AsHWooD CLr-JB - About Baumgartner Homes
AsHWooD CLr-JB - About Baumgartner Homes
AsHWooD A, I//-11 Ashutood. rt | CLr-JB | Llubt o Mem bers h ip Dec laration (CO . NI T" JUtm l-lu? January 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS ASHWOOD CLUB MEMBERSHIP DECLARATION AND OPERATING AGREEMENT Article Article Section 1 Article 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Article 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Article 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Article 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 .5.8 5.9 Title PaEe DEFINITIONS 3 NATURE OF CLUB 5 Formation Name By-Laws Officers and Directors 5 5 OWNERS, MEMBERSHIP AND CLUB PRIVILIEGES 5 Membership Membership Privileges No Certificates Use of Club Property Membership lD Residency Requirements Liability for Damage to Property Termination or Suspension of Use Privileges 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIPS 7 General Statement Transfer Upon Lot Sale Involuntary Transfers Transfer Procedures Transfer Price Liens Against Membership Termination of Privileges Upon Transfer 7 7 ASSESSMENTS 9 Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessments Purpose of Assessments Regular Assessments Procedure for Levying Regular Assessments Change in Basis of Regular Assessments Special Assessment for Maintenance Expenses Reserve and Contingency Fund Effect of Non-Payment of an Assessment Continuing Obligation Page 1 of3 5 5 8 8 I I I 9 9 I I 10 10 '11 1',! 12 Article Section Title 5.10 Accounting Certificate of Paid Assessments Non-Escape from Obligation Subordination of the Lien to a Mortgage 12 12 12 12 CLUB OPEMTIONSA/OTI NG/MANAGEM ENT 13 Powers, Duties and Responsibility Property Management Employees Insurance Clubhouse Use Opening Date Swim Team Persons Entitled to Vote on Club Matters Voting Rights Management - Board/Officers Meetings Loans and Encumbrances Rules and Regulations 13 5.11 5.12 5.13 Article 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 Article 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 Article 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Article 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 Paqe 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 17 18 18 DECLARANT OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS 18 Declarant Obligation to Construct Declarants as Orvners Recourse to Properties Conveyance of Club Property to Club Easements General Rights Declarant Facilities Declarant Amendments 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 PROPERW SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARATION 19 Property ldentified Herein Additional Property Burden Upon the Property Non-Severability of Rights Lot 73 in ParcelACl 21 RIGHTS OF MORTGAGE HOLDERS 21 Notice Claims forAssessments Books and Records 22 22 22 Page 2 of 3 19 20 21 21 Article Section Article 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 Article 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 1 1.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 ',1.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 Exhibit A Title Paqe AMENDMENTS 22 Amendment Notice of Amendment Rights of Declarants 22 22 23 GENEML PROVISIONS 23 Duration Notices Leasing of Dwelling Unit Rights and Obligations Liberal Construction Covenant to Abide by this Declaration Covenant in Event of Dissolution of the Association Property Ownership in Trust Termination of Restriction Fines Enforcement Severability Governing Law; Headings; Rules of Construction No Waiver Joint Action By Declarant Trustee Exculpation 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE INITIAL PROPERTIES A-1t29 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES B-1l30 Exhibit C LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CLUB PROPERry c-1t37 Exhibit D SITE PLAN OF CLUB LAND D-1/38 Exhibit E BY-LAWS OF THE ASSOCIATION E-1l39 Exhibit B Page 3 of 3 LAURtE tutcpHtLLtps 1ilftu Couuv REconun ErscurnseGmm . L Cunrot STREET, Sum 100 . ,ouEr, tulros 6f/l3| _j_S. (as) no<ott F&t (an) t+axfr* ' ' . www. wi llc oungr re c o rder co m STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF WILL r, LAURTE McPHTLHPS, RECORDER in and for said county and state aforesaid, and keeper of the records of said office, do hereby ceftify that the attached is a certified copy of the record of a certain instrument filed in my office, on the 10TH day of JANUARY, A.D. 2005 at L2:04 o'clock pM, as Document Number R2005005524 and recorded in Book )CC( on iage )CC( microfilmed. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Joliet, in the County of Wilt, this 10TH day of JANUARY, A.D. 2005. WIIL COUNTY (seal) RECORDER PREPARED BY AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: 4?P R 29050115524 Recorder pase t oe-it LRuRIE IIcPI{ILLIPS Till Thomas G. Jaros Levenfeld Pearlstein, LLC 2 North LaSalle Street Suite 1300 Chicago, lllinois 60602 County PCI Date 0t/to/2005 Recordlng Fees: M Ttme 12:04:59 6t.os ASHWOOD CLUB pEc LARAilo N AN p | OPERATING AGREEMEM EM_B_EIF||| THIS AsltwooD CLUB MEMBEFSHIP DECLARATTON AND OPERAnNG AGREEMENT qnts,."pg:!gr?!i,ol')^ 200s, ov rRusr it *g:_tlE*0*+edeUofr-.t"nr"ry, sAVlNGs BANK, AS rRusrEE/UfiEmafrii3r AcCeemenr onteo MAy 7, 2004 AND AND KNowN AS TRUST NUMBER HTN'3127 (hereinafterretened to i" rrdr), THE MAcoM xaiils coRPoRATloN,aDe.lawareCorporation(hereinafterreferredtoas(@pndGRESTV|EW "r'n"t BUILDERS, lNc., an lllinois corporation (hereinafter rereneo to WITNESSETH: "..bffiid"). WHEREAS, Harris Trust is the owner of the property described as parcelACl on Exhibit A rttached hgreto (hereinafter referred to as "ParceiAgi.'1 wnicn is beinfdevetil; rart of the Ashwood Creek Subdivision. ilifffi WHEREAS, Macom is also the owner and developer of the property described as Unit .l louth on -ExhibitA (hereinafter referred 'unit r s",itn'1 *ni"riwilio"'iniJrpor.ted into and !o ". levefoped as part of the Ashwood park SubdivislonlWH EREAS, Crestview is the owner of and the developer of the property described as Unit 1 {orth on Exhibit A (hereinafter referred as '!ld!l-Norttr;) which iri.orporated into and !o leveloped as part of the Ashwood park Subdivi;ion "ill-0" --- WHEREAS, Harris Trust is also the owner of the properties described as parcel AC2 and '1:-?l 499 o.n Fxhjbit B attached hereto (hereinafter referred to lcz" and ,parce! yQ!") which, in the future, will be developed by Macom prrt of the"r;i"i""r Ashwood Creek Subdivision. "r '\'{ 7 R2fiit5{iil552l+ WHEREAS, Macom is also the developer of, and either the owner or contract purchaser of, the properties described as Unit 2 South, Unit 3 South, Unit 4 and Unit 5 on Exhibit B (hereinafter respectively refened to as "!.0!!.@!Lf, '8i33&g!h", "g!!!J" ?Dd'!J'E!I!J") which, in the future, will be incorporated into and developed by Macom as part of the Ashwood Park Subdivision. WHEREAS, Crestview is also the developer of, and either the owner or contract purchaser of, the properties described as Unit 2 North and Unit 3 North on Exhibit B (hereinafter respectively referred to as and "!.n!!!$g!Lf) which will, in the future, be incorporated into and developed by Crestview as part of the Ashwood Park Subdivision. "!g!!3$q!!' WHEREAS, Crestview is the developer of, and either the owner or contract purchaser of, the propefi described as ParcelTH on Exhibit B (hereinafter refened to as'BgqLIE )which will, in the future, be developed by Crestview as a townhome community. WHEREAS, Harris Trust, Macom and Crestview desire to create for the benefit of the 'Owners' (as defined herein) a swim and recreation club to be developed on the "Club Land" (as defined herein). WHEREAS, as of the date of this Declaration, Harris Trust, Macom and Crestview desire to presently submit their respective properties ParcelACl, Unit 1 South and Unit 1 North (collectively described onBh!!!!Aand hereinafter rdfened to as the'!.1!!iql!!glg!f or'lnitial Properties') to the terms and provisions of this Declaration in order to create the Club and to provide for the continued upkeep and maintenance of the Club and the Club Property. WHEREAS, upon recording of a final plat of subdivision for each respective property and compliance with the terms of Article 8 hereof, Hanis Trust, Macom and CresMew shall submit their respective properties Parcel AC2, ParcelAC3, Unit 2 South, Unit 3 South, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 2 North, Unit 3 North and Parcel TH (collectively described on Exhibit B and hereinafter referred to asthe.@or"@)tothetermsandprovisionsofthis Declaration in order to afford the Owners of the Residential Lots on the Additional Properties membership in the Club and to further provide for the continued upkeep and maintenance of the Club and the Club Property. WHEREAS, Macom and Crestview shallcollectively be refened to herein as the "^Declaranf or"Q@." NOW, THEREFORE, Harris Trust and Declarants each declare that their respective portion of the Initial Properties are and shall be held, sold, conveyed, transferred, mortgaged, and encumbered subject to the terms, provisions, covenants, restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements, charges, and liens set forth in this Declaration, all of which are declared to be for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability, attractiveness, and harmonious and proper use of and administration of the Club and the Club Property. The easements, covenants, restrictions, provisions, conditions, resennations, charges, and liens created bythis Declaration shall run with the Initial Properties (and each portion thereof separately conveyed) and shall be binding upon all the parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest in all or any portion of the lnitial Properties, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. 2 'R2fiilti{-JilI5Zt+ ARTICLE 1 oEffiiTidiis "Act" shall mean the lllinois "General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 19g6", as such may be amended, replaced or modified from time to time. "Aghwoo-d Gre.ehslrbdivision'shalt mean that certain residentialsubdivision created and developed upon Parcels Ac as created bythe finatplat(s) of subdivision therefor recorded against the Parcels AC, as such may be amended, revised, expinded or modified from time to time. "A.shwood P?[k Subdivisign" shall mean that certain residential subdivision created and developed upon the Macom Parcels and the Crestview Parcels as createJ ov tnrnn"iJl"tt.r) subdivision therefor recorded by Macom and Crestview against the Macom parcels "i and the crestview Parcels, as such may be amended, revised, expanded or modified from time to time. "@1" shall mean and refer to the Board of the Club as elected or appointed from time to pursuant time to the By-Laws. 'Fv-LaWg' shall mean the By-Laws of the Club as adopted by the Club, as amended, replaced or modified from time to time, a copy of which are attac'heO nereio grhiUit e . "@!" "r shall mean the Ashwood Club, an lllinois Not-For-Profit Corporation. "Glubhouse" shall mean the crubhouse located on the club property. 'Club-@ shall mean those parcels of real estate located within the Ashwood park Subdivision upon which the Club is to be constructed, developed and operated the exact description which shall be finally created and established pursuani to the final plat(s) of subdivision for {shwood Park Subdivision, the approximate location of which is setforth on n6 site plan attached rs Exhibit D hereto. f 'GLub Proqerhfl.shallmean all property owned by the Club, including the Club Land, the )ool, the Concession Stand, the Clubhouse and all related grounds, improvements thereto and rarking facilities. "Concession Stand" shall mean the concession area, if any, located in or about the Club. . . .'iC[9!ty!ew Parcgls" shall collectively mean: (a) Unit 1 North as described on Exhibit A; rnd (b) Unit 2 North and unit 3 North as described on Exhibit B "!S!aranl!" shall mean individuallyeach of, and colfectively both of, Macom and GresMew. '?ir=e9forP," shall mean the members of the Board as elected or appointed pursuant to the .'rms of this Declaration. "9lgg!!i[g ud!' shall mean and refer to each residential housing unit located on a lesidential Lot designed f9Land occupled-bV.3 single family, including: (a') each single-family eta.ched dwelling units and (b) each single-familyattached Owetling unit in a multiple-dwLtting unit uilding. Rlf, iiriiJ n5SZt+ ".S!!!I.S,!d shall mean an Owner owning fee simple title to a Residential Lot or Dwelling Unit that is not a naturalperson. . .. - "tg!" shall mean those parcels of land within the Properties as created by any plat(s) of subdivision recorded with respect to the Properties, including without limitation, tfrose individual lots created by: (a) anv fi19f recorded plat(s) of subdivision creating the Ashwood Creek Subdivision; (bj any final recorded plat(s)of subdivision creating the Ashwood Park Subdivision; and (c) any nn"i recorded plat(s) of subdivision creating the townhome lots within parcelTH. 'llgFqm-Parcgls" shall collectively mean: (a) Unit 1 South as described on Exhibit A; and (b) Unit 2 South, Unit 3 South, Unit 4 and Unit 5 each as described on Exhibit B .'Mana.qe( shall mean any person or entity hired pursuant to this Declaration to manage portion any of the Club Property, or any successor person or entity appointed by the Board. '9gP3!!!" shall mean and refer to an individual, other than an Owner, in actual laMul possession of a Dwelling Unit, including all members of an Owne/s family which occupy the Dwelling Unit. "Officers' shall mean the officers of the Club elected or appointed pursuant to the terms of the By-Laws. 'OPening D?te" shall mean the first date in each calendar year that the pool shall be open _ for use by Permitted Users. "@gI" shall mean and refer to the fee simple title holder to each Residential Lot and shall include: (a) each of the individual natural persons whose estates or interests, individually or collectively, aggregate fee simple ownership of such Residential Lot; (b) each Entity ownerihat owns fee simple title to a Residential Lot; and (c) Declarant as to all unsoid Residentiil Lots which are or will be constructed on the Properties. 'Parcels AG" shall collectively mean all of: (a) Parcel AC1 as described on Exhibit A; and (b) ParcelAC2 and ParcelAC3 each as described on Exhibit B. "Eg@!!!4-W shall mean the Owner of each Residential Lot, as well as any Occupant; provided, in each case, such Person is disclosed to the Club in writing and a Membership'lD is properly issued to such person by the Club. Notwithstanding the ioregoing, in the event a Residential Lot is owned by an Entity Owner, the Permifted Useis shall only belne Occupants of the Dwelling Unit to whom a Membership lD is properly issued. "Egg" shallmean and referto a naturalindividual, corporation, parlnership, trust,limited partnership, limited liability company or other entity capable of holding title to, or any iesser interest in, real property. '@!" shall mean the swimming pool, bathhouse, wading pool, playground, equipmentand related facilities owned by the Ctub (but not the Clubhouse). "P.rgperM or'ElgPglllgg" shall mean a collective reference to the Initial Properties and all Additional Property described on Exhibit B and as referred to in Article g. 'i?2tlir5tin552t+ '.Feiid,9t!ti1!!$ shallmean a L_ol occupied or intended for occupancy by Dwelling Units and located within the Properties, specifically excluding the Club Land ano any Lot intenJed for drainage, storm water management, open space, access, ingress, egress, schools, parks or the common use of all Owners within a particular subdivision. lf a Lot'shali have more than one Dwelling Unit constructed upon it, then each such Dwelling Unit shall be considered and deemed to be a separate Residential Lot for purposes of this Declaraiion. By way of tor purposes of clarification: (a) if a townhome building having four Dwelling Units ii constructed "i"rnpf " "nO on one'Lot, such Lot shall be deemed to include four ResidentialLots; a,nd (b) ila townhome OuilOing containing four Dwelling Units is constructed upon 2 Lots, then each such Lot shall be deemeO to inctude two Residential Lots. ; les and Requlatl shall mean the rules and regulations adopted bythe Board of the Club from time to time relating to the use of the Club property. "Rtf Ilansferee' shql! mean any assignee or transferee of an Owner, provided the assignment or transfer is effectuated in compliance with this Declaration. ARTICLE 2 NATURE OF CLUB 2.1 Formation. The Club has been or will be formed as an lllinois not-for-profit corporation under the Act. The Club shall be managed and its activities shall be conducted in such a manner by the Officers, Board and Owners so as to preserve the Club's not-for-profit status under the Act. 2.2 Name. The Club shallhave the name'Ashwood Club'and all business of the Club shall be conducted under such name, unless the Board shalf properly adopt any other name for the Club. The Officers are authorized to amend the name of the Club as set t6rtn in the Glub's Artictes of Incorporation to conform to the name set forth above, or any other name hereafter adopted by the Board. 2.3 Bv-Laws. The By-Laws of the Club contain provisions relating to the election of Officers and the Board as well as certain other material provisions relating t6 tne organization, operation and governance of the Club. The By-Laws are attached hereto is ExhibiiE and are incorporated herein by reference. 2..4 Offiqers and Directors. Pursuant to the terms of the By-Laws, the Club shall be managed and run by the Officers and Directors of the Club, each of which shall be etected or appointed pursuant to the procedures set forth in the By-Laws. ARTIGLE 3 OWNERS. MEMBERSHIP AND CLUB PRIVILEGES . 3.1 its ownership Membership. Each Owner shall be a member of the Ctub automatically by virtue of of a Residential Lot. Membership in the Ctub shall be transferred only inactordance ivith the terms of this Declaration. Each Owner (including all Transferees of the Dellarant) shall be round by the terms of this Declaration and shall be deemed to have executed this Dectaraiion upon :oming into title of their respective Residential Lot. 3.2. Membefshio Privileqes. Owners shall be entitled to the use of the Club property, ;ubject in all cases to compliance with the By-Laws, this Declaration and the Rules and 5 nir:rtStl0SSZh Regulations. Withoutlimiting the foregoing, each Owner shall have an equal right to use and enjoy the Pool and the Clubhouse. No Owne.r sh.all have a preferential right to use Jf portion or irre Club Property' Each Owner is granted a limited ticense to use tnJ CtuU property, "ny which license shall be revocable at the discretion of the Board pursuant to the terms of this Declaration. . _ 3.3. Ng Owners shallnot be issued certificates to evidence membership in the Club. Each Owner shall deliver to the Club any information that the Club reisonably requires in connection with the administration of membership matters, including the names of all permitted Users. Further, each Owner, if requested by the Club, shall be requirld to sign a separate written agreement agreeing to bq bound by the terms of this Declaration 3.4. Use 9f Clu! ProoertV. Club Property may be used only by the permitted Users and the invited guests of any Permitted User. Guests shall not be Permitied Users under the terms of this Declaration and the use of Club Property by any guests shall be subject to the Rutes and Regulations of the Club. Each Owner understands ahO agrees that membership in the Club is a privilege which is not open to the public ahd, as such, the Club Property shallonly be used by the Permitted Users and guests of the Permitted Users. Each Permitted lser shall -have the rigit to bring guests to the Club under such terms and conditions as may be prescribed under the Rules and Regulations. In all cases, the actions of any Permitted User or any guest of a permitted User shall be the responsibility of the applicable Owner. 3.5. Meqberqhiq lD. An acceptabte form of identification (a .sg@hjglg"), as determined by the Board, shall be issued to each of the Permitted Users 1UJfilt guests who bnaff be admitted to the Club Property only w_h9n accompanied by a permiited Usei having a valid Membership lD). Membership lD's shall be presenied upon demand from any Office-r, Board 1e.1.nber, Manager or Club employee or agent in the proper exercise of its auihority. Without limiting the foregoing, each Permitted User shall be required to present the Membership lD upon entry to the Club Property. ln the event any Membership ]D is iost or destroyed, an Owner may request that the Club issue a replacement Membership lD; provided, however, that the Club may condition the issuance of a replacement Membership lD upon: (a) the payment of a reasonable reissuance fee; and (b) any other reasonabre conditions sei by tir6 goaro. 3.9-_ ResiCencY Regullements. Subject to the terms of the Act and this Declaration, only Owners of Residential Lots shall become Members of the Club. ln that regard (but subject to thii Declaration), each Owner (including the Dectarant) may offer to sell or transferlts membership in the Club only to a Transferee of a Residential Lot. . 3.7 Liabilitv for Damaqe to Propefv. Each Owner shall be liable for the expense of any maintenance, repair or replacement of any ol tI," Club Property to the extent rendered necessary by such Owne/s act, neglect or carelessness of Owner or by thai of any permitted Users, Occupants, guests, employees, agents, or lessees of said Owner. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed so as to modify any waiver by insurance companies of any rights or subrogation. 3.8. (a) Termination or Suspension of Use privileqes. The Manager, any Officer, any Board member and any employee or agent of the 3lub may: (i) terminate or suspend any guest's rights to the use and enjoyment ottne Ctub property rt any time and for any reason with or without cause; (ii) suspend any Feimitted User's rights tb tfr6 lse and enjoyment of the Club Property for a period not to exceed 24 hours in the event of mminent threat to the heafth and safety of any of the users of Club Property or a viotation of the Rules and Regulations. 6 i?2tiii ;'{jfi552t+ (b) The Board may temporarily s-uspend any Permitted User,s rights to use and enjoyment of club Property upon the failure'e iesp".iiu" o*nei to pav Jny Assessments as more specifically provided in Article 5 and such suspension shall terminate witnout Board action upon payment of delinquent Assessments. (c) l".ffifil The Board may permanently terminate or suspend (for periods in Permitted Use/s rights to use ind enjoyment of cruu piopJrtv'lnrv exces s of 24 in the folowing (i) Upgn the repeated failure'of an Owner (or the permitted User) to comply with the mateiial terms of this Declaration or the Rules and Regulations (other than as referenced in Subsection (a), p.vided that, as a condition "uor"l to such termination orsuspension, ihe Boarcisf,ail nave given such owner (orthe Permitted User) at least 2 written *"iningr setting forth, with specificity, the facts and circumstances giving rise to thJBoard's decision to terminate or suspdnd membership privil-eges-; and/or - (ii) For any other reason that is in the best interests of the Club (including, without limitation, matters involving the health r.f"iyof other permitted users or matters negatively impacting the overall "nO value of cruo propertvi, Provided, in each case, that a tetmination or suspension pursuant to this subsection (c) shall be approved by a majority of the Board at a meeting where a quorum of the Board is present. (d) Without limiting the Board's rights underSection 3.8(c) above, any permitted User that is, or is required to be, registered as a sex offender, sexual predator or iimilar designation pursuant to the requirements. of any court order or laws, ordinance or other governmental requirement, shall be prohibited from using th.e Club Property Orting any time grat tne pool is in use for any recreational purpose (including Swim Team altivitiesl or v' er at sr any vu 'v' time as may be '' other determined by the Board. (e) The termination orsuspension of a Permitted Use/s rights to the use and enjoyment Property made pursuant to this Declaration snalt not retieve in any respect the owner,s obligations to otherwise comply with the terms of this Declaiation, including (without limitation) such Owner's obligation to pay allAssessments. olllt" club . 4'1'. . 9ener:?l Shtenlent. Each owner acknowtedges that the membership in the club is not severable from the Residential Lot and may not be assigned or sold separate from the Residential Lot. Any transfer made which does noi .orprv with the terms of this Declaration shall be null and void and of no force and effect. 4'2' Tr3ngfgr: Uporl.Safe of I,.ot. The entire interest of an owner in and to the Club Property (and all rights to the use nereof by sucn owner and its permitted Users) shall automatically be transferr-ed and assigned to any Transferee who purchases i nesioential Lot. ln ;uch an event, the Transferee need onfy comply with ttre ieims of Section 4.4, betow, in order to ?btT the privileges of membership in the club. ln conneciion w1h any transfer pursuant hereto, he club may require reasonable evidence of the transfer oJthe Residential Lot to the Transferee. 7 i?2iiitIfiill]SZrl 4.3. Involuntarv Transfers. Transfers of a Residential Lot which result from or are {eatlr, incompetency, divorce or bankruptcy of or judgment against an Owner ('lnvoluntarv Transftd) shall be recognized by the Club ahO ine Trjnsfiree of Juch Residential Lot by virtue of the subject death, incompetency, divorce or bankruptcy of or judgment shall be gubjgct to compliance with the transfer procedures set forth in Section 4.'4. lnconnection with any Involuntary Transfer, the Club may require reasonable evidence of the transfer of the Residentijl Lot to the Transferee. n_ecessitated by the .4.4. Iransfef P..rgcedqres. In connection with any transfer of a Residential Lot, the following procedures shall be strictly adhered to by the Owner and the Transferee: (a) (b) (c) The transferring Owner shall pay all outstanding Assessments then due and shall obtain a Certificate of Paid Assessments (as defined herein) prior to effectuating the transfer of the Residential Lot; The Transferee shall comb to the Club (or other location designated by the Board) and complete an information package and provide such informltion as t-he Club may reasonably require, including such information regarding the permitted Users as the Club may reasonably request; The Transferee shall pay any Assessments levied and due since the date that the date of the Certificate of Paid Assessments delivered to the transfening Owneq and (d) The Club shall issue Membership lD's to all Permitted Users of the Transferee. The Permitted Users of such Transferee shall not be entitled to use Club Property until all of the above procedures have been complied with by the Owner, the Transferee and tne CluU. Except for transfer by Declaranl, tltg Club may assess a reasonable fee to the transferring Owner (not the Transferee) for the administration of a transfer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Declarant shall not be obligated to observe or comply with the provisions of this bection 4.q i{a Residential Lot is transfened by Declarant prior to the occupancy of a Dwelling unit thereon. 4.5' Transfgf Price. The Club shall have no obligation to anange for or guarantee the payment of any consideration between an Owner and a Transferee on account oi a transfer of ownership in a Residential Lot. In that regard, a transferring Owner shall be solely responsible for collecting any amounts due on account of a transfer to a Tiansferee. 4.6, !-igns Aqai4st Membership. Except for Mortgagees (as defined herein), no owner shall have the right to grant a lien, security interest or pledgeagainst'its membership inierest in the Club without first obtaining the written consent of the Club. 4:7. Tgrmlnation of Privileqes Upon Transfer. An Owner's membership in the Club shall terminate immediately upon the transfer of its ownership of a Residential Lot pursuant to the terms hereof. All rights of such transferring Owner and its Permitted Users to the use of the Club propefi (except as a guest or Permitted User of another Owner) shall terminate as of the effective date of the transfer. I RZni,S0ilSj2t+ ARTIGLE 5 ASSESSMENTS 5.1. acceptai'ce 3l expressed in any deed or other document or- conveVance) shall be deemed to *u"n"nt and agree to pay to the Club such RegularAssessments and Speciaf Assessments (each as defined below) as may be levied and assessed by the Club as provided herein (collectively ttr" "n"""""."ni3{ Assessments shall be fixed, established, and collected from time to time as provided in this Declaration. Assessments, together with such interest thereon and costs of collection thereof as hereinafter provided,. shail be a charge against and a continuing tien uponlne Residential Lot against which such Assessment is made. Each such Assessmint, together with such interest thereon and cost of collection thereof as hereinafter provided, snail aiso-U-e iii"'p"rronal obligation of the owner of such Residential Lot at the time when the Assessment fell due. In order to minimize the cost of administration, the. Board may elect to delegate the task of billing for Assessments to the homeowners associations created to operate and iranage the Ashwood Creek Subdivision, the Ashwood Pafk Subdivision and the townhome subdivision created on parcelTH. The Board shall insure.that adequate procedures are in place with such associations to iniuie ine prompt transfer of paid Assessments from those associations to the club. "r ';fiiS:,i? 5.2. PUrqose of AsSpssments. Assessments levied by the Club shall be used for any purpose of the Club as specified in this Declaration (including, without limitation, those duties, powers and responsibilities described in Article 6) or the Ailcles of Incorporation. All funds colle-cted (except for such SpecialAssessment as may be levied against less than all of the Owners and for such adjustments a9 may be reguired to refleci delinquent or prepaid Assessments) shall be deemed to be held in trust for the benefit, use and account of each bt th" Owners in the ratio that the number of Residential Lots owned by such Owner bears to the totat number of Residentiat Lots. Assessments shall be paid by each Owner regardless of the Owner's use or non-usage of the Club Property. 5'3.@.Th9C|ub,throughtheBoard,shat||evyforeach 'Assessment Yeaf (as defined below) a regular annuat asse-ssment, applicable to that Assessment Year only, for the purpose of enabling the Club to exercise its powers'ano dutils and to fulfill its responsibilities as delineated herein (each such Assessment Years'assessment being referred to herein as the "FeEr{lar Ass.e:sme!f). The Board shall determine the fiscal year upon which the Club shall determine_and_ levy Regular Assessments (such perioO b"'l;g known as the "AgsesqmentYear"). The Board, in its discretion, maywaive neguiarAssessmjntsforanyofficer or Board member on account of their service to the Ciub. 5.4. Procedure for Lewinq of Reoular Assessments. (a) The Board shall determine the amount of the Regular Assessment against each Residential Lot, including any vacant Residential tot, for each Assessment year. The Regular Assessment shall be altocated equally against all Residential Lots. The Board.shall. notify in writing each Owner of the amount of the Regutar Assessment against its respective Residentiat Lot prompfly after such has been levied by the Board. on or before May 1st of the ensuing calendar year, or otherwis_e a.s provided by the Board, each Owner, jointly anJ severatty, inati Oe personally liable for and shall pay to the Club the Regulai Assessment so levied. 9 i?2ftilliiltrSSZL (b) On or before April 1st of each calendar year, the Board shall supply all owners with an itemized accounting of the maintenance expenses for the'preceding calendar year actually incurred and paid, together with a tabulation of the amounts collected pursuant to the estimates provided, and showing the net amount over or short of the actual expenditures plus allocations to reservei. Said itemized accounting of the expenses rnay be supplied to the Owners solely by posting said accountin! on an internetweb site of the Club. Any amount accumuiaied in 6xcess of the am-ount of required expenses and allocations to reseryes shall be either: (i) deposited in the Reserve Fund (defined belowJ, or (ii) refunded to each Owner'according to each Owne/s share of the total Regular Assessment, or (iii) remain in thl Club's operating.iccount, or (iv) distributed in a combinaiion of ii1, 1ii1 and/or (iii). Th; Board, in its sole discretion, shall make said election. lf thiiels a net shoriage in excess of five percen! of the actual expenses plus budgeted allocations to rese-rves for the prior year, then said net shortage shall be billed to each Owner according to each Owner's share of the total Regular Assessments and same shall be payait" within thirty days of bilfing.' lf there is a net shortage of less than five percent of tne actual expenses plus budgeted allocations to reseryes for the prior year, then said net shortage shall be included in the budget upon which Regular Assessments are calculated for the next fiscal year. The Board shall prepare a roster of the Residential Lots and Regular Assessments applicable theieto which shall be kept in the office of the Club and shall be open to inspection by any Owner. 5.5. Chatqe jn Basis of ReqvlarAssgssments. The Board of the Club may change the amount of the Regular Assessment during any Assessment Year provided that any intrease-in the Regular Assessment shall be approved by a majority of the Board at a meeting OJty caled for this purpose with appropriate notice and information provided to the Owners prior to siid meeting. 5.6. Speci?l AsFes-sme,nt for. M?intenance Expenses. In addition to the Regular Assessments authorized by Section 5.3 above, the CluU, tfrrough the Board, may levy iriany Assessment Year such additional assessments other than the Regular Assessmeni 1su6f, beini referred to as a "Special Assessmenf) as may be required in ordlr to defray or pay for: - (a) (b) (c) the cost of any taxes or unexpected repair or replacement to the Club property for which the Club bears responsibility; or the cost of anyconstruction orreconstruction of any improvements orClub property for which the Club bears responsibilig; or any other material expense to be incurred by the Ctub in connection with its obligations, rights or duties under this Declaration. provided, in each case, that any such Special Assessments shall be approved by a majority of the poa1d, at a meeting duly called for this purpose with appropriate notice and information provided to the Owners prior to said meeting in the manner set fortir in the By-Laws. Notwithstranding the foregoing, if any such Special Assessment will exceed two timei the amount of the Regular Assessment during any Assessment Year (a 'Maior Special ), said Major SpLcial Asses Assessmentmustbeapprovedbyamajorityofth@orbywrittenproxyat an Owners' meeting called for this purpose. The presence in person or by written prory at said meeting of forty percent of the total Owners shall constitute a quorum. However, said Majoi Special Assessment must be approved by a majority vote of Owners in attendance either in peison'or by ryritten proxy but by not less than forty percent of the total Owners. This provision may not be 10 R Z n {r :_i il {"} I SZ I+ amended unless sixty percent of the total owners, either in person or by written proxy, approve such amendment at a meeting called for this purpose, all in accordance with this Dectaration. All Special Assessments shall be allocated equally againsiail Residential Lots. 7. 5 Resefve and Continqenqv Fund. The Board shall build up and maintain a reasonable reserve for contingencies and reptacements (tn" ').' The Board, at its discretion, shall have the right to annually buoget an amount to be allocated to the Reserve Fund. The Board mayalso transferexcess annualop-erating funds to the Reserve also transfer amounts in the Reserve Fund to the op-erating accounts of the Club to cover capital expenditures for Reserve, Fund items and for shortfalls to- the operatinj accounts that shafl be replenished to the Reserve Fund not later than the following fiscaly""r. " "n"ri frnO.-inl;;;;;i 5.8. (a) (b) lf any Assessment is not. paid by the Owner on the date when due, then such Assessment shall become'delinquent and shall (togetherwith such inteiest thereon and reasonable costs of collection including reasoiable attorneys' fees) become a continuing lien (an 'Assessment Lien"; on tfre Residential Loi of tfre'Oeiinluent owner. The Assessment Lien snall Ue a iien upon and an equitable charge running with lhe respective Residential Lot and shall bind said Residential Lot, the Owner, any. Transferee, grantees, heirs, administrators, executors, legal ,"pr"i"nt"iiu.r, assigns and successors, and the limitation thereof shall coincicr'e with the statutory limitation of the State of lllinois for the enforcement of oral agreements. The personal obligation of the then Onrner to pay such Assessment Lie-n, however, shall remain his personal obligation for the statutory period and shall not pass'as a nerygna] obligation to his successors in title unlesi (i)expressly assumed by them or(ii) said successors in title failto require the then Owneito proviOe a Certifitate of Paid Assessments from the Club at the time of conveyance. lf tifle to a Residential Lot is held by the trust, the trustee shall not have Lny personal liability for the assessment, but all beneficiaries of the trust shall be jointly and severally io liable. In the event the owner of a Residential Lot is more in"nbn" person, all owners shall be jointly and severally liable. The Assessment Lien shall attach to rents due from parties in possession to the record Owners provided that it shall be subordinate to an assignment of rents held by a Mortgagee. lf an Assessment (of any type) is not paid when due, a delinquencyfee/late fee shall be charged to defraV the. costs and expenses of processing and attempting to collect said Assessment. The delinquency fee/fate fee shall be cilculated atieniercent or the total amount of the Assessment and shall be charged for each thirty day period, or any fraction thereol that said Assessment remains-unpaid. The Asslssment and the delinquency fee shall bear interest from the date of delinquency at a rate of interest determined by the Board not to exceed the maximum rate of interest per annum permitted by tfe usury laws of the State of lllinois. The Club may bring'an action at law against the owner personally obligated to pay same or foreclose to the Assessment Lien against the subject ResiOential Lot and t'here shall be added to the amount of such Assessment all reasonable costs of enforcing the Club,s rights hereunder including (without fimitation) the costs- oi pi"puring and filing the complaint and maintaining and concluding such action, inciuOing- the reasoiabte cost.of title reports' In the event a personal judgment or decree of foreclosure is obtained by the Club, such judgment or d-ecree shall include interest on the Assessment as above provided and a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the 11 court together with all reasonable costs of the action. The venue for all legal action shall be inWill County, lllinois. The occupants shall be authorizeo to aice;ilh; summons for the owners of the Residential Lot. The of any late rees anJ interest shafl be secured by the Assessment Lien. "rorni (c) lf an Assessment (of anytype) is not paid when due, then the Club may suspend the use any club Property of any such owner lanJ ali affiliated permitted Users and guests) until allAssessments tiren due shall ue p"iJ in full. Written notice of the suspension shall be given to any such ouner 2 days before the suspension is to become effective. .tG;;i (d) lf an Assessment (of any type) is not paid when due, then the club may suspend the voting rights of such owner as more specifically oescriOeJ in nrti"l" 9, below. . 5'9' Conti4yinq obliqation. The failure or delay of the Board to prepare or serve notice of any Assessment on the owners shall not constitute a waiver or release in any manner of such owne/s obligation to pay the Assessments herein described, whenever the same shail be determined. In the absence of notice of a Regular Assessment, each owner shalf continue to pay the Regular Assessment at the then existingiate established for the.Assessment year until such annual or adjusted Regular Assessment shall have been mailed or delivered. .9'10' Accountino. The Board shall keep full and correct books of account of receipts and expenditures specifying and itemizing the maintenance and repair of the Club p;"pilt and any other expenses incurred. Such records and the vouchers "ip"nr"r autiiorizi;g th" payment therefor shall be available for inspectio.n by any owner or any representative of any owner duly authorized in writing at such reasonable time or times during n6rmit business hours r"y be requested by the owner provided such inspection is to be maie for a proper purpose. ", Upon ten days, notice to the Board and payment of a reasonable fee, any owrier bnair oi rurnisneJ a statement of his account setting forth the amount of any unpaid Asiessments or any other charges due and owing from such Owner. 5' 1 1 . Certificate.of Paid AsgessFents. Provided all Assessments then due and owing by an owner have been duly paid in itil, the club shall, within s days of written request from an owner, fumish to any owner a certificate in writing signeo by an officer or managing agent of the club forth that all Assessments then oue Jndiayaote have been paiJ ano the balance of -setting Assessment any Special still owing, but not then due and payabl" fl-.C"rtin""t"-J'ruru Assqssrnents"). Such Certificate of Paid Assessment shall be contlusive evidJnce payment of of any Assessment therein stated to have been paid. The Club may require p"Vrlnt of outstandin! Assessments in certified funds prior to the issuance of a Certificate of paid Assessments. 5'12' Non-EsFopjrom ogliqation. No owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the Assessments provided for herein for any reason. .5.1.3..TheAssessmentLienprovidedforherein maybesubordinate.d!y-thecluo1ffieBoard)bywrittenoocumentexecutedby its duly authorized fficers. Notwithstandjng the foregoing, ln" Ari".rrent shall hereby automaticclly (and without any further writing) be subordina'ted to the lien of any Mortgagee placed upon the Residential Lotforthe purpose of purchasing the Residential t-ot proviOed, howevet that: (a) such automatic subordination shall apply only to thi Assessments which arise subsequent to the lien of the. mortgage(s); and (b) such subordination snau affly only to the Assessments which have become due and payable prior to the sale or transfer of such Residential Lot pursuant to a decree of 12 R 2 n ii i:i {"} tl 5 5 2 l+ foreclosure, or any other p.roceeding in lieu of foreclosure. such sale or transfer shall not relieve such Residential Lot from liability for any Assessments thereafter becoming dr", not from the lien of any such subseguent Assessment. The owner agrees upon accepting tile ir,"t tne lien of the Assessments shall be prior to the homestead right oithe owners since it runs with the land and is in existence before commencement of ownership interests. ARTICLE 6 c uu e o p e RAil oTl$bTill-crrueNRe eMeN r 6.1. Polvers, Dr,rties and Resognsibilitv. The Club is created to carry out the purpose of this Declaration. In.order to carry out tnat purpose, the duties and responsibilities of the Club shall include (without limitation) the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (g) 6.2. to provide- for high standards of maintenance of the Club property and to make and promote the desired quarity and character of the crub; to receive. property of every kind, whether real or personal, and to administer and apply such property and the income therefrom exclusivelyior the purposes of the Club; to receive any gift, bequest, or devise of any property for any purpose specified by the donor or testator or for any of the purposes or tfr-e club; to operate, manage, administer, maintain, repair, and replace the Club property; to provide for a general fund to enable the Club to exercise its powers, duties, and responsibilities as delineated in this Declaration, its Articles of Incorporation, and its By-Laws by levying any Assessments; to enforce any Assessment Lien; and to take any action necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Declaration. ?rqoe{v= llalaqement. The Board shall have the right and authority to delegate nanagement of the Club Property (including the Pool, Concessidn Stand, Clubhouse if tpplicable, the "Swim Team'as defined below) an-y Managerwhich the goarO "nl, deems capable of nanaging the Club Property in a competent and!oprofessiona-l manner so as to protect the safety of he Owners and the value of the Club Property. Additionally, the Club shallte authorized to ;ontract for professional facilities and landscaping maintenanie for the Club property. 6-3. _ En'lplovees. lf required, the Club mayhire such employees as maybe necessaryto the Club Property in a competent and proiessional manner. All costs (including satary, 'perate axes and benefits) shall be paid out of Assessments. q.1. Lnsurance. The Board may purchase such insurance as the Board may deem :asonable and appropriate in connection with the operation of the Club property (including the iwim Team) and such insurance shall be deemed a general expense of the Club-payable Uy the ,ssessments. . ..6.5. Clubhouse Use. The Board may establish from time to time the procedures, rules, lgulations and limitations on the use of the Ctubhouse by any Owner or permitted Users. 13 R2ni;:i{lfi IF2tr 6.6. Oo-enin-q DAte. The Board shall set an opening Date each calendar year and such shall be disclosed to the Owners. 6.7. Swim Team. The Club is authorized to form and operate a swim team for the Club which will have the rights to use the Club Property for team practices and swim meets (the ,Swiag Igam). The Board may either conduct the operations of the Swim Team direcily under thefiE operations or through the use of a Manager to operate the Swim Team. ln all events, the Board shall control the operations of the Swim Team; provided, however, the Board may delegate day-today management of the Swim Team to a committe'e or Officer. Without limiting ine torigoing, tne following provisions shallapply to the Swim Team: (a) The Board shall have the right and authority to impose such rules, regulations and limitations upon the use of the Club Property by tfre Swim Team, inckiding, withoui limitation, rules, regufations and limitations regarding: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (b) (c) (d) 6.8. (a) . admission requirernents to participate in the Swim Team, including that any swim Team member be a Permitted User and that all swim Team memberi pay an additional fee to the Club; times and dates for the Swim Team's use of the Club Property; payment of fees and costs relating to the operation of the Swim Team; appointment of one or more persons to supervise and organize Swim Team's activities; the Swim Team's general use of the Club property; the holding of swim meets, practices and otheractivities hosted bythe Swim Team at the Club Property. The Board may elect (at any time) to terminate the Swim Team without any liability to any Owner or Permitted User. All properly purchased by or for the Swim Team with funds of the Club shall remain at all times property of the Club. Each Owne/s right to use the Club Property shall be subject to the rights of the Swim Team to exclusive use of the Club Property at such times as the 6oard may prescribe. Persons Entitled to Vote on Club Matters. Menibership in the Club: (i) is appurtenant to and shall not be separated from ownership of a Residential Lot; (ii) automatically terminates upon the sale, transfer, or other disposition by an ortner of its ownership of a Residential Lot at which time the Transferee shall automatically become an Owner of the Club in accordance with this Declaration; and (iii) may not be sold or transferred other than in conjunction with the sale or transfer of a Residential Lot to which it is appurtenant. 14 RAnii50il5SZt+ (b) The sole qualification for membership in the Club shall be status as an Owner of a Residential Lot' lf a Residential Lot is owned by more than one person, all such persons or entities shall be considered collectively as one Owner for the Residen1al Lot in question and the Residential Lot shall be intiiled to one vote. lf more than one Person owns a Residential Lot or if the Owner is an Entity Owner, such Owners or Entity Oryt91sh_all designate in writing one individual to ait on behalf of all of the ownersorEntityowneroftheResidentia|Lot(a"@") whichdesignationsha||beeffectiveunti|revoked.inme|iveredto the Club designating a new individual to act on behalf of the Owner. The Designated Representative shall be the only person entifled to cast votes on behalf of the Residential Lot and such Designated-Fiepresentative is nereUy authorized to give a written proxy to another individuar for any such vote. (c) Each Owner of the Club shall be bound by and shall observe the terms and provisions of this Declaration, the Articles of lncorporation, the By-Laws of the Club, and the Rrl"t and Regulhtions promulgated from time to time by the Club or its Board' No Owner shall have any right oi power to disclaim, terminate, or withdraw from its membership in the Club or from any of its obligations as such Owner by abandonment of its Residential Lot or Dwelling Unit or f6r any other reason. 6.9. Votinq Riqhts. (a) The Club shall have two classes of voting owners: (i) Class A: Class A Owners shall be all record Owners of Residential Lots, except Declarant; and (ii) Class B: Cfass B Owner shall be the Declarant for so long as Declarant owns at least one Residential Lot. (b) (c) (d) 6.10. (a) Each Class A Owner shalt be entitled to one vote for each Residential Lot owned. lf an Owner is comprised of more thatone Person or is an Entity Owner, then the vote for that Residential Lot shall be exercised by the Designated Ferson. No more than one vote shall be cast with respect to any such Residential Lot. The class B owner shall be entitled to ten votes for each Residential Lot owned in the Properties. The Class B owners owned by Declarant for each Residential Lot shall cease and be converted to Class A owneis in favor of the successor Owner on the happening of either of the following events, whichever occurs first: (i) upon conveyance of the title of a Residential Lot by Declarant to a successor Owner oi (ii; whenever the Class B Owner efects to do sb in a written instrument to the Club. The Club shall have the right to suspend the voting rights of any Owner (other than Declarant) folunY. ne{o{ during which an AssesJment levied -by the Club against the Owner's Residential Lot remains unpaid. Manaqement- Board/Officers. Management of the Club and Club Property shall be vested in the Officers and Board of the Club pursuant to the terms of tne By-Laws. Except for Owners that are Directors or Officers, no Owner shall have iny right to effect the day-to-day management-of.the Club, except as. specifically providld for under the Act oi tne eiLaws. The affairs of the Club shall be managed by the Board. The initial control and management of the Club shall be entrustJd to an initial Board consisting of five 15 R?nil5ir05521+ Directors selected by the Declarant and such persons need not be Owners of Residential Lots (the "Declarant Board"). The beclarant Board shall hold office until the'lnitial owner Board'(as defined below) is elected. (b) on the first Tuesday in October of the year subsequent to both completion of the Club lmprovements and the completion and occupancy of Dwelling Units on eighty- five percent (857o) of the total number of Residential Lots ii tne nropjrties (hereinafter.the"Iglnovgl&d"), the Declarant Board shaltcalland hold an initial peeling of the owners for the purpose of electing a new Board from the Owners of the ctub (tle."oqngtpoatd'). sulg m_eeting (tnL lniti"l 1shati behe|dorithefirstTuesdayonthefirstmonth@afterthe o*n. Turnover Event or at such other reasonable time or date not more than-thirty days before or after said date as may be designated by written notice of the Declarant Board delivered to the Ourners not less than ten diys prior to the date fixed for the lnitial Owners Meeting. (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Notwithsta$jry subsection (b), above, the Declarant Board may, in its discretion, call the lnitial Owners Meeting at any time for the purpose of eiecting the Owner Board prior to the Turnover Date by delivering written notice to the Owners not less than thirty days prior to the date fixed for the lnitial Owners Meeting. At the Initial Owners Meeting, the Owners of the Club shallelect the Owner Board which shall consist of five Directors. Each member of the OWner Board shall be an Owner irr Designated Person elected by the Owners. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, at all times: (i) at teast one member of the Board shall -be an Owner of a Residential Lot in the Ashwood Creek Subdivision, so longas at least one Owner of a Residential Lot in the Ashwood Creek Subdivisiori runs for a membership on the Board; and (ii) at least one member of the Board shall be an Owner of a Residential Lot in the Ashwood Park Subdivision, so long ai at least one Ownerof a Residential Lot in the Ashwood Park Subdivision runs foia membership on the Board. Directors on the owner Board shall serve for two year terms commencing on the date of electio_n and ending on the second anniversary thereof; proviOeO, h6wever, that the first five Directors elected to the Owner Boird shall begin a process of staggering terms and, therefore: (i) the three Directors on the first elecied Owner Board receiving the highest number of votes shall hold office for two years and (ii) the remaining two Directors on the first elected Orner Board recelving the lowest number of votes shall hold office shall hold office for one year only. Th]ereafter, afl Directors on the Owner Board shalt serve for a two-year term and elections shall be held as the staggered terms exphe. At all times, the restrictions of subsection (d) above must be adhered to when electing Directors on a staggered basis. The By-Laws shall set forth the general powers of the Board and method of operation of the Board. There shall be an annual election to fill the offices of the Directors whose terms are expiring. Said election shall occur at the annual meeting of the Owners (the "Anlual ,owfrs Meetin{) to be held on the first Tuesday oi october of each year or at such other reasonable time or date not more than tnirty Oays before or after said dates as may be designated by written notice of the goard delivered to the 16 R 2n ii:j tj n 5 5 2 t+ Owners not less than ten days prior to the date fixed for said rescheduled meeting. cumulative voting shallnot apply in the election of the Directors. Each Residentiil Lot shallhave one vote as provided etsewhere in this Declaration. pursuant to the Bplaws, the Board shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur in their own number or in any office of the Club. lf any Director fails to attend at least fifty percent of the meetingsof the Board in any fiscal year, the Board may, in its sole discretion, declare the office vacant. (h) The regular meeting of the Board shall be held immediately after and at the same place as each Annual.Owners Meeting. The Board miy establish a regular schedule ol interim meetings throughoutlhe calendar year anO saiO schedule shall be made available to the Owners as the Board deems appropriate. Speciat meetings may be called on the order of the president or on the motion in writing of majority of the Directors. At least two days notice of such special melting, specifying its purpose, shall be given by mail or personal service to each Directoi. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the action of a majority of such quorum shatl be the action of the Board. lf a quorum is not present, a lesser number may reschedute the meeting to another date. ; (i) 0) The Officers of the Club shall be president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. They shall all be Directors and elected by the Directors at the regulir meeting of the Board subsequent to the annual election of Directors and shall liold their resf,ective office for one year and/or until their successors are elected and qualified. The officers shall !e subject to the control of the Board and may be removed by the majority of the Directors at any regular meeting or any special meeting called fol tnat purpose. The Board may elect such other Officers as it deems necessary. The Officers shall exercise their functions according to the By-Laws of the Ctub. The Directors of the Board (including the Declarant Board and the subsequent Owner Boards) and the Officers of the Club shall not be liable to the Club for any mistake of judgment or acts or omissions made in good faith while acting in their capacity as Directors or Officers. The Club shall indlmnify and hold harmless the Directors of the Board and. the Officers against all contractual liability to others rising out of contracts made by them, unless such contracts shall have been made in bai faith orwith knowledge that same was contraryto the provisions of this Declaration or the By-Laws. All contracts and agreements entered into by the Board or Officers shall be deemed executed by said parties, as the case may be, as agents for the Ctub. (k) 6.11. In the eventof anydisagreement between the Board and any Ownerof the Club as to any questions or interpretation or application of the provisions of this Declaration, the By-Laws, the Rules and Regulations or any other matter related to the Club, then the determination thereof by the Board shall be final and binding on each and all such Orners of the Club. Meetinos. (a) The InitialOwners Meeting and Annual Owners Meetings shall be called and held in accordance with the terms of this Declaration and the By-Laws. The p-urpose of the Initial Owners' Meeting and all subsequent Annuat Owners Meetings shall be to eieci Directors for the Owner 17 R2nir5c[552r] Board and to conduct Club business. Notice and quorum forAnnualOwners Meetings shall be as set forth in the By-Laws (b) Specialmeetings of the uotiry Owners may be called at anytime forthe purpose of considering matters which by the terms of this Declarationrequire the approval of all or some of the voting Owners, or for any other reasonable purpose (a 'special Owners MeetinE"). A Special ownersMeetingmaybecalledbythepresident,tneeo@having,inthe aggregate, not less than twenty percent of the total votes of the Club. Special Owners lri'eetings shall be held as provided in the By-Laws. Notice and quorum forSpecial (i,yners Meetings shail 5e as set forth in the By-Laws (c) Unless otherwise expressly provided herein or required bythe General Not-For-profit Corporation Act or the Articles of Incorporation of the Club, any action may be taken at any meeting of the voting Owners at which a quorum is present upon the iffirmative vbte of the voting Owneri having a majority of the total votes present at such meeting. Unless agreed to by the Boird, there shall be no recording (whether audio, video or othenrise) of Club meetings. 6.12. Loans and Encumbrances. The Club may not obtain a loan, whether secured or unsecured, or encumber the assets of the Club without approval by the majority of the Owners present in person or by written proxy at a meeting called for this purpose. The presence in person or by proxy at said meeting of not less than forty percent of the total Owners shall consiitute a quorum for such a vote. However, said loan or encumbrance must be approved by not less than forty percent of the total Owners of the Club. This provision shalt not restrict the power of the Board or the Club to contract for goods or services in the ordinary course of the Club's operations. This provision may not be amended except by approval of not less than fifty percent of the total Oryners. . q.13. nubs anO nequlatl The Board shall have the authority from time to time to adopt rules and regulations goveming the administration and operation of the Club property, subject to the terms of this Declaration. ARTICLE 7 DECLARANT OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS . 1,1. OUliqatl . Declarants herebyagree to undertake and payfor lmprov which are defined as the construction of the foliowing Oectamnt the 'lnitial Glub improvements upon the Club Property: (a)construction of the Pool and installation of all equipment and facilities servicing the Pool; (b) construction of the Ctubhouse; (c) construction of the surrounding improvements including decking and playcourts; (d) installation of vegetation, grass and landscaping; (e) fencing for the Club Property; and (f) construction of parking, curbs, sidewalks and required illumination thereof. Declarants shallconstructthe InitialClub fmprovements pursuant to plans and specifications obtained and approved by Declarants and the initial Board which shall be in conformitywith all applicable governmental regulations. Declarants shallhave no continuing obligation to maintain, repair or replace the Initial Club lmprovements after their completion. 7.2. Declarants as Owners. Each of Macom and CresMew (and their respective successors and assigns) shall be deemed to be Owners of the respective Residential Lots which are created upon their respective portions of the Properties regardless of whether either shall construct Drelling Units upon said Lots. Until finally subjected to a plat of subdivision for the Ashwood Creek Subdivision, the Parcels AC shall be deemed to be comprised of 189 Residential Lots. Until finally subjected to a plat of subdivision for the Ashwood Park Subdivision, the Macom Parcels shallbe deemed to be comprised of 287 Residential Lots and the CresMew Parcels shall 18 ?2{l i: Li * l:t S I ? i+ be deemed to be comprised of 261 Residential Lots. Until finally subjected to a ptat of subdivision, the Parcel rH shall be deemed to be comprised of 25 Residential Lots. , _7.3- Regoursg to Propertieg. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, each Owner hereby acknowledges that any liability which Declarant may at any time or in any manner may have hereunder shall be limited to the Declarant's interest inthe properties. ln thai regard, any judgment or claim which an.owner may hold against a Declarant for any reason shall be exercised only against the Declarant's respective intereJt in the Properties anO not againstany other assets of the Declarant. .4. 7 Conv-evqnpe of Club Prooertv to Club. Prior to the Turnover Event, Declarants shall convey to the Glub fee title to the Club Land and alt improvements constructed thereon, free and clear of any mortgage or mechanic's liens. 7.5. EaserEents.. For the purpose of constructing the Initial Club lmprovements, Declarant reserves the right to grant such covenants, restiictions, conditions, reseryations, easements, charges, and liens as may be reasonably required. Granting of easements for the installation, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, operation, aid inrp"ction of sewer, water, gas, drainage, electric, telephone or other public utility services shall'be reserved by Declarant in and to all of the Club Property. lurther, any additiohal easements for such purpor", mgV be granted by the Declarant and/or the Board at any time for the purpose of obtaining such utility services. The provisions of this Declaration concerhing rights, violations, enforcemeit, and severability are hereby made a part of the foregoing provisions retating to perpetual sewer, water, gas, drainage, and other easements, and notwithstanding any amendrireni to bny other provisions of this Declaration, the aforesaid easement rights contain-ed herein shall be perpetual and run with and bind the land forever. 7.6. General Riqhts. Prior to conveyance to the Club, the Declarants shall have the right to execute all documents or undertake any actions affecting the Club Property which in their s6b opinion are either desirable or necessary to fulfill or implemlnt, either direcgyoi indirectty, any of the rights granted or reserved to it in this Declaration. 7.7 Declarant Facilities. The Declarants shall have the right to maintain sales facilities on the Club Property without payment of any rent or other fee oi charge therefor during the construction and sales period for the Club. The Declarants shall also have the right to erecl and maintain any and all signs in connection with the development of the Club property and the advertising of Residential Lots (solely for Ashwood Creek Subdivision, Ashwood Parf Subdivision or Parcel TH) forsalewithin the Club which the Declarants determine in theirsoleopinion are either desirable or necessary for the development of the properties. . 7-8. Qeqfarant AmenCments. The Declarants shall have the right to amend this Declaration in whole or in part without compllng with Article 10 of this Declaratlon. This right shall oease upon the election of the initial Owner Board. Prope!'tv ldentified Herein. The Properties are and shallbe held, sold, conveyed, - 8.1,occupied, ransfened, mortgaged, and encumbered subject to this Dectaration, including all reai rroperty identified and legally described in EXHIBIT A, including all Lots existing or liereafter ;reated thereon. 19 8.2. (a) (b) AdditionalPropertv. The real property described in EXHlBlr hereto ('Additional propertlr) E shall be subjected tg terms provilions and oiThis oecraEli6iTi6ifiJiling lng of a final plat of subdivis.ion by (a) the Harris Trust on Parcels Ac2 ano ncg, fb) Macom on Unit 2 South, Unit 3 South, Unit 4 and Unit 5 and (c) Crestvie* on Unit z North and Unit 3 North, provided the Additional Property is or shall ue oevelop"d'fo,' Dwelling Units. In order to subject the Additional Property to this Declaration, the Owner of the oeint aooed shallexecute and record a respective lortion of the Additional proberty supp|emental.dec|arati9n(a"@1wnicnsnar|indicatethe actionbeingtakenandwhichsn@iiptionofiheAdditiona| Property. Upon execution and recordation of a-Supplemental Declaration, the Additional Property covered therein shall be subject to this Declaration and such shall run with and bind the Additional Property covered by the Supplemental Declaration and shall inure to the benefit of and be the personal oUrig"tion of owne(s) of the-Additional Property in the same manner and to the same extent the and with the same force and effect as they apply to the Properties as if the Additional Property were subjected to this Declarationon the date of its recorJ"iion. Upon recordationof the Supplemental Declaration, the Additional prop"rty snall become Properties hereunder and each Additional Owne(s) shalt beco'nr" Owner hereunder. Each Additional Owner(s) shatl be a member of the Cfub on"n the same terms and subject tothe_same qualifications and limitations as those O*n"r, under the provisions of this Declaratiol, tn all respects, all of the ptoulrion, of this Declaration shall apply to the Additional Properg covered in any Supplemental Declaration and to the owners thereof with equai meaning ano of like force and effect. (c) furtherance of the foregoing, a power coupled with an interest is hereby granted to the Club, its successors and assigns, as attorney in fact, to increase the number In of owners as set forth in each. such Supplemental Declaration. Each deed, mortgage, or other instrument with respect to any portion of the properties and the acceptance thereof shall be deemed a grant and acknowledgmentof such power to said attomey in fact, and its successors and assigns,"nJ "oni"niio and shall be deemed to reserve to it, and its successors and assigns, the pow6r to increase the number of owners upon recordation of a Supplemeital'Declaration as aforesaid. (d) (e) No S-upplemental Declaration shall be deemed or shall constitute a divestment of any Owner of its interest in the Club as hereinabove provided. Each and all of the provisions of this Declaration and the exhibits attached hereto, as amended byeach successive Supplemental Declaration, shall be deemed to apply to each andevery Owner. The recording of a Supplemental Declaration shall not alter or affect the amounts of any liens or common expenses due from any existing Owner prior to such recording, northe respective amounts theretofore assessed to or due from any existing Owner for Assessments. Each and every owner, and their respective mortgagees, grantees, heirs, administrators,. executors, legal representatives, successors and assigns, purchasers and lessees by their acceptance of any deed or morttate or other interest in or with respect to any portion of the Properties: (i) shall SeieemeO to 20 ;?Zn:r Ii.,lil 55Zl+ have-expressly agreed, assented, and consented to each and altof the provisions of this Declaration with respect to recording o_f any supplemental Declaration; (ii) lhe agree to each and all of the provisions of each SupplementalDeclaration wnicn mly hereafter be recorded in accordance with the foregoing- provisions of this Declaration; and (iii) upon recordatio.n_of any such Suppre"meniaioectaration: 1n1 alt of the Properties and any AdditionalPlope'rty_shall be gou"rn"d in all resfe.t, Uv the provisions of this Declaration; and (B) the ctub res"irer the right for itself and iti successors and assigns to amend this Dectaration in such manner, and each Owner agrees to execute and deliver such documents, as may be necessary or desirable to cause the provisions of this Article 8 to be carried ouiin full. (0 Upon any Additional Property. being subjected to this Declaration pursuant to this Article, then the following provisions shaliapply and shall Ue Oeemei to be a bindint amendment to this Declaration: (i) the number of Owners shall be increased by the number of Additional Owne(s) of Residential Lots included in the Aooitional property and the number of votes shall likewise be increased; (ii) (iii) the Assessment shall be allocated equally against all Residential Lots within the Properties and the Additional property; and all provisions of this Declaration shall apply to said Additional property. 