving Security in E-Transaction through Iris Recognition 30,000 Title of the Project: Remote Cardiac Care for Rural India 25,000 Title of the Project: Developmental Studies of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Algorithms through mobile ground platforms 35 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA SL. No. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TM Name, Designation & Address Category & Title of the Project Prof. P. Kumar, M.E. (CSE) Associate Professor Rajalakshmi Engineering College Rajalakshmi Nagar, Thandalam Chennai - 602 105 CSI Membership No. 00119799 CSI Institutional Membership No. I00325 Hardware Rajitha M / Ramya R / Sindhuja R Students - B.E. III Year CSE Einstein College of Engineering Sir. C.V. Raman Nagar, Seethaparpanallur Tirunelveli - 627 012 CSI Membership No. 01192811/01192807/ 01192806 CSI Institutional Membership - I01955 Software Disha Jigar Shah Asst. Professor GLS (I & R K Desai) Institute of Comp. Appl. Opp.Law Garden, Ellisbridge Ahmedabad - 380 006 CSI Membership No. 01060353 CSI Institutional Membership: I01819 Hardware Kuppili Naveen Kumar, M.Tech (Ph.D) Asst. Professor - IT Dept. Gitam Institute of Technology Gitam University Visakhapatnam - 530 045 CSI Membership No.01141178 CSI Institutional Membership: I01132 Software Vijay Menino Jesus Borges - Student Doing Ph.D in CSE - 1st year Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences Allahabad - 211 007 CSI Membership No. 00175572 CSI Institutional Membership: I00652 Software Approved Amount - ` 20,000 Title of the Project: An Approach to Optimize Work Flow scheduling Algorithm for E-Learning Services in Cloud Computing Environment 25,000 Title of the Project: Guiding Visually Challenged with in build RFID Walkstick 25,000 Title of the Project: Building a Single Point Interface for Data Analysis of Data Gathered Using Wireless Sensor Networks 30,000 Title of the Project: Studies on texture Analysis using generalised Gaussain Mixture Model and DCT Coefficients 30,000 Title of the Project: Generic Middleware for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Clusters in a Cloud Computing Environment. 2,30,000 SEARCC International Schools’ Software Competition 2012: The Regional Level Competitions were held on 22nd July 2012 at 20 Centres, spread all over India. 166 Teams participated in the test. 11 Teams, the Winners of the Regional Level, participated in the National Level Competition held on 26th August 2012 at Rajalakshmi Engineering College-Chennai. At the National Level Competition, the following 2 teams qualified to represent India at the SEARCC ISSC International Schools’ Software Competition 2012. 1. Julien Day School, Kalyani, West Bengal 2. The Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai, Maharashtra. 36 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 The International finals were held at the School of Computing, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka between 25-10-2012 and 29-10-2012. Prof. P Kumar, Dept of IT, Rajalakshmi Engineering College & Vice Chairman, CSI Chennai Chapter escorted the Indian teams as chaperon. The Team from Julien Day School, Kalyani topped the finals and won the Trophy. The Team from Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai has won the second position. By winning the first and second positions, India has successfully regained its star status after a gap of two years, doing India proud. Teams from Australia, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka and Taiwan also competed in the event. Efforts for propagation of Professional Membership by ED: There have been several occasions where CSI – ED encouraged and facilitated the enrolment of new Professional Members in the Organisation. Almost 334 members were added with the active involvement of CSI – ED. Initiative for creation of new CSI Chapter: Steps were initiated for the formation of a new Professional CSI Chapter at Tirunelveli. Discussions were held with several Professionals and Academicians in the area and the potential for a Chapter was positively identified. The efforts continue in to the next academic year for the formation of the new chapter. Renewal activities: The processing of several applications received during the end of the previous Academic Year (2011-12) continued in 2012-13. Nearly 377 of those applications were considered and 259 memberships were renewed. Letters were sent to 830 Institutions to enrol new students for this year. CSI – ED directly campaigned over telephone with consistent Reminders and follow-ups repeatedly resulting in the successful renewal of many members. During the current year, CSI – ED initiated the process of renewal of the Student Branches and Institutional Members, by sending the Renewal Invoices to the Colleges in February, one month ahead of the membership term. Colour Laminated ID cards for Nominees and Students: The ID cards for the student members were being issued locally by each Student Branch previously. During the year, CSI – ED decided to print and issue colour laminated ID cards for all the Student Members and Nominees to bring about uniformity. Accordingly CSI – ED issued nearly 57,000 ID cards without any additional cost to the members. ESDM Workshops: CSI received the Project ‘Electronic Systems Design & Manufacturing’ (ESDM) supported by the Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DEITy) to conduct 50 workshops in different Regions of the Country. 5 workshops were conducted during the period. The project execution continued to the next academic year. Whizkidd: This bi-monthly prestigious e-bulletin being prepared by the Students for the Students was released 6 times during this period. This year, CSI student members of Velammal Engineering College (Region VII) were very effectively engaged in this creative project which was very informative and received good appreciation. CSI Special Interest Groups (SIG) : The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are intrinsically focussed groups of CSI with a national bandwidth for functional purposes. The membership of SIG is through email groups of interested members. The core objective of the SIGs is to be able to enthuse the participation of the academic and research community as well as the members from industry towards promotion of research and innovation. It is noteworthy that the SIGs are significant in bridging the gap between industry and academia. Though the SIG is having functional autonomy, its functioning is essentially co-ordinated with the concerned Division in accordance with The frame work of the CSI Constitution & Byelaws. Following is the list of SIGs for year 2012-13. The SIG Chairpersons/Conveners SIG Convenors eGovernance Maj Gen. (Retd) Dr. R.K. Bagga, IIIT Hyderabad FOSS -Free and Open Source Software Mr. Satish Babu, ICFOSS, Thiruvananthapuram Distributed Systems Prof. Janaki Ram, IIT Madras Software Engineering Dr. Pankaj Jalote, IIIT Delhi Data Prof. Nandlal L Sarda, IIT Mumbai Dr. S Sudarshan- Computer Science & Engg., department IIT, Mumbai Humane Computing Dr. Vishnu Kanhare Information Security Dr. C R Chakravarthy, Former Director-SAG, New Delhi Mr. T. Sabapathy- Cymphony Net Pvt Ltd. 37 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM SIG Convenors Bioinformatics Dr. K R Pardasani, MANIT Bhopal Dr. Achyuthsankar Nair- Director State Inter University Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics University of Kerala Wireless Network Dr. Dhram Singh, MPAU, Udaipur High Performance Cluster/ Grid