April - Stylist and Salon Newspapers


April - Stylist and Salon Newspapers
Is It Easy Being Green?
Business Buzz
Charlene Abretske
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We all remember Kermit the Frog’s lament, about how hard it is being green and
we in the beauty industry can sympathize.
Some beauty professionals think it is
impossible to make their businesses ecofriendly, sustainable, or green and many
consider it pointless to even think about their
carbon footprint and how it affects their community and world as a whole.
What are salon professionals to do? We
are in an industry that for years was seen as
a perpetrator of pollution whose history and
future relies on complex chemicals for its
What did we do before the advent of gel,
mousse, aerosol hairspray, molding paste, and
shine enhancers? I would never want to go
back to those days. We can thank the styles in
the 50s through the 90s for the need of those
products, the 80s alone gave the environmentalists a headache the size of some of the
styles of the decade.
Innovation and awareness are taking over
our industry by leaps and bounds. We all have
seen the rise of organics and the products
that are increasingly being made with natural
extracts to appeal to a new more educated
consumer. Style trends are supporting this
too, while providing a more natural beauty,
which takes plenty of products to achieve,
and consumers clamoring to get them.
On the business end there are many
things we can do every day to promote not
only awareness but action. This cause is certainly one everyone, in our salons, including
customers can agree on and support. In fact
it can translate into profit for you and your
business rapidly. Take notice of the popularity
of this movement, consumers DO look at
businesses who make an eco-friendly effort in
a whole different light than those who do not.
When we look at the industry and our
part in being environmentally conscious there
are organizations that we really all should be
a part of like Matter of Trust, who’s success at
cleaning up oil spills, which devastate wildlife and ecosystems has now involved over
300,000 salons in the United States alone.
This organization and their programs not
only save coastline and wildlife, but as these
organizations grow and expand they create
green collar jobs. Would you or your clients
have thought 10 years ago, that the hair they
can’t wait to get cut off would have ever been
so useful? Go to www.matteroftrust.org to
learn more and get involved.
When you make your clients aware of
what your business is doing in your community, locally and globally, you give them
the opportunity to be involved by choosing
your salon to do business with; and really feel
good about their choice. In today’s economy
we need all the help we can get to produce
customer loyalty and this is beneficial for
everyone involved.
Getting your small business “Certified
Green” is a huge trend. Many cities and
counties have programs with standards for
your business to meet where you can become
certified and they will reward you by promoting the efforts you are making. Investment
upfront to meet the standards might seem to
cost you initially, but the savings over time for
using environmentally conscious businesses
practices far outweigh the cost of implementing them.
To learn more about these programs go to
your county and chamber of commerce websites. Many businesses who are involved will
want to do business and refer their clients to
other green businesses. The customers who
do business with one green business are likely
to want to find others that meet their needs
for the other services they are seeking. Don’t
we all want more business referrals?
The bottom line about green is - it will
save you a lot of serious green over time. It
doesn’t mean you have to buy solar panels
today, right this second to start saving, changing your mindset is the hardest step. What
used to be standard to all on energy standards
no longer is and many of our actions already
reflect that.
Purchasing energy efficient products
and reducing water consumption is one of
the easiest ways to get started. Supporting
product lines that use recyclable materials,
less wasteful packaging, and eco-friendly
ingredients is another painless way to help.
You can use your team to make this
process fun by asking them to be part in the
effort to make the business greener and allow
them to come up with the actions they would
like to take to make a difference.
Visit www.business.gov/expand/greenbusiness for the green business guide to get
your team started. You will find lots of information on ways to get started, tax deductions
available, and even a calculator to show how
much you can save over time. The resources
will help you not only recognize the cost savings but you will see the impact your actions
have on the environment.
“Is it easy Being Green?” With the right
resources, information, innovation and effort
it may be a lot easier than you first thought.
Charlene Abretske is a business advisor with Your Beauty Network and supports salons and spas with growing their businesses through on-demand
back office tools designed for beauty professionals. For more information
call (866)364-4926 or email info@iybn.com.
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
- R L Q X V R Q
S U R E H D X W \ R U J Q D K D
Beauty Week July 17 - 20
In this issue... Going Green Tips for Your Salon
By Dayna Cakebread
Retail Matters
To celebrate Earth Month this
April, start taking some easy
steps to do your part to preserve
resources and put your salon or
home business on the fast track
to a more sustainable future
– without breaking the bank..
Blue Highways
Being green is a gift that
constantly gives back and says
we care for our clients and our
environment we all share.
10 Esthetic Endeavors
A web search on the words
natural and organic brings up
a staggering number of results.
Unfortunately, the results yield
little factual information and a
lot of lovely wording designed
to hook the buyer.
Beauty Business Buzz . . . . . . . 2
Going Green Salon Tips . . . . . . 4
Retail Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Blue Highways . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Waterless Spa Pedicures . . . . . 7
Esthetic Endeavors . . . . . . . . 10
FDA Approves Hair Laser . . . . 11
Texas TDLR News . . . . . . . . . 12
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Better Business . . . . . . . . . . 14
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
What’s New in the Market . . . . 15
On the cover...
Photo Courtesy of
Paul Brown Hawaii
Hairstylist: Catherine Acena
Before I became a green-conscience salon
expert, I had always recycled as I best knew
how: I recycled paper waste, and I sold and
used green-minded hair care lines.
I started with Aveda in 1991, and for
the past five years I have been with Davines
(www.davines.com) and Kevin Murphy
(www.kevinmurphy.com.au) hair care.
These are two products that perform
well with all hair types, for everyday styling
and for high fashion styling. They help the
environment while making humans look and
feel beautiful. Now with the support of Best
Business Center in Portland, Ore. for sustainable business practices, I can live and work in
a healthy environment.
10 Ways to Start Greening Your Salon:
1. Check your electric bill for the amount
of money spent then go to www.carbonfootprint.com/businesscalculator.aspx to look up
your carbon foot print.
2. Switch all of your light bulbs to Soft
White Compact Fluorescent, the best for salon
lighting. (26 watt = 100 watts or 14 watts=
60 watts… these bulbs cannot be used with
dimmer switches). Traditional bulbs allow
your fixtures to pull small amounts of energy
even when the lights are turned off. When
you change over to the compact fluorescents
you will notice that the light takes a second or
two to turn on… this is because the bulbs are
not pulling energy when off, and they need an
extra moment to gather a full charge. My bill
was cut below half after the first month.
3. Change your break room, bathroom
and treatment rooms to sensor light systems.
