Issue 6 - The British Florist Association


Issue 6 - The British Florist Association
for today’s
inside this issue:
Worldskills UK 2013
Meet the competitors
Florist of the year - Neil Whittaker does it again!
Interflora’s 90th Anniversary
Pull-out special
Your handy guide to FleurEx 2013
Florists have been sending me news and
The longest serving President to step down
Interflora florist of the year 2013
Interflora celebrating 90 years of history
A great choice as your website provider
A massive thankyou to each and every one
• BFA Industry Awards 2013
Our very own British star
• The visitors guide
• The competitions
UK World Skills news and all about training
and education
Win a brand new book
Do you know your wire gauges?
for today’s
FLORIST florist
• The high street - What is the the future
• Fighting back - The demise of the high
Books to inspire
Who we are, what we do and how to
contact us!
Dear BFA member
Hello everyone. I can’t believe it’s
time for another issue already… !
The BFA have been very active over
the last couple of months, we’ve had
a massive presence at Tatton Park
where the Interflora Florist of the
Future and Florist of the Year Finals
were held in our marquee.
We have been very busy organising FleurEx
and promise you an absolutely amazing show
this year. Read all about it in our special FleurEx
guide in this issue.
Sophie Watton has represented the UK at the
Eurofleurs competition in Split, Croatia and in
November we have competitors from all over
the country creating inspirational floristry designs
at the NEC in Birmingham at the WorldSkillsUK
Finals Competition.
The next round of BFA “Local” is coming to a
place near you soon, don’t miss your chance
to join fellow florists to catch up on what’s new,
watch a demonstration and if you’re brave
enough enter the heats for Chelsea 2014.
Exciting stuff eh?
Don’t forget, if you are a BFA member you get
reduced ticket prices and competition entry fees
(at specified events), you can become a BFA
volunteer (see page 18 for details) and know that
you are supporting the only independent trade
association that works on your behalf.
Happy reading and I hope to see you
all at FleurEx 2013…...
Sarah Cunningham
BFA Florist is published by Euromedia Associates Ltd, Rhone House, Canalside, Chorley PR6 0BU
General Manager: Emma Higham | Editor: Christopher Lovett | Sales: Ashlyn Higham
Production Manager: Sheila Helm | Creative Design: Nikki Carter
T: 01257 267677 | F: 01257 267711 | Editorial e-mail:
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From the President...
Thank you and good bye!
I have been a member of the board
of BFA since 1996 and president of
the association from 2002. When
I joined the board I did so with one
thing in mind, that was to grow the BFA
into a bigger stronger trade body for
our industry sector, one that offered members affinity schemes,
support and networking opportunities, one that encouraged
florists both young and older to raise standards by having
competitions which supported everyone who wanted to have
a go and one that would one day encompass the whole of our
industry sector.
Well seventeen years on I think I’ve achieved most of what I set out to do,
but certainly not on my own. I have been privileged and felt it a great honour
to hold the office of president for so long and I have been very fortunate to
have both in the past and today a great team of fellow board directors and a
company secretary that seem to share my vision too. Members both past and
present have all contributed to the success of the BFA.
There have been so many highs and a few lows over the past eleven years
that although I can remember most of them I certainly can’t recall them all, but
here are just a few events that stand out.
The formation of the BFA Local events to help florists meet up and network
and our strong link with the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) are two
incredible achievements. FleurEx is now in its fifth year and is still the only
national trade show for professional florists.
There was the sad demise of the Society of Floristry in 2010, but by
working together the BFA acquired the Society and have been able to build
on their hard work to ensure that we have a strong training and education
committee for our sector. We have seen a four-fold increase in membership
numbers and new membership categories for wholesalers and others to
support the trade body.
We have a full time secretariat who works hard to ensure the BFA is held
together and a new Judges Guild which is affiliated to the BFA from the initial
support we gave to it during its’ infancy. We’ve hosted many events including
Eurofleurs in 2010 and campaigned for fair business rates along with fellow
trade associations and won the battle to ensure that proposed new distant
selling regulations don’t have any impact on retail florists when they come into
force next year.
All in all along with a new magazine launched last year and the numerous
member benefits through our affinity partners, Bridge Insurance (BFA
Floriguard), The Fuel Card People, and HR4UK, we’ve come a long
way and achieved a great deal. Of course there is still more to be done and
with the support of our members and partners we can still achieve more.
To each and every one of you who have helped me, supported me and
encouraged me I thank you most sincerely for your support, I couldn’t have
done it without you.
To my board, both past and present, you should all be very proud of
yourselves in helping to support the industry. To the three company secretaries
that I have had the pleasure of working with from the late Maurice Evans, to
Vikki and now Carl I thank you too for your support and hard work.
To all of our affinity partners, international friends in FLORINT and our
partners and our members I am very grateful for all your work.
Finally, I want to thank all of my staff in my own florist business, family, my
past partner, Darren, and friends, of which there are too many to mention,
for their support too because without them I could not have carried out my
responsibilities with the amount of time the role sometimes demanded.
It’s time for a new president and a new vision for the future of the BFA; I
offer my support to the new president in building on our success so far. I look
forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this year’s gala dinner and
annual industry awards and the following day at FleurEx.
With kindest regards and a big “Thank you and good bye!”
me at:
4 Contact
issue 56
‘Your Page’
Got a story or some exciting
news you want to share.
Send details to
Wow what an amazing response to the
“famous” recipients. We had florists from
all over the country telling us who they
have delivered flowers to, the list is too
long to print all of them but here are just a
small selection….. Ray Winstone, Little Mo
(Eastenders) Susan Boyle, Rod Stewart,
Jessica Ennis and Delia Smith. Thank you
to all of you who sent in your pictures,
maybe one day we can have wall of fame
published (but I’d probably have to get
their permission first!)…
With Christmas fast approaching, send us
your top tips for surviving the peaks – we
will print the best ones!
We are also searching for florists who
belong to a relay network and also a
florist who is totally independent. We
will be featuring three shops so you will
need to be prepared to divulge a little
bit of information (nothing too personal I
If you are interested in featuring in our
“great debate” then send in your name,
location, shop name, relay company
you belong to (if applicable) to
and we will be in touch.
BFA President to stand down
The longest serving president of the British Florist Association, is to stand down at the AGM this October.
For the past seventeen years Mark has campaigned for the growth of the association, highlighting the
importance of an organisation many were unaware of previously, despite it being around in various
guises since the 1950’s.
In 1996, Mark was elected as a board director at the age of twenty nine, before serving as the press
and publicity director for a further four years under the presidency of Roland Davies then the late Derek
Morgan. In 2000, Mark was elected as vice-president to Hazel Roddis, before finally being elected as
president of the BFA in 2002, becoming the youngest ever person to do so.
Mark started off as a retail
on, but couldn’t get members as we
florist when he left school
didn’t offer any benefits. I eventually
in 1983, opening his first
approached Simon Dimmock, who
shop and then a second
was MD of Flowergram at the time,
outlet six years later in
someone who had always been very
1989. Mark then joined
supportive of our endeavours at the
the Teleflorist relay network
BFA. He agreed to sign all of his
(now eFlorist), before
members at the time to the BFA, giving
studying for his floristry
us over a thousand members. With
Mark Ward receives the BFA chain of office as the
associations’ new president from outgoing president, Hazel
qualifications at St. Helens
this sudden influx of members, we
Roddis at the AGM in 2002. Looking on is the late Maurice
College and attaining his
then had huge bargaining power with
Evans HMBFA, company secretary
City & Guilds levels one to
card processing companies, insurance
four inclusive. From there,
companies, and so on, which in
BFA Florist met up with Mark to talk
Mark went onto lecture in
turn allowed us to offer advantages,
about his time as president of the BFA, floristry at the same college during the
bringing us even more members.”
what he felt he had achieved and
early nineties. It was whilst attending
It wasn’t long after that the Society
whether he thought that he would still
the then named BRPFA (British Retail
of Floristry was to find themselves
be in the position eleven years on.
and Professional Florist Association)
approaching the BFA due to
conference in Solihull in 1995 that
“No, next question please. No,
various problems. After months of
Mark expressed an interest in joining
but in all honesty I didn’t, not for one
negotiations, the BFA acquired the
the board. Twelve months later at the
minute. It’s normal for a person to hold
Society in February 2010, integrating
AGM, Mark was nominated for the
the office for two or three years, but
the two data bases and websites.
position and was subsequently elected. Mark told us of the agreement
not this long. The time just seemed to
When Mark took over as president
go by so quickly and there was so
he made with Society of Floristry
much I wanted to achieve. Each year I in 2002 the BFA had around two
members at the time.
hundred members and offered very
would say to myself I need to consider
“I made an absolute pledge to not
little in the way of affinity schemes.
standing down, but each year I was
Society members but the industry
Four years on in 2006, the BFA was
usually asked if I would do another
as a whole that we would set up a
year. I’d always say yes, but only if I
training and education committee to
had all of their members signed up.
had the support of my fellow board
continue to address the needs within
Along with Flowergram (later Flowers
directors and the members.”
our industry sector, something the
Direct) the BFA had around 2,500
So why have you decided to stand
Society had been doing very well for
members during this time.
down this year?
many years.”
We were interested in how such an
“A couple of reasons really. I want
increase was achieved
to spend more time with my family and and what changes
friends, but also because sometimes
were made to attract
you have a feeling that the timing
more members.
is right. It’s got to be right for the
“It was very much
association as well as myself and so
the chicken and egg
I gave it a lot of thought whilst I was
scenario, as these
on holiday in January. After speaking
with my vice-president Brian, I decided types of situations often
are. We needed more
at Easter to write to my fellow board
directors to tell them of my decision not members in order to
gain affinity partners
to stand for re-election as president at
who could then offer
Mark Ward with Brian Wills-Pope MBE DL at the
the AGM this year.”
discounts and so
BFA conference in 2003
The BFA has increased considerably
during Mark’s presidency, something
Mark believes is due in part to those
who came before him.
“The BFA has grown only because
of the effort put in by others, including
my predecessors. The likes of Maurice
Evans and Major Derek Morgan (both
now deceased) along with Hazel Roddis
and David Parry. All these people have
played a huge part in helping towards
our growth and all rightly achieved
honorary membership of the BFA.”
What have been the best parts of being
the president of the industry trade body?
“There have been many, but without
a doubt meeting the many hundreds, if
not thousands, of people that make up
the floristry industry up and down the
country. A great memory for me was
when Maurice Evans presented the
Maurice Evans Cup to the winner of
the BFA Young Florist of the Year for the
first time at our Chester conference in
2007. Another is definitely the launching
of FleurEx in 2009 to coincide with our
annual gala dinner and conference.
Hosting the Florint Eurofleurs competition
at RHS Tatton Park in 2010 is another
personal highlight of my time as
So what next for Mark?
