One College Three Campuses Unlimited Opportunities


One College Three Campuses Unlimited Opportunities
Issue 2 – Term 1 – Week 8
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Above from top left: SES Cadet Program, Graffiti Busters Team, Barclay Garden residents visit, Meals on
Wheels centre based meal, Bill’s Garden Project, Graffiti Busters at work in the community, Meals on
Wheels training, Red Cross trauma teddy knitted project, Barclay Gardens Activity Visit
One College
Three Campuses
Unlimited Opportunities
A proud member of the Great Lakes Learning Community
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Page 1
Being Bullied – a sad and ugly
reality for many teenagers
Source: Extracts from - youth beyond blue website
- kids helpline website
What is it?
• Deliberate ongoing repeated psychological or
physical harassment
• May involve exclusion from peer group,
intimidation, taking belongings, extortion,
violence, starting rumours, stalking, threats
• Includes cyber bullying which is carried out via
social media, phone texting, etc.
The signs for the bullied:
• Decline in academic progress
• Social/relationship problems
• Avoiding school
• At home: angry, withdrawn, trouble sleeping,
different eating patterns, may take it out on
their siblings (become a bully themselves)
• Both bullies and victims may develop issues
like depression and/or anxiety
Ask them how they feel, what they think,
what happened, what they did, how they
responded, what they can do now, if they
want help
Help your teenager develop strategies to deal
with the bullying including communication
skills and assertiveness, writing down incident
details (e.g. hassle log available at each
campus), or they may need to talk to a trusted
adult at home or at school
Look at ways of increasing your child’s
confidence, e.g. involvement in sport, music,
or drama
Encourage your child to report bullying
incidents if needed, and make it clear it is not
If necessary, raise the issue with the school
yourself (anti-bullying policy and anti-bullying
program are in place)
Brought to you by the Great Lakes College School Counselling
Forster Campus – Sue Colditz, Terry Channell
Tuncurry Campus – Steve Colditz, Sue Macindoe
What to do:
• Let them know it’s not their fault and they are
not alone
• If they are feeling physically threatened or
unsafe this must be reported; otherwise
encourage: ignoring the bully, staying with
others, staying positive and being confident,
keeping out of their way, asking for help when
• If cyber bullied tell them not to reply, to block
the bully (phone or internet provider can
help), report abuse to social networker, keep
copies of texts, emails, online conversations,
or voicemails as evidence to help track the
bully, change username and phone number only give to close friends, keep username and
password secret, don’t forward messages or
pictures that may be offensive or upsetting to
someone as you will then be part of the cyber
bullying cycle, if threatening or serious
contact the police
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Page 2
A Healthy Schools Healthy Futures Message
Student Exchange
Free live online information session for Great Lakes
College students and scholarships available in 2014.
Resilience is being able to adapt well to stressful
situations in life such as family conflict, tragedy,
mental health issues (depression, anxiety), failure at
school, or the death of someone close. A person’s
ability to cope with a stressful situation depends on
the personal skills they have, but can also depend on
the situation – a person may be able to cope well in
one situation, but not another. The good thing about
resilience is that it’s not a fixed characteristic in young
people – they can learn the skills they need to cope
with a range of stressful situations through parents,
teachers, peers and other significant people in their
lives. Parents can provide support at home and
teachers can provide support at school.
Helping young people to become more resilient and
make positive life choices is the core goal
underpinning the Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures
project. The project utilises a ‘whole school approach’,
which recognises the importance of young people
having positive involvement in and connections to
their school, home and community.
For more information about the Healthy Schools,
Healthy Futures project, or how you may be involved,
please contact the School Project Officer.
Meghan Macdonald via or
Student Exchange Australia New Zealand is a not-forprofit organisation that is registered with all state and
territory Departments of Education around Australia
and with the Ministry of Education in NZ. We are the
first and only secondary exchange organisation in
Australia and New Zealand to be certified to ISO 9001
(Quality Management System) and we ensure the
highest standards of care and support to our
We would like to invite your students and families to
our next FREE Live Online Session on Thursday, 20th
The LIVE Online session gives students and families
the opportunity to learn more about becoming an
exchange student and the various scholarship options
that are available. Please note this is our last
information session before our Scholarship and Early
Bird discount deadline closes on 31st March.
Students can find out more about our exchange
programs to over 25 countries, listen to former
exchange students share their experience and learn
about our scholarships and discounts on offer in 2014.
"You come back a different person, with so much
more confidence & you feel that you can conquer the
world" Jessica, Semester Program to Italy
Hear from experienced Program Manager, find out
more about discounts and scholarships available and
ask questions.
