Benthal Activity - SCARAB
Benthal Activity - SCARAB
Bates College SCARAB Walter Lawrance Papers Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library 11-1-1962 Benthal Activity Walter Lawrance Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Earth Sciences Commons, and the Environmental Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Walter A. Lawrance Androscoggin River Studies Twentieth Annual Report, November, 1962, Androscoggin River Studies, Box 4, Folder 1, Walter A. Lawrance Papers, Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in Walter Lawrance Papers by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact BENT"ri~\L ..~CTIVIn IN T1U:; tOOl. AnA BIUCl:i~UlC ..J... CrlGttN I)..~~J;D The tive day. 200 C B10chemical Oxygen Deman4e an4 the nI.solved 0XJsen pre.ent In the r1ver water p.8aine throUfh the€£ln rool ha•• been .tudled \0 obtaIn Intorm&tlon relatlnt, to Ute probable over-all bloob8Qloal aot1v1t1 in tbi. area. Analyse. wero ma4e each week 4ay with .amplea taken at North Turner Bridee, Turner Center arid£e and Gult Dam. For the oaloulationa tt. tlfure. tor Sunday were obtained bJ •••rarin@ the Saturday and ~~Dday data. The Thura4ay data .ere tho•• eupplle4 by Oxtord Faper company, Analyae. w re begun on June aeven 19&2 and conoluded September .eventeen 1962. A uniform nIne 4ey time ot paa••ge ••• aSlued an(2 compar1.ons "ere mad. on this baai. The t1r8t "eek ot the thIrt••n we.k per104 18 exolude4 from the aver te. to ."old the time betore la£oonlnt at Jey. The data ar. llste' In table D.O.- B.O.D. ql and summarized 1n Table. $ .01, S. ,lA , 8 . #12 , ~ . #I. and 5 . #3. 1. Nor'b turner SrA4a. For a twel••••ek per104 (fi••ks to ~13 II lnclu.l"e) there .ere tl •• we.ka wben a oonsiderable surplus ot 418.01".4 oXYSen ••• pr••ont and .e,..n .eeke wben a detlcit 8x18te4. For the entire t.elv. week perlo4 a v.ry small 8urplu8 of oX1€en wee lnd1cate4. There wae a wide variation In B.O.D. themaxlmum dally ("t.9 tons) ooourred 4ur 1ne . .ek durlne week fie . 1/10 a"~r.l aneS the Qlnlmum (20.9 ton.) t I-T, ----+---,----+----'-'--'--,. . ; '\ ~-:~-~ ~_:_~: ~~ f~l I 1------.:-=--Ir--~_4'::i=;f-.-...,..-:-'- · ~Mle~---:: , . -: ~-~-i " '-r ~-~- r-----;-----~~.'------' " ~ ____ t- : : t(). : 1- _____+-__ • , • ~ I ,:' :=., _J 'K· ': : :.:: :~ ::': • ~ \. : __ ' r ! • - I • I I I I I t BI OCHEMICAL OXYGKR DDAlm H Pi Te da7 . 20 C. TODslda7 - H H ~it~F~·titj~'T~~~t~~~~r · ++· '-,-, - North Turner Brldse • Turner Center Br1dse a -f~-ttt Gult Island Dam 0IE ,,! 