Equipment - WFSborder
Equipment - WFSborder
Product Catalogue Amenity Leisure Turfcare WFSborder Limited. Craven Arms Business Park, Long Lane Craven Arms, SHROPSHIRE. SY7 8NR Tel: 01588 672575 Fax: 01588 672072 Email: Contents Amenity catalogue • WFSborder Amenity Division 3 • Grass Seed mixtures Turf 4 30 • Fertilizers Granular Liquid 22 9, 28 • Sprays Weed killers Fungicides/moss killers Pest control Wetting agents Spray indicators Tank cleaners Protective equipment 16 19 46 13 29 29 21 • Equipment Knapsacks, Sprayers Spreaders/Broadcasters Line marking mixtures Line marking equipment Golf course equipment General equipment Goal posts, nets, frames 42 34 40 41 42 44 43 • Guides Herbicides at a glance Quantity/Application rates 48 50 THE NEW NAME FOR ... WFSborder Amenity Division We supply the full range of: • • • • • • • • • Topdressings Cricket loams Fertilisers & Liquids Turf Chemicals - Fungicides/Weedkillers Grass seed Line marking Compounds Quality turf Equipment & Accessories We are distributors for the following main manufacturers: Scotts, Vitax, Elliots, Farmura, Greenbest, Pro-Turf, Supaturf, Whitemoss, DLF Perryfields, Fleet Line Markers, Fendress Topdressings, Edwards Sports Nets All available with weekly deliveries. Peter Evans 07770 882931 Amenity Manager 39 years experience in the horticultural sales sector Edward Hewitt 07717 292243 Sales Executive 29 years experience in the amenity advisory sector Ian Corcoran 07788 428145 Sales Executive 23 years experience in the amenity sales sector 01588 674003 3 Sport Seeds Johnsons’ Non Ryegrass mixtures J1 Golf and Bowling Greens, ideal for overseeding -Excellent disease resistance -Fine dense turf -Tolerant to close mowing -Traditional greens specification Sowing Rate 35-50g/m² 40% 40% 20% -Unbeatable shoot density -High tolerance to close mowing -Fast recovery from wear -Execllant colour -Reduced Poa Annua invasion Sowing Rate 25-35g/m² (PERJ220) 40% 30% 20% 10% -Out competes Poa Annua -Tolerates close mowing -Rapid germination and establishment -Vigorous growth; Deep rooted -Forms a uniform and dense sward Sowing rate 10g/m² (01 PERTP20) 100% -Excellent tolerance to closely mown wear -High shoot density 5kg 7kg -Excellent Summer colour 4kg -Recommended by E.B.A. advisors 4 Musica Chewings Fescue Cezanne Slender Creeping Red Fescue Manor Browntop Bent (01 PERGREENMASTER) -All Bent mixture helps to reduce invasion by Poa Annua -Includes top rated Manor for greens use 75% Lance Browntop Bent -High Shoot density 25% Manor Browntop Bent -Year round colour Sowing Rate 8g/m² Mowing Height down to 4mm PREMIER GREENMASTER- (Ideal for Overseeding) (01 PERBR16) Mowing Height down to 5mm GREENMASTER (Ideal for overseeding) True Putt Poa Reptans Mowing Height down to 3mm Bowls Renovation Pack (22.5Kg) Musica Chewings Fescue Cezanne Slender Creeping Red Fescue Lance Browntop Bent Manor Browntop Bent Mowing Height down to 4mm True Putt- (Ideal for Overseeding) 5Kg Musica Chewings Fescue Cezanne Slender Creeping Red Fescue Lance Browntop Bent Mowing Height down to 5mm J2 Golf greens- High performance (PERJ120) (01 PERPEM20) -Ideal for damp shaded greens 50% Lance Browntop Bent -Repairs naturally from wear 25% Manor Browntop Bent 25% True Putt Poa Reptans -Improved disease resistance -Improved drought tolerance over wild poa greens -High Shoot density Sowing rate 8g/m² Mowing Height down to 4mm All Seeds 20Kg unless otherwise stated Sport Seeds Johnsons’ Non Ryegrass mixtures J Fescue-Overseeding greens, tees and fairways (01 PERJF20) -Ideal for links courses -Drought tolerance -Maintains fescue in the greens -Shade tolerant -Reduces fertiliser and water inputs Sowing Rate 25-35g/m² 25% 25% 25% 25% Center Chewings Fescue Musica Chewings Fescue Barpearl Slender Creeping Red Fescue Cezanne Slender Creeping Red Fescue Mowing Height down to 5mm Avalon Velvet Bent- Ideal for heavily worn greens (01 PERAB20) -Top rated bent grass 100% Avalon Velvet Bent -Extremely high shoot density -Dark green, very fine leaf -Excelent tolerance under closely mown conditions Sowing Rate 8g/m² 11.36Kg Mowing Height down to 4mm J3 Golf tees and fairways, cricket outfields -Top rated cultivators -Excellent colour -High shoot density, fine leafed -Excellent Drought tolerance -Ability to regenerate after wear Sowing Rate 15-35g/m² 15% 15% 25% 20% 20% 5% Center Chewings Fescue Musica Chewings Fescue Cezanne Slender Creeping Red Fescue Limousine Smooth Stalked Meadow Quatro Sheeps Fescue Vivaldi Browntop Bent Mowing Height down to 10mm J4 Golf tees and fairways, cricket outfields -High shoot density, fine leafed 15% 15% -Improved drought resistance 25% 20% -High level disease resistance 20% 5% -Attractive colour -Reduced water and fertiliser requirements -Reduced cutting Requirements Sowing Rate 15-35g/m² (PERJ320) (01 PERJ420) Musica Chewings Fescue Darwin Chewings Fescue Rosita Slender Creeping Red Fescue Diego Strong Creeping Red Fescue Quatro Sheeps Fescue Highland Browntop Bent Mowing Height down to 12mm J8 Rough, building surroundings & impovrished soils (PERJ820) -Very slow regrowth, reducing maintenance costs -Ideal for embankments or areas with restricted access 10% Cinderella Slender Creeping Red Fescue -Tolerant of poor, dry soils 30% Diego Strong Creeping Red Fescue 20% Conni Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass -Reduced fertiliser requirements 25% Quatro Sheeps Fescue 10% Crested Dogstail -Rapid germination 5% Highland Browntop Bent Sowing Rate 25-35g/m² Mowing Height down to 20mm Straights- Green and Tee renovation 100% Solo Rough stalked Meadow -Very tolerant of heavy shade -Rapid establishment 25Kg -High shoot density -Very fine leafed Sowing rate 25-40g/m² Mowing Height down to 10mm (01 PERSG / 01PERST) 100% Penn G-2 Creeping bent -Top rated creeping bent in UK -Dense compact growth 11.36Kg -Rapid establishment -Tolerant of close, fast greens Sowing rate 8g/m² Mowing Height down to 4mm All Seeds 20Kg unless otherwise stated 5 Sport Seeds Johnsons’ Ryegrass mixtures Wembley Way- Football and Rugby pitches -Top rated cultivars -Rapid establishment- ideal for renovation 30% -Rapid sward regeneration 20% 30% -Attractive colour- cuts cleanly 20% Sowing rate 35g/m² -Very hardwearing -Natural regeneration from divoting -Excellent year round colour -Attractive fine leaf sward Sowing rate 15-35g/m² -Good colour -Fast establishment -Fine dense sward -High shoot density Sowing rate 35-50g/m² (01 PERJ520) 25% 15% 20% 20% 15% 5% Sauvignon Perennial ryegrass Musica Chewings Fescue Cezanne Slender Creeping Red Fescue Limousine Smooth stalked Meadow grass Quatro Sheeps Fescue Vivaldi Browntop bent Mowing Height down to 10mm J6- squares, tees and courts (overseeding mix) Imagine Perennial ryegrass Greenfair Perennial ryegrass Verdi Perennial ryegrass Essence Perennial ryegrass Mowing Height down to 12mm J5- Tees, fairways and driving ranges, outfields (01 PERWW) (PERJ620) 50% 50% Margarita Perennial Ryegrass Ritmo Perennial Ryegrass Mowing Height down to 5mm Teemaster- Golf Tees, fairways, Cricket outfields (01 PERTEEMASTER) -Hard wearing under close mowing -Economical tee renovation mix -Rapid establishment Sowing rate 15-35g/m² 25% 25% 25% 20% 5% Sauvignon Perennial Ryegrass Margarita Perennial Ryegrass Diego Strong Creeping Red Fescue Darwin Chewings fescue Highland Browntop Bent Mowing Height down to 12mm Taskmaster- High Quality Courts and Squares (01 PERTASKMASTER) -Strong soil binding characteristics 35% Sauvignon Perennial Ryegrass -High shoot density 35% Margarita Perennial Ryegrass -Rapid establishment 30% Cezanne Slender Creeping Red Fescue -Top rated cultivars -Excelent tolerance to abrasive wear under closely mown conditions Sowing rate 35-50g/m² Mowing Height down to 5mm Ryemaster- High Quality Courts and Squares 6 -Highly tolerant of close mowing -Outstanding fineness of leaf -Rapid establishment -Top rated Sowing rate 35-50g/m² (01 PERRYEM) 30% 35% 35% Sauvignon Perennial Ryegrass Margarita Perennial Ryegrass Evita Perennial Ryegrass Mowing Height down to 5mm 01588 674003 Johnsons’ Ryegrass mixtures Sport Seeds J9- New sports stadia suitable for football, hockey and rugby(01 PERJ920) -Good winter colour and disease resistance -High shoot density and sward length 20% 20% -Exceptional wear tolerance 20% -Rapid establishment 20% 20% -Top rated cultivars Sowing rate 25-35g/m² Greenfair Perennial Ryegrass Imagine Perennial Ryegrass Verdi Perennial Ryegrass Essence Perennial Ryegrass Limousine Smooth stalked meadow grass Mowing Height down to 20mm SPORTSMASTER- Renovation of Football and rugby pitches (01 PERSMR) -Highly rated cultivars for a dense hard wearing sward -Good winter colour and disease resistance 20% Gator Perennial Ryegrass -ready to mow in 3-5 weeks 40% 40% Sowing rate 35g/m² Ritmo Perennial Ryegrass Verdi Perennial Ryegrass Mowing Height down to 20mm Mommersteeg seeds Further to the extensive range of Johnsons Sport and Amenity branded seeds, WFSborder Amenity are also able to source a wide range of Mommersteeg (part of the Advanta group of seed houses) branded Ryegrass and non-ryegrass seed mixtures. Seed mixtures currently available include Non Ryegrass Mixtures S/MOM10- S/MOM11- S/MOM12- S/MOM13- Golf greens- A variation on the traditional 80/20 mixture; tolerant of close mowing. Golf greens- Traditional 80/20 mixture, ideal for general green useage. Tees, Fairways and Cricket outfields- Excellent colour and texture, Low maintenance requirements Tees and Fairways- Mixture without Smooth stalked meadow grass; good resistance to drought. Ryegrass Mixtures S/MOM22- S/MOM25- S/MOM29- S/MOM50- S/MOM60- Hockey Tennis and Racecourses- Hard wearing, fine textured turf, Fast establishment, Also ideal for housing estates and parkland. Football and wintersports fields- Ideal renovation mixture, fast establishment, dense sward. Cricket Squares- Rapid germination, with strong root development Cricket, Tennis and Racecourses- Fast establishment, with very fine leaf Overseeding winter sports fields- great for overseeding winter sports fields Landscaping Mixtures S/MOM16- Landscaping mixture- Low maintenance- ideal for shaded areas, S/MOM21- S/MOMMOT- drought tolerant- infrequent mowing. Landscaping mixture- low maintenance, very versatile mixture. D.O.T. Verge mixture- low sowing rate 01588 674003 7 Seeds DLF Trifolium DLF Trifolium is the worlds largest producer of grass seed and production from more than 60,000 ha in Denmark is exported around the world. Significant investment is made into continuous research and development with breeding programmes carried out worldwide. RGS amenity supply the following DLF grass seeds, from the Pro Range of amenity products in 20Kg bags- 01PER PROPONY 01PER PRO125 01PER PRO120 01PER PRO105 01PER PRO102 01PER PRO101 01PER PRO100 01PER PRO95 01PER PRO90 01PER PRO86 01PER PRO85 01PER PRO81 01PER PRO80 01PER PRO79 01PER PRO75 01PER PRO70 01PER PRO65 01PER PRO60 01PER PRO52 01PER PRO51 01PER PRO50 01PER PRO45 01PER PRO40 01PER PRO36 01PER PRO35 01PER PRO29 01PER PRO28 01PER PRO27 01PER PRO26 01 PER PRO25 01 PER PRO25R 01 PER PRO15 01 PER