Thursday, 20th March - 7.30pm (AEST)
Register now
or call 1300 135 331 for more information
Tonia Hopley
Head Teacher Welfare
Great Lakes College Forster Campus
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Page 3
Health Care Forum .............................. Mar 26
P & C Meeting @ Tuncurry Campus .... Apr 2
Defence Excursion ............................... Apr 7-9
End Term 1 .......................................... Apr 11
Great Lakes College is proud to continue this
community partnership and appreciate the support
given to us and our students by the community,
parents, families, clients and Meals on Wheels
Tonia Hopley and Melinda Atkinson
Great Lakes College Forster and Tuncurry Campuses.
School Development Day .................... Apr 28
First Day Term 2 .................................. Apr 29
Athletics Carnival ................................. May 2
Zone Athletics Carnival ........................ May 20
Meals on Wheels partnership with
Great Lakes College
For the last three years, students from Great Lakes
College Forster and Tuncurry Campuses, have been
participating in the Meals on Wheels program. They
perform tasks such as food preparation, meal
deliveries and socialisation days with clients.
Above: Great Lakes College Year 9 Volunteer Students
Students undergo training in Food Handling and
Safety, Orientation Days and facility tours. Students
are then rostered onto shifts with volunteers from the
Students in Year 9 participate as part of the new
‘Volunteering and Community’ elective which is
offered in Stage 5 at both Forster and Tuncurry
Campuses. Year 10 students are also able to access
this volunteering opportunity.
Above: Students during training
This program has been so successful that Meals on
Wheels organisations in other regions have started
similar programs involving students.
A new group of 35 students completed their training
on Thursday 6th March and are now prepared to
participate in the 2014 roster.
This has proven to be a rewarding experience for all
involved. Clients enjoy the interaction with the
students and the students are actively contributing to
their community by learning new skills in leadership,
communication and citizenship.
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Above: Students during hands on training
Page 4
Careers News
Students from all three campuses will be attending a
health forum at the Newcastle Rural Health Building in
High St Taree on Wednesday March 26. Students will
be given a general overview of the many careers
available in the health sector. They will then be able
to choose to attend the workshops that most interest
them. The careers represented will include speech,
therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy,
medicine, pharmacy and nursing. Please see your
campus careers adviser for more details.
Students from the two 7-10 campuses will be
attending a defence excursion during Week 11.
Students will be able to participate in activities at the
naval bases in Nowra and at ADFA and Duntroon in
Canberra during the four day excursion. The places for
this excursion are now full.
Students from the two 7-10 campuses may have the
opportunity to participate in a four day workexperience program in Sydney in the week beginning
September 15th. This program is for students
interested in those areas for which work-experience
places are traditionally difficult to find within the
creative industry sector. Careers such as interior
design, fashion design and graphic design are
represented at Karl Von Busse. Students attend this
training facility for four days during which time they
work on their own design brief and attend classes in
their chosen field. We can take 18 of our students and
are currently calling for expressions of interest.
Students will be accompanied by two teachers and
will stay in accommodation within the Sydney CBD.
For more information please contact your campus
careers adviser or look up the link provided below.
Year 10 students should be well on the way to
organising their work-experience for this year . Please
encourage your student to think about making use of
this worthwhile opportunity.
Pauline Webber
Careers Adviser – Tuncurry Campus
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Regional Swimming
On the 4th of March, 26 students represented Great
Lakes College in the regional swimming carnival held
at Maitland Swimming Complex. All students roll
sportsmanship throughout the day with some
outstanding results.
Of the 26 students, 15 will be representing the College
as a part of the Hunter team to compete at state later
this year.
Dane Jeffries
• 4th U13 100 Butterfly
• 2nd U13 100m Breaststroke – state qualifier
• 3rd U13 100m Freestyle – state qualifier
• 5th U13 100m Backstroke
• 4th U13 50m Freestyle – state qualifier
• 5th U13 200m Freestyle
Teysha Deal
• 2nd U16 100 Butterfly – state qualifier
• 2nd in heat U16 50m Freestyle
• 3rd U16 200m Freestyle
Andrew Fisher
• 2nd U17-19 100 Butterfly – state qualifier
• 3rd U17-19 100 Freestyle – state qualifier
• 2nd U17-19 50 Freestyle – state qualifier
• 2nd U17-19 200 Freestyle – state qualifier
Shaun McNamara
• 5th U13 100 Breaststroke
• 6th U13 100 Freestyle
• 4th U13 100m Backstroke
• 5th U13 200m Freestyle
Leah King
• 1st U16 100 Breaststroke – state qualifier
• 3rd U16 100 Backstroke – state qualifier
• 1st U16 50m Freestyle – state qualifier
• 3rd U16 200IM – state qualifier
Cody-Ann Wearne
• 7th U12 100m Backstroke
• 3rd U12 200m Freestyle - state qualifier
Page 5
Emily Sleeman
• 4th U12 50m Freestyle
Courtney Wyborn
• 2nd in heat U15 50m Freestyle
Pierce Jackson
• 4th U15 50m Freestyle
There were more great results in team events
2nd and state qualifying U12 Girls 4x50m
Freestyle relay - Cody Ann Wearne, Emily
Sleeman, Nakita Quinn, Charlotte Dimarco
5th U13 girls 4x50m Freestyle relay- Anita
Handono, Misty Cornish, Lilli Hadenham,
Jillian Black
2nd and state qualifying boys U13 4x50m
Freestyle relay - Dane Jeffries, Will Simon,
Shaun McNamara, Nick Phillip
3rd and state qualifying girls U14 4x50m
Freestyle relay - Courtney Wyborn, Irena
Cashman, Sophie Wunder, Chelsea Herb
closer match with Dungog prevailing 3 sets to 1 over
Cardiff High. Dungog High School and Great Lakes
College have progressed to the Hunter Area final to be
played at a later date.
