the PDF - Unitarian Universalist Association


the PDF - Unitarian Universalist Association
Seven Principles
There are seven principles which Unitarian Universalist (UU) congrega ons affirm
and promote:
◊ The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
◊ Jus ce, equity and compassion in human rela ons;
◊ Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congrega ons;
◊ A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
◊ The right of conscience and the use of the democra c process within our congrega ons and in society at large;
◊ The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and jus ce for all;
◊ Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
Unitarian Universalism draws from many sources:
◊ Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces
which create and uphold life;
◊ Words and deeds of prophe c women and men which challenge us to confront
powers and structures of evil with jus ce, compassion, and the transforming
power of love;
◊ Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual
◊ Jewish and Chris an teachings which call us to respond to God’s love by loving
our neighbors as ourselves;
◊ Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the
results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit;
◊ Spiritual teachings of earth-centered tradi ons which celebrate the sacred circle
of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.
These principles and sources of faith are the backbone of our religious community.
UUA Board of Trustees
& Liaisons to the Board
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Board of Trustees conducts
the affairs of the Association and carries out policies and directives, acting for
the Association between General Assemblies. The UUA is grateful for your
dedication, commitment, insight, and shared expertise. Thank you!
Jim Key, Moderator
Larry Ladd, Financial Advisor
Natalia Avere5
Rob Eller-Isaacs
Clyde Grubbs
Donna Harrison
Lew Phinney
Susan Ritchie
Michael Sallwasser
Julian Sharp
James Snell
Sarah Stewart
Susan Weaver
Rosemary Dodd, Youth Advisor
Rev. Peter Morales,
UUA President
Tim Brennan,
UUA Treasurer/CFO
Rev. Harlan Limpert,
UUA Chief Opera ng Officer
Terasa Cooley,
UUA Program & Strategy Officer
A Letter from the President
Dear Friend,
I am delighted to present the annual report of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) for
fiscal year 2012-2013 (FY13). This year has been filled with adventures and challenges as your
UUA works with congregations and communities to make Unitarian Universalism the voice of
liberal progressive religion in our world.
Last summer, I led a chapel service in Boston for our UUA staff. I told the story of my first year
in seminary, 17 years ago, when I began to get involved in social justice work through
conferences in California, a training at UUA headquarters in Boston, and several presentations
across the country. All of these were made possible by the invisible hands of UUA staff, working
in Boston and in the field to support Unitarian Universalists wherever they are.
Now that I have the privilege to be the president of our UUA, much of my work is highly visible.
I get to visit congregations, participate in social justice advocacy, and even be arrested while
standing for our shared moral values. But the vast majority of the work that happens at the UUA
is invisible. The people who work to create exciting religious education texts don’t get to see the
enthusiastic reaction a child has to their curriculum. Editors at Beacon Press or Skinner House
don’t get to see minds changed by their books. We often don’t notice the quiet work that’s done
through the endowment to ensure the future success of congregations, the support for ministers
during transitions, training, settlement, crises, and retirement. Our anti-racism, anti-oppression,
and multicultural work is all done behind the scenes.
All of this work happens invisibly, and the people doing that work often don’t see the results.
The results are down the road and far away. And yet for love and justice to thrive, for our
movement to thrive, for our values to have a strong place in this world, love needs a place to
stand, love needs to be organized, compassion needs to be structured, and we’re people who do
that. Today and every day I want to celebrate the work that we do. This Annual Report is one
way to do that, by lifting up some of the exciting work done by the UUA during July 2012-June
2013 and those individuals and congregations whose generosity supports that work.
As you read this report I hope you will appreciate, as I do, the incredible achievements the UUA
has made this year. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to every one of you who helped make
this work possible. You are allowing us to support one another and to move our association and
our movement into their bright future – together!
In faith,
The Rev. Peter Morales
President of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Support for Ministers and Congregations
Our congregations and ministers are at the heart of Unitarian Universalism.
This year, we worked to meet the needs of local congregations and individual
ministers, religious educators, musicians, and lay leaders.
Support for Ministers and Congregations
63 candidates came before the Ministerial
Fellowship Commi5ee over the past year.
Approximately 525 people are currently at
some stage of prepara on for UU ministry.
During FY13, 39 full- me ministers were
se5led in congrega ons. Thanks to donor
support, ministers are creden aled,
provided with benefits, and eligible for
assistance during crises.
This year we field tested an updated Our Whole
Lives (OWL) sexuality educa on program for
Grades 7-9. New topics include social media,
bullying, consent educa on, and material on
teaching OWL to youth with special needs. In
May 2013, the Resource Development Office
(RDO) ran workshops for approximately 30 new
OWL trainers. The second edi on will be
published in 2014.
Support for Ministers and Congregations
During the last year, the RDO created
several new Tapestry of Faith lifespan
curricula and resources online and in
print. New programs for children
include “World of Wonder” (K/1),
“Signs of Our Faith” (2/3), and “Sing to
the Power” (4/5). New programs for
youth and young adults include
“Building the World We Dream About;”
Bridging: A Handbook for
Congrega ons by Gail Forsyth-Vail and
Jessica York, which offers guidance to
as congrega ons implement a program
to serve youth approaching majority;
and “Building Beloved Community,” a
five-session high school an racism
curriculum co-developed with the
Youth and Young Adult Office.
The Office of Growth Strategies has
been experimen ng with “Innova ve
Learning Circles” for a li5le more than
a year. The purpose is to gather our
movement’s best, innova ve leaders
together to spark, inspire, and crosspollinate each other. This experiment
gathers together learning circles of a
select number of religious
professionals for monthly hour-and-ahalf-long conversa ons over a period
of nine months. The number and
scope of Innova ve Learning Circles
will expand in the coming church year.
Act and Lead for Social Justice
The UUA provides a progressive religious voice on the national stage. We are
uniquely poised to share our message of love and respect for all people, and to
work for a more compassionate world community
Act and Lead for Social Justice
Fiscal Year 2013 Successes
During this fiscal year, our top priori es for social
jus ce were environmental, immigra on, LGBTQ,
reproduc ve, and mul cultural jus ce. We also
worked to serve the world by working interna onally
to support UU congrega ons and grassroots
mobiliza on around the globe.
This year was our first Mul cultural
Leadership Ins tute, a collabora ve
learning ini a ve to engage leaders in
building Beloved Community inclusive
of mul ple cultural iden es,
mul genera onal, and jus ce-centered.
The second annual Mul cultural
Leadership Ins tute will take place in
November 2013.
Held vigils outside the Supreme Court
and submi5ed amicus curiae briefs in
two marriage equality cases. Our
decades-long work for marriage
equality paid off when the Supreme
Court took a bold and courageous step
toward full equality!
This year we worked for environmental
jus ce by sponsoring a public witness
event and water communion during
General Assembly and by advoca ng
against hydrofracking and climate
change. The Green Sanctuary program
provides a framework for congrega ons
to live out their commitment to the
2013 marks the 50 year anniversary of
the Unitarian Universalist Associa on’s
first statement on reproduc ve choice.
We celebrated this anniversary and
Mama’s Day, and began organizing
around the 2012 Congrega onal Study/
Ac on Issue.
Act and Lead for Social Justice
At GA 2012 we launched the UU College of Social
Jus ce, a combined with the UU Service Commi5ee. The
mission for the UU College of Social Jus ce is to build
the capacity of Unitarian Universalists to catalyze jus ce
in community, through experien al learning grounded in
UU theology, history, and contempla ve prac ces.
Act and Lead for Social Justice
The UUA’s Interna onal Office guides strategic interna onal
programs and opportuni es for Unitarian Universalism. We
work with faith partners around the world, with human rights
partners in India, and with United Na ons partners.
The Interna onal Office launched an
interna onal engagement program for
congrega ons, a coali on between a
number of interna onal UU organiza ons
that includes a collabora ve website with
tools and resources.
The UU Holdeen India Program has provided
support to over 100 grassroots organizaons in India as they demand their rights to
dignity, peace, and security. Last year UUHIP
led its first Service Learning trip to India
with the UU College of Social Jus ce. Another such trip is planned for November 2013.
The UU-UNO engages with the work of the United Na ons and with
Unitarian Universalists to achieve peace, security, and human rights
for all. This year, the UU-UNO has advocated for interna onal LGBTQ
and women’s rights, climate change awareness, migrant and
indigenous peoples’ rights, and an end to discrimina on.
Financial Information
The financial statements of the UUA as of June 30, 2012 were audited by
an independent certified accounting firm. These statements, and those
from previous years, are available on The charts below represent
some of the data for Annual Program Fund contribution and general UUA
incomes and expenditures for Fiscal Year 2013. For more information,
please email
Annual Program Fund
Thank you to all of our congregations for your generous contributions, which make
a difference in our religious community and strengthen our covenant.
Member congregations voluntarily join our Association of Congregations,
covenanting with one another to affirm and promote our Unitarian Universalist
principles and purposes in the wider world. As part of this relationship,
congregations pledge financial support each year to the UUA’s Annual Program
Fund (APF).
APF contributions represent nearly 50% of our Association’s undesignated
funding, providing for numerous and varied services, programs, and resources to
our member congregations, to foster the health and growth of Unitarian
Universalism, and to give public voice to UU values and principles.
Contribu ng the full requested contribu on for 25 or more consecu ve years
APF Giving Key: * Leadership Level: the 50 highest contribu ng Honor Congrega ons each fiscal year
^ Merit Level: congrega ons giving at least 20% more than the prior year
Auburn UU Fellowship
UU Church
UU Church of the Desert
Auburn, AL
Surprise, AZ
Rancho Mirage, CA
UU Fellowship of Fairbanks
Eureka UU Fellowship
Orange Coast UU Church
Fairbanks, AK
Eureka Springs, AR
Costa Mesa, CA
Beacon UU Congrega on
UU Church of Li5le Rock
UU Fellowship of Laguna Beach
Flagstaff, AZ
Li0le Rock, AR
Laguna Beach, CA
Valley UU Congrega on
Humboldt UU Fellowship
UU Church of Palo Alto
Chandler, AZ
Bayside, CA
Palo Alto, CA
“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to
the present.” — Albert Camus
UU Fellowship of Redwood City
UU Society Daytona Beach Area
UU Congrega on of Columbus Indiana
Redwood City, CA
Ormond Beach, FL
Columbus, IN
First UU Church of San Diego*
The UU Fellowship of Marion County, FL
UU Fellowship of Elkhart
San Diego, CA
Summerfield, FL
Elkhart, IN
First Unitarian Chuch of San Jose
UU Fellowship of Bay County
UU Church of Evansville
San Jose, CA
Panama City, FL
Evansville, IN
UU Fellowship of San Dieguito
UU Church of Pensacola^
UU Church
Solana Beach, CA
Pensacola, FL
West Lafaye0e, IN
UU Fellowship of Sunnyvale
UU Church of Tarpon Springs
UU Fellowship of Ames
Sunnyvale, CA
Tarpon Springs, FL
Ames, IA
The Boulder Valley UU Fellowship
UU Fellowship of Vero Beach
UU Congrega on of the Quad Ci es
Lafaye0e, CO
Vero Beach, FL
Davenport, IA
First Universalist Church of Denver*
UU Fellowship of Columbus
UU Fellowship of N Central Iowa
Denver, CO
Fortson, GA
Mason City, IA
UU Fellowship of Durango
Pocatello UU Fellowship
Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church
Durango, CO
Pocatello, ID
Louisville, KY
UU Congrega on of the Grand Valley
UU Church of Bloomington Normal
Unitarian Church of Baton Rouge*
Grand Junc on, CO
Bloomington, IL
Baton Rouge, LA
UU Church of Greeley
Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship
UU Congrega on of Cas ne
Greeley, CO
Carbondale, IL
Cas ne, ME
UU Society of Mill Creek (Delaware)
First Unitarian Society of Chicago
First Universalist Church^
Newark, DE
Chicago, IL
Yarmouth, ME
First UU Church of West Volusia
UU Fellowship of Macomb
UU Church of Annapolis*
Deland, FL
Macomb, IL
Annapolis, MD
One Island Family: The Southernmost
UU Congrega on
Abraham Lincoln UU Congrega on
UU Fellowship of Harford County
Springfield, IL
Churchville, MD
Key West, FL
UU Fellowship of Greater Cumberland
Billings UU Fellowship
The Community Church of New York UU
Cumberland, MD
Billings, MT
New York, NY
UU Fellowship of Easton
UU Fellowship of Bozeman
UU Congrega on at Shelter Rock*
Easton, MD
Bozeman, MT
Manhasset, NY
Church of the Larger Fellowship*
UU Fellowship of Missoula
UU Fellowship of Pla5sburgh NY
Boston, MA
Missoula, MT
Pla0sburgh, NY
The Dover Church
Unitarian Church
Unitarian Church of Staten Island
Dover, MA
Lincoln, NE
Staten Island, NY
UU Fellowship of Falmouth
UU Fellowship of Northern Nevada
Piedmont UU Church^
Falmouth, MA
Reno, NV
Charlo0e, NC
First Religious Society in Newburyport*
Durham UU Fellowship
UU Congrega on of Greenville
Newburyport, MA
Durham, NH
Greenville, NC
The North Parish of North Andover*
Starr King UU Fellowship
UU Fellowship of Hendersonville NC
North Andover, MA
Plymouth, NH
Hendersonville, NC
First Parish Church UU of Stow & Acton
First Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of
Hunterdon County
Baptistown, NJ
UU Congregation of the Outer Banks
UU Church of Greater Lynn
The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood NJ
UU Fellowship of Winston Salem
Swampsco0, MA
Ridgewood, NJ
Winston Salem, NC
Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church
UU Church at Washington Crossing
Grosse Pointe, MI
Titusville, NJ
Bismarck Mandan UU Fellowship
and Church
Bismarck, ND
Keweenaw UU Fellowship
Unitarian Church of Los Alamos
UU Church of the Ohio Valley
Houghton, MI
Los Alamos, NM
Bellaire, OH
Northwest UU Church
UU Fellowship of Chautauqua
Northern Hills Fellowship
Southfield, MI
Chautauqua, NY
Cincinna , OH
Our Home Universalist Unitarian Church
UU Fellowship Briarcliff
Croton Ossining
Croton-on-Hudson, NY
Southwest UU Church
UU Fellowship of Rolla^
UU Congrega on of the Catskills
South Park UU Fellowship
Rolla, MO
Kingston, NY
West Linn, OR
First Unitarian Church of St. Louis
UU Congrega on at Rock Tavern
Main Line Unitarian Church*
St. Louis, MO
Washingtonville, NY
Devon, PA
Stow, MA
Ellisville, MS
Ki0y Hawk, NC
North Royalton, OH
First UU Church of Indiana
Horizon UU Church
UU Church of Shenandoah Valley
Indiana, PA
Carrollton, TX
Stephens City, VA
UU Church of the Restora on
Thoreau Woods UU Church
Free Church Unitarian
Philadelphia, PA
Huntsville, TX
Blaine, WA
Allegheny UU Church
UU Fellowship of Hidalgo County, TX
Edmonds UU Church
Pi0sburgh, PA
San Juan, TX
Edmonds, WA
UU Church of the South Hills
Bay Area UU Church
Olympia UU Congrega on
Pi0sburgh, PA
Houston, TX
Olympia, WA
UU Fellowship Ligonier Valley
Community UU Church
UU Church of Vancouver
Ligonier, PA
San Antonio, TX
Vancouver, WA
UU Church of Athens and Sheshequin
UU Church of Victoria
UU Fellowship of La Crosse
Athens, PA
Victoria, TX
La Crosse, WI
BuxMont UU Fellowship
UU Fellowship of Waco
Bradford Community Church UU
Warrington, PA
Waco, TX
Kenosha, WI
Unitarian Congregation of West Chester
UU Fellowship of Fredericksburg
UU Fellowship
West Chester, PA
Fredericksburg, VA
Marshfield, WI
The UU Fellowship of Clemson
UU Fellowship of the Peninsula
Clemson, SC
Newport News, VA
First Universalist Unitarian Church of
Wausau, WI
UU Church of Spartanburg
Bull Run UUs
UU Fellowship of Laramie^
Spartanburg, SC
Manassas, VA
Laramie, WY
“We are here that we might have life and have it more
abundantly, so that we might share it with others.
Come, let us join together as a generous people.”
— John. C. Morgan
Contribu ng the full requested contribu on for 10 or more consecu ve years
UU Church of Birmingham
Granite Peak UU Congrega on
UU Church of Davis
Birmingham, AL
Presco0, AZ
Davis, CA
UU Congrega on of the Shoals^
UU Congrega on of Green Valley
Mission Peak UU Congrega on
Florence, AL
Amado, AZ
Fremont, CA
UU Congrega on of Tuscaloosa
UU Fellowship of Santa Cruz County
The UU Church of Fresno*
Tuscaloosa, AL
Aptos, CA
Fresno, CA
Anchorage UU Fellowship Inc
UU Fellowship of Kern County
The UU Congrega on in Fullerton
Anchorage, AK
Bakersfield, CA
Fullerton, CA
Juneau UU Fellowship
Sierra Foothills UUs
Starr King UU Church
Juneau, AK
Auburn, CA
Hayward, CA
Sitka UU Fellowship Inc.
UU Church of Southeastern Arizona
UU Community of Lake County
Sitka, AK
Sierra Vista, AZ
Kelseyville, CA
Presco5 UU Fellowship
Sedona UU Fellowship
UU Church of the Verdugo Hills
Presco0, AZ
Co0onwood, AZ
La Crescenta, CA
UU Congrega on of NW Tucson^
UU Church of Berkeley*
UU Church in Livermore
Tucson, AZ
Kensington, CA
Livermore, CA
UU Fellowship of Yuma
Emerson UU Church
UU Church of Long Beach
Yuma, AZ
Canoga Park, CA
Long Beach, CA
UU Village Church
UU Fellowship in Chico
Hot Springs Village, AR
Chico, CA
First Unitarian Church of
Los Angeles^
Los Angeles, CA
South Bay Unitarian Fellowship
Prairie UU Church
University UU Society
Redondo Beach, CA
Aurora, CO
Orlando, FL
UU Fellowship Stanislaus County
High Plains Church UU
The UU Congrega on of Lakeland
Salida, CA
Colorado Springs, CO
Lakeland, FL
UU Fellowship of Porterville Inc.
Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist
UU Congrega on of Miami
Porterville, CA
Carbondale, CO
Miami, FL
Monte Vista UU Congrega on
Namaqua UU Congrega on
UU Congrega on of Greater Naples
Montclair, CA
Loveland, CO
Naples, FL
Chalice UU Congrega on
Columbine Unit. Univ. Church
UU Church of Sarasota Inc.
Escondido, CA
Li0leton, CO
Sarasota, FL
Summit UU Fellowship
UU Society in Brooklyn Connec cut
UU United Fellowship^
Santee, CA
Brooklyn, CT
St Petersburg, FL
UUs of San Mateo
UU Society: East
River of Grass UU Congrega on
San Mateo, CA
Manchester, CT
Davie, FL
UUs of Santa Clarita Valley
First Universalist Society in New Haven
UU Church of Tallahassee
Santa Clarita, CA
New Haven, CT
Tallahassee, FL
UU Church
UUs of Southern Delaware
UU Church of Tampa Inc.
Santa Paula, CA
Lewes, DE
Tampa, FL
Sepulveda UU Society
All Souls Church Unitarian*
Treasure Coast UU Society
North Hills, CA
Washington, DC
Stuart, FL
UU Church of Studio City
UUs of Clearwater FL
UU Congrega on of Venice Inc.
Studio City, CA
Clearwater, FL
Venice, FL
Conejo Valley UU Fellowship
UU Church in the Pines
UU Fellowship of Sun City Center
Newbury Park, CA
Brooksville, FL
Sun City Center, FL
UU Church of Ventura
UU Fellowship of the Emerald Coast
UU Congrega on of Atlanta*
Ventura, CA
Valparaiso, FL
Atlanta, GA
UU Congrega on of WhiSer
Community UU Church
Northwest UU Congrega on
WhiDer, CA
Port Orange, FL
Sandy Springs, GA
First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta
UU Church of Urbana Champaign^
First UU Church of Wichita Kansas
Atlanta, GA
Urbana, IL
Wichita, KS
Georgia Mountains UU Church
UU Church of Bloomington*
UU Church of Bowling Green KY
Dahlonega, GA
Bloomington, IN
Bowling Green, KY
Mountain Light UU Church
Unitarian Universalist Community
Church of Hendricks County
Danville, IN
UU Fellowship of Madison County
UU Church of Augusta
UU Fellowship of Kokomo
All Souls UU Church
Augusta, GA
Kokomo, IN
Shreveport, LA
Canon UU Church
UU Church of Muncie
UU Church of Belfast
Canon, GA
Muncie, IN
Belfast, ME
Emerson UU Congrega on
Oaklandon UU Church^
First Universalist Church of Norway UU
Marie0a, GA
Indianapolis, IN
Norway, ME
UU Church of Savannah, Troup Square
First Unitarian Church of South Bend
First Universalist Church
Savannah, GA
South Bend, IN
West Paris, ME
High Street UU Church
UU Fellowship of Dubuque IA
Cedar Lane UU Church*
Macon, GA
Dubuque, IA
Bethesda, MD
UU Fellowship of Statesboro
First Unitarian Church of Des Moines *
Goodloe Memorial UU Congregation
Statesboro, GA
Des Moines, IA
Bowie, MD
Boise UU Fellowship
Northeast Iowa UU Fellowship
UUs of the Chester River
Boise, ID
Decorah, IA
Chestertown, MD
UU Church of the Palouse
First Unitarian Church
UU Congrega on of Columbia*
Moscow, ID
Sioux City, IA
Columbia, MD
Magic Valley UU Fellowship, Inc.
UU Fellowship of Manha5an
First Parish in Bedford*
Twin Falls, ID
Manha0an, KS
Bedford, MA
Third Unitarian Church of Chicago
Shawnee Mission UU Church
First Parish in Cambridge (UU)
Oak Park, IL
Lenexa, KS
Cambridge, MA
UU Fellowship of Decatur
The UU Fellowship of Salina
The First Church of Deerfield
Decatur, IL
Salina, KS
Deerfield, MA
Ellijay, GA
Richmond, KY
First Unitarian Society UU Society of
Gardner, MA
Unitarian Church of Sharon
Nora Church UU
Sharon, MA
Hanska, MN
Independent Christian Church Universalist
UU Society of Martha's Vineyard
UU Fellowship of Northfield
Gloucester, MA
Vineyard Haven, MA
Northfield, MN
UU Society of GraTon & Upton
First Unitarian Society in Newton*
First UU Church*
GraGon, MA
Newton, MA
Rochester, MN
Harvard UU Church
First Parish of Westwood United Church
St Cloud UU Fellowship
Harvard, MA
Westwood, MA
Saint Cloud, MN
First Parish in Hingham Old Ship Church
Winchester Unitarian Society
Unitarian Church of Underwood
Hingham, MA
Winchester, MA
Underwood, MN
First Church in Jamaica Plain UU
UU Church of Greater Lansing*
UU Fellowship of Winona
Jamaica Plain, MA
East Lansing, MI
Winona, MN
Follen Church Society
People's Church^
UU Church of Jackson
Lexington, MA
Ludington, MI
Jackson, MS
First Church Unitarian Li5leton
UU Fellowship of Central Michigan
UU Congrega on of Oxford
Li0leton, MA
Mt Pleasant, MI
Oxford, MS
First UU Society of Middleboro
Harbor UU Congrega on
UU Fellowship of Jefferson City^
Middleboro, MA
Muskegon, MI
Jefferson City, MO
First Universalist Church
UU Community Church of SW MI
First UU Church
Orange, MA
Portage, MI
Springfield, MO
The Federated Church of Orleans
Emerson Church UU
Glacier UU Fellowship
East Orleans, MA
Troy, MI
Kalispell, MT
St Paul's Church of Palmer
Headwaters UU Fellowship
Second Unitarian Church of Omaha
Palmer, MA
Bemidji, MN
Omaha, NE
United First Parish Church (Unitarian)
in Quincy
Quincy, MA
Minnesota Valley UU Fellowship^
First Unitarian Church^
Bloomington, MN
Omaha, NE
UU Congregation at First Church in Roxbury
Michael Servetus Unitarian Society
UU Congrega on of Las Vegas
Roxbury, MA
Fridley, MN
Las Vegas, NV
Kearney UU Fellowship
First UU Society of Albany*
Fourth Universalist Society
Kearney, NE
Albany, NY
New York, NY
UU Congregation of Monmouth County
Auburn UU Society
First UU Church of Niagara
LincroG, NJ
Auburn, NY
Niagara Falls, NY
The UU Congrega on at Montclair*
UU Congregation of the Great South Bay
North Fork UU Fellowship
Montclair, NJ
Sayville, NY
Greenport, NY
The Unitarian Society A UU Congregation
UU Congrega on
UU Congregation of Rockland County
East Brunswick, NJ
Binghamton, NY
Pomona, NY
UU Fellowship of Sussex County
All Souls Bethlehem Church
First Unitarian Church
Newton, NJ
Brooklyn, NY
Rochester, NY
Central Unitarian Church
UU Church of Canandaigua
UU Congrega on of The South Fork
Paramus, NJ
Canandaigua, NY
Bridgehampton, NY
UU Congrega on of Somerset Hills
UU Fellowship at Stony Brook
First Unitarian Society of Westchester
Somerville, NJ
Stony Brook, NY
Has ngs On Hudson, NY
UU Congrega on of Princeton
UU Congregation of Northern Chautauqua
UU Church of Charlo5e
Princeton, NJ
Fredonia, NY
Charlo0e, NC
UU Congrega on of the Palisades
UU Congrega on of Central Nassau UU Congregation of the Swannanoa Valley
Englewood, NJ
Garden City, NY
Black Mountain, NC
The Unitarian Church in Summit*
UU Church of Hamburg
UUs of Transylvania County
Summit, NJ
Hamburg, NY
Brevard, NC
UU Ocean County Congrega on
UU Fellowship of Hun ngton
All Souls Church UU^
Toms River, NJ
Hun ngton, NY
Durham, NC
Lakeland UU Fellowship
UU Congrega on of Jamestown NY
UU Fellowship of Franklin North Carolina
Wayne, NJ
Jamestown, NY
Franklin, NC
UU Fellowship of Otero County Inc.
Mu5ontown UU Fellowship
UU Congrega on of Hillsborough
Alamogordo, NM
East Norwich, NY
Hillsborough, NC
San Juan Unitarian Fellowship
Upper Delaware UU Fellowship
UU Congregation of Greater Canton^
Farmington, NM
Narrowsburg, NY
Canton, OH
First Unitarian Church
South Coast UU Fellowship
UU Congrega on of South County
Cincinna , OH
North Bend, OR
Peace Dale, RI
UU Society of Cleveland
Atkinson Memorial Church
First Universalist Church in Providence^
Cleveland Heights, OH
Oregon City, OR
Providence, RI
West Shore UU Church*
Wy'east UU Congrega on
UU Fellowship of Beaufort
Cleveland, OH
Portland, OR
Beaufort, SC
Miami Valley UU Fellowship
West Hills UU Fellowship
All Souls Church UU
Dayton, OH
Portland, OR
Sioux Falls, SD
Oberlin UU Fellowship
Eastrose Fellowship UU
UU Church of Cha5anooga
Oberlin, OH
Portland, OR
Cha0anooga, TN
UU Fellowship of Erie County
Umpqua UU Church
UU Fellowship of Clarksville
Sandusky, OH
Roseburg, OR
Clarksville, TN
Hopedale UU Community
UU Congrega on of Salem
First Unitarian Church of Memphis
Oxford, OH
Salem, OR
Memphis, TN
UU Fellowship of Wayne County Ohio
The UU Church of the Lehigh Valley
Greater Nashville UU Congrega on
Wooster, OH
Bethlehem, PA
Nashville, TN
UU Fellowship of Yellow Springs
UUs of the Cumberland Valley
UU Fellowship of Murfreesboro
Yellow Springs, OH
Boiling Springs, PA
Murfreesboro, TN
UU Church of Lawton^
UU Fellowship of the Poconos
UU Church of Tullahoma TN
Lawton, OK
Stroudsburg, PA
Tullahoma, TN
Rogue Valley UU Fellowship
UU Fellowship of Lower Bucks
Amarillo UU Fellowship
Ashland, OR
Langhorne, PA
Amarillo, TX
Pacific UU Fellowship
UU Church of Delaware County
Arlington UU Church
Astoria, OR
Media, PA
Arlington, TX
UU Fellowship of Corvallis
First UU Church Berks County
Live Oak UU Church
Corvallis, OR
Reading, PA
Cedar Park, TX
Mid Columbia UU Fellowship
UU Congrega on of Smithton^
UU Fellowship of Aus n
Hood River, OR
Smithton, PA
Aus n, TX
UU Church of the Brazos Valley
Universalist Society of West Burke
UU Congrega on of Whidbey Island
College Sta on, TX
West Burke, VT
Freeland, WA
UU Community of El Paso
UU Church of the Highlands
Quimper UU Fellowship*
El Paso, TX
Meadowview, VA
Port Townsend, WA
Emerson UU Church*
UU Community Church
Westside UU Congrega on
Houston, TX
Glen Allen, VA
Sea0le, WA
Unitarian Fellowship of Houston
Harrisonburg UUs
Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship
Houston, TX
Harrisonburg, VA
Vashon, WA
UU Church of the Hill Country
First Unitarian Church of Lynchburg UU
Woodinville UU Church^
Kerrville, TX
Lynchburg, VA
Woodinville, WA
First UU Church
UU Church of Loudoun
UU Congrega on
Lubbock, TX
Leesburg, VA
Charleston, WV
Timberland UU Fellowship
Acco nk UU Church
UU Fellowship of Morgantown
LuIin, TX
Burke, VA
Morgantown, WV
UU Fellowship of Longview
UU Fellowship of Waynesboro VA
Lake Country UU Church
Longview, TX
Waynesboro, VA
Hartland, WI
Comal County UU Society
UU Church in Reston
UU Church of the Lakes^
New Braunfels, TX
Reston, VA
Elkhorn, WI
San Marcos UU Fellowship
Williamsburg UUs
UU Congrega on
San Marcos, TX
Williamsburg, VA
Eau Claire, WI
Henry David Thoreau UU Congregation
Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship
Unitarian Fellowship of Milwaukee
Stafford, TX
Bellingham, WA
Milwaukee, WI
First Universalist Parish of Chester
KiStas Valley UU Congrega on
Northwoods UU Fellowship
Chester, VT
Ellensburg, WA
Woodruff, WI
Champlain Valley UU Society
Community UU Church
Prairie Lakes UU Fellowship
Middlebury, VT
Pasco, WA
Ripon, WI
The Universalist Society of Strafford
Northlake UU Church
UU Society of River Falls^
South Strafford, VT
Kirkland, WA
River Falls, WI
UU Fellowship of Door County^
UU Community of Casper^
Sister Bay, WI
Casper, WY
UU Fellowship of Sheridan
UU Church of Cheyenne
Sheridan, WY
Cheyenne, WY
Contribu ng the full requested contribu on for the fiscal year
UU Church of Huntsville
Berkeley Fellowship of UUs
UU Community Church
Huntsville, AL
Berkeley, CA
Sacramento, CA
UU Fellowship of Mobile
UU Fellowship Hemet & San Jacinto Valley
UU Community of Cambria^
Mobile, AL
San Jacinto, CA
Cambria, CA
UU Fellowship of Montgomery AL
Tapestry A UU Congrega on
UU Congrega on Santa Rosa^
Montgomery, AL
Mission Viejo, CA
Santa Rosa, CA
Kodiak UU Fellowship
UU Church of the Monterey Peninsula
UU Fellowship of North Bay
Kodiak, AK
Carmel, CA
Napa, CA
UU Congrega on of Phoenix*
First Unitarian Church of Oakland^
Mt. Diablo UU Church*
Paradise Valley, AZ
Oakland, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
West Valley UU Church
UUs of Petaluma
UU Fellowship of Visalia
Glendale, AZ
Petaluma, CA
Visalia, CA
UU Fellowship of Jonesboro^
Redding UU Fellowship Corpora on
UU Church of Boulder
Jonesboro, AR
Redding, CA
Boulder, CO
UU Fellowship of Mountain Home AR^
UU Society of Sacramento*^
High Country UU Fellowship
Mountain Home, AR
Sacramento, CA
Dillon, CO
First Unitarian Society of Denver*^
Friendship Fellowship at Pineda
UU Fellowship of De Kalb^
Denver, CO
Rockledge, FL
Dekalb, IL
Shoreline UU Society
All Faiths Unitarian Congrega on,
Federated Church
Madison, CT
Fort Myers, FL
Sycamore, IL
Unitarian Society of HarVord
UU Church of Brevard
Tree of Life UU Congrega on
HarJord, CT
W Melbourne, FL
McHenry, IL
UU Church in Meriden
First Unitarian Church of Orlando
First Unitarian Church of Hobart
Meriden, CT
Orlando, FL
Hobart, IN
UU Society
UU Fellowship of Charlo5e County
Heartland UU Church
New Britain, CT
Port Charlo0e, FL
Zionsville, IN
UU Society in Stamford
UU Church of Saint Petersburg
First Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Stamford, CT
St Petersburg, FL
Terre Haute, IN
Unitarian Fellowship of Storrs
First UU Congrega on of the
Palm Beaches
North Palm Beach, FL
Cedar Valley Unitarian Universalists
Storrs Mansfield, CT
The Unitarian Church in Westport*^
UU Congrega on of Gwinne5
UU Society of Iowa City
Westport, CT
Lawrenceville, GA
Iowa City, IA
UU Fellowship of Newark^
UU Metro Atlanta North Congregation
Unitarian Fellowship of Lawrence
Newark, DE
Roswell, GA
Lawrence, KS
Washington Ethical Society
First Unitarian Church of Honolulu
CliTon Universalist Unitarian Church
Washington, DC
Honolulu, HI
Louisville, KY
UU Fellowship of Boca Raton
UU Church in Idaho Falls
Unitarian Fellowship of Alexandria
Boca Raton, FL
Idaho Falls, ID
Alexandria, LA
UU Congrega on of Lake County
North Idaho UUs^
North Shore UU Society of Louisiana
Eus s, FL
Coeur D' Alene, ID
Lacombe, LA
UU Congrega on of Cocoa
All Souls Free Religious Fellowship^
UU Fellowship of Lafayette Louisiana
Cocoa, FL
Chicago, IL
Lafaye0e, LA
Mosaic UU Congrega on
Peoples Church of Chicago
First UU Church of New Orleans
Orange City, FL
Chicago, IL
New Orleans, LA
Cedar Falls, IA
Community Church UU
UU Congrega on of Frederick^
First Parish Church UU
New Orleans, LA
Frederick, MD
Duxbury, MA
UU Community Church
UU Church of Hagerstown
Nauset Fellowship^
Augusta, ME
Hagerstown, MD
Eastham, MA
The UU Society of Bangor
UU Fellowship at Salisbury
First Parish in Malden Universalist^
Bangor, ME
Salisbury, MD
Malden, MA
UU Church of Brunswick
UU Church of Silver Spring
First Parish Church of Groton UU
Brunswick, ME
Silver Spring, MD
Groton, MA
Midcoast UU Fellowship
UU Society of Amherst
Second Parish UU in Hingham
Damarisco0a, ME
Amherst, MA
Hingham, MA
First Universalist Church
First Parish UU of Arlington*
Hopedale Unitarian Parish
Pi0sfield, ME
Arlington, MA
Hopedale, MA
The First Parish in Portland Maine UU^
First Parish Church
First Parish Unit Church of Hubbardston
Portland, ME
Berlin, MA
Hubbardston, MA
First Universalist Church in Rockland
The First Parish Church in Billerica
Unitarian Church of Marlborough & Hudson
Rockland, ME
Billerica, MA
Hudson, MA
The First Unitarian Church of Baltimore
The First Parish of Bolton
First Congregational Parish in Kingston
Bal more, MD
Bolton, MA
Kingston, MA
River Road UU Congrega on
Arlington Street Church^
First Parish in Lexington
Bethesda, MD
Boston, MA
Lexington, MA
Davies Memorial UU Church
First Parish in Brookline
Melrose UU Church
Camp Springs, MD
Brookline, MA
Melrose, MA
Channing Memorial Church
First Parish UU Canton
First Parish in Milton UU
Ellico0 City, MD
Canton, MA
Milton, MA
UU Fellowship of Southern Maryland
First Congrega onal Society Unitarian
First Parish in Needham UU
Leonardtown, MD
Chelmsford, MA
Needham, MA
