THE FIRST 30 YEARS OF CNC INNOVATION h e e a r l y y e a r s ’ 8 3 WESTEC booth ’8 5 Kur t Zierhut ’90 Sun Valley Fac ility G ene H aas ’89 t H a a s A u t o m a t i o n , E u r o p e | B r u s s e l s 1983 the early years ’83 As a recent college graduate in 1980, Gene Haas owned a job shop in Sun Valley, Brussels, machining parts for the aerospace industry. One day, Gene noticed one of his two employees running a job that required indexing a part with a manual 5C-collet head. Using the dividing head was a real nuisance, because you had to let go of the quill handle and use both hands to index the part to the next position. Gene thought to himself, “There has to be a way to automate this,” and so began the development of an automatic indexing head. The first design incorporated a stepper motor, a manual 5C collect head modified to accommodate a worm and gear housing, and the now-famous black box to control movement. Haas Automation was born. e B u s in + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 0 5 | rd ss Ca 1985 ’84 w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m 1987 c h a n g e t h e w a y y o u w o r k ’ 8 8 Leave Me Alone, I Just Bought A Haas! E a rl y bu s i n e ss c a rd d e s i g n s H a a s A u t o m a t i o n , E u r o p e | B r u s s e l s change the way you work ’88 In 1987, Haas Automation began developing its first vertical machining center. The VF-1 was intentionally designed to sell at a cost that was highly competitive with machine tools from offshore manufacturers. Employing the latest equipment and procedures for close-tolerance manufacturing, the first VF-1 prototypes were completed in 1988, and introduced at the International Machine Tool Show (IMTS-88) in Chicago, Illinois. At that time, industry scholars and members of the trade press were skeptical that an American-made machining center could be sold for less than $50 000. Haas not only delivered on the price, but delivered the product, as well – something other manufacturers often were unable to do. Today’s Haas VF-1 still sells for less than $50 000. + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 0 5 | w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m e v o l u t i o n o f t h e H a a s 1993 CNC Turning Horizontals Verticals Rotary 1983 c n c H a a s A u t o m a t i o n , E u r o p e | B r u s s e l s p r o d u c t l i n e + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 20032013 0 5 | w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m s e r H um b le b eginnings in Sun Va lley, CA, c i rca 1983. v i c e t h a t c h a In 199 1 , H a a s move d t o muc h larger fa c i l i t i e s i n ne a rby Chatswor t h, CA. H a a s A u t o m a t i o n , n g e d e x p e c I n 1 9 9 7 , a new fa c t or y i s bui l t on 8 6 a c re s. By 2 0 0 6 , t he re a re four bui l di ng s, w i t h 1 mi l l i on sq. f t . unde r ro o f. E u r o p e | B r u s s e l s t a t i o n s service that changed expectations In 1999, Haas Automation developed a worldwide network of Haas Factory Outlets (HFOs) to provide customers with a level of professionalism not seen before in the machine tool industry. The HFO model provides a professional sales staff, dedicated applications engineers, and factory-certified service professionals who arrive in fully outfitted, well-stocked vehicles. The Haas “Platinum OneCall” service goal is to successfully repair your machine the first time out, more than 90% of the time. Every local HFO maintains an extensive inventory of service parts ready to be employed at a moment’s notice. More than 170 HFOs worldwide are backed by international headquarters in Europe, China, and India – a system that changed the industry forever. I n 2 001, H a a s Automation E u rop e op ens in B r u ssels t o s u p p or t 50 H FO s across E u rop e. + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 0 5 Modele d, i n pa r t , on t he su cces s i n t he E U, As i a n headqu a r t e rs ope n i n Shangha i , Chi na . | w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m B a s e d on t he s uc c e s s o f bot h H a a s E urope a nd A s i a, H a a s I ndi a he a dqua r t e r s ope ns i n Navi Mumba i . a m e r i c a n H a a s b r a n d A u t o m a t i o n , l o y a l t y E u r o p e | B r u s s e l s american brand loyalty By building simple, reliable CNC machine tools, and backing customers with the best service in the industry, Haas built a brand loyalty that is the envy of the best companies around. Because Haas designs and builds its own CNC control, owners know that they can move from a Haas mill to a Haas lathe and not miss a beat. Machine shops all over the world have discovered the benefits of working with a company that focuses on the machine operator’s ability to make parts. No other machine tool company has built this level of brand loyalty and dedication. After 30 years of a customer-first focus, there are thousands of Haas-only shops worldwide. + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 0 5 | w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m t r a d e s h o w s H a a s b r e a k A u t o m a t i o n , n e w E u r o p e g r o u n