1ST SESSION _ TECHNICS AND PRODUCTION MODERATORS_ RESERCHERS_ RESERCHERS_Pauline Bourgasser, Renata Monezzi, Valentine Aldebert, razafindradama Jaosoa Jeannot, Chayma Weslati Moderators_ Moderators_ Spencer Moise, Aicha Mokline GLASS FACTORIES, GLASS WORKERS AND CINEMAS Pauline Bourgasser paulinecharlot@hotmail.fr This research aims to find the link between the glass factories and the cinema. In order to explain the point of depart of this project we will focus on two different aspects. Firstly, the social link between a glass factory, the glass workers and the movie theater, through the case study of Aniche, a town on the North of France, who had a factory that has built a movie theater for their workers. Afterwards, the importance of the glass factories to the production of lenses and/or other glass pieces for the cinematographic apparatus. TILES OF THE LATE 19TH CENTURY AND EARLY 20TH CENTURY IN SOUTHEAST OF BRAZIL Renata Poliana Cezar Monezzi renarq@gmail.com The objective of this research is analyzing the relationship between the factories of decorative tiles in Portugal, Italy and France with Brazil from the decorative tiles found in Brazilian architecture during the later nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. This research intends to look for new paths to understand the Brazilian tiling production. The main goals are understand the connections established between those countries from the way that these decorative products appeared in Brazil, especially with the use of the tiles in the architecture of Brazilian Southeast. THE CHILEAN SALTPETER HERITAGE (NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURIES) AND ITS ENHANCEMENT Valentine Aldebert valentine.aldebert@hotmail.com In the mid-nineteenth century, under pressure from the European fertilizers market, the exploitation of saltpeter began on a large scale. By adapting its production methods, the saltpeter industry is undergoing an economic context, qualified as "hegemonic" (english, then american). Industrial policy has an impact on the social life of the country and on the Norte Grande territory. This activity has shaped the current assets of the pampa Salitrera: the "tangible and intangible heritage of Chile saltpeter" must be enhanced because it ensures the preservation of a memory. This enhancement permits the awareness of a shared identity. TEXTILE HERITAGE OF MADAGASCAR: THE CASE OF WOVEN LAMBAHOANY BY COTONA ANTSIRABE Razafindradama Jaosoa Jeannot rjaosoa@gmail.com The Lambahoany is woven loin cloth by Malagasy textile companies like Cotona Antsirabe. Moreover, it wraps the Malagasy people since its existence, men and women, and the living and the dead. Thus the Lambahoany occupies an important place in the Malagasy community, not only as a sign of transmission of specific messages but also for its role in social education system as well as virtual arts developed schools of the arts. Then it is also necessary to educate people through a given topic. It is in this sense that it is no longer a simple loincloth, but it is a heritage object that identifies the Malagasy. So, their preservation and enhancement confirms paramount. Hence, the enhancement of Lambahoany and its sustainability for future generations are the main objectives of this study. CAREERS EXPLOITING, THE STONE CHEKHECH AT KORBA (COAST EAST OF CAP BON, TUNISIA): FOR A BETTER INTEGRATION INTO THE URBAN CONTEXT AND AVALUATION OF ASSETS ENVIRONMENTAL, LANDSCAPE AND HERITAGE Chayma Weslati chayma.iusd@gmail.com The extraction and exploitation activities of natural resources are varied in Tunisia. Which, include quarries that once abandoned following the judgment of the operation, give birth to wastelands generally seen as of low land value or as a source of problems: degradation of landscapes, births in insecure areas, processing of dumps of the areas, and anarchic urbanization. However, some of these careers had historical and social importance; they belong also, in many cases, sites of great value to natural and cultural heritage nature of exploited materials but also of operating techniques and the evolution of human reports with its environment. In this work we will look at careers exploiting the stone Chekhech (calcareous sandstone) in the vicinity of the town of Korba in the peninsula of Cap Bon, Tunisia. The objective would be to propose improvements to rehabilitate these abandoned quarries and prevent various forms of degradation while integrating them into their immediate environment and enhancing the landscape potential of their site as well as the natural and archaeological heritage associated with them. 2nd SESSION - knowledge and culture RESERCHES_ RESERCHES_ Abiboulaye NIANG, Spencer Moise, Boubacar Thioye, Ghaya slim, Carina Marrero Leivas, Aicha Mokline Moderator Moderators erators_ Chayma Weslati, Fernanda de Lima Lourencetti BACKUP