1,;' T q " i L LL I J J 1.J-'-lri1~++ ~ • r'- .::, : : ~ t~ !1:J 1 1 - j~tti;i\i .rl r ... h'i ~+ j, ~ t- I l-++-t -t-+-H H' -1 1 ~~ :,' , " '. ~~ ,:.' . 1\"":,' .•:.: ' , : : ' , ,: :-: l:±..r: ~~t-r j-,' '- I d ;0:::1" 11 +- -[- :' ~ !-Hl..h H+ f- .,+ c 20 , ~ , i , , v . , l ' · :2 S : 4 ' .,..16.,__ ~ "'k I1lU~ ~(jW!l~ "; • • - J. ,~ "r • J,' 1-. . 1 -l ,- ~ 1... I , -." ! • ' , I : "I 1 , f 1 :- jil '*' :'-Fil i ~ I:.L ,..... ...,-~ -''' . , - ... ....... L6-l, _ , -:)" r .. -l ; ' - pOT r+ " ' - .. 1 , .. , uu ..., '-... t: "1. ~" ~ rr ~ ~ 'r. . +-+-~ -l t • . , ~ --! • ,...--.. - .. _- . ~ , .• 1 tp _I~.L J T 1 '\: ..' - _..........L. H-i~;:E-'a= I-:FE j ;IS~OL~-W~~~~ :1 :,L~ ~tt. :\ ,. . ~ -l1 - , T·· 1-- ,: -1 -:-r--1 ~_ '-T--;-t, _\ " t. , . ' !.. J ! ~i...J '.0_, ~" _ ."''-.i-:: -- '1 1 !' " 1~ ' . , '-i I--- - - -f--- - -+-..,...----'- - , , 1 l' .' ,J ! ! 2 3 4 - ,l 1' t ..... -J. t--f _.!......l..-.. . 5. ~ -f 6 I 7 8 9 10 Wee-k Number (June - September 1962) 11 18 13 Table C.O.-i.O.~. tl TUhH< DitILCE NO~Ta Dl•• o1ve~ C%Yr. D - BIochemical cxygen UeWln4 :1&1;_ lLO~~ Dl;:,.;.svLV:~L O;crOhh u-f/d ppm. TId 8.26 9.59 7.64 6."0 9.07 l).~ 43 •• - J\11._ 7 8 9 10· \1 11 .13 1" 10 16 17· '1.59 7.32 6.9' 6.G2 6.19 5.51 18 19 80 21 8.02 6.4.8 23 6.89 6.'6 6.4.5 6.40 aa 2'· 25 26 27 28 8.21 7.51 &••0 5.&3 4.5. 6.28 S.03 7.31 4 .. 27 ".55 '.03 1.72 3.51 5.30 4.2. 40.8 72.8 55.8 :)1.3 31.6 2G.7 10.6 .1.9.3 '2.5 27.fl 16.2 25.5 - ".03 2.;5 26.1 " .'0 20.2 18.0 19.0 1.70 S.~i 24.2 1 5.~9 2.75 16.5 2 ".7:S 1.62 b.~'1 .. :5 6 6 7 6 9 10 11 5.70 5 ....6 t).81 5.27 7.26 6.26 6.80 2.~7 ~.36 88.2 5.40 Z9.2 31.9 19.9 6.10 2.~2 7.97 to o.4tO 7.02 6.83 ,.~ ~.'O Z.19 6.59 7.0e '1.72 ~.~)6 17 22· 9.88 28.7 '1.4~ as ti.34 6.22 34.1 til.1 31.2 16 21 5.60 6.00 3.62 6.e~ 1S.16 6.35 3.60 5.32 6.89 18 19 5.97 ".4.3 6.05 '.li! l' 1t\· 56.6 47.9 16.7 - 3.40 5.68 3.:>5 4.'2 '.Of, 5.08 3.~O ·Sunday calculated: e.65 20.{.H4) ~"l 31.8(0) 21.a 19.0 26.6 24.9 26.' 55.2 26.7 28.7 25.3 21.0 17.2 21.7 20.5(7} &a.7 '1.4.(2) '3.6 ..38.' 41.0 47.0 32.6 ~~ 36.1 a7.2(~) 34.2 3e.4 4.1.1 f>2.1 '3.7 Z.2.7 27.1 21.2 16.0 ~3."(') 1~.8 l~.a 1~.2 12.6 £9.2 31.1 '.54 2[;.' 3.2~ 2Z.& 22.1(5) 16.4 2.91 2.Gi 2.68 3.43 20.1 1;.3 3.&4 4.35 4.28 3.57 2~.3 2.80 63.&(1) 4.&.& 3.2S 2.51 1.7' 4..66 4.78 2.66 26.8(6) 79 •• 6.65 4.99 6.26 4.73 2~.1(3) "6.7 60.1 56.7 43.5 46.6 7.Z3 24..3(2) TId 26.0 "3.2 44.6 7.98 7.7!S 6.27 7.0' 2e.