Computing Mr Sushovon Saha Social Networking Mr. Hareesh Tibrewala Business Value of Information Technology (BVIT)- Mr. Pavan Kota Mr. Ajit Kumar Sahoo Cyber Forensics Dr. Vipin Tyagi Software Quality Management Dr. Anirban Basu eAgriculture Dr. Y C Bhatt Knowledge Management Prof. V B Kaujalgi Prof. H R Vishwakarma Soft Skills Development Mr. Amarnath Rao Hardware and Embedded Systems Design Dr. R Srinivasan Dr. S G Shah Innovation and Entrepreneurship in ICT- Prof Anil Kumar Pandey Mr. Vijay Parallel computing Dr. Atanu Rakshit Image Processing Dr. G R Sinha Dr. K Ganesan IT in Judiciary and Law D K Dwivedi IT for Differently able people Prof. Jerald Cloud Computing Mr. Ravi Eppaturi Theoretical Computer Science Prof. Mehata Prof. N S Chaudhari Modelling and Simulation Dr. Vinod Saxena Systems Engineering Mr. Ramakrishnan IFIP Technical Representatives for 2012-13 TC-1 Foundation of Computer Science TC-2 Software: Theory and Practice Prof. Pankaj Jalote TC-3 Prof. H R Vishwakarma IT in Education, TC-5 Information Technology Application 38 Dr. N S Chaudhari Dr. Rattan K Dutta TC-6 Communication System Prof. S V Raghvan TC-7 System Modelling and Optimization Prof. K R Paradasani TC-8 Information Systems Dr. Atanu Rakshit TC-9 Relationship between Computers and Society Mr. Satish Babu TC-10 Computer Systems Technology Dr. Debesh Das TC-13 Human Computing Interaction Prof. Anirudha Joshi 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 CSI Annual Awards During the year Society took pride and pleasure in conferring its Lifetime Achievement Award and Fellowships on the following senior life members in appreciation and recognition of their significant contribution to growth of the Society and the nation through adaptation of Information Technology. ãã Life time Achievement Award 1. Prof. H N Mahabala 2. Prof. P V S Rao 3. Dr. N Vittal ãã Fellowship 4. Prof. Pradeep Pendse 5. Mr. Sibsankar Daspal 6. Prof. Pankaj Jalote 7. Prof. Rajeev Sangal 8. Dr. Dinkar S Rane 9. Prof. R K Shyamasundar ãã Best Regional Chapter S. No. Region Category Chapter 1. Region I Category- B Chandigarh 2. Region I Category- C Dehradun 3. Region II Category – A Kolkata 4. Region III Category – B Ahmedabad 5. Region III Category – C Udaipur 6. Region IV Category – C Ranchi 7. Region IV Category – C Bhilai 8. Region V Category – A Bangalore 9. Region V Category- A Vishakhapatnam 10. Region VI Category – A Mumbai 11. Region VI Category – A Pune 12. Region VI Category – C Nashik 13. Region VII Category – A Chennai 14. Region VII Category – C Cochin 15. Region VII Category – B Coimbatore 39 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM ãã Best National Chapter Banglore Chapter Patron Award S. No. Names Chapters S. No. Names Chapters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Dr. A K Saini Dr. Tarun Kumar Dey Ms. Alakananda Rao Mr. Dholakia Ghanshyam Gulabra Mr. Arun Kumar Mr. Rajesh Kumar Vijayavergia Sri V K Garg Mr. Ashok S Kololgi Prof. K Raja Sekhar G. Siva Nageswara Rao Shri Paramata Satyanarayana Delhi Kolkata Kolkata Ahmedabad Bhilai Ranchi Rourkela Bangalore Koneru Vijayawada Vishakhapatnam 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Mr. Sanjay V Kulkarni Shri Ramrao Wagh Srinivas Eranki Mr. Anurag Ashok Kenge Mr. Ashok Pawar Mr. Jayaramakrishnan K Mr. N. Raveendran Mr. Mohapatra Biranchi Narayan Mr. Goutham Mahapatra Mr. Devesh Kumar Dwivedi Aurangabad Goa Mumbai Nashik Pune Chennai Coimbatore Cuttack Hyderabad Allahabad Best Student Branch Award S. No. 40 Name of Awardee Name of Institution Chapter/Place Region 1. Truba College of Engineering & Technology* Truba College of Engineering & Technology Indore III 2. Dharmsinh Desai University Dharmsinh Desai University Ahmedabad III 3. S.V Institute of Computer Studies S.V Institute of Computer Studies Ahmedabad III 4. AES Institute of Computer Studies AES Institute of Computer Studies Ahmedabad III 5. Anil Neerukonda Institute of Tech. & Sciences Anil Neerukonda Inst. of Tech. & Sciences Visakhapatnam V 6. K L University (KLEF) K L University (KLEF) Koneru V 7. Vasavi College of Engineering Vasavi College of Engineering Hyderabad V 8. KLS's Gogte Institute of Technology KLS's Gogte Institute of Technology Bangalore V Acharya Institute of Technology 9. Acharya Institute of Technology Bangalore V 10. Reva Institute of Technology and Management Reva Inst. of Technology and Management Bangalore V 11. Dadi Institute of Engineering and Technology Dadi Institute of Engg. and Technology Visakhapatnam V 12. R V College of Engineering R V College of Engineering Bangalore V 13. Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Sardar Patel Institute of Technology Mumbai VI 14. MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering Pune Women for Women VI 15. AISSMS College of Engineering* VI 16. K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education Nashik and Research and Research VI 17. MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering Aurangabad College VI 18. Panimalar Engineering College VII AISSMS College of Engineering Panimalar Engineering College Pune Chennai 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 S. No. Name of Awardee Name of Institution Chapter/Place Region 19 TOC H Institute of Science & Technology TOC H Institute of Science & Technology Cochin VII 20. Amrita School of Engineering Amrita School of Engineering Coimbatore VII 21. National Engineering College National Engineering College Kovilpatti VII 22. Sri Shakthi Institute of Engg. and Technology Sri Shakthi Inst. of Engg. and Technology Coimbatore VII 23. Cape Institute of Technology Cape Institute of Technology Kanyakumari VII 24. Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Sivakasi VII 25. Jerusalem College of Engineering Jerusalem College of Engineering Chennai VII 26. Rajalakshmi Engineering College Rajalakshmi Engineering College Chennai VII 27. M.A.M. College of Engineering M.A.M. College of Engineering Tiruchirappalli VII Significant Contribution S. No. 1. Names Chapters Nominee Chapters Mr. Subroto S Thakur Kolkata Mr J Sasi Kiran Hyderabad 2. Mr. Prem Kumar Jha Bhilai Mr. Vinod Kumar Taneja Dehradun 3. Mr. M T Pandian Ranchi Mr. K.S. Dhull Delhi 4. Sri Sanjoy Mohanty Rourkela Mr. S.D.Sharma Delhi 5. Dr. Anirban Basu Bangalore Mr. Vijay Rastogi Gaziabad 6. Shri. S. Adinarayana Vishakhapatnam Dr. Dilip Kumar Sharma Mathura 7. Mr. Rajeev Gerela Mumbai Dr. S. C. Yadav Varanasi 8. Mr. R M P Verma Mumbai Dr. A. K. Tripathi Jhansi 9. Mr. Prasad Umakant Gosavi Nashik Dr. Pawanesh Abrol Chandigarh/Jammu 10. Mr. Vasant Sathe Pune Mr. Arvind Kumar Lucknow 11. Mr. Benedict Jayaprakash Nicholas Chennai Mr. Vivek Varshney Gurgaon Chapter 12. Prof. K. Manoharan Coimbatore Ms. Parminder Kaur Aurangabad Chapter Names Chapters Nominee Chapters Mr. Robin Agrahari Kolkata Mr. Anand Vitthal Kolapkar Nashik Active Participation – Young Member S. No. 1. 