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DECEMBER 2015 BeachPrints Photographers Supporting Photographers ~ a Non-Profit Community Photo Club WELCOME The Beach Photo Club exists to advance each members’ photographic abilities, to provide a forum for them to share and exhibit their work and to promote the appreciation of and participation in the photographic arts. We’re on the Web Find us on Facebook: Beach Photo Club BPC Flickr Group /968412@N24/ Twitter toclub Message from our President Hello Everyone, Wow, we have a fun few months of the club this year, with some great speakers and a fabulous first digital photo contest. We certainly have some talented photographers among our club in all three categories, as you'll see by the winning images in the newsletter and website. The weather this year for December certainly is allowing us to get out and enjoy the City and surrounding areas for some photo opportunities. Don't forget to keep shooting all the seasons in the Beaches. We are working on getting some great opportunities for some learning through workshops and critiques at the club for everyone. Look forward to more info coming soon on this. Remember we are always looking for some great articles or images from any of your travels or opportunities to showcase your work. Please submit the info so we may include it in our next newsletters. HIGHLIGHTS Christmas Social Program Updates Exhibitions I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy New Years too. Have a safe and fun Holiday Season. Competitions, including full list of winners from our 1st Contest Calendar & Key Dates Don't forget the next meeting is the Social at the Beacher Café, see the details in the newsletter and don't forget to RSVP. Field Trips & Outings Hope to see everyone at the Social, if not see everyone in the New Year! Member Highlights, including articles by Sarah Boutilier and June Galbraith Key Resources, Links and Tips Community Bulletin, including rentals and items for sale Maureen Littlewood BPC President 416-723-9581 (cell #) or 416-266-9668 (home #) Unless otherwise specified in the Program, we meet at Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Ave., Toronto. Meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and run to 9:30 p.m. PAGE 2 BE A CH P RI N TS D ECE MB ER 2015 Program Update—2015/2016 Schedule Check out the full line up on the website, or you can view each month’s schedule from the calendar. If you have any suggestions to pass on for photographers who impress you in touring exhibitions to John Wallace, our Program Coordinator. The following is the line up for the next few meetings: Dec. 17— Holiday Social at the Beacher Café 2162 Queen St. E Jan. 7 – Moving Pictures – By Vid Inglevics In the past decade, as most still photography cameras have become video-capable, more and more still photographers have started to experiment with video-making. Vid Ingelevics, photographer, arts writer, Ryerson instructor and independent curator, will share aspects of his experience of shifting between still and moving images by showing clips from some of his artistic projects that highlight both the development of the technology used and the content. Jan. 21—Members Night ** New ** Critique Session When: Members Night, January 21 during time remaining after member presentations What: Each member can submit one (1) image for critique. Any subject matter. How: Open verbal critique by the club. Short constructive comments and discussion, moderated by Sarah Bourtilier. No scoring, unlike a competition. How to Submit: Ensure that image title and maker name are included in the filename. Open format for filename but be sure these two elements are included. JPEG images with long side no longer than 1280p (same as competitions). Email to Sarah at The event: Images will be loaded to a slideshow in the order of first come first served. Left over un-critiqued images will be handled during subsequent meetings at a short intro session ahead of the guest speaker. Christmas Social When: Thurs. Dec. 17, 2015 from 7:00pm - 9:30pm Where: Beacher Cafe, 2162 Queen St. E (Queen St. E/Maclean) Cost: You are responsible for your own meal and drinks. Extras: $20 Gift Exchange It’s time again to celebrate the holiday season at the Beacher Café. We ask that you bring a wrapped $20 gift for exchange. Gifts can be anything from something photo related such as a photography book or something to have handy in your camera bag; a nice bottle of wine ; something you might use at your home; etc. You can be as creative as you want with your gift idea. It's always fun to see which items are the most popular and everyone wants to get their hands on. Please