PRO 20 01 PER PRO12 01 PER PRO5 01 PER PRO10 Pro Lawn Fine Lawns Hard Wearing Lawns Pro Landscape Caravan Parks Coastal sites Dry Soils Economy Embankments Fine Lawns Low maintainance Landscape General Road Verge Shade Airport Paddocks Pro Reclaimation Landfill Low manitainance Contaminated Sites Fertility Building Pro Sport Athletics Bowling Green Cricket Square Cricket Outfield Driving Range Fairway Football Gallops/Polo Green Rough Rugby Tee Tennis Court 8 If none of the seed mixtures listed in the above pages match your exact requirements, please contact your local WFSborder Amenity representative, who will be only too happy to visit your site and assess your individual needs acordingly. Fertilizers The Scotts Greenmaster range of liquid fertilizers consists of four high quality concentrated fertilizer solutions, plus a concentrated seaweed extract that cover all turf feeding requirements and seasons. High N Plus (SCAGMLHN) 23-0-0 Spring/Summer Plus (SCAGMLSS) 14-3-10 NK Plus 11-0-11 Extras Trace Elements Response Rate Concentration rate Reccomended useage Up to six weeks response 10lt treats 833-2500m2 Ideal Pre tournament tonic Up to four weeks response at high rate Ideal for main season feeding without excessive growth Up to four weeks response (SCAGMLNK) Autumn Plus 8-4-16 High Potash (SCAGMLA) Seafeed (SCAST10) Seaweed Concentrate- Suggested Use Period 1lt per 500m2 Year round phosphate free to aid management of soil phosphate. Balances growth and toughens sward Phosphate encourages root development. Hardens growth and toughens sward. March - October Analysis 10lt treats 1250-3333m2 Product Name Encourages healthy organic acids which improve nutrient takeup ability. Promotes root development All Scotts Greenmaster liquid fertilizers contain trace elements to boost growing performance and product efficacy. Liquid Seafeed is rich in betaines, cytokinins and trace elements acting as a turf tonic that enhances the appearance of the turf. All formulations can be tank mixed with each other, and with Scotts Aquanova, to provide additional NPK rations and a total liquid treatment in one convenient application. Greenmaster Liquid Fertilizers are available in 10lt packs from stock. (200lt drums available on demand). 01588 674003 9 Fertilizers Vitax Sport Liquid Fertilizers Vitax helps professionals in the growing and sports turf industries to achieve their goals of performance and cost effectiveness not only through a wide range of innovative products but also through a unique combination of knowlegable help and advice. The Vitax 50-50 range of liquid feeds provide a low cost, fast acting fertilizer for sports and amenity turf. With a non scorch formulation- ideal in dry conditions for newly laid turf and freshly germinated seeds. Plus trace elements 50/50 Fine Turf (VIT505FT) 12-0-4 2%Fe + 0.5%Mg Seaturf super concentrate (VITSSC10) N/A Plus trace elements Seaturf special (VITSS10) 12-0-6 Added N and K Seaturf Iron Extra 3-0-0 Produced from “Laminaria digitata” 20.5% Fe Sulphur 50-50 Soluble Iron (VITSI) Apply 3-4 days before sporting events. Reccomended useage For reclaimed sites and alkaline or acidic soils Rapidly greens and toughens turf- ideal for sand greens. Suggested Use Period MarchAugust 16.5-7.5-2.7 Concentration rate 10lt treats 10,000m2 Seaweed extract to improve development without simulating soft grass growth 10lt treats 1515m2 Ideal seaweed turf stimulant for use during the growing season Spring/ Summer 50/50 Extra (VIT5050E) (VITSI10A) Response Rate 20lt treats 3571m2 Extras Apply at 6 week intervals Analysis 6-8 week intervals Product Name 10lt treats 2500m2 Finest of seaweeds, for use on all turf- ideal for enhancing sward appearance prior to events. Prior to sporting events- as required 4Kg treats 1600m2 Turf toughener, promoting disease resistance. Low Costideal for treating fairways Year round Ideal for areas where visible evidence of powder or granule applications are unacceptable. Foliar and root absorption reduces risk of leaching Recommended for tank mixing with sport range weedkillers. Organiflo, Seaturf Super Concentrate and Seaturf Extra Iron. Can be used alone or as part of a feeding programme with Key range powders or granular fertilizers. Apply as a medium or coarse spray using hand held pedestrian controlled or tractor mounted sprayers fitted with 80o or 110o flat fan or deflector type nozzles. Suggested feeding progammes for fine sports turf using 50-50 and Key range fertilizers are available on request- contact your WFSborder Amenity representative for full details of the RGS range. 10 01588 674003 Fertilizers Farmura Liquid Fertilizers Farmura has a long history of innovation and proven success, and was the first company to promote liquid organics on turf- the early success of Farmura on the Open Championship courses is well documented. Below are just some of the products available from WFSborder Amenity- contact your representative for further details. Product Pack size Turf (01 FART) 25lt, 210lt 1000 lt 25lt 8.3lt 112lt per ha General maintenance and reseeding: 112lt per ha Ferrasol Liquid Iron (FARZFER5) 5lt 40lt 1lt 20lt per ha Rapid Plant green-up Green +fe + wetter 25lt, 210lt 1000 lt 25lt 8.3lt 25lt, 210lt 1000 lt 25lt 8.3lt (01 FARGW) Farmsea (01 FARF) Total application p/a fine turf (500m2) Individual application fine turf (500m2) Flo-gro Super Concentrates 2 x 10lt Liquid Green (FARLGI) 6 x 1lt 1lt 1lt 25lt, 210lt 1000 lt 15lt 5lt Porthcawl (FARFP) General turf rate (p/a per ha) User guide examples per annum Golf green- 18 holes- 18 x 25lt Bowling green- 3 x 25lt Fine turf- 1 x 25lt per 500m2 For further details see description on next page As required 85-100lt Golf fairways- 18 holes- 64 x 25lt General use- 85lt per ha Sports pitches- 100lt per ha FARMURA TURF FARMURA GREEN FARMURA FARMSEA FARMURA LIQUID GREEN FERRASOL LIQUID IRON FARMURA PORTHCAWL The original liquid fertiliser for use from initial seeding to maintenance. Improves germination, encourages quicker establishment, improved rooting and produces a dense sward without undesirable flushes of top growth. A unique blend of Farmura Turf, with high quality liquid seaweed for use on both fine turf and sports turf. A growth stimulator which actively improves plant health. Ferrosol is a unique iron-nitrogen bonded complex which provides a quick green up of the turf without over stimulation of growth and without wheelmarks or blackening. Ferrosol in liquid form can be mixed easily in water and is immediately available for spray or drench application. As Farmura turf, but with the addition of Iron and a wetting agent, for use on sports turfs where a high standard of presentation is required. A high quality foliar feed containing a full range of trace elements for application deficiencies. Colour remains for up to 14 weeks. A balanced blend of Farmura Turf, Iron, seaweed, and other organic ingredients that stimulate microbiological activity in the soil. 01588 674003 11 Fertilizers Farmura Liquid Fertilizers FARMURA FLO-GRO SUPER CONCENTRATES (10L) With the introduction of Flo Gro Super Concentrate liquid fertilisers Farmura have solved the problem of fertiliser handling and storage for amenity users once and for all. These new ultra concentrated emulsions are without doubt the most advanced liquid fertilisers in the world. Flo Gro Super Concentrates rely on a soluble gel to keep high quality nutrient ingredients fully suspended. Supplied in 10 litre packs they represent a significant breakthrough in fertiliser handling. Flo Gro Super Concentrates are compatible with a wide range of herbicides, pesticides and fungicides and can therefore be included in spray management programmes. In addition to saving time and fuel, tank mixing reduces wheelings across greens and means you can spoon-feed nutrients little and often which always achieves best results. There are seven formulations in The Flo Gro Super Concentrate range.The nutrient content is expressed in a new way to enable professional turf managers to easily and quickly calculate the amount of nutrient required with accuracy and precision. Nutrient value is now given as content per litre. Thus Flo Gro Super Concentrate 38-0-0 contains 380 grms of nitrogen per litre. All packs carry an easy to follow application chart. SPRING & SUMMER with sulphur (01 FARFGSS) SPRING & SUMMER + (01 FARFGSSP) (01 FARFGNK) SUPER NITROGEN (FARFGSN) A traditional start with added sulphur for repeated applications. Apply as soon as grass starts growing and soil temperatures have reached 5C. NK SPECIAL with sulphur Primarily for use on sandy soils containing an equal ratio of nitrogen and potash plus a maintenance rate of sulphur. POTASH + (01 FARFGPP) Primarily an autumn treatment but can be used at any time of the year when grass requires a boost of potash, iron and magnesium. Autumn treatment improves the colour and hardiness of the grass in readiness for the winter. With sulphur, iron and magnesium. A useful alternative to Spring & Summer if you prefer to make one application instead of spoon-feeding little and often. With Iron and Didin A safe, reliable nitrogen for use whenever nitrogen is required. Main use is during the summer for maintaining colour and growth to improve resistance to wear and tear following heavy play and traffic. SULPHUR + (01 FARFGSP) Sulphur is an essential nutrient enabling grass to utilise nitrogen more efficiently and improving turf colour. Deposition from the atmosphere has dropped dramatically making application of sulphur necessary in many situations. COMPLETE (FARFG) The ideal ratio of nitrogen, phosphate and potash. Complete is a good all round standard for use throughout the year. WFSborder Amenity Whilst the fertilizers detailed in the previous pages are examples of some of the most commonly used fertilizers available on the UK Amenity market today, as supplied by the most respected manufacturers and distributors, they are merely a snap shot of some of the treatments available from WFSborder Amenity. For further details of the extensive ranges available via WFSborder Amenity, including many more treatments not specified above, please contact your local WFSborder Amenity representative, or call the WFSborder Amenity office on 01588 674003 to arrange a visit. 