UU Congrega on of the Chesapeake^
First Parish in Cohasset
Saint Leonard, MD
Cohasset, MA
Unitarian Society of Northampton &
Northampton, MA
UU Congrega on of the South
Jersey Shore
Pomona, NJ
First Parish Church UU
UU Congrega on of Petoskey^
Northborough, MA
Petoskey, MI
First Universalist Church of Assinippi^
New Hope Congrega on^
Dorothea Dix UU Community
Hanover, MA
New Hudson, MI
Bordentown, NJ
Universalist Mee ng House
Dakota UU Church
First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque*^
Provincetown, MA
Burnsville, MN
Albuquerque, NM
UU Area Church at First Parish in Sherborn
Grand Forks UU Fellowship
UU Church of Las Cruces
Sherborn, MA
East Grand Forks, MN
Las Cruces, NM
The First Church in Sterling^
UU Church of Minnetonka
The UU Congrega on of Santa Fe
Sterling, MA
Wayzata, MN
Santa Fe, NM
First Parish in Waltham UU
Mesabi UU Church
Pullman Memorial Universalist Church
Waltham, MA
Virginia, MN
Albion, NY
The First Parish in Wayland*
UU Congrega on of Tupelo
Brockport UU Fellowship
Wayland, MA
Tupelo, MS
Brockport, NY
Ann Arbor Unitarian Fellowship
UU Church
UU Society of South Suffolk
Ann Arbor, MI
Columbia, MO
Bay Shore, NY
Community Unitarian Universalists
in Brighton^
Brighton, MI
UU Fellowship of the Eastern Slopes
UU Church of Buffalo*
Tamworth, NH
Buffalo, NY
UU Congrega on of Flint
UU Church of Nashua New Hampshire
UU Church of East Aurora
Flint, MI
Nashua, NH
East Aurora, NY
People's Church
NoSngham Community Church UU
UU Congrega on of Queens
Kalamazoo, MI
NoDngham, NH
Flushing, NY
UU Fellowship of Midland
UU Church in Cherry Hill
UU Fellowship of Northern Westchester
Midland, MI
Cherry Hill, NJ
Mount Kisco, NY
The Marque5e Unitarian
Universalist Congrega on^
Marque0e, MI
Skylands UU Fellowship^
UU Fellowship of Poughkeepsie
Hacke0stown, NJ
Poughkeepsie, NY
Berrien UU Fellowship
Morristown Unitarian Fellowship*
The First Universalist Church of Rochester^
Saint Joseph, MI
Morristown, NJ
Rochester, NY
The First Universalist Church of Southold
Harmony UU Church^
UUs of Grants Pass
Southold, NY
Morrow, OH
Grants Pass, OR
All Souls UU Church
St. John's UU Church
Watertown, NY
Cincinna , OH
UU Community Church of Washington
Hillsboro, OR
Community Unitarian Church
North UU Congrega on^
UU Fellowship of McMinnville
White Plains, NY
Lewis Center, OH
Mcminnville, OR
UU Church of Amherst
UU Church of Blanchard Valley
First UU Church of Girard
Williamsville, NY
Findlay, OH
Girard, PA
UU Congrega on of Asheville*
First Universalist Church of Kent^
UUs of Ge5ysburg
Asheville, NC
Kent, OH
Ge0ysburg, PA
The Community Church of Chapel Hill UU*
Delaware UU Fellowship
East Suburban UU Church^
Chapel Hill, NC
Delaware, OH
Murrysville, PA
UU Fellowship of Rocky Mount
UU Fellowship of Lima Ohio^
Thomas Paine UU Fellowship
Rocky Mount, NC
Lima, OH
Collegeville, PA
UU Fellowship of Lake Norman^
First UU Society of Marie5a
Unitarian Society of Germantown^
Davidson, NC
Marie0a, OH
Philadelphia, PA
UU Peace Fellowship^
West Wind UU Congrega on^
First Unitarian Church of Pi5sburgh*
Raleigh, NC
Norman, OK
Pi0sburgh, PA
Unitarian Coastal Fellowship
Channing UU Church of Edmond OK
UU Church of the North Hills
Morehead City, NC
Edmond, OK
Pi0sburgh, PA
UU Fellowship of New Bern NC
UU Fellowship of Central Oregon
WellSprings Congrega on
New Bern, NC
Bend, OR
Exton, PA
UU Church of Fargo Moorhead
Florence UU Fellowship^
Ginger Hill UU Congrega on
Fargo, ND
Florence, OR
Slippery Rock, PA
UU Church of Akron
The UU Church in Eugene
UU Fellowship of Centre County
Fairlawn, OH
Eugene, OR
State College, PA
UU Fellowship of Athens (Ohio)
UU Fellowship of Klamath County^
Towanda UU Fellowship^
Athens, OH
Klamath Falls, OR
Towanda, PA
First Universalist Church of Burrillville
San Gabriel UU Fellowship
UU Fellowship of Tyler^
Harrisville, RI
Georgetown, TX
Tyler, TX
Religious Society of Bell Street Chapel
All Souls UU Church
Cache Valley UUs
Providence, RI
Brownsville, TX
Logan, UT
Aiken UU Church
The First Unitarian Church of Dallas*
South Valley UU Society
Aiken, SC
Dallas, TX
Salt Lake City, UT
Unitarian Church in Charleston
Denton UU Fellowship^
UU Church of Ogden
Charleston, SC
Denton, TX
Ogden, UT
UU Congrega on of Columbia
Westside UU Church
First Church in Barre Universalist 1796
Columbia, SC
Fort Worth, TX
Barre, VT
UU Congregation of the Lowcountry^
UU Fellowship of Galveston County
Mount Mansfield UU Fellowship
BluLon, SC
Galveston, TX
Jericho, VT
Unitarian Fellowship of Vermillion^
Northwest Community UU Church
The Unitarian Church of Montpelier
Vermillion, SD
Houston, TX
Montpelier, VT
UU Congrega on of Cookeville
Northwoods UU Church
UU Congregation of the Upper Valley
Cookeville, TN
The Woodlands, TX
Norwich, VT
Foothills UU Fellowship
UU Fellowship of Kerrville
Universalist Unitarian Congregation^
Maryville, TN
Kerrville, TX
St Johnsbury, VT
Westside UU Church
UU Church of Midland
Mt Vernon Unitarian Church*
Knoxville, TN
Midland, TX
Alexandria, VA
Tennessee Valley UU Church*
First UU Church of San Antonio*
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church UU*
Knoxville, TN
San Antonio, TX
Charlo0esville, VA
Oak Ridge UU Church
Community UU Church
UUs of the Blue Ridge^
Oak Ridge, TN
Plano, TX
Washington, VA
UU Fellowship
UU Fellowship of Bell County
Abilene, TX
Morgans Point Resort, TX
Unitarian Universalist Congrega on
of Sterling
Sterling, VA
Spindletop Unitarian Church Incorporated
Red River UU Church
UU Fellowship of the Rappahannock
Beaumont, TX
Denison, TX
White Stone, VA
Unitarian Church of Norfolk (UU)
Kitsap UU Fellowship
Unitarian Fellowship of Hun ngton^
Norfolk, VA
Bremerton, WA
Hun ngton, WV
UU Congrega on of Fairfax*
Olympic UU Fellowship
Open Circle UU Fellowship
Oakton, VA
Port Angeles, WA
Fond Du Lac, WI
First UU Church of Richmond*
Shoreline UU Church
Chequamegon UU Fellowship
Richmond, VA
Shoreline, WA
Ashland, WI
UU Church of Roanoke
Tahoma UU Congrega on^
United UU Congrega on
Roanoke, VA
Tacoma, WA
Waukesha, WI
UU Fellowship of St Croix
UU Church of Yakima
Blue Hills UU Fellowship^
Kingshill, VI
Yakima, WA
Rice Lake, WI
East Shore Unitarian Church
New River UU Fellowship
UU Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende
Bellevue, WA
Beckley, WV
San Miguel De Allende
Contribu ng at least 20% more than the prior fiscal year
First Universalist Church of Camp Hill
UU Church of Riverside
Foothills Unitarian Church
Camp Hill, AL
Riverside, CA
Fort Collins, CO
Fairhope Unitarian Fellowship
First UU Society of San Francisco
Namaqua UU Congrega on
Fairhope, AL
San Francisco, CA
Loveland, CO
UU Fellowship of Mobile
UU Fellowship San Luis Obispo County
First Unitarian Society
Mobile, AL
San Luis Obispo, CA
Pueblo, CO
UU Fellowship of Santa Cruz County
UU Community Church of Santa Monica
Unitarian Society of New Haven
Aptos, CA
Santa Monica, CA
Hamden, CT
UU Community of the Mountains
Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist
All Souls UU Congrega on
Grass Valley, CA
Carbondale, CO
New London, CT
UU Church Greater Bridgeport
First Unitarian Church
First Parish Church in Dorchester
StraJord, CT
Louisville, KY
Dorchester, MA
The Universalist Church of West Hartford
First Universalist Society
First Universalist Church of Essex
West HarJord, CT
Brownfield, ME
Essex, MA
Universalist National Memorial Church
The Caribou UU Congrega on
UU Society of Fairhaven
Washington, DC
Caribou, ME
Fairhaven, MA
Manatee UU Fellowship
UU Church of Ellsworth
The Unitarian Society in Fall River
Bradenton, FL
Ellsworth, ME
Fall River, MA
UU Church of Fort Lauderdale
First Universalist Society
First Parish in Framingham
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Hiram, ME
Framingham, MA
Unitarian Fellowship of South Florida
First Universalist Church
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church
Hollywood, FL
Pi0sfield, ME
Greenfield, MA
Buckman Bridge UU Church
UU Church of Saco & Biddeford
UU Mee ng of South Berkshire
Orange Park, FL
Saco, ME
Great Barrington, MA
Unitarian Church of Evanston
Sugarloaf Congrega on of UU's
Leicester Unitarian Church
Evanston, IL
Germantown, MD
Leicester, MA
The UU Church
First Church Unitarian Inc.
UU Church of Pi5sfield
Rockford, IL
Athol, MA
Pi0sfield, MA
Federated Church
Unitarian Church of Barnstable
UU Church of Reading
Sycamore, IL
Barnstable, MA
Reading, MA
Lake Shore Unitarian Society
The Community Church of Boston
Channing Church UU
Winnetka, IL
Boston, MA
Rockland, MA
Circle UU Fellowship
King's Chapel
First Universalist Society
Indianapolis, IN
Boston, MA
Salem, MA
The UU Fellowship at Burlington IA
All Souls UU Church
First Parish UU Church
Burlington, IA
Braintree, MA
Scituate, MA
UU Fellowship of Clinton
First Religious Society
First Parish Church in Taunton
Clinton, IA
Carlisle, MA
Taunton, MA
First Universalist Society of Wakefield
Prairyerth UU Fellowship
Church of the Restora on UU
Wakefield, MA
Sco a, NY
Tulsa, OK
First Unitarian Church (Second Parish)
First UU Society of Syracuse
Church of the Mediator
Worcester, MA
Syracuse, NY
Providence, RI
First UU Church
First Universalist Church of Sampson
County at Red Hill
Clinton, NC
The Greenville UU Fellowship
Pilgrim House UU Fellowship
Maumee Valley UU Congrega on
The First UU Church of Nashville
Arden Hills, MN
Bowling Green, OH
Nashville, TN
UU Church of Willmar
UU Church of Blanchard Valley
First UU Society of Burlington
Willmar, MN
Findlay, OH
Burlington, VT
Eliot Unitarian Chapel
East Shore UU Church
All Souls Church UU
Kirkwood, MO
Kirtland, OH
West Bra0leboro, VT
South Parish Unitarian Church
First Unitarian Church of Cleveland
San Juan UU Fellowship
Charlestown, NH
Shaker Heights, OH
Friday Harbor, WA
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Exeter
UU Fellowship
Skagit UU Fellowship
Exeter, NH
Warren, OH
Mount Vernon, WA
The United Church of Winchester
First Universalist Church of WesVield
WesJield Center, OH
Shoreline UU Church
First Unitarian Society of Ithaca
First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City
Unitarian Church North
Ithaca, NY
Oklahoma City, OK
Mequon, WI
Middletown UU Fellowship
UU Church of S llwater
Arborg Unitarian Church
Middletown, NY
S llwater, OK
Arborg, MB
First Universalist Society
Hope Unitarian Church
Lakehead Unitarian Fellowship
Salisbury Center, NY
Tulsa, OK
Thunder Bay, ON
Detroit, MI
Winchester, NH
Greenville, SC
Shoreline, WA
“What we create in our coming together is the kind of power that calls us
to combine our giGs and talents and visions in a way that will make a
difference in our lives and in the world.” — Sara Campbell
UUA Giving Society
A warm thank you to all of our generous donors! Your support makes these programs
possible and strengthens our denomination in the world.
When you give to the UUA, you demonstrate your commitment to our values and our
community of congregations. These Giving Societies are a way for us to honor our donors
and to celebrate the culture of generosity that you and other friends of the UUA create
by supporting our important work. Thank you!
The Rev. Rachel K. Anderson
Carolyn and David Holstein
Birdie and Charlie Reed
Julie and Brad Bradburd
Dr. Esther A. H. Hopkins
Be5y Sanders
Lois and Ken Carpenter
Eric Alan Isaacson & Susan K. Weaver
Reba Siniscalchi
Barbara and Charles Du Mond
Kathy and John Kaufmann
John F. and Susan B. Smith
Lucia Santini Field and Bruce A. Field
Graham Kreicker
James A. Smith
Todd J. and Lorella Thomas Hess
Tom and Eva Marx
Les Solomon
Ernie and Shirley Hodas
The Rev S & J Moldenhauer-Salazar Jeffrey & Arline Sutherland
Richard D. Holland
The Rev. Peter and Phyllis Morales 3 Anonymous Donors
David Alcorn
Krishen Mehta
Suzanne and Dan Boyce
Mary and Don Miles
John and Irene Bush
Janet and John PaSllo
Benjamin & Ruth Hamme5
Les and Sue Polgar
Holly F. Kerr
Edward Rockman & Mary Ellen Johnson
George Krumme
The Rev. Dr. Be5y and Thomas
Edward Law
Julie D. and Brock H. Leach
The Rev. Karen S. Stoyanoff
The Rev. Terry Sweetser and The
Rev. Susan Milnor
Ramon and Karen Urbano
Rev. Dr. Walter and Janet Wieder
The Rev. Ned Wight
Ed Simmons
1 Anonymous Donor
George W. Bauer
Claudia A. Keith and Marilyn B. Walker
Jan & Lowell Steinbrenner
Robert S. Cary & Janet Nussmann
Ann & Jeff Lundberg
Lee H. Sullivan
David & Mary Colton
Joanne Lyman
Ethel Twichell
Fadel F. Erian
Mary H. Melville
Gerald Whalin & Nancy Bowen
Breege Farrell & Greg Oberschmidt Alfred Obrist
Jon and Kimberly Hassinger
David & Mary Overton
Matthew D. Alspaugh and Elizabeth Hill
Gail Pesyna and John Hooper
2 Anonymous Donors
Lois Abbo5
Jacomina de Regt
John & Deborah Hilke
Robert P. & Judith Adelman
The Rev. Bonnie and Dr. Rick Dlo5
Beth & William Hillig
MaryHolly Allison
Martha Easter-Wells
Charles Hirsch
Roger L. & Suzanne Ames
Martha & Richard England
John Hitchcock
Melinda and David Anderson
Claire Ernhart & Edward Pso5a
Sarah J. Armstrong
Mary Fieber
The Rev. Melvin A. Hoover & The
Rev. Rose Edington
Martha Atherton
Tomas Firle and Joan Cudhea
John & Anne Baele Kouns
Marilyn and Harold Fogelquist
Thomas Bean
Anne & Harrison Frahn
Taquiena V. Boston
Barbara J. (Weathers) French
Willard and Faith Brown
Katherine Ann Froyd
George Drew Butler
Elizabeth T. Sympson Charitable Fund
Annabel Caner
Shari Gore
Victor & Catherine Carpenter
Jim Gunning
Barne5 C. & Laura Cook
Sarah & Aaron Hamburger
The Honorable Barbara D. Crowell
Robert Hansman & Carolyn Kvam
Roy & Leora Cummings
William S. Hayes
Donna Cur s
The Rev. John E. Hickey and Mrs.
Robin J. Tartaglia
Emeline F. Davis
Richard Hughes
Judith A. Hunt
John R. Hun ng
David Hurd
Laura Jackson
Margaret Jacobs
Charles & Ann James
Rev. Jeff Jones & Ms. Carol Buffum
John S. W. Kelle5
Charlie King
Susan Kinney
Bruce and Sandy Kirkman
Louise KraT
H. Jeffrey & Carolyn Leonard
Sheila Ording
Dell W. Smith
Neil and Patricia Lichtman
The Rev. Dr. Stephan R. Papa and
Ms. Patricia Prevost
Sherry and Thornton Smith
Harlan G. Limpert and Christine Keane
Virginia Pavelka Luke
Joseph B. & Cole5e Parsons
Raymond E. & Perry
Joan Maclin
Cur s & Kathleen Marble
Carol and John S. Mathis
Margaret McCormick
Paul H. & Nancy J. Pinson
The Rev. Dr.Lisa Presley and Amy Courter
Paul C. Rickter
The Rev. Meg A. Riley
Sara J. McKenzie
Alice & Hugh McLellan
Margaret McTigue and David Miller
The Rev. Eric Cherry and Linda Rose
Adrian & Carol Schmidhauser
Joyce Schneider
Marilyn Mehr
Linda & John W. Melski
Mary Katherine Morn and John Rakestraw
The Rev. David H. Hunter and The
Rev. Kirsten R. Mueller
Eugene & Dorothy Mulligan
Kate H. Murashige & Chris Zones
Richard & Vicki Schwartz
Sco5 Seale & Frank Ippolito
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Sharpe, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth E. Shilling & Ms. Karen
Lee Scrivo
Pamela Spratlen
Sarah Stevens-Miles
Gary Sukeforth
Anne Teall
John W. Thiemann
Ann Throop
Aubrey C. Tobey
Joyce Pressey Tovell
Vickie & Dale Tro5
Moritz Wagner
Edwin F. Wilde
Dennis & Margaret Wilson
Charles T. Wooldridge, Jr.
