General - Calendar of festivities and activities
General - Calendar of festivities and activities
General - Calendar of festivities and activities N O E S WHERE IS IT? Puigcerdà is a town in Catalonia, situated to the north-west of Barcelona, on the axis of the Pyrenees and capital of the region known as La Cerdanya. It is a region with a very well defined natural boundary, being formed by a great valley surrounded by mountains of the Pyrenees and Prepyrenees, whose limits are: to the north: the Principality of Andorra and French Languedoc, to the south: Berguedá, to the east: Capcir and Conflent, to the west: Alt Urgell, to the south-east: Ripollés through the valley of Ribes. THE CERDAN La Cerdanya is, from an administrative point of view, a strange, curious and sad historical reality, as it beiongs to two states: Spain and France. In the Spanish State, it is divided into the provinces of Girona and Lleida while in the French State it beiongs to the department of Oriental Pyrenees with two cantons: Sallagossa and Mont-Louis. With the división of the Spanish state into Autonomic Communities, the Generalitat of Catalonia Is the administrating institution of the Cerdan territory, delegating some of its administrative roles to the Regional Council of La Cerdanya (Consell Comarcal de La Cerdanya). This partition of the state derives from the Pyrenees treaty signed by both Crowns in the year 1659, in which peace was agreed and a part of Catalonia was ceded to the sovereignty of France: Rosselló, Conflent, Capcir, Vallespir and half of the Cerdanya. This brought about the establishment of an incredible frontier in the middle of the región, dividing families and properties in an arbitrary way. It has to be mentioned that, inside the so called high Cerdanya, there is the enclave of Llívia, and the valley of the river Querol was annexed to the French Cerdanya due to geopolitical strategies in order to connect Capcir and Conflent to Arièja. To put it another way, we can say that the natural region is divided into four subregions: the High Cerdanya, the Low Cerdanya, the Batllia and the Baridá. THE NAME OF CERDANYA As for the word "Cerdanya", it is accepted that it is derived from Ceretania or place where the Ceretani lived (from the Iberian-Latin Ceretanus). The first description we know of is the one by Poseidonios d'Apamea (80bc) on which Estrabó (27 p.C.) based the following: "In the Pyrenees, the Iberian side is covered with trees (...) among them, those of perennial leaves (...) in its central part there are beautiful habitable areas: the Ceretans occupy the greatest part, an Iberian tribe that produces excellent hams (...) comparable to the ones of Kibyra" - Anatolic city of Licia. The most ancient reference to the name (Ciritania) appears in a Visigotic document (the "Story of King Wamba") referring to Saint Julian, archbishop of Toledo. Later, in the year 815, the Comitatum Cerdaniensem is quoted; in Eginhard's "Carolingic anals" (827) the Ceritaniam Vallensem is mentioned and, during the 11th and 12th centuries, both as Cerdania and Cerdaina. So, the correct name is "cerda" -pl. cerdans-, used in some places with the forms "cerdanyols" or "cerdanyons", even though we use "ceretans", which is derived from a Latin word, that also refers to the present inhabitants of Ceret. GEOGRAPHY The Cerdan valley is a basin formed from collapsed faults-which joins Seu d'Urgell to Perpinyà- about 8 millon years ago, in which a great lake was formed, in the present subregion of Batllia. The marked difference between the "solana", vey sunny and with poor soils, and the "baga", more shaded and with a larger forest surface, is very evident from the scenery. Irrigation ditches provide fields and meadows with water from tributary streams of the river Segre, giving them their brilliant green. DEMOGRAPHY The region has been densely populated from ancient times, as almost every present nucleus is already mentioned in the documents of the 10th and 11th centuries. The present boundaries of the territory and the distribution of the villages could have a Roman origin, culminating in the Visigotic "pagus", which is supposed to have given rise to the count hierarchy. However, it was during the 13th and 14th centuries when, starting with the development of Puigcerdà, a real population explosion brought about by ACCESS rising economy made the town one of the main markets in the Catalan interior and the fifth city of Catalonia in terms of population. The period of the 15th-17th centuries was a time of stagnation, even of recession;but in the 18th century recuperation started, lasting until the first decades of the following century, with maximum population in 1857. After that, a new fall is observed which lasted until the 40s in the 20th century, when the census suffered few modifications. The population has increased in the last ten years, mostly due to the construction boom. ECONOMY Nowadays, it is largely based on a tertiary sector connected to trade and winter sports, which are aimed at an essentially winter tourism, even though it is becoming less seasonal and more continuous. The main towns are Alp, Llívia and, the most important, Puigcerdà. The primary sector is mainly characterized by the breeding of milk and meat, herds and agricultural in general. In the secondary sector, construction is rated high above the other industries: metallurgy, wood and food, among others. Toulouse by train by road Perpignan La Seu d’Urgell Barcelona THE TOWN OF PUIGCERDÀ (18,58 km2) The ancient town boundaries of Puigcerdà increased with the annexation of Rigolisa in the 19th century and Vilallobent in 1969. Its eastern limit is the French border, with villages very close to others that are now French, such as Age with Palau, Vilallobent with Osseja and , especially, Puigcerdà with La Guingueta d'lx, (officially BourgMadame) where the Customs have traditionally been situated. On the other sides, the limit goes up the mountain by a narrow path as far as coll Marcer, from where it goes down, through serrat d'Orri, past mas Bertranet as far as the river Llavanera, opposite Fontanals de Cerdanya. From here, it opens to Pla d'Arenes, borders Ventajola in the west and joins the road N-260 at mas Aranso, the meeting point of Bolvir and Guils de Cerdanya. it goes under this communication link, near the river Querol and goes up to the border, near La Vinyola, where it shares a boundary with Enveig. In the north, it follows a border separating it from Ur and La Guingueta d'lx. The name of the town of Puigcerdà (1.202m) is derived from the latin Podium Ceretani that means hill of the Ceretans, that is to say, of the ancient inhabitants of Ceretania and, by derivation, of Cerdanya. In spite of this, its first name was "Mont Cerda". Both place names show its high situation, set upon the hill situated Stamp of Rigolisa XIX c. above the plain, formed by encroaching moraine from the glacier that had occupied the valley of Querol. VEGETATION AND FAUNA Almost the entire district is given over to the cultivation of herbaceous plants on irrigated land, as well as meadows, and in second place is the area destined for orchards and fruit trees - mainly pear. In the woodlands, which are not very extensive, red pine is predominant (on the Pla de les Forques) and is also found in thickets. It is followed by poplar (at the sides of paths and meadows), black pine (on the Serrat de I'Orri) and finally beech - not very numerous and found in association with black pine. The rest is composed of thickets or meadows in association with red pine and thickets, as well as all the riverside trees that surround the ditches, fields and meadows of the valley (alder, ash, willow, etc.). It is important to mention the planting of a number of species -native and foreign- by the town lake in Schierbeck Park, which are a distinctive feature. Among the trees are to be found the following: false acacia, Japanese acacia, white poplar, hazel, fir, birch, silver birch, maple, sycamore, horse chestnut, hima- layan and atlas cedars, cedar of Lebanon, Japanese cherry, weeping willow, beech, ash, ginkgo, laburnum, magnolia, whitebeam, mountain ash, paulownia, Austrian pine, plane, crabapple, oak, red oak, willow, sequoia gigantea, sophora, yew, lime, broadleaved lime, alder, Italian alder, Leyland cypress and Nootka cypress. Among the shrubs and other plants are: buddleia, box, cotinus coggygria, two types of cotoneaster, elaeagnus pungens, fatsia japonica, forsythia intermedia, ivy, holly (ilex Aquifolium), English lavender, ligustrum ovalifolium, Japanese honeysuckle, mahonia aquifolium, narcissus poeticus and others, parthenocissus quinquefolio, philadelphus coronaras, several roses, rhus typhina, salix rosmarinifolia, elder, spiraea, vanhouttei, different tamarisks and viburnum tinus. With regard to the birds living by the lake, there are mallard, shellduck and mute swans, and in the surroundings, rock doves. During the migration season it is also frequented by wigeon, moorhen, black-headed gulls and herring gulls. Nearby, white storks can be seen from time to time. The fish life is represented by eels, catfish, barbel, carp, perch, and trout. In the mountain areas which belong to the municipality can be found the appropriate mountain and subalpin wildlife. THE VILLAGES WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY AGE (1.175 m) is situated between the river Segre and the river Llavanera. The parish church, dedicated to Saint Julian, has a romanic origin, though it has been reconstructed. The word "Age" is considered to be a Basque or Celtic preroman place name, probably derived from (h)agiu=yew, or perhaps from the Latin verb agere =order. But, in any case, it does not derive from ager (field), as it has been suggested. RIGOLISA (1.212 m) is a little place situated on the hill Cerda, exactly to the NE. It is formed by a farm and the church of Saint James of Rigolisa. It used to be a village dependent on Saint Michael of Cuixa. Rigolisa is a Basque preroman place name, probably formed from "Errako" and "Lezea", which would mean " the ravine of the burnt man"; it appears in documents in 946 for the first time as "Eragolisa". VENTAJOLA (1.150 m) is situated to the SW of Puigcerdà, on the right bank of the river Querol or d'Aravo. Its existence has been documented since the 9th century. It belonged to Saint Michael of Cuixa. The Romanic church (XI-XII c) is dedicated to Saint Thomas. The word "Ventajola" is thought to have originated from the Latin patronymic "Ventidius". VILALLOBENT (1.175 m) is situated on the confluence of the rivers Villalonga and Llavanera (also called La Vanera).Vilallobent is a Latin place name originating from "Vila Lupenti" formed by lupus (wolf) and probably derived from a family name. Vilallobent Its origin is thought to be from the Roman "fundus". Its lands, which first belonged to the monastery of Ripoll, became the property of Saint Michael of Cuixa. Finally, they became the property of the Crown, as a royal place. Its Romanic church is dedicated to Saint Andrew. DEMOGRAPHY To illustrate this, we show the evolution of Puigcerdà through the centuries and compared to other towns halfway through the 14th century, this being the moment of its maximum expansion: Year 1345 1718 1787 1830 1887 1900 1950 1970 1975 1981 1994 2001 2003 Inhab. 6.500 1.130 1.754 2.046 2.651 2.572 3.356 5.526 6.011 5.818 6.586 7.656 8.500 Comparison in the middle of s. XIV Town Inhab Barcelona Perpinyà Lleida Tortosa Puigcerdà Cervera Vilafranca Manresa 40.000 14.000 12.000 6.500 6.500 6.000 4.000 3.000 HOW TO GET THERE? BY ROAD From Barcelona: -Take the C-1411 (I'eix del Llobregat) through the Cadi tunnel. Passing Terrassa, Manresa and Berga, you will reach Puigcerdà in about 1 h 30. -Follow the N-152 (Barcelona-Puigcerdà): through Vic, Ripoll, Ribes de Freser and over the Pass of Toses. Although this route is longer, the scenery and places of interest compensate for the additional effort. From Girona: - Take the C-150, through Besalu, Olot, Capsacosta, Ripoll, Ribes de Freser and over the Pass of Toses. From Lleida: - Take the C-1313 from Lleida to Adrall through Artesa de Segre and Pons, and then the N-260 from Adrall to Puigcerdà, through Seu d'Urgell, Martinet and Bellver de Cerdanya. From Toulouse (Tolosa de Llenguadoc): -Take the N-20 from Tolosa through Foix, Tarascon and Aix-les-Thèrmes. You can cross the mountains through the Puymorens tunnel, and also by the Pass of the same name. From Carcassona: Along the N-118, through Limoux, Quillan, Axat and MontLluís. From Perpinyà: Take the N-116 through Prades de Conflent and MontLluis. From Andorra: Over the pass of Envalira to the Pass of Puymorens and then to Bourg-Madame (La Guingueta d'lx) and Puigcerdà. BY TRAIN From Barcelona: Take the RENFE line BarcelonaPuigcerdà that will take you to Puigcerdà and la Tour de Querol, by way of Granoiiers, Vic, Ripoll and stopping at the Cerdan stations of La Molina and Alp. From Toulouse (Tolosa de Llenguadoc): Take the SNFC line Toulouse (Tolosa) - La Tour de Querol. From Perpinyà (Perpignan): You can travel by service from Perpinyà to Vilafranca de Conflent and, from there, by the well-known "Yellow train", to La Tour de Querol going by Mont Lluís and Sallagossa. FESTIVITIES AND OTHER ACTIVITIES JANUARY 5 - Procession of the three Kings and playground. - Blessing of animals and twinning with Bourg-madame. - It is the time for various Christmas raffles organised by different entities in the villages. - The most traditional ones are those in Osseja, Puigcerdà, Vilallobent and Llivia. FEBRUARY - Carnival. The outstanding procession of the school children in Puigcerdà. - Feast of "Trinxat" in Puigcerdà. (Bubble and squeak - a typical dish). MARCH 8 - Sant Joan de Deu, when the firemen from the southern Cerdanya celebrate their feast. APRIL - The tree festival in several villages. 