Bohnenkai 2015 - Japan Club Of New Orleans


Bohnenkai 2015 - Japan Club Of New Orleans
 会報 第39巻
第 310 号
Year 2015 Board Members
会長:グレッグ 徳山 President: Greg Tokuyama
( 日本語の副会長: 藤岡 秀樹
Japanese Vice President:
Hideki Fujioka
英語の副会長: ボブ ターナー
English Vice Presidednt:
Robert A. Turner
書記:デリア トミノ
中山 Secretary: Delia Tomino
会計:若林 征子
Treasurer: Masako Wakabayashi
編集:早苗 カイザー
Editor: Sanae Keyser
Japan Club of New OrleansP.O.
BOX 8501
Metairie, LA 70011
December 2015
Japan Club of New Orleans
Bohnenkai and General Meeting
Please join us for the get together of the year!
Date: December 5th, 2015 (Saturday)
Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm General meeting starts at 6:00pm
followed by dinner.
日時: 12 月 5 日(土)、午後6時-9時、6 時総会
Place: Elks Lodge, 2215 Cleary Ave., Metairie LA
This place is located between I-10 and W. Napoleon Ave,
about 500feet from W. Napoleon Ave, and on the east side
of Cleary Avenue.
Cost: $25/family 家族; $15/single 個人. Children 12 or
under Free 12 歳以下無料
Please bring One Potluck Dish. ポットラック一品をお
Admission fees include sushi, oden and drinks (beer,
wine, sake, soft drink).
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Bohnenkai 2015
We accept membership dues for 2016 at the time of admission: family $30; single $20.
2016 年度会費入場時に受け付けます。家族$30; 個人$20
We will have Raffles and other events for fun!
Contact information: Greg Tokuyama e-mail:; cell 504 919-6584
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Little Tokyo Restaurant Inc.
2300 N. Causeway, Metairie: 831-6788
310 N. Carrollton, New Orleans: 485-5658
1340 S. Carrollton, New Orleans: 861-6088
7537 Maple St., New Orleans: 570-6440
1913 Royal Street, New Orleans:948-6670
4704 Veterans Blvd., Metairie: 885-6125
Asian Gourmet Market: 466-0077
Japan Club of New Orleans is looking for
volunteers who would like to serve as Secretary and
the other board members.
We welcome old and new members
who can attend bimonthly meetings for the upcoming year.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Please contact Dr. Tetsuo Nakamoto at:
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Ms. Dolly Matsuye Okubo passed away
Ms. Dolly Matsuye Okubo passed away on October 17, 2015 in Metairie, Louisiana. Dolly was
a member of the Japan Club of New Orleans for several years. Relatives and friends are invited to
attend and celebrate her life at the visitation at Leitz-Eagan Funeral Home, 4747 Veterans Memorial
Blvd., near Clearview Pkwy., in Metairie, LA, on Wednesday, December 2, 2015, 11:00 AM. All who
wish to attend the memorial service are welcome to attend at 12 noon in Leitz-Eagan's chapel
immediately after the visitation.
クラブ俳壇 Haiku Club
枇杷の花 蜂群がりて 近寄れず
蜜柑取り 後いくつ ある 友 想い
夫 病みて 細き指なで いとほしく
秋風に 微かに揺られ 柿落ちる 届かぬ 柿の大きさ 恨み
美しく 実りた 柿は 鳥の餌 哀れ 突かれ 残骸 さらす
Beautiful loquat flowers, loaded with bees, never can touch them
Picking tangerines and thinking about friends
Dear husband in the hospital bed, touching his pail hand lovingly
Fall breeze though gentle, a persimmon fell still there is a large one, but I could
not reach it
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A beautiful ripen persimmon, birds mutilated its beauty, poor thing
Sugai Barker
Kyoto 2
Japanese Restaurant
5608 Citrus Blvd.
Harahan, La 70123
Tel: (504) 818-0228
Fax: (504) 818-0944
Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:00-2:30 pm
Sat. 12:00-4:00pm
Dinner Mon. -Thurs. 5:00-9:30 pm
Fri.-Sat. 5:00-10:00pm
Sun. Close
Horinoya Restaurant & Sushi Bar
920 Poydras Street, New Orleans
Mon-Fri Lunch 11:30am-2:30pm
Mon-Sat Dinner 5:00pm-9:30pm
(Till 10pm on Fri and Sat)
Close on Sunday
Minyo Dance Group
Dance Practice
We will practice our dance at Slidell Library (555 Robert Blvd,
Slidell, LA 70458) starting in January.
We don't have the exact dates
of our practice at this time. Anyone is welcome to join!
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For questions contact Sugai Barker at (985) 649-2781, or
Sanae Keyser at (504) 583-1156,
編集部より From the Editor
いてない方がおられましたら、私の方に E-mail で まで連絡してくだ
日本会のウェブサイト にも載せてありますのでいつでもだ
Thank you everyone for sending in articles, reports, etc. for the newsletter. If you are not
receiving the newsletter by e-mail, please notify me at I will be able to send
the newsletters by e-mail to you as soon as I can. Thank you for your cooperation. The newsletters are
also uploaded on the club's website at to be viewed any time for your
Deadline Date
次号の締め切りは、一月十五日です。E-mail の使える方は、どうぞ日本語と英語で原
The deadline for the next issue is January 15th. Please send your articles in Japanese and
English by e-mails.
My e-mail address:
You can view Japan Club of New Orleans newsletters anytime at
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