These will keep the light usage down in
places where people often forget to turn
them off. You can use low wattage lights, the
compact fluorescents do not work with sensor systems.
4. Water flow/ usage can add up, both in
terms of environmental waste and in terms
of cost. Use sink tap flow reducing rings that
help avoid over using water. The best way
is to note your sink faucet size and ask your
hardware clerk to help find the part you need.
5. Turning the hot water temperature
down from 140 degrees to 120 can save
six–ten percent in energy costs.
6. Insulating your water heater and hot
water pipes is something that everyone
should do (both home and biz). They make
water heater blankets that you can buy at the
hardware store for usually around $20. It can
save six to nine percent on energy use for the
water heater. Putting a timer on the water
heater can also save energy, especially if the
salon is only open five to six days a week.
Here’s more information from the federal
site on water heaters: www.energysavers.
7. Change your cleaning supplies to eco
/ human friendly: start with any Green Seal
Certified products http://www.greenseal.org/
8. Notice your salon waste: How much is
hair, foil, cups and paper? I have a few solutions.
a. Mark and label three metal garbage
cans: Hair Recycling, Paper Product
Recycling, and Foil Recycling (all aluminum
can be recycled in most cities… keep them in
tight round balls so they can be easily sorted).
b. Contact www.matteroftrust.org/
programs/hairmatsinfo.html to see about
donating your hair clipping for oil spill cleanup. The postage for sending boxes of hair is
a write-off, plus the hair weighs practically
c. Contact local gardeners co-op / urban
farms for hair clipping donations. Hair can
be mixed with the soil to help in many ways
around the planets and trees. Hair can also
be used to help insulate during the colder
months. Google search this topic to find uses
for hair clippings in your community.
9. Choose to use recycled papers, compost-able drinking cups made from corn.
Ask all employees/staff members to bring in
reusable dishware.
10. Join a green cause to help reduce your
carbon footprint. The Davines Zero Impact
Program for salons is one way to get involved
(they plant trees to help offset your carbon
foot print). Or donate to http://www.carbonfootprint.com
Do your part by educating yourself, your
staff and your clients on how to continue this
green movement for better, more sustainable
Dayna Cakebread is owner of Belle Epoque Salon in Portland, Oregon.
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Texas Stylist & Salon
Volume 4, Number 9, Issue 45
April 2010
Published monthly by
Holland Graphics, Inc.
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Contributing Writers:
Judy Culp, Jerry Tyler, Charlene Abretske,
Neil Ducoff, Jaime Schrabek,
Steven Sleeper, Dayna Cakebread
Texas Department of
Licensing and Regulation
Susan Stanford, Public Information Officer
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Celebrate Earth Month With More “Green” in Your Pocket
Retail Matters
Steve Sleeper
The trend to “go green” has become common place.
Small businesses in every industry are
racing to keep up with their wealthy corporate counterparts to satisfy the demands of
their environmentally conscious clients and
The salon industry is certainly not immune to consumer scrutiny: With worries
about chemical toxins and high-energy use
at the top of many green advocates’ minds,
it’s no secret that the salon and spa industry
is under the microscope of environmentally
friendly consumers.
It may seem daunting to small business
owners and independent contractors to
contemplate making the green change with
limited income. Though major corporations
sink millions into green projects, small businesses can keep pace in the race to a greener
tomorrow without sacrificing all the “green”
in their pockets.
To celebrate Earth Month this April, start
taking some easy steps to do your part to preserve resources and put your salon or home
business on the fast track to a more sustainable future – without breaking the bank.
A great way to get started on your green
journey is to get green educated.
This may sound simple but let’s face it,
there aren’t many salon owners out there
with a whole lot of extra time on their hands
and adding one more task to an already long
list probably doesn’t sound very appealing.
Just start your green transformation
slowly. Don’t focus solely on internet
searches about mass campaigns implemented
by large companies with unlimited resources
– start by creating a dialog among other small
businesses in your community. Not only will
this create a great camaraderie among local
entrepreneurs, you will likely be surprised at
just how much you can learn from each other
and how much you have in common with
your fellow local business owners, whether it
is the local bakery or baby boutique.
Once you’re ready to start making some
changes, talk to your salon team to get them
engaged and learn about what’s most important to them. Is fuel consumption a concern
for some? Start a carpooling campaign and
encourage involvement by being the first to
offer ride sharing with team members close
to your home.
Do you have a recycling program? Set up
designated recycling bins for paper, plastic,
and aluminum in your staff break room and
your customer waiting areas if you have
space. Green savvy clients will love your
effort and pass on their excitement to their
stylist and other team members they interact
Once you and your staff are geared up
and are on board of the green train, start
slow with affordable ways to make simple yet
impactful changes in the salon.
Start with the obvious:
Replace station and retail display
light bulbs with energy-saving bulbs – It’s
true that they are a little more costly and
salons need a lot of light bulbs. But did you
know that you will save an average of $30 on
energy costs over the life of each bulb? And,
energy-saving fluorescent lights produce up
to 70 percent less heat than traditional light
bulbs, saving on cooling costs in the summer.
With all the blow dryers and flat irons blasting throughout the day, that can add up to
pretty big savings!
Swap those harsh, chemical-based
cleansers with eco-friendly cleaning
products – Before you disregard this tip
because of the extra trip you’ll have to make
to your neighborhood organic supermarket,
consider making some of your own cleansers
with normal household products like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice. A quick
du c i s
In n Lase
internet search and you’ll find hundreds of
easy recipes.
Use less paper - If you haven’t already
jumped on the technology bandwagon
(and there are still a lot of you out there
who haven’t) get started now. Using online
campaigns helps you go green by not using
as much paper and is a great way to boost
your marketing efforts. Start a text message or
email program to remind clients of upcoming
appointments instead of handing out business
cards. It’s a great way to save on printing costs
while keeping customer records up to date
for monthly e-newsletters and promotions.
When it is time to print new cards, switch to
recycled paper.
Of course, these are only a few ideas
to get the ball rolling. The most important
thing to remember during your green transformation is that it doesn’t need to happen
overnight. Every effort you make in the fight
for a sustainable future is a step in the right
direction and your clients, peers and team
members will notice.
Steve Sleeper is the Executive Director of the Professional Beauty Association
(PBA), which is made up of salons and spas, distributors and manufacturers
dedicated to improving their individual businesses and the industry as a
whole. For information, visit www.probeauty.org or call 1-800-468-2274.