2. Mr. Ratanpara Tushar Vallabhbhai Ahmedabad Mr. B A Sabarish Coimbatore 3. Mr. Ankit Pankaj Malviya Ranchi Mr. Uday Kumar Cheruku Vishakhapatnam 4. Mr. Biswajit Mandal Rourkela Mrs. Aparna Naik Pune 5. Mr. PVV Prasad Koneru Active Participation - Women Member S. No. 1. Names Chapters Names Chapters Ms. Malek Zakiyabanu Sarfaraz Ahmedabad Mrs. Madhuri Tasgaonkar Pune 2. Ms. Atashi Pramanik Bhilai Ms. Viji. R Chennai 3. Mrs. M. M. Das Gupta Ranchi Dr. J. Chandra Coimbatore 4. Smt. D. Radha Rani Koneru Mrs. Sravani Lakshmi Changati Vishakhapatnam 5. Ms. Dipa Dharamadhikari Aurangabad Dr Vasantha Narasimhan Hyderabad 6. Ms Baisa L. Gunjal Nashik Dr. Sunita Sane Mumbai 41 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM Best Chapter Newsletter Award Region Category Chapter Region II Region V Region VI Region VI Region VII Region VII Category – A Category – A Category – A Category – C Category – A Category – C Kolkata Bangalore Mumbai Nashik Chennai Cochin Vandana Goyal Memorial Award NIL - No Examination was held Satish Doshi Memorial Award D A V Boys Senior Secondary School, Gopalapuram, Chennai In addition to above following special awards were presented during Annual Convention. Largest Student Branch Award Region VII Name of the Institute Rank Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai I Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad VII Dr. Sivanathi Aditanar College of Engineering, Tiruchendur First Second Third Best Compliance Student Branch Award Region Name of the Institute V KLS's Gogte Institute of Technology, Bangalore V Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad VII Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering, Tiruchendur Best CSI International Student’s Event Host Award Region VII Name of the Institute Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai Longest Continuous SBC Award S. No. Name of Awardee Name of Institution Chapter/Place 1. Mr. Gagan Jindal Chandigarh Engineering College Chandigarh I 2. Mr. Aditya B Patel AES Institute of Computer Studies Ahmedabad III 3. Ms. V. Srivani Vasavi College of Engineering Hyderabad V 4. Mr. Shantharam Nayak RV College of Engineering Bangalore V 5. Mr. Sudhir N Dhage Sardar Patel Institue of Technology Mumbai VI 6. Dr. Archana B Patankar Thadomal Shahani Engineering College Mumbai VI 7. Mr. Biju B Varghese Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology Thiruvananthapuram VII 8. Dr. G Wiselin Jiji Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering Tiruchendur VII 9. Mr. P Kumar Rajalakshmi Engineering College Chennai VII Faculty with maximum Publishing in CSIC Award 42 Region S. No. Region 1. V Name Mr. Tirimula Rao Benala 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Paper Presenter Award at International Conference S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name of Awardee Name of Institution Chapter/Place Region Mr. Gagan Jindal Dr. Durgesh Kumar Mishra Mr. Tirimula Rao Benala Dr. Vasudeva Mr. Sudhir N Dhage Ms. Madhavi Ajay Pradhan Dr. R. Jagadeesh Kannan Dr. G. Wiselin Jiji Dr. S. Chitra Chandigarh Engineering College Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences Srinivas Institute of Technology Sardar Patel Institute of Technology AISSMS College of Engineering, RMK Engineering College Dr Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering Er Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering Chandigarh Indore Visakhapatnam Mysore Mumbai Pune Chennai Thiruchendur Hosur I III V V VI VI VII VII VII Region Most Committed Student Branch Activist Award S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of Awardee Name of Institution Chapter/Place Ms. Astha Jain* Ms. Anusha Mr. Pardeshi Sumeet Hemant Ms. Alifiya Bhanpurawala Ms. Syal Shruti Vijay* Mr. Kaushik M Wavhal Truba College of Engineering and Technology Vasavi College of Engineering K K Wagh Institue of Engineering Education & Research Sardar Patel Institute of Technology AISSMS College of Engineering MET's Bhujbal Knowledge City Institute of Engineering Indore Hyderabad Nashik Mumbai Pune Nashik III V VI VI VI III CSI Knowledge Management Portal Mr. Mohan Datar, CSI Fellow and senior member is leading the project on new CSI KM Portal. The new portal of CSI was launched on January 26, 2013. The exercise was initiated in July 2011.The most powerful tool made available in this portal is the “Capability of Decentralised Content Management”. Following entities of CSI can now manage their own content: All Chapters. All Student Branches. All SIGs. All Divisions. All RVPs. Education Directorate. National Student Coordinator. The new membership system will “Verify Email-id and Mobile No”, provision to save data after every screen, has a shopping cart or payment cart interface for demand and collection management, supported by a highly flexible architecture for tariff management, has a provision for USD and INR tariffs for International members, provision of upto 3 different addresses for each member. From 26th January to 26th February 2013, 44 Individuals have successfully used the new functionalities and have registered as new members of CSI. User Feedback- 94% of the viewers have rated the portal as Good, Very Good or Excellent. CSI 2012 Highlights Computer Society of India (CSI) Kolkata Chapter had organized the 47th Annual National Convention of CSI (CSI-2012) at the Science City, Kolkata on December 1-2, 2012. The theme of the convention was Intelligent Infrastructure and aligning with the theme, an international conference on Intelligent Infrastructure was organized along with the CSI-2012 convention. Today’s society is a complex system of systems; it is a combination of economic development, public safety, healthcare, energy and utilities, transportation, education and various other systems. The function of intelligent infrastructure is to model as well as manage these complex interconnected systems based on a greater understanding of the interconnectivity and utilisation of the latest developments in ICT. The inter-disciplinary nature of intelligent infrastructure provides a great deal of opportunity for creative approaches to problem solving. The 43 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM International Conference on Intelligent Infrastructure in CSI-2012 provided a platform for fruitful deliberations on this theme of the hour. The Computer Society of India, which is known in India for providing the right ICT platform at the right point of time, had once again proved its relevance to the society in selecting a timely theme for the convention. The convention was successful in bringing a wide variety of works under one umbrella that are being undertaken both in industry and academia. The various sessions of the convention was on distinguishable aspects of Intelligent Infrastructure applications like power, agriculture, transport, construction etc. The tools and technologies like intelligent sensors, federated devices, platforms like big data, analytics etc. provided the important ambience for a meaningful discussion on intelligent infrastructure. The conference had four keynote lectures and ten invited talks on the theme of the convention. A total of 64 papers were accepted out of 147 submitted research papers for presentation in the convention. CSI Kolkata convention was always known for its rich content generation. This convention did justice to the repute of CSI Kolkata Chapter when the proceedings was published by the Tata McGraw Hill. The convention ended with a great sense of satisfaction enriching the CSI movement in India. CSI Publications On 6th March, 2012 various CSI chapters celebrated CSI’s 47th Foundation Day, since its formation in the year 1965. CSI Mumbai Chapter took this opportunity to sign a memorable MoU with a premier engineering institute in the country, viz. VJTI and joined hands together for organizing various types of knowledge events, training, and for providing innovation. The objective of the MoU is to bridge the gap between the academic institutions and industry. The event was followed by the launch of CSI Research Journal by Mr. Prithviraj Chavan, Chief Minister of Maharashtra state and Prof. Narasimhan Memorial