Course Syllabi - Harvard Medical School


Course Syllabi - Harvard Medical School
Course Syllabi
Fall Semester
(Missing syllabi will roll in.)
Tosteson Medical Education Center (TMEC) 435
260 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115 For Information Call: 617‐432‐0162 Email: Table of Contents
1. BBS 230 (formerly Microbiology 230). Analysis of the Biological Literature
2. BCMP 200. Molecular Biology
3. *BCMP 218. Molecular Medicine
4. BCMP 230. Principles and Practice of Drug Development
5. Cell Biology 226. Concepts in Development, Self-Renewal, and Repair
6. Genetics 201. Principles of Genetics
7. Genetics 220. Molecular Biology and Genetics in Modern Medicine (N/A)
8. HBTM 201 (formerly Pathology 209). Tumor Pathophysiology and Transport
Phenomena - A Systems Biology Approach
9. HBTM 235 (formerly BCMP 235.). Principles of Human Disease: Physiology and
Pathology (N/A)
10. *Immunology 201. Principles of Immunology (N/A)
11. *Immunology 301. Immunology Seminar
12. *Medical Sciences 250ab.(HST 010) Human Functional Anatomy
13. *Microbiology 205. Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis (N/A)
14. Neurobiology 200. Neurobiology (N/A)
15. *Neurobiology 220. Cellular Neurophysiology
16. Neurobiology 230. Visual Object Recognition
17. SHBT 200. Acoustics of Speech and Hearing
18. SHBT 201. Biology of the Inner Ear
19. SHBT 206 (formerly Pathology 205). Molecular Biology of the Auditory System
20. *Virology 200. Introduction to Virology
21. Virology 202. Proposal Writing
Indicates that the course requires faculty signature on study card.
Biological and Biomedical Sciences 230: Analysis of the Biological Literature
Fall 2013
Summary: Students participate in intensive small group discussions focused on critical
analysis of basic research papers from a wide range of fields including biochemistry, cell and
developmental biology, genetics, and microbiology. Papers are discussed in terms of
background, significance, hypothesis, experimental methods, data quality, and interpretation.
Students will be asked to propose future research directions, to generate new hypotheses and
to design experiments aimed at testing them. For the midterm and final exams the students will
be asked to submit written critiques of recent papers from the literature, with an emphasis on
devising new experimental directions to test the models proposed in the papers.
Meeting times: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00-6:00pm
Students meet in groups on Tuesdays from 3-6 pm. Students meet in groups with faculty on
Thursdays from 3-6 pm. Exception: first class meets in TMEC250, Thursday September 5,
2013 from 3:00-6:00 pm.
Course directors:
Mike Blower:
Adrian Salic:
Any questions or concerns please contact the course directors.
Mike Blower:
Dipanjan Chowdhury:
Nika Danial:
Steve Elledge:
Jesse Gray:
Peter Hammerman:
Andreas Herrlich:
Joseph Italiano:
Laurie Jackson-Grusby:
Maria Kontaridis:
Cammie Lesser:
Sean Megason:
Trista North:
Carl Novina:
Adrian Salic:
Mumut Ozcan
Jean Zhao:
Dates of classes and assigned papers:
Introductory meeting: Thursday 09/05/13, 3:00-6:00 pm, TMEC250. Discussion of course
expectations and paper analysis
In preparation for this meeting, read the following papers:
Orth, K, et al. (2000) Disruption of Signaling by Yersinia Effector YopJ, a Ubiquitin-Like
Protein Protease. Science 290,1594-1597.
Mukherjee S, et al. (2006) Yersinia YopJ acetylates and inhibits kinase activation by
blocking phosphorylation. Science 312(5777):1211-1214.
CLASS 1 Protein sorting
09/10/13 TUESDAY Student groups
09/12/13 THURSDAY Faculty groups
Bankaitis VA, Johnson LM, & Emr SD (1986) Isolation of yeast mutants defective in
protein targeting to the vacuole. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America 83(23):9075-9079.
Katzmann DJ, Babst M, & Emr SD (2001) Ubiquitin-dependent sorting into the
multivesicular body pathway requires the function of a conserved endosomal protein
sorting complex, ESCRT-I. Cell 106(2):145-155.
CLASS 2 Polymer dynamics
09/24/13 TUESDAY Student groups
09/26/13 THURSDAY Faculty groups
Garner EC, Campbell CS, & Mullins RD (2004) Dynamic instability in a DNAsegregating prokaryotic actin homolog. Science 306(5698):1021-1025.
Garner EC, Campbell CS, Weibel DB, & Mullins RD (2007) Reconstitution of DNA
segregation driven by assembly of a prokaryotic actin homolog. Science
CLASS 3 Bacterial pathogenesis
10/01/13 TUESDAY Student groups
10/03/13 THURSDAY Faculty groups
Alto NM, et al. (2006) Identification of a bacterial type III effector family with G protein
mimicry functions. Cell 124(1):133-145.
Huang Z, et al. (2009) Structural insights into host GTPase isoform selection by a family
of bacterial GEF mimics. Nature structural & molecular biology 16(8):853-860.
CLASS 4 Prions
10/08/13 TUESDAY Student groups
10/10/13 THURSDAY Faculty groups
Prusiner, SB, et al. (1990) Transgenetic studies implicate interactions between
homologous PrP isoforms in scrapie prion replication. Cell 63, 673-686.
Tanaka M, Chien P, Naber N, Cooke R, & Weissman JS (2004) Conformational
variations in an infectious protein determine prion strain differences. Nature
CLASS 5 Signaling
09/17/13 TUESDAY Student groups
09/19/13 THURSDAY Faculty groups
Sun L, Wu J, Du F, Chen X, & Chen ZJ (2013) Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase is a cytosolic
DNA sensor that activates the type I interferon pathway. Science 339(6121):786-791.
Wu J, et al. (2013) Cyclic GMP-AMP is an endogenous second messenger in innate
immune signaling by cytosolic DNA. Science 339(6121):826-830.
MIDTERM EXAM posted 10/10/2013, due FRIDAY 10/18/2013 no later than 5PM to group
10/24/2013 Midterm grades, faculty meet with students by appointment to discuss exam
CLASS 6 Epigenetics
10/29/2013 TUESDAY Student groups
10/31/2013 THURSDAY Faculty class
Jiang J, et al. (2013) Translating dosage compensation to trisomy 21. Nature 2013 Jul
Foltz DR, et al. (2009) Centromere-specific assembly of CENP-A nucleosomes is
mediated by HJURP. Cell 137(3):472-484.
CLASS 7 Small RNAs
11/05/2013 TUESDAY Student groups
11/07/2013 THURSDAY Faculty and student groups
Lee RC, Feinbaum RL, & Ambros V (1993) The C. elegans heterochronic gene lin-4
encodes small RNAs with antisense complementarity to lin-14. Cell 75(5):843-854.
Barrangou R, et al. (2007) CRISPR provides acquired resistance against viruses in
prokaryotes. Science 315(5819):1709-1712.
11/12/2013 TUESDAY Student groups
11/14/2013 THURSDAY Faculty and student groups
Ingolia NT, Lareau LF, & Weissman JS (2011) Ribosome profiling of mouse embryonic
stem cells reveals the complexity and dynamics of mammalian proteomes. Cell
Kaida D, Berg MG, Younis I, Kasim M, Singh LN, Wan L, Dreyfuss G. (2010) U1 snRNP
protects pre-mRNAs from premature cleavage and polyadenylation. Nature
CLASS 9 Metabolism
11/19/2013 TUESDAY Student groups
11/21/2013 THURSDAY Faculty and student groups
Yang T, et al. (2002) Crucial step in cholesterol homeostasis: sterols promote binding of
SCAP to INSIG-1, a membrane protein that facilitates retention of SREBPs in ER. Cell
Chen XW, et al. (2013) SEC24A deficiency lowers plasma cholesterol through reduced
PCSK9 secretion. eLife 2:e00444.
11/28/13 No Class
Thanksgiving vacation
CLASS 10 Complex Genetics
12/03/2013 TUESDAY Student groups
12/05/2013 THURSDAY Faculty and student groups
Deutschbauer AM, Davis RW (2005) Quantitative trait loci mapped to single-nucleotide
resolution in yeast. Nat Genet. 37(12):1333-40.
Ding L, et al. (2012) Clonal evolution in relapsed acute myeloid leukaemia revealed by
whole-genome sequencing. Nature 481(7382):506-10.