“As I mentioned earlier, I want to spend
more time with my family and friends,
but won’t be leaving floristry altogether,
as I am still the president of FLORINT
(International Florist Organisation). I also
do some voluntary work for the Lesbian
and Gay Foundation in Manchester
and I have just been asked to be
involved in the setting up of a new local
community rugby league team to cater
for all age groups. And of course I still
have my shop, so I’ve plenty to keep me
busy. I am sure I will still be around as
immediate past president to help the new
president and their vice with their plans
for the future of the BFA.”
Final thoughts?
“I have enjoyed my time as president
and it’s been a huge honour. I feel very
privileged to have held the office for so
long and if I’ve helped even one person
or business to aspire within our wonderful
trade then it’s all been worth it. I look
forward to seeing as many florists and
friends as possible at this year’s Industry
Awards and FleurEx show. Finally I want
to say a huge thank you to all of those
people that supported me throughout my
time as president, I couldn’t have done it
without you.”
Mark Ward with Robert Steinmann and the top three BFA Young
Florists of the Year at the BFA conference in 2005
Mark Ward presents honorary membership
to immediate past president, Hazel Roddis
at the BFA gala dinner in 2005
Mark Ward is welcomed by Robert
Steinmann as a newly elected board
member of FLORINT at the general
assembly in Lillehammer, Norway, 2009
Mark Ward with the first members of the BFA
Mark Ward visiting the Expo Flora
Fair in Moscow 2009 as a guest of
the Russian National Guild of Florists
Mark Ward presents Chris and Nick Wolfe of South
East Flowers with two awards at the first BFA Industry
Awards held at the BFA gala dinner in 2012
Mark Ward discusses the work of
Training and Education Committee formed in
a young competitor with judge,
2011 following the acquisition of the Society
Lynda Owen HMBFA at the RHS
of Floristry in 2010
Tatton Park Flower Show in 2011
From the President...
Spotlight on Neil Whittaker Interflora Florist of the year 2013
Neil Whittaker, Design Element, Irlam, Manchester won the coveted title of Interflora Florist of the Year 2013 at
RHS Tatton Park, Cheshire in July and took time out to spill the beans on his success, the sheer hard work and
determination it takes to win this award and gave me a brief resume of his hopes and plans for the future.
I spoke to Neil after his success at winning the much desired award of Interflora Florist of the Year 2013 and asked
him how much it meant to him. He as always was extremely generous with his comments and gave me an insight into
the highlights and pitfalls of entering a competition with so much at stake. Having been the holder of the Interflora
Florist of the Year title on two other occasions and the reigning champion it is always a challenge to try to retain the
title. Its no mean feat to win three times and Neil is certainly a well deserved and respected candidate.
It so easy talking to Neil about his ideas and formulations for his designs, he is a very creative, extremely versatile
florist who not only wins competitions, but inspires others to enter and keep floristry exciting and inspirational.
In an interview I asked Neil to tell me how he plans for a competition, what inspires him and what should everyone
look out for when entering a competition, here’s what he told me…..
The winning announcement!
Tell me why you enter a competition in
the first place?
I love the buzz of a competition,
pushing the boundaries and more
than anything meeting new florists and
making new friends.
When you designed your floral
screen, what was your inspiration?
The 1960’s. Flower power,
psychedelic colours, smiley faces. It
shouted colour, vibrancy and fun.
I saw this piece close up and I can
assure you it was amazing, the
attention to detail was second to none
and there were actual smiley face
“badges” attached throughout the
design. The colours were vibrant and
despite the colour combination was
perfectly balanced. It was exquisite
and certainly deserved it’s first place
How did you design your floral cake?
This was a design that required
plenty of forethought. I scoured every
website (in the World!) to find out
about floral cakes. It seriously tested
me and was very difficult. It had to
look like a proper cake but had to be
floral… Not easy! I think it would have
been easy to gone beyond it being
a cake and then lost marks for it not
actually being a cake, if you know
what I mean!
And I know I shouldn’t ask, but did
anything go wrong?
No, nothing went wrong on the
actual competition day with the pieces
but I could have kicked myself for
not making my handbag functional.
I had it in my head that it was a
fantasy handbag and didn’t stick to
the schedule rigidly and lost marks
as it wasn’t able to be used as a
handbag. That just shows you how
important reading the schedule is!
As a seasoned competitor I should
have only gone with what was on the
schedule and stuck to it.
Talking of Schedules, what advice
would you give to competitors, new
and old?
It is an absolute MUST to read the
schedule thoroughly. Don’t slip up and
make mistakes. I would tell anyone
that the most important thing when
entering competitions is to make sure
your colour combination works and
absolutely make sure your technique is
perfect. These are what give you good
Did you find the Schedule
challenging? Did you like it?
As I said before, the schedule
was quite challenging. The cake
was difficult as it had a very limited
timescale to be completed on the
day so I had to be very clever in the
design and make up of the structure
prior to the competition as we were
not allowed to have any horticultural
material added prior to the timed
What are your plans for the future?
Its under consideration at the
moment, not sure whether to enter the
BFA Florist of the Year competition to
represent the UK in Europa Cup for
the 3rd time – you know what they
say – 3rd time lucky! It’s in Italy next
time round so the cost implications
may be a bit more favourable, might
be able to spend a bit more on props
rather than travel costs!!! Nothing has
been decided yet…… If you fancy
sponsoring Neil or know anyone
who might, let us know at pr@
Such a proud moment
Finally, I asked Neil what he plans to
do now that he has three Interflora
Florist of the Year success stories under
his belt and he said… “Now might
be the time to step down from the
competition, go out while I’m on top”
so there you have it… But don’t be
surprised if Neil can’t contain himself
and has another go! Who knows?
From the President...
Happy 90th Anniversary Interflora
Interflora are celebrating 90 years of history and
Su Whale looks back on their history….
It all began in America in 1910 when florists, tired of the three or four days it could take to transport
flowers from one side of the country to another, hit on the bright idea of telegraphing orders to each
other. The idea caught on very quickly and the Florists’ Transworld Delivery (FTD) network was soon born.
Where previously it had been almost impossible to send floral gifts and tributes long distances, florists
could now relay orders and messages to almost anywhere in the country and have delivery within hours.
In 1914 FTD adopted the Mercury
Man, the Roman messenger god as
their emblem. He is now one of the
most recognised brand icons in the
and land being given over to food
production which made even home
grown flowers became increasingly
hard to come by.
Many women were left behind to run their
husband’s florist shops during the war
The first florists credited in Britain
who applied to join the US network –
and therefore sow the seeds for a UK
flower delivery organisation – were
Carl Engelmann, a nursery owner from
Essex and Glaswegian grower Joe
Dobson. Over here, as in the States,
it didn’t take long for the idea to take
hold and FTDA arrived in the UK
The General Depression between
the two world wars took a heavy toll
on the floristry industry as elsewhere.
The advent of the Second World War
hit floristry hard too. A large number
of florists joined up, premises were
bombed and the difficulty of obtaining
flowers seriously depleted the number
of florist shops on the high street.
Florists’ battled on though, despite
the huge problems caused by rationing
10 BFA FLORIST issue 6
Founded 1912
One of Interflora’s first florist shops!
Flowers then, as now, played an
important part in keeping peoples’
spirits up; in 1943 FTDA arranged
for flowers to be sent to over 3,000
Flowers delivered by horse & carriage
injured troops in British hospitals, plus
a special delivery was made to US
soldiers on Independence Day.
Although viewed as a luxury item,
it became generally recognised that
flowers were important to maintaining
the morale of the civilian population.
They were also vital for the forces, with
FTDA dealing with over 6,000 orders
in a period of four months in 1942
alone. Then, as now, ‘Say it with
flowers’ had never meant so much.
Following the end of the Second
World War, flowers became more
fashionable than ever. New and
enthusiastic florists set up businesses,
and demonstrations were held across
the country to help these keen, but
inexperienced new recruits; it was in
the mid 1950’s the name ‘Interflora’
was officially adopted.
The Interflora bus ‘on the road’
Interflora sponsored numerous high profile sporting events
Flowers were given a whole new
meaning in the 1960’s with the ‘flower
power’ generation using them as
symbol of peaceful opposition to the
Vietnam War. The post war era also
witnessed the early stages of Mercury
Magazine, which was then known as
‘British Interflora News’.
The 1970’s saw a number of major
milestones; in January 1972, inland
orders exceeded £500,000 for the
first time and in 1973 the organisation
celebrated its 50th anniversary by
holding a Jubilee lunch at London’s
Royal Café, the same venue where the
founder members of Interflora had held
their very first meeting.
Growing commercialism in the
1980’s and 90’s saw Interflora
working hard to keep its position
as industry leader, with the iconic
Interflora bus touring the country,
visiting flower shows and county fairs
to give floral demonstrations. People
also became more accustomed to the
convenience of ordering flowers by
phone and paying by card.
In 1991 we received our first
order from outer space! Britain’s first
astronaut; Helen Sharman ordered
flowers for her mother from the Mir
Space Station. The Interflora brand
was seen everywhere with our
sponsorship of sporting events from figure skating to Formula One – in 1992
we sponsored Nigel Mansell who
went on to win the British Grand Prix.
The run up to the millennium saw
the launch of our website, another
technical advance in order taking,
where customers could, for the first
time, order from the Interflora range
anytime of the day or night from
anywhere in the world.
Present Day
The 21st Century has seen Interflora
build on its reputation as one of
the world most recognised brands.
We’ve supported the Breast Cancer
campaign, Fairtrade flowers, exhibited
and won Gold medals at the RHS
Chelsea Flower Show, and through
our Florist of the Year and Florist of the
Future competitions continued to nurture
our incredible, talented florists.
We’ve come a long way from that
small group of florists who first met up
at the Royal Café, and as we move
confidently towards our centenary,
we are proud to be recognised and
acknowledged as ‘The Flower Experts’.
Flower food to be proud of...
Chrysal update their designs to fit
in with current trends
Chrysal Trend Selection sachets were first
introduced in January 2012 following
feedback from florists who wanted a more
exciting looking flower food that didn’t
stick out like a sore thumb!
The range of five 1L Chrysal premium quality flower food sachets
received rave reviews but it was always the intention of Chrysal to
update the colour range from feedback gained.
The burgundy and lavender have been replaced with silver and
cerise. The Trend sachets which will be hitting wholesalers now, or very
shortly come in the handy reusable clear, hard wearing stor-age boxes
which hold 500 sachets.
Chrysal will shortly be introducing them also in smaller carrybags holding 150 sachets.
For more information on stockists or anything to do with Chrysal please contact 0113 3074050 or
email or alter-natively visit
14 BFA FLORIST issue 6
Florist Window
A great choice as your website provider
Following the two page article in the last magazine, Florist Window has gained at least
four new clients, Tim Cartledge is delighted with the British Florist Association and Florist
Window will be sponsoring the Industry Awards at the Ball this year on October 26th in
Birmingham. I spoke to Tim about the brand new service they have just launched for their
customers and this is what he told me.