12 01588 674003 Wetting Agents WFSborder Amenity’s range of Wetting agents provide a solution for virtually all your spraying needs, catering for both the organic and inorganic markets, and can be used in conjunction with a wide range of products, dependent upon your requirements. SCOTTS H2-Pro (SCAAQ10) Increases rate & depth of water penetration. Significantly reduces the irrigation requirement of soils Effective relief from the symptoms of Dry Patch (Localised Dry Spot) Environmentally safe The ‘H2Pro’ range contains four different formulations: ‘H2Pro’ Liquid, Granules, Tablets & Maximise Liquid VITAX ORGANIFLO (VITORG5) Organic turf wetter and growth stimulant. * Contains 10% sarsaponin * 5 litres cover 1000-2000m² VITAX EASYFLO (VITEF5) Especially good on bowling greens. * Effective water management product * 5 litres cover 1500m² VITAX ULTRAFLO GRANULAR (VITUF15) Treatment of bunker banks, exposed areas, and where spraying is a problem. Applications at construction and following hollow tining. * High quality granular wetting agent * 15kg cover 500m² VITAX ULTRAFLO LIQUID (VITUF10) A concentrated, long term, non-ionic, wetting agent for sports and ornamental turf. * High quality liquid wetting agent * 10L cover 500m² FARMURA FORESIGHT (FARF5) Foresight is a new generation surface active wetting and penetrating agent specially formulated and developed for use on turf. * Use on golf greens and tees, bowling greens etc * 1L covers 500m² (5L Pack) 01588 674003 13 Wetting Agents Amenity Technology Amenity Technology has a comprehensive selection of high quality turfgrass consumables ranging from fertilizers to wetting agents with heavy emphasis placed on performance and environmental compatibility. Each product in the range is supported by extensive research and the Amenity guarantee of quality and performance. This guarantee extends to our levels of service and support, the vast majority of our products are stock items and most orders are dispatched within 24 hours. Drencher WA Mega Pellet (01 AMTDRENCHER) Drencher WA Mega Pellets are the larger version of the Drencher WA Drop & Go Pellet for use in irrigation systems. Each Drencher WA Mega Pellet should be added to a minimum of 2,500lts of water, this will treat approximately 1 hectare. Quantity: Each Pack Coverage: Variable Application Rate: 1 pellet in a min of 2,500lts of water. Drencher Mega Xtra Pellet (01 AMTDMX) Drencher Essential Mega Pellet is a concentrated wetting agent with all the properties of Drencher Essential Drop & Go designed for use in irrigation systems. Coverage as above. Quantity: Each Pack Coverage: Variable Application Rate: 1 pellet in a min of 2,500lts of water Drencher Gellits WA (6) (01 AMTDG) Drencher Essential Mega Pellet is a concentrated wetting agent with all the properties of Drencher Essential Drop & Go designed for use in irrigation systems. Coverage as above. Quantity: Each Pack Coverage: Variable Application Rate: 1 pellet in a min of 2,500lts of water Drencher Gellits Xtra (6) (01 AMTDGX) A unique formulation containing concentrated wetting agent, essential micronutrients and rooting biostimulants in one easy to apply pellet. Apply Drencher Essential Pellets through the Drencher Drop & Go Gun. Quantity: 6 Pack Coverage: 6,000-9,000m2* Application Rate: 1 pellet to 1,000-1,500m2* Drencher Drop & Go Gun (01 AMTDA) Ideal for applying the Drencher Drop & Go Pellets to localised dry spot, hydrophobic and hard to reach areas. A Range of heads and attatchments also available for most applications- call your representative for further details. 14 01588 674003 Supaturf Wetting Agents In association with Aquatrols Corporation of America, Supaturf supplies the World’s favourite wetting agent, Primer 604. The water management product range is the most comprehensive in the world today, with products that prevent localised dry spots and associated problems in turf, treatment products for fast recovery of damaged turf to injected irrigation aids. Primer 604 (01 SUPPRIMER604) Since the introduction of Primer 604 in 1995 it has been the market leading wetter worldwide. In a recent survey over three quarters of the Worlds top 100 golf courses used Primer 604, as part of their turf management strategy. At the heart of the product’s performance is its ability to develop a matrix flow pattern of water in a soil profile. Matrix flow is where the water in the soil moves laterally as well as downwards, most significantly in the area of the root zone. The visual benefits of the use Primer 604 are demonstrated in photographs C,D, E and F. Here an active golf course was used for a trial where a hole was treated with primer 604 on the forward or short tee for a season, whilst the back or long tee on the same hole was not treated. The effects are dramatic. The untreated tee has suffered severe dry patches (photo C) and a core taken after the season (photo D) cannot hold its form and crumbles to dust. The treated tee however, is looking fresh and healthy (photo E) after only two applications of Primer 604, and the core is uniformly moist illustrating the effects of matrix flow (photo F). A remarkable result. • • • • Available in 20L and 205L Will not scorch or burn. Requires no watering in. Safe non ionic surfactant. Creates a unique matrix flow. Primer Choice (01 SUPPC10) Prevention is always better than cure. Undoubtedly the most beneficial long term way to use a wetter is in a full season’s programme following a “preventative” or “everything strategy is adopted and a single application> will do (ie; to treat a localised damaged area) or when there are specific needs such as making irrigation water go further or treating large areas of stressed fairway, use the new Primer Choice. Primer Choice is one wetter but it has many users by varying the application rate. In the Primer family of wetters it replaces AquaDoc and Infil Trx and offers a new new flexibility for Course Managers who are following a treatment or enhancement strategy. • Will not scorch or burn. • Requires no watering in. • Safe non ionic surfactant. Aquatrols Fifty 90 Available in 1L, 10L and 210L (01 SUPAQ10) 50 litres - 90 days - Guaranteed. The first long-term surfactant guaranteed to perform, and safe to use on all fine turf regardless of climate and environmental conditions. 01588 674003 15 Chemicals Total Herbicides Total weed control is the term used to describe the use of non-selective herbicides in situations where all vegetation is to be eliminated. It has a wide variety of applications in amenity, industrial and leisure sites. CASORON G (SCACG25) 25Kg A pre- and post-emergence residual herbicide for use around roses, trees and shrubs, on land and in aquatic areas. Casoron G controls most established broad-leaved weeds and grasses, germinating as well as existing weeds, and a broad range of annual and perennial weeds. By increasing the rate of dichlobenil applied, the weed spectrum is broadened and the persistence of control is lengthened. Casoron G can also be used for the control of a wide range of broad-leaved emergent weeds, as well as most rooted, floating and submerged weeds in shallow water situations. * Contains Dichlobenil * Coverage:~5kg - 222m² to 400m; 25kg - 1110m² to 2000m² * Supplied with applicator CASORON G4 (SCACG4) 4Kg A lower concentration formula for use in smaller beds and where lower rates are required. * Contains Dichlobenil 4% w/w Coverage:~25kg - 1190m² to 2630m² DEXTRONE X (SCADEX5) 5L (SCARUP1) 5L (SCARUA5) 5L (SCASW5) 5Kg A concentrated fast-acting total herbicide containing paraquat in a liquid formulation for use around ornamental plants and for industrial weed control. Non residual. * Contains Paraquat Coverage: 5ltrs - 5990m² to 16,6000m² ROUNDUP PROBIACTIVE A foliar appiled non selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial weeds. For use in forestry, aquatic and perenial weeds. * Contains Glyphosate 360g Coverage: 5ltrs - 8333m² to 12,500m² ROUNDUP AMENITY Roundup Amenity is a systematic non-residual herbicide. Treated areas can be replanted or reseeded soon after treatment. Can be tank mixed with other herbicides * Contains 360g/I Glyphosate * Coverage: 5ltrs - 10,000m² SPEEDWAY A fast acting contact herbicide ofr the control of annual broad-leaved weeds and grasses Convenient dispersible grain formulation allows easy, dust-free mixing with water Rainfast works well in showery weather Inactivated by contact with soil - does not leach or creep. * Contains diquat/Paraquat Coverage: 4Kg - 1212m² - 3333m² AQUATIC HERBICIDES- CLAROSAN (SCACLA5) 5Kg Clarosan is a granular formulation of Terbutryn specially formulated to maintain a satisfactory dosage level in water for control of most algae and submerged and free floating weeds in static and slow moving water such as lakes, canals, ditches, ponds etc. Growth of weeds ceases more or less immeadiately. 16 * Pack Size 5Kg- application rates vary * Apply Jan to May Aquatic Weed Control For the control of weeds and algae in static and slow moving water. Users of Aquatic Herbicides must consult appropriate water regulatory body (Environmental Agency/Scottish Environment Protection Agency) and must obtain their agreement before use. Chemicals Selective Herbicides A range of herbicides especially formulated to kill only the plants you want rid of, not the ones you need!! CLOVOTOX (BAYCL05) 5L A selective herbicide for the control of clover and other difficult weeds in turf, including Chickweed, Pearlwort, Selfheal etc. * Contains Mecoprop 142.5g / ltr * Coverage:~5ltr - 4545m² ESTERMONE (VITEST5) SPEARHEAD (BAYSDE5) SUPERTOX 30 (BAYST5) Wide range of weeds in turf (including clover)A broad spectrum selective weed killer for use on turf. Controls a wide range of weeds including white clover on all areas of turf. Shower proof formulation, resists wash off by rain. Low application rate - the most cost effective turf weed killer in use. Can be tank mixed with 50-50 liquid turf fertilisers or Seaturf SuperConcentrate. * Contains 2,4-D Dicamba *Coverage:~5ltr - 17,857m² A new generation of highly effective active ingredients at low rates. Can be applied to turf as young as two months. Will provide season long control. * Pack size 5lt * Coverage:~5ltr - 10,000m² This popular selective herbicide will give control over 22 of the most common weeds found in turf- Call for details. * Contains Mecoprop 2, 4-D * Coverage:~ 5ltr - 5952m²; 25ltr - 29762m² INTREPID 2 (SCAINT5) Intrepid 2 can be applied to established, actively growing grass in both amenity and other sportsturf areas including cricket outfields, golf fairways, soccer and rugby pitches, without damaging grass. Excellent broad-leaved weed control. * Contains Dicamba, Dichlorprop MCPA * Coverage:~ 5ltr - 7692m²; 10ltr - 15,384m² RE-ACT (SCATRI5) A selective turf herbicide for controlling broad-leaved weeds in amenity turf. It is a non-ester formulation, so will not vaporise in hot conditions. * Contains Mecoprop, MCPA & Dicamba * Coverage:~ 5ltr - up to 14,285m² SYDEX * Contains Mecoprop Amine & 2, 4-D * Coverage:~ 5ltr - 5950m²; 10ltr - 11,905m² (VITSYD5) A selective weed killer for control of broadleaved weeds on amenity turf, established pastures and grass grown for seed production. GREEN-UP WEEDFREE SPOT WEED KILLER (VITWFA600) A ready to use aerosol for sport treatment of individual or small patches of weeds in fine turf areas, such as golf and bowling greens, cricket squares and tennis courts. * Contains 2,4-D & Dicamba * Aerosol 600ml * 20ltr –up to 25,000m² Selectives Selective Herbicides are cost effective tools, allowing the removal of weeds over a much larger area than is possible by hand over the same period of time. As most Selective Herbicides kill both the foliage and root system, the removal of the weed is complete - giving a much longer lasting kill than if the foliage only is removed by mechanical means. 