The afternoon saw a selection process to choose the
Hunter Area team for the State Championships to be
held at Minto in Week 10 of this term. Unfortunately,
due to a clash with Mid-Course examinations, many
Year 12 students from Great Lakes College have made
themselves unavailable for the selection process. The
makeup of the team is very different from previous
years. Morgan Gammage, Veronica Mesar and
Richelle Waterworth have gained selection as part the
Hunter Region.
On Thursday 27th November the boys section of the
NSWCHS knockout was held at Broadmeadow
stadium. Fourteen teams were present with Great
Lakes College and Dungog High progressing through to
the Regional final. This appears to be the eighteenth
year in a row that the boys’ team have taken part in
the Regional Final. Great Lakes College have
dominated this sport at this level for a very long time.
A huge well done and congratulations to all students
involved, particularly those who competed in the
major team events. Another thank you to parents who
made the excursion possible by transporting and
supporting all students on the day. It was a pleasure
to spend the day with you all and without your help,
we couldn’t showcase the talent of our school at a
regional and state level.
Similar to the girls’ event a Regional selection trial was
held and seven boys from Great Lakes College were
selected in a squad of 10. Riley Jennings, Kaine
Morgan, Jarrod Horn, Tim Vakaahi, Bryce Grant, Grant
Templeton and Chris Davies will represent the Region
at the state championships in Orange during Week 9
of this term.
Tom Freeman
PDHPE Teacher
Gary Martin
Head Teacher PDH/PE
Senior Campus
Hunter area Volleyball Knockout
The 2014 Hunter Area section of the NSWCHS Girls
Volleyball knockout was completed at Broadmeadow
basketball stadium on Wednesday 26th February.
Eleven schools were present with Great Lakes College
and Morisset High progressing through to the first
semi-final and Dungog High and Cardiff High
progressing through to semi-final number two.
Great Lakes College defeated Morisset 3 sets to 0 and
progressed to the Hunter Area final for the sixteenth
year in a row. The second semi-final saw a much
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
2014 CHS Open Netball Team
The Great Lakes College CHS Open netball team
travelled to Taree Tuesday 11th March 2014 to play in
the Manning Gala Day for the 2014 NSW CHS Netball
Knock Out.
Without training or preparation the girls were fronted
by the larger Taree Representative side (Taree High
School) in their first game. The girls fought hard but
were pushed by the Taree girls and finished four goals
down (17-14). The game had progressed goal for goal
Page 6
till the last half when Taree managed to gain an extra
four goals towards the end.
They focused, regrouped and decided that despite the
hot conditions they would do their college proud and
soundly defeat the remaining teams in the area. They
were rewarded by almost doubling the half time
scores each game.
Final scores for the remaining games were:
Game 2 GLC 27 Gloucester 6
Game 3 GLC 32 Chatham 3
Game 4 GLC 40 Wingham 12
Thanks to our fantastic umpire on the day, Deb Soper,
for taking time out of her schedule to travel with us to
Taree and umpire for our team. It was wonderful to
have an excellent umpire with a keen eye to control
the games all day. Also thank you to Carla Gillis, GLC
Senior Campus, for helping to organize the team and
ensure it all went smoothly.
Congratulations girls, you have played hard and
demonstrated excellent sportsmanship during the
entire day!
Wendy Orman
GLC Forster Campus
The College P&C recently held the annual general
meeting which included the election of the new P&C
committee. This year sees the retirement of outgoing
President, Robyn Stevenson-Relf and Secretary, Janet
Hubble after many years of association with the
College and P&C in particular. Both ladies have made
a huge contribution to the successful running of the
P&C, and I warmly thank them for their contributions.
The new committee includes Vice Presidents Kirsty
Ragno and Angela Visser, Secretary Rachel Marshdale,
Treasurer Karen Crowther, Canteen Convener Sibella
Ellery, and myself as President.
