Sentinel 16 May 2013 - vol 2 issue 8.indd


Sentinel 16 May 2013 - vol 2 issue 8.indd
South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.
Vol. 2, Issue 8 - Price: £1
Madolyn Andrews, shooting
on Tuesday evening as the
Jamestown Rifle Club marks
5 years since re-opening
“serving St Helena and her community worldwide”
RFA vessel due for
visit next week during
St Helena Day. Page 2
5 Years - Still On Target
Five years ago this week, the Jamestown
Rifle Club was re-opened as a sporting facility for the community and has gone from
strength to strength ever since. Club Chairman, Pat Henry, led the year long effort to
restore and re-establish the club, situated
inside the moat next to the swimming pool,
which had been closed for around 12 years.
continued on page 29
St Helena Government UK Representative, Kedell Worboys, on
St Helena. Interview page 9
Thursday 16 May 2013
17 July 2013 Straight or Gay?
General Election Date Set
A statement from the Castle on Monday, read:
The Acting Governor Owen’ O’Sullivan has now
agreed a date for the General Election 2013,
which will take place on Wednesday 17 July 2013.
Each voter will be able to select up to 12 Candidates in the Election this year. However, in order
to vote or stand as a candidate your name must be
on the New Electoral Register.
Power of a Woman - a special Sentinel
report on women and politics on St Helena,
page 10 and 11
Friday 17th May is International Day against
Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) and
is celebrated in more than 60 countries around
the world. The day was created in 2004 to
raise awareness and to promote tolerance,
respect and freedom, regardless of people’s
sexual orientation or gender identity.
Read our report on IDAHO and St Helena on
page 14. Also, catch an IDAHO Radio 1 special feature on tomorrow’s Sunrise.
Ascension born
Bennett shows off
her island’s new
flag. see page 26
SAMS Radio 1 - Streaming live to the world 24/7 from, - The Voice of St Helena Speaks Here
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
ast week Pub Paradise held a fun day for
the children of the island. In the sunshine outside the pub the children played on the bouncy
castle. When the enjoyment got too much then
there was a child-size pool table and other
games on offer inside, where they could cool
KJ (Keith Joshua) owner of Pub Paradise normally holds these fun days during the school
holidays and half terms. When we caught up
with a busy KJ, he had just finished making
up the pool table as children were waiting eagerly for their first games whilst enjoying cold
drinks and lunch.
Asked why he always goes to such lengths
he replied, “I do it just for the children. You
got to look to the children, they are the up and
coming on the island and I enjoy working with
Early in the day there were about 30-40 children. All were running, screaming and bouncing with delight. KJ thought that there would
be more coming as the day went on.
Will he be having a fun day in the next school
holidays? “Weather permitting. The last couple of times we have been pretty unlucky because of the rain.” He said before saying, “although we need the rain, thank God that we
did not get any today.”
he clouds are starting to gather and raindrops are finally starting to fall, although not
enough to saturate the parched grounds or replenish the Red Hill reservoirs. Here are the
weather recordings for the past week from the
Met Station at Bottom Woods and ANRD at
Min temp
Max temp
Mean temp
Total sunshine
Total rainfall
Mean w/speed
Bottom Woods
36.5 hours
9.7 knots
35.7 hours
RFA Black Rover to visit St Helena
St Helena will receive a visit
from the Royal Navy’s, ‘RFA
Black Rover’ on Monday 20
May with Captain Ian Pilling
and his crew of 58. The vessel is one of two Small Fleet
Tankers owned by the Ministry of Defence (MoD). Her
sister ship is the ‘RFA Gold
Rover’ which visited the island four years ago, in May
‘RFA Black Rover’ is expected to stay for three days,
meaning she will be here for
St Helena Day and will be
taking part in a few activities
on the day, which will include
taking a youth group for a trip
around the island and hosting
the Acting Governor, Owen
This visit is a routine call before the vessel embarks on
wider regional engagements.
She will leave on 23 May.
RFA Gold Rover approaching St Helena in May 2009
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
relief. These are just the early steps in a long
project. Michel, relieved at the furniture’s safe
arrival, will now have to start worrying about
the return journey. “Our concern is in three
years time - How to bring them back here? We
can’t afford any mistakes as they will be fully
restored. It will be more worrying,” he said.
The restoration work will start soon and will
need to be done by the end of 2015. Once restored the furniture will go on exhibition, at
the Army Museum (Musee de l’Armee) in
2016. The Paris museum, which gets between
1.2 and 1.3 million visitors a year will have an
exhibit themed, “Napoleon in St Helena.”
Furniture’s Parisian Facelift
Napoleon’s furniture from Longwood House
has arrived in Paris. The furniture has been
sent for restoration. The most complicated part
of the entire project has been the shipping of
the priceless objects to the French capital.
In an article in The Sentinel on 21 February
(Vol. 1 Issue 47) we found out preparations
and the problems that the French Council, Michel Martineau faced to get the pieces sent for
restoration. The stringent rules adhered to in
the packing of the three containers included;
furniture crated individually and then individually secured in their containers.
All efforts were made to ensure that no movement would occur to possibly damage the
furniture on its journey to the UK. Richard
James’s Managing Director, Keith Jones then
escorted the containers on their last leg to
“It was a pleasure,” Michel said about working
with Richard James and Andrew Weir Shipping. He continued on to say it was, “helpful
to have that extent of services on the island.”
Anaél Gohier, who came to the island to oversee the delicate work of packing the crates and
containers, was in Paris to accept delivery. He
and his team will now need to carefully open
the crates for the final confirmation that all has
gone well.
As one step in the project is concluded, all
involved must have had a collective sigh of
his week Paul Starkie starts the real work
of instilling himself as the new headteacher
of Prince Andrew School. He takes over from
Vanessa Tissington who has been the acting
head ever since Abraham Swart left in November 2012.
Mr Starkie arrived three weeks ago, at the start
of the school holidays, to begin his three year
contract. He has used this time to attend meetings with various groups and think and reflect.
“That has been very helpful for me, to get a
feel for the organisation, and how the school
operates,” he said in a radio interview on
SAMS Radio 1.
One of his passions is personal fitness and
he trains every day. “I’m very keen to get involved in sport and recreation on the island.
Weather it’s within the school or through New
Horizons. I will be there to promote health,
fitness and exercise.” he said. “That is one of
the things that is really important for young
people, having that understanding of the importance of exercise and maintaining a healthy
Mr Starkie first came to the island 24 years
Paul Starkie
ago as an advisory teacher where he spent four
years teaching. After he left the island his interest in St Helena did not wane as his wife is
a Saint. He has returned twice to the island
on family holidays. “I’ve always kept a keen
interest in the island,” he said.
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
Sherrilee Phillips, SAMS
This week Acting Governor, Owen
O’Sullivan, announced the date that we
will all head to the polls to vote for our new
legislative council.
Someone recently told me that this general
election is one of the most important in the
history of the island. The comment did not
register immediately so I asked why? They
told me that the council that we will vote
in on 17 July will be the one that takes us
up to the completion of the Airport; making
decisions that will directly affect each and
every one of us in a mere three years time.
Since starting work for The Sentinel I
have witnessed two by elections and a
poll for Chief Councillor. On those occasions voting turnout has been low. When
I’ve spoken to friends, some have said to
me that voting is pointless. It would not
make a difference: a statement that has the
potential to puzzle a world audience. People throughout history have struggled and
fought for the right to vote.
Did you know that if you do not vote then
by right you have no right to complain
about how poorly you believe government
is being run? This is not a written rule but
I think that it’s a rule you cannot disagree
Since legislative council was dissolve three
weeks ago 44 people have been entered on
to the electoral roll making the grand total
of 2,254 residents on the roll. The island’s
population is approximately 4,200.
I want to encourage those who are eligible
to take this opportunity to sign on to the
register and go out to vote on 17 July. You
can make your vote count by voting for
candidates that are strong!
SAMS Contact Details
Telephone: 2727
More working age Saints returning
to the island than are leaving
The Statistics Office released their quarterly
bulletin this week. Below are extracts from
the report.
Annual Inflation on the RPI stood at 2.4 per
cent at the end of March 2013, the lowest rate
in over seven years. Annual inflation on the
retail price index (RPI) has been falling for
the last year and decreased by 1.4 percentage
points in Q1 2013. At the end of Q1 2013 the
annual rate of inflation of the St Helena RPI
stood at 2.4 per cent. This is a 1.4 percentage
point decrease from Q4 2012 when the revised
figure for annual rate of inflation stood at 3.8
per cent. This is the lowest annual rate of inflation since Q2 2005.
The biggest contributions to the headline rate
of inflation in Q1 2013 came from inflation in
the Food (2.5%), Services (4.4%) and Fuel &
Light (6.5%) sub-categories. This is a result
of price increases in the goods and services
in these sub-categories along with a heavy
weighting in the average St Helenian “Shopping Basket”.
The St Helena resident population continues to
grow and stood at 4,281 at the end of March.
This is an expected drop from the previous
quarter when the Island population was temporarily swollen by friends and family return-
ing from overseas for the Christmas holidays.
Once again the quarterly average resident
population is higher in Q1 2013 than the same
period in any year since the 2008 population
Census. The presence of Basil Read and expatriate workers living on island for an extended
period (more than six months) is included in
the estimate of resident population.
The effect of migration on the St Helena population far out-weighs the effect of births and
deaths. We are currently seeing more Saints of
working age returning to the island than are
The total number of arrivals to St Helena in
Q1 2013 was up by twenty four per cent from
Q1 2012. Business is the largest category of
visitors arriving on the RMS. Tourist visitors
in the eight-night “excursion” category are essentially unchanged from 2012 to 2013. The
dominant route for tourist visitors to the island
is by yacht. The rise in yachting visitors has
been associated with two significant events–
the Governors yacht race 2012 and the World
Arc Rally 2012/13. Disembarkation of a single cruise ship—the MSC Sinfonia in the first
quarter of 2013 resulted in 975 day-visitors to
the Island.
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
Dear Editor,
I am very unhappy about the Magistrates Court
information in last week’s paper, especially
the heading relating to ‘my day in court’. A
lady, woman, female is very cagey about her
age after twenty one years, especially someone like myself. I do not go around telling
everyone how old I am, that is something very
personal, and now of course the whole world
and island knows it.
However, the comments which were made to
me by many people, with a twinkle in their eye
- “My you do look good for your age”!! and “I
would never have thought you were that old”!!
Someone from offshore referred to me as an
However, I forgive the person who did this.
Pat Musk
Dear Editor,
What a great disappointment; we have such
inappropriate, unbalanced and unfair business
practices being implemented in the development of St Helena. SHG, in its desperate efforts to achieve performance goals as set out in
the MOU, have overlooked the rights of Saint
Helenians as British Citizens and custodians
of this Island.
We desperately need a strategy that sets out a
modern approach affording St Helenians equal
rights as British Citizens. The UK Government’s Equality Strategy sets out its vision for
a strong, modern and fair Britain. It is built on
two principles of equality - equal treatment
and equal opportunity - we are British Citizens.
Has SHG, as administrators, directors and
managers of the future of St Helena, got the
foresight, talent, skill and commitment to
work and build a stronger fairer and more cohesive society, where equality is for everyone
and is everyone’s responsibility? Is SHG ready
to allow the St Helenian peoples’ Socio- and
Cultural- needs to be included in local policies
and practices which will affect the islander’s
future and the future of our children?