AND RECOVERY OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE: ISSUES AND IMPACTS OF DIVINATION AND HEALING PRACTICES: THE CASE OF XOOY SENEGAL. Abiboulaye NIANG abibniang@hotmail.com Related to tradition and culture, practices and beliefs in divinties have always existed. The latter, have always accompanied man in discharging its activities both cultural and worship , and agrarian (before, during and after) . In Africa as in the Occident , this form of interrogation of the man on his " future ", was an activity that has long been developed in different forms, in different ways and to different purposes. Whether certain practices were just to answer questions related to the inherent and existence of the human being ( love, work , etc.) by other cons had a deeper and more necessary symbolic value. Beyond the diagnosis prescribed remedies ( pharmacopoeia ) , therapeutic sessions through ceremonies ( nocturnal or diurnal ) were organized ( in public or in camera ) to cure a patient. Although significant results, these practices are criticized today because of their processes often linked to the "invisible" and deities . Their practices are based on a system of " symbolic correspondences " between the descriptions and " observable ". Aspects involved in the sometimes lack of interest in these often disparaged sciences. That this presentation that address the Xooy ( divination ceremony and preaching Serer country a unique opportunity for the wise men of all ages to predict upcoming major events related to the environment in the form of crops, to review the outbreaks can occur in a time and also changed the rainy season) , will be a pretext to review the issues and impacts that underline these practices considered sources of prevention , social control and social and economic development in Senegal and finally to provide a more dynamic and modern backup of knowledge and expertise heritage , a vivid and effective for the enhancement , preservation and transmission of contemporary healing practices divination and practical solution form . MANAGEMENT, ENHANCEMENT AND PROTECTION OF HERITAGE CULTURES OF HAITI FOR A SUSTAINABLE SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, CASE OF STUDY: PALAIS SANS SOUCI LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF MILOT Spencer Moise spencermoise@gmail.com The Northern Department of Haiti is a collection of assets that constitute the historical roots of the country. They are known mostly as World Heritage sites of UNESCO. These historic cities have largely influenced the development of culture, education system and handicrafts in Haiti. Nowadays, there is some negligence in the management of these heritage culture. By the example of Palais Sans Souci, located in Milot’s town; we’ll try to demonstrate how a good management and enhancement of this heritage culture can be an asset for the development of the zone. PROCESS OF TRANSMISSION OF TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE IN ORAL CIVILIZATIONS: THE CASE OF SENEGAL SEREER. Boubacar Thioye thioyeboubacar@gmail.com The transmission of knowledge in the history of mankind has always operated in two ways. By oral or in writing. Oral civilizations that are the subject of our study of the sacred and profane adopt forms and transmitted orally from one generation to another. What techniques are used to convey such knowledge? For what purpose? How to enhance its knowledge in a context of globalization and standardization of cultural models? Using the example of Sereer of Senegal, we try to show an example of how a cultural institution like the museum can contribute to the preservation and enhancement of these endogenous knowledge. THE SPANISH ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE IN TUNISIA: DRAFT BACKUP AND ENHANCEMENT", THE EXAMPLE OF HE FORTRESS KARRAKA IN LA GOULETTE " Ghaya slim slimghaya@yahoo.fr The Spanish architectural heritage in Tunisia has so far had no interest it deserves despite its importance and authenticity, which derives the idea of my research project under title "The Spanish architectural heritage in Tunisia : backup and project development, "example: fortress" Karraka " in the region of Goulette " aims to exploit a part of this monument to create a museum of the Tunisian navy from Antiquity to the modern and finally propose a plan for the development of this building period. this Fortress is a historical monument of significant value as it bears an exceptional testimony (given its strategic location) This monument should be the result of a very thorough study of the historical context of the monument and a thorough analysis to urban components (template integration, accessibility and rarity) “THE UNIVERSITY CULTURAL HERITAGE. CONSERVATION AND VALUATION EXPERIENCES IN THE EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES, A REFERENCE FOR THE CUBAN UNIVERSITIES. STUDY CASE: CIUDAD UNIVERSITARIA JOSÉ ANTONIO ECHEVERRÍA-CUJAE (LA HABANA).” Carina Marrero Leivas architect.cml@gmail.com The objective of this presentation is to know the conservation and valuation experiences of the university cultural heritage in the Europe that is a reference for the Cuban universities. We will present the actual situation of this type of heritage in our study case in Havana City (the Ciudad Universitaria José Antonio Echeverría-CUJAE). This presentation is an abstract of the Master TPTI research made until now. « MUSEAL STRATEGY FOR THE EMPHASIS OF ‘’AL-RACHIDIA’’ : SCENOGRAPHY AND ETHNOMUSICOLOGIE TO SAFEGUARD THE TUNISIAN MUSICAL HERITAGE » FOR THE EMPHASIS OF THE TUNISIAN MUSICAL HERITAGE. Aicha Mokline aichamokline@yahoo.fr The association of ‘’al-Rachidia '' worked hard to save and develop the traditional tunisian music, she played a big role in the music education and the organization of major concerts as well as writing and recording old songs. Today and after eighties years of work, she needs to save its history and memory. So we will try to study the '' Rachidia '' by a historical perspective in order to highlight the Tunisian musical heritage, that is with the help of the scénography, museology and museography. 3RD SESSION - TRANSPORT AND MOBILITY Researcher_ Fernanda de Lima Lourencetti, Irene Giusti, Tania Ferandes, Taís Schiavon Mode Moderato rators_ rs_ Boubacar Thioye, Valentine Aldebert «ESTRADA DE FERRO ARARAQUARENSE» AND THE INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPES OF WESTERN OF SÃO PAULO STATE AS THE HERITAGE OF THE MOBILITY Fernanda de Lima Lourencetti fernanda.delima@gmail.com In order to expand the knowledge of the influence of railway in Brazil, this research, which is currently being developed, is based on the analysis of the monograph of the french Pierre Monbeig, under the title of 'Pioneers and planters of São Paulo', which was presented at Sorbonne University in the end of the 40’s. This work I a kind of rereading of this monograph which has studied the impact of the railway on the development of the State of São Paulo, in order to make a more specific research on the rail industrial heritage and its influences on the urban layout of the city of Araraquara and expand the value of the railway Araraquarense. “THE ‘PIAGGIO’ IN INDIA” Irene Giusti irenegiusti11@gmail.com The star up of light transport’s globalization 1960 -2013: More than 50 years of Joint-Ventures and Technological Transfert Time Line: 18 june 1958, 23 June 2013 Geographical Localisation: India Maharastra region, Bombay city. Pune industrial Zone WAYS BEHIND THE RAILWAYS. ALGARVE’S RAILWAY LINE Tânia Fernandes tania.anica@gmail.com Algarve’s Railway Line represents the metamorphosis of time... Where train stations, completely new, coexist with a railway structure that began to be planned at the last stage of the Constitutional Monarchy, and integrated in a unique geographic reality. Notwithstanding, its construction and enlargement, hasn’t been neither pacific nor quick, because of the politic and economic constraints in Portugal, at that time. Through this case study, its evolution and the changes that have been made, our goal is to understand the reasons that sustained the building of this railway line, the constraints that defined the path, the technique and knowledge transfer that these type of work allowed and, moreover, how can we valorise and enhance this railway line as an industrial heritage, considering that it still runs, nowadays, has a mean of public transportation. _ESTRADA DE FERRO NOROESTE DO BRASIL _ AND THE INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPES OF THE WESTERN PORTION OF SÃO PAULO STATE AS HERITAGE OF MOBILITY Taís Schiavon taischiavon@hotmail.com Considering the fact that 65% of the territory of the State of São Paulo was urbanized from the advancement of 'March to the West', initially moving in search of new areas for the cultivation of coffee, base of the economy of this period, we can understand the importance of the performance of the railway companies in Brazil amid the transition of the 19th and 20th centuries, responsible for launch their rails to unknown areas of the territory. The ‘Estrada de Ferro Noroeste do Brasil’, an Brazilian company, initially composed by national and Franco-Belgian funding, launches its rails towards the hinterlands 'little inhabited and dominated by Indians' in the Western portion of the State of São Paulo, searching initially the connection with the State of Mato Grosso. While the construction of their snippet, your project is changed, acquiring international features, achieved by agreements between Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile and Peru, allowing in this way the connection between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans by means of railways.