July 2003 - Fishing Bay Yacht Club


July 2003 - Fishing Bay Yacht Club
July 2003
From the Quarterdeck
As I look out the window the sun is
shining. That makes six days without rain. Maybe a record. Nine
straight weekends of rain, but we
have a lot to be thankful for. We
held almost all planned activities. I
believe someone, whose name I
won't mention, said something to
the effect that the One Design sailors are a little wimpy. They cancelled two races.
The Junior Division got off to a
great start. Over 25 Opti Kids, ages
6-8, parents, and grand parents had
two rainy-wet but great weekends
(June 7-8 and 14-15) on the water
learning to sail. These are very
young kids who basically have
never sailed before. Junior week
was held June 16 through 20 with
over 100 juniors, sailing on Wind
Surfers, Opti’s, Bytes, Lasers,
420’s, Mobjacks and Flying Scot’s.
New this year is Race Team Extended Program. The program is a
big success. We have juniors
signed up for all 420’s, Optis, Lasers and Bytes. Many of our juniors
have stepped up from Opti’s and
Bytes to the 420’s. We have heard
from many parents and the word is,
Board Meeting Highlights ............ page 2
Membership .................................. page 2
Mobjack Cruise............................. page 3
Annual Cruising Regatta .............. page 3
Membership Guidelines................ page 3
Believe It Or Not-Club History .... page 5
Annapolis to Newport win............ page 6
Coaches Calendar ......................... page 7
Volvo Leukemia Cup Regatta ...... page 8
FBYC Web Site: http://www.FBYC.net
by Dick Cole, Commodore
yes, FBYC does have the best Junior Program on the Bay. We are
very fortunate to have a Junior Division Staff so committed to a high
level of excellence. Special thanks
goes to Ruthanna Jenkins and her
Staff, Kelly O’toole, Melanie Crittenden, Noel Clinard, Jan Monnier,
coaches-Melanie Clore, Shawn
Fisher, Dan Herlihy and all the
other volunteers who gave their
time and energy to making this a
successful program. Don’t forget to
come out and support the junior
away races this year. Melanie Crittenden and Ruthanna have all under
control but can always use help If
you can to volunteer, call them.
The FBYC facilities are first class
and we continue to get letters and
calls from visiting sailors on what
great facilities we have and the hospitality of FBYC. During junior
week the Corinthian Yacht Club
from Philadelphia rafted up at the
club, had a catered dinner and all
had a great time. Our facilities can
handle large diverse groups and not
be over-crowded; but it all comes
back to what sailing is all about,
whether it is racing, cruising or
teaching juniors—camaraderie
among sailors. I would like to quote
a few sentences that Philip Purrington of Va. Beach said in a letter to
me about his stay in September
2002 and May 31 2003. “Our sail
back to the Corotoman on Sunday
was exciting, windy and for the
(Continued on page 4)
The Junior Beat Rolls On
David Hazlehurst
Ruthanna Jenkins
Despite the weather, Junior Week
2003 was a fantastic success. Over
100 Juniors participated. Most important now, this year's program is
much more than a one week affair,
and the remaining activities are
open to all FBYC Juniors, whether
or not they were able to participate
in Junior Week. In fact, if there's
space, any Junior is welcome to
bring a friend to one of the remaining events. Just call Melanie or
Ruthanna to check on space and
reserve a spot.
Take a look at the calendar on page
7 and pick as many events as you
can make. Note that there are
events each day of the week at the
same times each week.
Mondays are for one-on-one coaching. Schedule some personal time
with a coach to work on any aspect
of sailing. For example, some juniors have mastered the spinnaker
this way already.
Tuesday is travel day. Everyone
interested should call. There is of(Continued on page 6)
Board Meeting Highlights
Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. by
Commodore Dick Cole.
LOG – Steve Gillispie advised that he
could not get all of the articles he received in the last issue and requested
that articles be sent to him by the cut-off
DOCKS – There are several small slips
available. Gil Miles is going to organize
the west side of the drysail area and will
then assign parking spaces.
FBYC Officers
Dick Cole
David Hazlehurst
John M. Buhl
Mason Chapman
Elizabeth Staas
Log Streamer
Steve Gillispie
SOCIAL – The next social event is on
Friday, July 4.
FINANCE – The Long Range Planning Committee has asked Jay Buhl and
Mason Chapman to consider the Committee’s suggestions regarding an increase in the amount of the annual donations that the club makes to local
Deltaville charities and to bring a recommendation to the Board for vote in
Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Jankowski
WEBMASTER – Strother Scott reported that the club’s web site now has
about 340 visits per day.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Coffing
FLEET CAPTAIN - The Coast Guard
recently inspected 10 boats at the club,
including Mr. Roberts, and found them
all to be seaworthy. All scheduled Offshore Spring Series races have taken
place but two of the four scheduled
One-Design Spring Series races were
canceled. Eight FBYC boats are expected to race in the Black Seal Cup
Regatta in Hampton. The team-racing
concept is gathering momentum and
RRYC will come to FBYC the end of
June for the first team-racing event.
Volunteers who would like to help in
this year’s Stingray Point Regatta
should contact Mike Karn.
Spring Series races out of four were
sailed, with a total of 27 boats participating. Upcoming one-design scheduled events are the team races with
RRYC and the July 4th race.
boats have participated in the first three
cruising events and have sailed approximately 971 total miles. Eleven
boats have signed up for the 2-week
Northern Bay cruise.
coaches are working on ideas to get the
Juniors back to the club to sail/race
following Junior Week for the remainder of the summer. Kenneth Andreasen
gave an excellent seminar on June 7-8
and the seminar was especially beneficial for the coaches who attended.
There were 26 participants in OptiKids
and approximately 92 enrolled for Junior Week, not including the CIT’s.
Final Approval
Mr. Robert A. Jureit
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Keane
Dr. & Mrs. Brockett Muir, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Reichel, III
Mr. Martin B. Williams
Mr. Christos D. Dedes
Over 50 FBYC members’ e-mail addresses ending in “attbi.com” changed
to “comcast.net” on July 1, 2003. The
new addresses should be available on
the web site between July 1 and July 3.
You can find a new address by going to
the “Member’s Only” section at
www.fbyc.net and typing in a last
name. The User Name will also change
for some members. The new e-mail
address for Executive Secretary Mary
Spencer as of July 1 will be
Please make the change in your address book.
FLEET LT. – David Hazlehurst reported that we are still waiting to replace the starboard engine on Mr. Roberts, but Don Landau and Paul Howle
are driving the boat. A number of club
members have been very generous in
allowing the use of their boats during
PROTEST – Anyone who has a race
scheduled should let Mike Karn know if
they want him to have a protest committee available.
OLD BUSINESS – The Special Dock
Committee plans are moving ahead
slowly. Mike Karn is working on final
changes on the view of the dock and
Richard Callis is working on some of
the drawings.
NEW BUSINESS – Dick Cole reported that there has been significant
(Continued on page 3)
Free Sailing
Annual Cruising Regatta
August 2, 2003
Sam Stoakley
David Hazlehurst
On page 7 of this Log is a calendar
which our two coaches have prepared. This shows when the
coaches are available for teaching
at the club, and regattas scheduled
away from Fishing Bay.
There are also blocks that show
where there are opportunities for
Free Sailing.
During these times any club member is encouraged to use any of our
club boats. Access to the Junior
storage shed requires only punching
in the combination shown on your
membership card. And check-out
procedures are posted inside the
shed. Hopefully, adults who want to
sail will use this opportunity. To
encourage this activity we will arrange for an after sail cookout, or
perhaps revert to the local staple,
lasagna. All you have to do to join
in this activity is show up at the
club no later than 2.30 PM, and be
off the water before dusk.
(Board Highlights continued from page 2)
progress made on the possible acquisition of land at the Stull property. He appointed an ad-hoc committee of Waddy Garrett, Strother
Scott, and Bev Crump to work with
the Flag Officers to develop the
opportunity and represent the club.
Strother Scott reported the details of
the opportunity to buy a portion of
the land from the group who has
placed a contract on the property
and the implications on the future
of the club. After much positive
discussion, Strother was instructed
by the Board to work with Allan
Heyward on a letter of intent to buy
2.5+ acres, all subject to Board approval and a permitted use as a
yacht club, and to report back to the
Flag Officers.
There being no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at
7:40 p.m.
July 19—July 25
Wayland & Maggie Rennie
Down and back will be full day
sails; otherwise we have
planned short legs, no heroics, times
ashore. On Saturday, July 19, we'll
take off early to sail to the East
River, where we'll anchor overnight. On Sunday morning we'll
visit Zimmermans Marine
and cruise by many beautiful homes
and a tidal mill; then sail to Ware
River, where we'll have a catered
dinner at the yacht club, anchoring
overnight. Monday, July 21, we
head up the North River and will
anchor in Davis Creek for a visit to
"Lightview," with swimming, tennis, touring the house, and a box
lunch there. In late afternoon we'll
head farther up the North to Blackwater Creek to anchor overnight.
July 22 we sail to the Severn River
area, and dock at Severn River Marina on the southern branch. Dinner
ashore at a nearby restaurant. On
July 23 we'll sail to Yacht Haven on
Sarah's Creek off the York
River. On the 24th we'll visit Yorktown Victory Center and have a
guided tour of the U. S. Coast
Guard Training Center (largest on
the east coast), then return to
the East River for overnight and
Fishing Bay on the 25th. About 10
boats have signed up, but more are
Contact Wayland or
Maggie Rennie at 353-7708 by July
10 to join us on the Mobjack!
Please mark your calendar and plan
to participate in this annual, casual,
fun race for the less-intense sailing
enthusiasts. As always, your boat’s
rating will be adjusted to reflect
your decision to tow your dinghy,
have an air-conditioner, bring the
kids along, sail with 10 year old
sails and other perceived handicaps. Our race coordinator, Chip
Hall, will compute starting times
based on these adjusted ratings and
the selected race course and will
stagger the start in an effort to have
all boats finish in a dead heat. The
slower you are, the bigger head
start you will get!
After the race, please plan to join
us for refreshments, awards, and a
“Cheeseburger in
Paradise” dinner at
Jimmy Buffet has
been invited to sing
a few of his favorites, but, unfortunately we are not
able to confirm his
appearance at press
time. We’ll keep
you posted! The cost will be $7.50
per adult and $5 for children (with
or without JB).
Please call or email Sam Stoakley
754-1407 to sign up and to get a
Cruising Regatta Handicap Adjustment Form.
New Membership Guidelines
Elizabeth Staas
As a reminder, FBYC new Membership Guidelines went into effect
January 2003. The new procedures
allow our FBYC Board and current
members more time to get to know
prospective members before voting
(Continued on page 4)
(from The Quarterdeck... from page 1)
(Membership Guidelines... from page 3)
most part wet. Several times during
the day our conversation revolved
around the marvelous way in which
we were greeted at your club. It
brought home to us one of the joys
of yachting, and that is the camaraderie we share with other yachtsmen. Not all boaters are yachtsmen,
but you and your members seem to
have written the book. Please pass
on our thanks for your help last
September and thanks for all of
your wonderful hospitality this past
May. Your reputation on and off
the water is well deserved.”
them into membership. As you
know, FBYC is always seeking
new members who will help promote our sailing and cruising programs to their highest scale; however, the club currently has a Waiting List for Membership.
Rosegill was another success
thanks to the hard work of Janie
French and all of her volunteers.
Yes, we had a little rain but over
250 members and guests enjoyed
the food and the band was great.
Coming up are some important
dates, so please mark your calendar
and come out and join the fun. Junior Regatta June 28; First Annual
Team Races June 29; July 4 One
Design Race and Beach Party Celebration; Summer Seabreeze July 5;
Leukemia Cup Events-July 9th Art
on Fishing Bay at the club house,
Friday 11th Registration and Silent
Action and the Race and Dinner on
the 12; Wayland’s Mobjack One
Week Cruise starts on July 25.
See you at the club
Spring Blow-Out Sail at FBYC
Lori Moyer
One-Design Division Commander
Mother Nature threw a bit more
than all those rainy days at us this
Spring Series 1 was held on a beautiful Sunday allowing the Frontrunners, Flying Scots, 420’s and Lasers
to open the season just as they had
hoped with 4 great races. Day two
found the one design racers huddled
in the clubhouse enjoying a pancake breakfast as thunderstorms
deposited rain and a few bolts of
lightning. Ugly rain and high winds
also forced the cancellation of races
on Spring Series day three.
Finally, the fleets made it back on
the water after a one hour postponement on the final scheduled day of
the series and enjoyed most of two
good races before gusts in the 20’s
dumped a few 420’s, Lasers, Flying
Scots and Frontrunners. After one
stray boat drifted to the FBYC dock
on its side and a few rescues were
performed by the volunteer chase
boats and some fellow sailors, we
called it a day. Congratulations to
the top finishers in each fleet, Strother Scott in 420, John Beery in Flying Scot, Joe Williams in Front
Runner and Brad Squires in Laser.
While the Spring Series racing was
somewhat scattered, it was exciting
and the One–Design Division has
plenty of events lined up to make up
for those missed days. There is the
annual Fourth of July Long Distance Race followed by a cookout.
Summer Seabreeze Races are
scheduled for July 5th and 26th. The
second Team Race vs. Rappahannock Yacht Club will be held on
July 27 at RYC. All of this leads
up to our main event, the Annual
One Design Regatta on August 6-7
featuring over one hundred boats in
10 fleets over 3 courses. So don’t
miss out, and I look forward to seeing you on the water!
If you are planning on sponsoring
a prospective member, please contact Elizabeth Staas, Membership
Chair at 278-9882 to discuss the
applicant. You, as a sponsor will
then be sent an application to forward to the applicant for completion. As primary sponsor, you are
responsible for gathering all appropriate documentation and submitting it with the completed application to Mary Spencer, FBYC Secretary. The sponsors (2) must be
FBYC members in good standing
and have joined FBYC prior to
1/01/03. FBYC members who
have joined after 1/01/03 must be
members for 4 years before sponsoring an applicant.
Applications are reviewed and subsequent membership meetings may
be held once per quarter. Applicants are interviewed by the Membership Committee which then determines whether to place the candidate on the waiting list or reject
the application. As deemed appropriate, candidates on the waiting
list may be presented to the Board
of Trustees to be voted into membership. The names on the waiting
list are not published; however, all
are presented to the Board at each
Board Meeting.
Anyone wanting a copy of the
membership guidelines should
send a request to Elizabeth Staas,
Membership Chair. Any questions
or comments should be referred to
the Membership Chair or the
Membership Committee. The 2003
FBYC Membership Committee
consists of Elizabeth Staas, Chair;
David Hazlehurst, Jay Buhl, Mason Chapman and Allan Heyward.
Amusing Historical Anecdotes...
FBYC Believe It...Or Not!
Jere Dennison
• In spite of dedicating their ‘new’ clubhouse on Fishing Bay in 1949, FBYC members suffered for
ten long miserable years with frigid showers until a hot water system was finally and mercifully installed!
Chuck Raynor, Logstreamer at the time, published this exciting announcement in the Spring, 1959 issue
of the Log:
A couple of years back when I first had the pleasure of coming to Fishing Bay, mention was made of hot
water for showers. Being a new member I hadn’t felt it politic to mention this subject, so I have remained
in the dark on the status of the fabled warm waters. Now, however, it is my honor to be able to announce
that money had been appropriated, a heater is being purchased, and soon the magnificent thing may come
to be.
Believe it...or not!
• In 1961, two FBYC clubmembers with two other crew were shipwrecked for nearly two days on an
uninhabited island in the Chesapeake Bay when their sailboat was damaged and grounded during a
fierce Autumn storm!
The October 17, 1961 Richmond News Leader reported on the incident in an article titled “Local Men
Describe Bay Experience.” The FBYC members were Byrd W. Davenport and William H. King. The
other two victims were Hugo Stevens and St. George Grinnan, Jr. All were from Richmond. The newspaper account is abbreviated below:
The 38-foot ketch the four were on ran aground in a windstorm Saturday night in water three feet deep
and 40 to 50 feet off Watt’s Island, 15 miles south of Crisfield, Md.
“The first night was pretty rough,” King said today. “We were all soaking wet and the temperature got
down to about 40 or perhaps in the high 30’s.”