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
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Better hair from the power of light
Going “Green” May Accomplish
More than You Think
purchase of new materials and be Eco Chic at
the same time. I am always seeing the openJerry Tyler
ing announcement of a new salon/spa that is
using renewed materials in its composition
and conception.
Have your clients been showing a desire
Recycled concrete is the new Italian tile
for organic (green) products and an ecoin some circles. My friends Walter Claudio
friendly environment?
of Salon Walter Claudio in Santa Barbara,
By identifying this as an emerging trend
Calif, and Marlene Gadinis of Ecotique Day
you may see it as a potential to grow your
Spa Del Mar, Calif., both received global
existing client base in these economic times.
business awards for their individual salons,
There are many influences on many
of whose business model foundations rested
levels. Baby boomers, for example, created
solidly on eco friendly and green business
the environmental awareness movement
protocols.Being green has it’s rewards.
of the 60s and early 70s culminating in the
The bracing sting of a post shave Aqua
creation of the first “Earth Day.”
Velva which so propelled my early datAccompanied by the
ing career has now
strains of The Allman
been replaced by an
Brothers, live at the
invigorating mint sage
Fillmore East, I was
Being green is a gift that aromatherapy
there on the quad of my
wash to wake my midhigh school, dodging
dleaged bones.
constantly gives back
Frisbees, and savoring
And a chamothe new found food du
mile/verbena tub soak
and says we care for our to chill me out after a
jour “veggie tacos,” celebrating mother earth
long day of multi-taskclients and our environ- ing in the salon for
and wondering how we
were going to lead the
the soothing effects
ment we all share.
world to respect her
it delivers naturally,
offspring and maintain
replacing the double
the integrity of the
Patron Margarita
planet in the future.
minus the hangover
Pollution was the problem and the emerging and the three digit bar bill. Aroma therapy is
environmental ecology movement was the
part of our every day life. We now know the
stimulating and nourishing effects essential
Fast forward from age 17 to 55 years old, oils can bring giving added value to any
this late boomer has seen all the incarnations salon or product experience.
of that movement and its impact on how
What does being green or eco friendly say
we spend the green with a mind on green.
to your client base? It is an intimate way to
As a kid, to us recycling was no innovation.
say I care for you the way I care for myself.
Growing up in the San Fernando valley,
Why would I use a harmful product or
would mean at 6 and 7 on a Friday night we
ingredient on you when I care so much for
would comb the newly developed houses for our long term relationship?
soda cans and the most prized beer bottles
It also says I care for the planet we all
left behind by the construction workers.
share, beyond the short term profit motive.
Now we call it being “green.” Even in the
Yes, being green and organic is sometimes
early 60s this was big business, at least to us
more costly; but high quality always has it’s
little guys with our red wagons full of empty costs. The long term benefits and rewards
soda bottles to be exchanged for pennies and
more than make up for that investment
nickels at the local market.
which is priceless.
Look how far we have come. Who
Being green is a gift that constantly gives
would have thought that in the new milback and says we care for our clients and our
lennium recycling would actually mean
environment we all share.
losing money rather than creating income
through the process. Even with diminishing
Jerry Tyler’s column Blue Highways is his “Road Less Traveled” perspective
profit motive “doing the right thing” as to
on the solutions and challenges facing the beauty industry. Jerry Tyler
has been a stylist since 1975 serving as the former artistic director for
recycling has become a part of our collective
Vidal Sassoon Academy and currently as Director of Education for Carlton
Hair salons. He is also a licensed cosmetology instructor and has served
Who would have thought that the
as President of the California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology.
demand for recyclable materials for new
construction can in some instances rival the
View this article and more at www.stylistnewspapers.com
Blue Highways
We want what’s best for our clients, and
our choices should reflect that.
In early 2005, I chose to replace an expensive whirlpool foot spa with a comfortable
leather recliner and introduced a new service,
the waterless spa pedicure.
By eliminating the water, I created a more
efficient pedicure that’s much safer for clients
and better for the environment. As admirable
as that sounds, especially now that more salons
consider themselves green, that’s not why I
did it.
Saving the planet wasn’t nearly as important as saving myself . . . from the hassles
of owning and using a foot spa. Despite its
beautiful looks and pipe-less technology, my
foot spa never worked consistently; moreover,
it barely circulated the water and required too
much time and effort to clean. I soon realized
that my time and efforts would be better spent
working on clients, rather than cleaning equipment. Besides, no equipment can replace me
as the the service provider.
I also realized that, contrary to what I
learned in beauty school and demonstrated
for the manicurist licensing exam, California’s
Board of Barbering and Cosmetology does
not require that feet be soaked and/or cleaned
before a pedicure service. So when I clean my
client’s feet during a waterless spa pedicure, I
am exceeding what the state board requires. At
the same time, I can avoid California’s strict
regulations for disinfecting foot spas, or any
other container that holds water.
Why waterless? Eliminating the water
• the expense of a footspa, including maintenance and parts;
• the space required to install it;
• the expense of plumbing, including labor
and permits;
• 12- 15 gallons of water each pedicure;
• the expense of water and sewage fees;
• the risks associated with water-borne
• time to clean a footspa, or other container;
• the labor involved in cleaning;
• the expense and disposal of disinfection
products; and
• need for a pedicure-equipment cleaning log.
To quantify the water savings, we provide
about 3500 nail services a year and use less
than 1500 gallons of water. In the last five
years, our salon has saved more than 75,000
gallons of water that otherwise would have
been wasted.
The response to this service has been overwhelmingly positive, even earning the praise
of California American Water which described
Precision Nails as a “fine example of a water-
wise business.” Considering all the benefits of
waterless pedicures, I can’t imagine doing it
any other way, but the choice is yours.
As beauty professionals and business
owners, it’s possible to make better choices,
choices that are more efficient, more economical and more “green.”
Five years after its introduction, the
waterless spa pedicure continues to be the
most popular service in my salon and the
most popular class I teach at beauty shows.
Whether working with clients or teaching
classes, I’m often asked why I chose to go
I must admit that being green was the
least of my considerations, but it has since
become one of the most important benefits
of this innovative pedicure procedure. That
choice completely changed the way I do business and gave me a new perspective on what
it means to be green.
Being green requires more than recycling
plastic containers. While certainly worthwhile, recycling alone does not go far enough
to improve the environment. Given our
creativity and resourcefulness, we can do so
much more.
That being said, being green represents
a significant challenge to think differently
about our own salon environment. Instead
of merely following tradition, we should
question our salon practices and research our
options. We need to reevaluate everything
we do, from purchasing decisions to service
offerings to marketing.
