- GROMANMORTUARY, INC. 830 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca.90015 FD 696 1 (800) 371 - 0893 1 (800) 699 - 2203 I (800) 557 - 03s0 LOSNGELES OPERATIONS Over 80 yeais of caring, dignified seryice to the entire community. IIarry Groman Richard Groman Founder President GEMRAL PRICE LIST (ADTILT) These prices are effective FEBRUARY 01. Subject to change s.ithout notice. 2 015 1258.4 Statement of Disclosure ofPre-need Agreemetrt Busitress and Professions Code Sectiotr 7685(b) "Prior to drafting any cottract fot goods or services, the responsible part! or the decedent's sutrirot who is hdndlirrg the fuhe/al atrangements is e lilled to receire a copy of any pre-neeil agreement ih the possession of the fuheral establishhenl that has been signed and paid fot, in Jull or i patt, bJ' or on behalf of the decedent.,' FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CEMETERY, FUNERAL AND CREMATION MATTERS, CONTACT: CEMETERY AND FUNERAL BLIREAU 1625 N.MARKET BL\'D.ST,'ITE S-20& SACRAMENTO, CA- 95834 (916) s74-7870 PHONE (916) 928-7988 FAX 3ryy.9ft.99.gq1 - e-mail address GENERAL PRICE LIST are plenre to furtrish the following informatn,n relating to the !nrnrs ser!ices ahal we offer so thai \ou mr1 hc berter inform and thus enable ro make those important decisions in a $ a\. whicl is most bcncficial to !or'. Thc rbllowing prices aod inforr!a.ion are made avnilable a\ required bl'1he FederalTrade Commission. in ceflain insran(es. thc FederalTrade Commilsion require\ u\ to use definile nnd spe.iltc wording. Somc ol these phrases ma\ not alwavs apph 1o Groman l4ortuan. ln... In such crse 11)u. counselor *ill tr! ro erplaln an\ irem ihal rou fiod confusing. Howeler. rotbirrg the counsclor or antone clst m2\ sa\ should he lltken is modii\,ing or difl'erin! ihc $ritten words belo* and on thc contract smtemeni describing the lunernl goods and ser!iccs selected. The conrract sill sho$ a simple fonn as possiblc. lour selections. and go.,ds and se.!ices which are included. \ou willt,e gircn the opporrunit'\'to re\ietr thetontracl belore signirg it !.op1\'ill he given ro lou. The got'ds and services shoNn ar. those *e can provide to our customers \ ou mar- cloose onlr ahe itcnrs vou desire. If lcga] or other rcgulations rcqtrire that !ou must bur nn\ items thrl !ou did not spccificalil or ask lbr, se tiilcrplain th. reason in lvriting on thesralemenl $e pro!ide for dclcribing lhe lunrral g.,ods and ser\ i(e\ )t'( selccled. Howcler. anl lun.rrl arrangemenli 10u selecl $ ill include a charg.lar our scrvices.(l'his lisl docs not includc ccrtain items thal )ou mr\ as]{ us 10 t'bL,tifl on !oi!r bch2lt fhe pric.s f(,.lhose ilcms will be shon'n on thc conlracl or statcmcnt detcribing the luneral good\ and scr!ices \ou havc selecled) A basic fce is charged to cterr fimii\ tor our prolessronal erpertise in assisrtng them \!c th cir preltrences. It inchde! x proportionale sharc of the i,usiness eirpenses required 1o ser!. tLe public. The ibllo{ ing group services .tnd faciliries includes the usual items qhich Inake ltp the complclc tradithnal tuneralser!icer. Snch basic f.e is considered and delined as indecli able somctimcs term as: wilh 01 MORTTJARY O\''ERHEAD S795.OO(INDECLINABLE) It includes a proportionatc share ofthe business etpenses rcquircd to serre the public. \{ININILAN SER\ICES OF THtr FIiI{ERA.I, DIREC-IORS & STAFF I This L. itirial in.iu.les tll. ill be addeil to the tolal cosl oi i'uneral arrangemenls 'ou selected. follor,.'il1s: Perscnncl availablc lJ hours r da) - l6i .le\ s a JEar la, iespoiid ln he lee lor o,-rr basic sen iccs u .\r'rangcmenl alonler (looraiinating serl'ices olal1s u,ith ccmeterv. cremalon. andror orher pailjes inroh ed ln ihc final disposilioll of fie .ieceased. Cleriarl assisianc3 ir dle coml-.letion of\arjolts l'olms and Iiennits aLssociarcd \\'ith a funeral. Also colels o!erhca.l. including t'aciliq mainienance. equicment and in\ enlon cosi. irtsL!r!uce and ca11. .or i1..'rd: o_ 1:'.-'..J'o -: \.''_'n<1, :orri,r'.-. Sales ta\ r,r'ill bc added \rher. applicable b) la*' Our Casket Prices range from 52,10.0(l to :i13,000.00 ( ADIILT ) $ hich is detailed further in our Casket Price List (CPL) Our f rn Price Ranges from 585.00 to 5575.00 Our Casket Priccs rlnge from S19-i.0(l to SI.900.00 ( INIA\T ) }1 hich is detailcd further in our lnlxni Caskci Pricc t,isl (('P[) Our Altcrretive Containcrs Price I{ange fronl S250.{10 to S6(X).00 Our l(cntxl Casket I'ricc Range from $150.0() up to S550.(Xl Our Clther Uurial Container Price l{ange SS50.