lecture by Prof. Balakrishnan of Institute of Science, Bangalore, who spoke on the topic called ‘Revenge of Silicon’ CSI Communication CSI Communications, the monthly publication of the society, was regularly published with the active assistance of Prof. R M Sonar, Dr. Debasish Jana, Dr. Achuthsankar Nair and Resident Editor Mrs. Jayshree Dhere who strived hard to improve quality of the publication and brought out the following special theme issues during the year Each issue carried articles related to professionalism and professional Societies. The article pointed to the ways the members of CSI can help each other and Progress. April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 Web 2.0 Linguistic Computing Knowledge Management Image Processing History Of IT in India. IT Applications Cyber Music Embedded Systems Intelligent Systems Enterprise 2.0 Programming Language Paradigms E- Libraries CSI Transactions CSI shared the data of valid members to the Publishing Co-ordinator of Springer India Pvt Ltd. They in turn generated Token codes so that the Journal of CSI Transactions on ICT is made available to the members. Acknowledgement The overall performance of the Society during the year 2012-13 was excellent with improvement in service offerings and achievements. A new vibrancy has been evient among chapters, student branches and members at large. The Office Bearers and ExecCom have made relentless efforts in improving services to membersand the performance including enhancing the image of the Society further, and counts on the contribution and supports of its members and stakeholders. In conclusion, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the members, bankers, auditors, employees and all others concerned for their contribution, support and cooperation during the year. S Ramanathan Hon. Secretary, CSI 44 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 45 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM Treasurer's Report It gives me great pleasure to present the Audited Annual Accounts of the Society for the year ending March 31, 2013 alongwith Auditor’s Report. Members will kindly observe from the Auditors Report that the quality and procedure adopted for maintenance of Accounts are in uniformity with the requirements of the Public Societies Registration Act No. 1 of 1350. Total assets of the Society have increased to ` 1,514.47 lakhs as on 31.3.2013 as against ` 1,343.05 lakhs as on 31.3.2012 registering an increase of ` 171.42 lakhs during the year. The revenue surplus during the year was ` 69.39 lakhs as compared to ` 62.82 lakhs in the previous year (if the loss on sale of fixed assets is not taken into account). Lastly, I take this opportunity to express my grateful thanks to the Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Management Committees of various Chapters and of major events, for their co-operation. I also thank the National & Regional Auditors, consultants & advisors and all the employees of the Society for their valuable service and support during the year. Ranga Rajagopal Hon. Treasurer CSI 46 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 M/s. Pruthviraj Shah & Co. Chartered Accountants P. C. Shah B.Com. (Hon.) F.C.A. Independent Auditors’ Report To Computer Society of India HQ, Mumbai. Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Computer Society of India, Mumabi Consolidated Accounts, which comprise the Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2013, and the Statement of Income & Expenditure Statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. The purpose of this financial statement is to submit for consideration of Computer Society of India. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position and financial performance of the Computer Society of India in accordance with the Accounting Standards pronounced by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Computer Society of India’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the financial statements give the information required by the Act in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India: (a) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Society as at 31st March 2013; and (b) in the case of the Income and Expenditure Account, of the surplus for the year ended on that date; Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements 1. The Computer Society of India maintained Accounts in conformity with the requirements of the Public Societies Registration Act No.1 of 1350 and the guidelines given by the HQ in the Chapter Accounting Manual. 2. The Computer Society of India has conformed to the registered byelaws of the society Sd/ P. C. SHAH F.C.A. - (M. No.11682) Prop. M/S. Pruthviraj Shah & Co. Place : Mumbai Chartered Accountants Date : 16.09.2013 Firm Regn. No. 108200W Office : 202, Modi Chambers, Radhe Vallabh Co.Op. Housing Soc. Ltd., French Bridge Corner, Opp. Opera House, Mumbai – 400 004. Tel: 23888579 Consulting 2, Songadh Appartment, 48, N.S. Patkar Marg, Hughes Road, Mumbai – 400 007. Office : Tel: 23696069 BDB Office: ‘E’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Next to ICICI Bldg., Bandra (E,) Mumbai – 400 051. 47 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2014 Previous Year Ended 31.03.2013 ` ASSETS 92,42,677 19,31,601 74,933 9,69,91,330 99,980 Current Year ` FIXED ASSETS 1,46,43,605 SCHEDULE A Buildings 1,43,82,638 Office Furniture & Fittings 76,15,147 Office Equipments 35,89,877 Books INVESTMENTS 70,508 B 9,91,15,807 INVESTMENTS IN CSI PUBLICATION 99,980 2,84,62,997 Current Assets, Loans & Advances 15,14,47,123 TOTAL Previous Year Ended 31.03.2013 ` LIABILITIES 13,87,86,659 Reserves & Earmarked Funds D 13,32,60,830 70,78,877 Current Liabilities & Provisions E 1,67,67,489 55,81,587 Chapter Balances 15,14,47,123 C 2,68,83,183 15,17,57,140 SCHEDULE Current Year ` TOTAL 17,28,820 15,17,57,140 For COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA Sd/- Sd/-Sd/ President Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer As per our report of even date annexed 48 Mumbai Dated : Sd/P. C. SHAH, F.C.A. – (M. No. 11682) FOR PRUTHVIRAJ SHAH & CO., Chartered Accountants Proprietor 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 CONSOLIDATED INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2014 Previous Year INCOME Ended 31.03.2013 ` 21,59,560 Membership Fees 2,22,50,571 Accredition Fees from Students & Educational Institutions 96,35,460 Conferences concerned with Development of Technology & Education 88,72,061 Courses & Examinations in Advance Technical Areas 4,61,680 Rent Receipts 6,73,350 Advertisements 9,66,650 Publications 76,70,703 Interest 28,27,292 Sponsorships & Contributions 0 Profit on sale of Fixed Assets 4,89,023 Prior period adjustments 6,81,176 Miscellaneous 5,66,87,526 TOTAL SCH. Previous Year EXPENDITURE SCH. Ended 31.03.2013 ` 60,01,585 Conferences concerned with Development of Technology & Education 86,71,325 Courses & Examinations in Advance Technical Areas 60,47,940 Publications 1,73,84,803 Administrative Expenses F 59,71,264 Establishment Expenses G 0 Service Tax 11,81,485 Depreciation 5,55,920 Prior period adjustments 1,238 Loss on sale of Fixed Assets 89,500 Bad debts written off Amount of earmarked reserves transferred to respectve reserve a/c0 15,24,618 Building & Facilities Reserve Fund 1,92,480 Building Maintenance Reserve Fund 7,74,394 Community Development & research Reserve Fund 3,89,435 Administrative Reserve Fund 1,92,480 Continuing Education & Visiting Lectures Reserve Fund 1,92,480 