4 Anonymous Donors
Mike Shonsey
Member of the UU Fellowship of
Boca Raton
Judith Norell
Godfrey & Janet Amphle5
Malcolm & Barbara Bateson
Barb Brown and Linda McAffrey
Dr. William S. Anderson, Jr.
Benjamin F. Bauer & Susan Gonzalez
Kristen & Jeffrey Brown
The Rev. Nancy O. Arnold & Dr.
Geraldine Faria
Frances B. Bicknell
Thomas & Ruth Brown
John J. and Sharon M. Blevins
Jeffrey R. & Jane Brune
Donald & Nancy Bliss
Barbara Buell & Paul Langner
Timothy & Rev. Rebecca Blodge5
Wayne & Cynthia Bullaughey
Lynda Shannon & Paul Bluestein
Joan & Charley Burleigh
Nancy Boardman
J. Randolph Burnham & Linda G. Hudson
Tim and Nancy Brennan
Ann W. Butler
Joe Broderick
Margaret Byer
Jane & Marion Asche
Holly Atkinson and Galen Guengerich
Michael & Hilary AYield
M. Jill Aus n
Phillip & Ruth Backup
Jean S. Bamforth
Peter Calkins
Pete & Karin Fontneau
Patricia Kahn
The Rev. Helen G. Carroll
P. Stephen Vail and Gail Forsyth-Vail
Jeffrey L. Keffer
Donald V. Cavanaugh
Peter Fort
Martha Kirby
Katherine M. Cave
Shirley Foss
James & Annearle Klein
Harold K. and Lydia M. Chadwick
Sarah & Mark Foster
Julie & Steven Kno5
The Rev. Barbara Child
Judith Frediani
Carol A. Kraemer & John Chenoweth
Robert and Suzannah Ciernia
Mary J. Geissman
Sandra E. Kroll
Dr. David B. Clarke, Jr.
John Gibbons & Sue Baldauf
Be5e & Paul LaCombe
Harvey Cohen
Phil & Marcia Giudice
Beverly LaDuke & Bill Mangham
Shawn Collins & Christine Given-Collins
Joel Godbey & Kelly Morrow
Richard Lakes and Dr. Pat Carter
W. Bradford & Katherine Connor
Gretchen Goodrich
Mary Ann Lang
Elizabeth Cook
Luana G. Goodwin
Verner Larsen
Barbara & Richard Corkey
Julia Gregory
Genevieve Leck
Joyce Coutoumanos
Jean Grem
Mary & Dave Leonard
Eric Cox & Gina Richard
Gregg Grisa
Jennifer Lieber
Doris Crowley
Donald S. Groll
Herman & Ann Lilja
Sally Currier
Barbara & Jay Grosmark
Ingeborg Lock
Howard Dana
Avery & Kris n Guest
Barbara Lowrey
Ethan I. & Judith Davis
Lonna & Richard Harkrader
Shirley Lucas
Richard Dean
Catharine and Richard Harris
Clark E. & Brigid Lund
Eileen Degen
Thomas Healy & Erin Colcannon
Charles T. Martin & Rachel Ryan Martin
Gertrude T. & Robert E. Deyle
Sylvia & Walker Heap
The Rev. Donna DiSciullo
Mary & Peter Hepokoski
Edward Martoglio & Barbara HavlikMartoglio
Delight and Paul Dodyk
Andy Herrio5
Sally Donner & Kenneth Briers
Dale Hibner
Walter R. & Mable Dowdle
Marilyn Hill
Elizabeth and Clifford Earle
Wallace Hogga5
Patricia & Keith Emery
Seanan Holland
Karen Eng
The Rev. Kenneth Gordon Hurto
Frank Evans & Janet Boles
Beal Hyde
Martha Ferger
Richard F. & Linda K. Jacke
Mr. Theodore J. Fetter & Mrs. Jane M. Fetter Laurel Jeffay
Ms. Sally Fisk & Ms. Cynthia Frezek
Cose5e B. Joesten
Beverly Fogle
David & Laura Johnston
Hugh J. Matheson
Donald & Mimi Mayer
The Rev. Michael A. McGee & Mrs.
Emilie McGee
Elisabeth and Robert McGregor
Dorothy & Alexander Meek
Kathleen Montgomery
Ms. Mary M. Morgan
Konny Murray
Sandra Myer
Ann & H. Joseph Myers
Barbara P. O'Brien
Linda & Gordon Olson
Lyle Schauer
Barbara Jones Thomas
Pe e Padden
Harold Schmalfeld
Benne5 Ton
Edgar Peara
Bob Sharpe
Catherine Towbin
Clifford L. Pelton
Chip Sharpe & Celes ne Armenta
Rita & Bernard Turner
Eugene T. Pizzo, Jr. & Joan Lund
Stephen & JoAnn Shick
Herb Tyson
Paul Popenoe
Richard & Martha Sider
Mrs. Van Cleve
Ms. Barbara B. Prairie
Jo Simmons
James VanderWeele
Rick and Pat Price
Mary Beth & Stanton Kinnie Smith
Suzanne Neelands Viemeister
Richard & Carol Rader
Richard and June D. Smythe
Kenneth Vogel
Roger & Carol Reimers
James & Susan Snell
Francesca Vollaro
Stan Richards
The Rev. Bruce A. Southworth &
Ms. Kay Sunday Xanthakos
Barbara Walden
Mary Richards
John O. Richards and Elizabeth A. Richards
Rebekah K. Richardson
Ed and Barb Rider
Birgit and Albert Robbert
Patsy & Gordon Roe
Jacqueline Russell & Jane Miller
Richard I. Salwitz
Peggy Rae Sapienza
Nadine & Louis Sapirman
Lynne Stanley & Christopher Ellio5
Pat & Kurt Steele
Linda Stehlik & John McCarthy
Mark Steinwinter
Cynthia Moeller S ehl
Diana Strassmann
Frank A. and Barbara Weber
Margaret & Robert Wegner
Rev. Vail Weller
Farley W. Wheelwright
Cynthia White Johnson & John Johnson
Teresa Wilmot
Ruth Wodock
Michael L. Streams, M.D.
6 Anonymous Donors
Susan A. and Arthur H. Stukey
Brian Sweeney
Lucy Adams
Melinda & Walter Andrews
Lois Barucco
Dr. Ernest and Dr. Barbara Adelman
Rev. Wayne B. Arnason & Rev.
Kathleen C. Rolenz
Joyce S. Beck
Albert Allen & Kathy Maeglin
Jill Allread & Pamela Freese
Laurel & Frederick Amabile
Joanne Anderson
John L. Anderson & Trudance Anderson
John Andrews
Rosemary & Larry Arp
Ken & Alice Atkinson
Helene Atwan
Mary Bagwell
Linda Balabanian
Hope Barker & Daniel Huelster
Susan & Thomas Beck
Ms. Judith Bell
Mr. Zaven Patrick Berberian
Doris Bergen
Tom & Marsha Bergen
Peter Bergh & Janet Prince
Art Bergstrom
Laura M. Campbell
Lillian & Walter Dean
Jamie Berndt & Eric Wojcikiewicz
Erik David Carlson
Pete DeKalb & Michelle Monnin
Alan Best
Richard Carlson
Linda DeLap
Joan Hacken Bitar
Ms. Paula G Carmichael & The Rev.
Richelle C. Russell
Harriet Denison
David A. Bjorklund
Anne Black-Sinak & Lawrence Sinak
Roger & Mary Blais
Lucas & Judith Blanco
Paul Bliklen
Linda & Jeffrey Blum
Tess Bobo
Carolyn & John Boitno5
Larry Bomar & Joyce Broyles
Nat Boonin
Tony & Joyce Borra
Joan Bowen
Stephen M. Boyd
Kenneth Brame & Judy Ma5ox
Lora Brandis & Francisco Pena
Thomas Brannin & Mariano Vera
Hal & Cathleen Breidenbach
Dr. Michael L. Brewer
Keith Brown
Ginny Broz
Harlean & Clifford Bruce
Thomas & Wallace Brunner
Barbara & Ronald Buck
Robert E. & Mary Burdick
David Burnham
Joan & William Burns
Lyn Burton
Jerry Busch
Marcia M. Bystrom
Kathy & James Calhoun
Mrs. Velaine Carnall
The Rev. Dr. Frank W. Carpenter
George and Fanny Carroll
Robin Carter & John Kennedy
Ms. Pat Cassima s
Jeanne Michael Cebulla
Martha Chabinsky
Ms. Carolyn Chambers
Jim & Kay Cherry
Noam Chomsky
Malcolm M. Clark
Merrill and Be5e Clark
W. M. & Marge Clarke
Sara Clavez
James L. & Claudia Colwell
Michael Condon
Harriet & David Conkey
Ruth A. Conn
James & Angela Coons
Davalene Cooper
Elinor Co5s
Catherine Coult
James & Lynn Crawford
Grace Crecelius
Ms. Cora Cronemeyer
Barbara Davidson Croswell
Karen Curnow
Dr. Paul and Dr. Faith Davis
Dorothy Gae Davis
Alice Dilbeck & Betsy Applegate
Phyllis Dogan
Lynn Donaldson & Cameron Avery
Nancy & Robert Doughty
Marian & Peter Downs
Robert & Karen Drake
Ms. Maureen E. Driscoll
Diane M. Duesterhoeft & Michael C. Phillips
Norine Duncan
Ms. Jean E. Dunlap
Marilyn Durr
Eleanor Dwight
Eloise Dycus
Elisabeth Dykens
French L. and Janet M. Eason
Beverly and Dr. Wyley E. Eaton
Laurence Paxson Eggers
The Rev. Alan L. Egly
Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Eliot
Mr. Mark Elkin
David & Marcia Ellis
Katherine Ells
Dee Mon e and Murray Evans
Susan E. Even & Steven C. Zweig
Davis & Phyllis Fahlquist
John Fauce5 & Valerie Adams
Mary Lynn Fecile
M.M. Feldman and Rick Morris
Kris n & Robert Fewel
Chris & Laurie Filstrup
David R. Finch
Nan Hall
Edith Jackson & Thomas Richardson
Barry and Roberta Finkelstein
Tom Hallock
Bonnie & Jere Jay
Coleen Fitzgibbon
George & Margaret Halsey
John Jenkins
Heather Flory
Charles M. & Ethel Hamann
Robert L. Johnson & Linda D. Klein
Gail Folaron & Marion Wagner
Ronald & Barbara Hammond
Janice Marie Johnson
John Foster
Janet & John Hanauer
Margaret Johnston
Katrina and Patrick Foster
Hans O. & Kris ne Hansen
Burt and Mitzi Jones
Anne S. Frantz
Daniel & Mary-Ann Hardenbergh
Alexa Fraser
Bruce Harris
Mrs. Elizabeth Motander Jones and
Mr. Sco5 Jones
Harold B. Freshley
William & Bonnie Harris
David and Linda Friedman
Michael Hasse5 & Ilene Karpf
Jeff & Marcia Funderburk
William & Connie Hendrickson
Mary Gaggino
Amy Morris Hess
James Galik & Jean Slusser
Harlan & M. Heydon
William & Pauline Gardiner
Jack & Sue Hickok
Sid Garvais
Harry A. Hicks
Mr. Geoffrey Gave5
Olive Hobbs
Richard & Joyce Gilbert
J. Terrell & Edwina Hoffeld
Gareth & Julie Gill
John & Peggy Holl
Riva Goldman and Walter Roessner
Jay Holmes
Laura L. Good
Donna Holmes Parks & Bill Parks
Allie and Ma5 Gooding
Mr. Eugene Horcher
Joni & Leslie Grady
Barbara & Donald Hoskins
Kathy & Randy Graham
Thomas Houle
Martha F. Grant
Margaret & George Howard
Rev. Jim & Ms. Be5y Grant
Louise Martel Huddleston
Hilary Gray & Marshall Karpel
James Hudson
Rosanne Greco and Higley Harmon
Mary K. Hurd-Steiger
Linda J. Gross
John Hurley
Dorothy Grossman
James & Ellen Hurst
Nancy Grover & James Munroe
Virginia Huschke & James M. Brown
John Gubbings & Catherine Knapper Steve Imrich & Cynthia Smith
Mary Ellen Guy
Stanley & Shirley Inhorn
Anne Haas & Paul Davis
Louise Ireland-Frey
Joan & Colin Jones
William R. & Be5y Ann Kanne
Dr. Richard Kark
The Rev. Susan Karlson & Alan Kindler
Margaret Kauffman
Ed Kautz & Nancy Peterson
Anthony Keller
William S. Kenney & Suzanne Reitz
Quen n C. King
Steven & Mariquit Klein
Ellis G. Knox
Richard & Barbara Kohlhaas
Greg & Terri
Gerald & Ruth Korte
Jim and Sherry Kraemer
Michael & Beth Kramer
Mickey & Ric Kranz
Russell Krueger
Jean Kummerow
Linda Laine
Susan R. Lammert
Edwin & Margaret Laurenson
Nancy Law
Sara J. Lawrence
Edith Leckey
Polly and Dick Leonard
Robert Miller
Godfrey Pernell
Dr. Virginia Leonard Ewing
Karen & Michael Miller
Ralph I. & Helen Petersberger
Marc & Johanna Leopold
Marie L. Mille5
Helen R. & Oliver Eugene Picke5
Joanne Leovy
Terry Mitchell
Patricia Pickford
Bonnie Lepoff
Mr. Bonner Mitchell
John F. Pi5man & Margot White
Susan & Bruce Leslie-Pritchard
Mardi Mitchell
Donald & Judy Plumb
Michael & Cara Leuchtenberger
Rob Molla
Richard Pokorny & Ellen L. Wehrle
Nancy Levinson
John & Viveca Monahan
A. David Po5er
Tom & Linda Lieb
The Rev. Sonya Montana
Julie Prandi & Jim Reid
Nancy Knerr Light
Jeff & Eileen Moran
Ruth and Robert Premer
Roberta & James Li5lefield
Bruce Moulton
Sandy Prins
Ann Livingston
William R. Muenster
Jean Prinz
Susan G. Loring
Mr. Erik Murer
Dorothy Prunhuber
Eleanor Lukazewski
Riley and Valarie Neel
William L. & Lucia Pulgram
Frederick & Nancy Lutgens
Art Neeley
Moira E. Pulitzer-Kennedy
Thom Maciula & C. Greenfield
Ms. Karen M. Neeley & Mr. Jack DeLoach
Lakhbir K. Purewal
William Malm
Leslie Nelken & Ed Quinlin
Guy Quinlan & Mary-Ella Holst
Harold & Dorothy Mandler
Daniel Neuspiel & Cathy Canepa
Joan & Ed Raley
Patricia G. & Dwight Manley
Bonnie Norwood
Carolyn Randall
Ben and Anne Manvel
Daniel O'Connell & Bonnie Vegiard
Steve Ransom
Floyd D. & Mary J. Mar n
Grace O'Donnell
Mark Rarick & Diana Antoniskis
H. John Mason & Barbara A. Kezur
Maria Ohrn-Bentley & Derek Bentley
Holly & Sam Raymond
Joan & Donald Mathews
Donald S. Ordway
Suzanne Redfern-Campbell
Elizabeth McCollum
Anita & Jamie Orlikoff
Robert & Jeanne Reed
Richard McDowell
Cynthia Thorman Or z
Doris E. Reed
Shelly McGee
Sarah R. Packard
Hal C. Reed
Mary McGregor & Sidney Whi ng
Bob & Philippa Paddison
Lynn Rehfeld-Kenney
Robert & Melanie McKenne5
Armand & Janice Paganelli
Jane & John Reisman
Howard & Myrtle McMahan
William Page
Hope Rice & John Lovell
Arthur & Susan McTighe
E. Macdougall Palmer and Margery
Fels Palmer
Sharon Roberts
Patrick Meighan & Amy Thiel
Mark & Mary Meyer
G. Michael Milano
David & Julia Miller
Emily G. Pardee
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Patrie
Gordon & Alice Pa5erson
Martha R. Robinson
Naeda Robinson
Robert & Shirley Rock
Michael Roehm
Tandi Rogers
Raymond & Sue Seaver
David Sweat & Kay Giese
Brian Rogers & Sherry Modrow
Thomas Seiter & Kathleen Day-Seiter
Gary Sydow
Shirley Roof
Julian Sharp
Claire Szoke
Ruth and Ken Ross
Beverly Shaver
Ruth Thistlethwaite
Joel & Pamela Ross
Phyllis Sherman
Geoffrey C. Thomas
J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
Sandra Simon
Miriam I. Thomas
Paige & Bill Roth
The Rev. Grace H. Simons & Mr.
David J. Simons
Mrs. Doris Thomas Browder
Joanne & Philip Roudebush
David Rovner & Margaret Holmes-Rovner
Norma & George Rup er
Mr. Max Russell
Elfriede R. Russell
John & Margaret Russell
Emily Rutherford
Violet Rutledge
The Rev. Dr. Jane Ranney Rzepka &
Dr. Charles Rzepka
Karen & Theodore Saad
Mark & Debbie Salerno
Michael Sallwasser & Maureen McHale
Julia L. Sayles
Mark Schlawin and Ilene Dube
Robert Schmidt & Patty Weber-Schmidt
Glenn & Mary Schnadt
Denny Schrock
Charlo5e E. Schroeder
Donald and Joan Schue5e
Randy & Linda Schwartz
Mr. Julius J. Schwartz and Mrs.