~ 5.08 13 7.30 9.75 7.30 6.89 4.76 6.26 6.16 '1.2; 12 45.7(1) 3~.1 5.81 6.75 JlU, 5.~ 53.0 2.82 2.70 30 3.15 4.50 54.0 a.18 29 aTI T/ti M.7 8.52 3.10 4.40 6.10 ,~k B.C.D. :; 4&1 80 QC ppm T/4 'fik a"6 20.9(6) 20.0 82.6 30.5 29.2 19.;3 18.S 5eturday pla8 l.ioudf&.1 41 vlded by two. 26.3(7) :39 Table D.U.-B.O.D. NChTH TUH':1':;a Dis80lved Date .n.O·~i July 8. II ae ppm 6.14 6.08 3.81 2.81 2.61 8.'0 1.02 2.21 3.40 3.4a 20· 30 31 6.91 6.08 6.48 6.10 a 6.S5 '.86 AUfuat 1 ..&* 6.37 G.l0 5.C6 Z , 6.08 t 8 9 11.4.. 18.90 14..80 10 11 10.'1'1 u* 13 9.75 9.13 l' 8.S'" 1& 16 1'1 18 1910 21 '1.'10 '1.91 8.89 '.34. ~.'O 8.&3 7.8Z 28 9.19 as 10.8~ 9.1S9 2' 20 2a2'1 a8 20 7.4.0 7.'0 10.15 1&.86 ber n,t.. 30 Sl ••e 4- &$ 3 IS 9· 10 6.!9 7.16 U.'ZJ 7.10 '1.3S • BtHDG~ Biooh.~10.1 I)l ..3dOLVar; o::'YG,::.m 'J~k ."f! TId JJ:t/d 6.'" 6.3' 16 27 Oxy~.n 11 3.30 2.68 2.32 1.2S 1.9'1 2.6:5 2.38 3.00 6.90 '.7' '1.00 · 6.7' 1.53 S.72 4.22 .... 03 2.'0 '.oe '.4.2 '.75 53.0 3.« ~.18 5.'0 5.9:5 5.97 0.02 5.24 3.48 3.'8 6.0", 6.G8 7.78 e.9S 8.72 8.~5 8.'2 7.f)1 9.05 '1.t.SO 8.30 6.~ 3.1& as.8 TId 17.3(8) ::1.2 21.0 21.1 1".8 11•• 6 70.' 65.9 &2.! .7.7 32.7 31.9 22.4 29.' a~.J .o.~ ,o.0 2~.tS S9." .. 92.6 75.3 5&.9 66.0 71.2 53.0 43.9 - al.5 3.91 &.68 2".8 !.l' 3.69 6.:sa 3.7S 3.93 515.8 .. 27.8 33.4 30.2 S9.S 2'1.' 4.50 3.38 2.92 '.56 5.36 5.40 3.29 3.56 11.15(10) 3.81 '.79 5.20 .... 2G :58.0 SS.3 39.1 42.7 49.4 39.8 1'1.8 2.7& 36.1( 11) day SOOC ~Ak ."8 a.8~ O.~ 33.1(9) f.) TId 4:.'1' 5.69 '1.05 1S .... 1.81 11.0 16.1 14..6 Z7.3 130.' - B.O.O. ppm 4.&7 6.00 1'1.1 17 ... 10.3 22.0 CXYf.n neaan4 '.63 •• oa 3.9& '5.66 .SO ..., '.20 3.85 41.0(12) 2.&0 S.OI5 ,.02 4.70 ~.'l '.50 3.29 &8,'(13) 8.09 1.68 8.97 2.55 a.turd8, plus ~n4.y 29 •• (8) 11.6 ".6 U.O 16.8 1.7.6 21.8 '0.9 56.6 100.1 '9.9 35 .... 3.... 6 36.3 39.9 41.1(9) 62.9(10) ,o.3 33.6 31.3 26.8 25.8 42.0 IQ.7 44.0 ·01.1 .. 87.6(11) ".8 27.'1 83.~ 18.9 3'1.4 32.8(12) %9.'1 ".7 .. 83.1 tu.C 23.6 16.4 13.1 26.0 19.2 .. 6.01 a... ·Sun4a, oalou16te4: TId 41T14ed by two. 33.0(13) 2. Turner center ar1d£•• During tho two day time ot paa.a". trom North Turner to th11 ate,tion (during th,e t'Welv. week. })erlC1d) tbere wae dally el"eraS. loa. ot 5 day L.O.D. or oXYe'en. ~.5 tone but an Gverftfe 10as 6.2 tOllS ot 0. ~lrll!'!lw:. This 18 t!~o Tfllue as re.orat10n at t1;. lUps below the teat att.tIon 6t !;ortb. Turner 18 not inol uOed nor the 1ncrement or v.o. from the ~ez1naoott. This ••ason there .ere tour we.ka 3. gult I.l,nd D!!. wben ~ surplus ot oxy!en waa pre.ent. The 8im1lar test psrlodl in 1961 end 1960 dId not hA". any oxyr,.n surpluse.. aeficit tor the In all three years there was an OX/ten n.v.o. premont. Table :SiS Andro.oorein Fool 1960-1962 Incl. !>aI1y 1.oas· Tona/U&7 is.T.B. =lnul G.I.D. Dally load 1.ona/!Jay ~¥.T.B. B.C.P. D.O. a.o.u. D.U. J.962 16.a 2n.5 33.1 1961 11.1 25.8 1geO 23.6 30.6 e.I.C. S.v.D. D.u. ~3.6 1~.3 ll.1 2G.3 28.' 15.2 2.6 42.3 :52.8 1e.'1 2.2 *a•••retion omitt.4. Comparison w1th pr.,,1oua 7ears 1a ,lven here only to 1n 410at. trenda. The E.e.D.'e 1161 were all .er.to4 ~d ~.t.rmlnat1o~ made 1n 1960 anA dl1ute4 with atabl11ze4 tar; tho.e in 1962 ••re not 6erated end .ere dIluted by Stand.r4 d11utlon water. Teets haV., in.dioated r1... h1gher result•• ~he.t ~.tho4. tho latter mettto4 ifl Table ~.~.-ll.O.D. ~l'U.l.m;m C?:Nr~R J18.01T04 orJr.1n - I'.t. ,a June 9 10· 11 1l.0 I Dl'W-Ivt v;~r; T/d a.~6 ... ~O ~7.2 9.59 '1.U (.\.40 9.07 5.49 5.'8 3.94 4."" 6.56 4.60 3.63 52.6 26,6 .. 13 7.5Q '1.38 14 6.,94 16 1'18 19! 8.02 6.4,8 1.06 1.40 1.30 1.99 80 7.21 ".~l Ie 6.08 6.51 21 8.21 I~ 6.89 6.4tJ 18 O.'G ., aa O:'{'{G~;~'i ppm 12 7.ts1 I.G'1 1.38 3.(3 3.51 2.9~ 2.35 2.46 BhlliGSi; E1och.~loa1 l.."r/4 ti\( #1 vXTien Demand v.C.l). 5 day 2000 a.Tg T/4 ppm T/d 2.70 22.5 ~.27 '0.9 g~.2 3.85 5.21 '4 .. 5 39.9 ='-(.6 4.. 09 3.68 41.6 27.9 36.6 33.'1 25.3 17.7 10.3 - 8.11 10.4 12.9 31.1 19.e 27.6 14.2 - 2&.7(1) 4.66 4.6'1 I.SS 5.li5 7.38 .. e.~l 19.2(2) '.2'1 ~ 4.07 0.15 lQ.O 1~.2 !!'3.~ ZZ.8 40.7 71.5 27.7 31.6 38.7 26.'1 26.! 23.1 31.3 27.1, 26.6 8'2e 6.'0 6.18 °1 .96 2.18 13.5 19 '.81 1.20 2.82 6.9'1 6.75 10.0 - 8.32 eo.2 ~.79 1.94 11.0 6.'15 :$.18 24.6 ~o J'iI ,• 3 5 a 6.'0 '.'1~ 5.70 6.4S 5.3' 5.Bl 1.0~ 0.96 17.1 23.0 20.2 3.1~ 9 1S.!'1 '1.26 6.26 3.7~ 1. us.. 16 17 18 Z.64 85.S 6.18 '1.2e 6.09 2.~2 1.32 2,40 14.:5 6.&5' '.0' 2a.o ~.rso 6.Ba 2.11 as 5 • .0 6.59 6.U 1.90 1.0S ~.o, 8.03 ·sun4aJ oaloulated: 22.0 22.4 21.3 14.4 - 11.0 12.9 6.74 10.3(6) 40.4: B.f>a 10.8 1:S.1 •• 02 2S.6 24.3 S'I.'1 18.8 3.01 ~.,o 3.15 3.~ 16.0 - 7.'5 2.'16 21.5(3) 2.03 2 • .f.8 2.02 2.26 f.1' :!8.0(3) 31.1 2." 4.61 e.19 20.0 1 .t) 19.2 13 21 14 26.2 1.50 1.9' 3.'''' 2'.2 4.18 3.80 3.20 '1.9'1 1'.0(') le.S 6.80 6.2e 6.40 '1.02 as- 5.47 3.18 3.93 1,.6(3) '.99 83.7 0.86 10 11 12 1S 12.7 ,.Z~ '1 s- 15.7 ~U.6(a) ~3.' 4.15 3.92 S.07 6.36 26 30.0(1) 43.6 3&.8 '.05 •• 22 v, TId ~'fk 20.2(") 20.2 2~.1 25.8(5) 19.'1 21.e 21.4 1'1.1 15.1 18.0 14.1 11.5(6) 2.60 16.6 3.6&5 14.1 It.'1 24.6 18.3 8." 3.53 3.76 2.61 17.~ Btlturday plus kondAl 41?14e4 by two. 'f?- 'able D.O.-I.O.D. 11 art IDOl Tt1lUf:;R CE1:rtEIt Dl••o1vM O%7£.a - B1oohea1oal UX7£on Date llll)' 80 II 'LOW ppm 0.08 2.98 1.19 8.'0 a, 6.67 88 6.91 6.08 8'· ao 6.87 6• .a 11 0.10 "T" I e.Z5 ppm T/4 16.0 1.4.. 1'.9 15.3 10.1 lO.9 2.'11 2.'5i 3.9' e.2! S.92 2.12 18.7 13.8 1.89 1.7t I.a, 8.'30 '1,86 6.3' 6.10 &.66 6.08 2.t8 O.GO 1.62 1.81 ShO' 18.90 ".96 11- 10." t.'1" 14 e.M 6.S0 1.11 ·f..tS 0.,2 a 4- ••t " e 9 10 11 1S l' 6.&1 11.41 i'.eo 9.~ '.70 7,91 1. l' 18 10 11 0.&8 '1.61 sa a, 1.1. 1'* aa '.3' 5.70 10.88 9.89 II 0.59 16· '.11 8'1 It '.",0 ae '.'0 1.8& 1.15 6.71 '.tB 1.9~ 3.ea TId. 18.1 18... l.fO I." '.18 3.11 11.' 61.0 68.1 3.1a 1.7' aO.8 I." '.Ia 86.6 87.0 12.e 30.0 ItS. I 11.6 .. 05.6 10 &.01 a.4S ?4ISO 1.18 .7.8(9) ;9,8 .. 61.9 154.8 ".0 ~ ss.t 30.0(10) 27.8 S." 6.09 38.'1 85.8 ... 2.61 1.'1 ~." 3.91 3.56 14.t 14.6 16.8 36.8 38.5 '.10 8.G9 4.t' 4.&0 '''.6 8.76 29.7(11) 1.&2 4.00 6.65 ,,6a '.'10 •• 80 a••• 7.00 0.60 3.55 4.00 ·Sua4&1 oaleulat.4s 10.'1 11.9 ChO' 16•.1 80.0 38.1. :se.6 31.1 0.&5 8.06 l.aa 8.7S a.61 a.... '.el 'I 8 9* 15.3(8) Z.Ot ".8a 4.2' .0.0(11) 53.1 &1.0 .CS., 42.1 as.6 Sl.S .. Satur4&r plu. ~on4a1 8O.t 2a•• 4S.Z at,e(l) 30.4(10) ao.O(U) U.I aa.l 80.' '4Ieo 28.9 48.2 73.7 f'U :,. IS'! 1::3 3.89 16.2(8) 81.0 26.6 1.00 ',.10 I.a' 2.08 2a.~(,) 57.0 .. 35." 1.17 43.5(13) 2.22 t/t 11.1 •• Zl a.4.' 7ft. ••, 23.8 11.0 11.1 11.' 11.0 89.1 5S.6 ti·, 1.5 S.? a.61 1.,.1 8&.1 Ze.l .. 11.' 80.'1 .. i:af '.01 & 1!.1(7) i:ai 11" It:H ".$6 • • TIl. ,.88lO.! ".0 06.6 10.11 a1 1,1.3' septembe.. 11k ••6 II.' 3.19 1.91 3.60 10 B.O.D. , 44r BOce DISSOLV,UD O;.:rG2~N tn/4 n-.an4 10.8 10.8 16.'1 1'1.0 ZI.6(18) 18.8(lS) 16.7 30.:' dlv14.4 by two. '1 3 Table D.O.-B.O.~. 11 GULP' ItL"NU D;& D18801.,.d CXYUeu - Date Iun. '1 e t 10· 11 12 1.,lZ 18 1$ 1'18 19 10 21 28 83 2'28 86 2'1 28 19 30 hit 2 S , C 6 'I FLO;, ppm TId 0.26 9.e.; 2.&8 3.68 2.06 22.1 7.64 6 ••0 9.0'1 7.33 1.93 6.94 6.68 6.1A 5.51 8.02 6.4e 7.21 8.81 7.51 6.89 6.48 5.43 6.40 6.40 6.lA ~.8l 6.75 6.'9 '.715 ~.70 5.'S 5.3'1 5.81 6.20 6.16 l' '1.29 1S· 16 1'1 18 19 20 81 22* 83 14 2e 2.1"1 2.41 12 IS 11 2.12 7.~9 10 " orU.L:::l1 WT/d 6.80 :S.I' '1.26 6.26 o· pr~.·t)QL V7~;'" Blooh.~loQ1 a.eo 6.89 '1.4.5 7.9'1 6.59 6.40 7.02 6.9Z 5.40 6.li9 6.08 1.68 1.10 l.,e 1.64 1.0:5 0.75 0.27 0.28 1."" 0 ••7 <i.f4 0.00 2.42 TId 3&.3 2 .. 