ISB News - International School of Boston


ISB News - International School of Boston
ISB News
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Letter of the Week
This Week: Véronique Valdettaro, Librarian
Dear Members of the ISB
A Note about the Reference section at the ISB
Library: Print or Nonprint?
Table of Contents
What is the reference section
of a school library?
The Letter of the Week
p. 1-2
All School
p. 2-4
p. 5-8
Middle & Upper School
p. 9-10
Parents’ Association
p. 10-11
p. 12-15
The reference section is the
library shelf where you can
find quick information. It displays the dictionaries, the
encyclopedias, atlases and
other items, usually classified in alphabetical order for
convenient retrieval.
Issues related to reference
items in a school library include:
• Handling
• Space
• Cost
• Fast turnover and
These library challenges are
particularly relevant at the
ISB library due to the duallanguage collection and the
diversity of academic levels
concentrated in a relatively
small locale.
School libraries, ISB included,
challenges by replacing reference items with electronic
Non-print references carry
their own set of challenges:
• Doubtful accuracy
• Need for in-depth evaluation
• Lack of stability
The goal of the librarian is to
achieve an adequate balance
between books and electronic resources based on
contents rather than format.
A book is essentially a product whereas providing electronic reference resources is
offering a service. The first
one involves tangible ownership, the other one has a notion of volatility attached to
it. Thus, an interesting mental shift is occurring in all
school libraries from product
to service.
ISB library favors this new
trend and is more likely to
purchase the service of a database rather than a set of
encyclopedias. When buying
a digital database, the librarian purchases a right of use
for her/his student, not an
archival right.
Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston
Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451
At ISB, a Research Committee will be created and
chaired by the librarian to
address this reality. For next
academic year, stemming
from the committee, a Middle and High School Library
Curriculum will be designed
for the teaching of research
skills, the evaluation of sites,
and the exploration of databases while the Lower School
Library curriculum will be updated to include this type of
research skills as well.
Véronique Valdettaro
All School
End of the Year at the Library
The library is starting to retrieve items for the end of the year inventory. As of June 1st, classes
will continue to come to the library but the borrowing privileges will cease until the next academic year.
As of June 13th, the library will close for inventory and scheduled library activities will stop.
On Wednesdays, families can still visit the library after school but will not be able to take
books home.
Thank you!
The Green Scene
We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” So to
help us all eat a little healthier, we are working to develop
an All-natural food policy at school. This will help us avoid
feeding things to our kids like growth hormones, antibiotics,
trans-fats, and synthetic ingredients & preservatives. While
organic may be best, it is often unavailable or expensive due
to the certification process. We are working with next year’s
lunch caterer and the after-school programs to come up with
the best solution. If you have any thoughts on this subject
or wish to help, please let us know!
In the meantime, here is a concise summary of produce with
the highest (and lowest) levels of retained pesticides in
them, to help you make better choices when faced with
when to spend the money for organic. You’ll notice that this
is why we have organic apples at school!
Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston
Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451
All School
ISB ARTS FESTIVAL ARTS from May 6 to June 9. Click here for the full program:
Tho takes the bronze at the Brazilian Jiu-Jiutsu International Abu
Dhabi Cup
Tho did what he needed to do and took the bronze after a 17 hour
flight, a layover in London, and incredible heat at the United Arabic
Emirates. He won the qualification easily Friday, May 9th in the amazing gym of
the UAE Judo Federation. Under a lot of pressure, the opponents’ motivation was strong, with
the knowledge of our recent champion’s victories. They werethere to
beat the Pan-American Champion.
In semi-final, Tho competed against the Jordanian Champion, sent by the Jordanian Federation’s
professional military. The fight was tight and the Jordanian finally won (3-2).
After this Cup, Tho is preparing for the
World Championship organized by the International Federation of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
in June. For more information you can contact him
at or on his website
The « Fête de la musique » in Cambridge
The first « Fête de la musique » in Cambridge will be held Saturday, June 21, in and around
Harvard Square from 1pm to 10pm, followed by an open air “French Party.”
Parents, students, friends: if you play an instrument, solo or in a group, if you sing, dance, rap or
slam, go to the website and sign up! The organizers will give you
one of the 22 spots in and around Harvard Square so that you can perform
for half an hour, an hour, or more!
“Make Music Cambridge” is sponsored by the Harvard Square Business Association, International School of Boston, Boston Accueil and the Boston
French Party.
To learn more about this celebration that started in France 25 years ago
and is now celebrated in more than 300 cities around the world, go to
Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston
Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451
All School
Box Tops for Education
Clip Box Tops–earn cash for our school!
Earn cash for our school every time you
shop for groceries. Clip Box Tops from
hundreds of products.* Each Box Top is
worth 10¢ to our school—and that adds up
A complete list of products can be found
at the end of ISB News.
Two containers will be placed at each entrance of our school and
let’s see how many BOX TOPS we can collect by the end of the
year! Organizer: Mineh Petrossian
Congratulations, performers!
Congratulations to all the students who performed at last week's Spring Concert! The ISB Orchestra and ISB Choir showcased their musical progress of the semester with pieces from all
parts of the world! Sophie and Alexis wish to thank the administration, teachers, parents, and
students once more for all of their support and help this year! “It has been our pleasure to
make music with the students! We wish you all very musical summers!”
Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston
Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451
Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston
Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451
Raffle & Picnic
Why a raffle?
Last year we organized a raffle with prizes offered by teachers, objects decorated by students,
and photo albums made by volunteer parents. It was a success, both socially and financially,
because we raised $3,800. This has enabled us to fund all shows at the Maternelle.
We are doing the same thing this year, hoping for the same success, if not more. Thanks to all
who have helped us already!
Why a picnic?
Simply so we finish off the school year on a good note. You can buy raffle tickets now from
Field Trip
Habitat Wild Life
May 29, 2008
The exhibition, which took place at the Maternelle on Saturday, May 10, and has remained in
place throughout the week, has shown how students are involved in protecting the environment. It was an explosion of ideas and artistic works that have touched many of our visitors.
Keep in mind that our attitude towards nature that surrounds us must continue to be vigilant.
Listen to your children, as they have willingly learned about the environment education and
they will willingly share with their friends and parents. Follow their advice!
The next events at the Maternelle:
• June 6 — Piano Club Show
• June 9 – Theater Club Show
• June 19 — Raffle and Picnic
Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston
Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451
Middle/Upper School
The ISB team of Basketball confirms its victory against the British
School of Boston (15-13)
During the first match last February, the basketball players won of a point (13-12) against The British School
team. This time on the British School’s territory, they were
under pressure during the entire match led 12 - 8 by the
opponent until the last minutes. But the team spirit of the
three lines allowed them to rise to the challenge so that
the ISB team made up the difference few minutes before
the end.
I encourage the students to continue in this direction within the school or if they go back to
France, and I thank them for making us proud, even if the victory is not the only goal.
Tho VU
Sports Coordinator
Model UN team won two awards
On May 16 & 17, the Model UN team went to Northeastern University to participate in the 2008 Regional
Model UN conference. They were there with about 300
other students representing 25 schools from New England, and they had the task of being the Iranian ambassadors in three committees, UNESCO, The General
Assembly and DISEC (Disarmament and International
Security Committee), trying to pass resolutions regarding the “rights of detainees and prisoners of war”,
“preventing nuclear terrorism”, “global epidemic alert
and response”, “sustainable tourism”, “illegal trafficking
of wild flora and fauna”, and “sport for development
and peace.”
They won two honorable mentions for “excellence in research and writing” The six students of
10th grade International Program are all very happy with what they did, and they are now eager to participate in more Model UN conferences in the years to come.
A special thank you to parent Soheila Gharakhanian who spent countless hours gathering information about Iran in order to present her native country to our team before they attended the
conference. Her insights were as interesting as they were useful.
Dominique Lecomte, Model UN Coordinator
Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston
Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451
Middle/Upper School
Spring Performance
Ms. Petrov and the music classes of grades 6-7-8-9 would like to invite parents to attend the
annual Spring Performance, Wednesday, May 28, 2008 from 2-3pm in the gymnasium.
Classes will demonstrate their work during the past semester. Performances will be of songs,
canons, and pieces accompanied with percussion and other instruments. The music ranges
from Bach to the Blues of Huddie Ledbetter.
We will also feature dances; the French Bourrée and the English ritual Longsword, stick and
hankie dances.
Parents’ Association
ISB « Teachers & Staff Appreciation Week »
What a special week! Beautiful flowers, delicious food, tasty home baked goods and fruit, and
enthusiastic teachers and staff!
We would like to thank you for your contribution in making the “Teachers & Staff Appreciation
Week” a successful event.
A special THANK YOU to all the volunteers helping with the flowers, the cocktail party, the coffee
morning and the “garderie” in Arlington and Cambridge.
The Parents Association
Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston
Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451
Parents’ Association
Ecole Internationale de Boston – International School of Boston
Pre-K & K: 781-646-0510 – Grades 1-12: 617-499-1451
Concert de
fin d’année
Concert de
fin d’année
Présenté par Boston Accueil
Présenté par Boston Accueil
Dimanche 1er juin 2008 à 19h
Dimanche 1er juin 2008 à 19h
Sunday, June 1, 7pm
Sunday, June 1, 7pm
Yellow Room
Ecole Internationale de Boston
45 Matignon Road
Cambridge, MA
Yellow Room
Ecole Internationale de Boston
45 Matignon Road
Cambridge, MA
Bandinha da Vila...........................Arico Junior
Bandinha da Vila...........................Arico Junior
Yonder come day!………........Rollo Dillworth
Yonder come day!………........Rollo Dillworth
J’entends le moulin………..arr. Emily Crocker
J’entends le moulin………..arr. Emily Crocker
Ah ! Si mon moine..........................arr. Patriqui
Belle qui tiens ma vie….Thoinot Arbeau (1589)
Ah ! Si mon moine..........................arr. Patriqui
Belle qui tiens ma vie….Thoinot Arbeau (1589)
Chanson à boire………Gabriel Bataille (1615)
Chanson à boire………Gabriel Bataille (1615)
T’as pas T’as pas tout dit……..Boby Lapointe
T’as pas T’as pas tout dit……..Boby Lapointe
Rum and Coca Cola...................Baron/Sullivan
Sunset.......................................Rollo Dillworth
Rum and Coca Cola...................Baron/Sullivan
Sunset.......................................Rollo Dillworth
Goodnight, My Angel……………...Billy Joel
Goodnight, My Angel……………...Billy Joel
Goodnight, My Someone........Meredith Willson
Syracuse………..Henri Salvador/Lamberdière
Goodnight, My Someone........Meredith Willson
Syracuse………..Henri Salvador/Lamberdière
Les Champs-Elysées……….Deighan/Delanoë
Les Champs-Elysées……….Deighan/Delanoë
And so it goes…………………….Billy Joel
And so it goes…………………….Billy Joel
Bye bye Blackbird…………Dixon/Henderson
Bye bye Blackbird…………Dixon/Henderson
Les choristes :
Les choristes :
La chorale de Boston Accueil se compose
de deux groupes. L’un répète le lundi soir,
L’autre le vendredi midi.
La chorale de Boston Accueil se compose
de deux groupes. L’un répète le lundi soir,
L’autre le vendredi midi.
Catherine Bastien, Claire Berlioz,
Nathalie Bœuf, Corinne Denis,
Caroline DiCicco, Geneviève Dulac,
Françoise Epsztein, Michel Epsztein,
Isabelle Evans, Marie Faure-Geors,
Karen Fullerton, Cécile Greppi,
Dominique Lecomte, Elysabeth Logan,
Françoise Matte, Francine Milesi,
Muriel Perotto, Jean Luc Renault,
Pierre Saintin, Barbara Saran-Brunner,
Savine Semichon, Véronique Valdettaro
Catherine Bastien, Claire Berlioz,
Nathalie Bœuf, Corinne Denis,
Caroline DiCicco, Geneviève Dulac,
Françoise Epsztein, Michel Epsztein,
Isabelle Evans, Marie Faure-Geors,
Karen Fullerton, Cécile Greppi,
Dominique Lecomte, Elysabeth Logan,
Françoise Matte, Francine Milesi,
Muriel Perotto, Jean Luc Renault,
Pierre Saintin, Barbara Saran-Brunner,
Savine Semichon, Veronique Valdettaro
Jeanne M. Lucas
Jeanne M. Lucas
Directrice Musicale/Musical Director
Directrice Musicale/Musical Director
Merci à l’Ecole Internationale de Boston pour
nous avoir accueillis dans ses locaux tout au
long de l’année.
Merci à l’Ecole Internationale de Boston pour
nous avoir accueillis dans ses locaux tout au
long de l’année.
Vous voulez nous rejoindre?
Do you want to join us?
Please contact / Contactez:
Vous voulez nous rejoindre?
Do you want to join us?
Please contact / Contactez:
• Almond Joy® Dessert Bar Mix
• Betty Crocker® Angel Food Cake Mix
• Betty Crocker Complete Desserts®
• Betty Crocker® Cookie Mix
• Betty Crocker® Frosting
• Betty Crocker® Sunkist® Lemon Bars
• Betty Crocker® Supreme Brownie Mix
• Betty Crocker® Variety Dessert Mixes
• Betty Crocker® Warm Delights®
• Betty Crocker® Warm Delights® Minis
• Hershey’s® Brownie Mix
• Reese’s® Dessert Bar Mix
Breads, Muffins and Rolls:
• Betty Crocker® Cornbread & Muffin Mix
• Betty Crocker® Muffin Mixes
• Betty Crocker® Premium Muffin & Quick
Bread Mix
• Betty Crocker® Pancake Mix Boxes
• Betty Crocker® Quick Bread Mix
• Betty Crocker® Pizza Crust
• Bisquick® Baking Mix Boxes
Basic 4®
Cheerios® Cereals:
• Cheerios®
• Apple Cinnamon Cheerios®
• Berry Burst Cheerios®
• Cheerios Crunch™
• Frosted Cheerios®
• Fruity Cheerios®
• Honey Nut Cheerios®
• MultiGrain Cheerios®
• Team Cheerios®
• Yogurt Burst Cheerios®
Cascadian Farm® Cereals:
• Cinnamon & Raisin Granola
• Cascadian Farm® Hearty Morning®
• Cascadian Farm® Purely O’s®
• Cascadian Farm® Clifford™ Crunch
• Cascadian Farm® Great Measure®
• Cascadian Farm® Honey Nut O’s
• Cascadian Farm® Maple Brown Sugar
• Cascadian Farm® Multi-Grain
• Cascadian Farm® Oats & Honey Granola
• Cascadian Farm® Vanilla Almond Crunch
• Cascadian Farm® Raisin Bran
Chex® Cereals:
• Chex®
• Chocolate Chex®
• Corn Chex®
• Honey Nut Chex®
• Multi-Bran Chex®
• Rice Chex®
• Strawberry Chex®
• Wheat Chex®
Cocoa Puffs®
Cookie Crisp® Cereals:
• Cookie Crisp®
• Double Chocolate Cookie Crisp®
• Peanut Butter Cookie Crisp®
Curves™ Cereals:
• Curves™ Honey Crunch
• Curves™ Whole Grain Crunch
Disney’s® Cereals:
• Disney’s® Little Einsteins™ Fruity Stars
• Disney’s® Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Berry
• Disney's® My Friends Tigger & Pooh
• Disney’s® Princess Fairytale Flakes
Dora The Explorer®
Fiber One® Cereals:
• Fiber One®
• Fiber One® Caramel Delights™
• Fiber One® Honey Clusters®
• Fiber One® Raisin Bran Clusters®
Golden Grahams®
Honey Nut Clusters®
Kix® Cereals:
• Kix
• Berry Berry Kix®
Cinnamon Toast Crunch® Cereals:
• Cinnamon Toast Crunch®
• French Toast Crunch®
• Reduced Sugar Cinnamon Toast Crunch®
Lucky Charms® Cereals:
• Lucky Charms
• Berry Lucky Charms®
• Chocolate Lucky Charms®
Nature Valley® Cereals:
• Nature Valley® Cinnamon
• Nature Valley® Oats ‘n Honey
• Nature Valley® Organic Vanilla Nut
Oatmeal Crisp® Cereals
• Oatmeal Crisp® Crunchy Almond
• Oatmeal Crisp® Hearty Raisin
• Oatmeal Crisp® Maple Brown Sugar
Para Su Familia Raisin Bran
Raisin Nut Bran
Reese’s® Puffs®
Total® Cereals:
• Total®
• Total® Brown Sugar & Oat
• Total® Cranberry Crunch
• Total® Honey Clusters ®
• Total® Raisin Bran
• Total® With Strawberries
• Total® Vanilla Yogurt
• Whole Grain Total®
Green Giant® Vegetables:
• Green Giant® Giant Bites™ Vegetables
• Green Giant® Just For One!® Vegetables
• Green Giant® Nickelodeon® Frozen
Pillsbury® Microwave Biscuits
Pillsbury® Toaster Strudel® Pastries
Totino’s® Pizza Rolls® Pizza Snacks
Betty Crocker® Potatoes:
• Betty Crocker® Casserole Potatoes
• Betty Crocker® Potato Buds® Mashed
• Betty Crocker® Seasoned Mashed
• Betty Crocker Seasoned Skillets™
• Betty Crocker® Deluxe Potatoes
• Hamburger Helper®
• Hamburger Helper® Microwave Singles®
• Chicken Helper®
• Chicken Helper® Microwave Singles®
• Tuna Helper®
Old El Paso®:
• Old El Paso® Taco Shells
• Old El Paso® Dinner Kits
Suddenly Salad® Mixes
Wanchai Ferry™ Dinner Kits
Cookies and Bars:
• Pillsbury® Brownie Batter
• Pillsbury® Create 'n Bake® Cookies
• Pillsbury® Ready To Bake! ™ Cookies
• Pillsbury® Simply Bake® Bars
Breads and Rolls:
• Pillsbury® Crescent Rolls
• Pillsbury® Crescent Rounds
• Pillsbury® Flaky Twists
• Pillsbury® Grands! ® Biscuits
• Pillsbury® Grands! ® Sweet Rolls
• Pillsbury® Pizza Crust
• Pillsbury® Sweet Rolls
• Yoplait®
• Yoplait®
• Yoplait®
• Yoplait®
• Yoplait®
• Yoplait®
• Yoplait®
Go-GURT® Fizzix™ Yogurt
Trix® Multipack Yogurt
Original Family Pack
Go-GURT® Yogurt
Go-GURT® Smoothie
Kids Yogurt
Kids Yogurt Drink
Caribou Coffee® Bars
Cascadian Farm® Granola Bars
Cheerios® Snack Mix
Chex Mix® Snack Mix
• 100 Calorie Chex Mix® Snack Mix
• Chex Mix® Select Snack Mix
Curves™ Snack Bars
Dunkaroos® Snacks
Fiber One® Bars
Fruit-Flavored Shapes:
• Animal Planet™ Fruit Flavored Shapes
• Batman™ Fruit Flavored Shapes
• Care Bears™ Fruit Flavored Shapes
• My Little Pony™ Fruit Flavored Shapes
• Polly Pocket™ Fruit Flavored Shapes
• Fairytale Princess® Fruit Flavored Shapes
• Scooby-Doo™ Fruit Flavored Shapes
• Shark Bites Fruit Flavored Snacks
• Spider-Man® Fruit Flavored Shapes
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™ Fruit
Flavored Shapes
• Tonka™ Fruit Flavored Shapes
Fruit Flavored Snacks:
• Betty Crocker® Fruit Gushers®
• Betty Crocker® Fruit by the Foot®
• Betty Crocker® Fruit Roll-Ups®
• Fruit by the Foot® Crazy Feet
• Fruit Roll-Ups® Crazy Pix™
• Fruit Roll-Ups® Fruit Stickerz™
• Fruit by the Foot® Mini Feet
• Fruit Roll-Ups® Mini Rolls
Milk ’n Cereal Bars
Nature Valley® Granola Bars:
• Nature Valley® Chewy Granola Bars with
• Nature Valley® Chewy Trail Mix Bars
• KOTEX® Maxi Pads
• KOTEX® Security® Tampons
• KOTEX® Ultra Thin Pads
POISE® products:
• POISE® Liners
• POISE® Pads
• POISE® Panty
DEPEND® products:
• DEPEND® Belted Shields
• DEPEND® Fitted Briefs
• DEPEND® Guards for Men
• DEPEND® Underwear
• DEPEND® Adjustable Underwear
Disposable Cups:
• Hefty® Clear Colors Disposable Cups
• Hefty® Crystal Clear Disposable Cups
• Hefty® Easy Grip® Disposable Cups
• Hefty® Zoo Pals® Cups
Disposable Plates and Serveware:
• Nature Valley® Crunchy Granola Bars
• Nature Valley® Healthy Heart Chewy
Granola Bars
• Nature Valley® Roasted Nut Crunch Bars
• Nature Valley® Sweet & Salty Nut
Pop •Secret® Microwave Popcorn
COTTONELLE® products:
• COTTONELLE® For Kids Bath Tissue
• COTTONELLE® For Kids Flushable Moist
GOODNITES® products:
• GOODNITES® Sleep Pants/Sleep Shorts
• GOODNITES® Underpants
HUGGIES® products:
• HUGGIES® Clean Team* Products
• HUGGIES® Diapers
• HUGGIES® Natural Care® Diapers or
• HUGGIES® Snug’n Dry Diapers
• HUGGIES® Supreme® Diapers
PULL-UPS® Training Pants
Storage Bags:
• Ziploc® Brand Big Bags
• Ziploc® Brand DoubleGuard® Freezer
• Ziploc® Brand Easy Zipper Freezer Bags
• Ziploc® Brand Easy Zipper Storage Bags
• KOTEX® Lightdays® Pantiliners
• Hefty® Crystal Clear Plates
• Hefty® Elegantware® Plates and Bowls
• Hefty® Everyday Foam Plates and Bowls
• Hefty® Hearty Meals™ Plates and
• Hefty® Superweight™ Plates and Bowls
• Hefty® Supreme™ Plates and Bowls
• Hefty® Zoo Pals® Plates and Bowls
Waste Bags:
• Hefty® Cinch Sak® Waste Bags
• Hefty® EasyFlaps® Waste Bags
• Hefty® The Gripper® Tall Kitchen Waste
• Hefty® Kitchen Fresh® Tall Kitchen
• Hefty® Ultra Flex™ Waste Bags
Breads and Rolls:
• Country Hearth® Fresh Bread
• Fiber One® Bagels
• Ziploc® Brand Expandable Bottom Bags
• Ziploc® Brand Freezer Bags
• Ziploc® Brand Sandwich Bags
• Ziploc® Brand Snack Bags
• Ziploc® Brand Storage Bags
• Ziploc® Brand Treat Bags
• Ziploc® Brand Zip ‘n Steam™ Bags
• Ziploc® Brand Snap ‘n Seal Containers
• Ziploc® Brand Twist ‘n Loc® Containers
• Saran™ Cling Plus® Wrap
• Saran™ Premium Wrap
Bath and Facial Tissue:
• COTTONELLE® Bath Tissue
• COTTONELLE® Bath Tissue Ultra
• COTTONELLE® Bath Tissue with Aloe & E
• COTTONELLE® For Kids Bath Tissue
• KLEENEX® Facial Tissue
• SCOTT® 1000 Count Bath Tissue
• SCOTT® Extra Soft Bath Tissue
Paper Towels:
• SCOTT® Paper Towels
• VIVA® Paper Towels
• COTTONELLE® For Kids Flushable Moist
• COTTONELLE FRESH® Flushable Moist
• SCOTT® Pre-Moistened Wipes
KOTEX® products:
• Fiber One® English Muffins
• Fiber One® Bread
• Pillsbury® Bagels
• Pillsbury® Buns
• Pillsbury® Bread
• Pillsbury® English Muffins
• Boo Berry® Cereal
• Count Chocula® Cereal
• Country® Corn Flakes
• Franken Berry® Cereal
• Kaboom® Cereal
• Sports Shape® Cookies