Library Facilities Reserve Fund 1,92,480 Publications Reserve Fund 1,92,480 Student Activities Reserve Fund 1,92,480 International Activities Reserve Fund 69,39,139 Excess of Income over Expenditure transferred to General Reserve 5,66,87,526 Total Current Year ` 19,51,571 1,32,87,416 Annual Convention ` 0 0 HQ Chapters (As Per Statement) ` ` 19,51,571 0 1,32,87,416 0 95,05,614 40,40,221 11,22,416 43,42,978 1,13,24,082 0 34,46,410 78,77,672 11,82,694 6,68,500 3,00,400 83,58,740 55,27,949 43,623 7,57,429 8,21,061 5,37,29,080 0 2,23,500 0 0 50,92,025 0 0 0 93,55,746 0 4,45,000 3,00,400 45,02,787 0 0 1,44,500 12,566 2,52,13,065 11,82,694 0 0 38,55,953 4,35,924 43,623 6,12,929 8,08,495 1,91,60,269 Current Year HQ ` 1,26,03,283 Annual Convention ` 79,82,903 85,69,914 0 49,33,039 36,36,876 65,76,496 1,89,70,818 75,20,979 30,16,438 20,97,280 2,14,525 0 0 0 9,89,736 0 5,35,792 0 0 0 0 64,80,471 1,33,78,170 48,19,534 17,35,642 12,46,431 1,69,326 0 0 96,025 46,02,912 27,01,445 7,45,004 8,50,849 45,199 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (58,40,653) 0 0 0 0 (1,52,686) 0 0 0 0 (88,42,916) 0 0 0 0 31,54,948 5,37,29,080 93,55,746 2,52,13,065 1,91,60,269 Chapters (As Per Statement) ` ` 12,93,368 33,27,012 For COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA Sd/- Sd/-Sd/ President Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer As per our report of even date annexed Mumbai Dated : Sd/P. C. SHAH, F.C.A. – (M. No. 11682) FOR PRUTHVIRAJ SHAH & CO., Chartered Accountants Proprietor 49 50 4,35,924 43,623 Sponsorships & Contributions Profit on sale of Fixed Assets 7,45,004 8,50,849 Service Tax Depreciation TOTAL Excess of Income over Expenditure 1,91,60,269 31,54,948 45,199 27,01,445 Establishment Expenses Prior period adjustments 46,02,912 Administrative Expenses 96,025 36,36,876 Courses & Examinations in Advance Technical Areas Publications 33,27,012 Total ` 1,91,60,269 Conferences concerned with Development of Technology & Education EXPENDITURE Total 8,08,495 38,55,953 Interest Miscellaneous 11,82,694 Rent Receipts 6,12,929 78,77,672 Courses & Examinations in Advance Technical Areas 14,71,533 8,62,108 4,441 21,763 0 0 3,46,479 0 1,804 2,34,938 Region I ` 14,71,533 17,505 5,24,247 0 55,000 6,29,287 1,83,750 10,840 50,904 0 0 Region I ` 27,18,279 11,16,509 22,629 1,67,517 0 6,92,346 4,04,003 65,225 2,28,144 21,906 Region II ` 27,18,279 5,91,942 0 0 0 7,88,887 0 13,15,980 21,470 0 0 Region II ` 11,33,568 2,27,571 0 18,202 0 0 4,63,657 0 30,740 3,93,398 Region III ` 11,33,568 33,035 18,459 0 34,500 4,48,780 0 64,050 5,34,744 0 0 Region III ` 4,29,160 86,611 0 7,462 0 1,58,600 63,331 0 29,215 83,941 Region IV ` 4,29,160 1,22,300 0 0 0 1,84,885 0 75,775 46,200 0 0 Region IV ` 29,91,831 5,38,287 0 87,335 0 4,27,049 6,99,787 0 0 12,39,372 Region V ` 29,91,831 7,750 0 43,623 0 5,64,545 5,21,594 0 18,54,319 0 0 Region V ` 79,10,326 (2,75,129) 129 4,54,557 7,45,004 11,39,786 20,81,578 30,800 33,29,973 4,03,629 Region VI ` 79,10,326 30,663 70,223 0 3,46,424 3,75,355 1,86,000 63,88,027 5,13,634 0 0 Region VI ` 25,05,573 5,98,991 18,000 94,013 0 2,83,664 5,44,077 0 17,000 9,49,828 Region VII ` 25,05,573 5,300 0 0 0 8,64,215 2,91,350 23,000 13,21,708 0 0 Region VII ` COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA Prior period adjustments 43,42,978 0 Accredition Fees from Students & Educational Institutions Conferences concerned with Development of Technology & Education 0 Total ` Membership Fees INCOME ANNEXURE TO CONSOLIDATED INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2014 TM TM 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 SCHEDULE - A SCHEDULE OF FIXED ASSETS AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2014 A)Buildings Previous Year Ended 31.03.2013 ` 42,755 3,23,861 77,557 CHAPTER Opening WDV Depreciation for the year ` Closing WDV 42,755 4,276 38,479 3,23,861 32,386 2,91,475 77,557 7,756 69,801 ` Ahmedabad Bangalore Cochin Additions / Sales / Discarded ` ` 7,44,386 Hyderabad 7,44,386 74,439 6,69,947 7,79,489 Mumbai 7,79,489 77,949 7,01,540 2,06,351 Kolkata 2,06,351 20,635 1,85,716 84,306 Coimbatore 84,306 8,431 75,875 1,02,101 Goa 1,02,101 10,210 91,891 83,423 Chennai Edu Dir. 83,423 8,342 75,081 20,55,268 0 20,55,268 20,55,268 Chennai New WIP 51,27,932 Delhi Bldg WIP 51,27,932 0 51,27,932 12,10,088 Visakhapatnam Bldg WIP 12,10,088 0 12,10,088 36,40,651 Lucknow 36,40,651 0 36,40,651 1,18,962 11,896 1,07,066 46,475 4,647 41,828 2,60,967 1,43,82,638 1,18,962 46,475 1,46,43,605 Pune Trivandrum TOTAL 1,46,43,605 0 51 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM B) Office Furniture & Fittings Previous Year Ended 31.03.2013 ` 5,81,653 65,11,405 HQ HQ (WIP) 27,574 Ahmedabad 25,192 Goa Opening WDV Depreciation for the year ` Closing WDV ` Additions / Sales / Discarded ` 5,81,653 56,59,077 6,24,074 56,16,656 65,11,405 (65,11,405) 0 0 27,574 0 2,824 24,750 0 0 0 0 ` 9,51,706 Mumbai 9,51,706 82,823 99,312 9,35,217 4,76,773 Pune 4,38,804 0 56,379 3,82,425 2,22,991 Bangalore 2,22,991 0 22,299 2,00,692 2,273 Chennai 2,273 0 228 2,045 3,268 Cochin 3,268 23,800 1,757 25,311 1,53,812 0 15,381 1,38,430 Delhi 28,933 0 2,894 26,039 Hyderabad 53,047 0 5,772 47,275 1,53,812 28,933 - Coimbatore 4,402 Tiruchirapalli 3,962 0 396 3,566 12,497 Trivandrum 12,497 0 1,250 11,247 8,998 Vijayawada 8,998 0 900 8,098 1,19,694 0 11,969 1,07,724 1,988 0 298 1,690 1,32,993 1,988 52 CHAPTER Visakhapatnam Bhilai 17,201 Lucknow 17,201 0 1,721 15,480 9,618 Mankapur 8,549 0 1,069 7,480 26,057 Mhow 26,057 0 2,606 23,451 1,597 Bhopal 0 0 0 0 41,746 Kolkata 41,746 0 4,175 37,571 92,42,677 TOTAL 92,16,157 (7,45,705) 8,55,304 76,15,147 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 C) Office Equipments Previous Year Ended 31.03.2012 ` 6,28,298 49,983 35,000 1,271 2,08,707 0 22,050 1,26,925 2,83,111 5,279 3,144 1,79,729 48,553 0 904 2,938 20,454 3,920 14,817 32,992 58,370 1,598 4,08,524 0 195 34,251 21,71,013 CHAPTER HQ Ahmedabad Dehradun Goa Mumbai Nagpur Nashik Pune Bangalore Chennai Cochin Coimbatore Delhi Hyderabad Tiruchirapalli Trivandrum Bhilai Indore Lucknow Mankapur Mhow Bokaro Kolkata Durgapur Bhopal Ranchi TOTAL: Opening WDV Additions / Sales / Discarded ` 1,64,850 0 0 0 51,655 0 0 0 1,26,060 3,762 0 1,16,772 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,63,099 Depreciation for the year ` 2,62,476 8,838 0 0 69,021 0 13,230 37,652 51,648 1,542 401 29,766 7,397 0 0 665 3,068 0 2,222 0 31,471 0 73,269 0 29 7,036 5,99,730 Depreciation for the year ` Closing WDV ` Additions / Sales / Discarded ` 18,621 0 0 18,621 ` 6,28,298 49,983 35,000 1,271 2,08,707 0 22,050 1,26,925 2,02,854 5,279 2,672 1,25,271 48,553 0 769 2,937 20,454 3,920 14,817 32,992 58,370 0 4,39,283 0 195 34,251 20,64,851 Closing WDV ` 5,30,672 41,145 35,000 1,271 1,91,341 0 8,820 89,273 2,77,266 7,499 2,271 2,12,277 41,156 0 769 2,272 17,386 3,920 12,595 32,992 26,899 0 3,66,014 0 166 27,215 19,28,219 D)Books Previous Year Ended 31.03.2012 ` CHAPTER 18,621 HQ 2,200 Goa 34,238 0 59,420 2,117 20,318 0 1,36,914 2,62,04,673 Mumbai Nagpur Calicut Trivandrum Kolkata Durgapur TOTAL: TOTAL FIXED ASSETS Opening WDV ` 2,200 0 0 2,200 34,238 0 0 34,238 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,117 0 529 1,588 20,318 0 2,032 18,286 0 0 0 0 77,494 0 2,561 74,933 2,63,12,173 7,83,612 12,02,970 2,58,92,816 53 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM SCHEDULE - B INVESTMENTS AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2013 As at 31.03.2012 ` FD with Banks ` Accrued Interest ` As at 31.03.2013 ` IT Award Fund 34,96,646 1,14,488 