l\rmateurn lRadh,o Cllrurlb - Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur
l\rmateurn lRadh,o Cllrurlb - Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur
S,ettornt Corc]kenrrzl,e& JPtorrrrL l\rmateurn lRadh,oCllrurlb, Volume3 Issue7 July 199 JULY EDITORIAL Ne* wasour cont€sts,the PW Q(P on the lSth Juneand the tsIG oNE' the VHF Field Dsy on the lstt2nd July so look for full r€pffts on thesein neld months icyabletime,or hashadif th€Vhar/e (you will gatherth4t this was nemrsleter. awayalready,it is a goodtirne to gior to the eryentshrt tbat q/as ForSoIc wriften remember wervoneabwt LC}oSETALK Deadlines onthe Newsteter). drc to Citizen Swift 24 Colour Printer they arechating on the air. One f,llO or n€rest offer neverreally knowswho may be listening this months 14.4lbt€rnal Voice\Fax\DataMod€m LETS PLAY SAFEanddont mention From the techical side nerysletter contains infurmafion on with 99roice mailbocs (like a that ANYONE is awayon holiday. "ShrckCoreRenrwals', *GM6HGWs TelephoneAnswering l\,lachine) PIT Timer" and RobensGMTA\IE fllS Right what hasbeengoing onthis last Morse Tutot' so hopeyou will at leastfind Anyonelooking for 4 or 6 coreryr month. First of all a group of 26 of us them ofinterest. insulatedwire (Black or red) or visited TornessPowerStationon the 3rd interest€din the aboveit€rnsqrntact Juneand I mustadrnit it reaty was a grcilt your so it me all enjoy Ok that's from for full , soseefurtherin thenswsletter holidays. ALAI{HATNES Bob GM4tryz @ GBTEDN Tel0l3l 665 1309 Well this neumlefier now brings into the main holiday period of the year and as muchas I hopeeveryonerealty hasan From the Visitor Centre we then proceededto th€ l,Iain PowerStation wherewe were shownaround with the main concentrationbeiry on the Turtine Saturday 3rd June saw theclubs Hall, Reactor I{all and lvlain Conrol visit to Torness PowerStation at Dunbar Room. Ateachstageof the tourmary with 26 peopleattending. questionswereaskedand gratefully ansmiercdtrutit wasfelt on the d The visit wasorganisedwith Scottish occasionthat the specificanswerwas Nuclearwhich allowedus to usetheir being skippe4 was it due to not lnowing FreeBus aspart of their "Comeand See not to ansqrcr,we will never or allorred Program".The busarrived at the Pond know. thing ttut was realty apparsnt One tlall Car Pa* at 10:05wherewe all mst during the whole tour wasthe secrrity it beforeproceedingat 10:30to Torness. Power within the Station "ndyou mn On routewe received from the Bus you consider why when really un&rstand Courieran enplanationon the history of it. ScottishNuclearfollowedby a video on At the end of the tour we all anived back "Comeand See".Reachingthe Power at the Visitors Centrghad anothercup of Stationwe wer€taken to the visitors coffee and a lmk aroundthe Centre c€ntre.Therewe ohained a free drink and before departingback up on the btls to welcomebeforewe wereusheredinto the Fort Setso. Visiton Centre Conferenceroom. Here wewere intro&rc'ed to our Tour Guides On th€ way back it was discoveredthat SandyGM3FQU and his wife Ef didnt & for the day followed by a further video tour errcnthoryh the,ywent in the bus. the explaining aboutNuclear Fower. This was&rc to Sandytaking sud&nly unwell and needingto get some After the video we wete split into antibiotics quickf,vso insteadof the tour small groupe with eachallocatedtheir theyboth spent the timetherebeing specificguide. ( Col 3) (Col2) TORNESSVISIT lookedafter by the residentnurseand getting a visit from one of the local doctors.Fromwhat Sandy says trc real$ got pamperedand looking forwarc tohis n€* visit, I'm sureitsto seethe nune again and not to do the tour !!!! From what hasbeensaid sine weryone reallyenjoyedthevisit. I mustafuit from ryfirst initial phonecall to ScottishNuclear and the wbole went they havebeenexcellentin all areas and cant praisethem enough. If yor didnt makeit I recommendto tak€ sometime out and give Tornessa visit. BobGM4LIYZ @ GBTEDN NOVTCE START DATE My ne* Novice Classis starting on the 2lst August 1995at 19:00ofwhich I havealready2 placesfilledthus still 2 placc free. Do you know anyonewhomightbe intere6t€din filling thece placesif so c:rnyou get let me know or evenget them to contactryself direcr BobGM4UYZ @ GBTEDN or Tel:01875811723 Page2 Cockenze& Port Seton ARC. REMOVING STUCK TUIYING COIL CORES I cameircrossa bulletin that I picked up via the packetnetwork on how to release ilning coil cores. From rny own personal experiene thereis nothing morefrustrzrtingthan c.oresbreaking and thus making adjustmenttotally uselessplus the fact the only way to resolvethe prr&lem is oftgn to gFt a neryooil and core. The following article I must admit I havent personallytried as yet hrt at least its a good starting point. n' Article ftom Jim G0DPX GBTWRG @ Philips/$e M290 SeriesTuning Coil Core Remsval ... A Propos€dmethod.. Thoseof yot who readmy first hdl€tin regardingthe tuning coil coreson tlrc M294 will recall horuI found it impossruleto renuwe the coreswithr breakingthem. Well, as a reslt of that hilletin I receivd severalconstructive and usefirl reptes exptainingthe reason for the coils 'sticking' and zugg€stingnetNs fc freeing thein. The reasontbe mils get sbck is that th€,ywere luhicated with casor oil ftring manufrctureand this castoroil goeshard with age acting like a uaxy glue. The secretof freeing them is to softenthis castoroil agein. fq/o srggesions we.remade,bch of them mn& gmd sense.They \rrcrc:the addition of rew castoroil (rnd perhapsheatfiom a fine non-magnetic solderingiron apptiedto tlecore as well) and the addition of met$ated spfuit the coils shmldbe l€ft to soakbdorc de,meting to tum them. tlavingreceivedthisimraluableadvice,Idedrcedthatmodelglorrenglne fuel world perhapsombine ttre qualities of both sggestions. Straigh glow fuel is 80olomethanol ard?fpy'o@or,oil. (lvlettanol is one of the ferwsohentsthat dissolv€s casor oil) Soarmedwithafewouncesofmysonsmodelenginefitellset aborr another lt/i294. Below isanaccount of the method and equipmen I used IVe kept the accomt 'sepalde' so that those of yor thd wish to saveit can edit 6rutrhis introdrction and savejust the 'method'for the Mod File. Subjecl Philipeige M290 SeriesTuning Coil Core Removal. A propomdnethodlry Jim @DPX For this methodyor will require. l. 2 ounces(s0ml) of straight model glow enginefirel. This is availablefrom all gmd mo&l shops,althoughit's usgally sold in ll2 litr€ or larger sizebotttes. NOTE: 'Straight'fuel is only methanoland castoroil mixture. Other firel gradeshaveadditivessuchas nitrcmethaneto enhanceenglneperformance.This firel is FLAMMABLE sopleasebe careful.Nonakedflamesand &gs ort'. 2. A sitable dn pper or qyringefor adding fuel mix to the cores. 3. A set,or at leasttwo each,in the three requk€d sizes,of plastic coretrimmingtools. NEVERuse metal trimmersorscrew&irrcrs on the ores. they will break instantty. NOTE: Philips makean ideal setof timmen with dsens of bladescalled sirnpfiyTrinming Kit' SBC317,which shouldbe availablefrcm major supfly horses.I got my setfiom Farnellsfu l-ee& Farrcll No. 310-50095aostabd$ #15 plus VAT. 4. Sheetsof novspaperor cloth. 