Autumn 2009 Puriton Newsletter
Autumn 2009 Puriton Newsletter
YOUR Puriton Newsletter PPC ication Commun Issue 6 Autumn 2009 Autumn 2009 Cover Picture: Rye Green and Church Cottage Photograph by Pete Burke © 2 In This Issue........ From the Editor.............................................................................................................................................................................4 Puriton Web Site.........................................................................................................................................................................5 Parish Council News.................................................................................................................................................................7 Parish Path News........................................................................................................................................................................9 Parish Council - Minutes of Meetings.......................................................................................................................10 Parish Council Election.........................................................................................................................................................12 Puriton Stunner .........................................................................................................................................................................14 Calling All Village Hall Users...........................................................................................................................................15 Bright Lights Competition...................................................................................................................................................16 Is this lady the oldest resident in Puriton?.............................................................................................................18 Further Tales From The Village Hall............................................................................................................................20 Puriton Playing Fields and Sports Centre...............................................................................................................22 St Michael and All Angels Church..............................................................................................................................23 Policing in Puriton....................................................................................................................................................................25 Parking Issues Street Briefing...........................................................................................................................................26 Community Speed Watch................................................................................................................................................27 Neighbourhood Watch......................................................................................................................................................28 Newsletter Editorial Group..............................................................................................................................................29 Advertising Rates.....................................................................................................................................................................29 Parish Council Members....................................................................................................................................................30 Do you know who your parish clerk and parish councillors are?.......................................................31 About This Newsletter..........................................................................................................................................................32 3 From the Editor....... vehicles speeding when entering the village from the direction of Woolavington. Well, here we are at the end of the summer and the beginning of Autumn and the run up to Christmas. Somerset What summer? I hear you ask. It has been a bit dismal and certainly notthe ‘barbecue summer’ that our wonderful weather forecasters predicted earlier in the year. County Council Highways Department have in fact on one occasion deployed a Speed Visor at the entrance to the village near Puriton Park. These are the signs that flash to indicate to drivers that they are driving too fast and are often very effective in slowing down traffic. And of course, just to make matters worse, we’ve had a recession to cope with. They are not speed cameras and therefore no prosecutions arise from their use - they are simply a deterrent to speeding. They do however collect data about the mean speeds recorded and this data is passed to your parish council. We will publish this data as and when it becomes available. For some this has been a difficult time, with people losing their jobs or being forced to take cuts in pay and hours. Hopefully we are now on the road to recovery but it will still be hard for many for some time to come. Unfortunately SCC only have a limited number of these devices to share around all the villages in the county, so they are only deployed periodically in each location. So, enough of the doom and gloom - what has been good this year in the village? Well, there have been some good events in the village, such as the pantomime, the village hall quiz and, more recently, the flower show in the village hall, which attracted a record number of entries and had a dry day for it into the bargain. See a full report on page 14 . One other initiative that was discussed was the use of hand held speed guns, operated by volunteers from the village. The police would be willing to provide one of these for our village provided that there were volunteers to operate them. We’ve also got a wonderful lady in the village called Winifred Stone, who celebrated her 104th birthday in August. Congratulations Winifred. You can read