TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX AVOX Systems Inc. 225 Erie Street • Lancaster NY 14086-9502 USA Tel: 716-683-5100 • Fax: 716-681-1089 • Code: 53655 INDEX-001 AVOX SYSTEMS TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX VENDOR CODE 53655 HIGHLIGHTS R This document replaces INDEX-001 dated 20140915, revision 38. An "R" in the left column indicates a major change to the Index, such as a new document or revision date. A CMM or Service Bulletin that covers more than one Part Number is listed where each Part Number appears in the Index By Part Number. The Revision number is located at the bottom left of every page. RECORD OF REVISIONS Rev. No. Orig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rev. Date Aug 01/99 Feb 01/00 Aug 01/00 Feb 01/01 20010801 20020801 20030601 20040515 Pages All All All All All 1-4,7-9,13,17,18 All 1,2,4-11 Rev. No. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rev. Date 20050115 20060215 20070315 20070615 20071215 20080615 20081015 20081215 1-10, 12 All All 1,2,4,5,7,8,11,13, 14 1-8,12-14 1-8, 11, 14 1, 3- 9, 11, 12, 14 1 – 8, 12, 13 Pages Rev. No. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Rev. Date 20090315 20090615 20090915 20100115 20100315 20100615 20100915 20101215 1-5, 7-9, 13-14 1-7, 9-11, 15-18 1, 2, 7, 9-12, 18 1-8, 10-13, 17, 21, 24, 25 1, 4, 7, 9, 13, 17, 22, 26 1-8, 11-14, 26, 27 1-16, 19, 21-22, 24-25, 28-31 1, 2, 6, 7, 11-13, 15, 27, 30 Pages Rev. No. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Rev. Date 20110401 20110615 20110915 20111215 20120315 20120615 20120915 20121215 1, 3, 5, 6, 8-11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24-26, 28-30 1, 7-9, 11, 13, 14, 21, 25, 27-30 1-4, 6, 8, 12-14, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28-31 1, 3-5, 7-10,13-16, 19, 21, 23, 27-31 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19-21, 23, 25, 26, 29-32 1, 3-13, 15, 16, 21, 23, 26, 27, 32-34 1-18, 20, 24, 31, 33-35 1-5, 7, 9-11, 13-18, 24, 28, 35 Pages R Rev. No. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 R Rev. Date 20130315 20130615 20130915 20131215 20140315 20140615 20140915 20150115 R Pages 1, 11, 16, 24, 29 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 27 1, 9 - 11, 16, 23, 27, 32 - 35 1-18, 24, 28, 29, 33 - 36 1, 4, 5, 9-11, 13, 16, 17, 23, 28, 36 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14-17, 36, 38 1, 3-19, 34, 36 1-6, 9, 11-15, 17-19, 21, 26, 27, 29-32, 39 REQUESTS FOR TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS AVOX Systems technical publications are distributed by Zodiac Services Europe. Please contact Mr. Yann Lainé to obtain a password to the IN-Services website where AVOX Systems manuals can be downloaded: E-mail: Website: Military aircraft operators may request AVOX Systems documents from: • e-mail: • fax: 1-716-681-1089 © Copyright 1999-2015 AVOX Systems Inc. - All rights reserved. INDEX BY PART NUMBER Manual Number 35-02-14 35-06-71 35-23-84 35-23-26 35-07-48 35-18-99 Part Numbers 10008789 10011671 10014384 10015326 10015748 10015899 REVISION 39 Title/Description Temperature/Pressure Transducer Pressure Transducer Temperature / Pressure Transducer Absolute Pressure Switch Oxygen Pressure Transducer Temperature/Pressure Transducer Type ACMM ACMM ACMM ACMM ACMM ACMM Orig. Date 20010430 20071130 20100624 20130211 20110527 20121016 Rev. No. --0 0 0 0 Curr. Attached Date Docs. 20010430 SIL-35-83 20071130 20100624 20130211 20110527 20121016 INDEX-001 Page 1 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) R Manual Number 35-05-06 35-10-71 Obsolete 35-10-80 Part Numbers 10016506 10100, 10800, 6849 Series 6849 Series is OBSOLETE 10100, 10800 Series 6849 Series is OBSOLETE Title/Description Temperature/Pressure Transducer Mask Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-10-80 Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-10-71 Type ACMM CMM Orig. Date 20140314 4/1/62 Rev. No. 0 4 CMM 20080523 2 10100 Series Installation of the Bushing per ASB 10100-35A01 on certain P/N 10100 Series Scottoramic® Mask Assemblies under ATA Chapter 35-Oxygen Systems Installation of Bushing and Part Number ReIdentification per ASB 10100B1B14-35-A01 on P/N 10100B1B14 Scottoramic® Mask Assemblies under ATA Chapter 35-Oxygen Systems Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-20-57 Regulator Assembly REPLACES 35-20-56 Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Regulator Assembly Regulator Assembly SI 20040312 - 20081201 SIL-35-150 SB 10100-35-02 R4 SB 10800-35-01 R4 20040312 SI 20040501 - 20040501 MM 6/1/64 2 1/15/75 CMM 6/1/64 6 MM OH MM OH 2/29/64 2/29/64 5/18/64 5/1/64 ----- 2/29/64 2/29/64 5/18/64 5/1/64 35-10-71 10800, 6849, 10100 Series Obsolete 6849 Series is OBSOLETE 35-10-80 10800, 10100 Series 6849 Series is OBSOLETE Mask Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-10-80 Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-10-71 CMM 4/1/62 4 5/6/85 CMM 20080523 2 H-141 35-20-115 35-20-116 35-02-11 Demand and Pressure Demand Regulators Oxygen Valve Oxygen Valve Overboard Discharge Indicator OH MM OH ACMM Oct-67 4/15/62 4/1/62 6/30/99 --2 2 Portable Communication/Oxygen Test Stand Port. Comm./O2 Test Stand (Supplement) Port. Comm./O2 Test Stand (Supplement) Electro-Pneumatic Continuous Flow Control REPLACES 35-20-117 and 35-20-118B Flow Control Unit Electro-Pneumatic OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-25-04 Flow Control Unit Pneumatic/Elec-Pneu OBSOLETE for 22505-7, -9 – Replaced by 35-25-05 OBSOLETE for 22504-7, -9, -11 – Replaced by 35-25-04 Pneumatic Continuous Flow Control Unit REPLACES 35-20-117 & 35-20-118A Flow Control Unit Pneumatic/Elec-Pneu OBSOLETE for 22505-7, -9 – Replaced by 35-25-05 OBSOLETE for 22504-7, -9, -11 – Replaced by 35-25-04 Flow Control Unit Pneumatic OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-25-05 Oxygen Supply and Communication Assy TR TM TM CMM 1/1/87 1/15/99 11/2002 20090831 ----- OH 9/15/63 6 MM 10/10/63 4 CMM 20090105 3 MM 10/10/63 4 OH 9/15/63 5 4/15/84 OH 2/1/73 3 8/15/82 10100-35-01 10100B1B14- 10100B1B14 35-01 35-20-56 10260 Series Obsolete 35-20-57 10260 Series 35-20-64 35-20-65 35-20-62 35-20-63 R 405-935 P-769 P-769A 35-25-04 10350 Series 10350 Series 10400 Series 10400 Series 11010, 6000M 11600 Series 11600 Series 171-12 Series, 171-13, 171-15, 171-19, 171-21, 171-22, 171-23, 171-501-00, 171-501-01, 171-50102 200255 (all S/N) 200255 (S/N 012) 200255 (S/N 013 & up) 22504-07, -09, -11, -13 35-20-118B 22504-7, -9, -11, -13 Obsolete 35-20-117 22504-7, -9, -11; 22505-7, -9 Obsolete 35-25-05 22505-07, -09 35-20-117 22505-7, -9; 22504-7, -9, -11 Obsolete 35-20-118A 22505-7, -9 Obsolete 35-10-10 232 Series REVISION 39 Curr. Date 20140314 5/6/85 Attached Docs. 20130510 SIL-35-150 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 20081201 SIL-35-150 SB 10100-35-02 R4 SB 10800-35-01 R4 Oct-67 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 4/15/62 5/1/67 20121015 1/1/87 1/15/99 11/2002 20090831 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 6/29/87 4/15/84 20110630 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 4/15/84 INDEX-001 SIL-35-150 Page 2 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number 35-22-01 Obsolete H-146 H-144 H-69 H-140 35-02-12 35-02-12 35-01-21 Obsolete 35-01-22 Part Numbers 232-1120; 358-1030V, -1151 289-601-5, -6 23599-00, -01, -02, -03 24175, 8883 24555 Series 25200-11, -22, -38, -48, -54, -63 26875 Series, 26884 Series 26884 Series, 26875 Series 27550-1, -3, -5 27550-1, -3, -5 35-11-25 27660 Series Obsolete 35-11-26 27660 Series Obsolete 35-16-60 27660 Series R P-773 35-11-23 35-11-24 27660-T58-10 (S/N 001 & up) 28000 Series 28000 Series P-766 Rev. -P-766 Rev. 1 H-143 35-21-86 28000-T53-10 28000-T53-10 28500, 33175 289 Series (289-01E, -20E, -60E, -70E, -80, -90, -104, -127, -127-2, -127-4, -127-5, -130, -140, -145, -170, -180, -185, -235, -340, -345, -350, -355, -360, -365, -375, -380, -395, -460, -470, -475, -485, -485-1, Obsolete -725-1, -746-1) 35-22-29 289-1001, 289-1002, 289-1020 289-1030 35-22-29 289-1002, 289-1020, 289-1030, 289-1001 35-22-29 289-1020, 289-1030, 289-1001, 289-1002 35-22-29 289-1030, 289-1001, 289-1002, 289-1020 35-20-1 289-104, -127, -350 Obsolete 35-20-2 289-145 Obsolete 35-22-23 289-301 Series 833-35-01 289-601, 289-701, 289-801 Series 35-21-87 289-601 Series Obsolete REVISION 39 Title/Description Passenger Oxygen Mask, Crew Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-87 for 289 Replaced by 35-11-90 for 232/358 Oxygen Outlet Assembly Regulator Assemblies Variable Flow Regulator Assembly Portable Oxygen Equipment (Executive Mark II) Type OH Orig. Date 3/15/70 Rev. No. - Curr. Date 3/15/70 Attached Docs. OH OH OH OH Nov-67 Dec-67 4/20/66 Oct-67 ---A Nov-67 Dec-67 4/20/66 Sep-69 Charging Valve Charging Valve Oxygen Shut-Off Valve OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-01-22 Oxygen Shut-Off Valve REPLACES 35-01-21 Oxygen Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-11-26 Oxygen Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-16-60 Oxygen Regulator Assembly REPLACES 35-11-26 Regulator Function Test Stand Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator Assembly Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator Assembly CMM CMM MM 20020430 20020430 4/15/63 1 1 3 20121017 20121017 3/1/80 CMM 4/15/63 7 MM 9/1/64 4 20090515 SIL-35-96, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 11/15/80 CMM 9/1/64 11 CMM 20071207 3 20120919 SIL-35-150 IOI MM OH 12/30/00 8/1/62 9/1/63 -2 4 12/30/00 2/27/76 10/10/97 Altitude Compensated Air Enrichment Test Stand (S/N 001 – 006) Altitude Compensated Air Enrichment Test Stand (S/N 007 and up) Manifold and Outlets Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies (“Square Cup” Style) OBSOLETE – Replaced by 289-601 and 289-801 Series IOI 4/29/86 -- 4/29/86 IOI 4/29/86 1 1/7/97 OH CMM Jun-68 9/1/88 -1 Jun-68 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 20030601 Demonstration Mask Assembly REPLACES part of 35-21-87 Demonstration Mask Assembly REPLACES part of 35-21-87 Demonstration Mask Assembly REPLACES part of 35-21-87 Demonstration Mask Assembly REPLACES part of 35-21-87 Passenger Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-86 Passenger Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-86 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly Passenger Mask Repacking Procedure (Specified by instructions contained in deployment containers in certain light A/C) Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-22-26 & 35-22-29 ACMM 20040901 1 JUL 27/12 SIL-35-150 ACMM 20040901 1 JUL 27/12 SIL-35-150 ACMM 20040901 1 JUL 27/12 SIL-35-150 ACMM 20040901 1 JUL 27/12 SIL-35-150 OH 6/1/67 2 5/2/75 OH 8/1/68 1 10/1/69 ACMM SI 20091125 5/31/85 4 D DEC 15/14 20041119 CMM 9/1/88 3 20040901 SIL-35-76, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 5/1/94 INDEX-001 SIL-35-32, SIL-35-89, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 Page 3 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number 35-22-26 35-24-41 35-28-06 35-20-48 35-20-42 35-20-21 35-22-01 Part Numbers 289-601 Series, 289-664, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01 289-601-441-1 289-601-444-1, 806598-01, 806600-01, 806599-01, 806614-01, 806615-01 289-601-444-2, EA1-421048, EA2-421048, EA4-421048, EA5-000000, EA6-000000 289-601-444-2, EB1-421048, EB2-421048, EB5-000000, EB6-000000, EB4-421048, 289-601-444-6, BD2-421045, BD6-000000, BD4-421045 289-601-5, -6; 232-1120; 358-1030V, -1151 Obsolete 35-21-01 289-601-L106 thru –L108 or Obsolete 289-601-L110 thru –L112 35-22-26 289-664, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01, 289-601 Series 35-21-88 289-701 Series Obsolete 35-22-27 289-701 Series 833-35-01 289-701, 289-801, 289-601 Series 35-20-03 289-701-1 thru -27 Obsolete 35-22-07 289-801 Series Obsolete 35-22-28 289-801 Series R Title/Description Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 Type CMM Orig. Date 20040901 Rev. No. 2 Curr. Attached Date Docs. JUL 23/12 SIL-35-107, SIL-35-150 Passenger Oxygen Mask P/N 806598-01 and P/N 806600-01 Mask Deployment System Assemblies CMM ACMM 20050610 20090610 1 0 20050610 SIL-35-123, SIL-35-140 20090610 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 P/N EA1-421048 and P/N EA2-421048 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20120402 0 20120402 P/N EB1-421048 and EB2-421048 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20140509 0 20140509 PNR BD2-421045 Mask Deployment System Assemblies, Dual Passenger Oxygen Mask, Crew Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-87 for 289 Replaced by 35-11-90 for 232/358 Passenger Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-87 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 ACMM 20140411 0 20140411 OH 3/15/70 - 3/15/70 OH 4/15/71 - 12/15/78 CMM 20040901 2 JUL 23/12 SIL-35-107 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-22-27 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-88 Passenger Mask Repacking Procedure (Specified by instructions contained in deployment containers in certain light A/C) Passenger Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-88 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-22-28 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-22-07 Passenger Mask Repacking Procedure (Specified by instructions contained in deployment containers in certain light A/C) Portable Oxygen Equipment (Executive Mark III) CMM 9/1/88 1 20040901 CMM 20040901 1 SI 5/31/85 D JUL 20/12 SIL-35-80, SIL-35-107, SIL-35-150 20041119 OH 8/1/68 1 4/15/71 CMM 2/28/97 1 20030601 CMM 20030601 1 JUL 26/12 SIL-35-82, SIL-35-150 SI 5/31/85 D 20041119 OH Jul-87 -- Jul-87 833-35-01 289-801, 289-601, 289-701 Series H-142 32000-02, -03, -04, -05, -06 H-143 35-35-52 33175, 28500 3552 Series Manifold and Outlets Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly REPLACES 35-33-26 OH CMM Jun-68 20060215 -3 35-35-53 3553 Series Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assy CMM 20080324 2 35-35-54 35-35-55 3554AAAEAACXBD 3555BAAEAACXBD Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly 3555 Series CMM CMM 20141205 20121018 0 0 REVISION 39 SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 Jun-68 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 20091110 SB 36758-35-01 SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-136, SIL-35-145, SIL-35-147 20100819 SB 3553-35-02 R1, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-153 20141205 20121018 INDEX-001 Page 4 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number 35-10-01 35-11-90 35-11-96 P-772 35-22-01 Part Numbers 358 Sub Series 358 Sub Series 358 Sub Series 358-S58-1 (S/N 001 & up) 358-1030V, -1151, 289-601-5, -6; 232-1120; Obsolete 35-22-01 358-1151, -1030V, 289-601-5, -6; 232-1120; Obsolete 35-10-05 358-1426, -1426V 35-13-58 MIL – ITAR 35-11-98 MIL – ITAR 35-11-82 Obsolete 35-13-59 358-1506V-4, 358-1506V-5 35-22-26 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01, 289-601 Series, 289-664 36758-11, -12, -22 37190-012 383-GGKK 35-37-58 P-765 35-23-83 R 358-1507-1 359 Series 359 Series Title/Description Crew Oxygen Breathing Mask Assembly Quik-Don® Oxygen Crew Masks Spe-Don Oxygen Masks Leak and Flow Test Stand Passenger Oxygen Mask, Crew Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-87 for 289 Replaced by 35-11-90 for 232/358 Passenger Oxygen Mask, Crew Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-87 for 289 Replaced by 35-11-90 for 232/358 Spe-Don Mask, Valve and Communications Assembly Quik-Don® Mask Assemblies with Full Face Mask Folding Quik-Don® Oxygen Mask Type CMM CMM CMM IOI OH Orig. Date 4/1/71 7/15/92 7/15/92 12/15/00 3/15/70 Rev. No. 1 1 1 -- Curr. Date 4/15/90 4/15/93 3/15/94 12/15/00 3/15/70 Attached Docs. SIL-35-70, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-72, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-73, SIL-35-150 OH 3/15/70 - 3/15/70 CMM 10/15/84 2 2/15/92 CMM 20100224 0 CMM 12/15/91 -- Crew Oxygen Breathing System OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-13-59 Crew Oxygen Breathing System REPLACES 35-11-82 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 CMM 3/20/87 -- CMM DEC 31/06 1 CMM 20040901 2 JUN 29/07 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 Jul 23/12 SIL-35-107 ACMM IOI ACMM 20091120 5/1/86 20120821 1 1 0 20100707 6/30/00 20120821 ACMM ACMM ACMM IOI 20140901 20140901 20140901 6/6/96 0 0 0 -- 20140901 20140901 20140901 6/6/96 SIL-35-71, SIL-35-150 20100224 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 12/15/91 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 3/20/87 35-01-01 35-01-01 35-01-01 P-767 Rev. 0 P-767 Rev. 1 35-10-66 35-10-67 3980 Series, 3990, 3991 Series 3990, 3991 Series, 3980 Series 3991 Series, 3980 Series, 3990 5009-S58-10 (S/N 001) Bracket Assembly Test Bench Sky Mask IITM Continuous Flow Aviation Oxygen Mask Low Pressure Flexible Oxygen Hose Low Pressure Flexible Oxygen Hose Low Pressure Flexible Oxygen Hose Outlet Flow Test Stand 