April 2011.indd - The Rover
April 2011.indd - The Rover
The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Page 3 2011 Rover-Landers Executive President Andy Deane 604.833.1953 dr.jibalo@shaw.ca Vice President Pete Lembesis 604.505.0541 pete.lembesis@mattson.com Secretary / Treasurer Shawn Doherty 604.939.2490 shawndoherty@shaw.ca • Send club correspondence to the Club Secretary at: 1323 King Albert Avenue Coquitlam, B.C., V3J 1Y2 Past President Dave Blair 250.546.3606 daveblair@sunwave.net Memberships • Send memberships to: The Membership Coordinator 1829 Pleasant Valley Road, Armstrong, B.C., V0E 1B2, or use PayPal on the Rover-Landers of BC website. Website www.roverlanders.bc.ca • The Rover-Landers of BC are committed to the preservation, restoration and driving enjoyment of Land Rover vehicles; and the preservation of the outback environment throughout B.C. Events are targeted towards all members of the family. CHALLENGING EVERYTHING FOR 63 YEARS Rover-Landers Directors & Key Volunteers • Southern Interior Rep: Dave Blair daveblair@sunwave.net • Northern Interior Rep: Gerry Bolduc gb.oforc@hotmail.com • Vancouver Island Rep: Greg Sutfin gsutfin@telus.net • Minutes Recorder, Communications & Web Photo Galleries: Bill Eastwood gvrdeu@telus.net • Membership Coordinator & Newsletter Editor: Pamela Blair hoofandpaw@sunwave.net • Business Relations & Advertising: Dave Blair: daveblair@sunwave.net Cory Paulger: clp@shaw.ca • Webmaster: Dave Blair daveblair@sunwave.net • Merchandise: Jill Deane britishboys@shaw.ca • Online Calendar of Events: Kris Maksymuik: tokris@telus.net • Whipsaw Trail Preservation Committee: Shawn Doherty (Project Manager), Pete Lembesis, Kris Maksymuik, Ray Hyland & Glen Bruce In this Issue • President’s Message • Monthly Minutes • Upcoming Events • Member News • Van Isle ~ New Year Run • Founder’s Day • Snowflake Chase • Mystery Creek Run • Oil Spill & City Hall • Working Downtown • In the News • In the Garage • Rover Kids • Rovering Rover • 2011 Membership Form Volume 24 – 1 Spring 2011 Supporters • Special thanks go to all our advertisers who make the publication of this newsletter possible. Please show your support by visiting these companies. • The Rover-Landers of BC reserves the right to refuse any advertisers. • The Rover-Landers of BC has a very active Internet home page and web Forum. Visit our site at: http://www.roverlanders.bc.ca Publication Information • The Rover-Lander newsletter is produced and mailed out 3 times per year to all paid Rover-Lander members. (Spring: April, Summer: August & Winter: December) • The Rover-Landers of BC operates independantly from all other Land Rover clubs however, we do share newsletters with other clubs and enthusiasts in the US and UK. • The Rover-Lander is printed by Bruce Adams at Professional Graphics in Armstrong, B.C. On the Cover This issue’s cover is Range Rover. The Summer 2011 issue is Discovery. Winter 2011 is Series. Gracing our spring cover and easing his 1991 Range Rover through the Boulder Challenge at NWC 2010 is Mike Bach. Mike is a veteran NWC competitor & organizer, Rover-Lander member & the 2011 PCRC Vice President. Mike & his wife Christine are dog lovers and reside in Vancouver, Washington. Photo by: Roving Photographix List of Advertisers • Hesp Automotive - page 2 • Juan’s Auto Service - page 19 • Kakadu Camping - page 6 • Rocky Mountain Products - page 21 • Roverdrive Gear Corp. - page 39 • Rover Tech Automotive - page 40 The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Page 5 What's happening in 2011 ?? Upcoming Runs & Events • Check the Rover-Landers of BC website for further info, updates, added events & changes ~ www.roverlanders.bc.ca means this is an official Rover-Landers of BC event amenities. The Scratch & Dent Drive will be on Saturday this year, with overnight camping in our field Friday and Saturday night. Sunday will be the general get-together; camaraderie and Potluck lunch. Go to the Van Isle website for more information www.vanislelandrovernetwork.com or contact Greg at gsutfin@telus.net May 21st - 22nd, 2011 Whipsaw Trail Run Snow?? You bet. Check the website for details. Contact Kris Maksymuik at tokris@telus.net May 21st, 2011 All British Field Meet (ABFM) Van Dusen Gardens, Vancouver ‘The Greatest Show On British Wheels’ This popular west coast Show n’ Shine event is open to all British made vehicles. Gates open at 7:30 a.m., all vehicles must remain on site until 4:30 p.m. Awards presented in entrants choice classes and 7 judged classes. Vendors booths feature all things British, including car parts and automobilia. To register visit the website www. westerndriver.com/abfm or call 604.736.6754. e-mail: jstewart@westerndriver.ca June 11th – 12th, 2011 Cowichan Valley Land Rover Rally #9 Duncan, Vancouver Island Come on out to the Sutfin’s place, 4 miles north of Duncan just off the Island Hwy and close to July 23rd, 2011 Western Washington All British Field Meet Washington, USA This show is held on the grounds of Bellevue College, 3000 Landerholm Circle SE, Bellevue Washington. The first cars will be allowed on the field at 8:00 a.m. with parking completed by 10 a.m. People’s Choice voting will run until 1:30 p.m., with the awards given out at 3:00 p.m. July 27th – 31st, 2011 Northwest Overland Rally Ellensburg, Washington Headed up by Craig Miller and the Northwest Overland Society this will be a multi day event with limited registration. See the website for more details: overlandrally.com August 2nd – 6th, 2011 Land Rover National Rally Breckenridge, Colorado, USA The Solihull Society is proud to announce the 2011 Land Rover National Rally will be held in Breckenridge, Colorado. This event aims at bringing together adventure loving people who share the common interest of Land Rovers and active four-wheeling in exciting places. August 19th - 22nd, 2011 Rover Ranch 2011 Armstrong, North Okanagan 5th annual multi-day off-roading event with onsite camping on Rover Ranch and close to all amenities. Family & dog friendly event, please, no aggressive dogs! Cows at large, watch for gate signs. 3 Runs have been selected for 2011: easy (Fri), moderate (Sat) and hard (Sun). The hard trail being the ‘Jeep Trail’ is for those capable drivers & trucks looking for a challenging Run and day out. Expect mud & possible winching or tugging. Sunday will end up with a Pot-Luck dinner for everyone. Bring enough of something to feed 6-8 people. Due to limited space with cattle this event is capped at 25 trucks. Let us know soon as there are limited spots available. This is not a ‘by invitation only’ event, but reservations are a must due to limited space. For directions, more info, to reserve a spot or get on the Cancellation-Waiting List e-mail Pamela at hoofandpaw@sunwave.net or Dave at daveblair@sunwave.net September 2nd - 4th, 2011 35th Annual Portland ABFM, Oregon, USA Held at the Portland International Raceway, West Delta Park just off the I-5. 1940 N Victory Blvd., Portland. Three days of fun-filled activities. 