Florist Window clients are now able to
relay orders to one another, when our
clients need flowers delivered outside
of their immediate delivery area they
can choose to execute their customers
order direct without any third party
being involved. This is a first, florists
doing it direct and guaranteeing 100%
of the consumer’s money stays with
the florist. For a few years now clients
have been emailing or calling us to
find out if we have a florist in an area
they have a national delivery for, we
have spent time talking to our clients
about their relay requirements and it
soon became clear that they wanted
to be able link up with each other
without having to pay a relay fee, a
service fee or any kind of percentage
to a middle man. We have invested
our time coding Florist Window’s
ecommerce software so that it allows
our clients to send orders internally
to each other simply using their own
website when logged in, pretty much
in the same way a customer orders
online from them while browsing
their website, it really is that simple!
Of course using the Free Floral Relay
service is totally optional to clients,
as we’re not a relay company we do
not create the rules, we just code the
Thinking about getting or refreshing
your website? Then look no further,
read on to find out why Florist
Window are so good at what they
If you haven’t got a website, or think
its time to update or refresh yours why
not take a look at some of the designs
Florist Window have have created. I
spoke to some of Tim’s clients to find
out why they chose Florist Window
and what effect it has had on their
16 BFA FLORIST issue 6
business... Here’s what they said.
Mike from Mrs Florist in London and
Tunbridge Wells said … “I’ve had my
Florist Window website for just coming
up to one year now… It has made a
difference “big time” , the website gets
lots and lots of hits and we get loads
of orders as a result of people seeing
our website.
Mandy from Hazy Daisy in
Newcastle agreed and says… “I’ve
had a Florist Window website for
about a year now and it has made a
massive difference. We are ranking
much higher on Google and the
number of enquiries we get over the
telephone are now almost always
because someone has seen our
website. I was recommended by a
friend and it was the best thing I’ve
Tim is really professional, very helpful
and always supportive. He’s an absolute godsend!”
Lou from Townend Florist in Sheffield
who was absolutely buzzing about
Florist Window and Tim, she told me
“ I’ve had this website for three years
now and it has made a huge, huge
difference. Our Sales figures have
gone up, I would say by 80% from the
Internet. It has given us a whole new
selling out-let. I would recommend that
you do not go anywhere else! “
Caroline Crabb, Fleurtations,
Bodmin, Cornwall is another very
happy customer, she told me “I
would definitely recommend a Florist
Window website, in fact, I keep telling
all my friends to get one! Our orders
have increased massively, I used to
get 4-5 orders a month from my old
website, now I get about 40! We
get lots of comments on how easy it
is to use, how beautiful it looks and
many customers tell me that it looks
like a proper flower shop not just a
place that boxes up flowers and sends
them out. Best of all though, we get
lots more funeral work since our new
website was built.”
And finally, Andrew from Andrew
Fleming Florist, Chorleywood is
impressed by the difference it has
made to his business. “Its easy to
update, the system works really well
and we are getting at least 6/7 calls
a day from people who have looked
at our website and want to order. The
online sales have increased too…”
So there you have it, absolutely
delighted customers and I know of
many more who would happily agree.
Stay in touch! Get ahead! Florist
Window clients stay in touch, or in our
opinion, take the lead against those
non bricks and mortar businesses who
muscle in on their local delivery areas.
Florist Window, websites are for
web savvy florists! If you’re thinking
of selling online or if you already sell
online but your current site has never
quite cut the mustard, plan ahead and
get in touch now to reserve your start
date, there’s no time like the present!
Before you know it Santa will be here,
St Valentine and I Love Mum and
another year will be gone by with your
average or non-existent website!!!!
Florist Window - ecommerce
websites for florists and free relay
for florists. Call 0800 169 3266 or
From the President...
Our volunteers
We have a fabulous group of volunteers who work behind the scenes at most of the BFA
events, without whom much of what you see wouldn’t happen! So we the BFA would like
to say a massive thank you to each and every one of you who have assisted us in the past.
Zoe Podmore, our Volunteer Co-ordinator has been an absolute miracle worker and she
along with the volunteers have helped to make events run smoothly. Our hats go off to them
and we would now like to show you who they are and give them the recognition
they deserve……
If you are a BFA member and would like to volunteer please contact Zoe
Podmore at
Vanessa Rooney
I have been a BFA Member since I started
my City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma in
2009. Volunteering for the BFA provides
an opportunity to work in yet another
area of our industry as well as being the
perfect environment to meet and become
acquainted with people who are at the
cutting edge of floristry. One of the joys of
being a florist is that you can use your skills
across the board within the industry. I have
my own business, Flowers by Vanessa,
which is based at home. From here I cover
everything from weddings to workshops.
I also have the opportunity of working at
Jacqueline the Florist in Southam, teaching
at Warwickshire College as well as working
freelance for event companies. The life of
a florist is never dull! Having previously
worked as a school secretary I decided to
have a career change & enter the world
of floristry. Over the past four years I have
continued with my floristry studies and have
just completed my Level 4. You gain and
use so many skills within this industry from
the creative aspect, customer relations to the
professional workmanship that you display
to provide a product that at the end of the
day brings pleasure, joy and or comfort.
Katherine Kear
I am a British Master Florist and NAFAS National Speaker, Teacher and Demonstrator and have
been working in the industry for over 30 years. I am also a stylist, designer, tutor, folklorist. I
have been a regular contributor for BBC Radio Gloucestershire, where my love and passion for
folk and life lore’s is shared with the listeners, my knowledge and expertise has been used on
several television programmes – some of which I have appeared in. I also regularly work with
several celebrity gardeners. My major literary success was the publication of ‘Flower Wisdom’
in 2000. I have also been consulted for ‘The Usborne Little Book of Flowers’ and have edited
‘Elements and Principles’ and ‘Flowers for Grand Occasions’ for NAFAS and five floristry
syllabuses for ICS. I have been described as ‘Gloucestershire’s answer to Joyce Grenfell’ and
my audiences and students are promised artistic and refreshing presentations filled with humour
and repartee.
Lindsay Ann Clarke
I have been a BFA Member for almost
one year. I joined the BFA as I felt it was
associated with the highest quality of
expectations within the industry and always
at the forefront of current industry trends and
events. I felt by joining the BFA I would gain
valuable information and a good introduction
to the full floristry industry.
I have just completed my City & Guilds
Floristry Level 3 Certificate at Distinction and
18 BFA FLORIST issue 6
shall be continuing with the Level 4 certificate
at Rodbaston College. I have also attended
training courses at the Boerma Institute in
Holland. I am currently working for Lulu
Flowers in Shrewsbury and do freelance
floral design. I have a blog spot and social
networking pages under the name of The
Vintage Flower Girl. This is a collective of
the work I do freelance and in conjunction
with other businesses and is designed just to
showcase floral designs, competition entries,
and businesses and events I work with.
Catherine Carter
I have been a BFA Member for
roughly 20 years. I enjoy volunteering
because it’s the opportunity to meet
designers and like-minded people,
and gaining more knowledge all the
time. I also enjoy encouraging florists
to take part in competitions as part of
my remit as Scottish Coordinator - Join
the BFA to be able to communicate
with each other.
Floristry is my second career,
following a career as Executive
Secretary for a major oil company.
After achieving my floristry
qualifications I worked in florist
shops in the Cheshire area. With my
qualifications and shop experience
I opened my own successful floristry
shop in the War-rington area. I ran
this business for over sixteen years
before relocating back to Scotland
where I have recently opened my
own Floral Studio and Workshop. I
have my own style that is commercial
and influence by the vibrant colours
and decorative styles I experienced
whilst work-ing in the Middle East.
I took the opportunity to update my
design skills and joined the Welsh
College for a further eighteen months
of study, where I successfully achieved
my MDPF. Here I met other members
of the British Master Florists and
chose continue the path I started and
continue to grow as a florist through
exploration. Today, I demonstrate with
other members of the British Master
Florists and continue my com-mercial
business and enjoy training others.
Rebecca Marsala
I decided to volunteer to widen my experience within the industry, meet designers and people in
the floristry industry, and for inspiration to keep pushing myself and to learn and keep an eye on
new skills and trends.
I have been a member of the BFA since 2009. I run Gingerlily Flowers in a purpose-built
studio providing flowers for weddings, funerals, corporate contracts, and everyday occasions.
Gingerlily Flowers is known for contemporary design, but more traditional styles have been
popular lately due to the vintage trend. I began floristry training at age 16; my aunt was a florist
and inspired me when I was just 11 years old! I worked for various florists in the North (I’m from
Preston) and moved South to live with my now husband. I launched Ginger Lily in 2009 and
have never looked back.
Emma Fawcett - Eustace
It is a privilege to be a volunteer
with the BFA. I was so excited and
delighted to be able to go to RHS
Tatton Park flowers for three days
volunteering. I had such an amazing
time. I arrived very early and got
parked right at the front. It was
incredible to see the site empty. My
role was to help behind the scenes
with the BFA getting everything ready
for the fabulous Floral Design Studio.
I was welcomed by Hazel Rodders
(Past BFA President) who was so
kind and friendly, helping ease my
nerves and for me to relax. We were
very organised; sorting, cutting,
and conditioning the flowers for the
demonstrations and starting to make
arrangements to sell in the BFA Shop.
The show started and the public just
kept coming; it was brilliant. I had to
run and get scissors for the ‘Have-aGo’ Floristry tent (but this is another
story), this is where we offered
the public the chance to make
arrangements; we had around 90
people per day and could have filled
the tent many times over – this kept
lots of volunteers busy all the time. So
it was amazing; I learned so much,
met so many wonderful people and
just loved every minute!!
I was initially a BFA Student
Member, but rejoined when I opened
my shop in Oxford due to the
insurance benefits provided to BFA
members – this was a godsend. The
shop in Ox-ford was the ‘inhouse
florist’ for The Randolph Hotel for six
years. I have written articles for The
Oxford Times Colour Magazine and
have had a regular fifteen minute slot
on Oxford TV Channel 6 (a few of
these can be seen on my Facebook
page Emma Fawcett-Eustace
Flowers under the Video Tab). I
have provided flowers for so many
wonderful people, and have even
been on
first name
terms with
the Police
but I was
also so
I slept in
the van
with the flowers overnight. My
biggest break was becom-ing the
florist for Prince Bandar of Saudia
Arabia’s estate, Glympton Park near
Woodstock, we had an amazing
budget... After a break from floristry
I rejoined the BFA and NAFAS
after meeting Muriel Simpson (BFA
Membership Director) at Tatton
Flower Show, she told me to get on
and get back to FLOWERS, so here
I am.