17 Chemicals Growth Regulators MAZIDE SELECTIVE (VITMS5) A combined grass growth retardant and selective weed killer. Reduces or eliminates the need for mowing. Ideal for use on labour intensive or dangerous to cut areas, such as steep banks, cemeteries, roadside verges and rough grass areas. Controls broad leaved weeds and suppresses grass growth. Suppresses seed head production and encourages finer grasses. * Contains Maleic Hydrazide 200g/ltr, MCPA 75g ltr, Dicamba 6g/ltr. * Coverage:~5L - 1786-3125m² SHORTCUT (SCASC) Not only does Shortcut inhibit vertical growth but actually diverts plant growth downward into the root system to produce increased food reserves and lateral stem development. This in turn produces a thicker, healthier sward that better equips your turf to withstand temperature extremes, moisture loss, traffic and wear, and even helps in the management of Poa Annua. * Contains 25% w/w Trinexapal-Ethyl * Coverage:~120g - 750m² Fungicides DACONIL TURF (SCADAC5) A broad spectrum contact fungicide containing chlorothalonil, for control of Dollar Spot, Fusarium Patch, Red Thread, anthracnose and other major turf diseases. Controls many turf diseases including Fusarium Patch, Red Thread, Dollar Spot and Anthracnose Multi-site activity eliminates the risk of fungal resistance Preventative treatment gives up to six weeks control Complements Greenshield to provide a programmed approach to turf disease control. * Contains Chlorothalonil 500g /kg * Coverage:~5L - 1667m² TURFCLEAR (SCATC5) Controls Fusarium Patch and Dollar spot. Prevents worm cast formation. Not affected by rain or irrigation. Used as preventative or curative treatment. * Pack size- 5L * Pack Coverage:~1250-2500m² 18 01588 674003 Chemicals Fungicides TURFCLEAR (SCATC5) Controls Fusarium Patch and Dollar spot. Prevents worm cast formation. Not affected by rain or irrigation. Used as preventative or curative treatment. * Pack size- 5L * Pack Coverage:~1250-2500m² CHIPCO GREEN (BAYCG1/5) Broad spectrum of activity. Excellent residual control. Safe on all turf grass species. Harmless to earthworms. Flexibility of both preventative and curative action. A reliable, top performing, contact acting fungicide for turf. Controls: Fusarium, Red Thread, Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Leaf Spot/ Melting, Grey Snow Mould. * Contains Iprodione 250g/ltr * Coverage:~ 1L - 500m²; 5tr - 2500m² MILDOTHANE TURF (BAYMIL5) HERITAGE (SCAHER500/100) A systematic fungicide and worm control agent for the control of fusarium patch, dollar spot and red thread, and for the supression of earthworm casts. Can be mixed with Chipco Green. * Pack size- 5L * Pack Coverage:~ 2,500m² Contains Azoxystrobin Broad spectrum fungicide for the control of turf diseases and Fusarium Patch Can be tank mixed with Chipco Green or Daconil Turf * Coverage:~ 500gm per ha IDRIDIONE GREEN (CROIG5) INSIGNIA (VITINS250) Now available in a smaller pack- 100gm per 200m² Generic equivalent to Chipco green. See Chipco for application rates and other details. * Coverage:~ 5L per 2,500m² The latest generation of fungicide from BASF, giving the longest control of Fusarium ever. Also aids intake of nitrogen and plant growth. Rainfast within an hour, and safe to use on most turf types * Coverage:~ 100ml per 500m² (250GM PACK) CLEARING (VITCR22) A specific blend of surfactants to alleviate the symptoms of all types of fairy rings. It enables grass to re-grow over areas affected by fairy rings. * Pack size- 2.55L * Pack Coverage:~ 625m² Fungicides Turf diseases are disorders which are usually caused by parasitic fungi invading plant tissues and robbing the grass of vital nutrients. Alternatively they can be caused by indirect effects of fungi inhabiting the soil in the root zone and altering the availability of water and nutrients to the grass, as is the case of the fairy ring fungi. In either case they present a problem to the groundsman, who needs to take some form of remedial action in order to restore the turf to full health. 19 Chemicals ENFORCER Moss control on Turf (SCAENF5) A Mosskiller for use on turf and hard surfaces. Contains dichlorophen in a chelated form. Does not blacken turf. * Contains Dichlorophen * Coverage - 5lL - 1000m² on turf 5L - 2941m² on hard surfaces LAWN SAND (GEM549) SUPER MOSSTOX (BAYSM5) Will control moss as well as kill shallow rooted weeds in turf. Gives good colour and can be used as an early starter.Lawn sand is a combined mosskiller and lawn fertiliser, (comprising ammonium sulphate, iron sulphate and fine sand). It should be applied between April and September, in dry conditions, but preferably when rain is expected within a couple of days. * Contains Ferrous Sulphate * Coverage:~25Kg - 33,333m² A mosskiller for the control of mosses in turf or on hard surfaces. Has excellent moss killing properties. Should not be applied in low temperatures or drought conditions. * Contains Dichlorophen * Coverage:~ 5L - 1000m² on turf 5lL- 2941m² on hard surfaces Moss Control Mosses are primitive non-flowering plants. They have no root system, relying instead on sufficient moisture being present to allow direct transfer of water and nutrients through their aerial structures. Water is vital for reproduction, as male cells must migrate through water to fertilise the femalestructures. Dampness is, therefore, essential for the spread of moss. It is important to realise that mosses are themselves symptoms of poor grass growth and not the cause. 20 01588 674003 Protective Equipment Chemicals A wide range of protective clothing always available via RGS Amenity- call your representative for details. Breathing Apparatus range of 3M disposable masks Large selection of Solvex, Nitrile and rubber gloves always available Protective overalls for spraying, available in a range of colours and sizes RP 4 full face spraying mask RP 3 part face spraying mask 01588 674003 21 Fertilizers Fine turf ferts At WFSborder Amenity, we have compiled a range of fine turf fertilizers, from a wide range of renouned manufacturers such as Scotts and Vitax to create a range of analyses to suit all soils and playing surfaces. Uniform granule structure and formulation within our range means that our products are easy to apply, with minimal risk of scorch. Spring/Summer- controlled release Scotts Longlife Spring and Summer 14-3-7+2%Mg+DIDIN (SCA1437) Scotts Longlife Finegreen NK 15-0-5+2%Mg+DIDIN (SCALLNK) Longlast 24-5-12 (VITLL25) Contains DIDIN to provide phased - released nitrogen for more even growth from fewer applications. DIDIN also reduces nitrate loss by leaching. * Balanced complete fertiliser * Phased release nitrogen An ideal fertiliser for use on areas not requiring phosphate. Contains DIDIN. Added magnesium for improved colour, especially on light soils. * A long lasting nitrogen feed * Zero Phosphate Contains Umaxx a slow release nitrogen source. Its rapid soluability ensures that expensive nutrients are not removed by mower groomers. Gives an initial quick boost followed by the new stabilized slow released portion. Lasts for 12-16 weeks. Marathon 16-4-8 (VITMASS) Long lasting over a 10-12 week period. Marathon offers a steady release of nutrients, preventing flushes of soft growth which are more susceptible to disease. Nutrient release is both influenced by the weather and by the plant. Spring/Summer- standard Greenmaster Spring and Summer 14-2-4 (SCAGMSS) Greenmaster Zero Phosphate (SCAZP) The 14-2-4 formulation provides the higher nitrogen levels required by fine turf for correct growth. This is balanced by sufficient phosphate and potash to encourage a strong, resilient sward and helps replace nutrients lost in grass clippings. * Balanced analysis * No Iron 14-0-10+2%Fe+2%Mg This phosphate free, iron and magnesium formulation, aids plants growth and helps ensure good colour even on light soils. The iron also deters the spread of moss. The iron and magnesium adds turf hardness as well as turf colour. * Added Iron & Magnesium * Zero Phosphates 22 25kg pack treats up to 714m² unless otherwise stated Fine turf ferts Fertilizers Greenmaster N/K 12-0-12+2%Fe+3.3%Mg (SCAGMNK) Sierrablen Mini 0-0-37 (SCASBM) A phosphate free fertiliser providing equal amounts of nitrogen and potash. Extra potash balances growth and toughens sward. Gives quick colour response and sustained growth. * Phosphate free formulation * Potash helps toughen sward A resin coated mini-granular for the controlled release of potash. Works as a base feed for Potassium throughout the season from one application. Suitable also for winter season pitches grown on sandy rootzones. 20kg bag treats 667-1000 sq m. Apply in Feb –April or during Sept/October. Sierrablen Turfmix 28-5-5 + Fe (SCASB2855) Vitax Micro Gran No3 12-0-9+0.5%Mg+1%Fe (VITMG3) Vitax Micro Gran No1 12-4-6 (VITMG1) Vitax Micro Gran No4 12-3-9+0.5%Mg+1%Fe (VITMG4) Vitax Micro Gran N 8-0-0 (VITMN) A one application per season fertilizer. Contains slow release NPK with a fast portion of N for an immediate response even in low temperature soils. A 20kg bag treats 400-571 sq m. Suggested use March-May or AugustOctober. A special spring and summer small granular fertiliser providing high nitrogen and potash plus iron and magnesium. * Zero Phosphate * Added magnesium & iron High nitrogen spring and summer formula in granular form designed for use on all fine turf areas. * Iron free formulations * High nitrogen content A high nitrogen spring & summer granular fertiliser with a 4-1-3 nutrient ratio. Also contains iron and magnesium. * Balanced fertiliser * Added magnesium & iron A nitrogen only fertiliser in a mini granular form for use on fine turf where phosphate and potash levels are adequate. * Iron free formulation 25kg pack treats up to 714m² unless otherwise stated 23 Fertilizers Fine turf ferts Spring/Summer- with moss killers Greenmaster Extra 14-2-4+MCPA+Mecpoprop(SCAGME) Provides the higher nitrogen levels required by fine turf for the correct top growth. Greenmaster Extra contains the selective herbicides MCPA & Mecpoprop. * Balanced analysis * Fertiliser & Weedkiller conbined Greenmaster Mosskiller 14-0-0+8.9%Fe (SCAGMM) Designed for use on fine turf where moss control is required. With an 8.9% iron it ensures rapid and effective moss control. As the moss is killed, the 14:0:0 nitrogen only formulation encourages the sward to repopulate the infected areas. * A good starter * High iron content Vitax Lawn Sand 4.7-0-0+1.8%Fe (VITLS) Well known moss control and turf tonic, Iron content to give quick green up effect. * Gives quick green up * will control moss Vitax Feed & Weed Extra 8-0-4+3.6%Fe,2,4-D+Mecoprop-P (VITWAF25) Multi purpose lawn weed and feed plus mosskiller can be used April to September. Contains 2,4-D, mecopropP and ferrous sulphate. * Balanced fert * Contains iron & magnesium (25kg pack treats 400m²) Turf Tonics Greenmaster Turf Tonic 8-0-0+2%Fe+1.7%Mg(SCAGMT) This spring and summer tonic feed works well at low soil temperatures. Can be used at any time in the season. Iron and magnesium helps to deter moss and aids turf hardiness * Ideal early season starter * Contains iron & magnesium