your signature salon - Armstrong McCall Professional Beauty Supply
your signature salon - Armstrong McCall Professional Beauty Supply signature salon your Signature Salon | infinite options your CONTACT US FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATION WITH A TRUE PROFESSIONAL CALL 1.877.523.6275 OR VISIT US ONLINE ONE WORLD INSPIRED is a wholly owned subsidary of Kaemark, Inc.oll E D D B D infinite options C chill lounge your Signature Salon | USA manufactured Reception C rechteck reception area | PF: B Rk-42 moDuLaR REcEPtioN bENch W/PumPkiN ViNYL (aboVE) moss ViNYL (bELoW) sEat cushioNs & hEaVY DutY st aiNLEss stEEL LEGs C Rk-90-st FREE staNDiNG REtaiL DisPLaY D Rk-40-00 REcEPtioN DEsk shoWN iN aLabastER LamiNatE & W/back-Lit PRiNtED acRYLic FRoNt PaNEL E Rk-90-Wm WaLL huNG REtaiL DisPLaY | LamiNatEs: aLabastER & sLatE GREY LamiNatE make a k nfirsto impression! ckout C B Emotionally engage your clients from the moment they step into your ™ salon signature A B C D A infinite options 2 modern mix Garbo Salon reception area | PRoDucts FEatuRED [PF] : A Gb-40 16' moDERN REcEPtioN DEsk B Gb-46 buiLt-iN cREDENZa FEatuREs muLtiPLE stoRaGE cabiNEts C Gb-00-Wm Lit box W/oNE oF a kiND aRt FEatuRE D Gb-90-Wm WaLL-mouNtED 4'sEctioNaL REtaiL W/aDJustabLE shELVEs aND DRaWER stoRaGE | LamiNatEs: asiaN saND PaiRED W/smokY WooDLiNE & bLack micRoDot A EP-368 custom tWo-toNE REcEPtioN chaiR shoWN iN customER PRoViDED ZEbRa ViNYL W/bLack ViNYLs find more inspiration at 3 your signature E salon F B your Signature Salon | infinite options Color Bar & Barber C A D infinite options urban sophisticate infinite options magnifico | PF [see CoveR]: A sv-60 salvaDoR styling ChaiR shown in jet set/BlaCk vinyl on hs10-FMB FlooR Mount Base B Mg-44 ColoR Consultation BaR C ColoR islanD inCluDes Mg-90 Retail, Mg-65-C ColoR stoRage & Mg-35-sk DisPensaRy w/stainless steel CounteR toPs & illuMinateD Resin Panels | laMinates: asian night PaiReD w/satin stainless barber redefined D’el-Rei | PF: D DR-64 D’el-Rei BaRBeR ChaiR shown in BuCkskin vinyl & on a ChRoMe Base E DR-05 D’el-Rei BaRBeR station in XanaDu laMinate w/BlaCk CRown MolDing & gothiC CoRneR stone CounteR DRink shelF F DR-49 D’el-Rei seRviCe BaR in XanaDu laMinate PaiReD w/galvanizeD Metal inset Panels & gothiC CoRneR stone CounteR toP [BaR stools solD sePaRately] F B J A H k iacnotch k ’ i tor u p 2! I C E D G sweet & simple color me happy 4 gaRbo | D Mo-260 MonoCo ChaiR toP shown in RuBy sliPPeRs on h26-C 5-staR ChRoMe Base E gB-01-wM wall shelF F gB-75 shaMPoo BaCk BaR | laMinates: asian sanD PaiReD w/sMoky wooDline (BaCksPlash not inCluDeD) Rechteck | PF: G so-60M shown in PuMPkin on a h26-C 5-staR ChRoMe Base H Rk-44 Consultation BaR w/BaCk-lit PRinteD aCRyliC Panel I Rk-35-sk ColoR DisPensaRy J Rk-65-C ColoR stoRage | laMinates: laqueReD slate gRey PaiReD w/alaBasteR tRiM A DR-64 D’el-Rei BaRBeR ChaiR shown in DaRk BRown vinyl B DR-05 D’el-Rei BaRBeR station shown in Rattan Cane w/BlaCk CRown MolDing w/luna FRost shelF & ChRoMe Pulls C DR-49 D’el-Rei seRviCe BaR shown in BlaCk w/luna CRest inset Panels & BleaCheD ConCRete CounteR toPs see more great ideas at 5 your Signature Salon | USA manufactured shampoo K Q your signature O salon N M J I L infinite options back bar dreaming Shannon | pf: I va-76gn sava fiberglass shuttle shown in green w/Ks-933-w white bowls paired w/epsilon Chair tops shown in pearl white vinYl J sn-35 baCKbar w/one pieCe welded stainless steel top & baCKsplash w/underlighting K sn-65 wall storage | laMinates: ebonY & Zebrano cnewostainless ol & fiberglass P rinse & repeat go go shampoo RechtecK | pf: L so-363M sophia shaMpoo Chair top w/legrest shown in puMpKin on Mist hull M rK-70-db double baCKwash units w/Ks-933-w white bowl N rK-35 shaMpoo baCK bar O rK-65 wall Mounted