The boat’s sails, except for the mainsail, which was tied down, blew out in the raging winds that also
churned up the water around the island.
King said the men got practically no sleep Saturday night. Each made several trips through the churning
surf from the ketch to the island carrying gear and supplies from the boat.
They were able to get one of the batteries on the ketch working and call for help on the boat’s radio.
Their plea was heard by the Norfolk marine operator who passed along the message to the Coast Guard.
An 83-foot Coast Guard patrol boat arrived on the scene about midday Sunday, but couldn’t get close
enough to the island to remove them.
By Sunday night, conditions on the island had improved. The men had fashioned a windbreaker out of
tarpaulin and made a fire.
They were picked up by a private cabin cruiser early Monday. All four men survived the ordeal without
ill effects.
• Believe it...or not!
• In 1969, the Fishing Bay Yacht Club embarked on an ambitious physical expansion program, but
(Continued on page 8)
(Junior Beat Rools On.. from page 1)
ten extra crew space. Remaining
trips are to Annapolis (2nd ), Norfolk (8th), West River (15th), Gibson
Island (22nd), and Tred Avon (29th).
Wednesdays have morning racing
for Team and Advanced Optis and a
Race Series every afternoon from
3PM—5PM. Anyone who wants to
race can join in.
Thursday mornings are for Begin-
Advanced Opti: Sean Gillispie
Sailboard: Tim Oksman
Team Sailing: Tom Roberts
and Tara Lytle assisted by Kelly
Adult Sailing: Rich Lundvall
and Steve Wirt
Racing Coaches: Melanie
Clore and Shawn Fisher with
Dan Herlihy, Chris Jankowski
and Abby Logan
Counselors in Training: Russell
Branch, Taylor Brannon, Mary Gin-
FBYC Boat Takes Line Honors in
Annapolis to Newport Race
FBYC’s Larry Cohen, sailing his
Swan 411, took line honors in IMS
Class 1, Annapolis to Newport
Race this June. With a corrected
time of 95hr-59m-37s, Dawn
Treader edged out the second boat
Aurora (Swan 44) by over two
Commenting on the race, Larry
noted that, “Dawn Treader won
IMS division taking line honors
even though the smallest boat. Finished 2pm on Wednesday. Sailed
under Fishing Bay banner. Chip
Kinsey won Navigator Trophy. He
is from Matthews and a member of
the Matthews Yacht Club. Race
was cold, wet and rough. Many
thunderstorms down the bay with
some gusts over 40. Out in the
ocean had a northeaster all the way
with winds 25-35 rain, fog and
cold. Certainly was a test. Many
boats dropped out.”
Paul Andersen will navigate for me
on the Marblehead Halifax Race
starting July 6. This will be the second of three races we will do for
the Northern Ocean Racing Trophy.”
Congratulations, Larry, to you and
your crew and good luck with the
ning and Intermediate Optis and the
afternoons are dedicated to 420
The Race Team will be meeting on
July 5th and 13th. And for some real
excitement and great "riskless"
competition, join as crew when the
two coaches, sailing J24s, match
race the 18 th and 25 th from
Gayner, Daniel Gillispie, Conway
Jennings, Katie Lundvall, Kathryn
Turner, Mackenzie Van Rossem,
Will Wake, and John Whittet. Paul
Howle and his dedicated corps kept
the motorboat fleet running
smoothly and launched and retrieved the boats daily.
Call the coaches on their cell phone,
To top it off, the 420 sailors will
have a 420 Festival on July 26th.
Junior week and these events are the
result of a lot of help and assistance
from our dedicated volunteers.
OptiKids: Tracy and Giles
Tucker and Jan Monnier
Beginner Opti: Sharon Wake
assisted by Terry Blackwood,
Ron Jenkins and Corell Moore
Intermediate Opti: Katie Roberts assisted by Melanie Crittenden
remaining races.
804-337-3857, or email at
fbyccoach @yahoo.com.
A recorded update of the upcoming junior events, is on the Junior Program
Hotline at 804-787-8015—please do
not leave messages on this number.