FINAL EXAM posted 12/05/2013, due by 5 pm on FRIDAY 12/13/13, by email to both
12/19/2013 3:00-6:00pm Meet with instructors to go over final exam grades, class
Harvard Medical School Biological and Biomedical Sciences Fall 2013 BCMP 200: Molecular Biology Course Syllabus Course Description: Molecular Biology is a course organized around the Central Dogma of Biology with presentations covering fundamental aspects of DNA and RNA structure, their function and their interactions with proteins. The course opens with a discussion of the physical and chemical properties that drive the interactions of proteins with nucleic acids. This is used as a basis for understanding the material presented in the subsequent five modules, which cover DNA replication, DNA repair, gene regulation, transcription and translation. Course Website: Gradebook available at online at Course Details & Information Lecture Days and Times: MWF 10:45 am – 12:15 pm Wednesday September 4, 2013 – Friday December 6, 2013 Meeting Space: Cannon Room (for lectures) Various break-­‐out rooms for section Course Director: Joe Loparo, Ph.D. Course Lecturers: Joe Loparo, Ph.D. Johannes Walter, Ph.D. Timur Yusufzai, Ph.D. Stirling Churchman, Ph.D. Paul Anderson, M.D., Ph.D. Faculty Section Leaders: Alan D’Andrea, M.D. Ralph Scully, Ph.D. Sun Hur, Ph.D. Shobha Vasudevan, Ph.D. Wesley Wong, Ph.D. Note that all course lecturers are also section leaders Curriculum Fellow: Jason Heustis, Ph.D. Teaching Assistants: Himanish Basu Abbe Clark Mary Gearing Mitchell Leibowitz Katie Richeson Recommended Textbook: Watson, JD, Baker, TA, et al (2008) Molecular Biology of the Gene, 6th Edition Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York This is a comprehensive background textbook and it is highly recommended that you buy it and read the associated pages before each lecture, especially if your background is rusty. Grading: 15% Experimental Design Presentation #1 20% Experimental Design Presentation #2 45% Problem Sets – 6 problem sets, 7.5% each 15% Quizzes – 6 quizzes, one dropped, 3% each 5% Participation Policies & Clarifying Information Course Objectives Through completion of this course, students gain 1. a basic understanding of the structure and function of DNA and RNA and the cellular processes of DNA replication, DNA repair, gene regulation, transcription and translation, with an appreciation for the big open questions in the research areas around these topics 2. exposure to techniques used in contemporary molecular biology and biochemistry research, and an appreciation for advantages and disadvantages of different techniques and how they have been used to create the current knowledge in the aforementioned research fields 3. practice in experimental design and proposal presentation, using problems addressing contemporary research questions from molecular biology 4. knowledge of resources available for viewing protein structure, and build skills in visualizing structures 5. an appreciation for the quantitative aspects of data analysis and how it may inform research in molecular biology and biochemistry Prerequisites We assume a solid background in basic molecular biology/biochemistry. This is NOT an introductory course, so if you have no previous training in this area, the course may be too difficult and you should first take Biological Sciences 52 at Harvard University. We try to cover basic knowledge quickly and then move into current topics and open questions in each area. If you are unsure of whether you should take the course, talk to the course director. Lecture and Discussion Section Format Class is held MWF from 10:45 am – 12:15 pm. There are 6 subject area modules in the course and each module will consist of a series of lectures, an in-­‐depth research seminar, and a small group discussion section. The detailed schedule is listed below. Lectures and seminars will take place in the Cannon Room (HMS, Building C). Discussion sections will meet in various rooms. Please always arrive at 10:40 am so that we can start class promptly at 10:45 am. 2 Lectures: In these presentations, basic information (that would be covered in undergraduate courses) will be covered along with more in-­‐depth treatment of one or more open questions in the field. Relevant techniques will be covered in detail. Students are strongly encouraged to read the recommended textbook chapter before each lecture. Research Seminars: Each lecturer will give a research seminar based on work performed in his/her laboratory on a topic related to the module. The purpose is to connect the lecture material to real research. Research seminars are held in the Cannon Room at the usual time. After the seminar, students will break into small groups of 3-­‐4 to discuss the seminar and formulate one or more questions for the speaker. Students will then have time to pose these questions to the lecturer. Discussion Sections: For each module, there will be one problem set question and three (3) open-­‐
ended experimental design questions. These materials will be posted online in advance of section. The solution to the problem set question is due at the beginning of section. You are free to work with your peers on this, but you must each submit your own answer. There will also be a short quiz at the beginning of section (described below). You should come to section having reviewed the lecture materials, completed the problem set questions, and having read through and considered the open-­‐ended experimental design questions. One student will be assigned to present a solution to each question, and this will form the basis of a discussion. Sections will run as follows: • Return of Graded Assignments and Quiz (~15 minutes) Students can direct questions about the content of completed/graded problem sets to the lecturer of the appropriate module. A short quiz testing key concepts from the lectures and research seminar in the last module will be administered. • Open-­‐ended experimental design questions (~1 hour, 15 minutes) One student will be assigned to present on each assigned experimental design question. All other students should come prepared so that they can critique these presentations based on content and style. Note: Videos of class lectures and discussion sections are not made available online. Your attendance at class is important. Course Website Access All students must be officially registered in the class or have full access to the course website. This is necessary for students to be assigned to a discussion section and to access all the course materials. If you are not officially enrolled in the course, please e-­‐mail the course Curriculum Fellow for permission to attend class and to get access to the site. Please note that grades can be accessed through the course website. You will be redirected to an externally hosted web gradebook. If you note any inaccuracies in your recorded grades, please contact the Curriculum Fellow Jason Heustis. Additional Classroom Technology During lectures, students’ understanding of the course material will be periodically assessed using embedded Clicker questions (multiple choice questions testing recently presented material, 3 assessing knowledge and application). Clickers will be provided at lectures; you do not have to purchase a Clicker for use in this class. Your responses are also anonymous and will not be used in anyway to assess you as a student. However, we ask that you make an earnest attempt in responding, as this provides feedback to the lecturer and helps guide the course content. Grades and Assessments Experimental Design Presentations: Students will be assigned to present twice throughout the semester – once in the first half and once in the second half of the course. These dates will be posted online by Friday September 13, 2013 and these presentations will begin in Section #1 on September 20, 2013. If you have conflicts with the assigned dates, please work with another student from your section (based on rosters posted online) to arrange exchanging dates. Once you have found someone with which to switch, please contact the course Curriculum Fellow Jason Heustis to have the presentation rosters posted online updated. Students will be graded based on the rubric posted online. Each student will have 25 minutes for their presentation and should be prepared to deliver their presentation in 12 minutes with equal additional time for questions from the peers in each section. Students should be prepared to answer questions either during their presentation or at its end. This is a strict 25-­‐minute time limit to ensure section ends on time. Problem Sets: Students will submit completed problem sets at the start of each section. Problem sets may consist of activities that allow students to familiarize themselves with relevant software tools (e.g. PYMOL for use in visualizing structures), calculations that reinforce quantitative considerations associated with the related module, or techniques related to the associated experimental design questions. Note: Each problem set turned in late will be penalized -­‐10% for each day (including weekends) that it is late. For example, for an assignment worth 40 points that is submitted 4 days late, 16 points will be subtracted from the final grade irrespective of the grade that would otherwise be awarded. Quizzes: The quiz will address key points from the module, including lectures and research seminars. Note: We do not grade on a curve!! If everyone gets above a certain grade, everyone gets an A. In other words, don’t be competitive with your fellow students. Talk to each other about the material, study together, help each other out. The course will be more fun this way, and you will get more out of it. Academic Integrity Please be reminded that all work submitted for credit in BCMP 200 should reflect individual scholarship and mastery of the related course material. Violations of academic integrity in the course are considered to be serious offences and will be treated very seriously. If a student submits an assignment that clearly or implicitly violates this code of conduct, a grade of 0 will be awarded for the entire assignment – at a minimum! While we encourage teamwork in learning theory and concepts we expect that all students have individually mastered the material. To that end, we recommended the following actions when approaching assignments: 4 For experimental design questions, we encourage presenters to talk to other students in the class (including other presenters) when developing thoughts on the problem being posed or the approach to solving such problems. However, it is not acceptable for two or more presenters to work together to develop a single response regardless of whether they are in the same section or not. For problem sets, we encourage students to work together in developing strategies to answering problems and in sharing ideas. However, the answers documented on your individually-­‐submitted problem sets, should be in each student’s own wording and each student should be able to understand and explain the problem and the proposed solution. In short, do not copy an answer directly from your peer! For a complete description of the Harvard policy on Academic Integrity, you can visit Special Support and Services Students with Disabilities: Be assured that services for persons with health conditions or disabilities are available to all Harvard students who need them, by way of the Accessible Education Office ( With information from you, along with proper confidential clinical documentation, they are able to plan with you to provide reasonable accommodation of course materials, classrooms and other aspects of student life, as appropriate. For more information, please contact or call 617-­‐496-­‐8707. Additional Help & Tutoring: Questions are always welcome during and after the lectures (don’t be shy!!). However, of you need one-­‐on-­‐one help, get in touch with your section TAs or the relevant faculty member. If you need extensive help, there is also a tutoring program run by the BBS office. This program is OPEN TO ALL DMS students, even if they are not BBS students. Course Schedule Classes will be held on Friday October 18, 2013, during the Cell Biology Retreat, which occurs from Thursday October 16, 2013 – Friday October 18, 2103. A video of this lecture will be made available online. No classes will be held on Wednesday, October 23rd since the BCMP Retreat occurs from Tuesday October 22, 2013 – Thursday October 24, 2013. MWF classes are also cancelled for Columbus Day (Monday October 14, 2013), Veterans Day (Monday November 11, 2013) and for Thanksgiving Break (Wednesday November 27, 2013, Friday November 29, 2013, and Monday December 2, 2013). A full schedule of class meetings, topics covered and the associated reading are presented in the following table. 5 Module/Lecturer Module 1 DNA-­‐Protein Interactions LOPARO Date & Day 09/04 W 09/06 F 09/09 M 09/11 W 09/13 F Module 2 DNA Replication WALTER Module 3 DNA Repair WALTER 09/16 M 09/18 W 09/20 F 09/23 M 09/25 W 09/27 F 09/30 M 10/02 W 10/04 F 10/07 M Module 4 Chromatin Structure and Gene Regulation YUSUFZAI Module 5 Transcription CHURCHMAN Module 6 Translation ANDERSON 10/09 W 10/11 F 10/14 M 10/16 W 10/18 F 10/21 M 10/23 W 10/25 F 10/28 M 10/30 W 11/01 F 11/04 M 11/06 W 11/08 F 11/11 M 11/13 W 11/15 F 11/18 M 11/20 W 11/22 F 11/25 M 11/27 W 11/29 F 12/02 M 12/04 W 12/06 F Topic Course Introduction Introduction to Protein Structure Thermodynamics of Protein Folding DNA Structure and Topology Protein-­‐DNA Interactions I: Structural Considerations in the Lambda Repressor Protein-­‐DNA Interactions II: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Considerations in the Lambda Repressor Chromosome Structure Research Seminar SECTION #1 Origins of Replication, DNA Helicases DNA Polymerases, Clamps Research Seminar SECTION #2 Ribonucleotide Excision Repair (RER), Mismatch Repair (MMR) Base Excision Repair (BER) Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER) Homologous Recombination (HR) Non-­‐Homologous End-­‐Joining (NHEJ) Research Seminar SECTION #3 NO CLASS – Columbus Day Histones and Histone Code Transcription; Types of RNA; Sequencing N.B. Class Videotaped for Cell Biology Retreat Transcription Factors; Gene Regulation NO CLASS –BCMP Retreat RNA Polymerase II Transcription Initiation Research Seminar SECTION #4 Transcription Elongation Transcription Termination mRNA Processing NO CLASS – Veterans Day mRNA Transport Research Seminar SECTION #5 Prokaryotic Translation Eukaryotic Translation Translation & Repression NO CLASS – Thanksgiving Break NO CLASS – Thanksgiving Break NO CLASS SECTION #6 Research Seminar Associated Reading (Chapters) 2 – 5 6 16 7 8 9 and 10 7 21 12, 16 and 17 13 14 and 15 18 6 HST 140/ BCMP 218 – Molecular Medicine
Fall 2013, Tuesdays 1-3 PM
Location (see schedule): HMS (MEC 227) or MIT (E25-117)
Irving London,
Assistant: Ken Pierce, 6-7-258-7656,
George Q. Daley,
Assistant: Kathryn Entner, 617-919-2015,
David Cohen,
Assistant: James Macdiarmid, 617-525-5092,
Daisy Robinton,
This course introduces students to a variety of topics in molecular medicine. The course is
conducted as a seminar to study various human diseases and the underlying molecular, genetic
or biochemical basis for the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of the clinical disorders.
Lectures are presented by faculty experts engaged in current research in these fields. Seminars
are conducted by the students, with tutorial and supervision by faculty.
Requirements: Attendance is mandatory and any absences must be excused in advance by
one of the course directors. Participation is required in all scheduled sessions, given the
interactive nature of the course. All students will give two 20-minute presentations on a research
paper selected by the lecturers.
Credits: Harvard units: 2 (P) / MIT units: 2-0-4 [P/D/F] (H-level credit). Grading is pass/fail
unless your program requires a letter grade.
Website: (please contact TA if you do not have access)
09/10/2013 – Gleevec and the Triumph of Target-Directed Chemotherapy
Speaker – George Daley; Model student presentation: Daisy Robinton
Location – MEC 227
**Please come prepared having read the following articles for the first class meeting**
Review: Brian J. Druker, Translation of the Philadelphia chromosome into therapy for CML.
Blood 112: 4808 – 4817 (2008).
Commentary: Dolgin E, As leukemia options grow, drugs jockey to be first-line therapeutics.
Nature Medicine 19(1):7 (2013).
1. Cortes JE et al. Ponatinib in refractory Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemias.
N Engl J Med, 29;367(22):2075-88 (2012).
