Color Connection - The Fredericksburg Art Guild


Color Connection - The Fredericksburg Art Guild
Color Connection
A Publication of the Fredericksburg Art Guild
Volume 4, Issue 3
Fredericksburg Art Guild
Board of Directors
President - Joyce Malatek
Vice President - Suzanne Morhart
Secretary - Nancy Skoog
Treasurer - Jan Miller
Web Master - Michael McAleer
POC (Point of Contact) - Tom Miller
Children’s Art - On September 19th at the
Pioneer Historical Museum Nancy
Hardison has already registered a full
class with a waiting list. She has
requested additional help, so, if you can,
please let her know you’ll be there and
bring items she requested in the email
Tom recently sent. If you don’t have it,
call Nancy at 830-997-4955.
Oktoberfest - is coming up fast! We had
a great response to filling the shifts and
will again be open until 10:00 on Friday
and Saturday nights. Be sure to bring
your items for sale when we set up Friday
morning. Have them labeled and on
paintings attach a card with your contact
information the name of the piece and
price to the wire. This way if the display
card is separated from the piece we will
still have the info needed for the sale. As
a plus the buyer will have a way to
contact you.
June 2015
We will have to limit works on the display
panels after all. We have 20 folks who will
be displaying, so a limit of 5 per person for
the cloth panels, and, please, no really large
pieces. Some pieces may have to be
displayed on the tables to accomodate
everyone. There will also be room on the
display tables for cards, jewelry and extras.
I’ll bring the Guild easels Friday morning,
and we’ll work it out.
You may bring “studio extras” for sale,
framed or unframed as long as they are under
$75. Clearly identify your works with your
name and price. You’ll need to provide a
container for these works on the tables.
Jan Banfield will again doing live sketches
for donations to the Guild. Last year was a
great success. She’ll be there from 6:00 to
10:00 on Saturday evening.
Personally I’m anticipating the “Texas
Twister” fried potatoes at the fest.
New Members - Welcome to Bobbi Studstill
and Catherine Stephens.
Bobbi Studstill is a San Antonio native, living
in Texas sporadically
throughout her life. She is
now residing in
Fredericksburg and making
art in both Fredericksburg and
San Antonio.
from the Army. Our son Nathan is a senior at
TX A&M and our daughter, Nicole, a
freshman at UT. I have been in the military
since joining ROTC at the University of
Vermont in 1987, and have a couple more
years before I will retire from the Army
Trained in the textile arts from childhood
through university, when raising two
daughters and surviving 8-5 duties in a
university office, she turned to paper for
more instant gratification. She also began
to use a camera - which continues to
bring great joy and excitement to her life.
Current work is informed by the
collection of structural images captured
from the many places she has lived and
visited, combined with accumulated paper
ephemera and the recent inheritance of
many family paper artifacts. She layers
them into her work to create a secret
palimpsest of personal intimacy and
I began painting in 2008 with a workshop by
relevance along with compositional
Dalhart Windberg. I still study under him at
his studio in Georgetown. I find myself
drawn to describe the charm I find in
A prolific artist, Bobbi has exhibited in
everyday life thru paintings which are mostly
Cedarburg WI, Albuquerque NM,
representational. I especially enjoy still-life
Lawrence KS and online. Her images
and figurative work: I love the truth of
have been used in various publications,
painting that which is special in what I
both national and international. Her work observe. My studio pals include a German
is currently visible at Artisans - A Texas
Shepherd, an Australian cattle dog mix, a
Gallery and the Fredericksburg Art Guild, chihuahua, and a fluffy house-cat.
in Fredericksburg TX and in her studio at
the 1906 South Flores space in San
Antonio TX on the Second Saturday of
News from the Board - Your Board met
each month and by appointment.
September 10th on Thursday and as a
reminder these are open meetings, so any
Catherine Stephens member may attend.
Jerry, and I live in Harker Heights, right
outside of Fort Hood, where he retired
We are researching portable hanging panels
to use in Studio 2 which will be
affordable and easy to install. Joyce is
going to order one Grid Wall Panel to
start with.
We had discussed additional signage out
front to attract visitors, but have
abandoned the idea since the code
enforcement lady denied our use of the
sandwich board sign out front on the
lawn. We are not allowed any additional
signage on the lawn or sidewalk and must
fold the sign up and lean it against the
building. Any ideas?
FFAW - We have been contacted through
the CVB to be part of another ogoing
organized FFAW publicity effort. A
meeting is being scheduled for interested
galleries and we’re on it!
Last year on December 1st Friday we had
one non-parade watcher come to the
Guild. Nan Henke was the featured artist
and is going to volunteer for that Friday
again this year and extend her reception
through Saturday, bringing out the
goodies and being present at the Guild.
She is testing to see if it is a worthwhile
effort for this particular month.
Our president, Joyce, has been at work
revising a portion of the By-laws under
“Hanging Committee Guildelines.” This
was a limited definition area and
inconsistent with our membership
applications. We agreed to some changes
which will be distributed to the
membership in the coming weeks.
Philip and Rita Barousse gave us several
suggestions to present a more professional
look to the Guild. Although we are limited
by our physical layout; i.e., too many
windows and doors for the best displays and
lighting, cramped quarters, etc., the board
appreciated their comments and the fresh look
at what the visitors see as they walk in the
door, reminding us all that “less is better.”
Our 2016 Schedule for the Guild has to be
turned into the CVB by October and the
board did approve a new schedule which will
be provided to the members in a couple of
weeks and posted in the kitchen.
Blanco & Chase Bank Displays. Joyce
Malatek will cover them both for September
and October. November and December,
Phillip Barousse will display at Blanco Bank
and Melissa Starry will be at Chase Bank
those two months. Please let me know if you
want to display at any one of these locations
next year 60 days at a time. Blanco Bank is
available January through the year and Chase
Bank from March onward.
Don’t forget to send me your newsletter news
- Color Connection is all about you.
Nancy Skoog