96 2.50 13.6 - 2.'1:5 24.5 24.0 28.8 1'1.5 15.3 14.1 2.~! 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.71 1.93 1.&9 1.4~ '.73 1.95 2.30 11.0 3.£4 1.56 0.00 HS.5 1.~fi ·sunAaT ea1oulated: 16.6 - ~.e8 3.1S 2~.4 12.5 15.7 16.6 32.0 25.6 .,.a4 3.09 3.84 5.61 0.38 1.37 2.73 2.22 16.4 .. 5.1(8) 12.& 1.B. 1.88 0.00 0.59 £.&8 2.07 O.t1'(3) 1.4.6 •• 00 2.88 3.~6 0.26 • 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.lZ 4.5(4) 4.4 1'.1 11.6 - 10.8 0.00 3.0~ 0.00 1).29 12.9 15.5 3.95 2.7'1 5.2(0) 3.8. 5.0f. 3.&2 2.2'1 e.86 1.841.48 1.11 1.35 1.75 1.15 1.89 1.~1 1.60 1.30 0.91 1.06 21.1(1) 24:.5 24.8 0.00 1.19 2.48 0.&5 8.03 20.0( ) &8.1 15.0 20.2 17.'1 26.2 18.0 81.9 0.28 0.96 5.7(l) TId 2~.O 3.45 1.4' 3.17 1.90 2.18 2.02 4.86 5.'11 3.'18 aooc ..'k aye 28.2 8l\.3 10.2 '.2' 2.50 - 1.A! 0.". 0.00 12,7( ) 8.78 9.04 14.9 0.1' 0.00 2.54 11.7 7.2e 1.!' O.~5 2.91 1~.6 0.20 0.97 0.06 0.3" 0.30 ',a: 15.1 O.7C 1.86 B.C.D. o day ppm · 0.11 ."S Tid cXYren Der;;an4 20.'1(8) 10.5 1e.3 11.1 7.S4. 2$.1 16.9 1'1.' .. f7.9 :51.6 23.9 1".2 15.9 13.4 10.2 1•• 7(3) 1~.5\4} s.~o 10.8 11.& 7.31 9.06 13.1 8.6' 8.5'1 0.60 6."15 Saturday plU8 Uond y 41.14.4 b7 tl¥O. 9.e(5) 7~ Tab~. D.~.-B.O.D. 13~~:iIi GUlJr D1••0J."e4 OZYren Date rUnl fM'T/4 ppm 6.67 6.37 1.00 ..0·' SO 31 AUra' 2 3 "•, S- 5 I 10 11 U· 6.91 6.08 6.4S 6.10 6.3& 7.86 6.Z7 6.10 1.5e 6.08 6.21 12.'! 18.90 1'.80 10.'1" 13 9.75 9.53 l' 8.34 1S 16 17 18 1,. 80 21 12 IS 8' II 26- 2'1 ae at 30 31 ?'15 'l.91 8.29 7.Z4 6.70 a.53 7.53 9.29 lO.eZ 9.5') &.59 7.16 S.ll '1.'0 7 • .0 10.15 15.30 s.rte"ber 11.45 8 I 'l.18 7.30 D;"u, Blooh.~loal DI~vLV~D OlYG~N Jul.,. .,al dl 0.83 O.:l' O.7i 1.00 0.'3 6.41.3 a.6B 1.46 19.t 0.72 4..3~ 0.'11 2.31 4.'1 1.aS 2.00 2.13 2.12 2.63 1.90 ~.e, 3,1' 2.91 2.06 £.34 2.a~ 1.O~ O.Z9 O.3Z 1.13 1.93 1.26 2.0e 2.~5 1.SS l~O" 1.06 3.86 ·Oun4&1 euloulate4: 7.0(7) 0.8? 1.56 46.0 28.4 19.9 10.5 - 20.S 17.7 21.9 l~.O 21,2(9) 29.3 27.1 16.6 17.6 0.'1 8.'0 10.8 2.38 1.1~ 12.5(lO) ;~turda1 O.9t1 1.1~ 1.96 2.07 2.a4 1.90 17.3(11) l,U 2.50 2.l8 1.50 0.82 plus 16.~ 1-'.8 29.1 6.95 l.'6 21.0 5.00 9.67 1.22 2.17 12.3 14.1 .. '1.9(7) 13.3(9) 1.62 aG.'" 0.89 19.8 80.7 1'.6 17.3 15.1 6.0'1 19. ZI.14 S.09 16.9 9.3& l~.' 25.9 ts.1' 2.12 1.5Z t.07 1.95 1.01 2.'0 2.28 2G.~ e.t. 22.9(8) 0.6'1 11.4 a.I(I) 21.' 1.90 1.71 l.ts' 1'1.8 5.80 aT, TId 'f.)! 9.94 1.01 1.07 1." o.ea aoce TId 11.6 2.71 2.19 20.3(9) 3:5.t. 5 day 1.68 1.'7 1.2& 1." 6.3' - 7.30 D.C.D. ppm l.l~ 9.68 1.20 1.'8 1.;2 TId 7.6(6) 5.64 a.3'1 3.94 4.80 0.£3 8.'0 1.62 .:.k aT, TId vX1Sen Demand h on4~y 41"1~ed 28.1 11.~ 7.i2 17.2 9.20 12.2 12.4( 10) 15.~ ll.~ 1'.0 1'1.0 16.6 1'.1 .1.4 •• ~., 26.0 10.e 6.0~ b1 two. 19.e(U) D.O.-B.v.n. Table D1 ••o1~.4 Date FLO',. &.t.T /d september 6.72 "- Oxy~.n - Bioohemioel DI SfJv1.. 'ti.:I; pp':l TId 2.75 v)..~(O ~~ 5 e.42 & '1 6.03 0.78 1.00 1.60 6.02 0.45 0.99 0.58 24.0 6.57 7.51 12.9 10.Q 7.90 • 4.90 ~.O., 2.05 16.t) ~.ll 20.0 l' 9.24 10.61 9.10 1&- 6.c)4 17 9.Z7 e ~. 10 11 la 13 15 7.51 7.nO B.10 1.40 ~.l~ 1.S5 3.3' 2.\1 2.40 ~3.4 l~.e E7.1 20.~ E3.1! - "r:k "vB TId h1 ~Xlr.n Demand B.O.D. 6 day 2Qo e Pp'll3. 0.39 1.05 1:3.0(12) O.K 1.4' 1.~O 1.83 2.16 2.01S 1.78 21.1(13) O.7e 1.13 1.GO 1.60 1.60 rId ~."O 8.86 7.06 18.3 11.7 ', ;k aVi TId 9.~(12) 11.0 In.! 16.5 14.6 7.96 10.3 13.0 11.1 le.O ·sundar oaloulated: . Saturday plus Uon4ay divided by two. 1.3.4(13) Conclu.lone. 1. Ignol'll1@ a.ll r.a.ratton there we. on &...or8.t8 4&11, .Lo•• ot 3.7 tone ot 418801••4 o%),£on per 41.Y abO... r qu1re' tor the fl •• dey n.o.D. 2. A••ualnr, that tlltt :.0. 1ncro"••• one ppm the rIp. south or ....ra'. dally 10 flS it pa.... 0".1" Harth Turner BrIdie ttlon the UJ1acoounte4 8 ot oxygen would be 3.' f 7.6 or 11.3 Tone per 4t17. 3. h8aumlne that all U.C. inorements a"erage4 14 ton. per dar th.en the Hentbal contribution would be equivalent to 3.7 f 14 or about 18 tons ot ttve day B.C.D. per 4ay • •• The ....ra'. cally B.u.D. load or the water enterln£ the l-ool durlu£ the teet parloe had e populetlon eq\llya.lent ot 397POO and hen leavlnt, the population equl~al.nt waa l?~OO. It is evident trom t!',eeo data tttet the pollution 10a4 .t ault Ial.n4 ~.~ 1. lese than l~ ot fiLL pollution entering the above North Turner Bridge. J. ~.. ~t:%:~~ I/.;'~~~ .. I ... . 1=: Ihv: ~ . ~. .. . . ~ • ~ . ...... .. . _. .... :.:1.:; ~ .. .. :;:::. ... •.. '.: :: "t: =I -~ . .... ::; . -. I :· ..~ I _'.' . . . .. ' 11:.- :::. :.. ~::: . iI:!t; ' ::: J!~:' a.. "" + ..... I ::::::: ::..... p.;;.:.::~. It::.: ·: : '1' ~ :": :~;i . . I .. . ..,, :::; ~~: " ::-::. .........- ... . ..: .' .'. .. .-=-=.. - :' .. I , " . I ~ .:: . I" '-/7 WEEKLY aUM~JI.Y B.O.D .... P.O. J..ND v.L.· Ton. per A~.r.l. NORn TU&"iER w••t Dar B~ lDGE GUl..l ISLiJiO lJAW D.O. O.D.·· 81.' 8.7 -16.0 -11.1 10.' 5.1 -11S.6 S.O.D. !J.o. \J.D," !l.u.u. 1 6~.C5 '6.7 - 7.8 2 '1.' 2'.3 n\1.mber .. I 3'•• 2G.l -12.1 1•• '1 0.S7 -13.0 4. ~ 10.S -12.6 19.ZS ••3 -18.0 IS .ea.l · 31.6 f. 9.'1 9.8 3.1 - •• 6 & , aO.9 26.e '" ~,9 s.a - O.G 85.S 20.5 - '.8 '.1 7.