Sara Barrow
I love helping out at BFA events as
it’s a great way to get to know other
florists and designers, as well as
picking up new ideas and techniques
from helping with the competitions or
demonstrations. I previously ran an
award-winning gift shop in Clitheroe
for 20 years, but discovered my
vocation for flowers in 2007 when I
opened a small tearoom in Ribchester
where I wanted to sell gifts and
flowers alongside the tearoom. Very
quickly I discovered where my real
passion lay, so sold the tearoom
to concentrate on my aptly named
business ‘Flowers with Passion’. In
2011 I graduated with a distinction
from Myerscough college (FdA in
Commercial Floral Design, Level
5), and a month later won Silver at
the RHS Chelsea UK Florist of the
Year competition. Other highlights
of the past two years include being
commissioned by Harrogate Flower
Show to create a floral dress, and
a commission by Alpro Soya to
create a floral umbrella, which was
then modelled by Una Healey from
The Saturdays. I am particularly
passionate about weddings and
have built up an incredible reputation
for providing truly amazing and
unique bridal and venue flowers
with a service second to none. I am
currently BFA Regional Co-ordinator
for the North West and am hoping
to become a qualified NAFAS Area
Demonstrator in September.
BFA Industry Awards 2013
Gala Ball and BFA Industry Awards
At the Park Inn Hotel, West Birmingham
Saturday 26th October
Send your nominations via our website
The Industry Awards 2013 categories are as follows: Flower Wholesaler of the Year - Sundries Wholesaler of the Year
- Flying Dutchman of the Year - Delivery Driver of the Year - Floristry Training Provider of the Year
- Floristry Tutor of the Year - Florist Newcomer of the Year (less that 2 years experience) - Employer of the Year
These awards are sponsored by Bridge Insurance Brokers (BFA Floriguard) Florist Window and Chrysal and the BFA
would like to thank them for their generosity and continued support of the Industry.
via the BFA website
Or direct from
20 BFA FLORIST issue 6
Sophie in Split, Eurofleurs 2013
Sophie Watton from Bleujen florist in Cornwall has just been to Split, Croatia.
Eurofleurs 2013 - the upcoming European Floristry Championship for
Young Florists, was held in the historic and beautiful Croatian city of
Split. The setting was stunning and the passion of the young contestants
was palpable. Nothing less than a legendary floristry event was
expected and from what I can gather was definitely achieved.
Twelve young competitors from all over Europe competed in the
unique floristry tournament. The countries represented were Belgium,
Norway, Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic,
Russia, Slovenia, Poland, the United Kingdom and Croatia itself.
Competition Details:
The European Championship for Young Florists was held over 5 days
(September 4 to 8) and took place at three different historic locations in
Split: the Meštroviæ Gallery; the ‘Riva’ - a waterfront boulevard that runs the
length of the old town, and - most importantly - in the subterranean halls of
the beautiful Diocletian’s Palace, built by Roman emperor Diocletian at the
turn of the fourth century AD.
Our very own British star
Sophie spent a gruelling five days
competing at Eurofleurs in Split,
Croatia and did the British Floristry
Industry proud!
Congratulations Sophie
Gaining 6th place overall in an extremely tough
competition, Sophie represented the UK and gave
the other competitors a run for their money…
She was awarded 2nd place in the Bridal design
and 4th place in the Star design. She also gained
4th place in the floral dress.
The BFA would like to congratulate Sophie on her
achievement and wish her success in the future...
Eurofleurs 2013 was organised by Croation Chamber of Crafts and Trades (HOK), the section of Florists HOK and the Regional Split-Dalmation
County Chamber of Crafts and Trades and numerous other co-organisers, under the auspices of the International Florist Organisation - FLORINT who
own the competition rights.
Eurofleurs 2013 was made possible by sponsors: Oasis Floral Products (platinum sponsor) Zagrebacka banka and MBM - Vrtni (gold sponsor, along
with silver sponsors, Splitska banka and bronze sponsors, Bolsa Flora. Other sponsors included Anco Pure Vanda, Waterdrinker Aalsmeer and Arileo.
Old House Gardens
Twitter: @Strelitzia2
Facebook: /Strelitzia.florisoft
Get your FREE online
demonstration today!
First thing’s first, there are absolutely, 100%, NO STRINGS
ATTACHED when we say ‘free’. Yep, you heard correctly.
Your fully comprehensive demonstration of the software will take you
through, step by step, how Strelitzia works and exactly what it can do
for you and your business. We’ll then let you go away and mull over all
the must-have features of Strelitzia, allowing you to make a decision on
how, or if, you want to proceed. Simple as that, really.
What your demonstration will include:
Step by step of how to take gift and funeral orders
See an example of how easy it is to create multiple delivery lists
How your electronic till system works
How to use and what features you get in your accounts package
What you can do with the database you build using your marketing package
Reports: how you can take control of how your business runs
Unsure of what to do?
Give Mark, Judith or Katie a
ring on 01325 722398 today!
To see your
advertisement here
in the next issue of
BFA contact us on
01257 267677
Personalise your
florist merchandise
with Printbubble
Printbubble provide
an online print service,
supported by 27 years
of professional quality
printing, enhanced by
award winning customer
care and partnership.
They have a vast range of exclusive designs and products
for the florist industry and can enhance your business
and increase profits by saving you time and money at
competitive prices. Printbubble make sure you receive
a personalised approach, every time. All items can be
personalised to include your business name and contact
details, making the marketing of your business as simple as
Printbubble provide a range of products including
labels, florist cards, care cards, invoice/order pads and
envelopes, all of which can be individually personalised by
Printbubble take their responsibility to the environment
extremely seriously, and as a result, all their print is
manufactured using environmentally sustainable procedures
and products.
Reasons to use Printbubble:
• Competitive prices
• Vast library of traditional and modern templates
• Step by step on-page instructions
• Online demo
• Upload photos or images
• View your design as you go.
• Quality printing service
• Express delivery
• Award winning customer care
For more information visit
22 BFA FLORIST issue 6
Specialist websites for florists from floristPro
FloristPro understand how daunting it can be trying to set up a website for your
floristry business. They understand that a website that reflects your business with
colours, branding and design is important to the success of your company.
Whether it’s buying a personal website
name, providing e-commerce or making
changes to your website, floristPro can
help. With huge experience in the floristry
industry, the floristPro team understand
how to engineer a great flower website.
By using floristPro, you will firstly be
presented with a demonstration from the
floristPro team. This will take you through
the process and explain how websites
work, different methods of taking
payments from customers and different
design examples. This demonstration from
floristPro is free and gives you a great
idea of whether a floristPro website will
suit your needs.
There are loads of features in a
floristPro website that will help you
promote your business and gain more
sales. Every website is SEO optimized
and the floristPro team can help you
with AdWords and understanding
exactly what you need to do for your
website to be found online. With an
easy to use administration system you
can add products, change categories,
create adverts and offer discounts and
promotions yourself or request floristPro to
make the changes for you.
FloristPro also offer a gift collection of
70 product images that are available
to purchase for use on your website.
These images are ideal for those who
are not part of a relay or simply want
professional product images.
FloristPro LEARN is another feature
to help you with all things online –
whether learning how to create an
email campaign, edit images or set
your delivery dates, free webinars and
resources from the floristPro team can
help you achieve this.
For more information telephone 01903
773377 or visit
William Higham
Wholesale flowers
Servicing the needs of florists
throughout the North West of
England since the1940’s
spray Quality Devon Foliage
dried Extensive range of rare and varied foliage, including berries,
yfirs and hydrangeas, delivered regularly to your door.
ers r
Large or small orders.
Tel: 07968566218
T: 01942 826970 F: 01942 826971
Units 3 & 4
Alexandria court
Ashton Under Lyne
T: 0161 370 2798 F: 0161 370 2801
Delivering daily to Gtr Manchester, Lancashire,
Cheshire & North Wales
Plus, next day courier service to other parts of UK
Orders may be placed by email / fax / telephone (24 hours)
Why not visit our temperature controlled showroom
and choose your own FLOWERS, PLANTS & SUNDRIES
We specialise in providing flowers for
You can find us in Ashton-under-Lyne
Just 3 minutes from junction 23 M60
Opening times: Mon/Friday: 3am - 12 noon
Sat: 4am - 9am
Delivering 2 to 3 times a week to your doorstep fresh
from the flower auctions in Naaldwijk - Holland
We deliver to The Midlands, The North West,
The North East, North Wales and Scotland
For your area
Northeast and Scotland phone Cor Kralt
Tel. UK 07836541208 Tel. NL. 0031622206116
Northwest, Midlands and North Wales phone Henk Kralt 07747536526 Tel. NL. 0031651531256
or email us
Top grade flowers and floristry sundries
If you’re looking for quality
flowers and floristry sundries
in the West Midlands, then
look no further than All
Seasons Floral Supplies.
They offer a wide range of
top grade flowers and foliage
from locally grown
specimens to tropical
imports, meaning you will
always find what you’re
looking for at All Seasons
Floral Supplies.
Whether you’re purchasing
materials for a wedding,
creating a corporate
arrangement, buying for
home or designing a funeral
piece, All Seasons stock a
wide range perfect for any
Working with their
purchasing partners in
Holland, All Seasons can
supply any quantity of
materials from a single wrap
to hundreds of stems and will
endeavour to accommodate
even the most unusual
requests. Twice weekly
deliveries ensure our flowers
and foliage are the freshest
around so you can be assured
you can’t buy better.
All Seasons have an
extensive sundries
department stocking
everything from ribbons to
glassware, floral foam to
tissue paper and wires to
wedding accessories, so you
can be sure they’ve got what
you need.
Their friendly and helpful
team have a wealth of
knowledge in the industry
and will advise and guide you
every step of the way. They
can take away the uncertainty
of quantities required, offer
support with colour schemes
and advise with costings
which means you can order in
confidence and on budget.
You’re sure to find what
you’re looking for at All
Seasons Wholesale Supplies
so come and meet the team.
They look forward to
welcoming you.
F&H Flowers UK Ltd
50-52 Block B, The wholesale fruit & veg market, Edge Lane, Liverpool, L13 2EJ
Wholesale suppliers of cut flowers
in cut flowers from
Holland • England • Columbia
Delivering to
Fresh flower and sundry supplier
Tel: 0121 5204491 Fax: 0121 5574784
Tel: 0121 5206686
Unit 1 Brook Street , DY4 9DD Tipton
26 BFA FLORIST issue 6
T: 0151 254 2254
F: 0151 252 2166
The only national, independent trade association for professional florists.
In this section we will be giving you up to date information on events held
by the British Florist Association and when and where to find them.
New to this magazine?
Want to join the BFA and receive benefits* exclusive to members only?
Apply online TODAY at
(should you experience any problems please contact Carl at
who will be pleased to assist you with your application.