2. Notta F, Mullighan CG, Wang J, Poeppl A, Doulatov S, Philips LA, Ma J, Minden, MD,
Downing JR, Dick JE. Evolution of BCR-ABL1 lymphoblastic leukaemia-initiating cells.
Nature, 469: 362-367 (2011).
09/17/2013 – Sex: Cells, Chromosomes, Development and Disorders
1 Speaker – David Page
Location – MIT E25-117
Review: Bluma J Lesch and David C Page. Genetics of germ cell development. Nature
Reviews Genetics 13: 781-94 (2012).
1. Dokshin GA, Baltus AE, Eppig JJ, Page DC. Oocyte differentiation is genetically
dissociable from meiosis in mice. Nature Genetics (2013). doi:10.1038/ng.2672
2. Lange J, Skaletsky H, van Daalen S KM, Embry, SL, Korver CM, Brown LG, Oates
RD, Silber S, Repping S, Page DC. Isodicentric Y chromosomes and sex disorders as
byproducts of homologous recombination that maintains palindromes. Cell 138: 85569 (2009).
09/24/2013 – Protein Homeostasis in Health and Disease
Speaker – Susan Lindquist
Location – MIT E25-117
Review: Lindquist SL and Kelly JW. Chemical and biological approaches for adapting
proteostasis to ameliorate protein misfolding and aggregation diseases: progress and
prognosis. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol (2011).
1. Santagata S, Mendillo ML, Tang YC, Subramanian A, Perley CC, Roche SP, Wong B,
Narayan R, Kwon H, Koeva M, Amon A, Golub TR, Porco JA Jr, Whitesell L, Lindquist
S. Tight coordination of protein translation and HSF1 activation supports the anabolic
malignant state. Science 341(6143):1238303 (2013).
2. Taipale M, Krykbaeva I, Koeva M, Kayatekin C, Westover KD, Karras GI, Lindquist S.
Quantitative analysis of Hsp90::client interactions reveals principles of substrate
recognition. Cell 150(5):987-1001. PMID: 22939624 (2012).
10/01/2013 – Drug Delivery and Targeting
Speaker – Robert Langer
Location – E25-117
Review: Robert Langer. Drug Delivery and Targeting. Nature 392: 5-10 (1998).
1. R Langer & J Folkman. Polymers for the Sustained Release of Proteins and Other
Macromolecules. Nature 263: 797-800 (1976).
2. Rosen HB, Chang J, Wnek GE, Linhardt RJ, Langer R. Bioerodible Polyanhydrides for
Controlled Drug Delivery. Biomaterials 4: 131-133 (1983).
10/08/2013 – Defining Pathways that Regulate Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Migration
Speaker – Len Zon
Location – MEC 227
Review: Orkin SH and Zon LI. SnapShot: hematopoiesis. Cell. 132(4):712 (2008).
2 Readings:
1. North TE, Goessling W, Walkley CR, Lengerke C, Kopani KR, Lord AM, Weber GJ,
Bowman TV, Jang IH, Grosser T, Fitzgerald GA, Daley GQ, Orkin SH, Zon LI.
Prostaglandin E2 regulates vertebrate haematopoietic stem cell homeostasis. Nature
447(7147):1007-11 (2007).
2. Trompouki E, Bowman TV, Lawton LN, Fan ZP, Wu DC, DiBiase A, Martin CS, Cech
JN, Sessa AK, Leblanc JL, Li P, Durand EM, Mosimann C, Heffner GC, Daley GQ,
Paulson RF, Young RA, Zon LI. Lineage regulators direct BMP and Wnt pathways to
cell-specific programs during differentiation and regeneration. Cell 147 (3):577-89
10/15/2013 – Title TBA
Speaker – Barbara Kahn
Location –MEC 227
Review: TBA
1. TBA
2. TBA
10/22/2013 – Personal Genomes and Guide RNA Genome Therapeutics
Speaker – George Church
Location – MEC 227
Review: Mali P, Esvelt KM, Church GM. A versatile tool for engineering biology: Cas9 as the
Unifactor. Nature Methods (submitted).
1. Guye P, Busskamp V, Lewis NE, Sanjana NE, Li Y, Zhang F, Ron Weiss R, Church
GM. Early transcriptional changes in Neurogenin-induced human stem cell derived
neurons. Neuron (submitted)
2. Mali P, Yang L, Esvelt KM, Aach J, Guell M, DiCarlo JE, Norville JE, Church GM.
RNA-guided human genome engineering via Cas9. Science 339:823-6 (2013).
10/29/2013 – Defining the mutational vulnerabilities of HIV for rational design of vaccines
Speaker – Arup K. Chakraborty
Location – MIT E25-117
Review: Virgin, H, Walker, B.D. Immunology and the elusive AIDS vaccine, Nature 464, 224231 (11 March 2010).
1. V. Dahirel et al. Coordinate linkage of HIV evolution reveals regions of immunological
vulnerability. Proc Nat Acad Sci 108, 11530-11535 (2011)
2. Ferguson et al., Translating HIV Sequences into Quantitative Fitness Landscapes
Predicts Viral Vulnerabilities for Rational Immunogen Design. Immunity Volume 38,
3 Issue 3, 606-617 (2013).
11/05/2013 – The Biology of Non-Coding RNAs
Speaker – Phil Sharp
Location – MIT E25-117
Review: Gurtan AM, Sharp PA. The role of miRNAs in regulating gene expression networks. J
Mol Biol doi: 10.1016/j.jmn.2013.03.007 (2013).
1. Heravi-Moussavi A, Anglesio MS, Cheng SW, Senz J, Yang W, Prentice L, Fejes AP,
Chow C, Tone A, Kalloger SE, Hamel N, Roth A, Ha G, Wan AN, Maines-Bandiera S,
Salamanca C, Pasini B, Clarke BA, Lee AF, Lee CH, Zhao C, Young RH, Aparicio SA,
Sorensen PH, Woo MM, Boyd N, Jones SJ, Hirst M, Marra MA, Gilks B, Shah SP,
Foulkes WD, Morin GB, Huntsman DG. Recurrent somatic DICER1 mutations in
nonepithelial ovarian cancers. N Engl J Med 366(3): 234-42 (2011).
2. Gurtan AM et al. Let-7 represses Nr6a1 and a mid-gestation developmental program
in adult fibroblasts. Genes Dev 15;27(8): 941-54 (2013).
11/12/2013 – Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Disease and Therapy
Speaker – George Q. Daley
Location –MEC 227
Review: Daisy A. Robinton & George Q. Daley. The promise of induced pluripotent stem cells in
research and therapy. Nature 481: 295-305 (2012).
1. Hanna J et al. Treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia Mouse Model with iPS Cells
Generated from Autologous Skin. Science 318: 1920-23 (2007).
2. Tulpule A et al. Pluripotent Stem Cell Models of Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome
Reveal a Common Mechanism for Pancreatic and Hematopoietic Dysfunction. Cell
Stem Cell 12, 1-10 (2013).
11/19/2013 – Programmed Cell Death in Development and Disease
Speaker – Bob Horvitz
Location – E25-117
Reviews: H. Robert Horvitz. Worms, Life and Death (Nobel Lecture). Chem Bio Chem 4: 697711 (2003).
1. MO Hengartner & HR Horvitz. C. elegans Cell Survival Gene ced-9 Encodes a
Functional Homolog of the Mammalian Proto-Oncogene bcl-2. Cell 76: 665-676
2. Tse C, Shoemaker AR, Adickes J, Anderson MG, Chen J, Jin S, Johnson EF, Marsh
KC, Mitten JM, Nimmer P, Roberts L, Tahir SK, Xiao Y, Yang X, Zhang H, Fesik S,
Rosenberg SH, Elmore SW. ABT-263: A Potent and Orally Bioavailable Bcl-2 Family
4 Inhibitor. Cancer Res 68: 3421-3428 (2008).
11/26/2013 – von Hippel-Lindau Disease as a Model for Studying Oxygen Sensing and
Cancer Metabolism
Speaker – Bill Kaelin
Location – MEC 227
Review: Kaelin WG, Jr. & Ratcliffe PJ (2008) Oxygen sensing by metazoans: the central role of
the HIF hydroxylase pathway. Mol Cell 30(4):393-402.
1. Ivan M, Kondo K, Yang H, Kim W, Valiando J, Ohh M, Salic A, Asara J, Lane W, &
Kaelin WG, Jr. (2001) HIFalpha targeted for VHL-mediated destruction by proline
hydroxylation: implications for O2 sensing. Science 292:464-468.
2. Losman JA, Looper RE, Koivunen P, Lee S, Schneider RK, McMahon C, Cowley GS,
Root DE, Ebert BL, & Kaelin WG, Jr. (2013) (R)-2-hydroxyglutarate is sufficient to
promote leukemogenesis and its effects are reversible. Science 339(6127):16211625.
12/3/2013 – Congenital Heart Disease: Many Genes Lead to a Broken Heart
Speaker – Christine Seidman
Location – MEC 227
Review: Fahed AC, Gelb BD, Seidman JG, Seidman CE. Genetics of congenital heart disease:
the glass half empty. Circulation Research 112(4):707-20 (2013).
1. Zaidi S et al. De novo mutations in histone-modifying genes in congenital heart
disease. Nature 498(7453):220-3 (2013).
2. Cordell et al. Genome-wide association study of multiple congenital heart disease
phenotypes identifies a susceptibility locus for atrial septal defect at chromosome
4p16. Nature Genetics 45(7):822-4 (2013).
12/10/2013 – Human Genetic Variation and Disease
Speaker – David Altshuler
Location – MIT E25-117
**Readings may change**
**Review: Altshuler D, Daly MJ, Lander E. Genetic Mapping in Human Disease. Science
322(5903): 881-888 (2008).
1. Voight et al. Plasma HDL cholesterol and risk of myocardial infarction: a mendelian
randomization study. The Lancet 380(9841): 572-80 (2012).
2. Jonsson T et al. A mutation in APP protects against Alzheimer’s disease and age-related
cognitive decline. Nature 488: 96-99 (2012).
