Harbour View Sections
Harbour View Sections
A N E W A N G L E O N L I F E S T Y L E With views stretching from the Hutt Valley, to Khandallah, Point 360 is truly your window on Wellington In today’s busy world the idea of “getting away from it all” is becoming more appealing, yet harder to achieve. At Point 360 only ten minutes from Wellington City you will experience a magnificent outlook delivering incredible Harbour vistas by day and night, with native bush surroundings and commanding views as far as the South Island. Each Lifestyle lot is surrounded by wide open spaces giving you room to relax and enjoy the atmosphere. The lots are cleverly positioned to take full advantage of the surrounding views, and the warmth of all day sun. There is plenty of room for the most spacious home and landscaping designs are only limited by your imagination. Most lifestyle properties go hand in hand with a great distance from the city. Point 360 in Newlands is the exception. As you head up Spenmoor Street, the terrain rises, city stress fall and the landscape changes with the contrast of suburban versus sanctuary comes into its own. 3 Index Overview Plan Page 5 Residential & Lifestyle Sections Price List Page 6 Harbour View Sections Plan Page 7 Harbour View Sections Price List Page 8 Lot 59 Page 9 Lot 64 Page 10 Lot 58 Page 11 Lot 60 Page 12 Lot 68 Page 13 Lot 69 Page 14 Lot 55 A-E Page 15 Lot 33 1-6 Page 16 4 Overview Plan s ypas nds B Newla SOLD N SH 1 E RG G O S Sp et tre rS oo m en E W SOLD NG AU RA NG A SOLD 63 62 1 3 2 8 7 4 66 ty lin gt on Ci 68 SOLD SOLD SOLD 57 W el 69 SOLD 64 60 59 58 LEGEND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT SOLD < 67 6 65 14 6 5 61 To 10 11 12 13 9 SOLD SOLD Residential sections lots 50-69 55D 52 55E 55C 55B NOW AVAILABLE 56 Lifestyle sections lots 1-13 NOW AVAILABLE 55A Harbour View Sections lots 1-7 53 33 32 FUTURE RELEASE SOLD Future 31 DEVELOPMENT SOLD 29 27 Sold SOLD 26 2 25 24 Harbour View Sections lots 8-34 34 30 28 50 NOW AVAILABLE 51 7 22 21 23 20 18 6 5 8 18 17 16 3 4 9 1 2 10 3 4 33 5 6 1 SOLD 13 SOLD 11 15 SOLD 14 13 12 12 11 SOLD 10 SOLD 9 8 7 1 SOLD 6 2 5 3 SOLD 4 Contact: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 www.point360.co.nz 5 Residential & Lifestyle Sections Residential Section s Lifestyl e Sections LOT SIZE M2 ASPECT PRICE LIST STATUS LOT SIZE M2 ASPECT PRICE 50 2,992 West $200,000 1 1,935 Harbour & City $250,000 51 3,116 West $300,000 2 2,327 Harbour & City $275,000 52 3,450 West $280,000 3 1.2 ha Harbour & City $275,000 53 563 West $200,000 4 5.1 ha Harbour & City $500,000 54 7,271 North $245,000 5 4,176 Harbour & City $270,000 55 5,159 West $595,000 6 3,716 Harbour & City $275,000 56 7,774 West $300,000 7 3,815 Harbour & City $375,000 57 518 West $180,000 8 3,920 Harbour & City $375,000 58 433 West $545,000 House & Land 9 3,941 Harbour & City $250,000 59 397 West $625,000 House & Land 10 3,728 Harbour & City $250,000 60 1,284 North $525,000 2 x House & Land 11 6,207 Harbour & City $250,000 61 5,658 West $350,000 On Hold 12 3,929 Harbour & City $300,000 62 5,982 North West $350,000 On Hold 13 7,855 Harbour & City $350,000 63 1,939 North $190,000 On Hold 33 Lot 1 Harbour & City $580,000 House & Land 64 698 North $590,000 House & Land 33 Lot 2 & 4 Harbour & City $580,000 House & Land 65 541 North West $250,000 33 Lot 3 Harbour & City $595,000 House & Land 66 2,646 North West $250,000 On Hold 33 Lot 5 & 6 Harbour & City $580,000 House & Land 67 2,556 North $230,000 Sold 68 1,150 East $250,000 69 1,110 East $250,000 5 x House & Land On Hold STATUS Sold Sold Sold Note: Prices are subject to change without notice. Contact: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 www.point360.co.nz 6 on W el lin gt < To Harbour View Sections Plan 55D N W E 52 S 55C 55B 56 55A 55E 53 33 32 31 SOLD 29 27 SOLD 26 2 25 24 SOLD 34 30 28 50 51 7 22 21 23 20 18 6 5 3 4 8 18 17 16 9 1 2 10 1 11 15 SOL 14 13 12 Contact: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 www.point360.co.nz 7 Harbour View Sections Harbour View Sections LOT SIZE M2 ASPECT PRICE LIST STATUS 1 362m2 Harbour & City $300,000 2 2 454m Harbour & City $300,000 3 422m2 Harbour & City $300,000 4 376m2 Harbour & City $300,000 5 391m2 Harbour & City $300,000 6 472m2 Harbour & City $300,000 7 333m2 Harbour & City $300,000 Note: Prices are subject to change without notice. CONTACT: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 8 BUY TODAY $625,000 LOT LOT59 59 | BUY TODAY $625,000 A R C H I T E C T U R A L R E N D E R I N G O N LY edrooms,ensuite,bathroom,doublegarage orarea175m2,patio11.8m2 ction397m2 rthfacing Bed 3 G r o u n d 10.72 f lm o o r p l a n Bed 3 25.11 m2 • 4bedrooms,ensuite,bathroom,doublegarage 10.72 m2 Lounge Double Garage 2 Bath WC 34.40 m2 Dining 1.54 m2 Kitchen 12.90 m2 8.33 m2 Bed 4 Bath 8.98 m2 • Section397m2 ul Charlett 021 •48 54 54 Northfacing 5.25 m2 WC Ground Floor 1:100 Ground Floor Area: First Floor Area: Total Floor Area: m2 Proposed Floor Plans 1.54 1 - Double Garage 5.25 m2 130 sqm 45 sqm 175 sqm Ground Floor 1 f I r S T f l o o r p l a- n 1:100 N Ground Floor Area: First Floor Area: Total Floor Area: 130 sqm 45 sqm 175 sqm Master Bed 102 1280 Job No: CM 1/08/13 Date: PC Bed 3 Checked: 2 25.11 m2 Drawn: N Scale: As Shown 11.91 m2 Bed 3 G r o u n d 10.72 f lm o o r p l a n Lounge Master Bed 10.72 m2 W/R All dimensions to be verified on site before making any shop drawings or commencing any work 8.98 m2 1 3 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Bed 4 4 8.33 m2 3 Kitchen 12.90 m2 2 1 Dining 2 This drawing is copyright and remains the property of Moore Design and Draughting. 