Money saving affinity schemes
Training & Education
BFA “Florist” Magazine (Bi-monthly)
Newsletter via email
BFA Local Meetings—a chance to catch up with your fellow florists
BFA Floristry Competitions
Flora Culture International Magazine
Exclusive Fast Track Entry to Fleurex
Top Demonstrators at BFA events
£80.00 + VAT per year
BFA FLORIST | for todays professional florist
The BFA are very excited about the next round
of meetings coming to a place near you…..
The meetings will be chance to catch up with fellow florists, talk to a BFA Director, watch an inspirational
demonstration and you may even get the chance to buy some goodies to take back to your shop too. There
will be the regional heat competitions for your chance to secure a place at RHS Chelsea 2014
Join us and other BFA members for the next round of exciting and informative meetings…….
“Local” dates
Sunday 9th October 2013 - Neath Port Talbot College, Wales
Sunday 24th November 2013 - Leeds, Country Baskets
Sunday 19th January 2014 - Bristol, Country Baskets
Sunday 26th January 2014 - Portsmouth, Country Baskets
Sunday 2nd February 2013 - Heathrow, London. Flower Vision wholesalers
Sunday 22nd February 2014 - Birmingham, Country Baskets
Sunday 2nd March 2014 - Ireland Green Mount Campus
Over the next few month’s the BFA will be respresenting the
Floristry Trade at various events up and down the country.
Find one near you and give us your support...
We hope to see you there!
Fleurex - Sunday 27th October, Bethel Convention Centre,
West Midlands
A fun and exciting day incorporating, amazing
demonstrations by two top designers,
free seminar by Lynda Owen, competitions and trade
British Florist Association Masked Ball & Industry Awards
Saturday 26th October, Park Inn Hotel, West Birmingham
(see feature on page ….)
at - events
The Annual General Meeting of the British Florist Association Ltd will take place at the;
Bethel Convention Centre, Kelvin Way, West Bromwich, Midlands, B70 7JW.
Starting at 4.00pm (16:00) on Sunday 27th October 2013.
Full details and documents are available to members on the BFA website or from the company secretary.
28 BFA FLORIST issue 6
The visitors guide
If you’ve never been to FleurEx before then make sure you come this time. This is the British Florist’s Association’s yearly show which offers an amazing day
out. Whether you are a student, employer, freelance florist, designer, competitor or just love flowers this is the event which will inspire you.
This year we have generous sponsorship
from G-Fresh, Bridge Insurance, Chrysal,
Florist Window and Opiflor.
We have three demonstrations taking
place throughout the day (well six actually
as each demonstrator is doing three each)
on our main stage with themes - Funerals
& Sympathy “A Contemporary Twist”,
Wedding & Bridal designs “Winter
Warmth” and Gifting Ideas “Floral Gifts
for Fast Sales”. These demonstrations will
be by leading designers Moniek van den
Bergh and Laura Leong and are included
in the price of your ticket…
Our extremely popular workshops will
be run by Melanie Garbutt and Rebecca
Hough. Book your place now as they are
limited and are filling up very fast. Entry
to the workshop, including all your flower
and sundries is £30 per person and is
limited to 10 people per workshop.
Lynda Owen will be giving a FREE, yes
free, seminar “Where have all the flowers
gone?” to inspire seasoned and budding
new competitors to enter to floristry
competition world.
There will be exhibitors to entice you
with their new ideas, new products and
special offers so be sure to visit their
stands to find out what’s on offer.
The brand new “Institute of Professional
Florists” will be launched at FleurEx this
year… Come and find out what it’s all
The following companies will be
exhibiting at FleurEx
British Florist Association
Florist Window Ltd
Joseph Noblett
Wolverhampton Flowers Ltd
Florist Pro
Bridge Insurance Brokers
Anne Bags
Floral Tours
Ribbon Writer
Chrysal UK Ltd
Opiflor UK Ltd
Fusion Flowers
Jago Publishing
Shola Flowers
Thrive Floristry
Flora bvba
Society of Floristry
Training Fund
BFA book shop
SoF Training Fund
In addition to all the other fabulous things going on at FleurEx this year, we have arranged for Business Seminars to take place throughout the day.
Subject will include Marketing, IT and Profitable Sales… Be sure to come along and enhance your business.
Bethel Convention Centre, Birmingham - Sunday 27th October 2013
Come and join us this year at our bigger, even better, show.
Fast Track and early entry benefits just for members.
NO increase in price but NOW will include the Floral Design Demonstration Show.
Book your tickets via the BFA website
or direct with ticket source
This year the BFA are proud to have a new FleurEx main stage sponsor; G-Fresh.
The BFA Industry Awards 2013 are kindly sponsored by Bridge Insurance Brokers, Chrysal and Florist Window.
This year’s Fleurex competitions are kindly sponsored by Opiflor, Floral Tours, UK School of Floristry, Chrysal and Silvia Bird
Class A The Chrysal Competition
Design a Christmas Table Arrangement using Chrysal ELITE Floral Foam. You are required to place a block of Chrysal ELITE
Floral Foam next to your design. The design is to be staged on open tables within an area of 75cm wide x 75 cm depth
with no height restriction. At least two thirds of the finished design must be fresh flower/foliage and/or plant material. The
judges will be looking for a high standard of design and technical skill
• 1st place £100.00 plus Chrysal goodie bag and Chrysal Cup
• 2nd place £75.00 plus Chrysal goodie bag
• 3rd place £ 50.00 plus Chrysal goodie bag
This competition is limited to 25 entries.
Class B - The Sylvia Bird Competition
Design and create a floral pomander for a child bridesmaid at a Christmas Wedding. The design is to be staged on open
tables within an area of 40cm wide x 50cm depth. The judges will need to handle the design for judging purposes. The
stand/prop on which the wedding design is displayed will not be considered in the judges final score. At least two thirds
of the finished design must be fresh flower/foliage and/or plant material. The judges will be looking for a high standard of
design and technical skill
• 1st Prize £100 plus the Sylvia Bird Cup
• 2nd Prize £75
• 3rd Prize £50.
This competition is limited to 30 entries.
Class C - The Opiflor Competition
Design and create a funeral tribute for a musician using sundries from the Opiflor Product list. The Opiflor sundries for this
design will be provided by Opiflor and sent direct to the competitor at least one week before the competition. Some or
all of the products received in the pack must be used. Competitors registering for this competition must provide a postal
address to Opiflor on completion of the registration form on the BFA Ticket source. Visit to register this
information. This is due to a limited number of entries. The provided sundries being used by the competitor can be found in
the Opiflor Catalogue or on They sundries that you will be provided with are:
• 1 Grey moss, page 131, code 86145
• 2 Flower lotus, page 135, code 83197
• 3 Lotus head, page 135, code 83213
• 4 Canella, page 135, code 83207
• 5 Linen ribbon, page 30, code 55427
• 6 Bio foam heart, page 171, code 17251
The design is to be staged on an open table. There is no restriction on size or height. At least two thirds of the finished
design must be fresh flower/foliage and/or plant material. The judges will be looking for a high standard of design and
technical skill
• 1st place £100.00 plus Opiflor Cup.
• 2nd place £75.00
• 3rd place £ 50.00
This competition is limited to 10 entries.
32 BFA FLORIST issue 6
Class D - The Floral Tours Competition
Create a hand tied design within a framework to depict the ‘Magical Winter Moments Floral Tour in Bruges’. The hand
tied must be displayed in a container and will be an integral part of the design. The hand tied must be able to be removed
from the container for judging purposes. The design is to be staged on open tables within an area of 75cm wide x 75 cm
depth with no height restriction. At least two thirds of the finished design must be fresh flower/foliage and/or plant material
The judges will be looking for a high standard of design and technical skill
• 1st place £100.00 plus the Floral Tours Cup.
• 2nd place £75.00
• 3rd place £ 50.00
This competition is limited to 25 entries.
Class E - The UK School of
Floristry Competition
To celebrate our January workshop by Wendy Andrade, design & create a piece of ‘Floral Jewellery to be worn on the
head or around the neck. Please give a description or diagram of how it is to be worn. The judges will need to handle /
wear the design for judging purposes and therefore the design must be detachable from the stand/prop. The stand/prop
on which the Floral Jewellery is displayed will not be considered in the judge’s final score. The design is to be staged on
an open table. There is no restriction on size. At least two thirds of the finished design must be fresh flower/foliage and/or
plant material The judges will be looking for a high standard of design and technical skill
• 1st prize £150 UK School of Floristry voucher
• 2nd prize £100 UK School of Floristry voucher
• 3rd prize £50 UK School of Floristry voucher
This competition is limited to 25 entries.
Class F The Society of Floristry Training Fund
Innovative Bridal Bouquet Competition
One of the most prestigious awards in floristry for many years was The Margot Fonteyn Cup awarded annually by the
Society of Floristry for the most innovative bridal bouquet to be carried by a bride at a wedding ceremony. This year it
is with pleasure that we announce the return of this esteemed competition taking place at FleurEx and sponsored by the
Society of Floristry Training Fund.
The Wedding Bouquet of the Year
The bridal bouquet should reflect the traditions of bridal bouquet styles whilst em-bracing modern concepts The competition
is open to florists with more than 4 years experience. The contestant must supply the stand/prop on which the design
will be displayed. The stand/prop on which the design is displayed will not be considered in the judges final score. The
judges will need to handle the design for judging purposes. The design is to be staged on an open table. There is no
restriction on size. At least two thirds of the finished design must be fresh flower /foliage and/or plant material. The judges
will be looking for a high standard of design and technical skill.
• 1st place £100.00 plus the Margot Fonteyn Cup.
• 2nd place £75.00
• 3rd place £ 50.00
This competition is limited to 25 entries.
Definition of a Bridal bouquet.
This style refers to bridal bouquets that are held in the hand with a handle or wires/stems forming a handle. The handle
passes through the hand and is carried by a bride at a wedding, or at formal ceremonies, functions or events. Flower and
plant material can be on natural stems or support wired, any wires should be concealed for protection. Construction can
be stems and /or wires inserted into a floral foam bridal holder or a wired bouquet where the wires are brought through
a binding point to form a handle. Typically the handle is straight, of a comfortable length to carry and is angled at 45
degrees to the lower part of the bouquet to aid actual bal-ance. Decorative collars, creative structures and frameworks can
be used to define the outline or support the flowers and plant materials.
Still blooming after 75
years in the flower industry
Peter H Smith Ltd, one of the UK’s largest fresh flower, plant and sundries
wholesalers, is celebrating 75 years of trading in the flower industry.
Originally established by Peter Smith as a market garden business, the
company now employs 55 members and imports and distributes flowers,
plants and sundries internationally from their 35,000 sq. ft. purpose built
warehouse in Preston, Lancashire.
Peter H Smith Ltd is very much a family
company, remaining under the direct
control of the Smith family for the last
75 years. Family and longevity are
valued at Peter Smith, with many of the
team having worked for the company
for over 10 years.
As co-owners and joint managing
directors Ann Rainford and Nick Smith
plan for the company’s continued
success into its centenary, the family
tradition is being continuing with the
recent addition of both Nick and Ann’s
children into the business.