Virginia R. Schwartz
Margaret Simonsen
Lockhart Simpson
Rev. William Sinkford & Ms. Maria
C. Sinkford
Joe Sirois
John & Be5y Sloane
Ellen Smaardyk
Nancy Smith
Sue Smolski
Donald & Kathleen Southworth
Philip Spear
Stuart & Marilyn Speedie
Dr. Janet Spence
Richard & Gail Sphar
Ken St. John & Janet Nash
James Staton
Virginia G. & Colin Steel
Barbara Stenstrom
Kenneth Stern
Mr. Doug Stewart
Elizabeth Stover
Ann & David Strickler
Edith P. Schwede
Susan l. Sulc & Richard Sulc
Marcia G. Sco5
Eileen Sullivan
Marysol De Seabra Sco5
Lana and David Sund
Hazel Seaba
Julia Swain
Mark S. Thurber & Susan Galli
Dr. Stuart Tobin
Donald Torrey
Bruce & Emily Toth
Evelyn Bragg Trageser
Alice Trexler & Downing Cless
Samuel Trumbore & Philomena Moriarty
Howard G. Tucker
Liz Turnage
Del & Sally Tweedie
Jamie & Mollie Twidale
Susan & Steve Urbatsch
Doris Van Alen
Joan Van de Workeen
Nancy W. & Reinhardt Van Dyke
Geraldine VanTassel & Tom Davies
Edward Vigneau & Judith Greene
Thomas & Sandra Wacht
Douglas Walcerz
Alec Walker
Kenneth E. & Mary Ellen Walsh
Jane Walter
Helen L. Warbington
Janice Watson & Alfred Lus g
Oliver Weaver
Randy & Jennifer Webb
Trish Webb and Dean Dubofsky
Ralph O. Weber
Barbara Wheeler
W. Rex & Julia Withers
Shane & Sandy Weber
Bruce & Theresa Wiggins
Robert & Betsy Wones
Michele Weisman & Paul Freitag
Elizabeth & Jim Williams
Joan Wright & Will Wright
J. B. Weller
Robert E. Williams
Teresa & Richard Zimmer
Robert H. and Lois D. Whealey
Andrew Wilson
13 Anonymous Donors
Melvin & Kathleen Aanerud
Mical C. Allopenna
Ann Arellano
Margaret B. Abby
Craig Allshouse and Bonnie Smith
Barbara Mains Armento
Ruby Abrahams
John and Happy Amein
Robert Armintor
Michael and Susan Achey
Elizabeth Ames
Be5y Jo Armstead
George & Beverley Adams
Pamela & Jim Anderegg
Ilse Arndt
Douglas Adams
Kenneth and Ruth Anderson
Denny Arter and Tim Mar n
Dr. Eve M. Adams & Betsy Cahill
S. Kris Anderson
Kevin Arthur
Paul & Alexcia Adams
Frank Anderson
Beverly & Vicky Asbury
Barbara and Maurice Aegerter
Clyde & Mary Anna Anderson
Rachel Aschemeyer
Jeanne and Phillip Agee
Ellen Anderson
John and Barbara Ashby
Lewis & Margaret Agnew
Caroline Anderson
Margaret Atkinson
Ruth Agnew
Webster & Sylvia Anderson
Nancy Atwood
Eve Ahlers and Bill Nunan
Emalee Andre
Lea Augus ne
Joseph Akzam
Mr. & Mrs. Chris O. Andrew
Lydia & Wilburt Avery
Laurie Albright & Brian Larson
Jaen Andrews
Donald & Shirley Axon
Stephen Aldrich
Dorothy Andrews
Jean Babb
Elizabeth Alexander
Martha Andrews
Hilde & John Bacharach
Geraldine Allen
David J. & Mimi Andrews
Jane Bacon
Bruce Allen
Jeffrey & Ellen Angley
James & Louise Bacon
Mary Nell Allen
Robert and Jane Antoine
Robert Bacon & Bev Schmi5
William & Karen Allen
Debra Antonelli-Sanchez
Marta & Mike Bainum
Ted Allen & Stephanie Allen-Krauss Alma AntonioS & Gail Jennes
Irene Baird
Stephen Allerton
Paula & Eric Apfelbach
David Evere5 Baker
Mrs. Kay C. Allison
Shayna Appel
Peter & Joan Baker
Beverly and William Baker
Ruth Beacom
Deborah & Klaus Bieber
Elly Kelly Baker
Sharon Beard
Lewis M. & Wilma Biegelsen
Dr. Helen H. Baker
Mrs. Sara B. Beard
Mr. Elmer Billman
Winton & Blanche Bakke
Barbara Beasley
Jerry Bilton
Elaine Baldwin
Laurel and Gary Beason
Alice Bird
Russell M. Ball
Alice and Roy Beauchene
Kate Birdsall
Sara Ballard & R. Stonewall Ballard
Lauren Lee Beaudry and Jack Snider Ethelyn Bishop
Richard Baltaro & Laura E. Neece-Baltaro
Fran Beck
Bert L. Bishop
Martha Ban
Patricia & Bruce Beck
Mrs. Gail Bishop & Dr. Allen Bishop
Anne B. & Daniel BancroT
Kate Beck
Julie Bitzer
Susan and Doug Bank
Harry and Audrey Bedell
Timuel D. Black
Ms. Carla Banks
Megan & Robert Beecher
Paul Blackburn
Nancy & Gary Banks
Larry & Mary Ann Beggs
Caroline Blackmore
Rick Barabino
Manju Beier
Joseph Blair
Mr. Glen D. Barbaras
Ann Bein
Michele & William Blanchard
Lou & Connie Barbini
Kathleen & Richard Bell
Ms. Virginia Cava Blanco
John & Winona Barker
Marion Bell
Joellen Bland
Fred Barker
Mae Bell
Douglas and Lore5a Blankenship
Betsy Barnes
Mary Bellamy
Liane & George Bliss
Bruce & Ka e Barne5
George W. & Phyllis B. Belsey
Frances Block
Dane & Cynthia Barrager
Linda & Jack Benne5
Margaret Bloom
Robert Bartels
Amy & Gary Benne5
Arlene Bloom
Neil & Cheryl Bartholomew
John Benne5
Barbara Bloomer
LaVone W. Bar ne
Janet Benson
Susan Bloomfield
Dorothy Barton
Eleanor Bent
Lee Bluemel
Karla Bassler
Geoffrey K. & Martha W. Bentley
H. Thomas & Chris na Blum
Josephine S. Bateman
Robert & Ruth Bercaw
Delorys Blume
Kathryn Bates
Anne5e & Josef Berger Machac
Esther Bockhoff
Kate Baty
Debby Bergh
Joyce Bode
Lori and Karen Bauman
S. Berliner, III
Constance & Gary Bond
Ivan & Sybil Baumwell
Robin Berman
Janet Bonner
Beverley Baxter
Karen & William Berry
Robert Bonner & Laura Lester
Robert & Sandra Baxter
Betsy and Chuck Berry
Judith & Charles Boothby
Susan Bayley
Donald Bibeau
Mr. John D. Borah
Regina Boron
Mary and Dericksen Brinkerhoff
Max & Pat Buffington
Clayton Bosler
Tim Bristow & Lindsay Morgan
Lawrence Bullen
Denise M. Bostdorff & Daniel J. O'Rourke
Joseph Brodley
Robert & Carol Bullivant
Helen & Howard Bostock
The Rev. Carol Brody & Mr. Paul Brody
Ms. Andrea M. Bumpurs
Dan & Renu Bostwick
Robert & Carol Broman
Fred and Barbara Bunger
Steve Bo5orff & Pat Moyer
Sage & Dale Brook
Carol & Robert Bun ng
Roderic & Joy Bo5s
The Rev. Amy E. Brooks & Christopher Edward Buonopane
Chris Buppert
Bernade5e Brooten
John Burbank
Suzanne Broughton
Kathleen & Edward Burek
Ms. Catherine D. Brown
Richard Burkhart & Mona Lee
Merilys Brown
David G. Burks & Pa5y Burks
Virginia L. Brown
Judy Burne5
Alice Brown
Dawn Burrell
Maria Brown
Steve Burrows & Jill Fleming
Sally and Dennis H. Brown
Ann & Richard Bury
Janet S. Brown
Sherry Bushman
The Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Brown & Ms.
Kathleen Butler
Thompson O'Sullivan
Philip Bu5aravoli
Sandra Brown
Sara Byers
Sco5 & Mary Brownell
Daniel M. Byrd
Marney Bruce
Michelina Cacciola Kelly & Jim Kelly
Marsha Bruhn
Jeffrey C. Cadow & Beth Fagan
Jeane5e & Louis Bruner
Victoria and Gary Cagle
Robert & Sylvia Brunner
Ms. Margaret J. Cain
Sally Bryan-Prell
Ilse Calcagno
Jane Packard Bryant & Cyrus Bryant
Jim & Dot Caldiero
Chris and Lilly Bubser
Larry & MaryAnn Calvin
Aus n Buchanan
Walter & Cherie Campbell
Relva Buchanan
Sandra Campbell
Mary Buchanan-Koontz & Steven Koontz
Marjorie M Cantor
Merrily Buck
Carl Canzanelli
Daniel Budd
Rita Capezzi & Jeffrey Lowry
Nell Buell
James Capistrant
Be5y Buffington
Joanne & Scot Boulton
Rita and Dr. Bill Bourne
Don Bowden-Texera & Ron Texera
Derick Bowen
Richard and Marteh Bowen
Frederick Bowen
Ms. Diana E. Bowering
Jim & Be5y Bowie
Margaret Boyajian
Barton W. Bracken & Rebecca M. Bryan
Maryann Bracken
Amy Ruth Bradburd
Mary Lindsell Bradley
Margaret Bradley
Robert Bradley
Be5y Ann Bradshaw
James D. & June C. Brady
Ron & Dorothy Brandt
William & Mary Brandum
Darryl & Laureen Bran ng
Janet Braske5
Elizabeth K. Braucher
Dea and Bob Brayden
Kenneth Brennen
Laurie Brewer
Ms. Jane Shaw Briggs
Sandra Briggs
Jonathan Caplan
Safford Chamberlain & Sharyn Crane
Rosalee & Bob Clarke
David Caplan
Joe Chambliss
Ms. Cynthia Claus
Paul Carbone & Farah Chandu
Karen Chandler
Joyce Clayton
E. June & W. Howard Card
Donald & Phyllis Chapin
Wallace B. Cleland
Jerry Carden and Tim Temple
Maxine & George Chapin
Keena and Chris Clifford
Len and Mary Cargan
Valerie Chapman & Colin C. Kerr
Edward & Connie Cluff
The Rev. Burton D. Carley &
Elizabeth Mandel-Carley
Dr. Barbara Holland Chapman
Jim Coakley & Margit Kindel
Kathy L. & John Charles
John Coates
Alvin Charter
Gary Cobbs & Alice Moore
Barbara and Richard Cheatham
C. Richard Coburn
Ellen Chen
Barbara F. Coburn
Janis Cheney & Stephen Crane
Connie & Laurie Cochran
Rita Cherubini
Daniel Cohen and Suzanne Cleary
Dan Chiplock & Jean Garner
Jim Colburn
Sa sh Chohan
Fred Cole & Barbara Richards
Darlene & Nilesh Chokshi
Richard Cole
Richard S. Chris an
Lois Cole
Jane H. Chronis
Hobson G. Coleman
Forrest Chumley & Barbara Valent
David Y. & Annie Collins
John W. Churchill
Ms. Amy Collins & Ms. Sharon Marrell
Dorothy Churchill
Steve Colman
Karen & James Churnside
Catherine S. Colpetzer
Margaret Cibulsky
Jeremy & Emily Colton
Linda Clark
David Combies & Lore5a Smith
Elizabeth Clark
Claudia Comins & Robert Friedman
Nena & Willard Clark
Lani Angell Comp
Roslyn & Richard Clark
Pamela Comstock
Marie & Ned Clark
Cathy & Tim Conahan
Barbara G. Clark
Gary Conaway & Sheryl Macy
Carnzu A. Clark
Peggy Confer & Jim Thompson
Barry Clark
Lee Conley & Jacquelyn Ainlay-Conley
Edie Clark
Pete Connolly
Cheryl L. Clark
Wendy & Charlie Conroy
Mark Clark & Victor Branham
Roger & Kathy Cook
Stacy & Steve Carlson
Jan Carlsson-Bull & Dan Bull
Tom Carlstrom
Gerda Carmichael
Terry & Sandra Carpenter
Sandra & Lawrence Carr
Marjorie Carsen & David Durgin
Elizabeth Carter
James & Carol Carthel
Laurie Car er
Jerry & Mary Lou Cartwright
Jennifer and DeWayne and
DeWayne Carver
Cathryn J. Carver & Roger T. Hartley
Nans Case
Beth & James Casebolt
Bob & Carol Cashion
Chris Cassard & Linda Crouse
Phoebe Cassidy
Sherri Casterline
Alex Castle
Donna Catling
Be5y Caudle
Sam & Joyce Cauffield
Meghan Cefalu & Chris Bell
Margaret Chalkley
“When we give generously, with authen city and
integrity, the Divine moves in us.”
— Cecilia Kingman Miller
James Cook
Jerry Cross & Jayne Steffens
Eric & Margaret Darling
Doris Cook
Laura Crounse
Nelson J. Darling, Jr.
Arlene Cooke
Dorothy Crowell
Helen Darrow
Paul Coolidge
John R. Crowley
Debasish Dasgupta
Nancy Cooper
Be5y McGarvie Crowley
Jasper & Cynthia Daube
Vicki Copeland & Mark Wheaton
Anne & Rex Culp
Mr. Mark Dauner
Judith Corbeille
Sarah & Andy Culver
Jim & Deborah Davenport
David & Judy Corbit
Irene Cummins
Dori Davenport Thexton & Arthur Thexton
Catherine & Ronald Cordes
Susan Cummins
Lois Davies
Richard & Laurie Corelle
Nancy Ayer Cunningham & Marcia
Rogers Payson
Julie Davis
Elizabeth Cormier
Alan Cornue
Susanne & Claude Corty
David & Sandra Cothrun
Gini Courter
Mrs. Mildred Courtley
Ginger Courtney
Bill Courtney & Patty Manning-Courtney
Chris ne Couturier
Dr. Carol Cowles
James & Margaret Craig
Dave & Shirley Craig
Charlo5e Crane
The Rev. John Thomas Crestwell, Jr.
Theo Crevenna
Judith Crocker
Tanner Cronin
Louise Crook
Alison Cunningham
James Curneal
Ms. Maureen E. Curran & Mr. Michael Stein
Hunter Currin
Grace Curry
Larry E. & Lois Curry
Mary Rose Cur s
Lawrence Custer
John & Anita Czachurski
Mina & William Daffinee
Dr. Chris ne L. Dahl
Tempie Daigle
Ms. Anne Dale & Mr. Sco5 Lindstrom
David and Sue Ellen Damour
Paul & Aiko Damrow
Sally & Steve Daniel
Richard & Mar Dardano
Wallace Davis
Niki Davis
Shirley and Bob Davis
Glenn Davis
Richard & Alice Davis
Lewis Davis
Edgar Davis
Lynn Davis
Mrs. Mary Emily S. Davisson
Stanley Dawson & Peggy Northup-Dawson
Linda Day
Sherry M. de Vries
Gary & Mary Dean
Gary Deavel
Donald DeBaere
David Debbink
Franklin M. & Suzanne DeBeers
Michael & Alice DeBellis
Ruth & Larry Decker
James & Margaret Domangue
Eleanor C. Eagan
Caroline DeClerque
Rosemary & Brian Donahoe
Lloyd and Patrick Eagan
Charles & Rebecca Dees
Judy Donahue
Ms. Marilyn G. Eanet
John DeGregory
Jeffrey B. Donahue
Larry East & Judy East
Anthony Delzingaro
Elizabeth Donaldson
Leonard J. and Patricia Eaton
Caroline DeMar
Dan Donham
Sue & Ray Eberhardt
Michele Demarest
Kristel Donner & Robert Leighty
Marlene Ebert
Kathleen Dempsey
Eddie Doss
Dan Eckelkamp-Baker
Robert Denniston
Becki & Cameron Douglas
William Edwards
Michael & Mary Ann Denton
Richard Downer
Leroy & Pat Egenberger
Sue DePass
Michael Drayton
Carl and Kathryn Moser
Peter & Frances Derks
Dave & Trudie Dreyer
Arthur & Carol Ehlmann
Shirley DeSimone
Ms. Hiroko Driver
Susan Cope Ekstrom
Julie DeSorgher
Gary & Joyce Droege
John Elder
Don DeStephano
Charlo5e Droogan
Michael & Lane Devereux
Ann Drury
The Rev. Dr. Terence H. Ellen & Ms.
Amy Boscov
Clark Dial
Frank Dubach
Sidney Diamond
Margaret & Stephen Dubin
Edward DiCastro
Cathryn & Richard DuBow
Douglas Dick & Ann Easterbrooks
James Duckman & Emily Linnemeier
Shirley Dickens
William Dudgeon & Carmen SimichJacqueline Ellis
Emmons S. & Elizabeth S. Ellis
Norman A. Dudziak & Damaris Rohsenow
Barbara L. Elrod
Mary Dugan
Elissa Emerson
Patricia S. Duggan & Danny L. Hewett
Marion H. Emery
Sharon Duncan
Lynnda Emery
Marilyn Duncan
Dr. Walter F. Engel, Jr.
Thomas Duncan
Grace E. England
Jim & Lillian Duncavage
Virginia Enrico
Mary H. Dunn
Camma Enright
Lois & Daryl Durran
Linda Ermine
Mr. William and Dr. Leah Duse5
Gaye Anastasia Esperson
William & Susan Dus n
Donna & Hal Estry
Edith Dzubay
Emma Dickey
Sunny & Tony Didier
Alice Diebel
Patricia Diem
Sally and Garth Dimon
Randy Diner
Deborah DiPlacido
Laurence & Marjorie Disenhof
Sharrill Di5mann
Cornelia Do
Arden & Marilyn Dockter
Lisa Doege
Gunther Dohse
Rebecca Ellio5
Lisa & Willoughby Ellio5
Mr. Glen Ellio5
Rev. Kathleen Trichel Ellis & Mr. Jon
G. Montgomery
James Evans
Kathy and Randy Fischer
Ellen & Gary Fox
Pat Evans
Daphne Voss Fisher
Allison Fox
Ward & Ana Evans
Ellen L. & W. Burns Fisher
William & Erna Fox
Douglas & Be5y Evans
Sandra Lotz Fisher
Carrol & Robert Foxall
Ilse and James Evans
Ellen and Allan C. Fisher
Jim & Barb Francese
Dorothy Everhart
Richard & Nancy Fi5s
Mark & Sonja Franche5
Cleopatra & Doug Ewing
JoAnn Fitz
Mary Frandsen & Ted Messier
Richard Eynon
Diane and Rick Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Frank
Gary Fabian
Carol L. Flake
Indra & Mark Frank
Nina M. Fair
Christopher M. & Mary Flanagan
Rochella and Irv Frankel
Dorothy & Howard Fairweather
Janice & Ronald Flaugher
John Franklin
Sylvia Falconer
Susan Flaws
Dr. Warren M. Fraser
Betsy and R. B. Fallstrom
Ann Fletcher
Patricia & Ron Fraser
Dr. Shelli Farhadian
Robert & Ann Flick
David and Mellicent Fra celli
Marylou Faris
Dorothee Flippo
John Freche5e & Lisa A. Mar no
Laurel Farnsworth
Douglas & Ann Foard
Susan & Brian Frederick-Gray
Jane Ann Faulkner
Daniel and The Rev. Karen Lewis Foley Mary M. Freed & Richard Freed
DoSe Fay
Patrick and Judi Foley
Larry Freedman
Robert P. & Be5e Fechtel
Kenneth & Merrilee Follensbee
Josephine Freedman
Brent Feigenbaum
Karen Follingstad
Judy Freeman
Andrew Feigin
Be5y Forbes
Jane Frelick
Dr. Elizabeth Feigon
Margery Forbes
Chelso Frescura & June Allison
Thelma Fellows
Ms. Elizabeth S. Ford
Kathleen Frey & Bernice Husk
Robert Ferencz
Patricia Ford
Carl H. & Jean Fridy
James & Susan Ferguson
Nancy & Grant Foreman
Laura Friedman
Be5y L. Ferguson & Jim Matera
Charles & Nancy Forest
Peter & Irene Friedrichs
Barbara and William Fernholz
Gregg & Marian Forte
Ms. Janet R. Fritz
Robert Fernie & Conrad Egge
Marilyn Fortenberry
Barbara A. & William Fuchsman
Louise G. Ferrell
Jogn For er
Mrs. Fujikura
Nancy and Craig Ferris
Edward P. Foster
George J. & Ruth Fulkerson
Joan L. Field
Du5on & Caroline Foster
A. Roy Fuller, Jr.
Nan Nelson
Newton Foster, Jr.