8.3- qurden Upo4.the Prooertv. The Declarants declare that this Declaration and the covenants, restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements, charges, and liens established herein shall be covenants to run with the Properties. Said covenants and restrictions shall inure to the benefit of and shallbe binding upon each and every Owner and his or her respective mortgagees, heirs, administrators, executors, legal representatives, successors and assigns, purchasers, and lessees. By the recording or acceptance. of the conveyance of property ot inierest therein, the )erson or entity to whom such interest is conveyed shall be deemed to accept "ni and agree to be round by the provisions of this Declaration 8.4. Non-Sev-e.r.ahilitv of Riqhts. The rights, liabilities, and obligations set forth herein ;hall attach to and run with the ownershfiof the Properties and allof the L6ts as more specificalty ;et forth below, and may not be severed or atienated from such ownership. 9.5, Lot 73 i4 P.arcel AC1. A cellular telephone antenna currenfly exists on Lot 73 in )arcel. AC1 and, as such, is not a residential Lot. Upon removal of said antenna and conversion of ;aid Lot to a Residential Lot hereunder, said Lot 7i shall become fully subject io the provisions of his Declaration. Untilremovalof said antenna and conversion of said Lottir a Residential Lot, said 'ot 73 shall not be subject to any Assessments hereunder (whether Regular Assessments or ipecial Assessments), inespective of any other provision or reference to i-he contrary contained rlsewhere within this Declaration. - ARTIGLE 9 RIGHTS OF MORTGAGE HOLDERS Anything in this Declaration to the contrary notwithstanding, the following shall be applicable tith respect to any institutional holder of a mohgage lien of ricoro on Lot (a Vlortqaqee") which is subject to the terms hereof. ""v-n"sidentiai 21 R2ni!5ijil 55Zl+ 9'1' Notice. The Club shall, if so requested in writing by any Mortgagee, give written notification as follows: (a) (b) notice of any default of the. owner of any Residential Lot which is the subject of such mortgage, if such default is not cured within thirty days after its occurrence; five dap prior written notice of any annual or special meeting of the Club (and such Mortgagee may designate a representative to attend s--aiO meeting, but the Mortgagee shall have no right to vote unless it has become an Owner); (c) notice 9f linv proposed amendment to the Declaration or By-Laws which will substantially alter the administration of the Club or Club property, the Assessments or collection thereof, or any other material matter.affecting the cllo u. gou"111"d oy the terms of this Declaration. Such notice shall be given-at aasi ten days prior to the submission of same for approval by the Ownerj The request by a Mortgageefor any or all of the above notices may be submitted in writing to the Club via the Board and in such event, the giving of such notices shall continue untitsuch time as the Mortgagee shall request the same to be ierminated, or until the interest of the Mortgagee in the property is terminated, whichever shall be first in time. 9'2' Claims forAssessEentq. Any Mortgagee of record who takes tifle to a Residential pirjuant to remedies provided in such mortgage (including foreclosure, or a deed or assignment in lieu thereoq srrariiarie possersion free of any claims for unpaid Assessments or charges which may have accrued prior to the date of such possession; provided, however, that such mortgagee inatt ue liable fof a share of such Assessments and charges if the Board shall elecito reallocate same among all the Residential -ots. Lot or comes into possession of a Residentiaj Lot p*t" 9'3'- Books an4 Records. Any Mortgagee of record of a Residential Lot shall have the 'ight, upon five business days written noiice, to eiamine anyand a[ books and records of the Club It any time during normal business hours, and shall be entiited to receive, at iis iequest, a copy of lny and all annual financial statements within ten days from the date of rult or the date of -' ' .r"qr"st -rrreparation of such statement, as the case may be. ARTICLE 1O AMENDMENTS . .1911. A.mendmenJF. The provisions of this Declaration may be changed, modified, or escinded byan instrument in writing setting forth such change, modification, orrJscission, certified ty th! Secretary of the Board. Said chang-e, modification, o-t rescission shall be approved by not :ss than thirty percent of the total Owners unless a highei percentage for certain amendments is equired by s.pecific provisions of this Declaration. ThJe shall be an 6wners meeting called forthe 'Urposs of discussing the proposed change, modification, or rescission and the ioting may be ither in person or by written proxy. 1.0:2. Ngtice of AnLendment. Any change, modification or rescission, accomplished under te pro-visions of the preceding paragraph, shallbe effective upon recordationof such instrument in te office of the Recorder of Deeds of wilt county, lllinois. 22 R 2 tl ij 5 il r:i 5521 10'3' Riohts of Declarant. No amendment which shall adversely affect the rights of the Declarant (including, out not limited to, easement rights, voting rights, the right to maintain safes facilities, signs, and access for construction set r"riliiriirir Declaration) shall be effective without the Declarant's express written consent thereto. ARTICLE 11 ceneFffibTiblorus 11'1' Duration. The covenants, restrictions, conditions, reservation, easements, charges, and liens as delineated in this Declaration shall run with and bind the land-so as to insure the owners of Residential Lots full enjoyment and benefit of the cruu piopertlr inir Declaration shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the club, or ir,L'nlrii"ntial Lot subject to this Declaration, their respective grantees, heirs, adminiitrators, executors, legal representatives, successors and assigns, for a term of thirty years from the date tlris Oeclaratio"n is recorded, after which time these covenants, restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements, charges, and liens shall be automatically extended for successive periods olten years unless an instrument signed by the then owners of seventy-five percent of the Residential Loti agreeing to change said covenants, restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements, charges, ano liens iriwhole or in part. No such agreement to change shall be effective untess made a-nd recorded three years in advance of the effective date of such change and unless written notice of the proposed agreement is sent to every owner at least ninety days in advance of any action taken 1.1'2' Ngtices- Any notice required to be given to any Owner under the provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed to have been properly-given if said notice was either (a) sent by mail with. postage prepaid to the last known addresi otine person or entity who appears as the owner on the records of the Club at the time of such mailing dr (b) personally delivered to the last known address of the person or entity who appears as the owner bh tn" records of the club at the time of such delivery. Notices for any Board Meeting or Special Membership Meeting shall be given in accordance with the provisions contained in the By_Laws. . 1'3' .Leaiin? :of D,ryellin . l! any owner shall lease his Dwelling Unit, the owner shall J remain bgund by all obligations set forth in tliis Declaration and this Declarition shall be binding upon such lessee or Occupant. . 1.1'4' niqhts and obliqat . grantee by the acceptance of a deed of conveyance, and each purchaser under any contractFq.h for such deed or other'convey"nce, the subje-ct to (a)all covenants, restrictions, conditions, reservations, ""tepts and liens, easements, charges, and the jurisdiction, rights and powers created by this Declaration, benefits and iuy rrivileges of every characterhereby granted, created, reserved or "no "lirigntr, oeclir6d. nit impositions and rbligations hereby imposed shall be deemed and taken to be covenants running w1h the land, and ihall inure to the benefit of such person in like manner as if he had been tne orijinar grantee under he de.ed of conveyanle o.l any mortgage or trust deed or other evidence orooiii"tion, to the rights lescribed in this Declaration, and shal be sufficient to create and reserve such easements and ights to the respective granteeg, mgrtgagees and trustees oisuch owners as iullyano comptetely ts though such rights were recited fully ind set forth in their entirety in such doclments. . irrd ] 1.5- LiberalConstructign. The provisions of this Declaration shallbe liberaily construed o effectuate its purpose of creating a recreation ctub of high qual1y and character. .11.6..TheDec|arantcovenantstoabidebyeach covenant, restriction, rnd every conOition, reGrvatioi, easement, charge, and tien set forth herein 23 R 2 n ii 5 il tl 5 5 2 l+ and agrees that all conveyances shall be subject to this Dectaration as though each and every provision herein was set forth in each and every deed or document arectint tile to the F.p.rti. the event the Club is dissolved, the :7: ownersofResidentia|Lotsinthe@provisionscontaineoherein,"g.iiing 11 Cpvq.nqnt i.n Fvent qf DissgJution of thg Club. In maintenance, repair, and replacement in the CJub Property shall still apply anJ that those provisions of this Declaration shall be in full force and effect. piior io the dissoiution of the Club, provisions shall be rnade as to how the responsibilities and obligations of the Club shalj oe handled by the Owners of Residential Lots. 11.8. Pr-qoertY ownershio in Trust. In the event title to any Residential Lot is conveyed to a title-holding trust, under the terms of whictr all powers of management, operation and control of the property remain vested in the tnrst beneficiary or beneficiaries,'then the blnenciaries thereunder from time to time shall be responsible for payment of all obligations, liens or indebtedness and for the performance of all agreements, covenants and undertaklngs chargeaore oi created under this Dec,f,aration against such Residential Lot ownership. No claim if,"ll U""r"o" holding trustee personally for payment of any lien or obtigation hereunder created and the trustee shall not be obligated to sequesterfunds or trus_t propertito apply in whole or in part against such lien orobligation- The amount of such lien-orobligation sirallcontinue to be a charge or a lien upon the Residential Lot and the beneficiaries of such tiust notwithstanding any transfers of the beneficiaf interest of any or any transfers of title to such Residentia'i toi. tn the event that tiile to any Residential Lot is conveyed to a land trustee, upon the demand of the Club, the trustee shall furnish the Club with.a certifi6d copy of the trust agreer"nt ro that the Club shall be advised of the beneficiaries entitled to vote and who will be perJonally liable for the Assessments. i;il;;y;; ili; Te.mingtion of=Festrjction.. No action by the Club or an owner, whether by .11.9. amendment or otherwise, shall be effective !o remove any Residential Lot within any portion of the Properties (once subjected by recording to the terms hereof) from the terms and conditions of this Declaration, without the express written consent of a majority of all of the Mortgagees, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 11.10- Fines. The Board of the Club shall have the right to establish and levy fines against an owner (upon giving such owner notice. and an opportunif to be heardy roi an iniraction 6r.ny (a).rule orregulatiol groTylg3ted by the club or Boarb, (b) requirementseiforrr in this Declaration, or (c) provisions set forth in the By-Laws of the Club. ' 1 1 .11 . Enforcement. Enforcement of these covenants, restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements, charges, and liens shall be by proceeding at law or in equig against p"*on oi ?ny persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant, restriction, LoriOition,"ny riservation, easement, charge, or lien, either to restrain violation or to recover damages, and against the land to 9n{or9e any lien created bythese covenants and restrictions. All reasonible costJof enforcement, including litigation expenses, title reportsand attomey's fees, shall be paid by the person violating or attempting to violate any covenant and restriction ind any judgmeni or Aecree shall so provid6 ior payment of these reasonable costs. Failure by the Declarant, the club or any owner of a Residential Lot to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a of the right to do so thereafter. No covenants, restrictions, conditions, obligations or rrovisions contained in this Declaration orthe By-Laws shall be deemed to be abrogated orwaived )y reason of any failure to enforce same irrespettive of the number of violations or Sreaches which nay have occurred. The Declarant reserves the right to enforce these covenants, restrictions, :onditions, reservations, easements, charges and liens for so long as they shall exist. lf an Owner >f a Residential Lot fails to pay any fee, charge or fine imposed 6y the tioard or the Association, 24 R?ilti 5ij{1 552t+ then same may be considered as an additionalAssessment applicable to said Residential Lot, and enforced against said Residential Lot as provided nerein,.- -rr"Y--'v ' . 11'12' Severabilitv. Invalidation of any one of these covenants, restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements, charges or liens- by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other provisions which shall remain in fullrorte ario effect. 11.13. . This Dectaration shall be governedbyandconstruedinaccordancffirtnestateof||tinois,without reference to the confficts.of laws or choice of law provisions thereof. 1e iittes of sections and subsections herein have tieen inserted as a matter br convenience of t"r"t"*" only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of any of the terms or provisions herein. All references herein to th9 singular shall include the plural, and uice u"rr". All references to the masculine gender shall include the feminine gendei and vice u"rr". .1.1'14' Ng Waiver. The failure of the ctub to exercise any right given hereunder to insist upon strict compliance with an owner's obligations hereunder, nor any custom or practice of the club at variance with the terms hereof, shalfnot constituG a waiver orine club,s right to demand exact compliance with the terms hereof. 1 1'15' Joint Actign Bv Deglarant. whenever an action or decision is required or permitted to be taken by Declarant hereunder, such action or decisions shall be undertai<en only upon the unanimous consent of Macom and cresMew (or their reifective successors ind assigns). 11'16' Trustee Exculoation. This Declaration is executed by the undersigned rrustee, not personally, but solefy as trustee in the exercise of the por"r and authority confened upon and vested in it as trustee of the below referenced trust. lt isLipressly understood ano agreed that all of the warranties, indemnities, representations, .ou"n"ntrlundertakings and agreements herein made on the part of the Trustee are undertaien uv it .oi"lv in itJ caiacit trustee and not personally' lt is further understood and agreed that ihe Tiusiee.merely holds tige to the property described herein and has no agents, empl6yees or .oniriover the management of such property of other faclual matters except as represented to of the trust' No personaf liability or personal responsibiiity is aslumed by it by the beneficiaries gme be asserted or sh;ft or enforceable against the Trustee on account *a"-nty, ino"rnity, representation, covenant, 9r gv undertaking or agreement of the Trustee in this odcraia$on. ;t ;i;t [remaind_er of page intentionally left blankJ [signature on next page] 25 ,?2fti, lN wlTNESs WHEREOF, the undersigned owners and Dectarants have caused this Declaration to be ex-ecuted by their legally authorized officers, whose signatures are hereunto subscribed and to affix its corporate seil oir the day first above written. EXCL}LP-1T O RY SqJ'SJ'E CT T O RIDEF ATTAC}{ED OWNER: OWNER & DECLARANT: HARRts rRusJ ANp.q.&vLt{.gs BANK, AS TR Us TE E4&IF bEi+ffiu6,ili AGREEMENT DATED MAY 7,2004 AND KNOWN AS TRUST NUMBER THE MACOM CORPORAT|ON, a Delaware corporation HTN-3127 By: Name: Title: By: President Name: Attest OWNER & DECLARANT: CRESTVIEW BU|LDERS, lNC., an lilinois corporation By: Name: Title: 26 'pl,eside-nr R2fii"i5lil]:j5zl+ STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS. COUNTY OF DUPAGE ) I' the undersl.gleg' a Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that Paul J..Lehman, personally known to me to be the president of THE MACOM coRPoRATloN, a Delaware corporation,. and personally known to me to be the same p"rron whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged tfat as such President, ne sig#O and delivered the said instrument as President of said corporation, pursuant to authority given by the BoarJ oioirectors of said corporation, as their free and voluntary act, and as [ne free and voluntary act ano deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Givenundermyhandandofficialseal,this jL dayof Savrr,o\,2005. OFFICIA! SEAL REBECL,'., NOTARY 1)O.9T9N PUci ., UIATE OF ILUNOIS MY COLlMlSSl0rt EXPIRES 7-l 7-2005 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF DUPAGE ) ) SS. l, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, DO '-' - 'HEREBY OERTIFY' that personally known to io u" tn" @ r" J i*",di cREsw|EWBmbi".o'poi"tion'anopersona||yknowntometobethesame )erson whose name is subscribed to the foregoinq inshument, app-eared before me this day in )erson and severally acknowledged that as such Pvslia."