The Peter Smith family attribute
the company’s success to a sense
of togetherness among the team,
customers and suppliers and a shared
determination to succeed.
Sundries delivered next day throughout the UK
To see your
advertisement here
in the next issue of
BFA contact us on
01257 267677
36 BFA FLORIST issue 6
Tel: +31 6 10932669
Dutch Flower Wholesaler in the UK every week delivering
to over 80 wholesalers, shops and garden centres.
We deliver fresh flowers, plants and sundries.
Koot Flowers aim to serve their customers with high
quality flowers, plants and sundries. We believe quality is
the key to a succesfull business, that’s why our moto is
if you’re doing well we’re doing well.
The Floristry Supplies Supplier
New Directory now available
To order your copy and to receive 10% off your first order
Tel: 0845 500 1190
or visit our trade only website and quote BFA10
Essential Florist Sundries & Florist Supplies On One Site!
Based in the Midlands and with over 20 years experience within
the florist wholesale trade; we at Florist Sundries Online aim to
provide a second to none service to you the consumer.
To see our full range visit us online at
02476 393778 -
38 BFA FLORIST issue 6
floral delights
Trevor Green Floral Sundries take great pride
in offering their customers a huge range
of luxurious Christmas giftware and florist
products, both available in-store and online.
Their impressive website means that you can ease the stress
of preparing for the hectic Christmas season and also gives
you the opportunity to order florist sundries and Christmas
supplies at any time of the day with the simple click of a
button. Express delivery guarantees straight to your door
service plus all orders over £150 before VAT will receive
next working-day delivery for free! stock a wide range of Christmas
wreaths, ribbons, artificial flowers, dried fruit and an
assortment of other festive decorations. They also stock Oasis
floral-foam products, providing you with everything you need
for your Christmas flower arrangements!
Their dedicated team are happy to answer any of your
queries. For more information and to view product lines, visit or telephone 0191 4173407.
Family run firm Trevor Green floral sundries are located in the North
East of England with 37 years of experience in sales and customer
care. For more information, and to view our product lines, please visit
our website at
Email enquiries-
Trevor Green Floral Sundries
33 Sedling Rd, Wear Industrial Estate, Washington, Tyne&Wear NE38 9BZ
T: 0191 4173407 F: 0191 4155983
To see your
advertisement here
in the next issue of
BFA contact us on
01257 267677
House of Decoration, Lifestyle and Floral Art
Unique in Europe : 16.000m² wholesaler’s showroom
• For 30 years we have guaranteed the international reputation of our FLORISSIMA - group.
• The contemporary nature of our products is well-known in the Benelux, France, the UK and beyond.
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• Awarded with the ISO 9001-2008 quality label in 2011
Still not convinced ?
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Offer closes 10th December 2013, valid for 1 visit.
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Take a look at
Ets Van Remoortel – Schrijberg 189-193 – 9111 Belsele - Belgium
E17 exit n° 13 - T +32 3 722 9340 - F +32 3 772 2046 -
The ancient art of flower preservation
Flowers Forever are a midlands
based business specialising in
flower preservation and stunning
presentation. Founded in 1992, the
company has many years experience
in flower preservation, offering their
services all over the UK and Ireland.
Providing flower preservation for a
number of different occasions, Flowers
Forever caters to weddings, funerals,
valentines, anniversaries, retirements,
christenings and general hobby needs.
In recent years, Flowers Forever has
created unusual keepsakes, such as
preserving a red rose given to a young
lady by Justin Beiber during his live
concert. Another customer wanted part
of the famous Eisenhower Tree from
Augusta National Golf Club framed
that they had acquired after a visit
there. Most recently, Flowers Forever
framed a signed football boot from
footballer Darren Bent, which was
auctioned to help raise money for
Elizabeth Paronuzzi, the new
business owner, crafts every picture
created at Flowers Forever. Elizabeth
feels strongly about creating beautiful
keepsakes and understands that every
customer has a different and unique
vision for their product. Flowers Forever
dedicates much time listening to
customer specifications, making sure
Complementing fresh with artificial
flowers to save time and cost
flowers with
42 BFA FLORIST issue 6
they create a beautiful product with a
personal touch.
For more information visit
When catering for a wedding it can
occasionally be tricky to juggle the
couple’s budget, your own time and
most importantly their requirements and
expectations. For out-of-season varieties
or certain colours it is already a must
to source artificial alternatives, with
the proposition of adding in artificial
flowers becoming increasingly attractive
for other reasons as well.
Many brides like to hold fresh flowers
on their big day, but using ready-made
table arrangements or garlands made
from artificial flowers where possible for
the rest of the venue and customising
them to suit the couple’s theme can
allow the same high quality work to
be completed in a shorter time, and
therefore at a lower cost.
There’s also potential for renting or
selling pre-made wedding decorations
to give your customers added choice
and value. Learn more at
Hamiltons Chocolates was
established in the Cotswold village of
Broadway in 1986 by Andrew and
Sheila Campbell.
Combining the best of Belgian
chocolate experience with the quality,
love and attention of artisanal English
handmade chocolate making,
Hamiltons’ highly skilled team of
chocolatiers are passionate about
their craft and are dedicated to
ensuring that each individual luxury
chocolate is masterfully created.
It is the flavour that really makes
Hamiltons chocolates stand out.
Through using the finest ingredients,
real fruit pastes and natural flavours,
Hamiltons create chocolates that are
a taste sensation.
A low minimum order and a
simple online ordering system makes
Hamiltons an ideal choice for florists
wanting to add chocolates to any
current package offers.
For more information visit
Petals & Lace
Capturing memories forever...
Petals and Lace are experts in bouquet
preservation and have been established
for over 25 years.
We offer a personal, bespoke service, treating every
customer and their flowers with care and attention.
Using the latest freeze drying technology, we perfectly
preserve your flowers as a wonderful keepsake,
capturing memories forever.
Petals & Lace | 28 Danbury Vale | Danbury | Essex | CM3 4LA
01371 873986 |
‘Tis the Season to be Jolly!
The much anticipated new publications from
The I.S. Group have landed!
September 2013 Directory
The new bumper September 2013
Directory is bursting with over 1,200
products, including 130 new sundries.
The directory also includes their
biggest ever Christmas section, with
over 90 pages filled with everything
you need for the Christmas season.
New products in September continue to
be characterised by an authentic handcrafted appearance. Jute bags in natural
earthy tones feature sewn-on button detail,
basketware made from warm wooden
shades are finished with country gingham
trims and ceramics appear aged with an
exotic weathered effect. What’s more, this
style starts from only 89p!
The wedding collection as put together by
their team of design specialists is created
from extensive trend research and presents
a unique theme for customers. Other
wedding accessories include a vintage
inspired bridal bouquet using the Versailles
Jewel Bouquet Holder, filled lavishly with a
combination of flowers and a new range
of glamorous brooch pins from just £1.95
For a more relaxed wedding style, take
inspiration from the Country Bumpkin trend.
Textiles such as burlap, cotton and lace are
key and are featured in the extensive ribbon
collection. Use them
to dress up
new rustic
zinc and
bottle style
such as the
new Inky
Well Vase,
priced at
only 99p
44 BFA FLORIST issue 6
adorned with traditional style Oracle
Lanterns are available to decorate venue
pathways and are the latest addition to a
stunning Chatsworth wedding range.
Always committed to bringing you great
value as well as great style, The I.S. Group
has reviewed prices across the board to get
you the best deals on their sundries. Look
out for over 100 new lower price flashes.
Christmas 2013 Catalogue
If that wasn’t enough to keep you
absorbed and inspired then delve into
their magical Christmas catalogue
– it’s their most exciting collection
ever! Sundries tend to fall into two
themes, sophisticated grandeur
and hand-crafted Norwegian style.
For the former you’ll find luxurious
metallic ceramics with rich textures
and patterns, stunning glassware with
shimmering finishes and a glamorous
range of cellos.
From only 79p the range of decorated
plant bags captures the essence of a
handmade Christmas perfectly. Embellish
with new broadcloth, jute, lace-style cotton
or gingham ribbon from as little as 6p a
Also, don’t miss the new Rustique
Rockabye Trug, a stylish grey wash
softwood hoop trug standing on 2 wooden
plinths. The scooped planting area
continues into a high handle giving the
illusion of a complete circle.
There are so many profit building add-ons
to choose from too. With plush soft toys
from Suki, seasonal message cards from
only 3p each, picks, clips and magnets
from just 15p each and jolly Christmas
character balloons from 99p, there are
plenty of accessories to choose from.
If you haven’t yet received the September
Directory or Christmas Catalogue then
telephone 01733 261000 or visit
Sandie Griffiths has, as usual, been very busy with the
Training and Education committee over the last couple of
months and has some great news for all of you….
The Institute of Professional Florists
will be launched at FleurEx, on Sunday 27th October 2013. Don’t miss this opportunity to find out how it all
works. Thanks go out to all of you involved in the pilot scheme. It will be an exciting new avenue for florists
and students to get involved with and will give you the opportunity to enhance your skills.
The Professional
Florist’s Manual
This joint initiative between the British Florist
Association and the Society of Floristry
Training Fund is now well underway. Under
the editorship of Lynda Owen and project
managed by Sandie Griffith, this brand
new educational guide of professional
floristry terminology, design and techniques
is currently being written and designed. You
will be able to have a “sneak preview” of the
format at FleurEx on Sunday 27th October.
Come along and have a look for yourself…
Back by popular demand is a seminar by
Lynda Owen Where have all the Flowers
Gone? Find out what makes a winning
competition design, learn how to analyse
your own work, think like a floristry judge
and discover how to respect the botanical
material that you work with. This FREE
seminar is on Sunday 27th October - Be sure
to attend!
For all Tutors - Saturday 26th October at
the Bethel Convention Centre, Birmingham
- Starts 12.00 noon with light refreshments
and a action packed programme will follow
with updates on City & Guilds, a guide
to Demonstration Techniques and attention
to de-tail by Tina Parkes, a presentation
about World Skills with Lynda Owen and
Sandie Griffith and a taster of The Institute of
Professional Florists (being launched the next
day at FleurEx). The programme will finish
at 16.30 leaving you plenty of time to get
glammed up for the evenings entertainment
at The Park Inn Hotel, The British Florist
Association Masked Ball (masks are
optional!) and Industry Awards 2013.
Book now via or
World Skills UK 2013
For a full rundown of who’s who and where they do it see feature on page… but this is just a reminder that
the show is at the Birmingham NEC from 14th - 16th November and they would all love your support.
Come along and watch them create their designs before your very eyes…
The BFA would like to wish each and every competitor the very best of luck.
46 BFA FLORIST issue 6
48 BFA FLORIST issue 6
World skills comes to Farnborough
College of Technology
The World Skills Floristry Competition was hosted by
Farnborough College of Technology in May this year.
