8 spring 2014 class schedule
8 spring 2014 class schedule
FRESNO CITY COLLEGE SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE CONTENTS ■ INFORMATION Dates and Deadlines Calendar ................. 1 How to Read This Schedule .....................2 Flow Chart for English and Mathematics Courses ................................................3 Welcome ................................................4 Admissions .............................................4 Student Success/Matriculation Checklist .. 4 Activate Free Student E-mail .................... 5 Registration Information .........................6 Registration Hold Chart ........................... 7 Fresno City College 1101 E. University Avenue Fresno, CA 93741 www.fresnocitycollege.edu (559) 442-4600 The Fresno City College Class Schedule is an official publication of the College produced by the FCC Office of Instruction and the Public Information Office. Vice President of Instruction Dr. Tim Woods Curriculum Analyst Kelli O’Rourke Director of Marketing & Communications Cris Monahan Bremer Cover Design Ben Lozano State Center Community College District Student Academic Standing ......................8 Steps to Success for New Students ...........9 Steps to Success for Students Returning/ Transferring to FCC .........................10 Register Online - WebAdvisor ................ 11 Class Schedule Planning Hints ...............12 Waitlists .................................................13 Academic Regulations ...........................14 Special Programs ..................................15 Student Services ...................................15 Counseling Department ......................... 15 Financial Aid .........................................18 Program Services ..................................19 Transfer Center ...................................... 20 Student Fees ..........................................21 Refund Fee Policies and Schedule .........24 Other Services .......................................24 Library and Student Learning .................25 Miscellaneous Information ....................27 Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) ............................32 General Education Requirements for CSU Transfer Certification ...........................33 SCCCD Intra-District Articulated Courses – Common Courses, and In-lieu Courses ....................................34 Classes are also available at other State Center Community College District sites including Reedley College, Madera Center, Oakhurst Center and Willow International Center. Changes to the Printed Schedule: This class schedule is subject to change without prior notice. Fresno City College reserves the right to cancel scheduled classes at any time before, during or after registration due to low enrollment, instructor availability or other reasons. Career & Technology Center .................. 36 2014 Spring Classes ..............................38 Course Classification ...........................159 Room Abbreviations ............................160 Campus Offices ....................................160 Faculty Offices .....................................161 Student Registration Worksheet ........... 162 Trial Schedule Worksheet .................... 163 Spring 2014 Final Examination Schedule ...........................................164 ■ SPRING 2014 CLASSES Fresno City College ................................38 Career and Technology Center ............. 141 ■ ONLINE COURSES Fresno City College ..............................143 ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS HOURS OF OPERATION SPRING 2014 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. WEBADVISOR www.webadvisor.scccd.edu available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 1 Enrollment Dates and Deadlines Apply online at www.fresnocitycollege.edu. NEW, TRANSFER AND HIGH SCHOOL ENRICHMENT STUDENTS must file an application for admission in order to receive an assigned registration date. RETURNING FORMER STUDENTS who have been away for two or more semesters must file an application in order to receive an assigned registration date. CURRENTLY ENROLLED STUDENTS will receive their spring enrollment material beginning in mid October. (Currently enrolled students do not need to reapply.) For best selection of classes, students are encouraged to enroll on their assigned registration date. Students may combine regular full-term 18 week courses with short-term courses. ☎ 442-8240 for Admissions and Records registration hours. IMPORTANT MESSAGE ON DROP DATES AND OTHER STATE-MANDATED DEADLINES It is the student’s responsibility to comply with the following state-mandated deadlines. Fee Refund: State code defines the drop-deadlines required to qualify for fee refund/reversals as on or before 10 percent of the duration of the class. Check with Admissions and Records or the Business Office for deadlines. Pass/No Pass: Students must request Pass/No Pass status (or cancel a previous request for Pass/No Pass status) on or before 30 percent of the duration of the class. Check with Admissions and Records for the deadline on your class. A “P” (Pass) grade is not an acceptable grade for courses in a Transfer Major. No Record (DR): Classes dropped before 20 percent of the duration of the class will not be reflected on the student’s transcript. Check with your instructor for the deadline applicable to your class. Withdrawal (W): A student will be assigned a grade of “W” for classes dropped on or after 20 percent of the duration of the class, up to and including 50 percent of the duration of the class. After the 50 percent point, the student must receive a letter grade other than a “W” (i.e., A, B, C, D, F, I, P, NP). Check with your instructor for the deadline applicable to your class. ■ Enrollment Dates ■ Dates for Full-Term (18 Week) Classes NOVEMBER 4, 2013 (Monday) Spring registration begins for CURRENTLY ENROLLED STUDENTS (by assigned date) NOVEMBER 20-21, 2013 (Wednesday-Thursday) Spring registration begins for NEW, TRANSFER and RETURNING FORMER STUDENTS (by assigned date) DECEMBER 13, 2013 (Friday) Fall 2013 semester ends JANUARY 13, 2014 (Monday) SPRING SEMESTER CLASSES BEGIN JANUARY 13 - FEBRUARY 2, 2014 Late Registration for 18 week classes To add a class a student must obtain a student add label from instructor To drop a class without a “W” on transcript FEBRUARY 15, 2014 (Saturday) Last day to apply for Associate for Transfer degree MARCH 13, 2014 (Thursday) Last day to apply for Spring 2014 certificate or degree graduation MAY 23, 2014 (Friday) Spring 2014 semester ends JANUARY 8, 2014 (Wednesday) Last day to submit Dismissal Appeal Petitions for the semester JANUARY 24, 2014 (Friday) Last day to drop a class and be eligible for a fee refund/reversal JANUARY 31, 2014 (Friday) Last day to drop a full-term class in Person (no “W” on transcript) FEBRUARY 2, 2014 (Sunday) Last day to add a full-term class on WebAdvisor or TouchTone (no “W” on transcript) FEBRUARY 14, 2014 (Friday) Last day to declare pass/no pass (P/NP) grade option MARCH 14, 2014 (Friday) End of Nine-Week Drop period (no drops after this date) MAY 19, 2014 (Monday) + Spring final exams begin MAY 23, 2014 (Friday) Spring semester ends. Commencement at Selland Arena, 6:30 p.m. ■ Enrollment Hours ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS OFFICE Monday to Friday ........................................................................... 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. WebAdvisor - Access your schedule, waitlist and other information at www.webadvisor.scccd.edu NOTES: Evening classes observe the same holiday and examination schedule as day classes. Saturday classes DO NOT meet if a holiday falls on the preceding Friday but DO meet if a holiday falls on the following Monday. + For Saturday classes, final examinations held on Saturday, May 17, 2014 2 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE HOW TO READ THIS SCHEDULE Abbreviation of subject and course number. The schedule number used to sign up for the class. ***** indicates number must be obtained from a counselor or instructor. SHADED areas designates night or weekend classes. Title abbreviation. Indicates if a course is degree applicable. See Abbreviations Key below. Number of course units. Determines enrollment fees. Time of day class meets. Day or days of the week class meets. ARR indicates hours are arranged by the instructor. Where class meets. Letters and numbers represent the building and room number, or off-campus location. See page 160 for room abbreviations. Instructor’s name. “STAFF” indicates instructor had not been determined when the schedule was printed. Key to Graduation or Transfer Status Designations The identification of the transfer acceptance of Fresno City College courses by the California State University and University of California systems was one of the outcomes of the Fresno City College Student Success Project. Listed with the course subject and number, if applicable, are abbreviations identifying the transfer or graduation status of the course. The key to the abbreviations follows: A Associate degree applicable CSU Transferable to the California State University system CSU-GE Meets the general education requirements for the California State University transfer certification. Completion of all courses in the California State University General Education transfer certification pattern will permit a student to transfer to a campus in the California State University system without having to complete additional lower division general education courses after transfer. I Meets the requirements of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC). Completion of all IGETC requirements will permit a student to transfer to a campus in either the California State University or University of California system without having to complete additional lower division general education courses after transfer. UC Transferable to the University of California system It is the policy of this district that, unless specifically exempted by statute, every course, section or class, the attendance of which is to be reported for state aid, whenever offered and maintained by the district, shall be fully open to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to the college and who meets the prerequisites established pursuant to Chapter 11, Division 2, Part IV, Title 5 of the California Administrative Code commencing with Section 51006. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE IS A COLLEGE OF THE STATE CENTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT This institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, age, or sexual orientation. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 3 Flow Charts for English and Mathematics Courses These flow charts are designed to help you determine the appropriate level of English and mathematics courses that you will need for graduation and/or transfer to a four-year institution. Depending on your starting point, these charts indicate the sequence of courses that prepare you for the writing, reading, mathematics and general education requirements for English and mathematics associate degree and the English and mathematics transfer-level courses. Contact your counselor or English/ mathematics instructor for further assistance. NOTE: Any arrow leading to a course is a prerequisite. MATHEMATICS ENGLISH ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ENGL 252 Writing Improvement MATH 250 College Arithmetic MATH 260A through 260D Series ESL 264R ESL 264W Inter Read/ Inter Write/ Voc Gramr ENGL 262 Reading Improvement ➔ ➔ MATH 255 PreAlgebra ➔ ESL 265R ESL265W High Int High Int Read/Voc Write/Gramr ESL 68 ESL 67 Adv AND Adv Read/Voc Write/Gramr ➔ ➔ MATH 10A Struc/Concepts ➔ MATH 10B Struc/Concepts II MATH 11 ➔ Elem Statistics MATH/DS 21 Finite MATH ➔ MATH 45* ➔ Contemp Math MATH 6 Analysis III ➔ MATH 7 Differentl Equat ➔ MATH 5B Analysis II ➔ ➔ MATH/PSY 42 ➔ Stats-Behvrl Sci MATH 26 Elem Linear Alg * Does not transfer to UC. Check with IGETC or major sheet to see which math is acceptable for each UC major. Level 3 BA/BS Degree Courses/Transferable ➔ MATH 5A Analysis I ➔ MATH 4B Precalculus MATH 103 Inter Algebra ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ MATH 4A* Trigonometry ➔ ➔ MATH 102 Plane Geometry AT 131 Tech Reports ENGL 1A Read & Comp or ENGL 1AH Honors Read & Comp Level 2 AA/AS Degree Courses/ Non-Transferable OR ➔ ENGL 126 Coll Rdng Skills MATH 201 Elem Algebra ➔ AND ➔ ➔ ➔ ENGL 125 Coll Writ Skills Level 1 Developmental Courses ESL 263R ESL 263W Low Int Low Int Read/Voc Write/Gramr ENGL 260 Basic Reading 4 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE Welcome to Fresno City College! You have made a smart choice by attending a community college. Whether you are taking your first course or finishing up a certificate or degree, we are confident you will be satisfied with your experience here and will be pleased with the wide-variety of course offerings available to you. This schedule is designed to help you with locating the class(es) you will need at the day and time that will work for you. There is also information regarding student services, counseling, bookstore policies, financial aid, registration information and deadlines, payment deadlines, transfer listings, WebAdvisor and more! Community college is one of the biggest bargains in higher education, saving student thousands of dollars a year in tuition while offering quality courses with experienced and knowledgeable instructors. For more info also visit us on the Web at www.fresnocitycollege.edu or find us on Facebook at Fresno City College Campus News and join our social network! Have a great semester! ADMISSIONS You are eligible to apply for admission to Fresno City College, if you meet one of the following criteria: ◗ at least 18 years old, or ◗ have graduated from high school, or ◗ have completed a GED or CHSPE (California High School Proficiency Exam), or Follow these steps to assist you in becoming a successful student at Fresno City College. To view this checklist online, go to www.fresnocitycollege.edu and click on “Getting Started.” ❑ APPLICATION/ADMISSIONS New and returning students must apply to college. The admissions application is available online at www.fresnocitycollege.edu. ❑ FINANCIAL AID (available for eligible students) ◗ High school juniors and seniors who have the permission of their parents, high school counselor and principal. To determine eligibility for financial aid, complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. ■ Applying for Admission ❑ ORIENTATION If you have never attended Fresno City College (new or transfer) or have been away for two or more semesters (former), you must first complete an application for admission. Apply online at www.fresnocitycollege.edu. Students who have been continuously enrolled (attended Fall 2013) are not required to complete an application. Students may be exempt from participating in orientation for any of the following reasons: High school juniors and seniors must complete a SCCCD application as well as the High School Enrichment application each semester wishing to attend classes concurrently. Applications are available at Admissions and Records as well as the College Relations office. ■ Student Success/Matriculation Matriculation is a process that allows you and the college to form a partnership which helps you to attain your goals. This partnership requires you to commit yourself to your educational goals and requires the college to commit to helping you succeed. Yog koj paub txog kev kawm ntawv (Admission), thov mus cuag tau Counseling Department. Si necesita información en español para su admisión, favor de ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Consejeros o la Oficina de Admisiones y Sección de Expedientes. New students are required to participate in a new student orientation. Complete the online orientation at http://online.fresnocitycollege.edu/fcc_orientation ◗ Attended another college/university ◗ Completed an associate degree or higher For more information about exemption from Orientation, contact the Counseling Department at (559) 442-8226. ❑ ASSESSMENT TESTING Most classes have an English or Math pre-requisite. Take the English and Math placement tests to determine which courses are most appropriate for your skill level. Call (559) 442-8282 for the date/time recording or go online to www.fresnocitycollege.edu/assessmentcenter. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Students may be exempt from taking the English and/or Math placement tests for the following reasons: ◗ Earned a score of 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement English test or an Advanced Placement Calculus test ◗ Earned a grade of “C” or higher in high school Algebra 1 course or higher course within the last 2 years ◗ Earned College readiness for English or math on the Early Assessment Program (EAP) test ◗ Completed a college level English and/or math course at another college/university For more information about Assessment test exemptions, contact the Counseling Department at (559) 442-8226. 5 ❑ COUNSELING For assistance with educational planning, contact the Counseling Department at (559) 442-8226 or visit the website at http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/counseling for more information on how to meet with a counselor. ❑ REGISTRATION Register for classes using WebAdvisor, www.fresnocitycollege.edu, or in the Admissions and Records Office located on the 1st floor of the Student Services Building. ❑ FOLLOW UP Follow up counseling sessions, workshops, and other assistance are available to help students make successful progress toward their goals. How to Activate Your State Center Community College District (SCCCD) Student Email Account 1. Username and Password. Your organizational account is your student email address, which is: lastname_studentID#@my.scccd.edu Your default password is: P@ssword123 NOTE: If your last name is hyphenated, type both names as one word without the hyphen. For example, Richard Smith-Jones’ organizational account would be smithjones_0649848@my.scccd.edu. 2. Go to the login page. There are two ways to access your student email account - click the “Email’ link at the top of the Fresno City College website home page, or type http://mail.office365.com in the address bar of your web browser. 3. Provide account information. Your next steps will be to verify your password and choose a security question and answer. Re-type P@ssword123 in the *Password box. Then click on the *Question drop down menu to choose your security question and type the answer to your question in the *Secret answer box. NOTE: You might not see this screen. You may go directly to the Outlook Web App Preferred Language and Time Zone screen (See Step #4 below) or to your student email Inbox (see Step #5 below). If this happens, don’t panic — it’s okay! 4. Select preferred language and time zone. Most students will select English as the preferred language, but if English is not your first language, you may want to experiment with the other languages offered to see what works best for you. You can change the language later on the Options page once you’re logged in. 5. Your student email Inbox. Having trouble? If you need help to log into your account, call the Student Services Help Desk at (559) 442-8240 or toll free at (866) 245-3276 for assistance. Please remember, this is the primary tool the college will use to communicate with you – check your my.scccd.edu on a regular basis to keep informed of important college information and deadline dates! 6 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registration for all SCCCD classes is by assigned date only. All students will be notified by email, at their free my.scccd.edu email account, to include his/her assigned registration date, current academic standing, and any registration holds. Students in “Good” academic standing and without any other holds may register using WEBADVISOR. ■ Registration Holds WEBADVISOR: Log on to the Fresno City College website at www.fresnocitycollege.edu and click on Quick Links then scroll down to “WebAdvisor.” For first- time users, your login and password is in the following format: If you are intending to register in person and are unable to do so on your assigned date, you may have someone else proxy (substitute) for you provided the following procedure is observed. Login: lastname_studentID# e.g., doe_0123456 (all lower case) Password: Your six digit birthdate (i.e. January 1, 1980 = 010180) Please be sure to print “My class schedule” and refer to “Your payment due date” to determine when your fee payment is due before logging off of WebAdvisor. High School Enrichment students will not be allowed to register for class(s) prior to the start of the semester. Students must attend the first day of the class(s) he/she wishes to enroll and acquire a “Student add label” from the instructor to ADD the class. The student then must bring the “Student add label” along with a copy of the approved high school enrichment application to the Admissions and Records office to be enrolled. All holds must be cleared prior to registration. Also refer to page 8 for Student Academic Standing chart. ■ Proxy Registration PROXY must have a signed and dated written statement, with your date-of-birth and student ID#, authorizing him/her to register on your behalf. Forms are available at the Admissions and Records office. The PROXY should also have a list of classes you intend to take (including several alternatives). The Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act requires the college to obtain written permission from the student to release any educational records, to include registration information, to anyone other than themselves. Earn College Credit While Studying Abroad! Students at Fresno City College may take advantage of international study programs offered by the college district. The international programs allow students an opportunity to study in another country while earning transferable college credit, as well as enable them to gain a first-hand understanding of other regions and cultures of the world. The study abroad programs for 2014 will be to London, England and Italy Italy. See page 15 for more information. For more information on these programs, please visit our Study Abroad webpage at www.scccd.edu/index.aspx?page=148 or contact Dr. Margaret Hiebert at (559) 442-4600, ext. 8101 or by e-mail: margaret.hiebert@fresnocitycollege.edu. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 7 REGISTRATION HOLD CHART Registration hold(s) prevent the student from registering for classes online (WebAdvisor), by phone (Touchtone) or in person; therefore the hold(s) must be resolved prior to registering for classes. The chart below provides a brief description of the hold and reference to the appropriate office or online site to clear the hold. REGISTRATION HOLD DESCRIPTION WHERE TO CLEAR AB540 AB540 Affidavit required; Non-Resident tuition exemption. Campus A&R Office ADREG Student needs to update or correct information on his/her record. Campus A&R Office ARADD Need a current mailing address and/or phone on file. Login to WebAdvisor www.webadvisor.scccd.edu, then click on “Update Address Telephone,” Allow 24 business hours for hold to be cleared. AR Current Admission Application needed. ARU18 Student under the age of 18. Must provide documentation of High School graduation, GED or equivalent. Campus A&R Office ATHL Must see Athletic Counselor. Campus Counseling Office BENR or BF* or BR* Outstanding $$ balance on account Campus Business Office CALWK Must have clearance from CalWorks Counselor Campus CalWorks Office DEAN Must contact Vice President of Student Services Campus VP of Student Services DSPS Must have clearance from DSPS office Campus DSP & S Office EOPS Must have clearance from EOPS office Campus EOP & S Office FGYM PE equipment must be returned FCC PE Office HE* High School Enrichment Student, must enroll or drop classes in person Campus A&R Office INTL Must have clearance from International Students office Campus International & Veterans Office O First time college students; must complete orientation online Orientation is available online at: counseling.scccd.edu ACADEMIC / PROGRESS PROBATION DISMISSAL Students with a Probation or Dismissal standing, refer to the next page for assistance. Refer to the Student Academic Standing page for assistance. Apply on-line at www.fresnocitycollege.edu, www. reedleycollege.edu, www.willowinternational.com, www.maderacenter.com or www.oakhurstcenter. com Excluding High School Enrichment students 8 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE STUDENT ACADEMIC STANDING State education code requires students to maintain satisfactory progress while enrolled at a community college. Students who do not make satisfactory progress by completing courses and/or achieving satisfactory grades will be placed on progress or academic probation respectively. Progress Probation - student has attempted and accumulated a total of 12 or more units for which the entries of “W”, “NP”, “NC”, and “I” are recorded reaches or exceeds fifty percent (50%). Academic Probation - student has attempted and accumulated a total of 12 or more semester units for which the cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0 in all units which were graded on the basis of letter grades. Progress/Academic Dismissal - student will be subject to dismissal if in three consecutive semesters (semesters shall be considered consecutive on the basis of the student’s enrollment exclusive of summer session) the student’s percentage of units in which the entries of “W”, “NP”, “NC” and “I’, were recorded reached or exceeded fifty percent (50%) OR student’s cumulative grade point average was less than 2.0. CODE DESCRIPTION OF CODE P1* or A1* Level 1 Probation - Student must complete the SCCCD Online Probation Workshop to have their registration hold cleared. P2 or A2 Level 2 Probation - Reedley, Willow International, Madera & Oakhurst student must meet with a counselor prior to registration. FCC student must complete the SCCCD Online Probation Workshop to have their registration hold cleared. PD or AD Progress / Academic Dismissal - Student must meet with a counselor, complete a “Readmission Petition” and register in person, with copy of the signed petition at the Admissions & Records office. May not have access to WebAdvisor to register. Requires a Work in Progress form for counselor signature at midterm. GOODF Level 2 Probation - Student completed the SCCCD Online Probation Workshop and identified him/herself as attending Fresno City College. Student will only be able to register for classes with a campus location of FCC, F.WEB, OFF or CTC. RPAR Returning DQ Student - Student has sat out the required number of semesters, met with a counselor and completed a “Readmission Petition” for the current semester. Student will need to meet with a counselor prior to any future semester registration. *A student with a combination that includes Level 2 Probation or Dismissal codes must see a counselor and register in person at the Admissions & Records office. CPBP Continued Probation per Board Policy Student on probation (academic or progress), may not be dismissed if during the third consecutive semester of below satisfactory work the student maintains a semester GPA of 2.0 and completes more than 50% of the semester units attempted. Student must see a counselor and register in person at the Admissions & Records office. Requires a Work in Progress form for counselor signature at midterm. DQP Academic / Progress Dismissal Pending Appeal A Dismissal Appeal must be submitted, with all supporting documentation, by the published deadline. Students who do not submit an appeal will be dis-enrolled and required to SIT-OUT. DQ1 First Disqualification Student cannot enroll for a minimum of one semester. Readmission Petition required. DQ2 Second Disqualification Student cannot enroll for a minimum of one year. Readmission Petition required DQ3 Third Disqualification Student cannot enroll for a minimum of two years. Readmission Petition required Fresno City College Spring 2014 FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Steps to Success for New Students 9 (For first time college students) To assist you in becoming a successful college student, follow the steps in order. ❑ Step 1: Admissions Application a. Apply online at: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu and click on “Apply Online.” Application is processed with two business days. b. Activate your SCCCD email account: http://fresnocitycollege.edu/studentemail. Email is the primary way the college will communicate with you. c. Go to WebAdvisor at http://webadvisor.scccd.edu/ to get your SCCCD student identification number. Click on “What’s My User ID.” d. Call (559) 442-8240 for help with WebAdvisor or student email. ❑ Step 2: Financial Aid a. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/. If you need assistance, go to the Financial Aid Lab in the Library, room 123. b. Apply for Scholarships, view important deadlines and contact information at: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/financialaid ❑ Step 3: Assessment/Place Assessment/Pla ment Test Do I need to take the English/Math placement tests? a. Take the Math and English placement tests if you are planning to work toward an associate degree or transfer to a university. b. You may be exempt from taking English and/or Math placement tests if you: u Earned a score of 3 or higher on an AP exam u Completed Algebra 1 or higher course in high school with a “C” or better within the last 2 years (see a counselor for placement) u Achieved college-readiness in Math and/or English on the Early Assessment Program (EAP) test taken in high school (applies only if you just graduated from high school). Testing procedures: a. Pick a date and time to take your tests. u View check-in process, schedule and test samples online at: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/assessmentcenter u A photo ID, your student SCCCD ID#, and a #2 pencil is required. You will not be admitted to the testing room without your ID. ❑ Step 4: New Student Orientation As a new student, you will have a registration hold until you participate in new student orientation. Complete the online orientation at: http://online.fresnocitycollege.edu/fcc_orientation/. Your registration hold will be released within two business days. ❑ Step 5: Educational Planning/ Planning/Counseling Counseling a. If you need assistance with educational planning, transfer options, understanding general education/major requirements, etc. you can make an appointment with a counselor. u Online: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=2610 u By calling: (559) 442-8226 b. For more information, visit the Counseling Department webpage at http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/counseling ❑ Step 6: Register for Classes a. You can register in the following ways: 1. Online using WebAdvisor at: http://webadvisor.scccd.edu/ 2. On-campus in the Admissions office (Student Services building, 1st floor) b. Before you register, make sure all your prerequisite requirements have been met. If the prerequisite was not taken and passed at one of the SCCCD campus sites, bring your high school or college transcripts to the Counseling Department for review. ❑ Step 7: Pay Fees a. Student Fees: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=606 b. Fee Deadlines: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=614 c. FCC Photo ID - Pay at Business Office (Old Administration Building. Room 151A) and take receipt to Student Activities Office located next to the Cafeteria. d. If receiving Financial Aid, contact Financial Aid Office at (559) 442-8245. ❑ Step 8: Textbooks Tex a. PREVIEW what textbooks are required at: http://www.bookstore.fresnocitycollege.edu/frescity/. b. Books can be purchased or rented from the Bookstore which is located across from the Cafeteria: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=60 ❑ Step 9: Attend Classes Attend your classes on the first day of school — you may be dropped from class if you fail to attend the first class session. Important Dates January 13, 2014 — spring semester begins For more important dates visit: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=2449 Notes: 10 Fresno City College Spring 2014 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE Steps to Success for Students Returning / Transferring to FCC (For Returning FCC students and students transferring to FCC from another college) To assist you in becoming a successful college student, follow the steps in order. ❑ Step 1: Admissions Application a. Apply online at: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu and click on “Apply Online.” Application is processed within two business days. u If you are returning to FCC and have not been enrolled for at least 1 semester, you will need to reapply b. Activate your SCCCD email account: http://fresnocitycollege.edu/studentemail. Email is the primary way the college will communicate with you. u Returning students - don’t forget to login and check regularly u New to SCCCD - Activate your SCCCD email account and check regularly. Call (559) 442-8240 for student email help. c. Go to WebAdvisor at http://webadvisor.scccd.edu http://webadvisor.scccd.edu// to get your SCCCD student ID#. Click on “What’s My User ID.” d. Request official transcripts from each college of attendance whether or not credit was earned. Official transcripts must be sent directly to Fresno City College Admissions and Records. ❑ Step 2: Financial Aid a. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/. If you need help, go to the Financial Aid Lab in the Library, room 123. b. Apply for Scholarships, view important deadlines and contact information at http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/financialaid ❑ Step 3: Assessment/Place Assessment/Pla ment Test Do I need to take the English/Math placement tests? a. No, if you took the Math and English placement tests at one of the SCCCD campus sites within the last two years, your scores are still valid. b. No, if you took an English and/or Math class at another college. Bring a copy of your college transcripts and course descriptions to the FCC Counseling Department for review. c. Yes, if your scores are more than 2 years old and you have not taken an English and/or Math course at a SCCCD college/campus. d. Yes, if you have never taken an English and/or Math class at another college. Testing procedures: a. Pick a date and time to take your tests. u View check-in process, schedule and test samples online at: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/assessmentcenter u A photo ID, your student SCCCD ID#, and a #2 pencil is required. You will not be admitted to the testing room without your ID. ❑ Step 4: New Student Orientation You are encouraged to review FCC’s online student orientation at http://online.fresnocitycollege.edu/fcc_orientation/ Notes: ❑ Step 5: Educational Planning/ Planning/Counseling Counseling a. If you need assistance with educational planning, transfer options, understanding general education/major requirements, etc. you can make an appointment with a counselor. u Online: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=2610 u By calling: (559) 442-8226 b. For more information, visit the Counseling Department webpage at http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/counseling ❑ Step 6: Register for Classes a. You can register in the following ways: 1. Online using WebAdvisor at: http://webadvisor.scccd.edu http://webadvisor.scccd.edu/ 2. On-campus in the Admissions office (Student Services building, 1st floor) b. Before you register, make sure all your prerequisite requirements have been met. If the prerequisite was not taken and passed at one of the SCCCD campus sites, bring your high school or college transcripts to the Counseling Department for review. ❑ Step 7: Pay Fees a. Student Fees: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=606 b. Fee Deadlines: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=614 c. FCC Photo ID - Pay at Business Office (Old Administration Building. Room 151A) and take receipt to Student Activities Office located next to the Cafeteria. d. If receiving Financial Aid, contact Financial Aid Office at (559) 442-8245. ❑ Step 8: Textbooks Tex a. PREVIEW what textbooks are required at: http://www.bookstore.fresnocitycollege.edu/frescity/ b. Books can be purchased or rented from the Bookstore which is located across from the Cafeteria: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=60 ❑ Step 9: Attend Classes Attend your classes on the first day of school — you may be dropped from class if you fail to attend the first class session. Important Dates January 13, 2014 — spring semester begins For more important dates visit: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=2449 FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 11 WEBADVISOR: REGISTER ONLINE ◗ WebAdvisor is available for registration. Students in good standing, with no registration holds, can access WebAdvisor Registration at www.webadvisor.scccd.edu or by choosing the WebAdvisor link at www.fresnocitycollege.edu. ◗ User will be asked to enter your user ID; this is your last name combined with your 7-digit student ID number in the format lastname_student ID# (example: smith_0123456). If you cannot remember your login name, click on “What’s My User ID?” for help. ◗ User will be asked for your password. For first-time users, your temporary WebAdvisor password is your 6-digit birthdate in the format 010180. For example, if your birthdate is January 1, 1980, then your 6digit password is 010180. The first time you login you will be prompted to change your password. A password hint feature is available to help you remember your WebAdvisor password in the future. ◗ All registration policies and information that apply to TouchTone Registration also apply to WebAdvisor Registration and Waitlists (refer to page 13). ◗ For variable unit courses, change number of units before submitting transaction. ◗ To change your WebAdvisor password, use the Change Password Option on the WebAdvisor screen. ◗ Online help is available to assist you while using WebAdvisor. Students will receive add/drop activity to his/her my.scccd.edu email account. You can print your schedule from the WebAdvisor my schedule page. You can also obtain a copy at the Admissions and Records Office. Refer to the “payment due” link to determine when fees are due. Student is responsible for submitting payments by payment due date. Register Online ◗ Go to either Express Registration or Search and Register for classes ◗ A shopping cart of Preferred Sections will be created for you; Preferred classes are not registered classes. See next step ◗ You must take an action and submit your requests to be registered ◗ You can add your name on a waitlist ◗ You may also drop a class from your Preferred Sections or your Registered Sections ◗ All registration rules will apply to waitlisted courses ◗ You can only be placed on one waitlist per class ◗ If you have a time conflict you cannot be registered for a class ◗ Time conflicts between registered classes and waitlisted classes may result in being dropped from the waitlisted class 12 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE CLASS SCHEDULE PLANNING HINTS Planning your class schedule (along with an alternative schedule or two), obtaining the necessary approval signatures (see Counseling, page 15, for details), clearing registration holds, etc., should be done well in advance of your assigned date in order to avoid last minute delays in your registration. BEGIN PLANNING your class schedule with those courses which are the most critical for you to have or those which are limited to one or two sections. Build the balance of your schedule around these courses. Prepare several alternative schedules in case your first choice(s) is closed. Also take into consideration such things as your transportation time to and from the campus, finding a place to park, travel time between class locations, your job and break periods for meals and/or library preparation time. DOUBLE-CHECK everything carefully. The college assumes no responsibility to adjust time conflicts which are the result of the student’s own error. The online registration system will catch most time conflicts, but the final responsibility is yours. The time you invest in this type of planning will not only help to make your registration much easier but will also make your entire semester more enjoyable and productive. ■ Late Registration Beginning the first week of classes, a student on a class WAIT LIST or wishing to add a class will be required to obtain a Student Add Label from the instructor of record. The Student Add Label contains an authorization code that allows the student to register for that class using the TouchTone and WebAdvisor Registration Systems. Specific instructions on how to use the authorization code with TouchTone or WebAdvisor is provided by the instructor at the time the Student Add Label is acquired. Students who are not in “Good” academic standing or have any outstanding registration holds will not have access to TouchTone or WebAdvisor Registration. The student will need to take their Student Add Label with authorization code to the registration office to register. ■ Other Limitations on Enrollment Enrollment in certain courses or educational programs of study may require tryouts, auditions or may be limited by health and safety considerations, facility limitations, faculty workload, the availability of qualified instructors, funding limitations or legal requirements imposed by statutes, regulations or contracts. All such limitations are in conformity with the provisions of Title 5, Section 58106, California Community College Board of Governors. INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION – Classes require instructor permission. Obtain the necessary permission from the instructor or division office. PETITION REQUIRED – Classes are part of a learning community or special program. Please refer to the printed schedule for contact information ■ Prerequisites/Corequisites/Advisories Students are urged to study the description of courses in the catalog to ensure that prerequisites are satisfied before registering for a course. Correct registration at an early date is important. A prerequisite is defined to mean a condition of enrollment that a student must meet in order to register in a course or program. It is the student’s responsibility to be certain that he/she has met the necessary prerequisite(s) for any course. A corequisite indicates that the course must be taken simultaneously with another course if not already completed. The student will be dropped from any class where it is verified that the necessary prerequisite or corequisite has not been taken or has not been successfully completed with a grade of “C” or better, or a successful challenge is not on file. It should be understood by the student that whether or not a prerequisite is specifically stated, the instructional staff of this college assumes that each student who enrolls in a transfer level course possesses sufficient competencies in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics to be able to profit from instruction. Prerequisites and Corequisites can be fulfilled in the following ways: PLACEMENT TEST – there is not a fee for this test. View the check-in process, schedule, and test samples online at: www.fresnocitycollege.edu/assessmentcenter SUCCESSFUL completion of the prerequisite or corequisite course with a grade of “C” or better. CHALLENGE – Students who do not take the English or Math placement test may furnish other evidence (e.g., college transcript, other college placement tests) which provides verification he/she has successfully completed the college level prerequisite or corequisite course(s). This evidence MUST be presented or available to a counselor at the time you seek written approval prior to registration. An Advisory indicates that the institution recommends, but does not require, certain course work be taken prior to enrolling in the described course. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 13 FEATURES TO HELP YOU WITH MANAGING WAITLISTS ◗ View your waitlisted classes anytime with Manage My Waitlist ◗ Drop waitlisted classes anytime by selecting REMOVE from the Action Box ◗ You may also drop a class from your registered sections Important Notice: You must waitlist for all corequisite classes to be considered for registration in a class that requires a corequisite. ■ Waitlists Once a section has reached the maximum seat capacity, students may have the option of being placed on a “WAITLIST” for a specific section of the course. NOT ALL CLASSES HAVE WAITLISTS. Please note the following rules apply: 1. Students will be added to a WAITLIST on a first-come, first serve basis 2. Students cannot be placed on a WAITLIST prior to their registration appointment date. 3. Students may add their name to any available WAIT LIST up to the last day of registration prior to the start of the class. 4. Students cannot be placed on a WAITLIST for more than one section of the same course. 5. Students cannot be placed on a WAITLIST for the same course when already enrolled in another section. 6. Students cannot remain on a WAITLIST for a section of a course that will cause a “Time Conflict” with another course sections already enrolled. Admissions and Records will drop the student from the wait list. 7. Admissions and Records will regularly monitor all WAITLISTS. As a seat becomes available, the student in the first position of the waitlist will be enrolled into the class, providing all requisites and registration holds are cleared, and will be notified by email. 8. Students on a WAITLIST will have first priority for any seats in a “full” class that may subsequently become available during the first 20% of the section PROVIDED that he/she attends each and every class meetings (first 20% period for 18 week sections is the first 3 weeks) 9. Students on the WAITLIST must be present the first class meeting, and if the instructor determines there are openings in the class, the students on the WAIT LIST will be offered the seats based upon the order in which their names appear on the list. Students are responsible for officially adding the class section within the published registration dates. 14 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE ACADEMIC REGULATIONS ATTENDANCE - Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Students may be dropped from class if he/she fails to attend the first class session of the semester. Only the instructor may excuse an absence. Students on a WAITLIST must attend the first class meeting to obtain instructor permission to ADD the class. DROPPING A CLASS – Refer to the Enrollment Dates and Deadlines on page 1. Students may drop a class using WebAdvisor or in person. Students not in GOOD standing, or with a monetary hold, must drop a class in person at the campus Admissions and Records office. It is the student’s responsibility to officially drop a class in which he/she no longer wishes to be enrolled. • Withdrawal from a full-term 18-week class through the end of the third week (prior to the 20 percent point) will result in no entry on the student’s permanent record. • Withdrawal from a full-term 18-week class beginning the fourth week through the ninth week (50 percent point) of instruction will result in an entry of “W” recorded on the student’s permanent record. • Withdrawal from a short-term class will vary based upon the meeting dates of a class. The student will need to obtain these dates from the Instructor - An entry of “W” will be recorded on the student’s permanent record beginning at the 20 percent point of a class through the 50 percent point of a class. WITHDRAWAL FROM COLLEGE – A student may withdraw from all of his/her classes, using WebAdvisor, provided the student does not have any monetary holds and is in GOOD standing, or in person through the last day of the ninth week for full-term classes (18-week) or the 50 percent point of short-term classes. The student may also mail or fax a signed letter, and must be received on or before the final drop date, to the Admissions and Records office. Mailing address and fax number available at www.fresnocitycollege.edu/For Students/Admissions and Records. Excessive “W’s” will be used as factors in progress probation and dismissal. ■ Dropping/Withdrawal Due to Extenuating Circumstances Exceptions to the Final drop (50 percent point) deadline may apply due to extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of natural calamity, military conscription, family or job displacement, jury duty, declaration of war, death in the immediate family, accident or illness, faculty error, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student. Petitions for Withdrawal due to Extenuating Circumstances are available at the Admissions and Records office. 1. The extenuating circumstances must be fully documented and verified. Medical withdrawals must be processed through the Health Services department. 2. The petition must be submitted no later than the end of the semester immediately following the withdrawal. 3. The student must withdraw from all classes. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis. 4. Instructor will be consulted concerning the withdrawal petition. If grades have been posted, the instructor must approve the grade change. 5. Approved withdrawals will result in a “W” mark recorded on the student’s record. Excessive W’s will be used as factors in progress probation and dismissal. ■ Course Repetition for a Better Grade Students may repeat a college course, not designated as repeatable, in which he/she has received a grade of D, F, NC/NP, or W, by re-enrolling in the course. Student will be required to complete a “Repeat Petition” at the Admissions and Records office and meet with a counselor before being allowed to register or waitlist for a class, if: a. Student has received two (2) failing grades D, F or NC/NP, or b. Student has received two (2) W’s, or c. Student has received a combination of one (1) failing grade and one (1) W. If a student has received a combination of three(3) or more failing grades and/or W’s, he/she will be required to submit a Student Education Plan (SEP) with the “Repeat Petition”. Students will be notified of their petition status within 4 days of submission. Notification will be sent to the student’s my.scccd.edu email account. ■ Grading Consult the FCC Catalog or the Admissions and Records website for the current grading system. Grades will be available for viewing on WebAdvisor approximately five working days after the last day of the fall or spring semester. To check your grades on Touchtone (559-229-9833) follow the steps below: STEP 1 — Select option #2 STEP 2 — Enter your 7-digit Student ID# STEP 3 — Enter your six-digit PIN (your birthdate unless you changed it) STEP 4 — Listen to the voice prompts for the term you wish to retrieve. After all the grades are reported for the chosen semester, you will be given the option of selecting another term. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE SPECIAL PROGRAMS ■ Apprenticeship Classes Enrollment in apprenticeship classes is restricted to those students working in the trade. Approval of the coordinator of apprenticeship training (office T-100) is required. 442-4600, ext. 8515 ■ Army and Air Force ROTC Courses Fresno City College students may register for classes designed for those who wish to explore becoming an officer in the United States Air Force or the United States Army. These classes are conducted at California State University, Fresno and at Fresno City College. Students must be in good academic standing and be enrolled at Fresno City College. Consult the Aerospace Studies Department (278-2593) at CSUF or the Military Studies Department (244-2638) at FCC for information on courses offered and class meeting times. Fresno City College will accept ROTC units as general elective units toward the AA or AS degree. The freshman and sophomore courses are non-obligation and allow students to experience what the Air Force or Army might be like should they decide to continue with the program and earn a commission. A number of scholarships are available through both programs. ■ Study Abroad Students at Fresno City College, Reedley College, Mader Center, Oakhurst Center, and Willow International Center may take advantage of international study programs offered by the college district. The international programs allow students an opportunity to study in another country while earning transferable college credit, as well as enable them to gain a first-hand understanding of other regions and cultures of the world. The study abroad programs for 2014 include: Italy – May 18-31, 2014 Explore the roots of Early Childhood Development in Italy! Join SCCCD Childhood Development faculty as they visit various child development programs in Reggio-Emilia, Pistoia, Florence, and Rome. The program offers CD 7A or CD 20. London, England – May 22-June 13, 2014 Enjoy studying photography or architecture in London! You will visit popular venues in the city and attend a theatre performance. You will tour important architectural sites in London and travel to Canterbury, Bath, York, and Stonehenge. The program offers Photo 5 or SpSt 49 History of English Architecture. For more information on these programs, please visit our Study Abroad webpage at www.scccd.edu/index.aspx?page=148 or contact Dr. Margaret Hiebert at (559) 442-4600, ext. 8101 or by e-mail: margaret.hiebert@fresnocitycollege.edu. 15 ■ Work Experience Students can earn one college credit for each 75 hours of paid employment or 60 hours of volunteer employment. Below are the specific requirements for the respective types of work experience. OCCUPATIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE – Students can earn 1-8 units per semester not to exceed 16 units in total. ◗ There will be a one hour class per week. ◗ Student’s job is directly related to the work experience class (e.g., ACCTG-19, BA-19); and - majoring in the field; or - enrolled in a course directly related to the job. GENERAL WORK EXPERIENCE – Students can earn 1-6 units, per semester. ◗ There will be one hour in class per week For further information, contact Registration located in the Admissions and Records Office. STUDENT SERVICES ■ Counseling Department The Counseling Department provides comprehensive counseling services that include assistance with academic, personal and career counseling services. Counselors promote personal development and a successful college experience by coordinating quality services and programs that are focused on the needs of students. A variety of workshops, online services, and specialized programs are available for students. Specialized programs are available for students meeting eligibility criteria (see program descriptions on page 17). The department is located on the second floor of the Student Services Building. Regular hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information call ☎ 442-8226. The Counseling Department is pleased to announce our new online appointment scheduling system. Students can now schedule a counseling appointment online for either a Same Day appointment or a Future appointment. Same Day appointments will open each morning online at 7:45 a.m. Future appointments can be booked up to two weeks in advance (during non-peak times). Please visit us online at http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=2610 to schedule your appointment. 16 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE FRESNO CITY COLLEGE COUNSELING SERVICES English and Math placement assessments, career and major exploration, assessments/inventories, planning and development, Academic counseling and/or advising in course selection and educational planning, certificate, degree and transfer completion, Student Educational Plan specialized programs classes. High school juniors and seniors interested in taking classes through the High School Enrichment Program should contact College Relations. ☎ 442-8225 Yog koj xav paub kev xeem ntawv (Assessment), thov mus cuag tau Counseling Department. Si necesita información en español para su evaluación, favor de ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Consejeros. ■ Career and Employment Center (CEC) Career guidance and employment services are available to current students and alumni in the Career and Employment Center. With the assistance of a Career Counselor, students learn to explore careers that fit their skills, interests and abilities. Workshops and career events guide students in selecting a major to streamline their path to success. The employment services include: assistance from Job Developers, job search resources, resume writing, employability workshops, interview preparation, job fairs, and on-campus recruitment by employers. The Career and Employment Center’s website, www.jobs.fresnocitycollege.edu, is a resource that assists students in finding full-time, part-time, federal work-study, temporary, internship and volunteer positions. The Career and Employment Center is located in the east end of the Library building, room LI-147. ☎ 442-8294 ■ Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) The CARE program was established as a supplemental component under the requirements and guidelines of EOPS. This unique program provides educational support services and activities for students who meet the following criteria: ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ Single head of household Receiving TANF/CalWORks Have at least one child under the age of 14 Meet the EOPS eligibility requirements Enrolled in 12 units or more Applications can be picked up at the EOPS office (ST-101). 17 ■ Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSP&S) Students with physical, learning and/or psychological disabilities have assistance available. DSP&S services that contribute toward a successful course of study include: ◗ Specialized academic, personal and career counseling ◗ Specialized instruction in English, Math, Adaptive PE, Workforce Preparation and Strategies ◗ Learning Disability Assessment ◗ Adaptive Computer Technology ◗ Alternate Media Resources ◗ Adaptive Ornamental Horticulture Instruction ◗ Independent Living/Consumer Skills ◗ Transition to College Classes ◗ Specialized Supportive Services Medical verification of disability must be provided to the Disabled Students Programs and Services office to qualify for services. ☎ 442-8237 (Voice/TDD) ■ Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) EOPS offers a comprehensive program for low-income and academically underprepared students. This program includes special orientation, academic and personal counseling, advising, special instruction, career guidance, tutoring, financial aid, college transfer information, book services, emergency loans and other support services. Participants must enroll in a minimum of 12 units. To be selected for EOPS, a student must apply for Financial Aid. Financially eligible students will be selected for evaluation. An EOPS interest card may also be submitted to the EOPS office in ST 101, Student Services Building. EOPS begins accepting applications for Book Services one month prior to the start of each semester. Students are encouraged to apply early to qualify for a grant. ☎ 442-8231 ■ Writing and Reading Center The Writing and Reading Center (LI-134) provides focused writing, reading, and research assistance to all Fresno City College students. Tutors are available to assist with any writing project and at any stage of the writing process. Tutors also assist students in reading comprehension, study skills, and test-taking strategies. We offer appointment-based, walk-in, and online tutoring, in addition to group tutorial sessions and workshops. For more information, or to make an appointment, please call 442-8205, or visit our website: http://fccwise.fresnocitycollege.edu/pages/fccwise_complete/wrc.html 18 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE FINANCIAL AID The majority of FCC students receive some form of financial aid. Assistance is available to students in need of enrollment fee waivers, grants, loans, part-time jobs and scholarships. For more information about financial aid, go to the Financial Aid Web page at www.fresnocitycollege.edu/financialaid ☎ 442-8245 IMPORTANT: FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID RECIPIENTS Any federal financial aid recipient totally withdrawing from classes prior to the completion of 60 percent of the semester may be expected to repay all or a portion of any federal financial aid received. BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2013-2014 ENROLLMENT FEE WAIVER The California Community Colleges offer the Board of Governors Enrollment Fee Waiver for students who are California residents and who meet any one of the following three criteria. 1. You or your family are receiving public assistance from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF, formerly AFDC) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or General Assistance/General Relief or have certification from the California Department of Veterans Affairs. 2. You meet the previous year 2012 income standards: Number in Household (including yourself Total family income for last year (adjusted gross income and/or untaxed income) 1 ..................................................$16,755 or less 2 ..................................................$22,695 or less 3 ..................................................$28,635 or less 4 ..................................................$34,575 or less Add $5,940 for each additional dependent beyond four. 3. You have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have demonstrated “financial need.” See page 30 for the step by step process on applying for Financial Aid. COURSE REPEATABILITY Students can only receive financial aid for up to 1 repeat of any course with a passing grade (this includes grades with a “D”). The Repeat Coursework Policy is available on the main financial aid webpage: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=33. SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS (SAP) POLICY Students are required to make satisfactory academic progress to remain eligible for financial aid. Please view the SAP policy on the financial aid webpage: http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/index.aspx?page=2074. ■ Ayuda Financiera La ayuda financiera es para estudiantes con necesidad de: dispensación de matrícula, premios, préstamos, empleo de temporalidad y becas. ☎ 442-8245 IMPORTANTE: EXENCIÓN DE CUOTA DE INSCRIPCIÓN DE LA MESA DE DIRECTORES PARA 2013-2014 Las Universidades Comunitarias de California ofrecen la exención de cuota de inscripción de Matrícula de la Mesa de Directores para estudiantes que son residentes de California que satisfacen cualquiera de los tres requisitos: 1. Usted o su familia reciben asistencia del programa Asistencia Temporal Para Familias Necesitadas (TANF, antes AFDC) ó asistencia general. Ingreso Adicional de Seguro (SSI) ó tener certificado del Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos de California. 2. Usted satisface uno de los siguientes niveles de ingreso para el año 2012. Ingreso de Familia el Año Pasado (Ingreso bruto ajustado y/ó Número en el Hogar ingreso sin descuento de (Incluyéndose usted) impuestos) 1 .............................................. $16,755 o menos 2 .............................................. $22,695 o menos 3 .............................................. $28,635 o menos 4 .............................................. $34,575 o menos Agregue $5,940 por cada miembro adicional de familia cuando son más de cuatro. Usted ha completado la Solicitud Gratuita para Asistencia Federal Estudiantil (FAFSA) y ha demostrado “necesidad financiera.” FRESNO CITY COLLEGE PROGRAM SERVICES ■ Assessment Center The Assessment Center provides reading, writing, mathematics and English as a Second Language (ESL) placement testing to assist students in selecting appropriate college-level courses. Computer familiarity testing is available through the Assessment Center, located at the east end of the Library/Media Center complex (LI-146). The entrance faces the main fountain. Call 442-8282 to obtain information on test dates and time or the Assessment Center website at www.fresnocitycollege.edu/assessment center. ■ Bridge Program The Bridge program is an academic community designed to help aging-out foster youth, ages 18-21, make transition into college and/or vocational training opportunities more manageable. The Bridge program offers support in the following areas: peer, academic, faculty, financial, career, employment, child care, transportation, housing and priority registration for qualified aged-out foster youth. To meet initial eligibility requirements, students must have completed a high school diploma or G.E.D. and have taken the placement test and been placed into either English 262/252 or English 125/126 and Math 260BCD or 255. The one semester academic program consists of an English course (English 262 or 252 or 126 or 125), a Math course (either Math 260BCD or 255), Counseling 53 and one elective. Through topics, guest speakers, and field trips to local universities, students will be enlightened to various career/ vocational opportunities. Students are carefully monitored throughout the semester by attending monthly meetings among faculty and support agencies. Tutoring, and academic progress reports are provided in order to allow the student to take an active role in their academic standing. The Bridge program is a collaborative effort provided by: Fresno City College, Arbor Education & Training, The Department of Children and Family Services, and Fresno County Workforce Investment Board. For more information please contact the Bridge counselor, Alexandra Gonzales at (559) 442-4600, ext. 8677 or e-mail alexandra.gonzales@fresnocitycollege.edu. ■ CalWORKs CalWORKs provides an array of services to eligible participants. Eligibility is determined by the individual receiving cash aid through the Fresno County Department of Social Services (DSS). CalWORKs students are referred to Fresno City College by an assessment process that determines a need of further training in order to become job ready. Participants receive a contract that states their educational and career goals as approved by 19 Fresno County. Students then report to the Fresno City College CalWORKs office for Orientation, academic counseling, and to begin the classes that are approved under their contract. The CalWORKs office is located in the Applied Technology 200 building (T-200). The office is shared by FCC CalWORKs staff and Fresno County staff to provide a one-stop location for student needs. CalWORKs services include: ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ Assistance with Books Child Care Assistance Academic and Personal Counseling CalWORKs Work-Study Workshops and Counseling Classes Transportation Assistance Orientation Financial Aid Application Assistance Registration Assistance The goal of CalWORKs is to provide intensive services to eligible participants in order to assist students in reaching their educational goals and ultimately to become self sufficient through gainful employment. The CalWORKs office (T-200) is open Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. ☎ 442-8286 ■ College Relations Office Outreach services to schools and community organizations and orientation sessions for new students are provided by the College Relations Office. The staff visits area high schools to provide on-site advising and registration services for the summer and fall semesters at FCC through the Registration-To-Go program. Additionally, designated staff members will provide information to potential adult enrollees. ■ IDILE The Fresno City College IDILE program is an academic and community leadership program designed to increase the number of African-American college students who transfer to four-year institutions. IDILE provides a structured learning community which links classes in English reading and writing strategies, African-American studies and Counseling. These classes are taught by dedicated and experienced faculty. Individualized counseling and mentoring provide supportive services to students participating in the program. Students enroll in the program for a full academic year. During the fall semester, students must be eligible for English 125 and English 126 and are expected to take 13 units of IDILE courses, which include English 125, English 126, African-American Studies 1, and Counseling 147A. During the spring semester students are expected to enroll in eight units of IDILE classes, which include English 1A, African-American Studies 3, and Counseling 48. 20 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE Although IDILE is open to all students, it is designed to meet the needs of students who historically have and continue to have difficulties in community college. An IDILE student will be asked to participate in various activities that will promote success. Each participant will meet with a mentor several times during the academic year, meet with a counselor on a regular basis, and participate in the IDILE study groups. IDILE is geared towards enhancing the college experience while at Fresno City College. Students interested in enrolling in the IDILE Program call 442-4600, ext. 8643. The IDILE office is located on the second floor of the Student Services Building. ■ Puente Project The Puente Project at Fresno City College provides students with accelerated writing instruction, sustained academic counseling, and mentoring by professionals from the community. Students participate in the program for two consecutive semesters and must be eligible for English 125 and English 126 in the fall semester. The program consists of English 125 and 126 and Counseling 43 the first semester and English 1A and Counseling 54 the following semester. The course content of the Puente classes has a Chicano/Latino emphasis. Throughout both semesters, Puente students also maintain contact with their assigned Puente mentor. The purpose of the Puente Project is to increase the number of Fresno City College Puente students who enroll in or transfer to four-year institutions. Puente students also participate in extracurricular activities and field trips that promote transfer opportunities. Success at Fresno City College and the continued pursuit of higher education is greatly emphasized. The Puente Project is open to all students. For more information, contact Lori Natal at 442-4600, ext. 8644, or e-mail: lori.natal@fresnocitycollege.edu. ■ SYMBAA In support of the college mission, the SYMBAA Program creates a community of inquiry which facilitates the learning and development of African American men. It promotes high standards of academic and personal excellence, supports access rather than exclusion from curricular and co-curricular activities, and fosters a universal view of the world and self-based on a sound afro-centric perspective. It commits itself to producing African American men of distinction who are able to “think critically, act responsibly, lead effectively, and live humanly.” The SYMBAA office is located on the second floor of the Student Services Building. ◗ To assist African American male students in achieving success through a coordinated program of courses and support ◗ To assist students in acquiring confidence and self-esteem ◗ To provide opportunities for career exploration ◗ To build a sense of civic responsibility and a commitment to service learning ◗ To develop positive African American male role models in the community ◗ To provide mentoring and tutorial support in elementary schools and other non-profit agencies in the community ◗ To offer Service-Learning experiences throughout the community Students interested in this program must complete the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Contact the SYMBAA Counselor at (559) 442-4600, ext. 8625. Review the practice placement test that will be provided to you. Take the English and Math placement test. Provide high school transcripts (sealed). Participate in a special SYMBAA orientation. ■ Transfer Center The Fresno City College Transfer Center provides assistance to students with the transfer process from the community college to a four-year institution. Transfer services include: ◗ Counseling appointments and virtual advising with college representatives ◗ Academic advising, transcript evaluation, program planning, and Student Education Plans for transfer goals ◗ Assistance with the CSU & UC application and admission process ◗ Transfer Application Workshops for CSU, UC, and Writing the Personal Statements ◗ Assistance with the University of California Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program for students ◗ Computer Internet access is available to research financial aid, scholarship, and housing information ◗ Library containing the most updated transfer information on colleges and universities ◗ Classroom presentations and sponsored tours of colleges and universities ◗ Host the Fall Transfer Day The Transfer Center is located on the 2nd floor, of the Student Services Building. Regular semester hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Summer hours may vary. For more information, please contact the Transfer Center at (559) 4428290 or visit the FCC Transfer Center website at: www.fresnocitycollege.edu/transfercenter. Follow us on Twitter@ FCC_Transfer or Like us on Facebook. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE ■ TRIO Programs Upward Bound & Student Support Services Program (SSSP) FCC has two federal TRIO programs to assist low income, first generation students to help them succeed in their preparations for college and graduation. Upward Bound serves high school students and help them prepare for post-secondary education. Upward Bound serves five local high schools: Edison, Fresno, McLane, Hoover and Roosevelt. The Student Support Services Program (SSSP) serves low income, first generation or disabled students currently enrolled at FCC. The goal of the program is to assure retention, graduation and/or transfer to a four-year college. Services include advising, career planning, financial aid advising, transfer assistance, success workshops, college campus tours, and lots of encouragement. Information and applications for the TRIO programs are available above the bookstore in room SC-216. Contact numbers are: SSSP 265-5789 and Upward Bound 499-6031. ■ USEAA Academic Program The United Southeast Asian Academic Program (USEAA– pronounced “you see ah”) was established in the fall of 1999, modeled after the Puente Project and has a special emphasis on Southeast Asian American culture and experience. It is designed to prepare students for college success and to increase the number of Southeast Asian American college students transferring from Fresno City College to four-year universities. The program services include, but are not limited to: ◗ Eligible to take English 125, 126 and Counseling 53 in the fall semester, followed by English 1A and Counseling 48 in the spring (course content with Southeast Asian American emphasis) ◗ Counseling/advising and transfer educational planning ◗ Mentoring support, supplemental study and support groups ◗ Campus visits and tours All USEAA students will participate in the program for two consecutive semesters (fall and spring). They will have the opportunity to be involved in a stimulating classroom environment and activities that motivate them to learn and achieve. The program team members are comprised of Counseling and English faculty who are dedicated to student success. Although the program has a Southeast Asian American emphasis, it is open to students of all ethnicities. The USEAA Program is here to help students achieve their future educational goals. For more information, please contact Shoua Yang in the USEAA Office on the second floor of the Student Services Building, or call 442-4600, ext. 8639 or e-mail: shoua.yang@fresnocitycollege.edu or Victor Yang, USEAA Coordinator at 442-8226 or e-mail: victor.yang@fresnocitycollege.edu. 21 ■ Veterans Requests for educational benefits under the G.I. Bill require a separate application for certification. Contact the Veterans Office located in the Student Services Building Room 114, for details. Veterans are reminded that the eligibility period for veterans’ benefits is limited in accordance to their date of separation from active duty. Please also note that the Veterans Administration requires the college to decertify a veteran receiving benefits after three consecutive semesters with a GPA below 2.0. ☎ 442-8224 STUDENT FEES* ■ Enrollment Fee* Each student pays a per unit enrollment fee. The total amount is determined upon the number of units a student registers for each semester. (E.C. 76300; 5 CCR 58500-58509) California Residents.........$46 per unit (with no cap) NOTE: Enrollment fees for California residents are subject to change without notice per the California State Legislature and Governor. If enrollment fees are raised after you enroll, you will be invoiced for the unpaid difference. California residents may apply for a Board of Governors Enrollment Fee Waiver through the college Financial Aid Office. Effective Spring 2006, the Student Health Fee ($19) is no longer waived by the Board of Governors Fee Waiver. ■ Non-Resident Tuition* Any student who has not established California residency, out of- state or international students, must pay a non-resident tuition fee of $235 per unit for fall classes. In addition, an enrollment fee of $46 will be charged for each unit taken. (E.C. 76140; 76140.5) Check with the Admissions and Records Office for details regarding residency requirements. ☎ 442-4600, ext. 8690. *Fees are subject to change. 22 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE ■ Payment of Fees Fees are due based on when you register in each class. Fall 2013 fees are due based on when you register in each class. If you register: Spring 2014 fees* are due no later than October 31 - November 18, 2013 December 5, 2013 November 20 - December 18, 2013 December 19, 2013 December 19, 2013 - after Same day you register* * Fees must be paid by 5:00 p.m. or you may be dropped for non-payment. The Business Office will not drop students for non-payment of fees once the class begins. Students are responsible for dropping their own classes. See refund policy for deadlines. NOTE: Financial Aid is available for eligible students. See the Financial Aid Office for information. ■ Personal Checks* Please be sure to write your student ID number on your check. Allow enough time for payments to reach the college prior to the due date. The college assumes no responsibility for delays caused by the U.S. Postal Service. Postmarks will not be honored. Students who fail to pay by their scheduled due date may be dropped from their classes. When mailing fees, payment should be mailed to: Fresno City College, Business Office 1101 E. University Avenue Fresno, CA 93741 All personal checks must be imprinted with the name of the account holder. Postdated and two-party checks will not be accepted. Students whose checks are returned by the bank marked “insufficient funds”, “stop payment”, “account closed”, “refer to maker”, etc., will be assessed a $25 service charge. Returned checks can be cleared at the College Business Office cashier’s window with a money order, cashier’s check, credit card, or cash–personal checks will not be accepted to clear returned checks. Returned checks not paid within 30 days of the date of the NSF notice will be forwarded to our collection agency and will be subject to all associated collection fees. ■ Credit Card Payments: www.webadvisor.scccd.edu If paying by credit card, students are encouraged to use WebAdvisor’s “Make a Payment” option to pay their enrollment fees (See page 9). If you are unable to login to the WebAdvisor, please contact the WebAdvisor Help Desk at (559) 442-8228. Credit card payments are also accepted at the Business Office’s cashier window or over the telephone at (559) 489-2234 during normal business hours. Payments can also be made online at www.fresnocitycollege.edu/payments.html. ■ Credit by Examination Fee* Application for Credit by Examination is available in the Admissions and Records Office located on the lower level of the Student Services Building. *Fees are subject to change. If the application for the credit by exam is approved, the student must pay the credit by exam fees to the Business Office (OAB-151), no later than the end of the ninth week of the semester in the amount of $10 for the first unit plus $5 for each additional unit for each course on credit by examination (i.e. credit by exam fee for a 4.0 unit class would be $25 plus the $46* per unit enrollment fee for a total of $209. If California residency has not been established, non-resident tuition fees will also be added.). The receipt for payment must be returned to the Office of Instruction. ■ Materials Fee-Selected Courses Only In accordance with Title 5, Section 59404(b) and Title IV, State Center Community College District may require students to provide certain instructional and other materials. These may include, but are not limited to, textbooks, tools, equipment, and special clothing (e.g. uniforms). Such required materials fees may be: 1. The materials are used in the production of a course-related project or “end project” that has a continuing value to the student outside of the classroom setting; or 2. The required materials for use in the class have continuing value to the student outside the classroom setting. Students who wish to purchase instructional materials on their own must secure advance written approval of the instructor and provide such written approval to the Business Office for a waiver of the material fee. ■ Health Fee* The health fee will be charged to each student regardless of the number of units taken. This fee is not waived by the Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver. It is the student’s responsibility to pay the health fee for every semester. For students enrolled in both on-and-off campus sites the health fee is charged at the on-campus rate. The use of on-campus labs or the on-campus tutorial center will result in an on-campus health fee. Current locations approved as on-campus are Fresno City College, Reedley College, Madera Center, and Willow International Center. An exemption/waiver from the health fee is available to the following students: ◗ Students who depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization ◗ Students who are attending a community college under an approved apprenticeship program. The Health Fee Waiver form is available online under For Students, Online Services, under forms online or in the college Business Office. 2014 Rates LOCATION On Campus Fall On Campus Summer On Campus Spring Off Campus exclusively Fall, Spring, or Summer Semester FEE DUE $19.00* $16.00* $19.00* $11.00* FRESNO CITY COLLEGE ■ Associated Student Government Representation Fee* A mandatory representation fee of $1 per student per semester (excluding summer session) has been established by an election at Fresno City College in the fall of 2001. The money collected from the student fee shall be expended to provide support for students or representatives who may be stating their positions and viewpoints before city, county and district government and before offices and agencies of the state and federal government. The fee is mandatory; however, students have the right to request a waiver for religious, political, moral, or financial reasons. Waiver forms are available at the Business Office or the Associated Students Government Office. ■ Associated Student Body Fee* Associated Student Body membership identification cards are available to students for $5 per semester. The card may be purchased through the Student Activities Office. The membership card entitles you to participate in or attend all activities sponsored by the Associated Student Government. Cardholders are also entitled to reduced admission to all home athletic events (regular season) as well as discounts at numerous local merchants. Other benefits of membership include check cashing privileges at the College Business Office (up to $20.00) and use of the Student Lounge. Full-time students who are cardholders are eligible for Associate Students funded emergency loans and scholarships as available. The membership is non-transferable. Photos for your identification card may be taken at the beginning of each semester. For more information, please contact the AS office 442-8275. ■ Parking Fee* Vehicles must display a State Center Community College District parking permit to park in parking lots at Fresno City College. The price for a parking permit is $17 for the spring semester. Permits can be purchased in the College Business Office in the Administration building (OAB-151) and the Bookstore. Copies of the campus parking regulations are available at the College Business Office (OAB-151), online, and at the College Police Department, located at the corner of Weldon and Calaveras. ■ Student Expenses (based on Spring 2014 rates) The following budgets have been put together to help you plan out your expenses. Fees change each academic year. If you have questions, please call the College Business Office at (559) 489-2234. *Fees are subject to change. 23 Academic Expenses–California Resident ($46 per unit*) Enrollment Fee (example: $46* x 12 units) ............................ $552.00 Health Fee ................................................................................. $19.00 ASB Representation Fee ............................................................... $1.00 Books & Supplies ...................................................................... 500.00 Instructional Material Fees ........................................................ $50.00 Parking Permit .......................................................................... $17.00 ASB Card ..................................................................................... $5.00 One Semester Total $1,144.00 Academic Expenses–Non-Resident Student ($281 per unit*) Tuition ($235 x 12 units) ..................................................... $2,820.00 Enrollment Fee ($46* x 12 units) ............................................. 552.00 Health Fee ................................................................................ $19.00 ASB Representation Fee ............................................................... $1.00 Books & Supplies .................................................................... $500.00 Instructional Material Fees ........................................................ $50.00 Parking Permit ......................................................................... $17.00 ASB Card ................................................................................... $5.00 One Semester Total $3,964.00 Academic Expenses–International Student ($281 per unit*) Tuition ($235 x 12 units) ..................................................... $2,820.00 Enrollment Fee ($46* x 12 units) ........................................... $552.00 Health Insurance* ................................................................... $788.00 Health Fee ................................................................................. $19.00 ASB Representation Fee ............................................................... $1.00 Books & Supplies ................................................................... $500.00 Instructional Material Fees ........................................................ $50.00 Parking Permit ......................................................................... $17.00 ASB Card ..................................................................................... $5.00 One Semester Total $4,752.00 *International students must have health insurance to attend college. Students must provide proof of health insurance or purchase a policy through the FCC International Student Office. 24 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE ■ Refund Fee Policies and Schedule Refund/Fee Reversal of Enrollment Fees and Tuition Refund requests are subject to an audit of the student’s record to verify the balance. Credit balances may be carried forward to the new term in lieu of the refund. Credit balances greater than $15 will remain on the account for three years. Credit balances of $15 or less will remain on the account for one year. Refund of Parking Fee Full refunds for parking permits will be made during the first two weeks for the fall/spring semesters and the first week of the summer session upon proof of complete withdrawal from school. The parking permits must be attached to a Request for Refund form and returned to the College Business Office in order to obtain the refund. There is no refund for daily parking permits. Refund of Associated Student Body Membership Refund/Reversal Fee Processing It is the student’s responsibility, not the instructor’s responsibility, to drop a class by the refund/fee reversal deadline. A refund or reversal of enrollment, tuition and class material fees shall be made in accordance with the district refund policy. Students are required to submit a refund request form to the College Business Office prior to the last day of the semester. Requests may also be submitted online at www.fresnocitycollege.edu by selecting the “Business Office” from the quick Links and choosing the “Refunds/Fee Reversals” option. Please ensure that all class(es) are dropped before submitting your request. Refund checks may take up to eight weeks to receive. Students must request a refund from the ASB Office. A 100% refund during the first week and a 50% refund during the second week of the semester. No refunds shall be made after the second week. OTHER SERVICES ■ Associated Student Government (ASG) (a) Withdrawal during the first two weeks of the semester: 100% fee reversal The main objective of the Associated Student Government is to facilitate student representation and student activities. ASG leadership opportunities include five executive board officers and 16 senate positions, which are voted on in elections held in May. At least eight of the senate positions will be available for incoming freshmen. If you are interested in filling one of these positions, call the ASG office. ☎ 442-8275 (b) Withdrawal after the second week of the semester: no fee reversal ■ Bookstore Refund/Fee Reversal Schedule Primary Term-Length (Full Semester) Classes Short-Term Classes State code defines the drop deadlines to qualify for fee refund/reversals of enrollment fees for short-term classes as on or before 10 percent of the duration of the class. • A 100% fee reversal is given upon withdrawal by the 10 percent point. • No fee reversal is given after withdrawal beyond the 10 percent point. *Number of actual class meetings: 10% Point (rounded down) 8 16 24 38 0.8 = 0 1.6 = 1 2.4 = 2 3.8 = 3 100% fee reversal if withdrawal is on or before: 1st day of class 1st day of class 2nd day of class 3rd day of class * Do not count holidays, weekends, or any other day the class is not scheduled to meet. Refund of Health Fee Students receive a refund upon complete withdrawal from all classes in accordance with the enrollment and tuition fee refund schedule. The Fresno City College Bookstore is operated for the convenience of Fresno City College students. The store carries student supplies, textbooks and other articles of interest to the college community. Regular business hours are 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday. (Store hours subject to change). During the first week of each semester, hours are extended. Refund Conditions 1. A receipt is required. Students must present their current cash register receipt with the correct dollar amount of the merchandise during the stated refund period. No refund will be given without the original receipt. 2. Students have only 5 days working days from the date on the receipt to return textbooks and 30 days for non-textbook items. All sales are final on scantrons, tradebooks/novels, study aids and various electronics and software (if opened). A full refund is given when the class has been cancelled by the College and textbook(s) are in the same conditions as initially bought. In all other cases, there is a 10% handling charge. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 3. Refund will be issued in the same manner as paid (if paid with a credit/debit card – refund will be made to credit/debit card, not cash.) 4. Textbook condition: New books must be in new condition, clean, free of all marks and erasures. Wrapped, loose-leaf textbooks, e-books or boxed merchandise are non-refundable once opened. A soiled, creased or marked books will be considered a used book and will be refunded at the used book price. Used textbooks are sold “as is.” Because these books have been used by other customers prior to sale, the Bookstore cannot guarantee the life expectancy of any used books. Used textbooks must be returned in salable condition. 5. Access codes are non-returnable if opened or if codes are exposed. 6. No refunds will be given during the last four weeks of instruction of any term. 25 Performing Arts Theatre, dance and music performances are scheduled throughout the year. For information on performing arts activities, call the Theatre Box Office. Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday or email: box.office@fresnocitycollege.edu ☎ 442-8221 ■ Food Services The dining center offers an inviting atmosphere to share ideas or study. Fast food is available at the Campus Café, which features cooked-to-order breakfast and lunch items. Gourmet coffees, juices, baked pastries and snack items are also available. The Campus Café is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Thursday and breakfast and lunch on Friday. Hours of Service — The Staff Dining Room and the Campus Café are 7. The bookstore reserves the right to make the decision on the condition or salability of the merchandise. open for breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Thursday, and breakfast and lunch on Friday. Hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays. The bookstore accepts cash, VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card, and American Express with a legal ID. Textbooks can be ordered online at http://my campushub.com. For further information, call (559) 442-8261. Catering services are available for events ranging from punch and cookies to full service banquets. To make arrangements, please call 265-5779 or visit www.taher.com/dining/fccc/home.asp for more information. ■ Child Development Center Located in the Bookstore building, Yoshino’s offers students “oriental style” menu items. The extensive menu also includes a selection of breakfast and lunch sandwiches, snack items and drinks. An outdoor patio adjoins Yoshino’s. The Child Development Center is state licensed and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The Center provides a safe and rich learning environment for young children ages two through five and a supervised setting for the training of future child care professionals. Child care services are available for children of students, staff and community members. The Center is located on campus at 1621 E. University Avenue. For information regarding available openings and current fees, please call the above listed number. ☎ 244-2691 ■ Student Activities Office The Student Activities Office, located at the south end of the cafeteria, is the “living room” of the campus. The center’s staff is responsible for student activities and special events, both on- and off-campus, the housing program, all campus clubs and organizations, student government, and campus tours. The lounge area in the center is a convenient place to take a break between classes and study. Services include a game room, computer lab, ASB ID Card photo station, and Senate Chambers for club and organization meetings. ☎ 443-8688 ■ Fine and Performing Arts Art Space Gallery Professional, faculty and student art exhibits are displayed throughout the academic year in the Art Space Gallery. Admission is free. Call 442-4600, ext. 8909, for a message of current exhibitions and hours. Closed for summer. Hours of Service – 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday. ☎ 495-0817 For quick snacks, vending machines are located throughout the campus. They are contracted through Canteen. ☎ 485-8800 ■ Health Services The Health Services Office, located in the Student Services Building, Room 112, provides information and referrals, confidential health counseling, emergency care for illness and injury incurred while on campus, and selected immunizations. In addition to health services, the state-mandated health fee provides emergency accident insurance for injuries that occur during classroom or supervised school sponsored activities. All care is provided by public health nurses. For more information visit our website at www.fresnocitycollege.edu/healthservice or contact Health Services. ☎ 442-8268 ■ Library and Student Learning Support Services Learning support is provided to students at the FCC Library, two computer labs, Tutorial Center and Writing and Reading Center. The Library has over 80,000 books and serials and over 150 print periodicals. These printed volumes are supplemented by thousands of newspapers and periodicals 26 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE accessed by numerous online databases. The Library has 34 computer terminals for Bibliographic Instruction and research with a selection of over 5,000 faculty videos. All staff and currently enrolled students may obtain a library card with proper photo I.D. For Library hours please call ☎ 442-8217. The Tutorial Center (LI-134) offers free tutoring in many subjects, academic workshops, test proctoring, college success handouts and resources, and online tutoring. The Tutorial Center also offers an Extending The Class (ETC) program: peer-led study sessions provided for selected courses. For more information about the center, check out the website or call ☎ 442-8209. The Academic Computer Lab (LI-118) provides 95+ computers with the latest hardware and software and is open to all currently enrolled students. Picture ID and student ID number is required to use the computers. For more information about the computer lab, check the website or call ☎ 442-8208. The Writing and Reading Center provides a collaborative learning space for readers, writers, and thinkers. Trained tutors work with students individually and in groups in ways that help them develop their understanding of the writing process. Tutors can also help with reading comprehension, research, study skills, and test-taking strategies. We offer appointments, drop-in, online, and group tutorial sessions. ☎ 442-8205 ■ Lost and Found Items left in classrooms or at other sites on campus should be turned in to the District Police Department as soon as possible. Individuals who have lost articles should inquire directly by calling or visiting the District Police Department, located at 1940 N. Calaveras. ☎ 442-8201 ■ Media Center and Technology Support Services The office provides technology coordination and support for the campus and for several functions across the district including; computer technical support for both the academic and administrative areas of the campus, technical support of Distance Education and Online Instruction, support for the campus network infrastructure including both wired and wireless networks, support and training for the campus e-mail system, printer and copier support, media services including audio/visual support and repair, staffing of the campus teaching and learning center and research on new emerging technologies for instruction and campus business processes. Media Center ☎ 442-8206 Teaching & Learning Center ☎ 442-8206 Technology Support Services ☎ 442-8206 ■ Police Department The District Police Department is available to assist with a wide range of situations. In addition to law enforcement activities, the Police Department can help parking permit holders experiencing dead car batteries or “lockout” incidences on a limited basis, when parked on a campus parking lot. Any questions about safety or crime issues can be answered by calling or visiting the District Police Department at 1940 N. Calaveras, directly east of the campus. Informational brochures containing public safety information and statistics are available at the District Police Department. ☎ 442-8201 Individuals requiring emergency police assistance should use the emergency telephones in yellow boxes with blue lights located throughout the campus. ■ Psychological Services Psychological Services provides assistance to the general student population with crisis intervention, brief psychotherapy, referral, and Counseling classes in Interpersonal Abuse, Peer Mentoring, and Smoking Cessation. The office is located in Bookstore building in room SC-216, upper-level. ☎ 265-5720 For more information, check the FCC Website at www.fresnocitycollege.edu/psychservices. ■ Sports FCC plays a leadership role in academics and intercollegiate athletics. The Rams’ winning tradition has been etched in California community college sports history since 1948. Today, FCC is one of an elite number of California community colleges which offers a comprehensive, as well as equitable, intercollegiate sports program. ☎ 449-6065 With the addition of women’s intercollegiate water polo in the fall of 2003, FCC men’s and women’s teams now compete in 19 sports. The women also compete in badminton, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, track and field and volleyball. Men’s teams include basketball, baseball, cross country, football, golf, soccer, tennis, track and field and wrestling. Ratcliffe Stadium, built in 1926 and site of the 1999 California community college football championship game, is home for FCC’s track and field, soccer and football teams. John Euless Ballpark is where 18 eventual major leaguers played Rams baseball. It has been the site of the California community college championships since 1995. Men’s and women’s basketball, women’s volleyball, badminton and wrestling use the FCC gym for home dates. Softball is played at the on-campus field. FCC’s well-maintained tennis courts have been the site for several conference championships and community tournaments. Both golf teams’ home course is at the highly competitive and picturesque Fig Garden Golf Club. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ■ Address Change It is the responsibility of the student to keep the college informed of his/her current address. Students can make address changes at www.webadvisor.scccd.edu. ■ Class Attendance A student who does not attend the first meeting of any class for which he/she has registered may be dropped from the class. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with his/her instructor if the first class meeting will be missed. Absences from class due to transportation delays, personal and business engagements, or to complete registration or program changes are considered unexcused absences. A student who is continuously absent for two weeks may be dropped by the instructor provided the absences occur prior to the final drop deadline. Students who show a pattern of absences which the instructor considers excessive may also be dropped prior to the final drop deadline provided the instructor has given students due notice of this policy in the course syllabus. In accordance with the State Education Code and college policy, no student may be dropped after 50 percent of the class but must receive a letter grade. Students who intend to drop a class should do so themselves (see Dropping a Class on page 14) and not depend on the instructor to drop them for nonattendance. The college and its individual instructors assume no responsibility to change grades assigned to a student as a result of the student’s failure to drop a class properly. ■ Computer/Network Equipment Use Policy Every State Center Community College District (SCCCD) student is permitted to use a District owned computer/network. As a condition of this use, each student agrees to: ◗ use the computer/network for educational purposes only and not for any commercial purpose or financial gain; ◗ use the computer and software in an ethical manner; this means he/she will respect the security of the District’s computer system and will not illegally gain access to any network, hardware or software; ◗ not take or copy any copyrighted or patented software or any part of such software; further, he/she agrees not to install/uninstall any program or software, including shareware programs, on the computer; ◗ not use the electronic mail system for any illegal or illicit purpose, including solicitation; the District reserves the right to monitor all computer activities on its computers; the student agrees to abide by the rules of any other computer system that he/she may contact through the Internet; 27 ◗ not transmit any communication in which the meaning of the message or its transmission or distribution would violate any applicable law or regulation or be offensive to the recipient or recipients; and ◗ not search, view or download pornographic material through any means. It is understood that information, programs or data a student obtains from the Internet are used at his/her own risk. He/she is responsible for any damage caused by malicious programs, commonly known as viruses, received from the Internet. Each student is expected to abide by the District’s Acceptable Use Policy (http://www.scccd.edu/is/district_use.html). The District is the sole determiner of the interpretation and application of the Acceptable Use Policy. It is understood that if a student violates any of the above rules, he/she is subject to removal from the computer facility as well as discipline as a student. ■ Elevator Usage Elevators are located in many areas throughout the campus. They are intended primarily for use by students with physical disabilities and authorized staff. Each time others use the elevators, students with physical disabilities may be prevented from arriving to class in a timely manner. Please be courteous of persons with special needs and use the stairs whenever possible. On the occasions when you must use the elevator, please allow students with disabilities and authorized staff to enter first. Do not crowd or push if the elevator is full; wait for the next available elevator. ■ Enrollment Certification The following definitions are used by Fresno City College when certifying the enrollment of students to outside agencies. Full-time .............................................. 12 units or more Half-time .....................................................6-11.9 units Less than Half-time ..........................fewer than 6 units To acquire an enrollment certification, log on to the Fresno City College website and click on “Forms - Online” and then request for verification. 28 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE ■ Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act outlines certain rights students have concerning access to and release of their educational records. The district regulation implementing this act can be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office, and all students are urged to obtain a copy. The act ensures that the college will not release student records to anyone who is not designated by the student to receive them except as provided by the law itself. The law authorizes the release of directory information in the absence of student objection. Directory information includes name, address, telephone, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in activities, dates of attendance, degrees and awards, and the last institution attended. Objection to the release of this information may be made in writing at the Admissions and Records Office. ■ Statement of Nondiscriminatory Policy and Obligations Fresno City College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, age or sexual orientation in any of its policies, procedures or practices in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (pertaining to race, color, and national origin), Title Ix of the Education Amendments of 1972 (pertaining to sex), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (pertaining to handicap), the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (pertaining to age), and California state law. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, the college’s programs and activities, including vocational education. Inquiries regarding the equal opportunity policies, the filing of grievances or to request a copy of the grievance procedures covering discrimination complaints may be directed to: Christopher Villa, Ed.D. Vice President of Student Services Fresno City College 1101 E. University Avenue Fresno, CA 93741 (559) 442-4600, ext. 8595 The college recognizes its obligation to provide overall program accessibility throughout the college for handicapped persons. Contact the Vice President of Student Services, to obtain information as to the existence and location of services, activities and facilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the college’s vocational education programs. Inquiries regarding Federal laws and regulations concerning nondiscrimination in education or the District’s compliance with those provisions may also be directed to: Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education 221 Main Street, Suite 1020 San Francisco, CA 94105 ■ Declaración: Póliza de la NoDiscriminación y las Obligaciones La Universidad Comunal de Fresno (Fresno City College) no discrimina a causa de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, incapacidad, de edad u orientación sexual en ninguna de sus pólizas, trámites, o prácticas, en el cumplimiento con el Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964 (refiriéndose a raza, color, y origen nacional), el Título Ix de las Enmiendas Educacionales de 1972 (refiriéndose al sexo), la Sección 504 del Acta de Rehabilitación de 1973 (refiriéndose a la incapacidad), y al Acta de la No-Discriminación por Razón de Edad de 1975 (refiriéndose a la edad) y leyes de California. Esta póliza de la no-discriminación abarca la admisión y el derecho a, y el trato y el empleo en los programas y las actividades de la universidad comunal, incluyendo la educación vocacional. Las preguntas concernientes a las pólizas de oportunidad equitativa, el registro de quejas, o el pedido de una copia del procedimiento de quejarse que cubre quejas de discriminación pueden ser dirigidas a: Christopher Villa, Ed.D. Vice President of Student Services Fresno City College 1101 E. University Avenue Fresno, CA 93741 (559) 442-4600, ext. 8595 La universidad comunal reconoce su obligación de proveer acceso total a los programas en toda la universidad a personas incapacitadas. Llame a Christopher Villa, Vice Presidente de Estudiantes, para obtener información acerca de la existencia y el local de servicios, las actividades y las instalaciones que son accesibles a y usadas por personas incapacitadas. La deficiencia de destreza en el inglés no será una barrera para la admisión y la participación en los programas de educación vocacional de la universidad. Preguntas acerca de las leyes federales y los reglamentos concernientes a la no-discriminación en la educación o el cumplimiento de esas dispocisiones también pueden ser dirigidas a: Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education 221 Main Street, Suite 1020 San Francisco, CA 94105 FRESNO CITY COLLEGE ■ Tsab Cai Tsis Pub Muaj Kev Ntxub ntxaug Thiab Tej Uas Yuav Tsum Tsu Us Fresno City College yuav tsis pub muaj kev ntxub ntxaug rau tej kev sib txawv ntawm haiv neeg, ntawm nqaij-tawv, tuaj txawv tej chaws tuaj, pojniam, txiv-neej, neeg xiam oob khab, laus-hluas, los yog qhov kev xaiv ntawm tej kev nkauj nraug li cas nyob rau hauv nws txoj cai, kev khiav dejnum, los yog kev coj, kom raws li txoj cai Title VI ntawm Civil Rights Act ntawm 1964 (uas hais txog ntawm haiv neeg, nqaij-tawv, thiab tuaj txawv teb chaws tuaj), Title Ix ntawm qhov Education Amendments ntawm xyoo 1972 (hais txog poj niam-txiv neej), Section 504 ntawm Rehabilitation Act ntawm xyoo 1973 (hais txog neeg xiam oob khab), qhov Americans with Disability Act thiab qhov Age Discrimination Act ntawm xyoo 1975 (hais txog laus-hluas), thiab xeev California Txoj Cai. Tsab cai tsis pub muaj kev ntxub-ntxaug no muaj vaj-huam sib luag thiab ncaj ncees rau kev tuaj nkag kawm ntawv thiab kev ua hauj-lwm nyob hauv college tej programs thiab lwm yam rau txhua tus, nrog rau kev kawm hauj lwm nyob hauv tsev kawm ntawv. Yog xav paub txog txoj cai vaj-huam sib luag no, muaj kev tsis txaus siab los sis xav tau ib daim ntawv qhia txog txoj cai ntawm kev tawm suab txog tej kev tsis txaus siab thaum raug neeg ntxub ntxaug ntawd no, mus cuag tau rau: Christopher Villa, Ed.D. Vice President of Student Services Fresno City College 1101 E. University Avenue Fresno, CA 93741 (559) 442-4600, ext. 8595 Lub tsev kawm ntawv paub txog nws lub luag dej num hais tias yuav tsum tau muaj program nyob thoob plaws hauv tsev kawm ntawv rau cov neeg xiam oob khab. Hu rau Christopher Villa, Vice President of Student Services, rau tej kev pab thiab tej chaw pab, uas muaj rau cov neeg xiam oob khab. Tus ho tsis paub lus As-kiv zoo los yeej tsis muaj teeb meem li cas rau nws tuaj mus kawm ntawv thiab kawm hauj lwm nyob rau hauv tsev kawm ntawv nqib siab no li. Yog xav paub txog Tsoom Fwv tej cai tswj txog qhov tsis pub muaj kev ntxub-ntxaug nyob rau hauv tej tsev kawm ntawv los yog saib lub District ntawd puas ua raws li txoj cai, mus cuag tau rau: Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education 221 Main Street, Suite 1020 San Francisco, CA 94105 29 ■ Sexual Harassment Policy It is the policy of the governing board of the State Center Community College District that no person shall, on the basis of ethnic group identification, national origin, religion, age, sex, race, color, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation be subjected to unlawful discrimination in any program or activity of the district. It is further the policy of the governing board that the district shall maintain a working and learning environment free from sexual harassment of its students, employees, and those who apply for student or employee status. All students and employees should be aware that all institutions of the district are concerned and will take action to eliminate sexual harassment. Engaging in sexual harassment is conduct which may subject the harasser to disciplinary action. Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of State and Federal Law. Sexual harassment means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from or in the work or educational setting, under any of the following conditions: a. Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or a condition of an individual’s employment, academic status, or progress. b. Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis of employment or academic decisions affecting the individual. c. The conduct has the purpose or effect of having negative impact upon the individual’s work or academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or educational environment. d. Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis for any decision affecting the individual regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through the educational institution. Complaints of sexual harassment should be processed according to the terms of District Administrative Regulation 5109. A copy of the District sexual harassment policy and complaint procedures may be obtained from the Vice President of Student Services, Student Services Building, Room 222. ☎ (559) 442-4600, ext. 8595 30 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE ■ Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act In compliance with the Student-Right-to-know and Campus Security Act of 1991 (Public Law 101-542), it is the policy of the State Center Community College District and Fresno City College to make available its completion and transfer rates to all current and prospective students. Beginning in Fall 1996, a cohort of all certificate-, degree- and transfer-seeking first-time, full-time students were tracked over a three-year period. Their completion and transfer rates are listed below. These rates do not represent the success rates of the entire student population at Fresno City College, nor do they account for student outcomes occurring after this three-year tracking period. Based upon the cohort defined above, 27.5 percent attained a certificate or degree or became ‘transfer prepared’ during a three-year period from Spring 1996 to Spring 1999. Students who are ‘transfer-prepared’ have completed 60 transferable units with a GPA of 2.0 or better. Based on the cohort defined above, 20.9 percent transferred to another postsecondary institution, (UC, CSU, or another California community college) prior to attaining a degree, certificate or becoming ‘transfer-prepared’ during a five-semester period from Spring 1997 to Spring 1999. Your Step by Step Guide to Financial Aid It’s Not Too Late to Apply for the Spring Term Step 1 . . . For 2013-2014, file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.ed.gov. If you need assistance with filing your FAFSA, stop by our Financial Aid Computer Lab located in LI-123 and one of our staff will assist you. Fresno City College’s school code is 001307. The filing deadline for the 2013-2014 school year is June 30, 2014. Annual reports of criminal activity on campus and procedures for prevention of campus crime as required by the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1991 are available at the District Police Department. Step 2 . . . Access your Student Aid Report ONLINE at ■ Transcripts Step 3. . . Fresno City College receives your FAFSA data/ Transcripts of courses taken at any college or center of the State Center Community College District may be requested over the Internet at www.fresnocitycollege.edu. Computers are available at the Admissions and Records Office and in campus computer labs. Click on “Online Services” then “Forms Online” and complete the required information. Students are entitled to obtain two copies of their transcripts free of charge in their lifetime; the fee for each additional copy is $5. Students must pay for their additional transcripts in advance at the College Business Office or by mailing a check or money order. Please do not mail cash. Visa, MasterCard and DiscoverCard payments are accepted at the College Business Office or by telephone from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Payments may also be made online at www.fresnocitycollege.edu, WebAdvisor or click on Online Services then Forms Online and then online fee payment. ☎ 489-2234 Transcripts will not be provided if the student has a “monetary hold” on his/her permanent file or if transcript requests have not been paid in full. www.fafsa.ed.gov (one to two weeks after you’ve submitted your FAFSA). information from processor. Step 4 . . . Fresno City College will send an email requesting additional documents if needed. Step 5. . . Students submit all required documents to Fresno City College Financial Aid Office. File is then complete! Step 6 . . . Fresno City College will notify you of your financial aid award or your eligibility status with an email from the Financial Aid Office. Step 7 . . . Sign-up for Financial Aid Direct Deposit at www.webadvisor.scccd.edu. Step 8 . . . $ Financial Aid funds are paid $ For more information about obtaining financial aid, go to the Financial Aid web page at www.fresnocitycollege.edu/financialaid or contact the Financial aid Office at ☎ (559) 442-8245. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 31 Need Financial Aid for College? It’s Not Too Late to Apply Online for Spring 2014 at www.fafsa.gov Fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2013-2014 school year. Submit your application now! Stop by the Fresno City College Financial Aid Computer Lab located in LI-123 to apply. Our friendly staff is there to assist you. Did you know you could access your Financial Aid information 24/7? Log-on to your WebAdvisor account to see the following information at www/webadvisor/scccd.edu: ◗ Financial Aid Status by year. ◗ Financial Aid Status by term. ◗ Review and/or print your Award Letter. ◗ Sign-up for Direct Deposit. ◗ See what documents you need to complete your file. 2013-14 Fresno City College Scholarship application will be available online beginning on January 1, 2014. Students may apply online through the Financial Aid & Scholarship webpage under Scholarship Opportunities. The deadline to submit is March 2, 2014. The Fresno City College Scholarship Program has helped thousands of students attending Fresno City College achieve their educational goals. To be successful, this program depends on our donors who demonstrate their support for our college and their commitment to higher education with their generous contributions. Awards range from $100 to $1500 per year. Our donors designate specific criteria based on academic achievement, educational and career goals, and financial need. See the FCC Scholarship Listing link below for each criteria. **Our regular FCC Scholarship and Honors Program application period begins January 1st and must be submitted online by March 2nd each year. If you have an online application account already created for any other FCC scholarships, login under “returning user” using your existing user name and password. 32 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE INTERSEGMENTAL GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER CURRICULUM (IGETC) Completion of all of the requirements in the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) will permit a student to transfer from a community college to a campus in either the California State University or University of California system. The student will not be required to complete additional lower division general education courses after transfer. It should be noted that completion of the IGETC is not a requirement for admission to the CSU or UC, nor is it the only way to fulfill the lower-division general education requirements prior to transfer. Depending on a student’s major, it may be advantageous to fulfill the CSU or UC general education requirements or those of the particular campus, school or college to which the student plans to transfer. This applies generally to high-unit majors. The course requirements for all areas must be completed before the IGETC can be certified. All courses must be completed with grades of “C” or better. ◗ AREA 1 - ENGLISH COMMUNICATION CSU: three courses required, one from each group below. UC: two courses required, one each from Group 1 and 2 Group 1: English Composition, (one course, three or four semester units) ENGL** 1A/**1AH Group 2: Critical Thinking - English Composition ENGL** 3/**3H, PHIL 2 Group 3: Oral Communication (CSU requirement only) (one course, three semester units) COMM 1, **4, 8, 25 ◗ AREA 2 - MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS/QUANTITATIvE REASONING (One course, three semester units) CSCI 26; DS 21, MATH 4B, 5A, 5B, 6, **10A, **10B, **11, 21, 26, MATH/PSY **42 ◗ AREA 3 - ARTS AND HUMANITIES (At least three courses, with at least one from the Arts and one from Humanities, nine semester units) ARTS: AFRAM 3, 13, 15; AMIND 35; ART 2, **5/**5H, **6/**6H, 55; CLS 20; DANCE 30; FILM 6; MUS **3, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17; TA 30, 31, 32 HUMANITIES: AFRAM/ENGL 17; ARMEN 2, 3; ASL 2, 3, 4, 7, 8; CHIN 2, 3, 4, 5; CLS 21; ENGL**1B/**1BH, 12, 14, 17, 36, 42, 44A, 44B, 45, 46A, 46B, 47, 48A, 48B; FILM 1, 2A, 2B, 3; FRENCH 2, 3, 4; GERMAN 2, 3, 4, HIST **1/ **1H, **2/**2H; HMONG 2; HUMAN 10/**10H, 11/**11H; JAPAN 2; LAST 10; LING 10; PHIL **1A /**1AH, 1B, 1C, 1D, 5; PORT 2, 3, 4; SPAN 2, **3, **3NS, **4, **4NS, 5, 6, 7; WSTS 36 ◗ AREA 4 - SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (At least three courses from at least two disciplines, nine semester units) A. ANTHRO **2/**2H, 3, 4 B. ECON **40/**40H, **50/**50H C. AFRAM 1; AMIND 31, 34; ASAMER 1, 15; CLS 11, 12; HIST 34; JOURN 16 D. HIST 22; JOURN 16; WSTS 10, 47 E. GEOG 2, 4A, 4B, 20 F. AFRAM 4; CLS/HIST 29; HIST 3, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 29, 34 G. AMST 10; CHDEV 30; JOURN 1; PSY/CHDEV 39 H. POLSCI 1, 2/2H, 5, 24 I. PSY **2/**2H, PSY/CHDEV 38, 39 J. HS/SOC 10; SOC 1A/1AH, 2 ◗ AREA 5 - PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (At least two courses, one Physical Science course and one Biological Science course; at least one must include a laboratory, which is underlined.) A. PHYSICAL SCIENCES: ASTRO 10; CHEM **1A, 1B, **3A, 8A, 28A, 28B; GEOG **1, **7, 8; GEOL 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8; PHYS **2A, **2B, **4A, **4B, **4C; PHYSC 7, **11; B. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE: ANTHRO 1; BIOL **3, 4, 5, 6, 11A/11AH, 11B, 20, 21A, 21B, 22, 31 C. SCIENCE LABORATORY CHEM 29A, 29B ◗ LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH Foreign Language (UC requirement only) Proficiency equivalent to two years of high school study in the same language. Completion of two FCC language courses satisfies this requirement. ◗ US HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT (CSU requirement only) - POLSCI 2, 2H; HIST 11 or 12 NOTES: 1. Courses may be listed in more than one area, but can be certified in only one area except for the courses in Languages Other Than English, which can be certified in both areas 3B and 6A. 2. ** Indicates that transfer credit may be limited by either UC or CSU or both. Please consult with a counselor for additional information. 3. The UC “Language other than English” requirement (required for IGETC certification) can be met by two years of high school study (same language, “C” or better grades) or by completion of two college-level foreign language (1 and 2, 2H or 1A and 1B) courses with a “C” or better grades. 4. The CSU requirement in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals (HIST 11 or 12, POLSCI 2, 2H) is not part of IGETC, but should be completed prior to transfer. 5. All courses listed for IGETC are approved for CSU GE and are transferable to UC. 6. Advanced Placement credit: exam scores of 3, 4, or 5 can be used to meet IGETC subject areas and English Composition but not Critical Thinking. 7. Additional information regarding the acceptance of IGETC at specific colleges in each UC is available online at http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admission. DO NOT USE IGETC for those programs at the UC campuses listed: it either won’t be accepted or contains more courses than are required. Use the GE-Breadth requirement for the individual program in the campus catalog. It is critical for admission that students complete all lower division major preparation in addition to the GE-Breadth requirement selected. 8. Check with Counseling. U.C. Berkeley - IGETC is acceptable for all majors in the College of Letters and Science, and it is highly recommended. The Haas School of Business and the Colleges of Engineering, Environmental Design and Chemistry have extensive, prescribed major prerequisites. In general, IGETC is not appropriate preparation for majors in these colleges. Although the IGETC satisfies breadth requirements for most majors in the College of Natural Resources, specific lower division major requirements must still be satisfied; check with the college or visit the ASSIST website for more information. U.C. Davis - IGETC works well for students planning for Bachelor of Arts majors with few units of lower-division preparation. Bachelor of Science degrees and high-unit majors often have many courses of lower-division preparation. In these cases, the UC Davis GE pattern is the best choice. Students in the College of Engineering who have satisfied IGETC are still required to complete two upper-division general education courses at UC Davis. U.C. Irvine - All schools accept the IGETC. However, selection by the campus is based on demonstrated academic achievement and preparation for the intended major. U.C. Los Angeles - The Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science does accept the IGETC. U.C. Merced - The Schools of Engineering and Natural Sciences do not recommend the IGETC. U.C. Riverside - The Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering accepts completion of IGETC as satisfying the majority of the college’s breadth requirement for transfer students. Some additional breadth coursework may be required after enrollment (for details, see the Bourns College of Engineering Breadth Requirements). However, prospective students are strongly encouraged to focus on preparation coursework for their desired major, such as mathematics, science and other technical preparation coursework. Strong technical preparation is essential for success in the admission process and, subsequently, in all coursework at Bournes. The College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences does not accept IGETC, although courses taken to satisfy IGETC may be applied toward the college’s breadth pattern. The College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and the School of Business Administration accept IGETC. U.C. San Diego - The IGETC is accepted by John Muir, Earl Warren, Sixth and Thurgood Marshall colleges only. Students completing the IGETC are welcomed at Eleanor Roosevelt Revelle colleges; however, they must fulfill the specific general education requirements of those colleges. At UCSD, all majors are available to students in each college, so students who choose the IGETC will not be restricted in their choice of major as a result. U.C. Santa Barbara - Students who transfer into the College of Letters and Science and the College of Creative Studies may use IGETC to substitute for general education requirements. Students planning to transfer into a major in computer science or the biological or physical sciences must be careful to complete lower-division major prerequisites to ensure competiveness and make normal, timely progress through the major. Transfer students in College of Engineering are encouraged to focus on the preparation for their major rather than on general education courses, but may also use IGETC to substitute for general education requirements. As part of their general education, all students in the College of Engineering required to complete a depth requirement. Students who wish to satisfy the depth requirement prior to transfer must complete a yearlong sequence in the history of world civilization, history of Western civilization, history of the United States, history of Western philosophy or history of Western art. Students may want to choose courses for IGETC that will concurrently satisfy the depth requirement. Students may also complete the depth requirement with upper-division coursework after transferring. U.C. Santa Cruz - Transfer students intending to pursue any major in the physical and biological sciences or the Jack Baskin School of Engineering should not follow IGETC because it will not provide them with enough lower division preparation for their majors. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 33 GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS FOR CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY TRANSFER CERTIFICATION Note: A number of courses are cross-referenced — the same course is listed in more than one area, department, or discipline — usually with the same course number. Credit can be earned only once for cross-referenced courses. See the individual course listing in the “Course Descriptions” section of the catalog. A course can be counted in only one area or sub-area. Students who have credit from other colleges should confer with a counselor regarding General Education Certification. ◗ AREA A: English Language Communication and Critical Thinking 9 units minimum required with at least one course from A1, A2, and A3. (“C” or better grade required in A1, A2, and A3) Area A1, Oral Communication COMM 1, 2, 4, 8 Area A2, Written Communication ENGL 1A/1AH Area A3, Critical Thinking COMM 25; CRIM 13; ENGL 3/3H; PHIL 2, 6; POLSCI 13 ◗ AREA B: Scientific Inquiry & Quantitative Reasoning 9 units minimum with at least one course each from B1, B2, and B4 (at least one course from B1 or B2 must have a lab). (“C” or better grade required in B4) Area B1, Physical Science ASTRO 10; BIOL 7; CHEM 1A, 1B, 3A, 3B, 8A, 28A, 28B; GEOG 1, 7, 8; GEOL 1/1H, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8; NATSCI 1A; PHYS 2A, 2B, 4A, 4B, 4C; PHYSC 7, 11 Area B2, Life Science ANTHRO 1; BIOL 3/3H, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11A, 11AH, 11B, 20, 21A, 21B, 22, 24, 31 Area B3, Laboratory Activity CHEM 29A, 29B or any course in Area B1 or B2 with a lab. Area B4, Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning CSCI 26; DS 21, 23; MATH 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6, 10A, 10B, 11, 21, 26, 45; MATH/PSY 42 ◗ AREA C: Arts and Humanities ◗ AREA D: Social Sciences 9 units minimum selected from at least three disciplines. Area D 0, Sociology and Criminology HS/SOC 10; SOC 1A, 1AH, 2, 32 Area D1, Anthropology and Archaeology ANTHRO 2/2H, 3, 4 Area D2, Economics ECON 25, 40/40H, 50/50H Area D3, Ethnic Studies AFRAM 1; AMIND 31, 34; ASAMER 1, 15; CLS 11, 12; HIST 34; JOURN 16 Area D4, Gender Studies HIST 22; JOURN 16; WSTS 10, 47 Area D5, Geography GEOG 2, 4A, 4B, 20 Area D6, History AFRAM 4; CLS/HIST 29; HIST 1/1H, 2/2H, 3, 11, 12, 12H, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 29, 34 Area D7, Interdisciplinary Social or Behavioral Science AMST 10; CHDEV 30; JOURN 1; PSY/CHDEV 39 Area D8, Political Science, Government & Legal Institutions BA 20; POLSCI 1, 2, 2H, 3, 5, 24 Area D9, Psychology PSY 2/2H; PSY/CHDEV 38, 39 ◗ AREA E: Lifelong Learning 3 units minimum BA 30; CHDEV/PSY 38, 39; HLTH 1; PSY 2/2H, 33 Note: History 11 or 12 and Political Science 2 or 2H must be taken for graduation from the California State University. Total Units Required for Certification .......................................................................39 9 units minimum with at least one course each from C1 and C2 and an additional course from C1 or C2. Area C1, Arts AFRAM 3, 8, 13, 15; AMIND 35; ART 2, 3, 4, 5/5H, 6/6H, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12A, 12B, 14, 15, 17, 55; CLS 20; COMM/TA 12; DANCE 20A, 30; CLS/DANCE 17, 27; FILM 1, 2A, 2B, 6; MUS 3, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 46; PHOTO 5; TA 30, 44 Area C2, Humanities AFRAM/ENGL 17; ARMEN 1, 2, 3; ASL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8; CHIN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; CLS 21; CULTS 7/7H; ENGL 1B/1BH, 12, 14, 36, 40, 42, 44A, 44B, 45, 46A, 46B, 47, 48A, 48B; ENGL/WSTS 36; FILM 1, 2A, 2B, 3; FRENCH 1, 2, 3, 4; GERMAN 1, 2, 3, 4; HIST 1/1H, 2/2H; HMONG 1, 2; HUMAN 10/10H, 11/11H, 42; JAPAN 1,2; LAST 10; LING 10; PHIL 1A/1AH, 1B, 1C, 1D, 5; POLSCI 3; PORT 1, 2, 3, 4; SPAN 1, 2, 3, 3NS, 4, 4NS, 5, 6, 7; TA 32 Note: To earn a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree at a four-year school, a student must complete specified courses in a major field as well as general education courses. As a rule, courses used to meet major requirements cannot be used as part of the 39 units in general education, except for the Liberal Studies Major. For further information concerning the Liberal Studies Major, contact your counselor. It is recommended that students planning to earn a Multiple Subject elementary school teaching credential follow the Liberal Studies program. Engineering majors should consult a counselor. 34 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCCCD INTRA-DISTRICT ARTICULATED COURSES, COMMON COURSES, AND IN-LIEU COURSES This is a list of courses that Fresno City College and Reedley College (which includes the North Centers — Willow International, Madera and Oakhurst) have agreed to articulate with one another. Note: Before registering for courses you want to use for transfer (for use in CSU-GE, IGETC or to meet a major requirement at a university), you must verify that the course is listed on Fresno City College’s or Reedley College’s CSU-GE or IGETC pattern or articulation list. Do not ask a friend! Check with the lists provided by Fresno City College, Reedley College and the North Centers—or see the Fresno City College or Reedley College catalogs. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Course # Title REEDLEY COLLEGE Course # Title FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Course # Title REEDLEY COLLEGE Course # Title ACCTG 4A ACCTG 4B ACCTG 19 ANTHRO 1 ANTHRO 2 ANTHRO 3 ART 2 ART 3 ART 4 ART 5 ART 6 ART 6H ART 7 ART 9 ART 10 ART 13 ART 17 ART 19 ART 20 ART 23 ART 36A ART 38 ASL 1 ASL 2 ASL 3 ASL 4 ASTRO 10 AUTOT 9 BA 5 BA 10 BA 18 BA 19 BA 27 BA 33 BA 34 BA 38 BA 40 BA 52 BIOL 3/3H BIOL 4 BIOL 5 BIOL 6 BIOL 11A BIOL 11AH BIOL 11B BIOL 20 BIOL 22 BIOL 31 BT 5 BT 19 CHDEV 1 ACCTG 4A ACCTG 4B ACCTG 19V ANTHRO 1 ANTHRO 2 ANTHRO 3 ART 2 ART 3 ART 4 ART 5 ART 6 ART 6H ART 7 ART 9 ART 10 ART 13 ART 17 ART 19 ART 20 ART 23 ART 36A ART 38 ASL 1 ASL 2 ASL 3 ASL 4 ASTRO 10 AUTOT 9 BA 5 BA 10 BA 18 BA 19V BA 27 BA 33 BA 34 BA 38 BA 15 BA 52 BIOL 3 BIOL 4 BIOL 5 BIOL 6 BIOL 11A BIOL 11A BIOL 11B BIOL 20 BIOL 22 BIOL 31 BA 5 BT 19V CHDEV 1 CHEM 1A CHEM 1B CHEM 3A CHEM 3B CHEM 8A CHEM 28A CHEM 28B CHEM 29A CHEM 29B CHIN 1 CHIN 2 CIT 12 CIT 15 CIT 19 CIT 23 CIT 60 CIT 63 CIT 202 CLS 21 COMM 1 COMM 2 COMM 4 COMM 8 COMM 25 COMM 12/TA 12 COUNS 53 COUNS 147AB CRIM 1 CRIM 3 CRIM 4 CHEM 1A CHEM 1B CHEM 3A CHEM 3B CHEM 8 CHEM 28A CHEM 28B CHEM 29A CHEM 29B CHIN 1 CHIN 2 IS 12 IS 15 IS 19V IS 18 IS 47 IS 33 IS 202 ENGL 49 COMM 1/1H COMM 2 COMM 4 COMM 8 COMM 25 COMM 12 COUNS 53 COUNS 47 CRIM 1 CRIM 3 CRIM 4 Financial Accounting Managerial Accounting Work Experience (Cooperative), Occupational Biological Anthropology Cultural Anthropology Archaeology & World Prehistory Art Appreciation Two-Dimensional Design Three-Dimensional Design Art History 1 Art History 2 Honors Art History 2 Beginning Drawing Beginning Painting: Oil/Acrylic Beginning Ceramics Beginning Watercolor Painting Intermediate Drawing Intermediate Painting: Oil/Acrylic Intermediate Ceramics Intermediate Watercolor Painting Intermediate Wheel Throwing Intermediate Hand-Building Beginning American Sign Language High Beginning American Sign Language Intermediate American Sign Language High Inter American Sign Language Basic Astronomy Automotive Essentials Workplace Communication Introduction to Business Business and the Legal Environment Work Experience (Cooperative), Occupational (CEO)(SIFE) Human Relations in the Workplace Fundamentals of Investing Operation of the Small Business Supervision and Leadership Introduction to Entrepreneurship Introduction to Life Science Principles of Zoology Human Biology Principles of Botany Biology for Science Majors I Biology for Science Majors I Biology for Science Majors II Human Anatomy Human Physiology Microbiology Workplace Communication Work Experience (Cooperative), Occupational Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children CHDEV 3 Introduction to Curriculum CHDEV 5 Parent Education CHDEV 6 Health, Safety & Nutrition in Early Childhd Ed CHDEV 8B Programs for School Age Child Care CHDEV 11 The Young Child with Special Needs CHDEV/PSY 12 Child Abuse CHDEV 15 Diversity and Culture in Early Care & Education Programs CHDEV 16 Intro to Early Intervention CHDEV 17A Infant Development-Birth to Age Three CHDEV 17B Advanced Infant Toddler Develop & Care CHDEV 19 Work Experience (Cooperative), Occupational CHDEV 20 Observation and Assessment CHDEV 30 Child, Family and Community CHDEV 37A Early Childhood Practicum CHDEV 37B Advanced Practicum in Early Childhood Education CHDEV/PSY 38 Lifespan Development CHDEV/PSY 39 Child Growth and Development CHDEV 40A Admin of Early Childhood Programs CHDEV 40B Adv Admin of Early Childhood Programs CHDEV 42 Child Nutrition CHDEV 45 Adult Supervision in ECE Classrooms CHDEV 3 CHDEV 5 CHDEV 6 CHDEV 8B CHDEV 35 CHDEV 12 CHDEV15 CHDEV 32 CHDEV 7 CHDEV 7A CHDEV 19V CHDEV 20 CHDEV 30 CHDEV 37A CHDEV 37B CHDEV/PSY 38 CHDEV 39 CHDEV 40A CHDEV 40B FN 42 CHDEV 45 Financial Accounting Managerial Accounting Cooperative Work Experience, Accounting Biological Anthropology Cultural Anthropology Intro to Archaeology & Prehistory Art Appreciation Two-Dimensional Design Three-Dimensional Design Art History 1 Art History 2 Honors Art History 2 Beginning Drawing Beginning Painting: Oil/Acrylic Beginning Ceramics Beginning Watercolor Painting Intermediate Drawing Intermediate Painting: Oil/Acrylic Intermediate Ceramics Intermediate Watercolor Painting Intermediate Wheel Throwing Intermediate Hand-Building Beginning American Sign Language High Beginning American Sign Language Intermediate American Sign Language High Inter American Sign Language Intro to Astronomy Automotive Essentials Business Communications Introduction to Business Business and the Legal Environment Work Experience (Cooperative), Office Tech (SIFE)/(CEO) Human Relations in Business Fundamentals of Investing Operation of the Small Business Introduction to Management Introduction to Entrepreneurship Introduction to Life Science Principles of Zoology Human Biology Principles of Botany Biology for Science Majors I Biology for Science Majors I Biology for Science Majors II Human Anatomy Human Physiology Microbiology Business Communications Work Experience, Occup., Office Technology Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children Introduction to Curriculum Parent Education Health, Safety & Nutrition in Early Childhd Ed Programs for School Age Child Care Exceptional Children Child Abuse Diversity and Culture in Early Care & Education Programs Intro to Early Intervention (3-unit course) Infant-Toddler Development & Care Advanced Infant Toddler Develop & Care Cooperative Work Experience, Child Dev. Observation and Assessment Child, Family and Community Early Childhood Practicum Advanced Practicum in Early Childhood Education Lifespan Development Child Growth and Development Admin of Early Childhood Programs Adv Admin of Early Childhood Programs Child Nutrition Supervision of Adults in ECE Classrooms CRIM 5 CRIM 6 CRIM 7 CRIM 8 CRIM 11 CRIM 12 CRIM 13 CRIM 15 CRIM 19 CRIM 20 CRIM 23 CRIM 24 CSCI 26 CSCI 40 CSCI 40 CSCI 41 DANCE 9 DANCE 10 DANCE 14 DEVSER 250 DEVSER 251 DEVSER 252 DEVSER 255 DEVSER 262 DEVSER 264 DEVSER 272 DEVSER 273 DEVSER 275 DEVSER 276 DEVSER 277 DS 23 DS 117 ECON 40 ECON 50 EDUC 30 ENGL 1A ENGL 1AH ENGL 1B ENGL 1BH ENGL 3 ENGL 3H General Chemistry General Chemistry & qual Analysis Introductory General Chemistry Intro Organic & Biological Chemistry Elementary Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry Laboratory I Organic Chemistry Laboratory II Beginning Chinese High-Beginning Chinese Computer Literacy Computer Concepts Work Experience (Coop), Occup Spreadsheet Fundamentals Beginning Visual Basic Beginning Java Programming Introduction to Online Learning Chicano Literature Introduction to Public Speaking Interpersonal Communications Persuasion Group Communication Argumentation Fundamentals of Interpretation College and Life Management College Study Skills Introduction to Criminology Legal Aspects of Evidence Principles & Procedures of the Justice System Community Relations Concepts of Criminal Law Concepts of Enforcement Services Criminal Investigation Juvenile Delinquency Criminal Justice Communications The Constitution and Your Individual Rights Introduction to Police Ethics Work Experience (Cooperative) Occupational Introduction to Corrections Correctional Interviewing and Counseling Control and Supervision in Corrections Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Programming Concepts & Methods I Programming Concepts & Methods I Programming Concepts & Methods II Dance Conditioning Beg Modern Dance Techniques Beg Jazz Dance Techniques Workability Assessment & Career Workability Preparation & Job Placement Workability Strategies & Job Maintenance Workability Experience Group Interaction for Students with Disabilities Transition to College for Students with Disabilities Consumer Skills Independent Living Skills for DSP&S Students Horticulture Skills I Horticulture Skills II Adaptive Computer Literacy Business Statistics Business Mathematics Intro to Microeconomics Intro to Macroeconomics Survey of Education Reading and Composition Honors Reading and Composition Intro to the Study of Literature Honors Intro to the Study of Literature Critical Reading and Writing Honors Critical Reading and Writing CRIM 5 CRIM 6A CRIM 7A CRIM 8 CRIM 11 CRIM 12 CRIM 13 CRIM 15 CRIM 19V CRIM 20 CRIM 23 CRIM 24 CSCI 26 ENGR 40 CSCI 40 CSCI 41 DANCE 9 DANCE 10 DANCE 14 DEVSER 250 DEVSER 251 DEVSER 252 DEVSER 255 DEVSER 262 DEVSER 240 DEVSER 272 DEVSER 273 DEVSER 275 DEVSER 276 DEVSER 277 STAT 7 DS 117 ECON 1B ECON 1A EDUC 10 ENGL 1A ENGL 1AH ENGL 1B ENGL 1BH ENGL 3 ENGL 3H General Chemistry General Chemistry & qual Analysis Introductory General Chemistry Intro Organic & Biological Chemistry Elementary Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II Organic Chemistry Laboratory I Organic Chemistry Laboratory II Beginning Chinese High-Beginning Chinese Computer Literacy Computer Concepts Cooperative Work Experience, Infor Sys Spreadsheet Fundamentals Visual Basic Beginning Java Programming Introduction to Online Learning Latino & Chicano Literature Introduction to Public Speaking Interpersonal Communications Persuasion Group Communication Argumentation Fundamentals of Interpreting College and Life Management Learning Strategies Introduction to Criminology Legal Aspects of Evidence Principles & Procedures of the Justice System Community Relations Criminal Law Police Operations & Procedures Criminal Investigation Juvenile Delinquency Criminal Justice Communications The Constitution and Your Individual Rights Introduction to Police Ethics Cooperative Work Experience, Criminal Justice Introduction to Corrections Correctional Interviewing and Counseling Control and Supervision in Corrections Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Programming for Sci & Engin Programming Concepts & Methods I Programming Concepts & Methods II Dance Conditioning Modern Dance Beginning Jazz Dance Workability Assessment & Career Workability Preparation & Job Placement Workability Strategies & Job Maintenance Workability Experience Group Interaction for Students with Disabilities Transition to College for Students with Disabilities Consumer Skills Independent Living Skills Horticulture Skills I Horticulture Skills II Adaptive Computer Literacy Elementary Statistics Business Mathematics Prin. to Microeconomics Prin. to Macroeconomics Introduction to Teaching Reading and Composition Honors Reading and Composition Intro to the Study of Literature Honors Intro to the Study of Literature Critical Reading and Writing Honors Critical Reading and Writing FRESNO CITY COLLEGE FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Course # Title REEDLEY COLLEGE Course # Title FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Course # Title REEDLEY COLLEGE Course # Title ENGL 15A ENGL 15B ENGL 40 ENGL 44A ENGL 44B ENGL 46A ENGL 46B ENGL 47 ENGL 105 ENGL 125 ENGL 126 ENGL 252 ENGL 260 ENGL 262 ENGR 2 ENGR 4 ENGR 6 ENGR 8 ENGR 10 ESL 264R ESL 264W ESL 265R ESL 265W FILM 1 FILM 2A FILM 2B FILM 5 FN 35 FN 40 FN/CHDEV 42 FRENCH 1 FRENCH 2 FRENCH 3 FRENCH 4 GEOL 1 GEOL 2 GEOL 9 GERMAN 1 GERMAN 2 GERMAN 3 GERMAN 4 HIST 1 HIST 2 HIST 11 HIST 12 HIST 20 HIT 10 HLTH 1 HLTH 2 HS 19A HS 20 HS 24 HS 30 JOURN 1 JOURN 3 JOURN 19 ENGL 15A ENGL 15B ENGL 2/2H ENGL 44A ENGL 44B ENGL 46A ENGL 46B ENGL 47 ENGL 105 ENGL 125 ENGL 126 ENGL 252 ENGL 260 ENGL 262 ENGR 2 ENGR 4 ENGR 6 ENGR 8 ENGR 10 ESL 266R ESL 266W ESL 225R ESL 226W FILM 1 FILM 2A FILM 2B FILM 5 FN 35 FN 40 FN 42 FRENCH 1 FRENCH 2 FRENCH 3 FRENCH 4 GEOL 1 GEOL 2 GEOL 9 GERMAN 1 GERMAN 2 ERMAN 3 GERMAN 4 HIST 1 HIST 2 HIST 11 HIST 12 HIST 20 OT 10 HLTH 1 HLTH 2 HS 19V HS 20 HS 24 HS 30 JOURN 1 JOURN 3 JOURN 19V MUS 18 MUS 20 MUS 21 MUS 22 MUS 24 MUS 27 MUS 28 MUS 30 MUS 40 MUS 41 NATSCI 1A PE 4 PE 5 PE 6 PE 7 PE 12 PE 13 PE 14 PE 15C PE 20 PE 30A PE 30B PE 30C PE 31A PE 31B PE 31C PE 33A PE 33B PE 33C PE 34A PE 34B PE 34C PE 35B PE 37A PE 37B PE 37C PE 38A PE 38B PE 38C PE 39A PE 39B PE 39C PE 40A PE 40B PE 40C PE 62 PHIL 1A PHIL 1C PHIL 1C PHIL 1D PHIL 2 PHIL 6 PHOTO 5 PHYS 2A PHYS 2B PHYS 4A PHYS 4B PHYS 4C POLSCI 2 POLSCI 2H POLSCI 5 POLSCI 110 PSY 2 PSY 2H PSY 5 PSY/CHDEV 12 PSY 16 PSY 25 PSY/CHDEV 38 PSY 45 RN 33 SOC 1A SOC 1AH SOC 2 SOC 32 Basic Conducting and Score Reading Beginning Piano: Level I Beginning Piano: Level II Intermediate/Advanced Piano Elementary Voice: Level I Beginning Guitar: Level I Beginning Guitar: Level II College Choir Concert Band Jazz Ensembles Integrated Sci: Physics & Chemistry Badminton Basketball Fitness and Health Golf Swimming Tennis Volleyball Weight Training (Coed) Athletic Training Theory of Baseball Competitive Baseball Off-Season Conditioning for Baseball Theory of Basketball Competitive Basketball Off-Season Conditioning for Basketball Theory of Football Competitive Football Off-Season Conditioning for Football Theory of Golf Competitive Golf Off-Season Conditioning for Golf Pep and Cheer Theory of Softball Competitive Softball Off-Season Conditioning for Softball Theory of Tennis Competitive Tennis Off-Season Conditioning for Tennis Theory of Track & Field Competitive Track & Field Off-Season Conditioning for Track & Field Theory of Volleyball Competitive Volleyball Off-Season Conditioning for Volleyball Introduction to kinesiology Theories of knowledge and Reality Ethics Ethics World Religions Critical Reasoning and Analytic Writing Symbolic Logic Introduction to Photography General Physics 1 General Physics 2 Physics for Scientists & Engineers Physics for Scientists & Engineers Physics for Scientists & Engineers American Government Honors American Government Comparative Government American Institutions General Psychology Honors General Psychology Social Psychology P Child Abuse C Abnormal Psychology Human Sexuality Lifespan Development Intro to Research Meth in Psy Transcultural Health Care Introduction to Sociology Honors Introduction to Sociology American Minority Groups Intro to Marriage and Family MUS 18 MUS 20 MUS 21 MUS 22 MUS 24 MUS 27 MUS 28 MUS 31 MUS 40 MUS 41 SCI 1A PE 4 PE 5 PE 6 PE 7 PE 12 PE 13 PE 14 PE 15 PE 20 PE 30A PE 30B PE 30C PE 31A PE 31B PE 31C PE 33A PE 33B PE 33C PE 34A PE 34B PE 34C PE 35B PE 37A PE 37B PE 37C PE 38A PE 38B PE 38C PE 39A PE 39B PE 39C PE 40A PE 40B PE 40C PE 22 PHIL 1 PHIL 1C PHIL 1CH PHIL 1D PHIL 4 PHIL 6 PHOTO 1 PHYS 2A PHYS 2B PHYS 4A PHYS 4B PHYS 4C POLSCI 2 POLSCI 2H POLSCI 5 POLSCI 110 PSY 2 PSY 2H SY 5 HDEV 12 PSY 16 PSY 25 PSY/CHDEV 38 PSY 45 RN 78 SOC 1A SOC 1A SOC 2 SOC 32 SPAN 1 SPAN 2 SPAN 3 SPAN 3NS SPAN 4 SPAN 4NS WKEXP 19 WTD 106 WTD 107 WTD 114 WKEXP 19 Beginning Spanish High Beginning Spanish Intermediate Spanish Spanish for Spanish Speakers High Intermediate Spanish Spanish for Spanish Speakers Work Experience (Cooperative), General Basic Wasterwater Treatment Advanced Wastewater Treatment Water Mathematics Work Experience (Cooperative), General SPAN 1 SPAN 2 SPAN 3 SPAN 3NS SPAN 4 SPAN 4NS COTR 19G WTD 106 WTD 107 WTD 114 COTR 19G Creative Writing: Poetry Creative Writing: Fiction Critical Thinking About Literature World Literature to the Renaissance World Literature Since the Renaissance English Literature to 1800 English Literature from 1800 to Present Introduction to Shakespeare Grammar and Punctuation Writing Skills for College Reading Skills for College Writing Improvement Basic Reading Reading Improvement Graphics Engineering Materials Circuits with Lab Statics Introduction to Engineering Intermediate Reading and Vocabulary Intermediate Writing and Grammar High Intermediate Reading and Vocabulary High Intermediate Writing and Grammar Introduction to Film Studies History of Cinema 1895-1960 History of Cinema 1960 to Present Digital Filmmaking Nutrition and Health Nutrition Child Nutrition Beginning French High Beginning French Intermediate French High Intermediate French Physical Geology Historical Geology Introduction to Earth Science Beginning German High Beginning German Intermediate German G High Intermediate German Western Civilization to 1648 Western Civilization Since 1648 History of the United States to 1877 History of the United States Since 1877 World History I, to 1600 Medical Terminology Contemporary Health Issues First Aid and Safety Work Experience (Cooperative) Occupational Introduction to Social Work Fund of Interviewing and Counseling Group and Community Social Services Introduction to Mass Communications Newswriting Work Experience (Cooperative) Occupational LIBSKL 1 Information Competency/Research Skills LING 10 Introduction to Language LING 11 Intro to Language for Educators MATH 4A Trigonometry MATH 4B Precalculus MATH 5A Math Analysis I MATH 5B Math Analysis II MATH 6 Math Analysis III MATH 7 Introduction to Differential Equations MATH 10A Structure and Concepts in Mathematics I MATH 10B Structure and Concepts in Mathematics II MATH 11 Elementary Statistics MATH 21/DS 21 Finite Mathematics MATH 45 Contemporary Mathematics MATH 102 Plane Geometry MATH 103 Intermediate Algebra MATH 201 Elementary Algebra MATH 250 College Arithmetic MATH 255 Pre-Algebra MKTG 10 Principles of Marketing MKTG 11 Salesmanship MKTG 12 Advertising and Promotion MUS 1A Music Theory I MUS 1B Music Theory II MUS 2A Music Theory III MUS 2B Music Theory IV MUS 3 Music Fundamentals MUS 7A Ear Training: Level I MUS 7B Ear Training: Level II MUS 12 Music Appreciation MUS 16 Jazz History and Appreciation Creative Writing: Poetry Creative Writing: Fiction Critical Reading & Writing Through Literature World Literature to the Renaissance World Literature Since the Renaissance English Literature to 1800 English Literature from 1800 to Present Introduction to Shakespeare Grammar and Punctuation Writing Skills for College Reading Skills for College Writing Improvement Basic Reading Reading Improvement Engineering Graphics Engineering Materials Electrical Circuits Analysis with Lab Statics Introduction to Engineering Inter Academic Reading and Vocabulary Inter Academic Writing and Grammar High Intermediate Academic Reading High Intermediate Academic Writing Introduction to Film Studies History of Cinema 1895-1960 History of Cinema 1960 to Present Digital Filmmaking Nutrition and Health Nutrition Child Nutrition Beginning French High Beginning French Intermediate French High Intermediate French Physical Geology Historical Geology Introduction to Earth Science Beginning German High Beginning German Intermediate German High Intermediate German Western Civilization to 1648 Western Civilization Since 1648 History of the United States to 1877 History of the United States Since 1877 Comparative World Civilizations to 1600 Medical Terminology Contemporary Health Issues First Aid and Safety Work Experience (Cooperative) Occupational Introduction to Social Work Fund of Interviewing and Counseling Group and Community Social Services Introduction to Mass Communications Newswriting Cooperative Work Experience, Journalism LIBSKL 1 Information Competency/Research Skills LING 10 Introduction to Language LING 11 Intro to Language MATH 4A Trigonometry MATH 4B Precalculus MATH 5A Math Analysis I MATH 5B Math Analysis II MATH 6 Math Analysis III MATH 7 Introduction to Differential Equations MATH 10A Structure and Concepts in Mathematics I MATH 10B Structure and Concepts in Mathematics II MATH 11/STAT 7 Elementary Statistics MATH 21 Finite Mathematics MATH 45 Contemporary Mathematics MATH 102 Plane Geometry MATH 103 Intermediate Algebra MATH 201 Elementary Algebra MATH 250 College Arithmetic MATH 256 Algebra Topics MKTG 10 Marketing MKTG 11 Salesmanship MKTG 12 Advertising and Promotion MUS1A Music Theory I MUS 1B Music Theory II MUS 2A Music Theory III MUS 2B Music Theory IV MUS 3 Music Fundamentals MUS 7A Ear Training: Level I MUS 7B Ear Training: Level II MUS 12 Music Appreciation MUS 16 Jazz History and Appreciation 35 Basic Conducting and Score Reading Beginning Piano: Level I Beginning Piano: Level II Intermediate/Advanced Piano Elementary Voice: Level I Beginning Guitar: Level I Beginning Guitar: Level II Concert Choir Concert Band Jazz Ensembles Introductory Chemical & Physical Science Badminton Basketball Fitness and Health Golf Beginning Swimming for Fitness Tennis Volleyball Weight Training Athletic Training Theory of Baseball Competitive Baseball Off-Season Conditioning for Baseball Theory of Basketball ompetitive Basketball Off-Season Conditioning for Basketball Theory of Football Competitive Football Off-Season Conditioning for Football Theory of Golf Competitive Golf Off-Season Conditioning for Golf Pep and Cheer Theory of Softball Competitive Softball Off-Season Conditioning for Softball’ Theory of Tennis Competitive Tennis Off-Season Conditioning for Tennis Theory of Track & Field Competitive Track & Field Off-Season Conditioning for Track & Field Theory of Volleyball Competitive Volleyball Off-Season Conditioning for Volleyball Introduction to Physical Education Introduction to Philosophy Ethics Ethics World Religions Critical Reasoning Symbolic Logic Basics of Digital Photography General Physics 1 General Physics 2 Physics for Scientists & Engineers Physics for Scientists & Engineers Physics for Scientists & Engineers American Government Honors American Government Comparative Government American Institutions General Psychology Honors General Psychology Social Psychology Child Abuse Abnormal Psychology Human Sexuality Lifespan Development Intro to Research Meth in Psy Foundations of Multicultural Nursing Care Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology American Minority Groups Courtship, Marriage, Divorce: Family & Interpersonal Relationships Beginning Spanish High Beginning Spanish Intermediate Spanish Spanish for Spanish Speakers High Intermediate Spanish Spanish for Spanish Speakers Cooperative Work Experience Education Basic Wastewater Treatment & Distribution Advanced Wastewater Treatment Water Mathematics Cooperative Work Experience, Education 36 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE Career & Technology Center hands-on programs teach skills to land a great job For over 40 years, the Fresno City College Career & Technology Center (CTC) has taught practical skills in an environment closely resembling actual jobs. This learning environment, along with a “hands-on” educational style, allows students to develop skills that best prepare them for their chosen careers. Year-round registration is in effect at CTC. The CTC faculty and staff do their part by identifying the job skills employers in local industry need and CTC students do their part by acquiring those skills through the hands-on vocational training CTC provides. Opening Doors To Employment The Career & Technology Center offers support for individuals committed to improving themselves. The unique, hands-on programs offer: ◗ Open entry ◗ Low Cost ◗ Financial aid ◗ Year-round registration ◗ Industry specific training ◗ Classes at all levels of academic achievement We Serve the Student and the Community CTC provides employable skills training to students 18 years of age and older, who do or do not possess a high school diploma. Training programs are from 10 to 30 weeks and are designed for concentrated learning. Working in partnership with industry, CTC’s programs mirror industries’ needs; new programs are continually developed to teach skills that relate directly to jobs. Students get valuable experience like working on customers’ cars. The end result is highly skilled workers ready to land jobs that pay well. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 37 CTC Programs Auto Collision Repair Fire Academy Manufacturing Mechanic 30-week program. Sheet metal repair, power tools, plastic body fillers, fiberglass, painting and refinishing. 20- or 31-week program. Extensive hands-on training. Strong emphasis on physical training and testing. HazMat FRO, Confined Space, I-100 and I-200, Auto Extrication, Fire Control 3, Low Angle Rope Rescue, and CDF Wildland certification. The 9-week Manufacturing Mechanic Program is a non-credit Certificate of Completion and is the first step on the career pathway including Maintenance Mechanic, Programmable Logic Controllers, Instrumentation Systems and Industrial Refrigeration topics. The 9 week (225 hour) program focuses on the concepts necessary to be successful in the 9 month Maintenance Mechanic Program. The program will cover Fluid Power, Pneumatic, Hydraulic, Power Transmission, Welding and Electrical Fundamentals. In addition, soft skills are implemented into the program so that a student is introduced to basic computer skill, report writing and job preparation. Engine Performance/Electrical/ Heating & AC 30-week program. Computer controlled vehicles, driveability, electrical, fuel injection and sensor diagnosis. Troubleshooting and repairing, plus working with portable test equipment, engine oscilloscopes and computerized emission control engine analyzer. Diagnose and repair AC systems. Engine Repair 20-week program. Practical and theoretical training in engine diagnosis, heads, valves, engine block, lubrication and cooling. Fire Technology Associate degree program in Fire Technology. Emergency Medical Technician 1 training. California State Fire Marshall Fire Officer certification classes, specialized courses preparing students for advancement in the Fire Service. Maintenance Mechanic 30-week program. Theory, application, troubleshooting and repair in welding, hydraulics and pneumatics, machining and electrical fundamentals. CTC is located at: 2930 E. Annadale Ave. Fresno, CA 93725 (559) 265-5760 Warehouse & Distribution Careers 12-week program. Forklift training inventory control, blueprint reading, computer and math literacy. 41 N E. Jensen Ave. Jensen Dorothy Ave. A E. Annadale 99 Orange Ave. A E. North Ave. Cedar Ave. A Career and Technology Center East Ave. A Cherry Ave. A Elm Ave. A For more information join us for an orientation held Mondays at 9 a.m. 38 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR Spring Semester Begins January 13, 2014 ACCOUNTING ACCTG 4A 22732 22733 22730 22797 22737 22783 22731 22734 22735 22807 22804 22811 PREREQ: ENGL 125 and 126 and MATH 201 or equivalent. Enrolled or previously completed CIT 12 or 15. (C-ID ACCT 110) (A, CSU, UC) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 ARR WEB K.VALDEZ AND ARR ARR K.VALDEZ DATES: (#22732 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (#22732 is a distance education class offered via the Internet with an on-campus or arranged final. Students need access to a computer with Internet and an e-mail account. Each student must e-mail the instructor at kathaleen.valdez@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 ARR WEB M.KELLEY AND ARR ARR M.KELLEY (#22733 is a distance education class offered via the Internet with an on-campus or arranged final. Students need access to a computer with Internet and an e-mail account. Each student must visit the following web link http://online.fresnocitycollege.edu/faculty/mkelley/FYI.htm for more information about the course before the first day of class. Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 MW 7:30am-9:50 BE-133 T.STRICKER (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 WF 9:30am-11:45 BE-131 J.MAKOFSKE (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 MW 10:00am-11:50 OAB-188 K.MIZNER AND F 10:00am-11:05 BE-127 K.MIZNER (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 MW 10:00am-11:50 OAB-188 K.MIZNER AND F 12:30pm-1:35 BE-133 K.MIZNER (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 BE-121 K.MIZNER AND F 11:15am-12:20 BE-218 K.MIZNER (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 MW 12:00pm-1:50 BE-136 M.KELLEY AND W 2:00pm-2:50 BE-218 M.KELLEY (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 TTh 1:30pm-3:45 BE-133 R.DUSTIN JR (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 MW 3:30pm-5:50 BE-133 J.MAKOFSKE (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 BE-217 J.BEATTY (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 MW 6:30pm-8:50 BE-133 R.TUTTRUP (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# ACCTG 4B 22895 22897 22899 22824 22894 22896 24808 ACCTG 19 ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 39 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: ACCTG 4A or equivalent. (C-ID ACCT 120) (A, CSU, UC) ACCTG 4B MANAGERIAL ACCTG 4 ARR WEB R.DUSTIN JR AND ARR ARR R.DUSTIN JR (#22895 is a distance education class offered via the Internet with an on-campus or arranged final on a date between 05/19 through 05/23. Students need access to a computer with Internet and an e-mail account. Each student must e-mail the instructor at ron.dustin@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4B classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4B.) ACCTG 4B MANAGERIAL ACCTG 4 TTh 7:30am-9:45 BE-133 T.STRICKER (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4B classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4B.) ACCTG 4B MANAGERIAL ACCTG 4 MW 8:00am-9:50 BE-121 K.MIZNER AND F 8:00am-9:05 BE-129 K.MIZNER (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4B classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4B.) ACCTG 4B MANAGERIAL ACCTG 4 MW 11:00am-1:20 BE-133 T.STRICKER (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4B classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4B.) ACCTG 4B MANAGERIAL ACCTG 4 TTh 11:00am-1:15 BE-120 M.KELLEY (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4B classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4B.) ACCTG 4B MANAGERIAL ACCTG 4 TTh 4:00pm-6:15 BE-133 R.DUSTIN JR (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4B classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4B.) ACCTG 4B MANAGERIAL ACCTG 4 MW 6:00pm-8:20 BE-131 J.VACA (Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4B classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4B.) COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) ACCTG 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 M 5:30pm-6:35 BE-137 J.ARMAS AND 7HRS ARR OFF J.ARMAS ACCTG 32A 24580 PREREQ: ACCTG 4A or equivalent. (Formerly ACCTG 32) (A, CSU) ACCTG 32A COMPTRZD ACCTG 1 TTh 2:00pm-4:05 DATES: (#24580 meets 01/14 to 02/20) ACCTG 51 23384 PREREQ: ACCTG 4A or equivalent. (Formerly ACCTG 51 and ACCTG 151) (A, CSU) ACCTG 51 INTER ACCTG 3 TTh 11:00am-12:50 BE-215 J.MAKOFSKE BE-133 T.STRICKER ACCTG 52 23395 PREREQ: ACCTG 4B or equivalent. (Formerly ACCTG 52 and ACCTG 152) (A, CSU) ACCTG 52 COST ACCTG 3 TTh 6:00pm-7:50 BE-222 S.HENKEL ACCTG 53 23396 PREREQ: ACCTG 4A or equivalent. (Formerly ACCTG 53 and ACCTG 153) (A, CSU) ACCTG 53 TAX ACCOUNTING 3 MW 12:00pm-1:50 BE-218 K.MIZNER ACCTG 56 23397 PREREQ: ACCTG 4A or equivalent. (A, CSU) ACCTG 56 PAYROLL ACCTG 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 BE-217 J.BEATTY ACCTG 57 23403 PREREQ: ACCTG 4A or equivalent. (A, CSU) ACCTG 57 GOVTL ACCOUNTING 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 BE-121 S.HENKEL ACCTG 61 24786 PREREQ: ACCTG 4A or equivalent. (A, CSU) ACCTG 61 FORENSIC ACCTG 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 BE-204 STAFF ACCTG 70 23410 PREREQ: ACCTG 4A or equivalent. (A, CSU) ACCTG 70 QUICKBKS FUNDMNTL 2 DATES: (#23410 meets 02/25 to 05/15) TTh 2:00pm-4:10 BE-219 J.MAKOFSKE Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 40 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR AEROSPACE STUDIES--AIR FORCE ROTC AEROST 1B 25975 25978 AEROST 2B 25986 25987 AEROST 3 25984 AEROST 5 25985 COREQ: AEROST 3. (A, CSU, UC) AEROST 1B USAF FOUNDATION DATES: (#25975 meets 01/22 to 05/14) AEROST 1B USAF FOUNDATION DATES: (#25978 meets 01/16 to 05/15) COREQ: AEROST 3. (A, CSU, UC) AEROST 2B EVOLUTN AIR/SPACE DATES: (#25986 meets 01/22 to 05/14) AEROST 2B EVOLUTN AIR/SPACE DATES: (#25987 meets 01/16 to 05/15) 1 W 2:00pm-2:50 CSUF-NG-154 D.ECKLES 1 Th 2:00pm-2:50 CSUF-NG-154 D.ECKLES 1 W 1:00pm-1:50 CSUF-NG-154 M.BUEHLER 1 Th 1:00pm-1:50 CSUF-NG-154 M.BUEHLER COREQ: (One of the following) AEROST 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B (Note: if a cadet has taken all 4 of the possible corequisite courses, they do not need to enroll in a corequisite course again. They can then take Aerospace 3 as a stand-alone course.) (PASS/NO PASS only) (A, CSU, UC) AEROST 3 LEADERSHIP LAB 1 Th 4:00pm-5:50 CSUF-NG-154 D.ECKLES AND 2HRS ARR ARR D.ECKLES DATES: (#25984 meets 01/16 to 05/15) COREQ: (One of the following) AEROST 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B (Note: if a cadet has taken all 4 of the possible corequisite courses, they do not need to enroll in a corequisite course again. They can then take AEROST 5 as a stand-alone course.) (A, CSU) AEROST 5 DRILL & CEREMONY 1 T 2:00pm-2:50 CSUF-NG-154 D.ECKLES DATES: (#25985 meets 01/21 to 05/13) AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES AFRAM 1 23750 23733 23771 23770 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CUL S 1) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) AFRAM 1 AFRAM STUDIES 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 OAB-217 V.JEAN-PIERRE AFRAM 1 AFRAM STUDIES 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 OAB-231 R.KELLEY AFRAM 1 AFRAM STUDIES 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 AH-106 D.STANDIFER AFRAM 1 AFRAM STUDIES 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 OAB-271 STAFF AFRAM 2 23826 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CUL S 2) (A, CSU, UC) AFRAM 2 CUL ADAPT/AFRICN 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 AH-106 AFRAM 3 ***** ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CUL S 3) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) AFRAM 3 AFRICAN-AMER ART 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 OAB-231 R.KELLEY (Above class is part of the African American Male Leadership Program [SYMBAA] and requires concurrent enrollment in AFRAM 3, COUN 48, ENGL 125, and ENGL 126. For more information, contact the Dean of Student Services, Counseling office at [559]499-6066.) AFRAM 3 AFRICAN-AMER ART 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 OAB-231 R.KELLEY (Above class content has an African/American emphasis and includes a mentoring component. Requires concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A, COUN 43, and COUN 48. For additional information, contact Granville Redmond at [559]442-4600, ext. 8639.) AFRAM 3 AFRICAN-AMER ART 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 AH-106 K.SOLWAZI AFRAM 3 AFRICAN-AMER ART 3 W 6:30pm-9:20 AH-106 K.SOLWAZI ***** 23833 23832 K.KIRK AFRAM 4 23834 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (Formerly CUL S 4) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) AFRAM 4 CLASSICAL AFRICA 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 AFRAM 5 23835 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CUL S 5) (A, CSU, UC) AFRAM 5 AFRICANS NEW WRLD 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 AH-106 AFRAM 13 23821 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AFR-AM 7) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) AFRAM 13 MUSIC: TO 1940 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 AH-208 D.STANDIFER AH-106 NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. K.KIRK K.KIRK FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 41 INSTRUCTOR AFRAM 15 23825 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) AFRAM 15 MUSIC: 1940-PRES 3 TTh 3:30pm-4:45 AH-208 AFRAM 41 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also WSTS 41) (Formerly CUL S 41) (A, CSU, UC) AFRAM 41 AFRAM WOMEN 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 AH-106 K.KIRK 66102 D.STANDIFER AIR CONDITIONING AC 52 23216 AC 54 23219 AC 55 23222 AC 56 ADVISORY: AC 50, 51, 53, AT 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (A, CSU) AC 52 HEATING SYSTEMS 7 DAILY 8:00am-9:50 T-503 D.BARNARD ADVISORY: AC 50, 51, AT 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (A, CSU) AC 54 COMMERC’L SYSTMS 7 DAILY 10:00am-11:50 T-503 D.BARNARD ADVISORY: AC 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. AC 53, 54 and 56 may be taken concurrently. (A, CSU) AC 55 TECH TESTNG/CERT 1 Th 7:00pm-8:50 T-110C STAFF DATES: (#23222 meets 03/20 to 05/22) 23220 ADVISORY: AC 50 or concurrent enrollment, and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (Formerly AC 53) (A, CSU) AC 56 DUCT SYSTEMS 3 TTh 12:30pm-2:45 T-503 STAFF AC 252 23223 ADVISORY: AT 10, AC 57, eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. AC 252 DDC NETWRK CNTRL 2 M 7:00pm-9:50 T-303A M.ZSCHOGNER AC 260C ADVISORY: AC 260B, AT 10, eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (Formerly AC 60B and AC 60C) AC 260C RESIDENT’L HEATNG 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 T-503 B.PAWLOWSKI 23221 AMERICAN INDIAN STUDIES AMIND 31 23836 23837 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CUL ST 31) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) AMIND 31 AMER INDIAN CULTR 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 OAB-217 B.NAVARRO AMIND 31 AMER INDIAN CULTR 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 SO-208 B.NAVARRO AMIND 34 23838 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CUL ST 34) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) AMIND 34 AMER IND/SOCIETY 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 OAB-217 B.NAVARRO AMIND 35 23839 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CUL ST 35) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) AMIND 35 AMER INDIAN ART 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 SO-208 B.NAVARRO AMERICAN STUDIES AMST 10 23840 23841 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) AMST 10 AMER PLURALISM 3 MWF 2:00pm-2:50 SO-209 AMST 10 AMER PLURALISM 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 SO-221 K.KIRK M.WATSON ANTHROPOLOGY ANTHRO 1 23899 23848 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ANTHRO 1 BIOLOGICAL ANTH 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 SO-221 K.PRANDINI ANTHRO 1 BIOLOGICAL ANTH 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 SO-221 C.MINAR (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) 23854 ANTHRO 1 BIOLOGICAL ANTH 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 SO-221 C.MINAR (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 42 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ANTHRO 2 23998 23999 24000 24001 24002 23905 23997 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ANTHRO 2 CULTURAL ANTHRO 3 MWF ANTHRO 2 CULTURAL ANTHRO 3 MWF ANTHRO 2 CULTURAL ANTHRO 3 TTh ANTHRO 2 CULTURAL ANTHRO 3 TTh ANTHRO 2 CULTURAL ANTHRO 3 TTh ANTHRO 2 CULTURAL ANTHRO 3 T ANTHRO 2 CULTURAL ANTHRO 3 W 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-10:50 11:00am-12:15 12:30pm-1:45 2:00pm-3:15 6:30pm-9:20 6:30pm-9:20 SO-221 SO-221 SO-208 SO-208 SO-208 SO-208 SO-208 K.PRANDINI K.PRANDINI B.WENGERD B.WENGERD B.WENGERD E.BALLEW E.BALLEW ANTHRO 3 24003 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ANTHRO 3 ARCH/PREHISTORY 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 SO-221 J.BINNING ANTHRO 4 24005 ADVISORY: MATH 102 and 250 and eligibility for ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ANTHRO 4 INTRO TO ARCHEOLGY 3 M 2:00pm-5:05 SO-221 C.MINAR ANTHRO 13 23901 23904 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (A, CSU, UC) ANTHRO 13 MAGC/WTCRFT/RELG 3 ANTHRO 13 MAGC/WTCRFT/RELG 3 SO-208 SO-208 B.WENGERD B.WENGERD ANTHRO 28 66117 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (See also CLS 28) (A, CSU, UC) ANTHRO 28 ANCIENT MEXICO 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 ANTHRO 30 24331 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (A, CSU) ANTHRO 30 TOPICS IN ANTHRO (Cultural Resources Management) 3 MW MW W 2:00pm-3:20 3:30pm-4:50 6:30pm-9:20 OAB-119 M.WATSON SO-221 J.BINNING APPLIED TECHNOLOGY AT 10 22784 23177 PREREQ: None. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly INDED 23) (A, CSU) AT 10 TECH COMPUTER APP 3 MWF 7:00am-9:50 T-501 T.CAMACHO DATES: (#26299 meets 01/13 to 03/14) AT 10 TECH COMPUTER APP 3 MW 8:00am-9:50 T-103 J.WALLIS AT 10 TECH COMPUTER APP 3 MW 10:00am-11:50 T-501 T.CAMACHO AT 10 TECH COMPUTER APP 3 TTh 10:00am-11:50 T-501 T.CAMACHO AT 10 TECH COMPUTER APP 3 MW 12:00pm-1:50 T-501 T.CAMACHO AT 10 TECH COMPUTER APP 3 MWF 12:00pm-2:20 T-103 J.WALLIS DATES: (#26300 meets 03/17 to 05/23) AT 10 TECH COMPUTER APP 3 MW 1:00pm-2:50 T-102 M.RICE (Design Science High School) AT 10 TECH COMPUTER APP 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:50 T-501 T.CAMACHO (Design Science High School) AT 10 TECH COMPUTER APP 3 MW 3:00pm-4:50 T-102 M.RICE AT 10 TECH COMPUTER APP 3 Th 6:00pm-9:50 T-501 A.CHRISTOPHERSON 23196 23193 23194 23195 PREREQ: None. (Formerly INDED 11) (A, CSU) AT 11 BASIC ELEC 3 AT 11 BASIC ELEC 3 AT 11 BASIC ELEC 3 AT 11 BASIC ELEC 3 T-304 T-304 T-303A T-304 STAFF D.RILEY D.RILEY D.RILEY 23178 23184 23185 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) AT 21 OCCUP SAFETY 2 MW 10:00am-10:50 T-202 AT 21 OCCUP SAFETY 2 TTh 1:00pm-1:50 T-203S AT 21 OCCUP SAFETY 2 T 6:00pm-7:50 T-501 J.WALLIS STAFF A.CHRISTOPHERSON 23186 23189 23188 23187 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly INDED 37) (A, CSU) AT 40 EMPLOY OPP PREP 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 T-202 C.SORENSEN AT 40 EMPLOY OPP PREP 3 W 12:00pm-2:50 T-203S S.HURLEY AT 40 EMPLOY OPP PREP 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:15 T-102 M.RICE AT 40 EMPLOY OPP PREP 3 T 7:00pm-9:50 T-202 C.SORENSEN 26299 22765 22768 23172 22777 26300 ***** ***** AT 11 AT 21 AT 40 TTh MW TTh M 8:00am-9:15 11:00am-12:20 12:00pm-1:15 6:00pm-8:50 NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 43 INSTRUCTOR AT 120 23190 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (A) AT 120 INDUSTRIAL SCI 3 TTh 8:00am-9:50 T-501 AT 130 PREREQ: MATH 260C or MATH 250 or designated math score. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly INDED 60) (A) AT 130 INDUSTRIAL MATH 3 MW 12:00pm-1:20 T-202 D.HIMES AT 130 INDUSTRIAL MATH 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 T-202 D.HIMES 23191 23192 D.HIMES ARCHITECTURE ARCH 11 23225 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) ARCH 11 INTRO TO DESIGN 2 Th 11:00am-12:50 T-102 D.HALDERMAN ARCH 21 23227 23377 23378 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) ARCH 21 BLDG MATERIALS 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 T-302 ARCH 21 BLDG MATERIALS 3 TTh 3:00pm-4:15 T-302 ARCH 21 BLDG MATERIALS 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 T-302 R.SALAZAR D.HALDERMAN STAFF ARCH 24 23379 23380 PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) ARCH 24 BLDG INFO MODEL ARCH 24 BLDG INFO MODEL ARCH 40 23381 PREREQ: ARCH 30. (A, CSU) ARCH 40 ARCH DES & VISUAL IV 3 3 MW T 1:00pm-2:50 6:00pm-9:50 T-302 T-302 B.GALLO B.GALLO 3 AND T Th 10:00am-12:50 10:00am-11:50 T-302 T-302 K.ZAMORA K.ZAMORA (This course requires a $33.00 materials fee.) ARCH 41A 23382 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU) ARCH 41A OFFICE PRACTICES 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:15 T-302 ARCH 42 23383 PREREQ: ARCH 32. (Formerly ARCH 32) (A, CSU) ARCH 42 TIMBER & STEEL 3 TTh 8:00am-9:50 T-302 D.HALDERMAN K.ZAMORA ART ART 2 23453 23454 23455 23456 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ART 10) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ART 2 ART APPRECIATION 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 OAB-127 W.RAINES ART 2 ART APPRECIATION 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 FH-101 P.SNOWDEN ART 2 ART APPRECIATION 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-127 S.SOSA ART 2 ART APPRECIATION 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 OAB-127 P.SNOWDEN ART 3 23457 23459 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) ART 3 2-DIMEN DESIGN 3 MW 9:00am-12:05 AH-207 ART 3 2-DIMEN DESIGN 3 MW 1:00pm-4:05 T-101B N.SPOHRER P.JANZEN ART 4 23460 23461 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) ART 4 3-DIMEN DESIGN 3 TTh 9:00am-11:50 T-101B ART 4 3-DIMEN DESIGN 3 MW 11:30am-2:35 AH-102 C.PAYNE L.WEST ART 5 23462 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ART 25) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ART 5 ART HISTORY 1 3 MW 2:00pm-3:20 OAB-188 S.SOSA ART 6 23464 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly ART 26) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ART 6 ART HISTORY 2 3 MW 11:00am-12:20 OAB-176 ART 6H ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (Formerly ART 26H and HONORS 6A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ART 6H HON ART HISTORY2 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 OAB-127 S.SOSA (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for information.) ***** Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. S.SOSA ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 44 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ART 7 23468 23469 23470 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ART 7A) (A, CSU-GE, UC) ART 7 BEGIN DRAWING 3 TTh 8:00am-10:50 AH-202 N.MAKI-DEARSAN ART 7 BEGIN DRAWING 3 TTh 3:00pm-5:50 AH-202 W.RAINES ART 7 BEGIN DRAWING 3 MW 6:30pm-9:35 AH-202 V.MENDEZ ART 8 69170 23471 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ART 8A) (A, CSU, UC) ART 8 BEG FIGURE DRAW 3 MW 10:00am-1:05 AH-202 A.SCHEID ART 8 BEG FIGURE DRAW 3 TTh 11:30am-2:20 AH-202 N.MAKI-DEARSAN ART 9 23474 23473 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ART 14A) (A, CSU-GE, UC) ART 9 BEG PAINT OIL/ACR 3 MW 9:00am-12:05 AH-201 R.BATES ART 9 BEG PAINT OIL/ACR 3 TTh 9:00am-11:50 AH-201 R.BATES ART 10 23477 23478 23479 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ART 11A) (A, CSU-GE, UC) ART 10 BEGIN CERAMICS 3 MW 9:00am-12:05 AH-105 T.HERNANDEZ ART 10 BEGIN CERAMICS 3 MW 1:00pm-4:05 AH-105 T.HERNANDEZ ART 10 BEGIN CERAMICS 3 TTh 1:00pm-3:50 AH-105 L.RICHMOND ART 11 ADVISORY: ART 4. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 or MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly ART 17A) (A, CSU-GE, UC) ART 11 BEGIN SCULPTURE 3 MW 8:00am-11:05 AH-102 L.WEST (This section may require a $20-$80 material fee.) ART 11 BEGIN SCULPTURE 3 TTh 3:00pm-5:50 AH-102 L.WEST (This section may require a $20-$80 material fee.) 23481 23482 ART 12A 69144 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ART 48 and ART 12) (C-ID ARTS 280) (A, CSU-GE) ART 12A CRAFT WRKSHP:TRAD 3 TTh 1:00pm-3:50 T-101B C.PAYNE (#69144 Emphasis on papermaking and bookmaking.) ART 12B 69244 PREREQ: ART 12A. (A, CSU-GE) ART 12B INT CRAFT WORKSHOP 3 TTh (#69244 Emphasis on papermaking and bookmaking.) ART 14 23488 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ART 23) (A, CSU-GE, UC) ART 14 BEG PRINTMAKING 3 TTh 9:00am-11:50 AH-207 N.SPOHRER ART 17 PREREQ: ART 7 or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing and/or portfolio of past drawing work. (Formerly ART 7B) (A, CSU-GE, UC) ART 17 INTER DRAWING 3 MW 3:00pm-6:05 AH-202 A.SCHEID 23489 ART 18 69270 ART 19 69107 ART 20 23494 ART 21 69119 1:00pm-3:50 T-101B C.PAYNE PREREQ: ART 8 or demonstration of comparable skill level determined by drawing portfolio. (Formerly ART 8B) (A, CSU, UC) ART 18 INT FIGURE DRAW 3 MW 10:00am-1:05 AH-202 A.SCHEID PREREQ: ART 9 or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing and/or portfolio of past oil/ acrylic painting work. (Formerly ART 14B) (A, CSU, UC) ART 19 INT PAINT OIL/ACR 3 TTh 1:00pm-3:50 AH-201 R.BATES PREREQ: ART 10 or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing and portfolio of past ceramic work. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly ART 11B) (A, CSU, UC) ART 20 INTER CERAMICS 3 TTh 9:00am-11:50 AH-105 T.HERNANDEZ PREREQ: ART 11 or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing and/or portfolio of past sculpture work. (Formerly ART 17B) (A, CSU, UC) ART 21 INTER SCULPTURE 3 TTh 12:00pm-2:50 AH-102 L.WEST (This class may require a $50-$205 material fee.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# ART 24A 69150 ART 24D 69250 ART 29 69207 ART 31 69219 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 45 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: ART 14 or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing and/or portfolio of past printmaking work. (A, CSU, UC) ART 24A INTAGLIO 3 TTh 1:00pm-3:50 AH-207 N.SPOHRER PREREQ: ART 14 or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing and/or portfolio of past printmaking work. (A, CSU, UC) ART 24D SCREENPRINTING 3 TTh 1:00pm-3:50 AH-207 N.SPOHRER PREREQ: ART 19, or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing and/or portfolio of past oil/ acrylic painting work. (A, CSU, UC) ART 29 ADV PAINT OIL/ACR 3 TTh 1:00pm-3:50 AH-201 R.BATES PREREQ: ART 21, or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing and/or portfolio of past sculpture work. (A, CSU, UC) ART 31 ADV SCULPTURE 3 TTh 12:00pm-2:50 AH-102 L.WEST (This class may require a $50-$205 material fee.) ART 32A 69103 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly Art 32) (A, CSU) ART 32A BEGIN JEWELRY 3 MW 9:00am-12:05 T-101B D.MAY ART 32B 69203 PREREQ: ART 32A. (A, CSU) ART 32B INTER JEWELRY D.MAY ART 60 69128 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU, UC) ART 60 PRECOLUMBIAN ART 3 TTh 3 MW 9:00am-12:05 T-101B 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-176 S.SOSA ASIAN-AMERICAN STUDIES ASAMER 1 24006 24007 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ASAMER 1 INDO-CHINESE AMERS 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 SO-208 ASAMER 1 INDO-CHINESE AMERS 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 HS-120 ASAMER 10 26267 24008 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) ASAMER 10 HMONG CULTURE 3 M 2:00pm-5:05 HS-120 ASAMER 10 HMONG CULTURE 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 HS-120 ASAMER 15 24009 24062 24010 24063 24064 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) ASAMER 15 INT ASIAN-AMRCNS 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 SO-208 ASAMER 15 INT ASIAN-AMRCNS 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 SO-208 ASAMER 15 INT ASIAN-AMRCNS 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 SO-208 ASAMER 15 INT ASIAN-AMRCNS 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 SO-209 ASAMER 15 INT ASIAN-AMRCNS 3 W 6:30pm-9:20 HS-120 ASAMER 25 26347 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) ASAMER 25 ASAMER SOC’L ISS 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 SO-221 ASAMER 30 66103 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also WSTS 30) (A, CSU, UC) ASAMER 30 ASIAN-AMER WOMEN 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 AH-208 G.GONG J.CHO A.VANG V.MOUANOUTOUA V.MOUANOUTOUA J.CHO J.CHO J.CHO J.CHO A.VANG J.CHO ASTRONOMY ASTRO 10 24734 24735 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ASTRO 10 BASIC ASTRONOMY 3 T 6:00pm-9:50 S-290 G.WIMER ASTRO 10 BASIC ASTRONOMY 3 Th 6:00pm-9:50 S-290 G.WIMER Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 46 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR AUTOMOBILE COLLISION REPAIR TECHNOLOGY ACRT 153 23375 ACRT 155 23376 PREREQ: ACRT 151. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (Formerly Body-Fender 53/54) (A) ACRT 153 ADVANCED ACR 9 DAILY 8:00am-11:50 T-601 S.GOEHRING ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (Formerly BodyFender 55) (A) ACRT 155 SPRAY REFINISH 2 M 1:00pm-5:20 T-601 STAFF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY AUTOT 9 24095 24092 24083 24093 24069 24096 24104 24106 24102 AUTOT 19 ***** AUTOT 52 67115 AUTOT 53 67131 AUTOT 55 67127 AUTOT 57 67121 AUTOT 161A 24239 PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) AUTOT 9 AUTO ESSENTIALS AUTOT 9 AUTO ESSENTIALS AUTOT 9 AUTO ESSENTIALS AUTOT 9 AUTO ESSENTIALS AUTOT 9 AUTO ESSENTIALS AUTOT 9 AUTO ESSENTIALS AUTOT 9 AUTO ESSENTIALS DATES: (#24104 meets 01/14 to 03/13) AUTOT 9 AUTO ESSENTIALS DATES: (#24106 meets 03/18 to 05/22) AUTOT 9 AUTO ESSENTIALS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 F W T Th M M TTh 9:00am-11:50 10:00am-12:50 1:00pm-3:50 1:00pm-3:50 1:00pm-4:15 6:30pm-9:35 7:00pm-9:50 T-109 T-109 T-110 T-110 T-110 T-110C T-110 3 TTh 7:00pm-9:50 T-110 3 W 7:00pm-9:50 T-110C S.ROSENDALE S.ROSENDALE S.ROSENDALE S.ROSENDALE S.ROSENDALE J.MULLIKIN D.CAPRIOGLIO D.CALANDRA D.CAPRIOGLIO COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) AUTOT 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 ARR ARR STAFF AND 7HRS ARR OFF STAFF DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/23) (Above course requires use of the Internet, Blackboard, and e-mail to complete assignments. WebAdvisor e-mail accounts must be current. For additional information, contact the coordinator, Marty Kamimoto, at [559] 442-4600, ext. 8730.) COREQ: AUTOT 9. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (See also ATGM 52) (A, CSU) AUTOT 52 AUTO ELEC SYSTMS 5 DAILY 7:30am-11:20 T-110 M.HERNANDEZ DATES: (#67115 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (This course requires a $50.00 materials fee.) COREQ: AUTOT 9. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (See also ATGM 53) (A, CSU) AUTOT 53 ENGINE PERFORM 5 DAILY 7:30am-11:20 T-110 M.HERNANDEZ DATES: (#67131 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (This course requires a $50.00 materials fee.) COREQ: AUTOT 9. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (See also ATGM 55) (A, CSU) AUTOT 55 POWER TRAINS 6 DAILY 7:00am-11:50 T-204 M.KAMIMOTO DATES: (#67127 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (This course requires a $50.00 materials fee.) PREREQ: AUTOT 52 and 53 or equivalent. COREQ: AUTOT 9. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, MATH 201 recommended.(See also ATGM 57) (Formerly AUTOT 60) (A, CSU) AUTOT 57 HVAC/ADV ELEC 5 MTWTh 7:00am-11:50 T-204 M.KAMIMOTO DATES: (#67121 meets 03/17 to 05/22) (This course requires a $50.00 materials fee.) PREREQ: AUTOT 52, AUTOT 53 or AUTOT 261, or 13 quarter units, or 180 hours of instruction at a NATEF or bureaurecognized college or trade school in the areas of electrical and engine performance or equivalent automotive work experience. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly AUTOT 61A and 261A) (A) AUTOT 161A BAS CLN AIR CAR 4 MW 6:00pm-10:30 T-109 M.CHICCONI DATES: (#24239 meets 01/13 to 04/02) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# AUTOT 161B 26262 AUTOT 161C 26263 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 47 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: AUTOT 161A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly AUTOT 61B and 261B) (A) AUTOT 161B ADV CLN AIR CAR 2 MW 6:00pm-9:35 T-109 M.CHICCONI DATES: (#26262 meets 04/07 to 05/21) PREREQ: AUTOT 161B. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly AUTOT 261C) (A) AUTOT 161C BAR UPDATE TRNG 1 F 6:00pm-9:50 T-109 M.CHICCONI AND S 8:00am-1:50 T-109 M.CHICCONI DATES: (#26263 meets 05/09 to 05/17) AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY - GM ASEP (GM ASEP students only) ATGM 52 ***** ATGM 53 ***** ATGM 55 ***** ATGM 57 ***** COREQ: AUTOT 9. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (See also AUTOT 52) (Formerly AT GM 32) (A, CSU) ATGM 52 AUTO ELEC SYSTMS 5 DAILY 7:30am-11:20 T-110 M.HERNANDEZ DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/14) (This section requires a $50.00 materials fee.) COREQ: AUTOT 9. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (See also AUTOT 53) (Formerly AT GM 35) (A, CSU) ATGM 53 ENGINE PERFORM 5 DAILY 7:30am-11:20 T-110 M.HERNANDEZ DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/23) (This section requires a $50.00 materials fee.) COREQ: AUTOT 9. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (See also AUTOT 55) (Formerly AT GM 36) (A, CSU) ATGM 55 POWER TRAIN 6 DAILY 7:00am-11:50 T-204 M.KAMIMOTO DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/14) (This section requires a $50.00 materials fee.) PREREQ: AUTOT/ATGM 52 and 53 or equivalent. COREQ: AUTOT 9. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, MATH 201 recommended. (See also AUTOT 57) (Formerly AT GM 34) (A, CSU) ATGM 57 HVAC/ADV ELEC 5 MTWTh 7:00am-11:50 T-204 M.KAMIMOTO DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/22) (This section requires a $50.00 materials fee.) BIOLOGY BIOL 3 24043 23369 23370 23371 23372 23373 23374 23590 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 4 ARR WEB V.GUTIERREZ-OSBORNE AND M 6:00pm-8:05 S-150 V.GUTIERREZ-OSBORNE (#24043 is a hybrid distance education class. Students are required to attend face-to-face lab sessions on campus [Monday from 6:00--8:05pm]. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection. Exams will be given in the laboratory. For further information, please contact the instructor at v.gutierrez-osborne@fresnocitycollege.edu) BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 4 MWF 7:00am-7:50 S-100 D.STAEBLER AND M 8:30am-10:35 S-120 D.STAEBLER BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 4 MWF 7:00am-7:50 S-100 D.STAEBLER AND W 8:30am-10:20 S-120 D.STAEBLER BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 4 MWF 8:00am-8:50 S-150 W.HOLMES AND M 9:00am-11:05 S-150 W.HOLMES BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 4 MWF 8:00am-8:50 S-70 C.JOHANSSON AND T 8:00am-9:50 S-120 C.JOHANSSON BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 4 MWF 8:00am-8:50 S-70 C.JOHANSSON AND T 10:00am-11:50 S-120 C.JOHANSSON BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 4 MWF 8:00am-8:50 S-70 C.JOHANSSON AND T 1:00pm-2:50 S-120 C.JOHANSSON BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 4 MWF 9:00am-9:50 S-140 A.VOORHEES AND F 10:30am-12:20 S-140 A.VOORHEES Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 48 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 23594 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23595 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23596 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23602 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23603 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23822 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23823 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23824 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23827 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23828 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23830 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23850 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 23831 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 24004 BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI BIOL 4 24051 BIOL 5 24055 24058 24059 24635 24636 UNITS 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND DAYS MWF Th MWF Th MWF Th MWF M MWF M MW F MWF F MWF F TTh M TTh M TTh M T 1HR ARR M 1HR ARR W 1HR ARR TIMES 9:00am-9:50 8:00am-9:50 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-11:50 9:00am-9:50 1:00pm-2:50 10:00am-10:50 1:00pm-3:05 10:00am-10:50 3:10pm-5:15 10:45am-12:00 12:30pm-2:20 1:00pm-1:50 8:00am-9:50 1:00pm-1:50 10:00am-11:50 3:00pm-4:15 10:00am-12:05 3:00pm-4:15 1:00pm-3:05 3:00pm-4:15 3:15pm-5:20 5:00pm-8:50 5:30pm-9:35 5:30pm-9:35 ROOM INSTRUCTOR S-70 S-120 S-70 S-120 S-70 S-120 S-100 S-120 S-100 S-120 S-120 S-140 S-100 S-120 S-100 S-120 S-70 S-190 S-70 S-190 S-70 S-190 S-120 ARR S-120 ARR S-120 ARR C.JOHANSSON C.JOHANSSON C.JOHANSSON C.JOHANSSON C.JOHANSSON C.JOHANSSON H.HURTT H.HURTT H.HURTT H.HURTT A.VOORHEES A.VOORHEES S.PORTEOUS S.PORTEOUS S.PORTEOUS S.PORTEOUS STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF R.OLSEN R.OLSEN W.LUCKA W.LUCKA H.DOWIS H.DOWIS PREREQ: BIOL 3 or 11A or equivalent, and MATH 103 or equivalent, each with a grade of “C” or better. Completion within the last 5 years recommended. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly ZOOL 1) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 4 PRIN OF ZOOLOGY 5 TTh 8:00am-12:20 S-150 S.PORTEOUS ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and eligibility MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 4 ARR WEB STAFF AND W 6:00pm-7:50 S-150 STAFF (#24055 is a hybrid distance education class. Students are required to attend face-to-face lab sessions on campus [Wednesdays from 6:00--7:50pm]. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection. Exams will be given both online and in the laboratory. For further information, please contact the instructor at shirley.mcmanus@fresnocitycollege.edu.). BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 4 ARR WEB S.MCMANUS AND T 1:00pm-2:50 S-150 S.MCMANUS (#24058 is a hybrid distance education class. Students are required to attend face-to-face lab sessions on campus [Tuesday from 1:00--2:50pm]. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection. Exams will be given both online and in the laboratory. For further information, please contact the instructor at shirley.mcmanus@fresnocitycollege.edu.). BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 4 ARR WEB S.MCMANUS AND Th 1:00pm-2:50 S-150 S.MCMANUS (#24059 is a hybrid distance education class. Students are required to attend face-to-face lab sessions on campus [Thursdays from 1:00--2:50pm]. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection. Exams will be given both online and in the laboratory. For further information, please contact the instructor at shirley.mcmanus@fresnocitycollege.edu). BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 4 MWF 8:00am-8:50 S-100 S.REYES AND F 12:00pm-1:50 S-150 S.REYES BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 4 MWF 8:00am-8:50 S-100 S.REYES AND F 10:00am-11:50 S-150 S.REYES NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 24639 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24640 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24641 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24643 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24644 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24645 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24264 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24265 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24267 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24276 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24277 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24278 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24336 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24341 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 26426 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 26427 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 24344 BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY BIOL 7 24351 BIOL 11A 24358 24355 24356 UNITS 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND DAYS TTh W TTh W TTh W MWF T MWF M MWF M TTh F TTh F TTh F MWF W MWF F MWF F T Th TTh T TTh W TTh Th M W TIMES 9:00am-10:15 8:00am-9:50 9:00am-10:15 10:00am-11:50 9:00am-10:15 1:00pm-2:50 11:00am-11:50 9:00am-10:50 11:00am-11:50 1:00pm-3:05 11:00am-11:50 3:15pm-5:20 1:30pm-2:45 8:00am-9:50 1:30pm-2:45 12:00pm-1:50 1:30pm-2:45 2:00pm-3:50 2:00pm-2:50 3:00pm-4:50 2:00pm-2:50 3:00pm-4:50 2:00pm-2:50 5:00pm-6:50 3:00pm-5:50 3:00pm-4:50 5:00pm-6:15 6:30pm-8:20 6:00pm-7:15 8:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-7:15 7:30pm-9:20 6:00pm-9:05 6:00pm-7:50 ROOM S-70 S-120 S-70 S-150 S-70 S-150 S-70 S-190 S-70 S-150 S-70 S-150 S-70 S-190 S-70 S-190 S-70 S-190 S-70 S-150 S-70 S-150 S-70 S-150 S-150 S-150 S-140 S-140 S-100 S-140 S-100 S-140 S-140 S-140 INSTRUCTOR S.MCMANUS S.MCMANUS S.MCMANUS S.MCMANUS S.MCMANUS S.MCMANUS R.STEWART R.STEWART R.STEWART R.STEWART R.STEWART R.STEWART J.GENNITY J.GENNITY J.GENNITY J.GENNITY J.GENNITY J.GENNITY S.GARNICA S.GARNICA S.GARNICA S.GARNICA S.GARNICA S.GARNICA N.DENIS-ARRUE N.DENIS-ARRUE W.LUCKA W.LUCKA STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF PREREQ: BIOL 3 or BIOL 11A or equivalent, with a grade of “C” or better. Completion within the last 5 years recommended. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) BIOL 7 FIELD BIOLOGY 5 T 1:00pm-3:50 S-140 R.OLSEN AND Th 1:00pm-6:50 ARR R.OLSEN PREREQ: MATH 103 with a grade of “C” or better. Completion within the last five years recommended. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, BIOL 3 or High School Biology recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 11A BIOL - SCI MAJORS I 5 TTh 8:00am-9:50 S-160 H.DOWIS AND M 8:00am-11:05 S-160 H.DOWIS BIOL 11A BIOL - SCI MAJORS I 5 WF 12:30pm-2:20 S-120 R.OLSEN AND W 2:30pm-5:20 S-120 R.OLSEN BIOL 11A BIOL - SCI MAJORS I 5 TTh 6:00pm-9:15 S-150 A.VOORHEES BIOL 11B 24362 24345 PREREQ: BIOL 11A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 11B BIOL - SCI MAJORS II 5 TTh 8:00am-12:20 S-140 BIOL 11B BIOL - SCI MAJORS II 5 MW 12:00pm-4:20 S-140 BIOL 20 PREREQ: BIOL 5 or BIOL 11A or equivalent with a grade of “C” or better. Completion within the last year recommended. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 20 HUMAN ANATOMY 4 MWF 9:00am-9:50 S-100 AND Th 8:00am-10:50 S-190 BIOL 20 HUMAN ANATOMY 4 MWF 9:00am-9:50 S-100 AND Th 12:00pm-2:50 S-190 24372 24374 49 Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. R.PALMER R.PALMER R.STEWART R.STEWART R.STEWART R.STEWART ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 50 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 24382 BIOL 20 HUMAN ANATOMY 24384 BIOL 20 HUMAN ANATOMY 26354 BIOL 20 HUMAN ANATOMY 26355 BIOL 20 HUMAN ANATOMY 24400 BIOL 20 HUMAN ANATOMY UNITS INSTRUCTOR BIOL 21A 24405 PREREQ: BIOL 5 or 11A and CHEM 3A with a grade of “C” or better. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 21A HUM ANAT & PHYS I 4 TTh 6:00pm-8:50 S-160 W.HOLMES BIOL 21B 24407 PREREQ: BIOL 21A with a grade of “C” or better. ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 21B HUM ANAT & PHYS II 5 MW 12:00pm-1:50 S-70 AND T 12:00pm-2:50 S-160 M.GILBERT M.GILBERT BIOL 22 PREREQ: BIOL 20 or equivalent and CHEM 3A or equivalent, each with a grade of “C” or better. Completion within the last year recommended. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 22 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 5 TTh 9:00am-10:50 S-100 C.LINDER AND W 8:00am-10:50 S-160 C.LINDER BIOL 22 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 5 TTh 9:00am-10:50 S-100 C.LINDER AND W 12:00pm-2:50 S-160 C.LINDER BIOL 22 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 5 MW 11:00am-12:50 S-100 D.STAEBLER AND F 8:00am-10:50 S-160 D.STAEBLER BIOL 22 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 5 MW 11:00am-12:50 S-100 D.STAEBLER AND F 12:00pm-2:50 S-160 D.STAEBLER BIOL 22 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 5 MW 3:00pm-4:50 S-160 M.GILBERT AND Th 3:00pm-5:50 S-160 M.GILBERT BIOL 22 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 5 MW 6:00pm-9:20 S-160 C.LINDER 24414 24415 24421 24425 BIOL 24 24428 BIOL 31 24431 24459 24461 24463 24470 24473 BIOL 46 24503 10:30am-11:45 8:00am-10:50 10:30am-11:45 12:00pm-2:50 3:45pm-5:00 12:00pm-2:50 3:45pm-5:00 3:00pm-5:55 6:00pm-9:05 6:00pm-8:50 ROOM D.SHELLEY D.SHELLEY D.SHELLEY D.SHELLEY STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF D.SHELLEY D.SHELLEY 24412 TTh W TTh W MW T MW T M W TIMES S-70 S-190 S-70 S-190 S-100 S-190 S-100 S-190 S-190 S-190 24411 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND DAYS PREREQ: BIOL 5 or 11A or equivalent, each with a grade of “C” or better. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU-GE) BIOL 24 HUM ANAT & PHYS 5 TTh 6:30pm-9:45 S-190 STAFF PREREQ: BIOL 5 or 11A or equivalent and CHEM 3A or equivalent, each with a grade of “C” or better. Completion within the last 5 years recommended. ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 31 MICROBIOLOGY 5 MW 8:00am-9:15 S-180 N.DENIS-ARRUE AND MW 9:30am-11:50 S-180 N.DENIS-ARRUE BIOL 31 MICROBIOLOGY 5 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 S-100 V.GUTIERREZ-OSBORNE AND TTh 9:30am-11:45 S-180 V.GUTIERREZ-OSBORNE BIOL 31 MICROBIOLOGY 5 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 S-100 V.GUTIERREZ-OSBORNE AND TTh 2:00pm-4:15 S-180 V.GUTIERREZ-OSBORNE BIOL 31 MICROBIOLOGY 5 MW 1:00pm-2:15 S-180 N.DENIS-ARRUE AND MW 2:30pm-4:15 S-180 N.DENIS-ARRUE BIOL 31 MICROBIOLOGY 5 MW 6:00pm-7:15 S-180 J.GENNITY AND MW 7:30pm-9:50 S-180 J.GENNITY BIOL 31 MICROBIOLOGY 5 TTh 6:00pm-7:15 S-180 R.DENIS-ARRUE AND TTh 7:30pm-9:45 S-180 R.DENIS-ARRUE ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) BIOL 46 ELEM HORTICULT 4 MW 8:00am-10:20 GRNH C.EAYRE BUILDING SAFETY & CODE ADMINISTRATION BSCA 15B 67130 COREQ: BSCA 15BL. ADVISORY: CONS 50A and eligibility for AT 130 or MATH 201 and eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (See also CONS 56B) (A, CSU) BSCA 15B RESID PLUMBING 2 3 MW 6:00pm-8:50 T-406 M.KOCH NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# BSCA 15BL SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 51 INSTRUCTOR COREQ: BSCA 15B. ADVISORY: CONS 50A and eligibility for AT 130 or MATH 201 and eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (See also CONS 56BL) (A, CSU) BSCA 15BL RES PLUMBNG LAB 2 .5 1.5HRS ARR OFF M.KOCH BSCA 17 67207 PREREQ: None. (See also EST 96A) (A, CSU) BSCA 17 NATL ELEC CODE-1 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 T-305A J.RATTO BSCA 18 23399 PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) BSCA 18 CA DISBL ACCESS REG 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 T-102 M.KOCH BSCA 20 23393 PREREQ: BSCA 10. (A, CSU) BSCA 20 ADV BUILDING CODE 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 T-102 M.TARR BSCA 22 23409 PREREQ: BSCA 12. (A, CSU) BSCA 22 ADV PLANS EXAM 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 T-102 M.TARR BSCA 27 67202 PREREQ: None. (See also EST 96B) (A, CSU) BSCA 27 NATL ELEC CODE-2 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 T-305A J.RATTO BSCA 37 67218 PREREQ: None. (See also EST 96C) (A, CSU) BSCA 37 NATL ELEC CODE-3 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 T-305A J.RATTO BSCA 47 67204 PREREQ: None. (See also EST 96D) (A, CSU) BSCA 47 NEC-ELEC SAFETY 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 T-305A J.RATTO 67126 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BA 5 63105 63102 BA 10 23511 23504 23450 23425 23458 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. BT 1 or knowledge of proper business letter format and ability to type 25 words per minute. (See also BT 5) (A, CSU) BA 5 WORKPLACE COMMUN 3 ARR WEB L.SMITH (#63105 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must have a word processing program, access to the Internet and an active SCCCD e-mail account which will be used for all communication. Each student must log on to Blackboard and complete first assignment on the first day of class to confirm enrollment or will be dropped so waitlisted students can be added. E-mail the instructor at lorraine. smith@fresnocitycollege.edu on the start date for further class access information. The class requires one face-to-face presentation on campus or a comparable assignment arranged with the instructor. Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 5 WORKPLACE COMMUN 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 BE-131 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID BUS 110) (A, CSU, UC) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 ARR WEB W.SYVERTSEN (#23511 is a distance education class offered via the Internet using Blackboard. Students need access to a computer and possess Internet and e-mail skills. Blackboard activation will occur one week prior to the start of class. Enrolled students are expected to enter Blackboard [http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu] and using their 7-digit student ID number as username and password, enter the specific course. In addition, enrolled students are expected to have completed the Learning Agreement by noon on the first day of instruction, otherwise they will be dropped and someone from the waitlist will be added. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact William A. Syvertsen at william.syvertsen@fresnocitycollege.edu.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 MWF 7:30am-9:35 BE-135 B.LISCANO DATES: (#23504 meets 03/17 to 05/16) (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 BE-134 L.ANDERSON (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 BE-134 B.LISCANO (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 BE-134 J.CARRIGAN (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 52 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO 23426 BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 BE-134 B.LISCANO (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 BE-134 J.CARRIGAN (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 MWF 12:00pm-2:05 BE-134 STAFF DATES: (#23429 meets 03/17 to 05/16) (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 OAB-188 B.LISCANO (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 TTh 1:30pm-2:45 BE-120 A.RATKUS (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 MW 2:00pm-3:15 BE-135 W.SYVERTSEN (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 BE-120 T.BONE AND S 8:30am-1:20 HS-160 T.BONE DATES: (Above class meets 05/13 to 06/03) (25-Month Business Administration Transfer Program. Actual meeting dates are: 05/13, 05/15, 05/17, 05/20, 05/22, 05/24, 05/27, 05/29, 05/31 and 06/03. Entrance into class is by permission of the Business Division Dean. This course requires use of the Internet, Blackboard, and e-mail to complete assignments. WebAdvisor e-mail accounts must be current.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 BE-134 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 BE-134 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) 23501 23429 23506 23424 23433 ***** 23503 23443 BA 18 23519 23518 23514 23515 23516 23517 BA 19 ***** BA 20 23525 23522 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BA 18A) (C-ID BUS 120) (A, CSU, UC) BA 18 BUS & LEGAL ENV 4 ARR WEB N.HOLLAND (#23519 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and possess Internet and e-mail skills. A Welcome Letter will be sent out prior to the start of the class giving specific instructions as to how to enter and sign in through Blackboard. Those placed on the waitlist will be contacted by the instructor if there is room available. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled for this course.) BA 18 BUS & LEGAL ENV 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 OAB-188 R.SCHMALLE (This course requires use of the Internet, Blackboard, and e-mail to complete assignments. WebAdvisor e-mail accounts must be current.) BA 18 BUS & LEGAL ENV 4 MW 11:00am-12:50 BE-121 N.HOLLAND (This course requires use of the Internet, Blackboard, and e-mail to complete assignments. WebAdvisor e-mail accounts must be current.) BA 18 BUS & LEGAL ENV 4 MW 1:00pm-2:50 BE-121 R.SCHMALLE (This course requires use of the Internet, Blackboard, and e-mail to complete assignments. WebAdvisor e-mail accounts must be current.) BA 18 BUS & LEGAL ENV 4 TTh 1:00pm-2:50 BE-121 R.SCHMALLE (This course requires use of the Internet, Blackboard, and e-mail to complete assignments. WebAdvisor e-mail accounts must be current.) BA 18 BUS & LEGAL ENV 4 M 6:00pm-10:05 BE-135 P.WASEMILLER (This course requires use of the Internet, Blackboard, and e-mail to complete assignments. WebAdvisor e-mail accounts must be current.) COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) BA 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 M 5:30pm-6:35 BE-137 J.ARMAS AND 7HRS ARR OFF J.ARMAS ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) BA 20 LAW&LEGAL SYSTEM 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 BE-121 (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 20 LAW&LEGAL SYSTEM 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 BE-136 (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. R.SCHMALLE B.MCCULLY FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO 23523 BA 20 LAW&LEGAL SYSTEM 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 BE-136 B.MCCULLY (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 20 LAW&LEGAL SYSTEM 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 BE-136 B.MCCULLY (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 20 LAW&LEGAL SYSTEM 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 BE-120 P.WASEMILLER AND S 8:30am-1:00 HS-160 P.WASEMILLER DATES: (Above class meets 01/02 to 01/25) (Business Administration 25-Month Transfer Program. Actual class meeting dates are 01/02, 01/04, 01/07, 01/09, 01/11, 01/14, 01/16, 01/18, 01/21, 01/23 and 01/25. Entrance into lass by permission of Business Division Dean. This course requires use of the Internet, Blackboard, and e-mail to complete assignments. WebAdvisor e-mail accounts must be current.) BA 20 LAW&LEGAL SYSTEM 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 BE-135 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) 23524 ***** 23521 BA 30 23539 23537 23535 23538 BA 31 23543 23541 BA 33 23566 23544 23545 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 53 INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (A, BA 30 PERSONAL FINANCE 4 ARR WEB W.SYVERTSEN (#23539 is a distance education class offered via the Internet using Blackboard. Students need access to a computer and possess Internet and e-mail skills. Blackboard activation will occur one week prior to the start of class. Enrolled students are expected to enter Blackboard [http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu] and using their 7-digit student ID number as username and password, enter the specific course. In addition, enrolled students are expected to have completed the Learning Agreement by noon on the first day of instruction, otherwise they will be dropped and someone from the waitlist will be added. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact William A. Syvertsen at william.syvertsen@fresnocitycollege.edu.) BA 30 PERSONAL FINANCE 4 TTh 12:30pm-2:20 BE-137 M.BLOMQUIST (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 30 PERSONAL FINANCE 4 MW 1:00pm-2:50 BE-120 G.JUREVICH (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 30 PERSONAL FINANCE 4 T 6:00pm-9:50 BE-137 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and ENGL 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 31 HUM RESOURCE MGMT 4 ARR WEB L.ANDERSON (#23543 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer, the Internet, MS Office [Word and PPT]. Students must also have and routinely check their campus e-mail. Enrolled students must post on the discussion board the first day of class by 9:00 p.m. or they will be BA 31 HUM RESOURCE MGMT 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 BE-136 N.HOLLAND (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 33 HUMAN RELATIONS 3 ARR WEB STAFF DATES: (#23566 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#23566 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer, the Internet, MS Office [Word and PPT]. Students must also have and routinely check their campus e-mail. Enrolled students must post on the discussion board the first day of class by 9:00 p.m. or they will be dropped.) BA 33 HUMAN RELATIONS 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 BE-134 G.SPADAFORE (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 33 HUMAN RELATIONS 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 BE-134 N.HOLLAND (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 34 23567 ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 34 INVEST FUNDAMENT 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 BE-137 M.BLOMQUIST (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 38 23568 ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 38 OPR OF SMALL BUS 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 BE-136 W.SYVERTSEN (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 40 23569 ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BA 39) (A, CSU) BA 40 SUPERVISN/LDRSHP 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 BE-133 T.HAWKINS (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 54 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR BA 43 23570 ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 43 PRIN OF MGMT 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 BE-136 (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BA 48 23571 ADVISORY: CIT 12 or 15 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 48 e-BUSINESS 3 ARR WEB W.VANDER PLAATS (#23571 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and Internet as well as have e-mail and MS Office PC [not a Mac] skills. For further information, contact the instructor for further class access information at william_vanderplaats@fresnocitycollege.edu.) BA 52 ADVISORY: BA 51 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and eligibility for MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 52 INTRO ENTRPRNRSHP 3 MW 10:00am-11:15 BE-135 G.JUREVICH (Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) 23572 M.BLOMQUIST BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY BT 1 23601 23608 23613 23605 23614 23597 23593 23611 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and BT 106 or keyboarding at 20wpm at 96% accuracy on a 3-minute timed writing recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly BIP 1) (A, CSU) BT 1 CMPTR DOC PROC I 3 ARR WEB S.MARTIN AND ARR ARR S.MARTIN (#23601 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students need access to a PC computer [or MAC with Boot Camp or Parallels to run MS Word], the Internet, MS Word 2007, 2010, or 2013, and an activated school e-mail account that is routinely checked. Students will meet on campus for the final exam. Enrolled students will receive course information via the e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu on the first or second day of the term. Students with an invalid e-mail address or who do not complete the first day’s assignment will be dropped as no-shows. For more information, contact the instructor at sheila.martin@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 1 CMPTR DOC PROC I 3 ARR WEB R.NELSON AND ARR ARR R.NELSON (#23608 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students need access to a PC computer [or MAC with Boot Camp or Parallels to run MS Word 2010], the Internet, MS Word 2010 and an activated school e-mail account that is routinely checked. Students will meet on campus for the final exam. Enrolled students will receive course information via the e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu on the first day or second day of the term. Students with invalid e-mail addresses or who do not complete the first week’s assignment or the discussion by the due date will be dropped as no shows. For more information, contact Rebecca Nelson at rebecca.nelson@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 1 CMPTR DOC PROC I 3 TTh 9:00am-11:15 BE-209 J.THIESSEN (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 1 CMPTR DOC PROC I 3 MW 10:00am-11:50 BE-209 R.NELSON AND F 10:00am-11:05 BE-209 R.NELSON (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 1 CMPTR DOC PROC I 3 MW 11:00am-1:20 BE-131 R.TUTTRUP (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 1 CMPTR DOC PROC I 3 TTh 11:30am-1:45 BE-217 S.MARTIN (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 1 CMPTR DOC PROC I 3 MW 12:00pm-1:50 BE-217 A.BELL AND F 12:00pm-1:05 BE-217 A.BELL (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 1 CMPTR DOC PROC I 3 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 BE-209 R.KIMBALL (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# BT 2 23618 23616 23619 BT 4 23621 23620 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: BT 1 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly BSS 1B and BIP 2) (A, CSU) BT 2 CMPTR DOC PROC II 3 ARR WEB J.THIESSEN AND ARR ARR J.THIESSEN (#23618 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a PC computer with MS Word 2010, the Internet, and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu the first or second day of the term. Students with invalid e-mail addresses or who do not complete the first week’s assignment or the discussion by the due date will be dropped as no shows. Students will meet on campus for the mid-term and final exam. For additional information, contact the instructor at jolene.thiessen@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 2 CMPTR DOC PROC II 3 TTh 9:00am-11:15 BE-219 M.HASKELL (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 2 CMPTR DOC PROC II 3 TTh 12:00pm-2:15 BE-131 R.TUTTRUP (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly BGO 8) (A, CSU) BT 4 TEN-KEY CALC 2 TTh 10:00am-11:15 BE-222 (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 4 TEN-KEY CALC 2 M 6:00pm-9:20 BE-222 (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) FCC Business Division’s 25-Month Program • Students earn an AA in Business Administration in 25 months. • All classes are offered in the evening and on Saturday • Students enrolled in the cohort are guaranteed a seat in every class. Spring classes for the COHORT 13 (2012-2014) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT R.TUTTRUP K.GONZALES Call 442-8222, for more information about how you can enroll. New cohorts begin January 7, 2014 POLSCI 2 55 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 S 8:30am-1:00 Spring classes for the COHORT 14 (2013-2015) COMM 2 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 S 8:30am-1:00 ENGL 1A READING & COMPOSITION 4 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 S 8:30am-1:00 CRIM 13 CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 S 8:30am-1:00 ECON 50 MACROECONOMICS 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 S 8:30am-1:00 DS 21 FINITE MATH 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 S 8:30am-1:00 LING 10 INTRO TO LANGUAGE 3 ONLINE Spring classes for the COHORT 15 (2014-2016) BA 20 LAW & LEGAL SYSTEM 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 S 8:30am-1:00 MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 S 8:30am-1:00 CIT 15 COMPUTER CONCEPTS 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 S 8:30am-1:00 PE 7 GOLF 1 S 8:30am-1:00 BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINESS 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 S 8:30am-1:00 56 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# BT 5 63205 63202 BT 6 23671 23670 BT 9 23674 23675 BT 11 23677 23678 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. BT 1 or knowledge of proper business letter format and ability to type 25 words per minute. (See also BA 5) (Formerly BGO 5) (A, CSU) BT 5 WORKPLACE COMMUN 3 ARR WEB L.SMITH (#63205 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must have a word processing program, access to the Internet and an active SCCCD e-mail account which will be used for all communication. Each student must log on to Blackboard and complete first assignment on the first day of class to confirm enrollment or will be dropped so waitlisted students can be added. E-mail the instructor at lorraine.smith@fresnocitycollege.edu on the start date for further class access information. The class requires one face-to-face presentation on campus or a comparable assignment arranged with the instructor. Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 5 WORKPLACE COMMUN 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 BE-131 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: BT 106 or equivalent. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BIP 10 and BT 10) (A, CSU) BT 6 RECORD MANAGEMENT 3 ARR WEB J.THIESSEN AND ARR ARR J.THIESSEN (#23671 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a PC computer with MS Word 2010, MS Access 2010, the Internet, and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu the first or second day of the term. Students with invalid e-mail addresses or who do not complete the first week’s assignment or the discussion by the due date will be dropped as no shows. Students will meet on campus for the final exam. For additional information, contact the instructor at jolene.thiessen@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 6 RECORD MANAGEMENT 3 TTh 11:30am-1:20 BE-209 J.THIESSEN (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: BT 1 or equivalent. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and MATH 201 recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly BIP 9) (A, CSU) BT 9 COMPTR APPLCTNS I 4 ARR WEB S.BOLT AND ARR ARR S.BOLT (#23674 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer, the Internet, MS Office 2010, the e-mail account assigned by the college, and to be able to purchase the text the first week of the course. Students will meet once on campus for the final exam. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu by the first day of the term and complete the required assignment or they will be dropped as no shows. For additional information, contact the instructor at sandra.bolt@fresnocitycollege.edu. Waitlisted students must e-mail the instructor on the first day of class. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 9 COMPTR APPLCTNS I 4 MW 9:00am-11:50 BE-218 R.HART (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: BT 106 or BT 1 or equivalent. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BGO 18) (A, CSU) BT 11 TODAY’S OFFICE 3 ARR WEB S.MARTIN AND ARR ARR S.MARTIN (#23677 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, or 2013 installed, and must have Internet access and e-mail skills. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu by the first or second day of the term. Students with invalid e-mail addresses or who do not complete the first week’s assignment or the discussion by the due date will be dropped as no shows. This class requires one Friday afternoon on-campus for telephone training from 5:30-8:30 p.m., actual date to be announced. For additional information, contact the instructor at sheila.martin@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 11 TODAY’S OFFICE 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 BE-217 B.KNAAPEN (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# BT 13 23679 BT 18 63215 BT 19 ***** ***** BT 23 23683 ***** 23696 23702 23685 BT 24 ***** BT 25 63220 BT 27 23708 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 57 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: BT 112. (Formerly BIP 62) (A, CSU) BT 13 BUSINESS CORRESP 2 ARR WEB M.SHIREY DATES: (#23679 meets 02/18 to 05/16) (#23679 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Internet, Microsoft Word, and an e-mail account. Students must e-mail the instructor at melinda.shirey@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Enrolled students who do not contact the instructor by the start date will be dropped so waitlisted students can be added. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A and MATH 201 recommended. (See also CIT 23) (Formerly BIP 18) (A, CSU) BT 18 SPREADSHEET FUND 2 TTh 10:00am-11:50 BE-131 D.OWENS DATES: (#63215 meets 01/14 to 03/11) (Students need to be aware that all the classes in BT require use of computers and Blackboard.) COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) BT 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 3 T 3:00pm-4:50 BE-131 M.FRY AND 3HRS ARR OFF M.FRY DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/19) (Medical Billing Assistant Program. Entrance into class by permission of Business Division Dean. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 M 5:30pm-6:35 BE-137 J.ARMAS AND 7HRS ARR OFF J.ARMAS ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) BT 23 JOB SEARCH/WRKP 3 ARR WEB A.BELL (#23683 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Internet, Microsoft Word, and an e-mail account. Students must e-mail the instructor at autumn.bell@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Enrolled students who do not contact the instructor by the start date will be dropped so waitlisted students can be added. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 23 JOB SEARCH/WRKP 3 MWF 9:30am-11:35 BE-217 K.DANCEY DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/12) (Medical Billing Assistant Program. Entrance into class by permission of Business Division Dean. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 23 JOB SEARCH/WRKP 3 TTh 10:00am-11:15 BE-221 K.DANCEY (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 23 JOB SEARCH/WRKP 3 MW 12:00pm-1:20 BE-221 R.HART (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 23 JOB SEARCH/WRKP 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 BE-219 S.BOLT (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A and MATH 201 recommended. (See also CIT 31) (Formerly BIP 24) (A, CSU) BT 24 BEGIN EXCEL 1 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 BE-221 L.SMITH DATES: (Above class meets 01/14 to 03/13) (Medical Billing Assistant Program. Entrance into class by permission of Business Division Dean. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) PREREQ: CIT 15. (See also CIT 20) (Formerly BIP 25) (A, CSU) BT 25 MICROSOFT OFFICE 3 M 6:00pm-10:20 BE-129 (Students need to be aware that all the classes in BT require use of computers and Blackboard.) W.WALKER ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) BT 27 OUTLOOK AND E-MAIL 2 MW 3:00pm-3:50 BE-218 AND F 3:00pm-4:05 BE-218 (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) B.KNAAPEN B.KNAAPEN Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 58 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# BT 28 23709 23710 23711 23765 BT 29 23773 23774 BT 43 ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: BT 106 or equivalent. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly BIP 28)(A, CSU) BT 28 MICROSOFT WORD I 2 ARR WEB R.HART AND ARR ARR R.HART DATES: (#23709 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#23709 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013,Internet and an active District e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu and post an introduction by the second day of the term. Students who do not complete the first assignment by the due date will be dropped as no shows. The final exam will be given on campus. For additional information, contact the instructor at robyn.hart@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 28 MICROSOFT WORD I 2 ARR WEB R.HART AND ARR ARR R.HART DATES: (#23710 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#23710 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013, Internet and an active District e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu and post an introduction by the second day of the term. Students who do not complete the first assignment by the due date will be dropped as no shows. The final exam will be given on campus. For additional information, contact the instructor at robyn.hart@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 28 MICROSOFT WORD I 2 ARR WEB M.SHIREY AND ARR ARR M.SHIREY DATES: (#23711 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (#23711 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2010, Internet and an active District e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu by the first or second day of the term. Students who do not complete the first assignment by the due date will be dropped as no shows. The final exam will be given on campus. For additional information, contact the instructor at melinda.shirey@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 28 MICROSOFT WORD I 2 TTh 9:00am-11:15 BE-218 M.SHIREY DATES: (#23765 meets 01/14 to 03/13) PREREQ: BT 28 or BT 9 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BIP 29) (A, CSU) BT 29 MICROSFT WORD II 2 ARR WEB R.HART AND ARR ARR R.HART DATES: (#23773 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (#23773 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013, Internet and an active District e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu and post an introduction by the second day of the term. Students who do not complete the first assignment by the due date will be dropped as no shows. The final exam will be given on campus. For additional information, contact the instructor at robyn.hart@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 29 MICROSFT WORD II 2 TTh 9:00am-11:20 BE-218 M.SHIREY DATES: (#23774 meets 03/18 to 05/15) (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) BT 43 MED OFFICE VOCAB 1 TTh 11:30am-12:20 BE-221 L.SMITH DATES: (Above class meets 01/14 to 03/13) (Medical Billing Assistant Program. Entrance into class by permission of Business Division Dean. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# BT 106 23818 23817 23819 23842 BT 112 23843 23844 23845 BT 115 23847 23846 BT 116 23849 23851 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 59 INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BIP 6 and BT 6) (A) BT 106 COMPUTER KEYBDNG 1.5 ARR WEB S.MARTIN AND ARR ARR S.MARTIN DATES: (#23818 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (#23818 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer with Internet and should have e-mail skills. The instructor will meet with students mid-way through the course for techniques testing. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege by the first or second day of the term. Students who do not complete the first week’s assignment will be dropped as no-shows. This course has an on-campus final. For additional information, contact the instructor at sheila.martin@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 106 COMPUTER KEYBDNG 1.5 MWF 8:00am-9:30 BE-217 K.DANCEY DATES: (#23817 meets 03/17 to 05/16) (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 106 COMPUTER KEYBDNG 1.5 MW 12:00pm-1:20 BE-219 M.SHIREY DATES: (#23819 meets 01/27 to 05/14) (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 106 COMPUTER KEYBDNG 1.5 TTh 2:30pm-4:40 BE-221 S.DE SOTO DATES: (#23842 meets 01/14 to 03/13) (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BIP 59 and BT 12) (A) BT 112 BUSINESS ENGLISH 3 ARR WEB R.NELSON (#23843 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Internet, a word processing program, and a school e-mail account. Students must e-mail the instructor at rebecca.nelson@fresnocitycollege.edu and log on to the class site on Blackboard on the first day of class to confirm enrollment. Enrolled students with an invalid e-mail address or who do not complete the first day’s assignment will be dropped as no-shows. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 112 BUSINESS ENGLISH 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 BE-222 M.SHIREY (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 112 BUSINESS ENGLISH 3 W 6:00pm-9:05 BE-222 V.MARTINEAU-GILLIAM DATES: (#23845 meets 01/29 to 05/14) (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) PREREQ: None. (Formerly BGO 53 and BT 15) (A) BT 115 REFRESHER MATH 3 ARR WEB M.HASKELL (#23847 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Internet, Microsoft Word, Excel, and an e-mail account. Students must e-mail the instructor at marc.haskell@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Enrolled students who do not contact the instructor by the start date will be dropped so waitlisted students can be added. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 115 REFRESHER MATH 3 MW 10:30am-11:45 BE-221 M.HASKELL (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BSS 61 and BGO 61 and BT 16) (A) BT 116 SPELL-VOC BLDG 2 TTh 9:00am-9:50 BE-222 A.BELL (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 116 SPELL-VOC BLDG 2 MW 2:00pm-2:50 BE-221 K.DANCEY (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 60 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# BT 122 23852 23853 BT 123 23855 23857 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: BT 1 or equivalent. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly BIP 51A and BT 22) (A) BT 122 TYPNG SKILLBUILDING .5 Th 8:00am-8:50 BE-209 A.BELL AND ARR WEB A.BELL DATES: (#23852 meets 01/16 to 03/13) (#23852 is a hybrid-online nine-week class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with: Internet service, e-mail, and GDP keyboarding software or Microsoft Word. Testing will take place on campus weekly [Thursday from 8-8:50am] beginning January 16. Grades for the course are based on test scores. Students must e-mail the instructor at autumn.bell@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Students must register for the class, the log in to FCC’s Blackboard site for instructions. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 122 TYPNG SKILLBUILDING .5 Th 8:00am-8:50 BE-209 A.BELL AND ARR WEB A.BELL DATES: (#23853 meets 03/20 to 05/22) (#23853 is a hybrid-online nine-week class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with: Internet service, e-mail, and GDP keyboarding software or Microsoft Word. Testing will take place on campus weekly [Thursday from 8-8:50am] beginning March 20. Grades for the course are based on test scores. Students must e-mail the instructor at autumn.bell@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Students must register for the class, the log in to FCC’s Blackboard site for instructions. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (A) BT 123 TEN-KEY SKILLBLD .5 T 8:00am-8:50 BE-222 M.SHIREY AND ARR WEB M.SHIREY DATES: (#23855 meets 01/14 to 03/11) (#23855 is a hybrid-online nine-week class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with: Internet service, e-mail, and ten-key number pad [can be the number pad on a keyboard or a ten-key calculator]. Testing will take place on campus weekly, on Tuesdays. Students who do not contact the instructor by the first scheduled testing date will be dropped. For additional information, contact the instructor at melinda.shirey@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 123 TEN-KEY SKILLBLD .5 T 8:00am-8:50 BE-222 M.SHIREY AND ARR WEB M.SHIREY DATES: (#23857 meets 03/18 to 05/20) (#23857 is a hybrid-online nine-week class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with: Internet service, e-mail, and ten-key number pad [can be the number pad on a keyboard or a ten-key calculator]. Testing will take place on campus weekly, on Tuesdays. Students who do not contact the instructor by the first scheduled testing date will be dropped. For additional information, contact the instructor at melinda.shirey@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 131 23873 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BGO 51 and BT 31) (A) BT 131 APPLIED ACCTG 4 TTh 12:00pm-2:15 BE-222 M.HASKELL (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 147 ***** ADVISORY: BT 148 or equivalent work experience and BT 1 or equivalent. (Formerly BIP 53 and BT 47) (A) BT 147 MED MGMT SOFTWR 2 MWF 12:00pm-2:35 BE-209 L.SMITH DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/14) (Medical Billing Assistant Program. Entrance into class by permission of the Business Division Dean. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 148 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68. BT 1 or equivalent. (Formerly BSS 64 and BGO 64 and BT 48) (NOTE: For other Health Information classes, see the Health Information Technology program.) BT 148 MED INS FORMS 3 TTh 12:00pm-2:15 BE-218 K.DANCEY (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) 23910 BT 250 23915 PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (OPEN ENTRY/OPEN EXIT) (Formerly BGO 3 and BT 50) BT 250 OFFICE SKILL LAB 1 ARR BE-214 DATES: (#23915 meets 01/21 to 05/16) C.NELSON BT 251 23916 PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (OPEN ENTRY/OPEN EXIT) BT 251 OFC APPL SKL LAB .2-1 ARR DATES: (#23916 meets 01/21 to 05/16) C.NELSON BE-214 NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 61 INSTRUCTOR BT 270 23917 PREREQ: None. (Formerly BGO 70 and BT 70) BT 270 BUS MATH&TEN-KEY 2 MW 12:00pm-2:05 BE-222 S.DE SOTO AND F 12:00pm-1:50 BE-222 S.DE SOTO DATES: (#23917 meets 03/17 to 05/16) (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 271 23919 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BIP 71 and BT 71) BT 271 BUS GRAMMAR FUND 2 TTh 2:30pm-4:35 BE-222 V.MARTINEAU-GILLIAM DATES: (#23919 meets 03/18 to 05/15) (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 280 23920 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. BT 280 OFC PROCEDURES 2 MWF 10:00am-11:35 BE-217 K.DANCEY DATES: (#23920 meets 03/17 to 05/16) (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 370A ***** COREQ: BT 370B. (Formerly CTVTC 70, CTCTC 370 and BT 370) BT 370A OFC ASST APPL 0 DAILY 8:00am-10:50 BE-204 (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) W.SKARET BT 370B ***** COREQ: BT 370A. BT 370B OFC ASST APPL 0 DAILY 11:20am-2:10 BE-204 (Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) W.SKARET CHEMISTRY CHEM 1A 24495 24489 24506 24501 24498 CHEM 1B 24513 24516 24520 CHEM 3A 24655 24656 26359 24675 24676 PREREQ: High school chemistry with laboratory component, CHEM 101P, or CHEM 3A or equivalent, and MATH 103 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID CHEM 110 and CHEM 120S = CHEM 1A + CHEM1B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHEM 1A GEN CHEMISTRY 5 TTh 7:30am-8:45 S-240 K.GRUET AND TTh 9:00am-11:50 S-240 K.GRUET CHEM 1A GEN CHEMISTRY 5 MW 7:30am-8:50 S-240 K.GRUET AND MW 9:00am-12:05 S-240 K.GRUET CHEM 1A GEN CHEMISTRY 5 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 S-240 S.YATES AND TTh 2:00pm-4:50 S-240 S.YATES CHEM 1A GEN CHEMISTRY 5 MW 12:30pm-1:50 S-240 S.YATES AND MW 2:15pm-5:20 S-240 S.YATES CHEM 1A GEN CHEMISTRY 5 MW 5:30pm-6:50 S-240 STAFF AND MW 7:00pm-10:05 S-240 STAFF PREREQ: CHEM 1A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID CHEM 120S = CHEM 1A + CHEM 1B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHEM 1B GEN & QUAL ANAL 5 TTh 8:00am-9:15 S-220 A.HENRY AND TTh 9:30am-12:20 S-220 A.HENRY CHEM 1B GEN & QUAL ANAL 5 MW 8:00am-9:20 S-220 A.HENRY AND MW 9:30am-12:35 S-220 A.HENRY CHEM 1B GEN & QUAL ANAL 5 MW 6:00pm-10:35 S-220 STAFF PREREQ: MATH 103 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Replaces CHEM 2A-2B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 4 MW 7:30am-8:45 S-200 C.VELLANDI AND T 8:00am-10:50 S-250 C.VELLANDI CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 4 MW 7:30am-8:45 S-200 C.VELLANDI AND Th 8:00am-10:50 S-250 C.VELLANDI CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 4 T 8:00am-10:50 S-290 STAFF AND M 8:00am-10:50 S-250 STAFF CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 4 TTh 9:00am-10:15 S-200 K.MCCORKLE AND T 2:00pm-4:50 S-250 K.MCCORKLE CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 4 TTh 9:00am-10:15 S-200 K.MCCORKLE AND Th 2:00pm-4:50 S-250 K.MCCORKLE Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 62 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 24668 CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 24669 CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 24670 CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 24662 CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 24663 CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 24678 CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM 24672 CHEM 3A INTRO GEN CHEM CHEM 3B 24686 24687 CHEM 28A 24653 CHEM 28B 24524 24526 CHEM 29A 24654 CHEM 29B 24651 24530 CHEM 101P 24688 24689 24690 UNITS 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND 4 AND DAYS MWF T MWF Th MWF W MWF W MWF F T Th M W TIMES 10:00am-10:50 11:00am-1:50 10:00am-10:50 11:00am-1:50 10:00am-10:50 11:00am-1:50 12:00pm-12:50 2:00pm-4:50 12:00pm-12:50 2:15pm-5:20 6:00pm-8:50 6:00pm-8:50 6:00pm-9:05 6:00pm-8:50 ROOM S-70 S-250 S-70 S-250 S-70 S-250 S-200 S-250 S-200 S-250 S-250 S-250 S-250 S-250 INSTRUCTOR C.VELLANDI C.VELLANDI C.VELLANDI C.VELLANDI C.VELLANDI C.VELLANDI STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF PREREQ: CHEM 3A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Replaces CHEM 3) (A, CSU-GE, UC) CHEM 3B ORGANIC/BIOL CHEM 3 TTh 3:00pm-3:50 S-230 STAFF AND F 1:00pm-4:05 S-240 STAFF CHEM 3B ORGANIC/BIOL CHEM 3 T 6:00pm-7:50 S-240 STAFF AND Th 6:00pm-8:50 S-240 STAFF PREREQ: CHEM 1B. COREQ: CHEM 29A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID CHEM 150 = CHEM 28A + CHEM 29A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHEM 28A ORGANIC CHEM I 3 TTh 4:30pm-5:45 S-230 STAFF PREREQ: CHEM 28A. COREQ: CHEM 29B. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHEM 28B ORGANIC CHEM II 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:15 S-220 CHEM 28B ORGANIC CHEM II 3 MW 1:00pm-2:20 S-220 K.KAWAGOE K.KAWAGOE PREREQ: CHEM 1B. COREQ: CHEM 28A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID CHEM 150 = CHEM 28A + CHEM 29A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHEM 29A ORGANIC CHEM LAB I 2 TTh 6:00pm-8:50 S-220 STAFF PREREQ: CHEM 29A. COREQ: CHEM 28B. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHEM 29B ORGANIC CHEM LAB II 2 TTh 2:30pm-5:20 S-220 CHEM 29B ORGANIC CHEM LAB II 2 MW 2:30pm-5:35 S-220 PREREQ: MATH 201. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A) CHEM 101P PREP 4 GEN CHEM 3 TTh 12:00pm-12:50 S-70 AND W 8:00am-9:50 S-250 DATES: (#24688 meets 02/04 to 05/15) CHEM 101P PREP 4 GEN CHEM 3 TTh 12:00pm-12:50 S-70 AND M 8:00am-10:05 S-280 DATES: (#24689 meets 02/03 to 05/15) CHEM 101P PREP 4 GEN CHEM 3 TTh 12:00pm-12:50 S-70 AND M 10:30am-12:35 S-280 DATES: (#24690 meets 02/03 to 05/15) STAFF STAFF K.MCCORKLE K.MCCORKLE K.MCCORKLE K.MCCORKLE K.MCCORKLE K.MCCORKLE CHICANO-LATINO STUDIES CLS 11 24129 24139 24131 24182 24134 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly C STDY 11) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CLS 11 CHICANO-LATINO ST 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 AH-108 R.GARCIA CLS 11 CHICANO-LATINO ST 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 AH-108 M.WATSON CLS 11 CHICANO-LATINO ST 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 AH-108 R.GARCIA CLS 11 CHICANO-LATINO ST 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 AH-108 M.WATSON CLS 11 CHICANO-LATINO ST 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 AH-108 R.GARCIA NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO 25050 CLS 11 CHICANO-LATINO ST DATES: (#25050 meets 01/14 to 03/13) CLS 11 CHICANO-LATINO ST CLS 11 CHICANO-LATINO ST 24138 24135 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES 63 ROOM INSTRUCTOR 3 TTh 2:00pm-4:50 AH-108 A.AMARO 3 3 W M 6:30pm-9:20 6:30pm-9:35 AH-108 AH-108 E.PEREZ E.PEREZ CLS 12 24186 24184 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly C STDY 12) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CLS 12 MEX AMER HISTORY 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 AH-108 M.WATSON CLS 12 MEX AMER HISTORY 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 AH-108 M.JIMENEZ CLS 13 24188 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly C STDY 13) (A, CSU, UC) CLS 13 POL&CHIC-LAT COM 3 MW 2:00pm-3:20 AH-108 C.MEDRANO CLS 14 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly C STDY 14) (See also SOC 14) (A, CSU, UC) CLS 14 SOC MEX AMER COM 3 MW 3:30pm-4:50 AH-108 C.MEDRANO 66114 CLS 17 66115 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly C STDY 17) (See also DANCE 17) (A, CSU-GE, UC) CLS 17 BEG MEX FOLKDANCE 4 M 5:00pm-10:25 TA-17 R.RAMIREZ III CLS 20 24189 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly C STDY 20) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CLS 20 CHICANO ART 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 HS-210 V.MENDEZ CLS 21 24190 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly C STDY 21) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CLS 21 CHICANO LIT 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 OAB-216 K.CHACON CLS 22 69228 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (See also ART 60) (A, CSU, UC) CLS 22 PRECOLUMBIAN ART 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 CLS 27 PREREQ: DANCE/CLS 17, or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing at first class session. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also DANCE 27) (A, CSU-GE, UC) CLS 27 ADV FOLK DANCE 4 W 5:00pm-9:50 TA-17 V.TORRES 66116 OAB-176 S.SOSA CLS 28 66217 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (Formerly C STDY 28) (See also ANTHRO 28) (A, CSU, UC) CLS 28 ANCIENT MEXICO 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 OAB-119 CLS 29 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly C STDY 29) (See also HIST 29) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CLS 29 HISTRY OF MEXICO 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 AH-108 C.PEREZ 66118 M.WATSON CHILD DEVELOPMENT CHDEV 1 24829 24066 24074 CHDEV 3 24857 24859 24858 24860 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID ECE 120) (A, CSU) CHDEV 1 TEACH YOUNG CHILD 3 ARR WEB M.MOORE (#24829 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at marilyn.moore@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “CHDEV 1 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) CHDEV 1 TEACH YOUNG CHILD 3 MW 11:00am-12:20 AH-211 R.OCHS CHDEV 1 TEACH YOUNG CHILD 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-216 S.ROWDEN PREREQ: Verification of freedom from tuberculosis. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID ECE 130) (A, CSU) CHDEV 3 INTRO TO CURRICULUM 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 AH-211 M.MAGNIA AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 M.MAGNIA CHDEV 3 INTRO TO CURRICULUM 3 MW 8:00am-9:20 AH-211 M.SOUBLET AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 M.SOUBLET CHDEV 3 INTRO TO CURRICULUM 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 AH-211 M.MAGNIA AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 M.MAGNIA CHDEV 3 INTRO TO CURRICULUM 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 AH-211 K.STOGBAUER AND 1HR ARR ARR K.STOGBAUER Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 64 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# ROOM INSTRUCTOR CHDEV 5 24121 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CHDEV 5 PARENT EDUCATION 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 HS-210 M.BREWER CHDEV 6 24122 24126 24127 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID ECE 220) (A, CSU) CHDEV 6 HLTH/SAFETY/NUTRN 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 HS-160 CHDEV 6 HLTH/SAFETY/NUTRN 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 HS-160 CHDEV 6 HLTH/SAFETY/NUTRN 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 AH-208 E.WAGMAN E.WAGMAN E.WAGMAN CHDEV 11 24075 PREREQ: CHDEV 39. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CHDEV 11 SPECIAL NEEDS 3 MW 11:00am-12:20 HS-120 CHDEV 15 24085 24076 24077 24079 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID ECE 230) (A, CSU) CHDEV 15 DIVERSITY & CULTURE 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 SO-208 CHDEV 15 DIVERSITY & CULTURE 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 HS-120 CHDEV 15 DIVERSITY & CULTURE 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 HS-120 CHDEV 15 DIVERSITY & CULTURE 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-119 CHDEV 16 PREREQ: CHDEV 39 or PSY 39, verification of freedom from tuberculosis. ADVISORY: CHDEV 7, CHDEV 11 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CHDEV 16 EARLY INTERVENTN 3 Th 1:00pm-2:50 HS-120 K.GOSE AND 3HRS ARR ARR K.GOSE 24832 CHDEV 17A 24833 CHDEV 19 ***** CHDEV 20 24099 24088 CHDEV 30 24861 24114 24115 24118 CHDEV 37A 24863 24862 CHDEV 37B 24864 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES K.GOSE K.TAUS K.GOSE K.GOSE A.PARKER PREREQ: CHDEV 1, 6, and 39. Verification of freedom from tuberculosis. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CHDEV 7 AND 38) (A, CSU) CHDEV 17A INFANT DEVELOP 3 M 6:00pm-7:50 HS-210 M.BREWER AND 3HRS ARR ARR M.BREWER COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) CHDEV 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 M 5:30pm-6:20 AH-208 M.PRICE AND 7HRS ARR ARR M.PRICE PREREQ: CHDEV 1, 3, and 39. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID ECE 200) (A, CSU) CHDEV 20 OBSERVN&ASSESSMNT 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 AH-211 R.OCHS CHDEV 20 OBSERVN&ASSESSMNT 3 MW 2:00pm-3:20 HS-210 M.BREWER ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID CDEV 110) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHDEV 30 CHILD/FAM/COMMUN 3 ARR WEB S.SHAW (#24861 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at sue.shaw@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “CHDEV 30 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) CHDEV 30 CHILD/FAM/COMMUN 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 HS-210 M.BREWER CHDEV 30 CHILD/FAM/COMMUN 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 HS-210 M.BREWER CHDEV 30 CHILD/FAM/COMMUN 3 W 6:30pm-9:20 FH-103 M.MATEO-LAENO PREREQ: CHDEV 1, and CHDEV 3 and CHDEV/PSY 39 or CHDEV 150. Verification of freedom from tuberculosis. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID ECE 210) (A, CSU) CHDEV 37A EC PRACTICUM 3 T 1:00pm-2:50 AH-211 R.OCHS AND 3HRS ARR ARR R.OCHS CHDEV 37A EC PRACTICUM 3 T 6:00pm-7:50 AH-211 R.OCHS AND 3HRS ARR ARR R.OCHS PREREQ: CHDEV 37A. Verification of freedom from tuberculosis. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CHDEV 37B ADV EC PRACTICUM 3 W 6:00pm-7:50 AH-211 M.SOUBLET AND 3HRS ARR ARR M.SOUBLET NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# CHDEV 38 66106 66107 66105 66151 66104 CHDEV 39 66112 66108 66109 66110 66111 66150 66113 CHDEV 40B 25049 CHDEV 48 24120 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 65 INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also PSY 38) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHDEV 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 ARR WEB M.MILLER (#66106 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at marybeth.miller@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “CHDEV 38 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) CHDEV 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 SO-208 STAFF CHDEV 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 SO-209 C.FITZGERALD CHDEV 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 W 2:30pm-5:20 OAB-216 M.MATEO-LAENO CHDEV 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 Th 6:30pm-9:20 FH-103 B.COLBERT ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. Verification of freedom from tuberculosis recommended. (See also PSY 39) (C-ID CDEV 100) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHDEV 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 ARR WEB M.MILLER AND 1HR ARR ARR M.MILLER (#66112 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at marybeth.miller@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “CHDEV 39 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) CHDEV 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 AH-208 D.DECKER AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 D.DECKER CHDEV 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 HS-210 M.MAGNIA AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 M.MAGNIA CHDEV 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 HS-210 M.MAGNIA AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 M.MAGNIA CHDEV 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 AH-208 M.MAGNIA AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 M.MAGNIA CHDEV 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 SO-209 A.GRAVES AND 1HR ARR ARR A.GRAVES CHDEV 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 SO-104 C.YANN AND 1HR ARR ARR C.YANN PREREQ: CHDEV 40A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CHDEV 36B) (A, CSU) CHDEV 40B ADV ADMINISTRATN 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 AH-208 M.PRICE ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CHDEV 48 CHALLENG BEHAVRS 3 MW 2:00pm-3:20 OAB-119 K.GOSE COMMUNICATION COMM 1 24349 24353 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPEECH 1) (C-ID COMM 110) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 ARR WEB D.SCOTT AND M 6:00pm-9:20 OAB-176 D.SCOTT (#24349 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet. You must activate and access your my.scccd.edu e-mail account prior to the start of class. Students will need to attend a mandatory orientation on 01/13/14 at 6:00 pm in room OAB-176. After orientation this class is also required to meet on 01/27, 02/10, 03/17, 04/21, and 05/12. Contact the instructor at dan.scott@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information.) COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 ARR WEB C.LUNA AND W 6:00pm-9:20 OAB-176 C.LUNA (#24353 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet. You must activate and access your my.scccd.edu e-mail account prior to the start of class. Students will need to attend a mandatory orientation on 01/15/14 at 6:00 pm in room OAB-176. After orientation this class is also required to meet on 01/22, 02/19, 03/19, 04/23, and 05/14. Contact the instructor at cyndie.luna@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 66 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR Earn College Credit While Studying Abroad! Students at Fresno City College may take advantage of international study programs offered by the college district. The international programs allow students an opportunity to study in another country while earning transferable college credit, as well as enable them to gain a first-hand understanding of other regions and cultures of the world. The following programs will be offered in 2014: ITALY – May 18-31, 2014 Explore the roots of Early Childhood Development in Italy! Join SCCCD Childhood Development faculty as they visit various child development programs in Reggio-Emilia, Pistoia, Florence, and Rome. The program offers CD 7A or CD 20. LONDON, ENGLAND – May 22-June 13, 2014 Enjoy studying photography or architecture in London! You will visit popular venues in the city and attend a theatre performance. You will tour important architectural sites in London and travel to Canterbury, Bath, York, and Stonehenge. The program offers Photo 5 or SpSt 49 History of English Architecture. For more information on these programs, please visit our Study Abroad webpage at www.scccd.edu/index.aspx?page=148, or contact Dr. Margaret Hiebert at (559) 442-4600, ext. 8101 or by e-mail: margaret.hiebert@fresnocitycollege.edu NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 24366 COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 24367 24368 24369 24370 24371 24373 24375 24376 24377 24378 24379 24383 24387 24388 24389 24390 24391 24392 26321 24395 24396 24397 24408 24398 24399 24402 24406 24404 COMM 2 24507 24508 24510 24511 24515 24518 24521 24522 26323 24523 24525 24527 24528 24531 24535 24545 UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 67 INSTRUCTOR 3 ARR WEB C.LUNA AND Th 6:00pm-9:20 OAB-176 C.LUNA (#24366 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet. You must activate and access your my.scccd.edu e-mail account prior to the start of class. Students will need to attend a mandatory orientation on 01/16/14 at 6:00 pm in room OAB-176. After orientation this class is also required to meet on 01/23, 02/20, 03/20, 04/24, and 05/15. Contact the instructor at cyndie.luna@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information.) COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 6:00am-6:50 MS-220 N.FRALEIGH COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 6:00am-6:50 MS-222 G.BAKER COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 TTh 6:30am-7:45 MS-220 A.RAZEE COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 7:00am-7:50 MS-220 N.FRALEIGH COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 7:00am-7:50 MS-222 G.BAKER COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 MS-220 A.RAZEE COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 MS-222 K.KHAN COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 MS-220 C.GRANATA COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 9:00am-10:50 MS-221 C.GRANATA DATES: (#24377 meets 01/13 to 03/14) COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 MS-220 C.GRANATA COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 OAB-176 C.LUNA COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 MS-220 A.RAZEE COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 MS-220 STAFF COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MW 11:00am-12:20 OAB-127 E.FLETCHER COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 MS-221 P.BEGLEY COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 MS-220 C.LUNA COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 MS-220 S.MIMURA COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MW 1:00pm-2:20 OAB-176 S.BADERTSCHER COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MWF 2:00pm-2:50 MS-220 STAFF COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 OAB-176 N.FRALEIGH COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 TTh 3:30pm-4:45 OAB-127 K.KHAN COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 MW 3:30pm-4:50 MS-222 C.ENGSTROM COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-176 C.ENGSTROM COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 MS-220 L.RAMOS COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 MS-222 C.GRANATA COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 MS-221 K.RIGBY COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 MS-220 C.ENGSTROM COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 OAB-125 C.GRANATA ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPEECH 2) (C-ID COMM 130) (A, CSU-GE) COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MWF 7:00am-7:50 MS-221 STAFF COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 MS-221 G.THURSTON COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 OAB-127 STAFF COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MWF 9:00am-10:50 MS-221 G.THURSTON DATES: (#24511 meets 03/17 to 05/16) COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 MS-221 L.RAMOS COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 MS-222 P.BEGLEY COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 MS-221 P.BEGLEY COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 MS-221 L.RAMOS COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 F 11:00am-2:05 MS-222 STAFF COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MWF 11:00am-12:50 MS-220 L.RAMOS DATES: (#24523 meets 01/13 to 03/14) COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 MS-222 P.BEGLEY COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 MS-221 K.KHAN COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 MS-221 G.THURSTON COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MW 2:00pm-3:20 MS-221 G.THURSTON COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MW 2:00pm-3:20 OAB-127 L.THIESEN COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 MWF 3:00pm-5:05 MS-220 S.MIMURA DATES: (#24545 meets 01/13 to 03/14) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 68 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO 24548 COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM DATES: (#24548 meets 03/17 to 05/16) COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 24552 24554 24556 24557 ***** 24567 24568 24571 26322 24574 24581 24579 COMM 4 24632 24633 24634 24637 26324 COMM 8 24638 24642 24647 24648 24649 24650 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS 3 MWF TIMES 3:00pm-5:05 ROOM INSTRUCTOR MS-220 S.MIMURA 3 TTh 3:30pm-4:45 MS-221 K.RIGBY 3 MW 3:30pm-4:50 MS-221 STAFF 3 MW 4:00pm-5:20 OAB-127 L.THIESEN 3 F 5:30pm-8:20 OAB-127 T.UPTON 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 BE-121 L.RAMOS AND S 8:30am-1:00 HS-120 L.RAMOS DATES: (Above class meets 01/07 to 01/30) (Business Administration 25-Month Program, 2013-2015. Actual meeting dates are 01/07, 01/09, 01/11, 01/14, 01/16, 01/18, 01/21, 01/23, 01/25, 01/28, and 01/30. Entrance into class by permission of the Business Division Dean.) COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 MS-221 K.RISCH COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 MS-222 K.RIGBY COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-127 L.THIESEN COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 MS-104 STAFF COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 MS-220 C.WELLS COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 MS-221 K.RISCH COMM 2 INTERPERSON COM 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 MS-222 L.RAMOS ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPEECH 4) (C-ID COMM 190) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) COMM 4 PERSUASION 3 MWF 7:00am-7:50 OAB-127 A.RAZEE COMM 4 PERSUASION 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 MS-221 G.THURSTON COMM 4 PERSUASION 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 MS-220 K.KHAN COMM 4 PERSUASION 3 MW 12:30pm-1:50 MS-222 E.FLETCHER COMM 4 PERSUASION 3 TTh 3:30pm-4:45 OAB-176 STAFF ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPEECH 8) (C-ID COMM 140) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) COMM 8 GROUP COMMUNICATN 3 ARR WEB C.LUNA AND F 6:00pm-9:20 OAB-176 C.LUNA (#24638 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet. You must activate and access your my.scccd.edu e-mail account prior to the start of class. Students will need to attend a mandatory orientation on 01/17/14 at 6:00 pm in room OAB-176. After orientation this class is also required to meet on 01/24, 02/21, 03/21, 04/25, and 5/16. Contact the instructor at cyndie.luna@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information.) COMM 8 GROUP COMMUNICATN 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 MS-222 P.BEGLEY COMM 8 GROUP COMMUNICATN 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 MS-222 S.BADERTSCHER COMM 8 GROUP COMMUNICATN 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 MS-222 S.BADERTSCHER COMM 8 GROUP COMMUNICATN 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 MS-222 K.KHAN COMM 8 GROUP COMMUNICATN 3 F 2:00pm-5:05 OAB-127 T.UPTON COMM 12 69224 69225 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (See also TA 12) (Formerly SPEECH 12) (A, CSU-GE, UC) COMM 12 ORAL INTERP 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:15 TA-105 COMM 12 ORAL INTERP 3 T 7:00pm-9:50 MS-104 COMM 20 24665 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPEECH 20) (A, CSU) COMM 20 COMMUNITY INVOLV 2-3 W 10:00am-10:50 OAB-125 S.BADERTSCHER AND 3-6HRS ARR ARR S.BADERTSCHER COMM 25 24705 24707 24708 24709 24710 24712 24714 24715 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly SPEECH 25) (C-ID COMM 120) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) COMM 25 ARGUMENTATION 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 MS-222 A.RAZEE COMM 25 ARGUMENTATION 3 F 9:00am-12:05 OAB-127 T.UPTON COMM 25 ARGUMENTATION 3 MW 11:00am-12:20 MS-222 D.SCOTT COMM 25 ARGUMENTATION 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 MS-221 L.RAMOS COMM 25 ARGUMENTATION 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 MS-220 STAFF COMM 25 ARGUMENTATION 3 MW 2:00pm-3:20 MS-222 D.SCOTT COMM 25 ARGUMENTATION 3 TTh 4:30pm-5:45 MS-220 W.LAUGHNAN III COMM 25 ARGUMENTATION 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 MS-220 W.LAUGHNAN III NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. A.SPJUTE STAFF FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 24716 24723 24721 COMM 25 COMM 25 COMM 25 ARGUMENTATION ARGUMENTATION ARGUMENTATION COMM 26 24725 24730 UNITS 3 3 3 DAYS W Th Th TIMES 6:00pm-8:50 6:00pm-8:50 6:00pm-8:50 PREREQ: None. (Formerly SPEECH 26) (C-ID COMM 160B) (A, CSU) COMM 26 FORENSICS 1-3 ARR AND 2-7HRS ARR (#24725 first class meeting will be held on 01/15/14 at 5 pm in OAB-283.) COMM 26 FORENSICS 1-3 ARR AND 2-7HRS ARR (#24730 first class meeting will be held on 01/13/14 at 3:30 pm in OAB-283.) ROOM MS-221 MS-222 OAB-188 69 INSTRUCTOR T.PATTERSON W.LAUGHNAN III T.PATTERSON ARR ARR E.FLETCHER E.FLETCHER ARR ARR D.SCOTT D.SCOTT COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING & DESIGN CADD 14 23447 23449 CADD 16 23451 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 255 recommended. (CADD 14 is a beginning 2D CAD course using AutoCAD.) (Formerly DRAFT 42 and DRAFT 32) (A, CSU) CADD 14 2D CAD I 3 TTh 10:30am-12:45 T-300 R.CERKUEIRA CADD 14 2D CAD I 3 T 6:00pm-10:50 T-300 STAFF ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 255 recommended. (CADD 16 is a beginning 3D CAD course using SolidWorks.) (Formerly DRAFT 20, CADD 34, and CADD 26) (A, CSU) CADD 16 3D SOLID MOD I 3 W 6:00pm-10:50 T-300 STAFF CADD 22 23491 PREREQ: CADD 16. (A, CSU) CADD 22 MECHNCL DRAW I CADD 24 23493 PREREQ: CADD 14. (A, CSU) CADD 24 2D CAD II CADD 26A 23495 PREREQ: CADD 16. (Formerly CADD 36) (A, CSU) CADD 26A 3D SOLID MOD II 3 CADD 28 23498 PREREQ: CADD 16. (A, CSU) CADD 28 PRODUCT DEVELOP I 3 (This course requires a $31.00 materials fee.) 3 TTh 8:00am-10:15 T-300 R.CERKUEIRA 3 AND W M 1:30pm-3:50 1:30pm-3:20 T-300 T-300 STAFF STAFF MW 8:00am-10:20 T-300 R.CERKUEIRA MW 10:30am-12:50 T-300 R.CERKUEIRA COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING CAM 10 67150 25782 CAM 20 67250 25781 CAM 26 25783 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly DRAFT 44 and CADD 44) (A, CSU) CAM 10 CNC MILL PRG/OP1 7 TTh 8:00am-12:50 T-103 M.MCCOLLOUGH (This course requires a $50.00 materials fee.) CAM 10 CNC MILL PRG/OP1 7 TTh 6:00pm-10:50 T-103 R.CHAPMAN (This course requires a $50.00 materials fee.) PREREQ: CAM 10. (A, CSU) CAM 20 CNC MILL PRG/OP2 7 (This course requires a $50.00 materials fee.) CAM 20 CNC MILL PRG/OP2 7 (This course requires a $50.00 materials fee.) PREREQ: CAM 10. (A, CSU) CAM 26 LATHE PROG OPER II (This class requires a $50.00 materials fee.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. 3 TTh 8:00am-12:50 T-103 M.MCCOLLOUGH MW 6:00pm-10:50 T-103 M.MCCOLLOUGH T 6:00pm-10:50 ARR STAFF ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 70 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CIT 12 24097 24100 24101 24111 24112 24065 24011 24033 24035 24087 24089 24094 24027 24103 24026 24084 24072 24091 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly CIS 56 and IS 12) (A, CSU, UC) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 ARR WEB B.BAKER (#24097 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at brian.baker@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 ARR WEB T.WALLER (#24100 is a distance education is a distance education course that uses the Blackboard system [http:blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu], the instructor will send out a welcome message to all enrolled students using their FCC email account [outlook.com lastname_studentID@my.scccd.edu], at least one week before the semester starts. Students are required to gain access to this e-mail system before the start of the semester.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 ARR WEB T.WALLER (#24101 is a distance education is a distance education course that uses the Blackboard system [http:blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu], the instructor will send out a welcome message to all enrolled students using their FCC email account [outlook.com lastname_studentID@my.scccd.edu], at least one week before the semester starts. Students are required to gain access to this e-mail system before the start of the semester.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 ARR WEB B.BAKER (#24111 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at brian.baker@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 ARR WEB B.SMITH (#24112 is a distance education class located on the Web. Enrolled students need to log into the Fresno City College Blackboard course URL at blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu on the first day of the term. Students may be contacted prior to the term via their Fresno City College e-mail account [mail.office365.com lastname_studentID@my.scccd.edu]. Contact the instructor at bonnie.smith@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 TTh 7:00am-8:50 BE-123 H.DUONG (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 TTh 7:00am-8:50 BE-219 V.PONTIUS (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 MW 7:00am-8:50 BE-218 B.BRYANT (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 MW 7:00am-8:50 BE-219 H.DUONG (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 MW 8:00am-9:50 BE-127 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 TTh 10:00am-11:50 BE-215 D.PONTIUS (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 TTh 12:00pm-1:50 BE-127 B.SMITH (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 TTh 12:00pm-1:50 BE-215 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 MW 12:00pm-1:50 BE-127 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 MW 1:00pm-2:50 BE-129 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 MWF 2:00pm-3:10 BE-219 J.MAKOFSKE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 BE-123 S.JONES (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 BE-127 B.SMITH (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO 24090 CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 BE-209 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 MW 2:00pm-3:50 BE-127 T.WALLER (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 BE-209 J.ARNOLD (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 BE-217 C.HREISCHE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 MW 4:00pm-5:50 BE-123 S.JONES (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 T 6:00pm-9:50 BE-204 R.DIXON (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 T 6:00pm-9:50 BE-218 J.SUTTON (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 W 6:00pm-9:50 BE-123 C.MARTINEZ DOMINGUEZ (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 M 6:00pm-10:20 BE-217 W.HOLDEN (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) 24105 24019 24071 24022 24070 24098 24086 24067 CIT 15 24130 24132 24151 24174 24181 24146 24187 26336 24143 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 71 INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A and MATH 201 recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly CIS 15 and IS 15) (C-ID ITIS 120) (A, CSU, UC) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 ARR WEB R.DEVOE-PETERSON (#24130 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at robert.devoe-peterson@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 ARR WEB R.DEVOE-PETERSON (#24132 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at robert.devoe-peterson@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 ARR WEB T.MCLEOD (#24151 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at todd.mcleod@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 ARR WEB T.MCLEOD (#24174 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at todd.mcleod@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 ARR WEB D.OWENS (#24181 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at dan.owens@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 TTh 8:00am-9:50 BE-127 J.FRESE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 TTh 8:00am-9:50 BE-215 J.SAUSE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 TTh 8:00am-9:50 BE-217 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 8:00am-9:50 BE-123 J.FRESE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 72 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO 24137 CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 8:00am-9:50 BE-129 M.FORESTIERE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 TTh 9:00am-10:50 BE-123 R.DEVOE-PETERSON (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 9:00am-10:50 BE-215 J.SAUSE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 9:00am-10:50 BE-219 R.DEVOE-PETERSON (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 TTh 10:00am-11:50 BE-127 J.FRESE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 10:00am-11:50 BE-123 J.FRESE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 10:00am-11:50 BE-127 B.BAKER (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 10:00am-11:50 BE-129 M.FORESTIERE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 12:00pm-1:50 BE-123 M.FORESTIERE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 12:00pm-1:50 BE-215 J.SAUSE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:50 BE-129 M.FORESTIERE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 1:30pm-3:20 BE-131 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 2:00pm-3:50 BE-123 J.SAUSE (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 BE-127 T.MCLEOD (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 MW 4:00pm-5:50 BE-127 T.MCLEOD (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 TTh 5:30pm-9:55 BE-215 R.MOGHADDAM DATES: (Above class meets 03/13 to 05/08) (Above class is part of the 25-Month Business Administration Transfer Program and Social Sciences 25-Month Program. Entrance into the class is by permission of the respective division deans. Actual meeting dates are: 03/13, 03/18, 03/20, 03/25, 03/27, 04/01, 04/03, 04/08, 04/10, 04/22, 04/24, 04/29, 05/01, 05/06 and 05/08. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 T 6:00pm-9:50 BE-131 T.COLLINS (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 W 6:00pm-9:50 BE-127 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 Th 6:00pm-9:50 BE-123 STAFF (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 Th 6:00pm-9:50 BE-129 T.COLLINS (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 M 6:00pm-10:20 BE-127 C.HUDSON (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) 24203 24199 24128 24145 24144 24123 24140 24141 24191 24136 25039 24185 24147 24148 ***** 24125 24175 24183 24124 24133 CIT 19 ***** CIT 20 63120 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (Formerly CIS CIT 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 M 5:30pm-6:35 BE-137 J.ARMAS AND 7HRS ARR OFF J.ARMAS PREREQ: CIT 15. (See also BT 25) (Formerly IS 25) (A, CSU) CIT 20 MICROSOFT OFFICE 3 M 6:00pm-10:20 BE-129 (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. W.WALKER FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# CIT 23 63115 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 73 INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A and MATH 201 recommended. (See also BT 18) (Formerly CIS 18 and IS 5 and IS 18) (A, CSU) CIT 23 SPREADSHEET FUND 2 TTh 10:00am-11:50 BE-131 D.OWENS DATES: (#63115 meets 01/14 to 03/11) (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 24 24340 PREREQ: CIT 23 or BT 18. (Formerly CIS 45 and IS 20) (A, CSU) CIT 24 ADV SPRDSHEETS 2 TTh 10:00am-11:50 BE-131 D.OWENS DATES: (#24340 meets 03/13 to 05/15) (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 28 24342 PREREQ: CIT 15. (A, CSU) CIT 28 CLIENT/SRVR DBASE 3 TTh 7:00am-8:50 BE-129 (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 31 ***** ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A and MATH 201 recommended. (See also BT 24) (Formerly IS 24 and IS 74) (A, CSU) CIT 31 BEGIN EXCEL 1 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 BE-221 L.SMITH DATES: (Above class meets 01/14 to 03/13) (Medical Billing Assistant Program. Entrance into class by permission of Business Division Dean. Students need to be aware that all classes in CIT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 40 24343 PREREQ: CIT 12 or CIT 15. (Formerly CIS 51 and IS 22) (A, CSU) CIT 40 COMP OPR SYSTEMS 4 TTh 9:00am-11:15 BE-129 (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 45 24357 PREREQ: CIT 15. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly CIS 17 and IS 17) (A, CSU) CIT 45 DATA COMMUNICATN 3 W 6:00pm-9:50 BE-129 (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 48 24359 PREREQ: CIT 15. (Formerly IS 238 and CIT 238) (A, CSU) CIT 48 A+/SERVR+ SYSTMS 3 M 6:00pm-10:20 BE-204 (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) J.MAKOFSKE CIT 50 24361 PREREQ: CIT 45. (Formerly IS 28 and IS 30 and IS 30A) (A, CSU) CIT 50 FUND OF NETWRKNG 4 T 5:30pm-10:20 BE-129 (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) P.ZHOU CIT 60 24363 PREREQ: CIT 15. (Formerly IS 35 and IS 47) (A, CSU, UC) CIT 60 BEG VISUAL BASIC 4 TTh 12:00pm-1:50 BE-123 (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) D.OWENS CIT 63 24385 PREREQ: CIT 15. (Formerly IS 39 and IS 33) (A, CSU, UC) CIT 63 BEGIN JAVA PROG 4 ARR WEB B.SMITH (#24385 is a distance education class located on the Web. Enrolled students need to log into the Fresno City College Blackboard course URL at blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu on the first day of the term. Students may be contacted prior to the term via their Fresno City College e-mail account [mail.office365.com lastname_studentID@my.scccd.edu]. Contact the instructor at bonnie.smith@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 65 24550 PREREQ: CIT 63. (A, CSU) CIT 65 ANDROID PROG 4 ARR WEB D.MOHLE (#24550 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at dennis.mohle@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. D.OWENS M.FORESTIERE W.WALKER ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 74 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR CIT 80 24434 PREREQ: None. (Formerly IS 7 and IS 40) (A, CSU) CIT 80 INTERNET BASICS 2 ARR WEB STAFF DATES: (#24434 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#24434 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 81 24435 ADVISORY: CIT 15 recommended. (Formerly IS 8 and IS 41) (A, CSU) CIT 81 WWW RESEARCH 2 ARR WEB STAFF DATES: (#24435 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (#24435 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 85 24436 PREREQ: CIT 82. (A, CSU) CIT 85 CREATING WEBSITES 3 ARR WEB T.WALLER (#24436 is a distance education is a distance education course that uses the Blackboard system [http:blackboard. fresnocitycollege.edu], the instructor will send out a welcome message to all enrolled students using their FCC email account [outlook.com lastname_studentID@my.scccd.edu], at least one week before the semester starts. Students are required to gain access to this e-mail system before the start of the semester.) CIT 94 25040 PREQ: None. (A, CSU) CIT 94 SERVER SIDE SCRIPT 3 Th 6:00pm-9:50 BE-127 (Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 202 24438 PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (OPEN ENTRY/OPEN EXIT) CIT 202 INTRO ONLINE LRNG 1 ARR WEB T.MCLEOD DATES: (#24438 meets 01/21 to 03/21) (#24438 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at todd.mcleod@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) B.BAKER COMPUTER SCIENCE CSCI 40 25406 CSCI 41 25407 PREREQ: MATH 103 or equivalent. COREQ: MATH 4A or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH 30A and CSCI 30A)(A, CSU, UC) CSCI 40 PROG CONCEPTS I 4 MW 8:30am-10:50 S-20 J.HE PREREQ: CSCI 40 and MATH 4A, or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH 30B and CSCI 30B) (A, CSU, UC) CSCI 41 PROG CONCEPTS II 4 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 S-20 G.JAMISON AND MW 1:00pm-1:50 S-20 G.JAMISON CONSTRUCTION CONS 50B 23411 CONS 52B 23446 ADVISORY: Eligibility for AT 130 or MATH 201 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CONS 50B BASIC RES CONSTR 3 MW 2:00pm-4:20 T-405 M.LACKO ADVISORY: CONS 51 and 53 and eligibility for AT 130 or MATH 201 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CONS 52B INT CONS MGMNT 2 9 DAILY 8:00am-12:05 T-405 E.NITZSCHE NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# CONS 53 23412 CONS 55 23413 CONS 56B 67230 CONS 56BL 67226 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 75 INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: CONS 50B and eligibility for AT 130 or MATH 201 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CONS 53/54) (A, CSU) CONS 53 EXT & INT FINISH 9 DAILY 8:00am-12:05 T-405 E.NITZSCHE (Meets in T-406 the first day.) ADVISORY: CONS 50A and eligibility for AT 130 or MATH 201 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CONS 55 ROOF FRAMING 3 MW 6:00pm-8:50 T-405 D.LESMERISES COREQ: CONS 56BL. ADVISORY: CONS 50A and eligibility for AT 130 or MATH 201 and eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (See also BSCA 15B) (A, CSU) CONS 56B RESID PLUMBING 2 3 MW 6:00pm-8:50 T-406 M.KOCH COREQ: CONS 56B. ADVISORY: CONS 50A and eligibility for AT 130 or MATH 201 and eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (See also BSCA 15BL) (A, CSU) CONS 56BL RES PLUMBNG LAB 2 .5 1.5HRS ARR OFF CONS 175B 67109 67117 PREREQ: None. (A) CONS 175B RESIDENT WIRING 2 CONS 175B RESIDENT WIRING 2 4 4 TTh TTh CONS 175BL 67111 67112 PREREQ: None. (A) CONS 175BL RES WIRING LAB 2 CONS 175BL RES WIRING LAB 2 .5 .5 1.5HRS ARR 1.5HRS ARR 3:30pm-6:20 6:00pm-8:35 M.KOCH T-405 T-405 R.GORMAN JR B.NELSON OFF OFF R.GORMAN JR B.NELSON COUNSELING COUN 43 25434 ***** 25432 COUN 48 25454 25455 ***** ***** ***** 25459 PREREQ: None. (Formerly GS 43) (A, CSU) COUN 43 GROUP DYNAMICS 2 B.OLOWUDE (#25434 EMPHASIS: Smoking Cessation. This class is part of a research project that is shared by Psychological Services and the Respiratory Care program. As part of this project, students will be selected at random to be in the class and/or to receive nicotine replacement therapy or to receive no treatment. Contact Dr. Olowude at [559] 265-5720 or D. Day at [559] 244-2634 for more information.) COUN 43 GROUP DYNAMICS 2 WF 10:00am-10:50 LI-140 G.REDMOND (Above class is part of the IDILE Leadership Program and has an African-American emphasis and includes a mentoring component. Requires concurrent enrollment in AFRAM 3 and ENGL 1A. Contact G. Redmond at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8643 for details.) COUN 43 GROUP DYNAMICS 2 Th 11:00am-12:50 ARR B.OLOWUDE (#25432 EMPHASIS: Interpersonal Abuse Issues.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly GS 48) (A, CSU) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 MW 9:00am-9:50 LI-146 F.RADNEJAD DATES: (#25454 meets 01/13 to 03/12) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 MW 9:00am-9:50 LI-146 F.RADNEJAD DATES: (#25455 meets 03/17 to 05/21) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 M 10:00am-10:50 LI-146 G.REDMOND (Above class is part of the IDILE Leadership Program and has an African-American emphasis and includes a mentoring component. Requires concurrent enrollment in AFRAM 3 and ENGL 1A. Contact G. Redmond at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8643 for more information.) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 T 12:00pm-12:50 LI-146 C.BELTRAN (Above class EMPHASIS: Camino Program students. Contact L. Canales at leticia.canales@fresnocitycollege.edu for details.) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 TTh 12:00pm-12:50 ARR G.JOHNSON DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 03/13) (Above class is part of the African American Male Leadership Program [SYMBAA] and requires concurrent enrollment in AFRAM 3, SOC 32, COUN 48, ENGL 125, and ENGL 126. Contact G. Johnson at gerard.johnson@fresnocitycollege.edu or call [559] 442-4600 ext. 8625.) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 TTh 12:00pm-12:50 ARR G.JOHNSON DATES: (#25459 meets 03/18 to 05/22) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 76 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO 26350 COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 TTh 12:00pm-12:50 ARR STAFF DATES: (#26350 meets 01/14 to 03/13) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 W 12:00pm-12:50 ST-202 J.GARABEDIAN (Above class EMPHASIS: Dewolf High School/ATC Program.) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 M 1:00pm-1:50 LI-146 S.YANG (Above class EMPHASIS: USEAA Program students. This class has a Southeast Asian emphasis and includes a mentoring component. Requires concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A. Contact S. Yang at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8639 or shoua.yang@fresnocitycollege.edu for details.) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 W 1:00pm-1:50 LI-146 J.DURAN (Above class EMPHASIS: Camino Program students. Contact L. Canales at leticia.canales@fresnocitycollege.edu for details.) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 TTh 2:00pm-2:50 ARR STAFF DATES: (#25468 meets 01/14 to 03/13) COUN 48 CAREER PLAN&DEVEL 1 TTh 2:00pm-2:50 ARR STAFF DATES: (#25474 meets 03/18 to 05/22) ***** ***** ***** 25468 25474 COUN 53 25506 25511 25507 25503 ***** 25516 ***** 25510 25504 26351 25505 25508 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly GS 53) (A, CSU) COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 ST-202 STAFF COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 W 9:00am-9:50 ST-202 V.YANG AND ARR WEB V.YANG (#25511 is a hybrid distance education class offered via the Internet. This hybrid class requires 18 face-to-face class sessions held on the FCC campus at predetermined times. These mandatory class sessions are for orientation. Each student needs access to a computer with Internet connection. Each student must access and activate their my.scccd.edu e-mail account prior to the start of class. After enrolling each student must e-mail the instructor at victor.yang@fresnocitycollege.edu to receive information about course access.) COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 TTh 9:00am-10:15 ARR STAFF COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 LI-140 K.SEMIEN COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 TWTh 10:00am-10:50 ST-202 A.GONZALES (Above class EMPHASIS: Foster Youth Bridge Program students. Contact A. Gonzales at alexandra.gonzales@fresnocitycollege.edu for details.) COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 Th 10:00am-10:50 ARR V.YANG AND ARR WEB V.YANG (#25516 is a hybrid distance education class offered via the Internet. This hybrid class requires 18 face-to-face class sessions held on the FCC campus at predetermined times. These mandatory class sessions are for orientation, lecture, and exams. Each student needs access to a computer with Internet connection. Each student must access and activate their my.scccd.edu e-mail account prior to the start of class. After enrolling each student must e-mail the instructor at victor.yang@fresnocitycollege.edu to receive information about course access.) COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 MTTh 12:00pm-12:50 ST-202 J.GARABEDIAN (Above class EMPHASIS: Dewolf High School/ATC Program.) COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 ARR R.EBERL COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 LI-146 STAFF COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 MW 4:00pm-5:15 LI-140 D.SHOEMAKER COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 TTh 4:00pm-6:30 ARR M.RODRIGUEZ DATES: (#25505 meets 01/14 to 03/13) COUN 53 COLLEGE/LIFE MGMT 3 TTh 6:00pm-7:15 ARR A.RAMIREZ COUN 54 ***** ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly GS 54) (A, CSU) COUN 54 CIVIC RESPS/LEADSHP 1 MW 11:00am-11:50 LI-146 L.NATAL DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/12) (Above class EMPHASIS: PUENTE Program students. This class has a Chicano/Latino emphasis and includes a mentoring component. Requires concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A. Contact L. Natal at lori.natal@fresnocitycollege.edu for details.) COUN 149 ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly GS 49) (A) COUN 149 JOB PREPARATION 1 F (Above class EMPHASIS: Dewolf High School/ATC Program.) COUN 167 25428 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly GS COUN 167 FIN AID MNY MGMT 1 W 11:00am-11:50 ST-202 12:00pm-12:50 ST-202 J.GARABEDIAN NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. Y.KOSTIN FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# COUN 250 ***** ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES PREREQ: None. (Formerly GS 50, 150, and COUN 150) COUN 250 STUDENT READINESS 1 MW 11:00am-11:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/12) (EMPHASIS: EOPS Students.) COUN 250 STUDENT READINESS 1 MW 11:00am-11:50 DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/21) (EMPHASIS: EOPS Students.) ROOM 77 INSTRUCTOR ST-103 S.GARCIA LUPIAN ST-103 S.GARCIA LUPIAN CRIMINOLOGY CRIM 1 24192 24195 26341 24193 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 1) (C-ID AJ 110) (A, CSU, UC) CRIM 1 INTRO TO CRIM 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 FH-101 W.BERTOLANI CRIM 1 INTRO TO CRIM 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 HS-120 T.O’NEIL CRIM 1 INTRO TO CRIM 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 AH-208 J.GOODSON CRIM 1 INTRO TO CRIM 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 FH-103 J.MOTOYASU (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) CRIM 3 24246 24247 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 3) (C-ID AJ 124) (A, CRIM 3 LEGAL EVIDENCE 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 OAB-102 T.O’NEIL CRIM 3 LEGAL EVIDENCE 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 SO-208 J.WATSON CRIM 4 24248 26346 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 4) (A, CSU) CRIM 4 JUSTICE SYSTEM 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 HS-160 CRIM 4 JUSTICE SYSTEM 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 HS-210 CRIM 5 24249 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 5) (C-ID AJ 160) (A, CSU, UC) CRIM 5 COMMUN RELATIONS 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 OAB-102 T.O’NEIL CRIM 6 24251 24250 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 6) (A, CSU) CRIM 6 CRIM LAW CONCEPTS 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 OAB-271 CRIM 6 CRIM LAW CONCEPTS 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-231 B.HILL R.CARRILLO CRIM 7 24252 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 7) (A, CSU) CRIM 7 ENFORCE SERVICES 3 Th 6:30pm-9:20 SO-208 J.WATSON CRIM 8 25085 25086 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 8) (A, CSU) CRIM 8 CRIMINAL INVEST 4 TTh 8:00am-10:50 OAB-102 CRIM 8 CRIMINAL INVEST 4 M 6:00pm-9:05 OAB-102 AND W 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-102 W.BERTOLANI W.BERTOLANI W.BERTOLANI CRIM 9 24253 PREREQ: CRIM 8 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CRIM 9 CRIM SCENE EVDNC 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-102 J.WINN CRIM 11 24197 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 11) (C-ID AJ 220) (A, CSU) CRIM 11 JUVENILE DELINQ 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 HS-210 E.TOSTADO CRIM 12 24215 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 12) (A, CSU) CRIM 12 CRIM JUST COMMUN 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 SO-212 CRIM 13 24227 24228 ***** ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 13) (A, CSU-GE, UC) CRIM 13 CONSTITUT RIGHTS 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 OAB-271 B.HILL CRIM 13 CONSTITUT RIGHTS 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 OAB-271 B.HILL CRIM 13 CONSTITUT RIGHTS 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 FH-101 T.BENDER AND S 8:30am-1:00 HS-100 T.BENDER DATES: (Above class meets 03/11 to 04/01) (This class is part of the Business Division 25-Month Program. Entrance into the class by permission of the Business Division Dean. Meets: 03/11, 03/13, 03/15, 03/18, 03/20, 03/22, 03/25, 03/27, 03/29, & 04/01.) CRIM 13 CONSTITUT RIGHTS 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-271 R.CARRILLO 24216 Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. K.HICKMAN T.BENDER B.HILL ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 78 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR CRIM 15 24231 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 15) (A, CSU) CRIM 15 POLICE ETHICS 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 OAB-119 (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) CRIM 16 24254 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly AJ 16) (A, CSU) CRIM 16 VICTIMOLOGY 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 HS-120 CRIM 20 24235 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID AJ 200) (A, CSU) CRIM 20 INTRO CORRECTIONS 3 W 6:30pm-9:20 HS-160 CRIM 21 24236 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CRIM 21 CORR REPORT WRTNG 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 HS-160 D.MINNIS CRIM 23 24237 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CRIM 23 INTERVIEW & COUNS 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 HS-160 K.RILEY-RUIZ CRIM 24 24238 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CRIM 24 CONTRL & SUPRVISN 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 AH-106 J.PULIDO CRIM 25 24242 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) CRIM 25 LEGAL ASPECTS 3 Th 6:30pm-9:20 HS-160 D.MINNIS J.MOTOYASU J.PULIDO K.HICKMAN DANCE DANCE 9 23415 PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) DANCE 9 DANCE CONDITIONG DANCE 10 23416 23417 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly PE ACT 4) (A, CSU, DANCE 10 BEG MDRN DANCE TECH 1 MW 3:00pm-4:20 OAB-190 K.BITHELL DANCE 10 BEG MDRN DANCE TECH 1 TTh 3:30pm-4:45 OAB-190 A.QUERIN DANCE 12A 23419 PREREQ: None. (Formerly DANCE 12 and PE ACT 26) (A, CSU, UC) DANCE 12A BEGIN BALLET 1 1 TTh 10:00am-11:15 DANCE 12B 23420 PREREQ: DANCE 12A or equivalent as demonstrated through testing and recommended by instructors. (A, DANCE 12B BEGIN BALLET 2 1 MW 10:30am-11:50 G-101 J.HAO DANCE 13A 69413 PREREQ: DANCE 12B or relevant experience as determined by instructor. (A, CSU) DANCE 13A INTER BALLET 2 MW 12:00pm-1:15 G-101 J.HAO DANCE 13B 69513 PREREQ: DANCE 13A or relevant experience as determined by instructor. (A, CSU) DANCE 13B PRE-ADV BALLET 2 MW 12:00pm-1:15 G-101 J.HAO DANCE 14 69414 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly PE ACT 27) (A, CSU, UC) DANCE 14 BEG JAZZ DANCE 1 MW 9:00am-10:20 OAB-190 C.TISCARENO DANCE 15 69514 PREREQ: DANCE 14 or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing or video portfolio of past jazz dance performance work. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) DANCE 15 INTER JAZZ TECH 1 MW 9:00am-10:20 OAB-190 C.TISCARENO DANCE 17 66215 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also CLS 17) (A, CSU-GE, UC) DANCE 17 BEG MEX FOLKDANCE 4 M 5:00pm-10:25 TA-17 R.RAMIREZ III DANCE 20A ADVISORY: DANCE 10. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly PE ACT 20A) (A, CSU-GE, UC) DANCE 20A BEG MOD DANC COMP 3 TTh 1:00pm-3:15 OAB-190 J.HAO 69420 DANCE 20B 69520 1 TTh 11:30am-12:45 G-101 G-101 K.BITHELL J.HAO ADVISORY: DANCE 20A. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly PE ACT 20B) (A, CSU, UC) DANCE 20B INT MOD DANC COMP 3 TTh 1:00pm-3:15 OAB-190 J.HAO NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# DANCE 22 69422 DANCE 27 66216 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 79 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: Current intermediate competency in Ballet, Jazz, or Modern dance and concurrent enrollment in Ballet, Jazz, or Modern dance recommended. For choreographers: DANCE 20A or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by Artistic Director through testing and/or video portfolio of past Modern Dance, Jazz, or Ballet performance work. ADVISORY: For choreographers: eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly PE ACT 22) (A, CSU, UC) DANCE 22 THEATRE PERFORM 2-4 W 6:00pm-6:50 G-101 J.HAO AND 9HRS ARR ARR J.HAO PREREQ: DANCE/CLS 17, or demonstration of comparable skill level to be determined by testing at first class session. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also CLS 27) (A, CSU-GE, UC) DANCE 27 ADV MEX FOLKDANCE 4 W 5:00pm-9:50 TA-17 V.TORRES DANCE 28 23439 ADVISORY: DANCE 10. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) DANCE 28 INT MODERN DANCE 1 MW 4:30pm-5:50 OAB-190 C.TISCARENO DANCE 30 23440 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) DANCE 30 DANCE APPREC 3 MW 2:30pm-3:50 OAB-176 C.TISCARENO DANCE 32 PREREQ: DANCE 32. ADVISORY: For choreographers: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. For performers: Previous Modern Dance, Ballet and Jazz experience or concurrent enrollment. (A, CSU) DANCE 32 THEATRE PERFRM 2 3 W 6:00pm-6:50 G-101 J.HAO AND 7HRS ARR ARR J.HAO 69522 DECISION SCIENCE DS 21 24452 24447 ***** DS 23 24485 24486 24487 PREREQ: MATH 103 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly DS 22) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) DS 21 FINITE MATH 3 MW 11:00am-12:20 BE-120 D.TEMPLE DS 21 FINITE MATH 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:15 BE-135 B.BRYANT DS 21 FINITE MATH 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 BE-121 STAFF AND S 8:30am-1:00 HS-210 STAFF DATES: (Above class meets 05/06 to 05/29) (Business Administration 25-Month Transfer Program. Actual class meeting dates are 05/06, 05/08, 05/10, 05/13, 05/15, 05/17, 05/20, 05/22, 05/24, 05/27 and 05/29. Entrance into class by permission of Business Division Dean. This course requires use of the Internet, Blackboard, and e-mail to complete assignments. WebAdvisor e-mail accounts must be current.) PREREQ: MATH 103 or equivalent. (Formerly BA 23) (A, CSU-GE, UC) DS 23 BUSINESS STATS 4 MW 9:00am-10:50 DS 23 BUSINESS STATS 4 TTh 9:00am-10:50 DS 23 BUSINESS STATS 4 W 6:00pm-9:50 BE-120 BE-120 BE-135 D.TEMPLE D.TEMPLE D.TEMPLE DENTAL HYGIENE DH 1B ***** PREREQ: ENGL 125 and DH 1A, each with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 2, 5A, 6A, 8A, and 11. ADVISORY: ENGL 1A with a grade of “C” or better strongly advised. (A, CSU) DH 1B ORAL PATHOLOGY 4 Th 8:00am-11:50 HS-140 J.PACHECO DH 1D ***** PREREQ: DH 1C with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 5C. (A, CSU) DH 1D APP PERIODONTICS 1 T 5:00pm-5:50 DH 2 PREREQ: DH 3A and DH 1A, each with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 1B, 5A, 6A, 8A, and 11. (A, CSU) DH 2 DENTAL MATERIALS 2 M 1:00pm-5:05 HS-140 J.HOWARD ***** DH 3B ***** PREREQ: DH 3A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 5C. (A, CSU) DH 3B DNTL SPECIALTIES 1 W 8:00am-9:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 03/12) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. HS-140 HS-140 J.PACHECO H.CAETANO ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 80 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# DH 5A ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: DH 3A and 4, each with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 1B, 2, 6A, 8A, 11 and 12. (PASS/NO PASS only) (A, CSU) DH 5A CLINICAL I 3 T 1:00pm-4:50 HS-130 H.CAETANO AND W 8:00am-11:50 HS-130 H.CAETANO DH 5C ***** PREREQ: DH 5B with a “pass” grade. COREQ: DH 1D, 3B, 7B, 8B, 9, and 14. (PASS/NO PASS only) (A, CSU) DH 5C CLINICAL III 5 TTh 8:00am-11:50 HS-130 H.CAETANO AND WTh 1:00pm-4:50 HS-130 H.CAETANO DH 6A ***** PREREQ: DH 3A with a grade of “C” of better. COREQ: DH 1B, 2, 5A, 8A, and 11. (A, CSU) DH 6A MED EMERG IN OFC 1 M 10:00am-11:50 HS-140 DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/19) DH 7B ***** PREREQ: DH 7A and SOC 1A, each with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 5C. (A, CSU) DH 7B DENTAL HEALTH II 1 M 12:00pm-12:50 HS-250 J.CHENEY DH 8A ***** PREREQ: DH 3A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 1B, 2, 5A, 6A, and 11. (A, CSU) DH 8A PATIENT MGMT 2 W 1:00pm-2:50 HS-140 J.HOWARD DH 8B ***** PREREQ: DH 8A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 5C. (A, CSU) DH 8B PRACT&FINAN MGMT 2 W 10:00am-11:50 HS-140 M.EWING DH 9 PREREQ: CHEM 3B and FN 40, each with a grade of “C” or better. (A, CSU) DH 9 DENT NUTRITION 1 M 1:00pm-1:50 HS-250 J.CHENEY ***** H.CAETANO DH 11 ***** PREREQ: DH 1A and 3A, each with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 1B, 2, 5A, 6A, and 8A. (A, CSU) DH 11 LOCAL ANESTHESIA 2.5 T 8:00am-11:50 HS-140 AND M 8:00am-11:30 HS-130 DATES: (Above class meets 01/14 to 03/11) DH 12 ***** PREREQ: DH 3A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 5A. (A, CSU) DH 12 CLINIC SEMNR I 1 W 3:00pm-4:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 03/12) HS-230 H.CAETANO DH 14 ***** PREREQ: DH 13 with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: DH 5C. (A, CSU) DH 14 CLINIC SEMNR III 1 T 1:00pm-2:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/14 to 03/11) HS-140 J.PACHECO DH 200 PREREQ: Graduation from an accredited Dental Hygiene Program. ADVISORY: Dental Hygiene 5C. (PASS/NO PASS only) DH 200 CLINICAL DH IV .2-1 TTh 8:00am-11:50 HS-130 H.CAETANO AND WTh 1:00pm-4:50 HS-130 H.CAETANO ***** M.DENVER M.DENVER DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES DEVSER 250 ***** PREREQ: Student must have a diagnosed verifiable disability. (PASS/NO PASS only) DEVSER 250 CAREER AWARENESS 3 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 T-203S B.SAMPLE DEVSER 251 ***** PREREQ: Student must have a diagnosed verifiable disability. (PASS/NO PASS only) DEVSER 251 JOB PLACEMENT 3 DAILY 9:00am-9:50 T-203S B.SAMPLE DEVSER 255 ***** PREREQ: Student must have a diagnosed verifiable disability. (PASS/NO PASS only) DEVSER 255 WORKABILITY EXP 1-4 4HRS ARR OFF DEVSER 260 ***** PREREQ: Student must have a diagnosed disability. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 60) DEVSER 260 WORKABILITY 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 T-203S DEVSER 262 ***** ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 62) DEVSER 262 GROUP INTERACTN 2 MW DEVSER 262 GROUP INTERACTN 2 MW 10:00am-10:50 11:00am-11:50 ARR ARR NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. STAFF B.SAMPLE B.OLOWUDE B.OLOWUDE FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# DEVSER 264 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES PREREQ: Student must have a diagnosed verifiable disability. (PASS/NO PASS only) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 T 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/21 to 05/27) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 W 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/28) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 W 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/28) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 W 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/28) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 W 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/28) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 W 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/28) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 Th 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/29) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 Th 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/29) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 Th 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/29) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 Th 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/29) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 Th 3:00pm-3:50 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/29) DEVSER 264 COLLEGE TRANSITN 1 M 3:00pm-4:05 DATES: (Above class meets 02/10 to 06/09) ROOM 81 INSTRUCTOR FHS-FHS STAFF CHSE-HS STAFF HHS-HHS STAFF MCL-HS STAFF RSVT-HS STAFF SUNY-HS STAFF CHSE-HS J.LAURI EHS-EHS STAFF KRMN-HS STAFF MCL-HS STAFF SUNY-HS STAFF BHS-BHS STAFF DEVSER 272 ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 72) DEVSER 272 CONSUMER SKILLS 2 MW AND F 2:00pm-3:50 1:00pm-2:50 OAB-130 AH-110 STAFF STAFF DEVSER 273 ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 73) DEVSER 273 INDEPEND LVG SKILS 2 TTh AND F 2:00pm-3:50 3:00pm-4:50 OAB-130 AH-110 STAFF STAFF DEVSER 275 ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 75) DEVSER 275 HORTCULT SKIL I 2 MWF 10:30am-12:20 GRNH J.HENTZLER DEVSER 276 ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 76) DEVSER 276 HORTCULT SKIL II 2 TTh 8:00am-10:50 GRNH J.HENTZLER DEVSER 277 ***** ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 77) DEVSER 277 ADPT COMPUTER LIT 2 MTWTh DEVSER 277 ADPT COMPUTER LIT 2 MTWTh 9:00am-9:50 1:00pm-1:50 LI-148 LI-148 D.LOFTIS D.LOFTIS DEVSER 278 ***** ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 78) DEVSER 278 MODIF WORD PROCES 2 MTWTh DEVSER 278 MODIF WORD PROCES 2 MTWTh 10:00am-10:50 2:00pm-2:50 LI-148 LI-148 D.LOFTIS D.LOFTIS DEVSER 279 ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 79) DEVSER 279 MOD COMPUTER APPL 2 MTWTh 12:00pm-12:50 LI-148 D.LOFTIS DEVSER 282 ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 82) DEVSER 282 GRNHOUSE WK PREP 3 MTWTh 12:30pm-2:40 GRNH J.HENTZLER DEVSER 291 ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) DEVSER 291 ACAD STRATEGIES 2 TTh 2:00pm-2:50 T-203S B.SAMPLE DEVSER 292 ***** PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) DEVSER 292 SURVIVAL SKILLS 2 F 9:00am-10:50 LA-120 J.COVINGTON Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 82 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# DEVSER 359 ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM PREREQ: None. (OPEN ENTRY/OPEN EXIT) (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly DEVSER 59) DEVSER 359 DIFF LEARN DIAG 0 ARR ARR INSTRUCTOR L.KANE DRAFTING (See also offerings under Computer Aided Drafting and Design--CADD.) DRAFT 12 23528 23530 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 255 recommended. (A, CSU) DRAFT 12 DRAFTING PRACTICES 3 TTh 1:30pm-3:45 T-300 DRAFT 12 DRAFTING PRACTICES 3 Th 6:00pm-10:50 T-300 STAFF STAFF ECONOMICS ECON 25 24255 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU-GE) ECON 25 INTRO TO ECONOMICS 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 OAB-216 ECON 40 24257 26266 24256 PREREQ: MATH 103. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly ECON 1B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ECON 40 MICROECONOMICS 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 SO-210 J.OESER ECON 40 MICROECONOMICS 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 OAB-119 D.DEFREITAS ECON 40 MICROECONOMICS 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 OAB-119 D.DEFREITAS (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) ECON 40 MICROECONOMICS 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-119 A.PANKRATZ (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) ECON 40 MICROECONOMICS 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-119 L.SCHWENDIMAN 24258 24259 ECON 40H ***** ECON 50 24266 24261 24268 24269 ***** 24260 D.DEFREITAS PREREQ: MATH 103. ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance in the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly ECON 1BH) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ECON 40H HON MICROECON 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 OAB-119 A.PANKRATZ (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for more information.) PREREQ: MATH 103. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly ECON 1A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ECON 50 MACROECONOMICS 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 OAB-216 A.PANKRATZ (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) ECON 50 MACROECONOMICS 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 OAB-216 D.DEFREITAS (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) ECON 50 MACROECONOMICS 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 OAB-216 A.PANKRATZ (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) ECON 50 MACROECONOMICS 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 OAB-216 A.PANKRATZ (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) ECON 50 MACROECONOMICS 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 BE-121 L.SCHWENDIMAN AND S 8:30am-1:00 HS-120 L.SCHWENDIMAN DATES: (Above class meets 04/03 to 05/03) (This class is part of the Business Division 25-Month Program. Entrance into the class by permission of the Business Division Dean. Meets: 04/03, 04/05, 04/08, 04/10, 04/12, 04/22, 04/24, 04/26, 04/29, 05/01, & 05/03.) ECON 50 MACROECONOMICS 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 SO-211 C.BROUGH EDUCATION EDUC 30 24271 24272 24273 24274 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) EDUC 30 SURVEY AMER EDUC 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 OAB-217 EDUC 30 SURVEY AMER EDUC 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 OAB-217 EDUC 30 SURVEY AMER EDUC 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-217 EDUC 30 SURVEY AMER EDUC 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-217 NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 83 INSTRUCTOR EDUCATIONAL AIDE EDA 6 24270 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) EDA 6 SURV OF SPEC ED 3 M 5:00pm-8:05 OAB-130 EDA 19 COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) EDA 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 T 5:00pm-5:50 OAB-217 STAFF AND 7HRS ARR ARR STAFF (For students in the Teacher Aide: General program.) EDA 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 W 5:00pm-5:50 OAB-130 J.EMERZIAN AND 7HRS ARR ARR J.EMERZIAN (For students in the Educational Aide: Special Education program.) ***** ***** J.EMERZIAN ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY EST 50 23534 23681 EST 51 ***** 23682 23727 EST 52 23739 23752 PREREQ: None. (Formerly ET 50) (A, CSU) EST 50 INTRO TO ELTRN DATES: (#23534 meets 01/13 to 03/14) EST 50 INTRO TO ELTRN DATES: (#23681 meets 03/17 to 05/23) 2.5 MWF 8:00am-9:25 T-304 STAFF 2.5 MWF 8:00am-9:25 T-304 STAFF ADVISORY: EST 53. (Formerly ET 51) (A, CSU) EST 51 DC FUND OF ELTRN 3 MW 8:00am-9:50 OFF T.VIZTHUM (Above section meets at Edison High School. Please contact Dan Sousa at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8721 for permission to enroll.) EST 51 DC FUND OF ELTRN 3 MW 8:00am-11:50 T-303H STAFF DATES: (#23682 meets 01/13 to 03/12) EST 51 DC FUND OF ELTRN 3 MW 6:00pm-10:20 T-303H F.DILIDDO DATES: (#23727 meets 01/13 to 03/12) PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) EST 52 AC FUNDAMENTALS DATES: (#23739 meets 03/17 to 05/21) EST 52 AC FUNDAMENTALS DATES: (#23752 meets 03/17 to 05/21) 3 MW 8:00am-11:50 T-303H STAFF 3 MW 6:00pm-9:50 T-303H A.COLLIER 8:00am-11:50 T-303H STAFF EST 54 23757 ADVISORY: EST 51 AND 52. (Formerly ET 52) (A, CSU) EST 54 INTEGRTED DEVICES 3 TTh DATES: (#23757 meets 03/18 to 05/22) EST 55A 23758 PREREQ: None. (Formerly ET 53) (A, CSU) EST 55A DIGITAL CONCEPTS 3 TTh 8:00am-9:50 T-303A B.MILLER EST 55B 23760 PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) EST 55B FACILITY AUTOMATN 3 W 6:00pm-9:50 T-303A B.MILLER EST 56A 23763 ADVISORY: EST 54. (A, CSU) EST 56A WIRING METHODS DATES: (#23763 meets 01/14 to 03/13) 3 TTh 8:00am-11:50 T-305A R.MARTINEZ EST 56B 23768 ADVISORY: EST 54. (A, CSU) EST 56B MOTOR CONTROLS DATES: (#23768 meets 03/18 to 05/22) 3 TTh 8:00am-11:50 T-305A R.MARTINEZ EST 56C 23775 ADVISORY: EST 54 and 58. (A, CSU) EST 56C INDUSTRIAL ELTRN 3 F 8:00am-11:50 T-305A B.MILLER Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 84 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE EST 57C 23780 ADVISORY: EST 54. (A, CSU) EST 57C VOICE/DATA CABLE EST 58 23802 PREREQ: None. (Formerly ET 58) (A, CSU) EST 58 PROG LOGIC CNTRL DATES: (#23802 meets 01/13 to 03/13) EST 58 PROG LOGIC CNTRL DATES: (#23805 meets 03/18 to 05/22) 23805 UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:50 T-303H R.MARTINEZ 3 MTWTh 2:00pm-3:50 CTC-O STAFF 3 TTh 6:00pm-9:50 T-304 D.ADAMS 3 TTh 6:00pm-9:50 T-304 D.ADAMS 3 3 TTh W 10:00am-11:50 6:00pm-9:50 T-203N T-203N EST 59 23808 PREREQ: None. (Formerly ET 60) (A, CSU) EST 59 INSTRMNTN SYSTEMS DATES: (#23808 meets 01/14 to 03/13) EST 60 23810 23812 PREREQ: None. (Formerly ET 61) (A, CSU) EST 60 A+PC MAINTENANCE EST 60 A+PC MAINTENANCE EST 61 67103 ADVISORY: EST 55A, EST 60, and AT 10 strongly recommended. (CISCO-CCNA 1) (Formerly ET 59) (A, CSU) EST 61 NETWRKNG FUNDMTL 3 MTh 6:00pm-9:50 T-203N B.MILLER DATES: (#67103 meets 01/13 to 03/13) EST 62 67125 PREREQ: EST 61. (CISCO-CCNA 2) (A, CSU) EST 62 ROUTR PROTOCOLS 3 DATES: (#67125 meets 03/17 to 05/22) MTh 6:00pm-9:50 T-203N D.HIMES EST 63 67203 PREREQ: EST 62. (CISCO-CCNA 3) (A, CSU) EST 63 ADV ROUT/SWITCH 3 DATES: (#67203 meets 01/13 to 03/13) MTh 6:00pm-9:50 T-203N B.MILLER EST 64 67225 PREREQ: EST 63. (CISCO-CCNA 4) (A, CSU) EST 64 ADV NTWRKNG/MGMT 3 DATES: (#67225 meets 03/17 to 05/22) MTh 6:00pm-9:50 T-203N D.HIMES EST 80 24053 ADVISORY: EST 51, 52, 53, and 54. (A, CSU) EST 80 PHOTOVOLTAICS F 1:30pm-5:20 CTC-O D.PUTMAN EST 81 24058 ADVISORY: EST 54 and 96D. (Formerly ET 51) (A, CSU) EST 81 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYS 3 F 8:00am-11:50 T-303H R.MARTINEZ EST 96A 67107 PREREQ: None. (See also BSCA 17) (A, CSU) EST 96A NATL ELEC CODE-1 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 T-305A J.RATTO EST 96B 67102 PREREQ: None. (See also BSCA 27) (A, CSU) EST 96B NATL ELEC CODE-2 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 T-305A J.RATTO EST 96C 67118 PREREQ: None. (See also BSCA 37) (A, CSU) EST 96C NATL ELEC CODE-3 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 T-305A J.RATTO EST 96D 67104 PREREQ: None. (See also BSCA 47) (A, CSU) EST 96D NEC-ELEC SAFETY 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 T-305A J.RATTO EST 175B COREQ: EST 175BL. ADVISORY: Eligibility for AT 130 or MATH 201 and eligibility for 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also CONS 175B) (A) EST 175B RESIDENT WIRING 2 4 TTh 3:30pm-6:20 T-405 R.GORMAN JR EST 175B RESIDENT WIRING 2 4 TTh 6:00pm-8:35 T-405 B.NELSON 67209 67217 EST 175BL 67211 67212 3 D.RILEY D.RILEY COREQ: EST 175B. ADVISORY: Eligibility for AT 130 or MATH 201 and eligibility for 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also CONS 175BL) (A) EST 175BL RES WIRING LAB 2 .5 1.5HRS ARR OFF R.GORMAN JR EST 175BL RES WIRING LAB 2 .5 1.5HRS ARR OFF B.NELSON NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 85 INSTRUCTOR ENGINEERING ENGR 2 24748 ADVISORY: MATH 4A and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ENGR 26) (A, CSU, UC) ENGR 2 GRAPHICS 4 MW 2:00pm-6:05 S-20 T.YARBROUGH ENGR 10 24743 24745 26358 24741 24736 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) ENGR 10 INTRO TO ENGR 2 MW 9:00am-9:50 OAB-274 ENGR 10 INTRO TO ENGR 2 TTh 1:00pm-1:50 OAB-274 ENGR 10 INTRO TO ENGR 2 TTh 2:00pm-4:50 S-200 ENGR 10 INTRO TO ENGR 2 MW 3:00pm-3:50 OAB-278 ENGR 10 INTRO TO ENGR 2 MW 4:00pm-4:50 OAB-278 ENGR 11 24747 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) ENGR 11 MFR PROCESSES 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 S-20 STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF T.YARBROUGH ENGLISH ENGL 1A 23988 23993 26391 45260 23291 43889 23939 23940 23941 23942 23943 23944 23945 23947 23950 PREREQ: A “pass” grade in ENGL 125 or ESL 67 and ENGL 126 or ESL 68 or appropriate score on reading and writing sections of Placement Test. (C-ID ENGL 100) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 ARR WEB T.TARAZI DATES: (#23988 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#23988 is offered on-line via the Internet and will not meet on campus. Students may register for this course on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet, possess basic computing skills, and submit a personal e-mail address when registering for this course. The instructor will e-mail instructions for the course and a password to access the course to students before the course begins. Students needing information can contact the instructor, via e-mail, at teresa.tarazi@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 ARR WEB T.TARAZI DATES: (#23993 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#23993 is offered on-line via the Internet and will not meet on campus. Students may register for this course on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet, possess basic computing skills, and submit a personal e-mail address when registering for this course. The instructor will e-mail instructions for the course and a password to access the course to students before the course begins. Students needing information can contact the instructor, via e-mail, at teresa.tarazi@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 ARR WEB R.STARR (#26391 is offered on-line via the Internet and will not meet on campus. Students may register for this course on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet, possess basic computing skills, and submit a personal e-mail address when registering for this course. The instructor will e-mail instructions for the course and a password to access the course to students before the course begins. Students needing information can contact the instructor, via e-mail, at Rebecca.starr@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 ARR WEB G.BOLEN (#45260 is offered on-line via the Internet and will not meet on campus. Students may register for this course on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet, possess basic computing skills, and submit a personal e-mail address when registering for this course. The instructor will e-mail instructions for the course and a password to access the course to students before the course begins. Students needing information can contact the instructor, via e-mail, at gennean.bolen@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MW 6:00am-7:50 OAB-125 M.COON ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 6:00am-7:50 OAB-125 M.COON ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 LA-102 L.CONTRERAS ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 LA-120 S.HOOPER ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 LA-126 T.FRITZCHLE ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MTWTh 8:00am-8:50 LA-107 STAFF ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 8:00am-9:10 LA-101 S.MUNOZ ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 8:00am-9:10 LA-102 J.GUZMAN ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 8:00am-9:50 LA-101 J.TANNEN (#23945 focus on “Political Music.” Students will read, discuss, and write about political music, with an emphasis on the United States from the 1920’s to present day.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 8:00am-9:50 LA-102 S.MUNOZ ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 9:20am-10:30 LA-102 L.HERRICK Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 86 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO ***** ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 9:20am-10:30 OAB-171 T.TARAZI (Above class content has a Chicano/Latino emphasis and includes a mentoring component. Requires concurrent enrollment in a COUN 54 course. Contact Lori Natal in ST-232 or Teresa Tarazi in FO-37 for details.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TThF 9:20am-10:30 LA-103 R.GUGLIELMINO ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 10:00am-11:10 LA-206 R.BENAS ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 LA-102 K.CROCKET (Above class content has an African-American emphasis and includes a mentoring component. Requires concurrent enrollment in COUN 43, COUN 48 and AFRAM 3. For additional information, contact the instructor at karen.crocket@fresnocitycollege.edu or at [559] 442-4600, ext. 8082.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 LA-101 J.GUZMAN (Above class is a part of the Camino Bridge Program course and requires concurrent enrollment in COUN 53. For more information and permission to enroll, contact Leticia Canales at [559] 442-4600, ext. 7-2390.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 OAB-180 C.STEELE SMITH ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 ARR R.STARR ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 10:40am-11:50 LA-101 L.HERRICK (Above class content has an Southeast Asian emphasis and includes a mentoring component. Requires concurrent enrollment in COUN 48. Contact Shoua Yang at [559] 442-4600, ext. 8639, or Victor Yang at [559] 442-4600, ext. 8624 or victor.yang@fresnocitycollege.edu for information.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 10:40am-11:50 LA-102 J.MOSES ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TWTh 12:00pm-1:05 LA-103 J.TREVINO ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 12:00pm-1:10 LA-101 R.BENAS ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 12:00pm-1:10 LA-102 T.NELSON ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MW 12:00pm-1:50 ARR K.CHACON (Above class content has a Chicano/Latino emphasis and includes a mentoring component. Requires concurrent enrollment in a COUN 54 course. Contact Lori Natal in ST-232 or Kenneth Chacon in FO-7 for details.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 12:00pm-1:50 LA-101 S.SAVALA ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 12:00pm-1:50 LA-102 K.DAVIES ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 1:20pm-2:30 LA-101 R.GUGLIELMINO ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 1:20pm-2:30 LA-102 J.TANNEN (#23967 will focus on Superheroes in Popular Culture. Students will research the history of superheroes and analyze their roles in various mediums, including comic books, literature, and film.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 LA-101 K.DAVIES ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 LA-102 A.CONSOLATTI ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 ARR J.BEAVERS ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TWTh 2:40pm-3:45 LA-103 K.LUTTRELL ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 2:40pm-3:50 LA-101 M.MANIQUIZ ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 2:40pm-3:50 LA-102 T.NELSON ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MW 3:00pm-4:50 LA-120 STAFF ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MWF 3:30pm-4:40 OAB-273 N.HERNANDEZ ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MW 4:00pm-5:50 LA-101 K.LUTTRELL ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MW 4:00pm-5:50 LA-102 K.JOHNSON ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 LA-101 M.PATTON ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 LA-102 K.JOHNSON ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 LA-104 C.STEELE SMITH ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 MW 5:00pm-6:50 OAB-173 STAFF ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 OAB-171 R.MARGOLIS AND S 8:30am-1:00 HS-160 R.MARGOLIS DATES: (Above class meets 01/28 to 03/01) (Above class is part of the Business Division 25-Month Program. Entrance into the class by permission of the Business Division. Meets: 01/28, 01/30 02/01, 02/04, 02/06, 02/08, 02/11, 02/13, 02/18, 02/20, 02/22, 02/25, 02/27 and 03/01.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 T 6:00pm-9:50 LA-101 K.CHACON ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 T 6:00pm-9:50 LA-102 L.GUEST ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 T 6:00pm-9:50 OAB-180 D.COGBURN ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 T 6:00pm-9:50 OAB-273 R.ESPINOSA ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 W 6:00pm-9:50 LA-101 R.MYERS ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 W 6:00pm-9:50 LA-102 N.DIAZ ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 W 6:00pm-9:50 OAB-125 D.COGBURN ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 W 6:00pm-9:50 LA-103 J.SCROGGINS ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 Th 6:00pm-9:50 LA-101 S.HOOPER 23952 23292 ***** ***** 23293 26383 ***** 23949 23961 23958 23966 ***** 23963 23964 23960 23967 23968 91969 26388 23973 23971 23972 27843 20451 23975 23974 23976 23977 43888 26406 ***** 23980 23981 26382 42053 23982 23983 26384 20459 23984 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. INSTRUCTOR FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 23985 26386 20633 26389 26381 23986 20612 41900 23978 23979 26387 26390 ENGL 1A ENGL 1A ENGL 1A ENGL 1A ENGL 1A ENGL 1A ENGL 1A ENGL 1A ENGL 1A ENGL 1A ENGL 1A ENGL 1A READ & COMP READ & COMP READ & COMP READ & COMP READ & COMP READ & COMP READ & COMP READ & COMP READ & COMP READ & COMP READ & COMP READ & COMP ENGL 1B 23146 15472 24012 24013 24014 24034 24015 UNITS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DAYS Th Th Th Th Th F F F M M M M TIMES 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-10:05 6:00pm-10:05 6:00pm-10:05 6:00pm-10:05 87 ROOM INSTRUCTOR LA-102 LA-103 LA-105 LA-122 OAB-273 LA-101 LA-120 LA-102 LA-101 LA-102 LA-107 LA-203 R.ESPINOSA P.GRAHAM L.GUEST C.COSTELLO A.YANG A.BLIGH M.MANIQUIZ S.VELEZ K.CHACON R.MYERS N.DIAZ STAFF PREREQ: ENGL 1A. (C-ID ENGL 120) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 1B INTRO LITERATURE 3 ARR WEB M.HIEBERT (#23146 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Enrolled students will receive the specific URL, log-on and password via e-mail prior to the start of class. You MUST activate, monitor, and use your college e-mail address, the one that ends in scccd.edu after you register for the course. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact the instructor at margaret.hiebert@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559] 442-4600, ext. 8101.) ENGL 1B INTRO LITERATURE 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 LA-108 L.CONTRERAS ENGL 1B INTRO LITERATURE 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 LA-108 L.HERRICK ENGL 1B INTRO LITERATURE 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 OAB-125 STAFF ENGL 1B INTRO LITERATURE 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 LA-108 R.GUGLIELMINO ENGL 1B INTRO LITERATURE 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 LA-108 M.HIEBERT ENGL 1B INTRO LITERATURE 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-131 K.CHACON ENGL 3 41902 24016 15607 24020 24021 24023 20422 24017 24024 23230 24025 24018 24029 24030 24028 PREREQ: ENGL 1A. (C-ID ENGL 105) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 MWF ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 TTh ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 MWF ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 MWF ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 MWF ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 TTh ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 MWF ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 TTh ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 MWF ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 TTh ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 TTh ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 MW ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 W ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 Th ENGL 3 CRIT RDG & WRIT 3 M ENGL 3H PREREQ: ENGL 1A. ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (C-ID ENGL 105) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 3H HON CRIT RD WRTG 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 OAB-273 M.ROBERTS (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for information.) ENGL 3H HON CRIT RD WRTG 3 MW 2:00pm-3:15 LA-108 C.ROOKS (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for information.) ***** ***** 8:00am-8:50 8:00am-9:15 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-10:50 11:00am-11:50 11:00am-12:15 12:00pm-12:50 12:30pm-1:45 1:00pm-1:50 2:00pm-3:15 2:00pm-3:15 2:30pm-3:45 6:00pm-8:50 6:00pm-8:50 6:00pm-9:05 LA-108 LA-108 LA-107 LA-107 LA-108 OAB-273 LA-108 LA-126 LA-108 LA-106 LA-108 OAB-171 LA-108 LA-108 LA-108 L.CONTRERAS C.DISCONT M.ROBERTS C.DISCONT J.TANNEN L.HERRICK J.TANNEN C.DISCONT M.PATTON C.ROOKS K.MIKO J.RYAN M.PATTON K.MIKO F.WEINSCHENK ENGL 12 24031 PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 12 BIBLE LITERATURE 3 TTh ENGL 15A 24032 15661 PREREQ: ENGL 1A or the equivalent. (Formerly ENGL 15) (C-ID ENGL 200 = ENGL 15A + ENGL 15B) (A, CSU, UC) ENGL 15A CREAT WRT:POETRY 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 LA-206 M.ROBERTS ENGL 15A CREAT WRT:POETRY 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-171 K.CHACON ENGL 15C 69300 PREREQ: ENGL 1A or the equivalent. (See also TA 15C) (A, CSU, UC) ENGL 15C CREA WRT:PLAYWRT 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:15 Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. 11:00am-12:15 OAB-171 MS-103 J.RYAN C.ERVEN ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 88 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# ENGL 44B 15505 ENGL 46B 32343 ENGL 48B 24068 ENGL 125 24080 45285 24081 24082 24107 24108 24109 24110 26464 24113 91367 24116 24117 26396 24119 24150 24152 24153 26398 24154 24155 24156 24157 35115 26393 24159 24160 42088 24162 ***** 24163 24164 24165 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. Neither ENGL 1B nor ENGL 44A is a prerequisite for this course. (C-ID ENGL 145) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 44B WLD LIT SINCE REN 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 LA-206 STAFF PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. Neither ENGL 1B nor ENGL 46A is a prerequisite for this class. (C-ID ENGL 165) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 46B ENGL LITERATURE 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 LA-107 M.ROBERTS PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. Neither ENGL 1B nor ENGL 48A is a prerequisite for this class. (C-ID ENGL 135) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 48B INTRO AMER LIT 2 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 LA-107 L.CONTRERAS PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test or satisfactory completion of ENGL 252 or 282. (Formerly ENGL A and ENGL 25) (A) ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 ARR WEB C.ROOKS (#24080 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Enrolled students will receive the specific course URL, log-on and password via e-mail prior to the start of class. Your e-mail address MUST be given at the time of registration [either on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor] or you may e-mail the instructor, Clay Rooks, at clay.rooks@fresnocitycollege.edu. There are no oncampus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact Clay Rooks at [559] 442-4600, ext. 8122.) ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 ARR WEB STAFF (#45285 is offered on-line via the Internet and will not meet on campus. Students may register for this course on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet, possess basic computing skills, and submit a personal e-mail address when registering for this course. The instructor will e-mail instructions for the course and a password to access the course to students before the course begins. Students needing information can contact the instructor.) ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 LA-105 J.MYERS ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 LA-106 J.ROWLEY ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 LA-107 STAFF ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 LA-201 STAFF ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MW 7:00am-8:50 LA-203 M.BOHIGIAN ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 8:00am-9:10 LA-106 J.TREVINO ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MW 8:00am-9:50 ARR J.MYERS ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 TTh 8:00am-9:50 LA-121 G.BOLEN ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 TTh 8:00am-9:50 LA-105 J.TREVINO ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 8:00am-10:30 LA-105 STAFF DATES: (#24116 meets 03/17 to 05/16) ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 F 8:00am-11:50 LA-126 J.ROWLEY ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MW 9:00am-10:50 ARR A.LIEBERMAN ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 9:20am-10:30 LA-106 S.MUNOZ ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 LA-105 S.MUNOZ ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 10:40am-11:50 LA-105 J.GUZMAN ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 10:40am-11:50 LA-106 J.TREVINO ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MW 11:00am-12:50 ARR STAFF ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 12:00pm-1:10 LA-105 C.ROOKS ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 12:00pm-1:10 LA-106 K.DAVIES ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 TTh 12:00pm-1:50 LA-105 G.BOLEN ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 TTh 12:00pm-1:50 LA-106 J.GUZMAN ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MW 1:00pm-2:50 LA-107 E.SCHEID ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 W 1:00pm-4:50 OAB-125 E.TALLMAN ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 1:20pm-2:30 LA-105 K.DAVIES ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 1:20pm-2:30 LA-106 C.MILLER ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 2:00pm-3:10 OAB-273 J.MORENO ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 OAB-131 STAFF ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 LA-202 S.SAIZ (Above class is part of the African American Male Leadership Program [SYMBAA] and requires concurrent enrollment in AFRAM 3, COUN 48, and ENGL 126. For more information, contact Cedric Hardamon at 559-442-4600, ext. 8625.) ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 2:40pm-3:50 LA-105 M.MEDRANO ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 2:40pm-3:50 LA-106 C.MILLER ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 MWF 2:40pm-3:50 LA-202 S.VELEZ NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 27844 24166 41937 26395 41904 24167 24158 24168 24169 41948 24172 26397 26394 24173 24177 24178 24170 24171 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS COLL WRIT SKILLS ENGL 126 23705 23756 24196 24202 23762 23769 23772 ***** 24201 24198 UNITS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DAYS TTh TTh TTh F MWF MW TTh TTh TTh TTh T T T W Th F M M TIMES 3:00pm-4:50 3:00pm-4:50 3:00pm-4:50 3:00pm-6:50 4:00pm-5:10 4:00pm-5:50 4:00pm-5:50 4:00pm-5:50 4:00pm-5:50 4:00pm-5:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-10:05 6:00pm-10:05 89 ROOM INSTRUCTOR LA-120 LA-203 OAB-180 OAB-180 OAB-171 LA-121 LA-122 LA-105 LA-106 OAB-273 LA-105 LA-126 OAB-125 LA-105 LA-121 LA-105 LA-105 LA-122 N.HERNANDEZ J.MYERS G.GELEGAN M.GOWDY J.MORENO M.BACA S.SAVALA A.CONSOLATTI E.SMITH A.YANG S.NORMAN M.RAIGOZA B.CARTER S.NORMAN S.VANG E.COOK S.VANG E.COOK PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test with other relevant criteria or satisfactory completion of ENGL 262. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Not recommended for students with identified learning disabilities. (Formerly ENGL 26) (A) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 ARR WEB K.LEWIS AND MT 7:00am-7:50 LA-122 K.LEWIS (#23705 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes two face-to-face sessions in addition to the online weekly contact. Each student needs full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at kristin.lewis@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 ARR WEB K.LEWIS AND MTW 8:00am-10:15 LA-122 K.LEWIS DATES: (#23756 meets 03/24 to 04/29) (#23756 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes three weekly face-to-face sessions in addition to the online weekly contact. Each student needs full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at kristin.lewis@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 ARR WEB K.LEWIS AND MTW 8:00am-10:15 LA-122 K.LEWIS DATES: (#24196 meets 02/17 to 03/19) (#24196 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes three weekly face-to-face sessions in addition to the online weekly contact. Concurrent enrollment is required in ENGL 262 [#24241]. Each student needs full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at kristin.lewis@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 ARR WEB O.DEKLOTZ AND MW 1:30pm-2:20 OAB-180 O.DEKLOTZ (#24202 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes three face-to-face sessions and one online session per week. Each student will need full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail student account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at olena.deklotz@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 OAB-173 L.CAMPBELL ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 DAILY 8:00am-10:20 OAB-173 L.CAMPBELL DATES: (#23769 meets 02/24 to 04/01) (#23769 requires concurrent enrollment in ENGL 262 [#23767].) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 DAILY 8:00am-10:20 OAB-173 L.CAMPBELL DATES: (#23772 meets 04/02 to 05/16) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 MTWTh 11:00am-11:50 LA-126 STAFF (Above class is part of the African American Male Leadership Program [SYMBAA] and requires concurrent enrollment in AFRAM 3, COUN 48, and ENGL 125. For more information, contact Cedric Hardamon at 559-442-4600, ext. 8625.) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 MW 12:00pm-12:50 LA-120 STAFF AND F 12:00pm-1:50 LA-120 STAFF ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 TThF 12:00pm-1:10 LA-123 STAFF Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 90 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 23803 24204 24205 41907 24206 24207 24209 24210 41906 24211 ENGL 126 ENGL 126 ENGL 126 ENGL 126 ENGL 126 ENGL 126 ENGL 126 ENGL 126 ENGL 126 ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS COLL RDNG SKILLS COLL RDNG SKILLS COLL RDNG SKILLS COLL RDNG SKILLS COLL RDNG SKILLS COLL RDNG SKILLS COLL RDNG SKILLS COLL RDNG SKILLS COLL RDNG SKILLS ENGL 252 23364 42092 24218 24217 24219 23365 17716 23197 23366 24220 24221 26402 26401 24223 24226 24224 35086 26399 23001 24225 24222 24229 24230 26400 23367 24233 24234 24232 ENGL 260 23776 23777 UNITS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DAYS MTWTh TTh MWF TTh MWF TTh T W W Th TIMES 2:00pm-2:50 2:00pm-3:50 2:40pm-3:50 3:00pm-4:50 3:30pm-4:40 4:00pm-5:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 6:00pm-9:50 ROOM LA-120 LA-126 LA-126 LA-104 LA-107 LA-108 LA-120 LA-120 OAB-131 LA-120 INSTRUCTOR STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language nor students with identified learning disabilities. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ENGL 52) ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MWF 7:00am-8:10 OAB-180 R.MARGOLIS ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 TTh 7:00am-8:50 OAB-273 R.LOPEZ ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 TTh 8:00am-9:50 LA-106 R.LOPEZ ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MWF 8:00am-10:30 LA-105 G.BOLEN DATES: (#24217 meets 01/13 to 03/14) ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MWF 9:20am-10:30 LA-121 R.LOPEZ ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 LA-121 A.BOYLE ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 LA-106 L.LOGAN ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MWF 10:40am-11:50 LA-121 R.LOPEZ ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MW 11:00am-12:50 OAB-173 E.SCHEID ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MWF 12:00pm-1:10 LA-121 R.LOPEZ ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 TTh 12:00pm-1:50 LA-121 L.LOGAN ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MW 1:00pm-2:50 LA-203 T.MEKREDIJIAN ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 TTh 1:00pm-2:50 ARR S.SAIZ ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MWF 1:20pm-2:30 LA-121 M.BACA ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MWF 1:20pm-2:30 OAB-125 K.CROCKET (#24226 has a “Storytelling” emphasis.) ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 LA-121 S.SAIZ ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 OAB-125 A.BOYLE ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 M 2:00pm-6:05 LA-104 E.TALLMAN ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MWF 2:40pm-3:50 LA-121 K.CROCKET ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MW 3:00pm-4:50 LA-203 L.LOGAN ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MWF 3:30pm-4:40 LA-108 T.MEKREDIJIAN ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 MW 4:00pm-5:50 LA-201 M.MEDRANO ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 LA-121 L.LOGAN ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 T 6:00pm-9:50 LA-104 P.GRAHAM ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 T 6:00pm-9:50 LA-121 G.GELEGAN ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 W 6:00pm-9:50 LA-121 J.SIMPSON-URRUTIA ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 Th 6:00pm-9:50 LA-206 J.SIMPSON-URRUTIA ENGL 252 WRITING IMPROVE 4 M 6:00pm-10:05 LA-121 A.BLIGH PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test with other relevant criteria. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Not recommended for students with identified learning disabilities. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ENGL 60) ENGL 260 BASIC READING 4 DAILY 10:30am-11:50 LA-122 J.SANTOS DATES: (#23776 meets 01/13 to 03/14) ENGL 260 BASIC READING 4 DAILY 1:00pm-2:20 LA-122 J.SANTOS DATES: (#23777 meets 01/13 to 03/14) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# ENGL 262 24240 24241 23804 23767 23778 17730 23779 24243 24244 24245 41910 ENGL 277 ***** ENGL 278 ***** ENGL 281 ***** ENGL 282 ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 91 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test with other relevant criteria or satisfactory completion of ENGL 260. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Not recommended for students with identified learning disabilities. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ENGL 62) ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 ARR WEB O.DEKLOTZ AND MTW 8:00am-8:50 LA-120 O.DEKLOTZ (#24240 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes three face-to-face sessions and one online session per week. Each student will need full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail student account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at olena.deklotz@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 ARR WEB K.LEWIS AND MTW 8:00am-10:15 LA-122 K.LEWIS DATES: (#24241 meets 01/13 to 02/12) (#24241 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes three weekly face-to-face sessions in addition to the online weekly contact. Concurrent enrollment is required in ENGL 126 [#24196]. Each student needs full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at kristin.lewis@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 LA-121 STAFF ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 DAILY 8:00am-10:20 OAB-173 L.CAMPBELL DATES: (#23767 meets 01/13 to 02/21) (#23767 requires concurrent enrollment in ENGL 126 [#23769].) ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 DAILY 10:30am-11:55 LA-122 J.SANTOS DATES: (#23778 meets 03/17 to 05/16) ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 MWF 11:00am-12:10 OAB-273 O.DEKLOTZ ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 DAILY 1:00pm-2:25 LA-122 J.SANTOS DATES: (#23779 meets 03/17 to 05/16) ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 TTh 1:00pm-2:50 OAB-171 O.DEKLOTZ ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 LA-105 STAFF ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 MW 4:00pm-5:50 LA-122 STAFF ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 OAB-125 STAFF PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test with other relevant criteria. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Students must have a diagnosed verifiable disability. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ENGL 77) ENGL 277 READING SKILLS 3 MTWTh 11:00am-11:50 LA-120 J.COVINGTON PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test with other relevant criteria or satisfactory completion of ENGL 277. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Students must have a diagnosed verifiable disability. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ENGL 78) ENGL 278 READING COMPREHEN 3 MTWTh 9:00am-9:50 LA-120 J.COVINGTON PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test with other relevant criteria. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Students must have a diagnosed verifiable disability. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ENGL 81) ENGL 281 SENTENC GRAM/WRIT 3 MTWTh 1:00pm-1:50 LA-120 J.COVINGTON PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test with other relevant criteria or satisfactory completion of ENGL 250 or 281. Not primarily recommended for students learning English as a second language. Students must have a diagnosed verifiable disability. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ENGL 82) ENGL 282 PARAGRAPH WRITING 3 MTWTh 10:00am-10:50 LA-120 J.COVINGTON ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ESL 67 39754 24764 16308 32310 PREREQ: Use of language other than English as a primary language. Designated score on ESL placement test or completion of ESL 265W with a grade of “C” or better. (Formerly ENGL 54D) (A, CSU) ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 LA-101 N.QUINTANA ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 MWF 8:00am-9:10 LA-103 S.POTTER ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 MWF 9:00am-11:35 OAB-180 R.SANTOS DATES: (#16308 meets 03/17 to 05/16) ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 MWF 9:20am-10:30 LA-103 S.POTTER Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 92 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO 91066 ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 MWF 10:40am-11:50 LA-103 D.OCKEY (#91066 is a Learning Community [Life Language and Literature] course and requires concurrent enrollment in ESL 68 [#91016]. For more information, contact the instructor at [559] 442-4600, ext. 8125.) ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 MWF 12:00pm-2:30 LA-123 D.OCKEY DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/14) (Above class is part of the “The Network Scholars,” a coordinated program leading to transfer level courses. Concurrent enrollment is required in ESL 68, appropriate MATH, and CIT class. Please contact Janine Nkosi, counselor, at [559] 244-2609 for further information.) ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 MWF 1:20pm-3:50 LA-103 R.SANTOS DATES: (#24772 meets 03/17 to 05/16) (#24772 requires concurrent enrollment in ESL 68 [#32007].) ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 W 6:00pm-9:50 LA-123 U.CHALASANI ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 T 6:00pm-9:50 LA-103 A.DOMINGUEZ ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 Th 6:00pm-9:50 LA-104 STAFF ***** 24772 16309 24774 24775 ESL 68 24776 24787 24782 91016 ***** 32007 24788 24790 16310 ESL 264R 24810 41911 ESL 264W 24820 24819 24835 ESL 265R 24837 24838 24843 24845 41913 ESL 265W 24849 24852 32006 24854 24856 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: Use of language other than English as a primary language. Designated score on ESL placement test or completion of ESL 265R with a grade of “C” or better. (A, CSU) ESL 68 ADV READING/VOCAB 4 MTWTh 7:00am-7:50 LA-123 E.ADICHO ESL 68 ADV READING/VOCAB 4 MWF 9:20am-10:30 LA-104 P.VAN VLEET ESL 68 ADV READING/VOCAB 4 TThF 10:40am-11:50 OAB-173 P.VAN VLEET ESL 68 ADV READING/VOCAB 4 MWF 12:00pm-1:10 LA-103 P.VAN VLEET (#91016 is a Learning Community [Life Language and Literature] course and requires concurrent enrollment in ESL 67 [#91066]. For more information, contact the instructor at [559] 442-4600, ext. 8185.) ESL 68 ADV READING/VOCAB 4 MWF 12:00pm-2:30 LA-123 D.OCKEY DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/23) (Above class is part of the “The Network Scholars,” a coordinated program leading to transfer level courses. Concurrent enrollment is required in ESL 67, appropriate Math, and CIT class. Please contact Janine Nkosi, counselor, at [559] 244-2609 for further information.) ESL 68 ADV READING/VOCAB 4 MWF 1:20pm-3:50 LA-103 R.SANTOS DATES: (#32007 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#32007 requires concurrent enrollment in ESL 67 [#24772].) ESL 68 ADV READING/VOCAB 4 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 LA-103 STAFF ESL 68 ADV READING/VOCAB 4 W 6:00pm-9:50 LA-122 C.WALL ESL 68 ADV READING/VOCAB 4 M 6:00pm-10:05 LA-123 C.SMITH PREREQ: Use of language other than English as primary language. Designated score on ESL placement test or completion of ESL 263R with a grade of “C” or better. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ESL 64R) ESL 264R INTER READ/VOCAB 4 TWTh 10:40am-11:45 LA-123 S.HUNEAULT-SCHULTZE ESL 264R INTER READ/VOCAB 4 W 6:00pm-9:50 LA-107 K.GRIFFITHS PREREQ: Use of language other than English as a primary language. Designated score on ESL placement test or completion of ESL 263W with a grade of “C” or better. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ENGL 54A and ESL 64 and 64W) ESL 264W INTER WRITE/GRAMR 4 TWTh 8:00am-9:05 LA-123 R.TARANGO ESL 264W INTER WRITE/GRAMR 4 MTTh 12:00pm-1:10 LA-104 S.POTTER ESL 264W INTER WRITE/GRAMR 4 M 6:00pm-10:05 LA-103 C.GUADIAN-DJANIE PREREQ: Use of language other than English as primary language. Designated score on ESL placement test or completion of ESL 264R with a grade of “C” or better. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ESL 64R) ESL 265R HIGH INT READ/VOC 4 TThF 8:00am-9:10 LA-103 P.VAN VLEET ESL 265R HIGH INT READ/VOC 4 MTTh 9:20am-10:30 LA-123 J.CARROLL ESL 265R HIGH INT READ/VOC 4 TWTh 1:20pm-2:25 OAB-173 S.HUNEAULT-SCHULTZE ESL 265R HIGH INT READ/VOC 4 MW 4:00pm-5:50 LA-103 D.STARK ESL 265R HIGH INT READ/VOC 4 Th 5:00pm-8:50 OAB-180 P.MCILHARGEY PREREQ: Use of language other than English as a primary language. Designated score on ESL placement test or completion of ESL 264W with a grade of “C” or better. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ENGL 64C and ESL 65 and 65W) ESL 265W HIGH INT WRIT/GRAM 4 MTTh 8:00am-9:10 LA-123 S.HUNEAULT-SCHULTZE ESL 265W HIGH INT WRIT/GRAM 4 TWTh 9:20am-10:25 LA-123 S.HUNEAULT-SCHULTZE ESL 265W HIGH INT WRIT/GRAM 4 MWF 9:20am-11:50 OAB-180 R.SANTOS DATES: (#32006 meets 01/13 to 03/14) ESL 265W HIGH INT WRIT/GRAM 4 TTH 3:00pm-4:50 LA-123 S.POTTER ESL 265W HIGH INT WRIT/GRAM 4 W 6:00pm-9:50 LA-104 K.KABBANI NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 93 INSTRUCTOR FASHION MERCHANDISING FM 27 63280 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also Marketing 22) (A, CSU) FM 27 FASHION MERCH 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 BE-134 P.HUTTON FM 28 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (See also MKTG 17) (Formerly R FAS 17) (A, CSU) FM 28 VISUAL MERCHAND 3 W 6:00pm-9:50 BE-134 P.HUTTON 63281 FILM FILM 1 23385 23386 23387 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) FILM 1 FILM STUDIES 3 F 8:30am-11:35 FILM 1 FILM STUDIES 3 MW 3:00pm-4:20 FILM 1 FILM STUDIES 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 FILM 2A 23388 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FILM 1A) (A, CSU-GE, FILM 2A CINEMA 1895-1960 3 TTh 12:00pm-2:50 MS-104 J.MOSES DATES: (#23388 meets 01/14 to 03/13) FILM 2B 23389 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FILM 1B) (A, CSU-GE, FILM 2B CINEMA 1960-PRES 3 TTh 12:00pm-3:05 MS-104 J.MOSES DATES: (#23389 meets 03/18 to 05/15) FILM 2B CINEMA 1960-PRES 3 MW 1:00pm-2:20 MS-132 D.HAMP FILM 2B CINEMA 1960-PRES 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 MS-104 J.MOSES 23390 23391 MS-104 MS-104 MS-132 J.BEAVERS STAFF D.HAMP FIRE TECHNOLOGY FIRET 1 25889 PREREQ: None. (Formerly FIRE S 1) (A, CSU) FIRET 1 FIRE PROTECT ORG 3 DATES: (#25889 meets 01/16 to 02/27) FIRET 2 25891 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FIRE S 6) (A, CSU) FIRET 2 FIRE PREVEN TECH 3 F 8:00am-5:05 CTC-I G.MONCIBAIS DATES: (#25891 meets 01/17 to 03/07) FIRET 3 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly FIRE S 7) (A, CSU) FIRET 3 EQUIP & SYSTEMS 3 F 8:00am-5:05 CTC-I G.MONCIBAIS DATES: (#25897 meets 03/14 to 05/02) 25897 Th 8:00am-5:05 CTC-I G.MONCIBAIS FIRET 4 25912 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FIRE S 5) (A, CSU) FIRET 4 BLDG CONSTRUCTION 3 M 8:00am-5:05 CTC-I G.MONCIBAIS DATES: (#25912 meets 01/13 to 03/10) FIRET 5 25915 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FIRE S 3) (A, CSU) FIRET 5 FIRE/BHAV/COMBUST 3 M 8:00am-5:05 CTC-I G.MONCIBAIS DATES: (#25915 meets 03/17 to 05/05) FIRET 8 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly FIRE S 8) (A, CSU) FIRET 8 FIRE HYDRAULICS 3 Th 8:00am-5:05 CTC-I G.MONCIBAIS DATES: (#25916 meets 03/13 to 05/01) 25916 FIRET 9 25918 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FIRE S 9) (A, CSU) FIRET 9 FIRE FIGHT PRAC 3 W 8:00am-5:05 CTC-I G.MONCIBAIS DATES: (#25918 meets 01/15 to 02/26) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 94 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR CTC-J ARR CTC-J G.MONCIBAIS G.MONCIBAIS G.MONCIBAIS FIRET 130A ***** ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A) FIRET 130A BAS FIRE ACADEMY 1 13 MTWTh 6:00pm-09:50 AND ARR AND S 8:00am-5:05 DATES: (Above class meets 01/06 to 08/06) FIRET 131 PREREQ: Possession of a valid CPR card that proves training equivalent to the American Heart Association’s Guideline 2000 for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care at the Health Provider level. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FIRE S 60 and FIRE S 31 and FIRET 31) (A) FIRET 131 EMERG MED TECH 1 10 TWTh 6:00pm-9:50 CTC-E R.LAKELA AND ARR ARR R.LAKELA DATES: (#67156 meets 01/14 to 05/22) FIRET 131 EMERG MED TECH 1 10 TWTh 6:00pm-9:50 CTC-I W.BROTSIS AND ARR ARR W.BROTSIS DATES: (#67122 meets 01/14 to 05/22) 67156 67122 FIRET 134 ***** PREREQ: FIRET 133. (A) FIRET 134 PARAMEDIC CLINCL 4 AND ARR ARR OFF ARR W.BROTSIS W.BROTSIS DATES: (Above class meets 01/27 to 05/30) FIRET 150C 25921 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FIRE S 50C and FIRET 50C) (A) FIRET 150C FIRE MGMT 1 2 T 8:00am-5:05 CTC-I G.MONCIBAIS DATES: (#25921 meets 04/01 to 05/06) FIRET 150E 25924 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FIRE S 50E and FIRET 50E) (A) FIRET 150E FIRE COMMAND 1B 2 T 8:00am-5:05 CTC-I G.MONCIBAIS DATES: (#25924 meets 01/14 to 02/11) FIRET 261 PREREQ: Valid Emergency Medical Technician 1 course completion certificate. (OPEN ENTRY/OPEN EXIT) (Formerly FIRE S 61 and FIRET 61) FIRET 261 EMT 1 REFRESHER 1 TWTh CTC-E W.BROTSIS DATES: (#67256 meets 01/14 to 05/23) FIRET 261 EMT 1 REFRESHER 1 TWTh CTC-I W.BROTSIS DATES: (#67222 meets 01/14 to 05/23) 67256 67222 FOOD AND NUTRITION FN 1 25096 FN 2 25102 FN 35 25093 FN 40 24275 24279 24280 24281 24282 25092 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. MATH 250 recommended. (Formerly HEC 1) (A, CSU) FN 1 FOOD PREPARATION 3 MTW 9:00am-12:10 AH-110 J.DAVEY DATES: (#25096 meets 01/13 to 03/12) (This section requires a $30 materials fee. This does not include additional student costs for culinary uniform and culinary tools.) PREREQ: FN 1. (A, CSU) FN 2 ADV FOOD PREP 3 MTW 9:00am-1:05 AH-110 J.DAVEY DATES: (#25102 meets 03/17 to 05/14) (This section requires a $30 materials fee. This does not include additional student costs for culinary uniform and culinary tools.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly H EC 60) (A, CSU, UC) FN 35 NUTRITION & HLTH 3 TW 2:30pm-5:20 OAB-271 R.CERDA DATES: (#25093 meets 01/14 to 03/12) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly H EC 40) (A, CSU, UC) FN 40 NUTRITION 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 SO-104 R.CERDA FN 40 NUTRITION 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 SO-104 R.CERDA FN 40 NUTRITION 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 SO-104 R.CERDA FN 40 NUTRITION 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 HS-210 K.EICHMANN FN 40 NUTRITION 3 TTh 5:00pm-6:15 SO-208 N.CANNON FN 40 NUTRITION 3 TTh 6:00pm-7:15 SO-211 I.ARRAMBIDE NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO 66119 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly H EC 43) (See also WSTS 43) (A, CSU) FN 43 WOMEN NUTRITION 2 T 6:30pm-8:20 OAB-271 N.CANNON 24332 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. FN 40 or equivalent strongly recommended. Concurrent enrollment in FSM 19 recommended. (Formerly DT SER 5 and H EC 5) (A, CSU) FN 45 THERAPEUTIC DIETS 3 M 2:30pm-5:35 OAB-216 FN 43 FN 45 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 95 INSTRUCTOR R.CERDA FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT FSM 11 25105 FSM 15 25108 FSM 19 ***** FSM 25 25111 FSM 35 25114 25115 FSM 38 25122 FSM 146 25106 FSM 147 25107 FSM 162 25109 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 69 and concurrent enrollment in FSM 19 recommended. (Formerly DT SER 11) (A, CSU) FSM 11 FD SERV SUPERVSN 2 Th 9:00am-10:50 AH-110 B.THOMPSON ADVISORY: FSM 35 recommended. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. MATH 250 recommended. Concurrent enrollment in FSM 19 recommended. (Formerly DT SER 15) (A, CSU) FSM 15 FD PRODUCTN MGMT 2 Th 11:00am-12:50 AH-110 B.THOMPSON COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (Formerly DT SER 19) (A, CSU) FSM 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 W 6:30pm-7:20 OAB-217 STAFF AND 7HRS ARR ARR STAFF ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. MATH 250 recommended. (Formerly FD SER 66) (A, CSU) FSM 25 FOOD/BEVRG CNTRL 2 Th 1:00pm-5:15 AH-110 C.RAYBURN DATES: (#25111 meets 03/20 to 05/15) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. Concurrent enrollment in FSM 19 recommended. (Formerly DT SER 35) (A, CSU) FSM 35 SAN/SAFETY/EQUIP 2 WTh 1:00pm-2:50 HS-160 J.DAVEY DATES: (#25114 meets 01/15 to 03/13) FSM 35 SAN/SAFETY/EQUIP 2 WTh 1:00pm-2:50 HS-160 J.DAVEY DATES: (#25115 meets 03/19 to 05/15) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. MATH 250 recommended. (Formerly DT SER 58) (A, CSU) FSM 38 QUANTITY FD PREP 3 MTW 1:30pm-5:20 AH-110 C.RAYBURN DATES: (#25122 meets 01/13 to 03/12) (This section requires a $50 materials fee. This does not include additional student costs for culinary uniform and culinary tools.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. MATH 250 recommended. (Formerly FSM 46) (A) FSM 146 ELEM FS COMP 1 1.5 MT 1:00pm-2:20 HS-160 J.DAVEY DATES: (#25106 meets 01/13 to 03/11) PREREQ: FSM 146. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. MATH 250 recommended. (Formerly FSM 47) (A) FSM 147 ELEM FS COMP 2 1.5 MT 1:30pm-2:50 HS-160 DATES: (#25107 meets 03/17 to 05/13) J.DAVEY ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FD SER 62 and FSM 62) (A) FSM 162 CHLD MENU PLANNG 3 T 4:00pm-6:50 SO-212 N.WHALEN Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 96 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR FOREIGN LANGUAGES AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE ASL 1 25052 25058 25060 22602 ASL 2 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ASL 1A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ASL 1 BEG AM SIGN LANG 4 MTWTh 9:00am-10:50 OAB-273 N.MITCHELL-CARROLL DATES: (#25052 meets 01/13 to 03/13) ASL 1 BEG AM SIGN LANG 4 MW 4:00pm-5:50 LA-202 C.HODGES ASL 1 BEG AM SIGN LANG 4 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 LA-202 J.LESSARD ASL 1 BEG AM SIGN LANG 4 MW 6:00pm-7:50 LA-106 K.CATRON 25063 25066 PREREQ: ASL 1 or two years of high school ASL or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ASL 1B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ASL 2 HIGH-BEG ASL 4 MTWTh 9:00am-10:50 OAB-273 N.MITCHELL-CARROLL DATES: (#25064 meets 03/17 to 05/22) ASL 2 HIGH-BEG ASL 4 MW 12:00pm-1:50 LA-126 N.MITCHELL-CARROLL ASL 2 HIGH-BEG ASL 4 TTh 6:00pm-7:50 LA-202 L.PAINTER 25067 PREREQ: ASL 2 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ASL 2A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ASL 3 INT AM SIGN LANG 4 TTh 4:00pm-5:50 LA-201 C.HODGES 25068 PREREQ: ASL 3 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ASL 2B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ASL 4 HIGH-INTERMD ASL 4 MW 6:00pm-7:50 LA-202 C.HODGES 25070 PREREQ: ASL 3 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSUGE, UC) ASL 6 STRUCTURE OF ASL 3 TTh 12:00pm-1:15 LA-203 N.MITCHELL-CARROLL 32441 PREREQ: ASL 2 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSUGE, UC, I) ASL 7 DEAF HISTORY 3 TTh 6:00pm-7:15 LA-203 C.HODGES ASL 21 32445 PREREQ: ASL 3 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) ASL 21 ASL TO ENLG TRANS 3 TTh 4:00pm-5:15 LA-126 STAFF ASL 22 39808 PREREQ: ASL 3 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) ASL 22 ENGL TO ASL TRANS 3 MW 4:00pm-5:15 OAB-131 STAFF 25064 ASL 3 ASL 4 ASL 6 ASL 7 ARMENIAN ARMEN 2 25072 PREREQ: ARMEN 1 or 2 years of high school Armenian or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly ARMEN 1B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ARMEN 2 HIGH-BEGIN ARMEN 5 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 LA-207 A.TOPOUZKHANIAN CHINESE CHIN 1 25328 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CHIN 1A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHIN 1 BEGIN CHINESE 5 TTh 11:00am-1:15 LA-107 L.MANN CHIN 2 PREREQ: CHIN 1 or 2 years of high school Chinese or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly CHIN 1B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHIN 2 HIGH-BEG CHINESE 5 TTh 1:30pm-3:45 LA-107 L.MANN 25076 NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 97 INSTRUCTOR FRENCH FRENCH 1 25078 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FRENCH 1A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) FRENCH 1 BEGIN FRENCH 5 MW 2:30pm-4:45 OAB-173 S.TAYLOR FRENCH 2 PREREQ: FRENCH 1 or 2 years of high school French or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly FRENCH 1B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) FRENCH 2 HIGH-BEG FRENCH 5 MW 12:00pm-2:15 LA-206 S.TAYLOR 25091 GERMAN GERMAN 1 15967 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly GERMAN 1A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GERMAN 1 BEGIN GERMAN 5 MW 4:00pm-6:15 OAB-180 J.RITCHIE HMONG HMONG 1 25095 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly HMONG 1A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HMONG 1 BEGINNING HMONG 5 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 OAB-171 K.YANG HMONG 2 PREREQ: HMONG 1 or 2 years of high school Hmong or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly HMONG 1B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HMONG 2 HIGH-BEGIN HMONG 5 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 LA-107 T.CHA 25097 JAPANESE JAPAN 1 32446 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly JAPAN 1A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) JAPAN 1 BEGIN JAPANESE 5 MW 4:00pm-6:15 LA-126 K.HOWARD JAPAN 2 PREREQ: JAPAN 1 or 2 years of high school Japanese or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly JAPAN 1B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) JAPAN 2 HIGH-BEGIN JAPAN 5 MW 6:30pm-8:45 LA-126 K.HOWARD 25098 PORTUGUESE PORT 2 25330 PREREQ: PORT 1, or 2 years of high school Portuguese or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PORT 2 HIGH-BEG PORTGUSE 5 MW 5:00pm-7:15 LA-206 D.ROSS SPANISH SPAN 1 25100 25113 25118 25121 25116 25117 25120 25132 25136 25135 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPAN 1A) (C-ID SPAN 100) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH 5 DAILY 7:00am-7:50 LA-202 C.MATA SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH 5 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 LA-202 S.FERRER SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH 5 MW 8:00am-10:15 LA-126 N.MAROOT SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH 5 DAILY 9:00am-9:50 LA-201 M.GARCIA SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH 5 DAILY 9:00am-10:50 LA-202 S.FERRER DATES: (#25116 meets 01/13 to 03/14) SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH 5 DAILY 9:00am-10:50 LA-203 J.PINKARD DATES: (#25117 meets 01/13 to 03/14) SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH 5 DAILY 10:00am-10:50 LA-201 M.GARCIA SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH 5 TTh 12:00pm-2:15 OAB-180 C.MATA SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH 5 TTh 1:30pm-3:45 LA-201 J.MARTINEZ SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH 5 MW 1:30pm-3:50 LA-201 Y.GARZA Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 98 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS 25112 25138 25119 26403 25141 25143 SPAN 1 SPAN 1 SPAN 1 SPAN 1 SPAN 1 SPAN 1 BEGIN SPANISH BEGIN SPANISH BEGIN SPANISH BEGIN SPANISH BEGIN SPANISH BEGIN SPANISH 5 5 5 5 5 5 MW TTh MW MW TTh TTh SPAN 2 25144 25146 25145 25148 25150 25156 SPAN 3 25157 SPAN 3NS 25162 25323 SPAN 4 25324 SPAN 4NS 25325 SPAN 5 15708 SPAN 7 22970 TIMES 2:00pm-4:15 3:00pm-5:15 5:00pm-7:15 6:00pm-8:15 6:00pm-8:15 7:00pm-9:15 ROOM LA-207 LA-207 OAB-273 LA-207 LA-106 LA-201 INSTRUCTOR S.CORTES M.CORONEL M.CORONEL STAFF Y.RAMIREZ M.CORONEL PREREQ: SPAN 1 or 2 years of high school Spanish or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPAN 1B) (C-ID SPAN 110) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) SPAN 2 HIGH-BEG SPANISH 5 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 LA-201 R.MARTINEZ SPAN 2 HIGH-BEG SPANISH 5 DAILY 9:00am-10:50 LA-202 S.FERRER DATES: (#25146 meets 03/17 to 05/23) SPAN 2 HIGH-BEG SPANISH 5 MW 9:00am-11:15 LA-207 R.MARTINEZ SPAN 2 HIGH-BEG SPANISH 5 TTh 9:00am-11:15 LA-207 R.MARTINEZ SPAN 2 HIGH-BEG SPANISH 5 TTh 2:00pm-4:15 LA-206 Y.GARZA SPAN 2 HIGH-BEG SPANISH 5 MW 6:00pm-8:15 LA-201 L.ABULAYLA PREREQ: SPAN 2, or three years of high school Spanish or equivalent (extensive living experience with the language). ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPAN 2A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) SPAN 3 INTER SPANISH 5 MW 11:30am-1:50 LA-207 S.CORTES PREREQ: Three years of high school Spanish or a basic speaking knowledge of Spanish. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPAN 21) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) SPAN 3NS INT SPAN SPEAKERS 5 DAILY 9:00am-10:50 LA-203 J.PINKARD DATES: (#25162 meets 03/17 to 05/23) SPAN 3NS INT SPAN SPEAKERS 5 MW 11:00am-1:15 LA-201 N.MAROOT PREREQ: SPAN 3 or 3NS or equivalent (extensive living experience with the language). ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPAN 2B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) SPAN 4 HIGH-INT SPANISH 5 TTh 11:00am-1:15 LA-201 J.PINKARD PREREQ: SPAN 3NS or a basic speaking knowledge of Spanish. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPAN 22) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) SPAN 4NS HIGH INT SPAN SPKR 5 TTh 11:00am-1:15 LA-202 N.MAROOT PREREQ: SPAN 4 or Spanish 4NS, or equivalent (extensive using Spanish at home, at work or abroad). ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPAN 3A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) SPAN 5 MEX/SPN/US STORY 4 MW 11:00am-12:50 LA-203 J.PINKARD PREREQ: SPAN 4 or 4NS or equivalent (experience using Spanish at home, at work or abroad). ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) SPAN 7 ADV COMP/GRAM 4 TTh 11:30am-1:20 LA-207 R.MARTINEZ GEOGRAPHY GEOG 2 24333 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (C-ID GEOG 120) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GEOG 2 CULTURAL GEOG 3 MW 2:00pm-3:20 OAB-231 GEOG 4A ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly GEOG 4) (C-ID GEOG 125 = GEOG 4A + GEOG 4B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GEOG 4A WORLD GEOG 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 SO-212 J.KOSHEAR (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) GEOG 4A WORLD GEOG 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 SO-212 J.KOSHEAR (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) GEOG 4A WORLD GEOG 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 SO-212 J.KOSHEAR (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) GEOG 4A WORLD GEOG 3 MW 2:00pm-3:20 SO-104 S.BOYD GEOG 4A WORLD GEOG 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 SO-209 L.WEAVER 24338 24334 24337 26334 24346 NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. J.TEEPLE 99 FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# GEOG 4B 24347 24350 24348 24394 24401 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly GEOG 5) (C-ID GEOG 125 = GEOG 4A + GEOG 4B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GEOG 4B WORLD GEOG 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 HS-120 J.TEEPLE GEOG 4B WORLD GEOG 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 OAB-231 J.TEEPLE GEOG 4B WORLD GEOG 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 HS-120 J.TEEPLE GEOG 4B WORLD GEOG 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 OAB-231 J.TEEPLE GEOG 4B WORLD GEOG 3 W 6:30pm-9:20 SO-209 L.WEAVER GEOG 7 24754 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GEOG 7 EARTHS SURFACE 4 MW 2:00pm-3:15 AND T 2:00pm-3:50 GEOG 8 24759 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (C-ID GEOG 130) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GEOG 8 WEATHER/CLIMATE 4 TTh 3:00pm-4:15 OAB-274 AND T 11:30am-1:20 S-280 GEOG 8 WEATHER/CLIMATE 4 M 7:30pm-10:35 S-100 AND W 7:30pm-9:20 S-100 S.BOYD S.BOYD J.FOX J.FOX GEOG 10 24751 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A and MATH 201 recommended. CIT 15 is desirable. (A, CSU, UC) GEOG 10 INTRO TO GIS 3 TTh 6:00pm-8:50 S-20 X.YANG GEOG 20 26265 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GEOG 20 GEOG OF CALIF 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 SO-212 (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) 24823 S-290 S-280 J.KOSHEAR J.KOSHEAR J.KOSHEAR GEOLOGY GEOL 1 24830 24831 24825 24826 24824 PREREQ: MATH 201. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID GEOL 101) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GEOL 1 PHYSICAL GEOL 4 MWF 8:00am-8:50 S-290 B.ANGLEN AND T 8:00am-9:50 S-280 B.ANGLEN GEOL 1 PHYSICAL GEOL 4 MWF 9:00am-9:50 S-290 B.ANGLEN AND Th 8:00am-9:50 S-280 B.ANGLEN GEOL 1 PHYSICAL GEOL 4 TTh 12:00pm-1:15 S-290 C.POOLE AND W 8:00am-9:50 S-280 C.POOLE GEOL 1 PHYSICAL GEOL 4 TTh 12:00pm-1:15 S-290 C.POOLE AND W 10:00am-11:50 S-280 C.POOLE GEOL 1 PHYSICAL GEOL 4 TTh 1:30pm-2:45 S-290 C.POOLE AND W 12:00pm-1:50 S-280 C.POOLE GEOL 2 24834 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID GEOL 110) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GEOL 2 HISTORICAL GEOL 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 S-200 STAFF GEOL 2L 25329 COREQ: GEOL 2. (A, CSU) GEOL 2L HIST GEOL LAB GEOL 3 24839 PREREQ: GEOL 1. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) GEOL 3 GEOL FIELD STUDIES 1-2 ARR ARR AND ARR ARR GEOL 5 24840 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GEOL 5 INTRO OCEAN 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 S-290 B.ANGLEN GEOL 7 24841 PREREQ: BIOL 3. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GEOL 7 HIST OF DINOSAURS S-280 B.ANGLEN GEOL 9 24842 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) GEOL 9 INT TO EARTH SCI 4 M 2:00pm-5:05 S-280 AND W 3:00pm-4:50 S-280 C.POOLE C.POOLE Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. 1 3 F TTh 11:00am-1:50 10:00am-11:15 S-280 STAFF STAFF STAFF ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 100 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS GRC 5 26190 GRC 10 26191 GRC 14 26192 GRC 15 26193 26194 GRC 17 26195 GRC 18 26196 GRC 20 26197 GRC 22 67135 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (Formerly PT 5) (A, CSU) GRC 5 INT TO MACINTOSH 1 Th 12:00pm-1:50 T-400C E.KESTERSON DATES: (#26190 meets 01/16 to 03/13) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (Formerly REPRO 52 and PT 10) (A, CSU) GRC 10 INTRO GRAPH COMM 2 F 9:00am-10:50 T-400A R.CARLOS ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (A, CSU) GRC 14 ADOBE ACROBAT PROF 3 T 6:00pm-10:50 T-400D D.MEYERS ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (A, CSU) GRC 15 WEB PG CONSTR I 4 TTh 12:00pm-2:50 T-400A C.POLANOWSKI GRC 15 WEB PG CONSTR I 4 TTh 6:00pm-8:50 T-400A R.LUNA ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (Formerly PT 17) (A, CSU) GRC 17 ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR 3 Th 6:00pm-10:50 T-400D E.KESTERSON ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (A, CSU) GRC 18 PRODUCTION 3 TTh 9:00am-11:15 T-400D STAFF ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (Formerly REPRO 64 and PT 20) (A, CSU) GRC 20 GRAPHIC COMMNCTNS 3 MW 9:00am-11:20 T-400D C.POLANOWSKI ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (A, CSU) GRC 22 MULTIMEDIA 1 4 MW 1:00pm-3:50 T-400D C.POLANOWSKI GRC 23 67235 PREREQ: GRC 22. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (A, CSU) GRC 23 MULTIMEDIA2 4 MW 1:00pm-3:50 GRC 24 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (A, CSU) GRC 24 FLASH ANIMATION 3 MW 1:00pm-3:20 T-400A B.RUSSELL 26200 GRC 27 26201 GRC 30 26202 GRC 31 26203 GRC 34 26204 T-400D C.POLANOWSKI ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (A, CSU) GRC 27 DIGITAL VIDEO PR 4 MW 9:00am-11:50 T-400A B.RUSSELL ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (Formerly PT 30) (A, CSU) GRC 30 ADOBE INDESIGN 3 W 6:00pm-10:50 T-400D J.COOKSEY ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (A, CSU) GRC 31 PHOTOSHOP 3 TTh 9:00am-11:15 T-400A V.PEARSON ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and MATH 201, and GRC 24 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (A, CSU) GRC 34 INTRO TO 3D ANIMTN 3 MW 6:00pm-10:20 T-400A D.SMITH NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# GRC 39A 67136 GRC 40A 67236 GRC 41 26207 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 101 INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (Formerly PT 39 and GRC 39) (A, CSU) GRC 39A GRAPHIC DESGN I 3 TTh 2:00pm-4:15 T-400D E.KESTERSON PREREQ: GRC 39A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (Formerly PT 40 and GRC 40) (A, CSU) GRC 40A GRAPHIC DESGN II 3 TTh 2:00pm-4:15 T-400D E.KESTERSON ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. Fulfills computer literacy graduation requirement. (Formerly REPRO 57 and PT 41) (A, CSU) GRC 41 VISUAL COMMUNCAT 3 M 6:00pm-10:50 T-400D D.STANDRIDGE HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HIT 2 26553 HIT 4 26554 HIT 5 26555 HIT 7 26561 HIT 8 26556 HIT 10 23599 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MRT 2) (A, CSU) HIT 2 LEGAL ASPECTS 2 ARR WEB S.EDWARDS (#26553 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PREREQ: HIT 10 and BIOL 5. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HIT 4 DISEASE PROCESS 3 ARR WEB S.EDWARDS (#26554 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PREREQ: HIT 10. COREQ: HIT 4. ADVISORY gtg : Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HIT 5 INTRO TO CODING 3 ARR WEB L.PERRY (#26555 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or luann.perry@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PREREQ: HIT 3 and HIT 6. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (PASS/NO PASS only) (A, CSU) HIT 7 DIRECTED PRACTICE 5 ARR WEB S.EDWARDS AND ARR ARR S.EDWARDS (For further information contact the instructor at sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559]244-2641.) PREREQ: HIT 1. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HIT 8 MGMT AND SUPRVSN 3 ARR WEB S.EDWARDS (#26556 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MRT 10) (A, CSU) HIT 10 MED TERMINOLOGY 3 ARR WEB J.CHISHOLM (#23599 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or janet.chisholm@fresnocitycollege.edu.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 102 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO 26550 HIT 10 MED TERMINOLOGY 3 ARR WEB R.CLARK (#26550 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or rebecca.clark@fresnocitycollege.edu.) HIT 10 MED TERMINOLOGY 3 TTh 8:30am-9:45 HS-260 J.KULBETH HIT 10 MED TERMINOLOGY 3 MW 9:00am-10:15 HS-260 STAFF HIT 10 MED TERMINOLOGY 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 HS-250 C.WADDLE 23622 23617 26560 HIT 11 26551 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: HIT 10. COREQ: HIT 4. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and ESL 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HIT 11 CPT CODING 3 ARR WEB J.CHISHOLM (#26551 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or janet.chisholm@fresnocitycollege.edu.) HIT 12 26552 PREREQ: HIT 1. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HIT 12 ALTERNATVE SETNG 2 ARR WEB S.EDWARDS (#26552 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu.) HIT 15 23600 PREREQ: HIT 6. COREQ: HIT 11. (A, CSU) HIT 15 MEDICAL CODING 1 ARR ARR S.EDWARDS (For further information contact the instructor at sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559] 244-2641.) HEALTH SCIENCE HLTH 1 15709 15720 25636 25637 25638 25640 25641 25642 25643 25644 25645 25646 HLTH 2 25648 25649 25650 25647 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 ARR WEB M.MENDRIN AND ARR ARR M.MENDRIN (#15709 is a web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. There will be 1 on campus meeting by arrangement. For additional information, contact the instructor at michael.mendrin@fresnocitycollege.edu.) HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 MWF 7:00am-7:50 HS-150 M.MENDRIN HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 HS-150 J.REYES HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 HS-150 R.SCHEIDT HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 HS-150 J.REYES HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 HS-150 R.SCHEIDT HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 HS-150 B.TESSLER HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 HS-150 B.TESSLER HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 HS-150 T.SCHULTE HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 HS-150 T.SCHULTE HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 HS-150 J.MATTOX HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 HS-150 L.BURNETT ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) HLTH 2 FIRST AID&SAFETY 2 MW 9:00am-9:50 HS-250 HLTH 2 FIRST AID&SAFETY 2 MW 10:00am-10:50 HS-250 HLTH 2 FIRST AID&SAFETY 2 MW 11:00am-11:50 HS-250 HLTH 2 FIRST AID&SAFETY 2 T 7:00pm-8:50 HS-250 NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. C.KADINGO C.KADINGO C.KADINGO R.SCHEIDT FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES 103 ROOM INSTRUCTOR B.RUTISHAUSER B.RUTISHAUSER B.RUTISHAUSER C.LONGAN HISTORY HIST 1 24410 24418 24420 24409 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (C-ID HIST 170) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 1 WEST CIV TO 1648 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 HIST 1 WEST CIV TO 1648 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 HIST 1 WEST CIV TO 1648 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 HIST 1 WEST CIV TO 1648 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 FH-103 SO-104 SO-209 SO-210 HIST 2 24466 24517 24519 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 2 W CIV SINCE 1648 3 TTh HIST 2 W CIV SINCE 1648 3 TTh HIST 2 W CIV SINCE 1648 3 Th SO-210 SO-210 OAB-119 HIST 2H ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (Formerly HONORS 2H) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 2H HONWCIV SNC 1648 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 SO-209 A.SIROKY (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for more information.) ***** 8:00am-9:15 11:00am-12:15 6:30pm-9:20 HIST 3 24553 ADVISORY: ENGL 1A and HIST 1. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 3 HIST-ANCIEN ROME 3 MWF HIST 11 24424 24427 24442 24443 24429 24432 24441 ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (C-ID HIST 130) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 11 U S TO 1877 3 MWF 7:00am-7:50 SO-209 HIST 11 U S TO 1877 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 SO-209 HIST 11 U S TO 1877 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 SO-209 HIST 11 U S TO 1877 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 SO-209 HIST 11 U S TO 1877 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 FH-103 HIST 11 U S TO 1877 3 TTh 3:30pm-4:45 FH-103 HIST 11 U S TO 1877 3 MW 5:00pm-6:20 SO-210 (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) HIST 11 U S TO 1877 3 W 6:30pm-9:20 SO-104 24422 9:00am-9:50 SO-209 K.CRAWFORD K.CRAWFORD C.LONGAN B.RUTISHAUSER K.CRAWFORD K.CRAWFORD A.SIROKY A.SIROKY J.HEYNE J.HEYNE M.JESSIE L.AILANJIAN HIST 12 24455 26338 24460 24464 24456 24457 24453 24454 26337 24458 24445 ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (C-ID HIST 140) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 MWF HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 MWF HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 MWF HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 MWF HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 TTh HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 MW HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 TTh HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 TTh HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 MW HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 W HIST 12 U S SINCE 1877 3 Th HIST 12H ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (A, CSU) HIST 12H HON U S SINCE 1877 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 SO-209 P.GILMORE (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for more information.) ***** 7:00am-7:50 8:00am-8:50 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-10:50 12:30pm-1:45 1:00pm-2:20 2:00pm-3:15 3:30pm-4:45 3:30pm-4:50 6:00pm-8:50 6:00pm-8:50 SO-208 SO-104 SO-210 SO-210 FH-101 OAB-271 SO-210 SO-210 OAB-231 OAB-271 OAB-217 HIST 15 24465 ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 15 BRITISH ISLES HIST 20 24544 ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (C-ID HIST 150) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 20 WORLD HISTORY I 3 MW 2:00pm-3:20 SO-210 (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) HIST 20 WORLD HISTORY I 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 SO-210 24547 HIST 22 24549 3 TTh 5:00pm-6:15 SO-210 ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 22 HIST AMER WOMEN 3 MW 3:30pm-4:50 SO-210 (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. M.EISSINGER M.EISSINGER A.SIROKY A.SIROKY P.GILMORE P.GILMORE M.CARDEN M.CARDEN A.JOHNSON A.JOHNSON J.BERG B.HART M.JESSIE C.LONGAN M.JESSIE ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 104 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR SO-210 K.CRAWFORD HIST 25 24551 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 25 HISTORY US RELIGION 3 MWF HIST 29 66218 Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also CLS 29) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 29 HISTRY OF MEXICO 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 AH-108 HIST 34 24555 ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 34 AMER CIVIL RIGHTS 3 TTh 11:00am-11:50 9:30am-10:45 SO-210 C.PEREZ P.GILMORE HONORS PROGRAM ART 6H ***** ECON 40H ***** ENGL 3H ***** ***** HIST 12H ***** HIST 2H ***** HONORS 1C ***** PHIL 1AH ***** POLSCI 2H ***** ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (Formerly ART 26H and HONORS 6A) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ART 6H HON ART HISTORY2 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 OAB-127 S.SOSA (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for information.) PREREQ: MATH 103. ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance in the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly ECON 1BH) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ECON 40H HON MICROECON 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 OAB-119 A.PANKRATZ (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for more information.) PREREQ: ENGL 1A. ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (C-ID ENGL 105) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 3H HON CRIT RD WRTG 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 OAB-273 M.ROBERTS (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for information.) ENGL 3H HON CRIT RD WRTG 3 MW 2:00pm-3:15 LA-108 C.ROOKS (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for information.) ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (A, CSU) HIST 12H HON U S SINCE 1877 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 SO-209 P.GILMORE (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for more information.) ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (Formerly HONORS 2H) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HIST 2H HONWCIV SNC 1648 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 SO-209 A.SIROKY (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for more information.) COREQ: Meet the qualifications for acceptance into the Honors Program. PHIL 1AH, HIST 1H or 2H, ART 5H or 6H, or ENGL 1BH or 3H or HUMAN 10H or 11H. See Honors Program listing in college catalog. (A, CSU, UC) HONORS 1C HON HUMANITIES 1 F 12:00pm-12:50 LA-202 S.SOSA (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for information.) PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (Formerly HONORS 1P) (C-ID PHIL 100) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHIL 1AH HON KNOW/REALITY 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-125 K.YBARRA (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for information.) PREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) POLSCI 2H HON AMERICAN GOV 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 SO-221 S.JOHAL (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for more information.) H O N O R S P R O G R A M NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. 105 FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR HUMAN SERVICES HS 10 66152 66121 66120 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also SOC 10) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HS 10 INT AGING STUDIES 3 MW 1:30pm-2:50 OAB-217 W.DAILEY JR HS 10 INT AGING STUDIES 3 MW 3:00pm-4:20 OAB-217 W.DAILEY JR (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) HS 10 INT AGING STUDIES 3 MW 5:00pm-6:20 OAB-217 W.DAILEY JR (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) HS 18 26349 24560 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HS 18 ALC/DRUG COUNSEL 2 MW 10:00am-10:50 AH-106 HS 18 ALC/DRUG COUNSEL 2 Th 6:00pm-7:50 AH-108 HS 19A PREREQ: HS 20. COREQ: HS 24. Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) HS 19A COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 W 5:00pm-5:50 HS-210 R.CLIFT AND 7HRS ARR ARR R.CLIFT ***** HS 19B ***** J.KIRBY C.CALLAGHAN PREREQ: HS 42 and 43. COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) HS 19B COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 W 5:00pm-5:50 SO-208 J.KIRBY AND 7HRS ARR ARR J.KIRBY HS 20 24561 24562 24564 26348 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) HS 20 INT TO SOC WEL 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 AH-208 HS 20 INT TO SOC WEL 3 MW 12:00pm-1:20 SO-211 HS 20 INT TO SOC WEL 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 SO-211 HS 20 INT TO SOC WEL 3 MW 4:00pm-5:20 OAB-119 R.CLIFT S.HOLFORD S.HOLFORD D.HARRIS HS 24 24565 24569 24573 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HS 24 COUNSEL & INTERV 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 SO-211 HS 24 COUNSEL & INTERV 3 MW 1:30pm-2:50 SO-211 HS 24 COUNSEL & INTERV 3 Th 6:30pm-9:20 SO-210 S.HOLFORD S.HOLFORD S.HOLFORD HS 25 66123 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also WSTS 25) (A, CSU) HS 25 ASSERT TRAINING 2 M 6:00pm-8:05 OAB-216 D.HARRIS HS 30 24578 24576 COREQ: HS 20. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HS 30 GRP/COMM SOC SER 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 SO-211 HS 30 GRP/COMM SOC SER 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-216 R.VIVIAN D.HARRIS HS 40 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Not open to students with credit in HS/ SOC 41) (A, CSU) HS 40 ALCHOL/DRUG COUNS 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 HS-160 J.KIRBY HS 40 ALCHOL/DRUG COUNS 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 HS-160 J.KIRBY HS 40 ALCHOL/DRUG COUNS 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 AH-106 S.HIRASUNA 24583 24585 24582 HS 42 24594 24592 24587 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HS 42 ALCOHOL COUNSEL 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 AH-208 HS 42 ALCOHOL COUNSEL 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 AH-106 HS 42 ALCOHOL COUNSEL 3 W 6:30pm-9:20 SO-211 HS 43 24596 24598 PREREQ: HS 42. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HS 43 ALCOHOL COUNSEL 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 AH-208 HS 43 ALCOHOL COUNSEL 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-216 Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. J.KIRBY S.HIRASUNA C.CALLAGHAN J.KIRBY D.MILLER ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 106 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO 24599 24601 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Not open to students with credit in HS 45) (A, CSU) HS 44 DRUGS: PHYS&PSY 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 AH-208 C.GAROUPA HS 44 DRUGS: PHYS&PSY 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 AH-208 D.MILLER HS 44 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR HUMANITIES HUMAN 10 24039 PREREQ: ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HUMAN 10 CLASSICL HUMANIT OAB-180 J.RYAN HUMAN 11 24040 24042 PREREQ: ENGL 1A. HUMAN 10 is NOT a prerequisite for this course. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HUMAN 11 MODERN HUMANITES 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 OAB-171 HUMAN 11 MODERN HUMANITES 3 MW 1:00pm-2:15 OAB-171 J.RYAN J.RYAN 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 JOURNALISM JOURN 1 23398 26463 23401 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID JOUR 100) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) JOURN 1 INTRO MASS COMMUN 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 OAB-127 STAFF JOURN 1 INTRO MASS COMMUN 3 MW 9:00am-10:20 OAB-127 J.BEAVERS JOURN 1 INTRO MASS COMMUN 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-127 J.MARTIN JOURN 3 69111 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (C-ID JOUR 110) (A, CSU) JOURN 3 NEWSWRITING 3 TTh 10:00am-11:50 AND 1HR ARR SC-211 ARR STAFF STAFF JOURN 11A 23404 ADVISORY: JOURN 3. (C-ID JOUR 130) (A, CSU) JOURN 11A BEG MEDIA WRITING 3 AND JOURN 12 23405 ADVISORY: JOURN 3. (A, CSU) JOURN 12 ONLINE NEWSPAPER JOURN 15 ADVISORY: JOURN 3 or concurrent enrollment, and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) JOURN 15 BASIC EDITING 2 Th 4:00pm-5:50 MS-222 J.MARTIN 23407 JOURN 16 23408 3 AND MW 3HRS ARR 12:00pm-12:50 SC-211 ARR STAFF STAFF MW 3HRS ARR 11:00am-11:50 SC-211 ARR STAFF STAFF ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) JOURN 16 RACE/GENDER/MEDIA 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-127 STAFF LEARNING ASSISTANCE LA 1 ***** LA 2A ***** LA 2B ***** PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) LA 1 TUTOR TRAINING 1 Th 3:00pm-4:50 LI-103 AND 2HRS ARR ARR DATES: (Above class meets 02/27 to 05/01) (For permission to register see Ray Sanchez in LI-134.) PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) LA 2A TUTOR TRAIN LEV I 1 ARR WEB AND 2HRS ARR ARR DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/14) (For permission to enroll please see Tabitha Villalba in LI-134.) PREREQ: LA 2A. (A, CSU) LA 2B TUTOR TRAIN LEV II 1 ARR WEB AND 2HRS ARR ARR DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/23) (For permission to register please see Tabitha Villalba in LI-134.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. R.SANCHEZ R.SANCHEZ STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# LA 277A ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS Prereq.: None. (Open Entry/Open Exit), (PASS/NO PASS only) LA 277A ESSENTIAL SKILLS .5 ARR (For permission to enroll see Jennifer Dorian in LI-134.) TIMES ROOM ARR 107 INSTRUCTOR J.DORIAN LEARNING COMMUNITIES ESL 67 91066 ESL 68 91016 PREREQ: Use of language other than English as a primary language. Designated score on ESL placement test or completion of ESL 265W with a grade of “C” or better. (Formerly ENGL 54D) (A, CSU) ESL 67 ADV WRITNG/GRAM 4 MWF 10:40am-11:50 LA-103 D.OCKEY (#91066 is a Learning Community [Life Language and Literature] course and requires concurrent enrollment in ESL 68 [#91016]. For more information, contact the instructor at [559] 442-4600, ext. 8125.) PREREQ: Use of language other than English as a primary language. Designated score on ESL placement test or completion of ESL 265R with a grade of “C” or better. (A, CSU) ESL 68 ADV READING/VOCAB 4 MWF 12:00pm-1:10 LA-103 P.VAN VLEET (#91016 is a Learning Community [Life Language and Literature] course and requires concurrent enrollment in ESL 67 [#91066]. For more information, contact the instructor at [559] 442-4600, ext. 8185.) LIBRARY SKILLS LIBSKL 1 24364 24365 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) LIBSKL 1 RESEARCH SKILLS 1 ARR WEB M.YANG (#24364 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students must have access to a computer with Internet connections and possess basic computer skills. Students must have a current e-mail address on file with the Registrar’s Office. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website or go to http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu from 01/06 to 01/10 for access information. For additional information, contact the Library at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8217.) DATES: (#24364 meets 01/13 to 03/14) LIBSKL 1 RESEARCH SKILLS 1 Th 5:00pm-6:50 LI-142 D.CHANDLER DATES: (#24365 meets 03/20 to 05/22) LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY LITEC 52B 24354 ADVISORY: LITEC 51 and 52A. (A, CSU) LITEC 52B COLLECTION MGMT 1 ARR WEB S.CURRY (#24354 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students must have access to a computer with Internet connections and possess basic computer skills. Students must have a current e-mail address on file with the Registrar’s Office. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website or go to http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu from 01/06 to 01/10 for access information. For additional information, contact the Library at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8217.) LITEC 57 24360 ADVISORY: LITEC 51 recommended. (A, CSU) LITEC 57 PRINT/ONLINE SRCS 3 ARR WEB S.CURRY (#24360 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students must have access to a computer with Internet connections and possess basic computer skills. Students must have a current e-mail address on file with the Registrar’s Office. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website or go to http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu from 01/06 to 01/10 for access information. For additional information, contact the Library at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8217.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 108 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR LINGUISTICS LING 10 24888 PREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSUGE, UC, I) LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 ARR WEB G.ROGERS DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/14) (Above class is a distance education course offered via the Fresno City College Blackboard Website. Please note that this course does not meet on campus. Enrolled students must have access to a computer with Internet connections for the entire term and possess basic Internet and e-mail computer skills. Enrolled students must log onto their provided SCCCD e-mail account to receive the specific course URL, log-on and password to access the course as notices will only be sent to your my.scccd.edu account as of today. Personal e-mail addresses are no longer used as a mean of communication at Fresno City College only SCCCD email accounts. If you need to activate your SCCCD account, go to: scccd.edu/studentemail. For additional information concerning this class, contact the Fresno City College Business Division at [559] 442-8222.) LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 ARR WEB STAFF (#26404 class is a distance education course offered via the Fresno City College Blackboard Website. Please note that this course does not meet on campus. Enrolled students must have access to a computer with Internet connections for the entire term and possess basic Internet and email computer skills. Enrolled students must log onto their provided SCCCD email account to receive the specific course URL, log-on and password to access the course as notices will only be sent to your my.scccd.edu account as of today. Personal email addresses are no longer used as a mean of communication at Fresno City College only SCCCD email accounts. If you need to activate your SCCCD account, go to: scccd.edu/studentemail. For additional information, contact the instructor.) LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 ARR WEB STAFF (#26405 class is a distance education course offered via the Fresno City College Blackboard Website. Please note that this course does not meet on campus. Enrolled students must have access to a computer with Internet connections for the entire term and possess basic Internet and email computer skills. Enrolled students must log onto their provided SCCCD email account to receive the specific course URL, log-on and password to access the course as notices will only be sent to your my.scccd.edu account as of today. Personal email addresses are no longer used as a mean of communication at Fresno City College only SCCCD email accounts. If you need to activate your SCCCD account, go to: scccd.edu/studentemail. For additional information, contact the instructor.) LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 LA-206 R.AL HAIDER LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 LA-206 G.ROGERS LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 LA-202 J.CARROLL LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 TTh 3:00pm-6:05 OAB-173 J.CARROLL DATES: (#24887 meets 03/18 to 05/15) LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 T 6:15pm-9:05 LA-206 J.CARROLL LING 11 24889 24890 16312 PREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU) LING 11 LANG FOR EDUCATR 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 LA-206 R.AL HAIDER LING 11 LANG FOR EDUCATR 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 LA-206 S.POTTER LING 11 LANG FOR EDUCATR 3 M 2:40pm-5:50 OAB-125 J.CARROLL ***** 26404 26405 24883 24886 24885 24887 MARKETING MKTG 10 23578 23576 23575 23574 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) MKTG 10 MKTG PRINCIPLES 3 ARR WEB L.ANDERSON (#23578 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer, the Internet, MS Office [Word and PPT]. Students must also have and routinely check their e-mail. Enrolled students must post on the discussion board the first day of class by 9 p.m. or they will be dropped.) MKTG 10 MKTG PRINCIPLES 3 MW 9:00am-10:15 BE-137 J.CARRIGAN MKTG 10 MKTG PRINCIPLES 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 BE-137 L.ANDERSON MKTG 10 MKTG PRINCIPLES 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 BE-135 STAFF MKTG 11 23580 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) MKTG 11 SALESMANSHIP 3 MW 10:30am-11:45 BE-137 J.CARRIGAN MKTG 12 23582 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) MKTG 12 ADV & PROMO 3 MW 12:00pm-1:15 BE-137 J.CARRIGAN NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 109 INSTRUCTOR MKTG 17 63181 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (See also FM 28) (A, CSU) MKTG 17 VISUAL MERCHAND 3 W 6:00pm-9:50 BE-134 P.HUTTON MKTG 19 COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) MKTG 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 M 5:30pm-6:35 BE-137 J.ARMAS AND 7HRS ARR OFF J.ARMAS ***** MKTG 22 63180 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also FM 27. (A, CSU) MKTG 22 FASHION MERCH 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 BE-134 P.HUTTON MATHEMATICS MATH 4A 25381 25380 25383 25384 25382 25386 25385 MATH 4B 25393 25389 25387 25390 25392 MATH 5A 25394 25395 25396 25397 MATH 5B 25398 25399 25401 25400 MATH 6 25402 25403 MATH 7 25405 PREREQ: MATH 102 and MATH 103 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH 4) (A, CSU-GE) MATH 4A TRIGONOMETRY 4 MWF 7:40am-8:50 OAB-274 STAFF MATH 4A TRIGONOMETRY 4 MTWTh 10:00am-10:50 S-60B STAFF MATH 4A TRIGONOMETRY 4 TTh 11:00am-12:50 OAB-274 C.BIGHAM MATH 4A TRIGONOMETRY 4 MTWTh 12:00pm-12:50 S-40 STAFF MATH 4A TRIGONOMETRY 4 MW 12:00pm-1:50 S-50 STAFF MATH 4A TRIGONOMETRY 4 TTh 1:00pm-2:50 OAB-278 C.BIGHAM MATH 4A TRIGONOMETRY 4 TTh 6:30pm-8:20 S-25 G.JAMISON PREREQ: MATH 4A or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 4B PRECALCULUS 4 ARR WEB J.BRANDL AND ARR ARR J.BRANDL (#25393 is a distance education course offered via the Internet and requires online homework. Students will be required to purchase a license from MyMathLab to use online software. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Your e-mail address MUST be given at the time of registration or you may e-mail instructor at jeremy.brandl@fresnocitycollege.edu. There will be scheduled campus meetings.) MATH 4B PRECALCULUS 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 S-30 G.JAMISON MATH 4B PRECALCULUS 4 MTWTh 12:00pm-12:50 S-60A J.HE MATH 4B PRECALCULUS 4 MW 3:00pm-4:50 S-30 J.BRANDL MATH 4B PRECALCULUS 4 TTh 6:30pm-8:20 S-70 STAFF PREREQ: MATH 4B or the equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID MATH 210 and MATH 900S = MATH 5A + MATH 5B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 5A MATH ANALYSIS I 5 MWF 8:00am-9:30 S-30 STAFF MATH 5A MATH ANALYSIS I 5 MWF 1:00pm-2:30 S-30 N.ALLEN MATH 5A MATH ANALYSIS I 5 TTh 2:00pm-4:15 S-30 STAFF MATH 5A MATH ANALYSIS I 5 MW 6:00pm-8:15 S-230 STAFF PREREQ: MATH 5A or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 167 and 68 recommended. (C-ID MATH 900S = MATH 5A + MATH 5B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 5B MATH ANALYSIS II 4 TTh 8:00am-9:50 S-30 L.DORN MATH 5B MATH ANALYSIS II 4 MW 10:00am-11:50 S-30 L.DORN MATH 5B MATH ANALYSIS II 4 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 S-25 STAFF MATH 5B MATH ANALYSIS II 4 MW 6:30pm-8:20 S-25 STAFF PREREQ: MATH 5B or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 6 MATH ANALYSIS III 4 TTh 12:00pm-1:50 S-30 L.DORN MATH 6 MATH ANALYSIS III 4 MW 6:00pm-7:50 S-30 C.HOPPER PREREQ: MATH 6 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) MATH 7 DIFFERENTL EQUAT 4 TTh 6:30pm-8:20 S-30 C.HOPPER Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 110 P SCH# MATH 10A 25271 25273 MATH 10B 25274 MATH 11 25278 25275 25279 25276 26364 25280 25277 25282 25281 25283 MATH 21 25284 25285 25287 25286 MATH 26 25404 MATH 42 25371 25369 25373 MATH 45 25376 25379 25378 25377 MATH 102 25186 25191 MATH 103 25241 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: MATH 103 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 10A STRUCTR/CONCEPTS 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 S-25 D.YANG MATH 10A STRUCTR/CONCEPTS 3 MW 5:00pm-6:15 S-25 STAFF PREREQ: MATH 10A and MATH 102 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 10B STRUCTR/CONCEPT2 3 TTh 12:00pm-1:15 S-50 T.FRIESEN PREREQ: MATH 103 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 11 ELEM STATISTICS 4 TTh 7:00am-8:50 S-200 C.CURTIS MATH 11 ELEM STATISTICS 4 MTWTh 9:00am-9:50 S-25 S.GROVER MATH 11 ELEM STATISTICS 4 TTh 9:00am-10:50 OAB-274 STAFF MATH 11 ELEM STATISTICS 4 MTWTh 10:00am-10:50 S-230 S.GROVER MATH 11 ELEM STATISTICS 4 MW 11:00am-12:50 S-60B STAFF MATH 11 ELEM STATISTICS 4 TTh 11:00am-12:50 S-60B STAFF MATH 11 ELEM STATISTICS 4 MTWTh 12:00pm-12:50 S-230 S.GROVER MATH 11 ELEM STATISTICS 4 MW 2:00pm-3:50 S-50 C.BIGHAM MATH 11 ELEM STATISTICS 4 TTh 2:00pm-3:50 S-290 S.GROVER MATH 11 ELEM STATISTICS 4 MW 6:30pm-8:20 S-70 C.CURTIS PREREQ: MATH 103 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH 31) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 21 FINITE MATH 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 S-200 D.YANG MATH 21 FINITE MATH 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 S-200 S.ANDERSON MATH 21 FINITE MATH 3 MW 3:00pm-4:15 OAB-274 STAFF MATH 21 FINITE MATH 3 MW 7:30pm-8:45 S-50 STAFF PREREQ: MATH 5A or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 26 ELEM LINEAR ALG 3 MW 3:00pm-4:15 S-60B G.JAMISON PREREQ: MATH 103 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also PSY 42) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 42 STATS-BEHVRL SCI 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 S-50 S.ANDERSON MATH 42 STATS-BEHVRL SCI 4 MW 12:00pm-1:50 OAB-274 S.ANDERSON MATH 42 STATS-BEHVRL SCI 4 MW 6:00pm-7:50 OAB-278 STAFF PREREQ: MATH 103 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) MATH 45 CONTEMP MATH 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 S-50 S.ANDERSON MATH 45 CONTEMP MATH 3 MW 4:00pm-5:15 S-50 C.BIGHAM MATH 45 CONTEMP MATH 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 S-60B STAFF MATH 45 CONTEMP MATH 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 S-60B STAFF PREREQ: MATH 201 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH 2) (A) MATH 102 PLANE GEOMETRY 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 S-25 STAFF MATH 102 PLANE GEOMETRY 3 MW 6:00pm-7:15 S-50 STAFF PREREQ: MATH 201 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH B and MATH 3) (A) MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 ARR WEB J.HE AND ARR ARR J.HE (#25241 requires online homework. Students will be required to purchase a license from MyMathLab to use online software. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Your e-mail address MUST be given at the time of registration or you may e-mail instructor at jin.he@fresnocitycollege.edu. There will be scheduled campus meetings.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO 25243 25192 25193 MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 6:00am-6:50 S-70 R.STANTON MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 7:00am-7:50 S-70 R.STANTON MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 7:00am-8:50 S-60B T.OSTRANDER DATES: (#25193 meets 03/17 to 05/23) MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 MWF 7:25am-8:50 S-50 J.VIDINOFF MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 S-60A D.AVERY MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 9:00am-9:50 S-230 J.VIDINOFF MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 9:00am-10:50 OAB-118 T.FRIESEN DATES: (#25194 meets 03/17 to 05/23) MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 10:00am-10:50 S-40 T.ANDRADE MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 MWF 10:00am-11:25 S-50 J.VIDINOFF MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 MWF 10:00am-11:30 S-200 STAFF MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 10:00am-11:50 S-60A STAFF DATES: (#25200 meets 03/17 to 05/23) MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 11:00am-11:50 S-40 L.BLACKERBY-SLATER (Above is part of the “The Network,” a coordinated program leading to transfer level courses. Concurrent enrollment is required in other Network classes. Please contact Janine Nkosi at janine.nkosi@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information. Online homework required.) MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 MW 11:00am-1:15 OAB-118 D.AVERY MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-60B T.ANDRADE MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 TTh 1:00pm-3:15 S-290 J.WEN MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 MWF 1:25pm-2:50 OAB-118 STAFF MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 2:00pm-2:50 S-60B S.TEMMERMAN MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 MWF 2:00pm-3:25 S-100 STAFF MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 MWF 2:00pm-3:25 S-200 STAFF MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 MW 2:00pm-4:15 S-25 J.WEN MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 TTh 2:00pm-4:15 S-100 C.HOPPER MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 TTh 3:30pm-5:45 S-50 J.WEN MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 MW 4:00pm-6:15 S-40 STAFF MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 TTh 5:00pm-7:15 OAB-278 STAFF MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 SO-104 STAFF AND S 8:30am-1:00 HS-120 STAFF DATES: (Above class meets 02/01 to 03/15) (This class is part of the Social Sciences Division 25-Month Program. Entrance into the class by permission of the Social Sciences Division Dean. Meets: 02/01, 02/04, 02/06, 02/08, 02/11, 02/13, 02/18, 02/20, 02/22, 02/25, 02/27, 03/01, 03/04, 03/06, 03/08, 03/11, & 03/15.) MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 MW 6:30pm-8:45 OAB-118 STAFF MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 TTh 6:30pm-8:45 OAB-118 STAFF 25207 25252 25199 25194 25206 25209 26360 25200 ***** 25261 25203 25225 25260 25205 25212 25258 25215 25238 25239 25217 25259 ***** 25222 25242 MATH 201 24913 ***** 24911 24891 24892 25183 24893 24895 24904 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 111 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: MATH 255 or designated math placement. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH 1 and 101) MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 ARR WEB STAFF (#24913 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Your e-mail address MUST be given at the time of registration or you may e-mail instructor. Students must email the instructor by the 1st day of class, 01/13, to keep their spot. No meeting is required on campus the 1st day, but 6 exams will be given on campus during the semester.) MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 7:00am-7:50 S-40 L.BLACKERBY-SLATER (Above class is part of the “The Network,” a coordinated program leading to transfer level courses. Concurrent enrollment is required in other Network classes. Please contact Janine Nkosi at janine.nkosi@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information. Online homework required.) MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 7:00am-8:50 S-60B T.OSTRANDER DATES: (#24911 meets 01/13 to 03/14) MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 OAB-118 R.STANTON MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 9:00am-9:50 S-40 D.AVERY MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 9:00am-9:50 S-50 B.HERREN MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 9:00am-10:50 OAB-118 T.FRIESEN DATES: (#24893 meets 01/13 to 03/14) MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 10:00am-11:50 S-60A T.OSTRANDER DATES: (#24895 meets 01/13 to 03/14) MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 TTh 11:00am-1:15 OAB-118 B.HERREN Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 112 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 26374 25178 24897 24898 24906 24899 24896 25181 ***** MATH 201 MATH 201 MATH 201 MATH 201 MATH 201 MATH 201 MATH 201 MATH 201 MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA ELEM ALGEBRA ELEM ALGEBRA ELEM ALGEBRA ELEM ALGEBRA ELEM ALGEBRA ELEM ALGEBRA ELEM ALGEBRA ELEM ALGEBRA 25182 24905 24909 MATH 250 25288 25289 25291 25290 MATH 255 25292 25294 25295 25296 25300 25297 25298 25299 25303 25293 25301 25304 25302 MATH 260A 25305 25306 25307 25308 25309 25310 MATH 260B 25331 25334 UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR 5 MW 12:00pm-2:15 OAB-278 STAFF 5 TTh 1:30pm-3:45 OAB-118 J.BRANDL 5 DAILY 2:00pm-2:50 S-230 STAFF 5 MWF 2:00pm-3:25 S-40 D.YANG 5 TTh 2:00pm-4:15 S-40 N.ALLEN 5 MW 3:00pm-5:15 OAB-118 N.ALLEN 5 TTh 3:00pm-5:15 S-60B STAFF 5 MWF 3:30pm-4:45 S-270 STAFF 5 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 BE-204 STAFF AND S 8:30am-1:00 BE-204 STAFF (Entrance into this class is by permission of the Business Education Dean. Contact the Business Division at [559] 442 8222.) MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 MW 6:30pm-8:45 OAB-274 STAFF MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 MW 6:30pm-8:45 S-40 STAFF MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 TTh 6:30pm-8:45 S-40 STAFF PREREQ: MATH 260B or equivalent or appropriate placement score. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH 50) MATH 250 COLL ARITHMETIC 3 MWF 7:00am-7:50 S-25 STAFF MATH 250 COLL ARITHMETIC 3 MW 3:00pm-4:15 S-60A STAFF MATH 250 COLL ARITHMETIC 3 TTh 4:00pm-5:15 S-25 STAFF MATH 250 COLL ARITHMETIC 3 MW 5:00pm-6:15 S-60A C.CURTIS PREREQ: MATH 250 with a minimum grade of “C” or MATH 260D or a test score to place out of or above MATH 260D. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH 55) MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 MWF 8:00am-9:25 OAB-278 STAFF MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 9:00am-9:50 S-60A R.BEZERRA-NADER MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 9:00am-9:50 S-60B L.BLACKERBY-SLATER MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 10:00am-10:50 S-25 R.BEZERRA-NADER MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 MWF 10:00am-11:25 OAB-278 B.HERREN MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 11:00am-11:50 S-230 T.ANDRADE MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-60A R.BEZERRA-NADER MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 DAILY 2:00pm-2:50 S-60A STAFF MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 TTh 3:00pm-5:15 S-270 STAFF MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 TTh 3:00pm-5:15 S-60A S.TEMMERMAN MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 MW 6:30pm-8:45 S-60A STAFF MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 TTh 6:30pm-8:45 OAB-274 STAFF MATH 255 PRE-ALGEBRA 5 TTh 6:30pm-8:45 S-60A STAFF ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly MATH 60A) MATH 260A ARITH REV/WH NOS 2 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 S-230 STAFF DATES: (#25305 meets 01/13 to 02/21) MATH 260A ARITH REV/WH NOS 2 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 S-25 STAFF DATES: (#25306 meets 02/24 to 04/01) MATH 260A ARITH REV/WH NOS 2 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-230 D.YANG DATES: (#25307 meets 01/13 to 02/21) MATH 260A ARITH REV/WH NOS 2 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-25 STAFF DATES: (#25308 meets 02/24 to 04/01) MATH 260A ARITH REV/WH NOS 2 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 S-50 STAFF DATES: (#25309 meets 01/14 to 02/20) MATH 260A ARITH REV/WH NOS 2 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 S-60B STAFF DATES: (#25310 meets 02/25 to 04/01) PREREQ: MATH 260A or appropriate placement score. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly MATH 60B) MATH 260B ARITH REV/FRCTNS 2 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 S-230 STAFF DATES: (#25331 meets 02/24 to 04/01) MATH 260B ARITH REV/FRCTNS 2 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 S-25 STAFF DATES: (#25334 meets 04/02 to 05/16) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. 113 FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO ***** MATH 260B ARITH REV/FRCTNS 2 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 S-40 STAFF DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 02/21) (This class is part of the BRIDGE Program, to register for class contact Alexandra Gonzales, counselor at alexandra.gonzales@fresnocitycollge.edu.edu.) MATH 260B ARITH REV/FRCTNS 2 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-230 D.YANG DATES: (#25337 meets 02/24 to 04/01) MATH 260B ARITH REV/FRCTNS 2 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-25 C.HOPPER DATES: (#25343 meets 04/02 to 05/16) MATH 260B ARITH REV/FRCTNS 2 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-40 S.TEMMERMAN DATES: (#25335 meets 01/13 to 02/21) MATH 260B ARITH REV/FRCTNS 2 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 S-230 STAFF DATES: (#25347 meets 01/14 to 02/20) MATH 260B ARITH REV/FRCTNS 2 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 S-50 STAFF DATES: (#25349 meets 02/24 to 04/01) MATH 260B ARITH REV/FRCTNS 2 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 S-60B STAFF DATES: (#25351 meets 04/04 to 05/09) 25337 25343 25335 25347 25349 25351 MATH 260C 25354 ***** 25358 25357 25360 25361 MATH 260D 25362 ***** 25364 25365 25367 25366 MATH 277 ***** ***** COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: MATH 260B or appropriate placement score. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly MATH 60C) MATH 260C ARITH REV/DECMLS 2 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 S-230 STAFF DATES: (#25354 meets 04/02 to 05/16) MATH 260C ARITH REV/DECMLS 2 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 S-40 STAFF DATES: (Above class meets 02/24 to 04/01) (This class is part of the BRIDGE Program, to register for class contact Alexandra Gonzales, counselor, at alexandra.gonzales@fresnocitycollege.edu.) MATH 260C ARITH REV/DECMLS 2 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-230 D.YANG DATES: (#25358 meets 04/02 to 05/16) MATH 260C ARITH REV/DECMLS 2 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-40 S.TEMMERMAN DATES: (#25357 meets 02/24 to 04/01) MATH 260C ARITH REV/DECMLS 2 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 S-230 STAFF DATES: (#25360 meets 02/24 to 04/01) MATH 260C ARITH REV/DECMLS 2 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 S-50 STAFF DATES: (#25361 meets 04/03 to 05/15) PREREQ: MATH 260C. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly MATH 60D) MATH 260D ARITH REV/PRCNTS 2 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 S-25 STAFF DATES: (#25362 meets 01/13 to 02/21) MATH 260D ARITH REV/PRCNTS 2 DAILY 8:00am-8:50 S-40 STAFF DATES: (Above class meets 04/02 to 05/16) (This class is part of the BRIDGE Program, to register for class contact Alexandra Gonzales, counselor, at alexandra.gonzales@fresnocitycollege.edu.) MATH 260D ARITH REV/PRCNTS 2 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-25 STAFF DATES: (#25364 meets 01/13 to 02/24) MATH 260D ARITH REV/PRCNTS 2 DAILY 1:00pm-1:50 S-40 S.TEMMERMAN DATES: (#25365 meets 04/02 to 05/16) MATH 260D ARITH REV/PRCNTS 2 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 S-230 STAFF DATES: (#25367 meets 04/03 to 05/15) MATH 260D ARITH REV/PRCNTS 2 TTh 6:00pm-8:15 S-60B STAFF DATES: (#25366 meets 01/14 to 02/20) PREREQ: Students must have a diagnosed verifiable disability. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly MATH 77) MATH 277 ARITH FOR L.D. 2 MWF 9:00am-10:50 OAB-130 MATH 277 ARITH FOR L.D. 2 MWF 11:00am-12:50 OAB-130 E.NORTH E.NORTH MEDICAL ASSISTING MA 1 ***** ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) MA 1 LEGL & ETH CNCPTS 2 ARR WEB (TAACCCT GRANT. For further information contact the instructor at carri.young@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559] 244-2643.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. C.YOUNG ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 114 P SCH# MA 2 ***** 33297 MA 4 ***** MA 5 ***** MA 6A ***** SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU) MA 2 PHARMACOLOGY 3 ARR WEB C.MOLLO (TAACCCT GRANT. For further information contact the instructor at constance.mollo@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559] 244-2643.) MA 2 PHARMACOLOGY 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:15 HS-260 L.GOODWIN-BRANSFORD ADVISORY: BIOL 5 or equivalent recommended. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 250 or 260A-260D recommended. (A, CSU) MA 4 OFC LAB PROCEDUR 4 TTh 1:00pm-6:50 HS-280 J.AYERZA DATES: (Above class meets 01/14 to 03/13) (TAACCCT Grant. For further information contact the instructor at june.ayerza@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559] 244-2643.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 250 or 260A-260D recommended. (A, CSU) MA 5 DIAG THERAPY PROC 4 TTh 1:00pm-6:50 HS-280 J.AYERZA DATES: (Above class meets 03/18 to 05/22) (TAACCCT Grant. For further information contact the instructor at june.ayerza@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559]244-2643.) ADVISORY: BIOL 5 or equivalent recommended. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MA 60A) (A, CSU) MA 6A CLINICAL TRNG 3 TTh 8:30am-11:20 HS-280 C.YOUNG DATES: (Above class meets 01/14 to 03/13) (TAACCCT Grant. For further information contact the instructor at carri.young@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559] 244-2643.) MA 6B ***** PREREQ: MA 6A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) MA 6B ADV TRAINING 3 TTh 8:30am-11:20 HS-280 C.YOUNG DATES: (Above class meets 03/18 to 05/22) (TAACCCT Grant. For further information contact the instructor at carri.young@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559]244-2643.) MA 19 COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) MA 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 M 12:00pm-12:50 HS-280 J.AYERZA AND 3HRS ARR ARR J.AYERZA ***** MILITARY SCIENCE - ARMY ROTC MILSC 2 26243 26244 PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) MILSC 2 GEN MIL SKILLS MILSC 2 GEN MIL SKILLS MILSC 12 26245 PREREQ: None. (Recommended for students who have completed MILSC 1 and 2, or equivalent) (A, CSU, UC) MILSC 12 LEADER&MGMT BAS 2 MW 1:00pm-1:50 HS-260 J.LUCERO MILSC 50A 26246 PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) MILSC 50A FRESH LEAD LAB 1 W 3:00pm-5:50 HS-260 D.JOHNSON MILSC 50B 26247 PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) MILSC 50B SOPH LEAD LAB 1 W 3:00pm-5:50 HS-260 J.LUCERO 1 1 W T 12:00pm-12:50 2:30pm-3:20 HS-260 HS-260 D.JOHNSON D.JOHNSON MUSIC MUS 1B 23718 MUS 2B 23720 COREQ: (Music majors only) MUS 7A or 7B. ADVISORY: MUS 1A. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) MUS 1B MUSIC THEORY II 3 MW 8:00am-9:20 MS-223 L.HONDA COREQ: (Music majors only) MUS 7B. ADVISORY: MUS 2A. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) MUS 2B MUSIC THEORY IV 3 MW 9:30am-10:50 MS-223 L.HONDA NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 115 INSTRUCTOR MUS 3 23721 23722 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MUS 3 MUSIC FUND 3 MW 8:00am-9:50 MS-104 MUS 3 MUSIC FUND 3 TTh 9:00am-10:50 MS-104 MUS 5 23725 ADVISORY: Ability to read and play simple melodies on a keyboard. Basic computer skills. (A, CSU) MUS 5 CMPTR MUS PROD 3 W 6:00pm-9:50 MS-223 MUS 7A 23726 ADVISORY: MUS 1A or 3. (PASS/NO PASS only) (A, CSU, UC) MUS 7A EAR TRAIN-LEV I 1 MW MS-104 N.MORTON MUS 7B 23728 PREREQ: MUS 7A. COREQ: MUS 1B, 2A, or 2B. (PASS/NO PASS only) (A, CSU, UC) MUS 7B EAR TRAIN-LEV II 1 TTh 8:00am-8:50 MS-104 N.MORTON MUS 8 23731 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) MUS 8 AUDIO ENGINEERNG 3 MW 8:00am-9:20 MS-135 AND 2HRS ARR ARR N.MORTON N.MORTON MUS 9 ADVISORY: MUS 2A or the equivalent as determined by testing and examination of student’s music theory and composition work. (A, CSU, UC) MUS 9 COMPOSITION 2 TTh 2:00pm-2:50 MS-223 R.NIELSEN 23732 MUS 10B 23734 MUS 12 23736 23738 23741 23742 23745 10:00am-10:50 D.ENGSTROM D.ENGSTROM C.VON BERG PREREQ: MUS 10A or equivalent as determined by audition. ADVISORY: Ability to read music, and to play an instrument at the intermediate/advanced level is recommended. Prior jazz improvisation experience recommended. (A, CSU) MUS 10B INT/ADV JAZZ IMP 2 M 6:00pm-8:05 MS-135 M.DANA AND 2HRS ARR ARR M.DANA ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MUS 12 MUS APPRECIATION 3 ARR WEB J.DANA DATES: (#23736 meets 01/13 to 04/25) (#23736 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students will need access to a computer with reliable Internet access and e-mail. You must have software with a multi-media browser with the recent Java plug-in. An access card with CD is required. All exams, assignments and lectures will be completed on-line. Enrolled students must have activated their school e-mail account in order to receive initial course access information. Students not signed into the course by midnight on the first day of regular classes will be dropped. For additional information, contact the instructor, Julie Dana, at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8465 or at julie.dana@fresnocitycollege.edu.) MUS 12 MUS APPRECIATION 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 MS-132 J.COOPER MUS 12 MUS APPRECIATION 3 MW 8:00am-9:20 MS-132 J.COOPER MUS 12 MUS APPRECIATION 3 MW 1:30pm-2:50 MS-104 STAFF MUS 12 MUS APPRECIATION 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 MS-132 D.SCHRAMM MUS 16 23746 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MUS 16 JAZZ HIST & APPR 3 MW 9:30am-10:50 MS-132 M.DANA MUS 17 23748 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, I) MUS 17 HISTORY OF ROCK 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 MS-132 J.HORD MUS 18 23749 PREREQ: MUS 1A or 3 or the equivalent as determined by testing. (A, CSU, UC) MUS 18 COND & SCORE RDG 2 TTh 10:00am-10:50 MS-135 R.NIELSEN MUS 20 23751 23753 23754 23755 PREREQ: None. (Formerly MUS 20A) (A, CSU-GE, UC) MUS 20 BEG PIANO-LEV I 2 MTWTh MUS 20 BEG PIANO-LEV I 2 MTWTh MUS 20 BEG PIANO-LEV I 2 MTWTh MUS 20 BEG PIANO-LEV I 2 W MS-122 MS-122 MS-122 MS-122 O.QUERCIA O.QUERCIA O.QUERCIA J.HORD MUS 21 23856 PREREQ: MUS 20 or the equivalent as determined by testing. (Formerly MUS 20B) (A, CSU-GE, UC) MUS 21 BEG PIANO-LEV II 2 MTWTh 10:00am-10:50 MS-122 Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. 9:00am-9:50 11:00am-11:50 1:00pm-1:50 6:00pm-9:50 O.QUERCIA ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 116 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR MUS 22 23858 PREREQ: MUS 21 or the equivalent as determined by testing. (Formerly MUS 21) (A, CSU, UC) MUS 22 INT/ADV PIANO 1-2 M 3:30pm-5:35 MS-132 AND 2HRS ARR ARR MUS 24 23859 23860 PREREQ: None. (Formerly MUS 25A) (A, CSU-GE, UC) MUS 24 ELEM VOICE-LEV I 2 TTh MUS 24 ELEM VOICE-LEV I 2 MW MUS 25 23861 PREREQ: MUS 24 or equivalent as determined by testing. (Formerly MUS 25B) (A, CSU-GE, UC) MUS 25 ELEM VOICE-LEV II 1 TTh 11:00am-11:50 MS-223 MUS 26 23862 PREREQ: MUS 25 or intermediate or advanced level ability as determined by testing. (A, CSU, UC) MUS 26 INT/ADV VOICE 1-2 TTh 11:00am-11:50 MS-132 AND 2HRS ARR ARR R.SARKISIAN R.SARKISIAN MUS 27 23863 23865 PREREQ: Own instrument required. (Formerly MUS 28A) (A, CSU-GE, UC) MUS 27 BEG GUITAR-LEV I 2 MW 8:00am-9:20 MUS 27 BEG GUITAR-LEV I 2 MW 2:00pm-3:20 D.SCHRAMM J.COOPER MUS 28 PREREQ: MUS 27 or ability to read music. Must have basic understanding of and playing skill in the classical guitar style as determined by testing. Own instrument required. (Formerly MUS 28B) (A, CSU-GE, UC) MUS 28 BEG GUITAR-LEV II 2 TTh 10:00am-11:15 OAB-198 J.COOPER 23867 9:00am-10:20 1:00pm-2:20 MS-223 MS-223 O.QUERCIA O.QUERCIA K.BARBA M.WOLFMANN OAB-198 OAB-198 K.BARBA MUS 29 23869 PREREQ: MUS 28 or equivalent performance skills as determined by testing. (A, CSU, UC) MUS 29 INT/ADV GUITAR 1-2 TTh 11:30am-12:20 OAB-198 AND 2HRS ARR ARR MUS 35 ADVISORY: Audition and approval. Ability to perform advanced high school choral or the equivalent performance skills. (Formerly MUS 33) (A, CSU, UC) MUS 35 CITY SINGERS 2 TTh 12:00pm-1:50 MS-132 J.DANA AND 2HRS ARR ARR J.DANA (For additional information, contact the instructor, Julie Dana, at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8465, on campus in MS-206 or via e-mail at julie.dana@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ***** J.COOPER J.COOPER MUS 39B 23883 ADVISORY: MUS 26 or the equivalent as determined by audition recommended. (C-ID MUS 180) (A, CSU) MUS 39B ROMANTIC/MODERN 2 T 6:00pm-9:50 MS-132 M.WOLFMANN MUS 41 ADVISORY: Advanced high school band or jazz ensemble experience or the equivalent performance skills as determined by audition recommended. (A, CSU, UC) MUS 41 JAZZ ENSEMBLE 2 MW 3:45pm-5:35 MS-135 M.DANA AND 1HR ARR ARR M.DANA ***** MUS 42A 23923 MUS 42B 23926 MUS 42C 23927 MUS 42D 23929 ADVISORY: Ability to perform advanced high school band or orchestra music or the equivalent performance skills as determined by audition recommended. (Formerly MUS 42) (A, CSU, UC) MUS 42A INT/ADV BRASS 1-2 TTh 11:00am-11:50 MS-135 D.ENGSTROM AND 2HRS ARR ARR D.ENGSTROM ADVISORY: Ability to perform advanced high school band or orchestra music or the equivalent performance skills as determined by audition recommended. (Formerly MUS 43) (A, CSU, UC) MUS 42B INT/ADV WOODWIND 1-2 TTh 9:00am-9:50 MS-135 L.HONDA AND 2HRS ARR ARR L.HONDA ADVISORY: Ability to perform advanced high school band or orchestra music or the equivalent performance skills as determined by audition recommended. (Formerly MUS 44) (A, CSU, UC) MUS 42C INT/ADV STRINGS 1-2 Th 4:00pm-5:50 MS-135 J.MORRICE AND 2HRS ARR ARR J.MORRICE ADVISORY: Ability to perform advanced high school band or orchestra music or the equivalent performance skills as determined by audition recommended. (Formerly MUS 46) (A, CSU, UC) MUS 42D INT/ADV PERCUSS 1-2 MW 11:00am-11:50 MS-135 J.LIZAMA AND 2HRS ARR ARR J.LIZAMA NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# MUS 47B 23935 MUS 49 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 117 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: Ability to perform an instrument or voice at college level. ADVISORY: MUS 10A or 10B recommended. (C-ID MUS 180) (A, CSU) MUS 47B COOL/MAINSTREAM 2 MW 2:00pm-3:30 MS-135 L.HONDA AND 1HR ARR ARR L.HONDA ADVISORY: Ability to perform advanced level large ensemble music (as determined by audition) recommended. (A, CSU, UC) MUS 49 ADV LG ENSEMBLES 1 3HRS ARR ARR J.DANA (Above class emphasis choral ensembles.) MUS 49 ADV LG ENSEMBLES 1 3HRS ARR ARR M.DANA (Above class emphasis jazz ensemble, Latin jazz, jazz combo.) MUS 49 ADV LG ENSEMBLES 1 3HRS ARR ARR D.ENGSTROM (Above class emphasis all band, plus brass, woodwind, percussion ensembles.) MUS 49 ADV LG ENSEMBLES 1 3HRS ARR ARR J.MORRICE (Above class emphasis string ensemble.) MUS 49 ADV LG ENSEMBLES 1 3HRS ARR ARR O.QUERCIA (Above class emphasis piano.) MUS 49 ADV LG ENSEMBLES 1 3HRS ARR ARR J.SANDERSIER (Above class emphasis orchestra.) MUS 49 ADV LG ENSEMBLES 1 3HRS ARR ARR R.SARKISIAN (Above class emphasis voice.) MUS 49 ADV LG ENSEMBLES 1 3HRS ARR ARR M.WOLFMANN (Above class emphasis opera workshop.) MUS 55 23987 PREREQ: Ability to perform an instrument or voice at college level. (C-ID MUS 180) (A, CSU) MUS 55 AFRO-CARIB ENSBL 2 T 3:30pm-6:20 MS-135 AND 1HR ARR ARR MUS 60 ADVISORY: Audition. Ability to perform advanced high school choral music or the equivalent performance skills. (A, CSU) MUS 60 SYMPHONIC CHOIR 2 MW 11:00am-12:50 MS-132 J.DANA AND 2HRS ARR ARR J.DANA 23989 G.RAMIREZ G.RAMIREZ MUS 69 23992 ADVISORY: Intermediate/advanced level skill on a band instrument recommended. (A, CSU) MUS 69 WIND BAND 2 MW 12:00pm-1:50 MS-135 AND 2HRS ARR ARR MUS 76 ADVISORY: Ability to perform advanced high school band or orchestra or the equivalent performance skills (as determined by audition during the first two weeks) recommended. (A, CSU) MUS 76 PHILHARMNIC ORCH 2 T 7:00pm-10:50 MS-135 J.SANDERSIER 23994 D.ENGSTROM D.ENGSTROM MUS 92 23995 ADVISORY: Advanced high school vocal experience or equivalent performance recommended. (C-ID MUS 180)(A, CSU) MUS 92 VOCAL JAZZ ENSMBL 2 TTh 3:30pm-5:20 MS-132 J.DANA AND 1HR ARR ARR J.DANA MUS 111 23996 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MUS 11) (A) MUS 111 MUSIC BUSINESS 3 MW 11:00am-12:20 MS-223 M.DANA NATURAL SCIENCE NATSCI 1A 24844 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (C-ID PHYS 140) (A, CSU, UC) NATSCI 1A PHYSICS/CHEMSTRY 4 M 6:30pm-9:35 S-270 R.KEY AND W 6:30pm-9:20 S-270 R.KEY Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 118 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR NURSING, REGISTERED RN 19 ***** RN 31 ***** ***** RN 32 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** RN 32A ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) RN 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 ARR ARR E.BUGAY AND 7HRS ARR ARR E.BUGAY PREREQ: Acceptance into the Registered Nursing Program: ENGL 1A MATH 103 BIOL 20 and BIOL 22 BIOL 31 CHEM 3A PSY 2 and SOC 1A or ANTHRO 2. All course work must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 32 and 32A. (Formerly RN 1) (A, CSU) RN 31 FNDTN/INT MED SURG 4 MW 8:00am-9:50 HS-100 D.BENEFIEL RN 31 FNDTN/INT MED SURG 4 MF 8:00am-9:50 HS-270 E.GONZALEZ PREREQ: RN 32A. COREQ: RN 31. (Formerly RN 2) (A, CSU) RN 32 MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 WTh DATES: (Above class meets 03/19 to 05/22) RN 32 MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 T DATES: (Above class meets 03/18 to 05/20) RN 32 MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 T DATES: (Above class meets 03/18 to 05/20) RN 32 MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 T DATES: (Above class meets 03/18 to 05/20) RN 32 MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 T DATES: (Above class meets 03/18 to 05/20) RN 32 MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 T DATES: (Above class meets 03/18 to 05/20) RN 32 MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 Th DATES: (Above class meets 03/20 to 05/22) RN 32 MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 Th DATES: (Above class meets 03/20 to 05/22) RN 32 MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 Th DATES: (Above class meets 03/20 to 05/22) RN 32 MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 Th DATES: (Above class meets 03/20 to 05/22) 6:30am-11:50 KPMC-3E3W E.GONZALEZ 6:30am-5:40 CCMC-3RD D.BENEFIEL 6:30am-5:40 HLCC-1ST L.BARUELA 6:30am-5:40 HLCC-1ST STAFF 6:30am-5:40 KPMC-3E3W T.CARREON 6:30am-5:40 SAMC-3W D.SPENCER 6:30am-5:40 CRMC-7W J.ISOM 6:30am-5:40 HLCC-1ST C.FLORENCE 6:30am-5:40 SAMC-2W U.YU 6:30am-5:40 SAMC-3W B.VAUGHN PREREQ: Acceptance into the Registered Nursing Program: ENGL 1A MATH 103 BIOL 20 and BIOL 22 BIOL 31 CHEM 3A PSY 2 and SOC 1A or ANTHRO 2. All course work must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 31. (A, CSU) RN 32A MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 W 6:30am-5:40 HS-240 E.GONZALEZ DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 03/12) RN 32A MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 W 6:30am-5:40 HS-240 STAFF DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 03/12) RN 32A MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 W 6:30am-5:40 HS-240 C.FLORENCE DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 03/12) RN 32A MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 W 6:30am-5:40 HS-240 B.VAUGHN DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 03/12) RN 32A MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 W 6:30am-5:40 HS-240 J.ISOM DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 03/12) RN 32A MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 F 6:30am-5:40 HS-240 D.BENEFIEL AND 11HRS ARR ARR D.BENEFIEL DATES: (Above class meets 01/17 to 03/14) RN 32A MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 F 6:30am-5:40 HS-240 M.MOTT AND 11HRS AR ARR M.MOTT DATES: (Above class meets 01/17 to 03/14) RN 32A MEDCL-SRGCL NRS 2 F 6:30am-5:40 HS-240 C.FLORENCE AND 11HRS ARR ARR C.FLORENCE DATES: (Above class meets 01/17 to 03/14) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE ***** RN 32A MEDCL-SRGCL NRS ***** DATES: (Above class meets 01/17 to 03/14) RN 32A MEDCL-SRGCL NRS UNITS DAYS TIMES 119 ROOM INSTRUCTOR 2 AND F 6:30am-5:40 11HRS ARR HS-240 ARR D.SPENCER D.SPENCER 2 AND F 6:30am-5:40 11HRS ARR HS-240 ARR STAFF STAFF DATES: (Above class meets 01/17 to 03/14) RN 33 ***** COREQ: RN 31. (Formerly RN 21) (A, CSU) RN 33 TRANSCULT HLTH DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/10) 1 M 2:30pm-4:45 HS-150 G.EZAKI RN 35A ***** COREQ: RN 31, 32 and 32A. (A, CSU) RN 35A INTRO TO PHRMCLGY DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/19) 1 M 2:00pm-3:50 HS-150 G.EZAKI RN 35B ***** ***** PREREQ: RN 35A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 41, 42, and 42A. (A, CSU) RN 35B NRSG PHARM APPLCTNS 2 Th 1:00pm-2:50 HS-270 RN 35B NRSG PHARM APPLCTNS 2 Th 3:00pm-4:50 HS-270 E.SOTO E.SOTO RN 41 ***** ***** PREREQ: RN 31 and 35A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 35B, 42, and 42A. (A, CSU) RN 41 ADLT CMMN HLTH 2.5 Th 7:30am-9:45 HS-250 RN 41 ADLT CMMN HLTH 2.5 Th 8:00am-10:15 HS-100 RN 42 ***** ***** ***** PREREQ: RN 31, 32, 32A, and 35A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: 35B, 41, and 42A. (A, CSU) RN 42 ADLT CMMN HLTH CLIN 2 W 6:30am-12:00 CRMC-1E1C RN 42 ADLT CMMN HLTH CLIN 2 W 6:30am-12:00 CRMC-2E RN 42 ADLT CMMN HLTH CLIN 2 M 6:30am-4:20 CCMC-3RD DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 05/19) (Class meets every other week) RN 42 ADLT CMMN HLTH CLIN 2 M 6:30am-4:20 CRMC-2E DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 05/19) (Class meets every other week) RN 42 ADLT CMMN HLTH CLIN 2 W 6:30am-4:20 CCMC-3RD DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 05/21) (Class meets every other week.) RN 42 ADLT CMMN HLTH CLIN 2 F 6:30am-5:35 SAMC-3M DATES: (Above class meets 01/17 to 05/23) (Class meets every other week) RN 42 ADLT CMMN HLTH CLIN 2 M 6:30am-6:45 CCMC-3RD AND 25HRS ARR ARR DATES: (Above class meets 02/03 to 05/12) (Class meets every other week.) RN 42 ADLT CMMN HLTH CLIN 2 W 6:30am-6:45 CCMC-3RD DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/14) (Class meets every other week.) RN 42 ADLT CMMN HLTH CLIN 2 F 6:30am-6:45 SAMC-3M DATES: (Above class meets 01/24 to 05/16) (Class meets every other week) ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** J.KATO-GEE E.DAY E.DAY J.KATO-GEE D.BARUELA STAFF A.AKSENOV R.ELEP D.DAILEY D.DAILEY A.AKSENOV C.BENNETT RN 42A ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** PREREQ: RN 31, 32, and 32A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: 41 and 42A. (A, CSU) RN 42A ADLT CMMN HLTH SKL 1 T 7:00am-9:50 HS-240 RN 42A ADLT CMMN HLTH SKL 1 T 7:00am-9:50 HS-240 RN 42A ADLT CMMN HLTH SKL 1 T 7:00am-9:50 HS-240 RN 42A ADLT CMMN HLTH SKL 1 T 10:00am-12:50 HS-240 RN 42A ADLT CMMN HLTH SKL 1 T 10:00am-12:50 HS-240 RN 42A ADLT CMMN HLTH SKL 1 T 10:00am-12:50 HS-240 RN 42A ADLT CMMN HLTH SKL 1 T 10:00am-12:50 HS-240 RN 42A ADLT CMMN HLTH SKL 1 T 1:00pm-3:50 HS-240 RN 42A ADLT CMMN HLTH SKL 1 T 1:00pm-3:50 HS-240 RN 42A ADLT CMMN HLTH SKL 1 T 1:00pm-3:50 HS-240 RN 45 ***** ***** PREREQ: RN 31, 32, 32A, 33, and 35A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 46. (Formerly RN 5.) (A, CSU) RN 45 CHLDBRNG FAM 2 T 7:00am-8:50 HS-270 G.NELSON RN 45 CHLDBRNG FAM 2 T 10:00am-11:50 HS-100 E.SOTO Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. J.KATO-GEE STAFF E.DAY E.DAY J.KATO-GEE G.NELSON E.GONZALEZ STAFF G.NELSON L.WINGFIELD ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 120 P SCH# RN 46 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM PREREQ: RN 31, 32, 32A, 33, and 35A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 45. (Formerly RN 6) (A, CSU) RN 46 CHLDBRNG FAM CLIN 2 M 6:30am-4:20 CCMC-2PP G.NELSON DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 05/19) (Class meets every other week) RN 46 CHLDBRNG FAM CLIN 2 M 6:30am-4:20 CRMC-3C3E C.REITZ DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 05/19) (Class meets every other week) RN 46 CHLDBRNG FAM CLIN 2 M 6:30am-4:20 SAMC-6M L.MEISTER DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 05/19) (Class meets every other week) RN 46 CHLDBRNG FAM CLIN 2 W 6:30am-4:20 CCMC-2PP E.SOTO DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 05/21) (Class meets every other week) RN 46 CHLDBRNG FAM CLIN 2 F 6:30am-5:35 CCMC-2PP P.VOGEL DATES: (Above class meets 01/17 to 05/23) (Class meets every other week) RN 46 CHLDBRNG FAM CLIN 2 M 6:30am-6:45 CCMC-2PP G.NELSON AND 25HRS ARR ARR G.NELSON DATES: (Above class meets 02/03 to 05/12) (Class meets every other week) RN 46 CHLDBRNG FAM CLIN 2 M 6:30am-6:45 CRMC-3C3E C.REITZ AND 25HRS ARR ARR C.REITZ DATES: (Above class meets 02/03 to 05/12) (Class meets every other week) RN 46 CHLDBRNG FAM CLIN 2 M 6:30am-6:45 SAMC-6M T.KRATZ AND 25HRS ARR ARR T.KRATZ DATES: (Above class meets 02/03 to 05/12) (Class meets every other week) RN 46 CHLDBRNG FAM CLIN 2 W 6:30am-6:45 CCMC-2PP E.SOTO DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/14) (Class meets every other week) RN 46 CHLDBRNG FAM CLIN 2 F 6:30am-6:45 CCMC-2PP P.VOGEL DATES: (Above class meets 01/24 to 05/16) (Class meets every other week) RN 51 ***** ***** ***** PREREQ: RN 35B, 41, 42, and 42A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 52, 52A, and 53. (A, CSU) RN 51 ADLT CMPLX HLTH 2.5 Th 8:00am-10:15 HS-270 RN 51 ADLT CMPLX HLTH 2.5 Th 10:30am-12:45 HS-270 RN 51 ADLT CMPLX HLTH 2.5 T 12:00pm-3:25 HS-270 DATES: (Above class meets 02/25 to 05/23) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52 ***** PREREQ: RN 35B, 41, 42, and 42A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 51, 52A, and 53. (A, CSU) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 W 6:30am-2:40 SAMC-3W DATES: (Above class meets 02/26 to 05/21) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 F 6:30am-2:40 CRMC-4E DATES: (Above class meets 02/28 to 05/23) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 S 6:30am-3:20 MCH-EAST DATES: (Above class meets 03/01 to 05/17) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 S 6:30am-3:20 SAMC-3M DATES: (Above class meets 03/01 to 05/17) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 SU 6:30am-3:20 SAMC-3M DATES: (Above class meets 03/02 to 05/18) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 M 6:30am-4:20 HOSP DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 05/19) (Class meets every other week) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 M 6:30am-4:20 SAMC-4N DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 05/19) (Class meets every other week) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 W 6:30am-4:20 HOSP DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 05/21) (Class meets every other week) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 W 6:30am-4:20 SAMC-4N DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 05/21) (Class meets every other week) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 M 6:30am-6:45 CRMC-4E AND 25HRS ARR ARR DATES: (Above class meets 02/03 to 05/12) (Class meets every other week) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 M 6:30am-6:45 SAMC-4N AND 25HRS ARR ARR DATES: (Above class meets 02/03 to 05/12) (Class meets every other week) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 W 6:30am-6:45 HOSP DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/14) (Class meets every other week) ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. E.BUGAY E.BUGAY J.ADAMS K.AKINES A.GOMEZ JR V.ULANIMO STAFF STAFF J.EDMUNDS E.BUGAY S.APARICIO M.HOLSON J.EDMUNDS J.EDMUNDS E.BUGAY E.BUGAY S.APARICIO FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO ***** RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 W 6:30am-6:45 DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/14) (Class meets every other week) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 S 6:30am-6:45 DATES: (Above class meets 01/18 to 05/10) (Class meets every other week) RN 52 ADLT/OLDR ADLT 2 S 6:30am-6:45 DATES: (Above class meets 01/25 to 05/17) (Class meets every other week) ***** ***** RN 52A ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM SAMC-4N 121 INSTRUCTOR J.ARIOLA HOSP L.LEWIS HOSP L.LEWIS PREREQ: RN 41, 42, and 42A with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 51, 52, and 53. (A, CSU) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 M 8:00am-10:05 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 03/03 to 05/19) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 M 8:00am-10:05 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 03/03 to 05/19) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 M 8:00am-10:05 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 03/03 to 05/19) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 M 10:30am-12:35 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 03/03 to 05/19) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 M 10:30am-12:35 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 03/03 to 05/19) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 Th 11:30am-1:45 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 05/22) (Class meets every other week) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 Th 11:30am-1:45 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 05/22) (Class meets every other week) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 Th 11:30am-1:45 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 05/22) (Class meets every other week) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 Th 12:30pm-3:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (Class meets every other week) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 Th 12:30pm-3:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (Class meets every other week) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 Th 12:30pm-3:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (Class meets every other week) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 Th 2:00pm-4:15 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 05/22) (Class meets every other week) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 Th 3:30pm-6:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (Class meets every other week) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 Th 3:30pm-6:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (Class meets every other week) RN 52A ADLT/OLDR CMPL SKL .5 Th 3:30pm-6:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (Class meets every other week) E.DAY M.MOTT C.FLORENCE M.MOTT E.DAY J.KATO-GEE E.MONTANO E.BUGAY D.BENEFIEL E.BUGAY STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF RN 53 ***** ***** PREREQ: RN 35B, 41, and 42 with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 51, 52, and 52A. (A, CSU) RN 53 NRSG CRE OLDR ADLT 1 T 7:00am-7:50 HS-150 RN 53 NRSG CRE OLDR ADLT 1 T 4:00pm-5:15 HS-270 DATES: (Above class meets 02/25 to 05/20) (TAACCCT Grant) RN 55 ***** ***** PREREQ: RN 35B, 41, 42, 42A, 45 and 46 with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 56. (Formerly RN 13) (A, CSU) RN 55 NSG INFNT/CHLDRN 2 T 10:00am-11:50 HS-250 G.EZAKI RN 55 NSG INFNT/CHLDRN 2 T 10:00am-11:50 HS-270 L.WALZBERG RN 56 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** PREREQ: RN 35B, 41, 42, 42A, 45 and 46 with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 55. (Formerly RN 14) (A, CSU) RN 56 INFANTS CHILD CLIN 2 W 6:30am-12:00 CHCC-SAM P.MENYHAY RN 56 INFANTS CHILD CLIN 2 W 6:30am-12:00 CHCC-SDM G.EZAKI RN 56 INFANTS CHILD CLIN 2 M 6:30am-12:50 CHCC-SAM R.AWAD RN 56 INFANTS CHILD CLIN 2 M 6:30am-12:50 CHCC-SDM G.EZAKI RN 56 INFANTS CHILD CLIN 2 W 12:30pm-6:00 CHCC-SAM L.WALZBERG RN 56 INFANTS CHILD CLIN 2 W 12:30pm-6:00 CHCC-SDM G.EZAKI RN 56 INFANTS CHILD CLIN 2 M 1:30pm-7:50 CHCC-SAM A.HENNING RN 56 INFANTS CHILD CLIN 2 M 1:30pm-7:50 CHCC-SDM D.FERRIS RN 56 INFANTS CHILD CLIN 2 F 5:30pm-11:35 CHCC-SAM J.SKOUFIS RN 56 INFANTS CHILD CLIN 2 F 5:30pm-11:35 CHCC-SDM A.GONZALES Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. C.FLORENCE J.ADAMS ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 122 P SCH# RN 61 ***** ***** RN 62 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** RN 62A ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: RN 35B, 51, 52, 52A, and 53 with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 62 and 62A. (A, CSU) RN 61 CRITICAL ILL ADULT 2.5 Th 1:00pm-3:15 HS-250 (TAACCCT Grant) RN 61 CRITICAL ILL ADULT 2.5 Th 2:00pm-4:15 HS-150 PREREQ: RN 35B, 51, 52, 52A, and 53 with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 61 and 62A. (A, CSU) RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 MW 6:30am-12:35 CRMC-7W RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 W 6:30am-6:00 CRMC-4E (TAACCCT Grant) RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 M 6:30am-6:45 CRMC-1E1C AND 12HRS ARR ARR RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 M 6:30am-6:45 FHSH-MS AND 12HRS ARR ARR RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 M 6:30am-6:45 KPMC-4E4W AND 12HRS ARR ARR (TAACCCT Grant) RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 M 6:30am-6:45 SAMC-3W AND 12HRS ARR ARR RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 M 6:30am-6:45 SAMC-5M AND 12HRS ARR ARR RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 F 6:30am-6:45 CCMC-3RD RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 F 6:30am-6:45 CRMC-2E (TAACCCT Grant) RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 F 6:30am-6:45 KPMC-4E4W (TAACCCT Grant) RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 F 6:30am-6:45 MCH-EAST RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 S 6:30am-6:45 CRMC-4E AND 12HRS ARR ARR RN 62 CRTCL ILL ADULT CLIN 4 S 6:30am-6:45 CRMC-7W AND 12HRS ARR ARR PREREQ: RN 51, 52, and 52A, with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 61 and 62. (A, CSU) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 6:30am-8:45 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 05/22) (Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 6:30am-8:45 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 05/22) (Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 6:30am-9:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 6:30am-9:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 6:30am-9:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 9:00am-11:15 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 05/22) (Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 9:00am-11:15 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 05/22) (Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 9:00am-11:15 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 05/22) (TAACCCT Grant. Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 9:00am-11:15 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/16 to 05/22) (TAACCCT Grant. Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 9:30am-12:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (TAACCCT Grant. Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 9:30am-12:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (TAACCCT Grant. Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 9:30am-12:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (TAACCCT Grant. Class meets every other week) RN 62A CRTICL ILL ADULT SKLL .5 Th 9:30am-12:20 HS-240 DATES: (Above class meets 01/23 to 05/15) (TAACCCT Grant. Class meets every other week) E.DAY B.HOOD B.HOOD S.PEERY STAFF STAFF M.FAGUNDES M.FAGUNDES K.KAPOOR K.KAPOOR M.JOOSTEN M.JOOSTEN S.SOBREPENA S.SOBREPENA M.HILARIO J.LOPEZ STAFF S.GARCIA B.KELLEY B.KELLEY STAFF STAFF L.WINGFIELD B.HOOD S.GROSSBARD L.WINGFIELD STAFF G.EZAKI B.HOOD STAFF L.WINGFIELD STAFF S.GROSSBARD NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. G.EZAKI STAFF FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# RN 65 ***** ***** RN 66 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** RN 101 ***** ***** RN 102 ***** ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM PREREQ: RN 35B, 51, 52, and 53 with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 66. (Formerly RN 9) (A, CSU) RN 65 BEHAVR EMTNL DSRDRS 2 T 1:00pm-2:50 HS-250 (TAACCCT Grant) RN 65 BEHAVR EMTNL DSRDRS 2 T 2:00pm-3:50 HS-150 123 INSTRUCTOR H.HUBBARD B.HEYNE PREREQ: RN 35B, 51, 52 and 53 with a grade of “C” or better. COREQ: RN 65. (Formerly RN 10) (A, CSU) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 M 6:30am-4:20 CBHC-1ST B.HEYNE DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 05/19) (Class meets every other week) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 W 6:30am-4:20 CBHC-1ST B.HEYNE DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 05/21) (Class meets every other week) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 W 6:30am-4:20 CSH-BH K.RINDAHL DATES: (Above class meets 01/15 to 05/21) (TAACCCT Grant. Class meets every other week) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 F 6:30am-5:35 CBHC-1ST H.HUBBARD DATES: (Above class meets 01/17 to 05/23) (Class meets every other week) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 F 6:30am-5:35 CSH-BH J.FICKLIN DATES: (Above class meets 01/17 to 05/23) (TAACCCT Grant. Class meets every other week) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 M 6:30am-6:45 CBHC-1ST B.HEYNE AND ARR ARR B.HEYNE DATES: (Above class meets 02/03 to 05/12) (Class meets every other week) 25HRS ARR RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 W 6:30am-6:45 CBHC-1ST H.HUBBARD DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/14) (Class meets every other week) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 W 6:30am-6:45 CSH-BH M.STEVENS-WELTY DATES: (Above class meets 01/22 to 05/14) (TAACCCT Grant. Class meets every other week) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 F 6:30am-6:45 CBHC-1ST H.HUBBARD DATES: (Above class meets 01/24 to 05/16) (Class meets every other week) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 F 6:30am-6:45 CSH-BH Y.CRYNS DATES: (Above class meets 01/24 to 05/16) (TAACCCT Grant. Class meets every other week) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 S 6:30am-6:45 CBHC-1ST D.ZAMORA DATES: (Above class meets 01/18 to 05/10) (Class meets every other week) RN 66 BHVRL EMTNL CLIN 2 S 6:30am-6:45 CBHC-1ST B.GREENE DATES: (Above class meets 01/25 to 05/17) (Class meets every other week) COREQ: RN 102. (A) RN 101 TRANSITION FCC RN 1.5 T DATES: (Above class meets 01/14 to 02/18) RN 101 TRANSITION FCC RN 1.5 T DATES: (Above class meets 01/14 to 02/18) (TAACCCT Grant) COREQ: RN 101. (A) RN 102 TRANSITION FCC RN SKL 1 M DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 02/24) RN 102 TRANSITION FCC RN SKL 1 M DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 02/24) (TAACCCT Grant) 1:00pm-5:05 HS-270 J.ADAMS 1:00pm-5:05 HS-270 J.ADAMS 6:30am-4:20 HS-240 STAFF 6:30am-4:20 HS-240 J.ADAMS RN 105 ***** COREQ: Acceptance into the Registered Nursing Program. (Formerly RN 23) (PASS/NO PASS only) (A) RN 105 MEDICATION MATH .5 M 5:00pm-7:50 HS-150 DATES: (Above class meets 01/27 to 02/10) L.WALZBERG RN 107 ***** COREQ: Acceptance into the Registered Nursing Program. (Formerly RN 25) (PASS/NO PASS only) (A) RN 107 INT NSG PROCESS .5 F 1:00pm-3:50 HS-150 DATES: (Above class meets 03/14 to 03/28) J.KATO-GEE RN 201 ***** ***** COREQ: RN 61. (PASS/NO PASS only) RN 201 NCLEX-RN REVIEW RN 201 NCLEX-RN REVIEW (TAACCCT Grant) 2 2 T T 4:00pm-5:50 4:00pm-5:50 HS-150 HS-150 E.DAY E.DAY RN 202 ***** PREQ: Admission into the nursing program. RN 202 RN SUCCESS STRAT 1 DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/10) M 12:00pm-2:15 HS-150 D.BENEFIEL Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 124 P SCH# RN 204 ***** SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREQ: Acceptance into the Registered Nursing program or acceptance of application into the Fresno City College RN program. RN 204 INTRO NURSNG PROF 1.5 MF 11:00am-12:15 HS-260 C.FLORENCE DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/23) PARALEGAL PLEGAL 1 24490 COREQ: BA 20. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) PLEGAL 1 PARALEGAL INTRO 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-188 PLEGAL 2A 24491 PREREQ: PLEGAL 1. (A, CSU) PLEGAL 2A LEG RES & WRITNG I 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 BE-221 F.BURNETT PLEGAL 2B 24492 PREREQ: PLEGAL 2A. (A, CSU) PLEGAL 2B LEG RES & WRITNG II 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 BE-120 STAFF PLEGAL 3 24538 PREREQ: PLEGAL 1. (A, CSU) PLEGAL 3 FAMILY LAW 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 BE-136 D.SLAYBAUGH PLEGAL 4 24542 PREREQ: PLEGAL 1. (A, CSU) PLEGAL 4 PROBATE 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 BE-221 STAFF PLEGAL 6A 24529 COREQ: PLEGAL 2B. (A, CSU) PLEGAL 6A LITIGATION I 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 BE-137 P.MULLEN PLEGAL 6B 24534 PREREQ: PLEGAL 6A. (A, CSU) PLEGAL 6B LITIGATION II 3 W 6:00pm-8:50 BE-120 STAFF PLEGAL 7 24536 COREQ: PLEGAL 1. (A, CSU) PLEGAL 7 LAW OFF PRACTICE 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 BE-221 M.MAIRE PLEGAL 14 24541 COREQ: PLEGAL 1 or PLEGAL 156 or BT 140. (A, CSU) PLEGAL 14 LAW OFF COMPUTING 3 Th 5:30pm-10:05 BE-218 L.ANDREONI PLEGAL 19 COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) PLEGAL 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 T 5:30pm-6:20 BE-136 B.MCCULLY AND 7HRS ARROFF B.MCCULLY (This class is for PLEGAL students only). ***** B.MCCULLY PHILOSOPHY PHIL 1A 24044 24046 24045 24047 PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. (C-ID PHIL 100) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHIL 1A KNOWLEDG/REALITY 3 MW 8:00am-9:15 PHIL 1A KNOWLEDG/REALITY 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 PHIL 1A KNOWLEDG/REALITY 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 PHIL 1A KNOWLEDG/REALITY 3 MW 2:00pm-3:15 PHIL 1AH PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (Formerly HONORS 1P) (C-ID PHIL 100) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHIL 1AH HON KNOW/REALITY 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-125 K.YBARRA (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for information.) ***** PHIL 1B 24048 PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHIL 1B SOC & POLIT PHIL 3 MW 9:30am-10:45 OAB-125 OAB-171 OAB-131 OAB-131 OAB-131 I.NANCE R.BOYD K.YBARRA I.NANCE W.STEPHENSON NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# PHIL 1C 15653 24049 24056 24054 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 125 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. (C-ID PHIL 120) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHIL 1C ETHICS 3 ARR WEB W.STEPHENSON (#15653 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Enrolled students will receive the specific course URL, log-on and password via e-mail prior to the start of class. You MUST activate, monitor, and use your college e-mail address, the one that ends in scccd.edu after you register for the course. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact the instructor at wendell.stephenson@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PHIL 1C ETHICS 3 ARR WEB W.STEPHENSON (#24049 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Enrolled students will receive the specific course URL, log-on and password via e-mail prior to the start of class. You MUST activate, monitor, and use your college e-mail address, the one that ends in scccd.edu after you register for the course. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact the instructor at wendell.stephenson@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PHIL 1C ETHICS 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 OAB-125 W.STEPHENSON PHIL 1C ETHICS 3 MW 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-131 W.STEPHENSON PHIL 1D 24057 PREREQ: ENGL 1A. (Formerly PHIL 10) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHIL 1D WORLD RELIGIONS 3 TTh PHIL 2 23298 23299 23300 PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. (Formerly PHIL 4) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHIL 2 CRIT REASONING 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 PHIL 2 CRIT REASONING 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 PHIL 2 CRIT REASONING 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 PHIL 6 24061 24060 PREREQ: MATH 103. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (C-ID PHIL 210) (A, CSU-GE, UC) PHIL 6 SYMBOLIC LOGIC 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 OAB-131 PHIL 6 SYMBOLIC LOGIC 3 MW 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-273 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-131 R.BOYD OAB-131 OAB-273 OAB-131 L.MUSSELMAN L.MUSSELMAN STAFF R.BOYD R.BOYD PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTO 5 25173 25187 25164 24329 25160 25169 25167 25158 25176 25163 26302 25174 25172 25179 25189 25175 26301 25180 25184 25190 25188 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126. (A, CSU-GE, UC) PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 F PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 F PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 TTh PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 MW PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 MW PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 MW PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 TTh PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 MW PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 TTh PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 MW PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 WF PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 TTh PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 MW PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 TTh PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 MW PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 TTh PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 W PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 T PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 W PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 M PHOTO 5 INTRO TO PHOTO 3 M PHOTO 6 25196 25195 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) PHOTO 6 DIGITAL IMAG FUND 3 TTh 10:00am-12:15 T-400B PHOTO 6 DIGITAL IMAG FUND 3 TTh 1:00pm-3:15 T-400B Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. 9:00am-11:50 9:00am-11:50 10:00am-11:15 10:00am-11:20 11:00am-12:20 11:30am-12:50 12:00pm-1:15 12:00pm-1:20 1:00pm-2:15 1:00pm-2:20 1:00pm-2:20 2:00pm-3:15 2:00pm-3:20 3:00pm-4:15 3:00pm-4:20 3:30pm-4:45 5:00pm-7:50 6:00pm-8:50 6:00pm-8:50 6:00pm-9:05 6:00pm-9:05 T-403 T-404 T-404 T-202 T-404 T-403 T-404 T-202 T-403 T-404 T-110 T-404 T-403 T-403 T-404 T-404 T-403 T-404 T-404 T-110 T-404 L.KRAUTER L.WINTHER-SAXE C.DE ANDA R.JERKOVICH E.SMITH C.DE ANDA C.DE ANDA R.JERKOVICH STAFF E.SMITH D.ASHCRAFT D.ASHCRAFT STAFF G.HUBBARD D.BALDRICA D.ASHCRAFT D.ASHCRAFT D.BARKMAN D.BARKMAN D.BALDRICA L.WINTHER-SAXE G.HUBBARD T.HALLS ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 126 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PHOTO 12 25210 25214 25213 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly PHOTO 22) (A, CSU) PHOTO 12 PHOTOSHOP 1 3 MW 9:00am-11:20 T-400B L.KRAUTER PHOTO 12 PHOTOSHOP 1 3 M 6:00pm-10:50 T-400B STAFF PHOTO 12 PHOTOSHOP 1 3 Th 6:00pm-10:50 T-400B L.KRAUTER PHOTO 15 67138 COREQ: PHOTO 5 or PHOTO 17 or equivalent. ADVISORY: PHOTO 12. (A, CSU) PHOTO 15 PHOTO/VISUAL LIT 3 MW 10:00am-12:20 PHOTO 17 25223 25220 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly PHOTO 10) (A, CSU, PHOTO 17 CLSC BLACK/WHITE 3 TTh 12:00pm-2:15 T-403 L.KRAUTER PHOTO 17 CLSC BLACK/WHITE 3 MW 1:00pm-3:20 T-403 G.HUBBARD PHOTO 18 25226 PREREQ: PHOTO 15. (A, CSU) PHOTO 18 DIGITAL BLACK/WHITE PHOTO 23 25230 PREREQ: PHOTO 12 or equivalent. (A, CSU) PHOTO 23 PHOTOSHOP 2 3 PHOTO 32 25233 PREREQ: PHOTO 5 or equivalent. ADVISORY: PHOTO 12 and 26. (Formerly PHOTO 23 and 25) (A, CSU) PHOTO 32 COM PORTRAITURE 3 Th 6:00pm-10:50 T-403 PHOTO 40 67137 PREREQ: PHOTO 5 or equivalent. ADVISORY: PHOTO 12, 15, or equivalent. (A, CSU) PHOTO 40 PROFESSIONAL PRACT 3 T 6:00pm-10:50 T-403 T.HALLS PHOTO 45 67238 67237 PREREQ: PHOTO 18, or 23, or 26, or 27, or 30, or 37, or 47. ADVISORY: PHOTO 40. (A, CSU) PHOTO 45 ADVANCED PROJECTS 3 MW 10:00am-12:20 T-403 PHOTO 45 ADVANCED PROJECTS 3 T 6:00pm-10:50 T-403 T.HALLS T.HALLS PHOTO 47 25236 PREREQ: PHOTO 5. ADVISORY: PHOTO 15 and 30. (A, CSU) PHOTO 47 BOOK/VIDEO PUB 3 TTh 3 T-403 T.HALLS W 6:00pm-10:50 T-400B G.HUBBARD MW 1:30pm-3:50 T-400B C.DE ANDA J.TENNEY 10:00am-12:15 T-403 T.HALLS TTh 9:00am-9:50 STAD C.KADINGO TTh 10:00am-10:50 STAD C.KADINGO R.WILLIAMS R.WILLIAMS R.WILLIAMS R.WILLIAMS R.WILLIAMS B.AZALI B.AZALI PHYSICAL EDUCATION PE 3 25910 15838 PE 4 PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 14) (A, CSU, UC) PE 3 ARCHERY 1 (First class meeting will be held in RS-109A) PE 3 ARCHERY 1 (First class meeting will be held in RS-109A) 25932 25933 25934 25935 25938 25936 15903 PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 1) (A, CSU, UC) PE 4 BADMINTON 1 PE 4 BADMINTON 1 PE 4 BADMINTON 1 PE 4 BADMINTON 1 PE 4 BADMINTON 1 PE 4 BADMINTON 1 PE 4 BADMINTON 1 MW MW MW MW MW T Th 8:00am-8:50 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-10:50 11:00am-11:50 12:00pm-12:50 7:30pm-9:20 7:30pm-9:20 G-12 G-12 G-12 G-12 G-12 G-12 G-12 25942 25943 15923 PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 5A) (A, CSU, UC) PE 5 BASKETBALL 1 PE 5 BASKETBALL 1 PE 5 BASKETBALL 1 TTh TTh TTh 8:00am-8:50 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-10:50 PG-100 PG-100 PG-100 PE 5 PE 6 ***** 25945 E.MADEC E.MADEC E.MADEC PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 15A) (A, CSU, UC) PE 6 FITNESS & HEALTH 1 36HRS ARR ARR W.MUSICK DATES: (Above class meets 02/26 to 05/23) (Registered Nursing Students Only. First class meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 26, 2013 at 4:00pm in G-114.) PE 6 FITNESS & HEALTH 1 TTh 9:00am-9:50 G-101 J.HAO NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO 25952 25955 PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 10) (A, CSU, UC) PE 7 GOLF 1 PE 7 GOLF 1 MW MW 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-10:50 STAD STAD PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 17A) (A, CSU, UC) PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND PE 9 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1 AND MW 1HR ARR TTh 1HR ARR MW 1HR ARR TTh 1HR ARR MW 1HR ARR TTh 1HR ARR MW 1HR ARR TTh 1HR ARR MW 1HR ARR TTh 1HR ARR TTh 1HR ARR MW 1HR ARR TTh 1HR ARR MW 1HR ARR TTh 1HR ARR MW 1HR ARR 8:00am-8:50 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 G-103 R.SCOTT R.SCOTT R.SCOTT R.SCOTT R.SCOTT R.SCOTT R.SCOTT R.SCOTT R.SCOTT R.SCOTT G.BLUTH G.BLUTH E.MADEC E.MADEC E.SOLBERG E.SOLBERG O.GERMOND O.GERMOND P.KEYSAW P.KEYSAW W.MUSICK W.MUSICK P.KEYSAW P.KEYSAW W.MUSICK W.MUSICK P.KEYSAW P.KEYSAW M.STEVENS M.STEVENS R.WILLIAMS R.WILLIAMS 10:00am-10:50 POOL O.GERMOND 11:00am-11:50 POOL O.GERMOND 8:00am-8:50 9:00am-9:50 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-10:50 10:00am-10:50 11:00am-11:50 11:00am-11:50 12:00pm-12:50 5:00pm-7:50 TNCT TNCT TNCT TNCT TNCT TNCT TNCT TNCT TNCT O.GERMOND E.SOLBERG O.GERMOND E.SOLBERG E.SOLBERG E.SOLBERG C.KADINGO O.GERMOND H.PERKINS PE 7 PE 9 25956 25957 25958 25959 25960 25961 25962 25963 25966 25968 25970 25976 25972 25977 25973 25979 PE 12 25853 25852 PE 13 25863 25855 25856 25857 25858 25859 25861 25862 25854 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 16A) (A, CSU, UC) PE 12 SWIMMING 1 MTWTh DATES: (#25853 meets 03/17 to 05/22) PE 12 SWIMMING 1 MTWTh DATES: (#25852 meets 03/17 to 05/22) PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 7) (A, CSU, UC) PE 13 TENNIS 1 PE 13 TENNIS 1 PE 13 TENNIS 1 PE 13 TENNIS 1 PE 13 TENNIS 1 PE 13 TENNIS 1 PE 13 TENNIS 1 PE 13 TENNIS 1 PE 13 TENNIS 1 DATES: (#25854 meets 02/26 to 05/21) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. TTh MW TTh MW TTh MW TTh MW W TIMES 8:00am-8:50 9:00am-9:50 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-10:50 10:00am-10:50 11:00am-11:50 11:00am-11:50 1:00pm-1:50 1:00pm-1:50 2:00pm-2:50 4:00pm-4:50 4:00pm-4:50 5:00pm-5:50 5:00pm-5:50 6:00pm-6:50 ROOM 127 INSTRUCTOR A.CAVIGLIA A.CAVIGLIA ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 128 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO 25866 25867 25868 25869 15742 PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 5G) (A, CSU, UC) PE 14 VOLLEYBALL 1 PE 14 VOLLEYBALL 1 PE 14 VOLLEYBALL 1 PE 14 VOLLEYBALL 1 PE 14 VOLLEYBALL 1 TTh TTh TTh TTh M 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-10:50 11:00am-11:50 12:00pm-12:50 6:00pm-7:50 G-12 G-12 G-12 G-12 G-12 PE 15A 25872 25873 25876 25875 25874 PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 11B) (A, CSU, UC) PE 15A WEIGHT TRAIN-WMN 1 PE 15A WEIGHT TRAIN-WMN 1 PE 15A WEIGHT TRAIN-WMN 1 PE 15A WEIGHT TRAIN-WMN 1 PE 15A WEIGHT TRAIN-WMN 1 TTh MW TTh MW TTh 9:00am-9:50 11:00am-11:50 11:00am-11:50 12:00pm-12:50 1:00pm-1:50 G-105 G-105 G-105 G-105 G-105 G.BLUTH R.SCOTT G.BLUTH E.MADEC G.BLUTH PE 15B 25879 25880 25881 PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 11A) (A, CSU, UC) PE 15B WEIGHT TRAIN-MEN 1 MW PE 15B WEIGHT TRAIN-MEN 1 TTh PE 15B WEIGHT TRAIN-MEN 1 TTh 9:00am-9:50 10:00am-10:50 12:00pm-12:50 G-105 G-105 G-105 E.MADEC A.CAVIGLIA O.GERMOND PE 15C 25887 25888 25890 25895 25892 25893 25894 PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE ACT 11C) (A, CSU, UC) PE 15C WEIGHT TRAIN-COED 1 PE 15C WEIGHT TRAIN-COED 1 PE 15C WEIGHT TRAIN-COED 1 PE 15C WEIGHT TRAIN-COED 1 PE 15C WEIGHT TRAIN-COED 1 PE 15C WEIGHT TRAIN-COED 1 PE 15C WEIGHT TRAIN-COED 1 7:00am-7:50 7:00am-7:50 8:00am-8:50 10:00am-10:50 1:00pm-1:50 6:00pm-6:50 6:00pm-6:50 G-105 G-105 G-105 G-105 G-105 G-105 G-105 R.SCOTT E.SOLBERG O.GERMOND E.MADEC E.MADEC S.AUBLE M.STEVENS PE 17 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly PE ACT 28) (A, CSU, UC) PE 17 HATHA YOGA 1 F 12:00pm-1:50 G-101 N.FLORES PE 14 25902 PE 20 25904 PE 27 24609 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS MW TTh MW MW MW MW TTh TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR B.TESSLER B.TESSLER B.TESSLER B.TESSLER H.PERKINS ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A background in science is preferred.) (A, CSU, UC) PE 20 ATHLETIC TRAINING 4 MWF 11:30am-12:20 PPC-110 J.NELSON AND 2HRS ARR PPC-110 J.NELSON PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) PE 27 CARDIO TRNG 1 MW 10:00am-10:50 STAD G.BLUTH PE 29B ***** PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 29B COMP BADMINTON 3 9.5HRS ARR G-12 (For further information contact instructor at carol.kadingo@fresnocitycollege.edu.) C.KADINGO PE 30B ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE INT 41) (A, CSU, UC) PE 30B COMP BASEBALL 3 9.5HRS ARR (For further information contact instructor at ron.scott@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PE 31C ***** PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 31C BSKTBALL CONDITN 1 MTWTh 2:00pm-3:15 G-12 DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/22) (For further information contact instructor at ed.madec@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PE 33C ***** PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 33C FOOTBALL CONDITN 1 TTh 5:00pm-7:50 PPC-110 DATES: (Above class meets 03/18 to 05/22) (For further information contact instructor at tony.caviglia@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PE 34B ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE INT 46) (A, CSU, UC) PE 34B COMP GOLF 3 9.5HRS ARR OFF (For further information contact instructor at jenine.paniccia@fresnocitycollege.edu.) BPRK NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. R.SCOTT E.MADEC A.CAVIGLIA J.PANICCIA FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM PE 35B ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE INT 38) (A, CSU) PE 35B PEP AND CHEER 2 6HRS ARR (For further information contact instructor at hope.villines@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PE 36C ***** PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 36C SOCCER CONDITN 1 4.5HRS ARR ARR DATES: (Above class meets 02/25 to 05/23) (For further information contact instructor at oliver.germond@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PE 36C SOCCER CONDITN 1 4.5HRS ARR STAD DATES: (Above class meets 02/24 to 05/23) (For further information contact instructor at eric.solberg@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ***** G-112 PE 37B ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE INT 36) (A, CSU, UC) PE 37B COMP SOFTBALL 3 DAILY 3:00pm-4:50 NFLD (Contact instructor at rhonda.williams@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 38B ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE INT 44) (A, CSU, UC) PE 38B COMP TENNIS 3 9.5HRS ARR (Contact instructor at rick.scheidt@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 38B COMP TENNIS 3 9.5HRS ARR (Contact instructor at rick.scheidt@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) ***** PE 39B ***** ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly PE INT 43) (A, CSU, UC) PE 39B COMP TRACK&FIELD 3 9.5HRS ARR (Contact instructor at jesus.reyes@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 39B COMP TRACK&FIELD 3 9.5HRS ARR (Contact instructor at jesus.reyes@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) 129 INSTRUCTOR H.VILLINES O.GERMOND E.SOLBERG R.WILLIAMS TNCT R.SCHEIDT TNCT H.BESSINGER STAD J.REYES STAD J.REYES PE 40C ***** PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 40C VOLLEYBALL CONDTN 1 5HRS ARR ARR T.SCHULTE DATES: (Above class meets 03/12 to 05/23) (Contact instructor at tracy.schulte@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 41C ***** PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 41C WRESTLING CONDITN 1 4.5HRS ARR G-107 P.KEYSAW DATES: (Above class meets 02/25 to 05/23) (Contact instructor at paul.keysaw@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 42C ***** PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 42C WATRPOLO CONDITN 1 5HRS ARR OFF G.ROSSI-HILL DATES: (Above class meets 03/11 to 05/22) (Contact instructor at gianna.rossi@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 45 PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) PE 45 PERFORMANCE TRNG 1 2HRS ARR G-105 P.KEYSAW (Contact instructor at paul.keysaw@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 45 PERFORMANCE TRNG 1 2HRS ARR PPC-110 A.CAVIGLIA (Contact instructor at tony.caviglia@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 45 PERFORMANCE TRNG 1 2HRS ARR PPC-110 A.CAVIGLIA (Contact instructor at tony.caviglia@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 45 PERFORMANCE TRNG 1 2HRS ARR PPC-110 E.MADEC (Contact instructor at ed.madec@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 45 PERFORMANCE TRNG 1 2HRS ARR PPC-110 A.CAVIGLIA (Contact instructor at tony.caviglia@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 45 PERFORMANCE TRNG 1 TTh 3:00pm-4:15 PPC-110 O.GERMOND DATES: (Above class meets 02/25 to 05/22) (Contact instructor at oliver.germond@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 45 PERFORMANCE TRNG 1 MW 4:00pm-4:50 PPC-110 M.UNZUETA (Contact instructor at jesus.reyes@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) PE 45 PERFORMANCE TRNG 1 MW 5:00pm-5:50 G-105 S.AUBLE (Contact instructor at rhonda.williams@fresnocitycollege.edu for further information.) ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 130 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO ***** ***** PE 50 PE 53 PE 54 ***** PE 55 COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 50 ADAPT FIT & FLEX 1 MW 12:00pm-12:50 G-114 STAFF PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 53 ADPT STRNGTH TRG 1 MW 2:00pm-2:50 G-105 STAFF 1 TTh 9:00am-10:15 G-114 STAFF 1 TTh 12:00pm-12:50 G-114 STAFF PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 54 ADPT WLK&CONDITN DATES: (Above class meets 02/25 to 05/20) TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ***** PREREQ: None. (A, CSU, UC) PE 55 ADPT FLX&STRNGTH 28768 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly PE PRE 35) (A, CSU, UC) PE 62 INTRO TO KINES 3 MW 11:00am-12:15 RS-116 G.BLUTH PE 62 PHYSICAL SCIENCE PHYSC 11 26357 24882 24884 ADVISORY: MATH 201 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHYSC 11 INTRO PHYSC 3 MW 4:30pm-5:50 S-70 STAFF PHYSC 11 INTRO PHYSC 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 S-200 B.VUE PHYSC 11 INTRO PHYSC 3 Th 6:30pm-9:20 S-200 L.SAMORA PHYSICS PHYS 2A 24846 24868 PREREQ: MATH 4A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID PHYS 100S = PHYS 2A + PHYS 2B, and C-ID PHYS 105) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHYS 2A GENERAL PHYS 1 4 TTh 8:00am-9:15 S-270 STAFF AND W 8:00am-10:50 S-260 STAFF PHYS 2A GENERAL PHYS 1 4 TTh 11:00am-12:15 S-270 STAFF AND W 11:00am-1:50 S-260 STAFF PHYS 2B 24872 PREREQ: PHYS 2A. (C-ID PHYS 100S = PHYS 2A + PHYS 2B, and C-ID PHYS 110) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHYS 2B GENERAL PHYS 2 4 TTh 9:30am-10:45 S-270 AND M 8:00am-11:05 S-260 PHYS 4A COREQ: MATH 5B. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID PHYS 205) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHYS 4A PHYS SCIEN/ENGR 4 MW 8:00am-9:20 S-270 D.BALOGH AND Th 8:00am-10:50 S-260 D.BALOGH PHYS 4A PHYS SCIEN/ENGR 4 MW 11:00am-12:20 S-270 D.BALOGH AND Th 11:00am-1:50 S-260 D.BALOGH PHYS 4A PHYS SCIEN/ENGR 4 MW 2:00pm-3:15 S-270 STAFF AND Th 2:00pm-4:50 S-260 STAFF 24873 24875 24878 PHYS 4C 24881 PREREQ: PHYS 4A. PHYS 4B is not a prerequisite. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHYS 4C PHYS SCIEN/ENGR 4 MW 9:30am-10:50 AND T 8:00am-10:50 S-270 S-260 NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. STAFF STAFF D.BALOGH D.BALOGH FRESNO CITY COLLEGE Health Care Providers CPR 131 Career Training Professional Development • American Heart Association CPR • Certification Card upon completion Continuing Education • Saturday and evening programs • Meets state and local requirements • 4.5-hour program Online Programs Program Dates: Monthly in 2014 Worksite Training Call for details: (559) 265-5760 or visit www.fccti.fresnocitycollege.edu www.fccti.fresnocitycollege.edu (559) 265-5760 • (800) 934-3339 Fee-based programs for career and professional growth Phlebotomy Pharmacy Technician Train for a NEW CAREER in Just 5 Months • Evening Program • • • • • Hands-On Training Meets California Requirements Includes 120 hours of Clinical Rotation High Demand Occupation Orientationis mandatory Orientation on November 13, 2013 Program starting January, May, and September • 8 hours per Week • Includes Clinical Hours • Great Career Opportunities Orientation on January 8, 2014 Program Starting February 3, 2014 For details visit www.fccti.fresnocitycollege.edu Fee-based programs for career and professional growth 132 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM Advisory: The ed2go courses are offered in partnership with the Fresno City College Training Institute. Courses are not-for-credit. Courses taken do not articulate with Fresno City College and they do not transfer. NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. INSTRUCTOR FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 133 INSTRUCTOR POLITICAL SCIENCE POLSCI 2 25139 24684 24680 24711 24673 24667 24674 24682 24677 24671 26344 ***** 24679 26345 POLSCI 2H ***** PREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 ARR WEB M.TREZZA AND MW 2:00pm-4:50 FH-103 M.TREZZA AND Th 2:00pm-4:50 OAB-271 M.TREZZA (#25139 is a hybrid distance education class offered via the Internet. This hybrid online class requires 4 face to face class sessions held on the FCC campus at predetermined times and a location. These are mandatory class sessions for an orientation, examinations, and lecture. The required sessions are 01/13 and 05/14 from 2-4:50 p.m. in FH-103, and 02/20 and 03/27 from 2-4:50 p.m. in OAB-231. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at mark.trezza@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “POLSCI 2 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 FH-103 S.VELASQUEZ (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 FH-101 M.TREZZA POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 SO-104 S.VELASQUEZ (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 FH-101 J.JOSEPH POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 FH-101 S.JOHAL POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 FH-103 J.JOSEPH POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 FH-103 M.TREZZA POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 SO-104 J.JOSEPH POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 FH-103 S.JOHAL POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 TTh 2:00pm-5:05 FH-101 J.TUGGLE DATES: (#26344 meets 03/18 to 05/15) POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 TTh 5:30pm-10:00 SO-104 STAFF AND S 8:30am-1:00 HS-250 STAFF DATES: (Above class meets 01/07 to 01/30) (This class is part of the Social Sciences and Business Division 25-Month Programs. Entrance into the class by permission of the respective Division Dean. Meets: 01/07, 01/09, 01/11, 01/14, 01/16, 01/18, 01/21, 01/23, 01/25, 01/28, & 01/30.) POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 FH-101 STAFF POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 W 6:30pm-9:20 SO-210 J.TUGGLE PREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. ADVISORY: Meet the qualifications for consideration for acceptance into the Honors Program recommended. See Honors Program listing in the college catalog. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) POLSCI 2H HON AMERICAN GOV 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 SO-221 S.JOHAL (Contact the Honors Program at [559] 442-8207 for more information.) POLSCI 3 24713 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. (A, CSU) POLSCI 3 POLITICAL THEORY SO-221 S.JOHAL POLSCI 5 24717 ADVISORY: POLSCI 2 and eligibility for ENGL 1A and MATH 260D. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) POLSCI 5 COMPAR GOVERNMT 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 SO-221 S.JOHAL POLSCI 13 24666 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) POLSCI 13 JUDICIAL REASON 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 OAB-231 S.VELASQUEZ 24664 (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) POLSCI 13 JUDICIAL REASON 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-231 B.MCCULLY POLSCI 24 66124 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) POLSCI 24 INTERN RELATIONS 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 SO-210 J.JOSEPH POLSCI 110 24604 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126. (A) POLSCI 110 AMERICAN INST’NS 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 OAB-217 (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) POLSCI 174 ADVISORY: Eligibility for English 125 and 126 or English as a b Second Language 67 and 68 recommended. Formerly POLSCI 74) (A) POLSCI 174 INTERN RELATIONS 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 SO-210 J.JOSEPH 66224 Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. S.VELASQUEZ ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 134 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PSYCHOLOGY PSY 2 24720 24724 24727 24740 24722 26340 24742 24728 25151 25152 24726 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A is recommended. (Formerly PSY 7) (C-ID PSY 110) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 FH-103 T.MARTINEZ (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 FH-103 T.MARTINEZ (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 FH-101 R.SLATON PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 OAB-119 F.WILLIAMS (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 OAB-271 T.MARTINEZ (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-231 C.SULLIVAN PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 OAB-119 F.WILLIAMS (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 TTh 2:00pm-3:15 OAB-217 C.SULLIVAN PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 TTh 2:00pm-4:50 FH-101 L.DA COSTA DATES: (#25151 meets 01/14 to 03/13) (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 TTh 2:00pm-5:05 SO-104 L.DA COSTA DATES: (#25152 meets 03/18 to 05/14) (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) PSY 2 GENERAL PSYCH 3 W 6:30pm-9:20 FH-101 B.SATTERTHWAITE PSY 5 24760 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID PSY 170) (A, CSU, UC) PSY 5 SOCIAL PSYCH 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 FH-103 T.MARTINEZ (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) PSY 15 24718 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU, UC) PSY 15 PSY OF RELIGION 3 M 6:00pm-9:05 OAB-231 PSY 16 24719 ADVISORY: PSY 2 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID PSY 120) (A, CSU, UC) PSY 16 ABNORMAL PSYCH 3 T 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-231 D.HOEHING PSY 25 24744 24749 ADVISORY: PSY 2 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID PSY 130) (A, CSU, UC) PSY 25 HUMAN SEXUALITY 3 MWF 11:00am-11:50 FH-101 R.SLATON PSY 25 HUMAN SEXUALITY 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 FH-103 R.SLATON PSY 33 24756 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) PSY 33 PERS&SOC ADJUST 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 SO-210 24752 PSY 36 25476 (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) PSY 33 PERS&SOC ADJUST 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 SO-209 D.HOEHING F.WILLIAMS L.HUGHES PREREQ: PSY 2. ADVISORY: BIOL 3 or 5, and eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU, UC) PSY 36 BIOLOGICAL PSYCH 3 MW 11:00am-11:50 OAB-271 M.VALENTINO-SINGER AND ARR WEB M.VALENTINO-SINGER (#25476 is a hybrid distance education class. It includes two face-to-face sessions per week along with weekly online contact. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and an active student e-mail account. For more information, contact the instructor at maryann.valentino@fresnocitycollege.edu.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# PSY 38 66206 66207 66205 66251 66204 PSY 39 66212 66208 66209 66210 66211 66250 66213 PSY 42 25372 25370 25374 PSY 45 24758 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 135 INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also CHDEV 38) (C-ID PSY 180) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PSY 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 ARR WEB M.MILLER (#66206 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at marybeth.miller@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “PSY 38 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) PSY 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 SO-208 STAFF PSY 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 SO-209 C.FITZGERALD PSY 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 W 2:30pm-5:20 OAB-216 M.MATEO-LAENO PSY 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 Th 6:30pm-9:20 FH-103 B.COLBERT ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. Verification of freedom from tuberculosis recommended. (See also CHDEV 39) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PSY 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 ARR WEB M.MILLER AND 1HR ARR ARR M.MILLER (#66212 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at marybeth.miller@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “PSY 39 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) PSY 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 AH-208 D.DECKER AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 D.DECKER PSY 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 HS-210 M.MAGNIA AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 M.MAGNIA PSY 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 HS-210 M.MAGNIA AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 M.MAGNIA PSY 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 AH-208 M.MAGNIA AND 1HR ARR CDC-107 M.MAGNIA PSY 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 T 6:30pm-9:20 SO-209 A.GRAVES AND 1HR ARR ARR A.GRAVES PSY 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 SO-104 C.YANN AND 1HR ARR ARR C.YANN PREREQ: MATH 103 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also MATH 42) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PSY 42 STATS-BEHVRL SCI 4 TTh 10:00am-11:50 S-50 S.ANDERSON PSY 42 STATS-BEHVRL SCI 4 MW 12:00pm-1:50 OAB-274 S.ANDERSON PSY 42 STATS-BEHVRL SCI 4 MW 6:00pm-7:50 OAB-278 STAFF PREREQ: PSY 2 or 2H and PSY or MATH 42. ADVISORY: ENGL 1A or 1AH. (C-ID PSY 200) (A, CSU, UC) PSY 45 PSY RESEARCH METH 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 OAB-119 (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) F.WILLIAMS RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY RAD 2A ***** PREREQ: RAD 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D. COREQ: RAD 2B, 2C and 2D. (A, CSU) RAD 2A RAD BIOLOGY 6 MWF 9:00am-10:50 HS-200 J.SHULTZ RAD 2B ***** ***** ***** PREREQ: RAD 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D. COREQ: RAD 2A, 2C and 2D. (A, CSU) RAD 2B ADV POSITION LAB 1 T 8:00am-10:50 RAD 2B ADV POSITION LAB 1 T 11:00am-1:50 RAD 2B ADV POSITION LAB 1 T 2:00pm-4:50 HS-110 HS-110 HS-110 S.OAKS S.OAKS S.OAKS RAD 2C ***** PREREQ: RAD 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D. COREQ: RAD 2A, 2B and 2D. (A, CSU) RAD 2C CLINIC OBSERV LB 3 Th 8:00am-4:15 HOSP S.OAKS RAD 2D PREREQ: RAD 1A, 1B,1C and 1D. COREQ: RAD 2A, 2B and 2C. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement for Radiologic Technology majors only.) (A, CSU) RAD 2D QUALITY ASSURANC 1 MWF 11:00am-11:50 HS-200 S.OAKS ***** Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 136 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR S.OAKS RAD 5A ***** PREREQ: RAD 4A, 4B, and 4C. COREQ: RAD 5B and 5C. (A, CSU) RAD 5A SPECIAL PROCED 2 Th (TAACCCT Grant) 3:00pm-4:50 HS-100 RAD 5B ***** PREREQ: RAD 4A, 4B, and 4C. COREQ: RAD 5A and 5C. (A, CSU) RAD 5B SPECIAL CLINICAL 12 MTWF (TAACCCT Grant) 8:00am-4:50 HOSP J.SHULTZ RAD 5C ***** PREREQ: RAD 4A, 4B, and 4C. (A, CSU) RAD 5C FLUOROSCOPY (TAACCCT Grant) 12:00pm-2:50 HS-110 J.SHULTZ 2 Th REAL ESTATE RE 40 24586 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly RE 50) (A, CSU) RE 40 RE PRINCIPLES 3 MW 6:00pm-9:05 OAB-278 DATES: (#24586 meets 01/13 to 03/12) 24589 PREREQ: RE 40 or hold a license as a real estate salesperson or broker in California. (Formerly RE 51) (A, CSU) RE 41 RE PRACTICE 3 MW 6:00pm-9:05 OAB-278 G.CARTER DATES: (#24589 meets 03/17 to 05/14) RE 41 G.CARTER RECREATION REC 19 ***** COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) REC 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 W 11:00am-11:50 G-112 S.YATES AND 7HRS ARR ARR S.YATES REC 20 25981 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) REC 20 INTRO TO REC 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 G-112 P.KEYSAW REC 21 25982 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) REC 21 REC LEADERSHIP 3 TTh 12:00pm-12:50 G-112 AND 2HRS ARR ARR P.KEYSAW P.KEYSAW REC 23 25983 COREQ: REC 20. (A, CSU) REC 23 OUTDOOR REC 3 AND TTh 3HRS ARR 11:00am-11:50 G-112 ARR P.KEYSAW P.KEYSAW RESPIRATORY CARE RCARE 19 ***** COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to occupational work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major. Offered under specific majors. (A, CSU) RCARE 19 COOP WKEXP-OCCUP 1-8 ARR ARR K.DUNCAN AND 7HRS ARR ARR K.DUNCAN RCARE 21 ***** PREREQ: RCARE 20. ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (A, CSU) RCARE 21 APPLIC & PROCED 11 TWTh AND F RCARE 23 PREREQ: RCARE 22. COREQ: RCARE 25. ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement for Respiratory Care Practitioner majors only.) (A, CSU) RCARE 23 CLINIC APPLIC II 9 M 1:30pm-3:20 HS-230 V.FRAIN AND MTWTh 7:00am-12:30 HOSP V.FRAIN ***** 9:00am-12:50 7:00am-10:25 HS-230 HOSP-H NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. D.DAY D.DAY FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# RCARE 25 ***** SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES PREREQ: RCARE 22. COREQ: RCARE 23. ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (A, CSU) RCARE 25 RESP DISEASE 2 T 1:30pm-3:20 137 ROOM INSTRUCTOR HS-230 V.FRAIN SOCIOLOGY SOC 1A 24798 24761 24796 26353 24799 24791 24797 24762 24765 24793 24789 26339 24792 26352 24794 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also SOC 160) (C-ID SOCI 110) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 TTh 8:00am-9:15 OAB-271 M.VINICOR SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 FH-101 C.GAROUPA SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 SO-104 L.VANG SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 AH-208 C.GAROUPA SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 OAB-271 M.VINICOR SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 SO-211 N.GUTIERREZ-SAUCEDA SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 FH-103 L.VANG SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 OAB-271 C.GAROUPA SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 OAB-216 N.GUTIERREZ-SAUCEDA SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 SO-104 B.NAVARRO SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 OAB-216 N.GUTIERREZ-SAUCEDA SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 SO-221 B.NAVARRO SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 MW 5:00pm-6:20 SO-104 C.MEDRANO SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 OAB-225 STAFF SOC 1A INTRO TO SOC 3 M 6:30pm-9:35 FH-103 L.VANG SOC 1B 24800 ADVISORY: ENGL 1A and SOC 1A or 1AH. (C-ID SOCI 115) (A, CSU, UC) SOC 1B CRIT THKNG SOC PROB 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 SOC 5 66200 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also WSTS 5) (A, CSU) SOC 5 SOC OF RAPE 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 OAB-119 M.VINICOR SOC 7 66201 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also WSTS 7) (A, CSU) SOC 7 DOMEST VIOLENCE 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 AH-208 R.CLIFT SOC 10 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also HS 10) (Formerly SOC 22) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) SOC 10 SOC OF AGING 3 MW 1:30pm-2:50 OAB-217 W.DAILEY JR SOC 10 SOC OF AGING 3 MW 3:00pm-4:20 OAB-217 W.DAILEY JR (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) SOC 10 SOC OF AGING 3 MW 5:00pm-6:20 OAB-217 W.DAILEY JR (Extensive use of a computer and the Internet is required for graded assignments in this class.) 66252 66221 66220 SO-211 L.VANG SOC 14 66214 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also CLS 14) (A, CSU, UC) SOC 14 SOC MEX AMER COM 3 MW 3:30pm-4:50 AH-108 C.MEDRANO SOC 31 24801 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) SOC 31 CHILD IN SOCIETY 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 SO-211 SOC 32 24802 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID SOCI 130) (A, CSU-GE, UC) SOC 32 MARRIAGE & FAMILY 3 MWF 8:00am-8:50 OAB-119 M.VINICOR N.GUTIERREZ-SAUCEDA SUPERVISED TUTORING ST 300 ***** ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly ST 100) ST 300 SUPERVISED TUTOR ST 300 SUPERVISED TUTOR Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. 0 0 ARR ARR ARR ARR T.VILLALBA R.SANCHEZ ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 138 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (See also SPEECH 12) (A, CSU-GE, UC) TA 12 ORAL INTERP 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:15 TA-105 TA 12 ORAL INTERP 3 T 7:00pm-9:50 MS-104 A.SPJUTE STAFF THEATRE ARTS TA 12 69124 69125 TA 15C 69200 PREREQ: ENGL 1A or the equivalent. (See also ENGL 15C) (A, CSU, UC) TA 15C CREA WRT: PLAYWRT 3 TTh 1:00pm-2:15 TA 23 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (C-ID THTR 192) (A, CSU) TA 23 TECH THEATRE PRACT 3 Th 1:00pm-1:50 AND T 1:00pm-3:50 AND 62HRS ARR (Students must crew one show) 23550 MS-103 C.ERVEN OAB-188 TA-118 ARR C.BOLTZ C.BOLTZ C.BOLTZ TA-106 C.BOLTZ TA 27B 23551 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A and MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU) TA 27B LIGHTING DESIGN 3 MW 1:00pm-2:50 TA 28 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly TA 37) (C-ID THTR 175) (A, CSU, UC) TA 28 STAGE MAKEUP 3 MW 8:00am-10:20 TA-108 C.QUINN TA 29A 69329 PREREQ: TA 23. (A, CSU) TA 29A ADV THRTE PRAC I 1 T 1:00pm-3:50 TA-118 C.BOLTZ TA 29B 69429 PREREQ: TA 29A. (C-ID THTR 173) (A, CSU) TA 29B ADV THRTE PRAC II 1 T 1:00pm-3:50 TA-118 C.BOLTZ TA 30 23555 23556 23557 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (C-ID THTR 111 and 112) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) TA 30 THEATRE APPREC 3 MW 9:00am-10:20 OAB-176 TA 30 THEATRE APPREC 3 MW 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-127 TA 30 THEATRE APPREC 3 Th 6:00pm-8:50 MS-104 C.ERVEN C.ERVEN J.KNUDSEN 23558 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly TA 32B) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) TA 32 HIST/DRAMA LIT 2 3 TTh 9:30am-10:45 OAB-127 A.SPJUTE 23559 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly TA 35B) (C-ID THTR 174) (A, CSU, UC) TA 36 COSTUME DESIGN 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 TA-106 23552 TA 32 TA 36 D.SHAPAZIAN TA 39A 23560 PREREQ: TA 23. (A, CSU) TA 39A INT CREW PRACT I DATES: (#23560 meets 02/21 to 03/14) TA 40 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (C-ID THTR 191) (A, CSU) TA 40 PERFORM PRACTICM 3 ARR ARR D.SHAPAZIAN AND 14HRS ARR ARR D.SHAPAZIAN DATES: (Above class meets 01/21 to 03/14) (You must audition and be cast as an actor in our Fall or Spring production to be added to this class. Auditions are held at the beginning of the semester - please check with the department for dates and times. This class will have its first meeting at 6:00 pm on 01/21/14 in TA-105.) ***** TA 41 1 ARR TA-118 C.BOLTZ 23562 23563 23564 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly TA 31A) (C-ID THTR 151) (A, CSU-GE, UC) TA 41 BEGINNING ACTING 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 TA-105 TA 41 BEGINNING ACTING 3 TTh 2:30pm-3:45 TA-105 TA 41 BEGINNING ACTING 3 MW 2:30pm-3:50 TA-105 23565 PREREQ: TA 41 or TA 42. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Formerly TA 31B) (C-ID THTR 152) (A, CSU-GE, UC) TA 43 INTERMED ACTING 3 MW 10:30am-11:50 TA-105 C.ERVEN TA 43 TA 44A 69344 PREREQ: TA 41 or TA 42 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. Theatre Arts 43 recommended. (Formerly TA 38A and 38B and TA 38) (A, CSU-GE, UC) TA 44A ACTORS WORKSHOP 3 MW 12:00pm-2:20 TA-105 NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. C.ERVEN J.CHRISTL J.CHRISTL J.CHRISTL FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 139 INSTRUCTOR TA 44B 69444 PREREQ: TA 41 and TA 44A. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) TA 44B ACTORS WORKSHOP 2 3 MW 12:00pm-2:20 TA-105 TA 45 PREREQ: Students must either be selected by Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival adjudicators for participation in the festival, or be approved by the instructor to attend. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU) TA 45 KENNEDY CNTR FSTVL 2 TTh 4:00pm-5:15 TA-105 J.CHRISTL AND 54HRS ARR ARR J.CHRISTL DATES: (Above class meets 01/14 to 02/27) ***** J.CHRISTL TA 48A ***** ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU) TA 48A TEASERS I 1 ARR AND 2.25HRS ARR DATES: (Above class meets 04/07 to 05/16) ARR ARR C.ERVEN C.ERVEN TA 48B ***** ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU) TA 48B TEASERS II 1 ARR AND 2.25HRS ARR DATES: (Above class meets 04/07 to 05/16) ARR ARR C.ERVEN C.ERVEN TA 348 ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly TA 80) TA 348 SENIOR PLAY PROD ARR ARR STAFF STAFF 0 AND ARR 10HRS ARR DATES: (Above class meets 03/10 to 06/16) WELDING TECHNOLOGY WELD 1 26210 26211 WELD 2A 26212 26224 WELD 2B 67114 67120 WELD 3A 67214 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. Recommended for students with no prior welding experience. (A, CSU) WELD 1 EXPL WELD/METALS 3 TTh 9:00am-11:15 T-107 STAFF (This course requires a $5.00 materials fee.) WELD 1 EXPL WELD/METALS 3 TTh 3:00pm-5:15 T-107 STAFF (This course requires a $5.00 materials fee.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (Formerly WELD 51A) (A, CSU) WELD 2A INTRO WELD TECH 6 MTWTh 12:00pm-2:20 T-107 B.CAMACHO (This course requires a $20.00 materials fee.) WELD 2A INTRO WELD TECH 6 MW 6:00pm-10:50 T-107 T.DAVIS (This course requires a $20.00 materials fee.) PREREQ: WELD 2A. (A, CSU) WELD 2B ADV MULTI-PROC WELD 5 (This course requires a $22.00 materials fee.) WELD 2B ADV MULTI-PROC WELD 5 (This course requires a $22.00 materials fee.) MW 7:00am-11:50 T-107 B.CAMACHO TTh 6:00pm-10:50 T-107 T.DAVIS PREREQ: CADDD 14 and WELD 2B. ADVISORY: DRAFT 12, and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (A, CSU) WELD 3A DESIGN & FABR 5 MW 7:00am-11:50 T-107 B.CAMACHO (This course requires a $22.00 materials fee.) WELD 3B 67314 PREREQ: WELD 3A. (A, CSU) WELD 3B ADV DESIGN & FABR 5 (This course requires a $22.00 materials fee.) WELD 4A ADVISORY: WELD 2B or equivalent, DRAFT 12, and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (A, CSU) WELD 4A STRUC STEEL CERT 5 TTh 6:00pm-10:50 T-107 T.DAVIS (This course requires a $22.00 materials fee.) 67220 Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. MW 7:00am-11:50 T-107 B.CAMACHO ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 140 P SCH# WELD 4B 67320 WELD 56 26228 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: WELD 2B or equivalent, DRAFT 12, and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (A, CSU) WELD 4B PIPE, TUBE & CERT 5 TTh 6:00pm-10:50 T-107 T.DAVIS (This course requires a $44.00 materials fee.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 or AT 130 recommended. (A, CSU) WELD 56 BLUEPRINT READING 2 M 6:00pm-8:05 T-110D STAFF WOMEN’S STUDIES WSTS 5 66100 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also SOC 5) (A, CSU) WSTS 5 SOC OF RAPE 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 OAB-119 M.VINICOR WSTS 7 66101 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also SOC 7) (A, CSU) WSTS 7 DOMEST VIOLENCE 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 AH-208 R.CLIFT WSTS 10 24804 24805 24806 24807 26333 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) WSTS 10 ROLES OF WOMEN 3 MWF 9:00am-9:50 OAB-231 WSTS 10 ROLES OF WOMEN 3 MWF 10:00am-10:50 OAB-231 WSTS 10 ROLES OF WOMEN 3 MWF 12:00pm-12:50 OAB-231 WSTS 10 ROLES OF WOMEN 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 OAB-271 WSTS 10 ROLES OF WOMEN 3 MWF 1:00pm-1:50 SO-104 WSTS 25 66223 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also HS 25) (A, CSU) WSTS 25 ASSERT TRAINING 2 M 6:00pm-8:05 OAB-216 WSTS 30 66203 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also ASAMER 30) (A, CSU, UC) WSTS 30 ASIAN-AMER WOMEN 3 TTh 12:30pm-1:45 AH-208 G.GONG WSTS 41 66202 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also AFRAM 41) (A, CSU, UC) WSTS 41 AFRAM WOMEN 3 TTh 11:00am-12:15 AH-106 K.KIRK WSTS 43 66219 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also FN 43) (A, CSU) WSTS 43 WOMEN NUTRITION 2 T 6:30pm-8:20 OAB-271 L.DEKRUIF L.DEKRUIF L.DEKRUIF L.DEKRUIF L.DEKRUIF D.HARRIS N.CANNON WORK EXPERIENCE, GENERAL WKEXP 19 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** COREQ: Fall and Spring Semesters: Must be enrolled in at least one other course, in addition to work experience. Summer Session: Enrollment in another college course is optional. Work experience need not be related to student’s educational goals. (A, CSU) WKEXP 19 COOP WKEXP-GENRL 1-3 M 7:00am-7:50 LI-140 B.DUNN AND 2HRS ARR ARR B.DUNN WKEXP 19 COOP WKEXP-GENRL 1-3 M 12:00pm-12:50 LI-140 B.DUNN AND 2HRS ARR ARR B.DUNN WKEXP 19 COOP WKEXP-GENRL 1-3 T 12:00pm-12:50 LI-140 J.ANDERSON AND 2HRS ARR ARR J.ANDERSON WKEXP 19 COOP WKEXP-GENRL 1-3 W 12:00pm-12:50 LI-140 K.KAISER CLAREY AND 2HRS ARR ARR K.KAISER CLAREY WKEXP 19 COOP WKEXP-GENRL 1-3 Th 12:00pm-12:50 ARR J.ANDERSON AND 2HRS ARR ARR J.ANDERSON WKEXP 19 COOP WKEXP-GENRL 1-3 F 12:00pm-12:50 LI-140 K.KAISER CLAREY AND 2HRS ARR ARR K.KAISER CLAREY WKEXP 19 COOP WKEXP-GENRL 1-3 T 5:00pm-5:50 ARR STAFF AND 2HRS ARR ARR STAFF WKEXP 19 COOP WKEXP-GENRL 1-3 W 5:00pm-5:50 ARR STAFF AND 2HRS ARR ARR STAFF NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 141 INSTRUCTOR Career and Technology Center AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REPAIR, CTC ACRCTC 371 ***** PREREQ: None. (Open Entry/Open Exit) ACRCTC 371 WELD/SHEET METAL ACRCTC 372 ***** PREREQ: None. (Open Entry/Open Exit) ACRCTC 372 BODY WORK TECH ACRCTC 373 ***** PREREQ: None. (Open Entry/Open Exit) ACRCTC 373 AUTO REFINISHNG 0 AND DAILY ARR 8:20am-2:10 CTC-B ARR L.AGUILAR L.AGUILAR 0 AND DAILY ARR 8:20am-2:10 CTC-B ARR L.AGUILAR L.AGUILAR 0 AND DAILY ARR 8:20am-2:10 CTC-B ARR L.AGUILAR L.AGUILAR 0 AND DAILY ARR 8:00am-1:50 CTC-K ARR T.HUNTER T.HUNTER 0 AND DAILY ARR 9:00am-2:50 CTC-F ARR T.ELIZONDO T.ELIZONDO 8:00am-9:35 CTC-G ARR L.SLOAN L.SLOAN AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS, CTC AMCTC 371 ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly AMVTC 71) AMCTC 371 ENGINE REPAIR AMCTC 372 ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly AMVTC 72) AMCTC 372 ENGINE PERFORM INDUSTRIAL TRAINING, CTC ITCTC 371 ***** COREQ: ITCTC 372. (Open Entry/Open Exit) (Formerly ITVTC 71) ITCTC 371 WHSE/DISTRIBUTN 0 DAILY AND ARR ITCTC 372 ***** COREQ: ITCTC 371. ITCTC 372 WHSE/DISTRIBUTN 0 AND DAILY ARR 9:50am-11:25 CTC-G ARR L.SLOAN L.SLOAN 0 AND DAILY ARR 8:00am-1:50 CTC-L ARR D.MOONEYHAM D.MOONEYHAM 0 AND DAILY ARR 8:00am-1:50 CTC-L ARR D.MOONEYHAM D.MOONEYHAM 0 AND DAILY ARR 8:00am-1:50 CTC-L ARR D.MOONEYHAM D.MOONEYHAM MAINTENANCE MECHANIC, CTC MMCTC 370 ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly MMVTC 70) MMCTC 370 WELD & MACH SHOP MMCTC 371 ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly MMVTC 71) MMCTC 371 HYDRAULICS-PNEUM MMCTC 372 ***** PREREQ: None. (Formerly MMVTC 72) MMCTC 372 ELECTRICAL FUND Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 142 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR MANUFACTURING MECHANIC, CTC MFGMCTC 351 PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 351 INTRO TO MANUFCTRNG DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 03/21) 0 DAILY 12:00pm-1:30 CTC-N F.MORISSON MFGMCTC 352A PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 352A TRADE MATH DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 03/28) 0 DAILY 1:45pm-3:15 CTC-N F.MORISSON MFGMCTC 352B PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 352B PROG CONTROLLERS DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 03/19) 0 DAILY 3:30pm-5:00 CTC-N J.WALLIS MFGMCTC 352C ADVISORY: Completion of Manufacturing Mechanic CTC 352C. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 352C JOB PREPARATION 0 DAILY 12:00pm-1:30 CTC-N DATES: (Above class meets 03/31 to 04/02) J.WALLIS MFGMCTC 352D ADVISORY: Completion of Manufacturing Mechanic CTC 352B. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 352D TECH REPRT WRITING 0 DAILY 1:40pm-3:10 CTC-N DATES: (Above class meets 03/31 to 04/02) J.WALLIS MFGMCTC 353A PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 353A FLUID PWR FUNDMNTLS DATES: (Above class meets 03/24 to 03/28) CTC-N F.MORISSON MFGMCTC 353B ADVISORY: Completion of Manufacturing Mechanic CTC 353A. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 353B PNEUMATIC FUND 0 DAILY 12:00pm-3:15 CTC-N DATES: (Above class meets 04/21 to 04/23) L.ZERWIG MFGMCTC 353C PREREQ: Completion of Manufacturing Mechanic CTC 353A. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 353C HYDRAULIC FUND 0 DAILY 3:30pm-6:45 CTC-L DATES: (Above class meets 04/21 to 04/23) D.MOONEYHAM MFGMCTC 354A PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 354A POWER TRANSMISSION DATES: (Above class meets 03/31 to 04/04) 0 0 DAILY DAILY 12:00pm-1:30 3:30pm-5:00 CTC-N L.ZERWIG MFGMCTC 354B PREREQ: Completion of Manufacturing Mechanic CTC 354A. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 354B WELDING FUNDMNTLS 0 DAILY 2:00pm-5:20 CTC-L DATES: (Above class meets 05/08 to 05/12) D.MOONEYHAM MFGMCTC 354C ADVISORY: Completion of MFGMCTC 354A. (PASS/NO PASS only) ***** MFGMCTC 354C ELECTRICL 0 DAILY 12:00pm-4:50 DATES: (Above class meets 04/28 to 04/30) CTC-N NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. F.MORISSON FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 143 INSTRUCTOR Distance Education State Center Community College District has two different types of distance/distributed education: Online Courses Online courses are distributed through the Internet, allowing for flexibility in time and place.You must have access to a computer and the Internet to participate in an online class. Students who are most successful in taking online classes are self-motivated. Students need to be comfortable in communicating electronically rather than through the oral interaction that takes place in a traditional classroom. Videoconference Courses Students taking these classes need to meet at a specified classroom location. Two-way interactive video conferencing allows for the distribution of live lectures and content through video-conferencing-equipped classrooms. These classrooms allow course instruction to occur through two-way audio and video interaction at connected sites. The instructor provides live instruction in the originating classroom, and it appears via video and audio links to other campuses/centers/sites. For questions contact: Fresno City College www.fresnocitycollege.edu for Automotive Technology classes (AUTOT or EST) (559) 442-4600, ext. 8526 for Business classes (ACCTG, BA, BT, or CIT) (559) 442-8222 for Counseling classes (COUN) (559) 442-4600, ext. 8634 for Fine, Performing & Communications Arts classes (ART, COMM, MUS, ) (559) 4600, ext. 8133 for Health Sciences classes (HIT, HLTH, MA, RN) (559) 244-2624 for Humanities classes (ENGL, LING, PHIL) (559) 442-8281 for Library Technology classes (LITEC, LIBSKL) (559) 442-8206 for Mathematics classes (MATH or BIOL) (559) 442-8215 for Social Sciences classes (CHDEV, CRIM, HS, POLSCI, and PSY) (559) 442-8210 Spring 2014 Online Courses ACCOUNTING ACCTG 4A 22732 22733 ACCTG 4B 22895 PREREQ: ENGL 125 and 126 and MATH 201 or equivalent. Enrolled or previously completed CIT 12 or 15. (C-ID ACCT 110) (A, CSU, UC) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 ARR WEB K.VALDEZ AND ARR ARR K.VALDEZ DATES: (#22732 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (#22732 is a distance education class offered via the Internet with an on-campus or arranged final. Students need access to a computer with Internet and an e-mail account. Each student must e-mail the instructor at kathaleen.valdez@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) ACCTG 4A FINANCIAL ACCTG 4 ARR WEB M.KELLEY AND ARR ARR M.KELLEY (#22733 is a distance education class offered via the Internet with an on-campus or arranged final. Students need access to a computer with Internet and an e-mail account. Each student must visit the following web link http://online.fresnocitycollege.edu/faculty/mkelley/FYI.htm for more information about the course before the first day of class. Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4A classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4A.) PREREQ: ACCTG 4A or equivalent. (C-ID ACCT 120) (A, CSU, UC) ACCTG 4B MANAGERIAL ACCTG 4 ARR WEB R.DUSTIN JR AND ARR ARR R.DUSTIN JR (#22895 is a distance education class offered via the Internet with an on-campus or arranged final on a date between 05/19 through 05/23. Students need access to a computer with Internet and an e-mail account. Each student must e-mail the instructor at ron.dustin@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Students need to be aware that all ACCTG 4B classes require homework to be completed through an online computerized homework management system. MS Excel is occasionally used in ACCTG 4B.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 144 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR BIOLOGY BIOL 3 24043 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 3 INTRO LIFE SCI 4 ARR WEB V.GUTIERREZ-OSBORNE AND M 6:00pm-8:05 S-150 V.GUTIERREZ-OSBORNE (#24043 is a hybrid distance education class. Students are required to attend face-to-face lab sessions on campus [Monday from 6:00--8:05pm]. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection. Exams will be given in the laboratory. For further information, please contact the instructor at v.gutierrez-osborne@fresnocitycollege.edu) BIOL 5 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and eligibility MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 4 ARR WEB STAFF AND W 6:00pm-7:50 S-150 STAFF (#24055 is a hybrid distance education class. Students are required to attend face-to-face lab sessions on campus [Wednesdays from 6:00--7:50pm]. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection. Exams will be given both online and in the laboratory. For further information, please contact the instructor at shirley.mcmanus@fresnocitycollege.edu.). BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 4 ARR WEB S.MCMANUS AND T 1:00pm-2:50 S-150 S.MCMANUS (#24058 is a hybrid distance education class. Students are required to attend face-to-face lab sessions on campus [Tuesday from 1:00--2:50pm]. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection. Exams will be given both online and in the laboratory. For further information, please contact the instructor at shirley.mcmanus@fresnocitycollege.edu.). BIOL 5 HUMAN BIOLOGY 4 ARR WEB S.MCMANUS AND Th 1:00pm-2:50 S-150 S.MCMANUS (#24059 is a hybrid distance education class. Students are required to attend face-to-face lab sessions on campus [Thursdays from 1:00--2:50pm]. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection. Exams will be given both online and in the laboratory. For further information, please contact the instructor at shirley.mcmanus@fresnocitycollege.edu). 24055 24058 24059 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BA 5 63105 BA 10 23511 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. BT 1 or knowledge of proper business letter format and ability to type 25 words per minute. (See also BT 5) (A, CSU) BA 5 WORKPLACE COMMUN 3 ARR WEB L.SMITH (#63105 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must have a word processing program, access to the Internet and an active SCCCD e-mail account which will be used for all communication. Each student must log on to Blackboard and complete first assignment on the first day of class to confirm enrollment or will be dropped so waitlisted students can be added. E-mail the instructor at lorraine. smith@fresnocitycollege.edu on the start date for further class access information. The class requires one face-to-face presentation on campus or a comparable assignment arranged with the instructor. Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID BUS 110) (A, CSU, UC) BA 10 INTRO TO BUSINES 3 ARR WEB W.SYVERTSEN (#23511 is a distance education class offered via the Internet using Blackboard. Students need access to a computer and possess Internet and e-mail skills. Blackboard activation will occur one week prior to the start of class. Enrolled students are expected to enter Blackboard [http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu] and using their 7-digit student ID number as username and password, enter the specific course. In addition, enrolled students are expected to have completed the Learning Agreement by noon on the first day of instruction, otherwise they will be dropped and someone from the waitlist will be added. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact William A. Syvertsen at william.syvertsen@fresnocitycollege.edu.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# BA 18 23519 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 145 INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BA 18A) (C-ID BUS 120) (A, CSU, UC) BA 18 BUS & LEGAL ENV 4 ARR WEB N.HOLLAND (#23519 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and possess Internet and e-mail skills. A Welcome Letter will be sent out prior to the start of the class giving specific instructions as to how to enter and sign in through Blackboard. Those placed on the waitlist will be contacted by the instructor if there is room available. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled for this course.) BA 30 23539 ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 30 PERSONAL FINANCE 4 ARR WEB W.SYVERTSEN (#23539 is a distance education class offered via the Internet using Blackboard. Students need access to a computer and possess Internet and e-mail skills. Blackboard activation will occur one week prior to the start of class. Enrolled students are expected to enter Blackboard [http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu] and using their 7-digit student ID number as username and password, enter the specific course. In addition, enrolled students are expected to have completed the Learning Agreement by noon on the first day of instruction, otherwise they will be dropped and someone from the waitlist will be added. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact William A. Syvertsen at william.syvertsen@fresnocitycollege.edu.) BA 31 23543 ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and ENGL 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 31 HUM RESOURCE MGMT 4 ARR WEB L.ANDERSON (#23543 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer, the Internet, MS Office [Word and PPT]. Students must also have and routinely check their campus e-mail. Enrolled students must post on the discussion board the first day of class by 9:00 p.m. or they will be dropped.) BA 33 23566 ADVISORY: BA 10 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 33 HUMAN RELATIONS 3 ARR WEB STAFF DATES: (#23566 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#23566 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer, the Internet, MS Office [Word and PPT]. Students must also have and routinely check their campus e-mail. Enrolled students must post on the discussion board the first day of class by 9:00 p.m. or they will be dropped.) BA 48 23571 ADVISORY: CIT 12 or 15 and eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU) BA 48 e-BUSINESS 3 ARR WEB W.VANDER PLAATS (#23571 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and Internet as well as have e-mail and MS Office PC [not a Mac] skills. For further information, contact the instructor for further class access information at william_vanderplaats@fresnocitycollege.edu.) BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY BT 1 23601 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and BT 106 or keyboarding at 20wpm at 96% accuracy on a 3-minute timed writing recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly BIP 1) (A, CSU) BT 1 CMPTR DOC PROC I 3 ARR WEB S.MARTIN AND ARR ARR S.MARTIN (#23601 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students need access to a PC computer [or MAC with Boot Camp or Parallels to run MS Word], the Internet, MS Word 2007, 2010, or 2013, and an activated school e-mail account that is routinely checked. Students will meet on campus for the final exam. Enrolled students will receive course information via the e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu on the first or second day of the term. Students with an invalid e-mail address or who do not complete the first day’s assignment will be dropped as no-shows. For more information, contact the instructor at sheila.martin@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 146 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE 23608 BT 1 CMPTR DOC PROC I BT 2 23618 BT 5 63205 BT 6 23671 BT 9 23674 UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR 3 ARR WEB R.NELSON AND ARR ARR R.NELSON (#23608 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students need access to a PC computer [or MAC with Boot Camp or Parallels to run MS Word 2010], the Internet, MS Word 2010 and an activated school e-mail account that is routinely checked. Students will meet on campus for the final exam. Enrolled students will receive course information via the e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu on the first day or second day of the term. Students with invalid e-mail addresses or who do not complete the first week’s assignment or the discussion by the due date will be dropped as no shows. For more information, contact Rebecca Nelson at rebecca.nelson@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) PREREQ: BT 1 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly BSS 1B and BIP 2) (A, CSU) BT 2 CMPTR DOC PROC II 3 ARR WEB J.THIESSEN AND ARR ARR J.THIESSEN (#23618 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a PC computer with MS Word 2010, the Internet, and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu the first or second day of the term. Students with invalid e-mail addresses or who do not complete the first week’s assignment or the discussion by the due date will be dropped as no shows. Students will meet on campus for the mid-term and final exam. For additional information, contact the instructor at jolene.thiessen@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. BT 1 or knowledge of proper business letter format and ability to type 25 words per minute. (See also BA 5) (Formerly BGO 5) (A, CSU) BT 5 WORKPLACE COMMUN 3 ARR WEB L.SMITH (#63205 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must have a word processing program, access to the Internet and an active SCCCD e-mail account which will be used for all communication. Each student must log on to Blackboard and complete first assignment on the first day of class to confirm enrollment or will be dropped so waitlisted students can be added. E-mail the instructor at lorraine. smith@fresnocitycollege.edu on the start date for further class access information. The class requires one face-to-face presentation on campus or a comparable assignment arranged with the instructor. Students need to be aware that all classes in BA require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: BT 106 or equivalent. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BIP 10 and BT 10) (A, CSU) BT 6 RECORD MANAGEMENT 3 ARR WEB J.THIESSEN AND ARR ARR J.THIESSEN (#23671 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a PC computer with MS Word 2010, MS Access 2010, the Internet, and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu the first or second day of the term. Students with invalid e-mail addresses or who do not complete the first week’s assignment or the discussion by the due date will be dropped as no shows. Students will meet on campus for the final exam. For additional information, contact the instructor at jolene.thiessen@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: BT 1 or equivalent. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68, and MATH 201 recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly BIP 9) (A, CSU) BT 9 COMPTR APPLCTNS I 4 ARR WEB S.BOLT AND ARR ARR S.BOLT (#23674 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer, the Internet, MS Office 2010, the e-mail account assigned by the college, and to be able to purchase the text the first week of the course. Students will meet once on campus for the final exam. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu by the first day of the term and complete the required assignment or they will be dropped as no shows. For additional information, contact the instructor at sandra.bolt@fresnocitycollege.edu. Waitlisted students must e-mail the instructor on the first day of class. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# BT 11 23677 BT 13 23679 BT 23 23683 BT 28 23709 23710 23711 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 147 INSTRUCTOR ADVISORY: BT 106 or BT 1 or equivalent. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BGO 18) (A, CSU) BT 11 TODAY’S OFFICE 3 ARR WEB S.MARTIN AND ARR ARR S.MARTIN (#23677 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, or 2013 installed, and must have Internet access and e-mail skills. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu by the first or second day of the term. Students with invalid e-mail addresses or who do not complete the first week’s assignment or the discussion by the due date will be dropped as no shows. This class requires one Friday afternoon on-campus for telephone training from 5:30-8:30 p.m., actual date to be announced. For additional information, contact the instructor at sheila.martin@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) PREREQ: BT 112. (Formerly BIP 62) (A, CSU) BT 13 BUSINESS CORRESP 2 ARR WEB M.SHIREY DATES: (#23679 meets 02/18 to 05/16) (#23679 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Internet, Microsoft Word, and an e-mail account. Students must e-mail the instructor at melinda.shirey@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Enrolled students who do not contact the instructor by the start date will be dropped so waitlisted students can be added. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) BT 23 JOB SEARCH/WRKP 3 ARR WEB A.BELL (#23683 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Internet, Microsoft Word, and an e-mail account. Students must e-mail the instructor at autumn.bell@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Enrolled students who do not contact the instructor by the start date will be dropped so waitlisted students can be added. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: BT 106 or equivalent. Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly BIP 28)(A, CSU) BT 28 MICROSOFT WORD I 2 ARR WEB R.HART AND ARR ARR R.HART DATES: (#23709 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#23709 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013, Internet and an active District e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu and post an introduction by the second day of the term. Students who do not complete the first assignment by the due date will be dropped as no shows. The final exam will be given on campus. For additional information, contact the instructor at robyn.hart@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 28 MICROSOFT WORD I 2 ARR WEB R.HART AND ARR ARR R.HART DATES: (#23710 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#23710 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013, Internet and an active District e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu and post an introduction by the second day of the term. Students who do not complete the first assignment by the due date will be dropped as no shows. The final exam will be given on campus. For additional information, contact the instructor at robyn.hart@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 28 MICROSOFT WORD I 2 ARR WEB M.SHIREY AND ARR ARR M.SHIREY DATES: (#23711 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (#23711 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2010, Internet and an active District e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu by the first or second day of the term. Students who do not complete the first assignment by the due date will be dropped as no shows. The final exam will be given on campus. For additional information, contact the instructor at melinda.shirey@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 148 P SCH# BT 29 23773 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: BT 28 or BT 9 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BIP 29) (A, CSU) BT 29 MICROSFT WORD II 2 ARR WEB R.HART AND ARR ARR R.HART DATES: (#23773 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (#23773 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013, Internet and an active District e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu and post an introduction by the second day of the term. Students who do not complete the first assignment by the due date will be dropped as no shows. The final exam will be given on campus. For additional information, contact the instructor at robyn.hart@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 106 23818 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BIP 6 and BT 6) (A) BT 106 COMPUTER KEYBDNG 1.5 ARR WEB S.MARTIN AND ARR ARR S.MARTIN DATES: (#23818 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (#23818 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer with Internet and should have e-mail skills. The instructor will meet with students mid-way through the course for techniques testing. Enrolled students will receive course information via e-mail address showing on WebAdvisor on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website at http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege by the first or second day of the term. Students who do not complete the first week’s assignment will be dropped as no-shows. This course has an on-campus final. For additional information, contact the instructor at sheila.martin@fresnocitycollege.edu. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 112 23843 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly BIP 59 and BT 12) (A) BT 112 BUSINESS ENGLISH 3 ARR WEB R.NELSON (#23843 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Internet, a word processing program, and a school e-mail account. Students must e-mail the instructor at rebecca. nelson@fresnocitycollege.edu and log on to the class site on Blackboard on the first day of class to confirm enrollment. Enrolled students with an invalid e-mail address or who do not complete the first day’s assignment will be dropped as no-shows. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) BT 115 23847 PREREQ: None. (Formerly BGO 53 and BT 15) (A) BT 115 REFRESHER MATH 3 ARR WEB M.HASKELL (#23847 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer with Internet, Microsoft Word, Excel, and an e-mail account. Students must e-mail the instructor at marc.haskell@fresnocitycollege.edu for class access information before the start date. Enrolled students who do not contact the instructor by the start date will be dropped so waitlisted students can be added. Students need to be aware that all classes in BT require the use of computers and Blackboard.) CHILD DEVELOPMENT CHDEV 1 24829 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID ECE 120) (A, CSU) CHDEV 1 TEACH YOUNG CHILD 3 ARR WEB M.MOORE (#24829 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at marilyn.moore@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “CHDEV 1 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) CHDEV 30 24861 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (C-ID CDEV 110) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHDEV 30 CHILD/FAM/COMMUN 3 ARR WEB S.SHAW (#24861 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at sue. shaw@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “CHDEV 30 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 149 INSTRUCTOR CHDEV 38 66106 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also PSY 38) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHDEV 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 ARR WEB M.MILLER (#66106 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at marybeth.miller@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “CHDEV 38 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) CHDEV 39 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. Verification of freedom from tuberculosis recommended. (See also PSY 39) (C-ID CDEV 100) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) CHDEV 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 ARR WEB M.MILLER AND 1HR ARR ARR M.MILLER (#66112 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at marybeth.miller@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “CHDEV 39 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) 66112 COMMUNICATION COMM 1 24349 24353 24366 COMM 8 24638 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPEECH 1) (C-ID COMM 110) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 ARR WEB D.SCOTT AND M 6:00pm-9:20 OAB-176 D.SCOTT (#24349 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet. You must activate and access your my.scccd.edu e-mail account prior to the start of class. Students will need to attend a mandatory orientation on 01/13/14 at 6:00 pm in room OAB-176. After orientation this class is also required to meet on 01/27, 02/10, 03/17, 04/21, and 05/12. Contact the instructor at dan.scott@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information.) COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 ARR WEB C.LUNA AND W 6:00pm-9:20 OAB-176 C.LUNA (#24353 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet. You must activate and access your my.scccd.edu e-mail account prior to the start of class. Students will need to attend a mandatory orientation on 01/15/14 at 6:00 pm in room OAB-176. After orientation this class is also required to meet on 01/22, 02/19, 03/19, 04/23, and 05/14. Contact the instructor at cyndie.luna@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information.) COMM 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING 3 ARR WEB C.LUNA AND Th 6:00pm-9:20 OAB-176 C.LUNA (#24366 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet. You must activate and access your my.scccd.edu e-mail account prior to the start of class. Students will need to attend a mandatory orientation on 01/16/14 at 6:00 pm in room OAB-176. After orientation this class is also required to meet on 01/23, 02/20, 03/20, 04/24, and 05/15. Contact the instructor at cyndie.luna@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly SPEECH 8) (C-ID COMM 140) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) COMM 8 GROUP COMMUNICATN 3 ARR WEB C.LUNA AND F 6:00pm-9:20 OAB-176 C.LUNA (#24638 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet. You must activate and access your my.scccd.edu e-mail account prior to the start of class. Students will need to attend a mandatory orientation on 01/17/14 at 6:00 pm in room OAB-176. After orientation this class is also required to meet on 01/24, 02/21, 03/21, 04/25, and 5/16. Contact the instructor at cyndie.luna@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 150 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CIT 12 24097 24100 24101 24111 24112 CIT 15 24130 24132 24151 24174 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly CIS 56 and IS 12) (A, CSU, UC) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 ARR WEB B.BAKER (#24097 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at brian.baker@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 ARR WEB T.WALLER (#24100 is a distance education is a distance education course that uses the Blackboard system [http:blackboard. fresnocitycollege.edu], the instructor will send out a welcome message to all enrolled students using their FCC email account [outlook.com lastname_studentID@my.scccd.edu], at least one week before the semester starts. Students are required to gain access to this e-mail system before the start of the semester.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 ARR WEB T.WALLER (#24101 is a distance education is a distance education course that uses the Blackboard system [http:blackboard. fresnocitycollege.edu], the instructor will send out a welcome message to all enrolled students using their FCC email account [outlook.com lastname_studentID@my.scccd.edu], at least one week before the semester starts. Students are required to gain access to this e-mail system before the start of the semester.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 ARR WEB B.BAKER (#24111 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at brian.baker@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 12 COMPUTR LITERACY 3 ARR WEB B.SMITH (#24112 is a distance education class located on the Web. Enrolled students need to log into the Fresno City College Blackboard course URL at blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu on the first day of the term. Students may be contacted prior to the term via their Fresno City College e-mail account [mail.office365.com lastname_studentID@my.scccd.edu]. Contact the instructor at bonnie.smith@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A and MATH 201 recommended. (Fulfills the computer literacy graduation requirement.) (Formerly CIS 15 and IS 15) (C-ID ITIS 120) (A, CSU, UC) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 ARR WEB R.DEVOE-PETERSON (#24130 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at robert.devoe-peterson@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 ARR WEB R.DEVOE-PETERSON (#24132 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at robert.devoe-peterson@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 ARR WEB T.MCLEOD (#24151 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at todd.mcleod@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 ARR WEB T.MCLEOD (#24174 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at todd.mcleod@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P COURSE TITLE SCH# SUBJ/NO 24181 CIT 15 COMPUTR CONCEPTS 3 ARR WEB D.OWENS (#24181 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at dan.owens@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 63 24385 PREREQ: CIT 15. (Formerly IS 39 and IS 33) (A, CSU, UC) CIT 63 BEGIN JAVA PROG 4 ARR WEB B.SMITH (#24385 is a distance education class located on the Web. Enrolled students need to log into the Fresno City College Blackboard course URL at blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu on the first day of the term. Students may be contacted prior to the term via their Fresno City College e-mail account [mail.office365.com lastname_studentID@my.scccd.edu]. Contact the instructor at bonnie.smith@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 65 24550 PREREQ: CIT 63. (A, CSU) CIT 65 ANDROID PROG 4 ARR WEB D.MOHLE (#24550 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at dennis.mohle@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 80 24434 PREREQ: None. (Formerly IS 7 and IS 40) (A, CSU) CIT 80 INTERNET BASICS 2 ARR WEB STAFF DATES: (#24434 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#24434 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 81 24435 ADVISORY: CIT 15 recommended. (Formerly IS 8 and IS 41) (A, CSU) CIT 81 WWW RESEARCH 2 ARR WEB STAFF DATES: (#24435 meets 03/17 to 05/23) (#24435 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) CIT 85 24436 PREREQ: CIT 82. (A, CSU) CIT 85 CREATING WEBSITES 3 ARR WEB T.WALLER (#24436 is a distance education is a distance education course that uses the Blackboard system [http:blackboard. fresnocitycollege.edu], the instructor will send out a welcome message to all enrolled students using their FCC email account [outlook.com lastname_studentID@my.scccd.edu], at least one week before the semester starts. Students are required to gain access to this e-mail system before the start of the semester.) CIT 202 24438 PREREQ: None. (PASS/NO PASS only) (OPEN ENTRY/OPEN EXIT) CIT 202 INTRO ONLINE LRNG 1 ARR WEB T.MCLEOD DATES: (#24438 meets 01/21 to 03/21) (#24438 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students need access to a computer and Internet and an e-mail account. Enrolled students will receive the course URL via their e-mail listed in WebAdvisor, on/or before the first day of class. Students must access the class website the first day of the term. Contact the instructor at todd.mcleod@fresnocitycollege.edu for additional information. Students need to be aware that all the classes in CIT require use of computers and Blackboard.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 151 INSTRUCTOR ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 152 P SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR ENGLISH ENGL 1A 23988 23993 26391 45260 PREREQ: A “pass” grade in ENGL 125 or ESL 67 and ENGL 126 or ESL 68 or appropriate score on reading and writing sections of Placement Test. (C-ID ENGL 100) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 ARR WEB T.TARAZI DATES: (#23988 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#23988 is offered on-line via the Internet and will not meet on campus. Students may register for this course on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet, possess basic computing skills, and submit a personal e-mail address when registering for this course. The instructor will e-mail instructions for the course and a password to access the course to students before the course begins. Students needing information can contact the instructor, via e-mail, at teresa.tarazi@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 ARR WEB T.TARAZI DATES: (#23993 meets 01/13 to 03/14) (#23993 is offered on-line via the Internet and will not meet on campus. Students may register for this course on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet, possess basic computing skills, and submit a personal e-mail address when registering for this course. The instructor will e-mail instructions for the course and a password to access the course to students before the course begins. Students needing information can contact the instructor, via e-mail, at teresa.tarazi@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 ARR WEB R.STARR (#26391 is offered on-line via the Internet and will not meet on campus. Students may register for this course on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet, possess basic computing skills, and submit a personal e-mail address when registering for this course. The instructor will e-mail instructions for the course and a password to access the course to students before the course begins. Students needing information can contact the instructor, via e-mail, at rebecca.starr@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 1A READ & COMP 4 ARR WEB G.BOLEN (#45260 is offered on-line via the Internet and will not meet on campus. Students may register for this course on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet, possess basic computing skills, and submit a personal e-mail address when registering for this course. The instructor will e-mail instructions for the course and a password to access the course to students before the course begins. Students needing information can contact the instructor, via e-mail, at gennean.bolen@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 1B 23146 PREREQ: ENGL 1A. (C-ID ENGL 120) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) ENGL 1B INTRO LITERATURE 3 ARR WEB M.HIEBERT (#23146 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Enrolled students will receive the specific URL, log-on and password via e-mail prior to the start of class. You MUST activate, monitor, and use your college e-mail address, the one that ends in scccd.edu after you register for the course. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact the instructor at margaret.hiebert@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559] 442-4600, ext. 8101.) ENGL 125 PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test or satisfactory completion of ENGL 252 or 282. (Formerly ENGL A and ENGL 25) (A) ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 ARR WEB C.ROOKS (#24080 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Enrolled students will receive the specific course URL, log-on and password via e-mail prior to the start of class. Your e-mail address MUST be given at the time of registration [either on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor] or you may e-mail the instructor, Clay Rooks, at clay.rooks@fresnocitycollege.edu. There are no oncampus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact Clay Rooks at [559] 442-4600, ext. 8122.) ENGL 125 COLL WRIT SKILLS 4 ARR WEB STAFF (#45285 is offered on-line via the Internet and will not meet on campus. Students may register for this course on campus or on-line using WebAdvisor. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet, possess basic computing skills, and submit a personal e-mail address when registering for this course. The instructor will e-mail instructions for the course and a password to access the course to students before the course begins. Students needing information can contact the instructor.) 24080 45285 NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# ENGL 126 23705 23756 24196 24202 ENGL 262 24240 24241 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 153 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test with other relevant criteria or satisfactory completion of ENGL 262. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Not recommended for students with identified learning disabilities. (Formerly ENGL 26) (A) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 ARR WEB K.LEWIS AND MT 7:00am-7:50 LA-122 K.LEWIS (#23705 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes two face-to-face sessions in addition to the online weekly contact. Each student needs full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at kristin.lewis@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 ARR WEB K.LEWIS AND MTW 8:00am-10:15 LA-122 K.LEWIS DATES: (#23756 meets 03/24 to 04/29) (#23756 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes three weekly face-to-face sessions in addition to the online weekly contact. Each student needs full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at kristin.lewis@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 ARR WEB K.LEWIS AND MTW 8:00am-10:15 LA-122 K.LEWIS DATES: (#24196 meets 02/17 to 03/19) (#24196 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes three weekly face-to-face sessions in addition to the online weekly contact. Concurrent enrollment is required in ENGL 262 [#24241]. Each student needs full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at kristin.lewis@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 126 COLL RDNG SKILLS 4 ARR WEB O.DEKLOTZ AND MW 1:30pm-2:20 OAB-180 O.DEKLOTZ (#24202 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes three face-to-face sessions and one online session per week. Each student will need full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail student account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at olena.deklotz@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PREREQ: Designated score on English placement test with other relevant criteria or satisfactory completion of ENGL 260. Not recommended for students learning English as a second language. Not recommended for students with identified learning disabilities. (PASS/NO PASS only) (Formerly ENGL 62) ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 ARR WEB O.DEKLOTZ AND MTW 8:00am-8:50 LA-120 O.DEKLOTZ (#24240 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes three face-to-face sessions and one online session per week. Each student will need full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail student account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at olena.deklotz@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ENGL 262 READING IMPROVE 4 ARR WEB K.LEWIS AND MTW 8:00am-10:15 LA-122 K.LEWIS DATES: (#24241 meets 01/13 to 02/12) (#24241 is a four-unit hybrid distance education class that includes three weekly face-to-face sessions in addition to the online weekly contact. Concurrent enrollment is required in ENGL 126 [#24196]. Each student needs full access to a computer with Internet connection, a printer, and an active SCCCD e-mail account. As with all academic courses, students will also need to plan for one to two hours additional study per course unit. For further information, contact the instructor at kristin.lewis@fresnocitycollege.edu.) HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HIT 2 26553 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MRT 2) (A, CSU) HIT 2 LEGAL ASPECTS 2 ARR WEB S.EDWARDS (#26553 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 154 P SCH# HIT 4 26554 HIT 5 26555 HIT 7 26561 HIT 8 26556 HIT 10 23599 26550 HIT 11 26551 HIT 12 26552 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: HIT 10 and BIOL 5. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HIT 4 DISEASE PROCESS 3 ARR WEB S.EDWARDS (#26554 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PREREQ: HIT 10. COREQ: HIT 4. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HIT 5 INTRO TO CODING 3 ARR WEB L.PERRY (#26555 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or luann.perry@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PREREQ: HIT 3 and HIT 6. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (PASS/NO PASS only) (A, CSU) HIT 7 DIRECTED PRACTICE 5 ARR WEB S.EDWARDS AND ARR ARR S.EDWARDS (For further information contact the instructor at sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559]244-2641.) PREREQ: HIT 1. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HIT 8 MGMT AND SUPRVSN 3 ARR WEB S.EDWARDS (#26556 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MRT 10) (A, CSU) HIT 10 MED TERMINOLOGY 3 ARR WEB J.CHISHOLM (#23599 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or janet.chisholm@fresnocitycollege.edu.) HIT 10 MED TERMINOLOGY 3 ARR WEB R.CLARK (#26550 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or rebecca.clark@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PREREQ: HIT 10. COREQ: HIT 4. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and ESL 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HIT 11 CPT CODING 3 ARR WEB J.CHISHOLM (#26551 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or janet.chisholm@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PREREQ: HIT 1. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) HIT 12 ALTERNATVE SETNG 2 ARR WEB S.EDWARDS (#26552 Web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. For additional information, contact the HIT Program at [559] 244-2641 or sarah.edwards@fresnocitycollege.edu.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. 155 FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR HEALTH SCIENCE HLTH 1 15709 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC) HLTH 1 CONTEMP HLTH ISS 3 ARR WEB M.MENDRIN AND ARR ARR M.MENDRIN (#15709 is a web-based class offered over the Internet. Students need a computer with Internet access and must give their e-mail address when registering for this class. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website. There will be 1 on campus meeting by arrangement. For additional information, contact the instructor at michael.mendrin@fresnocitycollege.edu.) LEARNING ASSISTANCE LA 2A ***** LA 2B ***** PREREQ: None. (A, CSU) LA 2A TUTOR TRAIN LEV I 1 ARR WEB AND 2HRS ARR ARR DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/14) (For permission to enroll please see Tabitha Villalba in LI-134.) PREREQ: LA 2A. (A, CSU) LA 2B TUTOR TRAIN LEV II 1 ARR WEB AND 2HRS ARR ARR DATES: (Above class meets 03/17 to 05/23) (For permission to register please see Tabitha Villalba in LI-134.) STAFF STAFF STAFF STAFF LIBRARY SKILLS LIBSKL 1 24364 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) LIBSKL 1 RESEARCH SKILLS 1 ARR WEB STAFF (#24364 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students must have access to a computer with Internet connections and possess basic computer skills. Students must have a current e-mail address on file with the Registrar’s Office. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website or go to http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu from 01/06 to 01/10 for access information. For additional information, contact the Library at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8217.) LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY LITEC 52B 24354 ADVISORY: LITEC 51 and 52A. (A, CSU) LITEC 52B COLLECTION MGMT 1 ARR WEB S.CURRY (#24354 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students must have access to a computer with Internet connections and possess basic computer skills. Students must have a current e-mail address on file with the Registrar’s Office. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website or go to http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu from 01/06 to 01/10 for access information. For additional information, contact the Library at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8217.) LITEC 57 24360 ADVISORY: LITEC 51 recommended. (A, CSU) LITEC 57 PRINT/ONLINE SRCS 3 ARR WEB M.YANG (#24360 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Students must have access to a computer with Internet connections and possess basic computer skills. Students must have a current e-mail address on file with the Registrar’s Office. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the start date with instructions on how to access the course website or go to http://blackboard.fresnocitycollege.edu from 01/06 to 01/10 for access information. For additional information, contact the Library at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8217.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 156 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR LINGUISTICS LING 10 ***** 26404 26405 PREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 1A recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 ARR WEB G.ROGERS DATES: (Above class meets 01/13 to 03/14) (Above class is a distance education course offered via the Fresno City College Blackboard Website. Please note that this course does not meet on campus. Enrolled students must have access to a computer with Internet connections for the entire term and possess basic Internet and e-mail computer skills. Enrolled students must log onto their provided SCCCD e-mail account to receive the specific course URL, log-on and password to access the course as notices will only be sent to your my.scccd.edu account as of today. Personal e-mail addresses are no longer used as a mean of communication at Fresno City College only SCCCD email accounts. If you need to activate your SCCCD account, go to: scccd.edu/studentemail. For additional information concerning this class, contact the Fresno City College Business Division at [559] 442-8222.) LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 ARR WEB STAFF (#26404 class is a distance education course offered via the Fresno City College Blackboard Website. Please note that this course does not meet on campus. Enrolled students must have access to a computer with Internet connections for the entire term and possess basic Internet and email computer skills. Enrolled students must log onto their provided SCCCD email account to receive the specific course URL, log-on and password to access the course as notices will only be sent to your my.scccd.edu account as of today. Personal email addresses are no longer used as a mean of communication at Fresno City College only SCCCD email accounts. If you need to activate your SCCCD account, go to: scccd.edu/studentemail. For additional information, contact the instructor.) LING 10 INTRO TO LANG 3 ARR WEB STAFF (#26405 class is a distance education course offered via the Fresno City College Blackboard Website. Please note that this course does not meet on campus. Enrolled students must have access to a computer with Internet connections for the entire term and possess basic Internet and email computer skills. Enrolled students must log onto their provided SCCCD email account to receive the specific course URL, log-on and password to access the course as notices will only be sent to your my.scccd.edu account as of today. Personal email addresses are no longer used as a mean of communication at Fresno City College only SCCCD email accounts. If you need to activate your SCCCD account, go to: scccd.edu/studentemail. For additional information, contact the instructor.) MARKETING MKTG 10 23578 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) MKTG 10 MKTG PRINCIPLES 3 ARR WEB L.ANDERSON (#23578 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer, the Internet, MS Office [Word and PPT]. Students must also have and routinely check their e-mail. Enrolled students must post on the discussion board the first day of class by 9 p.m. or they will be dropped.) MATHEMATICS MATH 4B 25393 MATH 103 25241 PREREQ: MATH 4A or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MATH 4B PRECALCULUS 4 ARR WEB J.BRANDL AND ARR ARR J.BRANDL (#25393 is a distance education course offered via the Internet and requires online homework. Students will be required to purchase a license from MyMathLab to use online software. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Your e-mail address MUST be given at the time of registration or you may e-mail instructor at jeremy.brandl@fresnocitycollege.edu. There will be scheduled campus meetings.) PREREQ: MATH 201 or equivalent. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH B and MATH 3) (A) MATH 103 INTER ALGEBRA 5 ARR WEB J.HE AND ARR ARR J.HE (#25241 requires online homework. Students will be required to purchase a license from MyMathLab to use online software. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Your e-mail address MUST be given at the time of registration or you may e-mail instructor at jin.he@fresnocitycollege.edu. There will be scheduled campus meetings.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE P SCH# MATH 201 24913 SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM 157 INSTRUCTOR PREREQ: MATH 255 or designated math placement. ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (Formerly MATH 1 and 101) MATH 201 ELEM ALGEBRA 5 ARR WEB STAFF (#24913 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Your e-mail address MUST be given at the time of registration or you may e-mail instructor. Students must email the instructor by the 1st day of class, 01/13, to keep their spot. No meeting is required on campus the 1st day, but 6 exams will be given on campus during the semester.) MEDICAL ASSISTING MA 1 ***** MA 2 ***** ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU) MA 1 LEGL & ETH CNCPTS 2 ARR WEB (TAACCCT GRANT. For further information contact the instructor at carri.young@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559] 244-2643.) C.YOUNG ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 and MATH 201 recommended. (A, CSU) MA 2 PHARMACOLOGY 3 ARR WEB C.MOLLO (TAACCCT GRANT. For further information contact the instructor at constance.mollo@fresnocitycollege.edu or [559] 244-2643.) MUSIC MUS 12 23736 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) MUS 12 MUS APPRECIATION 3 ARR WEB J.DANA DATES: (#23736 meets 01/13 to 04/25) (#23736 is a distance education class located on the Web. Students will need access to a computer with reliable Internet access and e-mail. You must have software with a multi-media browser with the recent Java plug-in. An access card with CD is required. All exams, assignments and lectures will be completed on-line. Enrolled students must have activated their school e-mail account in order to receive initial course access information. Students not signed into the course by midnight on the first day of regular classes will be dropped. For additional information, contact the instructor, Julie Dana, at [559] 442-4600 ext. 8465 or at julie.dana@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PHILOSOPHY PHIL 1C 15653 24049 PREREQ: ENGL 1A or equivalent. (C-ID PHIL 120) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PHIL 1C ETHICS 3 ARR WEB W.STEPHENSON (#15653 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Enrolled students will receive the specific course URL, log-on and password via e-mail prior to the start of class. You MUST activate, monitor, and use your college e-mail address, the one that ends in scccd.edu after you register for the course. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact the instructor at wendell.stephenson@fresnocitycollege.edu.) PHIL 1C ETHICS 3 ARR WEB W.STEPHENSON (#24049 is a distance education course offered via the Internet. Students need access to a computer and must possess Internet and e-mail skills. Enrolled students will receive the specific course URL, log-on and password via e-mail prior to the start of class. You MUST activate, monitor, and use your college e-mail address, the one that ends in scccd.edu after you register for the course. There are no on-campus meetings scheduled. For additional information, contact the instructor at wendell.stephenson@fresnocitycollege.edu.) Shaded areas indicate evening, Saturday or Sunday classes. ARR - See WebAdvisor for room and/or times. 158 P SCH# SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJ/NO COURSE TITLE UNITS DAYS TIMES ROOM INSTRUCTOR POLITICAL SCIENCE POLSCI 2 25139 PREREQ: Eligibility for ENGL 1A. ADVISORY: ENGL 1A. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) POLSCI 2 AMERICAN GOV 3 ARR WEB M.TREZZA AND MW 2:00pm-4:50 FH-103 M.TREZZA AND Th 2:00pm-4:50 OAB-271 M.TREZZA (#25139 is a hybrid distance education class offered via the Internet. This hybrid online class requires 4 face to face class sessions held on the FCC campus at predetermined times and a location. These are mandatory class sessions for an orientation, examinations, and lecture. The required sessions are 01/13 and 05/14 from 2-4:50 p.m. in FH-103, and 02/20 and 03/27 from 2-4:50 p.m. in OAB-231. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at mark.trezza@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “POLSCI 2 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) PSYCHOLOGY PSY 38 66206 PSY 39 66212 ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. (See also CHDEV 38) (C-ID PSY 180) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PSY 38 LIFESPAN DEVELOP 3 ARR WEB M.MILLER (#66206 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at marybeth.miller@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “PSY 38 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) ADVISORY: Eligibility for ENGL 125 and 126 or ESL 67 and 68 recommended. Verification of freedom from tuberculosis recommended. (See also CHDEV 39) (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) PSY 39 CHILD GRWTH DEV 3 ARR WEB M.MILLER AND 1HR ARR ARR M.MILLER (#66212 is a distance education class offered via the Internet. Each student needs access to a computer with an Internet connection and his or her own e-mail account. After enrolling, each student must e-mail the instructor at marybeth.miller@fresnocitycollege.edu with the subject “PSY 39 access” to receive information about course access. This is to be done before the start date for the class.) NOTE: Classes held in rooms FH-101, FH-103, HS-150 and MS-132 are in a large group setting with 100 or more students. FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 159 COURSE CLASSIFICATION Pursuant to revisions to the California Administrative Code, Title 5, Sections 55002 and 55805.5, all courses listed within the college catalog fall into one of the following classifications: Credit, Degree Applicable; Credit, Nondegree Applicable; Noncredit. The majority of courses have retained their previous classification and are credit, degree applicable. The exceptions are as follows: A. Credit, Nondegree Applicable Admin of Justice 204 ..............................................Instructor Training Admin of Justice 211 ..................Expandable Straight Baton Instructor Admin of Justice 217 ................................... Background Investigation Admin of Justice 219 ............................. Requalification–Basic Course Admin of Justice 220 ...................................................Radar Operator Admin of Justice 221 .........................................Explosive Recognition Admin of Justice 268 ..........Pre-Police Academy Physical Conditioning Admin of Justice 269A ........................................ Adv Officer Topics #2 Admin of Justice 270A ............................ Basic Police Academy–Part 1 Admin of Justice 270B ............................Basic Police Academy–Part 2 Admin of Justice 271A .............PC 832 Laws of Arrest/Arrest & Control Admin of Justice 271B ............................................... PC 832 Firearms Admin of Justice 272 ........ Reg Basic Course–Mod Format–Module III Admin of Justice 273 ......... Reg Basic Course–Mod Format–Module II Admin of Justice 274 ...........Reg Basic Course–Mod Format–Module I Admin of Justice 276 ................................................Basic Supervisors Admin of Justice 278 ......................................Public Safety Dispatcher Admin of Justice 279 .....................................Citizens’ Police Academy Admin of Justice 279A .............................................. Citizens on Patrol Admin of Justice 280 ................................Basic Correctional Academy Admin of Justice 281 .......................Adv Correctional Officer Academy Admin of Justice 285 ........................................Probation Core Course Admin of Justice 286 ........................ Juvenile Counselor CORE Course Admin of Justice 290 .................................Firearms Instructor Course Admin of Justice 291 .......................................... Field Training Officer Admin of Justice 293 ..............................Drug Influence–H & S 11550 Admin of Justice 295 .............................. Traffic Collision Investigation Admin of Justice 298 .................................Sexual Assault Investigation Admin of Justice 299 ............................................ Basic Bicycle Patrol Air Conditioning 250 ......................................Digital Unitary Controls Air Conditioning 251 .............................................Digital VAV Controls Air Conditioning 252 ....................................DDC Network Controllers Air Conditioning 253 .................. Principles of Industrial Refrigeration Air Conditioning 260B ..........................Electricity for Air Conditioning Air Conditioning 260C ........................................... Residential Heating Air Conditioning 260D ................................Advanced Troubleshooting Applied Technology 212 .......................................Computer Skills Lab Apprenticeship 260 ......................................Apprenticeship - First Aid Art 251 ....................................................................... Open Art Studio Auto Tech 26 .. ............................................Clean Air Car–Diag & Rep Auto Tech 262A (A6) ..............................Electrical/Electronic Training Auto Tech 262B (A8) .............................Engine Performance Training Auto Tech 262C (L1) ...................... ADV Engine Performance Training Auto Tech 281A ........................................................Automatic Trans I Auto Tech 281B ...................................................... Automatic Trans II Auto Tech 282A .................................................... Suspen/Wheel Align Auto Tech 282B ..................................................Auto Braking Systems Auto Tech 283A ........................................................... Tune-up & Diag Auto Tech 283B ....................................................... Electrical Systems Auto Tech 284 ....................................................Auto Air Conditioning Auto Tech 285 .................................................................Auto Engines Auto Tech 286 ................................... Automotive Information Systems Auto Tech 287 .................................................. Street Rod Technology Auto Tech 292 ........................................................... Cert Preparatory Auto Tech 294 ....................................................... Lamp/Brk Adj Prep Biology 222 .................................................................... Biology Skills Business & Technology 206 .................... Automated Business Records Business & Technology 240 .................. Legal Issues in Medical Billing Business & Technology 250 .......................................Office Skills Labs Business & Technology 251 ......................Office Application Skills Lab Business & Technology 270 .......................... Business Math & Ten Key Business & Technology 271 ............................Grammar Fundamentals Business & Technology 272 ..................................... Office Procedures Business & Technology 273 ........................................................ Filing Business & Technology 274 ............ Introduction to Microsoft Outlook Business & Technology 280 .......................Business Office Procedures Computer Info Tech 202 .................... Introduction to Online Learning Computer Info Tech 205 ............................................Computer Basics Dental Hygiene 200 .....................................Clinical Dental Hygiene IV Developmental Services 250 .....................Workability Assessment and Career Awareness Developmental Services 251 .................... Workability Preparation and Job Placement Developmental Services 252 ........................Workability Strategies and Job Placement Developmental Services 255 ............................Workability Experience Developmental Services 260 .............................................. Workability Developmental Services 262 ...........Group Inter for Stud w/Disabilities Developmental Services 264 ......................... Trans to College Students w/Disabilities Developmental Services 272 .......................................Consumer Skills Developmental Services 273 ......................... Independent Living Skills Developmental Services 275 ................................. Horticulture Skills I Developmental Services 276 ................................ Horticulture Skills II Developmental Services 277 ...................... Adapted Computer Literacy Developmental Services 278 ........................ Modified Word Processor Developmental Services 279 ..............Modified Computer Applications Developmental Services 281 .................... Professional Preparation for Students with Disabilities Developmental Services 282 ....................Greenhouse Workforce Prep Developmental Services 291 ...............Strategies for Academic Success Developmental Services 292 ............. College Awareness Survival Skills Electrical Systems Tech 269A ....................... Fundamentals of Network Security–Firewalls Electrical Systems Tech 269B ..............Fundamentals of Wireless LANS Electrical Systems Tech 271 .................... Electrical Line/Utility Worker English 252 .......................................................Reading Improvement English 260 ................................................................... Basic Reading English 262 ........................................................Writing Improvement English 277 ................................................................... Reading Skills English 278 ...................................................Reading Comprehension English 281 ..................................................Sentence & Gram/Writing English 282 .............................................................Paragraph Writing ESL 263R ............................Low Intermediate Reading and Vocabulary ESL 263W .............................. Low Intermediate Writing and Grammar ESL 264R ................................... Intermediate Reading and Vocabulary ESL 264W ..................................... Intermediate Writing and Grammar ESL 265R ...........................High Intermediate Reading and Vocabulary ESL 265W ............................. High Intermediate Writing and Grammar Fire Technology 261 ..................................................EMT 1 Refresher Fire Technology 265 .........................................I-300 Intermediate ICS Fire Technology 269 .......................................... Adv Firefighter Topics Math 201 ...............................................................Elementary Algebra Math 250 ................................................................College Arithmetic Math 255 ...........................................................................Pre-Algebra Math 260A .................................... Arithmetic Review: Whole Numbers Math 260B ..............................................Arithmetic Review: Fractions Math 260C ...............................................Arithmetic Review: Decimals Math 260D ............................. Arithmetic Review: Ratios, Proportions, Percents and Geometry Math 277 ............................................... Arithmetic for Learn Disabled Nursing, Registered 201 .......................................... NCLEX-RN Review Nursing, Registered 202 ................. Success Strategies for RN Students Nursing, Registered 203 ......................................RN Refresher Course Nursing, Registered 204 .......... Introduction to the Nursing Profession Special Studies 277 ....................................... Credit, Nondegree SP ST Vocational ESL 266R ...........App Inter Reading for College and Careers Vocational ESL 266W ........... App Inter Writing for College and Careers Vocational ESL 269R .............App Adv Reading for College and Careers Vocational ESL 269W ............. App Adv Writing for College and Careers B. Noncredit Admin of Justice 369A ....................................Advanced Officer Topics Air Conditioning 353 .................. Principles of Industrial Refrigeration Apprenticeship 361/6J .............................................................Roofing Business & Technology 370A ....................Office Assistant Applications Business & Technology 370B ....................Office Assistant Applications Developmental Services 359 .............................Differential Learn Diag Mfg Mechanic 351 ................................Introduction to Manufacturing Mfg Mechanic 352A ................................................Trade Mathematics Mfg Mechanic 352B ...................................Programmable Controllers Mfg Mechanic 352C .................................................... Job Preparation Mfg Mechanic 352D ..................................... Technical Report Writing Mfg Mechanic 353A .................................... Fluid Power Fundamentals Mfg Mechanic 353B ..................................... Pneumatic Fundamentals Mfg Mechanic 353C ....................................... Hydraulic Fundamentals Mfg Mechanic 354A ..............................................Power Transmission Mfg Mechanic 354B .........................................Welding Fundamentals Mfg Mechanic 354C ........................................Electrical Fundamentals ST 300 ....................................................................................Tutoring Special Studies 377 ..................................... Zero Unit, No Grade Sp St Theatre Arts 348 .............................................. Senior Play Production Career & Technology Center Courses Auto Mechanics 371 ...................................................... Engine Repair Auto Mechanics 372 ............................................ Engine Performance Auto Collision Repair 371 .............................Fundamentals of Welding Auto Collision Repair 372 ................................ Body Work Technology Auto Collision Repair 373 ............................ Auto Collision Refinishing Indust Training 371 ................................. Warehouse and Distribution Indust Training 372 ................................. Warehouse and Distribution Maint Mechanic 370 ....................................Fund-Weld/Machine Shop Maint Mechanic 371 ....................................Fund Hydraul/Pneumatics Maint Mechanic 372 .......................................Electrical Fundamentals 160 SPRING 2014 CLASS SCHEDULE ROOM ABBREVIATIONS CAMPUS OFFICES A ....................................................................................................................................... Building A AC ........................................................................................................................ Assessment Center AH ......................................................................................................Art-Home Economics Building AMCS ............................................................Adventist Medical Center-Selma, 1141 Rose Ave., Selma BPRK ......................................................................................................................... Euless Ballpark BE .........................................................................................................Business Education Building CAFE .................................................................................................................................... Cafeteria CAFE-3 ..................................................................................................................Staff Dining Room CBHC ............................................ Community Behavioral Health Center, 7171 N. Cedar Ave., Fresno CC .............................................................................................................................. College Center CCMC ................................................. Clovis Community Medical Center, 2755 Herndon Ave., Clovis CDC ....................................................................Child Development Center (University & Calaveras) CHCC ............................ Children’s Hospital Central California, 9300 Valley Children’s Place, Madera CPHF ..................................Crestwood Fresno Psychiatric Facility, 4411 E. Kings Canyon Rd., Fresno CSH ............................................................Coalinga State Hospital, 24511 West Jayne Ave., Coalinga CSUF .............................................................................................. California State University, Fresno CTC .............................................................. Career & Technology Center, 2930 E. Annadale, Fresno EHS .....................................................................Edison High School, 540 E. California Ave., Fresno FH ................................................................................................................................... Forum Hall FHS ..........................................................................Fresno High School, 1839 N. Echo Ave., Fresno FHSH ...................................................Fresno Heart and Surgical Center, 15 E. Audubon Dr., Fresno FLCC ........................................................ Fresno Local Conservation Corps, 1371 Stanislaus, Fresno FO ................................................................................................................Faculty Offices Complex FCPD ...................................................................FCC Police Department, 1940 N. Calaveras, Fresno G .....................................................................................................................................Gymnasium GRNH ............................................................................................................................. Greenhouse HLCC ................................................... Hy-Lond Convalescent Hospital, 3408 E. Shields Ave., Fresno HS .............................................................................................................. Health Sciences Building IC .......................................................................................................... Independence Center, T-201 KPMC ..........................Kasier Permanente Fresno Medical Center, 7300 North Fresno Street, Fresno LA .................................................................................................................. Language Arts Building LI ...........................................................................................................................................Library MADC ...............................................................................Madera Center, 30277 Avenue 12, Madera MCL ....................................................................... McLane High School, 2727 N. Cedar Ave., Fresno MCH ......................................................Madera Community Hospital, 1250 E. Almond Ave., Madera MS ................................................................................................................. Music-Speech Building NFLD ............................................................................................................................... North Field OAB ....................................................................................................... Old Administration Building OK ...................................................................................................................................... Oakhurst OFF ............................................................................. Off-Campus Site (Check with Division Office) PA ............................................................................................................................. Police Academy PG ................................................................................................................................ Practice Gym POOL .........................................................................................................................Swimming Pool PPC ...................................................................................................... Physical Performance Center RC ......................................................................................... Reedley College, 995 N. Reed, Reedley RHS ...................................................................... Roosevelt High School, 4250 E. Tulare St., Fresno RS ..................................................................................................... Ratcliffe Stadium (Fieldhouse) S ..........................................................................................Math, Science and Engineering Building SAMC ............................................................................St. Agnes Hospital, 1303 E. Herndon, Fresno SC ..............................................................................................................Student Center/Bookstore SO .................................................................................................................Social Science Building ST ...............................................................................................................Student Services Building STAD .......................................................................................................................Ratcliffe Stadium STCH .................................................................................................Student Government Chambers T .......................................................................................................... Applied Technology Building TA ..................................................................................................................... Theatre Arts Building TNCT .....................................................................................................................FCC Tennis Courts UMC ........................................................................ University Medical Center, 445 S. Cedar, Fresno VAHC ...........................................................Veterans’ Administration Hospital, 2615 Clinton, Fresno WEB .......................................................................Distance Education Class offered via the Internet Administrative Services ........................................................................................................OAB-161 Admissions and Records ........................................................................................... ST, Lower Level Admissions and Records, District Dean, Vice President ...................................... ST-111, Lower Level Admissions and Records, Webroom ...................................................................ST-113, Lower Level Advanced Transportation Technology (ATT) ...........................................................................T-110B Applied Technology Division Office ...........................................................................................T-100 Apprenticeship .........................................................................................................................T-100 Assessment Center .................................................................................................................. LI-146 Associated Students ......................................................................................... SC-205, Second Floor Bookstore .....................................................................................................................................SC Business Division Office ........................................................................................................ BE-110 Business Office (parking permits, fee payment, facility rentals, etc. .....................................OAB-151 Cal PRONET .........................................................................................................................OAB-220 CalWORKs/Independence Center .............................................................................................. T-200 Career and Employment Center ............................................................................................... Ll-147 Career & Technology Center (CTC) ............................................................2930 E. Annadale, Fresno Center for International Trade Development ....................................................... District Office North Child Development Center (CDC) ....................................................................Calaveras & University College Relations Office ..............................................................................................ST-Lower Level Computer Laboratory ...................................................................................................... LI-118/123 Counseling .........................................................................................................ST-200, Upper Level Dental Hygiene Office ............................................................................................................ HS-130 Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSP&S) ...........................................................Building A Extended Learning Center ...................................................................................................... .LI-134 Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) ........................................ST-101, Lower Level Financial Aid ......................................................................................................ST-201, Upper Level Financial Aid, e-Services Lab .................................................................................................. LI-123 Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts Division Office ..................................................OAB-110 Health Sciences Division Office .................................................................................................. HS-1 High Tech Center .................................................................................................................... LI-148 Honors Program ..................................................................................................................... FO-41 Humanities Division Office ...................................................................................................... FO-41 IDILE ..................................................................................................................ST-200, Upper Level International Students Office ................................................................................T-108, Lower Level Learning Resources Center Division Office ............................................................................ .LI-136 Library Office ......................................................................................................................... LI-111 Math, Science & Engr. Division Office .........................................................................................S-51 Nurse, Health Services ........................................................................................ST-112, Lower Level Nursing Education Office ........................................................................................................... HS-1 Physical Education Office ........................................................................................................ G-104 Police Academy ..........................................................................................................................PA-1 Police Department .............................................................................. Corner of Weldon & Calaveras President’s Office .................................................................................................................OAB-259 Psychological Services ............................................................................................................ ST-112 Public Information Office ....................................................................................................OAB-149 Puente .................................................................................................................................... ST-232 Rampage ................................................................................................................................SC-211 Social Sciences Division Office .............................................................................................. SO-123 Student Activities Office .................................................................................................................CC Student Success ...................................................................................................................... LI-134 Student Support Services Program (SSSP) ..............................................................................SC-216 SYMBAA ............................................................................................................. ST-200, Upper Level Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) ...................................................................................... LI-141 Training Institute ................................................................................ Career and Technology Center Transfer Center ................................................................................................... ST-200, Upper Level Tutorial Services .......................................................................................................LI-134 & LI-118 Upward Bound .......................................................................................................................SC-216 USEAA .............................................................................................................. ST-208A, Upper Level Veteran’s Office ...................................................................................................ST-108, Lower Level Vice President of Instruction................................................................................................OAB-241 Vice President of Students...................................................................................ST-224, Upper Level Webroom ...........................................................................................................ST-113, Lower Level Weekend College ................................................................................................................... BE-110 Work Experience ....................................................................................................... ST, Lower Level Workforce Development .............................................................................................................. CTC FRESNO CITY COLLEGE 161 FACULTY OFFICES A Adams, Darrin ......................... T-300B Adams, Jennifer ....................... HS-235 Aguilar, Luis.................................. CTC Allen, Nathan ................................. S-8 Alvarado, Samuel ......................ST-215 Anderson, Lydia ....................... BE-106 Anderson, Sasha ................... OAB-279 Andrade, Tiffany .......................... S-15 Anglen, Brandy .............................. S-7 Antonio, Estafana ...................CDC-107 Arakelian, Charlotte ..................ST-215 Avery, Douglas ............................. S-65 B Badertscher, Lynn ......................FO-30 Baker, Brian ......................... OAB-220 Balogh, David ............................ S-275 Barnard, Douglas .................... T-502C Bates, Robyn ...........................AH-203 Begley, Polly ............................AH-209 Bell, Autumn ........................ OAB-220 Benefiel, Diane ........................HS-291 Bertolani Jr., William ...............SO-119 Bezerra-Nader, Rosemarie ............. S-2 Bigham, Craig ................................ S-9 Blackerby-Slater, Laurel ..............FO-4 Blodgett, Ryan ..........................ST-232 Bluth, Gary .............................. G-106A Bolen, Gennean ....................... LA-125 Bolt, Sandra ............................ BE-207 Boltz, Christopher ................... TA-116 Boyd, Robert ............................... FO-2 Brandl, Jeremy .............................. S-8 Brewer, Melinda ...................... SO-215 Brotsis, William ............................ CTC Bugay, Elnora .......................... HS-161 C Caetano, Heide ........................HS-159 Camacho, Brett ........................ T-105A Camacho, Tammy .................... T-501A Campbell, Lynn ..........................FO-32 Canales, Leticia .........................ST-225 Carrigan Janel ......................... BE-128 Carroll, Jean ..............................FO-22 Castle, Jeanine ....................... ST-101H Caviglia, Tony .......................... RS-104 Cerda, Ricarda ........................ SO-108 Cerkueira, Ron .......................... T-300 Chacon, Kenneth .........................FO-7 Chandler, Donna....................... LI-142 Chavez, Ken ............................ST-103C Cheney, Judith..........................HS-157 Cho, John ................................SO-117 Christl, Janine ........................AH-105A Contreras, Luis ............................FO-3 Cooper, Donna .......................... FO-11 Cooper, Kevin ......................... MS-210 Coronel, Maria .......................... FO-29 Covington, Jeanette .................. LA-124 Craig-Marius, Renee .................ST-206 Crawford, Kathleen ..................SO-203 Crocker, Karen ..........................FO-14 Curtis, Carol .................................. S-1 D Dana, Julie ............................. MS-206 Dana, Michael ........................ MS-208 Dancy, Karen ........................ OAB-220 Davey, Jonathan ...................... MS-203 Davies, Karen ............................FO-24 Davis, Theophilus .................... T-104A Day, Diana ............................... HS-228 Day, Elizabeth ..........................HS-293 DeAnda, Carolyn ...................... T-401N De Freitas, Diane .....................SO-220 Deklotz, Olena ........................... FO-36 DeKruif, Linda ......................... SO-126 Demanett, Paula ...................... Library Denis-Arrué, Nuria ................... .S-107 Denver, Monta ......................... HS-131 DeSantiago-Gomez, Laura .........ST-108 Devoe-Peterson, Robert ........... BE-126 Dorn, Larry ................................. S-12 Doud, Laurel ........................... Library Dowis, Hawkins ......................... S-295 Dunklin, Marianne ..................BE-105 Dustin, Ron .............................BE-116 E Edison, James .............................. PA-1 Edwards, Sarah .......................HS-212 Elizondo, Tony .............................. CTC Emerling, Fred .........................ST-216 Engstrom, Dale ....................... MS-205 Erven, M. Charles .................... TA-104 Ezaki, Gretchen .......................HS-255 F Ferrer, Sharon ...........................FO-31 Fletcher, Eric ........................ OAB-283 Florence, Christine .................HS-259 Forestiere, Marc ......................BE-115 Frain, Victoria.......................... HS-224 Frese, Joan ..............................BE-124 Friesen, Tiffany .......................... FO-19 G Garoupa, Cliff .......................... SO-115 Gaxiola, Thom ..........................ST-209 Gennity, Joseph .......................... S-102 Germond, Oliver ..................... G-106D Gilbert, Michael ......................... S-108 Gilmore, Paul .......................... SO-204 Glenn, Marilyn ..........................ST-214 Goehring, Steve ......................... T-601 Gonxales, Alexandra .................ST-204 Gonzalez, Eileen ......................HS-152 Good, David ..............................FO-26 Gose, Kristine ....................... OAB-170 Granata, Charity ......................... FO-17 Grover, Stephen ............................. S-4 Gruet, Karin ............................... S-206 Guglielmino, Rosemarie ............FO-21 Gutierrez-Osborne, Virginia ....... S-106 Gutierrez-Sauceda, Nancy ........ SO-107 Guzman, Juan .......................... LA-128 H Halls, Thom ............................ T-401M Hao, Jimmy ............................ G-100D Harris, Stephanie ......................ST-207 Hart, Robyn .............................BE-203 Haskell, Marc ..........................BE-211 He, Jin ......................................... S-10 Henry, Amanda .......................... S-204 Hentzler, Jerry ........................AH-109 Hernandez, Maria .................... T-110B Hernandez, Tim .....................AH-105A Herren, Brett ................................. S-5 Herrick, Lee ..............................FO-10 Heyne, Bridget ......................... HS-265 Hickman, Katherine .................HS-153 Hiebert, Margaret ........................ FO-5 Hill, Bruce ...............................SO-223 Himes, Daniel .......................... T-501D Hodges, Cynthia ......................... FO-15 Holford, Susan ........................SO-207 Holland, Nancy ........................ BE-107 Honda, Lorence ...................... MS-209 Hood, Brett ............................. HS-154 Hopper, Clarence......................... S-17 Howard, Jeanice ......................HS-156 Hubbard, Greg ........................ T-401N Hubbard, Helen .......................HS-107 Huneault-Schultze, Sylvie ...........FO-27 Hunter, Tim .................................. CTC J Jamison, Gregory ......................... S-16 Johal, Sarbjit ........................... SO-216 Johansson, Carl ......................... S-110 Johnson, Frederick ..................... PA-1 Joseph, James ..........................SO-219 K Kadingo, Carol ........................HS-151 Kahn, Kherstin .........................AH-210 Kamimoto, Marty ....................... T-205 Kane, Linda .............................. LI-144 Kato-Gee, Kimi ........................HS-285 Kawagoe, Kirk ........................... S-208 Keller, Charles ......................... G-100F Kelley, Monique .......................BE-114 Kemmer, Lynne ........................ Library Keysaw, Paul ............................ G-106F Kim, Daniel .......................... OAB-227 Kirby, James.............................SO-213 Kirk, Karla ............................ OAB-227 Koshear, Jeannine ....................SO-206 Kostin, Yury ..............................ST-202 Krauter, Larry .......................... T-401K L Lewis, Kristin .............................FO-13 Linder, Colby ............................. S-103 Loftis, Darlene ......................... LI-149 Logan, Zay ................................. FO-34 Lopez, Rachel ............................ FO-23 Lozano, Alicia .......................... HS-267 Luna, Cyndie ........................... MS-204 Lupian, Sonia ......................... ST-101F M Madec, Ed ...............................G-106C Magnia, Martha ....................... SO-218 Makofske, James .....................BE-117 Marius, Deborah ...................CDC-106 Maroot, Nereyda ...................... LA-205 Martin, Sheila .......................... BE-205 Martinez, Renato ..................... LA-212 Martinez, Robert ..................... T-303E Martinez, Todd ........................SO-125 McCollough, Mark ................... T-104D McCorkle, Kent .......................... S-210 McCully, Brian .................... OAB-277B McLeod, Todd .........................BE-112 McManus, Shirley ...................... S-109 Mendez, Linda ..........................ST-205 Meserve, Peter ........................... S-205 Miller, Bruce ........................... T-203C Miller, Mary Beth .................. OAB-170 Minar, Jill ................................ SO-220 Mitchell-Carroll, Nancy ................ FO-9 Mizner, Keith ...........................BE-212 Mohle, Dennis .........................BE-103 Mooneyham, David ....................... CTC Moses, John ............................ LA-130 Munoz, Shana .........................AH-107 N Natal, Lori ............................... ST-232 Navarro, Bernard ................... SO-111 Nelson, Grechen ......................HS-214 Nelson, Rebecca ...................... BE-122 Nitzsche, Eric .......................... T-406E O Oaks, Scott .............................. HS-103 Ochs, Raquel ........................... SO-217 Ockey, Debbie ...........................FO-35 Ohanian, Greg ........................... S-202 Olsen, Rodney ........................... S-201 Olowude, Brian ....................... SC-216 Ostrander, Ted ............................... S-3 Owens, Daniel ......................... BE-202 P Pacheco, Joanne .................... HS-130F Palmer, Richard......................... S-104 Pankratz, Aaron .......................SO-118 Patton, Michelle ..................... MS-201 Pinkard, Joyce ...........................FO-33 Polanowski, Craig .................... T-400C Poole, Craig ............................... S-203 Porteous, Scott .......................... S-105 Potter, Sally.................................. FO-8 Preston-Smith, Julie ..................ST-211 Q Quercia, Olga ......................... MS-207 R Radnejad, Forouz .....................ST-217 Ramirez, Graciela .....................ST-203 Ramos, Loretta ........................ LA-211 Razee, Alan .............................. LA-210 Reyes, Jesus ............................. RS-111 Riley, David................................ T-302 Roberts, Michael ......................... FO-6 Rodriguez, Michael ..................ST-226 Rooks, Clay ................................. FO-1 Rosendale, Stephen ................. T-110B Rutishauser, Brian ...................SO-214 Ryan, Judy ................................. FO-16 S Sample, Brooke ......................... T-200 Samra, Sandi ............................ST-212 Sanchez, Ray ............................ LI-134 Santos, Geri ..............................ST-213 Santos, Jeannie ..........................FO-40 Sause, Jim ...............................BE-111 Scheid, Anne ...........................AH-205 Scheidt, Richard ......................HS-104 Schmalle, Robert ..................... BE-101 Schulte, Tracy ..........................G-100B Scott, Daniel ........................... MS-212 Scott, Ronald ...........................G-106B Semien, Kenneth .......................ST-208 Shapazian, Debra .................... TA-115 Shelley, Deborah........................ S-295 Shirey, Mindy ........................... BE-208 Shultz, Joseph ..........................HS-101 Silva, Leslie ...............................ST-232 Siroky, Allen ............................SO-202 Slaton, Rebecca ....................... SO-114 Smith, Bonnie ..........................BE-125 Smith, Lorraine .......................BE-213 Solberg, Eric ...........................G-106C Sosa, Susana ............................AH-206 Soto, Tina ................................ HS-257 Sousa, Dan ...............................T-303F Spohrer, Nicholas ................. AH-207B Staebler, Diane ..................... OAB-279 Stanton, Raymond ................ OAB-221 Stephenson, Wendell ............ OAB-129 Stewart, Rick ............................. S-101 Stricker, Terrelyn .....................BE-118 Syvertsen, William ...................BE-104 T Tannen, Jeffrey ........................ LA-200 Tarazi, Teresa ............................ FO-37 Teeple, John ......................... OAB-227 Temmerman, Simon .................... S-11 Temple, Don ............................BE-108 Tessler, Brian...........................G-100A Thiessen, Jolene ......................BE-206 Thurston, Gerald .................... MS-202 Trevino, Julio ........................... LA-129 Trezza, Mark ........................... SO-109 Tuttrup, Richard ......................BE-210 U Ugwu-Oju, Dympna ................... FO-38 V Valentino, Mary Ann ................SO-120 Van Vleet, Patricia ...................... FO-28 Vang, Linda .............................. SO-116 Velasquez, Sarah ......................SO-113 Vellandi, Christian ..................... S-207 Vidinoff, John .............................. S-65 Villalba, Tabitha ........................ LI-134 Vinicor, Melinda ........................ FO-39 Voorhees, Amie .................... OAB-279 W Waller, Rio ...............................BE-113 Walzberg, Ann .........................HS-216 Watson, Matthew .................. OAB-227 Wen, Julie ...................................... S-6 Wengerd, Beth .........................SO-127 West, Laura..............................AH-103 Williams, Forrest ....................... FO-20 Williams, Rhonda .................... G-100C Y Yang, David ............................. LA-204 Yang, Mai ................................ Library Yang, Victor ..............................ST-210 Yarbrough, Thomas ................... S-209 Yates, Seth ................................. S-275 Ybarrra, Kerry ...................... OAB-129 Z Zamora, Ken ............................ T-302B Student Registration Worksheet Student Name: Student ID# ooooooo List below the open class sections you are eligible to take after carefully checking the catalog and current class schedule. Enrollment in duplicate or conflicting classes is not permitted. Be sure to check for prerequisites and corequisites as required. SCHEDULE NUMBER DEPARTMENT AND NUMBER Example: 00056 English 1A Maximum and/or Excess Units Allowed Probation Cleared COURSE TITLE Reading and Composition UNITS 4.0 DAYS Mon TIME BEGIN/ END 7:00 am- 10:00 ROOM INSTR. LA-100 COUNSELOR’S/INSTRUCTOR’S SIGNATURE FOR THOSE COURSES REQUIRING SPECIFIC APPROVAL Walters # Units Approved by: Date: PERMISSION FOR SUBSTITUTE REGISTRATION (PROXY) Please print the FULL name of your authorized substitute here The above named person is authorized to register for me and to see and discuss my confidential educational records with college employees as necessary to complete my registration. He/she is also authorized to sign all registration materials in my name, and I agree to be legally bound by his/her actions. I further understand and agree that the college has no obligation to adjust my class schedule to correct errors or omissions resulting from the actions of my substitute. Your Signature Print your FULL name Date 7:00 & after 6:00 - 6:30 5:30 - 6:00 5:00 - 5:30 4:30 - 5:00 4:00 - 4:30 3:30 - 4:00 3:00 - 3:30 2:30 - 3:00 2:00 - 2:30 1:30 - 2:00 1:00 - 1:30 12:30 - 1:00 12:00 - 12:30 11:30 - 12:00 11:00 - 11:30 10:30 - 11:00 10:00 - 10:30 9:30 - 10:00 9:00 - 9:30 8:30 - 9:00 8:00 - 8:30 7:30 - 8:00 7:00 - 7:30 6:30 - 7:00 6:00 - 6:30 Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday For each class, list the course number in the appropriate time slots for each day the class is scheduled to meet. If class time extends beyond the hour (such as a class that meets from 9:00 to 10:15), shade in the time slot to the nearest half hour. It is the responsibility of the student to avoid time conflicts. The college assumes no responsibility to adjust time conflicts that are the result of a student error. After you have planned your schedule, transfer course section information to Student Registration Worksheet on the reverse of this form. Trial Schedule Worksheet: Morning Afternoon Evening SPRING 2014 FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Group Definitions Time/Group A Daily MWF M W ** F ** MT MW MTh MF WTh ** WF ** MTW MTTh MTF MWTh MThF WThF ** MTWTh MTWF MTThF MWThF Time/Group B TTh T Th ** TW TF ThF ** TWTh TWF TThF TWThF Night M: M MW Night T: T TTh Night W: W Night Th: Th Night F: F Class Time/Group 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 SAT. MAY 17 MON. MAY 19 WED. MAY 21 THU. MAY 22 B OPEN OPEN** A 8-9:50 OPEN* A A B A B A B A 9-10:50 For Saturday classes, the instructor should begin the final exam at the time the class usually meets. 9-10:50 10-11:50 10-11:50 11-12:50 11-12:50 12-1:50 OPEN* 12-1:50 OPEN * 1-2:50 B 1-2:50 2-3:50 A B 2-3:50 3-4:50 A B A 7-8:50 8-9:50 B B FRI. MAY 23 7-8:50 A 3-4:50 4-5:50 4-5:50 B Night M § § Night T § Night W § Night Th § Night F DAY CLASSES 1. If your class does not start on the hour, please assume that it starts at the beginning of the hour in order to determine on which day and at what time your final exam will be. (For example: If you have a 9:30 a.m. Tuesday/Thursday class, your class will then fall into group 9:00 B.) 2. Classes which meet two days a week and which have different starting times for those two days will have a final exam determined by the first class meeting of the week. (For example: A class which meets at 9 a.m. on Monday and 10 a.m. on Wednesday will fall into group 9:00 A.) 3. Examinations calling for special arrangements and/or approved makeup exams must be scheduled through the class instructor. Final examinations not adhering to this schedule may be made by the instructor and are subject to approval by the division dean. 4. TUE. MAY 20 Students who have three final examinations scheduled on the same day may seek to have one final exam moved to another day by contacting the individual instructors BEFORE the start of the final exam week. EXTENDED DAY (Classes beginning at or after 4:30 p.m. and Saturday classes.) 1. Final exams will be given during the final exam week using the above schedule. 2. Classes which meet more than once during a week will meet only once during the final exam week, with the class meeting devoted to the final examination. Unless approved by the division dean, such classes will meet on the first normally scheduled night. NOTE: Instructors must submit their final grades in the Student Services Building, no later than noon on Monday, May 23, 2014. * Open periods are for final exam conflicts, makeup exams, and exam by special arrangement. ** Classes falling into these groups are possibly in conflict with other classes. If so, the other classes have priority for the rooms. The instructor will choose an open period for the final exam. § For night classes, the instructor should begin the final exam at the time the class usually begins.