23 - Saint George in Puigcerdà: a market selling books and roses and other celebrations. 25 - Meeting in Saint Marc (Puigcerdà). Giants of Puigcerdà AT EASTER - Antique fair "Antic Puigcerdà". - Celebration of popular songs for Easter in Puigcerdà. JUNE - Bicycle tour. Three Nation Route "Ruta de les tres Nacions" (Catalunya, France and Andorra). 23 - Magical Bonfires. JULY - 1st Week - Puigcerdà cultural week (poem readings, street theatre, talks and conferences, the award of the literary prize Vila de Puigcerdà, etc.). 10 - St. Christopher's day and the blessing of cars in Puigcerdà. 14 - Excursion on foot to Vilallobent. 17, 18, 19, i 20-Festa Major (Principal Festival) in Puigcerdà (El Roser). 25 - St. James's day. Entertainments in Rigolisa. 29 - St. Martha's day. Patroness of hoteliers, feast in Puigcerdà. - Cycle of concerts in Puigcerdà. - Bicycle Festival. AUGUST - 3rd weekend- The festival of the lake in Puigcerdà. - Craft fair in Vilallobent. - Summer festival in Vilallobent. St. Mary's. Autumn cattle fair SEPTEMBER 6 i 7 - Principal Festival of Vilallobent. 8 - Virgin of the Sacristy in Puigcerdà. 11 - Diada de Catalunya (Catalunya day) in Puigcerdà. OCTOBER - Mycologic exhibition and seminar in Puigcerdà. NOVEMBER - Commemoration of the Pyrenees'Treaty in Puigcerdà. 30 - Little festival in Vilallobent. 1st weekend- Horse fair in Puigcerdà. DECEMBER - Father Christmas in Puigcerdà. - Performance of "Els Pastorets" (The little shepherds) in Puigcerdà. - New year’s eve celebration. LOCAL FESTIVITIES FAIRS AND MARKETS AGE 2nd Sunday of June. - Holy Week: "Antic Puigcerdà", Antique and bric-a-brac fair for collectors. - Last Saturday of April: Spring cattle fair in Puigcerdà. - 1st weekend after All Saints: Cattle fair in Puigcerdà, mainly dedicated to the Hispanobreton breed of horse cattle, also called the Cerdan Breton horse. There is also farm machinery, vehicles and market stalls. There is a market every Sunday morning in Puigcerdà. PUIGCERDÀ 1st Sunday of July." El Roser". VENTAJOLA 21st September. St. Thomas. VILALLOBENT 1st Sunday of September." El Roser". The Festival of the lake History - Legends CHRONOLOGY Various artefacts found show there has been occupation within the actual town boundaries from prehistoric times, Iberian and Roman. 10th century. The parish of Vilallobent, mentioned as Villa Lipinti, appears in the Act of Consecration of the Cathedral of Seu d'Urgell. 942. First documented evidence of the existence of a settlement at Age. 958. First mention of St Thomas of Ventajola. 1094. The existence of a castle on top of the hill which is given by Count Guiliem Ramon to his son, Guiliem Jorda. 1170-1177. Alfons I establishes or reestablishes the town of Puigcerdà and makes it the capital of the Cerdanya. 1182. Fair of Puigcerdà is established. This has an important revitalizing effect on the economy. 1190. King Pere I endorses the main hospital of Puigcerdà which, encompassing the enormous conceptual changes in the hospital world, is the actual hospital today. 13th Century. The Jurisdiction of the Cerdanya is created.This was to last until. 1716. with Puigcerdà as its centre. 1260.The first written mention of the lake. 1280. A fire burns a large part of the town. 1290. Dominican friars are established. 14thCentury. Mendicants and Jews have a large representation in Puigcerdà. 1333. Franciscans build their own friary. 1344. The town is awarded the title of "insigne" (distinguished). Around 1345. Puigcerdà is among the seven most densely populated Catalan towns. 1393. Puigcerdà buys Salteguet from Pere de Lozano. 1428. A bad earthquake causes great destruction in the town. 1479. The construction of a new castle is begun. 1514. First coinage of Puigcerdà. 1583. The town is given the title "Fidelissima" (most faithful). 1588. A Union is created between Puigcerdà and the surrounding "Terra" (land) to fight against raiders and bandits. 16th-17th Century. Continuous confrontations with the French. 1716-1833. Creation of "el corregiment", a new administration applied by the Crown in Puigcerdà. 1728. Escola Pia (convent school) is established in Puigcerdà. 1770. The physician Francesc Piguillem i Verdacer is born in Puigcerdà. He introduces Jenner's smallpox vaccine to the Catalan territories. 1771. The death of Puigcerdan doctor and botanist Miquel Bernades i Mainader. He was physician to Charles III and professor in charge of the Botanic garden in Madrid. 1812-1814. Napoleon creates the Department of Segre with its capital in Puigcerdà. 1837-1873+1874. Puigcerdà sieges. The town comes through victorious on each occasion. It is given the titles of Heroic (1837) and always unconquered (1874). 1854. The Puigcerdan meteorologist Dionis Puig i Soler is born. He discovers a new method of weather forecasting. 1861. The first fire brigade is formed in Puigcerdà. It is one of the oldest in Catalunya. 1875. "El Puigcerdanes" is printed. It is the first weekly newspaper in the Cerdanya. 1879. The association "Casino Cereta" is founded. 1886. The government gives permission to demolish the town walls. 1913. The Infanta (princess) Isabel visits the town. 1914. The N-152 uniting Barcelona and Puigcerdà by way of Ribes de Freser is completed and the following years, the road from Seu d'Urgell to Puigcerdà. These are two of the principal lines of communication in the region. 1922. The train from Barcelona arrives in Puigcerdà. 1924. The monarch Alfons XIII visits the town. 1929. The railway between Puigcerdà and Ax-les-Thèrmes is inaugurated. 1936. A powerful group of the CNT- FAI headed by Antonio Martin "the Lame Man from Malaga" takes control of Puigcerdà and a large part of the Cerdanya. 1937. Paper money is issued. 1939.The troops of Franco enter the town (10th February). 1952. Radio Puigcerdà, "the voice of the Cerdanya" starts its broadcast, which ends two years later. 1956. Puigcerdà starts playing ice hockey at national level. 1960. Farming and Fishing Cooperative is created. 1981. First "Diada" of the Cerdanya is celebrated. 1983. Radio Cerdanya S.A., known as Radio Pirineus, begins broadcasting. 1986.The first national League title for ice hockey comes to Puigcerdà the first Catalan Team to achieve this. 1987.Creation of the Comarcal Mountain Council of the Cerdanya. 1989. Comarcal Historic Archives are inaugurated. 1990. County Library of the Cerdanya is inaugurated. 1991.The remodelling of the lake, Shierbeck Park and the irrigation channels. 1994. The "longest sausage in the world" is made and entered in the Guinnes Book of Records. 1995. The 20th meeting of International Conference of Archeology is held in Puigcerdà. 1996. The water in the irrigation channels is potable. Various sporting successes, both individual and team (Mountain biking, football, chess.etc). 1998. The Kerresetcaps presentation. The new fireman park is inagurated. The mundial meeting of Peñas Barcelonistas is held in Puigcerdà. 2000. The sanitary associate residence and the new tribunal are inagurated. 2001. The new parking underground situated in the old jewish district is inagurated. 2002. The Municipal School of Music ISSI FABRA is inagurated. 2003. The Lift Panoramic is inagurated. THE TOWN COAT OF ARMS The first reference appears in the manuscript "Translation of the Green Book" from the year 1298, giving some of the oldest examples of Catalan heraldic emblems for towns. The description in modern terms is: "Square shield: red, with a flowering mound in gold. For crest, the crown of a count". It must be mentioned that the "flowering mound" is not the Fleur-de Lys as has been stated on numerous occasions. THE FLAG OF PUIGCERDÀ This is derived from the coat-of-arms or escutcheon of the town, and was given official recognition in 1986. In the optical centre appears the flowered mount of gold on a field of red, which covers the whole flag. It should be said that the existence of a flag has been mentioned from the 15th century on, but there remains neither drawing nor description. In any case it would be logical to suppose that it bore the town's coat-ofarms, the flowered mount, as this is carefully reproduced on book covers from the 13th and 14th centuries. TITLES AWARDED TO THE TOWN INSIGNE - Awarded in 1344 on capturing and imprisoning King Jaume III of Mallorca in the castle Torre Cerdana of Porte. He had been decla- red a rebel by the Court and his goods confiscated. FIDELISSIMA- Obtained in 1538 for the successful resistance to the Huguenots, which was made necessary owing to betrayal by a resident of the town. HEROICA- This was conceded by the Government by way of recompense for the staunch resistance demonstrated against the Carlins in the attacks and siege by the Carlin troops from the 17th to 28th November 1837. SEMPRE INVICTA- This was awarded by Decree of the President of the central Government, dated 8th September 1874, in recognition of the courage with which the town faced the attacks and Carlin siege of 1874. A commemorative medallion was struck at the time for the defenders, with the permission of the Government. Plan of Fort Adria HISTORY Throughout this century, the theory has been promulgated that Puigcerdà was founded in 1177, in accordance with the document in which the monarch donated the lands for the construction of the church. But it is clear in this document that Puigcerdà was already called a town. So, the date of its foundation has to be earlier. In 1094 the castle of "Mont Cerda" is documented in the will of the count of the Cerdanya, Guillem Ramon, and is bequeathed to his son Guillem Jorda. As the castle is mentioned, it must have been a large and important fortification, inside and around which the new town was to start growing. Situated at a strategic place, and big enough to allow the growth of a large town, Alfons I the Cast chose it as the new defensive border post in the area, to the detriment of other fortified places. For this reason, it was made the capital and given many privileges, which brought more inhabitants and strengthened it, thus becoming comparable with the most important Catalan towns. As its population continued increasing, it became, in the middle of the 14th century, the fifth or sixth largest town, its inhabitants numbering around 6000 or 6500. As well as being the capital, it was also granted Jewish stamp to mark the bread with a legend in Arab, XIVc. Drawing of the castle 1319-1320 the regional administrative powers, both lay and ecclesiastic. All through its history, it has kept its position as capital under the many different kinds of administrations. Due to the great number of privileges, the town could not only organise its own government, but it was also able to obtain social advantages. Apart from this social stimulus, the new town was given the necessary powers to achieve economic development. Some of these were the concession of a weekly market and two fairs that still exist nowadays and the ability to buy and sell water courses and pastures and also to employ a scribe, solicitor, etc. At the same time, there were concessions related to defence and military aspects in order to guarantee the security of the population and to cover the military needs. They allowed the construction and conservation of the walls which, after suffering many modifications, were to last until the end of the last century. Nowadays, few vestiges remain. Under this protection, the town grew fast in all aspects, becoming an important centre in the commercial and defensive network in the interior, complementary to that of the coast, and having an important role in the supply and distribution of products. This dynamism made possible the rapid growth of the social and