5009-S58-10 (S/N 002 & up) Outlet Flow Test Stand IOI 6/6/96 1 11/15/00 5425 Series 5425 Series Pressure Regulator Pressure Regulator MM OH 2/29/64 2/29/64 2 2 10/31/68 10/31/68 35-32-18 5500, 5600 Series Portable Cylinder Assy REPLACES 35-30-78 CMM 20040415 2 Portable Oxygen Equipment OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-30-78 Portable Oxygen Equipment OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-32-18 MM 5/1/63 4 TR 35-17, SIL-35-99, SIL-35-150 20131227 SB 5500-35-01, SB 5500-35-02, SB 5500-35-03 R0, SB 5600-35-01, SB 5600-35-02 R0, SIL-35-21 R2, SIL-35-105, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-146, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-148 R1 12/31/79 CMM 5/1/63 12 20040415 35-30-77 5500, 5600 Series Obsolete 35-30-78 5500, 5600 Series Obsolete REVISION 39 INDEX-001 Page 5 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) R Manual Number 35-32-18 Part Numbers 5600, 5500 Series 35-30-77 5600, 5500 Series Obsolete 35-30-78 5600, 5500 Series Obsolete P-768 5600-T58-1 Obsolete P-771 35-30-93 35-30-94 H-141 605-907 35-30-93 35-30-94 35-21-19 Obsolete 35-21-20 5600-S58-1 (S/N 001 & up) 6000B1-0, -1; 6080-3 6000B1-0, -1; 6080-3 6000M, 11010 605-200 6080-3; 6000B1-0, -1 6080-3; 6000B1-0, -1 6350 Series 6350 Series Title/Description Portable Cylinder Assy REPLACES 35-30-78 Type CMM Orig. Date 20040415 Rev. No. 2 Portable Oxygen Equipment OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-30-78 Portable Oxygen Equipment OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-32-18 Regulator Resistance Demand and Leakage Test Stand OBSOLETE – Replaced by P-771 Leak & Flow Test Stand Oxygen Equipment Oxygen Equipment Demand and Pressure Demand Regulators Communication/Oxygen Tester Oxygen Equipment Oxygen Equipment Cylinder and Valve Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-20 R9 Cylinder and Valve Assembly – REPLACES 35-21-19 MM 5/1/63 4 Curr. Attached Date Docs. 20131227 SB 5500-35-01, SB 5500-35-02, SB 5500-35-03 R0, SB 5600-35-01, SB 5600-35-02 R0, SIL-35-21 R2, SIL-35-105, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-146, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-148 R1 12/31/79 CMM 5/1/63 12 20040415 IOI 3/17/97 - 3/17/97 IOI MM OH OH TM MM OH MM 11/15/00 6/15/59 6/15/59 Oct-67 5/28/86 6/15/59 6/15/59 5/31/62 -------6 11/15/00 6/15/59 6/15/59 Oct-67 5/28/86 6/15/59 6/15/59 6/1/81 CMM 7/1/62 9 JAN 05/09 SB 6350-35-01 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 11/15/84 SIL-35-90, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 8/1/75 SB 775-35-1 35-11-76 651 Series Smoke and Oxygen Mask Assembly CMM 2/25/82 2 35-21-11 775-6XX Series OH 4/1/71 4 35-21-12 775-7XX Series CMM 12/1/79 1 4/1/81 35-21-13 775-8XX Series CMM 3/1/80 1 6/1/82 35-21-08 35-21-09 35-21-08 35-01-12 776, 792 Series 792 Series 792, 776 Series 800112 Series Lavatory and Cabin Attendant Oxygen Module Assembly Lavatory and Cabin Attendant Oxygen Module Assembly Lavatory and Cabin Attendant Oxygen Module Assembly Oxygen Mask Stowage Racks Oxygen Mask Stowage Racks Oxygen Mask Stowage Racks Cylinder and Regulator Assembly REPLACES H-137 OH OH OH CMM 11/15/70 11/15/72 11/15/70 20101210 3 3 3 0 H-137 800114 Series Obsolete 35-20-132 800156 Series 35-20-133 800156 Series Push-Pull Regulator OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-01-12 Oxygen Shut-Off Valve Oxygen Shut-Off Valve OH Nov-66 2 MM OH 5/10/66 5/10/66 --- 5/10/66 5/10/66 35-01-64 Thermal Compensator Assemblies MM 4/15/72 1 12/1/95 H-147 800209, 800626, 800627, 800628, 800847 Series 800294 Series Push-Pull Regulator Assembly OH Jun-68 -- Jun-68 H-73 35-02-13 35-11-34 800308 Series 800435 Series, 807367-01 800480 Series Constant Flow Regulator Assembly (Inactive) Pressure Gauge Kit Variable Pressure Regulator Assembly OH ACMM MM 11/1/66 20010430 11/22/66 1 1 1 8/1/73 20120402 10/1/70 REVISION 39 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 10/15/78 6/1/80 10/15/78 20101210 SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 2/10/81 INDEX-001 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-97, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 Page 6 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number 35-11-35 Part Numbers 800480 Series Title/Description Variable Pressure Regulator Assembly Type OH Orig. Date 11/22/66 Rev. No. 1 Curr. Date 10/1/70 800626, 800627, 800628, 800847, 800209 Series 800627, 800628, 800847, 800209, 800626 Series 800628, 800847, 800209, 800626, 800627 Series 800801-00-T53-1 800801-00-T53-1 800801, 800802, 800803 Series Thermal Compensator Assemblies MM 4/15/72 1 12/1/95 Thermal Compensator Assemblies MM 4/15/72 1 12/1/95 Thermal Compensator Assemblies MM 4/15/72 1 12/1/95 Flow Control Unit Test Stand (S/N 001-021) Flow Control Unit Test Stand (S/N 022 & up) Flow Control Units Pneumatic/Elec-Pneu OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-01 and 35-28-02 Flow Control Unit-Pneumatic OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-01 Pneumatic Flow Control Unit REPLACES 35-21-51 and 35-21-52 Flow Control Units Pneumatic/Elec-Pneu OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-01 and 35-28-02 Electro-Pneumatic Flow Control Units OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-02 Electro-Pneumatic Flow Control Units REPLACES 35-21-51 and 35-21-53 Flow Control Units Pneumatic/Elec-Pneu OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-01 and 35-28-02 Electro-Pneumatic Flow Control Units OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-02 Electro-Pneumatic Flow Control Units REPLACES 35-21-51 and 35-21-53 Thermal Compensator Assemblies OH OH MM --10/15/69 1 2 2 7/1/94 7/1/99 11/1/80 OH 4/1/70 3 5/31/84 CMM 20090609 0 MM 10/15/69 2 OH 4/1/70 3 CMM 20090210 -- MM 10/15/69 2 OH 4/1/70 3 CMM 20090210 -- MM 4/15/72 1 H-173 Obsolete 35-22-93 801293 Series Oxygen Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-22-93 Cylinder and Regulator Assembly REPLACES H-173 OH Oct-80 A CMM JAN 26/09 -- 35-21-56 801307 Series Obsolete 35-21-57 801307 Series Obsolete 35-23-07 801307 Series Stationary Cylinder Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-57 Stationary Cylinder Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-23-07 Cylinder and Valve Assemblies REPLACES 35-21-57 MM 6/30/70 2 CMM 6/30/70 6 CMM 20060502 1 35-01-58 801321 Series Obsolete 35-01-59 801321 Series Thermal Compensator Coupling Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-01-59 Thermal Compensator Coupling Assembly REPLACES 35-01-58 22 Minute Chemical Oxygen Generator 22 Minute Chemical Oxygen Generator Oxygen Generator Assembly Cylinder, Regulator and Compensator Assembly MM 6/30/70 2 CMM 6/30/70 4 9/1/98 ACMM ACMM OH OH 20110311 20110311 1/29/71 Jun-74 0 0 3 -- 20110311 20110311 10/10/80 Jun-74 35-01-64 35-01-64 35-01-64 P-756 Rev 1 P-756 Rev 2 35-21-51 Obsolete 35-21-52 800801-01, -02, -03, -04 Obsolete 35-28-01 800801-01, -02, -03, -04 35-21-51 800802, 800803, 800801 Series Obsolete 35-21-53 800802, 800803 Series Obsolete 35-28-02 800802, 800803 Series 35-21-51 800803, 800801, 800802 Series Obsolete 35-21-53 800803, 800802 Series Obsolete 35-28-02 800803, 800802 Series 35-01-64 35-23-87 35-23-87 35-21-02 H-170 800847, 800209, 800626, 800627, 800628 Series 801292-00, -01, -02, -03, -04 801387-92, 801387-93 801387-93, 801387-92 801462 Series 801977-05 REVISION 39 Attached Docs. SIL-35-77, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 20090609 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 11/1/80 5/31/84 20090210 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 11/1/80 5/31/84 20090210 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 12/1/95 Nov-84 JAN 26/09 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-111, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 1/30/76 9/1/99 20110712 SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-141, SIL-35-142, SIL-35-147 7/15/81 INDEX-001 SIL-35-93, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-139 R3 SIL-35-139 R3 SIL-35-139 R3 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 Page 7 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number 35-11-67 35-11-68 Part Numbers 802029-00 802029-00 Title/Description Oxygen Regulator Assembly Oxygen Regulator Assembly Type MM OH Orig. Date 8/15/73 8/15/73 Rev. No. --- 35-21-72 802078 Series Latch Valve and Manifold CMM 2/1/78 -- 35-22-26 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01, 289-601 Series, 289-664, 36467 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01, 289-601 Series, 289-664, 36467, 802165 Series 802300-14 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 CMM 20040901 2 Curr. Attached Date Docs. T43A Pgm Boeing Distribution T43A Pgm Boeing Distribution SIL-35-78, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 2/1/78 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 Jul 23/12 SIL-35-107 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 CMM 20040901 2 Jul 23/12 Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) (PBE cannot be repaired or overhauled) Aviox® Portable Oxygen Equipment ACMM 20010415 2 20101105 SIL-35-100, SIL-35-126 CMM 4/15/74 3 10/15/86 35-22-26 35-32-17 SIL-35-107 35-31-07 802501, 802502, 802511, 802512 Series 35-31-07 802502, 802511, 802512, 802501 Series Aviox® Portable Oxygen Equipment CMM 4/15/74 3 10/15/86 35-31-07 802511, 802512, 802501, 802502 Series Aviox® Portable Oxygen Equipment CMM 4/15/74 3 10/15/86 35-31-07 802512, 802501, 802502, 802511 Series Aviox® Portable Oxygen Equipment CMM 4/15/74 3 10/15/86 H-174 802814-01, -02 Oxygen Mask Drop Out System OH Jan-83 -- Jan-83 35-22-26 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01, 289-601 Series, 289-664, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 803127, 803163, 804182 Series 803163, 804182, 803127 Series 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01, 289-601 Series, 289-664, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01, 289-601 Series, 289-664, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 CMM 20040901 2 Jul 23/12 Regulator, Transducer & Coupling Assy Regulator, Transducer & Coupling Assy Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 CMM CMM CMM 6/15/94 6/15/94 20040901 2 2 2 20120918 SIL-35-150 20120918 SIL-35-150 Jul 23/12 SIL-35-107 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 CMM 20040901 2 Jul 23/12 35-12-03 35-12-03 35-22-26 35-22-26 REVISION 39 INDEX-001 SB 802502-35-01 SB 802512-35-01 SIL-35-101, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SB 802502-35-01 SB 802512-35-01 SIL-35-101, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SB 802502-35-01 SB 802512-35-01 SIL-35-101, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SB 802502-35-01 SB 802512-35-01 SIL-35-101, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-107 SIL-35-107 Page 8 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number 35-22-26 Part Numbers 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01, 289-601 Series, 289-664, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01 803240, 803342-01, 803695-01, -03 Series Title/Description Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 Type CMM Orig. Date 20040901 Rev. No. 2 Curr. Date Jul 23/12 Attached Docs. SIL-35-107 Portable Oxygen Cylinder Case Assembly CMM 6/15/87 1 9/30/99 R 35-31-81 R 35-31-81 803342-01, 803695-01, -03, 803240 Portable Oxygen Cylinder Case Assembly Series CMM 6/15/87 1 9/30/99 35-22-26 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 CMM 20040901 2 Jul 23/12 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 CMM 20040901 2 Jul 23/12 SIL-35-107 35-11-89 803447-01, 803589-01, 289-601 Series, 289-664, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803589-01, 289-601 Series, 289-664, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803623-01 SIL-35-09, SIL-35-51 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-148 R1 SIL-35-09, SIL-35-51 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-148 R1 SIL-35-107 Oxygen Mask CMM 4/15/90 -- 4/15/90 35-21-84 803661 Series Pneumatic Flow Control Unit CMM 3/1/88 3 20060430 35-21-85 803662, 803663 Series Electro-Pneumatic Flow Control Unit CMM 3/1/88 3 20061215 35-21-85 803663, 803662 Series Electro-Pneumatic Flow Control Unit CMM 3/1/88 3 20061215 R 35-31-55 803668-01, 807434, 9700 Series, 9800 Series, Portable Cylinder Assembly Revision 6 Incorporates CMM 35-32-02 CMM 2/1/70 7 20120227 R 35-31-81 803695-01, -03, 803240, 803342-01 Portable Oxygen Cylinder Case Assembly Series CMM 6/15/87 1 9/30/99 35-01-91 803800-01 Oxygen Shut-Off Valve CMM 4/1/90 -- 4/1/90 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SB 36758-35-01 SB 9700-35-01 SB 9700-35-02 R0 SB 9800-35-01 SB 9800-35-02 R0 SIL-35-23 R1, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-146, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-149 SIL-35-09, SIL-35-51 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-148 R1 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 CMM Aug 30/94 3 Aug 10/98 CMM 20100927 1 20130515 SIL-35-127 R2 CMM CMM 6/15/94 11/30/94 2 2 CMM 3/31/98 -- 20120918 SIL-35-150 3/7/96 SIL-35-88, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 3/31/98 SIL-35-91, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 35-22-26 35-22-01 804044 Series Obsolete 35-20-44 804044-15, 804044-77 Series 35-12-03 35-22-05 804182, 803127, 803163 Series 804265 Series Cylinder & Valve Assy OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-20-44 Cylinder & Valve Assembly REPLACES 35-22-01 Regulator, Transducer & Coupling Assy Flow Control Units 35-32-09 804596 Series Port. Variable-Flow O2 Regulator Assy REVISION 39 INDEX-001 Page 9 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number Part Numbers 35-21-99 804882, 898 Series Obsolete 35-28-98 804882, 806369, 806371, 806385, 806463, 806525, 806643, 807212, 807435, 898 Series 35-32-10 805252 Series 35-28-95 805983 Series, 806733 Series, 807436 Series, 807448 Series, 895 Series 805985-01, 805985-02 806068-01 806326 Series 35-39-85 35-30-68 35-33-26 Obsolete 35-28-98 806369, 806371, 806385, 806463, 806525, 806643, 807212, 807435, 898, 804882 Series 35-28-98 806371, 806385, 806463, 806525, 806643, 807212, 807435, 898, 804882, 806369 Series 35-28-98 806385, 806463, 806525, 806643, 807212, 807435, 898, 804882, 806369, 806371 Series 35-28-98 806463, 806525, 806643, 807212, 807435, 898, 804882, 806369, 806371, 806385 Series 35-28-98 806525, 806643, 807212, 807435, 898, 804882, 806369, 806371, 806385, 806463 Series 35-28-06 806598-01, 806599-01, 806600-01, 806614-01, 806615-01, 289-601-444-1, 35-28-06 806599-01, 806600-01, 806614-01, 806615-01, 289-601-444-1, 806598-01 35-28-06 806600-01, 806614-01, 806615-01, 289-601-444-1, 806598-01, 806599-01 35-28-06 806614-01, 806615-01, 289-601-444-1, 806598-01, 806599-01, 806600-01 35-28-06 806615-01, 289-601-444-1, 806598-01, 806599-01, 806600-01, 806614-01 35-28-98 806643, 807212, 807435, 898, 804882, 806369, 806371, 806385, 806463, 806525 Series 35-28-95 806733 Series, 807436 Series, 807448 Series, 895 Series, 805983 Series 35-18-35 806835-01 35-28-98 807212, 807435, 898, 804882, 806369, 806371, 806385, 806463, 806525, 806643 Series 35-22-18 807218-01, -02, -03, -04. -05 35-02-13 807367-01, 800435 Series 35-24-16 807416-01, -02, -03 REVISION 39 Title/Description Cylinder & Regulator Assy OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-98 Cylinder & Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 Type CMM Orig. Date 6/30/98 Rev. No. 1 Curr. Date 5/1/00 Attached Docs. CMM 20071130 3 Portable Oxygen Cylinder & Regulator Assy CMM 10/10/98 -- Cylinder & Regulator Assemblies REPLACES 35-21-80 CMM 20041015 2 Bracket Assembly Portable Oxygen Cylinder & Mask Assy Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assy OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-35-52 Cylinder & Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 ACMM ACMM CMM 20100707 20080331 20050923 1 -1 CMM 20071130 3 Cylinder & Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 CMM 20071130 3 Cylinder & Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 CMM 20071130 3 Cylinder & Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 CMM 20071130 3 Cylinder & Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 CMM 20071130 3 P/N 806598-01 and P/N 806600-01 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20090610 0 P/N 806598-01 and P/N 806600-01 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20090610 0 20090610 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 P/N 806598-01 and P/N 806600-01 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20090610 0 20090610 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 P/N 806598-01 and P/N 806600-01 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20090610 0 20090610 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 P/N 806598-01 and P/N 806600-01 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20090610 0 20090610 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 