(10 to S2.900.00 Our Casket l'rncls Price llange from S 150.00 to S 200.00. Our Buriai Clothing I'rice Raugc for S l-i0.00 to S 15t1.00. COMPLETETRADITIONALSERVICES (ADULT) S2"5OO.OO fm entergeDcf assi$ancei t_asfening deceased 10 Groman M onuary, Inc. Care and preparaiion of human remains, embalming, hairdressing and cosmerics if reguesred aDd caskerin-s * Use of Monual-l, buildinsl faciliq. * Services ofarangemert comselor lor consuilation regardmg vital statistics aod aranging and coordinaring senrice details. " Usbering care and arangin-! ofJlo*ers chapeland commirlal sire: the funemlsewice includmg filneral dr,-ecror and assrsants al chapel and intermenr sile, caeadrmimrarq use of chapel facililies and crucifix 'Regisirado. book. (50)pra),er ca s.& (1)ffucifix for ca&oiic exra itenl willbe charge io famil). . This charge does not include cemeren charges for s0ch items as cemelen properry. intermenr opening and closrng recordmg charges, outer coDtalner, memorial iablel, €tc. PeEonnel arailable 24-hoLr,'s a day ' SATURDAY. SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY SERVICE ADDITIONAL CIIARGf OF (ADULT) CRYPTSIDE/GRAI'ESIDESERVICES S 375.00 S2.2OO.OO Irlrsonnel available 24-hows a da,y for emergercy assjsiance; n-ansferrrig deceased ro Groman Mofiuary + Carc ard pEpa_dion ofhulan ranaiK bair&essing and cosnelics ifrcquesed eBs'ng aDd ca*ein-e*Use ofmo(uary chapel and buildingi i 1nc facjlit,. SeNices ofrremollaL arrangemenl counselor for consuhation regarding vital sratistics. arranging and coordinating sen,ice deBils * Usual and necessart,clerical suppon * Ushering. care and ananging offlowers at committal site: the fimeral serr'ice including fi$eral direcor ar inerDelt si!e. Regsai)llbool,, (50)fr#r cz6 ad(olEifr.if cdDlic &eldadrareofrmly) This charge does nor jDclude cemeEry c}alges for such items as cemeleryproperry. rnlermen!, opening and closing. recording charges. ourer contalner, memorialmblet. elc. SATLiRDAY. ST]ND-{Y OR HOLIDAY SERVICE ADDITIONAL CHARGE OF$375.00 DIRECT BURTAL (ADULT ) $ 2.OOO.OO (lmmediate burhl lvithout vi€wing or ceremony) * Personnel available 24-hours a dq, emergenc)' assislrrce, transfering deceased to Groman Monuar.r',Inc. , Care and p.epar ation ofhuman remains. hairdresslng and cosmetics ifrequested; dressing and casketing and buildi.g' facihty. (ID * Use olmortuary chapel ONL! * Services ofmemorial afmngenrenl counselor for consuitation regarding vital statistics ard arranging and coordinating * Usual and necessal, clerical suppon. * This c|arge does not jnclude cemetery charges fo. such irems as cemeiery propeny, interment. openiog and closing, recording charges. outer container, m€morial Bblet elc. SATURDAY. ST]NDAY OR HOLTDAY SERVICE ADDITIONAL CHARGE OF S375.O{) SHIP OUTWITHTUNERAL SERVICE * Personnel avaiiable 24-hours a day emergencf assistancei (ADULT) $ 2.5OO.O() ftnsfermg deceased 10 Croman Morruary. lnc. and ransfer ro crematory and place ofdisposilion. * * Care and preparalion ofhuman renains, hair dressing and calkeiing ifreque$ed Use ofmortuarv buildins./ faciliq.'.. ' Derirer ro a,rpon wrr\in a li-mrre mdru. * Services ofmefiorial arrangement counselor for * Usual consuLratjoD regarding vital statisrics and arranging and coordriaring and necessat, clerical support. * Ushering. care and araanging offlowers. The memonal sen,ice includins funeral direclor and assis.anrs ar chapel. care and mainrenance ofchapel. + ShipmeDl ofdeceased fiom LA)a ro $e neare$ receiving airyon or pofi of eniry (does nor include luneral service. casket or shi_Dping conminer shipping charges or outside shippins container- and receiving mortuar) chargesj " Memorial prayer booklels lor use at the lilneraT service, regislrarion book. (50) pra),er cards & (l)crucifix for Catholic. exlra item will be charge lo famil],. SATT]RDAY. SUND-AY OR HOLIDAY SER\/ICE CI'ARCE S3J5.O{I -{DDITIONAL DIRECT SEIP OLIT * Personnel available 24-hou:rs (ADULT a day $2.OO().OO emergency assistance: nansfening deceased to Groman Monrla4 Inc. and :Care and DreDaftrion oihunan remains. narr dressrng and casr€ring ifreoue$ed. *Use oi momran: buildtng/ fasilj11, *Delver !o local arpoa withir a ls-nrile radius " Sefl,rces ofmsnonal aa€3nrent cours€lor icr m.suitaicn rcgading vial $a$n.s ald arar€lng ad c.ordrl)aEu seBice dcBil: *lsual and ne.essa4 clencal suDDor. 'Direcl silipm elr oi de.eased Sorr L.!Ji 10 the nearesl recei ving airpon or pon of enq lCoes n or in.ilde ltrcral seryice, casker or shlppirg con.aDcr shippin8 oharges or outside snipping contajner. and rccejvmg mortuaD, charsesr SHIP . t.,.