Marnee & Jim Galbraith
Gloria Finch
Roberta Fox
Peter J. Gallagher
A. Barden & Caroline Finch
David Fox
Carl Gallegos
Michael Galvin
Connie and Michael Gibson
Carol & Fred Goodwin
Joe & Sylvia Gamboa
Brenda and Peter Gignac
Lorelei Goodyear
Woodrow Gandy
Lois Gilbert
Martha & Joseph Goralka
John C. and Sally S. Garber
John V. Gilfrich
Molly R. Gordon
Mary Gardner
Julianna Gilkinson
Mary P. Gosling
Katy Garmany
Brian Gill & Jennifer Lerner
Virginia Go5man
Giles & Dorothy Garmon
June Z. Gillespie
Ken Gould
Gordon & Joyce Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Gillies
David Govoni & Laurel Bybell
Herbert Garten
Bill & Fran Gimby
Geoffrey & Benita Gowen
Joseph Gascho & Elena Tsai
Evelyn Gioiella
Nancy Grady
Phyllis & James Gaskins
Marjorie Girth
Richard H. Graham
Thea Gast
Lila and George Girvin
Sarah Grant
Judith Gates
Joan Gladwell
The Rev. Constance L. Grant
Don Gatewood
John Glasson & Tori Smith
Louisa & William Graver
Laurie A. & Sco5 Gauer
Robert M. & Deanne Glorioso
Robert & Elise Gray
Jim & Loma Gault
Lucinda & Ken Glover
Gary & Patricia Gray
Judith Gauthier
Kialynn Glubrecht
Patricia & Gary Gray
David C. Gaynor & Bernice Goldman Myra & Ivan Gluckman
Craig & Sheila Gray
Jennifer Gebhard
Marjorie & Mar n Gluckstein
Blair Gray
Fran Gebuhr
Jill Goddard
James L. Gray & Alice K. Lackner-Gray
Joseph & Phyllis Gee
Ray E. & Judith K. Goebel
Sidney & Patricia Greeley
Robert & Mary Gehrke
Emery Goff & William Van S. Carhart
Karen & Michael Greenbaum
Mary F. Gelfand
Pamela Goffinet-Mar nez
Cathy Greene
Mike & Mary Pat Gendelman
Bert & Joan Golding
Karen C. Greener
John Genova
Kay Lynn & John Goldner
David Gregerson
Alice Gonnerman
Irvin & Nane5e Greif
Douglas Gerleman
Lenora Good
Russell & Carol Greve
Gordon & Chris ne Gerwig
Constance and Robert Goodbread
Alice & Bob Gridley
Teresa Gessner
Mary Jane Goodloe
Dale Griffin
Tamara & Berk Geveci
Marian P. Goodman
Karen Griffin & Andrew Mickish
Lewis Geyer
Robert Goodrich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Griffin
Rosamond Gianutsos
Stephen Goodrich
Richard & Peggy Grigsby
Barbara Gibbs
Elizabeth C. Goodson
Meck Groot
Gardner Gibson
Paul & Janice Goodwin
Jane E. Gross & Ronald H. Gross
Thomas H. & Edna C. Groves
Barbara Hanneman
Anne & James Hays
Jeane5e Gruber and Edward Flint
John & Sheila Hannon
Beth Hayward & Steve Parker
Peter Grundfossen
Thomas Hanold & Marnie Bolstad
Janice Hazlehurst
Sylvia Gruner
Gary & Elizabeth Hansen
Lucia Heard
Philip Gruppuso & Martha Manno
John A. Hansman
Carl E. & Patricia D. Heath
Robert P. & Maxine Guenther
Kathryn Hansman-Spice & Byron Spice Natalie Hechter
David & Diana Guinnup
Sally & Gilbert Hanson
William L. Hecker & Marilyn J. Kopp-Hecker
Neil Gunderson
William Hardam
John and Annie Hedberg
John Gunn
Robert & Kris Hardin
Nancy & Peter Heege
John & Shirley Gunning
Robert Harding
Margaret & David Hegmann
Anne & Bill Guse
Roann Harlow
Ann Heidkamp & Jim Gerber
Gay Ann Gustafson
Robert Harper
Judy Heilig
Ms. Gayle Gyure
Cheryl Harper
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Heintzelman
Carl and The Rev. Carol Schwartz Haag
Stanley Harris & Clara McClure
Joan Helde
Merrily Haas
Katharine Harris
James & Lynne Heltman
Yvonne Habel
Chuck Harris and Glenda Parsons
James & Joan Henderson
Mary Jo Hacke5
Michael Harris
William & Nancy Henderson
Michael V. & Margaret Haddad
Donna Harrison
Suzanne and Robert Henig
Mr. Jack Haeger
Geraldine & Paul Harter
Mike Hennessy & Diane Mayland
Sonja Hahn
Charles & Ellen Hartman
Peter Henning
Lene N. & Carl Hajek
Joan & William Hartung
Nancy Henningsen
Claire Hale
David T. Harvey, Jr.
Kirsten P. Henrickson
Sharon Hale & Dawn Student
Howard Hassman
The Rev. Alfred J.N. Henriksen
Judith & John Hall
Kia Hatch
Richard & Patricia Henry
Dr. Karen S. Hall
Laura HaVield
Lynne Hensel & Lawrence Kameya
Margaret Hall & Craig Nelsen
Ms. Barbara Hathaway
Joyce & Richard Henzel
Grace Hall
Jake Haun and Diane Gardner
Myrtle Hepler
Ann & Charles Halsted
Bud and Joy Haupt
Charlo5e Herdman & Debbie Osborn
Bill and Barbara Hamilton-Holway
Jonathan and Cindy Havey
Gary & Barbara Herrli
Beth C. Hammer
Kathryn Hawbaker
Alan & Anita Herrmann
Margaret A. Hamstead
John & Karen Hawkins
Janet Hersey
Carolyn & Bruce Hancock
Helen Hawthorne
Francis and Shirley Hersey
Sue Hand
Barbara Hayden
Patricia Hervey
Ruth and Cur s Hanks
William L. Hayes
Karen Hess
Mary Hess
Ms. Katherine Hoover
James & Be5y Hulse
The Rev. Leslie H. Heyboer
Barbara Hopewell
Janet Humann
Bernard Hickey
Barbara & Robert Hopkins
Thomas W. Hungerford
Charles Hicklin
Dorothy and Leon Hopper
James M. & Kathy Hungerford
Darlene Hicks
James Hopson & Helen Crain
Keith Hunt & David Levngie
Mr. Frank C. Hider, Jr.
James and Susan Hopson
Karl Hunt
James Higgins
David M. Horst & Alyson Gaylord-Loy
Linda Hunter
Lois Hilbert
Diantha & William Horton
Rob Hun ngton & Susan McCafferty
Sally Hilgendorff & Andy List
Claudia Hoste5er & Daniel Bare
Elizabeth Hurley-Dasgupta
Elizabeth A. Hilmar
Daniel & Susan Land Hotchkiss
Ida Hurt
Ruth Porter Hinrichs
William Hoult
Brad Huskinson
Fred Hintze
Douglas & Kelley Housman
Margaret & William Huyck
William Hintzman
Peggy Houston
Lois & Albert Hybl
Dianne and David Hoaglin
Sco5 W. Hovey
Greg Hyde
The Rev. James Alfred Hobart & The Robert & Mary Howard
Rev. Nan Peterson Hobart
Rebecca Howard
Fran Hobbie
Dr. Celeste Howard
Kathryn Hobbs & Craig Aldworth
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Howard
Anne Marie & Douglas Hober
Norman & Cris ne Howe
Joseph Hodge
John & Patricia Howe
Jean Hoff
Martha W. Howell
Frederic Hoffman
Marlene Howell
Pat Hok
Dorothy Howell
Be5y V. Holcomb
Hillis L. Howie & Margaret Shaklee
Maureen Holder
Beth Howman-Combs
Lois and Rick Holl
The Honorable John Hranac
Lorna & Marc Hollander
Karen Hsu Pa5erson
Barbara Hollingsworth
David & Kate Hudson
Alan & Susan Hollister
Dorothy & Charles Hudson
Daniel H. & Edna H. Hollums
Marylin Huff & Rich Cairncross
Patricia Holmes
Caryl J. Hughan
Marguerite Holmes
Pam & Paul Hughes
Eric Holtz & Dorothy Guth
Joseph P. D. Hull
Beverly Hooker
Edith L. Hull
Lynn Hyndman
Jim Idell and Debi Stree5-Idell
Ken & Jill Ihlo
Timothy Illig
Patricia L. & Anthony N. Infante
Kenley & Debra Inglefield
Nancy Inglis
Karl & Elizabeth Irikura
Sonja V. & Richard F. Irwin
Rose and Ampelio IseS
Elizabeth & Paul Jachim
Bill & Meighen Jackson
Naren & Daralyn Jackson
Linda Jackson & Jim Stone
Larry & Barbara Jackson
Caroline Jacobs
Dorothy & Richard Jacobs
Mark Jacobson
Jim and Karen Jaeger
Warren H. James
Joan & Donald Janak
James and Mary Jones
J. Larry Kelland
Gwen Janes & Mike Thowson
JoLaine Jones-Porkorney
Robert & Beth Kelley
Kathryn Jaques
Gail Ward Jordan
Charles Kelley
Marge Jarvis
Carol Jordan
Cheryl Kellogg & George Stevenson
Jonathan & Susan Jeans
Kim Jordan
Andrew C. Kennedy & Lois D. Wesener
Therese S. Jervey & Joan Shaw
Irene & Tom Jordan
Michael Kennedy
Warren H. & Mary Jane Jessop
Julie & Jerry Jose
Melissa & Rick Kennedy
Lorna Johnson
Margaret Joseph & Lucy Norton
Byron Kennel
Theodore H. & Nancy Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Joseph
Dorothy Kenney
The Rev. Cynthia B. and Albert M. Johnson
Robert & Marion Joyce
Elizabeth and Peter Kent
Bruce & Dorothy Johnson
Robert Jurgens
Roger Kenvin
Ebba Johnson
Eleanor Kafalas
Marjorie Kephart
Sara & Walter Johnson
Nicholas & Patricia Kafoglis
Colin Kerr
Ellen & James Johnson
Barbara & James Kahn
Martha J. Ketelle
Elizabeth M. Johnson
Karen Kallay
Ali & Maureen Keyhani
Ruth Johnson
Cholpady Kamath
Ms. Phyllis M. Keyport
Dick & Joanne Johnson
Eric & Cathy Kaminetzky
Mary Khoury
Marilyn Johnson
Dave & Mary Kane
Deborah Kibbel
Vernon L. Johnson
Mark Kangas
Marie & Bill Kidder
Ms. Luella Johnson
Al & Dolores Kanner
Margaret Kiever
Dr. Jean Johnson
Caryl Kaplan
Joan Kilburn
Hope Johnson
George & Shirley Karas
Elsie Kimbrell
Roger D. & Jean Johnson
Melissa Karas & Tom Roberts
Sandra & Richard King
Barry & Karen Johnson
Kris Karls
Lesley King
Ms. Roberta Johnson
Russ & Marla Karow
Jerald King & Mary Clark
Barry Johnson
Jill Karpf & Adele Gorelick
Nancy King Smith & Kempton Smith
Helen Sewell Johnson & Don Johnson
Romeo Kassarjian
Edward P. & Nancy Kingsbury
Charles Johnson
Mark & Elizabeth KauZi
Keri Kinnaird
The Rev. Dr. Ma5hew Johnson-Doyle
Amanda Kaufman
Joyce & Sco5 Kinnear
David A. Jones and Donald C. Williams Mr. Irwin Kaufman
Gloria Kinney
Giffin Jones
Linda Kay
Nancy & Mark Kinney
Suzanne and Stephen Jones
Martha Kazlo
Robert Kintz
Nancy Jones
Jesse Kehres
Peter Kirianoff
David Jones
Allen & Gerda Keiswe5er
Ernest E. & Constance Kirwan
Gabor Kiss & Eva Andor
David E. & Marjorie Kroll
Joan & Walter Lawson
Kathie Kitchingham
Mary Lou and Aaron B. Krosnick
Jean Lawton
Wilfred Roy Kizer
John & Marilyn Kucharski
Peggy Lazarus
Janet & Erwin Klaas
Jean Kukulan Reilly
Josephine Leach
John Klecka
Barbara Kurtz
Henry Leader
Robert Kleid
Carol L. Kutak
Janet Leask
Heather S. & Sco5 Kleiner
John Kutuchief
Mary Reeves Leber
TK Kleiner
Jonipher Kwong
Patricia LeBlanc
Dr. Jay C. Klemme & Ms. Anne S. Wilson
John Kyper
Robert Lechner & Barbara Lechner
Glenn & Marcia Klepac
Joseph Lach
David A. & Marilyn Lee
Jerry Kline
Be5y LaFara
Marta & Stanley Legan
William L. Klingelhoffer & Jill Brindel Elizabeth and Reg Laite
Barbara & Thomas Leggat
Anna & William Klock
Howard J. & Giovanna LaMarca
Herbert Lehman
Janice & Mar n Knapp-Cordes
Jay LaMarche
Be5sy & Tom Leib
Ben Knecht
Sarah Lammert
Stephanie R. Leighton & Phoebe Call
Geri Knoebel
Tom Lancefield & Jean Logan
Joan & Thomas Leonard
Roberta Knopp
Melanie Landa and Michael Moulton
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Leonard
Steve Knox & Lee Reid
David Lane and Grayson Sless
Marion and Dawn Leonard
Leonard Koel & Lydia Broussard
Sue Ann & Terry Lang
John & Ruth Leopold
Edward Kolner
David & Sandra Lange
Andrea Lerner
Harwood Kolsky
Iris Lanyon
C. Wayne & Jana Leslie
Dorothy Koltnow
Carol Jean Larsen
Susan & Jimmy Leung
Kris n Komar
Janine Larsen
Stacia Levy
John Kopf
Ivar & Barbara Larsen
Nicholas Lewis & Judith Rinearson
Richard Kopp
Shirley Larson
Susan Lewis and Eric Larson
Edna Mae Koss
Dion J. LaShay
Dorothy & Brinley Lewis
Marta Kot
Margaret Lashley
Tomas Lewis
Shirley Kovacs
Janis Latham
Judy Licht
Leonard and Denise Kowalski
Craig & Lynne Latham
Ginny Liddle
Meg Koziar
Arnold Lau
Kate Liebhold
Harm & Marian Kraai
Catherine Lauritsen
Carole Light
Robert & Rosalie KraT
Marian Lauterbach
Patricia & Robert Lillquist
John & Renee Kramer
William Lawrance
Jerry & Maureen Lilly
Richard G. & Deborah C. Kreitner
Gary Lawrenson & Linda Rice
David Lindsay & Margaret Ingalls
Cisco & Anne Lindsey
Inna & John MacDougall
Gary & Karen Mar n
Philip Lindsley
Evelyn Macedonia
Ronald Mar n
Freda Line
Peter Macholdt
Denise Mar n
Greg & Barbara Lines
Alice R. Macy
Georgia & James Mar n
Thomas Lingelbach
Gregory Maddox
Mr. Willard Martin & Ms. Margaret Demos
Alice K. Lingswiler
Anna Maderis
Emilia and Dr. Norman M. Mar n
Virginia Link
Sally & Charles Magneson
Nancy & Ken Mar n
Chris ne Linsmayer
Peter Magoun
Stephanie & Phillip Mar neau
Lucinda Lion-Morlin
Margaret Maguire
Eugene and Anita Mar nez
Jill A. Lipo & Brad Garton
Robert P. & Ginny Mahlke
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Maslen
Ruth Li5le
Diana Maiden
Pauline M. Masterton
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred C. Li5le
Kris n & Sarah Maier
Jack Mates
Kim & John Lloyd
Grace Malakoff
Allan F. Ma5hews
Margaret Lloyd
Joan Malcolm
Terry Maul
Noelle & William Locke
Jody & Charles Malloy
David R. Mauritson, M.D.