Greening our salons begins with a commitment to protect the health and safety of
our clients, ourselves as service providers and
the environment we all share. At a minimum,
we must understand and follow the laws that
govern both the beauty industry (your state
board) and the workplace (OSHA). Knowing
this critical information helps us stay in compliance and reduces our liability.
Beyond our technical skills, our expertise
as beauty professionals depends upon our
knowledge of product chemistry, including
the proper use, storage and disposal of our
salon products. Marketing organic, natural or
non-toxic products and services as safer has
become commonplace, but unless scientific
research supports those conclusions, such
claims are unfounded.
Our clients expect us to be informed and
truthful. Whether done intentionally or through
ignorance, misleading your clients about the
safety and quality of products and services compromises your professional credibility.
Jaime Schrabeck, Ph.D. owns Precision Nails, an exclusive nails-only salon in
Carmel, California. She can be reached at info@precisionnails.com.
by Jaime Schrabeck, owner of Precision Nails, Carmel, Calif.
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Natural and Organic Skin Care
Esthetic Endeavors
Judith Culp
In today’s market we are seeing a wider
span of what clients want: from wanting
highly therapeutic age-fighting pharmaceutical formulas to the other extreme of wanting
“green” earth-friendly formulas.
For the latter group the buzz words of
the day are natural and organic.
A web search on the words natural and
organic brings up a staggering number of
results. Unfortunately, the results yield little
factual information and a lot of lovely wording designed to hook the buyer.
Most consumers think of natural as coming from nature or more specifically from
plant resources. Experienced estheticians
smile at this new goal. Cosmetic formulators have been using ingredients from plants
for as long as they have figured out a way to
extract them.
We know the Egyptians used plants as
key components of beauty care. Ayruveda
is based on natural skin care and dates back
well over 2000 years. The use of natural
ingredients is not new.
Today’s estheticians are more educated
with a better understanding of cosmetic
chemistry. They know that plants are chemicals as well as water. Everything but light
and electricity is a chemical. Natural things
are still chemicals, even though the consumer may not realize this.
Despite all this confusion over terminology the good news is that plants are finally
being appreciated. What is changing are the
ways of incorporating botanicals so they are
more stable.
Plants are not naturally or inherently
stable ingredients. You take cuttings from
your flower garden and put them in water
and they will soon start to wilt and decay.
Vegetables or plants that are past their
prime in the garden also start to break down
and recycle into mulch.
The same thing historically happened
in cosmetics. The base ingredient for many
cosmetics is water which is a great breeding ground for bacteria. The tricky part in
formulation has been how to stabilize these
natural ingredients to make them useful in
the product and not to break down or go
bad before they are used up. Home care
products are even more complicated because
consumers frequently dip their fingers into
the jars and the result is a high risk of product contamination.
Historically the cosmetic formulator
used preservatives. Now the traditional
preservatives that have stood the test of time
are slipping out of favor. Cosmetic chemists
have been working for years to find alternatives that will do the job.
Finally they are meeting with success and
finding ways to use alternatives to the classic
parabens and other preservatives. Essential
oils have been used due to their naturally
high antibacterial and fungicidal properties. But the strong aromas and intensive
activities associated with these oils can make
them inappropriate for some consumers.
It’s an ongoing process to find ingredients
that will protect the product from growth of
microorganisms but not interfere with the
action of the botanicals included for their
skin benefits.
It is important that we, as estheticians,
know and understand what is in those natural products we are using and selling that
is protecting the cosmetic from growth of
harmful microorganisms.
Some ingredients can be incorporated for
use in more than one way. They may be used
for their benefits to the skin or incorporated
to act as a preservative. Vitamin C is an
example of this. It is important to note that
if the ingredient is there as a preservative its
benefits will be used up doing this task and
it will have less or no value left to benefit the
skin itself. A chat with the manufacturer can
generally clarify which ingredients are doing
what function in the specific product.
There is also the question of whether
the full plant is used or components of it.
This is not an issue where we can have one
correct answer for botanicals. Some plants
are best used as a whole plant extracts. This
means they are not refined or processed to
remove odors, colorants or any part of the
plant compounds. But other plants are more
useful when their attributes are separated
out into what is called an isolate.
Organic is a term that is frequently used
to enhance perceived value but it can be
misleading. The government has established
strict guidelines for what can be called an
organic product. In 2009, a major vendor of
natural and organic products came under
scrutiny by the FDA due to mislabeling of
their product due to origin and/or handling
of some of the components. If you claim it
is organic, then the proof must exist. For
manufacturers to claim their products are
organic requires tracing and verifying that
ingredients are grown and handled in specific ways.
However, note that there are loopholes
to calling a product organic based on the
percentage of ingredients included in the
product that are organic verses those that
may not be available from an organic source.
A common way to confuse the issue is to
include the word organic in the name. The
name is just that, a name.
If we were to brand our product organic,
this would be the name, not necessarily a
reflection of the contents. But if we state on
our label “natural and organic,” then we are
making a claim for the source of ingredients
and must be able to substantiate this with
More natural and organic ingredients in
products is a key industry direction. It will
be our job as estheticians to make sure we
understand what claims the manufacturer is
making and to check out that they deliver. Is
the entire product natural and organic or is it
based on natural botanical ingredients?
Some manufacturers claim their product
to be preservative-free. Then what is its shelf
life and what makes it so? Something needs
to be in the product to prevent the growth of
microorganisms or we risk skin reactions to
the product or even the microorganisms in
it. With every new wave of interest and every
new direction of products, questions must
be asked to protect our investment and our
We must seek out the facts amidst the
commercials and excitement. Our businesses and our futures are dependent on
our analysis and critical thinking skills so
we can truly know what is and is not natural
and organic and represent it properly to our
Judith Culp, a CIDESCO Diplomat has been in the esthetics industry since
1980. A CPCP permanent makeup technician for over 18 years she served
a 4-year term as a Director for the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals, two years as their president. She is president of Culp Enterprises
Inc. and CEO of NW Institute of Esthetics. Judy Culp is available for
consulting. For more information visit www.estheticsnw.com.
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FDA Approves Laser for Hair Growth
by Craig Black
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
just announced the clearance of the first clinical device proven to grow hair.
Based on research carried out by Dr. Grant
Koher at Highpoint, North Carolina, the FDA
has granted a clearance to the MEP-90 Hair
Growth Stimulation System.
This article will explain the results of the
study and explain what this news means to the
salon professional.