( qiITH SERVICE * Personnel available 24-honrs rarufer to cemeterl,. crematory ' (ADLII-TI S2.2OO.OO emergency assjsrancel n_ansferlnr deceased ro Groman Monuan,. lflc. and and otherpLace ofdisposirion. fare and lp-palanon ofhuman rcmams. hair &essing and caskerins ifrequesrec dressmg anc .askering. a day -Lse o1motllE } ciraDel ia.iiiri.s . Srucss ofmemcsd ararg:'rsn courselor io. corsrhadcn rcea'dmg vMr sffslics ai trdrgm3 ard cordin@rE dmils Usuai and necessary clerical supporl { Ushenng. care and arranging offlowers. Th. memoriai servic3 including funeral director and rsi$ants ar ciraDel. .are and mamrenanc. oichaDei Reglsarrion Dook for use at lbe flrneral opening and closing * ibis charge does no1 include cemelery charges ior such irems as cemete4,Dropert),. inlennefi opening and closing, recordng charges. outer conram€r. menoriai Bblel eI. ' ' SATLTRDAY. SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY SERVICE CIL{RCI 53]5.00 A}DITIO\AL DIRECT CREMATION ( ADULT * Personnel available 24-iou ) S1.1OO,OO emergen.y assistaDce: ransferrinc deceaied ro G.oman MorElan. iDc. and r,asfer ro cremarcq and place oidrsposition. " Use of morruar] chapel and bujldingl tuciliry. ' Servjces ofmemorial alrangemenl counselor for consirltarLon recardmg vjtal stalisrics and arangng and coordBadng service details. U sual and necessary clerical supDori. The charge of regular cremation is S250.00 -:50 LBS.)Plus 58.50 State Surcharge The charge of olersize cremation over l5(r LBS.) ADDITIONAL OF S1.50/LBS Plus S8.50 Srare Surcharle a day (l Same Dar Cremation/rush Cremation : aRemain! must be at the crematory before 9:00 AM and will be complete bl 4:00 P.M. the same drt, Additional charqe of 5100.00 rRegularsize):50LBS & BEI-O\f, / 5150.00 (Oversize) ABOVE 150 LBS Next Da! Cremrtion : ( Remrjns must be ar the crematorl before 12:00 P,M. and will be compteted hy 4:00 P.M. the oext day) Additional charse of S75.00 We can lrange for the cremated remains to be scattered : Scattering ashes at sea ( wITNESSNG) up to 6 people on Tuesdat and wednesd2r onlt is 5595-00 ,'Saturd2)' and Sundat. onlr is 5795.00 Scatrering at sea is 5150.00 r NO \TITNESSING) Scatrering ashes 2t the cemerery garden is S200.00 ( NO \1/ITNESSING) CRE\trATION WITI{ MEMORLAL SER\'ICES (ADULN $2.5OO.O() , Personn.l alalhble 1,1 ' ' alar. and DreDararion oihumar remains Seni..s 01 mcniorial arangemenl courselo: Ior corsulL ron regardm3 \'j'.al suiisiics and affangm! arrd ho [S a d a\ em erg.n.\ asi ishnce . ransrerin! deceasec io airoma. N1ortuary . lnc. anil .o.,iinarin! s.r \ rc: denjls ' oim.nualt .haDe ia.ilir\ - I-isual ani n...$aq .rericar {ppori T|. nrenrorjal + Regrsnarlon s. jce . udin-s lunerai direcr(! an! asrislanL: iool' ana (al)r p.atcr.ardS. ar.haDel.;are 3nl Indl.r.nrn.e oichapel crucifi\ iiireaucsred bl re.ordtr]! charge: .ute: conrain.: nremoflal 1ahlel\ ta illl .LC Th. charqe ofreqular cremrrion is 51:0.00 1 I ls1) LBS-I Plu\ S8.s0 Srare Surcharge Thc charge oi oversize cremaiion OvER l5ir LBS. ) S1.50,'LB A I)D L CHARGI Plus SU.5(r St,t. Su rcharse Sane Da\ Crenation ' Rl.]SH CRE\'iATIO\ (Remsins musl be at the cremaro{ belore 9:0{l A\4 aDd *ill b. complere h\ 1:00 P.NI thc sa'Dc d3\'/ltl]SH) A,l,r,rinn;l .hrrre.fSlot,.00lkeeu)ar,l50 LBS&BELO$ /5200.00 {Olcrsize) AI}O\rf:5(l LBS Nert frar Crenralior : (RemaiDs must bc al the crenitorv belbre tl:00 P.M- and qill b. complered i\ 4:00 P M. dt. nert da\ I Addirional charse of S75.00 can 2rrange lor the Gennled remaini 1o be scatlered:Scartcring ashes at sea ( \!I I \LSSINa;) peopte on 'rueldaI ar{t Wednesdrl onl\ is SjS 9:.00 , Saturdal' snd Sundal onh is \\e DIRECT SI{IP IN ( ANULT) .DIRE,CT INTER\ItrN'I \\-ITITOLTT CEREMONY) "' Per lonnei a! aliabl. l,i-hours a da! emerlen.\ assislanc.: tla. litring ul to 12_10 s 1,500.00 deceasea ro Gron an M onua.-\ lnc . '+ aar. and prepar&ior oi huna. r.manr Hair orcsslnc and casketins ifrequcsled. - Use oimo ual! chaDel iaailjrics. * Scr-.,ioes oilrcnrriai arranqemeni colrnseior ior colsultation regardLng r'iral srarisiics _l 3 ..'i- ,.'- J(. :_d .. r - ,.. * Lsr[]l and necessar\ clericai supf(rfi. 1'This charee docs no-r incluCc cemetei)'charg.s lor such ilcms as cemelen properrl. an{l rrrrermenr opening lrnd cl,rslng. recordjng charges. outer conlaincr. lnclllodal tablet. ela F-MtsAL\4T\G iAI-TOPSIL]D ,,. S.15O,OO EN'IBAL\4NG (RIGLTLAR CAS[.) .., S35O.(]O l-.M8.\L\41\G (O\:ERSiZl- C,\SEr .. li65l).041 E\pecred rn cenain ceses. cnbairring ir \OT REQI-IIRED b] la$. Embalming mit bc nccessal how cr er iatou seleci cenair iLLneral anangemerr that embalmug is rrot rcquired such as direct cr€rnJliurL !i nnnediare Lrrri!1. u ithoul ccrcrnon\. Il elllbalnlirrg ii dcclireri and dre finai disposiLlor is r.)1 .ornplcied \!jrhjf 8 hour ilrrr the lirnc.,ldeath. u'e r.quirc r.Uiecraliorl .J O C LTMI,NTA TI ON s175.00 Obtainiog necessaq, hospital/ coroner reJease Obtaininc the sisnarure oithe atrendrng physician o, the corcner on the death cenificate. compleing the vital satisrics del" or rhe death certiicate ad the burial r,mit as $€ll as am, other documenrs reqdreC ior fie dispcsition oftle rcnains. Usual and necessal, clerical sJpp$t \:rifi carlon of the Socral Securitl Adminisrration if requesred. LI\,tT,I.SI\E $175.00 Groman Monlralv hc cat provide. ai tbe request ofthe larnil],. a litnousine.This charge provides or 15 miles (time and mileage is calculared fonn the home base ofthe vehicle) or pa.t thereoi ioi j hours r..' o". n e , odr i:-eo',.na:eda e-".:o n000!! " OTHER PREPARATION OF THE BODY La-r ,o.,"ona. Cosm.rolog and goomtlrg . ..... S1100.00 Dresshg and caskelmg Special use of Prelarauon Room (on sire of auropsies or .eligious nres) . .. . . .. Aclual crematon charse subconracred b_v Groman .... . S1?5.00 ID SET LrP IDENTIFICATION....... .. . ......S1 00.00 \EXT DAY SERV]CE AFTER PFIVIOUS \TISIT, S150 OO]'}JR .... . .. . .. .... . si50.0tl 5250.00 . CILITIES FOR VIE\\TfNG OR SITA Visitatio! Room Ctrapel I I (rnrn for 4 hours or an), potuorr tlrereofl...S500 Chapel I (min oi 4 nours (DependiB on availabill4 ) .. . . -. s?50.01 R FT]].{ERAI otr BORRO\\'ING OUN FACILITIES FOR FLTNERA]- CEREMON'!-OF ANOTT{ER FUNER{L HOME Visitario! F,m Ch ll (l toljioaEendance)....-... $500.00 Chapet t(tm200marendare)....... 5750.0( TRA\SPORT{TIO^.J AI TOMOT|W EOI Funeral coach/ Hearse (wjtnix 15 mile iadrus)... Sl50 00 IP\4I\T AiiemanveVehicleiVanaifuseiorservicewirhin20miteradiust.......S15000 I oue' 1.. uI,o .0 ," ?d,r ..... ." 0 ,.1 airpon radilr Funeral Coaclr or Alremarive Velx.le for pickup o. delivery to locat RenralofHearse with our orrl drjver ir excess 20 mite oi ....... ...... . $l5 0 00 .........$17500 aalalefsit25ptrmne x*++ OTIIER CREMATION ACCOMMODA:ION In behalf of the famil), we can subconracr \lrmessing ai cremarory . tle follosins iype oiselaices: Sl75 00 Scafienng astes at sea (w]tNESSi]{Gl u! ro 1:-2j peolle o. CEMETERY (NQIIIruISS|S2OO,OO SCATTERINC OF ASHES AT SEA !.TO W]TNESS) $]50,t)O P,iCES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOT]CE CASH ADVANCE ITEMS h order ro berer serve vool needs, Grornan l\4orrua4,. Inc md es ihe fouowing tlems available !o !ou. Tlre charse ior each depen& on the co$ ro us ofthal paricular irem \\-nen ),ou requesl an), oithese nems. Lrre esriftaL.d or era.i charge \rilt be shopn o]l ihe sralemenl (.o!r.act) rhai voui ftrnerat counsejor witi Drovid. hr additio. to ihe iiems below. irsome cases ir is neces.a!1 r. arvan.e.enele,t ciur3es..,,oo"r iee s charges ibr special se ,jces or charges fiom o$er monuanes PRTEST/ PASTOR lrovide ihe Pneslr Pasror for rhe rhe! rer',omi ctrurch ,/ pi esiFasro:, iheir rleir servi.e. U e simph n.lrderhrsleeoro;.oindoo.apresenrrheoirciathspnesu u'irh a check ai'ls€ fte rime o:rhe servi.e The fainil! has oprion io conran and !a) rherr om p.esr prsior Marr- fa.",,illes wish fee s us ro upon request ro Pasror direcllt'. OBITUARIES We ar€ able ro assNi rhe famil), on composng ar obiturry norice io alpear in an! publjcalion. Our standard placemenr includes a flio ljne norice D rh€ Los Angeles Tnnes and other newspapers. This rs auIl]narcallr- pla.ed urlLess rhe tunily reqDesi otherwise. Placaneffs in other pubiicadon \rill vary, depending on their acrllal charses, ro be charse ro ),oDr com-acl }]E\1ORl!.L F']LDIR !iac,: & \i!rr. PRA.Y!RCARD 3lacii & \\ irLr: - S:! llt 10.1pr...r . ol.rec S-a 0l 0l :re.:: easrl RE}IOVAL Renoval ofremains to monuar] withrn :5 mile radius $350.00. Over 2j mile rddjls will be charged at x rare of Sl2j per loaded mile The:5000 fee is jnchrded in tle Aofessional Service Charge. Thr doer not include disraDces beyond 25 mrles Overslze Removals nom:00 lbs and over: Charses S 650 00 REFRIGERATION $125.00 (DAII-Y BASIS) RenarnswrlhodenbalmrngcanbekeDrmrelirgemtionior562o0/hdayoram,nnumoi$7s0.00/15dat,s MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES Pickjng up clolhlng. getdng documenis sigred. delivery of.etrrains. dellvery of cerrillcaEs, erc is 535.00 \trlthin BeyoDd 25 mile limn wll be charged al a rale of S 1 l5 per mile one way. a :5 nxle Imn. SHIPOUT SER\TCES Secunig of Burial/ Ship onl docnllenm ar Latm Amencan Consulare is a mrn]nlum charge oiSl?5.00. Once ihe cerEficate and bu.ial/transir pemrl ls belng oblained. our staffmust go to the corresponding coDsulate to Dresenirhose documerts and pay the necessaxt fees rc obmin the translt documenttation. ffrhe decedenr is exiring rhe U.S. died ofa non-cortagious disease; our staff musl get a lener of approval Aom ibe local Health Depar-rment with a S10.00 iee ofrhe sald documen! which has ro be atlacled and p.esented to thc consularc ofiice said documeDts lfthe decedenr is to leave ro a Lalin Amencan counry, like Mexico, or statrmust translare all ihe documenis, Apostile and sub ir rhem all together to the consuLare, however. onlv some consulaie requfe ranslaron Df Mexico ship out requlres Apostilie docunents. (Minimum Charge orSl 7i.00) OVERNIGHT SER\TCES Famll), could rcquest ior overnjghr se.vices including the se ices ofa cornselor responsibilq/ for the service and securjry gtra.d provlded is a clarge ofS1.000.00/ per ovemight service This amount is addiiional Io the actual senlce chaxqe ilr the coni'aci. a AIRLINE CIIA.RGES ARE ESTMATED Fannly m:y reqxesi a Saturdq,, Sunday or Holiday service, which Groman MorlMrt. Inc.. who e1[ provide anending personnel work overu,'ne supen rsmg ihe sen ice. Ther€ wrll be no addinonal charge ii seruces is on rceular da]s SATURDAY, SUNDAY & HOLIDAY ADDITIONAL CIIA.RGE AFTER THE PROFESSIONAI- FEE OF 5375.O(] CI{URCH SERVICE FtrI -4DDITIONAL OF.......,. S25O.OO ADD'L CHARGED FOR EXTRA HOURS .-.....S150.0OA{R (SERVICE BEFOR! BURIAL & AFTER PRtrVIOUS VISIT 5150.(]() /HR] GROMAN MORIUARY, INC.FD#696 W.WASHINGTON BLVD. LOS ANGELES. CA. 9OOT5 r(800) 371-0893 r(800) 6e9-2203 1(800) ss7-03s0 830 LOS ANGELES OPERATIONS Over 80 years of caring, dignified seryice to the cntire cotnmunity. Harry Groman Richard Groman Founder President GEMRAL PRICE LIST(INFANT/CHII.,D) These prices are effective FEBRUARY 01, 2013 Subject to change without notice. I258.4 Statement of Disclosure of Pre-need Agrcement Business and Professions Codc Section 7685(b) "Ptior lo ttralting an)' contracl Jor gootls or seryices, lhe tespohsible parlJi ot the decelehl's suryivor who is ha dli g lhe funerol arrangemenls is enlilled lo receite a cop). ol an.l, pre-need agreernenl ih lhe posscssion of the Juneral establishnre t lhot has heen signed and paid for, in.full or ih paft, b!' of oa beh.tlf of the decctle l." FOR MORE INFORMATION ON CEMETERY. F(JNERAL AND CRO]\tATION Ntr{]"TERS. CONTACT: CEMETERY AND I.UNERAL BUREAfI 1625 N.MARKET BLVD.SUITE 5-208, SACR{MENTO, CA. 9583,1 (916) 574-7870 PHONE (916) 928-7988 FAX qLg[!.q3gq1 - e-nail address GENERAL PRICE LIST W! dc flea* ro lirfr!h ric linlo\rine inrinndioD rclaring b the various son i..s ih.r tr( oller jo rtrar ro! ma\ be h.a( inlbnn and fius .nnbl. r{) rr.k.lirose imrortanr dcoisions jn a tra\ \fhi.| i\ mosl bcr.1lciili., \o! llre iirlo$ifs rrices and n,ttrnr!'io, dc meie 6!llabl. as required b! \he fedeklT.adc Corrrir s\ on Tr c.,u,ir n,sLances. Lnc l:edeml Ind. QnnDisror r.qun.s us ro !\e deiinire aDd sp..iil. sording ofnrc! fhtus.smar n.Ial\als arrpl) r., Gromer Nlo.lurq In. Ir suclr casc\oucouns.ldlillrn rocxplaird\ nem lhar toulind.onlirsineFlo*cl.r.nolhingrh.couns.lo..rtur)oneel\cnq$tshouldbctulenrsrnodil\inpoJditr.i.! lonr 1h. \rrit.n ! h.los a.i or t|. .ort.a.l \ Llcs(ibirg thc tu.rxlgoo{ls ana sc,liccs Ine corllact \ill Jro\r a simpl. foirn as po$ibh. ) o r s.licli.ns f.icci. a i d soods ard ser!i.e\ tr hicn dr iDclu d.n ) .r \iLl be giver Lhr otto.runilt L(, re!ics rh€ contrftl Lrctorc sigllig ir..ot! rvill he gr\.f 10 _!o!. Thc eo.d\ anll scrr..s sho\lnarcrlrict!..df Ftu\ideroo! \.u mr rhoo\..nh $e nen! loL derir. ll.galoroth.rrceularlorir.qunerhat!.umusrbu.n\ircrisrhallou d notslccilicrlll .rtr\L loi $e uille\]rlain lhe ream in $rnnrg on Llr \lrrenr.fl nc pro\id.1or d.s.rihrne rhe fL r.rl good s a.d snaiccs ) o! { Ho$$.r. an) luie, al ana nscmcnls !o! s.i. $il uchde a chrre. fo..ur s.r \i.c\ (l hir li\L doe\ nol ilcluiie L,erhnr iLerns llrat lou ma! asl us ri obLai. o. !our lelralf Thc pric.s lor lhr!e iL.Niillb.diotr..n1tk'conmd.rslal.rc dei.rihnrenrciirn.tuleoodse.dlsricerr.rhA.\.l..ndIAh,\n. Ii nrclude\ atr.Iortnrrle drare.lthe husi.e$ turd 1ncilnics r.q ired lo ser!c tlre public lh.lnjlo\rnr! !n,ut.lserljccs t,c.on, nrdnon.l flncral c\pcnscs i,rchdcs thc usuai $hich Dai.c up Su.h basic lee ii.onsidc.ea ana n.Jnrea rls nrleclLrablc chirlc linretimei r.rin ,s: MORTT]ARY OV[RI{EAD $795.00(INDECLINABLE) Itincludes a proportiorrtc shareotthc business eipenses required tosenc the public. Minimum SerYices of the Funeral Directors & Staff 1cc loi our ha\i. \errrce\ $ill be rdded k) rhe tdalco$ oltun.ral xran!.nie s tr! scki.led lhii lee inctudcs th. f.lloniog fc6on..l.riiiablc2lhou6ad.!.larrdarsa!ea,rorcspondtoinidalcalL Ararlernenr Coniircncc Th. (oo liatir.s scn ic.s plans wi ccm.tcrI. .r. arr an{l,or orhd.tarties inlolleii ir lhe Jlnal disfosrttun o1tlr. alericll ass nanc. n rlr. compl.rior ollarious ronns ard permils assoclal.i sith a lunjal 1L3o .o\,.rs . \ .rh.rd. inr iuding i.cilil\ n, xi, trenaf.t. c! Lr pmcnr enJ in!.! (tr) cosl i. n&i cc ird .dnrnri .\ x d lor.nd.irl ..rnpli&rc ,krnlr (1)NFltlt\4 \\, Ii L9lll lltsl t)tscl.ost t{Fts AIlf. ttIjQU |-.t) R1 ^\frtO lltNFItAl l\ULrSTr\ pR,\at]c]ts rLD[RAl TR{L)[ CO\1\1]SSlol\ RLLIS lttL,\ltll Thcgood!and\cni.:sihounhcrrr.(rhoscr.carp.oli.lctr)thc,irnrlllcs\.s. e You nia\ choosc onl\ ritr,ie llnls tou d.rid' HO\\'E\ E1{. A\\' Il ll-ItAL ARR \N(i[Mf.\-IS YOI Sf.t l]( l llll T_ INCLLTIE A (tlt,^RCiE l:OR OL.R Br\SlC SfR\rTCf.S .\NIr OYtlllEAD ll Egal or other rclujMr.rrs )ou nusr bur ant ir.r A I ( did nor sp.cific.ll) isl tur. r. trill .{flrnr Lr,e ,er$,n in rv.i np !n lh. n&.renr k F,o1tc dcscribn,jr rh.luic,il go.J\ and t.'vi.* !.u \ele.Lcd CAI,IFORNI SAI,ES TAX WILL BE ADDED TO ALL TAXABLE ITEMS. fri..\ io. c€ilai,r rt.r,s rhar ro! mi\ asl us h hul li). ].u: n,clr as. brr.ol lnnilcd ro. outsid. c.dr.Lr.\\i.e\f.$e.\nxtro!.!clcesconslorouaidepn).es!ors.a.Lln.\sfl'le.noli.3rIh.con iiir rhose rrems *illhr tlr!\rr oir \o!r billuthc starrrelr desciibrnr: th.lur.r.l!o.Ji and \eirice! \o! sci..L.d \\,e chilg. \oL tur o!. scr!i1,. nr b,rirglr,.s. ird,ns 'I hn lisr r o.s nor nrlu.1. Sxl.\ h \iLl b..dded rhercqtncable hr hr Ou (l$Ler .anei linnr $140.410 tu S L1.00!.110 ( At)( i L I l Nhidr is d.@il.d nrnhd in or Caii..l l'nc. l i\r ((lPL) Ou L n lrice R,nrgri nom $E-< 00 $ S5ji 00 Ou CalLd Prc.s liom 5195 00 kr S1.900.0(rr INI: \\I ) 'rDec i. ourInlanl( 8(er Irrice I is ra]Pl r slicl is ddxiled fun]'d Ou Alrenrai \ e (inrlaine^ |l icc Rare. liom S2jo.tu h Vn)o l)1r lldi.rl Csko l'.i& lldrqe iilDr uD ro $550.110 O!r Odr.r Buriil Crontd,.r I'n.. Ra,!c lii5i0 0(r to 5:.900 Ou. (laslel l'r.els l}ite Rangd lionr $ 150.001o $ 200.00 Ou. Ruridl ClolhLng Prcc Rargc Io.l ljll.00 k, 1i lao 00 OLr 00 COMPLETE TRADITIONAL SER\'ICES 55O.OO INFANT OR CHILD *Personnel a\ailable 2.1-hourr a day emergencr- arsislance: iransf;rring deceascd to Croman N4ortuary. Inc and nansler to crenrarorv and piace ofdisposirion. * Ce ed prepa"dion ofhumal renrains. lrajr drcssins and carkcfing ifrequesred. +Use ol rnortuar) building iacilit_,-. .SeNjces ofmemorial a.rangement coLrnrelor lLr c(nrJultation regadjlrg vilal starisrics and arranging and coordinating servi.e details. *trsual and n.ccssar_a clerlcal support. *Ushering, care and affangnlg ol ltowcrs ar chap.l and conmriiral !lte: the liuc'ral scNice including direcror and assisraris at chapel ard inrernrenl silc. care and najltenance clchap.l. ir era * Rrgistr arir)n book lin use at the funeral service. 50 ca i +This charge does not inchde cemcEry chargcs fo. such items as cemeleD, proporv. inremenr ard recording charges. ourer contiiner. emorial rablcl etc CRYPTSIDE/ GRAVESIDE SERVICES $45O.OO ITiFANI OR CHILD *l'ersonnei alailable 24 hours a da) emersenc)- assisarcc: nansfeuif3 deceased to Groma. Mol1uart. inc. and lransler lo cremarory and placc oldisposilion +Care and prep:lralion ofhunran rcmains. hair drcssinq and caskeli c il rcqucsred. Use ofnroruarl building facilih. {Scr!ices ol anangcnrcnL couns.k[ fo] consultalion rcglrdiDg yital starisrics a,rd amirgirg anl coordinaling scrvicc dctailj. +llsual and oecessar\ clcrical supporL. *Llshe ng care ad arrangin! flosen 'R.tir i - ar cifir iir.qucslcd. .uL i. ". \, iu.. inrcmrent iilc. cr '. col]xnitil sile: rlc Iuneral senice includins liureral r r r.." 'Tn is cirarge d oes nor iiclude cemeler) c}arges nn srch irenN chsnrgrcco ir3chd-qes, outer connirer. nreomrial lablcl crc DIRF],CT dn ccror ar as cemeidl propcrll . inrernent openrlg and BI]RIAI, $3s0.00 (INFANT OR CHILD) (lmm.diare buria rlihour !ie\ing or ccremon),) + Irmnncl availablc 24 hous a da-,- lBbldiru dece.rse{i lo Gmnwr Motuxr]r. inc. and cosmcics ifreque$erl: drssnE and c.rsk.1i.! erneBenq assistance dd paparation olhmd rcnrains. hair drcssrng +LIse olmorruart chapel and buildnrg, 1-dcililt +Carc *Serviccs ofmcnrorial arrarge,ne|r counselor lbr c(nbuhar;on reqarding virrl slalislics and anangiog and Jinaring s.rvic. details +lj!!al and ncccssat, clerica sutpoft "TIis charge does nor nrcludc c.m.l.n char3es lbr such ilcms as cemeier\ proper.Ji. inkrmcnr ute I ng and closlng- recordnrg charges. otrlcr container. memorial tablcl. ctc. coor DIRECT CREMATION $250.00 (INFANT OR CHTLD) Persoo f e l alailable l.lirour ! a da) cmcrgcnc! assisrance: trans and nansfer to crernaror\ and place ol dispositior * lerins dc.:eased ro croman Mor rue\.. lll c *llse of nrol'lual chafel a|d buiidurg lacilir). *Ser|ices ol nernorial aranscrncnr counselor for consuhalion rcgardnr! viral staristics and anan]rirI1 a d coordilaring service dcrails. Lrsurl and nccessarl clerical supporr. * lhe charg. ofdctual.renratior js $100.00 ;Wc cau anangc lorlhe crenrated remains ro be scalrcrcd aL sea This ch?rce is S7i.00 CREXIATION WITH MEMORIAL SERVICES S4IIO.OO (INFA]\T ORCHILD) *Pcrsornel arailable:,1 hours .---. ,., a day emergenc) assisra.ce: rrarsj_errins deceased ro Groman Momary, lnc. t... "," i ;.' ", " +Care and prepararion ofhuman renains. -Services ol mcmo al arrarlerrenr counselor for consutmd.'n rcgardjnq vilat sraristics and aranaing .n.l coordinaring ser vicc detail!. +tlse ofrnortuary chrpcl facilin. .l-Isual and nrcessu-1, clerical sutpo11. "Ushernrg. care and aranging oll'lolvers *Tlre rnenorial rNice irclrdtrrg fu.eral dlrecbr a.d assisranrs ar chapel. car. and rnainrcirancc ofchapcl and 150) prayer ca.ds. cru.ifir (l1 .cqu.sted b) hmil]) clude ccmcien charges for sucb ire s as cenrerer\ propcrrt,. opening and :licgislration hook +This docs not ckrsingreco.di.gchargcs. outerconiainer. nrcDrorial labtcls. erc. +The charge ofacrualcre arion is $100.00 *we cin amng. fordre c.emalcd renrajns to b. lcafiered OUT WITII ar sca lhis chars. ]s St5.00 SER\'ICE (INTANT OR CHI LD) {Person.el available 2.1,hou.s a da\ assistancc: nrnsteffnrs dcc.ased ro G()nran Morruarv. lnc. and translcr ro crematon and place ofdisposrrio. *Care and pr cparaiion ofhuman I cnrains. hair drcssing and casketjns ifrequcsred ltjsc ofnronuan building.r la.jli]l,. 'D(i\.1 lu. ldrrnoflrirl ir d ..rr.e dJiu *Se.!ice\ olmernorial arranscrnenr co nsclo. lor consrilaljon relarding liu (atisrics and arrangiDg and coordnraring service dctails. +Usual and necessary clcrical suppo!1 *Llshcring clre and anangnrg oftloNers. Thc rnemoriat scrvice inclLrdnig funeral dirccro.and assistanrs ai chapel. care and maillenance ofclapcl . aN4enrorjal praler booklets for uee alhc funera] scni.e. resisrrarion book. (j0)praver cards crucifix iti (INFANT OR.HII D) +Personnei alailable 2.r-hours a dat, erncrg.ncv assisrance: rransi:enirq deceased to (noman Moruary. hrc. ir.lrdr .c ', .'er r.,ro'.rJpr..oro,.r,.. i.r +Care and prerararjon o1 huma. remar s. han dressirs and .askering *L,se oi oflrrr_a buildi,rg licilit). 'rFr \e ', l c., . iT.,n'\ r, .' ni.. r t.r 'an + S.rvices of me coordinarirrg scr \ rrial a ice details lement counse or 1br consu itation I csard lfrequesred. inr vilat srattsrics anLL! i. q an,l *tlsual ard n.cessan cierical suppofl. *Djrect shipire.t ol dcceased io anolho nrortuary (does not includc funeral casker or shippu,g conrajn.r shipting chargcs or ourside shipping conraincr j SHIP IN WITH SERVICE s500.00 O\FANT OR CHII,D) +Pcrsonnel available 1.1 hours a da) enrcrgc..] assisiarcc: rransliring deceased io Croman Mofuan,. ln.. and lransfer ro cemerert. crenratol and othcr place ofdispolnion. + Cdc aDd prcpamtion of hu:nan remains, hair dassnrg alrd caslie[rg ilr..]ues1.d: d essing and caskcfi,s. *Use ofnroruary chapel faci)riies. *S.rviccs otnremorjal arangement connsck)r for oonsultdion regar ding rital srarisrics and arranging and coordiDalins scr !ice derails. *Llsual and necessar\ clerical !uppon *Llshe rg. care and affarging ol llo$crs *Ihe nrenrorial service including firncraldncdor arrd assislinls at chapel .are and ainrenancc ofchapel 'Regisiraiion book Ibr u\c at rh. fun.ral openins and closing *Tlis charge does nol irclude ccmcLe.] charses fo. such ircmlr as cenrete^ propent,. inr.mcnr operr s and clos;rg, recordin-! charses. ouLcr conlaino. memorial oblel. ctc. +Suda] senicc charge S150.00 (ADDITIONAt-) DIRECT SHIP IN (l\f_AlT $ss0.00 OR CHll,D) (DIrrLat lNl!R\'rLNT \lJTrloLrT aLRL\4o\\,1 *PeNonneL a\ailable '( l+lroua a da) cm.rgcn.l, assistance: l,. sliring dcceased ro Grcinar Motua . lnc. ar. and preparation ofhurnan remains Halr dressins ald calkerilg if.eque\red. +Llsc ol.rorLuart chapel :Serlices ol r_ac jlirles. ennn ial anansement counselor 1(tr c{)nsuhation regarding !iralsrarisri.s and arransins and coordnradng serrice details*tlsual and necessar) clerjcal supporl. + Ihis chargc does noi jnclude cemeler\ charges for such nens as ccmcle.) afd closjns. recording clarscs. out.r.oniainer. nienror ial tahl.r lropenl. intermcnr opeorng erc I,]MI]ALMING EMtJALI\'flN(i t,OR t\FANT'CitILD nom 0 io l0 \.a.s otd ! Ll).]!i.l E.\pected in cenain cascs. cnrbahning is NOr RLQIiIRL.D by lau. Embrlming ma) be necessar) ho$cvcr.iflou select cerain luneftl t}rar enrbalmi g is noi requir.ed such as crellJlrur or imm.diatc burial. r.irhour cerenon\. Ifcmbalnring is declnred and rhe final disposjrion i! nor comptered wil]ln 8 hours fiom the iirne oldeath. we r.quir. renirerarion. DOCL]MENTATION IiI75.OO Obnining eccs!,ar) hosprial .oroner releasc Obtailils th. si.snai! 