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7pm, alternating between Forster and
Tuncurry libraries. We usually have a guest speaker in
addition to the meeting, and are generally finished
before 8.30pm. The Campus and College Principals
are in attendance, and the meetings are a wonderful,
non-threatening way to discuss matters directly with
The issue of the recent occurance of lockdowns at
Forster was raised by several of the attending parents.
Concerns were acknowledged and addressed fully by
both Judy Hall and Graeme Jennings, with a future
plan of action discussed.
I look forward to a productive and interesting year
with the P&C and encourage all parents to consider
attending the monthly meetings. Volunteers to assist
with both campus canteens are always welcome.
Next meeting at Tuncurry, Wednesday April 2.
Guy Laden - President
Above: Left to Right Back Row - Chloe Astorini, Carly Withers,
Tegan Battersby, Maddi Soper, Georgia Steel
Left to Right Front Row - Georgia Hudson, Jordan Morse, Stacey
Morrison and Jessica Barber
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Principal’s Report
Many parents will be aware that there have been a
series of lockdowns in recent weeks. Lockdowns are
called to ensure student and staff safety. I have sent
out letters to all parents with further information
about these incidents.
Page 7
During the lockdowns most lessons were able to
progress with minimum disruption and I commend
the hard work of staff in managing these incidents.
Students have followed lockdown procedures and are
to be commended for their compliance with these
Despite these incidents, quality teaching and learning
continues to be our focus. In my tours of the
classrooms, I have seen students working hard to
improve their academic performance. Science
experiments, the use of interactive technology, deep
discussions and high engagement are just a few of the
things that I have noticed. I delighted in seeing
members of our Dance Ensemble rehearsing at recess
and was delighted to see our 22 member strong
Textiles class deeply engaged in their sample bags.
These students will soon be learning how to knit and
crochet, and I look forward to joining them for their
Friday knit-ins!
Lunchtime activities are beginning to ramp up with a
Japanese Animinga Club for Year 7 students, Library
Chess competitions, Dance and Music rehearsals, a
Handball and Basketball competition, as well as the
usual sports teams practice. It’s getting to be a very
busy place.
I was also thrilled to see our TKR café open its doors
for the first time last Tuesday. Together with Senior
Constable Dave Russell, I enjoyed a relaxing and
delicious lunch in a relaxing and classy setting. The
food was excellent and the service even better,
Congratulations to our students and staff on this
wonderful initiative!
Finally, our first issue of RAP scores have been mailed
out to parents of students in Years 8 and 10. Parents
of students in Years 7 & 9 will receive their letters this
week. I urge you to discuss the scores with your
children as to how they can further improve. Of
course, those students achieving a perfect 10 simply
need to continue with their excellent efforts!
Judy Hall
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Deputy Principals’ Report
Assessment Tasks
By now all Year 9 and Year 10 students should have
received their copy of the Assessment Policy for 2014.
Any student who has not should see Mr Grieve. We
encourage parents to read the document and
familiarise themselves with the contents. Of particular
importance is information on deadlines and
submission. Tasks handed in or completed after the
due date will attract a penalty. In Stage 4, this is a
reduction of 20% each day for three days. Tasks
submitted after this time will receive a zero mark. In
Stage 5, tasks submitted one day after the due date
will attract a penalty of 50%. Tasks submitted later
than that will receive a zero mark.
In order to avoid attracting a penalty, it is vital that
students develop sound organisational skills. In the
back of the Stage 5 Assessment Policy booklet, there
is a calendar listing all assessment tasks. We
encourage students to highlight the tasks for subjects
relevant to their pattern of study. Students who work
on tasks regularly over a period of time are more
likely to achieve to a standard commensurate with
their abilities and their learning. Students in all years
are encouraged to take the opportunity provided by
their teachers to submit drafts of tasks. The feedback
provided can then be used to improve the quality of
their responses and ensure greater opportunities for
Stage 5 Police Talks
Senior Constables Steven Jeffery and David Russell will
be at Forster Campus on Wednesday March 20 to talk
to Stage 5 about issues concerning alcohol and drugs.
It is recommended that parents and care-givers
ensure that all students attend school on this date.
Regular attendance at school is not only a legal
requirement but is also essential to ensure continuity
of learning. When students miss too many days of
school it makes it difficult for them to build on their
knowledge and skills. If you are having difficulty
getting your child to school, please contact us, as we
may be able to help. We can make a difference when
we work together.
Page 8
When a student is away from school, it is important to
send a note explaining the absence on the first day of
their return to school. Likewise, if you know your child
will be absent on a certain date, it is helpful if you let
the school know in advance.