1 2 3 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 New Dwelling Lot 59 Spenmoor Street Newlands, Wellington 25.11 m2 34.40 m2 • Floorarea175m ,patio11.8m 2 TACT: 11.91 m2 20 0.4 0.8 Bed 4 11.91 m2 p: 04 5665002 or 021 246 7170 1:10 [m] 1:20[m] 1:2[mm] 0 1:5[mm] 0 2 20 50 40 100 1 2 4 60 150 80 200 Outline of floor below First floor 1:100 Outline of roof below 2 0 0 6 4 10 8 20 1:200[m] 1:500[m] Drawings produced under commission by 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.5 1 p: 04 5665002 1:50 [m] 0 or 021 246 7170 1 1:10 [m] 1:20[m] 1:100[m] 0 2 2 4 e: cam@mooredraughting.co.nz 0 4 3 6 0 w: 8 www.mooredraughting.co.nz 1:200[m] 10 20 1:500[m] First floor 1:100 20 50 40 100 60 150 80 200 100 250 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.5 1 1:10 [m] 1:20[m] p: 04 5665002 or 021 246 7170 Proposed Floor Plans m2 130 sqm 45 sqm 175 sqm Master Bed Master Bed Outline of floor below First floor 1:100 Outline of roof below ContaCt: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 First 54 floor 2 - 4 10 8 20 Drawings produced under commission by 0.4 0.8 0.5 1 1:100 1:200[m] 1:500[m] 1:10 [m] 1:20[m] p: 04 5665002 1:50 [m] 0 or 021 246 7170 1 1:100[m] 0 2 2 4 e: cam@mooredraughting.co.nz 0 4 3 6 0 20 50 40 100 60 150 80 200 100 250 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 20 0.4 0.8 0.5 1 1:500[m] 1:10 [m] 1:20[m] www.point360.co.nz p: 04 5665002 or 021 246 7170 e: cam@mooredraughting.co.nz Job No: 102 1/08/13 Date: CM 6.86 m2 w: 8 www.mooredraughting.co.nz 1:200[m] 10 0.2 0.4 PC Ensuite Drawings produced under commission by 1:2[mm] 0 1:5[mm] 0 Sheet No: Bed 2 10.31 m2 Checked: Specialising in Design and Draughting Solutions New Homes, Alterations and Additions Outline of roof below Moore Design and Draughting 6.86 m2 10.31 m2 2 - W/R 3.77 m2 w: www.mooredraughting.co.nz 9 Specialising in Design and Draughting Solutions New Homes, Alterations and Additions Ensuite Bed 2 Sheet No: 3.77 m2 Drawn: Scale: As Shown 11.91 m2 W/R Moore Design and Draughting 102 1280 Job No: CM Checked: 1/08/13 Date: PC Drawn: N Scale: As Shown 11.91 m2 Outline of floor below Proposed Floor Plans Bed 10.31 Drawings produced under commission by 1:2[mm] 0 1:5[mm] 0 Proposed Floor Plans N Ground Floor Area: First Floor Area: Total Floor Area: 6.86 m2 Outline of roof below Bath 130 sqm 45 sqm 175 sqm Ground Floor 1 f I r S T f l o o r p l a- n 1:100 Ensuite Bed 2 10.31 m2 w: www.mooredraughting.co.nz Outline of floor below 2 - 3 100 250 e: cam@mooredraughting.co.nz W/R 3.77 m2 5.25 m2 WC 1.54 1:50 [m] 0 1:100[m] 0 Master Bed 1:500[m] 0.5 1 1280 0.3 0.6 1/08/13 w: 8 www.mooredraughting.co.nz 1:200[m] 10 0.2 0.4 Job No: 0 0.1 0.2 Date: 6 0 0 Scale: As Shown e: cam@mooredraughting.co.nz 0 4 3 100 250 102 80 200 PC 60 150 Moore Design and Draughting 40 100 CM 2 4 Drawings produced under commission by 20 50 Sheet No: 2 1:2[mm] 0 1:5[mm] 0 6.86 Specialising in Design and Draughting Solutions New Homes, Alterations and Additions 1:100[m] 0 Ensu Checked: p: 04 5665002 1:50 [m] 0 or 021 246 7170 1 1:10 [m] 1:20[m] First floor 1:100 130 sqm 45 sqm 175 sqm Bed 2 10.31 m2 W/ 3.77 Drawn: 2 - Ground Floor Area: First Floor Area: Total Floor Area: Drawings produced under commission by All dimensions to be verified on site before making any shop drawings or commencing any work 130 sqm 45 sqm 175 sqm Ground Floor 1 f I r S T f l o o r p l a- n 1:100 This drawing is copyright and remains the property of Moore Design and Draughting. 0.5 1 Outline of roof below New Dwelling Lot 59 Spenmoor Street Newlands, Wellington 0.4 0.8 New Dwelling Lot 59 Spenmoor Street Newlands, Wellington 1 2 2 3 1 3 8.33 m2 8.98 m2 Ground Floor Area: First Floor Area: Total Floor Area: Bath 5.25 m2 Outline of floor below WC 1.54 m2 1280 0.3 0.6 Moore Design and Draughting Bed 4 Specialising in Design and Draughting Solutions New Homes, Alterations and Additions 8.33 m2 N 0.2 0.4 Ground Floor Area: First Floor Area: Total Floor Area: 1:200[m] 1:500[m] 8 20 1 3 Kitchen First floor 1:100 N 0.1 0.2 All dimensions to be verified on site before making any shop drawings or commencing any work 0 0 This drawing is copyright and remains the property of Moore Design and Draughting. 100 250 4 10 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Kitchen Double Garage 34.40 m2 • Northfacing Dining 14 80 200 0 0 6 • Section397m2 12.90 m2 13 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 WC 1.54 m2 12 60 150 3 m2 Bath 5.25 m2 11 25.11 8.98 10 40 100 2 4 10.72 m2 34.40 m2 9 20 50 1 Double Garage 34.40 m2 Dining 12.90 m2 Lounge m2 8 1:2[mm] 0 1:5[mm] 0 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 7 Ground Floor 1:100 1 1:50 [m] 0 1:100[m] 0 2 - • 4bedrooms,ensuite,bathroom,doublegarage w w w. p o i n t 36 0 . c o . nz • Floorarea175m2,patio11.8m2 Double Garage 6 5 4 3 6.86 m2 8.98 m2 2 m2 Ensuite 2 Bath Outline of floor below 5.25 m2 WC 1.54 m2 Lounge 1 Bed 4 2 2 1 3 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 8.33 m2 Outline of roof below G r o u n d 10.72 f lm o o r p l a n Bed 2 10.31 m2 Kitchen 8.98 m2 Paul Charlett M 021 48 54 54 25.11 Double Garage 34.40 m2 Dining 12.90 m2 CONTACT: Bed 3 2 1 w w w.p o i n t 36 0 . c o . n z Sheet No: 25.11 m2 New Dwelling Lot 59 Spenmoor Street Newlands, Wellington 3.77 m2 Lounge 3 6 2 Lounge This drawing is copyright and remains the property of Moore Design and Draughting. A R C H I T E C T U R A L R E N D E R I N G O N LY All dimensions to be verified on site before making any shop drawings or commencing any work A R C H I T E C T U R A L R E N D E R I N G O N LY e: cam@mooredraughting.co.nz w: w Proposed New Dwelling For: Date: • Harbourviews ContaCt: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 www.point360.co.nz 10 Version Page Number: • Floorareas171.16m2 03/06/2013 • Conservatory&studynook Prime Property Group Wellington • 4bedrooms,ensuite,bathroom,doubleinternalgarage 04 of 05 BUY TODAY $590,000 LOT 64 All dimension shop drawin BUY TODAY $545,000 New Dwellings Lot 58 Point 360 Wellington LOT 58 This drawing Moore Desig Prime Properties, Lot 58 Spenmoor Street Newlands, Wellington 6,230 Chang 6,230 90 4,480 Deck 32 sqm 90 Highes with ba 150 70 2,378 Kitchen 6,226 6,230 767 1,800 3,270 3,742 10,275 Ground Floor Lot 58 8 1:200[m] 20 1:500[m] 4 10 Elevations Lot 58 3 0 6 0 2 4 Drawings produced under commission by 40 100 60 150 80 200 100 250 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.5 1:10[m] 1 1:20[m] p: 04 5665002 or 021 246 7170 e: cam@mooredraughting.co.nz 65 Drawings produced under commission by 4 3 2 1 p: 04 5665002 or 021 246 7170 e: cam@ 0.5 1:10[m] 1 1:20[m] +221,900 • Section433m2 Risk Factor Risk Severity Risk Score Wind zone (per NZS 3604) Extra high risk 2 Number of storeys High risk 2 Roof/wall intersection design Very high risk 5 Eaves width High risk 2 Envelope complexity Medium risk 1 Deck design Low risk 0 Total Risk Score: ContaCt: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 12 www.point360.co.nz Date: Job No: 203 Sheet No: 11/02/14 Scale: CM BUILDING ENVELOPE RISK MATRIX North Elevation PC South Elevation Lot 58 1:100 Checked: 4 - Drawn: 1:100 @ A3 • Harbourviews 5,500 Garage A: 24.68 m2 1,400 90 1,790 5,840 188 90 300 120 511 90 300 2,600 3,601 3,691 11 580 90 730 545 90 65 545 730 90 4 3 2 1 w: www.mooredraughting.co.nz Lot 58 1 2 20 50 545 545 0.4 0.8 • Floorarea172.8m2,deck25.6m2,totalarea198.4m2 1:2[mm] 0 1:5[mm] 0 155 8 1:200[m] 20 1:500[m] 4 10 • 3bedrooms,ensuite,bathroom,singleinternalgarage 1:75 1:75 1:50 [m] 0 1:100[m] 0 Gr 2 - Lndy A: 1.85 m2 0.3 0.6 600 3,365 90 9,772 2,051 90 WC A: 1.82 m2 1,685 90 3,742 13,295 3,708 4,864 90 Lot 58 101 FF Area: 78.67 sqm Total Area: 155.9 sqm 155 155 GF Area: 77.23 sqm 90 Bed 2 90 2 0.2 0.4 3,570 1,130 A: 12.57 m2 90 Sunlight plane breach A Sheet No: CM PC Checked: Drawn: 0.1 0.2 New Dwellings Lot 58 Point 360 Wellington 782 545 545 Total Area: 155.9 sqm m2 3 0 6 0 Bed 3 90 FF Area: 78.67 sqm 90 6,230 Specialising in Design and Draughting Solutions New Homes, Alterations and Additions 660 0 0 873 1,800 3,365 90 GF Area: 77.23 sqm 1,130 90 1,200 First Floor Lot 58 1 100 250 700 65 545 930 6,046 155 90 5 Bath 6,226 1,200 +222,500 80 200 Specialising in Design and Draughting Solutions New Homes, Alterations and Additions mission by North Elevation Lot 58 1:100 1,200 2 4 60 150 Moore Design and Draughting 2 - 1,766 90 2,378 1,282 3,742 3,742 3,455 2,051 1,068 5 5 w: www.mooredraughting.co.nz 1 2 40 100 930 6,046 A: 13.13 m2 90 by 1,200 18.89 First Floor Lot A:58 1:75 10,275 9,772 4,864 90 Living A: 21.44 m2 or 6 7170 e: cam@mooredraughting.co.nz 90 5 20 50 5,650 1,766 1,800 13,295 7,542 1:2[mm] 0 1:5[mm] 0 Job No: 150 This drawing is copyright and remains the property of Moore Design and Draughting. 150 3,708 938 528 2,400 90 3,815 700 1,200 1,200 Dining A: 13.54 m2 3,995 1 - 1:50 [m] 0 1:100[m] 0 5,900 5,900 3,762 A: 11.56 m2 2,158 2,378 Kitchen 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 70 90 123 90 700 Front View 13,295 2 - Date: 5,800 460 All dimensions to be verified on site before making any shop drawings or commencing any work 90 5 F 11/02/14 Scale: As Shown 1,068 550 90 3,523 3,523 3,400 3,400 3,220 A: 12.54 m2 3,220 Bed 1 A: 3.83 m2 Living A: 21.44 m2 could potentially be reduced Highest retaining wall is 3m at the West corner of the site, and with battering as was done for lot 59. 90 90 Deck 32 sqm N Bath 1: Mirrored 2: Garage moved forward and down 600mm. 3: Bed 1 and Bath on First Floor mirrored within external walls 4: kitchen moved to other side and doors out opposite side for outdoor living 5: deck for outdoor living (more cost effective than retaining walls in this situation 6: Window and door changes - within same width as for lots 5/6 downstairs. Upstairs slight changes due to outside access on opposite side. 90 Moore Design and Draughting 3,470 4,480 528 90 90 5:01 PM Tuesday, 11 February 2014 /Volumes/Company-Files/Active Jobs/0000- Lot 58 Spenmoor Street/CAD files/Lot 58.pln 600 2,400 90 600 3,815 1,800 1,151 3,995 90 700 Changes from Lots 5&6 for Lot 58 6,230 3,455 938 6,230 7,542 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Dining A: 13.54 m2 1,200 1,200 Site Plans 5,900 13,295 5,900 3,762 A: 11.56 m2 2,158 3,220 Bed 1 A: 12.54 m2 90 F 700 3,470 3,523 3,400 3,400 3,220 90 90 3,523 Bath A: 3.83 m2 600 90 600 90 1,151 90 123 1,800 5:01 PM Tuesday, 11 February 2014 /Volumes/Company-Files/Active Jobs/0000- Lot 58 Spenmoor Street/CAD files/Lot 58.pln 90 LOT 60 BUY TODAY $550,000 D D 1 Copyright of this drawing is vested in Spencer Holmes Ltd. The Contractor shall verify all dimensions on site. C C E1 05 GARDEN 2 E4 06 E4 06 B 3 B UP A A 4 UP UP W GARDEN Level 6 PO Box 588 Phone (O4) 472-2261 Email 8 Willis Street Wellington, NZ Fax (04) 471-2372 admin@spencerholmes.co.nz PRIME PROPERTY GROUP E3 06 W E2 05 1:50 @ A1 1:100 @ A3 1 E1 05 2 3 LOT 60 SPENMOOR STREET NEWLANDS WELLINGTON FIRST FLOOR LEVEL S13-0939 03 L P P E 4 UP UP Level 6 PO Box 588 Phone (O4) 472-2261 Email E3 06 P ad PRIME PROPERTY E2 05 SECOND FLOOR LEVEL FIRST FLOOR LEVEL Copyright of this drawing is ves The Contractor shall verif LOT 60 SPEN STREET NEW WELLINGTO 1:50 @ A1 1:100 @ A3 SECOND FLO S13-0939 L S W • 3bedrooms,ensuite,bathroom,doublegarage • Floorarea165m2 C S ContaCt: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 www.point360.co.nz 12 LOT LOT68 68 | BUY TODAY $695,000 BUY TODAY $650,000 A R C H I T E C T U R A L R E N D E R I N G O N LY ooms,ensuite,bathroom,study,doublegarage rea172.8m2,deck25.6m2,totalarea198.4m2 n1,150m2 A R C H I T E C T U R A L R E N D E R I N G O N LY A R C H I T E C T U R A L R E N D E R I N G O N LY rviews floor plan • 3bedrooms,ensuite,bathroom,study,doublegarage Bathroom 7.40 m2 • Floorarea172.8m2,deck25.6m2,totalarea198.4m2 • Section1,150m Charlett Bedroom 2 11.54 m2 WIR 3.74 m2 Entry 2 Ensuite 4.18 m2 Study Nook DR Kitchen 15.81 m2 Master Bedroom 14.45 m2 floor plan Dining 9.34 m2 Lounge 23.75 m2 Deck 25.59 m2 w w w. p o i nt360.c o.nz CONTACT: Bathroom 7.40 m2 Bedroom 2 11.54 m2 Bedroom 3 12.59 m2 N WIR 3.74 m2 Paul Charlett M 021 48 54 54 Entry Ensuite 4.18 m2 Study Nook Garage 36.28 m2 W DR Kitchen 15.81 m2 Master Bedroom 14.45 m2 Dining 9.34 m2 floor plan Lounge 23.75 m2 • 3bedrooms,ensuite,bathroom,study,doublegarage w w w. p o i n t 36 0 . c o . n z • Floorarea172.8m2,deck25.6m2,totalarea198.4m2 Bedroom 2 11.54 m2 Garage 36.28 m2 W Harbourviews 1 48•54 54 Bathroom 7.40 m2 Bedroom 3 12.59 m2 Deck 25.59 m2 N • Section1,150m2 Bedroom 3 12.59 m2 • Harbourviews WIR 3.74 m2 Entry Ensuite 4.18 m2 Study Nook Garage 36.28 m2 W DR Kitchen 15.81 m2 Master Bedroom 14.45 m2 Dining 9.34 m2 Lounge 23.75 m2 Deck 25.59 m2 N ContaCt: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 www.point360.co.nz 13 LOT 69 BUY TODAY $625,000 Wardrobe a R C H I t E C t U R a L R E n D E R I n G o n LY Bedroom 2 11.28 m2 En-suite 6.19 m2 Bedroom 1 9.68 m2 Bathroom 7.96 m2 Wardrobe 7 Master Bedroom 17.39 m2 6 5 4 3 2 1 Entrance & Hallway 15.76 m2 Garage 34.80 m2 Study nook 1 2 3 4 5 6 Laundry w/m dryer 7 Kitchen 14.40 m2 Living 29.68 m2 Dining 14.06 m2 N Deck Proposed Floor Plan 1:75 1 - 1:50 [m] 0 1:100[m] 0 2 1 4 2 3 0 0 6 4 10 8 20 1:200[m] 1:500[m] • 3bedroom,ensuite,bathroom,study,doublegarage Drawings produced under commission by 1:2[mm] 0 1:5[mm] 0 20 50 40 100 60 150 80 200 100 250 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.5 1 1:10 [m] 1:20[m] p: 04 5665002 or 021 246 7170 e: cam@mooredraughting.co.nz w: www.mooredraughting.co.nz • Floorarea178.3m2,deck15.4m2,totalarea193.7m2 • Section1,110m2 • Rural&harbourviews ContaCt: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 www.point360.co.nz 14 tub LOT 55 | A - E BUY TODAY $595,000 a R C H I t E C t U R a L R E n D E R I n G o n LY C D B A House 1A & 2A south elevation E All homes include: 4 Bedrooms, Ensuite & Bathroom, Single Internal Garage, Conservatory & Study Nook House 55A & 55B, 155.89m2 $595,000 House 55C, 55D & 55E, 150.45m2 $595,000 ContaCt: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 House 1A - street elevation www.point360.co.nz 15 BUY TODAY $580,000-$590,000 LOT 33 | 1 - 6 5.6 3 11.37 24.85 GROUND LEVEL OPEN SPACE 107m² 34.36 19.22 13.3 8 22.99 LOT 3 9 LOT 4 408 m² 345 m² SITE COVERAGE: 116/(408-5)= 29% SITE COVERAGE: 113/(345-37)= 37% LOT 2 23.73 GROUND LEVEL OPEN SPACE 371m² 115m² GROUND LEVEL OPEN SPACE 162m² 116m² 113m² 17.97 6 .8 LOT 7 563 m² 10.2 ha 1 9.40 14 .5 SITE COVERAGE: 115/563 = 20% 5.85 92m² 4.39 2 .9 8 4.7 4.05 F 6 7.5 5 .7 4 13 5.62 96 m² E 29.59 6.75 2.5 4 SITE COVERAGE: 96/(498-59)= 22% 2.05 8.88 GROUND LEVEL OPEN SPACE 238m² 498 m² 96m² 59m² LOT 8 91m² LOT 5 D 5.96 371 m² SITE COVERAGE: 91/(371-92)= 33% 20.0 2 5m² 5.62 3.26 2.49 8 5.90 A 13.4 9 5.58 C 8 7.13 5.30 .7 LOT 1 5 .0 37m² 5.26 GROUND LEVEL OPEN SPACE 104m² 14 B 8.37 11.24 5 .2 1 3. 73 8 6.3 1.90 9.6 7 9.82 96m² 39m² 3.60 path TO P OF 7 .0 3 GROUND LEVEL OPEN SPACE 250m² 453 m² SITE COVERAGE: 96/(453-39)= 23% 26 .8 1 LOT 9 B KE R LOT 6 1.65 3.64 Foot 4.20 11 .1 1 9 .6 8 • 3bedrooms,ensuite,bathroom,singleordoublegarage 0 10 20 30 40 • Floorareasfrom152.73m2to165.11m2 • Harbourviews ContaCt: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 www.point360.co.nz 16 Contact: Paul Charlett, M 021 48 54 54 www.point360.co.nz
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