Leukemia Cup Regatta Sails Into Fishing Bay July 11-12
Featuring The 3rd Annual Duck Race
Roy Meyer
On Friday and Saturday, July 11 and 12, the Club again
hosts the 5th Southern Chesapeake Volvo Leukemia Cup
Regatta, presented by SunTrust and co-sponsored by Fishing Bay YC, Stingray Harbor Marina, York River YC and
the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This event has taken
on special meaning this year since Gary Jobson, the national
chairman of the Leukemia Cup Regatta series and an honorary FBYC
member, was diagnosed with leukemia in mid-April. Gil Miles, heading up
the Leukemia Cup cruising fleet, has dedicated that race in Gary’s honor.
(Believe It Or Not from page 5)
our beloved swimming pool that we take for granted today
was in danger of receiving insufficient support from the
Board for construction to proceed!
Before the pool became a reality, wives and children who were
not participating in our racing programs endured the blistering
summer weekends clustered under the two large shade trees in
front of the clubhouse or dodging stinging nettles around the
pier on Fishing Bay. Generally these ‘shore support teams’
were not happy campers, and there was rebellion brewing
amongst the familial segment of the membership.
In order to encourage the swimming pool project, Nancy Lewis,
wife of Bolling Lewis, composed a delightful poem addressed
to the yacht club Board. Here is her ‘Sailing Widow’s Plea’:
A baby-sitting boat watcher is all I can be,
While my own Bus Mosbacher goes out to sea.
And in between screams that someone’s been stung,
The children yell out that the race has begun.
We start from the pier to get better perception,
But realize the distance creates visual deception.
We can’t tell a Sunfish from Mobjack or Jolly,
The sun in our faces has made it a folly.
To give him a cheer or wave him adieu,
Is all that we beach ‘sitters’ can possibly do.
How many of us girls are in the “on-shore” boat,
Helping our husbands to keep afloat?
By nursing their children and battling the nettles,
We try to keep our family life deserving of medals.
So please! To the Fishing Bay Yacht Club Board,
keep us cool,
By giving the families a swimming pool.
• Believe it...or not
After three rounds of chemotherapy,
Jobson is reported to be in good
spirits and anxious to get back on
the sailing scene.
Regatta Weekend opens with a Welcome Reception sponsored by Mike
Karns/TMS and Silent Auction at
FBYC at 7:00PM, Friday, July 11
and is FREE to members and the
public. The auction will feature a
wide variety of nautical and marine
art and treasures. Several pieces of
art, ranging from paintings and
sculpture to photography and model
boats, will also be available for sale.
Activities begin on Saturday, July
12 at 8:00AM with registration and
a skipper’s breakfast at FBYC.
Races begin at 11:00AM for
CBYRA-sanctioned sailboat races,
including PHRF, spinnaker and nonspinnaker classes, multi-hulls, onedesigns and the Leukemia Cup Fleet
cruising class.
We anticipate over 100 boats but
registration is still open. Fees are
just $100 for fundraising boats, $50
for boats registering for racing honors only. Skippers will receive a tshirt, party/drink ticket and a goodie
bag containing several gifts.
The coveted Leukemia Cup Trophy
will go to the person raising the
most money for the event. An allexpenses paid Caribbean sailing
charter provided by The Moorings
also goes to the leading moneyraiser. Last year’s top fundraisers
included Carolyn Schmalenberger of
Deltaville, Edward “Rip” Radcliffe
of Hartfield and Chip Powell of
Richmond. Overall, the 2002 regatta
raised more than $104,000.
To register or to obtain more information, please contact Sheri
Coombs at the Virginia chapter of
the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
in Richmond at (800) 766-0797 or
e-mail . Regatta information is also
posted on Fishing Bay’s Web Site at
64th Annual
One Design Regatta
August 9 and 10
Great Competition
Catered Barbecue
Live Music
(Sweet Justice)
WED., JULY 9TH - 6:00 - 9:30 pm
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and the FBYC
Two days of racing, with up to seven races and possibly 4
Wednesday Night Dinner Group invite you to "Art on
separate race courses. Optimists will be divided into Red,
Fishing Bay". All members and guests are asked to bring
Blue, White, and Green fleets, as defined by USODA. There
an hors d'oeurve to share. There will be a cash bar promay be a separate start for the Green Fleet. Additional
vided by the Leukemia Society. Contact Bob Kates at
classes may be added at the discretion of the Event Chair or
fma@oonl.com or 804-776-6950 to RSVP.
the One Design Division Commander.
The Regatta is sanctioned as a separate event for CBYRA
High Point awards and for Junior High Point awards in certain classes as shown in the CBYRA One Design Schedule.
For further information contact :
Event Chair:David Hazlehurst (804)353-5657
One Design Division Commander: Lori Moyer (804)3427404 LoriMoyer@attbi.com
Participating Artists
Kathleen Noffsinger ♦ Rita D'Amico ♦ Lenyon Walsh
Guy Crittenden ♦ Jane Hall ♦ Dixie Hoggan
Jane Wells ♦ Rip Radcliffe ♦ Kate Halsey Smith
Ann Lawman ♦ Joan Mannell ♦ John Sharp
Dorothy Fagan♦Ben Richardson♦Audrey Wright
Rudi Winebrenner ♦ The Bellevue Square Quartet
For additional information about the artists see:
Join The Annual
“Leukemia Class”
Cruising Regatta
(Dedicated To Gary Jobson)
Saturday July 12
9th Annual
WHERE: Mouth Of The Piankatank
WHEN: Start: 1100 Hours Finish: 1500 Hours
Cruise and participate like the racers do while
helping with precious funding for Leukemia.
Just sail over and start. This event is open to
all who wish to join in. “Leukemia Class” registrants will have the same opportunity to
raise money, come to the various functions
be a true part of our extended sailing family.
What an opportunity!
For Information: Gil Miles 804.672.1200 or
email leukemiaclass@aol.com
Stingray Point Regatta
For the Brent Halsey Jr. Memorial Trophy
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Deltaville, Virginia
Saturday and Sunday
August 30 & 31
Starts will be offered for:
For More Information see www.fbyc.net
Come join the premier regatta
on the middle Chesapeake Bay!
July 2003
Editor’s Note: See the Calendar on
page 7 for a complete listing of all
Junior activities for July.
Art On Fishing Bay
Bemis Regionals
One Design
Long Distance
Cup Regatta
Leiter Clinic For
Mobjack Bay
Mobjack Bay
Mobjack Bay
Mobjack Bay
Located @ Rappahannock Yachts
Serving the Greater Chesapeake
Nationally and Internationally!
Mobjack Bay
Mobjack Bay
One Design
Cup Regatta
Mobjack Bay
X-Small 8" x 12"
Small 10” x 15”
Medium 12" x 18"
Large 16" x 24"
X-Large 24" x 36"
Burgee w/sleeve
30" x 48" Priced on Demand
Prices include shipping and handling.
Make checks payable to FBYC.
c/o FBYC
P.O. Box 29186
Richmond, VA 23242
For Sale: 9ft. Concept Hard dinghy.
Very stable storage compartments,
mounted compass. Comes with oars
and 5 horse power Mercury Outboard
(used very little) Boat and Motor 3
years old. Excellent condition, $1,500.
Call Judy Buis 804-358-9475.
For Sale: 34' 1985 Wilbur
Custom Maine Downeaster. 3 helm
stations, 3208T cat. low hours, many
new electronics and recent
Boat is local to
Deltaville. $181,000 776-6614.
For Sale: 1994 Byte with newer sail. I
am buying a new Byte. Includes all
blades, spars, lines and racing upgrade
package. Great condition. $1900. Call
Caroline Garrett 804-357-2284.
For Sale: New Windrider 16
Includes boom
vang, spray diverter, trampolines, bilge
pump, cockpit cover. Cost: $4200, sell
for $2,500 (reduced from $3200). New
trailer, cost: $800, sale: $500 (reduced
from $600). Art Backstrom, Richmond,
(804) 272-3444 or lloydart@attbi.com
For Sale-Windrider Rave-Reduced:
16’ foil lifted trimaran, roller furling
reacher, trampolines, cockpit covers,
bilge pump, trailer, sailed three times.
Original cost: $13,840, sale price:
$6000 (reduced from $9,000). Art
Backstrom, Richmond, (804) 272-3444
or lloydart@attbi.com.
For Sale: C&C 27 Mk IV, “Gemini”
'84 in great shape, v-berth, rear quarter
berth, Head, CNG stove, Diesel
Yanmar 1GM, VHF, Knot, Depth,
Apparent wind & wind speed, Furlex RF
(new 2002), 150% Roller Furling (new
'99). Call Jim Morrison @ 804-7396062 cell 804-304-8801 Asking $19,200
For Sale: Pearson 33, “Hot Number,”
’88, Great Shape, V Berth, Aft Berth,
Settee-Sleeps 6, Full Head, Propane
Stove & Oven, Diesel Yanmar 18, Knot,
Depth, VHF, Draft 4’, Roller Furling
165 (4 yr) Full Batten Main (2 yr)
Dodger (2 yr) Looks Great, Sails Great,
Call Ric Bauer Office 804-644-0049
Home 804-769-4293. Asking $56K
For Sale: 5hp outboard motor
With alternator. $200 Contact Mark
Wensell, 804-307-4492 or
For Sale: Bristol 24 “Yankee Clipper.”
Dodger, 9.9 hp Outboard, many extras.
For Sale: 40 ft. 1987 Siverton
Convertible 1994 Cummins Diesels,
1998 Onan generator, 2000 electronics,
2 sets of props, tender, beautiful 1/2
tower w/ 2 enclosures.
Call Arthur
Wilton 804-776-7211.
For Sale: Dingy 7 ft. Fiberglass, 350 #
cap., “Little Peg,” located Jackson Creek
racks. $ 200, Dick Cole, (804) 739 6187.
Wanted: Used trailer for 16' Hobie
Tony Sakowski, 804 285-3347
B A B Y S I T T E R S : A va i l a b l e i n
Deltaville. Experienced, Responsible, 17
year old—Palmer Curdts. Palmer's twin
sisters—aged 13 (14 on 7/11/02) Sophie & Peyton Curdts. Call (804)
776-9589. Parents: Bill & Blair Curdts
W a n t e d
U s e d
L a s e r
Used laser for training. Contact Alain
Vincey anvincey@attbi.com or 804512-3077
For Rent: Stove Point Cottage on
Fishing Bay side, 3 BR, large bunk
room for kids (sleeps 4+), air conditioned, dock, beach for small boats.
$1,500/ week. Call 804-545-1584.
For Sale: Spencer 22 White Lightning,
custom 1996 sport sailboat. Winner of
annual CBYRA high point trophy 3
times. $10,900. Trailer. Call Bill
Spencer, 804-740-7913, or
For Sale: Older, used OPTI, Sail no.
1974. Previously in race collision
but fully repaired and operational. Perfect for Junior Week. $600. Call
Noel Clinard at 788-8594 (office) or
285-0299 (home) or email
1980 Mercedes-Benz
For Sale:
240D Diesel 4-speed, excellent condition, sunroof, A/C the perfect cottage
car, 185K miles, barely broken in on
these cars; some records, new inspection
$5,500. Located in Richmond Justin Nelson (804) 230-3590
or jnboat@attbi.com
For Sale: Optimist in good condition. Omega racing sail. Contact John
Fitzgerald at jfitzgerald@vacardio.com or voice mail 804
For Sale: Nissan 5 hp OutboardNew - June 1996. Used on dingy
while in the Caribbean that winter.
Very light use since then. $395 John
Koedel Jr. (804) 776-6168 or koedel@oonl.com.
Junior Week Photos: Guy Crittenden, www.crittendenphoto.com.
Over 300 similar photos are available for purchase on Guy’s website. See the FBYC web article for
instructions on how to access them:
For Free: Advertising Space for
FBYC members. Non-member and
business ads are welcome on a “space
available” basis. Size and pricing options are listed @ http://www.fbyc.net/
To place an ad or submit an article,
please contact:
Steve Gillispie
102 North Erlwood Court
Richmond, VA 23229
Phone: (804) 740-4903
e-mail: sgillispie@aol.com
The deadline for The Log is the 20th.
Items received after the 20th may not
be published. All Articles Welcome!
P.O. Box 29186, Richmond, VA 23242