The SRC is looking forward to a busy year of school
initiatives like: Band Together, an anti-bullying
program; Funky Hair Day, raising awareness and funds
for World’s Greatest Shave; Harmony Day; Jeans for
Genes; Wear it Purple and many more.
Mick Adams DP Stage 4 (Yrs 7 and 8)
Phil Grieve DP Stage 5 (Yrs 9 and 10)
Maggie Walford-Smith
SRC Coordinator
Yr 9 Ready for Work Day ..................... Mar 27
7J HAS Workshops ............................... Mar 27-28
Aboriginal Team Meeting with staff @
Tobwabba ............................................ Mar 31
A-L Parent/Teacher Evening ................ April 1
Merit Assembly.................................... Apr 3
ANZAC Day Assembly @9:30am.......... Apr 10
Athletics Carnival ................................. May 2
Yr 7 CSU Program Support Unit Open Day
Above: SRC Leadership Students
............................................................. May 6
Year 7 Camp......................................... May 7-9
NAPLAN ............................................... May 13-16
ICAS Computer Skills............................ May 20
Forster Campus – SRC Leadership
On the 27th and 28th of February the Forster Campus
Student Representative Council (SRC) participated in
its annual leadership training days held at Camp Elim.
The newly elected 2014 SRC team comprises of 26
students, ranging from years 7-10.
The training camp contained of a range of activities
that included team building games, leadership
playing activities,
consultation and planning sessions. During the days,
the students enjoyed the privilege and honour of
having two guest speakers, Allira Richardson and Mrs
Donna Hall, present on leadership.
Students finished the training days by experiencing a
dose of adrenalin and participating in the adventure
activities of rock climbing and the giant swing. Much
fun was had by all that attended.
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Above: SRC Leadership Students engaging in team
building games
Page 9
Aboriginal Education Team Meetings
assaults. These same presentations will be presented
to students in Years 8 and 9 on 20th March.
Judy Hall
All meetings are held at Tobwabba Medical Centre, all
members of the community are welcome to attend
these meetings.
Meeting info
3:15pm –
Education Team
Education Team
BBQ at Tobwabba
Medical Centre
with staff
Education Team
Education Team
Education Team
Education Team
Education Team
Education Team
Above: Constable Steven Jeffery School Liaison Officer addressing
Tonia Hopley
Head Teacher Welfare
Police Talks
On Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th March, students in
Year 7 as well as students in our Support Classes
listened to presentations by our police liaison officers,
Senior Constable Steve Jeffries and Senior Constable
Dave Russell. These presentations addressed social
media and cyber bullying, drugs and alcohol and
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Forster Campus – Funky Hair Day
On Friday March 14, Forster Campus participated in
Funky Hair Day. The day was run by the SRC to raise
money for the World’s Greatest Shave – Leukaemia
Students came dressed in mufti with crazy styled and
coloured hair. All who participated in the day had a lot
of fun and helped raise funds for a worthy cause.
Page 10
Another SRC driven initiative was the Dollar for
Drought fundraiser where students raised money to
support our farmers struggling with drought.
SRC Coordinator
TKR – Tute Kitchen Rules
During Period 3 and 4 on the 10 March 2014, the
tutorial class had the inaugural opening of TKR – Tute
Kitchen Rules Café. Blaise Flint, Tinena Williams and
Chris Carmody served the patrons (staff) tables of our
fine dining café in the Purple Room.
The aim of TKR was to link Tute students to a work
placement in a supportive environment. Equipped
with logo (their own design) embellished aprons, the
students presented their own customised menus,
order books and placemats.
TKR was a fantastic success with many customers
(staff) enjoying their meal and service with, many
requests for the next TKR opening date.
Colleen Salter
Support Teacher
Principal’s Report
We have had an exciting start to the school year with
many student initiatives. Recently, the SRC Planning
Day was held off-site. Together with Janelle Evans, the
SRC developed the SRC Action Plan for 2014, outlining
the range of fundraising, and student led actions for
the year. To ensure students are well informed about
the purpose of fundraising the SRC have already
prepared a presentation on the Variety Club to be
shown to all year groups as a lead in to their
milkshake day on March 31.
At our fortnightly Celebration Assembly last Tuesday,
in addition to music and drama performances, the
assembly featured a rubik’s cube demonstration by
talented Year 8 student, Jarrod Ragno. Withstanding
audience pressure, Jarrod demonstrated the
completion of the puzzle in 37 seconds winning huge
applause from the crowd!
Recently, 320 students attended the Hurting Game as
part of the school’s anti-bullying program culminating
in National Day of Action against Bullying and
Violence on March 21. A student prepared DVD on
ant-bullying will be shown to all students to create
awareness of the issue. In addition, a structured
lunchtime activity program has been developed by the
school’s Learning and Support teachers, Angela
Kosteliz and Sami Dunk. The activities program
including art, dance, yoga, games, and quiet time
reading is designed to provide students with an
alternative way of socialising as well as developing
leisure skills.