5. LOTS OF PATIENCEandaGENTLE HAND. METHOD Removethe 290 seriesrig from its caseand lay it componentsideup on a sheetof nemspaperor cldh. Add the m*lfirclfluidtoeachcoreintur4 allowing it toseep into thecoreuntilyouaresatisfiedthat ttrc fuel has penetratedthe threadsbetlv€€nthe core and the coil former. Yor may fuid it bener to do someof the coils from the un&ni& of the PCB. especiallywherethe coil is flush with the top of its former and won't accep ary fuel fluid without spilling. The two large coils Ll and L2 nay requtresomefonn of plug in one end to prwent the fluid from simply passingthough th€ cmtrc slot and not penetratingthe threa&,Now, LEA\IE IT ALONE (if you can, and I bet yotl cant....) for 12 houn or more.If you must go ba* to it thenjust add moreof the firel fluid to eachcore. When the coils are thorwghly soake4 take two of the CORRECTsizePLASTIC trinmers for each@il (asI saidearlier there are three diferenr si"es)and with the boardon its side, insertthe trimmen at eachend of the choGenoil and VERY, VERY gently try to turn the core.Useno more pr€$ure than you would useto roll a pencil betweenyour thumb and forefingc....yes, really solitle !! Ifthecorerefimstonrd/ethengent$ rotate therinmer toolsbackandforthtryingeachdirectiona couple of times. If it stilt wont msve it's back to smking agrin with the fuel fluid NOTE: someof the trinmen in my set had only trim socketso theyhadto be donewith exra carefrom one si& only. Once the coils movg rotatethem very genfly until your happy that they are truly free and that's it. No needto lubricateany finther sincewhen tbe methanolevaporatesit leavesthe castoroil lubricant behindI hopethis will helpyou successru$bnsti*'those aores. My gratiut& to thosefellow amrteurs,G8IAY, G8KNF and G4AON for their invaluable adviceand help. Jim C'0DPX@ GBTWRG I Page3 Cockenae& Port SetonA.RC. I HE NE\'ER,KEEPS ANYTHING F.oR LoNG. ELB lv/,Rciltvlu4yE - HAVE A\{ALYSEP,l,l33f s€r, N!fi SEf,. l€il,yER'S FR€QAENCy /4€r6q - -eooD fu sHREt 0R RtSrOR4noAl;WnULD SWApron 4 MoRf wAyEReceivep- ' itv si11i1t1X oott1in'olt- WnfDottff^u tnnV -oREyeil A/0r wlirc: I \NAPl,t? woQKiNqRuhsigil FoR youBs!! o o, tl # i ... @ IIA.R.S. CALIBRATION TEST NIGHT EVENT S COL UM N HerearesomewenB for the comingmonths........ 6th July Dunfermline RS l44MI{z Fox Hunt. Seeelsewhire in this newsletterfor info. A very enjoyableeveninguas prrovidedby 15/18thJuly Tall ships in the Firth of Forth. Irs e4ected to be very very hrsy!! John GMTOLQ, Dick GM0FCPandBob 22ndJuly RSGB l4{lvfrkl,owPowerContest, I,}0O-220OUTC.Secarticle GM4IKT who all camealongwith masses for by GM6VIU further info. of equipnrerrtand spentall nigltwith 23rd Jufy. RSGB43z[vt[zlow PowerContest,0SOO-1m0UTC.Seearticle our club mernberstesting bits of radio by GM6VIU forfurther info. gear and coming to all sortsof 'good' ltth Augurt 2nd Cockenzie& Port SetonJuk Sale,Community Centrg conclusions,I am cerain that t sp€akfor junk NOWI Talk-In S22, Rafle, Port Seton. It wont be long so lmk out -vour all concernedwhen I saya ver,vhuge Refreshmenrgentry ONE POttNDl!! thank you to all three gmtlemen and 26l27thAugust LighthouseSpecialEvent Station Barns NessLightbouse, erend a friendly welcomeforthe ne* Nr Dunbar. Activity on 80. ,10.20 and 2 metresfrom 9am saturdayto 6pm sundav. Itime theywish to comedown andvisit us Cone and activateGB2LBN. lhereat the Kelsoclub. 