Vitax Turf Tonic 2.1-0-2.5+3%Fe (VITTT) This is an all year round tonic that reduces the risk of fusarium, kills moss, and has excellent cosmetic purposes. * Kills moss * Added Iron (25kg pack treats 666m²) Autumn and Winter Greenmaster Autumn 6-5-10+6%Fe (SCAGMA) Greenmaster Double K 7-0-14-4%Fe (SCAGMDK) Provides sufficient phosphate and potash to encourage root development and to help harden off soft growth. The 6% iron content means that Greenmaster Autumn is also a rapid and effective mosskiller as well. * Balanced Analysis * No Iron Satisfies latest recommendations for high K inputs. Limits P build up and Poa Annua establishment. Provides enhanced disease and wear resistance. Helps to overcome potash deficiency and controls soft growth. * Helps turf resist disease * 2 : 1 Potash - Nitrogen ratio 24 25kg pack treats up to 714m² unless otherwise stated Fertilizers Fine turf ferts Vitax Micro Gran No 5 4-0-10+2%Fe (VITMG5) Vitax Micro Gran No 2 4-6-8+4%Fe (VITMG2) Autumn and winter fertiliser with high potash and zero phosphate. Also containing iron to harden off growth. * Zero Phosphate * High Potash An autumn / winter fertiliser and pre seeder base. Can be applied direct to surface or incorporated in your own top dressing. * Balanced fertiliser * With added Iron Invigorator 4-0-8+4%Fe+2%Mg + 7.5%S + Seaweed extract (SCAGMI) A feed and turf conditioner for all season use- spring maintenance, autumn boost or an in-season boost. Iron and magnesium give rapid greening and turf hardening. A 25kg bag covers 714 sq m. Use Mid Feb till mid November. * Sulphur balanced * With added Iron Step Hi-Mag (SCAHIMG) Use whenever the grass needs trace elements and these are lacking or inadequate, during the active growing period. Irrigating immediately after treatment insures a fast effect, and prevents damage when the grass is walked on. The treatment can be carried out every six weeks. The use of a Scotts Drop or Rotary spreader guarantees correct spreading and is recommended. * Prevents trace element deficiencies * Ideal granule size for greens Sierraform K-step 6-0-27 + MgO + Trace Elements (SCAKSTEP) Slow release fertilizer for turf, based on Scotts proven Contec® technology. Contec products feature direct available Ammonium N, potassium, magnesium and traces. Sierraform Contec is well known for its small sized, regular shaped granules which carry all nutrients in one granule. * Ideal for summer application * Small granule size Specialist and Outfield Ferts. Renovator 2 8-3-3 + Herbicides (SCAREN25) Compound fertilizer which contains three selective herbicides for the control of common broad leaved weeds including creeping buttercup, daisies, white clover. Suitable for playing fields and fairways but not recommended for fine turf. Apply mid April till mid August when weeds are active and soil is moist. A 25kg bag treats 500m2. * Contains 0.027w/w dicamba +0.446 dichlorpop,23.08% MCPA and 0.223%w/w ferrous sulphate. Cleanrun 2 9-7-7 + Herbicides (SCA977C) A mini-granular compound fertilizer for use on playing fields and golf fairways. Weed control includes Plantains, Common Mouse Ear, Common Chickweed, creeping Buttercup and Dandelions. For difficult weeds such as daisies white clover or yarrow a second application can be applied 4-6 weeks after the first. Use mid April-mid August. A 25kg bag treats 500 m2. * Contains 0.0027% w/w dicamba, 0.448% w/w dichloroprop and 0.223% w/w MCPA. 25kg pack treats up to 714m² unless otherwise stated 25 Fertilizers Specialist and Outfield Ferts. Sportsmaster Spring & Summer 9-7-7 (SCA977) A mini-granular compound fertilizer with cost effective application rates. Apply mid March-mid August. A 25kg bag will treat between 355 and 714m2. Breaks down quickly to give rapid uptake of nutrients, reducing risk of scorch and mower pick-up. * Balanced analysis * Cost Effective Sportsmaster Autumn 4-12-12 (SCASM41212) A high Phos high potash mini granular compound fertilizer with cost effective application rates. Ensures healthy root growth where areas are subject to heavy winter use. Apply mid August-mid November. A 25kg bag treats 355-714m2. * Summer autum Application * Kieserite Promotes root development 16% Mg (VITKI25) A readily available magnesium which helps correct magnesium deficiencies in sandy soils. Also where high potassium is present helps address the ratio of potassium to magnesium in the soil. For year round use. * Magnesium rich Vitax SulpHur 95 (VITS25) For use where soil analysis shows excessively alkaline conditions. 100-150kg/ha applied in the autumn would reduce pH levels by half a point followed if necessary by another application in the spring. Best results are achieved by incorporation into the playing surface. Provides a slow release form of Sulphate throughout the season, and supplies essential nutrients as well as reducing pH of alkaline soils. * 15 Kg packs. Preseeder PS5 8-12-8 + 2% Mg and Seaweed Extracts A higher P + K to encourage harder growth and better root development. Work the fertilizer into the soil before seeding or turfing. A 25kg bag covers 500-714 m2. Can be used any time of the year but best between early march and the end of October. 26 25kg pack treats up to 714m² unless otherwise stated Fertilizers Economy Granular Ferts. As well as Scotts and Vitax, WFSborder Amenity can offer a range of fertilisers to suit tight budgets. Although these products can be as much as half the price of branded products, we have not sacrificed quality. The fertiliser range is manufactured as a mini granular product, suitable for applications on golf greens, bowling greens and any fine turf where granule size is an issue. Below is a brief outline of the products, others are available, such as feed weed and mosskiller, sulphate of iron, bone meal etc, your sales representative will have more information . Product Name/Analysis Applications Organic Based Pelleted Fertilisers Fine Turf Micro Granular 21-1-0.45+1 Mg Nitrell 8-0-0 Spring/Summer (No Fe) 12-6-6 Spring/Summer 8-0-0+2Fe+2Mg Spring/Summer 12-6-6+2Fe Spring/Summer With Iron 8-0-0+2Fe+1 Mg Spring/Summer Slow Release 12-0-9 Springisummer 8-0-0+3 Fe Spring/Summer 12-4-16+1 Mg Springisummer With Mg 8-0-0+4Fe+2Mg Spring/Summer 18-2-12 Spring/Summer 12-0-6+2Fe-1 Mg Spring/Summer Slow Release 13-12-12 Autumn/Winter 14-0-0+8 Fe Spring/Summer + Moss Control 4-0-8 Autumn/Winter (Zero Phosphate) 18-0-0+2 Fe Spring/Summer Slow Release 6-4-8 Autumn/Winter 4-0-4+4 Fe Spring Starter 5-5-10 Autumn/Winter (No Fe) 5-5-10+2Fe+1 Mg Autumn/Winter 5-0-28+2Fe+1 Mg Autumn/Winter High Potash General Fertilisers 10-4-4+3.5Fe+2,4D Lawn Fine Turf, Feed, Weed 5-5-6.5 Fish, Blood & Bone 5-5-10+0.4Mg Rose Fertiliser 3.5-20-0 Treated Bone Meal 5.1-7.7-9.7(Sp) J I Base Mecopropp & Moss Killer (20Kg) Organic Fine Turf Micro Granular 5-3-8+Te 100% Organic 8-3-4+2.25Fe+1.2Mg 50% Organic 13-4-8+1.75Fe 40% Organic 11-1-2 100% Organic 9-1-2 100% Organic Other Products Garden Lime Compost Activator Seaweed Conditioner Calcified Seaweed Prilled Urea Potassium Nitrate (Magnesium Sulphate) Epsom Salts Sodium Chlorate Straight Fertilisers 21-0-0 Sulphate Of Ammonia 0-0-50 Sulphate Of Potash 21 %Fe Sulphate Of Iron 0-18-0 Single Superphosphate 0-46-0(P) Triple Superphosphate 0-46-0(G) Triple Superphosphate 15%Mg Kieserite 0-0-60 Muriate Of Potash 13-0-0 Hoof & Horn 11-0-0 Dried Blood The products listed above are just a small selection of what is available from WFSborder Amenity. Call your local representative for further details of the formulations we can supply. 01588 674003 27 Fertilizers Economy Liquid Ferts. WFSborder Amenity are also able to supply a further range of non branded liquid fertilizers, which are extremely competitively priced, whilst being up to the standards you’d expect. We are able to service by offering our customers a completely flexible system whereby we can blend almost any liquid or granular fertiliser - and any quantity - to our customers’ specifications. We are currently able to source approximately 3000 different ratios of fertilisers on our database, so we feel very confident we can offer existing and new customers exactly what they need. Although we concentrate on specialised products mainly for the amenity market and landscape industry, eg. golf courses, sports grounds, bowling greens, parks, flower beds etc., we are happy to use our technology to produce products for other sectors in the marketplace, eg. horticulture, agriculture, forestry. Product Greencare Liquid Iron (GBLI) Greencare Extra (01 GBGE) Pack size 25 Lt 200 Lt 25 Lt 200 Lt 25 Lt Greencare Extra + Iron (01 GBGEI) 200 Lt Straight Seaweed Extract (01 GBSE) 200 Lt Seaweed + N (01 GBSN) Root Enhance (01 GBRE) Root Enhance +Fe (01 GBREI) 25 Lt 25 Lt 200 Lt 25 Lt 25 Lt Liquid Iron 6% + Mn (01 GBFI) 10 Lt Total ‘Event’ (01 GRBTE25) First & Last (01 GBFL) 28 Biostimulant containing a high quality seaweed extract Biostimulant + Nitrogen (19-0-0) 25 Lt 25 Lt 25 Lt 200 Lt 1,000 Lt 1 Lt 10 Lt 1 Lt 25 Lt 200 Lt 25 Lt 200 Lt Pack Coverage 1 Ha (18 greens) 4-8 Ha 1 Ha (18 Greens) 4-8 Ha 1 Ha (18 Greens) 4-8 Ha 1 Ha (18 Greens) 4-8 Ha 1,500 sq m 6-12,000 sq m 1 Ha Biostimulant containing 100% Humic Acid 2.5 Ha 20 Ha 1 Ha Biostimulant containing 100% Humic Acid with 5% Iron 200 Lt 10 Lt Trace-E (01 GRBTE) As Greencare Extra, but with added Iron and Manganese 10 Lt Yucca Wetting Agent (01 GRBYUCCA) Bordeaux Mixture Liquid Turf Hardnener (01 GBB) Biostimulant containing Seaweed, Humic, 5% Nitrogen & Sulphur 200 Lt 350g tubs X-CYTE Natural Liquid Root and Shoot Revitailser (01 GBXC) Biostimulant containing Seaweed & Humic 10 Lt Soluble Seaweed (01 GBSS) Liquid Fairway Iron 6% (01 GBFI6) Description 2.5 Ha 20 Ha Soluble seaweed extract in dry form to be used as a general biostimulant A high quality 100% natural wetting agent made from yucca plant extract High quality liquid Iron complex, with added Manganese and natural wetting agent. Excellent for hardening turf and correcting Iron deficiencies. Cost effective liquid Iron Sulphate, specially designed for fairways or large areas of turf. Already dissolved to save time. Gives excellent green up. 0.5 Ha 0.75-1.0 Ha 1.8-2.5 Ha 4,000 sq m 1 Ha 1 Ha 8 Ha 40 Ha Unique formulation containing cytokinins, as kinetin. Revitalises poor and shallow root systems. Use after extensive water-logging/ excessive rain. 0.5-1 Ha Used for hardening turf to help combat a range of turf diseases. Used all year round. Useful addition to chemical fungal treatments. 0.5 Ha A high quality balanced blend of chelated trace elements. To be used as a stress reliever and a top up for trace elements. 0.5 Ha High quality, easy-to-use, all-in-one for main season application. Good levels of N & K to encourage even grass cover, improved colour and good root growth. Ideal for use just prior to a special event. 1,500 sq m Organic-based turf feed formulated to give maximum protection. Ideal for early season treatment, enhances colour and stimulates soil bacteria. Excellent for sand and soil based greens. 