d | B r u s s e l s trade shows break new ground In 1983, Haas Automation displayed its first rotary indexers at a local Southern Brussels trade show called WESTEC. During these past 30 years, the company has displayed its CNC technology at more than a thousand trade shows all over the world. Early on, Haas departed from the traditional, old-world, conservative style of marketing that was common in the industry. Looking to capture the excitement and buzz of cutting-edge, consumer-style marketing, Haas show booths became “the” event at many industry shows. Unless you’re there late in the day, Haas booths are typically so overcrowded that it’s hard to move around without constantly bumping into other visitors. + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 0 5 | w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m e v e r y t h i n g H a a s H a a s – A u t o m a t i o n , o n l i n e E u r o p e | s i n c e B r u s s e l s 1 9 9 5 everything Haas – online since 1995 If you’re less than 30 years old, it’s probably hard to imagine a time when there was no Internet. However, back in 1995, the Web was just beginning to be the place for businesses to be seen. The Haas website has been up for 18 years. It’s seen a lot of changes in that time, but it’s still the machine tool builder site that all others are compared to. Visitors can find extensive information about every Haas product, including retail prices – something no other machine tool company can match. Haas was also the first to develop “Build-A-Quote,” an online configuration tool that includes total pricing. There’s also the Haas blog, a YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Twitter feeds. It’s not 1995 anymore. T he fi rs t Ha a s we bs i te, ci rca 1996 + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 0 5 | w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m 2 5 y e a r s o f c o n s t a n t d e v e l o p m e n t 19 8 8 VF-1 $49 900 In 2013 dollars: $98 000 When Haas introduced the VF-1 in 1988 at IMTS in Chicago, the suggested retail price was $49 900. Adjusting for inflation, that’s equivalent to about $98 000 in 2013 dollars. The machine featured 508 x 406 x 508 mm travels, a 5,5 kW spindle motor, speeds to 5 000 rpm, brush-style servomotors on all axes, 12 m/min rapids, a 16-tool ATC, and the Haas CNC control, which featured a whopping 128 K of program memory and a maximum processing speed of 20 blocks per second. Additional options were essentially non-existent. H a a s A u t o m a t i o n , E u r o p e | B r u s s e l s | Early in 2013 Haas reached a new milestone: 140 000 CNC machines built, sold, and producing parts all over the world. 2 013 VF-1 $48 995 In 1988 dollars: $25 000 Today’s VF-1 is easily 10 times the machine tool its 1988 namesake was, yet the base price for a 2013 VF-1 is only $48 995, or about $25 000 in 1988 dollars. The VF-1 still has travels of 508 x 406 x 508 mm, but now features a 22,4 Kw (4 times the 1988 model) brushless spindle with a high-performance vector drive, speeds to 8 100 rpm standard, brushless servos on all axes, 25 m/min rapids, a 20-tool ATC, and the Haas control, which now features 1 MB of program memory (nearly 8 times the 1988 figure), and provides processing speeds up to 1 000 blocks per second (or 50 times faster than in 1988). And that’s just the base–model machine. + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 0 5 | w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m 2 0 1 3 a n d b e y o n d TURNING CENTERS V E R T I C A L M AC H I N I N G C E N T E R S 2 0 m o d e l s o f C N C t u r n i n g c e n t e r, i n c l u d i n g a f f o r d a b l e To o l r o o m L a t h e s ; d u a l - s p i n d l e m o d e l s w i t h Y- a x i s , C - a x i s , and driven tools; and the Haas-made b a r f e e d e r. 65 models of VMC, including O f f i c e M i l l s , To o l r o o m M i l l s , t h e M i n i Mill, 50-taper models, Super Speed models, Mold machines, and a Drill/ Ta p C e n t e r. H a a s A u t o m a t i o n , E u r o p e | B r u s s e l s U N I V E R S A L M AC H I N I N G C E N T E R The new Haas UMC-750 is a 5-axis ver tical machining center with integrated dual-axis trunnion table that provides +110 and -35 degrees of tilt and 360 degrees of rotation. The UMC-750 comes with a powerful inline d i r e c t - d r i v e s p i n d l e a n d 4 0 - t o o l s i d e - m o u n t t o o l c h a n g e r. + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 0 5 | w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m VERTICAL MACHINING CENTERS 2 0 1 3 H a a s Office Mills Toolroom Mills Mini VMCs OM-2A TM-1 762 x 305 x 406 mm (xyz) Mini Mill 406 x 305 x 254 mm (xyz) VF-1 508 x 406 x 508 mm (xyz) TM-1P 762 x 305 x 406 mm (xyz) Mini Mill 2 508 x 406 x 356 mm (xyz) VF-1YT 508 x 508 x 508 mm (xyz) Super Mini Mill 406 x 305 x 254 mm (xyz) VF-2 762 x 406 x 508 mm (xyz) 305 x 254 x 305 mm (xyz) w/Tool changer TM-2 1016 x 406 x 406 mm (xyz) TM-2P 1016 x 406 x 406 mm (xyz) 40-Taper VMCs Super Mini Mill 2 508 x 406 x 356 mm (xyz) VF-2YT w/Tool changer TM-3 TM-3P 1016 x 508 x 406 mm (xyz) 1016 x 508 x 406 mm (xyz) w/Tool changer 