-,.-e ' he signed and delivered the , ;aid instrurnent as of said corpora[ion]Eursuant to auth6rity given by the Board rf Directors of saioTorporationZs tneir free anci votun-ta'ri act, and as the frjeino voluntary act rnd deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes t-herein set forth. Y*-sd:*x Givenundermyhandandofficialseal, this lL Notary Public -. ntfl*^-.ttot da:. OFFICIAL SEAL |(AREN MAXAM ''r], sTAtl oF [,[nFrg -:,r 27 EXpBES:O|I0|F! 2005. R2Si;5;IiSZh STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) COUNTY OF DUPAGE ss. ) l, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and forthe Countyand Stateaforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY' that n#{.lacSlflfl.l. vo:ket p"nonJiv ino,"n to me to be authorized officeffi nr,rffieANK, AS TRUsTEE UNDER TRUsr AGREEMENT DATED MAY 7, 2OO4 AND KNoWN AS TRUsT NUMBER HTN-3127 and personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to tfre roregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowieJgeo that, as such officers, they signed and delivered the said instrument as officers 6r iaio corporation, pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors of said corporation, as their free and voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for tire uses and purposes therein set forth. Given undermyhandandofficiatseat, this /#\\ Notary aaV ot #yul d,ur-,200/t P--^ L. t)=-- Public +_+++++_++ NOFF]CIAL SFALX J } ii -,,H:!iili',;,,ffilftL, I oF wrLL couNTy t L][9ge,gJ{u.:6jyg: 28 RZSjr5rj0SSZr$ EXHIBIT A ..PARCEL ACl' LoTs 1 THRoUGH Tgr lNcLUSlVE, LoTs 83 THRoUGH 89, tNcLUStVE, LoTs 103 THROUGH 122, lNcLUSlvE, AND Lors 127 THRoucH 144, [.tcLusvE.lru nsHwooo CREEK suBDlvls-lgN uNlr 1, BETNG A suBDrvrsloN or pAnr or iHE'r.roRTHEASr % OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 9, EAST oF THE THInb PRIN.IPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 27, 2OO4 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER R2004.196971, IN WILL COUNTY, rrtIr.rOrS. .UNIT 1 SOUTH" THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, MNGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17 AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 0"-22'-26" EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 1323.04 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 89o-53'-39'WEST, 22B.gE FEET; THENCE NORTH S7o_25,_ 12" wEsr, 42.12 FEET;THENCE NoRTH 91"-21'-43' WEST, 112.12FEET;THENCE sourH 89'47'-25" wEsr, 802.11 FEET; THENCE sourH 0"-12'-3b' EAST, 30.00 FEET; THENCE sourH 89-47'-25" WEST, 150.00 FEET; THENGE NORTH o"-12,-3s'ryEST, gs.oo FEET; THENOE sourH 89-47'-zs' wEsr, go.0o FEET; THENQE N9RTH oo-12,-3s" ryEST, 934.10 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89o-53'-38" EAST, 302.28 FEET, TO A pOtNT OF CURVE; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY, ALONG A CURVE WHOSE CENTER LIES NORTHERLY AND HAS A RADfUS OF 282.00 FEET, M2.97 FEET, ARC, (CHORD BEARTNG NORTH 44"-53'-36" EAST, 398.81 FEET, cHoRD); THENCE NORTH 0"-06'-26" WEST, 3.99 FEET, To rHE NORTH LINE OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH B9o-S3'-37' EAST, 800.57 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ..UNIT 1 NORTHO LOTS 1 THROUGH 109, INCLUSIVE, IN ASHWOOD PARK NORTH PHASE 1, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED DECEMBER 30, 2OO4 AS DOCUMENT P;jAOqZ33 301, tN WILL COUNry, ILLINOIS. - o?- ol- l'7-l@-@6-m oJ -ol - t-t - ,lo-oo\_eo t-t - 4* -o t I _orco * r -- oto.,_ r7 _ 40._ d), _wo -rr-w-ot;-h 2-o, t7 -ol - oB- L/@ -&7 ^owo _, oJ-el -06 -t/o<t/ -woo o! - 11 -.;.oo -oo3-@ 01-ol -2s.-ecr'-@a_ @ o]- ol -)o-Z@-qr.)-t%@ O7- et AO o7-et -id- -aqt-og-@ A@-q _@ O1=Ol -A6l-?e-o6&O il2ni:5i.iij IIZL EXHIBIT B "PARCEL AC2' THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE'THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT IZ?INASHWOOD CREEK SUEOIVISION UNIT 1, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SA]D SECTION 20 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AS DOCUMENT R2004.196971, IN WILL COUNTY ILLINOIS, SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 954.56 FEET, AS MEASURED ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF, OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE SOUTH O'. 06'-19" EAST, ALONG AWESTERLv LINE oF sAtD uNtr 1, n otsrArucE oF 12s.oo FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89o-53'-41" WEST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, 19.44 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0"-06'-19" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, 191.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89o-53'-41" WEST, ALONG sAlD WESTERLY LINE, 160.00 FEET; THENQE sourH s8o-oo'18'WEST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, 94.22 FEET; THENCE SOUTH Z7o_24,_34" WEST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY l|NE,82.85 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 4Zo-gS,-20" EAST, ALONG sAlD wEsrERLy L|NE, 124.4T FEET, To A potNT oN CURVE: THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, ALONG A NON.TANGENT CURVE WHOSE CENTER LIES SOUTHEASTERLYAND HAS A RADIUS OF 343.00 FEET, 219.87 FEET, ARC, (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 29".02'.54' WEST, 216,11 FEET, CHORD), TO A NORTHERLY LINE oF sAtD UNtr 1; THENCE NORTH 7g-18,-s2" wEST, ALoNG sAtD NORTHERLY LINE, 1s7.9T FEET;THENCE sourH ts"-or,-31, WEST, ALONG sAtD NORTHERLY LINE, 119.78 FEET; THENCE SOUTH B9o-51,-13" WEST, ALONG SA|D NORTHERLY LINE, 372.26 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 696-12,-02" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, 66.00 FEET, TO A WESTERLY LINE OF SAID UNIT 1: THENCE NORTH 20"-47'-58" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, 33.67 FEET, TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE NORTHERLY, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, ALONG A CURVE WHOSE CENTER LIES EASTERLY AND HAS A MDIUS OF 333.00 FEET, 74.02 FEET, ARC, (CHORD BEARING NORTH 14-25'-54" WEST, 73.86 FEET, CHORD); THENCE SOUTH 82.23'-'19" WEST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, 129.04 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0o-21'-33" WEST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE AND WESTERLY LINE EXTENDED OF SAID UNIT 1, A DISTANCEOF 252.37 FEET;THENCE NORTH 89'-38i-27'EAST, 'I25.OO FEET;THENCE NORTH 0-21'-33" WEST, 105.00 FEET; THENCE sourH ggo-g}l27, [EST, 12s.oo FEET; THENCE NORTH 0o-21'-33" WEST, 32o.oo FEET; THENQE NQRTH g9.-3g,-27, EAST, 12s.oo FEET; THENCE NoRTH oo-21'-33" WEST, 62.61 FEET; THENCE NoRTH g9"-3g,-27, EAST, 21 1.OO FEET, TO THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTH 871.21 FEET, AS MEASURED ALONG rHE EAST LINE OF THE EAST 5OO.OO FEET, AS MEASURED ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF rHE WEST HALF OF THE AFORESAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE NORTH 89O.53'.40' EAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE AFORESAID NORTH )71.21 FEET, 499.92 FEET, To rHE wEST LINE oF THE NoRTHEAST ouAnren oF THE {ORTHEAST QUARTER OF SA|D SECTTON 20; THENCE SOUTH 0-21,-37, EAST, ALONG JAID WEST LINE, 83.34 FEET, TO THE SOUTH LINE OF NORTH 954.56 FEET, AS YIEASURED ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF, OF THE NORTHEAST OUNNTEN OF THE v__, R2n:.r 5ilS55ZLr NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20: THENCE NORTH g9o-S3'-41" EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 348.99 FEET, MORE OF LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. "PARCEL AC3" THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT THE sourHwEsr coRNER oF THE NoRTH 871.21 pLEt, AS MEASURED ALoNG THE EAST LINE OF THE EAST 5OO.OO FEET, AS MEASURED ALONG THE ruONTH LINE OF THE WEST HALF OF THE AFORESAID NORTHEASTERLY QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20, SAID POINT IS ALSO BEING ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF ASHWOOD CREEK SUBDIVISION UNIT 2, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE SOUTH 89".38'-27" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, 211.00 FEET, TO A WESTERLY LINE oF SAID UNIT 2; THENCE SOUTH Oo-21,-33' EAST, ALONG sAlD WESTERLY L|NE, 62.61 FEET; THENGE sourH 89"-38'-27'WEST, ALoNc sAtD WESTERLY L|NE, 12s.oo FEET; THENCE sourH oo-21'-33" EAsr, ALONG sAlD WESTERLY LINE,32O.OO FEET; THENCE NORTH 89O-38'.27" EASi, ALONG SAID WESTERLY L|NE, 1zs.oo FEET; THENCE sourH oo-21'-33" EAST, ALONG sAtD WESTERLY LINE, 10s.00 FEET; THENCE sourH 89o-38'-27" WEST, ALoNc sArD ] LE9TERLY L|NE, 125.00; THENCE sourH 0"-21,-33" EAST, ALoNG sArD WESTERLY LINE, 56.84 FEET, TO A WESTERLY LINE OF NSTIWOOD CREEK SUEDIUSTON UNIT 1, BEING A SUBDIVISION lN SAID SECTION 20; THENCESOUTH IS'-26,-O4,WEST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY UN|T 1, A DTSTANCE OF 330.16 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00.llryE_oF 08'-47" EAST, ALONG sAlD WESTERLY L|NE oF uNtii, n otsrnruce oF goo.o6 FEET, To THE NORTHERLY LINE OF CENTURY TRAcE sueDiVISIoN UNIi eb, nCcoRDING To THE PIAT THEREOF RECORDED AS DOCUMENT R2003-0445S9; THENCE SOUTH 89"9lll-3'WEST, ALONG rHE NoRTHERLY Lrrue oF snro urur 4D, FEET, To rHE wEsr LINE oF THE AFORESAID rvoiinensr ounnrER oF sEcrtoN 20, SAID LINE ALSO BETNG THE CENTER LINE Or r'rONrt,iNNrOWru NONO; iHENCE NORTH 00.25'-28' WEST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 1992.1 1 FEET, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST OUARTER; THENCE NORTH 89".53'41" EAST, ALoNG THE NoRTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, SAID UIT.TC EEING THE cENTER LINE oF 11{H STREET, Ul.O1FEET, TO THE AFORESATO WCSI I-NiE OF THE AqSi SOO.OO FEET; THENCE SOUTH OO.2'I'.33'EAST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE OF THE EAST 5OO FEET, 371-22 FEET, MORE oF LESS, To rHE porNT oe aEcfruNtNc, nr-r- lr'.r wlr-L couNTy, ILLINOIS .UNIT 2 SOUTH" rHAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, IANGE I EAST oF THE THIRD PRlNclPAr- nrenloAr.r, dectrvNlruc AT A NoRTHWEST IORNER oF AsHWooD PARK sourH uNlr 1, eeiNtc A suBDtvtstoN tN pART oF THE iourHEAST QUARTER oF sAtD sEcroru rz, snio Foir.rr ALSo BETNG AT THE NTERSECTION oF THE NORTHERLY LINE or nsriwooD RoAD AND THE wESTERLy jNE OF CHINABERRY LANE AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 0O-06'.26' EAST, ALONG A 'IoRTHERLY LINE oF sAtD AsHWooD pARK souiH- uNtr i,'; oislfurriE oF FEEr, fo A POINT oF CURVE; THENCE sourHwEsrenly, nlor.rc snlo ruonrHERLy LINE, s'{ 1l R?ilill;{ln55Zt+ ALONG A CURVE WHOSE CENTER LIES WESTERLY AND HAS A RADIUS OF 282.00 FEET, 442.97 FEET, ARC, (CHORD BEARING SOUTH 44O.53'.36" WEST, 398.81 FEET, CHORD); THENCE SOUTH 89O-53'-38'WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, g20.28 FEET, To A wEsrERLy L|NE oF sArD uNrr 1; THENCE sourH oo-1z,-gs, EAST, ALoNG sAfD WESTERLY LINE, 934.10 FEET; THENCE NoRTH Bs.-47,-zs" EAST, ALoNG sAlD WESTERLY LINE, 8O.OO FEET; THENCE soUTH 0o.12'.35" EAST, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LfNE, 95.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 8947'-25'WEST, 230.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 0o,12'-35'WEST, 3O.OO FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89"47'-25" WEST, 1O8i.I7FECT, TO THE EAST LINE OF NORMANTOWN ROAD; THENCE NORTH Oo-12'-35" WEST;AL9NG SA;D EAST LINE, 1287,34 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEASCiUNNTEN; THENCE NORTH 89O-53'.38" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 1840.76 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN WII-r. COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 'UNIT 3 SOUTH'' THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THTIRD PRINgPAL IIERIDIAN, wlLL coi.trury ltltruots, EXcEpING THEREFRoM: THAT PART oF THE sourHEAST QUARTER oF secJloru 17, TowNSirF gz NoRTH, MNGE 9 EAST oF THE THIRD PRlNClPiLirERlDlAN, geGtNlt'tlttc AT THE NORTHEAST coRNER oF THE sourHEAST QUARTER oF sAro sEcloN 17 AND RUNNTNG THENcE SOUTH 0"-22'.26" EAST, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 1323.U FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89O-53,.39'WEST, 228.85 FEET; THENCE NoRTH 57o.25,. 12'WEST,42.12 FEET; THENCE NORTH 81O-21'4b' WEST, 112.12FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89047'.25'WEST, 802.11FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0".1i-35" EAST, 3O.OO FEET; THENCE sourH 8947"2s" WEST, 1so.0o FEET; THENCE NoRTH 0o-12,-35'WEST, 9s.00 FEET; THENCE sourH Bg47'-zs" WEST, g0.00 FEET; THENCE NoRTH 0o-12,-3s" WEST, 934.10 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89o-53'-38" re-r, ro A potNT oF CURVE; THENCE,!g?rq NORTHEASTERLY, ALONG A CURVE WHOSE CENTER LIES NoRTHERLY AND HAS A RADIUS OF 282.00 FEET, 442.97 FEET, ARC, (CHONO EEANING NORTH 44O-53'.36" EAST, 398.81 FEET, CHORD); THENCE NORTH OE-Od'.26'WCSI, 3.99 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 89o_S3,-37, EAST, 800.57 FEET, MORE oR LESS, To rHE POINT or Aeclr.rr.rlr.rc or sAtD couNTY, lLllNols, ALso EXCEPTING THEREiionr' iHnr pARTEXcEpIoN, ALL tN wlLL oF THE sourHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSH!' gZ NONfi, CNTICE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BEG|NN|NG AT n ruonrHwLsJ oF AsHWooD pARK sourH uNlr 1, BEING A suBDtvtstoN rN pART oeJiecoRNER sourHEAST ouARTER oF sAtD sEcTloN 17, sAlD POINT ALso BEING AT THE rr.lrenstcTtoN oF THE NoRTHERLy LINE oF ASHWooD RoAD AND THE wEsrERLi or cHtNABERRy LANE AND 1UNNING THENCE SOUTH 0O.06"26" EAST, ALONG A NORTHERLY L|NE OF SAID qsHWOoD PARK S_qgIH uNtr 1, A DtSTANjCe Op FeEr, ro A potNr oF SURVE; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG sAlD NoRTHiRat LINE, ALoNG A cuRVE wHosE ]ENTER LIES WESTERLY AND HAS A MDIUS OT iAZ-.OO FEET, 442.97 FEET, ARC, cHoRD BEARING souTH 44o-53'-36" WEST, 398.81 cHoRD); THENcE souTH 89.i3'.38" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, giO:A FEET, TO A WESTERLY LINE OF iAlD uNlr 1; THENCE sourH 0"-12'-35' EAST, ALoNG sArD WESTERLY LrNE, 934.10 :EET; THENCE NORTH B9,47lzs" EAST, ALoNG sArD WESTERLY L|NE, 80.00 FEET; THENCE sourH o"-12'-35' EAST, ALoNG sArD WESTERLY L|NE, 9s.00 FEET; THENCE }OUTH 89"47'.25" WEST, 23O.OO FEET; THENCE NORiH 0O.12'-35" WEST, 3O.OO FEET; rilr, ,p.s ?) RZi]:i5iii552l+ THENCE SOUTH 89"-47'-25" WEST, 1087.97 FEET, TO THE EAST LINE OF NORMANTOWN ROAD; THENCE NORTH 0".12'.35" WEST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 1287.34 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE oF sAlD sourHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH g9"-53'-38'EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 1840.76 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID EXCEPTION, ALL IN WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 89O.53'41" WEST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID sourHEAST QUARTER, 1341.07 FEET; THENCE NoRTH 0o-06,-19'WEST, 14}.23FEET, To A POINT oF CURVE; THENcE NoRTHERLY, ALoNG A cuRVE wHbse cENTER L,ES EASTERLY AND HAS A MDtus oF 1360.00 FEET, 70.72 FEET, nnc, BEAR,NG tCnbno NORTH 1".23'-03" EAST, 70.71 FEET, CHORD), TO A POINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 2-52'-27" EAST, 107.93 FEET, To A polNT oF cuRVE; THENCE NoRTHERLy, ALONG A CURVE wHosE CENTER LtEs wESTERLy AND HAS A MDlts oF 1440.00 FEET, 77.5'I FEET, ARC, (CHORD BEARING NORTH 1O-19'-56'EAST, 77.ilOFEET, cHoRD), To A POINT oF TANGENCy; THENGE NORTH o"-12'-3s" wEst, 1.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89o-s3'-41" EAST, 1z7g.gzFEET;THENCE NoRTH B9o-37,-34" EAST, 5O.OO FEET, TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SRIO ENST LINE BEING THE cENTER LINE oF 24BrH AVENUE;THENCE SoUTH 0_22,_26" EAST, ALoNG SA|D EAST LINE, 397.99 FEET, MORE oR LESS, To rHE potNT oF BEctNr..rrr.ic oF sAtD EXCEPTION, IN WILL COUNry, ILLINOIS, ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTIoN Tz, TowNSHIP 37 r.ronii, nnNGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIEEO NS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST OUENTEN AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 89".53'41'WEST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 1341.07 FEET; THENCE NoRTH 0%06'-19" wE!I, potNT oF cuRVE; THENCE FEET, To A 1!o:z:3 NORTHERLY, ALONG A CURVE WHOSE CENTERIiES EASTERLY AND HAS A RADIUS OF 1360.00 FEET, 70.72 FEET, ARC, (CHORD BEARING NORTH 1O-23'-03" EAST, 70.71 CHORD), TO A POINT OF TANGENCy; THENCE NORTH ZI-SZ:ZT, IEEI, EAST, 1OT.Bg FEET, TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE NoRTHERLY-, ALoNG A CURVE WHoSE CENTER LIES WESTERLY AND HAS A RADIUS OF 144O.OO FEET, 77.51 FEET, ARC, (CHORD BEARING NORTH 1O.19'.56" EAST, 77.50 FEET, CHORD), TO A POINT OF IANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 0O.12'-35" WEST, 1.68 FEET;THENCE NORTH 89O-53'-41" EAST, 1279.82 FEET;THENCE NoRTH g9o-37'-34'EAST, 5o.oo FEET, To rHE EAST L|NE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SAID EAST LINE BEING THE cENTER LINE oF 2481H AVENUE; THENCE SOUTH 0O.22'.26" EAST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 397.99 FEET, MORE CR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNTNG CJr SNIO CiCEPTION, IN WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. "UNIT 4' rHE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP ]7 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPALTTACNIOINN, EXCEPiING THEREFROM THE NORTH 458.60 FEET OF THE AFORESAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF rHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, IN WILL COUNTY, II.I.IIVOIS. TOGETHER WITH 73 R2*';5iliJ5i2Lr THE NORTH 458.60 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PART DESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SAID SoUTHWEST QUARTER oF THe SoUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 89O-52'-20' EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, TSZ9.T5 FEET, TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF rHe sournEAST bUnmeru THENCE SOUTH OO-18'.54" EAST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 250.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH g9"_46,-33" WEST , 1329.Ss FEET, TO THE WEST;LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF rne SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH O-13',-27" WEST, ALONG qAtD_wEST L|NE, 252.24FEET, MORE, OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN WILL COUNTY, Ir.r.rr.rOIS._,.UNIT 5" THE NORTH 351.00 FEET OF THE EAST 636.00 FEET, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE NORTH AND EAST LINE THEREOF, OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP gZ NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. .UNIT 2 NORTH' THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINcIPAL MERIDIATI.oescnIeeo nS For.r.ows: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE sourH 01 DEGREES 44 MTNUTES 09 sEcoNos ensitaEARlNGs ns![rrl1eD FoR DESGRIPTIoN PURPosqs_oNLy), z646.aa FEETALoNG rHE eAsi r-lr,rE or snlo NORTHEAST QUARTER To rHE SouTHEAST oF sAtD ouAnren sECTtoN; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 37 MINUTES SO SCCONDS WEST, 569.86 FEETALONG THE sourH LINE oF sAtD eUARTER sEcroN ro rni porNT or eecr1rNrNG; THEN.E CONTINUING SOUTH 88 DEGREES 37 MINUTES SO SCCONIDS WESTALONG SAID 9O-UTH LINE, 1482.59 FEET;THENCE NORTH OT OEcneES 28 MINUTES 47 SECoNDS WEST, 300.01 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREesiz uttrtUTES zo sEcor.rDs EAST, 659'00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 47 SECONOS WeSf, Zit.73 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 31 MINUTES TS SCCONIDS WEST, 198.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREES 28 MINUTES +z secolrbs wEsr, 137.TJFEET; THENcE NORTH 37 DEGREES 17 MTNUTES 09 sEcoNos ensr, 84.65 FEET;THENGE NORTH 01 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 47 sEcoNDS wEST, z+g.ooFdET; THENCE sourH s8 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WEST, 896.00 rEEr; THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREES 28 I/INUTES 47 SECONDS WEST, 137.00 FEET; rUEr.rCe -SOUTH 88 DEGREES 31 MTNUTES 13 SEcoNDs WESI 99.9qFEET; THENCE 1ionrH oi oecneEs 28 MTNUTES 47 WEST, 43.00 FEET; THENGE SOUTH gg oeGneES 31 MINUTES 13 SECONDS IIC-9NDS NEST, 173.78 FEET To THE WEST LINE oF SAID NORiHenSr OUAn-rL* THENCE \ORTH 01 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 47 sEcoNDs WESi, T27.oo FEETALoNG sAtD wEST -IN-E CTHE FOLLOWING 23 COURSES ARE ALONG THE'BOUNDARY LINE OF ASHWOOD )ARK NoRTH Pt149E 1); THENCE NORTH ae oecnies 31 MTNUTES 13 sEcoNDS :AST, 22s'88 FEET; THENCE SoUTH 51 DEGREes oz nttttUTES +O SeCOr.rb-S-ilb-iZ.rz W .,[ i? 2 n ir S iJ it II Z rr FEET; THENCE S.OIJIHWESTERLY, 7s.s2 FEET ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 34O.OO FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARING SOUTH 26 DEGREES 54 MINUTES ZT SECOruDS WESTITTIET'TCE SOUTH 69 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 26 SECONDS EAST, 208.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 06 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 22 SEC.9NDS WEST, 71.5s FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 47 SECONDS EAST, 360.00 FEET; THENCE-NORTH 88 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST, 912.50 FEET; THENCE SoUTH 01 DEGREEs 2s MINUTES 47 SECONDS EAST, 330.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 52 r'rfir..rUieS 38 SECONDS EAST, 66.07 FEET;THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 31 MINUTES TS SECOI{DS EAST, 313.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 47 SECONb-S EnSt, 6TT.61 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY, 49.43 FEETALONG A cURVE COl.rCAVe fO THE WEST, TANGENT To rHE LAST DESCR|BED couRSE, HAVTNG A RADtus oF gtz.oo FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARING SOUTH 02 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 16 SECONDS WEST; THENCE SOUTH 07 DEGREES 27 MINUTES rg SECOruOS WESI, fi.71FEET; THENCE SOUTH 05 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST, 67.27 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 05 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 14 SECONDS WEST, 133.97 iEEr_; THENCE SOUTH 82 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST,85.27 FEET; THENCE SOUTH Z0 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 39 S1CONDS EAST, 85.50 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 60 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST, 85.50 FEET;THENCE SOUTH ST OECNEES 26 UII.IUiES SI 9F99NDS EAST, 85.50 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 42 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 27 SECONDS EAST, 85.50 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 32 DEGREES 48 N/|ITUTCS ffi SECONDS EAST, 85.50 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 23 DEGREES 28 MINUTES Sg SECOI{DS EAST, 85.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 12 DEGREES 49 MINUTES Z+ SeCoruos EAST, 109.83 FEET; THENCE sourH 01 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 30 sEcoNDS EASi, s0.04 FEET To THE potNT oF BEGINNING, IN WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 'UNIT 3 NORTH' THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST coRNER oF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SoUTH 01 DEGREES 44 MINUTES os sEcoNDS EASi (BEARINGS ASSUMED FoR DESCRIPTION PURPO9IS_ONLY), 2646.88 FEETALONb THE EAST LINE OF SAID NoRTHEAST QUARTER To rHE SOUTHEAST coRNER oF sAtD ouAnren sECTtoN; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 37 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST, ZOSi.i{TEETALONG rHE sourH LINE oF sAlD QUARTER sEcloN To rHE potNT oe eiciNNlryc; THEN.E IONTINUING SoUTH 88 DEGREES 37 MINUTES 30 SEaoNDs WEST ALoNG SAID sourH LINE, 621Js FEEr To rHE WESr LINE oF SAiD NoRirien6i OulRrER; THENGE NORTH 01 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 47 SEcoNbS wEST ALoNG sAtD wEST -lNE, 1642.14 FEEr (THE FoLLowtNG 12 couRses Ane nr_onC i#'i'o-ur.ronny L,NE )F ASHWOOD PARK NORTH - PHASE 2); THENCE TIONTN 88 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 13 iECONDS EAST, '173.78 FEET;THENCE'SOUTH Or OiCNEES 47 SECONDS ilsr,43'00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 31 rtair.rurEs2813MINUTES sEcoNDs EAST, 66.00 :EET; THENGE sourH 01 DEGREES 28 MTNUTES az secor,rDs EAST, 13z.oo FEET; |HENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 31 MTNUTES 13 SECONOS enst, 896.00 FEET;THENCE ;ourH 01 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 47 sEcoNos enir, 243.00 r'eel rHetrrce souTH 37 )EGREES 17 MINUTES 09 SECONDS WEST, 84.65 feef; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREES ]8 MINUTES 47 SECOryD-S EAST,137.73 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 31 dINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST, 198.00 FEET;THENcE sburH 01 DEGREES zB MTNUTES Eff'?,f R?nii:l ,l0SSZh 47 SECONDS EAST, 217.73 FEET;THENCE soUTH 88 DEGREES 37 MINUTES 26 SECONDS WEST, 659.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH Ot OeCneES 28 tr,ttruUfeS 4Z SECONDS EAST, 3OO.O1 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN WILL COUrury, rr-LINOIS. ..PARCEL TH' THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE.THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST coRNER oF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTHERLY, 608.75 FEET ALONG THE EAST IIruE OF SAID QUANTE} SCCTION; THENCE sourH 88 DEGREES 1s MTNUTES sr secoxos wesi FoR DEscRrprroN puRposEs oNLy), 1?Lzo reEl-iHeNcE ieEAnrrics ASSUMED NoRTH 52 DEGREES 10 MINUTES 26 sEcoNDS WEST, ogt.zs'FeEr; THENIE ivonrH 01 DEGREEs 21 MTNUTES 59 sEcoNDS wEsr, 210.40 FEET To rHE rubnri or sAtD sEcloN 17; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 01 sEcoNos Ensi nLoNG snlo monrn LINE, 622.90 FEET To rHE potNT oF BEG|NN|NG, lr.r wrlr_ cbUr.l*, rr-r_lr.rols. {sb ,?2iii:iii.lii552h EXHIBIT C Portions of the Additional Properties to be created by Final Plats of Subdivision and to thereafter be known as: Lot225, in Ashwood Park South Unit 2 Subdivision, being a Subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 37 North, Range 9 East-of the Third F in ip.i Meridian, in County. Will- Outlot 9, in Ashwood Park North - Phase 2, being a Subdivision of part of the Northeast euarter of Section 17, Township 37 North, Range g East of tne Third Principal ftaeriJin, in \Mll County. R2{-}rj5't{:t552r} EXHIBIT D SITE PLAN OF CLUB LAND l+ Ft. rf ri I P{ z( v R2{"}ir:iijiJ552{+ EXHIBIT E BY-LAWS OF THE CLUB CAPITALIZED TERMS USED HEREIN, BUT NOT DEFINED, SHALL HAVE THE MEANINGS GIVEN To sucH TERMS lN THE niHwooo clua owNERSHrp DEcLARATToN AND oPERATING AGREEMENT To wHrcH rHesE--ey-Lews anf errecHED (THE ',.DEW!9N,,). ARTICLE I. PURPOSES. The purpose of theAshwood club (the "Glub-), as stated in itsArticles of Incorporation, is to operate a recreational club for the exclusive urJ6T o*n"rs'ano permitted us"i, and their guests. The club also has such powers as are now or may hereafter be granted by the General Not-ForProfit Corporation Act of the State of lllinbis. ARTICLE tt. oFFtcEs. The cfub shall have and continuously maintain in this state a registered office and a registered agent whose office is identicalwiftr sucn ie$teieo omce, and may have other offices of urinois .. t'" Board or oiie"torc of thobrub may ttn":"i1*") from ilj:'?##ji"$lffi1are ARTICLE tII. Me[aeen-HtPm oues. SEcTloN 1' MEMBERSHIPAND TERMINATION. Allowners shatt be members in the purposes in these gv-raws, own"rc-ullu" r"roi"o1" and the interest of a Member in the club is reter6o to as a '|lr"rLrs1ip'. Membership "l;Ug'bqs, in the club shall be subject to the Decfaration, these gv-|"*.Jh" nrffiE"g,ri"tion" ort irub, and appficable laws' each as in effect from iime to time. Termination oi" rr,|"rbership shall" occur as set forth in the Declaration' Termination of a Membership in ine ctJu ,r,"ll not rlrieve oir rerease any such former Member froT anl liability or obiigation iri"uneJunJ", o, in any way connecjed w*h the crub during the period of such Membership i-n tne cruo. rurttrermore, such termination shall not impair any rights or remedies which the Boaid orothers r.y n.u" such formeiMember arising out any way connected with, such tvtemuershii;il;" "gainst covenants and obtigations incident ,oj;r[I club' Foi reference SEcTloN ;:fflJ:5: 2' VoTES AND VoTtNG RlcHTS. The Voting Rights of the Members shal be ti];Lor. n-rueiruei, uotins rishts shar not in the Declaration, and particufarfyArtici" 6 SEcTloN 3' TMNSFER oF MEMBERSHIP. Membership in this Ctub is nottransferabte and assignable, except in accordance.with the pto.rJur". and agreements set forth in the Declaration' The Decfaration shalt contiin the speJfi"i"Jfr.tions of Membership transfers and afl Members shall be bound by said restrictions. o".l"r"i5ncrloN 4' ASSESSMENTS. Assessments shafl be set by the Board as set forth in the {^^ RZnliSijil552tr ARTICLE IV. nneeTNCS Or Merueens. SEcTloN 1' ANNUAL MEETING. The firstAnnual orne/s Meeting shatf be held ata site and on such a date as is fixed by the Board on the date required for such set forth in the Declaration' Thereafter, an Annualbwne/s Meeting oitn" Members in"li u" nad as required by the Declaration each yearforthe purpose of.electingiDirectors and forthe transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting, iay is a legat nolu"vJr'"nine meeting shall be held on the next succeeding business day-. lf.l-f.9uct-r theAnniat own-"rs nreeiirij'.n"iinot be held on that day designated owner's. Meeting,-or at any adjournment thereof, the Board shall cause the election to be lnnrll held at a special orune6Meeting Lall6o roon tii"r""fteras convenient. "r SEcT|oN2.SPEclALMEET|NG.S.gec5r|meetingsoftheMembers(a.@r,s iil:fi':fl?#:v be called bv ihe President, uy ine eoaro oi dy not tess than twe'ng percent (20ye oi 3' SEcTloN ltAcE AND TfME oF MEETING. Allmeetings of the Members shalttake place at some reasonable time as designated by the person or persons calling the meeting at the clubhouse of the club or such other loiation in ru"p"rir6, lllinois, as the Board shall determine. SEcTloN 4' NoTlcE oF MEETINS. w1$en or printed notice stating ptace, day and hour of the Annual owner's Meeting shall be oetivereol either personally the or by mail, to each Member entitled to vote at such_meetin9, porg than thirty (30) days noi 16r, tn"n ten (10) days fot before the date of the Annual owner'JMeeting, ruoti." oi iny Speital owneis Meeting may be 3iven on not less than two (2) business days n6iic" ano mav i"ri tn" io;i'(-a; a written notice Jelivered, either personally or by mail, to each Member to vote at sucri-meeting; or (b) a :onspicuous sign announcing the time a.nd ql19 oltfrespecial "ntitr"oMembers naeliing which is posted rt all entrance points into the Ashwood creek subdivision tn" Rrhwood park subdivision from 248h Avenue, 111h street, roa;i sireel and Honey "no L;;*i Drive grereinartei in" "Sisn Noti"" -ocations")' such.notice of the Specia,l owner's Meeting-shall be'giv; urir," president or the iecretary, orthe officers or persons callingthe speciar nae-mbers Meeting. lf mailed, the notice of a neeting shall be deemed delivered two (z) days after mailing to the Membe/s address as it rppears on the records of the club, with postage thereon prepa-id. SEcTloN 5' QUORUM. Twenty l quorum necessary to the transaction of\2ovo)oftheMemberspresentinpersonshaltconstitute business at- any v"rrvr e Meeting or special -'-' 'Annual owne/s 'YrE )wne/s Meeting. 6' SEcTloN PRoXIES. At any meeting of Members, a Memberentiiled to vote may vote ither in person or by proxy executed in writing uittre M"ru"ror by his duly authorized attorney-inrct; provided that a copy of the written proxy itratl ue delivered to Board on or prior to the lking of any vote forwhich the proxy wiil be. useo nnv such writtenthe prow rn.ll be valid until a otice of revocation of the proxy is delivered by the uemoerto the Board. ARTICLE V. eoan6-6mEdrons. 1' SEcTloN GENEML POWERS. The affairs of the clubshallbe managed by its Board. xcept as expressly provided to the contrary in the Declaration or these By-laws, afl of the rights, owers, options, duties and responsibilities 6f tfre Club shall be performeA'Uy the'goard, provided d,tn i??n{jrrilil552tr the-Board may delegate specific powers and responsibilities to committees composed of less than all Directors as established by resolution of the 'Board. SECTION (a) 2. SPECIFIC POWERS. The Board, on behalf of the Club, shalt have the power without the approvaf of the Members: (i) To take any of the actions authorized to be taken by the Board under the Declaration, I (ii) . To.engage the services of.a Manager, who may be any person, firm or corporation, including an owner or an affiliate of either Declarant, upon sucn terms and compensation as the Board deems fit, and to remove such Manager at any time, in accordance with the terms of any,management agreement approved 6y the Board: " (iii) To engage (and terminate) the services of any persons (including limited to accountants and attorneys) deemed necessary by the Board, but not at such compensation as the Board deems reasonable, forthe operation, iepair, maintenance and ' management of the club and to carry on the business or tne club; (iv) To establish and maintain one or more bank accounts or other depositary arrangements for the deposit of any funds paid to, or received by, the club; (v) Subject to the terms of the Declaration, to borrow funds to pay for capital .improvements, the costs of operation or to meet its obiigations; (vi) To enter into contracts (except loans and encumbrances governed by section 6'12 of the Declaration) anq, genLratty, to have all powers n"."r."ry the operation and management of the Club,.or as may be appropriate or incidentalto to carry out all functions authorized to the Club hereunder; (vii) To protect the club Property from foss or damage by suit orotherwise and to provide adequate reserves for replacement of club property; (viii) To adopt reasonable Rule.s and Regulations to effectuate the purposes and powers of the Club, including the operation and Ise of the recreationaitacilities, and to amend such Rules and Regulations from time to time; (ix) To purchase, own, lease, sell or otherwise deal in and with tangibles, intangibles, personal property or real estate in furtherance of its duties and functions; (x) To do all other acts to be done by the Club in furtherance of the Declaration or these By-Laws except in such cases wheri approval of the Members is specifically required. (b) The Club shall provide or cause to be provided, and paid for, in addition to the lanager or other personnel and/or services and materials above provided for, the following: (i) To purchase such insurance as the Board deems necessary to protect the property, Members, Directors, Officers, Permitted Users and guests of the Club; and {tlt R2n;i5iril552l+ (ii) To purchase any other materials, supplies, equipment, furnishings, labor, services, maintenance, repairs and replacements, decorating, cleaning, tuci'pointing, structural alterations, landscaping, and snow and ice removal tnit tfre Boari deems propEi for the maintenance and operation of the Club Property, including all work required bi alt applicable laws. All work shall be performed in accordance with ill applicable law. 3' SECTION NUMBER TENURE AND QUALIFICATIONS. The Board shatl be appointed and elected as set forth in the Declaration. Each Director shall hold office wltnout.orpb|ri6on until his successorshall have been elected and qualified. With the oithe Directors on the Declarant Board, only a Member or Designated Representative of "r."Jtion a Memb"t or tn. cruu mav oe a Director. 4. sEcTloN ELEcTloN. The Directors shall be elected at such times and according to the procedure set forth in the Dectaration. SEcTloN 5. ANNUAL MEETING. An annualmeeting.of the Board (the "Annual Board Meeting") shall be held without further notice otherthan this By--Law, immediaiely after, and at the same place as, the Annual owner's Meeting. All Members shail nrr6 tn" rlgniio attend the Annual Board Meeting, but shall not have the right io participate therein or to recori said proceeds by any means (including audio, video or other means of recordation). 6' sEcTloN INTERIM MEETINGS. The Board may hold such additionatmeetings (other than the Annual Board Meeting) as it deems appropriate forthe oi6o"ro business (each being refered to herein as annlotedm eoard ireitinq")-interim "onorain! Board illeetings may be set and ca||edbyorattherequestornffiioninwritingofamajorityofDirectors.The person or persons authorized to call Interim Board Meetings may fiiany r"..on"Ut" place and time as the place and time.for holding any Interim Board nree-ting c'a1eo bi Ail Members shall have the rightto attend all InterimBoird Meetings, but shaii not have the rightto participate therein, but shall not have the right to participate recorJ said proceeds by any means (including audio, video or other means of recordation). th;. 7' SEcTloN NoTlcE. No notice of any fnterim gg"rd Meeting need be given to any Director or Member, except as otherwise provide'd herein. of any Interim Board Meeting shall be given at least two (2) days prior to the date of such^Notice meeting notice delivered personally or sent by mail to each Director. lf mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be defivered one (1) day after it is deposited in the United States mail addressed to the Director at his or its address as it appears on the records of the club with posiage thereon prepaid. niiitii"jliv, .,liii'" of any Interim Board Meeting shall be given to tn'e ueiroers by way of a conspicuous sign announcing the time and place of the Interim Board Meeting whicir josteJ is at the sign Notice Locations. Any Director may waive notice of any.r""td tne attendance of a Director at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of suctr meeting, except where a Director attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the trans-jaion of any uuiiness because the meeting is not lawfully called or convenld. lt shall not be required thai the notice to a Director incfude a description of the business to be transacted at a meeting, unless specificalty reguired by law or by the Declaration or by.these By-Laws. In the itr"t an Interim Board Meeting is called lo deal with any matter, for which a delay of three days "u*tto compfy with the notice requirements rerein contained might regu]t in damage to property orinjury't6 then the notice rrovisions herein contained shall be oeemeaw'aived iflvery Directorreceives ""v J"iron actualnotice of such neeting and a good faith effort is made to give every Dire&or actuar notice. bi;ii6r { r [r- R2nil5ilil552b SECTION 8. QUORUM. Attendance by a majority of the Directors on the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board, provided, that if les.s than three (3) of the Directors are present at said meeting, the other Directors present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice. 9. SECTION MANNER OF ACTING. The act of three (3) of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board, unless otherwise provided by law or by these By-Laws. SEcTloN 10. VACANCIES. Subject to the terms of the Declaration, any vacancy occuning 'Open Siaf) shall be filled by the majority vote of the remaindlr of the -Board and the Director so appointed (a 'Replacement Direc ) shall serye the remainder of the term applicable to the opgn Seat (the '!@!!gJg$q); provided, however, that if the Remaining Term will be greater than one year, then the Replacement Director shall only serve until the next in the Board (an Annual Owner's Meeting at which time, the Members shall either: (a) confirm the appointment of the Replacement Director, in which case, the Replacement Director shall serve the'full Remaining Terml or (b) may elect a different Replacement Director instead of the Replacement Directoi selected by the Board, in which case the Replacement Director selected by the Members shatl serve the balance of the Remaining Term. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if three Open Seats occur in between two consecutive Annual Owner's Meetings, then the third Open Seat shallonly be filled by a Replacement Director elected by a majority of the Members voting at a Speciat Owners' Meeting called and held for the purpose of elec'ting such Replacement Director. SECTION 11. REMOVAL. From and after the date of the first Annual Owners Meeting to occur after the Transition Event, any Director may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of a majority of allthe Members voting at a SpecialOwner's Meeting called forsuch purpose; provided however, that at least 10% of all Members of the Club shall vote in favor of such removal at the meeting. Before the Initial Owners Meeting, three Directors may, by vote, remove a director at a duly called Board meeting. The Open Seat caused by the removal of any Director pursuant hereto shall be filled by the procedure set forth in Section 10, above. SECTION 12. ADOPTION OF RULES AND REGULATIONS. All rufes and regulations, or amendments thereto, adopted by the Board shall be effective upon their adoption. ARTICLE VI. OFFICERS. 1. SECTION OFFICERS. The Officers of the Club shall be a President,'one (1) or more Vice Presidents (the numberthereof to be determined by the Board), a Treasurer and a Secretary. SECTION 2. ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE. The fficers of the corporation shall be elected annually by the Board at the Annual Board Meeting from among the Directors. lf the eleciion of Officers shall not be held at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon thereaffer as conveniently may be. Vacancies may be filled or new offices created and filled at any meeting of the Board. Each Officer shall hold office until his successor shall have been duly elected and shall have been qualified. 3. SECTION REMOVAL. AnyOfficerelected bythe Board maybe removed bya voteofa majority of the Directors. dfrl ,? 2n iilj i_t r 5 5 2l+ SEcTloN 4. VACANCIES. A vacan_cy in^ any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or otherwise, may be filied by the Board for ine un"xpired portio-n of ne term. 5' sEcTloN PRESIDENT. The President shatl be the principal executive officer of the Club.and shall, in general, supervise and control all of the business anO'affairs of the Club. He shall preside at all meetings of the Members and of the Board. He may sign, wiinlhe secretary or any other proper Officer of the Club authorized by the Board, any amendments to these By-Laws, deeds, mortgages, contracts orother instruments which the Board nas autnoiized to be executed; and, in general, shall perform allduties incident to the office of president and such other duties as may be prescribed by the'Board from time to time. 6' SEcTloN VlcE PRESIDENT. In the absence of the President or in the event of his inability or refusalto act, thevice President shallperfoir tt" duties of the president and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the. restrictions ,ponih" president. Any Vice President shall perform such other duties is from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board. 7' SEcTloN TREASURER. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for allfunds and securities of the Club; receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the club from any source whatsoever, ind deposit atisuch ron"vr in the name of the club in such banks,lly^tlcompanies orotherdepositarieJas shail be selected in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE Vliof these By-Lawslano, in g*"ral, perform allthe duties incident to the office of rreasurer and such other auties .r'rror'timi L time be qes'v assigned to him by the '""' may "'-t vv President or by the Board. 8' SEcTloN SECRETARY. TheSecretaryshall keeptheminutes ofthe meetings ofthe Members and of the Board in one or more uoot<s pi6viil;;r the purpose; see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisiog of {r6se By:L;; or as required by law; be custodian of the corporate records and of the seal of the club; an'd, rn general, perform all duties incident to the office of secretary and such other duties as from time'io time may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board. 1' SEcTloN CoNTRACT. Subject to Section 6.12 of the Declaration, the Board may authorize any officer(s) and/or agent(s) of ttre club, in aooition to the omcers so authorized by these By-Laws, to enter into any contrait or execute ano oetiver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the corporation and such authority r"v u" g;erat oiconfined to specific instances. SEcTloN 2' cHEcKS, DRAFTS, ETC. All checks, drafts or other orders forthe payment i"sueJin t name of the corporation, shall be signed by such officer(s) and/oragent(s) of the club, " il-u"h manneras shallfrom time to time be cetermined by resolution of the Board. in the ausenc" oirl"n determination by the Board, such instrument shall be signed by the not less than two om..o orthe cfub. of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedn""s 3' SEcTloN DEPoSITS. Allfundsof theClubshallbedepositedfromtimetotimetothe :redit of the club in such banks, trust companies or other Jepositaries as the Board may select. ,/ ril RZnil:iilil552t+ SECTION 4- GIFTS. The Board may accept on behalf of the Club any contribution, gift, bequest or devise for the general purposes or for any special purpose of the Club. ARTICLE VIII. BOOKS AND RECORDS. The Club shall keep conect and complete books and records of account and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its Members, Board and committees having any of the authority of the Board, and shall keep atthe registered orprincipaloffice a record giving ihe names and addresses of the Members entitled to vote and all Mortgagees who have registered with the Club. All books and records of the Club may be inspected by any Member, or hiJagent or attorney for any proper purpose at any reasonable time. .Upon ten (10) days'notice to the Club, and the paymeht of a reasonable fee fixed by the Club, any Member shall be furnished a statement of his account setting forth the amount of any unpaid assessments or other charges due and owing from such Membei signed by a duly authorized Officer of thd Club. ARTICLE IX. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the Club shall be the calendar year, unless otherwise fixed by resolution of the Board. ARTICLE X. WAIVER OF NOTICE. Whenever any notice whatsoever is required to be given underthe provisions of the General Not-For-Profit Corporate Act of lllinois or under the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or the By-Laws, a wavier thereof in writing signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice. Attendance at any meeting shall constitute waiver, except where such person ittends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. ARTICLE XI AMENDMENT TO BY-LAWS. Prior to the election of the first Member Board, the Board has the exclusive right to amend these By-Laws. Following the election of the initial Otner Board, these By-Laws, except this ARTICLE Xl, may be altered, amended or repealed and new By-Laws may be adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of all of the Members voting at a regular meeting or special meeting :afled for such purpose; subject (in all cases) to at least 1}o/o ol all of the Members of the Club uoting in favor of said amendment. This ARTICLE Xl may be amended only by an instrument in rvriting setting forth such amendment, signed and acknowledged by the duly authorized Officers of :he Cfub, 75% of all of the Members of the Club and all Mortgagees. d t[n SECTION 1. RESOLUTION. The Board may adopt a resolution proposing the voluntary termination of the Club and the dissolution of_the Corporation. Unless such actionis taken by the Board before the election of the first Member Board, the Board shall call a meeting of the Mem-bers to vote on a resolution authorizing termination and dissolution. Two{hirds of thl total Members must approve such a resolution. SEcTloN 2. LIQUIDATION. In the event of a dissolution of the Ctub, all of the Club Property and all other property of the Club shall continue to be held by the Club for the benefit of each of the Members in the ratio of their respective Percentage Interests. lf the Board and eligible voting Mernbers approve termination and dissolution of the Club, the Directors shall endeav6r to liquidate or distribute the proceeds from the sale of such property within two years from the date of the recording of a certificate of dissolution with the lllinois Secretary of State. After payment of all obligations of the Club and all expenses of liguidation, the cash proceeds of such-liquidation, including all other cash held by the Club and all property which has not been liquidated, shall be distributed equally to the Members. ARTICLE XIII. INDEMNIFICATION. The Glub shall indemnify any person who was or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party to, any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of the Club) by reason of the fact that he is orwas a Director or Officer of the Club, against expenses (including attorneys'fees), judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection with such action, suit or proceeding if he acted in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interest of the Club, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe his conduct was unlawful. The termination of any action, suit, or proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a presumption that (a) the person did not act in good faith and in a manner which he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of the Club or (b) with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, the person had reasonable cause to believe that his conduct was unlawful. The Club may indemnify any person who as or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party to, any threatened, pending or completed action or suit by or in the right of the.Glub to procure a judgment in its favor by reason of the fact that he is or was a Director or an Officer of the Club against expenses (including attomeys'fees) actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection with the defense or settlement of such action or suit, if he acted in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the Club and except that no indemnification shall be made in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which such person shall have been adjudged to be liable for gross negligence or misconduct in the performance of his duty to the Club. To the extent that a Director or Officer of the Club has been successful, on the merits or ctherwise, in the defense of any action, suit or proceeding refened to in the foregoing two caragraphs, or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, he shall be indemnified against 3xpenses (including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incuned by him in connection :herewith. d,trn i?2fif iJilF5Zl+ Any indemnification under the first two paragraphs of this Article shall be made by the Club only as authorized in the specific case, upon a deteimination that indemnification of the director or Officer of the Club is proper in the circumstances because he has met the applicable standard of conduct set forth in the first two paragraphs of thisArticle. Such determination shall be made (1) by the Board by a majority vote of a quorum._consisting of Members of the Board who were not parties to such action, suit or proceeding , or (2) if such a quorum is not obtainable, or even if obtainable, if a quorum of disinterested Directors so directs, by independent legalcounsel in a written opinion, or (3) by a majority of the Merirbers of the Club. ' .ffir. Nothing hereinabove contaihed shall in any way be construed as altering, amending or modifying the Declaration. The Declaration and these By-Laws shallalways be construed to further the harmonious, beneficial, cooperative and proper use and conduct of ine Club. lf there is any inconsistency or conflict between these By-Laws and the aforesaid Declaration, the provisions of the Declaration shall control. /,11