1,500-3,000 sq m 01588 674003 12,000 sq m 12-24,000 sq m Spray Indicators Vitamark WSB Fertilizers (VITVMWSB) A super concentrate blue colourant to give a temporary indication of spraying on turf. Helps show missed areas, overlaps or blocked nozzles. Suitable for use with all insecticides, fungicides or herbicides. A 20 sachet tub is sufficient for 20 x 250 spray tanks. Designed to fade within a day, leaving no permanent stains on hands, hard surfaces or equipment. * Available in liquid or water soluable form. Teal Dye (GBTD) A 10 litre super concentrated blue colourant for use with all insecticides, fungicides and herbicides. Environmentally friendly colourant that washes easily from surfaces. Increases accuracy when spraying turf. * Cost effective. FARBLA1 1 litre Blazon Spray pattern indicator. Can be mixed with herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, grass growth retardants and liquid fertilizer. Non toxic, doesn’t harm animals and will easily wash off. Average use 175ml per 100 ltr of spray application but may be adjusted for personal shade preference. Tank Cleaners VITSTC1 Spray Tank Cleaner 1 litre x 6 Specially formulated to remove residues of pesticides from spraying equipment.Use immediately after spraying. Rate of use100ml for a 20 litre tank;, 500ml for a 100 litre tank Remove and clean nozzles separately with 50ml cleaner in 10 litres of water. 01588 674003 29 Turf Fine turf rolls WFSborder Amenity are able to supply you with both Fairway and Greens turf. This is supplied in roll format and priced by the square metre. Our principle supply partners are Greenblade, based in Ross on Wye, where the light sandy loam soil is ideal for year round production of turf for all types of landscaping and sports uses. The Production Process Our success lies in the attention to detail throughout the production process, and at all times conforming to TGA standards, therefore assuring a consistently high quality product. Prior to planting, the soil is tested for nutrients and minerals to ensure any inbalances are corrected with a unique combination of organic and in-organic fertiliser. A carefully selected certified blend of high quality grass seed is used to provide the ideal final species mix. During the growing period, Greenblade turf is mowed, vacuumed (to collect grass cuttings, leaves etc), rolled, fertilised, irrigated and if necessary sprayed to control any weeds. Soil moisture deficits are monitored with probes to ensure that none of the grass species become stressed during their growth, therefore ensuring a consistent species mix within the turf. Prior to harvest, the turf is tested to ensure it conforms to the TGA standards, if any areas of the production fields do not meet the quality standards they are discarded. Greenblade do not use netting in the production process, preferring to obtain the turf strength naturally through a healthy root thatch. This ensures that there is no risk of injury to the users of the new lawn or pitch. Harvesting is carried out with specialist machinery, which ensures a consistent depth, width and length of turf rolls. Throughout the warmer summer months we are able to remove the heat from the turf using our vegetable cold stores, effectively lengthening the quality pallet life of the turf and increasing the flexibility for the customer. Whether your after a new lawn, or a complete new golf course, contact your WFSborder Amenity representative, who’ll be able to advise you on all aspects of your turf supply and maintenance. 30 Contact your WFSborder Amenity Representative for details Fine turf rolls GREENBLADE TURF Proportions of cultivars by weight of grass sown 25% Perennial rye grass (Fragment) 20% Chewing Fescue (Alice) 20% 15% Slender Creeping Red Fescue (Dawson) 15% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass (Cynthia) 5% Brown Top bent (Sefton and Highland). Turf (01 GRBTURF) Strong Creeping Red Fescue (Diego) Contact your WFSborder Amenity Representative for details 31 Topdressings Pitch Dressings The maintenance principle for most sporting grounds is to provide a firm, true and even surface that drains freely. It is vital that the surface is level and free from undulations for the surface to allow any sport to roll without deviation. The application of a top dressing fills in any minor hollows that may have developed, whilst also building up a supreme soil layer over the years. Banks Amenity have been tending the needs of the UKs golf courses since the early 1970s, with many of the countries top golf courses using their products. Via RGS, Banks Amenity are able to service all your course maintenance and construction requirements. Standard 80/20; 70/30; 60/40; Sand/Loam mixture This topdressing is widely used on golf or bowling greens, typically a 1600 m2 bowling green would require 1 – 2 tonnes as a light spring dressing or 3 – 4 tonnes as a Autumn dressing after hollow-coring. Available in 25kg sacks or bulk 20 – 29 tonne loads. Fendress Recognising the need for materials to dress fine turf areas (such as golf greens) Fendress was developed, using a blend of Norfolk Fensoil and Leighton Buzzard Sand. FENDRESS™ became a registered Trademark in 1981 and 24 years later is still recognised as one of the leading brands of Top Dressing in the UK. Complete range- ROOTZONE FENDRESS™ Golf Green Construction (01 BANRZF) GREENTOP™ Tees / General Construction (01 BANRZG) Economy Rootzone Tees / General Construction (01 BANRZE) TOPDRESSING FENDRESS™ BUDGET FENDRESS™ FENDRESS GREENTOP™ Golf Green Top Dressing Golf Green Top Dressing Golf Green Top Dressing (01 BANTDF) (01 BANTDEF) (01 BANTDG) FAIRWAY DRESSING Turf Humus Fine screened Peat (01 BANFDTH) (01 BANFDP) TEES ROOTZONE / DIVOT MIXES (01 BANTR) also available from RGS Amenity for patching up of course construction and repairing divoting. FINE SILICA SAND (01 BANFSS) bunker sands and top dressing available in bulk loads. Gem Topdressing-70-30 Sand/Loam mixture Recognising the need for materials to dress fine turf areas (such as golf greens) Fendress was 32 01588 674003 Cricket Dressings Top Dressings Building on consistent, easy to use, quality cricket dressings which are offered in a range to suit every situation from the traditional village green to the top test and county grounds, our range of top dressings is sure to suit your needs and pockets. The performance of a cricket dressing is dependant upon many factors but the ultimate aim is to produce a hard surface that will grow grass well and not break up during play. This is achieved by selecting loams of sufficient clay content and adequately supplied with the necessary nutrients that can be mineralised by the microbial activity present in naturally occuring fertile top soils and therefore made available to feed and maintain a healthy grass growth. In other words “the nearest thing to concrete that will grow grass.” ONGAR LOAM™ Binder’s ONGAR LOAM™ has been used to construct test wickets at The Oval, Lords, Old Trafford, Edgbaston and Headingly as well as county wickets at Bristol, Taunton, Canterbury, Hove, Southampton, Chelmsford, Derby, Northampton, Cardiff, Scarborough and at Chester-Le-street. County and club wicket quality Clay 31%, Silt 38%, Sand 31%, Motty strength 88kg (A heavy clay loam screened to 4mm which rolled under the correct soil moisture conditions gives hard wickets of consistent pace and bounce. Adequately supplied with available nutrients for healthy grass growth. pH 7.9). ONGAR LOAM™ Plus ONGAR LOAM™ Plus- Test and county wicket quality Clay 30%, Silt 40%, Sand 30%, Motty strength 86kg (A mixture of two thirds ONGAR LOAM™ to one third imported 10mm screened Surrey loam re-screened through Binders plant to reduce to a maximum particle size of 4mm and thoroughly ameliorate the two materials. Adequately supplied with available nutrients. pH 7.6). Surrey Cricket Loam Very Heavy Textured Base Loam (Good quality friable very heavy loam used in the base of newly constructed county and club quality cricket wickets. The depth will depend on the existing soil type and hardness). Kaloam Village green, school and club wicket quality. Clay 28%, Silt 37%, Sand 35%, Motty Strength 88kg ( An inexpensive clay loam screened to 4mm which when rolled under the correct moisture conditions gives wickets of pace and bounce. Adequately supplied with available nutrients for healthy grass growth. pH 7.75). 01588 674003 33 Topdressings Rootzones and Sands WFSborder Amenity also offer a comprehensive range of top dressings and rootzones designed to cover all requirements and suit all budgets, they consist of 4mm screened loams, lime free sands and in some cases fine milled peat. Select the most appropriate material from the following alternatives on the WFSborder Amenity product List. Multipuropse Fine Turf Range of inexpensive dressings (For use on all types of surfaces). Specialist Fine Turf Range of quality dressings for today’s exacting greenkeeper (For use on golf and bowling greens). Loam Free Top dressing Range of sand and peat dressings (For use on sand constructed fine turf areas). Divot mix Economical Sand & Loam Mix (For use on golf fairways and all sports turf areas to repair surface damage. Winter Games pitch top dressing Range of dressings for Football, Rugby and all winter games pitches (For use on winter games pitches). Rootzone compost Inexpensive compost for turfing or seeding fine turf areas Top dressing sands Washed sands suitable for top dressing (Available in two grades Medium fine for fine turf Medium coarse for Winter games pitches). If the top dressing to suit your need is not listed aboveplease don’t hesitate to contact your representative - we can tailor our service to meet all your ground care needs 36 01588 674 003 Bowling Green Top Dressings Topdressings WFSborder Amenity offer a specialised range of top dressings to cover all requirements of the bowling green keeper They consist of 4mm sterilised screened loams, kiln dried lime free sands and in some cases fine milled peat as well as specially selected additives for best performance and appearance. Bowling green fine turf top dressings Range of dressings for designed for specific use on top quality Bowls Greens- ask your RGS Amenity representative for further details. Bowling green fine turf top dressing Range of dressings for use on quality Bowling Greens (For use on bowling greens. Available in any mix as per Bowling Green Fine Turf Top Dressing above with added SaturAid which is an highly efficient re-wetting agent which lasts up to 6 months throughout the winter and spring periods. The beneficial effects are improved penetration of irrigation and rainwater. Improved availability and uptake of nutrients and reduction in thatch and dry patch. Kiln Dried Top Dressing sand Washed sands suitable for top dressing (Medium fine grain size to promote fast drainage and create ample pore space for healthy root development). Lightweight expanded clay aggregate 4-10mm Spherical Ceramic Material for Ditches (Lightweight easy to use material for lining Bowling Green Ditches @ 50 - 75 mm depth. Stable material for minimum movement once wood has left the green). In addition to those products listed above any mixture can be produced to suit individual requirements. The old traditional mixes to include fine charcoal to sweeten the ground can also be supplied. Just ask your WFSborder Amenity representative for further details of the full range of services 01588 674003 37 Equipment Cooper Pegler Cooper Pegler (CP) has been manufacturing, selling and servicing sprayers since 1894. CP has unrivalled experience in the field of hand operated spraying equipment and technology, providing the easily recognisable sprayers that have been used for years. Cooper Pegler offers: • Lever operated knapsack sprayers. • Compression sprayers. • Motorised sprayers. Cooper Pegler products are ideal for: • Agriculture. • Horticulture. • Amenity. • Industrial and local councils. At WFSborder Amenity we are not only able to offer the popular fifteen litre CP15 and the best selling twenty litre CP3 Knapsack sprayers, but also stock a wide range of spare parts and accessories for the Cooper Pegler range of sprayers. The most popular lines include CP720325 CP730441 CP741647 CP750405 Plastic trigger valves 1 Metre spray lance Plastic spray shield CP3 Classic service pack This is just a small selection of the range of parts we stock- call our sales Department for further details. 