professional structure with the formation of brotherhoods and guilds, as well as the introduction of an impor- tant Jewish community and the establishment of several religious orders which were to build large convents (Dominicans, Franciscans and Clares).This flourishing society declined, as in the rest of the principality, in the 15th century, caused by wars and outbreaks of the Black Death as well as earthquakes, especially that of 1428 which brought about widespread destruction. After marking time for the rest of the century, the town revived again and continued its commercial tradition which has lasted until the present day, in spite of the local wars and incidents in which it became involved in later years. The strategic position allowed the control of two important Pyrenean passes, those of La Perxa and Puymorens. Because of this, in the 16th century the town was in a continual state of readiness for war. The attacks, sieges and raids against the town by the French and Spanish troops were continuous, for it was essential to conquer this nucleus in order to control the region. This situation was to last until the Napoleonic occupation. The warlike relationship with France brought about a definitive division of the region, leading to its partition between Spain and France in the Treaty of the Pyrennees (1659-1660). The frontier was set at the foot of the hill on which Puigcerdà stands. Apart from this, another destabilizing element, banditry, broke out during the 16th and 17th centuries. There are numerous and continuous reports, not only of villainous deeds throughout the region, but also of attacks on the castles. During this time, the town was in a very delicate situation economically. The huge expense of maintaining its defensive system, the continuous barracking of troops, the setting up of a spy network and the generalized situation of mistrust, were not stabilizing influences in any way. However, it was during those centuries that its own coinage was minted. The recuperation began in the 18th century. Despite suffering more attacks from the French troops, the most serious attack from the point of view of the group in power was the establishment of the Bourbon monarchy, with the imposition of the Castillian administration of the "corregiment" and the loss of all kinds of privileges. Puigcerdà was the centre of this administration, and the "corregidor" in charge was the political, administrative, military and juridical head of the town and the region, so the former autonomy was truncated. The confrontations with France continued throughout the century, finishing with the Napoleonic occupation between 1812-14 , when it became the capital of the fragile "Departament del Segre", a new administrative division created by Napoleon, similar to those existing in France. The remainder of the 19th century was a time of change in political thinking, and people suddenly found themselves involved in the Spanish Civil War between the Liberals and the Carlists. Puigcerdà, on the Liberal side, was besieged by the Carlists in 1837, but emerged victorious as it did in 1873 and 1874. The resistance to the sieges was fierce, gaining the acknowledgement of the Government and of Spain in general for the feat. It was at this time that many Spanish cities named one of their streets "Puigcerdà" and the Government named a warship of the Monitor type after the town. Before the end of the Carlist Wars, people from Barcelona started to spend their summer holidays in the town, and they built their cottages or "quintas" in the area surrounding the walls. They were the pioneers of an important phenomenon which emerged at the end of the this moment that Puigcerdà started a new era in its economic future. The influx of summer holidaymakers, called at the time "colonia veraniega" (summer camp) was notable not only for the number but also for the composition of its members-businessmen, politicians and people from the world of culture. This brought into existence the flourishing Ceretan Casino, the Agricultural and Trade Circle, the Festival of the lake, the Flower Festival and the local press, and at the same time brought about the demolition of the town walls and the expansion of the population. This social, economic and cultural revival took place with frequent visits from Mn. Jacint Verdaguer, Narcis Oiler, Santiago Rossinyol, Emmanuel Brousse, M. Alart, Isaac Albeniz and Enric Granados among many others. This flourishing state of affairs continued until 1936 when the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War radically disrupted the rhythm of a town which saw a large number of its inhabitants murdered and led to a series of collectivizations which left the population in a precarious moral state. After this period, the former cultural dynamism disappeared; the economic difficulties of the country in general and the new political direction made all new initiatives impossible. Gradually tourism was reestablished, not only in summer but also in winter thanks to skiing. At the same time Puigcerdà tried an experiment in ice hockey (1956) with a match held on the ice of the lake, thus becoming the first town in the Spanish state to play this sport. From this date and at various times the town had to absorb a great number of immigrants from the rest of the Spanish provinces, principally from the south; also, the number of French tourists increased thanks to the monetary exchange rate, at least until the beginning of the 1980's. Today Puigcerdà's wealth is based on the service industry, tourism and industries related to construction, maintaining its position as capital of the region under the Spanish administration. 50% of the population are engaged in these activities. Copper coin of Puigcerda, 1576 LLEGENDS feet. When he awoke, he found a plentiful spring to quench his thirst and give him strength to continue his pilgrimage to St. Jaume of Rigolisa where he was able to partake of a tasty meal and rest in a comfortable bed at the inn. "Rigolisa" has fancifully been said to have its origin in the expression "anar a Galicia" (to go to Galicia) just as "Nargo" could originate from "anar a Arago" (to go to Aragon). It is true that the monks of Cuixa built a chapel and an inn there as it was situated midway between their monastery and those of I'Urgellet (Pinsent, Tavernoles, Codinet). THE OLD LADY OF THE LAKE Puigcerda's Festival of the Lake, commemorates a legend with a tradition dating back 115 years and is looked forward to with great expectation year after year. The festival is presided over by the Old Lady of the Lake who, according to the legend, was a very old lady in her nineties who lived in Carrer dels Ferrers in the town. Dressed in a closefitting jacket and a hood, she is the reincarnation of the virtues of Catalan woman. She loves her land, especially the lake and town of Puigcerdà, and she turns up punctually every year for her appointment. As Josep Vinyet says "she arrives, wanders around her territory, looks at the changes in the neighbourhood and her heart fills with joy, and after spending a happy day with her own people she leaves discreetly from among the branches of a weeping willow, on her boat trip back to the palatine mansion underwater, built for her by a spirit, where she is received by fairies who, one far-off day, arrived from the lake of Lanos. Another variation of the legend says that the old lady lived in one of the houses situated where the lake now is. When the lake was created, she was forced to leave the place she loved so much. She visited the spot every day and when she died she made a promise to continue her visits. From that moment on and year after year, she has appeared one day in the month of August, going back to her old home underwater at nightfall. THE PUIG CERDÀ (The Cerdan Mount) Some say that two families, the Puigs and the Cerdas, married their children and decided to settle on the top of a KERRESETCAPS In the middle of the 18th century, many people of the Cerdanya were terrified by tales of a monster and afraid to go into the woods to cut firewood, or look for wild mushrooms, or even go hunting. There were many The old lady of the lake Virgin of the Sacristy hill that since then has been called Puigcerdà. Another version says that there were two shepherds - called Puig and Cerda, of course - who took their flocks to the pastures of its broad top and on joining up they gave the town its present name THE PILGRIM OF RIGOLISA This legend says that an old and tired pilgrim who was following St. James'Way guided by the stars, arrived one night at the hermitage of the Virgin found in the Cerdanya (the actual hermitage of Font Romeu). He was dying of fatigue and thirst and, discouraged and weeping, he called on the Virgin and fell asleep at her who claimed to have seen the beast, and others believed them after having listened to their stories. One fine day, a man from Puigcerdà saw that he needed to cut some more firewood and decided to go to the first pine trees at Salteguet, not forgetting to take his son who was to remain outside the wood on watch to warn him of any danger.They hadn't been there long when suddenly, he heard howling. The good man ran with all speed to the place where his son should be. He was not there! he could be seen further off with a strange creature, a terrible monster! He called him anxiously, but the child called back that the creature was friendly. Without paying any heed to this, the father grabbed his shotgun which he had brought to defend himself, however with a loud roar the beast disppeared amongst the foliage. On his arrival back in town, having roundly scolded the child and shut him up in a small room at home, he went out to recount the tale to his friends and to the "veguer", the highest authority in the county at that time -"That's quite enough"- thought the veguer, and decided to make a thorough search of the area where the monster had appeared. Meanwhile, at home, the child kept on telling his mother how friendly the beast was. Nonetheless, the search party went out, and although very frightened, with a great effort, they managed to capture the beast alive. On hearing of the capture, the child cried unconsolably. The following day, when the beast was being exhibited in the Plaza Mayor chained up in a cage, the child lost no time in escaping to see it. He slipped through the crowd and got to the front of the circle which had Saint James of Rigolisa formed at a prudent distance, marked out by the soldiers. With an agile movement, he reached the beast. Everyone shouted but nobody dared to go near. The monster sensed the innocence of the children. When the father of one of the children tried to approach to retrieve his child, the wild beast let out an unfriendly roar. It had no respect for the man. In a couple of days, the only topic of conversation in the town and in all the Cerdanya was the monster, and almost everyone went to Puigcerdà to see it. The authorities decided to send it to Court, but to the great joy of all the children, the creature-the "sevenheaded monster"- managed to escape. Deep inside, the children knew that they would see it again in Cerdan territory, playing with them, but terrifying and putting to fright the hardhearted- the true monsters. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - BOSOM, S.: Coneguem... l'estany i el parc Schierbeck. Puigcerdà, 1992. - GALCERAN, S. (A cura de): La ocupación francesa de 1462 al 1493 y Nª Sª de Gracia. Ripoll, 1970. - BOSOM, S.: Puigcerdà. Girona, 1993. - BOSOM, S. i MERCADAL, 0.: La Cerdanya. Manresa, 1994. - BOSOM, S. i VILADOMAT, T.: Puigcerdà, 40 anys d'història d'hoquei sobre gel Club Gel Puigcerdà. Puigcerdà, 1995. - BOSOM, S. i MERCADAL, 0.: El patrimoni Històrico-artístic de la Cerdanya i el Capcir. Manresa, 1994. - BOSOM, S. i SOLÉ, M.: Carrers i places de Puigcerdà. Una passejada per la seva història. Puigcerdà, 1998. - BRAGULAT, J.: Vint-i-cinc anys de vida puigcerdanesa 1901-1925, Barcelona, 1969. - DA.: 1r Congrés Internacional d'Història de Puigcerdà. Puigcerdà, 1983. - DA.: "El Vallespir, el Conflent, el Capcir i la Cerdanya" dins Gran geografia comarcal de Catalunya. Barcelona, 1985 - DA: CD-ROM de la Cerdanya. Puigcerdà, 1996. - FIGUERA, M.: La Cerdanya, rutes i passejades. Vilassar de Dalt, 1997. - GALCERAN, S.: Dietari de la fidelíssima vila de Puigcerdà. Barcelona, 1977. - MARTÍ, J.: Historia de Santa Maria de Puigcerdà, hoy de la Sacristía. Lleida, 1925. - MARTÍ, J.: Dietari de Puigcerdà amb sa vegueria de Cerdanya i sotsvegueria de Vall de Ribes. Ripoll i Lleida, 1926-1928. - MERCADAL, 0.; BOSOM, S.; DENJEAN, C. i SUBIRANAS, C: Coneguem... els jueus i franciscans de Puigcerdà. Puigcerdà, 1994. - MERCADER, J.: Puigcerdà, capital del Segre. Barcelona, 1971. - POUS, J. i SOLÉ, J. M.: Anarquia i república a la Cerdanya (1936-1939), El Cojo de Málaga i els fets de Bellver. Barcelona, 1988. -SEMPRONIANA: La cuina tradicional de Cerdanya. Tremp, 1995. Monuments - Places of interest St. Andrew's Church, Vilallobent Of Romanesque origin, retains some walls with "opus spicatum". It features united chapels and the apse has been replaced with a rectangular construction. The vault is semicircular and the bell tower is in the west wall, built up 3 metres with two apertures for the bells. HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND PLACES OF INTEREST The Hospital, Puigcerdà Mentioned in documents dating from 1190, the hospital is one of the oldest buildings in the town. The style is transitional between Romanesque and Gothic, but today this has largely been covered up. ROMANESQUE St. Julia's Church, Age In spite of its Romanesque origin, the church was largely modified in the XVIII C. The apse was demolished and a new main entrance opened, with the addition of a rectory on the west side. Earlier, chapels had been added on both sides of the nave. On the southern wall can be seen the outline of the original entrance and on the north wall a bond layed in ear of wheat formation (opus spicatum). Saint Julia's Romanesque Church Age XII-XVIII c. The door of Sanctuary Mare de Deu de Quadres, Isòvol (Ventajola) Despite the modifications carried out in the XVIII C, this sanctuary is of Romanesque origin. In the Middle Ages, documents such as "domus hospitalis" were written here and it was a stopping place on the road to St. Jaume. It was still a sanctuary until the beginning of this century. The main entrance door, XVII C, is preserved in the Casa Bertran in Ventajola (Puigcerdà). St. Thomas' Church, Ventajola Built between the XI and XII centuries. St. Thomas' has an ornate arcaded apse in Lombardic Style. The ironwork of the door was made in Bolvir. Modifications to the height of the nave have been made, a rectory added, etc. GOTHiC Santa Maria Bell Tower, Puigcerdà In 1936, at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War and under the Spanish union (CNT) and anarchist movement (FAI)’s command, the demolition of Santa Maria parish church was carried out. It was completely dismantled and only its bell tower was left. Nowadays, the bell tower stands on the square that is called after the former building. It was in 1177 that the church was erected. That’s why some Romanesque elements were combined although it can be mainly considered as a Gothic style building. The church had three naves. It took up almost all the square on its width and there was a narrow street on both sides. Still today, the starting point of one the ce (at the top of it) from which lovely views of the Cerdanya valley can be seen. It is advisable to visit it, inspite of the effort to go up the circular steps of the first flight and the new ones, which are gentler and lead to the bells. Bell Tower of Santa Maria groined vaulting that went as far as the aisles can be observed on both sides of the bell tower. Its length, including the additional rectory, reached almost the wonderful plane tree that separates the bell tower square and the Herois square. At present the bell tower, which has always been a symbol for the Puigcerdà village, is isolated and stands out from the roofs. Now it is 35 metres high up to the railings, but it is known that it was composed of a roof made of bronze plates coming to a point and finished off with a golden spire in ancient times. Observing the present bell tower, it is noticeable that it was built during two different times. On the one hand, the square base, which goes up to the first floor, consists on four steady pillars covered with welltiled granite blocks. From here up, it forms an octagonal shape and the walls of the different faces are well linked with granite edges. On the other hand, there is a wide terra- There is a door leading to a granite spiral staircase in one of the base pillars. It allows the access to the first floor, where two portholes (overlooking the square and the hospital) and two side arcades stand. This staircase shows clearly the older flight. And at the same time it shows its constructive change, because at the end –after going up some steps- an ancient gravestone that marks the end of the oldest part remains. It is this flight the one that shows that the bell tower was originally erected with a square shape, like some drawing representations on notarial books of the XIII century. According to some authors, some of these drawings are representative of Santa Maria church and point out the possibility of a central bell tower and two lower towers on every aisle. However, a description of Puigcerdà dated from 1603 shows the existence of an only bell tower and corroborates its shape and access. The constructive change into the octagonal shape wasn’t a sheer coincidence but it must have responded to the need of restructure due to the bad condition of the bell tower; it suffered many incidents like thunders and fires through times. It seems that the last structure renovation was initiated in 1737 and was completely finished in 1776. Furthermore, it is known that this part was restored in 1887 thanks to an inscription placed above the railing and also to existing documents. The last renovation, corresponding to the inner iron staircases and the upper dome, is a presentday reform. The bell tower was like the entrance porch to the church and the floor was cobbled with tombstones. In the entrance porch there was one of the church doors, whose monumental portal still remains. It is composed of five archivolts where the round and pentagonal mouldings are combined. The archivolts are supported by some columns with vegetable- decorated capitals, as for example pineapples. The whole monumental porch is made of “marble from Isòvol”. A basrelief representing a carter with his animal makes stand out beside it. A cross depicting La Mare de Déu de la Sagristia, a collection of weapons from Puigcerdà and the Cerdanya region, in addition to some saints, can be seen in the middle of the first floor. In the 40s, the depictions honoured the Puigcerdà inhabitants who died during the Spanish Civil War. The porch came out to the church nave, and that’s why it can be said that it was the main entrance. However, the aisle was more useful because it overlooked the main street. This nave was also made of marble, and an archivolt on the small door of Sant Domènec church still remains. There is also a frieze that was used as a capital and where animals similar to cats can be seen. The bell tower has been used for different reasons, mainly related to religious and social events. First, it was used for ringing the bell every time the church celebrations took place, and also to announce the death of the Pope, the monarch or the bishops. The biggest bell also rang to let people know there was a fire. Later it was replaced by the firefighters siren that still works today. It is outstanding that the first clock, which was installed in 1415, was replaced in 1610 after many reparations. The last one, that doesn’t work today, dates from the XIX century. Furthermore, it had another more sporadic but not unnecessary use, that was being a surveillance place during war periods. It was also used as a defence thanks to the slingshots placed on the bell tower. Finally, it has been used as a tourist attraction. The fireworks celebrated on the bell tower are remarkable. They took place every 8th of September because of the feast dedicated to Mare de Déu de la Sagristia, the patron saint from Puigcerdà. Bridge of Sant Martí, XIV c. Church of our Lady of Grace, Puigcerdà A chapel consecrated in 1482, it was damaged by the French in 1793 and afterwards renovated several times. Two magnificent reredos from this chapel -of the Anunciation and St. Esteve and St. Joan -are to be seen in the MNAC. The building itself was erected on the vow of a Cerdan chief magistrate, Jaume Mercader. It is situated in the street of Escoles Pies. The town hall’s mirador “The Balcony of Cerdanya” Sant Marti's Bridge, Guils de Cerdanya-Puigcerdà This is the best example of a Gothic bridge existing in the region, although it is known to have been rebuilt in 132628. It has two semicircular spans of unequal size. Situated between the towns of Guils de Cerdanya and Puigcerdà, it crosses the river Aravo, or Querol and was a key crossing point on the Ceretan Roman road. It has been said that the ashlas masonry of the base could be Romanesque. The Town Hall, Puigcerdà This building is of Gothic origin, probably dating from the end of the XIII C, and in the interior of which can still be seen a turned arrisall that remains after the fire of 1938. Some paintings by the local painter Pere Borrell are hung here. Walls, Puigcerdà Although the town had always been surrounded by a wall, around 1885 the government allowed the progressive pulling down of the defences. However, there still remain different catalogued vestiges of the ancient walls in the west. Deulofeu's House, Puigcerdà Situated in Querol street, this is one of the few examples of popular Gothic architecture which is preserved in the region. Despite various renovations, which were carried out in later years, the original style has been retained. Painting of Sant Domènec Former Convent of St. Domenec, Puigcerdà It was founded around 1290-1291 under the king’s royal protection. It consisted of the church, the conventual part, the cloister as well as other properties such as orchards, a graveyard….It was disentailed in 1835. Cloister The church Made up of a single nave, it is the largest one in all Cerdanya although it had to be shortened due to the damages caused by an earthquake in 1428. The nave has a double slope cover held up by two big ogival arcs which rest on large buttresses and between them there are different side chapels with some altars of interest. In 1946 it became a parish church and so worship was reinstated. It’s worth admiring its fifteenth century monumental portal with many shields and three archivolts which are supported by carved capitals. Besides, there is a second smaller portal which comes from the church of Santa Maria. The Gothic mural paintings dating from 1363 and attributed to Guillem de Manresa are also of great interest. In MNAC, they keep a Gothic tombstone belonging to Ramon d’Urtx, the Baron of Matamala, who died in 1291. The Conventual part and cloister Deconsecrated, it was used as barracks and a school. Nowadays, it houses the town old people’s home, the regional library, Puigcerdà’s regional historical archives and the IEG. Behind it, we can visit one of the wings of the old cloister, rebuilt in 1603. S. XVI-XVIII Cabrinetty square, Puigcerdà This was the main square until the end of the last century. A beautiful arcaded square that was possibly the patio of a former guard. You can see here the distinguished Renaissance style houses of the Cadell and Descatllar families. S. XIX-XX NEOGOTHIC Chapel of Saint James of Rigolisa, Puigcerdà The freehold of the former parish church belonged to the Cuixa in the X century. Destroyed by the French in 1793, the site was transferred by the Macia i Bonaplata family. The actual chapel has a medieval character brought out in the pointed arches and openings and the rosewindow above the door in the facade. ECLECTICISM Two examples of the architecture of this movement are currently in use in the town: the RENFE station constructed in 1922 and the former SALI (industrial dairy) building which dades from 1935. Tower of Solace, Puigcerdà. Built in 1886, it is a notable tall building of eclectic style. Its name derives from its owner, who was the Danish Consul in Barcelona, Sr. German Schierbeck. He originally proposed the conception of the park which now bears his name. Cereta casino, Puigcerdà In various styles, it was first built in 1893 by Calixt Freixa, then destroyed in a fire in 1904 and rebuilt in 1906, the work of Josep Doménech i Estapà. Formerly called the Casino de Dalt, it consisted of a theatre and various large rooms, and was the flagship of the literary and cultural movement in the Cerdanya at the end of the XIX and beginning of the XX centuries, and linked with the Catalan renaissance. The Lake, Puigcerdà Salvado o Semperf worker’s housing state, Puigcerdà A textile factory built in 1853 and enlarged in 1870 employing 200 workers and using the water from the River Aravo or Querol. It was started by Joan Salvado, who had close ties with the Catalan culture of the time, and was a promotor of social and cultural life in the Cerdanya. Today it is a residencial neighbourhood. AESTHETICISM Two examples of the architecture of this movement are currently in use