The MEP-90 is a hooded laser that looks
like a giant hood hair dryer with 82 laser light
diodes completely covering the scalp with light
during a treatment. The 20-minute treatments
are given twice a week. During the treatment,
the laser light energy stimulates blood flow and
cellular metabolism in the scalp, using a scientific principal called photo-biostimulation.
The FDA clinical study provided evidence
the biostimulation effect of this low-level laser
stopped hair loss and promoted regrowth of
hair on 100 percent of the subjects in the test,
in this case women.
The effectiveness of this treatment can be
seen in the following test results for the FDA
clearance. After 18 weeks of treatments, over
half (57 percent) of the women in the study
had more than a 50 percent increase in hair
count. At 26 weeks, over three fourths (77
percent) of the subjects had more than a 50
percent increase. What about the rest of the
women in the study? Nearly everyone (98
percent) in the FDA study had at least a 20
percent increase in hair overall hair count and
the remaining 2 percent had less than a 20
percent increase.
What does all this mean to hair care professionals? Imagine the first time someone realized they could change the color of hair. That
break through happened long ago and we have
capitalized on it for generations. Just 80 years
ago, we found that we could make straight hair
have curl with something called a perm. What
has this meant to our industry?
Major breakthrough products like these
may come along once in a generation; I believe
it just happened again. There is now an appliance that is as easy to use as a hair dryer that
grows more hair. What could this be worth to
our generation? What will this mean for our
We must clarify that the MEP-90 is a Class
II Medical Device, which is sold only to medical doctors. However, that is not the end of the
story. The FDA has also cleared a “cosmetic”
version of the laser that can be used in salons
and spas. The cosmetic version uses similar
laser technology as the MEP-90 and is available
to salons, right now. There are a few rules
we must learn and be willing to adhere to.
Think of them as healthy boundaries between
the medical community and us in the beauty
industry. As long as we stay within our scope
of practice, we will be just fine.
Seminar Designed for Teams Announced for April
Strategies, the business education and coaching company for the beauty industry, announced a new seminar, to be held April 25-26 at The Long Center in Austin.
Recharge! is a class designed for the whole team. Topics include social marketing, driving sales, teamwork and communication. The curriculum is based directly on feedback
from Strategies clients.
The event will also feature an adventure-based learning experience; keynote address by
Strategies founder and CEO Neil Ducoff plus a Strategies awards ceremony. A banquet for
participants will be held on April 25, where awards will be presented.
“This event is unlike any we’ve created. It’s an opportunity for owners to re energize and
remember what they love about the business,” exclaimed Ducoff. “By encouraging owners
to come with their staff, the whole team can be revitalized – and ready to go back and infuse
the company with new passion.”
“We listened to our clients’ concerns about their biggest challenges in their salons and
spas. It’s getting more and more demanding to have a business. Not only will this seminar
offer practical tips for dealing with issues, such as team building, technology and profitability, it’s designed to reignite the joy in owning a business.”
For further information and to register, visit www.rechargeevent.com, or call
Cosmetic vs. Medical Lasers
These cosmetic devices use essentially the
same technology but must be promoted for
cosmetic indications and not to treat any disorder
or make hair growth claims, as this would be
considered the practice of medicine in most
The use of cosmetic lasers to create a fuller,
thicker, healthier looking head of hair (the
appearance of the hair) is acceptable. To claim
that we can alter the structure of the human
body is not acceptable.
To find out more about this FDA study and laser hair enhancement, go to
www.salonlasers.com or call Craig Black at 866-646-9050.
Kaemark Launches Texas’s Largest
Salon Equipment Factory Outlet
Kaemark Salon Furnishings, one of the nation’s largest salon equipment manufacturers,
based in Giddings, Texas is taking every opportunity to stay ahead of the economy. An established leader in producing durable, stylish salon equipment has opened its factory doors
with the full support of it’s Texas based distributors.
The 150,000 square foot manufacturing headquarters has opened an entire wing of the
factory to allow Texas professional stylists an opportunity to visit Kaemark’s showroom.
This allows stylists to easily complete the vision of what image they want to project for their
new or remodeled salon — from either the extensive Kwik Ship line Kaemark offers or
custom units that can be designed to meet their needs.
Kaemark has the largest and most complete showroom in the southwest. It was created
to serve the need’s of Kaemark’s loyal distributors and their clients who through the years
have placed their trust in the quality and excellent services offered by Kaemark.
The showroom is available for viewing by appointment only or take an online tour of
the showroom at kaemark.com/showroom. To make an appointment, contact a Kaemark
distributor or call Shirley Oltmann at 800-766-3651 ext. 222.
TDLR Sends Message to Scam Artists...
We Will Prosecute to the
Fullest Extent Of The Law
Have You Moved?
Don’t Forget to File a Change of Address with TDLR
Every month, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) has cosmetology and barbering licenses returned to them by the U.S. Postal Service because the licensee
failed to file a change of address with TDLR. As a result, licenses that already have been paid
for do not make it into the hands of the people who earned them. Those licensees may not
work as a cosmetologist or a barber until they change their address and acquire their license.
But the real down side is that it may end up costing the licensee an additional fee for a
duplicate license.
Remember, if you move and your mailing address changes, barbers and cosmetologists
are required to file a change of address with TDLR within 30 days. This not only allows
TDLR to keep track of its licensees, it also benefits you as a license holder.
If a change of address is not filed with the agency, you may not receive important correspondence that can affect your license status, such as your license renewal notice or even
your license itself. Hundreds of renewal notices are returned to TDLR every month because
the license holder failed to file a change of address with the agency.
There are several ways barbers and cosmetologists may file a change of address with
TDLR. You can email the information to barbers@license.state.tx.us or cosmetologists@
license.state.tx.us. You also may call (512) 463-6599, or fax your new information to (512)
475-2871. To change your address by mail, send a note containing your new information to
TDLR, Licensing Division, P.O. Box 12088, Austin, TX 78711.
Whatever method you select to file your change of address, be sure to include your new
address, your email address, your license number and your name as it appears on your license.
Texas cosmetologists have been targeted
by two different scams in 2010; one involved
a fraudulent letter sent to cosmetology licensees and the other was an individual impersonating a Texas Department of Licensing and
Regulation (TDLR) compliance inspector
taking cash payments for supposed violations.
On first glance, the unlawful letter
appeared to be a license renewal form but
on closer examination it was apparent to
cosmetology licensees the letter was not
from TDLR. The letter was from a company
named PCS and asked Texas cosmetologists
to send $53 to an out-of-state address.