800+ British vehicles. Contact Pamela Petroff at p2e2d2@comcast.net The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Page 15 David Harrison with a little help from John Curtis & Dave Blair at best, Dave B and John C tried pushing, nothing seemed to be able to get the big 110 past this point. The front trucks eventually returned to check out the delay and it was agreed to turn the rest of the Rover pack around and head back down to the clearing as it was now almost 12:30. Safely down in the clearing out came the lunch sammies and snacks. Young London and Felix busied themselves scampering about the area searching out broken skeet plates used in target practice. Lucky London eventually found a couple that were intact and most likely they were quickly tucked away in his dad’s RRC as a prize for his day’s adventure. With Dave, I and our Rover Pups facing a 5-6 hour trip back to the north Okanagan we said our good-byes and headed out down to Chilliwack River knowing our way out. We were really glad to have been able to get out with the group again on Snowflake Chase. Thanks everyone! Oh and yes... Rupert held himself together. The afternoon portion of this write-up is now turned over to Andy Deane as he led the remaining trucks on a afternoon adventure up Vedder Mountain finding some mud, goo and water that capped off Snowflake Chase for 2011. ~ Heading home on the way past Cultus Lake, half the group which had a little more time to play headed over Vedder Mountain for the “scenic” route home. As soon as we left the asphalt behind we were in deep gooey mud! We slipped and slid our way up the northeast side of Vedder until we reached a small off-shoot trail that we knew had some interesting water holes hiding along it. The trail was fun with steep and off-camber sections which Glen Bruce Karl Nylund Randy Hay Shad Lievesley squeezed between the trees and kept your full attention in trying not to loose a wing mirror. Then our little convoy hit the big water hole, one at a time with our Rovers wading through the dark murky water to a muddy, slimy bank to climb out of at the far end. Once we were all out of the water hole we headed upwards towards the scenic lookout atop Vedder Mountain which looked southwest over the Fraser Valley. At the top we found a few inches of snow and had amazing views with whispers of clouds below us. After a leg stretch and snapping a few photos it was time to head down and home. The trail led us off the mountain on the west side and straight to much welcome hot coffee at Whatcom Road! So ends Snowflake Chase 2011. The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Page 17 Floris van Weelderen’s Rufus The Hale Creek beach is always a fun place to crawl trucks down to and after bumping our way down to the beach we were surprised to see the place empty. We all parked up and stretched the legs and snapped some photos. It won’t be long until warm weekends will have us back camping on the beach I thought. Harrison Lake and moss covered vines. After half an hour on the beach it soon became apparent that darkness was coming fast and we needed to get back on the move. The log fall at the back of the beach gave us a little trouble as the wet rolling logs spun under the tires and flipped up getting caught under the belly of our trucks. A few sessions of tugging and winching had us on the move again and it was dark by the time we reached the main road. Fossil Beach At this point the group split as some had to be back earlier than others. Dave F. led half the group back up to the FSR and headed for home while the other half of the group decided to go check out Fossil Beach. The rocky part at the start of Fossil Beach road definitely is getting rougher as we all had to carefully pick our line across the diff-crunching obstacles. The old logging road down to the beach here always looks very “Jurassic” to me and I love the big trees Eric Balac Ryan Fetterley Pete Lembesis All and all it was a great day to be out in beautiful British Columbia, thanks everyone for coming out. I can’t wait to do it all again another day soon. cheers, Andy Page 26 The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Land Rovers in the News Carson Auto Building in the Works on Douglas Street – Project for Dealership December 8th, 2010 Source: timescolonist.com The Carson Auto Group will bring its Jaguar and Land Rover dealership to the ground floor of a new four-storey office building at 3351 Douglas St. that will also serve as head office for its provincial automotive operations. Excavation and major foundation work is underway with a completion date set for November 2011. Ford at 2829 Douglas St. and 1660 Island Hwy. It also holds Coastal Ford in Vancouver and Burnaby, and Sea to Sky Ford in Squamish. The Roderick Street property will be used to expand the Mistubishi business, which will remain in its same locaion but is growing and needs more space, Carson said. When it comes to local building projects, the north part of the downtown as it edges over into Saanich, is a hub of construction activity. Further north on Douglas Street, workers continue to build the $350-million Uptown development. Nearby on Carey Road, the $100-million Mount View Heights development to create affordable housing is also underway. Saanich’s 2008 rezoning approval for the new Carson building included a company agreement to dedicate 14% of the Douglas Street lot to the municipality to allow for transportation improvements and to align Audley Street and Ardersier Road across Douglas Street. needs a few upgrades in regards to the brakes and engine unit. The car comes with a more powerful LR 5.0-litre V8 engine providing enough acceleration potential to take the car from 0-100km/h in 10.6 seconds. Stopping the outfit also puts a bit more pressure on the car’s infrastructure. So the Discovery 4 Armoured comes equipped with six-piston front brake calipers clamping Alcon brake discs and four-piston calipers at the back. Land Rover says the Armoured will pull up just as effectively as the standard Discovery 4. From the exterior it’s hard to spot the difference, mainly because there is no immediate difference; it all looks pretty much the same. Nonetheless, every bit of protection plating has been blended in with the car’s design and passes all European compliance standards. This is what you call a tough off-roader; it’s not only hunting rugged terrain, it’s hunting explosions too. © Copyright The Victoria Times Colonist Rare Land Rovers Saved from Scrap Yard January 3rd, 2011 Source: birminghammail.net/news Land Rover Discovery 4 Armoured December 20th, 2010 Source: caradvice.com.au Carson’s project at the north end of Douglas will be built using high-quality materials and for a silver designation in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system. “It is meant to be here 100 years from now,” said Jim Carson, a principal and general manager of the company. “It is definitely going to be a nice enhancement to that area of town.” Designed and built by Omicron Total Building Solutions, the 3,065-square-metre (33,000-square-foot) project features four storeys facing Douglas Street. A lower level for parking and mechanical systems will be developed on the sloping site. Jaguar Victoria and Land Rover Victoria, now at 740 Roderick St., will relocate into the building. The Carson Auto Group will consolidate its offices and include a new training facility in this building. Two floors remain to be leased, Carson said. The Carson Auto Group owns Victoria Mitsubishi at 761 Cloverdale Ave., Suburban Motors at 3377 Douglas St., Glenoak Need a tough off-road vehicle? Land Rover might have just the thing. The company has released a new variant of the popular four-wheel drive called the Land Rover Discovery 4 Armoured. As the name suggests, this Discovery 4 is armoured. Quite heavily, too. The car was developed in conjunction with Centigon – a high-tech security company – and features steel plating and glazing to the extent that the car can withstand an explosion of up to 15kg worth of TNT within close proximity. There’s protection all underneath the floor of the car as well so it can withstand the detonation of two DM51 hand grenades. Because of all this heavy armour and plating, the car weighs a hefty 3550kg, so it A collection of rare Land Rovers destined for a Norweigan scrap yard has been saved by a Midland businessman. John Craddock, the largest independent Land Rover dealer in Britain, stepped in at the last minute to save the collection of 1950s and 60s vehicles from the jaws of the crusher. He flew to Norway and put in a bid for the Ketil collection and now plans to bring the best back to the Midlands where they will be auctioned in the spring. The cheaper models are now being sold off in Norway to avoid the hefty cost of shipping them back to Britain. And enthusiasts from all over