in the town: the RENFE station constructed in 1922 and the former SALI (industrial dairy) building which dates from 1935. OTHER BUILDINGS OF INTEREST OF PUIGCERDÀ Convent of the Sacred Heart, Puigcerdà The Carmelite Convent of St. Teresa de Jesus, a closed order, erected between Torre Volart or Villa Paulita: beginning of XX c. 1885 and 1897. There remains the church and part of the convent outbuildings which formed the cloister. Vacant since 1982, it is the future home of the Cerdan Museum for the region, and will trace the natural and geographical features together with the history of the Cerdanya. The Obelisk, Puigcerdà This was erected to commemorate the townspeople who died in defence of the town in the three Carlist Wars (1837, 1873 and 1874). It is made of red "marble" from Isovol and stands in the square named Heroes. Lovers' Lane Lane along the ditch surrounded by deep vegetation, which leads to Ur, near Rigolisa. The Lake, Puigcerdà The first written mention of the lake dates from 1260, and archeological excavations would seem to confirm its construction towards the middle of the XIII C. Its XIX C character has been somewhat modified in the recent reconstruction, but this has not detracted from it as a place par excellence for enjoyment and contemplation. "Villas" or "Quintas" at the Lake, Puigcerdà These were built at the end of the XIX C and beginning of the present century by well-off families from Barcelona, who liked to pass the summer months in the Cerdanya. Of various styles, and called "quintas" (country houses) by the local press, they stand out for their size, symmetry and restrained lines. Among the best preserved are the Torre Volart or Villa Paulita and Villa Margarita. There are no others in the whole region. Call Square The important growth of Puigcerdà around the second halfway through the XIII century was favoured by the settlement of the Jewish community, Oil painting of Pere Borrell, XIX c. The RENFE station which represented a 10% of the whole population at the end of the century. This figure increased strongly during the XIV century. This new community settled mainly in Vilanova, a new housing area standing in the north of the walled area, near Santa Maria church. Today it belongs to the area of Puigpedrós Street, Pla del Fort, Main Street, Sant Agustí... This settlement is well documented in the holdings of the Arxiu Històric Comarcal (Regional historical archives), but also because of the Call Square excavations realised in 1992, where houses remains and also cobbled streets were found: to sum up, in a perfect town planning. So the Call or Jewish quarter is partly well marked out in the space, because the remains have been destroyed by later developments. In any case, the time of this community in the village has been forgotten due to the lack of visible remains, but according to Claude Denjean the Jewish community was very important in Catalonia. Sports - Excursions INTRODUCTION The revival of society in the Cerdanya and more especially in Puigcerda at tine end of the last century and the beginning of the 20th century, included sport. First, sport was linked to horses both for pleasure and competition. In the latter, horse races were frequent and well attended in Puigcerda. Some Cerdan bred race horses achieved international victories. But, in both cases, these sports were linked with the summer vacations and the ruling class in Puigcerda. As well as horse-riding, shooting was also popular. R. Gay from Montella explains that "big shoots" were organi-sed, often in the mountains of Cadi, the massif of Puigmal and the peak of Eine and sometimes round the lakes of La Pera, over the river of La Llosa, in Valltova, at the lake of Malniu and in Campcardos. At the turn of the century, those so-called sports gained in importance and their number increased. In 1911, a "Sport week" was held in Puigcerda, and some time later polo, football and cycling appeared; basketball was also introduced and the "Shooting and fishing Association" was organised. A few years before, the practice of skiing started in Font-Romeu and La Molina, which in a short time, was to greatly increase in number of followers, mostly from outside the region. Meanwhile, football was becoming popular among the Cerdans and several teams were formed in Puigcerda, Bellver, Llivia, FontRomeu and later in Osseja. The world wars and the Spanish civil war meant, as they did generally, an important curb to sport. Once over, Puigcerda would again become the main centre of sport, mainly football, until the appearance of roller skating in the fifties. At the same time, Font-Romeu and La Molina welcomed the skiers that arrived by rail. From this time and until they left in 1972, the "Escola Pia" (religious school for boys) were the real force behind sport, as well as the Virgin of the Snows College at La Molina and Mont-Cerda Academy in Puigcerda. Skiing became quite popular in the 60's on the French was regularly practised by schools which also provided the children with the necessary equipment. On the southern side, this popularization of skiing started in the following decade, at the time of the creation of the Puigcerda Ski Club and the so-called "Operacion Aguilucho", intended to teach children to ski. Later, some other clubs were formed. The year 1956 was the starting point for ice hockey and skating in the Cerdanya. This began on the ice of the lake in Puigcerda and it was to become a competitive sport some years later. This was a development of the roller skating which was popular in Puigcerda, Alp and Bellver. From 1968 on and into the 70's the progressive popularization and diversification of sport took place. Firstly, the crea-tion of the Olympic City in Font-Romeu was a great stimulus, for it was around those installations that the ice-hockey team was created and swimming became popular, being further promoted by the construction of an open air swimming pool in Bourg-Madame (La Guingueta d'lx) and a heated, covered one in Puigcerda, in 1977. The 70's also brought a rise in the number of Cerdan participants in tennis, ice hockey, swim-ming and skiing as well as football. The decade of the 80's brought the consolidation of these sports with the construction of new tennis courts and sports centres, this being continued during the 90's bringing the introduction of basketball in Llívia, indoor football, volleyball, etc, together with boules, shooting, fishing, etc. Golf SKIING La Cerdanya is, by definition, a region of snow, both in a geographical and historical sense. Snow was discovered, from a sporting point of view, around 1911-1917. La Molina, and its Centre Excursionista de Catalunya, accommodated some courageous sportsmen. The practice of both Alpine and Nordic skiing was encouraged especially in the 60's and also in the 70's due to the proliferation of numerous clubs which produced champions. The popularity of Nordic skiing has been increasing in the last few years. All ski resorts have their Snowboard Alpine skiing own ski schools and, with the ski resorts and their lift complexes, La Cerdanya and El Capcir together make one of the greatest European skiing areas. Puigcerda is situated near the principal Catalan and French villages and it is also the nerve centre of a great number of Spanish, French and Andorran ski resorts, which makes things easy for winter sports fans. Additionally, the Club Alpi Nuria-MasellaCerdanya and the Club Esqui Puigcerda have their head office in the town and they are registered with the Catalan Winter Sports Federation. 8 CROSS - COUNTRY SKI DE FONS: • 3 Cerdanya • 1 Font-romeu • 1 Pirines 2000 • 1 Formigueres • 1 Les Angles Nordic skiing ICE HOCKEY AND F/GURE SKATING In the beginning, it was a new experience, perhaps a way of shortening the long winter days as well as an entertainment for young Cerdan was also a tourist attraction, the practice of this sport on the Spanish side came from the sanctuary of Núria, where they had started skating some years before. This was in the year 1954. The first attempts took place near the river, in an area called Pedragosa, but mainly on the school rink, where they used to throw water and wait for it to freeze. In 1956, the boarding school of the religious order "escolapis" decided to stage a 'Big Ice Festival" on the thick ice layer of the lake, with ice hockey matches and figure skating exhibitions, as well as speed races. It was such a big success that the Town Hall decided to build a natural ice rink next to the lake, which would be used both for roller and ice skating. This was in the year 1957 and the beginning of the Puigcerdan and Cerdan interest in ice. Thus, the town became the first in the Spanish state to have an ice rink. However, this interest later declined and that old enthusiasm only reappeared when,in 1966-67, a group of young people decided to go to the Grand Hotel of Font-Romeu where a tennis court was frozen in winter. An ice section was founded in the Union Sportive de Font-Romeu and an artificial ice rink was built, shared by the people from Puigcerdà. The Club Esqui Puigcerdà organized various courses where some skaters were taught. However, it was not until 1973 and under the auspices of the Centre d'lniciatives i Turisme de Puigcerdà i Cerdanya, that a team from the town itself was formed which then entered the national league. Puigcerdà was not able to inaugurate its own ice rink until the year 1982. It was covered the following year. That changed many things: local training and matches, supporters and new local players. Since then, they have won the national league, the King's cup and numerous competitions in the different categories. The Puigcerdà Veterans Ice Club includes explayers and people who have learnt to skate and want to join it. As has been mentioned, the figure skating began together with ice hockey and the skaters came from roller skating. But, after the dissapointment caused by the II Puigcerdà International Ice Festival, skating was forgotten until the creation of a section inside the Puigcerdà Ice Club. Then, a combination of Puigcerdà and Font-Romeu skaters entered the II Jaca Winter Games in the season 1974-1975. When the new ice rink was inaugurated in 1983, the artistic branch separated from ice hockey and a section was formed inside the Club Poliesportiu Puigcerdà. Lately, they have moved in a new direction to encourage new skaters to participate in Catalan, national and international championships, and, at the same time, are organising competitions and exhibitions in the town. CYCLING In 1980, the Club Ciclista Poliesportiu Puigcerdà created the Marxa Cicloturista de les Tres Nacions (The Three Nations Cycle Tour) a semicompetitive run that starts in the main street (Carrer Major) in Puigcerdà, and goes through La Seu d'Urgell and Andorra and back to the Cerdanya through the pass of Envalira (2.407m) and the pass of Puymorens (1.915m). In 1988 the Club BTT La Molina (Mountain Biking) was founded, becoming the Club BTT Cerdanya, in Puigcerdà. It is a pioneer club in the Spanish state in this new sport of cycling. SPORTS ACTIVITIES Basketball BTT Mountain biking Swimming Skiing (Alpine, Nordic, Telemark) Football Indoor Football Ice hockey Ice Skating Tennis Archery Hiking + four-wheel vehicle Trekking Canyoning Rafting Speleology Four-wheel vehicle excursions Horse riding Quads excursions Balloon flight Ultralight aircraft flight Without engine aircraft flight Light aircraft flight Paragliding MTB excursions Arching Golf stages Hunting and fishing stages Sailing (lake) Canoeing (lake, river) Stagecoach strolls paintball half pipe 3 GOLF COURSES: • Bolvir Real Club de Golf • Fontanals Club deGolf • Font-Romeu Club de Golf • Pitch and Putt EXCURSIONS BY CAR + WALK GER - MERANGES - LLACS D’ENGORGS When talking about kilometres the route can be done by car, and when talking about minutes the excursion should be made by walking. You start the excursion from Ger along a steep road going deep into the valley of Meranges, where there are lovely views. que’s moraine. They are linked by small torrents and surrounded by the summits of Puigpedrós, Pic de Cal Colomer, and La Carabassa (ranging from 2734 m. to 2911 m.) MERANGES – REFUGI DEL MALNIU – ESTANY DE MALNIU Km. 10.- Meranges (1539 m.) is a tourist village that deserves a walk along its narrow streets. Leave Meranges (1539 m.), a tourist village that is worth walking along its narrow streets. Go to Girul along an asphalted track. Then follow the path up, that now is an unasphalted forest track. Cars can drive along this track until reaching El Refugi de Malniu, where there is a large parking area to leave your car. Km. 11.- Go past a small hermitage and Girul (1540 m.), following along the valley. From El Refugi de Malniu, there is a path on the right that goes deep into the forest. Km. 12.9.