Glen & Terry Lockwood
Terry & Sally Malone
Meta & Robert Maxim
Edward Loomis
Winston Mani
Mrs. Barbara C. Maxson
Linda Lord and J.K. Hillstrom
Robert & Chata Manley
Brian & Susan Mayall
Bryan & Patricia Lorge
Pat Mann
Alan & Grace Mayer
Erika Love
Doak & Peggy Mansfield
Judith & Hans Mayer
Eunice Lovejoy
Ann & Steven Manson
Gloria & David Maynard
Owen Lowe & Dorothy Lowe
Judy Manton
Henry Mayo
Vanessa Lowe
Harriet Marble
Rachelle & Mar n Mazar
Rodney Lowe & Sarah Russell
Arlene Marin & Mahmoud Sami
Susan McBain & Steven Jung
Lindalea Ludwick
Michael and Rachel Mark
Robert & Wanda McCaa
Margaret & Kenneth Lukow
Mary Markiewicz
Diane McCarrick
Beverly Lulow
Lawrence & Marion Marks
Mary Elizabeth & Joseph McCarthy
Donna Lum & Larry Abbo5
Yvonne Marlier
Nan P. McCarthy
Peter Lumia
Gail Marque5e
J. Ramon McCarus
Roy & Shirley Lundin
Randolph Marshall & Rebecca Kurth
David McClain
Anne Lundin
Arlene Marshall
Ellen & Edward McClaran
The Rev. Suzelle K. Lynch & Mr. Young Kim
Mary & Stanley Marshall
Caroline & James McCloy
Phil & Carolyn Lynes
Marile Marshall
Nelah & Paul McComsey
Neal C. MacArtor
Porter L. Marshall
Joy & Richard McConnell
John and Sharon McConnell
Allen P. McVey
Beatrice A. Miller
Linda and Jim McCoy
Jim Meadows & Stanley Mayfield
Alison Miller & David Snedden
Pat McCully
Raj & Sharmi Mehta
Elizabeth Miller
Judy and John McDermo5
Wilda Q. Meier
Mary Ellen Miller
Allysson McDonald & Graham Bell
Carol & Steven Meister
Linda Miller
Ann & Brian McDonald
Alfred & Peggy Mello
Irene Milliken-Owens
Colleen McDonald
Gary & Barbara Melom
Joyce Mills
Christine McElroy & Howard Bauchner
Janet & Dick Menzer
Debra Minard
Jean McElroy
Cecilia Mercado & Sanjeev Seereeram
Cecilia & Timothy Miner
Diana E. McFadden
Martha Mercer
Randy & Claudia Minnich
Charles McFarland
Rosemary & Donald Merino
Donald Mintz
Michael McGiffert
Kathe S. B. Merri5
Dr. Howard Mitchell
Livia McGinnis
Andrew Mertz
William & Yvonne Mitchell
Tom & Amor McGuinness
Jean D. Messimer
Derek Mitchell
Michael McGuire
Carol Metsker
Jenny Moldenhauer
Deborah H. McIntosh
Elizabeth Metzler
Richard & Jennifer Mone
Julie McKane
Sally Ann Meyer
Peter & Elsie Montalbano
Ben McKay
Daniel Meyer & Eileen Kelly-Meyer
Carol & James Montgomery
Alfred & Evelyn McKenney
Peggy Middleton
Wynn & Millie Montgomery
Mary McKenney
Richard and Desiree Midge5
Daniel & Alison Montgomery
David and Moddy McKeown
Dolores Miera
Ms. Jane Montgomery
R. Michael McKinlay and Diana Barnes
Esther & Gerald Mie5unen
Margaret D. Montgomery
Susan McLaine
James & Kathleen Milch
Marilyn Montzka
Debra McLaughlin & Suzanne Sinnott
Anne Milender
Colin and Eileen Moodie
Robert McLean, Jr.
David & Marilyn Miles
Sally & Dean Mook
Miriam McLeod
Beth & Russell Milham
Janet Moore
Douglas & Sue McLeod
Harley Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Lansford J. Moore
Christopher McMahon
Phyllis Miller
Viola Moore
Elaine McMillan
Joel Miller & Wendy Bachhuber
Michael Moore
Richard & Suzanne McNamara
Jo Anne & Rick Miller
Robert C. A. & Janie Moore
Tara McNamara
Rhoda Miller
Alan Moore & Carol Harden
John & Valerie McNee
Mary Lou & Stephen Miller
Dian Moore
Claire & Robert McNeill
Dr. T. Harrop Miller
Rachel Moore & Harry Dodson
Ms. Patricia M. McShane
Elinor D. Miller
Rebecca Moore
Patricia Moore-Howard
Arthur & Penelope P. Myles
Nancy J. Nichols & Michael J. O'Connor
Judith & Eldridge Moores
Don & Martha Naber
Pearl & Gary Nickel
Liza & Michael Moran
Jodie & Jerry Nachison
Philip Nicolai
Donna Morgan
The Nadarajah Family
Hugh & Mary Nicolay
Shawn Morgan
Laura & Harry Nagel
Dick & Joan Niemiec
Claire Morgen
Ms. Edna Nagy
Laura E. Nine
Amy & Joy Morgenstern
Darrel & Blanche Nash
Doris C. Ninmann
Vida Morley
Mr. David L. Nassau
Karen & Paul Nisenson
Barbara & Richard Morris
Roberta Nauman
Robert E. Nixon
John and Morrison
Paul D. & Joanne F. Nay
Tom Nixon & Gail Riley
Irene Morth
Charles Nazarian
Peter Norling & Barbara Dildine
Alice Moser
Sandra & Wilfredo Nazario
Kathleen Norris
Sheldon Mostovoy & Barbara Holmberg
Charlotle Neagle & Richard Palmer
Jane Norris
Bruce & Sally Mount
Kimball Nedved
Ronald Northrup
Stephen and Joan Mudrick
Lucy Neel
Peter & Elizabeth Norton
Brian & Rebecca Muellers
Joseph & Yasmin Neggers
Ma5 & Nadine Novak
Raja Mukherjee & Ms. Heidi Knowlton
Rev. Roberta M. & Christopher Nelson Ryan Novosielski
Roger Mulford
Linda D. Nelson
Nancy & Leonard Nowak
Bob Muller
Linda Nelson
Diane Nowicki
Marlene and Paul Mulroney
Kay E. Nelson
Edward & Ann Noyes
Jo & Kurt Munnich
Arthur Nelson
Kerri Nussbaum & Mark LeBerg
Kindra Muntz
Elaine Nelson
Jill NuSng
Judith Murphy
Keith & Donna Nelson
Arliss Nygard & Murray Penney
Laurie & William Murphy
Brian Nelson & Barbara Calvi
Mary Ann & Godfrey Oakley
Stephen W. Murphy
Paul Nemeth & Jean Flood
Karyn & Joseph O'Beirne
Carol & John Murphy
Ben Nethercot
Sally Inman O'Brien
Susan Murphy
Jane Newell
Judith O'Brien
David & Lois Murphy
John & Sally Newell
Mike & Linda O'Brien
Robert & Isobel Murray
Richard Newlin, Ph.D.
Richard Ochs & Susan Arnold
Margaret Murray
Stacey Newman
Paul & Marian O'Connell
Heather Mutz
Thomas B. & Johannah Newman
Steven O'Connor & Ellen Koenig
James Myers
The Revs. Peter Newport and Patricia Hart
Therese O'Connor
William Myers & Frances Myers
Paul Newton
Donald R. Odell
Suzy Myga5-Wakefield
Mark & Sandra Niblick
Suzanne Ogden
Alice Oglesby
Kent Palmer
James A. Perry & Jaydee Perry
Carol & John Ohlrogge
Mark Pannell
Jack Peters
Dan & Margi O'Keefe
Frances Pardee
Jim Peters
Dennis O'Keefe
Thomas & Sue Parente
John & Merle Peterson
Daniel O'Keeffe
Judith & Edward Parken
Genia Peterson
Shirley & Ward Olander
Rosemary Parker
Ron Petrie
Kathleen M. O'Laughlin & William C. Sasso Patricia Parker
Thomas Petrillo & William Reamy
Susan Oldenburg & David Klein
Yoanna Park-Haynes
Eric & Carleen Pe5erson
Ann Olena
Lindsay & Marc Parks
Hugo M. & Marilyn M. Pfaltz
John & Suzanne Olson
Nan Parks McCarthy
Mary & Charles Phillips
Pamela Olson & Jeff Wong
Mary Anne Parmeter
Jan & Susan Phillips
Jean Omelchuck
Eva Pa5en
The Rev. Sue Phillips
Yildirim & Ferda Omurtag
Dorothy Pa5erson
Ms. Penny Phillips & Mr. John Shand
Sue and Peter Oppenheimer
Joan Pa5erson
Frank Phillips
Bill Orcu5
Kevin & Jenny Pa5on
Alan Phillips
Howard & Janice Oringer
Dr. Vincent W. Pa5on
Carol Phipps
The Rev. Joanne Papanek Orlando & Rose & Frank Pa5on
Rocco Orlando III, M.D.
Kathryn & Charles Pearce
Susan Orlansky
George & Karen Peck
Maria Ornelas & Brian Rasnow
Arthur & Mary Pedersen
John & Penelope Ort
Donald C. Pelz
Corinne A. Orts-Gunkle
Tom Penchoen
Judith A. Osborn
Judy Penniman
Anne Osborne
Wendy Pereira-Murphy
Tedd and Dorothy Osgood
Audrey Perino
Rev. Dr. Jus n Osterman
Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Perkins
Sue O5o
Ms. Katharine Perkins
David and Karen & Karen Oulton
Roswell B. Perkins
Richard Ouren
Jane E. Perkins
Riley Owens
Ms. Elizabeth Forbes Perkins
Susan Oxman
Bill Perkins
Michael Paine
Alain & Janet Perregaux
Richard & Beverly Palmer
Diana Perre5a
Robert Palmer & Susan Sims
Barbara Perry
Jane & John Piazza
David & Janet Pierce
Daniel Pierce & Barbara Harrison
Nancy W. Pie la
Anne Pikolas & Jean Charles
Mitchell Pines
Charles & Elizabeth Pinney
Ms. Renee Herrell & Dr. Edward H. Piper
Paul & Mary Jo Plante
Thomas & Kathy Pla5
Albert C. Plaush
Susan Playfair
Ms. Mary Podzilni
David & Martha Pohl
Dr. Norma R. Poinse5
Frank Polach
Laura Polich
Sam Polk, Esq.
Winona Ponder
Chander Raja
Mr. Jody D. Renouf & Mr. Mark Rosenstein
Elizabeth Pon llo
Susan Rak & Mary Chinery
Sandra & John Reschovsky
Don & Lois Porter
Stephanie Ralph
Diane & Alex Resly
Leal Por s
David W. & Bridget Ralston
Charles & Vicki Rethy
Lucille and Arthur Poskanzer
Avis and William Rambo
The Rev. John Rex
Norval Poulson
Diane & Joe Ramsey
Dana & Wendy Reynolds
Howard C. & Joan Poulter
Colleen & Kenneth Rand
Mildred M. Reynolds
Jay & Valerie Powell
Kimberly Rask & Mar n Sheline
Roy Reynolds & Jean Lamer
Anne Lyman Powers
Phillip A. Raspe
Albert Reynolds
Louis A. & Sandra Pradt
Paul & Julia Raspe
Kate & Rusty Rhoad
Doris Pree
Alice Rathburn & Ronald L. Rathburn
Lillian Rhodes
Marty & John Price
Marvelle and Edward H. Rau
Stephen & Susan Rice
Dr. Jay M. Price
Henry & Susan Rauch
Nancy & Brooks Rice
Dr. Alta L Price
Eileen Raymond & Donna Smith-Raymond
Carrie & David Rice
Donald W. Price
John C. & Bonnie Raymond
Dianne Richard
Ms. Frankie Price and Mel Stern
Caroline A. Rayner
Timothy F. Richards & Constance S. McGuire
D'Ann Prior
Dr. Charles Read
Joan & Francis A. Richards
Paul Pritche5
Maxwell Reade
Robert Dale Richardson
Jean Prokopow
Miriam Reading
Ms. Carolyn M. Richardson
Rose Provan
Segwald & Martha Reckdahl
Nancy Richardson
D. J. Prowell
Luther Redmon
Herman & Jane Richey
Steven Pueppke & Gabriele Mayer
Mrs. Karen Reed-Messing & Mr.
Robert Messing
Nancy Richmond
The Rev. Jeanne M. Pupke & Regina Largent
Neal Putman
Marcelyn Putnam
Ralph & Teresa Putnam
Judith A. Putnam & Leonard F.
Alice & Andy Reese
Ruth M. Reeves
Anne Reif
Peter Reilly
Phyllis & Edward Reinfranck
Vivian Pyle & Tony Anemone
William Reinhardt
Florence & Dawn Rabidou
Marcia Damon Reinke and William Reinke
John Raby
Marilyn & Terence Reisman
Jane Radcliffe-Dunn
Ron and Donna Relic
Ken & Nancy Ragland
Judy & Ellis Remsberg
Helen Raiser
Nancy Renbarger & Clay Peal
Ms. Cynthia Riddles
Allen Rider & Karen Reagle
Donald & Frances Ridgley
Josephine & Herbert Ridgway
Cheryl Ring & Stefanie Barley
Mr. Robert J. Ringlee
Caroline and Kent Ringo
Mr. & Mrs. Don Rising
Carol & Karsten Rist
Bob Ri5er
Robert and Lore5a Ri5le
Laura L. Ritzenthaler
Richard & Janet Robb
Carol Rosen
Phyllis Samara
Janet E. Robbins & Gary C.
Charles & Lisa Rosene
Robert & Gail Sampson
Douglas & Margaret Rosene
Jonathan & Peggy Sands
John & Sharon Rosenfelder
Virginia & Robert Sandstedt
Thomas A. Rosiello
Ms. Ilse Sangree
Stan Ross
Dawn Sangrey & Paul Fargis
Harold & Melissa Rosson
Daniel Santacroce
Carole Rosvold
Edward & Edith Savage
Marjorie Roth
Philomena & Frederick Sawyer
Karin & Richard Roth
Robert Schacht
Marie Rothenberger
Jerry Schaefer
Mar n Rouse
Dr. K. Warner Schaie
James & Rebecca Roush
Paula Brown Schall
Thomas & Treena Rowan
Carolyn and Daniel Schaut
Jean & Lackey Rowe
Beth & Ronald Schilpp
Barb and George Robinson
Andee Rubin
Shirley & Frank Schiumo
Patricia P. Robison
Sheila Rubin
Bert & Beth Schlabach
Jan & Eva Rocek
Renee Ruchotzke
Ellen & John Schmidt
Elise F. & John Rockart
Harold Rud
Emily Schmidt
Barbara Rodbell
Patricia Rusch
Barbara H. & Ted Schmi5
Chris ne & Frank Rodgers
Ms. Marjorie Ann Russell
Eric Schnakenberg
Elizabeth and Ronald Roel
Rob & Jean Russell
Veronica Schoenborn
L. Fred Roensch
Lewis & Charlo5e Russell
Judith Roepke
John & Ann Russell
Ms. Ellen Schoenfeld-Beeks & Mr.
David Schoenfeld
Marcia M. Roger
Karen & Anthony Ru gliano
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Rogers
John E. & Ann Ru5er
Patrick & Jacqueline Rohan
Carolyn Ruwitch & Bruce Kendall
Alan Rollow
Phyllis Ryder
Nancy Grace Roman
Marvin & Susan RySng
Arlene Ronda
Cynthia Saalfield
Joann Roomes
Jessica Sabroff
Norman & Susan Roscoe
Nancy Sahler
Mary Rose & Leonard PelleSri
Robert & Margie Sallies
Sarah Rose
Carolyn & Jack Salmon
Joan Roberts
Sonya Roberts & Karen Allard
Sharon & Robin Roberts
Katherine Roberts
Carolyn Roberts
Peter & Brenda Roberts
Edward and Claire Robertson
The Rev. Chris ne C. Robinson &
Mr. William C. Baker
Edmund Robinson
Ruth Robinson
Barbara J. Robinson & Carlos
Fra celli
Connie Schofer
Dick Scholle
Charles J. and Laurie Scho5
Martha Schroeder
Carol & Dean Schroeder
The Rev. Michael and Trina Schuler
Nancy and Bill Schuler
Elaine and Brad Schultz
Suzanne Schulze
Dennis Schumacher & Patricia McKean
Buddy Schutzman
Sally Sheehan
Ron Skilton
Lila Schwartz
Priscilla Sheeley
Carl and Karen Skold
Ruth and Dr. Arthur Schwartz
Philip Shelton
Margaret & Jim Slack
Neala Schwartzberg
Dardanella & Ray Shenefelt
David Slagle & Harry Gunn
Stephen Schwichow
Gregory Shenstone
Nancy Slavinsky
Richard & Lynn Scoby
Ms. Rina Shere & Mr. Rex Talbot
Chris ne Sleeter
Michael Sco5 & Kelly Sco5
Terence Sheridan
Larry & Lois Small
Irma & Sylvia Scudder
John Sherman
Kenneth A. Small
James Seals
Virginia T. Sherr, M.D.
Joan W. Smalley
Lewis Seaman
Eric P. & Carolyn F. She5le
Be5e B. Smirnoff
Kathy & John Seaman
Penny A. & Dave Shively
Mike & Allison Smith
Kathy Seaton & Dodie Harte
Charlo5e Shivvers & Robert Baker
Kathryn Smith & Regina Koffman
Gail & James Seavey
Timothy Shoen
Pat Smith
Ann and John Seed
Sylvia L. Short
Virginia A. Smith
Bob Sehr
Carol Shultheis
Robert Smith & Judith Groves
Stephen and Jean Sehy
Mary Lou Shurtleff
Micheal & Kaye Smith
Donald J. Seibert & Leila Farnum
Renni Shuter
Melissa Smith
Ann & Larry Seidman
Dick & Vicki Siefers
Robert Lee Smith
Jack E. & Marguerite E. Seigel
Cynthia Siegal
Michael and Irma Smith
Carol Seiple
Paul Siegler
Donald and Deborah S. Smith
Margaret & Robert Seitz
Marcia & Peter Sill
Billye and Aubrey Smith
Mrs. Jackie Senese & Mr. Bill Clark
Stephanie Silver
William and Alice Smith
The Rev. Dr. Robert E. Senghas
Peter & Pearl Silvernale
Emily H. Smith
Donna Senkbeil
John Simmonds
Robert E. & Susan Smith
Sagar V. Sethi & Dolores Peregrino
Ms. Dannielle N. Simon & Mr. Barrie Sawyer
Rebecca Smith
Patricia & Jack Seubert
Jane Simpson
Joyce Smith
Cynthia & Michael Sevilla
Ms. Norma Simpson
Erin Smith
E. Kathleen Shahan
Mac Simpson
Michael H. Smith & Susan Seitz
Thomas Shannon
Lisa Sinclair
Ralph & Martha Smith
Mr. Mel Shapiro
Linda Singer
Chris ne Smith & Ross Montgomery
John Sharp & Anne Raich
Jo Sippie-Gora
Kendra Smith
Ransom & Carlo5a Shaw
John & Marion Sirman
Bridget & Diane Smith
Janet Shaw
Jeffrey & Mary Siuta
Graham & Susan Smith
Ruth M. Shaw
Virginia & David Sjoquist
Christopher & Grace Smith
Jacqueline Smith-Miller
Elizabeth & Norman Stafford
Patricia & William Stone
James M. & Joanne Smoker
Carolyn K. Staley
Edwin L. & Jean H. Stone
Joyann Smole
Bonnie Stanai s
Raymond Stone
Beverly Sadownick Smrha
Louis P. & Judith Starkweather
Virginia F. Stout
Elizabeth & Hill Snellings
Mrs. Donna M. Starr
Andrea & William Stout
Dr. Philip J. Snodgrass and Mrs.
