Volume 1 Issue 4 December 2002


Volume 1 Issue 4 December 2002
Response Times
Volume 1, Issue 4
December 16, 2002
The official newsletter of the Howlett Hill Fire Department
The Chief’s Office
The Fire Department had its elections
last week and with much surprise some
positions changed and I believe the membership has spoken. I welcome the new
line officers and I thoroughly believe that
we will have an excellent upcoming year,
just as we did this past year.
During the first line officer's meeting we
will be setting new goals and with everyone's help, we should achieve them without problem.
I would like to thank Brian Gale for his
hard work and dedication as Captain. Brian's administrative skills have
been greatly appreciated.
We need "Atta Boys" for Chuck and Bob.
They have been enrolled in an EMT class
for the last 6 months. This last Saturday
they "Aced" their practical
and I do believe they will "Ace" their test
in the upcoming week. Congratulations!!
On Saturday the 14th of December we
finally moved into the new section of the
fire station. The small apparatus bays
have no heat and Rescue 2 is stacked in
front of Engine 1. We expect the heat to
be installed in the next 7 to 10 days and
Rescue 2 will relocate to where it
All turnout gear is on chairs behind
Engine 3. The new lockers are
By Chief Jim Harris
scheduled to be installed this week.
Please use caution when answering
alarms and getting dressed as we are
cramped for the time being.
While responding to alarms try to get
used to using the Beef Street entrance
as fire apparatus will be exiting the
Howlett Hill entrance. All fire apparatus must exit Howlett Hill Road.
We are in the new building with a
temporary occupancy. This means
absolutely NO use of the building
except for Howlett Hill functions only.
If you have any questions, please call
The new used Engine is at Har-Rob
being outfitted and should be delivered
sometime around the first of the year.
Radio people will be in sometime this
week to remove the radio from
Engine 1. We will be using a portable
until this truck is removed from service
and the new truck is placed in service.
Inside this issue:
The Chief’s Office
HHFD Finishing
out the year
Photo Section:
Signal 80, on
S. Kasson Rd.
Photo Section:
Electrical fire on
Cedarvale Rd.
Photo Section:
Signal 99 on
Howlett Hill Rd.
Enjoy the Christmas party on
December 16th.
Training Officer,
Auxiliary News,
I would like to wish everyone a safe and and Parting Shot
happy holiday season.
HHFD finishing out the year
The year 2002 brought
tracking software. All
many changes and
alarms for 2002 are loaded
improvements to HHFD.
into the computer.
Being able to move into
We’re conducting an AED
our new quarters was a big
Fund Drive and we’ve
purchased three AED’s
The department is using a
already. We have enough
new computerized alarm
to buy just one more unit
Jim Harris
“The HHFD Response
An informal newsletter for
the Howlett Hill Fire Departand we’re hopeful that addi- ment members and their
tional donations will come in families and for the residents of the community we
to reach our goal of six
serve. The Times are pubAED’s.
lished on a monthly basis.
I1-------------------------------------------------hope you enjoyed the news- Copies are available at the
Howlett Hill Fire Station, or
letter this year, we’ll try it
via email by request to:
again next year!
by Frank “Booster” Valls
Happy Holidays, stay safe !
Frank Valls, Editor
Signal 80: Car-House on S. Kasson Rd. on Aug. 24, 2002
Above: John Harris Sr., Rescue Capt. Scott Bealer and Mark Edmonds review the scene.
Below: Chuck Lanning gives “pointers” on disabling a battery (or is he receiving pointers?)
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Electrical fire on Cedarvale Rd. on Nov. 24, 2002
Above: HHFD stretches lines to the basement of a home during a small ballast fire in the basement.
Below: Engine 3 and the heavy Rescue 1 in action at the scene.
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Volume 1, Issue 4
Photos by: Rev. Mike Delaney
Page 1
Signal 99: Structure fire Howlett Hill Rd. Dec. 3, 2002
Above: Car 2, Assnt. Chief John Harris Jr. checks out the kitchen area through the rear door.
Below: John Harris Sr. and Mike Gosson attack the garage and two fully involved cars.
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Volume 1, Issue 4
Photos by: Rev. Mike Delaney
Page 1
The HHFD Response Times
Published by the membership
of the Howlett Hill Fire Dept.
3884 Howlett Hill Road
Syracuse, NY 13215
Phone: 315-673-1817
Email: fvalls@hhfd.org
The Training Officer’s Class Notes
HHFD Training Schedule December 2002
Course Name
Business Meeting
Dec. 9
G. Peryea & members
Installation of Officers Meeting
Dec. 16
G. Peryea & members
Dec. 23 & 30
Gosson / Doner
Drill / Holidays
L in e O f f ic e r a n d B o a r d
o f D ir e c t o r E le c t io n
R e s u lt s
Elections of Officers and
Installation Meeting and
Dinner with membership
Patient Care and Packaging
For MVA's and/or Tool
operation and familiarization
(depending on turnout)
Our last drill covered patient packaging. This seemed to be a timely drill
since we have packaged 3 victims from Signal 80's since then. I feel a few
more drills such as this will increase our knowledge, familiarity and also
speed up our responsiveness through this familiarization.
With the busy holidays coming up I am not sure of the turnout for the drill
nights scheduled prior to them. If we do have a turn-out, plan on working
on familiarization with the tool and its accessories.
Training Officer, Mike “Goose” Gosson
Line Officers and Board Members
Elected to the Howlett Hill Fire Department in December 2002
Chief (Car 1)
1st Assnt. Chief (Car 2)
2nd Assnt. Chief (Car 3)
Captain of Rescue
Captain of Fire
Lieutenant of Rescue
Lieutenant of Fire
James Harris
John Harris Jr.
James Bealer
Paul Doner
Michael Gosson
Scott Bealer
John McCartney
President of the Board
Vice President
Assnt. Secretary
Glenn Peryea
Brian Bealer
Laureen Legnetto
Sandy Legnetto
Michael Legnetto
Retained as three year board
John Harris Sr.
Scott Bealer
Michael Legnetto
News from the Auxiliary
Jan Farrell, Auxiliary President, indicates that the Auxiliary
had great success in their traditional service to homebound
District residents. They delivered 23 loaves of speciality
breads, 3 plates of sugar-free cookies and one other gift on
Sunday, Dec. 15th . The Auxiliary will also be bringing 8
loaves of bread to residents in local Nursing Homes.
Great job, Thank You Auxiliary members !!
The Auxiliary looking for new members. Jan states that
having an up to date roster of Fire member information
would help in an Auxiliary Membership Drive. Anyone
interested in joining should contact Jan or any member.
Parting shots
It’s only fitting that the final Parting
Shot of Year 2002 is credited to the
man who has been with HHFD from
day one. Pictured at right is
HHFD #1, Past Chief John Harris
Sr. on the nozzle during the Dec. 3,
2002 fire on Howlett Hill Rd. In
three months, John Harris will celebrate 50 years of dedicated service
to the department and the Howlett
--------------------------------------------------Last Page---------------------------------------------Hill community.
Fifty years of
service and still going strong!
Congratulations, and many Thanks
to John Harris.!!