SHG cannot and should not do business by
dictating and exploiting the lack of organisational awareness, history and isolation has
taught us to be resourceful and we learn quickly. It’s a misconception that we are all quiet
comfortable with our status. To survive we
must constantly adapt and overcome treading
a fine line as OT dependants, while preserving
our dignity and our identity.
Yours sincerely,
Brenda Moors-Clingham.
Dear Editor
I was contacted by Lesley and Paul Eldridge
of the Leek Wootton History Group in February about the late Mrs Doreen Wright whose
World War II Diary they published in 2012.
Mrs Wright came to St Helena in 1980 by invitation of the Governor to offer training to lace
workers here. She was a founder member of
the Lace Guild (in the UK) in 1976 and had
learnt the art of bobbin lace-making in 1947
when recovering from a kidney operation
which, in those days, required there month’s
“rest”. She published “Bobbin Lace Making”
in 1971, a comprehensive guide to the story
and art of lace. Mrs Wright came to St Helena
to pass on her lace and craft skills. I’m sure
there are lace-makers and other crafters who
will remember Doreen and be able to tell me
more about her and the work she did during
her short stay (three months).
The St Helena Art & Crafts Association
wishes to thank Mr & Mrs Eldridge and the
Leek Wootton History Group for their kind
gift of the diary, which I received yesterday.
We will add the diary to our small library of
art and crafts books in the A&C Centre. I’d
like to be able to let them have details about
Mrs Wright’s visit and work on St Helena and
would be pleased to hear from any of your
readers about their memories of Mrs Wright.
They can contact me on 3729.
Yours sincerely
Cathy Hopkins
In Richard Wallis’ interview with Attorney General, Ken Baddon, on page 25 of last week’s
Sentinel, there was a minor error in transcription. The printed passage:
They will be advising the Governor on matters of policy. The Governor can no longer enact
an ordinance without the approval of councillors, except in a few circumstances. “They make
decisions on matters of policy”, said Mr Baddon.
This passage should have read:
They will be advising the Governor on matters of policy. The Governor can no longer enact
an ordinance without the approval of councillors. “Except in a few circumstances, they make
decisions on matters of policy”, said Mr Baddon.
Apologies for any confusion that may have been caused.
Hair 4 U is once again open for
business. Providing ladies with
all their hairdressing needs.
Whether it is a trim you are
after or a fresh new haircut,
some highlights or colour touch
up, Wendy is here for you.
Give her a call on telephone
3826 to book an appointment.
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
Main Street Project
Work about to commence in Main Street
After a year’s delay, work on the Main Street
Project began. On Monday an orange fence
was erected around the temporary concrete
outside New Porteous House. The concrete
will be dug up and re-layed once Cable and
Wireless South Atlantic have installed fibre
optic cable.
The work at New Porteous House is estimated
to take three weeks, reported Project Manager,
Paul Scipio of ProArc. He told The Sentinel
the walkway would be paved and the curb
would be lowered for wheelchair access. He
said that the delay “made sense” and that now
everyone was, “onboard there can be a good
finish on the slab.”
Contractor for the job is Johnny Isaac, he
holds the contract for the whole of the project,
which is being driven forward by Enterprise St
Helena. His work will extend from New Por-
teous House to the Canister and from St James
church to the Bridge.
On 1 May last year a government press release
stated work would be “temporarily halted,” for
special ducting to be ordered and fibre optic
cable to be laid throughout the town, minimising disruption to the public.
In an Interview with ESH’s Tourism Director, Cathy Alberts had her “finger cross” for
the project to be completed by the Christmas
season this year if “everyone gives their co
operation.” The project also includes, antique lighting; “that fits in with the ambience
of Jamestown,” explained Cathy and bollards
will be placed along the paving. The cannons
that are currently behind the museum will also
have a new home; in front of the new customs
building at the Wharf.
“ think the whole island will be on alert,”
said Martin Squibbs, Operations Director for
Connect St Helena this week when asked the
state of the water situation island wide. He
said that he did not want to impose a “blanket
hose pipe ban” because only one area was a
Martin went on to say that other areas were
“fine.” However, he did mention that Hutt’s
Gate reservoir was “noticeably becoming
low” and that springs in Sandy Bay were becoming dry. Consequently, the Water Division
have been moving Sandy Bay’s water supply
between different storage locations in a 2 cubic metre tank to contend with falling water
The division has now drilled and found water
in two bore holes to help alleviate the shortage
in the Red Hill distribution area. Bore holes
were drilled at Molly’s Gut and behind Plantation House. Pipelines have been laid and are
providing the treatment plant with an additional water source.
When asked the possibility of bowsering water from different parts of the island, Martin
said it was not possible due to the quantities
Martin told The Sentinel on Tuesday that
consumers in the Red Hill area were showing
signs of lower usage.
Water usage before a hose pipe ban was at 400
cubic meters a day. Output from the two bore
holes can be as much as 100 cubic metres but
can vary, Martin told us. “What we are looking
at now is getting water from different sources.
So, if we could get 100 cubic metres from four
bore holes, that should cover it.”
ENRD: Top-Dog Tony Takes-off
The current Director of Environment and
Natural Resources Directorate(ENRD), Tony
Earnshaw will leave his post this week. Tony
resigned earlier this month and is due to leave
St Helena on Sunday 26 May. Tony is leaving
for personal family reasons. “It’s not a question of wanting to - as much as needing to,”
he said.
ENRD is the newest of all directorates in Government and brings together the former Infrastructure and Utilities Directorate and parts
of the Secretariat, Environment Management
Directorate and ANRD. “By bringing those together, we put into place things that enable us
to work more closely together. To join things
up a bit, to improve the services to people.”
said Tony
Will there be a massive gap at the top of one
of the island’s most important Directorates?
“There won’t be a huge hole at the top of the
directorate,” Tony said. SHG is putting in place
interim management arrangements. They are
recruiting an interim director who will be in
place before Tony leaves. That will ensure
a handover period with minimum disruption
to Government business. “I am prioritising
things in a way to make sure that we don’t
have big gaps when I go,” Tony said.
Tony first came to St Helena 20 months ago
to fill a SHG position as Lands Executive but
more recently took over as the Director of
ENRD. Will ENRD be a better place for his
having been in charge? “Now that the initial
pieces of the re-organisation jigsaw have been
put in place and we have a clear plan for completing it on time, I am confident that there
will be a smooth transition into the new ENRD
management arrangements.”
“We [ENRD] are currently putting the designs
together for the revised hospital. That’s going
to be a really important scheme for the island.
I would have liked to be around for the next 18
months to see that scheme through. Not being
here for that will be my biggest regret,” Tony
Tony Earnshaw,
Director of ENRD
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
he RMS St Helena arrived from
Ascension on Saturday 11 May with
58 passengers and 57 crew. She departed the island on Sunday 12 May
at 9.55am and is expected to arrive
in Cape Town on Friday 17 May at
6.00pm. She will depart Cape Town
again on Sunday 19th May.
The Chamber of Commerce
Crew undertaking maintenance
on the RMS last week
Disabled Person’s Society
Newspaper Bingo
Congratulations Sylvia Buckley winner
of £150. This week playing for £50
is seeking the services of a
Contract Project Manager
to deliver a
Business Awards event
In collaboration with ESH, the Chamber
wishes to hold an event that celebrates
the achievements of local business
As in previous years, the event is
expected to take the form of an Awards
ceremony, with a preparatory nomination
and voting prelude.
Game 5, Week 3 – Pink Card
60 numbers called in order
from left to right
We are looking for a committed
part-time event manager to manage
the project under the direction of the
Chamber Council.
If you think you are a suitable
candidate for the job, please contact
the President, Stuart Moors, to discuss
the opportunity in more detail.
If you have a full house please bring the
whole book to Y&T before 5pm on
Wednesday May 22
This draw playing for the £50
consolatoin prize.
In the event of more than one full house
the winner is decided on the lowest
number called moving left to right
If more than one winner on the same
number then prize is shared
Numbers called by Tobias and Ian
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
An alleged CIA agent who was reportedly
caught red-handed trying to recruit one of
Russia’s intelligence officers has been detained in Moscow. The man, who was identified as Ryan C Fogle, was reportedly found
by the Federal Security Service with various
disguises, including wigs and sunglasses, as
well as a large sum of money. The alleged
undercover agent was also in possession of
“special technical equipment” and had written instructions for recruiting a Russian citizen as a spy, it was claimed. A one-page letter
reportedly offered the would-be recruit a payment of $100,000 (£65,300) for an interview,
as well as up to $1m (£653,000) a year in
return for information requested by the US.
MPs have sought assurances that UK troops
serving longer tours in Afghanistan will not
have their lives put at risk. Concerns have
been raised over the dangers of friendly fire
and combat-related health problems, such as
fatigue and stress, faced by soldiers following Defence Secretary Philip Hammond’s
announcement that some could serve in Afghanistan into 2015. Mr Hammond confirmed
combat operations are due to end by 2014 but
a “relatively small number” of personnel,
mainly logisticians at Camp Bastion, could
stay for tours of up to nine months compared
with the usual six months. Following safety
fears raised by Conservative and Labour
MPs, the minister told the Commons that
packing up and leaving quicker than the timetable outlined would be “reckless” with the
security of Afghanistan and the protection of
British troops. (
A Soyuz space capsule carrying a three-man
crew from the International Space Station
(ISS) has returned to Earth. Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, NASA’s Tom Marshburn and Russian Roman Romanenko landed
safely in Kazakhstan. At the weekend, Mr
Marshburn and fellow US astronaut Chris
Cassidy conducted a spacewalk to fix an ammonia leak. The two men replaced a suspect
coolant pump, apparently stopping the leak.
Without repair, science experiments on the
ISS might have had to be cut back to save
power. Engineers will monitor the system to
make sure there are no additional problems
for the three astronauts remaining on the ISS,
along with the three others who will arrive on
28 May. The Soyuz capsule carrying the three
departing astronauts landed about 150km (90
miles) south-east of the town of Zhezkazgan
in central Kazakhstan at 08:31 (02:31 GMT)
on Tuesday. (source:
The St. Helena Trefoil Guild, St Helena Girl Guide Association
is a newly formed Group and are planning a ‘Bottle & Can’ Stall
at the St Helena Day Celebrations. This is our very first Fund
Raising event and would be extremely grateful for any donations.
Contact:- Daphne Francis at The Catalogue Shop, Marlene Yon
Marlene’s Fashion Shop, Pat Musk (4307), Muriel Leo (3639)
before 17th May 2013.
(Second-hand) ‘ESSE’ Wood burning stove. Has 2
simmering top plates - 1 large hot plate with lid - 1 hot
oven - 1 simmering oven - interior boiler - cream in
colour. Contact Pat Musk at ‘Willowdene’ Nr Gordon’s
Tel. 4307 (9am - 1pm - Monday - Friday).
Sponsored Craft Session, Saturday 18 May
Support a group of ladies as they show off their talents at
COMMUNITY CENTRE, starting at 10.30am.
There will be refreshments on sale (from 11am),
miscellaneous stalls and other activities, including the
selling of some completed craft items and a multi raffle.
Kiddies can also let off steam and enjoy themselves on
the Children’s Playground.
Do not miss out on this fun, fellowship and fund raising
Be there! Entrance is free!
All proceeds to St Paul’s Parish Funds.
Sylvia Buckley will have
a variety of pot plants on
sale in the
Jamestown market on
Thursday morning 23
May, from 7.30am
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
Back on Island
“I don’t see or feel the
same level of enthusiasm
on this visit.”