'e ofthe aflendirg phvsician or dre corono o. ihe dealh cenjllcarc Corrplernrg lhe !iLal sratjslics dare on the deaLl ccrtifioare and the burialpemil as wetlas an) olher docunrenis requlred lbr thc disp{)sition ofthe rerranr (]sual and necessar\ clcrica suppon. Noiificatior olthe Social Securit! AdmiDisirat or il requcsrcd LIMOUSINE $3 7 5.00 Groman \4ofiuaries can pft id. a1thc requesr ofthe fanril), a lnnolrsine Ihis chargc p.o\ides lor or75n les (dme andmilcasc is calculated fofln the home base ofthe lchiclel or parr thereot. Lach addnional horr or 75 miles ior parrlrereoo ma\imum chars.d ar dre rate ol $i00.00 .. cask.ling... hou: .. .. ....1ii0.01) Cosmelr)log\ ard groomjng Dressing and 3 ......... Sil5 00 Spe.iaus.oiPlcparariolRoom(onsiicolauLopsiesorreligiousrires)......$250.00 ..Slrj00 Aciua cr.matoD charge subconiracrcd b) Crornan ................... FACIL]T]ES FOR \ IE\ryING OR VISTTATION OR FI]\ ERAL CEREMONY VisitalioD roorn (minimum rare for 4 hours or any pollion rhcreol) ..............$150.00 Chape minimum oll l.'urs (Depending on availabilil)) ................ ....S15000 T]SE OF BORROWIN'] OL]R I ACILI I]ES FOR FUN \risilation Room (l ro 75 in anerdance) . Chape (l 10:00 m aterdairce) . F,R AI, ('IRL\'1ON\ L)F ANOT] IER FU\ER AL HOME ..........S2i00{r Sj00.00 TRANSPORTAT]ONlAt]']'O]!TO'IIVI I]OUI}MENT .........S150.00 Frnera coachi Hearse (sithin 15 nile radius)..... Alrernaiive V.hiclc, Van iif use for s.Nicc withft l0 nrilc radius) ................. $150 00 .............S150-00 F l,rs{r Tnrck (within 2{)rnile radiuri ................. Funeral Coach or Alr.ruti!e \"ehicle tbr pickup or delilcrt xr local aipor1.....S150.00 ItentalofHearscwithourollndriverlnercessofl0milcradius..................Sl50.00 ***++++ u\c.\s MrleaoeCharged am|c i$1.15 per ite *i,'**i** OTHER (]REMATION ACCOMMODATION I. bchall ol e laDrli),se can nrbconttuc{ tle Ibllo\\rlrgi)'pe ofsenices: U'irrtessin! ar cknral ].. sca S.arcring............... Witiessilg at ................5215.00 ...............................$i75.00 .... ... 515.00 f,i\SH AD\'ANCE ITIMS ln ord.r () bcller rer\'e ) oLrr reeds. (nonran l\.1orluar). lnc. makc-\ lhc linloNing nens alailrble lo ).iLr The chargc lar eaclr depends on th. cost 10 us oflhar prnicular ircnt. \Uren )ot] reqnesl a,r) ofrhe e irerL. rhc enimaied or exacl chargc \ill bc shown on dre slalemeni (coorafi) ihal lour r_uneral couns.lo. rvill prorid. ln addirior to the ilems belo$,. nr S(nne cases il ls ncc.ssary 1{) adlancc ccnreteD charges. coroncr iie s. char gc" lbr speclal serlices or charges nun olhLy nrcltua.ics. PRTESl/ PASTOR fanrilicl N ish us to provide the Pries! Pastor for the se.\iccs Lhc) pcrlirnt. Church Priesl/Pxslor specifr- lhcir lie s upon requesr ro use their s.rlicc. Wc sinrply nrclude rhis fie on olrr conrrafi and present rlre ofllciating I'fiesi' t'anor with a check al the tiine offie service. The lamilr- has optn)n 1o coDtracl and pa! their onn Priesir Pastor dire.ll) N4an\ PRAYER CARDS lior every addlrional 50 pjeces of pra)er cards is REMOVAL Renrolal ofrernairs 10 modxary wiihin O!cr l5 mile radius will ProfassioDal Ser!ice ROFRIGI]RA.TIOI{ nlile radius S150.00. be charged ar a rale of$1.15 per loadcd nrilc. lhis The:00 00 fc. is included in the do.s not include distances beyond 2-\ n]iles DAY) letr 'n "qijemrol S]50.OO iPNR kdrd n-.\ r ,ofr -n,br I ur: .cr \{ li $:j.!ll l"e rsqELLAxlQUtEXItXsES Pjcking up clolhrng. genmg documen6 signed. deliveD ofrenrains. delivcry ol cenificatcs- ctc. is [j85 00 within a lsnile linrtl. Belold 15 mile li$rit will be charged at a rare ofSl.l5 per nile one way. SlIlllQlllsE RV lcES ol Burialr Ship out docunenrs ai Larn ,^merican Consulalc is a minimum charge of1i75.00. i:)ne the ccrtillcalc and burial, lransrt pernit is beirg obrained. orr slalfmost go ro thc corrcspondnra consulate SecLtring ro prese.t those documenls and pat thc ncccssar) fces 1{r ohtai. the rransit doc!mentaiion. llrlre decedcnr is c\itirg rlie U.S. died oi a corta-liors disease like. IIIV] AIDS. our srnffmust sct a l.11er ofalproval from lhc local Ileahh Depanment wi$ a S 10.00 fee ol the sajd docunent. llhich has ro b!: arLachcd and preserted ro the consulare office r.qun nrg said documents. lfrhe decenr is 10 a Laiin ,\merican counrry. like Mexico our slaff mud hanslal. al fie do.unrents and sub,nir lhem all togelhe. to rhe conmlarc. however. only sonre consuialc requirc tanslalion. OYERNlGI{T SERVICES Frmil) coul{t roquesl lor ovcmi.shr scrviccs including dre senices ofa counselor responsibllilr Iar thc ser\ic. and a securit) guard provided is a chargc olS750 00 per o!ernighr serlice This aruoLrrr is additional to the actual service ciarse in tle conrract. SATURD-{\,/ SUN.DAY SIRVICE SI50.OO Iiamil) Inal request r Salurda), Sunda) sen,ice. which Grornan Mortuan lnc nill provjde atlendrng pemonnel $ho trll) sii lvorkovenimesupenlsingdresen,ice.Thechargesillrorappl)ilallregulardatsare booked and aironran l\1olruan. ola rcgula) scr!icc da) ln. hxs no alternalile but ro render Saluda), Sunda-- scr!iLe J( . t,an