- After a strong bend to the right, you can find a place (1750 m.) where it is possible to park and continue on foot. 0.15 min.- Lake of Mal (2225 m.) is a small lake that is only full at the end of spring with water from the thaw. Go round it to the right and following in an eastward direction. 5 min.- Following the track towards some beehives on the slope of the mountain, you reach a wooden fence. 10min.- After a double bend, on a track to the right, there is a wooden signpost indicating the direction towards Engorgs. Go along the right of the river through a gentle path going up to the forest. You can hear the water rushing on the torrent and see lonely spots with small pools. 40 min.- The path widens on some fields. Keep paying attention to the signs. Go up along fields and a rolling stretch of rocks to leave the torrent behind you. The path follows with a moderate ascent up to a fork. Take the left track. The right one –with red and white signsis a great routes path (GR) that leads to El Refugi de Malniu (through El Coll de les Mulleres) in approximately one hour. 1h. 30 min.- After crossing some fields and the torrent streaming of water, you reach the refuge J. Folch i Girona ( 2375 m.). Follow the rocky track behind the refuge. 1h. 45 min.- To reach the lakes of Engorgs (2375 m.), go past the traces of the glacial cir- 0.30 min.- Lake of Malniu, surrounded by black pines in the south. In the northern part La Roca del Castell dels Lladres is outstanding. Return by the same track until El Refugi de Malniu, where your car is parked. Km. 16.3.- You can see the signs to the entrance of La Cerdanya-Alt Urgell hunting reserve. Km. 17.4 .- The refuge called Borda d’en Mateu is on the left, and 100 metres further there is the refuge of El Fornell (1900 m.), where the ski resort of Aransa is situated. From here, follow a track leading to Pollineres. Km. 20.- The refuge of Prat de Miró (1960 m.) stands on some fields, where there is a spring and some tables. It is a good place to have a rest. Following to the right, the track leads to Pollineres. Km. 23.2.- Pla de Pollineres (2135 m.), where the refuge of Pollineres stands. Pic de Sirvent and Tossa Plana de Lles are opposite. There is also a picnic area. Km. 23.3.- leave the detour that leads to Cap de Rec and take the left path to the lakes of La Pera along a stony track. 30/45 min.- To reach the lakes of La Pera (2300 m.), where there is a refuge (2320 m.), follow the track. You can take a short cut zigzagging up visible paths that are marked among the meadows. You can return along Cap de Rec, where your car is parked. Take the track to the right leading to Lles, from which you take the road connecting with the N-260 to go back to Martinet. MARTINET – LLACS DE LA PERA When talking about kilometres the route can be done by car, and when talking about minutes the excursion should be made by walking. MARTINET – ESTANA – PRAT DE CADÍ Take the road leading to Aransa, go past Senillers (km. 1.5) and Travesseres (Km. 4,7). When talking about kilometres the route can be done by car, and when talking about minutes the excursion should be made by walking Km. 7.5.- Go past the street leading to Lles. Take the detour on the left to Aransa. It is a steep road that allows you to enjoy lovely views of all the Aransa valley and the village raised on a hill. Leave Martinet and take the road to Montellà until a signpost showing the refuge of Prat d’Aguiló, along a detour with a slight hill at the beginning. Km. 12.- When getting onto Aransa (1493 m.), turn right at the first street. Yellow marks of the lakes path can be seen. It is a narrow but asphalted road. Km. 8.- You reach Estana (1500 m.) along a roadworthy track. It is a beautiful viewpoint of the valley, the surrounding villages and the Serra del Cadí. The last two kilometres are asphalted. You can leave your car in the same village or near a spring situated 200 metres further. From there you can walk southward following the road signs on the nature reserve (Parc Natural). 10 min.- From Coll de Pallers ( 1500 m.) you can follow along a shady and gentle path, with clear signs made from painting and stones. You go past a fence that avoids livestock going through, and follow up. 50min.- From Coll Roig (1700 m.) Estana can be seen in the distance, on an open area just on the top of the valley. Continue by crossing the forest along a track surrounded by spectacular flora –raspberry, juniper, oregano, wild strawberries… 60 min.- You reach Prat de Cadí (1820 m.), surrounded by forest at the foot of Cadí northern slope. It is a perfect place to start medium and high difficulty ascents to the summits of Cadí, or just to have a rest in the middle of the nature. shape of a horseshoe and crosses the torrent. Km. 4.7.- On the right, the track leads to Olopte. Km. 5.3.- Cortàs (1340 m.) is a village with lovely views. Only three families live there all the year. Crossing the village, you will go round the left slope of La Valltoba. The river Duran is at your feet. On the other slope of the valley, you can see the road that leads to Meranges. Km. 7.7.- You can make out Éller from here. Km. 8.2.- Éller (1447 m.) is better cared for and wider than Cortàs. On the left you can see a public washing and watering place, and a spring. There are some restored houses and cottages. 45min.- Meranges is 4 Km. away from Éller. knocked down on the floor, with varied flora and lovely views. White and blue marks guide you along a stony terrain with granite blocks. 35 min.- You get to El Clot de l’Orri (2300 m.), at Prat Castelló. Marvellous view, surrounded by sheer walls that enclose the glacial cirque. Go westerly on along a marked steep road. 45 min.- From Pla de les Someres (2200 m.) you can make out the lakes of La Pera, Pic Sirvent and the foothills of Tossa Plana de Lles. From there you can go up eastward. 2 h.- The ascent to the Tossa Plana de Lles (2916 m.) is a high mountain excursion, although it is gentle and gratifying. You can see the massifs of Aneto, Andorra and others from La Cerdanya region. You can take the same road on the way back. When you reach Clot de l’Orri, it takes 55 minutes to reach the refuge of Cap de Rec. URÚS- COLL DE JOU MARTINET – LLES – CAP DE REC – TOSSA PLANA DE LLES BELLVER – CORTÀS – ÉLLER When talking about kilometres the route can be done by car, and when talking about minutes the excursion should be made by walking Leave Bellver by the N-260 in the direction of Puigcerdà. 1 Km. away, the beginning of the forest track leading to this route ( P.K. 195.3) can be found on the left. There are no road signs. Km. 0.2.- Turn right, following the marks, to Cortàs and Éller. The track goes up along El Serrat del Bac crossing forests with pines. Km. 2.5.- Go out the forest. You can see Mont Curt on the right (1378 m.). Futher on, you can see Cortàs, still in the distance. The path follows with the mountain on its left, and the valley Torrent Llevador on its right. Km. 3.6.- Remains of an old mine. Km 4.4.- The track makes a turn in the When talking about kilometres the route can be done by car, and when talking about minutes the excursion should be made by walking. To reach the refuge of Cap del Rec, take the road that links Martinet and Lles. It is a steep narrow road from which an exceptional view of the valley and La Serra del Cadí can be seen. Km. 9- Lles is a very picturesque village placed along a plain on the valley. Continue up to the cross-country ski slopes, going past a camping site (Km. 13). Km. 15.- At Cap del Rec (1940 m) there are refuges, restaurant service… It is all surrounded by extensive forests. You can start the excursion on foot towards El Clot de l’Orri and La Tossa Plana de Lles. 15 min.- You reach the Molina plain (2025 m.) following the torrent, where there are signs of the ski resort. Continue along El Camí Vell up to some meadows, and go across the torrent to take the other track. Cross a forest with trees When talking about kilometres the route can be done by car, and when talking about minutes the excursion should be made by walking. Leave the square of Urús church (1350 m.) to the left, along a track that goes round the crops surrounding the church. Km. 0.05.- 50 m. away from the square, there is a landscape area with a public washing place and road signs on the routes leaving from this place. Continue driving to the left, along the track of Font Freda towards the refuge of Grus. The roadworthy track goes on up to a fork with signs of CadíMoixeró Natural Reserve. Km. 2.- After a slope that stretches as far as a small bridge that goes across a small torrent, you find a place (1400 m.) where it is possible to park you car and go on by walking. Go up along a very leafy torrent, looking for the appropriate path on both banks of it, or leaving it to go up along soft meadows surrounded by rocks. 30 min.- You reach the meadow Clot de Llorença (1500 m.), where the path of Font Llebrera arrives. Continue along a yellow marked path. 50 min.- There is a steep path (1600 m.) when the valleys widen. You can see the rocks of Pedrusques de la Tossa on the left and the yellow signs and the valley opened to Coll de Jou on the right. 1h. 20 min.- You reach Coll de Jou (2000 m.) along a rolling but easy stretch of the path. Lovely views over La Cerdanya and Berguedà regions, accompanied by the ridges of Tossa and Penyes de Moixeró. It takes approximately 45 minutes to return. EXCURSIONS BY CAR asphalted road. You can also reach it from Urús, but this road is in bad condition. The excursion starts from Riu de Pendís (1250 m.), along an asphalted steep track. Km. 5.- Go past the ruins of Canals houses; the former royal path to Berguedà region went past these ruins. Km. 6.- Refuge of Serrat de les Esposes (1500 m.), with a leasure area (tables, benches, grills for barbecues…) Km. 10.- In plans de Bor (1600m.), you can enjoy fantastic views from its viewpoint. It is advisable to leave the car because of the bad condition of the track. If you drive on a four-wheel vehicle, you can go on. Km. 11.6.- Leave the detour that goes down the valley of Ingla to Santa Magdalena, Talló and Bellver. You can take this path to go back. BELLVER – ORDÈN – TALLTENDRE From Bellver, beside the N-269, there is a roadworthy forest track that goes round the edge of Torrent de Codolet. Km. 1- You get to the hollow of Codolet, where the ruins of Casa Codolet stand. Go on the forest track along the Solana valley. Km. 5.3.- You reach El Tossal Ras and Pla de Reduta (1565 m.). From there you can start going down to Ordèn. Km. 6.1.- This village (1500 m.) has important Neolithic sites that were found in the vicinity. The track goes along the church up to Talltendre. Km. 7.8 .- You arrive in Talltendre (1579 m.), where there are many dilapidated houses and some weekend cottages. From Ordèn and Talltendre, you can go on excursions along the outskirts. EXCURSIONS ON A FOURWHEEL DRIVE VEHICLE RIU – COLL DE PENDÍS You can reach Riu de Pendís from Bellver de Cerdanya going past Bor and Pedra, along an Km. 13.- Coll de Pendís, from which you can start the excursions on foot towards Coll de Vimboca, in order to reach the refuge of Prat d’Aguiló (2050 m.). The Refuge of Sant Jordi and the spring of Faig are 25 minutes away. ROMANIQUE WAY DOLMENS REFUGES CAVES PANORAMIC VIEWS MUSEUMS MAIN ROADS LUNG TREKS GOLF CLUB SECONDARY ROADS CAMÍ DELS BONS HOMES LEISURE CENTRE WALKS, SKI SLOPES RUTA DELS SEGADORS HORSE RIDING TRAIN MOUNTAIN BIKE TRACK (INTROUCTORY RIDE) FISHING YELLOW TRAIN MOUNTAIN BIKE TRACK ( BEGINNERS LEVEL) APLINE SKIING RIVERS MOUNTAIN BIKE TRACK ( INTERMEDIATE LEVEL) CROSS COUNTRY SKIING HOTELS MOUNTAIN BIKE TRACK ( ADVANCED LEVEL ) SOLAR FURNEACE CAMPSITES SIGHTSEEING ROUTES AIRFIELD Gastronomy HISTORY PREHISTORY 4000 BC: AIready agriculture, herding, hunting and fishing were practised, together with the gathering of wild fruits. 2500 BC: The favourite food was beef and horse meat, which were preferred to lamb, and vegetables and cereals (wheat and barley). ROMAN RULE In various writings, the excellence of the "Pernae Ceretani" is proused. That is, the Cerdan hams. MIDDLE AGES 839 AC: Commercial transactions were paid with spices, while in the Batllia and Barida areas payment was made in wine, and in the rest of the Cerdanya with grain and hams. 1342-1345: The most influential years in terms of population and wealth: the capital of the region had a market which encouraged trade. It is thought that the majority of the population was well-todo because there is frequent mention of partridge, pigeons and mules. The market levied taxes of which the highest were paid by the butchers: three "diners" for each ewe or goat, twenty-two "diners" for every pig, and two "sous" for each cow or bullock. The meat was sold cooked or salted. 