~ '1.0 - 0.9 e 2'.' 1'.! -12.1 2th9 10.3 - 2.6 t "1.1 33.1 - 8.0 13.~ al.8 I- 10 '2.9 61.& 1-18. 11.' 1.8.6 f 0.1 U 3'1.6 al.l - a.tS 19.e l7.S - 2.1 11 31.8 4.l..0 f. 6.8 9.ts 13.0 f 1J 3$.0 6~.' ,t38 •• lZ.' 21.1 .J 7.'1 11.1 - 3.8 ATerq. a-1! 1no.S3.1 ,1m. ot pa8.a fie1ll41oata4 ·0%7£8. net101' or ··Oo.,en ateeS tor ~~u""1u. '1.9 ~.I Table S .t lA ~1"'&n.Y :;;U~'tJJ.Aay :e. 0 A..,orae.e Ii 1) • .. D.O. ;Utt (').D.1f Torus per DQ' Tt1ill~;m NOrtTH roi:{!];,R. 13itlDC'\s CEliT'ta IU1IDG3 B.O.D. D.O. 0.0.· B.O.D. D.O. O.D.·· 1 OS., "5.'1 .. 'I.e S6.0 26.'1 .. '.a I '1.' U.S -1'.1 Itt.6 1'.! -19.4 8 3'.1 2D.l -11.1 t52.0 -17 •• 3&.' 1'.' 20.8 -12 •• 20.8 14.9 .. &.3 8 a8.1 · 31.8 t. 0.'1 13.8 81.5 .. 1.3 6 10.9 26.8 I- 8.V 1'.6 aO.8 {- 2.8 'I 85.3 20.5 - '.8 al.1 13.1 .. 9.2 e 21.' 1'.3 -11.1 18.1 13.8 - 4.t 9 '1.1 33.1 .. a.o .7.8 (. tJ.O 10 42.9 61.5 (.18.6 30.' S8.8 f- 8.4 11 3'.6 31.1 - 2.& 30.0 89.'1 .. o.a 11 u.e 41.0 ~ e.a Zt.6 ,o.0 ,13 ~~.o 615... I'S2 •• 18.8 43.8 I- 0.4 f a4., 1-18 1nc.!S.1 33.6 ;. 1'1 •• aa., - 1.1 W.ek ltU1Dber . Aftnce o.~ ·OXT en Oetlolt or surplu8 •• ln41oate4 ··coapen••to4 tor tI•• of p .e..,. Table WEEKLY ~~m:1\li~\Y HlB (~ '.;;I h . (,) • r; .. J.....rae. ~!q1 Tona per Da, TUr n~i\ CEl;1'llli Bl1lDGS 14 ••k - L.O. OUl..i • v.D. • l~Wm D;~ B.O.D. D.O. 0.0. 1 36.0 86.7 • 9.8 21.'1 5.7 -16.0 2 38.6 10.2 -It.' 10.'1 ~.l -15.6 3 , 52.0 1'.6 -1'1.4. 1'.'1 O.t:S7 -13.8 aO.2 1'.9 - 5.3 19.3 ".3 -16.0 S 23.8 21.5 .. 2.3 9.8 3.2 - 6.6 6 1'1.~ aO.3 I- 1.6 1:.1.2 - 0.6 7 82.3 lZ.l .. 9.2 '1.6 7.0 7.0 - 0.9 8 , 18.8 lS.a - '.9 22.9 80.3 - 2.6 ~'.8 '7.8 f a.o 1~.3 21.2 f 7.9 10 10.4 ~.8 f th' 11.4 12.0 f- 0.1 11 30.0 a9.7 .. 0.3 10.6 17.3 .. 2.1 11 39.6 40.0 f 0.' t.6 13.0 13 18.8 ~.S fa4.' 13.4 al.1 f f 2-13 1210.8'1.6 26.4 - 1.2 14.3 11.1 - 3.2 Nuaber Ayerqe S.O.D. ·Oxygen o.tlo1 t or!!Urplu8 •• 1:u!lc6 ted ··compenaate4 tor time ot pea a,. D.O. Q.D.iS 8.5 7.7 Table S ,8 1.0.0. and D.C • .wSf.i: Week: Number 1 Daif1'HAL B. \i.Li • A••rage Ton. per Day 5.0.D.(a) Lo•• D.O.(.) 31.8 40.0 Lo•• B.<I.D. • Benth 1 8.2 iI, "', 2 20.7 19.2 1.5 :s 22.~ 8'.8 1.'1 .. ., 14.1 16.~ 2." 12.3 28.6 16.3 a 12.'1 li.! 6.& 1'1.4 l3.5 - S.9 , e 6.5 I- ~.o ., 2'1.8 11.9 -15.; 10 30.3 ".0 18.0 11 18.1 18.1 0.1 11 23.:5 26.0 '.'1 13 19.' "".3 2•• 4 U1.8 22.1) 9 il",erage 1-13 1nc. ~., ·statiatioal 41tterenoe. NO allo••noe tor R eration (a) Lo•• durlnt pe&a8e. NTB minus GID throue~ the Fool