The college were delighted to be asked and welcomed
competitors from the southern region. The college, which
has run a successful range of courses for some years, put
forward a strong group of competitors.
Employers were invited to attend the floristry
demonstrations and were also offered the opportunity to
find out more about the new apprenticeship scheme and
how it would benefit their business.
Among the winners were a number of Farnborough
students who won first and second place in the
Intermediate Award, with 1st year Floristry student
Aneekah Hussain winning first place and Kaidee Adams
winning second place.
In the advanced category, two ex-floristry students from
Farnborough won second and third place. These were
won by Vicky Milner and Jennifer Thompson respectively.
For more information telephone 01252 407040.
A wide range of floristry options at Plumpton College
The floristry department at Plumpton College has been an active and
busy department for over 25 years. It was founded by one of the original
members of the Society of Floristry and originally provided courses for just
one afternoon a week.
The department has since gone
from strength to strength and now
offers a wide range of professional
qualification programmes ranging from
the Level 1 Land Based studies to the
Higher Diploma in Floristry (HDF), as
well as Plumpton College Certificate
Introductory and Advanced short
courses in wedding design and one
day taster workshops.
There are several dedicated floristry
classrooms both in the main college
and within the college’s Horticultural
Centre for Vocational Excellence.
All classrooms have working
height purpose built work-stations
and ergonomic stools. There are
photographic areas including photo
light boxes, display materials and freestanding spotlights to enable students
to take excellent photographs for their
There is also an extensive range of
floristry equipment for students to use
whilst they are learning, including
microscopes, display stands, glass
fronted floristry coolers and a wide
range of on-trend fresh and sundry
products sourced from around the
world. The floristry team pride itself
on making courses enjoyable and fun
as well as hard work. During the year
visits to New Covent Garden, local
wholesalers, nurseries and often to the
bulb fields of Holland are included
in the course. A link with Clusius
College in Holland provides valuable
exchange visits for the younger floristry
Active involvement in entering
50 BFA FLORIST issue 6
National Floristry competitions
is encouraged as part of each
programme at Plumpton College.
These include: BFA Nationals, New
Covent Garden competitions, Chelsea,
Hampton Court, South of England
Show, Society of Floristry competitions
and WorldSkills UK and International.
Plumpton College are very fortunate
in that Steph Willoughby, Head of
Floristry is the World Skills International
Training Manager and this brings
a wealth of experience to the
Plumpton College is the resident
home to WorldSkill floristry training
with regular training sessions with Joe
Massie, now a star of British Floristry
and ex-WorldSkill competitor.
Students from St. Helens
College showcased their
hard work and effort during
‘A Night at the Oscars’.
Students from Hairdressing,
Beauty Therapy and Floristry
joined together for an evening of
glitz and glamour as part of the
World Skills Competition 2013.
Floristry students contributed
to the display of talent by
combining their green-fingered
skills with high fashion, creating
innovative floral ball gowns and
Diploma in Level 3 Floristry
students designed and
constructed floral dresses using
their individual designs for their
course assessments in the diverse
function and event decorating
unit. All of the dresses where
made with fresh flower and plant
Principal Jette Burford said:
“The evening was a great
success and it was an excellent
opportunity to showcase our
skilled and talented students. I’m
sure our students will progress
into successful careers within their
chosen industry. I hope events
like this will help inspire others to
further their education and learn
new skills.”
After an evening of talent and
awards the hard efforts from both
students and tutors had paid off
with winners being announced.
If you are interested in joining
a course visit
or telephone 0800 996699.
The Floristry Department
at Plumpton College
Visit us online to view our range
of both full and part time courses
available in our floristry department.
Plumpton College, Ditchling Road,
Nr Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 3AE
Tel: 01273 890454
52 BFA FLORIST issue 6
World Skills UK
The Skills Show inspires and transforms young people’s lives through a series of interactive
events held across the UK, changing the way we think about skills, training and apprenticeships.
The national show, the UK’s largest skills and careers event, will be held at the NEC
Intermediate Competitor Aneekah
Hussain tells us a little bit about herself.
“I did Art & Design for the first year of
College and my best friend completed
her first year of Floristry and thought I
would enjoy the course. I enrolled and
have really enjoyed the first year and am
looking forward to net year.
My tutor entered me into the Worldskills
UK heat and I thought I would have
a go and see what the competition
Advanced competitor
April Bennett explains how
she become involved in
“My first encounter with
floristry was when I was 16
looking for a Saturday job
while I studied at College.
That’s where I found The
Flower Studio in Marlow. I
was never intending to be a
florist but I soon fell in love
with the skill and was given
the chance to create and
learn with the team I worked
with. They encouraged me
to seek further education
so I enrolled at Berkshire
College of Agriculture
and achieved my level 2
and level 3 City & Guilds
qualification. It was the help
and support of Jane Prodger
and Suzanne Harding,
my tutors that I found
confidence to start entering
competitions and I haven’t
looked back since!
I believe it is with a
combination of work,
education and competitions
that have allowed me to
progress as far as I have in
the industry as the exposure
to other peoples work
is a constant source of
inspiration to me and I hope
I can continue to share my
passion with others
Danielle Scandone is just 18 years
old and has studied floristry at Merrist
Wood Colllege since leaving school.
She has just finished her level 3 and is
about to start her level 4.
Danielle is entering the Advanced
competition and says “I have a great
Heather Hume completely
changed her career.
She had been working
in Banking for 13 years
and went to an Open
Night at CAFRE College,
Greenmount, Ireland with
her son who was thinking
of studying there. She saw
a Floristry course, decided
to enrol and thoroughly
enjoyed it. She says “I
wish I’d done it years
Heather who is in the
Advanced section, says “I
environment is like. I learnt how to work
within certain time limits and how I should
plan a design before starting it. I have
never entered any other competitions. My
favourite pieces to create are compact
tied posies and funeral tributes. Gemma
Emms has taught me all the Floristry
basics and Hazel Woodman has taught
me to extend myself and I am looking
forward to learning more from her in
passion for floristry and love that you
are always learning. I work in Putney in
London and enjoy the busy atmosphere
of London. I enjoy meeting new people
and my career in Floristry allows me to
do this.
think entering competitions
gives you valuable
experience and a good
benchmark for personal
achievement. Constructive
feedback from the judges
encourages me to improve
and progress”
Intermediate Louisa Cooper first
discovered her love of floristry when she
had the chance to help make buttonholes
for a wedding. She immediately knew
that she wanted to explore the floristry
industry. She enrolled at South Staffs
College and has achieved her Level 2
and 3 gaining distinctions at both levels.
She currently works at the School Farm
Shop in Walsall and is looking forward
to completing level 4 floristry next year.
Her aim is to own a successful Floristry
business and she says by competing
in Worldskills UK hopes it will give
her more experience and broaden her
knowledge and skills to help her in
her future career. She says “It is such
an honour to be competing against
the country’s best florists and on such
a big stage. I hope to do my college,
colleagues, family and friends proud and
cannot wait to start practising”
Marion McGee is an Advanced Competitor. Having always enjoyed flowers as a
hobby, she made a career change in 2008 from a caterer. She took her NVQ Level
2 City & Guilds course and began working part time at The Flower Shop, Portadown,
County Armagh. During the two year course, she gained work experience from the
Flower Shop, learning how to set up in-store and window displays. She continued
to work for them at Peak periods and thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of creating
beautiful floral arrangements for special occasions. She says her employer spotted that
her skills were developing and encouraged her to expand even more. She progressed
to Level 3 and is currently studying at Southern Regional College, Lurgan Campus,
County Armagh. With her tutors encouragement she entered the Northern Ireland heat
of Worldskills UK to further enhance her floral design skills.
Rosemary Helen BatesChing has been training at
the Academy of Floral Art in
Exeter since January 2012
and is currently finishing her
level 2 modules to sit the
exam in September.
Samantha Evans, is an Advanced
Competitor. When she left school
she trained in Childcare, specifically
play work with 5-10 year olds.
She has always enjoyed Arts &
Crafts which stood her in good
stead for her career now. She first
started working at Jemini, Oxford
in a customer service role. After
completing her shop based training
she decided she wanted to be able
to make everything she was selling.
She did her floristry training in shop
with Keits and has achieved her
level 2 & 3 City & Guilds Floristry
Samantha says she enjoys
competing and was very proud to
reach RHS Chelsea Florist of the
54 BFA FLORIST issue 6
She has been gaining
industry experience through
supplying gift bouquets and
wedding flowers for family
and friends.
She has a degree in
Tourism Management from
Year Final this year. She says her
passion is creating special items
specific to customers requests
which are not the norm whether
it is a wedding, a funeral or a
gift occasion. She also enjoys
decorative wiring and intricate
Her initial training mentor
was Pauline Punt and she has
continued to offer her support
through her career. Pauline has a
vast experience of competing and
always makes her question her
decisions. Karen Armstrong from
Keits has also given her tremendous
help over the last year, teaching her
new techniques and encouraging
her to further her design skills.
the University of Plymouth
and currently works in local
government. She lives in
Exeter and is married with two
Rosemary is in the
Intermediate competition.
Vicky Milner worked as a Nursery Nurse for many years before taking a career break
and pursuing her interest in Floristry. In 2010 she started Level 2 BTEC in Floristry at
Farnborough College of Technology. She enjoyed it so much that she stayed on the next
year and completed her Level 3. She now works at Yours Truly flowers, a business started
by a friend that she met at College. She also does her own floristy projects. She lives in
Hampshire with her husband and two daughters.
Vicky will be in the Advanced competition.
Zoe Rawlinson is an Intermediate
competitor. She has just completed her
Level 3 National Diploma in Floristry at
Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell.
She is 19 years old and lives in Bicester,
Oxfordshire and works full time at The
Garden Florist in the Covered Market,
Oxford. She has been working in the
industry for 3 years, straight from school.
Her tutor, Jane Benefield suggested that
she enter Worldskills UK and Zoe says “ I
feel that Worldskills UK competition so far
has taught me to trust my instincts and to
approach the competition with an open
Zoe favours creating wedding designs
using English grown flowers and her main
floristry influences are Jane Benefield and
Laura Leong.
Your chance to win
This month we are giving one lucky reader the
opportunity to win a brand new book “The New
English Garden”. Simply enter the competition
below for your chance to win this beautiful book.
Written by Tim Richardson and photo-graphed by Andrew Lawson this stunning book
of English Gardens is an absolute treasure of finds and well worth space on your
Each garden has been thoroughly researched and the writer takes you through each
of them on a magical journey from its inception to its development and how it has
captured the imagination of its visitors and how it evolves constantly.
This book is beautifully finished with photographs from inspirational Jane Sabire and
Rachel Warne.
A truly fascinating journey through other peoples imagination and designs.
How to enter
For your chance to win, answer the following question:
The Living Wall at the Athenaeum Hotel, London, was designed by which leading
innovator of striking vertical garden designs?