34 01588 674003 Cooper Pegler 01588 674 003 Equipment 35 Equipment Broadcasters Investing in your turf is obviously essential, but there’s little point in spending good money on fertilizers if your not confident you can spread them accurately and efficiently. The following are some examples of the Broadcasters we are able to supply at WFSborder Amenity. Whilst the ones featured here cannot cater to every need, we are confident we are able to supply a broadcaster which does! Allen Model 58-22 A professional entry level broadcaster with a Polyurethane hopper, available in a choice of either 25Kg or 50Kg capacity, on either pneumatic or solid rubber tyres. Enclosed metal gearing enables the broacaster to spread granules over a maximum distance of 2.4m. Allen Model 88 The Allen professional push allong broadcast spreader has a polyurethane hopper capacity of 50kg, and is constructed on a stainless steel chassis, on phneumatic tyres. Enclosed metal gearing ensures durability and accuracy. Scotts Rotary with Edgeguard Feature a patented helical cone for a uniform consistent spread pattern, with an automatically adjusted flow rate to ensure even application of the granules. 38 01588 674003 Sprayers Equipment As with the broadcasters, WFSborder Amenity are able to supply you with a sprayer to suit all your Amenity needs- here are some of the more popular lines we supply. Allen Groundsman A professional entry level 61cm (24”) width lawn and path sprayer with a tank capacity of 25lt and a delivery area of up to 525m2 in just 12 minutes. Robust steel frame throughout the range with chemical resistant plastic tanks, and a full spare parts back up service. Allen Professional 91cm (36”) spray width elite sprayer for fine delivery on turfed areas. Ideal for delivery onto bowling greens, cricket squares, golf greens and tennis courts. Controlled width of spray aided by a low height of nozzles, preventing spray drift off. Allen Fieldmaster II A towed spraying unit with a working width of 180cm (72”). Capable of spraying up to 5 hectares ina working day, and with a tank capacity of 60 lt, this sprayer is ideal for towing behind a ride on lawn mower or small tractor Spare parts and accessories available for these and a wide range of sprayers from a variety of suppliers- call your local WFSborder Amenity representative for details. 39 Equipment Line marking fluids Whether marking out the dead ball line at the Millenium Stadium, a championship grass tennis court, or simply the car park, WFSborder Amenity have the solution. Our stocked range of line marking fluids, powders and aerosols offer a more line marking possibilities than you could shake a stick at, with an answer for most budgets. Permanent Marking Fluid A highly water resistant solution to line marking on non porous surfaces such as tarmac and concrete. Supplied in 5lt drums, in a quick drying non toxic format, the Permanent Marking Fluid is available in Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and White. Ideal for marking car parks or tarmac tennis courts. Pitchmarker Range Ideal for all wheel to wheel machines, the range of Pitchmarker marking fluid concentrates mix easily with water to provide an easy to use effective long lasting, rain resistant, line on your grass surface, whilst non mixing complete paints are also available. Supplied in either 12.5 lt, 15lt or 1000lt multifills. Superwhite line marking powder The most cost effective meathod of line marking, for groundsmen who prefer to mix their own fluids. Provides a long lasting option for line marking on all grass surfaces, and is particulary ideal for wet conditions. Does not contain hydrated lime, which can cause cause skin irritation or injury. WFSborder Amenity Aerosol sprays Supplied in 750ml cans, WFSborder Amenity’s range of Aerosol spray paints are available in four crisp sharp colours (Blue, Green, White and Yellow), and provide a quick clean and easy method of line painting, particulary when used in conjunction with the aerosol spraying machine pictured. Long lasting lines from an ozone and environmentally friendly can. 40 01588 674003 Line marking machines Equipment To complement the range of line marking fluids, WFSborder Amenity supply a variety of line marking machines and equipment, as featured below. Lionell 3” or 4” Suitable for grass, field and track sports primarily, the Lionell is a tried and tested wheel to wheel design. A unique curved bottomed 4 gallon tank ensures efficient use of marker fluid, and is available supplied as either a 3” or 4” width of line. Starline powder marker For use with flow powder on grass. Light weight construction makes it effortless to use. Wide transport wheels and narrow drive wheels ensure easy, accurate marking. Flow control is controlled by the speed of the operator. Adjustable line width of up to 100mm. PVC skirt prevents the wind or rain affecting marking. Sighter guide for greater accuracy. Aeroliner 5 Four wheeled balanced machine for use in conjunction with RGS Amenity aerosol sprays. A high build quality allows for adjustable width of spray jet, whilst a sighter guide helps maintain accuracy. Provides crisp bright lines every time. Kombi The Kombi and Knib has become a must where the Groundsman demands quality of line, ease of use and superb value for money.The Kombi is used on all stages, from the world premier sports club to the local junior football club. With adjustable line width, a self-cleaning system and crisp, well-defined lines every time, the Kombi spray machine has what only other machines could wish for. Available with an array of attatchments, including an athletics track painting aid, a spray lance, and a chemical spraying boom, the Kombi is as near to a complete groundskeeper’s tool as is available on the market today. 01588 674003 41 Equipment Sports Equipment Golf Course Equipment WFSborder Amenity are able to supply a whole range of golf course preparation equipment- hole cutters, hole bases, flags, pins, ferrules, course markers, dustbins, ball washers, boot washers, and signs are all par for the course with WFSborder Amenity. Driving ranges are also catered for, with nets, perimiter fences, and eqipment available to order from WFSborder Amenity. Speak to your representative, who will be only too happy to help out in designing or altering your course to suit your players needs. 42 01588 674003 Sports Equipment Equipment Tennis court equipment A wide range of indoor and outdoor, grass and hard surface tennis court nets and equipment are available to order direct from WFSborder Amenity. Cricket Equipment Everything from the grass of the wicket to the screens on the boundary, as well as practice equipment is available from WFSborder Amenity. Call your representative to find out how we can help. Football, Hockey and Rugby Equipment Everything from the grass of the wicket to the screens on the boundary, as well as practice equipment is available from WFSborder Amenity. Call your representative to find out how we can help. 01588 674003 43 Equipment Hose and fittings Nobel Tricoflex Hose TRICOFLEX STRUCTURE Multi-layer construction ensures superb kink resistance Knitted reinforcement combines pressure resistance with excellent handling characteristics Smooth inner layer ensures optimum water flow and restricts algae growth Yellow outer layer is both UV and abrasion resistant TRICOFLEX WORKING PRESSURE 1/2”, 5/8”, 3/4” = 10 BAR (150 PSI) 1”, 1 1/4”, 1 1/2”, 2” = 8 BAR (119 PSI) TRICOFLEX WORKING PRESSURE -15oC to 60oC Product Code Size Coil Length TRI100 1/2” Hose 50m TRI101 3/4” Hose 50m TRI102 1” Hose 50m Other dimensions available to order, as well as a range of hose carts and fittings- call for details. Hozelock WFSborder Ltd hold full stock of the Hozelock range of hose, fittings, reels and racks, and most are available for weekly delivery direct to your premises. Call the sales office for details. Here’s some of the most readily available Hozelock products in stockCode Description Code Description Code Description HOZ2001 Std Hose Repair HOZ2293 Y Connector HOZ2410 Compact Reel No Hose HOZ2007 Std Round Tap Connector HOZ2299 2299 Spares Kit HOZ2490 Auto. Reel Retractable 20M Hose HOZ2009 Spike Sprinkler HOZ2310 Rotating Sprinkler HOZ2499 30M Hose + 60M Reel Plus Nozzle HOZ201P Nozzle Cap HOZ2330 Adj Rotating Sprinkler HOZ2538 Adj Trident Pulsator HOZ2100 Repair Connector ½” HOZ2360 Hose Hanger HOZ2567 Adj Spike Pulsator HOZ2119 Std Round Mixer Tap HOZ2375 Dial Sprinkler HOZ2625 Metal Spraymatic HOZ2125 Rotating Spike Sprinkler HOZ2390 60M Wall Mounted Reel + Guide HOZ2635 Plastic Spraymatic HOZ2126 Std Jet Spray HOZ2391 Hose Guide HOZ2650 Lance Spray HOZ2158 Threaded Tap Connector 1” HOZ2397 Hose Reel 60M HOZ2660 Fan Spray HOZ2166 Hose End Hozelock HOZ2398 Hose Cart 60M HOZ2665 Spray Gun HOZ2170 Flat Hose Adaptor HOZ2291 Double Male Connector HOZ2667 Spray Gun With Rose HOZ2172 Outdoor Tap Kit HOZ2292 Hoze Nozzle HOZ2673 Multi Spray Gun + Waterstop HOZ2175 Threaded Tap Connector ¾” HOZ49H Lock Nut Cap 49H HOZ2677 Super 4 Gun HOZ2176 Round Tap Connector HOZ54H Dual Opperating Tap 54H HOZ2682 Ultra 6 Gun HOZ2177 Round Mixer Tap Connector HOZ55H Lance Handle 55H HOZ2686 Ultra 12 Gun HOZ2180 Double Check Valve HOZ56H Washer Set 56H HOZ4816 Professional 16Ltr Knapsack HOZ2185 Waterstop Connector HOZ6630 30M 1/2 Ultrakink Hose HOZ6756 15M Flat Sprinkler Hose HOZ2274 Multi Tap Connector HOZ6650 50M 1/2 Ultrakink Hose HOZ2289 Accessory Adaptor ¾” HOZ2275 Multi Tap Connector Hozelock also supply a range of automatic domestic sprinkler systems, whilst WFSborder Amenity are able to supply you with all your professional irrigation systems on request. 