Approximately 100 parents attended the Year 7 Meet
the Teacher BBQ earlier in the term, enjoying the
opportunity for an informal chat with teachers.
Parents are invited to attend the Merit assembly on
the 25th March where a range of awards and
performances will be presented.
Above: Staff enjoying lunch @ Tute Kitchen Rules
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Head Teacher, Deb Cougle and Aboriginal Education
support officers Karen Pol and Zane Sparke have been
meeting with Aboriginal parents and students to
develop student PLPs (Personalised Learning Plans)
over the last two weeks. Teachers also contributed to
the students’ profiles at our recent staff meeting. The
Page 11
PLPs are first and foremost a way of establishing links
between the school and parents to support students
in achieving their learning goals.
I have been delighted with the positive attitude
demonstrated by students across the school. Their
willingness to undertake voluntary activities such as
Clean Up Australia, Meals on Wheels volunteering,
Graffiti Busters, taking responsibility for a clean
environment illustrates a strong student commitment.
I thank parents for their continued support for the
school and look forward to seeing you at our end of
term parent teacher interviews on 3rd and 10th April.
Positive parent participation demonstrates to children
that you value learning as well as holding the school in
high regard. The involvement of parents helps break
down the mystique about school that can exist for
some students. Students will often copy their parent’s
attitude and being positive about school and learning
can boost their belief.
Being involved in your child’s school can be time
consuming. We understand that the majority of our
students have parents who work full-time and shift
work. Of course we would love more members for our
P&C but we are also realistic and recognise that most
parents are incredibly time poor.
Veronica Amato
There is a range of simple things you can do at home
that will assist teachers to maximise the learning of
your child. These include: ensuring students have a
good breakfast and healthy lunch, ensuring that
technology is monitored before bedtime, talking with
your child about their day, checking your child’s diary
each night, looking through workbooks and asking
questions about the content. There are also these
strategies that may inform and include parents in
their child’s school – with or without your child’s
permission. They include:
Above: Jarrod Ragno with his rubik cube collection
Deputy Principal’s Report
Reading the college newsletter – Dolphin
Emailing teachers/Year advisors
Attending parent information evenings
Joining the P&C
Direct conversations through the correct
channels such as year advisor, teacher, deputy
Board of Studies, Teaching & Educational
Standards (BOSTES) website
Know your child’s curriculum and consult
regularly with the teacher
Nigel Wells
Deputy Principal
What is the secret ingredient to student success at
This is a really obvious answer to adults but the
answer is usually avoided at all costs by the majority
of students. Answer: Parent involvement in their
child’s school.
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Page 12
Yr7 Camp ............................................. Mar 26-28
Health Care Forum .............................. Mar 26
A big thank you and a well done to all who
Mel Atkinson
Volunteering & Community Teacher
Variety Milk Shake Day (SRC) .............. Mar 31
Yr 9 Ready for Work Day ..................... Apr 1
Food Tech Master Chef ....................... Apr 1
Surf Survival Skills ................................ Apr 2
Social.................................................... Apr 2
Buckley Shield...................................... Apr 3
A-L Parent/Teacher Evening ................ Apr 3
Under 16s Touch Trials ........................ Apr 4
Defence Excursion ............................... Apr 7-10
M-Z Parent/Teacher Evening............... Apr 10
Yr 10 Easter Show Excursion ............... Apr 11
Athletics Carnival ................................. May 2
Above: Jenaya Clegg, Logan Jackson and PJ Malone
CSU Yr 7 Program ............................... May 5
13/15s Country Cup............................. May 7
14/16s Knights Knockout..................... May 8
Yr7 Rainbow Day ................................. May 9
Yr7 Boys to Men .................................. May 9
Zone Athletics ...................................... May 20
14/16s Knights Knockout .................... May 21
Tennis – Taree ..................................... May 22
Above: Natalie Currie, Meredith Walker, Mr Beavis, Emily Currie,
Jessie Wooster, Kira Hockham, Lucy Currie, Josh Dilger, Jack
Kinoial, Lewis Yoole, Callum Charles.
Clean Up Australia Day 2014
On Friday 28th February, a large group of Tuncurry
Campus students braved the elements to be a part of
Clean Up Australia Day. Keeping with tradition, it
absolutely pelted down for the entire morning and
also keeping with tradition, we decided to tempt fate
and not bring umbrellas!
Despite the adverse conditions, students did an
amazing job of pitching in and cleaning up our school
grounds and the surrounding areas.
The Year 9 Volunteering and Community elective class
did an outstanding job of organising the entire day,
and the BBQ was well executed by both Year 10 and
Year 9 volunteering students.