Cylinder and Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 CMM 20071130 2 Cylinder & Regulator Assemblies REPLACES 35-21-80 CMM 20041015 2 Cylinder and Valve Assembly Cylinder and Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 CMM CMM 20101220 20071130 0 3 12-Minute Chemical Oxygen Generator Pressure Gauge Kit 15 Minute Chemical Oxygen Generator ACMM ACMM ACMM 20100810 20010430 20130430 3 1 0 20121210 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 20130823 SB 895-49040-35-01 SB 895-53040-35-01 SIL-35-127 R2 20101220 SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 20131001 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 20120117 20120402 20130430 20131001 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 10/10/98 35-32-09, SIL-35-92 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-132 20130823 SB 895-49040-35-01 SB 895-53040-35-01 SIL-35-127 R2 20110929 20080331 SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127 20051121 20131001 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 20131001 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 20131001 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 20131001 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 20131001 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 20090610 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 INDEX-001 Page 10 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) R Manual Number 35-31-55 35-28-98 35-28-95 35-28-95 35-22-50 R 47-17-92 35-29-84 35-21-97 35-22-58 Part Numbers 807434, 9700 Series, 9800 Series, 803668-01 Title/Description Portable Cylinder Assembly Revision 6 Incorporates CMM 35-32-02 Type CMM Orig. Date 2/1/70 Rev. No. 7 807435, 898, 804882, 806369, 806371, 806385, 806463, 806525, 806643, 807212 Series 807436 Series, 807448 Series, 895 Series, 805983 Series, 806733 Series 807448 Series, 895 Series, 805983 Series, 806733 Series, 807436 Series 807525-01 Cylinder and Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 CMM 20071130 3 Cylinder & Regulator Assemblies REPLACES 35-21-80 CMM 20041015 2 Cylinder & Regulator Assemblies REPLACES 35-21-80 CMM 20041015 2 48 Minute Chemical Oxygen Generator PNR 807525-01 Air Separation Module LavOx Cylinder Assembly Oxygen Deployment Container Assemblies Passenger Oxygen Mask Dispensing Unit ACMM 20131028 0 Curr. Attached Date Docs. 20120227 SB 36758-35-01 SB 9700-35-01 SB 9700-35-02 R0 SB 9800-35-01 SB 9800-35-02 R0 SIL-35-23 R1, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-146, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-149 20131001 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 20130823 SB 895-49040-35-01 SB 895-53040-35-01 SIL-35-127 R2 20130823 SB 895-49040-35-01 SB 895-53040-35-01 SIL-35-127 R2 20131028 ACMM ACMM CMM CMM 20140708 20130917 4/1/96 MAR15/09 0 2 -2 20140708 20141001 4/1/96 SIL-35-150 JUL 30/09 SIL-35-150 Passenger Oxygen Mask Dispensing Unit CMM MAR15/09 2 JUL 30/09 SIL-35-150 Passenger Oxygen Mask Dispensing Unit CMM MAR15/09 2 JUL 30/09 SIL-35-150 Oxygen Deployment Container Assemblies Passenger Oxygen Mask Dispensing Unit Passenger Oxygen Mask Dispensing Unit Passenger Oxygen Mask Dispensing Unit CMM ACMM ACMM CMM 4/1/96 20050501 20050501 MAR15/09 -1 1 2 4/1/96 20050610 20050610 JUL 30/09 Oxygen Door Latch Assembly MM 2/20/59 -- 2/20/59 35-20-79 807792-01 807894 Series 833-579, -742 Series 833-580, 833-584, 833-610, 833-833 Series 833-584, 833-610, 833-833 Series, 833-580 833-610, 833-833 Series, 833-580, 833-584 833-742, -579 Series 833-791-02, 833-792-02 833-792-02, 833-791-02 833-833 Series, 833-580, 833-584, 833-610 8790, 8950, 8955 Series 35-20-80 8790, 8950, 8955 Series Oxygen Door Latch Assembly OH 4/25/62 -- 4/25/62 H-144 35-21-65 Obsolete 35-21-66 Obsolete 35-28-91 8883, 24175 891 Series Regulator Assemblies Cylinder and Valve Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-91 Cylinder and Valve Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-91 Cylinder & Valve Assy REPLACES 35-21-65 & 35-21-66 OH MM Dec-67 4/20/72 -1 Dec-67 9/30/83 OH 4/20/72 1 9/30/83 20060828 1 H-183 894 Series Portable Oxygen Unit OH Feb-89 -- 35-28-95 895 Series, 805983 Series, 806733 Series, 807436 Series, 807448 Series 895 Series Cylinder & Regulator Assemblies REPLACES 35-21-80 CMM 20041015 2 Cylinder and Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-95 Cylinder and Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-80 CMM 5/1/89 2 OH May-89 -- 35-22-58 35-22-58 35-21-97 35-22-57 35-22-57 35-22-58 891 Series 891 Series 35-21-80 Obsolete H-180 895 Series Obsolete REVISION 39 CMM SIL-35-150 SIL-35-150 SIL-35-150 SIL-35-150 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-76, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-02 , 891-35-01 FEB 12/08 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-141, SIL-35-147 Feb-89 SIL-35-51, SIL-35-75, SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-146, SIL-35-147 20130823 SB 895-49040-35-01 SB 895-53040-35-01 SIL-35-127 R2 20041015 May-89 INDEX-001 Page 11 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) R R Manual Number 35-20-79 Part Numbers 8950, 8955, 8790 Series Title/Description Oxygen Door Latch Assembly Type MM Orig. Date 2/20/59 Rev. No. -- 35-20-79 8955, 8790, 8950 Series Oxygen Door Latch Assembly MM 2/20/59 -- 35-20-80 8950, 8955, 8790 Series Oxygen Door Latch Assembly OH 4/25/62 -- 35-20-80 8955, 8790, 8950 Series Oxygen Door Latch Assembly OH 4/25/62 -- 35-21-92 896 Series Cylinder and Valve Assembly CMM Oct15/90 -- 35-21-93 89700000 Series Cylinder and Valve Assembly CMM 10/15/90 3 35-21-99 898 Series, 804882 Series Obsolete 35-28-98 898, 804882, 806369, 806371, 806385, 806463, 806525, 806643, 807212, 807435 Series 35-20-83 8999-1, -2, -3, -5, -7 35-20-84 8999-1, -2, -3, -5, -7 Cylinder and Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-98 Cylinder & Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 CMM 6/30/98 1 CMM 20071130 3 Oxygen Shut Off Valve Assembly Oxygen Shut Off Valve Assembly MM OH 4/15/61 4/15/61 -1 H-139 Cylinder, Regulator and Mask Assembly (Executive Mark I) OH Nov-67 -- 35-31-54 9700, 9800 Series Obsolete 35-31-55 9700 Series, 9800 Series, 803668-01, 807434 Portable Cylinder Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-31-55 Portable Cylinder Assembly Revision 6 Incorporates CMM 35-32-02 MM 2/1/70 2 CMM 2/1/70 7 35-32-02 Obsolete 35-32-02 Obsolete 35-31-54 Obsolete 35-31-55 9700G2A, 9700H2A Series CMM 4/1/96 1 CMM 4/1/96 1 20040331 MM 2/1/70 2 2/20/81 9800 Series, 9700 Series, 803668-01, 807434 Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-31-55 Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-31-55 Portable Cylinder Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-31-55 Portable Cylinder Assembly Revision 6 Incorporates CMM 35-32-02 20120227 SB 36758-35-01 SB 9700-35-01 SB 9700-35-02 R0 SB 9800-35-01 SB 9800-35-02 R0 SIL-35-23 R1, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-146, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-149 20040331 CMM 2/1/70 7 35-20-45 35-20-45 35-20-21 BB1-421345, BB2-421345 BB2-421345, BB1-421345 BD2-421045, BD6-000000, BD4-421045, 289-601-444-6 BD4-421045, 289-601-444-6, BD2-421045, BD6-000000 BD6-000000, BD4-421045, 289-601-444-6, BD2-421045 CB1-330845, CB2-330845 CB2-330845, CB1-330845 CN1-330845, CN2-330845 Mask Deployment System Assemblies Mask Deployment System Assemblies PNR BD2-421045 Mask Deployment System Assemblies, Dual PNR BD2-421045 Mask Deployment System Assemblies, Dual PNR BD2-421045 Mask Deployment System Assemblies, Dual Mask Container System Assemblies Mask Container System Assemblies Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM ACMM ACMM 20131025 20131025 20140411 0 0 0 20120227 SB 36758-35-01 SB 9700-35-01 SB 9700-35-02 R0 SB 9800-35-01 SB 9800-35-02 R0 SIL-35-23 R1, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-146, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-149 20131025 20131025 20140411 ACMM 20140411 0 20140411 ACMM 20140411 0 20140411 ACMM ACMM ACMM 20140904 20140904 20130315 0 0 0 20140904 20140904 20130315 35-20-21 35-20-21 35-20-25 35-20-25 35-28-44 900019 Series 9700H2A, 9700G2A Series 9800, 9700 Series REVISION 39 Curr. Date 2/20/59 Attached Docs. SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 2/20/59 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 4/25/62 SIL-35,130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 4/25/62 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 Oct15/90 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 JAN 24/12 SB 897-35-01 R1, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-141, SIL-35-147 5/1/00 20131001 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 4/15/61 12/3/66 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 Nov-67 SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 2/20/81 INDEX-001 Page 12 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number 35-28-44 35-20-48 R R Part Numbers CN2-330845, CN1-330845 EA1-421048, EA2-421048, EA4-421048, EA5-000000, EA6-000000, 289-601-444-2 35-20-48 EA2-421048, EA4-421048, EA5-000000, EA6-000000, 289-601-444-2, EA1-421048 35-20-48 EA4-421048, EA5-000000, EA6-000000, 289-601-444-2, EA1-421048, EA2-421048 35-20-48 EA5-000000, EA6-000000, 289-601-444-2, EA1-421048, EA2-421048, EA4-421048 35-20-48 EA6-000000, 289-601-444-2, EA1-421048, EA2-421048, EA4-421048, EA5-000000 35-20-22 HA1-330845, HA2-330845 35-20-22 HA2-330845, HA1-330845 35-21-15 MC71-8, -9 PDC1-1B PDC1-1B PDC1-1B-16 PDC1-1B-16 34-14-03 PDC1-1B-161 34-14-02 PDC1-1B-25, -35 PDC1-1B-4 PDC1-1B-4 PDC1-1B-5 PDC1-1B-5 Report PDC1-3B 65-1027 REVISION 39 Title/Description Mask Deployment System Assemblies P/N EA1-421048 and P/N EA2-421048 Mask Deployment System Assemblies Type ACMM ACMM Orig. Date 20130315 20120402 Rev. No. 0 0 Curr. Attached Date Docs. 20130315 20120402 SIL-35-150 P/N EA1-421048 and P/N EA2-421048 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20120402 0 20120402 SIL-35-150 P/N EA1-421048 and P/N EA2-421048 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20120402 0 20120402 SIL-35-150 P/N EA1-421048 and P/N EA2-421048 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20120402 0 20120402 SIL-35-150 P/N EA1-421048 and P/N EA2-421048 Mask Deployment System Assemblies ACMM 20120402 0 20120402 SIL-35-150 Mask Deployment System Assemblies Mask Deployment System Assemblies Pressure Switch Assembly Speed Switch (Aerotech/UOP) Airspeed Switch (UOP) Airspeed Switch Airspeed Switch Speed Switch (Aerotech) Speed Switch (Aerotech) Rate-of-Climb Switch (Aerotech) ACMM ACMM OH OH/M OH/M CMM OH OH/M OH/M OH/M 20141223 20141223 11/15/78 6/1/62 -7/15/85 4/1/76 6/1/62 --- 0 0 -A ---A A A 20141223 20141223 11/15/78 5/1/64 -7/15/85 4/1/76 5/1/64 5/1/64 9/15/65 INDEX-001 Page 13 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY MANUAL NUMBER Manual Number Part Numbers 10100-35-01 10100 Series Title/Description Installation of the Bushing per ASB 10100-35A01 on certain P/N 10100 Series Scottoramic® Mask Assemblies under ATA Chapter 35-Oxygen Systems Installation of Bushing and Part Number ReIdentification per ASB 10100B1B14-35-A01 on P/N 10100B1B14 Scottoramic® Mask Assemblies under ATA Chapter 35-Oxygen Systems Airspeed Switch Airspeed Switch Airspeed Switch Low Pressure Flexible Oxygen Hose Cylinder and Regulator Assembly REPLACES H-137 Type SI Orig. Date 20040312 Rev. No. - Curr. Date 20040312 SI 20040501 - 20040501 OH OH CMM ACMM CMM 12/15/80 4/1/76 7/15/85 20140901 20101210 ---0 0 Oxygen Shut-Off Valve OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-01-22 Oxygen Shut-Off Valve REPLACES 35-01-21 Thermal Compensator Coupling Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-01-59 Thermal Compensator Coupling Assembly REPLACES 35-01-58 Thermal Compensator Assemblies MM 4/15/63 3 12/15/80 4/1/76 7/15/85 20140901 20101210 SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 3/1/80 CMM 4/15/63 7 MM 6/30/70 2 CMM 6/30/70 4 9/1/98 MM 4/15/72 1 12/1/95 Oxygen Shut-Off Valve CMM 4/1/90 -- 4/1/90 ACMM 6/30/99 2 20121015 Charging Valve Pressure Gauge Kit Temperature/Pressure Transducer Temperature/Pressure Transducer Pressure Transducer Oxygen Pressure Transducer Crew Oxygen Breathing Mask Assembly Spe-Don Mask, Valve and Communications Assembly Oxygen Supply and Communications Assy Pressure Regulator Pressure Regulator ACMM ACMM ACMM ACMM ACMM ACMM CMM CMM 20020430 20010430 20010430 20140314 20071130 20110527 4/1/71 10/15/84 1 1 -0 -0 1 2 20121017 20120402 20010430 SIL-35-83 20140314 20071130 20110527 4/15/90 SIL-35-70, SIL-35-150 2/15/92 SIL-35-71, SIL-35-150 OH MM OH 2/1/73 2/29/64 2/29/64 3 2 2 8/15/82 10/31/68 10/31/68 35-10-71 10100, 10800, 6849 Series Obsolete 6849 Series is OBSOLETE 35-10-80 10100, 10800 Series Mask Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-10-80 Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-10-71 CMM 4/1/62 4 5/6/85 CMM 20080530 2 35-11-23 35-11-24 Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator Assembly Diluter Demand Oxygen Regulator Assembly MM OH 8/1/62 9/1/63 2 4 Oxygen Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-11-26 Oxygen Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-16-60 Variable Pressure Regulator Assembly MM 9/1/64 4 CMM 9/1/64 11 5/1/94 MM 11/22/66 1 10/1/70 10100B1B14 10100B1B14 -35-01 34-14-01 34-14-02 34-14-03 35-01-01 35-01-12 PDC1-1B-2, -12, -15, -18, -19 PDC1-1B-25, -35 PDC1-1B-161 3980 Series, 3990, 3991 Series 800112 Series 35-01-21 27550-1, -3, -5 Obsolete 35-01-22 27550-1, -3, -5 35-01-58 801321 Series Obsolete 35-01-59 801321 Series 35-01-64 35-01-91 35-02-11 R 800209, 800626, 800627, 800628, 800847 Series 803800-01 35-02-12 35-02-13 35-02-14 35-05-06 35-06-71 35-07-48 35-10-01 35-10-05 171-12 Series, 171-13, 171-15, 171-19, 171-21, 171-22, 171-23, 171-501-00, 171-501-01, 171-501-02 26875 Series, 26884 Series 800435 Series, 807367-01 10008789 10016506 10011671 10015748 358 Sub Series 358-1426, -1426V 35-10-10 35-10-66 35-10-67 232 Series 5425 Series 5425 Series 28000 Series 28000 Series 35-11-25 27660 Series Obsolete 35-11-26 27660 Series Obsolete 35-11-34 800480 Series REVISION 39 Overboard Discharge Indicator Attached Docs. 20090515 SIL-35-96, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 7/15/81 SIL-35-93, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-150 TR 35-17, SIL-35-99, SIL-35-150 20081201 SIL-35-150 SB 10100-35-02 R4 SB 10800-35-01 R4 2/27/76 10/10/97 SIL-35-32, SIL-35-89, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 11/15/80 INDEX-001 Page 14 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY MANUAL NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number 35-11-35 Part Numbers 800480 Series Title/Description Variable Pressure Regulator Assembly Type OH Orig. Date 11/22/66 Rev. No. 1 35-11-67 35-11-68 802029-00 802029-00 Oxygen Regulator Assembly Oxygen Regulator Assembly MM OH 8/15/73 8/15/73 --- 35-11-76 651 Series Smoke and Oxygen Mask Assembly CMM 2/25/82 2 35-11-82 359 Series Obsolete 35-11-89 803623-01 Crew Oxygen Breathing System OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-13-59 Oxygen Mask CMM 3/20/87 -- CMM 4/15/90 -- 4/15/90 35-11-90 35-11-96 35-11-98 MIL – ITAR 35-12-03 35-13-58 MIL – ITAR 35-13-59 358 Sub Series 358 Sub Series 358-1507-1 Quik-Don® Oxygen Crew Mask Spe-Don Oxygen Mask Folding Quik-Don® Oxygen Mask CMM CMM CMM 7/15/92 7/15/92 12/15/91 1 1 -- 4/15/93 3/15/94 12/15/91 803127, 803163, 804182 Series 358-1506V-4, 358-1506V-5 CMM CMM 6/15/94 20100224 2 0 20120918 20100224 CMM DEC 31/06 1 JUN 29/07 35-16-60 27660 Series CMM 20071207 3 20120919 35-18-35 35-18-99 35-20-03 Obsolete 35-20-1 Obsolete 35-20-115 35-20-116 35-20-117 806835-01 10015899 289-701-1 thru -27 Regulator, Transducer & Coupling Assy Quik-Don® Mask Assemblies with Full Face Mask Crew Oxygen Breathing System REPLACES 35-11-82 Oxygen Regulator Assembly REPLACES 35-11-26 Cylinder and Valve Assembly Temperature/Pressure Transducer Passenger Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-88 Passenger Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-86 Oxygen Valve Oxygen Valve Flow Control Unit Pneumatic/Elec-Pneu OBSOLETE for 22505-7, -9 – Replaced by 35-25-05 OBSOLETE for 22504-7, -9, -11 – Replaced by 35-25-04 Flow Control Unit Pneumatic OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-25-05 Flow Control Unit Electro-Pneumatic OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-25-04 Oxygen Shut-Off Valve Oxygen Shut-Off Valve CMM ACMM OH 20101220 20121016 8/1/68 0 0 1 20101220 SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 20121016 4/15/71 OH 6/1/67 2 5/2/75 MM OH MM 4/15/62 4/1/62 10/10/63 -2 4 4/15/62 5/1/67 4/15/84 OH 9/15/63 5 4/15/84 OH 9/15/63 6 6/29/87 MM OH 5/10/66 5/10/66 --- 5/10/66 5/10/66 Passenger Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-86 PNR BD2-421045 Mask Deployment System Assemblies, Dual Mask Deployment System Assemblies Mask Container System Assemblies Cylinder & Valve Assembly REPLACES 35-22-01 Mask Deployment System Assemblies P/N EA1-421048 and P/N EA2-421048 Mask Deployment System Assemblies OH 8/1/68 1 10/1/69 ACMM 20140411 0 20140411 ACMM ACMM CMM 20141223 20140904 20100927 0 0 1 20141223 20140904 20130515 SIL-35-127 R2 ACMM ACMM 20131025 20120402 0 0 20131025 20120402 SIL-35-150 Obsolete 35-20-118A Obsolete 35-20-118B Obsolete 35-20-132 35-20-133 R 359 Series 289-104, -127, -350 11600 Series 11600 Series 22504-7, -9, -11; 22505-7, -9 22505-7, -9 22504-7, -9, -11, -13 800156 Series 800156 Series 35-20-2 289-145 Obsolete 35-20-21 BD2-421045, BD6-000000, BD4-421045, 289-601-444-6 35-20-22 HA1-330845, HA2-330845 35-20-25 CB1-330845, CB2-330845 35-20-44 804044-15, 804044-77 Series 35-20-45 35-20-48 BB2-421345, BB1-421345 EA1-421048, EA2-421048, EA4-421048, EA5-000000, EA6-000000, 289-601-444-2 REVISION 39 Curr. Date 10/1/70 Attached Docs. SIL-35-77, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 T43A Pgm Boeing Distribution T43A Pgm Boeing Distribution SIL-35-78, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 11/15/84 SIL-35-90, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 3/20/87 INDEX-001 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-72, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-73, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-150 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-150 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 Page 15 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY MANUAL NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number Part Numbers 35-20-56 10260 Series Obsolete 35-20-57 10260 Series Type MM Orig. Date 6/1/64 Rev. No. 2 Curr. Date 1/15/75 CMM 6/1/64 6 MM OH 5/18/64 5/1/64 --- 5/18/64 5/1/64 Attached Docs. 35-20-62 35-20-63 10400 Series 10400 Series Title/Description Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-20-57 Regulator Assembly REPLACES 35-20-56 Regulator Assembly Regulator Assembly 35-20-64 35-20-65 35-20-79 10350 Series 10350 Series 8790, 8950, 8955 Series Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Oxygen Door Latch Assembly MM OH MM 2/29/64 2/29/64 2/20/59 ---- 2/29/64 2/29/64 2/20/59 35-20-80 8790, 8950, 8955 Series Oxygen Door Latch Assembly OH 4/25/62 -- 4/25/62 35-20-83 35-20-84 8999-1, -2, -3, -5, -7 8999-1, -2, -3, -5, -7 Oxygen Shut Off Valve Assembly Oxygen Shut Off Valve Assembly MM OH 4/15/61 4/15/61 -1 4/15/61 12/3/66 35-21-01 Obsolete 35-21-02 35-21-08 35-21-09 35-21-11 289-601-L106 thru –L108 or 289-601-L110 thru –L112 801462 Series 792, 776 Series 792 Series 775-6XX Series OH 4/15/71 - 12/15/78 OH OH OH OH 1/29/71 11/15/70 11/15/72 4/1/71 3 3 3 4 10/10/80 10/15/78 6/1/80 8/1/75 35-21-12 775-7XX Series CMM 12/1/79 1 4/1/81 35-21-13 775-8XX Series Passenger Oxygen Mask OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-87 Oxygen Generator Assembly Oxygen Mask Stowage Rack Oxygen Mask Stowage Rack Lavatory and Cabin Attendant Oxygen Module Assembly Lavatory and Cabin Attendant Oxygen Module Assembly Lavatory and Cabin Attendant Oxygen Module Assembly Pressure Switch Assembly Cylinder and Valve Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-20 R9 Cylinder and Valve Assembly – REPLACES 35-21-19 CMM 3/1/80 1 6/1/82 OH MM 11/15/78 5/31/62 -6 11/15/78 6/1/81 CMM 7/1/62 9 Flow Control Units Pneumatic/Elec-Pneu OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-01 and 35-28-02 Flow Control Unit - Pneumatic OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-01 Electro - Pneumatic Flow Control Units OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-02 Stationary Cylinder Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-57 Stationary Cylinder Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by CMM 35-23-07 Cylinder and Valve Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-91 Cylinder and Valve Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-91 Latch Valve and Manifold MM 10/15/69 2 OH 4/1/70 3 5/31/84 OH 4/1/70 3 5/31/84 MM 6/30/70 2 1/30/76 CMM 6/30/70 5 9/1/99 MM 4/20/72 1 9/30/83 OH 4/20/72 1 9/30/83 CMM 2/1/78 -- 2/1/78 35-21-80 895 Series Obsolete 35-21-84 803661 Series Cylinder and Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-28-95 Pneumatic Flow Control Unit CMM 5/1/89 2 20041015 CMM 3/1/88 3 35-21-85 Electro-Pneumatic Flow Control Unit CMM 3/1/88 3 20060430 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 20061215 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 35-21-15 MC71-8, -9 35-21-19 6350 Series Obsolete 35-21-20 6350 Series 35-21-51 Obsolete 35-21-52 Obsolete 35-21-53 Obsolete 35-21-56 Obsolete 35-21-57 Obsolete 35-21-65 Obsolete 35-21-66 Obsolete 35-21-72 800801, 800802, 800803 Series 800801-01, -02, -03, -04 800802, 800803 Series 801307 Series 801307 Series 891 Series 891 Series 802078 Series 803662, 803663 Series REVISION 39 20130510 SIL-35-150 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-139 R3 SB 775-35-1 JAN 05/09 SB 6350-35-01 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 11/1/80 INDEX-001 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 Page 16 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY MANUAL NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number 35-21-86 Title/Description Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies (“Square Cup” Style) OBSOLETE – Replaced by 289-601 and 289-801 Series Type CMM Orig. Date 9/1/88 Rev. No. 1 Curr. Date 20030601 CMM 9/1/88 3 20040901 Obsolete 35-21-88 289-701 Series Obsolete 35-21-92 896 Series Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-22-26 & 35-22-29 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-22-27 Cylinder and Valve Assembly CMM 9/1/88 1 20040901 CMM Oct15/90 -- Oct15/90 35-21-93 897 Series Cylinder and Valve Assembly CMM 10/15/90 3 35-21-97 35-21-99 833-579, -742 Series 804882, 898 Series Oxygen Deployment Container Assemblies Cylinder and Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE - Replaced by 35-28-98 CMM CMM 4/1/96 6/30/98 -1 Passenger Oxygen Mask, Crew Oxygen Mask OH OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-87 for 289, Replaced by 35-11-90 for 232/358 Cylinder & Valve Assembly CMM OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-20-44 Flow Control Unit CMM 3/15/70 - 3/15/70 Aug 30/94 3 Aug 10/98 11/30/94 2 3/7/96 Part Numbers 289 Series (289-01E, -20E, -60E, 70E, -80, -90, -104, -127, -127-2, 127-4, 127-5, -130, -140, -145, -170, -180, -185, -235, -340, -345, -350, -355, -360, -365, -375, -380, -395, -460, -470, -475, -485, -485-1, Obsolete -725-1, -746-1) 35-21-87 289-601 Series Obsolete 35-22-01 289-601-5, -6; 232-1120; 358-1030V, -1151 Obsolete 35-22-01 804044 Series Obsolete 35-22-05 804265 Series R 35-22-07 Obsolete 35-22-18 35-22-23 35-22-26 289-801 Series 35-22-27 807218-01, -02, -03, -04. -05 289-301 Series 289-601 Series, 289-664, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01 289-701 Series 35-22-28 289-801 Series 35-22-29 289-1001, 289-1002, 289-1020 289-1030 807525-01 35-22-50 35-22-57 35-22-58 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 JAN 24/12 SB 897-35-01 R1, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-141, SIL-35-147 4/1/96 SIL-35-150 5/1/00 SIL-35-88, SIL-35-130, SIL35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL35-150 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-22-28 12-Minute Chemical Oxygen Generator Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly Passenger Oxygen Mask Assembly REPLACES 35-21-87 CMM 2/28/97 1 20030601 ACMM ACMM CMM 20100810 20091125 20040901 3 4 2 20120117 DEC 15/14 Jul 23/12 SIL-35-107, SIL-35-150 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assy REPLACES 35-21-88 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assy REPLACES 35-22-07 Demonstration Mask Assembly REPLACES part of 35-21-87 48 Minute Chemical Oxygen Generator PNR 807525-01 Passenger Oxygen Mask Dispensing Unit Passenger Oxygen Mask Dispensing Unit CMM 20040901 1 CMM 20030601 2 JUL 20/12 SIL-35-80, SIL-35-107, SIL35-150 APR 4/13 SIL-35-82, SIL-35-150 ACMM 20040901 1 JUL 27/12 SIL-35-150 ACMM 20131028 0 20131028 ACMM CMM 20050501 MAR 15/09 1 2 20050610 SIL-35-150 JUL 30/09 SIL-35-150 Cylinder and Regulator Assembly REPLACES H-173 CMM JAN 26/09 -- JAN 26/09 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-111, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 20110712 SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-141, SIL-35-142, SIL-35-147 20130211 20120821 35-22-93 833-791-02, 833-792-02 833-580, 833-584, 833-610, 833-833 Series 801293 Series 35-23-07 801307 Series Cylinder and Valve Assemblies REPLACES 35-21-57 CMM 20060502 1 35-23-26 35-23-83 10015326 383-GGKK Absolute Pressure Switch Sky Mask IITM Continuous Flow Aviation Oxygen Mask ACMM ACMM 20130211 20120821 0 0 REVISION 39 Attached Docs. INDEX-001 Page 17 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY MANUAL NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number 35-23-84 35-23-87 35-24-16 35-24-41 35-25-04 Part Numbers 10014384 801387-92, 801387-93 807416-01, -02, -03 289-601-441-1 22504-07, -09, -11, -13 35-25-05 22505-07, -09 35-28-01 800801-01, -02, -03, -04 35-28-02 800802, 800803 Series 35-28-06 289-601-444-1, 806598-01, 806599-01, 806600-01, 806614-01, 806615-01 CN1-330845, CN2-330845 891 Series 35-28-44 35-28-91 35-28-95 35-28-98 R R R 35-29-84 35-30-68 35-30-77 Obsolete 35-30-78 Obsolete 35-30-93 35-30-94 35-31-07 895 Series, 805983 Series, 806733 Series, 807436 Series, 807448 Series 804882, 806369, 806371, 806385, 806463, 806525, 806643, 807212, 807435, 898 Series 807894 Series 806068-01 5500, 5600 Series 5500, 5600 Series 6000B1-0, -1; 6080-3 6000B1-0, -1; 6080-3 802501, 802502, 802511, 802512 Series 35-31-54 9700, 9800 Series Obsolete 35-31-55 9700 Series, 9800 Series, 803668-01, 807434 35-31-81 Title/Description Temperature / Pressure Transducer 22 Minute Chemical Oxygen Generator 15 Minute Chemical Oxygen Generator Passenger Oxygen Mask Electro-Pneumatic Continuous Flow Control REPLACES 35-20-117 and 35-20-118B Pneumatic Continuous Flow Control Unit REPLACES CMM 35-20-117 and 35-20-118A Pneumatic Flow Control Unit REPLACES 35-21-51 and 35-21-52 Electro-Pneumatic Flow Control Units REPLACES 35-21-51 and 35-21-53 P/N 806598-01 and P/N 806600-01 Mask Deployment System Assemblies Type ACMM ACMM ACMM CMM CMM Orig. Date 20100624 20110311 20130430 20050501 20090831 Rev. No. 0 0 0 1 -- CMM 20090105 3 CMM 20090605 0 CMM 20090210 -- ACMM 20090610 0 Mask Deployment System Assemblies Cylinder & Valve Assy REPLACES 35-21-65 & 35-21-66 ACMM CMM 20130315 20060828 0 1 Cylinder & Regulator Assemblies REPLACES 35-21-80 CMM 20041015 2 Cylinder and Regulator Assy REPLACES 35-21-99 CMM 20071130 3 LavOx Cylinder Assembly Portable Oxygen Cylinder & Mask Assy Portable Oxygen Equipment OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-30-78 Portable Oxygen Equipment OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-32-18 Oxygen Equipment Oxygen Equipment Aviox® Portable Oxygen Equipment ACMM ACMM MM 20130917 20080331 5/1/63 2 -4 20130315 FEB 12/08 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-141, SIL-35-147 20130823 SB 895-49040-35-01 SB 895-53040-35-01 SIL-35-127 R2 20131001 SB 898-35-02 R3 SB 807435-01-35-01 R0 SIL-35-127 R2 20141001 20080331 SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, 12/31/79 CMM 5/1/63 12 20040415 MM OH CMM 6/15/59 6/15/59 4/15/74 --3 6/15/59 6/15/59 10/15/86 Portable Cylinder Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-31-55 Portable Cylinder Assembly Revision 6 Incorporates CMM 35-32-02 MM 2/1/70 2 2/20/81 CMM 2/1/70 7 CMM 6/15/87 1 CMM 4/1/96 1 CMM 3/31/98 -- 803240, 803342-01, 803695-01, -03 Portable Oxygen Cylinder Case Assembly Series 35-32-02 9700G2A, 9700H2A Series Obsolete 35-32-09 804596 Series REVISION 39 Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly OBSOLETE – replaced by 35-31-55 Portable Variable-Flow O2 Reg. Assy. Curr. Attached Date Docs. 20100624 20110311 SIL-35-139 R3 20130430 20050610 SIL-35-123, SIL-35-140 20090831 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 20110603 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 20090605 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 20090210 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 20090610 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SB 802502-35-01 SB 802512-35-01 SIL-35-101, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 20120227 SB 36758-35-01 SB 9700-35-01 SB 9700-35-02 R0 SB 9800-35-01 SB 9800-35-02 R0 SIL-35-23 R1, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-146, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-149 9/30/99 SIL-35-09, SIL-35-51 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-148 R1 20040331 3/31/98 INDEX-001 SIL-35-91, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 Page 18 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY MANUAL NUMBER (Continued) R R Manual Number 35-32-10 Part Numbers 805252 Series Title/Description Portable Oxygen Cylinder & Regulator Assy Type CMM Orig. Date 10/10/98 Rev. No. -- 35-32-17 802300-14 ACMM 20010415 2 35-32-18 5500, 5600 Series Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) (PBE cannot be repaired or overhauled) Portable Cylinder Assy REPLACES 35-30-78 CMM 20040415 2 35-33-26 806326 Series Obsolete 35-35-52 3552 Series Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assy OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-35-52 Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assy REPLACES 35-33-26 CMM 20050923 1 CMM 20060215 3 35-35-53 3553 Series Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assy CMM 20080324 2 35-35-54 35-35-55 3554AAAEAACXBD 3555BAAEAACXBD CMM CMM 20141205 20121018 0 0 35-37-58 35-39-85 47-17-92 405-935 605-907 833-35-01 36758-11, -12, -22 805985-01, 805985-02 807792-01 200255 (all S/N) 605-200 289-601, 289-701, 289-801 Series Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly 3555 Series Bracket Assembly Bracket Assembly Air Separation Module Portable Communication/Oxygen Test Stand Communication/Oxygen Tester Passenger Mask Repacking Procedure (Specified by instructions contained in deployment containers in certain light A/C) Push-Pull Regulator OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-01-12 Cylinder, Regulator and Mask Assembly (Executive Mark I) 20091110 SB 36758-35-01 SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132 SIL-35-136, SIL-35-145, SIL-35-147 20100819 SB 3553-35-02 R1 SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-153 20141205 20121018 ACMM ACMM ACMM TR TM SI 20091120 20100707 20140708 1/1/87 5/28/86 5/31/85 1 1 0 0 B D 20100707 20110929 20140708 1/1/87 5/28/86 20041119 OH Nov-66 2 2/10/81 OH Nov-67 -- Nov-67 H-137 800114 Series Obsolete H-139 900019 Series Curr. Date 10/10/98 Attached Docs. 35-32-09, SIL-35-92, SIL-35-103, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-132 20101105 SIL-35-100, SIL-35-126 20131227 SB 5500-35-01, SB 5500-35-02, SB 5500-35-03, SB 5600-35-01, SB 5600-35-02, SIL-35-21 R2, SIL-35-105, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-146, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-148 R1 20051121 H-140 25200-11, -22, -38, -48, -54, -63 Portable Oxygen Equipment (Executive Mark II) OH Oct-67 A Sep-69 H-141 H-142 6000M, 11010 32000-02, -03, -04, -05, -06 Demand and Pressure Demand Regulators Portable Oxygen Equipment (Executive Mark III) OH OH Oct-67 Jul-87 --- Oct-67 Jul-87 H-143 H-144 H-145 H-146 H-147 33175, 28500 24175, 8883 6370-6380 23599-00, -01, -02, -03 800294 Series Manifold and Outlets Regulator Assemblies Demand Flow Regulator Assembly Oxygen Outlet Assembly Push-Pull Regulator Assembly OH OH OH OH OH Jun-68 Dec-67 Oct-67 Nov-67 Jun-68 ------ Jun-68 Dec-67 Oct-67 Nov-67 Jun-68 REVISION 39 INDEX-001 SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-76, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-97, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 Page 19 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX INDEX BY MANUAL NUMBER (Continued) Manual Number H-170 Part Numbers 801977-05 Title/Description Cylinder, Regulator and Compensator Assembly Type OH Orig. Date Jun-74 Rev. No. -- Curr. Date Jun-74 H-173 801292-00, -01, -02, -03, -04 Obsolete H-174 802814-01, -02 Oxygen Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-22-93 Oxygen Mask Drop Out System OH Oct-80 A Nov 84 OH Jan-83 -- Jan-83 H-180 895 Series Obsolete H-183 894 Series Cylinder and Regulator Assembly OBSOLETE – Replaced by 35-21-80 Portable Oxygen Unit OH May-89 -- May-89 OH Feb-89 -- Feb-89 H-69 H-73 P-756 Rev 1 P-756 Rev 2 P-765 P-766 Rev. -- Variable Flow Regulator Assembly Constant Flow Regulator Assembly (Inactive) Flow Control Unit Test Stand (S/N 001-021) Flow Control Unit Test Stand (S/N 022 & up) Test Bench Altitude Compensated Air Enrichment Test Stand Altitude Compensated Air Enrichment Test Stand Outlet Flow-Test Test Stand Outlet Flow-Test Test Stand Regulator Resistance Demand and Leakage Test Stand OBSOLETE – Replaced by P-771 Port. Comm./O2 Test Stand (Supplement) Port. Comm./O2 Test Stand (Supplement) Leak and Flow Test Stand Leak and Flow Test Stand Regulator Function Test Stand Speed Switch (Aerotech/UOP) Airspeed Switch (UOP) Speed Switch (Aerotech) Speed Switch (Aerotech) Rate-of-Climb Switch (Aerotech) OH OH OH OH IOI IOI 4/20/66 11/1/66 --5/1/86 4/29/86 -1 1 2 1 -- 4/20/66 8/1/73 7/1/94 7/1/99 6/30/00 4/29/86 IOI 4/29/86 1 1/7/97 IOI IOI IOI 6/6/96 6/6/96 3/17/97 -1 - 6/6/96 11/15/00 3/17/97 TM TM IOI IOI IOI OH/M OH/M OH/M OH/M OH/M 1/15/99 11/2002 11/15/00 12/15/00 12/30/00 6/1/62 -6/1/62 --- -----A -A A A 1/15/99 11/2002 11/15/00 12/15/00 12/30/00 5/1/64 -5/1/64 5/1/64 9/15/65 24555 Series 800308 Series 800801-00-T53-1 800801-00-T53-1 37190-012 28000-T53-10 (S/N 001-006) P-766 Rev. 1 28000-T53-10 (S/N 007 & up) P-767 Rev. 0 5009-S58-10 (S/N 001) P-767 Rev. 1 5009-S58-10 (S/N 002 & up) P-768 5600-T58-1 Obsolete P-769 P-769A P-771 P-772 P-773 PDC1-1B PDC1-1B-16 PDC1-1B-4 PDC1-1B-5 Report 65-1027 200255 (S/N 012) 200255 (S/N 013 & up) 5600-S58-1 (S/N 001 & up) 358-S58-1 (S/N 001 & up) 27660-T58-10 (S/N 001 & up) PDC1-1B PDC1-1B-16 PDC1-1B-4 PDC1-1B-5 PDC1-3B Attached Docs. SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-147 SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-147, SIL-35-150 SIL-35-51, SIL-35-75, SIL-35-103, SIL-35-125, SIL-35-126, SIL-35-127, SIL-35-130, SIL-35-131, SIL-35-132, SIL-35-146, SIL-35-147 TEMPORARY REVISION INDEX TR No. TR-35-17 Description Variable Oxygen Line Pressure Regulator REVISION 39 Affected Manual 35-10-67 OH Part Number 5425 Series Pub. Date 2/3/97 INDEX-001 Incorp. Date Current Page 20 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY PART NUMBER SB Number 807435-01-35-01 R Orig. Date 20140210 Rev. No. 0 Curr. Date 20140210 Incorp. Into 20040310 -- 20040310 35-10-80 20140922 4 20150107 Current 20040730 -- 20040730 35-10-80 11/15/63 1 3/15/64 H-71, -96 11/15/63 1 3/15/64 H-71, -96 11/15/63 1 3/15/64 H-71, -96 11/15/63 1 3/15/64 H-71, -96 11/15/63 1 3/15/64 H-71, -96 6/15/66 1 6/20/67 -- -- -- Oxygen, Auto-Turn-On Altitude Actuated 3/18/60 -- 3/18/60 Single Position Retrofit Kit 5/30/60 1 3/15/62 5/30/60 1 3/15/62 2/2/62 11/6/61 3/20/63 6/1/70 -- -3 ---- 2/2/62 10/23/63 3/20/63 6/1/70 -- H-65, -113, -99, -116 H-65, -113, -116 H-65, -113, -116 H-65, -113, -116 H-65, -113, -116 H-63 H-63 H-63 H-63 H-63 2/27/70 1/5/73 --- 2/27/70 1/5/73 H-63, -124 H-124, -63 6/15/66 1 6/20/67 -- -- -- H-65, -113, -99, -116 H-65, -113, -116 H-65, -113, -116 H-65, -113, -116 H-65, -113, -116 H-82 Title/Description Replacement of AVOX Part Number 10014384 Transducer, A Subassembly of AVOX Systems PNRS 803980-04 and 807435-01 Cylinder and Regulator Assemblies; Sold as AVOX PNR 10014384 Alert SB 10100 A1[ ], 10100 B1[ ], Inspection for Correct Breathing Tube Attachment; 10100-35-A01 10100 C1[ ], 10100 D1[ ] Installation of Inspection Flag 10100-35-02 10100 Series Inspection of AVOX Systems Part Number (PNR) 10100 Series Smoke Masks Alert SB 10100B1B14 Inspection for correct Breathing Tube Attachment; 10100B1B14-35-A01 Installation of Bushing with P/N Change 35-15 10117-2, -3, -4; 10120-1, -2; Install Insulator Gasket 10123,-1; 10130; 10168 35-15 10120-1, -2; 10123,-1; Install Insulator Gasket 10130; 10168; 10117-2, -3, -4 35-15 10123,-1; 10130; 10168; Install Insulator Gasket 10117-2, -3, -4; 10120-1, -2 35-15 10130; 10168; 10117-2, -3, Install Insulator Gasket -4; 10120-1, -2; 10123,-1 35-15 10168; 10117-2, -3, -4; Install Insulator Gasket 10120-1, -2; 10123,-1; 10130 35-21 10350, 10500, 10775, 11600 Replace Bumper Link Assy 35-60-01 10350, 10500, 11600 Series Proper Operating Sequence 35-60-04 10350; 10500-6, -10, -14; 11600 10350-03; 10500-6, -10, -14, -15, -19; 11600-1 10350-03; 10500-6, -10, -14, -15, -19; 11600-1 10400 10400 10400 10400 10400 35-05 35-60-05 Parts & Tool Info 35-21 Single Position Retrofit Kit SB number in error – see 35-05 On-Off Valve Retrofit Emergency “ON-OFF” Valve Retrofit Kit Oxygen 100% Normal-Valve Switch Kit Replacement of Attaching Screw Addition of Witness Hole to Indicate Incorporation of Latest Flow Indicator 10400, 28000 Replacement of Flow Indicator Body Assy 10400, 28000 Inspection for and Replacement of Defective Spring in Flow Indicator Body Assy 10500, 10775, 11600, 10350 Replace Bumper Link Assy 35-60-01 10500, 11600 Series, 10350 Proper Operating Sequence 35-05 Single Position Retrofit Kit 5/30/60 1 3/15/62 Single Position Retrofit Kit SB number in error – see 35-05 Oxygen, Auto-Turn-On Altitude Actuated 5/30/60 1 3/15/62 3/18/60 -- 3/18/60 Replace Seat of Valve Seat Assy 11/20/63 1 3/15/64 35-21 10500-6, -10, -14, -15, -19; 11600-1; 10350-03 10500-6, -10, -14, -15, -19; 11600-1; 10350-03 10500-6, -10, -14; 11600; 10350 10761-1, -2, -3, -5, -6; 10850 Series; 10775, 11600, 10350, 10500 Replace Bumper Link Assy 6/15/66 1 6/20/67 10800-35-01 10800 Series Inspection of AVOX Systems Part Number (PNR) 10800 Series Smoke Mask 20140915 4 20141219 35-09 35-10 35-11 35-27 35-60-03 35-29 35-37 35-60-05 35-60-04 35-14 R Part Numbers Affected 10014384, 803980-04, 807435-01, REVISION 39 INDEX-001 H-65, -113, -99, -116 Current Page 21 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) SB Number 35-14 35-22 35-60-01 Part Numbers Affected 10850 Series; 10761-1, -2, -3, -5, -6 11600 11600 Series, 10350, 10500 35-21 11600, 10350, 10500, 10775 Replace Bumper Link Assy 6/15/66 1 6/20/67 35-60-04 Oxygen, Auto-Turn-On Altitude Actuated 3/18/60 -- 3/18/60 Conversion Kit Single Position Retrofit Kit 1/25/61 5/30/60 -1 1/25/61 3/15/62 1 3/15/62 2/19/65 7/18/68 9/28/76 1 --- 5/31/67 7/18/68 9/28/76 35-19 35-20 35-18 35-24 35-46 35-47 35-26 35-17 35-25 35-44 22504-5, 22505-5 22504-5, 22505-5 22504-5; 22505-3, -5 22504-7 22504-7 22504-7 22504-7, -9; 22505-7 22505, 22504 22505, 22504 22505, 22504 1/24/66 11/1/65 9/19/65 3/12/68 3/28/77 Not Pub. 4/3/69 2/19/65 7/18/68 9/28/76 -------1 --- 1/24/66 11/1/65 9/19/65 3/12/68 3/28/77 Not Pub. 4/3/69 5/31/67 7/18/68 9/28/76 H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B H-118B H-118B H-118B H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B 35-18 35-19 35-20 35-26 35-32 35-13 35-52 35-39 35-28 35-16 27660-35-01 9/19/65 1/24/66 11/1/65 4/3/69 7/3/70 2/12/63 8/28/89 9/26/73 9/15/69 1/15/65 5/1/94 ------------ 9/19/65 1/24/66 11/1/65 4/3/69 7/3/70 2/12/63 8/28/89 9/26/73 9/15/69 1/15/65 5/1/94 H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B No effect No effect No effect H-122 H-126 H-126 20071207 27660-35-02 22505-3, -5, 22504-5; 22505-5, 22504-5, 22505-5, 22504-5, 22505-7, 22504-7, -9; 23640, 800412 23640-1, -3, -5 26969 27550 27660 27660 Series 27660, 800378, 803127, 803163, 803953 Series 27660 Series 20110209 3 20120315 20120919 35-23 35-29 35-37 27660-1, -3, -5, -7, -9 28000, 10400 28000, 10400 5/1/67 2/27/70 1/5/73 ---- 5/1/67 2/27/70 1/5/73 H-126 H-63, -124 H-124, -63 289-35-10 289 Series 5/27/85 -- 5/27/85 35-22-26 289-664-35-01 289-128-35-01 289-35-15 289 Series 289-127-2 289-127-5; 289-601-234; 289-601-34, -35 289-601 Series Single Position Retrofit Kit SB number in error – see 35-05 Aneroid Test Boeing Composite Replacement of O-Ring Seals at Possible Leakage Points Remove Automatic Turn-Off Modify Flow Control Valve Assy Modification Kits A, B and C Boeing Composite Pressure Switch Inspection and Rework Pressure Transducer Replacement Boeing Composite Aneroid Test Boeing Composite Replacement of O-Ring Seals at Possible Leakage Points Modification Kits A, B and C Remove Automatic Turn-Off Modify Flow Control Valve Assy Boeing Composite Fuel Selector Valve – Replacement Replacement of Preformed Packings Hand Knob Operated Oxygen Regulators Replacement of Packing Retainer and Washer Replacement of Oxygen Lubricant Install Internal Leakage Test Parts Replacement Procedure for 27660 Series Oxygen Regulator Assy Establishment of 5-Year Overhaul Period for AVOX Systems Part Number (PNR) 27660 Series Oxygen Regulator Assemblies Oxygen – Oxygen Regulator Assy Replacement of Flow Indicator Body Assy Inspection for and Replacement of Defective Spring in Flow Indicator Body Assy Field Inspection of Oxygen Mask Connector (289 Series) Field Inspection of Pax Masks Field Inspection of Pax Masks Field Inspection of Oxygen Mask Connector (289 Series) Field Inspection of PAX Masks 5/30/60 35-17 35-25 35-44 11600; 10350; 10500-6, -10, -14; 11600-1 11600-1; 10350-03; 10500-6, -10, -14, -15, -19; 11600-1; 10350-03; 10500-6, -10, -14, -15, -19; 22504, 22505 22504, 22505 22504, 22505 H-116 H-65, -113, -116 H-65, -113, -99, -116 H-65, -113, -116 H-116 H-65, -113, -116 H-65, -113, -116 H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B 1/28/93 1/28/93 --- 1/28/93 1/28/93 Obsolete Obsolete 1/28/93 -- 1/28/93 35-22-26 35-07 35-05 35-60-05 289-601-35-05 REVISION 39 Title/Description Replace Seat of Valve Seat Assy Parts & Tool Info Oxygen – By Pass Oxygen Valve Proper Operating Sequence Parts Kit 10008869 Gauges 200360-1, -2 Orig. Date 11/20/63 Rev. No. 1 Curr. Date 3/15/64 Incorp. Into H-82 5/10/67 -- --- 5/10/67 -- Gauge 289-57-S76-1 INDEX-001 Page 22 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) SB Number 289-601-35-06 Part Numbers Affected 289-601 Series 289-35-16 289-601 Series, 289-701 Series, 289-801 Series 289-601-2, -5 289-601-35-3 Title/Description Field Inspection and Replacement of Pax Oxygen Masks with Inflatable Flow Indicator from March 2000 Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies 289-90-35-01 3425/3450-32-01 Addition of Flow Indicator Type Bag & Tube Assembly to Passenger Oxygen Masks 289-601-2, -5, -6, -16, -17 Installation of Bag Retainer Disk in Oxygen Mask Assembly Bag 289-601-234; 289-601-34, - Field Inspection of Oxygen Mask Connector (289 35; 289-127-5; Series) 289-601-34, -35; Field Inspection of Oxygen Mask Connector (289 289-127-5; 289-601-234; Series) 289-601-L105, -L106, -L107, Installation of Bag Retainer Disk in Oxygen Mask -L108, -6, -10, -11, -12, -13, Assembly Bag -14, -15 289-601-L110, -L111 Addition of Flow Indicator Type Bag and Tube Assembly to Passenger Oxygen Masks for L1011 Aircraft 289-701 Series Field Inspection of Pax Masks 289-701 Series, Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies 289-801 Series, 289-601 Series 289-701-201 thru -237 Addition of Flow Indicator Type Bag and Tube Assembly to PAX Oxygen Masks for BAC707/27/37/47 A/C 289-801 Series, Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies 289-601 Series, 289-701 Series 289-90 (from 4/92 thru 8/92) Field Inspection of Pax Masks 3425, 3450 Series Replacement of Tailwheel Spring P/N 3432-00 3425/3450-32-01 3450 Series, 3425 Replacement of Tailwheel Spring P/N 3432-00 3552-35-01 3552-35-02 3552-35-03 3552 Series 3552 Series 3552 Series New POCA Sling Strap Adjust POCA Flow Rates Conversion from Amend. D to Amend. E 3552-35-04 3552 Series 3553-35-01 3553 Series 3553-35-02 3553 Series 35-2 358 Series Field upgrade of the POCA from Amend. D to Amend. F Field Upgrade of the POCA by converting Regulator and Valve Assembly PNR 806575-01 to Regulator and Valve Assembly PNR 806575-02 Replacement of Low Pressure Outlet Fitting Assembly used on Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly (POCA) Part Number (PNR) 3553CAAYAACXBB Installation of Smoke Goggle Vent-Valve onto Folding Quik-Don® Mask Assemblies (Obsolete – Replaced by 358-35-53) Installation of Smoke Goggle Vent-Valve onto Folding Quik-Don® Mask Assemblies (Obsolete – Replaced by 358-35-53) Installation of Knob on Quik-Don® Masks Installing Smoke Goggle Bent-Valve Bracket on Mask Assembly Install TSO-C99 approved Vent Valve Kit Conversion Kit to Foldable Quik-Don® 289-601-35-1 289-35-15 289-35-15 289-601-35-2 289-601-35-4 289-701-35-02 289-35-16 289-701-35-1 289-35-16 Obsolete 35-3 358 Series Obsolete 358-1466-35-01 358 Series 358-35-05 358 Series 358-35-53 35-1 REVISION 39 358 Series 358-1008 Parts & Tool Info 5/5/00 Orig. Date 5/5/00 Rev. No. -- Curr. Date 5/5/00 Incorp. Into 35-22-26 20020211 -- 20020211 5/26/76 -- 5/26/76 35-22-26 35-22-27 35-22-28 35-22-26 2/11/74 1 4/10/74 35-22-26 3/1/74 1 4/10/74 35-22-26 12/15/77 -- 12/15/77 35-22-26 1/28/93 20020211 --- 1/28/93 20020211 35-22-27 35-22-26 35-22-27 35-22-28 12/1/71 Prelim. -- 12/1/71 Prelim. 20020211 -- 20020211 1/28/93 10/23/98 --- 1/28/93 10/23/98 35-22-26 35-22-27 35-22-28 Obsolete Current 10/23/98 -- 10/23/98 Current 20060815 20061019 OCT 30/07 JUN 01/09 --1 20060815 20061019 JAN 31/08 35-35-52 35-35-52 35-35-52 0 JUN 01/09 Current 20100831 0 20100831 35-35-53 20110211 1 APR 10/12 35-35-53 4/1/77 -- 4/1/77 Obsolete 9/15/97 -- 9/15/97 Obsolete 2/1/86 6/15/84 --- 2/1/86 6/15/84 35-11-90 35-11-90 6/15/90 3/1/69 2 -- 3/1/91 3/1/69 Current 35-11-90 Gauge 289-57-S76-1 Gauge 289-57-S76-1 Kits 26998-01 & -02 Kits 26998-01 & -02 see SB INDEX-001 Page 23 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) R R SB Number 358-1030-35-04 Part Numbers Affected 358-1030 36758-35-01 36758-35-02 36758-12 36758-22 35-60-02 35-08 35-48 5425, -1 5425-1 5500, 5600 5500-35-01 5500 Series 5500-35-02 5500 Series 5500-35-03 5500 Series 35-48 5600, 5500 5600-35-01 5600 Series 5600-35-02 5600 Series 6084-34-35-01 6084-34 35-30 6350-35-01 6350 Series 6350 Series 775-35-1 775-601 thru -649 27660-35-01 35-32 35-41 800378, 803127, 803163, 803953 Series, 27660 800412, 23640 801278 35-42 801278-03 35-43 35-40 35-31 801307 801307 (JAL only) 801307 Series REVISION 39 Title/Description Instructions for Modifying Yoke Tab of Mask Assembly Recall faulty Bracket Assembly P/N 36758-12 Portable Cylinder Bracket Assembly is replaced by P/N 36758-22 Portable Cylinder Bracket Assembly for Mounting Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA’s) Replacement of Detail Parts Rework Replacement of: Alum. Body & Cap with Brass Body & Cap; Zytel 101 Seats with Vespel SP-21 Seats; and Nitrile O-Rings with Fluoroelastomer ORings Rated Service Pressure and/or Maximum Filling Pressure Is Incorrectly Printed On Identification Plates of Certain PNR 5500 Series Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA’s) Certain PNR 5500 Series Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA) May Not Provide Full Service Flow Required by 14 CFR 23.1443(d) Replacement of Washer PNR 6370-00 with PNR 10015704 to Improve the Product and Change of Name Plate PNR 5056-00 from Metallic Plate to Adhesive Label Replacement of: Alum. Body & Cap with Brass Body & Cap; Zytel 101 Seats with Vespel SP-21 Seats; and Nitrile O-Rings with Fluoroelastomer ORings Rated Service Pressure and/or Maximum Filling Pressure Is Incorrectly Printed On Identification Plates of Certain PNR 5600 Series Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA’s) Replacement of Washer PNR 6370-00 with PNR 10015704 to Improve the Product and Change of Name Plate PNR 5056-00 from Metallic Plate to Adhesive Label. Removal from Service of all suspect 115 cu. ft. Oxygen Cylinders (P/N 6084-34) in certain AVOX Systems Cylinder Assemblies and Spare Cylinders Inspection for Leakage at System Connection Certain PNR 6350 Series Cylinder and Valve Assemblies were shipped with a burst disc that does not comply with a US DOT Rule Replacement of Sub-Miniature Oxygen Indicator Light in L-1011 Lavatory and Cabin Attendant Oxygen Modules Parts Replacement Procedure for 27660 Series Oxygen Regulator Assy Fuel Selector Valve - Replacement L-1011 Portable Chemical Oxygen Assy - Barrier Screen Installation Replacement of L-1011 Portable Chemical Oxygen Assy with Aviox Portable Oxygen Breathing Units Replacement of Valve Seat and Filter Assy Replacement of Seat and Filter Assy Install Back-Up Ring to Prevent Leakage at Gauge Parts & Tool Info 6350 Series, 801307 Series, 891000 Series, 10003367, 6084-34, 6350A34-X-A Parts Kit 10008869 Orig. Date 6/15/82 Rev. No. -- Curr. Date 6/15/82 Incorp. Into 35-11-90 20081118 20091111 2 2 20091111 20100125 Current 35-37-58 -5/10/61 1/18/82 -1 -- -9/13/61 1/18/82 H-67 H-67 H-78 20110810 2 20120430 Current 20120504 0 20120504 Current 20140919 0 20140919 Current 1/18/82 -- 1/18/82 H-78 20110810 2 20120430 Current 20140919 0 20140919 Current 20091015 1 20091209 20110712 2/27/70 20120125 -1 2/27/70 20120126 H-119 Current 10/20/78 2 7/25/83 Current 5/1/94 -- 5/1/94 20071207 7/3/70 9/21/78 --- 7/3/70 9/21/78 No effect H-163 3/13/74 -- 3/13/74 H-163 4/26/74 1/8/74 6/18/70 ---- 4/26/74 1/8/74 6/18/70 H-157 H-157 35-21-57 INDEX-001 Page 24 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) SB Number 35-35 Part Numbers Affected 801307 Series 801307-35-01 35-34 801307 Series 801321 Series 35-51 35-38 801386-83-35-02 801386 Series 801386, 801462 801386-83 35-38 35-45 35-50 801462, 801386 802501, 802502, 802511, 802512 802502 Series 802502, 802511, 802512, 802501 802511, 802512, 802501, 802502 802512 Series 802512, 802501, 802502, 802511 802895-01 803000-35-01 803000-12, -13, -14, -15 27660-35-01 803127, 803163, 803953 Series, 27660, 800378 803163, 803953 Series, 27660, 800378, 803127 803953 Series, 27660, 800378, 803127, 803163 803980-04, 807435-01, 10014384 802502-35-01 35-45 35-45 802512-35-01 35-45 27660-35-01 27660-35-01 807435-01-35-01 804044-35-01 804044-15 10010133-35-01 804882-14, -23, -33, -34; 806463-11, 898 Series 806326-35-01 10010133-35-01 806326 Series 806463-11, 898 Series, 804882-14, -23, -33, -34; 807435-01-35-01 807435-01, 10014384, 803980-04 891-35-01 35-12 895-49040-35-01 891000 Series 8933-2, -3 895 Series REVISION 39 Parts & Title/Description Tool Info Replacement of Non-Metallic Seat Valves with Metal-to-Metal Seat Configuration Field Inspection of Cylinder & Valve Assy 10008758 Transducer - Sealing Gap Between Boss on Pressure Fitting and Case Addition of Warning Placard Corrosion Due to Soldering Flux Residue Replacement of Misprinted Identification Labels on New Labels Oxygen Generator Corrosion Due to Soldering Flux Residue Inspection for Leakage and Replacement of O-Ring Seals at Possible Leakage Point Replace Instruction Label New Label Inspection for Leakage and Replacement of O-Ring Seals at Possible Leakage Point Inspection for Leakage and Replacement of O-Ring Seals at Possible Leakage Point Replace Instruction Label New Label Inspection for Leakage and Replacement of O-Ring Seals at Possible Leakage Point Modification of Regulator Body to Reposition the High Pressure Filter Alert SB to recall Chemical Oxygen Generators that see also may develop an internal crack Bombardier ASB A601R-35-013 Parts Replacement Procedure for 27660 Series Parts Kit Oxygen Regulator Assy 10008869 Parts Replacement Procedure for 27660 Series Parts Kit Oxygen Regulator Assy 10008869 Parts Replacement Procedure for 27660 Series Parts Kit Oxygen Regulator Assy 10008869 Replacement of AVOX Part Number 10014384 Transducer, A Subassembly of AVOX Systems PNRS 803980-04 and 807435-01 Cylinder and Regulator Assemblies; Sold as AVOX PNR 10014384 Precautionary Removal due to Pot. Low Level Valve Seat Leakage (S/N 109-212 only) Removal from Service of ALL 898 Series Cylinder and Regulator Assemblies (CRA’s) and Regulator Assemblies identified by Part Number (PNR) and Serial Number (SER) New POCA Sling Strap Removal from Service of ALL 898 Series Cylinder and Regulator Assemblies (CRA’s) and Regulator Assemblies identified by Part Number (PNR) and Serial Number (SER) Replacement of AVOX Part Number 10014384 Transducer, A Subassembly of AVOX Systems PNRS 803980-04 and 807435-01 Cylinder and Regulator Assemblies; Sold as AVOX PNR 10014384 Field Inspection of Cylinder & Valve Assy 10008758 Install New Latch Spring Procedures For The Conversion Of Cylinder And Regulator Assembly (CRA) P/N 895-49040 to CRA PNR 895-53040 Orig. Date 8/12/71 Rev. No. -- Curr. Date 8/12/71 Incorp. Into H-157, -120 9/15/93 8/12/71 1 -- 9/30/94 8/12/71 35-21-57 H-159 none 2/1/73 7/1/97 -1 -- none 5/11/73 7/1/97 No effect H-162 Current 2/1/73 5/13/89 1 -- 5/11/73 5/13/89 H-162 H-169 20080910 5/13/89 --- 20080910 5/13/89 Current H-169 5/13/89 -- 5/13/89 H-169 20080910 5/13/89 --- 20080910 5/13/89 Current H-169 10/1/84 -- 10/1/84 20030530 -- 20030530 Eros 35-21-01 Current 5/1/94 -- 5/1/94 20071207 5/1/94 -- 5/1/94 20071207 5/1/94 -- 5/1/94 20071207 20140210 0 20140210 Current 8/21/95 -- 8/21/95 35-20-44 R0 20100910 0 20100910 20101210 20060815 20100910 -0 20060815 20100910 Current 20101210 20140210 0 20140210 Current 9/15/93 -20110719 2 -0 9/30/94 -20110719 35-28-91 H-59 Current INDEX-001 Page 25 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY PART NUMBER (Continued) SB Number 895-53040-35-01 R R R R Part Numbers Affected 895 Series Title/Description Procedures for the Assembly and Testing of Part Number (PNR) 895-53040 Cylinder and Regulator Assembly (CRA) 10009507-35-01 898 Series Removal from Service of ALL 898 Series Cylinder and Regulator Assemblies (CRA’s) and Regulator Assemblies identified by Part Number (PNR) and Serial Number (SER) 10010133-35-01 898 Series, 804882-14, -23, - Removal from Service of ALL 898 Series Cylinder 33, -34; 806463-11 and Regulator Assemblies (CRA’s) and Regulator Assemblies identified by Part Number (PNR) and Serial Number (SER) 897-35-01 897 Series Replacement of Boss Seal on 897 Series Cylinder and Valve Assembly with Preformed Packing 898-35-01 898 Series Premature Actuation of Safety Disc 898-35-02 898 Series Corrective Action for Premature Actuation of Safety Disc in Safety Outlet 898-35-03 898 Series Release of New Part Number 806022-02 Overhaul Kit For The 898 Series Cylinder And Regulator Assemblies 35-06 8999, -1 Shut-Off (Rotary) Oxygen 9700-35-01 9700 Series Certain PNR 9700 Series Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA) May Not Provide Full Service Flow Required by 14 CFR 25.1443(d) 9700-35-02 9700 Series Replacement of Washer PNR 6370-00 with PNR 10015704 to Improve the Product and Change of Name Plate PNR 5056-00 from Metallic Plate to Adhesive Label 35-49 9700, 9800 Replacement of: Alum. Body & Cap with Brass Body & Cap; Zytel 101 Seats with Vespel SP-21 Seats; and Nitrile O-Rings with Fluoroelastomer ORings 9800-35-01 9800-1D1A-F23AN A Unit PNR 9800-1D1A-F23AN Portable Cylinder Assembly (PCA) May Not Provide Full Service Flow Required b 14 CFR 25.1443(d) 9800-35-02 9800 Series Replacement of Washer PNR 6370-00 with PNR 10015704 to Improve the Product and Change of Name Plate PNR 5056-00 from Metallic Plate to Adhesive Label 35-33 9800 Series Removal of Non-Functional Washers 35-49 9800, 9700 Replacement of: Alum. Body & Cap with Brass Body & Cap; Zytel 101 Seats with Vespel SP-21 Seats; and Nitrile O-Rings with Fluoroelastomer ORings 1248H-32-53 B711 Diaphragm Replacement Scott Cylinder Assemblies Scott Airworthiness Alert; Oxygen Dilution of Airworthiness Alert Cylinder Assemblies shipped from 5/16/83 to 9/22/83 737-MF40-35-001 MF20-003 Oxygen – Replacement of the Full Face Quick MF40-40-001 Donning Mask (QDM) Regulator 737-MF40-35-001 MF40-40-001 Oxygen – Replacement of the Full Face Quick MF20-003 Donning Mask (QDM) Regulator 35-36 Various Usage of Oxygen Lubricants and Authorized Substitutions REVISION 39 Parts & Tool Info Orig. Date 20100823 Rev. No. 2 Curr. Date 20110421 Incorp. Into Current 20100831 0 20100831 20101210 20100910 0 20100910 20101210 20121213 1 20130111 Current 20060314 20130904 0 3 20060314 20131210 35-28-98 Current 20131015 0 20131015 Current 6/7/60 20120504 -0 6/7/60 20120504 H-84 Current 20140919 0 20140919 Current 1/18/82 -- 1/18/82 H-155 20120504 0 20120504 Current 20140919 0 20140919 Current 8/21/70 1/18/82 1 -- 11/17/70 1/18/82 H-155 H-155 10/17/89 9/27/83 -1 10/17/89 12/12/83 No effect Obsolete 20141107 0 20141107 Current 20141107 0 20141107 Current 9/1/72 -- 9/1/72 All Affected INDEX-001 Page 26 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY SB NUMBER SB Number Alert SB 10100-35-A01 Alert SB 10100B1B14-35-A01 10009507-35-01 10010133-35-01 R 10100-35-02 R 10800-35-01 1248H-32-53 27660-35-01 27660-35-02 289-128-35-01 289-35-10 289-35-15 289-35-16 289-601-35-05 289-601-35-06 289-601-35-1 289-601-35-2 289-601-35-3 289-601-35-4 289-664-35-01 289-701-35-02 289-701-35-1 289-90-35-01 3425/3450-32-01 35-05 35-06 35-07 35-08 35-09 REVISION 39 Part Numbers Affected 10100 A1[ ], 10100 B1[ ], 10100 C1[ ], 10100 D1[ ] 10100B1B14 Orig. Date 20040310 Rev. No. -- Curr. Date 20040310 Incorp. Into 35-10-80 20040730 -- 20040730 35-10-80 20100831 0 20100831 20101210 20100910 0 20100910 20101210 20140922 4 20150107 Current 20140915 4 20141219 Current 10/17/89 5/1/94 --- 10/17/89 5/1/94 No effect 20071207 20110209 3 20120315 20120919 1/28/93 5/27/85 --- 1/28/93 5/27/85 Obsolete 35-22-26 20020211 -- 20020211 1/28/93 5/5/00 --- 1/28/93 5/5/00 35-22-26 35-22-27 35-22-28 35-22-26 35-22-26 2/11/74 1 4/10/74 35-22-26 3/1/74 1 4/10/74 35-22-26 5/26/76 -- 5/26/76 35-22-26 12/15/77 -- 12/15/77 35-22-26 1/28/93 1/28/93 12/1/71 Prelim. ---- 1/28/93 1/28/93 12/1/71 Prelim. Obsolete 35-22-27 1/28/93 10/23/98 --- 1/28/93 10/23/98 Obsolete Current Single Position Retrofit Kit 5/30/60 1 3/15/62 Shut-Off (Rotary) Oxygen Conversion Kit Rework On-Off Valve Retrofit 6/7/60 1/25/61 5/10/61 2/2/62 --1 -- 6/7/60 1/25/61 9/13/61 2/2/62 H-65, -113, -116 H-84 H-116 H-67 H-63 Title/Description Inspection for Correct Breathing Tube Attachment; Installation of Inspection Flag Inspection for correct Breathing Tube Attachment; Installation of Bushing with P/N Change 898 Series Removal from Service of ALL 898 Series Cylinder and Regulator Assemblies (CRA’s) and Regulator Assemblies identified by Part Number (PNR) and Serial Number (SER) 804882-14, -23, -33, -34; Removal from Service of ALL 898 Series Cylinder 806463-11, 898 Series and Regulator Assemblies (CRA’s) and Regulator Assemblies identified by Part Number (PNR) and Serial Number (SER) 10100 Series Inspection of AVOX Systems Part Number (PNR) 10100 Series Smoke Masks 10800 Series Inspection of AVOX Systems Part Number (PNR) 10800 Series Smoke Mask B711 Diaphragm Replacement 27660, 800378, 803127, Parts Replacement Procedure for 27660 Series 803163, 803953 Series Oxygen Regulator Assy 27660 Series Establishment of 5-Year Overhaul Period for AVOX Systems Part Number (PNR) 27660 Series Oxygen Regulator Assemblies 289-127-2 Field Inspection of Pax Masks 289 Series Field Inspection of Oxygen Mask Connector (289 Series) 289-127-5; 289-601-34, -35; Field Inspection of Oxygen Mask Connector (289 289-601-234 Series) 289-601 Series, Passenger Oxygen Mask Assemblies 289-701 Series, 289-801 Series 289-601 Series Field Inspection of PAX Masks 289-601 Series Field Inspection and Replacement of Pax Oxygen Masks with Inflatable Flow Indicator from March 2000 289-601-2, -5, -6, -16, -17 Installation of Bag Retainer Disk in Oxygen Mask Assembly Bag 289-601-L105, -L106, -L107, Installation of Bag Retainer Disk in Oxygen Mask -L108, -6, -10, -11, -12, -13, Assembly Bag -14, -15 289-601-2, -5 Addition of Flow Indicator Type Bag & Tube Assembly to Passenger Oxygen Masks 289-601-L110, -L111 Addition of Flow Indicator Type Bag and Tube Assembly to Passenger Oxygen Masks for L1011 Aircraft 289 Series Field Inspection of Pax Masks 289-701 Series Field Inspection of Pax Masks 289-701-201 thru -237 Addition of Flow Indicator Type Bag and Tube Assembly to PAX Oxygen Masks for BAC707/27/37/47 A/C 289-90 (from 4/92 thru 8/92) Field Inspection of Pax Masks 3425, 3450 Series Replacement of Tailwheel Spring P/N 3432-00 10350-03; 10500-6, -10, -14, -15, -19; 11600-1 8999, -1 11600-1 5425-1 10400 Parts & Tool Info Parts Kit 10008869 Gauges 200360-1, -2 Gauge 289-57-S76-1 5/5/00 Kits 26998-01 & -02 INDEX-001 Page 27 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY SB NUMBER (Continued) SB Number 35-1 35-10 35-11 35-12 35-13 35-14 Part Numbers Affected 358-1008 10400 10400 8933-2, -3 23640-1, -3, -5 10850 Series; 10761-1, -2, -3, -5, -6 10117-2, -3, -4; 10120-1, -2; 10123,-1; 10130; 10168 27660 Series 22504, 22505 22504-5; 22505-3, -5 22504-5, 22505-5 358 Series 35-15 35-16 35-17 35-18 35-19 35-2 35-20 35-21 Title/Description Conversion Kit to Foldable Quik-Don® Emergency "ON-OFF" Valve Retrofit Kit Oxygen 100% Normal-Valve Switch Kit Install New Latch Spring Replacement of Preformed Packings Replace Seat of Valve Seat Assy Install Insulator Gasket Install Internal Leakage Test Aneroid Test Modification Kits A, B and C Remove Automatic Turn-Off Installation of Smoke Goggle Vent-Valve onto Folding Quik-Don® Mask Assemblies (Obsolete Obsolete Replaced by 358-35-53) 22504-5, 22505-5 Modify Flow Control Valve Assy 10350, 10500, 10775, 11600 Replace Bumper Link Assy 35-22 35-23 35-24 35-25 35-26 35-27 35-28 35-29 35-3 11600 27660-1, -3, -5, -7, -9 22504-7 22504, 22505 22504-7, -9; 22505-7 10400 27660 10400, 28000 358 Series Obsolete 35-30 35-31 35-32 35-33 35-34 6350 Series 801307 Series 23640, 800412 9800 Series 801321 Series 35-35 801307 Series 35-36 Various 35-37 28000, 10400 35-38 35-39 35-40 35-41 801386, 801462 27550 801307 (JAL only) 801278 35-42 801278-03 35-43 35-44 801307 22504, 22505 35-45 802501, 802502, 802511, 802512 22504-7 35-46 REVISION 39 Oxygen - By Pass Oxygen Valve Oxygen - Oxygen Regulator Assy Boeing Composite Boeing Composite Boeing Composite Replacement of Attaching Screw Replacement of Oxygen Lubricant Replacement of Flow Indicator Body Assy Installation of Smoke Goggle Vent-Valve onto Folding Quik-Don® Mask Assemblies (Obsolete Replaced by 358-35-53) Inspection for Leakage at System Connection Install Back-Up Ring to Prevent Leakage at Gauge Fuel Selector Valve - Replacement Removal of Non-Functional Washers Transducer - Sealing Gap Between Boss on Pressure Fitting and Case Replacement of Non-Metallic Seat Valves with Metal-to-Metal Seat Configuration Usage of Oxygen Lubricants and Authorized Substitutions Inspection for and Replacement of Defective Spring in Flow Indicator Body Assy Corrosion Due to Soldering Flux Residue Replacement of Packing Retainer and Washer Replacement of Seat and Filter Assy L-1011 Portable Chemical Oxygen Assy - Barrier Screen Installation Replacement of L-1011 Portable Chemical Oxygen Assy with Aviox Portable Oxygen Breathing Units Replacement of Valve Seat and Filter Assy Replacement of O-Ring Seals at Possible Leakage Points Inspection for Leakage and Replacement of O-Ring Seals at Possible Leakage Point Pressure Switch Inspection and Rework Parts & Tool Info Orig. Date 3/1/69 11/6/61 3/20/63 -2/12/63 11/20/63 Rev. No. -3 ---1 Curr. Date 3/1/69 10/23/63 3/20/63 -2/12/63 3/15/64 Incorp. Into 35-11-90 H-63 H-63 H-59 No effect H-82 11/15/63 1 3/15/64 H-71, -96 1/15/65 2/19/65 9/19/65 1/24/66 4/1/77 -1 ---- 1/15/65 5/31/67 9/19/65 1/24/66 4/1/77 H-126 H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B Obsolete 11/1/65 6/15/66 -1 11/1/65 6/20/67 5/10/67 5/1/67 3/12/68 7/18/68 4/3/69 6/1/70 9/15/69 2/27/70 9/15/97 ---------- 5/10/67 5/1/67 3/12/68 7/18/68 4/3/69 6/1/70 9/15/69 2/27/70 9/15/97 H-118A, -118B H-65, -113, -99, -116 H-116 H-126 H-118B H-118A, -118B H-118A, -118B H-63 H-126 H-63, -124 Obsolete 2/27/70 6/18/70 7/3/70 8/21/70 8/12/71 ---1 -- 2/27/70 6/18/70 7/3/70 11/17/70 8/12/71 H-119 35-21-57 No effect H-155 H-159 8/12/71 -- 8/12/71 H-157, -120 9/1/72 -- 9/1/72 All Affected 1/5/73 -- 1/5/73 H-124, -63 2/1/73 9/26/73 1/8/74 9/21/78 1 ---- 5/11/73 9/26/73 1/8/74 9/21/78 H-162 H-122 H-157 H-163 3/13/74 -- 3/13/74 H-163 4/26/74 9/28/76 --- 4/26/74 9/28/76 H-157 H-118A, -118B 5/13/89 -- 5/13/89 H-169 3/28/77 -- 3/28/77 H-118B INDEX-001 Page 28 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY SB NUMBER (Continued) SB Number 35-47 35-48 35-51 35-52 35-60-01 Title/Description Pressure Transducer Replacement Replacement of: Alum. Body & Cap with Brass Body & Cap; Zytel 101 Seats with Vespel SP-21 Seats; and Nitrile O-Rings with Fluoroelastomer ORings 9700, 9800 Replacement of: Alum. Body & Cap with Brass Body & Cap; Zytel 101 Seats with Vespel SP-21 Seats; and Nitrile O-Rings with Fluoroelastomer ORings 802895-01 Modification of Regulator Body to Reposition the High Pressure Filter 801386 Series Addition of Warning Placard 26969 Hand Knob Operated Oxygen Regulators 10350, 10500, 11600 Series Proper Operating Sequence 35-60-02 35-60-03 5425, -1 10400 35-60-04 3552-35-01 3552-35-02 3552-35-03 10350; 10500-6, -10, -14; 11600 10350-03; 10500-6, -10, -14, -15, -19; 11600-1 3552 Series 3552 Series 3552 Series 3552-35-04 3552 Series 3553-35-01 3553 Series 3553-35-02 3553 Series 358-1030-35-04 358-1030 358-1466-35-01 358-35-05 358 Series 358 Series 358-35-53 36758-35-01 36758-35-02 358 Series 36758-12 36758-22 5500-35-01 5500 Series 5500-35-02 5500 Series 5500-35-03 5500 Series 35-49 35-50 35-60-05 R Part Numbers Affected 22504-7 5500, 5600 REVISION 39 Parts & Tool Info Replacement of Detail Parts Addition of Witness Hole to Indicate Incorporation of Latest Flow Indicator Oxygen, Auto-Turn-On Altitude Actuated Single Position Retrofit Kit SB number in error – see 35-05 New POCA Sling Strap Adjust POCA Flow Rates Conversion from Amend. D to Amend. E Field upgrade of the POCA from Amend. D to Amend. F Field Upgrade of the POCA by converting Regulator and Valve Assembly PNR 806575-01 to Regulator and Valve Assembly PNR 806575-02 Replacement of Low Pressure Outlet Fitting Assembly used on Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly (POCA) Part Number (PNR) 3553CAAYAACXBB Instructions for Modifying Yoke Tab of Mask Assembly Installation of Knob on Quik-Don® Masks Installing Smoke Goggle Bent-Valve Bracket on Mask Assembly Install TSO-C99 approved Vent Valve Kit Recall faulty Bracket Assembly P/N 36758-12 Portable Cylinder Bracket Assembly is replaced by P/N 36758-22 Portable Cylinder Bracket Assembly for Mounting Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA’s) Rated Service Pressure and/or Maximum Filling Pressure Is Incorrectly Printed On Identification Plates of Certain PNR 5500 Series Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA’s) Certain PNR 5500 Series Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA) May Not Provide Full Service Flow Required by 14 CFR 23.1443(d) Replacement of Washer PNR 6370-00 with PNR 10015704 to Improve the Product and Change of Name Plate PNR 5056-00 from Metallic Plate to Adhesive Label see SB Orig. Date Not Pub. 1/18/82 Rev. No. --- Curr. Date Not Pub. 1/18/82 Incorp. Into H-118B H-78 1/18/82 -- 1/18/82 H-155 10/1/84 -- 10/1/84 none 8/28/89 -- ---- none 8/28/89 -- --- --- --- Eros 35-21-01 No effect No effect H-65, -113, -116 H-67 H-63 3/18/60 -- 3/18/60 5/30/60 1 3/15/62 20060815 20061019 OCT 30/07 JUN 01/09 --1 20060815 20061019 JAN 31/08 H-65, -113, -116 H-65, -113, -116 35-35-52 35-35-52 35-35-52 0 JUN 01/09 Current 20100831 0 20100831 35-35-53 20110211 1 APR 10/12 35-35-53 6/15/82 -- 6/15/82 35-11-90 2/1/86 6/15/84 --- 2/1/86 6/15/84 35-11-90 35-11-90 6/15/90 20081118 20091111 2 2 2 3/1/91 20091111 20100125 Current Current Current 20110810 2 20120430 Current 20120504 0 20120504 Current 20140919 0 20140919 Current INDEX-001 Page 29 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY SB NUMBER (Continued) R R R SB Number 5600-35-01 Part Numbers Affected 5600 Series 5600-35-02 5600 Series 6084-34-35-01 6084-34 6350-35-01 6350 Series 737-MF40-35-001 MF20-003 775-35-1 775-601 thru -649 801307-35-01 801386-83-35-02 801307 Series 801386-83 802502-35-01 802512-35-01 803000-35-01 802502 Series 802512 Series 803000-12, -13, -14, -15 804044-35-01 804044-15 806326-35-01 807435-01-35-01 806326 Series 10014384, 803980-04, 807435-01, 891-35-01 895-49040-35-01 891000 Series 895 Series 895-53040-35-01 895 Series 897-35-01 897 Series 898-35-01 898-35-02 898 Series 898 Series 898-35-03 898 Series 9700-35-01 9700 Series 9700-35-02 9700 Series REVISION 39 Title/Description Rated Service Pressure and/or Maximum Filling Pressure Is Incorrectly Printed On Identification Plates of Certain PNR 5600 Series Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA’s) Replacement of Washer PNR 6370-00 with PNR 10015704 to Improve the Product and Change of Name Plate PNR 5056-00 from Metallic Plate to Adhesive Label. Removal from Service of all suspect 115 cu. ft. Oxygen Cylinders (P/N 6084-34) in certain AVOX Systems Cylinder Assemblies and Spare Cylinders Parts & Tool Info 6350 Series, 801307 Series, 891000 Series, 10003367, 6084-34, 6350A34-X-A 35-31-20 Certain PNR 6350 Cylinder and Valve Assemblies were shipped with a burst disc that does not comply with the US DOT Rule Oxygen – Replacement of the Full Face Quick Donning Mask (QDM) Regulator Replacement of Sub-Miniature Oxygen Indicator Light in L-1011 Lavatory and Cabin Attendant Oxygen Modules Field Inspection of Cylinder & Valve Assy 10008758 Replacement of Misprinted Identification Labels on New Labels Oxygen Generator Replace Instruction Label New Label Replace Instruction Label New Label Alert SB to recall Chemical Oxygen Generators that see also may develop an internal crack Bombardier ASB A601R-35-013 Precautionary Removal due to Pot. Low Level Valve Seat Leakage (S/N 109-212 only) New POCA Sling Strap Replacement of AVOX Part Number 10014384 Transducer, A Subassembly of AVOX Systems PNRS 803980-04 and 807435-01 Cylinder and Regulator Assemblies; Sold as AVOX PNR 10014384 Field Inspection of Cylinder & Valve Assy 10008758 Procedures For The Conversion Of Cylinder And Regulator Assembly (CRA) P/N 895-49040 To CRA PNR 895-53040 Procedures for the Assembly and Testing of Part Number (PNR) 895-53040 Cylinder and Regulator Assembly (CRA) Replacement of Boss Seal on 897 Series Cylinder and Valve Assembly with Preformed Packing Premature Actuation of Safety Disc Corrective Action for Premature Actuation of Safety Disc in Safety Outlet Release of New Part Number 806022-02 Overhaul Kit For The 898 Series Cylinder And Regulator Assemblies Certain PNR 9700 Series Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA) May Not Provide Full Service Flow Required by 14 CFR 25.1443(d) Replacement of Washer PNR 6370-00 with PNR 10015704 to Improve the Product and Change of Name Plate PNR 5056-00 from Metallic Plate to Adhesive Label Orig. Date 20110810 Rev. No. 2 Curr. Date 20120430 Incorp. Into Current 20140919 0 20140919 Current 20091015 1 20091209 20110712 20120125 1 20120126 Current 20141107 0 20141107 Current 10/20/78 2 7/25/83 Current 9/15/93 7/1/97 1 -- 9/30/94 7/1/97 35-21-57 Current 20080910 20080910 20030530 ---- 20080910 20080910 20030530 Current Current Current 8/21/95 -- 8/21/95 35-20-44 R0 20060815 20140210 -0 20060815 20140210 Current Current 9/15/93 20110719 2 0 9/30/94 20110719 35-28-91 Current 20100823 2 20110421 Current 20121213 1 20130111 Current 20060314 20130904 0 3 20060314 20131210 35-28-98 Current 20131015 0 20131015 Current 20120504 0 20120504 Current 20140919 0 20140919 Current INDEX-001 Page 30 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE BULLETIN INDEX BY SB NUMBER (Continued) R SB Number 9800-35-01 Part Numbers Affected 9800-1D1A-F23AN 9800-35-02 9800 Series Scott Airworthiness Cylinder Assemblies Alert REVISION 39 Title/Description A Unit PNR 9800-1D1A-F23AN Portable Cylinder Assembly (PCA) May Not Provide Full Service Flow Required b 14 CFR 25.1443(d) Replacement of Washer PNR 6370-00 with PNR 10015704 to Improve the Product and Change of Name Plate PNR 5056-00 from Metallic Plate to Adhesive Label Scott Airworthiness Alert; Oxygen Dilution of Cylinder Assemblies shipped from 5/16/83 to 9/22/83 Parts & Tool Info Orig. Date 20120504 Rev. No. 0 Curr. Date 20120504 Incorp. Into Current 20140919 0 20140919 Current 9/27/83 1 12/12/83 Obsolete INDEX-001 Page 31 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER INDEX SIL No. SIL-35-01 SIL-35-02 SIL-35-03 SIL-35-05 SIL-35-06 SIL-35-09 SIL-35-11 SIL-35-12 SIL-35-13 SIL-35-15 SIL-35-16 Obsolete SIL-35-17 Obsolete SIL-35-18 Obsolete SIL-35-19 Obsolete SIL-35-20 R SIL-35-21 R2 SIL-35-22 R SIL-35-23 R1 SIL-35-24 SIL-35-25 SIL-35-28 SIL-35-29 Description Cylinder & Valve; Assembly Torque Cylinder & Valve; Assembly Torque Cylinder & Valve; Assembly Torque Flow Control Unit; Leakage During Low-Temp. Operation Regulator, Coupling & Transducer; Xducer Modification (Druck for Sparton) Portable Outlet Assembly Information (Optional for certain specific flow rates on 5500/5600) Potential Leakage of Coupling Assembly to Cylinder & Valve Assembly Document List (Limited Distribution) Text Change on ID Plate P/N 10003070 Inadvertent Mis-installation of Optional Container Assembly P/N 803436-02 for PBE P/N 802300-14 Important information about Service life, Shelf life, repair procedures OBSOLETE – Replaced by SIL-35-123 Important information about Service life, Shelf life, repair procedures OBSOLETE – Replaced by SIL-35-123 Important information about Service life, Shelf life, repair procedures OBSOLETE – Replaced by SIL-35-123 Important information about Service life, Shelf life, repair procedures Product Improvement-Preformed Packing Replacement Recommendations for an Overhaul: Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Kits of Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace (New Part Added), and Necessary Functional Tests after an Overhaul. Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests Recommendations for an Overhaul: Overhaul Period, minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Kits of Minimum necessary parts to Replace (New Part Added), and Necessary Functional Tests after an Overhaul Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests REVISION 39 Affected Manuals 35-21-57 CMM 35-21-66 OH 35-21-93 CMM 35-21-84, 35-21-85 CMM's 35-12-03 CMM (incorp. into 35-01-59) Part Number 801307 891 Series 897 Series 803661, 803662, 803663 Series 803163-0[ ] Series 35-31-81 CMM's Incorporated into: 35-32-18 35-01-59 CMM 803240 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 5500, 5600 801321 Series 9/15/96 Current 20010101 7/7/98 9/1/98 No effect 35-21-57 No effect 358-1390V 801307 Series 802300-14 9/4/98 2/22/99 8/20/99 Current 9/1/99 20010415 35-22-26 CMM 289-601 Series 20010910 20040901 35-22-27 CMM 289-701 Series 20010910 20040901 35-22-07 CMM 289-801 Series 20010910 20030601 35-21-86 CMM 289 Series 20010910 Obsolete H-137,35-21-80, 35-21-99 20040410 Current 35-32-18 800112 Series, 801293 Series, 801365 Series, 801977 Series, 802890-02, 803207-01, 804882 Ser., 806010-01, 806013-01, 806369 Series, 806371 Series, 895 Series, 898 Series 5500 & 5600 Series 20140919 Current 35-21-57 801307 Series 20030213 20060502 35-31-55 PNR 9700 Series except PNR 9700G2A and 9700-H2A Sub-Series, PNR 9800 Series, 803668-01 20140919 Current 35-28-95 895 Series 20040730 20041015 35-31-55 9700-G2A & 9700-H2A Series 20030215 20040331 35-21-20 6350 Series 20040722 JAN 05/09 35-11-26 27660 Series 20040805 20071207 INDEX-001 Pub. Date 11/13/92 11/13/92 11/13/92 8/1/95 8/10/95 Incorp. Date 9/1/99 35-28-91 NOV 18/08 20060430 20061215 20110425 Page 32 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER INDEX (Continued) SIL No. SIL-35-31 SIL-35-32 SIL-35-34 R3 SIL-35-35 SIL-35-36 R1 SIL-35-41 SIL-35-42 SIL-35-43 SIL-35-44 SIL-35-51 R1 SIL-35-54 R2 Description Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests Alternative procedure for replacement of safety plug washer on certain end items; New end item P/N’s New end items, P/N, materials, tool; corrects procedures Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests Important information about Overhaul Period, Minimum Necessary Parts to Replace, Parts Kits, Functional Tests New FAA rule requires masks to be connected to PCA’s Onboard certain aircraft. Affected Manuals H-137 Part Number 800114 Pub. Date 20040730 Incorp. Date 20101210 35-11-24 28000 Series 20041025 Current 35-21-99 806369, 806371, 806385, 898 Series 20070601 20071130 35-21-99 804882 Series, 898LT0C22 20040831 20071130 35-13-59 (35-11-82) 359 Series 20040914 35-13-59 35-21-52 800801 20041210 20090605 35-21-53 800802, 800803 20041210 20090210 35-21-84 803661 20041210 20060430 35-21-85 803662, 803663 20041210 20061215 35-31-81, H-183 20060601 Current Incorporated into: 35-31-55 R7, 35-32-18 R1 Incorporated into: 35-31-55 R7, 35-32-18 R1 803240 Ser., 803519-01, 803675-01, 803668 Series, 803963-01, 80606801, 894 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 5500 Series, 9700 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 5600 Series, 9800 Series 20060601 20120227 H-137 H-173 35-21-93 35-21-20 35-21-93 35-21-20 800114 Series 801292-00, -01, -02, -03, -04 897 Series 6350 Series 897 Series 6350 Series 20060301 20060305 20061211 20070405 20071015 20071015 20101210 Current NOV 18/08 20090105 NOV 18/08 20090105 35-35-52, 35-33-26 3552 Series, 806326 Series 20070725 Current 35-35-52, 35-33-26 3552 Series, 806326 Series 20060707 895 Series 895 Series 5500 Series, 5600 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 9700 Series, 9800 Series, 803668-01 289-601 Series 358 Series Quik-Don® Mask 358 Series Spe-Don Mask 358 Series Quik-Don® w O2 Hose 358 Series Spe-Don w O2 hose 898 Series, 804882 Series, 806369 Series, 806371 Series, 806385 Series 894 Series 20061121 20061121 20061009 20081120 REPLD – SB 20110328 20110328 20111202 20120227 20060922 20060907 20060907 20060907 20060907 20060829 Current Current Current Current Current 20071130 20060912 Current SIL-35-64 SIL-35-65 SIL-35-66 R1 SIL-35-67 R1 New FAA rule requires masks to be connected to PCA’s Onboard certain aircraft. Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add 48 Hour Latent Leak Test Change Latent Leak Test to 48 hours, NonSubmerge Change Quad Seal to O-Ring in Regulator P/N 806379-03 Change Length of Strap; REPLACED BY SB 3552-35-01 Add Test Data Sheet Add 48 Hour Latent Leak Test Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet SIL-35-69 SIL-35-70 SIL-35-71 SIL-35-72 SIL-35-73 SIL-35-74 Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet 35-28-95 35-28-95 35-32-18 Incorporated into: 35-31-55 R7 35-22-26 35-10-01 35-10-05 35-11-90 35-11-96 35-21-99 SIL-35-75 Add Test Data Sheet H-183 SIL-35-55 SIL-35-56 SIL-35-57 SIL-35-58 R1 SIL-35-59 R1 SIL-35-61 R1 SIL-35-62 R1 SIL-35-63 REVISION 39 INDEX-001 Page 33 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER INDEX (Continued) SIL No. SIL-35-76 SIL-35-77 SIL-35-78 SIL-35-79 Description Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Affected Manuals H-144 35-11-35 35-11-68 35-10-71 SIL-35-80 SIL-35-81 R1 SIL-35-82 Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet 35-22-27 35-11-26 35-22-28 SIL-35-83 SIL-35-84 SIL-35-85 SIL-35-86 R1 SIL-35-87 SIL-35-88 SIL-35-89 R3 SIL-35-90 SIL-35-91 SIL-35-92 SIL-35-93 SIL-35-94 SIL-35-95 Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Test Data Sheet for P/N 804044 Series Cylinder and Valve Assembly SIL-35-96 Test Data Sheet for P/N 27550 Series Oxygen Shut-Off Valves Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet SIL-35-97 SIL-35-98 SIL-35-99 R1 SIL-35-100 R1 SIL-35-101 SIL-35-102 SIL-35-103 R4 Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Add Test Data Sheet Proper operation of POCA US Government Final Rule for the Transportation of Cylinders Containing Compressed Oxygen Part Number 24175 Series, 8883 Series 800480 Series 802029-00 10100 Series, 10800 Series, 6849 Series 289-701 Series 27660 Series 289-801 Series Pub. Date 20060907 20060907 20060907 20060908 Incorp. Date Current Current Current Current 20060922 20061027 20060922 Current 20071207 Current 35-02-14 35-21-52 35-21-53 35-20-118B 35-20-118A 35-22-05 35-11-24 35-11-76 35-32-09 35-32-10 35-01-59 35-12-03 35-22-01 (Obsolete) Incorporated into: 35-20-44 R0 35-01-22 10008789 800801 Series 800802 Series, 800803 Series 22504 Series 22505 Series 804265 Series 28000 Series 651 Series 804596 Series 805252 Series 801321 Series 803127, 803163, 804182 Ser. Incorporated for P/Ns: 804044-77,-15 20060829 20060927 20060927 20070426 20060912 20060914 20080124 20060915 20060920 20060820 20060922 20060922 20061127 Current 20090605 20090210 20090831 20090105 Current Current Current Current Current Current 20110425 20100927 27550 Series 20060922 Current H-147 Incorporated into: 35-20-57 35-10-67 35-32-17 35-31-07 35-35-52,35-33-26 H-140, H-170, H-183 35-21-20, 35-22-26, 35-22-93, 35-28-91, 35-32-10, 35-35-52, 35-35-53 800294 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 10260 Series 5425 Series 802300-14 802501, 802502 3552 Series, 806326 Series 25200-22, -38, -48, -63, 3552 Series, 3553 Series, 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 6350 Series, 800378-01, -02, -03, -04, 800425-03, -04, -08, -09, 801293 Series, 801365 Series, 801375-00, 801977 Series, 80289002, 803207-01, 803240-02, -04, 803240-03, -05, -10, 803358-01, -05, 803519-01, 803668-01, 804464-01, 02, 805252-76, 805676-01, 80571101, -02, 806326-04, -05, 891 Series, 892000 Series, 894 Series, 899 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 800112 Series, 801307 Series, 804044 Series, 804882 Series, 805983 Series, 806733 Series, 806369 Series, 806371 Series, 806385 Series, 806463 Series, 806525, 806643, 895 Series, 897 Series, 898 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series 20060928 20061106 Current 20130510 20061228 20101110 20061108 20061129 20091009 Current Current Current 20080430 Current Incorporated into: 35-01-12 R0, 35-20-44 R0, 35-21-93 R3, 35-23-07 R1, 35-28-95 R1, 35-28-98 R1, 35-32-18 R1, 35-31-55 R7 REVISION 39 INDEX-001 Page 34 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER INDEX (Continued) SIL No. Description SIL-35-105 R1 Some handles on P/N 5500 and P/N 5600 series portable cylinder assemblies (PCA’s) have become loose in service - the torque used to tighten the alternate nut on the handle of the on-off valve assembly is increased and a thread locking compound is recommended to correct this. SIL-35-106 R1 There is some experience of the on/off handle becoming loose on P/N 9700 and P/N 9800 series portable cylinder assemblies (PCA’s) - the torque used to tighten the flange hex nut on the handle of the on-off valve kit is increased and a locking compound is recommended to correct this. SIL-35-107 Recommended Method Of Use Of Passenger Oxygen Mask (Pax Mask) At Ground Level Or Normal Cabin Altitude. The reservoir bag should be manually unfolded when administering therapeutic or first aid oxygen. SIL-35-108 Change pressure relief device per US DOT rule change SIL-35-109 Change pressure relief device per US DOT rule change SIL-35-110 Change pressure relief device per US DOT rule change SIL-35-111 Change pressure relief device per US DOT rule change SIL-35-113 R1 New US DOT hydrostatic test intervals SIL-35-114 R1 New US DOT hydrostatic test intervals SIL-35-115 R1 New US DOT hydrostatic test intervals SIL-35-116 R1 New US DOT hydrostatic test intervals SIL-35-117 R1 New US DOT hydrostatic test intervals SIL-35-118 R1 Service Life, Shelf Life, Check Procedures SIL-35-119 New US DOT hydrostatic test intervals SIL-35-122 R0 Identicality of AVOX Systems P/N Formats SIL-35-123 R2 Inspection, Service Life and Shelf Life Procedures REPLACES – SIL-35-16, SIL-35-17 and SIL-3518 REVISION 39 Affected Manuals 35-32-18 Part Number 5500 & 5600 Series Pub. Date 20120224 Incorp. Date Current Incorporated into: 35-31-55 R7 Incorporated for P/Ns: 9700 & 9800 Series 20120224 20120227 35-22-26, 35-22-27, 35-22-28 289-601, 289-701, 289-801 20071012 Current 35-21-20 6350 Series 20071112 20090105 35-23-07 801307 Series 20071112 20110712 No CMM 800112 Series 20071112 20101210 35-22-93 801293-00, -04,801365-10, -11 20071112 Current Incorporated into: 35-32-18 R1 35-28-95 Incorporated into: 35-21-93 Incorporated into: 35-28-98 R1 Incorporated for P/Ns: 5500T, 5500U, 5500V, 5500W 895 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 897 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 804882, 806369, 806371, 806385, 806463, 806525, 898 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 9700 Series 283 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 804044-77,-15 20080801 20111202 20080801 20080801 20110328 JAN 24/12 20080801 20101210 20080801 20120227 20080626 20080808 Current 20100927 Incorporated for P/Ns: 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series 289-601-441-1 20090511 Incorporated into: 35-31-55 R7 No CMM 35-22-01 (Obsolete) Incorporated into: 35-20-44 R0 Incorporated into: 35-32-18 R1, 35-31-55 R7 35-24-41 Incorporated into: 35-22-23 R1, 35-22-26 R2, 35-22-27 R1, 35-22-28 R1, 35-22-29 R1 20110901 20111202 20120227 Current Incorporated for P/Ns: 289-301 Series, 289-601 Series, 289-644, 289-701 Series, 289-801 Series, 289-1001, -1002, -1020, 1030, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01, INDEX-001 Page 35 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER INDEX (Continued) SIL No. Description SIL-35-125 R2 Clarification of Latent Leakage Test Procedures in AVOX Systems Manuals for Portable Cylinder Assemblies, Cylinder and Valve Assemblies and Cylinder and Regulator Assemblies Affected Manuals H-139, H-140, H-142, H-170, H-183, 35-21-20, 35-22-93, 35-28-91, 35-31-81, 35-35-52 Part Number 25200-11, -22, -38, -48, -54, -63, 32000-02, -03, -04, -05, -06, 3552 Series, 6350 Series, 801293 Series, 801977-05, 803240 Series, 803668-01 Series, 803240 Series, 803668-01, 891 Series, 894 Series, 900019 Series Pub. Date 20100222 Incorporated into: 35-01-12 R0, 35-20-44, 35-21-93 R3, 35-23-07 R1, 35-28-95 R1, 35-28-98 R1, 35-32-18 R1, 35-35-53 R2, 35-31-55 R7 SIL-35-126 R2 New US Department of Transportation (US DOT) Rule HM224B for Air Shipment of Chemical Oxygen Generators and Cylinder Assemblies that contain Compressed Oxygen into and within the US. SIL-35-127 R2 Important Information regarding Cleaning of Aviation Oxygen Cylinder Assemblies REVISION 39 Incorporated for P/Ns: 3553 Series, 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 800112 Series , 801307 Series, 804044 Series, 804882 Series, 806369 Series, 806371 Series, 806385 Series, 806463 Series, 806525 Series, 895 Series, 897 Series, 898 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series H-137, H-139, H-140, H-142, H-170, 25200 Series, 32000 Series, 20111205 H-183, 35-01-12, 35-21-20, 3552 Series, 3553 Series, 6350 Series, 800112 Series, 800378 35-22-01, 35-22-93, 35-23-07, Series, 800425 Series, 801293 35-28-91, 35-30-68, 35-31-07, Series, 801365 Series, 801307 35-31-81, 35-32-10, 35-32-17, Series, 801365 Series, 801375-00, 35-35-52, 35-35-53 801977-05, 802890-02, 803207-01, 803240 Series, 803358-01, 80335805, 803519-01, 803668-01, 80446401, 804464-02, 805252-76, 80567601, 805711-01, 805711-02, 80606801, 806326-04, 806326-05, , 891000 Series, 892000 Series, 894 Series, 899-AA0S15, 899-BA0S22, 899CA0C15, 900019 Series, Incorporated into: Incorporated for P/Ns: 35-20-44 R1, 35-21-93 R3, 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 804044 35-28-95 R2, 35-28-98 R3, Series, 804882 Series 805983 Series, 35-32-18 R1, 35-31-55 R7 806369 Series, 806371 Series, 806385 Series, 806463 Series, 806525 Series, 806733 Series, 807436 Series, 807448 Series, 895 Series, 897 Series, 898 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series H-137, H-139, H-140, H-142, H-170, 25200 Series, 32000 Series, 3552 20140904 H-183, 35-01-12, 35-21-20, 35-21-93, Series, 3553 Series, 5500 Series, 35-22-01, 35-20-44, 35-22-93, 5600 Series, 6350 Series, 800112 Series, 801293 Series, 801307 35-23-07, 35-28-91, 35-28-95, Series, 801977-05, 803240 Series, 35-28-98, 35-30-68, 35-31-55, 803668-01, 804044 Series, 80525235-31-81, 35-32-10, 35-32-18, 76, 806068-01, 806369 Series, 35-35-52, 35-35-53 806371 Series, 806385 Series, 806463 Series, 806525 Series, 891000 Series, 894 Series, 895 Series, 89700000 Series, 898 Series, 900019 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series, Incorporated into: Incorporated for P/Ns: Incorp. Date Current INDEX-001 Current Current Page 36 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER INDEX (Continued) Affected SIL No. Description Manuals SIL-35-130 R0 Important Information about Leak Detection Fluids H-137, H-139, H-140, H-147, H-170, and Procedures H-174, H-183, 35-01-91, 35-11-35, 35-11-68, 35-20-133, 35-20-63, 35-20-79, 35-20-80, 35-20-84, 35-21-20, 35-21-72, 35-21-84, 35-21-85, 35-21-92, 35-22-05, 35-22-93, 35-25-04, 35-25-05, 35-28-01, 35-28-02, 35-28-91, 35-31-07, 35-31-81, 35-32-09, 35-35-52 Incorporated into: 35-01-12 R0, 35-12-03 R1, 35-16-60 R2, 35-20-44 R0, 35-21-93 R3, 35-20-57 R1, 35-23-07 R1, 35-28-95 R1, 35-28-98 R1, 35-32-18 R1, 35-31-55 R7 SIL-35-131 R2 Important Information regarding Oxygen Compatible Lubricants H-139, H-140, H-141, H-142, H-143, H-147, H-170, H-174, H-183, 35-01-22, 35-01-91, 35-11-24, 35-11-35, 35-11-68, 35-11-76, 35-11-89, 35-11-98, 35-13-58, 35-13-59, 35-20-133, 35-20-63, 35-20-79, 35-20-80, 35-20-84, 35-21-20, 35-21-72, 35-21-84, 35-21-85, 35-21-92, 35-21-93, 35-22-01, 35-22-05, 35-22-93, 35-23-07, 35-25-04, 35-25-05, 35-28-01, 35-28-02, 35-28-06, 35-28-91, 35-31-07, 35-31-55, 35-31-81, 35-32-09, 35-32-18, 35-35-52, 35-35-53 Incorporated into: 35-12-03 R2, 35-16-60 R3, 35-20-44 R1, 35-20-57 R1, 35-28-95 R2, 35-28-98 R3 REVISION 39 Part Number Pub. Date 10400 Series, 22504 Series, 22505 20100615 Series, 25200 Series, 3552 Series, 6350 Series, 800156 Series, 800294 Series, 800480 Series, 800801 Series, 800802, 800803, 801293 Series, 801977-05, 802029-00, 802078 Series, 802501, 802502, 802511+, 802814-01, -02, 803240 Series, 803661 Series, 803662, 803663 Series, 803800-01, 804265 Series, 804596 Series, 804596 Series, 891000 Series, 894 Series, 8950, 8955, 8790, 896 Series, 8999 Series, 900019 Series, Incorporated for P/Ns: 10260 Series, 27660 Series, 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 800112 Series, 801307 Series, 803127, 803163+, 804044 Series, 804182 Series, 804882 Series, 806369 Series, 806371 Series, 806385 Series, 803668-01, 806463 Series, 806525 Series, 895 Series, 897 Series, 898 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series 11010, 10400 Series, 22504 Series, 20120730 22505 Series, 25200 Series, 27550 Series, 28000 Series, 28500, 32000 Series, 33175, 3552 Series, 3553 Series, 358-1506v-4, -5, 358-1507, 359 Series, 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 6000M, 6350 Series, 651 Series, 800112 Series, 800156 Series, 800294, 800480 Series, 800801 Series, 800802, 800803, 801293 Series, 801307 Series, 801977-05, 802029-00, 802078 Series, 802501, 02, 511+, 802814-01, -02, 803240 Series, 803623-01, 803661 Series, 803662, 3 Series, 803668-01, 803800-01, 804044 Series, 804265 Series, 804596 Series, 806598, 806600, 891000 Series, 894 Series, 8950, 8955, 8790, 896 Series, 897 Series, 8999 Series, 90019 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 10260 Series, 27600 Series, 803127 Series, 803163 Series, 804044 Series, 804182 Series, 804882 Series, 805983 Series, 806369 Series, 806371 Series, 806385 Series, 806463 Series, 806525 Series, 806733 Series, 807436 Series, 807448 Series, 895 Series, 898 Series INDEX-001 Incorp. Date Current Current Page 37 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER INDEX (Continued) SIL No. Description SIL-35-132 R3 Procedure for Measuring Residual Pressure in Oxygen Cylinder and Regulator Assemblies Affected Manuals H-137, H-139, H-140, H-142, H-170, H-183, 35-01-12, 35-22-93, 35-31-81, 35-32-10, 35-35-52, 35-35-53 Part Number 25200 Series, 32000 Series, 3552 Series, 3553 Series, 801293 Series, 801977-05, 803240 Series, 803668-01, , 805252-76894 Series, 899 Series, 900019 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 804882 Series , 805983 Series, 806369 Series, 806371 Series, 806385 Series, 806463 Series, 806525 Series, 806643 Series, 806733 Series, 807436 Series, 807448 Series, 895 Series, 898 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 804044-15, 804044-77 Pub. Date 20111205 Incorp. Date Current 20120301 20130515 20100628 Current 20140821 Current 20110906 Current 35-21-93, 35-23-07, 35-28-91 3552 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 3553 Series 801386 Series, 801387 Series, 801462 Series, 802093-01, 803000 Series, 803338-01, 805100 Series 289-601-441-1 Incorporated for P/Ns: 289-301 Series, 289-601 Series, 289-644, 289-701 Series, 289-801 Series, 289-1001, -1002, -1020, 1030, 36467, 802165 Series, 802266 Series, 802896 Series, 803201 Series, 803203-01, 803204 Series, 803447-01, 803589-01 801307 Series, 891000 Series, 897 Series 20121119 Current 35-23-07 801307 Series 20120301 Current 35-52-52 3552 Series 20120919 Current H-183, 35-32-18, 35-31-55 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 894 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series 20120712 Current Incorporated into: 35-32-18 R1, 35-31-55 R7, 35-28-95 R2, 35-28-98 R3 SIL-35-134 R2 Important Information Regarding the Testing, Inspection, Assembly, and Operation of the P/N 804044 Series Cylinder and Valve Assembly (CVA) SIL-35-136 R0 Clarification of Oxygen Pressure Gauge Readings on the PNR 3552 Series and PNR 3553 Series Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly (POCA) SIL-35-139 R3 Safe Removal, Handling, Storage, Reinstallation and Disposal of Aviation Chemical Oxygen Generators (COG’s) SIL-35-140 R0 Change in Maintenance for Passenger Oxygen Masks (PAX Masks) SIL-35-141 R0 PNR 801581-00 Seal Kit used on 801307, 891, 897 Series – Some AVOX Systems Seal Kits PNR 801581-00 were manufactured improperly SIL-35-142 R0 Important Information regarding the Operation, Testing, Disassembly, and Assembly of the PNR 801307 Series Cylinder and Valve Assembly (CVA) SIL-35-145 R0 Important Information regarding the Pressure Relief Device (PRD) used in the 3552 Series Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assembly (POCA) SIL-35-146 R1 Clarification of Certain AVOX Systems Cylinder Subassembly Part Numbers (PNR’s) REVISION 39 Incorporated into: 35-20-44 35-35-52 Incorporated into: 35-35-53 R2 35-23-87 35-21-02 35-24-41 Incorporated into: 35-22-23 R1, 35-22-26 R2, 35-22-27 R1, 35-22-28 R1, 35-22-29 R1 INDEX-001 Page 38 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER INDEX (Continued) SIL No. Description SIL-35-147 R0 Important Information Regarding the Use of Consumable Materials that are Considered to be Equivalent to those listed in AVOX Systems CMM’s Affected Manuals H-139, H-140, H-141, H-142, H-143, H-147, H-170, H-174, H-183, 35-01-12, 35-01-22, 35-01-91, 35-11-24, 35-11-35, 35-11-68, 35-11-76, 35-11-89, 35-11-98, 35-12-03, 35-13-58, 35-13-59, 35-18-35, 35-20-44, 35-20-63, 35-20-79, 35-20-80, 35-20-84, 35-20-133, 35-21-20, 35-21-72, 35-21-84, 35-21-85, 35-21-92, 35-21-93, 35-22-05, 35-22-93, 35-23-07, 35-25-04, 35-25-05, 35-28-01, 35-28-02, 35-28-06, 35-28-91, 35-31-07, 35-31-55, 35-31-81, 35-32-09, 35-32-18, 35-35-52, 35-35-53 Incorporated into: 35-12-03 R2, 35-16-60 R3, 35-20-44 R1, 35-20-57 R1, 35-28-95 R2, 35-28-98 R3 R SIL-35-148 R1 Clarification of Recommended Cylinder Evacuation and Re-Charging Procedures used for the 5500, 5600 and 803240 Series Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA’s) SIL-35-149 R1 Clarification of Recommended Cylinder Evacuation and Re-Charging Procedures used for the 9700 Series and 9800 Series Portable Cylinder Assemblies (PCA’s) SIL-35-150 R0 Important Information Regarding Cleaning of Aviation Oxygen Components without Cylinders 35-32-18 Incorp. Date Current Current 35-31-55 9700 Series, 9800 Series 20130807 Current H-144, H-147, H-174, 35-01-22, 35-01-59, 35-01-91, 35-10-01, 35-10-05, 35-10-10, 35-10-67, 35-10-80, 35-11-24, 35-11-35, 35-11-68, 35-11-76, 35-11-89, 35-11-90, 35-11-96, 35-11-98, 35-12-03, 35-13-58, 35-13-59, 35-16-60, 35-18-35, 35-20-48, 35-20-57, 35-21-84, 35-21-85, 35-21-97, 35-22-05, 35-22-26, 35-22-27, 35-22-28, 35-22-29, 35-22-57, 35-22-58, 35-25-04, 35-25-05, 35-28-01, 35-28-02, 35-28-06, 35-31-07,35-32-09, EA1-421048, EA2-421048, 10100, 10260, 10800, 22504 Series, 22505 Series, 232 Series, 24175, 27550 Series, 27660 Series, 28000 Series, 289-1001, -1002, -1020, -1030, , 289601, 289-701, 289-801, 358 Series, 358-1506V-4, V-5, 358-1507-1, 359 Series, 5425 Series, 651 Series, 800294 Series, 800480 Series, 800801 Series, 800802, 800803 Series, 801321 Series, 802029-00, 802501, 802502 Series, 802814-01, 02, 803623-01, 803661 Series, 803662, 803663 Series, 803800-01, 803127-01, 803163 Series, 804182 Series, 804265 Series, 804596 Series, 806598, 806600, 806835-01, 833-579, 833-742 Series, 833-79102, 833-792-02, 833-580, 834-584, 833-833, 833-610 Series, 8883 Incorporated for P/Ns: 289-301 20131205 Current Incorporated into: 35-22-23 R2 REVISION 39 Part Number Pub. Date 10400 Series, 22504 Series, 22505 20120712 Series, 25200 Series, 27550 Series, 28000 Series, 28500, 33175, 32000 Series, 3552 Series, 3553 Series, 358-1506V-4, -5, 358-1507, 359 Series, 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 6000M, 11010, 6350 Series, 651 Series, 800112 Series, 800156 Series, 800294 Series, 800480 Series, 800801 Series, 800802, 800803, 801293 Series, 801307 Series, 801977-05, 802029-00, 802078 Series, 802501, 02, 511+, 802814-01, -02, 803240 Series, 803623-01, 803661 Series, 803662, 3 Series, 803668-01, 803800-01, 804044 Series, 804265 Series, 804596 Series, Series, 806598, 806600, 806835-01, 891000 Series, 894 Series, 8950, 8955, 8790, 896 Series, 897 Series, 8999 Series, 900019 Series, 9700 Series, 9800 Series Incorporated for P/Ns: 10260 Series, 27660 Series, 803127 Series, 803163 Series, 804044 Series, 804182 Series, 804882 Series, 805983 Series, 806369 Series, 806371 Series, 806385 Series, 806463 Series, 806525 Series, 806733 Series, 807436 Series, 807448 Series, 895 Series, 898 Series, 5500 Series, 5600 Series, 20140919 803240 Series INDEX-001 Page 39 of 40 20150115 TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS INDEX SERVICE INFORMATION LETTER INDEX (Continued) SIL No. Description SIL-35-152 R0 Clarification of the Recommended Cylinder Evacuation Procedure to Use For the 3552 Series And 3553 Series Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assemblies (POCA’s) SIL-35-150 R0 Important Information Regarding Cleaning of Aviation Oxygen Components without Cylinders SIL-35-152 R0 Clarification of the Recommended Cylinder Evacuation Procedure to Use For the 3552 Series And 3553 Series Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assemblies (POCA’s) SIL-35-153 R0 Addition of Two New Part Numbers to be Incorporated into CMM-35-35-53 for the 3552 Series Portable Oxygen Cylinder Assemblies Srvc. Instruct. Installation of the Bushing per ASB 10100-35-A01 10100-35-01 on certain P/N 10100 Series Scottoramic® Mask Assemblies under ATA Chapter 35-Oxygen Systems Srvc. Instruct. Installation of Bushing and Part Number Re10100B1B14- Identification per ASB 10100B1B14-35-A01 on P/N 35-01 10100B1B14 Scottoramic® Mask Assemblies under ATA Chapter 35-Oxygen Systems REVISION 39 Affected Manuals 35-35-52 Part Number 3552 Series, 3553 Series Pub. Date 20130823 Incorp. Date Current H-144, H-147, H-174, 35-01-22, 35-01-59, 35-01-91, 35-10-01, 35-10-05, 35-10-10, 35-10-67, 35-10-80, 35-11-24, 35-11-35, 35-11-68, 35-11-76, 35-11-89, 35-11-90, 35-11-96, 35-11-98, 35-12-03, 35-13-58, 35-13-59, 35-16-60, 35-18-35, 35-20-48, 35-20-57, 35-21-84, 35-21-85, 35-21-97, 35-22-05, 35-22-26, 35-22-27, 35-22-28, 35-22-29, 35-22-57, 35-22-58, 35-25-04, 35-25-05, 35-28-01, 35-28-02, 35-28-06, 35-31-07,35-32-09, EA1-421048, EA2-421048, 10100, 10260, 10800, 22504 Series, 22505 Series, 232 Series, 24175, 27550 Series, 27660 Series, 28000 Series, 289-1001, -1002, -1020, -1030, , 289601, 289-701, 289-801, 358 Series, 358-1506V-4, V-5, 358-1507-1, 359 Series, 5425 Series, 651 Series, 800294 Series, 800480 Series, 800801 Series, 800802, 800803 Series, 801321 Series, 802029-00, 802501, 802502 Series, 802814-01, 02, 803623-01, 803661 Series, 803662, 803663 Series, 803800-01, 803127-01, 803163 Series, 804182 Series, 804265 Series, 804596 Series, 806598, 806600, 806835-01, 833-579, 833-742 Series, 833-79102, 833-792-02, 833-580, 834-584, 833-833, 833-610 Series, 8883 20131205 Current Incorporated into: 35-22-23 R2 Incorporated for P/Ns: 289-301 35-35-52 3552 Series, 3553 Series 20130823 Current 35-35-53 3553BAAYAACXBD 3553CAAYAACXBD 20140214 Current 35-10-71 10100 Series 20040312 35-10-71 10100B1B14 20040501 INDEX-001 Page 40 of 40 20150115
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