Quick thinking licensees alerted TDLR
of their suspicions concerning the letter. The
agency immediately investigated and sent a
warning by email to all cosmetologists signed
up to receive notifications, as well as a press
release to newspapers and television stations.
TDLR’s General Counsel and Enforcement
divisions swiftly started work on apprehending the scammer and continues its investigation into the matter.
The second scam involved a man entering
salons and introducing himself as a TDLR
compliance inspector. He would then proceed to walk around “inspecting” the shop.
After discussing alleged violations with the
salon owner or manager, he requested cash
payment to resolve the issue and unfortunately, several people paid.
This con man’s downfall came when he
left his briefcase in a salon he had “inspected.” The salon owner’s mistrust of the man
led her to call TDLR. The personal identification left behind in the briefcase identified
the impostor as a former TDLR licensee.
The Department is currently looking for this
phony and will press charges against him for
impersonating a State inspector. TDLR compliance inspectors ALWAYS
have TDLR identification badges and will
NEVER request cash payment for violations.
If a violation is found you will receive a
copy of the TDLR Proof of Inspection form
from the inspector. The form describes the
violations noted during the inspection and
contains information on the next step you
should take to resolve the matter. If you have a question relating to your
license call TDLR’s Customer Service at
800-803-9209. Renew your license online at
www.license.state.tx.us. It is the quick, easy
and safe way to keep your license current.
Barber — Shear Numbers
Dual shop/salon........................................868*
Barber manicurists......................................376
Barber instructors.......................................151
Barber technicians.........................................16
Barber hair braiding specialist........................96
Barber hair weaving specialist.........................1
Class A Barber booth rentals....................3,993
Barber shops............................................4,947
Barber manicure booth rentals.......................74
Mobile barber shop.........................................3
Barber technician booth rental.........................1
Barber manicure shops...............................108
Barber hair braiding booth rentals....................7
Barber hair braiding shops...............................4
Barber hair weaving booth rentals....................1
Barber hair weaving shops..............................4
* Dual shop/salon also listed in cosmetology
Cosmetology — Shear Numbers
Facial Specialists....................................14,056
Hair Weavers...............................................172
Hair Braiders...............................................749
Shampoo specialists...................................150
Wig specialists..............................................19
Shampoo apprentices.............................11,860
Operator instructors.................................4,154
Manicure instructors.....................................44
Facial instructors...........................................98
Wig instructors................................................3
Manicure salons.......................................1,192
Facial salons...............................................606
Facial/manicure salons.............................3,970
Hair braiding/weaving salons.......................141
Wig salons....................................................42
Dual shop/salon........................................868*
Cos. Operator booth rentals....................29,200
Cos. manicure booth rentals...................13,301
Cos. facialist booth rentals.......................1,064
Cos. hair braiding booth rentals.....................68
Cos. hair weaving booth rentals.....................33
* Dual number also listed in barber statistics
SPA has booth rental opportunities for
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The Cost of Instant Gratification
desk to collect their tip cash? Alright, this
may be a bit of an exaggeration, but you must
Better Business
admit only a bit. We all know that during
Neil Ducoff
certain periods, employees will rush the desk
to get their tips so they can leave for the day
— and that means customer service takes a
A disturbing daily ritual is regularly
hit, which is unacceptable. The customer
played out at most tip-oriented businesses: At
comes first. Always.
the end of long, busy day, employees head to
4. Tips are income earned at work, and
the front desk/reception area with their hands
Uncle Sam wants his fair share. The days of
outstretched, to collect their tips.
cash tips are coming to a close as we move
Well, it’s time to examine and rethink
ever closer to a cashless/all-plastic economy.
exactly what’s going on — and how much it’s
And that means the paper trail that docureally costing the business.
ments tip income is easier to follow than
Here are the issues:
Dorothy’s Yellow
1. A tip is a transBrick Road. The
action between the
No more daily tip payouts. No IRS not only has
customer and the
the road map,
employee. The ability
but they are agto generate tip income
more compromised service
gressively using
is a nice benefit for
it in tip-oriented
employees, but when tip
at the desk. No more grossly
businesses. There
handling begins to drive
is no debate: Tips
up operating costs, the
under-reported tip income.
are income. They
red flag goes up and the
must be reported
siren goes off.
to the business. And they are taxable.
2. What do daily cash tip payouts really
There is a simple solution to all of the
cost you? Take a few minutes to complete a
above: All tips collected at reception or apsimple calculation; it will most certainly turn
plied to credit card charges will be added to
your ears a nice, bright red.
the employee’s paycheck and taxed accordAdd up how many hours each day it
ingly. No more daily tip payouts. No more
takes some lucky individual to tabulate each
compromised service at the desk. No more
employee’s daily tip earnings. Multiply that
grossly under-reported tip income.
by the number of days a week you’re open,
We coach clients that have done this and
and then by that lucky individual’s hourly pay
never looked back. Sure, employees moaned
rate. Oh, and don’t forget that most customand groaned about not getting their daily cash
ers now pay by credit card, which means you
fix. But most reported that, within a matter of
may not even have sufficient cash on hand to
weeks, employees were expressing gratitude
cover tips.
for the new procedure. When they saw all the
This means someone must write a check,
accumulated tip income in their checks, they
go to the bank, cash it, come back, put on a
realized how much money they had been
funky green banker’s visor — and divvy all
throwing away.
that money into neat little envelopes for each
employee. This is not only a totally unjustifiable expense, but also a major hindrance to
the productivity of administrative staff.
3. How many customers are crushed by
the walking dead as they close in on the front
Neil Ducoff is the founder and CEO of Strategies, a business training and
coaching salon specializing in the salon and spa industry. Ducoff is the
author of Fast Forward, and his new book, No-Compromise Leadership,
available at www.amazon.com. For a signed copy, go to www.strategies.
com. You can email Neil at neil@strategies.com.
APRIL 2010
 10-12: International Congress of Esthetics and Spa, Miami
Beach, FL 1-800-471-0229 tradeshow@LNEONLINE.com
 11-12: BSG Cosmoprof Beauty presents Biloxi Fashion Focus,
Biloxi, MS www.fashion-focus.net
 18: Design Essentials Color Foundation. Hands on Color and
Cut, Sheraton, Tempe, Arizona. To register contact Paul Davis or Greg
Walker (623) 451-7931.
 18-19: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Phoenix, AZ
www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432
 18-19: Spring Style Show by BSG / Cosmoprof Beauty, San Jose,
CA www.springstyleshow.net
 18-19: Esthetique Spa International, Vancouver (BC), Canada
 19: Design Essential Educational Seminar -Thermal Smoothing,
Wet Styling, Trend Cuts, Special Occasion, Color, Product Application,
Retailing. Sheraton, Tempe Arizona. To register contact Paul Davis or
Greg Walker (623) 451-7931
 19-20: The High Road to Education by Akzentz Educator / Distributor Tammy Warner, Carlton, Victoria, Australia www.theHRTE.com
 21-22: BSG Cosmoprof Beauty presents Spring Style Show, San
Jose, CA www.springstyleshow.net
 24-26: IBS Las Vegas, www.ibslasvegas.com
 24-26: International Esthetics, Cosmetics and Spa Conference
IESCS Las Vegas, www.iecsc.com
 25-26: BSG Cosmoprof Beauty presents Seattle Fashion Focus,
Seattle, WA www.fashion-focus.net
 25-26: Esthetique Spa International, Quebec (QC), Canada www.
 25-26: ABA Canada - Winnipeg, Canada www.abacanada.com
MAY 2010
 1-3: Barbers International 5th Anniversary Conference, Columbus,
OH www.barbersinternational.com (870)230-0777
 2: Beauty School Forum, Barristar Productions, Minneapolis, MN
www.barristar.com 800 SHOW-432
 2-3: ABA Canada - Edmonton, Canada www.abacanada.com
 2-3: BSG Cosmoprof Beauty presents Baltimore Fashion Focus,
Baltimore,MD www.fashion-focus.net
 2-3: CCA Regional Stylz Symposium, Redding, CA 800-4823288 www.the-cca.com
 2-3: Intercoiffure Spring Symposium, Miami Beach, FL intercoiffure.us
 2-4: International SalonSpa Business Network’s (ISBN) 2010
Conference at the Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA www.
salonspanetwork.org www.terranea.com
 16: I.E.C.A. Haute Hair Competitions & Runway Presentations,
Airway Heights, WA www.iecaspokane.com
 16-17: International Congress of Esthetics and Spa, Dallas, TX
1-800-471-0229 tradeshow@LNEONLINE.com
 16-17 Empire’s Future Professionals Expo featuring Nick Arrojo
and his master team, Hershey, PA MastersOfBeauty@empire.edu
APRIL 2010
 1: KM Impressions presents Fashiontini Event Valencia Hotel San
Antonio, TX www.kmimpressions.com
 11: Eyebrow Sculpting and Brazilian Speed Waxing with Crickett
and Stephanie, Dallas TX www.thewaxchick.com
 11: Skin for Life presents Microdermabrasion Fundamentals, San
Antonio, TX www.skinforlife.com
 12: G.G.O. Beauty School presents Sanitation, State Law, HIV,
Mesquite, TX (972)285-5043 www.ggobeautyschool.com
 12: Salon Source presents Lock, Stock and Barrel Partners to
Men Look & Learn Cutting Class, Houston; Brocato Texturist Cutting
Class & Beautopia V.I.P. Event, Ft. Worth, TX (512)454-9200 www.
 12: KM Impressions presents Airbrush Makeup, San Antonio, TX
 18: Brows, the good, the bad and the ugly with Crickett - Online
Class www.thewaxchick.com
 18: Skin for Life presents Microdermabrasion Fundamentals,
Austin, TX www.skinforlife.com
 18-19: Milady presents Identifying and Developing the Characteristics of a Master Educator, Austin, TX 1-(800) 998-7498 ext. 2700
 19: Salon Source presents New Haircutting Collection from Sam
Brocato, Houston, TX (512)454-9200 www.salonsource.biz
 19: G.G.O. Beauty School presents Sanitation, State Law, HIV,
Mesquite, TX (972)285-5043 www.ggobeautyschool.com
 19: KM Impressions presents Picture Perfect Bridal, San Antonio,
TX www.kmimpressions.com
 25-26: Strategies Recharge! Event for Salon / Spa Professionals,
Austin, TX rechargeevent.com
16-17: The Makeup Show NYC www.themakeupshow.com
16-17: Salon Spa Vision, Austin, TX www.salonspavision.com
16-17: ABA Canada - Vancouver, Canada www.abacanada.com
16-17: The High Road to Education presented by Akzentz Educator / Distributor Tammy Warner, Portland, OR www.theHRTE.com
 20-23: The Aesthetic Show, Las Vegas www.aestheticshow.com
 23-24: Armstrong McCall Houston Fashion Focus, Houston, TX
 30-31: Esthetique Spa International, Toronto (ON), Canada www.
JUNE 2010
 6: NailTech Network Orlando, Orlando, FL www.beautytech.com
 6-7: Premiere Orlando, FL 800-335-7469 www.premiereshows.com
 6-7: Premiere DaySpa Conference, Orlando, FL 800-335-7469
 12-14: Esthetique Spa International, Las Vegas, NV www.spashow.com
 13-14: ABCH 2010 Energizing Summit, Los Angeles, CA (310)
547-0814 www.haircolorist.com
 26: Nail Networking Event of the Smokies, Gatlinburg, TN
JULY 2010
 10-12: Ohio Association of Beauticians, Inc. 72nd Annual
Convention and Tradeshow, Miamisburg, OH (513)423-3342
 17-19: Face & Body Spa and Healthy Aging Conference, San
Jose, CA www.faceandbody.com
 18: 20th Annual North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA 20),
Las Vegas, NV www.probeauty.org/naha 1-800-468-2274
 18-19: Empire and ARROJO education present Masters of
Beauty Skills Certification Program, Manhattan, NY MastersOfBeauty@empire.edu
 18-20: PBA Symposium “Consumer Culture”, Las Vegas, NV.
1-800-394-5436 www.probeauty.org/symposium
 18-20: Cosmoprof North America, Las Vegas, NV 1-800-5573356 www.cosmoprofamerica.com
 18-20: PBA Beacon, Las Vegas, NV 800-468-2274x117 www.