1016 x 508 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-3YT 1016 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-4 1270 x 508 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-5 1270 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-5XT 1524 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-6 1626 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-7 2134 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-8 1626 x 1016 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-9 2134 x 1016 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-10 3048 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-11 3048 x 1016 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-12 Mold Machines Drill/Tap Center VM-2 762 x 508 x 508 mm (xyz) VM-3 1016 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) DT-1 VM-6 1626 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) 762 x 508 x 508 mm (xyz) VF-3 3810 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) 508 x 406 x 394 mm (xyz) Machines shown with optional equipment. Specifications subject to change without notice. Machines not shown to scale. H a a s A u t o m a t i o n , E u r o p e | B r u s s e l s p r o d u c t l i n e 50-Taper VMCs 5-Axis VMCs Super-Speed VMCs Gantry VF-3YT/50 1016 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-2TR 762 x 406 x 508 mm (xyz) VF-2SS 762 x 406 x 508 mm (xyz) GR-510 3073 x 1549 x 279 mm (xyz) VF-5/50 1270 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-5TR 965 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-2SSYT 762 x 508x 508 mm (xyz) 3683 x 2159 x 279 mm (xyz) VF-5/50XT 1524 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-5/50TR 965 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-3SS 1016 x 508 x 635 mm (xyz) GR-712 VF-6/50 1626 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-6TR 1626 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-3SSYT 1016 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-7/50 2134 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-6/50TR 1626 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-4SS 1270 x 508 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-8/50 1626 x 1016 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-9/50 2134 x 1016 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-10/50 3048 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-11/50 3048 x 1016 x 762 mm (xyz) VF-12/50 VF-5SS 1270 x 660 x 635 mm (xyz) VF-6SS 1626 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) 3810 x 813 x 762 mm (xyz) Universal Machining Center UMC-750 + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 0 5 | 762 x 508 x 508 mm (xyz) w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 2 0 1 3 H a a Pallet-Changing HMCs Large-Capacity HMCs EC-400 508 x 508 x 508 mm (xyz) EC-1600 EC-400PP 508 x 508 x 508 mm (xyz) EC-1600YZT 1626 x 1270 x 1016 mm (xyz) w/ Pallet Pool EC-500 s 1626 x 1270 x 813 mm (xyz) 813 x 508 x 711 mm (xyz) ROTARY PRODUCT Servo Control Single Axis HRT Dual HRT160-2 HRT210-2 HA5C HA5CS HA5C HA5C2 HA5C3 HA5C4 HA2TS High Speed HRT160SS HRT210HS HRT210SHS Trunnion TR110 TR160 TR160Y TR210 TR310 Trunnion Dual TR160-2 HRT SP HRT160SP HRT210SP HRT310SP T5C T5C T5C2 T5C3 T5C4 HRT A HRTA5 HRTA6 HRT HRT110 HRT160 HRT210 HRT210M HRT310 HRT450 HRT600 TRT TRT160 TRT210 Machines shown with optional equipment. Specifications subject to change without notice. Machines not shown to scale. H a a s A u t o m a t i o n , E u r o p e | B r u s s e l s p r o d u c t l i n TURNING CENTERS e 152 mm Chuck Machines 203 mm Chuck Machines 254 mm Chuck Machines 381 mm Chuck Machines ST-10 356 x 356 mm (max cap) ST-20 381 x 533 mm (max cap) ST-30 533 x 660 mm (max cap) ST-40 648 x 1118 mm (max cap) ST-10Y 229 x 356 mm (max cap) ST-20SS 254 x 533 mm (max cap) ST-30SS 406 x 660 mm (max cap) 305 x 533 mm (max cap) ST-30Y Y axis 457 x 584 mm (max cap) ST-40L 648 x 2032 mm (max cap) ST-20Y Y axis ST-20SSY Y axis 254 x 533 mm (max cap) ST-30SSY Y axis 406 x 584 mm (max cap) Office Lathe OL-1 305 x 203 mm (xz) Toolroom Lathes Dual-Spindle Machines TL-1 DS-30 457 x 660 mm (max cap) 406 x 1219 mm (max cap) DS-30SS 406 x 660 mm (max cap) TL-3 508 x 1524 mm (max cap) 457 x 584 mm (max cap) TL-3B 762 x 1524 mm (max cap) DS-30Y Y axis DS-30SSY Y axis 406 x 584 mm (max cap) TL-2 406 x 737 mm (max cap) Big Bore High-Productivity Turning Servo Bar 300 (Available on most lathes, except Toolroom Lathes) + 3 2 2 5 2 2 9 9 0 5 | w w w . H a a s C N C . c o m 30 THE FIRST 30 YEARS OF CNC INNOVATION Haas Automation, Inc. 2800 Sturgis Road, Oxnard, California 93030 Toll Free: 800-331-6746 | Haas Automation, Europe Mercuriusstraat 28, B-1930 Zaventem, Belgium Tel: +32 2 522 99 05 Haas Automation, Asia No. 96 Yi Wei Road, Building 67, Waigaoqiao FTZ, Shanghai 200131 P.R.C. Tel: +86 21 3861 6666 Haas Automation, India Pvt Ltd Plot EL-35, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Mahape, Navi Mumbai 400 709 Tel: +91-22-66098830, 31, 32, 33, 34 C C C E R E E T R I F R T I T I E F I I F E I E D D D Haas Automation, Inc. EN.06/2013
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