RSVP your intentions of attending to Maureen Littlewood at by Mon. Dec. 14th, 2015. BE A CH P RI N TS PAGE 3 D ECE MB ER 2015 Exhibitions The Beach Photo Club provides an environment where members can share their work through public exhibitions throughout the year, and we have a number of opportunities for you this coming season. The schedule is provided below to help you plan accordingly. Hanging fees are typically $5 per print ($25 for Todmorden). All details will be confirmed prior to each exhibit. Executive Contact: Michael McAuley Venue Dates Beach United Church July 2015 - Jan. 2016 Beach United Church Jan 2016 - June 2016 Papermill Gallery at Todmorden Mills February 2016 Beacher Cafe April 2016 Other Information On Now! Featuring images from the Beach Calendar 2016 Open Theme / Submission deadline was December 6th 2015 Images must be ready by January 16th, 2016 Open Theme, Submission and Hanging Dates to be confirmed We will be exhibiting a selection of images from the Todmorden show The Beach Calendar 2016 Don't forget to get your 2016 Calendars! Please See Andrew Oliver, and a special thanks to all members who submitted work and those whose images were included, along with those who have been helping sell our wonderful calendars. BE A CH P RI N TS PAGE 4 D ECE MB ER 2015 Competitions 2015/16 Photo Contest 1 (Digital) – Thursday November 19 In our first competition, we had 23 entrants and 114 images. There were 12 groups across 3 Groups (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced) and 4 Subject areas (Architecture, Clouds, Surreal and Open). Judges were Norm Ullock, Randy Nickerson and Leif Petersen from the Oshawa Club who provided many constructive comments! It was a great learning experience for contestants and observers. The following are the list of winners—Congratulations everyone! Architecture – Beginners HEYDON CHAPEL – SIMPLICITY IN FORM & FUNCTION Jim Balfour 1st PERU PERFECTION Justine Barbier 2nd TAJ BY MOONLIGHT Jim Balfour 3d RYE HIGH BLUES Margus Kask 1st SIGHT Susan Lappin 2nd SAINT JAMES George Socka 3d PAINT Pam Richards HM TEXTURE OF CHANGE John Wallance 1st ROOM WITH A VIEW Selby Shanly 2nd FLAVELLE HOUSE Alex Bruce 3d STATUE CLOUDS Justine Barbier 1st CLOUD CHASER Joanne Kaashoek 2nd HEAVENS LIGHT Susan Lappin 1st IN THE CLOUDS Michael McAuley 2nd BEACH EVENING George Socka 3d CUMULUS REGATTA John Wallace 1st OMINOUS Marley Adams 2nd BIG SKY Selby Shanly 3d Jim Balfour HM LONDON CALLING George Socka 1st CROWDS UNDER GLASS Mark Kremblewski 2nd SCHOOL GOES TO BEACH Catherin MacKinnon 3d HARRODS FACES George Socka HM HIKING ALONG THE RIDGE Michael McAuley HM DAY AT THE BEACH Marley Adams 1st THE ESCAPE Alex Bruce HM Architecture – Intermediate Architecture – Advanced Clouds – Beginners Clouds – Intermediate Clouds – Advanced Surreal – Beginner ‘TWAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT Surreal – Intermediate Surreal – Advanced BE A CH P RI N TS PAGE 5 D ECE MB ER 2015 Competitions, cont. 2015/16 Photo Contest 1 (Digital) – Thursday November 19 Open – Beginner SOSSUSVLEI SUNRISE Jim Balfour 1st LEOPARD WITH FLIES Robert Dargie 2nd INCA TRAIL WONDERS Justine Barbier 3d STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Margus Kask 1st FANTASY OF AUTUMN FOGGY SUNRISE AT CAPE SPEAR LIGHTHOUSE, NFLD June Galbraith 2nd Maureen Littlewood 3d ONE BREATH Michael McAuley HM TREE TRIPTYCH Catherine MacKinnon HM FALL DANCE Alex Bruce 1st ALICE THE QUILTER Marley Adams 2nd DAWN DELIGHT Alex Bruce 3d Open – Intermediate Open – Advanced You can find the details of each image maker on the Beach Photo Club, Contest News, page of our website here: PAGE 6 BE A CH P RI N TS D ECE MB ER 2015 Competitions, cont. You can find the details of each image maker on the Beach Photo Club, Contest News, page of our website here: PAGE 7 BE A CH P RI N TS D ECE MB ER 2015 Competitions, cont. You can find the details of each image maker on the Beach Photo Club, Contest News, page of our website here: BE A CH P RI N TS PAGE 8 D ECE MB ER 2015 GTCCC Inter-Club Competition The time is approaching for the GTCCC (Greater Toronto Council of Camera Clubs) Inter-club competition. The competition is similar to the events we hold within the club but on a much bigger scale. There is both a Digital and Print component to the event. In addition to individual winners, there is a club award for the best performance by its members. Individuals can submit up to 10 entries with a max of 7 digitals and a max of 4 prints. There is no maximum for number of submissions in a category, so for example you can submit 7 digitals all in the Architecture Category. Entry fees are $2.00 per image/print to a maximum of $16.00, so if you chose to submit 10, the last 2 submissions are free. There are 10 tightly defined categories, with an 11th ("Human Portraits") embedded in the 10 - in other words, they will pick out the best human portrait from your submissions in the 10 categories. If you are specifically submitting a Human Portrait, simply submit it under "People". We will be sending out the entry form to everyone shortly. In the meantime, please get started on finding those perfect images for submission. Read the category descriptions carefully, as images that do not clearly reflect the category will be scored low. We will require your entries before January 10 - more details on how to submit to follow. The submission rules and category descriptions have been posted to our website—we will update once we have sorted out the technical bits. Click here to view or download. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mark Kremblewski <> directly. Fun Phone Camera Photo Challenge Let’s be creative and share some fun photos that you have taken with your phone. This can be a platform to share some ideas and tricks on how to create some interesting photos with your phone. The rules are pretty simple: Each month post one photo taken with your phone and capturing your interpretation of the theme. First, download the Instagram app to your phone. Upload a photo to Instagram, Tag the photo with the hashtag #bpcpix and share it. T'is the Season - December Challenge Use you phone to capture the holiday spirit. Lights, decorations, events etc. Share one photo on Instagram by adding #bpcpix to the comment section. Don't forget to check #bpcpix throughout the month to see what members have posted and to show your support by liking a photo or adding a comment. Happy Holidays! Thanks to Valerie Crease and the membership committee for this great idea! PAGE 9 D ECE MB ER 2015 BE A CH P RI N TS Beach Photo Club Calendar and Key Dates December 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Legend Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 Having a great time making images since Christ was a corporal 4 5 Out of town Outing Local Outing Weekend Trip 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Annex Christmas Decoration Walk 14 15 16 17 Christmas Social 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday Friday Saturday 1 Newsletter Content Due 2 8 9 Club Meetings Creative Eval & Socials and other Workshops Other January 2016 3 4 BPC Exec Mtg Wednesday 5 6 Thursday 7 Moving Pictures 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Members Night, including new Critique 22 23 26 27 28 29 Newsletter Content Due 30 24 25 BPC Exec Mtg 31 See the Beach Photo Club calendar on our website for additional details, and the most up to date information on key dates: Dec 3: Meeting: Having a great time making images since Christ was a corporal Dec 13: Outing: Annex Christmas Decoration Walk Dec 17: Christmas Social Jan 1: Newsletter Content Due Jan 4: BPC Exec Meeting Jan 7: Meeting: Moving Pictures Jan 21: Meeting: Members Night, including Critique Jan 25: BPC Exec Meeting Jan 29: Newsletter Content Due BE A CH P RI N TS PAGE 10 D ECE MB ER 2015 Member Profiles Last season we introduced Member Profiles and this year we will feature a few members in each of our newsletters so you can get to know each other better. These will enable all members to attach a name to a face, along with providing a brief insight into the individual’s photographic background. If you do not have one yourself yet, we will be sending out the forms for you to complete. Providing any information is purely voluntary – so fill in only what you are comfortable sharing. Name: Sarah Boutilier Member Since: 2010 BPC Position: Outings Equipment: Canon 40D 50mm prime and lots of film cameras including; 4x5 Crown Graphic, Bronica (these two I use the most), Holga, King Penguin, Canon 35mm to name a few. Admired Photographers: Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir, Annie Leibovitz, Rafael Goldchain, Some of Cindy Sherman, Leonard Nemoy, Ari Magg Favourite Subjects: I don’t have a niche. I photograph what sings out to me. Experience: 4 years planning and executing experiential photography tours to the Maritimes and Newfoundland with more exciting trips to come. Stay tuned! PAGE 11 BE A CH P RI N TS D ECE MB ER 2015 Member Profiles, cont. Name: Member Since: BPC Position: Equipment: Admired Photographers: Favourite Subjects: Experience: Mark Kremblewski 2005 Director of Competitions, Equipment Sony A7 II. Zeiss: 55mm f1.8, 24-70 f4, 135 f1.8 Manfrotto tripod with Acratech ball head Ansel Adams, Yousuf Karsh Cityscapes Photography grew as a hobby as I travelled