36,11,133 Life Membership Fund 1,95,11,248 23,85,427 2,18,96,674 PARTICULARS EARMARKED INVESTMENTS: 34,17,937 1,94,47,618 9,87,542 6,17,384 0 6,17,384 16,959 Vandana Goyal Award Fund 15,000 0 15,000 78,933 Satish Doshi Award 80,373 6,174 86,547 6,61,539 0 6,61,539 CSI Professional Dev. Corpus 20,83,380 67,862 21,51,242 CSI VLDB Endowment 26,14,649 62,992 26,77,641 6,34,43,131 18,31,040 6,52,74,170 0 0 0 9,25,23,348 44,67,982 9,69,91,330 6,03,444 21,31,211 26,63,437 Chapters Fund TDC Project OTHER INVESTMENTS: 5,24,71,780 0 8,18,18,860 In Fixed Deposits with banks In Fixed Deposits with Public Sector Cos. Total SCHEDULE - C CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2013 Previous Year ended 31.03.2012 ` PARTICULARS Current Year ` ADVANCES & RECEIVABLES 72,62,561 Debtors/Receivables 87,97,280 65,48,313 Advances & Deposits 78,20,840 1,51,509 1,39,62,383 Prepaid expenses Sub-Total (A) 3,92,015 1,70,10,135 CURRENT ASSETS 45,372 Stock of Kits, Tie & Tie Pins, etc. 48,717 CASH & BANK BALANCES 2,13,530 1,19,61,196 54 Cash, Cheques & Postage in hand Bank Balances in Savings & Current Accounts 1,22,20,098 Sub-Total (B) 2,61,82,481 GRAND TOTAL (A + B) 1,16,333 1,12,87,812 1,14,52,862 2,84,62,997 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 SCHEDULE - D RESERVES & EARMARKED FUNDS AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2013 Previous PARTICULARS Year ended 31.03.2012 ` 4,67,58,000 01. Current Year ` ` 4,73,82,718 59,63,019 5,33,45,737 BUILDING FUNDS - CHAPTERS Less: Transfer From Building Fund 49,07,529 0 49,07,529 BUILDING & FACILITIES EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year 1,16,55,953 15,24,618 1,31,80,571 17,16,067 1,92,480 19,08,547 68,83,119 7,74,394 76,57,513 ADMINISTRATIVE EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year 34,53,484 3,89,435 38,42,919 CONTINUING EDUCATION & VISITING LECTURES EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year 17,16,066 1,92,480 19,08,546 LIBRARY FACILITIES EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year 17,11,368 1,92,480 19,03,848 PUBLICATIONS EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year 17,16,066 1,92,480 19,08,546 STUDENT ACTIVITIES EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year 17,16,068 1,92,480 19,08,548 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year 17,16,067 1,92,480 GENERAL RESERVE Add: Excess of Income over Expenditure BUILDING FUNDS 49,07,529 02. 03. 1,16,55,953 04. 17,16,067 BUILDING MAINTENANCE EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year CSI OBJECTS & RESEARCH FUNDS 05. 68,83,119 06. 34,53,484 07. 17,16,066 08. 17,11,368 09. 17,16,066 10. 17,16,068 11. 17,16,067 8,39,49,787 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & RESEARCH EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year Balance Carried Forward 19,08,547 9,43,80,851 55 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM SCHEDULE - D (Contd.) RESERVES & EARMARKED FUNDS AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2013 Previous Year ended 31.03.2012 ` PARTICULARS ` 8,39,49,787 12. 13. 27,64,850 14. 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 86,881 24,82,250 CHAPTERS EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year 21,79,520 0 21,79,520 MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS - CHAPTERS EARMARKED FUND Balance as per last B/S Add: Contribution during the year 27,64,850 2,69,466 30,34,316 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 89,495 1,19,495 AWARD FUNDS (a) Anita Khanna (b) Kewal Dubey (c) Raizada (d) Students (e) Satish Doshi - Sampoorna Programmer EARMARKED FUNDS 15. IT Award Fund Add: Sponsorship Received Add: Interest accrued on above 16. 19,243 17. 18. 42,40,963 1,53,787 VLDB '96 Add: Interest accrued on above 24,82,250 4,37,469 Life Membership Fund Opening balance Add: Life Membership Fee Received during the year Vandana Goyal Award Fund Add: Interest accrued on above 15,19,844 19. ICDE - CSI - 2003 (IEEE) Fund 18,19,251 20. APSEC06(SIG SE) Fund 12,43,90,853 39,06,696 0 3,34,267 Less: Utilised during the year Less: Utilised during the year 2,56,08,252 ` 9,43,80,851 Balance Brought Down 22,03,799 39,06,696 Current Year 40,87,176 29,19,719 0 29,19,719 2,56,08,252 30,96,842 2,87,05,094 19,243 2,150 21,393 TOTAL 15,19,844 18,19,251 13,87,86,659 SCHEDULE - E CURRENT LIABILITIES & PROVISIONS AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2013 Previous Year ended 31.03.2012 ` PARTICULARS Current Year ` CURRENT LIABILITIES 56 64,23,624 Liability for expenses & Creditors 51,05,182 13,03,034 Provision for Expenses & Other Liabilities 19,73,695 77,26,659 TOTAL 70,78,877 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 SCHEDULE - F ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Previous Year ended 31.03.2012 ` 8,30,826 5,23,668 4,93,317 15,45,291 3,80,492 3,341 1,21,325 60,917 3,48,224 6,36,381 12,48,392 11,42,339 1,53,752 3,46,949 20,299 10,800 35,000 1,54,934 28,76,695 4,22,389 85,124 12,71,960 550 0 0 4,250 5,13,422 2,15,769 31,39,576 0 7,347 1,19,802 83,199 2,750 10,75,561 3,000 1,66,260 54,501 5,11,112 1,86,09,514 PARTICULARS Printing & Stationery Postage & Telegram Telephone, Telex/Fax Rent, Rates and Taxes Electricity Photo / Video Exp. Membership & Subscription & Donation Student Chapter Share Travelling Expenses Chief Operating Officer Expenses Executive Secretary Expenses Director, Education Directorate Honorarium OB's Expenses Conveyance Advertisement Secretarial Assistance Expenses Accountancy Charges Staff Welfare Meeting Expenses Election Expenses Repairs & Maintenance - Building - Office Equipment, furniture and fixtures Newspaper & Periodicals Momento / Gifts Reference Books Honorarium Celebrations/Functions (e.g. Computer Day, AGM etc.) Office Maintenance Expenses (e.g. conservancy, etc.) Professional & Consultancy Fees Chapter Grants Course / Study Materials Bank Charges Internet E-mail & Web Site Development Exps. Insurance Other Misc. expenses Profession Tax Auditors Remuneration - Audit Fees - For expenses Professional Fees - Advisor - HQ TOTAL Current Year ` 5,72,082 3,15,567 4,98,212 15,35,418 3,96,882 0 1,23,596 59,700 2,99,936 4,92,475 11,04,312 6,61,648 97,502 2,23,148 38,910 9,000 42,500 1,20,702 29,37,966 4,80,046 93,009 17,39,987 530 44,774 21,473 1,49,000 5,62,326 1,60,037 28,24,702 35,000 8,000 89,208 38,875 22,560 18,39,624 3,000 1,76,966 32,352 6,28,013 1,84,79,035 57 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM SCHEDULE - G ESTABLISHMENT EXPENSES Previous Year ended 31.03.2012 ` 39,50,525.00 26,400.00 81,021.00 PARTICULARS Current Year ` Salaries & Wages & Honorarium Conveyance Reimbursement 37,73,103 31,200 Ex-gratia 57,113 92,423.00 Leave Travel Allowance 98,998 1,19,064.00 Medical Reimbursement 1,31,801 0 Gratuity 26,910 6,07,677.00 Special Allowance 5,42,677 2,04,860.00 Provident Fund (Chapter's Contribution) 2,15,230 50,81,970.00 TOTAL 48,77,032 SCHEDULE - H NOTES ANNEXED TO AND FORMING PART OF CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2013 1. Disclosure of Accounting Policies: a) Previous year accounts have been re-grouped wherever necessary. b) Assets are carried on the basis of closing written down value and no historical cost details exist, other than for building block. Depreciation is charged on written down value as per rates prescribed under Income-tax Act, 1961. c) Accounts are maintained on accrual basis, except that Membership fee is accounted on receipt basis. d) The Education Institution membership and student membership receipts are recorded in account books as submitted by Education Directorate are relied upon. e) Accounts of CSI-SIG eGovernance at Secundarabad, IT Award Fund, Bhopal and that of CSI, Education Directorate are accounted in the books of HQ. f) As per EXECOM’s resolution the audit fees for National and Regional Auditors for all chapters are charged to CSI-HQ. 2. Prior Period items and changes in accounting policies: There are no changes in accounting policies. 