1360: From this time on the population decreased due to the appearance of the Black Death. In Puigcerda, 3.700 died out of a population of 6.600. The misfortunes continued with a series of bad harvests, the start of the Catalan Civil War and others. 1404-1430: Close to the rivers were mills and some industry in textiles. It seems that the economy was recovering. The fishing, for barbel and trout in the lake was restricted because there was not enough to supply the area Pears of Cerdanya during Lent even with fish taken from the rivers, and it had to be brought by mule from other areas. This brought a new tax, the "salao" (salting) which was a tax on imports and exports. One "sou'was paid for each cask of salted sardines, for every pig and every measure of oil. MODERN TIMES 1600: This was an age of much trade between Conflent, Roussillion and Emporda. These regions exchanged wine and olive oil for wheat and hams. Hunting was very important, principally for bears, wild boar, fallow deer, red deer, wild goats, hares, partridge and duck. The meat of domestic animals was also consumed, mainly mutton and pork with beef of less importance. It is now that the exportation of pears is first recorded. Cherries, plums, quince and raspberries are gathered, not forgetting a significant harvest of honey and "rovellons" (lactarius deliciosus). The custom of eating fish for Lent continued, with the importation of conger eel, cod and sardines from Perpignan and Colliure. 1730: Eating habits begin to change. Rice, figs, broad beans, chestnuts, coffee and lentils gain importance. 1834: Chocolate, cakes, coffee, cinammon, sugar, hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts, pepper, salt meat, noodles and pasta all become a part of the diet. The harvesting of wheat and also that of potatoes and pears becomes important. The great majority of the local specialities were created at this time. The products with the highest consumption are potatoes, flour for making bread, pork, cabbage, rabbits, mutton, vegetables in season and wild mushrooms. Game and sweet preserves were for the higher classes, while among the working classes "trinxat" (a type of bubble-and-sque-ak) was on every table. At the same time there are a number of dishes linked with the different celebrations. Pork and its derivates were very popular, and a great selection of cured sausage still continues to this day. The best known are "Pa de Fetge" (coarse country pate), llangonissa and fuet (types of cured sausage), and "bulls" (boiled puddings). Turnips of Talltendre VARIETIES Cerdan Pears These are grown throughout the region. They belong to the variety "Doyenne de Cornice", a large pear of fine quality, sweet with a buttery flavour. The pear trees blossom from April to May and the pears are harvested from October to November. NAP (turnip) DE TALLTENDRE The seed from previous harvests is planted. It is accepted that all the turnips grown in the area are of the same variety as the Talltendre turnip. Nevertheless, the old people can distinguish the ones grown in Talltendre from the others by the special flavour imparted by the manganese-rich soil in that place. Potatoes These belong to the variety "Institute de Beauvais" and are grown throughout the region. With the sun, climate and altitude of the Cerdanya this variety gives a high yield and has characteristics much appreciated in the local cuisine. Honey This is made principally from the nectar of vetch flowers, but also from sainfoin, dandelion, licorice, raspberry flowers, pinks, thyme, savory and white charlock. It is spun before being sold for consumption. Goats Cheese Produced in the Cerdan township of Lies from goats' milk from all over the region, with rennet and lactic ferments. It curdles slowly, in 24 hours, after which it is put into moulds. After 36 hours, it is unmoulded and placed in a cellar to mature a minimum of two months, or immersed in oil flavoured with different herbs from the region (savoury, thyme, oregano) and after a minimum of two months it is marketed. Mato (a type of cottage cheese) This is made from pasteurized cows' or goats' milk from the Cerdan herds, with the addition of rennet. Bull Blanc (White pudding) Made from pork meat, tongue, and suet. It is chopped and blended, and the mixture put into a natural casing (large intestine) before cooking. Bull Negre (Black pudding) Made from pork meat, tongue, suet and blood. It is blended together and the mixture put into a natural casing before boiling. Bull de Fetge (Liver pudding) This is made from pigs' liver and belly of pork. It also includes pork, rind, eggs, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley and, in some cases, milk. It is all chopped and mixed before being filled into a natural casing and boiled, as above. Pa de Fetge (A Type of coarse Pate) A product made from pigs' liver and belly of pork. It also contains pork rind, eggs, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley and occasionally milk. It is chopped and mixed together before being put in a large casing and cooked in the oven. Cerdans These are dry cakes made with sugar, flour, hazelnuts, milk, anise, and leaven. They contain no artificial preservatives or colouring. The ingredients are lightly mixed to form a rough paste, the hazelnuts remaining whole. This is formed into a rectangle which is cut into long strips and baked in a cool oven for 20 minutes. Coarse pâte Pa de Neu This is a biscuit made with flour, sugar, eggs, oil, almonds and milk, with no artificial colouring or preservatives. It has a rectangular shape and is baked on a paper base. It is decorated with flaked almonds. Coca de Cerdanya The coca peculiar to the Cerdanya is a flat, sweet bread made from flour, sugar, eggs, milk, oil, almonds, glace fruits and yeast, without artificial colouring or preservatives. It has a rectangular shape and is cooked on a paper base on a tray. Inside are the glace fruits, and the outside is decorated with ground almonds and icing sugar. LOCAL SPECIALITITES Trinxat (a type of bubble-and-squeak) The simple ingredients of trinxat need only be in season, and that is in winter when the cabbage has had a touch of frost. Ingredients: Winter cabbage, potatoes, streaky pork. The cabbage, washed and free from tough stalk, is boiled in salted water. When half cooked, the peeled potatoes are added. In a pan apart fry the streaky pork. When the cabbage and potatoes are cooked, the water is drained and the ingredients cut up extremely fine, adding the juices from the streaky pork. It is served hot, and any left over is reheated in the frying pan with garlic. Rabbit with Cremalloles (marasmius oreades) An autumn dish, preferably made with those "fairy ring" mushrooms. The sofrito and the slow cooking impart a flavour exquisite to the most demanding palate. The rabbit is cut in pieces, floured and seasoned and fried in a frying pan. The cremalloles are also fried, reserving a few for later addition, and added to the rabbit with a glass of white wine. These are left to marinate for a while. In another pan, sofrito of onion, garlic and tomato is made, adding a bunch of herbs and two ladles of water and pouring the whole over the rabbit. It is cooked very slowly. Rabbit with Mushrooms Duck with Turnips This is a special dish for All Saints Day. It has a very important ingredient: turnips, preferably from Talltendre. It is prepared with duck, turnips and a sofrito of onion, garlic, tomato and white wine. After cutting up the duck, it is seasoned, floured and browned in a clay casserole. The turnips, peeled and cut lengthwise, are fried in the remaining oil and added to the casserole with the duck, a small glass of white wine, the sofrito and some water. It is then simme-red for a long time. Bubble and Squeak Sweet and sour Liver This is a typical dish prepared when a pig is killed. It is made with fresh liver, honey and vinegar. Once fried, the seasoned liver is put on the serving dish in a warm place near the fire. The honey is melted in the remaining oil in the frying pan and the vinegar added (one spoonful of honey to one of vinegar) taking care that it does not boil. This sauce is then poured over the liver. Garlic Soup Simple and revitalising for winter mornings. It consists of bread, garlic, oil and boiling water. Put a slice of bread in a soup tureen. Put a thick piece of slate on the fire and heat two cloves of garlic and add to the tureen with salt, olive oil and boiling water. Cover and leave to stand for a while. Cold Mushroom Savoury 1 Kg ceps (boletus edulis), Ismail glass of old wine ("vi ranci" obtainable in Catalunya), 5 eggs, 1 onion, 1 glass of milk, 50 gm butter, olive oil, salt, ground black pepper, bechamel sauce (optional). Clean the ceps and cut in small pieces. Fry them in butter with the finely chopped onion for 20 minutes over a low heat. Drain them well, and make a puree with half of the mixture. Meanwhile, beat the eggs with the milk, the old wine, salt and pepper and add the mushroom mixture and the puree. Pour this into a buttered mould and cook in a bain-marie for one hour. When cold, unmould and serve with a sauce such as bechamel or Spanish. Tossed Mushrooms Different varieties of wild mushrooms, garlic to taste, parsley, olive oil, salt and a pinch of pepper. Clean and cut up the mushrooms. Put them in a frying pan and cook, stirring occasionally, until all their water has evaporated. Add some olive oil, salt, crushed garlic and parsley. Leave them to cook slowly, but watching that they don't burn. A good partner for this would be a piece of sausage cooked "a la brasa" (grilled on an open fire). Mushrooms Omelette 8 eggs, 20 gm. mushrooms-cremalloles (marasmius oreades) or moixernons (calocybe gambosum- St George's mushroom) olive oil, salt. This is made with fresh mushrooms. Cut off the stalks if using cremallolas (these are tough) and fry in hot oil for 5 minutes uncovered and 5 minutes covered: Immediately add the eggs, beaten and seasoned, and you will have a tasty spring omelette. Fetge amb agredolç Guide of services USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS REGIONAL DUMP Pol. Ind. la Closa - Tel. 972 880182 -144060 WATER BOARD (SOREA) Av. Catalunya, 47 - Tel. 972 880948 FECSA Av. Catalunya - Tel. 972 140678 Avaries 900 747474 SOCIAL WELFARE Alfons I, 52 -Tel. 972 141313 TOWN HALL PI. Ajuntament, 1 - Tel. 972 880650 GUARDIA CIVIL Camí Pedragosa - Tel. 972 884411 Tràfic - Tel. 972 884446 Muntanya - Tel. 972 141255 PUIGCERDÀ REGIONAL HISTORIC ARCHIVES Passeig 10 d'Abril, 2 2ona - Tel. 972 882367 SOCIAL SECURITY Lanós, 19 - Tel. 972 140816 "COMTAT DE CERDANYA" REGIONAL LIBRARY Passeig 10 d'Abril, 2 1r - Tel. 972 880304 ASSOCIATIONS VEHICLE INSPECTION CENTRE ECA Pol. Ind, Sector Estació - Tel. 972 140660 LAW COURTS Joan Maragall, 42 - Tel. 972 884500 FIRE STATION Ctra. Nacional 152 - Tel. 972 881002 Urgency service 085 REGIONAL POLICE MOSSOS D’ESQUADRA Joan Maragall s/n - Tel. 972 881051 OLD PEOPLE’S HOME MUNICIPAL Passeig 10 d’Abril - Tel. 972 141719 CERDAN MUSEUM Higini de Rivera - Tel. 972 884303 OLD PEOPLE’S HOME SANT JORDI Pla del Fort, 7 - Tel. 972 882356 TOURIST OFFICE OF LA CERDANYA Ctra. Nacional 152 - Tel. 972 140665 REGIONAL CENTRE OF LEARNING RESOURCES Escoles Pies, 44 - Tel. 972 881353 SOLICITOR Alfons I, 2 - Tel. 972 880606 HOSPITAL Hospital de Puigcerdà i Comarcal PI. Sta Maria, 1 - Tel. 972 880150 - 880154 POLICE STATION Av. França, 2 - Tel. 972 884520 - 880129 REGIONAL COUNCIL OF LA CERDANYA PI. Rec, 5 - Tel. 972 884884 MUNICIPAL SECTORIAL COUNCIL OF SPORTS Major, 50 - Tel. 972 884727 POST OFFICE AND COMMUNICATIONS Coronel Molera, 11 - Tel. 972 880814 RED CROSS Coronel Molera, 9 - Tel. 972 880547 AMBULANCE SERVICE SERFRAN Pol. Ind. la Closa II. Tels. 972882135 - 902171711 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, LIFE STOCK AND FISHING OF THE GENERALITATDARP DARP. La Perxa, 17 - Tel. 972 884550 TAXIS PI. Cabrinetty - Tel. 972 880011 MUNICIPAL TOURIST OFFICE Querol, 1 - Tel. 972 880542 MUNICIPAL POLICE PI. Ajuntament,1 - T. 972 881972 - 608 831160 RADIO PIRINEUS Pla del Fort, 2 - Tel. 972 881611 - 881661 REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESSMEN Apartat de correus 159 - Tel/fax. 972 882006 FRIENDS OF CERDANYA Apartat Correus, 185 - Tel. 972 880163 CASINO CERETA SOCIETY Rambla Josep Ma Martí - Tel. 972 880115 CHORAL SOCIETY CERDANYA CANTA Ap. Correus, 156 - Tel. 607 601747 WOMEN ASSOCIATION OF LA CERDANYA Major, 51 - Tel. 972 140780 ASSOCIATION OF HOTELS AND CAMPINGS OF CERDANYA Apartat de correus 159 - Tel/fax. 972 882006 ASSOCIATION OF BARS, MUSICAL BARS,PUBS,CLUBS-DISCOTHEQUES AND RESTAURANTS OF CERDANYA Oficina de Turisme Comarcal de Cerdanya Ctra. N-152 - Tel. 972 141100 