storage w/underlighting | laMinates: slate greY paired w/alabaster Magnifico | pf: P ss-73 seine stainless steel shuttle shown w/Ks-933-b blaCK bowl & aM-62 aMilie Chair top in Jet set vinYl Q Mg-75 upper & lower storage w/bottle wells & illuMinated resin panels | laMinates: asian sand paired w/asian night shuttles, tops & bowls A your options B owi shaMpoo Chair tops available sthathmake u t tal e s G signature statement sophia so-62M F ™ epsilon sq-62 aMilie aM-62 KwiKship shaMpoo Chair tops available E A Mu-74gn Meuse fiberglass* shuttle shown in green w/Ks-933-b blaCK bowl paired w/sq-62 epsilon Chair top shown in polished Metal & silver vinYls eloquenCe el-62 westfall w-62 tiffanY tf-62 B Mu-74sl Meuse fiberglass* shuttle shown in silver w/Ks-933-w white bowl paired w/aM-62 aMilie Chair top shown in puMpKin vinYl C va-76w sava fiberglass* shuttle shown in white w/Ks-933-w white bowl paired w/so-62M sophia Chair top shown in driftwood & Mist D va-76b sava fiberglass* shuttle shown in blaCK w/Ks-903-b blaCK bowl paired w/sq-62 epsilon Chair top shown in pearl whtie aMber wv-62 D aYla wvst-62 bowls available C *sava & Meuse fiberglass shuttles are available in 4 Colors: green, white, silver & blaCK H E lo-7o-ssC loire stainless steel CYlinder shown w/Ks-933-b blaCK bowl Ks903-w white Ks903-b blaCK Ks933-w white Ks933-b blaCK F sq-363 epsilon Chair top shown in iCed Mauve on a polished Metal hull G sb-72 rhine stainless steel/blaCK shuttle shown w/aM-62 aMilie Chair top in Moss vinYl w/Ks-903-w white bowl see p. 16 for all vinYl ChoiCes H ss-73 seine stainless steel shuttle shown w/Ks-933-w white bowl w/so-62M sophia Chair top shown in eggplant 6 UPC stands for Uniform Plumbing Code which is administered by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials since 1926. Just how important is it that your salon equipment be UPC listed? In most cities in the USA and Canada, a certificate of Occupancy is unobtainable w/out UPC approval. Ask your local licensed plumber. see more shampoo shuttle variations at 7 B C A unique as open > 8 your < open 13 your signature D salon signature salon let’s work on your ™ lAminAtes & other mAteriAls used in the owi cAtAlog AsiAn sAnd AsiAn night sAtin stAinless smoky woodline C blAck microdot white microdot oxygen microdot sol microdot A AlAbAster cAfelle xAnAdu rAttAn cAne lunA crest regimentAl red zebrAno ebony B infinite options exotic taste functional beauty Diablo stations | Pf: A dl-05-2 diAblo b2b stAtions shown in regimentAl red w/wood grAin finish lAminAte PAired w/sAtin silver lAminAte shelves & modern wide brushed chrome hArdwAre Pulls B ez-60 elizA two-toned styling chAir toP shown in bombAy & Pro-esPresso vinyls on h26-c 5-stAr chrome bAse slAte grey-01 coffee bubingA (hArdwood veneer) grAPhite sculPted Garbo salon stations | Pf: C mo-260 monoco chAir toP shown in ruby sliPPers on A h26-c 5-stAr chrome bAse D gb-05-2 b2b stAtion in AsiAn sAnd PAired w/smoky woodline oxygen sculPted limitless lAminAte & other oPtions to choose from. Ask your equiPment sPeciAlist to discuss. N L M FroM paGe 8 luMière stylinG stations | Pf: A vi-60 vincent styling chAir toP shown in reflections vinyl on hs10-fmb floor mount PumP B lm-05-2 stAtion b2b shown in white microdot lAminAte on the mirror PAnel & mini tower PAired w/ sAtin stAinless cAbinets & mini tower counter toP C lm-05 wAll stAtion shown in white microdot lAminAte on the mirror PAnel & mini tower PAired w/ sAtin stAinless cAbinets & mini tower counter toP 9 K storage 3 Cubetti stations | Pf: K sA-60 stellA two-toned styling chAir toP shown in Pro-680 white PAired w/Pro-684 light sAnd on hs10-fr flAt round brushed chrome bAse L cb-05-2 b2b stAtion shown in AlAbAster w/ArPA trim form meets function 10 reChteCk stylinG stations | Pf: M so-60m soPhiA