5 MIT Principles and Practice of Drug Development Fall 2013 7.547J, 10.547J, 15.136J, ESD.691J, HST.920J, BCMP 230 Building 4, Room 163 Thursdays, 3:00 – 6:00 pm Instructors: Thomas J. Allen, Ph.D. Charles L. Cooney, Ph.D. Stan N. Finkelstein, M.D. G.K. Raju, Ph.D. Anthony J. Sinskey, Sc.D. Teaching Assistant: Abby Horn NE25‐758 56‐469B E40‐251 E19‐611 68‐370A 617‐253‐6651 617‐253‐3108 617‐253‐8014 617‐258‐8583 617‐253‐6721 This course serves as a description and critical assessment of the major issues and stages of developing a pharmaceutical or biopharmaceutical. Topics covered include drug discovery, preclinical development, clinical investigation, manufacturing and regulatory issues considered for small and large molecules, and economic and financial considerations of the drug development process. A multidisciplinary perspective is provided by the faculty, who represent clinical, life, and management sciences. Various industry guests also participate. CLASS SCHEDULE
September 5 Introduction (Faculty) From Discovery to Market: An Integrated View Charles L. Cooney, Ph.D. September 12 Introduction: The Pharmaceutical Industry and the Drug Development Process; Brief economic history of the pharmaceutical industry Anthony J. Sinskey, Sc.D. Stan N. Finkelstein, M.D September 19 Basic Science Anthony J. Sinskey, Sc.D. MIT Principles and Practice of Drug Development – Fall 2010
MIT Principles and Practice of Drug Development (continued) September 26 Business of Biopharmaceuticals Guest: Robert Mulroy, M.P.P.M., Director, President & CEO, Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Guest: Sumit Khedekar, Director, Global Healthcare Group, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch October 3 Accelerating Cancer Cures: A Global Frontier Guest: Jason Sager, M.D., Head of Early Development Oncology Portfolio Sanofi October 10 Clinical Drug Development Guest: Clet Niyikiza, Ph.D., Executive Vice President Merrimack Pharmaceuticals October 17 Drug Delivery Systems Guest: October 24 Regulation, Reimbursement Stan N. Finkelstein, M.D. Portuguese faculty (Luís Almeida, Ph.D., João Nuno Moreira, Ph.D., Sérgio Simões, Ph.D. University of Coimbra, Portugal) October 31 Manufacturing I Charles L. Cooney, Ph.D. G.K. Raju, Ph.D. November 7 Emerging Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Guest: Lee L. Rubin, Ph.D., Professor Regenerative Medicine, Harvard Guest: Brock Reeve, MPhil, MBA, Executive Director Harvard Stem Cell Institute November 14 Manufacturing II Charles L. Cooney, Ph.D. G.K. Raju, Ph.D. Guest: Ajaz Hussain, Ph.D., Principal Insight, Advice & Solutions, LLC MIT Principles and Practice of Drug Development – Fall 2010
MIT Principles and Practice of Drug Development (continued) November 21 Manufacturing III Charles L. Cooney, Ph.D. G.K. Raju, Ph.D. November 28 Thanksgiving Day – No Class December 5 Student Presentations MIT Principles and Practice of Drug Development – Fall 2010
Cell Biology 226. Concepts in Development, Self-Renewal, and Repair
Catalog Number: 8747
Enrollment: Limited to 12.
Half course (fall term). Fridays, 2–5pm.
Course directors: Iain Drummond and Andrew Brack; Lecturers: David Langenau,
Hanno Hock, Nabeel Bardeesy, Jay Rajagopal, Amar Sahay.
Overview: This course explores developmental mechanisms that persist throughout the
life cycle, examining pluripotency and cell fate restriction in embryos and adult tissues.
The course is divided into 3 Units. Unit 1 (4 Fridays) will examine general developmental
mechanisms that are essential for both tissue formation and self-renewal. Special
emphasis will be given to lineage restriction and cell fate determination in embryos. Unit
2 (4 Fridays) will analyze the renewal and repair of specific adult tissues. We will
emphasize in vivo approaches to understanding how tissues renew or repair themselves
following normal wear or wounding. Unit 3 (4 Fridays) will explore new frontiers of
regenerative biology. We will cover regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and
regeneration in emerging model organisms. In the final class, we will discuss general
themes from the course content.
Structure of the course: The first class will include an organizational meeting. Each
subsequent class has two parts, a lecture and a discussion of an original research
paper. The lectures are designed to introduce significant topics in development, tissue
repair and self-renewal. For each class, all students are required to read a review article
and original research paper. A student will introduce the paper and lead the discussion
to build upon the previous week’s lecture. Papers will highlight major questions and key
methodologies. At the end of the discussion, the class will generate a list of potential
research directions and questions. Leaders in the fields of developmental genetics and
stem cell biology will lecture and facilitate the discussions. There are no exams.
Students will be evaluated by their preparation and participation in each class (40%),
presentation of discussion paper (30%), and one written assignment (30%). The written
assignment is a five-page mini-proposal that addresses an outstanding question from
the class topics. The proposal must include the basic elements of any research
proposal: introduce the question, justify its significance, develop a hypothesis to answer
the question, and then propose two experiments to test that hypothesis, using
appropriate methodologies.
Prerequisite: Upper division Cell Biology, Genetics, or Developmental Biology.
First Class and Organizational Meeting: Thursday 9/5, 2-3:30 PM, TMEC L-007.
Students present at this class will have priority for enrollment. If needed, we will hold a
lottery to select the 12 students enrolled in the course. If a student cannot attend, she/he
must email Iain Drummond by 5PM Tues. 9/3/2013. ( All
Subsequent classes will be at MGH.
MGH course shuttle bus leaves Vanderbilt Hall at 1:30 PM
9:00 AM
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Supplemental Lectures
18-Sep-13 W 12:30 PM
04-Oct-13 F 12:30 PM
28-Oct-13 M 12:30 PM
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Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Computational Workshop
Lecture 8
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Lecture 11
Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam due
Lecture 12
Lecture 13
Lecture 14
Lecture 15
Lecture 16
Lecture 17
Lecture 18
Lecture 19
Lecture 20
Lecture 21
Lecture 22
Lecture 23
Lecture 24
Lecture 25
Lecture 26
Lecture 27
Final exam
Final exam due
1:30 PM Supplemental Lecture 1
1:30 PM Supplemental Lecture 2
1:30 PM Supplemental Lecture 3
11 Discussion rooms (7-9 people each)
11-Sep-13 W
9:00 AM 10:20 AM Discussion Section 1
20-Sep-13 F
9:00 AM 10:20 AM Discussion Section 2
04-Oct-13 F
9:00 AM 10:20 AM Discussion Section 3
09-Oct-13 W
9:00 AM 10:20 AM Discussion Section 4
28-Oct-13 M
9:00 AM 10:20 AM Discussion Section 5
08-Nov-13 F
9:00 AM 10:20 AM Discussion Section 6
22-Nov-13 F
9:00 AM 10:20 AM Discussion Section 7
09-Dec-13 M
9:00 AM 10:20 AM Discussion Section 8
Break Out Rooms
Break Out Rooms
Break Out Rooms
Break Out Rooms
Break Out Rooms
Break Out Rooms
Break Out Rooms
Break Out Rooms
02-Sep-13 M
14-Oct-13 M
23-Oct-13 W
11-Nov-13 M
27-Nov-13 W
29-Nov-13 F
Labor Day: No Classes
Columbus Day: No Classes
BCMP Retreat: No Classes
Veterans Day: No Class
Thanksgiving Break: No Class
Thanksgiving Break: No Class
Lectures: Cannon Room in Building C on the indicated days from 9:00 AM to 10:20 AM
Discussion Sections: Sections are from 9:00 AM to 10:20 AM.
Go to Section Assignments for your assigned TA and room location.
Supplementary Lectures: September 18 (TBA), October 4 (TBA) and October 23 (TBA) from 12:30-1:30 PM.
09/02/13 M
09/04/13 W
09/06/13 F
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1:30 PM
10:20 AM
Labor Day: No Classes
Lecture 1: What we learned from Mendel – Winston
Lecture 2: Introduction to yeast genetics; complementation
analysis – Winston
Problem Set 1 Distributed
Lecture 3: Linkage and tetrad analysis in yeast – Winston
Discussion Section 1
Lecture 4: Molecular and genomic studies in yeast – Winston
Lecture 5: Suppressor analysis in yeast – Winston
Lecture 6: Non-Mendelian inheritance in yeast – Winston
Supplemental Lecture 1 – Brault
Discussion Session 2
Lecture 7: Molecular mechanisms of homologous recombination:
genetic analysis – Winston
Problem Set 1 Due
Problem Set 2 Distributed
Computational Workshop
Lecture 8: Introduction to Bacterial genetics I – Bernhardt
Lecture 9: Genetic selections and screens for gene discovery –
Lecture 10: Chemical genetics and antibiotics – Bernhardt
Discussion Section 3
Supplemental Lecture 2 – Brault
Lecture 11: Genetics of bacterial pathogenesis – Bernhardt
Problem Set 2 Due
Section 4
Midterm handed out
Midterm handed in
Columbus Day: No Classes
Lecture 12: Introduction to Drosophila: genotypes, maps, and
balancer chromosomes – Kuroda
Problem Set 3A Distributed
Lecture 13: Mapping mutants in Drosophila: meiotic and physical
mapping, gene isolation and transformation – Kuroda
Lecture 14: Classical genetic screens and pathway analysis in flies
– Kuroda
BCMP Retreat: No Classes
Lecture 15: Modifier screens: enhancers, suppressors, and mosaic
analysis in flies – Kuroda
Discussion Section 5
Supplemental Lecture 3– Brault
Lecture 16: How to do a C. elegans screen – Heiman
Problem Set 3A Due
Problem Set 3B Distributed
9:00 AM
10:20 AM
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Lecture 17: How to study developmental mechanisms using C.
elegans – Heiman
Lecture 18: C. elegans methods workshop – Heiman
Lecture 19: How to study the neural basis of behavior using C.
elegans – Heiman
Discussion Section 6
Veterans Day: No Class
Lecture 20: Of mice and men – mammals and mammalian
genomes – McCarroll
Problem Set 3B Due
Problem Set 4 Distributed
Lecture 21: Experimental manipulation of mammalian genomes –
Lecture 22: Analysis of Mendelian phenotypes and highpenetrance genome variation – McCarroll
Lecture 23: The reservoir of segregating polymorphism in freely
living populations – McCarroll
Discussion Section 7
Lecture 24: Analysis of complex traits and heritability – McCarroll
Thanksgiving Break: No Class
Thanksgiving Break: No Class
Lecture 25: Mapping complex genetic traits in humans –
Lecture 26: Epigenetics – Winston
Lecture 27: Epigenetics – Winston
Problem Set 4 Due
Discussion Section 8
Final exam handed out
Final exam due
Human Biology and Translational Medicine – HBTM (Cat. # 5934)
(HST 525J / HBTM 201 / HMS PA 712.0)
September 9 – December 9, 2013
Room: MIT : To be determined
Tumor Microenvironment
Vascular Transport and
Normalization Hypothesis
Tumor Microenvironment
Interstitial and Lymphatic
R.K. Jain
R. Langer
Cancer drug development
from mice to humans –
case studies of
bevacizumab and cediranib
T. Batchelor
Quantitative Measures of
Tumor Vascular
Architecture: Implications
for Diagnosis, Treatment
and Prognosis
Oct. 14
HOLIDAY (Columbus
R.K. Jain
James W. Baish,
No class
Invasion, Metastasis and
Cancer Cells
(Cancer Cell Biology and
R. Weinberg
Proteomics, Proteases, and
M. Moses
Role of Bone Marrowderived Cells in Cancer
Progression and Treatment
Mathematical Modeling of
Tumor Blood Vessel
November 11
HOLIDAY (Veterans
No Class
Targeted Therapies
J. Engelman
~To be determined ~
December 2
Class Presentations
G. Dan Duda
Lance Munn
December 9
Class Presentations
TA = Pichet Adstamongkonkul : Email address:
Course Directors: Michael Carroll;
Nick Haining;
Course Manager: Susan Perkins;
Immunology 301 is a required course, to be taken in the Fall and Spring semester of the
G1 year.
To fulfill the requirements of this course and receive a satisfactory grade, students must
attend each Discussion class and turn in a 1-2 page paper on the assigned reference paper.
You are also required to attend each Lunch and Seminar.
Lunch: 12:15 - 1:15pm in Rosen Classroom, Rm. 100A, Jeffrey Modell Center
Each Wednesday, students registered for IMM301 meet with the seminar speaker over a
casual lunch and may discuss anything that is considered relevant.
Discussion Class: Wednesdays, 3:30 - 5:00pm in Rosen Classroom, Rm. 100A,
Jeffrey Modell Center
The IMM 301 discussion class meets from 3:30 pm-5: 00pm, throughout the year, and is
led by an Immunology faculty member whose expertise is in the topic of the seminar.
The 1-2 page write-ups are due via email to the faculty member leading the session by
2pm the day before the class (Tuesday).
The course will be divided into two halves (Fall and Spring). The overall course
objectives are the same in both halves, but the emphasis in Spring broadens to include
consideration of scientific significance.
Fall Semester: Prior to each Wednesday afternoon seminar, the speaker provides a set of
2-3 references. Students are expected to read all the references and the faculty leading the
discussion class will select one of the articles to be written up and reviewed by the
students and discussed in detail in class.
Points for students to address in their 1-2 page review of the article:
 Do the experiments described in this paper test a hypothesis (if so, how would this
hypothesis be phrased), or could this work be classified as descriptive?
 What is the state of this particular field at the moment of publication (i.e. what is the
background of the work more generally?)
 What is the methodology employed to address the questions asked, and is this
methodology appropriate? Are there alternative methods that would be equally
 Do the data presented warrant the conclusions made by the authors?
 Are there additional experiments/controls that would have strengthened the authors'
 What would you consider a logical extension of the work presented?
 On the whole, would you consider this paper a significant contribution to the field?
Spring Semester: The goal of the discussion class in the second half of the year is to
focus on the scientific significance of references in addition to their technical merits.
Prior to each Wednesday afternoon seminar, the speaker provides their CV with a
complete or selected bibliography. Students are expected to:
a) review the body of work completed by the speaker
b) select 1 – 3 papers from the list based on their significance to read in detail
c) demonstrate an understanding of how these papers advance existing thought on the
Points for students to address in their 1-2 page review of the article:
 What are the main findings of the paper(s)? Summarize in 1 – 3 sentences.
 What is (or was) the state of the particular field at the moment of publication, and
does the paper advance the field? How?
 Do the experiments lead to novel lines of inquiry?
 Do the experiments described in the paper change existing scientific models? Are the
results surprising or controversial?
 Does the paper introduce new concepts or new understanding of existing concepts?
 Do the experiments apply new scientific techniques or approaches to an existing
problem? Have these techniques/approaches subsequently become widespread?
Seminar: 5:00 - 6:00pm in the Armenise Amphitheater
Post Seminar Reception: 6:00 – 6:45pm in Modell Center Atrium
Post Seminar Dinners take place at various local restaurants for out-of town speakers.
The dinners are attended by the seminar speaker, faculty host, and two students, and will
begin on September 11.
Nick Haining;
Mike Carroll;
IMM301 Seminar Discussion Course 2013-­‐2014
Modell 100A
Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Hannover Medical School
Brigham and Women's Hospital
University of Massachusetts Medical School
St. Jude Children's Hospital
La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology
John Hopkins Medicine
University of Miami
Alexander The University of Chicago
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT
Trinity College at Cambridge Chawla
Stanford University School of Medicine
UT Southwestern Medical Center
University of Pennsylvania
Yale University School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
University of Chicago
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland
Stanford University
HHMI; Washington University Medical Center
University of California, Berkeley
Columbia University
UT Southwestern Medical Center
University of Washington
*Benacerraf Lecturer
**Rosen Lecturer
Seminar Date MGH Seminar Date
Discussion Leader
Self ligand oncogenic signaling in human Nir Hacohen
Long non-­‐coding RNA and regulation of 09/18/2013
Innate Immunity
Edda Fiebiger
Lymph node homing of immune cells via 09/25/2013
afferent lymphatics
Andy Luster
Transcriptional network controlling 10/02/2013
development of Tregs and Th17 cells
Nick Haining
Innate Immune Response in Malaria
Hao Wu
Andy Lichtman
Regulators of inflammatory responses
New players in T cell activation and 10/23/2013
Vijay Kuchroo
Immune checkpoint blockade: A new 10/30/2013
paradigm for cancer therapy
Arlene Sharpe
Aptamer-­‐targeted RNA therapeutics: a novel platform for cancer immunotherapy Judy Lieberman
Commensal bacteria and host's fitness
James Moon
Dissecting the hematopoietic stem cell Chris Carman
Nick Haining
DNA Deamination by AID/APOBEC enzymes in Antibody diversification and Cancer
Roberto Chiarle
Innate control of metabolism and tissue 01/29/2014
Diane Mathis
Mass Cytometry: Next generation flow Kai Wucherpfennig
Circadian regulation of intestinal immunity Wendy Garrett
Engineering T cells to overcome tolerance Galit Alter
Jon Kagan
Rick Blumberg
Immune regulation at barrier surfaces
Regulation of Innate Effector Lymphocytes Dale Umetsu
The Drosophila gut: innate immunity in Robert Luo
Shiv Pillai
Michael Brenner
Tissue-­‐resident Natural Killer Cells
All the peptides that fit: Producing a 04/16/2014
peptide-­‐MHC repertoire for immunity
Christophe Benoist
Novel regulatory mechanisms of the NF-­‐kB 04/23/2014
pathway in inflammation
Jon Kagan
Innate Immune Sensing and Signaling of 04/30/2014
Cytosolic DNA and RNA
Nir Hacohen
Insights into the immunity to tuberculosis Branch Moody
from the zebrafish
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
Wed Sep 4, 2013
1:30pm - 2pm
Course Introduction (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Course Introduction
2:15pm - 3:15pm
Organogenesis (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Embryology: Organogenesis Room sched
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Intro to Peripheral nn (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
4:30pm - 5pm
Dissection Table Selection (Gehrke)
W h e r e : TMEC 419, 420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Dissection Table Slection
Fri Sep 6, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Anatomy of Thorax (Zimkus)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
2:30pm - 3pm
Intro to Laboratory (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Introduction to Dissection room sched.
3pm - 6pm
Chest wall
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Tank, 14th edition : LAB 1-4 (read in advance); 54,55 (at skeleton); 19-20; 24
(pectoral region)-28 (axilla); 55 (intercostal space)-57 (removal of thoracic wall) Tank, 15th
edition: LAB 1-4 (read in advance); 63,64 (at skeleton); 21-22 (Dissection instructions 1-11); 26
(pectoral region)-30 (axilla); 65 (intercostal space)-66 (removal of thoracic wall)
3:30pm - 6pm
Thorax Prosection (half class; Zimkus)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Thorax and Lungs
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
Mon Sep 9, 2013
1:30pm - 2:45pm
Thoracic Surgery (Sugarbaker)
W h e r e : Cannon Room
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Invited; email 5/27/13 confirmed 5/27/13
3pm - 6pm
LAB: Removal of anterior chest wall; Lungs
W h e r e : TMEC 419, 420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 58-63 15th: 66 (removal of anterior thoracic wall) - 72 (mediastinum)
3pm - 6pm
PRO: Thorax (2nd half class; Zimkus)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Wed Sep 11, 2013
1:30pm - 2:45pm
Embryology Heart (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Embryology: Heart
3pm - 6pm
LAB: Anterior Mediastinum and Middle Mediastinum
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 64-73 15th: 72-82 (to superior mediastinum)
3pm - 6pm
PRO Fresh Bovine Heart (self directed; supplemental instructions)
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Fresh Bovine Heart
3pm - 5:30pm
PRO: Lungs, Posterior Mediastinum (Hildebrandt?)
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Fri Sep 13, 2013
1:30pm - 2:15pm
Radiology: Breast & Breast Imaging (Slanetz)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Breast and Breast Imaging confirmed 5/22/13
2:15pm - 3pm
Radiology: Chest Imaging (Dr. Spirn, BIDMC)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: confirmed 5/22/13
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
3pm - 3:15pm
Radiology: Intro to top 25 Cases (Slanetz)
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: confirmed 5/22/13
3:30pm - 6:30pm
LAB:Superior Mediastinum and Posterior Mediastinum
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th:73-77 15th: 82-87
Mon Sep 16, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Heart Imaging: Echocardiography (Stultz)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: invited 5/27/13 confirmed 5/27/13
2:45pm - 5:15pm
LAB: Superficial Back
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 5-9 (stop at superficial muscles) 15th: 5-9 (stop at superficial muscles)
Wed Sep 18, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Development of the Extremities (Gehrke: Zimkus?)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Back Musculature
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 9-15 (vertebral canal) 15th: 9-15 (vertebral canal)
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO (Lutchman) Vertebral column, back, sub-occipital region
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Vertebral column, back, sub-occipital region
Fri Sep 20, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Back lecture (Keel)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Invited 5/27/2013 confirmed 6/1/2013
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Vertebral Canal, Spinal Cord, Scapular Region
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
14th: 15-18; 22-24 (pectoral region) 15th: 15-19; 24 (scapular region) - 26
(pectoral region)
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
Mon Sep 23, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Organization of Upper Extremity (van Houten)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Upper Extremity and Brachial Plexus
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
14th: 19-21; 28 (axilla)-32 (arm and cubital fossa) 15th: 21-24; 30 (axilla) - 34
(arm and cubital fossa)
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO Shoulder & Brachial Plexus (Hildebrandt)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Shoulder, brachial plexus
Wed Sep 25, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Organizat i o n o f L o w e r E x tr e m i ty (v a n Ho u te n )
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Arm and Forearm flexors (Hildebrandt)
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 32-40 (palm of the hand) 15th: 34-46 (palm of the hand)
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO (Arm, forearm flexors) (Lutchman)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Arm, forearm flexor regions
Fri Sep 27, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Func. Anatomy Hand (Van Houten)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Functional Anatomy of Hand
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Palm of the Hand
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 40-46 (extensor region) 15th: 46-53 (extensor region)
2:45pm - 6pm
P RO:P alm of Ha n d (V a n Ho u te n )
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Palm of the hand
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
Mon Sep 30, 2013
All day
distribute problem set
Mon Sep 30, 2013 - Tue Oct 1, 2013
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Limb Biomechanics (Herr)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: wrote to Hugh about these dates on 5/5/2013 confirmed 5/22/13
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Extensor surfaces; joints of upper extremity
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 47-53 15th: 53-62
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO: Arm, forearm extensors; joints of upper extremity (Van
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Arm, forearm extensors; Joints of upper extremity
Wed Oct 2, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Hip, Knee, Ankle (Herr)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Hip, Knee, and Ankle wrote to Hugh about these dates on 5/5/2013 confirmed
2:30pm - 3pm
Practice Identifications (Gehrke)
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Lee Gehrke
3:15pm - 6:30pm
LAB: Lower extremity; superficial & anterior thigh
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 148-159 15th: 165-176 Sabine Hildebrandt in laboratory
3:15pm - 6:30pm
PRO: Anterior & Medial Thigh (Lutchman)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Ant. & medial thigh
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
Fri Oct 4, 2013
All day
problem sets due
Fri Oct 4, 2013 - Sat Oct 5, 2013
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Human Gait (Herr)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Human gait wrote to Hugh about these dates on 5/5/2013 confirmed 5/22/13
2:30pm - 3pm
Practice Identifications (Gehrke)
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Lee Gehrke
3:15pm - 6:30pm
LAB: Gluteal region; Posterior thigh
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th:159-167 (leg and dorsum of foot) 15th: 176-184 (leg and dorsum of foot)
3:15pm - 6:30pm
PRO: Gluteal region; hamstrings; popliteal fossa
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Gluteal region, hamstrings, popliteal fossa
Mon Oct 7, 2013
1:30pm - 2:15pm
Radiology: Reading MSK images (Wu)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: confirmed 5/22/13
2:15pm - 2:45pm
Radiology: Review top 25 chest/MSK images (Slanetz)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: confirmed 5/22/13
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Leg
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th:167-175 15th: 184-193
2:45pm - 6pm
Radiology: Small Group MSK radiology (Hochman, Wu, Slanetz)
W h e r e : TMEC 218
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Radiology of extremities Confirmed 5/27/13
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
Wed Oct 9, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Physical Exam of Extremities (Rodriguez)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Invited 5/27/2013 confirmed 5/27/13
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Sole of Foot; Joints of Lower extremity (Hildebrandt)
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th:175-185 15th: 193-203
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO: Knee Joint (self-directed)
W h e r e : TME 419, 420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
2:45pm - 5:45pm
PRO: Leg (all compartments); dorsum of foot; dorsum and
sole of foot (Lutchman)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Posterior and lateral crural compartments; foot perhaps should do this on Friday?