around the world for my job. I love to spend a day walking around a new city taking photos. I joined the club to improve my skills and I find the competitions the best learning experience of all. Since retirement I have downsized from Sony a850 (1 kg, body alone) to the A7, still full frame, but smaller, lighter and more capable! Name: William (Bill) Komar Member Since: Sept 2015 BPC Position: Equipment: Member Admired Photographers: Ansel Adams (Landscapes); Yousuf Karsh, Annie Leibovitz, Lindsay Adler (Portraits); Moose Peterson (Nature/Aviation); Freeman Paterson, Scott Kelby (Everything); every National Geographic photographer. Landscapes, Cityscapes, Nature, my kids, candid’s of people. Favourite Subjects: Experience: Pentax K3 I began in high school’s yearbook photographer, including developing and printing (B/W and color). Have carried a camera around ever since. Went digital early with point and shoot, finally making use of my old lenses on my new DSLR. Experimenting with off-camera flash and portraits. BE A CH P RI N TS PAGE 12 D ECE MB ER 2015 Outings: Photography mixed with adventures, near and far All the outings are on club calendar: BPC Members - Free (show membership card) Non Members - $10 Photo by Jeniffer Vieira If you are interested, you MUST follow up with me either by phone/text: 647-297-5782 or email: If I have no confirmations of interest for an outing, I will not be present, nor rent a vehicle, should you decide to go. I also follow up with those who have to confirm they are still going. DRIVING – This year, I have signed up with Autoshare. Thus I am no longer dependent on those who have signed up for the outings and have cars. If you need a drive to our destination outside the city, please let me know ahead of time, so I can book the appropriate vehicle. Costs may be shared. We have a number of great outings lined up this year, hope to see you there! Executive Contact: Sarah Boutilier – – C) 647-297-5782 Annex Christmas Decoration Walk—December 13th, 10am to 1pm Meet at Dupont Station south east entrance upstairs by the turnstiles. Hopefully we’ll get a nice snow day for this. Or at least have some snow on the ground. Christmas decorations should be abound in this area, especially if you’re thinking of making a Christmas card this year. I suggest the Pour House to warm up with good food and a beer. More great photos from the Parkdale Walk Outing in October PAGE 13 BE A CH P RI N TS D ECE MB ER 2015 Weekend Excursions There is a $25.00 NON-Refundable Deposit for each trip. This deposit can be paid by cash, cheque or email transfer to Maureen Littlewood. This deposit is to secure a spot and will come out of the total balance. JANUARY ANNUAL WINTER YURT—THIS TRIP IS FULL When: Fri. Jan. 22 - Sun. Jan. 24/16 Where: MacGregor Point Provincial Park Cost: Approx. $65.00 per person for the weekend + gas and food This location you drive your car to the site and park there. FEBRUARY ANNUAL WINTER YURT—SPACE STILL AVAILABLE When: Fri. Feb. 12 - Mon. Feb. 15, 2016 Where: Killarney Provincial Park (potentially) Cost: Approx. $85.00 per person for the weekend + gas and food This location there is a short walk to the yurts of 500 meters. There are toboggans available to tow your gear down to the yurts. Dates and locations are potential locations and will be subject to availability of yurts. I will plan for people to have a car pool and sleeping arrangements. I will also provide a list of items needed to bring besides your own sleeping bag and pillows. Each yurt comes with 2 sets of bunk beds. A double bed on the bottom and a single bed on the top. Yurts have electrical heat, electrical plugs to charge batteries and cell phones etc. A BBQ is outside for cooking on. A table and chairs are also inside the yurt. The Yurt is a heavy material type tent material on a wooden platform. Each yurt has 4 beds, so there would be up to 4 people per yurt unless someone wishes to share a bed with someone else. In which there could be 5 or 6 people. Both locations have a heated comfort station a short distance away as well as vaulted outhouses close by too. Though the one in Killarney has NO shower facilities for the winter. Please feel free to ask any questions about the yurts or the trip. Executive Contact: Maureen Littlewood BE A CH P RI N TS PAGE 14 D ECE MB ER 2015 Member Highlights Jewelz Journey, by Sarah Boutilier A few months ago, I signed up with Model Mayhem to get myself motivated to photograph more people, experiment with light and basically let my imagination go wild. Not too long after signing up I had two people contact me asking to photograph them based on the photos I posted to my profile. On Remembrance