styling chAir toP shown in PumPkin on A h26-c 5-stAr bAse styling stAtion shown in A lAquered slAte grey lAminAte PAired w/AlAbAster trim N rk-05-2 b2b your Signature Salon | infinite options F J H E Styling Stations I G modern elegance compact spaces MagniFiCO styling statiOns | pF: E sv-60 salvaDOR tWO-tOnED stylIng chaIR tOp shOWn In JEt sEt/black On hs10-FMb chROME FlOOR MOunt basE F Mg-05-2 b2b stylIng statIOn shOWn In asIan sanD & asIan nIght laMInatE W/lOWER glass REtaIl shElvEs W/REcEssED lIghtIng MOntMartE | pF: G pa-60 pablO tWO-tOnED stylIng chaIR tOp shOWn In pOlIshED MEtal & MIst On a hs10-sQ bRushED chROME sQuaRE basE H ME-01 Wall-MOuntED statIOn W/tIlt-Out applIancE cEntER I ME-MIR Wall MIRROR J ME-90-WM Wall-MOuntED REtaIl DIsplay W/glass shElvEs laMInatEs: OxygEn & stORM sOlIDz laMInatE W/sculptED FInIsh & black cOuntER tOps pair it w/ the lower tower perfect Q S T O R P age of decadence lissE styling statiOn | O lE-05-2 b2b statIOn shOWn In slatE gREy paIRED W/sOl MIcRODOt laMInatE DECO styling statiOns | pF: P Mc-60 MaRcEl tWO-tOnED stylIng chaIR tOp shOWn In IcED MauvE & MIst cOMbO shOWn On a hs10-FR Flat ROunD bRushED chROME basE 11 Q D0-MIR black chunky MIRROR MaDE FROM DIstREssED WOOD paIntED black R DO-08-g lOWER tOWER In cOFFEE bubInga haRDWOOD vEnEER W/WhItE cOuntER tOp & RaIsED glass tOp S DO-08-Fb DEcO tOWER shOWn In cOFFEE bubInga haRDWOOD vEnEER W/staInlEss cOuntER tOp & lEgs W/satIn staInlEss pulls & pull-Out applIancE cEntER T nu-08-Fb-g nOuvEau tOWER In caFEllE laMInatE W/black FuRnItuRE lEgs & FROstED REcEssED gREEn glass tOp & satIn sIlvER pulls & pull-Out applIancE cEntER find what speaks to you at 12 signature your Signature Salon | USA manufactured Styling Chairs your salon D D SO-60m SOpHIA twO-tOneD StYLInG CHAIR tOp SHOwn In BAKeD pOtteRY pAIReD w/mISt VInYLS & SHOwn On A H26-C CHROme 5-StAR BASe w/t-60 fOOtReSt A C A VI-60 VInCent twO-tOneD StYLInG CHAIR tOp SHOwn In peARL wHIte & pumpKIn & SHOwn On A HS10-fmB CHROme fLOOR mOunt BASe w/S-60 fOOtReSt C SA-60 SteLLA twO-tOneD StYLInG CHAIR tOp SHOwn In mOSS w/pOLISHeD metAL VInYLS & SHOwn On A HS10-SQ BRuSHeD CHROme SQuARe BASe w/S-60 fOOtReSt E B 14 B mC-60 mARCeL twO-tOneD StYLInG CHAIR tOp SHOwn In fLAt BLACK w/ ICeD mAuVe VInYLS & SHOwn On A HS10-fR ROunD BRuSHeD CHROme BASe w/S-60 fOOtReSt E SV-60 SALVADOR twO-tOneD StYLInG CHAIR tOp SHOwn In ReD DAwn w/BLACK VInYLS & SHOwn On A HS10-SQ BRuSHeD CHROme SQuARe BASe w/t-60 fOOtReSt your unique styling chairs await you at 15 signature your Signature Salon | infinite options your salon signature seating let’s pick out your ™ seating vinyl options shown in the owi catalog moss pearl white pumpkin silver graphite Blue iced mauve polished metal ruBy slippers jet set reflections mist red dawn BomBay Baked pottery driftwood Black pro-espresso Buckskin dark Brown A Styling Chairs eggplant D D am-60 amilie styling chair top shown in jet set on a hs10-fmB floor mount chrome Base w/t-60 footrest A gl-60 giselle styling chair top shown in ruBy slippers vinyl on a hs10-fr flat round Brushed chrome Base w/t-60 footrest limitless vinyl options Base options C hs10-fmB (4½") hs10-fr (4½”) chrome Brushed chrome h26-c (3½”) chrome hk10-c (5½”) chrome hs10-sQ (4½”) chrome hs10-gB (4½”) Black E C eZ-60 eliZa styling chair top shown in eggplant on a h26-c 5-star chrome Base w/s-60 footrest B hk10-as (5½”) hk10-gB (5½”) antiQue silver Black footrest options t-60 16 s-60 260 pl-60-B B pa-60 paBlo two-toned styling chair top shown in reflections w/polished metal racing stripe on a hs10-sQ Brushed chrome sQuare Base w/s-60 footrest E sQ-60 epsilon styling chair top shown in moss & shown on a hs10-sQ Brushed chrome sQuare Base w/s-60 footrest why limit yourself to black styling chairs? 17 reputation for durability and caring customer service. 