3. Depreciation Accounting: a) This accounting standard is discussed in note 1 above. b) The quantum of depreciation provided is adequate considering the lifetime of the assets. 4. Revenue Recognition: 58 Membership subscriptions are accounted on receipt basis. 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 5. As regards disbursement of expenses: Hon. Treasurer is authorised to conduct the fiscal affairs of the society and maintain records thereof, who will also be executing withdrawals of society funds under authority of ExecCom (vide Rule 4.3.2 read with 4.4.2.d) subject to overall legislative directive and guidance and authority of general body (vide Rule 4.1.2) and during course of audit disbursement are verified in the background of these provisions. 6. Accounting for Fixed Assets: (a) Fixed Assets are valued at cost less depreciation. (b) Fixed Assets of CSI-SIG eGovernance is consolidated as per accounts given to us, audited by CSI-SIG eGovernance Auditor. 7. Accounting for effects of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates: Receipts in foreign exchange are accounted on the basis of credit given by bank. 8. Accounting for Investments: Investments are made in Fixed Deposits with Banks. These investments are stated at cost price. 9. General Remarks: The accounts of CSI-SIG eGovernance, for the year ended 31st March, 2013, is audited by auditor other than the National Auditor and the accounts are compiled from the accounts produced to us. As regards IT Award fund, Bhopal the statement submitted by them is consolidated and no audit report is made. 10. Contingent Liability In the event the Society is liable to pay Service Tax the same will be paid at that time. Liability is not estimated and provided in the books. For COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA Mumbai Dated: 25.09.2013 Sd/-Sd/- Sd/President Hon-Secretary Hon-Treasurer 59 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM Computer Society of India 49TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AGM NOTICE The 49th Annual General Meeting of the Computer Society of India will be held at 2.30 p.m. on Friday 13th December, 2013 at Hotel Novotel, Varun Beach, Visakhapatnam. AGENDA Item 1 : To confirm the minutes of the 48th Annual General Meeting held on 1st December 2012 at Mini Auditorium, Science City, Kolkata. Item 2 : To receive and adopt the Annual Report for the Financial Year 2012-13. Item 3 : To receive and adopt the Audited Accounts for the Financial year 2012-13. Item 4 : To appoint the Auditors for FY 2013-14 and to fix their remuneration Item 5 : To ratify the establishment of Chapters and Student Branches approved during year 2012-13. Item 6 : To decide on the venue of CSI2014 Annual Convention and names of OC and PC Chairpersons. Item 7 : Compliance with Service tax regulations – Hon. Treasurer a. Discharge of current liability b. Need for centralized accounting Item 8 : Any other business with the permission of the Chair. S. Ramanathan Hon. Secretary, CSI November 7, 2013 60 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 The Minutes of the 48th Annual General Meeting of the Computer Society of India held on 1st December, 2012 at Science City, Kolkata. The Forty Eight Annual General Meeting of the Computer Society of India was held on 1st December, 2012 at Mini Auditorium, Science City, Kolkata the venue of CSI National Annual Convention. The AGM scheduled at 16:45 hours on 1st December 2012 was adjourned by 15 minutes for want of quorum. The adjourned meeting commenced at 16:30 hrs and was attended by 104 members. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Satish Babu , President CSI, who called the meeting to order. The President welcomed the members present at the Annual General Meeting. The Awards for Best Regional Chapters, Best National Chapter, Chapter Patrons, Best Region wise Student Branch and awards for Significant Contribution, Young member and Women Member were also presented as per the decision at National Council. The items on the Agenda for the meeting were thereafter taken up for consideration. Item 1: To confirm the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on 1st December 2011 at Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad The President referred to the minutes of the AGM held on 1st December 2011 at Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad and invited comments from members. There being no comments, the General body confirmed the minutes. (Proposed by Mr. Bipin Mehta, Ahmedabad and seconded by Dr. Dipti Prasad Item 2: To receive and adopt the Annual Report for the financial Year 2011-12. The President referred to the Annual Report of CSI for the year 2011-2012 which was earlier circulated to all members, for comments from the floor. President assured members that there will be improvements in services from HQ with the introduction of additional staff and all issues will be addressed by Officer Bearers in time. There being no other comments the General Body thereafter unanimously adopted the Annual Report for the year 2011-2012. (Proposed by Dr. Rattan Datta, Bangalore Seconded by S.H. Sonawala, Mumbai ) Item 3: To receive and adopt the Audited Accounts for the financial year 2009-10. The President mentioned that the Audited Accounts for the financial 2010-11 have been published in the Annual Report of the Society for the year 2010-11. The President invited comments on the accounts. There being no comments, the General Body approved the Audited Accounts. (Proposed by Mr. Ravi Epaturi, Mumbai and Seconded by Mr. H R Mohan, Chennai) Item 4: To appoint the Auditors for FY 2012-13 and fixing their remuneration. The Treasurer Mr. V L Mehta mentioned that M/s. Pruthviraj Shah & Co., Mumbai, our current Auditors have consented to be our statutory auditors for the next year as well. He proposed that the same firm be appointed as auditors for another term as the same remuneration as for the last year. This was unanimously adopted by the General Body. (Proposed by Mr. C G Sahasrabuddhe, Mumbai and Seconded by Prof. A K Nayak, Patna) Item 5: To the establishment of Student Branches approved during year 2011-2012: The names of the Students Branches that started functioning in the year 2011-2012 with the approval of the ExecCom was presented to the General Body. The list was unanimously approved by the General Body. (Proposed by Mr. Ranga Rajagopal, Coimbatore and seconded by Mr. Santosh Kamat Goa ) Item 6: Any other business with the permission of the Chair. President assured members that care will be taken to accommodate maximum activities and database of members would be updated with latest details to ensure the timely delivery of magazines. 61 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM The President mentioned that conduct of on-line elections for the national level was a significant achievement. This year Nomination Committee wants to extend it to Chapter Elections as well. He requested members to cooperate with NC for online balloting. The AGM approved this unanimously. The Hon. Secretary announced various initiatives to improve quality of services. He appealed members to cooperate and support CSI HQ and Education Directorate by providing up to date information on Chapter Office Bearers , formation of Student Branches , submission of Audited Accounts and Election results etc. Hon. Secretary presented revised tariff for Membership Fees to different categories of members. He further stated that due to rise in operational costs revision in fee structure is necessary to support membership services. The proposal was unanimously accepted with effective of April 1, 2013. The Annual General Meeting concluded with the vote of thanks to the Chair. Sd/S Ramanathan Hon. Secretary, CSI The Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the CSI National Council (2012-2013) held on Saturday December 1, 2012 at Science City, Kolkata. Ninety Four Members attended the meeting of the National Council of CSI held on December 1, 2011 in Ahmedabad at Ahmedabad Management Association Mr. Satish Babu President, CSI, chaired the meeting for the year 2011-2012 and welcomed the members present. Item 1: Confirmation of the Minutes of the National Council (2011-2012) meeting held on December 1, 2011 at Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad There being no comments from any member the National Council confirmed the Minutes. Item 2: Recommend and Advise the General Body for Adoption of the Annual Report, Treasurer’s Report and Audited Accounts for the year 2011-2012. The adoption of Annual Report, Treasurer’s Report and Audited Accounts for the year 2011-2012 was approved. Item 3: CSI Awards Mr. M D Agrawal, Chairman, Awards committee announced the awards for the year. Mr. Agrawal also informed National Council about the three eminent senior Fellow members of CSI for Life Time Achievement Award for the current year. He announced that Prof. P V S Rao, Prof. H N Mahabala and Dr. N Vttal are the recipients of this year award. Mr. Agrawal also stated the Fellowship Award winners’ viz. Prof. Pradeep Pendse, mr Sibsankar Daspal, Prof Pankaj Jalote, Prof rajeev Sangal, Dr. Dinakar Rane and Prof R K Shyamasundar. Item 4: Ratification of formation of new CSI Student Branches National Council ratified the formation of new Student Branches as indicated by CSI Education Directorate. Item 5: Briefing on Membership status and Membership promotion program Members expressed concerned about declining Institutional membership and felt that new initiatives for membership Promotion were necessary. Hon Secretary informed about Complimentary membership programme to non member participants of CSI events and requested Chapters to send list of such participants to HQ. Hon Secretary also informed members about proposed revision in Fee structure. Item 6: Scheme of augmenting income of HQ and Chapters Hon. Treasurer presented financial performance and said that HQ seed money and other assistance will be possible only if Chapters organise more activities and generate substantial surplus. Chapters and HQ should work together for increase in membership which will benefit all stake holders of CSI. Many Chapter representatives expressed their new initiatives and shared their difficulties with ExecCom with respect to support on funding to organize events and regional conventions. 62 48th Annual Report 2012-2013 Item 7: CSI Workshops/Joint Certification Programmes for Students Mr. Ranga Rajgopal, NSC and Director Education presented various programmes for benefit of student members. National Council members were informed about Regional & National Student Conventions, Skill Development Training programmes and financial assistance to Minor Research Projects by students. Item 8: Chapters Presentations & Update Many National Council members felt that they need proactive support and guidance from ExecCom and HQ to organize the chapter events and Chapter functioning. National Council members raised issues pertaining to Chapter Share, Chapter elections and maintenance of Chapter accounts. Item 9: Review of functioning of National /Divisional/Regional Events, Chapters and Student Branches Review of functioning of National /Divisional/Regional Events, Chapters and Student Branches RVPs and Divisional Chairs and many Chapter OBs highlighted activities in their respective Regions/Divisions/ Chapters and stated that some programmes were conducted jointly with Student Branches. For Regional/ Divisional/ International Activities RVPs and Divisional Chairpersons shared their proposed events with National Council members and seek their support. Item 10: CSI 2013/ 2014 Annual Convention President briefed National Council on discussion in ExecCom for Annual Conventions and presentation from Visakhapatnam Chapter, 2013 Annual Convention will be organised by Visakhaptnam Chapter. The bids for 2014 Annual Convention will be invited and suitable decision will be communicated to Chapters. Item 11: Chapter Elections and submissions of Accounts to HQ President shared concerned about submission of Election Results and Audited accounts by many Chapters in time. President requested all National Council members to help HQ for completing this Statutory activities. Meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair. Sd/- S Ramanathan Hon. Secretary, CSI 63 TM COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA TM Annual Meeting of the CSI National Council 2013-2014 National Council Members The Annual Meeting of the CSI National Council (2013-2014) will be held on Friday December 13, 2013, 10 am at Convention Hall 3, Hotel Novotel, Visakhapatnam.. AGENDA Item 1: Confirmation of the Minutes of the National Council (2012-2013) meeting held on December 1, 2012 at Mini Auditorium, Science City, Kolkata. Item 2: Recommend and Advise the General Body for Adoption of the Annual Report, Treasurer’s Report and Audited Accounts for the year 2012-2013. Item 3: CSI Awards Announcement Item 4: Ratification of formation of new CSI Chapters and Student Branches Item 5: Briefing on membership status and membership promotion program by Hon. Secretary Item 6: Scheme for augmenting income of HQ and chapters: mutual co-operation by Hon. Treasurer Item 7: Brief about Student activities by ED and Ms. Mini Ulanat, NSC Item 8: Lead Chapters Presentations & Update Item 9: National / Regional/Divisional/SIG/SEARCC/IFIP- Programmes Highlights and outcome Item 10: CSI 2014/ 2015 Annual Conventions Item 11: Chapter Elections and submissions of Accounts to HQ Item 12: Compliance with service tax regulations - Hon. Treasurer a. Discharge of current liability b. Need for centralized accounting Item 13: Any other points with the permission of the Chair Kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting and confirm on email: With regards, S. Ramanathan Hon. Secretary, CSI November 7, 2013 Year 2012-13 CSI Staff List CSI Secretariat, Mumbai 64 CSI Education Directorate, Chennai Name Designation Name Designation Mr. Suchit Gogwekar Executive Secretary Wg. Cdr. M Murugesan/ Mr. Rajan T Joseph Director (Education) Mr. Rajeev Nair Manager Finance Mr. Y Kathiresan Senior Manager Mr. Dilip Khanvilkar Web Manager Mr. Yogendra Kumar Assistant Manager Mr. S. M Fahimuddin Pasha Assistant Manager Mr. M Gnanasekaran Asst. Manager – Administration Ms. Sonali Naik Assistant Manager Mr. S Natarajan Asst. Manager – Accounts Ms. Glamina Pareira Accounts Assistant Mr. K Mythreyan Student Membership Mr. Swapnil Karkhanis Office Executive Ms. Miraclin Dories Academic Institution- Membership Mrs. Janhavi Rane Office Executive Ms. T R Manjusha Student Membership