Day, I photographed Jewelz, a vivacious, curvy young woman who’s goal it is to break into the plus size modeling world. She is so passionate about this, she even has “EFFYOURBEAUTYSTANDARDS” tattooed on her left calf. Before the photo shoot, I researched how to photograph curvy women. I managed to find great images online for tear sheets that both of us looked through for inspirations. In my research, I discovered a household icon, whom everyone knows as Spock, photograph curvy, voluptuous women along with other fantastic bodies of work. ‘scuse the pun. Leonard Nemoy is interviewed in this article showcasing his work from, “The Full Body Project”. It’s so far, one of the best articles I’ve read about this project. Perhaps it’s because I can hear his voice ring out that is truly his and not Spock’s. Thank God… I don’t… have… to hear… Kirk’s! For the first time in my mind, Leonard Nemoy is his own person. I sent another article about “The Full Body Project to Jewelz. I wasn’t sure if she knew about it already. Turns out she didn’t and here’s what she she wrote back, “OMGSH THAT LINK WAS DOPE. I have no idea Leonard N did photography and he is fabulous at it. The black and white was dope and then i saw the full body and im like WOO.” I was very pleased to know she was as much excited about this discovery as I was. Indeed, I’d love to get my hands on a Leonard Nemoy book of photography. It was a simple set up; a canvas mottled brown background, 1 Alien Bee with a shoot through studio umbrella. In the beginning, I didn’t move the light source from the left side I had it in. The light filled the space completely lighting her softly, so for the most part we went through many poses, some working some not. Jewelz had so many great facial expressions that I asked her to look pouty, surprised, or sheepish. Another great feature, her hair. I kept fluffing it forward and she kept smoothing it back. From these batch of photos, I had an inkling they were like a painting I had once seen, or several paintings from the same artist, but I couldn’t put my thumb on it until Rob mentioned it at Photographers Anonymous. “You know what these are like?” asking me to scroll back to a full length of Jewelz pigeon toed and looking as though she was caught with her hands in he cookie jar. ” No what?” “It looks like a Botero Sculpture.” BE A CH P RI N TS PAGE 15 D ECE MB ER 2015 Member Highlights, cont. Jewelz Journey, by Sarah Boutilier, cont. Not recognizing the name right away, I said, “it looks like that Mexican Folk Artist.” “Yeah, Botero! And he’s Columbian, not Mexican.” It’s because of his suggestion that I’ve contacted Jewelz again to see if she’d like to do another shoot in the Botero Style. She’s agreed and the shoot takes place on December 3rd, but more about that later. Close to the end of the night, I decided to move the lighting from the front to the side. Tethering or wifing it through the Canon 6D would have come in handy at this point. Now I had dramatic lighting, but felt as though I’ve exhausted every pose. Or the poses that looked great before, didn’t work now. This was what I needed. A chance to switch up the lighting and experiment, especially with a challenging unique body type. In the end I had some successful poses, but because there was little time remaining, I wasn’t able to pull much more from myself or Jewelz. My favorites besides the Boteroesque images were the portrait shots. Jewelz full moon face, rosebud mouth and runaway curly hair reminded me of a cherub from a Leonardo Di Vinci painting. Lol. I’ve also thought of cherubs as yet another themed photo shoot for Jewelz. Exhibitions Exhibitions featuring John Wallace Dylan Ellis Gallery – 1840 Danforth Avenue John has one image from his Flesh made Stone series in an impressive exhibition of photography. PAGE 16 BE A CH P RI N TS D ECE MB ER 2015 Member Highlights Working With Freeman Patterson, by June Galbraith In 2013, Barbara Merritt and I flew to New Brunswick to attend a 7-day workshop given by Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant. Needless to say it was a wonderful experience. Last summer, we decided to do a one day Master Class with Freeman, renting the cottage behind his house at his 500acre property in Shamperʼs Bluff, New Brunswick. During the day he worked us hard and in the evenings the three of us enjoyed one another’s company, sipping wine while shooting the sunset from his deck. It was just amazing to learning from his skill, gather his wisdom, laugh and share stories. The experience will remain with us always. Last month we received a call from Sandy McMurrich, who has been Freemanʼs agent and friend for the past 16 years. Freeman was