2000: Mr. Krause sold Kaemark to Howard Owen, Jeff Owen and Ben Peterson with their continued leadership and focus on exceeding customer expectations, Kaemark has become the largest U.S. manufacturer of beauty salon equipment and piece goods available through the nation’s largest and most trusted beauty distributors. Kaemark is committed to innovative ways of serving an ever changing marketplace with more focused product offerings and ever greater excellence and precision. We believe the strongest demonstration of our commitment to bring you the most stylish cutting edge A-List salon environments is through the introduction of our One World Inspired Signature Salons. Be among the market leaders to create with our design team a one-ofkind Signature Salon. You are one of your profession’s elite: you are at the pinnacle of your profession; you understand how to attract and keep your A-list clients and stylists. Be sure to create an A-list environment that will be as Unique as Your Signature.™ Ben Peterson Chief Operating Officer Jeff Owen President your signature ONE WORLd exists for two types of salon owners: The 1% at the pinnacle and those that want to be. Your business and artistic success speaks for itself. So how can you separate yourself in your market space and continue to be a market leader? Beauty leaders have found that successful salons in today’s fast-paced, competitive world must continually recreate themselves. Recreating the environment has been a proven strategic tactic for leading market drivers. Resurgence is often born of recreating their clients’ psychological and physical experience, as well as attracting the industry’s leading stylists. INSPIREd At Kaemark, we believe the One World Inspired collection can be the foundation of your continued success. One World Inspired Signature Salons are a compilation of 40 years of sustained success 18 Contact us: 1.877.523.6275 or on the web at salon designing and manufacturing salons in the United States and in Canada, attending over one-hundred beauty trade shows in the last 5 years in the U.S., Western Europe, Asia and Australia and observing salon styles and trends in 45 countries. The leadership team at One World Inspired understands that USA salon styles and trends are just the tip of cutting edge design in the world. Our first step in the creative process is to get to know you and what it is that makes you “tick” as an artist and business person. What caused you to go the extra mile to be at the pinnacle? Can you see how a One World Inspired custom salon may be a unique competitive differentiator that sustains your success? Our One World Inspired design team, having visited salons with the “it” factor in NYC, San Francisco, Chicago, Paris, London, Rio de Janeiro, Moscow and other leading cities, will partner with you to create a salon environment as Unique as Your Signature - that will be the buzz of your city. 40 years of Caring in today’s mega-size corporate environment, we are proud to tout that we are still a privately owned, family centered business. our personal involvement and local artisans make us unique. since 1972 we have built 1:1 relationships of trust with our distributors and their custom clients. 