Send your answer to by Wednesday 23rd October 2013
The winner will be selected at random on Friday 25th October 2013 and the book will
be posted to you from the publisher Frances Lincoln Ltd after this date. Please provide
your full name, address and con-tact phone number when entering the competition.
Basic techniques of wiring
How capable are we any more?
Do you know your wire gauges? Can you buy the sizes you need?
Floristry changes and evolves, but do we still need to keep traditional techniques? Wiring, The British were always best
at it! But is it drifting out of fashion, Do Colleges still teach it so rigorously? Should it be brought back to the forefront at
college and in competition work or do the shops not need it anymore?
Silver rose wires .28’s & .32’s how
alien are these to your work box?
Perhaps the shop doesn’t require wired
items if glue can suffice.
Wires, those are the things that
perhaps the majority of us pass in that
dusty corner or bottom shelf of the
wholesalers, and look at puzzlingly
when it comes to selecting the right
one for the job in hand, before
thinking, can I glue it instead? Or
you’re just looking for the big ones
[1.00 +] for a ‘Gregor’ inspired
Commercially I firmly stand by
thinking that if I can glue it and save
time and money I will, yet I also
advocate learning how to wire first! I’m
certainly not shy of using them!
The shower bouquets I create are
either hand-tied, or wired with glued
accents, because I ‘m not the best
lover of wet foam holders, I don’t see
the skill in these, especially when I am
a florist and my clients pay for my skill
and knowledge.
56 BFA FLORIST issue 6
And with my knowledge of how
to use a wire or two, it gives me
the ability to create bespoke wired
designs, opening up my portfolio
range, increasing my prospective
markets, and making my business look
more appealing.
I do feel though, my knowledge of
wiring, is because of formal college
training and wiring is something that
should be more focused upon within
a shop environment. Everyone knows
how to make a buttonhole, but do
‘they’ really know how to make one
Within Wiring, there is beauty
in its strict rules of using the correct
wire gauge for the floral material in
question, because if you get those strict
base rules right, mixed with knowledge
of basic principles and elements of
design, then you are onto a winning
There is such a skill within a
beautifully wired, correctly balanced,
proportioned and light floral design.
Within the competition circles
the English are best known for their
delicate wiring, whilst the Europeans,
are more known for their use of wire
for structural design purposes.
Either way you want to use it,
mastering wire within competitive
environments can seriously put you
at a distinctive advantage. Light and
delicate is a plus!
So within such a competitive
industry, whether commercially or for
trophies, with trends of floral circlets
a-rife, and the idea that learning to
wire could enhance and help rather
than hinder, perhaps we should all be
embracing those dusty packs of wires
on the next shopping trip, and seeking
chances to learn our craft.
Floristry Industry have your
say - send us your burning
issues for the next article
by “Nom de la plume de le
fleur”. Send them to
In July I had a meeting with Mark Prisk MP (Minister for Housing and Local
Growth) to discuss the future of the High Street and how the Government
are committed to supporting High Streets as they recognise how important
they are to communities.
He told me, “People care about high
streets because they are the centre
of their community – the Government
wants to see vibrant, viable high streets
where people live, shop, use services
and spend their leisure time. It is only
when local authorities, businesses and
communities work together, that things
will happen on the ground”.
If you want to delve deeper into
what the Government has already
done with the Mary Portas scheme
and are plan-ning to do in the future
take a look at the website
uk/government/policies/improvinghigh-streets-and-town-centres. This
website will help you to discover
if your high street is on the list of
potential development through the
Mary Portas scheme.
Mark also told me that the
Government has lifted planning
restrictions to help landlords make
better use of their empty properties
and has provided communities
across the country with a multimilliion
pound package of support so they
can try new ideas to drive their local
economy. Maybe now is the time to
contact your local authority to find out
if they are eligible and have received
funding and if so, what are they
planning to do with it. Can you get
He confirmed that the Government
have doubled
small business
rate relief for
three and a
half years
up to March
2014 and
made it easier
to claim.
half a
million small
in England
are estimated
to benefit.
Around one
third of a
million should
receive 100%
relief and as a result of the twelve
month extension will not have to pay
any business rates until April 2014. Do
you qualify for this, check it out if you
haven’t already been advised. Any
saving is a good saving!
Mark went on to tell me that the
Government is committed to helping
smaller businesses and that broader
support is being offered by the main
rate of corporation tax being reduced
from 28% to 23% and it will fall again
to 20% by April 2015.
FromApril 2014 (and this is a
biggie) every business and charity will
be entitled to a £2000 Employment
Allowance to reduce their employer
National Insurance contributions.
Watch out for that - another good
So it appears the Government are
doing something but ultimately it is
down to you the individual retailer to
make sure your business survives and
prospers. If the High Street is your
place of work, make it work. Over the
next page are some ideas to inspire
and motivate you into making your
shop stand out…
Fighting Back
The Demise of the High Street?
There is no doubt about it, the High Street has changed dramatically over the
past ten years and before this to be honest, but what we must remember is that
all is not lost yet. As independent retailers, it is our responsibility to ensure that
customers WANT to come into your shop. It’s no use blaming someone else; the
Supermarket, the Council, your competitor, Poundland or the Betting shops…
If you don’t entice people in and offer them something special, whether it be free
gift wrapping, free flower food, a happy smiling face (that’s free
too!) or a gift that the consumer cannot get anywhere else on the
High Street then the only person you can blame is YOU!
Over the summer months, whilst I’ve
been travelling around various parts
of the country, I have taken the time to
look at High Streets and the quality of
shops within them. Often the “thriving”
high streets are the ones where the
shops are owned by independent
traders, are not filled with “same old,
same old” shops of no distinction or a
brand name that repeats its designs in
whatever town you happen to be in. Its
in these “thriving” High Streets where
the owners and their team of staff are
determined to offer a bespoke service,
will go that extra mile and are without
fail, pleasant and courteous to all who
enter! I have to say that if I don’t like
the look of a shop from the outside I
am highly unlikely to bother going in.
Kerb appeal is vitally important and
can be make or break in the world of
We are in the luxury business, no
matter how we dress it up, generally
these days flowers are considered as
a luxury item rather than an essential.
Because of this we have to make sure
what we offer is “unique”, “special”,
“bespoke”, “designer” - call it what
you will, but make sure you do it and
do it well!
It needn’t cost you a fortune
either, there are hundreds of ways
of “dressing up” a simple plant for
example. Perhaps a couple of small
squares of plain brown kraft paper
tied off with a small raffia bow may
seem like a lot of effort but when you
put a whole tray of wrapped plants
(shouldn’t take more than ½ hour to
do) and put them on a wooden tray or
box (not in the plastic tray they arrive
in from market) you will be able to
charge a little more AND they will
be more exciting for the customer - it
looks like you’ve made the effort
and you have.
Have you thought about selling other
gifts other than flowers and their usual
sidekicks, vases, balloons and teddies
etc? Many of the florists who are now
achieving excellent sales figures have
entered the gift market. OK you will
need to make a bit of an investment
to be able to stock the items, but there
are lots of suppliers out there who are
happy to split packs or sell reduced
quantities to florists. Don’t be frightened
to ask if they split packs or offer discount on full packs, after all they need
the business too!
So if nothing else, before the run
up to the Peaks begins in earnest,
make sure you take a good look at
your shop. Look at it from a customer’s
viewpoint. What do they see from the
pavement/road? Does it need a lick of
paint? Does it have kerb appeal? Do
they know who you are and what you
do? Would you go in a browse (Think
about what shops you visit and why
you go there - use this criteria against
your own premises) and act on it.
Remember, once you’ve got
someone inside, make sure there is
enough to keep them interested and
ultimately make that purchase from you
and not somewhere else.
If anyone would like information
on good, reliable, gift suppliers,
please contact us a pr@
58 BFA FLORIST issue 6
The general assembly (GA) of FLORINT
was held on Sunday 8th September in
Split, Croatia, tying in with the Eurofleurs
competition taking place at the same time.
Twelve of the seventeen member countries
were represented and during what was a full day of
agenda items in both closed and open meetings many
matters were discussed.
The main open debate centred around the future of
FLORINT and a proposed three year business plan drawn
up by Michael Bourguignon from Spain who serves as
a member of the task force for commercial development
(TFCD) at FLORINT along with the general manager Ferenc
Kruzslicz and president, Mark Ward. The presentation was
both warmly and enthusiastically received by those present
and provoked much debate about the way forward to
ensure that FLORINT not only maintains members but grows
its’ base and offers member countries more return for their
membership fee. Norway took the lead in the response by
saying is was absolutely the right way forward and so with
the green light from all the members present the TFCD will
meet again in October in Brussels to move the plan forward
to the next stage to be approved by the board of FLORINT
(DC) at their next meeting in early 2014.
Leaving office, Helmut Prinz from Germany who has
served as vice-president for some years was given a thank
you presentation and gift and his replacement is Luca Rosetti
Pictured left is FLORINT president, Mark Ward welcoming Luca Rosetti as
a new DC member. Pictured right Mark Ward gives an opening speech at
Diocletian’s Palace the start of Eurofleurs 2013
from the Italian association, Federfiori.
Closing the meeting Mark Ward, president thanked all
those present and the hospitality of the Croatian association
for arranging not just the Eurofleurs competition but also the
provision of the GA.
‘FLORINT, the International Florist Organisation, in partnership with Waterdrinker in Aalsmeer are planning an Floristry
Innovations Congress to be held 4-7 November in Aalsmeer, Netherlands.
Further details will be announced via the BFA and FLORINT websites and e News letters at the beginning of October.’
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60 BFA FLORIST issue 6
From the President...
Dates for
your Diary Book Shop
British Florist Association Masked Ball & Industry Awards
26th October
Fleurex & BFA AGM
27th October
Society of Floristry Handbook
BFA Locals & Chelsea Hub Heats
Leeds, Country Baskets 24th November
Bristol, Country Baskets 19th January
Portsmouth, Van Flora 26th January
Heathrow, Flower Vision 2nd February
Birmingham, Country Baskets 22rd February
Ireland, Green Mount Campus - tbc New and not so new publications available to our
BFA members. Ordering couldn’t be easier…..
Simply go to the website and place your order.
2nd March
Floristry techniques definitions
(2nd Edition) £15.99
Form Linear Design
Floristry Competitions
Lynda Owen £19.99
William Higham wholesale flowers
T: 01942 862970 F: 01942 826971
62 BFA FLORIST issue 6
Foliage for Florists
President - Mark Ward
Vice President - Brian Wills-Pope MBE
Training & Education Director
- Sandie Griffith - Email:
Events Director Dennis van Wonderen
PR & Communications Director
- Sarah Cunningham Email:
Regional Development Director
- Tracy Tomlinson
Membership Director
- Muriel Simpson Email:
64 BFA FLORIST issue 6