flying in for a couple of weeks, and would be staying at his home in Oakville to exhibit and sell some of his work. Sandy invited us to join Freeman and a few other friends for an intimate dinner at his home. We had the pleasure of viewing the exhibit privately, and yes, we are both now owners of an original Freeman Patterson! Sandy will be visiting each of us as he insists on coming to each home to choose the best location to hang each piece. Heʼs very protective of Freemanʼs work! Reflection of Freeman’s House through the barn window For both Barb and me this has been an experience of growth, shared passion of photography, laughter and friendship. We encourage anyone who is considering a workshop, Through the deck with Lupines in the fields retreat or class to jump in with two feet as these events have really shaped our photography in ways we could not have imagined. Freeman’s driveway down to the St John River, Day 2 Sunset Images by June Galbraith and Barbara Merritt PAGE 17 BE A CH P RI N TS Exhibitions CHARLES MATTON A Photographic Survey Exhibition Dates: November 28, 2015 – January 16, 2016 Opening Reception: Saturday, November 28, 25pm This exhibition will display a selection of work, including photographs from his very first “Reconstitutions of Sites”, from the early stages of a process started in 1986 which led to his famous “Boxes”. The self-described “manufacturer of images” created these interiors by designing, building, sculpting, painting, and lighting miniaturized sets. Matton then photographed these sets to produce “almost realistic” images depicting a parallel universe of spaces and accessories created by the artist through composition, material, and colour. He carefully crafted lighting, the final step in his process, to break down the appearances into endless interpretations in his obsessive search of reality. Please visit us at: Our Blog: Facebook Event Page: CAMERA: Twitter: Instagram: 1026 Queen Street West Toronto Canada T 416.504.0575 D ECE MB ER 2015 PAGE 18 BE A CH P RI N TS Community Bulletin FOR SALE DURST M 605 Color Enlarger Lenses El-Nikkor 75 mm 1:4 Rodagon 50 mm 1:2.8 GraLab Darkroom Timer Besler Paper Holder Safelight (not shown in photos) other as shown Price $ 125. or negotiable Contact Paul Hill 416-691-9219 D ECE MB ER 2015 BE A CH P RI N TS PAGE 19 D ECE MB ER 2015 Community Bulletin PHOTOGRAPHERS' PARADISE! Toronto Island Home for Rent 6 weeks.....Your Winter Vacation This is a remarkable opportunity for photographers! Plenty of shots of downtown architecture, activities, the waterfront, the Island Airport, St. Lawrence Market, theatres, & cafes –then just a short ferry ride, over the bridge, & you’re HOME! Get shots of a unique community, views of the city skyline with magical night-time shots, the Island airport, sunsets, snow, skating on the lake.....nature's paradise! Lots of winter solitude! Large cozy house on Algonquin Island - a car-less community away from the city buzz! This home is positioned on a corner lot looking over Lake Ontario and facing the city. Nicely-furnished with open living room/dining area, 2 bedrooms + den (library/TV room with double sofabed), eat-in kitchen, woodburning fireplace, and 5 appliances. Bring your camera, printer, skates, cross-country skis, your books, art supplies – kick back and relax! Enjoy the best of both worlds for 6 beautiful winter weeks. January 19 - February 29, 2016; $2000, including utilities, cable, & WiFi (sorry – no parking!!) References required; contact Joy at 416-888-1951 for more information PAGE 20 BE A CH P RI N TS D ECE MB ER 2015 Links, Resources and Articles Every month we feature tips from Digital Photography School. You can subscribe on their website as well—click here for more information. Tips for Creating Great Outdoor Portraits Tips for Using Shutter Speed Creatively How to Find Inspiration Photographing Locations Near Home 3 Tips to Take Better Landscape Photos Regardless of the Weather Using Emotions to Take Storytelling Images The Who What Where When Why How of Doing a Photowalk A Helpful Checklist to Use Before Photographing Anything 5 Photography Bad Habits to Quit Today Tips for Getting Started with Still Life Photography Your Guide to Creating Unique Conceptual Photography Book Review: The Visual Palette by Brian Matiash BE A CH P RI N TS PAGE 21 D ECE MB ER 2015 Links and Resources Submitted by Jeniffer Vieira via Light Stalking cial& uffer Submitted by Jeniffer Vieira via Light Stalking & If you have any newsletter suggestions, tips, links or articles you would like to share, send them to: You can find past editions of the newsletter on our website in the Links section. Deborah Ryan, —Newsletter Editor