40 Years of sustainable processes insure unmatched durabilitY, qualitY and on-time-deliverY designed hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of beauty salons. so in-depth is their specialized knowledge they are able to anticipate esoteric design requirements UiniQUe to the beauty industry such as appliance center’s latest blow dryer sizes and amperage, industrialized hinges and drawer slide requirements, chemical abatement. Josh Droegemueller • Founded in 1972, one World inspired is manufactured in our • one World inspired’s four part Quality Control Director of Design 130,000 sf factory located on 22 acres. With millions invested Program creates the structural conditions that insure in computerized equipment, your design and shop drawings are our best-in-class durability is working on your behalf: digitally transported to our manufacturing equipment. result: your • Best-in-Class Raw Materials & Suppliers – High grade signature salon is built eXaCTLy as the shop drawings depict. laminates, west coast fir industrial board vs. east coast • We sell exclusively through the nation’s largest and most pine particle board, quality laminates (vs. melamine), trusted distributors. result: if there are any issues, which are industrial grade hinges, slides, fastners, etc. rare, you have the comfort of knowing you have the support • Best-in-Class artisans, with an average 20+ tenure of of your softgood distributor vs. standing alone as a single manufacturing only beauty salon equipment with a small one-time purchaser. That being said, we rarely have issues town work ethic. because you and your distributor’s equipment Pro will have a single go-to one World inspired custom expert to hold your • Best-in-Class training. every employee is not only trained hand from the initial design meeting to after installation. and retrained, they are taught to focus on quality and perfection that these hard working artisans are financially • Our Design Team is committed to the smallest detail When we incented to produce. are creating your signature salon, no detail is too small. While the considerations that go into a one World inspired salon are • Best-in-Class Double Check System. We manufacture under a countless, the goal is quite singular . . . when you first step inside strict double-check system. every step of the manufacturing each day you should feel at home. To that end, we painstakingly process is organized to ensure every product is eXamineD craft each one World inspired salon to create an environment TWiCe at each step in the assembly line. our products are all to reflect the emotions you want to achieve. our design staff has manufactured to the very highest industry standards. How to PurcHase Your one world InsPIred salon™ Purchase your one world Inspired salon, obtain pricing information or just ask questions by calling your trusted beauty distributor’s equipment professional. they will be able to assist you and take your order. If you do not have a beauty equipment specialist, call us at 1-877-523-6275 or visit us at and we will put you in touch with a highly skilled equipment professional in your market. customer aPProved drawIngs one world Inspired cabinetry, laminates and seating vinyls are unique and purchased at your request. one world Inspired experts will submit millwork drawings for you, the salon owner, to approve in writing before materials are purchased and production commences. Your signature approval ensures your exact design, color, features and materials. order cancellatIons and cHanges one world Inspired manufactures all equipment after receipt of the customer order and FInal customer signed drawings are received. orders cancelled or materially changed are subject to additional cost based on labor and material costs and resources utilized - including engineering and design services completed until the time of cancellation. terms oF tHe sale Price is specified on the sales order and all prices are F.o.B the factory in giddings, texas. all one world Inspired sales are final. lImIted warrantIes all one world Inspired products are warranted for a period of one year from the date of sale from one world Inspired to the distributor except the following: • Hydraulic pumps carry a limited warranty of: • 7–years for all One World Inspired seating • 5–years for the Kaemark’s