more about Winifred in this newsletter on page 18. You can read more about this in the newsletter in the police section. We do need volunteers to operate this scheme so, if you would be interested in this, why not let us know now? Contact your neighbourhood police team, any parish councillor or email us at And what about the things that are concerning people in the parish? Your parish council has been getting many complaints about speeding and inconsiderate/ illegal parking in the village. As a result the police organised, in conjunction with the parish council, a street meeting to discuss the issues and possible solutions. This was well attended and, again, there is a report in this newsletter on the issues raised. With regard to the speeding issue, many people expressed concern at the number of That’s all from me for now, best wishes to you all. Pete Burke Editor 4 Puriton Web Site The web site continues to develop and receive a lot of visits, just over 5000 since we launched last November. We have recently embarked on a re-vamp of some parts of the site and hope to make the front end more interesting. If you’ve any suggestions as to how we can improve the site further please let us know. village, so please, please use it! Remember the old adage - “use it or lose it”. If you would like to contribute to it, please send an email to Or you can use the contact buttons which you will find on the left hand side of the main pages. You can find the site at: Please make use of it as it is there for the whole community. You can post news and articles, details of forthcoming events, details of your club or society, advertise your business and even sign up for an electronic version of the newsletter which you will receive by email. A lot of hard work has gone into producing this site and it has all been done at no cost to the There is now also a forum, yet in its infancy, but it is there for everyone to interact. I’d like to hear from anyone who has ideas for topics to be started. We’ve actually had quite a few posts recently regarding speeding and parking in the village, plus a comment about a yappy dog in Middle Street! If you’ve got something to say, why not use the forum? M ini overs Dress Agency -NOW OPEN! Good quality ladies clothing at excellent prices. Also shoes, bags and accessories BRIDAL, PARTY, PROM DRESSES, Something for that special occasion Local Moves Any Size Small Moves Any Distance EASTOVER SHOPPING CENTRE BRIDGWATER Friendly & Considerate Service From Your Local and Small Move Specialist Ladies, do you have a wardrobe full of clothes you don’t wear? Why not let us sell your unwanted items for you FreePhone Call: 07831 826398/ 07725 464115 0800 085 3468 (All items should be in very good/excellent condition and are sold on a commission basis.) Also: Storage, Packing, Cleaning, Waste Removal 5 PURITON POST OFFICE Middle Street, Puriton. Tel: 01278 685355 NEW IN STORE!! KLEENEZE ORDER POINT. The UK’s leading household catalogue company has teamed up with Puriton Post Office so you can now order all your Kleeneze products at your local Post Office. Choose from over 1500 great Household, Health and Beauty and Christmas products. All items delivered free. Christmas Toy Catalogue Now Out! Don’t fight with the crowds - Order and collect your presents locally. 10% deposit with order. Christmas Club available – pay balance in instalments to suit you up to Christmas Eve. Also available ½ price boxes of Christmas Cards, gift wrap and large selection of relative cards all at Very competitive prices! Opening Hours: Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri 9am – 1pm & 2pm – 5.30pm. Wed 9am – 1pm, Sat 9am – 12.30pm. 6 Parish Council News A Message From the Chairman Mark Healey Ladies and Gentlemen, I have to start my chairman’s report on a sorrowful note and that is to announce the death of Councillor Bill Watts, who passed away recently. Bill was well known and liked by many in the village. He was highly intelligent and contributed much to council meetings. He wasn’t one to sit back and take the easy route of agreeing with everything that was said but, rightfully, challenged much, as a result stimulating debate on village matters to the benefit of the council and the parish as a whole. (Bill, you were our critical friend and will be much missed). funding will be scarce. One of the ideas that the Parish Council has been looking at is to employ a Village Ranger. This is a person that would look after our local needs in respect of repair work around the parish, grass cutting and tidying of verges, litter picking and reporting to the council on issues that arise. On a different note, let me welcome all the people who have recently moved into the parish of Puriton, Downend and Dunball. We hope that you will soon join in our village way of life. This would alleviate the need to employ sub-contract labour, thereby driving down costs and being more responsive to local needs. There would be the added advantage of lifting the visual impact of our parish You will see that the new notice to visitors. board has arrived and has now been installed at the village hall in a better Many village communities employ a person to take on this role, usually on position that is easier for all to see. a part time basis. In our case we I don’t have to tell you that things are would probably look to share the tight out there financially and that we ranger with other villages in the will, as a community, have to do far Huntspills to achieve economies of more for ourselves as government scale. 7 The Parish Council would very much Bright Lights Competition like your views on this matter so that, if it is your wish to have a ranger, we Don’t forget, it’ll be Christmas soon may take it forward sooner rather and time for the Bright Lights Award. than later. You may remember that last year we ran a competition for the best Christmas lights on the front of a property. You can let us know by: Writing to the Parish Clerk Contacting any parish councillor Using the Contact Us facility on It was very hastily arranged yet we the parish council website had a number of top quality entries. Sending an email to us at Details of the closing date for entries etc. are to be found elsewhere in this Visiting the Forum on the web newsletter and we are expecting site and posting your views there. some fierce competition this year. We would like to know if you think the Mark Healey idea is a good one and, if so, what sort of duties you think a village Chairman ranger should undertake. Puriton Parish Council Garden Care T: 01278 685277 M: 07767 332559 E: C A Gulliford Local and Trustworthy with high security status. Most gardening work undertaken including: Grass cutting and strimming, hedge cutting, weeding and digging, regular weekly maintenance or just a one off to suit your needs I will look after your garden as if it were my own. 8 Parish Path News By Chris Hewett - Parish Path Liaison Officer I recently took on the role of PPLO (Parish Path Liaison Officer) for Puriton and have been asked to produce a small article for the Puriton Newsletter. Perhaps the best place to start is to explain what this voluntary role entails as I suspect that, like myself, many of you will have never heard of a PPLO or what they do. My understanding is that the public footpaths, within the parish, fall under the responsibility of both the Parish Council and Somerset’s Rights of Way Team. Actual physical maintenance work is undertaken by the Somerset’s Rights of Way Team in accordance with the Parish Council’s requirements. Funding is provided to the Somerset ROW team by central government and is then allocated on a parish by parish basis. The funding available to each parish is extremely small and nowhere near sufficient to cover all the maintenance and footpath issues. The main role of a PPLO is to help look after the local rights of way network by committing to:1 Regularly survey their local rights of way and submit an annual report to the Somerset ROW team and also parish council. 2 Report any problems to the Somerset ROW Team. 3 Ensure paths are correctly waymarked. 4 Carry out light clearance works such as cutting back vegetation around gates, stiles and signposts. 5 Organise or lead a group of volunteers willing to help maintain or improve our local rights of way network (subject to strict Health and Safety rules) It is early days for me but I have managed to walk all our paths, carry out several hours of pruning as well as reporting various problems and then passing on relevant information to interested parties. It’s clear that problems can arise fairly quickly so I would like to encourage all of our parishioners to let me know of any problems they encounter either via the Puriton Website or by contacting any parish councillor. I will then follow up as speedily as possible. Next time perhaps I will write about some specific work done or problems encountered but for now, please keep walking those paths. Chris Hewett 9 Parish Council - Minutes of Meetings Parish Council Meeting July 2009 - Summary of Minutes Prior to the meeting commencing Mr and Mrs Hillier of 8 Puriton Hill brought up issues of teenagers gathering on the Village Hall playing field at night, an incident of vandalism that evening and the height of trees in Village Hall field. Councillor Mrs Sandra Tizzard indicated that Puriton Playing Fields had taken advice re trees with regard to another resident of Puriton Hill and that they had been advised that trees were not overgrown and no action was therefore required. Councillors agreed that vandalism was a police matter. It was also suggested that, although it was not a direct responsibility of the Parish Council, the Clerk be asked to write to SDC relating to the trees in order to obtain the Landscape Officer’s advice. Mr Greenwood of Purewell brought up issue of inconsiderate/illegal parking in Canns Lane, Waterloo, Purewell areas. He had contacted police who had distributed leaflets to some effect. However problem had worsened again and he asked that the Parish Council give the matter their serious consideration. The Chairman then formally opened the meeting at 8.15 pm. The Chairman announced the death of Councillor Bill Watts who had served the Parish Council for a number of years. There then followed a few moments of silence. Notice Boards – Downend & Village Hall It is noted that the Chairman has a local contractor who is preparing to carry out the work. The new notice board will be located outside the Village Hall whilst the present one will be installed at Downend. The Chairman is also investigating the possibility of having solar lighting installed within the new Notice Board. Hillside Telephone Box The matter is slowly proceeding through the various avenues of red tape and the Parish Council is waiting to be issued with MPAN Number Overgrown Boundary Hedges – Webbers Way/Hall Road The Clerk indicated that there were two courses of action that the Parish Council could undertake. One is to undertake the repair of the fencing and the is other that the owners of the offending trees be personally written to asking them to take the necessary remedial action Village Bus Services and Hall Road Bus Stop SCC report that they have carried out a couple of surveys in the am and pm peak and have also tracked down the Safety Audit paperwork from the original work done at the bus stops. The pre and post audits show no concerns with regard to visual issues for vehicles approaching from either direction whilst buses are parked at the stops. It is highly unlikely that agreement will be given by SCC to agree to moving the bus stops for this reason and on cost grounds. 10 Dysfunctional Street Light – Hillside & Middle Street Despite numerous attempts to SEC via SCC no-one seem to be taking any notice that these lights are still not repaired. It was noted that the Parish Clerk will continue to chase. IT Equipment It was noted that the Parish Council have funds in its accounts that need to be dispensed as soon as possible. Affordable Housing Survey The Parish Council are now required to put up a minimum of two Councillors to form part of the land exploratory committee. It was later queried by Councillor Lavick as to whether or not the Parish Council had formally adopted affordable housing project. Councillors agreed to defer this issue till next meeting and ask for clerk’s clarification. Parish Council Meeting September 2009 – Summary of Minutes Prior to the meeting commencing a number of residents addressed the meeting regarding their concern at the increasing occurrences of vehicles parking on pavements within the village. The Chairman advised those present that a site meeting was to take place the following Wednesday where residents were being invited by PC Jasmine Desmond, PCSO Lora Bray and the Parish Council to highlight specific problems in the village. Mr & Mrs Jones addressed the meeting in respect to the amended planning application number 09/08/00017. The Chairman was asked as to how the Parish Council planned to respond to the proposals whereupon he responded by saying that it was his intention to attend Sedgemoor’s consultation meeting. Mrs Jones urged the Parish Council to be proactive in their response to the Planning Application. Notice Boards – Downend & Village Hall The new notice board had been successfully installed. Work has yet to be completed on resiting the old notice board. It was resolved that from left to right the notice board would be dedicated to Puriton Playing Field; The Parish Council: The Village Hall Bus Shelter Re-Decoration and Insurance Claim It was noted that an insurance claim was being pursued with the insurers and that the police were following up on the reluctance of the perpetrator to answer the clerk’s telephone calls. Footpaths – BW28/3 & BW28/13 The Parish Council was of the opinion that the stile should be replaced on BW28/3 and footpath BW28/13 should be cleared of the overgrowth. SCC has been notified accordingly 11 Illegal Parking It was noted that a public meeting was arranged for the 10th September in Woolavington Road. Village Ranger Service The Council are investigating the potential of services that could be provided for the benefit of the village if a Village Ranger was appointed. It would be a part time job say 10 hours per week. “Bright Lights” Christmas Competition The Council confirmed that a similar competition to last year would be held again in December. Parish Council Vacancy Sedgemoor District Council has advised that an election has been called for to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Councillor Bill Watts. Parish Council Election As a result of the death of Councillor Bill Watts, a vacancy exists on the Parish Council. Ten electors within the parish (the minimum number required by law) have formally requested an election to fill this vacancy. Consequently an election will be held on Thursday 5th November, when all registered voters within the parish of Puriton, Downend and Dunball will be entitled to cast their vote for a candidate to fill this position. Nomination Papers and notices of the election are now available from Sedgemoor District Council. In the meantime, anyone who wishes to stand for election should notify the Clerk to the Parish Council of their intention to do so. Details are also on our web site. This can be done by writing to him at the address given on page 30 of this newsletter or by sending an email to M & D WINDOWS Mike Trigger and Dan Parker are now able to offer a complete, high quality installation service for UPVC windows, doors and conservatories. Please call for a free quotation or for free advice Mike: Dan: home: 01278 683702, home: 01278 683479 12 mobile: 07834 623617 mobile: 07789 224042 Court Farm Butchers Family butchers run by Stuart and Pauline Beef and Lamb all raised on our own local farm plus a huge selection of quality meat and meat products, dairy produce, sauces, jams, pickles, fresh vegetables, home made cakes and bread. You’ve tried the rest, now try the best!! Riverton Road Puriton TA7 8BW Tel: 01278683394 Mob: 07743896977 Aikido "The Way of Harmony of the Spirit" is a common English interpretation and in a world of increasing conflict whether physical or mental due to the stresses of modern day life, work and study, by learning how to create harmony within ourselves and our lives, we can avoid this conflict or circumvent it in a manner that allows us to remain free from avoidable harm. Aikido will improve both physical and mental health, enabling us to focus on our daily tasks as well as permit time to spend on ourselves, a commodity very lacking in today’s busy life. Practised by the young and our elders alike, it is a non aggressive art that relies on inner calm, focus and peace not ego, physical prowess or a desire to fight. For more information, please contact Chris Wilmot on 01278 641194 or come along to class on Sundays, 4 pm til 6 pm and 3rd and 4th Tuesday in the month from 7.45 to 9.45 pm at Puriton village hall. You are welcome to come and observe, please arrive 15 minutes early to allow for introductions. 13 Puriton Stunner Celebrating its 30th year since it was revived in 1980, Puriton Flower Show again raised the bar, in standard as well as support, with a display which filled the Village hall in splendour. Make no mistake about it, this one will go down in the record books as a superb effort. There was a near record numbers of exhibitors and also in the total number of entries, many of which were of a high standard. This was an outstanding show in every way with 563 entries just from the parish of Puriton. It was appropriate that Mrs Margaret Brown won the Puriton Inn Cup for most points in show, she had also been an exhibitor in the very first show. Also another exhibitor Mr Mike Parker won the Puriton Challenge Cup for vegetables, a feat he achieved at the 1980 show. A dry afternoon saw large crowds turn out and it also meant that the Watchet Town Band (kindly sponsored by a donation from the Puriton Inn) were able to play on the adjoining field, where the annual car boot sale also took place. The presenters of Trophies were Councillor & Mrs Mark Healey. The committee would like to thank all exhibitors for making it such a wonderful community event, also everyone who helped in anyway. Special thanks to the W.I. for their hard work in serving refreshments, and the judges for giving us their time: Mr Richards; Vegetables & Fruit, Mr Addison; Flowers & Floral Art, Mrs Hobbs; Domestic, Mrs Spicer; Handicraft and Mrs Morley; Art. 14 Calling All Village Hall Users Would you like to publicise your organisation or activity group in this newsletter? Would you like to submit reports of your organisations’ meetings in these pages? Do you want to recruit new members to your group? Would you like to advertise particular events that you are organising? Would you like to see all of the above on the village’s new web site? If the answer to any of the above is yes, then why not contact one of the editorial group to discuss your requirements? If you use the Internet you can put stuff in the Latest News or Latest Events section yourself. They won’t appear immediately on the site as they have to be checked then activated by the editor. This is to stop people putting dodgy stuff on. But above all, PLEASE use these facilities to tell us what you are up to! We need your support! Jim’ll Fix It! Big jobs, small jobs, it really doesn’t matter - if you need a job done then I’m your man. If you want A leaking tap fixed A light bulb changed Rubbish taken to the tip (I’ve got a very large trailer) Painting and decorating A fence mended Paving slabs laid And many others For all your new and used babywear, childrenswear and equipment Your items sold for you Clothing from birth to 3 years Baby equipment & toys EASTOVER SHOPPING CENTRE BRIDGWATER Call: 07831 826398 Then call Jim Pumfrey on 01278 683479 or (All items should be in very good/excellent condition and are sold on a commission basis.) 07903 252166 15 Bright Lights Competition Last year we ran a competition for the best display of Christmas lights on the front of a property. Although it was a hastily arranged last minute affair we had quite a few entries, all of which were of a very high standard. The winners were the Curtis family in Puriton Park and their winning entry is shown below. We are running the competition again this year and hope we will have many more entrants than last year. You can see from the picture what you have to beat and it’s not going to be easy, because the Curtis family are sure to be out to surpass their efforts of last year! If you want to enter this year the details are as follows: The closing date for entries is 11th December. You can apply by email to or, by post to the Parish Clerk at the address shown on page 30 of this newsletter, by handing in to any Parish Councillor or by handing in to the post office in Middle Street. All we need to know is your name and address and the fact that you wish to enter the competition. The judging will be done between 17th and 19th December and the winner will be notified as soon as possible after the judges have reached a decision. We will present the shield at a time to suit the winner, when a photograph of the display will be taken for publication on the web site and in the following newsletter. 16 Puriton Post Office Middle Street Puriton Tel: 01278 685355 For all your Euros, travel insurance, top-ups, bill payments, foreign currency, banking, insurance and investments Plus Greeting cards, gift wrap, stationery and sundries Opening Hours 9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5.30pm Sat 9am - 12.30pm Early closing on Wednesday Mon - Fri Wood ‘en stuff 106 Bath Road, Knowle, Bridgwater For all your carpentry and property maintenance Timber fencing Fully insured Decking Laminate flooring Free estimates Door hanging Kitchens and Bedrooms fitted Call Gary on 01278 683734 Mobile 07821513608 17 Is this lady the oldest resident in Puriton? Winifred Stone was born in 1905 in Redditch in Worcestershire. She was a school teacher before her marriage to Dick in the 1930s. In 1944 the couple moved to Minehead, where they first had a grocery business. Later they moved into the hotel business, running a large hotel for a number of years before downsizing (as it is now called) to a smaller B and B called Tudor House. Finally, on their retirement, Winifred and Dick moved to Puriton in 1975. Winifred soon became involved in village life, acting as Secretary for the Over 60s Club and, on leaving that post, still maintained an active interest by making their Christmas crackers each year. She also enjoyed playing Whist, at which she was an excellent player. Life was, however, not without its bad times. Winifred suffered from cancer and, as a result of treatment, lost her left eye. She also lost husband Dick who died in the 1980s. A keen gardener, Winifred was planting (and eating) her own vegetables until she was 90, any surplus being offered to (and eagerly accepted by) her friends in the Over 60s. Sadly she decided, at the age of 96, to give up her gardening activities. Now house-bound, Winifred still enjoys reading, especially Dick Francis novels, as well as watching sport on television. She is particularly keen on snooker and horse racing. She also manages to complete the crossword each day. Winifred recently celebrated her 104th birthday with a small gathering of family and a few friends who dropped in to wish her well. Her niece and two great-nieces travelled from Redditch to help her celebrate. We wish Winifred well and hope she lives to complete many more crosswords. 18 ADVERTISEMENT 19 Further Tales From The Village Hall I would like to congratulate the Flower Show Committee for their efforts with this year’s show. Well done, I gather that a near record number of entries was received this year. He/she then pulled it over the main gate, put it in a trailer and drove off with it in broad daylight - the cheek of it! By now you will be agreeing with me that this was a matter for the Police. I decided that, just before ringing our Persons in Blue (we cannot say Boys in Blue anymore - quite right too!), I would ask a well known character in On a personal note, thank you from my wife and me for asking us to present the prizes. (P.S. The strawberry cream tea was great can’t understand why my wife didn’t get any!) The Big Red Gate The mystery of the big red gate continues. In the last issue of the newsletter I left you with a nail biting conundrum about the disappearance of the gate. In this issue all is revealed! After talking to the contractor, who said he hadn’t a clue as to what had happened to it, I decided to use my Sherlock Holmes style deduction. We have at the hall a CCTV camera that records, so the removal of the gate must have been recorded on video and I would be able to see who or what had removed our beloved gate. After spending hours trawling through numerous people and cars walking or driving backwards, there it was in glorious colour. The shape of a person walking up and down the car park looking at the gate then grabbing hold of it and dragging it towards the locked main gate. the village, Gerald Darch, better known as “Ticky” (hope I spelled it right Gerald), who cuts grass etc., if he had seen any shady characters knocking around. As I walked down his driveway I stopped and looked in disbelief. There it was, our big red gate on his trailer! He said that he had noticed that it had been broken and that he was going to fix it and put it back on. I’m glad to say that the gate has now been mended and is back in its rightful place A riveting story I hear you say and well worthy of a Pulitzer Prize! I suppose the moral to the story, is don’t jump to conclusions until you know all the facts. 20 Village Hall Refurbishment In the last issue we said we would change the kitchen area and refurbish the ladies’ loos. It was decided that two big projects running at the same time might be a tad adventurous. Therefore. ladies, we decided that your needs should take priority. By the time you read this the ladies’ facilities will have been completely upgraded. Village Fun Day 2010 “What’s all this?” you ask. Yes. ladies and gentlemen, a day out for the whole village is being planned. A complete day of fun, competitions, pig roast, disco, racing and generally enjoying ourselves. This is planned for next year and we need your support, your money and your ideas to make it a success. Alan Scott and his merry band of people are organising this much needed event. Alan, you have the support of the Parish Council and, I think, every other hall user group in the village, so don’t hold back - the bigger and more outrageous the better! The date is yet to be confirmed, but we do need people to put forward ideas - there will be a planning meeting in the village hall on Thursday 15th October at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. The Village Hall Committee Chairman Treasurer Mark Healey Dawn Saunders Members Mary Hellyer Grace Sellick George Street Julie Vearncombe Myrtle Lipscombe Beverley Stanley Alan Scott All Aspects of Plumbing & Heating Undertaken Specialising in Disabled Bathroom Installations Qualified & Reliable Free Estimates No Call-out Charge Gas Safe Register No.302098 37 Rowlands Rise Puriton Nr. Bridgwater Somerset TA7 8BU Email: Tel : 01278 683921 • Mobile: 07789 116524 21 Puriton Playing Fields and Sports Centre Puriton Bowling Club: All day, every day. Contact: Derek Clarke 685882 Puriton Junior Youth Club (8-12 yearolds): Monday 6.00-7.30. Contact: Yvonne Collins 683672 Ballroom Dancing: Tues & Wed evenings. Contact: Margaret Brown 685125 Puriton Playing Fields Line Dancing: Monday evenings. Contact: Margaret Brown 685125 Village Hall Playground Refurbishment Target Shooting: Wed evenings. Contact: Bookings secretary T’ai-chi: Mon 11.30 am-12.30 pm, Thurs 9.30-10.30 am. Contact: Claire & Veronica 686933 If you have any ideas about how the children’s playground at Puriton Village Hall should be refurbished, you are invited to contact Puriton Playing Fields Management Committee. Ballroom Dancing: Thurs evenings. Contact: Joan Jay 424841 Please contact us in one of the following ways: Junior Karate: Wed evenings. Contact: Frank Ellul 07725 545906 Via the Puriton Parish Council website at or email to Puriton Gold Archery Club: Tues & Fri 7.00-9.00 pm. Contact: Colin Foy 685226 Phone Judith on 01278 685242 Drop a note into Puriton Post Office or to 9a Woolavington Road, addressed to Puriton Playing Fields We welcome suggestions from residents of Puriton, young and old, concerning the development of playground. Puriton Sports Centre Regular Events at Puriton Sports Centre with Contact Numbers Bookings Secretary (for Function Room etc.): Sandra Tizzard 685355 22 St Michael and All Angels Church Licensing of Doris July 20th seems a long time ago now, but we would just like to mention what a lovely, happy service Doris' licensing was. It was good to see so many people from her previous parishes - real coming together of 'goodbye' and 'hello' from us. A big welcome to Doris and Jim we are delighted to have you with us. We say thank you again' too, to all those who worked so hard behind the scenes and the excellent and varied food from so many. Church Services Details of church services can be found on the Puriton web site at If you need any church information please contact the church wardens: Pete Russ 684221 Robin Smith 684700 Bell Ringers Increase in Numbers Recent attempts to recruit more bell ringers through these pages and through the web site have been very successful, to the extent that there are now four new members of the band being trained, with another new member who is already an experienced ringer. We’d like to welcome Victoria, Sue, John, Barry and Bob to the band. The bells are normally rung for Sunday service, weddings and various special occasions. New members of the band are still always welcome. If you’d like to get involved, contact Norman on 01278 684050. 