PF Fall 2009 - Fox River Valley And Pheasants Forever
PF Fall 2009 - Fox River Valley And Pheasants Forever
R OOSTER T ALES FRVC N EWSLETTER FALL 2009 2009 P HEASANTS F OREVER Y OUTH H UNT S ATURDAY , O CTOBER 10, 2009 7:30 A . M .-12 P . M . OR 10:30 A . M .-3 P . M . A T T HE RW R ANCH The 2009 Youth Hunt includes an education program, trap shoot, and an actual field hunt with stocked pheasants providing an exciting hunting experience. Participants will be matched with experienced hunters and well trained hunting dogs by the Fox Valley Pheasants Forever chapter. Ammunition and lunch will be provided. Applicants must be between the ages of 12 and 18 years and must be graduates of a hunter safety course. Applicants ages 12 to 14 must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. I NSIDE Applicants 15 and older are not required to have a parent attend, but we do encourage parents to come along. F OX V ALLEY C HAPTER 2 Y OUTH C ORNER – OPENING W EEKEND 3 C ONSERVATIONIST THE Y EAR 4 For safety of all, participants must wear 50% blaze orange clothing the day of the hunt. There is a nominal fee of $10.00, which must be sent in with a registration form in advance. Make checks payable to Fox River Valley Chapter of Pheasants Forever. There will be two sessions. The number of participants for each session will be limited to insure a quality experience. While we will try to accommodate your requests, Pheasants Forever may need to assign you to a session. You will be notified as to which session you will attend along with confirmation of your fee and registration. If you have a group that wishes to hunt together, all registration forms and fees MUST be sent in the same envelope. Limit of 5 hunters per group. These will be honored on a first come first serve basis. Call Al (920) 231-0860 or Mark (920) 426-0491 with questions, or e-mail THIS ISSUE : FRVC M EMBER YEAR OF THE 5 TALK ’ N A BOUT THE GOOD OLE D AYS 6 S AVE 10 THE D ATE UPCOMING E VENTS We look forward to another fun-filled day of hunting! Hope to see you there! V ISIT T HE F OX R IVER V ALLEY C HAPTER W EBSITE : WWW . FOXVALLEYPHEASANTS . COM P OWER ED B Y T H UNDERA MULTIMEDIA P RODUCTIONS OF 11 P AGE 2 R OOSTER T ALES P HEASANTS F OREVER F OX V ALLEY C HAPTER O FFICERS PRESIDENT LEO KOLASZEWSKI VICE P RESIDENT M ARK LEWIS SECRETARY R YAN S EELEY TEASURER J OHN M ANION DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN OF THE B OARD STEVE H ARNITZ RACHEL F OSTER AL H EIDL ALEX H OWELL T OM M ANGIN J ERRY M ATHUSEK J IM RYF B RIAN T REBIATOWSKI B RIAN WILKE N EWSLETTER K RISSY S EELEY , EDITOR LEO KOLASZEWSKI , MANAGING E DITOR J ERRY M ATHUSEK, P UBLISHER COMMITTEE S TRUCTURE COMMITTEE D IRECTOR/C HAIRMAN B ANQUET AL H EIDL /R YAN SEELEY B URN CREW S COTT CHRISTIE FINANCE J OHN M ANION FUND R AISING J ERRY M ATHUSEK HABITAT J IM R YF LAND A CQUISITION J ACK D OEMEL M EMBERSHIP RYAN SEELEY NEWSLETTER KRISSY S EELEY PREDATOR CONTROL J IM R YF PUBLIC R ELATIONS M ARK L EWIS WEB-SITE M ARK L EWIS VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR RYAN SEELEY Y OUTH PROGRAMS LEO KOLASZEWSKI L IFE MEMBERS P AUL F OWLER J ERRY M ATHUSEK B ILL M ILLER T OM PUPETER T OM RUSCH M IKE S KOGLIND T ERRY Z AWACKI CROWING C OUNT Start 45 minutes before sunrise. Drive 10 mile routes, stopping every 0.5 miles to listen and record location of crowing roosters on plat book maps. Finish 1 to 1.5 hours after sunrise. Jim Ryf (920) 379-8170 YOUTH H UNT Members and their dogs pair one-on-one with youth who have passed the gun safety course to have a group field day hunt for youths to experience pheasant hunting. Mark Lewis (920) 379-6526 Al Heidl (920) 231-0860 MEMBERSHIP To recruit the avid pheasant hunters who are not members to join and participate. Committee would meet occasionally to discuss and act on ways to increase membership in our chapter. Ryan Seeley (920) 424-9979 or A DOPT A DNR PLOT Clean up of a specific Winnebago County areas 4-5 times a year. Jim Ryf (920) 379-8170 FUNDRAISING Assist in selling tickets to raffles, help out at the sponsor banquet, attend fall social etc. during the year. Jerry Mathusek (920) 235-5610 x 11 or LAND A CQUISITION A planning/work committee for our chapter to initiate land acquisition programs. These programs are funded and executed using federal and state grants, Pheasants Forever national and local funds, easements and land trust cooperation. Jack Doemel (920) 231-1096 or H ABITAT /P REDATOR A planning committee to work on improving habitat and controlling predation. Jim Ryf (920) 379-8170 BANQUET Attend planning meetings before next year’s banquet. Ryan Seeley (920) 424-9979 or Al Heidl (920) 231-0860 VOLUNTEER OPPROTUNITIES Sign up to participate in various activities throughout the year. Get on the e-mail or call list to be contacted about upcoming events. Ryan Seeley (920) 424-9979 or LEOPOLD EDUCATION P ROJECT (L.E.P.)The L.E.P. is designed to teach the public about humanity’s ties to the natural world and to provide leadership in the effort to conserve and protect the earth’s natural resources. Jack Doemel (920) 231-1096 or N EWSLETTER Contribute articles, photos, or ideas to the newsletter. Krissy Seeley (920) 424-9979 or BURN C REW Controlled burns on your property. Scott Christie (920) 915-0916, (920) 722-6473 or FRVC N EWSLETTER P AGE 3 Jon’s Sport Shop 2968 Jackson Street Oshkosh, WI 54901 (920) 233-5533 Over 3000 Rifles and Shotguns in Stock Largest Archery Selection in the State Bows by Hoyt, PSE, Darton, AR, Custom Arrows Y OUTH C ORNER – O PENING W EEKEND By, Mike Drummond Deer season should be considered a holiday inWisconsin. Sporting goods stores fill up, blaze orange sells out, and estrous is the hot scent. The anticipation of opening day is unbearable and all I can think about is deer. I spend the week leading up to deer season sighting in my gun, hanging my blaze orange outside, and scouting my hunting area. When opening morning finally arrived I was thrilled to be out in the woods. I had been seeing a big eight pointer all year and missed him with my bow the weekend before. I was out for redemption. Very early in the morning I saw a nice nine pointer, but was never able to get a shot on him. Around ten o’clock, I saw a large group of does on the neighbor’s property so I couldn’t shoot them either. The morning hunt was successful because I saw a lot of deer. I went back later that night and saw my buck chasing does in the neighbor’s field. Unfortunately opening day didn’t put meat in the freezer or antlers on the wall, but I was happy to be hunting. My second morning was very slow and I only saw one young deer. Later that morning I was posting on a drive and what appeared to be a doe jumped from her bed and stopped after only a few short steps. I shot the deer and after a quick tracking job I found it. I was surprised when I felt small button antlers on my deer’s head. Even though it was a small buck, I was pleased to have gotten something for my efforts. My opening weekend was a success and I am still on a mission to get my big buck. P AGE 4 R OOSTER T ALES J ACK D OEMEL – F OX R IVER V ALLEY C HAPTER ’ S C ONSERVATIONIST OF THE Y EAR One of the first names that come to mind when you talk about Pheasants Forever in the Fox Valley is Jack Doemel. Jack is one of the longest serving members of our chapter and one of the most active. Even outside of PF, Jack has been a very positive force as a conservationist and environmentalist throughout the area. This year we have chosen to honor Jack as the recipient of the Pheasants Forever Conservationist of the Year award. As chairman of our land acquisition committee, Jack was the driving force behind all three of our land acquisitions to date. Using his realtor skills and vast knowledge of the real estate market Jack pulled together landowners, PF National representatives, and other conservation groups to find lands that were in danger of being developed. He then spearheaded fundraising efforts including finding matching funds from the Federal and State governments to maximize our buying power. In addition to acquiring lands on behalf of PF, Jack works tirelessly on multiple projects to improve our natural environment. In an organization that specializes in conservation, Jack has repeatedly gone above and beyond the call of duty. Jack is a past President of the Fox River Valley Chapter of Pheasants Forever and currently serves as chairman of the Land Acquisition Committee. Jack lives in Oshkosh with his wife, Wendy. They have four children. He is part of the Adashun Jones Real Estate team serving the Oshkosh area. Jack loves most outdoor sports, but lives to hunt. Congratulations, Jack, and thanks for your many years of service to conservation efforts. FRVC N EWSLETTER P AGE 5 A L H EIDL – F OX R IVER V ALLEY C HAPTER ’ S M EMBER OF THE Y EAR For the past 10+ years, Al Heidl has donated his time, talents and expertise to nearly every project or event sponsored by our local chapter. It was only fitting that he would be recognized on March 13, 2009 at our Annual Banquet as Chapter #585’s “Outstanding Member of theYear”. Al has been co-chair of the banquet for the past several years and in 2008 he also co-chaired the Annual Youth Hunt, which brought nearly 70 young hunters out to the RW Ranch on a cold December day to experience a first class youth day, which was, for some, their very first pheasant hunt. Al holds a seat on the chapter’s board of directors and in the past has served as the Chairman and VicePresident. He’s also made PF a family affair, with his wife Deb and daughter Katie helping out with organizing and putting together the various events at banquets and fund raising programs. Al and Deb make their home in the Town of Oshkosh and he is employed by Oshkosh Truck Corporation. In addition, you’ll find Al spending his free time training his German Wirehaired Pointers for competition in the field trial circuit. Al, along with Deb, owns and operates Heidlwolf Kennels and has put a great deal of effort into developing an outstanding line of hunting and family dogs. Congratulations, Al, on this well deserved recognition as a valuable volunteer member of the Fox River Valley Chapter of Pheasants Forever. R OOSTER T ALES P AGE 6 T ALK ’ N A BOUT THE G OOD O LE D AYS By, Jack Doemel On occasion, my friend, co-worker, and fellow PF member Norm Williams will strike up a conversation having something to do with dogs, hunting, or wildlife and how things have changed in our part of the world, over the years. It seems that in his younger days, Norm was quite the hounds-man and coon hunter. One day at work he pulled out the following article that had originally ran in the Berlin Journal, back in the fall of 1985. He also showed me a few pictures, and I just had to ask him for permission to share some of his memorabilia with you. Being the man he is, Norm cordially obliged the request. He is a long standing PF member and regularly attends our annual banquet, as well as, the Jefferson County Chapter’s banquet. Left: Norm Williams, his son Bruce with their Blue Tick Hounds right: Michael Williams looks on as Dad gathers up the family of Walker Hounds. FRVC N EWSLETTER P AGE 7 right: Norm prepares the pelts for market. Continued on page 8... P AGE 8 R OOSTER T ALES FRVC N EWSLETTER P AGE 9 P AGE 10 R OOSTER T ALES Save the Date: PF Fox RiverValley Chapter Pheasant Fest Friday, March 12, 2010 Oshkosh Convention Center FRVC N EWSLETTER P AGE 11 U PCOMING E VENTS S EPTEMBER 26 D UCK SEASON OPENS IN THE N ORTHERN Z ONE AT 9 A . M . THROUGH N OV . 24. S EPTEMBER 30 T ROUT SEASON CLOSES ON INLAND WATERS AND ON RIVERS FLOWING INTO L AKE S UPERIOR FROM THEIR MOUTHS TO THE FIRST IMPASSABLE PERMANENT BARRIER ( UNLESS LISTED OTHERWISE IN TROUT REGULATIONS ).* L AKE TROUT SEASON ON L AKE S UPERIOR CLOSES.* S ET OR BANK POLE AND SETLINE FISHING SEASON ON SPECIFIED WATERS IN THE WOLF AND F OX RIVER BASINS CLOSES. C HECK THE CURRENT S ETLINE , SET OR B ANK P OLE R EGUL ATIONS FOR OPEN WATERS .* O CTO BER 3 D UCK SEASON OPENS AT 9 A .M . IN THE SOUTHERN Z ONE THROUGH O CT . 11 AND THEN REOPENS OCT . 17 THROUGH D EC . 6. P ERIOD 1 COLLINS ZONE C ANADA GOOSE CLOSES. R EOPENS 9 A . M . OCT . 4 UNTIL CLOSE OF SHOOTING HOURS . C ANADA GOOSE SEASON OPENS IN THE MISSISSIPPI R IVER SUBZONE AND RUNS THROUGH OCT . 11. SEASON REOPENS OCT . 17 AND RUNS THROUGH D EC . 31. O CTO BER 3 -11 S PECIAL DEER HUNT OPEN TO PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES WHO HAVE A DISABLED HUNTING PERMIT . T HE HUNTS ARE HELD BY L ANDOWNERS WHO HAVE AGREED TO SPONSOR THE HUNTERS ON THEIR PROPERTY . H UNTERS MUST HAVE REGISTERED TO PARTICIPATE AT A DESIGNATED SPONSOR LOCATION BY S EPT . 1. O CTO BER 5 P ERIOD 2 C OLLINS ZONE C ANADA GOOSE OPENS AND RUNS THROUGH O CT. 25. O CTOBER 10 FRVC P HESANTS F OREVER Y OUTH H UNT O CTO BER 10- 11 Y OUTH DEER HUNT . Y OUTH HUNTERS AGES 12 TO 15 WHO HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED A HUNTER EDUCATION PROGRAM AND POSSESS A GUN DEER HUNTING LICENSE MAY PARTICIPATE IN THIS HUNT. Q UALIFIED HUNTERS MAY HARVEST ONE BUCK DEER ON THEIR GUN BUCK DEER CARCASS TAG AND ADDITIONAL ANTLERLESS DEER WITH THE APPROPRIATE CARCASS TAG . A DUL TS ACCOMPANYING THE YOUTH MAY NOT GUN DEER AND CANNOT ACCOMPANY MORE THAN TWO YOUTHS . A LL HUNTING REGULATIONS APPLY , INCLUDING BL AZE ORANGE CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS . A RCHERY HUNTING REMAINS OPEN BUT ARCHERS MUST WEAR BLAZE ORANGE. S EE REGULATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS . O CTO BER 11 D UCK SEASON CLOSES IN THE SOUTHERN ZONE ; REOPENS OCT . 17 THROUGH D EC . 6. C ANADA GOOSE SEASON CLOSES IN THE SOUTH EX TERIOR ZONE AND MISSISSIPPI R IVER SUBZONE . SEASON REOPENS OCT . 17 AND RUNS THROUGH D EC . 17 IN THE SOUTH ZONE AND D EC . 31 IN M ISSISSIPPI RIVER SUBZONE . O CTO BER 13 B LACK BEAR SEASON CLOSES . SEE CURRENT W ISCONSIN B EAR H UNTING R EGULATIONS FOR SPECIFIC SEASON DATES AND ZONES. O CTO BER 15- 18 A NTLERLESS DEER HUNT IN EARN - A- BUCK , CWD, AND MOST HERD CONTROL DEER MANAGEMENT UNITS . SEE CURRENT REGULATIONS FOR DETAILS . O CTO BER 17 D UCK SEASON IN THE SOUTHERN ZONE REOPENS THROUGH D EC. 6. C ANADA GOOSE SEASON IN THE SOUTH EX TERIOR ZONE AND M ISSISSIPPI R IVER SUBZONE REOPENS AND RUNS THROUGH DEC . 17 IN THE SOUTH ZONE AND D EC . 31 IN M ISSISSIPPI RIVER SUBZONE . P HEASANT SEASON OPENS AT NOON; RUNS THROUGH D EC . 31. R UFFED GROUSE IN THE ZONE B OPENS THROUGH D EC. 8. S HARP - TAILED GROUSE BY PERMIT OPENS THROUGH N OV . 8. B OBWHITE QUAIL SEASON OPENS AT NOON THROUGH D EC. 9. H UNGARIAN P ARTRIDGE SEASON OPENS AT NOON THROUGH DEC . 31 ( CLOSED IN C L ARK MARATHON AND T AYLOR COUNTIES ). C OTTONTAIL RABBIT OPENS IN SOUTHERN ZONE AT NOON THROUGH F EB . 28, 2010. R ACCOON GUN AND TRAPPING FOR STATE RESIDENTS OPENS THROUGH F EB . 15, 2010. R ED AND GRAY FOX HUNTING AND TRAPPING IN THE NORTHERN ZONE OPENS THROUGH F EB . 15, 2010. C OYOTE TRAPPING SEASON OPENS IN THE NORTHERN ZONE THROUGH F EB . 15, 2010. H UNTING AND TRAPPING SEASON FOR BOBCAT NORTH OF H WY. 64 THROUGH D EC . 31. M USKRAT SEASON IN THE NORTHERN ZONE OPENS THROUGH F EB . 28, 2010. M INK SEASON IN THE NORTHERN ZONE OPENS THROUGH F EB. 28, 2010. F ISHER TRAPPING SEASON OPENS IN VARIOUS ZONES , THROUGH D EC . 31. O CTO BER 25 P ERIOD 2 C OLLINS ZONE C ANADA GOOSE CLOSES. O CTO BER 26 P ERIOD 3 C OLLINS Z ONE CANADA GOOSE OPENS AND RUNS THROUGH N OV . 20. O CTO BER 31 L AKE TROUT SEASON CLOSES ON WATERS OF G REEN B AY AND L AKE M ICHIGAN AND THEIR TRIBUTARIES. D EADLINE TO PURCHASE L AKE W INNEBAGO SYSTEM STURGEON SPEARING LICENSES. F OX SEASON OPENS IN THE SOUTHERN ZONE , THROUGH FEB . 15, 2010. C OYOTE TRAPPING SEASON OPENS IN SOUTHERN ZONE THROUGH FEB . 15, 2010. M INK SEASON OPENS IN W INNEBAGO ZONE THROUGH MARCH 15, 2010. * VISIT HTTP:// WWW . DNR . STATE . WI . US FOR COMPLETE HUNTING DATES , GUIDELINES , AND REGULATIONS. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID WINNECONNE, WI PERMIT NO. 11 823 Eastman St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 Gun of the Month Raffle Drawing to be held December 2, 2009 *****$5.00 per ticket***** Winner’s Choice