Europe are now heading to Norway in the hope of securing a small part of automotive history. The collection includes a wide variety of vehicles based on the Land Rover Defender, although there are a few Range Rover-based ones. It includes fire engines, ambulances, tracked vehicles, rescue and recovery vehicles. There is also a wide range of conventional Defenders in varying states of repair. Some vehicles are first off the production line examples. The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Page 27 A spokesman for Mr Craddock said: “The sale of these vehicles was advertised, but not very well, and the people selling them seemed to think they were for scrap. It seems they did not realise the rarity of what they had got.” Land Rover Plays with Clay in New TV Ad January 4th, 2011 Source: campaignlive.co.uk/news The “claymation” campaign created by RKCR/Y&R and Wunderman, broke on TV yesterday (January 3rd), following the car’s launch in Italy. The 30-second TV spot features the Freelander 2 as it drives across a chaotic, everchanging plasticine terrain. Art direction was led by Dave Godfree and the ad was written by Mark Waldron. The executive creative director was Graham Lang. Accompanied by press and online executions, the campaign will include a behindthe-scenes documentary on how the Brooklyn production company Hornet set about creating the animated world. The behind-the-scenes footage also features an interview on YouTube with animated driver “Clay Mason” about his experiences of driving the Freelander 2. Dorian Leroy, global communications manager, Land Rover, said: “We chose the animation theme for the campaign for its unique celebration of the overall versatility of the vehicle, while showcasing the optimistic and active lifestyles of Freelander owners. This film is a departure for Land Rover. The Freelander 2, Land Rover’s biggestseller, is a supremely capable vehicle used the world over. We wanted to encapsulate this in a leading-edge global campaign.” Graham Lang, Land Rover’s global integrated creative director, said: “Trying to stand out in the automotive market place is always a challenge, but to stand out and get the right messages across is even more difficult. ‘Claymation’ gave us a great way of doing both. I love the authenticity and charm of the medium and as a storytelling device, it gave us unlimited flexibility.” Silver or, as a first for the Defender, Nara Bronze. For both versions, the Defender’s roof and wheel arches are finished in Santorini Black. Trade Deal Sealed with Panda Pair January 12th, 2011 Source: theage.com JLR to add 40 Chinese Dealers February 9th, 2011 Source: autocar.co.uk Britain and China have signed trade deals worth $4.06 billion and announced Beijing will lend a pair of pandas to a zoo in Scotland for 10 years. The deals were signed on Monday during talks in London between Chinese VicePremier Li Keqiang and British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. The agreements include a commitment by Jaguar Land Rover to increase sales in China to 40,000 this year in a deal that the car maker said was worth $1.56 billion. The talks also covered international security and climate change “in which the UK and China work closely together”, a British government statement said. China’s loan of a breeding pair of giant pandas - named Tian Tian & Yuangguang, which translates to Sweetie and Sunshine – to Edinburgh Zoo for 10 years was viewed by the British government as a boost for research, conservation and tourism in Scotland. Li, widely tipped to become Chinese premier next year, also met Prime Minister David Cameron for talks on Monday, the second day of his visit to Britain. Jaguar Land Rover plans to open 40 new dealerships in China. According to a JLR executive, the luxury car maker will have 100 dealerships in China by the end of the year, up from today’s figure of 60. When speaking to China Daily, Bob Grace, JLR’s China president said that the country remained a key market for the firm but declined to comment on reports that JLR was looking for a Chinese partner to produce vehicles there. In January this year JLR opened a flagship showroom in Beijing which is expected to sell 400 cars a year, with a newly opened unit in Tianjin expected to sell half that amount. Jaguar sales last year rose by 50 per cent to 2700 units, while Land Rover sales doubled to 23,500 vehicles. Land Rover Defender Limited Edition Announced - goes on sale in Australia February 3rd, 2011 Source: the motorsport.com.au A special new Limited Edition version of the Land Rover Defender goes on sale in March, offering two new exterior colours, new wheels and two unique interior colours. The exterior of the Defender Limited Edition can be ordered in either Zermatt Land Rover Introduces World’s First iPad-Equipped Car February 12th, 2011 Source: bioscholar.com Land Rover has taken the car industry’s association with Apple products to a whole new level – by becoming the first brand to fit a vehicle with iPads as standard. The limited edition version of the Range Rover luxury 4WD has become world’s first vehicle to be offered with iPads as standard, reports Stuff.co.nz. Two of the electronic giant’s popular portable tablet devices are incorporated into the front seatbacks of the company’s most exclusive Range Rover yet, replacing the traditional DVD screens typically found in high-end luxury vehicles. The Range Rover Autobiography Ultimate Edition’s encased iPads flip up when rearseat passengers want to watch movies, listen to music or browse the Internet, and they are removable. The office-style back seat also adds new console extensions with Apple keyboards, aluminium laptop table and drinks chiller. Although the iPads, which start around Page 28 The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 nearly one thousand pounds compared to the current model. More legroom and an interior featuring “the kind of lavish materials and design typified by Bentley” are said to be on tap for the new model. In short, it sounds like Range Rover is definitely headed upmarket… but where does that leave the Land Rover models? £800, come free with the new Range Rover, it’s unlikely buyers will consider this a bargain. The aptly named Range Rover Ultimate, which features a handcrafted leather interior and yacht-inspired wooden cargo floor, is likely to cost more than £320,000 pounds. The Range Rover Ultimate will be offered with a choice of the brand’s new turbo diesel V8 engine or a 5.0-litre supercharged petrol V8. When is a Range Rover not a Land Rover? February 13th, 2011 Source: thetruthaboutcars.com Having heard that the littlest Land Rover will go by the name “Range Rover Evoque”, Autoblog caught up with the Jaguar-Land Rover’s communications team at the Chicago Auto Show, and asked whether Tata’s luxury group would be trying to differentiate the Range Rover brand. Their answer? Dealers will add Range Rover branding to their towers. the issue is in flux right now. They will? This decision forces the question: what differentiates a Land Rover from a Range Rover? Land Rover is more utilitarian, Range Rover is the top end of luxury. You don’t lose any capability with the Range Rover, but the Evoque especially is about unabashed on-road and urban driving. There you have it. Certainly, “Land Rover Range Rover Sport” is an awkward formulation, but is “Range Rover Range Rover Sport” really any better? Is JLR making a worthwhile distinction between brands, or is it simply adding to America’s auto brand clutter? Range Rover is apparently fairly serious about moving upmarket as Autocar reports it is about to announce a $200k+ “Ultimate” special edition. Plus, a new aluminum-platformed Range Rover is under development which will reportedly lose Jaguar Land Rover on Track Toward $1.6 Billion Profit February 13th, 2011 Source: autoguide.com Five consecutive quarters of being “in the black” has paid off for Jaguar Land Rover. The luxury automaker is set to make over a billion pounds in profit ($1.6 billion) after strong sales around the world, especially in Asia. In the last three months of 2010, the company netted a record profit of $440 million. Just a year ago, in the same quarter, Jaguar Land Rover made “only” $88 million. In America the company announced a 48% and 16% increase in growth for Jaguar and Land Rover, respectively. It’s also been a long time since 2009, when JLR was nearly forced to seek a bailout from the U.K. government. This impressive increase reflects the turnaround that the company has made since it was sold off by Ford to Tata Motors; think Alan Mulally is kicking himself over in Dearborn? To reflect this growth and keep its momentum, JLR will increase production from 232,000 vehicles a year to over 300,000, as well as hire new engineers around the world. Woman Stole $1.2 Million from Dealership February 14th, 2011 Source: wyff.com/news Greenville, S.C. – An upstate woman pleaded guilty Monday to stealing $1.2 million from the Land Rover dealership she once worked for. Lara Marie Nance, age 34, of Townville, pleaded guilty in federal court in Greenville to wire fraud. Nance was an employee of Land Rover of Greenville for several years, during which she printed unauthorized business checks from her employer and deposited them into personal and business accounts she established at various banks. Investigators said by creating business accounts, Nance used similar names as legitimate Land Rover vendors. So payments that Nance funneled to herself appeared in the accounting system to be legitimate. To carry out her scheme, investigators said Nance gained full access to the computer system at Land Rover by forging a letter to ADP, the company Land Rover used to control access. After she acquired full system administrator privileges, Nance was able to cover up her fraud. The investigation found that Nance used the stolen money for multiple purposes, including the purchase of automobiles for friends and family. Nance would go to other dealerships, purchase a car free and clear, and then sell it to others for pennies on the dollar. Investigators said that Nance enjoyed the reputation of being a person who could obtain “good deals” for others. Secret Service agents have seized approximately 16 vehicles Nance purchased in this manner. The maximum penalty Nance can receive is a fine of $250,000 and/or imprisonment for 20 years, plus a special assessment of $100. The case was investigated by agents of the United States Secret Service. Gutted Solihull Land Rover Workers miss out on Lottery Windfall March 8th, 2011 Source: birminghammail.net Six workers at Solihull’s Land Rover factory are reeling with disappointment after missing out on a lottery windfall because of a broken ticket machine. The gutted staff, who paid into the paint shop syndication at the luxury carmaker, watched in horror as their numbers came up on a Wednesday draw. They got five of the numbers, plus the bonus ball, and were in line to win a share of a whopping £173,400. The win would have made each member a handsome £28,900 each better off. The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Page 31 Monthly Meeting Minutes January Meeting Minutes January 20th, 2011 Bill Eastwood recording. Meeting commenced at 7:30 p.m., Ricky’s Restaurant, Surrey, B.C. Members Present: Andy Deane, Shawn Doherty, Bill Eastwood, Bernie Buttner, Shad Lievesley, Cam Sainsbury, Kris Maksymuik, Gary Spicer. Guests Present: Boyce Buttner • Minutes from the previous meeting: Minutes from the previous meeting (previous meeting was November 2010). Motion to accept minutes as posted on the website. Motion (Andy Deane) Seconded (Bernie Buttner). Carried. • Treasurer’s Report: Report read by Shawn Doherty. There is $7594.00 in the bank. It was noted that we have a good financial standing this year and are within six dollars of last year’s bank account figure. Shawn also reported that we are very well stocked on merchandise. • Membership Update: (as submitted by Pamela Blair) Total membership for 2010 was 130 paid members. To date the 2011 membership is at 23 paid members – 5 new and 18 renewals. Pamela will process new & renewal memberships at the Main Door during Founder's Day on Jan. 22nd, 11. A 2011 membership card is your official receipt. • Newsletter Update: (as submitted by Pamela Blair) The Spring issue of the Rover-Lander is well underway with submissions received from several members over the last few weeks. The Spring issue is due out by April 1st, 2011. Please contact the Editor for any submissions. • Merchandise update: Andy Deane reports that we are now fully stocked with new hoodies, long sleeved and short sleeved t-shirts plus a new micro fiber fleece. • Lordco Discount Cards: Dave B advised Andy that he has still not had any luck getting a response on this item from Lordco. He had checked in on January 14 but has not heard anything. • Executive Offices: Andy again encouraged those interested in helping to run the club to consider running for office at the AGM. • Members Trucks: – Shawn Doherty has spent time diagnosing his cold temperature problem on his 1988 RR with Isuzu diesel. A complete lack of a thermostat ended up being the problem. Shawn also has his 109 torn apart for refurbishing. – Shad Lievesley gave a short report on his caravan trip in England. Shad bought both a caravan and a defender to use while on the trip and is now considering whether to import the Defender to Canada. He reports that the caravan wasn’t really up to motorway speeds and began to fall apart. • 2010 Events Update: – Christmas Party This year’s event was held at the White Spot at 23rd & Lonsdale in North Vancouver on Thursday, December 16th, 2010. By all accounts it was a very enjoyable evening. Thanks to Andrea and Barry for their efforts with organizing this event. – Fossil Beach Andy reports that the run up the West Harrison FSR down to Fossil Beach was attended by five trucks and that the road down to the beach was a lot rougher. The logs where the trail enters the beach have become quite an obstacle. He also reports that already there is an accumulation of garbage with more visitors. • 2011 Events update: – Founder’s Day Andy Deane spent some time going over preparations for this event which is coming up on the weekend, January 22nd. Hours are confirmed to run from 3 p.m. until 8 p.m. with the AGM taking place at 1:00 p.m. Andy would like volunteers and special display items to be on site at 10:30 a.m. Andy advises that he is still looking for committed help for among other things parking the trucks. Andy again encouraged members who have interesting video on DVD, to bring it to the event Gary Spicer will again offer an award of an age correct license plate for the Best Series I. Andy went over some of the items for discussion at the AGM. These items and more can be viewed and commented on by logging on to the member’s only section of the web forum. Bill Eastwood tabled a proposed motion for discussion regarding reimbursement of personal expenses for event organizers. Bill intends to make this motion at the AGM. It also can be viewed in the Member’s Only Section of the web forum. Welcome by Andy Deane, President Thanks to volunteers: President Andy Deane offered thanks to all those who helped organize and support club trips and functions in 2010. Andy gave a brief overview of the previous year’s events and spent some time encouraging group participation and involvement from a broader contingent of the membership. He reports that there were 16 official runs for 2010 of which 9 were some sort of overnight event and 7 which were day outings Andy covered a number of items pertinent to this year’s Founder’s Day. The Canol Expedition theme of last year has been replaced with a military based display for something a little different. Members are reminded that the Founder’s Day is paid for almost entirely by entry fees, raffle proceeds and concession sales, the concession needing a minimum number of sales for the club not to be charged a flat fee. As usual there will be a series of People’s Choice Awards and the cut-off time for voting is 6:00 p.m. NOTE: Other events are planned and some impromptu events will take place with short notice. The events section on our web forum will contain the latest details, check often. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. AGM Minutes Jauary 22nd, 2011 Bill Eastwood recording. Meeting commenced at 1:16 p.m., Cloverdale Agriplex, Surrey, B.C. Present: Andy Deane, Pete Lembesis, Shawn Doherty, Bill Eastwood, Jonathan Fether, Jill Deane, Rick Mellenger, Andrew Phillips, Pamela Blair, Dave Fraser, Stuart Scantlebury, Greg Sutfin, Dave Blair, Derek Norman, Dave Vervaet, Cory Paulger, Christopher Wiebe, Karl Nylund, Randy Hay, Kris Maksymuik, Mark Maksymuik, Roger Sutcliffe, John Curtis, Glen Bruce, Ray Hyland, Bernie Buttner, Shad Lievesley, Ted Edwards, Brian Holmes, Stuart Longair, Brodie Pedersen, Gary Spicer, John Parsons, Andrew Howton. • Previous AGM Minutes: Minutes from the previous AGM are posted in the “Members Only” area of the web-board. Motion to accept the minutes as posted by Dave Blair, seconded by Bernie Buttner. Carried. • Treasurer’s Report: Read aloud by our Treasurer Shawn Doherty (to be supplied separately) • Membership Report: As presented by Pamela Blair, Membership Coordinator & Newsletter Editor for the RoverLanders of BC. Page 32 The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Membership currently sits at 26 paid members to date for 2011. Welcome to the following new member since the November Meeting: David duChemin, Vancouver - 1993 D90. 2011 membership forms were sent out to all 2010 members in the winter issue of the Rover-Lander. All 2010 memberships expired on December 31st, 2010 except those new members who signed on after September 1st, 2009, those memberships are valid until December 31st, 2011. New & renewal memberships for 2011 can be mailed into the Membership Coordinator or paid online using PayPal. Unrenewed 2010 members will be cut from the mailing list as of April 1st (spring issue) but will be reinstated upon renewal. 25 membership forms were sent out in early December to 2008 & 2009 un-renewed members, To date only one has renewed and 2 came back as moved. 2010 Membership Stats: Total members for the year - 130 up by 21 from 2010 (revenue at $35.00 per membership = $4550.00). 2009 - 109, 2008 - 91, 2007 - 88 New Members - 40 up by 6; Renewals - 82 up by 7; Welcome Backs - 8 up by 2 (these are members out for 1 or more years) Male - 123 up by 20 Female - 7 up by 1 Area Breakdown: Lower Mainland & Sunshine Coast - 92 up by 12; Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands - 16 up by 4; Interior - 11 up by 4; Cariboo - 1 same; Kootenays - 1 same; Alberta - 3 same; US - 5 up by 1 2011 Membership Stats to date: Members to date - 26 up by 5 compared to same time last year. New Members - 5; Renewals - 17; Welcome Backs - 1 Area Breakdown: Lower Mainland & Sunshine Coast - 15; Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands - 3; Interior - 6; Cariboo - 1; Kootenay - 1; Alberta - 0; US - 0 • Newsletter Report for the Rover-Lander As presented by Pamela Blair, Membership Coordinator & Newsletter Editor for the RoverLanders of BC, The winter issue of the Rover-Lander was mailed out to all paid members and advertisers on November 27th, 2010. For total print & postage costs and ad revenue please refer to the Treasurer's Year End Financial Report. Many thanks to everyone who contributed ads, articles, write-ups, features & photos to the Rover-Lander in 2010. We still receive great compliments from other clubs and people outside of Canada on a job well done.. The spring issue of the Rover-Lander is laid out and underway to date. Thanks to René Bischof, Larry Emrick & Victor Gerwin for sending items in last fall and over the holidays. It’s Range Rover’s turn on the front cover, Summer is Discovery and Winter is Series. We hope to be able to continue on with some of the new features that were started in 2009 & 2010 like product reviews, member trucks & Rover Kids. However, this does require continued input from our members. Rovering Rover is already booked for the Spring & Summer issues, but a booking is still open for the Winter issue. To date two ads are paid to carry over for the Spring issue (Juan's Auto Service, Kakadu Camping). Please see Pamela and or David Blair for the 2011 Ad Rate Card and deadlines. The spring issue of the Rover-Lander is scheduled to be out by April 1st, 2010. • Whipsaw Report: Shawn Doherty reminded everyone that although the club acts as steward for the Whipsaw generally we actually are only mandated to maintain the immediate area around Lodestone Lake. The trail in 2010 was in generally good condition, litter was minimal except at Wells Lake. Shawn reports that the realistic window of travel by Land Rover on the Whipsaw is only 10 weeks from roughly mid to late June through to later October. The club managed to install trail markers about halfway along the Whipsaw from the south end and hope to complete this task next season. More environmental signage and perhaps some trail map signs could be contemplated in the future. It was noted that the grass seed provided by the ministry for rehabilitation of the campground at Lodestone has not taken after being planted in 2009. • Island Report: Greg Sutfin our Vancouver Island Director reports that the Rover-Landers are alive and well on Vancouver Island and have had a good year beginning with a small Island contingent attending Founder’s Day in January of 2010. There was a February run up Northwest Bay road near Parksville which it was felt deserves a re-visit. March saw a tour of a rigging facility that makes and tests slings and lifting gear, Greg did a nice write-up of this trip in the Rover-Lander. There were 8 Land-Rovers present in Sydney for the Old English Car Club “show and shine”. Greg was able to elicit interest in the club with a display of newsletters and other club information. In June, 25 Land Rovers turned out for the Cowichan Valley Land Rover Rally at Greg’s place. In July there was a good showing for “Brits on the Beach” in Ladysmith and some Island representation made it to Rover Ranch in Armstrong. October saw a nice autumn drive overland on logging roads to Port Alberni. The trip was cut short but a couple of weeks later a group drove to Holyoak Lake on Mount Brenton. The OECC event in Comox was also attended by Land Rovers and an Island 4x4 “show and shine” in Colwood got the benefit of a hand-crank demonstration which suitably impressed the Jeep owners. Gary and Burnadette’s 88 attended the OECC’s meet at the McLean Sawmill Museum near Port Alberni and Victor and Margaret’s Dormobile was the only thing in attendance with some ground clearance at the European Car Picnic in Victoria. Greg and David competed in the Northwest Challenge as the sole entry from the Island. Just before Christmas there was a get together for coffee and on January 2nd of this year there was a drive up Copper Canyon west of Chemainus to play in the snow which ended up including some testing of traction control and winches. In other related news one pair of owners travelled to the UK to check on the progress of their 110 build-up and another couple have lost their Discovery in a crash which fortunately didn’t harm the occupants. • Interior Report: (Gerry Bolduc was not present to give his report) • Okanagan and Southern Interior Report: Dave Blair reports that the 2010 Rover Ranch event was a great success and was attended by some 25+ trucks and about fifty people. Dave advises that he and Pamela have not yet decided on repeating this event in 2011. Dave reports that most of the Land Rover related interest has been through casual contact like visitors dropping by and incidental meetings throughout the year. He notes that there appears to be a solid base of enthusiasts in the Nelson area. • Merchandise Report: Jill Deane reports that the club has received requests for merchandise from as far away as France and all over the States. She advises that we are all restocked with shirts and now have a micro-fleece jersey on offer but in limited sizes. • Website Report: Dave Blair continues this year as our website administrator and moderator but announced that he would really appreciate if someone could take over these duties in the near future. He is willing to help transition these duties to someone new. Complaints about slowness of the site to respond can be addressed by using the phone-in help service that Dave has set up. When you notice a specific time it’s running slow give NetNation a call and identify yourself as associated with www.roverlanders.bc.ca and tell them it’s running slow. That way they can look into it during the actual slowdown period. NetNation's support phone number is 1-888-983-6600. You'll have to tell them specifically what page you're viewing during the slowdown so they know what kind of web service is being loaded at that time. • New Business: Election of Officers for 2011 Andy Deane agreed to stand for President for another term. There being no other takers Andy Deane was acclaimed as President for another term. Pete Lembesis agreed to stand and there being no other takers he was acclaimed again as VicePresident. The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Page 33 Secretary/Treasurer, Shawn Doherty agreed to stand again and there being no other nominees he was acclaimed into the position. Directors of the club for various positions in 2011 were appointed as follows: Greg Sutfin continues for Director Vancouver Island Gerry Bolduc, though not present sent word that he’ll continue for Director BC NorthernInterior. Shawn Doherty, Glen Bruce, Pete Lembesis, Kris Maksymiuk and Ray Hyland are the Whipsaw Committee. Bill Eastwood continues as Photo Gallery Editor, Member email Notification and Minute recorder. Pamela Blair continues as Membership Coordinator and Newsletter Editor. Dave Blair has reluctantly agreed to continue as Web Site Administrator /Moderator. Jill Deane continues as representative for Club Merchandise. Dave Blair (nominated by Pamela Blair, seconded by Pete Lembesis) along with Cory Paulger are our Business Relations Coordinators with Dave Fraser retiring from the role. Dave Blair will continue to represent as the Director Okanagan and Southern Interior – Ray Hyland mentioned that if the club is interested in developing its exposure more, the website known as the Expedition Portal has a large readership. If any of our members frequently post to the site it might pay to us the RoverLanders URL on their signature line. – Bill Eastwood placed a motion before the members present, motion as follows: Member Event Expense Reimbursement Definitions: An “Event” is one that is identified and sanctioned by the Rover-Landers of British Columbia directors. It is open to all members in good standing at sign-up but may be limited in number of attendees. The Event will be advertised through as many of the mechanisms available to the Event Host as the club directors deem reasonable. These are usually, but not limited to one or more of the following: • The Rover-Landers of BC webpage • The Rover-Landers of BC Newsletter • The Rover-Landers of BC email contact list • The Rover-Landers of BC regular membership meetings An “Event Host” is the Rover-Landers of British Columbia. An “Event Organizer” is a Rover-Landers member in good standing that has been identified by the club directors as an Event Organizer for a specific Event. An “Expense” is a cost incurred by an Event Organizer that is recognized by the club directors as one directly related to the preparation or set-up of the Event. It is usually, but not limited to one or more of the following: • Fuel (gasoline, diesel, propane) • Posters, maps, instructions and other handouts • Rope, flagging tape, cones, stakes • Firewood, signage, tarps • Equipment Rentals Under no circumstances will an Event Organizer be reimbursed for vehicle repairs, restaurant meals, or accommodation expenses. Motion: Whereas it is recognized that the Rover-Landers of BC encourages and promotes its members involvement in the organization of club events pursuant to the club’s constitution and by-laws and whereby it is acknowledged that an Event Organizer can incur personal Expenses as a direct result of organizing an Event, such Event Organizer will be entitled to receive reimbursement of personal Expenses if, a) The Expense does not exceed $500.00. b) The Expense is directly related to the preparation or set-up of the Event. c) The request for reimbursement of the Expense is accompanied by receipts. d) The reimbursement of the Expense does not in the opinion of the club directors impinge on the Rover-Landers of BC’s ability to otherwise reasonably meet its financial obligations for normal operating costs. – Bill also added that after discussion with the Treasurer prior to the meeting he was compelled to make an addition to his motion at the Treasurer’s request. Shawn Doherty (Treasurer) then relayed that his suggested amendment is to add an item e) to the motion which should read “The event budget has been reviewed and approved by the directors”. – Pete Lembesis seconded the motion with the amendment made by Shawn Doherty, the motion was carried. AGM adjourned at 2:20 p.m. February Meeting Minutes February 17th, 2011 Bill Eastwood recording. Meeting commenced at 7:30 p.m., Ricky’s Restaurant, Surrey, B.C. Members Present: Andy Deane, Shawn Doherty, Bill Eastwood, Dave Blair, Greg Pollock, Bob Bain, Cam Sainsbury, Stewart Craig, Tony Carey, Kris Maksymuik, Pete Lembesis, Glen Bruce, Christopher Wiebe. Guests Present: Grace Wiebe & Shad Lievesley • Minutes from the previous meeting: Motion to accept minutes as posted on the website. Motion (Andy Deane). Seconded (Pete Lembesis). Carried • Treasurer’s Report: Report read by Shawn Doherty. There is $10,611.44 in the bank. It was noted that we came out $345 in the hole on Founder’s Day. This was partially attributable to the fact that the on-site cash machine was out of order so people were not able to get ready cash to buy raffle tickets and merchandise. • Membership Update: (as submitted by Pamela Blair) Membership currently sits at 68 paid members to date for 2011. 2010 we were at 86 at this point in time. New members in since the January AGM: Stewart Craig, Langley - 2008 LR3, Ryan Fetterley, West Vancouver - 1995 RR LWB, Terry Saxe, Rochester, WA - 1984 SIII 109. Welcome back to the following members since the January AGM (out over 1 year): Mike Johnstone, Garibaldi Highlands - 1985 D110, Jerry Hurlburt, Abbotsford, 1949 SI 80", 1951 SI 80", 1956 SI 86", Devin Biln, Squamish - 1999 Disco I, Neil Filipek, Richmond - 1977 101FC, 1951 SI, Jeff London - 1966 S11a 109", Andrew Williams, Vancouver - 1994 RR LWB, 1996 Disco I. New & renewal memberships for 2011 can be mailed into the Membership Coordinator, turned in at the monthly meetings & events or paid online using PayPal. Un-renewed 2010 members will be cut from the mailing list as of April 1st (Spring issue) but will be instantly reinstated upon a paid renewal. 25 membership forms were sent out in early December to 2008 & 2009 unrenewed members. To date 4 have renewed and 2 came back as moved. If you think you may have an issue with your membership status or think you renewed but you actually have not or if you are not receiving your newsletters in the mail, please contact Pamela asap by e-mail or phone. A 2011 membership card is your official receipt of payment. • Newsletter Update: (as submitted by Pamela Blair) The Spring issue of the Rover-Lander is in full gear with just 6 weeks until printing and mailing. It’s Range Rover’s turn on the front cover, Summer is Discovery and Winter is Series. Looking for now and future In the Garage articles, product reviews, member trucks & Rover Kids stuff. Send in or contact Pamela with ideas or what you have, always good to have a few items ahead for the Summer & Winter issues. Rovering Rover is booked for all 2011 Spring, Summer & Winter issues. Next available opening is Spring 2012! For advertising in the Rover-Lander please contact Dave Blair, Cory Paulger or Pamela for ad rates and deadlines. The Spring issue of the Rover-Lander is scheduled to be out by April Page 34 The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 1st, 2010. • Merchandise Update: Andy Deane reports that we still have a number of the ceramic mugs left. • Okanagan Report: Dave & Pamela had another try at jelling the Okanagan Land Rover Community and hosted an informal ‘coffee night’ on Feb. 10th at a local Mexican restaurant in Vernon. Dave sent out about 30 e-mails and they had 8 say there were interested and would come. On the night they had 4 show up – the 2 new Vernon members Kris Markson & Kevin Schiewe plus Rick Tenveen (Salmon Arm) & Peter Tebbutt (Vernon). Pamela put together a slide show of about 200 Land Rover shots showing Land Rovers doing all types of activities from show n’ shines to heavy off-roading. They also drew names and Kevin Schiewe won a MasterPull t-shirt & sticker. Next Okanagan Coffee Night will be March 10. Location TBA. Dave & Pamela hope to make this a monthly event (2nd Thursday of each month) with perhaps bbq’s at Rover Ranch in the summer months. See how it goes. • Founder’s Day Re-cap: Andy reports that we had 64 paid entrants this year. Shawn expressed how much he enjoyed the theme section both this year and last year. There was discussion about other possible themes for next year. Suggestions included series focused display, expedition equipped vehicles, farm and industrial oriented vehicles. • 2011 Events update: – Snowflake Chase: This run was well attended and took the participants up into the Mt. Thurston area above Chilliwack then later part of the group headed over to Vedder Mountain. Photos are posted in the gallery. – Andy asked for suggestions on club Runs for the upcoming season. Much discussion and • Rud Chains Bungee Replacements: Pete Lembesis is organizing a group order of replacement rubber bungees for Rud snow chains. If you are interested please contact Pete. • NWC Website: Mike Bach from PCRC has reported that their club will participate in the sharing of costs and operation of the stand-alone Northwest Challenge website. • Member Contact List: David Vervaet brought up the matter of circulating member contact information. He points out that although we had over 120 paid members last year he does not have any way of knowing who they are or how to contact them. He points out that all the other clubs that he’s belonged to have shared this information within the membership and that this represents one of the key functions of membership. – Dave Blair points out that the membership application contains a check box that asks if the contact information can be shared and that a number of people are opposed to sharing this information. – Some commented that the web forum is a successful communication tool. – Others commented that forum users are just as likely not to be members or sometimes not even be in the same province or country and that most don’t even use their real name. – Someone suggested using the Members Only area for listing info. – Bill Eastwood expressed that there are likely privacy concerns about sharing personal information electronically but that we could safely send a contact list to members only as a separate insert in one of the newsletters. This has been done in the past and could easily be accomplished without the need to do anything “on-line”. – It was noted that participation at club events would likely increase if people had the ability to telephone other members for information and members would have some sense of the proximity of other Rover-Landers in their area. – Andy agreed to consider the request and discuss with the Executive. • Whipsaw Committee: No dates have been set for the new committee members to meet, but Shawn Doherty reports that an official meeting might be waived in favour of discussion on the first Whipsaw Run in May. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Executive that we should secure the Agriplex for next year’s Founder’s Day event. • Membership Update: (as submitted by Pamela Blair) Membership currently sits at 83 paid members to date for 2011. 2010 at this point in time was also 83, so on track despite the incredibly slow rate renewals are trickling in. New members in since the February Meeting: Bruce Henninger, Bellingham, WA - 1972 red SIII 88" & Ryan Stafford, Vancouver - 1976 grey SIII 88". New & renewal memberships for 2011 can be mailed into the Membership Coordinator, turned in at the monthly meetings & events or paid online using PayPal. If you submit using PayPal please fill out both pages. Unrenewed 2010 members will be cut from the mailing list as of April 1st (Spring issue) but will instantly reinstated upon a paid renewal. If you think you may have an issue with your membership status or think you renewed but you actually have not or if you are not receiving your newsletters in the mail, please contact Pamela asap by e-mail or phone. A 2011 blue membership card is your official receipt of payment. • Newsletter Update: (as submitted by Pamela Blair) The Spring issue of the Rover-Lander is at close-up now and is waiting on ad changes, March Minutes, President’s Message and a new crossword. Deadline for any other submissions was March 15th. Printing is booked for March 28th with the Rover-Lander going in the mail before April 1st. Looking ahead now to the Summer issue the Rover-Lander is in need of In the Garage arti- some tentative dates scheduled, all of which are subject to change so keep an eye on the website calendar and the events tab in the web forum. Our preliminary list includes: – Chehallis day trip Feb 19th (Andy Deane – contact) – Whipsaw 3 day Run May 21st (Kris Maksymiuk – contact) – All British Field Meet May 22nd – Cowichan Valley Land-Rover Weekend 3 days June 11 - 13 (Greg Sutfin – contact) – Northwest Overland Rally 4 days June 26th – Bulldog Mountain 5 days July 1st (Dave Blair – contact) – Land-Rover National Rally August 2nd - 6th – Rover Ranch 5 days August 18th Dave & Pamela Blair – contact) – Jim McEachern Memorial Run 2 days Sept 17th – Whipsaw BBQ 2 days October 22nd (Shawn Doherty – contact) Andy has again asked that individuals who are able should step forward and volunteer to be the point person for organizing of individual runs. NOTE: Other events are planned and some impromptu events will take place with short notice. The events section on our web forum will contain the latest details, check often. March Meeting Minutes March 17th, 2011 Bill Eastwood recording. Meeting commenced at 7:30 p.m., Ricky’s Restaurant, Surrey, B.C. Members Present: Andy Deane, Pete Lembesis, Shawn Doherty, Bill Eastwood, Stewart Craig, Dave Vervaet, Glen Bruce, Cam Sainsbury, Greg Pollock, Dave Fraser. Guests Present: Shad Lievesley & Marc Kenton • Minutes from the previous meeting: Motion to accept minutes as posted on the website. Motion (Andy Deane). Seconded (Dave Fraser). Carried • Treasurer’s Report: Report read (Shawn Doherty). There is $11090.00 in the bank. Shawn reminded the Page 36 The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Editor’s Message – Notes from under the front seat As I sit pounding out the start of this editorial on what is week two into March, winter has yet to release its snowy grip on the North Okanagan. We still have 12-15" of snow in the yards and the hay fields are thick with 2+ feet and... snow has been falling again this morning. Ack!! To say we are completely sick of winter doesn’t even begin to