23 MASON AUTO SERVICES LTD Taunton Road Service Station, Taunton Road, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 6LD SERVICING & REPAIRS Tyres Welding Air Conditioning Service Chip Tuning ECU Re-mapping Electrical Diagnosis Tel: 01278 420077 AVENUE BARBERS 9 THE AVENUE, HIGH STREET BRIDGWATER Tel: 01278 420202 Cut and Style for Gents. by Amanda and Tanya We look forward to your visit. Opening times: Monday – Friday 8:30 am-5:30 pm Saturday 8:30-1:00 pm. Appointments not necessary 24 Policing in Puriton Puriton is part of the Woolavington/Puriton/West Poldens Beat which covers Puriton, Woolavington, Cossington, Chilton Polden, Edington, Catcott and Burtle. The Neighbourhood Team responsible for covering this area consists of Sergeant Steve Crago (Neighbourhood Police Team Sergeant), Constable Jasmine Desmond (Neighbourhood Beat Manager) and PCSO Lora Bray (Police Community Support Officer). The team is supported by Constable Andrew Cohen (Youth Strategy Officer) and Katey Wells (PCSO Support). Sergeant Steve Crago Constable Jasmine Desmond PCSO Lora Bray PCSO Rachel Aston PCSO SO Katey Wells All these officers can be contacted through the Avon and Somerset web site (see the link below). Have you been the victim of a crime recently? If so, did you report it to the police? If not you should do so by calling 0845 456 7000. You should also use this number to report anything suspicious that you see or any information you may have about a crime which has previously taken place. If incidents are not reported to the police then they are unaware of problems in the village. If you wish to contact the police anonymously then you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 Do not dial 999 except in an emergency or when a crime is actually taking place. PACT - what do you know about it? PACT stands for Partnerships and Communities Together and is an opportunity for people to get involved with deciding what the policing priorities are in their community. You can find out more about PACT and how to get involved by visiting the Avon and Somerset Constabulary web site at Beat Surgeries If you have any issues or concerns regarding policing or crime in the village, or would like advice on crime prevention etc., then this is your opportunity to discuss them face to face with members of your neighbourhood police team. Coffee Stop, Church Hall Tuesdays 10.30 am to 12.00 27th October 24th November 22nd December 25 Mobile Library, Village Hall Tuesdays 1.45 pm to 3.30 pm 20th October 17th November 15th December Parking Issues Street Briefing Following many complaints from residents about inconsiderate and illegal parking, as well as speeding through the village, a street meeting was held to discuss the issues and how they might be addressed. The meeting involved members of the Parish Council, our local Police Neighbourhood Beat Team and members of the public. Below are brief notes of the issues raised. Any actions arising from this meeting will be publicised in future newsletters and on the web site. PRESENT PCSO Jasmine Desmond, PCSO Lora Bray, Mr Chris Betty from Somerset County Council (Sedgemoor Highways). Parish Councillors Mrs Sandra Tizzard, Messrs Peter Burke, Geoff Lavick, and Barry Crowe together with 24 residents and Mr B Poole Parish Clerk. Location: Canns Lane/Woolavington Road 1 2 3 Lack of visibility due to parked cars on pavement when exiting from Canns Lane into Woolavington Road Excessive speed of traffic along Woolavington Road Lack of sufficient car parking spaces Location: Canns Lane/Waterloo Close 1 2 3 4 Lack of visibility due to parked cars on pavement when exiting from Waterloo Close into Canns Lane Canns Lane - lack of sufficient car parking spaces Investigate the use of garages being occupied by non Puriton residents Investigate the possibility of turning the green into a car park Location: Canns Lane/Purewell/Waterloo 1 2 3 Indiscriminate parking in the vicinity of the junctions especially on the white line and the parcel of land at the end of Purewell Investigate the parcel of land at the end of Waterloo Improve signage in Waterloo Location: Canns Lane/Middle Street 1 1 1 Change road priorities Excess speeding Improve signage Location: Middle Street/Pool Close Improve road markings 26 Location Middle Street/Culverhay 1 1 Road Markings Parking on pavements Middle Street Investigate LDF Village Stores Parking on pavement Woolavington Road Indiscriminate parking on sight lines - due to the manner in which vehicles are parked on Woolavington Road it is impossible to see approaching traffic both inbound and outbound. Community Speed Watch Are you concerned about speeding vehicles in Puriton? Motorists who speed through residential neighbourhoods are very often unaware of the impact their actions have on local residents, or the danger they pose to other road users. Would you be interested in becoming part of a local Community Speed Watch? What is the Community Speed Watch Scheme? Community Speed Watch gives local people the ability to actively get involved in road safety. A Community Speed Watch can be set up in any village, small town, or urban area, governed by either a 30 or 40 miles per hour speed limit, to discourage drivers and motorcyclists from driving faster than the set speed limit. Community Speed Watch is a partnership between the Community, the Police, Fire Service, Parish Council, and County Council, with an aim to tackle the problem of speeding motorists, therefore improving the quality of life of the local residents. A Speed Watch consists of local residents, who are willing to volunteer a small amount of time each week to monitor speeds with speed detection equipment. Persistent offenders will receive a second warning letter, and on a third occasion, offenders can expect further action by police. At present there are in excess of 72 Community Speed Watch schemes successfully running within the Avon and Somerset area. If you feel that Community Speed Watch could help to improve your quality of life, please make contact with your local Neighbourhood Policing Team, who will assist in the implementation of a Community Speed Watch. 27 Neighbourhood Watch SOMERSET WEST POLICE DISTRICT WATCH SCHEMES ARE YOU A NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH COORDINATOR IN PURITON? If so Puriton Parish Council would like to hear from you to discuss what can be put in this newsletter and on the web site about Neighbourhood Watch. To contact the parish council send an email to or contact the Clerk at the address shown in the listing of parish councillors. Neighbourhood Watch and other Watch Schemes thrive in the Somerset West Police District with just under 27,000 properties (both domestic and commercial) involved. There are currently some 1160 Neighbourhood Watch Schemes in the District together with around 800 members of specialist Watches for businesses, farms, hotels, pubs, schools, post offices and more. What are the aims of Watch Schemes? Cut crime and the opportunities for crime Help and reassure those who live in fear of crime Encourage neighbourliness and closer communities Tell the police and your neighbours about suspicious incidents in your neighbourhood What benefits can it bring to your community? Messages forwarded to co-coordinators to inform them of crime trends, public information, crime reduction information Information Bulletins published 3 times a year and circulated to schemes Special Offers on security equipment such as personal alarms, vehicle security, shed alarms, property marking kits etc Discounts on house insurance – available from many insurance companies for members of schemes registered with the police Most active Watch areas see a reduction in crime and increase in the sense of community spirit and well being How do I obtain more information about Schemes? Simply contact Lindsey Stone in the Watch Schemes Office, Bridgwater Police Station, Phone 01823-363348 during office hours or Email, who will give you the necessary advice and arrange for an information pack to be forwarded to you. 28 Advertising Rates 8 cm x 2 columns 4 cm x 1 column = £26.00 = £6.50 4 cm x 2 columns Full Page = £13.00 16 cm x 2 columns 8 cm x 1 column = £50.00 = £13.00 Rates are per annum (Parish Council financial year) and pro rata and are payable in advance. Newsletter Editorial Group Pete Burke (Editor) 1 Puriton Hill Puriton Somerset TA7 8AF Tel: 01278 684757 e-mail: Bruce Poole The Chippings, 21 Stoneleigh Close Burnham-on-Sea Somerset TA8 2EE Tel: 0788 780 2922 e-mail: Mark Healey 31 Riverton Road Puriton Somerset TA7 8BW Tel: 01278 685368 E-mail 29 Planning - Area Three Sandra Tizzard Tel: 685355/685093 Parish Council Members Hillside Hillside Drive Hillside Crescent Cypress Drive Birch Avenue Maple Close Rowan Close Please note that all parish councillors can now be contacted through the parish council web site at Parish Clerk: Bruce Poole Dip HE Local Policy; Principal ILCM Planning - Area Four Barry Crowe Tel: 685550 The Chippings, 21 Stoneleigh Close Burnham-on-Sea Somerset TA8 2EE Tel: 0788 780 2922 E-Mail: Office Hours 10.00 am -1.00 pm Puriton Hill Webbers Way Hall Road Planning - Area Five TBA Mark Healey (Chair) Tel: 01278 685368 E-mail: Rye Court Grove Batch Road Batch Close Northmead Drove Churchfield Drove Peter Burke Tel: 684757 Planning - Area One Geoffrey Lavick Woolavington Road Walnut Close Puriton Park inc Elm Lea Close Spring Rise Manse Lane Planning - Area Six Judith Fletcher (Vice Chair) Tel: 685242 Riverton Road Newlyn Crescent Rowlands Rise Parsonage Court Planning - Area Two Richard Hindle Tel: Planning - Area Seven Paul Herbert Tel: 683502 Middle Street Tahnee Court Pool Close Culverhay Close Rookery Close Canns Lane Purewell Waterloo Waterloo Close Bristol Road Station Road Old Pawlett Road Downend Road Downend Crescent 30 Do you know who your parish clerk and parish councillors are? Below are their photos to help you know them when you meet them in the street. Bruce Poole Parish Clerk Paul Herbert Councillor Mark Healey Chair Geoff Lavick Councillor Judith Fletcher Vice Chair Sandra Tizzard Councillor Pete Burke Councillor Newsletter and Web Site editor Richard Hindle Councillor Barrie Crowe Councillor 31 About This Newsletter This newsletter, while it is strictly non-political, serves as a forum for information and debate and for the views of the people of Puriton, Downend and Dunball. The views expressed by individuals and published in this newsletter are not the views of the Parish Council, nor does the Parish Council necessarily share such views. However, un-attributed articles are generally meant to be for information and the entertainment of the public and as such are largely authoritative. The Editorial Group reserves the right to accept, reject or edit any material submitted for publication. Any items containing discriminatory material relating to race, colour, creed, gender or age, whether implied or implicit, will be rejected outright. It is hoped to produce the next newsletter at the beginning of December but this will depend largely on the amount of material submitted for publication - all letters, articles and advertising copy for inclusion in that issue should be submitted to the editor at the address shown on page 29, or by email to, by no later than 17th November 2009. Advertising - Terms and Conditions of Acceptance Local businesses are invited to advertise in the newsletter - please contact Bruce Poole, Clerk to the Parish Council, for details. All adverts are accepted on the basis that they comply with the following conditions: The advertiser warrants that: The reproduction and/or publication of any advert does not breach any contract or infringe or violate any copyright, trademark or any other personal or proprietary rights adverts comply with the requirements of all relevant legislation and codes of practice governing the advertising and newspaper industries in force in the United Kingdom at the time of placing the advert All adverts submitted to us are legal, decent, honest and truthful and comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice and all other relevant codes under the general supervision of the Advertising Authority The editorial group reserves the right to alter or abbreviate any advert as they see fit. The editorial group reserves the right to refuse to carry an advert on reasonable grounds, especially in the spirit of good taste and decency. Advertising Rates Adverts will be charged on a centimetre column basis, a full page width being two columns wide. Box adverts can be single or double column, with the depth being in multiples of 4 centimetres. Rates are charged per annum, payable in advance. See the examples on page 29 for prices. © Puriton Parish Council - Editorial Group Printed by Courtyard Press, Bridgwater 32