Fri Oct 11, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Review Statics Homework + Biomechanics (Herr)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: wrote to Hugh about these dates on 5/5/2013 confirmed 5/22/13
2:40pm - 3:15pm
Review of organogenesis & heart development (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: review session
3:30pm - 4pm
Review Thorax and limb development (Zimkus)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Review: Limbs, brachial plexus
4pm - 4:45pm
Review upper and lower extremities; brachial plexus (van
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Review: Thorax & Limbs
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
Mon Oct 14, 2013
All day
Columbus Day - No Class
Mon Oct 14, 2013 - Tue Oct 15, 2013
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Wed Oct 16, 2013
1:30pm - 3pm
Mid-term examination
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Room sched.
3pm - 6:30pm
Midterm examination grading (Faculty Only)
W h e r e : TMEC 204
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Fri Oct 18, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Devel of GI system (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Embryology: Gut
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Abdominal wall; inguinal region
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
14th: 78-87 (reflection of the abdominal wall) 15th: 89-98 (reflection of the
abdominal wall)
Mon Oct 21, 2013
1:30pm - 2:15pm
Radiology: Abdominal Imaging (Dr. Alex Guimaraes)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Anatomical spaces confirmed 5/22/13
2:15pm - 2:45pm
Radiology: Top 25 Abdo/pelvis imaging cases (Slanetz)
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: confirmed 5/22/13
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Peritoneum; Peritoneal cavity
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 87-96 (SMA) 15th: 98-107 (SMA)
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
Wed Oct 23, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Dev. UG System (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Surgery: Congenital Defects
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Mesenteric Vessels; Abdominal viscera
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
14th: 96-105 (posterior abdominal viscera) 15th: 107-116 (posterior abdominal
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO: Abdominal viscera, celiac axis, mesenteric vessels, portal
vein; post. abdom. wall (Zimkus)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: prior years Doug split this in two
Fri Oct 25, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
GI Endoscopy (Ketwaroo)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: wrote to Avi about this lecture 5/5/2013 Confirmed 5/5/2013
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Posterior abdominal visceral; inferior diaphragm
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 105-112 15th: 116-124
Mon Oct 28, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Organization of Pelvis and Perineum (van Houten)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
2:45pm - 5:30pm
LAB: Pelvis & Perineum Part 1
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 105-112 15th: 125-129; 129-137 (M) or 147- 152 (F)
Wed Oct 30, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Obstetrical Anatomy (Carusi)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Invited 5/27/2013 Confirmed 5/28/13
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
2:30pm - 3pm
Radiology: Abdo/Pelvis case review; intro to Head/Neck imaging
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: confirmed 5/22/13
3:15pm - 6:30pm
LAB: Pelvis and Perineum Part 2
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 113-117; 117-129 (M) or 133-143 (F) 15th: 137-142 (M) or 152- 159 (F)
3:15pm - 6pm
Pathology Correlation (Drs. Mitchell and Padera)
W h e r e : TMEC 419.420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: email invitation 6/16/2013
3:15pm - 6:30pm
PRO: Pelvis & Perineum (van Houten)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Fri Nov 1, 2013
10:10am - 11:10am
Abdomen and Pelvis through a laparoscopic view
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: invited 6/1/2012 confirmed 6/4/2012
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Devel. Enteric Nervous System (Goldstein)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: invited 5/27/2013 Confirmed 5/29/13
2:30pm - 5:30pm
LAB: Internal Iliac vessels; Pelvic diaphragm
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 129-133 (M); 143-147(F) 15th: 143-147 (M); 159-163 (F)
2:30pm - 5pm
Radiology: Small Group Radiology (Guimaraes, Bennett, Slanetz,
van Houten)
W h e r e : TMEC 218
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
abdomen and pelvis NB This should be held a day earlier, to coincide with
Priscilla's lecture on abdo cases.
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
Mon Nov 4, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Development of Head & Neck (Stankovic)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Invited 5/27/2013 confirmed 6/21/2013
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Face, Scalp
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
14th:199-206; 208 (scalp)-210 (temporal region) 15th: 218 (head)-226 (parotid
region); 228 (scalp)-229
2:45pm - 6pm
Prosection: Face (van Houten)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Wed Nov 6, 2013
1pm - 1:30pm
Distribute Skulls
W h e r e : D Amph
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
1:30pm - 2:15pm
Cranial Cavity (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Cranial Cavity
2:20pm - 3pm
Intro to Cran i a l Ne r v e s (v a n Ho u te n )
W h e r e : D Amph
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
3:15pm - 6:30pm
LAB: Interior of skull; meninges; cranial nerves
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 215-227 (orbit) 15th: 235-245 (orbit)
Fri Nov 8, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Eye & Orbit (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Eye and Orbit
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Eye and Orbit
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 227-234 15th: 245- 252
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO:Fresh Bovine Eye (self- directed)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Fresh Bovine Eye explain that this cannot be done on a Monday
Mon Nov 11, 2013
All day
Veteran's Day - No Class
Mon Nov 11, 2013 - Tue Nov 12, 2013
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Wed Nov 13, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Organization of the Neck (van Houten)
W h e r e : D Amph
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Triangles of the neck
W h e r e : TMEC 419, 420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 186-194 15th: 205-215 (end at "thyroid and parathyroids")
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO: Neck Triangles; Cerv. Viscera (Zimkus)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Fri Nov 15, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Facial Nerve Regeneration (Lindsay)
W h e r e : TMEC 109
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: email invitation 5/27/2013 confirmed 5/28/13
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Thyroid region; parotid region
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 195-199; 206-208 15th: 215-218 (end at "Head"); 226-228 (end at "Scalp")
Mon Nov 18, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Jaws, Mastication, Swallowing (Bhatt)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
invited 5/27/2013 response on 5/29/13. "Should be ok but I may be in India doing
charity work"
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Temporal Region; infratemporal fossa (Hildebrandt)
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 210-214 15th: 230-235
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO: Infratemporal region; PT Fossa (Lutchman)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Infratemporal region; pterygopalatine fossa
Wed Nov 20, 2013
1:30pm - 2:15pm
Review: Pelvic Floor (van Houten)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
2:15pm - 2:45pm
Review Gut & UG system Development (Gehrke)
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: room confirmed 8/1/2010
3pm - 5:45pm
Disarticulation of Head
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 234-240 15th 252-259
Fri Nov 22, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Clinical anatomy of the oral cavity (Abdul-Aziz)
W h e r e : D Amph
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
invited 5/27/2013 confirmed 5/28/13 (she had some reservation about confirming
the date re her clinical schedule.
2:45pm - 6pm
LAB: Nasal cavities and palate
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 240-249 15th: 259-268
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO: Bisected head, palate, pharynx (Hildebrandt)
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Bisected head, palate, pharynx
Mon Nov 25, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Larynx (Kobler)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: invited 5/27/2013 confirmed 5/28/13
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
2:30pm - 6pm
LAB: Oral region and larynx
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 249-255 15th: 268-274
2:45pm - 6pm
PRO: Fresh Bovine Larynx (Supplementary Instructions)
W h e r e : TMEC 419, 420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
3pm - 6pm
Temporal Bone Prosection; Dr. Vernick
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
invited: 5/27/2013 get TA to work on getting 3-D projection for him; plus a room
for prosection confirmed 6/6/13
Wed Nov 27, 2013
All day
Thanksgiving Holiday - No Class
Wed Nov 27, 2013 - Sat Nov 30, 2013
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Thu Nov 28, 2013
All day
Thanksgiving Holiday - No Class
Wed Nov 27, 2013 - Sat Nov 30, 2013
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Fri Nov 29, 2013
All day
Thanksgiving Holiday - No Class
Wed Nov 27, 2013 - Sat Nov 30, 2013
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Mon Dec 2, 2013
1:30pm - 2pm
Middle/Inner Ear: Cranial VII and Parasympathetic Ganglia
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
2:15pm - 3:15pm
Inner Ear and Balance (Oman)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: invited 5/27/2013 confirmed June 11, 2013
3:15pm - 6:30pm
LAB: Middle and inner ear
W h e r e : TMEC 419,420
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: 14th: 255-259 15th: 274-278
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
3:15pm - 6:15pm
Temporal Bone Prosection; Dr. Vernick
W h e r e : TMEC 414
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: invited 5/27/2013 confirmed 6/6/13
Wed Dec 4, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Dr. Pomahac; Face Transplantation
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: invited 5/27/2013 May be in China; 12/9 is not good for him.
2:45pm - 3:30pm
Review Abdominal and Pelvic Vasculature (van Houten)
W h e r e : MEC 250
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: room confirmed 8/1/2010
Fri Dec 6, 2013
1:30pm - 2:15pm
Anatomical Review of Cranial Nerves (van Houten)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: Review: Cranial Nerve Anatomy
2:30pm - 4pm
Clinical Cranial Nerve Review (Khoshbin)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: invited 5/27/2013 Confirmed 5/29/13
Mon Dec 9, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Tabin: The Development of Symmetry
W h e r e : Armenisi Amph
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
invited 5/27/13 confirmed 5/27/13, although Cliff has to catch a flight for a talk at
CalTech. He will try to make the flight for 5 pm after the lecture.
2:45pm - 3:30pm
Radiology: Head & Neck Imaging (Moonis)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Lee Gehrke
This was several days earlier (11/26) in the original syllabus, but was moved this
year for PS schedule. confirmed 5/22/13
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Top 25 Radiology Jeopardy (Guimaraes and Slanetz)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: confirmed 5/22/13
HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
Wed Dec 11, 2013
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Bionics (Herr)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Description: confirmed 5/22/13
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Practice Identifications (Gehrke)
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Fri Dec 13, 2013
All day
HST 010 Final Exam
Fri Dec 13, 2013 - Sat Dec 14, 2013
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
1:30pm - 4:30pm
HST-010 Final
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
5pm - 6:30pm
HST-010 Celebration
W h e r e : AA
C a l e n d a r : HST-010 Human Functional Anatomy
C r e a t e d b y : Elizabeth Hoy
Fall Semester 2013
Neurobiology 220. Cellular Neurophysiology
Bruce Bean, Michael Do, Wade Regehr, Bernardo Sabatini, Gary Yellen
Meets 9:00 am – 12:00 noon, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Goldenson 122.
Introduction to the physiology of neurons. Topics include structure and function of ion
channels, generation and propagation of action potentials, and physiology of synaptic
transmission, with a focus on mammalian central neurons. Includes problem sets and reading
of original papers.
Intro // Passive electrical properties gy
Resting potential & ionic conductances gy
Action potential basics; Intro to voltage clamp bb
Cable theory bb
Propagated action potentials bb
Voltage clamp methods & strategies gy
Channel structure: basis of permeation & gating gy
Channel pharmacology: v- & state-depend't blockade gy
Channel variety and modular organization gy
Na+ channels bb
Ca channels and K channels bb
Midterm exam
Ca as a signaling molecule (*) wr
Ligand gated ion channels (*) bb
Presynaptic mechanisms I (*) wr
Presynaptic mechanisms II (*) wr
Postsynaptic mechanisms (*) bb
Transmitters & G-protein modulation (*) bb
Sensory transduction (md)
Synaptic plasticity I: NMDA-LTP extracellular recording (*) wr
Synaptic Plasticity II: LTP-LTD (*) bs
Dendritic properties (*) bs
Firing patterns and intrinsic membrane properties (*) bb
Optical control of neuronal circuits (*) bs
Paper presentations (*)
Paper presentations (*)
Paper presentations (*)
Neurobiology HMS230
Harvard / GSAS 78454
Visual object recognition:
From computational and biophysical algorithms to cognition
FALL 2013
Visual recognition is essential for most everyday tasks including navigation, reading and
socialization. Visual pattern recognition is also important for many engineering
applications such as automatic analysis of clinical images, face recognition by
computers, security tasks and automatic navigation. In spite of the enormous increase in
computational power over the last decade, humans still outperform the most
sophisticated engineering algorithms in visual recognition tasks. In this course, we will
examine how circuits of neurons in visual cortex represent and transform visual
information. The course will cover the following topics: functional architecture of visual
cortex, lesion studies, physiological experiments in humans and animals, visual
consciousness, computational models of visual object recognition, computer vision
Class web site (can be accessed through: ) Lecture notes, slides, reading assignments and other information will be posted
in the class web site.
Location: Biolabs 1075
Course Meeting Times and Schedule
Mondays 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Lectures: 60 minutes / week.
Reading assignment discussion: 60 minutes/week
Faculty: Gabriel Kreiman
Contact information:
Life Sciences 1a (or Life and Physical Sciences A) and Life Sciences 1b. [or
Recommended: Math (Maa/Mab, Math1A,1B, Math19a or equivalent). Physical
Sciences 1. MCB80.
Introduction to pattern recognition. Why is vision difficult? Overview of key
questions in the field.
Characterization of the visual input. Natural image statistics.
The retina, LGN and primary visual cortex. Neurophysiology and
Lesion studies in humans and animals.
Adventures into terra incognita: Neurophysiology beyond primary visual
Electrical stimulation in visual cortex and causality.
Biophysically inspired computational models of visual object recognition.
Computer vision. Engineering algorithms and their applications. Machine
learning applications to vision.
Human perception. Psychophysics. Visual Illusions.
Engineering and prosthetic devices for visual recognition
Towards understanding subjective visual perception.
Suggested Books
Ullman S (1996) High-level vision. MIT Press.
Wandell BA (1995) Foundations of vision. Sunderland Sinauer Associates.
Chalupa LM and Werner JS (editors) (2003). The Visual Neurosciences. MIT Press.
Ripley. Pattern recognition and neural networks (1996). Cambridge University Press.
Rao, Olshausen and Lewicki (eds) (2002). Probabilistic models of the brain. MIT Press.
Koch C (2005) The quest for consciousness. Roberts & Company Publishers.
Deco, G. and E.T. Rolls, Computational Neuroscience of Vision, Oxford Oxford
University Press.
Dayan and Abbott (2002). Theoretical Neuroscience. MIT Press.
Horn BKP. Robot Vision. MIT Press.
Kriegeskorte N and Kreiman G. (2011) Understanding visual population codes. MIT
Davies ER. (2005). Machine Vision, Third Edition: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities
(Signal Processing and its Applications). Elsevier.
Homework, Reading assignments and writing requirements
Each week, students have to read, understand and discuss a scientific paper. The paper
relates to the topics covered in the previous class and illustrates state-of-the-art
research efforts in the field.
Students are required to hand in a discussion of the reading assignment including one of
the following (typically half a page to one page):
1) A critic of the paper including missing controls or alternative interpretation of the
findings or a critical discussion of the findings
2) Two follow up questions (computational modeling or experiments or computer
vision applications)
Do not copy and paste from the paper (the instructor has already read the papers…).
Homework is due (electronic format) before the beginning of each class.
Final paper. A final paper is due at the end of the class (details to be provided in
Final grades are computed as follows:
– 60%
Class discussion
– 20%
Final paper
– 20%
09/09/13 [Mon]
Introduction to visual pattern
Why is vision difficult? Natural
image statistics and the retina.
Primary visual cortex
09/16/13 [Mon]
09/23/13 [Mon]
09/30/13 [Mon]
10/07/13 [Mon]
10/14/13 [Mon]
NO CLASS: Columbus Day
Note: HW 4
10/21/13 [Mon]
Reading 5.
10/28/13 [Mon]
Adventures into terra incognita:
probing the neurophysiological
responses along the ventral
visual stream
First steps into inferior temporal
Reading 1
HW1 due.
Reading 2.
Psychophysical studies of visual HW2 due.
object recognition
Reading 3.
Lecture by invited
neurological HW3
extrastriate Discussion
visual cortex
Reading 4.
Lecture by invited
11/04/13 [Mon]
From the highest echelons of
visual processing to cognition
11/11/13 [Mon]
From correlation to causation:
electrical stimulation of visual
11/18/13 [Mon]
First steps towards in silico
HW5 due.
Reading 6.
HW6 due.
Reading 7.
HW7 due.
Reading 8.
HW8 due.
11/25/13 [Mon]
12/02/13 [Mon]
12/09/13 [Mon]
12/19/13 [Th]
Reading 9.
Lecture by invited
Computational models of the HW9 due.
ventral visual stream
Discussion reading
Computer vision
Reading 11.
Neural correlates
Final paper due
General Information: Acoustics of Speech & Hearing A Joint Course at HMS and MIT
Acoustics of Speech & Hearing
MIT: 6.551J / HST.714J
(This information is also available at
The Acoustics of Speech and Hearing is a graduate level course at HMS and MIT H-Level graduate course (41-7) that reviews the physical processes involved in the production, propagation and reception of human
speech. Particular attention is paid to how the acoustics and mechanics of the speech and auditory system
define what sounds we are capable of producing and what sounds we can sense. Areas of discussion include
(1) the acoustic cues used in determining the direction of a sound source, (2) the acoustic and mechanical
mechanisms involved in speech production and (3) the acoustic and mechanical mechanism used to transduce
and analyze sounds in the ear.
General Information
The class meets for two 1.5 hour lectures and one 1-hour recitation session each week with two take home
laboratory sessions scheduled during the semester. There are 15 written assignments during the year
consisting of problem sets (11 throughout the term), lab reports (2 throughout the term) and two take-home
exams (a mid-term and a final). There are also 5 paper discussion sessions in which everyone is expected to
Grading: 15% of the final grade is based on homework, 15% is based on participation in class and in
discussions of relevant literature, 10% is based on the two lab reports, 60% is based on the mid-term and final
exam. Students are encouraged to seek the help of the faculty and teaching assistants in performing the
Who Should Take This Course
The Acoustics of Speech and Hearing course is open to beginning graduate students and upper level
undergraduates who have had two semesters of college-level physics (or equivalent) and differential and
integral calculus. Past students have included Physics, EE and ME juniors, seniors and graduate students as
well as graduate students from the Media Lab.
Where & When
Classes are held at MIT
Lectures are held Tuesdays (T) and Thursdays (R) from 1PM - 2:30PM in 26-302.
Recitations are on Wednesdays (W) from 12:00 to 1:00 PM in 36-156
Text Books & Library Resources
The recommended (but not required) textbook for the course is: The Speech Chain: The physics and biology
of spoken speech by P.B. Denes & E.N. Pinson, WH Freeman 2nd ed. 1993, ISBN 0716722569.
This text is written for non-engineers but it contains a clear basic description of the physiologic and physical
processes involved in speech production, transmission, reception and recognition. This book may be
purchased for $27 from or Barnes &
A text/workbook that covers some of the course material in more detail is; "The Fundamentals of Sounds with
Applications to Speech and Hearing" by WJ Mullin, WJ Gerace.JP Mestre and SL Velleman, Published by
Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 2003, ISBN 0-205-37087-X . This book is available from Barnes and Noble
( for $67 new or $20 to $35 used.
page 1
General Information: Acoustics of Speech & Hearing A Joint Course at HMS and MIT
Other more engineering oriented texts will be useful from time to time and that can be found in the
Engineering Library, include:
Fundamentals of Acoustics by Kinsler, Frey, Coppens and Saunders, Academic Press 1982.
Acoustics by Leo Beranek, American Institute of Physics 1986.
Acoustic Phonetics by Ken Stevens, MIT Press 1998.
Signals and System for Speech and Hearing by Stuart Rosen & Peter Howell , Academic Press 1991.
A book that gives a more balanced view point of acoustics and speech and hearing is Acoustic Systems in
Biology by Neville Fletcher, Oxford University Press 1992.
A more thorough treatment of the hearing process is Fundamentals of Hearing Science by William Yost, 3rd
edition, Academic Press, 1994.
Louis D. Braida, Ph.D., Henry Ellis Warren Professor of Electrical Engineering, Office 36-791, phone: 32575, email:
Satrajit S. Ghosh, Ph.D. Research Scientist, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Office 36-547, phone: 35957, email:
John J. Rosowski, Ph.D., Professor of Otology and Laryngology and Health Sciences and Technology,
Harvard Medical School, Office 36-597 & Mass Eye & Ear, phone 3-5896 or 573-4237,
Christopher A. Shera, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Otology and Laryngology and Health Sciences and
Technology, Harvard Medical School, Office 36-847 & Mass Eye & Ear, phone 573-4235,
Shirin Farrahi, Part-Time TA, Office 36-873, phone: 8-5943, email:
Lectures include:
3 Lectures on sound propagation in space
1 Lecture on Sound Diffraction Sound Localization
2 Lectures on Sound Localization
1 paper discussion on sound localization
4 Lectures on electro-acoustic circuits
3 Lectures on acoustic transducers including the middle ear
1 Lecture on middle-ear disease and reconstruction
1 Paper discussion on middle ear models
3 lectures on sound in tubes
2 Lectures on the inner ear
2 Lectures on the perception of sound and hearing loss
2 Lectures on speech sound production
2 Paper discussions on frequency selectivity in the auditory system
1 Lecture on the processing of speech by the auditory system
Laboratory sessions include:
1 Lab on the acoustic analysis of speech
1 Lab on quantifying the perception of sound
see for an up-to-date class schedule
page 2
General Information: Acoustics of Speech & Hearing A Joint Course at HMS and MIT
Lecture handouts, homeworks and other material is (or will be) available for registered class participants at and on HMS ecommons.
page 3
SHBT 201 Biology of the Inner Ear (aka HST 721)
Instructors: Liberman, Maison
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Inner Ear Anatomy
Laboratory 1: Inner Ear Anatomy Laboratory
Lecture 3: Inner Ear Development & Regeneration
Literature Discussion 1: Inner Ear Development & Regeneration
Lecture 4: Stria Vascularis and the Endolymphatic Potential
Literature Discussion 2: Stria Vascularis and the Endolymphatic Potential
Lecture 5: Hair Cells and Mechanoelectric Transduction
Literature Discussion 3: Hair Cells and Mechanoelectric Transduction
Lecture 6: Outer Hair Cell Electromotility & Cochlear Micromechanics
Literature Discussion 4: Outer Hair Cell Electromotility & Cochlear Mechanics
Lecture 7: Introduction to the In Vitro Hair Cell Biophysics Laboratory
Laboratory 2: In Vitro Hair Cell Biophysics
Lecture 8: Afferent Synaptic Transmission in the Inner Ear
Literature Discussion 5: Afferent Synaptic Transmission in the Inner Ear
Lecture 9: Stimulus Coding in the Auditory Periphery - Auditory Nerve Response
Literature Discussion 6: Stimulus Coding in the Auditory Periphery - Auditory
Nerve Response
Lecture 10: Feedback Control in the Auditory Periphery – the Olivocochlear
Efferent Syetem
Literature Discussion 7: Feedback Control of the Auditory Periphery – the
Olivocochlear Efferent System
Lecture 11: Introduction to the In Vivo Cochlear Physiology Laboratory
Laboratory 3: In Vivo Cochlear Physiology
Lecture 12: Mechanisms of Cochlear Damage and Protection
Literature Discussion 8: Mechanisms of Cochlear Damage and Protection
Lecture 13: Pathophysiology of Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Literature Discussion 9: Pathophysiology of Sensorineural Hearing Loss
SHBT 206
Molecular Biology of the Auditory System
Course director: Albert Edge
Instructors: Zheng-Yi Chen, Ruth Anne Eatock, Albert Edge, Cynthia Morton, Tina Stankovich
Molecular biology: bacteria
Molecular biology: eukaryotic cells
Genetics of model organisms: chick, zebrafish
Mouse models: knock in and out
Development of the ear: embryo to placode
Genes and hair cell function
Human deafness: how mutations are found
Human deafness: what mutations tell us about gene function
Development of the ear: placode to hair cells
Proteomics and genomics
Expression arrays
Inner ear regeneration: chick to man
Inner ear regeneration: embryonic stem cells, cochlear stem cells
Therapeutic approaches to inner ear regeneration
Virology 200: Introduction to Virology
Fall 2013
Course Overview and Schedule
One objective of this course is for students to gain knowledge of the principal groups of human viruses and
current research themes concerning them. Another objective is for students to gain experience in writing and
speaking about this subject.
The course is open to Virology, Immunology, and BBS Program students. Other graduate or undergraduate
students should contact Prof. Max Nibert ( prior to registration.
Course components and schedule
A detailed schedule is found on the following page. In most cases, Mondays will be for Lectures and
questions, and Wednesdays will be for written critiques and Discussions of research articles. Because of
scheduling necessities, three Lectures will be on Wednesdays this year (Sept 4, Nov 13, and Nov 20), and
two Discussions will be on Mondays this year (Nov 18 and Nov 25). Each participant will also prepare and
present an initial and a final research proposal based on his/her rotation research. The initial Student
Presentations will be on Wed. Oct. 16 and the final ones will be on Mon. Dec. 9 and Wed. Dec. 11. Additional
details about these course components can be found in the syllabus.
Location and times
All sessions will be held in TMEC 333. Regardless of day (Monday or Wednesday), the twelve Lecture
sessions will run from 1:30 to 3:00 PM, the eleven Discussion sessions will run from 1:30 to 3:30 PM, and the
three Student Presentations sessions will also run from 1:30 to 3:30 PM.
Final grade for the course will be determined as a composite of class participation/written critiques of papers
(50%) and proposals/presentations (50%). The final proposal will serve as the final exam for this course.
Contact information
Course organizers:
Prof. Elliott Kieff:
Prof. David Knipe:
Prof. Karl Münger:
Prof. Max Nibert:
Prof. Priscilla Yang:
Graduate teaching assistant:
To Be Named (course director)
Schedule for Virology 200 Fall 2013
Wed. Sept. 4
Lecture—Virology Basics
Mon. Sept. 9
Lecture—Structural Virology
Wed. Sept. 11 Discussion—Structural Virology
Mon. Sept. 16
Lecture—Plus-strand RNA Viruses: Picorna- & Caliciviruses
Wed. Sept. 18 Discussion—Plus-strand RNA Viruses: Picorna- & Caliciviruses
Mon. Sept. 23
Lecture—Plus-strand RNA Viruses: Flavi- & Togaviruses
Wed. Sept. 25 Discussion—Plus-strand RNA Viruses: Flavi- & Togaviruses
Mon. Sept. 30
Lecture—Minus-strand RNA Viruses: Rhabdo- & Paramyxoviruses
Wed. Oct. 2
Discussion—Minus-strand RNA Viruses: Rhabdo- & Paramyxoviruses
Mon. Oct. 7
Lecture—Minus-strand RNA Viruses: Orthomyxoviruses
Wed. Oct. 9
Discussion—Minus-strand RNA Viruses: Orthomyxoviruses
Mon. Oct. 14
Holiday—Columbus Day
Wed. Oct. 16
Student Presentations—Initial Proposals
Mon. Oct. 21
Lecture—Double-strand RNA Viruses
Wed. Oct. 23
Discussion—Double-strand RNA Viruses
Mon. Oct. 28
Lecture—Reverse-transcribing Viruses: Retro- & Hepadnaviruses
Wed. Oct. 30
Discussion—Reverse-transcribing Viruses: Retro- & Hepadnaviruses
Mon. Nov. 4
Lecture—DNA Viruses: Polyoma- & Papillomaviruses
Wed. Nov. 6
Discussion—DNA Viruses: Polyoma- & Papillomaviruses
Mon. Nov. 11
Holiday—Veterans Day
Wed. Nov. 13
Lecture—DNA Viruses: Adenoviruses
Mon. Nov. 18
Discussion—DNA Viruses: Adenoviruses
Wed. Nov. 20
Lecture—DNA Viruses: Herpesviruses
Mon. Nov. 25
Discussion—DNA Viruses: Herpesviruses
Wed. Nov. 27
Mon. Dec. 2
Lecture—DNA Viruses: Poxviruses
Wed. Dec. 4
Discussion—DNA Viruses: Poxviruses
Mon. Dec 9
Student Presentations—Final Proposals (1st half)
Wed. Dec 11
Student Presentations—Final Proposals (2nd half)
All sessions will be held in TMEC 334: Lecture sessions, 1:30 to 3:00 PM; Discussion sessions, 1:30 to 3:30
PM; and Student Presentations sessions, also 1:30 to 3:30 PM.
Virology 202 Wednesdays, 1:30 - 4:45 pm
First meeting: Sep 4, TMEC (room TBD)
Faculty: Michaela Gack, Todd Allen, Samuel Rabkin, Fred Wang
Teaching assistant: Jessica Chiang (; phone: 617-4322379)
Course purposes: to develop students’ skills in research proposal writing and presentation,
and in critically evaluating research proposals of others.
Grading. Individual proposal 50%, Critique 30%, General participation 20%
NOTE: This schedule below is significantly compressed from that in previous years to
accommodate students’ expressed desire to have more time for PQE preparation. To keep to
this schedule, we will need to be very efficient in and out of class.
Course Syllabus 2013
Full class
Small groups
Small groups
Introduction, course organization (20 minutes), preliminary
topic presentations. Students present hypothesis/topic ~5 minutes
each, with 5-10 minute discussion. Prepare 1-2 slides describing the
hypothesis(es) or question(s) you want to develop for your
proposal, and be familiar with the background material relevant to
your proposal. Slides should be emailed to Jessica
( by 9 pm the day before the first
Small group development of hypothesis and specific aims.
Prepare revised hypothesis and specific aims on 2-3 slides, with
relevant background information. Print key background papers for
other small class members (no more than two). In class, hypothesis
and aims are presented and discussed. Preliminary discussion of
weaknesses and possible experimental approaches.
First draft of written proposal. Prepare a 5-page draft (not
including references) of the proposal including hypothesis/key
question, specific aims, background and significance. Email this
proposal by 7 pm to other small group members.
Small group critique of draft 1 and development of
experimental approaches. Students should have prepared revised
specific aims and have developed experimental approaches for each
aim, with possible outcomes, pitfalls, and alternatives considered.
Students should also have read and be able to critique 5-page
proposals within group. Only if absolutely necessary, students may
change topic or hypothesis at this point. A first set of primary intragroup reviewers will be assigned.
Second draft of written proposal. Prepare a ~10-page draft of
proposal now including details of experimental approach, to be
distributed by email by 9 pm to other small group members.
Small groups
Small group commentary on written proposals. Primary intragroup reviewer leads discussion of draft proposals. Weaknesses are
identified, and modifications suggested. A second, different set of
intragroup reviewers are assigned.
Third draft of written proposal. Incorporating discussion from
previous classes, a third ~10 page draft of proposal is prepared,
and distributed by email by 9 pm to other small group members.
Small groups
Small groups
Small groups
Full Class
Full Class
Full Class
Small group commentary on written proposals. Primary intragroup reviewer leads discussion of draft proposals. Primary external
reviewers for proposals of other groups are assigned.
Final Draft of research proposal. A final 10-page draft
incorporating in class discussion should be emailed by 9 pm to all
faculty and to students in the review group. Students should
continue to improve their proposals until final deadline.
Pre-site-visit meeting. Primary external reviewers should have
prepared 1-page draft critiques of assigned proposal from other
group, and have read and be able to discuss all of the proposals
from that group. In class, primary reviewers introduce the proposal
and discuss its significance, innovation, and especially experimental
Final critiques due. Primary reviewer finalizes critique, and emails
review summary that incorporates pre-site-visit discussion to
students of his/her group and all faculty.
Final small group meeting. 10 min-presentations summarizing the
modifications made to the proposal based on final critiques.
Final “site visit” presentations and reviews. 20 min- presentation
and 15 min-discussions for each of three proposals. Presenting
students receive final critiques.
Final “site visit” presentations and reviews. (three proposals)
Final “site visit” presentations and reviews. (two proposals)
Last day to submit final proposal revisions.
Faculty contact:
Todd Allen (617-726-7846; CD8 T cells, HIV, HCV
Michaela Gack (617-432-2378; Innate immunity
Samuel Rabkin (617-726-6817; HSV vectors
Fred Wang (617-525-4258; EBV
Small group rooms: TMEC 425 (Michaela, Samuel), TMEC 428 (Fred, Todd)
Compiled emails:;;;;