 25: California Cosmetology Association 81st Annual Convention,
Manhattan Beach, CA www.the-cca-com 800-482-3288
 26: California Cosmetology Association’s Student Day of Education, Manhattan Beach, CA www.the-cca-com 800-482-3288
 7-10: Bronner Bros. Mid Summer International Hair and Beauty
Show, Atlanta, GA, www.bronnerbros.com
 9: BeautyTech’s 8th Annual Long Island Network Day, Long Island,
NY www.beautytech.com
 22-23: Empire and ARROJO education present Masters of
Beauty Skills Certification Program, Philadelphia, PA MastersOfBeauty@empire.edu
 26: KM Impressions presents Basic Makeup 101, San Antonio, TX
 26: G.G.O. Beauty School presents Sanitation, State Law, HIV,
Mesquite, TX (972)285-5043 www.ggobeautyschool.com
MAY 2010
 2: Earn a Bazillion Doing Brazilians with Crickett - Online Class
 3: Smooth Skin Supply presents Waxing 101 Free Online Class
- (877)473-1032 www.smoothskinsupply.com
 3: KM Impressions presents Airbrush Makeup Artistry, San
Antonio, TX www.kmimpressions.com
 4: KM Impressions presents Picture Perfect Bridal - San Antonio,
TX www.kmimpressions.com
 10: G.G.O. Beauty School presents Sanitation, State Law, HIV,
Mesquite, TX (972)285-5043 www.ggobeautyschool.com
 10-28: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents Makeup for
Beauty, Fashion & Glamour, Burbank, CA 1-877-978-6673
 10-June 18: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents
Makeup for High Fashion, Print & Photography, Burbank, CA 1-877978-6673
 10-July 30: Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts presents
Makeup for Motion Pictures & Television, Burbank, CA 1-877-9786673
 14: Skin for Life presents Microdermabrasion Fundamentals, San
Antonio, TX www.skinforlife.com
 17: G.G.O. Beauty School presents Sanitation, State Law, HIV,
Mesquite, TX (972)285-5043 www.ggobeautyschool.com
 24: G.G.O. Beauty School presents Sanitation, State Law, HIV,
Mesquite, TX (972)285-5043 www.ggobeautyschool.com
1. Treat Hair to Natural and Organic Elements
From the far-flung corners of the earth, Rusk sources rare oils from the Tahitian Tiare flower, the
Moroccan Argan tree and Ethiopian Abyssinica to create Sensories Wellness, the latest addition to the
invigorating Sensories line of hair care products.
Free of sulfates, parabens, petrochemicals, phthalates and MEA/TEA/DEA, Wellness offers an option
for maintaining an optimal state of health and way of being. Wellness provides a color-safe, organic and
luxurious hair care experience. It uses only the finest ingredients like panthenol, hydrolyzed silk, mango
butter and more, combined with precious exotic oils to gently and effectively cleanse, condition and treat.
Available in three hair care systems each based on a key ingredient and each containing the four essential
elements – shampoo, conditioner, rich crème treatment and repair drops: Bedew (hydrate – Exotic Organic
Tahitian Oil); Reflect (enhance shine - Organic Soybean Oil); and Heal (restore - Organic Argan Oil).
RUSK Wellness is available online at StyleSource.com or by calling 1-800-388-0900.
2. Capillary Treatment Helps Prevent Hair Loss
Zande Laboratory, of Houston, Texas recently announced the launch of Pro Vitamin B5 Panthenol
Capillary Treatment. The products repair visible damage to stressed hair from harsh chemicals, aging and
other key factors. Pro Vitamin B5 Panthenol Capillary Treatments are available in four formulas, Aloe Vera,
Collagen, Placenta and Rosemary. They provide restoration of vital moisture, oils and natural body which
are beneficial to hair subject to daily styling, coloring, relaxing and hot irons.
Panthenol restructures hair from the inside out and improves retention of moisture while overcoming fragility and increasing resistance to damage. It produces a long-lasting humectant effect, brightness,
increases sheen and reduces split ends with specialized natural ingredients.
Make the decision to have beautiful hair with the healing effects of Pro Vitamin B5 Panthenol
Capillary Treatment, which can be seen in a single application. Contact Zande Laboratory for more information at (936) 445-6798 or visit www.zandelaboratory.com.
3. Working Spray Adds Thermal Protection and Shine
Ask any hairdresser and they’ll tell you that they still have clients that want stick straight hair. But the
trend that is exciting them the most is texture. Curls, waves or anything added with a hot tool to add body
is opening up a world of opportunity on the styling level. Color Edge Hot Spray transforms curled hair
into shiny, stretched-out tresses. This thermal protectant is specially formulated to smooth out, soften and
elongate curls without leaving them crunchy or stiff during heat styling.
Color Edge Hot Spray is a humidity resistant spray that provides thermal protection and shine. It
builds a base of volume or curl to secure control to all styles. A perfect defense for color fadage, Hot Spray
is made with Chamomile to help prevent thermal damage and harmful UV rays. Use with flat irons, curling irons and Velcro rollers for a clean release, amazing finish and incredible shine.
Color Edge, a line of performance-driven shampoos, conditioners, styling and finishing products, was
created with sense and scents in mind for practical women who want to preserve and maintain their color
between salon visits. For more information, please visit www.trycoloredge.com or call 1-888-828-5278.
4. Turn Up the Volume
Celebrate volume and style that lasts with Body Up Brush System by Panache.
Introducing a revolutionary brush system, Body Up Brush System is a ceramic brush system with a
removable handle. The System includes nine ceramic brushes, nine clips to secure the brush and a detachable handle with a brush that turns into rollers.
Body Up Brush System is a powerful hair tool that leaves the brushes in the hair, in the correct spot,
with enough time for the brushes to heat and cool without any additional weight to create volume.
For more information contact Body Up Brush System at 1-877-526-3987, info@bodyupbrush.com or
online at www.bodyupbrush.com.
5. Invigorate your Body with Tantalizing Aromas
Skin Blends introduces a new line of Body Buffers in three tantalizing aromas of Strawberry Daiquiri,
Margarita, and Pina Colada.
Body Buffers contain a blend of lactic, glycolic and salicylic acids, as well as microdermabrasion
crystals and jojoba beads to effectively erase dead skin build up while systematically infusing green tea,
chamomile, aloe vera and sea kelp extracts to heal and hydrate the skin.
Skin Blends Body Buffers are highly recommended for signature treatments including manicures,
pedicures, body scrub/wrap combinations as well as increased retail sales. Body Buffers are not suggested
for facial use if clients have sensitive skin.
Skin Blends Professional Skin Care System was developed to provide licensed skin care professionals
with the most comprehensive, efficient and profitable custom blending skin care system.
For more information visit www.skinblends.com or email manager@skinblends.com
Have your product considered for the Stylist & Salon’s What’s New section. Send press releases with a photo to Managing Editor Lisa Kind
at editor@stylistnewspapers.com or mail to Stylist & Salon Newspapers, 1750 SW Skyline Blvd., Suite 24, Portland, OR 97221.
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