Damien O’Bey, SAMS
he lady who signed the airport contract for
St Helena, St Helena Government’s UK Representative (SHG’s UK Rep) Kedell Worboys,
returned home on 4 May for the second time
since signing the document that will undoubt-
“I felt there was more of a
buzz about the place then ,”
edly shape St Helena’s future. “I felt there was
more of a buzz about the place then ,” said Kedell, when comparing this visit to her previous
one. “I don’t see or feel the same level of enthusiasm on this visit.” Can this be attributed
to any one factor? “I can’t attribute it to a single factor, even though I would like to” replied
Kedell. “I don’t know if it is now becoming
more realistic and people are becoming a bit
more unsure about the associated development
and whether or not we are going to be ready.”
Having been back on island for 10 days Kedell
has been out to see the progress that airport
contractors Basil Read have made. “We went
up the haul road and out to the site. The progress is phenomenal,” she said. “You can actually start to see what will become the airport.”
Mantis Collection has confirmed they want to
invest in St Helena. However, the Vision 2020
ing over in September, Chloe Terry and Sasha
As St Helena is becoming more and more
connected with the outside world, has its international profile risen? “Yes the profile of
St Helena has increased,” said Kedell “but
there’s still a huge amount of work to do to
get the profile even more prominent. Working
with a company like Mantis whose network is
global, helps to increase awareness of St Helena. They’re the ones who can reach the markets we can’t.”
Kedell is also a director for St Helena Line.
Any changes to the schedule of the RMS or inKedell Worboys, SHG UK Representative crease in fares is first recommended by St Helena Line, but the decision is ultimately made
document didn’t sit well with Saints. Is St by SHG. The hot topic surrounding the RMS
Helena doing enough to prepare for life after at the moment is alternative shipping arrangethe airport? “I’m not sure that I have enough ments, when the RMS finishes. Is St Helena
information to make an informed decision on Line working on alternative arrangements?
that,” replied Kedell. “What I would say is “Officially when the RMS finishes there will
that it is crucially important to have in place no longer be a need for St Helena Line,” said
the infrastructure to deal with increased visitor Kedell. “St Helena line will work with SHG
numbers. I also think it’s really important that on finding an alternative, but it’s not St Helwe attract the right investors. They’ve got to ena Line’s responsibility to look at alternative
bring something to the island, and not look to shipping.”
take everything out of the island. I’m speak- Developments made by bigger governments
ing now as a saint and not as SHG’s UK Rep.” like Her Majesty’s Government, often have
Kedell also plays an important role in assist- a spin off effect on smaller territories like us.
ing St Helena’s University students in the UK. Kedell works closely with these larger groups.
Last year a new crop of students embarked on Are there any developments approaching that
probably the single most important journey of could affect St Helena in the future? “I have
been trying to get the overseas territories to be
able to access Life Plus, which is a horizontal
“The progress is
budget line within the EU for environmental projects. I’m working quite closely with
the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
(RSPB) and UK Overseas Territories Associatheir lives. “I’ve met them all,” said Kedell tion (UKOTA) to achieve this.
“and they’re all doing very well.” Outside of “Another of the really important things hapthe academic side of things Kedell also helps pening at the moment is the revision of the
to arrange days where all of the students meet new overseas association decision. It will
socially. “Off course with budget cuts we determine our relationship with the EU until
won’t be able to host the usual student week- 2020, it’s really important that we keep abreast
end. However, it will probably just be a stu- of developments there and make sure that we
dent day. We hope to do the next one in the get a good deal for St Helena.”
summer, because it’s only going to be the one Kedell will depart St Helena on Sunday 26
day, we want to make use of the long daylight May.
hours. I’ve also met the girls who will be com-
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
Power of a woman
Women in Politics
Chloe Terry, SAMS
On St Helena, women are fairly represented
in business. So why do so few stand for council?
Around the world, women have held and con-
“Women bring a different
perspective to issues; they
see things in a different
tinue to hold prominent roles in society: Margaret Thatcher (first female Prime Minister,
UK), Madeleine Albright (United States Secretary of State), Angela Merkel (Chancellor
of Germany) and Condoleezza Rice (the first
female African-American Secretary of State)
to name a few.
“Women bring a different perspective to issues; they see things in a different way... We
want council to represent the views of all the
people and having more women in council is
going a long way to achieving that,” said Governor, Mark Capes, in an interview last year
when Tara Thomas resigned from council.
Since then, two women have sat amongst ten
men in formal legislative council.
Dr Corinda Essex, outgoing Director of Corporate Procurement and an ex-councillor
Lyn Thomas,
co-owner of the
Rose & Crown
said, “I think a
lot of women Rosie Bargo,
who have home Manager of BOSH
find it difficult
being a councillor because of
the number of
meetings.” For
women who have
already established successful
careers the benefits of council
are not necessarily attractive.
Bank of St Helena (BOSH) Manager, Rosemary
similar opinions
in that women
have a high focus on family.
“A councillor’s
job requires full
commitment in
make strategic
choices that benefit the island and
for women who
are in the position where family focus is currently number
one, they are more reluctant to run for council.” Rosie also mentioned that many women
are at a point where they are doing extremely
well in their personal careers, highlighting job
security and career advancement is a big con-
sideration. “Another reason is the short office
period and the high probability of not being
re-elected,” said Rosie. She also pointed out
the possibility of women being intimidated
by the majority make up of councillors being
male, however, Rosie feels this is not the case:
“women of today can hold their own in society
Lyn Thomas, co-owner of Rose and Crown
“I think a lot of women who
have home commitments
find it difficult being a councillor because of the
number of meetings.”
Ltd and Chairman of the Board of Directors
for BOSH doesn’t think she would run for
council. “I think that you need to have that political aspiration. My dad had it; my daughter
Tara had it so I guess it skipped a generation,”
she smiled. “I just feel that I can make a greater contribution by working in the private sector.” Lyn added that with the adoption of her
grandson, being on council wouldn’t afford
her the flexibility to juggle family and council
work. “I saw the demand it had on my father as
well as Tara and I know I couldn’t necessarily
fully commit to that as well as being able to
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
effectively manage my business.”
An issue that concerned a few women was
council employment benefits, specifically uncertainty over things such as maternity leave.
It is hoped younger people will stand for coun-
“women of today can hold
their own in society
cil, however, the lack of certain benefits may
be a discouraging factor.
In a previous interview with Tara Thomas
she said, “For a young person who’s thinking about starting a family, I would have to
seriously consider whether I would run during the general election again because of the
fact that maternity leave is not included.” Tara
added that without such allowances, the island
will struggle to attract women in the 18-40+
age range, “I think it’s a great loss as having
younger representatives is equally as important for the island.”
Rosie commented, “wages and benefits play a
big part for most women.”
St Helena Government confirmed that currently there is no provision for maternity leave
on the Elected Members Leave Policy, how-
“...without such allowances,
the island will struggle to
attract women in the 18-40+
age range”
ever, concerns have been raised and the Leave
Policy is to be revised before the next general
Although Governor Capes urges women to
stand for council, some people feel there is
not a big distinction between male and female.
“I’m a great believer in equality in genders,”
said Corinda, “I think both men and women
should have an equal opportunity to come forward to present themselves as candidates and
it’s up to the electorate to choose who they
“I think both men and
women should have an
equal opportunity to come
forward to present
themselves as candidates
consider to be the best councillors, irrespective of whether they’re men or women.”
Owner of Hair 4 U, Wendy Benjamin, commented “I think it’s the person rather than
gender. If you’ve got good strong views and
you’ve got the ability to speak on behalf of
the community and put our thoughts across, I
don’t think it’s an issue if it’s a man or woman
doing it. I think it’s important just to get the
right people to do the Wendy Benjamin,
owner of Hair 4 U
Lyn expressed similar
views, that it’s important
that people on council
are intellectually capable
and devoted to finding
the best solutions. “I
wouldn’t say it needs to
necessarily be women.
We need people who
have a vision, can follow it through and are
not just there for the benefit of their health or the
social status that might
come with it.”
In contrast, many do understand also the importance of women on council. “Women are able to
bring a different perspective, in the same way
that younger and older
people bring a different
perspective as these different groups bring experiences from different
backgrounds and will focus on different issues,”
said Tara.
Corinda, Rosie, Wendy and Lyn all agreed
that women may be more sensitive to family
issues, education, prices in the shops and the
cost of living.
Rosie believes women possess strong interpersonal skills and nurturing skills, which would
make a difference in the way the island is run
if more women were on council.
An interesting point
that Wendy raised Dr Corinda Essex
was even though her
personal opinion is
that council should
be run by strong
individuals regardless of their gender,
she said; “There are
people in the community who feel differently to me so it is
important for women to be on council
so that others feel
they are represented
by a female.”
In 1993, Corinda
served on council with four other
women: Georgina
Prudence Thomas,
Thomas and Marjorie May Young. “We
were almost equally
council and I don’t think that actually made
a huge difference on the priority areas,” said
In the course of writing this report it seemed
clear that the priority is to vote strong individuals onto council who can represent the people
and not solely because of their gender. C.T.
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
from your friends the Adventists: 1 Corinthians 6:19,20
Nightshade Vegetables and Arthritis
Nightshades are a botanical family, Solanaceae. Its members include tobacco, mandrake and belladonna (also
known as the deadly nightshade). The food plants of the night shade family include some of our most popular vegetables: tomatoes,
potatoes, eggplant and peppers (chili peppers, bell peppers, hot peppers, pimento and capsicum).
Research has found that when people with joint pains stopped consuming all varieties of nightshades, their condition improved
It turns out that nightshades are high in alkaloids, chemical substances with strong physiological effects. In the case of potatoes, storage conditions after harvest that include light and heat, may over time increase the content of the alkaloid solanine to toxic
limits. Improperly stored old potatoes have been known to cause adverse symptoms. Solanine present in and around green patches on
the potato and in the eyes that have sprouted, can interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses, and cause jaundice, abdominal pain,
vomiting and diarrhea.
Solanine alkaloids appear to affect the metabolism of calcium. They actually remove calcium from the bones and deposit it in
joints, kidneys, arteries and other areas of the body where it does not belong.
Norman F Childers, a former Professor of Horticulture, Rutgers University had severe joint pains and stiffness after consuming tomatoes in any form. He was aware of the nightshade
family of plants and their toxicity. He eliminated all the nightshade vegetables from his diet and within months his pains vanished. He
totally believes that those who are sensitive or allergic to the nightshade vegetables will cure the aches and pains of arthritis by avoiding
those foods.
If one has arthritis, bone loss, or aching muscles and joints, the nightshade vegetables should be omitted from their diets to see
if their condition improves. Tobacco should also be avoided because it carries toxic solanine and nicotine substances into the blood and
tissues. These are especially damaging to the muscles and nerves.
A better alternative to relieve Arthritis and joint pains would be leafy greens, beet tops, celery root, carrots, cucumber, dandelion, parsley, green beans and barley grass.
Civils Contract Award
Connect Saint Helena are pleased to have awarded a contract to Isaac Construction
for the provision of wind turbine bases and associated buildings on Deadwood
Plain. Isaac Construction will work closely with Wind Energy Solutions and their
locally appointed sub-contractors to provide an additional 480kW of renewable
energy capacity. These works are being funded by SHG through the Infrastructure
Program and will provide 20% of Saint Helena’s electricity generation requirement.
Connect Saint Helena is now planning the next phase of renewable energy which is
expected to be larger in scale, drawing on the greater resources that now exist on
Saint Helena.
Barry Hubbard – CEO
10:30am – Mini
Sailing with SHYC
£3 per person
5-A-Side Football
In Leisure Park
(£1 per person to
11:30am – 2:30pm
5pm – Sponsored
Ladder Challenge
Live Music Entertainment in
The Mule Yard
Cartoons on Big Screen
In the Leisure Park
3:30pm Float Parade
Firework Display
Depart from the
6-7pm – Live Music
Entertainment in
The Mule Yard
11:30am – 1:30pm
Novelty Sports
(10 max in a team,
£2 per person)
m - Serv
am - Parade
Entrance Fee:
£1 Adults
50p for 15 years and under
Tuesday 21st May
To be held at the Mule Yard and Seafront Area
St Helena’s Day2013
The day will also include:
Boat Rides, Kayak Hire £1 for ½
hour, Zip Lining, Side Shows,
Lucky Dips, Tea & Cake Stall,
Hot Food Stalls,
Car Booters, Other Stalls selling
goods (£5 per stall), White
Elephant Stall, Fowlers
Popcorn/Cotton Candy/Sweet
Stall, Cash Bar and lots more.
For further information,
call 2034 or 3156
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
Is your sexual orientation hardwired at birth?
The chances of not being heterosexual are about
Sharon Henry, SAMS
‘ issy’, ‘lezzy’ or ‘fairy’ are words that can
really cut some people to the core and hurt.
The old ‘sticks and stones’ rhyme doesn’t always ring true.
These derogatory terms are usually thrown at
people who are ‘different’ who don’t conform
to what is known as ‘normal,’ people who are
perhaps more feminine or masculine than what
society classes as acceptable.
Friday 17th May is International Day against
Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) and
is celebrated in more than 60 countries around
the world. The day was created in 2004 to
raise awareness and to promote tolerance,
respect and freedom, regardless of people’s
sexual orientation or gender identity.
There are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) people within our population. A
number of people have a ‘gay’ [in the words of
Matt Lucas’ Little Britain] in their family or
knows of someone who does. In true St Helena fashion many people are quite laid back
and accepting or tolerant of the issue. But for
some, it’s another matter altogether.
During my research and conversations with islanders I’ve had these views put forward. “It
violates the natural moral order set by God, it’s
against the bible,” and, “Man and woman were
put on this earth to reproduce, being gay goes
against this.”
Genesis 1:28-29 in the Old Testament states,
‘Male and female He created them. God
blessed them, saying: ‘Be fertile and multiply.’’ But what does that strand of the argument say about ‘straight’ couples who physically or biologically cannot reproduce? What
is the point of their lives on earth?
“The chances of not being heterosexual are
about 1 in 10,” said Psychiatric Nurse, Glen
Mohammad. “Your sexual orientation is hard-
“I knew from the age of 1213 that I would never be attracted to the opposite sex.”
wired at birth. In fact some of the things that
create homosexuality occur in the womb as we
are developing.”
Gavin ‘Jack’ Thomas, a St Helenian living
overseas said, “I’ve been asked a few times,
‘When did you realise you were gay?’ I often
say, ‘When did you realise you were straight?’
I always knew I wasn’t boyish. I knew from
the age of 12-13 that I would never be attracted to the opposite sex.” Jack left the island in
’89 mainly because he felt “rejected by society” and “isolated in a predominately ‘straight’
community.” Jack is an OFSTED social care
inspector and an ‘inclusion officer’ for two
churches where he offers support about sexu-
1 in 10
ality, faith and homophobic bullying.
A teenager who wishes not to be
named realised their homosexuality at 11-12 years old. They ran
away from home at a young age
because they felt trapped with “no
way out.” The teenager is now
in a relationship and feels comfortable out in public, although
said, “Some people don’t respect
the way we are. They judge and
think that it is just an experience,
a phase we are going through. It’s
just not. It’s something I feel.”
Cheryl Bedwell is the PSHCE
(Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) Coordinator
at Prince Andrew School. “With
education on sexuality, we have a
Sex and Relationships Education
(SRE) programme which includes
all types of relationships. We approach the topic of ‘Sexuality’ at
Year 9, 10, 11 [13-16 year olds]
Sex Education programmes. Our
approach to SRE includes sensitive, honest and balanced consideration of
sexuality. We actively tackle homophobic bullying: it is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. This would include the use of ‘gay’ as a
derogatory term.” Support is offered through
counselling at the school, from an Emotional
& Behavioural Difficulties Coordinator, which
is kept confidential.
Governor Mark Capes said in a press release
issued last year, “St Helena has a tolerant and
caring society but we should be alert to deal
firmly with any evidence of discrimination
against individuals in our community simply
because of their sexual orientation. It is an appropriate moment to draw attention to sections
5 and 21 of St Helena’s Constitution which
specifically address fundamental Human
Rights and non-discrimination for all who live
on St Helena.”
I asked the teenager if, in their opinion, St Helena is accepting or has a homophobic society.
“Well I feel we have to go overseas,” was the
reply, “because we can’t be who we want to
be here. I think quite a lot of Saints have been
doing that because they can’t show how they
really feel here – and this is their home.”
What could be changed to make you feel accepted? “I think people just need to respect the
way we feel, because we respect everybody
else’s decisions. It’s all about respect.”
“I think like all things,” said Psychiatric Nurse,
Glen, “education is at the heart of things, education and just having a bit of humanity and
acceptance of people.”
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
Driving to work, a gentleman had to swerve to avoid a box that fell
out of a truck in front of him. Seconds later, a policeman pulled him
over for reckless driving. Fortunately, another officer had seen the carton in the road. The policemen stopped traffic and recovered the box.
It was found to contain large upholstery tacks.
“I’m sorry sir,” the first trooper told the driver, “but I am still going to
have to write you a ticket.”
Amazed, the driver asked for what.
The trooper replied, “Tacks evasion.”
While sports fishing off the Florida coast, a tourist capsized his boat. WUZZLE
He could swim, but his fear of alligators kept him clinging to the over-
turned craft. Spotting an old beachcomber standing on the shore, the A wuzzle is a saying/phrase that is made up of a display of words, in an
interesting way. The object is to try to figure out the well-known saying,
tourist shouted, “Are there any ‘gators around here?!”
person, place, or thing that each wuzzle is meant to represent.
“No,” the man hollered back, “they ain’t been around for years!”
Answers at the bottom of page
“Feeling safe, the tourist started swimming leisurely toward the shore.
About halfway there he asked the guy, “How’d you get rid of the ‘ga- FUN QUOTE
“We didn’t do nothin’,” the beachcomber said.
“The sharks got ‘em.”
y Mother taught me HUMOUR... “When that lawn mower cuts off
your toes, don’t come running to me.”
Karma is like a rubber band. You can
only stretch it so far before it comes
back and smacks you in the face.
TIME TO REBOOT - Going back to 16 May Famous Birthdays
1985: Two South Wales miners were jailed for life for the murder of taxi driver
David Wilkie during the miners’ strike the previous November. Mr Wilkie was
killed when a block of concrete was thrown down on his car from a bridge as he
drove a miner to work in South Wales. There were emotional scenes at Cardiff
Crown Court as Dean Hancock and Russell Shankland, both 21, were sentenced
after the jury had deliberated for nearly seven hours.
16 May - 22 May
Megan Fox (27)
US Actress - 16 May
George Strait (61)
Country Singer - 17 May
Cher (67)
2001: The Labour Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, punched a protester who threw an egg at
US Singer - 20 May
him during a visit to Rhyl in north Wales. The undignified brawl happened as the Labour deputy
stepped off the so-called Prescott Express campaign bus. Television pictures clearly showed Mr
Mr T (61)
Prescott aiming a left jab at a man after being hit on the side of the face by an egg. The two men US Actor ( A Team) - 21 May
were then involved in a scuffle before the police intervened.
1. Catcher in the
2. To Kill a
3. Not a Penny
More, Not a
Penny Less
Farima Bahrami
If you would like to take part, we need a good picture of you (which we
can do) and your top 3 - it could be your top 3 movies, songs, books or
cars. It could be your top 3 places on St Helena, or top 3 achievements.
The more interesting the better chance of being chosen, as we will only
print 1 per week! Email: with subject heading, top 3.
• In the US, Americans eat about 18 acres of pizza a day
• Dutch, on average are the tallest people
• India has never invaded any country in her history
• The tradition of brides carrying a bouquet of flowers
started with the brides trying to hide their body odor
• The parachute was invented by DiVinci in 1515
• If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white
•Dalmatians are born without spots
•There are about 540,000 words in the English language
and growing
1. Odd couple 2. Neon lights 3. Heat Wave 4. I’m in
between jobs 5. Parakeets 6. Skinny Dipping
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
St Helena Magistrates’
9 May 2013
CALVIN IVAN JOHN (38) of New Bridge had been judged to
be such that he could not be made to understand the proceedings.
The Court, using special procedures, had heard all the evidence
available. The Court had made a special finding to the effect that
Mr John had in fact caused a breach of the peace. The Court was
satisfied that arrangements were now to be put in place to teach
Mr John the Makaton signing system. Mr John was therefore discharged under conditions that he should keep the peace and be
of good behaviour and further that he should appear at St Helena
Magistrates’ Court on 7th November 2013 for the purpose of review of this order.
DWAYNE KEITH OSBORNE (37) of Gerancy House, Half Way
had pleaded guilty to driving while being close to three times the
prescribed limit. The case had been adjourned to obtain a PreSentence Report. After hearing significant personal mitigation Mr
Osborne was sentenced to a probation order for 12 months (a condition of which was that he carry out 60 hours unpaid work in the
community) with £15.00 costs. Mr Osborne was disqualified from
driving for the period of 18 months in view of his particularly high
CLAYTON CARLYN YON (23) of Half Tree Hollow pleaded
guilty to driving whilst 50% over the prescribed alcohol limit. Mr
Yon was fined £100.00 with £15.00 costs and disqualified from
driving for the minimum period of 12 months.
Corporate Finance is seeking to recruit
a Postman/woman to work in their Customer Service section.
The successful candidate will be responsible for the collection, delivery and sorting of international and local post. The
successful applicant will also be responsible for the safe delivery of stamps and
collections of monies from the sub post
offices and report to the Postal Officer.
Salary for the post is Grade B, commencing at £5,148 per
annum, but the successful applicant may be required to serve
initially on the training grade A, point 10, if the full job requirements are not met.
Closing date for applications is 24 May 2013.
For further information please view the SHG website or the
notice board in the foyer of the HR Directorate, at the Castle,
Jamestown. Alternatively, for further details regarding the
duties of the post, interested persons can contact the Assistant
Postmistress, on telephone number 2629.
Application forms are available from Human Resources and
the Customer Service Centre.
Barbara A George (Mrs) Assoc CIPD
Director of Human Resources
14 May 2013
Jewellery Design Trainee
Enterprise St Helena in partnership with the Adult and Voca onal Educa on Service and G-Unique Designs is offering an
exci ng opportunity for a mo vated and crea ve individual who has a genuine enthusiasm for beaded and/or handcra ed jewellery and is willing to learn new skills in the art of beaded jewellery-making.
Areas of responsibility will include;
x assis ng in crea ng beaded jewellery u lizing a wide variety of media and techniques
x providing assistance with retail du es and customer service at the G-Unique Business Unit
x assis ng with preparing and a ending G-Unique jewellery par es
We are looking to engage two trainees for a period of 12 months to undertake up-skilling in Jewellery Design. Poten al
applicants will be paid at a rate of £1.45-£2.30ph (depending on your age) for approximately 21 hours a week in which
work days will include Saturdays and upon successful comple on you will receive a bonus of £100.
If you are between the ages of 16 and 26, have always wanted to gain some experience in this field you are invited to
apply. For more informa on contact Giselle Richards on Tel 3935, e-mail or Kirsty Joshua
at ESH on Tel 2920.
Applica on forms can be collected at the Educa on Learning Centre, Jamestown. Applica ons will need to be completed
and submi ed to Cynthia Benne at the ELC by no later than Wednesday 22nd May 2013.
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
Find your way from start to
finish throught the apple maze
Fill in the missing letters to
name the animals
Missing Letters
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
• 30 June: Annual Self Assessment Tax Return due
(Self employed, business & company)
• 31 July: Annual Self Assessment Tax Return due
Please note:
If you are required to meet any of the above dates
and fail to do so or if you are required to file a Tax
Return and DO NOT penalties will be imposed.
Failure to lodge any return or declare any income
will result in a non-lodgement penalty of £100 plus
£10 per month it remains outstanding.
If you are receiving income and are unsure if you
should complete a Tax Return you should contact
us now.
If you need a Tax Return you may collect one from
the Tax Office or Customer Service Centre.
If you require any help, the staff can be contacted
on telephone number 2287 or you can visit the
office at the new Customs Building at the wharf.
Alternatively we can visit you at your workplace or
home to assist you with your tax requirements. Arrangements can also be made for appointments out
of the normal working hours.
Nominations needed for Certificate
and Badge of Honour, and Acts of
Bravery Awards
Nominees are currently being sought for the
Certificate and Badge of Honour Awards.
These awards are available for Governors to award
to their public servants for loyal and valuable service
worthy of recognition or, in the case of other persons,
for their loyal and meritorious conduct that has provided exceptional benefit to the people of St Helena.
The Certificate and Badge of Honour awards will
be presented later this year. Up to six awards can be
made at any one time.
Nominations are also needed for the Acts of Bravery
Nominations should ideally be made to recognise
Acts of Bravery that have taken place since the last
call for nominations in 2012.
Nomination forms for the 2013 awards are available from the Acting Deputy Chief Secretary, Derek
Henry, 1 Main Street and should be completed and
returned in a sealed envelope marked
“CONFIDENTIAL” to the “Secretary, Honours
Committee” at 1 Main Street by 14 June 2013.
For more information please contact Mr Derek Henry,
Acting Deputy Chief Secretary on telephone number
The Health and Social Welfare
Directorate has a vacancy for
Care Assistants to work within
the Learning Disabilities Sector.
The salary grade for this post is
Grade B commencing at £5148
per annum.
For further information about the duties of the post,
interested persons are asked to contact Mrs Brenda
Miller, Acting Head of Learning Disabilities on
telephone numbers 4414 or 3343.
Application forms, which are available from the
Human Resources and Health and Social Welfare
Directorates should be completed and submitted to
the Director Health & Social Welfare by Thursday,
23 May 2013.
C A George (Mrs)
Director of Health & Social Welfare
13 May 2013
Ford Fiesta 1.6 Sport
Zetec engine, Petrol, 2 door
2 years old
10,000 miles (approx.)
Air conditioning, electric
windows, alloys
Contact: Tony on 4153 (eve)
or email:
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
The recently completed Customs
Building provides a new Landmark
feature on the Jamestown Wharf
and The Property Division is offering
the vacant units to rent.
The potential retail unit offers an
landscaped open space that could
be used as a sit out area.
The kiosk offers an office space
within this building.
The measurements are:
Kiosk 2 :
Retail unit :
8.40m² or 95 square feet
8.40 m² or 95 square feet
The units will be offered on an open tender basis and the
closing date for rental bids will be 4pm on the 31st May
All requests for further information and to inspect the
premises should be made to Gina Henry at the Property
Division, Environment & Natural Resources
Directorate, Essex House, Jamestown.
Tel: 2270
New stock now in
includes children’s
Legging sets, casual
dresses, T shirts, & T
shirt sets.
Mobile Banking May 2013
Bank of St Helena would like to advise the public that Mobile Banking will take place again as of
Wednesday, 22 May 2013, in the following areas:
Cashiers Office at ANRD Scotland
HTH Supermarket
Longwood Supermarket
Wednesday 22 May, 9:30 - 1:00pm
Friday, 24 May, 9:30 - 1:00
Friday, 31 May, 09.30 - 2:30pm
Save yourself the trip into Jamestown, have all your bills paid, make a withdrawal or a
deposit, request the balance of your account, set up your standing order, submit your remittance
requests, you can even open a new account. Statement Prints are also available
All of this and much more from your nearest Mobile Banking Station..
Head Office: Market Street · Jamestown · St. Helena · South Atlantic · STHL 1ZZ
Tel: +290 2390 · Fax: +290 2553 · e-mail:
Established and regulated in St. Helena under the Financial Services Ordinance, 2008 and the Bank of St. Helena Ordinance, 2003
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
St Helena’s Day 2013!
We will be Open on Tuesday 21st May for Traditional Afternoon Tea
Haven’t experienced 2onMain before? This is your chance to come and see
fellow Saints taking advantage of up-skilling in hospitality, showcasing their potential.
Menu at £6.oo Per Person
Cakes & Cookies
Scones Jam & Cream
Assorted Teas & Coffee
from 12 pm to 4pm
The Restaurant will be closed Thursday 23rd May 2013
We look forward to hearing from you for reservations
No2 Main Street, Jamestown, St Helena Tel: 2110
An extraordinaryy
business opportunity
pp y
to be ppart of an
extraordinary island
(Expressions of Interest are invited by 31st July 2013)
The island of St Helena is soon to become the oldest new tourism
destination with the island’s first airport due to be operational in early 2016.
This creates opportunities for hotel operators and developers of all sizes
to invest in existing buildings and green field sites.
This is the most exciting and important period of
St Helena’s history and an opportunity not to be missed.
For more information about investment and development
potential contact Stuart Planner, Enterprise St Helena.
Tel: +290 2920 Email: |
the most extraordinary place on earth
Tel: + 290 2158
St Helena
If you are a Saint living overseas (not usually resident on St Helena)
If you are a Saint currently resident on St Helena
Pick up a hardcopy of the survey from the Tourist Office. Please
return completed forms back to the Tourism Office.
Complete the survey online
We would welcome hearing your views on how the introduction of flight
connections may impact on your travel plans.
Please take a few minutes to undertake a survey into how the numbers of
people travelling to and from St Helena may develop when the airport opens in
Any answers you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Saints, YOU can help shape St Helena’s air service
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
102.7MHz, 90.5MHz, 105.1MHz, 105.3MHz
Also Live Streaming via
To reach the Radio 1 team, call 2727, or email:
You can also contact us via our Facebook page - just
visit the SAMS website,, click the Facebook link at the top right of every page.
St Helena News: Monday to Fridays at
7am, 10am, 12noon, 5pm & 7pm
Saturday news: 9am & 12noon
Monday to Friday
SUNRISE 7 to 10am
Live music, entertainment, discussion, interviews and
trivia. includes: 7am: St Helena News
12pm: St Helena News, public service announcements
and notice board.
Live music, entertainment, discussion, interviews and
trivia. includes: 5pm St Helena News
7pm: St Helena News, public service announcements
and notice board.
SAMS ‘Top Tunes’ throughout the day mixed with a
selection of interviews and Radio 1 guests this week.
Thursday 16 May, 7.30 - 9.30pm
Presented by John Moyce, 30 minutes of childrens’
feature followed by 90 mins of gospel music
Monday 20 May, 10:30-11:00, review of the week’s
sporting action, local & international. Repeats will be on
Monday at 3.30pm and Tuesday at 12.15pm
Wednesday 22 May, 10.30 - 11am
Presented by Helen Wallis. Catch up on the latest chart
music. Repeats will be on Wednesday 3.30pm and
Thursday 12.15pm.
The (St Helena) Cancer Support and Awareness Group expresses their sincere thanks to everyone here on St Helena and offshore on: the RMS, Ascension Island, the Falkland Islands,
United Kingdom and South Africa for their continuous moral and financial support. Your generous giving in “cash and or kind’ towards the annual fund raising activities and throughout
the year, together with your donations paid into the charity’s bank account, made it possible
to achieve the following:
I. Fulfil one of its initial, long term aim. To financially assist the Public Health medical service
to acquire some form of technical diagnostic equipment for our hospital (the Laparoscopic
camera and surgical equipment.)
II. Purchase and produce cancer related information leaflets for public awareness in the Public
Health clinical outlets around the island.
III. Provide financial support, as and when necessary, to known cancer patients, survivors and
their families including medical referrals on overseas treatment.
Preliminary plans are in hand for this financial year’s round of fundraising events to boost the
chairty’s funds.
The ‘Lady’s Night’ held at the Kingshurst on 21 April, kick started the events this year. This
was a very enjoyable and successful event, organised entirely by the Kingshurst committee.
Thank you to Debbie and all the members of the committee, together with anyone who supported and contributed in any way to the success of the evening.
An important date for your diary is the annual October Fund Raising and Awareness week,
planned to take place from Thursday, October 10th to Wednesday 16th 2013. Details to follow. Prior to this event, a Coffee Morning has been scheduled for Saturday, 29th June. Another date for your diary.
In February the draw for the ‘Grand Raffle’ took place. The results were as follows:
Locally made chest of drawers
Tony Duncan, Longwood
Health Grill
Karen Isaac, Half Tree Hollow
Coffee Maker
Sue-Ellen Henry, Longwood
4 Slice Toaster
Ashton Yon, Nr. Prince’s Lodge
Stand Mixer
Stephanie Crook, Trap Cott
Mini Chopper
Graham Sim, Enfield Lodge
Omelette Express
Taylor Duncan, Sandy Bay
Veg/Meat Steamer
Edith Dollery, New Ground
Cadbury Rose chocs
Dawn O’Dean, Thompson’s Hill
Small white cabinet
John MacRitchie, Hunt’s Bank
Embroidered voile
Diana Benjamin, The Briars
Red wine
Kerisha Stevens, St Pauls
Non alcoholic wine
Brandon Harris, St Pauls
Non alcoholic wine
Tegan Peters, Half Tree Hollow
All prizes were donated. Thanks to the donors and those who bought and sold tickets.
So many families have been touched - in one way or another - by the terminal illness of the
cancer disease, hence the empathy, and overwhelming support and generosity this charity
receive from the public.
On behalf of the CAncer Support and Awareness Group (Colin, Sandra, Olive, Marlene, Mandy, Nicholas), and all those who have received help from this charity - thank you. May God
bless you as you continue to support this charity.
Joy George,
Secretary (St Helena) Cancer Support and Awareness Charity.
Wednesday 22 May, 7.30 - 9pm
Presented by Ian Jones. A mixture of great sounds
themed around 70’s rock and reggae.
Repeated on Friday at 2.30pm
Friday after the 10am News.
A weekly political current affair show with
the Sentinel team, leading up to the general
elections in July.
24/7 on our 2nd radio channel.
100.7 MHz and 88.1MHz
Maximum Reach with The Sentinel and Radio 1
At SAMS we have been constantly developing the quality and reach of both The
Sentinel and Radio 1, both locally and internationally. The combination of either or both
now provides advertisers with a modern, vibrant and professional platform from which
to reach customers or engage with a wider audience. Our basic rates for advertising:
Radio 1: min £10 for initial ad listing (2 days)
Additional radio advertising days, £4 per day
Sentinel rates: 1/4 page £10, 1/2 page £20, full page £40. Classified and enhanced
classified options available at £4 and £6 respectively.
Significant discounts available on newspaper advertising for registered island charities.
For further enquiries please call on 2727 or email,
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
Bishop Richard Fenwick
Trust the commonsense God gives you
An old Eastern story tells
of a man, his son and their
donkey who set out for
their local market town. At
first, the man sat astride the
donkey and his son walked
beside him. As they travelled, they passed two
men, and they heard one
of them comment: "That
man should be ashamed of himself, letting his
young son walk while he rides." So the father
got off, lifted his young son onto the donkey,
and he walked himself.
A little further they passed an elderly couple
- and they heard one say disagreeably to the
other, "Just look... I don't know what the
youngsters are getting up to these days. The
young ride in comfort, and the aged walk!" On
hearing this, the son immediately dismounted
and walked with his father beside the donkey.
Thus they went on for another mile or so, but
then they passed a man and his wife coming
from the market. Both were sweating under
heavy loads, and both looked cross. The man
said to his wife, "Have you ever seen anything
so absurd? There they are with a perfectly
strong and healthy donkey, and yet both of
them are walking!"
A little further on, after considering what they
had overheard, the father stopped the donkey,
and after lifting his young son on he also got
on himself. By now they were near the town,
and this time they were stopped by a bossy
man who looked them up and down and said,
"You two should be ashamed of yourselves.
Two perfectly healthy people with good legs....
and there you are - taking advantage of a poor
helpless animal!"
Such was the sharpness of the man's tone, and
his authority that both father and son were
overcome with guilt. At once they got off the
donkey's back. Each looked at the other, and
both were totally perplexed. None of it made
any sense... If the father rode the donkey, it
was wrong! If the son rode the donkey, that
was wrong too! If neither of them rode, then
even that was wrong! And... if both of them
rode, well, that was VERY wrong!
This left just one logical thing to do - and that
was that they should both simply carry the
donkey! And this is what they did... right into
the centre of the town. But when the people in
the market saw what was happening, the poor
father and his son were followed with jeering,
shouting, and hoots of laughter.
At last the time came to return home. But now
the father turned to his son, and said, "I've been
thinking, and I'm sure we've been trying to do
the impossible. We've been trying to please
everyone, but what we've actually managed to
do is to please no one! I tell you what: on the
way home, we'll both take it in turns to ride....
and we'll completely ignore what people say.
If we do that, at least we'll manage to do the
job at hand - and get something right at the
same time! ...So that is just what they did. And
not only did they have a good journey, but they
got everything done that needed to be done and they enjoyed their journey as well!
It seems to me that we should be quite clear
about what we believe to be right, and then
stick to our principles - whatever the endless
"good advice" that will always be forthcoming... and goodness knows, sometimes there
are as many different opinions as people to
offer them!
As Christians we're faced with tough moral
decisions many times in our lives, and as
Christians we need to ask God's advice in
the quietness of our prayers. If he directs our
minds to what seems to be good and reasonable - then, for goodness sake let's trust Him....
and the commonsense that He gives us. Many
may think (and say) otherwise. But that's up
to them!
Thursday 16TH. May 2013
“They whose hearts are warmed by the
energizing influence of God’s creative love --recognise in every human face a sign of His
reflected glory.” Baha’i Writings
Activities at the Army this weekend
Sunday 19th May 2013
JAM CLUB at the Half Tree Hollow Hall at 10am. Bring along a
friend…it’s too good to keep to
PRAISE & WORSHIP Service at the Half Tree
Hollow Hall at 6.30pm. Fellowship tea after the
service. All are welcome.
Monday 20th May
There will NOT be any Mums & Toddlers due
to Public Holiday.
Tuesday 21st
No Home League due to Public Holiday.
Wednesday 22nd May
Prayer meeting & Bible study at the Half Tree
Hollow Hall at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
There is always a warm welcome for you at
the Salvation Army.
If you would like to know more about The
Salvation Army’s activities, contact Lt.
Coral Yon on telephone nos 2703/4358.
The Cathedral Parish of St Paul
Sunday 19 May
Pentecost Sunday
8.00 a.m. Eucharist,
10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist,
3.30 p.m. Eucharist,
St Peter
Thursday 23 May
10.00 a.m. Eucharist,
Sunday 26 May
Trinity Sunday
8.00 a.m. Eucharist,
11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist,
St Andrew
11.15 a.m. Sung Eucharist,
St Helena & The Cross
5.30 p.m. Choral Evensong,
The Parish of St James
Sunday 19 May
Pentecost Sunday
9.30 a.m. Sung Eucharist,
St James
Wednesday 22 May
7.30 a.m. Eucharist,
St James
Thursday 23 May
7.00 p.m. Eucharist with Healing,
St John
Sunday 26 May
Trinity Sunday
9.30 a.m. Sung Eucharist,
St James
7.00 p.m. Evensong,
St John
Parish of St Matthew
Sunday 19 May
Pentecost Sunday
8.00 a.m. Eucharist,
St Matthew
11.00 a.m. Eucharist,
Levelwood Community Centre
7.00 p.m. Sung Eucharist,
St Mark
Tuesday 21 May
7.00 p.m. Eucharist,
St Mark
Sunday 26 May
Trinity Sunday
11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist,
St Matthew
Seventh Day Adventist
Saturday 18th May
9:15- 10:40am- Sabbath School
11:00- 12:00- Divine Service
2:00- 3:00pm - Pathfinder Programme
Monday 20th May
Bible Study at home of Pam and Lionel Joshua.
Wednesday 22nd May
7:30- 8:30pm- Prayer Meeting in Church
Thursday 23th May
7:00pm- Bible Study at Harford.
For more information, contact Pastor Clack Tel
No. 2267 , Email:
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
Child safeguarding comes under the microscope
“I don’t feel there is a lot of sexual activity with children. St Helena is an incredibly safe place.”
Two members of the Lucy Faithful Founda-
tion are here for two weeks to work on DfID’s
child safeguarding programme. They will
be working with the ‘Safeguarding Children
Board’ whose membership includes Public
Health, Social Services, Education, New Horizons and the Police.
We asked Chief of Police, Peter Coll if there is
a problem of child abuse on St Helena. “No, I
wouldn’t say there is. People would be aware
that a number of offenders have been arrested
and found guilty and serving time in our prisons. They don’t tend to be strange crimes,
they tend to be crimes where people form inappropriate relationships with young people.
Generally speaking, younger girls and older
men and obviously that’s criminal.”
The Chief added, “I don’t feel there is a lot of
sexual activity with children. St Helena is an
incredibly safe place. These are offences that
sadly go on throughout the world.”
Youngsters loitering at night in the Castle Gardens is an issue highlighted by the Board. “We
have a pro-active police operation,” said the
Chief. Senior education officers have been out
and seen firsthand and spoken to these youths.
“Perhaps they might be getting hold of some
alcohol. We need to deal with that and address
those issues. We treat it from a number of
angles, it’s not just the Police’s responsibility.”
One of the Board’s main achievements is gaining public confidence in reporting offences.
“Witnesses and victims feel confident enough
to come forward and talk to Social Services,
the Police and the schools. They can come
forward and be taken seriously,” said Mr Coll.
The police are soon to introduce a sex offenders register. “We have to be careful, certainly
in the UK some people take a very hostile
view and might go around and cause harm and
damage. It will be information that potentially
could be accessed, but we would have to look
at the circumstances of why people wanted to
DfID has been supporting child safeguarding
initiatives in the overseas territories for the
ExCo sat this morning to consider a rela-
tively light agenda, which is to be expected
given purdah conventions. Only those items
of agreed policy and considered urgent are
being placed on the ExCo agenda. This is reflected in the reduced number of ExCos that
will sit over the election period. This is the
first ExCo I have chaired since the substantive Governor left the lsland on 22 April.
We started off with a paper seeking approval
for an application for development permission for the proposed conversion of Sundale
House into a Prison. It was a constructive
discussion with a number of points made. I
was advised by Members that they believed
that they should not make a decision on this
during the purdah period and wished to delay
consideration of this until the new Council.
We then looked at a paper which sought approval to bring into force provisions which
create the new Land Development Control
Authority and the Land Development Appeals
Tribunal. This allows the bodies to be consulted about draft Regulations. There will be
the necessary checks and balances during this
election period. If there are any parts of the
Regulations which require stakeholder consultation, these parts will not be embarked upon
during purdah. Councillors agreed to the provisions being brought into force.
ExCo then considered whether Social Security Regulations should be brought into force
which would provide for an interim increase in
Income Related Benefits and the Basic Island
Pension. This increase had been previously
past seven years. Mike Sheath and Adrian
Todd from the Lucy Faithful foundation will
assess the island’s child protection procedures.
There won’t be a formal accreditation but if
warranted, an endorsement that St Helena has
processes in line with the UK.
announced in the Budget and it was thought
to be against the public interest to delay the
matter further. Councillors agreed to the increase, to be retrospectively applied from 1
April 2013. Specific details on the increases
will be provided by the Directorate of Health
and Social Welfare.
The final paper was administrative and sought
to approve the addition of Sweden to the list
of countries where Medical Practitioners
could be registered and so legally practice in
St Helena. The new Clinical Director is registered in Sweden, so it is timely that this be
brought into force prior to his arrival on the
Island. The Councillors were content to approve this change to the Medical Practitioners
Having started at 09.30 we were able to conclude our business at 11.15.
Owen O’Sullivan
Acting Governor
14 May 2013
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
SAMS Radio 1 has been rocking the airwaves with the sounds of four new radio programmes: The top 20 chart show with Helen
Wallis, Radio Sports Arena, Election Watch
and Second Chance Sunday.
Last week Helen premiered the top 20 chart
show with Sharon Henry, playing all the latest
hits off the UK charts. Not only did the show
feature great tunes but it was filled with interesting snippets about the tracks and the artists. The new programme will be aired every
Wednesday at 10:30am. Helen said about the
show, “It is very exciting to hear the up to date
chart music every week and keep St Helena
connected to what’s happening in the music
world.” The show is repeated on Wednesday
afternoon, Thursday lunchtime after the 12
o’clock news and during Second Chance Sunday.
Also featuring every Monday at 10:30am is
Radio Sports Arena. Catch up with all the latest sport news, international and local and hear
what our presenters and guest speakers have to
say about the world of sports. The programme
is repeated on Monday at 3:30pm and Tuesday
at 12:15pm.
Election Watch is a weekly political current
affairs show with The Sentinel team, leading
up to the general elections in July. Featuring
Simon Benjamin on the Monday Afternoon Drive show
on the show will be interviews and comments
from people in the political arena. The programme is aired every Friday after the 10am
An additional highlight to the week is Second
Chance Sunday. Ever feel like you’ve missed
RMS St Helena
Main Duties:
Cleanliness and orderliness of
Personal accommodation and
other crew areas;
Cleanliness and Servicing of
Passenger cabins;
Dining Salon duties including silver service;
Drinks Service;
Storing Duties;
Handling of baggage
Any other general duties as directed by the Hotel
Services Officer.
Start date:
8th June 2013 for training/overlap
Salary, Terms and Conditions:
Upon application
Please forward covering letter and CV as follows:
-St Helena applicants to Solomon’s
-Onboard applicants to the HSD onboard
- All other applicants to Tanya Price at BSM,
email: or
fax +44 1624 687280
Previous applicants need only confirm if they are still
interested, initially there is no need to resubmit a CV
Closing date: 31st May 2013
an interview through the week or you just need
a second chance to hear it? Now every Sunday
a selection of interviews from the previous
week will be played in full amongst the usual
music mix.
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
‘Long may Ascension’s flag fly proudly over us.’
Penelope Bennett (front page picture), cur- Ascension Island get their own flag
rently on holiday from Ascension Island,
showed off the brand new Ascension flag that
was officially unfurled last Saturday at a special ceremony 700 miles away.
The flag features the Ascension Island Crest,
the Green Turtle, volcanic landscape, seabirds
and endemic plants.
Outside the Ascension Island Government
building (former Islander Building) in Georgetown, the capital of Ascension, a crowd had
gathered for a short ceremony led by the island’s Administrator, Colin Wells. A short
sermon by Rev Squadron Leader Alex Hobson
followed. The honour of raising the flag went
to Brian “Dutch” Lawrence, Mervyn Isaac and
Douglas “Auggie” Augustus, three of the Island’s longest serving residents. Douglas was
also celebrating his 50 anniversary of arriving
on Ascension.
Once the flag was raised, the crowd erupted
with applause. The Office of the Administrator commented: ‘Long may Ascension’s flag
fly proudly over us.’
Penelope told The Sentinel, “I really like the
flag, my favourite part are the turtles.” Penelope was born on Ascension and works at
the AIG Post Office. She likes the “chilled out
life” on Ascension, saying, “it’s my home.”
Penelope is on holiday with her partner Philip,
but says her holiday is going by too fast. She is
enjoying seeing her family again; parents Jimmy and Joyce Bennett and brother Anthony
and his family.
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
Deep waters to be explored
Sharon Henry, SAMS
A fishing licence was issued by SHG on 5
April 2013 to Global Fish of South Africa for
fishing vessel ‘Southern Cross’. It is intended
for the 29 metre pole and line vessel to carry
out a 3-6 month exploratory fishing exercise
within St Helena’s waters. Fishing by the
Southern Cross in St Helena waters has been
legal since the 1st of May. By conditions of
for sustainable fishing
told us more, “contact with Global Fish goes
back some time to 2010 when they contacted
the then SHDA (St Helena Development
Agency). Darren White the main operator visited in late November 2010 on a fact finding
mission to meet with all stakeholders and to
explain their ideas.”
What will they be doing? “Their proposal is
an exploratory fishing exercise. They will be
fishing within the whole of our fishing zone.
The onboard fisheries observer will gather sci-
entific evidence and data from fish catches.”
What will the information be used for?
“We’ve been trying to explore off shore fishery ourselves. We have had some vessels like
the ‘Portzic’ and the ‘Atlantic Rose’ and at one
time the ‘John Melliss.’ These were only for
short periods. For some time we’ve been trying to get a much larger vessel that we can get
off shore but we are always coming up with
the obstacle that we are not sure of the sustainability of the fishery source off shore. If we
were to invest in a larger vessel, do we know
that the resource will be
there all year long or how
sustainable it is? With this
fishing venture we expect
to get some idea of this.
“Within the international
observer’s scientific capacity, he will be tagging,
releasing and getting all
the scientific data that we
require. That will be fed
into how we could take
forward the off shore
fisheries development in
It is expected that the
Southern Cross will call at
St Helena around the first
week in June, from where
it will start its exploratory
At the end of the exercise
and pending results, SHG
will discuss with Global
Fish whether a further
fishing licence needs to be
Local fishermen getting ready for a days work granted.
the licence, the vessel is not allowed to fish
within 30 miles from the island’s coastline.
SHG has appointed an experienced International Fisheries Observer to work on board
the vessel contracted by the Marine Resources
Assessment Group (MRAG) in London. A
data collection work plan has been drawn up
and agreed with Global Fish to ensure that the
fishing efforts are spread throughout the wider
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and not targeted only on the seamounts. As part of this
fishing exercise, Global Fish has also offered
opportunities to St Helenians wanting to gain
experience in offshore fishing practices.
Senior Fisheries Officer, Gerald Benjamin,
The trial bus system which began operation on 11 February 2013, operated by Joshua’s Taxis, has been provided with feedback from customers, and as a result a new, revised timetable
will come into effect – from Wednesday 22 May 2013.
The revised service will be more efficient and convenient for users. New routes have been
introduced including two late night departures from Donny’s at the weekend. Home to Duty
transport will also be shorter from Levelwood, enabling a quicker journey into Jamestown.
The least used journeys have also been removed, enabling a reduction of the subsidy required
to run the transport system.
New timetables will be made available towards the end of this week, at the Tourist Office,
Solomon’s, the Library and the Customer Care centre.
14 May 2013
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
Jamestown Community Centre
Six-a-side League Results, 2013 Season
Terrence Lawrence
Headlines: Bandits remain unbeaten but still trail Punishers, 06ͲMay
BanditsͲ363 bt. SuperSport6Ͳ357
who beat close rivals Veterans, L.HSc.
on pin-fall. Ten teams enter the G.HSc.
9 - A - Side league which will L.HSp.
start on 10th. June.
Bandits went into their match
on Monday attempting to conHurricanesͲ346 bt. OldiesbutGoldiesͲ322
tinue their unbeaten run. They
achieved this in a close, match G.HSc.
beating Super Sport 6, 363 to G.HSp.
357. As usual Bandits score
PunishersͲ351 bt. VeteransͲ319
sheet were littered with 60s 08ͲMay
with Robert Bedwell’s 67 being L.HSc.
the highest. However, despite G.HSc.
being 19 pins behind going into L.HSp.
the last leg fighting 65s from G.HSp.
Ann Andrews and Trish Moyce
YoungstersͲ313 bt. Wipes&ShakersͲ303
forced a close finish. In the sec- L.HSc.
ond match, 73 from Denny Leo
helped to get Hurricanes back G.HSc.
to winning ways beating Oldies L.HSp.
but Goldies 346 to 322. Patricia G.HSp.
Essex with 61 top scored for FIXTURES:
Oldies but Goldies.
Wed. 22 May:- Who Cares v Fire Strikers
On Wednesday, first and sec- Mon. 27 May:- Super Sport 6 v Wipes & Shakers
ond places on the league table
and Oldies but Goldies v Who Cares
faced off in a significant game. Wed. 29 May:- Bandits v Fire Strikers and Hurricanes v Veterans
With 80, which contained
three 14 spares proved vital for Punishers taking on one of the new entrants, Fire Strikas they beat Veterans 351 to 319. Another ers. The other debutants to the league, Youngstat worth a mention was the 69 made by sters , will play Parttimers in the first round
Charlie Young because it was scored with- of matches. Other first round matches will see
out a spare. In the last match of the week, last year’s runners up, Woodpeckers take on
Youngsters with the help of 67 from Mark Roller Belles, Never Readys play Alcometers
Williams, beat Wipes & Shak- ers by ten and Hazards v Who Cares. The team Knock
pins. Penny Bowers top scored with 55 for Out will be arranged to be played during the
Wipes & Shakers.
Ten teams entered for the 9 A Side part of Ed note: league table omitted due to space rethe season and the league will start on 10th straints this week.
June with last years champi- ons, Bandits
Sunday 19th May 2013 (NOTE: amended start date)
Deadline for entry fee and outstanding membership fees
is Friday 17th May.
2.15pm Half Tree Hollow Vs St Pauls
Umpires: Jamestown and District mixed
Organiser: Jamestown
2.45pm Jamestown Vs District Mixed
Umpires: Half Tree Hollow and St Pauls
Organiser: St Pauls
The Women’s Sports Association are currently registering teams for Rounders League Tournament.
Teams must consist of a minimum 6 players and
maximum of 12 over the age of 15 years and all
players must be paid members (Membership Fee – 50p).
Registration Deadline: Friday 21st June.
Entry Fee: £120 per team
Tournament starts: Sunday 7th July
(Friendly on Sun 30th June)
To register a team, or show your interest in joining
a team please contact:
Claire Fowler on 3428 or Anya Richards on 2601 or
We encourage women of all ages and abilities to
join in!
The Women’s Sport Association is hosting a
Rounders Presentation Day for players from
the Rounders League and District Tournaments of
2012, on Sunday 9th June from 3pm (after District
Volleyball Final)
Where: Prince Andrew School
All Rounders and Volleyball players, along with
their families and friends, are welcome to come
along and celebrate.
BBQ and salads will be available at £5 per person
by prebooking with payment to Jodi Joshua by Friday 31st May.
Football: Ben Watson’s last-minute header
gave Wigan the FA Cup for the first time in their
history as they provided one of the competition’s great upsets by beating Manchester City
at Wembley.
Watson turned home Shaun Maloney’s corner
to flatten 10-man City, who had Pablo Zabaleta
sent off near the end.
It was a deserved triumph for the Latics, for
whom Callum McManaman was outstanding,
and completed a personal dream for chairman
Dave Whelan, who broke his leg in the 1960
But for City, it means a trophyless campaign
and raises further questions over the future of
Roberto Mancini, who it is rumoured will be
replaced by current Malaga boss Manuel Pellegrini in the summer.
Cricket: New Zealand can press on with Plan A
for the first Investec Test against England after
scans cleared frontline seamer Tim Southee to
play at Lord’s.
Southee limped out of the tour match against
England Lions at Grace Road with a sore left
toe two days ago and has since seen a specialist
and undergone scans in London.
Without him, the Kiwis would have had to rely
on their two left-arm seamers Trent Boult and
Neil Wagner, who both impressed in the 0-0
stalemate against England in New Zealand two
months ago, and fit-again Doug Bracewell.
Twenty-four-year-old Southee is their most
tried-and-tested, however, with 24 Tests under
his belt and coach Mike Hesson was able to
announce that he will be available after all on
Tennis: Laura Robson brushed aside an injuryhit Venus Williams 6-3 6-2 to set up a second
round meeting with the American’s sister Serena at the Internazionali d’Italia in Rome.
The British number one made light of difficult,
blustery conditions to see off the former world
number one, who was plainly struggling with
the back injury that has blighted her season so
But it was a fine performance from the 19-yearold Robson, who showed no ill effects from her
final set collapse against Ana Ivanovic last week
which cost her a place in the Madrid quarterfinals.
Formula 1: Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz has added his influential voice to the
growing criticism of this year’s Pirelli tyres.
Mateschitz’s concerns, however, are unsurprising given Red Bull have, for the most part,
struggled this year to get the best out of the
rubber, despite the fact three-times champion
Sebastian Vettel again leads the championship.
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
5 Years - Still On Target
continued from front page
As well as the regular Tuesday evening shoot
nights, the club has been very active in providing organised sporting events in support of the
island’s youth groups, including the Girl Guides,
Scouts and New Horizons. Friendly competitions have been a popular feature with many of
the island organisations such as the fire department, Solomons and Bank of St Helena, as well
as crew teams from various visiting ships.
The club currently has 20 full paying members,
however, non-members are always welcome to
come along on any club night for a one-off shoot
by paying the £2 entrance fee and then £1.50 for
10 rounds of ammunition. (Full membership is
£6 for a year).
Those unfamiliar with the sport might have reservations knowing firearms are involved. “We
always class any rifle as a weapon,” said Pat,
“and it could be dangerous, but there’s always
safety measures in place making it quite safe and
The club shoot using .22 target rifles, using Rimfire shots on a 25 yard range. The targets are
lit up at the end of the range directly below the
newly installed customs footbridge. Beginners
or youngsters are allowed to use a sandbag for
Madolyn Andrews was shooting for the ‘Mean
Shooters’ on Tuesday evening. “It’s the excitement of the gun going off,” said Madolyn. “My
average is 93, but I’ve had some good moments
and bad.”
Kevin George is one of the long term members,
a regular since the club reopened. “It’s really enjoyable,” said Kevin. “You’re always competing
against yourself and others and striving for that
high score.”
Deirdre Maggott started shooting in November
2010 and is another ever present on Tuesday evenings. “My highest is 99.4,” said Deirdre, “I’m
still trying for the 100. The atmosphere is really
good here. I don’t regret joining the club thanks
to Karen Ellick who convinced me to join. And
to anyone out there thinking about shooting, try
it out. It’s a fun game.”
Pat told me about future plans for the club: “We
want to try keep the competitions going. Also
this year, with Karen Ellick who is youth leader,
we want to encourage young people in, get them
to form their own committee and run their own
The obvious question, who is the best shooter?
“Well for a good average, Patrick Young, Kevin George and Nicky George are coming on
strong,” said Pat. “For the ladies, Deirdre Maggott, Karen Ellick, Cara Henry... they all do pretty good. Some nights they drop, other nights they
do very well.”
Karen Ellick & Deirdre Maggott showing off their
target scores for the night, 97.1 and 94 respectively
Jamestown Rifle Club
Pat Henry, Chairman JTRC
This is quite an exciting time for the club as next week, 20 May 2013, will
mark the five year anniversary of its opening. Because of other planned
functions a date will be set to celebrate later.
Tonight, 14 May, all guns blazing again, with Wendy Plato completing
her postponed shoot from 30 April, shooting 81 which secured the win
and 2 points for her team, Trigger Happies with a final total of 364.1. This
match was against Mean Shooters who finished with 349.
For Top Guns, Leroy Fowler settled his team’s match shoot with 90,
which gave them a final score of 357.1, not enough to prevent a loss to
the Young Ones who finished with 364.
Tonight’s shoot saw Sharp Shooters up against Mean Shooters. For Sharp
shooters Arthur Clingham shot 92, Nicky George 91, Olive Williams 95,
finishing with an overall total of 278, with Terri Clingham still to shoot.
Mean Shooters returned the following scores: Madolyn Andrews 95.1,
Lexi Reynolds 85 and Pat Henry 99.1, for a total of 289.2 and also with
one more shooter still to shoot next week, keeping pressure on Terri.
Trigger Happies were on top form again this week with Deirdre Mag-
gott shooting 94, Mario Coleman 94.2, Wendy Plato 88 and Karen
‘Tricky Trigger’ Ellick 97.1, finishing with a winning score of 373.3
giving them the 2 points. Their opponents, Snipers, managed a total
of 359.1, compiled from Patrick Young 92, Kevin George 98.1, Eric
Constantine 86 and Mavis O’Bey 83.
Another well entertaining night enjoyed by all. There will not be a
competition shoot next week but on the 28 May 2013 will be Alarm
Bells vs Top Guns, Mean Shooters vs Ebonies and Trigger Happies
vs Alarm Bells. Have a relaxing week and Happy St Helena’s Day to
all - enjoy!!
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
We welcomed two visitors, namely Christina Demarco and Ian McLeod to the club over the weekend. They played in Sunday’s competition.
On Saturday 10 players took part in the 18 hole
Bogey. This game is played similar to a Stableford
competition but instead of a points system we use
plus and minus, plus for each hole where the score
is under par, minus when over and a square for
par. The winner is determined by subtracting the
number of pluses from the minuses, each player is
awarded full handicap.
Four players returned scores of plus 1 and above,
they were Brian Fowler and Lawson Henry on
plus 1, Ray Crowie on plus 3 and Gerald (Whistler) George on plus 4. Gerald who is still keeping
his form was declared the winner and Ray, runner
up. Only one player holed out in 2 to claim the
ball pool, that was Leon Crowie.
On Sunday 12th May, 19 players took part in the
18 hole stroke play (to the furrows) this meant that
play was to the original narrow fairways, making
play that bit more difficult. Five players managed
to return scores in the sixties. Our veteran player
Cecil (Gigs) Thomas and Eric Roberts had a 69,
Ray (Ghosty) Crowie, who seems to have found
his form lately, and Henzil Beard who has also
been on form (both had 67, one under par), but
back on form after quite a long break was our
hatchet man (nickname for the Handicap Secretary) Richard Wallis, with a very credible net 65,
three under par. I dare say that this calls for a reduction in your handicap Richard? Ray Crowie
took the runner up spot after beating Henzil in the
count back.
Basil Read 0 - 3 Axis
continued from back page
posed in possession. Their number four,
Keegan Benjamin, epitomised this philosophy.
Playing with great awareness he looked comfortable on the ball, and assured in the tackle.
Along with midfield partner Thapelo, the pair
provided much of the attacking impetus for
Basil Read.
The first half petered out with Axis hanging
on to their slender lead. During the half time
break Axis replaced Luke Bennett and Deon
Leo, suffering with back and hamstring problems respectively. Daniel Yon and Rico Yon
came on forcing a reshuffle of the team. Anselmo Pelembe moved from midfield to cover
the void at the heart of Axis defence. Jeremy
Constantine moved from left wing to partner
D Yon in midfield with R Yon now on the left
Basil Read came out intent on finding an equaliser. Axis had not offered much in the way of
attack since going a goal up, and have their
defence and goalkeeper to thank for keeping
them in the game. Left back Benji Lawrence,
was as committed as ever, pulling of a number
off last ditch tackles and cutting of the supply
continued on page 31
St Helena Golf Club Report
Week ending 12 May 2013
Three players holed out in 2 to share the ball pool,
they were Raymond (Brim) Henry on the 5th, Richard Wallis on the 9th (eagle 2) and Tony Green on
the 11th. Congratulations to all the winners.
The finals in the singles knockout was
played between Jeffrey (Foxy) Stevens and
Lawson Henry with Foxy emerging as the
winner, beating Lawson 3 up with two to go.
Jeffrey is therefore our new Singles Knockout
Champion, congratulations to you Foxy!
Several more games were played in the doubles knockout. Brian (Fridge) Joshua and Lawson Henry beat Larry (Nails) Thomas and Colin
Owen, Gerald (Whistler) George and Tony Green
beat Brian Fowler and Brian (Peachy) Coleman, and
finally Joan Thomas and Peter Johnson beat Peter
Bagley and Arthur Francis.
Sadly we have had to report to the police that
over the last three weeks some person or persons
have been tampering with the facilities on the golf
course. We have lost three new flag sticks and over
the weekend someone removed a tee box marker
and threw it in the bushes. This was returned to
the club by some unknown person who we would
like to thank for doing so. Another neighbour in
the area found one of the flag sticks thrown down
the hillside adjoining the 8th fairway.
We would like to appeal to the person or persons
responsible to stop this irresponsible behaviour.
Competitions for next week is the Presidents Cup
which is a 36 hole stroke play, played over two days.
Please sign up by Friday 17th May.
Have a good week, stay safe and happy swinging!
Axis’ captain, Simon Bennett
Contributed by Lawson Henry
Richard Wallis,
winner of Sunday’s
18 hole stroke play
Lucky from Basil Read
THE SENTINEL Thursday 16 May 2013
continued from page 30
off crosses from Basil Read’s right wing.
Robert George was in inspired form between
the sticks. In the two matches so far, he has
already confirmed himself as a contender for
goalkeeper of the season. He’s quick off his
line, committed, possesses safe hands and the
reflexes of a cat. George pulled off five one
on one saves in the early stages of the second
half. In making his third save George suffered
a rather painful injury to parts that cannot be
mentioned. The determination shown to take
ers claiming a hand-ball, the goal stood. The
second goal was created by second half substitute Dalton George who unselfishly squared
the ball for Stevens to tap in, following a mazy
run that saw him go pass two defenders.
Despite being on the end of a 3-0 loss Basil
Read played an attractive style of football,
and although I didn’t see their opening match
against Raiders, I’m told that Sunday’s performance was a great improvement on their
season opening performance. The atmosphere
brought to the plain by the team’s fans also de-
Saturday 11 May
Rovers 2
Raiders 2
P Isaac
G Phillips
C Benjamin
R O’Dean
Harts 5
Crystal Rangers 0
AJ Bennett (2)
M Williams (2)
R George
Sunday 12 May
Bellboys 1
Fugees 4
A Bennett
D Leo (2)
L Yon
Basil Read 0
Axis 3
Scott Crowie (pen)
Travoy Stevens (2)
Saturday 18 May, 1.30pm
Crystal Rangers
Basil Read
Sunday 19 May, 1.30pm
Rico Yon on the ground
after a boot to the face
up his place between the sticks following the
injury, and complete two further brave saves
was impressive. However, it must be mentioned that two of his five saves were actually
sitters that the goal machine that is Kevin Hudson should have scored. At times it looked
easier for Hudson to score rather than miss.
Persistence paid off for Axis and late in the
second half Travoy Stevens put the game beyond Basil Read’s reach. For the first of his
two goals he turned in a cross from the right
wing. Despite protests from Basil Read’s play-
Mark Williams in full flow for Axis
serves a mention. Ruckus cheering and BBQ’s
are the order of the day for the team’s matches.
I caught up with Basil Read players, Thapelo,
Donny and Lucky after the match. Lucky lamented his team’s finishing, “our team performed very well but we couldn’t score,” he
said. Both Thapelo and Lucky were looking
forward to the next game. “It was a loss,” said
Donny, “but we will come back and try harder
the next time.”
“I guarantee we will win our next game,” added Thapelo.
Basil Read
C Rangers
7 1 6 6
4 1 3 4
3 2 1 4
5 0 5 3
4 2 2 3
2 2 0 2
1 4 Ͳ3 0
0 4 Ͳ4 0
0 10 Ͳ10 0
Wirebirds 1
M(Kunya)Buckley Wirebirds 1
Wirebirds 1
Wirebirds 1
Wirebirds 1
AnselmoPelembe Axis
League & hotshots table produced by The Sentinel.
Results & fixtures provided by SHFA
Thursday 16 May 2013 THE SENTINEL
Keegan Benjamin (Basil
Read) holding off Axis’
midfielder, Leroy Fowler
Sun 12 May 2013 - Match Report
Damien O’Bey, SAMS
Following a string of one on one saves from his goalkeeper, Robert
George, number nine, Travoy Stevens, scored a second half brace to
seal a 3-0 victory for a reformed Axis side against season ‘newbies’
Basil Read.
Opening exchanges were lively, with Axis attacking the Red Hill end.
I’d say Basil Read just about edged the first quarter. Axis captain, Simon Bennett, was playing as a makeshift right back. S Bennett, normally a winger, took a while to adapt to his new position. Kevin Hud-
Rico Yon leaving the field after sustaining
a facial injury
son took advantage of this and got in behind Axis defence on a number
of occasions. However, he often lacked a good final ball or his strike
partner Donny, failed to produce a potent enough finish. S Bennett soon
settled into the game and began to neutralise the threat of Hudson. “It
was a forced change,” said S Bennett of playing at right back, “Hudson
is a lot taller than me but I think I matched him for pace.”
The deadlock was broken after 20 minutes. Scott Crowie collected the
ball on the right side of Basil Read’s penalty area and was brought
down whilst running away from goal by Basil Read’s number seven,
Petrus. Referee Alistair Buckley pointed to the penalty spot and Crowie
picked himself up to dispatch his spot kick into the bottom left hand
Despite conceding an early goal Basil Read remained calm and com
continued on page 30