27th August Cralashiels Rally, FocusCentre.Livingstone Ptacein Galashiels. Doorsopenat llam. p.s. The door is openeachMonday night 2/3 September RSGB l44tv/dilzTrophy Contest,14OO-I,100UIC. We witl probbly from l9OOuntil roughty 2200 upstain enterthis contesttoo so comealong and lend a hand! in room 3 of the AbbqvRow 29th September Cockenzie& Fort SetonARC l44MI4z DF Hunt. Warchthis space Community Centre.Kelso, pleasepop in for the nrles. for a visit anytima visitors always lTth November Talk by Ron Liveseyabout 'Aumras and the Sun' at Fort Seton welcome. Community Centre. A very intercsang tslk! 73 & Margaret, GMOALX @ cBTrED .i Y\ n i -{ vf 'J Ahd#' u\ \r}y Keepthe infonnation coming in and keep us all up to date!! As usualthe peopleto contactfor info are : Cockenzie& Port SetonARC - Bob GM4LIYZ KelsoARC - Margaret GMOALX Galashiels ARC - JimGMTLUN DunfennlineRS - Mrian GM0SRD LothiansRS - Mel GMsJAG Keepthe inforrnation coming in andkeep us all up !o da!e!! 73Colin(c [0CLN) Cockenzre& Port SetonA.R.C. Page4 More Contesting: To glve you someideaas to what that means.Colin enteredthe Sepember 199{2mtr contestand madewell over Whenyou readthis the weelcendof 200 contacts.Alan USI and myself did the VHF NFD will be tut a distant memory. 70cns low powerand didnt enter I hopethougb, that all of you who took ' 'he club(aswe didnt lmow of it at that parthavehada goodtime,andthat rnadeonly 50 conrcts and you can't $ait for the nes one. Now on to we tirushedaboveColfurin the table. So the meatof this article... this yezuwe are going m try to get The vhfluhf low powerweekendis coming as rnany under our beltsto seeif we can imgove on lastyear. up later in the month,andwe are hoprngto enterour ctub in both the I wouldliketo know how manYPeryle 2mtr.(Sauuday)and70cm.(sunday) want to comeand help with this contesil' parts ofthiscontest. as Colin haseryrcssedanint€r€st in I dont know how manyofyott are awarc going back o his parentsls alothis. If tlrst there is an overall VHF cbampionship there is a lot of interestwe will one !rr: , .r' " r'tf.hhflshf contestsran by againheadoff , up the I ammermuirsto mainsleughter .r {:r rliij ;, r a chamfdonship jri law and do them from there. This isnt an wernigtrt contestthe 2mtr one as I havesaid is on the Saturdayand 7(bms on the Sundaywith the night off. we wrll promoiv be stayingup there wernight thotrghasthereis no real point in doing too manyjourneysback and forward I would like viervson that also. The datesforthis will apear in the eventscolumn written by Colin, and to be found rcmewh€r€elsein this editionCheersthen for anothermontL Aler GM6VIU. 'i94f. /' " cYR@/r^^ rc (3,UoRKsffi@ G(LGC'TR@rt1 7Uf0 ru"itrnfu*#'*y;l::'x fuT"d# ILH-t#s 6W showsrhe-circuitry ",::jlt:11?: rhis articre ---1 3,:"li'""J"x;'51,X 3I"JIi,]ltX,'ilTn""T::;:,H requiredto makethe CW TUTORde- nal one as iequired. The unit will full instructions relatingto the cunent scribedlastmonthin the newsletter. operatefrom any 4.Svto 6v supply software. Softwareupgrades will be The software at present allows and will drawa maximumof 25mA. offeredas and whenthey become fi:'3!::"'H,.qu*JJy1#tr9f,fffil,Tffifi ;l"i:i"'fi8ff'":: ililiiffil":h:i il:'lTi?,'lJ:J ' ".'eenlettersto be adiusteg andputintoa be re-programmed will not be available can from myselfand "r the internaloscillatofs ?long by any othermeans.pleaseremem- newcircuitsavingyoumoney. Tosup .tone. i.-rdcan have the tutor send only berthis,as an unprogrammed programmed ply you lC will cost a lC will c om p o n e n tasr e € 1 5 . 0 0 .E x t e rn a l case. The excluding around€2.00, projectshouldcost lessthan whole ro €20.00to complete. C) ct) o @ 5 (D 5 TO S I BETOI'IE I F REGUI REE H A workingversionof thiscircuitwillbe for availableat the nextfewmeetings youto lookat andtest.lf youareinterestedin this projector haveideasfor [ii':3Jf,"',2,( Possb'e Yfrlua RZ , c: IA .^ \A j. - ) iv .L J i jl ,,.2]|- 4,, l Tt' I Nlo t# F 4r-r r{K 7 tt ysffisd/t YAEST]FRG96OO RECEIVE,R SHORT WAVE CONVERSION 1300MHzCONVERSION VIDEO I.F.STAGEFITTED ANY INTERESTED PARTIES CONTACT GMlEET (STEVIE)