Monet, Monaco, Westfall, Amber, Ayla, and tiffany • Reclining back mechanisms carry a limited warranty of: • 5–years for all One World Inspired lines • Dryer motors and hoods are warranted for one year except when failure is due to not changing the dryer filter every 4-6 months. • WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER damage caused by water, fire, discoloration, fading, staining of vinyls or laminates. also, warranty is invalid where there is evidence of improper plumbing or installation, mishandling, abuse or misuse of equipment. • Kaemark’s 3/4” and 5/8” Kurative™ anti-fatigue mats are warranted for 5 years by the original manufacturer from the original date of purchase by the original purchaser against: a) “Wear-through” of top elastomeric surface. b) separation of elastomeric skin from foam core, from normal use,as outlined in product literature. your signature salon | usa manufactured about us Our Company 1972: Gilbert Krause founded Kaemark Salon Furnishings and established its • Any warranties offered by One World Inspired’s suppliers and not mentioned above are not covered by one world Inspired’s warranty. only defective parts will be replaced. labor costs are not covered. all defective merchandise must be returned to one world Inspired to receive warranty credit. otherwise, warranty invoices must be paid. all freight costs on warranty issues that occur within 45 days of purchase will be the responsibility of one world Inspired in both directions. after 45 days of purchase, the buyer is responsible for the freight to return the defective products to one world Inspired for the remainder of the first year. after the first year, buyers are responsible for all freight (both to and from). warranty applies only to original purchaser and is not transferable. sHIPPIng & delIverY one world Inspired is dedicated to ensuring that you receive your signature salon in perfect condition. most units are packaged with corner guards, on wooden pallets, and many shipments are carried by private freight lines. while freight damage is unusual as a result of our quality packaging, each shipment has the possibility of freight damage. It is the sole responsibility of the consignee to inspect the shipment for damage upon receipt and to note specific damage on the carrier’s bill-of-lading. most one world Inspired salons can be shipped within 4-6 weeks upon receipt of purchase order(s) and FInal client signed drawings submitted to owI by your distributor. while one world Inspired will make every effort to make planned shipping dates, the date is not guaranteed and the company assumes no liability for any damages. uPc ImPortance uPc stands for uniform Plumbing code which is administered by the International association of Plumbing and mechanical officials since 1926. Just how important is it that your salon equipment be uPc approved? In most cities in the usa, a certificate of occupancy is unobtainable without uPc approval. ask your local licensed plumber. Here is a sample press release: Adopts 2006 UPC.pdf tax deductIons & FInancIng the us government has passed legislation to stimulate new growth in the industry. You may receive a significant tax deduction if you buy new salon equipment. ask your accountant for details! there are numerous financing companies and aggressive local credit unions specializing in providing financing for small business owners. By applying you can determine what line of credit you qualify for, and what your monthly payments might be. For more details, call 1–877–800–2–OWN to finance your owI dream salon. apply today! Products depicted in the one world Inspired catalog may vary in size, construction, detail and are subject to change without notice. consult 19 your equipment professional for actual product specifications.