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
MADD about Art
The Visual Arts staff are looking forward to another
exciting year at Tuncurry Campus. We would like to
thank everyone who came to our wonderful 2013
MADD art exhibition at the end of last year. This
exhibition represented every one of our art students
from Year 8 through to Year 10, showcasing the wide
range of talent within our campus. It was a great
display of sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking
and photography.
The Visual Arts teachers would like to say thank you to
all the art and photography students of 2013 for their
Page 13
hard work and dedication towards producing
imaginative, creative and well-made artworks.
Introducing the Zen Zone @ Tuncurry
Any student who had work or books from 2013 in the
art rooms should have already collected them,
otherwise the items will need to be disposed of.
Keep posted for any competition details or a chance
to participate in community art events that come up
throughout the year. Currently there is state wide art
competition called Operation Art, which closes May 9,
that is open to all students of Great Lakes College, and
good luck to all the students who entered the local
photographic competition which closed on February
28, it was great to see so much interest.
Please remember there are subject fees for all of our
art courses. Prompt payment of fees is greatly
Thank you,
Melissa Laurantus
CAPA Teacher
What is it? The Zen Zone is a safe
calm place for you to chill with
your friends and enjoy organised
activities like: relaxation, yoga,
guitar, music, reading, zumba etc…
When? Monday & Friday
lunchtime starting Term 2
Where: Movement Studio
Who? Any student as long as you
are willing to participate and listen
How? You will need to put your
name on the list outside the PE
staffroom for lunch time session.
Each week will be a different
Teacher? Mrs Kosteliz
Above: Artwork from 2013 MADD Exhibition
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Page 14
but a vital occupational health and safety concern. We
seek the support of both our students and their
parents in this.
February 2014
Parent Newsletter
available on Tuncurry
Campus Website
Principal’s Report
During the last week, several of our parents may have
received monitoring, attendance or N-Determination
Warning letters. We send these as early indicators
that there may be emerging issues that need to be
addressed before they become serious.
For senior students to compete state wide for a
worthwhile or personally satisfying HSC result, it is
recommended that they maintain an attendance
pattern of 95% or better. In an average 10 week
school term this equates to having less than 2.5 days
absent. We endeavour to make our students aware of
this, and we seek parental support in assisting our
students to maintain this target in all cases where
health is not a contributing factor.
N-Determination and monitoring letters indicate a
student may have a problem with organisation or
application. These issues are best solved before they
become insurmountable, hence our early notification.
If you have received one of these we encourage you
to have supportive conversations with your son /
daughter / ward and to contact the school if you
would like further clarification or if we can support
you or our student.
Local Lions clubs provide excellent leadership
opportunities for our students through the Lions
Youth Of The Year Quest. The quest encourages
student interest in leadership and the qualities
required to take an active and constructive role in the
community. A high level of academic, leadership,
sporting, public speaking and citizenship achievement
is sought in its potential winners. Any students
interested in this opportunity are encouraged to come
and see me for more details.
My congratulations to Saul Brady and Kaspar Fiebig
for the manner that they recently represented our
college at the National Schools’ Constitutional
Convention and the National Youth Science Forum.
Congratulations also to Riley Jennings, Tim Vakaahi,
Morgan Gammage and Richelle Waterworth on their
selection in the Hunter Zone Volleyball team and to
Andrew Fisher, Jake Schumacher (individual 12th), and
Lincoln Blisset who came 6th overall and were placed
2nd CHS team at the All Schools Triathlon.