NEIGHBOURS ASSOCIATION AGE-VILALLOBENT Major, 13. Vilallobent - Tel. 972 881146 PUBLIC RECORDS OFFICE Joan Maragall, 42 - Tel. 972 884509 NEIGHBOURS ASSOCIATION PODIUMCERETANUM Apartat de Correus 107 LAND REGISTRY OFFICE Sant Agustí, 3 (baixos) - Tel. 972 880428 ASSOCIATION OF HORSE BREEDERS OF LA CERDANYA PI. Estació, 2 - Tel, 972 880212 RENFE. RAILWAY STATION PI. Estació - Tel. 972 880165 - 902 240202 PYRENEAN COOPERATIVE Pol. Ind. sector estació Nau 6-7 - Tel. 972 141353 CATALAN OCCUPATION SERVICE Higini de Rivera, 17 3-1 a - Tel. 972 140306 Puigpedrós, 3 - Tel. 972 881169 ASSOCIATION OF COMERCIANTS OF LA CERDANYA Apartat de Correus 55 - Tel. 972 14 10 33 REGIONAL SERVICE OF YOUYH AND SPORTS PI. Rec, 5 - Tel. 972 884884 ASSOCIATION GREC Tel. 609772292 (Montse) Tel. 606836091 (Benji) AMBULANCE SERVICE Polígon industrial La Closa - Tel. 972 882135 CHILDREN'S ACTIVITY GROUP ELS ESMOLETS PI. Rec, 5 - Tel. 972 884884 INSTITUTE OF CERETAN STUDIES Passeig 10 d'Abril, 2 - Tel. 972 880458 YOUNG MUSICIANS OF THE CERDANYA Apartat Correus, 5 - Tel. 972 896313 GASTRONOMIC SOCIETY OF THE PYRENEES Rambla Josep Mª. Marti. Apartat de correus 80 - Tel. 972 140985 CERDAN "CITIZENS' BAND" RADIO CLUB/RADIO CLUB CERDANYA Apartat Correus 99 - Tel. 972 880377 SPORTING ASSOCIATIONS SHOOTING AND FISHING SOCIETY OF LA CERDANYA Passeig de la Sèquia. Antiga Acadèmia. Tel. 972 141100 NURIA-MASELLA ALPIN CLUB Provença, 284 2D 08008 - Barcelona Tel. 93 2466500 Casona d'Age - Tel. 972 880040 PUIGCERDÀ CHESS CLUB Rambla Josep Ma. Martí, s/n Tel. 972 880611 PUIGCERDÀ SKIING CLUB Major, 50 - Tel. 972 880093 Apartat de correus, 32 PUIGCERDÀ FOOTBALL CLUB Urb. Deulofeu (camp futbol) Apt. correus 56 Tel. 972 882360 PUIGCERDÀ SKATING CLUB Apartat de correus, 105 - Tel. 972 880243 PUIGCERDÀ SPORTS CLUB Av. Pedraza, s/n - Tel. 972 880243 Seccions: tennis, cycling, trekking and mountain climbing, swimming, ice skating, athletics, basketball, volleyball, saloon dancing, indoor/outdoor heating pool, badminton, chess, squash, gymnastics, judo, petanque, taekwondo, table tennis. BARCELONA FOOTBALL SUPPORTERS' CLUB PI. Cabrinetty, 4 - Tel. 972 140916 CERCLE D’AVENTURA Ctra Llivia s/n. - Tel. 972 881017 CLUB TURING 4X4 Escoles Pies, 9 - Tel. 972 881450 BOLLON FLIGHTS EL PIRINEU Tel. 972 140852 SKIING ALPIN ALP 2500 LA MOLINA LA MOLINA - Tel. 972 892031 MASELLA MASELLA - Tel. 972 144000 SPORT FISHING SOCIETY OF LA CERDANYA Passeig de la Sèquia. Antiga Acadèmia. Tel. 972 141172 FACILITIES TEACHING FACILITIES ACCADEMY PUIGCERDÀ Cl dels Molins, 13 1r - Tel. 972 141022 NORDIC ARÀNSER Tel. 973 293051 ACCADEMY SYSTEM Higini de Rivera, 3 baixos - Tel. 972 140306 GUILS-FONTANERA Tel. 972 197087 PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL ALFONS I Escoles Pies, 44 - Tel. 972 880423 Av. Schierbeck - Tel. 972 141026 LLES Tel. 973 293049 TEACHING DOLCET C/ Escoles Pies, 33 Tels. 972 880669 - 636109597 GYMNASIUMS GYMNASIUM CARME Av. Joan Maragall, 52 - Tel. 972 881775 GYMNASIUM PARROQUIAL Espanya, 44 - Tel. 972 880462 GYMNASIUM POLIESPORTIU Av. Can Pedraza, s/n - Tel. 972 880243 GYMNASIUM ESCOLA PUIGCERDÀ Av. Segre, 4 - Tel. 972 141536 GOLF MUNICIPAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC "ISSI FABRA" C/ Pere Borrell - antiga torre Font Tel. 972 881426 PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL VEDRUNA Carmelites, 4 - Tel. 972 880384 FORMACIO PROFESSIONAL Escoles Pies, 44 - Tel. 972 880423 COLLEGE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION IES PERE BORRELL Escoles Pies, 44 - Tel. 972 880275 ROYAL GOLF CLUB CERDANYA (BOLVIR) Apt. Correus 63 - Tel. 972 881338 NURSERY Av. Schierbeck - Tel. 972 141026 GOLF CLUB FONTANALS DE CERDANYA Tel. 972 144374 MUNICIPAL ARTS WORKSHOP Placeta de les Monjes - Tel. 972 880650 PITT & PUTT UNED (UNIVERSITAT NACIONAL D'EDUCACIO A DISTANCIA) NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY PI. Ajuntament - Tel. 972 880650 HORSE RIDING PUIGCERDÀ HORSE RIDING EQÜESTRE PARK Ctra. Barcelona 152 - Tel. 617967492 PHARMACIES SANT MARC Camí de Sant Marc - Tel. 972 880007 COFAN Alfons I, 16 - Tel. 972 880160 FISHING MUNTANER Escoles Pies, 8 - Tel. 972 880163 FISHING FEDERATION OF GIRONA Passeig de la Sèquia. Antiga Acadèmia. Tel. 972 141152 VALENTÍN Ctra. Vilallobent - Tel. 972 882451 PETROL STATIONS QUADS HIRE ARÀBIA Ctra. Barcelona - Tel. 972 141170 NEOQUADS CERDANYA Av. Catalunya, 35 - Tel. 608431764 BERTRAN PI. Europa Ctra. França - Tel. 972 881448 TURING CERDANYA Escoles Pies, 19 -Tel. 972 880602 MORER Av. Catalunya, 33 - Tel. 972 881256 CERCLE D’AVENTURA Crta. de Llívia, s/n - Tels. 972 881017 - 626546999 TRAVEL AGENCIES RELIGION TURING CERDANYA Escoles Pies, 9 - Tel. 972 880602 PIRINEU EVASIÓ Pons i Gasch, 3 - Tel. 972 882288 TOUR OPERADOR RHODES - NEXUM CERDANYA Tels. 972 140212 - 667605800 BICYCLE HIRE CERCLE D’AVENTURA Crta. de Llívia, s/n - Tels. 972 881017 - 626546999 TOP-BIKES Carrer de l'Estació - Tel. 972 882042 Pla d'Arenes, 21 - Tel. 972 882042 SPORTS IRIS Av. de França - Tel. 972 882398 SKI HIRE HS ALFONSO Espanya,5 - Tel. 972 880246 HS ESTACIÓ PI. Estació s/n - Tel. 972 880350 ESGLÉSIA DE CRIST SALVADOR Antiga Duana, 4 HS MUNTANYA Coronel Molera,1 - Tel. 972 880202 PARRÒQUIA DE SANTA MARIA Espanya, 44 - Tel. 972 880462 HS PLA D'ARENES Ctra. Barcelona - Tel. 972 881370 EVANGELIST JEHOVA’S WITNESSES Pons i Gasch, 5 HSR RITA BELVEDERE Carmelites, s/n - Tel. 972 880356 ART GALLERIES EUROPA PI. Cabrinetty, 12 - Tel. 972 264982 PUIGCERDÀ SALA D'ART Major, 21 - Tel. 972 141430 Ramón Cosp, 3 - Tel. 972 141430 SPORTS IRIS Av. de França - Tel. 972 880726 MUSEU CERDÀ Higini de Rivera, 4. Apartat de Correus, 177 Tel. 972 884303 CAR HIRE HOSTALS HS INTERNACIONAL La Baronia s/n - Tel. 972 880158 SALA EXPOSICIONS CAIXA DE GIRONA PI. Ajuntament - Tel. 972 880298 NEOSURF CERDANYA Av. Catalunya, 35 - Tel. 608431764 HR* MARTÍNEZ Ctra. de Llívia s/n - Tel. 972 880250 CATHOLIC ESGLÉSIA PARROQUIAL DE SANT DOMÈNEC Passeig 10 d'Abril ESPORTS TUBOSA Av. del Segre, 2 - Tel. 972 880393 TOP-BIKES Carrer de l'Estació - Tel. 972 882042 Pla d'Arenes, 21 - Tel. 972 882042 H** TÈRMINUS PI. Estació, 2 - Tel. 972 880212 ACCOMODATION H*** AVET BLAU PI. Santa Maria, 14 - Tel. 972 882552 H*** PARK HOTEL Ctra. Barcelona s/n - Tel. 972 880750 PENSIONS CERDANYA Ramon Cosp, 7 - Tel. 972 880010 CAMPANAR Major,39 - Tel. 972 881427 PRAT Av. Cerdanya,1 - Tel. 972 880261 MARIA VICTORIA Querol - Tel. 972 880300 YOUTH HOSTELS/ CHILDREN´S HOSTELS CASONA D'AGE Age - Tel. 972 880040 CAMPINGS CÀMPING STEL Ctra. Llívia - Tel. 972 882361 PIRINEUS EVASIÓ Pons i Gasch, 3 - Tel. 972 882288 H** PUIGCERDÀ Av. Catalunya - Tel. 972 882181 TURING CERDANYA Escoles Pies, 19 -Tel. 972 880602 HR** DEL LAGO Av. Dr Piguillem - Tel. 972 881000 SANT MARC LES PERERES Camí Puigcerdà a Queixans - Tel. 972 880007 ESTIVAL Av. Catalunya - Tel. 972 882461 H** DEL PRADO Ctra. Llívia s/n - Tel. 972 880400 CAL MARRUFES Ripoll, 4, Age - Tel. 972 141174 FARMHOUSE ACCOMMODATION MAS MEYA Ventajola - Tel. 972 880847 MANAGERING CERDANYA Major, 6. - Tel. 972 881809 CHIRINGUITO II Baronia, 2 - Tel. 972 141080 TORRE GELBERT Camí d'Ur - Tel. 972 880071 REDÓS Av. Catalunya, 39. - Tel. 972 883072 DEL PRADO (Hotel) Ctra. Llívia s/n - Tel. 972 880400 CAL SANAIRE Ripoll, 4, Age - Tel. 972 141174 SERVEIS INMOBILIARIS MALLA Av. Del Segre, 52, baixos Tel. 972 882458 DEL REC (pizzeria) Plaça del Rec - Tel. 972 141060 ESTATE AGENTS HABITATGE DELS PIRINEUS Ramón Cosp, 14. - Tel. 972 880309 ASSESSORAMENT INTEGRAL Escoles Pies, 32, baixos Tel. 972 884315 CAT NORD Pons i Gasch, 4. - Tel. 972 881445 COM@CASA Alfons, I, 13. - Tel. 972 141412 UNIVERSAL SERV. INMOB. Major, 49. - Tel. 972 880664 IMMOCERDANYA Miquel Bernades. - Tel. 972 882103 EL CALIU Alfons I,1 - Tel. 972 140825 EL CAPRITXO Major, 55 - Tel. 972 880662 EL CAU Dr. Piguillem - Tel. 972 881000 EL GALET Pl.Sta. Maria,8 - Tel. 972 882266 RESTAURANTS SNACK-BARS DON PISO Ramón Cosp, 14. - Tel. 972 883065 ANTONIO Ramon Cosp, 11 - Tel. 972 880015 EL MESÓN PI. Cabrinetty, 11 - Tel. 972 881928 FABRA JAQUES Escoles Pies, 27 - Tel. 972 880382 BISTROT D'EN SEBAS Antiga Serradora Font Gasulà Tel. 972 884539 EL MOSSEC BAR-CREPERIA PI. Santa Maria, 8 - Tel. 972 141131 FINQUES ANNA Major, 51. - Tel. 972 140780 FINQUES CARBÓ Puigpedrós, 3. - Tel. 972 881169 FINQUES CERDANYA Av. Catalunya, 11-13. - Tel. 972 880344 FINQUES ESTAÑOL Espanya, 27. - Tel. 972 880700 FINQUES LA CARENA Av. Puiguillem, 3. - Tel. 972 883040 FINQUES PIRINEUS Av. Catalunya, 49. - Tel. 972 141025 GESGRUP Pons i Gasch. - Tel. 972 880046 GRAN VALL Major, 55. - Tel. 972 881800 GRUPASSA Av. Catalunya, 29. - Tel. 972 884342 INMOGEST Coronel Molera, 12. - Tel. 972 881576 LA CARENA Dr. Piguillem, 3, baixos. Tel. 972 883040 BRASERIA SANT JORDI PI. Cabrinetty - Tel. 972 140366 CAL RAMON Av. Pirineus, 65 - Tel. 972 140381 EL NIU Alfons 1,15 - Tel. 972 140920 EL PETIT CAFÈ Major, 46 - Tel. 972 140302 CANTINA ESTACIÓ PI. Estació - Tel. 972 140717 EL RACÓ Major,13 - Vilallobent Tel. 972 881146 CARMEN Pl.Sta. Maria - Tel. 972 880386 EL REFUGI Major, 52 - Tel. 972 881601 CASINO CERETÀ Rb. Josep Ma Marti. - Tel. 972 880115 ESTACIÓ (Hostal) PI. Estació - Tel. 972 880350 CASONA D’AGE Age - Tel. 972 880040 FRANKFURT ELS BESSONS Josep Ma Martí, 4 - Tel. 972 141186 CENTRAL PI. Santa Maria - Tel. 972 882553 FRANKFURT INSBRUCK Capcir, 3 - Tel. 972 880776 CERDANYA (Hostal) Ramon Cosp,7 - Tel. 972 880010 FRANKFURT/PIZZES TIFFANY Major, 54 - Tel. 972 140368 CLEMENTE (Pizzeria) Av. Dr. Piguillem, 6 - Tel. 972 881166 GRANJA FRIENDS Major, 61 - Tel. 972 882412 CLOQUER Pl.Santa Maria, 4 - Tel. 972 880001 INTERNACIONAL (Hostal) Baronia - Tel. 972 880158 CRIS BAR Ferrers, 2 - Tel. 972 880014 JOSEPMARIAMASSÓ CUINER Espanya, 9 - Tel. 972 884308 KENNEDY PI. Herois,2 - Tel. 972 881191 MESÓN EUSEBIO Ctra. AGE - Tel. 972 882390 L'ALLAU Pirineus, 29 - Tel. 972 883123 MEXICÀ PI. Cabrinetty, 9 - Tel. 972 881658 L'AURÓ Alfons I, 34 - Tel. 972 880090 MIAMI PI. dels Herois - Tel. 972 880013 L'ESPURNA Av. Catalunya, 45 - Tel. 972 140777 MIAMIDOS PI. Herois - Tel. 972 880013 LA BARRACA Major, 54 - Tel. 972 880080 PARK HOTEL Ctra. Barcelona s/n - Tel. 972 880750 LA CACHIMBA Rb. Josep Ma Martí, 12. Tel. 972 882246 PIZZA STICK Rambla Josep Ma Martí, 1. Tel. 972 880088 LA CANTONADA Major, 46 - Tel. 972 882260 PLA D'ARENES Ctra. Barcelona, s/n - Tel. 972 140022 LA COL D'HIVERN Baronia, 7 - Tel. 972 141204 PLAT RODÓ Av. Catalunya, 49 - Tel. 972 140005 EL PA TORRAT Major, 54 - Tel. 972 140918 POLISPORTIU Can Pedraza - Tel. 972 880564 GATZARA Rb. Josep Ma Martí, 1 - Tel. 972 880757 LA MATINADA Alfons I, 30 - Tel. 972 880320 PUIGCERDÀ (Hotel) Av. Catalunya - Tel. 972 882181 LUA Antiga Serradora Font Gasulà LA NEVADA França, 17 - Tel. 972 881965 QUATRE CAMINS Ctra. N-152 - Tel. 972 141229 NO HO SÉ Ctra. N-152, Km. 170 LA QUEIXALADA Notari Ortado, 9 - Tel. 972 881294 RAIG D'OR PI. Cabrinetty, 22 - Tel. 972 881615 TRÀNSIT DISCO-PUB Plaça del Call - Tel. 972 881606 LA TIETA (Pizzeria) Ferrers, 20 - Tel. 972 880156 SAN REMO Ramon Cosp,9 - Tel. 972 880005 PUBS LA VILA Alfons I, 34 - Tel. 972 140804 SANTA COMBA Abat Oliva LOS AMIGOS Ctra.N-152 - Tel. 972 881930 SOL I SOMBRA PI. Herois, 10 - Tel. 972 880069 LOS CAZADORES Puigmal, 8 - Tel. 972 881306 TAPANYAM PI. Alguer, 46 - Tel. 972 882360 LA CARRETA Doctor Piguillem, 4 - Tel. 972 883139 TÈRMINUS (Hotel) PI. Estació, 2 - Tel. 972 880212 MABEL Alfons I, 36 - Tel. 972 881759 TOMÀS Av. Pirineus, 29 - Tel. 972 881902 MADRIGAL Alfons I, 3 - Tel. 972 880860 XALOP PI. Estació - Tel. 972 140717 MALHIVERN (Pizzeria) Av. Dr. Piguillem,8 - Tel. 972 882325 RESRTAURANTE ASIATICO Querol, 22 - Tel. 972 140391 COFFEE SHOPS AROMA Passeig 10 d'Abril - Tel. 972 140688 SANVITXERIA-CAFETERIA CLASS PI. Cabrinetty, 4 FRAN ROS PI. dels Herois, 8 - Tel. 972 882194 LA LLESCA Higini de Rivera, 2 - Tel. 972 880044 LA GRANJA Capità Canal, 7 - Tel. 972 882003 LA LLAMINERA Major, 42 - Tel. 972 880707 GRANJA MAJOR Major, 15 DISCOTHEQUES AIGUA Antiga Serradora Font Gasulà AZAZEL PUB Dr. Piguillem, 3-6 - Tel. 637 425812 CLOCHARD Major, 54 PLASTICO Major, 57 LA GRAPA CAVATECA/COCTELERIA Querol,4 - Tel. 972 140085 6Q'S Ctra.N-152 CREDITS Preliminary draft Makeup Texts Catalan Correction Photographies Illustrations Design Edited by Printed by Legal Registration ISBN Sebastià BOSOM i Oriol MERCADAL Infoplano Sebastià BOSOM, Oriol MERCADAL Ensenyament Dolçet Arxiu Històric Comarcal de Puigcerdà Esther Laudo Juan Eduardo Balderas Foto Lora Josep BRUNET Museu Cerdà Paisajes Españoles S.A. Pere FONT Regió 7 Sebastià BOSOM Fotos Sistema Foto Viguè Foto Casas Felix Infoplano Patronat Municipal de Turisme de Puigcerdà Gràfiques APR 22.000 exemplars a 4 idiomes B-29415 84-920809-4-9 PATRONAT MUNICIPAL DE TURISME c/ Querol, 1 - 17520 PUIGCERDÀ (GIRONA) Tel. 972 88 05 42 - Fax: 972 14 15 22 Email: