- 高沢文庫 - University of Hawaii


- 高沢文庫 - University of Hawaii
The Kōji Takazawa Collection
of Japanese Social Movement Materials
Volume 1
University of Hawai‘i
© 2014 Patricia G. Steinhoff
Honolulu, Hawai‘i
All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the copyright
holder to reproduce any part of this book.
Introduction Patricia G. Steinhoff........................................................v
A. 書籍 Books..............................................................................................1
文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries................................... 3
II. 全集と縮刷版 Sets and Reprint Editions................................................ 15
III. 戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History
and Thought................................................................................................ 41
IV. 1960安保前後 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath.................................. 75
V. 1960後半1970前半の社会運動........................................................... 93
Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements
VI. 赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements........................147
VII. 1970-1980年代社会運動や思想......................................................166
1970s-1980s Movements and Thought
VIII. 差別:部落問題や沖縄問題.............................................................................197
Discrimination Issues: Burakumin and Okinawa
IX. 1960-1970年代の感想....................................................................208
Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs...........................227
XI. 韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人...................................................................................285
Koreans in Japan, South and North Korea
XII. 中国と東亜 China and Asia.....................................................................303
XIII. 女性問題 Women’s Issues.......................................................................311
XIV. よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea..................320 XV. 1990年代における日本の問題 1990s Issues in Japan......................376
XVI. 歴史の研究資料 Historical Research.....................................................384
B. 定期刊行物 Serials..............................................................................395
A. 他の資料 Other Materials.....................................................................1
物 品 Artifacts............................................................................................ 3
II. AV資料 AV Sets............................................................................................. 7
III. 切り抜き集 Clippings.................................................................................. 19
IV. 裁判資料 Court Documents...................................................................... 87
V. ファイル Folders.......................................................................................... 99
VI. ビラ集 Handbills......................................................................................155
VII. 書簡集 Letters...........................................................................................181
VIII. 原稿 Manuscripts....................................................................................191
IX. 地図 Maps..................................................................................................227
パンフレット Pamphlets............................................................................233
XI. 写真集 Photographs................................................................................399
XII. ポスター Posters.......................................................................................403
iv ❖ Contents
B. 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors..........................409
相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection......411
II. 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection...... 483
III. 平井吉夫(ひらいよしお)文書 Hirai Yoshio Sub-Collection..................509
IV. 西平守次(にしひらしゅうじ)文書 Nishihira Shūji Sub-Collection........ 519
V. 五味雅彦(ごみまさひこ)文書 Gomi Masahiko Sub-Collection.............523
The Takazawa Collection is an extensive collection of resource materials on
postwar Japanese social movements that was donated to the University of Hawaii
by Takazawa Kōji in 1993. He donated additional materials between 2000 and
2012. The collection contains 2,236 books and 9,386 issues of 1,228 serial titles,
the majority of which are not available in any other library. It also contains 1,020
pamphlets, 358 manuscripts, 59 sets of clipping files, 128 court documents in 8
sets, 1,540 handbills in 44 sets, 389 folders of materials, 5,320 letters in 49 sets,
103 audiovisual materials in 32 sets, 45 maps, 35 posters, 1,353 photographs in
22 sets, and 15 sets of artifacts.
The collection’s greatest strength lies in its primary materials from the
many New Left social movements of the 1960s through 1980s. These materials
comprise a running record of most of the major political and social conflicts in
postwar Japan, both domestic and international. They include: conflicts over the
American military presence in Japan; Japanese response to the Vietnam war;
student movements; citizens’ movements and environmental movements; women’s
movements; minority rights movements involving indigenous groups and groups
traditionally discriminated against; movements concerning Korean and Chinese resident in Japan and foreign workers; peace movements; labor movements;
anti-emperor movements; movements against airport construction and land appropriations; prison reform and anti-death penalty movements; the reversion of
Okinawa and other Okinawan movements; movements related to Japanese policy
in North and South Korea; and Japanese involvement in liberation movements in
the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America.
The secondary materials include a collection of books that were widely read
by Japanese students during the 1960s and influenced New Left thought, a broad
range of books published by and about postwar Japanese social movements, a
comprehensive collection of literary and dramatic works inspired by or reflecting
upon these social movements, and extensive collections of the news coverage and
social commentary published about these movements in the Japanese press and
large circulation periodicals. The collection constitutes a resource for research in
modern Japanese literature and cultural studies as well as history, political science, and sociology.
The materials in the collection were catalogued by Japanese speaking graduate students at the University of Hawaii under my direction with supervision
from the professional library staff at the University. Fragile materials were also
preserved under the direction of the Preservation and Archival staff at the University. The materials were catalogued into a relational database that I designed,
which is organized by the different types of materials to reflect the types of information required by American library standards for each type. Since the collection contains many types of materials that are not ordinarily catalogued by
libraries, the standards for archival collections were used as needed. After the
initial cataloguing was completed, materials in folders were further examined
and individual items were cross-catalogued as handbills, pamphlets, and serials
as appropriate. With few exceptions, the materials in the Takazawa Collection
vi ❖ Introduction
are written in Japanese. English annotations have been developed for all of the
materials, in order to make the collection materials more accessible to users who
are not native speakers of Japanese. Takazawa Kōji and I worked together on
the book annotations, after which the student staff and I wrote the rest of the
annotations. They sometimes are very basic, and in other cases contain valuable
background information on individuals, organizations, and events.
Bibliographies of all the materials in the collection are available on the searchable collection website, at http://www.takazawa.hawaii.edu/, which was built on
the collection’s relational database by a series of programmers, who are acknowledged individually along with the student cataloguers on the collection website.
Text explanations and annotations to the materials are currently only available
in English, but the bibliographies, browse and search tools, and other research
aids include both Japanese characters and romanization. The website has had
over 5,000 viewers from Japan, the United States, and Europe. This set of printed
volumes is derived from the bibliographies that are posted on the website. Digital
editor Wanda China has provided the technical expertise for the publication.
To prepare the print version we rechecked the bibliographies and corrected
many minor errors. On the website each entry is searchable directly, so explanatory text in the annotations is repeated in all relevant entries. For the print bibliography we have eliminated this duplication and have provided additional organization of the materials. The books were originally sorted by Takazawa Kōji on two
trips to Honolulu and they were catalogued in that order. In 2012 he returned and
sorted the new books that he had recently donated, and they were catalogued in
that order. In preparing for the print bibliography we identified a number of items
that were out of order and have tried to put them in their most logical location. To
save space, we have also combined book sets and provided a single annotation for
the set. Similarly, the print bibliography contains only the serial titles, and the annotation contains an indication of the number of issues in the collection. (All serial
issues are searchable directly in the website bibliographies.) The same procedure
is used for other materials that are grouped into sets, such as court documents,
clipping files, folders, and audio-visual materials. Where the individual item records provide useful information, they have been included separately in the print
bibliographies. Otherwise they have been omitted. Folders, Pamphlets, and Serials
have been sorted by title following the standard Japanese kana sequence in yomigana order, as the title would be read phonetically. Other small sets have generally been presented in the order they were catalogued. All of the materials in the
sub-collections are also included in the main bibliographies in their appropriate
categories, but we have also produced a separate section in Volume II containing
the materials in each sub-collection, to give them greater visibility. The pdf files of
the print bibliography volumes will also be posted on the website, so that users can
download whole volumes or the bibliographies of each item type or sub-collection.
About the Donor
Takazawa Kōji is the pen name of a Japanese freelance journalist, editor,
and writer who participated in the New Left protest movements of the late 1960s
and early 1970s as a member of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (The Communist League,
Introduction ❖ vii
nicknamed Bund) and its breakaway faction Sekigunha (Red Army Faction). As
a young activist he produced social movement publications and also traded them
with others doing similar volunteer work for other New Left organizations. This
became the start of his collection, which contains extensive holdings of serials
and pamphlets put out by New Left organizations during the 1960s and 1970s. He
also maintained very extensive clipping files of newspaper and magazine articles
on protest activities from the mid-1960s through the 1980s, which are also in the
Takazawa was one of many new Left students of his generation who helped
organize young workers into chapters of the anti-war youth organization Hansen
Seinen Iinkai. He later participated in trial support groups for a number of New
Left cases in the 1970s. He wrote and edited publications concerning two of the
most prominent of these, the Rengō Sekigun case and the Tsuchida-Nisseki-Peace
Can Bomb case, in which several people were falsely convicted and later retried
and found innocent. The collection contains support group publications, organizational materials, court documents, correspondence, manuscripts, and miscellaneous materials related to these activities.
In his career as a professional book editor, Takazawa helped to preserve many
New Left primary materials through publication, but amassed a much greater
quantity of material than could be published in edited collections. A recognized
authority on New Left social movements, he has written and edited many of the
basic research resources on the Japanese New Left as well as countless magazine
articles and several books of reportage. Many of his publications, and the materials he used to produce them, are in the collection.
As a writer, researcher, and collector of historical documents, Takazawa acquired many rare primary materials and obscure publications from private collections or second-hand book dealers in Japan for his independent writing projects.
He also conducted a number of taped interviews with key figures. During the late
1980s and early 1990s he traveled to North Korea, China, and Cambodia as a
journalist. The collection contains materials he acquired on these trips as well as
his own writings. In 1999 he won the prestigious Kōdansha Non-Fiction Prize for
his book Shukumei: Yodogo Bōmeishatachi no Himitsu Kosaku (Kōdansha, 1998).
Sub-Collection Donors
In addition to the materials in his personal collection, Takazawa acquired
smaller collections of social movement materials from several other people. These
have been included in the Takazawa Collection with their permission. In some
cases these materials are identified as sub-collections from specific donors, while
in other instances the donors preferred to remain anonymous. These sub-collections broaden the scope of the Takazawa collection in time, geographic range, and
movement variety.
Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection
Aihara Fumio is the pen name of a participant in the prewar Japanese Left
who worked as a professional translator and editor. In the postwar era he and his
viii ❖ Introduction
wife, journalist Furuya Yoshiko, remained active in social movements and became supporters of the New Left during the 1960s and 1970s. After their deaths,
family members gave their books and personal papers to Takazawa Kōji, who
subsequently arranged to have them included as a named sub-collection in the
Takazawa Collection. The Aihara-Furuya materials contain a number of very
early prewar Japanese translations of books by European Marxists that were
translated by Aihara. Some correspondence between Aihara and these authors,
such as Gyorgy Lukacs, is also in the collection, along with some German and
English originals of books and serials that Aihara owned. However, the books are
all catalogued together without separate designation of the subcollection. Furuya
Yoshiko was active in the Beheiren anti-Vietnam war citizens’ movement in the
late 1960s, the women’s movement, and trial support movements related to the
New Left and Okinawa. The collection includes her Beheiren materials and clipping files on protest events, as well as copies of articles she wrote on the women’s
movement and other subjects. This sub-collection also contains a number of artifacts and photographs from the family.
Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection
Takeishi Kazumi was a student activist during the late 1960s and early
1970s who participated in the organization Dai Yon Intānashonaru, Nihon shibu (Fourth International, Japan branch, nicknamed Dai Yon Intā), which engaged in protest activities as part of the Japanese New Left. He later moved to
Okinawa, where he became a publisher and was active in local labor and antibase movements. The Takeishi sub-collection contains publications from Dai Yon
Intānashonaru plus extensive primary materials from social movements in Okinawa during the 1970s and 1980s.
Hirai Yoshio Sub-Collection
Hirai Yoshio was a Waseda University student and participant in Kyōsan­
shu­gisha Dōmei during the 1960 Anti-Security Treaty protests. The collection
contains his materials from this period.
Nishihira Shūji Sub-Collection
Nishihira Shūji was active in the Okinawan movement in the late 1960s. His
father was from Okinawa and owned Kyūdō Shobō, a second-hand bookstore in
western Tokyo that specialized in Okinawan materials. He later became the second-generation owner of the bookstore and donated numerous Okinawan newspapers and pamphlet to the collection.
Gomi Masahiko Sub-Collection
Gomi Masahiko was a Waseda University student who participated in various protest movements as a “non-sect” activist from 1967 on. He helped organize
the nationwide 1968 Enterprise protests, and subsequently was a major figure in
the founding of the New Left bookstore cooperative Mosakusha. The collection
Introduction ❖ ix
contains his files from the organization of several major protest events of the late
1960s, as well as publications from this period.
The University of Hawaii is grateful to Takazawa Kōji and the other donors
of the collection for making these rare and valuable materials available to researchers throughout the world, and to the Center for Japanese Studies at the
University of Hawaii, its Japan Endowment, and the National Endowment for the
Humanities Preservation and Access Division, which have provided the financial
support to catalog the collection and to develop the collection website and these
print bibliographies. I extend my deepest personal thanks to my friend and colleague Takazawa Kōji, who has made this wonderful legacy possible.
Patricia G. Steinhoff
Honolulu, Hawaii
March, 2014
I. 文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries
安保闘争文献目録. 東京: 湖北社, 1979.
Anpo tōsō bunken mokuroku. Tōkyō: Kohokusha, 1979, pp. 5, 241.
This is a bibliography of the materials available at the Diet Library on the 1960 Anpo
Tōsō. This remains the most current bibliography that has been produced on these
materials as of 1999, although new materials have been added to the collection since
the bibliography’s original publication in 1979.
「安保闘争」関係文献・資料目録: 一九六○年 五月ー六月. 東京: 国
立国会図書館, 1960.
“Anpo Tōsō” kankei bunken, shiryō mokuroku: 1960 nen 5 gatsu-6 gatsu. Tōkyō: Kokuritsu
Kokkai Toshokan, 1960, pp. 6, 97.
This bibliography was produced immediately after the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. Since it was
published so soon after the event, this collection does not include reflective, historical
materials, but instead contains fresh materials from the struggle itself.
安保闘争における学生運動資料集: 1960年4月ー6月、学生問
題資料集 第1冊, 1. 東京: 学生問題研究所, 1961.
Anpo tōsō ni okeru gakusei undō shiryōshū: 1960 nen 4 gatsu-6 gatsu, Gakusei mondai
shiryōshū Dai 1 satsu, 1. Tōkyō: Gakusei Mondai Kenkyūjo, 1961, pp. 67.
This bibliography was produced during the 1960 Anpo movement. The editing organization was a research branch of Tokyo University.
戦後における日本の学生運動資料目録. 東京: 学生問題研究所, 1961.
Sengo ni okeru Nihon no gakusei undō shiryō mokuroku. Tōkyō: Gakusei Mondai Kenkyūjo,
1961, pp. 14.
This bibliography covers postwar student movements prior to the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
The gakusei mondai kenkyusho was a research institute at Tokyo University, but is
no longer in existence.
国立国会図書館所蔵発禁図書目録: 1945年以前. 東京: 国立国
会図書館, 1980.
Kokuritsu kokkai toshokan shozō hakkin tosho mokuroku: 1945 nen izen. Tōkyō: Kokuritsu
Kokkai Toshokan, 1980, pp. 124, 27.
This is a bibliography of the publications that were censored by the Japanese government prior to the end of the war in 1945. Occupation authorities in postwar Japan
seized the materials and took them to the United States, but returned them to Japan after the Occupation ended. The bibliography of the items was compiled by the
National Diet Library. Most of the items are ideological and many concern the communist movement before and during the war.
4 ❖ 書籍 Books
島成郎文書総目録: 総合仮目録(第1稿).東京: 高沢オフィス, 1985.
Shima Shigeo bunsho sōmokuroku: sōgō kari mokuroku (Dai 1 kō). Tōkyō: Takazawa Office,
1985, pp. 488.
Shima Shigeo was the head of the secretariat of Bund during the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
This is a bibliography of the materials he had in his personal collection concerning
the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
「大学」問題に関する文献目録: 本学図書館所蔵. 大阪: 桃山学院大
学図書館, 1969.
“Daigaku” mondai ni kansuru bunken mokuroku: hongaku toshokan shozō. Ōsaka: Momoyama Gakuin Daigaku Toshokan, 1969, pp. 14.
Bibliography of materials owned by Momoyama Gakuin Daigaku concerning student
movements. It is not limited to movements at the school.
日本社会運動史研究史論: 文献目録とその解説、1899・1956. 東京:
新泉社, 1976.
Nihon shakai undō-shi kenkyū-shi ron: bunken mokuroku to sono kaisetsu, 1899-1956.
Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1976, pp. 349.
Bibliography of social movements, including labor movements, the communist movement, etc. It includes some prewar materials as well as postwar materials. This is
the first of two volumes, covering 1899 to 1956.
小山弘健( 著 ).
続日本社会運動史研究史論: その文献と研究の現状、1957・1976. 東京: 新泉社, 1979.
Koyama, Hirotake (author).
Zoku Nihon shakai undō-shi kenkyū-shi ron: sono bunken to kenkyū no genjō, 1957-1976.
Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1979, pp. 483, 8.
Bibliography of social movements, including labor movements, the communist movement, etc. It includes some prewar materials as well as postwar materials. This is
the second of two volumes, covering 1957 to 1976.
部落解放・人権図書目録刊行会( 編 ).
部落解放・人権図書目録 1991, 8. 東京: 部落解放・人権図書目録刊行会, 1990.
Buraku Kaihō Jinken Tosho Mokuroku Kankōkai (editor).
Buraku kaihō, Jinken tosho mokuroku 1991, 8. Tōkyō: Buraku Kaihō Jinken Tosho Mokuroku Kankō Kai, 1990, pp. 157.
Bibliography of Buraku Kaihō movement materials. This is a yearbook that did not
always appear each year, and the collection only has this one issue.
ME書誌編集委員会( 編 ).
マルクスーエンゲルス邦訳文献目録(暫定版).東京: 極東書店, 1973.
文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries ❖ 5
ME Shoshi Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Marukusu-Engerusu hōyaku bunken mokuroku (zantei ban). Tōkyō: Kyokutō Shoten, 1973,
pp. 80.
Bibliography of materials on Marx and Engels and Marxism that have been translated into Japanese. It was published jointly by Kyokutō Shoten, Nauka, and Ōtsuki
一条元美( 編 ).
新しいメガ: 新マルクス・エンゲルス全集、
Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe. 東京: 極東書店, 1973.
Ichijō, Motomi (editor).
Atarashii mega: Shin Marukusu-Engerusu zenshū, Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe. Tōkyō:
Kyokutō Shoten, 1973, pp. 52.
This is a commentary (kaisetsu) volume of the new MEGA edition of the Marx-Engels zenshū that was just coming out during the 1970s. It contains a discussion of
changes from the old edition and a bibliography.
天野敬太郎( 編 ).
日本マックス・ヴェーバー書誌: マックス・ヴェーバーの思想像 <付録>. 東京: 新泉社, 1969.
Amano, Keitarō (editor).
Nihon Makkusu Vēbā shoshi: Makkusu Vēbā no shisōzō <Furoku>. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1969,
pp. 130.
This is a bibliography of materials on Max Weber that have been translated into
模索舎出版部( 編 ).
模索舎に納品された自主出版物総目録: 1970・10 - 1980・7, 上. 東京: 模索舎出版部, 1980.
Mosakusha Shuppanbu (editor).
Mosakusha ni nōhinsareta jishu shuppanbutsu sōmokuroku: 1970.10 - 1980.7, jō. Tōkyō:
Mosakusha Shuppanbu, 1980, pp. 92.
模索舎出版部( 編 ).
模索舎に納品された自主出版物総目録: 1970・10ー1980・7, 下. 東京: 模索舎出版
部, 1981.
Mosakusha Shuppanbu (editor).
Mosakusha ni nōhinsareta jishu shuppanbutsu sōmokuroku: 1970.10 - 1980.7, ge. Tōkyō:
Mosakusha Shuppanbu, 1981, pp. 100.
This is a two-volume bibliography of all materials sent in to Mosakusha, a cooperative bookstore of left-wing materials, between 1970 and 1980. From this complete
list one can get a fairly good idea of the range of materials put out by the movement
during this period. Much of the material carried by Mosakusha is “mini-komi” such
as newsletters, newspapers, pamphlets, and journals put out by social movement organizations. The term “mini-komi” distinguishes these materials from “masu-komi”
or mass communications. They do not circulate through mainstream distribution
channels, but are available by subscription or at movement bookstores. Mosakusha
6 ❖ 書籍 Books
was one of many such cooperative bookstores operated during the peak years of the
student movement, and is one of the very few that have survived to the present.
栄松堂書店ジョイナス店( 編 ).
ヒロシマナガサキ: 今戦争と平和と核を考える1000冊の本. 横浜: 栄松堂書店ジョイナス店,
Eishōdō Shoten Joinasu Ten (editor).
Hiroshima Nagasaki: ima sensō to heiwa to kaku o kangaeru 1000 satsu no hon. Yokohama:
Eishōdō Shoten Joinasuten, 1982, pp. 37.
Bibliography of anti-nuclear movement materials. Joinasu is the name of a department store in Yokohama. This bibliography was produced by the Eishodo bookstore
in the department store. It was done in conjunction with a book fair at the bookstore,
and covers about a thousand items then available in Japan.
琉球政府立法院図書館( 編 ).
戦後沖縄現地出版図書目録(70年12月末現在):立法院図書館所蔵. 那覇: 琉球政府立法院
図書館, 1971.
Ryūkyū Seifu Rippōin Toshokan (editor).
Sengo Okinawa genchi shuppan tosho mokuroku (70 nen 12 gatsu matsu genzai): Rippōin
toshokan shozō. Naha: Ryūkyū Seifu Rippōin Toshokan, 1971.
Bibliography produced by what was then the National Library of Okinawa (before
the 1972 return of Okinawa to Japan). This volume covers all books published in
Okinawa after the war through 1970.
琉球政府立法院図書館( 編 ).
新着図書速報: 1971年8月9日ー1972年2月末日受入, 9. 那覇: 琉球政府立法院図書
館, 1972.
Ryūkyū Seifu Rippōin Toshokan (editor).
Shinchaku tosho sokuhō: 1971 nen 8 gatsu 9 nichi -1972 nen 2 gatsu matsujitsu ukeire, 9.
Naha: Ryūkyū Seifu Rippōin Toshokan, 1972, pp. 25.
Bibliography produced by what was then the National Library of Okinawa (before
the 1972 return of Okinawa to Japan). This is a supplemental volume to item #17,
covering materials that came to the library from August, 1971 through February,
沖縄資料室( 編 ).
沖縄資料室図書目録: 1974・3現在. 沖縄資料室, 1974.
Okinawa Shiryō Shitsu (editor).
Okinawa shiryōshitsu tosho mokuroku: 1974.3 genzai. Okinawa Shiryōshitsu, 1974, pp. 27.
Bibliography published by the Okinawa prefectural research materials office, of Okinawa materials published after the return of Okinawa to Japan.
沖縄県書店組合( 編 ).
沖縄関係図書目録: 1983・10. 那覇: 沖縄県書店組合, 1983.
文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries ❖ 7
Okinawa-ken Shoten Kumiai (editor).
Okinawa kankei tosho mokuroku: 1983.10. Naha: Okinawa-ken Shoten Kumiai, 1983, pp. 75.
This bibliography of materials about Okinawa was produced by the Okinawan booksellers union in 1983 and covered all the materials then available about Okinawa.
( 編 ).
世紀末から20年代ベルリンへ: 大衆文化としての1900ー1933 ワイマール文化. 東京:
弘栄堂書店吉祥寺店, 1981.
Henshū Kōbō Bakkusu (editor).
Seiki matsu kara 20 nendai Berurin e: taishū bunka toshite no 1900-1933 Waimāru bunka.
Tōkyō: Kōeidō Shoten Kichijōji-ten, 1981, pp. 11.
Bibliography of materials concerning Weimar culture from 1900-1933, produced by
a bookseller in conjunction with a book fair of these materials.
現代書館, 社会評論社, 柘植書房, 批評社( 編 ).
「マルクス死後百年」文献目録: 現代を解く装 置. 東京: 現代書館, 1983.
Gendai Shokan; Shakai Hyōronsha; Tsuge Shobō and Hihyōsha (editors).
“Marukusu shigo hyakunen” bunken mokuroku: gendai o toku sōchi. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan,
1983, pp. 13.
Bibliography of materials on Marx, produced by a publisher in commemoration of
the 100 year anniversary of the death of Karl Marx in 1883. It covers materials published in Japan, in Japanese, up to 1983.
弘栄堂書店吉祥寺、人文社会科学コーナー( 編 ).
ロシア・ソヴェト関係文献目録案聰. 東京: 弘栄堂書店吉祥寺店, 1973.
Kōeidō Shoten Kichijōji, Jinbun Shakai Kagaku Kōnā (editor).
Roshia, Sovieto kankei bunken mokuroku annai. Tōkyō: Kōeidō Shoten Kichijōji-ten, 1973,
pp. 24.
Bibliography of books concerning Russia and the Soviet Union available in Japan
in the early 1970s. It was produced by a bookseller in conjunction with a book fair.
東京都立中央図書館( 編 ).
東京都中央図書館蔵、書誌目録. 東京: 東京都立中央図書館, 1975.
Tōkyō Toritsu Chūō Toshokan (editor).
Tokyo Tōritsu Chūō Toshokan zō, shoshi mokuroku. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Toritsu Chūō Toshokan,
1975, pp. 10, 419.
Bibliography of bibliographies, produced by the Tokyo Central Library.
社会問題研究会( 編 ).
全学連各派: 学生運動事典、増補改訂70年版. 東京: 双葉社, 1969.
Shakai Mondai Kenkyūkai (editor).
Zengakuren kakuha: Gakusei undō jiten, Zōho kaitei 70nen ban. Tōkyō: Futabasha, 1969,
pp. 448.
8 ❖ 書籍 Books
A dictionary of the postwar Japanese student movement as of 1969. It contains short
essays on each faction. This is the expanded 1970 edition, but publication date is
given as 1969.
高沢皓司, 佐長史朗, 松村良一( 編 ).
戦後革命運動事典. 東京: 新泉社, 1985.
Takazawa, Kōji; Sanaga, Shirō and Matsumura, Ryōichi (editors).
Sengo kakumei undō jiten. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1985, pp. 409.
Dictionary of postwar social movements. It contains brief but detailed entries on
people, organizations, events, and movements, plus diagrams of factions within various organization lineages.
伊藤道人( 編 ).
現代人物事典. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1977.
Itō, Michihito (editor).
Gendai jinbutsu jiten. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1977, pp. 13, 1767.
Biographical dictionary of postwar Japan published in 1977.
塩田勝( 著 ).
流行語・隠語辞典. 東京: 三一書房, 1981.
Shiota, Masaru (author).
Ryūkōgo, ingo jiten. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1981, pp. 276.
Dictionary of slang and popular language used during the 1970s in Japan. Covers
mostly the language used by students.
脇村義太朗, 堀江薫雄( 編 ).
経済用語、改訂版: 岩波小辞典. 東京: 岩波書店, 1963.
Wakimura, Yoshitarō and Horie, Shigeo (editors).
Keizai yōgo, kaiteiban: Iwanami shōjiten. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1963, pp. 218.
Dictionary of economic terms.
大塚金之助( 編 ).
社会思想: 岩波小事典. 東京: 岩波書店, 1956.
Ōtsuka, Kinnosuke (editor).
Shakai shisō: Iwanami shōjiten. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1956, pp. 219.
Dictionary of social thought and ideological terms.
河出書房編集部( 編 ).
社会科学辞典. 東京: 河出書房, 1949.
Kawade Shobō Editorial Section (editor).
Shakai Kagaku Jiten. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō, 1949, pp. 719.
item_ID: 18142
文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries ❖ 9
粟田賢三, 古在由重( 編 ).
哲学: 岩波小事典. 東京: 岩波書店, 1958.
Awata, Kenzō and Kozai, Yoshishige (editors).
Tetsugaku: Iwanami shōjiten. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1958, pp. 226.
Dictionary of philosophical terms.
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
朝日現代用語事典、1973, 1973. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1972.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
Asahi gendai yōgo jiten, 1973. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1972, pp. 1031.
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
朝日現代用語事典、1975, 1975. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1974.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
Asahi gendai yōgo jiten, 1975. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1974, pp. 1088.
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
朝日現代用語事典、1976, 1976. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1975.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
Asahi gendai yōgo jiten, 1976. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1975, pp. 1083.
Dictionary of contemporary special and new words. This dictionary is published
annually, and the collection contains several issues from the peak period of social
沖縄タイムス社( 編 ).
沖縄年鑑、1959, 1959. 那覇: 沖縄タイムス社, 1959.
Okinawa Taimususha (editor).
Okinawa nenkan, 1959. Naha: Okinawa Taimususha, 1959, pp. 672.
沖縄タイムス社( 編 ).
沖縄年鑑、1961, 1961. 那覇: 沖縄タイムス社, 1961.
Okinawa Taimususha (editor).
Okinawa nenkan, 1961. Naha: Okinawa Taimususha, 1961, pp. 604.
沖縄タイムス社( 編 ).
沖縄年鑑、1964, 1964. 那覇: 沖縄タイムス社, 1964.
Okinawa Taimususha (editor).
Okinawa nenkan, 1964. Naha: Okinawa Taimususha, 1964, pp. 506.
沖縄タイムス社( 編 ).
沖縄年鑑、1968, 1968. 那覇: 沖縄タイムス社, 1968.
Okinawa Taimususha (editor).
Okinawa nenkan, 1968. Naha: Okinawa Taimususha, 1968, pp. 616.
Annual volume produced by a local newspaper company in Okinawa concerning
events of the year, etc. The collection contains several volumes from the 1960s.
10 ❖ 書籍 Books
読売新聞社( 編 ).
1991年版読売年鑑, 1991. 東京: 読売新聞社, 1991.
Yomiuri Shinbunsha (editor).
1991 nenban Yomiuri nenkan. Tōkyō: Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 1991, pp. 660.
読売新聞社( 編 ).
読売人名録: 1991年版 読売年鑑別冊, 1991. 東京: 読売新聞社, 1991.
Yomiuri Shinbunsha (editor).
Yomiuri jinmeiroku: 1991 nenban Yomiuri nenkan bessatsu. Tōkyō: Yomiuri Shinbunsha,
1991, pp. 736.
読売新聞社( 編 ).
データファイル: 1991年版 読売年鑑別冊, 1991. 東京: 読売新聞社, 1991.
Yomiuri Shinbunsha (editor).
Dēta fairu: 1991 nenban Yomiuri nenkan bessatsu. Tōkyō: Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 1991, pp. 132.
This is an annual set of reference resources produced by the Yomiuri newspaper
company for all of Japan. The set includes a nenkan or annual volume, a biographical dictionary and a data file.
安江良介( 編 ).
世界 総目次: 昭和21年1月第1号ー昭和60年12月第482号. 東京: 岩波書店, 1985.
Yasue, Ryōsuke (editor).
Sekai sōmokuji: Shōwa 21 nen 1 gatsu dai 1 gō - Shōwa 60 nen 12 gatsu dai 482 gō. Tōkyō:
Iwanami Shoten, 1985, pp. 218, 48.
A bibliographical index of the journal Sekai, a key journal of progressive intellectuals in postwar Japan. It is organized by year, with an index at the back.
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
朝日ジャーナル総索引: 252ー516号. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1969.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
Asahi jānaru sōsakuin: 252 - 516 gō. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1969, pp. 138.
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
朝日ジャーナル総索引: 517号ー773号. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1974.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
Asahi jānaru sōsakuin: 517 gō - 773 gō. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1974, pp. 138.
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
朝日ジャーナル総索引: 774号ー1038号. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1979.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
Asahi jānaru sōsakuin: 774 gō - 1038 gō. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1979, pp. 138.
筑紫哲也( 編 ).
朝日ジャーナル総索引: 1039号ー1299号. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1984.
Chikushi, Tetsuya (editor).
Asahi jānaru sōsakuin: 1039 gō - 1299 gō. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1984, pp. 162.
文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries ❖ 11
Index of articles in Asahi Journal, which was produced by the Asahi Newspaper company and widely read by intellectuals and students. The collection contains volumes 2-5.
「べ平連ニュース縮刷版」刊行委員会( 編 ).
総合索引ベ平連1965ー1974: 資料「べ平連」運動合本縮刷版. 東京:「べ平連ニュース縮
刷版」刊行委員会, 1977.
“Beheiren Nyūsu Shukusatsuban” Kankō Iinkai (editor).
Sōgō sakuin Beheiren 1965 -1974: shiryō “Beheiren” undō gappon shukusatsuban. Tōkyō:
“Beheiren Nyūsu Shukusatsuban” Kankō Iinkai, 1977, pp. 51.
Beheiren was an anti-Vietnam war citizens’ movement. This contains their newsletter, which has been republished as a bound volume, plus some other materials.
鈴木正, 稲葉誠也( 編 ).
思想の科学総索引: 1946年ー1966年. 東京: 思想の科学社, 1967.
Suzuki, Tadashi and Inaba, Seiya (editors).
Shisō no kagaku sōsakuin: 1946 nen - 1966 nen. Tōkyō: Shisōno Kagakusha, 1967, pp. 118.
Bibliography and Index of Shiso no Kagaku, a journal representing postwar Japanese thought produced by a group of liberal intellectuals including Tsurumi Shunsuke, Tsurumi Kazuko, and Fujita Shozo.
小沢信男( 編 ).
新日本文学: 創立30周年記念号、30年の総目次, 346号. 東京: 新日本文学会, 1976.
Ozawa, Nobuo (editor).
Shin Nihon bungaku: sōritsu 30 shūnen kinengō, 30 nen no sōmokuji, no. 346. Tōkyō: Shin
Nihon Bungakukai, 1976, pp. 238.
Index and bibliography of Shin Nihon Bungaku, a journal published by some individuals associated with the Japan communist movement, who formed their own Shin
Nihon Bungaku ha and published the journal as part of their literary movement.
根本正久( 編 ).
知性: 知性コミュニケーションズの21年、1957ー1978. 東京: 知性コミュニケーション
ズ, 1978.
Nemoto, Masahisa (editor).
Chisei: Chisei komyunikēshonzu no 21 nen, 1957 -1978. Tōkyō: Chisei Komyunikēshonzu,
1978, pp. 200.
Chisei is the name of a journal put out by the publisher Kawade Shobo, under the
name of Chisei Communications. It falls in the category of sōgō zasshi, or general
interest magazines. This is an index and bibliography of the journal for the period
日本古書通信昭和44年主要目次. 東京: 日本古書通信社, 1969.
Nippon kosho tsūshin Shōwa 44 nen shuyō mokuji. Tōkyō: Nihon Kosho Tsūshinsha, 1969,
pp. 1.
12 ❖ 書籍 Books
日本古書通信 昭和45年主要目次. 東京: 日本古書通信社, 1970.
Nippon kosho tsūshin Shōwa 45 nen shuyō mokuji. Tōkyō: Nihon Kosho Tsūshinsha, 1970,
pp. 1.
日本古書通信 昭和46年主要目次. 東京: 日本古書通信社, 1971.
Nippon kosho tsūshin Shōwa 46 nen shuyō mokuji. Tōkyō: Nihon Kosho Tsūshinsha, 1971,
pp. 1.
日本古書通信 昭和47年主要目次. 東京: 日本古書通信社, 1972.
Nippon kosho tsūshin Shōwa 47 nen shuyō mokuji. Tōkyō: Nihon Kosho Tsūshinsha, 1972,
pp. 1.
日本古書通信 昭和48年主要目次. 東京: 日本古書通信社, 1973.
Nippon kosho tsūshin Shōwa 48 nen shuyō mokuji. Tōkyō: Nihon Kosho Tsūshinsha, 1973,
pp. 1.
Index and bibliography of a magazine called Nippon Kosho Tsūshin, published by
and for old book dealers. The index was published annually at a short supplement to
the magazine, and the collection contains them from 1969-1973.
「映画批評」総目次: 1970年10月号ー1973年9月号. 1974.
“Eiga hihyō” sōmokuji: 1970 nen 10 gatsugō - 1973 nen 9 gatsugō. 1974, pp. 8.
Eiga Hihyō was a journal about films with a New Left perspective that saw new films
as a kind of social movement. People like Adachi Masao and Matsuda Masao wrote
in it, and there were a lot of articles related to Nihon Sekigun as a result. This item is
a massive table of contents of all the issues. The whole journal is not in the collection,
but specific issues are, particularly if they relate to Nihon Sekigun.
話の特集100号記念総目次: 昭和41年2月創刊号より昭和49
年6月号まで. 東京: 話の特集, 1974.
Hanashi no tokushū 100 gō kinen sōmokuji: Shōwa 41 nen 2 gatsu sōkangō yori Shōwa 49
nen 6 gatsu gō made. Tōkyō: Hanashi no Tokushū, 1974, pp. 21.
Bibliography and index of Hanashi no Tokushū, a magazine with a high proportion
of left-wing articles. It contained a lot of Beheiren materials in the 1960s and later
a lot of Nihon Sekigun materials. (The magazine folded in 1995). It was edited by
Yazaki Taikyū (Yasuhisa), a Beheiren activist, so it also has a lot of citizens movement materials.
森谷均( 編 ).
本の手帖: 総目次(第一巻﹣第八巻),80号. 東京: 昭森社, 1969.
Moritani, Hitoshi (editor).
Hon no techō: sōmokuji (Dai 1 kan - Dai 8 kan), no. 80. Tōkyō: Shōshinsha, 1969, pp. 32.
Index and bibliography of a magazine called Hon no Techō. It is a literary journal of
modern poetry, and the contributors tend to be from the left.
文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries ❖ 13
高木有( 編 ).
文芸:「文芸」総目次1962ー1987、季刊文芸賞特別号, 第26巻5号. 東京: 河出書房新
社, 1987.
Takagi, Tamotsu (editor).
Bungei: “Bungei” sōmokuji 1962-1987, Kikan Bungei shō tokubetsugō, vol. 26 no. 5. Tōkyō:
Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1987, pp. 357.
Bibliography and index of Bungei, a literary and cultural journal published by
Kawade Shobo Shinsha.
中国の会( 編 ).
中国: 創刊100号記念増刊、総目次・事項索引・人名索引、1963ー1972, 108号. 東
京: 徳間書店, 1972.
Chūgoku no Kai (editor).
Chūgoku: sōkan 100 gō kinen zōkan, sōmokuji , jikō sakuin, jinmei sakuin, 1963–1972, no.
108. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1972, pp. 44, 36.
Bibliography and index of the journal Chūgoku. This magazine was produced by the
China group of postwar intellectuals, such as Takeuchi Yoshimi, etc.
支那学: 全十三巻総目次. 東京: 弘文堂, 1969.
Shina gaku: zen13 kan sōmokuji. Tōkyō: Kōbundō, 1969, pp. 19.
This is the index (actually an overall table of contents) to a journal called Shina
Gaku (China Studies).
UP:「UP」百号記念特集、総目次(一﹣百号).東京: 東京大学出版会, 1981. item_ID:
UP: “UP” 100 gō kinen tokushū, Sōmokuji (1 - 100 gō), no. 100. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai, 1981, pp. 40.
Index and bibliography of a magazine called UP put out by Tokyo University Press
and containing many articles by Todai faculty.
世界文化復刻: 全三巻. 東京: 小学館.
Sekai bunka fukkoku: zen san kan. Tōkyō: Shōgakukan, pp. 43.
Index and bibliography of a prewar magazine called Sekai Bunka, produced on the
occasion of the reprinting of the full edition of the magazine. This volume is just the
index to the reprinted edition. The collection does not contain the three volumes of
reprinted issues.
トロツキー著作集: 全11巻22分冊目録1. 東京: 柘植書房.
Torotsukī chosakushū: zen 11 kan 22 bunsatsu mokuroku 1. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō.
Bibliography of materials written by Trotsky, translated into Japanese, and published in Japan.
14 ❖ 書籍 Books
最高裁判所事務総局( 著 ).
資料室の使命と運営: 東京高等裁判所資料室運営の現況について. 東京: 最高裁判所, 1955.
Saikō Saibansho, Jimu Sōkyoku (author).
Shiryōshitsu no shimei to un’ei: Tokyo Kōtō Saibansho shiryōshitsu un’ei no genkyō ni tsuite.
Tōkyō: Saikō Sabansho, 1955, pp. 46.
Description of materials held by the library of the Tokyo Higher Court, and how they
are managed.
帝国書院編集部( 著 ).
東京都内地図: 連続マップ方式. 東京: 帝国書院, 1987.
Teikoku Shoin Henshūbu (author).
Tokyo tonai chizu: renzoku mappu hōshiki. Tōkyō: Teikoku Shoin, 1987, pp. 174.
City map of Tokyo.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 15
II. 全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions
三一書房編集部( 編 ).
資料戦後学生運動: 1945ー1949, 1. 東京: 三一書房, 1968.
San’ichi Shobō Henshūbu (editor).
Shiryō sengo gakusei undō: 1945-1949, 1. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1968, pp. 10, 541.
三一書房編集部( 編 ).
資料戦後学生運動: 1950ー1952, 2. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
San’ichi Shobō Henshūbu (editor).
Shiryō sengo gakusei undō: 1950-1952, 2. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 7, 502.
三一書房編集部( 編 ).
資料戦後学生運動: 1952ー1955, 3. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
San’ichi Shobō Henshūbu (editor).
Shiryō sengo gakusei undō: 1952-1955, 3. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 8, 502.
三一書房編集部( 編 ).
資料戦後学生運動: 1956ー1958, 4. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
San’ichi Shobō Henshūbu (editor).
Shiryō sengo gakusei undō: 1956-1958, 4. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 7, 518.
三一書房編集部( 編 ).
資料戦後学生運動: 1959ー1961, 5. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
San’ichi Shobō Henshūbu (editor).
Shiryō sengo gakusei undō: 1959-1961, 5. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 7, 545.
三一書房編集部( 編 ).
資料戦後学生運動: 1961ー1964, 6. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
San’ichi Shobō Henshūbu (editor).
Shiryō sengo gakusei undō: 1961-1964, 6. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 8, 513.
三一書房編集部( 編 ).
資料戦後学生運動: 1965ー1967, 7. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
San’ichi Shobō Henshūbu (editor).
Shiryō sengo gakusei undō: 1965-1967, 7. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 8, 538.
三一書房編集部( 編 ).
資料戦後学生運動, 別巻. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
San’ichi Shobō Henshūbu (editor).
Shiryō sengo gakusei undō, bekkan. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 289, 56.
Items #68–#75 are a series of volumes containing important materials from the student movement of the postwar period. Virtually all materials from the early period
are included. The eight-volume series goes up to mid-1967.
16 ❖ 書籍 Books
高沢皓司( 編 ).
島成朗文書目録 Ⅰ: 仮総目録. 東京: 高沢オフィス, 1985.
item_ID: 18120
Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Shima Shigeo Bunsho Mokuroku I: Kari Sōmokuroku. Tōkyō: Takazawa Office, 1985.
Draft catalogue of documents concerning the Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Bunto; Bund)
owned by Shima Shigeo. Created by Takazawa Kōji and his assistants. The catalogue
consists of zeroxed cards the team created in indexing the handbills (leaflets), pamphlets, and newsletters. The catalogue excludes private memos, letters, and notes of
Shima Shigeo. Documents archived at the School of Education at the University of
Tokyo are also not included. Parts 4&5 list commercially published magazine and
newspaper articles concerning Bund and the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty. Part 6 is a
catalogue of documents concerning Karōji Kentarō.
島成郎, 高沢皓司( 編 ).
ブント共産主義者同盟の思想: 共産主義1ー7, 1. 東京: 批評社, 1992.
Shima, Shigeo and Takazawa, Kōji (editors).
Bunto Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei no shisō: Kyōsanshugi 1-7, 1. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 1992, pp. 742.
島成郎, 中村光男, 高沢皓司( 編 ).
item_ID: 1783
「理論戦線」,2. 東京: 批評社, 1996.
Shima, Shigeo; Nakamura, Mitsuo and Takazawa, Kōji (editors).
Bunto [Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei] no Shisō: “Hansenki jōhō” “Riron sensen”, 2. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha,
1996, pp. 567.
島成郎, 古賀康正, 常木守, 高沢皓司( 編 ).
ブント共産主義者同盟の思想: 労働戦線、教育労働者, 3. 東京: 批評社, 1990.
Shima, Shigeo; Koga, Yasumasa; Tsuneki, Mamoru and Takazawa, Kōji (editors).
Bunto Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei no shisō: Rōdō sensen, Kyōiku rōdōsha, 3. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha,
1990, pp. 565.
島成郎, 高沢皓司( 編 ).
ブント共産主義者同盟の思想: プロレタリア通信、書記局通達復刻版, 4. 東京: 批評社, 1992.
Shima, Shigeo and Takazawa, Kōji (editors).
Bunto Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei no shisō: Puroretaria tsūshin, Shokikyoku tsūtatsu fukkokuban, 4. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 1992, pp. 302.
島成郎, 冨岡倍雄, 高沢皓司( 編 ).
ブント共産主義者同盟の思想: マルクス・レーニン主義, 5. 東京: 批評社, 1994.
Shima, Shigeo; Tomioka, Masuo and Takazawa, Kōji (editors).
Bunto Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei no shisō: Marukusu Rēnin shugi, 5. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 1994,
pp. 381.
島成郎, 榊原勝昭, 高沢皓司( 編 ).
ブント共産主義者同盟の思想: 北海道地方委員会篇灰とダイヤモンド, 6. 東京: 批評社, 1990.
Shima, Shigeo; Sakakibara, Katsuaki and Takazawa, Kōji (editors).
Bunto Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei no shisō: Hokkaido Chihō Iinkai ed. “Hai to daiyamondo”, 6.
Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 1990, pp. 533.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 17
島成郎, 高沢皓司( 編 ).
ブント共産主義者同盟の思想:「戦旗」.東京: 批評社, 1999.
item_ID: 10360
Shima, Shigeo and Takazawa, Kōji (editors).
Bunto Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei no shisō: “Senki”, 7. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 1999, pp. no page
This is a series of volumes published in the 1990s that contain the basic publications
and other documents of the original Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (First Bund). See Items
#76–#80 for volumes 1 and 3–6 and #1783 for volume 2.
を復刻する有志の会( 編 ).
復刻版共産主義, 1-7. 西宮:「共産主義」
を復刻する有志の会, 1981.
“Kyōsan Shugi” o Fukkokusuru Yūshi no Kai (editor).
Fukkokuban Kyōsanshugi, 1-7. Nishinomiya: Kyōsan Shugi o Fukkoku suru Yūshi no Kai,
1981, pp. 706, 48.
Reprint of the serial Kyōsanshugi, which was put out by Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei
(first Bund) during the 1960 Anpo period. It covers the same issues but it is an earlier republication than the one in item #76.
を復刻する有志の会( 編 ).
復刻版共産主義: 復刊準備号ー12号. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1982.
“Kyōsan Shugi” o Fukkokusuru Yūshi no Kai (editor).
Fukkokuban Kyōsanshugi: fukkan junbigō -12. Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai, 1982, pp.
Reprint of the serial Kyōsanshugi that was put out by the Second Bund during the
を復刻する有志の会( 編 ).
復刻版理論戦線: 1ー8. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1983.
“Riron Sensen” o Fukkokusuru Yūshi no Kai (editor).
Fukkokuban Riron sensen: 1-8. Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai, 1983, pp. various.
Reprint of the second Bund Shagakudō serial Riron Sensen. Shagakudō was the
mass student organization of Bund, as opposed to the central Party organization.
アカハタ本局( 編 ).
復刻版赤旗: 非合法時代の日本共産党中央機関紙, 1. 東京: 三一書房, 1954.
Akahata Honkyoku (editor).
Fukkokuban Akahata: higōhō jidai no Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō kikanshi, 1. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1954, pp. 267.
アカハタ本局( 編 ).
復刻版赤旗: 非合法時代の日本共産党中央機関紙, 2. 東京: 三一書房, 1954.
Akahata Honkyoku (editor).
18 ❖ 書籍 Books
Fukkokuban Akahata: higōhō jidai no Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō kikanshi, 2. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1954, pp. 238.
アカハタ本局( 編 ).
復刻版赤旗: 非合法時代の日本共産党中央機関紙, 3. 東京: 三一書房, 1954.
Akahata Honkyoku (editor).
Fukkokuban Akahata: higōhō jidai no Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō kikanshi, 3. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1954, pp. 240.
アカハタ本局( 編 ).
復刻版赤旗: 非合法時代の日本共産党中央機関紙, 4. 東京: 三一書房, 1954.
Akahata Honkyoku (editor).
Fukkokuban Akahata: higōhō jidai no Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō kikanshi, 4. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1954, pp. 248.
This is a four-volume set (items #84–#87) of reprinted bound volumes of Akahata,
the Japan Communist Party newspaper, from the period before the war when the
JCP was an illegal organization and the newspaper was also illegal.
日本出版協会( 編 ).
日本読書新聞縮刷版: No.1034-No.1084. 東京: 日本出版協会, 1961.
Nihon Shuppan Kyōkai (editor).
Nihon Dokusho Shinbun shukusatsuban: No.1034-No.1084. Tōkyō: Nihon Shuppan Kyōkai,
1961, pp. 348.
This is a republished collection of Nihon Dokusho Shinbun from the 60 Anpo period.
At the time this was a strongly New Left medium and there are a lot of articles about
60 Anpo in it.
全共闘機関紙合同縮刷版編集委員会( 編 ).
全共闘機関紙合同縮刷版. 東京: 全共社, 1970.
Zenkyōtō Kikanshi Gōdō Shukusatsuban Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Zenkyōtō kikanshi gōdō shukusatsuban. Tōkyō: Zenkyōsha, 1970, pp. 200.
Bound volume containing the newspapers (kikanshi) of many different Zenkyōto organizations at various universities around 1970.
ベ平連・ベトナムに平和を!市民連合( 編 ).
べ平連ニュース縮刷版、1965創刊﹣1974終刊: 脱走兵通信、
ジャテック通信. 東京: ベ平連・ベト
ナムに平和を!市民連合, 1974.
Beheiren, Betonamu ni Heiwa o! Shimin Rengō (editor).
Beheiren nyūsu shukusatsuban, 1965 sōkan - 1974 shūkan: Dassōhei tsūshin, Jatekku
tsūshin. Tōkyō: Beheiren, Betonamu ni Heiwa o! Shimin Rengō, 1974, pp. 34, 825.
Bound volume of various Beheiren publications, including Dassohei Tsūshin, Jatekku Tsūshin, etc. The Jatekku movement was directed against the Yokosuka Base
and the protests against the arrival of the Intrepid . Dassohei Tsūshin concerned the
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 19
movement to protect and conceal members of the U.S. military who went AWOL in
Japan during the Vietnam War as a form of anti-war protest.
週刊アンポ社( 編 ).
週刊アンポ: 安保フンサイへ人間の渦巻を. 東京: 週刊アンポ社, 1970.
Shūkan Anposha (editor).
Shūkan anpo: Anpo funsai e ningen no uzumaki o. Tōkyō: Shūkan Anposha, 1970, pp. various.
This is a bound edition of the whole collection of the Beheiren magazine called
Shūkan Anpo.
日本革命的共産主義者同盟党史編纂委員会( 編 ).
世界革命縮刷版: 1956、3ー1971、12, 1. 東京: 新時代社, 1976.
Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Tōshi Hensan Iinkai (editor).
Sekai kakumei shukusatsuban: 1956, 3-1971, 12, 1. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1976, pp. 990.
First volume of the reprint edition of Sekai Kakumei, newspaper of 4th international
Japan branch (Dai yon Intā, Nihon shibu), covering 1956-1971.
秋山健二郎, 森秀人( 編 ).
恐るべき労働: 山峡に働く人びと, 1. 東京: 三一書房, 1961.
Akiyama, Kenjirō and Mori, Hideto (editors).
Osorubeki rōdō: sankyō ni hataraku hitobito, 1. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1961, pp. 304.
秋山健二郎, 森秀人( 編 ).
恐るべき労働: 恐怖の労働, 2. 東京: 三一書房, 1961.
Akiyama, Kenjirō and Mori, Hideto (editors).
Osorubeki rōdō: kyōfu no rōdō, 2. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1961, pp. 259.
秋山健二郎, 森秀人( 編 ).
恐るべき労働: 海に生きる人びと, 3. 東京: 三一書房, 1961.
Akiyama, Kenjirō and Mori, Hideto (editors).
Osorubeki rōdō: umi ni ikiru hitobito, 3. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1961, pp. 232.
秋山健二郎, 森秀人( 編 ).
恐るべき労働: 農山村の底辺, 4. 東京: 三一書房, 1961.
Akiyama, Kenjirō and Mori, Hideto (editors).
Osorubeki rōdō: nōsanson no teihen, 4. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1961, pp. 301.
Series documenting proletarian daily life in four volumes (items #93–#96).
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
羽仁五郎歴史論著作集: 歴史理論、歴史教育a, 1. 東京: 青木書店, 1967.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Hani Gorō rekishiron chosakushū: rekishi riron, rekishi kyōiku a, 1. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten,
1967, pp. 438.
20 ❖ 書籍 Books
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
羽仁五郎歴史論著作集: 歴史理論、歴史教育b, 2. 東京: 青木書店, 1967.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Hani Gorō rekishiron chosakushū: rekishi riron, rekishi kyōiku b, 2. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten,
1967, pp. 433.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
羽仁五郎歴史論著作集: 日本史明治維新, 3. 東京: 青木書店, 1967.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Hani Gorō rekishiron chosakushū: Nihonshi Meiji Ishin, 3. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1967, pp. 456.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
羽仁五郎歴史論著作集: 現代史、文明批評, 4. 東京: 青木書店, 1967.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Hani Gorō rekishiron chosakushū: gendaishi, bunmei hihyō, 4. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1967,
pp. 434.
This four volume series contains Hani Gorō’s writings on history. Hani Gorō had
considerable influence on the Japanese student movement, particularly on Bund.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
羽仁五郎戦後著作集: 歴史論, 1. 東京: 現代史出版会, 1982.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Hani Gorō sengo chosakushū: rekishiron, 1. Tōkyō: Gendaishi Shuppankai, 1982, pp. 442.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
羽仁五郎戦後著作集: 政治論, 2. 東京: 現代史出版会, 1982.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Hani Gorō sengo chosakushū: seijiron, 2. Tōkyō: Gendaishi Shuppankai, 1982, pp. 458.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
羽仁五郎戦後著作集: 文化論, 3. 東京: 現代史出版会, 1981.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Hani Gorō sengo chosakushū: bunkaron, 3. Tōkyō: Gendaishi Shuppankai, 1981, pp. 433.
A three-volume collection of Hani Gorōs postwar’s essays and other writings. Hani
Gorō’s writings had a major influence on the student movement, particularly on Bund.
掘江正規( 編 ).
日本資本主義講座、戦後日本の政治と経済: 日本帝国主義の崩壊, 1. 東京: 岩波書店, 1953.
Horie, Masanori (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: Nihon teikoku shugi no hōkai, 1.
Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1953, pp. 399.
小椋広勝( 編 ).
日本資本主義講座、戦後日本の政治と経済: 講和からMSAへ, 2. 東京: 岩波書店, 1953.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 21
Ogura, Hirokatsu (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: kōwa kara MSA e, 2. Tōkyō: Iwanami
Shoten, 1953, pp. 396.
戒能通孝( 編 ).
日本資本主義講座、戦後日本の政治と経済: 統治機構と政治運動, 3. 東京: 岩波書店, 1953.
Kainō, Michitaka (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: tōchi kikō to seiji undō, 3. Tōkyō:
Iwanami Shoten, 1953, pp. 415.
神野璋一郎( 編 ).
戦後日本の政治と経済: 戦後経済構造の変貌1, 4. 東京: 岩波書店, 1954.
Kōno, Shōichirō (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: sengo keizai kōzō no henbō 1, 4.
Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1954, pp. 408.
井上晴丸( 編 ).
戦後日本の政治と経済: 戦後経済構造の変貌2, 5. 東京: 岩波書店, 1953.
Inoue, Harumaru (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: sengo keizai kōzō no henbō 2, 5.
Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1953, pp. 408.
井上晴丸( 編 ).
戦後日本の政治と経済: 経済危機の深化と恐慌, 6. 東京: 岩波書店, 1954.
Inoue, Harumaru (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: keizai kiki no shinka to kyōkō, 6.
Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1954, pp. 476.
古島敏雄( 編 ).
日本資本主義講座、戦後日本の政治と経済: 労働者と農民, 7. 東京: 岩波書店, 1954.
Furushima, Toshio (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: rōdōsha to nōmin, 7. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1954, pp. 464.
小椋広勝( 編 ).
日本資本主義講座、戦後日本の政治と経済: 国民生活と平和経済, 8. 東京: 岩波書店, 1954.
Ogura, Hirokatsu (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: kokumin seikatsu to heiwa keizai, 8.
Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1954, pp. 468.
遠山茂樹( 編 ).
日本資本主義講座、戦後日本の政治と経済: 軍国主義の復活, 9. 東京: 岩波書店, 1954.
Tōyama, Shigeki (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: gunkoku shugi no fukkatsu, 9.
Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1954, pp. 504.
小椋広勝( 編 ).
日本資本主義講座、戦後日本の政治と経済: 総論, 10. 東京: 岩波書店, 1955.
22 ❖ 書籍 Books
Ogura, Hirokatsu (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: sōron, 10. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten,
1955, pp. 294.
日本資本主義講座: 総索引. 東京: 岩波書店, 1955.
Nihon shihon shugi kōza: sōsakuin. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1955, pp. 65.
宇佐美誠次郎( 編 ).
戦後日本の政治と経済: 戦後日本資本主義年表, 別巻. 東京: 岩波書店, 1954.
Usami, Seijirō (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi kōza, Sengo Nihon no seiji to keizai: Sengo Nihon shihon shugi nenpyō,
bekkan. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1954, pp. 431.
This is a famous twelve volume series produced by the Kōza ha as a Marxist analysis
of capitalism. This is one of the series (kōza) from which the Kōza ha got its name.
This set comprises Items #104–#115.
高沢皓司( 編 ).
連合赤軍事件関係記事集成, 1. 東京: 高沢オフィス, 1988.
Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Rengō Sekigun jiken kankei kiji shūsei, 1. Tōkyō: Takazawa Office, 1988, pp. various.
高沢皓司( 編 ).
連合赤軍事件関係記事集成, 2. 東京: 高沢オフィス, 1988.
Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Rengō Sekigun jiken kankei kiji shūsei, 2. Tōkyō: Takazawa Office, 1988, pp. various.
高沢皓司( 編 ).
連合赤軍事件関係記事集成, 3. 東京: 高沢オフィス, 1988.
Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Rengō Sekigun jiken kankei kiji shūsei, 3. Tōkyō: Takazawa Office, 1988, pp. various.
高沢皓司( 編 ).
連合赤軍事件関係記事集成, 4. 東京: 高沢オフィス, 1988.
Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Rengō Sekigun jiken kankei kiji shūsei, 4. Tōkyō: Takazawa Office, 1988, pp. various.
高沢皓司( 編 ).
連合赤軍事件関係記事集成, 5. 東京: 高沢オフィス, 1988.
Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Rengō Sekigun jiken kankei kiji shūsei, 5. Tōkyō: Takazawa Office, 1988, pp. various.
Clipping file of mass media articles on the Rengo Sekigun jiken. There are five volumes to the set, items #116–#120.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳作品集: 捨子物語, 1. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 23
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi sakuhinshū: sutego monogatari, 1. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1970,
pp. 430.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳作品集: 悲の器, 2. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1971.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi sakuhinshū: hi no utsuwa, 2. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1971, pp. 317.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳作品集: 憂鬱なる党派, 3. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1967.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi sakuhinshū: yūutsu naru tōha, 3. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1967,
pp. 422.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳作品集: 邪宗門, 4. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi sakuhinshū: Jashūmon, 4. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1970, pp. 659.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳作品集: 我が心は石にあらず, 5. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi sakuhinshū: waga kokoro ha ishi ni arazu, 5. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1970, pp. 317.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳作品集: 日本の悪霊, 6. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1969.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi sakuhinshū: Nihon no akuryō, 6. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1969,
pp. 356.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳作品集: エッセィ集1(思想篇),7. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi sakuhinshū: esseishū 1 (shisōhen), 7. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha,
1970, pp. 463.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳作品集: エッセィ集2(文学篇),8. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi sakuhinshū: esseishū 2 (bungakuhen), 8. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha,
1970, pp. 457.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳作品集: 中国文学論集, 9. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1972.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi sakuhinshū: Chūgoku bungaku ronshū, 9. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha,
1972, pp. 716.
24 ❖ 書籍 Books
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳作品集: 詩人の運命, 別巻. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1972.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi sakuhinshū: shijin no unmei, bekkan. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha,
1972, pp. 343.
Collected works of Takahashi Kazumi. Takahashi Kazumi was a novelist and Kyodai professor whose work was influential in the student movement. There are ten
volumes in the set.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: 明後日の手記/わが人生の時, 1. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: asatte no shuki / waga jinsei no toki, 1. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1970, pp. 424.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: アメリカ/泥の世界, 2. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: Amerika / doro no sekai, 2. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1970,
pp. 405.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: 大地と星輝く天の子/ある登はん/折れた剱, 3. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1971.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: daichi to hoshi kagayaku ten no ko / aru tōhan / oreta tsurugi, 3.
Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1971, pp. 423.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: 現代史(全),4. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1971.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: gendaishi (zen), 4. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1971, pp. 812.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: 冷え物/羽なければ, 5の1. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1975.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: hie mono / hane nakereba, 5-1. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha,
1975, pp. 279.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: 円いひっぴい, 5の2. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1978.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: marui hippī, 5-2. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1978, pp. 591.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: 何でも見てやろう/終結のなかの発端, 6. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1971.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 25
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: nan demo mite yarō / shūketsu no naka no hottan, 6. Tōkyō: Kawade
Shobō Shinsha, 1971, pp. 426.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: 評論1ここから出発して, 7. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: hyōron 1 kokokara shuppatsu shite, 7. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1970, pp. 430.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: 評論2歩き、話し、考え、書き, 8. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: hyōron 2 aruki, hanashi, kangae, kaki, 8. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō
Shinsha, 1970, pp. 423.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: 評論3人間から人間へ, 9. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: hyōron 3 ningen kara ningen e, 9. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha,
1970, pp. 394.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実全仕事: 評論4十年経った、そして, 10. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1971.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto zenshigoto: hyōron 4 10 nen tatta, soshite, 10. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha,
1971, pp. 434.
Collected works of Oda Makoto, the leader of Beheiren and a very influential figure
in the anti-war and citizens’ movements of the late 1960s and early 1970s. There are
ten volumes in the collection.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全集撰: 全詩撰, 1. 東京: 大和書房, 1986.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zenshūsen: zenshisen, 1. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1986, pp. 570.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全集撰: 政治思想, 3. 東京: 大和書房, 1986.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zenshūsen: seiji shisō, 3. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1986, pp. 635.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全集撰: 思想家, 4. 東京: 大和書房, 1987.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zenshūsen: shisōka, 4. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1987, pp. 425.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全集撰: 宗教, 5. 東京: 大和書房, 1987.
26 ❖ 書籍 Books
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zenshūsen: shūkyō, 5. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1987, pp. 526.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全集撰: 古典, 6. 東京: 大和書房, 1987.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zenshūsen: koten, 6. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1987, pp. 600.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全集撰: イメージ論, 7. 東京: 大和書房, 1988.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zenshūsen: imējiron, 7. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1988, pp. 521.
Collected works of Yoshimoto Taka’aki (Ryūmei). This is a selected collection of his
prewar writings. Yoshimoto is a philosopher who had a major influence on the ideas
of Bund. There are supposed to be seven volumes in the set, but the collection seems
to be missing volume 2.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 定本詩集, 1. 東京: 勁草書房, 1968.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: teihon shishū, 1. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1968, pp. 7, 299.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 初期詩篇I, 2. 東京: 勁草書房, 1968.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: shoki shihen I, 2. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1968, pp. 11, 416.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 初期詩篇II, 3. 東京: 勁草書房, 1969.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: shoki shihen II, 3. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1969, pp. 10, 527.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 文学論I, 4. 東京: 勁草書房, 1969.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: bungakuron I, 4. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1969, pp. 679.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 文学論II, 5. 東京: 勁草書房, 1970.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: bungakuron II, 5. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1970, pp. 11, 786.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 文学論III, 6. 東京: 勁草書房, 1972.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: bungakuron III, 6. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1972, pp. 631, 47.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 27
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 作家論I, 7. 東京: 勁草書房, 1968.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: sakkaron I, 7. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1968, pp. 4, 415.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 作家論II, 8. 東京: 勁草書房, 1973.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: sakkaron II, 8. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1973, pp. 459.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 作家論III, 9. 東京: 勁草書房, 1975.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: sakkaron III, 9. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1975, pp. 318.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 思想論I, 10. 東京: 勁草書房, 1973.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: shisōron I, 10. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1973, pp. 330, 12.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 思想論II, 11. 東京: 勁草書房, 1972.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: shisōron II, 11. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1972, pp. 283.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 思想家論, 12. 東京: 勁草書房, 1969.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: shisōkaron, 12. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1969, pp. 276.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 政治思想評論集, 13. 東京: 勁草書房, 1969.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: seiji shisō hyōronshū, 13. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1969,
pp. 700.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 講演対談集, 14. 東京: 勁草書房, 1972.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: kōen taidanshū, 14. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1972, pp. 650.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集: 初期作品集, 15. 東京: 勁草書房, 1974.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū: shoki sakuhinshū, 15. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1974, pp. 500.
Complete collected works of Yoshimoto Taka’aki (Ryūmei), including even very small
items. Yoshimoto’s thought was a major influence on the New Left. There are fifteen
volumes in the set.
28 ❖ 書籍 Books
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集(続):作家論I, 6. 東京: 勁草書房, 1978.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū (zoku): sakkaron I, 6. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1978, pp. 295.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集(続):作家論III, 8. 東京: 勁草書房, 1978.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū (zoku): sakkaron III, 8. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1978, pp. 359.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明全著作集(続):思想論II, 10. 東京: 勁草書房, 1978.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki zen chosakushū (zoku): shisōron II, 10. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1978, pp. 488.
This is a a supplemental collection of Yoshimoto’s collected works. It was supposed
to be a 10 volume supplement but the only ones that actually came out were 6, 8, and
10. Yoshimoto Taka’aki (Ryūmei) is a philosopher whose ideas were very influential
in the New Left, especially Bund.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 1. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1959.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 1. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1959, pp. 517.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 2. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1959.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 2. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1959, pp. 592.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 3. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1961.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 3. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1961, pp. 542.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 4. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1960.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 4. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1960, pp. 490.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 5. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1961.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 5. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1961, pp. 429.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 6. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1959.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 29
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 6. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1959, pp. 573.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 7. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1959.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 7. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1959, pp. 519.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 8. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1960.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 8. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1960, pp. 609.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 9. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1959.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 9. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1959, pp. 638.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 10. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1962.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 10. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1962, pp. 511.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 11. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1962.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 11. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1962, pp. 572.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 12. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1962.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 12. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1962, pp. 506.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 13. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1962.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 13. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1962, pp. 597.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 14. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1963.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 14. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1963, pp. 539.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 15. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1961.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 15. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1961, pp. 555.
30 ❖ 書籍 Books
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 16. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1962.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 16. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1962, pp. 525.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 17. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1962.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 17. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1962, pp. 579.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 18. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1963.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 18. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1963, pp. 684.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集, 19. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1963.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū, 19. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1963, pp. 763.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治全集: 中野重治研究, 別巻. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1960.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu zenshū: Nakano Shigeharu kenkyū, bekkan. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō,
1960, pp. 484.
Collected works of Nakano Shigeharu. He was a member of the prewar Japan Communist Party and of the Kokusai ha of the postwar JCP and had considerable influence on the anti-structure movement (han taisei undō). There are 20 volumes in the
zenshū, including one which contains works by others on Nakano Shigeharu.
栗原幸夫( 編 ).
神山茂夫著作集, 1. 東京: 三一書房, 1975.
Kurihara, Yukio (editor).
Kamiyama Shigeo chosakushū, 1. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 469.
神山茂夫( 著 ).栗原幸夫( 編 ).
神山茂夫著作集, 2. 東京: 三一書房, 1975.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author). Kurihara, Yukio (editor).
Kamiyama Shigeo chosakushū, 2. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 475.
神山茂夫( 著 ).栗原幸夫( 編 ).
神山茂夫著作集, 3. 東京: 三一書房, 1975.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author). Kurihara, Yukio (editor).
Kamiyama Shigeo chosakushū, 3. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 430.
神山茂夫( 著 ).栗原幸夫( 編 ).
神山茂夫著作集, 4. 東京: 三一書房, 1975.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 31
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author). Kurihara, Yukio (editor).
Kamiyama Shigeo chosakushū, 4. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 440.
Collected works of Kamiyama Shigeo, a Japan Communist Party Kokusai-ha member who had influence on the New Left movement. There are four volumes in the set.
伊藤野枝( 著 ).栗原幸夫( 編 ).
伊藤野枝全集, 上. 東京: 学芸書林, 1970.
Itō, Noe (author). Kurihara, Yukio (editor).
Itō Noe zenshū, jō. Tōkyō: Gakugei Shorin, 1970, pp. 458.
Collected works of Ito Noe, an anarchist of the Taisho period and the wife of Osugi
Sakae. There are two volumes published, but the Takazawa Collection only has the
first volume.
( 著 ).ゲバラ選集刊行会( 編 ).
ゲバラ選集: 1956ー1961・4, 1. 東京: 青木書店, 1968.
Guevara, Ernesto (Che) (author). Gebara Senshū Kankōkai (editor).
Gebara senshū: 1956-1961/4, 1. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1968, pp. 353.
( 著 ).ゲバラ選集刊行会( 編 ).
ゲバラ選集: 1961・4ー1962・10, 2. 東京: 青木書店, 1969.
Guevara, Ernesto (Che) (author). Gebara Senshū Kankōkai (editor).
Gebara senshū: 1961/4-1962/10, 2. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1969, pp. 358.
( 著 ).ゲバラ選集刊行会( 編 ).
ゲバラ選集: 1962・12ー1964・3, 3. 東京: 青木書店, 1969.
Guevara, Ernesto (Che) (author). Gebara Senshū Kankōkai (editor).
Gebara senshū: 1962/12-1964/3, 3. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1969, pp. 346.
( 著 ).ゲバラ選集刊行会( 編 ).
ゲバラ選集: 1964・3ー1967・10, 4. 東京: 青木書店, 1969.
Guevara, Ernesto (Che) (author). Gebara Senshū Kankōkai (editor).
Gebara senshū: 1964/3-1967/10, 4. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1969, pp. 430.
This set is the collected works of Che Guevara, translated into Japanese. He had a
major influence on the thinking of the Japanese New Left. There are four volumes
in the set.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1893﹣1894, 1. 東京: 大月書店, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1893-1894, 1. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1953, pp. 13, 587.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1895ー1897, 2. 東京: 大月書店, 1954.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1895-1897, 2. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1954, pp. 10569.
32 ❖ 書籍 Books
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: ロシアにおける資本主義の展開, 3. 東京: 大月書店, 1954.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: Roshia ni okeru shihon shugi no tenkai, 3. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1954, pp.
18, 720.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1898ー1901年4月, 4. 東京: 大月書店, 1954.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1898-1901nen 4gatsu, 4. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1954, pp. 9, 521.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1901年5月ー1902年2月, 5. 東京: 大月書店, 1954.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1901nen 5gatsu -1902nen 2gatsu, 5. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1954, pp. 9, 648.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1902年2月ー1903年8月, 6. 東京: 大月書店, 1954.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1902nen 2gatsu-1903nen 8gatsu, 6. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1954, pp. 12, 597.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1903年9月ー1904年12月, 7. 東京: 大月書店, 1954.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1903nen 9gatsu-1904nen 12gatsu, 7. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1954, pp. 11, 648.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1905年1月ー7月, 8. 東京: 大月書店, 1955.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1905nen 1gatsu-7gatsu, 8. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1955, pp. 13, 664.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1905年6月ー11月, 9. 東京: 大月書店, 1955.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1905nen 6gatsu-11gatsu, 9. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1955, pp. 11, 546.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1905年11月ー1906年6月, 10. 東京: 大月書店, 1955.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1905nen 11gatsu-1906nen 6gatsu, 10. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1955, pp. 13, 578.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1906年6月ー1907年1月, 11. 東京: 大月書店, 1955.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1906nen 6gatsu-1907nen 1gatsu, 11. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1955, pp. 12, 541.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1907年1月ー6月, 12. 東京: 大月書店, 1955.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 33
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1907nen 1gatsu-6gatsu, 12. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1955, pp. 10, 584.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1907年6月ー1908年4月, 13. 東京: 大月書店, 1955.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1907nen 6gatsu-1908nen 4gatsu, 13. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1955, pp. 10, 575.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1908年, 14. 東京: 大月書店, 1956.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1908年3月ー1909年8月, 15. 東京: 大月書店, 1956.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1908nen, 14. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1956, pp. 8, 484.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1908nen 3gatsu-1909nen 8gatsu, 15. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1956, pp. 9, 531.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1909年9月ー1910年12月, 16. 東京: 大月書店, 1956.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1909nen 9gatsu-1910nen 12gatsu, 16. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1956, pp. 10, 527.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1910年12月ー1912年4月, 17. 東京: 大月書店, 1956.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1910nen 12gatsu-1912nen 4gatsu, 17. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1956, pp. 13, 666.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1912年4月ー1913年3月, 18. 東京: 大月書店, 1956.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1912nen 4gatsu-1913nen 3gatsu, 18. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1956, pp. 17, 742.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1913年3月ー12月, 19. 東京: 大月書店, 1956.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1913nen 3gatsu-12gatsu, 19. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1956, pp. 17, 713.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1913年12月ー1914年8月, 20. 東京: 大月書店, 1957.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1913nen 12gatsu-1914nen 8gatsu, 20. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1957, pp. 14, 677.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1914年8月ー1915年12月, 21. 東京: 大月書店, 1957.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1914nen 8gatsu-1915nen 12gatsu, 21. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1957, pp. 12, 525.
34 ❖ 書籍 Books
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1915年12月ー1916年7月, 22. 東京: 大月書店, 1957.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1915nen 12gatsu-1916nen 7gatsu, 22. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1957, pp. 10, 468.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1916年8月ー1917年3月, 23. 東京: 大月書店, 1957.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1916nen 8gatsu-1917nen 3gatsu, 23. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1957, pp. 9, 462.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1917年4月ー6月, 24. 東京: 大月書店, 1957.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1917nen 4gatsu-6gatsu, 24. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1957, pp. 16, 660.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1917年6月ー9月, 25. 東京: 大月書店, 1957.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1917nen 6gatsu-9gatsu, 25. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1957, pp. 15, 585.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1917年9月ー1918年2月, 26. 東京: 大月書店, 1958.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1917nen 9gatsu-1918nen 2gatsu, 26. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1958, pp. 19, 608.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1918年7月ー1919年3月, 28. 東京: 大月書店, 1958.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1918nen 7gatsu-1919nen 3gatsu, 28. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1958, pp. 14, 578.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1919年3月ー8月, 29. 東京: 大月書店, 1958.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1919nen 3gatsu-8gatsu, 29. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1958, pp. 15, 632.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1919年9月ー1920年4月, 30. 東京: 大月書店, 1958.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1919nen 9gatsu-1920nen 4gatsu, 30. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1958, pp. 15, 611.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1920年4月ー12月, 31. 東京: 大月書店, 1959.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1920nen 4gatsu-12gatsu, 31. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1959, pp. 15, 606.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1920年12月ー1921年8月, 32. 東京: 大月書店, 1959.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 35
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1920nen 12gatsu-1921nen 8gatsu, 32. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1959, pp. 15, 610.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1921年8月ー1923年3月, 33. 東京: 大月書店, 1959.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1921nen 8gatsu-1923nen 3gatsu, 33. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1959, pp. 17, 583.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1895年11月ー1911年11月, 34. 東京: 大月書店, 1959.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1895nen 11gatsu-1911nen 11gatsu, 34. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1959, pp. 20, 567.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1912年2月ー1922年12月, 35. 東京: 大月書店, 1960.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1912nen 2gatsu-1922nen 12gatsu, 35. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1960, pp. 27, 684.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 1900年ー1923年, 36. 東京: 大月書店, 1960.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: 1900nen-1923nen, 36. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1960, pp. 32, 849, 16.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 近親者への手紙, 37. 東京: 大月書店, 1960.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: kinshinsha e no tegami, 37. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1960, pp. 75, 719, 38.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 哲学ノート, 38. 東京: 大月書店, 1961.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: tetsugaku nōto, 38. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1961, pp. 14, 618.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 帝国主義論ノート, 39. 東京: 大月書店, 1962.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: teikoku shugi ron nōto, 39. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1962, pp. 28, 826.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 農業問題ノート, 40. 東京: 大月書店, 1966.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: nōgyō mondai nōto, 40. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1966, pp. 11, 512.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集, 41. 東京: 大月書店, 1967.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū, 41. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1967, pp. 34, 748.
36 ❖ 書籍 Books
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集, 42. 東京: 大月書店, 1967.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū, 42. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1967, pp. 48, 850.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集, 43. 東京: 大月書店, 1968.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū, 43. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1968, pp. 47, 1004.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 全35巻索引, 別巻1. 東京: 大月書店, 1959.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: zen 35 kan sakuin, bekkan 1. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1959, pp. 3, 709.
レーニン( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
レーニン全集: 全35巻索引, 別巻2. 東京: 大月書店, 1960.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Rēnin zenshū: zen 35 kan sakuin, bekkan 2. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1960, pp. 4, 450.
This set is the collected works of Lenin, translated into Japanese and published in
Japan. A two-volume index of the first 35 volumes was published in 1959 and 1960,
but additional volumes of material continued to be published in the same series
through 1968. There are 45 volumes in the series, but volume 27 is missing from the
Takazawa Collection’s set.
レーニン( 著 ).プログレス出版所( 訳 ).
新版レーニン選集, 1. モスクワ: プログレス出版所, 1968.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Progress Shuppansho (translator).
Shinpan Rēnin senshū, 1. Moskow: Puroguresu Shuppansho, 1968, pp. 300.
レーニン( 著 ).プログレス出版所( 訳 ).
新版レーニン選集, 2. モスクワ: プログレス出版所, 1968.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Progress Shuppansho (translator).
Shinpan Rēnin senshū, 2. Moskow: Puroguresu Shuppansho, 1968, pp. 346.
レーニン( 著 ).プログレス出版所( 訳 ).
新版レーニン選集, 3. モスクワ: プログレス出版所, 1968.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Progress Shuppansho (translator).
Shinpan Rēnin senshū, 3. Moskow: Puroguresu Shuppansho, 1968, pp. 311.
レーニン( 著 ).プログレス出版所( 訳 ).
新版レーニン選集, 4. モスクワ: プログレス出版所, 1969.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Progress Shuppansho (translator).
Shinpan Rēnin senshū, 4. Moskow: Puroguresu Shuppansho, 1969, pp. 371.
This is a new selected Collected Works of Lenin translated into Japanese and published in Moscow. There are four volumes in the set.
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 37
毛沢東( 著 ).
毛沢東選集, 1. 北京: 外文出版社, 1968.
Mao, Zedong (author).
Mō Takutō senshū, 1. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1968, pp. 11, 499.
毛沢東( 著 ).
毛沢東選集, 2. 北京: 外文出版社, 1968.
Mao, Zedong (author).
Mō Takutō senshū, 2. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1968, pp. 13, 655.
毛沢東( 著 ).
毛沢東選集, 3. 北京: 外文出版社, 1968.
Mao, Zedong (author).
Mō Takutō senshū, 3. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1968, pp. 7, 420.
毛沢東( 著 ).
毛沢東選集, 4. 北京: 外文出版社, 1968.
Mao, Zedong (author).
Mō Takutō senshū, 4. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1968, pp. 6, 611.
Collected works of Mao Tse-tung, translated into Japanese and published in Beijing.
There are four volumes in the series.
毛沢東( 著 ).中国研究会( 訳 ).
解題注釈毛沢東選集, 5の1. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Mao, Zedong (author). Chūgoku Kenkyūkai (translator).
Kaidai chūshaku Mō Takutō senshū, 5, no. 1. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 323.
毛沢東( 著 ).中国研究会( 訳 ).
解題注釈毛沢東選集, 5の2. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Mao, Zedong (author). Chūgoku Kenkyūkai (translator).
Kaidai chūshaku Mō Takutō senshū, 5, no. 2. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 360.
毛沢東( 著 ).中国研究会( 訳 ).
解題注釈毛沢東選集, 5の3. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Mao, Zedong (author). Chūgoku Kenkyūkai (translator).
Kaidai chūshaku Mō Takutō senshū, 5, no. 3. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 366.
This is the fifth volume of Mao’s collected works, which contains the post-Cultural
Revolution materials and was published later than the standard Collected Works of
Mao, which is normally in four volumes. This fifth volume was translated into Japanese with commentary and published as the fifth volume, but in 3 actual volumes.
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 編 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
毛沢東選集, 1. 東京: 三一書房, 1955.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (editor).Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai
Mō Takutō senshū, 1. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1955, pp. 253.
38 ❖ 書籍 Books
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 編 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
毛沢東選集, 2. 東京: 三一書房, 1956.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (editor).Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai
Mō Takutō senshū, 2. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1956, pp. 261.
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
毛沢東選集, 3. 東京: 三一書房, 1956.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (translator).
Mō Takutō senshū, 3. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1956, pp. 258.
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
毛沢東選集, 4. 東京: 三一書房, 1956.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (translator).
Mō Takutō senshū, 4. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1956, pp. 214.
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
毛沢東選集, 5. 東京: 三一書房, 1956.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (translator).
Mō Takutō senshū, 5. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1956, pp. 193.
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
毛沢東選集, 6. 東京: 三一書房, 1956.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (translator).
Mō Takutō senshū, 6. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1956, pp. 216.
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
毛沢東選集, 7. 東京: 三一書房, 1956.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (translator).
Mō Takutō senshū, 7. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1956, pp. 254.
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
毛沢東選集, 8. 東京: 三一書房, 1961.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (translator).
Mō Takutō senshū, 8. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1961, pp. 313.
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集翻訳会( 訳 ).
毛沢東選集, 9. 東京: 三一書房, 1961.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshū Hon’yakukai (translator).
Mō Takutō senshū, 9. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1961, pp. 293.
The Takazawa collection contains a substantial number of translations of famous
books. These books are generally in the collection because they were widely read
by Japanese, particularly those in the New Left, during the period covered by the
collection. This is the collected works of Mao Tse Tung published in Japan at a very
early point, 1955. Contains the same content as the Chinese four volume standard
collection, but is in nine volumes because the volumes are very small in the Japanese
全集と縮刷版. Sets and Reprint Editions ❖ 39
貝塚茂樹, 伊藤道治( 著 ).
中国の歴史 1: 原始から春秋戦国. 東京: 講談社, 1974.
item_ID: 17864
Kaizuka, Shigeki and Itō, Michiharu (authors).
Chūgoku no Rekishi 1: Genshi kara Shunjū Sengoku. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 445.
西嶋定生( 著 ).
中国の歴史 2: 秦漢帝国. 東京: 講談社, 1974.
item_ID: 17865
Nishijima, Sadao (author).
Chūgoku no Rekishi 2: Shin Kan Teikoku. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 490.
川勝義雄( 著 ).
中国の歴史 3: 魏晋南北朝. 東京: 講談社, 1974.
item_ID: 17866
Kawakatsu, Yoshio (author).
Chūgoku no Rekishi 3: Gishin Nanboku chō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 410.
布目潮渢, 栗原益男( 著 ).
中国の歴史 4: 隋唐帝国. 東京: 講談社, 1974.
item_ID: 17867
Nunome, Chōfū and Kurihara, Masuo (authors).
Chūgoku no Rekishi 4: Zui Tō Teikoku. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 442.
周藤吉之, 中嶋敏( 著 ).
中国の歴史 5: 五代 宋. 東京: 講談社, 1974.
item_ID: 17868
Sudō, Yoshiyuki and Nakajima, Satoshi (authors).
Chūgoku no Rekishi 5: Godai Sō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 430.
愛宕松男, 寺田隆信( 著 ).
中国の歴史 6: 元・明. 東京: 講談社, 1974.
item_ID: 17869
Otagi, Matsuo and Terada, Takanobu (authors).
Chūgoku no Rekishi 6: Gen Min. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 455.
増井経夫( 著 ).
中国の歴史 7: 清帝国. 東京: 講談社, 1974.
item_ID: 17870
Masui, Tsuneo (author).
Chūgoku no Rekishi 7: Shin Teikoku. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 408.
佐伯有一( 著 ).
中国の歴史 8: 近代中国. 東京: 講談社, 1975.
item_ID: 17871
Saeki, Yūichi (author).
Chūgoku no Rekishi 8: Kindai Chūgoku. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1975, pp. 385.
野村浩一( 著 ).
中国の歴史 9: 人民中国の誕生. 東京: 講談社, 1974.
item_ID: 17872
Nomura, Kōichi (author).
Chūgoku no Rekishi 9: Jinmin Chūgoku no Tanjō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 481.
日比野丈夫( 著 ).
中国の歴史 10: 目で見る中国の歴史. 東京: 講談社, 1975.
item_ID: 17873
40 ❖ 書籍 Books
Hibino, Takeo (author).
Chūgoku no Rekishi 10: Me de Miru Chūgoku no Rekishi. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1975, pp. 272.
This is a 10 volume series on the history of China. The last volume is a collection of
visual materials on China.
大内兵衛, 向坂逸郎( 編 ).
鈴木茂三郎選集 第1巻. 東京: 労働大学, 1971.
item_ID: 18126
Ōuchi, Hyōe and Sakisaka, Itsurō (editors).
Suzuki Mosaburō Dai Ikkan, 1. Tōkyō: Rōdō Daigaku, 1971, pp. 462.
大内兵衛, 向坂逸郎( 編 ).
鈴木茂三郎選集 第二巻. 東京: 労働大学, 1971.
item_ID: 18127
Ōuchi, Hyōe and Sakisaka, Itsurō (editors).
Suzuki Mosaburō Senshū Dai Nikan, 2. Tōkyō: Rōdō Daigaku, 1971, pp. 541.
大内兵衛, 向坂逸郎( 編 ).
鈴木茂三郎選集 第四巻. 東京: 労働大学, 1971.
item_ID: 18128
Ōuchi, Hyōe and Sakisaka, Itsurō (editors).
Suzuki Mosaburō Dai Yonkan, 4. Tōkyō: Rōdō Daigaku, 1971, pp. 544.
This is a four volume collection of essays by Japanese socialist Mosaburō Suzuki.
The collection has volumes 1, 2, and 4. The latter has essays on Suzuki written by
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 41
III. 戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought
杉山謙治( 著 ).
日本学生思想運動史. 東京: 日本基督教青年会同盟, 1930.
Sugiyama, Kenji (author).
Nihon gakusei shisō undōshi. Tōkyō: Nihon Kirisutokyō Seinenkai Domei, 1930, pp. 157.
This was the first study of the student movement in Japan, covering the Taisho and
early Shōwa period.
平野義太郎( 著 ).
日本資本主義社会の機構: 史的過程よりの究明. 東京: 岩波書店, 1934.
Hirano, Yoshitaro (author).
Nihon shihon shugi shakai no kikō: shiteki katei yori no kyūmei. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten,
1934, pp. 6, 388.
Analysis of Japanese socialism during the Showa 10 decade. Hirano was a prewar
JCP member and this is a Japanese Communist Party analysis.
( 著 ).
ゴリキイ文学論. 東京: 言叢社, 1937.
Gorky, Maksim (author).
Gorikii bungakuron. Tōkyō: Gensōsha, 1937, pp. 2, 2, 303.
This is the Japanese translation of Gorky’s literary theory, reflecting the bungakuron of the Soviet Union from the early 1920s introduced to Japan. May be the first
Gorky in Japan, but not clear.
( 著 ).杉三郎, 外村史郎( 訳 ).
ウゲデ族の最後の者: 現代ソヴェト文学全集4. 東京: 三笠書房, 1935.
Fadeev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (author). Sugi, Saburō and Sotomura, Shirō (translators).
Ugede-zoku no saigo no mono: Gendai Soveto bungaku zenshū 4. Tōkyō: Mikasa Shobō,
1935, pp. 509.
This is a collection of Soviet literature translated into Japanese as an introduction to
Japanese readers. The author, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Fadeev, was a prominent
Soviet writer from the 1930s to 1950s.
小林良正( 著 ).
日本産業の構成. 東京: 白揚社, 1935.
Kobayashi, Yoshimasa (author).
Nihon sangyō no kōsei. Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha, 1935, pp. 4, 8, 301.
This prewar book presents an imperialism theory of Japanese industrial structure.
42 ❖ 書籍 Books
風早八十二( 著 ).
日本社会政策史. 東京: 日本評論社, 1937.
Kazehaya, Yasoji (author).
Nihon shakai seisakushi. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1937, pp. 5, 11, 497, 13.
History of Japanese social policy in the Taisho and early Showa eras.
野坂参三( 著 ).
亡命十六年. 東京: 時事通信社, 1946.
平沢三郎( 著 ).
日本共産党は何を要求するか: 党行動綱領解説. 東京: 日本共産党, 1946.
Nosaka, Sanzō (author).
Bōmei Jūroku-nen. Tōkyō: Jiji Tsūshinsha, 1946, pp. 86.
Nosaka Sanzo’s notes from his period of exile.
Hirasawa, Saburō (author).
Nihon Kyōsantō wa nani o yōkyū suru ka: tō kōdō kōryō kaisetsu. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō,
1946, pp. 63.
Very early postwar presentation of Japan Communist Party position.
徳田球一( 著 ).
党生活の刷新のために. 東京: 日本共産党.
Tokuda, Kyūichi (author).
Tō seikatsu no sasshin no tame ni. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō, pp. 34.
Tokuda Kyūichi’s political pamphlet, produced as an illegal pamphlet in the prewar
日本共産党( 編 ).
市民諸君に訴ふ: 自由への道. 東京: 人民社, 1946.
Nihon Kyōsantō (editor).
Shimin shokun ni uttau: jiyū e no michi. Tōkyō: Jinminsha, 1946, pp. 30.
Book produced in the very early period right after the war when the Japan Communist Party had just been liberated by the U.S. and was publishing things legally.
大井広介( 著 ).
左翼天皇制. 東京: 拓文館, 1956.
Ōi, Hirosuke (author).
Sayoku tennōsei. Tōkyō: Takubunkan, 1956, pp. 220.
Book critical of the Japan Communist Party, saying the postwar JCP was the same
as the Emperor system. This was just at the time of 6th Party Congress, just before
the Party split into Shokan ha and Kokusai ha.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 43
大森義太郎( 著 ).
唯物弁証法読本. 東京: 黄土社, 1946.
Ōmori, Yoshitarō (author).
Yuibutsu benshōhō dokuhon. Tōkyō: Ōdosha, 1946, pp. 292, 17.
This JCP publication is an introduction to dialectical materialism as a philosophy.
志賀義雄( 著 ).
国家論. 東京: ナウカ社, 1949.
Shiga, Yoshio (author).
Kokkaron. Tōkyō: Naukasha, 1949, pp. 3, 202.
Shiga Yoshio’s theory of the state. Shiga was a hi-tenkōsha and a leader in the postwar JCP until he broke with the party in the 1960s and formed Nihon no Koe.
志賀義雄( 著 ).
世界と日本. 東京: 暁明社, 1948.
Shiga, Yoshio (author).
Sekai to Nihon. Tōkyō: Gyōmeisha, 1948, pp. 4, 260.
Shiga Yoshio’s writing about international conditions and Japan. Shiga was a hitenkō member of the JCP with considerable influence in the early postwar period.
河上肇( 著 ).
資本論入門, 1. 東京: 世界評論社, 1946.
Kawakami, Hajime (author).
Shihonron nyūmon, 1. Tōkyō: Sekai Hyōronsha, 1946, pp. 5, 3, 269.
Kawakami was a Marxist economist at Kyoto University in the 1920s who was arrested for his Marxist writings. While he did not abandon his ideas, he did agree to
give up political activity. This book was banned in the prewar period. It was published immediately after the war.
大内兵衛( 著 ).
財政学大綱, 上. 東京: 岩波書店, 1930.
Ōuchi, Hyōe (author).
Zaiseigaku taikō, jō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1930, pp. 289.
大内兵衛( 著 ).
財政学大綱, 中. 東京: 岩波書店, 1931.
Ōuchi, Hyōe (author).
Zaiseigaku taikō, chū. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1931, pp. 531.
These two volumes were published in 1930 and 1931 as the first two volumes of a
three volume work, but the collection does not have the third volume. The author
was a well-known Marxist economist.
44 ❖ 書籍 Books
船山信 一( 著 ).
マルクス主義哲学. 東京: 岩波書店, 1933.
Funayama, Shinichi (author).
Marukusu shugi tetsugaku. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1933, pp. 58.
A prewar book on Marxist philosophy.
世界情勢研究会( 訳 ).
日本経済批判. 東京: 叢文閣, 1934.
Sekai Jōsei Kenkyūkai (translator).
Nihon keizai hihan. Tōkyō: Sōbunkaku, 1934, pp. 300.
This is a prewar book on imperialism theory.
戸坂潤( 著 ).
現代唯物論講話. 東京: 白揚社, 1936.
Tosaka, Jun (author).
Gendai yuibutsuron kōwa. Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha, 1936, pp. 368.
Tosaka Jun was an important figure in prewar Japanese Marxist philosophy. This is
his introduction to dialectical materialism.
永田広志( 著 ).
日本唯物論史: 永田広志選集V. 東京: 白揚社, 1948.
Nagata, Hiroshi (author).
Nihon yuibutsu ronshi: Nagata Hiroshi senshū V. Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha, 1948, pp. 404.
Nagata was mportant figure in prewar Japanese Marxist philosophy, although this
book was first published in the early postwar era as his history of dialectial materialism. This was supposed to be the beginning of a zenshū, but the rest probably never
was published.
日本経済研究会( 編 ).
日本経済研究, 1. 東京: 叢文閣, 1935.
Nihon Keizai Kenkyūkai (editor).
Nihon keizai kenkyū, 1. Tōkyō: Sōbunkaku, 1935, pp. 363.
日本経済研究会( 編 ).
日本経済研究, 2. 東京: 叢文閣, 1935.
Nihon Keizai Kenkyūkai (editor).
Nihon keizai kenkyū, 2. Tōkyō: Sōbunkaku, 1935, pp. 231.
An early Showa analysis of Japanese economics, not particularly from the left. The
work is in two volumes.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 45
野呂栄太郎( 著 ).
日本資本主義発達史. 東京: 岩波書店, 1935.
Noro, Eitarō (author).
Nihon shihon shugi hattatsushi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1935, pp. 339.
This was a precursor of the Koza ha school of Marxist thought, expounding imperialism theory.
服部之總( 著 ).
維新史の方法論. 東京: 白揚社, 1934.
Hattori, Shisō (author).
Ishinshi no hōhōron. Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha, 1934, pp. 222.
Another version of imperialism theory, with early Kōza ha perspective.
太平洋研究会( 編 ).
唯物史観日本研究. 東京: 叢文閣, 1936.
Taiheiyō Kenkyūkai (editor).
Yuibutsu shikan Nihon kenkyū. Tōkyō: Sōbunkaku, 1936, pp. 247.
A Marxist (historical materialist) analysis of Japan from the mid-1930s.
河上肇( 著 ).
貧乏物語. 東京: 岩波書店, 1947.
Kawakami, Hajime (author).
Binbō monogatari. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1947, pp. 191.
Kawakami Hajime’s famous Bimbō monogatari,his Marxist analysis of poverty written in the 1920s. This edition came out right after the war ended.
河上肇( 著 ).
第二貧乏物語. 東京: 角川書店, 1956.
Kawakami, Hajime (author).
Daini binbō monogatari. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1956, pp. 276.
This is a continuation of Kawakami Hajime”s Binbō monogatari, published after the war.
滝沢克己( 著 ).
西田哲学の根本問題. 東京: 刃江書院, 1936.
Takizawa, Katsumi (author).
Nishida tetsugaku no konpon mondai. Tōkyō: Tōe Shoin, 1936, pp. 6, 2, 249, 16.
Takizawa Katsumi’s analysis of Nishida Kitaro’s philosophy. Takizawa was a philosopher and later a Christian, and this may have been his first book. Takizawa later
had a major influence on the Zenkyōto movement, his Christianity encouraging the
idea of self-criticism.
46 ❖ 書籍 Books
コムアカデミア哲学研究所( 著 ).廣島定吉, 直井武夫( 訳 ).
史的唯物論. 東京: ナウカ社, 1934.
Komuakademia Tetsugaku Kenkyūjo (author). Hiroshima, Sadakichi and Naoi, Takeo
Shiteki yuibutsuron. Tōkyō: Naukasha, 1934, pp. 11, 822.
This is a translation of a Russian original on historical materialism, published in
the prewar period. The original was produced by the Soviet Academy of Sciences
Philosophy Research Institute.
レオーノフ・レ オ ニ ヅ マ ク シ モ ヴ ィ チ( 著 ).米川正夫( 訳 ).
スクタレーフスキィ教授: 新世界文学全集6. 東京: 河出書房, 1941.
Leonov, Leonid Maksimovich (author). Yonekawa, Masao (translator).
Sukutarēfusukī kyōju: shinsekai bungaku zenshū 6. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō, 1941, pp. 12, 487.
This is a Japanese translation of Leonov’s novel Skutarevsky, about an aging physicist who comes to understand that scientific ojectivity is inapplicable and even harmful in political matters. It is the sixth volume of a World Literature Collection. Leonov was a prominent Soviet novelist and dramatist.
戸坂潤( 著 ).
日本イデオロギー論: 現代に於ける日本主義・ファッシズム・自由主義・思想の批判. 東京: 白揚
社, 1936.
Tosaka, Jun (author).
Nihon ideorogī-ron: gendai Nihon ni okeru Nihon shugi, fashizumu, jiyū shugi, shisō no hihan. Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha, 1936, pp. 400.
This is Tosaka Jun’s famous prewar book on Japanese ideology. This book had a major impact on the prewar left and the han-taisei movement. This is one of his most
significant works.
相川春喜( 著 ).
歴史科学の方法論. 東京: 白揚社, 1935.
Aikawa, Haruki (author).
Rekishi kagaku no hōhōron. Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha, 1935, pp. 6, 6, 352, 10.
A prewar Marxist work on the method of historical science.
西沢富夫( 訳 ).
世界貿易論. 東京: 中央公論社, 1943.
Nishizawa, Tomio (translator).
Sekai bōekiron. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1943, pp. 11, 383.
A book on world trade theory published during the war.
永田広志( 著 ).
唯物弁証法講話. 東京: 白揚社, 1933.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 47
Nagata, Hiroshi (author).
Yuibutsu benshōhō kōwa. Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha, 1933, pp. 304.
A book on dialectical materialism by a major figure in the prewar intellectual left.
木村禧八郎( 著 ).
インフレーション. 東京: 岩波書店, 1939.
Kimura, Kihachirō (author).
Infurēshon. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1939, pp. 133.
A wartime book on inflation.
永田広志( 著 ).
日本封建制イデオロギー. 東京: 白揚社, 1938.
Nagata, Hiroshi (author).
Nihon hōkensei ideorogī. Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha, 1938, pp. 9, 425.
A major work on Japanese feudalist ideology by a major figure in the prewar intellectual left.
森口多里( 著 ).
近代美術. 東京: 東京堂, 1937.
Moriguchi, Tari (author).
Kindai bijutsu. Tōkyō: Tōkyōdo, 1937, pp. 10, 7, 508, 9.
A wartime book on modern art.
コムアカデミア経済研究所( 著 ).米村正一( 訳 ).
貨幣と信用: 資本主義篇. 東京: 栗田書店, 1937.
Komuakademia Keizai Kenkyūjo (author). Yonemura, Shōichi (translator).
Kahei to shinyō: shihon shugi hen. Tōkyō: Kurita Shoten, 1937, pp. 8, 444.
This is a Japanese translation of a book on currency and trust produced by the Soviet
Academy of Sciences Institute of Economics.
西尾治郎平, 矢沢保( 著 ).
日本の革命歌. 東京: 一声社, 1974.
Nishio, Jirohei and Yazawa, Tamotsu (authors).
Nihon no kakumeika. Tōkyō: Isseisha, 1974, pp. 342.
A study of revolutionary songs sung in Japan, with the music and words included.
Japan Communist Party songs, labor movement songs, etc. are all in here.
色川大吉( 編 ).
戦争と平和に生きる: 日本歴史展望第12巻, 12. 東京: 旺文社, 1982.
48 ❖ 書籍 Books
Irokawa, Daikichi (editor).
Sensō to heiwa ni ikiru: Nihon rekishi tenbō dai 12 kan. Tōkyō: Ōbunsha, 1982, pp. 288.
This volume on living in war and peace is volume 12 of the Nihon rekishi tenbō series, but it is the only volume in the Takazawa Collection.
佐藤悠( 著 ).草柳大蔵( 編 ).
社会・事件: 20世紀フォトドキュメント2, 2. 東京: ぎょうせい, 1992.
Satō, Yū (author). Kusayanagi, Taizō (editor).
Shakai jiken: 20-seiki foto dokyumento 2. Tōkyō: Gyōsei, 1992, pp. 159.
A photo-documentary of society and events in the 20th century. This is supposed to
be the second volume of a set, but is the only volume in the Takazawa Collection.
宮沢俊義( 著 ).
憲法. 東京: 有斐閣, 1949.
Miyazawa, Toshiyoshi (author).
Kenpō. Tōkyō: Yūhikaku, 1949, pp. 8, 414, 10.
A work on the postwar Japanese constitution.
長谷川正安( 著 ).
日本の憲法. 東京: 岩波書店, 1957.
Hasegawa, Masayasu (author).
Nihon no kenpō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1957, pp. 4, 208, 25, 4.
A work on the postwar Japanese constitution.
末川博( 著 ).
法律. 東京: 岩波書店, 1961.
Suekawa, Hiroshi (author).
Hōritsu. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1961, pp. 5, 189, 6.
A basic work on law.
久野収, 鶴見俊輔( 著 ).
現代日本の思想: その五つの渦. 東京: 岩波書店, 1956.
Kuno, Osamu and Tsurumi, Shunsuke (authors).
Gendai Nihon no shisō: sono itsutsu no uzu. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1956, pp. 9, 229, 4.
An early postwar zadankai that offered a really clear analysis of the condition of Japanese ideology and thought at the time. The book is still read today and is regarded
as one of two landmarks in postwar Japanese thought, along with Maruyama’s Nihon no Shisō. Item #312 is a related symposium that was intended as a continuation
of the discussion.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 49
丸山眞男( 著 ).
日本の思想. 東京: 岩波書店, 1961.
Maruyama, Masao (author).
Nihon no shisō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1961, pp. 4, 192.
Maruyama’s famous postwar analysis of Japanese thought. This and the previous
item (Gendai Nihon no shisō) are the two key landmarks of the study of postwar
Japanese thought.
荒垣秀雄( 編 ).
日本のレジスタンス. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1964.
Aragaki, Hideo (editor).
Nihon no rejisutansu. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1964, pp. 281, 7.
History of Japanese incidents of resistance prior to the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
朝日ジャーナル編集部( 編 ).
昭和史の瞬間, 上. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1966.
Asahi Jānaru Henshūbu (editor).
Showashi no shunkan, jō. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1966, pp. 350.
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
昭和史の瞬間, 下. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1966.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
Showashi no shunkan, ge. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1966, pp. 382, 4.
A popular two-volume collection of accounts of the major incidents of Showa history.
松本清張( 編 ).
明治百年100大事件, 上. 東京: 三一書房, 1968.
Matsumoto Seichō (editor).
Meiji hyakunen 100 daijiken, jō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1968, pp. 288.
松本清張( 編 ).
明治百年100大事件, 下. 東京: 三一書房, 1968.
Matsumoto Seichō (editor).
Meiji hyakunen 100 daijiken, ge. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1968, pp. 275.
This two volume work is similar to the Asahi series Showa shi no shunkan, only it
covers the entire period from Meiji onward, documenting all the major incidents of
the 100 year period. It was edited by Matsumoto Seichō.
伊東光晴, 城塚登, 判沢弘, 山田宗睦( 編 ).
戦後思想の潮流: その虚像と実像. 東京: 新評論, 1978.
Itō, Mitsuharu; Shirotsuka, Noboru; Hanzawa, Hiroshi and Yamada, Munemutsu (editors).
Sengo shisō no chōryū: sono kyozō to jitsuzō. Tōkyō: Shin Hyōron, 1978, pp. 295.
50 ❖ 書籍 Books
This was intended as a continuation of item #305 (Gendai Nihon no Shisō), and represents a later analysis of Japanese thought through the mid 1970s. It was done as
a symposium.
山田宗睦( 著 ).
続・戦後思想史: 論争形式による. 東京: 新読書社出版部, 1960.
Yamada, Munemutsu (author).
Zoku sengo shisōshi: ronsō keishiki ni yoru. Tōkyō: Shin Dokushosha Shuppanbu, 1960, pp. 212.
Yamada’s version of the line of postwar analysis of Japanese thought that runs
through Maruyama, Tsurumi, etc. This one is very theoretical.
山田宗睦( 著 ).
戦後への出生証. 東京: 勁草書房, 1965.
Yamada, Munemutsu (author).
Sengo e no shuseishō. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1965, pp. 9, 491.
Yamada’s analysis of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
戸川猪佐武( 著 ).
戦後風俗史. 東京: 雪華社, 1960.
Togawa, Isamu (author).
Sengo fūzokushi. Tōkyō: Sekkasha, 1960, pp. 427.
Analysis of postwar customs.
海老坂武( 著 ).
戦後思想の模索: 森有正、加藤周一を読む. 東京: みすず書房, 1981.
Ebisaka, Takeshi (author).
Sengo shisō no mosaku: Mori Arimasa, Katō Shūichi wo yomu. Tōkyō: Misuzu Shobō, 1981,
pp. 177.
Ebisaka was a member of Beheiren and this book goes back over postwar Japanese
thought from his point of view at that time, focusing mostly on the work of Mori Arimasu and Katō Shūichi.
海老坂武( 著 ).
雑種文化のアイデンティティ: 林達夫、鶴見俊輔を読む. 東京: みすず書房, 1986.
Ebisaka, Takeshi (author).
Zasshū bunka no aidentitī: Hayashi Tatsuo, Tsurumi Shunsuke o yomu. Tōkyō: Misuzu
Shobō, 1986, pp. 233.
Ebisaka’s analysis of postwar Japanese thought. The term Zasshū bunka comes from
Katō Shūichi, but most of the book analyzes Tsurumi Shunsuke and Hayashi Tatsuo. Zasshū bunka refers to the peculiarities of Japanese thought and culture.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 51
尾崎秀樹, 山田宗睦( 著 ).
戦後生活文化史: 私たちの生きた道. 東京: 弘文堂, 1966.
Ozaki, Hokki and Yamada, Munemutsu (authors).
Sengo seikatsu bunkashi: Watakushi tachi no ikita michi. Tōkyō: Kōbundō, 1966, pp. 3, 202.
A book about post-war life in Japan.
大江健三郎( 著 ).
同時代としての戦後. 東京: 講談社, 1973.
Ōe, Kenzaburō (author).
Dōjidai to shite no sengo. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1973, pp. 306.
Oe’s analysis of postwar thought based on the works of postwar literary figures.
松本健一( 著 ).
戦後政治家の文章. 東京: 第三文明社, 1988.
Matsumoto, Ken’ichi (author).
Sengo seijika no bunshō. Tōkyō: Daisan Bunmeisha, 1988, pp. 279.
The name of this book refers to the famous Seijika no Bunshō by Takeda Taijun.
日高六郎( 著 ).
戦後思想を考える. 東京: 岩波書店, 1980.
( 著 ).
戦後史の発見: 生きていた英霊からパンパンまで, 上. 東京: 産報, 1975.
Hidaka, Rokurō (author).
Sengo shisō o kangaeru. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1980, pp. 205.
Hidaka’s analysis of postwar Japanese thought.
本多秋五( 著 ).
物語戦後文学史(全).東京: 新潮社, 1966.
Honda, Shūgo (author).
Monogatari sengo bungakushi (zen). Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1966, pp. 821.
A big study done as a history of postwar literature.
武田泰淳( 著 ).
政治家の文章. 東京: 岩波書店, 1960.
Takeda, Taijun (author).
Seijika no bunshō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1960, pp. 3, 188.
Takeda Taijun’s famous Seijika no bunshō.
Iida, Momo (author).
Sengoshi no hakken: ikite ita eirei kara panpan made, jō. Tōkyō: Sanpō, 1975, pp. 260.
52 ❖ 書籍 Books
( 著 ).
戦後史の発見: 聖なるワイセツから
まで, 下. 東京: 産報, 1975.
Iida, Momo (author).
Sengoshi no hakken: seinaru waisetsu kara “shūmatsu” made, ge. Tōkyō: Sanpō, 1975, pp. 258.
Iida Momo is the ideologue of the Kōzō Kaikaku ha of Kyōrōtō (Kyōsanshugi Rōdōsha
Tō). This is a two-volume documentary collection of postwar historical materials he
has edited.
山田宗睦( 著 ).
危険な思想家: 戦後民主主義を否定する人びと. 東京: 光文社, 1965.
Yamada, Munemutsu (author).
Kiken na shisōka: sengo minshu shugi o hitei suru hitobito. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1965, pp. 208.
Critical analysis of the conservative school (Hoshūha) of postwar democratic theory.
This is a famous book that ws a bestseller. Criticizes Mishima and others.
田川和夫( 著 ).
日本共産党史. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1969.
Tagawa, Kazuo (author).
Nihon Kyōsantōshi. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1969, pp. 311.
Critical history of the Japan Communist Party from the perspective of the New Left.
Tagawa was a Kakkyōdō member.
日本出版センター( 著 ).日本出版センター( 編 ).
日本共産党史: 私の証言. 東京: 日本出版センター, 1970.
Nihon Shuppan Sentā (author). Nihon Shuppan Sentā (editor).
Nihon Kyōsantōshi: watashi no shōgen. Tōkyō: Nihon Shuppan Sentā, 1970, pp. 427.
A series of personal accounts of the early postwar Japan Communist Party prior to
the formation of Bund and the 1960 Anpo movement. It consists of conversations and
interviews with key individuals from the party. There is an interesting interview
with Shima Shigeo in here, and other tidbits about the JCP in this period. Shima’s
interview is of historical significance because he explains the “6.1 incident (6.1 jiken),” or the context of Bund (Bunto)’s separation from the JCP.
政治問題研究会( 編 ).
日本共産党綱領問題文献集, 上. 東京: 青木書店, 1957.
Seiji Mondai Kenkyūkai (editor).
Nihon Kyōsantō kōryō mondai bunkenshū, jō. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1957, pp. 333.
This is a two volume work of materials concerning the Japan Communist Party platforms, but the collection only has the first volume.
沢村義雄, 織田進( 著 ).
日本共産党批判. 東京: 新時代社, 1974.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 53
Sawamura, Yoshio and Oda, Susumu (authors).
Nihon Kyōsantō hihan. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1974, pp. 174.
A fairly late collection of criticisms of the Japan Communist Party. One of the editors, Sawamura Yoshio, was a member of the Tokyo regional committee just before
the Bund split and he was a key figure. He wrote a personal position paper (ikensho)
that was instrumental in the split of the Tokyo regional committee, after which he
was on the New Left side of the split.
袴田里見( 著 ).
労働者階級と日本共産党. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1962.
Hakamada, Satomi (author).
Rōdōsha kaikyū to Nihon Kyōsantō. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1962, pp. 91.
A work on the JCP and the working class.
山中明( 著 ).
戦後学生運動史. 東京: 青木書店, 1961.
Yamanaka, Akira (author).
Sengo gakusei undōshi. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1961, pp. 284.
First history of Japanese Student movement published after the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. It
covers the period up to and including the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. This is the most widely
read book on the postwar Japanese student movement.
学生運動研究会( 著 ).
現代の学生運動: その思想と行動. 東京: 新興出版社, 1961.
Gakusei Undō Kenkyūkai (author).
Gendai no gakusei undō: sono shisō to kōdō. Tōkyō: Shinkō Shuppansha, 1961, pp. 333.
Another early post-1960 Anpo Tōsō book about the student movement, this one put
together by a group of journalists.
山中明( 著 ).
戦後学生運動史. 東京: 群出版, 1981.
Yamanaka, Akira (author).
Sengo gakusei undōshi. Tōkyō: Gun Shuppan, 1981, pp. 325.
This is a later edition of Yamanaka’s study of the student movement, which also
contains material on everything up to 1970 Anpo.
蔵田計成( 著 ).
新左翼運動全史. 東京: 流動出版, 1978.
Kurata, Keisei (author).
Shinsayoku undō zenshi. Tōkyō: Ryūdō Shuppan, 1978, pp. 415.
54 ❖ 書籍 Books
History of the postwar New Left from 1960 Anpo Tōsō to Rengō Sekigun. Kurata
was an original Bund member who was also close to people in the second Bund and
in Sekigunha.
高沢皓司, 高木正幸, 蔵田計成( 著 ).
新左翼二十年史: 叛乱の軌跡. 東京: 新泉社, 1981.
Takazawa, Kōji; Takagi, Masayuki; and Kurata, Keisei (authors).
Shinsayoku nujūnenshi: hanran no kiseki. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1981, pp. 246.
A popular but fairly detailed and reliable account that covers the period from 1960
Anpo Tōsō through Rengō Sekigun to the crumbling of the New Left in the 1970s.
Takagi Masayuki is an Asahi Shimbun journalist who covered the student protests
of the 1970 Anpo period, and Kurata was an original member of Bund who remained
close to the second Bund and Sekigunha.
小林良彰( 著 ).
戦後革命運動論争史. 東京: 三一書房, 1971.
Kobayashi, Yoshiaki (author).
Sengo kakumei undō ronsōshi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1971, pp. 387.
This covers the theoretical debates and issues of the radical left from the early postwar JCP based movement through the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. A basic source for understanding what the various debates were about.
古在由重( 著 ).
思想とはなにか. 東京: 岩波書店, 1960.
Kozai, Yoshishige (author).
Shisō to wa nanika. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1960, pp. 5, 206.
It is a book on the concept of thought.
石田雄( 著 ).
平和の政治学. 東京: 岩波書店, 1968.
Ishida, Takeshi (author).
Heiwa no seijigaku. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1968, pp. 2, 212.
Ishida Takeshi is a prominent political theorist and Tokyo University professor who
was a protégé of Maruyama Masao.
高畠通敏( 著 ).
政治学への道案内. 東京: 三一書房, 1976.
Takabatake, Michitoshi (author).
Seijigaku e no michiannai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1976, pp. 300.
An introduction to political science.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 55
高木正幸( 著 ).
新左翼三十年史. 東京: 土曜美術社, 1988.
Takagi, Masayuki (author).
Shinsayoku sanjūnenshi. Tōkyō: Doyō Bijutsusha, 1988, pp. 243.
Expansion of item #336 to cover up to the end of the 1970s. This one covers more time
but is less detailed.
高内俊一( 著 ).
現代日本資本主義論争. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Takauchi, Shun’ichi (author).
Gendai Nihon shihon shugi ronsō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 335.
Debates on Japanese capitalism.
小山弘健( 編 ).
日本資本主義論争史, 上. 東京: 青木書店, 1953.
Koyama, Hirotake (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi ronsōshi, jō. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1953, pp. 219, 18.
小山弘健( 編 ).
日本資本主義論争史, 下. 東京: 青木書店, 1953.
Koyama, Hirotake (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi ronsōshi, ge. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1953, pp. 313, 41.
Two volume edited work covering various theories of imperialism and capitalism.
中西功( 著 ).
民主主義と社会主義のために: 平和と独立. 東京: 宮原書院, 1949.
Nakanishi, Tsutomu (author).
Minshu shugi to shakai shugi no tame ni: heiwa to dokuritsu. Tōkyō: Miyahara Shoin, 1949,
pp. 273.
A Japan Communist Party perspective on democracy and socialism, published in
early postwar.
戸田慎太郎( 著 ).
日本資本主義と日本農業の発展. 東京: 民主評論社, 1947.
Toda, Shintarō (author).
Nihon shihon shugi to Nihon nōgyō no hatten. Tōkyō: Minshu Hyōronsha, 1947, pp. 271.
Analysis of Japanese capitalism and agricultural development.
戸田慎太郎( 著 ).
天皇制の経済的基礎分析. 東京: 三一書房, 1947.
56 ❖ 書籍 Books
Toda, Shintarō (author).
Tennōsei no keizaiteki kiso bunseki. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1947, pp. 229.
Study of the economic basis of the emperor system published right after the war.
中西功( 著 ).
社会民主主義と新民主主義. 東京: 伊藤書店, 1948.
Nakanishi, Tsutomu (author).
Shakai minshu shugi to shinminshu shugi. Tōkyō: Itō Shoten, 1948, pp. 220.
An early postwar work on democracy from the Japan Communist Party perspective.
社会経済労働研究所( 編 ).
日本民主革命論争史. 東京: 伊藤書店, 1947.
Shakai Keizai Rōdō Kenkyūjo (editor).
Nihon minshu kakumei ronsōshi. Tōkyō: Itō Shoten, 1947, pp. 128.
History of Japanese theories of democratic revolution, published right after the war.
全聯邦共産党中央委員会付属委員会( 編 ).田岡信太郎( 訳 ).
全聯邦共産党小史. 東京: 大雅堂, 1946.
Zen Renpō Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Fuzoku Iinkai (editor).Taoka, Shintarō (translator).
Zen renpō kyōsantō shōshi. Tōkyō: Daigadō, 1946, pp. 503.
This is a short history of the Soviet Communist Party, published right after the war.
社会経済労働研究所( 編 ).
日本資本主義論争史. 東京: 伊藤書店, 1947.
Shakai Keizai Rōdō Kenkyūjo (editor).
Nihon shihon shugi ronsōshi. Tōkyō: Itō Shoten, 1947, pp. 273.
History of theories of Japanese capitalism published in early postwar period.
社会経済調査所( 編 ).
世界情勢の新しい段階と各国共産党当面の任務, 上.
Shakai Keizai Chōsajo (editor).
Sekai jōsei no atarashii dankai to kakkoku Kyōsantō tōmen no ninmu, jō. pp. 246.
Edited collection of perspectives of the Communist Parties of various countries on
current world conditions. This is a two volume work but collection only has the first
日本共産党東京都委員会( 編 ).
帝国主義戦争に対する闘争と共産主義者の任務: 国際共産党第六回世界大会のテーゼ. 東京:
日共東京都委員会, 1950.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 57
Nihon Kyōsantō Tokyo-to Iinkai (editor).
Teikoku shugi sensō ni taisuru tōsō to kyōsan shugisha no ninmu: kokusai kyōsantō dairokkai sekai taikai no tēze. Tōkyō: Nikkyō Tōkyō-to Iinkai, 1950, pp. 86.
Pamphlet put out in 1950 by the Tokyo To committee of the JCP with the Comintern
theses for the period.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).
全同盟共産党(ボルシェヴィキ)第十七回大会への中央委員会の活動報告: 党内研究資料. 日共
関東地方委員会, 1934.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author).
Zendōmei Kyōsantō (Borusheviki) dai-jūnanakai taikai e no chūō iinkai no katsudō hōkoku:
Tōnai kenkyū shiryō. Nikkyō Kantō Chihō Iinkai, 1934, pp. 108.
This is a report by Stalin from the Central Committee to the 17th Bolshevik Party
Congress, translated and published in Japan by the Japan Communist Party Kantō
regional committee in1934.
スターリン・マルクス主義と民族問題: マルクス・レーニン主義民族問
題体系III. 東京: 世界経済研究所, 1950.
Sutārin Marukusu shugi to minzoku mondai: Marukusu Rēnin shugi minzoku mondai taikei
III. Tōkyō: Sekai Keizai Kenkyūjo, 1950, pp. 196.
An early postwar work on Stalinist Marxism and race problems (minzoku)
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).
全同盟共産党(ボルシェヴィキ)第十六回大会への中央委員会の活動報告: 研究資料. 1930.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author).
Zendōmei Kyōsantō (Borusheviki) dai-jūrokukai taikai e no chūō iinkai no katsudō hōkoku:
Kenkyū shiryō. 1930, pp. 166.
This is Stalin’s report from the Central Committee to the 16th Bolshevik Party Congress, translated into Japanese and published in 1930.
野坂参三( 著 ).
民主戦線のために. 東京: 伊藤書店, 1946.
Nosaka, Sanzō (author).
Minshu sensen no tame ni. Tōkyō: Itō Shoten, 1946, pp. 16.
Pamplet by Nosaka published in the immediate postwar period.
徳田球一( 著 ).
日本共産党の新綱領の基礎. 国民通信社, 1952.
Tokuda, Kyūichi (author).
Nihon Kyōsantō no shinkōryō no kiso. Kokumin Tsūshinsha, 1952, pp. 31.
58 ❖ 書籍 Books
This was an explanation of the new policies of the newly legal Japan Communist
Party right after the war. It was written by Tokuda Kyūichi, who was a hero at the
time who had just gotten out of jail.
レーニン( 著 ).野坂参三( 訳 ).
平和革命論. 東京: 三和書房, 1946.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Nosaka, Sanzō (translator).
Heiwa kakumeiron. Tōkyō: Sanwa Shobō, 1946, pp. 72.
This is an early postwar publication of a short work by Lenin, translated by Nosaka
E・ヴァルガ, M・ムイズニコフ
( 著 ).
ヴアルガの自己批判によせて: 所内研究資料. 東京: 世界経済研究所, 1949.
Varga, Eugen and Myznikov, M. (authors).
Varuga no jiko hihan ni yosete: Shonai kenkyū shiryō. Tōkyō: Sekai Keizai Kenkyūjo, 1949,
pp. 88.
This and the next item (#361) are very early postwar publications on Varga and his
ヴァルガ理論をめぐる討論: ヴァルガ著「第二次世界大戦の結果とし
をめぐる討論. 東京: 世界経済研究所, 1947.
Varuga riron o meguru tōron: Varuga cho “Dainiji sekai taisen no kekka toshite no shihonshugi keizai no shohenka” o meguru tōron. Tōkyō: Sekai Keizai Kenkyūjo, 1947, pp. 139.
This is a very early postwar publication on Varga’s theory.
岩崎書店( 編 ).
日本共産党の方針: 第六回全国協議会決議、文化人から党への言葉. 東京: 岩崎書店, 1955.
Iwasaki Shoten (editor).
Nihon Kyōsantō no hōshin: dai-rokkai zenkoku kyōgikai ketsugi, bunkajin kara tō e no kotoba. Tōkyō: Iwasaki Shoten, 1955, pp. 186.
Famous Japan Communist Party statement representing the Party’s position at the
end of the 6th Party Congress, after which the party split, the Party rejected the
policy of violence, and the New Left was born out of those who left the party.
片山さとし, 豊田四郎, 他( 著 ).
日本革命の新しい道: 共産党新綱領の問題点. 東京: 大月書店, 1957.
Katayama, Satoshi; Toyota, Shirō; and et al. (authors).
Nihon kakumei no atarashii michi: Kyōsantō shin kōryō no mondaiten. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten,
1957, pp. 5, 272.
Put out by the JCP as an explanation of the Party’s new line after the 6th Congress
rejected the violent line and the party split.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 59
豊田四郎( 編 ).
西ドイツにおける帝国主義の復活. 東京: 新興出版社, 1957.
Toyota, Shirō (editor).
Nishi Doitsu ni okeru teikoku shugi no fukkatsu. Tōkyō: Shinkō Shuppansha, 1957, pp. 281.
Edited work on revival of imperialism in postwar West Germany.
労働調査協議会, 関西労働調査会議( 編 ).
賃金理論と賃金闘争: 労働組合ノート1. 東京: 社会書房, 1953.
Rōdō Chōsa Kyōgikai and Kansai Rōdō Chōsa Kaigi (editors).
Chingin riron to chingin tōsō: rōdō kumiai nōto 1. Tōkyō: Shakai Shobō, 1953, pp. 320.
A work on wage theory and labor union wage struggles.
豊田四郎( 著 ).
Toyota, Shirō (author).
Shakai keizaishigaku no konpon mondai. pp. 225.
Work on economic history.
三一書房編集部( 編 ).
各国共産党新綱領集. 東京: 三一書房, 1954.
San’ichi Shobō Henshūbu (editor).
Kakukoku kyōsantō shinkōryōshū. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1954, pp. 214.
A collection of the party platforms of various national communist parties.
日本共産党中央委員会宣伝教育部( 訳 ).
ソ連邦共産党史, 1. 東京: 日本共産党, 1959.
Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Senden Kyōikubu (translator).
Sorenpō Kyōsantō shi, 1. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō, 1959, pp. 9, 381.
日本共産党中央委員会宣伝教育部( 訳 ).
ソ連邦共産党史, 2. 東京: 日本共産党, 1959.
Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Senden Kyōikubu (translator).
Sorenpō Kyōsantō shi, 2. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō, 1959, pp. 7, 349.
日本共産党中央委員会宣伝教育部( 訳 ).
ソ連邦共産党史, 3. 東京: 日本共産党, 1960.
Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Senden Kyōikubu (translator).
Sorenpō Kyōsantō shi, 3. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō, 1960, pp. 7, 414.
This is a three-volume history of the Soviet Communist Party, put out by the Japan
Communist Party in 1959.
60 ❖ 書籍 Books
ニキタ・フルスチョフ, アナスタス・ミコヤン( 著 ).野中昌夫, 橋本弘毅( 訳 ). item_ID:
フルシチョフ報告・ミコヤン演説: ソ同盟共産党第20回党大会. 東京: 青木書店, 1956.
Khrushchev, Nikita and Mikoyan, Anastas (authors).Nonaka, Masao and Hashimoto, Hiroki
Furushichofu hōkoku, Mikoyan enzetsu: Sōrenna Kyōsantō dai 20 kai tō taikai. Tōkyō: Aoki
Shoten, 1956, pp. 249.
This is a translation of Khrushchev’s famous report and Mikoyan’s speech at the
20th Party Congress of the Soviet Communist Party in 1956 at which Stalin was
菊川忠雄( 著 ).
学生社会運動史. 東京: 海口書店, 1947.
Kikukawa, Tadao (author).
Gakusei shakai undōshi. Tōkyō: Kaikō Shoten, 1947, pp. 6, 8, 475, 9.
A history of the prewar student movement put out very shortly after the end of
the war.
岩崎龍郎( 著 ).
結核の病理. 東京: 保健同人社, 1951.
Iwasaki, Tatsurō (author).
Kekkaku no byōri. Tōkyō: Hoken Dōjinsha, 1951, pp. 14, 220.
Early postwar work on the pathology of tuberculosis.
花田圭介( 編 ).
現代科学とマルクス主義: 基礎と哲学. 東京: 大月書店, 1959.
Hanada, Keisuke (editor).
Gendai kagaku to Marukusu shugi: kiso to tetsugaku. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1959, pp. 212.
A book about modern science and Marxism. Each chapter is written by different
市川正一( 著 ).
日本共産党闘争小史. 東京: 大月書店, 1954.
Ichikawa, Shōichi (author).
Nihon Kyōsantō tōsō shōshi. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1954, pp. 217.
A short history of the Japan Communist Party written by Ichikawa Shōichi. This is
a postwar publication of Ichikawa’s history of the prewar Japan Communist Party,
originally given as his testimony at the JCP Peace Preservation Law trial in 1931.
石堂清倫( 編 ).
現代革命の展望: 社会主義への移行の理論. 東京: 合同出版社, 1957.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 61
Ishidō, Kiyotomo (editor).
Gendai kakumei no tenbō: Shakai shugi e no ikō no riron. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1957,
pp. 230.
A collection of articles written by various authors on modern revolution.
無着成恭( 編 ).
山びこ学校. 東京: 角川書店, 1969.
Muchaku, Seikyō (editor).
Yamabiko gakkō. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1969, pp. 306.
This book came out of a Seikatsu Tsuzurikata Movement of the late 1950s and early
1960s that ran schools for ordinary people in the countryside and encouraged them
to write their own stories. The book became a best seller.
国分一太郎( 著 ).
生活記録・児童文学. 東京: 未来社, 1957.
Kokubun, Ichitarō (author).
Seikatsu kiroku, jidō bungaku. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1957, pp. 330.
This is similar to item #377, but this one covers how to run the schools of the Seikatsu Tsuzurikata movement.
遊部久蔵, 大島清, 大内力, 杉本俊朗( 編 ).
資本論講座: 資本論の成立、商品貨幣, 1. 東京: 青木書店, 1963.
Yube, Hisazō; Ōshima, Kiyoshi; Ōuchi, Tsutomu; and Sugimoto, Toshirō (editors).
Shihonron kōza: shihonron no seiritsu, shōhin kahei, 1. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1963, pp. 351.
遊部久蔵, 大島清, 大内力, 杉本俊朗( 編 ).
資本論講座: 剰余価値、資本蓄積, 2. 東京: 青木書店, 1964.
Yube, Hisazō; Ōshima, Kiyoshi; Ōuchi, Tsutomu; and Sugimoto, Toshirō (editors).
Shihonron kōza: jōyo kachi, shihon chikuseki, 2. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1964, pp. 391.
資本論講座編集委員会( 著 ).
資本論講座: 資本の流通再生産, 3. 東京: 青木書店, 1964.
Shihonron Kōza Henshū Iinkai (author).
Shihonron kōza: shihon no ryūtsū saiseisan, 3. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1964, pp. 343.
An edited lecture series about the flow of capital and reproduction. The collection has
the first three volumes of a seven-volume series on capitalism.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
日本農業における資本主義の発達. 東京: 実業之日本社, 1947.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Nihon nōgyō ni okeru shihon shugi no hattatsu. Tōkyō: Jitusgyōno Nihonsha, 1947, pp. 342.
62 ❖ 書籍 Books
A book about capitalism in Japanese agriculture written by Kamiyama Shigeo, a
member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had considerable
influence on the New Left. This one and the next seven were published right after
the war.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
民族・階級・独立. 東京: 岩崎書店, 1948.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Minzoku kaikyū dokuritsu. Tōkyō: Iwasaki Shoten, 1948, pp. 240.
Another book written by Kamiyama Shigeo, a member of the prewar JCP and the
postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had considerable influence on the New Left. This was
published shortly after the war ended.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
日本資本主義分析の基本問題. 東京: 岩崎書店, 1947.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Nihon shihon shugi bunseki no kihon mondai. Tōkyō: Iwasaki Shoten, 1947, pp. 228.
Another early postwar book by Kamiyama Shigeo, a member of the prewar JCP and
the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had considerable influence on the New Left.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
人民的民主主義の諸問題. 東京: 同友社, 1947.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Jinminteki minshu shugi no shomondai. Tōkyō: Dōyūsha, 1947, pp. 104.
Another book written by Kamiyama Shigeo, a member of the prewar JCP and the
postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had considerable influence on the New Left.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
激流に抗して. 東京: 潮流社, 1949.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Gekiryū ni kōshite. Tōkyō: Chōryūsha, 1949, pp. 209.
Written by Kamiyama Shigeo, a member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP
Kokusai-ha who had considerable influence on the New Left.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
祖国を愛する道. 東京: 岩崎書店, 1947.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Sokoku o aisuru michi. Tōkyō: Iwasaki Shoten, 1947, pp. 156.
Written by a member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had
considerable influence on the New Left.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 63
神山茂夫( 著 ).
暴力と共産主義. 東京: 三一書房, 1949.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Bōryoku to kyōsan shugi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1949, pp. 139.
Written by a member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had
considerable influence on the New Left.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
死もまた涼し. 東京: 浅間書房, 1948.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Shi mo mata suzushi. Tōkyō: Asama Shobō, 1948, pp. 200.
Written by a member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had
considerable influence on the New Left.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
日本革命綱領論争: 日本共産党の危機克服と党建設のために. 東京: 新興出版社, 1957.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Nihon kakumei kōryō ronsō: Nihon Kyōsantō no kiki kokufuku to tō kensetsu no tame ni.
Tōkyō: Shinkō Shuppansha, 1957, pp. 238.
Written by a member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had
considerable influence on the New Left.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
天皇制に関する理論的諸問題. 東京: 民主評論社, 1947.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Tennōsei ni kansuru rironteki shomondai. Tōkyō: Minshu Hyōronsha, 1947, pp. 6, 246.
This is a very important work of Kamiyama’s and was the first book to deal directly
with the Tennosei issue.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
現代日本国家の史的究明. 東京: 葦会, 1953.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Gendai Nihon kokka no shiteki kyūmei. Tōkyō: Ashikai, 1953, pp. 348.
Written by a member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had
considerable influence on the New Left.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
安らかには眠れない: 原水禁運動・今と昔と. 東京: 原水禁北区民会議, 1972.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Yasuraka ni wa nemurenai: Gensuikin undō—ima to mukashi to. Tōkyō: Gensuikin Kitakumin Kaigi, 1972, pp. 56.
64 ❖ 書籍 Books
Written by a member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had
considerable influence on the New Left. This is a later work on the anti-nuclear issue.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
統一戦線戦術の諸問題. 東京: 新科学社, 1953.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Tōitsu sensen senjutsu no shomondai. Tōkyō: Shin Kagakusha, 1953, pp. 6, 382.
Written by a member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had
considerable influence on the New Left.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
宮本顕治派の変節: 日本共産党批判. 東京: 広済堂出版, 1970.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Miyamoto Kenji no hensetsu: Nihon Kyōsantō hihan. Tōkyō: Kōsaidō Shuppan, 1970, pp. 305.
Written by a member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had
considerable influence on the New Left. This one is a criticism of Miyamoto Kenji,
the leader of the postwar JCP.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
日本共産党とは何であるか. 東京: 自由国民社, 1972.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Nihon Kyōsantō to wa nande aruka. Tōkyō: Jiyū Kokuminsha, 1972, pp. 318.
Written by a member of the prewar JCP and the postwar JCP Kokusai-ha who had
considerable influence on the New Left. This is a general critique of the postwar JCP.
神山茂夫, 中野重治( 著 ).
日本共産党批判. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Kamiyama, Shigeo and Nakano, Shigeharu (authors).
Nihon Kyōsantō hihan. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 363.
This is a famous book in which Kamiyama Shigeo and Nakano Shigeharu put together their various critiques of the Japan Communist Party, and it came out at a
time when the two men had tremendous influence.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
墓銘と影絵. 東京: 未来社, 1961.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Bomei to kage’e. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1961, pp. 284.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
鞭と独楽. 東京: 未来社, 1961.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Muchi to koma. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1961, pp. 350.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 65
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
濠渠と風車. 東京: 未来社, 1961.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Horiwari to fūsha. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1961, pp. 331.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
罠と拍車. 東京: 未来社, 1962.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Wana to hakusha. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1962, pp. 308.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
垂鉛と弾機. 東京: 未来社, 1962.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Omori to bane. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1962, pp. 316.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
幻視のなかの政治. 東京: 未来社, 1963.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Genshi no nakano seiji. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1963, pp. 201.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
甕と蜉蝣. 東京: 未来社, 1964.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Kame to kagerō. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1964, pp. 323.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
振子と坩堝. 東京: 未来社, 1964.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Furiko to rutsubo. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1964, pp. 343.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
弥撒と鷹. 東京: 未来社, 1966.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Misa to taka. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1966, pp. 308.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
渦動と天秤. 東京: 未来社, 1968.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Kadō to tenbin. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1968, pp. 327.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
凝視と密着: 埴谷雄高対話集. 東京: 未来社, 1969.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Gyōshi to mitchaku: Haniya Yutaka taiwashū. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1969, pp. 338.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
架空と現実: 埴谷雄高対話集. 東京: 未来社, 1969.
66 ❖ 書籍 Books
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Kakū to genjitsu: Haniya Yutaka taiwashū. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1969, pp. 317.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
兜と冥府. 東京: 未来社, 1970.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Kabuto to meifu. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1970, pp. 305.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
黙示と発端: 埴谷雄高対話集. 東京: 未来社, 1974.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Mokuji to hottan: Haniya Yutaka taiwashū. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1974, pp. 334.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
鐘と遊星. 東京: 未来社, 1975.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Kane to yūsei. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1975, pp. 308.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
石棺と年輪: 影絵の世界. 東京: 未来社, 1976.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Sekkan to nenrin: Kagee no sekai. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1976, pp. 273.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
天啓と窮極: 埴谷雄高対話集. 東京: 未来社, 1976.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Tenkei to kyūkyoku: Haniya Yutaka taiwashū. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1976, pp. 274.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
蓮と海嘯. 東京: 未来社, 1977.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Hasu to kaishō. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1977, pp. 289.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
天頂と潮汐. 東京: 未来社, 1980.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Tenchō to chōseki. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1980, pp. 328.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
微塵と出現: 埴谷雄高対話集. 東京: 未来社, 1982.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Mijin to shutsugen: Haniya Yutaka taiwashū. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1982, pp. 254.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
暈と極冠. 東京: 未来社, 1984.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Memai to kyokkan. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1984, pp. 268.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 67
Haniya Yutaka is a representative figure of postwar Japanese literature. This is a
series of 21 volumes, but they were not numbered. The contents are all his literary
and critical essays and each volume title sets up a specific pair of concepts.
小田実( 著 ).
戦後を拓く思想. 東京: 講談社, 1965.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Sengo o hiraku shisō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1965, pp. 468.
This is a collection of Oda Makoto’s postwar criticism. Oda was later the founder of
Beheiren and a prominent anti-war activist. Kodansha seems to have published a
whole series of books by leading intellectuals in the mid-1960s on XX no shisō, but
they were not published as numbered volumes. There are nine of them in the Takazawa Collection.
花田清輝( 著 ).
恥部の思想. 東京: 講談社, 1965.
Hanada, Kiyoteru (author).
Chibu no shisō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1965, pp. 345.
An essay on ideas about one’s private parts.
開高健( 著 ).
饒舌の思想. 東京: 講談社, 1966.
Kaikō, Takeshi (author).
Jōzetsu no shisō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1966, pp. 440.
An essay on ideas about talkativeness. Kaikō was also a Beheiren activist.
杉浦明平( 著 ).
哄笑の思想. 東京: 講談社, 1966.
Sugiura, Minpei (author).
Kōshi no shisō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1966, pp. 352.
An essay on ideas about loud laughter.
阿部公房( 著 ).
砂漠の思想. 東京: 講談社, 1965.
Abe, Kōbō (author).
Sabaku no shisō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1965, pp. 428.
An essay on ideas about deserts.
小松左京( 著 ).
地図の思想. 東京: 講談社, 1965.
68 ❖ 書籍 Books
Komatsu, Sakyō (author).
Chizu no shisō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1965, pp. 388.
An essay on ideas about maps.
小松左京( 著 ).
探検の思想. 東京: 講談社, 1966.
Komatsu, Sakyō (author).
Tanken no shisō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1966, pp. 350.
An essay on ideas about exploration.
( 著 ).
核を創る思想. 東京: 講談社, 1966.
Iida, Momo (author).
Kaku o tsukuru shisō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1966, pp. 404.
An essay on ideas about creating nuclear energy.
松原新一( 著 ).
沈黙の思想. 東京: 講談社, 1966.
Matsubara, Shin’ichi (author).
Chinmoku no shisō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1966, pp. 343.
An essay on ideas about silence.
堀田善衛( 著 ).
キューバ紀行. 東京: 岩波書店, 1966.
Hotta, Yoshie (author).
Kyūba kikō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1966, pp. 190.
A travel record and account of revolutionary Cuba from a postwar literary figure.
森正蔵( 著 ).
風雪の碑. 東京: 鱒書房, 1946.
Mori, Shōzō (author).
Fūsetsu no hi. Tōkyō: Masu Shobō, 1946, pp. 252.
A document of incidents and life in the illegal Japan Communist Party by a party
member writing right after the war. It is written in a non-fiction but novelistic style.
東京大学学生自治会戦没学生手記編集委員会( 編 ).
はるかなる山河に: 東大戦没学生の手記. 東京: 東京大学出版会, 1951.
Tōkyō Daigaku Gakusei Jichikai Senbotsu Gakusei Shuki Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Harukanaru sanga ni: Tōdai senbotsugakusei no shuki. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai,
1951, pp. 229.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 69
This is a collection of writings by Todai students who during the latter part of the
war were sent to fight, and sent home letters, etc. These writings were collected and
published just a few years after the war in this volume, which became the first publication of the postwar Japanese anti-war movement. This book was the predecessor
of Kike Wadatsumi no Koe.
東京大学学生自治会戦没学生手記編集委員会( 編 ).
はるかなる山河に: 東大戦没学生の手記. 東京: 三笠書房, 1952.
Tōkyō Daigaku Gakusei Jichikai Senbotsu Gakusei Shuki Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Harukanaru sanga ni: Tōdai senbotsugakusei no shuki. Tōkyō: Mikasa Shobō, 1952, pp. 195.
This is a collection of writings by Todai students who during the latter part of the
war were sent to fight, and sent home letters, etc. These writings were collected and
published just a few years after the war. This is a different book from item #429 with
a different publisher, but with similar content.
日本戦没学生手記編集委員会( 編 ).
きけわだつみのこえ. 東京: 東京大学出版会, 1952.
Nihon Senbotsu Gakusei Shuki Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Kike wadatsumi no koe. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai, 1952, pp. 300.
This is a very famous book that broadened the content of items #429 and #430 by including letters written by students from all over Japan who had been sent to war. It
was not limited as the two previous volumes were to Todai students. The group that
assembled the publication subsequently took its name from the book title and formed
Wadatsumi kai, which became the nucleus of the postwar anti-war movement. Many
other books of this type were subsequently published by many different publishers,
but the three volumes in the collection are the original ones.
峠三吉( 著 ).
原爆詩集. 東京: 青木書店, 1952.
Tōge, Sankichi (author).
Genbaku shishū. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1952, pp. 153.
Collection of poems about the atomic bombing. The poet Tōge Sankichi was a survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bombing and this is a famous book.
栗原貞子( 著 ).
私は広島を証言する: 栗原貞子詩集. 祇園町: 詩集刊行の会, 1967.
Kurihara, Sadako (author).
Watashi wa Hiroshima o shōgen suru: Kurihara Sadako shishū. Gionchō: Shishū Kankō no
kai, 1967, pp. 76.
This is a collection of poetry by a woman poet and survivor of the Hiroshima bombing.
わだつみ会( 編 ).
日本の息子たち. 東京: 三笠書房, 1952.
70 ❖ 書籍 Books
Wadatsumikai (editor).
Nihon no musukotachi. Tōkyō: Mikasa Shobō, 1952, pp. 5, 224.
This book, the first actually published under the name of Wadatsumikai, was intended to present the anti-war sentiments of the new group, based on the writings
of students who had been sent to war. It was thus the real beginning of the postwar
antiwar movement, presenting the theme of “hansen to heiwa “ [peace and opposition to war].
( 編 ).
人民広場血のメーデー写真集1952. 東京: 新時代社.
Akahata (editor).
Jinmin hiroba chi no mēdē shashinshū 1952. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha.
A collection of documentary photographs of the Bloody May Day demonstration of
1952 put out by the Japan Communist Party.
メーデー事件判決をめぐって: 長期裁判の記録. 東京: 法曹公論社, 1970. item_ID:
Mēdē jiken hanketsu o megutte: chōki saiban no kiroku. Tōkyō: Hōsō Kōronsha, 1970, pp.
5, 202.
Court record from the Bloody May Day demonstration trial. The participants’ statements are included.
東大十六学生救援会( 編 ).
わが友に告げん. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1952.
Tōdai Jūroku Gakusei Kyūenkai (editor).
Waga tomo ni tsugen. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1952, pp. 211.
This book was put out by the support group for 16 Todai students who were arrested
and subjected to a military trial by the Occupation for protesting against Eells’ Red
Purge of college professors. The book contains messages and letters from the 16
神田正雄, 久保田保太郎( 著 ).
内灘: 日本の縮図. 東京: 社会書房, 1953.
Kanda, Masao and Kubota, Hotarō (authors).
Uchinada: Nihon no shukuzu. Tōkyō: Shakai Shobō, 1953, pp. 320.
This book was the first representation of an anti-base movement. It was produced as
a protest against the construction of a firing range at Uchinada in Ichikawa-ken for
the use of the predecessors of the Self-Defense Forces, in cooperation with the Occupation. The anti-Uchinada protest movement over the range constituted the first
protest movement against the construction and operation of a particular military
base in postwar Japan.
石田郁夫( 著 ).
新島: 工作者の伝説. 東京: 未来社, 1962.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 71
Ishida, Ikuo (author).
Niijima: Kōsakusha no densetsu. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1962, pp. 238.
A documentary report on the protest against the construction of a military base at
Niijima, an island near Izu. This protest was more or less contemporary with the
Uchinada protests, but the book was published some years later.
全学連書記局( 編 ).
学生運動. 東京: 真理社, 1949.
Zengakuren Shokikyoku (editor).
Gakusei undō. Tōkyō: Shinrisha, 1949, pp. 155.
The first book about the student movement that came out in the name of Zengakuren.
It was a general call from Zengakuren including theory, strategy, policy, etc.
東京大学協同組合出版部( 編 ).
歴史をつくる学生たち. 東京: 東京大学協同組合出版部, 1947.
Tōkyō Daigaku Kyōdō Kumiai Shuppanbu (editor).
Rekishi o tsukuru gakuseitachi. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Kyōdō Kumiai Shuppanbu, 1947, pp. 212.
This volume represents a very early attempt to think through the role that students
could play in history. It presents a lot of examples of the role students had played in
various societies in historical situations.
東京大学新聞社編集部( 編 ).
灰色の青春: 学生社会運動史の一側面. 東京: 東京大学新聞社出版部, 1948.
Tōkyō Daigaku Shinbunsha Henshūbu (editor).
Haiiro no seishun: gakusei shakai undō no ichi-sokumen. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shinbunsha
Shuppanbu, 1948, pp. 177.
A brief history of the student movement prior to Zengakuren, intended to arouse
interest in participation in Zengakuren and the Japanese student movement.
日本学生生活手記編纂委員会( 編 ).
わが大学にある日々は: アルバイト学生の手記. 東京: 国土社, 1953.
Nihon Gakusei Seikatsu Shuki Hensan Iinkai (editor).
Waga daigaku ni aru hibi wa: Arubaito gakusei no shuki. Tōkyō: Kokudosha, 1953, pp. 3, 218.
A collection of students’ accounts of their poor economic conditions and parttime
work, etc.
加藤周一( 著 ).東京大学新聞社出版部( 編 ).
抵抗の文学. 東京: 岩波書店, 1951.
Katō, Shūichi (author). Tōkyō Daigaku Shinbunsha Shuppanbu (editor).
Teikō no bungaku. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1951, pp. 6, 172.
72 ❖ 書籍 Books
Well known literary critic Katō Shūichi presents an analysis of European resistance literature and argues that Japanese literature should take a similar posture
of resistance.
伊藤牧夫, 内田恵造, 中島昭( 著 ).
砂川町合戦録. 東京: 現代社, 1957.
Itō, Makio; Uchida, Keizō; and Nakajima, Akira (authors).
Sunagawachō kassenroku. Tōkyō: Gendaisha, 1957, pp. 262.
A document of the first Sunagawa protest movement against the construction of a
military base in the village of Sunagawa (near Tachikawa).
大池文雄( 著 ).小島亮( 編 ).
奴隷の死: 大池文雄著作集. 東京: ぺりかん社, 1988.
Ōike, Fumio (author). Kojima, Ryō (editor).
Dorei no shi: Ōike Fumio chosakushū. Tōkyō: Perikansha, 1988, pp. 379.
Collected works of Oike Fumio, a JCP member who played an important role in the
internal JCP debates about the Hungary incident.
前野良( 編 ).
現代革命と人民民主主. 東京: 大月書店, 1958.
Maeno, Ryō (editor).
Gendai kakumei to jinmin minshushugi. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1958, pp. 277.
A collection of articles written by various authors on modern revolution and democracy.
長洲一二( 編 ).
現代資本主義とマルクス経済学. 東京: 大月書店, 1957.
Nagasu, Kazuji (editor).
Gendai shihon shugi to Marukusu keizaigaku. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1957, pp. 294.
A collection of articles written by various authors on modern capitalism and Marxist
前野良( 編 ).
ハンガリー問題: それをめぐる論争. 東京: 合同出版社, 1957.
Maeno, Ryō (editor).
Hangarī mondai: sore o meguru ronsō. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1957, pp. 6, 323.
The Soviet suppression of the Hungarian uprising in 1956 was a major issue for
Japanese social movements of the time, raising questions about the Soviet Union’s
policies that reverbrated through the left. This was a book presenting a position on
the Hungary problem.
小島亮( 著 ).
ハンガリー事件と日本: 一九五六年・思想史的考察. 東京: 中央公論社, 1987.
戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought ❖ 73
Kojima, Ryō (author).
Hangarī jiken toNihon: 1956-nen shisōshiteki kōsatsu. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1987, pp.
232, 4.
This volume is a scholar’s research study of the significance that the Hungarian uprising had on Japanese social movements of the time.
毎日新聞社外信部( 編 ).
死の十三日間: 救いを求めるハンガリー放送の記録. 東京: 毎日新聞社 (東京), 1957.
Mainichi Shinbunsha Gaishinbu (editor).
Shi no jūsannichikan: sukui o motomeru Hangarī hōsō no kiroku. Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha (Tōkyō), 1957, pp. 202.
A documentary of the Hungarian uprising. This book introduced the details of the
Hungarian uprising to the Japanese reading public (in more depth than newspaper
reports) and therefore played a role in the important debate within Japan about the
武井昭夫( 著 ).
創造運動の論理. 東京: 晶文社, 1963.
Takei, Teruo (author).
Sōzō undō no ronri. Tōkyō: Shōbunsha, 1963, pp. 315.
Takei Teruo was the first Central Committee Chair of Zengakuren. The book covers
literary theory and student movement theory, and is important as Takei’s theory.
This theory includes the theory of the students as a separate sō or subclass unit
rather than simply a group that assists the working class in its revolutionary struggle. This position became important in zengakuren and later New Left thought. The
theory is from earlier, but the book was not published until 1963.
栗原幸夫( 著 ).
死者たちの日々. 東京: 三一書房, 1975.
Kurihara, Yukio (author).
Shisha tachi no hibi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 206.
A novel about the internal factional dispute in the Japan Communist Party that
resulted in the split between Kokusai ha and Shokan ha.
黒田寛一( 著 ).
現代における平和と革命. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1959.
Kuroda, Kan’ichi (author).
Gendai ni okeru heiwa to kakumei. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1959, pp. 4, 204.
This is the most basic theoretical statement by Kuroda Kan’ichi, and was the basis
of Kakkyōdō thought and thus subsequently became the theoretical basis for Kakumaru-ha. The book is a philosophical statement by Kuroda, who is a philosopher.
74 ❖ 書籍 Books
大井正( 著 ).
現代の唯物論思想: 批判と展望. 東京: 青木書店, 1959.
Ōi, Tadashi (author).
Gendai no yuibutsuron shisō: hihan to tenbō. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1959, pp. 265.
A treatise on materialism theory.
後藤宏行( 著 ).
陥没の世代: 戦後派の自己主張. 東京: 中央公論社, 1957.
Gotō, Hiroyuki (author).
Kanbotsu no sedai: sengoha no jiko shuchō. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1957, pp. 248.
1960安保前後. 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath ❖ 75
IV. 1960安保前後. 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath
阿部行蔵, 細野武男( 編 ).
全学連: 怒る若者. 京都: 緑風社, 1960.
Abe, Kōzō and Hosono, Takeo (editors).
Zengakuren: Ikaru wakamono. Kyōto: Ryokufūsha, 1960, pp. 284.
The first book about zengakuren written by a third party rather than movement participants. It came out immediately after the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. It contains a variety of
documents written by different people.
松島栄一( 著 ).
六・一五事件前後. 東京: 東京大学職員組合, 1960.
Matsushima, Eiichi (author).
Roku ten ichi-go jiken zengo. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shokuin Kumiai, 1960, pp. 244.
This is a documentary collection of materials from the 6.15 incident that happened
in 1960 but was a separate incident from the famous 6.15 incident of 60 Anpo. This
one concerned the Icho Namiki shukai jiken. The big meeting of that name was prohibited by the Tokyo University authorities, which thus turned it into a jiken. The
purpose of the prohibited meeting was related to 1960 Anpo, but these documents
are about the incident of the prohibited meeting itself.
海野晋吉( 著 ).
歴史への証言: 六・一五のドキュメント. 東京: 日本評論新社, 1960.
Umino, Shinkichi (author).
Rekishi e no shōgen: roku ten ichi-go no dokyumento. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōron Shinsha, 1960,
pp. 16, 323.
This 6.15 incident is about the big demonstration at the Diet building in which Kanba Michiko was killed. This is thus a document concerning the 1960 Anpo Tōsō and
not to be confused with the previous item.
日高六郎( 編 ).
1960年5月19日. 東京: 岩波書店, 1960.
Hidaka, Rokurō (editor).
1960-nen 5-gatsu 19-nichi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1960, pp. 279.
A documentary collection of what happened incident by incident in 1960 Anpo Tōsō
leading up to May 19. This is a broad collection with observations from all kinds of
groups all over the country, not just the Bund activities. It documents the dynamic
activity of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
井出武三郎( 著 ).
安保闘争. 東京: 三一書房, 1960.
76 ❖ 書籍 Books
Ide, Busaburō (author).
Anpo tōsō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1960, pp. 252.
An account of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
武井健人( 著 ).
安保闘争: その政治総括. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1960.
Takei, Taketo (author).
Anpo tōsō: sono seiji sōkatsu. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1960, pp. 196.
An account of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō that constitutes Kakkyōdō’s interpretation
(sōkatsu) of the events.
武井健人( 著 ).
安保闘争: その政治的総括. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1968.
Takei, Taketo (author).
Anpo tōsō: sono seijiteki sōkatsu. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1968, pp. 216.
A reprinting of item #462 published just prior to 1970 Anpo. It is an account of the
1960 Anpo Tōsō that constitutes Kakkyōdō’s interpretation (sōkatsu) of the events.
現代思潮社編集部( 編 ).
装甲車と青春: 全学連学生の手記. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1968.
Gendai Shichōsha Henshūbu (editor).
Sōkōsha to seishun: Zengakuren gakusei no shuki. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1968, pp. 223.
A collection of the personal accounts of students who participated in the 1960 Anpo
Tōsō events. This is the 1968 edition.
谷川雁, 吉本隆明, 埴谷雄高, 森本和夫, 梅本克己, 黒田寛一( 著 ).
民主主義の神話. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1970.
Tanigawa, Gan; Yoshimoto, Taka’aki; Haniya, Yutaka; Morimoto, Kazuo; Umemoto, Katsumi;
and Kuroda, Kan’ichi (authors).
Minshu shugi no shinwa. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1970, pp. 230.
This contains interpretations of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō by four thinkers who were influential with students of the period. It was a bestseller at the time. Tanigawa Gan was
also the leader of the Taisho Mine struggle.
黒田寛一( 著 ).
社会観の探求. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1961.
Kuroda, Kan’ichi (author).
Shakaikan no tankyū. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1961, pp. 239.
A central philosophical piece by Kuroda Kan’ichi, the philosopher whose ideas are
the theoretical basis for Kakkyōdō Kakumaru-ha.
1960安保前後. 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath ❖ 77
今井規義( 著 ).
日本の国家独占資本主義. 東京: 合同出版社, 1960.
Imai, Noriyoshi (author).
Nihon no kokka dokusen shihon shugi. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1960, pp. 282.
A treatise on state monopoly capitalism in Japan.
岸本健一( 著 ).
日本型社会民主主義. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1966.
Kishimoto, Ken’ichi (author).
Nihongata shakai minshu shugi. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1966, pp. 294.
This volume presents Kakkyōdō Chukaku-ha social democratic theory.
( 著 ).対馬忠行, 姫岡玲治( 訳 ).
ロシア=官僚制国家資本主義論: マルクス主義的分析. 東京: 論争社, 1961.
Cliff, Tony (author). Tsushima, Tadayuki and Himeoka, Reiji (translators).
Roshia=kanryōsei kokka shihon shugiron: Marukusu shugiteki bunseki. Tōkyō: Ronsōsha,
1961, pp. 6, 282, 27.
This is a critical Marxist account analyzing Russia (the Soviet Union) as bureaucratic state capitalism. The translator, Himeoka Reiji, (penname of Aoki Masahiko), was
a member of the Bund political committee (politburo) during the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
斎藤一郎( 著 ).
安保闘争史. 東京: 三一書房, 1962.
Saitō, Ichirō (author).
Anpo tōsōshi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1962, pp. 286.
A history written after the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
斎藤一郎( 著 ).
安保闘争史. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Saitō, Ichirō (author).
Anpo tōsōshi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 286.
This is a reprint of item #470, a history of the 1960 Ampo tōsō. This edition was published at the time of the 1970 Anpo Tōsō.
信夫清三郎( 著 ).
安保闘争史: 三五日間政局史論. 東京: 世界書院, 1961.
Shinobu, Seizaburō (author).
Anpo tōsō shi: 35-nichikan seikyoku shiron. Tōkyō: Sekai Shoin, 1961, pp. 602, 10.
A history of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō. This one is based on a thorough knowledge of the
materials. The author is a historian and this is an account with a historian’s perspective. The book first came out in 1961 but this is a new edition published in 1967.
78 ❖ 書籍 Books
中津研二( 著 ).
新左翼論: 社会民主主義の歴史的再評価と批判. 京都: 法律文化社, 1960.
Nakatsu, Kenji (author).
Shin sayokuron: shakai minshu shugi no rekishiteki saihyōka to hihan. Kyōto: Hōritsu Bunkasha, 1960, pp. 3, 232.
This came out at the time of 1960 Anpo Tōsō and is a view of the New Left from the
perspective of someone in the Kōzō Kaikaku-ha.
思想運動研究所( 編 ).
安保風雲録: 争乱十年の記録. 東京: 全貌社, 1969.
Shisō Undō Kenkyūjo (editor).
Anpo fū’unroku: sōran 10-nen no kiroku. Tōkyō: Zenbōsha, 1969, pp. 243.
This is an account and document collection of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō from a right-wing,
opposition standpoint reflecting the Hoshu-ha (conservative faction) of the right wing.
日刊労働通信社( 編 ).
全学連の実態: その派閥を中心として. 東京: 日刊労働通信社, 1959.
Nikkan Rōdō Tsūshinsha (editor).
Zengakuren no jittai: sono habatsu o chūshin to shite. Tōkyō: Nikkan Rōdō Tsūshinsha,
1959, pp. 235.
This book documents the conditions of zengakuren factions and who is behind each
factional dispute at various universities just before the 1960 Anpo Tōsō from the
perspective of the public security agencies.
臼井吉見( 編 ).
安保・1960. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1969.
Usui, Yoshimi (editor).
Anpo 1960. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1969, pp. 434.
A collection of critiques, essays, reports, new accounts, etc. of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō
edited at a later point. A valuable and very broad collection of materials.
日本共産党( 著 ).
安保闘争: 60年の教訓. 東京: 日本共産党中央委員会, 1969.
Nihon Kyōsantō (author).
Anpo tōsō: 60-nen no kyōkun. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai, 1969, pp. 252.
This is the Japan Communist Party’s interpretation (sōkatsu) of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
小和田次郎, 大沢真一郎( 著 ).
総括安保報道: 戦後史の流れの中で. 東京: 現代ジャーナリズム出版会, 1970.
Kowada, Jirō and Ōsawa, Shin’ichirō (authors).
Sōkatsu Anpo hōdō: sengoshi no nagare no naka de. Tōkyō: Gendai Jānarizumu Shuppankai,
1970, pp. 776.
1960安保前後. 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath ❖ 79
This is a very large book which collects the newspaper accounts of the 1960 Anpo
Tōsō and comments on every clipping. It was done by a journalist who knew the
backstage debates over what should be reported and what should not be reported,
so the book also stands as an important contribution to journalism theory and mass
communications theory.
久保田達郎, 藤田若雄, 高梨昌, 神林章夫, 竹川慎吾( 編 ).
新左翼労働運動10年: 三菱長崎造船社研の闘争, 1. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Kubota, Tatsurō; Fujita, Wakao; Takanashi, Masaru; Kanbayashi, Akio and Takekawa, Shingo
Shin sayoku rōdō undō 10-nen: Mitsubishi Nagasaki Zōsen Shaken no tōsō, 1. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1970, pp. 376.
久保田達郎, 藤田若雄, 高梨昌, 神林章夫, 竹川慎吾( 編 ).
新左翼労働運動10年: 三菱長崎造船社研の闘争, 2. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Kubota, Tatsurō; Fujita, Wakao; Takanashi, Masaru; Kanbayashi, Akio and Takekawa, Shingo
Shin sayoku rōdō undō 10-nen: Mitsubishi Nagasaki Zōsen Shaken no tōsō, 2. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1970, pp. 440.
This group was a socialism research group within the union of the Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipbuilding company in Nagasaki. At the time of 1960 Anpo Tōsō this union
joined up with Bund and became the model of a New Left activist union. The book
(in two volumes) is a collection of various documents from the group’s activities from
1960 to 1970.
岸上大作( 著 ).
意志表示. 東京: 角川書店, 1972.
Kishigami, Daisaku (author).
Ishi hyōji. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1972, pp. 274.
A tanka collection by Kishigami Daisaku, who committed suicide in despair about
what was happening to Japan during the Anpo Tōsō. This book consequently became
a kind of “Bible” for students of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō generation. The collection includes many tanka written specifically about 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
寺山修司( 著 ).
寺山修司青春歌集. 東京: 角川書店, 1972.
Terayama, Shūji (author).
Terayama Shūji seishun kashū. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1972, pp. 208.
Terayama’s poetry was widely read by students during the 1960s. This edition is a
tankobon edition of work that was available earlier.
福田善之( 著 ).
真田風雲録. 東京: 角川書店, 1973.
Fukuda, Yoshiyuki (author).
Sanada fū’unroku. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1973, pp. 311.
80 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a jidai-geki play taking 1960 Anpo Tōsō as its theme. Fukuda wrote the play
based on his own experiences in the 1960 anpo Tōsō.
菅孝行( 著 ).
「芸術」=「新劇」に寄す. 東京: 書肆深夜叢書, 1967.
Kan, Takayuki (author).
Shiseru “geijutsu” = “shingeki” ni yosu. Tōkyō: Shoshi Shinya Sōsho, 1967, pp. 284.
Kan Takayuki’s interpretation of 1960 Anpo (sōkatsu) using as its vehicle a literary
critique of Shingeki.
児島襃( 著 ).
国会突入せよ. 東京: 講談社, 1968.
Kojima, Noboru (author).
Kokkai totsunyū seyo. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1968, pp. 212.
A non-fiction but dramatized account of the June 15, 1960 penetration of the Diet
Building during the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
樺美智子( 著 ).樺光子( 編 ).
人しれず微笑まん: 樺美智子遺稿集. 東京: 三一書房, 1960.
Kanba, Michiko (author). Kanba, Mitsuko (editor).
Hito shirezu hohoeman: Kanba Michiko ikōshū. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1960, pp. 274.
Kanba Michiko is the Todai woman student who was killed during the 6.15 penetration of the Diet in the 1960 Anpo Tōsō This book is a posthumous collection of her
樺美智子( 著 ).樺光子( 編 ).
人しれず微笑まん: 樺美智子遺稿集. 東京: 三一書房, 1960.
Kanba, Michiko (author). Kanba, Mitsuko (editor).
Hito shirezu hohoeman: Kanba Michiko ikōshū. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1960, pp. 264.
Kanba Michiko is the Todai woman student who was killed during the 6.15 penetration of the Diet in the 1960 Anpo Tōsō This book is a posthumous collection of her
樺俊雄( 著 ).
最後の微笑. 東京: 文芸春秋新社, 1960.
Kanba, Toshio (author).
Saigo no hohoemi. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū Shinsha, 1960, pp. 236.
A memorial to Kanba Michiko written by her father.
全京都出版委員会( 編 ).
足音は絶ゆる時なく: 樺美智子追悼詩集. 京都: 白川書院, 1960.
1960安保前後. 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath ❖ 81
Zen Kyoto Shuppan Iinkai (editor).
Ashioto wa tayuru toki naku: Kanba Michiko tsuitō shishū. Kyōto: Shirakawa Shoin, 1960,
pp. 190.
A collection of poetry written by people all over the country to commemorate the
death of Kanba Michiko.
樺俊雄, 樺光子( 著 ).
死と悲しみをこえて. 京都: 雄渾社, 1967.
Kanba, Toshio and Kanba, Mitsuko (authors).
Shi to kanashimi o koete. Kyōto: Yūkonsha, 1967, pp. 9, 261.
A book written several years later by the father and mother of Kanba Michiko about
how they overcame the death of their daughter during the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
樺光子( 編 ).
友へ: 樺美智子の手紙. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Kanba, Mitsuko (editor).
Tomo e: Kanba Michiko no tegami. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 252.
A collection of letters written by Kanba Michiko to her friends. The letters were collected by her mother and published several years later.
大島渚( 著 ).
日本の夜と霧: 大島渚作品集. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1961.
Ōshima, Nagisa (author).
Nihon no yoru to kiri: Ōshima Nagisa sakuhinshū. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1961, pp. 312.
This is a collection of movie scripts by Oshima, among which is the title movie script
“Night and Fog in Japan,” whose theme is 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
福地康之( 著 ).
最後の難破船: 安保体験の思想的基軸. 東京: 深夜叢書社, 1968.
Fukuchi, Yasuyuki (author).
Saigo no nanpasen: Anpo taiken no shisōteki kijiku. Tōkyō: Shinya Sōshosha, 1968, pp. 247.
A literary and philosophical interpretation of 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
佐久間元( 著 ).
世界革命の挫折: 国際共産主義運動史上, 上. 東京: リベラシオン社, 1960.
Sakuma, Gen (author).
Sekai kakumei no zasetsu: kokusai kyōsan shugi undōshi jō. Tōkyō: Riberashionsha, 1960,
pp. 187.
A history of the international communist movement from a Bund perspective, written by a person who was a Seijikyokuin of Bund at the time he wrote it. He had been
a JCP member but left and went with Bund. The publisher, Riberashionsha, was the
82 ❖ 書籍 Books
name of Bund’s publishing unit. Sakuma Gen is the pen name of Katayama Yoshio.
This one is marked as the first of two volumes. We do not have the second volume of
this edition in the collection and it is not clear if it ever was published, but the next
item (#495) is a subsequent publication of a revised version that is much longer.
佐久間元( 著 ).
革命の挫折: スターリン主義の歴史. 東京: 論争社, 1961.
Sakuma, Gen (author).
Kakumei no zasetsu: Sutārin shugi no rekishi. Tōkyō: Ronsōsha, 1961, pp. 326.
A history of the international communist movement from a Bund perspective, written by a person who was a Seijikyokuin of Bund at the time he wrote it. He had been
a JCP member but left and went with Bund. The publisher, Riberashionsha, was the
name of Bund’s publishing unit. Sakuma Gen is the pen name of Katayama Yoshio.
This is a subsequent publication of a revised version that is much longer than the
original (item #494).
中岡哲郎( 著 ).
現代における思想と行動: 挫折にみる個人・運動・歴史. 東京: 三一書房, 1960.
Nakaoka, Tetsurō (author).
Gendai ni okeru shisō to kōdō: zasetsu ni miru kojin undō rekishi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō,
1960, pp. 191.
An interpretation of 1960 Anpo Tōsō. The term “zasetsu” became a key term expressing the failure of the movement.
森田実( 著 ).
戦後左翼の秘密: 60年安保世代からの証言. 東京: 潮文社, 1980.
Morita, Minoru (author).
Sengo sayoku no himitsu: 60-nen Anpo sedai kara no shōgen. Tōkyō: Chōbunsha, 1980, pp. 302.
This is a much later reflection on his 1960 Anpo experiences by Morita Minoru, who
was at the time a Bund seijikyokuin.
蔵田計成( 著 ).
安保全学連: 60年安保闘争の総括と70年代闘争の焦点. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Kurata, Keisei (author).
Anpo zengakuren: 60 nen anpo tōsō no sōkatsu to 70 nendai tōsō no shōten. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1969, pp. 434.
A history of the New Left from the formation of Bund to just before the 1970 Anpo
tōsō. A t the time of 1960 Anpo Kurata was the vice chairman of Tokyo-to Gakuren.
向坂逸郎( 編 ).
三池日記: たたかいの理論と総括. 東京: 至誠堂, 1961.
Sakisaka, Itsurō (editor).
Miike nikki: Tatakai no riron to sōkatsu. Tōkyō: Shiseidō, 1961, pp. 12, 321.
1960安保前後. 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath ❖ 83
Collection of accounts of the Miike mine labor struggle, which came right after the
failure of 1960 Anpo tōsō and attracted a lot of Bund activists.
向坂逸郎( 著 ).
三池と私. 東京: 労働大学, 1975.
鎌田慧( 著 ).
去るも地獄残るも地獄: 三池炭鉱労働者の二十年. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1982.
Sakisaka, Itsurō (author).
Miike to watashi. Tōkyō: Rōdō Daigaku, 1975, pp. 237.
Sakisaka’s personal reflections on the Miike mine labor struggle.
Kamata, Satoshi (author).
Saru mo jigoku nokoru mo jigoku: Miike Tankō rōdōsha no 20-nen. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō,
1982, pp. 237.
An account of what has happened to the miners in the 20 years since the Miike Mine
struggle by a well-known investigative journalist.
遠山茂樹, 渡辺洋三( 編 ).
ポポロ事件. 東京: 新興出版社, 1964.
Tōyama, Shigeki and Watanabe, Yōzō (editors).
Poporo jiken. Tōkyō: Shinkō Shuppansha, 1964, pp. 304.
A documentary collection of the Todai Popolo jiken. Popolo Players was the Italian name of a student theatre group at Tokyo University. The original incident in
1952 involved students beating up four policemen who were discovered on campus
observing a performance of the group’s play about the Matsukawa Incident, but
when the students were subsequently arrested it mushroomed into a major conflict
over whether police could enter university campuses without permission. The case
dragged on through the 1960s and went to the Supreme Court twice.
中村卓美( 著 ).
最初の機械屋. 会津若松: 試行出版部, 1965.
Nakamura, Takumi (author).
Saisho no kikaiya. Aizu Wakamatsu: Shikō Shuppanbu, 1965, pp. 130.
Nakamura was a labor activist at the time of 1960 Anpo. This is a collection of his
長田弘( 著 ).
われら新鮮な旅人: 詩集. 東京: 思潮社, 1965.
Osada, Hiroshi (author).
Warera shinsen na tabibito: shishū. Tōkyō: Shichōsha, 1965, pp. 117.
Poetry collection from a poet of the 1960 Anpo generation. The next two items are
other collections of poetry by the same poet.
84 ❖ 書籍 Books
長田弘( 著 ).
青春の発見: 声・時代・感受性. 東京: 三一書房, 1966.
Osada, Hiroshi (author).
Seishun no hakken: koe, jidai, kanjusei. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1966, pp. 229.
Another collection of poetry by Osada.
長田弘( 著 ).
箱舟時代. 東京: 角川書店, 1975.
Osada, Hiroshi (author).
Hakobune jidai. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1975, pp. 238.
Another poetry collection by 1960 Anpo generation poet Osada Hiroshi.
会田千衣子( 著 ).
背景のために. 東京: 思潮社, 1965.
Aida, Chieko (author).
Haikei no tame ni. Tōkyō: Shichōsha, 1965, pp. 49.
A collection of poems.
石堂清倫, 佐藤昇( 編 ).
構造改革とはどういうものか. 東京: 青木書店, 1961.
Ishidō, Kiyotomo and Satō, Noboru (editors).
Kōzō kaikaku to wa dō iu mono ka. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1961, pp. 215.
An introduction to the Kōzō Kaikaku ideology, edited by two members of the Kōzō
Kaikaku-ha faction who left the Japan Communist Party with Kasuga Shojiro. The
position derives from the Euro-communist ideas of the Italian theorist Togliatti.
佐藤昇( 編 ).
日本における構造改革, 1. 東京: 三一書房, 1961.
Satō, Noboru (editor).
Nihon ni okeru kōzō kaikaku, 1. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1961, pp. 239.
佐藤昇( 編 ).
日本における構造改革, 2. 東京: 三一書房, 1961.
Satō, Noboru (editor).
Nihon ni okeru kōzō kaikaku, 2. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1961, pp. 231.
A two-volume collection of writings on the Kōzō Kaikaku perspective, edited by one
of the founders of the Kōzō Kaikaku-ha.
津田道夫( 著 ).
思想運動の論理: 今日の状況叢書1. 東京: 芳賀書店, 1964.
Tsuda, Michio (author).
Shisō undō no ronri: Konnichi no jōkyō sōsho 1. Tōkyō: Haga Shoten, 1964, pp. 244.
1960安保前後. 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath ❖ 85
A collection of Tsuda Michio’s critical essays. This is part of a five-volume collection
of essays on current conditions, but the Takazawa Collection has only volumes 1, 4,
and 5. This is volume 1.
栗原幸夫( 著 ).
転形期の政治と文学: 今日の状況叢書4. 東京: 芳賀書店, 1964.
Kurihara, Yukio (author).
Tenkeiki no seiji to bungaku: Konnichi no jōkyō sōsho 4. Tōkyō: Haga Shoten, 1964, pp. 253.
Critical essays by Kurihara Yukio. This is part of a five-volume collection of essays
on current conditions, but the Takazawa Collection has only volumes 1, 4, and 5.
This is volume 4.
小山弘健( 著 ).
革命運動の虚像と実像: 今日の状況叢書5. 東京: 芳賀書店, 1965.
Koyama, Hirotake (author).
Kakumei undō no kyozō to jitsuzō: Konnichi no jōkyō sōsho 5. Tōkyō: Haga Shoten, 1965,
pp. 350.
Critical essays by Koyama Hirotake. This is part of a five-volume collection of essays
on current conditions, but the Takazawa Collection has only volumes 1, 4, and 5.
This is volume 5.
山本満( 著 ).
国際問題の見方考え方: 世界のなかの日本. 東京: 三一書房, 1964.
Yamamoto, Mitsuru (author).
Kokusai mondai no mikata kangaekata: Sekai no naka no nihon. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1964,
pp. 215.
A book on international issues and Japan’s position in the world.
社会主義政治経済研究所( 編 ).
現代革命の基本問題: 81ヶ国声明と各国共産党. 東京: 合同出版社, 1961.
Shakai Shugi Seiji Keizai Kenkyūjo (editor).
Gendai kakumei no kihon mondai: 81-ka koku seimei to kakukoku kyōsantō. Tōkyō: Gōdō
Shuppansha, 1961, pp. 274.
Statements on contemporary revolution from 81 countries and their respective communist parties.
国際評論編集部( 編 ).
スターリン主義とアルバニア問題. 東京: 合同出版社, 1962.
Kokusai Hyōron Henshūbu (editor).
Sutārin shugi to Arubania mondai. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1962, pp. 325.
A report on Stalinism and the Albania problem.
86 ❖ 書籍 Books
石堂清倫( 著 ).
現代変革の理論. 東京: 青木書店, 1962.
Ishidō, Kiyotomo (author).
Gendai henkaku no riron. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1962, pp. 241.
A theory of contemporary change, by a leading member of the Kōzō Kaikaku-ha.
石堂清倫( 編 ).
現代革命と反独占闘争: 資本主義諸国共産党の社会主義への道. 東京: 合同出版社, 1961.
Ishidō, Kiyotomo (editor).
Gendai kakumei to han-dokusen tōsō: shihon shugi shokoku kyōsantō no shakai shugi e no
michi. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1961, pp. 381.
A collection of writings reflecting the Kōzo Kaikaku-ha perspective on contemporary
revolution in capitalist countries, edited by one of the group’s founders.
石田郁夫( 著 ).
大衆運動の病理と論理: 雑兵乱戦記. 東京: 晶文社, 1966.
Ishida, Ikuo (author).
Taishū undō no byōri to ronri: Zatsuhei ransenki. Tōkyō: Shōbunsha, 1966, pp. 227.
A book about the logic of people’s movements. Topics include Hiroshima, Tsushima,
Zengakuren etc.
春日庄次郎( 編 ).
社会主義への日本の道: 日本共産党綱領草案にたいする意見書. 東京: 新しい時代社, 1961.
Kasuga, Shōjiro (editor).
Shakai shugi e no Nihon no michi: Nihon Kyōsantō kōryō sōan ni taisuru ikensho. Tōkyō:
Atarashii Jidaisha, 1961, pp. 214.
A collection of critical perspectives on the Japan Communist Party edited by the
leader of the Kōzo Kaikaku-ha (Kasuga Shōjiro) who was thrown out of the JCP in
1961 for his views, which reflected the Euro-Communism of Togliatti.
上田耕一郎, 不破哲三( 著 ).
マルクス主義と現代イデオロギー, 上. 東京: 大月書店, 1963.
Ueda, Kōichirō and Fuwa, Tetsuzō (authors).
Marukusu shugi to gendai ideorogī, jō. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1963, pp. 236.
不破哲三, 上田耕一郎( 著 ).
マルクス主義と現代イデオロギー, 下. 東京: 大月書店, 1963.
Fuwa, Tetsuzō and Ueda, Kōichirō (authors).
Marukusu shugi to gendai ideorogī, ge. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1963, pp. 227.
A two-volume work on Marxism and contemporary ideology by two JCP members
who followed the Kōzō Kaikaku position for a short while in the early 1960s, Fuwa
Tetsuzō and Ueda Kōichirō, but later returned to the fold. Fuwa was later the head
of the JCP secretariat. This was written during their Kōzō Kaikaku period.
1960安保前後. 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath ❖ 87
佐藤昇, 丸山眞男, 梅本克己( 著 ).
現代日本の革新思想. 東京: 河出書房, 1966.
Satō, Noboru; Maruyama, Masao; and Umemoto, Katsumi (authors).
Gendai Nihon no kakushin shisō. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō, 1966, pp. 339.
A famous symposium (zadankai) that was widely read by students of the late 1960s.
Satō Noboru was leader of the Kōzō Kaikaku-ha, Maruyama was a leading political theorist at Tokyo University, and Umemoto Katsumi was a member of the JCP
Kokusai-ha and later an independent theorist.
谷川雁( 著 ).
工作者宣言. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1963.
Tanigawa, Gan (author).
Kōsakusha sengen. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1963, pp. 224.
Collection of critical essays by Tanigawa Gan, the theoretical leader of the Taisho
Mine labor struggle.
谷川雁( 著 ).
原点が存在する. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1969.
Tanigawa, Gan (author).
Genten ga sonzai suru. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1969, pp. 291.
A collection of critical essays by Tanigawa Gan, the theoretical leader of the Taisho
Mine struggle.
谷川雁( 著 ).
戦闘への招待. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1969.
Tanigawa, Gan (author).
Sentō e no shōtai. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1969, pp. 238.
A collection of critical essays by Tanigawa Gan, the theoretical leader of the Taisho
Mine struggle.
芝田進午( 著 ).
現代の精神的労働. 東京: 三一書房, 1962.
Shibata, Shingo (author).
Gendai no seishinteki rōdō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1962, pp. 370.
A book on modern mental labor. Topics include theories on science labor, oraganization labor, and education labor.
石堂清倫( 著 ).
中ソ論争論: 二つの思想へのアプローチ. 東京: 青木書店, 1963.
Ishidō, Kiyotomo (author).
Chūso ronsōron: futatsu no shisō e no apurōchi. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1963, pp. 214.
88 ❖ 書籍 Books
An analysis of the two theoretical positions in the Chinese-Soviet debate by a leader
of the Kōzō Kaikaku-ha, Ishidō Kiyotomo. The conflict between the two communist
parties was at its peak at the time this was published.
社会主義政治経済研究所( 編 ).
中ソ論争: 平和共存、戦争、革命の理論. 東京: 合同出版社, 1963.
Shakai Shugi Seiji Keizai Kenkyūjo (editor).
Chūso ronsō: heiwa kyōzon sensō kakumei no riron. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1963, pp. 328.
An edited collection on the Chinese-Soviet debate, published at the height of the conflict.
社会主義政治経済研究所( 編 ).
続中ソ論争: 歴史的背景と原因への理論的分析. 東京: 合同出版社, 1963.
Shakai Shugi Seiji Keizai Kenkyūjo (editor).
Zoku Chūso ronsō: rekishiteki haikei to gen’in e no rironteki bunseki. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1963, pp. 313.
An edited collection on the Chinese-Soviet debate, published at the height of the
conflict.This is a continuation of item #529 published by the same research institute.
佐藤昇( 著 ).
日本のマルクス主義と国際共産主義運動. 東京: 三一書房, 1964.
Satō, Noboru (author).
Nihon no Marukusu shugi to kokusai kyōsan shugi undō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1964, pp. 223.
An analysis of Japanese Marxism and the international communist movement by a
leader of the Kōzō Kaikaku-ha.
岩田弘( 著 ).
世界資本主義: その歴史的展開とマルクス経済学. 東京: 未来社, 1964.
Iwata, Hiroshi (author).
Sekai shihon shugi: sono rekishiteki tenkai to Marukusu keizaigaku. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1964,
pp. 7, 383.
Marxist economics. This book was the theoretical starting point for the Marusen Ha
of Bund. Iwata Hiroshi was not involved in Marusen-ha, but the faction used his
economic ideas.
平岡正明( 著 ).
犯罪あるいは革命に関する諸章. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1967.
Hiraoka, Masa’aki (author).
Hanzai aruiwa kakumei ni kansuru shoshō. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1967, pp. 181.
A collection of essays by Bund member Hiraoka Masaaki, who was subsequently
involved in Hanzaisha Dōmei and Sect #6, a group involved in trying to revive Bund.
1960安保前後. 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath ❖ 89
西京司( 著 ).
日本トロツキズム運動の形成. 東京: 柘植書房, 1976.
Nishi, Kyōji (author).
Nihon Torotsukizumu undō no keisei. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1976, pp. 17, 336.
Nishi Kyōji was a Kyoto-fu Iinkai member of the JCP who was thrown out of the
Party and was subsequently very critical of the Party. He later became a theorist in
Dai Yon Inta. These are essays he wrote around the time of 1960 Ampo that were
collected and published much later.
大歳成行( 著 ).
安保世代1000人の歳月: 国会突入の日から. 東京: 講談社, 1980.
Ōtoshi, Shigeyuki (author).
Anpo sedai 1000-nin no saigetsu: Kokkai totsunyū no hikara. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1980, pp. 286.
An account of what happened afterwards to 1000 people who participated in the
penetration into the Diet in 6.15 Incident of 1960 Ampo.
保阪正康( 著 ).
60年安保闘争. 東京: 講談社, 1986.
Hosaka, Masayasu (author).
60-nen Anpo tōsō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1986, pp. 230.
An analysis of 1960 Anpo tōsō in the context of postwar Japanese history, published
much later.
西巻俊雄( 著 ).
60年安保: センチメンタル・ジャーニー. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1986.
Nishimaki, Toshio (author).
60-nen Anpo: senchimentaru jānī. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1986, pp. 204.
Nishibe Susumu’s personal reflections on 1960 Anpo and his comments on individuals who participated in the movement.
季節編集委員会( 編 ).
未完の意志: 資料60年安保闘争と第一次ブント. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1985.
Kisetsu Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Mikan no ishi: shiryō 60-nen Anpo tōsō to dai-1-ji Bunto. Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai, 1985,
pp. 431.
A collection of basic documents from Bund of the 1960 Anpo tōsō period.
松岡利康( 編 ).
敗北における勝利: 樺美智子の死から唐牛健太郎の死へ. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1985.
90 ❖ 書籍 Books
Matsuoka, Toshiyasu (editor).
Haiboku ni okeru shōri: Kanba Michiko no shi kara Karōji Kentarō no shi e. Nishinomiya: SL
Shuppankai, 1985, pp. 297.
Reflections on the 1960 Anpo Tōsō.
季節編集委員会( 編 ).
資料・全世界を獲得するためにI: 季節特別増刊号. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1979.
Kisetsu Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Shiryō zensekai o kakutoku suru tame ni I: Kisetsu Tokubetsu Zōkangō. Nishinomiya: SL
Shuppankai, 1979, pp. 294.
季節編集委員会( 編 ).
第一次共産主義者同盟の思想: 季節2. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1979.
Kisetsu Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Dai-1-ji Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei no shisō: Kisetsu 2. Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai, 1979, pp. 246.
季節編集委員会( 編 ).
知られざる革命へのアプローチ: 季節3. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1980.
Kisetsu Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Shirarezaru kakumei e no apurōchi: Kisetsu 3. Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai, 1980, pp. 265.
季節編集委員会( 編 ).
第一次共産主義者同盟の思想: 季節5. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1981.
Kisetsu Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Dai-1-ji Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei no shisō: Kisetsu 5. Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai, 1981, pp. 555.
季節編集委員会( 編 ).
現代史における二つの安保闘争の意義: 季節6. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1981.
Kisetsu Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Gendaishi ni okeru futatsu no Anpo tōsō no igi: Kisetsu 6. Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai,
1981, pp. 441.
A collection of the political theory writings from the 1960 Anpo Bund, published as
issues of the Kisetsu series. Kisetsu was a book series produced by people from the
1970 Anpo generation with the aim of achieving a sōkatsu of the 1960 Anpo and the
Anpo Bund. The collection is missing #4.
唐牛健太郎追想集刊行会( 編 ).
唐牛健太郎追想集. 東京: 唐牛健太郎追想集刊行会, 1986.
Karōji Kentarō Tsuisōshū Kankōkai (editor).
Karōji Kentarō tsuisōshū. Tōkyō: Karōji Kentarō Tsuisōshū Kankōkai, 1986, pp. 615.
A collection of people’s recollections of Karōji Kentarō after his death. Karōji was the
head of the Central Committee of zengakuren at the time of 1960 Anpo tōsō. There
is also a companion volume of photographs (item #546).
藤森秀郎( 著 ).
藤森秀郎写真集唐牛健太郎: 唐牛健太郎追想集別冊. 東京: 唐牛健太郎追想集刊行会, 1986.
1960安保前後. 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath ❖ 91
Fujimori, Hideo (author).
Fujimori Hideo shashinshū Karōji Kentarō: Karōji Kentarō tsuisōshū bessatsu. Tōkyō: Karōji
Kentarō Tsuisōshū Kankōkai, 1986, pp. 48.
An album of photos put out as part of the commemoration of the death of Karōji
Kentarō. It was published in conjunction with item #545.
生田夫妻追悼記念文集刊行会( 編 ).
生田夫妻追悼記念文集. 東京: 生田夫妻追悼記念文集刊行会, 1967.
Ikuta Fusai Tsuitō Kinen Bunshū Kankōkai (editor).
Ikuta fusai tsuitō kinen bunshun. Tōkyō: Ikuta Fusai Tsuitō Kinen Bunshū Kankōkai, 1967,
pp. 495.
A collection of recollections in memory of the death of Ikuta Kōji and his wife. After
1960 Anpo Ikuta and his wife went to the University of Pennsylvania, and were
killed in a dormitory fire. He was a central founding member of Bund.
高橋良彦遺稿・追悼集編集委員会( 編 ).
一大衆政治家の軌跡: 松本礼二=高橋良彦遺稿・追悼集. 東京: 彩流社, 1988.
Takahashi Yoshihiko Ikō Tsuitōshū Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Ichi taishū seijika no kiseki: Matsumoto Reiji=Takahashi Yoshihiko ikō tsuitōshū. Tōkyō:
Sairyūsha, 1988, pp. 530.
A collection of recollections after the death of Takahashi Yoshihiko. Takahashi
played an important role in the revival of Bund and subsequently participated in the
Jōkyō-ha of Bund in the Sanrizuka struggle. The name he used during the second
Bund was Matsumoto Reiji, which is a penname for Takahashi Yoshihiko.
全学連第九回大会報告・決定集. 東京: 全日本学生自治会総連合書記
局, 1956.
item_ID: 11791
Zengakuren Dai 9kai Taikai Hōkoku, Ketteishū. Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō
Shokikyoku, 1956, pp. 190.
A collection of reports and decisions of the 9th Zengakuren regular national meeting.
全学連第十回定期全国大会報告・決定集. 東京: 全日本学生自治会総
連合書記局, 1957.
item_ID: 11792
Zengakuren Dai 10kai Teiki Zenkoku Taikai Hōkoku, Ketteishū. Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Gakusei
Jichikai Sōrengō Shokikyoku, 1957, pp. 200.
A collection of reports and decisions of the 10th Zengakuren regular national meeting.
逆流に抗して. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟全国委員会教宣部, 1960.
item_ID: 11793
Gyakuryū ni kōshite. Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Zenkoku Iinkai Kyōsenbu,
1960, pp. 192.
An edited book with essays about anti-Stalinist revolutionary communist movements, put out by one of the original New Left organizations, Kakkyōdō.
92 ❖ 書籍 Books
平和問題に関する資料: 全学連第十一回中央委員会資料. 東京: 全日
item_ID: 11794
本学生自治会総連合書記局, 1957.
Heiwa Mondai ni kansuru Shiryō: Zengakuren Dai 11kai Chūō Iinkai Shiryō. Tōkyō: Zen
Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Shokikyoku, 1957, pp. 39.
A collection of essays and research materials about peace issues put out by Zengakuren.
全学連第十五回中央委員会報告・決定集. 東京: 全日本学生自治会総
連合書記局, 1958.
item_ID: 11795
Zengakuren Dai 15kai Chūō Iinkai Hōkoku, Ketteishū. Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai
Sōrengō Shokikyoku, 1958, pp. 106.
A collection of reports and decisions of the 15th Zengakuren central committee (chūō
iinkai). This was produced just before the split in Zengakuren that led to the creation
of Bund and the New Left.
全学連第十七回中央委員会報告・決定集. 東京: 全日本学生自治会総
連合書記局, 1958.
item_ID: 11796
Zengakuren Dai 17kai Chūō Iinkai Hōkoku, Ketteishū. Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai
Sōrengō Shokikyoku, 1958, pp. 36.
A collection of reports and decisions of the 17th Zengakuren central committee (chūō
iinkai).This was produced just at the time of the split in Zengakuren that led to the
creation of Bund and the beginning of the New Left.
勤評斗争の前進のために: 和歌山 高知 全学連オルグ団報告書. 全学
連情宣部, 1958.
item_ID: 11797
Kinhyō Tōsō no Zenshin no tameni: Wakayama Kōchi Zengakuren Orugudan Hōkokusho.
Zengakuren Jōsenbu, 1958, pp. 40.
A book about fighting against evaluation of workers (kinmu hyōtei), put out by a
regional branch of Zengakuren.
全学連第十二回臨時全国大会報告・決定集. 東京: 全日本学生自治会
総連合書記局, 1958.
item_ID: 11798
Zengakuren Dai 12kai Rinji Zenkoku Taikai Hōkoku, Ketteishū. Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Gakusei
Jichikai Sōrengō Shokikyoku, 1958, pp. 66.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 93
V. 1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements
藤本進治( 著 ).
革命闘争の論理. 東京: 合同出版, 1969.
Fujimoto, Shinji (author).
Kakumei tōsō no ronri. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1969, pp. 230.
A book about the logic of revolution struggles.
大野明男( 著 ).
全学連: その行動と理論. 東京: 講談社, 1968.
Ōno, Akio (author).
Zengakuren: sono kōdō to riron. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1968, pp. 307.
An account of Zengakuren by a person who was formerly a Chairman of the zengakuren Central Committee.
大野明男( 著 ).
70年はどうなる: 見通しと賭け. 東京: 講談社, 1969.
Ōno, Akio (author).
70-nen wa dōnaru: mitōshi to kake. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1969, pp. 257.
A perspective on 1970 Anpo published at the peak of the struggle, by a former Central Committee Chairman of zengakuren.
毎日新聞社( 編 ).
スチューデント・パワー: 世界の全学連ーその底流. 東京: 毎日新聞社 (東京), 1968.
Mainichi Shinbunsha (editor).
Stūdento pawā: sekai no Zengakuren, sono teiryū. Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha (Tōkyō),
1968, pp. 236.
This is a collection of translated essays on the student movements in other countries,
by leading academics and theorists.
ノーベル書房( 編 ).
自由をわれらに: 全学連学生の手記. 東京: ノーベル書房, 1968.
Nōberu Shobō (editor).
Jiyū o warera ni: Zengakuren gakusei no shuki. Tōkyō: Nōberu Shobō, 1968, pp. 254.
A good collection of things written by students who were participating in the Haneda
tōsō and other incidents. Includes a contribution by Yamazaki Hiroaki, who was
killed in the 10.8 1967 Haneda incident.
田中哲也( 著 ).
佐世保からの証言: 70年の選択を前に. 東京: 三省堂, 1969.
94 ❖ 書籍 Books
Tanaka, Tetsuya (author).
Sasebo kara no shōgen: 70-nen no sentaku o maeni. Tōkyō: Sanseidō, 1969, pp. 179.
An account by a journalist of the Sasebo tōsō, a January, 1968 campaign which was
about trying to keep the nuclear Enterprise from making port calls in Japan. Sasebo
is the name of the U.S. base in Kyūshū where the struggle took place. This was part
of the anti-base movement and also connected to the anti-Vietnam War movement.
松田修( 編 ).
証言: 佐世保’68・1・21. 福岡: 創言社, 1968.
Matsuda, Osamu (editor).
Shōgen: Sasebo 68.1.2. Fukuoka: Sōgensha, 1968, pp. 5, 134.
Collection of tanka written about the Sasebo struggle. There is a kaisetsu written by
Takahashi Kazumi.
吉岡忍, 田守順子, 松浦英政( 編 ).
佐世保: 1968年1月. 三鷹: 吉岡忍, 1967.
Yoshioka, Shinobu; Tamori, Junko and Matsuura, Hidemasa (editors).
Sasebo: 1968-nen 1-gatsu. Mitaka: Yoshioka Shinobu, 1967, pp. 80.
Collection of newspaper clippings concerning the Sasebo tōsō.
佐世保19日市民の会( 編 ).
市民運動の出発: 佐世保・1968、1、19. 東京: 社会新報, 1969.
Sasebo 19-nichi Shimin no Kai (editor).
Shimin undō no shuppatsu: Sasebo 1968. 1. 19. Tōkyō: Shakai Shinpō, 1969, pp. 251.
Sasebo tōsō collection of materials and comments from the perspective of a citizens’
武藤一羊( 編 ).
学生運動: 現代革命の思想8. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1969.
Mutō, Ichiyō (editor).
Gakusei undō: gendai kakumei no shisō 8. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1969, pp. 393, 2.
Part of the Chikuma Shobo collection, this volume contains the major theoretical essays of the student movement.
猪野健治( 著 ).
ゼンガクレン: 革命に賭ける青春. 東京: 双葉社, 1968.
Ino, Kenji (author).
Zengakuren: Kakumei ni kakeru seishun. Tōkyō: Futabasha, 1968, pp. 229.
A general account of zengakuren.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 95
大野力( 著 ).
デモに渦巻く青春: 現代学生の思想と行動. 東京: 番長書房, 1968.
Ōno, Tsutomu (author).
Demo ni uzumaku seishun: gendai gakusei no shisō to kōdō. Tōkyō: Banchō Shobō, 1968,
pp. 282, 4.
Reportage about the student movement of the late 1960s.
秋山勝行, 青木忠( 著 ).
全学連は何を考えるか. 東京: 自由国民社, 1968.
Akiyama, Katsuyuki and Aoki, Tadashi (authors).
Zengakuren wa nani o kangaeru ka. Tōkyō: Jiyū Kokuminsha, 1968, pp. 292.
1970 Ampo Tōsō theory of Kakkyōdō Chūkaku-ha.
中島誠( 著 ).
学生戦線: 70年代へ. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Nakajima, Makoto (author).
Gakusei sensen: 70-nendai e. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 223.
1970 Anpo tōsō student movement theory.
中島誠( 著 ).
全学連: 70年安保と学生運動. 東京: 三一書房, 1968.
Nakajima, Makoto (author).
Zengakuren: 70-nen Anpo to gakusei undō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1968, pp. 240, 6.
1970 Anpo tōsō student movement theory. Tthe title doesn’t quite match the content.
It says Zengakuren, but includes the Zenkyoto movement.
高見圭司( 著 ).
反戦青年委員会: 70年闘争と青年学生運動. 東京: 三一書房, 1968.
Takami, Keiji (author).
Hansen Seinen Iinkai: 70-nen tōsō to seinen gakusei undō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1968, pp. 227.
Hansen Seinen Iinkai was an organization for working youth sponsored by the Socialist Party and organized by their student organization Shaseido. As its name suggests, it was involved in the anti-Vietnam war movement. The author is from Shaseido Kaiho ha.
武藤一羊( 編 ).
新左翼とはなにか. 東京: 自由国民社, 1970.
Mutō, Ichiyō (editor).
Shinsayoku to wa nani ka. Tōkyō: Jiyū Kokuminsha, 1970, pp. 231.
This is an anthology about the early part of the New Left with contributions from
many different people.
96 ❖ 書籍 Books
菅孝行( 著 ).
全学連: for beginners. 東京: 現代書館, 1982.
Kan, Takayuki (author).
Zengakuren: for beginners. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan, 1982, pp. 173.
This is a history of the postwar student movement from the end of WWII to after the
Zenkyōto movement and Rengō Sekigun jiken.
鈴木博雄( 著 ).
学生運動: 大学の変革か社会の変革か. 東京: 福村出版, 1968.
Suzuki, Hirō (author).
Gakusei undō: daigaku no henkaku ka shakai no henkaku ka. Tōkyō: Fukumura Shuppan,
1968, pp. 8, 288.
History and theory of the student movement.
東大闘争全学共闘会議( 編 ).
砦の上にわれらの世界を: ドキュメント東大紛争. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1969.
Tōdai Tōsō Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi (editor).
Toride no ue ni warera no sekai o: dokyumento Tōdai funsō. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1969, pp. 653.
This is the most basic and central documentary collectiion from the Todai Tōsō, containing all the handbills, etc. It goes from the very beginning of the movement.
東大全共闘( 編 ).
果てしなき進撃: 東大闘争反撃宣言. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Tōdai Zenkyōtō (editor).
Hateshinaki shingeki: Tōdai tōsō hangeki sengen. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 213.
This is a volume of theory written by a number of Zenkyōto activists after the fall of
Yasuda Kōdō, and represents their views on the movement after that seminal event.
獄中書簡集: 東大斗争.
Gokuchū shokanshū: Tōdai tōsō. pp. 247.
This is a collection of letters written by Todai students who were in prison following
the Tōdai Tōsō.
獄中書簡発刊委員会( 編 ).
東大闘争獄中書簡集, 1. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Gokuchū Shokan Hakkan Iinkai (editor).
Tōdai tōsō Gokuchū shokanshū, 1. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 329, 7.
獄中書簡発刊委員会( 編 ).
東大闘争獄中書簡集, 2. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Gokuchū Shokan Hakkan Iinkai (editor).
Tōdai tōsō Gokuchū shokanshū, 2. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 319, 6.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 97
A two volume collection of letters sent out from jail by students who were arrested
when they were removed from Yasuda Kōdō.
山本義隆( 著 ).
知性の叛乱: 東大解体まで. 東京: 前衛社, 1969.
Yamamoto, Yoshitaka (author).
Chisei no hanran: Tōdai kaitai made. Tōkyō: Zen’eisha, 1969, pp. 344.
Yamamoto Yoshitaka was a leader of the Todai Tōsō and this volume contains his
writings and his theory. He was a physics student and the person who first advanced
the theory of jiko hitei (self rejection or self-denial) to explain what the movement
was about. Some of the writings were published elsewhere, then revised and gathered together in this publication. The publisher Zen’eisha was created to publish
Todai tōsō materials.
最首悟( 著 ).
山本義隆潜行記. 東京: 講談社, 1969.
Saishu, Satoru (author).
Yamamoto Yoshitaka senkōki. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1969, pp. 254.
After Yasuda Kōdō fell there was an arrest warrant out for Yamamoto Yoshitaka as
the central leader of the Todai Tōsō and he went underground. This is an account of
his underground period written by someone else.
山本美智代( 著 ).
靴ぬいで走ろ. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1977.
Yamamoto, Michiyo (author).
Kutsu nuide hashiro. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1977, pp. 224.
This is a collection of essays written by the wife of Yamamoto Yoshitaka. She was a
designer, and wrote this set of essays some years later.
東大全共闘経済大学院闘争委員会( 編 ).
炎で描く変革の論理: 東大全共闘の心情と行動. 東京: 自由国民社, 1969.
Tōdai Zenkyōtō Keizai Daigakuin Tōsō Iinkai (editor).
Honō de egaku henkaku no ronri: Tōdai Zenkyōtō no shinjō to kōdō. Tōkyō: Jiyū Kokuminsha, 1969, pp. 15, 279.
This collection presents the Todai tōsō theory of graduate students in economics who
participated in the movement.
所美都子( 著 ).
わが愛と叛逆. 東京: 前衛社, 1969.
Tokoro, Mitsuko (author).
Waga ai to hangyaku. Tōkyō: Zen’eisha, 1969, pp. 12, 237.
98 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a posthumous collection of the writings of Tokoro Mitsuko, who was a biology
and sociology student who was an activist during the Todai Tōsō but died during the
movement (of illness, not of anything related to the movement itself.)
柏崎千枝子( 著 ).
太陽と嵐と自由を: ゲバルト・ローザ闘争の手記. 東京: ノーベル書房, 1969.
Kashiwazaki, Chieko (author).
Taiyō to arashi to jiyū o: Gebaruto Rōza sensō no shuki. Tōkyō: Nōberu Shobō, 1969, pp. 384.
This volume contains the writings of a woman from ML ha who was an activist in
Todai Toso and was nicknamed Gewalt Roza.
岡本雅美( 編 ).
大学ゲリラの唄: 落書東大闘争. 東京: 三省堂, 1969.
Okamoto, Masami (editor).
Daigaku gerira no uta: rakugaki Tōdai tōsō. Tōkyō: Sanseidō, 1969, pp. 190.
This is a collection of parodies, slogans, etc., produced behind the barricades during
the Todai Tōsō.
野次馬旅団( 編 ).
戯歌番外地: 替歌にみる学生運動. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Yajiumaryodan (editor).
Zareuta bangaichi: kaeuta ni miru gakusei undō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 217.
A collection of popular songs, parodies, etc. generated during the Zenkyōto movement period. This editors were Tokyo Tōritsu Dai Zenkyōto members.
三島由紀夫, 東大全学共闘会議駒場共闘焚祭委員会( 著 ).
討論三島由紀夫vs.東大全共闘: 美と共同体と東大闘争. 東京: 新潮社, 1969.
Mishima, Yukio and Tōdai Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Komaba Kyōtō Funsai Iinkai (authors).
Tōron Mishima Yukio vs. Tōdai Zenkyōtō: bi to kyōdōtai to Tōdai tōsō. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha,
1969, pp. 177.
During the Todai Tōsō at Komaba, Mishima Yukio was invited to a tōron with students, which is published in this volume. During this tōron he told the students that
if they would just include the Emperor in one of their slogans, he would join them in
their struggle. They of course declined the offer.
東京大学新聞研究所東大紛争文書研究会( 編 ).
東大紛争の記録. 東京: 日本評論社, 1969.
Tōkyō Daigaku Shinbun Kenkyūjo Tōdai Funsō Bunsho Kenkyūkai (editor).
Tōdai funsō no kiroku. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1969, pp. 16, 467.
This is a documentary collection of materials from the Todai Tōsō, from the beginning, collected by people at Todai Shinbun ken. Note that the Shinbunken people
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 99
called it the Todai funsō, not tōsō, for which they were berated by the students for
not having any “historical consciousness”.
井上清( 著 ).
東大闘争: その事実と論理. 東京: 現代評論社, 1969.
Inoue, Kiyoshi (author).
Tōdai tōsō: sono jijitsu to ronri. Tōkyō: Gendai Hyōronsha, 1969, pp. 376.
This is a theory of the Tōdai tōsō from the perspective of a member of the old Left
who was also a professor at Kyoto Daigaku at the time.
全学連中央執行委員会( 編 ).
勝利へのスクラム: 東大民主化闘争の記録. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1969.
Zengakuren Chūō Shikkō Iinkai (editor).
Shōri e no sukuramu: Tōdai minshuka tōsō no kiroku. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1969,
pp. 13, 400.
This is a Minsei collection of documents from the Todai Tōsō. Minsei, the student organization of the Japan Communist Party, was opposed to the Todai tōsō and fought
on many occasions with Zenkyōtō and New Left students.
東大闘争弁護団( 編 ).
東大裁判: 問われているものは何か. 東京: 田畑書店, 1969.
Tōdai Tōsō Bengodan (editor).
Tōdai saiban: towareteiru mono wa nani ka. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1969, pp. 413.
A documentary collection from the trial of the people who were arrested for being in
Yasuda Kōdō. It includes testimony about the use of chemicals by the riot police in
their attack on the tower to get the students out.
日本評論社( 編 ).
全国学園闘争の記録II: 日本の大学革命2. 東京: 日本評論社, 1969.
Nihon Hyōronsha (editor).
Zenkoku gakuen tōsō no kiroku II: Nihon no daigaku kakumei 2. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha,
1969, pp. 16, 364.
東大闘争討論資料刊行会( 編 ).
東大解体の論理: 日本の大学革命4. 東京: 日本評論社, 1969.
Tōdai Tōsō Tōron Shiryō Kankōkai (editor).
Tōdai kaitai no ronri: Nihon no daigaku kakumei 4. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1969, pp. 16,
371, 203.
日本評論社編集部( 編 ).
全共闘運動: 日本の大学革命5. 東京: 日本評論社, 1969.
Nihon Hyōronsha Henshūbu (editor).
Zenkyōtō undō: Nihon no daigaku kakumei 5. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1969, pp. 16, 422.
100 ❖ 書籍 Books
青医連中央書記局( 編 ).
青医連運動: 日本の大学革命6. 東京: 日本評論社, 1969.
Seiiren Chūō Shokikyoku (editor).
Sei’iren undō: Nihon no daigaku kakumei 6. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1969, pp. 16, 430.
Collection of documents about Zenkyōto movements at various universities. There
are at least six volumes in the published collection, but the Takazawa Collection is
missing volumes 1 and 3.
安東教授辞職勧告に抗議する会( 編 ).
東外大教授会を告発する: 一教官に対する辞職勧告をめぐって. 東京: 安東教授辞職勧告に抗議
する会, 1969.
Andō Kyōju Jishoku Kankoku ni Kōgisurukai (editor).
Tōgaidai kyōjukai o kokuhatsu suru: ichikyōkan ni taisuru jishoku kankoku o megutte.
Tōkyō: Andō Kyōju Jishoku Kankoku ni Kōgisurukai, 1969, pp. 104.
A French literature professor named Ando Tsuguo actively supported the Zenkyōto
movement at Tokyo Gaidai, and was fired. This volume is the students’ protest
against his being purged. He is a well-known literary figure.
京大新聞社( 編 ).
京大闘争: 京大神話の崩壊. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Kyōdai Shinbunsha (editor).
Kyōdai tōsō: Kyōdai shinwa no hōkai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 431.
A documentary collection of materials from the Kyōdai Tōsō, produced by participants in the Zenkyōto movement.
京大問題記録編纂会( 編 ).
レポート揺れる京大: 紛争の序章. 京都: 現代数学社, 1969.
Kyōdai Mondai Kiroku Hensankai (editor).
Repōto yureru Kyōdai: funsō no joshō. Kyōto: Gendai Sūgakusha, 1969, pp. 410.
Another documentary collection of materials from the Kyōdai tōsō, but the students
criticized this collection for not having a particular revolutionary perspective.
小針明宏( 著 ).
対話・現代数学入門: すべての人に数学を. 東京: 講談社, 1970.
Kohari, Akihiro (author).
Taiwa gendai sūgaku nyūmon: subete no hito ni sūgaku o. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1970, pp. 4, 255.
Kohari Akihiro was a assistant professor (jokyōju) in mathematics theory at Kyōto
University. He was very sympathetic to the Zenkyōto movement and tried to organize professors who were sympathetic to the movement. The format is a conversation
about mathematics between Kohari the math professor and the zenkyōto students,
but about half of it is about the student movement, educational theory, etc. There’s
some mathematical theory in there also.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 101
小針明宏( 著 ).
数学の七つの迷信. 東京: 東京図書, 1975.
Kohari, Akihiro (author).
Sūgaku no nanatsu no meishin. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Tosho, 1975, pp. 8, 172.
Kohari Akihiro, a math professor who was very sympathetic to the Kyōdai tōsō, died
of overwork (karōshi) during the movement and this is a posthumous collection of
his writings.
池田浩士( 著 ).
似而非物語: 池田浩士評論集. 京都: 序章社, 1972.
Ikeda, Hiroshi (author).
Esse monogatari: Ikeda Hiroshi hyōronshū. Kyōto: Joshōsha, 1972, pp. 6, 281.
Ikeda Hiroshi was another young professor (of German literature, specializing in Lukacs) at Kyōdai who was sympathetic to the movement. This is written as a parody.
日本大学文理学部闘争委員会( 編 ).
叛逆のバリケード: 日大闘争の記録. 東京: 日本大学文理学部闘争委員会, 1968.
Nihon Daigaku Bunri Gakubu Tōsō Iinkai (editor).
Hangyoku no barikēdo: Nichidai tōsō no kiroku. Tōkyō: Nihon Daigaku Bunrigakubu Tōsō
Iinkai, 1968, pp. 366.
The most central documentary collection of materials from the Nichidai Tōsō. The
collection was later put out by a proper publisher, but this first edition was published
by the students themselves. In this collection the phrase “We don’t know anything
about Marx” first appears as an expression of the Zenkyōto movement, as distinct
from the Marxist sects that dominated the student movement up to that time.
秋田明大( 著 ).
獄中記: 異常の日常の中で. 東京: 全共社, 1969.
Akita, Akehiro (author).
Gokuchūki: Ijō no nichijō no naka de. Tōkyō: Zenkyōsha, 1969, pp. 322.
Akita Akehiro (Meidai) was the Gicho of the Nichidai Zenkyōto and this was his
account of his time in jail. Zenkyōsha is a publisher created to publish Nichidai
Zenkyōto materials.
日本大学全学共闘会議( 編 ).
バリケードに賭けた青春: ドキュメント日大闘争. 東京: 北明書房, 1969.
Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi (editor).
Barikēdo ni kaketa seishun: dokyumento Nichidai tōsō. Tōkyō: Hokumei Shobō, 1969, pp. 290.
Documentary collection including essays, produced by Nichidai Zenkyōto.
田村正敏( 著 ).
蜂起と夢と伝説. 海燕書房, 1975.
102 ❖ 書籍 Books
Tamura, Masatoshi (author).
Hōki to yume to densetsu. Kaien Shobō, 1975, pp. 230.
Tamura was the vice chair of Nichidai Zenkyōto from the Bunri gakubu, and this is
his book of reflections written after the movement.
日本大学全学共闘会議, 石田郁夫( 編 ).
日大全共闘: 強権に確執をかもす志. 東京: しいら書房, 1969.
Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi and Ishida, Ikuo (editors).
Nichidai Zenkyōtō: Gōken ni kakushitsu o kamosu kokorozashi. Tōkyō: Shiira Shobō, 1969,
pp. 286.
This is a collection of essays by participants in Nichidai Zenkyōto.
秋田明大( 編 ).
大学占拠の思想: 日大生の永久闘争宣言. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Akita, Akehiro (editor).
Daigaku senkyo no shisō: Nichidaisei no eikyū tōsō sengen. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 247.
A collection of essays about Nichidai tōsō by the Zenkyōto leader.
日本大学全学共闘会議記録局( 編 ).
解放区’68: 日大闘争の記録. 1968.
Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Kirokukyoku (editor).
Kaihōku ‘68: Nichidai tōsō no kiroku. 1968.
This is a collection of photos from the Nihon University struggle, at the beginning of
the Zenkyōtō movement. It was published by Nichidai students.
田村正敏( 著 ).
羊飼いの政治冒険. 東京: 徳間書店, 1983.
Tamura, Masatoshi (author).
Hitsujikai no seiji bōken. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1983, pp. 230.
This volume contains the recollections and experiences of Tamura Masatoshi, the
vice chair of Nichidai Zenkyoto, who after the movement ended went to Hokkaido,
where he became a sheep rancher and also founded a movement called Katte-ren, to
support Yokomichi, the governor of Hokkaido, without being asked to do so.
東京教育大学自主講座委員会( 編 ).
近代知性への反逆. 東京: 学芸書林, 1969.
Tōkyō Kyōiku Daigaku Jishu Kōza Iinkai (editor).
Kindai chisei e no hangyaku. Tōkyō: Gakugei Shorin, 1969, pp. 241.
During the Zenkyōto period when students were behind barricades and there were
no classes being held, students organized “free universities” by inviting professors
they liked to come and lecture to them. This is a collection of notes from the lectures
given in this fashion at Tokyo Kyoiku Dai.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 103
高田求( 編 ).
全共闘の思想とその周辺. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1969.
Takada, Motomu (editor).
Zenkyōtō no shisō to sono shūhen. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1969, pp. 207.
A critique of Zenkyōto from the Minsei (JCP student movement) perspective.
中川友吉( 著 ).
過激派学生: 何が彼らをそうさせたか. 東京: 講談社, 1973.
Nakagawa, Yūkichi (author).
Kagekiha gakusei: nani ga karera o sō saseta ka. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1973, pp. 230.
An account of the student movement by a journalist.
平栗清司( 編 ).
高校生は反逆する. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Hiraguri, Seiji (editor).
Kōkōsei wa hangyakusuru. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 264.
The student movement at its peak influenced high school students to create their
own student movement, and this is a collection of documents and an account of this
high school student movement.
竹内静子( 著 ).
反戦派高校生. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Takeuchi, Shizuko (author).
Hansenha kōkōsei. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 223.
An account of the high school student movement Hansen Kōkyō. Hansen Kōkyō was
the high school movement associated with Kakkyōdo Chūkaku-ha.
鈴木博雄( 著 ).
高校生運動. 東京: 福村出版, 1969.
Suzuki, Hirō (author).
Kōkōsei undō. Tōkyō: Fukumura Shuppan, 1969, pp. 8, 316.
This is a general account of the high school student movement, without any particular movement coloration to it.
中沢道明( 編 ).
高校紛争の記録. 東京: 学生社, 1971.
Nakazawa, Michiaki (editor).
Kōkō funsō no kiroku. Tōkyō: Gakuseisha, 1971, pp. 219.
This is a general documentary collection of the high school student movement. The
fact that the word “funsō” is used is a clue that it takes a neutral perspective and not
that of the movement participants.
104 ❖ 書籍 Books
いいだもも, さらぎ徳二, 本多延嘉, 鈴木迪夫, 小長井良浩, 清水多吉,
水戸巌( 著 ).
討論70年をどうする: 反日共系革命諸派の思想と戦略. 東京: 田園書房, 1969.
Iida, Momo; Saragi, Tokuji; Honda, Nobuyoshi; Suzuki, Michio; Konagai, Yoshihiro; Shimizu,
Takichi; and Mito, Iwao (authors).
Tōron 70-nen o dō suru: han-Nikkyōkei kakumei shoha no shisō to senryaku. Tōkyō: Denen
Shobō, 1969, pp. 380.
This is a symposium discussion by New Left leaders from various sects on where the
movement was going in the 1970s. Participants include leaders from Kyōrōtō, Bund,
Chūkaku, and ML ha.
さらぎ徳二( 著 ).
世界暴力革命論. 東京: リベラシオン社, 1969.
Saragi, Tokuji (author).
Sekai bōryoku kakumeiron. Tōkyō: Riberashionsha, 1969, pp. 286.
This is the theory of international violent revolution propounded by Saragi Tokuji,
the leader of the second Bund.
( 編 ).
70年への革命的試論. 東京: 三一書房, 1968.
Iida, Momo (editor).
70-nen e no kakumeiteki shiron. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1968, pp. 287.
An anthology of writings representing Kyōrōtō’s theory of the 1970 Anpo, edited by
the organization’s theoretical leader.
陶山健一( 著 ).
反戦派労働運動. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1969.
Suyama, Ken’ichi (author).
Hansenha rōdō undō. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1969, pp. 7, 390.
Kakkyōdo Chūkaku-ha’s antiwar labor movement theory. Suyama Ken’ichi was a
member of the Chūkaku-ha politburo or seijikyoku.
現代史の会( 編 ).
現代革命の条件. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1969.
Gendaishi no Kai (editor).
Gendai kakumei no jōken. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1969, pp. 9, 290.
An anothology of various theories of the 1970 Anpo Tōsō.
を出版する会( 編 ).
“10/21 towa nanika” o Shuppansuru Kai (editor).
10. 21 towa nani ka.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 105
The 1968 International Anti-War Day (October 21) was a very large, violent demonstration in Shinjuku Station and other places. This is a photo collection of what
happened on that day.
佐藤元洋( 著 ).
こんにちわ70年: 佐藤元洋写真集フォトドキュメント. 東京: 創土社, 1969.
Satō, Motohiro (author).
Konnichiwa 70-nen: Satō Motohiro shashinshū foto dokyumento. Tōkyō: Sōdosha, 1969, pp. 48.
A collection of photographs from the 1970 Anpo tōsō.
北小路敏( 著 ).
歴史選択としての70年闘争. 東京: 自由国民社, 1969.
Kitakōji, Satoshi (author).
Rekishi sentaku to shite no 70-nen tōsō. Tōkyō: Jiyū Kokuminsha, 1969, pp. 313.
1970 Anpo Tōsō theory by a leader of Kakkyōdo Chūkaku-ha.
本多延嘉( 編 ).
勝利にむかっての試練: 安保問題革共同重要論文集. 東京: 前進社, 1969.
Honda, Nobuyoshi (editor).
Shōri ni mukatte no shiren: Anpo mondai Kakkyōdō jūyō ronbunshū. Tōkyō: Zenshinsha,
1969, pp. 534.
A central collection of theoretical articles by Kakkyōdo Chūkakuha on 1970 Anpo.
The editor, Honda Nobuyoshi, was a leader of Chūkakuha.
廣松渉( 著 ).
現代革命論への模索. 東京: 盛田書店, 1970.
Hiromatsu, Wataru (author).
Gendai kakumeiron e no mosaku. Tōkyō: Morita Shoten, 1970, pp. 338.
A Todai Marxist philosopher’s perspective on contemporary revolutionary theory.
廣松渉( 著 ).小林敏明( 編 ).
新左翼運動の射程. 名古屋: ユニテ, 1981.
Hiromatsu, Wataru (author). Kobayashi, Toshiaki (editor).
Shinsayoku undō no shatei. Nagoya: Yunite, 1981, pp. 5, 286.
An evaluation of the New Left movement in a larger revolutionary movement context, by a Todai Marxist philosopher.
神津陽( 著 ).
焔への確執. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1971.
Kōzu, Akira (author).
Honō e no kakushitsu. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1971, pp. 260.
106 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kyōsandō Bund Hanki-ha’s revolutionary theory. Kōzu Akira was a leader of
神津陽( 著 ).
かくめいの原圏. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1971.
Kōzu, Akira (author).
Kakumei no genken. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1971, pp. 264.
Another volume of revolutionary theory by the leader of Kyōsandō Bund Hanki-ha,
Kōzu Akira.
神津陽( 著 ).
蒼氓の叛旗. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1970.
Kōzu, Akira (author).
Sōbō no hanki. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1970, pp. 340.
Another volume of revolutionary theory by the leader of Kyōsandō Bund Hanki-ha,
Kōzu Akira.
長崎浩( 著 ).
叛乱論. 東京: 合同出版, 1969.
Nagasaki, Hiroshi (author).
Hanranron. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1969, pp. 228.
Nagasaki Hiroshi was a 1960 Bund member and this is his theory of the student
movement as a mass movement.
長崎浩( 著 ).
結社と技術. 1971.
Nagasaki, Hiroshi (author).
Kessha to gijutsu. 1971, pp. 256.
This is 1960 Anpo Bund member Nagasaki Hiroshi’s theory of organization.
滝田修( 著 ).
ならずもの暴力宣言: 滝田修評論集. 東京: 芳賀書店, 1971.
Takita, Osamu (author).
Narazumono bōryoku sengen: Takita Osamu Hyōronshū. Tōkyō: Haga Shoten, 1971, pp. 337.
Takita Osamu (Ryū) was the leader of a Kyoto Daigaku Zenkyōto group called Partisan Gundan. This is his theory of the student struggle. ( Takita Osamu is a pen name
of Takemoto Nobuhiro.)
滝田修( 著 ).
只今潜行中: 中間報告. 京都: 序章社, 1974.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 107
Takita, Osamu (author).
Tadaima senkōchū: Chūkan hōkoku. Kyōto: Joshōsha, 1974, pp. 300.
An arrest warrant was issued for Takita Osamu on suspicion of his involvement in
an incident involving the murder of a Jieitai soldier at the Asaka base in Saitama.
This is called the Sekiei Jiken because a helmet with that name on it was left at the
scene. Takita went underground, and this is a collection of his writings from the period when he was underground.
滝田修( 著 ).
わが潜行4000日. 東京: 三一書房, 1983.
Takita, Osamu (author).
Waga senkō 4000-nichi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1983, pp. 201.
An arrest warrant was issued for Takita Osamu on suspicion of his involvement in
an incident involving the murder of a Jieitai soldier at the Asaka base in Saitama.
This is called the Sekiei Jiken because a helmet with that name on it was left at the
scene. Takita went underground, and this is a collection of his writings from the
period when he was underground. This is a continuation of Takita Osamu’s writings
from when he was underground.
滝田修( 著 ).
昔の名前で出ています: 滝田修評論集. 東京: 新泉社, 1982.
Takita, Osamu (author).
Mukashi no namae de deteimasu: Takita Osamu hyōronshū. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1982, pp. 209.
After Takita Osamu was arrested, he reorganized and republished his writings from
the Kyōdai Zenkyōto Partisan Gundan period. The title of the collection came from a
popular enka song of the time. The collection contains materials from the time when
he was using the penname Takita Osamu, which is also part of the meaning of the
滝田修, 酒井角三郎, 清水多吉, 向山景一, 川田洋, 浜田泰三, 南茂四( 著 ). item_ID:
ローザ・ルクセンブルク論集. 1971.
Takita, Osamu; Sakai, Kakusaburō; Shimizu, Takichi; Mukōyama, Keiichi; Kawada, Yō; Hamada, Taizō; and Minami, Narihiro (authors).
Rōza Rukusenburuku-ronshū. 1971, pp. 361.
Takita Osamu’s real name is Takemoto Nobuhiro. He was a joshū (graduate assistant) in the economics faculty at Kyoto University, specializing in Rosa Luxembourg.
This is an academic study, but he published it under his movement name as part of
his movement activity at that time.
三上治( 著 ).
戦闘の指示向線: 過渡期世界と綱領創出の基礎. 東京: 現代思潮社, 1972.
Mikami, Osamu (author).
Sentō no shiji kōsen: katoki sekai to kōryō sōshutsu no kiso. Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha, 1972,
pp. 251.
108 ❖ 書籍 Books
Mikami Osamu was the penname of Ajioka Osamu, a leader of Kyosando Hanki-ha.
This volume is his “katoki sekai” theory. Hanki-ha in the 1970s was a group following Yoshimoto Taka’aki’s theories.
三上治( 著 ).
幻想の革命. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Mikami, Osamu (author).
Gensō no kakumei. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 356.
Mikami Osamu was the penname of Ajioka Osamu, a leader of Kyosando Hanki-ha.
Hanki-ha in the 1970s was a group following Yoshimoto Taka’aki’s theories. This is
another volume of Mikami Osamu’s theoretical writings on katoki sekai.
三上治( 著 ).
戦後世代の革命. 東京: 彩流社, 1981.
Mikami, Osamu (author).
Sengo sedai no kakumei. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1981, pp. 236.
This volume contains Mikami Osamu’s criticism and essays. Mikami Osamu was the
penname of Ajioka Osamu, a leader of Kyosando Hanki-ha. Hanki-ha in the 1970s
was a group following Yoshimoto Taka’aki’s theories.
津村喬( 著 ).
われらの内なる差別. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Tsumura, Takashi (author).
Warera no uchinaru sabetsu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 231.
Tsumura Takashi is the penname of the son of Takano Minoru, the iincho of Sōhyō.
At the end of the 1960s the New Left became concerned about the Japanese immigration laws as they affected Koreans living in Japan. This book is Tsumura’s analysis
linking the immigration law to discrimination.
津村喬( 著 ).
魂にふれる革命. 東京: ライン出版, 1970.
Tsumura, Takashi (author).
Tamashii ni fureru kakumei. Tōkyō: Rain Shuppan, 1970, pp. 302.
At the time this book was written Tsumura was influenced by Maoism, and this is
reflected in the nuance of the title, as well as the book’s content. Rain Shuppan was
a publishing company set up as part of the Zenkyoto movement.
津村喬( 著 ).
革命への権利: 具体性のほうへ. 東京: せりか書房, 1971.
Tsumura, Takashi (author).
Kakumei e no kenri: gutaisei no hō e. Tōkyō: Serika Shobō, 1971, pp. 280.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 109
This volume is a collection of critical essays by Tsumura Takashi that he had published in various journals.
津村喬( 著 ).
歴史の奪還: 現代ナショナリズム批判の論理. 東京: せりか書房, 1973.
Tsumura, Takashi (author).
Rekishi no dakkan: gendai nashonarizumu hihan no ronri. Tōkyō: Serika Shobō, 1973, pp. 279.
This is another volume collecting critical essays that Tsumura had previously published in various journals.
津村喬( 著 ).
メディアの政治. 東京: 晶文社, 1974.
Tsumura, Takashi (author).
Media no seiji. Tōkyō: Shōbunsha, 1974, pp. 341.
This is Tsumura’s theory of media and politics.
津村喬( 著 ).
戦略とスタイル. 東京: 田畑書店, 1971.
Tsumura, Takashi (author).
Senryaku to sutairu. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1971, pp. 264.
This is Tsumura’s theory of media and social movements.
田中吉六, 長崎浩, 津村喬, 神津陽, 黒木龍思, 小野田襄二, 花崎皋平,
池田浩士( 著 ).
全共闘: 解体と現在. 東京: 田畑書店, 1978.
Tanaka, Kichiroku; Nagasaki, Hiroshi; Tsumura, Takashi; Kōzu, Akira; Kuroki, Ryūshi; Onoda,
Jōji; Hanasaki, Kōhei; and Ikeda, Hiroshi (authors).
Zenkyōtō: kaitai to genzai. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1978, pp. 238.
This is a collection of reflective analyses of Zenkyōto written several years later.
藤本進治, 滝田修, 滝村一郎( 著 ).
反大学70年戦線. 東京: 合同出版, 1969.
Fujimoto, Shinji; Takita, Osamu; and Takimura, Ichirō (authors).
Handaigaku 70-nen sensen. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1969, pp. 197.
After the period of free university lectures during the period when universities were
barricaded, the next stage was an anti-university period. This volume is an antidaigaku argument.
高尾利数( 著 ).
イエスは全共闘をどう見るか. 東京: 自由国民社, 1969.
110 ❖ 書籍 Books
Takao, Toshikazu (author).
Iesu wa Zenkyōtō o dō miru ka. Tōkyō: Jiyū Kokuminsha, 1969, pp. 290.
Takao Toshikazu was a professor at Kantō Gakuin Daigaku. There were an unusual
number of radical Christians in the Zenkyōto movement, and his analysis reflects a
radical Christian view of Zenkyōto.
衛藤瀋吉, 内田忠夫( 著 ).
新しい大学像をもとめて. 東京: 日本評論社, 1969.
Etō, Shinkichi and Uchida, Tadao (authors).
Atarashii daigakuzō o motomete. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1969, pp. 17, 490.
This is a rather conservative (hoshūteki) analysis of how the ideal university might
be reconstructed, written by professors influenced to some extent by the questioning
of the Zenkyōto movement.
高橋義孝, 他( 著 ).
私の大学再建案. 東京: 新潮社, 1969.
Takahashi, Yoshitaka et al. (authors).
Watashi no daigaku saiken an. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1969, pp. 221.
This is a collection of short essays by people with a range of perspectives on how to
change the university.
井上正治( 著 ).
対決のなかの学問. 東京: 読売新聞社, 1969.
Inoue, Masaharu (author).
Taiketsu no nakano gakumon. Tōkyō: Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 1969, pp. 293.
At the time of the events in this book Inoue was either Gakucho or Gakucho Dairi of
Kyūshū Daigaku, and a constitutional law and criminal law specialist. During the
Zenkyōto movement at Kyūshū Daigaku when the police stormed the students’ barricades, Inoue is famous for having shouted “Keisatsu was teki da” which outraged
the Monbushō and led to his ouster, after which he became a practicing lawyer. This
is his analysis of the university and education, from a position of academic freedom.
Inoue later served as a special lawyer in the Rengo Sekigun trial.
滝沢克己( 著 ).
大学改革の原点を求めて. 東京: 新教出版, 1969.
Takizawa, Katsumi (author).
Daigaku kaikaku no genten o motomete. Tōkyō: Shinkyō Shuppan, 1969, pp. 9, 430.
Takizawa Katsumi was a professor at Kyūshū Daigaku and a Christian, and this
book written during the Zenkyōto period concerns the reform of the university. A
part of the book is a tōron with Yamamoto Yoshitaka of Todai Zenkyōto.
滝沢克己( 著 ).
私の大学闘争. 東京: 三一書房, 1972.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 111
Takizawa, Katsumi (author).
Watashi no daigaku tōsō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1972, pp. 229.
This is his essay on the Kyūshū Dai tōsō.
滝沢克己( 著 ).
とは何か:「思想」の問題と大学変革. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Takizawa, Katsumi (author).
Ningen no “genten” to wa nani ka: “shisō” no mondai to daigaku henkaku. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1970, pp. 287.
Takizawa’s analysis of Zenkyōto and a philosophical analysis of human nature from
his Christian perspective. His ideas had considerable influence in the Zenkyōto
滝沢克己( 著 ).
読解の座標: 哲学・文学・教育. 福岡: 創言社, 1987.
Takizawa, Katsumi (author).
Dokkai no zahyō: tetsugaku bungaku kyōiku. Fukuoka: Sōgensha, 1987, pp. 398.
This is a collection of his critical essays on philosophy, literature, and education that
first appeared in magazines, etc.
中原一( 著 ).
共産主義「復活」の諸問題: 階級闘争の現段階と革命の展望. 東京: 高見出版, 1970.
Nakahara, Hajime (author).
Kyōsan shugi “fukkatsu” no shomondai: kaikyŪ tōsō no gendankai to kakumei no tenbō.
Tōkyō: Takami Shuppan, 1970, pp. 243.
This is Nakahara’s class theory and theory of revolution. Shortly after this book was
published he was killed in an uchigeba.
佐野茂樹( 著 ).
帝国主義を攻囲せよ: 獄中論文選.
Sano, Shigeki (author).
Teikoku shugi o kōi seyo: gokuchō ronbunsen. pp. 234.
The author, Sanō Shigeki, was a Bund leader in the 1960 Ampo. This is something
he wrote in the latter part of the 1970s from prison, and it includes a criticism of the
Rengō Sekigun Incident.
村上也寸志( 著 ).
学生反乱の思想史. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1979.
Murakami, Yasushi (author).
Gakusei hanran no shisōshi. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1979, pp. 5,216.
This is historical account of the ideas of the student movement.
112 ❖ 書籍 Books
志賀義雄( 著 ).
日本帝国主義について. 東京: 三一書房, 1972.
Shiga, Yoshio (author).
Nihon teikoku shugi ni tsuite. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1972, pp. 290.
Shiga Yoshio is a prewar hi-tenkōsha and member of the Nihon no Koe faction that
broke with the Japan Communist Party in the mid-1960s. This is his analysis of
Japanese imperialism.
芝田進午( 著 ).芝田進午( 編 ).
現代革命とマルクス主義哲学, 上. 東京: 青木書店, 1970.
Shibata, Shingo (author). Shibata, Shingo (editor).
Gendai kakumei to Marukusu shugi tetsugaku, jō. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1970, pp. 262.
Shibata’s analysis of Marxist philosophy and contemporary revolution. This book
is marked as the first of two volumes, but the collection does not have the second
芝田進午( 著 ).
人間性と人格の理論. 東京: 青木書店, 1964.
Shibata, Shingo (author).
Ningensei to jinkaku no riron. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1964, pp. 401, 22.
Shibata’s analysis of human nature and personality. Shibata is a Marxist philosopher.
芝田進午( 著 ).
現代日本のラデカリズム. 東京: 青木書店, 1970.
Shibata, Shingo (author).
Gendai Nihon no radikarizumu. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1970, pp. 365.
This book contains an analysis of Zenkyōto.
大久保そりや( 著 ).
性活動論: 共産主義的人間活動論. 東京: 季節社, 1972.
Ōkubo, Soriya (author).
Seikatsudōron: kyōsan shugiteki ningen katsudōron. Tōkyō: Kisetsusha, 1972, pp. 306.
Ōkubo is a Marxist philosopher writing a theory of sex as communication.
荒岱介( 著 ).
過渡期世界の革命: 改訂版. 東京: 戦旗社, 1980.
Ara, Taisuke (author).
Katoki sekai no kakumei: kaiteiban. Tōkyō: Senkisha, 1980, pp. 273.
Ara Taisuke was a leader of the second Bund Senki-ha. This was his revolutionary
theory of “katoki sekai” (world in transition). Ara Taisuke is his real name, but he
also wrote under the penname of Hyūga Shō. Senki-ha is sometimes called Hyūga-ha
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 113
or Ara-ha after him, in part to avoid confusing the second Bund’s Senki-ha with the
Senki-ha faction of the original Bund.
榎原均( 著 ).
「資本論」の復権: 宇野経済学批判. 大阪: 四季社, 1978.
Ebara, Kin (author).
“Shihonron” no fukken: Uno keizaigaku hihan. Ōsaka: Shikisha, 1978, pp. 373.
Ebara Kin was a leader of the second Bund’s RG ha. This book is his research on
Capital following but critiqueing Uno Kōzō economic theory.
榎原均( 著 ).
価値形態・物象化・物神性. 京都: 資本論研究会, 1990.
Ebara, Kin (author).
Kachi keitai busshōka busshinsei. Kyōto: Shihonron Kenkyūkai, 1990, pp. 12, 358.
This is a highly philosophical, academic Marxist analysis.
滝村隆一( 著 ).
マルクス主義国家論. 東京: 三一書房, 1971.
Takimura,Ryūichi (author).
Marukusu shugi kokkaron. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1971, pp. 276.
Marxist theory of the state.
五木寛之, 松田道雄, 久野収( 著 ).
現代への視角: 時評・今日の思想と映像. 東京: 三一書房, 1972.
Itsuki, Hiroyuki; Matsuda, Michio; and Kuno, Osamu (authors).
Gendai eno shikaku: jihyō: konnichi no shisō to eizō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1972, pp. 297.
Analysis of contemporary conditions by these three authors, including comments
about the Rengo Sekigun jiken.
久野収( 著 ).
神は細部に宿りたまう. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Kuno, Osamu (author).
Kami wa saibu ni yadori tamau. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 267.
Kuno Osamu’s collected critical essays.
久野収, 中山千夏, 森岡弘通, 矢崎泰久, 山領健二( 著 ).
検定不合格倫理・社会. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Kuno, Osamu; Nakayama, Chinatsu; Morioka, Hiromichi; Yazaki, Yasuhisa; and Yamaryō,
Kenji (authors).
Kentei fugōkaku rinri shakai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 256,101.
114 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kuno Osamu, a philosopher and participant in citizen’s movements. He wrote a high
school textbook which was rejected by the Monbusho. This book is the same book
that was rejected as a textbook by Monbusho, published by San’ichi Shobo as a way
of protesting the Monbusho decision.
湯浅赳男( 著 ).
革命の軍隊. 東京: 三一書房, 1968.
Yuasa, Takeo (author).
Kakumei no guntai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1968, pp. 253.
An analysis of the original Soviet Red Army.
栗原登一( 著 ).
世界革命. 東京: 三一書房, 1967.
Kurihara, Toichi (author).
Sekai kakumei. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1967, pp. 240.
Kurihara Toichi is the penname of Ota Ryū. This is his Trotskyist theory of world
太田竜( 著 ).
日本革命の根本問題. 東京: 十月社, 1968.
Ōta, Ryū (author).
Nihon kakumei no konpon mondai. Tōkyō: Jūgatsusha, 1968, pp. 44.
Ota Ryū’s Troskyist theory of Japanese revolution.
中村智子( 著 ).
「風流夢譚」事件以後: 編集者の自分史. 東京: 田畑書店, 1976.
Nakamura, Tomoko (author).
“Fūryū mutan” jiken igo: henshūsha no jibunshi. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1976, pp. 255.
In the early 1960s the writer Fukazawa Shichiro wrote a novel called Fūryū Mudan that had anti-emperor content (it was about his dream of seeing the emperor
and crown prince with their heads cut off) that was published in Chūō Kōron and
prompted a major protest from the right, which became known as the Fūryū Mudan
jiken. Nakamura Tomoko was the editor responsible for putting the novel in Chūō
Kōron and was disciplined for publishing it. This is her later account of the incident.
菅孝行( 著 ).
解体する演劇. 東京: アディン書房, 1974.
Kan, Takayuki (author).
Kaitaisuru engeki. Tōkyō: Adin Shobō, 1974, pp. 286.
This is Kan Takayuki”s analysis of contemporary conditions in the early 1970s,
which includes analysis of Rengo Sekigun.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 115
白上謙一( 著 ).
現代の青春におくる挑発的読書論. 東京: 昭和出版, 1976.
Shirakami, Ken’ichi (author).
Gendai no seishun ni okuru chōhatsuteki dokushoron. Tōkyō: Shōwa Shuppan, 1976, pp. 285.
Shirakami Ken’ichi is a biologist and this is his “dokushoron” or discourse on reading.
石原慎太郎( 著 ).
孤独なる戴冠. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1966.
Ishihara, Shintarō (author).
Kodoku naru taikan. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1966, pp. 423.
Ishihara Shintarō is a writer and later became a Diet member and still later, in
1999, governor of Tokyo. This was his first complete collection of essays. At the time
of this publication he had a fairly radical “destroy the structure” perspective, but
later became more conservative.
井上光晴( 著 ).
幻影なき虚構. 東京: 勁草書房, 1966.
Inoue, Mitsuharu (author).
Genkei naki kyokō. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1966, pp. 419.
Inoue Matsuharu is a writer of “sengo bungaku.” He was an activist in the Yawata
steel labor union and later became a novelist. This volume collects his criticism, reportage, literary essays,s etc. from this period.
清水昶( 著 ).
詩の根拠. 東京: 冬樹社, 1972.
Shimizu, Akira (author).
Shi no konkyo. Tōkyō: Tōjusha, 1972, pp. 331.
Shimizu Akira is a poet and a Bund activist. This is a book of his essays and commentaries on poetry, etc.
松本健一( 著 ).
出口王仁三郎: 屹立するカリスマ. 東京: リブロポート, 1986.
Matsumoto, Ken’ichi (author).
Deguchi Onisaburō: kitsuritsu suru karisuma. Tōkyō: Riburopōto, 1986, pp. 242, 4.
Matsumoto Ken’ichi is well-known critic and shisōshi writer specializing in Kita
Ikki. He was a fairly representative shisōshi researcher of the Zenkyōto generation.
This is a biography and presentation of the thought of Deguchi Onisaburō, the spiritual leader of Ōmoto kyō, a new religion that was suppressed during the war under
the Peace Preservation Law and Deguchi was imprisoned.
長田弘( 著 ).
アウシュヴィッツへの旅. 東京: 中央公論社, 1973.
116 ❖ 書籍 Books
Osada, Hiroshi (author).
Aushuvittsu e no tabi. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1973, pp. 221.
Osada Hiroshi’s account of a visit to Auschwitz.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
日本における近代思想の前提. 東京: 岩波書店, 1949.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Nihon ni okeru kindai shisō no zentei. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1949, pp. 9, 208.
Hani Gorō’s early book on the premises of modern Japanese thought.
羽仁五郎, 三木清, 林達夫, 本多謙三( 著 ).
社会史的思想史. 東京: 岩波書店, 1949.
Hani, Gorō; Miki, Kiyoshi; Hayashi, Tatsuo; and Honda, Kenzō (authors).
Shakaishiteki shisōshi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1949, pp. 4, 354.
An early work on intellectual history by Hani Gorō.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
日本人民の歴史. 東京: 岩波書店, 1950.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Nihon jinmin no rekishi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1950, pp. 3, 209.
This is a history of Japan from the perspective of the common people, published early
in the postwar period, and it had a major impact on postwar thought.
中原一( 著 ).
党・ソヴィエト・武装蜂起. 東京: 高見出版, 1972.
Nakahara, Hajime (author).
Tō Sovieto busō hōki. Tōkyō: Takami Shuppan, 1972, pp. 296.
Nakahara Hajime was a leader of Shaseidō Kaihō-ha and later of Kakurōkyō. This
is his revolutionary theory.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
都市. 東京: 岩波書店, 1949.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Toshi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1949, pp. 5, 268.
This is Hani Gorō’s analysis of the role of the city in the development of common people’s concept of citizenship. It is a historical account analyzing both the populism of
revolutionary France and the ancient democracy of the Greek polis. Published very
early in the postwar era, it was very influential in developing the postwar Japanese
concept of popular participation in democracy. The book was very influential in the
development of a concept of shimin ishiki, of democracy, among Japanese common
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 117
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
明治維新史研究. 東京: 岩波書店, 1978.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Meiji Ishinshi kenkyū. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1978, pp. 520.
Hani Gorō is a famous historian, and this is an important academic work on the
Meiji restoratiion.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
ヂコンダの微笑. 東京: 三一書房, 1947.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Jiokonda no hohoemi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1947, pp. 179.
This book includes an article against Japanese Fascism and war, a critique of bureaucracy, an article about Fukuzawa Yukichi, and about science and capitalism.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
マキャヴェリ君主論. 東京: 岩波書店, 1936.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Makyaveri kunshuron. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1936, pp. 158.
Hani’s Gorō’s study of Macchiavelli.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
白石・諭吉. 東京: 岩波書店, 1937.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Hakuseki Yukichi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1937, pp. 3, 427.
This is Hani’s research on Arai Hakuseki and Fukuzawa Yukichi.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
理性の抵抗. 東京: 角川書店, 1969.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Risei no teikō. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1969, pp. 222.
A collection of articles by Hani Gorō written between 1929 and 1942.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
都市の論理: 歴史的条件—現代の闘争. 東京: 勁草書房, 1968.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Toshi no ronri: rekishiteki jōken — gendai no tōsō. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1968, pp. 11, 627.
This book, following on Hani Gorō’s earlier work on the role of the city in the development of citizen consciousness, expanded the analysis into the notion that the proper
role for ordinary citizens was to press their demands for change in the structure,
and to participate very actively in social change. The book appeared just as the anti-
118 ❖ 書籍 Books
structure movement and the late 60s student movement was expanding, and it became the best seller of all time. It was read by all activist students and participants
in ordinary citizens’ movements. Virtually every student of that generation has read
this book. The collection has both the hardback and the paper back edition of the
book (see item #688).
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
都市の論理: 歴史的条件—現代の闘争. 東京: 勁草書房, 1968.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Toshi no ronri: rekishiteki jōken — gendai no tōsō. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1968, pp. 11, 627.
This book, following on Hani Gorō’s earlier work on the role of the city in the development of citizen consciousness, expanded the analysis into the notion that the proper
role for ordinary citizens was to press their demands for change in the structure,
and to participate very actively in social change. The book appeared just as the antistructure movement and the late 60s student movement was expanding, and it became the best seller of all time. It was read by all activist students and participants
in ordinary citizens’ movements. Virtually every student of that generation has read
this book. The collection has both the hardback and the paperback edition.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
続・都市の論理. 東京: 技術と人間, 1979.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Zoku toshi no ronri. Tōkyō: Gijutsu to Ningen, 1979, pp. 316.
This is a continuation of the bestseller of 1968, Toshi no Ronri, which did not sell as well.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
日本軍国主義の復活. 東京: 現代評論社, 1971.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Nihon gunkoku shugi no fukkatsu. Tōkyō: Gendai Hyōronsha, 1971, pp. 226.
In this book Hani warns that Japanese militarism in reappearing.
羽仁五郎, 井上清( 著 ).
歴史に何を学ぶか. 東京: 現代評論社, 1973.
Hani, Gorō and Inoue, Kiyoshi (authors).
Rekishi ni nani o manabu ka. Tōkyō: Gendai Hyōronsha, 1973, pp. 250.
A tōron between Hani Gorō and Inoue Kiyoshi.
羽仁五郎, 竹中労( 著 ).
アジア燃ゆ: 反日感情のゆくえ. 東京: 現代評論社, 1974.
Hani, Gorō and Takenaka, Tsutomu (authors).
Ajia moyu: han-Nichi kanjō no yukue. Tōkyō: Gendai Hyōronsha, 1974, pp. 206.
A tōron between Hani Gorō and the journalist Takenaka Tsutomu (Rō) on Asia.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 119
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
抵抗の哲学: クロチェ. 東京: 現代評論社, 1972.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
羽仁五郎の大予言: いかにして21世紀に生きるか. 東京: 話の特集, 1979.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Teikō no tetsugaku: kuroche. Tōkyō: Gendai Hyōronsha, 1972, pp. 267.
Hani Gorō on the philosophy of Croce.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
現代の革命の論理. 東京: 自由国民社, 1972.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Gendai no kakumei no ronri. Tōkyō: Jiyū Kokuminsha, 1972, pp. 293.
Hani on contemporary revolution.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Hani Gorō no daiyogen: ikani shite 21-seiki ni ikiru ka. Tōkyō: Hanashi no Tokushū, 1979,
pp. 305.
A book about Hani Gorō’s view on how to survive in the 21st century.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).日本評論社編集部( 編 ).
羽仁五郎対談現代とはなにか. 東京: 日本評論社, 1969.
Hani, Gorō (author). Nihon Hyōronsha Henshūbu (editor).
Hani Gorō taidan gendai to wa nanika. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1969, pp. 9, 466.
This is a collection of various discussions between Hani Gorō and other people.
羽仁五郎, 五木寛之, 大森実, 中曽根康弘, 植村鷹千代, 志水速雄, 戸
村一作, 水戸巌( 著 ).
羽仁五郎対談集. 東京: 潮出版社, 1973.
Hani, Gorō; Itsuki, Hiroyuki; Ōmori, Minoru; Nakasone, Yasuhiro; Uemura, Takachiyo; Shimizu, Hayao; Tomura, Issaku; and Mito, Iwao (authors).
Hani Gorō taidanshū. Tōkyō: Ushio Shuppansha, 1973, pp. 215.
This is another collection of Hai Gorō’s discussions with various people.
羽仁五郎, 石原慎太郎, いいだもも, 五木寛之, 金達寿, 芝崎寛政, 津
村喬, 立花隆( 著 ).
生きているって言ってみろ: 羽仁五郎対談集. 東京: 現代評論社, 1976.
Hani, Gorō; Ishihara, Shintarō; Iida, Momo; Itsuki, Hiroyuki; Kim, Tal-su; Shibazaki, Hiromasa;
Tsumura, Takashi; and Tachibana, Takashi (authors).
Ikiteiru tte itte miro: Hani Gorō taidanshū. Tōkyō: Gendai Hyōronsha, 1976, pp. 307.
Another collection of discussions between Hani Gorō and other people.
120 ❖ 書籍 Books
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
自由としての人間: わが人生観20. 東京: 大和書房, 1970.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Jiyū toshiteno ningen: waga jinseikan 20. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1970, pp. 265.
A book about Hani Gorō’s view towards life.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
生と死とについて. 東京: 大和書房, 1970.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Sei to shi to ni tsuite. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1970, pp. 168.
A book about Hani Gorō’s view towards life and death.
羽仁五郎, 野坂昭如( 著 ).
乱世に語る. 東京: 現代評論社, 1975.
Hani, Gorō and Nosaka, Akiyuki (authors).
Ranse ni kataru. Tōkyō: Gendai Hyōronsha, 1975, pp. 229.
Nosaka Akiyuki is a writer with whom Hani Gorō had a discussion and analysis of
contemporary events.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
自己発想の方法: 自分の頭を持っているか. 東京: 青春出版社, 1978.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Jiko hassō no hōhō: jibun no atama o motte iruka. Tōkyō: Seishun Shuppansha, 1978, pp. 224.
A book about ways of developing one’s own self-conception.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
主権ハ人民ニアリ. 東京: 潮出版社, 1979.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Shuken wa jinmin ni ari. Tōkyō: Ushio Shuppansha, 1979, pp. 214.
A collection of articles previously published in various magazines. Topics include
Hani Gorō’s opinion about a first class thinker, a message to today’s college students,
about reading kikanshi, etc.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
アウシュヴィッツの時代. 東京: 潮出版社, 1973.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Aushuvittsu no jidai. Tōkyō: Ushio Shuppansha, 1973, pp. 266.
A collection of Hani Gorō’s lectures and previously published articles.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
教育の論理: 文部省廃止論. 東京: ダイヤモンド社, 1979.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 121
Hani, Gorō (author).
Kyōiku no ronri: Monbushō haishiron. Tōkyō: Daiyamondosha, 1979, pp. 8, 348.
Hani Gorō’s anti-Monbusho thoughts on education.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).
自伝的戦後史. 東京: 講談社, 1976.
Hani, Gorō (author).
Jidenteki sengoshi. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1976, pp. 414.
This is Hani Gorō’s postwar autobiography.
折原浩( 著 ).
人間の復権を求めて. 東京: 中央公論社, 1971.
Orihara, Hiroshi (author).
Ningen no fukken o motomete. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1971, pp. 4, 346.
Orihara Hiroshi was a Tokyo University professor who was sympathetic toward the
zenkyōto movement and this book represented his sentiments of the time. It is a view
of the Todai Tōsō from within the faculty group. He was a Weber scholar.
折原浩( 著 ).
デュルケームとウェーバー, 上. 東京: 三一書房, 1981.
鶴見俊輔( 著 ).
いくつもの鏡: 論壇時評1974ー1975. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1976.
Orihara, Hiroshi (author).
Durukēmu to Uēbā, jō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1981, pp. 285.
折原浩( 著 ).
デュルケームとウェーバー, 下. 東京: 三一書房, 1981.
Orihara, Hiroshi (author).
Durukēmu to Uēbā, ge. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1981, pp. 295, 15.
This is Orihara’s study of Durkheim and Weber.
Tsurumi, Shunsuke (author).
Ikutsumo no kagami: Rondan jihyō 1974-1975. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1976,
pp. 289, 26.
This is an analysis of the state of the journalistic world of 1974-75.
武田泰淳( 著 ).
黄河海に入りて流る: 中国・中国人・中国文学. 東京: 勁草書房, 1970.
Takeda, Taijun (author).
Kōga umi ni irite nagaru: Chūgoku—Chūgokujin—Chūgoku bungaku. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō,
1970, pp. 442.
122 ❖ 書籍 Books
Takeda Taijun is a famous postwar Japanese writer. This volume is a collection of all
of his writings related to China and Chinese literature.
松尾尊兌( 著 ).
本倉. 東京: みすず書房, 1982.
Matsuo, Takayoshi (author).
Hongura. Tōkyō: Misuzu Shobō, 1982, pp. 10, 476, 12.
Matsuo Takayoshi is a Kyoto University professor specializing in the history of social
movements. This is a collection of his books, essays, and book reviews concerning
social movements in Japan.
赤瀬川原平( 著 ).
櫻画報大全. 東京: 新潮社, 1985.
Akasegawa, Genpei (author).
Sakura gahō taizen. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1985, pp. 589.
Akasegawa Genpei is an artist and writer, who used the name Otsuji Katsuhiko for
his writings. This book is a complete collection of “Sakura gaho,” a political cartoon
manga of the late sixties that commented on contemporary events and was widely
read by students. The cartoon was carried in the Asahi Journal, published by the
Asahi Shinbun.
小田実( 著 ).
何でも見てやろう. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1961.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Nandemo mite yarō. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1961, pp. 352.
This is an account of Oda Makoto’s international travels in connection with a year he
spent as a student at Harvard. Later he became the leader of Beheiren.
開高健, 小田実, 鶴見俊輔( 編 ).
反戦の論理. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1967.
Kaikō, Takeshi; Oda, Makoto and Tsurumi, Shunsuke (editors).
Hansen no ronri. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1967, pp. 220.
This is the transcript of an anti-Vietnam war symposium with an international cast
of participants, issued in the name of its three editors.
小田実( 編 ).
裁く・民衆が日本の軍国主義を. 東京: 合同出版, 1971.
Oda, Makoto (editor).
Sabaku minshū ga Nihon no gunkoku shugi o. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1971, pp. 219.
A book edited by Oda Makoto during the period when he was leading Beheiren.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 123
小田実( 編 ).
アジアを考える. 東京: 潮出版社, 1976.
Oda, Makoto (editor).
Ajia o kangaeru. Tōkyō: Ushio Shuppansha, 1976, pp. 352.
An edited volume of essays about Asia by Oda Makoto.
小田実( 著 ).
義務としての旅. 東京: 岩波書店, 1967.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Gimu to shite no tabi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1967, pp. 5, 200.
This is Oda’s account of a second world trip he took in connection with Beheiren and
the anti-war citizen’s movement.
小田実( 編 ).
べ平連. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Oda, Makoto (editor).
Beheiren. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 258.
This is a collection of essays by various people on Beheiren, edited by its leader Oda
小田実, 鶴見俊輔, 吉川勇一( 編 ).
市民の暦. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1973.
Oda, Makoto; Tsurumi, Shunsuke and Yoshikawa, Yūichi (editors).
Shimin no koyomi. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1973, pp. 405, 30.
This is a calendar or nenpyō format account of events in the history of citizens’ movements. (On this day in xxyear, such and such an incident happened, etc.)
小田実( 著 ).
現代史, 上. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1968.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Gendaishi, jō. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1968, pp. 422.
小田実( 著 ).
現代史, 下. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1968.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Gendaishi, ge. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1968, pp. 369.
The title suggests that this is contemporary history, but it is a novel in two volumes
by Oda Makoto.
小田実( 著 ).
天下大乱を行く. 東京: 集英社, 1980.
124 ❖ 書籍 Books
Oda, Makoto (author).
Tenka tairan o iku. Tōkyō: Shūeisha, 1980, pp. 326.
This is an account of Oda’s trip to the Middle East and other places, including interviews with various people.
小田実( 著 ).
海冥: 太平洋戦争にかかわる十六の短編. 東京: 講談社, 1981.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Kaimei: Taiheiyō Sensō ni kakawaru 16 no tanpen. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1981, pp. 269.
A collection of 16 short stories by Oda Makoto on the Pacific War.
小田実( 著 ).
人びとはみんな同行者: 人びとのなかで自分をつかむ. 東京: 青春出版社, 1978.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Hitobito wa minna dōkōsha: hitobito no naka de jibun o tsukamu. Tōkyō: Seishun Shuppansha, 1978, pp. 213.
A collection of essays by Oda.
小田実( 著 ).
HIROSHIMA. 東京: 講談社, 1981.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Hiroshima. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1981, pp. 299.
A novel taking the perspective of the Japanese experience of the Hiroshima bombing.
小田実( 著 ).
「共生」への原理. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1978.
Oda, Makoto (author).
“Kyōsei” e no genri. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1978, pp. 248.
A collection of Oda’s critical essays.
小田実( 著 ).
を旅する. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1981.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Futatsu no “sengo” o tabi suru. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1981, pp. 405.
This book uses “sengo” in the double sense of after World War II and after the Vietnam war.
小田実( 著 ).
世直しの倫理と論理, 上. 東京: 岩波書店, 1972.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 125
Oda, Makoto (author).
Yonaoshi no rinri to ronri, jō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1972, pp. 7, 224.
A book about Oda’s random thoughts about the ethics and logic of rebuilding the
world. This book was written when Oda was in the hospital.
小田実( 著 ).
「軍」の論理. 東京: 岩波書店, 1978.
Oda, Makoto (author).
“Min” no ronri, “gun” no ronri. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1978, pp. 1, 273.
A non-fiction work by Oda contrasting the people’s logic with military logic.
小田実( 著 ).
歴史の転換のなかで. 東京: 岩波書店, 1980.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Rekishi no tenkan no naka de. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1980, pp. 1, 274.
A book of Oda’s thoughts about being at the turning point in history.
小田実( 著 ).
を歩く. 東京: 岩波書店, 1984.
Oda, Makoto (author).
“Betonamu igo” o aruku. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1984, pp. 2, 250.
A book about Vietnam after the War.
小田実( 著 ).
われ-われの哲学. 東京: 岩波書店, 1986.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Ware-ware no tetsugaku. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1986, pp. 4, 231.
A book about a philosophy for the people.
色川大吉, 小田実, 西田勝( 編 ).
今日の日本を憂える六人の市民の提言. 東京: 平凡社, 1983.
Irokawa, Daikichi; Oda, Makoto and Nishida, Masaru (editors).
Konnichi no Nihon o ureeru 6-nin no shimin no teigen. Tōkyō: Heibonsha, 1983, pp. 263.
This is a collection of essays by various people on what citizen’s movements ought to
be about, edited by Irokawa Daikichi, Oda Makoto, and Nishida Masaru.
日本はこれでいいのか市民連合( 編 ).
日本はこれでいいのかな?: 私たちをとりまくAMPO、
アンポ、安保. 東京: 第三書館, 1983.
Nihon wa Kore de Iinoka Shimin Rengō (editor).
Nihon wa kore de iinoka na?: watashitachi o torimaku Anpo, Anpo, Anpo. Tōkyō: Daisan
Shokan, 1983, pp. 201.
126 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is the record of a symposium on 1970 Anpo organized by a citizens’ movement
group called Nihon Wa Kore de Ii no Ka? which was formed after the end of the Vietnam war (post Beheiren).
日本はこれでいいのか市民連合( 編 ).
8・15を読む・語る. 東京: 第三書館, 1982.
Nihon wa Kore de Iinoka Shimin Rengō (editor).
8.15 o yomu kataru. Tōkyō: Daisan Shokan, 1982, pp. 220.
This is a symposium by the same group as item #736, on the subject of the last day of
World War II, dealing with how the war should be understood and presented, from
an anti-war perspective.
小田実( 著 ).
小田実の反戦読本. 東京: 第三書館, 1982.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Oda Makoto no hansen dokuhon. Tōkyō: Daisan Shokan, 1982, pp. 208.
A collection of previously published articles related to anti-war issues. Topics include
the Japanese and Koreans, the Emperor, Okinawa, etc.
( 著 ).杉本秀太郎( 訳 ).
ペレアスとメリザンド. 大阪: 湯川書房, 1978.
Maetterlink, Morris (author). Sugimoto, Hidetarō (translator).
Pereasu to Merizando. Ōsaka: Yukawa Shobō, 1978, pp. 146.
The translator is an art historian who was a close friend of Takahashi Kazumi from
his student days and participated in the same literary group. This book is in the collection because it is an autographed copy given by Sugimoto to Takazawa.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
憂鬱なる党派. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1965.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Yūutsunaru tōha. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1965, pp. 399.
Takahashi Kazumi had a major influence on the Zenkyōto movement. As a scholar
of Chinese literature and a writer himself, he strongly supported the students, and
fought on their behalf. This is his novel about the activities of the Japan Communist
Party in its underground radical period in the 1950s and also about the Hiroshima
bombing. This novel was also read very eagerly by students in the movement of the
late 1960s.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
堕落. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1969.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Daraku. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1969, pp. 212.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 127
Another novel by Takahashi, on the theme of Manchukuo and the war responsibility
of Japanese in Manchuria.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
人間にとって. 東京: 新潮社, 1971.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Ningen ni totte. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1971, pp. 113.
An essay collection by Takahashi Kazumi.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
我が心は石にあらず. 東京: 新潮社, 1967.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Waga kokoro wa ishi ni arazu. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1967, pp. 363.
Another novel by Takahashi Kazumi. The novel’s theme is tenkō, and the sense of
“stone” here is a rolling stone that goes all over the place. It is this sense of stone
that is being rejected, (hence a statement that the person will not change his views
all over the place), not the sense of a “cold-hearted” stone.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
新しき長城. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1967.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Atarashiki chōjō. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1967, pp. 339.
This is Takahashi’s analysis of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
生涯にわたる阿修羅として: 高橋和巳対話集. 東京: 徳間書店, 1970.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Shōgai ni wataru ashura to shite: Takahashi Kazumi taiwashū. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1970,
pp. 459.
A collection of Takahashi Kazumi’s conversations with various people.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
孤立無援の思想. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1966.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Koritsu muen no shisō. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1966, pp. 424.
This is a complete collection of Takahashi Kazumi’s essays and criticism.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
黄昏の橋: 何事の起こりしやは明らかならず、そのとき橋はたそがれてあればなり. 東京: 筑摩書
房, 1971.
128 ❖ 書籍 Books
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Tasogare no hashi: Nanigoto no Okorishiya wa Akiraka narazu, Sonotoki Hashi wa Tasogarete Arebanari. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1971, pp. 276.
A novel by Takahashi Kazumi that takes its theme from the 1967 Haneda incident in
which a student named Yamazaki was killed. A lot of students jumped off the bridge
during the conflict with the riot police and the novel takes off from there with an
anti-Vietnam war theme.
川辺為三( 著 ).
安部公房・大江健三郎・高橋和巳・島尾敏雄: 現代文演習シリーズ7. 東京: 中道館, 1981.
Kawabe, Tamezō (author).
Abe Kimifusa, Ōe Kenzaburō, Takahashi Kazumi, Shimao Toshio: gendaibun enshū shirīzu 7.
Tōkyō: Chūdōkan, 1981, pp. 136.
This book is aimed at high school students and includes works by the four authors
and also tell students how to read the four authors. One of the four authors is Takahashi Kazumi, a China scholar and novelist who was very supportive of the Zenkyōto
movement and widely read by students of the zenkyōto generation.
末川博, 山田無文, 坂田昌一( 編 ).
平和の訴え. 京都: 雄渾社, 1968.
Suekawa, Hiroshi; Yamada, Mumon and Sakata, Shōichi (editors).
Heiwa no uttae. Kyōto: Yūkonsha, 1968, pp. 196.
This is a collection of essays on peace written by various people. Takahashi Kazumi
is among those included in the collection.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
現代の青春: エッセイ集. 東京: 旺文社, 1973.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Gendai no seishun: esseishū. Tōkyō: Ōbunsha, 1973, pp. 278.
A collection of essays by Takahashi Kazumi, aimed at young people.
それで事は始まる. 東京: 合同出版, 1972.
Sore de koto wa hajimaru. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1972, pp. 158.
This is an anthology of very short writings on the citizens’ antiwar movement edited
by Takahashi and Oda.
小田実, 真継伸彦, 高橋和巳( 編 ).
変革の思想を問う. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1969.
Oda, Makoto; Matsugi, Nobuhiko and Takahashi, Kazumi (editors).
Henkaku no shisō o tou. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1969, pp. 261.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 129
This volume is the transcript of a discussion between these three authors and students from the Tokyo and Kyoto university struggles, produced during the student
高橋和巳( 編 ).
明日への葬列. 東京: 合同出版, 1970.
Takahashi, Kazumi (editor).
Asu e no sōretsu. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1970, pp. 216.
A book edited by Takahashi of writings about the various people who lost their lives
during the movement.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
孤立の憂愁の中で. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1969.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Koritsu no yūshū no naka de. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1969, pp. 291.
A collection of his criticism and essays. This was the period of the Kyōdai Tōsō, when
Takahashi was gradually isolated as the only faculty member left who was fully supporting the students. The book reflects his personal experience during the period.
The title reflects his gradual isolation and melancholy as he was left alone defending
the students.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
わが解体. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1971.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Waga kaitai. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1971, pp. 208.
A collection of essays by Takahashi Kazumi describing how his own identity and
philosophical position was completely destroyed by his personal experience of interactions with students during the movement and he had to completely rethink his
own identity and position. During this process he became more and more depressed
and his health was ruined. This was his last book, written just before he died.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
暗黒への出発. 東京: 徳間書店, 1971.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Ankoku e no shuppatsu. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1971, pp. 248.
This book is a collection of Takahashi’s speeches from the end of the Zenkyōtō period
just before Takahashi died, which was collected and published postumously.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳: 現代の文学31. 東京: 講談社, 1971.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi: gendai no bungaku 31. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1971, pp. 427.
130 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is the Takahashi Kazumi volume from the Bungaku Zenshū published during
this period.
高橋和巳( 著 ).
高橋和巳短篇集. 東京: 阿部出版, 1991.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author).
Takahashi Kazumi tanpenshū. Tōkyō: Abe Shuppan, 1991, pp. 349.
This is a collection of all of Takahashi’s short stories republished in 1991 to introduce
a new generation to his work.
埴谷雄高( 編 ).
高橋和巳論. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1972.
Haniya, Yutaka (editor).
Takahashi Kazumi ron. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1972, pp. 352.
This is a collection of writings about Takahashi by others, edited by Haniya Yutaka,
a major postwar literary figure.
高橋たか子( 著 ).
高橋和巳の思い出. 東京: 構想社, 1977.
Takahashi, Takako (author).
Takahashi Kazumi no omoide. Tōkyō: Kōsōsha, 1977, pp. 181.
A recollection of Takahashi’s life by Takahashi Kazumi’s wife.
高知聰, 中島みどり, 白川正芳, 奥野路介, 中田秀, 小沢正, 林末知,
杵島士郎( 著 ).
高橋和巳をどうとらえるか. 東京: 芳賀書店, 1972.
Kōchi, Sō; Nakajima, Midori; Shirakawa, Masayoshi; Okuno, Rosuke; Nakata, Hide; Osawa,
Shō; Hayashi, Suechika; and Kishima, Shirō (authors).
Takahashi Kazumi o dō toraeruka. Tōkyō: Haga Shoten, 1972, pp. 382.
An anthology of recollections of Takahashi Kazumi by a variety of people.
小川和佑( 編 ).
高橋和巳研究: 以文選書12. 東京: 教育出版センター, 1976.
Ogawa, Kazusuke (editor).
Takahashi Kazumi kenkyū: ibun sensho 12. Tōkyō: Kyōiku Shuppan Sentā, 1976, pp. 253.
A collection of literary essays about Takahashi Kazumi.
立石伯( 著 ).
高橋和巳の世界. 東京: 講談社, 1972.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 131
Tateishi, Haku (author).
Takahashi Kazumi no sekai. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1972, pp. 224.
An analysis of Takahashi Kazumi by Tateishi Haku.
あるいは高橋和巳についての断片的な考察. 東京: 講
談社, 1974.
Fukashi no unmei, aruiwa Takahashi Kazumi ni tsuite no danpenteki na kōsatsu. Tōkyō:
Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 6, 276.
Another analysis of Takahashi Kazumi’s work by Kawanishi Masa’aki.
埴谷雄高( 著 ).
精神のリレー: 講演集. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1976.
Haniya, Yutaka (author).
Seishin no rirē: kōenshū. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1976, pp. 220.
This is the transcript of a koenkai whose purpose was to explain the spirit of Takahashi Kazumi to another generation and pass it along. Haniya Yutaka edited the
川西政明( 著 ).
評伝高橋和巳. 東京: 講談社, 1981.
Kawanishi, Masa’aki (author).
Hyōden Takahashi Kazumi. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1981, pp. 246.
Critical (literary) biography of Takahashi Kazumi.
真継伸彦( 著 ).
高橋和巳論. 東京: 文和書房, 1980.
Matsugi, Nobuhiko (author).
Takahashi Kazumi ron. Tōkyō: Bunwa Shobō, 1980, pp. 202.
Another analysis of Takahashi Kazumi.
豊田善次( 著 ).
高橋和巳の回想. 東京: 構想社, 1980.
Toyoda, Zenji (author).
Takahashi Kazumi no kaisō. Tōkyō: Kōsōsha, 1980, pp. 223.
Reflections on Takahashi Kazumi.
小松左京( 編 ).
高橋和巳の青春とその時代. 東京: 構想社, 1978.
Komatsu, Sakyō (editor).
Takahashi Kazumi no seishun to sono jidai. Tōkyō: Kōsōsha, 1978, pp. 225.
132 ❖ 書籍 Books
Komatsu Sakyo is a famous science fiction writer and a classmate of Takahashi
Kazumi from childhood. This volume is a collection of recollections about Takahashi
Kazumi in his youth by people who knew him then.
高橋和巳( 著 ).河出書房新社編集部( 編 ).
高橋和巳: 文芸読本. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1980.
Takahashi, Kazumi (author). Kawade Shobō Shinsha Henshūbu (editor).
Takahashi Kazumi: bungei dokuhon. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1980, pp. 247.
This is a collection of Takahashi Kazumi’s writings put out by Kawade Shobo.
村井英雄( 著 ).
闇を抱きて: 高橋和巳の晩年. 東京: 阿部出版, 1990.
Murai, Hideo (author).
Yami o idakite: Takahashi Kazumi no bannen. Tōkyō: Abe Shuppan, 1990, pp. 269.
An analysis of Takahashi Kazumi by Murai Hideo.
村井英雄( 著 ).
書誌的・高橋和巳. 東京: 阿部出版, 1991.
Murai, Hideo (author).
Shoshiteki Takahashi Kazumi. Tōkyō: Abe Shuppan, 1991, pp. 361.
A bibliography and timetable of Takahashi Kazumi’s writings.
梅原猛, 小松左京( 編 ).
高橋和巳の文学とその世界. 東京: 阿部出版, 1991.
Umehara, Takeshi and Komatsu, Sakyō (editors).
Takahashi Kazumi no bungaku to sono sekai. Tōkyō: Abe Shuppan, 1991, pp. 426.
An anthology of analyses of Takahashi Kazumi’s writings.
大江健三郎( 著 ).
ヒロシマ・ノート. 東京: 岩波書店, 1965.
Ōe, Kenzaburō (author).
Hiroshima nōto. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1965, pp. 186.
Ōe’s essays on the Hiroshima bombing experience.
大江健三郎( 著 ).
厳粛な綱渡り: 全エッセイ集. 東京: 文芸春秋新社, 1965.
Ōe, Kenzaburō (author).
Genshuku na tsunawatari: zen essei shū. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū Shinsha, 1965, pp. 509.
大江健三郎( 著 ).
持続する志: 全エッセイ集第二. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1968.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 133
Ōe, Kenzaburō (author).
Jizoku suru shi: zen essei shū dai-2. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1968, pp. 543.
大江健三郎( 著 ).
鯨の死滅する日: 全エッセイ集第三. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1972.
Ōe, Kenzaburō (author).
Kujira no shimetsusuru hi: zen essei shū dai-3. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1972, pp. 526.
This is a three volume collection of Ōe’s early essays. Each volume has a different
title and all three are in the Takazawa Collection.
大江健三郎( 著 ).
壊れものとしての人間. 東京: 講談社, 1972.
Ōe, Kenzaburō (author).
Kowaremono toshite no ningen. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1972, pp. 222.
A collection of Ōe’s commentaries and essays.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
共同幻想論. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1968.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Kyōdō gensōron. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1968, pp. 257.
This book is an important work in Yoshimoto’s overall philosophical work, as well
as having been influential in the student movement. In it Yoshimoto presents his
theory of kyōdōtai and the state. This theory became the basis for the formation of
the Bund Hanki-ha.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
情況. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1970.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Jōkyō. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1970, pp. 225.
This is Yoshimoto’s analysis of conditions in Japan at the end of the 1960s. In it he
criticizes Maruyama Masao.
鮎川信夫, 大岡信, 吉本隆明( 著 ).
討議近代詩史. 東京: 思潮社, 1976.
Ayukawa, Nobuo; Ōoka, Makoto; and Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (authors).
Tōgi kindai shishi. Tōkyō: Shichōsha, 1976, pp. 271, 6.
This is the transcript of a symposium on the history of modern Japanese poetry by
the three authors.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
吉本隆明詩集: 革命芸術・芸術論叢書1.
134 ❖ 書籍 Books
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki shishū: kakumei geijutsu geijutsuron sōsho 1. pp. 45.
This is a thin book of early poetry by Yoshimoto Taka’aki. The subtitle was the name
of a series and this was the first volume in the projected series. It was published by
Bund. There may have been one more item in the series, but it never extended as
intended. This is a very rare book. Yoshimoto was a famous poet at the time and he
in effect donated to Bund the right to publish the book as a means of fundraising.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
政治的知識人の典型: 谷川雁論. 東京: テック・グループ労働組合, 1972.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Seijiteki chishikijin no tenkei: Tanigawa Gan ron. Tōkyō: Tekku Gurūpu Rōdō Kumiai, 1972,
pp. 17.
This is the transcript of a lecture by Yoshimoto on Tanigawa Gan, a postwar literary
figure. The content concerns the political involvement of intellectuals.
樋口良澄( 著 ).
吉本隆明と現在: 現代詩手帖12月臨時増刊. 東京: 思潮社, 1986.
Higuchi, Yoshisumi (author).
Yoshimoto Taka’aki to genzai: Gendaishi techō 12-gatsu rinji zōkan. Tōkyō: Shichōsha, 1986,
pp. 360.
An anthology of works about Yoshimoto Taka’aki, which appeared as a special edition of Gendaishi techō.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
重層的な非決定へ. 東京: 大和書房, 1985.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Jūsōteki na hikettei e. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1985, pp. 596.
A collection of Yoshimoto’s essays and critiques from from the 1970s and 1980s (post1970 Anpo).
野坂昭如( 著 ).
日本土人の思想: 野坂昭如エッセイ集1. 東京: 中央公論社, 1969.
Nosaka, Akiyuki (author).
Nihon dojin no shisō: Nosaka Akiyuki esseishū 1. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1969, pp. 205.
野坂昭如( 著 ).
卑怯者の思想: 野坂昭如エッセイ集2. 東京: 中央公論社, 1969.
Nosaka, Akiyuki (author).
Hikyōmono no shisō: Nosaka Akiyuki esseishū 2. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1969, pp. 277.
野坂昭如( 著 ).
風狂の思想: 野坂昭如エッセイ集3. 東京: 中央公論社, 1970.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 135
Nosaka, Akiyuki (author).
Fūkyō no shisō: Nosaka Akiyuki esseishū 3. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1970, pp. 246.
野坂昭如( 著 ).
漂泊の思想: 野坂昭如エッセイ集4. 東京: 中央公論社, 1973.
Nosaka, Akiyuki (author).
Hyōhaku no shisō: Nosaka Akiyuki esseishū 4. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1973, pp. 260.
野坂昭如( 著 ).
修羅の思想: 野坂昭如エッセイ集5. 東京: 中央公論社, 1973.
Nosaka, Akiyuki (author).
Shura no shisō: Nosaka Akiyuki esseishū 5. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1973, pp. 277.
野坂昭如( 著 ).
かさぶた喰いの思想: 野坂昭如エッセイ集6. 東京: 中央公論社, 1974.
Nosaka, Akiyuki (author).
Kasabutakui no shisō: Nosaka Akiyuki esseishū 6. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1974, pp. 262.
野坂昭如( 著 ).
おたがいの思想: 野坂昭如エッセイ集7. 東京: 中央公論社, 1974.
Nosaka, Akiyuki (author).
Otagai no shisō: Nosaka Akiyuki esseishū 7. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1974, pp. 364.
Nosaka Akiyuki is a postwar writer and this is a collection of his essays. Nosaka
Akiyuki represents the “yake-ato, yame—ichi” ha, of people who were children during the war and whose writings and thought are profoundly influenced by those
early experiences. This mood permeates the collection.There are seven volumes in
the collection.
秋山駿( 著 ).
無用の告発. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1969.
Akiyama, Shun (author).
Muyō no kokuhatsu. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1969, pp. 347.
Akiyama Shun is an arts critic, and this is a collection of his essays and criticism,
covering arts and contemporary conditions of the late 1960s. There is quite a bit
about the Zenkyōto movement and the Todai Tōsō in the collection.
栗田勇( 著 ).
青春の軌跡. 東京: 三一書房, 1968.
Kurita, Isamu (author).
Seishun no kiseki. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1968, pp. 267.
Kurita Isamu is an essayist, arts critic, and artist. This is his analysis of the youth
of the later 1960s, including Japanese hippies of the era.
日沼倫太郎( 著 ).
自殺者の系譜. 東京: 豊島書房, 1971.
136 ❖ 書籍 Books
Hinuma, Rintarō (author).
Jisatsusha no keifu. Tōkyō: Toshima Shobō, 1971, pp. 361.
Hinuma Rintaro is an arts critic and essayist, and this is his analysis of young people
who committed suicide in the postwar period. Takazawa Kōji collected this and the
following group of books on theories of youth, youth suicides and deaths in the movement, etc., with the intention of writing a book on the subject.
❖ ❖ ❖
Takazawa Kōji collected the following group of books on theories of youth, youth suicides and deaths in the movement, etc., with the intention of writing a book on the
村上也寸志( 著 ).
戦後青春への挽歌. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1982.
Murakami, Yasushi (author).
Sengo seishun en o banka. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1982, pp. 291.
This one analyzes particularly those students who committed suicide or were killed
or who died of other causes during the student movement. They are all treated as
“giseisha” regardless of the actual cause of death.
真継伸彦( 著 ).
未来喪失者の行動. 東京: 河出書房, 1967.
Matsugi, Nobuhiko (author).
Mirai sōshitsusha no kōdō. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō, 1967, pp. 356.
Matsugi is a writer, and this is a collection of his essays during the 1960s, but it includes a number of pieces about the young “giseisha” of the movement.
真継伸彦( 著 ).
青春の遺書. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1973.
Matsugi, Nobuhiko (author).
Seishun no isho. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1973, pp. 271.
This one is an analysis of contemporary Japanese youth based on the posthumous
publications of the writings of several young people who died during the student
movement of the 1960s. One of the cases concerns a woman named Takano Etsuko
who was involved in Zenkyōto at Ritsumeikan and therefore it is also an analysis of
the Zenkyōto period.
千野敏子( 著 ).
葦折れぬ. 東京: 大月書店, 1947.
Chino, Toshiko (author).
Ashi orenu. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1947, pp. 336.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 137
This one is the posthumously published writings of a young person who committed
suicide as a student in the early postwar period.
佐伯政子( 著 ).
遺稿愛は悲しかりき. 東京: 真光社, 1949.
Saeki, Masako (author).
Ikō ai wa kanashi kariki. Tōkyō: Shinkōsha, 1949, pp. 247.
This one is the posthumously published writings of a young person who committed
suicide as a student in the early postwar period.
原口統三( 著 ).
二十歳のエチュード. 東京: 角川書店, 1952.
Haraguchi, Tōzō (author).
Hatachi no echūdo. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1952, pp. 212.
Haraguchi Tōzō committed suicide as a student and this book includes his diary and
some other writings. It became a very popular book among students in the early
postwar period.
中村光男, 清岡卓行, 橋本一明, 中村稔, 他( 著 ).
死人覚え書: 追憶の原口統三. 東京: 青土社, 1976.
Nakamura, Mitsuo; Kiyo’oka, Takayuki; Hashimoto, Nobuaki; Nakamura, Minoru; and et al.
Shinin oboegaki: tsuioku no Haraguchi Tōzō. Tōkyō: Seidosha, 1976, pp. 310.
Haraguchi Tōzō committed suicide in the early postwar period and a book of his writings became very popular among students in the early postwar era. This book is a
collection of reminiscences of Haraguchi by his friends.
長沢延子( 著 ).
海: 友よ私が死んだからとて. 東京: 都市出版社, 1971.
Nagasawa, Nobuko (author).
Umi: tomo yo watashi ga shinda kara tote. Tōkyō: Toshi Shuppansha, 1971, pp. 361.
Nagasawa Nobuko committed suicide as a young woman, leaving behind a collection
of very good essays. She died shortly after the war, but the collection of essays came
out during the Zenkyōto period and was widely read by students.
茅野寛志( 著 ).茅野寛志遺稿集編集委員会( 編 ).
残さるべき死. 東京: 青木書店, 1962.
Chino, Hiroshi (author). Chino Hiroshi Ikōshū Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Nokosaru beki shi. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1962, pp. 272.
This is the posthumous collection of writings of a student who died of illness just
prior to 1960 Anpo, but whose death reflected the concerns of students of the period.
138 ❖ 書籍 Books
蛭田昭( 著 ).
青春が滅びてゆく: 自殺との対話. 東京: 南北社, 1968.
Hiruta, Akira (author).
Seishun ga horobite yuku: jisatsu to no taiwa. Tōkyō: Nanbokusha, 1968, pp. 298.
This one contains the posthumous writings of a student who committed suicide.
矢沢宰( 著 ).
光る砂漠: 第一に死が. 東京: 南北社, 1968.
Yazawa, Ryō (author).
Hikaru sabaku: dai-ichi ni shi ga. Tōkyō: Nanbokusha, 1968, pp. 294.
This one contains the posthumous writings of a student who committed suicide in
the late 1960s.
大宅歩( 著 ).
ある永遠の序奏. 東京: 南北社, 1967.
Ōya, Ayumu (author).
Aru eien no josō. Tōkyō: Nanbokusha, 1967, pp. 382.
This one contains the posthumous writings of Ōya Ayumu, the son of Ōya Sokichi.
大宅歩( 著 ).
詩と反逆と死. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1966.
Ōya, Ayumu (author).
Shi to hangyaku to shi. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1966, pp. 248.
This one contains the posthumous writings of Ōya Ayumu, the son of Ōya Sokichi.
奥浩平( 著 ).
青春の墓標: ある学生活動家の愛と死. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1965.
Oku, Kōhei (author).
Seishun no bohyō: aru gakusei katsudōka no ai to shi. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1965, pp. 255.
This was a major best seller during the late 1960s. Oku was a Kakkyōdō Chukaku-ha
member and a student at Yokohama Shiritsu Daigaku. This was his diary, letters,
writings, etc. posthumously published. His girlfriend was in Kakkyōdō Kakumaruha and their romance became the basis for an uchi-geba between the two organizations, and they separated as a result. Oku had his nose smashed by a club-wielding
kidōtai and later died, but the relationship between the two events is not completely
clear. The book was enormously popular with students of the period because the conflict between Chūkaku-ha and Kakumaru-ha, which was just beginning at that time,
was embodied in the romance between Oku and his girlfriend.
有田一寿, 有田倶子( 著 ).
愛すれど愛は悲し: 死を見つめた父と娘の日記. 東京: 産業経済新聞東京本社, 1972.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 139
Arita, Kazuhisa and Arita, Tomoko (authors).
Aisuredo ai wa kanashi: shi o mitsumeta chichi to musume no nikki. Tōkyō: Sangyō Keizai
Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1972, pp. 224.
This one is the posthumous publications of the writings of Arita Tomoko.
山村政明( 著 ).
いのち燃えつきるとも: 山村政明遺稿集. 東京: 大和書房, 1971.
Yamamura Masa’aki (author).
Inochi moetsukiru tomo: Yamamura Masa’aki ikōshū. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1971, pp. 295.
Yamamura Masa’aki (Seimei) was a Waseda student during the late 1960s who committed suicide. This is a posthumous collection of his writings that contains a fair
amount about the 1970 Anpo tōsō and the student movement in general.
早稲田大学第一文学部11.8川口大三郎君追悼集編集委員会( 編 ).
声なき絶叫: 早大生・川口大三郎君追悼集. 東京: 早稲田大学地方文化研究会, 1973.
Waseda Daigaku Dai-ichi Bungakubu 11.8 Kawaguchi Daizaburō kun Tsuitōshū Henshū
Iinkai (editor).
Koenaki zekkyō: sōdaisei Kawaguchi Daizaburō kun tsuitōshū. Tōkyō: Waseda Daigaku
Chihō Bunka Kenkyūkai, 1973, pp. 188.
This is a collection of reminiscences written by friends to commemorate Kawaguchi Daizaburō’s murder in the Kakkyōdō uchigeba between Kakumaru-ha and
津本忠雄( 著 ).津本忠雄遺稿集編集委員会( 編 ).
疾走する青春: ある学生革命家の愛と死. 東京: 合同出版, 1970.
Tsumoto, Tadao (author). Tsumoto Tadao Ikōshū Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Shissōsuru seishun: aru gakusei kakumeika no ai to shi. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1970, pp. 366.
The posthumous writings of a Kansai Daigaku student who participated in the
Kyōdai Tōsō who burned to death when he was hit in the back by a Molotov cocktail.
There is a famous news photo of Tsumoto running and the back of his coat exploding
in flames.
高野悦子( 著 ).
二十歳の原点. 東京: 新潮社, 1971.
Takano, Etsuko (author).
Hatachi no genten. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1971, pp. 197.
This is the first of three volumes of the journals of Takano Etsuko, a Ritsumeikan
Daigaku student who committed suicide in the turmoil of the zenkyōto movement.
The first volume, Hatachi no genten, became a representative posthumous publication that was very widely read by students. In it she writes about her isolation and
unhappiness at the point of her 20th birthday. Her phrase “hatachi no genten” became a popular expression, and later was generalized to other generational points of
140 ❖ 書籍 Books
passage. This book was a model case of the perspective and feelings of an ordlinary
student who participated in the Zenkyōto movement not as a sect member, but as
a regular student who felt she needed to participate to make friends, etc. It was an
important book because it so clearly reflected the feelings of the vast number of ordinary students who participated in the Zenkyōto movement.
高野悦子( 著 ).
二十歳の原点序章: 未熟な孤独の心. 東京: 新潮社, 1974.
Takano, Etsuko (author).
Hatachi no genten joshō: mijuku na kodoku no kokoro. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1974, pp. 231.
This is the second of three volumes of the journals of Takano Etsuko, a Ritsumeikan
Daigaku student who committed suicide in the turmoil of the zenkyōto movement.
The first volume, Hatachi no genten, became a representative posthumous publication that was very widely read by students. Because of the great success of the publication of her diary of the period just before her death, the second volume containing
her high school diary was published.
高野悦子( 著 ).
二十歳の原点ノート. 東京: 新潮社, 1976.
Takano, Etsuko (author).
Hatachi no genten nōto. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1976, pp. 221.
This is the third of three volumes of the journals of Takano Etsuko, a Ritsumeikan
Daigaku student who committed suicide in the turmoil of the zenkyōto movement.
The first volume, Hatachi no genten, became a representative posthumous publication that was very widely read by students. Because of the success of the journal
written just before her death, two earlier volumes of her journals from middle school
and high school were also published. This volume covers her middle school to early
high school period.
菊田求( 著 ).
反逆と愛のはざまで: ある学生の孤独な遺書. 東京: 光風社書店, 1978.
Kikuta, Motomu (author).
Hangyaku to ai no hazama de: aru gakusei no kodoku na isho. Tōkyō: Kōfūsha Shoten, 1978,
pp. 284.
Kikuta Motomu was a high school student during the Zenkyōto period who later committed sucide. This is the posthumous publication of his diary and other writings.
広津里香( 著 ).
白壁の花. 東京: 思潮社, 1979.
Hirotsu, Rika (author).
Shirakabe no hana. Tōkyō: Shichōsha, 1979, pp. 178.
Hirotsu Rika was a Tokyo Geidai student who was an artist and wrote poetry, and
died (of illness). There are four volumes of her posthumously published work in the
Takazawa collection. This volume is her poetry and writings.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 141
広津里香( 著 ).
生への手記. 東京: 思潮社, 1983.
Hirotsu, Rika (author).
Sei e no shuki. Tōkyō: Shichōsha, 1983, pp. 219.
Hirotsu Rika was a Tokyo Geidai student who was an artist and wrote poetry, and
died (of illness). There are four volumes of her posthumously published work in the
Takazawa collection. This volume is the first of two volumes of Hirotsu Rika’s posthumously published diary.
広津里香( 著 ).
不可能な儀式: 生への手記. 東京: 思潮社, 1984.
Hirotsu, Rika (author).
Fukanō na gishiki: sei e no shuki. Tōkyō: Shichōsha, 1984, pp. 197.
Hirotsu Rika was a Tokyo Geidai student who was an artist and wrote poetry, and
died (of illness). There are four volumes of her posthumously published work in the
Takazawa collection. This volume is the second of two volumes of Hirotsu Rika’s
posthumously published diary.
広津里香( 著 ).
黒いミサ: 詩画集. 東京: 思潮社, 1975.
Hirotsu, Rika (author).
Kuroi misa: shigashū. Tōkyō: Shichōsha, 1975, pp. 271.
Hirotsu Rika was a Tokyo Geidai student who was an artist and wrote poetry, and
died (of illness). There are four volumes of her posthumously published work in the
Takazawa collection. This volume contains Hirotsu Rika’s posthumously published
中谷寛章( 著 ).中谷寛章遺稿集編集委員会( 編 ).
眩さへの挑戦: 中谷寛章遺稿集. 京都: 序章社, 1975.
Nakatani, Hiroaki (author). Nakaya Hiroaki Ikōshū Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Mabushisa e no chōsen: Nakaya Hiroaki ikōshū. Kyōto: Joshōsha, 1975, pp. 248.
Nakatani participated in Sekigunha in the early period right after the split with
Bund, and he died of illness. This is his posthumously published literary essays and
poetry, among other things.
喜平写植( 編 ).
疾風デカパン: 芳野直人追悼集. 1983.
Kihei Shashoku (editor).
Shippū dekapan: Yoshino Naoto tsuitōshū. 1983, pp. 85.
Yoshino Naoto was a Dōshisha activist and a leading figure in Kyoto-fu Gakuren.
This was a collection of writings about him published as a tsuitōshu after his death.
142 ❖ 書籍 Books
吉野治男( 著 ).吉野治男( 編 ).
律よこの書をともに: 吉野律追憶集. 1971.
Yoshino, Haruo (author). Yoshino, Haruo (editor).
Ritsu yo kono sho o tomo ni: Yoshino Ritsu tsuiokushū, 1. 1971, pp. 221.
This is a tsuitō shu for Yoshino Ritsu, a different Yoshino than the Yoshino Naoto
whose tsuitōshu is also in the collection .
馬場啓一, 石岡瑛子( 編 ).
CMにチャンネルをあわせた日: 杉山登志の時代. 東京: パルコ出版局, 1978.
Baba, Keiichi and Ishioka, Eiko (editors).
CM ni channeru o awaseta hi: Sugiyama Toshi no jidai. Tōkyō: Paruko Shuppankyoku, 1978,
pp. 157.
Sugiyama Toshi was a famous producer of very high quality commercials during the
early days of Japanese television. He was not directly a student movement participant, but was influenced by the movement general atmosphere. He was the same age
as Mori Tsuneo, and committed suicide shortly after Mori did. He left behind a single
phrase “Uso o tsuitemo bareru no desu,” which was widely publicized at the time.
This is a posthumous collection of his writings.
原勲( 著 ).原勲君追悼遺稿集編集委員会( 編 ).
春の陽のように: 三里塚3・26官制塔戦士原勲君追悼・遺稿集. 1982.
Hara, Isao (author). Hara Isao Kun Tsuitō Ikōshū Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Haru no hi no yōni: Sanrizuka 3.26 kanseitō senshi Hara Isao kun tsuitō ikōshū. 1982, pp. 206.
Hara was a member of the group that attacked the control tower at Narita Airport in
1978. He later died, and this is a collection of both his own writings and recollections
by others about him.
高瀬泰司( 著 ).
はったい粉とコスモス. 東京: ケイツー出版, 1987.
Takase, Taiji (author).
Hattaiko to kosumosu. Tōkyō: Keitsū Shuppan, 1987, pp. 272.
Takase Taiji was a Bund activist who subsequently participated in Sekigunha and
was the manager of the Shirakaba coffee house across the street from Kyōto University. He later died of cancer, and this is a posthumously published collection of his essays. There are two volumes of his posthumously published essays in the Takazawa
高瀬泰司( 著 ).
イノチのせんたく. 東京: 話の特集, 1981.
Takase, Taiji (author).
Inochi no sentaku. Tōkyō: Hanashi no Tokushū, 1981, pp. 261.
Takase Taiji was a Bund activist who subsequently participated in Sekigunha and
was the manager of the Shirakaba coffee house across the street from Kyōto Univer-
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 143
sity. He later died of cancer, and this is a posthumously published collection of his essays. There are two volumes of his posthumously published essays in the Takazawa
永井啓之( 著 ).
仁王のように立ちて: 永井啓之獄中書簡. 東京: 社会評論社, 1990.
Nagai, Hiroyuki (author).
Niōno yō ni tachite: Nagai Hiroyuki gokuchū shokan. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1990, pp. 340.
Nagai Hiroyuki was a Chūkaku-ha member who died young. This is a posthumously
published collection of his letters from prison. He was a student in the 1970s, so he is
from a younger generation of student activists than the Zenkyōto generation.
船本州治( 著 ).全国日雇労働組合協議会( 編 ).
黙って野たれ死ぬな: 船本州治遺稿集. 東京: れんが書房新社, 1985.
Funamoto, Shūji (author). Zenkoku Hiyatoi Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor).
Damatte notarejinu na: Funamoto Shūji ikōshū. Tōkyō: Renga Shobō Shinsha, 1985, pp. 306.
Funamoto was an activist working in the Kamagasaki and Sanya day labor communities. At the time of the Crown Prince’s visit to Okinawa he committed a protest
suicide by burning himself to death in front of the Kadena Air Base. It was simultaneously an anti-American, anti-base, and anti-Emperor protest. This is a posthumously published collection of his writings.
戸田徹( 著 ).戸田徹遺稿集編纂委員会( 編 ).
戸田徹遺稿集: 彼方へー霊の解放と革命の夢. 東京: 戸田徹遺稿集編纂委員会, 1985.
Toda, Tōru (author). Toda Tōru Ikōshū Hensan Iinkai (editor).
Toda Tōru ikōshū: kanata e - rei no kaihō to kakumei no yume. Tōkyō: Toda Tōru Ikōshū
Hensan Iinkai, 1985, pp. 379.
This one is the posthumously published writings of Toda Tōru, a young philosopher
who died of illness. He produced an anti-Marxist analysis from a leftist perspective,
arguing that Marx was outdated. He was the first to use the phrase “han-Marx”
which became popular at the time. He was a contributor to the Sengo Kakumei Undō
Jiten which Takazawa produced.
芥正彦( 編 ).
女優中島葵. 1992.
Akuta, Masahiko (editor).
Joyū Nakajima Aoi. 1992, pp. 498.
Nakajima Aoi was a progressive actress in the 1970s. When she died her friends
produced this tsuitōshū. The atmosphere of the 1970s new left theatre movement is
depicted very well in this collection.
河出書房新社編集部( 編 ).
昭和二十二年生まれ: わが世代. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1978.
144 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kawade Shobō Shinsha Henshūbu (editor).
Shōwa 22-nen umare: waga sedai. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1978, pp. 252.
This book is a collection of writings about the key historical events of their lives, by
a group of people who were all born in 1947. It is an attempt to represent a new generation’s thinking about postwar life experience.
❖ ❖ ❖
安保を闘う婦人連絡会( 編 ).
救援ノート. 東京: 救援連絡センター, 1969.
Anpo o Tatakau Fujin Renrakukai (editor).
Kyūen nōto. Tōkyō: Kyūen Renraku Sentā, 1969, pp. 175.
This was a later edition of the handbook published by Kyūen Renraku Center as
handbooks for students during the height of the student protests of the late 1960s
and early 1970s. They provide basic legal advice and practical advice on how to protect oneself during demonstrations and when faced with arrest. Thousands of copies
of these handbooks were distributed to students.
救援連絡センター( 編 ).
あなたにのびるナチスの手を断て. 東京: 救援連絡センター, 1973.
Kyūen Renraku Sentā (editor).
Anata ni nobiru Nachisu no te o tate. Tōkyō: Kyūen Renraku Sentā, 1973, pp. 135.
This and the next two volumes are the handbooks published by Kyūen Renraku Center as handbooks for students during the height of the student protests of the late
1960s and early 1970s. They provide basic legal advice and practical advice on how
to protect oneself during demonstrations and when faced with arrest. Thousands of
copies of these handbooks were distributed to students. This one is very similar to
item #833, but is a later edition reflecting some change of conditions.
救援連絡センター( 編 ).
死刑廃止にむけて. 東京: 救援連絡センター, 1980.
Kyūen Renraku Sentā (editor).
Shikei haishi ni mukete. Tōkyō: Kyūen Renraku Sentā, 1980, pp. 162.
An anti-death penalty handbook put out by Kyūen Renraku Senta-. At the time
this one came out some student activists from the 1970 Anpo era and early 1970s
were facing death sentences, and students in prison had begun to support some nonpolitical prisoners with death sentences who were seeking retrials. Kyūen Renraku
Center expanded its interest to the anti-death penalty movement.
滝川洋( 著 ).
過激派壊滅作戦: 公安記者日記. 東京: 三一書房, 1973.
Takigawa, Hiroshi (author).
Kagekiha kaimetsu sakusen: kōan kisha nikki. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1973, pp. 259.
1960後半1970前半の社会運動 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements ❖ 145
Reportage by a journalist on the police beat about the relations between police and
the radical left during the early 1970s.
埴谷雄高( 編 ).
内ゲバの論理: テロリズムとは何か. 東京: 三一書房, 1974.
Haniya, Yutaka (editor).
Uchigeba no ronri: terorizumu to wa nani ka. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1974, pp. 265.
A collection edited by Haniya Yutaka of essays written by various well known people
on the subject of uchigeba (generally urging students to stop getting into uchigeba).
滝川洋, 磯村淳夫( 著 ).
内ゲバ: 公安記者メモから. 東京: 三一書房, 1975.
Takigawa, Hiroshi and Isomura, Atsuo (authors).
Uchigeba: kōan kisha memo kara. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 228.
A continuation of Takigawa’s journalistic account of uchigeba as a police beat reporter.
立花隆( 著 ).
中核VS革マル, 上. 東京: 講談社, 1975.
Tachibana, Takashi (author).
Chūkaku vs Kakumaru, jō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1975, pp. 245.
立花隆( 著 ).
中核VS革マル, 下. 東京: 講談社, 1975.
Tachibana, Takashi (author).
Chūkaku vs Kakumaru, ge. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1975, pp. 230.
Tachibana Takashi is a well-known Japanese journalist and this is a book-length
(two volume) reportage of the uchigeba between Chūkaku-ha and Kakumaru-ha of
日本機関紙協会京滋地方本部( 編 ).
機関紙づくりの実技: その基礎と多様な製作法. 東京: 日本機関紙協会, 1972.
Nihon Kikanshi Kyōkai Kyōji Chihō Honbu (editor).
Kikanshi tsukuri no jitsugi: sono kiso to tayōna seisakuhō. Tōkyō: Nihon Kikanshi Kyōkai,
1972, pp. 84.
A manual for students on how to put out an organizational newspaper (kikanshi)
( 著 ).
ファックス新聞講座: その原理から整版印刷効果まで. 東京: 日本機関紙協会.
Mizunami, Hiroshi (author).
Fakkusu shinbun kōza: sono genri kara seihan insatsu kōka made. Tōkyō: Nihon Kikanshi
Kyōkai, pp. 32.
This is a manual on how to put out newspaper kikanshi by fax.
146 ❖ 書籍 Books
高田求( 著 ).
マルクス主義哲学入門. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1971.
Takada, Motomu (author).
Marukusu shugi tetsugaku nyūmon. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1971, pp. 302.
Introduction to Marxist philosophy from the Japan Communist Party perspective.
岩田弘( 著 ).
マルクス経済学, 上. 東京: 盛田書店, 1967.
Iwata, Hiroshi (author).
Marukusu keizaigaku, jō. Tōkyō: Morita Shoten, 1967, pp. 317.
岩田弘( 著 ).
マルクス経済学, 下. 東京: 盛田書店, 1969.
Iwata, Hiroshi (author).
Marukusu keizaigaku, ge. Tōkyō: Morita Shoten, 1969, pp. 309.
This is a two-volume work on the Marxist economic theory followed by Bund
渓内謙( 著 ).
現代社会主義の省察. 東京: 岩波書店, 1978.
Taniuchi, Yuzuru (author).
Gendai shakai shugi no seisatsu. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1978, pp. 11, 347, 7.
A book on modern socialism based on essays previously published in the magazine
甲斐扶佐義( 著 ).
地図のない京都: 甲斐扶佐義写真集. 東京都: 径書房, 1992.
item_ID: 18124
Kai, Fusayoshi (author).
Chizu no nai Kyōto: Kai Fusayoshi Shashinshū. Tokyo: Komichi Shobō, 1992, pp. 170.
赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements ❖ 147
VI. 赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements
共産主義者同盟赤軍派( 編 ).
世界革命戦争への飛翔. 東京: 三一書房, 1971.
Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Sekigunha (editor).
Sekai kakumei sensō e no hishō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1971, pp. 283.
This was the first book published by the new Sekigunha, containing an account of
the uchigeba in Bund, their initial political line, etc. The Sekigunha members invited
Takahashi Kazumi to participate in a discussion with them, which is also included
in this volume.
共産主義者同盟赤軍派, パレスチナ解放人民戦線( 編 ).
アラブゲリラと世界赤軍. 1971.
Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Sekigunha and Paresuchina Kaihō Jinmin Sensen (editors).
Arabu gerira to sekai sekigun. 1971, pp. 302.
After Shigenobu Fusako went to the Middle East, she and PFLP co-edited this book
to present the Palestinian case in Japan. It came out as the second volume published
by Sekigun, and includes translations of the basic public documents of PFLP. This
one was edited by Takazawa. The section attributed to “Sekigunha Arabu Chiku
Iinkai” was written by Shigenobu. The section attributed to “Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei
Sekigunha” was written by Mori Tsuneo.
大菩薩冒頭陳述集刊行委員会( 編 ).
蜂起貫徹・戦争勝利: 大菩薩冒頭陳述集. 京都: 京都大学出版会, 1972.
Daibosatsu Bōtō Chinjutsushū Kankō Iinkai (editor).
Hōki kantetsu sensō shōri: Daibosatsu bōtō chinjutsushū. Kyōto: Kyōto Daigaku Shuppankai,
1972, pp. 469.
This came out as number three of the series of Sekigunha books. This one contains
the trial materials from the Daibosatsu Incident in which 53 Sekigunha members
were arrested for engaging in “guerrilla training” in the mountains at Daibosatsu in
preparation for an attack on the Prime Minister’s residence. The phrase “hōki kantetsu sensō shōri” was a Sekigunha slogan of the period.
上野勝輝( 著 ).
英雄兵士の物語: 国家論の発展のために. 東京: 査証出版, 1973.
Ueno, Katsuki (author).
Eiyū heishi no monogatari: kokkaron no hatten no tame ni. Tōkyō: Sashō Shuppan, 1973,
pp. 185.
Ueno Katsuki was a Sekigunha seijikyokuin who wrote this from jail. It goes from
the Bushmen to a theory of the state, complete with incomprehensible diagrams.
148 ❖ 書籍 Books
森恒夫( 著 ).査証編集委員会( 編 ).
遺稿森恒夫. 東京: 査証出版, 1973.
Mori, Tsuneo (author). Sashō Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Ikō Mori Tsuneo. Tōkyō: Sashō Shuppan, 1973, pp. 130.
Mori Tsuneo was the leader of Rengō Sekigun, who committed suicide in jail on the
first anniversary of the first death in the Rengō Sekigun purge. This is a posthumously published collection of his suicide notes plus an account of the investigation
of his suicide. It contains his “sōkatsu” or interpretation of the purge in the form of
letters to his closest associates.
中野綾子( 著 ).
獄中赤軍派の彼へ: キューバのさとうきび刈り、チリの医療列車からの手紙. 京都: 市民書房,
Nakano, Ayako (author).
Gokuchū Sekigunha no kare e: Kyūba no satōkibi gari, Chiri no iryō ressha kara no tegami.
Kyōto: Shimin Shobō, 1972, pp. 165.
Nakano Ayako was Ueno Katsuki’s girlfriend (later wife). While he was in prison she
went to Cuba and worked in the sugar harvest, and these are the letters she sent
him from Cuba.
日本共産党(革命左派)神奈川県常任編集委員会( 編 ).
銃撃戦と”粛清”と. 京都: 序章社, 1973.
Nihon Kyōsantō (Kakumei Saha) Kanagawa-ken Jōnin Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Jūgekisen to shukusei to. Kyōto: Joshōsha, 1973, pp. 292.
This is Kakumei Saha’s collection of essays analyzing the Rengō Sekigun jiken as the
“sōkatsu” of the organization’s members.
日本共産党(革命左派)神奈川県常任編集委員会( 編 ).
人民独裁に向けて: 序章臨時増刊. 京都: 序章社, 1972.
Nihon Kyōsantō (Kakumei Saha) Kanagawa-ken Jōnin Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Jinmin dokusai ni mukete: Joshō rinji zōkan. Kyōto: Joshōsha, 1972, pp. 187.
This is a second volume produced by Kakumei Saha attempting to present its interpretation of the Rengō Sekigun purge.
松田久( 著 ).
銃よ、おまえは誰のために: 査証臨時増刊. 東京: 査証出版, 1973.
Matsuda, Hisashi (author).
Jū yo omae wa dare no tame ni: Sashō rinji zōkan. Tōkyō: Sashō Shuppan, 1973, pp. 117.
Matsuda Hisashi was a Sekigunha member. This was his “sōkatsu” of the Rengō
Sekigun jiken. During the Rengō Sekigun period he participated in the M sakusen
series of robberies and was arrested, so he was not present during the Rengō Sekigun purge because he was already in jail at the time. In the August, 1975, Nihon
赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements ❖ 149
Sekigun Kuala Lumpur hostage-taking incident he was released from prison by the
Japanese government and went to the Middle East with Nihon Sekigun. Takazawa
edited this book.
塩見孝也( 著 ).
一向過渡期世界論の防衛と発展のために. 東京: 査証出版, 1975.
Shiomi, Takaya (author).
Ikkō katoki sekairon no bōei to hatten no tame ni. Tōkyō: Sashō Shuppan, 1975, pp. various.
Shiomi Takaya was the founding theoretical leader of Sekigunha. Previously he was
a Bund leader and during that period he wrote a series of theoretical articles about
“katoki sekairon” which was the theoretical stance of the Kansai Bund. During this
Bund period Shiomi used the penname Ikkō Ken, and so his version of the theory
was known as Ikkō katoki sekairon. Takazawa edited this volume.
塩見孝也, 酒井隆樹( 著 ).
過渡期社会論. 東京: 査証出版, 1975.
Shiomi, Takaya and Sakai, Takaki (authors).
Katoki shakairon. Tōkyō: Sashō Shuppan, 1975, pp. 80.
Sakai Takaki was another Sekigunha member who with Shiomi wrote this theoretical book from prison during the period after Rengō Sekigun when they were associated with Sekigunha Puro Kaku ha.
世界革命戦線情報センター, 査証編集委員会( 編 ).
隊伍を整えよ!: 日本赤軍宣言. 東京: 査証出版, 1975.
International Revolution-Front Information Center (IRF Information Center) and Sashō
Henshū Iinkai (editors).
Taigo o totonoe yo !: Nihon Sekigun sengen. Tōkyō: Sashō Shuppan, 1975, pp. 192.
This is the first book collecting the appeals and political essays of the Nihon Sekigun
group after they went to the Middle East. Takazawa edited this one, too.
坂東国男( 著 ).
日本における労働者階級の状態, 上. 東京: 査証出版, 1975.
Bandō, Kunio (author).
Nihon ni okeru rōdōsha kaikyū no jōtai, jō. Tōkyō: Sashō Shuppan, 1975, pp. 111.
Bando Kunio was a Sekigunha member and Rengō Sekigun participant who wrote
this book while he was in jail following his arrest for the Rengō Sekigun jiken. He
was later released by the Japanese government in the Nihon Sekigun Kuala Lumpur hostage taking incident of August, 1975 and joined Nihon Sekigun in the Middle East. For this reason the second volume of the book never came out. Takazawa
also edited this book. The original manuscript of this book is also in the Takazawa
150 ❖ 書籍 Books
査証編集委員会( 編 ).
ドキュメント. 東京: 新泉社, 1975.
Sashō Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Sekigun dokyumento. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1975, pp. 509.
This is a history of Sekigunha’s activities produced as a series of lengthy selections
and quotations from the various political documents of Sekigunha. This one was also
edited by Takazawa Kōji.
永田洋子( 著 ).
十六の墓標: 炎と死の青春, 上. 東京: 彩流社, 1982.
Nagata, Hiroko (author).
16 no bohyō: honō to shi no seishun, jō. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1982, pp. 294.
永田洋子( 著 ).
十六の墓標: 炎と死の青春, 下. 東京: 彩流社, 1983.
Nagata, Hiroko (author).
16 no bohyō: honō to shi no seishun, ge. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1983, pp. 392.
This is the two volume account of the Rengō Sekigun jiken from the Kakumei Saha
perspective by one of its leaders, Nagata Hiroko. It includes her sōkatsu of the purge
as well as her general autobiography, and was written in jTokyo House of Detention.
The title, 16 gravestones, refers to the people who were killed in the Rengō Sekigun
purge and in an earlier incident in which Kakumei Saha killed two of its members
and buried them in Inbanuma, Chiba. Nagata intended to use the royalties from the
book to purchase gravestones as a gesture of atonement to the families of the victims.
Nagata also describes her work as a labor organizer and Marxist feminist.
植垣康博( 著 ).
兵士たちの連合赤軍. 東京: 彩流社, 1984.
Uegaki, Yasuhiro (author).
Heishi tachi no Rengō Sekigun. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1984, pp. 388.
Uegaki Yasuhiro was a Sekigunha member and participant in the M Sakusen robberies and in the Rengō Sekigun purge. This is his account of his personal experiences and his sokatsu of the purge, written while he was in Tokyo House of Detention.
永田洋子( 著 ).
氷解: 女の自立を求めて. 東京: 講談社, 1983.
Nagata, Hiroko (author).
Hyōkai: onna no jiritsu o motomete. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1983, pp. 255.
This is a continuation of Nagata’s account of her life experiences, written from Tokyo
House of Detention. This one summarizes the content of Jūroku no Bohyō and then
talks about her arrest and the early part of her time in jail. It was edited by Sawa
Nagayo for a more popular audience, because many Japanese women were interested in Nagata’s feminist views.
赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements ❖ 151
永田洋子( 著 ).
私生きてます: 死刑判決と脳腫瘍を抱えて. 東京: 彩流社, 1986.
Nagata, Hiroko (author).
Watashi ikite masu: shikei hanketsu to nōshuyō o kakaete. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1986, pp. 316.
While she was in the Tokyo House of Detention appealing a death sentence for her
role in the Rengō Sekigun purge, Nagata Hiroko was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
After a considerable fight, the prison sent her to an outside hospital for an operation
to relieve the pressure from the tumor (the tumor itself could not be operated on).
This book is Nagata’s account of her efforts to get medical care while in jail, and her
experience of having the surgery in an outside hospital. She was allowed to leave the
prison for medical care because although she had been given a death sentence in her
first trial, the decision had been appealed and her death sentence had not yet been
confirmed. This book, written from Tokyo House of Detention, attracted considerable attention to the issue of medical care for prisoners. She asked the novelist and
Buddhist nun Setouchi Jakuchō to write a preface for it, and the two later became
永田洋子, 瀬戸内寂聴( 著 ).
愛と命の淵に: 瀬戸内寂聴・永田洋子往復書簡. 東京: 福武書店, 1986.
Nagata, Hiroko and Setouchi, Jakuchō (authors).
Ai to inochi no fuchi ni: Setouchi Jakuchō Nagata Hiroko ōfuku shokan. Tōkyō: Fukutake
Shoten, 1986, pp. 337.
This book contains the correspondence between Nagata Hiroko, who was in Tokyo
House of Detention, and the novelist and Buddhist nun Setouchi Jakuchō. Setouchi
had written an earlier book about another woman who was imprisoned for her radical activities in prewar Japan, and Nagata initiated the correspondence by asking
Setouchi to write a preface to one of her own books. In her letters Nagata describes
her life in prison and her reflections about the Rengō Sekigun jiken.
坂東国男( 著 ).
永田洋子さんへの手紙. 東京: 彩流社, 1984.
Bandō, Kunio (author).
Nagata Hiroko san e no tegami. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1984, pp. 312.
Bandō Kunio was a Sekigunha member who participated in Rengō Sekigun. In addition to being involved in the purge, he was also a participant in the Asama Sansō
siege that followed it. He was arrested at the end of the Asama Sansō siege and was
initially on trial along with Nagata Hiroko, Sakaguchi Hiroshi, and Uegaki Yasuhiro. However, in 1975 he was released by the Japanese government as a result of
a Nihon Sekigun hostage-taking incident in Kuala Lumpur, after which he joined
Nihon Sekigun in the Middle East. The content of this book was originally obtained
as testimony from Bandō for the appeal trial of his co-defendants, and then was
published in book form as a letter from Bandō to Nagata. It was written after he
had joined Nihon Sekigun in the Middle East and had participated in their internal
discussions of Rengō Sekigun, which were aimed at learning how to avoid sectarianism within the movement. It contains his version of the Rengō Sekigun incident and
152 ❖ 書籍 Books
can be read as a critical commentary on her account from a Sekigunha and Nihon
Sekigun perspective.
大槻節子( 著 ).
優しさをください: 23歳の死. 東京: 彩流社, 1986.
Ōtsuki, Setsuko (author).
Yasashisa o kudasai: 23-sai no shi. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1986, pp. 212.
Ōtsuki Setsuko was a Kakumei Saha member and participant in Rengō Sekigun who
died in the purge. This is a posthumous publication of her notes and writings from
prior to her involvement in Rengō Sekigun.
丸岡修( 著 ).
公安警察ナンボのもんじゃ. 東京: 新泉社, 1990.
Maruoka, Osamu (author).
Marukō nanbo no monja. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1990, pp. 238.
Maruoka Osamu was an early participant in Nihon Sekigun and remained an active member of the organization until he was arrested while trying to enter Japan
with false documents in December, 1986. After his arrest Maruoka was held incommunicado for nearly two years (surpassing the 18 month record previously held by
Shiomi Takaya) while he was interrogated. Maruoka did not confess, but during his
lengthy and fruitless interrogations he occasionally chatted with his interrogators
and heard a great deal of their gossip with each other. This book, which was sent out
from the jail as briefings to his lawyer about the interrogatiions, reports very frankly
and humorously about what his interrogators said. It caused a sensation because he
reported internal police gossip about their superiors, and identified the speakers by
name or by sharp description. Maruoka was tried and convicted of involvement in
several airplane hijackings and hostage-taking incidents carried out by Nihon Sekigun. Although he did not confess and insisted that he was not involved in any of the
incidents for which he was charged, this book also contains his essay on the theory
and art of hijacking, in which he discusses a number of hijacking incidents carried
out by Nihon Sekigun and groups in the Middle East with which Nihon Sekigun
高知聰( 著 ).
スカイ・ジャック. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Kōchi, Sō (author).
Sukai Jakku. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 231.
An account of the Yodogo Hijack incident written by a Kakumaru-ha member, hence
an outside view of the incident.
田宮高麿( 著 ).
日本を考える三つの視点. 平壌:「日本を考える」編集委員会, 1983.
Tamiya, Takamaro (author).
Nihon o kangaeru 3-tsu no shiten. Pyongyang: Nihon o Kangaeru Henshū Iinkai, 1983, pp.
5, 212.
赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements ❖ 153
The Yodogo hijack participants created the “Nihon o kangaeru Henshū Iinkai” in the
early 1980s. They put out a magazine called Nihon o Kangaeru, plus this book, from
Pyongyang. Tamiya himself wrote it, but it was published in the name of the Henshū
Iinkai and published in Pyongyang.
田宮高麿( 著 ).
わが思想の革命: ピョンヤン18年の手記. 東京: 新泉社, 1988.
Tamiya, Takamaro (author).
Waga shisō no kakumei: Pyonyan 18nen no Shuki. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1988, pp. 349.
This is Tamiya’s analysis of his Bund period as part of his process of tenkō to Kim
Il Sung’s Juche ideology. Takazawa edited this volume. Starting from recollections
on the highjacking and entering the North, he narrates the process of “revolution of
ideology,” from summing up the deficiencies of the ideology he brought with him to
North Korea, to learning the Chuche ideology.
田宮高麿, 田中義三, 赤木志郎, 安部公博, 小西隆裕, 柴田泰弘, 若
林盛亮( 著 ).
でチョソンへ. 東京: 新泉社, 1990.
Tamiya, Takamaro; Tanaka, Yoshimi; Akagi, Shirō; Abe, Kimihiro; Konishi, Takahiro; Shibata,
Yasuhiro; and Wakabayashi, Moriaki (authors).
Hishō 20-nen: Yodo-gō de Choson e. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1990, pp. 310.
This is a collection of the writings of the Yodogo hijack participants. There were 9
participants originally, but one, Yoshida Kintaro died before this was written, and
one other, Okamoto Takeshi, did not participate in this collection and had already
left the group at the time it was written. Members of the Yodogō hijacking group give
a retrospective glance at the shape of their ideology during the student movement
and narrate their lives after arriving in North Korea. Takazawa edited this volume.
田宮高麿( 著 ).
社会主義国で社会主義を考える. 平壌:「日本の自主と団結のために!」の会, 1990.
Tamiya, Takamaro (author).
Shakai shugikoku de shakai shugi o kangaeru. Pyongyang: Nihon no Jishu to Danketsu no
tameni no Kai, 1990, pp. 275.
This is the leader of the Yodogo group, Tamiya Takamaro’s analysis of North Korean
朝日新聞社会部( 著 ).
人生それから. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1992.
Asahi Shinbun Shakaibu (author).
Jinsei sorekara. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1992, pp. 237.
This book was edited by Asahi Shinbusha and includes an interview with Tamiya
Takamaro done in Pyongyang.
154 ❖ 書籍 Books
日本赤軍( 著 ).日角八十治( 編 ).
団結をめざして: 日本赤軍の総括. 大阪: 人民新聞社, 1977.
Nihon Sekigun (author). Hikado, Yasoji (editor).
Danketsu o mezashite: Nihon Sekigun no sōkatsu. Ōsaka: Jinmin Shinbunsha, 1977, pp. 254.
This is the second collection of political policies and other documents produced by
Nihon Sekigun.
重信房子( 著 ).
わが愛わが革命. 東京: 講談社, 1974.
Shigenobu, Fusako (author).
Waga ai waga kakumei. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 263.
This is the personal writings of Shigenobu Fusako, the leader of Nihon Sekigun and
participant in the Palestine Liberation movement. It tells about her early experiences in the Middle East.
奥平剛士( 著 ).奥平剛士遺稿編集委員会( 編 ).
天よ、我に仕事を与えよ: 奥平剛士遺稿. 東京: 田畑書店, 1978.
Okudaira, Tsuyoshi (author). Okudaira Tsuyoshi Ikō Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Ten yo, ware ni shigoto o ataeyo: Okudaira Tsuyoshi Ikō. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1978, pp. 383.
Okudaira Tsuyoshi was one of the participants in the Tel Aviv (Lod, Lydda) airport
incident of 1972, who died in the attack. He was the legal husband of Shigenobu
Fusako.This is a posthumously published collection of his writings from before he
went to the Middle East, but it includes the letter he wrote from Rome just before
the airport attack.
足立正生( 著 ).
足立正生シナリオ集. 東京: アンダーグラウンド蝎座, 1967.
Adachi, Masao (author).
Adachi Masao shinarioshū. Tōkyō: Andā Guraundo Sasoriza, 1967, pp. 54.
Adachi Masao is a filmmaker and writer of move scripts. He put out a magazine
called Eiga Hihyō as part of a group called Hihyō Sensen. He later joined Nihon Sekigun. This book is a collection of his movie scripts from before he went to the Middle
East. When he went to the Middle East he produced the movie “Sekigun-PFLP Sekai
Sensō Sengen,” a documentary film showing the Palestinian liberation movement
and Nihon Sekigun’s participation in it. The film was shown on college campuses
around Japan.
足立正生( 著 ).
映画への戦略. 東京: 晶文社, 1974.
Adachi, Masao (author).
Eiga e no senryaku. Tōkyō: Shōbunsha, 1974, pp. 226.
赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements ❖ 155
Adachi Masao went to the Middle East at the invitation of Shigenobu Fusako, to produce the movie “Sekigun-PFLP Sekai Sensō Sengen,” a documentary film showing
the Palestinian liberation movement and Nihon Sekigun’s participation in it. This
book documents the movement that developed in Japan to show the film around Japan at college campuses. It also documents Adachi’s changing views on participating
in the movement as a filmmaker or as a guerrilla fighter.
重信房子( 著 ).
ベイルート1982年夏. 東京: 話の特集, 1984.
Shigenobu, Fusako (author).
Beirut 1982 natsu. Tōkyō: Hanashi no Tokushū, 1984, pp. 274.
Shigenobu Fusako, Nihon Sekigun leader, wrote this account of the Israeli invasion
of Lebanon and attack on Beirut in the summer of 1982. As a result of the invasion
the Nihon Sekigun group had to leave Lebanon along with the PLO .
重信房子( 著 ).
十年目の眼差から. 東京: 話の特集, 1983.
Shigenobu, Fusako (author).
10-nenme no manazashi kara. Tōkyō: Hanashi no Tokushū, 1983, pp. 203.
Shigenobu Fusako, the leader of Nihon Sekigun, wrote this book as a “sōkatsu” and
recollection of the ten years she had spent in the Middle East.
タスクス・オブ・ザ・ニュー・ステージ. ベイルート: PFLP, 1973.
Tasukusu obu za nyū suteji. Beirut: PFLP, 1973, pp. 148.
This is a book in English put out by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,
the group with which Shigenobu Fusako and the Nihon Sekigun group were initially
affiliated in the Middle East.
解放の旗編集委員会( 編 ).
中国共産党現指導部の階級的性格と社会主義の諸問題. 解放の旗編集委員会, 1980.
Kaihō no Hata Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Chūgoku Kyōsantō genshidōbu no kaikyūteki seikaku to shakai shugi no shomondai. Kaihōno
Hata Henshū Iinkai, 1980, pp. 205.
Items 878-881 are Kakumei Saha’s theoretical publications. Kaihō no Hata was the
name of Kakumei Saha’s newspaper. This particular group of publications is a fairly
late collection of the theoretical writings of Kawashima Gō (Tsuyoshi) the original
theoretical leader of Kakumei Saha, reflecting the position of Kawashima’s Kakumei
Saha AFTER the Rengō Sekigun incident. The group itself derives from the Chinese
wing of the Japan Communist Party and thus the writings reflect a Maoist perspective and a particular interest in political developments in China.
解放の旗編集委員会( 編 ).
現代資本主義と労働運動の理論問題. 解放の旗編集委員会, 1980.
156 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kaihō no Hata Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Gendai shihon shugi to rōdō undō no riron mondai. Kaihōno Hata Henshū Iinkai, 1980, pp. 231.
This particular group of publications is a fairly late collection of the theoretical writings of Kawashima Gō (Tsuyoshi) the original theoretical leader of Kakumei Saha,
reflecting the position of Kawashima’s Kakumei Saha AFTER the Rengō Sekigun
incident. The group itself derives from the Chinese wing of the Japan Communist
Party and thus the writings reflect a Maoist perspective and a particular interest in
political developments in China.
解放の旗編集委員会( 著 ).
国際共産主義運動の原則について. 解放の旗編集委員会, 1978.
Kaihō no Hata Henshū Iinkai (author).
Kokusai kyōsan shugi undō no gensoku ni tsuite. Kaihōno Hata Henshū Iinkai, 1978, pp.
This particular group of publications is a fairly late collection of the theoretical writings of Kawashima Gō (Tsuyoshi) the original theoretical leader of Kakumei Saha,
reflecting the position of Kawashima’s Kakumei Saha AFTER the Rengō Sekigun
incident. The group itself derives from the Chinese wing of the Japan Communist
Party and thus the writings reflect a Maoist perspective and a particular interest in
political developments in China.
解放の旗編集委員会( 編 ).
現代修正主義・日和見主義とマルクス・レーニン主義の復権. 解放の旗編集委員会, 1978.
Kaihō no Hata Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Gendai shūsei shugi hiyorimi shugi to Marukusu Rēnin shugi no fukken. Kaihōno Hata
Henshū Iinkai, 1978, pp. 211.
This particular group of publications is a fairly late collection of the theoretical writings of Kawashima Gō (Tsuyoshi) the original theoretical leader of Kakumei Saha,
reflecting the position of Kawashima’s Kakumei Saha AFTER the Rengō Sekigun
incident. The group itself derives from the Chinese wing of the Japan Communist
Party and thus the writings reflect a Maoist perspective and a particular interest in
political developments in China.
雪野建作( 著 ).
新聞記事ハイテク切抜き法. 東京: 日本ソフトバンク出版事業部, 1987.
Yukino, Kensaku (author).
Shinbun kiji haiteku kirinukihō. Tōkyō: Nihon Sofutobanku Shuppan Jigyōbu, 1987, pp. 184.
Yukino Kensaku was a Kakumei Saha member who was arrested before the Rengo
Sekigun incident for another action involving an electrical device. After his arrest
he learned computer database technology while in prison. This book is his theory of
computer databases for organizing newspaper clippings.
赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements ❖ 157
川島豪, 塩見孝也( 著 ).
対談いま語っておくべきこと. 東京: 新泉社, 1990.
Kawashima, Tsuyoshi and Shiomi, Takaya (authors).
Taidan ima katatte oku beki koto. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1990, pp. 262.
Kawashima Gō was the theoretical leader of Kakumei Saha and Shiomi Takaya was
the theoretical leader of Sekigunha. Both were in jail when the second generation
leaders of their respective organizations, Nagata Hiroko and Mori Tsuneo, joined
forced as Rengō Sekigun and the new organization plunged into the Rengō Sekigun
purge. This taidan was done after both leaders were out of prison, as a final sōkatsu
just before Kawashima died of cancer.
読売新聞社会部( 著 ).
連合赤軍: この人間喪失. 東京: 潮出版社, 1972.
Yomiuri Shinbun Shakaibu (author).
Rengō Sekigun: kono ningen sōshitsu. Tōkyō: Ushio Shuppansha, 1972, pp. 373.
This is a reportage of Rengō Sekigun done by Yomiuri journalists. It is the best of
the books done about Rengō Sekigun by journalists and contains considerable background on the participants.
小堺昭三( 著 ).
小説連合赤軍. 東京: 徳間書店, 1973.
Kosakai, Shōzō (author).
Shōsetsu Rengō Sekigun. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1973, pp. 310.
This is an account of Rengō Sekigun by a journalist. It is called “shosetsu” but is
actually reportage.
角間隆( 著 ).
赤い雪: 総括・連合赤軍事件. 東京: 読売新聞社, 1980.
Kakuma, Takashi (author).
Akai yuki: sōkatsu Rengō Sekigun jiken. Tōkyō: Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 1980, pp. 310.
Another journalistic account of Rengō Sekigun with a lot of factual errors.
徳岡孝夫( 著 ).
銃口は死を超えて: 岡本公三裁判・全記録. 東京: 新人物往来社, 1974.
Tokuoka, Takao (author).
Jūkō wa shi o koete: Okamoto Kōzō saiban zenkiroku. Tōkyō: Shin Jinbutsu Ōraisha, 1974,
pp. 254.
Tokuoka is a journalist who observed Okamoto Kozo’s trial in Israel after the Tel
Aviv airport attack of 1972. This is his account of the trial.
158 ❖ 書籍 Books
高木規矩郎( 著 ).
日本赤軍を追え. 東京: 現代評論社, 1986.
Takagi, Kikurō (author).
Nihon Sekigun o oe. Tōkyō: Gendai Hyōronsha, 1986, pp. 203.
Reportage by a journalist on Nihon Sekigun.
夢野京太郎( 著 ).
世界赤軍. 東京: 潮出版社, 1973.
Yumeno, Kyōtarō (author).
Sekai sekigun. Tōkyō: Ushio Shuppansha, 1973, pp. 286.
Yumeno Kyōtarō is the penname of Takenaka Tsutomu (Rō), and this is a novel he
wrote using Nihon Sekigun and Rengō Sekigun as the theme. Unlike the previous
journalist accounts, this one is from a perspective quite supportive of Nihon Sekigun.
石井一( 著 ).
ダッカハイジャック事件. 東京: 講談社, 1978.
Ishii, Hajime (author).
Dakka haijakku jiken. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1978, pp. 292.
Ishii was the Japanese government representative who negotiated with Nihon Sekigun during the Dakka hijacking in 1977. This is his account of it.
佐藤文生( 著 ).
ハイジャック: 日航機ベンガジに燃ゆ. 東京: 講談社, 1974.
Satō, Bunsei (author).
Haijakku: Nikkōki Bengazi ni moyu. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1974, pp. 305.
This person was the Japanese government’s representative negotiating with Nihon
Sekigun during the Dubai hijacking.
田中秀穂( 著 ).
日本大使館占拠さる. 東京: 講談社, 1984.
Tanaka, Hideho (author).
Nihon taishikan senkyosaru. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1984, pp. 273.
This was written by a Japanese government official in the Japanese Embassy in
Kuala Lumpur who dealt with Nihon Sekigun during the incident there in 1975.
毎日新聞社( 著 ).高杉治男( 編 ).
人命か法か: ドキュメント・ハイジャック. 東京: 毎日新聞社 (東京), 1977.
Mainichi Shinbunsha (author). Takasugi, Haruo (editor).
Jinmei ka hō ka: dokyumento haijakku. Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha (Tōkyō), 1977, pp. 210.
赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements ❖ 159
This is a journalistic account of the extra-legal release of prisoners during the Dacca
hijacking. It is a fairly documentary account of the negotiations plus an analysis of
the problem of supra-legal release.
松田政男( 著 ).
テロルの回路. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Matsuda, Masao (author).
Teroru no kairo. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 286.
Matsuda Masao was a member of the Rokugatsu Kōdō Iinkai of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō
and a movie critic. This is a collection of his essays on political thought.
松田政男( 著 ).
不可能性のメディア. 東京: 田畑書店, 1973.
Matsuda, Masao (author).
Fukanōsei no media. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1973, pp. 318.
Matsuda Masao was a member of the June Kōdō Iinkai of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō and a
movie critic. This is a collection of his essays on political thought from the late 1970s
and early 1980s. During this period he formed and participated in Hihyō Sensen
with Adachi Masao. He was a sympathizer of Nihon Sekigun and he went to Europe
and the Middle East as an activist. In France he was arrested by the French police
and this book includes his writings about his activism during this period.
松田政男( 著 ).
白昼夢を撃て. 東京: 田畑書店, 1972.
Matsuda, Masao (author).
Hakuchūmu o ute. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1972, pp. 334.
Matsuda Masao was a member of the June Kōdō Iinkai of the 1960 Anpo Tōsō and a
movie critic and activist. This is a collection of his essays on movies and ideas.
穂坂久仁雄( 著 ).
潜行: 滝田修と赤衛軍の幻. 東京: 流動出版, 1981.
Hosaka, Kunio (author).
Senkō: Takita Osamu to Sekieigun no moboroshi. Tōkyō: Ryūdō Shuppan, 1981, pp. 269.
This is a journalistic account of Takita Osamu’s experiences from when his arrest
warrant was issued for the Sekieigun Incident, covering his life underground.
高沢皓司( 編 ).
フレームアップ: 土田・日石・ピース缶事件の真相. 東京: 新泉社, 1983.
Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Furēmu appu: Tsuchida Nisseki pīsukan jiken no shinsō. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1983, pp. 269.
160 ❖ 書籍 Books
The Tsuchida Nisseki Peace Can Jiken was a major frame-up incident in which 18
people were accused of participating in a series of bombings that the police had linked
together incorrectly. They were tried and later most were released as the frame-up
became evident. Sekigunha was marginally implicated in some of the incidents. This
is Takazawa Koji’s account of the frame-up, and also includes basic documents on
the case.
榎下一雄( 著 ).
僕は犯人じゃない: 土田・日石事件一被告の叫び. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1983.
Enoshita, Kazuo (author).
Boku wa hannin janai: Tsuchida Nisseki jiken ichi-hikoku no sakebi. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō,
1983, pp. 212.
This is the personal account by one of the people who was framed in the Tsuchida
Nisseki Frame-up Incident, declaring his innocence.
爆弾フレームアップ事件資料編集委員会( 編 ).
爆弾とデッチあげ:「土田・日石・ピース缶」事件. 東京: たいまつ社, 1978.
Bakudan Furēmu Appu Jiken Shiryō Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Bakudan to detchiage: Tsuchida Nisseki Pīsukan jiken. Tōkyō: Taimatsusha, 1978, pp. 175.
This is a documentary collection of materials concerning the period of bombings in
Japan in the 1970s, and includes materials from the Tsuchida Nisseki Peace Can
原竜次( 著 ).
監獄. 東京: 三一書房, 1963.
Hara, Ryūji (author).
Kangoku. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1963, pp. 222.
This book reports on the condition of prisons (including jails, etc.) at the beginning
of the 1960s.It was written by Saitō Ryūhō under the penname of Hara Ryūji. Saito
Ryūhō was a member of the June Kōdō Iinkai of 1960 Anpo Tōsō and is a movie critic.
救援連絡センター( 編 ).
現代日本の監獄. 東京: たいまつ社, 1976.
Kyūen Renraku Sentā (editor).
Gendai Nihon no kangoku. Tōkyō: Taimatsusha, 1976, pp. 162.
This is a report by Kyūen Renraku Center on the state of Japanese prisons from the
late 1960s to the mid-1970s.
増淵利行( 著 ).
ドキュメント東京拘置所. 東京: 日本評論社, 1984.
Masubuchi, Toshiyuki (author).
Dokyumento Tokyo Kōchisho. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1984, pp. 206.
赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements ❖ 161
Masabuchi Toshiyuki was arrested in the Tsuchida-Nisseki Peace Can Frame-up
Incident and this book is based on his observations of the Japanese prison system
after his arrest.
穂坂久仁雄( 著 ).
ドキュメント弾圧: 1928ー1972. 東京: 同時代社, 1972.
Hosaka, Kunio (author).
Dokyumento dan’atsu: 1928-1972. Tōkyō: Dōjidaisha, 1972, pp. 253.
Hosaka Kunio is a free lance writer. This is a journalistic account centering on the
police treatment of participants in the 1970 Anpo Toso but it also includes some
prewar examples.
大道寺将司( 著 ).
明けの星を見上げて: 大道寺将司獄中書簡集. 東京: れんが書房新社, 1984.
Daidōji, Masashi (author).
Akenoboshi o miage te: Daidōji Masashi gokuchū shokanshū. Tōkyō: Renga Shobō Shinsha,
1984, pp. 275.
Daidōji Masashi was the leader of Higashi Asia Hannichi Busō Sensen who was arrested for the Mitsubishi Jūko bombing. This is a collection of his letters from prison.
黒川芳正( 著 ).
黒川芳正詩集「言霊」:原詩人叢書8. 東京: 原詩人叢書刊行委員会, 1981.
Kurokawa, Yoshimasa (author).
Kurokawa Yoshimasa shishū “kotodama”: genshijin sōsho 8. Tōkyō: Genshijin Sōsho Kankō
Iinkai, 1981, pp. 119.
Kurokawa Yoshimasa was a member of Higashi Asia Hannichi Busō Sensen arrested for participation in bombings. This volume contains his poems, written after his
arrest and incarceration.
高沢皓司( 編 ).
グループの妻たち. 東京: 三一書房, 1995.
Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Onnatachi no Pyongyang: “Yodogō” gurūpu no tsumatachi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1995, pp. 220.
This is a book by Takazawa of interviews with the wives of Yodogō members. He says
the book is an accurate reflection of what they told him, but he questioned whether
what they told him was completely truthful. This was one of the factors that led
him to pursue these discrepancies, which resulted in the publication of Shukumei
in 1998.
高沢皓司, 山中幸男( 編 ).
item_ID: 1788
グループの朝鮮レポート. 東京: 三一書房, 1994.
162 ❖ 書籍 Books
Takazawa, Kōji and Yamanaka, Yukio (editors).
Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin kyōwakoku: “Yodogō” gurūpu no Chōsen repōto. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1994, pp. 175.
In 1993 Kim Jong Il issued a war call. This is the Yodogō group’s reportage on the
state of affairs in North Korea at that time, but it basically matches the policy announced by Kim Jong Il.
高沢皓司( 著 ).
!: 25年の軌跡. 東京: 批評社, 1996.
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Saraba “Yodogō”: 25 nen no kiseki. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 1996, pp. 239.
The title translates as “Farewell, Yodogō. Up until this book Takazawa had been
very close to the Yodogō group and this publication announced his break with the
group. The content is simply a collection of various pieces he had written previously
about the group. (It was followed in 1998 by Shukumei, in which he exposed the
Yodogō group’s activities on behalf of North Korea.)
田宮高麿, 高沢皓司( 著 ).
祖国と民族を語る: 田宮高麿ロングインタビュー. 東京: 批評社, 1996.
Tamiya, Takamaro and Takazawa, Kōji (authors).
Sokoku to minzoku o kataru: Tamiya Takamaro rongu intabyū. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 1996, pp. 269.
Takazawa Kōji did this interview and taidan with Tamiya Takamaro on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Yodogō hijacking and the 50th anniversary of the
end of the war. The interview and discussion deals in part with this conjunction of
鈴木邦男( 著 ).
脱右翼宣言. 東京: アイピーシー(IPC INTER PRESS CORPORATION),1993.
Suzuki, Kunio (author).
Datsu uyoku sengen. Tōkyō: Ai Pī Shī (IPC INTER PRESS CORPORATION), 1993, pp. 214.
This book by Suzuki Kunio, leader of the New Right organization Issui-kai, announces that he is going beyond the Right.
高沢皓司( 著 ).
宿命:「よど号」亡命者たちの秘密工作. 東京: 新潮社, 1998.
item_ID: 17173
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Shukumei: “Yodogō” Bōmeishatachi no Himitsu Kōsaku. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1998, pp. 527.
This work of investigative journalism won the 1998 Kodansha Prize for NonFiction
and exposed the connection between the Yodogo group of Red Army members living
in North Korea after their 1970 hijacking and the abduction of Japanese citizens to
North Korea from Europe. This is the original hard-cover edition.
赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements ❖ 163
高沢皓司( 著 ).
宿命:「よど号」亡命者たちの秘密工作. 東京: 新潮社, 1998.
item_ID: 17175
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Shukumei: “Yodogō” Bōmeishatachi no Himitsu Kōsaku. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1998, pp. 685.
This work of investigative journalism won the 1998 Kodansha Prize for NonFiction
and exposed the connection between the Yodogo group of Red Army members living
in North Korea after their 1970 hijacking and the abduction of Japanese citizens
to North Korea from Europe. This is a paperback edition which came out after the
original hardback.
田中義三( 著 ).
item_ID: 17176
「よど号」事件三十年目の真実: 対策本部事務局長の回想. 東京都: 草思社, 2002.
Tanaka, Yoshimi (author).
“Yodogō” Jiken 30nenme no Shinjitsu: Taisakuhonbu Jimukyokuchō no Kaisō. Tokyo:
Sōshisha, 2002, pp. 228.
The author of this book was the Japan Airlies employee who was designated as the
director of the local emergency task force created to deal with the Yodogō incident.
He traces the incident and confesses the existence of an American on board the
Yodogō flight who may have been the key to the question of landing of Yodogō at
Kimpo airport.
佐々淳行( 著 ).
連合赤軍「あさま山荘」事件. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1996.
item_ID: 17325
Sassa, Atsuyuki (author).
Rengō Sekigun “Asama Sansō” Jiken. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1996, pp. 318.
Memoir of the Asama Sansō Incident. The author was the highest commanding police officer and the government’s crisis manager during the incident. However, he
wrote the book from memory without checking his facts. He was subsequently sued
successfully by Sakaguchi Hiroshi, one of the participants, because he had incorrectly asserted that Sakaguchi was responsible for some acts done by another person.
坂口弘( 著 ).
続あさま山荘1972. 東京: 彩流社, 1995.
item_ID: 17326
Sakaguchi, Hiroshi (author).
Zoku Asama Sansō 1972. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1995, pp. 318.
Confession on the Asama Sansō Incident by a member of Rengō Sekigun arrested for
the incident.
大泉康雄( 著 ).
「あさま山荘」籠城: 無期懲役囚吉野雅邦ノート. 東京都: 祥伝社, 2002.
item_ID: 17328
Ōizumi, Yasuo (author).
“Asama Sansō” Rōjō: Mukichōekishū Yoshino Masakuni Nōto. Tokyo: Shōdensha, 2002, pp. 362.
164 ❖ 書籍 Books
A book written by a long-time friend of Yoshino Masakuni, a Rengō Sekigun member
arrested and imprisoned for life.
見沢知廉( 著 ).
囚人狂時代. 東京都: ザ・マサダ, 1996.
item_ID: 17329
Misawa, Chiren (author).
Shūjinkyō Jidai. Tokyo: Za Masada (The Massada), 1996, pp. 318.
A non-fiction report of life inside Chiba Prison and Hachiōji Prison Hospital. Authored by an ex-new left participant turned new right activist who served 12 years
in the two institutions. Chiba prison houses first-time felons serving long sentences.
He served time with Yoshino Masakuni of the Asama Sansō Incident.
板垣英憲( 著 ).
item_ID: 17353
後藤田正晴 男の美学: 永遠のナンバー2. 東京都: 近代文藝社, 1996.
Itagaki, Eiken (author).
Gotōda Masaharu Otoko no Bigaku: Eien no Nambā 2. Tokyo: Kindai Bungeisha, 1996, pp. 199.
Gotōda was the Director General of the National Police Agency (Keisatsuchō) at the
time of the Rengō Sekigun Incident.
高幣真公( 著 ).
釜ヶ崎赤軍兵士 若宮正則物語. 東京: 彩流社, 2001.
item_ID: 17354
Takahei, Masahito (author).
Kamagasaki Sekigun Heishi Wakamiya Masanori Monogatari. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 2001, pp. 233.
Life story of a former Sekigun-ha member. Wakamiya was a laborer when he became
involved in Sekigun-ha, and later ran a snack shop in the Kamagasaki day laborer
area of Osaka that offered cheap food and left-wing reading matter. He was later accidentally murdered by Shining Path guerrillas in Peru.
坪内祐三( 著 ).
item_ID: 17355
「おわりのはじまり」.東京: 文芸春秋, 2004.
Tsubouchi, Yūzō (author).
1972: “Hajimari no Owari” to “Owari no Hajimari”. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 2004, pp. 413.
Collection of essays originally published in the serial Shokun from 2000 to 2002. The
author reflects on the year 1972 as the end year in the “period of change” that he
considered to have peaked in 1968. Discusses Sekigun-ha, Rengō Sekigun, the rock
group Zunō Keisatsu, Happī Endo.
加藤倫教( 著 ).
連合赤軍 少年A. 東京: 新潮社, 2003.
Katō, Michinori (author).
Rengō Sekigun Shōnen A. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 2003, pp. 219.
item_ID: 17356
赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements ❖ 165
Former participant in Rengō Sekigun tells a story of the incident from the biography
of his life before and after the incident. Shonen A was one of two younger brothers taken to the Rengō Sekigun mountain camp by their older brother, who was
later killed in the purge. He and the second brother survived and participated in the
Asama Sanso Incident and were arrested there. Because he was a 16 year old high
school student at the time, he was referred to in the newspaper coverage as ‘Shonen
A.” Unlike all the other Rengō Sekigun and Asama Sanso participants, he was not
put on trial but instead was handled through the juvenile justice system. After his
release several years later he wrote this account.
松下竜一( 著 ).
item_ID: 17357
怒りていう、逃亡には非ず: 日本赤軍コマンド 泉水博の流転. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1993.
Matsushita Ryūichi (author).
Ikarite Iu, Tōbō niwa Arazu: Nihon Sekigun Komando Sensui Hiroshi no Ruten. Tōkyō:
Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1993, pp. 221.
Life story of Sensui Hiroshi. He was released from prison and joined Nihon Sekigun
after being released from prison in the Dhaka Incident. This biography was written
by Matsushita Ryūichi, who also wrote a biography of Daidoji Masaji, the leader of
the East Asia Anti-Japanese Armed Front (Higashi Asia Hannichi Busō Sensen.
塩見救援会, 高沢皓司( 編 ).
封建社会主義と現代: 塩見孝也獄中論文集. 東京: 新泉社, 1988.
item_ID: 17857
Shiomi Kyūenkai and Takazawa, Kōji (editors).
Hōken Shakaishugi to Gendai: Shiomi Takaya Gokuchū Ronbunshū. Tōkyō: Shinsensha,
1988, pp. 238.
Collection of essays written by Shiomi Takaya while in prison. It includes his analysis of the Rengō Sekigun incident, among others.
大塚英志( 著 ).
item_ID: 18130
「彼女たち」の連合赤軍: サブカルチャーと戦後民主主義. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1997.
Ōtsuka, Eiji (author).
“Kanojo tachi” no Rengō Sekigun: Sabukaruchā to Sengo Minshushugi. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū,
1997, pp. 253.
166 ❖ 書籍 Books
VII. 1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and
梅本克己( 著 ).
唯物史観と現代. 東京: 岩波書店, 1967.
Umemoto, Katsumi (author).
Yuibutsu shikan to gendai. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1967, pp. 4, 215.
Umemoto Katsumi is a Marxist philosopher. This book is a simplified explanation of
dialectical materialism that was widely read by students.
松村一人( 著 ).
弁証法の発展. 東京: 岩波書店, 1953.
Matsumura, Kazuto (author).
Benshōhō no hatten. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1953, pp. 4, 200.
Matsumura Kazuto was a Marxist philosopher.
西村貞二( 著 ).
歴史観とは何か. 東京: 第三文明社, 1977.
Nishimura, Takuji (author).
Rekishikan to wa nani ka. Tōkyō: Daisan Bunmeisha, 1977, pp. 201.
A book about the changing views towards history.
西野辰吉( 著 ).
秩父困民党. 東京: 大日本雄弁会講談社, 1956.
Nishino, Tatsukichi (author).
Chichibu Konmintō. Tōkyō: Dai Nihon Yūbenkai Kōdansha, 1956, pp. 208.
This is a historical analysis of the Chichibu jiken of the Meiji era, an incident in
which local ordinary people engaged in an armed confrontation with the authorities.
This incident was re-examined and popularized in the postwar period as an example
of the militance of the people.
胡繩( 著 ).山口一郎( 訳 ).
ものの見方・考え方. 東京: 三一書房, 1955.
Hu, Seng (author). Yamaguchi, Ichirō (translator).
Mono no mikata kangaekata. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1955, pp. 142.
This is a book about ways of thinking, based on philosophy, in order to solve various
内田義彦( 著 ).
読書と社会科学. 東京: 岩波書店, 1985.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 167
Uchida, Yoshihiko (author).
Dokusho to shakai kagaku. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1985, pp. 2, 213.
Uchida Yoshihiko is a sociologist, and the book is a collection of his essays interpreting various works.
紀田順一郎( 著 ).
読書戦争. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Kida, Jun’ichirō (author).
Dokusho sensō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 253.
A book about the chaotic conditions (“war”) occurring in the publishing world.
清水哲男( 著 ).
現代雑誌論. 東京: 三一書房, 1973.
Shimizu, Tetsuo (author).
Gendai zasshiron. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1973, pp. 205.
Shimizu Tetsuo’s mass communications theory, centering on magazines.
小汀良久( 著 ).
出版戦争: ビジネス戦争シリーズ. 東京: 東京経済, 1977.
Obama, Yoshihisa (author).
Shuppan sensō: bijinesu sensō shirīzu. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Keizai, 1977, pp. 166.
This is an analysis of the condition of the publications business in Japan during the
1970s. Obama Yoshihisa was the representative of the publisher Shinsensha and
published a lot of New Left books during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
紀田順一郎( 著 ).
現代人の読書. 東京: 三一書房, 1964.
Kida, Jun’ichirō (author).
Gendaijin no dokusho. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1964, pp. 302, 9.
A book that introduces how people select and read books.
山田清三郎( 著 ).
日本文学名作の読み方. 東京: 三一書房, 1955.
Yamada, Seizaburō (author).
Nihon bungaku meisaku no yomikata. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1955, pp. 232.
This book presents a reading of the classic works of Japanese literature from a Japan
Communist Party perspective.
廣松渉( 著 ).
唯物史観の原像. 東京: 三一書房, 1971.
168 ❖ 書籍 Books
Hiromatsu, Wataru (author).
Yuibutsu shikan no genzō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1971, pp. 238.
Hiromatsu Wataru is a major Japanese philosopher who played a role in the formation of Bund. This book offers a simplified explanation of dialectical materialism and
was widely read by students in the early 1970s.
朝日ジャーナル編集部( 編 ).
闘う三里塚. 東京: 三一書房, 1971.
Asahi Jānaru Henshūbu (editor).
Tatakau Sanrizuka. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1971, pp. 221.
This is Asahi journal’s reportage on the Sanrizuka tōsō up to 1971.
朝日ジャーナル編集部( 編 ).
三里塚. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Asahi Jānaru Henshūbu (editor).
Sanrizuka. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 271.
This is Asahi journal’s reportage on the Sanrizuka tōsō up to 1970.
戸村一作( 著 ).
野に起つ: 私の三里塚闘争史. 東京: 三一書房, 1974.
Tomura, Issaku (author).
No ni tatsu: watashi no Sanrizuka tōsōshi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1974, pp. 256.
Tomura Issaku was the leader of the local residents in the Sanrizuka tōsō. This is a
collection of his writings.
戸村一作( 著 ).
わが三里塚: 風と炎の記録. 東京: 田畑書店, 1980.
Tomura, Issaku (author).
Waga Sanrizuka: kaze to honō no kiroku. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1980, pp. 327.
Tomura Issaku was the leader of the local residents in the Sanrizuka tōsō. This is
another collection of his writings.
前田俊彦( 編 ).
三里塚・廃港への論理. 東京: 柘植書房, 1977.
Maeda, Toshihiko (editor).
Sanrizuka haikō e no ronri. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1977, pp. 307.
Maeda Toshihiko is a citizen activist who wrote about the Sanrizuka tōsō from a
citizen’s movement perspective.
戸村一作( 著 ).
闘いに生きる: 三里塚闘争. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1970.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 169
Tomura, Issaku (author).
Tatakai ni ikiru: Sanrizuka tōsō. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1970, pp. 365.
Tomura Issaku was the citizen’s movement (residents) leader of the Sanrizuka tōsō
and this is an early collection of his writings about the movement.
三里塚を闘う全国青年学生共闘( 編 ).
官制塔に赤旗が翻った日: 1978・3・26三里塚. 東京: 柘植書房, 1979.
Sanrizuka o Tatakau Zenkoku Seinen Gakusei Kyōtō (editor).
Kanseitō ni akahata ga hirugaetta hi: 1978.3.26 Sanrizuka. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1979, pp. 326.
This is a documentary account of the student movement attack on the control tower
of Narita Airport on March 26, 1978 as part of the Sanrizuka struggle. The major student groups participating were Kyōsandō Senki-ha and Dai Yon Inta Nihon Shibu.
戸田徹( 編 ).
三里塚・勝利と変革の思想. 東京: 四月社, 1978.
Toda, Tōru (editor).
Sanrizuka shōri to henkaku no shisō. Tōkyō: Shigatsusha, 1978, pp. 141.
This is a collection of theoretical articles about the Sanrizuka struggle.
D. E. アプター( 著 ).沢良世( 訳 ).
三里塚: もうひとつの日本. 東京: 岩波書店, 1986.
Apter, David E. (author). Sawa, Nagayo (translator).
Sanrizuka: mō hitotsu no Nihon. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1986, pp. 8, 286.
This is the Japanese translation of a book about the Sanrizuka struggle written by
American political scientist David Apter and Nagayo Sawa. Sawa is a co-author of
the English publication, but in the Japanese version is listed as the translator with
Apter listed as the author. She was an active participant in the research.
鎌田慧( 著 ).
土と人間の記録. 東京: 現代書館, 1978.
Kamata, Satoshi (author).
Tsuchi to ningen no kiroku. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan, 1978, pp. 252.
Kamata is a freelance journalist and this is his reportage of the farmers’ movement.
三里塚微生物農法の会, ワンパック・グループ( 編 ).
たたかう野菜たち. 東京: 現代書館, 1981.
Sanrizuka Biseibutsu Nōhō no Kai and One Pack Group (editors).
Tatakau yasaitachi. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan, 1981, pp. 230.
A group of supporters of the Sanrizuka tōsō organized the sale of produce grown
by the Sanrizuka farmers to assist the movement. This is a book about ecology and
farming by this group.
170 ❖ 書籍 Books
三里塚闘争に連帯する会( 編 ).
三里塚農民の詩. 東京: 柘植書房, 1978.
Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentaisuru Kai (editor).
Sanrizuka nōmin no uta. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1978, pp. 143.
This is a collection of poetry by the farmers of the Sanrizuka area.
宇沢弘文( 著 ).
とは何か. 東京: 岩波書店, 1992.
Uzawa, Hirofumi (author).
“Narita” to wa nani ka. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1992, pp. 9, 228.
Uzawa Hirofumi (Kōbun) is a Todai economics professor who wrote a book about the
construction of Narita Airport from an economic standpoint,
山田多賀市( 著 ).
実録小説・北富士物語. 東京: たいまつ社, 1977.
Yamada, Takaichi (author).
Jitsuroku shōsetsu Kitafuji monogatari. Tōkyō: Taimatsusha, 1977, pp. 269.
This is a novel on the theme of the movement opposing the Self Defense Force firing
range on the northern side of Mt. Fuji.
安藤登志子( 著 ).
北富士の女たち: 忍草母の会二十年. 東京: 社会評論社, 1982.
Andō, Toshiko (author).
Kitafuji no onnatachi: Shibokusa haha no kai 20-nen. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1982, pp. 287.
Andō Toshiko was a leader of the Kitafuji Enshūjō Hantai undō (opposing a SelfDefense Force base at Kitafuji). A lot of women, mostly mothers, participated in this
movement on the grounds that it was not good for children. This is her account of the
movement and contains documents as well.
秋山清( 著 ).
わが暴力考. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Akiyama, Kiyoshi (author).
Waga bōryokukō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 200.
Akiyama Kiyoshi is a well-known Japanese anarchist. This is his analysis of violence.
秋山清( 著 ).
増補日本の反逆思想. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Akiyama, Kiyoshi (author).
Zōho Nihon no hangyaku shisō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 235.
Akiyama Kiyoshi is a well-known anarchist, and this book is an analysis of opposition thought in Japan (hantaisei shiso, etc.)
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 171
永山則夫( 著 ).
愛かー無か. 東京: 合同出版, 1973.
Nagayama, Norio (author).
Ai ka mu ka. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1973, pp. 316.
Nagayama Norio was convicted of a series of violent robberies in the Nagayama Renzoku Gōtō Jiken in the late 1960’s. He came from an extremely poor, deprived family
background and while in prison began reading and educated himself,. This included
a political education in Marxism, after which he wrote several books from prison.
This is one of the books, on love versus nothingness.
永山則夫( 著 ).
人民をわすれたカナリアたち. 取手: 辺境社, 1971.
Nagayama, Norio (author).
Jinmin o wasureta kanariatachi. Toride: Henkyōsha, 1971, pp. 270.
Nagayama Norio was convicted of a series of violent robberies in the Nagayama Renzoku Gōtō Jiken in the late 1960’s. He came from an extremely poor, deprived family
background and while in prison began reading and educated himself, including a
political education in Marxism, after which he wrote several books from prison. This
one argues that the Japanese Left, while claiming to be fighting for the proletariat,
has actually forgotten the poor.
山辺健太郎( 著 ).
社会主義運動半生記. 東京: 岩波書店, 1976.
Yamabe, Kentarō (author).
Shakai shugi undō hanseiki. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1976, pp. 3, 231.
Yamabe Kentarō is a Communist who was active in both the prewar and postwar
Japan Communist Paries, and a historian of socialist movements in Japan. This is
his autobiography of his own social movement participation over 50 years.
山辺健太郎( 著 ).遠山茂樹, 牧瀬恒二( 編 ).
山辺健太郎: 回想と遺文. 東京: みすず書房, 1980.
Yamabe, Kentarō (author). Tōyama, Shigeki and Makise, Kōji (editors).
Yamabe Kentarō: kaisō to ibun. Tōkyō: Misuzu Shobō, 1980, pp. 4, 369.
This is a collection of recollections of Yamabe Kentarō edited and published after
his death, and also includes some writing by Yamabe that had not previously been
林茂夫( 編 ).
国家緊急権の研究: 有事体制シリーズI. 東京: 晩聲社, 1978.
Hayashi, Shigeo (editor).
Kokka kinkyūken no kenkyū: yūji taisei shirīzu I. Tōkyō: Banseisha, 1978, pp. 178.
172 ❖ 書籍 Books
林茂夫( 編 ).
全文・三矢作戦研究: 有事体制シリーズII. 東京: 晩聲社, 1979.
Hayashi, Shigeo (editor).
Zenbun San’ya sakusen kenkyū: yūji taisei shirīzu II. Tōkyō: Banseisha, 1979, pp. 139.
林茂夫( 編 ).
治安行動の研究: 有事体制シリーズIII. 東京: 晩聲社, 1979.
Hayashi, Shigeo (editor).
Chian kōdō no kenkyū: yūji taisei shirīzu III. Tōkyō: Banseisha, 1979, pp. 135.
This is a collection of essays on Japanese security in three volumes. The second
volume concerns the joint security program involving Japan, the United States and
South Korea. The name Sanya Sakusen come from the old story about a samurai telling his three children that a single arrow can easily be broken, but three arrows held
together cannot be broken, and thus they should stick together. The third volume
concerns particularly the self defense forces’ programs concerning internal security,
aimed at controlling any disruptions by labor movements, student movements, radicals, etc.
赤城正一( 著 ).
日本の防衛産業. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Akagi, Shōichi (author).
Nihon no bōei sangyō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 241.
A journalistic account of military industries in Japan.
高榎尭( 著 ).
現代の核兵器. 東京: 岩波書店, 1982.
Takagi, Takashi (author).
Gendai no kakuheiki. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1982, pp. 6, 210, 3.
Book on modern nuclear weapons.
小西誠( 編 ).
小西反軍裁判. 東京: 三一書房, 1982.
Konishi, Makoto (editor).
Konishi hangun saiban. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1982, pp. 236.
Konishi Makoto was originally a member of the Self-Defense Forces who began an
anti-war movement inside the Self-Defense Forces and was arrested and tried for
his activities. This is his own account of his trial, etc. He later was influenced by
Kakkyōdō Chūkaku-ha.
小西反軍裁判公判記録第一集. 東京: 小西反軍裁判支援委員会, 1971. item_ID:
Konishi hangun saiban kōhan kiroku dai-1-shū. Tōkyō: Konishi Hangun Saiban Shien Iinkai,
1971, pp. 208.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 173
小西反軍裁判公判記録第五集: 証人尋問集(その二).東京: 小西反
軍裁判支援委員会, 1974.
Konishi hangun saiban kōhan kiroku dai-5-shū: Shōnin jinmonshū (sono 2). Tōkyō: Konishi
Hangun Saiban Shien Iinkai, 1974, pp. 267.
Konishi Makoto was originally a member of the Self-Defense Forces who began an
anti-war movement inside the Self-Defense Forces and was arrested and tried for his
activities. These are two volumes of the trial documents.
長崎浩( 著 ).
世紀末の社会主義: 変革の底流を読む. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1990.
Nagasaki, Hiroshi (author).
Seikimatsu no shakai shugi: henkaku no teiryū o yomu. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1990, pp. 202.
Nagasaki Hiroshi was a Bund member in 1960 Anpo Tōsō who became a shisōka.
This book concerns what he thinks will happen to socialism after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
高沢秀次( 著 ).
昭和精神の透視図: 大衆の形成からポスト・モダンまで. 東京: 現代書館, 1991.
Takazawa, Shūji (author).
Showa seishin no pāsupekutibu: taishū no keisei kara posuto modan made. Tōkyō: Gendai
Shokan, 1991, pp. 286.
This is a book of thought of the Showa period.
戸田徹( 著 ).
マルクス葬送. 東京: 五月社, 1983.
Toda, Tōru (author).
Marukusu sōsō. Tōkyō: Gogatsusha, 1983, pp. 214.
This is an “anti-Marx” argument.
マリファナ・ナウ編集会( 編 ).
マリファナ・ナウ. 東京: 第三書館, 1981.
Marijuana Now Henshūkai (editor).
Marifuana nau. Tōkyō: Daisan Shokan, 1981, pp. 399.
This is a sort of encyclopedia of Marijuana (cultivation, paraphernalia, etc.) The
publisher was harrassed by the police for having published this, since marijuana is
illegal in Japan. This is also a representation of hippie culture in Japan.
轍寅次郎( 著 ).
追跡・帝銀事件. 東京: 晩聲社, 1981.
Wadachi, Torajirō (author).
Tsuiseki Teigin jiken. Tōkyō: Banseisha, 1981, pp. 246.
174 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is an account of the famous Teigin jiken, which occurred shortly after the war.
A bank near Ikebukuro (Teigin) was robbed and the several bank employees died
from some sort of poisoning. One person was arrested and convicted of the attack,
but continued to insist on his innocence. He spent the rest of his life in prison and
died still protesting his innocence.
梶大介( 著 ).
山谷戦後史を生きて: 最下層の系譜2, 下. 東京: 績文堂, 1977.
Kaji, Daisuke (author).
Sanya sengoshi o ikite: saikasō no keifu 2, ge. Tōkyō: Sekibundō, 1977, pp. 4, 295.
Kaji Daisuke is a Sanya laborer and labor activist. This book contains his writings
about Sanya. The book says ge, but the jo volume is not in the collection.
日高六郎( 編 ).
憲法改悪反対運動入門. 東京: オリジン出版センター, 1981.
Hidaka, Rokurō (editor).
Kenpō kaiaku hantai undō nyūmon. Tōkyō: Orijin Shuppan Sentā, 1981, pp. 317.
A collection of materials from the movement opposing revision of the Constitution.
鎌田慧( 著 ).
倒産. 東京: 三一書房, 1979.
Kamata, Satoshi (author).
Tōsan. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1979, pp. 240.
This is an account by a well-known freelance journalist on companies that go bankrupt.
竹中労( 著 ).
エライ人を斬る. 東京: 三一書房, 1971.
Takenaka, Tsutomu (author).
Erai hito o kiru. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1971, pp. 262.
This is a journalist’s account criticizing the top people in various fields. His antiestablishment stance was unusual.
津田道夫( 著 ).
イメージと意志. 東京: 社会評論社, 1989.
Tsuda, Michio (author).
Imēji to ishi. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1989, pp. 298, 8.
A book about a person’s “images” and “will”. The author mentions that this book
is related to two other of his books titled “Ninshiki to kyōiku” (Consciousness and
Education) and “Jissenteki ninshikiron eno michi” (The Road to a Practical Theory
of Consciousness).
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 175
上田耕一郎( 著 ).
講座現代日本と社会主義への道. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1980.
Ueda, Kōichirō (author).
Kōza gendai Nihon to shakai shugi e no michi. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1980, pp. 3, 305.
This is the Japan Communist Party’s perspective on socialism in Japan.
不破哲三( 著 ).
科学的社会主義と政治革新. 東京: 大月書店, 1972.
Fuwa, Tetsuzō (author).
Kagakuteki shakai shugi to seiji kakushin. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1972, pp. 6, 296.
Another volume of Japan Communist Party socialist theory.
宮本顕治( 著 ).
わが党のたたかった道. 日本共産党中央委員会出版部, 1961.
Miyamoto, Kenji (author).
Waga tō no tatakatta michi. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppanbu, 1961, pp. 306.
Miyamoto Kenji is the Chair of the Central Committee of the Japan Communist
Party and this is his volume of recollection of the Party’s history.
宮本顕治( 著 ).
日本革命の展望, 上. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1967.
Miyamoto, Kenji (author).
Nihon kakumei no tenbō, jō. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1967, pp. 250.
宮本顕治( 著 ).
日本革命の展望, 下. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1967.
Miyamoto, Kenji (author).
Nihon kakumei no tenbō, ge. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1967, pp. 194.
Miyamoto Kenji’s theory of the Japanese revolution, written by the Central Committee Chair of the Japan Communist Party. This is the most important of Miyamoto’s
works, and is in two volumes.
日本共産党( 著 ).
日本革命とマルクス・レーニン主義. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1970.
Nihon Kyōsantō (author).
Nihon kakumei to Marukusu Rēnin shugi. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1970,
pp. 166.
This is a basic Japan Communist Party publication.
日本共産党( 著 ).
日本共産党とはどういう党か: 党規約のはなし. 東京: 日本共産党, 1972.
176 ❖ 書籍 Books
Nihon Kyōsantō (author).
Nihon Kyōsantō towa dō iu tō ka: tō kiyaku no hanashi. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō, 1972, pp. 52.
Published by the Japan Communist Party as a basic introduction to the party for the
日本共産党( 著 ).
新版日本共産党とはどういう党か: 党規約のはなし. 東京: 日本共産党, 1975.
Nihon Kyōsantō (author).
Shinban Nihon Kyōsantō towa dō iu tō ka: tō kiyaku no hanashi. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō,
1975, pp. 55.
Published by the Japan Communist Party as a basic introduction to the party for the
masses. This is a new publication of item #964.
三一書房編集部( 編 ).
日本共産党批判: 日本共産党中央委員会にあてたソ連共産党中央委員会の書簡. 東京: 三一書
房, 1964.
San’ichi Shobō Henshūbu (editor).
Nihon Kyōsantō hihan: Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai ni ateta Soren Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai no
shokan. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1964, pp. 166.
A collection of materials critical of the Japan Communist Party produced by the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee and reflecting their split.
( 著 ).
日本共産党はどこへ行く. 東京: 三一書房, 1971.
( 著 ).
日本共産党に与える書: その政治・組織路線批判. 東京: 三一書房, 1974.
Katayama, Satoshi (author).
Nihon Kyōsantō wa doko e iku. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1971, pp. 313.
A critique of the Japan Communist Party.
Katayama, Satoshi (author).
Nihon Kyōsantō ni ataeru sho: sono seiji, soshiki rosen hihan. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1974,
pp. 228.
A critique of the Japan Communist Party.
織田広己, 中田哲, 鈴木肇, 藤倉繁則, 堂野良雄, 山本誠一( 著 ).
日本共産党の自己矛盾. 東京: 畔書房, 1975.
Oda, Hiroki; Nakata, Tetsu; Suzuki, Hajime; Fujikura, Shigenori; Dōno, Yoshio; and Yamamoto, Yoshikazu (authors).
Nihon Kyōsantō no jiko mujun. Tōkyō: Aze Shobō, 1975, pp. 222.
A critique of the Japan Communist Party.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 177
日本共産党中央委員会出版局( 編 ).
修正主義のゆくえ. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1968.
Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku (editor).
Shūsei shugi no yukue. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1968, pp. 199.
A book published by the Japan Communist Party after it had dropped the revolutionary line.
日本共産党( 著 ).
中野重治批判: 変節者の共産党攻撃にたいして. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1974.
Nihon Kyōsantō (author).
Nakano Shigeharu hihan: hensetsusha no kyōsantō kōgeki ni taishite. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō
Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1974, pp. 235.
A book by the Japan Communist Party criticizing Nakano Shigeharu, following his
split from the Party and his own critique of the party.
辻泰介( 著 ).
暗黒の代々木王国. 東京: 仮面社, 1970.
Tsuji, Taisuke (author).
Ankoku no Yoyogi ōkoku. Tōkyō: Kamensha, 1970, pp. 323.
A journalist’s muckraking account of the Japan Communist Party.
荒畑寒村( 著 ).
平地に波乱を起こせ: 公害から、いまを撃つ. 東京: マルジュ社, 1981.
Arahata, Kanson (author).
Heichi ni haran o okose: kōgai kara, ima o utsu. Tōkyō: Marujusha, 1981, pp. 261.
Arahata Kanson is a famous old Communist from the prewar period. In the postwar
period he was an activist in citizens movements, etc. This is a collection of his essays
and writings from the 1970s.
日向康( 著 ).
田中正造ノート. 東京: 田畑書店, 1981.
Hinata, Yasushi (author).
Tanaka Shōzō nōto. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1981, pp. 292.
Research on Tanaka Shōzō, who was the main activist in the Ashio Copper Mine
Pollution struggle in prewar Japan. This conflict is taken as the beginning of the
anti-pollution movement in Japan.
田村紀雄( 著 ).
鉱毒農民物語. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1975.
178 ❖ 書籍 Books
Tamura, Norio (author).
Kōdoku nōmin monogatari. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1975, pp. 230.
A book on pollution of farm from mining waste.
石牟礼道子( 著 ).
天の魚. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1974.
Ishimure, Michiko (author).
Ten no sakana. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1974, pp. 419.
This book is a collection of critical essays concerning the Minamata Disease struggle.
樋口健二( 著 ).
闇に消される原発被曝者. 東京: 三一書房, 1981.
Higuchi, Kenji (author).
Yami ni kesareru genpatsu hibakusha. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1981, pp. 217.
Concerns pollution related to atomic bombing.
田村紀雄( 著 ).
渡良瀬の思想史. 名古屋: 風媒社, 1977.
Tamura, Norio (author).
Watarase no shisōshi. Nagoya: Fūbaisha, 1977, pp. 326.
This is an anti-pollution book concerning the Watarase river.
小池喜孝( 著 ).
平民社農場の人びと: 明治社会主義者のロマンと生きざま. 東京: 現代史出版会, 1980.
Koike, Yoshitaka (author).
Heiminsha nōjō no hitobito: Meiji shakai shugisha no roman to ikizama. Tōkyō: Gendaishi
Shuppankai, 1980, pp. 259.
This book is about the Heiminsha undō of the Meiji period.
清水義汎( 編 ).
首都圏住民は公害行政になにを求めるか: 市民の公害意識調査. 首都圏(東京湾沿岸)から公害
を追放し生命とくらしを守る会, 1972.
Shimizu, Yoshihiro (editor).
Shutoken jūmin wa kōgai gyōsei ni nani o motomeru ka: shimin no kōgai ishiki chōsa. Shutoken
(Tokyo-wan engan) kara Kōgai o Tsuihōshi Seimei to Kurashi o Mamoru Kai, 1972, pp. 172.
Research on people’s conscousness of pollution problems. The volume contains tables
and little else.
林えいだい( 著 ).
鳴咽する海. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1974.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 179
Hayashi, Eidai (author).
Oetsu suru umi. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1974, pp. 7, 308.
A book about ocean pollution.
林信彰( 著 ).
コメは証言する: もうひとつの戦後史. 東京: 家の光協会, 1980.
Hayashi, Nobuaki (author).
Kome wa shōgensuru: mō hitotsu no sengoshi. Tōkyō: Ie no Hikari Kyōkai, 1980, pp. 248.
A book about the management of rice agriculture.
鎌田慧( 著 ).
労働現場: 造船所で何が起こったか. 東京: 岩波書店, 1980.
Kamata, Satoshi (author).
Rōdō genba: zōsenjo de nani ga okotta ka. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1980, pp. 3, 232.
Another book by investigative journalist Kamata Satoshi, this one on people working
in shipyards.
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
燃え尽きる地球: 世界をおおうエネルギー危機. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1973.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
Moetsukiru chikyū: sekai o ōu enerugī kiki. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1973, pp. 390.
A report on the 1973 energy crisis by Asahi Shimbun.
朝日新聞経済部( 著 ).
金満症にっぽん: 経済大国の虚と実. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1986.
Asahi Shinbun Keizaibu (author).
Kinmanshō Nippon: keizai taikoku no kyo to jitsu. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha,
1986, pp. 304.
Analysis of Japan as a “moneybags” nation by the economics bureau of Asahi Shinbun.
横山好夫, 小野木祥之( 著 ).
公害発生源労働者の告発: ゼネラル石油精製労組の闘争. 東京: 三一書房, 1971.
Yokoyama, Yoshio and Onogi, Yoshiyuki (authors).
Kōgai hasseigen rōdōsha no kokuhatsu: Zeneraru Sekiyu seisei rōso no tōsō. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1971, pp. 265.
Account of a labor conflict at General Sekiyu over pollution affecting workers.
郡司篤孝( 著 ).
なにを食べたらいいかI: 主食編・副食編. 東京: 三一書房, 1982.
180 ❖ 書籍 Books
Gunji, Atsutaka (author).
Nani o tabetara ii ka: shushokuhen, fukushokuhen. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1982, pp. 240.
Reportage about pollution of foods.
郡司篤孝( 著 ).
増補うそつき食品: メーカーへの告発状. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Gunji, Atsutaka (author).
Zōho usotsuki shokuhin: mēkā e no kokuhatsujo. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 292.
A book on food pollution.
郡司篤孝( 著 ).
増補危険な食品: これだけは知っておこう. 東京: 三一書房, 1968.
Gunji, Atsutaka (author).
Zōho kiken na shokuhin: kore dake wa shitte okou. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1968, pp. 280.
A book on dangerous foods with various kinds of contamination, chemicals, etc.
郡司篤孝( 著 ).
食品犯罪: 厚生省を告発する. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Gunji, Atsutaka (author).
Shokuhin hanzai: Kōseishō o kokuhatsu suru. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 242.
A critique of the Ministry of Health for not controlling food pollution.
日本消費者連盟( 著 ).
あぶない化粧品: 美しくなるために. 東京: 三一書房, 1979.
Nihon Shōhisha Renmei (author).
Abunai keshōhin: utsukushikunaru tame ni. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1979, pp. 278.
A book on unsafe cosmetics.
金谷嘉郎, 小山仁示, 楡林達夫( 著 ).
病気と人間: 医学・医療の社会的背景. 東京: 三一書房, 1966.
Kanatani, Yoshio; Koyama, Hitoshi; and Nirebayashi, Tatsuo (authors).
Byōki to ningen: igaku, iryō no shakaiteki haikei. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1966, pp. 267.
Critical account of medical care.
郡司篤孝( 著 ).
恐怖の加工食品: AF2その他の添加物. 東京: 三一書房, 1974.
Gunji, Atsutaka (author).
Kyōfu no kakō shokuhin: AF2 sono hoka no tenkabutsu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1974, pp. 253.
Another book about food pollution by Gunji Atsutaka.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 181
稲垣真美( 著 ).
ほんものの日本酒選び. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Inagaki, Masami (author).
Honmono no nihonshu erabi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 250.
A book about Japanese sake.
郡司篤孝( 著 ).
恐怖の食物: 自然食のすすめ. 東京: 三一書房, 1974.
Gunji, Atsutaka (author).
Kyōfu no shokumotsu: shizenshoku no susume. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1974, pp. 208.
Another book on food pollution and natural foods by Gunji Atsutaka.
横地清( 著 ).
たくましい日本の幼児: 親たちのための小辞典. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Yokochi, Kiyoshi (author).
Takumashii Nihon no yōji: oyatachi no tame no shōjiten. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 217.
A book for parents on how to raise children. The title says it is a dictionary, but it is
actually a regular child-rearing advice book.
平沢正夫( 著 ).
間違いだらけのウイスキー選び. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Hirasawa, Masao (author).
Machigai darake no uisukī erabi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 225.
This is also a book about food pollution (chemical pollution, etc.) of whiskey.
神山茂夫, 古屋能子( 著 ).
海洋汚染: 人類死滅のプログラム. 東京: 三一書房, 1973.
Kamiyama, Shigeo and Furuya, Yoshiko (authors).
Kaiyō osen: jinrui shimetsu no puroguramu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1973, pp. 280.
This is a book about pollution of the ocean, written by Kamiyama Shigeo and Furuya
日本消費者連盟( 著 ).日本消費者連盟( 編 ).
不良商品一覧表: もう消費者はダマされない. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Nihon Shōhisha Renmei (author). Nihon Shōhisha Renmei (editor).
Furyō shōhin ichiranhyō: mō shōhisha wa damasarenai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 316.
A book from the consumers’ movement.
谷克彦( 著 ).
塩: いのちは海から. 東京: マルジュ社, 1981.
182 ❖ 書籍 Books
Tani, Katsuhiko (author).
Shio: inochi wa umi kara. Tōkyō: Marujusha, 1981, pp. 293.
A book on ocean pollution focusing on the problem of pollution of salt as a foodstuff.
鎌田慧( 著 ).
ドキュメント隠された公害: イタイイタイ病を追って. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Kamata, Satoshi (author).
Dokyumento kakusareta kōgai: Itai Itaibyō o otte. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 281.
A report by investigative journalist Kamata Satoshi on Itai-Itai byō as a form of
industrial pollution.
巻正平( 著 ).
欠陥商品: 自動車・電器・衣料品. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Maki, Shōhei (author).
Kekkan shōhin: jidōsha, denki, iryōhin. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 240.
A consumers’ movement book about bad cars, electical items, and clothing.
総評生活局( 著 ).
けいわん症を中心とした職業病闘争の手引き. 東京: 総評生活局, 1973.
Sōhyō Seikatsukyoku (author).
Keiwanshō o chūshin to shita shokugyōbyō tōsō no tebiki. Tōkyō: Sōhyō Seikatsukyoku,
1973, pp. 82.
A book on the movement against workplace illnesses, put out by the Sōhyō labor
総評生活局( 著 ).
item_ID: 1004
労働災害・職業病との闘い: 労災裁判・認定闘争をすすめるための手引き. 東京: 総評生活局,
Sōhyō Seikatsukyoku (author).
Rōdō saigai shokugyōbyō to no tatakai: rōsai saiban nintei tōsō o susumeru tame no tebiki.
Tōkyō: Sōhyō Seikatsukyoku, 1973, pp. 74.
A book on pollution in the workplace and the struggle to get it recognized, put out by
the Sōhyō union federation.
関悌四郎( 編 ).
集団医学の発足: 原点からのレポート. 東京: 現代ジャーナリズム出版会, 1970.
Seki, Teishirō (editor).
Shūdan igaku no hossoku: genten kara no repōto. Tōkyō: Gendai Jānarizumu Shuppankai,
1970, pp. 268.
A book about medical pollution.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 183
堂庭一郎( 著 ).
医者への告発状: 医学の病いにメスを入れる. 東京: 三一書房, 1966.
Dōniwa, Ichirō (author).
Isha e no kokuhatsujō: igaku no yamai ni mesu o ireru. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1966, pp. 287.
A report on illnesses caused by medical errors.
水野肇( 著 ).
日本の医療は狂っている: 医師と患者と医療政策. 東京: 三一書房, 1967.
Mizuno, Hajime (author).
Nihon no iryō wa kurutteiru: ishi to kanja to iryōseisaku. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1967, pp. 205.
Book on problems with medical system from the perspective of the patient.
平沢正夫( 著 ).
あざらしっ子: 薬禍はこうしてあなたを襲う. 東京: 三一書房, 1965.
Hirasawa, Masao (author).
Azarashikko: yakka wa kōshite anata o osou. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1965, pp. 254.
This is a book about the Thalidomide problem in which pregnant women who took
the drug gave birth to children with severely shortened arms and legs. The title
“Asarashikko” refers to baby seals that such children were thought to resemble.
平沢正夫( 著 ).
日本の医療: 患者﹦被害者﹦市民の権利奪還へ. 東京: 三一書房, 1972.
Hirasawa, Masao (author).
Nihon no iryō: kanja=higaisha=shimin no kenri dakkan e. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1972, pp. 208.
Another book on need for reforms in medicine by Hirasawa Masao.
( 著 ).
医療をになう人たち: 人間回復の医療を. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Tani, Miyuki (author).
Iryō o ninau hitotachi: ningen kaifuku no iryō o. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 247.
More from the movement to reform medical practice in Japan.
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
item_ID: 1011
病人は告発している: 朝日市民教室「日本の医療」第一巻. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1973.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
Byōnin wa kokuhatsu shiteiru: Asahi shimin kyōshitsu Nihon no iryō dai-1-kan. Tōkyō: Asahi
Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1973, pp. 253.
Another book on reforming the medical system, from the Asahi Shinbunsha.
184 ❖ 書籍 Books
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
item_ID: 1012
どう医療をよくするか: 朝日市民教室「日本の医療」第七巻. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1973.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
Dō iryō o yokusuru ka: Asahi shimin kyōshitsu Nihon no iryō dai-7-kan. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1973, pp. 252.
Another volume on medical reform from Asahi Shinbunsha.
鎌田慧( 著 ).
ロボット時代の現場: 極限の合理化工場. 東京: 三一書房, 1982.
Kamata, Satoshi (author).
Robotto jidai ni genba: kyokugen no gōrika kōjō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1982, pp. 206.
Kamata’s reportage on the use of robots in the workplace and its effect on workers.
鎌田慧( 著 ).
工場への逆攻: 原発・開発と闘う住民. 東京: 柘植書房, 1976.
Kamata, Satoshi (author).
Kōjō e no gyakkō: genpatsu kaihatsu to tatakau jūmin. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1976, pp. 288.
A book on negative effects of workplace developments on the worker, by investigative
reporter Kamata Satoshi.
鎌田慧( 著 ).
ぼくが世の中に学んだこと: ちくま少年図書館70社会の本. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1983.
Kamata, Satoshi (author).
Boku ga yononaka ni mananda koto: Chikuma Shōnen Toshokan 70 shakai no hon. Tōkyō:
Chikuma Shobō, 1983, pp. 213.
A book by investigative journalist Kamata aimed at young people and using his experience to explain social problems to them.
小関智弘( 著 ).
春は鉄までが匂った. 東京: 晩聲社, 1979.
Koseki, Tomohiro (author).
Haru wa tetsu made ga niotta. Tōkyō: Banseisha, 1979, pp. 268.
A book on problems of workers in small subcontracting companies.
津川敬( 著 ).
コンピュータ革命と自治体. 東京: 三一書房, 1982.
Tsugawa, Kei (author).
Konpyūta kakumei to jichitai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1982, pp. 250.
A study of the computer revolution and personal independence.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 185
生越忠( 著 ).
悪用される科学. 東京: 三一書房, 1981.
Ogose, Sunao (author).
Akuyōsareru kagaku. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1981, pp. 211.
A book from the anti-science movement.
五十嵐文夫( 著 ).
新潟水俣病: おそるべき昭和電工の水銀公害. 東京: 合同出版, 1971.
Igarashi, Fumio (author).
Niigata Minamatabyō: osorubeki Shōwa Denkō no suigin kōgai. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1971,
pp. 242.
A book on the Minamatabyō pollution problem at Shōwa Denkō in Niigata.
東京都公害研究所( 編 ).
公害と東京都. 東京: 東京都公害研究所, 1970.
Tōkyō-to Kōgai Kenkyūjo (editor).
Kōgai to Tokyoto. Tōkyō: Tōkyō-to Kōgai Kenkyūjo, 1970, pp. 708.
A report on pollution problems in Tokyo.
関沢紀( 著 ).
鹿島からの報告. 東京: 新泉社, 1975.
Sekizawa, Kaname (author).
Kashima kara no hōkoku. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1975, pp. 237.
This book is about a local pollution problem in Kashima where there are a lot of pollution factories.
青年医師連合東大支部( 著 ).
現代の医療被害. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Seinen Ishi Rengō Tōdai Shibu (author).
Gendai no iryō higai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 285.
A study of problems in medical care and their victims.
稲垣孝雄( 著 ).
衝撃の塩ビモノマー. 名古屋: 風媒社, 1977.
Inagaki, Takao (author).
Shōgeki no enbimonomā. Nagoya: Fūbaisha, 1977, pp. 233.
An anti-pollution book concerning the dangers of chemical pollution from certain
kinds of vinyl.
郡司篤孝( 著 ).
食品汚染. 東京: 三一書房, 1975.
186 ❖ 書籍 Books
Gunji, Atsutaka (author).
Shokuhin osen. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 169.
Another book about food pollution by Gunji Atsutaka.
真壁仁, 野添憲治( 著 ).
どぶろくと抵抗. 東京: たいまつ社, 1976.
Makabe, Jin and Nozoe, Kenji (authors).
Doburoku to teikō. Tōkyō: Taimatsusha, 1976, pp. 174.
This is a book on home made sake as a way of avoiding pollution from commercially
made sake. However, it is illegal to make your own sake in Japan, so this book represents also a movement to permit the private brewing of sake as a health issue.
( 著 ).斎藤純一, 山崎カヲル( 訳 ).
エコロジー: リウスの現代思想学校2. 東京: 晶文社, 1982.
Rius (author). Saitō, Jun’ichi and Yamazaki, Kaoru (translators).
Ekorojī: Riusu no gendai shisō gakkō 2. Tōkyō: Shōbunsha, 1982, pp. 152.
Rius is a Mexican political cartoonist. This volume on ecology is similar to the “… for
Beginners” series of cartoon illustrated books that deliver a substantial amount of
information in an entertaining style.
瀬戸内海漁民会議, 瀬戸内海汚染総合調査団( 著 ).
瀬戸内海重油汚染総合調査報告書. 東京: 技術と人間, 1975.
Setonaikai Gyomin Kaigi and Setonaikai Osen Sōgō Chōsadan (authors).
Setonaikai jūyu osen sōgō chōsa hōkokusho. Tōkyō: Gijutsu to Ningen, 1975, pp. 206.
This is a research report done by the local fishermen’s association on pollution of the
Inland Sea by oil from ships, which hardens into oil balls and damages the fisheries.
宮崎省吾( 著 ).
を撃つ:「ドキュメント」横浜新貨物線反対運動. 東京: 新泉社, 1975.
Miyazaki, Shōgo (author).
Ima kōkyōsei o utsu: [dokyumento]Yokohama shinkamotsusen hantai undō. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1975, pp. 316.
This is an anti-pollution book arising from local protests against the extension of
a freight rail line in the Yokohama area. It discusses the conflict between public
works priorities and the displacement, disruption, and noise pollution experienced
by people living in the area of the new project.
日本消費者連盟( 著 ).
不良商品を斬る: 一流企業の詐欺行為. 東京: 三一書房, 1971.
Nihon Shōhisha Renmei (author).
Furyō shōhin o kiru: ichiryū kigyō no sagi kōi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1971, pp. 328.
A study from the consumer’s movement on defective products by major companies.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 187
花村君枝, 金戸真二, 高橋晄正( 著 ).
光化学スモッグ: 石神井南田中からの告発. 東京: 三一書房, 1973.
Hanamura, Kimie; Kaneto, Shinji; and Takahashi, Kōsei (authors).
Kōkagaku sumoggu: Shakujii Minami Tanaka kara no kokuhatsu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō,
1973, pp. 258.
A report on smog in a suburban area of Tokyo.
労災・職業病闘争のための基礎講座1. 東京: 日本労働者安全センタ
ー, 1975.
Rōsai shokugyōbyō tōsō no tame no kiso kōza 1. Tōkyō: Nihon Rōdōsha Anzen Sentā, 1975,
pp. 104.
A seminar on workplace accidents and workplace induced illness.
安達生恒( 編 ).
農業の論理とはなにか: 講座農を生きる1. 東京: 三一書房, 1975.
Adachi, Ikutsune (editor).
Nōgyō no sujimichi to wa nani ka: kōza nō o ikiru 1. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 234.
A seminar on agriculture.
小島麗逸( 著 ).
新山村事情. 東京: 日本評論社, 1979.
Kojima, Reiitsu (author).
Shinsanson jijō. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1979, pp. 204.
Contemporary conditions in mountain villages.
高木仁三郎( 著 ).
科学は変わる: 巨大科学への批判. 東京: 東洋経済新報社, 1979.
Takagi, Jinzaburō (author).
Kagaku wa kawaru: kyodai kagaku e no hihan. Tōkyō: Tōyō Keizai Shinpōsha, 1979, pp. 206.
A book from the anti-science movement criticizing big science.
高木仁三郎( 著 ).
わが内なるエコロジー: 生きる場での変革. 東京: 農山漁村文化協会, 1982.
Takagi, Jinzaburō (author).
Waga uchinaru ekorojī: ikiru ba de no henkaku. Tōkyō: Nōsan Gyoson Bunka Kyōkai, 1982,
pp. 225.
A book from the ecology movement.
江戸川区公害対策課( 著 ).
公害の解決をめざして: 一年間の歩みとこれから. 東京: 江戸川区公害対策課, 1970.
188 ❖ 書籍 Books
Edogawaku Kōgai Taisakuka (author).
Kōgai no kaiketsu o mezashite: 1-nenkan no ayumi to korekara. Tōkyō: Edogawaku Kōgai
Taisakuka, 1970, pp. 137.
A report on a year’s activities by the anti-pollution policy group in Edogawa-ku,
❖ ❖ ❖
Items #1037 to #1069 are a series of collections of critical essays by various well
known figures—writers, critics, etc. This whole series was read by students of the
1960s as a broad introduction to the ideas of various people.
竹内好( 著 ).
予見と錯誤. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1970.
Takeuchi, Yoshimi (author).
Yoken to sakugo. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1970, pp. 285.
Takeuchi Yoshimi is a Chinese literature scholar.
宮本憲一( 著 ).
日本の都市問題: その政治経済学的考察. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1969.
Miyamoto, Ken’ichi (author).
Nihon no toshi mondai: sono seiji keizaigakuteki kōsatsu. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1969, pp. 258.
Miyamoto Ken’ichi is a scholar of urban studies.
佐藤藤三郎( 著 ).
底流からの証言: 日本を考える. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1970.
Satō, Tōzaburō (author).
Teiryū kara no shōgen: Nihon o kangaeru. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1970, pp. 314.
Satō Tōzaburō is a farmer who wrote one of the essays in Yamabiko Gakkō as a
youth, and this is a book he wrote as an adult about current conditions in Japan
based on his experience of the difficult life of farmers in Tohoku.
山田慶児( 著 ).
未来への問い: 中国の試み. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1968.
Yamada, Keiji (author).
Mirai e no toi: Chūgoku no kokoromi. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1968, pp. 274.
Yamada is a Kyōto Daigaku professor specializing in history of science and technology. This is his book about Chinese cultural development, presenting a thesis on
China that arose in late 1960s Japan, with a focus on industrialization and science
technology. China was still a sign of hope in 1960s Japan.
安永寿延( 著 ).
日常性の弁証法. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1972.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 189
Yasunaga, Hisanobu (author).
Nichijōsei no benshōhō. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1972, pp. 229.
This volume by Yasunaga Hisanobu is a philosophical interpretation of everyday
problems using the dialectic.
井上俊( 著 ).
死にがいの喪失. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1973.
Inoue, Shun (author).
Shinigai no sōshitsu. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1973, pp. 265.
Inoue Shun is a sociologist at Kyoto University. This is his theory of youth.
色川大吉( 著 ).
明治の精神: 底辺の視座から. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1968.
Irokawa, Daikichi (author).
Meiji no seishin: teihen no shiza kara. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1968, pp. 281.
Irokawa is a famous historian of Meiji Japan. This volume includes his report on the
Chichibu Jiken and other things.
鶴見俊輔( 著 ).
日常的思想の可能性. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1967.
Tsurumi, Shunsuke (author).
Nichijōteki shisō no kanōsei. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1967, pp. 315, 6.
Tsurumi Shunsuke is an intellectual historian of modern Japan.
堀田善衛( 著 ).
小国の運命・大国の運命. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1969.
Hotta, Yoshie (author).
Shōkoku no unmei taikoku no unmei. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1969, pp. 264.
This one by Hotta Yoshie is an analysis of the Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia
in 1968.
中岡哲郎( 著 ).
技術の論理・人間の立場. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1971.
Nakaoka, Tetsurō (author).
Gijutsu no ronri ningen no tachiba. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1971, pp. 268.
This volume by Nakaoka Tetsurō is a critique of technological logic from a humanistic perspective.
加藤周一( 著 ).
言葉と戦車. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1969.
190 ❖ 書籍 Books
Katō, Shūichi (author).
Kotoba to sensha. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1969, pp. 229.
Katō is a well known literary figure and critic. This is his response to the invasion
of Czechoslovakia.
松田道雄( 著 ).
革命と市民的自由. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1970.
Matsuda, Michio (author).
Kakumei to shiminteki jiyū. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1970, pp. 217.
This book is about revolution and popular freedom, centering on contemporary issues
in Japan. Matsuda is a pediatrician and also a student of the Russian Revolution.
菊地昌典( 著 ).
人間変革の論理と実験. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1970.
Kikuchi, Masanori (author).
Ningen henkaku no ronri to jikken. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1970, pp. 306.
This is Kikuchi’s theory of the Russian revolution. It also includes comments on contemporary social movements in Japan.
見田宗介( 著 ).
現代日本の心情と論理. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1971.
Mita, Munesuke (author).
Gendai Nihon no shinjō to ronri. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1971, pp. 236.
Mita is a sociologist at Tokyo University. This is a sociological and cultural analysis
of contemporary young people in Japan.
竹内芳郎( 著 ).
イデオロギーの復興. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1967.
Takeuchi, Yoshirō (author).
Ideorogī no fukkō. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1967, pp. 262.
Takeuchi is a philosopher. Ideology was a popular topic of discussion in the late 1960s
in Japan, and this book is a discussion of the meaning of the concept of ideology.
宮本忠雄( 著 ).
人間的異常の考察. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1970.
Miyamoto, Tadao (author).
Ningenteki ijō no kōsatsu. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1970, pp. 292.
Miyamoto is a psychiatrist. This is a collection of his essays on contemporary social
conditions, viewed from a psychiatric perspective.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 191
佐藤忠男( 著 ).
権利としての教育. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1968.
Satō, Tadao (author).
Kenri to shite no kyōiku. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1968, pp. 265.
This book contradicted the general notion of education as something the state required of people, and instead treated education as a right of the people. This concept
was popular with the Zenkyōtō generation.
益田勝実( 著 ).
火山列島の思想. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1968.
Masuda, Katsumi (author).
Kazan rettō no shisō. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1968, pp. 273.
Masuda is a folklore specialist. This book looks at the emperor system in ancient
Japan from a folklorist’s perspective.
小田実( 著 ).
人間・ある個人的考察. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1968.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Ningen aru kojinteki kōsatsu. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1968, pp. 246.
This collection has a lot of Oda Makoto’s writings about the Sasebo Enterprise protests and the anti-Vietnam war protests.
酒井角三郎( 著 ).
極限の論理. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1970.
Sakai, Kakusaburō (author).
Kyokugen no ronri. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1970, pp. 267.
This volume by Sakai Kakusaburō is a collection of critical essays taking a rather
radical perspective on the student movement, so students read it and were influenced by it.
石原吉郎( 著 ).
望郷と海. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1972.
Ishihara, Yoshirō (author).
Bōkyō to umi. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1972, pp. 282.
The author is a poet and literati. He was imprisoned in Siberia during the second
world war and later returned to Japan and wrote poetry about this experience. This
is a collection of his literary essays.
北沢方邦( 著 ).
情報社会と人間の解放. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1970.
192 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kitazawa, Masakuni (author).
Jōhō shakai to ningen no kaihō. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1970, pp. 235.
This book analyzes the impact of the information society on Japan.
武藤一羊( 著 ).
支配的構造の批判. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1970.
Mutō, Ichiyō (author).
Shihaiteki kōzō no hihan. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1970, pp. 319.
Mutō was a Beheiren ideologue and theorist of kōzo kaikaku ha. This is a collection
of his essays on contemporary society.
伊東光晴( 著 ).
保守と革新の日本的構造. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1970.
Itō, Mitsuharu (author).
Hoshu to kakushin no Nihonteki kōzō. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1970, pp. 234.
Itō Mitsuhara is an economist. This is a collection of essays constituting his theory
of Japan.
真木悠介( 著 ).
人間解放の理論のために. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1971.
Maki, Yūsuke (author).
Ningen kaihō no riron no tame ni. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1971, pp. 224.
Maki Yūsuke is the penname of sociologist Mita Munesuke, which he used for writing about his personal philosophy about human liberation.
野間宏( 著 ).
創造と批評. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1969.
Noma, Hiroshi (author).
Sōzō to hihyō. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1969, pp. 288.
Noma Hiroshi is a writer and this is his “jihyōshu” or collection of commentaries
about specific timely events.
作田啓一( 著 ).
深層社会の点描. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1973.
Sakuda, Keiichi (author).
Shinsō shakai no tenbyō. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1973, pp. 271.
Sakuda is a sociologist at Kyoto University and this is his analysis of Japanese culture. His perspective is “shōyōjurin bunka ron” deriving characteristics of the Japanese from the natural environment and plants early Japanese lived with.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 193
渡辺広士( 著 ).
文学の問い. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1971.
Watanabe, Hiroshi (author).
Bungaku no toi. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1971, pp. 285.
Watanabe is a literary scholar and translator and this is his analysis of Sartre and
安田武( 著 ).
人間の再建: 戦中派・その罪青と矜恃. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1969.
Yasuda, Takeshi (author).
Ningen no saiken: senchūha, sono zaiseki to kyōji. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1969, pp. 255.
Yasuda Takeshi is a critic and this is his theory of war responsibility.
鮎川信夫( 著 ).
歴史におけるイロニー. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1971.
Ayukawa, Nobuo (author).
Rekishi ni okeru ironī. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1971, pp. 246.
Auykawa Nobuo is a poet and literati. This is his analysis of various literary figures
based on their wartime experiences.
長田弘( 著 ).
開かれた言葉. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1970.
Osada, Hiroshi (author).
Hirakareta kotoba. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1970, pp. 253.
Osada is a poet and this is a collection of his literary essays. He is popular with
young people, and his essays discuss the poet Auden.
作田啓一( 著 ).
恥の文化再考. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1967.
Sakuda, Keiichi (author).
Haji no bunka saikō. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1967, pp. 282.
Sakuda Keiichi is a sociologist from Kyoto University and this is his analysis of
shame society. The collection includes a famous essay he wrote about the Ishigakijima incident during the Battle of Okinawa.
高畠通敏( 著 ).
政治の論理と市民. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1971.
Takabatake, Michitoshi (author).
Seiji no ronri to shimin. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1971, pp. 343.
Takabatake was a Beheiren activist and this is a collections of his essays about citizen activism.
194 ❖ 書籍 Books
❖ ❖ ❖
Items #1236 to #1250 are part of a series, called Man and Thought. Japan’s representative thinkers are included in it with their major writings.
福田恆存( 著 ).
日本を思ふ: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1969.
Fukuda, Tsuneari (author).
Nihon o omou: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1969, pp. 502.
清水幾太郎( 著 ).
人間を考える: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1970.
Shimizu, Ikutarō (author).
Ningen o kangaeru: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1970, pp. 479.
花田清輝( 著 ).
東洋的回帰: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1971.
Hanada, Kiyoteru (author).
Tōyōteki kaiki: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1971, pp. 439.
竹内好( 著 ).
日本と中国のあいだ: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1973.
Takeuchi, Yoshimi (author).
Nihon to Chūgoku no aida: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1973, pp. 535, 5.
江藤淳( 著 ).
表現としての政治: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1969.
Etō, Jun (author).
Hyōgen to shite no seiji: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1969, pp. 520.
笠信太郎( 著 ).
知識と知恵、その他: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1968.
Ryū, Shintarō (author).
Chishiki to chie, sono hoka: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1968, pp. 517.
武田泰淳( 著 ).
滅亡について: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1971.
Takeda, Taijun (author).
Metsubō ni tsuite: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1971, pp. 477.
1970-1980年代社会運動や思想 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought ❖ 195
加藤周一( 著 ).
日本の内と外: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1969.
Katō, Shūichi (author).
Nihon no uchi to soto: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1969, pp. 483.
中村光男( 著 ).
日本の近代: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1968.
Nakamura, Mitsuo (author).
Nihon no kindai: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1968, pp. 487.
小田実( 著 ).
難死の思想: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1969.
Oda, Makoto (author).
Nanshi no shisō: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1969, pp. 545.
鶴見俊輔( 著 ).
不定形の思想: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1968.
Tsurumi, Shunsuke (author).
Futeikei no shisō: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1968, pp. 431, 8.
臼井吉見( 著 ).
人間の確かめ: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1968.
Usui, Yoshimi (author).
Ningen no tashikame: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1968, pp. 486.
桑原武夫( 著 ).
伝統と近代: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1972.
Kuwabara, Takeo (author).
Dentō to kindai: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1972, pp. 513.
林健太郎( 著 ).
歴史と体験: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1972.
Hayashi, Kentarō (author).
Rekishi to taiken: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1972, pp. 505.
竹山道雄( 著 ).
時流に反して: 人と思想. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1968.
Takeyama, Michio (author).
Jiryū ni hanshite: hito to shisō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1968, pp. 534, 10.
196 ❖ 書籍 Books
❖ ❖ ❖
小田実( 著 ).第三書館編集部, 高田康弘( 編 ).
小田実の反核読本. 東京: 第三書館, 1983.
item_ID: 18125
Oda, Makoto (author). Daisan Shokan Editorial Section and Takada, Yasuhiro (editors).
Oda Makoto no Hankaku Dokuhon. Tōkyō: Daisan Shokan, 1983, pp. 189.
Collection of essays by Oda Makoto on his anti-nuclear ideology. With footnotes.
石ノ森章太郎( 著 ).
item_ID: 18165
ドキュメント・コミック 「大恐慌」:世界経済の鼓動が止まる日. 東京: 徳間書店, 1987.
Ishinomori, Shōtarō (author).
Dokyumento Komikku “Daikyōkō”: Sekai Keizai no Kodō ga Tomaru Hi. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1987, pp. 275.
A documentary comic book on the Shōwa Kin’yū Kyōkō (Showa financial depression)
and the Great Depression. The author is a famed manga writer. Ishinomori was
concerned with the economic issues of the late 1980s Japan, concerned about the
comparisons that can be drawn between Japan in the late 1920s and the present,
possibly drawing the nation into another depression. Data component and editing
was done by Takazawa Kōji and his assistants.
森瀧市朗( 著 ).
反核30年. 東京: 日本評論社, 1976.
Moritaki, Ichirō (author).
Hankaku 30nen. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1976, pp. 235.
A book on anti nuclear movements.
item_ID: 18170
差別:部落問題や沖縄問題 Discrimination Issues: Burakumin and Okinawa ❖ 197
VIII. 差別:部落問題や沖縄問題 Discrimination Issues: Burakumin and Okinawa
土方鉄( 著 ).
部落: ある靴職人の視点. 東京: 社会新報, 1969.
Hijikata, Tetsu (author).
Buraku: aru kutsushokunin no shiten. Tōkyō: Shakai Shinpō, 1969, pp. 234.
This is a book about the Buraku issue, focusing on a shoemaker.
( 著 ).
気違ひ部落周游紀行. 東京: 吾妻書房, 1949.
Kida, Minoru (author).
Kichigai buraku shūyū kikō. Tōkyō: Azuma Shobō, 1949, pp. 281.
A book on Buraku problems. It is one of three by Kida Minoru that appeared quite
early in postwar Japan.
( 著 ).
気違い部落の青春. 東京: 講談社, 1957.
Kida, Minoru (author).
Kichigai buraku no seishun. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1957, pp. 208.
A book on Buraku problems. It is one of three by Kida Minoru that appeared quite
early in postwar Japan.
( 著 ).
日本文化の根底に潜むもの. 東京: 講談社, 1957.
Kida, Minoru (author).
Nihon bunka no kontei ni hisomu mono. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1957, pp. 248.
A book on Buraku problems. It is one of three by Kida Minoru that appeared quite
early in postwar Japan.
東上高志( 著 ).
新版差別: 部落問題入門. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Tōjō, Takashi (author).
Shinban sabetsu: buraku mondai nyūmon. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 240.
An introduction to the Buraku issue.
上田卓三( 著 ).
部落は闘っている: 起きて見ろ、夜明けだ. 東京: 三一書房, 1974.
198 ❖ 書籍 Books
Ueda, Takumi (author).
Buraku wa tatakatte iru: okite miro, yoake da. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1974, pp. 224.
A book taking a proactive stance on the Buraku issue.
「日本共産党」. 東京: 部落解放同盟東京都連合
会, 1975.
Buraku kaihō ni tekitaisuru Nihon Kyōsantō. Tōkyō: Buraku Kaihō Dōmei Tokyo-to Rengōkai,
1975, pp. 74.
A book by Buraku Kaihō Dōmei criticizing the Japan Communist Party’s stance.
八木晃介( 著 ).
差別糾弾: その思想と歴史. 東京: 社会評論社, 1976.
Yagi, Kōsuke (author).
Sabetsu kyūdan: sono shisō to rekishi. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1976, pp. 278.
A book about the Buraku Liberation Movement’s tactic of denunciation (kyūdan).
解放新聞社( 編 ).
被差別部落: 東日本編、そこに生きる人びと. 東京: 三一書房, 1980.
Kaihō Shinbunsha (editor).
Hisabetsu buraku: Higashi Nihon hen, soko ni ikiru hitobito. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1980,
pp. 262.
解放新聞社( 編 ).
被差別部落: 西日本編、そこに生きる人びと. 東京: 三一書房, 1980.
Kaihō Shinbunsha (editor).
Hisabetsu buraku: Nishi Nihon hen, soko ni ikiru hitobito. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1980, pp. 234.
A book about Buraku communities and the people who live in them. This is a twovolume set covering eastern and western Japan.
塩見鮮一郎( 著 ).
告別の儀式. 東京: 田畑書店, 1980.
Shiomi, Sen’ichirō (author).
Kokubetsu no gishiki. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1980, pp. 242.
A novel on the Buraku mondai.
全国解放教育研究会( 編 ).
にんげん: 中学生. 東京: 明治図書, 1970.
Zenkoku Kaihō Kyōiku Kenkyūkai (editor).
Ningen: chūgakusei. Tōkyō: Meiji Tosho, 1970, pp. 254.
A book on Burakumin middle school students by a group concerned with Buraku
educational discrimination.
差別:部落問題や沖縄問題 Discrimination Issues: Burakumin and Okinawa ❖ 199
八木晃介( 著 ).
差別と冤罪の構造. 東京: たいまつ社, 1976.
Yagi, Kōsuke (author).
Sabetsu to enzai no kōzō. Tōkyō: Taimatsusha, 1976, pp. 195.
An analytical work on discrimination focusing on the Buraku issue.
松井久吉( 著 ).
被差別部落に生きる: わが半生の記. 東京: 三一書房, 1983.
Matsui, Hisakichi (author).
Hisabetsu buraku ni ikiru: waga hansei no ki. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1983, pp. 168.
An account of life in a Buraku.
柴田道子( 著 ).
被差別部落の伝承と生活: 信州の部落・古老聞き書き. 東京: 三一書房, 1972.
Shibata, Michiko (author).
Hisabetsu buraku no denshō to seikatsu: Shinshū no buraku korō kikigaki. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1972, pp. 340.
An account of conditions past and present in a Buraku in Shinshū, based on what the
older people in the community said and wrote.
八木晃介( 著 ).
反差別論ノート. 東京: 社会評論社, 1977.
Yagi, Kōsuke (author).
Hansabetsuron nōto. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1977, pp. 309.
Yagi Kōsuke’s thoughts on anti-discrimination theory.
❖ ❖ ❖
The collection contains many materials (Items #1086 to #1095) concerning the Ishikawa Kazuo frame-up incident also known as the Sayama Jiken. Ishikawa is a Burakumin who was falsely charged with the rape of a girl. The trial itself had a lot of
discrimination in it, and the Buraku Kaiho Dōmei has taken up this cause. Sayama
is the name of the place in Saitama where it happened around the beginning of the
1960s. After many years, Ishikawa was found innocent by the Supreme Court.
部落解放同盟中央本部( 編 ).
狭山差別裁判. 東京都: 原書房, 1970.
Buraku Kaihō Dōmei Chūō Honbu (editor).
Sayama sabetsu saiban. Tokyo: Hara Shobō, 1970, pp. 299, 9.
部落解放同盟( 編 ).
狭山差別裁判: 第3版. 東京都: 原書房, 1972.
200 ❖ 書籍 Books
Buraku Kaihō Dōmei (editor).
Sayama sabetsu saiban: dai-3-pan. Tokyo: Hara Shobō, 1972, pp. 371.
This is the third edition published by Buraku Kaihō Dōmei of the trial documents in
the Ishikawa Kazuo frame-up incident also known as the Sayama Jiken. The collection has two volumes.
土方鉄( 著 ).土方鉄( 編 ).
差別と表現. 大阪: 解放出版社, 1975.
Hijikata, Tetsu (author). Hijikata, Tetsu (editor).
Sabetsu to hyōgen. Ōsaka: Kaihō Shuppansha, 1975, pp. 223.
A work on discriminatory expressions by a person who frequently writes on Buraku
寺島珠雄( 著 ).
旅の宿りの長いまち: 釜ヶ崎. 大阪: プレイガイド・ジャーナル社, 1978.
Terashima, Tamao (author).
Tabi no yadori no nagai machi: Kamagasaki. Ōsaka: Pureigaido Jānarusha, 1978, pp. 269.
A book about the day laborers’ community Kamagasaki in Osaka.
野間宏( 著 ).
狭山裁判, 上. 東京: 岩波書店, 1976.
Noma, Hiroshi (author).
Sayama saiban, jō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1976, pp. 4, 224.
野間宏( 著 ).
狭山裁判, 下. 東京: 岩波書店, 1976.
Noma, Hiroshi (author).
Sayama saiban, ge. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1976, pp. 4, 232.
Noma is a famous Japanese literary figure whos followed the Sayama trial closely and
analyzed it as having all sorts of problems. This is his two-volume study of the case.
石川一雄( 著 ).
石川一雄獄中歌集. 東京: たいまつ社, 1979.
Ishikawa, Kazuo (author).
Ishikawa Kazuo gokuchū kashū. Tōkyō: Taimatsusha, 1979, pp. 118.
A collection of tanka written in prison by Ishikawa Kazuo, the person who was
wrongly charged in the Sayama jiken.
石川一雄( 著 ).部落解放同盟, 狭山事件弁護団( 編 ).
石川一雄獄中日記. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
差別:部落問題や沖縄問題 Discrimination Issues: Burakumin and Okinawa ❖ 201
Ishikawa, Kazuo (author). Buraku Kaihō Dōmei and Sayama Jiken Bengodan (editors).
Ishikawa Kazuo gokuchū nikki. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 289.
This is Ishikawa Kazuo’s prison diary.
( 著 ).
狭山事件、権力犯人と真犯人: 権力犯罪の告発. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Kamei, Tomu (author).
Sayama jiken, kenryoku hannin to shinhannin: kenryoku hanzai no kokuhatsu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 273.
A book about the Sayama jiken charging that the authorities behaved criminally.
亀井トム, 栗崎ゆたか( 著 ).
狭山事件、無罪の新事実: 崩壊する権力犯罪. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Kamei, Tomu and Kurisaki, Yutaka (authors).
Sayama jiken, muzai no shinjijitsu: hōkai suru kenryoku hanzai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977,
pp. 270.
❖ ❖ ❖
新泉社編集部( 編 ).
現代日本の偏見と差別. 東京: 新泉社, 1981.
Shinsensha Henshūbu (editor).
Gendai Nihon no henken to sabetsu. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1981, pp. 410.
A collection of essays on various cases of discrimination in Japan involving all sorts
of different bases for discrimination.
福本まり子( 著 ).
悲涛: 差別に死の抗議した愛と悲しみの記録. 東京: 集英社, 1966.
Fukumoto, Mariko (author).
Hitō: sabetsu ni shi no kōgi shita ai to kanashimi no kiroku. Tōkyō: Shūeisha, 1966, pp. 225.
Fukumoto Mariko was a Burakumin and nurse who was in love with a non-Burakumin whose family would not accept her. She committed suicide as a result, and this is
a posthumous publication of her diary. The book thus is about marriage discrimination, Burakumin discrimination, and also fits with the collection of suicide writings
in the collection.
森杉夫, 盛田嘉徳, 岡本良一( 著 ).
ある被差別部落の歴史: 和泉国南王子村. 東京: 岩波書店, 1979.
Mori, Sugio; Morita, Yoshinori; and Okamoto, Ryōichi (authors).
Aru hisabetsu buraku no rekishi: Izumikoku Minami Ōji mura. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1979,
pp. 9, 213.
202 ❖ 書籍 Books
An academic book tracing the history of discrimination against burakumin with various cases. the authors are historians.
菅孝行( 編 ).
現代日本の差別: シリーズ差別構造を読む2. 東京: 明石書店, 1988.
Kan, Takayuki (editor).
Gendai Nihon no sabetsu: Shirīzu sabetsu kōzō o yomu 2. Tōkyō: Akashi Shoten, 1988, pp. 248.
A collection of essays about different forms of discrimination in Japan.
イフンケの会( 編 ).
あるアイヌの死. 東京: 彩流社, 1991.
Ifunke no Kai (editor).
Ifunke [ komoriuta ] aru Ainu no shi. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1991, pp. 342.
A book about discrimination against Ainu, centered on the story of a young Ainu
man named Sakai Mamoru, who went to Sanya to work and was also an activist
in Sanya, and was found drowned in the river. The book is a collection of various
people’s reflections on the incident and reminiscences of Sakai.
阪大教養1003号による公募人事を考える会( 編 ).
ひとつの抗議: ある大学人事の裁判記録. 東京: 第三書館, 1980.
Handai Kyōyō 1003-gō ni yoru Kōbo Jinji o Kangaeru Kai (editor).
Hitotsu no kōgi: aru daigaku jinji no saiban kiroku. Tōkyō: Daisan Shokan, 1980, pp. 464.
A court record of a suit brought against Osaka University for employment discrimination.
国分一太郎( 著 ).
教師: その仕事. 東京: 岩波書店, 1956.
Kokubun, Ichitarō (author).
Kyōshi: sono shigoto. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1956, pp. 5, 228.
A book about school teachers and education. Kokubu is a Nikkyōsō activist.
柳下村塾経営委員会( 編 ).
伝習館・無名と共有: 柳下村塾地域の男たち. 東京: 三一書房, 1974.
Ryūkasonjuku Keiei Iinkai (editor).
Denshūkan, mumei to kyōyū: Yanagishita mura juku chiiki no otokotachi. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1974, pp. 263.
An analysis of education focusing on the juku problem.
小中陽太郎( 著 ).
小説内申書裁判: 長編書下ろし. 東京: 光文社, 1980.
Konaka, Yōtarō (author).
Shōsetsu naishinsho saiban: chōhen kakioroshi. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1980, pp. 252.
差別:部落問題や沖縄問題 Discrimination Issues: Burakumin and Okinawa ❖ 203
Reportage about court cases concerning the use of naishinsho to report on students
applying to high schools from junior high schools.
高杉晋吾( 著 ).
死に急ぐ子どもたち: 学校教育を撃つ. 東京: 三一書房, 1980.
Takasugi, Shingo (author).
Shi ni isogu kodomotachi: gakkō kyōiku o utsu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1980, pp. 241.
Reportage of young children’s student suicides as a result of problems in the education system.
比嘉春潮, 霜多正次, 新里恵二( 著 ).
沖縄. 東京: 岩波書店, 1963.
Higa, Shunchō; Shimota, Seiji; and Shinzato, Keiji (authors).
Okinawa. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1963, pp. 220.
A general analysis of Okinawa written well before its return to Japan. Higa Shuncho is a famous Okinawan journalist and minzoku gakusha. Shimota is a writer and
Shinzato is a lawyer.
中野好夫, 新崎盛暉( 著 ).
沖縄戦後史. 東京: 岩波書店, 1976.
Nakano, Yoshio and Arasaki, Moriteru (authors).
Okinawa sengoshi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1976, pp. 5, 221, 5.
A narrative history of postwar Okinawa.
大江健三郎( 著 ).
沖縄ノート. 東京: 岩波書店, 1970.
Ōe, Kenzaburō (author).
Okinawa nōto. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1970, pp. 3, 228.
Ōe Kenzaburō’s literary essays about Okinawa, US bases, discrimination against
Okinawa, etc. This volume and ōe’s Hiroshima nōto form a set.
阿波根昌鴻( 著 ).
米軍と農民: 沖縄県伊江島. 東京: 岩波書店, 1973.
Ahagon, Shōkō (author).
Beigun to nōmin: Okinawaken Iejima. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1973, pp. 4, 228.
Awagon Shōkō is an Okinawan anti-war activist who lives on Iejima, over half of
which is an American base. He has been an activist against the US bases there.
石田郁夫( 著 ).
安保・反戦・沖繩: 70年前哨戦の総括. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
204 ❖ 書籍 Books
Ishida, Ikuo (author).
Anpo hansen Okinawa: 70 nen zenshōsen no sōkatsu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 227.
This book published in 1969 links the three main issues of 1970, the Anpo issue, opposition to the war, and the situation of Okinawa.
村瀬春樹( 著 ).
誰か沖縄を知らないか:「第三世界」私論. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Murase, Haruki (author).
Dare ka Okinawa o shiranai ka: “daisan sekai” shiron. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 247.
Murase Haruki is a screenwriter, and this is his reportage concerning the return of
Okinawa during the period when the issue was a central focus of protest.
石田郁夫( 著 ).
弧状列島の底点から: 階級の底深く. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Ishida, Ikuo (author).
Kojō rettō no teiten kara: kaikyū no soko fukaku. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 225.
A collection of essays previously published in various magazines and newspapers.
Topics include Amami, Miike, Chikuhō etc.
瀬長亀次郎( 著 ).
沖縄人民党: 闘いの25年. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1970.
Senaga, Kamejirō (author).
Okinawa Jinmintō: tatakai no 25-nen. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1970, pp. 361.
Senaga Kamejirō was the head of the Okinawan Jinminto, the independent Communist Party of Okinawa. With the return of Okinawa the party merged with the JCP
and disappeared. This is Senaga’s personal account of its 25 year history during the
period when Okinawa was under US administration.
沖縄人民党史編集刊行委員会( 編 ).
item_ID: 1114
沖縄人民党の歴史: 付﹦党史年表、1947ー1973. 那覇: 沖縄人民党史編集刊行委員会,
Okinawa Jinmintōshi Henshū Kankō Iinkai (editor).
Okinawa Jinmintō no rekishi: fu = tōshi nenpyō, 1947-1973. Naha: Okinawa Jinmintōshi
Henshū Kankō Iinkai, 1985, pp. 652.
This is the Okinawa Jinmintō’s official history of the Party, written by Party members after the demise of the Party, as an official record, and there are many documents also included in the book. The copy of this history in the collection is signed by
Senaga Kamejirō. The kikanshi of the Party, called Jinmin, is also in the collection.
沖縄県教職員組合( 編 ).
これが日本軍だ: 沖縄戦における残虐行為. 那覇: 沖縄県教職員組合, 1972.
差別:部落問題や沖縄問題 Discrimination Issues: Burakumin and Okinawa ❖ 205
Okinawa-ken Kyōshokuin Kumiai (editor).
Kore ga Nihongun da: Okinawasen ni okeru zangyaku kōi. Naha: Okinawa-ken Kyōshokuin
Kumiai, 1972, pp. 58.
This book tells about the various atrocities committed by the Japanese military
against the Okinawans during the Battle of Okinawa.
山里章( 著 ).
逆流に抗して: 沖縄学生運動史. 東京: 沖縄問題研究会.
Yamazato, Akira (author).
Gyakuryū ni kōshite: Okinawa gakusei undōshi. Tōkyō: Okinawa Mondai Kenkyūkai, pp. 37.
This is a history of the Okinawan student movement during the period of American
occupation of Okinawa. The movement was anti-US military and thus was fairly
heavily suppressed.
沖縄ベトナム人民連帯委員会( 編 ).
牢獄からの叫び: 南ベトナム30万政治犯を即時釈放せよ. 東京: 改造社, 1973.
Okinawa Betonamu Jinmin Rentai Iinkai (editor).
Rōgoku kara no sakebi: Minami-Betonamu 30-man seijihan o sokuji shakuhō seyo. Tōkyō:
Kaizōsha, 1973, pp. 66.
An anti-Vietnam war protest by people in Okinawa, focusing on 30,000 political prisoners in South Vietnam.
富村順一( 著 ).
わんがうまりあ沖繩: 富村順一獄中手記. 東京: 柘植書房, 1972.
Tomimura, Jun’ichi (author).
Wanga umaria Okinawa: Tomimura Jun’ichi gokuchū shuki. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1972, pp. 264.
The title “wanga umaria Okinawa (Uchinaa)” means “Okinawa where I was born” in
Okinawan. Tomimura is an Okinawan laborer who went to Tokyo Tower to demand
that the emperor apologize for what happened in Okinawa and handed out handbills
with his demand. He was arrested and tried, and this is a book of his writings from
prison. A large box of Tomimura’s letters from prison are also in the collection.
佐木隆三( 著 ).
沖縄と私と娼婦. 東京: 合同出版, 1970.
Saki, Ryūzō (author).
Okinawa to watashi to shōfu. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1970, pp. 220.
Reportage on Okinawa prior to its return to Japan.
山城幸松( 編 ).
沖繩青年委員会: 五・一五体制粉砕・沖繩奪還. 東京: 新南陽社, 1973.
206 ❖ 書籍 Books
Yamashiro, Kōmatsu (editor).
Okinawa Seinen Iinkai: 5. 15 taisei funsai Okinawa dakkan. Tōkyō: Shin Nanyōsha, 1973,
pp. 142.
Okinawa Seinen Iinkai was a New Left group of Okinawan students and laborers
who protested the return of Okinawa to Japan. Some of their members came to Tokyo and threw firecrackers at the Diet in protest. this is a book presenting the political position of the group.
高沢秀次( 著 ).
旗焼く島の物語: 沖縄・読谷村のフォークロアー. 東京: 社会評論社, 1988.
Takazawa, Shūji (author).
Hata yaku “mura” no monogatari: Okinawa Yomitanson no fōkuroā. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha,
1988, pp. 282.
Reportage about the various protests against the US and Japan carried out by residents of the town of Yomitan (Yontan) where Kadena Air Base occupies more than
half the land. Hata yaku refers to a series of flagburning incidents outside the base.
The “folklore” refers not to traditional folklore but to the recounting of these stories
by villagers.
沖縄県生活福祉部援護課( 編 ).
平和への証言: 沖縄県立平和祈念資料館ガイドブック. 那覇: 沖縄県生活福祉部援護課,
Okinawa-ken Seikatsu Fukushibu Engoka (editor).
Heiwa e no shōgen: Okinawa Kenritsu Heiwa Kinen Shiryōkan gaidobukku. Naha: Okinawaken Seikatsu Fukushibu Engoka, 1983, pp. 157.
Mabuni is the place where people jumped off of cliffs during the final period of the
Battle of Okinawa. After the war ended the people of Mabuni to express their desire
for peace built a war memorial there that contains various exhibits and artifacts.
This is the guidebook of that war memorial.
朝日新聞社( 編 ).
item_ID: 1123
「ひめゆりの乙女たち」展図録: あれから35年鉄の暴風・沖縄戦の全容. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本
社, 1980.
Asahi Shinbunsha (editor).
“Himeyuri no Otometachi” ten zuroku: are kara 35nen tetsu no bōfū, Okinawa sen no zenyō.
Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1980, pp. 93.
This is the catalog to an exhibit of artifacts commemmorating the Himeyuri butai,
schoolgirls who were pressed into service helping the Japanese army during the Battle of Okinawa and died as a result. The exhibit traveled to many places in Japan.
島成郎( 著 ).
精神医療のひとつの試み. 東京: 批評社, 1982.
Shima, Shigeo (author).
Seishin iryō no hitotsu no kokoromi. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 1982, pp. 307.
差別:部落問題や沖縄問題 Discrimination Issues: Burakumin and Okinawa ❖ 207
Shima Shigeo was the shokichō of Bund (head of the secretariat) during 1960 Anpo.
After the 1960 Anpo tōsō ended he went back to Todai and became a psychiatrist and
then practiced in a remote area of Okinawa that did not have good medical care. This
is a collection of his essays about his work as a psychiatrist in Okinawa.
島成郎( 著 ).
精神医療・沖縄十五年: 持続する地域活動を求めて. 東京: 社会評論社, 1988.
Shima, Shigeo (author).
Seishin iryō Okinawa 15-nen: jizokusuru chiiki katsudō o motomete. Tōkyō: Shakai
Hyōronsha, 1988, pp. 383.
This is another collection of essays by Shima Shigeo concerning his work as a psychiatrist in Okinawa. His theory is that the psychiatric problems he observes cannot
be resolved as individual problems, but have to be dealt with as a community issue
and a problem of interpersonal communications and relations. This is an example
of how the philosophical position of Bund has been translated into activism in many
different areas.
宮田国男( 著 ).高橋忠一( 編 ).
item_ID: 1126
希望としての精神医療: 宮田国男の記録. 釧路:「希望としての精神医療」刊行会, 1988.
Miyata, Kunio (author). Takahashi, Chūichi (editor).
Kibō to shite no seishin iryō: Miyata Kunio no kiroku. Kushiro: Kibō to shite no Seishin Iryō
Kankōkai, 1988, pp. 5, 321.
This is a collection of essays about community psychiatry in Hokkaido.
208 ❖ 書籍 Books
IX. 1960-1970年代の感想 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s
小野耕世( 編 ).
item_ID: 1127
60年代のカタログ: 想い出のテレビ・まんが・CM・映画・歌謡曲・ポップス・フアション・大行進.
東京: 主婦と生活社, 1975.
Ono, Kōsei (editor).
60-nendai no katarogu: omoide no terebi, manga, CM, eiga, kayōkyoku, pops, fashion.dai
kōshin. Tōkyō: Shufu to Seikatsusha, 1975, pp. 317.
This is a catalog along the lines of the Whole Earth Catalog, which illustrates the
culture of the 1960s in Japan.
長崎浩( 著 ).
1960年代: ひとつの精神史. 東京: 作品社, 1988.
Nagasaki, Hiroshi (author).
1960-nendai: hitotsu no seishinshi. Tōkyō: Sakuhinsha, 1988, pp. 268.
Nagasaki Hiroshi is a member of 1960 Anpo Bund who later became a critic. This is
his analysis of the 1960s as an era.
安保拒否百人委員会( 編 ).
item_ID: 1129
遠い記憶としてではなく、今: 安保拒否百人委員会の10年. 安保拒否百人委員会, 1981.
Anpo Kyohi Hyakunin Iinkai (editor).
Tōi kioku to shite dewa naku ima: Anpo Kyohi Hyakunin Iinkai no 10-nen. Anpo Kyohi
Hyakunin Iinkai, 1981, pp. 237.
Anpo Kyohi Hyakunin Iinkai arose as an anti-Vietnam War protest group during the
1970 Anpo Tōsō. The book is a collection of essays and writings in commemoration of
the group’s 10th anniversary.
星野光徳( 著 ).
戦無派的立場とは何か. 東京: 七月堂, 1983.
Hoshino, Mitsunori (author).
Senmuha-teki tachiba to wa nani ka. Tōkyō: Shichigatsudō, 1983, pp. 251.
In standard Japanese generational theories, the Senmuha is the generation after the
postwar generation. This book is about the anti-war view of the Senmuha generation.
津村喬( 編 ).
全共闘: 持続と転形. 東京: 五月社, 1980.
Tsumura, Takashi (editor).
Zenkyōtō: jizoku to tenkei. Tōkyō: Gogatsusha, 1980, pp. 331.
This is a collection of essays done after the end of the Zenkyōto movement.
1960-1970年代の感想 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s ❖ 209
高木正幸( 著 ).
全学連と全共闘. 東京: 講談社, 1985.
Takagi, Masayuki (author).
Zengakuren to Zenkyōtō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1985, pp. 221.
A journalist’s narrative history of Zengakuren and Zenkyōto.
中山健次, 高橋伴明, 鈴木邦男, 立松和平, 前之園紀男, 田原総一朗( 著 ).
激論ー全共闘: 俺たちの原点. 東京: 講談社, 1984.
Nakayama, Kenji; Takahashi, Banmei; Suzuki, Kunio; Tatematsu, Wahei; Maenosono, Norio;
and Tahara, Sōichirō (authors).
Gekiron—-Zenkyōtō: oretachi no genten. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1984, pp. 176.
This is the transcript of a public discussion among a number of fairly famous people
about what the Zenkyōto movement had been about. It was part of a spate of materials that came out in the early 1980s in conjunction with an attempt to revive the
Zenkyōto movement for the next generation, and also to reflect on it ten years after
it ended.
筑紫哲也( 著 ).筑紫哲也( 編 ).
全共闘: それは何だったのか. 東京: 現代の理論社, 1984.
Chikushi, Tetsuya (author). Chikushi, Tetsuya (editor).
Zenkyōtō: sore wa nan datta no ka. Tōkyō: Gendai no Rironsha, 1984, pp. 231.
A collection of essays about Zenkyōto that came out of the effort to revive Zenkyōto
in the early 1980s. Chikushi Tetsuya is a journalist.
黒古一夫( 著 ).
祝祭と修羅: 全共闘文学論. 東京: 彩流社, 1985.
Kuroko, Kazuo (author).
Shukusai to shura: Zenkyōtō bungakuron. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1985, pp. 206.
After the Zenkyōto movement ended many people who had participated in it went
on to write literary works based on their experiences, which came collectively to be
known as Zenkyōto bungaku. This book is a literary analysis of Zenkyōto bungaku.
天野恵一( 著 ).
全共闘経験の現在. 東京: インパクト出版会, 1989.
Amano, Yasukazu (author).
Zenkyōtō keiken no genzai. Tōkyō: Inpakuto Shuppankai, 1989, pp. 318.
This is a collection of Amano Yasukazu’s analyses and critical essays about Zenkyōto.
川本三郎( 著 ).
マイ・バック・ページ: ある60年代の物語. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1988.
Kawamoto, Saburō (author).
Mai bakku pēji: aru 60-nendai no monogatari. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1988, pp. 211.
210 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kawamoto Saburō was involved in various movements in the 1960s and then became
a journalist at Asahi Shinbun. This is his personal reflection on his experiences in
the 1960s.
北野隆一( 著 ).
「東大紛争」.東京: 講談社, 1990.
Kitano, Ryōichi (author).
Pureibakku Tōdai funsō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1990, pp. 326.
Kitano Ryōichi was a student at Tokyo University in the 1980s writing for the student newspaper when he got interested in the Todai Tōsō and did a series of interviews with the participants. His series was highly regarded and was then published
as a book while he was still a student. He subsequently became a journalist at Asahi
広谷俊二( 著 ).
東大闘争裏面史. 東京: 全国大学人協会, 1983.
Hiroya, Shunji (author).
Tōdai tōsō rimenshi. Tōkyō: Zenkoku Daigakujin Kyōkai, 1983, pp. 143.
This is a retrospective account of the Todai Tōsō by someone who was on the Todai
administration side.
牧田吉明( 著 ).
我が闘争: スニーカーミドルの爆烈弾. 長野・小谷村: 山猫書林, 1984.
Makita, Yoshiaki (author).
Waga tōsō: sunīkā midoru no bakuretsudan. Kotanimura, Nagano: Yamaneko Shorin, 1984,
pp. 307.
Makita Yoshiaki was the son of the president of Mitsubishi Jūko (site of the Higashi
Asia Hannichi bombing) but the son himself was involved in some smaller bomb
incidents as a radical student during the same period. This book is by the son and
concerns his own experiences with radical bombings.
長崎浩( 著 ).
日本の過激派: スタイルの系譜. 海燕書房, 1988.
Nagasaki, Hiroshi (author).
Nihon no kagekiha: sutairu no keifu. Kaien Shobō, 1988, pp. 367.
This is Nagasaki Hiroshi’s organizational theory starting from the 1960 Anpo period
and through the 1970s etc. It is an analysis of student movement sects.
野崎六助( 著 ).
幻視するバリケード: 復員文学論. 東京: 田畑書店, 1984.
Nozaki, Rokusuke (author).
Genshisuru barikēdo: fukuin bungakuron. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1984, pp. 199.
1960-1970年代の感想 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s ❖ 211
Nozaki is a critic from the Zenkyōto generation, and this one of two volumes that
present his theory of Zenkyōto bungaku.
野崎六助( 著 ).
亡命者帰らず: 天皇テロル子供たち. 東京: 彩流社, 1986.
Nozaki, Rokusuke (author).
Bōmeisha kaerazu: Tennō teroru kodomotachi. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1986, pp. 246.
Nozaki is a critic from the Zenkyōto generation, and this one of two volumes that
present his theory of Zenkyōto bungaku.
兵頭正俊( 著 ).
ゴルゴダのことば狩り: 喩体の方法. 東京: 大和書房, 1984.
Hyōdō, Masatoshi (author).
Gorugoda no kotoba gari: Yutai no hōhō. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1984, pp. 324.
Hyōdō is a writer and critic of the Zenkyōto generation and this book is his analysis
of Zenkyōto bungaku.
高沢皓司( 著 ).高沢皓司( 編 ).
全共闘グラフィティ. 東京: 新泉社, 1984.
Takazawa, Kōji (author). Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Zenkyōtō gurafiti. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1984, pp. 143.
This volume of pictures and some text covers not only the major campus conflicts
of the Zenkyōto movement, but also the broader cultural political and cultural atmosphere. It includes pictures of popular culture products of the period, as well as
pictures of students fighting police and occupying buildings. The text summarizes
major events in the movement.
高沢皓司( 著 ).高沢皓司( 編 ).
全共闘グラフィティ: 増補. 東京: 新泉社, 1991.
Takazawa, Kōji (author). Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Zenkyōtō gurafiti: zōho. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1991, pp. 151.
This volume of pictures and some text covers not only the major campus conflicts
of the Zenkyōto movement, but also the broader cultural political and cultural atmosphere. It includes pictures of popular culture products of the period, as well as
pictures of students fighting police and occupying buildings. The text summarizes
major events in the movement. This is an expanded edition put out a few years after
the book first came out.
高沢皓司( 著 ).
兵士たちの闇. 東京: マルジュ社, 1982.
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Heishitachi no yami. Tōkyō: Marujusha, 1982, pp. 213.
212 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a collection of essays of Takazawa’s reportage on Sekigunha and the Rengō
Sekigun incident. It includes his personal account of waiting out the Asama Sansō
siege as the on-site representative of Moppurusha (Sekishoku Kyūenkai).
高沢皓司( 著 ).
生きいそぎの青春. 東京: 講談社, 1984.
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Ikiisogi no seishun. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1984, pp. 237.
This is an analysis of youth using the lives of Mori Tsuneo, Okudaira Tsuyoshi, Sugiyama Toshi, Takano Etsuko, and Ichinose Taizo (a Japanese journalist who died in
高沢皓司( 著 ).
東京・北京・平壌. 東京: 新泉社, 1994.
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Tokyo Beijing Pyongyang. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1994, pp. 253.
Collection of Takazawa’s essays and writings analyzing Bund, the student movement, Tien An Men Incident, Yodogo Incident, and his travels to North Korea.
高沢皓司, 木原啓二, 豊田一彦( 著 ).
イラストレイテッド全共闘. 東京: ベストブック, 1984.
Takazawa, Kōji; Kihara, Keiji; and Toyoda, Kazuhiko (authors).
Illustrated Zenkyōtō. Tōkyō: Besto Bukku, 1984, pp. 155.
This is an “Illusto” or cartoon history of Zenkyōto.
チョンゴントゥ・イルボンハクセンウンドンサ. 1985.
Cenkongthwu - Ilpon hakusayng wuntong sa. 1985, pp. 160.
A book in Korean about the Japanese Zenkyōto student movements.
高沢皓司( 編 ).
フレームアップ: 土田・日石・ピース缶事件の真相. 東京: 新泉社, 1983.
Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Furēmu appu: Tsuchida Nisseki pi-sukan jiken no shinsō. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1983, pp. 269.
This volume contains documents and analysis of the Tsuchida Nisseki Peace Can
jiken frame-up incident. Three unrelated bombing incidents were strung together in
a scenario produced by police and prosecutors and a dozen people were arrested and
prosecuted for the allege plot. Some confessed under pressure while others insisted
on their innocence. After some had been found guilty the case unraveled, resulting
in new trials and acquittals.
高沢皓司, 蔵田計成( 編 ).
新左翼理論全史. 東京: 新泉社, 1984.
1960-1970年代の感想 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s ❖ 213
Takazawa, Kōji and Kurata, Keisei (editors).
Shinsayoku riron zenshi. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1984, pp. 571.
A collection of the major essays of New Left theory with annotations. This is a major
documentary volume for research on the New Left.
松本健一, 他( 著 ).
論争の同時代史. 東京: 新泉社, 1986.
Matsumoto, Ken’ichi et al. (authors).
Ronsō no dōjidaishi. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1986, pp. 374.
This is an account of the major theoretical debates or arguments of the whole Shōwa
period, with a contemporary analysis (sōkatsu). It is a useful source for finding out
what a particular theoretical or ideological debate was about and what each group’s
position was. The major theoretical debates of the New Left are included.
高沢皓司( 著 ).
沖縄・琉球弧への旅: シリーズ旅の本1. 東京: 社会評論社, 1987.
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Okinawa Ryūkyūko e no tabi: shirīzu tabi no hon 1. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1987, pp. 199.
An introduction to Okinawan history, folklore, and the Okinawan problem.
森恒夫( 著 ).高沢皓司( 編 ).
銃撃戦と粛清: 森恒夫自己批判書全文. 東京: 新泉社, 1984.
Mori, Tsuneo (author). Takazawa, Kōji (editor).
Jūgekisen to shukusei: Mori Tsuneo jikohihansho zenbun. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1984, pp. 293.
This is an edited version of Mori Tsuneo’s attempt to make sense of the Rengō Sekigun purge during the 10 months between his arrest and his suicide in prison. He
wrote it as a series of joshinsho, or documents sent to the court, but they also circulated among the other Rengō Sekigun and Sekigunha members who were in prison
jail. The collection also contains copies of the original manuscripts.
高沢皓司( 著 ).
カンボジア、いま: クメール・ルージュと内戦の大地. 東京: 新泉社, 1993.
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Kanbojia ima: Khmer Rouge to naisen no daichi. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1993, pp. 214.
Reportage and photos on Cambodia after Pol Pot.
道浦母都子( 著 ).
無援の抒情. 東京: 岩波書店, 1990.
Michiura, Motoko (author).
Muen no jojō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1990, pp. 6, 301.
Michiura Motoko was a tanka writer from the Zenkyōto generation from Waseda
University. This is a collection of her tanka written about the Zenkyōto movement.
214 ❖ 書籍 Books
河野裕子, 道浦母都子, 阿木津英, 永井陽子( 編 ).
歌うならば、今: ‘84京都春のシンポジウム. 東京: 而立書房, 1985.
Kawano, Yūko; Michiura, Motoko; Akitsu, Ei and Nagai, Yōko (editors).
Utau naraba ima: 84 Kyoto haru no shinpojiumu. Tōkyō: Jiritsu Shobō, 1985, pp. 149.
A symposium by four women poets of the zenkyōto generation.
粉川哲夫( 著 ).
電子国家と天皇制. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1986.
Kogawa, Tetsuo (author).
Denshi kokka to tennōsei. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1986, pp. 220.
A collection of essays presenting Kogawa Tetsuo’s theory of media and the emperor
笠井潔( 著 ).
テロルの現象学: 観念批判論序説. 東京: 作品社, 1984.
Kasai, Kiyoshi (author).
Teroru no genshōgaku: kannen hihanron josetsu. Tōkyō: Sakuhinsha, 1984, pp. 386.
Kasai Kiyoshi is a critic and writer who was an activist in Kyōrōtō Purokakudō during the Zenkyoto period. This is his analysis of the Rengō Sekigun jiken.
西垣内堅佑( 著 ).
六法全書をひっさげて縄文人が来た. 東京: 現代評論社, 1985.
Nishigaito, Kensuke (author).
Roppō zensho o hissagete jōmonjin ga kita. Tōkyō: Gendai Hyōronsha, 1985, pp. 262.
Nishigaito is a lawyer who was involved in defending some of the Rengo Sekigun
cases. This is a collection of his essays.
竹内芳郎( 著 ).
課題としての「文化革命」:現代革命論の諸展開. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1976.
Takeuchi, Yoshirō (author).
Kadai to shite no ‘Bunka Kakumei”: gendai kakumeiron no sho tenkai. Tōkyō: Chikuma
Shobō, 1976, pp. 6, 234.
A collection of previously published essays related to cultural revolution.
信濃太郎( 著 ).
新左翼運動獄中書簡集. 東京: 新泉社, 1994.
Shinano, Tarō (author).
Shinsayoku undō gokuchū shokanshū. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1994, pp. 195.
Shinano was responsible for the Nagano support group after the Rengō Sekigun
incident and this is a collection of the letters, etc. he got from various participants
in prison.
1960-1970年代の感想 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s ❖ 215
岡留安則( 著 ).
「噂の真相」編集長日誌, 3. 東京: 木馬書館, 1994.
Okadome, Yasunori (author).
“Uwasa no shinsō” henshūchō nisshi, 3. Tōkyō: Mokuba Shokan, 1994, pp. 222.
Okadome is the editor of a monthly magazine called Uwasa no Shinsō [The truth
behind the Rumors] that features investigative reporting and insider coverage of the
media. This is a collection of the “editor’s diary” that he writes at the end of every
河邑重光( 著 ).
実録「新左翼」は三度死ぬ: その軌跡と役割. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1987.
Kawamura, Shigemitsu (author).
Jitsuroku “Shinsayoku” wa sando shinu: sono kiseki to yakuwari. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1987, pp. 233.
This is a critique of the New Left from the perspective of the Japan Communist Party.
鈴木邦男( 著 ).
item_ID: 1167
がんばれ!!新左翼:「わが敵わが友」過激派再起へのエール. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1989.
Suzuki, Kunio (author).
Ganbare shinsayoku: “Waga teki waga tomo” kagekiha saiki e no ēru. Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai, 1989, pp. 236.
Suzuki Kunio is the leader of Issui-kai, a New Right group that was heavily influenced by the New Left. This is his analysis of the New Left from the perspective of
the New Right.
鈴木邦男( 著 ).
「狼」.東京: 三一書房, 1975.
Suzuki, Kunio (author).
Harahara tokei to “Ōkami”. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 218.
Suzuki Kunio’s New Right perspective on the Higashi Asia bombing campaign, expressing considerable sympathy for the group.
鈴木邦男( 著 ).
新右翼: 民族派の歴史と現在. 東京: 彩流社, 1988.
Suzuki, Kunio (author).
Shin uyoku: minzokuha no rekishi to genzai. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1988, pp. 223.
Suzuki Kunio’s presentation of the history and present conditions of the New Right.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治詩集. 東京: 岩波書店, 1978.
216 ❖ 書籍 Books
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu shishū. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1978, pp. 211.
A collection of Nakano Shigeharu’s poetry.
中野重治( 著 ).
歌のわかれ. 東京: 新潮社, 1950.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Uta no wakare. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1950, pp. 282.
An early postwar collection of Nakano Shigeharu’s poetry.
中野重治( 著 ).
中野重治詩集. 東京: 新潮社, 1951.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author).
Nakano Shigeharu shishū. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1951, pp. 134.
Another early postwar volume of Nakano Shigeharu’s poetry.
中野重治( 著 ).鎌田慧( 編 ).
新日本文学: 中野重治, 12. 東京: 新日本文学会, 1979.
Nakano, Shigeharu (author). Kamata, Satoshi (editor).
Shin Nihon Bungaku: Nakano Shigeharu, 12. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Bungakukai, 1979, pp. 320.
This is a collection of articles about Nakano Shigeharu edited and published after
his death.
野間宏( 著 ).
わが塔はそこに立つ. 東京: 講談社, 1962.
Noma, Hiroshi (author).
Waga tō wa sono ni tatsu. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1962, pp. 404.
This is a novel by Noma Hiroshi on the theme of the Kyoto student movement of the
野間宏( 著 ).
華やかな色彩: 青年の環1, 1. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1966.
Noma, Hiroshi (author).
Hanayaka na shikisai: seinen no wa 1. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1966, pp. 393.
野間宏( 著 ).
舞台の顔: 青年の環2, 2. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1966.
Noma, Hiroshi (author).
Butai no kao: seinen no wa 2. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1966, pp. 482.
1960-1970年代の感想 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s ❖ 217
野間宏( 著 ).
表と裏と表: 青年の環3, 3. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1966.
Noma, Hiroshi (author).
Omote to ura to omote: seinen no wa 3. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1966, pp. 552.
野間宏( 著 ).
影の領域: 青年の環4, 4. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1968.
Noma, Hiroshi (author).
Kage no ryōiki: seinen no wa 4. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1968, pp. 397.
野間宏( 著 ).
炎の場所: 青年の環5, 5. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1971.
Noma, Hiroshi (author).
Honō no basho: seinen no wa 5. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1971, pp. 675.
This is a long novel in five volumes. Before he became a writer Noma worked in the
Osaka Shiyakusho where he was deeply involved in the issue of Buraku sabetsu.
This is his long novel about those experiences. Because of this experience he also got
involved in writing about the Sayama Jiken.
「文藝」編集部( 編 ).
追悼野間宏: 未発表初期作品収載. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1991.
“Bungei” Henshūbu (editor).
Tsuitō Noma Hiroshi: mihappyō shoki sakuhin shūsai. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1991,
pp. 307.
A collection of writings about Noma Hiroshi edited by the editors of Bungei magazine
and published after his death. It also includes some of his unpublished early work.
黒井千次( 著 ).
五月巡歴. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1977.
Kuroi, Senji (author).
Gogatsu junreki. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1977, pp. 346.
A novel about the Bloody May Day jiken by a participant. Kuroi wrote two novels on
this subject (see item #1182).
黒井千次( 著 ).
時間. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1969.
Kuroi, Senji (author).
Jikan. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1969, pp. 287.
This is another novel about the Bloody May Day incident by the same participant as
item #1181.
郷正文( 著 ).
蛇行. 東京: 東都書房, 1960.
218 ❖ 書籍 Books
Gō, Masabumi (author).
Dakō. Tōkyō: Tōto Shobō, 1960, pp. 222.
A novel about the 1950s Tokyo Daigaku student movement and the 1960 Anpo tōsō.
柴田翔( 著 ).
されどわれらが日々. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1964.
Shibata, Shō (author).
Saredo warera ga hibi. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1964, pp. 258.
Shibata is a novelist who won the Akutagawa prize for this novel, whose theme is
the 1960 Anpo tōsō. Shibata is also a specialist in German literature and a Todai
柴田翔( 著 ).
われら戦友たち. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1973.
Shibata, Shō (author).
Warera senyū tachi. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1973, pp. 341.
Another novel by Shibata on the 1960 Anpo tōsō. This one takes the standpoint of a
conversation among participants meeting ten years after the tōsō.
舟橋聖一( 著 ).
エネルギイ. 東京: 文芸春秋新社, 1960.
Funabashi, Seiichi (author).
Enerugii. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū Shinsha, 1960, pp. 249.
Funabashi Seiichi is a major writer of samurai novels. However, this particular novel is about the 1960 Anpo tōsō and students who participated in it.
真継伸彦( 著 ).
光る聲. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1966.
Matsugi, Nobuhiko (author).
Hikaru koe. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1966, pp. 266.
Matsugi was a JCP member in the 1950s and this novel is about the split that occurred at the 6th Communist Party Congress.
五木寛之( 著 ).
デラシネの旗. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1969.
Itsuki, Hiroyuki (author).
Derashine no hata. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1969, pp. 225.
Itsuki is a novelist who won the Naoki prize. The novel is about the May Revolution
in Paris in 1968. This novel raises the possibility that a member of Zengakuren was
working behind the scenes in Paris.
1960-1970年代の感想 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s ❖ 219
野口武彦( 著 ).
洪水の後. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1969.
Noguchi, Takehiko (author).
Kōzui no ato. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1969, pp. 261.
This novel is about the 1960 Anpo Tōsō at Waseda University. Noguchi Takehiko
was the lincho of Minsei at the time and is now a professor.
野口武彦( 著 ).
旗は紅に燃えて. 東京: 新潮社, 1977.
Noguchi, Takehiko (author).
Hata wa kurenai ni moete. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1977, pp. 204.
A novel by Noguchi with the theme of the Waseda Daigaku tōsō in the mid-1960s.
石原慎太郎( 著 ).
野蛮人の大学. 東京: 集英社, 1971.
Ishihara, Shintarō (author).
Yabanjin no daigaku. Tōkyō: Shūeisha, 1971, pp. 371.
This novel by Ishihara Shintarō is about the student movement of 1969 but from a
conservative and critical standpoint.
伊藤整( 著 ).
同行者. 東京: 新潮社, 1969.
Itō, Sei (author).
Dōkōsha. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1969, pp. 270.
Itō Sei is a famous postwar literary figure. This novel does not have the student
movement as its theme, but the movement is the backdrop and he used a lot of materials from the movement. However, the main theme of the novel is not about the
浮海啓( 著 ).
夢の軋み. 東京: 泰流社, 1977.
Ukigai, Satoru (author).
Yume no kishimi. Tōkyō: Tairyūsha, 1977, pp. 250.
This is a Zenkyoto novel.
高城修三( 著 ).
榧の木祭り. 東京: 新潮社, 1978.
Taki, Shūzō (author).
Kaya no ki matsuri. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1978, pp. 193.
220 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a Zenkyōto novel, and Taki Shūzō was a Zenkyōto participant. But the setting
of the novel is not Zenkyōto.
高城修三( 著 ).
闇を抱いて戦士たちよ. 東京: 新潮社, 1979.
Taki, Shūzō (author).
Yami o daite senshitachi yo. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1979, pp. 189.
This novel is directly about the Todai Zenkyōto movement, by a participant.
山田稔( 著 ).
教授の部屋. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1972.
Yamada, Minoru (author).
Kyōju no heya. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1972, pp. 244.
Yamada Minoru is a Kyoto University professor. This is a novel from the perspective
of a professor during the Kyoto tōsō.
星野光徳( 著 ).
おれたちの熱い季節. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1978.
Hoshino, Mitsunori (author).
Oretachi no atsui kisetsu. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1978, pp. 206.
This is a novel with the theme of the Kyoto area Zenkyōto struggles.
三田誠広( 著 ).
僕って何. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1977.
Mita, Masahiro (author).
Boku tte nani. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1977, pp. 176.
This novel won the Akutagawa prize. It is a parody of the Zenkyōto movement.
帚木蓬生( 著 ).
十二年目の映像. 東京: 新潮社, 1981.
Hahakigi, Hōsei (author).
12-nenme no eizō. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1981, pp. 239.
Hahakigi is a Tokyo psychiatrist and writer. The novel is about the Todai Zenkyōto
tōsō, and particularly about Yasuda Kōdō.
北方謙三( 著 ).
やがて冬が終れば. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1984.
Kitakata, Kenzō (author).
Yagate fuyu ga owareba. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1984, pp. 243.
A novel about the Zenkyōto movement, centering on the Yasuda Kōdō conflict at
1960-1970年代の感想 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s ❖ 221
北方謙三( 著 ).
あれは幻の旗だったのか. 東京: 双葉社, 1984.
Kitakata, Kenzō (author).
Are wa maboroshi no hata datta no ka. Tōkyō: Futabasha, 1984, pp. 287.
A Zenkyōtō novel.
兵頭正俊( 著 ).
死間山: 全共闘記(その五).福井・丸岡町: 鋒刃社, 1977.
Hyōdō, Masatoshi (author).
Shikanzan: Zenkyōtōki (sono 5). Maruokacho, Fukui: Hōjinsha, 1977, pp. 418.
A Zenkyōtō novel.
兵頭正俊( 著 ).
霙の降る情景: 全共闘記. 東京: 三一書房, 1979.
Hyōdō, Masatoshi (author).
Mizore no furu jōkei: Zenkyōtōki. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1979, pp. 193.
A Zenkyōtō novel.
山崎哲( 著 ).
砂の女: 連合赤軍事件ノート. 東京: 深夜叢書社, 1982.
Yamazaki, Tetsu (author).
Suna no onna: Rengō Sekigun Jiken nōto. Tōkyō: Shinya Sōshosha, 1982, pp. 129.
A play with the Rengō Sekigun jiken as its theme. This one is not to be confused with
the more famous novel Suna no Onna, which is by a different author.
三田誠広( 著 ).
漂流記1972. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1984.
Mita, Masahiro (author).
Hyōryūki 1972. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1984, pp. 617.
A novel about Rengō Sekigun.
円地文子( 著 ).
食卓のない家, 上. 東京: 新潮社, 1979.
Enchi, Fumiko (author).
Shokutaku no nai ie, jō. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1979, pp. 254.
円地文子( 著 ).
食卓のない家, 下. 東京: 新潮社, 1979.
Enchi, Fumiko (author).
Shokutaku no nai ie, ge. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1979, pp. 245.
222 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is Enchi Fumiko’s two volume novel about the destruction of family life by radical students, based on Rengō Sekigun.
大江健三郎( 著 ).
洪水はわが魂に及び, 上. 東京: 新潮社, 1973.
Ōe, Kenzaburō (author).
Kōzui wa waga tamashii ni oyobi, jō. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1973, pp. 246.
大江健三郎( 著 ).
洪水はわが魂に及び, 下. 東京: 新潮社, 1973.
Ōe, Kenzaburō (author).
Kōzui wa waga tamashii ni oyobi, ge. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1973, pp. 246.
This is Ōe’s two volume novel in which Asama Sanso and Rengō Sekigun appear, but
are not the main theme.
大江健三郎( 著 ).
河馬に噛まれる. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1985.
松下竜一( 著 ).
狼煙を見よ: 東アジア反日武装戦線「狼」部隊. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1987.
Ōe, Kenzaburō (author).
Kaba ni kamareru. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1985, pp. 315.
A novel about Rengō Sekigun by Ōe Kenzaburō.
Matsushita Ryūichi (author).
Noroshi o miyo: Higashi Ajia Han-Nichi Busō Sensen “Ōkami” butai. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō
Shinsha, 1987, pp. 277.
Matsushita’s”non-fiction novel” about Higashi Asia Hannichi Busō Sensen and its
leader Daidoji Masashi. Matsushita is an environmental activist from Kyushu who
began corresponding with Daidoji and later wrote this book.
桐山襲( 著 ).
パルチザン伝説: 桐山襲作品集. 東京: 作品社, 1984.
Kiriyama, Kasane (author).
Paruchizan densetsu: Kiriyama Kasane sakuhinshū. Tōkyō: Sakuhinsha, 1984, pp. 237.
A novel about Higashi Asia Hannichi Busō Sensen. The novel won a literary prize
and was supposed to be published as a result, but because part of its theme involves
the depiction of a terrorist attack on the emperor at the end of the war, right-wing
pressure was brought to bear on the publisher not to publish it. The original publisher backed out and the novel was subsequently published by another small publisher.
桐山襲( 著 ).
「パルチザン伝説」事件. 東京: 作品社, 1987.
1960-1970年代の感想 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s ❖ 223
Kiriyama, Kasane (author).
“Paruchizan Densetsu” jiken. Tōkyō: Sakuhinsha, 1987, pp. 246.
This is a report by Kiriyama about the incident of right-wing pressure that resulted
from his novel Paruchizan Densetsu.
反天皇制運動連絡会( 編 ).
item_ID: 1214
「パルチザン伝説」出版弾圧事件: 反天皇制運動・資料Vol.1. 東京: 反天皇制運動連絡会,
Han Tennōsei Undō Renrakukai (editor).
“Paruchizan Densetsu” shuppan dan’atsu jiken: han tennōsei undō shiryō Vol. 1. Tōkyō: Han
Tennōsei Undō Renrakukai, 1984, pp. 50.
A documentary collection related to the Paruchizan Densetsu incident.
桐山襲( 著 ).
風のクロニクル. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1985.
Kiriyama, Kasane (author).
Kaze no kuronikuru. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1985, pp. 159.
This and the next several items are Kiriyama’s novels with the student movement
as their theme.
桐山襲( 著 ).
戯曲風のクロニクル. 東京: 冬芽社, 1985.
Kiriyama, Kasane (author).
Gikyoku kaze no kuronikuru. Tōkyō: Tōgasha, 1985, pp. 143.
A novel by Kiriyama Kasane on the theme of the student movement.
桐山襲( 著 ).
スターバト・マーテル. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1986.
Kiriyama, Kasane (author).
Sutābato māteru. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1986, pp. 203.
A novel about Rengō Sekigun by Kiriyama.
桐山襲( 著 ).
スターバト・マーテル. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1991.
Kiriyama, Kasane (author).
Sutābato māteru. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1991, pp. 206.
This is the tankobon version of item #1217, Kiriyama’s novel about Rengō Sekigun.
桐山襲( 著 ).
亜熱帯の涙. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1988.
224 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kiriyama, Kasane (author).
Anettai no namida. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1988, pp. 224.
A novel about Okinawa by Kiriyama Kasane.
桐山襲( 著 ).
聖なる夜聖なる穴. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1987.
Kiriyama, Kasane (author).
Seinaru yoru seinaru ana. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1987, pp. 159.
A novel about Okinawa tōsō and a person named Jahana Noboru of the Jiyu minken
桐山襲( 編 ).
国鉄を殺すな: 国鉄労働者は発言する. 東京: 冬芽社, 1986.
Kiriyama, Kasane (editor).
Kokutetsu o korosu na: Kokutetsu rōdōsha wa hatsugen suru. Tōkyō: Tōgasha, 1986, pp. 285.
This is a collection of cases of people who got fired in the privatization of the JNR. It
is a work of non-fiction by a fiction writer.
桐山襲( 著 ).
都市叙景断章. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1989.
Kiriyama, Kasane (author).
Toshi jokei danshō. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1989, pp. 143.
A novel on the theme of the student movement.
桐山襲( 著 ).
神殿レプリカ. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1991.
Kiriyama, Kasane (author).
Shinden repurika. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1991, pp. 221.
Another novel by Kiriyama on the student movement.
今井公雄( 著 ).
序章. 東京: 講談社, 1981.
Imai, Kimio (author).
Joshō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1981, pp. 230.
A novel about uchigeba by a top ranked writer who came out of Chūkaku-ha.
矢作俊彦( 著 ).
リンゴォ・キッドの休日. 東京: 早川書房, 1980.
1960-1970年代の感想 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s ❖ 225
Yahagi, Toshihiko (author).
Ringō kiddo no kyūjitsu. Tōkyō: Hayakawa Shobō, 1980, pp. 299.
Zenkyōto bungaku.
矢作俊彦( 著 ).
真夜中へもう一歩. 東京: 光文社, 1985.
Yahagi, Toshihiko (author).
Mayonaka e mō ippo. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1985, pp. 364.
Zenkyōto bungaku.
矢作俊彦( 著 ).
神様のピンチヒッター. 東京: 光文社, 1981.
Yahagi, Toshihiko (author).
Kamisama no pinchihittā. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1981, pp. 255.
Zenkyōto bungaku.
佐々木譲( 著 ).
夜を急ぐ者よ. 東京: 集英社, 1986.
Sasaki, Jō (author).
Yoru o isogu mono yo. Tōkyō: Shūeisha, 1986, pp. 262.
A suspense drama about a person who participated in the Zenkyōto movement and
then returned to Okinawa and got involved in all sorts of events.
李恢成( 著 ).
流民伝. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1980.
Li, Huicheng (author).
Ruminden. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1980, pp. 198.
A collection of three novels. One of them, “Ruminden” is a story about a Zainichi
Korean writer.
塩見鮮一郎( 著 ).
黄色い国の脱出口. 東京: 田畑書店, 1980.
Shiomi, Sen’ichirō (author).
Kiiroi kuni no dasshutsuguchi. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1980, pp. 206.
A novel about buraku.
山田多賀市( 著 ).
雑草. 東京: 東邦出版社, 1971.
226 ❖ 書籍 Books
Yamada, Takaichi (author).
Zassō. Tōkyō: Tōhō Shuppansha, 1971, pp. 252.
A novel about people during the war. The author presents the view that the people
were treated like weeds by the Japanese government.
山下惣一( 著 ).
減反神社. 東京: 家の光協会, 1981.
ジェラル・ド・ヴイリエ( 著 ).鈴木豊( 訳 ).
SAS日本連合赤軍の挑戦: プリンス・マルコ・シリーズ. 東京: 東京創元社, 1979.
Yamashita, Sōichi (author).
Gentan jinja. Tōkyō: Ie no Hikari Kyōkai, 1981, pp. 283.
A collection of novels which include stories about farmers.
Villiers, Gerald de (author). Suzuki, Yutaka (translator).
SAS Nihon Rengō Sekigun no chōsen: purinsu maruko shirīzu. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Sōgensha,
1979, pp. 297.
This is a novel by a foreigner (Gerard de Villiers) about the Rengō Sekigun incident.
This is the Japanese translation.
ジョセフ・ローゼンバーガー( 著 ).伊藤哲( 訳 ).
悪夢の日本連合赤軍: デス・マーチャント. 東京: 東京創元社, 1982.
Rosenberger, Joseph (author). Itō, Satoshi (translator).
Akumu no Nihon Rengō Sekigun: desu māchanto. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Sōgensha, 1982, pp. 283.
This is a novel about Rengō Sekigun by Joseph Rosenberg, translated into Japanese.
This is a terrorist spy novel using Rengō Sekigun as its base.
角間隆( 著 ).
冥土からの使者. 東京: 紀尾井書房, 1980.
Kakuma, Takashi (author).
Puruto kara no shisha. Tōkyō: Kioi Shobō, 1980, pp. 270.
A novel about a secret operation led by Nihon Sekigun.
高沢皓司( 著 ).
歴史としての新左翼. 東京: 新泉社, 1996.
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Rekishi to shite no Shinsayoku. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1996, pp. 336.
A reflective view of the New Left by Takazawa Kōji.
item_ID: 17361
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 227
X. 思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs
鶴見俊輔( 著 ).
北米体験再考. 東京: 岩波書店, 1971.
Tsurumi, Shunsuke (author).
Hokubei taiken saikō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1971, pp. 2, 189, 12.
Tsurumi was in America when the second world war began and this is a book about
his experiences at that time. It is a type of Amerika-ron.
皆河宗一( 著 ).
雑学としてのアメリカ. 東京: 三一書房, 1973.
Minagawa, Sōichi (author).
Zatsugaku to shite no Amerika. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1973, pp. 233.
This is also a version of Amerika-ron, looking at America from a lot of little
下村満子( 著 ).
アメリカ人のソ連観. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1984.
Shimomura, Mitsuko (author).
Amerikajin no Sorenkan. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1984, pp. 445.
An analysis of Americans’ views of the Soviet Union by an Asahi journalist.
長田衛( 著 ).
黒人は叛逆する. 東京: 三一書房, 1966.
Nagata, Ei (author).
Kokujin wa hangyakusuru. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1966, pp. 239.
A report on the American black movement—Black Panthers, Malcolm X, etc.
( 著 ).国際革命文庫編集委員会( 訳 ).
来たるべき対決: 国際革命文庫8. 東京: 新時代社, 1974.
Pablo, Michelle (author). Kokusai Kakumei Bunko Henshū Iinkai (translator).
Kitaru beki taiketsu: kokusai kakumei bunko 8. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1974, pp. 126.
A book put out by Dai Yon Intā giving their orthodox theory. It is a translation of a
book by Michelle Pablo.
宮崎勇( 著 ).
日本経済の実像とゆくえ. 東京: 岩波書店, 1982.
228 ❖ 書籍 Books
Miyazaki, Isamu (author).
Nihon keizai no jitsuzō to yukue. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1982, pp. 63.
A book on the Japanese economy.
「愛のコリーダ」起訴に抗議する会( 編 ).
猥褻の研究. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
“Ai no korīda” Kiso ni Kōgisurukai (editor).
Waisetsu no kenkyū. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 275.
Oshima Nagisa’s movie Ai no Koriida became the subject of a pornography trial.
There was then a movement questioning what was pornography. This book was put
out by the group questioning what was pornography.
村上嘉隆( 著 ).
美学における唯物論: ルカーチとマルクス主義. 東京: 啓隆閣, 1969.
Murakami, Yoshitaka (author).
Bigaku ni okeru yuibutsuron: Rukāchi to Marukusu shugi. Tōkyō: Keiryūkaku, 1969, pp. 277.
Analysis of dialectical theory in art, focusing on Lukacs and Marxism.
松永憲生( 著 ).
裁判官の内幕: 裁きの神の顔. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Matsunaga, Kensei (author).
Saibankan no uchimaku: sabaki no kami no kao. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 228.
This book criticizes the Japanese judicial system from a New Left perspective.
竹内芳郎( 著 ).
サルトルとマルクス主義. 東京: 紀伊國屋書店, 1965.
Takeuchi, Yoshirō (author).
Sarutoru to Marukusu shugi. Tōkyō: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1965, pp. 198.
Takeuchi is a philosopher and this is a study of Sartre’s existentialism and Marxism.
赤間剛( 著 ).
ヒトラーの世界: ナチズムの思想的核心とはなにか. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Akama, Gō (author).
Hitorā no sekai: Nachizumu no shisōteki kakushin to wa nanika. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977,
pp. 259.
Study of Hitler’s world.
見田宗介( 著 ).
現代の青年像. 東京: 講談社, 1968.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 229
Mita, Munesuke (author).
Gendai no seinenzō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1968, pp. 202.
Analysis of Japanese youth culture of the 1960s by a sociologist.
芝生瑞和( 著 ).
タイ・密林の解放戦線: 世界初、単独潜入ルポ. 東京: 現代史出版会, 1979.
Shibō, Mitsukazu (author).
Tai mitsurin no kaihō sensen: sekaihatsu tandoku sennyū rupo. Tōkyō: Gendaishi Shuppankai, 1979, pp. 268.
This book is about liberation movements for various minority ethnic groups in Thailand, written by a Japanese journalist.
石原保徳( 著 ).
インディアスの発見: ラス・カサスを読む. 東京: 田畑書店, 1980.
Ishihara, Yasunori (author).
Indiasu no hakken: Las Casas o yomu. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1980, pp. 230, 11.
A book about American Indians, including Central and South American Indians.
ダニエル・ベンセード, チャールス・ウドゥリー, カルロス・ロッシ( 著 ).
杉村昌昭( 訳 ).
燃え上がるポルトガル革命. 東京: 柘植書房, 1976.
Bensaid, Daniel; Udry, Charles; and Rossi, Carlos (authors).Sugimura, Masa’aki (translator).
Moeagaru Porutogaru kakumei. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1976, pp. 306.
This is a Japanese translation of the French original entitled: Portugal, La Revolution en Marche. This work deals with the Portuguese revolutionary movement. The
authors are from the Fourth International (Dai Yon Inta is the Japanese branch of
this international organization).
芝生瑞和( 著 ).
ユーロコミュニズムの実験. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Shibō, Mitsukazu (author).
Yūro komyunizumu no jikken. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 285.
A book about Euro-Communism that is primarily about Eastern Europe.
( 著 ).近藤宏子, 逵雄一( 訳 ).
アントニオ・グラムシの生涯と思想. 東京: マルクス主義双書刊行会, 1964.
Ropukhof, B. L. (author). Kondō, Hiroko and Ohoji, Yūichi (translators).
Antonio Guramushi no shōgai to shisō. Tōkyō: Marukusu Shugi Sōsho Kankōkai, 1964, pp. 95.
This is the translation of a book by B. L. Ropukhov on Antonio Gramsci’s life and
230 ❖ 書籍 Books
日本革命的共産主義者同盟党史編纂委員会( 編 ).
item_ID: 1274
日本革命的共産主義者同盟小史: 日本トロツキズム運動の20年. 東京: 新時代社, 1977.
Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Tōshi Hensan Iinkai (editor).
Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei shōshi: Nihon Torotsukisumu undō no 20 nen.
Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1977, pp. 270.
A history of the Fourth International put out by the Japan section. The title comes
from the official name of the organization in Japanese. (It is known popularly as
Dai-Yon Inta.)
岡本博之( 編 ).
科学的社会主義: その歴史と理論, 上. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1977.
Okamoto, Hiroyuki (editor).
Kagakuteki shakai shugi: sono rekishi to riron, jō. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1977, pp. 427.
A Nihon Kyōsantō version of socialist theory. There are supposed to be two volumes,
but the collection has only the first (jō) volume.
小中陽太郎( 編 ).
討論青年にとって労働とは何か. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Konaka, Yōtarō (editor).
Tōron seinen ni totte rōdō to wa nani ka. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 330.
A Book about the labor movement written for youth to read.
エルネスト・マンデル( 編 ).榊原彰治( 訳 ).
労働者管理・評議会・自主管理, 上. 東京: 柘植書房, 1973.
Mandel, Ernest (editor).Sakakibara, Shōji (translator).
Rōdōsha kanri hyōgikai jishukanri, jō. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1973, pp. 272.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1970 French original entitled: Contole Ouvrier,
Conseils Ouvriers, Autogestion, Anthologie. This work is on The Fourth International’s theory of the labor movement.
長谷川武( 著 ).佐藤雅久( 編 ).
自伝「アナーキズム運動五十余年」:心と行動と闘いと. 川崎: 佐藤雅久, 1977.
Hasegawa, Takeshi (author). Satō, Masahisa (editor).
Jiden “Anākizumu undō 50-yonen”: kokoro to kōdō to tatakai to. Kawasaki: Sato Masahisa,
1977, pp. 347.
A personal account of Hasegawa’s life as an anarchist and the events of the anarchist
movement during that time.
大沢正道( 編 ).
アナキズムと現代: 国家・法律・指導者を否定. 東京: 三一書房, 1975.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 231
Ōsawa, Masamichi (editor).
Anakizumu to gendai: kokka, hōritsu, shidōsha o hitei. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 249.
Ōsawa Masamichi is a Japanese anarchist and this is his anarchist theory.
長谷川武( 著 ).佐藤雅久( 編 ).
アナーキズム運動とその理念. 川崎: 佐藤雅久, 1975.
Hasegawa, Takeshi (author). Satō, Masahisa (editor).
Anākizumu undō to sono rinen. Kawasaki: Sato Masahisa, 1975, pp. 108.
A book on the anarchist movement and its ideology.
長谷川武( 著 ).田中宏典( 編 ).
天皇制明治百年: その社会的犯罪性. 川崎: 田中宏典, 1979.
Hasegawa, Takeshi (author). Tanaka, Hironori (editor).
Tennōsei Meiji 100-nen: sono shakaiteki hanzaisei. Kawasaki: Tanaka Hironori, 1979, pp. 150.
At the time of the 100th anniversary of Meiji there was a lot of Tennō revival activity, and this book criticizes it.
益子政史( 編 ).
猥褻とは何か: 第一審判決から最高裁まで. 東京: 三一書房, 1973.
Masuko, Masashi (editor).
Waisetsu to wa nani ka: dai isshin hanketsu kara saikōsai made. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1973,
pp. 300.
During this period there was a lot of political pressure on bookstores such as Mosakusha and Unita, with searches under the guise of the pornography law (searches
conducted on the pretext that they might be selling pornography, or waisetsu). This
book criticized the practice, raising the question, what is waisetsu?
金炯旭( 著 ).
権力と陰謀: 元KCIA部長金炯旭の手記. 東京: 合同出版, 1980.
Kim, Keikyoku (author).
Kenryoku to inbō: moto KCIA buchō Kimu Keikyoku no shuki. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1980,
pp. 348.
This is an account of the kidnapping of Kim Dae Jung in Japan, by someone who was
formerly with the Korean CIA.
芝生瑞和( 著 ).
アラーとマルクスと石油: 入門・中東問題の読み方. 東京: 光文社, 1982.
Shibō, Mitsukazu (author).
Arā to Marukusu to sekiyu: nyūmon Chūtō mondai no yomikata. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1982,
pp. 298.
A Middle East report by a journalist.
232 ❖ 書籍 Books
西野辰吉( 著 ).
謎の亡命者リュシコフ. 東京: 三一書房, 1979.
Nishino, Tatsukichi (author).
Nazo no bōmeisha Ryushikofu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1979, pp. 210.
A book about a Russian spy named Ryushikov who sought asylum.
秋間実( 著 ).
唯物論とはなにか. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1974.
Akima, Minoru (author).
Yuibutsuron to wa nani ka. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1974, pp. 233.
The theory of materialism from a Japan Communist Party perspective.
山際素男( 著 ).
不可触民の道: インド民衆のなかへ. 東京: 三一書房, 1982.
Yamagiwa, Motoo (author).
Fukashokumin no michi: Indo minshū no naka e. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1982, pp. 265.
山際素男( 著 ).
不可触民: もうひとつのインド. 東京: 三一書房, 1981.
Yamagiwa, Motoo (author).
Fukashokumin: mō hitotsu no Indo. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1981, pp. 215.
This is Yamagiwa’s theory of the lumpen proletariat in two volumes.
芝生瑞和( 編 ).
item_ID: 1289
ポーランド・労働者の反乱: 付・ドキュメントワレサの’81熱い3月. 東京: 第三書館, 1981.
Shibō, Mitsukazu (editor).
Pōrando rōdōsha no hanran: tsuke, dokyumento Walesa no ‘81 atsui 3 gatsu. Tōkyō: Daisan
Shokan, 1981, pp. 287.
A Japanese journalist’s report on Poland’s Solidarity movement.
中部博( 編 ).
暴走族100人の疾走. 東京: 第三書館, 1979.
Nakabe, Hiroshi (editor).
Bōsōzoku 100-nin no shissō. Tōkyō: Daisan Shokan, 1979, pp. 255.
After the student movement of the 1960s died out, some of the youth energy went
into the bōsōzoku movement (motorcycle gangs that ride around very noisily in large
groups at night). This is a journalist’s report on interviews with bōsōzoku.
( 編 ).
暴走列島’80: 全日本暴走族グラフィテイ. 東京: 第三書館, 1979.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 233
Group “Full Throttle” (editor).
Bōso rettō ‘80: zen Nihon bōsōzoku graffiti. Tōkyō: Daisan Shokan, 1979, pp. 349.
Reportage on Bōsōzoku. (motorcycle gangs)
松尾隆教授記念行事会( 編 ).
松尾隆: 早稲田の疾風怒濤時代を駆け抜けた一教師. 東京: 新制作社, 1986.
Matsuo Takashi Kyōju Kinen Gyōjikai (editor).
Matsuo Takashi: Waseda no shippū dotō jidai o kakenuketa ichi kyōshi. Tōkyō: Shinseisakusha, 1986, pp. 386.
Matsuo Takashi’s tsuito bunsho (collection of articles about him by various people,
collected and published after his death). It is at the same time a picture of the edges
of the student movement at Waseda University.
伊東聖子( 著 ).
新宿物語: 風俗ドキュメント. 東京: 三一書房, 1982.
Itō, Seiko (author).
Shinjuku monogatari: fūzoku dokyumento. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1982, pp. 226.
A book about Shinjuku in the 1960s as a center of counter-culture.
前坂俊之( 著 ).
日本死刑白書. 東京: 三一書房, 1982.
Maesaka, Toshiyuki (author).
Nihon shikei hakusho. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1982, pp. 230.
Report on the Japanese death penalty system.
勝部元( 編 ).
講座マルクス主義: 国家と革命, 9. 東京: 日本評論社, 1970.
Katsube, Hajime (editor).
Kōza Marukusu shugi: kokka to kakumei, 9. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1970, pp. 322.
One issue of a kōza series on Marxism, this one on state and revolution. This is the
only volume of this series in the Takazawa Collection.
石堂清倫, 竪山利忠( 編 ).
東京帝大新人会の記録: 現代思想史の源流を創る. 東京: 経済往来社, 1976.
Ishidō, Kiyotomo and Tateyama, Toshitada (editors).
Tokyo Teidai Shinjinkai no kiroku: gendai shisōshi no genryū o hajimeru. Tōkyō: Keizai
Ōraisha, 1976, pp. 8, 428.
A record of the Shinjinkai with contributions by many people who participated in it.
The Shinjinkai was an activist student group at Tokyo University in the early 1920s,
described by some commentators as Japan’s first student movement.
234 ❖ 書籍 Books
玉置弁吉( 編 ).
回想山本玄峰: 増補版. 東京: 春秋社, 1980.
Tamaki, Benkichi (editor).
Kaisō Yamamoto Genpō: zōhoban. Tōkyō: Shunjūsha, 1980, pp. 261.
Yamamoto Genpō was a Zen priest who had a lot of influence on the Imperial family at the end of the war. This is a collection of pieces about Yamamoto. One is by
Tanaka Seigen.
田中清玄( 著 ).
世界を行動する. 東京: 情報センター出版局, 1983.
Tanaka, Seigen (author).
Sekai o kōdōsuru. Tōkyō: Jōhō Sentā Shuppankyoku, 1983, pp. 302.
This volume and the next are postwar writings by Tanaka Seigen, who initially was
famous as a leader of the prewar Japan Communist Party at its most extreme, violent point. He was captured in 1930 while defending himself with a machine-gun,
but made a tenkō while in prison. After the war he became a successful businessman
and active anti-communist. In 1960 during the Anti-Security treaty campaign he
sought to influence Zengakuren and gave money to Bund. The book was published in
Tanaka Seigen’s name, but was ghostwritten by a journalist. The collection has two
copies of this volume. The second copy was Tanaka Seigen’s own copy in which he
made many annotations and corrections. Tanaka gave it to Takazawa with the comment that he hoped Takazawa would write the true story of his experiences.
田中清玄( 著 ).
統治者の条件: 日本人は何をなすべきか. 東京: 情報センター出版局, 1983.
Tanaka, Seigen (author).
Tōchisha no jōken: Nihonjin wa nani o nasu beki ka. Tōkyō: Jōhō Sentā Shuppankyoku,
1983, pp. 171.
This is a second collection of Tanaka Seigen’s postwar writings.
石山陽子( 編 ).
石山幸基: 未完の肖像. 横浜: 石山陽子, 1982.
Ishiyama, Yōko (editor).
Ishiyama Kōki: mikan no shōzō. Yokohama: Ishiyama Yoko, 1982, pp. 257.
Ishiyama was a Japanese journalist for Kōdō Tsūshin who wrote about the Vietnam
war. This is a collection of pieces written in his honor after his death (tsuito bunsho).
宇野弘蔵( 著 ).
資本論の経済学. 東京: 岩波書店, 1969.
Uno, Kōzō (author).
Shihonron no keizaigaku. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1969, pp. 4, 192.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 235
Theory of capitalism by a leading Japanese Marxist economist whose ideas were
central to the New Left in the early 1960s and formed the basis of the second Bund’s
economic theory until the late 1960s.
潮見俊隆( 著 ).
治安維持法. 東京: 岩波書店, 1977.
Ushiomi, Toshitaka (author).
Chian Ijihō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1977, pp. 3, 223.
A book about the Peace Preservation Law, a 1926 law under which the prewar Japan
Communist Party and many other political and religious groups were prosecuted.
( 編 ).
反逆: その名言集. 東京: 新興出版社, 1967.
Inui, Akira (editor).
Hangyaku: sono meigenshū. Tōkyō: Shinkō Shuppansha, 1967, pp. 270.
A collection of famous short quotations about revolution by people all over the world.
古山洋三( 編 ).
米国軍隊は解体する: 米国反戦・反軍運動の展開. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Furuyama, Yōzō (editor).
Beikoku guntai wa kaitaisuru: Beikoku hansen, hangun undō no tenkai. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1970, pp. 270.
This book came out of the anti-U.S. military movement of the late 1960s.
松本克美( 編 ).
在日米軍. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Matsumoto, Katsumi (editor).
Zainichi Beigun. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 288.
A critical report on the American military in Japan.
網野善彦( 著 ).
日本社会と天皇制. 東京: 岩波書店, 1988.
Amino, Yoshihiko (author).
Nihon shakai to tennōsei. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1988, pp. 62.
A historian’s analysis of the Tennōsei problem from a historical perspective.
西部邁( 著 ).
新・学問論. 東京: 講談社, 1989.
Nishibe, Susumu (author).
Shin gakumonron. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1989, pp. 194.
236 ❖ 書籍 Books
Nishibe was a member of Bund during the 1960 Ampo struggle. This is a much
later book.
株式会社 電通 日本万国博覧会公式ガイド作成委員会( 編 ).
日本万国博覧会公式ガイド. 大阪: 日本万国博覧会協会, 1970.
Kabushiki Gaisha Dentsū Nihon Bankoku Hakurankai Kōshiki Gaido Sakusei Iinkai (editor).
Nihon Bankoku Hakurankai kōshiki gaido. Ōsaka: Nihon Bankoku Hakurankai Kyōkai, 1970,
pp. 352.
A guide to the 1970 Osaka World’s Fair.
日本革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ).
今、なぜベトナムか: 学習パンフレット1. 東京: 新時代社, 1979.
Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyosan Shugisha Domei (editor).
Ima naze Betonamu ka: gakushū panfuretto 1. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1979, pp. 64.
The Fourth International (Dai Yon Inta)’s analysis of the Vietnam War from the
perspective of socialist theory.
大江健三郎, 安江良介( 著 ).
『世界』の40年: 戦後を見直す、そして、いま. 東京: 岩波書店, 1984.
Ōe, Kenzaburō and Yasue, Ryōsuke (authors).
“Sekai” no 40-nen: sengo o minaosu, soshite, ima. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1984, pp. 63.
Ōe Kenzaburō is a Nobel prize-winner in Literature, and Yasue is the editor of Sekai,
which was until the 1960s the representative magazine of progressive literary types
in Japan. This is a history of the journal Sekai.
( 著 ).戸原四郎( 訳 ).
家族・私有財産・国家の起源. 東京: 改造社, 1965.
Engels, Friedrich (author). Tohara, Shirō (translator).
Kazoku, shiyū zaisan, kokka no kigen. Tōkyō: Kaizōsha, 1965, pp. 283, 22.
This book was put out by the Dai Yon Inta’s anti-Vietnam war organization in Okinawa. It is a Japanese translation of Engels’ work on The Family, Private Property,
and the State.
ハワード・ジン( 著 ).相原文夫( 訳 ).
ベトナム: 撤退の論理. 東京: 合同出版, 1968.
Zinn, Howard (author). Aihara, Fumio (translator).
Betonamu: tettai no ronri. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1968, pp. 219.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1967 English original entitled: Vietnam: The
Logic of Withdrawal.
日本アジア・アフリカ連帯委員会( 編 ).
ベトナム黒書: アメリカの戦争犯罪を告発する. 東京: 労働旬報社, 1966.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 237
Nihon Ajia Afurika Rentai Iinkai (editor).
Betonamu kokusho: Amerika no sensō hanzai o kokuhatsu suru. Tōkyō: Rōdō Shunpōsha,
1966, pp. 142.
A book criticizing American actions in Vietnam from the Japan Communist Party
べ反委公判パンフ編集委員会( 編 ).
item_ID: 1314
死の商人への挑戦: ベトナム反戦直接行動委員会の闘い. 東京: ベトナム反戦直接行動委員会,
Behan’i Kōhan Panfu Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Shi no shōnin e no chōsen: Betonamu Hansen Chokusetsu Kōdō Iinkai no tatakai. Tōkyō:
Betonamu Hansen Chokusetsu Kōdō Iinkai, 1967, pp. 65.
The organizational sponsor of this publication was a Waseda University anti-Vietnam organization. It was not Beheiren, but a student organization at Waseda. The
book is their analysis (sōkatsu) of their own movement.
本島等( 著 ).
長崎市長のことば. 東京: 岩波書店, 1989.
Motoshima, Hitoshi (author).
Nagasaki shichō no kotaba. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1989, pp. 66.
Motoshima was the Nagasaki mayor who spoke out publicly about the Shōwa Emperor’s war responsibility and was subsequently attacked. This book contains his
writings and speeches.
日本民主青年同盟中央委員会( 著 ).
青年の疑問に答える. 東京: 日本民主青年同盟, 1974.
Nihon Minshu Seinen Dōmei Chūō Iinkai (author).
Seinen no gimon ni kotaeru. Tōkyō: Nihon Minshu Seinen Domei, 1974, pp. 46.
This was produced by Minsei, the Japan Communist Party youth organization, as a
response to frequently asked questions.
日本共産党( 著 ).
item_ID: 1317
新しい日本をめざして: 日本共産党綱領のはなし. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1970.
Nihon Kyōsantō (author).
Atarashii Nihon o mezashite: Nihon Kyōsantō kōryō no hanashi. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai
Shuppankyoku, 1970, pp. 48.
This book was also put out by Minsei, the Japan Communist Party youth organization as a simple statement of the Party’s aims.
朝日新聞社出版局プロジェクト室( 編 ).
特別縮刷版昭和から平成へ: その日の朝日新聞. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1989.
238 ❖ 書籍 Books
Asahi Shinbunsha Shuppankyoku Purojekutoshitsu (editor).
Tokubetsu shukusatsuban Shōwa kara Heisei e: sono hi no Asahi Shinbun. Tōkyō: Asahi
Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1989.
This is a collection of all the various issues of the Asahi Shinbun that came out on
the day of the emperor’s death, including extra editions.
C.F.ワイツゼッカー( 著 ).粟田賢三, 富山小太郎( 訳 ).
原子力と原子時代. 東京: 岩波書店, 1958.
Weizsācker, C. F. (author). Awata, Kenzō and Tomiyama, Kotarō (translators).
Genshiryoku to genshi jidai. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1958, pp. 2, 209.
This is a Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Atomenergie und
Atomzeitalter. This work, which deals with the future of the nuclear age, was published in Japan during the Anpo Tōsō of 1960, a time when the anti-nuclear, antibomb movement was a major issue for the left.
R.C. オルドリッジ( 著 ).服部学( 訳 ).
核先制攻撃症候群: ミサイル設計技師の告発. 東京: 岩波書店, 1978.
Aldridge, R. C. (author). Hattori, Manabu (translator).
Kaku sensei kōgeki shōkōgun: misairu sekkei gishi no kokuhatsu. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten,
1978, pp. 5, 175, 8.
This is a 1978 Japanese translation of the English original entitled: The Counterforce Syndrome. It deals with the issues of nuclear brinkmanship and the Cuban
missile crisis.
原子力資料情報室( 編 ).
核燃料再処理工場: その危険性のすべて. 東京: 原子力資料情報室, 1977.
Genshiryoku Shiryō Jōhōshitsu (editor).
Kakunenryō saishori kōjō: Sono kikensei no subete. Tōkyō: Genshiryoku Shiryō Jōhōshitsu,
1977, pp. 90.
A report on the problem of nuclear energy plants in Japan.
神山茂夫( 著 ).
安らかには眠れない: 原水禁運動・今と昔と. 東京: 原水禁北区民会議, 1972.
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Yasuraka ni wa nemurenai: Gensuikin Undō ima to mukashi to. Tōkyō: Gensuikin Kitakumin
Kaigi, 1972, pp. 56.
An anti-nuclear book by Kamiyama Shigeo. Kamiyama was in the Japan Communist
Party Kokusai-ha (International Faction) at the time.
栗原貞子( 著 ).
核時代に生きる: ヒロシマ・死の中の生. 東京: 三一書房, 1982.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 239
Kurihara, Sadako (author).
Kakujidai ni ikiru: Hiroshima, shi no naka no sei. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1982, pp. 264.
A book about the atomic bomb victims in Nagasaki and Hiroshima criticizing the fact
that people have forgotten about them.
鎌田忠良( 著 ).
棄民化の現在. 東京: 大和書房, 1975.
Kamata, Tadayoshi (author).
Kiminka no genzai. Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō, 1975, pp. 246.
This is a book about contemporary social problems of workers.
高木仁三郎, 近藤和子, 西尾漠( 編 ).
スリーマイル島原発事故の衝撃: 1979年3月28日、そして・・・・. 東京: 社会思想社,
‌ ‌0.
Takagi, Jinzaburō; Kondō, Kazuko and Nishio, Baku (editors).
Surīmairutō genpatsujiko no shōgeki: 1979-nen 3-gatsu 28-nichi, soshite. Tōkyō: Shakai
Shisōsha, 1980, pp. 317.
A report on the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in the U.S.
西尾漠( 編 ).
反原発マップ. 東京: 五月社, 1982.
Nishio, Baku (editor).
Hangenpatsu mappu. Tōkyō: Gogatsusha, 1982, pp. 242.
A book about Japan’s nuclear power plants from the anti-nuclear movement.
( 著 ).反原発科学者連合( 訳 ).
赤ん坊をおそう放射能: ヒロシマからスリーマイルまで. 東京: 新泉社, 1982.
Sternglass, Ernest J. (author). Hangenpatsu Kagakusha Rengō (translator).
Akanbō o osou hōshanō: Hiroshima kara surī mairu made. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1982, pp. 366.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1981 English original entitled: Secret Fallout:
Low Level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island. This book, a report of the
unknown influence of nuclear power on unborn children, was translated in 1982 by
a group of anti-nuclear scientists in Japan.
広島市原爆体験記刊行会( 編 ).
原爆体験記. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1965.
Hiroshima-shi Genbaku Taikenki Kankōkai (editor).
Genbaku taikenki. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1965, pp. 259.
Accounts by survivors of the Hiroshima bombing. A famous book that is a firsthand
account of the bomb’s effects.
240 ❖ 書籍 Books
小椋広勝( 著 ).
戦後の世界経済. 東京: 三一書房, 1960.
Ogura, Hirokatsu (author).
Sengo no sekai keizai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1960, pp. 278.
A book on postwar world economics.
ジョン・G・フラー( 著 ).田窪雅文( 訳 ).
ドキュメント・原子炉災害. 東京: 時事通信社, 1978.
Fuller, John G. (author). Takubo, Masafumi (translator).
Dokyumento genshiro saigai. Tōkyō: Jiji Tsūshinsha, 1978, pp. 299.
This is a 1978 Japanese translation of the English original entitled: We Almost Lost
Detroit. It deals with accidents at nuclear facilities. The anti-nuclear movement was
particularly sensitive in Japan because of the atomic bombings, and these reports of
nuclear accidents had a receptive audience and fueled the anti-nuclear movement.
Since Japan was late getting into nuclear power, the anti-nuclear movement had a
wealth of foreign research with which to fight its cause.
( 著 ).デイヴ・エリオット
( 編 ).田窪雅文( 訳 ).
原子力の政治学: 労働運動と反原発. 東京: 現代書館, 1983.
Elliott, Dave (author). Elliott, Dave (editor).Takubo, Masafumi (translator).
Genshiryoku no seijigaku: rōdō undō to hangenpatsu. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan, 1983, pp. 230.
This is a Japanese translation of American Dave Elliot’s original entitled: The Politics of Nuclear Power. The anti-nuclear movement was particularly sensitive in Japan because of the atomic bombings, and these reports of nuclear accidents had a
receptive audience and fueled the anti-nuclear movement. Since Japan was late getting into nuclear power, the anti-nuclear movement had a wealth of foreign research
with which to fight its cause.
武谷三男( 編 ).
原子力発電. 東京: 岩波書店, 1976.
Taketani, Mitsuo (editor).
Genshiryoku hatsuden. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1976, pp. 2, 206.
Taketani was a dialectical theorist of third-stage theory, a philosopher, and also an
anti-nuclear, anti-bomb activist. He was also an internationally known physicist.
This book is his critical argument against nuclear power generation.
武谷三男( 著 ).
原水爆実験. 東京: 岩波書店, 1957.
Taketani, Mitsuo (author).
Gensuibaku jikken. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1957, pp. 4, 224.
This is an early book by Taketani published at the time of the American nuclear tests
in the Pacific and incidents relating to them (Christmas Island, etc.) This is his critical book about the dangers of nuclear testing.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 241
豊田利幸( 著 ).
新・核戦略批判. 東京: 岩波書店, 1983.
Toyoda, Toshiyuki (author).
Shin kakusenryaku hihan. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1983, pp. 12, 220.
This is a critique of American and Soviet nuclear policies.
豊田利幸( 著 ).
核戦略批判. 東京: 岩波書店, 1965.
Toyoda, Toshiyuki (author).
Kakusenryaku hihan. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1965, pp. 11, 208.
This is a critique of American and Soviet nuclear policies.
長岡弘芳( 著 ).
原爆文献を読む. 東京: 三一書房, 1982.
Nagaoka, Hiroyoshi (author).
Genbaku bunken o yomu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1982, pp. 277.
An analysis of the available literature on the atomic bomb that is useful to researchers on the subject.
西田勝( 編 ).
非核護憲都市宣言運動のすすめ. 東京: オリジン出版センター, 1983.
Nishida, Masaru (editor).
Hikaku goken toshi sengen undō no susume. Tōkyō: Orijin Shuppan Sentā, 1983, pp. 254.
A book presenting the local anti-nuclear protests of communities all over Japan.
吉川勇一, 他( 著 ).
反核の論理: 欧米・第三世界・日本. 東京: 柘植書房, 1982.
Yoshikawa, Yūichi et al. (authors).
Hankaku no ronri: Ō-bei, Dai-3 Sekai, Nihon. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1982, pp. 229.
This is an anti-nuclear book from the new anti-nuclear movement of the 1980s, particularly directed as an anti-American movement.
東庄平( 著 ).
パレスチナの革命: 現代中東の歴史と倫理. 東京: 潮出版社, 1973.
Azuma, Shōhei (author).
Paresuchina no kakumei: gendai Chūtō no rekishi to rinri. Tōkyō: Ushio Shuppansha, 1973,
pp. 220.
Azuma Shōhei runs the Japan-Arab Cultural Society (Nihon Arabu Bunka Kyokai)
and this book introduces the Palestinian movement to Japan.
242 ❖ 書籍 Books
板垣雄三( 編 ).
アラブの解放: ドキュメント現代史13. 東京: 平凡社, 1974.
Itagaki, Yūzō (editor).
Arabu no kaihō: dokyumento gendaishi 13. Tōkyō: Heibonsha, 1974, pp. 3, 388.
Itagaki Yūzō is a Todai professor and this is an anthology of pieces on the Palestinian liberation movement. It is not Itagaki’s own writings, but rather an anthology of
translated items from the Palestinian movement.
ファウジ・エル・アスマール( 著 ).城川桂子( 訳 ).
リッダ: アラブ人としてイスラエルに生きる. 東京: 第三書館, 1981.
el Asmal, Faudi (author). Shirokawa, Keiko (translator).
Ridda: Arabujin to shite Isuraeru ni ikiru. Tōkyō: Daisan Shokan, 1981, pp. 414.
This book, an account written by an Arab living in Israel, is a Japanese translation
of the original entitled: To Be an Arab in Israel.
フェリシア・ランゲル( 著 ).広河隆一( 訳 ).
イスラエルからの証言: ユダヤ女性弁護士の記録. 東京: 群出版, 1982.
Langer, Felicia (author). Hirokawa, Ryūichi (translator).
Isuraeru kara no shōgen: Yudaya josei bengoshi no kiroku. Tōkyō: Gun Shuppan, 1982, pp. 252.
A book written by a Jewish woman lawyer in Israel.
佐藤京子( 編 ).
太陽の男たち.「太陽の男たち」上映会, 1985.
Satō, Kyōko (editor).
Taiyō no otokotachi. “Taiyō no Otokotachi” Jōeikai, 1985, pp. 35.
This is a pamphlet about the movie Taiyo no Otokotachi, a movie about the Palestinian movement with a story written by Gassan Kanafani, who was killed in a bombing
before the movie came out.
ジョージ・ハジャル( 著 ).
カナフアニ: シンボル・オブ・パレスタイン. レバノン: George Hajjar, 1974.
Hajjar, George (author).
Kanafani: symbol of Palestine. Lebanon: George Hajjar, 1974, pp. 173.
A book about Gassan Kanafani, a Palestinian militant and journalist who was assassinated by the Israelis in Lebanon in 1972.
スーチン女史( 著 ).
アウング・サングオブビルマ. キスカドール, 1991.
Aung San Suu Kyi (author).
Aung San of Burma: A Biographical Portrait by his Daughter. Kisukadōru, 1991, pp. 66.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 243
This is a biography of Aung San, the assassinated leader of Burma, written by his
daughter, Aung San Suu Kyi. It is a Japanese translation of the1991 English original entitled: Aung San of Burma: A Biographical Portrait by His Daughter.
( 著 ).日本・キューバ文化交流研究所( 編 ).日
本・キューバ文化交流研究所( 訳 ).
都市ゲリラ教程: ブラジル革命の軍事論. 東京: 三一書房, 1970.
Marighella, Carlos (author). Nihon Kyūba Bunka Kōryū Kenkyūjo (editor).Nihon Kyūba Bunka Kōryū Kenkyūjo (translator).
Toshi gerira kyōtei: Burajiru kakumei no gunjiron. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1970, pp. 221, 10.
This is a translated handbook for urban guerrillas that was very influential with
groups like Sekigun that wanted to get into armed conflict. It was a sort of textbook
for radical groups and was very famous. [A second book that was used along with
this one as a textbook was by Alberto Bayo. It was not published as a separate book,
but is in the collection as part of the serial Sekai Kakumei Undō Jōhō.]
ガムル・アブヅル・ナセル( 著 ).西野照太郎( 訳 ).
革命の哲学. 東京: 角川書店, 1971.
Nasser, Gamal Abdul (author). Nishino, Terutarō (translator).
Kakumei no tetsugaku. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1971, pp. 282.
This is a Japanese translation of Nasser’s 1954 English original entitled: The Philosophy of the Revolution.
山西英一( 著 ).国際革命文庫編集委員会( 編 ).
国際共産主義運動史. 東京: 新時代社, 1971.
Yamanishi, Ei’ichi (author). Kokusai Kakumei Bunko Henshū Iinkai (editor).
Kokusai kyōsanshugi undōshi. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1971, pp. 49.
A history of the international communist movement.
労働運動の現段階とわれわれの任務: 反帝統一戦線と階級的労働運
動. 東京: 戦旗社, 1969.
Rōdō undō no gendankai to ware ware no ninmu: hantei tōitsu sensen to kaikyūteki rōdō
undō. Tōkyō: Senkisha, 1969, pp. 98.
This book is the Second Bund’s labor movement theory.
日本はこれでいいのか. 東京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合, 1980.
Nihon wa kore de ii no ka. Tōkyō: Nihon wa kore de iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1980, pp. 78.
続日本はこれでいいのか: 日本はこれでいいのか・市民連合発足集会
の記録. 東京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合, 1981.
Zoku Nihon wa kore de iino ka: Nihon wa kore de iino ka Shimin Rengō hossoku shūkai no
kiroku. Tōkyō: Nihon wa kore de iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1981, pp. 80.
244 ❖ 書籍 Books
憲法・安保・市民宣言: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合ロングラン・テ
ィーチン81年2月11日集会記録集. 東京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民
連合, 1981.
Kenpō Anpo shimin sengen: Nihon wa Korede Ii no ka shimin rengō ronguran tīchiin 81-nen
2-gatsu 11-nichi shūkai kirokushū. Tōkyō: Nihon wa kore de iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1981,
pp. 110.
Nihon wa kore de ii no ka is a post-Beheiren citizen’s group that had a fair number of
Beheiren people like Oda Makoto as key members. They organized a lot of symposia
on various issues and published several books based on these activities. These three
volumes are in the collection.
科学的社会主義と日本の進路: 日本民主青年同盟秋の大学習集会で
の講演. 東京: 日本民主青年同盟, 1975.
Kagakuteki shakai shugi to Nihon no shinro: Nihon Minshu Seinen Dōmei aki no daigakushū
shūkai de no kōen. Tōkyō: Nihon Minshu Seinen Domei, 1975, pp. 63.
This is the record of a Minsei conference. Minsei is the student organization of the
Japan Communist Party.
マルクス死後100年: 別冊経済セミナー. 東京: 日本評論社, 1983.
Marukusu shigo 100-nen: bessatsu Keizai Seminā. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1983, pp. 211.
This is an anthology of Marxist theory put out in honor of the 100th anniversary of
the death of Marx.
ヒロシマ・アウシュビッツ委員会( 編 ).
アウシュビッツ展. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1972.
Hiroshima Auschwitz Iinkai (editor).
Aushubittsu ten. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1972, pp. 68.
This is the catalog of an Auschwitz exhibit. The Hiroshima connection is the name of
the group and reflects their view that Hiroshima and Auschwitz are parallel, but the
exhibit itself was just about Auschwitz.
統一戦線促進労働組合懇談会( 編 ).
item_ID: 1553
転機にたつ労働組合運動と統一戦線: 秋の学習交流大集会の記録. 東京: 統一戦線促進労働組
合懇談会, 1976.
Tōitsu Sensen Sokushin Rōdō Kumiai Kondankai (editor).
Tenki ni tatsu rōdō kumiai undō to tōitsu sensen: aki no gakushū kōryū dai-shūkai no kiroku.
Tōkyō: Tōitsu Sensen Sokushin Rōdō Kumiai Kondankai, 1976, pp. 148.
Record of a labor movement conference.
福岡県労働組合評議会( 編 ).
item_ID: 1554
倒産と労働者の闘い: 構造不況への挑戦!, “3”. 福岡: 福岡県労働組合評議会福岡県中小企業労
組共闘会議, 1978.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 245
Fukuoka-ken Rōdō Kumiai Hyōgikai (editor).
Tōsan to rōdōsha no tatakai: kōzō fukyō e no chōsen!, 3. Fukuoka: Fukuoka-ken Rōdō Kumiai
Hyōgikai Fukuoka-ken Chūshō Kigyō Rōso Kyōtō Kaigi, 1978, pp. 188.
A report on company bankruptcies and labor put out by a labor union organization
in Fukuoka.
東欧革命、何が起きたのか: 臨時増刊世界. 東京: 岩波書店, 1990.
Tō’ō kakumei, nani ga okita no ka: rinji zōkan Sekai. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1990, pp. 256.
An account of the revolutions that overthrew communism in Eastern Europe in the
late 1980s, originally published as a special issue of the journal Sekai.
労働戦線統一問題研究会( 編 ).
民間先行の「労戦統一の欺瞞を斬る. 東京: 労働戦線統一問題研究会, 1981.
Rōdō Sensen Tōitsu Mondai Kenkyūkai (editor).
Minkan senkō no “rōsen tōitsu” no giman o kiru. Tōkyō: Rōdō Sensen Tōitsu Mondai
Kenkyūkai, 1981, pp. 88.
A collection of materials on the unification of the Japanese labor movement.
憲法・共闘問題と公明党: 日本共産党の公明党への質問と批判. 東京:
日本共産党, 1974.
Kenpō kyōtō mondai to Kōmeitō: Nihon Kyōsantō no Kōmeitō e no shitsumon to hihan.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō, 1974, pp. 39.
This volume is from an ongoing debate between the Japan Communist Party and
Kōmeitō (the political party founded—and at that time run by—the Sōka Gakkai
religious organization). This is the JCP position in the debate.
❖ ❖ ❖
The Takazawa collection contains a substantial number of translations of famous
books. These books are generally in the collection because they were widely read by
Japanese, particularly those in the New Left, during the period covered by the collection. The prewar items and some postwar ones were in the personal collection of
Aihara Fumio. They also indicate the range of material that was readily available in
Japanese translation.
ローゼンベルグ( 著 ).直井武夫( 訳 ).
解註マルクス資本論, 1の1. 東京: 希望閣, 1931.
Rosenberg, David Iokhelevich (author). Naoi, Takeo (translator).
Kaichū Marukusu shihonron, 1-1. Tōkyō: Kibōkaku, 1931, pp. 322.
ローゼンベルグ( 著 ).直井武夫( 訳 ).
解註マルクス資本論, 1の2. 東京: 希望閣, 1931.
246 ❖ 書籍 Books
Rosenberg, David Iokhelevich (author). Naoi, Takeo (translator).
Kaichū Marukusu shihonron, 1-2. Tōkyō: Kibōkaku, 1931, pp. 355.
This is Rosenberg’s two-volume exegesis of Marx’s Capital.
ニコライ・ブハリン( 著 ).楢崎火軍( 訳 ).
史的唯物論. 東京: 同人社, 1927.
Bukharin, Nicholai (author). Narazaki, Atsushi (translator).
Shiteki yuibutsuron. Tōkyō: Dōjinsha, 1927, pp. 10, 478, 20.
This is a prewar translation of Bukharin’s Historical Materialism.
アドラツキー( 著 ).V.
アドラツキー( 編 ).直井武夫( 訳 ).
レーニン史的唯物論. 東京: 希望閣, 1907.
Adoratskii, Vladimir Viktorovich (V.I. Lenin) (author). Adoratskii, Vladimir Viktorovich (V.I.
Lenin) (editor).Naoi, Takeo (translator).
Rēnin shiteki yuibutsuron. Tōkyō: Kibōkaku, 1907, pp. 541.
This very early translation of Lenin’s historical materialism was published under his
real name, Vladimir Adoratskii.
コムアカデミア哲学研究所( 著 ).廣島定吉( 訳 ).
辨證法的唯物論. 東京: ナウカ社, 1934.
Komuakademia Tetsugaku Kenkyūjo (author). Hiroshima, Sadakichi (translator).
Benshōhōteki yuibutsuron. Tōkyō: Naukasha, 1934, pp. 548.
This is a prewar translation of an official text on Dialectical Materialism.
アー・コーン( 著 ).村田正( 訳 ).
プロレタリア經濟學の方法論. 東京: 叢文閣, 1929.
Kohn, Alexander (author). Murata, Tadashi (translator).
Puroretaria keizaigaku no hōhōron. Tōkyō: Sōbunkaku, 1929, pp. 172.
This is a prewar translation of Alexander Kohn’s original entitled: Lektsii Po
Metodologii Ekonomii Politiicheskoi. It deals with the topic of proletarian economics.
E・ヴァルガ( 著 ).和泉仁( 訳 ).
戰争と世界經濟. 東京: 高山書院, 1940.
Varga, Eugen (author). Izumi, Hitoshi (translator).
Sensō to sekai keizai. Tōkyō: Takayama Shoin, 1940, pp. 202.
This one is a translation of Varga’s War and International Economics, published in
Japan during the war.
四方田敏郎( 編 ).四方田敏郎( 訳 ).
マルクス主義財政、特に租税論. 東京: 叢文閣, 1929.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 247
Yomota, Toshirō (editor).Yomota, Toshirō (translator).
Marukusu shugi zaisei, toku ni sozeiron. Tōkyō: Sōbunkaku, 1929, pp. 10, 197.
This one is a collection of Marxist essays on taxation and related topics, published
in 1929.
フリードリヒ・エンゲルス, カール・マルクス
( 著 ).
植民地および民族問題. 東京: ナウカ社, 1948.
Engels, Friedrich and Marx, Karl (authors).
Shokuminchi oyobi minzoku mondai. Tōkyō: Naukasha, 1948, pp. 74.
This is an early postwar translation of a work by Marx and Engels on colonialism
and race.
( 著 ).蔵原惟人( 訳 ).
辯證法入門. 東京: 社会書房, 1946.
Gorev, Boris Isaakovich (author). Kurahara, Korehito (translator).
Benshōhōnyūmon. Tōkyō: Shakai Shobō, 1946, pp. 57.
This is an early postwar translation of an introduction to dialectics.
フリードリヒ・エンゲルス, カール・マルクス
( 著 ).唯物論研究会( 訳 ).
ドイツ・イデオロギー. 東京: 白揚社, 1937.
Engels, Friedrich and Marx, Karl (authors).Yuibutsuron Kenkyūkai (translator).
Doitsu Ideorogī. Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha, 1937, pp. 6, 933.
This is a prewar Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Die Deutsche
Ideologie, which is Marx and Engels’ famous work known in English as The German
ideology. For two postwar editions of this work by different translators please see
items #1712 and #1713.
ドイツ統一社会党中央委員会( 編 ).相原文夫( 訳 ).
唯物史観の諸問題. 東京: 三一書房, 1954.
Doitsu Tōitsu Shakaitō Chūō Iinkai (editor).Aihara, Fumio (translator).
Yuibutsu shikan no shomondai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1954, pp. 316.
This is the translation of a collection of essays on problems of materialist history
originally put out by the German Social Unity Party.
オットー・グロテヴォール( 著 ).三一書房( 訳 ).
文化と知識人: ドイツ分化政策. 東京: 三一書房, 1955.
Grotewohl, Otto (author). San’ichi Shobō (translator).
Bunka to chishikijin: doitsu bunka seisaku. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1955, pp. 258.
This is the translation of a work by Otto Grotewohl on German cultural policy and
248 ❖ 書籍 Books
社会主義研究会( 訳 ).
スターリン批判と各国共産党. 東京: 大月書店, 1956.
Shakaishugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Sutārin hihan to kakukoku kyōsantō. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1956, pp. 268.
This is a collection of materials critical of Stalin from various national communist
parties, published shortly after the public criticism of Stalin began in the Soviet
ゲオルク・メンデ( 著 ).栗本勤, 相原文夫( 訳 ).
実存主義研究. 東京: 青木書店, 1960.
Mende, Georg (author). Kurimoto, Tsutomu and Aihara, Fumio (translators).
Jitsuzon shugi kenkyū. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1960, pp. 317.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1956 German original entitled: Studien uber die
Existenzphilosophie. It deals with existentialist philosophy.
マルクス・エンゲルス・レーニン研究所( 編 ).西雅雄( 訳 ).
マルクス・エンゲルス二巻選集. 東京: ナウカ社, 1933.
Marukusu, Engerusu, Rēnin Kenkyūjo (editor).Nishi, Masao (translator).
Marukusu-Engerusu 2-kansenshū. Tōkyō: Naukasha, 1933, pp. 16, 521.
This is a two volume collection of the work of Marx and Engels, published in 1933.
( 著 ).中村丈夫( 訳 ).
社会主義革命の弁証法. 東京: 社会新報, 1969.
Basso, Lelio (author). Nakamura, Takeo (translator).
Shakaishugi kakumei no benshōhō. Tōkyō: Shakai Shinpō, 1969, pp. 529.
This work is on the dialectics of socialist revolution.
クライン( 著 ).東独社会科学研究所( 編 ).藤川覚( 訳 ).
社会主義道徳論. 東京: 青木書店, 1958.
Klein, Mateus (author). Higashi Doitsu Shakai Kagaku Kenkyūjo (editor).Fujikawa, Satoshi
Shakaishugi dōtokuron. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1958, pp. 277.
This is a collection of essays on socialist ethics and morality.
B・レイプゾン( 著 ).
現代革命の理論: コミンテルンの政策転換. 東京: 合同出版, 1966.
Leibzon, Boris Moiseevich (author).
Gendai kakumei no riron: Kominterun no seisaku tenkan. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1966, pp. 394.
This is the translation of a Russian work on modern revolutionary theory and c­ hanges
in Komintern policy.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 249
ソ連国立政治図書出版所( 編 ).刀江書院( 訳 ).
「声明」.東京: 刀江書院, 1965.
Soren Kokuritsu Seiji Tosho Shuppansho (editor).Tōkō Shoin (translator).
Gendai no kyōsantō sengen: Moscow sengen, seimei. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1965, pp. 133.
This one is the translation of a contemporary “Communist Manifesto.”
相原文夫, 古田光( 訳 ).
形式論理学と弁証法. 東京: 三一書房, 1955.
Aihara, Fumio and Furuta, Hikaru( translators).
Keishiki ronrigaku to benshōhō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1955, pp. 251.
This is the translation of the transcript of a philosophy conference on problems of
formal logic and dialectics, which was held in 1951, and published between 1952
and 1953 in successive issues of Anheit, the house publication of the German Social
Unity Party, as Debate on Formal Logic.
アブラム・レオン( 著 ).湯浅赳男( 訳 ).
ユダヤ人問題の史的展開: シオニズムか社会主義か. 東京: 柘植書房, 1973.
Leon, Abraham (author). Yuasa, Takeo (translator).
Yudayajin mondai no shiteki tenkai: Shionizumu ka shakai shugi ka. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō,
1973, pp. 278.
This book offers a historical perspective on the “Jewish problem” as being Zionism
versus socialism. It is a Japanese translation of the French original entitled: La Conception Materialiste de la Question Juive.
M・M・ローゼンタール( 著 ).飯田貫一( 訳 ).
資本論の弁証法, 上. 東京: 青木書店, 1956.
Rosental, Mark Moiseevich (author). Iida, Kan’ichi (translator).
Shihonron no benshōhō, jō. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1956, pp. 250.
M・M・ローゼンタール( 著 ).飯田貫一( 訳 ).
資本論の弁証法, 下. 東京: 青木書店, 1957.
Rosental, Mark Moiseevich (author). Iida, Kan’ichi (translator).
Shihonron no benshōhō, ge. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1957, pp. 238, 18.
This is Rosental’s two-volume work on the dialectics of capitalism.
( 著 ).藤野渉, 真下信一, 竹内良知( 訳 ).
マルクス主義と偏見なき精神. 東京: 岩波書店, 1959.
Lewis, John (author). Fujino, Wataru; Mashita, Shin’ichi; and Takeuchi, Yoshitomo
Marukusu shugi to henken naki seishin. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1959, pp. 18, 313, 9.
250 ❖ 書籍 Books
This work deals with Marxism and the spirit of tolerance. It is a Japanese translation of the English-language original entitled: Marxism and the Open Mind.
ハインリッヒ・クノー( 著 ).石川準十郎, 別府峻介( 訳 ).
マルクスの歴史社会並に國家理論, 上. 東京都: 日本読書新聞出版部, 1934.
Cunow, Heinrich (author). Ishikawa, Junjūrō and Beppu, Shunsuke (translators).
Marukusu no rekishi shakai narabi ni kokka riron, jō. Tokyo: Nihon Dokusho Shinbun Shuppanbu, 1934, pp. 591.
This is the first volume of a two-volume translation of Cunow’s work on historical
society and state theory in Marx The collection does not have the second volume.
( 著 ).日本共産党中央委員会宣伝教育部( 訳 ).
レーニンについて, 上. 東京: 日本共産党, 1961.
Krupskaya, Nadezhda Konstantinovna (author). Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Senden
Kyōikubu (translator).
Rēnin ni tsuite, jō. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō, 1961, pp. 280.
( 著 ).日本共産党( 訳 ).
レーニンについて, 下. 東京: 日本共産党, 1961.
Krupskaya, Nadezhda Konstantinovna (author). Nihon Kyōsantō (translator).
Rēnin ni tsuite, ge. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō, 1961, pp. 553.
This is Krupskaya’s two volume memoirs of Lenin.
ロベルト・ハーヴェマン( 著 ).篠原正瑛( 訳 ).
ドグマなき弁証法?. 東京: 弘文堂, 1967.
Havemann, Robert (author). Shinohara, Sei’ei (translator).
Doguma naki benshōhō. Tōkyō: Kōbundō, 1967, pp. 233.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1964 German original entitled: Dialektik Ohne
Dogma, or Dialectics Without Dogma.
アルズマニャン( 著 ).中川豊( 訳 ).
世界資本主義の危機. 東京: 合同出版, 1969.
Arzumanian, A. A. (author). Nakagawa, Yutaka (translator).
Sekai shihonshugi no kiki. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1969, pp. 206.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1966 English original entitled: Crisis of World
( 著 ).外村史郎( 編 ).
わが批判者の批判. 東京: 叢文閣, 1929.
Plekhanov, Georgii Valentinovich (author). Sotomura, Shirō (editor).
Waga hihansha no hihan. Tōkyō: Sōbunkaku, 1929, pp. 469.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 251
This is a prewar translation of a work by Plekhanov, whose title translates as A
Criticism of My Critics.
( 著 ).丸川仁夫( 訳 ).
二十世紀の神話. 東京: 三笠書房, 1938.
Rosenberg, Alfred (author). Marukawa, Hito’o (translator).
20-seiki no shinwa. Tōkyō: Mikasa Shobō, 1938, pp. 2, 333.
This is a prewar translation of a work by Alfred Rosenberg entitled 20th Century
オストロヴィチャノフ, ラピドス・I.
( 著 ).橋本弘毅( 訳 ).
item_ID: 1590
獨占資本=帝国主義: 資本主義経済の現段階、
マルクス主義経済学教程. 東京: 白揚社, 1936.
Ostrovityanov, Konstantin Vasilievich and Lapidus, I. (authors).Hashimoto, Hiroki (translator).
Dokusen shihon= teikoku shugi: shihon shugi keizai no gendankai, Marx shugi keizaigaku
kyōtei. Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha, 1936, pp. 7, 366.
This is a prewar translation of a work by two Russian authors on imperialism and
monopoly capitalism.
エルネスト・マンデル( 著 ).山川はじめ
( 訳 ).
現代マルクス主義入門: 社会的不平等から階級なき社会へ. 東京: 柘植書房, 1978.
Mandel, Ernest (author). Yamakawa, Hajime (translator).
Gendai Marukusushugi nyūmon: shakaiteki fubyōdō kara kaikyū naki shakai e. Tōkyō: Tsuge
Shobō, 1978, pp. 154.
This is a Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Von Der Sociialen
Ungleichheit Zur Klassenlosen Gesellschaft. It is Mandel’s introduction to contemporary Marxism.
T.I.オイゼルマン( 著 ).樺俊雄( 訳 ).
マルクス主義と疎外. 東京: 青木書店, 1967.
Oiserman, T. I. (author). Kanba, Toshio (translator).
Marukusushugi to sogai. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1967, pp. 177.
This work, dealing with Marxism and alienation, is a Japanese translation of the
German original entitled: Die Entfremdung als Historische Kategorie.
( 著 ).相原文夫( 訳 ).
経済学の方法. 東京: 東洋経済新報社, 1957.
Behrens, Fritz (author). Aihara, Fumio (translator).
Keizaigaku no hōhō. Tōkyō: Tōyō Keizai Shinpōsha, 1957, pp. 7, 186.
This is a Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Zur Methode der
Politischen Oekonomie.
252 ❖ 書籍 Books
エルネスト・マンデル( 著 ).榊原彰治( 訳 ).
労働者管理・評議会・自主管理, 下. 東京: 柘植書房, 1973.
Mandel, Ernest (author). Sakakibara, Shōji (translator).
Rōdōsha kanri hyōgikai jishu kanri, ge. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1973, pp. 190.
This is the second (ge) volume of a work by Ernest Mandel on administration of workers, cooperatives, and self-management. The collection has only the second volume.
( 著 ).向坂逸郎( 訳 ).
マルクス資本論, 1. 東京: 岩波書店, 1967.
( 著 ).相原文夫( 訳 ).
社会主義の哲学: 付・科学としてのマルクス主義. 東京: 合同出版社, 1960.
Marx, Karl (author). Sakisaka, Itsurō (translator).
Marukusu shihonron, 1. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1967, pp. 21, 965.
( 著 ).向坂逸郎( 訳 ).
マルクス資本論, 2. 東京: 岩波書店, 1967.
Marx, Karl (author). Sakisaka, Itsurō (translator).
Marukusu shihonron, 2. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1967, pp. 8, 636.
( 著 ).向坂逸郎( 訳 ).
マルクス資本論, 3. 東京: 岩波書店, 1967.
Marx, Karl (author). Sakisaka, Itsurō (translator).
Marukusu shihonron, 3. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1967, pp. 7, 580.
( 著 ).向坂逸郎( 訳 ).
マルクス資本論, 4. 東京: 岩波書店, 1967.
Marx, Karl (author). Sakisaka, Itsurō (translator).
Marukusu shihonron, 4. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1967, pp. 6, 553, 166.
This is a four-volume translation of Marx’s Capital.
Cornforth, Maurice Campbell (author). Aihara, Fumio (translator).
Shakai shugi no tetsugaku: tsuke: kagaku toshite no Marx shugi. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha,
1960, pp. 158.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1959 English original entitled: Philosophy for
( 著 ).大石敏雄( 訳 ).
トリアッティの証言. 東京: 弘文堂, 1965.
Mieli, Renato (author). Ōishi, Toshio (translator).
Toriatīno shōgen. Tōkyō: Kōbundō, 1965, pp. 203.
This is a translation of a work on Togliatti’s theory of Euro-communism.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 253
( 著 ).石川善之助( 訳 ).
item_ID: 1601
スターリンからフルシチョフへ: イタリー共産党員のみたソ連の内幕. 東京: 三一書房, 1961.
Boffa, Giuseppe (author). Ishikawa, Zennosuke (translator).
Sutārin kara Furushichofu e: Italy kyōsantōin no mita Soren no uchimaku. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1961, pp. 229.
This is a Japanese translation of the Italian original entitled: La Grand Tournant de
Staline a Khrouchzev. This work deals with the Italian Communist Party’s perspective on the Soviet Union’s transition from Stalin to Khrushchev.
( 著 ).家里春治( 訳 ).
アントニオ・グラムシ: その思想と生涯. 東京: 青木書店, 1962.
Togliatti, Palmiro (author). Iezato, Haruji (translator).
Antonio Guramushi: sono shisō to shōgai. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1962, pp. 172.
This is the translation of a work by the Italian Marxist Togliatti on the thought and
career of Antonio Gramsci.
ヒルファディング( 著 ).林要( 訳 ).
金融資本論, 1. 東京: 大月書店, 1955.
Hilferding, Rudolf (author). Hayashi, Kaname (translator).
Kin’yū shihonron, 1. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1955, pp. 308.
ヒルファディング( 著 ).林要( 訳 ).
金融資本論, 2. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1955.
Hilferding, Rudolf (author). Hayashi, Kaname (translator).
Kin’yū shihonron, 2. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1955, pp. 351.
It is a postwar publication of an older Japanese translation of the French original
entitled: Das Finanzkapital: Eine Studie uber die Jungste Entwicklung des Kapitalismus. It is a two-volume series on Hilferding’s work on capitalist monetary theory.
A one-volume prewar edition of the same translation is also in the collection, as item
ケネー( 著 ).増井幸雄, 戸田正雄( 訳 ).
経済表. 東京: 岩波書店, 1933.
Quesnay, Francois (author). Masui, Yukio and Toda, Masao (translators).
Keizaihyō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1933, pp. 127.
This is a Japanese translation of the French original entitled: Tableau Economique.
It is a prewar work on economic charts by Francois Quesnay.
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
新民主主義論・中国革命と中国共産党. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1954.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (translator).
Shin minshushugi ron Chūgoku kakumei to Chūgoku Kyōsantō. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha /
Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1954, pp. 147.
254 ❖ 書籍 Books
This one is a translation of a work by Mao Tse-tung on the Chinese Revolution and
the Chinese Communist Party.
毛沢東( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
文芸講話. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1954.
Mao, Zedong (author). Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (translator).
Bungei kōwa. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1954, pp. 97.
This is a translation of Mao Tse-tung’s lectures on literature and the arts.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).石堂清倫( 訳 ).
弁証法的唯物論と史的唯物論. 東京: 大月書店, 1954.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author). Ishidō, Kiyotomo (translator).
Benshōhōteki yuibutsuron to shiteki yuibutsuron. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1954, pp. 209, 12.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).石堂清倫( 訳 ).
弁証法的唯物論と史的唯物論. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author). Ishidō, Kiyotomo (translator).
Benshōhōteki yuibutsuron to shiteki yuibutsuron. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai
Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 209, 12.
The collection contains two editions of the same translation of Stalin’s Dialectical
Materialism and Historical Materialism, as items #1608 and #1609.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).田中順二( 訳 ).
レーニン主義の諸問題. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1952.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author). Tanaka, Junji (translator).
Rēnin shugi no shomondai. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1952, pp.
159, 8.
This is a translation of Stalin’s Problems of Leninism.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).スターリン全集刊行会( 訳 ).
平和的共存. 東京: 大月書店, 1955.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author). Sutārin Zenshū Kankōkai (translator).
Heiwateki kyōzon. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1955, pp. 196.
This is a translation of Stalin’s treatise on peaceful coexistence.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).スターリン全集刊行会( 訳 ).
十月革命論. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author). Sutārin Zenshū Kankōkai (translator).
10-gatsu kakumei ron. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 233, 12.
This is a translation of Stalin’s work on the theory of the October Revolution.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 255
レーニン( 著 ).大山岩雄, 西雅雄( 訳 ).
ロシアにおける資本主義の発展. 東京: 岩波書店, 1936.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Ōyama, Iwao and Nishi, Masao (translators).
Roshia ni okeru shihon shugi no hatten, jō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1936, pp. 484.
This is a prewar Japanese translation of the German edition of a Russian original
entitled: Razvitie Kapitalizma v Rossii. It is Lenin’s early work on the development
of capitalist theory in Russia.
アウグスト・ベーベル( 著 ).草間平作( 訳 ).
婦人論, 上. 東京: 岩波書店, 1971.
Bebel, August (author). Kusama, Heisaku (translator).
Fujinron, jō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1971, pp. 408.
アウグスト・ベーベル( 著 ).西雅雄, 草間平作( 訳 ).
婦人論, 下. 東京: 岩波書店, 1929.
Bebel, August (author). Nishi, Masao and Kusama, Heisaku (translators).
Fujinron, ge. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1929, pp. 267.
This is a Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Die Frau und der Sozialismus, in a two-volume series of Bebel’s theory of women. The collection also contains a prewar translation of this work by Yamakawa Kikue, published in a single
volume as item #1617.
ヒルファディング( 著 ).林要( 訳 ).
金融資本論: 全訳. 東京都: 日本読書新聞出版部, 1929.
Hilferding, Rudolf (author). Hayashi, Kaname (translator).
Kin’yū shihonron: zenyaku. Tokyo: Nihon Dokusho Shinbun Shuppanbu, 1929, pp. 724.
This is a prewar Japanese translation of the 1923 German original entitled: Das
Finanzkapital: Eine Studie uber die Jungste Entwicklung des Kapitalismus. This is
a complete collection of Hilferding’s work on capitalist monetary theory. The same
work is available in the collection as a two-volume set published after the war, as
items #1603 and #1604.
ローザ・ルクセンブルグ( 著 ).佐野文夫( 訳 ).
経済学入門. 東京: 岩波書店, 1933.
Luxemburg, Rosa (author). Sano, Fumio (translator).
Keizaigaku nyūmon. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1933, pp. 374.
This is a prewar translation of Rosa Luxemburg’s introduction to economics, by a
well-known participant in the prewar Japanese left.
アウグスト・ベーベル( 著 ).山川菊栄( 訳 ).
婦人論. 東京都: 日本読書新聞出版部, 1929.
Bebel, August (author). Yamakawa, Kikue (translator).
Fujinron. Tokyo: Nihon Dokusho Shinbun Shuppanbu, 1929, pp. 591.
256 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a prewar translation of August Bebel’s theory of women in one large volume,
translated by Yamakawa Kikue, a prominent Japanese woman socialist who was alsot he wife of Yamakawa Hitoshi. (See items #1538 and #1614 for a later translation
published in two volumes.)
ヨゼフ・デイッゲン( 著 ).山川均( 訳 ).
弁証法的唯物観. 東京都: 日本読書新聞出版部, 1929.
Dietzgen, Joseph (author). Yamakawa, Hitoshi (translator).
Benshōhōteki yuibutsukan. Tokyo: Nihon Dokusho Shinbun Shuppanbu, 1929, pp. 194.
This is a commentary on dialectical materialism, translated by Yamakawa Hitoshi
and published in prewar Japan.
ヨゼフ・デイッゲン( 著 ).山川均( 訳 ).
哲学の實果. 東京都: 日本読書新聞出版部, 1929.
Dietzgen, Joseph (author). Yamakawa, Hitoshi (translator).
Tetsugaku no jitsuka. Tokyo: Nihon Dokusho Shinbun Shuppanbu, 1929, pp. 130.
This is a translation by Yamakawa Hitoshi of a work on Marxist philosophy by
­Dietzgen, published in the prewar period.
( 著 ).粟田賢三( 訳 ).
近代人の疎外. 東京: 岩波書店, 1960.
Pappenheim, Fritz (author). Awata, Kenzō (translator).
Kindaijin no sogai. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1960, pp. 182, 28.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1959 English original entitled: The Alienation
of Modern Man; An Interpretation Based on Marx and Tonnies.
H.G.ウェルズ( 著 ).阿部知二, 長谷部文雄( 訳 ).
世界史概観, 上. 東京: 岩波書店, 1966.
Wells, H. G. (author). Abe, Tomoji and Hasebe, Fumio (translators).
Sekaishi gaikan, jō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1966, pp. 18, 223.
This is a Japanese translation of the English original entitled: A Short History of the
World. It is the first volume in a two-volume series. Volume 2 is not in the collection.
田村進( 編 ).
item_ID: 1622
現代革命へのアプローチ: ニューレフトの思想と方法、その1. 東京: 合同出版社, 1962.
Tamura, Susumu (editor).
Gendai kakumei e no apurōchi: nyū refuto no shisō to hōhō, sono 1. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1962, pp. 250.
This is a Japanese translation of the English original entitled: Approach to the Revolution of Today. It is an edited collection of papers published in New Left Review on
New Left approaches to contemporary revolution. It is billed as the first volume, but
is the only one in the collection.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 257
ハロルド・スヌー( 著 ).辻野功( 訳 ).
日本の軍国主義. 東京: 三一書房, 1980.
Sunoo, Harold Hakwon (author). Tsujino, Isao (translator).
Nihon no gunkoku shugi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1980, pp. 229.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1975 English original entitled: Japanese Militarism, Past and Present.
E・H・ノーマン( 著 ).大窪愿二( 訳 ).
日本における近代國家の成立. 東京: 岩波書店, 1953.
Norman, E. H. (author). Ōkubo, Genji (translator).
Nihon ni okeru kindai kokka no seiritsu. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1953, pp. 14, 332, 13.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1940 English original by E. H. Norman entitled:
Japan’s Emergence as a Modern State: Political and Economic Problems of the Meiji
Period. The book looks at the origins of the modern Japanese state and was influential in early postwar Japan.
プラウダ・コラムニスト編集部( 編 ).ノーボスチ通信社( 訳 ).
平和共存路線, 1. 東京: 刀江書院, 1963.
Pravda Columnists Henshūbu (editor).Novosti Tsūshinsha (translator).
Heiwa kyōzon rosen, 1. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1963, pp. 225.
プラウダ・コラムニスト編集部( 編 ).ノーボスチ通信社( 訳 ).
平和共存路線, 2. 東京: 刀江書院, 1963.
Pravda Columnists Henshūbu (editor).Novosti Tsūshinsha (translator).
Heiwa kyōzon rosen, 2. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1963, pp. 241.
プラウダ・コラムニスト編集部( 編 ).ノーボスチ通信社( 訳 ).
平和共存路線, 3. 東京: 刀江書院, 1963.
Pravda Columnists Henshūbu (editor).Novosti Tsūshinsha (translator).
Heiwa kyōzon rosen, 3. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1963, pp. 233.
プラウダ・コラムニスト編集部( 編 ).ノーボスチ通信社( 訳 ).
平和共存路線, 4. 東京: 刀江書院, 1964.
Pravda Columnists Henshūbu (editor).Novosti Tsūshinsha (translator).
Heiwa kyōzon rosen, 4. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1964, pp. 220.
プラウダ・コラムニスト編集部( 著 ).ノーボスチ通信社( 訳 ).
平和共存路線, 5. 東京: 刀江書院, 1964.
Pravda Columnists Henshūbu (author). Novosti Tsūshinsha (translator).
Heiwa kyōzon rosen, 5. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1964, pp. 229.
プラウダ・コラムニスト編集部( 編 ).ノーボスチ通信社( 訳 ).
平和共存路線, 6. 東京: 刀江書院, 1964.
Pravda Columnists Henshūbu (editor).Novosti Tsūshinsha (translator).
Heiwa kyōzon rosen, 6. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1964, pp. 214.
258 ❖ 書籍 Books
プラウダ・コラムニスト編集部( 編 ).ノーボスチ通信社( 訳 ).
平和共存路線, 7. 東京: 刀江書院, 1964.
Pravda Columnists Henshūbu (editor).Novosti Tsūshinsha (translator).
Heiwa kyōzon rosen, 7. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1964, pp. 192.
プラウダ・コラムニスト編集部( 編 ).ノーボスチ通信社( 訳 ).
平和共存路線, 8. 東京: 刀江書院, 1964.
Pravda Columnists Henshūbu (editor).Novosti Tsūshinsha (translator).
Heiwa kyōzon rosen, 8. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1964, pp. 211.
プラウダ・コラムニスト編集部( 編 ).ノーボスチ通信社( 訳 ).
平和共存路線, 9. 東京: 刀江書院, 1964.
Pravda Columnists Henshūbu (editor).Novosti Tsūshinsha (translator).
Heiwa kyōzon rosen, 9. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1964, pp. 248.
プラウダ・コラムニスト編集部( 編 ).ノーボスチ通信社( 訳 ).
平和共存路線, 別冊. 東京: 刀江書院, 1964.
Pravda Columnists Henshūbu (editor).Novosti Tsūshinsha (translator).
Heiwa kyōzon rosen, bessatsu. Tōkyō: Tōkō Shoin, 1964, pp. 18.
This is the Japanese translation of a ten volume collection on Khrushchev’s doctrine
of peaceful coexistence with the west, produced by columnists of the official Soviet
newspaper Pravda.
( 著 ).相原文夫( 訳 ).
哲学史入門, 上. 東京: 三一書房, 1957.
Lewis, John (author). Aihara, Fumio (translator).
Tetsugakushi nyūmon, jō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1957, pp. 231.
( 著 ).相原文夫( 訳 ).
哲学史入門, 下. 東京: 三一書房, 1957.
Lewis, John (author). Aihara, Fumio (translator).
Tetsugakushi nyūmon, ge. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1957, pp. 215, 5.
This is a two volume translation of John Lewis’ Introduction to the History of Philosophy.
ソ連邦科学院哲学研究所( 著 ).森宏一, 寺沢恒信( 訳 ).
哲学教程: 弁証法的唯物論、1, 1. 東京: 合同出版社, 1959.
Sorenpō Kagakuin Tetsugaku Kenkyūjo (author). Mori, Kōichi and Terasawa, Tsunenobu
Tetsugaku kyōtei: benshōhōteki yuibutsuron, 1, 1. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1959, pp. 11, 318.
ソ連邦科学院哲学研究所( 著 ).森宏一, 寺沢恒信( 訳 ).
哲学教程: 弁証法的唯物論、2, 2. 東京: 合同出版社, 1959.
Sorenpō Kagakuin Tetsugaku Kenkyūjo (author). Mori, Kōichi and Terasawa, Tsunenobu
Tetsugaku kyōtei: benshōhōteki yuibutsuron, 2, 2. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1959, pp. 9, 248.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 259
ソ連邦科学院哲学研究所( 著 ).森宏一, 寺沢恒信( 訳 ).
哲学教程: 史的唯物論、1, 3. 東京: 合同出版社, 1959.
Sorenpō Kagakuin Tetsugaku Kenkyūjo (author). Mori, Kōichi and Terasawa, Tsunenobu
Tetsugaku kyōtei: shiteki yuibutsuron, 1, 3. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1959, pp. 10, 239.
ソ連邦科学院哲学研究所( 著 ).森宏一, 寺沢恒信( 訳 ).
哲学教程: 史的唯物論、2, 4. 東京: 合同出版社, 1959.
Sorenpō Kagakuin Tetsugaku Kenkyūjo (author). Mori, Kōichi and Terasawa, Tsunenobu
Tetsugaku kyōtei: shiteki yuibutsuron, 2, 4. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1959, pp. 12, 288.
This is a translated four volume basic work on Marxist philosophy put out by the
Soviet Academy of Sciences Philosophy Research Institute. Volumes I and II are on
dialectical materialism, volumes III and IV are on historical materialism.
ソ連邦科学院経済学研究所( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
経済学教科書: 増補改訂版, 1. 東京: 合同出版社, 1956.
Sorenpō Kagakuin Keizaigaku Kenkyūjo (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai
Keizaigaku kyōkasho: zōho kaiteiban, 1. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1956, pp. 10, 244.
ソ連邦科学院経済学研究所( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
経済学教科書: 増補改訂版, 2. 東京: 合同出版社, 1956.
Sorenpō Kagakuin Keizaigaku Kenkyūjo (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai
Keizaigaku kyōkasho: zōho kaiteiban, 2. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1956, pp. 10, 298.
ソ連邦科学院経済学研究所( 著 ).経済学教科書刊行会( 訳 ).
経済学教科書: 改訂第三版, 3. 東京: 合同出版社, 1959.
Sorenpō Kagakuin Keizaigaku Kenkyūjo (author). Keizaigaku Kyōkasho Kankōkai (translator).
Keizaigaku kyōkasho: kaitei dai-3-ban, 3. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1959, pp. 10, 265.
ソ連邦科学院経済学研究所( 著 ).経済学教科書刊行会( 訳 ).
経済学教科書: 改訂第三版, 4. 東京: 合同出版社, 1959.
Sorenpō Kagakuin Keizaigaku Kenkyūjo (author). Keizaigaku Kyōkasho Kankōkai (translator).
Keizaigaku kyōkasho: kaitei dai-3-ban, 4. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1959, pp. 11, 262.
ソ連邦科学院経済学研究所( 著 ).経済学教科書刊行会( 訳 ).
経済学教科書: 改訂増補第4版. 東京: 合同出版, 1963.
Sorenpō Kagakuin Keizaigaku Kenkyūjo (author). Keizaigaku Kyōkasho Kankōkai (translator).
Keizaigaku kyōkasho: kaitei zōho dai-4-ban, 5. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppan, 1963, pp. 9, 227.
This is a translation of a five-volume textbook on economics put out by the Soviet
Academy of Sciences Economics Research Institute.
( 著 ).小松茂男, 前芝確三( 訳 ).
スターリン. 京都: 大雅堂, 1946.
260 ❖ 書籍 Books
Yaroslavskii, I. I. (author). Komatsu, Shigeo and Maeshiba, Kakuzō (translators).
Sutārin. Kyōto: Taigadō, 1946, pp. 314.
This is a translation of a Russian biography of Stalin, published right after the war.
( 著 ).湯浅義正( 訳 ).
変るソ連: フルシチョフが出てから. 東京: 岩波書店, 1963.
Werth, Alexander (author). Yuasa, Yoshimasa (translator).
Kawaru Soren: Furusuchefu ga dete kara. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1963, pp. 5, 368.
This is a Japanese translation of Alexander Werth’s 1961 English original entitled:
The Khrushchev Phase; The Soviet Union Enters the “Decisive” Sixties. This work
looks at the changing Soviet Union during the Khrushchev era.
( 著 ).大久保昭男, 坂井信義( 訳 ).
ソ連邦史: 1917ー1927, 1. 東京: 大月書店, 1979.
Boffa, Giuseppe (author). Ōkubo, Akio and Sakai, Nobuyoshi (translators).
Sorenpōshi: 1917-1927, 1. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1979, pp. 388, 6.
( 著 ).大久保昭男, 坂井信義( 訳 ).
ソ連邦史: 1927ー1941, 2. 東京: 大月書店, 1980.
Boffa, Giuseppe (author). Ōkubo, Akio and Sakai, Nobuyoshi (translators).
Sorenpōshi: 1927-1941, 2. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1980, pp. 386, 7.
This is a Japanese translation of the Italian original entitled: Storia Dell’unione Sovietica. This is a two-volume history of the Soviet Union by Giuseppe Boffa.
T.I.オイゼルマン( 著 ).森宏一( 訳 ).
マルクス主義哲学の形成, 1. 東京: 勁草書房, 1964.
Oiserman, T. I. (author). Mori, Kōichi (translator).
Marukusu shugi tetsugaku no keisei, 1. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1964, pp. 12, 474.
T.I.オイゼルマン( 著 ).森宏一( 訳 ).
マルクス主義哲学の形成, 2. 東京: 勁草書房, 1965.
Oiserman, T. I. (author). Mori, Kōichi (translator).
Marukusu shugi tetsugaku no keisei, 2. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō, 1965, pp. 319, 25.
This is a Japanese translation of a two-volume Russian original entitled: Formirovanie
Filosofii Markisizma on the structure of Marxist philosophy.
マンフレド・ヴィルケ, ルーディ・ドゥチケ
( 編 ).石堂清倫( 訳 ).
社会主義の条件. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Wilke, Manfred and Dutschke, Rudi (editors).Ishidō, Kiyotomo (translator).
Shakai shugi no jōken. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 403.
This is the translation of a work edited by two prominent members of the German
New Left, on the state of socialism.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 261
( 著 ).野間寛二郎( 訳 ).
わが祖国への自伝: アフリカ解放の思想. 東京: 理論社, 1960.
Nkrumah, Kwame (author). Noma, Kanjirō (translator).
Waga sokoku e no jiden: Afurika kaihō no shisō. Tōkyō: Rironsha, 1960, pp. 318.
This is a translation of the autobiography of African revolutionary Kwame Nkrumah.
( 著 ).池上幹徳( 訳 ).
わがキューバ革命: その思想と展望. 東京: 理論社, 1961.
Castro, Fidel (author). Ikegami, Mikinori (translator).
Waga Kyūba kakumei: sono shisō to tenbō. Tōkyō: Rironsha, 1961, pp. 220.
This is the translation of a work by Fidel Castro on the Cuban revolution.
( 著 ).高橋正( 訳 ).
ゲバラ日記. 東京: 角川書店, 1969.
Guevara, Ernesto (Che) (author). Takahashi, Tadashi (translator).
Gebara nikki. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1969, pp. 248.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1968 Spanish original entitled: El Diary Del
‘Che’. A different edition of Che Guevara’s diary by a different translator is available
under item #1657.
( 著 ).谷口侑( 訳 ).
革命の中の革命. 東京: 晶文社, 1967.
Debray, Regis (author). Taniguchi, Susumu (translator).
Kakumei no naka no kakumei. Tōkyō: Shōbunsha, 1967, pp. 198.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1967 Spanish original entitled: Revolucion en
la Revolucion? La Habana, Casa de las Americas. It is a work by Regis Debray on the
Cuban revolution.
( 著 ).仲晃, 丹羽光男( 訳 ).
ゲバラ日記. 東京: みすず書房, 1968.
Guevara, Ernesto (Che) (author). Naka, Akira and Niwa, Mitsuo (translators).
Gebara nikki. Tōkyō: Misuzu Shobō, 1968, pp. 8, 186.
This is a Japanese translation of the Spanish original entitled: El Diario del Che
en Bolivia: Noviembre 7, 1966-Octobre 7, 1967. This was the first edition of Che
Guevara’s diary to come out in Japan. It came out just as the student movement
was peaking, and it was a best-seller. The students saw their movement as parallel to Guevara’s. (See item #1655 for a different edition of this diary by a different
( 著 ).安部住雄( 訳 ).
ゲバラ最後の闘い: ボリビア革命の日々. 東京: 新泉社, 1977.
262 ❖ 書籍 Books
Debray, Regis (author). Abe, Sumio (translator).
Gebara saigo no tatakai: Boribia kakumei no hibi. Tōkyō: Shinsensha, 1977, pp. 229.
This is a Japanese translation of the Spanish original entitled: La Guerilla du Che.
This work is an account of Che Guevara’s last battle.
( 著 ).榎本謙輔( 訳 ).
近代唯物論史. 東京: 同人社, 1927.
Plekhanov, Georgii Valentinovich (author). Enomoto, Kensuke (translator).
Kindai yuibutsuronshi. Tōkyō: Dōjinsha, 1927, pp. 3, 322.
This is a prewar Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Beitraege Zur
Greschichte des Materialismus. It is a work by Plekhanov on materialism.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).
プロブレムスオブレニンイズム. モスクワ: フォーリン・ランゲージ, 1945.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author).
Problems of Leninism. Moskow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1945, pp. 642.
This is an English language translation of Stalin’s work on the problems of Leninism. (See item # 1661 for the German translation of this work.)
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).
プロブレメデスレニンイスムス. ウィーン: Verlag fur Literatur und Politik, 1948.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author).
Probleme des Leninismus. Wien: Verlag fur Literatur und Politik, 1948, pp. 425.
This is a German translation of Stalin’s work on the problems of Leninism. (See item
#1660 for the English translation.
クララ・ゼトキン( 著 ).
item_ID: 1662
ツルゲシクテデルプロレタリッシェンフラウエンベウエグングドイチュランド. ベルリン: Dietz Verlag, 1958.
Zetkin, Clara (author).
Zur Geschichte der proletarischen Frauenbewegung Deutschlands. Berlin: Dietz Verlag,
1958, pp. 246.
This is the original German-language edition of Klara Zetkin’s 1958 work on proletarian women in Germany.
レーニン( 著 ).
マルクス・エンゲルスマルクシズム. モスクワ: フォーリン・ランゲージ.
Lenin, V. I. (author).
Marx Engels Marxism. Moskow: Foreign Language Publishing House, pp. 597.
This is an English-language publication on Marxism by Lenin.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 263
カール・マルクス, フリードリヒ・エンゲルス
( 著 ).
item_ID: 1664
マルクス・エンゲルス: セレクテド・ワークス, 1. モスクワ: フォーリン・ランゲージ, 1962.
Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich (authors).
Marx Engels: Selected Works, 1. Moskow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1962, pp. 679.
カール・マルクス, フリードリヒ・エンゲルス
( 著 ).
item_ID: 1665
マルクス・エンゲルス: セレクテド・ワークス, 2. モスクワ: フォーリン・ランゲージ, 1962.
Marx, Karl and Engels, Friedrich (authors).
Marx Engels: Selected Works, 2. Moskow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1962, pp. 531.
This is an English translation of selected works of Marx and Engelsin two volumes.
H・フェイガン( 著 ).佐藤昇( 訳 ).
現代資本主義と国有化: 社会主義への前進のために. 東京: 合同出版社, 1961.
Fagan, Hyman (author). Satō, Noboru (translator).
Gendai shihon shugi to kokuyūka: shakai shugi e no zenshin no tame ni. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1961, pp. 205.
This is the translation of a work by Fagan on modern capitalism and the nationalization of property.
ゲオルク・ルカーチ( 著 ).相原文夫( 訳 ).
芸術論. 東京: 社会書房, 1954.
Lukacs, Gyorgy (author). Aihara, Fumio (translator).
Geijutsuron. Tōkyō: Shakai Shobō, 1954, pp. 288.
This is one of Aihara Fumio’s translations of Georg Lukacs. This one is on his theory
of aesthetics. There are several Lukacs translations in the collection. The collection
also contains a correspondence between Aihara and Lukacs.
ゴードン・トマス, マックス・モーガン・ウイッツ
( 著 ).古藤晃( 訳 ).
item_ID: 1668
ゲルニカ: ドキュメント・ヒトラーに魅入られた町. 東京: ティビーエス・ブリタニカ, 1981.
Gordon, Thomas and Morgan Witts, Max (authors).Kotō, Kō (translator).
Gerunika: dokyumento Hitorā ni miirareta machi. Tōkyō: TBS Britannica, 1981, pp. 365.
This is the Japanese translation of a book about the attack on the town of Guernica,
Spain, during the Spanish Civil War.
ドイツ民主民族戦線全国協議会( 著 ).相原文夫( 訳 ).
アメリカ占領政策の実態: 西ドイツは日本に教える. 東京: 三一書房, 1953.
Doitsu Minshu Minzoku Sensen Zenkoku Kyōgikai (author). Aihara, Fumio (translator).
Amerika senryō seisaku no jittai: Nishi Doitsu wa Nihon ni oshieru. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō,
1953, pp. 291.
This is a translation by Aihara Fumio of a critical German work on the American
occupation of West Germany.
264 ❖ 書籍 Books
リーヒャルト・レーヴェンタール( 著 ).高橋直( 訳 ).
国際共産主義: モスクワ・北京・ベルグラード. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1965.
Lowenthal, Richard (author). Takahashi, Tadashi (translator).
Kokusai kyōsanshugi: Mosukuwa, Pekin, Berugurādo. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha,
1965, pp. 18, 320.
This is a Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Chruschtchow und
der Weltkommunismus.
古在由重( 著 ).古在由重( 編 ).
講座マルクス主義哲学: マルクス主義哲学の根本問題, 1. 東京: 青木書店, 1969.
Kozai, Yoshishige (author). Kozai, Yoshishige (editor).
Kōza Marukusu shugi tetsugaku: Marukusu shugi tetsugaku no konpon mondai, 1. Tōkyō:
Aoki Shoten, 1969, pp. 286.
島田豊( 著 ).島田豊( 編 ).
講座マルクス主義哲学: 哲学と政治, 2. 東京: 青木書店, 1969.
Shimada, Yutaka (author). Shimada, Yutaka (editor).
Kōza Marukusu shugi tetsugaku: tetsugaku to seiji, 2. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1969, pp. 309.
森宏一( 著 ).森宏一( 編 ).
講座マルクス主義哲学: 現代日本における思想対立, 5. 東京: 青木書店, 1969.
Mori, Kōichi (author). Mori, Kōichi (editor).
Kōza Marukusu shugi tetsugaku: gendai Nihon ni okeru shisō tairitsu, 5. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten,
1969, pp. 321.
This is a lecture series on Marxist philosophy. The collection has volumes 1, 2, and 5.
( 著 ).権寧( 訳 ).
疎外の構造. 東京: 合同出版社, 1972.
Gorz, Andre (author). Gon, Nei (translator).
Sogai no kōzō. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1972, pp. 267.
This is a Japanese translation of a French book “la morale de l’histoire.” The book
is about seeking ways to achieve revolution for capitalist countries and aims at the
restoration of Marxism.
エルネスト・マンデル( 著 ).表三郎, 山内昶( 訳 ).
「資本論」へ. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1971.
Mandel, Ernest (author). Omote, Saburō and Yamauchi, Hisashi (translators).
Kāru Marukusu: [kei tetsu sōkō] kara [shihonron] e. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1971,
pp. 328.
Japanese translation of a French book “la formation de la pensee economique de Karl
Marx.” It is a book about how Marx formed his thoughts about economics.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 265
A.コジング( 編 ).藤野渉( 訳 ).
マルクス主義哲学教科書, 上. 東京: 大月書店, 1969.
Kosing, Alfred (editor).Fujino, Wataru (translator).
Marukusu shugi tetsugaku kyōkasho, jō. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1969, pp. 10, 484.
A.コジング( 編 ).秋間実( 訳 ).
マルクス主義哲学教科書, 下. 東京: 大月書店, 1970.
Kosing, Alfred (editor).Akima, Minoru (translator).
Marukusu shugi tetsugaku kyōkasho, ge. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1970, pp. 9, 468, 24.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1967 German original entitled: Marxistische
Philosophie, in two volumes.
( 著 ).相原文夫, 佐藤昇( 訳 ).
マルクス主義国家論: ブルジョア民主主義批判. 東京: 合同出版社, 1960.
Moore, Stanley (author). Aihara, Fumio and Satō, Noboru (translators).
Marukusu shugi kokkaron: burujoa minshushugi hihan. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1960, pp.
300, 11.
This is a Japanese translation of the English original entitled: The Critique of Capitalist Democracy: An Introduction to the Theory of the State in Marx, Engels, and
エルネスト・マンデル( 著 ).西川潤, 岡田純一( 訳 ).
現代マルクス経済学, 1. 東京: 東洋経済新報社, 1972.
Mandel, Ernest (author). Nishikawa, Jun and Okada, Jun’ichi (translators).
Gendai Marukusu keizaigaku, 1. Tōkyō: Tōyō Keizai Shinpōsha, 1972, pp. 234, 28.
エルネスト・マンデル( 著 ).西川潤, 岡田純一, 坂本慶一( 訳 ).
現代マルクス経済学, 2. 東京: 東洋経済新報社, 1972.
Mandel, Ernest (author). Nishikawa, Jun; Okada, Jun’ichi; and Sakamoto, Keiichi (translators).
Gendai Marukusu keizaigaku, 2. Tōkyō: Tōyō Keizai Shinpōsha, 1972, pp. 8, 233, 23.
This is a Japanese translation of a French book “Traite d’economie marxiste.” (English translation is titled “Marxist Economic Theory.”) It is a four-volume series, but
the collection holds only volumes 1 and 2.
K・モゼレフスキ, Y・クロン( 著 ).塩川喜信( 訳 ).
反官僚革命: ポーランド共産党への公開状, 2. 東京: 柘植書房, 1973.
Modzelewski, Karol and Kuron, Jacek (authors).Shiokawa, Yoshinobu (translator).
Hankanryō kakumei: Pōrando Kyōsantō e no kōkaijō. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1973, pp. 279.
This is a Japanese translation of the English original entitled: Revolutionary Marxist Students in Poland Speak Out: 1964~1968).
( 著 ).城塚登( 訳 ).
三つの戦術: 革命論の思想的背景. 東京: 岩波書店, 1964.
266 ❖ 書籍 Books
Moore, Stanley (author). Shirotsuka, Noboru (translator).
Mittsu no senjutsu: kakumeiron no shisōteki haikei. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1964, pp. 141, 3.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1963 English original entitled: Three Tactics:
The Background in Marx.
W・フォスター( 著 ).インタナショナル研究会( 訳 ).
三つのインタナショナルの歴史. 東京: 大月書店, 1957.
Foster, William (author). International Kenkyūkai (translator).
Mittsu no intanashionaru no rekishi. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1957, pp. 14, 638, 9.
This is a Japanese translation of an English book titled History of the three internationals; The world Socialist and Communist Movements from 1848 to the Present.
A・ウイリアムズ( 著 ).
レーニンと十月革命について. 東京: ナウカ社, 1968.
Williams, Albert Rhys (author).
Rēnin to 10-gatsu kakumei ni tsuite. Tōkyō: Naukasha, 1968, pp. 380.
This is the Japanese translation of a book about Lenin and the October Revolution
written by an American journalist and published by a Russian publishing company.
レーニン( 著 ).
労働者階級と農民の同盟について. モスクワ: プログレス出版所, 1967.
Lenin, V. I. (author).
Rōdōsha kaikyū to nōmin no dōmei ni tsuite. Moskow: Puroguresu Shuppansho, 1967, pp. 502.
This is a volume of the speeches and essays of Lenin on the working class and peasant leagues.
レーニン( 著 ).
修正主義に反対しマルクス主義を擁護する. モスクワ: プログレス出版所.
Lenin, V. I. (author).
Shūsei shugi ni hantaishi Marukusu shugi o yōgosuru. Moskow: Puroguresu Shuppansho,
pp. 237.
This is a collection of the essays and speeches of Lenin on protecting Marxism against
レーニン( 著 ).
民族政策とプロレタリア国際主義の諸問題. モスクワ: プログレス出版所, 1966.
Lenin, V. I. (author).
Minzoku seikaku to puroretaria kokusai shugi no shomondai. Moskow: Puroguresu Shuppansho, 1966, pp. 367.
This is a collection of speeches and essays by Lenin on national character and proletarian internationalism.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 267
レーニン( 著 ).
プロレタリア国際主義について. モスクワ: プログレス出版所, 1968.
Lenin, V. I. (author).
Puroretaria kokusai shugi ni tsuite. Moskow: Puroguresu Shuppansho, 1968, pp. 507.
This is a Japanese translations of essays and speeches by Lenin on proletarian
( 著 ).石川善之助( 訳 ).
フルシチョフ時代: 続スターリンからフルシチョフへ. 東京: 三一書房, 1962.
Boffa, Giuseppe (author). Ishikawa, Zennosuke (translator).
Furushichofu jidai: zoku Sutārin kara Furushichofu e. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1962, pp. 235.
This is the Japanese translation of the 1960 French original entitled: Le Grand Tournant (de Staline a Khrouchtchev). It is a continuation of Boffa’s earlier work on the
transition from Stalin to Khrushchev, covering the Khrushchev era.
( 著 ).志水速雄( 訳 ).
「スターリン批判」全訳解説: フルシチョフ秘密報告. 東京: 講談社, 1977.
Khrushchev, Nikita (author). Shimizu, Hayao (translator).
Sutārin hihan zenyaku kaisetsu: Furushichofu himitsu hōkoku. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1977, pp. 218.
This is the Japanese translation of Khrushchev’s critique of Stalin in a complete edition with commentary, published some time after the original denunciation.
バリー・コモナー( 著 ).松岡信夫( 訳 ).
エネルギー: 危機の実態と展望. 東京: 時事通信社, 1977.
Commoner, Barry (author). Matsuoka, Nobuo (translator).
Enerugī: kiki no jittai to tenbō. Tōkyō: Jiji Tsūshinsha, 1977, pp. 292.
This is the Japanese translation of the English original entitled: The Poverty of Power: Energy and the Economic Crisis. It is an economic analysis of the energy crisis.
ウイリアム・ウォレン( 著 ).吉川勇一( 訳 ).
失踪: マラヤ山中に消えたタイ・シルク王. 東京: 時事通信社, 1979.
Warren, William (author). Yoshikawa, Yūichi (translator).
Shisso: Maraya sanchū ni kieta Tai Shirukuō. Tōkyō: Jiji Tsūshinsha, 1979, pp. 340.
This is the translation of a non-fiction novel about the disappearance of the legendary American silk entrepreneur of Thailand, Jim Thompson.
( 著 ).山田敦( 訳 ).
アメリカ人. 東京: 青銅社, 1952.
Fast, Howard (author). Yamada, Atsushi (translator).
Amerika jin. Tōkyō: Seidōsha, 1952, pp. 318.
268 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a Japanese translation of the 1946 English original by Howard Fast entitled:
The American: A Middle Western Legend.
( 著 ).石川康子, 樺俊雄( 訳 ).
マルクスの人間観: 付・経済学・哲学草稿. 東京: 合同出版社, 1970.
Fromm, Erich (author). Ishikawa, Yasuko and Kanba, Toshio (translators).
Marukusu no ningenkan: tsuke, keizaigaku tetsugaku sōkō. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1970,
pp. 246.
This is the Japanese translation of Fromm’s English language study of Marx’s concept of man, based on the economic and philosophical manuscripts.
アダム・シャーフ, 他( 著 ).河野健二( 訳 ).
若きマルクスと現代. 東京: 合同出版社, 1970.
Schaff, Adam et al. (authors).Kawano, Kenji (translator).
Wakaki Marukusu to gendai. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1970, pp. 238.
This is the Japanese translation of an Italian book titled “Il giovane Marx e il nostro
tempo.” (the young Marx and our times)
エルンスト・フィッシャー( 著 ).岩淵達治( 訳 ).
知識人の問題: 芸術と共存1. 東京: 合同出版社, 1968.
Fischer, Ernst (author). Iwabuchi, Tatsuji (translator).
Chishikijin no mondai: geijutsu to kyōzon 1. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1968, pp. 300.
This is a Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Kunst und Koexistenz.
イェジ・ヴィアトル( 著 ).阪東宏( 訳 ).
イデオロギー時代の黄昏. 東京: 合同出版社, 1968.
Wiatr, Jerzy (author). Bandō, Hiroshi (translator).
Ideorogī jidai no tasogare. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1968, pp. 292.
This is the Japanese translation of a Polish book titled Czy zmierzchery ideologii?
The Japanese title is the twilight of the era of ideology.
H・マルクーゼ( 著 ).片岡啓治, 清水多吉( 訳 ).
生と死の衝動. 東京: 合同出版社, 1969.
Marcuse, Herbert (author). Kataoka, Keiji and Shimizu, Takichi (translators).
Sei to shi no shōdō. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1969, pp. 171.
This is a Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Psychoanalyse und
( 著 ).上杉聰彦( 訳 ).
困難な革命. 東京: 合同出版社, 1969.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 269
Gorz, Andre (author). Uesugi, Akihiko (translator).
Konnan na kakumei. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1969, pp. 297.
This is the Japanese translation of a French book titled Le Socialisme Difficile.
エルンスト・フィッシャー( 著 ).佐々木基一, 好村富士彦( 訳 ).
若い世代の問題: 順応か反逆か. 東京: 合同出版社, 1966.
Fischer, Ernst (author). Sasaki, Ki’ichi and Yoshimura, Fujihiko (translators).
Wakai sedai no mondai: junnō ka hangyaku ka. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1966, pp. 287.
This is a Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Probleme der Junger
ルーディ・ドゥチケ, 他( 著 ).船戸満之( 訳 ).
学生の反乱. 東京: 合同出版社, 1968.
Dutschke, Rudi et al. (authors).Funado, Mitsuyuki (translator).
Gakusei no hanran. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1968, pp. 282.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1968 German original entitled: Rebellion der
Studenten Oder Die Neue Opposition. It contains essays by leaders of the German
student movement of the late 1960s.
エルドリッジ・クリーヴァー( 著 ).武藤一羊( 訳 ).
氷の上の魂. 東京: 合同出版社, 1969.
Cleaver, Eldridge (author). Mutō, Ichiyō (translator).
Kōri no ue no tamashii. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1969, pp. 276.
This is a Japanese translation of Eldridge Cleaver’s1968 English-language original
entitled: Soul On Ice. Cleaver was a leader of the Black Power movement in the
United States.
ストークリー・カーマイケル( 著 ).長田衛( 編 ).長田衛( 訳 ).
ブラック・パワー. 東京: 合同出版社, 1968.
Carmichael, Stokely (author). Nagata, Ei (editor).Nagata, Ei (translator).
Burakku pawā. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1968, pp. 2, 225.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1967 English original entitled: Black Power;
The Politics of Liberation in America, by Stokely Carmichael, a leader of the Black
Power movement in the United States.
H・マルクーゼ, K.ホルン, A・ラパポート, A.
ミッチャーリヒ, D.ゼング
( 著 ).
過剰社会の病理. 東京: 合同出版社, 1970.
Marcuse, Herbert; Horn, K.; Rapoport, Anatol; Mitscherlich, A.; and Senghaas, D. (authors).
Kajō shakai no byōri. Tōkyō: Gōdō Shuppansha, 1970, pp. 188.
270 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Agression und Anpassung in der Industrie-gesellschaft.
ダニエル・コーンバンディ, ジャック・ソヴァジョ, アラン・ジェスマル
( 著 )
学生革命. 京都: 人文書院, 1968.
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel; Sauvageot, Jacques; and Geismar, Alain (authors).Ebisaka, Takeshi
Gakusei kakumei. Kyōto: Jinbun Shoin, 1968, pp. 166.
This is a Japanese translation of the French original entitled: La Revolte Estudiante.
It is an edited collection of essays by leaders of the French student movement of the
late 1960s.
正垣親一( 編 ).正垣親一( 訳 ).
地下ロシアの声: ソ連反対派知識人運動ドキュメント. 東京: 柘植書房, 1974.
Shōgaki, Shin’ichi (editor).Shōgaki, Shin’ichi (translator).
Chika Roshia no koe: Soren hantai-ha chishikijin undō dokyumento. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō,
1974, pp. 374.
This is the Japanese translation of a collection of writings from intellectuals in the
Soviet underground opposing the Soviet bureaucracy.
エルネスト・マンデル( 著 ).水谷驍( 訳 ).
プロレタリア組織論: 党ー前衛ー大衆の弁証法. 東京: 柘植書房, 1978.
Mandel, Ernest (author). Mizutani, Tsuyoshi (translator).
Puroretaria soshikiron: tō zen’ei taishū no benshōhō. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1978, pp. 170.
This is the Japanese translation of a French book titled “Construire le parti revolutionnaire” which was published in 1972 and is a Marxist approach to constructing a
revolutionary party.
フリードリヒ・エンゲルス, カール・マルクス
( 著 ).松本惣一郎( 訳 ).
賃労働と資本: 賃金、価格および利潤. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Engels, Friedrich and Marx, Karl (authors).Matsumoto, Sōichirō (translator).
Chinrōdō to shihon: chingin, kakaku oyobi rijun. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō
Gakari, 1953, pp. 239, 13.
This is a Japanese translation of essays by Marx and Engels on labor, wage, price
and profit.
フリードリヒ・エンゲルス, カール・マルクス
( 著 ).大内兵衛, 向坂逸郎( 訳 ). item_ID:
共産党宣言. 東京: 岩波書店, 1951.
Engels, Friedrich and Marx, Karl (authors).Ōuchi, Hyōe and Sakisaka, Itsurō (translators).
Kyōsantō sengen. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1951, pp. 111.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 271
This is a Japanese translation of the Communist Manifesto. This particular translation was based on the version in a German book titled “Historisch-Kritische GesamtAusgabe” which was published in 1932.
フリードリヒ・エンゲルス, カール・マルクス
( 著 ).塩田庄兵衛( 訳 ).
共産党宣言: 付:十二か国宣言、六十四か国宣言. 東京: 角川書店, 1959.
Engels, Friedrich and Marx, Karl (authors).Shiota, Shōbei (translator).
Kyōsantō sengen: tsuke: jūnī kakoku sengen, rokujūyon kakoku sengen. Tōkyō: Kadokawa
Shoten, 1959, pp. 116.
This is a translation of the Communist Manifesto that contains documentary appendices. This Japanese translation was based on a German book titled “Manifest der
Kommunistischen Partei” which was published in 1958.
フリードリヒ・エンゲルス, カール・マルクス
( 著 ).古在由重( 訳 ).
ドイツ・イデオロギー. 東京: 岩波書店, 1956.
Engels, Friedrich and Marx, Karl (authors).Kozai, Yoshishige (translator).
Doitsu ideorogī. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1956, pp. 281, 15.
This is a postwar Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Die Deutsche
Ideologie, which is Marx and Engels’ classic work known in English as The German
ideology. The collection contains several different translations of this work. Item
#1568 is a prewar translation, while item #1713 is a later postwar translation.
フリードリヒ・エンゲルス, カール・マルクス
( 著 ).真下信一( 訳 ).
ドイツ・イデオロギー: 新訳. 東京: 大月書店, 1965.
Engels, Friedrich and Marx, Karl (authors).Mashita, Shin’ichi (translator).
Doitsu ideorogī: shin’yaku. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1965, pp. 177.
This is a postwar Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Die Deutsche
Ideologie, which is Marx and Engels’ classic work known in English as The German
ideology. The collection contains several translations of this work. Item #1568 is a
prewar translation, and item #1712 is an earlier postwar translation.
F・シルレル( 著 ).上田進( 訳 ).
マルクス﹣エンゲルス芸術論研究. 東京都: 日本読書新聞出版部, 1937.
Shiller, F. (author). Ueda, Susumu (translator).
Marukusu - Engerusu geijutsuron kenkyū. Tokyo: Nihon Dokusho Shinbun Shuppanbu,
1937, pp. 193.
This is a Japanese translation of several essays about Marx and Engels’ view towards art and literature.
フリードリヒ・エンゲルス, カール・マルクス
( 著 ).マルクスーエンゲル
ス選集刊行会( 訳 ).
労働組合論. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1954.
272 ❖ 書籍 Books
Engels, Friedrich and Marx, Karl (authors).Marukusu Engerusu Senshū Kankōkai (translator).
Rōdō kumiairon. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1954, pp. 148, 11.
This is a Japanese translation of essays and letters written by Marx and Engels on
labor unions.
( 著 ).マルクス・レーニン主義研究会( 訳 ).
経済学批判. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Marx, Karl (author). Marukusu Rēnin Shugi Kenkyūkai (translator).
Keizaigaku hihan. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 329, 42.
Japanese translation based on a German book titled Zur Kritik der Politischen
Ōkonomie, which is Marx’ classic work known in English as A Critique of Political
( 著 ).除村吉太郎, 蔵原惟人, 山辺健太郎( 訳 ).
党と文化問題. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1954.
Zhdanov, Andrei Alexamdrovich (author). Jomura, Kichitarō; Kurahara, Korehito; and Yamabe, Kentarō (translators).
Tō to bunka mondai. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1954, pp. 258.
This is a Japanese translation of essays written by Zhdanov on topics such as cultural issues and international issues.
( 著 ).勝部元( 訳 ).
反ファシズム統一戦線. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1955.
Dimitrov, Georgi (author). Katsube, Hajime (translator).
Han-fashizumu tōitsu sensen. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1955, pp.
188, 10.
This is a Japanese translation of reports by Dmitrov on the anti-Fascist United Front.
( 著 ).小松清( 訳 ).
ソヴェト旅行記修正. 東京: 新潮社, 1952.
Gide, Andre (author). Komatsu, Kiyoshi (translator).
Soveto ryokōki shūsei. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1952, pp. 143.
This is the Japanese translation of a French book titled Retouches a mon retour de
L’U.R.S.S. which is a journal of a trip to Russia by the French writer Andre Gide.
This is an early postwar translation and publication, but a different Japanese translation was published in 1938 and is in the collection as item #1771.
J.ホブスン( 著 ).矢内原忠雄( 訳 ).
帝国主義論, 上. 東京: 岩波書店, 1951.
Hobson, John Atkinson (author). Yanaihara, Tadao (translator).
Teikoku shugiron, jō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1951, pp. 188.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 273
J.ホブスン( 著 ).矢内原忠雄( 訳 ).
帝国主義論, 下. 東京: 岩波書店, 1952.
Hobson, John Atkinson (author). Yanaihara, Tadao (translator).
Teikoku shugiron, ge. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1952, pp. 321, 16.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1902 English original entitled: Imperialism; A
Study, in a two-volume set.
( 著 ).大内兵衛( 訳 ).
空想より科学へ: 社会主義の発展. 東京: 岩波書店, 1946.
Engels, Friedrich (author). Ōuchi, Hyōe (translator).
Kūsō yori kagaku e: shakai shugi no hatten. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1946, pp. 107, 8.
This is the Japanese translation of Engels’ German book titled Die Entwicklung
des Sozialismus von der Utopie zur Wissenschaft which was published in 1883. The
work is known in English as Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, and played a major
role in disseminating Marxist ideas.
トールステン・ヴェブレン( 著 ).小原敬士( 訳 ).
有閑階級の理論. 東京: 岩波書店, 1961.
Veblen, Thorstein (author). Ohara, Keishi (translator).
Yūkan kaikyū no riron. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1961, pp. 391.
This is a Japanese translation of Veblen’s English book titled The Theory of Leisure
Class originally published in 1899.
レーニン( 著 ).日本共産党中央委員会宣伝部( 編 ).
レーニン宣伝・扇動, 1. 東京: 大月書店, 1969.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Sendenbu (editor).
Rēnin senden sendō, 1. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1969, pp. 276, 11.
レーニン( 著 ).日本共産党中央委員会宣伝部( 編 ).
レーニン宣伝・扇動, 2. 東京: 大月書店, 1969.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Sendenbu (editor).
Rēnin senden sendō, 2. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1969, pp. 10, 273, 8, 4.
This is a two volume collection of Lenin’s scattered writings on techniques of propaganda and related issues, such as the meaning of putting out political newspapers.
It came out in Japan at the height of the protest movement and was widely read at
the time by students.
( 著 ).長谷部文雄( 訳 ).
賃金・価格および利潤. 東京: 岩波書店, 1935.
Marx, Karl (author). Hasebe, Fumio (translator).
Chingin kakaku oyobi rijun. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1935, pp. 99.
274 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a prewar Japanese translation and publication based on a German book
Lohn, Preis und Profit and the English version Value, Price and Profit, which contains Marx’s manuscripts on the theory of surplus value.
( 著 ).横山正彦( 訳 ).
賃金、価格、利潤: 新訳. 東京: 大月書店, 1953.
Marx, Karl (author). Yokoyama, Masahiko (translator).
Chingin kakaku rijun: shinyaku. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1953, pp. 119.
This is a Japanese translation of Marx’s manuscripts on value, price and profit outlining the theory of surplus value. This is a new translation of the materials published early in the postwar period in Japan.
( 著 ).木下半治( 訳 ).
フランスの内乱. 東京: 岩波書店, 1952.
Marx, Karl (author). Kinoshita, Hanji (translator).
Furansu no nairan. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1952, pp. 334.
This is a Japanese translation of Marx’s The Civil War in France.
フリードリヒ・エンゲルス, カール・マルクス
( 著 ).向坂逸郎( 訳 ).
資本論綱要. 東京: 岩波書店, 1953.
Engels, Friedrich and Marx, Karl (authors).Sakisaka, Itsurō (translator).
Shihonron kōyō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1953, pp. 327.
This is a Japanese translation of essays on Capital.
( 著 ).城塚登, 田中吉六( 訳 ).
経済学・哲学草稿. 東京: 岩波書店, 1964.
Marx, Karl (author). Shirotsuka, Noboru and Tanaka, Kichiroku (translators).
Keizaigaku tetsugaku sōkō. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1964, pp. 311.
This is a Japanese translation of the 1884 German original entitled: OkonomischPhilosophische Manuskripte, known in English as Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. It represents Marx’ early writings, which represent the early or
young Marx.
( 著 ).村田陽一( 訳 ).
賃労働と資本: 新訳. 東京: 大月書店, 1956.
Marx, Karl (author). Murata, Yōichi (translator).
Chinrōdō to shihon: shin’yaku. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1956, pp. 86, 2.
This is a Japanese translation of Marx’ work on wage labor and capital.
( 著 ).手島正毅( 訳 ).
資本主義的生産に先行する諸形態. 東京: 大月書店, 1963.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 275
Marx, Karl (author). Tejima, Masaki (translator).
Shihon shugiteki seisan ni senkōsuru shokeitai. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1963, pp. 161.
This is a Japanese translation of part of a German book titled Grundrisse der Kritik der Politischen Ōkonomie, known in English as Grundrisse (Foundation) which
preceded the Critique of Political Economy. The book also includes translations of
correspondences between Marx and Engels.
( 著 ).三浦和男( 訳 ).
経済学=哲学手稿. 東京: 青木書店, 1962.
Marx, Karl (author). Miura, Kazuo (translator).
Keizaigaku tetsugaku shukō. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1962, pp. 295.
This is a Japanese translation based on parts of the German Kleine Ō konomische
Schriften and Die heilige Familie und andere philosophische Frūhschriften, which
are sections of the material later published as Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844.
ヨゼフ・デイッゲン( 著 ).石川準十郎( 訳 ).
マルキシズム認識論. 東京都: 日本読書新聞出版部, 1929.
Dietzgen, Joseph (author). Ishikawa, Junjūrō (translator).
Marukishizumu ninshikiron. Tokyo: Nihon Dokusho Shinbun Shuppanbu, 1929, pp. 112.
This is the Japanese translation of the German original by Dietzgen entitled Streifzuge eines Sozialisten in das Gebiet der Erkenntniss Theorie.
( 著 ).村井康男, 村田陽一( 訳 ).
家族、私有財産および国家の起源. 東京: 大月書店, 1954.
Engels, Friedrich (author). Murai, Yasuo and Murata, Yōichi (translators).
Kazoku shiyū zaisan oyobi kokka no kigen. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1954, pp. 260,18.
This is a Japanese translation of Engels’ book on the Origins of the Family, Private
Property and the State.
( 著 ).松村一人( 訳 ).
フォイエルバッハ論. 東京: 岩波書店, 1960.
Engels, Friedrich (author). Matsumura, Kazuto (translator).
Foierubahha-ron. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1960, pp. 95, 10.
This is a Japanese translation of the German original entitled: Ludwig Feuerbach
und der Ausgang der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie, or Ludwig Feuerbach and
the End of Classical German Philosophy, which Engels wrote in 1888. Items #1737
and #1743 are different translations of the same work.
( 著 ).野田弥三郎( 訳 ).
フォイエルバッハ論: 全訳解説. 東京: 青木書店, 1952.
276 ❖ 書籍 Books
Engels, Friedrich (author). Noda, Yasaburō (translator).
Foierubahha-ron: zen’yaku kaisetsu. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1952, pp. 159.
This is a Japanese translation of Engels’ .Ludwig Feuerbach und der Ausgang der
Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie, or Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical
German Philosophy, which Engels wrote in 1888. Items #1736 and #1743 are different translations of the same work.
( 著 ).菅原仰, 寺沢恒信( 訳 ).
自然弁証法, 1. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Engels, Friedrich (author). Sugehara, Gyō and Terasawa, Tsunenobu (translators).
Shizen benshōhō, 1. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 254.
( 著 ).菅原仰, 寺沢恒信( 訳 ).
自然弁証法, 2. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1954.
Engels, Friedrich (author). Sugehara, Gyō and Terasawa, Tsunenobu (translators).
Shizen benshōhō, 2. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1954, pp. 212, 60.
This is a two-volume set of the Japanese translation of Engels’ work Dialectics of
( 著 ).寺沢恒信, 山本二三丸( 訳 ).
空想から科学へ. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Engels, Friedrich (author). Terasawa, Tsunenobu and Yamamoto, Fumimaru (translators).
Kūsō kara kagaku e. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 158, 30.
This is a Japanese translation of Engels’ work Anti-Duhring and few other essays
written by Engels. The title of the Japanese comes from the section of Anti-Duhring
called Socialism: Utopian and Scientific.
( 著 ).村田陽一( 訳 ).
革命と反革命. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Engels, Friedrich (author). Murata, Yōichi (translator).
Kakumei to hankakumei. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 175,
This is a Japanese translation of Engels’ writings about revolution and anti-revolution.
F.エルスナー( 著 ).相原文夫( 訳 ).
マルクス主義の発展. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1956.
Oelssner, Fred (author). Aihara, Fumio (translator).
Marukusu shugi no hatten. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1956, pp. 271.
This is a Japanese translation of Oelssner’s essays and lectures on the development
of Marxism.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 277
( 著 ).出隆, 藤川覚( 訳 ).
フォイエルバッハ論. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1954.
Engels, Friedrich (author). Ide, Takashi and Fujikawa, Satoshi (translators).
Foierubahha-ron. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1954, pp. 120, 23.
This is a Japanese translation of Engels’ German book titled Ludwig Feuerbach und
der Ausgang der klassischen deutschen Philosophie or Ludwig Feuerbach and the
End of Classical German Philosophy. This is one of three translations of this work in
the collection. The others are items #1736 and #1737.
マックス・ベーベル( 著 ).栗原佑( 訳 ).
エンゲルスの追憶. 東京: 大月書店, 1971.
Weber, Max (author). Kurihara, Yū (translator).
Engerusu no tsuioku. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1971, pp. 262, 29.
This is a Japanese translation of a German book titled Ich erinnere mich gern…
Zeitgenossen ūber Friedrich Engels Zusammengestellt und eingeleitet von Mafred
レーニン( 著 ).村田陽一( 訳 ).
マルクス・エンゲルス・マルクス主義, 1. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1952.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Murata, Yōichi (translator).
Marukusu Engerusu Marukusu shugi, 1. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari,
1952, pp. 241.
レーニン( 著 ).村田陽一( 訳 ).
マルクス・エンゲルス・マルクス主義, 2. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1952.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Murata, Yōichi (translator).
Marukusu Engerusu Marukusu shugi, 2. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari,
1952, pp. 288.
レーニン( 著 ).村田陽一( 訳 ).
マルクス・エンゲルス・マルクス主義, 3. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Murata, Yōichi (translator).
Marukusu Engerusu Marukusu shugi, 3. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari,
1953, pp. 248, 40.
Japanese translation of Lenin’s Marx, Engels, Marxism as a three-volume series.
レーニン( 著 ).朝野勉, 川内唯彦( 訳 ).
「左翼」小児病. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Asano, Tsutomu and Kawauchi, Tadahiko (translators).
Kyōsan shugi ni okeru “sayoku” shōnibyō. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 304, 26.
This is a Japanese translation of twelve essays written by Lenin, including ““Leftwing” communism, an infantile disorder.”
278 ❖ 書籍 Books
レーニン( 著 ).川内唯彦( 訳 ).
民族自決権について. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Kawauchi, Tadahiko (translator).
Minzoku jiketsuken ni tsuite. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp.
190, 16.
This is a Japanese translation of eleven essays written by Lenin, including “The
right of nations to self-determination.”
レーニン( 著 ).飯田貫一( 訳 ).
いわゆる市場問題について. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Iida, Kan’ichi (translator).
Iwayuru shijō mondai ni tsuite. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953,
pp. 135, 12.
This is a Japanese translation of four essays written by Lenin on theories of the
レーニン( 著 ).川内唯彦( 訳 ).
民族問題にかんする批判的覚書. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Kawauchi, Tadahiko (translator).
Minzoku mondai ni kansuru hihanteki oboegaki. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō
Gakari, 1953, pp. 158, 13.
This is a Japanese translation of 23 essays written by Lenin on racial and ethnicissues.
レーニン( 著 ).川内唯彦, 川上恍( 訳 ).
社会主義と戦争. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Kawauchi, Tadahiko and Kawakami, Kō (translators).
Shakai shugi to sensō. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 269, 26.
This is a Japanese translation of 18 essays written by Lenin, including “Socialism
and war.”
レーニン( 著 ).川内唯彦( 訳 ).
帝国主義と民族・植民地問題. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1954.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Kawauchi, Tadahiko (translator).
Teikoku shugi to minzoku shokuminchi mondai. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō
Gakari, 1954, pp. 208, 12.
This is a Japanese translation of essays written by Lenin on Imperialism, nations
and colonies.
レーニン( 著 ).新田礼二( 訳 ).
平和のための闘争. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1954.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 279
Lenin, V. I. (author). Nitta, Reiji (translator).
Heiwa no tame no tōsō. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1954, pp. 211, 16.
This is a Japanese translation of Lenin’s essays, lectures and letters on peace and war.
レーニン( 著 ).新田礼二( 訳 ).
item_ID: 1755
民主主義革命における社会民主党の二つの戦術. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Nitta, Reiji (translator).
Minshu shugi kakumei ni okeru Shakai Minshutō no futatsu no senjutsu. Tōkyō: Kokumin
Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 182, 15.
This is a Japanese translation of Lenin’s “Two tactics of social-democracy in the
democratic revolution.”
レーニン( 著 ).堀江邑一( 訳 ).
国家と革命. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1952.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Horie, Muraichi (translator).
Kokka to kakumei. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1952, pp. 226, 16.
This is a Japanese translation of Lenin’s “State and revolution.”
レーニン( 著 ).堀江邑一( 訳 ).
帝国主義論. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1954.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Horie, Muraichi (translator).
Teikoku shugiron. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1954, pp. 235, 15.
This is a Japanese translation of a book by Lenin on imperialism.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).平沢三郎( 訳 ).
レーニン主義の基礎について. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1952.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author). Hirasawa, Saburō (translator).
Rēnin shugi no kiso ni tsuite. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1952, pp.
159, 8.
This is a Japanese translation of Stalin’s Foundations of Leninism.
レーニン( 著 ).平沢三郎( 訳 ).
プロレタリア革命と背教者カウツキー. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Hirasawa, Saburō (translator).
Puroretaria kakumei to haikyōsha Kautsukī. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō
Gakari, 1953, pp. 244, 20.
This is a Japanese translation of Lenin’s essays including “The proletarian revolution and renegade Kautsky.”
280 ❖ 書籍 Books
レーニン( 著 ).村田陽一( 訳 ).
なにをなすべきか?. 東京: 大月書店, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Murata, Yōichi (translator).
Nani o nasu beki ka?. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1953, pp. 289, 43.
This is a Japanese translation of Lenin’s famous treatise “What is to be done?”
レーニン( 著 ).西雅雄, 大山岩雄( 訳 ).
ロシアにおける資本主義の発展, 下. 東京: 岩波書店, 1936.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Nishi, Masao and Ōyama, Iwao (translators).
Roshia ni okeru shihon shugi no hatten, ge. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1936, pp. 492.
This is a Japanese translation of the Russian original entitled: Razuitie Kapitalizma
v Rossii, or the Development of Capitalism in Russia, by Lenin. It is the second
volume (ge-kan) of a two-volume work, but the first volume is not in the Takazawa
レーニン( 著 ).中野重治( 訳 ).
レーニンのゴオリキーへの手紙. 東京: 岩波書店, 1935.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Nakano, Shigeharu (translator).
Rēnin no Gorikī e no tegami. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1935, pp. 147.
This is a Japanese translation of Lenin’s letters to Maksim Gorky.
レーニン( 著 ).吉田弘( 訳 ).
第二インタナショナルの崩壊. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Yoshida, Hiroshi (translator).
Dai-2 Intanashonaru no hōkai. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953,
pp. 247, 29.
This is a Japanese translation of Lenin’s essays on the Second International.
レーニン( 著 ).レーニン全集刊行委員会( 訳 ).
国家と革命. 東京: 大月書店, 1952.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Rēnin Zenshū Kankō Iinkai (translator).
Kokka to kakumei. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1952, pp. 188.
This volume contains the Japanese translation of Lenin’s “State and revolution” and
also one of his lectures on the state.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).飯田貫一( 訳 ).
ソ同盟における社会主義の経済的諸問題. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author). Iida, Kan’ichi (translator).
Sodōmei ni okeru shakai shugi no keizaiteki shomondai. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 142.
This is a Japanese translation of Stalin’s Economic problems of socialism in the U.S.S.R.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 281
マルクス・エンゲルス・レーニン研究所( 編 ).宮本良夫( 訳 ).
スターリン小伝. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Marukusu, Engerusu, Rēnin Kenkyūjo (editor).Miyamoto, Yoshio (translator).
Sutārin Shōden. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 178, 20.
This is the Japanese translation of an official biography of Stalin.
毛沢東, 劉少奇( 著 ).毛沢東選集刊行会( 訳 ).
整風文献. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Mao, Zedong and Liu, Shaoqi (authors).Mō Takutō Senshu Kankōkai (translator).
Seifū bunken. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 369.
This is a Japanese translation of essays by Mao Tse-tung and Liu Shaoqi.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).清水邦生( 訳 ).
ソ同盟の偉大な祖国防衛戦争. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author). Shimizu, Kunio (translator).
Sodōmei no idai na sokoku bōei sensō. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari,
1953, pp. 218, 6.
This is a Japanese translation of Stalin’s The great patriotic war of the Soviet Union.
ヨセフ・スターリン( 著 ).平沢三郎, 松本滋( 訳 ).
中国革命論. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1953.
Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (author). Hirasawa, Saburō and Matsumoto, Shigeru (translators).
Chūgoku kakumeiron. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1953, pp. 228, 18.
This is a Japanese translation of Stalin’s essays on the Chinese Revolution, before
the Sino-Soviet split.
( 著 ).堀口大學( 訳 ).
ソヴエト紀行修正. 東京: 第一書房, 1938.
Gide, Andre (author). Horiguchi, Daigaku (translator).
Sovueto kikō shūsei. Tōkyō: Daiichi Shobō, 1938, pp. 274.
This is a Japanese translation of Gide’s Return from the U.S.S.R. which was written
after a trip to the Soviet Union in the 1930s and was part of the activities of western
intellectuals in support of the Soviet Union during that time. The translation was
published in Japan in the prewar period. See item #1719 for a postwar publication of
the same original, by a different translator.
毛沢東( 著 ).民科実践論研究委員会( 編 ).
Mao, Zedong (author). Minka Jissenron Kenkyū Iinkai (editor).
Jissenron. pp. 51.
282 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a Japanese translation of Mao’s theory on practice. The book also includes
commentary by others about Mao’s theory.
宮川實( 訳 ).
カントに於ける弁証法: マルキシズム叢書第五. 東京: 弘文堂, 1926.
Miyakawa, Minoru (translator).
Kanto ni okeru benshōhō: Marukishizumu sōsho dai-5. Tōkyō: Kōbundō, 1926, pp. 188.
This is the Japanese translation of a German book titled Die Dialektik bei Kant.
( 著 ).原子林二郎( 訳 ).
ピョートル大帝, 上. 東京: 鱒書房, 1940.
Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich (author). Harako, Rinjirō (translator).
Pyōtoru Taitei, jō. Tōkyō: Masu Shobō, 1940, pp. 346.
( 著 ).原子林二郎( 訳 ).
ピョートル大帝, 下. 東京: 鱒書房, 1940.
Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich (author). Harako, Rinjirō (translator).
Pyōtoru Taitei, ge. Tōkyō: Masu Shobō, 1940, pp. 299.
Japanese translation of Tolstoy’s Peter the Great in a two volumes.
( 著 ).三宅威( 訳 ).
人間レーニン. 東京: 社会書房, 1946.
Gorky, Maksim (author). Miyake, Takeshi (translator).
Ningen Rēnin. Tōkyō: Shakai Shobō, 1946, pp. 97.
This is the Japanese translation of Gorky’s book about Lenin.
日本共産党党史資料委員会( 編 ).
日本問題に関する方針書・決議集. 東京: 日本共産党, 1947.
Nihon Kyōsantō Tōshi Shiryō Iinkai (editor).
Nihon mondai ni kansuru hōshinsho ketsugishū. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō, 1947, pp. 164.
A collection of the Japan Communist Party’s policies and resolutions about the Japan Problem (Nihon Mondai). This is a very early postwar publication collecting the
Party’s policy positions about Japan.
アー・デボーリン( 著 ).川内唯彦, 永田広志( 訳 ).
弁証法的唯物論の哲学. 東京: 叢文閣, 1927.
Deborin, Abram Moiseevich (author). Kawauchi, Tadahiko and Nagata, Hiroshi (translators).
Benshōhōteki yuibutsuron no tetsugaku. Tōkyō: Sōbunkaku, 1927, pp. 473.
This is the Japanese translation of a book about the philosophy of dialectic materialism.
思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs ❖ 283
東京弁護士会, 沖繩問題特別委員会( 編 ).
日米地位協定と人権. 東京: 東京弁護士会, 1976.
Tokyo Bengoshikai and Okinawa Mondai Tokubetsu Iinkai (editors).
Nichi-Bei chii kyōtei to jinken. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Bengoshikai, 1976, pp. 74.
A book about the Japan-US Position Agreement (Nichibei Chi’i Kyōtei) and human
rights, specifically in relation to Okinawa.
沖縄県憲法普及協議会( 著 ).
憲法と地位協定. 那覇: 沖縄県憲法普及協議会, 1976.
Okinawa-ken Kenpō Fukyū Kyōgikai (author).
Kenpō to chii kyōtei. Naha: Okinawa-ken Kenpō Fukyū Kyōgikai, 1976, pp. 36.
A book about the Japanese Constitution and the Position Agreement (Chi’i Kyōtei).
反軍平和条例の会( 編 ).
東京都反軍平和条例. 東京: 反軍平和条例の会, 1974.
Hangun Heiwa Jōyaku no Kai (editor).
Tokyo-to Hangun Heiwa Jōrei. Tōkyō: Hangun Heiwa Jōyaku no Kai, 1974, pp. 51.
A book about the Tokyo Antimilitary Peace Regulations.
高沢皓司( 著 ).
写真報告・素顔の北朝鮮. 東京: 現代書館, 1994.
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Shashin hōkoku sugao no Kita-Chōsen. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan, 1994, pp. 237.
A book by Takazawa reporting about North Korea with photographs.
知念功( 編 ).
ひめゆりの怨念火. 東京: インパクト出版会, 1995.
Chinen, Isao (editor).
Himeyuri no inninbi. Tōkyō: Inpakuto Shuppankai, 1995, pp. 238.
An account of the famous incident when Crown Prince Akihito went to Okinawa to
visit the Himeyuri no Tō monument in 1975 and someone threw a firebomb at him
as a protest against the imperial presence in Okinawa. This account was published
twenty years later, by the person who threw the firebomb. It gives the background
to the incident in the Battle of Okinawa and the postwar reversion of Okinawa to
Japan, and also includes the trial documents from the case.
エスエル出版会( 編 ).
オウム大論争: 地上の楽園か、現実の地獄か!?. 西宮: エスエル出版会, 1995.
SL Shuppankai (editor).
Oumu daironsō: chijō no rakuenka, genjitsu no jigokuka! Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai, 1995,
pp. 246.
284 ❖ 書籍 Books
A collection of comments on the Aum Shinrikyo subway sarin gas incident by people
ranging from the New Right to the New Left. One of the commentators is Shiomi
「戦後50年・市民の不戦宣言集」意見広告運動( 編 ).
item_ID: 1786
あらためて不戦でいこう!: 1995年・市民の不戦宣言集. 東京: 社会評論社, 1
“Sengo 50 Nen, Shimin no Fusen Sengenshū” Iken Kōkoku Undō (editor).
(Sengo 50-nen) Aratamete fusende ikō!: 1995 nen, shimin no fusen sengenshū. Tōkyō:
Shakai Hyōronsha, 1995, pp. 286.
❖ ❖ ❖
韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 Koreans in Japan, South, and North Korea ❖ 285
XI. 韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 Koreans in Japan, South, and North Korea
金賛汀( 著 ).
雨の慟哭: 在日朝鮮人土工の生活史. 東京: 田畑書店, 1979.
Kim, Chan-jong (author).
Ame no dōkoku: Zai-Nichi Chōsenjin dokō no seikatsushi. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1979, pp. 246.
This is a book about Korean residents in Japan, based on the life history of a Korean
resident in Japan (zai-nichi Chōsenjin).
金賛汀( 著 ).
火の慟哭: 在日朝鮮人坑夫の生活史. 東京: 田畑書店, 1980.
Kim, Chan-jong (author).
Hi no dōkoku: Zai-Nichi Chōsenjin kōfu no seikatsushi. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1980, pp. 212.
This is another book about Korean residents in Japan, based on the life history of a
Korean resident in Japan (zai-nichi Chōsenjin).
安宇植( 著 ).
天皇制と朝鮮人. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
An, U-sik (author).
Tennōsei to Chōsenjin. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 301.
This book links the problems of Korean residents in Japan to the issue of the Emperor system.
編集部( 編 ).
韓国からの通信: 1972・11ー1974・6. 東京: 岩波書店, 1974.
T. K. (author). Sekai Henshūbu (editor).
Kankoku kara no tsūshin: 1972. 11-1974. 6. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1974, pp. 6, 233, 4.
編集部( 編 ).
続韓国からの通信: 1974・7ー1975・6. 東京: 岩波書店, 1975.
T. K. (author). Sekai Henshūbu (editor).
Zoku Kankoku kara no tsūshin: 1974. 7-1975. 6. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1975, pp. 6, 235, 9.
編集部( 編 ).
第三韓国からの通信: 1975・7ー1977・8. 東京: 岩波書店, 1977.
T. K. (author). Sekai Henshūbu (editor).
Dai-3 Kankoku kara no tsūshin: 1975. 7-1977. 8. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1977, pp. 6, 240, 6.
This report about conditions in South Korea appeared in the journal Sekai under the
initials TK (Sei is a designation meaning “the person TK”). It was a journalist’s report of what was happening in South Korea, that couldn’t be published in the South
286 ❖ 書籍 Books
Korean press at the time, which is why it appeared just under the author’s initials.
Sekai published quite a bit about South Korea. The report was then re-published by
Iwanami and became a best-seller with three volumes of T.K.’s reports from Korea.
徐俊植, 徐勝( 著 ).徐京植( 訳 ).
徐兄弟獄中からの手紙: 徐勝、徐俊植の10年. 東京: 岩波書店, 1981.
So, Junshik and So, Sung (authors).So, Kyonshik (translator).
So kyōdai gokuchū kara no tegami: So Sun, So Junshiku no 10 nen. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten,
1981, pp. 5, 214.
The So brothers were Koreans living in Japan who went to college in South Korea,
where they were arrested and tortured and held as political prisoners. Pictures of
their damaged faces prompted a big movement in Japan (and elsewhere) to get them
released. This book, a collection of the letters they sent out of prison to family and
others, was published as part of that movement. The book increased the movement
in Japan but caused a big problem between North and South Korea. The North Korean community in Japan rushed to support the So brothers. The brothers were
later released and returned to Japan. However, more recently it has come out that
they had gone to North Korea and that’s why they were arrested in South Korea.
They later confessed that the Korean police did not torture them. They said they had
mutilated their own faces and had the pictures distributed to provoke a sympathy
movement. Hence this movement was turned on its head. The people who supported
them kept quiet when the facts of the case came out. In 1997 there was a new flap
about the case, with the South Korean organization in Japan criticizing the former
supporters of the So brothers for keeping quiet when the facts of the case came out.
The collection contains several items about this case.
神谷不二( 著 ).
朝鮮戦争: 米中対決の原形. 東京: 中央公論社, 1966.
Kamiya, Fuji (author).
Chōsen Sensō: Bei-Chū taiketsu no genkei. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1966, pp. 195.
A book about the Korean war.
古野喜政( 著 ).
韓国現代史メモ1973ー76: 私の内なる金大中事件. 大阪: 幻想社, 1981.
Furuno, Yoshimasa (author).
Kankoku gendaishi memo 1973-76: watashi no uchi naru Kim Dejun Jiken. Ōsaka: Gensōsha,
1981, pp. 327.
An account of the Kim Dae Jung kidnapping in Japan.
朴点水( 著 ).
朝鮮語入門: 発音編. 東京: 朝鮮青年社, 1975.
Pak, Chomsu (author).
Chōsengo nyūmon: hatsuon hen. Tōkyō: Chōsen Seinensha, 1975, pp. 162.
Introductory Korean language textbook and pronunciation guide.
韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 Koreans in Japan, South, and North Korea ❖ 287
朝鮮青年社出版部( 編 ).
朝鮮語: 基礎から会話まで. 東京: 朝鮮青年社, 1977.
Chōsen Seinensha Shuppanbu (editor).
Chōsengo: kiso kara kaiwa made. Tōkyō: Chōsen Seinensha, 1977, pp. 106.
A Korean language textbook for Korean residents in Japan, put out by the youth
organization sponsored by North Korea.
金大中( 著 ).
無窮花よ永遠に. 東京: アンヴィエル, 1980.
Kim, Dae Jung (author).
Mugunha yo eien ni. Tōkyō: Anvieru, 1980, pp. 251.
A book by South Korean activist Kim Dae Jung, who was kidnapped in Japan in
1981 by South Korean government agents, but subsequently was elected President
of South Korea in 1997 and took office in 1998.
呉己順さん追悼文集刊行委員会( 編 ).
item_ID: 1351
朝を見ることなく: 徐兄弟の母呉己順さんの生涯. 京都: 呉己順さん追悼文集刊行委員会, 1980.
O Gisun san Tsuitō Bunshū Kankō Iinkai (editor).
Asa o miru koto naku: So kyodai no haha O Gisun san no shōgai. Kyōto: O Gisun san Tsuitō
Bunshū Kankō Iinkai, 1980, pp. 4, 310.
呉己順さん追悼文集刊行委員会( 編 ).
朝を見ることなく: 徐兄弟の母呉己順さんの生涯. 東京: 社会思想社, 1981.
O Gisun san Tsuitō Bunshū Kankō Iinkai (editor).
Asa o miru koto naku: So kyodai no haha O Gisun san no shōgai. Tōkyō: Shakai Shisōsha,
1981, pp. 240.
A collection of recollections about the mother of the So brothers, written after her
death (tsuito bunsho). The So brothers were Koreans living in Japan who went to
college in South Korea, where they were arrested and tortured and held as political
prisoners. Pictures of their damaged faces prompted a big movement in Japan (and
elsewhere) to get them released. This book, a collection of the letters they sent out of
prison to family and others, was published as part of that movement. The Takazawa
Collection contains three publications of two different collections of recollections of O
Gisun, the mother of the So brothers. This is a another publication of the same tsuito
bunsho of the mother of the So brothers that is item #1352.
成律子( 著 ).
異国への旅. 東京: 創樹社, 1979.
Song, Ryulja (author).
Ikoku e no tabi. Tōkyō: Sōjusha, 1979, pp. 214.
Another collection of recollections about the mother of the So brothers, written after
her death (tsuito bunsho). The So brothers were Koreans living in Japan who went to
college in South Korea, where they were arrested and tortured and held as political
prisoners. Pictures of their damaged faces prompted a big movement in Japan (and
288 ❖ 書籍 Books
elsewhere) to get them released. This book, a collection of the letters they sent out of
prison to family and others, was published as part of that movement. The Takazawa
Collection contains three publications of two different collections of recollections of
O Gisun, the mother of the So brothers. This one is a different, slightly earlier collection of recollections of the mother of the So brothers from items #1351 and 1352.
朴寿南( 編 ).
罪と死と愛と: 獄窓に真実の瞳をみつめて. 東京: 三一書房, 1963.
Pak, Sunam (editor).
Tsumi to shi to ai to: gokusō ni shinjitsu no hitomi o mitsumete. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1963,
pp. 275.
Early in the 1960s a high school girl was killed in Komatsugawa, which became
known as the Komatsugawa incident. A Korean named Ri Ching U was arrested and
tried for the murder. These are the letters he wrote to the person handling his support, who edited and published them. The name of the writer of the letters does not
appear as the author, just the editor of the volume. The letters constitute Ri Ching
U’s hansei reflections, hence the title.
民族統一新聞社( 編 ).
item_ID: 1355
死を賭けた韓国学生の青春: ひざを屈して生きるより立ったまま死のう. 東京: エール出版社.
Minzoku Tōitsu Shinbunsha (editor).
Shi o kaketa Kankoku gakusei no seishun: hiza o kutsushite ikiru yori tatta mama shinou.
Tōkyō: Ēru Shuppansha, pp. 198.
This is a book about South Korean students who died in student conflicts in Korea.
むくげ舎( 著 ).高島雄三郎( 編 ).
崔承喜: 増補版. むくげ舎, 1981.
Mukugesha (author). Takashima, Yūzaburō (editor).
Sai Shoki: zōhoban. Mukugesha, 1981, pp. 286.
This is a critical biography of Chie Sunfui, who was a famous dancer of Korean
traditional dance in the prewar to immediate postwar period. She was the model
for Kawabata’s Hanto no Maihime. After the war she participated in the return to
North Korea along with a lot of other people in the late 1950s but after she got to
North Korea she was purged and disappeared. She was very famous at the time both
in Korea and Japan.
金一勉( 著 ).
一九四五年の原点. 東京: 三一書房, 1977.
Kim, Il-myon (author).
1945-nen no genten. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1977, pp. 232.
An essay about the meaning of WWII for the Korean people.
韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 Koreans in Japan, South, and North Korea ❖ 289
金芝河( 著 ).塚本勲( 訳 ).
糞氏物語: 長編詩. 那覇: 沖縄ベトナム人民連帯委員会.
Kim, Chi-ha (author). Tsukamoto, Isao (translator).
Hunshi monogatari: chōhenshi. Naha: Okinawa Betonamu Jinmin Rentai Iinkai, pp. 24.
Kim Jiha was a Korean anti-government activist and poet. He was jailed in South
Korea because of his anti-war poetry, and this book was put out as part of the movement in Japan to free him. The publisher is the Okinawan anti-Vietnam group affiliated with Dai Yon Intā. The title is a parody of Genji Monogatari, but the content
is unrelated.
金芝河らを助ける会( 編 ).
金芝河: 良心宣言. 東京: 金芝河らを助ける会, 1975.
Kim Jiha ra o Tasukeru Kai (editor).
Kimu Jiha: ryōshin sengen. Tōkyō: Kin Jiha ra o Tasukeru Kai, 1975, pp. 32.
Kim Jiha was a Korean anti-government activist and poet. He was jailed in South
Korea because of his anti-war poetry, and this book was put out as part of the movement in Japan to free him.
許集( 著 ).
朝鮮のむかしばなし. 東京: 朝鮮青年社, 1979.
Ho, Jip (author).
Chōsen no mukashi banashi. Tōkyō: Chōsen Seinensha, 1979, pp. 226.
Old tales from Korea, published by the North Korean-sponsored youth organization.
前田康博( 著 ).
item_ID: 1361
ソウルからの報告: ドキュメント韓国1976ー1980. 東京: ダイヤモンド社, 1981.
Maeda, Yasuhiro (author).
Souru kara no hōkoku: dokyumento Kankoku 1976–1980. Tōkyō: Daiyamondosha, 1981,
pp. 8, 245.
A report on conditions in South Korea from 1976–1980.
金星煥( 著 ).山本文尊, 朴在一( 訳 ).
item_ID: 1362
コバウおじさん:「東亜日報」連載マンガ1974・3ー1975・5. 東京: 柘植書房, 1975.
Kim, Songhwan (author). Yamamoto, Fumitaka and Pak, Che Il (translators).
Kobau ojisan: Tōa Nippō rensai manga 1974. 3-1975. 5. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1975, pp. 187.
This is a collection of cartoons by Kim Sonfan that appeared in 1974–75 in Tōa Nippō.
白基ウォン( 著 ).小杉尅次( 訳 ).
抗日民族論. 東京: 柘植書房, 1975.
Paik, Kiuon (author). Kosugi, Katsuji (translator).
Kō-Nichi minzokuron. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1975, pp. 304.
290 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a Japanese translation of a book originally written by a Korean author. The
book talks about a theory of Korean ethnic nationalism against the Japanese people.
日朝関係、その歴史と現在: 世界臨時増刊. 東京: 岩波書店, 1992.
Nitchō kankei, sono rekishi to genzai: Sekai rinji zōkan. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1992, pp. 208.
A special issue of Sekai on Korean-Japanese relations, past and present.
金東( 著 ).
韓国における労働者階級の状態. 東京: 日本と朝鮮の労働者交流連帯連絡会議.
Kim, Tong (author).
Kankoku ni okeru rōdōsha kaikyū no jōtai. Tōkyō: Nihon to Chōsen no Rōdōsha Kōryū Rentai
Renraku Kaigi, pp. 36.
A report on the state of the working class in South Korea, by a North Korean
日本革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ).
統一朝鮮革命と入管闘争. 東京: 新時代社, 1970.
Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyosan Shugisha Domei (editor).
Tōitsu Chōsen kakumei to nyūkan tōsō. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1970, pp. 109.
A book put out by Dai Yon Intā in 1970 as a contribution to the movement opposing
the Japanese immigration law as it applied to Koreans.
金一勉( 著 ).
を名のるのか: 民族意識と差別. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Kim, Il-myon (author).
Chōsenjin ga naze “Nihonmei” o nanoru no ka: minzoku ishiki to sabetsu. Tōkyō: Sanichi
Shobō, 1978, pp. 274.
A book by a Korean resident in Japan questioning why Korean residents take Japanese names.
鈴木裕子( 著 ).
朝鮮人従軍慰安婦. 東京: 岩波書店, 1991.
Suzuki, Yūko (author).
Chōsenjin jūgun ianfu. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1991, pp. 61.
A book about the comfort women issue published as it was becoming a big issue in
the 1990s.
市民の手で日韓ゆ着をただす調査運動( 編 ).
日韓関係を撃つ: 玄海灘をこえる民衆連帯のために. 東京: 社会評論社, 1981.
Shimin no Te de Nikkan Yuchaku o Tadasu Chōsa Undō (editor).
Nikkan kankei o utsu: Genkainada o koeru minshū rentai no tame ni. Tōkyō: Shakai
Hyōronsha, 1981, pp. 255.
韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 Koreans in Japan, South, and North Korea ❖ 291
A collection of essays written by various authors on the topic of Japan-Korea
在日韓国青年同盟東京特別本部( 編 ).
闘う光州: 韓国民衆闘争ドキュメント. 東京: 在日韓国青年同盟, 1980.
Zainichi Kankoku Seinen Dōmei Tokyo Tokubetsu Honbu (editor).
Tatakau Kōshū: Kankoku minshū tōsō dokyumento. Tōkyō: Zainichi Kankoku Seinen Domei,
Reportage on Korea put out by the youth organization of Koreans resident in Japan
connected with South Korea.
民族統一シンポジウム報告編集委員会( 編 ).
八○年代と朝鮮の統一: 民族統一シンポジウム報告. 東京: 皓星社, 1979.
Minzoku Tōitsu Shinpojiumu Hōkoku Henshū Iinkai (editor).
80-nendai to Chōsen no tōitsu: Minzoku Tōitsu Shinpojiumu hōkoku. Tōkyō: Kōseisha, 1979,
pp. 7, 371.
Report of a symposium on Korean unification.
朴大統領狙撃事件を追求する. 東京: 朴大統領狙撃事件真相調査
団, 1975.
Boku daitōryō sogeki jiken o tsuikyū suru. Tōkyō: Boku Daitōryō Sogeki Jiken Shinsō
Chōsadan, 1975, pp. 94.
A book about the shooting incident of President Park Chung Hee.
李學仁( 著 ).
トラジの海. 東京: 緑豆社.
Li, Hakin (author).
Toraji no umi. Tōkyō: Ryokutōsha.
A script for a movie called “Toraji no umi.”
資料・性侵略を告発する: キーセン観光. 東京: キーセン観光に反対す
る女たちの会, 1974.
Shiryō seishinryaku o kokuhatsu suru: Kīsen kankō. Tōkyō: Kīsen Kankō ni Hantaisuru Onnatachi no Kai, 1974, pp. 86.
A book criticizing Japanese sex tours to Korea from a feminist perspective.
南朝鮮の言論は圧殺された. 東京: 在日本朝鮮言論出版人協会, 1974.
Minami-Chōsen no genron wa assatsu sareta. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsen Genron Shuppanjin,
1974, pp. 108.
A book criticizing the lack of freedom of speech in South Korea, put out by sympathizers of North Koreans resident in Japan.
292 ❖ 書籍 Books
在日朝鮮人の在留権を保障するために. 東京: 在日朝鮮人の人権を守
る会, 1976.
Zainichi Chōsenjin no zairyūken o hoshō suru tame ni. Tōkyō: Zainichi Chōsenjin no jinken
o mamorukai, 1976, pp. 40.
Book concerning protecting the rights of Korean residents in Japan, from a Northsympathizers perspective.
調査報告書: 大村朝鮮人収容所調査団. 東京: 大村朝鮮人収容所調
査団, 1977.
Chōsa hōkokusho: Ōmura Chōsenjin Shūyōjo Chōsadan. Tōkyō: Ōmura Chōsenjin Shūyōjo
Chōsadan, 1977, pp. 37.
A report about Ōmura Nyūkokusha Shūyōjo, a detention center in Nagasaki where
Koreans entering Japan were held. The center was officially named in December
1950, and this research was conducted in 1977.
隅谷三喜男( 著 ).
韓国経済の構造. 東京:「朝鮮問題」懇話会, 1976.
item_ID: 13085
Sumiya, Mikio (author).
Kankoku Keizai no Kōzō. Tōkyō: “Chōsen Mondai” Konwakai, 1976, pp. 31.
A book about the structure of Korean economy. The English title of this book is “Economic structure in South Korea.” This is book #1 of a series called “Chōsen Mondai”
gakushū/kenkyū shirīzu. (See Items #1376, #1379, and #1380 for other volumes of
this series.)
上田誠吉( 著 ).
南朝鮮の治安立法と人権問題. 東京:「朝鮮問題」懇話会, 1976.
Ueda, Seikichi (author).
Minami-Chōsen no chian rippō to jinken mondai. Tōkyō: “Chōsen Mondai” Konwakai, 1976,
pp. 28.
A criticism of human rights in South Korea, from a point of view sympathetic to
North Korea. The English title of this book is “The oppresive legislation for public order and the crisis of human rights in South Korea.” This is book #3 of a series called
“Chōsen Mondai” gakushū/kenkyū shirīzu. (See Items #1379, #1380 and #13085 for
other volumes of this series.)
安江良介( 著 ).
南北朝鮮の現状と統一問題. 東京:「朝鮮問題」懇話会, 1976.
Yasue, Ryōsuke (author).
Nanboku Chōsen no genjō to tōitsu mondai. Tōkyō: “Chōsen Mondai” Konwakai, 1976, pp. 76.
A book about Korean unification. The English title of this book is “The situation of
North and South Korea after the July 4th Joint Declaration in 1972.” This is book #4
韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 Koreans in Japan, South, and North Korea ❖ 293
of a series called “Chōsen Mondai” gakushū/kenkyū shirīzu. (See Items #1376, #1379
and #13085 for other volumes of this series.)
中嶋正昭( 著 ).
韓国キリスト者の人権運動. 東京:「朝鮮問題」懇話会, 1977.
Nakajima, Masa’aki (author).
Kankoku kirisutosha no jinken undō. Tōkyō: “Chōsen Mondai” Konwakai, 1977, pp. 24.
Book about the human rights of South Korean Christians, from a position sympathetic to North Korea. The English title of this book is “The human rights movement
of Korean Christians.” This is book #6 of a series called “Chōsen Mondai” gakushū/
kenkyū shirīzu. (See Items #1376, #1380 and #13085 for other volumes of this series.)
在日朝鮮人の人権を守る会( 編 ).
item_ID: 1381
の狙い. 東京: 在日朝鮮人の人権を守る会.
Zainichi Chōsenjin no Jinken o Mamoru Kai (editor).
Gaikokujin Tōrokuhō (Zainichi Chōsenjin danatsu rippō) no jittai to hō “kaisei” no nerai.
Tōkyō: Zainichi Chōsenjin no jinken o mamorukai, pp. 57.
Commentary on proposed revisions to Japanese immigration laws as they affect Korean residents, from a North Korean sympathizers’ perspective.
日本軍国主義の朝鮮侵略小史. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会中央常
任委員会, 1975.
Nihon gunkoku shugi no Chōsen shinryaku shōshi. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai
Chūō Jōnin Iinkai, 1975, pp. 87.
North Korean materials put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1988.
Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1988, pp. 336.
North Korean materials put by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
❖ ❖ ❖
Takazawa traveled to North Korea several times in the late 1980s and early 1990s
and brought back most of the travel materials published in North Korea.
朝鮮語を話しましょう: 歓迎. 平壌: 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国, 1989.
Chōsengo o hanashimashō: kangei. Pyongyang: Chōsen Minshu Shugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku,
1989, pp. 50.
This is a Korean language textbook published in North Korea.
金日成( 著 ).金日成主席著作翻訳委員会( 訳 ).
チュチェ思想について. 東京: チュチェ思想国際研究所, 1979.
294 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kim, Il-song (author). Kimu Iruson Shuseki Chosaku Honyaku Iinkai (translator).
Chuche Shisō ni tsuite. Tōkyō: Chuche Shisō Kokusai Kenkyūjo, 1979, pp. 345.
North Korean materials on the ideology of Chuche, put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
金日成( 著 ).金日成主席著作翻訳委員会( 訳 ).
社会主義労働法. 東京: チュチェ思想国際研究所, 1981.
Kim, Il-song (author). Kimu Iruson Shuseki Chosaku Honyaku Iinkai (translator).
Shakai shugi rōdōhō. Tōkyō: Chuche Shisō Kokusai Kenkyūjo, 1981, pp. 201.
North Korean book on socialist labor law by Kim Il-song, put out by Chosen Sōren
in Japan.
朴正煕一味のファッショ弾圧. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会中央常任
委員会, 1974.
Pak Chonhi ichimi no fassho dan’atsu. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Chūō Jōnin
Iinkai, 1974, pp. 77.
North Korean material on the “fascist oppression” of South Korean President Park
Chung-hee, put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
朝鮮新報社( 編 ).
item_ID: 1388
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国ハンドブック. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会中央本部, 1988.
Chōsen Shinpōsha (editor).
Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku handobukku. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin
Sōrengōkai Chūō Honbu, 1988, pp. 119.
North Korean handbook put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
方ウォン柱( 著 ).
朝鮮概観. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1987.
Hō, Uonchū (author).
Chōsen gaikan. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1987, pp. 280.
This is a general overview of North Korea published in North Korea.
朝鮮観光案内編集部( 編 ).
朝鮮観光案内. 東京: 朝鮮新報社, 1991.
Chōsen Kankō Annai Henshūbu (editor).
Chōsen kankō annai. Tōkyō: Chōsen Shinpōsha, 1991, pp. 164.
A North Korean travel guide put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
平壌概観. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1985.
Pyonyan gaikan. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1985, pp. 93.
This is a travel guide to Pyongyang published in North Korea.
韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 Koreans in Japan, South, and North Korea ❖ 295
金日成主義革命論. 東京: 民族統一新聞社, 1976.
Tōitsu Kakumeitō Chūō Iinkai Sendenbu (author). Kimu Iruson Shugi Kakumeiron Honyaku
Iinkai (translator).
Kimu Iruson shugi kakumeiron. Tōkyō: Minzoku Tōitsu Shinbunsha, 1976, pp. 317.
A book on Kim Il-song’s revolutionary theory, put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
崔学洙( 著 ).崔午成, 金玉順( 訳 ).
平壌時間. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1986.
Choe, Hak-su (author). Choe, U-song and Kim, Ok-jun (translators).
Pyonyan jikan. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1986, pp. 507.
This is North Korean material about Pyongyang, published in North Korea in Japanese.
アメリカ帝国主義はチョソン人民の不倶戴天の敵. 平壌: 外国文出版
社, 1972.
Amerika teikoku shugi wa Choson jinmin no fugu taiten no teki. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun
Shuppansha, 1972.
This is anti-American material published in North Korea.
「外国人登録法」改悪のねらい. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会社会
局, 1975.
Gaikokujin Tōrokuhō kaiaku no nerai. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Shakaikyoku,
1975, pp. 43.
Material opposing the Alien Registration Law, put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
金日成( 著 ).
主体思想について. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会中央常任委員会, 1982.
Kim, Il-song (author).
Chuche Shisō ni tsuite. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Chūō Jōnin Iinkai, 1982, pp. 87.
North Korean materials on the Chuche ideology put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
万景台学生少年宮殿. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1990.
Mangyondē Gakusei Shōnen Kyūden. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1990.
North Korean travel materials put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
三池淵: 革命戦跡地. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1980.
Samujiyon: Kakumei sensekichi. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1980, pp. 40.
This is a North Korean travel guide published in North Korea.
296 ❖ 書籍 Books
マウント・チョンバン. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1988.
Mt. Chongbang. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1988.
North Korean travel materials put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
春香伝: 民族歌劇. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1991.
Shunkōden: minzoku kageki. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1991.
North Korean material on performing arts put out by Chosen Sōren in Japan.
リムシゲン. 平壌: キムセンスコイェイ
“Tsevetok obyedineniya” Rim Cy Gen. Pyongyang: Kimsenskoe Izdatelstvo “Molodezh”, 1989,
pp. 65.
This is a picture book in Russian focusing on a Korean woman and published in
North Korea.
人民大学習堂. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1982.
Jinmin dai gakushūdō. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1982.
North Korean materials on People’s University, published in North Korea.
主体思想塔. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1982.
Chuche Shisōtō. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1982.
North Korean materials on Chuche ideology, published in North Korea.
万景台. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1981.
Mangyondē. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1981.
North Korean materials travel materials published in North Korea.
ハンソクポンガオモニ. 1985.
Hansekpong kwa emeni. 1985, pp. 39.
A picture book in Korean published by Choson Misul Chulbansa.
チョスニ. 1986.
Choswuni. 1986, pp. 72.
A picture book in Korean published by Choson Misul Chulbansa.
チョプドンセ. 1988.
Cep tong say. 1988, pp. 56.
A picture book in Korean published by Choson Misul Chulbansa.
韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 Koreans in Japan, South, and North Korea ❖ 297
チュチェ思想解説. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1983.
Chuche Shisō kaisetsu. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1983, pp. 176.
An outline of Chuche thought published in North Korea.
朝鮮女性と連帯する日本婦人代表団, 日本婦人会議( 編 ).
統一への決意かたく: 創建30周年を迎えた朝鮮をたずねて. 1979.
Chōsen Josei to Rentaisuru Nihon Fujin Daihyōdan and Nihon Fujin Kaigi (editors).
Tōitsu e no ketsui kataku: sōken 30-shūnen o mukaeta Chōsen o tazune te. 1979, pp. 91.
This and item #1418 are relatively early accounts of people making trips to North
Korea. Furuya Yoshiko went to North Korea with this group and became the conduit
for the publication in Japan of the Yodogo group’s magazine. (This is the same Furuya Yoshiko whose personal materials are in the collection.)
朝鮮統一のための日本婦人集会実行委員会( 編 ).
item_ID: 1410
朝鮮はひとつ: 朝鮮統一のための国際日本婦人集会報告集. 東京: 朝鮮統一のための日本婦人
集会実行委, 1980.
Chōsen Tōitsu no tame no Nihon Fujin Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai (editor).
Chōsen wa hitotsu: Chōsen tōitsu no tame no Kokusai Nihon Fujin Shūkai hōkokusho. Tōkyō:
Chōsen Tōitsu no tame no Nihon Fujin Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai, 1980, pp. 115.
A publication put out by a Japanese women’s group that had traveled to North Korea
with the aim of supporting Korean unification.
朴鐘哲( 著 ).韓斗亨( 訳 ).
アリラン: えほん. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1988.
反金日成運動の実態: 北韓の内幕. ソウル: 大韓民国海外公報館, 1976. item_ID:
Park, Chonchul (author). Han, Tuhu (translator).
Ariran: ehon. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1988, pp. 55.
A picture book published in North Korea.
Han Kimu Il Son undō no jittai: Hokkan no uchimaku. Seoul: Daikan Minkoku Kaigai Kōhōkan,
1976, pp. 12.
A book published in South Korea about opposition to Kim Il-song in North Korea.
金日成: 朝鮮労働党第6回大会でおこなった中央委員会の活動報告.
東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会中央常任委員会, 1980.
Kimu Iruson: Chōsen Rōdōtō dai-6-kai taikai de okonatta Chūō Iinkai no katsudō hōkoku.
Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Chūō Jōnin Iinkai, 1980, pp. 116.
A report on the North Korean Workers’ Party 6th Party Congress, published by the
North Korean organization in Japan.
298 ❖ 書籍 Books
方ウォン柱( 著 ).
朝鮮の民俗. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1990.
Hō, Uonchū (author).
Chōsen no minzoku. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1990, pp. 76.
Published in North Korea, the book introduces the culture of Korea. Using color
photos, the book describes the food, clothing, structure of houses, ceremonies, and
holiday rituals.
金日成( 著 ).
チュチェ思想について. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1989.
Kim, Il-song (author).
Chuche Shisō ni tsuite. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1989, pp. 216.
A book by Kim Il-song about Chuche ideology published in North Korea in Japanese.
資料・最近の南朝鮮の動向: 南朝鮮人民の闘いの特徴. 東京: 在日本
朝鮮人総聯合会, 1982.
Shiryō saikin no Minami-Chōsen no dōkō: Minami-Chōsen jinmin no tatakai no tokuchō.
Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai, 1982, pp. 35.
Documentary materials about current conditions in South Korea, published by the
North Korean organization in Japan.
朝鮮地図. 平壌: 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国地図出版社, 1986.
Chōsen chizu. Pyongyang: Chōsen Minshu Shugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku Chizu Shuppansha, 1986.
A map of North Korea published in North Korea.
79朝鮮女性と連帯する日本婦人代表団( 編 ).
朝鮮はひとつ: 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国をたずねて. 1979.
79 Chōsen Josei to Rentaisuru Nihon Fujin Daihyōdan (editor).
Chōsen wa hitotsu: Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku o tazunete. 1979, pp. 32.
This is a relatively early account of people making trips to North Korea. Furuya
Yoshiko went to North Korea with this group and became the conduit for the publication in Japan of the Yodogo group’s magazine. (This is the same Furuya Yoshiko
whose personal materials are in the collection.)
オンダルチョン. 1989.
Ontalcen. 1989, pp. 104.
A picture book in Korean published by Pyongyang Chulbansa.
コリアン・フォーク・コスチューム. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1985.
Korean Folk Costume. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1985.
A book on Korean folk costume, published in Tokyo by the North Korean organziation.
韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 Koreans in Japan, South, and North Korea ❖ 299
開城. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1987.
Kaijō. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1987.
A travel brochure on North Korea, published in Tokyo by the North Korean organization.
中央植物園. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1987.
Chūō Shokubutsuen. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1987.
A travel brochure on the Central Botanical Garden in Pyongyang, published by the
North Korean organziation in Japan.
北朝鮮文化保存指導局( 編 ).
チョソン民俗博物館. 平壌: チョソン民俗博物館, 1977.
Kita Chōsen Bunka Hozon Shidōkyoku (editor).
Choson Minzoku Hakubutsukan. Pyongyang: Choson Minzoku Hakubutsukan, 1977.
A museum guide to the (North) Korean People’s Museum, published in North Korea.
朝鮮中央歴史博物館. 平壌: 朝鮮中央歴史博物館, 1989.
Chōsen Chūō Rekishi Hakubutsukan. Pyongyang: Chōsen Chūō Rekishi Hakubutsukan, 1989.
A guide to the (North) Korean Central Historical Museum, published in Pyongyang.
朝鮮美術博物館. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1985.
Chōsen Bijutsu Hakubutsukan. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1985.
A guide to the (North) Korean Art Museum, published in Pyongyang.
平壌の伝説. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1988.
Heijō no densetsu. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1988, pp. 128.
A travel guide about Pyongyang, published in North Korea.
別所正則( 著 ).
普通江のうたごえ: チョソン訪問記. 伊丹: 尼崎日朝問題研究会, 1981.
Bessho, Masanori (author).
Potongan no utagoe: Choson hōmonki. Itami: Amagasaki Nitchō Mondai Kenkyūkai, 1981,
pp. 64.
A travel report by a Japanese sympathizer of North Korea.
リ・ホーイン( 著 ).
アイ.アム.ア.コリアン. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1989.
Li, Ho-in (author).
I Am a Korean. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1989, pp. 199.
A book in English, published in North Korea.
300 ❖ 書籍 Books
主体芸術. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1976.
Zhuti yushu. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1976, pp. 311.
A book on Chuche performing arts, published in North Korea.
マウント・パエクデュ. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1982.
Mt. Paekdu. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1982, pp. 254.
A travel guide to Mt. Paekdu, published in North Korea.
レプブリクポプレールデモクラチクデコレー. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1986.
Republique Populaire Democratique de Coree. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1986, pp. 320.
This is a photo collection from North Korea with the text in French. Item #1448 is the
same book with a Japanese text.
ラツルプアルチスチクマンスダイデピョンヤン: ラレプブリクポプレー
ルデモクラチクデコレー. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1978.
La Troupe Artistique Mansoudai de Pyongyang: La Republique Populaire Democratique de
Coree. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1978, pp. 76.
A booklet on a performing arts troupe in North Korea, published in North Korea in
現代の朝鮮画. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1980.
Gendai no Chōsenga. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1980, pp. 128.
A book on contemporary North Korean art, published in Pyongyang.
国家美術展写真帖: 祖国解放・朝鮮労働党創立40周年記念. 平壌: 朝
鮮美術出版社, 1986.
Kokka bijutsuten shashinchō: sokoku kaihō, Chōsen Rōdōtō sōritsu 40-shūnen kinen. Pyongyang: Chōsen Bijutsu Shuppansha, 1986, pp. 39.
A museum guide to a photo collection in honor of the 40th anniversary of the North
Korean Workers’ Party’s liberation movement.
チョソン民主主義人民共和国文化保存指導局写真編集室( 編 ).
平壌的文物古跡. 平壌: 朝鮮中央歴史博物館, 1977.
Choson Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku Bunka Hozon Shidōkyoku Shashin Henshūshitsu
Heijō-teki bunbutsu koseki. Pyongyang: Chōsen Chūō Rekishi Hakubutsukan, 1977.
A guide to a museum preserving books and cultural artifacts.
ウニヴェルシテダグロノミエデウンサン. 平壌: レジュルナル「キョウウ
韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人 Koreans in Japan, South, and North Korea ❖ 301
Universite d’Agronomie de Weunsan. Pyongyang: Le Journal “Kyoweun Sinmoun”, 1989,
pp. 33.
A catalog with pictures of the University of Agronomy at Weunsan, written in French
and published in Pyongyang.
金日成総合大学. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1982.
Kimu Iruson Sōgō Daigaku. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1982.
Catalog of Kim Il-song University, published in Pyongyang.
楽園の歌: 音楽舞踊物語. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1978.
Rakuen no uta: ongaku buyō monogatari. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1978.
A work on music and dance, published in Pyongyang.
ペクツサンスキイパルチザンスキイラゲル. 平壌: イズダテルストヴォ
コレヤ, 1990.
Pektusanskii Partizanskii Lager. Pyongyang: Izdatelstvo Koreya, 1990, pp. 27.
A travel guide to a famous partisans’ camp, written in Russian and published in
朝鮮の美術: 朝鮮美術博物館所蔵品の中から. 平壌: 外国文出版
社, 1978.
Chōsen no bijutsu: Chōsen Bijutsu Hakubutsukan shozōhin no naka kara. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1978, pp. 47.
A catalog of items of Korean art from the Korean Art Museum, published in Pyongyang.
信川博物館. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1982.
Shinchon Hakubutsukan. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1982.
A guide to the Shinchon museum, published in Pyongyang.
チルボサン. 1989.
Chilpo san. 1989, pp. 224.
A picture book of Chilbo mountain published in Pyongyang.
金剛山. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1981.
Kumgan-san. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1981, pp. 168.
A travel guide to Kungan mountain, published in Pyongyang.
チョソン民主主義人民共和国文化保存指導局写真編集室( 編 ).
朝鮮中央歴史博物館. 平壌: 朝鮮中央歴史博物館, 1979.
302 ❖ 書籍 Books
Choson Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku Bunka Hozon Shidōkyoku Shashin Henshūshitsu
Chōsen Chūō Rekishi Hakubutsukan. Pyongyang: Chōsen Chūō Rekishi Hakubutsukan,
1979, pp. 117.
A museum guide to the (North) Korean Central Historical Museum, published in
白頭山: 革命の聖山. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1989.
Hakutōzan: kakumei no seizan. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1989, pp. 160.
A travel guide to a mountain in North Korea that has some revolutionary significance, published by the North Korean organization in Japan.
モントミョウヤング. 平壌: エジシオンズデコンセルヴァシオヌヅパツリ
ムワンクルツレル, 1988.
Mont Myohyang. Pyongyang: Éditions de conservation du Patrimoine culturel, 1988, pp. 120.
A picture book travel guide in French published in Pyongyang, on a famous mountain.
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1986.
Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1986, pp. 320.
This is a photo collection of North Korea with the text in Japanese. Item #1431 is the
same book in French. It was published in Japan by the North Korean organization.
朝鮮の文化財. 平壌: 文化保存社, 1980.
Chōsen no bunkazai. Pyongyang: Bunka Hozonsha, 1980.
A book on North Korea’s cultural treasures, published in Pyongyang. It contains a
photographic album and introductory essays on the cultural assets of North Korea.
申商均( 著 ).
偉大な歴史の軌跡. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1987.
item_ID: 15024
Shin, Shōkin (author).
Idai na rekishi no kiseki. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1987, pp. 137.
This is a book about Kim Il Song and North Korea’s modern history, published in
North Korea. It was in the Furuya Yoshiko materials and presumably is something
she brought back from her travels in North Korea during the 1980s.
❖ ❖ ❖
中 国と東亜 China and Asia ❖ 303
XII. 中国と東亜 China and Asia
❖ ❖ ❖
Takazawa traveled to China several times en route to North Korea, and then stayed in
China for most of 1989, covering the student movement and the Tien An Men Incident
and remaining for several months afterwards. The collection contains materials he
obtained during these trips.
( 編 ).澹台燕 翔( 訳 ).
中国概況. 北京: 外文出版社, 1987.
Gi, Wen (editor).Zhantai, Yanxiang (translator).
Chūgoku gaikyō. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1987, pp. 216.
This is a travel guide to China, published in Beijing and obtained by Takazawa in
the late 1980s.
( 編 ).
中国要覧. 北京: 外文出版社, 1985.
Gi, Wen (editor).
Chūgoku yōran. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1985, pp. 100.
A travel guide to China, published in Beijing and obtained by Takazawa during his
travels in the late 1980s.
中国研究所( 編 ).中国研究所( 訳 ).
中華人民共和国憲法. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係, 1955.
Chūgoku Kenkyūjo (editor).Chūgoku Kenkyūjo (translator).
Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku kenpō. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari, 1955,
pp. 121.
A Japanese edition of the Chinese constitution, published in Tokyo.
中国文化史年表. 上海: 上海辞書出版社, 1990.
Chūgoku bunkashi nenpyō. Shanhai: Shanghai Jisho Shuppansha, 1990, pp. 1131.
This is a cultural atlas or timeline of Chinese cultural history, published in Shanghai
and obtained by Takazawa during his travels.
中西功( 著 ).
中国共産党史. 東京: 白都社, 1949.
Nakanishi, Tsutomu (author).
Chūgoku Kyōsantōshi. Tōkyō: Hakutosha, 1949, pp. 271.
History of the Chinese Communist Party.
304 ❖ 書籍 Books
林彪( 著 ).
人民戦争の勝利万歳. 北京: 外文出版社, 1965.
Lin, Piao (author).
Jinmin sensō no shōri banzai. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1965, pp. 84.
This is one of several books in the collection published in China in Japanese and obtained by Takazawa during his travels there in the late 1980s. This is Lin Piao’s book
theorizing jinmin sensō or people’s war, that influenced Kakumei Saha.
中国人民解放軍総政治部宣伝部( 編 ).
現代化すすむ中国の軍隊. 北京: 北京周報社, 1985.
Chūgoku Jinmin Kaihōgun Sō Seijibu Sendenbu (editor).
Gendaika susumu Chūgoku no guntai. Pekin: Peking Shūhōsha, 1985, pp. 103.
A book in Japanese on the Chinese military, published in China and obtained by
Takazawa during his travels in China in the late 1980s.
野間宏, 大江健三郎, 開高健, 白戸吾夫, 亀井勝一郎, 松岡洋子, 竹内実
. item_ID:
写真・中国の顔. 東京: 社会思想研究会, 1960.
Noma, Hiroshi; Ōe, Kenzaburō; Kaikō, Takeshi; Shirato, Norio; Kamei, Katsuichirō; Matsuoka,
Yōko; and Takeuchi, Minoru (authors).
Shashin Chūgoku no kao. Tōkyō: Shakai Shisō Kenkyūkai, 1960, pp. 180.
This is a travel report by a group of Japanese writers giving their impressions of
China. It also contains photos of China in 1959–60.
菅沼正久( 著 ).
連続革命と毛沢東思想: 文化大革命と九全大会以後. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Suganuma, Masahisa (author).
Renzoku kakumei to Mō Takutō Shisō: bunka daikakumei to kyū zen taikai igo. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 216.
A book about revolution and Mao Tse-tung’s thoughts.
中国帰還者連絡会, 新読書社( 編 ).
侵略: 中国における日本戦犯の告白. 東京: 新読書社, 1958.
Chūgoku Kikansha Renrakukai and Shin Dokushosha (editors).
Shinryaku: Chūgoku ni okeru Nihon senpan no kokuhaku. Tōkyō: Shin Dokushosha, 1958,
pp. 242.
Testimony on Japanese war crimes in China.
毛沢東( 著 ).
毛主席語録. 北京: 外文出版社, 1966.
Mao, Zedong (author).
Mō Shuseki goroku. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1966, pp. 431.
中 国と東亜 China and Asia ❖ 305
Mao Tsu-Tung’s famous red book of quotations. This edition is in Japanese, but was
published in China.
毛沢東( 著 ).市川宏, 和田武司( 訳 ).
毛沢東語録. 東京: 河出書房, 1966.
Mao, Zedong (author). Ichikawa, Hiroshi and Wada, Takeshi (translators).
Mō Takutō goroku. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō, 1966, pp. 266.
The Japanese translation of Mao’s famous red book, published in Japan.
中西功( 著 ).
中国革命と毛沢東思想. 東京: 青木書店, 1969.
Nakanishi, Tsutomu (author).
Chūgoku kakumei to Mō Takutō shisō. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1969, pp. 354.
A book about the Chinese revolution and Mao Tse-tung’s thoughts.
中国赤軍物語. 北京: 外文出版社, 1958.
Chūgoku Sekigun monogatari. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1958, pp. 320.
This is a novel about the Chinese Red Army. It was published in China and translated into Japanese there.
中島嶺雄( 著 ).
現代中国論: イデオロギーと政治の内的考察. 東京: 青木書店, 1964.
Nakajima, Mineo (author).
Gendai Chūgoku ron: ideorogī to seiji no naiteki kōsatsu. Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten, 1964, pp. 288.
Analysis of contemporary China.
齊辛( 著 ).菅栄一( 訳 ).
登小平: その政治的伝記. 東京: 三一書房, 1979.
Zhai, Xin (author). Suga, Eiichi (translator).
Tō Shōhei: sono seijiteki denki. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1979, pp. 258, 2.
A political biography of Deng Xiaoping (Tō Shōhei in Japanese).
ベトナム人民はかならず勝利する!: アメリカ侵略者はかならず敗北す
る!. 北京: 外文出版社, 1967.
Betonamu jinmin wa kanarazu shōri suru !: Amerika shinryakusha wa kanarazu haibokusuru ! Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1967.
This is the Chinese Communist Party’s anti-Vietnam War position criticizing the United States. The book was published in China, in Japanese, during the Vietnam War.
306 ❖ 書籍 Books
李鐘烈( 著 ).
熱風. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1988.
Li, Chonglie (author).
Neppū. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1988, pp. 212.
A novel in Japanese published in Pyongyang.
京都血火. 1989.
Jīngdū xuehuo. 1989, pp. 371.
A book about the whole process of the student movement, disorder, violence, and the
cracking down on the violent disorder related to the 1989 Tienanmen Square Incident. The title reads “The blood and fire in the capital.” It was published unofficially
in 1989, and represents one of the very early accounts of the Tien An Men Incident. It
was obtained by Takazawa during his travels in China during and after the Incident.
新時期最可愛的人: 北京戒厳部隊英雄録. 光明日報出版社, 1989.
Xīn shiaī zui ke’ai de re: Beijing jieyan budui yīngxiong lu. Kōmei Nippō Shuppansha, 1989,
pp. 209.
A book about the 1989 Tienanmen Square Incident and the heroic records of the
Beijing troops. The title reads “The new time’s most loveable people.” This one was
published officially in China and reflects the official position of the Chinese government on the incident. It was collected by Takazawa during his travels in China at
the time of the incident.
平暴英雄譜: 平息北京反革命暴乱英模事変報告集. 光明日報出版
社, 1989.
Pingbao yīngxiong pu: Pingxī Beijīng fan geming baoluan yingmo shiji baogao ji. Kōmei
Nippō Shuppansha, 1989, pp. 251.
This was collected by Takazawa when he was in China covering the Tien An Men
歴史的碑文. 北京: 経済管理出版社, 1989.
Lishi de beiwen. Pekin: Keizai Kanri Shuppansha, 1989, pp. 267.
Tien An Men Incident. This was collected by Takazawa Kōji when he was in China
covering the Tien An Men demonstrations.
中共北京市宣伝部( 編 ).
平息反革命暴乱. 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1989.
Chūkyō Pekinshi Sendenbu (editor).
Pingxī fan geming baoluan. Pekin: Chūgoku Seinen Shuppansha, 1989, pp. 149.
Tien An Men incident. This was collected by Takazawa Kōji when he was in China
covering the Tien An Men demonstrations.
中 国と東亜 China and Asia ❖ 307
?念群( 著 ).
在戒?的日子里. 1989.
Zheng, Niangun (author).
Zai jieyan de rizi li. 1989, pp. 392.
Tien An Men Incident. This was collected by Takazawa Kōji when he was in China
covering the Tien An Men demonstrations.
揚中美( 著 ).
item_ID: 1474
・全世界に: 密告奨励政策の崩壊と反撃開始の現状報告. 東京: 神保印刷出版社,
Yang, Zhongmei (author).
Kochira Pekin zensekai ni: mikkoku shōrei seisaku no hōkai to hangeki kaishi no genjō
hōkoku. Tōkyō: Jinbo Insatsu Shuppansha, 1989, pp. 318.
This is an early report on the Tien An Men Incident published in Japan by a Chinese
辻康吾( 著 ).
北京激動: 中国の民主. 東京: 岩波書店, 1989.
Tsuji, Yasugo (author).
Pekin Gekidō: Chūgoku no minshu. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1989, pp. 60.
An early report on the Tien An Men Incident by a Japanese observer.
串田久治( 著 ).
天安門落書. 東京: 講談社, 1990.
Kushida, Hisaharu (author).
Tenanmon rakugaki. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1990, pp. 205.
A report on the Tien An Men incident by a Japanese observer.
廣角鏡出版社( 編 ).
五四運動. 香港: 廣角鏡出版社, 1989.
Kōkakukyō Shuppansha (editor).
Go yon undō. Hong Kong: Kōkakukyō Shuppansha, 1989, pp. 98.
An early report on the Tien An Men demonstrations published in Hong Kong. It was
collected by Takazawa during his travels during and after the incident.
北京風波紀實: ザトルースアバウトザベイジングターモイル. 北京: 北
京出版社, 1989.
Pekin fūha kijitsu: The Truth About the Beijing Turmoil. Pekin: Beijing Publishing House,
1989, pp. 93.
308 ❖ 書籍 Books
An early document about the Tien An Men incident published in Beijing. This one,
in English, was published officially and reflects the Chinese government’s views of
the incident. It was collected by Takazawa during his travels in China during and
after the incident.
争鳴編集部( 編 ).
英雄史頁: 北京民運悲壮的五十天彩図集. 香港: 百家出版社, 1989.
Zhengming Henshūbu (editor).
Yīngxiong shiye: Beijīng minyun beizhuang de wushi tian caitu ji. Hong Kong: Hyakka Shuppansha, 1989, pp. 64.
An early item about the Tien An Men incident published in Hong Kong. It was collected by Takazawa during his travels during and after the incident.
血洗京華實録. 香港: 香港文?出版社有限公司, 1989.
Xue xi jīnghua shi lu. Hong Kong: Xianggang Wenhui Chuhanshe Youxiangongsi, 1989, pp. 64.
An early report on the Tien An Men incident published in Hong Kong. It was collected by Takazawa during his travels during and after the incident.
悲壮的民運. 香港: 明報出版社, 1990.
Bēizhuang de minyun. Hong Kong: Meihō Shuppansha, 1990, pp. 136.
Another report on the Tien An Men incident published in Hong Kong. It was collected by Takazawa during his travels during and after the incident.
明報出版社( 編 ).エス・エル・エス
( 訳 ).
item_ID: 1482
ドキュメント天安門: 全記録・民主化運動・血の結末. 東京: プロモーションズジャンニ, 1989.
Meihō Shuppansha (editor).S. L. S. (translator).
Dokyumento Tenanmon: zenkiroku minshuka undō chi no ketsumatsu. Tōkyō: PROMOTIONS GIANNI AND CO., 1989, pp. 159.
An early documentary account of the Tien An Men incident published in Tokyo.
天安門は見ていた. 創現社, 1989.
Tenanmon wa mite ita. Sōgensha, 1989, pp. 63.
A eye witness account of the Tien An Men incident.
香港専上学生聯会( 編 ).
香港学生運動回顧. 香港: 廣角鏡出版社, 1983.
Xianggang Chuanshang Xuesheng Lienhiu (editor).
Honkon gakusei undō kaiko. Hong Kong: Kōkakukyō Shuppansha, 1983, pp. 329.
A history of the Hong Kong student movement. It may be the only book available on
the HongKong student movement.
中 国と東亜 China and Asia ❖ 309
林景明( 著 ).
知られざる台湾: 台湾独立運動家の叫び. 東京: 三省堂, 1970.
Lin Jingming (author).
Shirarezaru Taiwan: Taiwan dokuritsu undōka no sakebi. Tōkyō: Sanseidō, 1970, pp. 210.
A book on the Taiwanese liberation movement.
袴田茂樹( 著 ).
item_ID: 17362
深層の社会主義: ソ連・東欧・中国 こころの探訪. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1987.
Hakamada, Shigeki (author).
Shinsō no Shakaishugi: Soren Tōō Chūgoku Kokoro no Tambō. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō,
1987, pp. 320.
A firsthand report by a Soviet Union scholar who travelled to Eastern Europe, the
Soviet Union and China.
( 著 ).
item_ID: 17924
John Thomson: A Window to the Orient. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,
White, Stephen (author).
John Thomson: A Window to the Orient. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press,
1989, pp. 200.
Collection of 19th century photographs taken by John Thomson in South East and
North East Asia.There are additional photos from Europe.
田中薫( 編 ).
極東: シベリアの自然、人、生活. 東京: 毎日新聞社 (東京), 1993.
item_ID: 17925
Tanaka, Kaoru (editor).
Kyokutō: Shiberia no Shizen, Hito, Seikatsu. Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha (Tōkyō), 1993, pp. 241.
Photography book with essays on the landscape and people’s lives in the far northeastern Siberia and its coastal islands. Collaboratively written by Japanese and Russian specialists.
長征夢現: リアリズムの大地・中国. 東京: 情報センター出版局, 1989.
item_ID: 17929
Chōsei Yume Utsutsu: Riarizumu no Daichi Chūgoku. Tōkyō: Jōhō Sentā Shuppankyoku,
1989, pp. 189.
A photography book of a journey tracing the path of the Long March by the Red
Army across China. Color photos. Timetable and a glossary of key individuals and
events at the end.
天津風光. Hong Kong: Polyspring Co. Ltd.
Tenshin Fūkō. Hong Kong: Polyspring Co. Ltd., pp. 64.
item_ID: 17950
310 ❖ 書籍 Books
Photography book introducing the city of Tianjin (Tenshin). Preface essay written in
Chinese, English, and Japanese. Captions are only in Chinese and English. Year of
publication unidentified.
中央民族学院少数民族文学艺术研究所, 袁炳昌, 毛继增( 編 ).
中国少数民族乐器志. 北京: 新世界出版社, 1987.
item_ID: 17954
Central Ethnology Institute Minority Literature Research Center; Yuan, Bingchang and Mao,
Jizeng (editors).
Zhongguo shao shu min zu yue qi zhi. Beijing: New World Press, 1987, pp. 401.
Catalogue of Chinese Publications in Tibetan Studies: (19491991). 北京: 外文出版社, 1994.
item_ID: 17928
Catalogue of Chinese Publications in Tibetan Studies: (1949-1991). Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1994, pp. 428.
Catalogue of books in Tibetan studies. Content printed in Chinese, Tibetan, and
女性問題 Women’s Issues ❖ 311
XIII. 女性問題 Women’s Issues
井上清( 著 ).
日本女性史: 古代﹣中世の女性史, 上. 東京: 三一書房, 1955.
Inoue, Kiyoshi (author).
Nihon joseishi: kodai - chūsei no joseishi, jō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1955, pp. 150.
井上清( 著 ).
日本女性史: 近世﹣現代の女性史, 下. 東京: 三一書房, 1955.
Inoue, Kiyoshi (author).
Nihon joseishi: kinsei - gendai no joseishi, ge. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1955, pp. 163.
This is a history of women from the earliest times to the present, in two volumes. It
is a women’s history from a left perspective.
細井和喜蔵( 著 ).
女工哀史. 東京: 岩波書店, 1954.
Hosoi, Wakizō (author).
Jokō aishi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1954, pp. 363.
This is a famous book reporting on the condition of woman laborers in the mills in
prewar Japan.
シモン・ドボーヴォワール( 著 ).生島遼一( 訳 ).
第二の性: 女はこうしてつくられる, 1. 東京: 新潮社, 1959.
Beauvoir, Simone de (author). Ikushima, Ryōichi (translator).
Dai-2 ni sei: onna wa kōshite tsukurareru, 1. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1959, pp. 270.
シモン・ドボーヴォワール( 著 ).生島遼一( 訳 ).
第二の性: 女はどう生きるか, 2. 東京: 新潮社, 1959.
Beauvoir, Simone de (author). Ikushima, Ryōichi (translator).
Dai-2 ni sei: onna wa dō ikiru ka, 2. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1959, pp. 322.
A two-volume translation of Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex.
五島勉( 編 ).
続日本の貞操. 東京: 蒼樹社, 1956.
Gotō, Tsutomu (editor).
Zoku Nihon no teisō. Tōkyō: Sōjusha, 1956, pp. 266.
A book about rapes and sexual crimes by the American military during the Occupation.
河野信子( 著 ).
恋愛論: 異性を呼ぶ精神の核. 東京: 三一書房, 1974.
312 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kōno, Nobuko (author).
Ren’airon: isei o yobu seishin no kaku. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1974, pp. 236.
A book about romantic love.
澤地久枝( 著 ).
昭和史のおんな. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1984.
Sawachi, Hisae (author).
Shōwa shi no onna. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1984, pp. 315.
Profiles of famous women in the Showa period, including prewar and postwar periods.
澤地久枝( 著 ).
続・昭和史のおんな. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1986.
Sawachi, Hisae (author).
Zoku Shōwa shi no onna. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1986, pp. 379.
A continuation volume of profiles of Japanese women during the Shōwa period.
相原文夫( 訳 ).
現代の婦人問題. 東京: 三一書房, 1955.
Aihara, Fumio (translator).
Gendai no fujin mondai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1955, pp. 197.
An early collection of foreign articles on women’s issues. Most are taken from European journals and newspapers of the left. The translator is the same Aihara Fumio
whose personal materials are in the collection.
山口和喜( 著 ).
婦人國民標準服と一般新裁縫書. 大阪: 巧人社, 1943.
Yamaguchi, Kazuki (author).
Fujin kokumin hyōjunfuku to ippan shin saihōsho. Ōsaka: Kōjinsha, 1943, pp. 316.
This is a wartime book that was a manual about what was appropriate clothing for
women during the war. It includes instructions on how to cut and sew the appropriate basic garments.
遠藤敦司, 帯正子( 著 ).
崩壊結婚: 残された夫たち・妻たち. 東京: 三一書房, 1981.
Endō, Atsushi and Obi, Masako (authors).
Hōkai Kekkon: nokosareta ottotachi, tsumatachi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1981, pp. 259.
A book about divorce.
( 著 ).三宅義子, 大原紀美子( 訳 ).
性の神話: 女性解放の諸問題. 東京: 柘植書房, 1974.
女性問題 Women’s Issues ❖ 313
Reed, Evelyn (author). Miyake, Yoshiko and Ōhara, Kimiko (translators).
Sei no shinwa: josei kaihō no shomondai. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1974, pp. 257.
This book deals with the issues of sexuality and women’s liberation. It is a Japanese
translation of American Evelyn Reed’s 1971 original entitled: Problems of Women’s
Liberation: A Marxist Approach.
玉木英幸( 著 ).
麦の反抗. 東京: 三一書房, 1983.
Tamaki, Hideyuki (author).
Baku no hankō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1983, pp. 220.
An essay about insubordination of the author’s son, Baku.
ヤンソン由実子( 著 ).
国際結婚: 愛が国境を越えるとき. 京都: PHP研究所, 1981.
Yanson, Yumiko (author).
Kokusai Kekkon: ai ga kokkyō o koeru toki. Kyōto: PHP Kenkyūjo, 1981, pp. 266.
A book about international marriage.
社会評論社( 編 ).
女の性と中絶: 優生保護法の背景. 東京: 社会評論社, 1983.
Shakai Hyōronsha (editor).
Onna no sei to chūzetsu: Yūsei Hogohō no haikei. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1983, pp. 285.
A book on induced abortion and Japan’s abortion law.
嶋岡晨( 著 ).
女を生かすもの: 女の愛と生をみつめて. 東京: 海竜社, 1982.
Shimaoka, Shin (author).
Onna o ikasu mono: onna no ai to sei o mitsumete. Tōkyō: Kairyūsha, 1982, pp. 238.
A book about sexuality and love for women.
千野境子( 著 ).
あなたもシングル?. 東京: ユック舎, 1983.
Chino, Kyōko (author).
Anata mo shinguru?. Tōkyō: Yukkusha, 1983, pp. 254.
A book about single women.
野中文江( 編 ).
女としごと, 1. 東京: 筑摩書房, 1983.
Nonaka, Fumie (editor).
Onna to shigoto, 1. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1983, pp. 203.
314 ❖ 書籍 Books
An edited volume on women and work. It is labeled volume one, but is the only volume in the collection.
女・家族: シリーズ・いまを生きる7. 東京: ユック舎, 1982.
Onna Kazoku: shirīzu ima o ikiru7. Tōkyō: Yukkusha, 1982, pp. 166.
A work on women and the family.
井上清( 著 ).
新版日本女性史: 全一冊決定版. 東京: 三一書房, 1967.
Inoue, Kiyoshi (author).
Shinban Nihon joseishi: zen issatsu kettei han. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1967, pp. 314.
This is a new one-volume edition of items 1495 and 1496, Inoue’s history of women
in Japan.
榎美沙子( 著 ).
ピル. 東京: カルチャー出版社, 1973.
Enoki, Misako (author).
Piru. Tōkyō: Karuchā Shuppansha, 1973, pp. 212.
This book is about the birth control pill, but it is a women’s liberation book. The author, Enoki Misako, was involved in the women’s liberation group Chūpiren.
石垣綾子( 著 ).
女のよろこび: 青春を美しくゆたかに. 東京: 三一書房, 1957.
Ishigaki, Ayako (author).
Onna no yorokobi: seishun o utsukushiku yutaka ni. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1957, pp. 249.
This was a representative book of the women’s issues of the 1950s, before the new
women’s movement. It is useful as a period piece. Ishigaki Ayako had been in the
U.S. and was influenced by her experiences there.
黒田展之, 田中美智子( 著 ).
女子学生: 女にとって大学とはなにか. 東京: 三一書房, 1969.
Kuroda, Nobuyuki and Tanaka, Michiko (authors).
Joshi gakusei: onna ni totte daigaku to wa nanika. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1969, pp. 248.
During the late 1960s the number of female college students increased very rapidly.
This is a report on their actual conditions.
八木晃介( 著 ).
差別のなかの女性: 底辺を歩いた母たち. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Yagi, Kōsuke (author).
Sabetsu no naka no josei: teihen o aruita hahatachi. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 279.
A basic book on discrimination against women.
女性問題 Women’s Issues ❖ 315
( 著 ).
愛の画集. 東京: 三一書房, 1968.
Nagao, Minoru (author).
Ai no gashū. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1968, pp. 179.
An early women’s studies book.
丸山友岐子( 著 ).
わが愛と性の履歴書. 東京: 社会評論社, 1979.
Maruyama, Yukiko (author).
Waga ai to sei no rirekisho. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1979, pp. 273.
Maruyama is a well-known Japanese feminist. This is a personal account of love and
笹森恵子( 著 ).
恵子ゴー・オン. 東京: 汐文社, 1982.
Sasamori, Shigeko (author).
Shigeko gō on. Tōkyō: Sekibunsha, 1982, pp. 249.
A personal account by a feminist.
鈴木俊作( 著 ).
職業としての准看護婦. 東京: 三一書房, 1980.
Suzuki, Shunsaku (author).
Shokugyō to shite no jun-kangofu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1980, pp. 190.
This is a report on the working conditions, etc. of jun-kangofu, who are the lowranking, often part-time nurses, perhaps equivalent to LPNs in the U.S.
山崎朋子( 著 ).
愛と鮮血: アジア女性交流史. 東京: 三省堂, 1970.
Yamazaki, Tomoko (author).
Ai to senketsu: Ajia josei kōryūshi. Tōkyō: Sanseidō, 1970, pp. 178.
This is an account of the very poor rural women before the war who were sold into
prostitution, and were sent to other countries in Asia to work. These women are called
karayuki-san. The books examines the relations between these Japanese women and
the other Asian women they came into contact with and the grassroots link between
them. It was the first study of its subject and thus was influential among women.
The author is a woman who then went on to do a number of other books on the general theme of relations among Asian women. The book had a big impact on Japanese
women of the sixties, just before the women’s lib movement.
丸岡秀子, 大岡昇平( 著 ).
平塚らいてうと日本の近代. 東京: 岩波書店, 1986.
316 ❖ 書籍 Books
Maruoka, Hideko and Ōoka, Shōhei (authors).
Hiratsuka Raichō to Nihon no kindai. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1986, pp. 63.
A study of prewar feminist Hiratsuka Raichō.
上野千鶴子( 著 ).
マザコン少年の末路: 女と男の未来. 名古屋: 河合文化教育研究所, 1986.
Ueno, Chizuko (author).
Mazakon shōnen no matsuro: onna to otoko no mirai. Nagoya: Kawai Bunka Kyōiku Kenkyūjo,
1986, pp. 90.
The author is a journalist and Todai Shinbun Kenkyūjō researcher. This is a collection of her essays on women’s problems. The title and lead essay refer to the problem
of mother-son incest that caused a brief sensation in the mid-1980s.
柴田道子( 著 ).
ひとすじの光. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社, 1976.
Shibata, Michiko (author).
Hitosuji no hikari. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha, 1976, pp. 390.
Shibata Michiko was a Bund member and in this book there is an essay called
“Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei no Seiritsu” which was written before 60 Ampo and is a
very important account of the formation of Bund. She died in the early 1970s and
this is her ikōshu (posthumously published or republished writings).
森本和夫( 著 ).
家庭無用論: 現代にとって家庭とはなにか. 東京: 三一書房, 1966.
Morimoto, Kazuo (author).
Katei muyōron: gendai ni totte katei to wa nanika. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1966, pp. 224.
In the mid-1960s there was a boom in “kateiron” discussing how the new household appliances were liberating women from household chores, etc. Morimoto was
a French literature specialist and this is his version, arguing that the old kind of
household is no longer necessary.
真藤アヤ, 真藤ミチヨ
( 著 ).
初手はの: 刀自の語る久留米民俗誌, 上. 東京: 日本経済評論社, 1980.
Shindō, Aya and Shindō, Michiyo (authors).
Shote wa no: tōji no kataru kuryū bei minzokushi, jō. Tōkyō: Nihon Keizai Hyōronsha, 1980,
pp. 243.
真藤アヤ, 真藤ミチヨ
( 著 ).
初手はの: 刀自の語る久留米民俗誌, 下. 東京: 日本経済評論社, 1980.
Shindō, Aya and Shindō, Michiyo (authors).
Shote wa no: tōji no kataru kuryū bei minzokushi, ge. Tōkyō: Nihon Keizai Hyōronsha, 1980,
pp. 308.
女性問題 Women’s Issues ❖ 317
This two volume work is an ethnology of Kurume-shi, Fukuoka, told as a first person
tale of an elderly woman in Chikugo dialect. It covers her social life from the Meiji
era to the Showa era. The speaker is Shindō Michiyo and the writer or transcriber
is Shindō Aya.
李方子( 著 ).
すぎた歳月. ソウル: 明暉園, 1973.
Li, Bangja (Masako) (author).
Sugita saigetsu. Seoul: Meikien, 1973, pp. 248.
This book is written in Japanese but published in South Korea. The author is a Korean resident in Japan, who is referred to in the book’s introduction as Masako.
斎藤茂男( 著 ).
飛び立ちかねつ鳥にしあらねば: 現代の貧しさについて. 東京: 晩聲社, 1978.
Saitō, Shigeo (author).
Tobitachi kane tsu tori ni shi arane ba: gendai no mazushisa ni tsuite. Tōkyō: Banseisha,
1978, pp. 285.
A book on discrimination against women and women’s liberation.
古屋能子( 著 ).
たたかいつつ. 東京: 第三書館, 1984.
Furuya, Yoshiko (author).
Shinjuku wa onna no machi de aru: fureai tsutsu tatakai tsutsu. Tōkyō: Daisan Shokan, 1984,
pp. 420, 5.
Furuya Yoshiko was an activist in the 1960s and 1970s in citizens’ movements. Her
materials are in the collection as a subcollection. This is a collection of things she
had written and published in various magazines, etc., many of them about women’s
中井友子( 著 ).
女囚813番. 東京: 三一書房, 1982.
Nakai, Tomoko (author).
Joshū 813-ban. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1982, pp. 225.
This is an account of prison life by a woman prisoner.
岸野淳子( 著 ).
女の地平から見えてきたもの. 東京: 田畑書店, 1980.
Kishino, Junko (author).
Onna no chihei kara miete kita mono. Tōkyō: Tabata Shoten, 1980, pp. 266.
A book about women’s issues from a feminist perspective.
318 ❖ 書籍 Books
千田夏光( 著 ).
従軍慰安婦, 正編. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Senda, Kakō (author).
Jūgun Ianfu, sei-hen. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 224.
This was the first report on comfort women, written before the boom of interest in
the 1990s. It is a one-volume work, but was followed shortly by an expanded edition.
千田夏光( 著 ).
従軍慰安婦, 続編. 東京: 三一書房, 1978.
Senda, Kakō (author).
Jūgun Ianfu, zoku-hen. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1978, pp. 175.
This is the continuation of Senda’s report on comfort women, which was the first
report on comfort women, written before the boom of interest in the 1990s.
丸山友岐子( 著 ).
ドアの向こうに鬼はいない: 自立のためのハンドブック. 東京: 社会評論社, 1980.
Maruyama, Yukiko (author).
Doa no mukō ni oni wa inai: jiritsu no tame no handobukku. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1980,
pp. 271.
A feminist handbook to help women become independent.
グレイス・ハッチンズ( 著 ).
ウメン・フ﹣・ワーク. ニューヨーク: インターナショナル・パブリシャアズ, 1952.
Hutchins, Grace (author).
Women Who Work. New York: International Publishers, 1952, pp. 96.
An American work from the left on working women, written shortly after World War
II. The book is in English.
サミュエル・シレン( 著 ).
ウメンアゲインストスレーバリー. ニューヨーク: マスイズ&メインストリーム, 1955.
Sillen, Samuel (author).
Women Against Slavery. New York: Masuizu & Meinsutorīmu, 1955, pp. 102.
English language work on women against slavery.
L ペトロヴァ, S.
( 編 ).
エクオーリテイオブウメンインザUSSR. モスクワ: フォーリン・ランゲージ, 1957.
Petrova, L. and Gilevskaya, S. (editors).
Equality of Women in the USSR. Moskow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1957, pp. 361.
A Russian work on equality of women in the USSR, published in English in Moscow.
女性問題 Women’s Issues ❖ 319
( 著 ).
item_ID: 1543
ザステイタスオブウメンインザソベトユニオン. モスクワ: フォーリン・ランゲージ, 1957.
Bilshai, V. (author).
The Status of Women in the Soviet Union. Moskow: Foreign Language Publishing House,
1957, pp. 105.
Another work in English on women in the Soviet Union, published in Moscow.
V. A.タ ル チ ョ ウ
( 著 ).
item_ID: 1544
エヘウンドファミリエインデルソツィアリスチチェンゲセルシャフト: ウンドヂグルンドプリンジピ
エンデスソヴィエチシェンソチアリスチセンフ. ライプチヒ: Urania-Verlag, 1955.
Tarchow, V. A. (author).
Ehe und Familie in der sozialistischen Gesellschaft: und die Gruncprinzipien des sowjetischen sozialistischen Familienrechts. Leipzig: Urania-Verlag, 1955, pp. 56.
A German work on the family in the Soviet Union.
320 ❖ 書籍 Books
XIV. よど号グループと北朝鮮. Yodogō Group and North Korea
山下正子( 著 ).
炎の女性: 金正淑女史の生涯とその業績. 東京都: 雄山閣, 1990.
item_ID: 17181
Yamashita, Masako (author).
Honoo no Josei: Kimu Jonsuku no Shōgai to sono Gyōseki. Tokyo: Yūzankaku, 1990, pp. 228.
Kim Jonsuku is the first wife of Kim Jong-Il and this is a biography of her.
土井たか子( 著 ).
山の動く日: 土井たか子政論集. 東京都: すずさわ書店, 1989.
item_ID: 17182
Doi, Takako (author).
Yama no Ugoku Hi: Doi Takako Seironshū. Tokyo: Suzusawa Shoten, 1989, pp. 238.
A book compiling Takako Doi’s public speeches. It includes a speech she made in
North Korea.
河上民雄( 著 ).
item_ID: 17183
社会党の外交: 新しい時代づくりのために. 東京都: サイマル出版会, 1994.
Kawakami, Tamio (author).
Shakaitō no Gaikō: Atarashii Jidai dukuri no tameni. Tokyo: Saimaru Shuppankai (The Simul
Press), 1994, pp. 222.
A book written by the head of the international office of the Japan Socialist Party on
the joint statement between the party and the North Korean Labor Party.
金国石( 著 ).
item_ID: 17184
拉致被害者は生きている: 初公開!日本人拉致行動隊「清津連絡所」の全貌. 東京: 光文社,
Kimu, Gukusoku (author).
Rachi Higaisha wa Ikiteiru: Hatsukōkai! Nihonjin Rachi Kōdōtai “Chonjin Renrakujo” no
Zenbō. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 2004, pp. 250.
A book reporting details of the lives of the Japanese abductees by an ex-North Korean agent.
稲山三夫( 著 ).
item_ID: 17185
拉致被害者と日本人妻を返せ: 北朝鮮問題と日本共産党の罪. 東京都: 未来書房, 2002.
Inayama, Mitsuo (author).
Rachi Higaisha to Nihonjinzuma o Kaese: Kitachōsen Mondai to Nihon Kyōsantō no Tsumi.
Tokyo: Mirai Shobō, 2002, pp. 257.
Critique of Japan Communist Party regarding its policies and actions on North Korea issues.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 321
畠奈津子( 著 ).
拉致の悲劇: 日朝交渉への気概を問う. 東京都: 高木書房, 2002.
item_ID: 17186
Hatake, Natsuko (author).
Rachi no Higeki: Nicchō Kōshō e no Kigai o Tou. Tokyo: Takagi Shobō, 2002, pp. 92.
Kim Jong-il and North Korea issue dealt with in a comic book form.
蓮池透( 著 ).
奪還: 引き裂かれた二十四年. 東京: 新潮社, 2003.
item_ID: 17187
Hasuike Tōru (author).
Dakkan: Hikisakareta 24 nen. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 2003, pp. 196.
A book authored by a director of the Organization of Family Members of Japanese
Kidnapped to North Korea (Kitachōsen ni Yoru Rachi Higaisha Kazoku Renrakukai)
on North Korea and the abduction issue.
若宮清( 著 ).
item_ID: 17188
真相: 北朝鮮拉致被害者の子供たちはいかにして日本に帰還したか. 東京都: 飛鳥新社,
Wakamiya, Kiyoshi (author).
Shinsō: Kitachōsen Rachi Higaisha no Kodomotachi wa Ikanishite Nihon ni Kikan shitaka.
Tokyo: Asuka Shinsha, 2004, pp. 269.
A book on the behind-the-scenes dynamics on the return of abductee family members
to Japan.
( 著 ).
櫻井よしこが取材する. 東京: ダイヤモンド社, 1994.
item_ID: 17189
Sakurai, Yoshiko (author).
Sakurai Yoshiko ga Shuzaisuru. Tōkyō: Daiyamondosha, 1994, pp. 260.
Essays by Sakurai Yoshiko on a wide range of issues, including several pieces on
North Korea.
黄民基( 編 ).
金日成調書: 北朝鮮の支配者ーその罪と罰. 東京: 光文社, 1992.
item_ID: 17190
Hwang, Mingi (editor).
Kimu Iruson Chōsho: Kitachōsen no Shihaisha - Sono tsumi to batsu. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha,
1992, pp. 327.
Collection of essays on North Korea and Kim Il-sung.
萩原遼( 著 ).
朝鮮戦争: 金日成とマッカーサーの陰謀. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1994.
item_ID: 17191
Hagiwara, Ryō (author).
Chōsen Sensō: Kimu Iruson to Makkāsā no Imbō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1994, pp. 334.
322 ❖ 書籍 Books
A book discussing intrigues and conspiracies of Kim Il-sung and McArthur leading
to the Korean War.
藤本健二( 著 ).
金正日の料理人: 間近で見た権力者の素顔. 東京都: 扶桑社, 2003.
item_ID: 17192
Fujimoto, Kenji (author).
Kimu Jon-iru no Ryōrinin: Majika de mita Kenryokusha no Sugao. Tokyo: Fusōsha, 2003, pp. 199.
Story of a sushi chef who worked for Kim Jong-il.
( 編 ).黄民基( 訳 ).
金正日: その衝撃の実像. 東京: 講談社, 1994.
item_ID: 17193
Chosun Ilbo “Wolgan Chosun” (editor).Hwang, Mingi (translator).
Kimu Joniru: Sono Shōgeki no Jitsuzō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1994, pp. 568.
Japanese language version of the original publication in Korea on Kim Jong-il, edited by the magazine Monthly Choson.
李友情( 著 ).李英和( 訳 ).
マンガ 金正日入門: 北朝鮮将軍様の真実. 東京都: 飛鳥新社, 2003.
item_ID: 17194
Ri,Ujon (author). Ri, Yonfa (translator).
Manga Kimu Joniru Nyūmon: Kitachōsen Shōgunsama no Shinjitsu. Tokyo: Asuka Shinsha,
2003, pp. 342.
李友情( 著 ).李英和( 訳 ).
item_ID: 17195
マンガ 金正日入門2: 北朝鮮将軍様の悪夢. 東京都: 飛鳥新社, 2004.
Ri,Ujon (author). Ri, Yonfa (translator).
Manga Kimu Joniru Nyūmon 2: Kitachōsen Shōgunsama no Akumu. Tokyo: Asuka Shinsha,
2004, pp. 217.
Comic book on Kim Jong-il authored by a South Korean manga writer. The original
script was banned from publication in South Korea but was rewritten for publication
in Japan. There are two volumes.
加瀬英明( 著 ).
item_ID: 17196
金正日最後の選択: その日、”核”が日本だけを襲う. 東京都: 祥伝社, 1999.
Kase, Hideaki (author).
Kimu Joniru Saigo no Sentaku: Sonohi “Kaku” ga Nihon dake o Osou. Tokyo: Shōdensha,
1999, pp. 267.
A book that raises alarm over the North Korean scheme of nuclear attack against
テリー伊藤( 著 ).
新お笑い北朝鮮. 東京: ダイヤモンド社, 2004.
Ito, Terry (author).
Shin Owarai Kitachōsen. Tōkyō: Daiyamondosha, 2004, pp. 316.
item_ID: 17197
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 323
Essays on political and social aspects of North Korea, authored by an ex-television
producer who has been to North Korea and met with Yodogō members there.
青山健煕( 著 ).
item_ID: 17198
北朝鮮という悪魔: 元北朝鮮工作員が明かす驚愕の対日工作. 東京: 光文社, 2002.
Aoyama, Kenki (author).
Kitachōsen to iu Akuma: Moto Kitachōsen Kōsakuin ga akasu Kyōgaku no Tainichikōsaku.
Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 2002, pp. 338.
Biographical book written by a second generation zainichi Korean who “returned” to
North Korea in 1960 and fled to China in the late 1990s.
安明哲( 著 ).
item_ID: 17199
北朝鮮 絶望収容所: 完全統制区域の阿鼻地獄. 東京都: KKベストセラーズ, 1997.
An, Myonchoru (author).
Kitachōsen Zetsubō Shūyōjo: Kanzen Tōsei Kuiki no Abi Jigoku. KK Besuto Serāzu, 1997, pp. 334.
Japanese translation of a book published in Korea by an ex-prison guard involved in
detaining political prisoners in North Korea.
崔銀姫, 申相玉( 著 ).
闇からの谺 上: 拉致・監禁・脱走. 東京都: 池田書店, 1988.
item_ID: 17200
Che, Uni and Shin, Sanoku (authors).
Yami kara no Kodama Jō: Rachi Kankin Dassō. Tokyo: Ikeda Shoten, 1988, pp. 367.
崔銀姫, 申相玉( 著 ).
闇からの谺 下: 拉致・監禁・脱走. 東京都: 池田書店, 1988.
item_ID: 18085
Che, Uni and Shin, Sanoku (authors).
Yami kara no Kodama Ge: Rachi, Kankin, Dassō, Ge. Tokyo: Ikeda Shoten, 1988, pp. 397.
A book on North Korea authored by a South Korean actress and her film director
husband, who spent 8 years in North Korea. They have claimed that both were abducted by North Korean agents. The book discusses the process of abduction and
their life in North Korea.
朴甲東( 著 ).
item_ID: 17201
北朝鮮 悪魔の祖国: 日本人が知りえない驚愕の事実. 東京都: KKベストセラーズ, 1997.
Park Gabdong (author).
Kitachōsen Akuma no Sokoku: Nihonjin ga shirienai Kyōgaku no Jijitsu. KK Besuto Serāzu,
1997, pp. 239.
A book on North Korea through the eyes of the former director of Minami Chōsen
Rōdōtō (South Chosun Labour Party) who escaped the purge by Kim Il-sung.
康明道( 著 ).尹学準( 訳 ).
北朝鮮の最高機密. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1995.
item_ID: 17202
324 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kan, Myondo (author). Yun, Hakujun (translator).
Kitachōsen no Saikō Kimitsu. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1995, pp. 311.
A book on the power elites at the center of the North Korean government to which
the author belonged. Originally published in South Korea, translated into Japanese.
ノルベルト・フォラツェン( 著 ).瀬木碧( 訳 ).
北朝鮮を知りすぎた医者. 東京都: 草思社, 2001.
item_ID: 17203
Vollertsen Norbert (author). Segi, Midori (translator).
Kitachōsen o Shirisugita Isha. Tokyo: Sōshisha, 2001, pp. 270.
Diary of a German medical doctor who worked in North Korea for 18 months.
真実: 金賢姫独占インタビュー全記録. 東京都: アイペックプレス, 1991. item_ID: 17204
Shinjitsu: Kimu Hyonhi Dokusen Intabyū Zenkiroku. Tokyo: Aipekku Puresu, 1991, pp. 150.
Interview of Kimu Hyonhi (Kim Hyeonhee) by Takao Gotō. Kim Hyeonhee was the
North Korean agent involved in blowing up Korean Airlines Flight 858 in 1987. After
a failed suicide attempt when she was arrested, she confessed to having been a North
Korean agent who had been trained to speak and act as a Japanese by a Japanese
woman who had been abducted to North Korea. This was one of the first verifications
about a Japanese abductee to North Korea.
張明秀( 著 ).
裏切られた楽土. 東京: 講談社, 1991.
item_ID: 17205
Chan, Myonsu (author).
Uragirareta Rakudo. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1991, pp. 340.
This is a whistle-blowing account by the top official of Chōsen Sōren (General Association of Korean Residents). It exposes the existence of schemes to abduct wellknown figures in Japan including Oda Makoto.
張明秀( 著 ).
北朝鮮 裏切られた楽土. 東京: 講談社, 1998.
item_ID: 17206
Chan, Myonsu (author).
Kitachōsen Uragirareta Rakudo. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1998, pp. 377.
Revised and edited version of the original 1991 publication “Uragirareta Rakudo.”
李英和( 著 ).
item_ID: 17207
北朝鮮 秘密集会の夜: 留学生が明かす”素顔”の祖国. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1997.
Ri, Yonfa (author).
Kitachōsen Himitsu Shūkai no Yoru: Ryūgakusei ga Akasu “Sugao” no Sokoku. Tōkyō: Bungei
Shunjū, 1997, pp. 301.
A report on his experiences in North Korea by a third generation zainichi Korean
who went to study in North Korea.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 325
黄長燁( 著 ).
金日正への宣戦布告: 黄長燁回顧録. 東京: 文芸春秋, 2003.
item_ID: 17208
Hwang, Jang-yeop (author).
Kimu Joniru e no Sensen Fukoku: Fan Janyopu Kaikoroku. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 2003, pp. 422.
A book critiquing the Kim Jong-il government, authored by a political refugee who
was a former high official of the Kim Jong-il government and a scholar of Chuche
野村旗守( 著 ).
北朝鮮 送金疑惑: 解明・日朝秘密資金ルート. 東京: 文芸春秋, 2002.
item_ID: 17209
Nomura, Hataru (author).
Kitachōsen Sōkin Giwaku: Kaimei Nicchō Himitsu Shikin Rūto. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 2002,
pp. 324.
A book investigating the money flow from Japan to North Korea. It identifies the
role of the Chōgin credit union and the Chōsen Sōren (General Association of Korean
高野生( 著 ).
item_ID: 17210
20歳のバイブル: 北朝鮮の200日. 東京: 情報センター出版局, 1988.
Takano, Sei (author).
Hatachi no Baiburu: Kitachōsen no 200 nichi. Tōkyō: Jōhō Sentā Shuppankyoku, 1988, pp.
A book written by a young individual who voluntarily entered North Korea and spent
time with the Yodogo members.
林誠宏( 著 ).
item_ID: 17211
(1):朝鮮労働党内粛清の意味と朴憲永裁判. 京都市: 啓文社, 1986.
Rin, Songwan (author).
Azamukareta Kakumeika tachi (1): Chōsen Rōdōtōnai Shukusei no Imi to Paku Honyon
Saiban. Kyoto: Keibunsha, 1986, pp. 172.
林誠宏( 著 ).
item_ID: 17212
(2):李承燁、林和等12名の粛清と朝鮮共産主義運動. 京都市: 啓文社,
Rin, Songwan (author).
Azamukareta Kakumeika tachi (2): Ri Sunyopu, Rin Hwa nado 12mei no Shukusei to Chōsen
Kyōsanshugi Undō. Kyoto: Keibunsha, 1988, pp. 288.
A two-volume work on Kim Il-sung and the purge of North Korean communists.
いちばん遠い国・北朝鮮案内. 東京都: 宝島社, 1994.
Ichiban Tōi Kuni Kitachōsen Annai. Tokyo: Takarajimasha, 1994.
Introduction to North Korea through large color photographs.
item_ID: 17213
326 ❖ 書籍 Books
Korean Film Art. Korea Film Export & Import Corporation, 1985.
item_ID: 17214
Korean Film Art. Korea Film Export & Import Corporation, 1985.
Book that introduces North Korean film. Written in English. Author unknown.
朝鮮革命博物館写真帳編集委員会( 編 ).
朝鮮革命博物館 上巻. 東京: 未来社, 1974.
item_ID: 17215
North Korean Revolution Museum Photography Collection Editorial Committee (editor).
Chōsen Kakumei Hakubutsukan Jōkan. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1974, pp. 251.
A book that introduces the Korean Revolution Museum (Chōsen Kakumei Hakubutsukan) and its materials on exhibit.
玉城素, NK会( 編 ).
北朝鮮Q&A100. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1992.
item_ID: 17216
Tamaki, Motoi and NK Group (editors).
Kitachōsen Q&A 100. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1992, pp. 244.
An introductory publication on North Korea, consisting of a list of questions and
answers given by a group of scholars specializing on North Korea.
志方俊之( 著 ).
極東有事: かくて日本は戦争に引き込まれる. 東京都: クレスト社, 1996.
item_ID: 17217
Shikita, Toshiyuki (author).
Kyokutō Yūji: Kakute Nihon wa Sensō ni Hikikomareru. Tokyo: Kuresutosha, 1996, pp. 236.
A book warning of rising military threats in East Asia, namely China and North Korea.
金圭昇( 著 ).
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の刑事法制. 東京: 社会評論社, 1988.
item_ID: 17218
Kim, Kyusun (author).
Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku no Keiji Hōsei. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1988,
pp. 365.
Book on the criminal law system of North Korea.
金圭昇( 著 ).
南・北朝鮮の法制定史. 東京: 社会評論社, 1990.
item_ID: 17219
Kim, Kyusun (author).
Minami Kita Chōsen no Hō Seiteishi. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1990, pp. 491.
Book on the history of law in North and South Korea.
現代韓国研究会( 編 ).
データBOOKS 現代韓国. 東京: 社会評論社, 1990.
item_ID: 17223
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 327
Modern Korea Research Group (editor).
Dēta BOOKS Gendai Kankoku. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1990, pp. 170.
Introduction of contemporary South Korea including economics, politics, foreign
relations, ethnic movement, literature, education and labor. Includes references to
North Korea.
加藤将輝( 著 ).
北朝鮮トリビア. 東京都: 飛鳥新社, 2004.
item_ID: 17224
Katō, Shōki (author).
Kitachōsen Toribia. Tokyo: Asuka Shinsha, 2004, pp. 127.
List of “trivia” on North Korea.
稲垣武( 著 ).
item_ID: 17225
「悪魔祓い」の戦後史: 進歩的文化人の言論と責任. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1994.
Inagaki, Takeshi (author).
“Akumabarai” no Sengoshi: Shimpoteki Bunkajin no Genron to Sekinin. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū,
1994, pp. 375.
A book reviewing discourses developed by left-leaning intellectuals on various topics
such as on issues related to North Korea. The author reviews each discourse, and
critically examines its origin and foundation, including narratives advocating North
Korea that were developed by the Japanese progressives.
南北問題研究所( 著 ).
item_ID: 17226
北朝鮮 暗黒帝国の最後: 悪魔の選択をする独裁者の国からの最新レポート. 東京都: ポケット
ブック社, 1994.
North-South Problems Research Center (author).
Kitachōsen Ankoku Teikoku no Saigo: Akuma no Sentaku o suru Dokusaisha no Kunikarano
Repōto. Tokyo: Poketto Bukkusha, 1994, pp. 204.
Book about North Korea by a North Korea watch-dog research institute based in
South Korea.
関川夏央, 恵谷治, NK会( 編 ).
item_ID: 17227
北朝鮮軍、動く: 米韓日中を恫喝する瀬戸際作戦. 東京都: ネスコ 日本映像出版株式会社,
Sekikawa, Natsuo; Eya, Osamu and NK Group (editors).
Kitachōsengun, Ugoku: Beikan Nicchū o Dōkatsu suru Setogiwa Sakusen. Tokyo: NESCO Nihon Eizō Shuppan Kabushikigaisha, 1997, pp. 238.
The book begins with the September 1996 incident of North Korean spies found entering the South. The book then covers the military structure of North Korea and the
economics of the country.
八尾恵( 著 ).
謝罪します. 東京: 文芸春秋, 2002.
item_ID: 17228
328 ❖ 書籍 Books
Yao, Megumi (author).
Shazai shimasu. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 2002, pp. 341.
Confession by Yao Megumi, an ex-wife of a Yodogo member, on her role in abducting
Arimoto Keiko.
安哲兄弟( 著 ).李英和, RENK 救え!北朝鮮の民衆・緊急行動ネット
item_ID: 17229
( 訳 ).
コッチェビの叫び: 秘密カメラが覗いた北朝鮮. 東京都: ザ・マサダ, 1999.
Ahn Brothers (Ahn, Chol and Park, Don Myong) (author). Ri, Yonfa and Assist RENK! North
Korean Democracy Emergency Action Network (translators).
Kotchebi no Sakebi: Himitsukamera ga Nozoita Kitachōsen. Tokyo: Za Masada (The Massada), 1999, pp. 224.
Collection of notes written by North Korean refugees who filmed the homeless hungry children in the North Korean black market.
( 著 ).
チュチェ思想の継承発展について. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1995.
item_ID: 17230
Kim, Jong-Il (author).
Chuche Shisō no Keishō Hatten ni tsuite. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1995, pp. 386.
A treatise on Chuche ideology authored by Kim Jong-il.
高山晴州( 著 ).
人の操縦法 増補版: 心理学応用. 東京市: 教材社, 1938.
item_ID: 17231
Takayama, Seishū (author).
Hito no Sōjūhō Zōhoban: Shinrigaku Ōyō. Tokyo: Kyōzaisha, 1938, pp. 313.
Research on the methodology of mind control. Written by Ikeda Toshiko using the
pseudonym Takayama Seishū.
チョソンの母: 伝記小説. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1972.
item_ID: 17232
Choson no Haha: Denki Shōsetsu. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1972, pp. 501.
Life story of Kang Pan-sok (Ban-sok), Kim Il-sung’s mother, published in North Korea.
金日成( 著 ).
金日成回顧録 世紀とともに 1. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1992.
item_ID: 18116
Kim, Il-song (author).
Kimu Iruson Kaikoroku Seiki to tomoni 1, 1. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1992,
pp. 376.
金日成( 著 ).
金日成回顧録 世紀とともに 2. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1992.
item_ID: 18117
Kim, Il-song (author).
Kimu Iruson Kaikoroku Seiki to tomoni 2, 2. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1992,
pp. 469.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 329
金日成( 著 ).
金日成回顧録 世紀とともに 3. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1993.
item_ID: 17233
Kim, Il-song (author).
Kimu Iruson Kaikoroku Seiki to tomoni 3, 3. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1993,
pp. 453.
金日成( 著 ).
金日成回顧録 世紀とともに 4. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1993.
item_ID: 17234
Kim, Il-song (author).
Kimu Iruson Kaikoroku Seiki to tomoni 4, 4. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1993,
pp. 459.
金日成( 著 ).
金日成回顧録 世紀とともに 5. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1994.
item_ID: 17235
Kim, Il-song (author).
Kimu Iruson Kaikoroku Seiki to tomoni 5, 5. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1994,
pp. 442.
金日成( 著 ).
金日成回顧録 世紀とともに 6. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1995.
item_ID: 17236
Kim, Il-song (author).
Kimu Iruson Kaikoroku Seiki to tomoni 6, 6. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1995,
pp. 398.
金日成( 著 ).
金日成回顧録 世紀とともに 7:(続編).平壌: 外国文出版社, 1996.
item_ID: 17237
Kim, Il-song (author).
Kimu Iruson Kaikoroku Seiki to tomoni 7: (Zokuhen), 7. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1996, pp. 390.
金日成( 著 ).
金日成回顧録 世紀とともに 8:(続編).平壌: 外国文出版社, 1998.
item_ID: 17238
Kim, Il-song (author).
Kimu Iruson Kaikoroku Seiki to tomoni 8: (Zokuhen), 8. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1998, pp. 494.
An eight volume memoir by Kim Il-song.
金漢吉( 著 ).
現代朝鮮史. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1979.
item_ID: 17809
Kim, Hangiru (author).
Gendai Chōsen Shi. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1979, pp. 550.
The book covers the history of North Korea from the Japanese colonial rule in the
early 1900s until the 1970s.
松本昌次( 著 ).
朝鮮の旅. 東京都: すずさわ書店, 1975.
item_ID: 17812
330 ❖ 書籍 Books
Matsumoto, Masatsugu (author).
Chōsen no Tabi. Tokyo: Suzusawa Shoten, 1975, pp. 288.
Reportage of the author’s two visits to North Korea.
猪狩章( 著 ).
item_ID: 17813
ビザのない旅券: 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の現実. 東京: 情報センター出版局, 1981.
Ikari, Akira (author).
Biza no nai Ryoken: Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku no Genjitsu. Tōkyō: Jōhō Sentā
Shuppankyoku, 1981, pp. 222.
Reportage of North Korea based on his visit to North Korea in 1980 as an Asahi
Shimbun journalist, during which he interviewed Kim Il-Sung.
( 編 ).
item_ID: 17818
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 組織別人名簿 1989. 東京都: ラヂオプレス, 1989.
Radio Press (editor).
Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku Soshikibetsu Jinmeibo 1989. Tokyo: Rajio Puresu,
1989, pp. 252.
Directory of North Korea’s government organs. Names of offices and officers are
listed in both English and Chinese characters with Katakana readings.
朝鮮総督府( 編 ).
朝鮮の小作慣習: 調査資料26輯. 東京都: 巌南堂書店, 1972.
item_ID: 17825
Korea Governor-General (editor).
Chōsen no Kosaku Kanshū: Chōsa Shiryō 26 shū. Tokyo: Gannandō Shoten, 1972, pp. 256.
Report on sharecropping practices in Korea. The study was conducted by the colonial government under Japanese occupation. This is a reprint of a study originally
published in 1929.
外国文出版社( 編 ).
事実は語る: 朝鮮戦争挑発の内幕. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1960.
item_ID: 17826
Gaikokubun Shuppansha (editor).
Jijitsu wa Kataru: Chōsen Sensō Chōhatsu no Uchimaku. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1960, pp. 280.
Compilation of U.S. and South Korean internal documents collected by an organ of
the North Korean government. It includes letters and reports exchanged between
Rhee Syngman, Jan Myeon, and John Dulles, among other persons holding significant government and military posts.
外国文出版社( 編 ).
item_ID: 17827
金日成主席の革命活動史料集 1: 1912.4 - 1926.6. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1991.
Gaikokubun Shuppansha (editor).
Kimu Iruson Shuseki no Kakumei Katsudō Shiryōshū 1: 1912.4 - 1926.6. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1991, pp. 598.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 331
A book narrating Kim Il-sung’s background and the story of his youthful revolutionary activities from 1912–1926. It is the first volume of a series on his life, but the
collection has only this volume.
金明哲( 著 ).
item_ID: 17831
金正日 朝鮮統一の日: 北朝鮮 戦争と平和のシナリオ. 東京都: 光人社, 1998.
Kim, Myonchol (author).
Kimu Jon’iru Chōsen Tōitsu no Hi: Kitachōsen Sensō to Heiwa no Shinario. Tokyo: Kōjinsha,
1998, pp. 237.
A forecast of North Korea’s future written by a person affiliated with the Nautilus
Institute for Security and Sustainability.
毎日新聞社外信部( 編 ).
ドキュメント 金正日のすべて. 東京: 毎日新聞社 (東京), 1994.
item_ID: 17832
Mainichi Shinbunsha Gaishinbu (editor).
Dokyumento Kimu Jon’iru no Subete. Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha (Tōkyō), 1994, pp. 238.
A book on Kim Jong-il. It contains interviews with specialists around the world who
have met Kim Jong-il in person and data gathered by Mainichi Shimbun journalists.
北朝鮮の日本人妻からの手紙: 金政権が続く限りこの悲劇は終わらな
い. 東京都: 日新報道.
item_ID: 17833
Kitachōsen no Nihonjinzuma kara no Tegami: Kimu Seiken ga Tsuzuku kagiri kono Higeki
wa Owaranai. Tokyo: Nisshin Hōdō, pp. 247.
Letters written by the Japanese wife married to a Korean Japanese who returned to
North Korea with her husband during the repatriation of zainichi Koreans to North
Korea during 1959–1984.
高木健夫( 著 ).
領導の芸術家 金日成物語. 東京: 番長書房, 1973.
item_ID: 17834
Takagi, Takeo (author).
Ryōdō no Geijutsuka Kimu Iruson Monogatari. Tōkyō: Banchō Shobō, 1973, pp. 293.
A hagiographic story depicting Kim Il Sung as the artist guiding his territory.
李恢成( 著 ).
イムジン江をめざすとき. 東京: 角川書店, 1975.
item_ID: 17835
Li, Huicheng (author).
Imujin kan o Mezasutoki. Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten, 1975, pp. 301.
Written by a second generation zainichi Korean on the hopes of unification of the
Korean peninsula.
金鍾益, 高秉喆, 李埰畛, 梁性喆, 朴漢植, 吉栄煥, 李晩雨( 著 ).
在米学者による 北朝鮮見たまま. 東京都: コリア評論社, 1984.
item_ID: 17836
332 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kim, Chong Ik; Kō, Byung Chul; Lee, Chae Jin; Yang, Song Chol; Pak, Han Sik; Kihl, Young
Whan; and Lee, Manwoo (authors).
Zaibei Gakusha ni yoru Kitachōsen Mitamama. Tokyo: Koria Hyōronsha, 1984, pp. 281.
A book written by seven U.S. based scholars of Korean descent who visited North
Korea in the summer of 1981. Translated by two Japanese scholars.
金炳植( 著 ).
金日成首相の思想. 東京: 読売新聞社, 1972.
item_ID: 17837
Kim, Pyonshik (author).
Kimu Iruson Shushō no Shisō. Tōkyō: Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 1972, pp. 408.
On the ideologies and political economic theories propounded by Kim Il-sung.
塚本勝一( 著 ).
超軍事国家: 北朝鮮軍事史. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1988.
item_ID: 17838
Tsukamoto, Katsuichi (author).
Chō Gunjikokka: Kitachōsen Gunjishi. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1988, pp. 206.
On the North Korean army. Historical account of its establishment, development,
and analysis of the status quo in the late 1980s.
司馬遼太郎, 上田正昭, 金達寿( 編 ).
座談会 朝鮮と古代日本文化. 東京: 中央公論社, 1978.
item_ID: 17839
Shiba, Ryōtarō; Ueda, Masaaki and Kim, Tal-su (editors).
Zadankai Chōsen to Kodai Nihon Bunka. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1978, pp. 364.
This is a zadankai or group discussion on the origins of ancient Japanese culture in
connection with the influx of ethnic groups from the Korean peninsula.
スティーヴン・ハッサン( 著 ).浅見定雄( 訳 ).
マインド・コントロールの恐怖. 東京都: 恒友出版, 1995.
item_ID: 17844
Hassan, Steven (author). Asami, Sadao (translator).
Maindo Kontorōru no Kyōfu. Tokyo: Kōyū Shuppan, 1995, pp. 409.
Japanese translation of the original, titled Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven
リチャード・キャメリアン( 著 ).兼近修身( 訳 ).
洗脳の科学. 東京: 第三書館, 1994.
item_ID: 17845
Camellion, Richard (author). Kanechika, Osami (translator).
Sen’nō no Kagaku. Tōkyō: Daisan Shokan, 1994, pp. 249.
Japanese translation of the original, titled Behavior Modification, authored by Richard Camellion.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 333
西田公昭( 著 ).
マインド・コントロールとは何か. 東京: 紀伊國屋書店, 1995.
item_ID: 17846
Nishida, Kimiaki (author).
Maindo Kontorōru to wa Nanika. Tōkyō: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1995, pp. 246.
On mind control. Author is an expert in social psychology with publications on cult
mind control.
朝鮮労働党中央委員会党歴史研究所( 編 ).
item_ID: 17856
朝鮮人民の自由と解放: 1930年代の抗日武装闘争の記録. 東京: 未来社, 1971.
North Korean Labor Party Central Committee, Party History Research Center (editor).
Chōsen Jinmin no Jiyū to Kaihō: 1930 nendai no Kōnichi Busō Tōsō no Kiroku. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1971, pp. 459.
On the history of organized military resistance against the Japanese colonial power
on the Korean peninsula during the 1930s.
中山千夏, 丸山友岐子, 池田恵理子, 加城千波, 八尾恵, 辻本義男( 著 ).
item_ID: 17860
をめぐって. 東京: 社会評論社,
Nakayama, Chinatsu; Maruyama, Yukiko; Ikeda, Eriko; Kajō, Chinami; Yao, Megumi; and Tsujimoto, Yoshio (authors).
Hōdō no naka no On’na no Jinken: “Joshikōsei Konkurīto zume Satsujin Jiken” o Megutte.
Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1991, pp. 235.
On women’s rights violation comitted by the press. Includes a symposium on this
theme held on June 1991. One of the panelists was Yao Megumi on her experience of
being labelled by the mass media as “a spy from the North.”
後藤文康( 著 ).
誤報と虚報: “幻の特ダネ”はなぜ?. 東京: 岩波書店, 1991.
item_ID: 17861
Gotō, Fumiyasu (author).
Gohō to Kyohō: “Maboroshi no Tokudane” wa Naze?. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1991, pp. 62.
Volume 154 of Iwanami Booklet series. On cases of false reports in Japanese media. It
contains an article on how the media portrayed North Korea-related spying in Japan.
金日成( 著 ).
金日成 南朝鮮革命と祖国の統一. 東京: 未来社, 1970.
item_ID: 17875
Kim, Il-song (author).
Kimu Iruson Minami Chōsen Kakumei to Sokoku no Tōitsu. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1970, pp. 480.
Japanese translation of an original published in Korean that compiled theses, reports, letters, and speeches by Kim Il Sung.
高峻石( 著 ).
金日成体制の形成と危機. 東京: 社会評論社, 1993.
item_ID: 17876
334 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kō, Junsoku (author).
Kimu Iruson Taisei no Keisei to Kiki. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1993, pp. 332.
On the origin, development, and structure of the Kim Il Sung regime.
久保田博二( 著 ).
朝鮮 三十八度線の北. 東京都: 教育社, 1988.
item_ID: 17877
Kubota, Hiroji (author).
Chōsen 38 do sen no Kita. Tokyo: Kyōikusha, 1988, pp. 223.
Introduction to North Korea using colored photo images.
韓国弘報協会( 著 ).
北韓の武力挑発30年. 韓国弘報協会, 1974.
item_ID: 17878
Kankoku Kōhō Kyōkai (author).
Hokkan no Buryoku Chōhatsu 30 nen. Kankoku Kōhō Kyōkai, 1974, pp. 124.
Analysis of North Korea’s political and military strategy against South Korea.
三浦小太郎, 曺浩平・小池秀子書簡集編纂委員会( 編 ).
item_ID: 17879
曺浩平・小池秀子書簡集. 東京都: 曺浩平・小池秀子書簡集編纂委員会, 1999.
Miura, Kotarō and Jo Hopyon-Koike Hideko Library Editorial Committee (editors).
Jo Hopyon / Koike Hideko Shokanshū. Tokyo: Jo Hopyon / Koike Hideko Shokanshū Hensan
Iinkai, 1999, pp. 106.
Jo Hopyon (Born as the son of North Korean father and Japanese mother who was
a biologist) moved to North Korea accompanied by his Japanese wife Koike Hideko
during the 1960s repatriation campaign. This is a collection of letters sent from
North Korea by Jo and Koike to their family members.
菊田貞雄( 著 ).
征韓論の真相と其の影響. 東京市: 東京日日新聞社, 1941.
item_ID: 17880
Kikuta, Sadao (author).
Seikanron no Shinsō to sono Eikyō. Tokyo: Tōkyō Nichinichi Shinbunsha, 1941, pp. 323.
An analysis of the policy of conquering Korea by military force and its influence,
published in 1941.
高峻石( 著 ).
朝鮮 1945-1950: 革命史への証言. 東京: 三一書房, 1976.
item_ID: 17881
Kō, Junsoku (author).
Chōsen 1945-1950: Kakumeishi e no Shōgen. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1976, pp. 306.
Analysis of the communist movement on the Korean peninsula during 1945-1950.
金玉順( 著 ).
抗日の女傑金正淑. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1997.
item_ID: 17887
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 335
Kim, Ok-jun (author).
Kōnichi no Joketsu Kimu Jonsuku. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1997, pp. 217.
Story of Kim Jong Suk (Kimu Jonsuku) told from the author’s first hand knowledge.
金炳植( 著 ).
現代帝国主義と南朝鮮. 東京: 未来社, 1972.
item_ID: 17888
Kim, Pyonshik (author).
Gendai Teikokushugi to Minami Chōsen. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1972, pp. 565.
Illustration of Kim Il Sung’s Chuche ideology, imperialism in the contemporary era,
and analysis of “Minami Chōsen” or South Korea from a North Korean perspective.
金炳植( 著 ).
現代朝鮮の基本問題. 東京: 未来社, 1969.
item_ID: 17889
Kim, Pyonshik (author).
Gendai Chōsen no Kihon Mondai. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1969, pp. 444.
Analysis of contemporary Korea from the standpoint of Kim Il Sung’s ideology and
統一朝鮮新聞特集班( 著 ).
item_ID: 17890
「金炳植事件」ーその真相と背景: ー「総連」韓徳銖支配の体質をえぐるー. 東京都: 統一朝鮮新
聞社, 1973.
Unified Korea Newspaper Special Issue Section (author).
“Kimu Pyonshiku Jiken” - Sono Shinsō to Haikei: -”Sōren” Han Dokusu Shihai no Taishitsu o
Eguru-. Tokyo: Tōitsu Chōsen Shinbunsha, 1973, pp. 330.
Reports on the internal conflict of Sōren involving Han Dokusu and Kimu Pyonshiku.
金正日 チュチェの革命偉業の完成のために 1:(1964年ー
1‌971年).平壌: 外国文出版社, 1990.
item_ID: 17891
Kimu Jon’iru Chuche no Kakumei Igyō no Kansei no tameni 1: (1964-1971). Pyongyang:
Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1990, pp. 493.
Collection of conversations and speeches made by Kim Jong Il.
( 著 ).
金正日 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1996.
item_ID: 17892
Baeli. Carlo (author).
Kimu Jon’iru Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1996, pp. 150.
Japanese translation of an original written in Italian by an entrepreneur who visited
North Korea several times and met Kim Jong Il. The book is also available in English
translation, but the English version is not in the collection.
336 ❖ 書籍 Books
李一馥, 尹相鉉( 著 ).
偉大な人間 金正日: 逸話集. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1989.
item_ID: 17893
Ri, Ippuku and In, Sōgen (authors).
Idaina Ningen Kimu Jon’iru: Itsuwashū. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1989, pp. 178.
Collection of anecdotal stories praising Kim Jong Il.
チョンリマ・チョソン. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1969.
item_ID: 17894
Chonrima Choson. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1969, pp. 143.
Thesis on the Chollima Work Party movement initiated in North Korea in 1956, in
which teams of workers in factories competed against each other to have the highest
production level. Chollima is a legendary flying horse in Korea.
( 著 ).
item_ID: 17895
金正日 映画芸術論: 1973年4月11日. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1989.
Kim, Jong-Il (author).
Kimu Jon’iru Eiga Geijutsuron: 1973 nen 4 gatsu 11 nichi. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1989, pp. 350.
Kim Jong Il’s thesis on film art.
金正日選集 1: 1964年~1969年. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1992. item_ID: 17896
Kimu Jon’iru Senshū 1: 1964-1969. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1992, pp. 480.
Collection of theses, speeches, and communications made and written by Kim Jong
Il. Volume 1.
金賢植, 孫光柱( 著 ).
item_ID: 17897
「美女」選択システム. 東京: 光文社, 1998.
Kim, Hyonshik and Son, Gwanju (authors).
Kimu Jon’iru no Aiyoku Seikatsu: “Yonin no Tsuma” to “Bijo” Sentaku Shisutemu. Tōkyō:
Kōbunsha, 1998, pp. 235.
Japanese translation of an original published under the title “Documentary: Kim
Jong I” in October 1997. This Japanese version is an excerpt of several chapters out
of the original publication on the life of Kim Jong Il, focusing on the sexual relationships of Kim Jong Il. Item #17944 in the collection is another volume of excerpts from
the Korean original on the life of Kim Jong Il.
日本教職員チュチェ思想研究会訪朝代表団( 著 ).
item_ID: 17898
明日をひらく国 朝鮮. 東京都: 日本教職員チュチェ思想研究会連絡協議会, 1978.
Japan Education Committee Chuche Thought Research Group North Korea Visit Delegation
Asu o Hiraku Kuni Chōsen. Tokyo: Nihon Kyōshokuin Chuche Shisō Kenkyūkai Renraku
Kyōgikai, 1978, pp. 206.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 337
Introduction to North Korea and Chuche ideology written by members of Japan
Teachers Union (Nikkyōso) who formed a Chuche study group, the Chuche Shisō
Kenkyūkai, as part of the Japan North Korea solidarity movement. This publication
is a report of their invited visit to North Korea.
内田正子( 著 ).
かいまみた朝鮮民主主義人民共和国. 東京都: 新風舎, 1999.
item_ID: 17899
Uchida, Masako (author).
Kaimamita Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku. Tokyo: Shinpūsha, 1999, pp. 87.
The author, a high school teacher in Osaka, joined a tour organized by the JapanKorea Friendship Club of the Osaka Teacher’s Union. This is a report from the trip
in August 1997.
恵谷治( 著 ).
世界危険地図 反乱する北朝鮮(篇).東京: 徳間書店, 1995.
item_ID: 17900
Eya, Osamu (author).
Sekai Kiken Chizu Hanransuru Kitachōsen (Hen). Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1995, pp. 282.
Analysis of North Korea by a journalist.
伊藤輝夫( 著 ).
item_ID: 17901
お笑い北朝鮮: 金日成・金正日親子長期政権の解明. 東京都: コスモの本, 1994.
Itō, Teruo (author).
Owarai Kitachōsen: Kimu Iruson Kimu Jon’iru Oyako Chōki Seiken no Kaimei. Tokyo: Kosumo no Hon, 1994, pp. 238.
テリー伊藤( 著 ).
お笑い北朝鮮 私が愛した金正日. 東京都: 宝島社, 1995.
item_ID: 17902
Ito, Terry (author).
Owarai Kitachōsen Watashiga Aishita Kimu Jon’iru. Tokyo: Takarajimasha, 1995, pp. 198.
Two volumes of essays on North Korea by a tv director. Terry Ito (Teruo Ito) is a
fairly well known television program director and producer who is known for making popular and eccentric owarai bangumi. He is also one of the few popular figures
in the media known for being interested in and knowledageable about North Korea.
Books are not about being critical of North Korea. Rather Ito takes the position of
being amazed by North Korea and its leader Kim Jung il.
会紙「チュチェ思想」:(1-100号)縮刷版. 東京都: 日本青年チュ
チェ思想研究連絡協議会, 1980.
item_ID: 17903
Kaishi “Chuche Shisō”: (1-100 Gō) Shukusatsuban, 1. Tokyo: Nihon Seinen Chucheshisō
Kenkyū Renraku Kyōgikai, 1980, pp. 857.
会紙「チュチェ思想」:(101-200号)縮刷版. 東京都: 白峰社,
item_ID: 17904
Kaishi “Chuche Shisō”: (101-200 Gō) Shukusatsuban, 2. Tokyo: Hakuhōsha, 1989, pp. 828.
338 ❖ 書籍 Books
This is a two-volume shukusatsuban, or republished collection of serial materials. It
is a collection of newsletters published by the Nihon Seinen Chuche Shisō Kenkyū
Renraku Kyōgikai, (Japan Chuche Thought Research Coordinating Group).
尾上健一( 著 ).
21世紀の選択. 東京都: 健友館, 1997.
item_ID: 17905
Ogami, Ken’ichi (author).
21seiki no Sentaku. Tokyo: Kenyūkan, 1997, pp. 171.
Book analyzing Chuche ideology with the intent of promulgating the ideology in Japan.
関川夏央( 著 ).
とは何だったのか. 東京: 新潮社, 1992.
item_ID: 17906
Sekikawa, Natsuo (author).
Taikutsu na Meikyū: “Kitachōsen” to wa Nandattanoka. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1992, pp. 349.
Report and analysis on North Korea based on the author’s three visits to the country
since 1987.
アレクセイ・コージン( 著 ).
あゝ朝鮮. 東京都: 五月書房, 1952.
item_ID: 17907
Kojin, Alexei (author).
Aa Chōsen. Tokyo: Gogatsu Shobō, 1952, pp. 286.
Report on the Korean peninsula and the North Korean people and soldiers during
the Korean War by a Russian news agency correspondent. This publication is a Japanese translation of the original.
安井郁, 高橋勇治( 編 ).
チュチェの国 朝鮮を訪ねて. 東京: 読売新聞社, 1974.
item_ID: 17908
Yasui, Kaoru and Takahashi, Yūji (editors).
Chuche no Kuni Chōsen o Tazunete. Tōkyō: Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 1974, pp. 309.
Collection of essays on North Korea written mostly by scholars, but also includes essay by a film director and a Nikkyōso representative.
在日本大韓民国民団中央本部組織局( 編 ).
item_ID: 17909
Q&A100 北韓・総連: 韓国民団は、いま、
こう考えている 増補改訂版. 東京都: 五月書房,
Korean Residents Union in Japan, Headquarters Organizational Section (editor).
Q&A 100 Hokukan Sōren: Kankoku Mindan wa, Ima, Kō Kangaeteiru Zōho Kaiteiban. Tokyo:
Gogatsu Shobō, 1996, pp. 173.
On Sōren and North Korea written from the perspective of zainichi South Koreans,
written and published by Mindan, the ethnic organization representing Koreans in
Japan affiliated with South Korea.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 339
金三奎( 著 ).
朝鮮の真実. 東京: 至誠堂, 1960.
item_ID: 17910
Kim, Sam Gyu (author).
Chōsen no Shinjitsu. Tōkyō: Shiseidō, 1960, pp. 204.
Analysis of North and South Korea and thesis regarding the unification of the Korean peninsula. Author was born in Korea and spent some adolescent years in Japan
during the colonial period. He was a journalist when he fled the South Korean military regime to Japan. Since then he has been an advocate of unification of Korea.
関貴星( 著 ).
楽園の夢破れて: 北朝鮮の真相. 東京: 全貌社, 1962.
item_ID: 17912
Seki, Takashi (author).
Rakuen no Yume Yaburete: Kitachōsen no Shinsō. Tōkyō: Zenbōsha, 1962, pp. 219.
Report on North Korea based on the author’s two visits and published in 1962. Contains an analysis of Sōren’s campagin promoting the return of zainichi Koreans to
North Korea. Sōren is the ethnic organization in Japan representing those affiliated
with North Korea, and during the 1950s and early 1960s it sponsored a movement
for zainichi Koreans in Japan to repatriate to North Korea to help build the society.
寺尾五郎( 著 ).
38度線の北. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1964.
item_ID: 17913
Terao, Gorō (author).
38do sen no Kita. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1964, pp. 263.
Report on North Korea after the Korean War based on his visit to the peninsula in
1958. Author is the director of the Japan-Korea Associaiton (Nitchō Kyōkai) and executive member of the Association for the Promotion of Zainichi Koreans’ Return to
North Korea (Zainichi Chōsenjin Kikoku Kyōryokukai).
韓弘建( 著 ).
此の罪悪を見よ: ー北鮮脱出者の手記ー. 東京都: 萌文社, 1952.
item_ID: 17914
Kan, Kōken (author).
Kono Zaiaku o Miyo: -Hokusen Dasshutsusha no Shuki-. Tokyo: Hōbunsha, 1952, pp. 199.
First hand account of the dismal state of affairs in North Korea and a critique of communism, published in 1952.
許南麒( 著 ).
巨済島: 世界にうったえる. 東京: 理論社, 1952.
item_ID: 17915
Kyo, Nanki (author).
Kyosaitō (Kojedo): Sekai ni Uttaeru. Tōkyō: Rironsha, 1952, pp. 239.
A collection of poetry about the horror of the) POW camp on Gojedo island (Kyosai Tō). The camp was established by the South Korean military government and
housed170,000 prisoners of war during the Korean War (1950-1953). The author is
340 ❖ 書籍 Books
a poet/writer both in Korean and Japanese, who later became the vice chairman of
Chōsen Sōren and the DPRK Supreme People’s Assembly representative.
林誠宏( 著 ).
item_ID: 17916
私は、なぜ金日成主義批判を書くか!!: 祖国、朝鮮を想う. 東京都: 創世記, 1981.
Rin, Songwan (author).
Watashiwa, Naze Kimu Iruson shugi Hihan o Kakuka!!: Sokoku, Chōsen o Omou. Tokyo:
Sōseiki, 1981, pp. 244.
A book by a zainichi Korean about his upbringing, his critical analysis of North Korea and the Kim Il Sung regime, and his hopes for unification.
田宮高麿( 著 ).
item_ID: 17917
会, 1990.
Tamiya, Takamaro (author).
Shakaishugikoku de Shakaishugi o Kangaeru (Pyonyang 1990). Pyongyang: Nihon no Jishu
to Danketsu no tameni no Kai, 1990, pp. 275.
This book of essays expresses Tamiya Takamaro’s perspective on capitalism, socialism, and the political economy of North Korea and Japan. Tamiya Takamaro was the
leader of the Yodogō group of young Japanese members of the Red Army Faction who
hijacked a Japanese plane (named the Yodo) to North Korea in 1970. They remained
in North Korea and were converted to Kim Il Sung’s Chuche philosophy. This book
was sent back and published in Japan as part of the group’s campaign to attract attention to their views in Japan.
朴甲東( 著 ).
証言 金日成との闘争記. 東京都: 成甲書房, 1991.
item_ID: 17918
Park Gabdong (author).
Shōgen Kimu Iruson tono Tōsōki. Tokyo: Seikō Shobō, 1991, pp. 282.
Inside story of the Kim Il Sung regime written by a former top official in the North
Korean Labor Party who fled North Korea.
( 編 ).黄民基( 訳 ).
北朝鮮 その衝撃の実像. 東京: 講談社, 1991.
item_ID: 17919
Chosun Ilbo “Wolgan Chosun” (editor).Hwang, Mingi (translator).
Kitachōsen Sono Shōgeki no Jitsuzō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1991, pp. 534.
Collection of essays on the everyday life experiences in North Korea, written by defectors from the North.
任正爀( 編 ).
現代朝鮮の科学者たち. 東京: 彩流社, 1997.
item_ID: 17920
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 341
Im, Jong Hyok (editor).
Gendai Chōsen no Kagakushatachi. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha, 1997, pp. 236.
A book introducing the biographies of prominent Korean scientists and scholars. The
second half of the book is a Japanese translation of the scholars’ work.
ラングーンの悲劇: 北韓共産政権のテロリズム. ソウル: 大韓民国海
外公報館, 1983.
item_ID: 17921
Rangūn no Higeki: Hokkan Kyōsan Seiken no Terorizumu. Seoul: Daikan Minkoku Kaigai
Kōhōkan, 1983, pp. 104.
A short book on the North Korean terrorist attack in Rangoon (Yangon) that killed
a group ofSouth Korean diplomats. It includes an official statement made by the
South Korean president on the attack, messages sent from presidents and prime
ministers from the Asian region, and a short analysis on the who and why of the
terrorist attack.
北帰行: 祖国(北朝鮮)へ帰へる. 兵庫県: 井上青龍を偲ぶ会, 1994.
item_ID: 17922
Hokkikō: Sokoku (Kitachōsen) e Kaeru. Hyōgo: Inoue Seiryū o Shinobu Kai, 1994, pp. 42.
Photography book capturing the lives of zainichi Koreans residing in the Kansai
area who were part of the repatriation to North Korea in the mid-1960s. I shows the
group heading to Niigata, spending a week in a camp there, and then returning to
North Korea. Photographed in 1965-1966. Flyer on Inoue Seiryū is inserted between
the cover and first page.
東アジア問題研究会( 編 ).
item_ID: 17927
アルバム・謎の金日成(増補):写真で捉えたその正体. 東京都: 成甲書房, 1978.
East Asia Problems Research Group (editor).
Arubamu Nazo no Kimu Iruson (Zōho): Shashin de Toraeta Sono Shōtai. Tokyo: Seikō Shobō,
1978, pp. 162.
There has been considerable debate of the actual history of the person who took the
name Kim Il Sung and became the leader of North Korea.This book analyzes the four
potential Kim Il Sung’s who emerged during the anti-Japanese military struggle
(kōnichi tōsō) and after the defeat of the colonial empire. The book provides abundant photographic materials.
恵谷治( 著 ).
item_ID: 17930
北朝鮮解体新書:「金正日と朝鮮人民軍」秘密のベールをすべて剥ぐ!. 東京: 小学館, 1997.
Eya, Osamu (author).
Kitachōsen Kaitai Shinsho: “Kimu Jon’iru to Chōsen Jinmigun” Himitsu no Bēru o Subete
Hagu! Tōkyō: Shōgakukan, 1997, pp. 143.
Data book on Kim Jong Il and the North Korean military.
342 ❖ 書籍 Books
林誠宏( 著 ).
裏切られた革命: 金日成主義批判序説. 東京都: 創世記, 1980.
item_ID: 17931
Rin, Songwan (author).
Uragirareta Kakumei: Kimu Iruson Shugi Hihan Josetsu. Tokyo: Sōseiki, 1980, pp. 210.
Critique of Kim Il Sung-ism and his revolutionary theories and practices by a zainichi
Korean philosopher.This is a signed copy with a message and signature of the author
for Takazawa Koji on the first page.
重村智計( 著 ).
北朝鮮データブック. 東京: 講談社, 1997.
item_ID: 17932
Shigemura, Toshimitsu (author).
Kitachōsen Dētabukku. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1997, pp. 253.
A book analyzing North Korea’s politics, economy, society, diplomacy, and military.
卞宰洙( 著 ).
祖国と青春と. 東京: 朝鮮青年社, 1985.
item_ID: 17933
Pyon, Jesu (author).
Sokoku to Seishun to. Tōkyō: Chōsen Seinensha, 1985, pp. 217.
A book written by a zainichi Korean, a professor at the North Korean University in
Japan, on journalism, education, youth, and literature pertaining to zainichi (north)
黄長燁( 著 ).
item_ID: 17934
北朝鮮の真実と虚偽: 犬にも劣る民族反逆者は誰だ?. 東京: 光文社, 1999.
Hwang, Jang-yeop (author).
Kitachōsen no Shinjitsu to Kyogi: Inu nimo Otoru Minzoku Hangyakusha wa Dareda?. Tōkyō:
Kōbunsha, 1999, pp. 226.
Japanese translation of the original publication titled “The Truth and Untruth of
North Korea” authored by Hwang Jang-Yop, published by the Institute of National
Unification Policy Korea.
高木健夫( 編 ).
60万人の島囚. 東京: 新時代社, 1969.
item_ID: 17935
Takagi, Takeo (editor).
60 man nin no Tōshū. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1969, pp. 238.
A book with contributions from multiple authors advocating for the zainichi Koreans’ right to travel, to visit North Korea and to re-enter Japan. A publication was
touched off by the series of court struggles in 1968-69 regarding the rights of zainichi
Koreans to travel, since they do not hold Japanese passports. Those who registered
with South Korea could obtain South Korean passports for travel, but since there are
no diplomatic relations between North Korea and Japan, those affiliated with North
Korea through Chosen Sōren are not able to obtain North Korean passports and thus
had difficulty returning to Japan after traveling to North Korea.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 343
南日龍( 編 ).
また逢う日には: 朝鮮学生の手記. 東京: 理論社, 1961.
item_ID: 17936
Nan, Nichiryū (editor).
Mata Au Hiniwa: Chōsen Gakusei no Shuki. Tōkyō: Rironsha, 1961, pp. 222.
A collection of essays written by zainichi Koreans on their life in Japan, on the process of departure/return to North Korea, and their letters from North Korea after
金達寿( 著 ).
朝鮮: 民族・歴史・文化. 東京: 岩波書店, 1958.
item_ID: 17937
Kim, Tal-su (author).
Chōsen: Minzoku, Rekishi, Bunka. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1958, pp. 218.
Introductory book on the history, people, and culture of Korea. Covers up to the Korean War.
金淳泰( 著 ).
item_ID: 17938
変貌するアジア: 21世紀の新しい成長センター. 東京: 三一書房, 1994.
Kim, Juntai (author).
Henbō suru Ajia: 21seiki no Atarashii Seichō Sentā. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1994, pp. 239.
A book on economic development in the Asian region. Written by an author who is a
second generation zainichi Korean scholar who is also an editorial writer for a Mindan newspaper. Several sections of the book are dedicated to North Korea’s economy
人権と報道・連絡会( 編 ).
item_ID: 17939
報道の人権侵害と闘う本: やればできる本人訴訟. 東京: 三一書房, 1995.
Human Rights and the Press Clearinghouse (editor).
Hōdō no Jinken Shingai to Tatakau Hon: Yareba Dekiru Honnin Soshō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō,
1995, pp. 222.
A book on human rights violations by the press and how to bring a case to court with
some illustrations of actual cases. A section on Yao Megumi as a North Korean spy
included. Yao was sensationalized in the Japanese press as a North Korean spy after
she was identified in Japan around the time Shibata Yasunari, the youngest of the
nine Yodogō hijackers to North Korea, was discovered in Japan in the late 1980s. At
the time Yao claimed she had nothing to do with North Korea and sued the Asahi
Shimbun for defamation. Several years later it was revealed that she had in fact been
the wife of Shibata Yasunari and had indeed returned to Japan from North Korea.
母なる祖国: 帰国同胞の手記集. 東京: 朝鮮青年社, 1967.
item_ID: 17941
Haha naru Sokoku: Kikoku Dōhō no Shukishū. Tōkyō: Chōsen Seinensha, 1967, pp. 247.
A collection of notes written by zainichi Koreans who have returned to North Korea.
This book was published in reaction to the Government of Japan terminating the
344 ❖ 書籍 Books
agreement on zainichi Koreans’ return to North Korea eight years after the first boat
of returnees headed to North Korea.
寺尾五郎( 著 ).
朝鮮問題入門. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1965.
item_ID: 17942
Terao, Gorō (author).
Chōsen Mondai Nyūmon. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1965, pp. 230.
On the historical process of the division of the Korean peninsula.
聯合通信( 著 ).李昞珠( 訳 ).
北朝鮮はどうなっているか. 東京: 三一書房, 1994.
item_ID: 17943
Rengō Tsūshin (author). I, Byonsu (translator).
Kitachōsen wa Dōnatteiruka. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1994, pp. 283.
A book on the economy, politics, and social life in North Korea, written based on the
confessions of refugees from North Korea now residing in South Korea by journalists who have visited North Korea. Japanese translation of an original published in
金賢植, 孫光柱( 著 ).
item_ID: 17944
「残忍さ」の政治手法. 東京: 光文社, 1998.
Kim, Hyonshik and Son, Gwanju (authors).
Kimu Jon’iru no Kenryoku Tōsō: “Futoppara” to “Zannin sa” no Seiji Shuhō. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha,
1998, pp. 229.
Analysis of Kim Jong Il, based on verbal evidence gathered from North Korean high
officials. This is a Japanese translation of an original published in Korean in October
1997. Selections from the massive original publication were published in two Japanese publications, this one and the “Kimu Jon’iru no Aiyoku Seikatsu” which is also
available in the Collection as item #17897.
小此木政夫( 著 ).
item_ID: 17945
日本と北朝鮮 これからの5年: 南北統一への視点とシナリオ. 京都: PHP研究所, 1991.
Okonogi, Masao (author).
Nihon to Kitachōsen Korekara no 5nen: Nanboku Tōitsu e no Shiten to Shinario. Kyōto: PHP
Kenkyūjo, 1991, pp. 182.
A book on Japan’s relationship to North Korea given the unification of Germany and
the Convention on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) agreement, otherwise known as the Helsinki Accords of 1975, which set parameters for stabilizing
relations between the western and sovet bloc countries in Europe and was followed
by several other conferences to adjust military levels in Europe as the Cold War began to wind down.
徐勝( 著 ).
獄中19年: 韓国政治犯のたたかい. 東京: 岩波書店, 1994.
item_ID: 17946
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 345
So, Sung (author).
Gokuchū 19nen: Kankoku Seijihan no Tatakai. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1994, pp. 274.
A memoir by So Sung on his nineteen years in a South Korean prison. The author
was a zainichi Korean who studied in Seoul National University and later was arrested by the KCIA on suspicion of political crimes.
柴田穂( 著 ).
謎の北朝鮮: 地上の楽園か、
この世の苦界か. 東京: 光文社, 1986.
item_ID: 17948
Shibata, Minoru (author).
Nazo no Kitachōsen: Chijō no Rakuen ka, Konoyo no Kugai ka. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1986, pp. 242.
A book on North Korea authored by a Sankei Shinbun editorial writer. Chapters
devoted to Kim Il Sung, life circumstances of the people, and political maneuvering
and espionage activities against South Korea.
日本語ー朝鮮語 単語帳. 平壌: 外国文図書出版社, 1987.
item_ID: 17949
Nihongo-Chōsengo Tangochō. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Tosho Shuppansha, 1987, pp. 230.
Japanese-Korean pocket word dictionary. Written in Hiragana, Kanji, Hangul, and
also giving the pronunciation of Hangul in Katakana.
高良有政( 著 ).
item_ID: 17952
自立の経済学・復帰と開発の政策読本: 自主と離島の時代の地域原理. 宜野湾市: ロマン書房,
Takara Yūsei (author).
Jiritsu no Keizaigaku / Fukki to Kaihatsu no Seisaku Dokuhon: Jishu to Ritō no Jidai no Chiiki
Genri. Ginowan: Roman Shobō, 1988, pp. 204, 103.
A book on Okinawa’s economic development and independence. One chapter is devoted to North Korea’s economic policy and development.
SAPIO( 編 ).
item_ID: 17955
北朝鮮世紀末読本: 金正日権力世襲の裏で何が始まっているか!. 東京: 小学館, 1994.
SAPIO (editor).
Kitachōsen Seikimatsu Dokuhon: Kimu Jon’iru Kenryoku Seshū no Ura de Naniga Hajimatteiruka! Tōkyō: Shōgakukan, 1994, pp. 208.
Special issue of “Posuto Sapio Mukku,” a book format magazine series called Sapio
Mukku, on North Korea and Kim Jong Il.
恵谷治( 著 ).
世界危険情報大地図館. 東京: 小学館, 1996.
item_ID: 17957
Eya, Osamu (author).
Sekai Kiken Jōhō Dai Chizukan. Tōkyō: Shōgakukan, 1996, pp. 191.
A book on the world’s conflict-ridden areas. Sections of the book are devoted to North
Korea and its leaders.
346 ❖ 書籍 Books
金英達, 高柳俊男( 編 ).
北朝鮮帰国事業関係資料集. 東京都: 新幹社, 1995.
item_ID: 17958
Kim, Yondal and Takayanagi, Toshio (editors).
Kitachōsen Kikoku Jigyō Kankei Shinryōshū. Tokyo: Shinkansha, 1995, pp. 350.
A compilation of documents of the Government of Japan and the Japan Red Cross
pertaining to the Kitachōsen Kikoku Jigyō (the return of zainichi Koreans to North
田宮高麿さん追想出版委員会( 編 ).
回想 田宮高麿. 京都市: 紫翠会出版, 1997.
item_ID: 17959
Tamiya Takamaro-san Recollections Publishing Committee (editor).
Kaisō Tamiya Takamaro. Kyoto: Shisuikai Shuppan, 1997, pp. 302.
A book published in reaction to the death of Tamiya Takamaro. Essays contributed
by numerous individuals who personally knew Tamiya, including Yodogō members
and their wives.
田宮高麿( 著 )
!」の会( 編 ).
(未完).京都市: 紫翠会出版, 1996.
item_ID: 17960
Tamiya, Takamaro (author). ”Nihon no Jishu to Danketsu no Tame ni!” no Kai (editor).
Ikō “Minzokuron” (Mikan). Kyoto: Shisuikai Shuppan, 1996, pp. 238.
Posthumous publication of an essay by Tamiya Takamaro. Eulogies preface the publication. Takamiya’s bio and list of publications at the end of the book.
田宮高麿さん追想出版委員会( 編 ).
田宮高麿著作集: 第一集. 京都市: 紫翠会出版, 1997.
item_ID: 17961
Tamiya Takamaro-san Recollections Publishing Committee (editor).
Tamiya Takamaro Chosakushū: Dai 1shū. Kyoto: Shisuikai Shuppan, 1997, pp. 309.
Collection of essays written by Tamiya Takamaro. Tamiya’s bio and list of publications at the end. Endnote written by Konishi Takahiro.
金恵英( 著 ).栗原聡( 訳 ).
北朝鮮女優日記. 東京都: ザ・マサダ, 1999.
item_ID: 17962
Kim, Hae-Yong (author). Kurihara, Satoshi (translator).
Kitachōsen Joyū Nikki. Tokyo: Za Masada (The Massada), 1999, pp. 231.
Autobiography of a North Korean actress who defected to South Korea.
池田菊敏( 著 ).
金正日入門: 夢想国家の危険な指導者. 東京: 東洋経済新報社, 1994.
item_ID: 17963
Ikeda, Kikutoshi (author).
Kimu Jon’iru Nyūmon: Musō Kokka no Kiken na Shidōsha. Tōkyō: Tōyō Keizai Shinpōsha,
1994, pp. 217.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 347
Analysis of North Korea and Kim Jong Il based on manuscripts written by defectors
and interviews. Contains a chapter on human rights violations.
高英煥( 著 ).池田菊敏( 訳 ).
item_ID: 17964
亡命高官の見た金正日: 金王朝で何が起こっているのか?犯罪的独裁国家・北朝鮮の終末シナリ
オを読む. 東京: 徳間書店, 1995.
Ko Yonfan (author). Ikeda, Kikutoshi (translator).
Bōmei Kōkan no Mita Kimu Jon’iru: Kimu Ōchō de Naniga Okotteirunoka? Hanzaiteki Dokusai Kokka Kitachōsen no Shūmatsu Shinario o Yomu. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1995, pp. 205.
Analysis of Kim Jong Il written by a former North Korean diplomat who defected to
South Korea.
恵谷治( 著 ).
item_ID: 17965
ドキュメント 金日成の真実: 英雄伝説「1912年~1945年」
を踏査する. 東京: 毎日新聞
社 (東京), 1993.
Eya, Osamu (author).
Dokyumento Kimu Iruson no Shinjitsu: Eiyū Densetsu “1912nen - 1945nen” o Tōsa suru.
Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha (Tōkyō), 1993, pp. 310.
Historical analysis of the biography of Kim Il Sung.
林永宣( 著 ).池田菊敏( 訳 ).
item_ID: 17966
金王朝の極秘軍事機密: 北朝鮮軍将校の衝撃証言. 東京: 徳間書店, 1994.
Im, Yonson (author). Ikeda, Kikutoshi (translator).
Kimu Ōchō no Gokuhi Gunji Kimitsu: Kitachōsengun Shōkō no Shōgeki Shōgen. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1994, pp. 325.
Inside story of the North Korean military told by a former North Korean military
officer who defected to the South.
広河隆一( 著 ).
エイズからの告発. 東京: 徳間書店, 1996.
item_ID: 17967
Hirokawa, Ryūichi (author).
Eizu karano Kokuhatsu. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1996, pp. 255.
On structural causes that led to citizens being infected with AIDS through contaminated blood products. Included archival study on Unit 73, its doctors and affiliated
institutions, and traces their postwar trajectories.
金明哲( 著 ).
韓国崩壊: 金正日の軍事戦略. 東京都: 光人社, 1999.
item_ID: 17968
Kim, Myonchol (author).
Kankoku Hōkai: Kimu Jon’iru no Gunji Senryaku. Tokyo: Kōjinsha, 1999, pp. 246.
A book on North Korea’s military strategy.
348 ❖ 書籍 Books
黄長燁( 著 ).萩原遼( 訳 ).
金正日への宣戦布告: 黄長燁回顧録. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1999.
item_ID: 17969
Hwang, Jang-yeop (author). Hagiwara, Ryō (translator).
Kimu Jon’iru e no Sensen Fukoku: Fan Jan’yopu Kaikoroku. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1999, pp. 390.
Memoir written by a former aide of Kim Jong Il who defected to South Korea. First
hand accounts on Kim Jong Il’s autocracy.
金学俊( 著 ).李英( 訳 ).
金正日とコカコーラ. 東京: 作品社, 1995.
item_ID: 17970
Kim, Hak-chun (author). I, Yon (translator).
Kimu Jon’iru to Koka Kōra. Tōkyō: Sakuhinsha, 1995, pp. 238.
Analysis of Kim Jong Il political system written by a South Korean political scientist.
This is a Japanese translation of the original written in Korean.
申英姫( 著 ).金燦( 訳 ).
だった 下. 東京: 徳間書店, 1997.
item_ID: 17971
Shin, Yonghi (author). Kim, Chan (translator).
Watashi wa Kimu Jon’iru no “Odoriko” datta Ge. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1997, pp. 254.
Second volume of a two volume autobiography authored by a former dancer of “Group
of Pleasure.” Originally published in Korean in 1996. The collection also has both
volumes of the Korean original, items #1814 and #18185, but only this volume of the
Japanese translation.
落合信彦( 著 ).
金正日暗殺指令. 東京: 光文社, 1994.
item_ID: 17972
Ochiai, Nobuhiko (author).
Kimu Jon’iru Ansatsu Shirei. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1994, pp. 332.
Novel with a theme of the assassination of Kim Jong Il.
恵谷治( 著 ).
金正日・北朝鮮権力の実像. 東京: 時事通信社, 1995.
item_ID: 17973
Eya, Osamu (author).
Kimu Jon’iru Kitachōsen Kenryoku no Jitsuzō. Tōkyō: Jiji Tsūshinsha, 1995, pp. 230.
Book on the death of Kim Il Sung and the posthumous state of affairs. A chapter on
Kim Jong Il’s background, another chapter on his rivals.
金日成主席談話集. 東京: 読売新聞社, 1973.
item_ID: 17974
Kimu Iruson Shuseki Danwashū. Tōkyō: Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 1973, pp. 369.
Collection of briefings made by Kim Il Sung.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 349
斎藤一郎( 編 ).
item_ID: 17975
金日成の遺言: 元側近高官が暴露した独裁の真実. 東京都: たま出版, 1994.
Saitō, Ichirō (editor).
Kimu Iruson no Yuigon: Moto Sokkin ga Bakuro shita Dokusai no Shinjitsu. Tokyo: Tama
Shuppan, 1994, pp. 318.
Book on Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. Accounts on the personhood of Kim Jong Il
and Kim Il Sung, on autocracy by the Kim dynasty, on North Korean concentration
camp, among others.
大森実( 著 ).
item_ID: 17976
金日成と南朝鮮: 日米安保の標的・朝鮮緊張報告. 東京都: サイマル出版会, 1970.
Ōmori, Minoru (author).
Kimu Iruson to Minami Chōsen: Nichibei Anpo no Hyōteki Chōsen Kinchō Hōkoku. Tokyo:
Saimaru Shuppankai (The Simul Press), 1970, pp. 204.
Report on the state of military tension on the Korean peninsula. The book analyzes
the North Korean military strategy to unify the peninsula.
東亜日報, 韓国日報( 編 ).黄民基( 訳 ).
金日成 その衝撃の実態. 東京: 講談社, 1994.
item_ID: 17977
Tōa Nippō and South Korea Daily (editors). Hwang, Mingi (translator).
Kimu Iruson Sono Shōgeki no Jittai. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1994, pp. 482.
A book on Kim Il Sung, based on confessions of high ranking North Korean officials
who have fought the anti-Japanese struggles, experienced the Korean War, and survived the purge under the post war Kim Il Sung regime.
和田春樹( 著 ).
金日成と満州抗日戦争. 東京: 平凡社, 1992.
item_ID: 17978
Wada, Haruki (author).
Kimu Iruson to Manshū Kōnichi Sensō. Tōkyō: Heibonsha, 1992, pp. 414.
Historical study of the anti-Japanese struggles in Manchuria and Kim Il Sung.
檜山良昭( 著 ).
金日成の核ミサイル: 日本壊滅のシナリオ. 東京: 光文社, 1994.
item_ID: 17979
Hiyama, Yoshiaki (author).
Kimu Iruson no Kaku Misairu: Nihon Kaimetsu no Shinario. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1994, pp. 216.
A book on arms development in North Korea and simulations of a war on the Korean
peninsula and potential impacts on Japan.
趙廷來( 著 ).
太白山脈 第一巻: 白い花という名の巫堂. 東京都: ホーム社, 1999.
item_ID: 17980
350 ❖ 書籍 Books
Jo, JungRae (author).
Taihaku Sanmyaku Dai Ikkan: Shiroi Hana to iu na no Mūdan, 1. Tokyo: Hōmusha, 1999, pp. 413.
Volume 1 of a ten volume Korean novel translated into Japanese. Original title is
“Taebaek Sanmaek” by Jo JungRae. The collection only has this volume.
河合和男, 飛田雄一, 水野直樹, 宮嶋博史( 編 ).
item_ID: 17981
論集 朝鮮近現代史: 姜在彦先生古稀記念論文集. 東京: 明石書店, 1996.
Kawai, Kazuo; Hida, Yūichi; Mizuno, Naoki and Miyajima, Hiroshi (editors).
Ronshū Chōsen Kingendaishi: Kan Jeon Sensei Koki Kinen Ronbunshū. Tōkyō: Akashi Shoten, 1996, pp. 459.
Collection of essays on a variety of topics in early modern to contemporary history of
Korea. Chapters contributed by Japanese and Korean scholars of Korea and representatives of the Kobe Student Youth Center.
大江志乃夫( 著 ).
日本植民地探訪. 東京: 新潮社, 1998.
item_ID: 17982
Ōe ,Shinobu (author).
Nihon Shokuminchi Tanbō. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1998, pp. 492.
Essays on the land, people, and the political economy of former Japanese colonies
based on the author’s visit to these nations, including the Korean peninsula (North
Korea), Taiwan, Sakhalin, South Pacific, and Northeastern China.
田端能明( 著 ).
item_ID: 17983
朝の国からこんにちは: TVカメラマンが見た南北朝鮮の素顔. 東京都: 日本図書刊行会, 1993.
Tabata, Yoshiaki (author).
Asa no Kuni kara Kon’nichiwa: TV Kameraman ga Mita Nanboku Chōsen no Sugao. Tokyo:
Nihon Tosho Kankōkai, 1993, pp. 198.
An essay on the author’s visit to North Korea for twelve days in 1991.
李圭泰( 著 ).尹淑姫, 岡田聡( 訳 ).
韓国人の情緒構造. 東京: 新潮社, 1995.
item_ID: 17984
I, Gyute (author). Yun, Sukuhi and Okada, Satoshi (translators).
Kankokujin no Jōcho Kōzō. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1995, pp. 222.
A book on the structure of affects and emotions of the Korean people. The author,
who is an editorial writer and advisor of Chosun Daily, has another publication on
the “structure of consciousness” of the Korean people.
姜在彦( 著 ).
玄海灘に架けた歴史: 日朝関係の光と影. 大阪市: 大阪書籍, 1988.
item_ID: 17985
Kan, Jeon (author).
Genkainada ni Kaketa Rekishi: Nitchōkankei no Hikari to Kage. Ōsaka: Ōsaka Shoseki, 1988,
pp. 312.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 351
A book historically analyzing the ties between Japan and Korea, from the ancient
times to the middle ages and now in the contemporary era.
武貞秀士( 著 ).
防衛庁教官の北朝鮮深層分析. 東京都: KKベストセラーズ, 1998.
item_ID: 17986
Takesada, Hideshi (author).
Bōeichō Kyōkan no Kitachōsen Shinsō Bunseki. KK Besuto Serāzu, 1998, pp. 374.
A book on North Korea written by a researcher at the Defense Agency of Japan.
金賢姫( 著 ).池田菊敏( 訳 ).
忘れられない女: 李恩恵先生との二十ヶ月. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1995.
item_ID: 17988
Kim, Hyun-hee (author). Ikeda, Kikutoshi (translator).
Wasurerarenai Hito: Ri Une Sensei to no Nijukkagetsu. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1995, pp. 250.
Another autobiographical publication by Kim Hyun-hee. Accounts of Ri Une, or Taguchi Yaeko.
金賢姫( 著 ).池田菊敏( 訳 ).
いま、女として 上: 金賢姫全告白. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1992.
item_ID: 17989
Kim, Hyun-hee (author). Ikeda, Kikutoshi (translator).
Ima, Onna toshite Jō: Kimu Hyonhi Zen Kokuhaku, Jō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1992, pp. 302.
金賢姫( 著 ).池田菊敏( 訳 ).
いま、女として 下: 金賢姫全告白. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1991.
item_ID: 18084
Kim, Hyun-hee (author). Ikeda, Kikutoshi (translator).
Ima, Onna to shite Ge: Kimu Hyonhi Zen Kokuhaku, Ge. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1991, pp. 293.
Two volume autobiography of Kim Hyun-hee, who is one of the executors of the
KAL858 terrorist attack.
金賢姫( 著 ).池田菊敏( 訳 ).
愛を感じるとき. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1993.
item_ID: 18035
Kim, Hyun-hee (author). Ikeda, Kikutoshi (translator).
Ai o Kanjiru toki. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1993, pp. 277.
Sequel to “Ima, Onna to shite,” an autobiography written by Kim Hyun-Hee (Kimu
報道被害 11人の告発. 東京都: 創出版, 1991.
item_ID: 17990
Hōdō Higai 11nin no Kokuhatsu. Tokyo: Tsukuru Shuppan, 1991, pp. 239.
A book on damages and harms caused by the press. Includes a chapter written by
Yao Megumi.
落合信彦( 著 ).
38度線崩壊: 長編小説. 東京: 光文社, 1988.
item_ID: 17991
352 ❖ 書籍 Books
Ochiai, Nobuhiko (author).
38do sen Hōkai: Chōhen Shōsetsu. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1988, pp. 239.
A novel with the theme of conflict between North and South Korea.
佐々木祝雄( 著 ).
三十八度線. 神戸市: 全国引揚孤児育英援護会, 1958.
item_ID: 17992
Sasaki, Tokio (author).
38do sen. Kōbe: Zenkoku Hikiage Koji Ikuei Engokai, 1958, pp. 248.
Memoir of a Sumitomo Light Metal (Chōsen Sumitomo Keikinzoku) employee on
his experiences in North Korea and the process of escape from the peninsula in the
immediate postwar chaos. Praising accounts of the North Korean Communist Party
members and the Soviet military based on the author’s encounters with them.
飯室勝彦( 著 ).
社会部記者の事件記事考. 東京: 三一書房, 1990.
item_ID: 17993
Iimuro Katsuhiko (author).
Shakaibu Kisha no Jiken Kiji Kō. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1990, pp. 320.
On past defamation cases involving the press, authored by a newspaper journalist.
Sections devoted to press coverage of North Korea related spying activities in Japan.
東京弁護士会( 編 ).
取材される側の権利. 東京: 日本評論社, 1990.
item_ID: 17994
Tokyo Bengoshikai (editor).
Shuzai sareru gawa no Kenri. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1990, pp. 272.
A book on the rights of those covered by the press. Edited by the Tokyo Bar Association. Includes a chapter written by Yao Megumi.
富田和明( 著 ).
item_ID: 17996
豆満江に流る: 中国朝鮮族自治州・延吉下宿日記. 東京: 第三書館, 1993.
Tomida, Kazuaki (author).
Tomankō ni Nagaru: Chūgoku Chōsenzoku Jichishū Enkitsu Geshuku Nikki. Tōkyō: Daisan
Shokan, 1993, pp. 276.
Essay on the city and people of Yanji (Enkitsu), a Chinese town bordering North
Korea, by an author who lived there for ten months.
李進煕( 著 ).
item_ID: 17997
歴史紀行 高句麗・渤海を行く: 青丘文化叢書2. 東京都: 青丘文化社, 1997.
Ri, Jinhi (author).
Rekishi Kikō Kōkuri Bokkai o Yuku: Seikyū Bunka Sōsho 2. Tokyo: Seikyū Bunkasha, 1997,
pp. 269.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 353
Travel essay on the former Goguryeo area covering what is now North Korea and
China. Essays on the city of Ji’an and the Amnok river bordering China and North
国際関係共同研究所( 編 ).
北朝鮮: 世襲的社会主義の国. 東京都: 成甲書房, 1980.
item_ID: 17998
International Relations Joint Research Center (editor).
Kitachōsen: Seshūteki Shakaishugi no Kuni. Tokyo: Seikō Shobō, 1980, pp. 312.
A book on North Korea, analyzing its political economy, military, Chuche ideology,
diplomacy, unification, nepotism.
北川広和( 著 ).
南北朝鮮をどう読むか. 東京都: 緑風出版, 1997.
item_ID: 17999
Kitagawa, Hirokazu (author).
Nanboku Chōsen o Dou Yomuka. Tokyo: Ryokufū Shuppan, 1997, pp. 214.
A book analyzing North-South Korea relations.
聯合通信( 編 ).
北朝鮮労働者のシベリア脱出記. 東京: 三一書房, 1994.
item_ID: 18000
Rengō Tsūshin (editor).
Kitachōsen Rōdōsha no Shiberia Dasshutsuki. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1994, pp. 250.
A report on the North Korean logging workers sent to work in Siberia. Two chapters
devoted to everyday life in North Korea and the prison camps for political criminals.
Japanese translation of an original published in Korea.
高峻石( 著 ).
北朝鮮現代史入門. 東京: 批評社, 1988.
item_ID: 18001
Kō, Junsoku (author).
Kitachōsen Gendaishi Nyūmon. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 1988, pp. 295.
Introductory book on the postwar history of North Korea.
鐸木昌之( 著 ).
item_ID: 18002
北朝鮮 社会主義と伝統の共鳴: 東アジアの国家と社会3. 東京: 東京大学出版会, 1992.
Suzuki, Masayuki (author).
Kitachōsen Shakaishugi to Dentō no Kyōmei: Higashi Ajia no Kokka to Shakai 3. Tōkyō:
Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai, 1992, pp. 269.
A volume on North Korea, as part of a six volume series introducing the contemporary politics of six East Asian countries published by the University of Tokyo.
李忠烈( 著 ).朴美淑( 訳 ).
北朝鮮 見聞録: 旅行・完全マニュアル. 東京都: ラインブックス, 1998.
item_ID: 18003
354 ❖ 書籍 Books
I, Chunryol (author). Pak, Misuk (translator).
Kitachōsen Kenbunroku: Ryokō Kanzen Manyuaru. Tokyo: Rain Bukkusu, 1998, pp. 188.
Travel diary written by a South Korean novelist’s visit to North Korea. Original was
published in South Korea.
薩摩剣八郎( 著 ).
item_ID: 18004
ゴジラが見た北朝鮮 新装版. 東京都: ネスコ 日本映像出版株式会社, 1994.
Satsuma, Kenpachirō (author).
Gojira ga Mita Kitachōsen Shinsōban. Tokyo: NESCO Nihon Eizō Shuppan Kabushikigaisha,
1994, pp. 236.
Author is a known actor playing Godzilla in costume. The book is a story of the
author’s experience of spending several months in North Korea to play in a North
Korean film wearing a Godzilla-like monster costume.
池萬元( 著 ).
item_ID: 18005
北朝鮮 韓国からの極秘レポート: 198人北朝鮮要人経歴・ポストの全リスト公開!. 東京都:
ビジネス社, 1999.
Chi, Manwon (author).
Kitachōsen Kankoku kara no Gokuhi Repōto: 198nin Kitachōsen Yōjin Keireki Posuto no Zen
Risuto Kōkai! Tokyo: Bijinesusha, 1999, pp. 312.
A book on the political economy and military of North Korea, including a comprehensive list of high officials of the North Korean government.
朝鮮: チュチェの国.「朝鮮 チュチェの国」刊行委員会, 1982.
item_ID: 18006
Chōsen: Chuche no Kuni. “Chōsen Chuche no Kuni” Kankō Iinkai, 1982, pp. 231.
Collection of essays written on North Korea by individuals living in Osaka based on
their first hand experience visiting North Korea. The book was produced in celebration of Kim Il Sung’s 70th birthday.
( 著 ).
北朝鮮: 北東アジアの緊張. 東京: ダイヤモンド社, 1999.
item_ID: 18007
Sakurai, Yoshiko (author).
Kitachōsen: Hokutō Ajia no Kinchō. Tōkyō: Daiyamondosha, 1999, pp. 162.
Essays on North Korea politics, economy, and military in relation to Japan, in chronological order, from 1993 to 1999.
太平出版社( 編 ).
ルポルタージュ 新しい朝鮮から. 東京都: 太平出版社, 1972.
item_ID: 18008
Pacific Publications Company (editor).
Ruporutāju Atarashii Chōsen kara. Tokyo: Taihei Shuppansha, 1972, pp. 263.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 355
Collection of first-hand accounts of North Korea and Kim Il Sung, written by newspaper journalists, published as newspaper articles. Includes interviews with Kim
Il Sung.
関貴星( 著 ).
楽園の夢破れて. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1997.
item_ID: 18009
Seki, Takashi (author).
Rakuen no Yume Yaburete. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1997, pp. 211.
A reprint of the 1962 original publication (in collection Item ID 17912) from Zenbōsha,
with some modifications.
金満鉄( 著 ).柴田穂, 全富億( 訳 ).
item_ID: 18010
悪夢の北朝鮮: 亡命船「ズ・ダン」号が伝える謎の国の実態. 東京: 光文社, 1987.
Kim. Manchol (author). Shibata, Minoru and Chon, Buuk (translators).
Akumu no Kitachōsen: Bōmeisen “Zu Dan” Gō ga Tsutaeru Nazo no Kuni no Jittai. Tōkyō:
Kōbunsha, 1987, pp. 196.
Memoir written by a former North Korean doctor who escaped the country on the
ZU-DAN boat that washed ashore on northern Japanese coast in 1987. Stories of his
escape and his life in North Korea.
鈴木二郎, 隅谷三喜男, 宮崎繁樹( 編 ).
日本と朝鮮を考える. 二月社, 1978.
item_ID: 18011
Suzuki, Jirō; Sumiya, Mikio and Miyazaki, Shigeki (editors).
Nihon to Chōsen o Kangaeru. Nigatsusha, 1978, pp. 324.
A collection of essays on the unification of Korea, North Korean economy, U.S. policy
on the Korean peninsula, politics, security, religion, and economy of South Korea,
and US-Korea-Japan security relations.
萩原遼( 著 ).
「朝鮮戦争」取材ノート. 京都市: かもがわ出版, 1995.
item_ID: 18012
Hagiwara, Ryō (author).
“Chōsen Sensō” Shuzai Nōto. Kyoto: Kamogawa Shuppan, 1995, pp. 182.
A book on the author’s journey to investigate the postwar history of North Korea
and the outbreak process of the Korean War. The author lived in Washington D.C.
and travelled to Moscow, Tashkent, Beijing, Seoul, and L.A. The book includes his
interviews with former members of the North Korean military.
李命英( 著 ).
権力の歴史: 偽造された北朝鮮近代史. 東京都: 世界日報社, 1986.
item_ID: 18013
Ri, Myonyon (author).
Kenryoku no Rekishi: Gizō sareta Kitachōsen Kindaishi. Tokyo: Sekai Nippō sha, 1986, pp. 474.
356 ❖ 書籍 Books
A book on modern North Korean history written by a South Korean political scientist. The author analyzes the obscure identity of Kim Il Sung and the origin of the
North Korean government. This book is a Japanese translation of the original published in Korean.
裴淵弘( 著 ).
金賢姫の闇. 東京: 毎日新聞社 (東京), 1999.
item_ID: 18014
Be, Yonon (author).
Kimu Hyonhi no Yami. Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha (Tōkyō), 1999, pp. 186.
A book, written by a zainichi Korean, on the suspicions surrounding Kim Hyun-hee
(Kimu Hyonhi) and the KAL858 bombing incident in 1987.
黒田福美( 著 ).
ソウル・マイハート. 東京都: 草風館, 1988.
item_ID: 18015
Kuroda, Fukumi (author).
Souru Mai Hāto. Tokyo: Sōfūkan, 1988, pp. 226.
Author is an actress. This book is her travel essay based on her visit to South Korea.
アンドレ・ランコフ, 聯合通信( 著 ).
item_ID: 18016
平壌の我慢強い庶民たち: CIS(旧ソ連)大学教授の”平壌生活体験記”. 東京: 三一書房,
Rankov, Andrei and Rengō Tsūshin (authors).
Pyonyan no Gamanzuyoi Shomin tachi: CIS (Kyū Soren) Daigaku Kyōju no “Pyonyan Seikatsu
Taikenki”. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1994, pp. 244.
The author is a Russian professor. This is a book on his one year of experience living
in North Korea from 1984-1985.
深田祐介( 著 ).
暗闇商人 上. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1994.
item_ID: 18017
Fukada, Yūsuke (author).
Kurayami Shōnin Jō, Jō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1994, pp. 410.
深田祐介( 著 ).
暗闇商人 下. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1994.
item_ID: 18018
Fukada, Yūsuke (author).
Kurayami Shōnin Ge. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1994, pp. 407.
Novel drawing its theme from the abduction of Japanese by North Korea, in two
松本清張( 著 ).
北の詩人. 東京: 中央公論社, 1964.
Matsumoto Seichō (author).
Kita no Shijin. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1964, pp. 292.
item_ID: 18019
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 357
Novel featuring the life of Im In-sik, a left wing Korean poet who was persecuted in North Korea. The setting begins in 1945 South Korea immediately after the
水野直樹, 和田春樹( 編 ).
item_ID: 18020
朝鮮近現代史における金日成. 神戸市: 神戸学生青年センター出版部, 1996.
Mizuno, Naoki and Wada, Haruki (editors).
Chōsen Kingendaishi ni okeru Kimu Iruson. Kōbe: Kōbe Gakusei Seinen Sentā Shuppanbu,
1996, pp. 108.
This publication is a transcription of lectures given by speakers at the seminar with
the same title organized by the Kōbe Gakusei Seinen Sentā on October 29th, 1994.
宮塚利雄( 著 ).
北朝鮮観光. 東京都: JICC(ジック)出版局, 1992.
item_ID: 18021
Miyatsuka, Toshio (author).
Kitachōsen Kankō. Tokyo: JICC (Jikku) Shuppankyoku, 1992, pp. 225.
Travel notes on North Korea written by a North Korean specialist, based on his two
visits to North Korea in 1991.
今井道子, カモシカ同人隊( 著 ).
白頭山登頂記. 東京都: 朝日新聞社, 1987.
item_ID: 18022
Imai, Michiko and Wild Goat Club (authors).
Hakutōsan Tōchōki. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1987, pp. 209.
A travel note on North Korea, written by a Japanese medical doctor who is also
a mountaineer, on her experience of entering North Korea and climbing the three
great mountains including Baekdu Mountain.
木屋隆安( 著 ).
北朝鮮の悲劇:「金王朝」崩壊のシナリオ. 東京: 泰流社, 1986.
item_ID: 18023
Kiya, Takayasu (author).
Kitachōsen no Higeki: “Kimu Ōchō” Hōkai no Shinario. Tōkyō: Tairyūsha, 1986, pp. 181.
A book on Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, strained life circumstances of everyday North
Korean citizens, and the critique of North Korea by the Soviet Union and China.
横田早紀江( 著 ).
めぐみ、お母さんがきっと助けてあげる. 東京都: 草思社, 1999.
item_ID: 18024
Yokota, Sakie (author).
Megumi, Okaasan ga Kitto Tasukete ageru. Tokyo: Sōshisha, 1999, pp. 222.
Notes written by Yokota Sakie, the mother of Yokota Megumi.
李鍾學( 著 ).辺真一( 訳 ).
item_ID: 18025
韓国人の私が韓国をキライになった48の理由. 東京都: ザ・マサダ, 1998.
358 ❖ 書籍 Books
I, Jong-Hak (author). Pyon, Jin’il (translator).
Kankokujin no Watashi ga Kankoku o Kirai ni Natta 48 no Riyū. Tokyo: Za Masada (The
Massada), 1998, pp. 221.
Critique of South Korean nation and culture, written by a South Korean writer.
Original was published in Korean. Translated by Byon Jin’iru.
猪狩章( 著 ).
北朝鮮神話と日本. 東京: 情報センター出版局, 1994.
item_ID: 18026
Ikari, Akira (author).
Kitachōsen Shinwa to Nihon. Tōkyō: Jōhō Sentā Shuppankyoku, 1994, pp. 270.
Analysis on North Korea’s post-Kim Il Sung condition and its issues.
山本展男( 著 ).
肉眼で見た北朝鮮. 東京: 毎日新聞社 (東京), 1993.
item_ID: 18027
Yamamoto, Nobuo (author).
Nikugan de Mita Kitachōsen. Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha (Tōkyō), 1993, pp. 223.
Travel diary on North Korea, written by a Mainichi Shimbun editorialist who visited
North Korea for two weeks in 1991.
張明秀( 著 ).
item_ID: 18028
徐勝 「英雄」にされた北朝鮮のスパイ: 金日成親子の犯罪を隠した日本の妖怪たち. 東京都: 宝
島社, 1994.
Chan, Myonsu (author).
So Sun “Eiyū” ni sareta Kitachōsen no Supai: Kimu Iruson Oyako no Hanzai o Kakushita Nihon no Yōkaitachi. Tokyo: Takarajimasha, 1994, pp. 237.
A book on So Sun. Focus on how the Japanese “left” such as particular scholars,
political parties, and media portrayed So Sun as an “innocent victim.” Author is a
former Sōren high official.
ジョゼフ S.バーミューデス
( 著 ).高井三郎( 訳 ).
北朝鮮軍: 世界最大の特殊部隊. 東京都: 原書房, 1989.
item_ID: 18029
Bermudez, Jr., Joseph S. (author). Takai, Mitsuo (translator).
Kitachōsengun: Sekai Saidai no Tokushu Butai. Tokyo: Hara Shobō, 1989, pp. 207.
Japanese translation of an English original on the North Korean special forces.
( 著 ).仙名紀( 訳 ).
item_ID: 18030
誰がテポドン開発を許したか: クリントンのもう一つの”失敗”. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1999.
Gertz, Bill (author). Senna, Osamu (translator).
Dare ga Tepodon Kaihatsu o Yurushitaka: Kurinton no Mō hitotsu no “Shippai”. Tōkyō:
Bungei Shunjū, 1999, pp. 335.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 359
A book on North Korea and its military power including its nuclear weapons. Japanese translation of an English original titled “Betrayal.”
山本皓一( 著 ).
item_ID: 18031
写真追跡 知られざる板門店: 43年前の未公開カラー発掘. 東京: 講談社, 1994.
Yamamoto, Kōichi (author).
Shashin Tsuiseki Shirarezaru Hanmonten: 43nen mae no Mikōkai Karā Hakkutsu. Tōkyō:
Kōdansha, 1994, pp. 211.
The author travels to the U.S., South Korea, and Australia to discover the stories
behind color positive films of Panmunjom truce talks taken in early 1950s by a U.S.
Navy officer. Includes photographic images of North Korean military officials.
藤島宇内( 著 ).
item_ID: 18032
ドキュメント 朝鮮人: 日本現代史の暗い影. 東京都: 日本読書新聞出版部, 1965.
Fujishima, Udai (author).
Dokyumento Chōsenjin: Nihon Gendaishi no Kurai Kage. Tokyo: Nihon Dokusho Shinbun
Shuppanbu, 1965, pp. 297.
On the history of Japan-Korea relations. From the colonization of Korea in the late
19th century, the Pacific War, and the postwar discrimination against zainichi
貴司山治, 中沢啓作( 編 ).
間島パルチザンの歌: 槙村浩詩集. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1964.
item_ID: 18033
Kishi, Yamaji and Nakazawa, Keisaku (editors).
Kantō Paruchizan no Uta: Makimura Kō Shishū. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1964, pp. 193.
Collection of poems by the Japanese Marxist Makimura Kō. Includes his poem
“Kantō (Kando) Paruchizan” featuring the anti-imperialism struggles waged by the
Koreans. Kim Il Sung is said to have been a leading figure of this Korean partisan
藤島宇内( 編 ).
今日の朝鮮. 東京: 三省堂, 1976.
item_ID: 18034
Fujishima, Udai (editor).
Konnichi no Choson. Tōkyō: Sanseidō, 1976, pp. 282.
Collection of essays on North Korea contributed by authors, including politicians,
scholars, and commentators, who have visited North Korea.
中川信夫( 編 ).
item_ID: 18036
疑惑の「真由美事件」:あの大韓機はどこへ行った?. 東京: 柘植書房, 1988.
Nakagawa, Nobuo (editor).
Giwaku no “Mayumi Jiken”: Ano Daikanki wa Doko e Itta?. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1988, pp. 250.
360 ❖ 書籍 Books
A book identifying the mysteries behind the disappearance of KAL858 in to November 1987 and Kim Hyun-Hee (Kimu Hyonhi) who confessed the bombing of the plane.
斎藤正直( 編 ).
朝鮮訪問記: 未来にはばたくチュチェの国. 東京都: そしえて, 1982.
item_ID: 18037
Saitō, Masanao (editor).
Chōsen Hōmonki: Mirai ni Habataku Chuche no Kuni. Tokyo: Soshiete, 1982, pp. 285.
Collection of travel essays on North Korea written by Japanese intellectuals who
have visited the country.
姜東鎮( 著 ).
item_ID: 18038
日本言論界と朝鮮 1910-1945. 東京都: 法政大学出版局, 1984.
Kan, Donjin (author).
Nihon Genronkai to Chōsen 1910-1945. Tokyo: Hōsei Daigaku Shuppankyoku, 1984, pp. 374.
Discourse analyses on how Japanese newspapers framed the annexation of Korea
and the colonial policies.
瀬田宏( 著 ).
朝鮮戦争の6日間: 国連安保理と舞台裏. 東京都: 六興出版, 1988.
item_ID: 18039
Seta, Hiroshi (author).
Chōsen Sensō no Muikakan: Kokuren Anpori to Butaiura. Tokyo: Rokkō Shuppan, 1988, pp. 281.
A book portraying the politics behind the Korean War. Examination of the U.N. Security Council meetings on the Korean War.
萩原遼( 著 ).
ソウルと平壌. 東京: 大月書店, 1994.
item_ID: 18040
Hagiwara, Ryō (author).
Souru to Pyonyan. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1994, pp. 175.
A comparison of North and South Korea, based on the author’s experiences of residing in the two countries. The author resided in North Korea 1972-73 for one year as
correspondent for the Japanese Communist Party newspaper Akahata, and visited
South Korea for a month in Sept. 1988.
ニム・ウェイルズ( 著 ).安藤次郎( 訳 ).
アリランの歌. 東京: みすず書房, 1970.
item_ID: 18041
Wales, Nym (author). Andō, Jirō (translator).
Ariran no Uta. Tōkyō: Misuzu Shobō, 1970, pp. 282.
A documentary of a Korean revolutionary named Kim San (Chiang Ming, Chiang
Chi-rak). Original publication is in English, 1941. Japanese translation was first
published in 1953 by Asahi Shobō. This item is a reprint of the 1953 publication with
some revisions.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 361
李静和( 著 ).
item_ID: 18042
つぶやきの政治思想: 求められるまなざし・かなしみへの、そして秘められたものへの. 東京: 青
土社, 1998.
Lee, Chong Hwa (author).
Tsubuyaki no Seiji Shisō: Motomerareru Manazashi Kanashimi e no, Soshite Himerareta
Mono e no. Tōkyō: Seidosha, 1998.
Essay written by Lee Chong Hwa on memory, colonialism, post colonialism and the
history and lives of Koreans, Japanese, zainichi Koreans, comfort women.
若林凞( 著 ).
item_ID: 18043
朝鮮問題ノート: 朝鮮と日本の労働者階級. 東京都: 国際労働運動研究協会, 1979.
Wakabayashi, Hiroshi (author).
Chōsen Mondai Nōto: Chōsen to Nihon no Rōdōsha Kaikyū. Tokyo: Kokusai Rōdō Undō
Kenkyū Kyōkai, 1979, pp. 204.
A book constituted of three chapters: on North Korea based on the author’s visit to
the country; on “Minami Chōsen” and the working conditions of its people; on the
place of “korean issues” in the Japanese mind. Authored by a former Sōhyō official.
朴斗鎮( 著 ).
item_ID: 18044
北朝鮮 その世襲的個人崇拝思想: キム・イルソン主体思想の歴史と真実. 東京都: 社会批評社,
Pak, Tujin (author).
Kitachōsen Sono Seshūteki Kojin Sūhai Shisō: Kimu Iruson Chuche Shisō no Rekishi to Shinjitsu. Tokyo: Shakai Hihyōsha, 1999, pp. 194.
Analysis of the Chuche ideology and its relation to autocracy and the degeneration of
Chōsen Sōren. Authored by a former professor of Chōsen Daigakukō.
金成植( 著 ).金学鉉( 訳 ).
抗日韓国学生運動史. 東京都: 高麗書林, 1974.
item_ID: 18045
Kim, Sonshiku (author). Kim, Hakuhyon (translator).
Kōnichi Kankoku Gakusei Undōshi. Tokyo: Kōrai Shorin, 1974, pp. 323.
Analysis on the struggles for independence undertaken by students in Korea under
Japanese colonial rule.
池萬元( 著 ).李昞珠( 訳 ).
北朝鮮と永久分断せよ. 東京: 徳間書店, 1999.
item_ID: 18046
Chi, Manwon (author). Ri, Heiju (translator).
Kitachōsen to Eikyū Bundan seyo. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1999, pp. 238.
A publication proposing a permanent separation of North and South Korea. Authored by a South Korean military analyst.
362 ❖ 書籍 Books
朴日粉( 編 ).
item_ID: 18047
明日に向かって: 日本人のみた素顔の朝鮮と金日成主席. 東京: 彩流社, 1987.
Pak, Irubun (editor).
Asu ni Mukatte: Nihonjin no Mita Sugao no Chōsen to Kimu Iruson Shuseki. Tōkyō: Sairyūsha,
1987, pp. 156.
Author’s interview with Japanese scholars and politicians who have visited North
Korea. Particularly noteworthy is the author’s interview with former Japanese imperial army officers on their experiences of facing Kim Il Sung’s partisan force. Includes first hand accounts of their interaction with Kim Il Sung.
深田祐介( 著 ).
鍵は朝鮮半島にあり!. 東京: 小学館, 1997.
item_ID: 18048
Fukada, Yūsuke (author).
Kagi wa Chōsen Hantō ni Ari! Tōkyō: Shōgakukan, 1997, pp. 254.
A book on the North-South Korean military tension and coflict. Interviews with defectors from the North.
朝鮮史研究会, 旗田巍( 編 ).
入門 朝鮮の歴史. 東京: 三省堂, 1991.
item_ID: 18049
Korean History Research Group and Hatada, Takashi (editors).
Nyūmon Chōsen no Rekishi. Tōkyō: Sanseidō, 1991, pp. 254.
History of Korea. Edited by Chōsenshi Kenkyūkai with the hopes for a unified Korea.
安明進( 著 ).金燦( 訳 ).
北朝鮮拉致工作員. 東京: 徳間書店, 1998.
item_ID: 18050
An, Myonjin (author). Kim, Chan (translator).
Kitachōsen Rachi Kōsakuin. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1998, pp. 278.
A confession by a former North Korean espionage agent who defected to the South.
On the espionage tactics and strategies. Includes chapters on how North Korean
agents have kidnapped Japanese.
恵谷治( 著 ).
item_ID: 18051
北朝鮮 対日謀略白書: 金正日が送り込む特殊工作員によるスパイ活動全記録. 東京: 小学館,
Eya, Osamu (author).
Kitachōsen Tainichi Bōryaku Hakusho: Kimu Jon’iru ga Okurikomu Tokushu Kōsakuin ni
yoru Supai Katsudō Zenkiroku. Tōkyō: Shōgakukan, 1999, pp. 350.
A comprehensive report on North Korean espionage activities in Japan. Includes
confessions by former agents active in Japan on the methods of spying activities,
case studies of abduction incidents, among others.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 363
萩原遼( 著 ).
北朝鮮に消えた友と私の物語. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1998.
item_ID: 18052
Hagiwara, Ryō (author).
Kitachōsen ni Kieta Tomo to Watashi no Monogatari. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1998, pp. 398.
Non fiction story of the author’s search for his high school classmate, an escapee
from Chejudo who later entered North Korea with the hopes of constructing a socialist state. Author is a former Akahata newspaper correspondent in North Korea.
Chapter on the relations between Japanese Communist Party and North Korea.
洪蘭淑( 著 ).林四郎( 訳 ).
わが父 文鮮明の正体. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1998.
item_ID: 18053
Hong, Nansook (author). Hayashi, Shirō (translator).
Waga Chichi Mun Sonmyon no Shōtai. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1998, pp. 306.
Inside story on Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church, told by the wife of the
first son of Moon who broke away from the Church.
清水哲男( 著 ).
熱風共和国. 京都市: かもがわ出版, 1995.
item_ID: 18054
Shimizu, Tetsuo (author).
Neppū Kyōwakoku. Kyoto: Kamogawa Shuppan, 1995, pp. 203.
A fictional story of zainichi Korean life in1960s Kyoto, told through the eyes of an
elementary school group of buddies. One of the zainichi Korean friends moves to
North Korea.
落合信彦( 著 ).
北朝鮮の正体: 地球上最後の時限爆弾. 東京都: ザ・マサダ, 1994.
item_ID: 18057
Ochiai, Nobuhiko (author).
Kitachōsen no Shōtai: Chikyūjō Saigo no Jigen Bakudan. Tokyo: Za Masada (The Massada),
1994, pp. 284.
Essays on North Korea, including confessions made by North Korean defectors.
Chapters on Kim Jong Il, economy, military, Chōsen Sōren, among others.
金学俊( 著 ).李英( 訳 ).
北朝鮮五十年史:「金日成王朝」の夢と現実. 東京都: 朝日新聞社, 1997.
item_ID: 18058
Kim, Hak-chun (author). I, Yon (translator).
Kitachōsen Gojūnenshi: “Kimu Iruson Ōchō” no Yume to Genjitsu. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha,
1997, pp. 494.
A 23 chapter, comprehensive historical analysis of North Korea, written by a South
Korean political scientist. Begins with the origin of communist movement on the
peninsula, and ends with the reign of Kim Jong Il.
364 ❖ 書籍 Books
張貞任( 著 ).金知栄( 訳 ).
あなた 朝鮮の十字架よ. 東京都: 影書房, 1992.
item_ID: 18059
Chang, Chong Im (author). Kim, Jiyon (translator).
Anata Chōsen no Jūjikayo. Tokyo: Kage Shobō, 1992, pp. 221.
Collection of poetry, turning the experiences of Korean comfort women and their han
into verses. Japanese translation of an original in Korean.
石井一( 著 ).
item_ID: 18060
近づいてきた遠い国: 金丸訪朝団の証言. 東京都: 日本生産性本部, 1991.
Ishii, Hajime (author).
Chikazuitekita Tōi Kuni: Kanemaru Hōchōdan no Shōgen. Tokyo: Nihon Seisansei Honbu,
1991, pp. 242.
Process of the diplotmatic re-opening between Japan and North Korea. Authored by
a Liberal Democratic Party politician who organized the LDP representatives’ visit
to North Korea.
アエラ編集部( 著 ).
北朝鮮・亡命者五十人の証言. 東京都: 朝日新聞社, 1995.
item_ID: 18061
Aera Editiorial Bureau (author).
Kitachōsen Bōmeisha Gojūnin no Shōgen. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1995, pp. 246.
Collection of interviews with North Korean defectors to South Korea by Japanese
神谷不二( 著 ).
朝鮮半島論. 京都: PHP研究所, 1994.
item_ID: 18062
Kamiya, Fuji (author).
Chōsen Hantō Ron. Kyōto: PHP Kenkyūjo, 1994, pp. 315.
This is an updated and revised edition of “Chōsen Hantō de Okitakoto Okirukoto”
published in 1991 by the same author. Chapters on various issues observed on the
Korean peninsula, including the death of Kim Il Sung, North-South Korea relations,
democratization of South Korea, among others.
辺真一( 著 ).
item_ID: 18063
北朝鮮 100の新常識:「対日工作」から
まで. 東京都: ザ・マサダ, 1999.
Pyon, Jin’il (author).
Kitachōsen 100 no Shinjōshiki: “Tainishi Kōsaku” kara “Kaku Misairu” made. Tokyo: Za Masada (The Massada), 1999, pp. 242.
Fact book on North Korea. The book is organized by a list of short questions and
answers on topics such as spying activities in Japan, nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, North-South military conflict, and Kim Jong Il.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 365
赤旗編集局( 編 ).
北朝鮮 覇権主義への反撃. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1992.
item_ID: 18064
Akahata Editorial Section (editor).
Kitachōsen Haken Shugi e no Hangeki. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1992, pp. 125.
Compilation of series of articles originally published in the Japan Communist Party
newspaper “Akahata,” titled “Kitachōsen no Yaban na Hakenshugi e no Hangeki” in
1992. The publication shows the JCP’s position regarding North Korea, framing the
state as hegemonic. JCP’s historical relation with North Korea is addressed by six
officials of the JCP.
趙甲済( 著 ).池田菊敏( 訳 ).
item_ID: 18065
深層取材 金賢姫は告白する: 大韓機爆破500日後の胸の内. 東京: 徳間書店, 1989.
Chō, Kapche (author). Ikeda, Kikutoshi (translator).
Shinsō Shuzai Kimu Hyonhi wa Kokuhaku suru: Daikanki Bakuha 500 nichi go no Mune no
Uchi. Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten, 1989, pp. 238.
The book documents Kim Hyun-hee’s life history, based on the author’s interview
with her for four days, totaling twenty hours. References to Ri Une (I Une).
全富億( 著 ).
北朝鮮の女スパイ. 東京: 講談社, 1994.
item_ID: 18066
Chon, Buuk (author).
Kitachōsen no Onna Supai. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1994, pp. 260.
A book documenting North Korean espionage activities in Japan and South Korea.
The author examines the strategies and tactics of spying used by North Korean
金元祚( 著 ).
凍土の共和国: 北朝鮮幻滅紀行. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1992.
item_ID: 18067
Kim, Wonjo (author).
Tōdo no Kyōwakoku: Kitachōsen Genmetsu Kikō. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1992, pp. 347.
Story of bitter disillusionment with the North Korean regime, narrated by a zainichi
North Korean after his first visit to the North in 1982. This is the author’s travel diary on his 40-day trip to visit his family members who had returned to the North in
the 1960s. The author was an active Sōren member until he became critical of the
Kim Il Sung regime.
朴甲東( 著 ).
北朝鮮 血と嘘と断末魔. 東京都: KKベストセラーズ, 1998.
item_ID: 18068
Park Gabdong (author).
Kitachōsen Chi to Uso to Danmatsuma. KK Besuto Serāzu, 1998, pp. 206.
A book documenting the “reality” of North Korean politics, economy, and everyday
life of its people. The author is a former leader of the Minami Chōsen Rōdōtō until he
was imprisoned by Kim Il Sung during the purge.
366 ❖ 書籍 Books
李英和( 著 ).
北朝鮮収容所半島. 東京: 小学館, 1995.
item_ID: 18069
Lee, Yong-hwa (author).
Kitachōsen Shūyōjo Hantō. Tōkyō: Shōgakukan, 1995, pp. 251.
A book on North Korea, Chōsen Sōren, and zainichi Koreans. The author is a third
generation zainichi Korean scholar. He took an eight-month leave from his position at Kansai University and went to study in North Korea in 1991 (published as
“Kitachōsen Himitsu Shūkai no Yoru” (in collection: Item ID 17202)). The book begins with an autobiographical note on his relationship with zainichi Korean organizations. The author then takes a critical look into the lives of those who moved from
Japan to North Korea during the “kikoku undō,” and the role of Sōren in it.
西田哲雄( 著 ).
虚構の映像: 申相玉・崔銀姫事件の真相. 東京: 批評社, 1988.
item_ID: 18070
Nishida, Tetsuo (author).
Kyokō no Eizō: Shin San’oku Che Uni Jiken no Shinsō. Tōkyō: Hihyōsha, 1988, pp. 235.
A book on a series of incidents concerning the film director Shin San’oku and his
wife and actress Che Uni. A book disecting the puzzles, fabrications, and deceptions
behind the incidents.
李升基( 著 ).在日本朝鮮人科学者協会翻訳委員会( 訳 ).
ある朝鮮人科学者の手記. 東京: 未来社, 1969.
item_ID: 18071
Ri, Shōki (author). Korean Resident Scientists Association Translation Committee (translator).
Aru Chōsenjin Kagakusha no Shuki. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1969, pp. 222.
Autobiography of a Jeonnam-born scientist who studied in Japan. He moved to
South Korea and then to the North during the Korean War, since then spending his
life as a scientist in North Korea. Phrases that exemplify a North Korean patriot
used throughout the book.
磯谷季次( 著 ).
わが青春の朝鮮. 東京都: 影書房, 1984.
item_ID: 18072
Isogaya, Sueji (author).
Waga Seishun no Chōsen. Tokyo: Kage Shobō, 1984, pp. 421.
Autobiography. This publication is a revised version of his two earlier publications
“Shokuminchi no Goku”(1949) and “Chōsen Shūsenki” (1980). The author depicts
his participation in the anti-colonialism struggles and subsequent imprisonment.
He then describes the lives of Japanese under the postwar chaos on the peninsula.
朝鮮時報編集部( 編 ).
item_ID: 18073
いま、なぜ朝鮮総聯弾圧か:「朝鮮有事」ー派兵準備急ぐ日本. 東京: 朝鮮青年社, 1994.
Chosen News Editorial Section (editor).
Ima, Naze Chōsen Sōren Dan’atsu ka: “Chōsen Yūji” - Hahei Junbi Isogu Nihon. Tōkyō: Chōsen
Seinensha, 1994, pp. 47.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 367
A booklet reporting on and criticizing the police raid of Chōsen Sōren Osaka head
office in April 1994.
麻生幾( 著 ).
宣戦布告 上. 東京: 講談社, 1998.
item_ID: 18074
Asō, Iku (author).
Sensen Fukoku Jō, Jō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1998, pp. 326.
Espionage novel. North Korean special forces enter northern Japan on a submarine.
中薗英助( 著 ).
在日朝鮮人: 70年代日本の原点. 東京都: 財界展望新社, 1971.
item_ID: 18075
Nakazono, Eisuke (author).
Zainichi Chōsenjin: 70nendai Nihon no Genten. Tokyo: Zaikai Tenbō Shinsha, 1971, pp. 287.
Essays on zainichi Koreans, written by an author known for his works on the abduction of Kim Dae-jung and espionage activities. Discussion of the history and present
state of zainichi Korean issues in Japan.
朴甲東( 著 ).植田剛彦( 編 ).
北朝鮮 最後の選択. 東京: 講談社, 1997.
item_ID: 18076
Park Gabdong (author). Ueda, Takahiko (editor).
Kitachōsen Saigo no Sentaku. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1997, pp. 255.
Analysis and critique of the Kim Jong Il regime, made by the Chōsen Minshu Tōitsu
Kyūkoku Sensen. Reference made to the issue of returning Japanese citizens abducted to the North.
李佑泓( 著 ).
暗愚の共和国: 北朝鮮工業の奇怪. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1993.
item_ID: 18078
I, Uhon (author).
Angu no Kyōwakoku: Kitachōsen Kōgyō no Kikai. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1993, pp. 382.
A book on the status quo of industrial development in North Korea. The author
looks critically into various industries such as mining, metal, chemical, machinery,
and construction. The author also examines the infrastructural flaws in electricity.
A chapter on industrial pollution as well. The author is a zainichi Korean who has
served in an official position in Sōren. This publication demonstrates a critical stance
taken against the North Korean authoritarian regime by a zainichi North Korean.
朴春仙( 著 ).
item_ID: 18079
北朝鮮よ、銃殺した兄を返せ!: ある在日朝鮮人女性による執念の告発. 東京都: ザ・マサダ,
Pak, Chunson (author).
Kitachōsen yo, Jūsatsu shita Ani o Kaese!: Aru Zainichi Chōsenjin Josei ni yoru Shūnen no
Kokuhatsu. Tokyo: Za Masada (The Massada), 1994, pp. 252.
368 ❖ 書籍 Books
An autobiography of a second generation zainichi Korean woman. Her older brother
and sister returned to North Korea. While the author remained in Japan, a North
Korean espionage agent approached her. The author then visited North Korea to
find out that her older brother no longer was alive. Her entire life experience and
process is narrated. Afterword by Ri Yonfa.
( 編 ).黄民基( 訳 ).
北朝鮮大動乱. 東京: 講談社, 1994.
item_ID: 18080
Chosun Ilbo “Wolgan Chosun” (editor).Hwang, Mingi (translator).
Kitachōsen Daidōran. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1994, pp. 545.
Japanese translation of one volume of the trilogy on North Korea edited by the South
Korean monthly magazine “Gekkan Chōsen (Wolgan Choson).” Detailed research on
a broad range of phenomena in North Korea that points to its debacle. Analysis of
the Kim Jung Il regime.
林誠宏( 著 ).
item_ID: 18081
裏切られた革命: ー私はなぜ金日成主義批判を書くかー. 京都市: 啓文社, 1991.
Rin, Songwan (author).
Uragirareta Kakumei: -Watashi wa Naze Kimu Iruson Shugi Hihan o Kakuka-. Kyoto: Keibunsha, 1991, pp. 463.
This book is a reprint of two earlier works published by the author combined into one
book: “Uragirareta Kakumei (Item ID 17931)” and “Watashi wa Naze Kimu Iruson
Shugi Hihan o Kakuka (Item ID 17916).”
林誠宏( 著 ).林誠宏( 訳 ).
あばかれた掟: 朝鮮労働党の十大原則・他. 京都市: 啓文社, 1983.
item_ID: 18082
Rin, Songwan (author). Rin, Songwan (translator).
Abakareta Okite: Chōsen Rōdōtō no Jūdai Gensoku / Hoka. Kyoto: Keibunsha, 1983, pp. 328.
The first half of the book is a Japanese translation of Kim Il Sung-ism theses and
statements issued by Chōsen Rōdōtō, Chōsen Shimpō, and Chōsen Sōren. The second
half of the book contains a series of letters sent to the author by the public who have
read his published work. Author’s critical view towards the North Korean regime is
further manifest in his responses to the letters.
アレクサンドル・ジェービン( 著 ).川合渙一( 訳 ).
item_ID: 18083
私が見た金王朝:「タス通信」平壌特派員八年間の記録. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1992.
Zhebin, Alexander (author). Kawai, Kan’ichi (translator).
Watashi ga Mita Kimu Ōchō: “Tasu Tsūshin” Pyonyan Tokuhain Hachinenkan no Kiroku.
Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1992, pp. 318.
A book on North Korean politics, economy, and society authored by the TASS News
Agency correspondent in Pyongyang who lived as a journalist in the country for eight
years. Abundant inside stories on the North Korean regime.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 369
( 著 ).内山敏( 訳 ).
ふたたび朝鮮で. 東京: 紀伊國屋書店, 1968.
item_ID: 18086
Burchett, Wilfred G. (author). Uchiyama, Tsutomu (translator).
Futatabi Chōsen de. Tōkyō: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1968, pp. 240.
Japanese translation of “Again Korea” by the journalist Wilfred G. Burchett. He revisits North Korea 14 years after he covered the Korean War armistice negotiations
from the North. Writing during the Vietnam war, the author draws an analogy between the Korean War and the Vietnam War. While Vietnam has become the second
Korean peninsula, the strifes bordering the 38th parrallel engenders the possibility
of the peninsula becoming the second Vietnam. The author investigates the hidden
stories behind the Korean war armistice negotiations to possibly draw a lesson to be
applied to the coming Vietnam War peace negotiations.
李賢世( 著 ).岡田理, 柳連淑, 権在玉( 訳 ).
純姫(スニ)上巻: ソウルに生きた女の物語. 東京都: 三修社, 1990.
item_ID: 18087
I, Hyonse (author). Okada, Osamu; Yu, Yonsuk; and Kwon, Cheok (translators).
Suni Jōkan: Souru ni Ikita Onna no Monogatari, Jō. Tokyo: Sanshūsha, 1990, pp. 365.
李賢世( 著 ).岡田理, 柳連淑, 権在玉( 訳 ).
純姫(スニ) 下巻: ソウルに生きた女の物語. 東京都: 三修社, 1990.
item_ID: 18088
I, Hyonse (author). Okada, Osamu; Yu, Yonsuk; and Kwon, Cheok (translators).
Suni Gekan: Souru ni Ikita Onna no Monogatari, Ge. Tokyo: Sanshūsha, 1990, pp. 293.
Japanese translation of a Korean manga in two volumes.
林隠( 著 ).
北朝鮮王朝成立秘史: 金日成正伝. 東京都: 自由社, 1982.
item_ID: 18089
Rin, In (author).
Kitachōsen Ōchō Seiritsu Hishi: Kimu Iruson Seiden. Tokyo: Jiyūsha, 1982, pp. 302.
Genealogical study on the emergence of the Kim Il Sung regime, based on first hand
accounts and historical documents, written by a North Korean communist who has
defected to the Soviet Union.
喜田村洋一( 著 ).
報道被害者と報道の自由. 東京都: 白水社, 1999.
item_ID: 18090
Kitamura, Yōichi (author).
Hōdō Higaisha to Hōdō no Jiyū. Tokyo: Hakusuisha, 1999, pp. 214.
A book on freedom of the press and harms caused by the press. Comparative analysis
drawing cases from the U.S. and Japan. A section on the Yao Megumi incident.
林誠宏( 編 ).
鼎談 望郷の嘆き: 北朝鮮在住の日本人妻たち. 京都市: 啓文社, 1990.
item_ID: 18091
370 ❖ 書籍 Books
Rin, Songwan (editor).
Teidan Bōkyō no Nageki: Kitachōsen Zaijū no Nihonjinzuma tachi. Kyoto: Keibunsha, 1990,
pp. 171.
A book discussing the issue of Japanese wives of zainichi North Koreans who have
moved to the North accompanying their husbands and ever since have been denied
the right to travel between Japan and North Korea. The book takes the form of a discussion between three individuals: the author, a former officer of Sōren, and Ikeda
Fumiko, who have been organizing campaigns to have these Japanese wives attain
the right to free travel between Japan and North Korea.
寺尾五郎( 著 ).
朝鮮 その北と南. 東京: 新日本出版社, 1965.
item_ID: 18092
Terao, Gorō (author).
Chōsen Sono Kita to Minami. Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1965, pp. 349.
A sequel to the 1958 publication “38do sen no Kita (Item ID 17913). The author revisits North Korea again in 1960. Not a mere documentation of observations from
his trip, but a collection of essays on various issues in North Korea, on South Korea,
and Japan-Korea relations.
林誠宏( 著 ).
item_ID: 18093
殉教者たちの終焉: 父・林尊康の生涯と素顔の日朝交流私史. 東京都: 人間の科学社, 1996.
Rin, Songwan (author).
Junkyōsha tachi no Shūen: Chichi Rin Sonkō no Shōgai to Sugao no Nicchō Kōryū Shishi.
Tokyo: Ningen no Kagakusha, 1996, pp. 238.
Rin Songwan narrating the life story of his father, a zainich Korean who was one of
the founding members of Chōren (Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Renmei; Choryon).
魯樹旼( 著 ).梁泰昊( 訳 ).
ソウル 火の海. 東京: 光文社, 1994.
item_ID: 18094
Noh, Soo Min (author). Yang, Tae Ho (translator).
Souru Hi no Umi. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1994, pp. 283.
A Japanese translation of an award winning South Korean novel. The book drew
public attention partially due to the death of Kim Il Sung depicted in the story as
closely resembling the actual date and reported cause of death.
李韓永( 著 ).太刀川正樹( 訳 ).
平壌「十五号官邸」の抜け穴. 東京都: ザ・マサダ, 1996.
item_ID: 18096
Li, Hanyong (author). Tachikawa, Masaki (translator).
Pyonyan “Jūgogō Kantei” no Nukeana. Tokyo: Za Masada (The Massada), 1996, pp. 254.
A revealing book on Kim Jong Il and his eldest son Kim Jong nam. Stories told by the
son of Kim Jong Il’s first wife’s older sister.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 371
山口久太( 著 ).
item_ID: 18097
チョンリマの国 朝鮮: 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国. 東京都: 東海大学出版会, 1972.
Yamaguchi, Kyūta (author).
Chonrima no Kuni Chōsen: Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku. Tokyo: Tōkai Daigaku
Shuppankai, 1972, pp. 197.
A report on North Korea based on the author’s visit to the country in 1971. The author was the first Japanese athletics educator invited by North Korea. A short reference made to Sekigun-ha members. The author had entered the North with letters in
hand from the parents of the Sekigun-ha members, hoping that he could hand them
in person. The author requested North Korean officials to arrange a meeting with
the Sekigun-ha members but was unsuccessful.
手塚千砂子( 編 ).
警察官の性暴力. 東京: 三一書房, 1990.
item_ID: 18099
Tezuka, Chisako (editor).
Keisatsukan no Seibōryoku. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1990, pp. 288.
A book reporting sexual violence and harassment committed by the Japanese police.
The book is a list of cases based on reports by the victims. The last chapter is contributed by lawyers.
辺真一( 編 ).辺真一( 訳 ).
証言 北朝鮮: 餓死か暴発か. 東京都: ザ・マサダ, 1997.
item_ID: 18100
Pyon, Jin’il (editor).Pyon, Jin’il (translator).
Shōgen Kitachōsen: Gashi ka Bōhatsu ka. Tokyo: Za Masada (The Massada), 1997, pp. 218.
A collection of testimonies made by North Koreans on the straitened life circumstances in North Korea. The final chapter is a Japanese translation of the full report
made by Fan Janyobu to the South Korean government.
朝鮮時報取材班( 編 ).
狙われるチマ・チョゴリ: 逆国際化に病む日本. 東京: 柘植書房, 1990.
item_ID: 18101
Chosen Daily News Crew (editor).
Nerawareru Chima Chogori: Gyaku Kokusaika ni Yamu Nihon. Tōkyō: Tsuge Shobō, 1990,
pp. 219.
A book on harms inflicted against zainichi Korean students whenever socio-political
affairs involving Sōren and/or North Korea are reported by the Japanese media.
朴甲東( 著 ).
2000年第2次朝鮮戦争. 東京: 講談社, 1999.
item_ID: 18102
Park Gabdong (author).
2000nen Dai 2ji Chōsen Sensō. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1999, pp. 227.
A book drawing a scenario of the second Korean War. The author analyzes the Kim
Jong Il regime and its relations with South Korea, the U.S., and Japan.
372 ❖ 書籍 Books
全富億( 著 ).
北朝鮮のスパイ戦略. 東京: 講談社, 1999.
item_ID: 18103
Chon, Buuk (author).
Kitachōsen no Supai Senryaku. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1999, pp. 235.
A book revealing the North Korean espionage activities in South Korea and Japan.
李佑泓( 著 ).
どん底の共和国: 北朝鮮不作の構造. 東京: 亜紀書房, 1990.
item_ID: 18104
I, Uhon (author).
Donzoko no Kyōwakoku: Kitachōsen Fusaku no Kōzō. Tōkyō: Aki Shobō, 1990, pp. 301.
The author analyzes the structural causes of the lean harvest in North Korea.
バック カップ トン( 著 ).
歎きの朝鮮革命. 東京: 三一書房, 1975.
item_ID: 18105
Park, Kap Tong (author).
Nageki no Chōsen Kakumei. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1975, pp. 231.
A book on the life of Pak Hon Yong (Paku Honyon; Boku Ken’ei). The author took
part in political movements together with Pak from 1945 to 1955.
李讃三( 著 ).梁泰昊( 訳 ).
item_ID: 18106
戦争になれば飢えは終わる: 北朝鮮庶民の願いと現実. 東京都: 三五館, 1995.
I, Chansam (author). Yang, Tae Ho (translator).
Sensō ni nareba Ue wa Owaru: Kitachōsen Shomin no Negai to Genjitsu. Tokyo: Sangokan,
1995, pp. 250.
Ethnography of North Korea, published by a South Korean journalist who succeeded
in entering the North disguised as a peddler residing in the China/North Korea border. The book describes the worldview of everyday North Koreans and the shape of
their life he was able to observe without the presence of a North Korean “instructor”
who usually accompanies a visiting foreigner. Japanese translation of the original
published in South Korea.
奥田東, 水谷幸正, 上田正昭, 伊藤唯真( 編 ).
私と朝鮮. 東京: 明石書店, 1996.
item_ID: 18107
Okuda, Azuma; Mizutani, Kōshō; Ueda, Masaaki; and Itō, Yuishin (editors).
Watashi to Chōsen. Tōkyō: Akashi Shoten, 1996, pp. 193.
Collection of essays on cultural exchange between North Korea and Japan, contributed by leading Japanese figures in art, religion, and academia. Essays are based on
their visits to North Korea.
鄭建燮( 著 ).李鐘相( 訳 ).
真由美 最後の証言: ドキュメントノベル. 東京: 光文社, 1988.
item_ID: 18108
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 373
Chon, Gonsop (author). I, Jonsan (translator).
Mayumi Saigo no Shōgen: Dokyumento Noberu. Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, 1988, pp. 254.
A novel about Kim Hyun hee and the bombing of KAL858, written by a South Korean
poet and novelist. The author reconstructs the life of Kim Hyun Hee based on the
confessions she made to the South Korean authorities.
井上裕務, 西川潤, 井野良介, 根村かやの( 編 ).
朝鮮総聯の研究: あなたの隣の「北朝鮮」.東京都: 宝島社, 1995.
item_ID: 18109
Inoue, Hiromu; Nishikawa, Jun; Ino, Ryōsuke; and Nemura, Kayano (editors).
Chōsen Sōren no Kenkyū: Anata no Tonari no “Kitachōsen”. Tokyo: Takarajimasha, 1995,
pp. 253.
Volume 221 of Bessatsu Takarajima. A special issue on Chōsen Sōren. Articles contributed by renowned specialists on North Korea in addition to voices of lay zainich
North Koreans.
黒田福美&レッドペッパーズ( 著 ).
ソウルの達人 完全版. 東京都: 三五館, 1997.
item_ID: 18110
Kuroda, Fukumi, and Red Peppers (author).
Souru no Tatsujin Kanzenban. Tokyo: Sangokan, 1997, pp. 221.
Seoul travel guide published by a Japanese actress known for her affinity for the
手塚千砂子( 著 ).手塚千砂子( 編 ).
続・留置場 女たちの告発. 東京: 三一書房, 1990.
item_ID: 18111
Tezuka, Chisako (author). Tezuka, Chisako (editor).
Zoku Ryūchijō Onna tachi no Kokuhatsu. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1990, pp. 258.
A book denouncing police violence against women. The first chapter picks up the Yao
Megumi case.
小都元( 著 ).
テポドンの脅威. 東京都: 新紀元社, 1999.
item_ID: 18112
Ozu, Hajime (author).
Tepodon no Kyōi. Tokyo: Shin Kigen Sha, 1999, pp. 357.
An exposition on North Korean ballistic missiles.
金志一( 著 ).明真淑( 訳 ).
item_ID: 18113
愛のため 自由のために: 北朝鮮エリート 恋の脱出行. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1992.
Kim, Jiil (author). Myon, Shinshuk (translator).
Ai no tame Jiyū no tameni: Kitachōsen Erīto Koi no Dasshutsukō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū,
1992, pp. 289.
Autobiography of a North Korean elite telling his story of defection.
374 ❖ 書籍 Books
赤尾覺( 著 ).
北鮮流浪: 会寧-白茂高原-咸興-三十八度線突破. 1995.
item_ID: 18114
Akao, Satoru (author).
Hokusen Rurō: Kainei-Hakumo Kōgen-Kankō-Sanjūhachidosen Toppa. 1995, pp. 270.
A memoir by a Japanese on the process of escape and return to Japan from colonized
Korea back to Japan after the entry of the Soviet Union into the region at the end of
World War II.
大澤文護( 著 ).
北朝鮮の本当の姿がわかる本. 東京都: こう書房, 1994.
item_ID: 18115
Ōsawa, Bungo (author).
Kitachōsen no Hontō no Sugata ga Wakaru Hon. Tokyo: Kou Shobō, 1994, pp. 238.
A fact book on North Korea after the death of Kim Il Sung and the nuclear weapons
issue. The book covers basic information on Kim Jong Il, the state structure, foreign
diplomacy, military, economy, subsistence level of its everyday citizens, entertainment, etc.
韓徳銖( 著 ).
item_ID: 18119
長編叙事詩 六十万同胞がささげる忠誠の歌. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1972.
Han, Tok-su (author).
Chōhen Jojishi Rokujūman Dōhō ga Sasageru Chūsei no Uta. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1972,
pp. 97.
Epic poem celebrating the 60th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung. Authored by
the chair of Chōsen Sōren Han Dokusu.
岡留安則( 著 ).
「噂の真相」編集長日誌2: タブーなき闘い!. 東京: 社会思想社, 2000.
item_ID: 18171
Okadome, Yasunori (author).
“Uwasa no Shinsō” Henshūchō Nisshi 2: Tabū naki Tatakai!, 2. Tōkyō: Shakai Shisōsha, 2000,
pp. 276.
This compilation of essays by the editor of Uwasa No Shinsō contains references
concerning the Yodogō group and North Korea. Table of contents from past “Uwasa
no Shinsō” issues (1984-89) are listed in the book.
신영희( 著 ).
item_ID: 18184
진달래꽃필때까지: 귀순무용수신영희의충격고백. 서울시: 문예당, 1996.
Shin, Yong-hui (author).
Chindallae kkot p’il ttae kkaji: kwisun muyongsu Sin Yong-hui ui ch’unggyok kobaek, 1.
Munyedang, 1996, pp. 283.
신영희( 著 ).
item_ID: 18185
진달래꽃필때까지: 귀순무용수신영희의충격고백. 서울시: 문예당, 1996.
よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea ❖ 375
Shin, Yong-hui (author).
Chindallae kkot p’il ttae kkaji: Kwisun muyuongsu Sin Yong-hui ui ch’unggyok kobaek, 2.
Munyedang, 1996, pp. 289.
Autobiography of a North Korean former dancer for the Kim family who later defected to the South in two volumes. Written in Korean.
高沢皓司( 著 ).
item_ID: 18202
初めて語られたよど号ハイジャック犯「九人」の真相二十六年. 東京: 新潮社, 1996.
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Hajimete Katarareta Yodogō Haijakkuhan “9nin” no Shinsō 26nen. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1996.
Collection of a series of articles written by Koji Takazawa entitled “Hajimete Katarareta Yodogō Haijakkuhan 9nin no Shinsō 26 nen” published in the weekly magazine
Shukan Shincho from May 16 1996 to June 13 1996. It was this series that later
led to the publication of the book Shukumei. The series runs from Part 1 to Part 5.
The articles are also catalogued individually in the serials or clipping section of the
Takazawa Collection.
高沢皓司( 著 ).
オウムと北朝鮮の闇を解いた. 東京: 講談社, 1999.
item_ID: 18203
Takazawa, Kōji (author).
Oumu to Kitachōsen no Yami o Toita. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1999.
Collection of a series of articles written by Koji Takazawa in Shukan Gendai, volume
41, from Aug. 21 to Nov. 6 1999. The series was entitled “Oumu to Kitachōsen no
Yami o Toita.” Together with his series that appeared in Shukan Shincho “Hajimete
Katarareta Yodogo Haijakkuhan 9nin no Shinso 26nen” in 1996 and the book Shukumei, these three items comprise a trilogy of Takazawa’s work on North Korea and
the Yodogo group. The articles are also catalogued individually in the serials or clippings section of the Takazawa Collection.
石川昌( 著 ).
燃える国・チュチェ: ジャーナリストの見た北朝鮮. 東京: 未来社, 1987.
item_ID: 17811
Ishikawa, Shō (author).
Moeru kuni Chuche: Jānarisuto no mita Kitachōsen. Tōkyō: Miraisha, 1987, pp. 275.
376 ❖ 書籍 Books
XV. 1990年代における日本の問題. 1990s Issues in Japan
毎日新聞社会部( 編 ).
恩讐の師弟対決: オウム「教祖」法廷全記録 1. 東京: 現代書館, 1997.
item_ID: 17840
Mainichi Shimbun Society Section (editor).
Onshū no Shitei Taiketsu: Oumu “Kyōso” Hōtei Zenkiroku. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan, 1997, pp. 397.
毎日新聞社会部( 編 ).
私は無罪だ!!: オウム「教祖」法廷全記録2. 東京: 現代書館, 1997.
item_ID: 17841
Mainichi Shimbun Society Section (editor).
Watashi wa Muzaida!!: Oumu “Kyōso” Hōtei Zenkiroku 2, Jō. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan, 1997,
pp. 342.
毎日新聞社会部( 編 ).
item_ID: 17842
元愛弟子(治療省大臣)への無期判決: オウム「教祖」法廷全記録3. 東京: 現代書館, 1998.
Mainichi Shimbun Society Section (editor).
Moto Manadeshi (Chiryōshō Daijin) e no Muki Hanketsu: Oumu “Kyōso” Hōtei Zenkiroku 3.
Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan, 1998, pp. 397.
毎日新聞社会部( 編 ).
元信者への死刑判決: オウム「教祖」法廷全記録. 東京: 現代書館, 1999.
item_ID: 17843
Mainichi Shimbun Society Section (editor).
Moto Shinja e no Shikei Hanketsu: Oumu “Kyōso” Hōtei Zenkiroku. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan,
1999, pp. 358.
An account of the trial of Aum Shinrikyō Guru Matsumoto Chizuo (also known as
Asahara Shōkō) produced by Mainichi Shimbun journalists based on the court proceedings. The collection has four volumes covering 100 trial sessions.
林郁夫( 著 ).
オウムと私. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1998.
item_ID: 17847
Hayashi, Ikuo (author).
Oumu to Watashi. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1998, pp. 494.
Autobiography by Hayashi Ikuo, formerly a cardiac surgeon who later joined Aum
Shinrikyō and dispersed sarin gas in the Tokyo subway.
高橋英利( 著 ).
オウムからの帰還. 東京都: 草思社, 1996.
item_ID: 17848
Takahashi, Hidetoshi (author).
Oumu kara no Kikan. Tokyo: Sōshisha, 1996, pp. 245.
Autobiographic account of the process of becoming an Aum member to exiting the cult.
1990年代における日本の問題 1990s Issues in Japan ❖ 377
早川紀代秀( 著 ).
item_ID: 17849
市民ユートピアの原理 「上」:ルソーから真理へ. 東京都: オウム出版, 1992.
Hayakawa, Kiyohide (author).
Shimin Yūtopia no Genri “Jō”: Rusō kara Shinri e. Tokyo: Oumu Shuppan, 1992, pp. 241.
Authored by Hayakawa Kiyohide, a high ranking officer of Aum Shinrikyō. This is
his interpretation of Rousseau’s The Social Contract and utopia.
降幡賢一( 著 ).
オウム法廷: グルのしもべたち 上. 東京都: 朝日新聞社, 1998.
item_ID: 17850
Furihata, Ken’ichi (author).
Oumu Hōtei: Guru no Shimobetachi Jō. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1998, pp. 292.
降幡賢一( 著 ).
オウム法廷: グルのしもべたち 下. 東京都: 朝日新聞社, 1998.
item_ID: 17851
Furihata, Ken’ichi (author).
Oumu Hōtei: Guru no Shimobetachi Ge. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1998, pp. 274.
Collection of statements made during court hearings by Aum Shinrikyō members, in
two volumes.
降幡賢一( 著 ).
オウム法廷3: 治療省大臣 林郁夫. 東京都: 朝日新聞社, 1998.
item_ID: 17852
Furihata, Ken’ichi (author).
Oumu Hōtei 3: Chiryōshō Daijin Hayashi Ikuo. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1998, pp. 329.
Volume focusing on Hayashi Ikuo’s court proceeding. Includes Hayashi’s statements
in addition to the statements made by the family members of sarin attack victims.
渡辺脩, 和多田進( 著 ).
麻原裁判の法廷から. 東京: 晩聲社, 1998.
item_ID: 17853
Watanabe, Osamu and Watada, Susumu (authors).
Asahara Saiban no Hōtei kara. Tōkyō: Banseisha, 1998, pp. 233.
A journalist interviewing the lead lawyer of the Asahara legal defense team, Watanabe Osamu.
四方田犬彦( 著 ).
回避と拘泥. 東京都: 立風書房, 1994.
item_ID: 17854
Yomota Inuhiko (author).
Kaihi to Kōdei. Tokyo: Rippū Shobō, 1994, pp. 254.
金廣志( 著 ).
自慢させてくれ!. 東京都: 源草社, 2001.
item_ID: 17220
378 ❖ 書籍 Books
Kim, Kwanji (author).
Jiman Sasetekure! Tokyo: Gensōsha, 2001, pp. 287.
The author of this book is a second generation zainichi Korean who joined the
new left student movement as a high school student and became a member of the
Sekigun (Red Army). He later became a successful cram school teacher. This is his
鈴木邦男( 著 ).
がんばれ!!新左翼: Part 2 激闘篇. 西宮市: エスエル出版会, 1999.
item_ID: 17221
Suzuki, Kunio (author).
Ganbare!! Shinsayoku: Part 2 Gekitōhen. Nishinomiya: Esueru Shuppankai, 1999, pp. 323.
This book by well-known right-wing activist and journalist Suzuki Kunio of Issuikai
analyzes the now woefully incompetent ex-new left activists.
鹿砦社編集部( 編 ).
この人に聞きたい青春時代2. 西宮市: 鹿砦社, 2001.
item_ID: 17222
Rokusaisha Editorial Section (editor).
Konohito ni Kikitai Seishun Jidai 2. Nishinomiya: Rokusaisha, 2001, pp. 239.
A book interviewing individuals about their youth, including Shintani Noriko and
rock musician Panta.
成澤壽信( 編 ).
item_ID: 17859
犯罪報道の現在: 総合特集シリーズ45 法学セミナー増刊. 東京: 日本評論社, 1990.
Narusawa, Toshinobu (editor).
Hanzai Hōdō no Genzai: Sōgō Tokushū Shirīzu 45 Hōgaku Seminā Zōkan. Tōkyō: Nihon
Hyōronsha, 1990, pp. 352.
Collection of articles on thecrime reporting in the mass media. This was a special
issue of the journal Hōgaku Seminā.
浅野健一( 著 ).
過激派報道の犯罪: マスコミの権力を批判する. 東京: 三一書房, 1990.
item_ID: 17940
Asano, Kenichi (author).
Kagekiha Hōdō no Hanzai: Masukomi no Kenryoku o Hihansuru. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō,
1990, pp. 300.
Case studies on how the Japanese media have depicted domestic militant factions. A
chapter is devoted to the Yodogō incident.
鄭大均( 著 ).
韓国のイメージ: 戦後日本人の隣国観. 東京: 中央公論社, 1995.
item_ID: 17947
Chung, Daekyun (author).
Kankoku no Imēji: Sengo Nihonjin no Rinkokukan. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1995, pp. 239.
1990年代における日本の問題 1990s Issues in Japan ❖ 379
Discourse analysis on the ambivalent public perception of South Korea by the
Alan Clements, Leslie Kean( 著 ).
item_ID: 17951
Burma’s Revolution of the Spirit: The Struggle for Democratic Freedom and Dignity. Bangkok: White Orchid Press, 1994.
Clements, Alan and Kean, Leslie (authors).
Burma’s Revolution of the Spirit: The Struggle for Democratic Freedom and Dignity. Bangkok: White Orchid Press, 1994, pp. 112.
Photographic essay on the Burmese people’s struggle against the military regime,
with commentaries.
Chiang Mai. Singapore: Times Editions, 1986.
item_ID: 17953
Chiang Mai. Singapore: Times Editions, 1986, pp. 96.
Photographic essay introducing the city of Chiang Mai. The book is all in English.
地上げ反対!ウトロを守る会( 編 ).
ウトロ: 置き去りにされた街. 京都市: かもがわ出版, 1998.
item_ID: 17956
Anti-Land Speculation Protect Utoro Society (editor).
Utoro: Okizari ni Sareta Machi. Kyoto: Kamogawa Shuppan, 1998, pp. 118.
Photographic documentary on the zainichi Korean residents of Utoro, Uji city and
their struggle against the eviction order. Includes photos of So Sung (So Sun) visiting Utoro.
谷川葉( 著 ).
item_ID: 17987
警察が襲撃された日: そして<偽り>の媒介者たちは. 東京: 三一書房, 1998.
Tanigawa, Yō (author).
Keisatsu ga Shūgeki sareta Hi: Soshite “Itsuwari” no Baikaishatachi wa. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō,
1998, pp. 245.
A book on the Aum Shinrikyō related shooting of Director-General of the National
Police Agency Kunimatsu.
馬光洙( 著 ).熊谷明泰( 訳 ).
楽しいサラ. 東京都: 全国朝日放送(テレビ朝日),1994.
item_ID: 18077
Ma, Gwansu (author). Kumatani, Akiyasu (translator).
Tanoshii Sara. Tokyo: Zenkoku Asahi Hōsō (Terebi Asahi), 1994, pp. 401.
Japanese translation of a controversial novel published in Korea by a Korean literary scholar. Story of a sexually liberal college female student. The author was arrested for producing sexually inappropriate material.
( 著 ).新庄哲夫, 石坂欣二( 訳 ).
広島・板門店・ハノイ: バーチェット自伝. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1972.
item_ID: 18095
380 ❖ 書籍 Books
Burchett, Wilfred G. (author). Shinjō, Tetsuo and Ishizaka, Kinji (translators).
Hiroshima, Hanmonten, Hanoi: Bāchetto Jiden. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1972, pp. 272.
Japanese translation of “Passport” authored by Wilfred Burchett. Autobiography of
a renowned journalist.
東京大学新聞社( 編 ).
東大は主張する. 東京都: 六甲出版, 1996.
item_ID: 18121
Tokyo University Newspaper Company (editor).
Tōdai wa Shuchō suru. Tokyo: Rokkō Shuppan, 1996, pp. 154.
Compilation of articles published in the 75 year history of Tōkyō Daigaku Shinbun.
Articles on Tōdai Tōsō (Tōdai student movement) and the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty. This is a book published by the school authorities.
( 編 ).
被災地の叫び 第三巻: 阪神淡路大震災. 東京都: 地球タイムス, 2000.
item_ID: 18123
Globe Times (editor).
Hisaichi no Sakebi Dai 3kan: Hanshin Awaji Daishinsai, 3. Tokyo: Chikyū Taimusu, 2000, pp. 294.
Photographic documentation of the Hanshin Awaji Daishinsai (Hanshin Awaji
earthquake). The last section of the book contains a chronology of events. A copy of a
government white paper on the earthquake is also included.
吉田太郎とその仲間( 著 ).
お笑い公安調査庁: 現場調査官の九六綴り. 東京: 現代書館, 1999.
item_ID: 18131
Yoshida Taro and Associates (author).
Owarai Kōan Chōsachō: Genba Chōsakan no Kurou tsuzuri. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan, 1999,
pp. 222.
A book criticizing the Japan Public Security Intelligence Agency in the context of the
revision of the Subversive Activities Prevention Act. Authored by a group of agency
employees. List of true stories that characterize the nature of the Agency.
日本論争史研究会( 編 ).
ニッポンの論争 ’98-99. 東京都: 夏目書房, 1998.
item_ID: 18132
History of Japanese Disputes Research Group (editor).
Nippon no Ronsō ‘98-’99. Tokyo: Natsume Shobō, 1998, pp. 135.
Collection of essays on selected debates that crowded the Japanese media. Topics
include comfort women, Sensōron, teenage prostitution, Kimigayo, etc.
吉本隆明( 著 ).
現在はどこにあるか. 東京: 新潮社, 1995.
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Genzai wa Doko ni Aruka. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1995, pp. 249.
item_ID: 18133
1990年代における日本の問題 1990s Issues in Japan ❖ 381
Collection of essays by Yoshimoto Takaaki. Each essay is a review of contemporary
novelists and their work.
板垣雄三, 三浦徹, 東長靖, 黒木英充( 編 ).
item_ID: 18134
イスラーム研究ハンドブック: 講座イスラーム世界 別巻. 東京都: 栄光教育文化研究所, 1995.
Itagaki, Yūzō; Miura, Tōru; Tōnaga, Yasushi and Kuroki, Hidemitsu (editors).
Isurāmu Kenkyū Handobukku: Kōza Isurāmu Sekai Bekkan. Tokyo: Eikō Kyōiku Bunka
Kenkyūjo, 1995, pp. 484.
This is a supplementary volume to a five volume series on the study of the Muslim
world titled “Kōza Isurāmu Sekai.” This volume contains a bibiography categorized
by topics/themes on the study of muslim socieities, glossary, chronological table, and
森毅( 著 ).
東大が倒産する日. 東京: 旺文社, 1999.
item_ID: 18144
Mori, Tsuyoshi (author).
Tōdai ga Tōsan suru Hi. Tōkyō: Ōbunsha, 1999, pp. 255.
On the changes tertiary education institutions in Japan must make, given the context of the Japanese government proposing to turn national/public universities into
independent administration legal entities. Authored by Mori Tsuyoshi, former professor at Kyoto University.
真継伸彦( 著 ).
破局の予兆の前で: 最新エッセイ集. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1971.
item_ID: 18146
Matsugi, Nobuhiko (author).
Hakyoku no Yochō no Mae de: Saishi Essei shū. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1971, pp. 351.
Thesis on the Zenkyōtō student movement, authored by a Japanese novelist. Reference made to the Kyōdai Tennō Incident.
半田雄一郎( 著 ).
溶解する公安調査庁: 破防法改定の実態. 東京: 現代書館, 1999.
item_ID: 18148
Handa, Yūichirō (author).
Yōkai suru Kōan Chōsachō: Habōhō Kaitei no Jittai. Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan, 1999, pp. 270.
A book critiquing the Public Security Intelligence Agency. The author claims that
the PSIA is an unnecessary agency.
木村三浩( 著 ).
右翼はおわってねぇぞ!: 新民族派宣言. 東京都: 雷韻出版, 2001.
item_ID: 18151
Kimura, Mitsuhiro (author).
Uyoku wa Owattenēzo!: Shin Minzokuha Sengen. Tokyo: Raiin Shuppan, 2001, pp. 420.
A book authored by a Japanese “minzoku-ha” right wing activist, Kimura Mitsuhiro.
382 ❖ 書籍 Books
He is the head of the Issuikai. Kimura visited North Korea accompanied byTakazawa Kōji, and engaged in debates with the Yodogō group members. Kimura found
himself and the Yodogō group members to be on the same wavelength, which is described in the book. Seeing Kimura and the Yodogō group members click, Takazawa
observed that North Korea is not “left-wing” but “right-wing.”
吉本隆明( 著 ).
カール・マルクス. 会津若松: 試行出版部, 1981.
item_ID: 18152
Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author).
Kāru Marukusu. Aizu Wakamatsu: Shikō Shuppanbu, 1981, pp. 158.
Essays on Karl Marx, by Yoshimoto Takaaki. These are now available in Yoshimoto’s complete works, but this book is a self-published version from Shikōsha.
徳山高明( 著 ).
道の島々: 徳山高明歌集. 東京都: 短歌新聞社, 2004.
item_ID: 18154
Tokuyama, Takaaki (author).
Michi no Shimajima: Tokuyama Takaaki Kashū. Tokyo: Tanka Shinbunsha, 2004, pp. 264.
Collection of tanka poems on Okinawa (Ryūkyū archipelago).
テリー伊藤( 著 ).
item_ID: 18161
お笑い革命 日本共産党: 最高幹部代々木クーデター事件. 東京都: 飛鳥新社, 1994.
Ito, Terry (author).
Owarai Kakumei Nihon Kyōsantō: Saikō Kanbu Yoyogi Kūdetā Jiken. Tokyo: Asuka Shinsha,
1994, pp. 191.
On Japan Communist Party, authored by a television program director. He argues
that the Japan Communist Party has become nothing much more than a subject of
ridicule and laughter, in much the same way as North Korea.
井上恭介, 藤下超( 著 ).
item_ID: 18166
なぜ同胞を殺したのか: ポル・ポトー堕ちたユートピアの夢. 東京: 日本放送出版協会, 2001.
Inoue, Kyōsuke and Fujishita, Wataru (authors).
Naze Dōhō o Koroshitanoka: Poru Poto - Ochita Yūtopia no Yume. Tōkyō: Nihon Hōsō Shuppan Kyōkai, 2001, pp. 249.
A book on the Pol Pot regime authored by television journalists. The book mainly
consists of interviews with high officials of the former Pol Pot regime, in search of
answers to the main question, “why did they kill?”
まぶい組( 編 ).
item_ID: 18167
私の好きな100冊の沖縄: オキナワ・ブック・セレクション 沖縄本感想文集. 那覇市: ボーダー
インク, 1992.
1990年代における日本の問題 1990s Issues in Japan ❖ 383
Mabuigumi (editor).
Watashi no Suki na 100satsu no Okinawa: Okinawa Bukku Serekushon Okinawabon Kansō
Bunshū. Naha: Bōdā Inku, 1992, pp. 123.
List of selected books on Okinawa with a review.
前田速夫( 編 ).
三島由紀夫 没後三十年. 東京: 新潮社, 2000.
item_ID: 18168
Maeda, Hayao (editor).
Mishima Yukio Botsugo Sanjūnen. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 2000, pp. 340.
Special issue of the magazine Shinchō published in November 2000 to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the dramatic suicide of Mishima Yukio. Essays on
Mishima contributed by novelists and commentarors. Includes unreleased scripts
and notes by Mishima.
手嶋龍一( 著 ).
一九九一年日本の敗北. 東京: 新潮社, 1994.
Teshima, Ryūichi (author).
1991nen Nihon no Haiboku. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1994, pp. 356.
item_ID: 18172
384 ❖ 書籍 Books
XVI. 歴史の研究資料 Historical Research
金山政英( 著 ).
item_ID: 17358
日韓新時代の夢: 日韓の歩んだ道と未来を語る. 東京都: 国書刊行会, 1990.
Kanayama, Masahide (author).
Nikkan Shinjidai no Yume: Nikkan no Ayunda Michi to Mirai o Kataru. Tokyo: Kokusho
Kankōkai, 1990, pp. 239.
On the history of relationship between Korea and Japan. Authored by a former Japan Ambassador to Korea.
山田昭次( 著 ).
関東大震災期朝鮮人暴動流言をめぐる地方新聞と民衆. 1982.
item_ID: 15199
Yamada, Akitsugu (author).
Kantō Daishinsaiki Chōsenjin Bōdō Ryūgen o meguru Chihō Shinbun to Minshū. 1982, pp. 30.
山根俊郎( 著 ).
item_ID: 17359
カラスよ 屍を見て啼くな: 朝鮮の人民解放歌謡. 神戸市: 長征社, 1990.
Yamane, Toshirō (author).
Karasuyo Shikabane o Mite Nakuna: Chōsen no Jinmin Kaihō Kayō. Kōbe: Chōseisha, 1990,
pp. 413.
Collection and Japanese translation of Korean songs sung during and after the resistance against Japanese colonial rule. Later half of the book analyzes the cultural
movement promoted by the zainichi Chōsenjin organizations.
鄭箕海( 著 ).鄭益友( 訳 ).
帰国船: 楽園の夢破れて三十四年. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1995.
item_ID: 17360
Ching, Ki Hae (author). Chon, Igu (translator).
Kikokusen: Rakuen no Yume Yaburete 34nen. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1995, pp. 366.
Memoir written by an author who returned to North Korea as a zainichi Korean in
1960. He later defected from North Korea into South Korea.
金嬉老( 著 ).
われ生きたり. 東京: 新潮社, 1999.
item_ID: 17810
Kim, Hiro (author).
Ware Ikitari. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1999, pp. 261.
Autobiography of a second generation Korean named Kim Hiro (also known as Kin
Kirō). After being arrested for the Sumatakyō incident, he was sentenced to life in
prison. He was then released at the age of 70 with the condition that he move to and
spend the rest of his life in South Korea. He was treated as a hero by the South Koreans as a man who fought against the discrimination of Koreans in Japan.
歴史の研究資料 Historical Research ❖ 385
今西龍( 著 ).
新羅史研究. 東京都: 国書刊行会, 1988.
item_ID: 17814
Imanishi, Ryū (author).
Shiragishi Kenkyū. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai, 1988, pp. 595.
Reprint of the author’s piece originally published in 1934, on the history of Silla.
今西龍( 著 ).
百済史研究. 東京都: 国書刊行会, 1988.
item_ID: 17815
Imanishi, Ryū (author).
Kudarashi Kenkyū. Tokyo: Kokusho Kankōkai, 1988, pp. 593.
Reprint of a piece originally published in 1934 about the history of Paekche.
葛生能久( 著 ).
日韓合邦秘史 上巻. 東京市: 黒龍会出版部, 1930.
item_ID: 17816
Kuzuu, Yoshihisa (author).
Nikkan Gappō Hishi Jōkan. Tokyo: Kokuryūkai Shuppanbu, 1930, pp. 634.
葛生能久( 著 ).
日韓合邦秘史 下巻. 東京市: 黒龍会出版部, 1930.
item_ID: 17817
Kuzuu, Yoshihisa (author).
Nikkan Gappō Hishi Gekan. Tokyo: Kokuryūkai Shuppanbu, 1930, pp. 778.
A two-volume work on the “merger” of Japan and Korea, written by a nationalist
author who was a former member of Kokuryūkai.
外務省( 編 ).
日本外交文書 明治 第三巻. 東京都: 巌南堂書店, 1994.
item_ID: 17819
Foreign Ministry (editor).
Nihon Gaikō Bunsho Meiji Dai Sankan. Tokyo: Gannandō Shoten, 1994, pp. 727.
Foreign diplomacy documents issued by the Meiji government during the year 1870.
This is a reprint of an original published in 1938.
岩崎清七( 著 ).
満鮮雑録. 東京市: 秋豊園出版部, 1937.
item_ID: 17820
Iwasaki, Seishichi (author).
Mansen Zatsuroku. Tokyo: Shūhōen Shuppanbu, 1937, pp. 246.
On the author’s one month visit to the Korean peninsula from September to
October 1935.
東邦協会( 編 ).
東邦叢書 朝鮮彙報. 東京市: 八尾書店, 1894.
item_ID: 17821
386 ❖ 書籍 Books
Tōhō Kyōkai (editor).
Tōhō Sōsho Chōsen Ihō. Tokyo: Yao Shoten, 1894, pp. 335.
足立栗園( 著 ).
朝鮮志. 東京市: 益友社, 1894.
item_ID: 17822
Adachi, Ritsuen (author).
Chōsenshi. Tokyo: Ekiyūsha, 1894, pp. 110.
A history of Korea published in 1894.
荻野順治( 著 ).
item_ID: 17823
満州日支衝突事変 ニュース写真: 第2輯 残虐号. 大連市: 満州写真通信社, 1931.
Ogino, Junji (author).
Manshū Nisshi Shōtotsu Jihen Nyūsu Shashin: Dai 2 shū Zangyaku gō. Dairen: Manshū
Shashin Tsūshinsha, 1931, pp. 88.
A collection of news photos of the Manchurian Incident published in 1931.
久保勘三郎( 編 ).
item_ID: 17824
満洲産業建設学徒研究団報告 第2篇: 講演集. 東京市: 満洲産業建設学徒研究団至誠会本部,
Kubo, Kanzaburō (editor).
Manshū Sangyō Kensetsu Gakuto Kenkyūdan Hōkoku Dai 2 hen: Kōenshū. Tokyo: Manshū
Sangyō Kensetsu Gakuto Kenkyūdan Shiseikai Honbu, 1934, pp. 464.
Text of lectures given by the participants of the Manshū Sangyō Kensetsu Gakuto
Kenkyūdan (Manchuria Industrial Development Studies Research Group), held at
the Hōten Tōhoku Daigaku in July, 1933.
日刊労働通信社( 編 ).
戦後日本共産主義運動. 東京: 日刊労働通信社, 1955.
item_ID: 17828
Nikkan Rōdō Tsūshinsha (editor).
Sengo Nihon Kyōsanshugi Undō. Tōkyō: Nikkan Rōdō Tsūshinsha, 1955, pp. 760.
Analysis of the Japan Communist Party covering the postwar years from 1945 to
1955. It covers the Party’s organizational structure, tactics and strategy, overview of
activities, publicity and educational actions, and the involvement of zainichi koreans
(Korean Japanese) involvement in the Party.
ニ関スル公判書類. モスクワ: 外国語図書出版所, 1950.
item_ID: 17829
Saikinsenyō Heiki no Junbi oyobi Shiyō no Kado de Kisosareta Moto Nihongun Gunjin no
Jiken ni Kansuru. Moscow: Gaikokugo Tosho Shuppanjo, 1950, pp. 738.
This is a Japanese translation of a Russian publication. It contains documents from
the court proceedings in December 1949 in which twelve members of the Japanese
Imperial Army were tried for the production and use of chemical weapons.
歴史の研究資料 Historical Research ❖ 387
藤田東三( 著 ).
李朝実録 朝鮮婚姻考. 東京市: 大同印書館, 1941.
item_ID: 17830
Fujita, Tōzō (author).
Richō Jitsuroku Chōsen Kon’in Kō. Tokyo: Daidō Inshokan, 1941, pp. 342.
This is an account of traditional Korean marriage practices and Ideas, published
in 1941.
李恢成( 著 ).
北であれ南であれわが祖国. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1974.
item_ID: 17863
Li, Huicheng (author).
Kita de are Minami de are Waga Sokoku. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1974, pp. 390.
Collection of essays, lectures, and book reviews on diverse topics related to zainichi
Korean issues and military government in South Korea, by an author who is himself
a zainichi Korean.
太田青丘( 著 ).
昭和萬葉集 巻十六. 東京: 講談社, 1980.
item_ID: 17874
Ōta, Seikyū (author).
Shōwa Manyōshū Kan 16, 16. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1980, pp. 355.
Collection of Japanese tanka poems on contemporary sociopolitical issues of 1970
and 1971.
田村吉雄( 編 ).
秘録 大東亜戦史: 満洲篇 上. 東京都: 富士書苑, 1953.
item_ID: 17882
Tamura, Yoshio (editor).
Hiroku Daitōa Senshi: Manshūhen Jō, 1. Tokyo: Fuji Shoen, 1953, pp. 385.
田村吉雄( 編 ).
秘録 大東亜戦史: 満洲篇 下. 東京都: 富士書苑, 1953.
item_ID: 17883
Tamura, Yoshio (editor).
Hiroku Daitōa Senshi: Manshūhen Ge, 2. Tokyo: Fuji Shoen, 1953, pp. 370.
田村吉雄( 編 ).
秘録 大東亜戦史: 朝鮮篇. 東京都: 富士書苑, 1953.
item_ID: 17884
Tamura, Yoshio (editor).
Hiroku Daitōa Senshi: Chōsen hen, 3. Tokyo: Fuji Shoen, 1953, pp. 354.
This is part of a ten volume series on the “Great East Asia War” published in the
early 1950s. The collection contains three of the volumes. There are two volumes on
Manchuria during the “Great East Asia War” containing essays written by journalists who were stationed in Manchuria during the period. The third volume is on
Korea and contains first-hand accounts written mostly by journalists stationed in
388 ❖ 書籍 Books
満洲時代の思い出集. 気象庁内 南嶺会, 1961.
item_ID: 17923
Manshū Jidai no Omoideshū. Kishōchōnai Nanreikai, 1961, pp. 235.
Collection of short memoirs on life in Japanese-controlled Manchuria (Manchukuo)
and the process of escaping from Manchuria at the end of the war. It was written by Japanese individuals who worked at the local meteorological observatories in
図説 韓国の歴史. 東京: 河出書房新社, 1996.
item_ID: 17995
Zusetsu Kankoku no Rekishi. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1996, pp. 145.
Graphic illustrations of Korean history.
( 著 ).
item_ID: 18055
戦争がつくる女性像: 第二次世界大戦下の日本女性動員の視覚的プロパガンダ. 東京: 筑摩書
房, 1995.
Wakakuwa, Midori (author).
Sensō ga Tsukuru Joseizō: Dainiji Sekaitaisenka no Nihon Josei Dōin no Shikakuteki Puropaganda. Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō, 1995, pp. 266.
Analysis of images and discourses on Japanese womenhood created by the Japanese
崔吉城( 著 ).真鍋祐子( 訳 ).
恨の人類学. 東京都: 平河出版社, 1994.
item_ID: 18056
Che, Kiruson (author). Manabe, Yūko (translator).
Han no Jinruigaku. Tokyo: Hirakawa Shuppansha, 1994, pp. 467.
A book on the concept of “han.” The place of han in Korean history and the people’s
日本国策評議会( 編 ).
「昭和史大全」:二十世紀最後の証言. 日本国策評議会, 2002.
item_ID: 18122
Japan National Policy Council (editor).
“Shōwashi Daizen”: Nijusseiki Saigo no Shōgen. Nihon Kokusaku Hyōgikai, 2002, pp. 654.
Historical narrative on Japan’s modern history with a specific emphasis on the Pacific War. The book begins from the Meiji Restoration and extends to the immediate
postwar period. Narrative of the new right. The last section of the book includes
primary materials (government/military documents) concerning the construction of
河合榮治朗( 著 ).
大學生活の反省. 東京都: 鬼怒書房, 1948.
Kawai, Eijirō (author).
Daigaku Seikatsu no Hansei. Tokyo: Kinu Shobō, 1948, pp. 309.
item_ID: 18129
歴史の研究資料 Historical Research ❖ 389
Collection of twelve essays on the freedom and liberty of college education and its
institution. Essays include reference to clashes between left- and right-leaning
レーニン( 著 ).鈴木幸治朗( 訳 ).
item_ID: 18135
國家論ノート: 國家に關するマルクス主義の見解. 東京都: 社会科学研究会, 1951.
Lenin, V. I. (author). Suzuki, Kōjirō (translator).
Kokkaron Nōto: Kokka ni kansuru Marukusushugi no Kenkai. Tokyo: Shakai Kagaku
Kenkyūkai, 1951, pp. 114.
Japanese translation of V.I. Lenin’s notes on Marxism on and the State. Notes written in preparation for his thesis, The State and Revolution.
服部之總( 著 ).
親鸞ノート. 東京: 国土社, 1948.
item_ID: 18136
Hattori, Shisō (author).
Shinran Nōto. Tōkyō: Kokudosha, 1948, pp. 222.
A book on Shinran, authored by Hattori Shisō, who was a “Kōza-ha” historian. Hattori was a member of Japan Communist Party and the Puroretaria Kagaku Kenkyūjo.
Hattori’s work is also published as a zenshū.
社会科学研究会( 編 ).
實踐論: 附・
「實踐論」に關する諸研究. 東京: 三一書房, 1951.
item_ID: 18137
Social Science Research Group (editor).
Jissenron: Fu “Jissenron” ni kansuru Shokenkyū. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1951, pp. 170.
Japanese translation of Mao Zedong’s “On Practice.” The book also contains five
writings on the essay.
小泉信三( 著 ).
共産主義批判の常識. 東京: 新潮社, 1949.
item_ID: 18138
Koizumi, Shinzō (author).
Kyōsanshugi Hihan no Jōshiki. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1949, pp. 175.
Critique of Marxism-Leninism authored by a liberal economist. A widely read publication during the growing popularity of communism and the Japan Communist
Party in late 1940s Japan.
羽仁五郎( 著 ).布川角左衛門( 編 ).
歴史: 新しき歩みのために Ⅲ. 東京: 岩波書店, 1948.
item_ID: 18139
Hani, Gorō (author). Nunokawa, Kakuzaemon (editor).
Rekishi: Atarashiki Ayumi no tameni Ⅲ, 3. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1948, pp. 128.
Volume 3 of a pamphlet/book series “Atarashiki Ayumi no tameni.” This volume is
authored by Hani Gorō, a Marxist historian, on the theory of history.
390 ❖ 書籍 Books
鈴木正四( 著 ).
民主主義革命: 新しき歩みのために Ⅵ. 東京: 岩波書店, 1948.
item_ID: 18140
Suzuki, Masashi (author).
Minshushugi Kakumei: Atarashiki Ayumi no tameni Ⅵ, 6. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1948, pp. 91.
Volume 6 of a pamphlet (book) series “Atarashiki Ayumi no tameni.” This volume is
on the history of revolution for democracy, authored by a historian.
柳田謙十朗( 著 ).
日本の良心はいかにあるべきか. 東京都: 創文社, 1954.
item_ID: 18141
Yanagida, Kenjūrō (author).
Nihon no Ryōshin wa Ika ni Arubekika. Tokyo: Sōbunsha, 1954, pp. 216.
A book discussing the shape of morality to be held by the public under the postwar
conditions of material impoverishment and spiritual disarray.
藤間生大( 著 ).
国家権力の誕生. 東京: 日本評論社, 1951.
item_ID: 18143
Tōma, Seidai (author).
Kokka Kenryoku no Tanjō. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha, 1951, pp. 177.
Analysis of the emergence of state power, authored by a widely read Marxist historian who was also a member of the Japan Communist Party.
猪木正道( 著 ).
ロシア革命史: 社会思想史的研究. 東京都: 白日書院, 1948.
item_ID: 18145
Inoki, Masamichi (author).
Roshia Kakumeishi: Shakai Shisōshiteki Kenkyū. Tokyo: Hakujitsu Shoin, 1948, pp. 297.
Analysis of the Russian Revolution and the history of socialist ideology. Authored by
Inoki Masamichi, a political scientist. This book was written before he began drifting
to the right.
末川博( 著 ).
歴史の側面から. 東京: 中央公論社, 1942.
item_ID: 18147
Suekawa, Hiroshi (author).
Rekishi no Sokumen kara. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1942, pp. 380.
Collection of essays written by Suekawa Hiroshi, a legal scholar, during the Pacific
War. Topics vary, from legal discussion, higher education, to women. He resigned
from his position at Kyoto Imperial University during the “Takigawa Jiken,” and
later became the chancellor of Ritsumeikan University.
廣津和朗( 著 ).
松川事件と裁判: 検察官の論理. 東京: 岩波書店, 1969.
item_ID: 18150
Hirotsu, Kazuo (author).
Matsukawa Jiken to Saiban: Kensatsukan no Ronri. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1969, pp. 494.
歴史の研究資料 Historical Research ❖ 391
The author analyzes the police investigation, prosecution’s evidence, and the trial
process of the Matsukawa Incident. A train on the Tōhoku Honsen line near Matsukawa station in Fukushima prefecture was intentionally derailed in August 1949
during the tumultous period of postwar Japan. The court found a group of national
railway union members who lived nearby guilty as the perpetrator. But Hirotsu,
among others, waged a series of critiques on the trial process, leading to winning the
appeal verdict of not guilty in 1963. Matsukawa incident is one of the major cases in
postwar Japan. This book is Hirotsu’s critique of the trial process.
和田洋一( 著 ).
灰色のユーモア: 私の昭和史ノォト. 東京: 理論社, 1958.
item_ID: 18153
Wada, Yōichi (author).
Haiiro no Yūmoa: Watashi no Shōwashi Nōto. Tōkyō: Rironsha, 1958, pp. 214.
A book on ideological policing and the resistance movement by the intelligentsia in
1930s Kyoto against the oppression. This book is written in a novel-like form and
captures the state of the special political police (Tokkō keisatsu) and the culture of
the resistance movement. The magazine Sekai Bunka edited by Nakai Masakazu
and others was the core of the 1930s-40s resistance movement. Complete table of
contents of “Sekai Bunka” is included in this book.
赤松克麿( 著 ).
日本社会運動史. 東京: 岩波書店, 1962.
item_ID: 18155
Akamatsu, Katsumaro (author).
Nihon Shakai Undō shi. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1962, pp. 330.
On the history of social movements in Japan. Authored by Akamatsu, a socialist who
later made a turn to the right. The book covers from the beginning of the Meiji until
the end of the Pacific War.
( 著 ).有澤廣巳( 訳 ).
自然辯證法. 東京: 黄土社, 1948.
item_ID: 18156
Engels, Friedrich (author). Arisawa, Hiromi (translator).
Shizen Benshōhō. Tōkyō: Ōdosha, 1948, pp. 329.
Japanese translation of Engels’ “Dialectics of Nature” by Japanese economist Arisawa Hiromi.
陸軍省, 安養寺敏郎( 編 ).
工場經営講座: 労務篇. 東京市: 日刊工業新聞社, 1941.
item_ID: 18157
Department of the Army and Anyōji, Toshirō (editors).
Kōjō Keiei Kōza: Rōmuhen. Tokyo: Nikkan Kōgyō Shinbunsha, 1941, pp. 307.
A book on factory management, edited by the Department of Army. Chapters on
labor control, wage structure, spiritual education of factory workers, technological
training, among others, contributed by scholars and factory management of well
known manufacturers such as Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Hitachi.
392 ❖ 書籍 Books
神山茂夫( 著 ).
革命理論の深化のために. 東京: 暁明社, 1950.
item_ID: 18158
Kamiyama, Shigeo (author).
Kakumei Riron no Shinka no tameni. Tōkyō: Gyōmeisha, 1950, pp. 293.
On the theory of revolution, authored by Kamiyama Shigeo.
西口克己( 著 ).
山宣(やません).東京: 中央公論社, 1959.
item_ID: 18159
Nishiguchi, Katsumi (author).
Yamasen. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha, 1959, pp. 280.
Biography of Yamamoto Senji, popularly called Yamasen. A zoologist and a socialist,
he taught at Kyoto Imperial University until being expelled from the school after the
1925 Kyōto Gakuren Incident. Yamamoto is also known as a sexologist and for his
involvement in the “Sanji Seigen Undō.” He later became the chair of the Kyoto Rōdō
Nōmin Tō (Rōnōtō) and became a politician representing the party in the late 1920s.
蔵原惟人( 著 ).
藝術論. 東京都: 吉田書房, 1946.
item_ID: 18160
Kurahara, Korehito (author).
Geijutsuron. Tokyo: Yoshida Shobō, 1946, pp. 313.
The author Kurahara Korehito was the founder and theoretical pillar of NAPF (Zen
Nihon Musansha Geijutsu Renmei), a federation of proletarian literati and artists
formed in the late 1920s. Kurahara joined the Japan Communist Party in 1929 and
became a leading theorist of the Party on the cultural aspects of communism. This
book is the central text of the proletariat movement at that time. After the war,
Kurahara became a central committee member of the JCP.
河上肇( 著 ).
第二貧乏物語: 宮川實解題. 東京: 三一書房, 1948.
item_ID: 18162
Kawakami, Hajime (author).
Daini Binbō Monogatari: Miyakawa Minoru Kaidai. Tōkyō: Sanichi Shobō, 1948, pp. 418.
Kawakami’s essays on dialectical materialism, historical materialism, and analyses
on capitalism. Marxist economist Miyakawa, a student of Kawakami, replaced the
“fuseji” (marks of censorship) used in the original when it was published in 1930.
Item 287 is a bunko version.
小林多喜二( 著 ).
轉形期の人々. 東京: 昭森社, 1949.
item_ID: 18163
Kobayashi, Takiji (author).
Tenkeiki no Hitobito. Tōkyō: Shōshinsha, 1949, pp. 277.
Unfinished novel by Kobayashi Takiji, key figure of pre-war proletarianliterature.
歴史の研究資料 Historical Research ❖ 393
赤岩栄, 真下信一, 松村一人, 高桑純夫( 編 ).
哲學の探求. 東京: 河出書房, 1948.
item_ID: 18164
Akaiwa, Sakae; Mashita, Shin’ichi; Matsumura, Kazuto and Takakuwa, Sumio (editors).
Tetsugaku no Tankyū. Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō, 1948, pp. 314.
Collection of theoretical writings on the so-called “Shutaisei Ronsō” that emerged in
the immediate postwar period. Essays contributed by twelve theorists involved in
the debate.
アダム・レボー( 著 ).鈴木孝男( 訳 ).
item_ID: 18169
ヒトラーの秘密銀行: いかにしてスイスはナチ大虐殺から利益を得たのか. 東京都: KKベストセ
ラーズ, 1998.
LaBor, Adam (author). Suzuki, Takao (translator).
Hitorā no Himitsu Ginkō: Ikanishite Susisu wa Nachi Daigyakusatsu kara Rieki o Etanoka. KK
Besuto Serāzu, 1998, pp. 383.
Japanese translation of a best seller English nonfiction work, “Hitler’s Secret Bankers” by Adam LaBor on the role of Swiss banks in the Nazi genocide.
吉林省公安廳公安史硏究室東北淪陷十四年史吉林編寫組( 著 ).
item_ID: 18183
滿洲國警察史. 長春: 吉林省公安廳公安史硏究室東北淪陷十四年史吉林編寫組, 1990.
Jilin Sheng gong an ting gong an shi yan jiu shi Dongbei lun xian shi si nian shi Jilin bian xie
zu (author).
Manzhou guo jing cha shi. Changchun: Jilin Sheng gong an ting gong an shi yan jiu shi Dongbei lun xian shi si nian shi Jilin bian xie zu, 1990, pp. 585.
The book is a reprint of the original two-volume work published by the colonial Manchurian Police Department. The book opens with an account of the establishment
of the Manchurian government and the development of the Manchurian Police. The
latter sections report on the organizational structure, policing policy, police personnel with some statistics, officer education, budget, security committees, and police
divisions (security; political police; criminal investigation; sanitation police). The
book also contains a chapter on key incidents on the borders. The book covers the
period of 1932-1942. Written in Chinese.
定期刊行物 Serials
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 397
10.21 新宿騒擾事件公判ニュース. 東京: 10.21新宿騒擾事件弁護団事務局.
item_ID: 51821
SerialID: 1821
10/21 Shinjuku Sōjō Jiken Kōhan Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: 10/21 Shinjuku Sōjō Jiken Bengodan Jimukyoku.
Newsletter put out by the support organization for the trial of people arrested in the
10/21/68 violent demonstration at Shinjuku station on International Antiwar Day,
who were charged with felony riot.
10.8 救援ニュース. 東京: 羽田10.8救援会.
item_ID: 51802
SerialID: 1802
10/8 Kyūen Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Haneda 10/8 Kyūenkai.
One of several newsletters produced by supporters of the students who were arrested
during the 10/8/1967 First Haneda Incident. They were produced by essentially the
same group, but the title of the newsletter changed as the pool of people they were
supporting fluctuated. After the Sasebo protests in January, 1968, those arrestees
were also supported and the name changed to reflect this. This was one of the original New Left support groups for unaffiliated (non-sect) students, which later became
one of the founding groups for Kyūen Renraku Center.
1万6000人のセイロン青年政治犯を救え!. 東京:「1万6000人のセイロン青年政治犯を救おう!」
item_ID: 50510
Ichiman Rokusennin no Seiron Seinen Seijihan o Sukue!
Tōkyō: 1man 6 sennin no Seiron Seinen Seijihan o Sukuō!” Nihon Iinkai Junbikai (Kashō).
The collection has two issues from 1972 and 1973 of this publication seeking support for 16,000 young political prisoners in what was then known as Ceylon, now Sri
18 人の真実. 東京: 無実の「土田・日石・ピース缶事件」被告を支援する会.
item_ID: 50352
18 nin no Shinjitsu.
Tōkyō: Mujitsu no “Tsuchida, Nisseki, Pīsukan Jiken” Hikoku o Shiensuru Kai.
Single issues of a newsletter put out by the support group for the defendants in the
Tsuchida, Nisseki, Peace Can Bomb Frame-up Incident. We also have a bound edition of the full set, as Serial ID #353.
18人の真実 合冊 1-31号. 東京: 無実の「土田・日石・ピース缶事件」被告を支援する会.
item_ID: 50353
18 nin no Shinjitsu Gassatsu 1-31 gō.
Tōkyō: Mujitsu no “Tsuchida, Nisseki, Pīsukan Jiken” Hikoku o Shiensuru Kai.
The newsletter of the support organization for the defendants in the Tsuchida,
Nisseki, Peace Can Bomb case, which is a famous frame-up incident. The collection
398 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
contains many materials about this case because Takazawa wrote a book about it,
which is also in the collection. Two individual issues of this serial exist in collection
(Serial ID #352).
1月反戦行動実行委員会ニュース. 横浜: 横浜ベ平連.
item_ID: 50807
1 gatsu Hansen Jikkō Iinkai Nyūsu.
Yokohama: Yokohama Beheiren.
The newsletter of a Yokohama Beheiren group preparing for its first demonstration
against the port call of an American nuclear submarine. It takes the form of a newsletter, but is actually just a one-page announcement of the demonstration. The item
in undated.
20世紀. 東京: 20世紀社.
item_ID: 50183
20 Seiki.
Tōkyō: 20 Seikisha.
The collection contains two issues of this magazine from 1969, both dealing with
student issues.
3.6 全国交流集会実行委員会ニュース. 3・6全国交流集会実行委員会.
item_ID: 51950
SerialID: 1950
3/6 Zenkoku Kōryū Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai Nyūsu.
3/6 Zenkoku Kōryū Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai.
The collection has one 1977 issue from a group organizing a national rally on March 6.
4.18 三多摩大集会ニュース. 燃やそう日韓民衆連帯の炎4・18三多摩大集会実行委員会.
item_ID: 50735
4/18 San Tama Daishūkai Nyūsu.
Moyasō Nikkan Minshū Rentai no Honoo 4/18 San Tama Dai Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai.
Newsletter of a group planning a rally in 1982 to protest the South Korean court’s
conviction of Kim Dae Jung. There was great interest in the case in Japan because
Kim had been kidnapped from Japan by South Korean agents.
4.27 叛軍兵士裁判ニュース. 東京: 4・27叛軍兵士裁判事務局.
item_ID: 50616
4/27 Hangun Heishi Saiban Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: 4/27 Hangun Heishi Saiban Jimukyōku.
The newsletter of a support group for several self-defense force members who took an
anti-war position in 1972 and were filing a civil suit in connection with their treatment by the self-defense forces. This group did not include Konishi Makoto, but was
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 399
a kind of successor to the anti-war movement within the self-defense forces that he
6・17, 酒井君を支援する会・会報. 東京: 酒井君を支援する会.
item_ID: 50299
6/17, Sakai-kun o Shiensuru Kai, Kaihō.
Tōkyō: Sakai-kun o Shiensuru Kai.
The newsletter of a support group for Sakai Shigeki, who was on trial for the June
17, 1971 pipe bombing at Meiji Park. The collection has two issues of this newsletter
from 1972, just after the trial began, and April 1973.
68-10.13, 市民運動のためのタイム・テーブル. 兵庫: 加茂兄弟団.
item_ID: 51794
SerialID: 1794
68/10/13, Shimin Undō no Tame no Taimu Tēburu.
Hyōgo: Kamo Kyōdai Dan.
The newsletter of a group trying to put out a calendar of citizen’s group activities
that are not reported in the mass media, so people will be able to learn about them
and participate.
6月行動ニュース. 東京: 6月行動委員会.
item_ID: 50827
Rokugatsu Kōdō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Rokugatsu Kōdō Iinkai.
This newsletter was published by the group organizing the 1969 Rokugatsu Kōdō, or
June Action as a combined protest action by many anti-war and anti-nuclear groups.
These materials and others concerning the Rokugatsu Kōdō are part of the Gomi
sub-collection, because Gomi Masahiko was a key organizer of the event in both 1968
and 1969. The collection also contains another organizational newsletter with the
same title published by Rokugatsu Kōdō Jikkō Iinkai Jimukyoku in 1968 (Serial ID
# 1890). From issue #5, the publishing organization changes to Hansen to Han Anpo
no Tame no Rokugatsu Kōdō Iinkai.
70年市民戦線. 東京: 七十 年 安 保 に 反 対 す る 市 民 の 会 代 表 委 員 会.
item_ID: 51747
SerialID: 1747
70 nen Shimin Sensen.
Tōkyō: 70 nen Anpo ni Hantai suru Shimin no Kai Daihyō Iinkai.
Newsletter in magazine format of a citizens’ group involved in the 1970 Ampo protests.
70年闘争 獄中書簡集. 東京:「獄中書簡」発刊委員会.
70 nen Tōsō Gokuchū Shokanshū.
Tōkyō: Gokuchū Shokan Hakkan Iinkai.
item_ID: 50325
400 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
A magazine format publication of the prison letters of people in prison for 1970 Ampo
protest activities. There were several issues published, and the collection has two.
八・二八 朝鮮・ベトナム連帯集会実行委ニュース. 那覇: 8・28朝鮮・ベトナム連帯集会実行委員会.
item_ID: 50638
8/28 Chōsen Betonamu Rentai Shūkai Jikkōi Nyūsu.
Naha: 8/28 Chōsen Betonamu Rentai Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai.
Newsletter of a group in Okinawa organizing a rally of solidarity with North Korea,
Vietnam, and Japan.
a, アフリカを学ぶ雑誌. 東京: 理論社.
item_ID: 50473
a, Afurika o Manabu Zasshi.
Tōkyō: Rironsha.
A commercially published magazine concerning Africa.
アイヌ解放. 札幌: アイヌ解放同盟.
item_ID: 50384
Ainu Kaihō.
Sapporo: Ainu Kaihō Dōmei.
A magazine format publication put out by the Ainu Liberation League and published
in Hokkaido. The publisher name changes to Ainu Kaihōsha and the editor name
changes to Ainu Kaihō Dōmei for the gōgai issue in holdings. The collection has only
two issues, from 1972 and 1973.
東京: 朝日新聞東京本社.
item_ID: 50140
Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha.
This general interest magazine is in the collection because certain issues contain
articles about New Left groups. The issue titles in the issue listings on the website
do not necessarily refer to these articles.
青い海, 沖縄の郷土月刊誌. 那覇: 青い海出版社.
item_ID: 51929
SerialID: 1929
Aoi Umi, Okinawa no Kyōdo Gekkanshi.
Naha: Aoi Umi Shuppansha.
A environmental magazine published in Okinawa.
赤い河, 獄中書簡集. 東京: 人民救援会.
item_ID: 50445
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 401
Akai Kawa, Gokuchū Shokanshū.
Tōkyō: Jinmin Kyūenkai.
A magazine format publication of letters from prison, published by the support organization Jinmin Kyūenkai.
赤い鉄路. 横浜: 人民の力社.
item_ID: 50509
Akai Tetsuro.
Yokohama: Jinmin no Chikarasha.
A magazine format publication from the radical wing of the national railways union.
赤い星. 東京・京都: 革命戦線関西地方委員会.
item_ID: 50295
Akai Hoshi.
Tōkyō/ Kyōto: Kakumei Sensen Kansai Chihō Iinkai.
This magazine format publication was put out briefly by Kakumei Sensen, the mass
or public student organization of Sekigunha, in 1971. Okamoto Kōzō referred to this
publication during his interrogations, after his arrest in Israel in 1972. The second
issue is published by Kakumei Sensen Zenkoku Iinkai.
アカハタ, 日本共産党中央機関紙. 東京: アカハタ編集局.
item_ID: 50700
Akahata, Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Akahata Henshūkyoku.
The central organizational newspaper of the Japan Communist Party. Title changes
to kanji from 1970 11/26 issue. After 1961 the publisher name changes to Nihon
Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai. Prewar issues published between 1928 and 1936 are in the
collection as a fukkokuban. (Serial ID #1966)
赤旗評論特集版. 東京: 日本共産党中央委員会.
item_ID: 50058
Akahata Hyōron Tokushūban.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai.
This is a separate publication of just the highlights from Akahata’s critical essays,
which came out weekly in magazine form beginning in 1977. The collection contains
a nearly complete set of 480 issues from 1977 to 1991.
赤旗(復刻版),非合法時代の日本共産党中央機関紙. 東京: 三一書房.
Akahata (Fukkokuban), Higōhō Jidai no Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: San’ichi Shobō.
item_ID: 51966
SerialID: 1966
402 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Thiks is a complete reprinting of the prewar edition of the Japan Communist Party
organizational newspaper, Akahata. The paper was published illegally (without official authorization) in prewar Japan. Individual issues of Akahata published after
1950 are also in collection. (Serial ID #700)
明るい学園, 日本共産党東大教養学部細胞機関紙. 日本共産党東大教養学部細胞.
item_ID: 52016
SerialID: 2016
Akarui Gakuen, Nihon Kyōsantō Tōdai Kyōyō Gakubu Saibō Kikanshi.
Nihon Kyōsantō Tōdai Kyōyō Gakubu Saibō.
A newsletter published by the JCP cell at the kyōyōbu gakubu (freshman and sophomore division at Komaba) of Tokyo University. These issues are from the early
1950s, when the JCP controlled Zengakuren and the Tokyo University JCP cell
played a leadership role.
Akikawa Dayori.
item_ID: 52081
SerialID: 2081
The collection contains five issues of this newsletter from 1966 through 1968.
あけぼの. 東京: あけぼの広報社.
item_ID: 50705
Tōkyō: Akebono Kōhōsha.
A human rights publication in newspaper format.
あごら, よこはま・かわさきベ平連ニュース. 横浜: よこはま・かわさきベ平連.
item_ID: 51887
SerialID: 1887
Agora, Yokohama, Kawasaki Beheiren Nyūsu.
Yokohama: Yokohama, Kawasaki Beheiren.
The newsletter of the Yokohama-Kawasaki Beheiren group, in magazine format.
This item is also cross-listed as a pamphlet.
朝日グラフ. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社.
item_ID: 50091
Asahi Gurafu.
Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha.
Asahi Gurafu is a large format photo journalism magazine produced by the Asahi
Newspaper company. The collection contains 29 issues that were collected because
they contained articles and photos about particular topics. There are key issues from
July 1960, November 1968, and other dates associated with major protest actions
from 1969 to 1973, plus a few from the 1980s. The website entries for many of the
individual issues contain additional information about the topics covered.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 403
朝日ジャーナル. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社.
item_ID: 50100
Asahi Jānaru.
Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha.
Asahi Jānaru is a major mainstream magazine of commentary on political events
and issues. The Takazawa Collections contains index issues, which are also crosslisted as books. Takazawa Kōji used them to collect articles on 1960 Ampo and later
on topics such as Rengō Sekigun. There are photocopies of many of these articles in
the collection, arranged by topic, in the clippings section. The Serials section contains 51 complete issues ranging from 1965 to 1992. Many have the special topic
listed on the website with the entry for the issue.
大阪: 朝日新聞大阪本社.
item_ID: 51833
SerialID: 1833
Asahi Shinbun (Ōsaka Honsha).
Ōsaka: Asahi Shinbun Ōsaka Honsha.
Asahi Shimbun is the newspaper of record in Japan. The collection contains many
issues from important dates and those with reports on major protest events. While
the collection also has extensive clipping scrapbooks and files with Asahi Shimbun
articles, the issues catalogued here are complete copies of a particular day’s newspaper. Since the Asahi is published in several editions for different regional markets,
we have catalogued them separately by the publication location of each edition.
東京: 朝日新聞東京本社.
item_ID: 50334
Asahi Shinbun (Tōkyō Honsha).
Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha.
Asahi Shimbun is the newspaper of record in Japan. The collection contains many
issues from important dates and those with reports on major protest events. While
the collection also has extensive clipping scrapbooks and files with Asahi Shimbun
articles, the issues catalogued here are complete copies of a particular day’s newspaper. Since the Asahi is published in several editions for different regional markets,
we have catalogued the Osaka and Tokyo editions separately.
旭の友, 長野県警察機関誌. 長野: 長野県警察本部警務部教養課.
item_ID: 50423
Asahi no Tomo, Nagano-ken Keisatsu Kikanshi.
Nagano: Nagano-ken Keisatsu Honbu Keimu-bu Kyōyōka.
This is a magazine put out by the Nagano prefectural police department. The Takazawa Collection has a special issue that they produced on the Rengō Sekigun Incident, particularly the Asama Sansō siege in Karuizawa, which took place in their
jurisdiction. The issue contains pictures and the police perspective on the events.
404 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
アジア アフリカ連帯. 東京: アジア・アフリカ人民連帯日本委員会.
item_ID: 50364
Ajia Afurika Rentai.
Tōkyō: Ajia, Afurika Jinmin Rentai Nihon Iinkai.
A newspaper format publication reporting on revolutionary activities in Asia and
Africa, including Japan. The collection has one issue from 1969.
アジア女性交流史研究. 東京: アジア女性交流史研究会.
item_ID: 50880
Ajia Josei Kōryūshi Kenkyū.
Tōkyō: Ajia Josei Kōryūshi Kenkyūkai.
A magazine format publication dealing with women’s issues in Asia. This is a journal written and published by Yamazaki Tomoko, who is a well-known scholar on
women’s history. This is a journal she had published before she became famous.
アジア通信. 東京: アジア青年会議.
item_ID: 50637
Ajia Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Ajia Seinen Kaigi.
A newsletter format publication advocating democratization of South Korea and
other causes and put out by a youth organization.
アジアの人権. 東京: アジア人権センター.
item_ID: 50320
Ajia no Jinken.
Tōkyō: Ajia Jinken Sentā.
Publication of the Asian Human Rights Center in Tokyo. Thie serial was originally
published as a newspaper from issues 1 to 10. From issue no. 11 (tsūkan 11 gō), the
publisher changed its form from newspaper to magazine. The collection has just one
of the magazine format issues.
アジアの政治犯. 東京: アジア政治犯情報センター.
item_ID: 50533
Ajia no Seijihan.
Tōkyō: Ajia Seijihan Jōhō Sentā.
The newsletter of an organization publicizing the plight of political prisoners in Asia.
An English version of this serial is also in collection (Serial ID #534).
アジアの眼, Asian Eye. 大阪: Asia Photo Press.
Ajia no Me, Asian eye.
Ōsaka: Asia Photo Press.
item_ID: 50513
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 405
Another serial with the same name exists in collection. (Serial ID #1850). This one
is commercially published.
ア ジ ア の 目. 東京: 日タイ青年友好運動.
item_ID: 51850
SerialID: 1850
Ajia no Me.
Tōkyō: Nichi-Tai Seinen Yūkō Undō.
This magazine format publication covers Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, and
Korea and is published by a Japan-Thai youth friendship organization. Another
quite different serial with the same name exists in the collection. (Serial ID #513)
明日をひらくために, 清水澄子をはげます会ニュース. 東京: 清水澄子をはげます会.
item_ID: 50797
Asu o Hiraku Tame ni, Shimizu Sumiko o Hagemasu Kai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Shimizu Sumiko o Hagemasu Kai.
This is a professionally produced newspaper format newsletter put out by a women’s
organization supporting a woman politician in the Socialist Party named Shimizu
Sumiko. The collection has the inaugural issue, which came out in 1982.
新しい時代. 東京: 新しい時代社.
item_ID: 50697
Atarashii Jidai.
Tōkyō: Atarashii Jidaisha.
This is a magazine format publication promoting peace and socialism.
新しい世界. 東京: 日本共産党.
item_ID: 50097
Atarashii Sekai.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō.
The is a magazine published by the Japan Communist Party immediately after the
war. The collection contains six issues from the late 1940s, which were in the Furuya-Aihara sub-collection.
新しい芽, 三里塚農民友の会ニュース. 東京: 農懇.
item_ID: 50834
Atarashii Me, Sanrizuka Nōmin Tomo no Kai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Nōkon.
This newsletter supports the struggle of Sanrizuka farmers against the construction
of Narita International Airport. The collection contains two issues from 1974, one of
which seems to be misnumbered in the original.
406 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
圧殺の森. 東京: 自主上映組織の会.
item_ID: 51769
SerialID: 1769
Assatsu no Mori.
Tōkyō: Jishu Jōei Soshiki no Kai.
This is a magazine format publication produced by an independent film group at
Takasaki Keizai Daigaku.
あなたはどうお考えですか. 横須賀: ヨコスカベ平連.
item_ID: 51784
SerialID: 1784
Anata wa Dō Okangae Desu Ka.
Yokosuka: Yokosuka Beheiren.
A newsletter put out by the Yokosuka Beheiren group. Yokosuka is a U.S. naval base
where American military vessels thought to be nuclear powered made port calls in
the late 1960s, prompting major protests. The publication, however, was raising the
question of the status of Korean residents in Japan.
アフリカ行動委員会ニュース. 横浜: アフリカ行動委員会.
item_ID: 50570
Afurika Kōdō Iinkai Nyūsu.
Yokohama: Afurika Kōdō Iinkai.
A newsletter reporting on revolutionary movements in Africa.
アムネスティ. 東京: アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本支部.
item_ID: 50599
Tōkyō: Amunesuti Intānashonaru Nihon shibu.
Newsletter published by the Japan section of Amnesty International in newspaper
format. The collection has only one issue in this format, from 1977, but has several
issues of another Amnesty International newsletter (Serial ID# 465).
アムネスティ沖縄. 那覇: アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本支部第9(沖縄)
item_ID: 50466
Amunesuti Okinawa.
Naha: Amunesuti Intānashonaru Nihon shibu Dai 9 (Okinawa) Gurūpu.
A newsletter put out by the Okinawa group of Amnesty International.
アムネスティ NEWS LETTER. 東京: アムネスティ・インターナショナル(人権を守る国際救援機構)
item_ID: 50465
Amunesuti news letter.
Tōkyō: Amunesuti Intānashonaru (Jinken o Mamoru Kokusai Kyūen Kikō) Nihon Shibu.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 407
A newsletter produced by the Japanese branch of Amnesty International. This one is
in newsletter format and the collection has several issues from the mid-1970s.
あゆみ. 東京: 警視庁警備部.
item_ID: 50422
Tōkyō: Keishichō Keibi-bu.
Ayumi is a glossy magazine published monthly by the National Police Agency. The
collection contains two issues because of their special content. One is a special issue
on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the kidōtai (riot police), and the other is a
special issue on Rengō Sekigun.
item_ID: 50817
The collection has one issue from 1969 of this newsletter.
嵐をついて. 社会主義学生戦線(フロント)東大総支部.
item_ID: 51809
SerialID: 1809
Arashi o Tsuite.
Shakaishugi Gakusei Sensen (Furonto) Tōdai Sōshibu.
This and Serial ID#556 are issues of the same magazine format hand-produced publication put out by a student organization in 1969, but they carry different publishers. They both are produced by Shakaishugi Gakusei Sensen (Furonto), but the first
issue, the inaugural issue, was put out in the name of the secretariat and the later
issue in the name of the Todai unit. Shakaishugi Gakusei Sensen, or Furonto, was
the student arm of Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei, which was founded in the early 1960s
by Kasuga Shōjiro and his associates after they left the Japan Communist Party.
嵐をついて. 東京: 東京都社会主義学生戦線(フロント)中央書記局.
item_ID: 50556
Arashi o Tsuite.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō-to Shakaishugi Gakusei Sensen (Furonto) Chūō Shokikyoku.
This and Serial ID#1809 are issues of the same magazine format hand-produced
publication put out by a student organization in 1969, but they carry different publishers. They both are produced by Shakaishugi Gakusei Sensen (Furonto), but the
first issue the inaugural issue was put out in the name of the secretariat and the later issue in the name of the Todai unit. Shakaishugi Gakusei Sensen, or Furonto, was
the student arm of Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei, which was founded in the early 1960s
by Kasuga Shōjiro and his associates after they left the Japan Communist Party.
歩くそして考える. 長野: 戦争に反対する長野市民の会(ベ平連).
item_ID: 50801
408 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Aruku soshite Kangaeru.
Nagano: Sensō ni Hantai suru Nagano Shimin no Kai (Beheiren).
A newsletter put out by the Beheiren group in Nagano. From the February 1969 issue the publisher changes to Nagano Beheiren.
暗黒星雲. 東京: 現代史研究所.
item_ID: 50235
Ankoku Seiun.
Tōkyō: Gendaishi Kenkyūjo.
A magazine format publication produced by the support group for the defendants
in the Tsuchida-Nisseki-Peace Can Bomb Incident trial. It was published jointly by
Gendaishi Kenkyūjo and Tsuchida, Nisseki, Pīsukan Bakudan Furēmuappu Jiken
Kyūen Kai.
アンチ. 岡山: 平城小百合.
item_ID: 50514
Okayama: Nara Sayuri.
The collection has one issue from 1974 of this publication from Okinawa.
アンチ安保. 小西.
item_ID: 50418
Anchi Anpo.
A privately produced anti-Ampo publication. There are three issues #1 to #3 printed
on a single page.
あんでぱんだん. F.ライブラリイ.
item_ID: 52031
SerialID: 2031
F. Raiburarii.
The collection contains only the inaugural issue of this newsletter format publication, which gives the month (May) but no year of publication.
アンバランス. サントリーホフコマ労組.
item_ID: 50421
Santorī Hofukoma Rōso.
This is a newsletter put out by participants in a labor struggle at the Suntory
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 409
安保共闘. 東京: 安保粉砕共闘会議「安保共闘」編集委員会.
item_ID: 50558
Anpo Kyōtō.
Tōkyō: Anpo Funsai Kyōtō Kaigi “Anpo Kyōtō” Henshū Iinkai.
A magazine format publication put out by an anti-Ampo group. Zen’eisha is listed as
the publishing company.
安保対策ニュース. 緑会委員会安保対策委員会.
item_ID: 51863
SerialID: 1863
Anpo Taisaku Nyūsu.
Midori Kai Iinkai Anpo Taisaku Iinkai.
A hand-produced (gariban) newsletter putting forth policy arguments in opposition
to Ampo, as part of the 1970 Ampo struggle.
安保斗争ニュース. 東京大学中央常任委員会.
item_ID: 51860
SerialID: 1860
Anpo Tōsō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō Daigaku Chūō Jōnin Iinkai.
A gariban newsletter published by students at Tokyo University as part of the 1970
Ampo struggle. The collection has quite a few issues, which report on other current
protest issues as well as upcoming Ampo protest events.
飯島さんを守る会ニュース. 東京: 飯島さんを守る会.
item_ID: 50810
Iijima-san o Mamoru Kai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Iijima-san o Mamoru Kai.
The collection has one issue from 1968 of a support group newsletter for Iijima-san.
イオム. 広島: 広島ベ平連.
item_ID: 50745
Hiroshima: Hiroshima Beheiren.
The collection has one issue from 1970 of this publication put out by the Hiroshima
chapter of Beheiren.
イオム通信. 姫路: イオム同盟.
item_ID: 50007
Iomu Tsūshin.
Himeji: Iomu Dōmei.
This was the organizational publication of an anarchist group headed by Mukai Takashi. Ugajin Hisaichi, arrested for taking part in the Hannichi Busō Sensen succes-
410 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
sive corporate bomb attacks including the Mitsubishi Jūkō headquarters bombing in
the mid 1970s, confessed in court that he was ideologically influenced by Mukai. The
collection contains 21 issues, from 1968, 1970, and one from 1985.
いしゆみ, 全臨労リクルート分会機関紙. 東京: 全臨時労働者組合 日本リクルートセンター分会.
item_ID: 51770
SerialID: 1770
Ishiyumi, Zen Rinrō Rikurūto Bunkai Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Zen Rinji Rōdōsha Kumiai Nihon Rikurūto Sentā Bunkai.
The Recruit Corporation was founded by Ezoe [ ], who had previously been the editor
of the Tokyo University student newspaper during the late 1960s. Initially, it was a
temporary employment agency and hired many radical students from Todai. They,
in turn, formed a union of temporary workers. This magazine format publication was
produced by the Recruit temporary workers union.
イスクラ. 東京: イスクラ社.
item_ID: 51736
SerialID: 1736
Tōkyō: Isukura-sha.
The collection has four issues of this publication from 1950. The name Iskra comes
from the newspaper of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1900, managed by V.I. Lenin, which was a newly legal name to use for a newsletter in Japan
in 1950.
イスクラ. 東京: 中央大学文化連盟社会科学研究会.
item_ID: 50523
Tōkyō: Chūō Daigaku Bunka Renmei Shakai Kagaku Kenkyū Kai.
The collection have just one issue of this newsletter published by a student group at
Chūō University during their strike. The one issue is from May 1969.
一点の火. 東京: 一点の火発刊委員会.
item_ID: 51700
SerialID: 1700
Itten no Hi.
Tōkyō: Itten no Hi Hakkan Iinkai.
The collection has eight issues of this publication, from the first issue in 1978 with
scattered others through 1981.
稲妻, 革命思想・情報紙. 東京: 政治グループ稲妻.
Inazuma, Kakumei Shisō, Jōhōshi.
Tōkyō: Seiji Gurūpu Inazuma.
The collection has just one issue of this newsletter, from 1981.
item_ID: 50655
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 411
いのちと海, La vie et La mer. 東京: 食用塩調査会事務局.
item_ID: 50748
Inochi to Umi, La vie et La mer.
Tōkyō: Shokuyōen Chōsakai Jimukyoku.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from 1977 and 1978.
東京: 緑豆社.
item_ID: 51959
SerialID: 1959
“Ihōjin no Kawa” Jishu Jōei Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Ryokutōsha.
This is the newsletter of a group dedicated to screeing the film “Ihōjin no Kawa.”
医療戦線, 70年代医療戦線を領導する理論誌. 東京: 全国病院反戦連合(準)書記局.
item_ID: 51749
SerialID: 1749
Iryō Sensen, 70 nendai Iryō Sensen o Ryōdō suru Rironshi.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Byōin Hansen Rengō (Jun) Shokikyoku.
This magazine was produced by New Left medical students, who were active in the
Zenkyōtō movement, the anti-war movement, and in medical reform issues. This
particular group had organized as an anti-war medical group.
医療被害を無くする会. 東京: 医療被害をなくする会事務局.
item_ID: 50775
Iryō Higai o Nakusuru Kai.
Tōkyō: Iryō Higai o Nakusuru Kai Jimukyoku.
The collection has two issues from 1974 from this group which was dedicated to
eliminating medical errors and acccidents.
医療を考える. 鎌倉: 浜田さんを支援し医療を考える会.
item_ID: 50777
Iryō o Kangaeru.
Kamakura: Hamada-san o Shienshi Iryō o Kangaeru Kai.
The collection has one issue from 1978 of this newsletter from a group in Kamakura
supporting a victim of medical malpractice.
イントレピッド四人の会. 東京: イントレピッド四人の会.
item_ID: 50357
Intorepiddo Yonin no Kai.
Tōkyō: Intorepiddo Yonin no Kai.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter, which was part of Beheiren’s activities supporting four US sailors from the Intrepid who went AWOL and were sheltered by the group.
412 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
インパクション. 東京: インパクト出版会.
item_ID: 50178
Tōkyō: Inpakuto Shuppankai.
Inpakushon is the continuation of Inpakuto. The collection holds seven issues from
1982 through 1992 on specific themes related to the collection.
インパクト. 東京: インパクト出版会.
item_ID: 50177
Tōkyō: Inpakuto Shuppankai.
Inpakuto is an important small journal of the left in Japan. The collection contains
four early issues from 1979-1981 on themes relevant to the collection. In 1982 it
changed its name to Inpakushon, which is catalogued as Serial #178.
ヴェトナム通信. 那覇: 沖縄ベトナム人民連帯委員会.
item_ID: 50479
Vetonamu Tsūshin.
Naha: Okinawa Betonamu Jinmin Rentai Iinkai.
The collection has 21 issues of this newsletter of the Okinawa-Vietnam Solidarity
Committee from 1973 through 1975.
ヴェトナム反戦. 東京: ヴェトナム反戦葛飾の会.
item_ID: 50808
Vetonamu Hansen.
Tōkyō: Vetonamu Hansen Katsushika no Kai.
This newsletter was put out by a local anti-war group in the Katsushika-ku area of
Tokyo. The issues in the collection are from 1968. The same group also produced a
magazine format publication called Hansen [Anti-war] (Serial ID #1771). The organization and its publications are also notable because they used the katakana characters for Ve, rather than the more commonly used Japanese Be, to write Vietnam.
This is explicitly different from the spelling used by Beheiren groups.
潮. 東京: 潮出版社.
item_ID: 50185
Tōkyō: Ushio Shuppansha.
Ushio is a commercially published magazine and the issue in the collection is a review of the 1960s as part of its celebration of 25 years of publication.
潮(別冊 潮).
東京: 潮出版社.
item_ID: 50186
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 413
Ushio (Bessatsu Ushio).
Tōkyō: Ushio Shuppansha.
This is a special edition of Ushio from 1969, looking forward to the conflict of the
海. 東京: 中央公論社.
item_ID: 51679
SerialID: 1679
Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha.
The collection has a 1971 issue of this commercial magazine because it has a special
feature on Takahashi Kazumi.
噂の眞相. 東京: 噂の真相.
item_ID: 50144
Uwasa no Shinsō.
Tōkyō: Uwasa no Shinsō.
Monthly commercial magazine that carries a lot of investigative journalism. The
collection contains 11 issues. An article written by Takazawa critiquing North Korea is carried in one of its volumes. The February 1991 issue (Item #2561) contains
an article on Wakamiya Masanori, an early participant in Sekigunha. He had participated in a Osaka Seinan Hansen Seinen Iinkai group run by Takazawa Kōji and
entered Sekigunha through that connection. Later he ran a small snack shop in the
Kamagasaki day laborers community in Osaka. In 1990 he was killed, apparently accidentally, by Shining Path guerrillas in Peru. Takazawa went to Peru to investigate
what had happened and brought back Wakamiya’s personal effects.
映画鑑賞, 沖縄県映画サークル機関誌. 沖縄: 沖縄県映画サークル機関紙部.
item_ID: 51957
SerialID: 1957
Eiga Kanshō, Okinawa-ken Eiga Sākuru Kikanshi.
Okinawa: Okinawa-ken Eiga Sākuru Kikanshibu.
The collection has one 1978 issue of this publication from a film circle in Okinawa.
映画芸術. 東京: 編集プロダクション映芸(映画芸術新社).
item_ID: 51673
SerialID: 1673
Eiga Geijutsu.
Tōkyō: Henshū Purodakushon Eigei (Eiga Geijutsu Shinsha).
The collection has a 1984 special issue of this film magazine with an overview of the
映画センター, 映画センター全国連絡会議機関誌. 東京: 映画センター全国連絡会議.
item_ID: 52064
SerialID: 2064
414 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Eiga Sentā, Eiga Sentā Zenkoku Renraku Kaigi Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Eiga Sentā Zenkoku Renraku Kaigi.
There is one 1975 issue of this film magazine in the collection, a special issue on
映画反戦. 東京: ドキュメント
「権力」製作 上映実行委員会.
item_ID: 51748
SerialID: 1748
Eiga Hansen.
Tōkyō: Dokyumento “Kenryoku” Seisaku Jōei Jikkō Iinkai.
This newsletter was produced by an anti-war film group that produced and screened
a documentary called “Power.”
永久革命, 国際主義共産党(第4インターナショナル)機関誌. 千葉: 国際主義共産党(第四インターナショナル).
item_ID: 51982
SerialID: 1982
Eikyū Kakumei, Kokusaishugi Kyōsantō (Dai 4 Intānashonaru) Kikanshi.
Chiba: Kokusaishugi Kyōsantō (Dai Yon Intānashonaru).
The collection has one 1959 issue of this publication of Dai Yon Intā.
永続革命, 国際主義共産学生同盟政治機関誌. 東京: 新時代社.
item_ID: 50451
Eizoku Kakumei, Kokusaishugi Kyōsan Gakusei Dōmei Seiji Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha.
This is a political magazine produced by Dai Yon Inta. The collection has two issues,
the inaugural issue from 1969 and the second from 1970.
E自治会ニュース. 東京: 東京大学常任委員会.
item_ID: 51867
SerialID: 1867
E Jichikai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Jōnin Iinkai.
A newsletter of the Economics division at Tokyo University in the early 1960s. The
collection has two issues, one from 1960 and one from 1962. The 1962 issue lists the
publisher as Tōkyō Daigaku Keizai Gakubu Jōnin Iinkai.
Esquire, エスクァイア日本版. 東京: ユー・ピー・ユー .
item_ID: 51670
SerialID: 1670
Esquire, Esukaia Nihon ban.
Tōkyō: Yū Pī Yū.
This is a commercial magazine. Issues are in the collection because there were occasionally relevant articles published in it.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 415
エ ヌ 無 限 大. 東京:「滝田事件」救援会.
item_ID: 50043
Enu Mugendai.
Tōkyō: Takita Jiken Kyūenkai.
This newsletter was put out by Takita Osamu’s support group. The collection holds
14 issues from 1982-1985.
遠方から, 生協・生活共同運動重要文献集 その1. 川崎: 松本礼二事務所.
item_ID: 50592
Enpō Kara, Seikyō, Seikatsu Kyōdō Undō Jūyō Bunkenshū Sono 1.
Kawasaki: Matsumoto Reiji Jimusho.
The collection has one issue of this publication published by Matsumoto Reiji
from 1976.
遠方からの手紙. 川崎: 松本礼二事務所.
item_ID: 50832
Enpō Kara no Tegami.
Kawasaki: Matsumoto Reiji Jimusho.
The collection contains three issues of this newsletter put out by the Matsumoto
Reiji Jimushoin 1979 concerning the Sanrizuka conflict. See also Serial ID# 592,
which is a different publication from the same source.
東京: 文芸春秋.
item_ID: 51915
SerialID: 1915
Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū.
This is a commercial magazine similar to Friday, and the one issue in the collection contains an article about a party celebrating the publication of Karoji Kentaro’s
tsuitōshu, a posthumous collection of writings by and about him in November 1986.
The publication itself is in the collection as Item #545.
大泉市民の集いニュース. 東京: ベトナム戦争に反対し朝霞基地の撤去を求める大泉市民の集い.
item_ID: 50720
Ōizumi Shimin no Tsudoi Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Betonamu Sensō ni Hantai shi Asaka Kichi no Tekkyo o Motomeru Ōizumi Shimin no
This is a newsletter from a Beheiren group in Ōizumi city, which was the site of the
Asaka military base. The collection has one issue each from 1969, 1970, and 1971.
大阪印刷反戦, 大阪印刷出版産業反戦青年委員会機関紙. 大阪: 大阪印刷出版産業反戦青年委員会.
item_ID: 50477
416 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Ōsaka Insatsu Hansen, Ōsaka insatsu Shuppan Sangyō Hansen Seinen Iinkai Kikanshi.
Ōsaka: Ōsaka Insatsu Shuppan Sangyō Hansen Seinen Iinkai.
The collection has one issue from 1969 of the Osaka Printing Publication industry
Hansen Seinen Iinkai.
大阪城. 大阪: 全港湾建設支部西成分会.
item_ID: 50419
Ōsaka: Zen Kōwan Kensetsu Shibu Nishinari Bunkai.
The collection has six issues from 1969 (1) and 1971 (5) of this handlettered newsletter.
大阪新聞. 大阪: 大阪新聞社.
item_ID: 50336
Ōsaka Shinbun.
Ōsaka: Ōsaka Shinbunsha.
The collection has three issue of this major newspaper in the Osaka region, one with
coverage of the 10/8 incident and two from November 1970.
大阪大學新聞. 大阪: 大阪大学新聞社.
item_ID: 51840
SerialID: 1840
Ōsaka Daigaku Shinbun.
Ōsaka: Ōsaka Daigaku Shinbunsha.
The collection has nine issues of the Osaka University newspaper from 1970 to 1972,
because of particular articles they contained.
大阪電通大学生新聞. 大阪: 大阪電気通信大学新聞会編集局.
item_ID: 51839
SerialID: 1839
Ōsaka Dentsū Daigakusei Shinbun.
Ōsaka: Ōsaka Denki Tsūshin Daigaku Shinbunkai Henshūkyoku.
The collection has one 1972 issue of the Osaka Electro-Communications University
大阪日日新聞. 大阪: 大阪日日新聞社.
item_ID: 51916
SerialID: 1916
Ōsaka Nichinichi Shinbun.
Ōsaka: Ōsaka Nichinichi Shinbunsha.
The collection has one issue of the Osaka Nichinichi Shimbun from November 23,
1963, because of its content.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 417
大城生コン労ニュース. 大城生コン労教宣部.
item_ID: 50581
Ōshiro Namakon Rō Nyūsu.
Ōshiro Namakon Rō Kyōsenbu.
The collection has two issues of this construction workers union publication from
Oshiro, Okinawa, both from 1975.
沖教職教育新聞. 沖縄: 沖縄教職員会.
item_ID: 51947
SerialID: 1947
Okikyōshoku Kyōiku Shinbun.
Okinawa: Okinawa Kyōshokuinkai.
The collection has one issue from 1953 of this newspaper published by the Okinawa
Teachers Union pleading with people in the motherland (sokoku) not to forget Okinawa. This teachers’ union was a major figure in the Okinawa Reversion movement.
沖教組教育新聞. 那覇: 沖縄県教職員組合.
item_ID: 50496
Okikyōso Kyōiku Shinbun.
Naha: Okinawa-ken Kyōshokuin Kumiai.
The collection has four “extra” editions of the newsletter of the Okinawa Prefecture
teachers union, from 1974 and 1975.
沖教組私学支部情報. 那覇: 沖教組私学支部.
item_ID: 50493
Okikyōso Shigaku Shibu Jōhō.
Naha: Okikyōso Shigaku Shibu.
The collection has four issues of the newsletter of a branch of the Okinawa teachers
union, all from 1975.
沖縄. 東京: 沖縄返還同盟.
item_ID: 51942
SerialID: 1942
Tōkyō: Okinawa Henkan Dōmei.
The collection has three issues from 1970 and 1971of this newspaper published in
Tokyo by the Okinawa Reversion League.
沖縄, THE OKINAWA. 東京: 南方同胞援護会.
Okinawa, The Okinawa.
Tōkyō: Nanpō Dōhō Engokai.
item_ID: 51936
SerialID: 1936
418 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
The collection has two issues of this newspaper on Okinawa, which was published in
Tokyo. Both issues are from July 1970.
沖縄朝日新聞. 那覇: 沖縄朝日新聞社.
item_ID: 51941
SerialID: 1941
Okinawa Asahi Shinbun.
Naha: Okinawa Asahi Shinbunsha.
The collection has one 1953 issue of the Okinawa Asahi Shimbun.
沖縄救援ニュース. 東京: 沖縄救援センター.
item_ID: 51693
SerialID: 1693
Okinawa Kyūen Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Okinawa Kyūen Sentā.
This is a newsletter from the Okinawa Kyūen Sentā, which served as the contact
point for providing lawyers and trial support for New Left people arrested in Okinawa. The collection has four issues from 1970 and 1971.
オキナワグラフ, THE OKINAWA GRAPH. 那覇: オキナワグラフ社.
item_ID: 51923
SerialID: 1923
Okinawa Gurafu, The Okinawa Graph.
Naha: Okinawa Gurafusha.
Okinawa Graph is a commercial magazine published in Okinawa. The collection has
five issues from 1970, 1975, and 1976, because of particular content they contain.
沖縄月報. 川崎: 沖縄月報社.
item_ID: 50113
Okinawa Geppō.
Kawasaki: Okinawa Geppōsha.
The collection has one issue from 1976 of Okinawa Geppō, a monthly magazine
about Okinawa produced by the Okinawa Problems Research Group and published
in Kawasaki.
沖縄県反戦ニュース. 沖縄県反戦青年委員会.
item_ID: 52045
SerialID: 2045
Okinawa-ken Hansen Nyūsu.
Okinawa-ken Hansen Seinen Iinkai.
The collection has one issue from 1969 of this newsletter from the Okinawa Hansen
Seinen Iinkai.
沖縄県労協, 県労協機関誌. 沖縄: 沖縄県労協教宣部.
item_ID: 51632
SerialID: 1632
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 419
Okinawa-ken Rōkyō, Ken Rōkyō Kikanshi.
Okinawa: Okinawa-ken Rōkyō Kyōsenbu.
The collection has one 1974 issue of this labor union newsletter from Okinawa.
おきなわ県労協新聞. 那覇: 沖縄県労働組合協議会.
item_ID: 50499
Okinawa Kenrōkyō Shinbun.
Naha: Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai.
The collection has seven issues of this newspaper put out by the Okinawa Prefecture
prefectural workers union, from 1978, 79, and 81.
沖縄県労働基準協会だより. 那覇: 沖縄県労働基準協会.
item_ID: 50582
Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kijun Kyōkai Dayori.
Naha: Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kijun Kyōkai.
The collection has three issues of this newsletter from an Okinawan labor union, all
from 1974.
沖縄差別. 大阪: 関西沖縄県人差別問題研究会.
item_ID: 50111
Okinawa Sabetsu.
Ōsaka: Kansai Okinawa Kenjin Sabetsu Mondai Kenkyūkai.
The collection has only the 1971 inaugural issue of this magazine published by a
group concerned with discrimination against Okinawans in the Kansai area.
沖縄市職労速報. 沖縄: 沖縄市職員労働組合教宣部.
item_ID: 50500
Okinawa-shi Shokurō Sokuhō.
Okinawa: Okinawa-shi Shokuin Rōdō Kumiai Kyōsenbu.
The collection has one issue from 1979 of the Okinawa city workers union newsletter.
沖縄ジャーナル, THE OKINAWA JOURNAL. 大阪: 沖縄ジャーナル社.
item_ID: 51928
SerialID: 1928
Okinawa Jānaru, The Okinawa Journal.
Ōsaka: Okinawa Jānarusha.
The collection has one 1969 issue of the Okinawa Journal that contains a special on
Okinawan young people working and studying in mainland Japan.
沖縄情報. 山形: 沖縄情報センター.
item_ID: 52052
SerialID: 2052
420 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Okinawa Jōhō.
Yamagata: Okinawa Jōhō Sentā.
The collection contains two undated issues of this newsletter from Okinawa.
沖縄精神医療. 沖縄: 沖縄精神医療編集委員会.
item_ID: 50789
Okinawa Seishin Iryō.
Okinawa: Okinawa Seishin Iryō Henshū Iinkai.
This was a regular publication of the Okinawa branch of the community psychiatry
organization in which Shima Shigeo was a leader. He edited this publication.
沖縄タイムス. 那覇: 沖縄タイムス社.
item_ID: 50752
Okinawa Taimusu.
Naha: Okinawa Taimususha.
The collection has eleven issues of Okinawa Times, a major Japanese language
newspaper in Okinawa. The issues range from 1956 through 1975. These issues are
in the collection because of specific topics.
沖縄闘争ニュース. 東京: 沖縄返還同盟.
item_ID: 51937
SerialID: 1937
Okinawa Tōsō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Okinawa Henkan Dōmei.
The collection has one 1970 issue of this newspaper newspaper from the Okinawa
Reversion Alliance in Tokyo.
沖縄と小笠原, THE OKINAWA & OGASAWARA. 東京: 南方同胞援護会.
item_ID: 51934
SerialID: 1934
Okinawa to Ogasawara, The Okinawa & Ogasawara.
Tōkyō: Nanpō Dōhō Engokai.
The collection has twenty issues of this newspaper concerning Okinawa and Ogasawara (Bōnin islands), all from 1957.
沖縄と朝鮮. 那覇: 沖縄と朝鮮を闘う市民会議.
item_ID: 50634
Okinawa to Chōsen.
Naha: Okinawa to Chōsen o Tatakau Shimin Kaigi.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from a citizens group concerned with
the Okinawa and North Korea. Both are from 1976.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 421
沖縄のあゆみ. 沖縄: 琉球政府総務局広報課.
item_ID: 51927
SerialID: 1927
Okinawa no Ayumi.
Okinawa: Ryūkyū Seifu Sōmukyoku Kōhōka.
The collection contains three issues from 1968 and 1969 of this magazine, published
when Okinawa was still under American Occupation.
沖縄・一坪反戦. 東京: 沖縄・一坪反戦地主会関東ブロック事務局.
item_ID: 50782
Okinawa Hitotsubo Hansen.
Tōkyō: Okinawa Hitotsubo Hansen Jinushi Kai Kantō Burokku Jimukyoku.
The collection has the 1983 inaugural issue of this newsletter from the office of the
Kantō section of the Okinawa One-Tsubo Antiwar Landowners organization. This
was a social movement in which people purchased one tsubo of land that had been
leased for U.S. military base use, so that when the leases came due they could object
to the continued use of the land by the U.S. military. This particular newsletter was
put out by a group in the Kantō region who were participating in this Okinawan
anti-base movement.
沖縄・冬の砦. 那覇: 松永闘争を支援する市民会議.
item_ID: 50788
Okinawa, Fuyu no Toride.
Naha: Matsunaga Tōsō o Shien suru Shimin Kaigi.
Matsunaga Yū is a textile artist who was studying Okinawan textile dying methods
when he participated in an Okinawan general strike demonstration in November,
1971, at which a riot policeman was killed by a gasoline bomb. Matsunaga rushed
forward to help the injured policeman, but then was arrested and charged with the
murder. He vehemently protested that he was innocent. His cause was taken up
by many support groups, and after five years in prison he was found innocent and
released. His case is treated as one of many “frame-up” incidents during this period
in which the wrong person was charged and prosecuted for a protest-related crime.
This is the publication of the Naha support group that provided on-site support during Matsunaga’s trial and imprisonment. Another publication in the collection, Serial ID #231, called Fuyu no Toride, was published by his support groups in Kamakura
and Sapporo.
沖縄べ平連ニュース. 那覇: 沖縄ベ平連.
item_ID: 52055
SerialID: 2055
Okinawa Beheiren Nyūsu.
Naha: Okinawa Beheiren.
The collection has the first four issues of the Okinawan Beheiren newsletter from
1969. Okinawa was at the time still under American Occupation.
422 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
沖縄民権, 沖縄民権の会会報. 川崎: 沖縄民権の会.
item_ID: 50390
Okinawa Minken, Okinawa Minken no Kai Kaihō.
Kawasaki: Okinawa Minken no Kai.
The collection has one issue from 1979 of this people’s rights newsletter published
in Kawasaki.
沖縄民衆史を歩く. 東京: 沖縄史を記録する会.
item_ID: 51701
SerialID: 1701
Okinawa Minshūshi o aruku.
Tōkyō: Okinawa-shi o Kiroku suru Kai.
The colleciton has two issues of this publication on Okinawan history, the inaugural
issue from 1981 and and the second issue from 1982.
沖縄連. 東京: 沖縄問題解決国民運動連絡会議.
item_ID: 51931
SerialID: 1931
Tōkyō: Okinawa Mondai Kaiketsu Kokumin Undō Renraku Kaigi.
The collection contains five issues of this newspaper, the inaugural issue from 1956
and four more from 1956 and 1957. It was produced in Tokyo but focused on connections with Okinawa.
沖縄労働運動ニュース. 那覇: 沖縄労働運動ニュース編集委員会.
item_ID: 50436
Okinawa Rōdō Undō Nyūsu.
Naha: Okinawa Rōdō Undō Nyūsu Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has 30 issues of this newsletter from 1975-1979.
沖縄労働者新聞. 那覇: 沖縄県マスコミ労協.
item_ID: 50662
Okinawa Rōdōsha Shinbun.
Naha: Okinawa-ken Masukomi Rōkyō.
The collection has two issues from the Okinawa Mass Communications Union, both
from 1970.
沖問研. 東京: 沖縄問題研究会.
Oki Mon Ken.
Tōkyō: Okinawa Mondai Kenkyūkai.
item_ID: 52024
SerialID: 2024
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 423
This is the inaugural issue of the Okinawa Problems Research group’s newsletter
from 1968.
沖縄連情報. 東京: 沖縄問題国民運動連絡会議.
item_ID: 50650
Okinawa Ren Jōhō.
Tōkyō: Okinawa Mondai Kokumin Undō Renraku Kaigi.
The collection has just one issue of this newsletter from an organization in Tokyo
dealing with Okinawan issues. It is issue #10 from 1974.
お元気ですか. 平壌:「日本を考える」編集委員会.
item_ID: 50052
Ogenki Desu ka.
Pyongyang: Nihon o Kangaeru Henshū Iinkai.
This is the newsletter of the Sekigunha Yodogo group who hijacked a plane to North
Korea in March, 1970 and have remained there since then. After one of their members was arrested in Japan and put on trial in the late 1980s, contact between the
group in North Korea and their supporters in Japan increased and the group began
an unsuccessful public relations campaign to get the Japanese government to let
them return without going on trial for the hijacking. This newsletter was published
on the group’s behalf from 1990 for supporters in Japan. The editor/publisher name
Nihon o Kangaeru Kai is listed only on the 1990/5/1 issue. After issue #2, only Nihon no Jishu to Danketsu no tame ni! no Kai is listed. The name Nihon o Kangaeru
derives from a magazine that the group published from Pyongyang for circulation in
Japan from the late 1980s. It is also in the collection (Serial ID#49). The collection
has 35 issues of this newsletter produced between 1991 and 1994.
雄叫び. 大阪: 辻本利博.
item_ID: 51846
SerialID: 1846
Ōsaka: Tsujimoto Toshihiro.
Pamphlet of Kansai University Zenkyōtō.
オペレーター. 大阪: エキスポ綜合労働組合.
item_ID: 51881
SerialID: 1881
Ōsaka: Ekisupo Sōgō Rōdō Kumiai.
This newsletter was published by the labor union for workers at the Osaka 1970
Worlds Fair (Expo). It was jointly published by the Ekisupo Sōgō Rōdō Kumiai and
the Kansai Rōdōsha Renraku Kaigi Tosho Geppan Rōsō Ōsaka Bunkai Ōsaka Tōsō
Iinkai. The collection contains only the initial issue, but there are other related materials in the collection.
424 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
オリオン通信. 東京: オリオン社.
item_ID: 50324
Orion Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Orionsha.
The collection has two issues, from 1976 and 1977, of this newsletter.
オリオンの赤い星. 京都: パレスチナ解放闘争支援委員会.
item_ID: 52003
SerialID: 2003
Orion no Akai Hoshi.
Kyōto: Paresuchina Kaihō Tōsō Shien Iinkai.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from a group in Kyoto supporting the
Palestine Liberation struggle. Both issues are gōgai from fall 1972 and the name of
the publication is significant. Akai Hoshi was a shortlived Sekigunha publication
from this period and in his trial statement in Israel, Lod Airport attack survivor
Okamoto Kōzō said that the three men saw themselves as the three stars in Orion’s
東京: 現代書館.
item_ID: 50557
Organ (Orugan).
Tōkyō: Gendai Shokan.
The collection contains one issue from 1990 with a special on Yoshimoto Takaaki and
the collapse of socialism.
女・エロス. 東京: 社会評論社.
item_ID: 50191
Onna, Erosu.
Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha.
The collection contains one issue from 1979 of this feminist journal, which is a special issue on the impending dissolution of the family.
女たちは戦争への道を許さない. 東京:「戦争への道を許さない女たち」の連絡会.
item_ID: 50850
Onnatachi wa Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai.
Tōkyō: Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Onnatachi no Renraku Kai.
The collection has the first three three issues, from 1981, of a newsletter produced
by a group of antiwar women.
女たちは戦争への道を許さない. 東京: 戦争への道を許さない城北の女たちの会.
Onnatachi wa Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai.
Tōkyō: Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Jōhoku no Onnatachi no Kai.
item_ID: 51654
SerialID: 1654
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 425
The collecction has one 1982 issue of this newsletter from an anti-war women’s group
in Tokyo.
海燕. 東京: 福武書店.
item_ID: 50163
Tōkyō: Fukutake Shoten.
Kaien is a commercially published magazine. The issue in the collection is a 1993
special issue on Zenkyōtō that was part of the Zenkyōtō nostalgia boom.
海峡. 東京: 社会評論社.
item_ID: 50566
Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha.
The collection contains only one isue of this magazine, from 1974.
凱風. 東京: 凱風社.
item_ID: 50173
Tōkyō: Gaifūsha.
This is a literary magazine that sometimes deals with social and political themes.
The collection contains nine issues from 1982-1984.
解放. 東京: 解放社.
item_ID: 50018
Tōkyō: Kaihōsha.
Organizational newspaper of Kakumaru-ha. (Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshu­gisha­
dōmei Kakumeiteki Marukusushugiha). The collection has 38 issues of this particular Kaihō from 1967 to 1977, but most are from 1974.
会報. 東京: 活動家集団思想運動.
item_ID: 50692
Tōkyō: Katsudōka Shūdan Shisō Undō.
There a several different publications called Kaihō in the collection. This one appears to be from a little known group, but the high issue numbers (218-376) of the
six issues of this newsletter from 1980, 1981, and 1990 suggest that it may be an
offshoot of another organization with a publication of the same name.
解放. 東京: 現代社.
item_ID: 51729
SerialID: 1729
426 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Tōkyō: Gendaisha.
There a several serial publications called Kaihō in the collection. This one is published by the Kaihō faction of Shaseidō, which was part of the New Left.
item_ID: 51758
SerialID: 1758
Kaihō [published by Anpo Kyohi Hyakunin Iinkai].
Ampo Kyohi Hyakunin Iinkai.
The collection has one 1978 of this newsletter from an anti-Ampo group. Note that
this “Kaihō” is Club News, a different character from the multiple publications called
“Kaihō” (Liberation).
解放. 東京: 日本社会主義青年同盟学生班協議会解放派.
item_ID: 51793
SerialID: 1793
Tōkyō: Nihon Shakaishugi Seinen Dōmei Gakuseihan Kyōgikai Kaihō-ha.
There are many serials in the collection with this name. This one is a magazine format publication put out by the Kaihō faction of the Socialist Party’s Youth League.
(Nihon Shakaishugi Seinen Dōmei Gakuseihan Kyōgikai Kaihōha). The parent student organization was also known by its short name of Shaseidō. The Kaiho faction became a part of the New Left and was thrown out of the Socialist Party, but
continued to operate as an independent student group. The same group sponsored a
newspaper with the same name (and was in fact named after its publications), but
the newspaper was published by Gendaisha.
解放, 革命的共産主義者同盟第四インターナショナル早大細胞機関誌. 革命的共産主義者同盟第四インターナショナル早大細胞.
item_ID: 52004
SerialID: 2004
Kaihō, Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Dai Yon Intānashonaru Sōdai Saibō Kikanshi.
Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Dai Yon Intānashonaru Sōdai Saibō.
The collection has several serial publications called Kaihō (liberation). This one is
from the Dai Yon Intā cell at Waseda University in 1959.
解放区, 京大教養部闘争委員会機関紙. 京都: 京大教養部闘争委員会.
item_ID: 51875
SerialID: 1875
Kaihō-ku, Kyōdai Kyōyōbu Tōsō Iinkai Kikanshi.
Kyōto: Kyōdai Kyōyōbu Tōsō Iinkai.
This is a newsletter issued by Kyoto University students who were occupying the
general education part of the university, which they named a “liberated area.” The
collection has four issues of this publication, the inaugural issue from March 1969,
and issues 2, 4, and 6 from March and April.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 427
解放新聞, 部落解放同盟中央機関紙. 大阪: 解放新聞社.
item_ID: 50504
Kaihō Shinbun, Buraku Kaihō Dōmei Chūō Kikanshi.
Ōsaka: Kaihō Shinbunsha.
The collection has one issue from 1975 of Kaihō Shinbun, the newspaper of Buraku
Kaihō Dōmei.
解放戦線, 東京都学生解放戦線連合機関紙. 東京: 解放戦線編集局.
item_ID: 50366
Kaihō Sensen, Tōkyō-to Gakusei Kaihō Sensen Rengō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Kaihō Sensen Henshūkyoku.
The collection has three issues from 1969 of this New Left newspaper put out by a
student organization in Tokyo.
解放の旗. 東京: 日本共産党(革命左派)神奈川県常任委員会 解 放 の 旗 編 集 局.
item_ID: 50319
Kaihō no Hata.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō (Kakumei Saha) Kanagawa-ken Jōnin Iinkai.
The collection has seven issues of this newsletter, which was produced by Kakumei
Saha, the group that merged with Sekigunha to form Rengō Sekigun.
解放 復刻版, 社青同解放派(東京)機関誌. 革労協総務委員会出版局.
item_ID: 51730
SerialID: 1730
Kaihō Fukkokuban, Shaseidō Kaihō ha (Tokyo) Kikanshi.
Kakurōkyō Sōmu Iinkai Shuppankyoku.
Kaihō is the organizational newspaper of Shakaishugi Seinen Dōmei (Shaseidō)
Kaihōha, the faction of Shaseidō that was expelled from the organization’s parent
Socialist Party and became a major New Left sect in the late 1960s. The faction took
the formal “Party” name of Kakumeiteki Rōdōsha Kyōkai (Kakurōkyō), but continued to be known as Shaseidō Kaihoha and to publish the newspaper Kaihō, from
which their nickname derives. This is a collection of the first ten issues of Kaihō,
from 1965/9/15 (#1) to 1966/7/25 (#10), which were republished by the organization.
Gendaisha is listed as a second publisher.
海問研ニュース. 東京: 海洋問題研究会.
item_ID: 50781
Kaimonken Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Kaiyō Mondai Kenkyūkai.
The collection has one issue from 1976 of this newsletter from a group researching
ocean problems.
428 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
海洋博ニュース. 沖縄: 沖縄国際海洋博覧会協会.
item_ID: 52070
SerialID: 2070
Kaiyōhaku Nyūsu.
Okinawa: Okinawa Kokusai Kaiyō Hakurankai Kyōkai.
The collection has one issue from 1975 of this newsletter from the International
Ocean Museum in Okinawa.
火焔. 東京: プロレタリア女性解放同盟準備会.
item_ID: 50317
Tōkyō: Puroretaria Josei Kaihō Dōmei Junbikai.
This is the gariban inaugural issue of a newsletter produced by Proletarian Women’s
Liberation League in formation.
科学的共産主義研究. 東京: 全国社会科学研究会.
item_ID: 50695
Kagakuteki Kyōsanshugi Kenkyū.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Shakaikagaku Kenkyūkai.
The collection has one isue of this publication, from 1970.
かがり火. 千葉: プロレタリア青年同盟三里塚現闘団.
item_ID: 50837
Kagari Bi.
Chiba: Puroretaria Seinen Dōmei Sanrizuka Gentōdan.
The collection has one issue from 1980 of this publication from the Proletarian Youth
League group at Sanrizuka.
学園評論. 京都: 学園評論社.
item_ID: 51709
SerialID: 1709
Gakuen Hyōron.
Kyōto: Gakuen Hyōronsha.
This is one of the first student journals published independently by college students.
This journal was published in the 1950s, and was a forerunner of independent student-run journals such as Josho. It was also pathbreaking in crossing university
lines and involving students from different universities.
革新選対ニュース. 那覇: 革新選対本部.
Kakushin Sentai Nyūsu.
Naha: Kakushin Sentai Honbu.
The collection has just one issue of this newsletter, from 1974.
item_ID: 50649
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 429
学生戦線, 全日本学生自治会総連合機関誌. 東京: 全日本学生自治会総連合中央書記局情宣部.
item_ID: 51979
SerialID: 1979
Gakusei Sensen, Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sō Rengō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Chūō Shokikyoku Jōsenbu.
The collection has one 1961 issue of this publication.
学生班協通信. 日本共産青年同盟全国学生班協議会全国書記局.
item_ID: 50294
Gakusei Hankyō Tsūshin.
Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Zenkoku Gakusei Han Kyōgikai Zenkoku Shokikyoku.
Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei is the youth organization of Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha
Dōmei Dai Yon Inta. This is a single copy of a communication produced by one of its
学対通信. 東京: 統一社会主義同盟東京都委員会学対.
item_ID: 50284
Gakutai Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei Tōkyō-to Iinkai Gakutai.
This newsletter was published by a section of Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei, which was
founded by Kasuga Shōjiro in 1962 and which later formed the student group Front
which participated in the protests of the late 1960s. The collection has one issue of
this newsletter, #7, from June 1969.
革命権力. 東京: 黎明社.
item_ID: 50564
Kakumei Kenryoku.
Tōkyō: Reimeisha.
The collection has only one issue of this magazine, #2 from May 1972.
革命戦線. 全日本革命戦線(準)全国委員会 赤軍派.
item_ID: 50308
Kakumei Sensen.
Zen Nihon Kakumei Sensen (Jun) Zenkoku Iinkai Sekigunha.
Kakumei Sensen was the name of the broader student group associated with Sekigunha, which spread in late 1969 and 1970. The collection has one issue of this mimeographed (gariban) publication.
革命戦線. 那覇: 革マル派沖縄県委員会.
Kakumei Sensen.
Naha: Kakumaru-ha Okinawa-ken Iinkai.
item_ID: 51732
SerialID: 1732
430 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
This is the organizational newsletter produced by Kakumaruha in Okinawa. The
collection has four issues, all gōgai, from 1975 through 1979.
革命戦争. 大阪: 共産主義者同盟赤軍派革命戦争編集委員会.
item_ID: 50296
Kakumei Sensō.
Ōsaka: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Kakumei Sensō Henshū Iinkai.
This is a magazine format publication put out by people in Kansai trying to resurrect Sekigunha in1973. The collection has issues #1 and #2, which are the only two
that were published.It reflects one of the three different factions debating the way
forward. See also Serial ID#298 and ID#301.
革命通信. 共産主義者同盟赤軍派「マルクス・レーニン主義」編集委員会.
item_ID: 50392
Kakumei Tsūshin.
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha “Marukusu, Rēnin Shugi” Henshū Iinkai.
This organization newsletter was put out by a group attempting to revive Sekigunha
after the Rengō Sekigun Incident. Several different factions emerged, differing on
whether to continue armed struggle and other issues. In 1974 the Purokaku faction,
led by Shiomi Takaya from prison, tried to overcome these differences. Less than
a year later a subgroup in Kanagawa-ken published the first issue of a theoretical
journal, Marukusu-Rēninshugi, and the factional infighting began again. This group
became known as the Marukusu-Rēninshugi faction. It published the newsletter
Kakumei Tsūshin from 1975 to 1978. From issue #12, in 1977 the publisher name
changes to Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Marukusu-Rēninshugiha, signalling the independence of this faction but adding more confusion since there had previously been
more than one Marukusu-Rēninshugiha in Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei in the 1960s.
革命の通達. 共産主義者同盟革命の通達書記局.
item_ID: 51991
SerialID: 1991
Kakumei no Tsūtatsu.
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kakumei no Tsūtatsu Shokikyoku.
The collection has two issues of this Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kakumei secretariat
bulletin from 1960 and 1961, both right after the end of 1960 Ampo.
革命の旗, 共産主義者同盟(革命の旗)中央機関紙. 東京: 赤流社.
item_ID: 50377
Kakumei no Hata, Kyosanshugisha Dōmei (Kakumei no Hata) Chūō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Sekiryūsha.
This newspaper was published by the Kakumei no Hata faction of Kyōsanshugisha
Dōmei (Bund) from the late 1970s. The faction derives its name from this publication. The Kakumei no Hata faction was a successor to the Yūgeki faction, which in
turn derives from a split in the Jōkyō faction in the early 1970s. The same group also
produced a magazine format publication called Chōsei.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 431
革命の旗の下に, 日本共産党・東大学生細胞機関紙. 東京: 日本共産党東京大学学生細胞.
item_ID: 51869
SerialID: 1869
Kakumei no Hata no Moto ni, Nihon Kyōsantō, Tōdai Gakusei Saibō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō Tōkyō Daigaku Gakusei Saibō.
The collection has two issues of the newsletter of the Tokyo student cell of the Japan
Communist Party. However, the issues are from 1960 and 1961, after the original
cell had broken or been thrown out of the JCP and had gone on to form the independent Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. See Serial ID# 1870.
革命の炎. 東京: 労働者党全国委員会.
item_ID: 50715
Kakumei no Honoo.
Tōkyō: Rōdōshatō Zenkoku Iinkai.
The collection has one combined issue of this publication from 1983.
Gakuyūkai Nyūsu.
item_ID: 51862
SerialID: 1862
The collection contains one 1959 issue of this newsletter.
架橋. 東京: 朝鮮連帯青年会議.
item_ID: 50437
Tōkyō: Chōsen Rentai Seinen Kaigi.
The collection has 11 issues of this magazine from 1976-1980, produced by a youth
organization promoting ties to North Korea.
鹿児島新報. 鹿児島: 鹿児島新報社.
item_ID: 50338
Kagoshima Shinpō.
Kagoshima: Kagoshima Shinpōsha.
The collection has one issue of this commercially published newspaper from Kagoshima, from 1962.
鹿児島大学新聞. 鹿児島: 鹿児島大学新聞部.
item_ID: 50250
Kagoshima Daigaku Shinbun.
Kagoshima: Kagoshima Daigaku Shinbunbu.
This is the student newspaper of Kagoshima University. The collection has one issue
from 1965.
432 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
風見鶏通信. 長野: 三文評論.
item_ID: 50701
Kazamidori Tsūshin.
Nagano: Sanmon Hyōron.
The collection has five issues of this newsletter from Nagano, all published in 1982
as out of sequence (gogai) or special issues.
家庭と朝日新聞. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社.
item_ID: 51776
SerialID: 1776
Katei to Asahi Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha.
A family and home-oriented magazine published by Asahi Shimbun. It is in the collection because of articles it contained.
神奈川新聞. 横浜: 神奈川新聞社.
item_ID: 50328
Kanagawa Shinbun.
Yokohama: Kanagawa Shinbunsha.
This is a June 1968 issue of the commercially published Kanagawa Shinbun in which
the lead story is the assassination of Robert Kennedy.
神奈川ベ平連ニュース. 横浜: 横浜ベ平連.
item_ID: 50806
Kanagawa Beheiren Nyūsu.
Yokohama: Yokohama Beheiren.
This is the newsletter of the Beheiren chapter in Yokohama, Kanagawa prefecture.
The collection has two issues, from 1968 and 1969. The second issue lists as publisher Beheiren Undō Kensetsusha Dōmei (Kisei “Shimin Undō” Hakaisha Dōmei).
金沢反戦市民. 金沢: ベトナムに平和を!金沢市民連合.
item_ID: 50757
Kanazawa Hansen Shimin.
Kanazawa: Betonamu ni Heiwa o! Kanazawa Shimin Rengō.
This newsletter was put out by the Kanazawa Beheiren organization. The collection
contains seven issues, from 1970 to 1978, but primarily from 1971. Starting with issue #10 in 1971, the publisher changes to Kanazawa Hansen Shimin Sha.
かぶらはん. 群馬: 鏑畔之会.
item_ID: 51750
SerialID: 1750
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 433
Gunma: Kaburahan no Kai.
This is a literary magazine put out by a group in Gumma prefecture.
釜ヶ崎通信. 共産同赤軍派釜ヶ崎委員会(準).
item_ID: 52068
SerialID: 2068
Kamagasaki Tsūshin.
Kyōsandō Sekigunha Kamagasaki Iinkai (jun).
There is one issue of this newsletter from a Sekigunha group organizing in the Kamagasaki day laborers community. It is issue #1 from 1972.
神山茂夫研究会通信. 東京: 神山茂夫研究会.
item_ID: 50459
Kamiyama Shigeo Kenkyūkai Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Kamiyama Shigeo Kenkyūkai.
Kamiyama Shigeo was a JCP member who left the Party in the early 1960s and was
influential in the New Left. The collection has four issues of this newsletter, from
1975 and 1977. The collection also contains his collected works and many individual
カメラ毎日. 東京: 毎日新聞社 (東京).
item_ID: 51704
SerialID: 1704
Kamera Mainichi.
Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha (Tōkyō).
The collection has one 1984 issue of this commercially published camera magazine
with a feature on pictures of Zenkyōtō.
かわら版. 東京: かわら版発行社.
item_ID: 52026
SerialID: 2026
Tōkyō: Kawaraban Hakkōsha.
This is a 1969 issue of this newsletter.
韓国青年新聞. 東京: 韓青出版社.
item_ID: 50874
Kankoku Seinen Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Kansei Shuppansha.
The is a newspaper for Korean youth in Japan. The collection has three issues
from 1976.
434 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
韓国通信. 東京: 韓国問題キリスト者緊急会議.
item_ID: 50738
Kankoku Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Kankoku Mondai Kirisutosha Kinkyū Kaigi.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter from a Christian group concerning
with Korean issues. The issue is from 1980.
カンゴク・マガジン. 東京: 図書救援センター.
item_ID: 50305
Kangoku Magajin.
Tōkyō: Tosho Kyūen Sentā.
The cover of his hand-lettered item contains a longer set of unrelated characters with
furigana beside some of them to produce the name Kangoku Magazin. However, it
came from a set of Sekigun materials. The collection has two issues.
韓国民衆の声(東亜日報ニュース・改称),The People’s Voice of Korea. 東京: アジア政治犯情報センター「韓国民衆の声」編集部.
item_ID: 50483
Kankoku Minshū no Koe (Tōa Nippō Nyūsu kaishō), The People’s Voice of Korea.
Tōkyō: Ajia Seijihan Jōhō Sentā “Kankoku Minshū no Koe” Henshūbu.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter concerning Korea from 1975.
韓国民主化国際連帯委員会ニュース. 東京: 韓国民主化国際連帯委員会(ISCKD).
item_ID: 52069
SerialID: 2069
Kankoku Minshuka Kokusai Rentai Iinkai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshuka Kokusai Rentai Iinkai.
The collection has one 1979 issue of this newsletter.
看護労働・看護教育. 東京:「看護労働・看護教育」編集委員会.
item_ID: 50484
Kango Rōdō, Kango Kyōiku.
Tōkyō: Kango Rōdō—Kango Kyōiku Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has three issue of this publication directed to nurses, from 1972 and 73.
関西新聞. 大阪: 関西新聞社.
item_ID: 51918
SerialID: 1918
Kansai Shinbun.
Ōsaka: Kansai Shinbunsha.
The collection has one issue of this newspaper from November 24, 1963, because of
its content.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 435
関西べ平連通信. 大阪: 関西べ平連.
item_ID: 51662
SerialID: 1662
Kansai Beheiren Tsūshin.
Ōsaka: Kansai Beheiren.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from Kansai Beheiren, both from 1969.
管制塔公判ニュース. 東京: 三里塚開港阻止決戦統一被告団官制塔G獄外事務局.
item_ID: 50678
Kanseitō Kōhan Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Sanrizuka Kaikō Soshi Kessen Tōitsu Hikokudan Kanseitō G-Gokugai Jimukyoku.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from a trial support for the people
arrested at Sanrizuka for attacking the control tower. They are issues #1 and #2
from 1979.
管制塔に赤旗を. 東京: 管制塔裁判を勝利させる会.
item_ID: 50847
Kanseitō ni Akahata o.
Tōkyō: Kanseitō Saiban o Shōrisaseru Kai.
This is a newsletter supporting the people who were on trial for wrecking the control
tower at Narita International Airport while it was under construction. The collection
has four issues from 1979 and 1980.
関東学院大学新聞. 横浜: 関東学院大学新聞会・関東学院女子短期大学支局.
item_ID: 50252
Kantō Gakuin Daigaku Shinbun.
Yokohama: Kantō Gakuin Daigaku Shinbunkai Kantō Gakuin Joshi Tanki Daigaku Shikyoku.
This is the student newspaper of Kantō Gakuin University and its affiliated women’s
junior college, but one of the two issues in the collection (#191) appears to have been
put out by a Sekigun group shortly after the Lod Airport attack in 1972.
暗黒国(カマンナラ),李圭正さんを支える会ニュース. 京都: 李圭正さんを支える会.
item_ID: 51653
SerialID: 1653
Kaman Nara, Ri Keisei-san o Sasaeru Kai Nyūsu.
Kyōto: Ri Keisei-san o Sasaeru Kai.
The collection has one 1976 issue of this support group newsletter for Ri Keisei-san.
ガンバレ自衛隊. 姫路: ベトナム反戦姫路行動.
Ganbare Jieitai.
Himeji: Betonamu Hansen Himeji Kōdō.
item_ID: 51778
SerialID: 1778
436 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
This newsletter was produced as part of the anti-war movement that was aimed at
the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. This group was working to start such a movement
directed at the Self-Defense Force members when a small group emerged independently within the force, which they could then support.
聞いてください. 長野: 坂田静子.
item_ID: 51651
SerialID: 1651
Kiite Kudasai.
Nagano: Sakata Shizuko.
The collection has one 1979 issue of this personal publication from Nagano.
季刊 科学と思想. 東京: 新日本出版社.
item_ID: 50192
Kikan Kagaku to Shisō.
Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha.
The collection contains one issue of this quarterly magazine from 1974, on the theme
of issues and developments in materialism.
季刊 Quo(クオ).
東京: ソ連・東欧資料センター.
item_ID: 50869
Kikan Quo (Kuo).
Tōkyō: Soren Tōō Shiryō Sentā.
The collection has one issue from 1992 of this magazine on the Soviet Union and
Eastern Europe.
季刊 クライシス,「歴史・文化・理論」誌. 東京: 社会評論社.
item_ID: 50215
Kikan Kuraishisu, “Rekishi, Bunka, Riron” shi.
Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha.
This is a quarterly intellectual magazine published by Shakai Hyōronsha and the
collection has five issues in its holdings. The collection has five issues from the 1980s.
季刊 労働運動. クラスト出版.
item_ID: 50159
Kikan Rōdō Undō.
Kurasuto Shuppan.
The collection contains one issue of this magazine on the labor movement from
September 1974.
軌跡. 全電通宮城県支部青年会議常任委員会.
item_ID: 50664
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 437
Zen Dentsū Miyagi-ken Shibu Seinen Kaigi Jōnin Iinkai.
This is the newsletter of the Miyagi prefecture branch of the youth section of the Zen
Dentsū union. The collection has three issues from 1974.
季節. 西宮: エスエル出版会.
item_ID: 50063
Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai.
This is a collection of valuable documents concerning the original Bund (Bunto),
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. Kisetsu was a book series produced by people from the 1970
Ampo era who were trying to achieve a “sokatsu” or resolution of the 1960 Ampo
issue. The collection contains several volumes of the Kisetsu series that were published as books (Item # 541-544). They are catalogued in the collection as books,
but were also cross-referenced as serials. There are five volumes, published from
季節通信. 西宮: エスエル出版会.
item_ID: 52018
SerialID: 2018
Kisetsu Tsūshin.
Nishinomiya: SL Shuppankai.
This is a 1988 issue of this newsletter.
北べ平連ニュース. 北区: 北べ平連.
item_ID: 50803
Kita Beheiren Nyūsu.
Kitaku: Kita Beheiren.
The collection has one issue frorm 1969 of a Beheiren newsletter from Kita-ku.
基地沖縄. 大阪: 基地沖縄社.
item_ID: 51940
SerialID: 1940
Kichi Okinawa.
Ōsaka: Kichi Okinawasha.
The collection has three issues of this newspaper on bases in Okinawa from 1956
and 1957.
基地情報. 横須賀: ヨコスカ市民グループ.
Kichi Jōhō.
Yokosuka: Yokosuka Shimin Gurūpu.
item_ID: 51626
SerialID: 1626
438 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
This newsletter is published jointly by two groups in Yokosuka reporting on the
situation of the Yokosuka naval base, which was a focus of anti-base and anti-war
protests against the port calls of nuclear vessels of the U.S. Navy. The co-publisher
is Hangun Chōsa Kyōgi Kai.
基地リポートおきなわ. 那覇: 沖縄基地をのぞく会.
item_ID: 50612
Kichi Ripōto Okinawa.
Naha: Okinawa Kichi o Nozoku Kai.
The collection has three issues from 1977-79 of this magazine format publication on
military bases in Okinawa.
岐阜大学新聞. 岐阜: 岐阜大学新聞会.
item_ID: 50588
Gifu Daigaku Shinbun.
Gifu: Gifu Daigaku Shinbunkai.
The collection has one issue of the Gifu University newspaper from 1974.
希望, 社会主義学生同盟全国機関紙. 東京: 社会主義学生同盟再建全国準備委員会機関紙「希望」編集局.
item_ID: 52017
SerialID: 2017
Kibō, Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Zenkoku Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Saiken Zenkoku Junbi Iinkai Kikanshi “Kibō” Henshūkyoku.
This is the inaugural issue of the Shagakudō newspaper from 1961.
キム. 東京: 共産主義青年同盟.
item_ID: 51893
SerialID: 1893
Tōkyō: Kyōsanshugi Seinen Dōmei.
Kimu was a youth group of Sekigun-ha for high school students and this is their
かいほう (キリスト者平和委員会発行).
item_ID: 52104
SerialID: 2104
Kaihō [published by Kirisutosha Heiwa Iinkai].
The collection has numerous publications called Kaihō. This one is a newsletter
published by a Christian peace group and the collection has the first three issues
from 1968.
逆流に抗して. 国鉄労働運動研究会(谷口直也).
item_ID: 50565
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 439
Gyakuryū ni Kōshite.
Kokutetsu Rōdō Undō Kenkyūkai (Taniguchi Naoya).
The collection has only the inaugural issue of this magazine, published in June 1971.
逆光の思想. 札幌: 北海道大学出版会.
item_ID: 50030
Gyakkō no Shisō.
Sapporo: Hokkaidō Daigaku Shuppankai.
Journal published by Hokudai (Hokkaido University) Zenkyōtō. The collection contains only one issue, from 1971.
キャットハウス通信. 東京: 労働者 学生 市民の反安保グループ CAT.
item_ID: 50709
Kyatto Hausu Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Rōdōsha, Gakusei, Shimin no Han-Anpo Gurūpu CAT.
This is a newsletter from a local Beheiren group. The collection has four issues
from 1969.
救援. 東京: 救援連絡センター.
item_ID: 50230
Tōkyō: Kyūen Renraku Sentā.
Kyūen is the newspaper produced by Kyūen Renraku Sentā, which organizes support for persons arrested for New Left political activity. The newspaper has been
issued continuously since 1970. The collection only has seven issues, one from 1974
and the rest from the early 1990s. There are several shukusatsuban editions of the
newspaper available.
救援ニュース. 東京: 羽田10.8救援会.
item_ID: 51816
SerialID: 1816
Kyūen Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Haneda 10/8 Kyūenkai.
One of several newsletters produced by supporters of the students who were arrested
during the 10/8/1967 First Haneda Incident. They were produced by essentially the
same group, but the title of the newsletter changed as the pool of people they were
supporting fluctuated. After the Sasebo protests in January, 1968, those arrestees
were also supported and the name changed to reflect this. This was one of the original New Left support groups for unaffiliated (non-sect) students, which later became
one of the founding groups for Kyūen Renraku Center.
救援ニュース . 那覇: 全沖縄救援連絡センター.
item_ID: 52050
SerialID: 2050
440 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Kyūen Nyūsu.
Naha: Zen Okinawa Kyūen Renraku Sentā.
The collection has two serials called Kyūen Nyūsu. This one is a 1971 issue put out
by the Okinawa Kyūen Renraku Sentā.
九州大学新聞. 福岡: 九州大学新聞部.
item_ID: 50238
Kyūshū Daigaku Shinbun.
Fukuoka: Kyūshū Daigaku Shinbunbu.
This is the student newspaper of Kyushu University. The collection has three issues
from 1970.
九州通信, 九州活動者連合準備会機関紙. 福岡: 九州活動者連合準備会.
item_ID: 50884
Kyūshū Tsūshin, Kyūshū Katsudōsha Rengō Junbikai Kikanshi.
Fukuoka: Kyūshū Katsudōsha Rengō Junbikai.
The collection has one issue from 1970 of an activists alliance in Kyūshū.
救対通信. 国際主義共産学生同盟救対委員会.
item_ID: 52049
SerialID: 2049
Kyūtai Tsūshin.
Kokusaishugi Kyōsan Gakusei Dōmei Kyūtai Iinkai.
The collection has one issue of this support newsletter from 1970.
教育大学新聞. 東京: 東京教育大学新聞会.
item_ID: 51827
SerialID: 1827
Kyōiku Daigaku Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Kyōiku Daigaku Shinbun Kai.
This is an issue of the Tokyo Kyōiku Daigaku (Tokyo University of Education) student newspaper from June, 1968. It is from the Gomi subcollection and contains
articles on the Rokugatsu Kōdō or June Action that he helped organize.
教育文化. 東京: 東京学芸大学教育文化刊行会.
item_ID: 50205
Kyōiku Bunka.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Gakugei Daigaku Kyōiku Bunka Kankōkai.
The collection contains one issue of this publication published by a group at the Tokyo University of the Arts Education and Culture section.
共産主義, 共産主義者同盟理論機関誌. 東京: リベラシオン社.
item_ID: 50033
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 441
Kyōsanshugi, Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Riron Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Riberashionsha.
Kyōsanshugi was the official theoretical journal of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei, or Bund.
It was first published in 1959 by the newly established Bund, and ceased publication in 1960. It was revived by the second Bund and published steadily until 1968,
then from 1971 to 1973. The collection has a nearly complete set of 17 issues, and is
missing only issue #13. The first attempts to revive the publication in 1965 were published by Reborushionsha, then Senkusha. From issue #8 in 1966 it was published
by Senkisha. The book collection also contains two reprinted sets of the first Bund’s
Kyōsanshugi, in Item #76 and Item #81, and a reprint of Kyōsanshugi published by
the second Bund, through issue #12, as Item #82.
共産主義革命. 東京: 労働者共産主義委員会.
item_ID: 50031
Kyōsanshugi Kakumei.
Tōkyō: Rōdōsha Kyōsanshugi Iinkai.
This magazine format publication was produced by Rōdōsha Kyōsanshugi Iinkai,
which was the product of a series of factional splits in the second Bund. One of the
original factions created by the break-up of the first Bund in 1960 was Marusenha,
which then participated actively in the creation of the second Bund in the early to
mid-1960s. However, in 1968 the Marusenha group left the second Bund and formed
an independent organization called Kyōsandō Rōdōsha Kakumeiha. Within a year
or so this group had split again into several factions, one of which was Rōdōsha
Kyōsanshugi Iinkai, which later came to be known as Dotōha. That group published
Kyōsanshugi Kakumei as its theoretical journal from 1971 to 1975, as well as the
newspaper Dotō, from which its nickname Dotōha is derived. The collection has a
complete set of six issues of Kyōsanshugi Kakumei from this period. Dotōsha is listed
as the co-publisher of Kyōsanshugi Kakumei.
共産主義者. 東京: 前進社.
item_ID: 50060
Tōkyō: Zenshinsha.
Kyōsanshugisha is the theoretical journal of the Chukaku-ha faction of Kakumeiteki
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. The collection has 32 issues dating from the 1970s to early
共産同赤軍派政治機関誌. 東京: 共産同赤軍派中央委員会.
item_ID: 50300
Kyōsandō Sekigunha Seiji Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Kyōsandō Sekigunha Chūō Iinkai.
According to Takazawa’s bibliographic discussion in Sekigun Dokyumento, this was
supposed to be published in February 1974 as the inaugural issue of the revived political journal, but it was not actually published and distributed. Parts of the content
442 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
later appeared in “Sekigun” Fukkango, numbered as #9 of the original series. What
the collection has is a very rare copy of the original version.
共青同弾対部通信. 共青同中央弾対部.
item_ID: 51954
SerialID: 1954
Kyōseidō Dantaibu Tsūshin.
Kyōseidō Chūō Dantaibu.
The collection has one 1979 issue of this newsletter from Kyōseidō.
兇徒. 東京: ドキュメント犯罪の会.
item_ID: 50022
Tōkyō: Dokyumento Hanzai no Kai.
This is a journal published by the support group for Nagayama Norio’s trials, and the
collection contains three isues from 1970-1971. Nagayama was a young man from a
poor family in Hokkaido who came to Tokyo in 1965 and worked many temporary
jobs. In 1968, when he was 19, he shot four people to death using a gun he had stolen
from Yokosuka US Naval Base near Tokyo. He was given the death penalty, and his
appeals attracted support because he had been a minor at the time of the crimes. The
Supreme Court ruling that confirmed his death sentence established the “Nagayama
standard” that defines the conditions under which a minor can be given the death
penalty. While he was in prison he wrote and published several things with the aid
of the support group. Two of these are in the Takazawa Collection as Item ID#936
and #937 and his novel Kihashi won a major literary prize. His death sentence was
carried out in 1997.
共同通信. 神戸: 爆取被告連絡会議 関西準備委員会.
item_ID: 50313
Kyōdō Tsūshin.
Kōbe: Bakutori Hikoku Renraku Kaigi Kansai Junbi Iinkai.
This gariban publication was put out by a group providing support to the defendants
arrested for a Sekigunha pipe bomb attack on the Neyagawa Police Station in Osaka.
The collection has only the initial issue which may have been the only one produced.
京都大学新聞. 京都: 京都大学新聞社.
item_ID: 50012
Kyōto Daigaku Shinbun.
Kyōto: Kyōto Daigaku Shinbunsha.
Student newspaper of Kyoto University. Shaseidō Kaihō-ha (commonly called “Aokai” because their group wore light blue helmets) had influence over the newspaper.
The collection holds 207 issues of the newspaper, with 6 from 1969, 18 from 1970,
and weekly issues from 1971 through 1975.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 443
京都民報. 京都: 京都民報社.
item_ID: 50410
Kyōto Minpō.
Kyōto: Kyōto Minpōsha.
The collection has one issue of this commercially produced newspaper from February
1969, protesting the crackdown on students.
極北の思想. 札幌: 北海道解放大学出版会.
item_ID: 50029
Kyokuhoku no Shisō.
Sapporo: Hokkaidō Kaihō Daigaku Shuppankai.
Journal published by Hokkaido University Zenkyōtō. The collection contains four
issues published in 1970 and 1971.
フレームアップ解体闘争通信. 東京: 六人を救援する会.
item_ID: 50013
Kyokō Kaitai, Keishi Sōkan Kōsha Bakuha (Misui) Furēmu Appu Kaitai Tōsō Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Rokunin o Kyūen suru Kai.
This magazine format publication was produced by a support group involved in the
Tsuchida-Nisseki-Peace Can Bomb frame-up case. The editor and publisher were
initially listed as Rokunin o Kyūen suru Kai, but after issue #13 it changed to Kyokō
Kaitai Henshū Iinkai. The collection has issues #7-#18, published in 1974 and 1975.
拠点, 新宿ベ平連機関誌. 東京: 新宿ベ平連.
item_ID: 50853
Kyoten, Shinjuku Beheiren Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Shinjuku Beheiren.
This magazine format publication was produced by the Shinjuku Beheiren organization. The collection has five scattered issues published from 1968 to 1970. The
subtitle Shinjuku Beheiren Kikanshi appears from issue #7, and from issue #10 the
publisher changes to Kyoten Henshūbu.
拒否戦線. 拒否戦線.
item_ID: 50034
Kyohi Sensen.
Kyohi Sensen.
This is a single issue (volume 1) of a magazine put out by the Nihon Sekigun – Arabu
Kyohi Sensen solidarity in 1977.
銀河通信, 湘南ベ平連ニュース. 茅ヶ崎: 湘南ベ平連.
item_ID: 50809
444 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Ginga Tsūshin, Shōnan Beheiren Nyūsu.
Chigasaki: Shōnan Beheiren.
The collection has one newsletter from 1969 published by the Beheiren group in
緊急通達. JRCL 中央書記局.
item_ID: 50291
Kinkyū Tsūtatsu.
JRCL Chūō Shokikyoku.
This is an emergency directive from the Central Committee of the JRCL.
金嬉老公判対策委員会ニュース. 東京: 金嬉老公判対策委員会.
item_ID: 50698
Kin Kirō Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Kin Kirō Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai.
The collection has nine issues of the newsletters of a support group for the trial of
Kin Kirō, a Korean resident of Japan with a criminal history who was the central
figure of the Kin Kirō incident in 1968. He shot and killed two gang members and
then took 18 people hostage in a hotel in Shizuoka and then called police to tell them
where he was. He demanded an apology from two policemen who had made discriminatory remarks about him, and that the police disclose the criminal background of
the two people he had killed. NHK broadcast the apology, and Kin was captured
after a four-day standoff during which he had released many of the hostages. He was
then charged with murder, kidnapping, and violation of the explosives control law.
His case attracted the attention of people sympathetic to the discrimination aspects,
especially after a 1969 story by another zainichi Korean portrayed his acts as “justifiable resistance.” He had a long, contested trial with a support group, after which
he was sentenced to life imprisonment. The issues in the collection date from 1969 to
1973, when the first trial ended.
金芝河を殺すな10万人署名ニュース. 東京: 青年アジア研究会.
item_ID: 50772
Kin Jiha o Korosuna 10 man Nin Shomei Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Seinen Ajia Kenkyūkai.
Kin Jiha is the Japanese name of Korean poet Kim Chi Ha, who was prosecuted and
given the death penalty in 1974 for his poetry supporting democracy. The collection
has one issue of this newsletter from 1977 from a group engaged in a signature petition campaign to save Kin Jiha from the death penalty.
金大中救出運動. 東京: 統一評論社.
Kin Dai Chū Kyūshutsu Undō.
Tōkyō: Tōitsu Hyōronsha.
item_ID: 50742
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 445
This newsletter was put out by a group supporting Kim Dai Chū, who had been
kidnapped from his exile in Japan the previous year. The collection has two issues
from 1974.
金武湾を守る会ニュース. 沖縄: 金武湾を守る会.
item_ID: 51960
SerialID: 1960
Kinwan o Mamoru Kai Nyūsu.
Okinawa: Kinwan o Mamoru Kai.
The collection has one 1975 newsletter from this group trying to protect Kin Bay in
Okinawa from CTS construction.
苦海. 東京: 東京・水俣病を告発する会.
item_ID: 50773
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Minamatabyō o Kokuhatsu suru Kai.
The collection has one issue from 1971 of this newsletter from a Tokyo group supporting the victims of Minamata disease through an anti-pollution lawsuit.
久保斗争ニュース. 東京: 久保書店労組.
item_ID: 50269
Kubo Tōsō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Kubo Shoten Rōso.
This is a newsletter put out by the labor union at Kubo Shoten. The collection has
two issues from 1970.
組合速報. ヒルトン労執行部.
item_ID: 50541
Kumiai Sokuhō.
Hiruton Rō Shikkōbu.
The collection has two issues from 1977 of this newsletter from the Hilton Hotel
union in Okinawa.
組合ニュース. 沖縄県タクシー労働組合共同分会.
item_ID: 50502
Kumiai Nyūsu.
Okinawa-ken Takushī Rōdō Kumiai Kyōdō Bunkai.
The collection has two issues from 1981 of the newsletter of the Okinawan taxi drivers union.
組合ニュース. オキコ労働組合教宣部.
item_ID: 51634
SerialID: 1634
446 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Kumiai Nyūsu.
Okiko Rōdō Kumiai Kyōsenbu.
The collection has two issues of this newslettere from a labor union in Okinawa
from 1975.
組合ニュース. 沖縄: 沖縄県マスコミ労協琉球新報労組.
item_ID: 51635
SerialID: 1635
Kumiai Nyūsu.
Okinawa: Okinawa-ken Masukomi Rōkyō Ryūkyū Shinpo Rōso.
This is a labor union newsletter from the Okinawa prefecture mass communications
workers union. The collection has three issues from 1974.
組合ニュース. 石橋印刷・事務機社労働組合.
item_ID: 51735
SerialID: 1735
Kumiai Nyūsu.
Ishibashi Insatsu, Jimukisha Rōdō Kumiai.
This is a newsletter published by the reporters union at Ishibashi Printing. There
are nine issues in the collection from 1974 and 1975. The collection also has other
publications from this labor union.
クロハタ, 日本アナキスト連盟機関誌. 東京: クロハタ編集局.
item_ID: 51996
SerialID: 1996
Kurohata (La Nigra Flago), Nihon Anakisuto Renmei Kikanshi (Organo de Anarkista Federacio Japana).
Tōkyō: Kurohata Henshūkyoku.
The collection has three issues of the newsletter of the Japan Anarchist League
from 1961.
文京プロレタリア軍団. 東京: ゲバルト社.
item_ID: 51728
SerialID: 1728
Bunkyō Puroretaria Gundan.
Tōkyō: Gebarutosha.
This hand-produced (gariban) newsletter format publication was produced around
the time of the Tokyo University struggle. The Bunkyō of the title refers to Bunkyōku in Tokyo, the district in which Tokyo University and many other universities
were located. The same publisher, Gebarutosha, also published Proretaria Gundan
in magazine format.
軍事民論, people’s military forum. 東京: 軍事問題研究会.
Gunji Minron, people’s military forum.
Tōkyō: Gunji Mondai Kenkyūkai.
item_ID: 50213
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 447
The collection contains three issues of this journal published by the Military Problems Research Group, an anti-military group.
軍縮問題資料. 東京: 宇都宮軍縮研究室.
item_ID: 50166
Gunshuku Mondai Shiryō.
Tōkyō: Utsunomiya Gunshuku Kenkyūshitsu.
This is a monthly magazine produced by the Utsunomiya Disarmament Research
Institute. The collection contains one issue from 1982 urging Japan to reject the
Reagan administration’s military expansion demands.
群像. 東京: 講談社.
item_ID: 50146
Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
This is a monthly intellectual and literary journal published by Kōdansha. There are
four issues in the collection because of specific articles. One from 1971 is a memorial
to Takahashi Kazumi.
薫風. 千葉: 三里塚芝山連合空港反対同盟.
item_ID: 51636
SerialID: 1636
Chiba: Sanrizuka Shibayama Rengō Kūkō Hantai Dōmei.
The collection has six issues of this particular newsletter from the Hantai Dōmei of
Sanrizuka and Shibayama, including the inaugural issue from 1977 and scattered
issues through 1982.
群ぼう, 三里塚横堀キリスト教会会報. 千葉: 三里塚横堀キリスト教会.
item_ID: 52033
SerialID: 2033
Gunbō, Sanrizuka Yokobori Kirisuto Kyōkai Kaihō.
Chiba: Sanrizuka Yokobori Kirisuto Kyōkai.
The collection ahs one 1980 issue of this newsletter from the Sanrizuka Yokobori
Christian Church.
軍労活(準)ニュース. 軍労働者活動家会議(準).
item_ID: 51874
SerialID: 1874
Gunrōkatsu (jun) Nyūsu.
Gun Rōdōsha Katsudōka Kaigi (jun).
This is a newspaper published by an anti-war group within Zengunrō known as the
Activist Council or Katsudōka Kaigi.
448 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
経済. 東京: 新日本出版社.
item_ID: 50190
Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha.
The collection contains a special issue from 1983 that is a commemoration of the
100th anniversary of Karl Marx’ death.
劇団状況劇場, SITUATION. 東京: 劇団状況劇場.
item_ID: 52019
SerialID: 2019
Gekidan Jōkyō Gekijō, Situation.
Tōkyō: Gekidan Jōkyō Gekijō.
The collection has two issues from 1967 and 1968 of this newspaper put out by a
theater company.
月刊 エディター・本と批評. 東京: 日本エディタースクール出版部.
item_ID: 50198
Gekkan Editā, Hon to Hihyō.
Tōkyō: Nihon Editā Sukūru Shuppanbu.
The collction contains one issue of this magazine that contains a special section on
the social history of handbills. It was the last issue published with this title.
月刊 京都. 京都: 市民書房.
item_ID: 50169
Gekkan Kyoto.
Kyōto: Shimin Shobō.
The collection contains one issue from 1973 of this monthly magazine about Kyoto
with a feature on the end of Kyoto.
月刊 近代麻雀. 東京: 竹書房.
item_ID: 51703
SerialID: 1703
Gekkan Kindai Mājan.
Tōkyō: Take Shobō.
This is a special issue of Kindai Mājan (Modern Mahjong) that was devoted to the
Zenkyōtō movement.
月刊 サーチ. 東京: 中央通信社.
item_ID: 50187
Gekkan Sāchi.
Tōkyō: Chūō Tsūshinsha.
The collection contains one issue from 1983 of this magazine, featuring articles attacking wrongdoing by a Tokyo High Court judge and privileged high bureaucrats.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 449
月刊 状況と主体. 東京: 谷沢書房.
item_ID: 51710
SerialID: 1710
Gekkan Jōkyō to Shutai.
Tōkyō: Tanizawa Shobō.
The collection has one 1982 issue of this monthly magazine.
月刊・ピーナツ. 東京: 古宮とし男.
item_ID: 51688
SerialID: 1688
Gekkan Pīnatsu.
Tōkyō: Furumiya Toshio.
This is an anti-Liberal Democratic Party newsletter format publication produced in
the wake of the Lockheed scandal, a major political scandal involving bribes to get
the Japanese government to purchase Lockheed planes for the Japanese military
that eventually brought down Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei. At that time, the LDP
was referred to by opponents as the “Peanuts Party,” from which the publication
name is derived. There is another weekly publication with a similar title, Shūkan
Pīnatsu (Serial ID #378), in the collection that is also critical of the LDP over the
Lockheed scandal. It is referred to as a “shimai-shi” in Gekkan Pīnatsu.
月刊 フォーラム. 東京: フォーラム90.
item_ID: 50162
Gekkan Fōramu.
Tōkyō: Fōramu 90.
Gekkan Fōramu is a monthly magazine published by Forum 90, which is the major
anti-death penalty organization in Japan. The issue in the collection from April 1993
contains a featured article on the Emperor and Okinawa.
月刊 労働組合. 東京: 労働大学.
item_ID: 50168
Gekkan Rōdō Kumiai.
Tōkyō: Rōdō Daigaku.
This monthly magazine is a publication of the Labor University. The one issue in the
collection is a major special issue from 1975 on the postwar labor movement.
月刊 労働問題. 東京: 日本評論新社.
item_ID: 50158
Gekkan Rōdō Mondai, The Labor Problem Monthly.
Tōkyō: Nippon Hyōron Shinsha.
Gekkan Rōdō Mondai is, as its title says, a monthly magazine concerning labor problems. The one issue in the collection is an issue from 1961 featuring the debate over
the Communist Party and Structural Reform.
450 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
蹶起. 東京: 西部地区インフレ阻止共闘会議.
item_ID: 50341
Tōkyō: Seibu Chiku Infure Soshi Kyōtō Kaigi.
This magazine was found with Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kakumei no Hata’s publication Chōsei. The collection has only one issue.
玄海. 京都: 玄海社.
item_ID: 51761
SerialID: 1761
Kyōto: Genkaisha.
This is an underground magazine published in Kyoto.
言語. 東京: 大修館書店.
item_ID: 50193
Tōkyō: Taishūkan Shoten.
The collection contains one issue of this linguistics magazine from 1980, on the library world.
言語生活. 東京: 筑摩書房.
item_ID: 51678
SerialID: 1678
Gengo Seikatsu.
Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō.
The collection has a 1968 issue of this linguistics magazine with a special on Kan­saiben.
幻視行. 秋田明大.
item_ID: 50044
Akita Akehiro.
Personal journal written and published by Akita Akehiro, the chairman of Nichidai
(Nihon University) Zenkyōtō. The collection contains only one issue published in
Decmeber 1970.
現状分析. 東京: 現状分析研究会.
item_ID: 50061
Genjō Bunseki.
Tōkyō: Genjō Bunseki Kenkyūkai.
The collection has 27 issues of this magazine, dating from 1961 to 1974.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 451
県職労・民保支部 ゆうな学園分会闘争通信.
Ken Shokurō, Minpo Shibu Yūna Gakuen Bunkai Tōsō Tsūshin.
item_ID: 51659
SerialID: 1660
The collection has three 1977 issues of this newsletter from the Okinawa prefecture
workers union Minpo section, reporting on the Yūna Gakuen struggle. See also Serial ID# 689.
建設労. マスコミ労協 情宣部.
item_ID: 51641
SerialID: 1641
Masukomi Rōkyō Jōsenbu.
The collection has five issues of this newsletter from 1974, issues #1-6 with #5 missing. It is the newsletter of the mass media labor union branch newspaper Kensetsu
in Okinawa.
建設労ニュース. 沖縄県マスコミ労働組合協議会沖縄建設新聞労働組合情宣部.
item_ID: 50584
Kensetsu Rō Nyūsu.
Okinawa-ken Masukomi Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai Okinawa Kensetsu Shinbun Rōdō Kumiai
The collection has only one issue of this newsletter from a newspaper workers union
in Okinawa.
幻想批評, Critique illusion. 札幌: 幻想批評発行所.
item_ID: 50277
Gensō Hihyō, Critique illusion.
Sapporo: Gensō Hihyō Hakkōjo.
The collection has one issue from 1967 of this publication from Hokkaido.
現代. 東京: 講談社.
item_ID: 50179
Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
Gendai is a commercial magazine. The collection contains five issues from the mid1980s with relevant articles.
現代, 早稲田大学第一文学部学生自治会機関誌. 東京: 早稲田大学第一文学部学生自治会.
item_ID: 51978
SerialID: 1978
Gendai, Waseda Daigaku Dai’ichi Bungakubu Gakusei Jichikai Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Waseda Daigaku Daiichi Bungakubu Gakusei Jichikai.
There are two serials called Gendai in the collection. There is only one 1961 issue of this
one, from Waseda University’s literature faculty student government organization.
452 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
現代革命, 統一共産同盟中央機関紙. 大阪: 共井こう三.
item_ID: 50795
Gendai Kakumei, Tōitsu Kyōsan Dōmei Chūō Kikanshi.
Ōsaka: Tomoi Kōzō.
The collection has one issue from 1967 of this newsletter.
現代革命論研究会月報. 東京: 現代革命論研究会事務局.
item_ID: 50563
Gendai Kakumeiron Kenkyūkai Geppō.
Tōkyō: Gendai Kakumeiron Kenkyūkai Jimukyoku.
The collection has just one issue, from 1979, of this monthly magazine.
現代コリア. 東京: 現代コリア研究所.
item_ID: 50870
Gendai Koria.
Tōkyō: Gendai Koria Kenkyūjo.
A journal about Korea published by Sato Katsumi.
現代コリア別冊 韓国・朝鮮を知るためのシリーズ.
東京: 現代コリア研究所.
item_ID: 52159
SerialID: 2159
Gendai Koria Bessatsu: Kankoku Chōsen o Shiru tame no Shirīzu.
Tōkyō: Gendai Koria Kenkyūjo.
This is a special publication of the magazine Gendai Koria from 1997.
現代思想. 東京: 現代思潮社.
item_ID: 51742
SerialID: 1742
Gendai Shisō.
Tōkyō: Gendai Shichōsha.
The collection has a 1961 issue of this publication.
現代詩手帖. 東京: 思潮社.
item_ID: 50135
Gendaishi Techō.
Tōkyō: Shichōsha.
This is a commercial history magazine . The one issue in the collection is a special
issue on the archaeology of Austronesia.
現代と思想. 東京: 青木書店.
item_ID: 50189
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 453
Gendai to Shisō.
Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten.
The collection contains one issue of this journal from 1973, which is a special issue
on contemporary historical materialism theory.
現代の眼. 東京: 現代評論社.
item_ID: 50096
Gendai no Me.
Tōkyō: Gendai Hyōronsha.
Gendai no Me is another commercially published magazine edited by a veteran of the
New Left that often contains articles about the New Left or by New Left authors. The
collection contains 21 issues from 1966 through 1983.
現代の理論. 東京: 現代の理論社.
item_ID: 50094
Gendai no Riron.
Tōkyō: Gendai no Rironsha.
This is a regularly published journal sponsored by Ando Jinpei, a post-war left wing
critic who was active in the early postwar communist party cell at Tokyo University.
He was the first student to be expelled from the university in the postwar period. He
left the JCP in 1961 and is the editor and publisher of Gendai no Riron. The collection contains 13 issues of the magazine from the 1960s through 1980s. The titles of
the issues are included in the website entries for the individual issues.
原点. 東京: 新世紀社.
item_ID: 50871
Tōkyō: Shin Seikisha.
The collection has one issue from 1972 of this commercially published magazine.
現闘通信. 赤色戦線・三里塚現闘団.
item_ID: 50833
Gentō Tsūshin.
Sekishoku Sensen, Sanrizuka Gentōdan.
The collection has two issues from 1976 of this publication in support of the Sanrizuka struggle.
原発斗争情報. 東京: 原子力資料情報室.
Genpatsu Tōsō Jōhō.
Tōkyō: Genshiryoku Shiryō Jōhōshitsu.
item_ID: 50756
454 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
The collection has one issue from 1979 of this newsletter from an anti-nuclear group,
which is a special issue on the Three Mile Island nuclear accident.
原発モラトリアム. 東京: 原発モラトリアムを求める会.
item_ID: 50760
Genpatsu Moratoriamu.
Tōkyō: Genpatsu Moratoriamu o Motomeru Kai.
The collection has the inaugural issue of this newspaper from 1979 promoting a
nuclear moratorium. This was part of a worldwide nuclear moratorium campaign
that was particularly strong in Europe.
県反戦ニュース. 川崎: 神奈川県反戦青年委員会.
item_ID: 50428
Ken Hansen Nyūsu.
Kawasaki: Kanagawa-ken Hansen Seinen Iinkai.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter put out by the Hansen Seinen iinkai
of Kanagawa-ken. Hansen Seinen iinkai were groups of young laborers, organized
by New Left students into antiwar activities. This one was about their antiwar activities, as opposed to Serial ID#427, published the same day, which was about their
labor movement activities.
県労協青年協ニュース. 沖縄県労協青年部協議会.
item_ID: 50492
Kenrōkyō Seinenkyō Nyūsu.
Okinawa-ken Rōkyō Seinenbu Kyōgikai.
The collection has ten issues of the newsletter of the youth division of the Okinawa
prefectural labor union.
県労協速報. 那覇: 沖縄県労働組合協議会.
item_ID: 50498
Kenrōkyō Sokuhō.
Naha: Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai.
The collection has 26 issues of the newsletter of the Okinawa Prefecture prefectural
workers union, from 1974 to 1978, with many issues from April and May 1975.
紅河, 日中友好協会(正統)早大支部機関誌. 東京: 早大支部機関誌編集部.
item_ID: 51818
SerialID: 1818
Kōga, Nitchū Yūkō Kyōkai (Seitō) Sōdai Shibu Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Sōdai Shibu Kikanshi Henshūbu.
This magazine was produced by a Japan-China Friendship group at Waseda University, in which Tsumura Takashi was the leader.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 455
公害を逃すな. 東京: 富山化学の公害輸出をやめさせる実行委員会.
item_ID: 50561
Kōgai o Nogasu na.
Tōkyō: Toyama Kagaku no Kōgai Yushutsu o Yamesaseru Jikkō Iinkai.
This is the long-running magazine format publication of an environmental organization that originally formed to protest pollution caused by the industrial facilities of
Toyama Kagaku. The publisher changes to Hirayama Takasada from issue #43 and
then to Han Kōgai Yushutsu Tsūhō Sentā, which is also listed as the editor from issue #43. Nittai Seinen Yūkō Undō is also listed a a publisher on some issues.
紅旗, 共産主義者同盟(紅旗)中央機関紙. 東京: 紅旗社.
item_ID: 50372
Kōki, Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Kōki) Chūō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Kōkisha.
This is the newspaper of a rather late Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei faction, who name is
the same as its newspaper, Kōki. The collection has 9 issues from 1976-1980.
紅旗, 共産主義者同盟(紅旗)理論誌. 東京: 紅旗社.
item_ID: 50373
Kōki, Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Kōki) Rironshi.
Tōkyō: Kōkisha.
This is a magazine format theoretical publication by the Kōki faction of
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. The collection has the inaugural issue from 1980 and it is
not known whether other issues were ever published.
紅旗. 反帝反修学生戦線.
item_ID: 51877
SerialID: 1877
Hantei Hanshū Gakusei Sensen.
There are two different publications called Kōki in the collection. This one was
produced by an anti-imperialist student group and the collection hass one issue
from 1969.
恒久平和と人民民主主義のために!. 共産党・労働者党情報局 ブカレスト.
item_ID: 50065
Kōkyū Heiwa to Jinmin Minshushugi no Tame ni !
Kyōsantō Rōdōshatō Jōhōkyoku Bukaresuto.
The collection contains 59 issues dating from 1951 to 1956 of this newspaper, which
is a condensed version of of the main Cominform newspaper “For a Lasting Peace,
for a People’s Democracy”. It was published in Japanese in Bucharest, Romania by
the Cominform.
456 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
東京: 東京工業大学新聞会.
item_ID: 50759
Kōgyō Daigaku Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Kōgyō Daigaku Shinbun Kai.
The collection has one issue from 1979 of the Tokyo Technical University newspaper,
which is a special issue on nuclear power.
攻撃, 共産主義者同盟関西政治理論誌. 大阪: 共産主義者同盟関西地方委員会.
item_ID: 50589
Kōgeki, Kyōsanshugisha Domei Kansai Seiji Rironshi.
Ōsaka: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kansai Chihō Iinkai.
The collection has one issue of this Kansai Bund magazine from 1968.
高校学園階級闘争. 東京: プロレタリア軍団全国高校生評議会・結成準備会.
item_ID: 50340
Kōkō Gakuen Kaikyū Tōsō.
Tōkyō: Puroretaria Gundan Zenkoku Kōkōsei Hyōgikai Kessei Junbikai.
This is the inaurural issue of a publication directed to high school students mobilized
by Puroretaria Gundan, a student organization of a breakaway faction from Dai
Yon Inta.
高校生活指導, 中部支部実践記録. 沖生研中部生活指導部会.
item_ID: 51848
SerialID: 1848
Kōkō Seikatsu Shidō, Chūbu Shibu Jissen Kiroku.
Okiseiken Chūbu Seikatsu Shidōbukai.
The collection has one issue from 1971 of this publication from Okinawa.
高校生の教師, 生活指導実践記録. 沖縄: 沖縄県立読谷高等学校(生活指導部会).
item_ID: 51853
SerialID: 1853
Kōkōsei no Kyōshi, Seikatsu Shidō Jissen Kiroku.
Okinawa: Okinawa Kenritsu Yomitan Kōtō Gakkō (Seikatsu Shidōbukai).
The collection has one 1973 issue of this publication from Yomitan High School
teachers in Okinawa.
構造. 東京: 経済構造社.
item_ID: 50160
Tōkyō: Keizai Kōzōsha.
Kōzō is a commercial magazine dealing with economic and social issues. The four issues in the collection, from 1970 and 1971, deal with Yoshimoto Taka’aki’s ideas, education, the modern state and class consciousness, and revolution and guerrilla warfare.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 457
公訴棄却実行委ニュース. 東京: 自主交渉、川本裁判「公訴棄却 」実行委員会.
item_ID: 50547
Kōso Kikyaku Jikkōi Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Jishu Kōshō, Kawamoto Saiban “Kōso Kikyaku” Jikkō Iinkai.
The collection has two issues from 1978 of this group involved in the dismissal of a
legal appeal.
合同救援 ニュース. 東京: 王子闘争救援会.
item_ID: 50367
Gōdō Kyūen Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Ōji Tōsō Kyūenkai.
This is joint publication of Ōji Tōsō Kyūenkai, Sanrizuka Tōsō Kyūenkai, Tōdai
Zenkyōtō o Shiensuru Kai Kyūenbu, Nichidai Tōsō Kyūenkai Junbikai, Haneda 10/8
Kyūenkai, and 6.15 Kyūenkai Iinkai. It was the initial version of the publication that
subsequently became Kyūen, the newspaper of Kyūen Renraku Sentā.
行動隊ニュース. 大正行動隊.
item_ID: 52013
SerialID: 2013
Kōdōtai Nyūsu.
Taishō Kōdōtai.
This is a 1962 gōgai issue of this neewsletter.
公判通信. 横浜: 連合赤軍公判対策委員会.
item_ID: 50232
Kōhan Tsūshin.
Yokohama: Rengō Sekigun Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai.
This is a newsletter produced by a trial support group for the Rengō Sekigun defendants. This one was published in Yokohama and the collection has two issues. See
Serial #233 for another publication by the same group.
公判通信. 東京: ’71黒ヘルゲリラ戦士公判対策委員会.
item_ID: 51725
SerialID: 1725
Kōhan Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: 71 Kuroheru Gerira-senshi Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai.
The collection has one 1974 issue of a support group for people on trial for the 1971
“black helmet” guerrilla incident. Black helmet refers to a guerrilla group not identifed with any known New Left organization and this was a group of small underground cells.
紅風, 共産主義青年団機関誌. 東京: 共産主義青年団.
item_ID: 50794
458 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Kōfū, Kyōsanshugi Seinendan Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Kyōsanshugi Seinendan.
The collection has two issues from 1972 and 1973 of this publication from Kyōsanshugi
交流. 東京:「交流」編集会議.
item_ID: 50858
Tōkyō: Kōryū Henshū Kaigi.
The collection has one issue from 1976 of this newsletter.
コールサイン沖縄. 日本民間放送労働組合連合会沖縄地連.
item_ID: 51647
SerialID: 1647
Kōrusain Okinawa.
Nihon Minkan Hōsō Rōdō Kumiai Rengō Kai Okinawa Chiren.
The collection has one 1974 issue of this newsletter from a broadcasting labor union
in Okinawa.
声なき声. 神戸: 声なき声市民の会.
item_ID: 51812
SerialID: 1812
Koe naki Koe.
Kōbe: Koe naki Koe Shimin no Kai.
This newsletter was published by one of the oldest citizens’ groups in Japan, which
was active during the 1960 Ampo protests. Its leaders were Kobayashi Tomi and
Takabatake Michitoshi. The issue in the collection is from 1968.
声なき声のたより. 東京: 声なき声の会.
item_ID: 50723
Koe naki Koe no Tayori.
Tōkyō: Koe naki Koe no Kai.
Koe naki Koe was an organization founded during the 1960 Ampo struggle to mobilize ordinary citizens. The collection has just one issue of the Koe naki Koe newsletter from 1969.
五月. 東京: 韓国民主化支援世界大会委員会(ASKOD)編集部.
item_ID: 50741
Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshuka Shien Sekai Taikai Iinkai (ASKOD) Henshūbu.
The collection has the inaugural issue from 1983 of this newspaper from a group supporting democracy in South Korea.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 459
小金井市民の声. 東京: 小金井市民の声編集部.
item_ID: 50719
Koganei Shimin no Koe.
Tōkyō: Koganei Shimin no Koe Henshūbu.
This is a local newspaper from Koganei city in the outskirts of Tokyo with Beheiren
ties. The collection has seven issues from 1968 and 1969.
国公労新聞. 東京: 日本国家公務員労働組合連合会.
item_ID: 50643
Kokukōrō Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kokka Kōmuin Rōdō Kumiai Rengōkai.
The collection has only one issue of this newspaper of the labor union for national
govenrment workers. It is a gōgai issue from 1976.
国際階級闘争資料集. 東京: 共産主義者同盟国際部.
item_ID: 50400
Kokusai Kaikyū Tōsō Shiryōshū.
Tōkyō: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kokusaibu.
The collection has one issue of this magazine put out by the International section of
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei in December 1968.
国際基督教大学学生新聞, The ICU Journal. 東京: 国際基督教大学新聞会.
item_ID: 50240
Kokusai Kirisutokyō Daigaku Gakusei Shinbun, The ICU Journal.
Tōkyō: Kokusai Kirisutokyō Daigaku Shinbunkai.
This is the International Christian University student newspaper, and the collection
has one issue from 1970.
国際資料. 東京: 国民文庫社・国際資料係.
item_ID: 50068
Kokusai Shiryō.
Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunkosha / Kokusai Shiryō Gakari.
This is a serial published by the Japan Communist Party. The publisher’s name
changes from Kokumin Bunkosha to Kokusai Shiryō Gakari from issue #44. The collection has 20 issues dating from 1956 to 1958.
国際新報. 大阪: 国際新報社.
Kokusai Shinpō.
Ōsaka: Kokusai Shinpōsha.
item_ID: 50365
460 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
This is a movement newspaper published in Osaka. The collection has two issues
from 1969.
Kokusai Chishiki.
item_ID: 50707
The collection has 13 issues of this magazine, all from 1950. It was included in the
Aihara-Furuya materials.
獄舎を越えて, 荒井まり子さんの保釈をかちとる会ニュース. 東京: 荒井まり子さんの保釈をかちとる会.
item_ID: 50685
Gokusha o Koete, Arai Mariko-san no Hoshaku o Kachitoru Kai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Arai Mariko-san no Hoshaku o Kachitoru Kai.
Arai Mariko was an associate of Higashi Asia Han-nichi Busō Sensen who was prosecuted for her “spiritual involvement” in the group’s bombing campaign even though
she had not participated in any of the incidents. She spent a total of twelve years in
prison. This is a newsletter put out by supporters seeking to get her released. The
collection contains only the first issue. Her prison writings were later published as a
book which is not in the collection.
獄中通信. 共産同赤軍派救対部.
item_ID: 50312
Gokuchū Tsūshin.
Kyōsandō Sekigunha Kyūtaibu.
This publication was designed to facilitate communication both among Sekigunha
members who were in prison, and between those in prison and those outside. It
was published quite regularly from August, 1970 to September 1971, roughly when
Rengō Sekigun was formed. It was revived for one issue in 1973. According to Takazawa’s published biobliography of Sekigun materials, issues from #1 (8/11/70) to
#9 (9/14/71) were published by Kyōsandō Sekigunha Kyūtaibu. Issue #10 was published by Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Saiken Junbi Iinkai, as “Saikan 1 gō”
in March 1973.
黒閃. 大阪: G社.
item_ID: 51880
SerialID: 1880
Ōsaka: G sha.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter from 1971.
The collection has three issues of this magazine from 1970.
item_ID: 52117
SerialID: 2117
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 461
國文學 解釈と鑑賞. 東京: 至文堂.
item_ID: 51685
SerialID: 1685
Kokubungaku Kaishaku to Kanshō.
Tōkyō: Shibundō.
The collection has a 1971 issue of this commercial magazine because it has feature
on Takahashi Kazumi.
國文學 解釈と教材の研究. 東京: 學燈社.
item_ID: 51686
SerialID: 1686
Kokubungaku Kaishaku to Kyōzai no Kenkyū.
Tōkyō: Gakutōsha.
The collection has two issues of this commercial magazine because of particular content in both issues related to Takahashi Kazumi. The issues are from 1974 and 1978.
那覇: 沖縄県労働組合協議会.
item_ID: 50606
Kokumin Shuntō Shinbun (Okinawa Ban).
Naha: Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai.
The collection has only one issue, from 1979, of this newspaper produced by the Okinawa Prefecture labor alliance.
国民文化, National Culture Review. 東京: 国民文化会議.
item_ID: 51759
SerialID: 1759
Kokumin Bunka, National Culture Review.
Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunka Kaigi.
This magazine was put out by Hidaka Rokurō and Takabatake Michitoshi as part of
an effort at a unified antiwar movement. When the Communist Party pulled out of
the effort, they organized it around citizens’ groups. The organization publishing it,
Kokumin Bunka Kaigi, was the listed contact address for over 300 citizen’s organizations that participated in the June Action (Rokugatsu Kōdō) in 1968 and 1969. This
organization and its publication thus became the operating base for the flowering of
anti-war citizens’ groups in the late 1960s.
コザ高校新聞. 沖縄: コザ高等学校生徒会新聞部.
item_ID: 51948
SerialID: 1948
Koza Kōkō Shinbun.
Okinawa: Koza Kōtō Gakkō Seitokai Shinbunbu.
The collection has one 1957 issue of this newspaper from Okinawa.
ことがら. 東京: ことがら編集委員会.
item_ID: 51707
SerialID: 1707
462 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Tōkyō: Kotogara Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has one 1985 issue of this magazine with a feature on the 1970s.
小西反軍裁判. 東京: 小西裁判を支援する都民の会.
item_ID: 51740
SerialID: 1740
Konishi Hangun Saiban.
Tōkyō: Konishi Saiban o Shien suru Tomin no Kai.
The collection has one 1972 issue of this newsletter from the support group for Konishi Makoto’s trial. Konishi was a member of the self-defense force who was prosecuted for antiwar activities.
小西反軍裁判ニュース. 東京: 小西反軍裁判支援委員会.
item_ID: 50784
Konishi Hangun Saiban Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Konishi Hangun Saiban Shien Iinkai.
This is the regular newsletter put out by the support group for Konishi Makoto.
Konishi was a Self Defense Force officer arrested for refusing to participate in military drills in preparation for SDF security operations related to the 1970 Ampo protests and leafleting anti-war handbills. He was then indicted under the very serious
charge of sedition. The defense team used the court to question the constitutionality
of the SDF, but when the lower court found him innocent of the sedition charge, the
state did not appeal because they did not want to have the higher courts rule on the
constitutionality of the SDF. The collection contains many other materials related to
this case, including books written by Konishi, because Furuya Yoshiko was actively
involved in his trial support group.
この道ひとすじ, リブニュース. 東京: リブ新宿センター.
item_ID: 50381
Kono Michi Hitosuji, Ribu Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Ribu Shinjuku Sentā.
The collection has two issues from 1972 and 1973 of this women’s liberation newspaper.
こぶし, 自治労那覇市職 青年部機関紙. 那覇: 自治労那覇市職青年部.
item_ID: 50658
Kobushi, Jichirō Nahashishoku Seinenbu Kikanshi.
Naha: Jichirō Naha-shishoku Seinenbu.
This is the newsletter of the youth division of a union in Naha, Okinawa. The collection has three issues from 1975 and 1977.
コボたち. 岐阜: コボたち編集室.
item_ID: 50569
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 463
Gifu: Kobotachi Henshūshitsu.
The collection has only one issue of this publication, from 1980.
雇用・失反・中小対策ニュース. 東京: 春闘共闘雇用・失反・中小対策委員会.
item_ID: 50497
Koyō, Shippan, Chūshō Taisaku Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Shuntō Kyōtō Koyō, Shippan, Chūshō Taisaku Iinkai.
The collection has one issue from 1975 of a group preparing for the spring labor offensive for workers in small and medium sized companies.
これでいいのかニュース. 東京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合.
item_ID: 50077
Kore de Ii no ka Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Nihon wa Kore de Ii no ka Shimin Rengō.
This is a journal published by Oda Makoto after Beheiren ended and it is still published occasionally today. The collection contains 28 issues published between 1981
and 1985.
根拠地. 東京: 現代思想社.
item_ID: 51767
SerialID: 1767
Tōkyō: Gendai Shisōsha.
This magazine was put out by participants in the Kōzō Kaikakuha (but a different
group from those publishing Shutai to Henkaku). Andō Jimbē of Tōitsu Shakaigaku
Dōmei (Tōshadō), Mutō Ichiyō of Kyōrōtō and Beheiren, and Yoshikawa Yūichi of
Beheiren were involved in this movement.
コンテスタシオン, 法大ベ平連機関誌 . 法大ベ平連編集部.
item_ID: 51774
SerialID: 1774
Kontesutashion, Hōdai Beheiren Kikanshi.
Hōdai Beheiren Henshūbu.
This magazine was put out by the student Beheiren group at Hōsei Daigaku.
コンテスタシオン. 立命館大学全学共闘会議法学部闘争委員会機関誌編集局.
item_ID: 51970
SerialID: 1970
Ritsumeikan Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Hōgakubu Tōsō Iinkai Kikanshi Henshūkyoku.
The collection has two issues of this newspaper, the inaugural and the second, from
the Ritsumeikan University Zenkyōtō. Both are from 1969 during the conflict there.
464 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
今日の琉球, KONNICHI NO RYUKYU. 沖縄: 沖縄浦添村琉球列島米国民政府広報局出版部.
item_ID: 51924
SerialID: 1924
Konnichi no Ryūkyū, Konnichi no Ryukyu.
Okinawa: Okinawa Urasoe-mura Ryūkyū Rettō Beikoku Minseifu Kōhōkyoku Shuppanbu.
The collection has nine issues of this monthly commercial magazine from 1967
through 1969, when Okinawa was still under American Occupation.
コンミューン. 日本社会主義青年同盟解放派学生委員会.
item_ID: 51799
SerialID: 1799
Nihon Shakaishugi Seinen Dōmei Kaihō-ha Gakusei Iinkai.
There are many publications with this name. This one was produced by Shaseidō
東京: 三共社.
item_ID: 50149
Sage (Sāju).
Tōkyō: Sankyōsha.
Commercial magazine for book lovers. Takazawa contributed an article to this magazine, which is why the issue in the collection.
再処理斗争ニュース. 茨城: 水戸平和問題懇談会.
item_ID: 50758
Saishori Tōsō Nyūsu.
Ibaraki: Mito Heiwa Mondai Kondankai.
The collection has four issues of a newsletter from the Mito Peace Problems Colloquium, which was involved in the anti-nuclear movement, from 1977 through 1979.
再生に向けて. 東京: 共産主義者同盟赤軍派東京都委員会.
item_ID: 50311
Saisei ni Mukete.
Tōkyō: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Tōkyō-to Iinkai.
After the Rengō Sekigun incident a group centered around Daibosatsu defendants
organized the Tokyo committee of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha and published
Saisei ni Mukete. The collection has two issues, which focus on settling accounts
from Rengō Sekigun.
最前線. 東京: 労大出版部.
Tōkyō: Rōdai Shuppanbu.
item_ID: 51995
SerialID: 1995
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 465
The collection contains three issues from 1961 of the newsletter of the labor university’s publication section.
最賃闘争ニュース. 東京: 春闘共闘最賃対策委員会.
item_ID: 50583
Saichin Tōsō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Shuntō Kyōtō Saichin Taisaku Iinkai.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from a labor organization fighting for
a minimum wage, from 1974 and 1975.
在日韓国人”政治犯”を支援する会全国会議ニュース. 東京: 在日韓国人”政治犯”を支援する会全国会議.
item_ID: 50487
Zainichi Kankokujin “Seijihan” o Shien suru Kai Zenkoku Kaigi Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Zainichi Kankokujin “Seijihan” o Shien suru Kai Zenkoku Kaigi.
This is the newsletter of a support group for Korean residents of Japan who have
been arrested. They are calling them “seijihan” or political prisoners. The collection
has the first two issues from 1976 and 1977,plus a later one from 1981.
相模原NEWS. 相模原: ベ平連相模原.
item_ID: 50716
Sagamihara Nyūsu.
Sagamihara: Beheiren Sagamihara.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter from the Sagamihara Beheiren chapter, from 1973.
さきがけ. 東京: 日本健青会.
item_ID: 51932
SerialID: 1932
Tōkyō: Nihon Kenseikai.
The collection has two issues of this newspaper from 1956.
サシバ. 沖縄: 今帰仁・泉原農場.
item_ID: 51842
SerialID: 1842
Okinawa: Nakijin, Izumibaru Nōjō.
The collection has one undated issue, #30, of this individually produced publicaiton.
査証. 大阪: 査証編集委員会.
Ōsaka: Sashō Henshū Iinkai.
item_ID: 50027
466 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
The title of this organizational publication of Sekigun-ha is Sashō, which means
“visa.” The journal was published by Takazawa Kōji, expressing his wish to issue a
visa for people like Trotsky (known for his journey without a country that would accept him, described in his diary “Planet Without a Visa.”) This publication was produced in Japan as a voice for the Japanese Red Army group in the Middle East, and
featured articles by and about them. The collection contains 8 issues produced from
1971-1973. The collection’s manuscripts section also contains many of the manuscripts that were published in Sashō.
雑季帖. 京都: 編集工舎.
item_ID: 51677
SerialID: 1677
Kyōto: Henshū Kōsha.
The collection has one 1984 issue of this commercial magazines that has a feature
on 1960s graffiti.
札幌べ平連ニュース. 札幌: 札幌ベ平連.
item_ID: 50802
Sapporo Beheiren Nyūsu.
Sapporo: Sapporo Beheiren.
The collection has five issues of this newsletter from the Sapporo Beheiren chapter,
ranging from 1968 to 1975.
左派. 川崎: 共産主義者同盟神奈川委員会.
item_ID: 50402
Kawasaki: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kanagawa Iinkai.
The collection contains one issue of this magazine from 1970, #2, published by the
Kanagawa committee of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei .
ザ・パスポート. 東京: 帰国者の裁判を考える会.
item_ID: 50054
Za Pasupōto.
Tōkyō: Kikokusha no Saiban o Kangaeru Kai.
Newsletter published by the support group for the Nihon Sekigun members who had
been deported back to Japan and were on trial. The collection contains nine issues
produced in 1988-1990.
item_ID: 52126
SerialID: 2126
The collection has eleven issues of this commercial magazine from the late 1990s
because they contained articles about North Korea.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 467
東京: タイ人民連帯キャンペーン(東京).
item_ID: 50469
Samakkī (Danketsu).
Tōkyō: Tai Jinmin Rentai Kyanpēn (Tōkyō).
This is a newsletter from an organization promoting relations between people in
Japan and Thailand. The collection has one issue from 1978.
狭山差別裁判. 大阪: 狭山差別裁判取消し、無実の石川一雄即時釈放要求中央闘争委
item_ID: 50507
Sayama Sabetsu Saiban.
Ōsaka: Sayama Sabetsu Saiban Torikeshi, Mujitsu no Ishikawa Kazuo Sokuji Shakuhō Yōkyū
Chūō Tōsō Iinkai.
The collection has five issues from 1974 and 1975 of a publication of the support organization for Ishikawa Kazuo, who had been falsely convicted in the Sayama case.
Buraku Kaihō Dōmei and other groups took up the cause to get the case reviewed
and he was found not guilty on a subsequent retrial.
左翼戦線. 九大マルクス主義者同志会.
item_ID: 51985
SerialID: 1985
Sayoku Sensen.
Kyūdai Marukusushugisha Dōshikai.
The collection has the inaugural issue of this publication from 1961.
参議院をとりもどす会ニュース. 東京: 日本婦人有権者同盟.
item_ID: 50844
Sangiin o Torimodosu Kai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Nihon Fujin Yūkensha Dōmei.
This newsletter was produced in 1983 by a coalition of women’s groups involved in
an election campaign. In addition to Nihon Fujin Yūkensha Dōmei, the groups were
Shimin Undō Zenkoku Sentā, and Sangiin o Torimodosu Kai Jimukyoku.
産経新聞 (大阪本社), 産業経済新聞. 大阪: 産業経済新聞大阪本社.
item_ID: 51834
SerialID: 1834
Sankei Shinbun (Ōsaka Honsha), Sangyō Keizai Shinbun.
Ōsaka: Sangyō Keizai Shinbun Ōsaka Honsha.
The collection has twelve issues of the Sankei Shimbun, a major national economic
newspaper published in Osaka. The issues are from 1962 through 1970 and presumably are in the collection because of specific articles they contained.
産経新聞 (東京本社), 産業経済新聞(サンケイ).
東京: 産業経済新聞東京本社.
item_ID: 50333
468 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Sankei Shinbun (Tōkyō Honsha), Sangyō Keizai Shinbun (Sankei).
Tōkyō: Sangyō Keizai Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha.
This is a major daily newspaper. The collection has only one issue, from the death of
the Shōwa emperor.
三世代通信. 東京: 市民運動「金大中氏らに自由を」.
item_ID: 50734
Sansedai Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Shimin Undō “Kin Dai Chū-shira ni Jiyū o”.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter from 1981. It was put out by a citizens
group calling for freedom for Kim Dae Chung, who at that time was on trial for sedition and faced a possible death sentence. There are other materials concerning Kim
Dae Chung (Kin Dai Chū in Japanese) in the collection.
サンデー毎日. 東京: 毎日新聞社 (東京).
item_ID: 50101
Sandē Mainichi.
Tōkyō: Mainichi Shinbunsha (Tōkyō).
Sandē Mainichi is the Sunday graphics magazine produced by the Mainichi Newspaper Company. The collection contains ten issues preserved because of their special
topics, which are listed in the website entries for the individual issues.
山谷監視する会ニュース. 東京: 山谷における警察と右翼ヤクザの癒着を監視する会.
item_ID: 50684
San’ya Kanshisuru Kai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: San’ya ni Okeru Keisatsu to Uyoku Yakuza no Yuchaku o Kanshisuru Kai.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from a group monitoring both the police and yakuza in the day laborer community of San’ya. Both issues are from 1986.
三里塚 芋と卵と鉄塔と. 東京: 弥永健一.
item_ID: 50830
Sanrizuka Imo to Tamago to Tettō to.
Tōkyō: Yanaga Ken’ichi.
The collection has four issues of a privately produced newsletter from 1981 through
1983. The title, Potatoes, Eggs, and Steel Tower, suggests that it supported the conflict in part by promoting the purchase of agricultural products from Sanrizuka.
However, the newsletter covers political events of the time as well.
三里塚救援ニュース. 大阪: 関西三里塚闘争救援会.
Sanrizuka Kyūen Nyūsu.
Ōsaka: Kansai Sanrizuka Tōsō Kyūenkai.
item_ID: 51964
SerialID: 1964
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 469
This newsletter was published by a group in Kansai that was supporting persons
who had been arrested for their participation in the Sanrizuka struggle against
the construction of Narita International Airport. Since students from all over Japan were involved in the protests, this group may have been primarily supporting
students from Kansai area universities. It was produced in the late 1970s, when
protests were aimed at preventing the completed airport from opening. Another serial with the same title published by Okinawa Sanrizuka Kyūenkai during the same
time period is also in the collection. (Serial ID #471)
三里塚救援ニュース. 那覇: 三里塚救援会(準).
item_ID: 50471
Sanrizuka Kyūen Nyūsu.
Naha: Sanrizuka Kyūenkai (Jun).
This is one of several newsletters put out by organizations supporting persons arrested for their participation in the Sanrizuka struggle against the construction of
Narita International Airport. This one was produced by a group in Naha, Okinawa
during the late 1970s, when the Sanrizuka protests were aimed at preventing the
completed airport from opening. From issue #5 the publishing organization changes
to Okinawa Sanrizuka Kyūenkai. Another serial with the same title published by
Kansai Sanrizuka Tōsō Kyūenkai at about the same time is also in the collection
(Serial ID #1964).
三里塚空港反対周辺住民会議ニュース. 千葉: 三里塚空港反対周辺住民会議.
item_ID: 52025
SerialID: 2025
Sanrizuka Kūkō Hantai Shūhen Jūmin Kaigi Nyūsu.
Chiba: Sanrizuka Kūkō Hantai Shūhen Jūmin Kaigi.
This is a special 1978 issue of an organization supporting the Sanrika struggle.
三里塚情報. 千葉: 三里塚闘争連帯 労農合宿所.
item_ID: 50831
Sanrizuka Jōhō.
Chiba: Sanrizuka Tōsō Rentai Rōnō Gasshukujo.
The collection has seven 1983 issues of this Sanrizuka newsletter from a boarding
house where workers and farmers lived together.
三里塚闘争救援ニュース. 千葉: 三里塚闘争救援会.
item_ID: 51640
SerialID: 1640
Sanrizuka Tōsō Kyūen Nyūsu.
Chiba: Sanrizuka Tōsō Kyūenkai.
This newsletter was put out by s support group for persons arrested during the
Sanrizuka struggle against the construction of Narita International Airport. There
were several different support groups for the Sanrizuka struggle, in various parts of
Japan. This one was working locally in Chiba, where the protesters were being tried
470 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
in Chiba District Court. The collection contains scattered issues from 1968, when the
publication began, through 1983.
三里塚闘争ニュース. 東京: 三里塚闘争に連帯する会.
item_ID: 50668
Sanrizuka Tōsō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Kai.
The collection has nine issues of this newspaper from a group supporting the Sanrizuka struggle, from 1978-82.
三里塚と全国を結ぶ行動月間ニュース. 東京: 三里塚と全国を結ぶ行動月間実行委員会.
item_ID: 50836
Sanrizuka to Zenkoku o Musubu Kōdō Gekkan Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Sanrizuka to Zenkoku o Musubu Kōdō Gekkan Jikkō Iinkai.
The collection has two issues from September 1977 of this newsletter promoting a
monthly national action in support of the Sanrizuka struggle.
三里塚砦の子供たち. 東京: 連合報道社.
item_ID: 51849
SerialID: 1849
Sanrizuka Toride no Kodomotachi.
Tōkyō: Rengō Hōdōsha.
The collection has one issue from 1971 of this publication on the children of Sanrizuka.
三里塚ニュース. 那覇: 三里塚鉄塔共有化沖縄県連絡所.
item_ID: 50675
Sanrizuka Nyūsu.
Naha: Sanrizuka Tettō Kyoyūka Okinawa-ken Renrakusho.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from the Okinawa office of the organization supporting the Sanrizuka struggle, the inaugural issue from 1972 and #3
from 1974.
三里塚の米. 横浜: 三里塚廃港・神奈川共闘会議.
item_ID: 50839
Sanrizuka no Kome.
Yokohama: Sanrizuka Haikō Kanagawa Kyōtō Kaigi.
The collection has three 1980-1981 issues of this newspaper put out by a group in
Kanagawa that supported the Sanrizuka struggle by promoting rice produced in
三里塚無農薬野菜売りニュース. 日韓関係と沖縄問題を考える会.
item_ID: 50851
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 471
Sanrizuka Munōyaku Yasai Uri Nyūsu.
Nikkan Kankei to Okinawa Mondai o Kangaeru Kai.
This is a newsletter produced by a group promoting the sale of organic vegetables
produced by Sanrizuka farmers. There was a national movement to help Sanrizuka
farmers who were fighting Narita International Airport by buying their produce, and
this was tied in with the organic foods movement of the 1970s. The publishers are a
group concerned with two other issues, Japanese-Korean relations and the Okinawa
problem, and a second group called Shinjuku Kushoku Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentai
suru Kai. There is no publication year on the three issues in the collection, but they
seem to have all come out within the year after Narita Airport opened.
三里塚野戦病院ニュース. 千葉: 三里塚野戦病院(現地救対本部).
item_ID: 52029
SerialID: 2029
Sanrizuka Yasen Byōin Nyūsu.
Chiba: Sanrizuka Yasen Byōin (Genchi Kyūtai Honbu).
This is a 1977 issue of a newsletter for the Sanrizuka field hospital providing support
to people fighting at Sanrizuka.
シアレヒム. 東京: シアレヒム社.
item_ID: 50194
Tōkyō: Shiarehimusha.
The collection contains one issue of this magazine from 1982, which has an article on
specialized journals on Korea.
自衛隊通信. 東京:「ベトナムに平和を!」市民連合.
item_ID: 50783
Jieitai Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Betonamu ni Heiwa o! Shimin Rengō.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter put out by Tokyo Beheiren.
支援センターニュース, パレスチナ人民支援センター事務局機関誌. 東京: パレスチナ人民支援センター事務局.
item_ID: 50398
Shien Sentā Nyūsu, Paresuchina Jinmin Shien Sentā Jimukyoku Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Paresuchina Jinmin Shien Sentā Jimukyoku.
The collection has four issues of this hand-written newsletter, 3 from 1973 and one
from 1976.
塩見孝也論叢. 東京: 塩見孝也.
Shiomi Takaya Ronsō.
Tōkyō: Shiomi Takaya.
item_ID: 51949
SerialID: 1949
472 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
A personal journal written by Shiomi Takaya while he was in prison, which was
published by his supporters.
史海. 史海同人.
item_ID: 51708
SerialID: 1708
Shikai Dōjin.
The collection has two issues of this literary group’s magazine from 1987.
視角. 横浜: 関東学院生活協同組合組織部.
item_ID: 51897
SerialID: 1897
Yokohama: Kantō Gakuin Seikatsu Kyōdō Kumiai Soshikibu.
The collection has one 1968 issue of this publication from a group at Kantō Gakuin
しぐま. 東京: 杉並ベ平連.
item_ID: 50814
Tōkyō: Suginami Beheiren.
The collection haas one issue from 1969 of a newsletter from the Suginami-ku Beheiren chapter.
試行. 東京: 試行社.
item_ID: 50868
Tōkyō: Shikōsha.
This journal was published by Yoshimoto Takaaki.
時刻表. 東京: ウニタ書舗.
item_ID: 50032
Tōkyō: Unita Shoho.
This serial publication is a list of the mini-komi publications carried by the Tokyo
bookstore Unita, which was run by Endō Tadao. The collection contains 15 issues of
this rare and important document from 1969-1975, which sheds light on the range of
small publications that were being produced by and for the New Left.
支持委員会ニュース. 東京: 前田俊彦支援労働者委員会.
item_ID: 50712
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 473
Shiji Iinkai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Maeda Toshihiko Shien Rōdōsha Iinkai.
Maeda Toshihiko was prosecuted for making “doburoku” a simply processed sake
without a license (moonshining). This is the newsletter of the group that was supporting him, which called itself the support “laborers’ committee.” There are some
political implications and the laborers’ committee supporting Maeda was analogous
to a group supporting someone arrested for marijuana cultivation.
使者. 東京: 小学館.
item_ID: 50212
Tōkyō: Shōgakukan.
This magazine commercially published by Shogakukan has an editorial list of prominent Left figures including Noma Hiroshi and Oda Makoto. Shisha means messenger. The collection has just one issue that is a special issue on “thought from the
自主講座. 東京:「自主講座」編集室.
item_ID: 50855
Jishu Kōza.
Tōkyō: Jishu Kōza Henshūshitsu.
The collection has one gōgai issue from 1978 of this publication.
自主と団結. 平壌:「日本の自主と団結のために!」の会.
item_ID: 50050
Jishu to Danketsu.
Pyongyang: Nihon no Jishu to Danketsu no Tame ni no Kai.
An organizational magazine publication of the Yodogō group, published in North
Korea for distribution in Japan. The collection holds four issues produced in 1990
and 1991.
Shizuoka Beheiren Nyūsu.
item_ID: 50823
The collection has one issue from 1970 of the newsletter of the Shizuoka Beheiren
思想. 東京: 岩波書店.
Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
item_ID: 50099
474 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Shisō is a monthly intellectual magazine published by the Iwanami Publishing Company. The collection contains 142 issues primarily from the 1950s, 1960s, and early
1970s, with a few from the 1980s.
思想運動. 東京: 活動家集団思想運動.
item_ID: 50057
Shisō Undō.
Tōkyō: Katsudōka Shūdan Shisō Undō.
The collection contains 209 issues of this newsletter, one from 1969 and the rest from
1981, 1990, and 1991.
思想運動シリーズ. 東京: 活動家集団思想運動.
item_ID: 51733
SerialID: 1733
Shisō Undō Shirīzu.
Tōkyō: Katsudōka Shūdan Shisō Undō.
The collection has one 1989 issue of this publication.
思想の科学. 東京: 思想の科学社.
item_ID: 50182
Shisō no Kagaku.
Tōkyō: Shisō no Kagakusha.
Shisō no Kagaku is an intellectual journal published by the Science of Thought Research Group. The collection contains five issues. Four are on topics relevant to the
collection and the fifth is a comprehensive bibliography of the journal from 1946 to
1966 that is also catalogued in the Books reference section as Item #48.
自治労沖縄県職労, 沖縄県職労機関紙. 那覇: 沖縄県職員労働組合教宣部.
item_ID: 50688
Jichirō Okinawa-ken Shokurō, Okinawa-ken Shokurō Kikanshi.
Naha: Okinawa-ken Shokuin Rōdō Kumiai Kyōsenbu.
The is a newsletter of the Okinawa prefectural workers union. The collection has
three issues from 1975 and 1977.
自治労 県本部速報. 那覇: 自治労沖縄県本部.
item_ID: 51644
SerialID: 1644
Jichirō Ken Honbu Sokuhō.
Naha: Jichirō Okinawa-ken Honbu.
The collection has one 1974 issue of this labor union newsletter from Okinawa.
自治労 那覇市職速報, 自治労那覇市職員労働組合機関紙. 那覇: 自治労那覇市職員労働組合.
item_ID: 51642
SerialID: 1642
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 475
Jichirō Naha-shi Shoku Sokuhō, Jichirō Naha-shi Shokuin Rōdō Kumiai Kikanshi.
Naha: Jichirō Naha-shi Shokuin Rōdō Kumiai.
The collection has one 1974 issue of the newsletter of the Naha city workers union.
実行委員会ニュース. 川崎: 全国住民闘争連帯総決起集会実行委員会.
item_ID: 52032
SerialID: 2032
Jikkō Iinkai Nyūsu.
Kawasaki: Zenkoku Jūmin Tōsō Rentai Sōkekki Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai.
The collection has one 1980 issue of this newsletter.
実行委ニュース. 東京: 震下の朝鮮人虐殺と現代日本を考える実行委員会.
item_ID: 52022
SerialID: 2022
Jikkō I Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Shinka no Chōsenjin Gyakusatsu to Gendai Nihon o Kangaeru Jikkō Iinkai.
This is a 1983 issue of the newsletter.
島うた通信. 神奈川: 岩永文夫.
item_ID: 50315
Shimauta Tsūshin.
Kanagawa: Iwanaga Fumio.
This is the inaugural edition of a professionally printed newspaper format publication from 1975, which was published in Kanagawa but concerned Okinawa. It was
found in a folder of unsorted Red Army materials.
市民運動. 東京: 市民連合.
item_ID: 50409
Shimin Undō.
Tōkyō: Shimin Rengō.
This newspaper was put out by an association of citizen’s groups as grassroots citizens’ movements were developing rapidly. The collection has the first two issues,
published in late 1968 and early 1969.
Shimin Kyōtō Nyūsu.
item_ID: 50623
This newsletter from an unknown publisher appears to be completely different from
Serial ID#727. which has the same name. The collection has issue #2 of this one,
from 1979.
市民共斗ニュース. 安保拒否百人委員会.
item_ID: 50727
476 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Shimin Kyōto Nyūsu.
Anpo Kyohi Hyakunin Iinkai.
This magazine format publication was published jointly by Anpo Kyohi Hyakunin
Iinkai and Hibōryoku Shimin Kyōtō Jūnin Iinkai, two citizens’ groups involved in
the 1970 anti-Ampo protest movement. The second group’s name emphasizes its
non-violent position.
市民集会ニュース. 市民集会「池袋西口」ニュース編集部.
item_ID: 50724
Shimin Shūkai Nyūsu.
Shimin Shūkai “Ikebukuro Nishiguchi” Nyūsu Henshūbu.
This newsletter was put out by a local affiliate of Beheiren in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. The
collection has the inaugural issue and one later one, both from 1968.
市民の友, THE SHIMIN-NO-TOMO. 那覇: 那覇市役所.
item_ID: 51933
SerialID: 1933
Shimin no Tomo, The Shimin-no-Tomo.
Naha: Naha Shiyakusho.
The collection has one 1957 issue of this newspaper put out by the Naha city office.
市民の眼. 東京: 権利を守る市民会議.
item_ID: 50370
Shimin no Me.
Tōkyō: Kenri o Mamoru Shimin Kaigi.
The collection has one 1969 issue of this newsletter from a citizens’ group concerned
with people’s rights.
事む局ニュース. 福岡: 三里塚闘争と戸村一作氏に連帯する会( 九 州 ).
item_ID: 51953
SerialID: 1953
Jimukyoku Nyūsu.
Fukuoka: Sanrizuka Tōsō to Tomura Issaku-shi ni Rentai suru Kai (Kyūshū).
The collection has one 1974 issue of this newsletter from a Kyūshū group expressing
solidarity with the Sanrizuka and its leader Tomura Issaku.
社会科学. 東京: 経済往来社.
item_ID: 50188
Shakai Kagaku.
Tōkyō: Keizai Ōraisha.
The collection contains two issues of this academic journal from 1969, one on contemporary imperialism theory and the other on political violence.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 477
社会主義, 日本社会党東京大学経済学部党員協議会機関紙. 東京: 東京大学経済学部常任委員会.
item_ID: 51864
SerialID: 1864
Shakaishugi, Nihon Shakaitō Tokyo Daigaku Keizai Gakubu Tōin Kyōgikai Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Keizai Gakubu Jōnin Iinkai.
The collection has one 1959 issue of this newsletter of a group of Socialist Party
members at Tokyo University’s economics faculty.
社会新報, 日本社会党中央機関紙. 東京: 日本社会党中央本部機関紙局.
item_ID: 50440
Shakai Shinpō, Nihon Shakaitō Chūō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Nihon Shakaitō Chūō Honbu Kikanshikyoku.
This is the newspaper of the socialist party, and the collection has 12 issues from
1968 and 1970.
社会新報 沖縄版, 日本社会党中央機関紙. 東京: 日本社会党.
item_ID: 51943
SerialID: 1943
Shakai Shinpō Okinawaban, Nihon Shakaitō Chūō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Nihon Shakaitō.
The collection has one 1957 gōgai issue of the Okinawa edition of Shakai Shinpō.
社会評論. 東京: 活動家集団思想運動.
item_ID: 50085
Shakai Hyōron.
Tōkyō: Katsudōka Shūdan Shisō Undō.
A magazine covering political issues from a left perspective aimed at the “fighting
working class” according to its logo, and published bi-monthly. The collection contains 63 issues published between 1980 and 1992.
社学同全国通達. 東京: 社学同全国書記局.
item_ID: 50283
Shagakudō Zenkoku Tsūtatsu.
Tōkyō: Shagakudō Zenkoku Shokikyoku.
This newsletter or bulletin was issued by the national secretariat of Shakaishugi
Gakusei Dōmei (Shagakudō), the student arm of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. The collection contains three scattered issues from 1962, 1963, and 1968. The dates suggest
that this series began with the first Bund and continued with the second Bund. The
publisher for the 1968 issue is Shagakudō Zenkoku Iinkai.
社学同通達. 社会主義学生同盟ML派.
Shagakudō Tsūtatsu.
Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei ML-ha.
item_ID: 51814
SerialID: 1814
478 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
This newsletter was put out by the ML faction of Shagakudō (Shakaishugi Gakusei
Dōmei), the student organization of Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei).
社学同都通達. 東京: 社会主義学生同盟東京都委員会書記局.
item_ID: 50282
Shagakudō To Tsūtatsu.
Tōkyō: Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Tōkyō-to Iinkai Shokikyoku.
This is the organizational newsletter of the central committee of the Tokyo committee
of Shagakudō, which was the student organization affiliated with Kyōsanshugishi
Dōmei. The collection has one issue from 1963.
社研. 東京: 世田谷社会科学研究会.
item_ID: 50281
Tōkyō: Setagaya Shakai Kagaku Kenkyūkai.
This is the newsletter of a local social science research group that was active in the
Setagaya area of Tokyo in the 1960s. The collections has four issues.
ジャスコ. 東京: 日本学生会議.
item_ID: 50245
Tōkyō: Nihon Gakusei Kaigi.
This is a newspaper format publication of Nihon Gakusei Kaigi and the collection
holds one issue from 1969. See also Serial ID#246.
赤光. 東京: レボルシオン社.
item_ID: 50274
Tōkyō: Reborushionsha.
This is an organizational newspaper put out by a publisher associated with Kyō­san­
shu­gisha Dōmei. The collection has six issues published between 1967 and 1970.
ジャテック通信. 東京: ジャテックセンター.
item_ID: 50750
Jatekku Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Jatekku Sentā.
The collection has all eight issues of this newsletter which was put out by the Beheiren group that was supporting American Gis who deserted in Japan during the
Vietnam War. The issues run from 1971 to 1972. The collection also has these issues
in a shukusatsuban edition of Beheiren materials, as ID#90. A PDF of the serial is
also available on request.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 479
銃火. 「赤軍」政治宣伝部.
item_ID: 50306
Sekigun Seiji Sendenbu.
This is the only official organizational publication put out by Rengō Sekigun, combining Sekigun-ha and Kakumei Saha. The collection has a single issue, which may
be the only one produced.
十月. 東京: 自主上映組織の会.
item_ID: 51800
SerialID: 1800
Tōkyō: Jishu Jōei Soshiki no Kai.
This is the newsletter of an independent film group. The issue in the collection was
published in 1968, and the title presumably refers to the massive protests in October
of that year.
週刊 朝日. 東京: 朝日新聞東京本社.
item_ID: 50098
Shūkan Asahi.
Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Tōkyō Honsha.
Shūkan Asahi is the weekly magazine published by the Asahi Newspaper Company.
The collection contains 11 issues because of articles they contained.
週刊 アンポ. 東京: 週刊アンポ社.
item_ID: 50067
Shūkan Anpo.
Tōkyō: Shūkan Anposha.
This is a weekly publication put out by Beheiren. The collection has 16 issues from
1969 and 1970.
週刊 沖縄ニュース. 三重: 沖縄問題連絡会(日本キリスト教団).
item_ID: 50799
Shūkan Okinawa Nyūsu.
Mie: Okinawa Mondai Renraku Kai (Nihon Kirisuto Kyōdan).
The collection has one issue from 1971 of this weekly newsletter from a Christian
group concerned with Okinawa in Mie prefecture.
週刊 韓国レポート. 東京: 新民党支援非常対策委員会.
Shūkan Kankoku Repōto.
Tōkyō: Shinmintō Shien Hijō Taisaku Iinkai.
item_ID: 50740
480 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
This is a weekly newsletter published by a committee urging political change in
South Korea and supporting the New People’s Party. From issue #4 the publisher’s
name changes to Kankoku Minshu Kaifuku Tōitsu Sokushin Kokumin Kaigi Nihon
Honbu Sendenkyoku.
週刊 基地つぶせ. 東京: 立川反戦市民連合.
item_ID: 50651
Shūkan Kichi Tsubuse.
Tōkyō: Tachikawa Hansen Shimin Rengō.
The collection has only the inaugural issue of this newsletter from the Tachikawa
antiwar citizens league, from June 1981.
週刊 金曜日. 東京: 金曜日.
item_ID: 50154
Shūkan Kinyōbi.
Tōkyō: Kinyōbi.
Commercial magazine. Takazawa contributed an article to this issue of the magazine.
週刊 現代. 東京: 講談社.
item_ID: 50218
Shūkan Gendai.
Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
Shūkan Gendai is a popular weekly magazine in which Takazawa Kōji occasionally
published. The collection holds fourteen issues. Three were in the original Takazawa
Collection, and the remaining three are more recent issues containing more recent
articles by Takazawa. These articles are also included in the Clippings Collection.
週刊 埼玉. 埼玉: 週刊埼玉社.
item_ID: 50389
Shūkan Saitama.
Saitama: Shūkan Saitamasha.
The collection has five issues from 1974 of this commercially published weekly regional newspaper.
週刊 サンケイ. 東京: 産経新聞出版局.
item_ID: 50103
Shūkan Sankei.
Tōkyō: Sankei Shinbun Shuppan Kyoku.
Shūkan Sankei is the weekly magazine produced by the Sankei Newspaper Company. The collection contains four issues that were preserved because of their content.
Two are on Sekigun and related issues in 1972 and 1973, and the other two are on
the Lockheed Scandal in 1976.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 481
週刊 三里塚. 千葉・東京: 週刊「三里塚」編集委員会.
item_ID: 50829
Shūkan Sanrizuka.
Chiba/Tōkyō: Shūkan “Sanrizuka” Henshū Iinkai.
This is a weekly newspaper reporting on the Sanrizuka struggle against the construction of Narita International Airport. Two other organizations are also listed as
publishers: Zengakuren Sanrizuka Genchi Tōsō Honbu and Kakumeiteki Kyō­san­
shu­gisha Dōmei. These two publisher names identify the publication as coming from
the Sanrizuka base established by students from the Chūkakuha, which still carried
the name of its parent organization Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Kakkyōdō)
and acted in the name of its own national student organization (Zengakuren).
週刊 新潮. 東京: 新潮社.
item_ID: 50219
Shūkan Shinchō.
Tōkyō: Shinchōsha.
Shūkan Shinchō is a commercial weekly magazine in which Takazawa Kōji occasionally published. The collection has three issues in the original collection and the
remaining 14 are more recent issues in which Takazawa published. These articles
may also be included in the Clippings section.
週刊 世界. 週刊世界社.
item_ID: 50071
Shūkan Sekai.
Shūkan Sekaisha.
Shūkan Sekai is a commercial weekly magazine. The collection has 31 issues from
1951 and 1952.
週刊 大衆. 東京: 双葉社.
item_ID: 51675
SerialID: 1675
Shūkan Taishū.
Tōkyō: Sōyōsha.
This is a commercial Japanese weekly magazine. Issues are in the collection because
there were occasionally relevant articles published in it.
週刊 東洋経済. 東京: 東洋経済新報社.
item_ID: 50152
Shūkan Tōyō Keizai.
Tōkyō: Tōyō Keizai Shinpōsha.
Takazawa wrote a report on the North Korean economy in this commercial magazine.
482 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
週刊 読書人, The Shukan Dokushojin. 東京: 読書人.
item_ID: 51830
SerialID: 1830
Shūkan Dokushojin, The Shukan Dokushojin.
Tōkyō: Dokushojin.
This is a commercial weekly newspaper, one of several with similar names that
cater to Japan’s huge reading public with book reviews as well as current events
週間 日韓資料. 東京: 資料センター本郷.
item_ID: 50739
Shūkan Nikkan Shiryō.
Tōkyō: Shiryō Sentā Hongō.
The collection has one issue of this weekly publication of materials on Japan-Korea
relations, from 1980.
Shūkan Hata
item_ID: 52048
SerialID: 2048
The collection has four issues of this newsletter, all from December 1971.
週刊 ピーナツ, Weekly Peanuts. 東京: ロッキード問題共同市民デスク.
item_ID: 50378
Shūkan Pīnatsu, Weekly Peanuts.
Tōkyō: Rokkīdo Mondai Kyōdō Shimin Desuku.
Shūkan Pīnatsu is published by a citizens’ group concerned about the Lockheed scandal, a major political scandal in 1976 involving bribes for the selection of Lockheed
planes for purchase by the Japanese military that eventually led to the downfall of
Prime Minister Tanaka Kakuei. From Issue #59 the publisher changes to Shūkan
Pīnatsu Henshūkyoku. There is another title with a similar title in the collection,
Gekkan Pīnatsu (Serial ID #1688) that also arose in opposition to the Lockheed scandal. At the time, opponents of the Liberal Democratic Party referred to it as the
Peanuts Party.
週刊 プレイボーイ. 東京: 集英社.
item_ID: 50220
Shūkan Pureibōi.
Tōkyō: Shūeisha.
This is the Japanese version of Playboy, and is published as a weekly commercial
magazine. There is an article by Oda Makoto on his meeting with the Yodogō members in his visit to North Korea. In this Oda takes a position that is strikingly similar
to that of Chōsen Sōren (General Association of Korean Residents).
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 483
週刊 文春. 東京: 文芸春秋.
item_ID: 50151
Shūkan Bunshun.
Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū.
This is a commercial weekly magazine. Takazawa wrote a number of articles for this
magazine which is why six issues are included in the collection.
週刊 ポスト. 東京: 小学館.
item_ID: 51622
SerialID: 1622
Shūkan Posuto.
Tōkyō: Shōgakukan.
This is a commercial Japanese weekly magazine. Issues are in the collection because
there were occasionally relevant articles published in it.
週刊 読売. 東京: 読売新聞社.
item_ID: 50104
Shūkan Yomiuri.
Tōkyō: Yomiuri Shinbunsha.
Shūkan Yomiuri is the weekly news magazine published by the Yomiuri Newspaper
Company. The seven issues in the collection were preserved because of their stories
on relevant topics.
自由上智通信. 東京: J大ベ平連情宣部.
item_ID: 51813
SerialID: 1813
Jiyū Jōchi Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: J Dai Beheiren Jōsenbu.
This newsletter was put out by the Beheiren student group at Jōchi Daigaku (Sophia
University) in Tokyo.
銃声. 横浜:「銃声」編集委員会.
item_ID: 50568
Yokohama: Jūsei Henshū Iinkai.
This magazine format publication was produced by a support organization for the
Rengō Sekigun-Asama Sansō defendants who had been charged with killing two
policemen during the Asama Sansō siege. Jūsei Henshū Iinkai is listed as publisher
for the initial gōgai issue produced on July 10, 1972, and Moppurusha is listed as the
published on issue #1, produced on September 9, 1972. “2.15 Byōuchijū Gerira Tōsō
Shien Iinkai” is also listed in the #1 issue but not specified as editor or publisher. In
this early period the Asama Sansō siege was regarded by many students as a heroic
confrontation in which five armed student radicals had held off a police force of 3,000
for nine days at a mountain lodge, and had killed two policemen during the sporadic
484 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
gunfire. It is this aspect of the overall incident that is emphasized in this publication,
entitled The Voice of the Gun. Moppurusha, the published listed for the second issue,
was the official support organization for arrested Sekigun members at the time, and
provided support for the Rengō Sekigun members who had come from Sekigunha.
The copies in the collection are stamped “Hōzon” “Sashō Henshū Iinkai” and came
from the Sekigun materials in Takazawa Kōji’s possession through its publication
arm Sashō Henshū Iinkai.
執念城. 三里塚空港粉砕青年行動隊.
item_ID: 50840
Shūnen Jō.
Sanrizuka Kūkō Funsai Seinen Kōdō Tai.
This is an organizational newsletter put out by a youth organization involved in
the Sanrizuka struggle against the Narita International Airport. From issue #12,
Tōmine Tōitsu Hikokudan Jimusho appears as a second publisher. This refers to the
organization providing support for defendants arrested for one particular incident in
the long-running Sanrizuka protests. The publication began in 1973, and the second
publisher appears in 1975, when there were violent protests against the opening of
the completed airport.
終末から. 東京: 筑摩書房.
item_ID: 50145
Shūmatsu Kara.
Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō.
One issue in collection from 1974, which carries an article written by Furuya Yoshiko. Furuya interviews a female farmer and through her biography tells a story of
how women of the working class viewed the emperor.
自由連合. 姫路: 自由連合社.
item_ID: 50223
Jiyū Rengō, Libera Federacio.
Himeji: Jiyū Rengōsha.
Jiyū Rengō [Free Association] is one of three publications by Jiyū Rengōsha in the
collection, produced by anarchist activist Mukai Kō. This one is a mimeographed
newsprint publication produced during 1969 to 1971. The collection has 31 issues,
complete through issue #32, except for #1. See also Serials #228 and #229.
自由連合社・社内通信. 姫路: 向井孝.
item_ID: 50229
Jiyū Rengōsha, Shanai Tsūshin.
Himeji: Mukai Kō.
This is one of three publications by Jiyū Rengōsha in the collection. There is just one
issue of this one, and all three are edited by anarchist activist Mukai Kō.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 485
item_ID: 50228
Jiyū Rengō Shanaihō (Jiren Shanaihō).
Jiren Shanaihōsha.
This is one of three publications in the collection by Jiyū Rengōsha. The collection
has three issues, which were hand-written and mimeographed (gariban). The group
is associated with Mukai Kō. See also Serial #223 and #229.
守護神. 東京: 守護神社.
item_ID: 51716
SerialID: 1716
Tōkyō: Shugoshin Sha.
The collection has two issues of this publication called Guardian Deity, both from 1969.
主体と変革. 東京: 主体と変革社.
item_ID: 51743
SerialID: 1743
Shutai to Henkaku.
Tōkyō: Shutai to Henkakusha.
This magazine is put out by the Kōzō Kaikaku or Structural Reform faction. This
group, whose ideas were influenced by the Italian Communism of Togliatti, broke
with the JCP in 1961 and subsequently formed both an independent party and various youth, student, and labor organizations. During the late 1960s the student wing
abandoned much of the structural reform theory and became part of the New Left
engaging in street and campus protests.
出版ダイジェスト. 東京: 梓会出版ダイジェスト社.
item_ID: 50438
Shuppan Daijesuto.
Tōkyō: Azusa Kai Shuppan Daijesutosha.
This is a commercially produced newspaper in the publishing industry. The collection has three issues.
出版ニュース. 東京: 出版ニュース社.
item_ID: 50854
Shuppan Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Shuppan Nyūsu Sha.
The collection has one issue from 1984 of a publishing news magazine.
出版マスコミ反戦準備会通信. 昭島市: 出版マスコミ反戦準備会運営委員会.
Shuppan Masukomi Hansen Junbikai Tsūshin.
Akishima: Shuppan Masukomi Hansen Junbikai Un’ei Iinkai.
item_ID: 50265
486 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
This is another newsletter from the planning committee for an antiwar group in the
publishing industry. The collection has two issues from 1970.
出版労働者. 東京:「出版労働者」編集事務局.
item_ID: 50271
Shuppan Rōdōsha.
Tōkyō: Shuppan Rōdōsha” Henshū Jimukyoku.
This is an organizational newspaper for members of unions in the publishing industry. The collection has three issues from 1970.
守礼の光, SHUREI NO HIKARI. 那覇:「守礼の光」編集部.
item_ID: 51925
SerialID: 1925
Shurei no Hikari, Shurei no Hikari.
Naha: Shurei no Hikari Henshūbu.
The collection has fifteen issues of this magazine, which was published in Naha,
Okinawa in 1968 and 1969, when Okinawa was still under American Occupation.
春闘写真ニュース. 春闘共闘委員会.
item_ID: 51974
SerialID: 1974
Shuntō Shashin Nyūsu.
Shuntō Kyōtō Iinkai.
The collection has only one 1975 issue of this spring labor offensive newsletter.
春闘通信 組織内用. 日本労働運動研究会.
item_ID: 50290
Shuntō Tsūshin Soshiki Naiyō.
Nihon Rōdō Undō Kenkyūkai.
This is a newsletter for internal consumption concerning the annual spring labor
offensive (Shuntō).
春嵐. 東京: 3・26管制塔占拠戦士中川憲一さんを支持し共に闘う会.
item_ID: 52028
SerialID: 2028
Tōkyō: 3/26 Kanseitō Senkyo Senshi Nakagawa Ken’ichi-san o Shijishi Tomo ni Tatakau Kai.
This is a 1981 issue of support group newsletter for Nakagawa Ken’ichi.
Join Us. 横須賀: ヨコスカ市民グループ.
Join Us.
Yokosuka: Yokosuka Shimin Gurūpu.
item_ID: 50813
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 487
The collection has two issues from 1975 of this newsletter from a citizens group in
障害児教育研究. 那覇: 琉球大学教育学部特殊教育学科.
item_ID: 50785
Shōgaiji Kyōiku Kenkyū.
Naha: Ryūkyū Daigaku Kyōiku Gakubu Tokushu Kyōiku Gakka.
The collection has only one issue of this publication on educational research on disabled children, from 1977.
障害者解放運動, 障害者解放闘争の革命的前進を!. 東京: 日本共産青年同盟.
item_ID: 50452
Shōgaisha Kaihō Undō, Shōgaisha Kaihō Tōsō no Kakumeiteki Zenshin o!
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei.
This magazine is put out by Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei, which is the youth organization of Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Dai Yon Intānashonaru (Dai Yon
Intā). The second publisher listed in Shin Jidaisha, which is the main publishing
outlet of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Dai Yon Intānashonaru and publishes their newspaper, Sekai Kakumei.
情況. 東京: 柏書房.
item_ID: 50174
Tōkyō: Kashiwa Shobō.
Jōkyō was launched in 1968 as a general magazine of new ideas and social change.
It published New Left thinkers and activists, and was widely read by New Left students of the Zenkyōtō generation and the 1970s movements. Jōkyō was originally
published by Kashiwa Shobō, but subsequently began publishing independently,
first through Jōkyōsha and later Jōkyō Shuppan. It ceased publication in 1976 and
its editor went abroad for a decade. The magazine was revived after his return to
Japan and continues to be published today. It does not have a direct relationship to
the Jōkyō faction of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. The collection contains 30 issues from
1968 to 1975, and one from 1997.
情勢と方針, 政治研究会機関紙. 東京: 政治研究会.
item_ID: 51988
SerialID: 1988
Jōsei to Hōshin, Seiji Kenkyūkai Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Seiji Kenkyūkai.
The collection has two issues of this political journal, both from 1959.
消費者リポート. 東京: 日本消費者連盟.
item_ID: 50548
488 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Shōhisha Ripōto.
Tōkyō: Nihon Shōhisha Renmei.
The collection has three issues from 1977 of a magazine published by the consumers
情報. 新潟: 共産主義者同盟新潟地区委員会.
item_ID: 51903
SerialID: 1903
Niigata: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Niigata Chiku Iinkai.
The collection has two issues of this publication put out by the Niigata Kyōsanshugisha
Dōmei. One issue is from 1960 and the other from 1961.
勝利に向っての試練, 革命的共産主義者同盟・分派機関誌. 松川圭.
item_ID: 50646
Shōri ni Mukatte no Shiren, Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei, Bunpa Kikanshi.
Matsukawa Kiyoshi.
The collection has just one issue of this publication, published by an individual as a
factional organ of Kakukyōdo.
蝶恋花通信. 東京: 蝶恋花舎.
item_ID: 51847
SerialID: 1847
Chōrenka Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Chōrenkasha.
Journal published by Takenaka Rō. Takenaka was an independent journalist, the
son of the artist Takenaka Eitaro . He published manuscripts sent to him secretly by
Sekigun-ha members who were underground and wanted by the authorities.
書宴. 東京: 芳雅堂書店.
item_ID: 50142
Tōkyō: Hōgadō Shoten.
Journal written and published by Dekune Tatsuro, a Naoki literary award winner.
Content has little to do with new left, but the publication is valuable because of its
rarity. Dekune wrote essays on rare books and this contains his bibliography of old,
rare books. The collection contains 32 issues from 1982-1988.
書記局通信. 日本共産青年同盟中央執行委員会書記局.
Shokikyoku Tsūshin.
Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Chūō Shikkō Iinkai Shokikyoku.
item_ID: 50292
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 489
This is an organizational newsletter from the central committee of a group identified
as the Central Action Committee of Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei, which is the youth
organization of Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Dai Yon Inta. The collection
has four issues from the mid-to-late 1970s. The collection holds four issues of this
from 1976 to 1979, but the issue numbers do not correspond to the date sequence.
See Serial ID#293.
書記局通達. 社会主義学生同盟書記局.
item_ID: 51998
SerialID: 1998
Shokikyoku Tsūtatsu.
Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Shokikyoku.
There are three different publications in the collection with the name Shokikyoku
Tsūtatsu. This one is the first issue of a newsletter produced by the secretariat of the
student organization, Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei (Shagakudō), of Kyōsanshugisha
Dōmei, the first Bund. This issue, which is quite rare, was published in 1959, shortly
after Bund was established when its leaders split from the Japan Communist Party.
In the classic organizational structure that Bund replicated from the Japan Communist Party, Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei was the “Party” and Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei
was the Party’s student organization, which had its own national, regional, and organizational structure complete with secretariat. See also Serial ID #2000, which is
the publication of the same name produced by the secretariat of the parent Party.
書記局通達. 早大全学学生協議会全学中央斗争委員会.
item_ID: 51999
SerialID: 1999
Shokikyoku Tsūtatsu.
Sōdai Zengaku Gakusei Kyōgikai Zengaku Chūō Tōsō Iinkai.
There are three separate publications in the collection with the title Shokikyoku
Tsūtatsu. This one lists as its publisher a student government organization at Waseda University, but it was, like the other two, produced in the summer of 1959 at the
very beginning of the 1960 Ampo struggle.
書記局通達. 共産主義者同盟中央書記局.
item_ID: 52000
SerialID: 2000
Shokikyoku Tsūtatsu.
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Chūō Shokikyoku.
The collection contains three different serials with the name Shokikyoku Tsūtatsu.
This one is a newsletter that was produced as an internal publication by the secretariat of the original Kyōsanshugisha, or first Bund. The collection has two issues from 1959. For issue #17 the publisher is listed as Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei
Shokikyoku Gakutaibu. The full set of this publication is reproduced in Bunto
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei no Shisō, volume 4, which is in the collection as Item #78 in
the Book bibliography.
職対連ニュース. 東京: 総評全国一般労組東京地本南部支部.
item_ID: 51975
SerialID: 1975
490 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Shokutairen Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Rōso Tokyo Chihon Nanbu Shibu.
The collection has two isues of this labor union newsletter from 1974 and 1975.
諸君, 文芸春秋のオピニオン雑誌. 東京: 文芸春秋.
item_ID: 50216
Shokun, Bungei Shunjū no Opinion Zasshi.
Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū.
Shokun is an opinion magazine put out by Bungei Shunjū. The collection has six
scattered issues from 1970 to 1991, presumably because of their specific content.
書斎の窓. 東京: 有斐閣.
item_ID: 51671
SerialID: 1671
Shosai no Mado.
Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
The collection has one 1984 issue of this commercially published magazine.
序章. 京都: 京都大学出版会.
item_ID: 50028
Kyōto: Kyōto Daigaku Shuppankai.
This magazine format publication was one of several journals published by dissidents during the late 1960s and early 1970s as an alternative to the standard university academic journal. It was first published by Kyōto Daigaku Shuppankai, which
was not the official university publisher but a separate Zenkyōtō publisher with ties
to Sekigunha. The first issue came out under the title Daigaku and is also in the
collection (see Serial ID # 1711). It was aimed at new students entering Kyoto University in April, 1969. The second issue, with the title Joshō, was published jointly
by Kyōto Daigaku Shuppankai and Hokkaidō Daigaku Shuppankai, which was also
a Zenkyōtō student organization. Later issues were published by Joshōsha, an independent publisher, as the journal became established as an independent intellectual
journal. The collection contains the complete series through issue #16.
塩作り通信. 東京: 塩作りの仲間.
item_ID: 50746
Shiozukuri Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Shiozukuri no Nakama.
The collection has one issue from 1975 of this newsletter from a group promoting the
making of salt.
女性の声. 東京:「女性の声」編集会議.
item_ID: 50856
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 491
Josei no Koe.
Tōkyō: Josei no Koe Henshū Kaigi.
This is an early New Left feminist magazine published in 1968 and 1969. The publisher Josei no Koe Henshū Kaigi appears on issue #4. Most other issues list Haruyama Michiko as the person responsible for publication. The collection contains
what is apparently a complete set, of issues 1-7.
署名運動ニュース. 東京:「金大中氏を殺すな」市民署名運動.
item_ID: 50737
Shomei Undō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Kin Daichū-shi o Korosuna” Shimin Shomei Undō.
This is a newsletter from a group carrying out a signature petition campaign in support of Kin Daichū, the Japanese name for Kim Dae Jung, after his arrest in Korea
in 1980 on charges of sedition and conspiracy. There was great interest in Kim in
Japan, because after his earlier criticism of the Park regime he had gone into exilte
in Japan, but was kidnapped by KCIA agents in 2973 and taken back to Korea. The
collection has six of the seven issues produced during the petition campaign in 1980
and 1981, but is missing #5. He was sentenced to death, but after intervention from
the US and a plea from the pope his sentence was commuted to 20 years and he later
was allowed to go into exile in the US. Much later he served a term as president of
South Korea.
シリーズ・世界の眼. 東京: アジア太平洋資料センター(PARC).
item_ID: 51972
SerialID: 1972
Shirīzu, Sekai no Me.
Tōkyō: Ajia Taiheiyō Shiryō Sentā (PARC).
The collection has one 1974 issue of this publication.
シリーズ・反原発と労働運動. 東京: 反原発労働者行動実行委員会.
item_ID: 51845
SerialID: 1845
Shirīzu, Hangenpatsu to Rōdō Undō.
Tōkyō: Han Genpatsu Rōdōsha Kōdō Jikkō Iinkai.
The collection has one issue from 1979 of this anti-nuclear power labor group
自立. 長野: サークル自立.
item_ID: 50114
Nagano: Sākuru Jiritsu.
The collection holds four issues from 1976 of a small newsletter called Jiritsu (Independence) put out by a group called Circle Jiritsu in Nagano.
492 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
資料交換センター通信. 長野: 資料交換センター.
item_ID: 50726
Shiryō Kōkan Sentā Tsūshin.
Nagano: Shiryō Kōkan Sentā.
This is a newsletter from a Beheiren group in Nagano engaged in information exchange. The collection has three issues, including the inaugural one, all from 1969.
資料と情報. 「資料と情報」社.
item_ID: 51714
SerialID: 1714
Shiryō to Jōhō.
Shiryō to Jōhō Sha.
The collection has one 1951 issue of this publication.
白バラ通信. 東京: ベトナムに平和を!市民連合救援対策部.
item_ID: 51792
SerialID: 1792
Shiro Bara Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Betonamu ni Heiwa o! Shimin Rengō Kyūen Taisakubu.
This is the newsletter of the support section of Tokyo Beheiren, which was active in
providing support to people who had been arrested in anti-war demonstrations.
新沖縄文学. 那覇: 沖縄タイムス社.
item_ID: 50147
Shin Okinawa Bungaku.
Naha: Okinawa Taimususha.
Journal on Okinawa. The collection contains three issues from 1979 and 1985.
親学. 京都: 京都大学学生親学会.
item_ID: 50571
Kyōto: Kyōto Daigaku Gakusei Shingaku Kai.
An entrance exam guide published by the Zenkyōtō.
新関西. 大阪: 新関西新聞社.
item_ID: 51917
SerialID: 1917
Shin Kansai.
Ōsaka: Shin Kansai Shinbunsha.
The collection has one issue of the Shin Kansai newspaper from November 24, 1963,
because of its content.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 493
新刊の目, 誠信書房月報. 東京: 誠信書房.
item_ID: 51971
SerialID: 1971
Shinkan no Me, Seishin Shobō Geppō.
Tōkyō: Seishin Shobō.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from 1980.
進撃. 東京: 東大闘争全学共闘会議事務局編集委員会.
item_ID: 50010
Tōkyō: Tōdai Tōsō Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Jimukyoku Henshū Iinkai.
Organizational newspaper of Tōdai (University of Tokyo) Zenkyōtō. The collection
contains 20 issues covering the period from November 1968 to February 1970. Most
are from 1969, and they cover the period of the standoff with the riot police in January 1969 all the way through early 1970. The Shingeki of the title means “advance”
or “charge.”
進撃. 共青同(準)南部地区委員会書記局.
item_ID: 52007
SerialID: 2007
Kyōseidō (jun) Nanbu Chiku Iinkai Shokikyoku.
There are two serials called Shingeki in the collection. This one is a 1975 issue of a
Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei publication.
人権と教育. 浦和: 障害者の教育権を実現する会.
item_ID: 50083
Jinken to Kyōiku.
Urawa: Shōgaisha no Kyōikuken o Jitsugen suru Kai.
This magazine is published by an organization advocating education and human
rights for disabled persons. The collection contains nine issues from 1988 to 1991, a
period of considerabe disability rights activism in Japan.
人権ニュース. 那覇: 沖縄人権協会.
item_ID: 50618
Jinken Nyūsu.
Naha: Okinawa Jinken Kyōkai.
The collection has one issue from 1973 of this human rights newsletter from Okinawa.
新雑誌 X. 東京: 新雑誌 X.
Shin Zasshi X.
Tōkyō: Shinzasshi X.
item_ID: 50210
494 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
The collection has just one issue from 1986 of this commercially published monthly
magazine that carries stories about mass media.
新左翼. 大阪: 新左翼社.
item_ID: 50253
Shin Sayoku.
Ōsaka: Shin Sayokusha.
This is a newspaper format publication produced in Osaka and addressing general
New Left issues. The collection has a few issues from 1969 to 1972 and then several
from 1974.
新左翼. 東京: 社労同通信社.
item_ID: 51720
SerialID: 1720
Shin Sayoku.
Tōkyō: Sharōdō Tsūshinsha.
There are two publications called New Left in the collection. This one is a gariban
publication by Sharōdō and the collection has one issue from 1969.
真実通信. 東京: 真実の会.
item_ID: 50791
Shinjitsu Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Shinjitsu no Kai.
The collection has one issue from 1976 of this newsletter, which has a feature on the
release from custody of six defendants.
新宿区広報. 東京: 東京都新宿区企画部広報課.
item_ID: 52040
SerialID: 2040
Shinjuku-ku Kōhō.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku Kikakubu Kōhōka.
The collection has one 1983 issue of this newletter from the Shinjuku ku planning
新宿区職労. 東京: 東京都新宿区職員労働組合教宣部.
item_ID: 50288
Shinjuku-ku Shokurō.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku Shokuin Rōdō Kumiai Kyōsenbu.
This is the newsletter of the City workers union of Shinjuku-ku. The collection has
two issues from 1981.
新宿区新聞, THE SHINJUKU-KU SHINBUN. 東京: 新宿区新聞社.
item_ID: 52041
SerialID: 2041
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 495
Shinjuku-ku Shinbun, The Shinjuku-ku Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Shinjukuku Shinbunsha.
The collection contains three issues of the Shinjuku-ku newspaper from 1988.
新宿ベ平連通信, 反戦と変革のために. 東京: 新宿ベ平連.
item_ID: 50852
Shinjuku Beheiren Tsūshin, Hansen to Henkaku no Tame ni.
Tōkyō: Shinjuku Beheiren.
The collection has two issues from 1970 of this newsletter from the Shinjuku Beheiren chapter, in which Furuya Yoshiko was a central participant.
新宿べ平連ニュース. 東京: 相原能子.
item_ID: 51739
SerialID: 1739
Shinjuku Beheiren Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Aihara Yoshiko.
The collection has one 1968 issue of the Shinjuku Beheiren newsletter which was put
out by Aihara (Furuya) Yoshiko.
新すぎなみ. 東京: 杉並社会問題懇談会.
item_ID: 50275
Shin Suginami.
Tōkyō: Suginami Shakai Mondai Kondankai.
The collection has one issue from 1965 of this organizational newsletter from the
New Suginami Social Problems Group.
真相. 東京: ふくろう出版社.
item_ID: 51980
SerialID: 1980
Tōkyō: Fukurō Shuppansha.
The collection has two issues of this publication from 1958 and 1962. The 1958 issue
is a special issue on the Algerian conflict.
新地平. 東京: 新地平社.
item_ID: 50086
Shin Chihei.
Tōkyō: Shin Chiheisha.
This was a monthly left-oriented general magazine. The collection contains three
issues from 1981 and 1982.
新日本文学. 東京: 新日本文学会.
item_ID: 50087
496 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Shin Nihon Bungaku.
Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Bungakukai.
This is a well-known Japanese literary magazine. The collection contains five issues
from 1976-1981. One 349) is an index to the journal and is cross-listed as a book in
the research aids section.
新評. 東京: 評論新社.
item_ID: 50165
Tōkyō: Hyōron Shinsha.
Shinpyō is a general interest magazine. The issue in the collection, from July 1969,
features an article about Beheiren and Oda Makoto.
新聞月報, Documentary news of the month. 東京: 新聞月報社.
item_ID: 50424
Shinbun Geppō, Documentary news of the month.
Tōkyō: Shinbun Geppōsha.
The collection has two issues of this commercially published magazine, from
spring 1972.
シンポジウム準備ニュース. 東京: 侵略ー差別と闘うアジア婦人会議.
item_ID: 50796
Shinpojiumu Junbi Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Shinryaku - Sabetsu to Tatakau Ajia Fujin Kaigi.
The collection has one issue from 1972 of this newsletter from a women’s group fighting discrimination in Asia.
人民, 沖縄人民党中央機関紙. 那覇: 沖縄人民党教育宣伝部.
item_ID: 50064
Jinmin, Okinawa Jinmintō Chūō Kikanshi.
Naha: Okinawa Jinmintō Kyōiku Sendenbu.
This is the organizational newspaper of the Okinawa Communist Party, which went
by the name of Okinawa Jinmintō, headed by Senaga Kamejirō. The collection contains 182 issues, including a number of issues from 1962 and 1963 and a fairly complete run from 1969-1971. The publisher changes to Okinawa Jinmintō Chūō Iinkai
from 1969.
人民新聞. 大阪: 人民新聞社.
Jinmin Shinbun.
Ōsaka: Jinmin Shinbunsha.
item_ID: 50439
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 497
This left newspaper is published in Osaka. The collection has four issues from
人民通信. 人民通信社.
item_ID: 50394
Jinmin Tsūshin.
Jinmin Tsūshinsha.
The collection has three issues of this newsletter from the early 1980s.
人民の軍隊. 大阪: 共産主義者同盟赤軍派関西地方委員会.
item_ID: 50301
Jinmin no Guntai.
Ōsaka: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Kansai Chihō Iinkai.
This is one of three different publications put out by groups in Kansai trying to resurrect Sekigunha after Rengō Sekigun. See also Serial ID#296 and #298. This is the
first and only issue.
人民の力. 横浜: 人民の力社.
item_ID: 50511
Jinmin no Chikara.
Yokohama: Jinmin no Chikarasha.
The collection has two issues from 1975 of this publication put out by Nihon Rōdōsha
Kaikyū Kaihō Tōsō Dōmei.
人民の旗. 東京: 日本マルクス・レーニン主義運動(日本共産党(プロレタリア革命
item_ID: 51841
SerialID: 1841
Jinmin no Hata.
Tōkyō: Nihon Marukusu-Rēnin Shugi Undō (Nihon Kyōsantō (Puroretaria Kakumeiha)) Chūō
Kikanshi Iinkai.
The collection has one issue from 1972 of this publication.
人民の星. 下関: 日本共産党(左派)中央委員会 人民の星社.
item_ID: 50604
Jinmin no Hoshi.
Shimonoseki: Nihon Kyōsantō (Saha) Chūō Iinkai Jinmin no Hoshi Sha.
Jinmin no Hoshi is the newspaper of an independent Japan Communist Party (Left
Faction). After the 10th JCP Congress in 1966 the Party shifted away from its China
alliance and some who remained pro-China were purged. The Yamaguchi Prefecture
Party organization formed the independent Japan Communist Party (Left Faction),
which became a national organization in 1968. The collection has only one issue of
this newspaper, a special issue from 1975.
498 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
新むさしの. 東京: 新むさしの社.
item_ID: 51945
SerialID: 1945
Shin Musashino.
Tōkyō: Shin Musashinosha.
The collection has one 1956 issue of this newspaper from Musashino.
水牛, アジア文化隔月報. 東京: 水牛編集委員会.
item_ID: 50550
Suigyū, Ajia Bunka Kakuzukihō.
Tōkyō: Suigyū Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has six issues from 1978-79 of this newspaper concerned with Asian
水牛通信. 東京: 水牛編集委員会.
item_ID: 50069
Suigyū Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Suigyū Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has 54 issues of this magazine dating from 1980 to 1984 and is nearly
complete for these years. The magazine is from a group promoting Asian cultures
(suigyū means Asian water buffalo).
スクラム. 全逓那覇中郵支部 教宣部.
item_ID: 50608
Zentei Naha Nakayūshibu Kyōsenbu.
The collection has one issue from 1977 of this newsletter from a local branch of the
Zentei postal workers union in Okinawa.
スクランブル. 東京: スクランブル編集部.
item_ID: 50633
Tōkyō: Sukuranburu Henshūbu.
The collection has only one issue of this newsletter, a gōgai issue from 1975.
ステインプル通信. 東京: 滝理.
item_ID: 50227
Suteinpuru Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Taki Osamu.
This is a hand-written publication put out by Taki Osamu. There is only one issue in
the collection and it is not known if others were produced.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 499
砂川青年の家だより. 立川: 砂川青年の家.
item_ID: 51810
SerialID: 1810
Sunagawa Seinen no Ie Dayori.
Tachikawa: Sunagawa Seinen no Ie.
This newsletter was published by students participating in the second Sunagawa
struggle of 1967, protesting the proposed expansion of an American airbase into land
in the village of Sunagawa. A farmer named Miyaoka Masao lived and farmed right
next to the base, and he invited students to stay in a hut on the property and experience the American military presence first hand. The newsletter reports on their
experiences as live-in protesters there. This protest was similar to the later situation
at Sanrizuka, in which students were also invited to stay with farmers while they
joined in their protests.
砂川ニュース. 東京: 砂川500人.
item_ID: 51806
SerialID: 1806
Sunagawa Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Sunagawa 500 nin.
This is a newsletter put out as part of the protests at Sunagawa, a village west of
Tokyo where there were plans to expand an American military base. This was the
second Sunagawa protest, in 1967. An early protest against base expansion in the
same area took place in 1957 and preceded the formation of Bund.
砂の会会報. 東京: 砂の会.
item_ID: 51983
SerialID: 1983
Suna no Kai Kaihō.
Tōkyō: Suna no Kai.
The collection has one 1959 issue of this newsletter.
スパルタクス, 日本マルクス主義学生同盟中央機関紙. 日本マルクス主義学生同盟.
item_ID: 51986
SerialID: 1986
Suparutakusu, Nihon Marukusushugi Gakusei Dōmei Chūō Kikanshi.
Nihon Marukusushugi Gakusei Dōmei.
The collection has two issues of the Marugakudō journal Spartacus. One is from
1960 and the other is a gōgai issue from February 1969.
スポーツニッポン, スポニチ. 大阪: スポーツニッポン新聞大阪本社.
item_ID: 51919
SerialID: 1919
Supōtsu Nippon, Suponichi.
Ōsaka: Supōtsu Nippon Shinbun Ōsaka Honsha.
The collection has one issue of this newspaper from December 1963 because of its
500 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
政界往来. 東京: 政界往来社.
item_ID: 50209
Seikai Ōrai.
Tōkyō: Seikai Ōraisha.
The collection contains only one issue of this commercial magazine about the political world, which contains a special issue section with a map of New Left radical
groups in Japan.
政治犯通信, 南ベトナムの30万政治犯を釈放するために. 東京: 南ベトナム政治犯釈放要求日本委員会.
item_ID: 50512
Seijihan Tsūshin, Minami Betonamu no 30 man Seijihan o Shakuhō suru tame ni.
Tōkyō: Minami Betonamu Seijihan Shakuhō Yōkyū Nihon Iinkai.
This newsletter was published by anti-Vietnam war citizens’ groups working for the
release of 300,000 political prisoners in South Vietnam. The collection contains issues 2, 3, and 4. All three issues were published by Minami Betonamu Seijihan
Shakuhō Yōkyū Nihon Iinkai and Minami Betonamu no Seijihan o Shakuhō suru
Tame no Undō, Kyōto. Issue #4 also lists as a publisher Minami Betonamu Seijihan
Shakuhō Yōkyū Katorikku Iinkai.
政治部情報. 東京: 日本労働組合総評議会政治部.
item_ID: 51944
SerialID: 1944
Seijibu Jōhō.
Tōkyō: Nihon Rōdō Kumiai Sōhyōgikai Seijibu.
The collection has one 1957 issue of this Sōhyō newsletter that is a special issue on
the Okinawa issue.
精神医療. 東京: 精神医療委員会.
item_ID: 51717
SerialID: 1717
Seishin Iryō.
Tōkyō: Seishin Iryō Iinkai.
This is a professional journal of psychiatric medicine. The collection contains four issues with articles by Shima Shigeo, a psychiatrist who was also a leader of the first
Bund. For the last issue, in 1986, the publisher changes to Yūkyū Shobō.
Seinan Hansen
item_ID: 50009
The collection contains 8 issues of a small newsletter distributed by Seinan Hansen, which was a student-worker Anti-War Youth Committee group (Hansen Seinen
Iinkai) in which Takazawa Kōji participated as an organizer.
青年協. 県労協青年協.
item_ID: 51645
SerialID: 1645
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 501
Ken Rōkyō Seinenkyō.
The collection has one 1974 issue of this union youth bureau newsletter.
青年共斗ニュース. 三里塚を闘う神奈川青年共闘.
item_ID: 50676
Seinen Kyōtō Nyūsu.
Sanrizuka o Tatakau Kanagawa Seinen Kyōtō.
The collection has just one issue of this newsletter from a youth organization in
Kanagawa supporting the Sanrizuka struggle.The issue is #1 from 1977.
青年共闘ニュース. 東京: 三里塚を闘う全国青年共闘.
item_ID: 50677
Seinen Kyōtō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Sanrizuka o Tatakau Zenkoku Seinen Kyōtō.
This is a newsletter published by a youth alliance supporting the Sanrizuka struggle. The collection has three issues from 1978.
青年戦線, アジア革命と社会主義をめざす青年のための月刊誌. 東京: 新時代社.
item_ID: 50470
Seinen Sensen, Ajia kakumei to shakai shugi o mezasu seinen no tame no gekkanshi.
Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha.
This is a publication of Dai Yon Inta that promotes youth awareness of revolutions
and socialism in Asia. The collection has 45 issues, basically a complete set from
1975 to 1979.
青年の旗. 那覇: 日本共産青年同盟沖縄県委員会.
item_ID: 50539
Seinen no Hata.
Naha: Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Okinawa-ken Iinkai.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from 1975.
青年部通信. 沖縄県職労青年部教宣部.
item_ID: 50535
Seinenbu Tsūshin.
Okinawa-ken Shokurō Seinenbu Kyōsenbu.
The collection has one issue from 1979 of this newsletter from the youth division of
the Okinawa Prefecture workers union.
青年労働者. 那覇: 日本共産青年同盟沖縄県委員会.
item_ID: 52005
SerialID: 2005
502 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Seinen Rōdōsha.
Naha: Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Okinawa-ken Iinkai.
The collection has the inaugural issue of this newsletter of a Dai Yon Intā group in
整列ヤスメ. 東京: 隊友社.
item_ID: 50876
Seiretsu Yasume.
Tōkyō: Taiyūsha.
This was a newsletter supporting Konishi Makoto, the anti-war Self Defense Force
officer. Konishi was arrested for refusing to participate in military drills in preparation for SDF security operations related to the 1970 Ampo protests and leafleting anti-war handbills. He was then indicted under the very serious charge of sedition. The
defense team used the court to question the constitutionality of the SDF, but when
the lower court found him innocent of the sedition charge, the state did not appeal
because they did not want to have the higher courts rule on the constitutionality of
the SDF. The collection contains many other materials related to this case, including
books written by Konishi, because Furuya Yoshiko was actively involved in his trial
support group. This particular support group was composed of SDF members who
supported Konishi. It was written for SDF members to question the kinds of activities they were being asked to participate in, including security policing during the
1970 Ampo protests, deployment to Okinawa, and other political issues of the time.
世界. 東京: 岩波書店.
item_ID: 50136
Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
Sekai is a major general interest magazine published by Iwanami Shoten. The four
issues in the collection were preserved because of particular articles in them. Item
ID#42 is a bibliography of the journal, which is cross-referenced as a book in the
reference section.
世界革命, 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本
支部)中央機関紙. 東京: 新時代社.
item_ID: 50056
Sekai Kakumei, Nihon Kakumei teki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Dai 4 Intānashonaru Nihon
Shibu) Chūō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha.
Organizational publication of Dai-Yon Intā, a New Left group that was affiliated
with the Trotskyite Fourth International and in Japan was a faction that originated with the Trotsky Study Group in the late 1950s that became Kakumei-teki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei, which later split into Chūkaku-ha and Kakumaru-ha.
Dai Yon Inta went off in a different direction with its international ties. The collection contains 971 issues of this newspaper, with one important special issue from
10/8/1970, two from 1981, and then a nearly complete set from 1989 to 1992.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 503
世界革命運動情報. 東京: レボルト社.
item_ID: 51898
SerialID: 1898
Sekai Kakumei Undō Jōhō.
Tōkyō: Reborutosha.
Weekly journal published by Matsuda Masao, a film critic who was marginally involved with Sekigun-ha. The journal included coverage of revolutionary movements
in central and south America, and carried articles on guerilla tactics and bombmaking manuals.
世界革命戦線. 東京: 世界革命戦線情報センター.
item_ID: 50302
Sekai Kakumei Sensen (IRF).
Tōkyō: Sekai Kakumei Sensen Jōhō Sentā.
This journal was the main organ presenting the views of the “Arab Sekigun” group in
the Middle East to a Japanese audience. The collection has ten issues. The first six
are numbered 1-6, and the others have a special issue name.
世界政治, 論評と資料. 東京: 日本共産党中央委員会.
item_ID: 50148
Sekai Seiji, Ronpyō to Shiryō.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai.
Sekai Seiji is a biweekly magazine published by the Central Committee of the Japan
Communist Party. The collection contains 159 issues, from 1980 to 1991.
世界政治資料. 東京: 日本共産党中央委員会.
item_ID: 50059
Sekai Seiji Shiryō.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai.
The is another magazine published by the Japan Communist Party Central Committee, and the collection has 175 issues dating from 1973-1980.
Sekai Chishiki.
item_ID: 50708
The collection has one issue of this magazine from 1950.
世界不戦平和ニュース. 川崎: 世界不戦平和を約束する会.
item_ID: 51807
SerialID: 1807
Sekai Fusen Heiwa Nyūsu.
Kawasaki: Sekai Fusen Heiwa o Yakusoku suru Kai.
The collection has the inaugural issue from 1967 and one further issue from 1968 of
this newsletter from a peace group promoting worldwide renunciation of war.
504 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
赤衛. 東京: ゲバルト社.
item_ID: 50431
Tōkyō: Gebarutosha.
The collection has one issue of this newspaper from March 1970.
赤軍. 共産主義者同盟赤軍派(プロ革).
item_ID: 50350
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha (Purokaku).
There are several serials called Sekigun in the collection, published in different formats at different time periods. We have followed Takazawa’s published bibliography
of Sekigun materials in Sekigun Dokyūmento to distinguish them. This one is Purokaku Zenkoku Seiji Shinbun Saikan Junbigō (1974/11/10-) The Junbigō seems to be
part of the identification of the series. It was published by the Purokakuha faction
of Sekigunha, which organized around Shiomi Takaya in late 1974 but took a rather
different position from the original Sekigunha. This series was published from 1974
through 1984. The collection contains a complete run of all issues from #1 to #17 in
early 1977, and scattered issues after that. The publisher Ryōgensha appears as a
renraku saki from issue #6 and then as the publisher for issues #54 and #94.
赤軍. 共産主義者同盟赤軍派(プロ革).
item_ID: 50351
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha (Purokaku).
There are several serials called Sekigun in the collection, published in different formats at different time periods. We have followed Takazawa’s published bibliography of Sekigun materials in Sekigun Dokyūmento to distinguish them. This one is
Purokaku Riron Kikanshi Saikan Junbigō (1974/12/18- ), the revival of Sekigun the
theoretical journal. The Junbigō seems to be part of the identification of this series.
Issue #1 of this series is also issue #9 of “Shiomi Takaya Ronsō” (Serial ID #1949). It
was published by the Purokaku faction of Sekigunha which formed around Shiomi
Takaya in late 1974 and continued for about a decade with a somewhat different
perspective than the original Sekigunha. The collection has issues 1-3, published in
1974 and 1975.
赤軍, 共産主義者同盟赤軍派 政治理論機関誌. 京都: 共産主義者同盟赤軍派.
item_ID: 50303
Sekigun, Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Seiji Riron Kikanshi.
Kyōto: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha.
There are several serials called Sekigun in the collection, published in different formats at different time periods. We have followed Takazawa’s published bibliography
of Sekigun materials in Sekigun Dokyūmento to distinguish them. This one is Sekigunha’s theoretical journal, published in magazine format. The collection contains
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 505
a sōshū with all eight issues, which were published from 1969/9-1970/6, plus loose
copies of two of the issues. Issue #4, which came out in November, 1969, is considered
the key theoretical statement of the organization.
赤軍. 共産主義者同盟赤軍派赤軍編集局.
item_ID: 50304
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Sekigun Henshūkyoku.
There are several serials called Sekigun in the collection, published in different formats at different time periods. We have followed Takazawa’s published bibliography
of Sekigun materials in Sekigun Dokyūmento to distinguish them. This one is identified by Takazawa as the national political newspaper (Zenkoku Seiji Shinbun) and
was published from 1969/9/4-1971/3/5. The first issue, hakkan jumbigo, published on
September 4, 1969 in conjunction with the public debut of Sekigunha as an independent faction, is famous for its “Sensō Sengen” or declaration of war. The collection
has a complete set of the 9 issues of this particular publication. Its publisher name
changes to Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Sendenkyoku for issues #2 and #3,
and changes again to Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Nihon Iinkai Sendenkyoku.
赤軍. 東京: 共産主義者同盟東京南部地区委員会.
item_ID: 51952
SerialID: 1952
Tōkyō: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Tōkyō Nanbu Chiku Iinkai.
There are several serials called Sekigun in the collection, published in different formats at different time periods. We have followed Takazawa’s published bibliography
of Sekigun materials in Sekigun Dokyūmento to distinguish them. This one is a
magazine format publication that seems to be erroneously dated to March 1968. Its
publisher is listed as the south Tokyo regional committee on Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei.
It is most likely a publication produced by members of the Sekigunha faction in
the spring of 1969, before the organization had emerged as an independent faction
within Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei.
赤軍. 東京: 共産主義者同盟赤軍派日本委員会宣伝局.
item_ID: 50682
Tōkyō: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Nihon Iinkai Sendenkyoku.
There are several serials called Sekigun in the collection, published in different formats at different time periods. We have followed Takazawa’s published bibliography of Sekigun materials in Sekigun Dokyūmento to distinguish them. This one
is Zenkoku Seiji Shinbun Fukkangō, which was published briefly from 1974/9/41974/11/20. The three issues in the collection are numbered 9, 10, and 12, which is
a continuation of the numbering of an earlier, discontinued series. They were produced by Sekigunha Nihon Iinkai, which continued to advocate armed struggle but
did not join the Sekigunha Purokakuha group that formed around Shiomi Takaya
in late 1974.
506 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
赤軍 世界気象観測報告書. 共産主義者同盟赤軍派日本委員会中央宣伝局機関紙部.
item_ID: 50297
Sekigun (Sekai Kishō Kansoku Hōkokusho).
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Nihon Iinkai Chūō Sendenkyoku Kikanshibu.
There are several serials called Sekigun in the collection, published in different formats at different time periods. We have followed Takazawa’s published bibliography
of Sekigun materials in Sekigun Dokyūmento to distinguish them. The two issues
in this series are intended as a revival of Sekigunha’s theoretical journal Sekigun,
but they are numbered 13 and 14, in a continuation of the number series used by
the same group for its revival of the Sekigun newspaper. They were published in
1978 and were wrapped in paper covers with a different name, Sekai Kishō Kansoku
Hōkokusho. It was extremely difficult and dangerous to publish anything labeled
Sekigun at this time in Japan, and the covers may have been designed to disguise
the contents.
赤色前衛. 日本共産党(赤色中央委員会).
item_ID: 50631
Sekishoku Zen’ei.
Nihon Kyōsantō (Sekishoku Chūō Iinkai).
The collection has only one issue of this publication, from 1970.
赤報. 横浜: 共産主義者同盟(RG).
item_ID: 50015
Yokohama: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (RG).
Organizational newspaper of RG, a militant faction formed in opposition to Sekigunha. It was led by Ebara Kin (commonly known as “Barakin,” whose real name is
Takeuchi Ki or Tsuyoshi). The collection has 26 issues from 1971 to 1981. Most are
from 1972-1973.
赫旗(せっき),共産主義者同盟理論機関誌. 東京・大阪: 赤路社.
item_ID: 50375
Sekki, Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Riron Kikanshi.
Tōkyō / Ōsaka: Sekirosha.
The collection has one inaugural issue from 1982 of a theoretical magazine by a very
late faction of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. It is not known whether any other issues were
ever published.
赤救通信. 東京: 支援委・対策委活動者会議.
Sekkyū Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Shien’i - Taisaku’i Katsudōsha Kaigi.
item_ID: 50641
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 507
This is a newletter of Sekishoku Kyūenkai, the Sekigunha support organization also
known as MOPRsha. This newsletter began publishing in 1973 and the collection
haas five issues, all from 1973.
雪嶺, 連合赤軍公判ニュース. 東京: 植垣康博.
item_ID: 50038
Setsurei, Rengō Sekigun Kōhan Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Uegaki Yasuhiro.
A personal journal written and published by Uegaki Yasuhiro, who was one of the
defendants in the main Rengō Sekigun trial as a Sekigunha member. The collection
has four issues, produced in 1985 and 1986 while Uegaki was held in Tokyo House of
Detention awaiting the appeal of his initial conviction.
瀬戸内通信. item_ID: 50761
吹田: 瀬戸内海をとり返そうーー生きるために 大阪集会実行委員会事務局. SerialID:
Setouchi Tsūshin.
Suita: Setonaikai o Torikaesō— Ikiru Tame ni Ōsaka Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai Jimukyoku.
The collection has one issue from 1975 of this newsletter from an organization planning an event in Osaku to protect the Inland Sea.
全印労. 那覇: 全沖縄印刷出版産業労働組合教宣部.
item_ID: 50495
Naha: Zen Okinawa Insatsu Shuppan Sangyō Rōdō Kumiai Kyōsenbu.
The collection has one issue from 1975 of the newsletter of the Okinawa printing
industry labor union.
前衛. 東京:「前衛」編集委員会.
item_ID: 50362
Tōkyō: Zen’ei Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has only two issues of this newspaper, from 1969 and 1971. This one
is a New Left newspaper. There is another Zen’ei in the collection, which was the
Japan Communist Party Central Committee’s theoretical magazine beginning in the
immediate postwar period. (Serial ID#1913).
前衛. 日本共産党中央委員会機関紙経営局.
Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Kikanshi Keieikyoku.
item_ID: 51913
SerialID: 1913
508 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
There are two serial publications called Zen’ei in the collection. This one is a 1961
publication of materials from the JCP 8th Contress.
全沖労連. 那覇: 全沖縄労働組合連合会教宣部.
item_ID: 51946
SerialID: 1946
Zen-Oki Rōren.
Naha: Zen Okinawa Rōdō Kumiai Rengōkai Kyōsenbu.
The collection has one special issue from 1964 of this newspaper from the All Okinawa labor union with a headline article about whether the union had been wrong.
戦火, オリーブ斗争委員会機関紙. 東京: 中央大学文化連盟オリーブ斗争委員会.
item_ID: 50531
Senka, Orību Tōsō Iinkai Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Chūō Daigaku Bunka Renmei Orību Tōsō Iinkai.
The collection has two issues, one from late 1968 and one from mid-1969, of this student newsletter from Chūō University’s student strike.
全学連主流派通達. 東京: 小野田讓二(全学連書記長).
item_ID: 51992
SerialID: 1992
Zengakuren Shuryūha Tsūtatsu.
Tōkyō: Onoda Jōji (Zengakuren Shokichō).
The collectiion has one issue from 1963 of this publication of the Zengakuren mainstream faction, from Secretary Onoda Jōji.
全学連通信. 東京: 全日本学生自治会総連合書記局.
item_ID: 51824
SerialID: 1824
Zengakuren Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Shokikyoku.
The collection has four issues of this newsletter published by the secretariat of Zengakuren, the national student federation. Two of the issues are from 1958, during
the time that control of Zengakuren was shifting from the Japan Communist Party
to Bund, and a third is undated.
戦旗. 東京: 戦旗社.
item_ID: 50001
Tōkyō: Senkisha.
This is the organizational newspaper of the second Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei).
The collection holds 124 issues. Some are from 1966 when the second Bund began,
with a much larger number from the 1968-1971 period and a few after that.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 509
戦旗. 東京: 世界労働運動研究所.
item_ID: 52001
SerialID: 2001
Tōkyō: Sekai Rōdō Undō Kenkyūjo.
The collection has several serials called Senki. This one is from a labor research
institute. There are two issues in the collection from 1960 during the 1960 Ampo
struggle and two more from 1961.
全教斗争ニュース. 東京: 全国教育図書労組.
item_ID: 50267
Zenkyō Tōsō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Kyōiku Tosho Rōso.
This is a newsletter put out by the educational book publishers union during a labor
dispute. The collection has one issue from late 1969.
先駆. 東京: 先駆社.
item_ID: 50203
Tōkyō: Senkusha.
There are three publications called Senku in the collection, two of which are connected with the organization Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei (Tōshadō). This Senku is the
group’s main theoretical journal. Tōshadō was founded in 1962 by Kasuga Shōjirō
and others in the Kōzō Kaikakuha who had been removed from the Japan Communist Party. They had first tried to form a unified reform group including the JCP, Socialist Party and non-Party people, but when a rift developed in that group, Kasuga
and his associates formed Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei, with an affiliated student organization called Shakaishugi Gakusei Sensen, nicknamed Furonto. The collection
contains the inaugural issue of Senku, which was published in December, 1961 and
thus predates the formal founding of the organization Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei.
先駆, 社会主義学生同盟中大 II 部支部機関紙. 東京: 社会主義学生同盟中央大学 II 部支蜚.
item_ID: 50525
Senku, Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Chūdai Nibu Shibu Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Chūō Daigaku Nibu Shibu.
There are three publications called Senku in the collection. Two are connected with
the organization Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei (Tōshadō), but this one was produced
by the Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei (Shagakudō) chapter at Chūō University, which
was affiliated with Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Kyōsandō). The collection has two issues of this hand-produced (gariban) newsletter from 1969, during a student strike
at Chūō University.
先駆, 統一社会主義同盟全国機関紙. 東京: 現代社.
item_ID: 51721
SerialID: 1721
510 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Senku, Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei Zenkoku Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Gendaisha.
There are three publications called Senku in the collection, two of which are connected with the organization Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei. This Senku is the renamed
newspaper Heiwa to Shakaishugi, which began publication under this name in 1969
with issues #184. This issue and four others from 1969-1971 are in the collection. As
the subtitle indicates, Senku is the organizational newspaper of Tōitsu Shakaishugi
Dōmei (Tōshadō). The organization was founded in 1962 by Kasuga Shōjiro and others in the Kōzō Kaikakuha who had been removed from the Japan Communist Party. They had first tried to form a unified reform group including the JCP, Socialist
Party and non-Party people, but when a rift developed in that group, Kasuga and his
associates formed Tōitsu Shakaishugi Dōmei, with an affiliated student organization called Shakaishugi Gakusei Sensen, nicknamed Furonto. In the wake of protest
movements on and off campus, the original ideological position of the group was
heavily criticized in 1968 and many of the leaders were forced out. The newspaper
was renamed in the wake of this organizational shift. Then in 1972 the group itself
was renamed Kyōsanshugi Kakumeitō. In the last issue in the collection, from September 1971, the newspaper’s subtitle changes to Nihon Kyōsanshugi Kakumeitō
Chūō Kikanshi and the publisher changes to Senkusha.
全組合員へ訴えます, 全電通沖縄県支部“組織運営問題”に対する分
会合同機関紙. 沖縄: 全電通沖縄県支部搬送分会執行委員会.
item_ID: 51630
SerialID: 1630
Zen Kumiai’in e Uttaemasu, Zen Dentsū Okinawa-ken Shibu “Soshiki Un’ei Mondai” ni Taisuru Bunkai Gōdō Kikanshi.
Okinawa: Zen Dentsū Okinawa-ken Shibu Hansō Bunkai Shikkō Iinkai.
The collection has one 1979 issue of this newsletter from the Dentsū labor union in
全軍労速報. 那覇: 全沖縄軍労働組合 教宣部.
item_ID: 51628
SerialID: 1628
Zen Gunrō Sokuhō.
Naha: Zen Okinawa Gun Rōdō Kumiai Kyōsenbu.
The collection has one 1974 issue of this newsletter from the military base workers
union in Okinawa.
全港湾徳島本土連絡運輸分会 斗争ニュース. 県労評全港湾.
item_ID: 50476
Zen Kōwan Tokushima Hondo Renraku Unyu Bunkai Tōsō Nyūsu.
Ken Rōhyō Zen Kōwan.
This is a hand-produced newsletter produced by a port workers labor union in
Tokushima that was involved in a labor struggle. The collection has one issue from
1969 that was in a folder of materials from the Osaka Seinan Hansen Seinen iinkai
group that Takazawa organized.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 511
全国一般東京. 東京: 総評全国一般労働組合東京地方本部.
item_ID: 50506
Zenkoku Ippan Tōkyō.
Tōkyō: Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Rōdō Kumiai Tōkyō Chihō Honbu.
The collection has one issue from 1974 of a newspaper of the Tokyo section of the
general workers union.
全国三里塚救援連絡会通信. 東京: 全国三里塚救援連絡会.
item_ID: 50680
Zenkoku Sanrizuka Kyūen Renraku Kai Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Sanrizuka Kyūen Renraku Kai.
This is the newsletter of a national umbrella support group for people arrested for
participation in the the Sanrizuka conflict. The collection has five issues from the
inaugural issue in 1978 to scattered issues up to 1982.
全国全共闘, 全国全共闘連合機関紙. 東京: 全国全共闘連合書記局.
item_ID: 50429
Zenkoku Zenkyōtō, Zenkoku Zenkyōtō Rengō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Zenkyōtō Rengō Shokikyoku.
The collection has three issues of a newspaper put out by the newly formed Zenkoku
Zenkyōtō in fall 1969 and early 1970.
全国婦人新聞. 東京: 全国婦人新聞社.
item_ID: 51731
SerialID: 1731
Zenkoku Fujin Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Fujin Shinbunsha.
The collection has one 1971 issue of this women’s publication.
全国連合通信. 東京: 全国富村さん支援委連合事務局.
item_ID: 52057
SerialID: 2057
Zenkoku Rengō Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Tomimura-san Shien I Rengō Jimukyoku.
The collection contains two issues from 1972 of this newsletter put out by the office that
was serving as a contact point for the support groups involved in the Tomimura case.
戦砦. 東京: 日本大学教員共闘委員会編集局.
item_ID: 51968
SerialID: 1968
Tōkyō: Nihon Daigaku Kyōin Kyōtō Iinkai Henshūkyoku.
The collection has the first ten issues of the newspaper of Nihon University instructors joint struggle committee published in 1969 and 1970.
512 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
戦士, 政治理論機関誌. 仙台: 社会主義学生同盟東北地方委員会.
item_ID: 50407
Senshi, Seiji Riron Kikanshi.
Sendai: Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Tōhoku Chihō Iinkai.
We have one 1968 issue of this magazine produced by the Tohoku regional committee of Shagakudō.
戦士, 社会主義学生同盟理論機関紙. 京都: 社会主義学生同盟関西地方委員会.
item_ID: 50393
Senshi, Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Riron Kikanshi.
Kyōto: Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Kansai Chihō Iinkai.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from 1965 and 1969 published by the
Kansai regional committee of Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei (Shagakudō), the student
wing of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei.
戦士. 東京: 社会主義学生同盟中央大学支部.
item_ID: 50522
Tōkyō: Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Chūō Daigaku Shibu.
This newsletter was published by Shagakudō at Chūō University during their student strike. The collection has three issues from 1968-69.
全自交調査時報. 東京: 全国自動車交通労働組合連合会.
item_ID: 50478
Zen Jikō Chōsa Jihō.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Jidōsha Kōtsū Rōdō Kumiai Rengōkai.
The collection has one issue from 1980 f this publication of the national auto workers
戦車を止めた四人を支持する会ニュース. 東京: 戦車を止めた四人を支持する会.
item_ID: 50075
Sensha o Tometa Yonnin o Shijisuru Kai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Sensha o Tometa Yonin o Shiji suru Kai.
Newsletter published by a support group for four anti-Vietnam war citizen activists
who were arrested in 1972 for forming a barricade and stopping a truck carrying a
U.S. military vehicle out of the Sagamihara depot. The newsletters contain reviews
of court proceedings and messages from the indicted individuals. The collection contains four issues, three from 1973 and one from 1976.
先進. 東京: 先進編集局.
item_ID: 51780
SerialID: 1780
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 513
Tōkyō: Senshin Henshūkyoku.
The collection has two issues of this publication from April 1972, which were filed with
materials giving the position of various groups about the Rengō Sekigun incident.
前進. 東京: 日本革命的共産主義者同盟全国委員会.
item_ID: 50002
Tōkyō: Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Zenkoku Iinkai.
Zenshin is the organizational newspaper of Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha
Dōmei Zenkoku Iinkai. The newspaper began as the organizational newspaper of Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Kakkyōdō), which was founded in 1957 as Nihon
Torotsukisuto Renmei and changed its name to Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha
Dōmei just a few months later. In a split with the group that later became Dai Yon
Intānashonaru the following year, the group’s ideological leader, philosophy Kuroda
Kan’ichi, formed the Zenkoku Iinkai to represent the mainstream of the Kakkyōdō
organization. Kakkyōdō cooperated with Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei) during the
1960 Ampo protests. In the break-up of Bund following 1960 Ampo, members of
the Bund factions Senki-ha and Purotsū-ha were absorbed into Kakkyōdō Zenkoku
Iinkai. During this period Kakkyōdō, through its affiliated student organization
Marukushugi Gakusei Dōmei (Marugakudō) gained control of Zengakuren, the
national student organization. In 1963 there was a major split in Kakkyōdō and
Marugakudō. The Kuroda faction left to form Kakumaru-ha, leaving Honda Nobuyoshi in control of Zenkoku Iinkai and what came to be known as the Chūkaku-ha or
Central Core faction of the student organization. Control of the newspaper Zenshin
was retained by Zenkoku Iinkai and Chūkaku-ha. (Kakumaru-ha started a separate
newspaper, called Kaihō). The collection holds 237 issues of Zenshin, including some
from the 1960-1963 period prior to the break with Kakumaru-ha and a good selection
from 1966 to 1971. The publisher changes to Zenshinsha with issue #21, in 1961.
全水道. 東京: 全日本水道労働組合.
item_ID: 50653
Zen Suidō.
Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Suidō Rōdō Kumiai.
The collection has just one issue of this newspaper published by the All-Japan Water
workers union. The issue is from 1978.
全青婦, 全日本青年婦人会議中央機関紙.
東京: 全日本青年婦人会議.
item_ID: 52010
SerialID: 2010
Zenseifu, Zen Nihon Seinen Fujin Kaigi Chūō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Seinen Fujin Kaigi.
The collection has three issues of this newsletter of the All Japan Youth and Women’s Conference in 1955 and 1956.
514 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
戦争への道を許さない女たち川崎の会ニュース. 川崎: 竹入真澄.
item_ID: 50849
Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Onnatachi Kawasaki no Kai Nyūsu.
Kawasaki: Takeiri Masumi.
The collection has one issue from 1983 of the newsletter of an antiwar women’s group
in Kawasaki.
戦争への道を許さない相模原女たちの会. 神奈川: 戦争への道を許さない相模原女たちの会.
item_ID: 50848
Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Sagamihara Onnatachi no Kai.
Kanagawa: Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Sagamihara Onnatachi no Kai.
The collection has one issue from 1982 of newsletter from an antiwar women’s group
in Sagamihara.
全中闘通信. 東京: 中央大学全学中央闘争委員会書記局情宣部.
item_ID: 50527
Zen Chūtō Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Chūō Daigaku Zengaku Chūō Tōsō Iinkai Shokikyoku Jōsenbu.
The collection has three issues from January and February 1969 of this newsletter
put out by the all-campus struggle committee headquarters at Chūō University during their student strike.
全逓沖縄. 那覇: 全逓信労働組合沖縄地区本部 教宣部.
item_ID: 50609
Zentei Okinawa.
Naha: Zenteishin Rōdō Kumiai Okinawa Chiku Honbu Kyōsenbu.
The collection has two issues, one from 1977 and the other from 1979, of this newsletter from the Okinawa regional office of the Zentei postal union.
戦闘への招待. 東京: 早大全学行動戦線.
item_ID: 51762
SerialID: 1762
Sentō e no Shōtai.
Tōkyō: Sōdai Zengaku Kōdō Sensen.
This magazine was put out by one of several non-sect groups opposed to Kakumaruha at Waseda University. During this period Kakumaru-ha dominated political student life at Waseda, but various groups of non-sect (unaffiliated) students produced
their own publications in opposition to it.
全日本医學生新聞. 東京: 全日本医学生連合中央書記局.
Zen Nihon Igakusei Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Igakusei Rengō Chūō Shokikyoku.
item_ID: 50780
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 515
The collection has one double issue from 1972 of this newspaper produced by the AllJapan Medical Students Alliance.
戦列. 全国反帝学生評議会連合中央執行委員会.
item_ID: 51892
SerialID: 1892
Zenkoku Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai Rengō Chūō Shikkō Iinkai.
This magazine format publication was produced by the student arm of Kakumeiteki
Rōdōsha Kyōkai, also known as Shaseidō Kaihōha. Kaihōha was removed from the
Socialist Party’s student organization Shakaishugi Seinen Dōmei (Shaseidō) in 1965
and thereafter functioned as one of the main New Left student-based sects and as
an intermittent member of Sampa Rengō. In 1969 Kaihōha formally took the name
Kakumeiteki Rōdōsha Kyōkai, or Kakurōkyō, and began to take a more independent course, although it was still also known by the name Shaseidō Kaihōha. The
student organization Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai was also established at about the
same time as a separate entity, and began to publish Senretsu. There is an organizational newsletter with the same title in the collection that was published by the local
Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai group at Chūō University.
戦列. 東京: 中央大学反帝学生評議会.
item_ID: 50532
Tōkyō: Chūō Daigaku Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai.
This newsletter was produced by a campus chapter of the student arm of Kakumeiteki Rōdōsha Kyōkai, also known as Shaseidō Kaihōha. Kaihōha was removed from
the Socialist Party’s student organization Shakaishugi Seinen Dōmei (Shaseidō) in
1965 and thereafter functioned as one of the main New Left student-based sects
and as an intermittent member of Sampa Rengō. In 1969 Kaihōha formally took
the name Kakumeiteki Rōdōsha Kyōkai, or Kakurōkyō, and began to take a more
independent course, although it also still was known as Shaseidō Kaihōha. The student organization Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai was also established at about the same
time as a separate entity, and began to publish Senretsu. There is an organizational
magazine with the same title in the collection that was published by the national
Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai organization.
全労交ニュース. 東京: 第4回全国労働組合活動交流集会.
item_ID: 50875
Zenrōkō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Dai 4 kai Zenkoku Rōdō Kumiai Katsudō Kōryū Shūkai.
The collection has one 1975 issue of this newsletter from a labor group.
全労斗ニュース. NET全労斗.
Zenrōto Nyūsu.
NET Zenrōto.
item_ID: 51888
SerialID: 1888
516 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
The collection has seven issues of the this newsletter from the NET Zenro union, all
from July and August 1970 during a labor conflict.
徐兄弟を自由に. 東京: 徐兄弟を守る文学創造者と読者の会.
item_ID: 50749
So Kyōdai o Jiyū ni.
Tōkyō: So Kyōdai o Mamoru Bungaku Sōzōsha to Dokusha no Kai.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from a literary group supporting the
Sō brothers who were in prison in South Korea. The issues are from 1981 and 1982.
総合芸術. 大阪: TAM-TAM 芸 術 集 団.
item_ID: 51715
SerialID: 1715
Sōgō Geijutsu.
Ōsaka: TAM-TAM Geijutsu Shūdan.
The collection has one 1967 issue of this arts magazine with a special on an American writers’ lawsuit.
蒼生, 共産主義労働者党全国協議会 政治・理論誌. 東京: 工人社.
item_ID: 50141
Sōsei, Kyōsanshugi Rōdōshatō Zenkoku Kyōgikai Seiji Rironshi.
Tōkyō: Kōjinsha.
Kyōsanshugi Rōdōshatō formed in 1967 from a split in the Kozo Kaikaku wing of the
Communist Party’s youth group and participated as part of the New Left in the late
1960s and early 1970s. The two issues of their theoretical journal in the collection
are from the early 1980s.
總評新聞. 東京: 日本労働組合総評議会.
item_ID: 50491
Sōhyō Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Nihon Rōdō Kumiai Sōhyōgikai.
The collection has 30 issues of the Sōhyō labor federation newspaper primarily from
1974-75 with two later issues.
總評全国一般. 東京: 総評全国一般労働組合.
item_ID: 50505
Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan.
Tōkyō: Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Rōdō Kumiai.
The collection has five issues from 1974 and 1975 of the newspaper of the Sōhyō
general workers union.
創脈(Chang Mek).
大阪: 創脈編集会.
item_ID: 50489
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 517
Sōmyaku (Chang Mek).
Ōsaka: Sōmyaku Henshūkai.
The collection has one issue of this publication from 1978, featuring articles about
South Korea.
速報新宿区職労. 東京: 東京都新宿区職員労働組合教宣部.
item_ID: 50289
Sokuhō Shinjuku-ku Shokurō.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku Shokuin Rōdō Kumiai Kyōsenbu.
This is a newsletter of city workers in Shinjuku-ku and the collection has one issue
from 1981.
徐君兄弟を救うために. 京都: 徐君兄弟を救う会.
item_ID: 50754
So-kun Kyōdai o Sukuu Tame ni.
Kyōto: So-kun Kyōdai o Sukuu Kai.
Seo Seung (So Sun) was born in Kyoto as a zainichi Korean. He was arrested by the
KCIA while studying at Seoul National University on suspicion of being a North Korean spy. Yasue Ryōsuke, editor in chief of the journal Sekai led the mushrooming
campaign in Japan to release Seo, together with Seo Kyeung Shik, the youngest of
the Seo brothers. As the trial progressed, suspicion grew that Seo Seung was indeed
working as a North Korean spy. This is the newsletter of a support group for him
in Japan. The collection also has a book by Seo Seung, So Kyodai Gokuchu kara no
Tegami which was translated by Seo Kyeung Shik (Item #1345).
祖国統一新報. 東京: 統一評論社.
item_ID: 50661
Sokoku Tōitsu Shinpō.
Tōkyō: Tōitsu Hyōronsha.
This is a newspaper supporting Korean reunification. The collection has four issues,
all from 1975.
ソダン. 東京: 朝鮮・アジア関係図書センター( KALC)ソダン編集委員会.
item_ID: 50768
Tōkyō: Chōsen Ajia Kankei Tosho Sentā (KALC) Sodan Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has only the 1981 inaugural issue of this publication promoting relations between North Korea and Asia.
空を!水を!土を!. 姫路: ベトナム反戦姫路行動.
item_ID: 50812
518 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Sora o! Mizu o! Tsuchi o!
Himeji: Betonamu Hansen Himeji Kōdō.
The collection has one issue, a gōgai from 1970, from the anti-Vietnam war group in
Himeji. See also Serial ID #826.
尊 憲. 東京: 長澤和長.
item_ID: 50055
Tōkyō: Nagasawa Kazuhisa.
Organizational publication of the Yodogō group put out by a supporter in Japan. The
collection holds 28 issues from 1991-1994,
DAF, 埼玉直接行動戦線機関誌. 埼玉: 埼玉直接行動戦線.
item_ID: 51775
SerialID: 1775
DAF, Saitama Chokusetsu Kōdō Sensen Kikanshi.
Saitama: Saitama Chokusetsu Kōdō Sensen.
This magazine was put out by a Beheiren group in Saitama prefecture, led by Ozawa
Tōsō Shirei (Chūdai).
item_ID: 50519
The collection has two issues of this hand-produced publication from a student strike
at Chūō University in February 1969.
第12回平和友好祭ニュース. 沖縄: 日本青年学生平和友好祭第12回沖縄県祭典実行委員会.
item_ID: 51689
SerialID: 1689
Dai 12 Kai Heiwa Yūkōsai Nyūsu.
Okinawa: Nihon Seinen Gakusei Heiwa Yūkōsai Dai 12 Kai Okinawa-ken Saiten Jikkō Iinkai.
This is the newsletter of a Dai Yon Intā student organization in Okinawa that was
planning a big peace event. The collection has three issues in 1975.
第4次ペトリ闘争勝利させる会ニュース. 東京: 第4次ペトリ闘争を勝利させる会事務局.
item_ID: 50485
Dai 4 ji Petori Tōsō Shōrisaseru Kai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Dai 4 ji Petori Tōsō o Shōrisaseru Kai Jimukyoku.
The Petri camera company was engaged in a lengthy contested bankruptcy process
during which its workers obtained legal permission to run the factory and continue
to produce the products. Other large labor unions helped them, and they had wide
support from groups on the left. The collection has twenty issues of this newsletter
put out by the groups supporting them, dating from 1978-81
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 519
台湾文化. 東京: 台湾民族解放統一戦線.
item_ID: 50691
Taiwan Bunka.
Tōkyō: Taiwan Minzoku Kaihō Tōitsu Sensen.
The collection has three issues of this newsletter from a group promoting the liberation of the ethnic Taiwanese people, from 1975 and 1976.
大学. 京都: 京都大学出版会.
item_ID: 51711
SerialID: 1711
Kyōto: Kyōto Daigaku Shuppankai.
This magazine format publication the first issue of what later became the independent journal Joshō (Serial #28). It was one of several journals published by dissidents
during the late 1960s and early 1970s as an alternative to the standard university
publications. It was first published by Kyōto Daigaku Shuppankai, which was not
the official university publisher but a separate Zenkyōtō student publishing organization. This first issue came out under the title Daigaku and was aimed at new
students entering Kyoto University in April, 1969. The second issue, with the title
Joshō, was published jointly by Kyōto Daigaku Shuppankai and Hokkaidō Daigaku
Shuppankai, which was also a Zenkyōtō student organization. Later issues were
published by Joshōsha, an independent publisher, as the journal became established
as an independent intellectual journal. The collection contains the complete series
through issue #16.
大学における兵器研究の実態. 軍事研究実態調査委員会.
item_ID: 51861
SerialID: 1861
Daigaku ni okeru Heiki Kenkyū no Jittai.
Gunji Kenkyū Jittai Chōsai Iinka.
The collection has one 1959 issue of this newsletter of military research in universities.
大 学 論 通 信. 東京: 自主講座「大学論」実行委員会.
item_ID: 51696
SerialID: 1696
Daigakuron Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Jishu Kōza “Daigakuron” Jikkō Iinkai.
The collection has two copies of this gōgai issue from 1985.
大管法斗争ニュース. 東京: 東大中央委員会.
item_ID: 51873
SerialID: 1873
Daikanhō Tōsō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Tōdai Chūō Iinkai.
This newsletter was produced in 1962 and 1963 at Tokyo University as part of a
protest against the proposed Daikanhō or university control law. This was one of
520 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
several attempts to gain greater control over universities and university students.
Although this attempt did not succeed, a revised University Control Law did pass in
1969 and was used to bring an end to the wave of Zenkyōtō student strikes. These
issues are cross-referenced from the Tokyo University handbill collection and are
hand-produced (gariban) publications.
第三文明. 東京: 第三文明社.
item_ID: 50184
Daisan Bunmei.
Tōkyō: Daisan Bunmeisha.
This is an intellectual magazine and the two issues in the collection deal with topics
relevant to the collection.
大菩薩破防法裁判斗争支援委ニュース. 東京: 塩見孝也.
item_ID: 51910
SerialID: 1910
Daibosatsu Habōhō Saiban Tōsō Shien I Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Shiomi Takaya.
The collection has one undated issue of the support group newsletter for the Daibosatsu Habōhō trial.
たいまつ. 小岩・葛飾・城東ベ平連.
item_ID: 51815
SerialID: 1815
Koiwa, Katsushika, Jōtō Beheiren.
There are many different publications carrying the name Taimatsu (Torch). This one
is a newsletter produced by a small Beheiren group in northeastern Tokyo.
太陽, THE SUN. 東京: 平凡社.
item_ID: 50156
Taiyō, The sun.
Tōkyō: Heibonsha.
Taiyō is a general interest monthyly magazine published by Heibonsha. The collection contains one issue that was a special on Okinawa.
第4インター. 東京: 世界経済研究所.
item_ID: 50361
Dai 4 Intā.
Tōkyō: Sekai Keizai Kenkyūjo.
The collection has just one 1969 copy of this particular organizational newspaper from
Dai yon Inta, although many other materials from the group are in the collection.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 521
第四インタナショナル, 第四インターナショナル中央機関紙. 東京: 第四インタナショナル中央書記局機関紙編集部.
item_ID: 50665
Dai Yon Intānashonaru, Dai Yon Intānashonaru Chūō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Dai Yon Intānashonaru Chūō Shokikyoku Kikanshi Henshūbu.
The collection has just one issue from 1978 of this newsletter from Dai Yon Inta.
対話. 兵庫: 対話の会.
item_ID: 51684
SerialID: 1684
Hyōgo: Taiwa no Kai.
This is a personal literary journal published by Takahashi Kazumi, a well-known
China scholar and New Left sympathizer who died young. It contains rare material
on New Left literature.
高い壁. 東京:「日石、土田邸ピース缶爆弾」
item_ID: 50224
Takai Kabe.
Tōkyō: Nisseki, Tsuchida tei Pīsukan Bakudan Furēmuappu Jiken Tōitsu Kyūen Kai.
This is the newsletter of the united trial support group for the group of trials known
collectively as the “Tsuchida-Nisseki-Peace Can Bomb Frame Up.” This group fought
successfully to unmask the false convictions of this group of defendants, resulting in
dismissal of trials in progress and retrials for those who had already been convicted.
Takazawa Kōji was centrally involved in this group and wrote a book about the
cases, which is in the collection as ID#1152.
拓南労青年部準備会. 拓南労青年部準備会.
item_ID: 50602
Takunan Rō Seinenbu Junbi Kai.
Takunan Rō Seinenbu Junbi Kai.
The collection has only one 1975 issue of this newsletter from the youth section in
formation of the Takunan labor union.
闘うアジア, Struggles in Asia. 東京: アジア青年会議.
item_ID: 50457
Tatakau Ajia, Struggles in Asia.
Tōkyō: Ajia Seinen Kaigi.
The collection has eight issues of this magazine, one from 1976 and the rest from
1979-81, but one from 1979 says it is the inaugural issue.
闘う沖青委. 東京: 沖縄青年委員会.
item_ID: 52047
SerialID: 2047
522 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Tatakau Oki Sei I.
Tōkyō: Okinawa Seinen Iinkai.
The collection has one issue from 1971 of this newsletter from Okinawa.
闘う全学連. 東京: 全学連中央書記局情宣部.
item_ID: 50472
Tatakau Zengakuren.
Tōkyō: Zengakuren Chūō Shokikyoku Jōsenbu.
Tatakau Zengakuren is the theoretical journal of what is now the Kakumaru-ha
Zengakuren. Zengakuren was originally a unified Japanese national student organization, which during the 1950s came under the control of the Japan Communist
Party. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, control of Zengakuren passed in succession
to two emerging New Left organizations not affiliated with the JCP: Kakumeiteki
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Kyōsandō, or Bund), through its affiliated student organization Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei (Shagakudō), during the 1960 Ampo protest
period and then Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Kakkyōdo) through its student organization Marukusushugi Gakusei Dōmei (Marugakudō) in the immediate post-1960 Ampo period. Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Kakkyōdō) was
founded in 1957 as Nihon Torotsukisuto Renmei and changed its name to Nihon
Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei just a few months later. Kakkyōdō cooperated with Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei), which controlled th Zengakuren mainstream and thus directed New Left student protests, during the 1960 Ampo protests.
Tatakau Zengakuren was first published by Zengakuren when it was under Bund
control in the spring of 1960, but shortly thereafter Kakkyōdō, through its affiliated
student organization Marukushugi Gakusei Dōmei (Marugakudō), gained control of
Zengakuren. Control of Zengakuren alternated between Bund and Kakkyōdō from
1961 to 1963, during which time the campus delegates affiliated with Minsei, the
student organization of the JCP, left to form their own separate national student
federation. In 1963 there was a major split in Kakkyōdō and its student organization Marugakudō. The Kuroda faction led by Kakkyōdō’s original ideological leader,
philosopher Kuroda Kan’ichi, left to form Kakumaru-ha, leaving Honda Nobuyoshi
in control of the national office of Kakkyōdo (Zenkoku Iinkai) and what came to
be known as the Chūkaku-ha or Central Core faction of the student organization.
Kakumaru-ha, whose supporters were the majority in the student organization
Marugakudō, retained control of Zengakuren. However, it was no longer possible
to retain a single national Zengakuren, because of the deep ideological splits between the JCP controlled campus groups affiliated with Minsei and those affiliated
with the various New Left organizations. So Kakumaru-ha has simply maintained
its own national student federation of campus groups affiliated with Marugakudō
Kakumaru-ha. Tatakau Zengakuren therefore has since 1963 been the theoretical
journal of the Kakumaru-ha Zengakuren. The collection contains several issues from
the 1960-1962 period, plus one special issue from 1970. The collection’s holdings are
thus primarily from periods when Bund controlled Zengakuren and its theoretical
journal, and they do not reflect accurately the subsequent history of the journal. For
the 1970 issue, the publisher changes to Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Chūō
Shikkō Iinkai Jōsenbu.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 523
闘う全共斗. 日本大学全学共闘会議編集局.
item_ID: 51967
SerialID: 1967
Tatakau Zenkyōtō.
Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Henshūkyoku.
The collection has only this inaugural issue from April 1969 of this newspaper of the
Zenkyōtō at Nihon University.
たたかうちから. 全逓那覇支部教宣部.
item_ID: 50607
Tatakau Chikara.
Zentei Naha Shibu Kyōsenbu.
The collection has only one issue from 1979 of this handwritten (gariban) newsletter
issued by the Naha, Okinawa branch of the Zentei postal workers union.
ただの市民が戦車を止める会ニュース. 相模原:「ただの市民が戦車を止める」会.
item_ID: 50076
Tada no Shimin ga Sensha o Tomeru Kai Nyūsu.
Sagamihara: Tada no Shimin ga Sensha o Tomeru Kai.
This newsletter was produced by a group of anti-war citizens trying to stop military
vehicles from leaving the U.S. military base at Sagamihara. The collection contains
46 issues dating from 1972 to 1978.
脱走兵通信. 東京: イントレピッド四人の会.
item_ID: 50073
Dassōhei Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Intorepiddo Yonin no Kai.
Four U.S. service members deserted in response to Beheiren’s leafleting to those
aboard USS Intrepid calling at Yokosuka. Beheiren sheltered the four and this
launched Beheiren’s involvement in working with American deserters, which is written about in the book Tonari ni Dassōhei ga ita Jidai. The book is not in the collection
because it came out later. The full collection of Dassōhei Tsūshin is also included in
the Beheiren Nyuusu Shukusatsuban, item ID#90.
団結. 東京: 団結社.
item_ID: 50066
Tōkyō: Danketsusha.
The collection has 34 issues of this gariban[mimeographed] newsletter, dating from
だんけつの砦. 沖縄: 食品労連沖縄地区協議会 オキコ労働組合.
item_ID: 50647
524 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Danketsu no Toride.
Okinawa: Shokuhin Rōren Okinawa Chiku Kyōgikai Okiko Rōdō Kumiai.
This is a newsletter from a union in Okinawa. The collection has five isues from 1977
and 1978.
断頭台. 東京: 革命救援会.
item_ID: 50380
Tōkyō: Kakumei Kyūenkai.
The collection contains one issue of this publication from 1972 marked “preserve”
“Sashō Henshū Iinkai.”
チェコスロバキア8・20. 東京: 8月20日委員会事務局.
item_ID: 50815
Chekosurobakia 8/20.
Tōkyō: Hachigatsu Hatsuka Iinkai Jimukyoku.
This is a small magazine format newsletter put out by a group concerned about the
situation in Czechoslovakiain 1969, after the Prague Spring had been defeated by
the entry of Soviet troops.
催哲教さんを救う会 会報. 東京: 催哲教さんを救う会.
item_ID: 51754
SerialID: 1754
Che Chorugyo-san o Sukuu Kai Kaihō.
Tōkyō: Che Chorugyo-san o Sukuu Kai.
This newsletter is produced by the support group in Japan for a Korean named Che
Chorugyo, who had been given the death penalty in South Korea. The collection also
holds another similar serial supporting the same person (Serial ID#636).
催哲教さんを救う会ニュース. 東京: 催哲教さんを救う会.
item_ID: 50636
Che Chorugyo-san o Sukuu Kai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Che Chorugyo-san o Sukuu Kai.
This is one of two different newsletters in the collection produced by support groups
in Japan for a Korean named Che Chorugyo, who had received a death penalty in
South Korea.
地球サミット・ニュース, 国連環境開発会議(リオ・デ・ジャネイロ1992
年6月1~12日)公式ニュースレター. 東京: 10.21新宿騒擾事件弁護団事務局.
item_ID: 52058
SerialID: 2058
Chikyū Samitto Nyūsu, Kokuren Kankyō Kaihatsu Kaigi (Rio de Janeiro 1992 nen 6 gatsu
1-12 nichi) Kōshiki Nyūsuretā.
Tōkyō: 10/21 Shinjuku Sōjō Jiken Bengodan Jimukyoku.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 525
The collection has two issues from 1991 of this newsletter which is about the 1992
Rio de Janieruo United Nations summit. However, the newsletter was put out by the
office of the lawyers for the defendants in the 10/21 Shinjuku Riot incident.
地区ニュース. 東京: 新宿地区委員会.
item_ID: 51713
SerialID: 1713
Chiku Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Shinjuku Chiku Iinkai.
This is a hand-produced newsletter put out by a local district committee in Shinjuku
in the late 1950s.
筑豊争史, 大正鉱業退職者同盟機関紙. 福岡: 沖田活美.
item_ID: 50883
Chikuhō Sōshi, Taishō Kōgyō Taishokusha Dōmei Kikanshi.
Fukuoka: Okita Katsumi.
This newsletter produced in 1971 is a reprint of a newsletter put out by an organization of miners who had lost their jobs in the closure of the Taishō mine in Fukuoka,
called the Taishō Kōgyō Taishokusha Dōmei. Shortly after the Miike mine struggle
ended in 1960, rationalization began at the Taishō mine elsewhere in Fukuoka. An
organization of young miners under the leadership of a group that had been expelled from the Japan Communist Party (which controlled the main miners’ union)
staged a two year long resistance movement with help from a Shaseidō faction of
students called Sect 6. Some resistance continued even after the company housing
had been closed and the workers who had been terminated had formed the Taishō
Kōgyō Taishokusha Dōmei. The direct action tactics and ideas used in this irregular
labor struggle later influenced the New Left in the Zenkyōtō movement, other labor
movements, and at Sanrizuka.
知性. 東京: 知性コミュニケーションズ.
item_ID: 50127
Tōkyō: Chisei Komyunikēshonzu.
Chisei is the name of a journal put out by the publisher Kawade Shobo, under the
name of Chisei Communications. It falls in the category of sōgō zasshi, or general
interest magazines. This is an index and bibliography of the journal for the period
「地の塩東」京上映を成功させる会 事務局ニュース.
item_ID: 50595
“Chi no Shio” Tōkyō Jōei o Seikōsaseru Kai Jimukyoku Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Chi no Shio” Tōkyō Jōei o Seikōsaseru Kai.
The newsletter of an organization dedicated to showing the film “Chi no Shio.”
526 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
地平線. 東京: 国立ベ平連.
item_ID: 51797
SerialID: 1797
Tōkyō: Kunitachi Beheiren.
This is the newsletter of the Kunitachi Beheiren group.
チャユ エ ナム(自由の木).
東京: 韓国民主化闘争支援在日青年学生連絡会議.
item_ID: 50736
Chayu e Namu (Jiyū no Ki).
Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshuka Tōsō Shien Zainichi Seinen Gakusei Renraku Kaigi.
This is a hand-produced magazine format publication put out by a youth and student
group of Korean residents in Japan, supporting democratization in South Korea. The
collection has only one issue, from 1980.
中央公論. 東京: 中央公論社.
item_ID: 50181
Chūō Kōron.
Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha.
Chūō Kōron is one of the leading monthly magazines in Japan. The collection contains a few issues because of articles they contained.
中央大学新聞. 東京: 中央大学新聞学会.
item_ID: 50244
Chūō Daigaku Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Chūō Daigaku Shinbun Gakkai.
This is the official student newspaper of Chūō University. The Takazawa Collection
has a fairly complete collection for 1970, plus one later issue.
Chūōsenensen Beheiren Nyuuzu.
item_ID: 50721
The collection has only one issue of this newsletter from a Beheiren chapter along
the Chūōsen.
中核. 東京: マル学同『 中 核 』編 集 局.
item_ID: 51989
SerialID: 1989
Tōkyō: Marugakudō “Chūkaku” Henshū kyoku.
This magazine was published twice monthly by the student organization of Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Kakkyōdō), which was called Marukusushugi
Gakusei Dōmei, or Marugakudō. The magazine’s name, Chūkaku, then became the
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 527
name of the larger of two factions in both the parent and student organizations,
Chūkaku-ha. The four issues in the collection are from 1963, when the Chūkaku and
Kakumaru factions of Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei split. They are from the
Hirai subcollection.
中公闘争. 東京: 中央公論社労働組合有志.
item_ID: 50021
Chūkō Tōsō.
Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha Rōdō Kumiai Yūshi.
This is a newsletter published by the labor union of Chūō Kōronsha, the publisher of
Chūō Kōron magazine. The collection contains a complete set of issues 113-180, from
late May, 1974 through December, 1975 (68 issues).
中国. 東京: 徳間書店.
item_ID: 50133
Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten.
This magazine was produced by the China group of postwar intellectuals, such as
Takeuchi Yoshimi. The issue in the collection is a bibliography and index of the journal. It is also cross-referenced in the Book bibliography’s reference section.
中国新聞. 広島: 中国新聞社.
item_ID: 52059
SerialID: 2059
Chūgoku Shinbun.
Hiroshima: Chūgoku Shinbunsha.
This regional newspaper’s name refers not to China but to the Chūgoku region of
western Honshū. The two 1972 issues in the collection are from the Aihara-Furuya
中四国救援センター. 広島: 中四国救援連絡センター編集局.
item_ID: 50860
Chūshikoku Kyūen Sentā.
Hiroshima: Chūshikoku Kyūen Renraku Sentā Henshūkyoku.
This is the newsletter for the branch of Kyūen Renraku Sentā that served the Shikoku and Chūgoku (western Honshū) regions of Japan. The collection contains only
one issue, from 1971, which was in the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. Kyūen Renraku Sentā was the central contact point for support activities assisting New Left
students who were arrested for protest-related activity. After its founding in 1969 it
expanded rapidly to meet the needs to the enormous number of students who were
arrested in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Branches were formed in major cities
throughout Japan to handle local cases.
528 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
中大AISC通信. 東京: 中央大学全学反帝学生評議会.
item_ID: 50530
Chūdai AISC Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Chūō Daigaku Zengaku Hantei Gakusei Hyōgi Kai.
This newsletter was produced by the Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai group at Chūō University. Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai (Hantei Gakuhyō) was the student organization
of Kakumeiteki Rōdōsha Kyōkai (Kakurōkyō), also known as Shaseidō Kaihōha.
Kaihōha was removed from the Socialist Party’s student organization Shakaishugi
Seinen Dōmei (Shaseidō) in 1965 and thereafter functioned as one of the main New
Left student-based sects and as an intermittent member of Sampa Rengō. In 1969
Kaihōha formally took the name Kakumeiteki Rōdōsha Kyōkai, or Kakurōkyō, and
began to take a more independent course, although it was still also known by the
name Shaseidō Kaihōha. The student organization Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai was
also established at about the same time as a separate entity. The same local Hantei
Gakusei Hyōgikai group at Chūō University also produced a publication called Senretsu, which is in the collection.
中東の平和をもとめるニューズレター. 東京: 中東の平和をもとめる市民会議.
item_ID: 50845
Chūtō no Heiwa o Motomeru Nyūzu Retā.
Tōkyō: Chūtō no Heiwa o Motomeru Shimin Kaigi.
This newsletter was put out in the 1982 by a citizens’ group concerned about the
Israeli invasion of Lebanon and seeking peace in the Middle East.
中部地区労ニュース. 中部地区労教宣部.
item_ID: 50624
Chūbu Chiku Rō Nyūsu.
Chūbu Chiku Rō Kyōsenbu.
This is the handproduced (gariban) newsletter of a labor organization in the Chubu
region. The collection has one issue from 1979, dealing with the shuntō or spring
labor offensive.
長周新聞. 下関: 長周新聞社.
item_ID: 50273
Chōshū Shinbun.
Shimonoseki: Chōshū Shinbunsha.
This is a commercially produced local newspaper that was published twice a week
in Shimonoseki, Kyūshū, in the 1960s. The collection contains 21 issues from 1966
and 1967.
長征. 川崎: 佐藤雅久.
item_ID: 50112
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 529
Kawasaki: Sato Masahisa.
There are several unrelated publications with the name Chōsei in the collection. This
one is a newsletter privately produced by a small group in the mid-1970s, which presented their views on a variety of issues. The name Chōsei, or Long March, generally
indicates a group with Maoist sympathies. Satō Masahisa is listed as hakkōnin, but
Tojinsha is listed as hakkōsho. The collection has two issues, from 1975 and 1976.
長征. 東京: 日本マルクス・レーニン主義者同盟 労働者組織委員会.
item_ID: 51726
SerialID: 1726
Tōkyō: Nihon Marukusu-Rēninshugisha Dōmei Rōdōsha Soshiki Iinkai.
Several unrelated publications with this name are in represented in the collection.
This one was published by Nihon Marukusu-Rēninshugisha Dōmei Rōdōsha Soshiki
Iinkai. The parent organization Marukusu-Rēninshugisha Dōmei was a successor to
the original Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei ML faction, which formed and then split in the
mid-1960s. The smaller of its factions was active in direct action campaigns in the
late 1960s and produced several leaders of the Tokyo University and Nihon University Zenkyōtō movements. The group took the name Nihon Marukusu-Rēninshugisha
Dōmei in late 1968, but then dissolved into several factions in late 1970. The magazine was published by one of those factions, in 1971. Its name, Chōsei (Long March)
reflects the group’s Maoist sympathies.
長征. 東京: 赤流社.
item_ID: 51727
SerialID: 1727
Tōkyō: Sekiryūsha.
There are three unrelated publications with this name in the collection. This one
is a magazine format publication produced by the Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Bund)
Kakumei no Hata faction in the early 1980s. The Kakumei no Hata faction was a
successor to the Yūgeki faction, which it turn derived from a split in the Jōkyō faction. The same faction published the newspaper Kakumei no Hata, from which its
name derives.
挑戦. 京都: 京都大学教養部斗争委員会書記局.
item_ID: 51876
SerialID: 1876
Kyōto: Kyōto Daigaku Kyōyōbu Tōsō Iinkai Shokikyoku.
This newsletter was published by students in the Kyoto University general studies
(first two years) division during the Kyōto University Zenkyōtō struggle in 1969. Its
romanized name Chōsen (Challenge) should not be confused with the many serials
concerned with North Korea (Chōsen) which is written with different characters.
530 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
朝鮮画報. 東京: 朝鮮画報社.
item_ID: 50051
Chōsen Gahō.
Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha.
This is a commercially published and richly illustrated monthly magazine about
North Korea, published in Tokyo. The collection contains 27 issues from the early
1990s. It is an organizational publication of Chōsen Sōren (General Association of
Korean Residents in Japan). The issues in the collection came out during the period
when Takazawa Kōji was involved with the Yodogō group in North Korea, between
1991 and 1994.
朝鮮時報. 東京: 朝鮮新報社.
item_ID: 50080
Chōsen Jihō.
Tōkyō: Chōsen Shinpōsha.
This newspaper containing news about North Korea is published in Tokyo by Chōsen
Shinpōsha, a publishing organ of Chōsen Sōren. The collection contains 15 scattered
issues from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, which came from the main Takazawa Collection and two other subcollections.
朝鮮人, 大村収容所を廃止するために. 京都: 朝鮮人社.
item_ID: 51746
SerialID: 1746
Chōsenjin, Ōmura Shūyōjo o Haishi suru Tame ni.
Kyōto: Chōsenjinsha.
This newspaper format publication was put out by a group centered on Tsurumi
Shunsuke and others from Kyoto Beheiren who were concerned about the treatment
of Koreans by Japan. Ōmura Shūyōjo was an internment facility in Nagasaki for Koreans. Closing the facility was a goal of this group as part of its support for Koreans.
The Takazawa collection also contains a research report on this facility in the book
collection (Item #1378).
朝鮮の自主的平和統一支持日本委員会会報. 東京: 朝鮮の自主的平和統一支持日本委員会.
item_ID: 50866
Chōsen no Jishuteki Heiwa Tōitsu Shiji Nihon Iinkai Kaihō.
Tōkyō: Chōsen no Jishuteki Heiwa Tōitsu Shiji Nihon Iinkai.
This newsletter was put out by a group in Japan supporting the peaceful reunification of Korea under the banner of North Korea. The collection contains one issue,
from 1990.
朝鮮の少年. 東京: 在日本朝鮮青年同盟中央常任委員会.
Chōsen no Shōnen.
Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsen Seinen Dōmei Chūō Jōnin Iinkai.
item_ID: 50657
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 531
This newspaper is published by the youth organization for Korean residents in Japan who are affiliated with North Korea.
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の貿易. 平壌: 貿易出版社.
item_ID: 50157
Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku no Bōeki.
Pyongyang: Bōeki Shuppansha.
This is an official trade publication of the North Korean government, in magazine
format, published in Pyongyang but written in Japanese. The collection contains one
issue from 1991 that Takazawa collected during his travels there.
朝鮮連帯. 朝鮮連帯センター.
item_ID: 50632
Chōsen Rentai.
Chōsen Rentai Sentā.
This newsletter is published by a group promoting ties with North Korea. The collection contains three early issues from the mid-1970s.
賃金と社会保障. 東京: 労働旬報社.
item_ID: 50222
Chingin to Shakai Hoshō.
Tōkyō: Rōdō Shunpōsha.
This is a commercially published labor magazine dealing with compensation and
social security issues. The collection contains only one issue from 1975, which is a
special issue on the 1976 spring labor offensive (Shuntō).
通信. 東京: 富村公判対策委員会.
item_ID: 52056
SerialID: 2056
Tōkyō: Tomimura Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai.
The collection has one 1971 issue of this newsletter from the group handling policy
for the Tomimura trial.
通信方位. 東京: クラブ 有声社.
item_ID: 50070
Tsūshin Hōi.
Tōkyō: Kurabu Yūseisha.
This is a personal journal in typescript published by Nakano Shigeharu. The collection has 33 issues produced between 1972 and 1991.
532 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
item_ID: 52133
SerialID: 2133
The collection has five issues of this commercially published magazine from 1999
and 2002, because they contained relevant articles about North Korea and Aum
つづけ. 東京: 反戦自衛官の裁判を支える会.
item_ID: 50703
Tōkyō: Hansen Jieikan no Saiban o Sasaeru Kai.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter, from a support group for antiwar members of the self-defense force who are on trial. The best-known is Konishi Makoto.
土・日・Pニュース, 土田・日石・ピース缶事件. 東京:「土田・日石・ピース缶事件」救援連絡協議会.
item_ID: 51895
SerialID: 1895
Tsuchi, Nichi, P Nyūsu, Tsuchida, Nisseki, Pīsukan Jiken.
Tōkyō: Tsuchida, Nisseki, Pīsukan Jiken Kyūen Renraku Kyōgikai.
The collection has one 1982 issue of this newsletter put out by the support group for
the Tsuchida, Nisseki Pīsukan defendants in a famous enzai case. There are other
materials on this case in the collection.
土の声、民の声. 東京:「土の声、民の声」編集室.
item_ID: 50432
Tsuchi no Koe, Tami no Koe.
Tōkyō: Tsuchi no Koe, Tami no Koe Henshūshitsu.
This serial was originally titled Gekkan Jishu Kōza. It was edited by Sakata Hiroko.
Aki Shobo produced the publication.
つつじだより. 東京: 新宿区立大久保小学校.
item_ID: 50857
Tsutsuji Dayori.
Tōkyō: Shinjuku-kuritsu Ōkubo Shōgakkō.
The collection has two issues from 1959 and 1963 of this newsletter from Ōkubo
elementary school in Shinjuku, presumably because the Furuya children were attending it.
つながる. 東京: 南ベトナム孤児救援市民センターニュース.
Tōkyō: Minami Betonamu Koji Kyūen Shimin Sentā Nyūsu.
item_ID: 50751
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 533
This newsletter was produced by an anti-Vietnam war group in Tokyo supporting
Vietnamese children. The collection has eight issues, all from 1974.
どぶろく文化. 東京: どぶろく文化の会.
item_ID: 50862
Doburoku Bunka.
Tōkyō: Doburoku Bunka no Kai.
Doburoku is a term for homemade sake. The collection has three issues of this newsletter on homemade sake culture, from 1982 and 1983.
抵抗. 東京: 早大べ平連.
item_ID: 50818
Tōkyō: Sōdai Beheiren.
The collection has one issue from 1968 of this newsletter from the Beheiren chapter
at Waseda University.
デイゴの花. 大阪: デイゴの花編集局.
item_ID: 52043
SerialID: 2043
Deigo no Hana.
Ōsaka: Deigo no Hana Henshūkyoku.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter from 1971.
底流. 東京: 海燕社.
item_ID: 51829
SerialID: 1829
Tōkyō: Kaiensha.
This is the first issue of a newspaper produced by a group concerned with Japan’s
war responsibility. The issue of Japan’s treatment of Asians during the war, and its
war responsibility, were being discovered and explored by New Left students from
the late 1960s on. This publication was one element of the movement.
テーゼ. 東京: 同時代思想編集委員会.
item_ID: 51706
SerialID: 1706
Tōkyō: DōJidai Shisō Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has two issues of this contemporary thought journal, both because
they carried special content on Yoshimoto Takaaki. One is from 1985 and the other
from 1988.
鉄鎖を砕け. 共産主義者同盟京都大学細胞.
item_ID: 51907
SerialID: 1907
534 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Tessa o Kudake.
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kyōto Daigaku Saibō.
There are two serials called Tessa o Kudake. The collection has one undated issue of
this publication from the Kyōto University cell of Kyōsandō.
鉄鎖を砕け, 共産主義者同盟全国委員会首都圏委員会機関誌. 東京: 戦旗社.
item_ID: 50343
Tessa o Kudake, Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Zenkoku Iinkai Shu-to-ken Iinkai Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Senkisha.
The collection has one issue of this magazine published by Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei
in 1972.
鉄の戦線, 共産主義者同盟政治局中央労対部機関誌. 東京: 戦旗社.
item_ID: 51852
SerialID: 1852
Tetsu no Sensen, Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Seijikyoku Chūō Rōtaibu Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Senkisha.
This is the inaugural issue from 1968 of a publication from the labor section of
DENEGO デネゴ. 兵庫: デネゴ社.
item_ID: 50225
Hyōgo: Denegosha.
This is the first issue, published in September 1969, of a little mimeographed journal.
デモクラット, 民主主義学生同盟桃大支部機関紙. 民主主義学生同盟桃大支部.
item_ID: 51878
SerialID: 1878
Demokuratto, Minshushugi Gakusei Dōmei Momodai Shibu Kikanshi.
Minshushugi Gakusei Dōmei Momodai Shibu.
The collection has one 1969 issue of this Minsei newsletter from Momoyama Daigaku.
This was published during a Zenkyōtō strike but Minsei was opposed to the strike.
テルアビブ闘争救援委員会ニュース. 東京: テルアビブ闘争救援委員会.
item_ID: 50443
Teruabibu Tōsō Kyūen Iinkai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Teruabibu Tōsō Kyūen Iinkai.
This is a newsletter of a group in Japan that wanted to provide support to Okamoto
Kōzō, who was being tried in Israel as the survivor of the Lod Airport attack. The
collection has only one issue, which is #2.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 535
テルアビブ闘争支援委員会通信. 東京・京都: テルアビブ闘争支援委員会.
item_ID: 50396
Teruabibu Tōsō Shien Iinkai Tsūshin.
Tōkyō/ Kyōto: Teruabibu Tōsō Shien Iinkai.
The collection has three issues, one undated, of this newsletter, which was put out
by two Red Army members in prison in Japan, but was in support of Okamoto Kozo.
テレビドラマ. 東京: テレビドラマ編集部.
item_ID: 51681
SerialID: 1681
Terebi Dorama.
Tōkyō: Terebi Dorama Henshūbu.
This magazine publishes film scripts; the issue in question contains the script of a
TV drama written by Takahashi Kazumi. The scenario is about a university professor named Masaki with a past of ideological conversion (“tenko”) and betrayal. He
was a member of a group of law students publishing a left-leaning law journal during
the Pacific War under the guidance of a Marxist legal scholar. The group was arrested and punished by the special political police, including one of them being beaten
to death, but Masaki saved himself from arrest and since then has successfully led a
life of fame and status. The story is set during the late 1950s when Keisatsukan Shokumu Shikko Ho was debated under the Kishi Administration, and follows Masaki
as he treads a downward path with social and political scandal.
天井桟敷, 演劇実験室 A Laboratory Of Play. 東京: 天井桟敷.
item_ID: 51920
SerialID: 1920
Tenjō Sajiki, Engeki Jikkenshitsu A Laboratory Of Play.
Tōkyō: Tenjō Sajiki.
The collection has four issues of this newspaper from 1967 and 1968.
電通共闘 全電通九州. 熊本: 全電通九州地方本部.
item_ID: 50617
Dentsū Kyōtō Zen Dentsū Kyūshū.
Kumamoto: Zen Dentsū Kyūshū Chihō Honbu.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter of the Zen Dentsū union in Kyūshū, a
special issue on Okinawa published in 1979.
電通反戦ニュース 別冊. 東京: 全国電通反戦青年委員会.
item_ID: 50464
Dentsū Hansen Nyūsu Bessatsu.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Dentsū Hansen Seinen Iinkai.
This is a publication of the Hansen Seinen Iinkai formed at the Dentsū advertising
agency. The collection has one copy of it, a bessatsu from March 1972.
536 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
伝統と現代. 東京: 伝統と現代社.
item_ID: 51683
SerialID: 1683
Dentō to Gendai.
Tōkyō: Dentōto Gendaisha.
The collection has a 1974 issue of this commercial magazine because it has a special
feature on postwar thought.
展望. 東京: 筑摩書房.
item_ID: 50180
Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō.
This is a monthly intellectual magazine produced by a major publisher. The collection contains seven issues from the 1960s and 1970s with articles by major figures
on relevant topics.
東京共斗ニュース. 東京: 平和と民主々義を守る東京共闘会議.
item_ID: 51993
SerialID: 1993
Tōkyō Kyōtō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Heiwa to Minshushugi o Mamoru Tokyo Kyōtō Kaigi.
The collection has one issue from 1959 of this newsletter.
統一, 共産主義労働者党中央機関紙. 東京: 統一新聞社.
item_ID: 50360
Tōitsu, Kyōsanshugi Rōdoshatō Chūō Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Tōitsu Shinbunsha.
Tōitsu is the organizational newspaper of Kyōsanshugi Rōdōshatō (Kyōrōtō), which
was formed in 1967 by a faction that left a Kōzō Kaikaku organization called Minshushugi Gakusei Dōmei. The group participated as a New Left organization in the
protests of the late 1960s, forming a student organization called Puroretaria Gakusei
Dōmei (Purogakudō) in early 1969. It then organized Hantei Gakusei Sensen in 1970
but this split into several factions at the end of 1971. Kyōrōtō continued through the
1970s and 1980s, forming alliances with Kyōsandō Senkiha and Dai Yon Intā, participating in the late 1970s Sanrizuka protests, and particularly in the Narita Airport
Control Tower attack in 1978. The collection contains a selection of issues from 1968
through 1992. The numbering of issues is somewhat confusing, as the early issues
have fairly high numbers, indicating that the newspaper was carrying on from an
earlier publication belonging to its predecessor organization. The numbering later
shifts to a lower “kaidai” series. There is a gap in the collection holdings from 1969 to
1980, and the new series from #152 to #355 carries the subtitle Saikan Junbiban and
was published by Kyōsanshugisha Rōdōshatō Zenkoku Kyōgikai. From #379 to #389,
the subtitle changes again to Kyōsanshugi Rōdōshatō Zenkoku Kyōgikai Kikanshi
and the publisher to Kōjinsha.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 537
東海原発裁判ニュース. 茨城: 東海二号原発行政訴訟原告団.
item_ID: 50762
Tōkai Genpatsu Saiban Nyūsu.
Ibaraki: Tōkai Nigō Genpatsu Gyōsei Soshō Genkokudan.
The collection has two 1977 issues of this newsletter from a support group for people
who had been arrested for protesting the Tōkai nuclear reactor.
東京: 党旗社.
item_ID: 50441
Tōki (Gokuchūban).
Tōkyō: Tōkisha.
Tōki is the organization newspaper of Marukusushugi Seinen Dōmei (Maruseidō),
an organization formed in 1974 by former members of Rēnin Kenkyūkai and ML
Dōmei, who had a unique style of appearing at demonstrations in battle dress. This
version of the newsletter was aimed at prisoners, whom they were trying to organize.
A related serial, Tōki (shūkanban) is in collection (Serial ID #861).
東京: マル青同政治連盟.
item_ID: 50861
Tōki (Shūkanban).
Tōkyō: Maruseidō Seiji Renmei.
Tōki is the organization newspaper of Marukusushugi Seinen Dōmei, an organization formed in 1974 by former members of Rēnin Kenkyūkai and ML Dōmei, who had
a unique style of appearing at demonstrations in battle dress. A related serial Tōki
(gokuchūban) is in collection (Serial ID #441). For issue #30, the publisher changes
to Tōkisha.
東京外語会会報. 東京: 東京外語会.
item_ID: 50110
Tōkyō Gaigokai Kaihō.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Gaigokai.
The collection holds two issues from 1990 of this newsletter from Tokyo University
of Foreign Languages.
東京新聞. 東京: 東京新聞社.
item_ID: 50329
Tōkyō Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Shinbunsha.
This is a commercially published newspaper. Certain issues are in the collection
because of special articles they contained. There are three issues from 1947, from
the Aihara Fumio subcollection. From the 1968 6/6 issue the publisher changes to
Chūnichi Shinbun Tokyo Honsha.
538 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
東京大学新聞. 東京: 東京大学新聞社.
item_ID: 51826
SerialID: 1826
Tōkyō Daigaku Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shinbunsha.
This is a June, 1968 issue of the regular Tokyo University student newspaper from
the Gomi sub-collection. It contains information about the Rokugatsu Kōdō, or June
Action, which he helped organize.
東京タイムズ. 東京: 東京タイムズ社.
item_ID: 50330
Tōkyō Taimuzu.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Taimuzusha.
The collection has a June 1968 issue of this commercially published newspaper in
which the lead story is the assassination of Robert Kennedy.
東京党報. 東京: 日本共産党東京都委員会.
item_ID: 52009
SerialID: 2009
Tōkyō Tōhō.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō Tōkyō-to Iinkai.
This is a 1957 issue of a newsletter of the JCP Tokyo-to committee.
東京民報. 東京: 民報社.
item_ID: 50842
Tōkyō Minpō.
Tōkyō: Minpōsha.
The collection has two issues of Tokyo Minpō from September 1947.
東京唯研ニュース. 東京: 東京唯物論研究会.
item_ID: 50276
Tōkyō Yuiken Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Yuibutsuron Kenkyūkai.
This is a newsletter put out by the Tokyo Materialism Research Group. The collection has seven issues from 1962 to 1966. It was in a folder of materials on post 1960
Ampo activity.
遠くまで行くんだ. 東京:「遠くまで行くんだ」編集委員会.
Tōku Made Ikun Da.
Tōkyō: Tōku made Ikunda Henshū Iinkai.
Onoda Jōji’s personal journal. The collection has one issue.
item_ID: 50342
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 539
党建設者, 京浜レーニン研究会政治機関誌. 京都: 新思想社.
item_ID: 51782
SerialID: 1782
Tō Kensetsusha, Keihin Rēnin Kenkyūkai Seiji Kikanshi.
Kyōto: Shin Shisōsha.
The collection has one 1972 issue of this publication from the Lenin Kenkyūkai. See
also Serial Issue #1781.
闘魂, 日本共産青年同盟全国全逓班協議会機関誌. 東京: 新時代社.
item_ID: 50490
Tōkon, Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Zenkoku Zentei Han Kyōgikai Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha.
This is another publication from the youth organization of Dai Yon Inta. The collection has issues 3 and 4 from 1979.
東職ニュース, 守衛版. 東京: 東京大学職員組合.
item_ID: 51859
SerialID: 1859
Tōshoku Nyūsu, Shuei-ban.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shokuin Kumiai.
The collection has one 1959 issue of this newsletter of the Tokyo University employees union.
闘争. 東京: 共産主義者同盟赤軍派再建準備委員会.
item_ID: 50298
Tōkyō: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Saiken Junbi Iinkai.
This was published as part of the effort to re-establish Sekigunha after Rengō Sekigun. The collection has issues #1 and #2, which are the only ones published. This
reflects one of the three different directions being debated during that period. See
also Serial ID#296 and #301.
斗争指令. 光文社労働組合拡大斗争委員会.
item_ID: 50263
Tōsō Shirei.
Kōbunsha Rōdō Kumiai Kakudai Tōsō Iinkai.
This is a newsletter from a labor struggle at the Kōbunsha publishing company. The
collection has two issues form 1969.
斗争新聞. 光文社労働組合.
Tōsō Shinbun.
Kōbunsha Rōdō Kumiai.
item_ID: 50266
540 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
This is a newsletter put out during a labor dispute at Kōbunsha publishing company
in 1970. It was jointly produced by “Kōbunsha Rōdō Kumiai” and “Kōbunsha Kisha Rōdō Kumiai,” and later joined by “Kōbunsha Rinrōkyō.”The collection has five
斗争通信. 那覇: 県職労民保支部ゆうな学園分会.
item_ID: 50689
Tōsō Tsūshin.
Naha: Kenshokurō Minpo Shibu Yūna Gakuen Bunkai.
This is the newsletter from a section of the Okinawa prefectural workers union that
was involved in a dispute at Yūna Gakuen. The collection has four issues from 1977.
See also Serial ID#1660.
闘争ニュース. 東京: 東大一・二0斗争委員会.
item_ID: 51871
SerialID: 1871
Tōsō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Tōdai 1/20 Tōsō Iinkai.
This is one of three serials in the collection with the same title, Tōsō Nyūsu. This one
was hand-produced at Tokyo University as part of a national student protest against
the Self-Defense Agency’s plan to displace villagers on Niijima to develop a missile
base there. The dispute first arose in 1957, but later sparked broad student opposition, culminating in protests in early 1961. The 10 issues in the collection are crossreferenced from the Tokyo University handbill collection, and are hand-produced
斗争ニュース. 四ー五月斗争委員会.
item_ID: 51872
SerialID: 1872
Tōsō Nyūsu.
4- 5 gatsu Tōsō Iinkai.
This newsletter is one of three with the same title, Tōsō Nyūsu, in the collection.
This one was published at Tokyo University in 1961, as part of a protest against
the American naval blockade of Cuba, part of the escalation of activity designed to
remove Russian missiles that had been placed there. The students were sympathetic
to the Cuban revolution and opposed the American actions, which they viewed as
anti-revolutionary and imperialistic. The collection contains issues #4, 6, and 8. The
publisher of issue #4 is 4-5 gatsu Tōsō Iinkai. The other two issues also include as
publishers Tōkyō Daigaku Kyōiku Gakubu Jichikai and Tōkyō Daigaku Bungakubu
Gakuyūkai. These items are cross-referenced from the Tokyo University handbill
collection, and are hand-produced (gariban).
闘争ニュース. 東京: 中央大学夜間部自治会.
Tōsō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Chūō Daigaku Yakanbu Jichikai.
item_ID: 50520
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 541
This is one of three serials in the collection with the same title, Tōsō Nyūsu. This one
was published at Chūō University’s night division in December, 1968. At that time
the Physics and Engineering faculty of the university was on strike, and this serial
was urging the night students to expand it into an all-university strike.
斗争ニュース ひとつの旗. 暁印刷労.
item_ID: 50622
Tōsō Nyūsu Hitotsu no Hata.
Akatsuki Insatsu Rō.
The collection has two issues from 1977 of a newsletter put out by the labor union of
Akatsuki Printing, which was involved in a labor dispute.
闘争の現状報告. 東京: 全国金属ペトリカメラ支部.
item_ID: 51621
SerialID: 1621
Tōsō no Genjō Hōkoku.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Kinzoku Petori Kamera Shibu.
This is a newsletter put out by the metal workers union at Petri Camera company,
where the workers were operating the factory during bankruptcy proceedings and
eventually won the assets. The collection has three issue of this newsletter from
1979, but the collection contains other materials from this labor conflict.
東大裁判闘争ニュース改題号. 東京: 拡大ニュース編集委員会.
item_ID: 51822
SerialID: 1822
Tōdai Saiban Tōsō Nyūsu Kaidaigō.
Tōkyō: Kakudai Nyūsu Henshū Iinkai.
This is a newsletter put out in support of students who were arrested in the Tokyo
University struggle. The issue in the collection dates from 1971, two years after the
original event. The “kaidaigō” of the title indicates that the newsletter was being reissued under a new name. The name of the publishing group, “Kakudai Nyūsu” also
implies that the scope of the newsletter had expanded.
東大闘争. 東京: 東大闘争証人の会.
item_ID: 50628
Tōdai Tōsō.
Tōkyō: Tōdai Tōsō Shōnin no Kai.
The collection has the inaugural issue of this magazine about the Tōdai Tōsō put out
by an organization of witnesses to the struggle, which is a special issue about the
Yomiuri incident published in February 1969.
東大闘争救対ニュース. 東京: 東大全学共闘会議救援対策本部.
Tōdai Tōsō Kyūtai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Tōdai Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Kyūen Taisaku Honbu.
item_ID: 50247
542 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
This is the newsletter of a group providing trial support to persons who were arrested in the Tokyo University conflict on January 1969. The collection has five issues from 1969.
東大斗争 獄中書簡集. 東京:「獄中書簡」発刊委員会.
item_ID: 50387
Tōdai Tōsō Gokuchū Shokanshū.
Tōkyō: Gokuchū Shokan Hakkan Iinkai.
The collection has six issues from May and June 1969 that contain writings of persons imprisoned for the Tokyo University conflict.
東風新聞. 東京: 東風新聞社.
item_ID: 51832
SerialID: 1832
Tōfū Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Tōfū Shinbunsha.
A newspaper put out by a group taking a pro-China position. The issue in the Gomi
sub-collection dates from June, 1968, and thus may be preserved because of its coverage of Rokugatsu Kōdō, the June Action that Gomi helped organize.
東弁新聞. 東京: 東京弁護士会.
item_ID: 52066
SerialID: 2066
Tōben Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Bengoshikai.
There is one 1982 issue of this Tokyo lawyers newspaper in the collection.
東方, Eastern Book Review. 東京: 東方書店.
item_ID: 50455
Tōhō, Eastern Book Review.
Tōkyō: Tōhō Shoten.
This is a book review magazine put out by Tōhō Shoten, a publisher specializing in
Asian books. The collection ahs one issue from 1983.
東峰公判ニュース. 東京:「島田くんを支援する会」.
item_ID: 50841
Tōhō Kōhan Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Shimada-kun o Shien suru Kai.
This newsletter is from a support group for someone named Shimada who was on
trial for acts related to the Sanrizuka struggle. The collection has five issues from
1979 and 1980 with issue numbers suggesting that the trial had been going on for
some time.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 543
東北精神医療. 宮城: 東北精神医療編集委員会.
item_ID: 50786
Tōhoku Seishin Iryō.
Miyagi: Tōhoku Seishin Iryō Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has one issue from 1982 of this publication on psychiatry in Tōhoku.
東北大学新聞. 仙台: 東北大学新聞社.
item_ID: 50237
Tōhoku Daigaku Shinbun.
Sendai: Tōhoku Daigaku Shinbunsha.
This is the student newspaper of Tohoku University in Sendai. The collection has
seven issues, six from 1970 and one from 1971.
東洋大学新聞. 東京: 東洋大学新聞学会.
item_ID: 52061
SerialID: 2061
Tōyō Daigaku Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Tōyō Daigaku Shinbun Gakkai.
The collection has one 1971 issue of the Tōyō University newspaper.
討論ブレチン. 東京: 新時代社.
item_ID: 50515
Tōron Burechin.
Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha.
The collection has one issue of this from 1970, a special issue on military problems.
Shin Jidaisha is the publisher for Dai Yon Inta.
東亜日報ニュース. 東京: アジア政治犯情報センター.
item_ID: 50579
Tōa Nippō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Ajia Seijihan Jōhō Sentā.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from the Asian Political Prisoners
Information Center, both from 1975.
東亜日報労働者に支援と連帯を!, 日韓労働者連帯ー討論資料集. 東京: 全日本労働組合活動家会議.
item_ID: 50575
Tōa Nippō Rōdōsha ni Shien to Rentai o!, Nikkan Rōdōsha Rentai-Tōron Shiryōshū.
Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Rōdō Kumiai Katsudōka Kaigi.
The collection has only one issue of this magazine, #2, from 975.
544 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
都学連通達. 都学連書µ局.
item_ID: 52014
SerialID: 2014
To-Gakuren Tsūtatsu.
Togakuren Shokikyoku.
This is a 1961 issue of this newsletter.
毒ガス禁止. 東京: 毒ガス禁止運動.
item_ID: 51791
SerialID: 1791
Dokugasu Kinshi.
Tōkyō: Dokugasu Kinshi Undō.
The chemicals used in the tear gas canisters fired by the Japanese riot police contained many toxic chemicals, including dioxin. This group was concerned with outlawing such poison gas, not only as used in Vietnam, but against anti-war demonstrators in Japan. People from Kyūen Renraku Center were also involved in this
movement, because they were aware of the short and long-term damage caused by
the use of these gases against demonstrators. The caused respiratory and skin ailments, some of which became chronic conditions.
読書の友. 東京: 日本共産党中央委員会.
item_ID: 51939
SerialID: 1939
Dokusho no Tomo.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai.
The collection has three issues of this newspaper published by the Japan Communist
Party in 1968 and 1969, with relevant articles.
徳田球一研究会会報. 茨城: 徳田球一研究会.
item_ID: 51629
SerialID: 1629
Tokuda Kyūichi Kenkyūkai Kaihō.
Ibaragi: Tokuda Kyūichi Kenkyūkai.
This is the organizational newsletter of the Tokuda Kyūichi Kenkyūkai, whose members include Arasato Kinpuku. Tokuda Kyūichi is the former Secretary-general of
the Japan Communist Party who is famous as one of the very few people who were
imprisoned throughout the war under the Peace Preservation Law and never made
a tenkō. He was born in Okinawa.
土砦. 秋田: 阿仁川ダム建設反対期成同盟会事務局.
item_ID: 50546
Akita: Anigawa Damu Kensetsu Hantai Kisei Dōmei Dai Jimukyoku.
The collection has one issue from 1978 of this newsletter from a group in Akita protesting construction of the Anigawa Dam.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 545
図書. 東京: 岩波書店.
item_ID: 50089
Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
Tosho (Books) is a magazine published by the Iwanami Shoten publishing company
that contains reviews and announcements of new books. The collection contains 301
issues, a nearly complete collection covering the years 1964 through 1992.
都職労週報. 東京: 東京都区職員労働組合.
item_ID: 50287
Toshokurō Shūhō.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō-to-ku Shokuin Rōdō Kumiai.
This is the newsletter of a labor union of Tokyo city workers. The collection has one
issue from 1981.
図書新聞. 東京: 図書新聞.
item_ID: 50079
Tosho Shinbun, The Book Review Press.
Tōkyō: Tosho Shinbun.
This is a regular newspaper covering new book publications that is still published
in Japan. The collection contains six issues from 1982-1983 that included reviews of
publications on the New Left.
土着文明. 姫路: 土着文明研究会.
item_ID: 50877
Dochaku Bunmei.
Himeji: Dochaku Bunmei Kenkyūkai.
The collection has one 1971 issue of this publication on indigenous culture.
吶喊. 東京: 全国反帝戦線連合.
item_ID: 50326
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Hantei Sensen Rengō.
This is a 1975 publication and the collection has only the one issue, which is #4.
怒涛. 東京: 怒涛社.
item_ID: 50006
Tōkyō: Dotōsha.
Dotō is a newspaper published by Dotōsha, which is the nickname of a faction of the
Marusen-ha faction of Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei). The group’s official name is
546 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Rōdōsha Kyōsanshugi Iinkai. Their office was located behind Bungeiza in Ikebukuro.
The collection holds a nearly complete series of 151 issues from 1968 through 1977.
都のお知らせ. 東京: 東京都広報室.
item_ID: 51655
SerialID: 1655
To no Oshirase.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō-to Kōhōshitsu.
The collection has one 1975 issue of this newsletter fromTokyo-tō.
富村公判ニュース. 東京: 富村公判対策委員会.
item_ID: 52042
SerialID: 2042
Tomimura Kōhan Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Tomimura Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai.
Support group for Tomimura Junichi. Tomimura was arrested for taking hostagse in
the Tokyo Tower lookout and demanding liberation of Okinawa. Furuya Yoshiko was
involved in his support group and the collection has a range of materials concerning
his case, including trial records, letters, and materials from his support group.
Tomimura-san Gokuchū Shokanshū.
item_ID: 52075
SerialID: 2075
The collection has two copies of this publication from 1971, which was distributing
copies of Tomimura’s letters from prison.
富村さん支援する会ニュース. 大阪: 富村さん支援する会.
item_ID: 52054
SerialID: 2054
Tomimura-san Shien suru Kai Nyūsu.
Ōsaka: Tomimura-san Shien suru Kai.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter from the Osaka support group for
富村さん支援運動ニュース. 東京: 東京富村さん支援委員会事務局.
item_ID: 52053
SerialID: 2053
Tomimura-san Shien Undō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Tomimura-san Shien Iinkai Jimukyoku.
This is the 1971 inaugural issue of the support group for Tomimura’s trial.
ともに. 東京: 韓国民主化支援世界大会委員会(ASKOD)編集部.
Tomo ni.
Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshuka Shien Sekai Taikai Iinkai (ASKOD) Henshūbu.
item_ID: 50201
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 547
This small journal was published by a support group advocating the democratization
of South Korea. The collection contains two issues, #1, which was stapled, and #6,
which was bound.
ともに生きん. 日韓民衆の連帯をつくる行動連絡会.
item_ID: 50798
Tomo ni Ikin.
Nikkan Minshū no Rentai o Tsukuru Kōdō Renrakukai.
The collection has one issue from 1982 of this newsletter concerned with democracy
in Japan and Korea.
東京: 新樹書房.
item_ID: 50167
Dorakyura (Dracula).
Tōkyō: Shinki Shobō.
Journal by the underground movement (“Angura”). The collection contains only one
issue, the first. There is an article in it by Adachi Masao, experimental film director
and new left activist who was associated with Nihon Sekigun.
トラジの海. 東京: 全国自主上映を推進成功させる会.
item_ID: 50635
Toraji no Umi.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Jishu Jōei o Suishin Seikōsaseru Kai.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from December 1976.
都立大学新聞, The Journal of the Metropolitan Univ. 東京: 東京都立大学新聞会.
item_ID: 50251
Toritsu Daigaku Shinbun, The Journal of the Metropolitan Univ.
Tōkyō: Tōkyō Toritsu Daigaku Shinbunkai.
This is the student newspaper of Tokyo Metropolitan University, and the collection
has one issue from 1971.
砦, 日本共産青年同盟関東自治体班協議会機関誌. 東京: 日本共産青年同盟関東自治体班協議会.
item_ID: 50486
Toride, Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Kantō Jichitai Han Kyōgikai Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Kantō Jichitai Han Kyōgikai.
The collection has three issues of this magazine, including the first issue from 1975
and two more from 1976 and 1979.
砦の上にわれらの世界を, 70年安保闘争と革命的左翼の任務:激動
の70年代日本階級闘争から日本革命の展望まで. 同志社大学マルクス主義研究会.
item_ID: 50255
548 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Toride no Ue ni Warera no Sekai o, 70 nen Anpo Tōsō to Kakumeiteki Sayoku no Ninmu:
Gekidō no 70 nendai Nihon Kaikyū Tōsō kara Nihon Kakumei no Tenbō made.
Dōshisha Daigaku Marukusu Shugi Kenkyūkai.
This is the newsletter of a Marxist study group at Dōshisha University involved in
the anti-Ampo movement. The collection has 12 issues, all from 1969.
どりゅう. 東京: 土龍会.
item_ID: 50793
Tōkyō: Doryūkai.
The collection has two issues from 1978 of this publication.
とろ火, 語 学 共 斗. 東京: 語学共斗.
item_ID: 51785
SerialID: 1785
Torobi, Gogaku Kyōtō.
Tōkyō: Gogaku Kyōtō.
This magazine was published by Chinese language students at the Tokyo-Kanda
Gogaku Senmon Gakkō.
長崎べ平連通信. 長崎: ベトナムに平和を!長崎市民連合.
item_ID: 50729
Nagasaki Beheiren Tsūshin.
Nagasaki: Betonamu ni Heiwa o! Nagasaki Shimin Rengō.
The collection has one issue of the Nagasaki Beheiren newsletter from 1971.
中村君、金本さん 公判ニュース. 中村金本救対.
item_ID: 50615
Nakamura-kun, Kanemoto-san Kōhan Nyūsu.
Nakamura Kanemoto Kyūtai.
The collection has only one issue of this newsletter from the trial support group for
two people who were on trial in 1982.
名古屋べ平連ニュース. 名古屋: 名古屋べ平連.
item_ID: 51661
SerialID: 1661
Nagoya Beheiren Nyūsu.
Nagoya: Nagoya Beheiren.
The collection has one 1970 issue of this newsletter from Nagoya Beheiren.
那須文学. 栃木: 那須文学社.
item_ID: 52065
SerialID: 2065
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 549
Nasu Bungaku.
Tochigi: Nasu Bungakusha.
Takano Etsuko of Ritsumeikan University who committed suicide during the Zenkyoto movement, was from Nasu. Hatachi no Genten was originally published in
Nasu Bungaku. Takazawa collected a number of accounts of people who died young
during the student movement, and this is part of that set of materials, most of which
are catalogued as books.
長いあお. 東京: 同人・長いあお.
item_ID: 51719
SerialID: 1719
Nagai Ao.
Tōkyō: Dōjin — Nagai Ao.
The collection has three issues of this publication personally produced by Nagai Ao.
Two issues are from 1967 and one from 1969.
那覇 連帯する会ニュース. 那覇: 三里塚闘争と戸村一作氏に連帯する会( 那 覇 地 区 ).
item_ID: 50667
Naha Rentai suru Kai Nyūsu.
Naha: Sanrizuka Tōsō to Tomura Issaku-shi ni Rentai suru Kai (Naha Chiku).
This newsletter if from a group in Naha, Okinawa working to support Tomura Issaku, the leader of the Sanrizuka farmers opposition group. The collection has the
first three issues from 1974.
波. 東京: 新潮社.
item_ID: 50161
Tōkyō: Shinchōsha.
Nami is a poetry magazine published by Shinchōsha. The collection contains one issue from 1993, presumably because of its particular content.
なんじゃかんじゃ通信. 埼玉: 富士見産婦人科病院被害者同盟.
item_ID: 50696
Nanja Kanja Tsūshin.
Saitama: Fujimi Sanfujinka Byōin Higaisha Dōmei.
This is a support group newsletter put out by the victims of the Fujimi Gynecological Hospital Incident. Based on an incorrect diagnosis, a doctor at this hospital unnecessarily removed the uterus and ovaries from 63 patients. The victims sued the
hospital. The collection contains one issue of their newsletter.
なんだいべ, 南大阪ベ平連通信. 大阪: 南大阪ベ平連.
item_ID: 50824
550 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Nandaibe, Minami Osaka Beheiren Tsūshin.
Ōsaka: Minami Ōsaka Beheiren.
The collection has ten issues of this newsletter from the South Osaka Beheiren chapter, all from 1969 except one from 1970.
ナンバーワン(No.1),決定的な人間ニューズ誌. 東京: ナンバーワン出版.
item_ID: 50450
Nanbā Wan (No. 1), Ketteiteki na Ningen Nyūzushi.
Tōkyō: Nanbā Wan Shuppan.
This is a commercially published monthly magazine and the collection has five issues from 1982.
南北対話. 韓国弘報協会.
item_ID: 50454
Nanboku Taiwa.
Kankoku Kōhō Kyōkai.
This is an organizational publication promoting communication between North and
South Korea. The collection has one issue, #9, from 1975.
にしたまふじんぶ, 西多摩教職員組合婦人部機関誌. 青梅: 西多摩教職員組合婦人部.
item_ID: 52073
SerialID: 2073
Nishitama Fujinbu, Nishitama Kyōshokuin Kumiai Fujinbu Kikanshi.
Oume: Nishitama Kyōshokuin Kumiai Fujinbu.
This is a 1974 issue of the publication of the women’s section of the Nishitama teachers union.
日麻寮生を守る会ニュース. 神戸・姫路・大阪: 日本製麻の寮生を守る会.
item_ID: 51808
SerialID: 1808
Nichia Ryōsei o Mamoru Kai Nyūsu.
Kōbe, Himeji, Ōsaka: Nihonsei Asa no Ryōsei o Mamoru Kai.
The collection has one 1968 issue of this newsletter from a group promoting Japanese hemp.
日タイ青年友好運動ニュース. 東京: 日タイ青年友好運動.
item_ID: 50461
Nichi-Tai Seinen Yūkō Undō Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Nichi-Tai Seinen Yūkō Undō.
A magazine put out by a Japanese-Thai Friendship organization. The collection has
two issues from 1976.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 551
日大斗争, 日本大学全学共闘会議・文理学部闘争委員会理論機関誌. 日本大学全学共闘会議 文理学部闘争委員会.
item_ID: 50630
Nichidai Tōsō, Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi, Bunri Gakubu Tōsō Iinkai Riron Kikanshi.
Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Bunri Gakubu Tōsō Iinkai.
The collection has one isssue of this publication, the inaugural one from April 1, 1969.
日大闘争救援ニュース. 東京: 日大闘争救援会.
item_ID: 50259
Nichidai Tōsō Kyūen Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Nichidai Tōsō Kyūenkai.
This is the main newsletter of the Nihon University conflict trial support group. The
collection holds 14 issues from 1969-1971. See also Serial ID#258.
日・タイ労働者人民の連帯を求めて, タイ人民連帯キャンペーン資料集. 東京: タイ人民連帯10月キャンペーン実行委員会(東京).
item_ID: 51844
SerialID: 1844
Nichi-Tai Rōdōsha Jinmin no Rentai o Motomete, Tai Jinmin Rentai Kyanpēn Shiryōshū.
Tōkyō: Tai Jinmin Rentai 10 gatsu Kyanpēn Jikkō Iinkai (Tōkyō).
The collection contains the first three issues of this newsletter from an organization
promoting solidarity between the Japanese and Tai workers. This particular newsletter was issued by the Jikkō iinkai planning a particular campaign for October
1978. There are two issues from late 1977 and one from 1978.
日没国通信. 東京: 新宿書房.
item_ID: 51712
SerialID: 1712
Nichibotsukoku Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Shinjuku Shobō.
The collection has one 1983 issue of this newsletter.
日刊三里塚. 千葉: 全学連三里塚現地闘争本部.
item_ID: 50714
Nikkan Sanrizuka.
Chiba: Zengakuren Sanrizuka Genchi Tōsō Honbu.
The collection has six issues of this newsletter published weekly by the Chūkakuha
group involved in the Sanrizuka struggle. The publisher “Zengakuren” is actually
the Chūkaku Zengakuren. The issues are from 1977 and 1979.
日韓調査. 東京: 市民の手で日韓ゆ着をただす調査運動.
Nikkan Chōsa.
Tōkyō: Shimin no Te de Nikkan Yuchaku o Tadasu Chōsa Undō.
item_ID: 50463
552 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
The collection has three issues of this publication, which reports research on JapanS. Korea relations. The issues are from 1975. 1979. and 1981.
日韓調査 回らん板. 東京: 市民の手で日韓ゆ着をただす調査運動.
item_ID: 50699
Nikkan Chōsa Kairanban.
Tōkyō: Shimin no Te de Nikkan Yuchaku o Tadasu Chōsa Undō.
The collection has the first three issues of this Japan-Korea Research Circular, from
1979 and 1980.
日韓ニュース. 東京: 日韓民衆連帯首都圏連絡会議.
item_ID: 50771
Nikkan Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Nikkan Minshū Rentai Shutoken Renraku Kaigi.
The collection has two issues from 1983 of this group promoting Japan-Korea
日刊ハンパク. ハンパクしんぶんしゃ.
item_ID: 50226
Nikkan Hanpaku.
Hanpaku Shinbunsha.
Paper published by a group opposing the 1970 world expo held in Osaka (“hanbanpaku” group). The group held a “han-paku” in opposition to the “banpaku” at
the”Osaka Castle park. In 1969 a U.S. military F-4 Phantom jet crashed into the
Kyushu University campus, and this group along with member of the Kyushu University Zenkyōtō managed to steal the engine of the plane. The group displayed the
stolen engine at the Osaka Castle park “han-panku.”
日韓連帯. 東京: 日韓連帯委員会.
item_ID: 50769
Nikkan Rentai.
Tōkyō: Nikkan Rentai Iinkai.
The collection has seven issues of this magazine, which promotes solidarity between
Japan and Korea. The issues are sequential from the inaugural issue in 1977 to
1978, but #7 is missing.
日韓連帯ニュース. 東京: 日本の対韓政策を正し韓国民主化闘争に連帯する日本連絡会議.
item_ID: 50081
Nikkan Rentai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Nihon no Taikan Seisaku o Tadashi Kankoku Minshuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Nihon
Renraku Kaigi.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 553
This newsletter was produced by a group promoting good relations between Japan
and South Korea. The collection contains 42 issues dating from 1974, when the newsletter began publishing, through 1978.
大阪: 日本経済新聞大阪本社.
item_ID: 51837
SerialID: 1837
Nihon Keizai Shinbun (Ōsaka).
Ōsaka: Nihon Keizai Shinbun Ōsaka Honsha.
The colleciton has two issues of the Osaka editiion of this major economic newspaper
because of particular content they carried. The issues are from November 1963 and
November 1970.
日本大学新聞. 東京: 日本大学新聞社.
item_ID: 50412
Nihon Daigaku Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Nihon Daigaku Shinbunsha.
The collection has one issue of the official student newspaper of Nihon University,
from 1973.
日本読書新聞. 東京: 日本出版協会.
item_ID: 50379
Nihon Dokusho Shinbun.
Tōkyō: Nihon Shuppan Kyōkai.
This is a commercially published newspaper of book reviews. The collection has 9
individual issues from 1969 on, plus a 1961 shukusatsuban catalogued with books
as (#6173).
日本読書新聞 縮刷版. 東京: 日本出版協会.
item_ID: 50327
Nihon Dokusho Shinbun Shukusatsuban.
Tōkyō: Nihon Shuppan Kyōkai.
This is a reduced format collected edition of Nihon Dokusho Shinbun which is also
listed in the reference section as a book.
日本と中国. 東京: 日本中国友好協会(正統)永福支部.
item_ID: 50369
Nihon to Chūgoku.
Tōkyō: Nihon Chūgoku Yūkō Kyōkai (Seitō) Eifuku Shibu.
The collection has one 1970 issue of a newsletter put out by a Japan-China Friendship organization.
554 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
大阪: 日本中国友好協会(正統)大阪府本部.
item_ID: 50611
Nihon to Chūgoku (Ōsaka ban).
Ōsaka: Nihon Chūgoku Yūkō Kyōkai (Seitō) Ōsaka-fu Honbu.
The collection has one issue from 1969 of this newspaper from the Japan-China
Friendship group in Osaka.
日本の医療を告発するすべての人々のつどい. 東京:「日本の医療を告発するすべての人々のつどい」事務局.
item_ID: 50779
Nihon no Iryō o Kokuhatsu suru Subete no Hitobito no Tsudoi.
Tōkyō: Nihon no Iryō o Kokuhatsu suru Subete no Hitobito no Tsudoi Jimukyoku.
The collection has two issues from 1972 of this newsletter from a group aiming to
prosecute cases of medical malpractice.
日本のこえ. 東京: 日本のこえ同志会.
item_ID: 50663
Nihon no Koe.
Tōkyō: Nihon no Koe Dōshi Kai.
Nihon no Koe is the organizational newspaper published by Nihon no Koe Dōshikai,
the organization founded by Shiga Yoshio and Suzuki Ichizō when they were thrown
out of the Japan Communist Party in 1964. Both men were Diet members, and had
taken positions not acceptable to the JCP leadership. When Nakano Shigeharu and
Kamiyama Shigeo subsequently protested the Party’s action, they too were thrown
out and joined Nihon no Koe. The collection contains the first four issues from 1964,
and four more issues from 1968. The publisher changes to Nihon no Koe for the 1968
日本の底流. 緒方啓郎.
item_ID: 51705
SerialID: 1705
Nihon no Teiryū.
Ogata Yoshio.
Ogata Yoshio is listed as publisher, but Sanrizuka Tōsō to Tomura Issaku-shi ni
Rentai suru Kai (Naha Chiku) is listed as publication source (hakkō moto).
日本唯研の前進のために. 日本唯物論研究会.
item_ID: 51699
SerialID: 1699
Nihon Yuiken no Zenshin no Tame ni.
Nihon Yuibutsuron Kenkyū Kai.
The collection has one 1962 issue of this publication on materialism.
日本を考える. 平壌:「日本を考える」編集委員会.
item_ID: 50049
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 555
Nihon o Kangaeru.
Pyongyang: Nihon o Kangaeru Henshū Iinkai.
Organizational publication of the Yodogō group in North Korea. The journal was
written by Yodogō members in North Korea but published by supporters in Japan
for a Japanese audience. The collection holds 28 issues published between 1981
and 1990.
入管闘争通信. 東京: 入管闘争通信編集委員会.
item_ID: 50879
Nyūkan Tōsō Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Nyūkan Tōsō Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has one 1971 issue of this newsletter.
ニュース速報. 沖縄: 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合.
item_ID: 50540
Nyūsu Sokuhō.
Okinawa: Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai.
The collection has seven issues of this news letter from the Okinawa Hilton labor
union from 1977-1979.
人間劇場. 東京: 一 粒会.
item_ID: 51777
SerialID: 1777
Ningen Gekijō.
Tōkyō: Hitotsubu Kai.
This is another magazine published by a group working in Sanya, the day laborer’s
area of Tokyo. It is similar to Ningen Hiroba (Serial ID #1744) in being oriented to
culture and arts rather than the later union organizing undertaken by New Left
groups there.
人間座, テアトル・ユマニテ特集号. 東京: 劇団人間座.
item_ID: 52020
SerialID: 2020
Ningenza, Teatoru Yumanite Tokushūgō.
Tōkyō: Gekidan Ningenza.
The collection has two issues of this theater company newspaper from 1968 and 1970.
人間として. 東京: 筑摩書房.
item_ID: 51682
SerialID: 1682
Ningen to shite.
Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō.
The collection has a 1971 issue of this commercial magazine because it has a feature
on Takahashi Kazumi.
556 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
人間広場. 東京: 武内義徳.
item_ID: 51744
SerialID: 1744
Ningen Hiroba.
Tōkyō: Takeuchi Yoshinori.
This magazine was put out by people working in Sanya, the day laborers’ community
in Tokyo. It came out fairly early, before there was much union organizing in Sanya,
and was primarily oriented to literary and cultural activity.
ネオ・ナ. 東京: ナショナリズム同盟.
item_ID: 50718
Neo Na.
Tōkyō: Nashonarizumu Dōmei.
The collection has just one issue of this Neo-Nationalist newsletter, from December 1968.
ネオ・フォルク, NEO-VOLK. 東京: ネオ・フォルク社.
item_ID: 50792
Neo Foruku, Neo-Volk.
Tōkyō: Neo Forukusha.
The collection has one issue from 1975 of this newsletter.
ネオリブ, 中ピ連ニュース. 東京: 中絶禁止法に反対しピル解禁を要求する女性解放連合.
item_ID: 50115
Neoribu, Chūpiren Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Chūzetsu Kinshihō ni Hantaishi Piru Kaikin o Yōkyūsuru Josei Kaihō Rengō.
Chūpiren was headed by Enoki Misako. Chūpiren was a women’s liberation group
headed by Enoki Misako. This is their regular newsletter publication. The collection
has two issues from 1972 and 1973.
烽火, 共産主義者同盟関西政治理論誌. 大阪: 関西戦旗社.
item_ID: 50426
Noroshi, Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kansai Seiji Rironshi.
Ōsaka: Kansai Senkisha.
There are several serials with the name Noroshi. This one is a magazine produced by
the Osaka regional branch of the Senki faction of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. The issue
in the collection (item #6183) is from May, 1968. In addition to this Noroshi, there
are an organizational newsletter (Serial ID #728), an organizational newspaper (Serial ID #1856) and an organizational magazine (Serial ID #1904) with the same title
in holdings. Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kansai Chihō Iinkai is also listed as a publisher.
狼火. 東京: 三菱重工業反戦株主会.
item_ID: 50728
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 557
Tōkyō: Mitsubishi Jūkōgyō Hansen Kabunushi Kai.
There are several different serials with the name Noroshi. This one is a newsletter
put out by the Mitsubishi Jūkōgyō Hansen Kabunushi Kai, or anti-war stockholders group, in the 1970s. This suggests that it was produced as part of the one-share
stockholders movement as a way of protesting the involvement of Mitsubishi Jūkō
in military production. The newsletter was produced some years prior to the famous
Mitsubishi Jūkō bombing incident. In addition to this serial, there are an organizational newpaper (Serial ID #1856) and two organizational magazines (Serial ID #426
& #1904) with the same title in holdings.
烽火, NOROSHI. 東京: 戦旗社.
item_ID: 51856
SerialID: 1856
Tōkyō: Senkisha.
There are several different serials with the name Noroshi. This one was produced
in the 1970s by the Senki Faction of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. In addition to this serial, there are an organizational newsletter (Serial ID #728) and two organizational
magazines (Serial ID #426 & #1904) with the same title in the holdings. One of these,
(Serial ID #426) is also associated with the Senki Faction of Kyōsanshugishi Dōmei.
In addition to Senkisha, Chūō Senkisha and Ōsaka Senkisha appear as publishers of this newspaper. Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Zenkoku Iinkai) also appears as a
publisher on issues #272 and #307. The collection has two issues from 1972 and one
from 1977.
烽火, 労働者協会機関紙. 京都: 労働者協会.
item_ID: 51904
SerialID: 1904
Noroshi, Rōdōsha Kyōkai Kikanshi.
Kyōto: Rōdōsha Kyōkai.
There are several different publications with the name Noroshi. This one is an organizational magazine published by Rōdōsha Kyōkai in 1961. The publisher’s address
is the Kyōto city Gakuren organization office located on the Dōshisha University
campus. Other publications in the collection with the same name are: an organizational newsletter (Serial ID #728), an organizational magazine (Serial ID #426) and
an organizational .newspaper (Serial ID #1856).
のん. 東京: 国立ベ平連.
item_ID: 50725
Tōkyō: Kunitachi Beheiren.
This was the newsletter of the Kunitachi chapter of Beheiren and the collection has
two issues from 1968.
558 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
東京: ばすてぃゆ社.
item_ID: 50307
Tōkyō: Basutiyusha.
This is a hand-produced newsletter format publication produced by Sekigunha in
December 1969, after its first activities and the arrest of many of its members at
Daibosatsu. According to Takazawa’s bibliography of Sekigunha publications, only
this one issue is known to have been published. It was put out as part of the support
group activities following the Daibosatsu arrests of Sekigunha members.
北海道大学新聞. 札幌: 北海道大学新聞会.
item_ID: 50242
Hokkaido Daigaku Shinbun.
Sapporo: Hokkaido Daigaku Shinbunkai.
This is the student newspaper of Hokkaido University and the collection has one issue from 1970.
H・J 支援委通信. 東京: よど号ハイジャック裁判支援委員会.
item_ID: 50446
H.J Shien I Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Yodogō Haijakku Saiban Shien Iinkai.
This is a trial support group for the persons who were arrested in Japan in connection with the Yodogō hijacking to North Korea in 1970. The nine principals in
the hijacking remained out of reach in North Korea, but the Japanese police were
prosecuting a number of other people for providing assistance, as co-defendants in
the hijacking. The main person who had hijacking charges was Shiomi Takaya, who
had been arrested a couple of weeks before the hijacking on an outstanding arreest
warrant and had other charges, and was held incommunicado for 18 months after his
arrest. Several others were also involved in this trial, which was ongoing for several
years. The collection has just one issue of this newsletter, #7, from 1974. This is one
of three similar newsletters with slightly different names, covering different time
periods. See also Serial ID#447 and ID#448.
HOB通信. 大阪: 東大阪べ平連.
item_ID: 50730
HOB Tsūshin.
Ōsaka: Higashi Ōsaka Beheiren.
HOB stands for “Hobit (Hobitto),” a community space and coffee shop run by Beheiren members.
プレジデント. 東京: プレジデント社.
item_ID: 50150
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 559
President (Purejidento).
Tōkyō: Purejidentosha.
Commercial magazine. Takazawa contributed an article to this magazine.
パーランク. 東京: 国際主義労働者委員会.
item_ID: 50621
Tōkyō: Kokusaishugi Rōdōsha Iinkai (ILC).
The collection has one issue from 1972 of this publication of the International Labor
パイプライン埋設に心配する沿線住民の会ニュース. 千葉: パイプライン埋設に心配する沿線住民の会.
item_ID: 50838
Paipurain Maisetsu ni Shinpai suru Ensen Jūmin no Kai Nyūsu.
Chiba: Paipurain Maisetsu ni Shinpai suru Ensen Jūmin no Kai.
The collection has one 1980 issue of this newsletter from a residents’ group protesting construction of a pipeline along a railway line.
パヴェーダ. 東京: 中央大学全中斗法学部闘争委員会.
item_ID: 50529
Tōkyō: Chūō Daigaku Zenchūtō Hōgakubu Tōsō Iinkai.
The collection has one copy of this newsletter from the Law Faculty students at Chūō
University student strike.
はく, 大田ベ平連機関紙. 大田ベ平連.
item_ID: 51811
SerialID: 1811
Haku, Ōta Beheiren Kikanshi.
Ōta Beheiren.
This newsletter was published by the Ota-ku (Tokyo) chapter of Beheiren.
話の特集. 東京: 話の特集.
item_ID: 50130
Hanashi no Tokushū.
Tōkyō: Hanashi no Tokushū.
Hanashi no Tokushū is a commercially published magazine that frequently publishes New Left material. The collection contains three issues from 1984, 1985, and
1990 which contained articles of particular interest.
はばたき. 全金ペトリカメラ支部 青年行動隊.
item_ID: 50544
560 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Zenkin Petori Kamera Shibu Seinen Kōdōtai.
The collection has one issue from 1979 of this newsletter from the youth section of
the metal workers union at Petri camera, which at the time was in bankruptcy and
the factory was being run by the workers.
破防法研究. 東京: 破防法研究会.
item_ID: 50456
Habōhō Kenkyū.
Tōkyō: Habōhō Kenkyūkai.
This magazine was published monthly for a long time and dealt with cases prosecuted
under the Anti-Subversive Activities Law (Habōhō), under which a number of New
Left activists were prosecuted under its individual provisions and several organizations were threatened with dissolution under its organizational provisions. The collection has two issues, one from 1971 when there were active cases, including Shiomi
Takaya’s, and another from 1992, which is a special issue and says it will be the last.
腹腹時計. 東京: 東アジア反日武装戦線 KF部隊(準).
item_ID: 50040
Harahara Dokei.
Tōkyō: Higashi Ajia Hannichi Busō Sensen KF Butai (Jun).
Hara Hara Tokei (The Ticking Clock) is the name of a famous but very obscure serial that was produced by Higashi Asia Hannichi Busō Sensen. The first issue of the
original edition was a bombmaking manual that was banned and removed from circulation. The two issues in the collection are actually from an attempt to revive the
organization in the late 1970s, by a cell that called itself the “KF Butai.”
バリケード. 東京: 中央大学文学部闘争委員会書記情宣部.
item_ID: 50528
Tōkyō: Chūō Daigaku Bungakubu Tōsō Iinkai Shoki Jōsenbu.
The collection contains three hand-produced newsletters called Barricade (Barikēdo),
produced by student groups at different universities during university strikes in
1969. This one is from Chūō University. Slightly different publisher names are listed
for the two issues in the collection.
バリケード. 京都: 京都府立医大全学共闘会議情宣局.
item_ID: 51969
SerialID: 1969
Kyōto: Kyōto Furitsu Idai Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Jōsenkyoku.
The collection contains three hand-produced newsletters called Barricade (Barikēdo),
produced by student groups at different universities during university strikes in
1969. This one is from Kyoto City Medical University.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 561
バリケード, 早大全学行動戦線機関紙. 東京: 早大煽動部.
item_ID: 51819
SerialID: 1819
Barikēdo, Sōdai Zengaku Kōdō Sensen Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Sōdai Sendōbu.
The collection contains three hand-produced newsletters called Barricade (Barikēdo),
produced by student groups at different universities during university strikes in
1969. This one is from Waseda University and was produced by one of the antiKakumaru-ha groups there.
バリケードの中の発言. 東京:「バリケードのなかの発言」編集委員会.
item_ID: 51631
SerialID: 1631
Barikēdo no Naka no Hatsugen.
Tōkyō: Barikēdo no Naka no Hatsugen Henshū Iinkai.
During the Zenkyōtō period students set up free universities where lectures were offered on various topics, and several collections of these lectures have been published.
This publication in magazine format is a collection of such lectures from Chūō University. The collection holds the first issue of what was intended to be a series, but
we do not know if any further issues were published.
パルチザン. 東京: サントリー労働組合東京支部情宣局.
item_ID: 51789
SerialID: 1789
Tōkyō: Santorī Rōdō Kumiai Tōkyō Shibu Jōsenkyoku.
A newsletter put out by the labor union at the Suntory factory during a labor dispute.
パレスチナ連帯通信. 東京: 三多摩パレスチナと連帯する会.
item_ID: 50846
Paresuchina Rentai Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: San Tama Paresuchina to Rentai suru Kai.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from a group in western Tokyo supporting the Palestinian cause. The issues are from 1980 and 1982.
羽田救援ニュース. 東京: 羽田10.8救援会.
item_ID: 51804
SerialID: 1804
Haneda Kyūen Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Haneda 10/8 Kyūenkai.
One of several newsletters produced by supporters of the students who were arrested
during the 10/8/1967 First Haneda Incident. They were produced by essentially the
same group, but the title of the newsletter changed as the pool of people they were
supporting fluctuated. After the Sasebo protests in January, 1968, those arrestees
were also supported and the name changed to reflect this. This was one of the original New Left support groups for unaffiliated (non-sect) students, which later became
one of the founding groups for Kyūen Renraku Center.
562 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
羽田・佐世保救援ニュース. 東京: 羽田10.8救援会.
item_ID: 51803
SerialID: 1803
Haneda, Sasebo Kyūen Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Haneda 10/8 Kyūenkai.
This is the same group that was providing support for students arrested in the
10/8/1967 Haneda Incident. After the Sasebo protests in January, 1968, the same
group was also supporting people who were arrested at Sasebo, so the newsletter’s
name changed for a while to reflect this. This was one of the original New Left support groups for unaffiliated (non-sect) students, which later became one of the founding groups for Kyūen Renraku Center.
反核太平洋パシフィカ. 東京: 反核パシフィックセンター東京.
item_ID: 50074
Hankaku Taiheiyō Pashifika.
Tōkyō: Hankaku Pashifikku Sentā Tōkyō.
The collection contains 23 issues of this magazine format journal put out by an a group
focusing on anti-nuclear activities in the Pacific. The issues are from 1986-1988.
叛旗. 東京: 共産主義者同盟「叛旗」編集委員会.
item_ID: 50256
Tōkyō: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei “Hanki” Henshū Iinkai.
This is the newspaper published by the Hanki faction of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei,
whose faction name was taken from the publication. The same group also produced
a magazine format publication with the same name and publisher. The publisher of
the newsletter changes to Sōbōsha from issue #97.
叛旗. 東京: 共産主義者同盟「叛旗」編集委員会.
item_ID: 51764
SerialID: 1764
Tōkyō: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei “Hanki” Henshū Iinkai.
This magazine format publication was produced by the Hanki faction of
Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. An organizational newspaper with the same title was also
produced by the same organization and publisher. The faction took its name from the
publications. The editor/publisher name is Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei San Tama Chiku
Iinkai” for issue #2.
反議会戦線, 黒田寛一後援会ニュース. 東京: 黒田寛一後援会.
item_ID: 50278
Han Gikai Sensen, Kuroda Kan’ichi Kōenkai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Kuroda Kan’ichi Kōenkai.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter from 1962, put out by the supporters
of Kuroda Kan’ichi, the philosophical leader of Kakumaruha. See also Serial ID#279.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 563
東京: 反議会戦線(番外)編集委員会.
item_ID: 50279
Han Gikai Sensen (Bangai).
Tōkyō: Han Gikai Sensen (Bangai) Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has one special issue of this newsletter from 1967. See also Serial
反逆. 東京: 日本大学全学共闘会議書記局.
item_ID: 50413
Tōkyō: Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Shokikyoku.
The collection has one issue from fall 1968 of a newspaper put out by the Zenkyōtō
organization at Nihon University.
叛逆. 全大阪国際主義高校戦線書記局.
item_ID: 51899
SerialID: 1899
Zen Ōsaka Kokusaishugi Kōkō Sensen Shokikyoku.
The collection has two serial publications called Hangyaku. This one is published by
an international high school front in Osaka and the collection has one issue from 1969.
叛軍. 東京: 新宿叛軍行動委員会.
item_ID: 51801
SerialID: 1801
Tōkyō: Shinjuku Hangun Kōdō Iinkai.
There are a number of serials with “Hangun” in the title. They are put out by various groups, but all those that use the same character for “han” as this one are part
of an anti-military movement among members of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces
and their outside supporters. The key figure in this movement is Konishi Makoto,
a Self-Defense Force soldier who started an anti-war movement and was arrested
for violating the self-defense force law. He was tried twice and found not guilty both
times. This one was put out by the Shinjuku group supporting the movement.
叛軍. 新潟:「第二第三の小西を!」新潟行動委員会.
item_ID: 50416
Niigata: Dai Ni Dai San no Konishi o! Niigata Kōdō Iinkai.
There are a number of serials with “Hangun” in the title. They are put out by various groups, but all those that use the same character for “han” as this one are part
of an anti-military movement among members of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces
and their outside supporters. The key figure in this movement is Konishi Makoto, a
Self-Defense Force soldier who started an anti-war movement and was arrested for
564 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
violating the self defense force law. He was found not guilty in Niigata district court,
retried, and found not guilty again This one was put out by a group in Niigata supporting him.
叛軍イワクニ. 山口: 岩国国際叛軍連合(ICMC).
item_ID: 50743
Hangun Iwakuni.
Yamaguchi: Iwakuni Kokusai Hangun Rengō (ICMC).
There are a number of serials with “Hangun” in the title. They are put out by various
groups, but all those that use the same character for “han” as this one are part of an
anti-military movement among members of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and
their outside supporters. The key figure in this movement is Konishi Makoto, a SelfDefense Force soldier who started an anti-war movement and was arrested for violating the self-defense force law. He was tried twice and found not guilty both times.
This one was put out by an international group in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture,
supporting the movement. From saisei 4 gō the publisher changes to Iwakuni Beheiren, but the address remains the same.
叛軍通信. 東京: 叛軍通信編集委員会.
item_ID: 50613
Hangun Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Hangun Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai.
There are a number of serials with “Hangun” in the title. They are put out by various groups, but all those that use the same character for “han” as this one are part
of an anti-military movement among members of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces
and their outside supporters. The key figure in this movement is Konishi Makoto,
a Self-Defense Force soldier who started an anti-war movement and was arrested
for violating the self-defense force law. He was tried twice and found not guilty both
times. The first seven issues of the serial are called Hangun Tsūshin. Konishi himself was the editor for issues #6 and 7. The series continues from issue #8 under the
name Hangun Tōsō (Serial ID #453). The publisher is listed as Konishi Makoto for
issue #6 and then as Konishi Jimusho for issue #7.
叛軍闘争. 東京: 小西事務所.
item_ID: 50453
Hangun Tōsō.
Tōkyō: Konishi Jimusho.
There are a number of serials with “Hangun” in the title. They are put out by various groups, but all those that use the same character for “han” as this one are part
of an anti-military movement among members of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces
and their outside supporters. The key figure in this movement is Konishi Makoto,
a Self-Defense Force soldier who started an anti-war movement and was arrested
for violating the self-defense force law. He was tried twice and found not guilty both
times. This one was put out by the “Konishi Office,” which is run by Konishi himself.
The first seven issues of the serial are called Hangun Tsūshin and are catalogued under Serial ID #613). This series, under the name Hangun Tōsō, begins with issue #8.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 565
叛軍闘争. 東京: 新時代社.
item_ID: 51757
SerialID: 1757
Hangun Tōsō.
Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha.
There are a number of serials with “Hangun” in the title. They are put out by various groups, but all those that use the same character for “han” as this one are part
of an anti-military movement among members of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces
and their outside supporters. The key figure in this movement is Konishi Makoto,
a Self-Defense Force soldier who started an anti-war movement and was arrested
for violating the self-defense force law. He was tried twice and found not guilty both
times. This one was put out by a Tokyo group supporting the movement.
反原発全国集会1983実行委員会だより. 京都: 反原発全国集会1983実行委員会.
item_ID: 51652
SerialID: 1652
Han Genpatsu Zenkoku Shūkai 1983 Jikkō Iinkai Dayori.
Kyōto: Han Genpatsu Zenkoku Shūkai 1983 Jikkō Iinkai.
The collection has one 1983 issue from a group planning a national anti-nuclear
power event.
反公害ひろば通信. 大阪: 反公害住民ひろば事務局.
item_ID: 50764
Han Kōgai Hiroba Tsūshin.
Ōsaka: Han Kōgai Jūmin Hiroba Jimukyoku.
The collection has one issue from 1975 of this newsletter from an anti-pollution
group in Osaka.
反戦. 東京: ヴェトナム反戦葛飾の会.
item_ID: 51771
SerialID: 1771
Tōkyō: Vetonamu Hansen Katsushika no Kai.
This is a variation of the publication Vetonamu Hansen (Serial ID #808), also published by the same organization, which was a local anti-war organization in Katsushika-ku, in the shitamachi area of Tokyo.
反戦市民. 東京: 町田反戦市民会議.
item_ID: 51788
SerialID: 1788
Hansen Shimin.
Tōkyō: Machida Hansen Shimin Kaigi.
This is the newsletter of an anti-war citizens’ group in Machida.
反戦通信. 京都: 新思想社.
item_ID: 51781
SerialID: 1781
566 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
Hansen Tsūshin.
Kyōto: Shin Shisōsha.
The collection has one 1972 issue of this anti-war newsletter. See also Serial ID
#1782 published on the same day by the same publisher.
反戦ニュース. 朝日反戦青年委員会.
item_ID: 51723
SerialID: 1723
Hansen Nyūsu.
Asahi Hansen Seinen Iinkai.
There are three serial publications called Hansen Nyūsu in the collection. This one is
from the Asahi Hansen Seinen Iinkai and there is one issue from 1970.
反戦ニュース. 西南地区反戦事務局.
item_ID: 51724
SerialID: 1724
Hansen Nyūsu.
Seinan Chiku Hansen Jimukyoku.
The collection has two issues from 1969 of this newsletter from the Hansen Seinen
Iinkai group of young workers that Takazawa Kōji organized in southwest Osaka.
There are also other materials in the collection concerning this group.
反戦ニュース. 反戦青年委員会.
item_ID: 50285
Hansen Nyūsu.
Hansen Seinen Iinkai.
This is one of several newsletters from Hansen Seinen Iinkai groups, which were
local groups of young workers who had been mobilized by New Left students into
antiwar activity. The collection has one copy of this one.
反戦の声. 東京: 中野べ平連.
item_ID: 50819
Hansen no Koe.
Tōkyō: Nakano Beheiren.
This is a newsletter published by the local Nakano Beheiren group in western Tokyo.
Issue #5 is a joint published issued by Nakano Beheiren and Suginami Beheiren,
their neighbor to the west.
反戦派労働運動. 川崎: 神奈川県反戦青年委員会.
Hansenha Rōdō Undō.
Kawasaki: Kanagawa-ken Hansen Seinen Iinkai.
item_ID: 50427
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 567
The collection has one issue of this newsletter put out by the Hansen Seinen iinkai
of Kanagawa-ken. Hansen Seinen iinkai were groups of young laborers, organized by
New Left students into antiwar activities. This one concerned their labor movement
反戦労働者救対ニュース. 東京: 全国反戦救対事務局.
item_ID: 50260
Hansen Rōdōsha Kyūtai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Zenkoku Hansen Kyūtai Jimukyoku.
This is the newsletter of a trial support group for people arrested as participants in
Hansen Seinen Iinkai, who were young laborers who participated in New Left activities. The collection has one issue from February 1970.
反大学戦線. 反大学戦線編集委員会.
item_ID: 50629
Han Daigaku Sensen.
Han Daigaku Sensen Henshū Iinkai.
After the free university lectures that sprung up during the Zenkyōtō campus strikes,
there as a second movement that was “anti-university.” This publication is part of
that movement, and the collection has its inaugural issue from 1971.
反対同盟新聞. 千葉: 三里塚芝山連合空港反対同盟.
item_ID: 50670
Hantai Dōmei Shinbun.
Chiba: Sanrizuka Shibayama Rengō Kūkō Hantai Dōmei.
This is the newspaper put out by Hantai Dōmei, the group of farm households in
Sanrizuka and Shibayama that were opposing the construction of Narita airport
and the sale of their land for that purpose. The collection has five issues from 1982
and 1983.
反対同盟ニュース. 千葉: 三里塚芝山連合空港反対同盟.
item_ID: 52030
SerialID: 2030
Hantai Dōmei Nyūsu.
Chiba: Sanrizuka Shibayama Rengō Kūkō Hantai Dōmei.
This is a 1983 preparatory issue of a Hantai Dōmei newsletter.
反弾圧. 大阪: 糟谷君虐殺真相究明反弾圧委員会.
item_ID: 50597
Han Dan’atsu.
Ōsaka: Kasuya-kun Gyakusatsu Shinsō Kyūmei Han Dan’atsu Iinkai.
The collection has one issue from 1969 of this newsletter that is a support group for
someone named Kasuya.
568 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
反弾圧市民ニュース. 名古屋: 反弾圧市民.
item_ID: 51763
SerialID: 1763
Han Dan’atsu Shimin Nyūsu.
Nagoya: Han Dan’atsu Shimin.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from a citizens group in Nagoya opposing oppression. Both issues from 1969, when authorities were cracking down on
student protest.
反弾圧 連帯ニュース. 東京: 反弾圧・住民運動連絡センター.
item_ID: 51627
SerialID: 1627
Han Dan’atsu Rentai Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Han Dan’atsu Jūmin Undō Renraku Sentā.
The collection has two issues from 1977 of this newsletter.
反帝戦線. 社会主義学生同盟全国委員会.
item_ID: 51796
SerialID: 1796
Hantei Sensen.
Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei Zenkoku Iinkai.
This is a newsletter published by Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei, the student organization of Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei).
パンドラ. 姫路: Pandora group.
item_ID: 51879
SerialID: 1879
Himeji: Pandora group.
The collection has one issue of this newsletter from Himeji.
反日闘争連帯アジア青年集会実行委ニュース. 東京: 反日闘争連帯アジア青年集会実行委.
item_ID: 50619
Han-Nichi Tōsō Rentai Ajia Seinen Shūkai Jikkōi Nyūsu.
Tōkyō: Han Nichi Tōsō Rentai Ajia Seinen Shūkai Jikkōi.
The collection has two issues from 1974 of this newsletter which was produced in
connection with a gathering of Asian youth opposed to Japan.
反入管全国通信. 東京: 反入管情報センター(準).
item_ID: 51772
SerialID: 1772
Han Nyūkan Zenkoku Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Han Nyūkan Jōhō Sentā (Jun).
The Han Nyūkan Jōhō Center was an information center set up by Gomi Masahiko,
Mutō Ichiyō and Tsumura Takashi to advocate a rethinking of Japan’s immigra-
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 569
tion laws as they applied to Korean residents in Japan. This was the organization’s
パンの木. 兵庫: のぼりお・あきひこ.
item_ID: 51773
SerialID: 1773
Pan no Ki.
Hyōgo: Noborio Akihiko.
This is a privately published magazine put out by Noborio Akihiko in Hyōgo prefecture.
反白書. 東京: 反白書編集部.
item_ID: 50395
Han Hakusho.
Tōkyō: Han Hakusho Henshūbu.
The collection has just one issue of this magazine from 1973, which contains a main
story about the PFLP-Sekigun Sekai Kakumei Sengen.
反爆取. 東京: 爆取弾圧と闘う救援会議.
item_ID: 50355
Han Bakutori.
Tōkyō: Bakutori Dan’atsu to Tatakau Kyūen Kaigi.
The collection has two issues from 1975 and 1981 of this organizational magazine,
which supported people charged with violating the famous explosives control law.
ハンパク ニュース. 大阪: 反戦のための万国博協会.
item_ID: 50731
Hanpaku Nyūsu.
Ōsaka: Hansen no Tame no Bankokuhaku Kyōkai.
The collection has the first three issues from 1969 of the newsletter of a group in
Osaka promoting an antiwar exposition.
反覇権通信. 東京: 反覇権通信編集委員会.
item_ID: 50587
Han Haken Tsūshin.
Tōkyō: Han Haken Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai.
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from 1975.
反米愛国. 京浜安保共闘事務局.
Hanbei Aikoku.
Keihin Anpo Kyōtō Jimukyoku.
item_ID: 50430
570 ❖ 定期刊行物 Serials
The collection has two issues of this newsletter from 1969. It was put out by Keihin Ampo Kyōtō, the public student wing connected to Kakumei Saha and led by
Kawashima Gō. Hanbei Aikoku was their slogan, which had a curiously right-wing
sound although it was a left wing group.
氾濫. 東京:「氾濫」編集委員会.
item_ID: 50036
Tōkyō: Hanran Henshū Iinkai.
This publication was organized and published by Nihon Sekishoku Kyūenkai, the
Sekigun-ha support organization, to provide a communication channel for people
who were in prison. The name of the organization was taken from a prewar support
organization of the same name that provided support for people arrested for their
participation in the communist movement. That earlier organization was part of the
Comintern’s system of support for arrested and imprisoned communist party members and associates. Takazawa Kōji was active in the Sekigun-ha version in 1972 and
wrote about it in his book about the Rengō Sekigun Incident, Heishitachi no Yami
which is in the collection as Item ID#1147. The collection holds six issues, published
in 1974 and 1975.
叛乱 , 法大工社2斗連機関紙. 東京: 法大工社2闘連.
item_ID: 51896
SerialID: 1896
Hanran, Hōdai Kōsha 2 tōren Kikanshi.
Tōkyō: Hōdai Kōsha 2 Tōren.
The collection has three different serial publications called Hanran. This one is the
inaugural issue from 1969 of newsletter from a group at Hōsei University.
叛乱 , 沖縄中部地区反戦青年委員会機関紙. 沖縄中部地区反戦青年委員会.
item_ID: 52044
SerialID: 2044
Hanran, Okinawa Chūbu Chiku Hansen Seinen Iinkai Kikanshi.
Okinawa Chūbu Chiku Hansen Seinen Iinkai.
The collection has the first five issues from the central Okinawa Hansen Seinen
Iinkai, published in 1970.
叛乱軍軍報, 武装蜂起準備委員会・関西地方委員会機関紙. 武装蜂起準備委員会.
item_ID: 51908
SerialID: 1908
Hanrangun Gunpō, Busō Hōki Junbi Iinkai, Kansai Chihō Iinkai Kikanshi.
Busō Hōki Junbi Iinkai.
This publication was produced in fall, 1968, by a group inspired by the protests in
Paris in May, 1968 and hoping to incite a similar “uprising” in Japan. The publisher
is listed both as Busō Hōki Junbi Iinkai and as Kansai Chihō Iinkai.
定期刊行物 Serials ❖ 571
東京: 日本放送出版協会.
item_ID: 50627