Bob Henry
Formal Assembly ................................. Mar 25
SLR Excursion....................................... Mar 27-28
Yr 12 Mid-Course Exams ..................... Mar 31 &
Apr 11
Athlietics Carnival................................ May 2
Formal Assembly ................................. May 13
Preliminary Exams ............................... May 19-23
In the past few weeks, I have also spoken to our
students regarding the need for them to wear school
uniform. Our staff and community see the wearing of
uniform as not only an important part of our culture
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Page 15
Ph. 6554 5259 or Ros 6554 8432
Monday 24/03
Tuesday 25/03
Wednesday 26/03
Thursday 27/03
Friday 28/03
D Baker
I Yule
L Perry
C Fulcher
L Parsons
L Perry
P Crawley
C Harris
C Fulcher
Monday 31/03
Tuesday 01/04
Wednesday 02/04
Thursday 03/04
Thursday 04/04
D Baker
B Heffernan
A Visser
L Perry
C Fulcher
T Randall
L Parsons
P Crawley
L Perry
V Johnston
R Marsdale
N Hile
C Fulcher
Monday 07/04
Tuesday 08/04
Wednesday 09/04
Thursday 10/04
Friday 11/04
D Baker
S Ellery
M Bramble
L Perry
C Fulcher
L Parsons
M Melzard
P Crawley
L Perry
C Harris
K Newman
C Fulcher
Monday 28/04
Tuesday 29/04
Wednesday 30/04
Thursday 01/05
Friday 02/05
School Development
A Visser
L Perry
C Fulcher
T Randall
L Parsons
P Crawley
L Perry
V Johnston
R Marsdale
N Hile
C Fulcher
Monday 05/05
Tuesday 06/05
Wednesday 07/05
Thursday 08/05
Friday 09/05
J Mc Sweeney
D Baker
S Ellery
M Bramble
L Perry
C Fulcher
L Parsons
M Melzard
P Crawley
C Harris
K Newman
C Fulcher
Monday 12/05
Tuesday 13/05
Wednesday 14/05
Thursday 15/05
Friday 16/05
D Baker
B Heffernan
L Perry
C Fulcher
L Parsons
L Perry
P Crawley
M Caldwell
C Fulcher
Monday 19/05
Tuesday 20/05
Wednesday 21/05
Thursday 22/05
Friday 23/05
D Baker
I Yule
L Perry
C Fulcher
L Parsons
L Perry
P Crawley
C Harris
C Fulcher
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Page 16
Ph. 6555 0500 or Belinda 6555 0575
Monday 24/03
Tuesday 25/03
Wednesday 26/03
Thursday 27/03
Friday 28/03
K Roach
Volunteers Needed
J Elford
K Newman
L Nye
Monday 31/03
Tuesday 01/04
Wednesday 02/04
Thursday 03/04
Thursday 04/04
Uniting Church
Volunteers Needed
J Elford
Volunteers Needed
Monday 07/04
Tuesday 08/04
Wednesday 09/04
Thursday 10/04
Friday 11/04
K Roach
Uniting Church
Volunteers Needed
K Newman
J Elford
Monday 28/04
Tuesday 29/04
Wednesday 30/04
Thursday 01/05
Friday 02/05
School Development
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Needed
J Elford
Volunteers Needed
Monday 05/05
Tuesday 06/05
Wednesday 07/05
Thursday 08/05
Friday 09/05
K Roach
Uniting Church
Volunteers Needed
K Newman
J Elford
Monday 12/05
Tuesday 13/05
Wednesday 14/05
Thursday 15/05
Friday 16/05
Uniting Church
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Needed
J Elford
Monday 19/05
Tuesday 20/05
Wednesday 21/05
Thursday 22/05
Friday 23/05
K Roach
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Needed
K Newman
J Elford
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers Needed
If you are able to assist in either canteen, please contact the phone numbers above. Help is always
needed and appreciated.
The Great Lakes College Canteen Rosters
If you are unable to attend, please try to swap with someone
else, if not please telephone the contact person at the top of
your roster. Thank you for supporting the canteen, we could not
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Page 17
The Dolphin Publication Dates 2014
Please note: Incorrect publication dates were provided in Issue 1 of The
Dolphin. The Dolphin is issued in Week 4 and 8 of each term. Not week 4 and 9
as previously published.
The Dolphin is Great Lakes College’s Newsletter. The Newsletter is produced
twice a term and is available to all Parents and Caregivers. Due to the size of the
document it is not printed and distributed to each student but is available to be
viewed and printed through your Campus websites. If you do not have access to
the internet, printed copies are available from each Campus office. Please note
the following publication dates so you can keep up to date with everything
happening at Great Lakes College.
Term 1
Week 4 – February 21
Week 8 – March 21
Term 2
Week 4 – May 23
Week 8 – June 20
Term 3
Week 4 – August 8
Week 8 – September 5
Term 4
Week 4 – October 31
Week 8 – November 28
Forster Campus Website –
Tuncurry Campus Website –
Senior Campus Website –
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Page 18
College Contacts
Great Lakes College Principal:
Mr Graeme Jennings
Phone: 6555 0555
Forster Campus Principal:
Mrs Judy Hall
Cape Hawke Drive
Forster 2428
Phone: (02) 6554 6062
Fax: (02) 6555 6904
Canteen Phone: (02) 6554 5259
Tuncurry Campus Principal:
Mrs Veronica Amato
The Northern Parkway
Tuncurry 2428
Phone: (02) 6555 0500
(02) 6557 6511
Canteen Phone: (02) 6555 0575
Senior Campus Principal:
Mr Bob Henry
The Northern Parkway
Tuncurry 2428
Phone: (02) 6555 0555
(02) 6557 6511
Canteen Phone: (02) 6555 0575
College Office Hours
All Campuses
8am to 4pm Monday to Friday
Preferred Uniform Supplier
Stockland Shopping Centre
Breese Parade
Ph.6555 3870
Issue 2
1 – Term 1 – Week 84
Manning Street
Ph. 6555 8556
27 Pine Avenue
Ph. 6555 8698
Page 19