Exhibitor Prospectus - Yankee Dental Congress


Exhibitor Prospectus - Yankee Dental Congress
January 28 - February 1, 2015 | Exhibits: January 29 - 31, 2015
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
Exhibitor Prospectus
Featuring Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities
Contract booth space and view the most up-to-date floor plan
Why Exhibit at the
Yankee Dental Congress?
YDC is the Annual Conference & Exposition for New England
Dental Professionals featuring education presented by leading
experts from across the country.
• Access to over 27,000 dental professionals
• 23 hours of exhibit time over 3 days
• Company listing online and in publications
• Company link from yankeedental.com and in publications
• Numerous traffic builders on the exhibit floor daily
Successful YDC 2014 traffic builders included:
- $5 food court voucher for all attendees
- Complimentary cupcakes to celebrate
150 years of the Massachusetts Dental Society
- Complimentary exhibit floor reception
- 14th Annual Clam Chowder tasting
- Attendees who spend $5,000 or more can enter for
a chance to win $1000 worth of gift cards each day
- ADA member dentists who spend $2,500 earn free
registration for next year
- Mystery shoppers randomly reward attendees found
purchasing on the floor with a variety of gift cards
• Strong alumni attendance from Boston University,
Harvard University, Tufts University, and University
of Connecticut
• Complimentary lead retrieval (must be ordered)
• Free marketing opportunities include:
- Free show special listing in the Advance Planner, Mobile App, Website and On-site Guide
- Facebook and Twitter posts
- Use of YDC logo and web banners
• Complimentary customized Expo Only passes to invite
your customers and prospects to visit you on the show floor
at no charge
• Complimentary exhibit hall badges for 12 staff members per
10’ x 10’ booth
Dates &
Thursday, January 29
Friday, January 30
Saturday, January 31
9:30 am – 5:30 pm
9:30 am – 5:30 pm
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
2014 Attendance Figures
Dental Students
Office Personnel
Total Registration
• General Practitioner
• Oral Pathology
• Oral Surgery
• Periodontics
• Prosthodontics
• Restorative
• Pediatric
Monday, January 26
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
By special request for booths 20’ x 20’ and larger
only. Direct Freight Shipments will be accepted
at the BCEC beginning this day.
Tuesday, January 27
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, January 28 8 :00 am – 6:00 pm*
Exhibit Booth Fees
10’ x 10’ corner
10’ x 10’ inline
10’ x 10’ discounted (blue booth)*
10’ x 10’ discounted (yellow booth)*
10’ x 10’ discounted (green booth)*
*Contact Exhibit Management if you
require move-in time later than 6 pm.
Islands require a minimum of 4 corners and incur
additional fees to create the space. See page 3 for details.
*See floor plan for location of color coded booths.
*See page 3 for rules governing discounted booths.
Saturday, January 31
Sunday, February 1
4:00 pm
Until 11:00 am
All freight carriers must be checked in by
6:00 am. All outbound material handling
forms must be turned in to the service
contractor no later than 8:00 am.
Conference Room Rental
On-site conference rooms are convenient for private meetings
with clients and staff, luncheons, and/or break rooms.
Cost per 20’ x 20’ room: $1,700
Reserve your conference room on the application/
contract for exhibit space or online.
Tuesday, January 27
Wednesday, January 28
Thursday, January 29
Friday, January 30
Saturday, January 31
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
6:30 am – 6:00 pm
7:00 am – 6:00 pm
7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
I 415 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210
Booth Assignment
Contracts must be received by April 25, 2014 for priority point
space assignment. Only YDC 2014 exhibitors may contract
between April 7-25. Confirmations will be mailed by early June.
Contracts received from companies who did not exhibit in 2014
or those received after April 25 will be held until all first round
assignments have been made and confirmed and will then be
assigned on a first come, first served basis. Prior history will not
be considered after April 25. Contracts received without deposit
will not be processed. The MDS reserves the right to relocate
exhibitors should it become necessary or advisable in their
reasonable judgment.
Booth Includes
• 8’ back drape, 3’ side rails and drape
• 7” x 44” company ID sign
• Company listing in Program Book,
Program & Products Advance Planner,
On-Site Guide and Mobile App
• Company listing on the YDC website
with a link to your website
• Complimentary lead retrieval
(must be ordered from service kit)
• Complimentary show special promotion
in the Advance Planner, Mobile App, and
On-Site Guide
Island Booths
Islands will be charged as follows: the 10’ x 10’ booths (including
the corners) and the additional 10’ x 10’ spaces required to create
the island. For example, if the exhibitor requests a 20’ x 30’ island
(six booths), a 20’ x 40’ (eight booths) will be needed to create the
island. MDS will carpet those additional two booths with the
show aisle carpet.
Aisle Space
Aisle space may be purchased by companies who rent multiple
island booth configurations of 20’ x 30’ or greater. Each 10’ x 10’
of aisle space is charged at $1,600. The use of purchased aisle
space may only be used for decoration, not exhibiting purposes,
and is subject to the approval of the MDS and the fire marshal.
Additional Listing
The cost to purchase an additional company listing is $100.
Please send your request in writing to exhibits@massdental.org.
Be sure to include product codes and contact information for the
additional listing. Restrictions apply.
Rules Governing Discounted Booths
Discounted booth locations are not available during the priority
point assignment period April 7-25, 2014. We reserve the right
to move the location of a discounted booth to a comparable
booth location. This would be done prior to December 9, for the
printing of the On-Site Guide.
Booth Payments
For contracts received by August 29, 2014, a 50% deposit
is required. The balance is due by August 29, 2014. Contracts
received after this date must include payment in full. Please call
for special considerations. Wire and/or bank transfer payments
are acceptable. If interested, email exhibits@massdental.org.
If you would like to set up a payment plan please contact us at
Any cancellation of the contract by the exhibitor requires
that MDS receive notification in writing, as follows: if notice is
received on or before June 18, 2014 there will be a full refund;
if notice is received between June 18 and October 7, 2014,
MDS will retain the 50% deposit per booth; if notice is received
after October 7, 2014, no refund will be provided.
The Yankee Dental Congress
produces 3 publications for the
show in which exhibitors are listed.
See Important Dates on page 4
for deadlines for these listings.
• Program Book – company listing only
Program & Products Advance Planner – company listing,
show special (if provided), and booth number
• On-Site Guide – company listing, contact information,
and booth number, show special (if provided)
Housing Bureau
YDC will block hotel rooms both in the South Boston area
and in the Back Bay and will run constant shuttle buses
between all of the properties. The housing bureau will open
September 17, 2014, the same time YDC Registration opens.
Visit yankeedental.com for more detailed information in late
summer. Please do not call the hotels directly.
Exhibitor Service Manuals
Service Manuals will be sent electronically to all exhibitors
in October. If you have not received your service manual by
October 31, 2014 please call the exhibits office at
Certificates of Insurance
All exhibiting companies agree to indemnify the MDS and the
participating Dental Societies of CT, ME, NH, RI, and VT,
the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority, and Freeman
against any claims for injury, loss, or damage that may occur
to the exhibitor or his/her property from any cause whatsoever,
and must provide insurance certificates by December 5, 2014.
See page 8 for more information. No exhibitor will be
permitted to set up without a certificate of insurance.
Important Dates
Please note dates are subject to change
April 7
Application/contract for
booth space and exhibitor
prospectus available online at
October 7
Deadline for booth cancellation/
reduction with 50% of full booth fee
retained. Space cancelled after this
date will forfeit 100% of booth fee.
April 25
Contract and deposit are due for
priority point space assignment.
Only YDC 2014 exhibitors are
permitted to contract between
April 7-25; all other contracts will be
held until priority point assignments
are confirmed.
Exhibitor Service Manuals emailed.
October 28
Complimentary Expo Only Passes
available to invite customers and
prospects onto the show floor at
no charge.
November 7
Deadline to submit complimentary
show special listing.
Companies whose contracts are
received by this date will be listed
in the Program & Products Advance
June 5
Notices of first round booth
assignments are mailed. Second
round booth assignments begin
and will continue until the exhibit
hall sells out.
June 18
Deadline for booth cancellation/
reductions with a full refund.
December 5
Certificates of Insurance are due to
MDS from every exhibiting company.
August 5
Companies whose contracts are
received by this date will be listed in
the Program Book.
December 9
Companies whose contracts are
received by this date will be included
in the On-Site Guide.
August 29
Balance of booth payment is due.
New applications for space, from
this day forward, require 100% of
total exhibit fees.
December 29
Deadline for registering booth
personnel in order to receive
badges by mail.
January 6
Deadline to submit early move-in,
booth variance, hanging sign, and laser
request forms for approval. Find
these forms in the service manual.
January 16
Deadline to make hotel reservations
within YDC blocks. Refer to your hotel
confirmation regarding deadlines to
January 27
Exhibitor move-in and registration
opens at 8 am.
Exhibitor Newsletters will be emailed
monthly beginning in September.
September 17
YDC Housing Bureau opens.
Registration opens for attendees
and exhibitor booth personnel.
October 3
Deadline to order complimentary
customized Expo Only Passes.
Questions? Contact YDC Exhibits Department
Email: exhibits@massdental.org I Phone: (508) 449-6059
Application for Exhibit Space
This contract is available online
at yankeedental.com
The company name as shown on this form will appear in all Yankee Dental Congress publications.
Please use appropriate capitalization. Complete a separate contract for each company or division.
Contracts will not be processed without the deposit.
Company Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Exhibit Contact __________________________________________Contact Title _______________________________________________
City, State, Zip_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone _____________________________________________________ Fax _______________________________________________
Email (of exhibit contact)_______________________________________ Website ______________________________________________
Company Listing for Publications
(If different from above) _________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone __________________________________________________ Website _______________________________________________
Special Requests Please list special requests for consideration in booth assignments (e.g., companies you do or do not wish to be located near).
List specific company names, not products or services. YDC cannot guarantee requests will be met, but will make every effort to accommodate them.
10’ x 10’ corner$3,700
10’ x 10’ inline$3,200
10’ x 10’ discounted (blue booth)*$2,700
10’ x 10’ discounted (yellow booth)*$2,200
10’ x 10’ discounted (green booth)*$1,900
Space Selection
Product Code Listing
Total # of booths requested ______________
Booth Dimensions _____________________
Select 1 to 6 product codes (from page 6)
that best describe your company’s product
or service (code will be used in website
listing, On-site Guide listings, and YDC
mobile app).
Islands require a minimum of 4 corners and incur additional fees
to create the space. See page 3 for details.
*See floor plan for location of color coded booths. See page 3 for details.
List booth preferences below. If requesting
an island or peninsula, list all booth numbers desired.
1. _____________________
Online Directory Upgrade$100
Upgrade to a GOLD level “online” Directory listing to
extend your marketing reach to include:
• Company Logo • YouTube Video • Visitor reports
• Company Brochure Uploads • 2 company contacts
1st choice _________ 2nd choice __________
2. _____________________
3rd choice ________ 4th choice___________
Booth choices must reflect the booth size,
price and location selected.
20’ x 20’ Conference Room$1,700
Method of Payment
Full Payment
50% Deposit
Check enclosed payable to:
Full payment is required for all contracts Required deposit is 50% of the total
Massachusetts Dental Society,
received after August 29, 2014.
rental cost of all booths requested.
Exhibits Department
Full payment due after August 29, 2014
American Express
Amount Due: _____________________________________
Mail Completed Form
with Payment to:
Massachusetts Dental Society
YDC Exhibits
Two Willow St., Suite 200
Southborough, MA 01745
Fax: (508) 449-6159
Credit Card #
Exp. Date
Authorized Signature
(508) 449-6059
Name of Cardholder (Please Print)
We have read and will abide by the rules and regulations as published within the
2015 prospectus, and understand they are part of this contract for exhibit space.
Date Rec’d Contract ___________ Payment_______________
Order #_ ______________ Booth Assignment_______________
ID # __________________ Priority Points __________________
Product & Services Index
Select 1-6 codes that describe your company’s product or service. Enter the numbers on the booth application/contract. This information is used for
the On-Site Guide listing, website, and mobile app. Code information received after December 9, 2014 may not appear in the On-Site Guide, but will
appear on the website and mobile app.
0005 Abrasives, disks/points/wheels
0008 Air Abrasion
0010 Air compressors
0015 Alloys, precious & non-precious
0020 Amalgam separator
0030 Analgesia equipment & supplies
0040 Anatomical models
0045 Anesthetics, local & accessories
0050 Antibacterial soaps & detergents
0060 Apex locators
0065 Articulators & accessories
0070 Asepsis product
0080 Audio visual equipment & material
0090 Automated defibrillators (AEDs)
Bleaching products
Blood pressure instruments
Bonding agents
Bone grafting materials
Books, professional/scientific
Burs, all types
Business equipment
Business systems
Business & financial services
0203 CAD/CAM systems
0205 Cameras, extraoral
0210 Cameras, intraoral
0215 Casting, alloys
0225 Casting machines
0230 Cements, all types
0235 Chairs & accessories
0240 Chewing gum
0243 Claims Processing
0245 Composite resin products
0250 Computer hardware
0255 Computer software
0257 Cone beam cat scan
0260 Continuing education & training
0270 Cotton products
0275 Crown and bridge materials
0300 Darkroom equipment & supplies
0305 Dental dealers
0310 Dental hygiene materials
0315 Dental laboratories
0317 Dental office design & construction
0318 Dental stem cell preservation
0325 Denture adhesives/adherents
0330 Denture base/reline & repair resins
0335 Denture cleaners
0345 Diagnostic equipment
Dietary products
Digital imaging
Disinfecting solutions
Disks & mandrels & strips
Disposable products
0400 Educational materials
0405 Electrosurgical equipment
0410 Emergency equipment
0415 Emergency kits (professional)
0425 Endodontic instruments & supplies
0430 Equipment repair & maintenance
0435 Evacuators & evacuator systems
0440 Eyewear, protective
0500 Fiber optic illumination products
0510 Filling materials & accessories
0520 Fluoride products
0700 Handcare Products & Services
0705 Handpieces, operating & laboratory
0800 Implants and accessories
0805 Impression materials
0810 Incentive materials, patient
0815 Infection control products
0825 Instruments, diamond
0830 Instruments, operating & accessories
0840 Intercommunications systems
0845 Interdental cleaners
0850 Internet services
0855 Investment materials & equipment
0900 Laboratory equipment
0910 Leasing companies
0915 Legal services
0920 Lights, curing
0925 Lights, operating
0930 Lights, other
0935 Loupes
1000 Market research
1010 Medical devices
1015 Medical waste services
1020 Metal, recovery & refining
1030 Mouth rinses
Nutritional products
1200 Occlusal exam systems
1210 Office furniture and decor
1215 Office supplies
1220 Operating lights (extraoral)
1225 Operating lights (intraoral)
1230 Operating room supplies & equipment
1235 Optical aids
1240 Oral hygiene aids
1245 Oral irrigation devices
1255 Orthodontic/pedodontic materials
1260 Oxygen and/or anesthesia equipment
Paper products
Patient education
Periodontal diagnostic products
Periodontal exam systems
Periodontal instruments and supplies
Pharmaceuticals (drugs)
Photo. equipment, supplies, accessories
Pit & fissure sealants
Porcelain products and accessories
Portable delivery systems
Practice management
Practice marketing
Practice sales
Preventive dentistry products
Prophylaxis angles & kits
Prosthetic & laboratory supplies
Publications, professional/scientific
1410 1415
Record keeping systems
Restorative materials & accessories
Retirement programs
Sealing/stain removal devices
Snoring/sleep appliances
Sterilizers & accessories
Sterilizing & disinfecting solutions
Stools, dental operating
Stools, laboratory
Surgical supplies
Syringes, all types
Teeth, artificial
Toothbrushes, manual
Toothbrushes, power
Toys and novelties
1705 Ultrasonic equipment & supplies
1710 Uniforms & gowns
1715 Units & accessories
1800 Wax, all types
1810 Website development/social media
1900X-ray films, intra & extraoral
1905X-ray machines & accessories
1910X-rays processing equip. & accessories
Floor Plan
Please refer to yankeedental.com/exhibits for the most up-to-date floor plan.
Certificate of Insurance
Required Information
All exhibitors must send an original certificate of insurance to the Massachusetts Dental Society by December 5, 2014.
No exhibitor will be allowed to set up without the required certificate of insurance.
Please refer to the sample below to be sure your certificate
of insurance displays the required information.
Your company must be listed as the
7/01/14 7/01/15
You must carry and maintain a
minimum of $1 million insurance
coverage that provides general
liability coverage, coverage against
damage to persons and property, and
hazard insurance, insuring the exhibitor’s property and its exhibit space, to
fully protect it and the MDS and the
additional insured (see below) against
all risks in connection with its exhibit at
the Yankee Dental Congress, or under
the 2015 Rules & Regulations, or otherwise.
Required dates must cover the dates
of the expo, including set-up and breakdown: January 26 - February 1, 2015.
Please send the certificate even
if it expires by 12/31/14, then send a
new certificate after this date.
All insurance shall name as additional
insured the Massachusetts Dental
Society, other participating dental
societies of Connecticut, Maine, New
Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont,
the Massachusetts Convention Center
Authority and Freeman.
If you do not carry general liability insurance, you may purchase this
in the form of event insurance. Information and order forms will be
provided in the Exhibitor Service Manual, which will be sent
electronically in October 2014.
The YDC and the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority will
not be responsible for damage or loss to any property of the exhibitor,
including the shipping containers brought into or used in or about the
convention center, nor for any acts or omissions of the exhibitor’s
employees, agents or representatives.
The certificate holder must be listed
as follows:
Massachusetts Dental Society
YDC Exhibits
Two Willow Street, Suite 200
Southborough, MA 01745
Questions? Contact YDC Exhibits Department
Email: exhibits@massdental.org I Phone: (508) 449-6059
Booth Construction I
4’ Max Height
Standard/Linear Booth
Peninsula Booth
All linear booths are 100 sq. ft. (10’ x 10’) unless otherwise noted
on the floor plan. Booths have a back wall drape that is 8’ high,
with sidewall drapes that are 3’ high. Total height of exhibits
(including decorations) may not exceed 8’ unless against a wall,
which allows for 12’ or prior approval from exhibit management.
Display material for linear booths is restricted to a maximum
height of 4’ in the front 5’ of the booth, and 8’ in the rear 5’ of the
A peninsula booth is 20’ x 20’ or larger with aisles on three sides.
The back wall of a peninsula booth must be on the non-aisle side
and not exceed 16’ in height. The back wall is restricted to 4’ high
within 5’ of each aisle and 10’ out from the back wall, permitting
adequate line of sight for the adjoining booths. All portions on
the rear of the back wall must be finished with no copy of any
kind on it. Peninsula exhibits must be designed to be accessible
from all three aisles.
End-cap Booth
Island Booth
An end-cap booth is exposed to aisles on three sides
and composed of two booths, generally 10’ deep by 20’ wide.
The back wall must not exceed 8’ in height and only in the rear
half of the booth space. The back wall is restricted to 4’ high
within 5’ of each aisle, permitting adequate line of sight for the
adjoining booths.
An island exhibit is an open area of exhibit space with aisles
on all four sides. The entire cubic content of the space may
be used up to the maximum allowable height of 16’. Approval
by YDC Exhibit Management is required if any exhibitors with
island space plan to exceed 16’, or require special consideration
for their booth. A variance form for this approval will be
included in the Service Manual.
Hanging Signs
All hanging signs must be pre-approved and receive written approval from exhibit management. A form will be
included in the Service Manual. Hanging signs will only be permitted for island or peninsula booths. Signs suspended
over peninsula booths must be set back a minimum of 5’ from the back wall line of the booth.
Questions? Contact YDC Exhibits Department
Email: exhibits@massdental.org I Phone: (508) 449-6059
Rules & Regulations
The 2015 Rules and Regulations will govern all
the exhibits at the 40th Yankee Dental Congress
(“YDC”) presented by the Massachusetts Dental
Society (“MDS”) (a constituent of the American
Dental Association) and the participating dental
societies of Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island and Vermont. The YDC will take
place at the Boston Convention & Exhibition
Center (“BCEC”), operated by the Massachusetts
Convention Center Authority (“MCCA”). By signing
the application/contract, you (the “Exhibitor”)
acknowledge that you have read, understand and
agree to comply with these Rules and Regulations,
and that MDS’s acceptance of the form, as signed
and submitted by you, creates a binding contract
between Exhibitor and MDS.
Exhibitor Set-Up
Tuesday, January 27 thru Wednesday, January 28,
2015. Additional time can be requested from the
individuals who are managing the YDC on behalf
of MDS (“Show Management”). All crates must be
removed from the Exhibit Hall aisles by 4:00 PM on
Wednesday, January 28 to allow for installation of
aisle carpet. Crates remaining after this time will be
removed at the Exhibitor’s expense.
Exhibit Dismantle
Saturday, January 31, at 4:00 PM thru Sunday,
February 1, 11:00 AM. Dismantling before the conclusion of show hours is not permitted. Exhibitor
must complete arrangements for outbound shipment with the General Service Contractor, Freeman.
All freight carriers must be checked in by 6:00 AM
on Sunday, February 1; if this is not done, Freeman
may select a carrier to ship all remaining Exhibitor
freight at the Exhibitor’s expense.
Space Assignment Policy
Assignment of exhibit space shall be made at the
discretion of Show Management. For applicants
who submit completed applications with the requisite payment in a timely manner, Show Management will make reasonable efforts to assign space
in accordance with the following seniority system.
For companies that have previously exhibited
at YDC, one point is given for each year exhibited. Points are also added for $7,500 or more of
sponsorship and advertising. When an exhibiting
company acquires another exhibiting company, the
larger seniority point number is utilized. Seniority
points of individual companies are not combined.
Seniority points are not affected when an exhibiting company acquires the product line of another
exhibiting company.
Applicants are assigned booth space based on
the number of points accumulated, as indicated
above, and the date they return their contract and
deposit within the priority time frame. MDS does
not guarantee that you will be assigned the space
requested or that competitors will not be placed
next to each other. The Show Management’s decisions on space location are final and binding on all
There is no guarantee that MDS will be able
to accommodate all applicants. Notwithstanding
I Yankee Dental Congress 2015
anything herein to the contrary, MDS reserves the
right, in its sole discretion, to refuse exhibit space
to any company, including prior exhibitors.
Deposit & Balance of Payment
Applications received before August 29, 2014
will not be accepted or processed without a
deposit of 50% of the total rental cost for all
booths requested.
Payment in full is due by August 29, 2014.
Applications received after August 29, 2014, must
include payment in full with the application.
Cancellation Policy
Any cancellation of the contract by the Exhibitor
requires that MDS receive notification in writing. If
notice is received on or before June 18, 2014 there
will be a full refund; if notice is received between
June 18 and October 7, 2014, MDS will retain the
50% deposit per booth; if notice is received after
October 7, 2014, no refund will be provided. Any
notice by the Exhibitor to reduce booth space will
be treated the same as a booth cancellation, and
the Exhibitor will receive a refund of all, a portion
or none of the difference in cost in accordance
with the above notice dates and percentages.
Upon receipt of notice of cancellation, MDS may
assign the cancelled space to any person or use
such space for any purpose, all without notice and
without further liability to the Exhibitor. Exhibitors
whose booth space has been canceled are not
permitted to register personnel for the meeting.
Abandoned Space
Any space not completely set-up by 6:00 PM on
Wednesday, January 28, 2015, will be regarded
as abandoned and may be resold or reassigned
by MDS, and the Exhibitor will not be provided
any refund. Each exhibit must be open for the full
duration of official show hours and must be closed
at all other times. If the Exhibitor abandons its
booth space without MDS permission, invitations
to participate in future Yankee meetings will be
withheld and the Exhibitor may lose its seniority
status in booth assignments or be barred from
future Yankee Dental Congresses.
If the Exhibitor will be delayed, due to weather
or any other circumstance, they must notify Show
Management and inform them of the delay.
(Exhibitor should contact the MDS office for a
number to call the Show Management office
on-site at the BCEC.) MDS has sole, discretionary
authority on whether to excuse the delay or treat
the booth as forfeited.
Use of exhibit booth space is limited to personnel
of the Exhibitor who has contracted for the space.
Exhibit booths must be staffed by registered Exhibitor personnel, wearing their official YDC exhibitor
badges, at all times during the official show hours.
Each Exhibitor will be allowed to register 12 booth
personnel per booth. Dentists, hygienists, assistants
or technicians may not register as a guest of the
Exhibitor. Additional booth personnel over the 12
per booth allotment will be charged a $30 fee
per registrant. Exhibitors may pre-register booth
personnel from September 17, 2014 at 12 noon
through January 23, 2015. All Exhibitor personnel must either be employees of the Exhibitor or
receive commissions, brokerage or salary from the
Exhibitor. Consultants are not considered employees of a company. False certification of individuals
as Exhibitor representatives, misuse of Exhibitor
badges, or any other method or device used to
assist unauthorized personnel to gain admission
to the exhibit floor may be subject to a fine of the
applicable registration fee and/or expulsion of
the Exhibitor from the exposition and barring of
such unauthorized individual from entrance to the
exposition floor, without any obligation on the part
of MDS for refund of any fees. The Exhibitor, its employees and agents, waive any rights or claims for
damages against MDS, its employees and agents
arising out of the enforcement of this paragraph.
Exhibitor Appointed Contractors
Exhibitors using a 3rd party exhibitor appointed
contractor (EAC) are required to provide the EAC
with a copy of the YDC 2015 Rules and Regulations and the necessary forms from the exhibitor
service manual. All EAC’s are responsible for complying with these Rules and Regulations. Before
beginning set-up, all EAC’s must sign in for badges
at the BCEC employee entrance at the back of the
building off the parking lot. All EAC’s must carry
insurance listing Massachusetts Dental Society/YDC
as an additional insured. This policy must include a
minimum of $1 million commercial general liability,
$1 million worker’s compensation insurance including employee liability coverage, and $500,000 with
respect to damage of property.
Exhibit Space
The Exhibitor acknowledges that MDS is merely
a licensee of the BCEC and that the Exhibitor is
merely a licensee of MDS. The Exhibitor shall use
its exhibit space in compliance with all rules and
regulations imposed by the BCEC. In addition, the
Exhibitor shall use its space solely and exclusively
for the exhibition of services, equipment, and/or
materials provided, manufactured or distributed by
it in the regular course of its business, and for no
other services or goods. The Exhibitor agrees not
to in any way, directly or indirectly, sublicense or
otherwise apportion or dispose of its exhibit space
or any part thereof, or otherwise make available
any or all of any part of said space to any person,
firm, or entity other than the Exhibitor.
All exhibits and respective contents are at the
Exhibitor’s sole risk. Neither MDS, the MCCA, nor
any of their employees or agents will be responsible for damage or loss caused by fire, riots, strikes,
civil disturbance, weather, acts of God, terrorism,
disease, epidemic, war or other causes beyond their
reasonable control (“Force Majeure”). Without in
any way limiting or detracting from the forgoing
exculpation of liability, the exclusive security company at the BCEC will provide general protection of
exhibits displays on a 24-hour basis from the be-
Rules & Regulations
ginning of set-up time until the end of dismantling
times. However, Exhibitor is expected to carry all
risk insurance on its exhibit and utilize lock boxes;
if Exhibitor desires special individual company
security, it must contract with the security company
at the BCEC, at Exhibitor’s own expense. Under no
circumstances will MDS or the MCCA be responsible for any breaches in security, except if such
breach results from the gross negligence or willful
misconduct of MDS or the MCCA. In the event that
the exhibition is barred, prevented, or canceled due
to Force Majeure or other circumstances beyond
the control of MDS, then any refund of sums previously paid under the exhibit contract shall be at the
sole and exclusive discretion of MDS.
The Exhibitor shall carry and maintain a minimum
of $1 million insurance coverage that provides
comprehensive general liability coverage, coverage
against damage to persons and property, and hazard insurance insuring the Exhibitor’s property and
its exhibit space, to fully protect it, MDS, the participating dental societies of Connecticut, Maine, New
Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont, the MCCA
and Freeman against all risks in connection with its
exhibit at the YDC, or under the 2015 Rules
and Regulations, or otherwise. All such insurance
shall name the entities listed in the previous
sentence as additional insureds. The Exhibitor shall
send an original certificate of insurance to MDS by
December 5, 2014. No Exhibitor will be allowed to
set-up without the required certificate of insurance.
Indemnification and Liability
The Exhibitor assumes the sole and entire responsibility for any and all bodily injury (including
death) and damage to or loss of property that may
be sustained in connection with or resulting from
Exhibitor’s participation in the YDC and use of the
BCEC. The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold
harmless MDS, the participating dental societies, Freeman and the MCCA from any claim, loss
or damage (including reasonable attorney’s fees
and expenses) that any of them may sustain or be
required to pay, in connection with, related to or
arising from the Exhibitor’s exhibition at the Yankee
Dental Congress, including any violation by the
Exhibitor of these Rules and Regulations, except if
such claim, loss or damage results from the gross
negligence or willful misconduct of the indemnified
Booth Space Description
Each booth will be supplied with an 8’ high back
drape, 3’ high side rails and a 7’’ x 44’’ sign at no
expense. All booths must be carpeted at the Exhibitor’s expense. The Exhibitor must pay for carpentry,
decorating, labor, additional signs, and furnishings,
and all such arrangements shall be made directly
with Freeman. Exhibit booths are 10’ deep by 10’
wide unless otherwise indicated on the 2015 floor
I Yankee Dental Congress 2015
Booth Space Limitations
Descriptions and requirements for Booth Construction are set forth on page 9 of the Exhibitor
Prospectus, which are incorporated into these
rules and regulations by reference. Hanging signs
and banners are permitted at the YDC for exhibit
space 20’ x 20’ or larger, however, written approval
from Show Management of all signs and banners
is needed. No interference with light or space of
other exhibitors will be allowed. Booths which have
been given prior approval to extend fuller than the
maximum allowable height must ensure that the
back side has a finished look with no company signage. No signs or any other articles shall be posted,
nailed, or otherwise attached to any pillars, walls,
doors, floor, etc. in any manner, and the Exhibit
Hall floor must be protected from any dripping oil.
Flammable or explosive substances, pyrotechnics
or lighter than air balloons (helium) will not be
permitted in the building. Exhibits will be examined
for compliance, but any failure of MDS to notify
Exhibitor that it is not in compliance shall not relieve the Exhibitor from all responsibility associated
with such breach. The Exhibitor shall be responsible
for any damage to the building, its fittings and any
other exhibitor’s space, and for any personal injury
or other property damage associated with its failure
to comply with these policies or its engaging in
unlawful or inappropriate behavior.
MDS reserves the right to require, at the
Exhibitor’s sole expense, that proper background of
booths and carpet be provided by Freeman in order
to maintain the dignity and good appearance of the
meeting. The right is also reserved to prohibit any
exhibit or part of exhibit, or proposed exhibit, which
in the opinion of MDS is not suitable or in keeping
with the character of the exhibition or professional
practices, or would tend to bring the reputation of
the exposition, MDS or any of the other sponsoring
dental societies into disrepute. This reservation of
rights applies as well to persons, booths, things,
conduct, and printed and advertising matter that
MDS deems unsuitable, unprofessional or disreputable.
Laser Exhibiting
In keeping with safety precautions for lasers, YDC
has adopted the following policy for those exhibitors displaying lasers in the exhibit area:
• Lasers must be operated only within a suitable
enclosed space with eye protection for those viewing and operating the laser.
• All demonstrations of CO2 lasers must be
conducted in clear plastic boxes with top and sides
• Appropriate plastic colored cubicles must also be
available for other types of lasers being demonstrated.
• No laser equipment may be left unattended in
operable condition.
• Laser exhibiting companies are required to submit a form and a description of each piece of laser
equipment and it’s safety features to YDC
Exhibits by January 6, 2015. Failure to submit this
description may result in the denial of the
lasers to be shown/demonstrated or the denial of
exhibit space.
• Upon receipt of the Laser Exhibitor Form, the
Massachusetts Code of Regulations will be forwarded and discussed.
Marketing & Sales
Exhibitor shall not use the name or logo of the
YDC, or any facsimile thereof, or any promotional
material or marks associated with the Congress
for any purpose other than promoting Exhibitor’s
supplies, goods or services in the booth assigned to
it, except by written permission of MDS.
Use of live or mechanical music is prohibited
within the Exhibit Hall without express written
permission from MDS. Any and all licenses to
permit public performance of music or movies are
the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to acquire.
If permission is granted and complaints are made,
MDS reserves the right to require that the music
be lowered or turned off completely. No noisemakers, loud speakers, megaphones, sideshow tactics,
undignified methods, or materials will be allowed.
Booth presentation and movies must be located as
not to interfere with other exhibitors or aisle space.
Videotaping and photography of the show and
other exhibits is strictly prohibited. Demonstrations
involving procedures on patients, live models or
animals are prohibited unless authorized by Show
Distribution of any samples or advertising
materials, prize awards, drawings, raffles, lotteries,
or contests, or the distribution of refreshments
are subject to prior approval of MDS, which must
be requested in writing no later than January 15,
2015. Failure to comply with this rule may result in
dismissal from the Exhibit Hall floor.
All demonstrations or promotional activities
must be in compliance with the law and confined
within the limits of the contracted exhibit space.
No business activities are to be undertaken in any
aisles, lobbies or other areas of the BCEC. Sufficient
space must be provided within the exhibit space
for the comfort and safety of persons watching
demonstrations or other promotional activities.
The Exhibitor is responsible for keeping aisles near
its exhibit space free of congestion caused by its
demonstrations and other promotional activities.
Competitive Activities
In order to protect the status of the YDC as existing
exclusively as a forum for educating dental professionals and others about developments in the profession of dentistry and the equipment and technology utilized in the provision of dental services, MDS
requires that the following restrictions be observed:
To reserve any rooms in the convention hotels, a
company connected in any way with the profession
of dentistry must have contracted for exhibit space
with the YDC. Within a one (1) mile radius of any
portion of (i) the Boston Convention & Exhibition
Center, (ii) the Prudential Center or (iii) any of the
convention hotels (together, the “Restricted Area”)
the Exhibitor shall not, whether directly
or indirectly, during the period from Monday,
January 26, 2015 through Sunday, February 1,
2015 (the “Meeting Period”), use, attempt to
Rules & Regulations
use or employ for exhibit, marketing, advertising,
signage or display purposes, or for the conduct of
seminars, clinics, promotions, or for the distribution
of samples, literature or like items, or for any similar
or related activities involved in or connected with
its business affairs or operations (the “Restricted
Uses”), any space other than (i) that exhibit space
for which it has contracted with MDS, (ii) any
space owned or leased by the Exhibitor that it has
regularly and continuously used during substantially all business hours throughout at least the six
(6) month period immediately prior to the Meeting
Period for the same purpose and in the same way
as it is used during the Meeting Period, or (iii) such
other space as to which MDS has granted its prior
written consent for such use, which consent may be
withheld in the sole discretion of MDS. The foregoing restrictions shall apply irrespective of whether
or not the Exhibitor uses the name “Yankee Dental
Congress”, “YDC” or any marks or logos associated therewith in such competitive space.
In the event the Exhibitor or any person under
its control takes any action in violation of the
provisions of this Section, and without regard to
whether or not the Exhibitor makes use of any of
the YDC marks or logos in such space, the Exhibitor
acknowledges and agrees that MDS, in its sole
discretion, may cause the immediate closure and
removal of the Exhibitor’s booth from the Exhibit
Hall and the exclusion of the Exhibitor and all its
representatives from the Exhibit Hall. No refund of
any space rental fees will be provided in such situation and the Exhibitor shall be liable for the costs of
such booth closure and removal. The Exhibitor, in
MDS’ sole discretion, may also be prohibited from
participating in future YDC meetings and, if permitted to participate, may lose its seniority status in
booth assignments.
The Exhibitor acknowledges that in the event of
its violation of any of the provisions of this Section
it will be difficult, if not impossible to calculate the
damages incurred by MDS in connection with such
violation. Accordingly, the Exhibitor shall pay to
MDS as liquidated damages and not as a penalty,
an amount equal to the result obtained by multiplying the number of square feet of space used in
violation of this Section (as reasonably estimated
by MDS) by a rate per square foot equal to that
charged by MDS to the Exhibitor for its space in the
Exhibit Hall.
I Yankee Dental Congress 2015
Utilities & Cleaning
All utilities and cleaning are supplied by the BCEC.
No exhibitor will be allowed to bring in compressed
gas or air. Drainage is limited to specific areas.
Network Services is an exclusive service provided
by the BCEC. The Exhibitor must at its expense,
maintain and keep in good order the exhibit booth.
The Exhibitor is responsible for placing all trash in
front of the booth at the conclusion of each exhibit
day for removal by the cleaning company. No
cleaning personnel will be allowed into an exhibit
booth unless an exhibiting company has contracted
for cleaning service. Please see BCEC service orders
in the Service Manual for complete regulations.
All aerial rigging within the BCEC must be approved by the YDC and the BCEC. All rigging within
the Exhibit Halls will be the sole responsibility of
the BCEC’s exclusive rigging service provider.
See the service manual for all Rules & Regulations
on Freight and Shipping.
Storage of Crates & Boxes
All empty crates/containers to be removed to the
storage area must have an empty label marked
with Exhibitor’s booth number. Arrangements for
storage and labels may be obtained at the Freeman
Exhibitor Service Center. The Exhibit Hall is subject
to strict supervision by inspectors of the Massachusetts Department of Public Safety and the Boston
Fire Department. It is suggested that small boxes
be nested inside larger ones. No boards or skids
will be accepted for storage unless securely tied
into bundles and tagged. Fire regulations require
that wrapping materials such as paper, excelsior,
etc. must be completely enclosed within packing
boxes. Materials not in accord with these regulations will be considered refuse and disposed of by
the cleaner. The City of Boston Fire Regulations prohibits storage of boxes behind the booth displays.
Any packing boxes stored behind the booth may be
removed at the Exhibitor’s expense. MDS assumes
no liability for any product(s) stored.
Fire & Safety Prevention
The service manual will be sent electronically in
October 2014 and will contain the 2015 Rules and
Regulations and the necessary requisition forms
for registering booth personnel and ordering all
furnishings or service. This information can also
be obtained from the YDC website. Contact Show
Management if your service manual has not been
received by October 31, 2014.
No exhibit booth may block any fire-fighting equipment, emergency exit doors, fire hoses, or pull boxes. Flammable and combustible fluids or mixtures
are not permitted within the BCEC. All decorations,
drapes, signs, banners, acoustical materials, cotton,
paper, hay, straw, moss, split bamboo, plastic cloth,
and similar materials shall be flame retardant
to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshall. Oilcloth,
tarpaper, nylon and certain other plastic materials
cannot be made flame retardant and, therefore, use
is prohibited. Storage behind booth back wall and
under tables is strictly prohibited.
Exhibitor Housing
Service Manual
The Yankee Dental Congress Housing Bureau will
open September 17 at 12:00 noon for reservations
for the meeting. This information will be available
on the YDC website or in the 2015 Program Book.
The exhibiting of products or services at the YDCdoes not constitute endorsement by MDS. If the
Exhibitor participates as a clinician in a scientific
session, it is expressly forbidden for the Exhibitor to
use the scientific session for promotional purposes.
The Exhibitor and its representatives are expected
to act at all times in a professional manner. The
Exhibitor shall not infringe upon the rights and
privileges of another exhibitor. Any complaints regarding infractions of the rules or disputes between
exhibitors should be made directly to MDS. Any
decision by the Society shall be final, binding and
non-appealable. Unethical or criminal conduct or
infraction of the rules on the part of the Exhibitor
or its representatives will subject the Exhibitor or
its representatives, or both, to ejection from the
Exhibit Hall and forfeiture of booth space, booth
fee and/or seniority status in booth assignments. In
such an event, Exhibitor acknowledges that it shall
not receive any refund of its booth fee.
Enforcement of Rules & Regulations
Any violation of these Rules and Regulations, as
determined by the Massachusetts Dental Society
in its sole discretion, may result in the immediate
closure and removal of the Exhibitor and its exhibit
booth from the Exhibit Hall. No refund of any space
rental fees will be provided. The Exhibitor may also
be prohibited from participating in future Yankee
Dental Congress meetings or lose its seniority
status in booth assignments.
In the event of a breach or threatened breach of
these Rules and Regulations by the Exhibitor or a
default by the Exhibitor of its obligations to MDS,
the Exhibitor shall pay to MDS all attorneys’ fees
and costs incurred by MDS in connection with such
breach, threatened breach or default.
Contract Application
Mail contract for booth space to:
Massachusetts Dental Society
Exhibits Department
Two Willow Street, Suite 200
Southborough, MA 01745
Any requests for permission to vary from the rules
and regulations must be made in writing to the
Yankee Dental Congress Show Management,
which has sole discretion to grant, withhold or
condition permission. The Massachusetts Dental
Society reserves the right to modify these Rules
and Regulations and such modifications shall
be binding on the Exhibitor upon notice to the
Exhibitor and the posting of such revised Rules
and Regulations on the website of the YDC,
www.yankeedental.com. In the event a situation
arises that is not covered by these Rules and
Regulations, the decision of MDS shall be final,
binding and non-appealable.
Yankee Dental Congress 2014 Exhibitors
3D Diagnostix
5th Avenue Acquisitions and
Venture Capital
A Fashion Hayvin, Inc.
A. Titan Instruments
Accurate Manufacturing Inc
Accutron, Inc.
ACEA (Advanced Continuing
Education Association)
ACTEON North America
(Satelec & Sopro companies)
AFTCO Transition Consultants
Air Force Health Professions
Air Techniques, Inc.
Akesso, Inc.
Almonte Fallago Group
Altus Dental Insurance
Amazing Animation
International Company
American Academy of
Pediatric Dentistry
American Dental Assistants
American Eagle Instruments
American Express OPEN
Ameriprise Financial
Angie’s List
Aqualizer By Jumar Corp.
Arcari Dental Lab
Aribex, Inc.
Aspen Dental
Atlantic Precious Metal
Avidia Bank
Bank of America Practice
Bankers Healthcare Group
Barco Uniforms
Bausch Articulating Papers, Inc.
Baystate Financial
Belmont Equipment
Benco Dental
Benco Upholstery
Bentley University
Best Dosimetry Services
Best Instruments USA
Beutlich Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Beyes Dental Canada Inc.
Bicon Dental Implants
Bien Air USA, Inc.
Bioclear Matrix Systems
Biomet 3i
Bisco Dental Products
Blue & Green Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA
Blue Hills Bank
Boston Public Health
Commission- HIV Dental
Bosworth Company
BQ Ergonomics LLC
Brasseler USA
BTI of North America
BU School of Dental Medicine
Canary System-Quantum
Dental Technologies
Caras + Shulman, PC
Carestream Dental
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
Caryn’s Corner
CDAD - Dental Health
Enterprise Bank
and Wellness Committee
Essential Dental Systems (EDS)
Centrix Inc.
EXACTA Dental Direct
E-Z Floss
Citizens Bank
Fisher House of Boston
Clarion Financial
Forest Dental Products Inc.
Clear Optix
Forsyth School of Dental Hygiene
Clinician’s Choice Dental
Products Inc.
Fortune Management of Boston
Cobb Hill Construction, Inc.
Franciscan Hospital for Children
Garfield Refining Company
Colldent Ltd.
Garrison Dental Solutions
GC America Inc
Columbia Dentoform
Gems Insiders Circle
Comcast Business
Gendex Dental Systems
Common Sense Dental
General Linen Service Co. Inc.
General Refining and Smelting
Connecticut State Dental
Gentle Dental Associates
ContacEZ, the Ultimate
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer
Interproximal Solution
Convergent Dental, Inc.
Glidewell Laboratories
Glo Science
Global Surgical
Glove Club
Crescent Products
Glove World - Top Quality Mfg
Crest + Oral-B
Golden Dental Solutions
Crown Healthcare Apparel
Goodmouth, Inc
Great Expressions Dental Centers
Cusp Dental Laboratory
Great Lakes Orthodontics, Ltd.
Greater New York Dental Meeting
Dansko By Alexander’s
Guided Surgery Solutions, LLC
Delta Dental of MA
GumChucks at Oral Wise Inc
H+O Dental Laboratory
Hager Worldwide
Dental Assisting National Board, Hartzell & Son, G.
Inc./The DALE Foundation Hatch Legal Group
Hawaiian Moon
Dental IT Solutions
Hayes Handpiece Company
Dental Laboratory Milling
Healthcare Professional Funding
Dental Purchasing Group, LLC HealthDrive Corporation
Dental R.A.T
Dental Tribune America
Heartland Dental
Dental USA
Henry Schein Dental
Dental Vibe
Henry Schein Practice
Dental Water Technology
Management Solutions
Henry Schein Pro Repair
DentalEZ Group
Henry Schein Professional Practice
Henry Schein Total Health
Dentegra Insurance Company Heraeus Kulzer
Dentistry Today
DENTSPLY International
Hudson Transition Partners, Inc.
DENTSPLY Maillefer
DENTSPLY Professional
DENTSPLY Raintree Essix
ICW International
ILS Dental
DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental
Infinite Therapeutics
Infinite Trading Inc.
Designs By Sandra
DESIGNS for Vision, INC.
Instantly Ageless
DEXIS Digital Xray
Institute for Advanced Laser
Digital Doc, LLC
Institute of Medical Emergency
Dino Chair by Ossi
Preparedness (IMEP)
DMG America
Doc’s Duds
Integrity Systems & Solutions, LLC
DOCS Education
Invisalign iTero
Doctors Disability Specialists
IQ Dental Supplies & Equipment
Iranian Women Dental Network
Door To Door Dental
iSocial Reviews
Doral Refining Corp.
Isolite Systems
DoWell Dental Products
iSonic Inc. (ultrasonic Cleaners)
Doxa Dental, Inc.
Iveri Whitening
DrQuickLook Inc.
Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc
DUX Dental
J. Morita USA, Inc.
Jim Kasper Associates, LLC
Eastern Dentists Insurance
JS Dental/Directa
Company (EDIC)
KAT Implants
Edge Pharmacy Services, LLC
KaVo Dental
Edimer Pharmaceuticals
Keating Dental Arts
EHR Funding
Kerr Corporation
Ellman International
Kettenbach LP
Engle Dental Systems
Kilgore International Inc.
Killian Dental Ceramics, Inc.
Kimberly Clark
Klockner of North America
Komet USA
Kuraray America, Inc.
Lantz Dental Prosthetics, Inc.
Lares Research
Lester A. Dine Inc.
Life Long Dental Care
Life Portraits by Angela
Lighthouse Practice Management
Likeable Dentists
Lincoln Technical Institute
Lips Inc.
Live Implant Training
Lutheran Medical Center, Dental
Magic Massage Therapy
Maine Dental Association
Market Connections Inc.
Massachusetts Dental Society
Massachusetts Dept. of Public
Health Office of Oral Health
Massachusetts Hispanic Dental
Association (MHDA)
McGaunn & Schwadron, CPA’s, LLC
MDS PAC/People’s Committee
MDSIS - Spring Insurance Group, LLC
Medentex LLC
Medical Protective
MedSafe (Total Compliance Solutions)
Meisinger USA. L.L.C.
MicroDental Laboratories
Midmark Corporation
Miles Global / Savage Dental
Millennium Dental Technologies Inc.
MIS Implants Technologies
Modern Dental Laboratory USA
Modular & Custom Cabinets, Ltd
Morgan Mill Metals, LLC.
Morgan Stanley
MORR Dental Solutions, LLC
Mount Ida College
MouthWatch, LLC
Mudlick Mail
Mydent International
N.E. Handpiece & Sharpening Co’s
National Dental Association
National Practice Transitions, LLC
Nevin Labs
New England Practice Transitions
New England Private Wealth
Advisors, LLC
New Hampshire Dental Society
Newark Dental
Nice Touch Massage
Nobel Biocare USA
Nordent Manufacturing
Northeast Dental Counseling, Ltd.
NorthEast Dental Management
Northern Counties Health Care
NSK Dental, LLC
NuSmile Pediatric Crowns
OCO Biomedical
Onpharma Inc.
Options for Children in Zambia
OraCoat XyliMelts
(OraHealth Corp.)
Oreck Commercial
Otto Trading Inc
Palisades Dental
Panoramic Corp
PARAGON Dental Practice
Parkell, Inc.
Parnell Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Patient News
Patriot Networks, Inc.
Patterson Dental
PDT, Inc./Paradise Dental
Pelton & Crane
Penobscot Community
Dental Center
Perio Protect LLC
Philips Sonicare & Zoom
PhotoMed International
Physician’s Benefit/Guardian Life
Pierce & Mandell, P.C.
Plak Smacker
Planmeca PlanScan
Plummer’s Arctic Lodges
PMR Marketing
Porter Instrument Company, Inc.
Practice Compass
Premier Dental Products Company
Prestium Pharmaceuticals, Inc
PRO-Craft Dental Lab
Productive Practices
ProEdge Dental Products
Professional Protector Plan
for Dentists
Professional Sales Associates, Inc.
Propel Orthodontics
Prophy Magic
Pulpdent Corporation
PureLife Dental
Quintessence Publishing
R&F Building and Remodeling LLC
RDH Magazine
RDH Temps Inc.
Renewal by Andersen
Rescom Exteriors
RGP, Inc.
Rhode Island Dental Assocation
RJC Products LLC
Rose Micro Solutions
Rosen & Associates LLP
Royal Dental Manufacturing/
Sabra Dental Products
Schumacher Dental Instruments
Schwartz & Schwartz, PC-CPAs
SciCan Inc.
Scleroderma Foundation
SDI (North America), Inc.
Second Story Promotions
Sector-Wide Health
Sesame Communications
Shader Productions
Sikka Software Corporation
Silverleaf Resorts
Sirona Dental, Inc.
Six Month Smiles
SKM Jewelers
Smile Reminder
Snap On Optics
Snow Farm: The New England
Craft Program
Sock Drawer And More
- Scarf World
SockIt! Gel
SOTA Imaging
Southland Distribution
& Sales
Spacefile International Corp
Spident USA, INC
SS White
ST Instrument USA Inc
Sterling Architectural Millwork
Straumann USA, LLC
Suffolk University
Sulcabrush Inc
Sultan Healthcare, INC.
Summit Dental Partners
Summit Orthodontic Svcs., Inc.
Sunstar Americas, Inc.
Surgical Esthetics
SurgiTel/General Scientific
Talent Medical
Taub/Perfectone Molds/Trident
TD Bank
Tess Oral Health
The Candy Cottage
The Gideons International
The Harvest Group of UBS
Financial Services
The Oral Cancer Foundation
The Quality Life
The Stick Division of RPI
of Atlanta
The Team Training Institute
The UConn Foundation, Inc.
The Wall Street Journal
Tokuyama Dental America, Inc.
Tri-State Dental Supplies
& Equipment
Truvia brand/Cargill
Tufts University School of Dental
Medicine Alumni Relations
U.S. Bank Practice Finance
Ultradent Products, Inc.
Ultralight Optics
Umbie Health Corporation
United Service Upholstery
Universal Dental Plan
University of New England
Univet Optical Technologies
North America Inc.
Upholstery Packages & Services
US Army Medical Recruiting
Valumax International
Vatech America
Vector R & D Inc.
VELscope by LED Dental, Inc.
Vermont State Dental Society
Vident, a VITA Company
VisiCom Paging Systems
VOCO America, Inc.
Water Pik Inc.
Wells Fargo Health Advantage
Wells Fargo Practice Finance
White Towel Services Inc.
X-Factor Applications, L.L.C.
Yodle, Inc.
Young Dental/Biotrol
Zeiss Multimedia
Zest Anchors, LLC
Zimmer Dental
Zirc Company
Zoe Medical, Inc.
ZOLL Medical Corporation
Your Marketing Plan
Your booth is just the beginning
Choose from one of our premade bundles to reach attendees
across all platforms
• Create one that works with your goals, within your budget
Direct attendees to your booth before they hit the show floor
Ensure attendees know of your presence as they
walk throughout the convention center
Online & mobile
Get noticed before the show online on our
website and emails
• Directly reach attendees through
their mobile devices
Be included in attendee schedules as they
plan their time at YDC 2015
• Reach all attendees
and prospects
Where it all begins
Your brand, Your way
online & mobile
Call Lindsey Gauthier at 508-449-6040 to develop your plan for exhibiting at YDC 2015
Print Advertising I Publications
Program Book Envelope
Pre-Registration Envelope
Get noticed with an exclusive
ad on the back of the program
book envelope.
Last year, approximately 24,000
pre-registered for Yankee Dental. Make
sure you get your message out before
the meeting with this exclusive ad.
9” L x 3.5” H
Back Side:
Artwork Due:
August 1, 2014
8” L x 3.625” H
Back Side:
Artwork Due:
September 2, 2014
Official Program Book
Front Cover (1/3 pg ad)
Inside Front Cover
Page One
Opposite Table of Contents$4,700
Inside Back Cover
Back Cover
Center Spread
Full Page
Half Page
Ad Sizes:
Full Page: 8 3/8” x 10 7/8”
Half Page Horizontal: 7 1/2” x 5”
Half Page Verticle: 3 1/2” x 10”
Center Spread: 16 3/4” x 10 7/8”
Artwork due August 6, 2014
YDC Advanced Planner
Reach the greatest audience
by advertising in our ONLY
publication sent to all registered
and prospective attendees.
On-site Guide
Front Cover (1/3 pg ad)
Inside Front Cover
Page One
Opposite Table of Contents$4,400
Inside Back Cover
Back Cover
Center Spread
Tab Pages (3 available)
Full Page
Half Page
Inside Front Cover
Page One
Opposite Table of Contents$2,600
Inside Back Cover
Back Cover
Center Spread
Full Page
Half Page
Artwork due November 7, 2014
Ad Sizes:
Full Page: 7 ” x 8 1/2”
Half Page Horizontal: 6 1/4” x 3 1/2”
Half Page Verticle: 3” x 7 1/2”
Center Spread: 14” x 8 1/2”
Artwork due December 15, 2014
Mechanical Requirements
All advertising materials should be supplied as electronic files. High-resolution PDFs
(with fonts embedded) are preferred. Crop marks and 1/8” bleeds required on all sides.
These files should be collected to disk with fonts and supporting files (.tif, .jpg, .eps).
We also accept the following media: CD-ROM.
Mail Artwork to:
Massachusetts Dental Society
Exhibits Department
Two Willow Street, Suite 200
Southborough, MA 01745
Artwork Questions? Contact Jeanne Burdette Email: jburdette@massdental.org I Phone: (508) 449-6054
Online & Mobile I Advertising & Marketing
Course Evaluations
Attendees evaluate 400 courses and events at Yankee. Post a banner ad on the online evaluation form. $750
YDC Website Buttons & Banners
Get the attention of attendees as they are
finding information, looking at courses, and
registering for the Yankee Dental Congress 2015!
Banners and buttons are available on attendee
and registration pages.
$800 $500 $200 500 x 100 pixel top banner
shown on 1 chosen page
150 x 200 pixel side button shown on
all pages within chosen category
500 x 100 pixel bottom banner
shown on 1 chosen page
Registration Confirmation
Every person that registers via the YDC website will receive an e-mail confirmation with your banner ad.
90% of attendees register online. Ad size is 475 x 100 pixels. Deadline for artwork is August 15, 2014. $2,500
LCD Network
The LCD Network offers 31 distribution points throughout the BCEC, allowing sponsors to
reach their audience thoughout the venue. Displays are 50” and 60”.
$500 per sponsor
Prospect Email
Attendee e-Newsletter
Reach thousands of dental offices at once
with Prospect Email Blasts. These are used
to generate attendance at YDC, and will be sent
out monthly. They reach a circulation of 20,000
dental professionals.
E-Newsletters are sent out to attendees in the
3 months approaching YDC, and 5 sent out in
January. Opportunities are available on the side
column, and at the bottom of the newsletter.
Average open rate of YDC e-newsletters
is 70% with average click through rates of 33%
$850 $450 $200 150 x 200 pixel side graphic
(2 available per newsletter)
475 x 100 pixel bottom graphic
(2 available per newsletter)
230 x 100 pixel bottom graphic
(2 available per newsletter)
$1200 B $600 C $250 A
Specialty Email
The YDC specialty direct mail campaigns are preceded by email
newsletters that target each specialty. All ads include a link to your
website. Specialty groups include an estimated distribution of
350 Periodontists, 200 Prosthodontists, 250 Orthodontists,
220 Oral Surgeons, 200 Endodontists, or 330 Pediactic Dentists.
Mobile App Alert
These alerts will be pushed on the iPad/iPhone
and will be displayed as text in the top notification bar for all applicable Droid devices. Availability limited to 5 per day, 1 per hour. Hours of
availability are 9 am - 4 pm. $500
150 x 200 pixel side graphic
(2 available per newsletter)
475 x 100 pixel bottom graphic
(2 available per newsletter)
230 x 100 pixel bottom graphic
(2 available per newsletter)
$600 B
$200 C
150 x 200 pixel side graphic
(2 available per newsletter)
475 x 100 pixel bottom graphic
(3 available per newsletter)
230 x 100 pixel bottom graphic
(3 available per newsletter)
Mobile App Banner
This 320 x 55 pixel banner rotates at the top of the
YDC mobile app, and links to your exhibitor landing
page, where all of your company information including
website, contact information, and PDF documents are
available. $1,100
On-Site I Events & Materials
VIP Reception
Join our most prestigious guests at this invitation only party. Invitations with your company name will be sent to
500 VIP guests. Your company can place welcome gifts at each place setting and company representatives are invited
to mingle with guests. $5,000 per sponsor
Thursday Night Event
Yankee Dental kicks off with a special event for all attendees! Sponsorship of
this event includes placing your materials/samples on tables, on-site signage,
and promotion in all Yankee publications.
$1,500 per sponsor
Student Program
Invitations are mailed to 2,500 students at Boston University, Harvard University,
Tufts University and University of Connecticut with your company logo. Two e-blasts are
sent in November and December and will include your company logo. On-site, company
representatives may greet students and distribute samples and literature. $6,100
Badge Holders
Attendees must have these in
order to wear their required badges.
Approximately 26,000 lanyards are
distributed at Yankee.
Your company name will appear
in bold letters on the top of all
registration badges. In addition, your
message, promotion, or coupon will be
featured on the back side.
(Company responsible for printing lanyards)
Lecture Note Pads & Pens
Attendees continually request these items on-site. Note pads and pens will be
distributed from all information counters throughout the convention center.
(Sponsor to provide pads and pens)
Hotel Room Drops
Attendees come to Yankee to take advantage of samples and new products. A room drop ensures your product or
service will be seen.
Contact Tom Marshall at Convention Communications to coordinate. Tom@doordrop.com or 513-934-3700
Hotel Key Cards
Your four color advertisement will be printed on attendee room keys at the Seaport Hotel,
Long Wharf Marriott, Marriott Copley and Renaissance. Additional hotels may be added
for an additional fee. $8,200 I Westin Waterfront: $4,700
Questions? Contact Shannon McCarthy
Email: smccarthy@massdental.org I Phone: (508) 449-6052
On-Site I Events & Materials
Coffee Stations
Two locations off the North Lobby. Two 38” x 80” signs will display your message as attendees
wait in line for coffee. Ability to play promotional videos for an additional fee. $950 per Station
Java Jackets
Let attendees know about your presence by putting your company logo and
booth number on hot beverage sleeves available at venues throughout the BCEC. $800
(Sponsoring company responsible for producing sleeves)
Convention Bags
Bags will be distributed from the North Lobby Welcome Center.
Sponsor is required to supply bags to YDC. $1,500
Giveaway Time Slots
Want to send attendees directly to your booth? Sponsor a time slot at the entrance to the exhibit hall and distribute coupons,
flyers or samples to attendees walking in. $1,600 per 2 hour time slot
On-Site: Outside
Media Tower
Place an ad on the transportation flyer that is given
out at all Welcome Centers & Convention Hotels.
Signage on the outside of the bus will have your
company name and logo. $13,500
Attendees are greeted at the BCEC
with a 80’ tall media tower, which provides
presence with full motion video. The
tower is visable for a half mile in many
*DVDs available on some buses.
$6,000 Per Day
$12,000 for 3 Days
On-Site: Skybridges
BCEC Skybridge
Westin Skybridge
Twelve 38” x 80” double sided signs
will highlight your company’s ad.
$400 per set of 2
$800 per set of 4
$1,200 per set of 6
Eight 38”x 80” double sided signs will highlight
your company’s products/services as attendees go back
and forth between the convention center and Westin.
$600 per set of 2
$1,200 per set of 4
Skybridge Window Graphics
Put your company right in front of attendees as they look down into the exhibit hall floor from the BCEC sky bridge
2’ x 2’ graphics available in sets of 4. $500
Skybridge Banners
Three 10’ x 30’ banners available along the outside of the bridge.
$5,000 per banner
On-Site I North Lobby
Registration Desks
Incorporate your name and logo into YDC registration panels and signage.
Continuing Education Pavilion
The North Lobby pavilion will highlight your company name
and logo in the signage. Computers will have your name and
logo on the screen saver as well as the course print out.
Each day’s courses/events are highlighted on a prop
in the registration area. Your ad will go into two slots on the prop.
Directional Banner
Directional in front of coffee stations, 5’ h x 8’ w, double sided
$2,700 for both
Registration Banners
Two spots available, 7’ x 14’ double sided
$2,000 per banner
BCEC Video Wall
This 60’ Video Wall is located in the North Lobby above the main welcome center.
Your promotional ad will run for 30 seconds every 8 minutes. You can even see the
ad from the Seaport Hotel!
*Additional costs may be incurred if you need assistance with creating video.
On-Site I Corridors
Northwest Corridor Directional Banners
Located on Level 1, six 15’ x 5’ horizontal, double sided. Select the number of signs.
4 Signs: $5,000 6 Signs: $9,000
East & West Corridor Banners
Two Corner Banners—in the East and West corridors, 12’ x 12’
$6,500 for both
Views from
inside &
Column Wraps
These are available in several different options. Wraps are four panels, 37.75” x 89.25” per panel. Column wraps are sold in
sets of four. Locations listed below. $2,600 per set of 4
Level 1 NE Lobby Pre-function, East Side of
Level 0 Four columns where attendees are dropped
building, across from coffee stations.
Four columns available
off from the rear and satellite parking lots.
Level 1 Level 1
East Side — buses are dropping from the
hotels. Eight columns available
Level 2 East Side — located outside classrooms.
Level 1
West Side — buses are dropping from hotels.
Eight columns available
NW Lobby Pre-function, NW West Side
of building. Four columns available
Eight columns available
Level 2 West Side — located outside classrooms.
Eight columns available
Window Graphics
These 2.5’ x 4’ graphics are available on the East & West sides of Level 1 & 2 of the
BCEC. Window Graphics are available in sets of four.
Stand Alone Signs
38” x 80” free standing double sided signs with your company advertisement
in the lecture corridors. Attendees will see your message for three days as they
go to and from courses.
$450 per set of 2
Rest Room Samples, Door Graphics, & Stand Alones
Twelve sets of rest rooms are the perfect location for you to give out samples
and display graphics on doors. Attendees won’t miss your message!
On-Site I Escalators
Escalator Banners
10’ x 10’’, double sided banners hang between the escalators.
Four banners available.
$2,000 per banner
Exhibit Floor Escalator Banners
Be right in front of attendees as they enter the exhibit hall floor from the
North Lobby escalators. With two 15’ x 15’ double sided banners.
$6,000 for both
Directional Escalator Banners
Two 9’ w x 15’ h vertical banners, double sided, hang over escalators
to level two from the North Lobby
$4,500 for both
Escalator Graphics
Your message will be highlighted on two sets of escalators in the
North Lobby going up to Level 2. Each escalator will have five decals,
21.75” w x 105” h on either side.
Stair Decals
Escalator Handrails
Two sets of stairs run from the
North Lobby landing down to the
exhibit hall floor. Graphics are
64.5” x 4.25”.
Attendees will hold your message as they ride the
escalators throughout the BCEC. Graphics will be
placed onto the handrails displaying your company
and message. Price is per escalator bank.
Floor Decals
Two 10’ x 10’ locations are available for graphics. Two sets are in the
North Lobby landing area and the third is on the West
side of the building.
On-Site I Exhibit Hall
The Lounge
Attendees can catch up with colleagues in the Lounge
located on the exhibit hall floor. Sponsorship includes
pre-show promotion in all YDC publications, website,
and on-site signage.
Clinician & Volunteer Lounge
This is a premier location for your advertising.
450 speakers and 900 YDC volunteers use this room
each day. Your customized message runs over 90’ of wall,
double sided. Materials and samples may be distributed.
Glass Skybridge Banner
A 20’ x 50’ banner is hung in the center of the
skybridge wall. All attendees can see this as they
enter the show floor.
Aisle Signs
As attendees navigate the exhibit floor by numbered aisle signs,
make sure they find their way to your booth as well. Twenty-six, 4’ x 4’
vertical double sided signs
Main Entrance Banner
Banner hangs at the main entrance to the
exhibits, and can be seen from registration.
10’x 30’ double sided
$7,000 per banner
On-Site I Exhibit Hall
Sponsor Props
These 11’ x 8’ double sided props highlight your product(s)
and or services.
Mannequin Looks
Have your dental professional looks displayed front and
center on mannequins in the main food court on the
exhibit hall floor. Attendees will eat amongst groupings of
mannequins with a 22” x 28” sign to display your company
name, logo, and booth location. These are available in sets
of 2, with a limit of 5 sets. Companies are responsible for
upkeep throughout the show.
$600 per set of 2
Guide attendees to your booth by placing foot prints
from one of our entrances to your booth. Graphic
can be up to 8” x 10”. Cost is per 500 ft and includes
production and refresh during the show. Availability
limited to 3 sets.
Questions? Contact Shannon McCarthy
Email: smccarthy@massdental.org I Phone: (508) 449-6052
Advertising Bundles:
Having a successful show starts with the proper planning and advertising
to let attendees know who you are and where you will be on the
exhibit floor. The best way to reach all audiences is through utilizing
publications, mobile and online opportunities, and on-site advertising.
We have created these bundles to allow you to take advantage
of all categories at a lower cost than purchasing each one
individually, creating greater value to your exhibit
at YDC 2015!
Gold $7,400 I
(Full Price $8,000)
• Full page in the Official Program Book
• One web page top banner (500 x 100 pixels)
• E-Newsletter Premium Side Advertisement
• Mobile App Banner
• Ten 2.5’ x 4’ Lecture Corridor Window Graphics
Silver $4,000 I
(Full Price $4,500)
• Half page in the Official Program Book
• Full page in the YDC Advance Planner
• E-Newsletter Banner Advertisement (500 x 100 pixels)
• One web page top banner (500 x 100 pixels)
• Mobile App Alert
Bronze $1,700 I
(Full Price $2,100)
Half page in the YDC Advance Planner
E-Newsletter Graphic Promotion (230 x 100 pixels)
One web page bottom banner (500 x 100 pixels)
Mobile App Alert
Two Lecture Corridor Signs
Custom Bundle
• Don’t see anything that fits your needs?
• Contact Lindsey Gauthier to develop a custom bundle
• lgauthier@massdental.org I (508) 449-6040
Sponsorship & Advertising Contract
This contract is available online
at yankeedental.com
Company Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
By signing this agreement, I acknowledge our commitment for sponsorship at the 2015 Yankee Dental Congress. Companies will be responsible for
payment on contracted sponsorship. No refunds will be given for cancelled reservations. Booth space will not be assigned to companies with outstanding ad and sponsorship invoices.
Payment Terms:
• Advance payment is required for first time advertisers. Accounts are payable within 30 days of invoice.
• Advertisers who use agencies are responsible for any debts incurred by those agencies in the advertisers name. If an advertising agency defaults
on payment, the advertiser will pay all costs directly to the Massachusetts Dental Society regardless of whether they have already paid the defaulting agency for the space.
• By signing this agreement, I acknowledge our commitment for advertising in 2014/2015 YDC publications. Companies will be responsible for
payment on contracted ad space. No refunds will be given for cancelled space reservations. Booth space will not be assigned to companies with
outstanding ad and sponsorship invoices.
Please fill out desired sponsorship and advertising for the 2015 Yankee Dental Congress
on the reverse side of this contract.
Method of Payment
Check enclosed payable to: Massachusetts Dental Society, Exhibits Department
American Express
Amount Due: _________________________________________
Credit Card #
Exp. Date
Authorized Signature
Mail Completed Form
with Payment to:
Massachusetts Dental Society
YDC Exhibits
Two Willow St., Suite 200
Southborough, MA 01745
Fax. (508) 449-6152
Name of Cardholder (Please Print)
Questions? Contact Shannon McCarthy smccarthy@massdental.org • (508) 449-6052
Sponsorship & Advertising Contract
Print Advertising: Publications
On-Site North Lobby
Pre-registration Program Book Envelope
Pre-registration Envelope Backside
Official Program Book Position(s): ________________________________________
YDC Advance Planner
Position(s): ________________________________________
On-Site Guide
Position(s): ________________________________________
Online & Mobile
Attendee Website Buttons & Banners
Page & Position: ________________________________________
Course Evaluations
Registration Confirmation
LCD Network
Prospect Email
Graphic: ________________________________________
Attendee e-Newsletter
Graphic: ________________________________________
Specialty Email
Graphic: ________________________________________
Mobile App Alert
$500 per alert
Mobile App Banner
Registration Desks
Continuing Education Pavilion
Directional Banner
Registration Banner
BCEC Video Wall
On-Site: Corridors
Northwest Corridor
Directional Banners
East & West CorridorBanners Column Wraps
Window Graphics
East/West Corridor Stand Alones
On-Site: Escalators
Escalator Banners
Show Floor Escalator Banners
Directional Banners
Escalator Graphics
Escalator Handrails
Stair Decals
Floor Decals
On-Site: Events & Materials
VIP Reception
Thursday Night Event
Student Program
Badge Holders
Lecture Note Pads & Pens
Hotel Key Cards
Westin Waterfront Key Cards
Coffee Stations
Java Jackets
Giveaway Time Slots
Convention Bags
$950 per station
$1,600 per 2 hours
The Lounge
Clinician & Volunteer Lounge
Glass Skybridge Banner
Aisle Signs Main Entrance Banner Sponsor Props Mannequin Looks Footprints $12,000
Gold $7,400
Silver $4,000
On-Site: Outside & Skybridges
Media Tower
BCEC Skybridge
Westin Skybridge
Sky Bridge Window Graphics
Sky Bridge Banner
On-Site: Exhibit Hall
Bronze $1,700
Custom _________________________________
Contact Shannon McCarthy
Email: smccarthy@massdental.org
Phone: (508) 449-6052
Attendee Mailing Lists
Make sure your presence is known at this year’s meeting. Surveys and focus groups indicate overwhelmingly that attendees want to know ahead of time about show specials and new products. By doing pre-show pomotion you ensure traffic
to your booth. A post-show mailing reaches customers that may have missed you and those who plan to make purchases
after the meeting.
This contract is available
online at yankeedental.com
Date ___________________________ Booth Number(s) _____________________________________
Company Name _______________________________________________________________________
Agency (if applicable) Contact Name _______________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________________________________________________________
State __________________________________________________ Zip ________________________
Phone _______________________________________________________________________________
Fax _________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail ______________________________________________________________________________
Please check all that apply. Incomplete orders will experience delay in processing.
*An edited sample piece must accompany all orders. YDC reserves the right not to fulfill your request based upon
the content of your mailing. Items included in lists are name, designation, company, and address. All orders are sent
via e-mail in excel format, unless otherwise indicated. Allow 14 days for order to be processed. The lists are pulled
weekly (Monday) beginning 12/08/2014.
Please indicate the date you prefer your list to be sent. _______________________________________
YDC 2015
Pre-Registered Doctors
YDC 2015
Pre-Registered Attendees
YDC 2015
Post Show Attendees
YDC 2015
Post Show Doctor’s Only
YDC 2014
Post Show Attendees
YDC 2014
Post Show Doctors Only
Second Mailing
Custom Report
Term & Conditions of List Rental
Please call for details.
List renter agrees to not resell, disclose, transfer, duplicate, reproduce or replicate any part of the list. List is limited to a one time
usage solely to market or promote the above named exhibitor. List renter is permitted to use the list in merge/purge only for the purpose of eliminating duplicate
names. In the event the list renter uses the list contrary to this agreement, the list renter will be held unconditionally responsible. Therefore, any and all costs incurred
by Yankee Dental Congress in enforcing this agreement will be the responsibility of the list renter. There are no refunds for the renting of the list. It is clearly understood that Yankee Dental Congress in no way endorses any product or service or the above-mentioned exhibitor by renting the list. List renter agrees to indemnify
and hold harmless Yankee Dental Congress from any and all claims, damages, losses or expenses, however incurred, occasioned by the use of the list. This agreement
covers a 12 month period. It is understood that list orders are seeded with decoy names to monitor unauthorized use and use is tracked. Reuse of list will be invoiced.
By signing this contract, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the List Rental. (Signature required for processing)
Print Name _________________________________________ Authorized Signature ____________________________________
Method of Payment
American Express
Amount Due: ________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
Credit Card # Exp. Date
Authorized Signature
Name of Cardholder (Please Print)
Mail Completed Form
with Payment to:
Massachusetts Dental Society
YDC Exhibits
Two Willow St., Suite 200
Southborough, MA 01745
Fax. (508) 449-6159
Questions? Contact Emily Cantin ecantin@massdental.org • (508) 449-6059
January 28 – February 1, 2015
Exhibits: January 29 – 31, 2015
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
Two Willow Street, Suite 200
Southborough, MA 01745-1027
Contact Information
Shannon McCarthy
• Sponsorship & Advertising
Director of Sales
• Exhibit Floor Classrooms • Scientific Sponsorships
Stefanie Cunniffe, CMP
• Booth Assignments
Manager, Exhibits & Operations • Meeting Operations
• YDC Vendors/Contractors
Amanda Torpey
• Exhibit Booth Sales
Exhibit & Publication Ad Sales • Sponsorship & Advertising Sales
Lindsey Gauthier
• Exhibit Booth Sales
Exhibits Sales Coordinator • Advertising Sales
• Online Marketing Opportunities
Emily Cantin
• Certificate of Insurance
Registration & Exhibits Coordinator
• Registration ecantin@massdental.org
• Billing & Invoicing
• Attendee Mailing List
Rachael Rich
Marketing Coordinator
• Online Marketing Opportunities
• Expo Only Invitations Future Dates
January 28 - 30, 2016
January 26 - 28, 2017
January 25 - 27, 2018
Contract booth space and view the most up-to-date floor plan