cover it. The first snowflakes fell on Rover Ranch on November 19th and we only just saw dirt about a week ago! That being said I think the winter prize must go to Rover-Lander Gerry Bolduc way up in Prince George. Gerry regularly sends me pics and info of life in PG and last check he had four plus feet of snow in the yard. Spring? Maybe by June, Gerry. Rover-Lander Bill Lang out in Roblin, Manitoba has also had a long cold winter and he tells us he is so ready for warmer days. He has grown weary of the -30ºC days and thinks their spring is about three months behind. However, slowly, like watching paint dry, the snow will melt. The snow lining our driveway recently took on a look resembling the White Cliffs of Dover. The old Series I’s, minus SpongeBob who is now in the shop, have finally emerged from their snowy cocoons like metal mammoth carcasses. Growing up in the Okanagan I could always guarantee a hike on or around St. Patrick’s Day when I could count the buttercups. Definitely not this year! Long cold snowy winter aside, we dealt with my mum being hospitalized three times since the end of November. The last spell had her in for three weeks in February with a broken hip after falling on ice outside her eye specialist’s office in Kamloops. Mum now 81, has rallied back and is thankfully doing better. After all of this I wore myself down and was rather frayed around the edges when I fell victim to a nasty bout of bronchitis on Feb. 22nd. Dave bundled me up, took me in to the doctor on Mar. 3rd, and my doctor exclaimed as he put the stethoscope on my back, “OMG girl, what have you done?!!” My lungs were huffing, puffing and wheezing like a dying locomotive. Needless to say I have not ventured out much the last few weeks and tending to my horses 4-5 times daily has been about all I could manage. Just gotta keep bobbing along, spring will come. Four years ago Dave & I tried jelling the North Okanagan Land Rover community with a dismal result that showed little interest, so we gave up. Now with our Rover Ranch event heading into its fifth consecutive year there has been significantly more interest in the valley and more people joining the club. Yeah! The new Okanagan members know they are too far away to attend events down there, much less a monthly Rover-Landers Meeting, so Dave & I felt it was important to try jelling again, hoping to at least make the new members up here feel involved and like they actually belonged to something. Our first try was on February 10th at a local restaurant in Vernon. Dave sent out about thirty e-mails and we had four fellows show up on the night – better than none, right? I put together a slide show for the boys to watch that night. It was deemed a success with them wanting us to keep it going monthly. Gathering #2 was on March 10th and we had eight show and with us it made ten. We selected a different restaurant for #2 that gave us more room and showed the Top Gear episode of their trek from Bolivia to the Pacific with a Range Rover, Toyota LC & Most days over the last few months looked like this at Rover Ranch Suzuki. It was a hit, and as you may know hilarious to watch. Looking back to Founder’s Day... most of your were there, it was great, wasn’t it? Revenue was down a bit, but it was still well attended with a grand gathering of Land Rovers in one place. It was a treat to have a few different models that are usually scarce in attendance for this year – three Series I’s, one Defender 130 and two 101 Forward Controls. The big ABFM at Van Dusen Gardens in Vancouver comes up on the May long weekend, always a fun event if it doesn’t rain. Dave & I are taking a break this year as it is a strict ‘no dogs allowed’ event and we are without dog sitters this year. Oliver & Jaime have expressed they would like a spring camp-out in the Slocan, or maybe that was me that expressed that. Hmm...... It’s PCRC and Washington’s turn again to host the 23rd annual Northwest Challenge this fall. Please check pages 5 & 6 for the newsletter’s Calendar of Events and always regularly check the Rover-Landers online Calendar & Forum for more information, contacts, new additions or event changes. A Rover-Landers logo beside the event designates offical Rover-Landers of BC events A few changes heading out the gate with this first issue for 2011. The Monthly Minutes have been moved to the back section of the newsletter and the Member News section was expanded to show more new members and their Rovers coming in. If you are a new member, please send us a picture of your Rover with or without you to hoofandpaw@sunwave.net. The crossword couldn’t arrive so a few pages were quickly re-done and shuffled about in the end. My filler folder was scraped dry as a result. If any of you have any suggestions or ideas for upcoming issues feel free to let Dave or I know. Remember folks... the newsletter is for the members by the members! Thanks to René Bischof & Larry Emrick for sending in their articles, it gave a good base to get this issue started, and I can always count on the Island Boys for In the Garage submissions ~ thanks Greg & Victor! Dave has been working on new advertisers and hopefully we will have a few more on board by the Summer issue. We did secure one new advertiser to date – welcome to Jeremy Pinney at Rocky Mountain Products. On that note I am gone now, hope to see some of you on the trail this season. Your Summer issue will be out by August 1st. Good luck to you all and let’s make 2011 another great year for the Rover-Landers. And... let’s keep up hope, support and prayers for the people and animals of Japan’s earthquake and tsunami. Really makes one think how much we all take for granted. always, PB & the Rover Pups The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011 Page 37 Rover-Landers Membership Application Form - 2011 The Rover-Landers of British Columbia c/o Membership Coordinator 1829 Pleasant Valley Road Armstrong, B.C., V0E 1B2 Club Dues Enclosed: Rover-Landers Annual fee $35 Rover-Landers sticker: for yes Sticky on back (normal) Last Name ______________________________________ First Name _________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town ________________________________ Province/State ___________ Postal Code______________ Home # (_____)_________________ Work # (_____)_________________ Mobile # (_____)________________ E-mail Address_________________________________________________ Forum User Name_________________________ (in order for us to allow you access to the members only area) Your Land-Rover(s): Year Model I would like to help: E-mail/Phone-out members Be an Executive Assist newsletter Colour Features Off-road event planning Other event planning Other I do not agree to allow my contact info to be distributed to other club members in the form of a member roster mailed with the newsletter. I would like to take part in the following activities: Heavy off-roading (possibility of body damage: large rocks, narrow trails) Light off-roading (slight possibility of body damage: gravel road, ditches) On-road events (i.e. road rallies, Whistler All British Run) Show ‘n Shine events (i.e. Founder’s Day, Van Dusen ABFM, Portland ABFM) Indoor events (i.e. dinners, meetings, information sessions, slide shows, club displays) I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge; 1. The above information is true, 2. I am at least nineteen (19) years of age, 3. I have adequate insurance on my vehicle for off-road use, 4. That Rover-Landers of BC, its officials or directors and members, will not be held liable for any damage or injuries that may occur during an event or related activity organized by the club. 5. While every reasonable precaution is taken, members attend club events at their own risk and are expected to act in a safe, responsible manner. Signed: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Page 38 The Rover-Lander • Spring 2011
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