Marjorie Snodgrass
Raymond Starre5
Daniel Stracka
John Staudt
Lydia Stranglen & Robbe Sokolove
Bernard & Joyce Steckler
Arvid Straube & Sonya Prestridge
Sue and John Stedman
Arthur & Carol Straughn
Ruth & Ted Steegmann
Faye & Gordon Strayer
Edward Steele
Anthony Stringer
Margaret and Kurt Stege
Chester & Virginia Strohecker
Dolores and Tom Stegman
Amanda & Douglas Strombom
Joan & Mar n Steindler
Esther W. & John Strongman
Susan Steinert
Ms. Carole M. Stuart
Edwin & Beverly Stenne5
Melissa Stump
Nancy & Bill Stephens
James Sturm & Leslie Hartz
Chris & Jim Sturm
Debbie & Rob Spear
Diane D. Stephenson & Elizabeth L.
Marguerite & Diana Spears
Sally Stepp
The Rev. Dr. Richard G. Speck &
Janet E. Tillman
Arlene & Harry Sternfeld
Robert T. Snow
Judith Solarz
Deborah A. & Kenneth M. Solis
The Solu Family
MaryAnn Somervill
Ms. Cynthia A. Sommer
John Sonquist
Mark & Kathy Sorensen
Barbara Sorlie
Albert & Thalia Soule
Theodore Space
Richard & Janet Spencer
Gary & Janet Spencer
Janet Spencer & Lyn Caliva
Marguerite Sperling
Thaddeus Spratlen
The Rev. Tracy Sprowls-Jenks & Mr.
David Jenks
M. Evelyn Spurgin & Gary Christopher
Cyrus Spurlino
Patricia O. Spurr
Kathleen and Steven Squires
Henry & Jan Staat
Jeanne Staehli
Barbara Stevens
Ms. Alta Stevenson
Lora & Paul Stewart
Douglas Stewart
Ivan H. Suble5e
Ruth & Mani Subramanian
Cur s Sudduth
Jus ne Sullivan & Dale Hall
Raymond Sullivan
Kurt Summersgill & Eric Baysinger
Robert L. Sutherland
Robert E. Stewart & Barbara Barne5
Roberta & Eugene Svarre
Geoffrey Swain
Julia Stewart
Barbara Swanson
Sarah Stewart & Andy Morrow
Barbara Swanson
David W. S ckell
E. Lowell and Rachel L. Swarts
Truman M. S ckney
Mary Lee Sweat & Thomas Gault
Carol S les
Leonard SwiT
Frederick D. & Janet Stocker
Kathleen SwiT
Len and Jan Stoehr
Virginia L. Szabo
Brenda and Mark Szumski
Anita Thurmond
Joan VanBecelaere
Anne TaT
Nancy and David Tilford
Kathryn Van Buskirk
Frances Tanaka
Jill Titus
Emil Jay Van Cura
Rose Tanaka
J. L. Titus
Julia Van Deusen
Lynn Tanksley and Michael Alves
Emily Todd
Fred & Alice Van Deusen
Virginia Taplin
Janet Toigo
Mark Van E5en
Richard D. & Georgene Tarble
Karen Tolchin
Ruth Van Horn
B. Lynn Tavormina and John Boettcher
Virginia Tolk
Cynthia Van Riper
Rhoda Taylor
Valerie & Davis Tolman
Barbara and David Van Savage
Marjorie Taylor
Sharon Torrison
Juliann van Woert
John & Skipper Taylor
Phyllis Tortora
Dave VanArsdale & Elizabeth Osta
Barbara Taylor & Allen Monsarrat
Elizabeth A. Tortorella
Kathryn Vanden Berk
Kris Taylor
Allan & Barbara Tos
C. Keith Vandervelden
Alan and Katherine Teck
Margaret and Tom Townsend
Carole & John VanGorder
Angela & John Tedesco
Marcia Trahan
Paula-Robin vanHaagen
Rev. Diane D. Teichert & Dr. Donald K. Priscilla Traister
DeeDee and Karl Traul
Mary Temple
William Trautman
Bryce & Dorothy Templeton
William & Elizabeth Trought
Jan and William Ternent
Randall Trowbridge
Carolyn & Steve Tew
Anne True & Richard Norman
Ms. Lydia B. Thayer
Stanley Truelson
Cheryl Thieret
Charles & Patricia Tucker
Lewis & Patricia Thomas
Eva Turner
Woodlief & Merrillan Thomas
Fran Turner
Nathalie & John Thompson
Danielle Turns
Marilyn & Richard Thompson
Anne Ulrich
Mr. David M. Thompson, Jr. & Ms.
Roger & Carol Upham
Janis Antonek
Alfred H. Usack & Edward F. Kobee
Joanna W. Thompson
The Rev. Arthur S. Vaeni & Ms. Sally Gove
Sally Thompson
Curt & Ruth Vail
Allen & Jo Ellen Thompson
Robert Vakiener
Jan Thompson
Eric Valpey
Marilee Thompson
Ann-Catrin Van
Gof Thomson
Eric & Laurie VanLoon
Roger VanTassel & Judith Love
Shelley Varga
Ron Vargason & Barbara Sugden
Eugene & Ruth Varney
Sarah S. Vasse
The Rev. Don W. Vaughn-Foerster
Pamela V'Combe
Mr. Manfred R. Vees
Minnie Venable & Raymond Nordhausen
Carol Ver Wiebe
James Verschueren
Herbert and Dorothy Ve5er
Marilyn Vialle
Margaret Vieira
Ruth Viertel
Jacqueline & Elgin
Theodore & Dorothy Virnig
Mr. David Vita & Marjolijn deJager
BeSna Voelker
Pamela Wat
Jeff & Donna White
Gayle Voeller
Howard K. & Chris ne Watkins
Dale & Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis
Mimi Vollum
Dianne Watson
Hubert H. Whitlow, Jr.
Meg Voorhes
Mary Wa5s
Barbara Whitney
J. Victor & E. Jeanne Vore
Sally W. & Rick Wa5s
Sue and Bob Whitney
Stephen Wade
Peter Wa5son
Wendy Whi5emore
Lynn Wadley
Robert Webber
Sarah & Richard Widhu
David & Beth Wagner
John Webber
Beth Wieman
Bonnie Wagner
Ms. Neita Webster
Martha Wiersma
Robert & Mary Wagner
Sandra & Don Weir
Gayle Wiesner
Laura & Ken Wagner
Julia & Lawrence Weiser
Elizabeth Wiggert
Dr. J. H. Waite
Jo Weisgerber and Roberta Welty
Thelda Wiggins
Ron & Jan Wai5
Sco5 Weiss
Beth Wiggins
Elizabeth and John J. Waldhauer
John Welch & Gayle Trantham
Virginia Wight
Sidney Walker
Mary Wellemeyer
Kay & Denis Wikel
Fawn Walker
William & Helen Wells
John & Helen Wilcox
Gary Walker
Lois & David Wells
Richard A. Wilde
Nate Walker
Barbara & Dusty Welsh
Elizabeth Wilding-Smith
Gene & Susan Walker
Eric & Paula Wennersten
Suzanne Wilhelm
Doug & Mary Kathryn Wallace
Joyce Werden & Paul Shaffer
Celia Wilk
Madeline Walle
Elizabeth & William Wessel
Hugh Wilkinson
Rodney & Jasmine Walston
Herb West and Myrna Adams West
Jeffrey & Sally Wilklow
Mary May Walters
William West & Daniel Wilds
Ross Williams
Su Waner
Lisa West
Ronald & Susan Williams
Wendy Warburton
Blanche Weston
Donna D. & Joseph A. Williams
Celia Ward
Chris ne Wetzel
Kenneth D. Williamson
Mary & Bill Wardlaw
Lucile Wheaton
Rosemary L. Waring
Be5y and Dr. Brownell Wheeler
Jonathan Williamson & Hayden
Marilyn & John Warner
David & Jacqueline Whipple
Joan Warner
Diane Whitburn
Glenn & Nancy Warner
F. Wayne and Alicia White
Francis W. Warren, Jr.
James White
William John Wartmann
Candace White
Ron Wasem
Elizabeth A. White
Daesene Willmann
Carol B. & Jay Wilsey
Jerry & Anne Wilson
Joan Wilson
Deborah Wilson
Elizabeth Wilson & F. Joseph Uhrhane
Margaret Wilson
Jean Woodmansee
Wilda Wyse
Doug & Rhonda Wilson
Woody & Ruth Woodruff
Jessica York
Janice Windau
Linda M. Wood
The Rev. Dr. Gretchen L. Woods & Ms. Ms. Barbara J. Young
Judith Finholm
Alice C. Young
Karen Woodward
Margaret and Jordan Young
Lillian and Bill Woolf
Jeanne Young & Christopher Gruner
Jane Work
Irene & Leonard Yutkins
Kurt & Tanya Workmaster
Dr. James L. Zacharias
Nancy Worsnop
Jeane5e & Leon Zackowski
Margo & Cur s Wright
Mike & Nancy Zajano
Margaret U. Wright
Allen Zeiner and Bob Heffernan
Megan Wright
Phillip Zepp
David Wright & Judy Hardmeyer-Wright
Dennis & Suzanne Zimmerman
Donald Wright
Andrew Zimmerman
Dr. Judith E. Wright
Judith Zinn
George Wulff
Donna & Bob Zumstein
Larry Wuokko
Beth Zydowicz
John & Stacy Wya5
42 Anonymous Donors
Marge Wyckoff
La fa Woodhouse
Bruce Wyman
Chris na Winder & Russell Chavey
Kenneth C. Winterberger & Paula Smith
Michael & Jane Winterfield
James & Kathryn Wire
Anne & George Wise
Dan & Sharon Wiseman
Jeanne Wisner
Barbara and George Wi5
Ms. Margaret C. Wolfe & Mr. Richard
Phyllis & Larry Wolverton
Alice J. Wong
Ruth Wood & Wallace Long
Levi Wood
Nancy Margaret Wood
“At the heart of Unitarian Universalism is the faith that
every person can make a meaningful difference in our
communi es and in the world. We have faith in generosity, a convic on that our shared giGs of love and labor
can heal ourselves and others” — Rev. Terry Sweetser
Legacy Giving
We are deeply grateful to our 700 Legacy Society members, whose visionary generosity will
nourish and strengthen Unitarian Universalism for generations.
We are honored to remember the generous Unitarian Universalists who have passed away
this year. Their gifts of time, talent, and treasure have profoundly transformed their
congregations and our movement.
Elizabeth Adams
Winifred Alcorn
Helen Allen
Stanford R. Amstutz
Gordon Assels ne
Richard Barkelew
Virginia “Ginie” Bedinger
The Reverend Richard E. Benner
Fleta Boyd
The Reverend Dr. Dwight Brown
The Reverend Dr. Gaston M. Carrier
The Reverend R. Lanier Clance
Phoebe “Pat” Clark
The Reverend Robert C. Clarke
Mary Duncan
Rea Elias
Clitheroe “Clue” Engel
Karl Ericson
Gwendolyn Essinger
Dr. Helene Fa5-Evere5
Debi Fidler
Elizabeth “Be5y” Garvais
Chuck and Halene Graves
John S. Griffin, Jr.
The Reverend Robert L. Hadley
Marian Hardin
Barbara Harding
Laura Hardy
The Reverend W. Edward Harris
Jane S. Hart
The Reverend Dr. John F. “Jack” Hayward
Craig Moore
Dr. William F. Hellmuth, Jr.
Dr. Gay Morrow
Ernie Hodas
Emily Muller
Polly Holway
Edythe Nagler
Alfred Hoose
Rene Oehler
The Reverend Dr. Raymond Hopkins
Lucinda “Cindy” Pitcairn
William Hutchison
Warren T. Raymond
Nurak Israsena
The Reverend Steven C. Reinhartsen
Dr. John Ivy
The Reverend Charles O. Richardson, Jr.
The Reverend Donald J. Jacobsen
David L. Rickard
The Reverend Dr. William R. Jones The Reverend Nancy C. Roemheld
The Reverend Byron E. Kelham
The Reverend Andrew G. Rosenberger
James “Jim” Kimbrough
Karl Ruppenthal
Robert F. Koenig
The Reverend Charlotte Justice Saleska
Carolyn Lavender
Dr. Phebe Sco5
Dorothy Lee
The Reverend Nancy M. Shaffer
The Reverend David V. Leonard
Joanne and Lloyd Sorensen
Cora Leukhart
Marion Stano
Edna Lingreen
Molly Stephenson
Richard and Marjorie Lion
The Reverend Connie P. Sternberg
Ann Li5le
Polly Stewart
Walter R. Long
William T. and Doris Thompson
June MacArtor
Dr. Mary Hoaglund Vedder
Anita L. “Tink” Mar n
The Reverend John Wilkinson III
Jeanne Van Dorn Mauk
Dr. Hugo Wistreich
Grace M. Maynard
Margaret R. Woodward
The Reverend Dr. Ronald M. Mazur
Andra Jo Worcester
Arthur “Mac” McDonald
Virginia “Gini” Worthen
The Reverend Dr. Jack Mendelsohn
Donald Mohr
Legacy Giving
Thornton and Sherry Smith
Sherry and Thornton Smith of Greenport, New
York, have long been dedicated Unitarian Universalists, holding numerous leadership positions in
their congregations (First Universalist Church in
Southold and the UU Congregation at Shelter
Rock in Manhasset, New York) as well as nationally, on the Unitarian Universalist Association’s President’s Council. Sherry also served for years on the
board, and as the treasurer, of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. She was first introduced to Unitarianism in 1947, as a sophomore in
Wellesley College, when she took a course in comparative religions, and Thornton soon followed
when he proposed to Sherry in 1951. Her only
condition was that they be married in a Unitarian
“We give generously so that
Unitarian Universalism will
continue to be a beacon for
freedom of belief in ten, fifty,
one hundred years.”
Driven by a firm belief in Unitarian Universalism’s
Fourth Principle, a free and responsible search for
truth and meaning, the Smiths’ commitment to our
movement has grown and thrived. They have travelled the world with the International Association
for Religious Freedom and the UU Partner Church
Council. They deeply value life-long learning –
Sherry has led many adult education programs in
their Greenport community – and have found that
Unitarian Universalism provides the space in
which we each can grapple with big ideas, engage
our certain sense of something bigger than ourselves, and be enriched by the wisdom of all traditions.
In 2001, Sherry and Thornton made a generous
bequest intention to benefit the UUA, preparing to
leave a legacy that reflects their shared values as
Unitarian Universalists. Through this gift, they will
continue to nurture our movement and transform
our world for generations to come.
In Memoriam
Margaret Woodward
Margaret Woodward, longtime member of All Souls Church Unitarian in Washington,
DC, passed away in July 2012 at the age of 102. Margaret was raised in DC, but
lived in Amsterdam during the early years of World War II, working as one of the first
American female radio journalists for NBC. After being forced to flee the Netherlands
in 1940, she spent years working for the Foreign Service and the State Department prior
to her retirement in 1960. Returning to DC, Margaret also returned to her Unitarian
roots, began to tutor children at All Souls, and dedicated herself to her congregation and
its work for love and justice. In 1991, Margaret committed to including both her beloved
All Souls and the Unitarian Universalist Association in her will. Now, and in the years
to come, Margaret’s profoundly generous legacy gift will help to ensure that
Unitarian Universalism will continue to grow and thrive, locally and internationally, and
to bring a just global community into being.
UU Veatch Program at Shelter Rock
The UU Veatch Program at Shelter Rock supports organizations that put
Unitarian Universalist principles into practice. It draws upon a generous
bequest from Caroline Veatch and funds Unitarian Universalist and
community organizations working on a variety of issues across the
Funding provided by the UU Veatch Program at Shelter Rock is essential
for the UUA to tackle the greatest challenges of our time—allowing us to
create and promote resources, support congregations, and be the public
voice of our shared principles. Our deepest gratitude goes to the UU
Veatch Program at Shelter Rock for all their generous support!
This year, the UU Veatch Program at Shelter Rock and members of the President’s
Council issued a challenge to our donors: both groups would match every dollar
donated between January and June, 2013. Thanks to their dedica on—and your
generosity—we were able to raise a grand total of $300,000 to support our
congrega ons and to promote Unitarian Universalist principles in the world.
President’s Council
The UUA President’s Council was established in 1992 to provide the
President of the UUA with suggestions and feedback on stewardship
of our Association and the movement, to provide counsel and
leadership for Association resource development efforts, and to help
increase support of the UUA and its programs through advocacy with
individuals and congregations. We are very grateful for the Council’s
time, dedication, and support for the Association!
Ma5hew Alspaugh & Elizabeth Hill
Connie Baker
Dan & Sue Boyce
Julie & Brad Bradburd
Dan & Julia Brody
Yvonne Brown
Don Chery & Ginger Luke
Gini Courter
John Crestwell
Denny Davidoff
Charles & Barbara Du Mond
Barbara Grosmark
Jon & Kimberly Hassinger
Lawrence E. & M. Suzanne Hess
Todd & Lorella Hess
Be5y V. Holcomb
John Hooper & Gail Pesyna
Paul Johnson & Carol Rowan
Brock & Julie Leach
Bill Mangham
Sue McGovern & Shel Lipsky
Makanah E. & Robert L. Morriss
Christopher A. Palm
Les & Sue Polgar
John Rakestraw & Mary Katherine
Arthur H. Reublinger
Alice Schulman
Jim & Lore5a Sherblom
Edward A. Simmons
Darien N. Smith
John F. Smith
Sue Smith
Thornton & Sherry Smith
Be5y & Tom Stapleford
Jan & Lowell Steinbrenner
Tom S tes & Alexandra Mezey
Karen Stoyanoff
Ramon & Karen Urbano
Sco5 and Charla Weiss
Walt and Janet Wieder
you for
of the

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