44 01588 674003 Groundsman’s tools Equipment Wheel Barrows WFSborder stock a wide range of wheelbarrows to suit most needs, ranging from flat packed DIY barrows, to Heavy Duty twin wheeled builder’s barrows. Our three most popular barrows for the Amenity market areGAL123-Builders green barrow (Pictured) GAL131-Thackers Bordeaux barrow GAL128-Twin Wheeled garden barrow Gardening Tools Gardening tools and equipment make up a large proportion of the stock held at WFSborder, with products ranging from entry level plastic tools, through to heavy duty commercial quality tools from brand leading suppliers such as Bulldog tools. Call your local representative for more details, and a full catalogue. 01588 674003 45 Equipment General maintenance Hozelock Sprayguns Complementing our range of professional knapsack sprayers from Cooper Pegler, we also supply a range of smaller sprayers from Hozelock, ranging from 1.5L to 8L in capacity, and are ideal for spot applications etc. Horticultural basics We also stock a wide range of gardening and horticultural every day necessities, such as watering cans, flower planters, a range of tarpaulins dimensions, drain rods and accessories, tree guards, saws and pruners from Wilkinson Sward and Bahco and a wide range of garden and amenity hand and power tools- ask your local representative for details, or call 01588 674003 for more a full catalogue. Pest Control We carry a wide range of Pest control products, from such suppliers as Rentokil, STV international, Proctors, and Sorex, with products ranging from rat killers to electric fly killers, and from humane mouse traps to cage traps for crows, rabbits and foxes. Give us a call to find out how we can help control the wildlife on your grounds. 46 01588 674003 General maintenance Equipment Paints and Preservatives Paints and preservatives from Crown, Berger, Hammerite, Ronseal, Cuprinol, Barretine, and Sealocrete are readily available off the shelf on a weekly delivery cycle direct to your premises, to paint everything from Steel sheds, to wooden fences, to concrete walls, in a wide range of colours. We also stock a huge range of decorating tools. Lubricants WFSborder stock the following range of Lubricants supplied by excelube, available in 5L, 1L and 500ml sizes. EXE115- EXE102- EXE105- EXE107- EXE111- EXE120- Taurus Plus 15w/40 Car engine oil EXE116- Diesel 15w/40 Vimax KP 10w/40 semi synthetic engine oil EXE103- Two stroke oil Ultra 32 Hydraulic EXE106- Milking Machine oil Chainsaw Oil EXE108- Lawn Mower Oil EP80/90 Gear oil EXE113- EP2 Grease cartridges 3Kg EP2 Grease WFSborder also stock the full range of WD-40 lubricant ranging from 200ml aerosols to 5L cans of lubricant- call the sales office for further details. Cleaning WFSborder stock a wide range of cleaning supplies, from manufacturers such as Johnson Diversey, Jeyes, Deb, Rekit Bensiker, and many other household names. What ever you need to clean, we’re sure to have a solution in stock, and available for delivery to your premises. Call the sales office for details. 01588 674003 47 Guides Herbicides at a glance Sprayers Product Heritage Contains Controls Pack Coverage Knapsack Tractor mounted Azoxystrobin Fusarium 500g 10,000m2 5g in 8-10Lt water per 100m2 500g in 800-1000 Lt water per 10,000m2 Fusarium; Anthracnose; Red Thread; Dollar Spot 5 Lt 1666m2 1 Lt in 17 Lt water per 333m2 30 Lt in 500 Lt water minimum per 10,000m2 Fusarium; Red Thread; Dollar Spot 1 Lt & 5 Lt 500m2/2500m2 1 Lt in 25 Lt of water 500m2 20 Lt in 500 Lt of water per 10,000m2 Fusarium; Red Thread; Dollar Spot 5 Lt 2500m2 200ml in 11 Lt water per 100m2 20 Lt in 550 1100 Lt water per 10,000m2 Fusarium 250ml 2500m2 50ml in 25 Lt Water per 500m2 1 Lt in 500 Lt of water per 10,000m2 Fairy Rings 1 Lt 330m2 300ml in 11 Lt water per 100m2 3 Lt in 110 Lt water per 1,000m2 Fusarium; Dollar Spot 800ml & 5 Lt 1000m2/6200m2 80ml in 10 Lt water per 100m2 8 Lt in 500-1000 Lt water per 10,000m2 (MAPP 11383) Daconil Turf Chlorathalnil (MAPP 07929) Chipco Green Iprodione (MAPP 09935) Mildothane Turf Liquid Thriophanate Methyl (MAPP 09935) Capricorn Expoxiconazole Carbendazim (MAPP 10035) Clear-ring Triforine (MAPP 05541) Turfclear Carbendazim (MAPP 07506) The Above application rates are a guide only- Use pesticides safely- Read the pack label before use. 48 01588 674003 Guides Herbicides at a glance Sprayers Product Contains Controls Pack Coverage Knapsack Tractor mounted 84ml in 9 Lt of water per 100m2 8.4 Lt in 300 Lt of water per Hectare 80 -110ml in 10 Lt water per 100m2 8 - 11 Lt in 300 - 500 Lt water per 10,000m2 Mecoprop 24, D Supertox 30 Broad leaved weeds in turf 5 Lt & 25 Lt 5952m2 29,762m2 5 Lt 4545 - 6250m2 (MAPP 09946) MCPA Mecoprop Dicamba Re-Act Broad leaved weeds in turf 20 Lt 18,182 - 25,000m2 Certain broad leaved weeds in turf 25 Lt 89,285m2 56ml in 15 Lt of water 500m2 2.8 Lt in 200 - 1000 Lt of water per 10,000m2 Broad leaved weeds 5 Lt 10,000m2 40 - 50ml in 4 - 5 Lt water per 100m2 5 Lt in 200 - 700 Lt water per 10,000m2 5 Lt 7692m2 65ml in 2-5 Lt Water per 500m2 6.5 Lt in 200 - 400 Lt of water per 10,000m2 100ml in 9 Lt water per 90m2 11 Lt in 300 Lt water per 10,000m2 (MAPP 07764) 2 - 4 D Ester Dicotox Extra (MAPP 09930) Clopyralid Diflufenican MCPA Spearhead & (MAPP 09941) Dicamba Dichlorprop MCPA Intrepid Broad Leaved weeds 10 Lt 15,384m2 Clover and other difficult broad leaved weeds in turf 5 Lt 4545m2 Scrub, Brushwood, Briar, Gorse 5 Lt 6250m2 to 20,500m2 Broad leaved weeds in turf 12 x 600g (MAPP 07819) Clovotox Mecoprop (MAPP 07764) Triclopyr Butoxy Timberel (MAPP 07764) Green Up weed free aerosol ISO, Octylestere Dicambra 24, D & Variable rates- contact your RGS Amenity representative for details Spot Treatment of weeds (MAPP 06321) The Above application rates are a guide only- Use pesticides safely- Read the pack label before use. 01588 674003 49 Guides Pitch Sizes Soccer Nutrient supplied by granular fertilizers Product Analysis Application Rate g/m2 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 70 Dimensions m2 Area m2 1 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 7 100 x 64 6,400 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 3 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5 12 13.5 21 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 28 35 Rugby 100 x 69 6,900 Hockey 91.4 x 55 5,027 30 x 30 900 23.8 x 11 5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 6 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 42 262 7 7 10.5 14 17.5 21 24.5 28 31.5 49 40 x 40 1,600 8 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 35 56 Croquet 32 x 25.5 816 9 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 63 Golf Green Average 500 10 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 70 Golf Tee Average 350 77 One Hectare n/a 10,000 One Acre n/a 4,047 Cricket Square Lawn Tennis Bowls To convert Multiply by Inches to Cm 2.5400 11 11 16.5 22 27.5 33 38.5 44 49.5 12 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 84 13 13 19.5 26 32.5 39 45.5 52 58.5 91 14 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 98 15 15 22.5 30 37.5 45 52.5 60 67.5 105 16 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 112 119 17 17 25.5 34 42.5 51 59.5 68 76.5 18 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 126 19 19 28.5 38 47.5 57 66.5 76 85.5 133 Cm to Inches 0.3939 Feet to M 0.3048 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 140 M to Feet 3.2810 21 21 31.5 42 52.5 63 73.5 84 94.5 147 Yards to M 0.9144 22 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 154 M to Yrads 1.0940 23 23 34.5 46 57.5 69 80.5 92 103.5 161 1.6090 24 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 168 25 25 37.5 50 62.5 75 87.5 100 112.5 175 Miles to Km Km to Miles 0.6214 Inches to Cm 2 6.4520 2 26 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 182 27 27 40.5 54 67.5 81 94.5 108 121.5 189 28 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 196 130.5 Cm2 to Inches2 0.1550 M2 to Feet2 10.7600 29 29 43.5 58 72.5 87 101.5 116 Feet2 to M2 0.0929 30 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 Yards2 to M2 0.8361 31 31 46.5 62 77.5 93 108.5 124 139.5 M to Yards 1.1960 32 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 33 33 49.5 66 82.5 99 115.5 132 148.5 2 2 Miles2 to Km2 2.5900 34 34 51 68 85 102 119 136 153 Km to Miles 0.3861 35 35 52.5 70 87.5 105 122.5 140 157.5 0.4047 36 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 Hectares to Acres 2.4710 37 37 55.5 74 92.5 111 129.5 148 166.5 Inches to Cm 16.3900 38 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 39 39 58.5 78 97.5 117 136.5 156 175.5 40 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 184.5 2 2 Acres to Hectares 3 3 Cm3 to Inches3 0.0610 Feet3 to M3 0.0283 41 41 61.5 82 102.5 123 143.5 164 M3 to Feet3 35.3100 42 42 63 84 105 126 147 168 189 Yards3 to M3 0.7646 43 43 64.5 86 107.5 129 150.5 172 193.5 M3 to Yards3 1.3080 44 44 66 88 110 132 154 176 198 Inches to Litres 0.0163 45 45 67.5 90 112.5 135 157.5 180 Litres to Inches 61.0300 46 46 69 92 115 138 161 184 3 3 Gallons to Litres 4.5460 Pounds to Gms 453.6000 Litres to Gallons 0.2200 Gms to Pounds 0.0022 Grains to Gms 0.0648 Pounds to Kg 0.4536 Gms to grains 15.4300 Kg to Pounds 2.2050 Ounces to Gms 28.3500 Tons to Kg 1016.000 Gms to ounces 0.0353 Kg to Tons 0.0009 50 THE NEW NAME FOR ... Guides Quantities guides Grass Seed and Fertilizer Quanitity Guide 25Kg bag requirements applied atArea m 20g/m2 30g/m2 35g/m2 50g/m2 70g/m2 136g/m2 Soccer 6,400 6 7 9 13 18 35 2 Rugby 6,900 6 7 10 14 20 38 Hockey 5,027 4 5 7 10 14 28 Cricket Square 900 0.75 1 1.25 2 2.5 5 Lawn Tennis 262 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.5 Bowls 1,600 1.25 1.5 2.25 3 4.5 8.75 Croquet 816 0.75 1 1.25 2 2.5 4.5 Golf green 500 0.5 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2.75 Golf tee 350 0.25 0.5 0.5 1 1 2 One hectare 10,000 8 10 14 20 28 54.5 One Acre 4,047 3.5 4 5.5 8 11 22 Liquid Quanitity Guide Litres concentrate requirements when applied atArea m2 1Lt/500m2 3Lt/500m2 5Lt/500m2 1Lt/1000m2 3Lt/1000m2 5Lt/1000m2 Soccer 6,400 12.8 38.4 64 6.4 19 32 Rugby 6,900 13.8 41.4 69 6.9 20.7 34.5 Hockey 5,027 10 30 50 5 15 25 Cricket Square 900 1.8 5.4 9 0.9 2.7 4.5 Lawn Tennis 262 0.5 1.5 2.5 0.25 0.75 1.25 Bowls 1,600 3.2 9.6 16 1.6 4.8 8 Croquet 816 1.6 4.8 8 0.8 2.4 4 Golf green 500 1 3 5 0.5 1.5 2.5 Golf tee 350 0.7 2 3.5 0.35 1 1.75 One hectare 10,000 20 60 100 10 30 50 One Acre 4,047 8 24 40 4 12 20 Top Dressing quantity guide 25kg bag/bulk requirements when applied atArea m 2Kg/m2 4Kg/m2 Soccer 6,400 512 / 13 tonnes 1,024 / 26 tonnes 2 Rugby 6,900 552 / 14 tonnes 1,104 / 28 tonnes Hockey 5,027 402 / 10 tonnes 804 / 20 tonnes Cricket Square 900 72 / 1.8 tonnes 144 / 3.6 tonnes Lawn Tennis 262 21 / 0.5 tonnes 42 / 1 tonne Bowls 1,600 128 / 3.2 tonnes 256 / 6.4 tonnes Croquet 816 65 / 1.6 tonnes 130 / 3.2 tonnes Golf green 500 40 / 1 tonne 80 / 2 tonnes Golf tee 350 28 / 0.7 tonnes 56 / 1.4 tonnes One hectare 10,000 800 / 20 tonnes 1,600 / 40 tonnes One Acre 4,047 324 / 8 tonnes 648 / 16 tonnes 01588 674003 WFSborder Limited. Craven Arms Business Park, Long Lane Craven Arms, SHROPSHIRE. SY7 8NR Tel: 01588 672575 Fax: 01588 672072 Email: