RVB Cover - RV Business
RVB Cover - RV Business
Listings for Nearly 3,200 U.S. and Canadian Retailers Reference Guide for New & Used Sales, Service, Rentals ‘Quick Find’ Entries Listed A-Z by State & Province ▼ ▼ ▼ 2013 RV DEALER Directory UNITED STATES UNITED STATES ALABAMA ▼ Alabama Mobile Home & Camper Service 5601 Skyland Blvd. E., Cottondale, AL 35453, (205) 556-1151, FAX (205) 556-3659 www.blog.almobilehome.com sales@almobilehome.com Alexandria Mobile Home & RV Supply 7500 U.S. Hwy. 431 N., Alexandria, AL 36250, (256) 820-6500, FAX (256) 820-6516 www.alexandriarv.com geralyn@alexandriarv.com American Motorcoach Inc 1200 Noble St., Ste. #100, Anniston, AL 36201, (256) 236-5769, FAX (256) 237-9259 mhwat@yahoo.com B & M Campers 61 N. Main St. Hwy. 431 S., Boaz, AL 35956, (256) 593-3830 www.bandmcampers.com B & R Camper Sales Inc. 5606 Hwy 90 W., Theodore, AL 36582, (251) 653-7700, (888) 758-3783, FAX (251) 653-7681 www.brcampers.com sales@brcampers.com Bama RV 3933 S. Oates St., Dothan, AL 36301, (334) 678-9510, FAX (334) 678-9572 www.bamarv.com bamarv@mac.com Bankston Motor Homes Inc. 5640 Hwy. 431, Albertville, AL 35950, (256) 891-3100, (800) 755-3100, FAX (256) 891-4100 www.bankstonmotorhomes.com sales@bankstonmotorhomes.com Bankston Motor Homes Inc. 2191 Jordan Ln. N.W., Huntsville, AL 35816, (256) 533-3100, (800) 624-2899 www.bankstonmotorhomes.com sales@bankstonmotorhomes.com Bankston Motor Homes Inc. 3008 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35631, (256) 766-3181, (866) 766-3181 www.bankstonmotorhomes.com sales@bankstonmotorhomes.com Burton Campers Inc. 320 Hwy. 304, Calera, AL 35040, (888) 658-8741, FAX (205) 668-0142 www.burtoncampers.com 92 Calhoun Campers 1814 Hwy. 78 E., Oxford, AL 36203, (256) 831-8200, FAX (256) 831-8200 Campbell's RV 16922 U.S. 431 S., Headland, AL 36345, (334) 693-2580, FAX (334) 693-2580 www.rvt.com campbellsrvsales@centurytel.net Camping World RV Sales Birmingham 730 George Roy Pkwy., Calera, AL 35040, (888) 875-2097 www.campingworldofbirmingham.com rrichard@campingworldrvsales.com Camping World RV Sales South Alabama 21282 Hwy 59 S., Robertsdale, AL 36567, (866) 906-6968 www.campingworldofsouthalabama.com cbishop@campingworldrvsales.com Camping World RV Sales Southeast Alabama 2961 Ross Clark Circle S.W., Ste. A, Dothan, AL 36301, (866) 504-3880 www.campingworldofsoutheastalabama.com dchavers@campingworldsales.com Central Alabama RV Sales & Service 9214 Co. Rd. 42 E., Jemison, AL 35085, (205) 688-4644, FAX (205) 688-2095 chiltoncampers@centurytel.net Clark’s RV Center 1824 Alabama River Pkwy., Millbrook, AL 36054, (334) 290-2606 www.clarksrvcenter.com sales@clarksrvcenter.com Colonial RV Center 1701 32nd Ave. N., Birmingham, AL 35207, (205) 254-3555, FAX (205) 254-3551 crvbhm@yahoo.com Cooleys RV LLC 22307 Diesel Dr., McCalla, AL 35111, (205) 477-4775, FAX (205) 477-4117 www.cooleysrvs.com Country Roads RV 7531 University Blvd. E., Cottondale, AL 35453, (205) 507-4678, (888) 505-4678, FAX (205) 507-4671 www.countryroadsrv.com croadsrv@bellsouth.net Cruise America/MD Sales & Rentals, Inc. Cruise America 700 Decatur Hwy., Gardendale, AL 35071, (205) 942-1814, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 D & N RV Service 3619 AL Hwy. 69, Guntersville, AL 35976, (256) 571-9399 www.dnnmarine-rv.com d-n-rv@charter.net Dandy RV Sales Route 66 RV Network 3649 Pine Ln., Bessemer, AL 35022, (205) 883-1469, (877) 326-3986 www.dandyrv.com dandyrv@dandyrv.com Dandy RV KOA Route 66 RV Network 980 Dandy Ln., Clanton, AL 35045, (205) 755-2623, (877) 326-3986, FAX (205)755-2660 www.dandyrv.com dandyrv@dandyrv.com Dandy RV Superstore Route 66 RV Network 2772 U.S. Hwy. 78 E., Ste. 1, Anniston, AL 36207, (256) 624-9100, (877) 326-3986, FAX (259) 624-9152 www.dandyrv.com dandyrv@dandyrv.com Deep South RV 5325 Willis Rd., Theodore, AL 36582, (251) 653-7088 www.deepsouthrv.com blackmon5@aol.com Dickson Campers Inc. 8420 Tanner Williams Rd., Mobile, AL 36608, (251) 634-0292, FAX (251) 634-0296 www.dicksoncampers.net dicksoncampers@yahoo.com Dream Finders RVs 318 Harris Dr., Florence, AL 35634, (256) 272-0150 www.dreamrvsforsale.com dreamfinders@att.net Jerrys Mobile RV Repair 202 Gann Blvd., Tuscumbia, AL 35674, (256) 383-0074 www.jerrysmobilerv.com jerryhamm@jerrysmobilerv.com Gulf RV Rentals 4882 B Hwy 59 S., Loxley, AL 36551, (251) 964-2267 www.campoutnotinn.com info@campoutnotinn.com Gulf State Rving Rental Center, LLC 4140 Higgins Rd,. , Mobile, AL 36619, (251) 285-1733, FAX (251) 725-1751 www.ucampforless.com ucampforless@hotmail.com Hall’s RV Inc. 1101 U.S. Hwy. 431, Albertville, AL 35950, (256) 894-6235, FAX (256) 894-6236 www.hallsrvsales.com hallsrv@gmail.com Alabama ..................................92 Alaska......................................93 Arizona ....................................93 Arkansas .................................96 California.................................97 Colorado ...............................104 Connecticut ..........................106 Delaware ...............................106 Florida ...................................107 Georgia .................................111 Hawaii ...................................112 Idaho .....................................112 Illinois....................................113 Indiana ..................................115 Iowa.......................................116 Kansas ..................................118 Kentucky ...............................118 Louisiana ..............................119 Maine.....................................120 Maryland ...............................120 Massachusetts .....................121 Michigan ...............................121 Minnesota .............................124 Mississippi............................125 Missouri ................................126 Montana ................................127 Nebraska...............................128 Nevada ..................................129 New Hampshire....................129 New Jersey ...........................130 New Mexico ..........................131 New York ...............................132 North Carolina ......................134 North Dakota ........................135 Ohio.......................................135 Oklahoma..............................137 Oregon ..................................138 Pennsylvania ........................140 Rhode Island ........................142 South Carolina .....................142 South Dakota........................143 Tennessee.............................144 Texas .....................................145 Utah .......................................148 Vermont.................................149 Virginia ..................................149 Washington...........................150 West Virginia.........................152 Wisconsin .............................152 Wyoming ...............................154 CANADA Alberta...................................154 British Columbia ..................155 Manitoba ...............................156 New Brunswick.....................156 Newfoundland/Labrador......157 Nova Scotia ..........................157 Ontario ..................................157 Prince Edward Island...........160 Quebec..................................160 Saskatchewan ......................161 Yukon Territory .....................161 2013 RV DEALER Hood RV Center 3504 Deere Rd. S.E., Decatur, AL 35603, (256) 353-8712, (800) 486-0963 www.hoodrv.com info@hoodrv.com Opelika RV Center 6750 U.S. Hwy. 280 E., Opelika, AL 36804, (334) 742-9160, (877) 205-9376, FAX (334) 742-0962 www.opelikarv.com Johnny’s Lakeside RV Resort 15810 Hwy. 59 N., Foley, Al 36535, (251) 970-3773, FAX (251) 970-2773 www.johnnyslakesidervresort.com Paradise RV 644 Decatur Hwy., Gardendale, AL 35071, (205) 631-6006 www.paradiservsales.net Alaska Performance RV & Marine 6820 Arctic Blvd., Anchorage, AK 99518, (907) 522-8965 www.alaskaperformancerv.com rv@alaskaperformancerv.com Prattville Auto & RV Repair Center 1259-C Memorial Dr., Prattville, AL 36067, (334) 365-5085 www.prattvillerv.com pvillervrepair@aol.com Alaska Recreational 50755 Sterling Hwy., Soldotna, AK 99669, (907) 262-2700 www.alaskarec.com akrecrnt@alaska.net Ready to Ride RV 8781 Airport Blvd., Mobile, AL 36608, (251) 599-3991 Alaska RV Center 3070 Phillips Field Rd., Fairbanks, AK 99709, (907) 452-4279, FAX (907) 451-6371 akrvcenter@yahoo.com Johnny’s RV Discount Center 5636 Hwy. 90, Theodore, AL 36582, (251) 654-0300, FAX (251) 653-7441 www.johnnysrv.com K & K Camping Center 1808 I-65 Service Rd. E., Millbrook, AL 36054, (334) 285-5251, (800) 992-1115, FAX (334) 285-5635 www.kandkrv4u.com LB Trailer Sales 10109 Hwy. 72, Rogersville, AL 35652, (256) 247-7888, (800) 664-3153, FAX (256) 247-0015 www.lbtrailers.com sales@lbtrailers.com Liggan RV Center 927 Gardner St., Gadsden, AL 35901, (256) 547-7247 Madison RV Supercenter REDEX/Priority RV Network 9311 Madison Blvd., Madison, AL 35758, (256) 837-3882 www.madisonrv.com mjshea@madisonrv.com Marlin Ingram RV Center 4504 Troy Hwy., Montgomery, AL 36116, (334) 288-0331, (800) 500-1032 www.ingramrvcenter.com sales@ingramrvcenter.com McKinney RV Sales & Service 315 Hospital Rd. N.W., Red Bay, AL 35582, (256) 356-8634 www.mckinneyrv.com mckinneyrv@bellsouth.net Millican RV America Inc. 6550 County Rd. 490, Hanceville, AL 35077, (256) 775-8030 www.millicanrvs.com sales@millicanrvs.com NLI Truck Sales Inc. 145 Russll Dairy Rd., Jasper, AL 35503, (205) 221-5202 www.nlisales.com sales@nlisales.com North Alabama RV 59 Adelia St., Rainsville, AL 35986, (256) 638-9299, FAX (256) 638-9298 northalarv@farmerstel.com Reed Camper Sales 2405 Jordan Ln. N.W., Huntsville, AL 35816, (256) 830-5024 www.reedcampersales.com Road Runner Mobile RV Service 3327 Hwy. 43, McIntosh, AL 36553, (251) 829-4884 www.roadrunnermobilerv.com rvtravelman123@gmail.com RunAway RV 4218 S. Oates St., Dothan, AL 36345, (334) 678-5194 www.runawayrv.net sales@runawayrv.net RV Shop 36 Commerce Ave., Hueytown, AL 35023, (205) 497-1882, FAX (205) 497-1291 droberts@att.net Shafer's RV Inc. 3622 Martin St. S., Cropwell, AL 35054, (205) 884-1220, FAX (205) 338-8626 shaferstravel@gmail ALASKA ▼ A & M RV Center 2225 E. 5th Ave., Anchorage, AK 99501, (907) 279-5508, (800) 478-4678 www.gorv.com ABC Motorhome Rentals 3875 West International Airport Rd., Anchorage, AK 99502, (907) 279-2000, (800) 421-7456, FAX (907) 243-6363 www.abcmotorhome.com ABC RV Sales 5550 Old Seward Hwy., Anchorage, AK 99518, (907) 561-1982, (800) 479-1780 www.abcmotorhomesales.com sales@abcmotorhome.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Adventures In Alaska RV Rentals 1145 Shypoke Dr., Fairbanks, AK 99709, (907) 458-7368 www.adventuresakrv.com owner@adventuresakrv.com Arctic RV & Interior Topper 3013 Peger Rd., Fairbanks, AK 99709, (907) 451-8356, FAX (907) 456-4742 www.arcticrv.com arcticrv@arcticrv.com Camper Valley RV Sales 3151 Palmer Wasilla Hwy., Wasilla, AK 99654, (907) 376-8100 www.campervalleyrv.com campervalley@mtaonline.net Clippership Motorhome Rental 5401 Old Seward Hwy., Anchorage, AK 99518, (800) 421-3456 www.clippershiprv.com info@clippershiprv.com Cruise America - Anchorageæ Cruise America 2230 Cinnabar Loop, Anchorage, AK 99507, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Great Alaskan Holidays, Inc. 9800 Old Seward Hwy., Anchorage, AK 99515, (907) 248-7777, (888) 225-2752 www.greatalaskaholidays.com reservations@greatalaskanholidays.com Karen's RV Service Center 1850 Viking Dr., Anchorage, AK 99501, (907) 336-2055 www.karensrv.com karensrvservice@att.net Kenai Coach P.O. Box 84, Soldotna, AK 99669, (800) 318-0503 www.kenaicoach.com terry@kenaicoach.com Murphy’s RV 5300 Eielson St., Anchorage, AK 99518, (907) 562-0601, (888) 562-0661, FAX (907) 562-0680 www.alaskaone.com/murphyrv murphysrvrental@acsalaska.net Directory Valley RV Center Mile 36.5 Parks Hwy., Wasilla, AK 99654, (907) 745-7747, FAX (907) 745-7748 www.travelingrv.com sales@travelingrv.com ARIZONA ▼ Advanced RV Service 7535 N. 63rd Ave., Glendale, AZ 85301, (602) 769-2202 Affinity RV Service Sales & Rentals - Prescott 3197 Willow Creek Rd., Prescott, AZ 86301, (928) 445-7910, (800) 756-2007 www.affinityrv.com bobbeen@affinityrv.com Affinity RV Service Sales & Rentals - Dewey 1050 S. Hwy. 69, Dewey, AZ 86327, (928) 756-2007, (800) 756-2007 www.affinityrv.com bobbeen@affinityrv.com Airstreams4Rent, LLC 10016 N. 28th St., Phoenix, AZ 85028, (602) 708-3875 www.airstreams4rent.com john@airstreams4rent.com All RV Service Center 537 W. Grant Rd., Tucson, AZ 85705, (520) 622-1578, (800) 458-3134, FAX (520) 620-6195 www.allrvtucson.com Al’s RV Service & Supply 5151 W. Bell Rd., Glendale, AZ 85308, (602) 938-4990 www.alsrv.com Al’s RV Service & Supply 11274 S. Fortuna Rd. Suite U, Yuma, AZ 85367, (928) 342-5816, (877) 786-0389 www.alsrv.com Always RV 9245 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85207, (480) 626-2231, FAX (480) 626-5889 www.alwaysrv.com office@alwaysrv.com Apache Junction RV Service & Supply 1880 W. Apache Trail, Apache Jct, AZ 85120, (480) 983-2195, FAX (480) 982-4826 APR RV LLC 2453 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213, (480) 962-1661 www.aprrv.com service@aprrv.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 93 ▼ ▼ ▼ ARIZONA CONTINUED Arizona Campers & Trailers 4140 Grand Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85019, (623) 247-3829, (866) 885-3867 www.azcampers.com jim@azcampers.com Camping World RV Sales Avondale 10255 W. Papago Fwy., Avondale, AZ 85323, (888) 457-4931 www.campingworldofavondale.com cmock@campingworldrvsales.com Arizona Kachina RV Center, Inc. 8789 N. 75th Ave., Peoria, AZ 85345, (623) 878-4930, (800) 435-4678, FAX (623) 566-2137 www.rv4rent.com azkachinarv1@cox.net Camping World RV Sales - Mesa 2222 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213, (877) 882-9815 www.campingworldofmesa.com rpeterson@campinworldrvsales.com Arizona Northwest RV Marine 4050 Stockton Hill Rd., Kingman, AZ 86409, (928) 757-3557, FAX (928) 757-5246 aznwrv.selfip.com sales@aznwrv.selfip.com Arizona RV Salvage Inc. 2737 W. Lincoln St., Phoenix, AZ 85009, (602) 272-0301, (877) 824-8242, FAX (602) 272-3072 www.azrvinc.com info@azrvinc.com Arizona RV Supercenter 256 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85201, (888) 892-2978 www.azrvsupercenter.com Arizona Toy Hauler Rentals LLC 39506 Daisy Mtn Dr. 122-249, Phoenix, AZ 85086, (602) 402-1834, FAX (602) 218-4448 www.toyhaulerrentals.com toyhaulerrentals@aol.com Auto Boss Inc. 7921 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85207, (480) 986-1049, (800) 669-1807, FAX (480) 986-9271 www.dieselrvonline.com autobossrv@yahoo.com Auto Corral RV 3350 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213, (480) 985-1860, FAX (888) 959-8686 www.autocorralrv.com B & C RV & Marine 3528 S. Dodge Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85713, (520) 745-9586 www.bigalsrv.com service@bigalsrv.com Bell Road RV Center 2727 E. Bell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85032, (602) 971-2450, FAX (602) 992-3835 www.bellroadrv.com service@bellroadrv.com Blue Sky RV 6681 N. Shadows Desert Ln., Marana, AZ 85743, (520) 668-4038 www.blueskyrvservice.com blueskyrv@gmail.com Camelot RV Center 651 N. Main St., Cottonwood, AZ 86326, (928) 634-3011, FAX (928) 634-0425 94 Camping World RV Sales - Tucson 4700 S. Palo Verde Rd., Tucson, AZ 85714, (888) 544-8470 www.campingworldoftucson.com lgrove@campinworldrvsales.com Canyon State RV 1790 W. Sahuaro Rd., Tucson, AZ 85705, (520) 622-6339, (866) 929-2778, FAX (520) 622-6315 www.canyonstatervaz.com customerservice@canyonstatervaz.com Carl’s RV Parts & Service 3435 E. Pennsylvania St., Tucson, AZ 85714, (520) 889-9900, (800) 500-7914 www.carlsrv.com carlsrv@aol.com Carson Trailer - Phoenix 1242 S. 7th St., Phoenix, AZ 85004, (602) 258-2876 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Carson Trailer - Tuscon 2640 N. Stone Ave., Tucson, AZ 85705, (520) 620-6032 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Casa Grande RV Sales East 5944 N. Pinal Ave., Casa Grande, AZ 85222, (520) 423-0404 www.casagrandervsales.com sales@casagrandervsales.com Casa Grande RV Sales 10317 E. Apache Trail, Mesa, AZ 85120, (480) 380-1150, FAX (480) 986-1829 www.casagrandervsales.com sales@casagrandervsales.com Cousin Terry's RV Sales 4532 Hwy. 95, Fort Mohave, AZ 86426, (928) 763-9700, FAX (928) 763-0036 www.cousinterrysrv.com cousinterrysrv@yahoo.com Cowboys RV Mart 1750 N. Kiowa Ave., Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403, (928) 680-6500 www.cowboysrvmart.com sales@cowboysrvmart.com Cruise America Cruise America 11 W. Hampton Ave., Mesa, AZ 85210, (480) 464-7300, (800) 227-0480 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Cruise America/High Country Automotive Cruise America 4409 N. U.S. Hwy. 89, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, (928) 774-3339, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Rincon Rentals Inc. Cruise America 2730 W. Ruthrauff Rd., Tucson, AZ 85705, (520) 293-7076, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Flagstaff Service Center, Inc. 4316 N. Hwy. 89, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, (928) 526-6771 www.flagrv.com flagrv@flagrv.com Flame Propane - Campe Verde 624 N. Industrial Dr., Camp Verde, AZ 86322, (928) 567-4099, FAX (928) 567-3845 Flame Propane - Prescott 475 N. 6th St., Prescott, AZ 86301, (928) 445-3191, (800) 338-3753 D & J RV Center 4923 S. Hwy. 92, Sierra Vista, AZ 85650, (520) 378-6945, FAX (520) 378-1244 Flame Propane - Yarnell 22815 S. Broadway, Yarnell, AZ 85362, (928) 427-0268, (888) 478-6427 D & Rs Family RV 6344 W. Orngwood Ave., Ste. 7, Glendale, AZ 85301, (623) 842-1265 Fountain Hills RV 11813 N. Saguaro Blvd., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268, (480) 837-5595, (888) 284-8608 www.fountainhillsrv.com sales@fountainhillsrv.com Desert Autoplex 3335 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213, (480) 964-2277, (888) 385-1122, FAX (480) 964-1166 www.desertautoplex.com aaron@desertautoplex.com Desert Autoplex 723 N. Scottsdale Rd., Tempe, AZ 85281, (480) 966-9119, (888) 855-5793, FAX (480) 966-9876 www.desertautoplex.com aaron@desertautoplex.com Desert West Coach Service 1243 S. 7th St., Phoenix, AZ 85034, (602) 625-4030 www.desertwestcoach.com sales.dept@desertwestcoach.com Dillon’s RV City 10310 E. Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ 85120, (480) 986-0100, (800) 618-6678 www.dillonsrvcity.com sales@dillonsrvcity.com East Valley RV Specialists 10020 E. Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ 85120, (480) 380-3801, (866) 846-7726, FAX (480) 984-3531 www.eastvalleyrv.com El Monte RV Center/Phoenix RV Rentals 11035 N. Cave Creek Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85020, (602) 275-1761, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonterv.com FamilyVan RV Inc. 9665 N. Cave Creek Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85020, (602) 944-1147 www.familyvan.com familyvan@aol.com Freedom RV 3735 E. Irvington Rd., Tucson, AZ 85714, (520) 750-0100, (888) 514-0365 www.freedomrvaz.com bfrost@freedomrvaz.com Freedom RV Northwest 7475 N. I-10 Eastbound Frontage Rd., Marana, AZ 85743, (520) 572-3789, FAX (520) 579-8635 www.freedomrvaz.com jpruett@freedomrvaz.com Galpin Ford & RV 920 S. Hwy. 69, Dewey, AZ 86327, (928) 632-7808, (888) 445-3317, FAX (928) 632-8049 www.galpinrv.com spiritdog2001@msn.com Garvin’s RV 16333 Hwy. 87, Payson, AZ 85541, (928) 474-9216 Germaine RV Sales 2145 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213, (480) 222-4660, (888) 766-4703, FAX (480) 222-4662 www.germainervsales.com Holiday Motorhomes 2661 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213, (480) 461-9500, (888) 404-3999 www.holidayrvmesa.com ettlemanrobert@yahoo.com Hometown RV 5610 E. 32nd St., Yuma, AZ 85365, (928) 726-4226 www.hometownrvyuma.com 2013 RV DEALER Integrity RV & Marine 9417 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85207, (480) 354-5229, (866) 460-4787, FAX (480) 354-2250 www.rvsellerusa.com integrityrv@msn.com Interstate 15 RV SuperCenter 11330 S. Fortuna Rd., Yuma, AZ 85367, (928) 342-1600, (877) 669-7380 www.thervsupercenter.com La Mesa RV Cente/West Phoenix 10501 W. Papago Fwy., Avondale, AZ 85323, (623) 295-3000, (888) 509-4199 www.lamesarv.com sales@lamesarv.com La Mesa RV Center/East Phoenix 1740 S. Mesa Dr., Mesa, AZ 85210, (480) 615-5000, (888) 509-4199 www.lamesarv.com sales@lamesarv.com La Mesa RV Center 75 E. Main St., Quartzsite, AZ 85346, (928) 927-3005, (888) 509-4199, FAX (928) 927-3188 www.lamesarv.com sales@lamesarv.com La Mesa RV Center 3255 E. Irvington Rd., Tucson, AZ 85714, (520) 807-7200, (888) 509-4199, FAX (520) 807-7247 www.lamesarv.com sales@lamesarv.com La Mesa RV Center 6651 E. Gila Ridge Rd., Yuma, AZ 85365, (928) 317-7940, (888) 509-4199, FAX (928) 317-7996 www.lamesarv.com sales@lamesarv.com Lazydays RV 3200 E. Irvington Rd., Tucson, AZ 85714, (800) 306-4011, (800) 306-4016 www.lazydays.com bgrady@lazydays.com Little Dealer Little Prices Route 66 RV Network 2038 N. Country Club Dr., Mesa, AZ 85201, (480) 321-8433, (888) 834-9581, FAX (480) 962-0914 www.littledealer.com littledealerlittleprices@littledealer.com Little Dealer Little Prices Route 66 RV Network 2350 W. Deer Valley Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85027, (623) 889-3972, (877) 981-3900, FAX (623) 889-3920 www.littledealer.com littledealerlittleprices@littledealer.com Little Dealer Little Prices Route 66 RV Network 2400 W. Indian School Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85015, (602) 386-1074, (866) 263-9267, FAX (602) 263-9362 www.littledealer.com phxinfo2@littledealer.com London Bridge RV Parts & Service 1592 Countryshire Ave., Lk Havasu Cty, AZ 86403, (928) 855-3277, FAX (928) 855-4377 www.londonbridgervparts.com Many Trails RV 6850 E. Hwy. 69, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314, (928) 775-5770, (800) 479-5770 www.manytrailsrv.com manytrails@cableone.net Massey’s Diesel & RV Repair Inc. 1417 S. 59th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85043, (602) 233-1700, FAX (602) 272-8776 www.masseysdiesel.com info@masseysdiesel.com McMahon RV 2260 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213, (480) 835-2095 www.mcmahonrv.com vince.palermo@mcmahonrv.com Mohave RV Repair 4144 Hwy. 95, Ste. B, Fort Mohave, AZ 86426, (928) 704-1900, FAX (928) 704-1926 www.mohavervrepair.com mohaverv@hotmail.com Moturis RV Rentals of Phoenix Camping World 2222 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213, (877) 882-9815 www.moturis.com Mr. Trailer Sales Inc. 2219 W. Deer Valley Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85027, (623) 582-0604, FAX (623) 582-0695 www.mrtrailersalesaz.com mrtrailersales@qwestoffice.net Nelson RV 4060 N. Flowing Wells Rd., Tucson, AZ 85705, (520) 293-1010, (866) 929-8527 www.nelsonrv.com sales@nelsonrv.com Norris RV 973 W. Gila Bend Hwy., Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 836-7921, FAX (520) 836-7074 www.norrisrv.com Oasis RV Center 2111 E. Benson Hwy., Tucson, AZ 85714, (520) 889-6361, (800) 658-5863, FAX (520) 741-1568 www.oasisrv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES On the Road Sales 3405 S. Tomohawk Rd., Lot 25, Apache Junction, AZ 85119, (307) 277-6682 Orangewood RV Center 11449 W Bell Rd., Surprise, AZ 85378, (623) 974-3000, (800) 974-1772, FAX (623) 974-6081 www.orangewoodrv.com Directory RV Care Center 1535 E. Ramar Rd., Bullhead City, AZ 86442, (888) 339-1905 www.rvcarecenter.com info@rvcarecenter.com RV City Inc. 2095 N. Hwy. 90, Huachuca City, AZ 85616, (520) 456-9292, (800) 400-9294, FAX (520) 456-1825 www.rvcity.net rvsales@rvcity.net Owners Rental Of Phoenix P.O. Box 5637, Glendale, AZ 85312, (623) 247-3984, (800) 793-7460 www.ownersrental.com info@ownersrental.com RV Connection E. 32nd St., Yuma, AZ 85365, (928) 341-9015, FAX (928) 341-9016 ron@rvconnectionparts.com Main Street RV 10934 E. Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ 85120, (480) 626-8845, FAX (480) 772-4370 www.MainStRv.com Paul Evert’s RV Country REDEX/Priority RV Network 2155 Hwy. 95, Bullhead City, AZ 86429, (928) 704-5080 www.rvcountry.com sales@rvcountry.com Pedata RV Center 4933 S. Outlet Center Dr., Tucson, AZ 85706, (520) 807-0900, (888) 545-8314 www.pedatarv.com Pedata RV Center 5151 S. Julian Dr., Tucson, AZ 85706, (520) 623-6387, (888) 973-3282 www.pedatarv.com Premier Coach Works 8030 N. El Mirage Rd., El Mirage, AZ 85335, (623) 935-6678 www.premiercoachworks.com info@premiercoachworks.com Resort Homes 13437 W. Westgate Dr., Surprise, AZ 85378, (623) 546-2045, (800) 352-3279, FAX (623) 546-2065 www.azresorthomes.com Road Runner RV Services 2824 Sweetwater Dr., Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406, (520) 453-1213, (888) 453-1213, FAX (520) 453-1508 Robert Crist And Company RV REDEX/Priority RV Network 2025 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213, (800) 225-2134 www.rvsrfun.com Ruthrauff RV Inc. 2750 W. Ruthrauff Rd., Tucson, AZ 85705, (520) 887-1101, (866) 387-1101 www.ruthrauffrv.com RV Lifestyles 1795 Dome Rock Rd., Quartzsite, AZ 85359, (928) 927-8222, (800) 329-4397, FAX (928) 927-8224 www.azrvlifestyles.com sales@azrvlifestyles.com RV Master Techs 13765 W. Auto Dr., Ste. 128, Goodyear, AZ 85338, (623) 932-5444, (877) 788-3247, FAX (623) 932-5460 www.rvmastertechs.com info@rvmastertechs.com RV Peddler Inc. 6722 E. Hwy. 80, Yuma, AZ 85364, (928) 344-0005 www.rvpeddlerinc.com cva_1000@yahoo.com RV Rental Outlet 256 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85201, (480) 461-0023, (877) 554-4108, FAX (480) 461-0025 www.rvrentaloutlet.com donnk@rvrentaloutlet.com RV Traders 11111 E. Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ 85220, (800) 936-0893 www.rv-traders.com RV Traders 2501 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85213, (888) 895-9009 www.rv-traders.com RV World Recreation Vehicle Center 5875 Gila Ridge Rd., Yuma, AZ 85366, (928) 726-6600, (800) 762-7448 www.rvworldyuma.com RV’s-4-Less, Inc. 210 S. Kofa Ave., Parker, AZ 85334, (866) 578-2442 www.rvs4lessca.com RV’s-4-Less, Inc. 15 S. Central Blvd., Quartzsite, AZ 85346, (866) 578-2442 www.rvs4lessca.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 95 ▼ ▼ ▼ ARIZONA CONTINUED Sandy’s West RV Center 1451 W. Miracle Mile, Tucson, AZ 85705, (520) 884-8866 www.sandyswestrv.com Scottsdale RV 1550 N. 67th Pl., Scottsdale, AZ 85257, (602) 412-3851 www.scottsdalerv.com Southeast Arizona RV Rentals, LLC 460 E. Hwy. 82, Huachuca City, AZ 85616, (520) 459-4628, (877) 728-5778 www.rvrentalarizona.net Spanky’s RV & Marine Supply 1012 Joshua Ave., Parker, AZ 85344, (928) 669-1600, FAX (928) 669-2816 www.spankysrv.com Sun City RV 9045 N.W. Grand Ave., Peoria, AZ 85345, (623) 979-8585, FAX (623) 979-7121 www.suncityrv.com sales@suncityrv.com Sunshine RV 2995 Maricopa Ave., Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406, (928) 855-6648, (800) 355-6648 www.sunshinerv.com The RV Store 1530 N. Pinal Ave., Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 421-0408 www.thervstore.net info@thervstore.net Tom’s Camperland Inc. 2183 E. Apache Blvd., Tempe, AZ 85281, (480) 894-1267 www.Tomscamperland.com tomscamperland@aol.com Tom’s Camperland Inc. 1620 N. 19th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85009, (602) 258-3663 www.Tomscamperland.com tomscamperland@aol.com Tom’s Camperland Inc. 11611 W. Bell Rd., Surprise, AZ 85374, (623) 977-2888 www.Tomscamperland.com tomscamperland@aol.com Top Hat RV 2600 Hwy. 95, Bullhead City, AZ 86442, (928) 704-2700, FAX (928) 704-1417 www.tophatrv.net info@tophatrv.net Trek RV & Outdoor 310 E. Hwy. 70, Safford, AZ 85546, (928) 428-7090, FAX (928) 428-6646 www.rvandoutdoor.com amber@trekrvo.com Trotter’s RV 2645 Airway Ave., Kingman, AZ 86409, (928) 757-9339, (928) 692-6010 www.trottersrv.com 96 USA RV & Marine 951 N. Lake Havasu Ave., Lake Havasu, AZ 86403, (928) 453-8721, (888) 453-8721 www.usarvmarine.com usarv@npgcable.com Van’s RV Trailer Company 11565 W. Bell Rd., Surprise, AZ 85378, (623) 977-1292 www.vansrv.net info@vansrv.net World Wide RV REDEX/Priority RV Network 4660 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85205, (888) 313-3061 www.worldwiderv.com ARKANSAS ▼ AOK/Springdale RV Inc. Hwy. 421 W., Tontitown, AR 72770, (479) 361-2077, FAX (479) 361-2078 www.springdalervcenter.com info@springdalervcenter.com Bear Hollow RV Center 15450 S. U.S. Hwy 71, Fort Smith, AR 72916, (479) 996-1869, FAX (479) 996-1870 www.bearhollowrv.com bill@bearhollowrv.com Bells RV 419 Miller Co. Rd. 216, Fouke, AR 71837, (870) 653-3686 www.bellsrv.com comments@bellsrv.com C.W. Hattabaugh Camper Sales 1327 Hwy. 367 N., Bald Knob, AR 72010, (501) 724-5206 www.hattrv.com chuck@hattrv.com Camping World RV Sales Little Rock 9801 Diamond Dr., North Little Rock, AR 72117, (888) 409-7366 www.campingworldofnorthlittlerock.com jwilson@campingworldrvsales.com Camptown RV & Marine 5487 Hwy. 49 N., Brookland, AR 72417, (870) 268-0033, FAX (870) 935-2323 www.camptownrvandmarine.com camptownrv@sbcglobal.net Chuck’s RV Sales 3301 Linwood Dr., Paragould, AR 72450, (870) 236-8200 www.chucksrvsales.com chucksrv@grnco.net Crabtree RV Center Inc. Route 66 RV Network 400 Heather Ln., Alma, AR 72921, (479) 632-0829, (800) 251-6816, FAX (479) 632-6002 www.crabtreerv.com bert@crabtreerv.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Crabtree RV Center Inc. 225 Collum Ln. W., Alma, AR 72921, (479) 632-0829, (800) 251-6816, FAX (479) 632-2277 www.crabtreerv.com Kelly’s RV Inc. 12330 Hwy. 412 W., Paragould, AR 72450, (870) 573-6200, FAX (870) 573-6354 www.kellysrv.com sales@kellysrv.com Crain RV LLC 9801 I-30, Little Rock, AR 72209, (501) 568-0338, (855) 246-0836 www.crainrv.com Lake Country RV Inc. 2902 N.E. Hudson Rd., Rogers, AR 72756, (479) 636-2261, FAX (479) 636-2261 www.lakecountryrv.net lakecountryrv1@aol.com D & R Marine & RV Service 329 W. Main St., Murfreesboro, AR 71958, (870) 285-2072, FAX (870) 285-2074 dandrmarine@windstream.net Dale’s Camping Center 3000 W. Pullen St., Pine Bluff, AR 71601, (870) 536-8300, FAX (870) 536-8302 www.dalescampingcenter.com info@dalescampingcenter.com Fred & Jack Trailer Sales 24218 I-30 N., Bryant, AR 72022, (501) 847-2617, (800) 721-9180 www.fredandjack.com Great Escapes RV Center Inc. 3333 Hwy. 101, Gamaliel, AR 72537, (870) 203-4919, (877) 203-4919 www.gervcenter.com Great Outdoors 9588 Hwy. 63 N., Bono, AR 72416, (870) 935-1080, FAX (870) 935-4593 roger@greatoutdoorsrvs.com Gunter’s RV Sales & Service, Inc. 1457 Hwy. 64 E., Vilonia, AR 72173, (501) 796-3739 guntersrv@tcworks.net Happy Days RV Sales Inc. 3030 S. Arkansas Ave., Russellville, AR 72802, (479) 968-6759, (877) 346-3206 www.happydaysrvsales.com happydzrv@gmail.com Hoss's Mobile RV Repair 839 N. Old Wire Rd., Rogers, AR 72746, (479) 644-8167 www.hmrvr.com hoss1000s@yahoo.com Hwy 62 RV Inc. 13021 W. Hwy. 62, Farmington, AR 72730, (479) 846-3003 www.hwy62rv.com gary@hwy62rv.com Ideal RV Center 4764 Hwy. 5 N., Mountain Home, AR 72653, (870) 481-5400, (888) 826-5819, FAX (870) 481-5412 www.idealrv.com adventure@idealrv.com Mashburn's RV Center 4100 Stadium Blvd., Jonesboro, AR 72404, (870) 932-2424, (800) 367-7989 www.mashburnrv.com Mayflower RV 87 Interstate Dr., Mayflower, AR 72106, (501) 470-1900, FAX (501) 470-9222 www.mayflowerrv.com Mayflower RV 6598 E. Hwy. 171, Malvern, AR 72104, (501) 332-8900 www.mayflowerrv.com Mayflower RV 6305 Alma Hwy., Van Buren, AR 72956, (479) 632-0920 www.mayflowerrv.com McGaugh RV Center 2650 Wagon Wheel Rd., Springdale, AR 72762, (479) 751-2174, (888) 544-4401 www.mcgaughrv.com inquiry@mcgaughrv.com Moix RV Supercenter Route 66 RV Network 1213 Collier Dr., Conway, AR 72032, (501) 327-2255, (888) 664-9780 www.moixrv.com conwaysales@moixrv.com National Travelers RV Center 3205 Cimmaron Drive, Conway, AR 72032, (800) 221-4941, FAX (501) 764-9988 www.rvbestbuy.com cblock@rvbestbuy.com Pace RV Sales and Service 1705 California Ave. S.W., Camden, AR 71701, (870) 836-8611 pacerv@cablelynx.com Razorback Camper Sales Inc. 2320 Albert Pike Rd., Hot Springs, AR 71913, (501) 767-3486 www.razorbackcampersales.com info@razorbackcampersales.com River City Recreation World 6721 Warden Rd., Sherwood, AR 72120, (501) 833-1420, (800) 696-2125, FAX (501) 833-6035 www.rivercityrvs.com 2013 RV DEALER RV City 18925 I-30, Benton, AR 72015, (501) 315-4300, (800) 578-2489, FAX (501) 315-4360 www.rvcity.biz Wheels Motor & RV 1358 W. Henri De Tonti Blvd., Springdale, AR 72762, (479) 306-5555, (877) 681-5051 www.wheelsrv.net sales@wheelsrv.net CALIFORNIA ▼ Advantage RV Center 4122 Byway E., Napa, CA 94558, (707) 252-8188 Adventure RV of Napa 473 Soscol Ave., Napa, CA 94559, (707) 226-3500, FAX (707) 265-6656 www.adventurervnapa.com Affordable Rentals & Sales 3260 Cameron Park Dr., Cameron Park, CA 95682, (530) 677-3150, (800) 638-4655 www.affordablerentalsandsales.com affordable.rvrentals@gmail.com 1RVRentals.Com 5000 Windplay Dr., Ste 3-225, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762, (866) 468-8278 www.1rvrentals.com melody.bell49@gmail.com Affordable RV 11854 Mariposa Rd., Hesperia, CA 92345, (760) 947-0646, (866) 733-2786 www.2arvo.net pdufer@2arvo.com A Class RV, Inc. 2557 W. Cambridge Ave., Fresno, CA 93705, (559) 264-1920, FAX (559) 264-3283 www.aclassrv.com info@aclassrv.com Affordable RV Rentals 9994 Hillview Rd., Newcastle, CA 95658, (530) 889-8175, FAX (530) 889-8177 www.arvrental.com customerservice@arvrental.com AAA RV Appliance Parts AAA Appliance Service 1824 Woolley Way, Sacramento, CA 95815, (916) 929-9777, FAX (916) 929-4928 www.aaarv.net mary@aaarv.net AFunRV Rentals 411 E. Todd Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 95407, (707) 585-8431, FAX (707) 584-8128 www.afunrv.com afunrv@aol.com ABC Companies 1485 Dale Way, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 444-5888, (800) 322-2877, FAX (714) 241-8002 www.abc-companies.com abcinfo@abc-companies All About Fun RV Rental, Sales, & Service 499 Main St., Ramona, CA 92065, (760) 789-8988 www.allaboutfunrvrental.com info@rvrentalfun.com ABC Companies 3508 Haven Ave., Redwood City, CA 94063, (650) 368-3364, FAX (407) 287-3160 www.abc-companies.com abcinfo@abc-companies ABC Muffler and Hitch, Inc. 4592 E. 2nd St., Benicia, CA 94510, (707) 746-5488 www.abcmufflerandhitch.com info@abcmufflerandhitch.com Acacia RV 295 N. Hermosa Ave., Colton, CA 92324, (909) 824-9674, FAX (909) 825-3933 www.acaciarvperformance.com acacia_rv@yahoo.com Action Trailer Sales Inc. 1346 E. Taylor St., San Jose, CA 95133, (408) 288-6236 Advanced Generator Service 718 N Loren Ave. #1, Azusa, CA 91702, (626) 334-9299, FAX (626) 334-9216 www.advancedgeneratorservice.com All Seasons RV - Sales 1337 Colusa Hwy., Yuba City, CA 95993, (530) 671-9070, (800) 576-9074 www.allseasonsrvcenter.com sales@allseasonsrvcenter.com All Seasons RV - Service Route 66 RV Network 3300 Colusa Hwy., Yuba City, CA 95993, (530) 671-9070, (800) 576-9074 www.allseasonsrvcenter.com sales@allseasonsrvcenter.com All Star Coaches 8863 Marsh Creek Rd., Clayton, CA 94517, (866) 838-4465 www.allstarcoaches.com info@allstarcoaches.com All Valley RV Center Route 66 RV Network 1525 Sierra Hwy., Acton, CA 93510, (661) 269-4800, (888) 558-8394 www.allvalleyrvcenter.com troy@allvalleyrvcenter.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Directory All Wheel Alignment and Brake 18730 Old Oasis Rd., Redding, CA 96003, (530) 241-1010, (800) 568-8892 www.allwheelinc.com allwheelalignment@msn.com Ball Renegade Northern California Ball Auto Group 23511 Bernhardt St., Hayward, CA 94545, (619) 477-1790 www.ballrenegade.com mikej23@ballrenegade.com All-Rite California 1500 Shelton Dr., Hollister, CA 95023, (831) 636-9566, FAX (831) 636-9464 www.all-rite.com sales@all-rite.com Barber RV 3650 E. Main St., Ventura, CA 93003, (866) 797-8420 www.barberrv.com mikearrambide@barberonline.com Barry’s RV Outlet 220 S. Union Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93307, (661) 247-4549, (866) 584-0760 www.barrysrvoutlet.com barrysrvoutlet@gmail.com Amack’s Recreation, Inc. 1256 E. Main St., Woodland, CA 95776, (530) 662-9658, (877) 662-9658 www.amacksrvs.com info@amacksrvs.com Bears RV 10240 Speulveda Blvd., Mission Hills, CA 91345, (818) 920-6056 www.bearsrv.com bill@bearsrv.com American Camper Shells 11151 Beach Blvd., Stanton, CA 90680, (714) 898-1827, FAX (714) 892-7970 www.americancampershells.com info@americancampershells.com Anderson RV Sales and Rentals 6040 Hwy. 273, Anderson, CA 96007, (530) 378-1993, FAX (503) 378-2218 www.andersonrvsalesandrentals.com rentals@andersonrvsalesandrentals.com Apollo Motor Home Holidays 13820 Hawthorne Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250, (310) 675-1335, (800) 370-1262, FAX (310) 675-1366 www.apollorv.com info@apollorv.com Apollo Motor Home Holidays 14273 Washington Ave., San Leandro, CA 94578, (310) 675-1335, (800) 370-1262, FAX (310) 675-1366 www.apollorv.com info@apollorv.com Auburn RV Service Center 111 Sutherland Dr., Auburn, CA 95603, (530) 823-5435, FAX (530) 888-1489 auburnrvsc@yahoo.com Automotive USA 23679 Calabasas Rd., Calabasas, CA 91302, (888) 478-1192 www.automotiveusa.com Benchmark RV Center 11660 Tuxford St., Sun Valley, CA 91352, (818) 504-4813, FAX (818) 504-9946 www.benchmarkrv.com mike@benchmarkrv.com Benlo RV 15633 Arrow Hwy., Irwindale, CA 91706, (626) 337-7279, (626) 337-7270 www.benlorv.com benlorv@aol.com Best RV Center 5340 Taylor Ct., Turlock, CA 95382, (209) 216-5200, (800) 920-9970, FAX (209) 216-5210 www.bestrv.com info@bestrv.com Bill’s Trailer Hitch & Supplies 2550 Eastman Ave. #1, Ventura, CA 93003, (805) 644-2275 www.billstrailerhitch.com Bob Miller RV 1463 E. 6th St., Beaumont, CA 92223, (951) 845-4611, (888) 479-2974, FAX (951) 845-4597 www.bobmillerrv.com B & B RV Center 3750 Automall Dr., Anderson, CA 96007, (530) 365-7043, (866) 852-8465 www.bandbrvs.com Bob’s RV Repair 215 Ave. of Flags, Buellton, CA 93427, (805) 688-8680 bobsrvrepair@verizon.net B&L RV Sales & Service 11 Quinta Ct., Sacramento, CA 95823, (916) 423-1151, (877) 813-8754 www.bandlrv.com Bob's RV Sales 44219 E. Florida Ave., Hemet, CA 92544, (951) 927-1377, (800) 446-1377, FAX (951) 927-8446 www.bobsrvsales.com Ball Renegade Ball Auto Group 2001 National City Blvd., National City, CA 91950, (619) 477-1790 www.ballrenegade.com jon@ballrenegade.com Bobs Travel Center Inc. 700 Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95404, (707) 573-9277, FAX (707) 573-8287 bobstravelcenter@sbcglobal.net J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 97 ▼ ▼ ▼ CALIFORNIA CONTINUED Bonessa Brothers RV 8595 Monterey Hwy., Gilroy, CA 95020, (408) 842-8418, (877) 705-3488, FAX (408) 842-8518 www.bonessabrosrv.com Camper & Trailer Outlet Orange County 2345 N. Grand Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92705, (877) 727-4991, FAX (714) 550-4993 www.camping-trailers.com Boyd Trailer Sales 455 S. Main St., Bishop, CA 93514, (760) 873-4433 boydfence@earthlink.net Camper & Trailer Outlet - San Diego County 1198 Broadway, El Cajon, CA 92021, (800) 509-4703, FAX (619) 588-1851 www.camping-trailers.com Brawley Trailer Supply 1634 Main St., Brawley, CA 92227, (760) 344-6620, FAX (760) 344-6616 Brown's RV 9702 Hwy. 53, Lower Lake, CA 95457, (707) 994-9418, (800) 794-9418 www.brownsrv.com jeff@brownsrv.com Buyer’s RV Mart 681 W. La Cadena Dr., Riverside, CA 92501, (951) 686-9074, (877) 252-1656, FAX (951) 686-0729 www.buyrvsmart.com buyersrvmart@sbcglobal.net C & G Trailer Service 9241 Sonrisa St., Bellflower, CA 90706, (562) 634-6286, (800) 662-3790 www.cgtrailer.com cgtrailer@aol.com C & S RV Service Center 1910 Lockwood St., Oxnard, CA 93036, (805) 983-1673, FAX (805) 983-6475 www.candsrv.com California Campers 1692 Tacoma Way #12, Redwood City, CA 94063, (650) 216-0000 www.californiacampers.com rentals@californiacampers.com California Camper RV Repair 38456 Cedar Blvd., Newark, CA 94560, (510) 793-8157 www.californiacamperrepair.com californiacamper@aol.com California Coach Company LLC 3030 Pullman St., Ste B, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (800) 460-7989 www.californiacoachcompany.com sales@californiacoachcompany.com California RV Rentals 730 N. 9th St., Modesto, CA 95350, (209) 523-2131 www.carvrentals.com sales@carvrentals.com California Trailer & RV Sales 2370 Twin View Blvd., Redding, CA 96003, (530) 241-7746, (800) 427-7765, FAX (530) 241-2534 www.californiarvsales.com calrv@shasta.com 98 CamperRentals USA LLC 2606 N. Ventura Ave., Ventura, CA 93001, (805) 641-4100, (866) 987-8872, FAX (805) 641-4105 www.camperrentalsusa.com info@camperrentalsusa.com CamperRentals USA LLC 460 Sandpiper Way, Chula Vista, CA 91910, (415) 542-8493, (866) 987-8872 www.camperrentalsusa.com info@camperrentalsusa.com CamperRentals USA LLC 700 Palmetto Drive, Pacifica, CA 94044, (415) 542-8493, (866) 987-8872 www.camperrentalsusa.com info@camperrentalsusa.com Camping World RV Sales Bakersfield 5500 Wible Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93313, (888) 441-9065 www.campingworldofbakersfield.com kbatchelor@campingworldrvsales.com Camping World RV Sales La Mirada 14900 S. Firestone Blvd., La Mirada, CA 90638, (800) 854-8422 Camping World RV Sales Sacramento 1039 Orlando Ave., Roseville, CA 95661, (888) 722-0117 www.campingworldofsacramento.com jpaul@campinworld.com Camping World RV Sales Vacaville 5065 Quinn Rd., Vacaville, CA 95688, (888) 440-5985 www.campingworldofnortherncalifornia.com lnellett@campingworldrvsales.com Camping World RV Sales Valencia 25410 The Old Rd., Santa Clarita, CA 91381, (888) 426-7707 www.campingworldofvalencia.com nhouck@campingworldrvsales.com Canyon Motors RV 1050 S. Cawston Ave., Unit A, Hemet, CA 92545, (951) 929-0880, FAX (951) 925-9093 Carson Trailer - Bakersfield 3960 Saco Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93308, (661) 391-9805 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Carson Trailer - Beaumont 1375 E. 6th St., Beaumont, CA 92223, (951) 769-1833 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Carson Trailer - Corona 2222 W. Frontage Rd., Corona, CA 91720, (951) 737-2618 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Carson Trailer - Fontana 9905 Cherry Ave., Fontana, CA 92335, (909) 429-1928 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Carson Trailer - Fresno 2670 S. East Ave., Fresno, CA 93706, (559) 442-0025 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Carson Trailer - Gardena 14800 S. Maple Ave., Gardena, CA 90248, (310) 516-1431 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Carson Trailer - Gilroy 6290 Monterey St., Gilroy, CA 95020, (408) 842-3131 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Carson Trailer - Hesperia 11494 Mariposa Rd., Hesperia, CA 92345, (760) 948-4420 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Carson Trailer - Lancaster 45320 N. 23rd. St. W., Lancaster, CA 93536, (661) 945-2267 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Central Valley RV Repair 5349 E. Home Ave., Fresno, CA 93727, (559) 255-6188, FAX (559) 255-1014 Cherokee Camper Sales Phillips RV Inc. 232 S. Pleasant, Lodi, CA 95240, (209) 298-0531 phillipsrv@att.net Coachshare 1501 San Elijo Rd S., Ste. 104-107, San Marcos, CA 92078, (760) 798-2100, (888) 467-0700, FAX (858) 630-4899 www.coachshare.com info@coachshare.com Coach Repair Inc 4630 Mchenry Ave., Modesto, CA 95356, (209) 521-1185 Concord Coach Co. 551 N. Buchanan Circle, Pacheco, CA 94553, (925) 676-0888, FAX (925) 676-0424 www.concordcoachcompany.com concordcoachco@yahoo.com Conejo Vacation Trailer 60 Cunningham Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91362, (805) 497-2315 www.conejovacationtrailer.com County RV Service Center 10229 Prospect Ave., Santee, CA 92071, (619) 440-6688, (800) 956-9353, FAX (619) 562-6734 www.countyrv.com countryrv1@aol.com Cousin Gary RV Center 3000 Park Marina Dr., Redding, CA 96001, (530) 241-3545, (800) 442-3545 www.cousingaryrv.com rgranstrom@cousingarys.com Carson Trailer - Norco 491 6th St., Norco, CA 92860, (951) 372-8010 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Cousin Gary RV Supermart 3165 Twin View Blvd., Shasta Lake, CA 96019, (530) 275-6089, (800) 404-6089 www.cousingaryrv.com Carson Trailer - San Diego 1111 E. Main St., El Cajon, CA 92021, (619) 441-9194 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Crane’s RV Refrigeration Inc. 25 California St., Vallejo, CA 94590, (707) 552-0337, (800) 309-0535 www.gasrefrigeration.net cranesrv@aol.com Carstens Motors Inc. 245 N. Main St., Alturas, CA 96101, (530) 233-3531, (800) 462-3531, FAX (530) 233-5641 carstensmotors@frontiernet.net Cruise America - Los Angeles Cruise America 2233 E. 223rd St., Carson, CA 90810, (310) 522-3870, (888) 551-6052 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Central Truck & RV 2170 Hutton Rd., Nipomo, CA 93444, (805) 925-0811, (877) 932-5377, FAX (805) 349-0243 www.centralrv.net bobbys@centralrv.net Cruise America/RV Rent LLC Cruise America 8637 Troy St., Spring Valley, CA 91977, (619) 460-1406, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com 2013 RV DEALER Cruise America/ABC Rent A Car Cruise America 2624 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, (949) 200-3366, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Alum Rock Self Storage Cruise America 2487 Alum Rock Ave., San Jose, CA 95116, (408) 937-7032, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Clovis Truck Rental Cruise America 707 Jefferson Ave., Clovis, CA 93612, (559) 299-9603, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Nipomo Self Storage Cruise America 542 Lindon Ln., Nipomo, CA 93444, (805) 929-2149, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Party Tyme Rentals Cruise America 13056 Poway Rd., Poway, CA 92064, (858) 513-1083, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Pastor Auto Care Cruise America 7920 Old Auburn Rd., Citrus Heights, CA 95610, (916) 723-1453, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Condon Lumber Cruise America 117 E. 25th Ave., San Mateo, CA 94403, (650) 577-9201, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Quality Clutch Cruise America 1236 E. Mission Rd., Fallbrook, CA 92028, (760) 723-8727, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Crest RV Cruise America 18720 Van Buren Blvd., Ste. C, Riverside, CA 92508, (951) 776-9780, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/R & R Rentals Cruise America 584 6th St., Norco, CA 92860, (951) 278-2808, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Curtins U Drive Cruise America 1244 Central Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401, (707) 526-1562, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Route 66 Rentals Cruise America 1784 W. Foothills Blvd., Upland, CA 91786, (909) 982-4731, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Fillmore Bldg Supply Cruise America 437 Main St., Fillmore, CA 93015, (805) 524-7010, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Warners Truck Rental Cruise America 2372A Industry St., Oceanside, CA 92054, (760) 722-0634, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Friendly Moving Center Cruise America 3980 Saco Rd. #C, Bakersfield, CA 93308, (661) 387-0321, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/West Cost Railroad Cruise America 5119 Quinn Rd., Vacaville, CA 95688, (707) 451-8846, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Laguna Tire & Wheel Cruise America 2220 Kausen Dr., Sacramento, CA 95758, (916) 478-2892, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Bonner Equipmt Rental Cruise America 6935 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, CA 91042, (818) 352-0241, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Cruise America Cruise America 5623 John Muir Dr., Newark, CA 94560, (510) 661-6719, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Directory DC’s RV Center 3775 Buck Owens Blvd., Bakersfield, CA 93308, (661) 331-3618, FAX (661) 374-4967 www.dcsrvcenter.com Cruise America/Don's RV Center Cruise America 4872 Rohde Rd., Ceres, CA 95307, (800) 549-2295, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cummins Cal Pacific, Inc. Coachcare 3958 Transport St., Ventura, CA 93003, (805) 644-7281, (800) 881-1159 www.funroads.com/coachcare www.calpacific.cummins.com Dave’s Trailer Repair 2100 Mill Creek Rd., Ukiah, CA 95482, (707) 462-9088 davestrailer@pacific.net Delta RV 1960 Ramada Dr., Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 591-4463 www.deltaliquidenergy.com/delta-rv Deluxe RV Supply 8595 Rosecrans Ave., Paramount, CA 90723, (562) 531-9123 www.deluxerv.com Demartini RV Sales 625 Idaho-Maryland Rd., Grass Valley, CA 95945, (530) 272-1921, (800) 576-1921, FAX (530) 272-9413 www.demartini.com sales@demartini.com Cummins Cal Pacific, Inc. Coachcare 485 Raleigh , El Cajon, CA 92020, (619) 593-3093, FAX (623) 474-2730 www.funroads.com/coachcare www.calpacific.cummins.com Cummins West, Inc. Coachcare 4601 E. Brundage Ln., Bakersfield, CA 93307, (661) 325-9404 www.funroads.com/coachcare www.rockymountaincummins.com Custom Equipment Sales Inc. 330 Keyes St., San Jose, CA 95112, (408) 294-1977, FAX (408) 294-8032 woodscustom@att.net Custom RV, Inc. 1200 W. Mission Blvd., Ontario, CA 91762, (909) 983-8411, FAX (909) 983-0818 www.customrvsales.com sales@customrvsales.com Custom Truck - Auburn Custom Truck Accessories 101 Nevada St., Auburn, CA 95603, (530) 823-8677, FAX (530) 823-0293 www.customtrucks.com Custom Truck - Redwood City Custom Truck Accessories 540 Veterans Blvd., Redwood City, CA 94063, (650) 363-5982 www.customtrucks.com Custom Truck - S. San Francisco Custom Truck Accessories 1537 El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA 95815, (916) 929-7559 www.customtrucks.com Custom Truck - S. San Francisco Custom Truck Accessories 656 El Camino Real, South San Francisco, CA 94080, (650) 875-1224 www.customtrucks.com Demartini RV Sales 2412 Princeton St., Sacramento, CA 95815, (916) 561-6060, (800) 576-1921 www.demartini.com sales@demartini.com Demartini RV Sales 1305 E. Main St., Grass Valley, CA 95945, (530) 272-0675, (800) 576-1921 www.demartini.com sales@demartini.com Denis RV Center 2419 W. Monte Vista Ave., Turlock, CA 95382, (209) 634-9046 www.denisrv.com sales@denisrv.com Dependable RV 18626 Gothard St., Huntington Beach, CA 92648, (714) 847-5733 www.dependablerv.com faraceg@aol.com Desert Sport RV Inc. 1964 S. Santa Fe Ave., Vista, CA 92083, (760) 727-4990, FAX (760) 727-5913 Dicks Camper & Trailer Sales 7 Poco Way, American Canyon, CA 94503, (707) 552-4926 Discount Camper Shells 3001 Orange Ave., Long Beach, CA 90807, (562) 595-6500 www.discountcamperstore.com discountcamperstore@hotmail.com Don’s RV Center Inc. 4872 Rohde Rd., Ceres, CA 95307, (209) 556-9993, (877) 236-6778 www.donsrv.com don@donsrv.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 99 ▼ ▼ ▼ CALIFORNIA CONTINUED Eagle RV 661 Crow Creek Rd., Galt, CA 95632, (209) 745-4093, FAX (209) 745-3925 www.eaglerv.net eaglerv@eaglerv.net El Monte RV Center/San Francisco RV Rentals El Monte RV 6301 Scarlett Ct., Dublin, CA 94568, (925) 803-0331, (888) 337-2214, FAX (925) 803-0778 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Newport Beach RV Rentals El Monte RV 1131 Back Bay Dr., Newport Beach, CA 92660, (949) 721-1446, (888) 337-2214, FAX (949) 721-1449 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Van Nuys RV Rentals El Monte RV 6323 Sepulveda Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91411, (818) 901-7272, (888) 337-2214, FAX (818) 787-3612 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Corona RV Rentals El Monte RV 1751 Hamner Ave., Norco, CA 92860, (951) 734-7949, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com Escalon RV 2503 Jackson Ave., Escalon, CA 95320, (209) 838-6019 escalonrv@escalonrv.com El Monte RV Center El Monte RV 12061 E. Valley Blvd., El Monte, CA 91732, (626) 443-6158, (888) 337-2214, FAX (626) 443-6673 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Paso Robles RV Rentals El Monte RV 5995 Monterey Rd., Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 434-2225, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Victorville RV Rentals El Monte RV 8893 Three Flags Ave. #B, Hesperia, CA 92344, (760) 241-1877, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Sacramento RV Rentals El Monte RV 4100 Florin-Perkins Rd., Sacramento, CA 95826, (916) 929-9001, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Inglewood RV Rentals El Monte RV 4900 W. Century Blvd., Inglewood, CA 90304, (310) 671-3000, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/San Bernardion RV Rentals El Monte RV 565 E. Redlands Blvd., San Bernardino, CA 92408, (909) 885-2000, (888) 337-2214, FAX (909) 888-0420 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Los Angeles RV Rentals El Monte RV 1256 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, CA 90017, (213) 484-1468, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/San Francisco RV Rentals El Monte RV 111 Mason St., San Francisco, CA 94102, (415) 771-8770, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Fresno RV Rentals El Monte RV 11040 Hwy 41, Madera, CA 93636, (559) 456-0313, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Los Angeles RV Rentals El Monte RV 12818 Firestone Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670, (562) 404-9300, (888) 337-2214, FAX (562) 404-2021 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/San Jose RV Rentals El Monte RV 930 Wrigley Way, Milpitas, CA 95035, (408) 296-6624, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/San Diego N. RV Rentals El Monte RV 8665 Mission Gorge Rd., Santee, CA 92701, (619) 449-1513, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Modesto RV Rentals El Monte RV 730 N. 9th St., Modesto, CA 95350, (209) 523-0001, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Center/Santa Cruz RV Rentals El Monte RV 155 El Pubeblo Rd., Scotts Valley, CA 95066, (831) 476-2728, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com 100 RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 ET Quality RV Inc. 2021 Live Oak Blvd., Yuba City, CA 95991, (855) 809-9027, FAX (530) 755-0296 www.etqualityrv.com cet4rv@gmail.com Expedition Motor Homes Inc. 23981 Craftsman Rd., Calabasas, CA 91302, (818) 225-8239, (888) 977-8400 www.expeditionmotorhomes.com martin@expeditionmh.com Eyers Hitch Center Inc. 3473 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95051, (408) 248-4454 www.eyershitch.com F & H Tire Co. 540 E. Holt Blvd., Pomona, CA 91767, (909) 629-3044 www.fhtire.com Fairfield RV 4560 Central Way, Fairfield, CA 94534, (707) 864-3500 www.fairfieldrv.com Fairview Ford Service 292 N. G St., San Bernardino, CA 92410, (909) 884-9261, (888) 696-1328 www.fairviewford.com Family RV 2828 Monterey Hwy., San Jose, CA 95111, (408) 365-1991 www.familyrv.com alan@familyrv.com Family RV 85 Auto Center Dr., Pomona, CA 91766, (800) 777-5943, (888) 777-8417 www.familyrvusa.com familyrv@familyrvusa.com Fast Service Center 631 Enterprise St., Escondido, CA 92029, (760) 746-5596, (800) 705-4181 www.fastservicecenter.com Feather River RV Inc. 1740 Feather River Blvd., Oroville, CA 95965, (530) 533-2268, (888) 533-2268 featherriverrv@yahoo.com Final Touch Coach Works LLC 28532 Livingston Ave., Valencia, CA 91355, (661) 775-8375, FAX (661) 775-8377 www.finaltouchrv.com dave@finaltouch-usa.com Folsom Lake RV Center 11373 Folsom Blvd., Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, (916) 635-4545, (800) 226-7453 www.folsomlakerv.com Four Wheel Campers Inc. 109 Pioneer Ave., Woodland, CA 95776, (530) 666-1442, (800) 242-1442, FAX (530) 666-1486 www.fourwheelcampers.com fwc@fourwh.com Fox Trailer Sales, Rentals & Storage 6630 4th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95817, (916) 456-4669 www.foxtrailersales.com foxtrailer@comcast.net Fredericks Unlimited 1736 Riverside Ave., Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 239-9530 www.fredericksunlimited.com fredericksunltd@sbcglobal.net Freedom RV 2881 E. Jensen Ave., Fresno, CA 93706, (559) 268-3733, FAX (559) 268-3131 www.freedomrvfresno.com info@freedomrvfresno.com Fredson RV Center 1201 N. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92703, (877) 741-4777, FAX (714) 586-5713 www.fredsonrv.com info@fredsonrv.com Family RV 1510 Auto Center Dr., Ontario, CA 91761, (800) 777-5943, (888) 777-8417 www.familyrvusa.com familyrv@familyrvusa.com Funday RV Service & Generator Specialists 444 Via El Centro, Ste. A, Oceanside, CA 92058, (760) 721-0102, FAX (760) 721-0602 www.fundayrv.com service@fundayrv.com Farace Automotive & RV Service 18262 Gothard St., Huntington Beach, CA 92648, (714) 847-0352 www.faracerv.com Gale Banks Engineering 546 S. Duggan Ave., Azusa, CA 91702, (800) 601-8072 www.bankspower.com 2013 RV DEALER Garrett Custom Trailers and Motorcoaches 1720 Voyager Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063, (805) 915-0141, (888) 687-0808 www.garrettcustomtrailers.com sales@gctrailers.com Geweke Auto & RV Collision Center 102 Hansen Dr., Lodi, CA 95240, (209) 368-0561, (800) 300-1388 www.geweke.com Giant RV Colton 1300 E. Santo Antonio Dr., Colton, CA 92324, (888) 581-1765 www.giantrv.com mellanie@giantrv.net Hardcastle’s RV Center 1189 Main St., Oakley, CA 94561, (925) 754-4005 www.hardcastlesrv.com hardcastlerv@sbcglobal.net Holland Motor Homes REDEX/Priority RV Network 251 Travelers Way, San Marcos, CA 92069, (790) 798-8300, (800) 961-4464 www.hollandmotorhomes.com info@hollandmotorhomes.com Holland Motor Homes REDEX/Priority RV Network 11510 Woodside Ave. Ste H , Santee, CA 92071, (858) 240-4980, (800) 691-4980, FAX (858) 240-4981 www.hollandmotorhomes.com info@hollandmotorhomes.com Giant RV Corona 2200 W. Frontage Rd., Corona, CA 92882, (888) 607-3653 www.giantrv.com ronaldthorne@giantrv.com Horn Auto and RV 15275 Olde Hwy. 80, El Cajon, CA 92021, (619) 456-9880 www.hornautoandrv.com rvsales@hornautoandrv.com Giant RV Montclair 9150 Benson Ave., Montclair, CA 91763, (888) 636-1732 www.giantrv.com bobb@giantrv.com Ideal RV Trailer Supply 3375 E. Bayshore Rd., Redwood City, CA 94063, (650) 365-1574, FAX (650) 365-5649 www.idealrvandtrailer.com idealrv@sbcglobal.net Giant RV Murrieta 24722 Madison Ave., Murrieta, CA 92562, (888) 643-4013 www.giantrv.com mikemurphy@giantrv.com Gleason’s Salinas RV Service 302 Commission St., Salinas, CA 93901, (831) 758-1344, FAX (831) 758-5612 www.salinasrv.com juan@salinasrv.com H&H RV Repair & Storage 10951 Jacinto Way, Ventura, CA 93004, (805) 647-3176 hhrv@sbcglobal.net Happy Daze RV’s REDEX/Priority RV Network 1199 El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA 95815, (916) 921-2222, (800) 783-6509, FAX (916) 920-5503 www.happydazerv.com sales@happydazerv.com Happy Daze RV’s/Camperland RVs REDEX/Priority RV Network 1925 El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA 95815, (916) 925-5643, (800) 783-6509 www.happydazerv.com sales@happydazerv.com Happy Daze RV’s Bay Area REDEX/Priority RV Network 5605 Southfront Rd., Livermore, CA 94551, (925) 443-0222, (800) 783-6509 www.happydazerv.com sales@happydazerv.com Idle Wheels RV Center Inc. 4625 Missouri Flat Rd., Placerville, CA 95667, (530) 622-7034 Interstate 15 RV SuperCenter 27941 Jefferson Ave., Temecula, CA 92590, (951) 699-7380, (877) 669-7380 www.thervsupercenter.com Javis RV Service Center, Inc. 42324 8th St. E., Lancaster, CA 93535, (661) 942-2492, FAX (661) 942-2488 www.javisrvservicecenter.com marquezadiel@yahoo.com K & N Customs 25260 Antelope Rd., Menifee, CA 92585, (951) 928-0380 www.kncustoms.com Kamper’s Korner RV 14615 Palmdale Rd., Victorville, CA 92392, (760) 241-7351 www.kamperskornerrv.com King Kong Productiion Vehicles 525 Superior Ave., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (323) 462-6646, (949) 673-1999, FAX (800) 513-9354 www.kingkongtrailers.com david@kingkongtrailers.com La Mesa RV Center Inc. 5200 Chiles Rd., Davis, CA 95618, (530) 747-8400, (888) 509-4199 www.lamesarv.com davis@lamesarv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES La Mesa RV Center Inc. 6450 Dublin Ct., Dublin, CA 94568, (925) 557-3700, (888) 509-4199 www.lamesarv.com sales@lamesarv.com Directory McMahon’s RV 1313 RV Center Dr. #12, Colton, CA 92324, (909) 422-8970 www.mcmahonrv.com kevinmmcmahonrv@aol.com La Mesa RV Center Inc. 7430 Copley Park Pl., San Diego, CA 92111, (858) 874-8000, (888) 509-4199 www.lamesarv.com sandiego@lamesarv.com Leale’s RV and Truck Center 2070 S. 7th, Ste. A, San Jose, CA 95112, (408) 286-5353, (866) 572-5607, FAX (408) 286-5252 www.lealesrvauto.com info@lealesrvauto.com Magic Touch RVs 3567 N. Oaks St., Tulare, CA 93274, (559) 688-2801, (800) 772-8775 www.magictouchrv.com sales@magictouchrv.com McMahon’s RV 77840 Varner Rd., Palm Desert, CA 92211, (760) 200-2311, FAX (760) 200-2334 www.mcmahonrv.com tmassucci@yahoo.com McMahon’s RV 5400 Garden Grove Blvd., Westminster, CA 92683, (949) 653-6711 www.mcmahonrv.com bkirkland@mcmahonrv.com Meeks RV Center 25355 N. Hwy 99, Acampo, CA 95220, (209) 366-1100, FAX (209) 366-1117 www.meeksrv.com meeksrv@aol.com Metro RV 160 W. Olive Ave., Burbank, CA 91502, (800) 400-7544, FAX (818) 841-3509 www.metrorv.com roberto@metrorv.com Major RV Sales 13774 Main St., Hesperia, CA 92345, (760) 244-0224 www.majorrvauto.com Manteca Trailer & Motorhome 2060 E. Yosemite Ave., Manteca, CA 95336, (877) 289-1274 www.mantecatrailer.com sales@mantecatrailer.com Marlo’s RV Service 467 Yolanda Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95404, (707) 542-3522 marlosrv@att.net Marty Moore’s Motor Homes 4019 Hicock St., San Diego, CA 92110, (619) 299-3720, (877) 893-8669 www.martymooremotorhome.com Master Kraft RV Mobile Service, Orange, CA 92867, (714) 553-9336 www.masterkraftrv.com mkrv1@msn.com Meyers RV 433 Alaska Ave., Torrance, CA 90503, (310) 328-1515, FAX (310) 328-8218 www.meyersrv.com info@meyersrv.com Mickey’s RV Center 9775 Monterey Hwy., Gilroy, CA 95020, (408) 848-4087, FAX (408) 848-3748 www.mickeysrvservice.com info@mickeysrvservice.com Mike Ferguson Recreation 5505 Skyway, Paradise, CA 95969, (530) 877-7554, (866) 873-6873, FAX (530) 877-8769 www.mikefergusonrecreation.com Mike Friend RVs 2933 Esplanade, Chico, CA 95973, (530) 343-0245 www.mikefriendrvs.com Matthews RV Sales 1545 N. Clovis Ave., Fresno, CA 93727, (559) 456-9271, (888) 628-8757, FAX (559) 456-0855 www.matthewsrvsales.com sales@matthewsrvsales.com Mike Thompson’s Cathedral City 68318 Palm Canyon, Cathedral City, CA 92234, (888) 350-8832 www.mikethompson.com 1frankd@mikethompson.com McBride's RV Service 13788 Oaks Ave., Chino, CA 91710, (909) 627-7566, (800) 421-7788, FAX (909) 590-0196 www.mcbridesrv.com info@mcbridesrv.com Mike Thompson’s Colton RV Expo 902 RV Center Dr., Colton, CA 92324, (888) 350-8832 www.mikethompson.com 1frankd@mikethompson.com McColloch’s RV Repair & Storage 2420 Harvard St, Sacramento, CA 95815, (916) 929-3510 www.mccollochsrv.com mccollochsrv@yahoo.com Mike Thompson’s Fountain Valley Trailer 10480 Talbert Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708, (888) 350-8832 www.mikethompson.com 1frankd@mikethompson.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 101 ▼ ▼ ▼ CALIFORNIA CONTINUED Mike Thompson’s Fountain Valley Orange County 18240 Ward St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708, (888) 350-8832 www.mikethompson.com 1frankd@mikethompson.com Mike Thompson's Santa Fe Springs 13940 Firestone Blvd., Santa Fe Spgs, CA 90670, (888) 350-8832 www.mikethompson.com 1frankd@mikethompson.com Mira Loma Trailer Supplies 8531 Mission Blvd., Riverside, CA 92509, (951) 360-8809, FAX (951) 360-8869 Mobile Living 1420 Concord Ave., Concord, CA 94520, (925) 689-5454, (800) 237-8867, FAX (925) 680-8537 www.teammobileliving.com Modern RV Center 10727 Clayton Creek Rd., Lower Lake, CA 95457, (707) 994-5208, (800) 464-5208, FAX (707) 994-5215 www.modernrvcenter.com info@modernrvcenter.com Morro Bay RV Center 1598 Main St., Morro Bay, CA 93442, (805) 772-5696, FAX (805) 772-5215 www.morrobayrv.com mbrv@morrobayrv.com Moturis RV Rentals and Camping World of Los Angeles 12624 Rosecrans Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670, (888) 547-1777 www.moturis.com Moturis RV Rentals and Camping World of San Francisco 420 San Leandro Blvd., San Leandro, CA 94577, (877) 562-7566 www.moturis.com Mr. Motorhome 7900 E. Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95823, (916) 681-3333, (888) 859-3333, FAX (928) 927-6109 www.mrmotorhome.com lon@mrmotorhome.com Murrieta Valley RV 27882 Del Rio, Temecula, CA 92590, (951) 676-8990 www.murrietavalleyrv.com mvrvs@yahoo.com Napa Valley RV And Marine 480 Soscol Ave., Napa, CA 94559, (707) 252-6944, FAX (707) 252-8419 www.marinaservicesnapa.com Newport Boat & RVs 900 El Sobrante Rd., Corona, CA 92879, (951) 371-8996 www.newportrv.com info@newportboats.com 102 Newport Boat & RVs 2500 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 646-8888 www.newportrv.com info@newportboats.com Niel’s Motor Homes REDEX/Priority RV Network 8646 Sepulveda Blvd., North Hills, CA 91343, (818) 891-0786, (877) 643-5778, FAX (818) 894-1937 www.nielsrv.com sales@nielsrv.com Nohrs Recreational Vehicle Center 1 Peters Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566, (925) 931-1892, FAX (925) 931-1894 NorCal Recreation Equipment 11379 Pyrites Way, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670, (916) 857-5808 www.norcalmastercraft.com vina@norcalmastercraft.com NorCal Recreation Equipment 5385 Owens Court, Pleasanton, CA 94588, (925) 460-9216 www.norcalmastercraft.com vina@norcalmastercraft.com Norco Camper Company 1751 Hamner Ave., Norco, CA 92860, (951) 734-0371 www.norcocamper.com norcocam@pacbell.net Norm’s RV Route 66 RV Network 12538 Poway Rd., Poway, CA 92064, (858) 679-2250, (800) 667-6478 www.normsrv.com norms@normsrv.com Norm’s RV Service/Rentals/Partsæ Route 66 RV Network 12145 Dearborn Pl., Poway, CA 92064, (858) 679-2250, FAX (858) 679-9510 www.normsrv.com info@normsrv.com North Bay Ford Lincoln 1999 Soguel Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95062, (888) 828-0734, (888) 829-0254 www.northbayford.com nbfrv@sbcglobal.net Northern Trailer & RV Supply 2577 Victor Ave., Redding, CA 96002, (530) 222-3464 www.trailerandrvsupply.com Northwest Mfg RV Service 21203 Figueroa St., Carson, CA 90745, (310) 320-3090 Ocean View RV 32955 Old Hwy. 20, Fort Bragg, CA 95437, (707) 964-2202 RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Off Road Warehouse 425 N. Marshall Ave., El Cajon, CA 92020, (619) 442-8689, (800) 341-7757 www.offroadwarehouse.com info@orwmail.com Paul Evert’s RV Country REDEX/Priority RV Network 3633 S. Maple Ave., Fresno, CA 93725, (559) 486-1000, (800) 959-6485, FAX (559) 486-1294 www.rvcountry.com curt@rvcountry.com Off Road Warehouse 2645 Auto Park Way, Escondido, CA 92029, (760) 746-3193, (800) 341-7757 www.offroadwarehouse.com info@orwmail.com Pensinger’s Motor Homes 1770 Golden State Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301, (661) 325-5055, FAX (661) 325-4439 www.pensingers.com motorhomes@pensingers.com Off Road Warehouse 26901 Jefferson Ave., Ste. 101, Murrieta, CA 92562, (951) 326-2880, (800) 341-7757 www.offroadwarehouse.com info@orwmail.com Performance Specialty Trailer Sales 6393 County Rd. 14, Orland, CA 95963, (530) 865-8277, FAX (530) 865-3298 www.performancespecialty.com nduty@performancespecialty.com Off Road Warehouse 7195 Balboa Ave., San Diego, CA 92111, (858) 565-7792, (800) 341-7757 www.offroadwarehouse.com info@orwmail.com 101 Trailer & RV 1471 S. Main St., Willits, CA 95490, (707) 459-2423, (877) 444-4101, FAX (707) 459-1368 www.trailer101.com Pacific Coast RV 901 E. Ocean Ave., Lompoc, CA 93436, (805) 459-1310, FAX (805) 741-7587 www.pacificcoastrv.com pacificcoastrv@yahoo.com Pacific RV Body Works, LLC 13731 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, CA 92843, (714) 534-2024 www.rvpaint.com edsaldona1999@yahoo.com Pan Pacific RV Centers Inc. Route 66 RV Network 252 W. Yettner Rd., French Camp, CA 95231, (209) 234-2000, FAX (209) 234-0555 www.panpacificrvs.com fcsales@panpacificrv.com Pan Pacific RV Centers Inc. Route 66 RV Network 16695 Condit Rd., Morgan Hill, CA 95037, (408) 779-5999, FAX (408) 779-5997 www.panpacificrvs.com jim@pprv.com Pan Pacific RV Centers Inc. Route 66 RV Network 1104 El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA 95815, (916) 927-1853, FAX (916) 927-9379 www.panpacificrsvs.com joey@panpacificrv.com Pismo Coast RV Service 180 Dolliver St., Pismo Beach, CA 93449, (805) 773-3868 www.pismocoastvillage.com rv@pismocoastvillage.com Premium RV Inc. 600 S. Palm St., La Habra, CA 90631, (714) 441-0575, FAX (562) 690-5144 Quality RV 1062 N. 2nd St., El Cajon, CA 92021, (619) 562-0316 qualityrv82@yahoo.com Quality RV Service Center, Inc. 15808 Arrow Blvd., #B-1, Fontana, CA 92335, (909) 854-6630, FAX (909) 854-6693 www.qrvsc.com erica@quvsc.com Queens RV Supplies & Service 16831 Grand Ave., Lake Elsinore, CA 92530, (951) 678-2069, FAX (951) 678-2069 Questa RV Rental 1910 Lockwood St., Oxnard, CA 93036, (805) 983-1675, FAX (805) 983-6475 www.questarvrental.com Range RV 11626 Mariposa Rd., Hesperia, CA 92345, (760) 949-4090, (800) 429-6199, FAX (760) 948-1942 www.rangerv.com rvinfo@rangerv.com Ray Boyd’s RV 4500 W. Ramsey St., Banning, CA 92220, (800) 773-8881 www.rayboydsrv.com raysrv@airenetworks.com Redding RV Center - North Route 66 RV Network 2425 Cascade Blvd., Redding, CA 96003, (530) 247-0300, (888) 895-8932 www.reddingrv.com reddingrv@aol.com 2013 RV DEALER Redding RV Center - South Route 66 RV Network 4850 Westside Rd., Redding, CA 96001, (530) 243-3461, (800) 545-9306 www.reddingrv.com reddingrv@aol.com Richwood RV Interior 12038 Woodside Ave., Ste. H, Lakeside, CA 92040, (619) 390-9018, FAX (619) 390-9018 www.richwoodrvinteriors.com richwoodrv@yahoo.com Redwood RV 4247 Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95407, (707) 584-5544 River City RV & Auto Repair 5725 Mt. Hood Ct., Sacramento, CA 95842, (916) 847-0047 www.rcrvrepair.com rivercityrv1@att.net Reed’s Trailer Sales Inc. 5500 Old Redwood Hwy. #A, Petaluma, CA 94954, (707) 792-9100, FAX (707) 792-2206 www.reedstrailers.com sales@reedstrailers.com Rent My RV 2170 Condor Ct., Lodi, CA 95240, (209) 327-7604, (866) 510-8024 www.rentmyrv.biz info@rentmyrv.biz Repairs Plus 14695 Minshew Rd., Magalia, CA 95954, (530) 877-6068 Rexhall RV Sales/Service 45640 23rd St. W., Lancaster, CA 93536, (661) 726-5470, (800) 765-7500 www.rexhall.com Reynolds RV Repair 988 State Hwy. 36, Fortuna, CA 95540, (707) 725-3426 Rice RV 11510-H Woodside Ave., Santee, CA 92071, (619) 444-1881, (800) 728-2380, FAX (619) 444-1884 www.ricerv.com info@ricerv.com Richardson’s RV Centers REDEX/Priority RV Network 26776 Encanto Dr., Menifee, CA 92585, (866) 864-9810 www.richardsonsrv.com srichardson@richardsonsrv.com Road Bear RV Rentals & Sales 28404 Roadside Dr., Agoura Hills, CA 91301, (818) 865-2925, (866) 491-9852 www.roadbearrv.com info@roadbearrv.com Road Bear RV Rentals & Sales 847 Industrial Pkwy. W., Hayward, CA 94544, (866) 491-9852 www.roadbearrv.com info@roadbearrv.com Roger’s Camping Trailers 41191 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538, (510) 657-5218 www.fun4u2.com info@fun4u2.com RV Discount Centers - Banning 2424 W. Ramsey St., Banning, CA 92220, (951) 849-6969, (877) 289-6978 www.discountrvs.com RV Discount Centers - Beaumont 910 Western Knolls Dr., Beaumont, CA 92223, (800) 795-0991 www.discountrvs.com RV Expo 1312 RV Center Dr., Colton, CA 92324, (800) 400-6255 www.rvexpo.com RV Express 8335 W. Goshen Ave., Visalia, CA 93291, (559) 651-8080, FAX (559) 651-1840 www.rvexpressca.com mail@rvexpressca.com Richardson’s RV Centers REDEX/Priority RV Network 10717 Indiana Ave., Riverside, CA 92503, (877) 205-8820 www.richardsonsrv.com srichardson@richardsonsrv.com RVmax 4060 Dias Ln., Loomis, CA 95650, (916) 660-0197 www.rvmaxx.com admin@rvmaxx.com Richardson’s RV Centers REDEX/Priority RV Network 3839 Van Buren, Riverside, CA 92503, (888) 586-1133 www.richardsonsrv.com srichardson@richardsonsrv.com RV Outlet 2949 N. Parkway Dr., Fresno, CA 93722, (559) 277-5300, (855) 843-6885 www.rvoutlet.net info@rvoutlet.net Richardson’s RV Centers REDEX/Priority RV Network 27590 Jefferson Ave., Temecula, CA 92590, (888) 262-6611 www.richardsonsrv.com srichardson@richardsonsrv.com RV Peddler 8730 Golden State Hwy., Bakersfield, CA 93308, (661) 392-7400, FAX (661) 392-7405 www.rvpeddler.net sales@rvpeddler.net NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES RV Ready 27500 Jefferson Ave ., Temecula, CA 92590, (866) 383-1409, FAX (951) 693-0070 www.rvready4u.com RV Repair Specialist 17528 Sierra Hwy., Canyon Country, CA 91351, (661) 252-2470, FAX (661) 252-6974 www.rvrepairspecialist.com RV Service Center of Santa Cruz 2525 Mission St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060, (831) 427-0881, FAX (831) 427-0889 www.rvscsc.com parts@rvscsc.com RV Solutions, Inc. 7620 Copley Park Pl., San Diego, CA 92111, (858) 573-2100 www.myrvsolutions.com info@myrvsolutions.com RV SPA 2106 W. Foothill Blvd., Upland, CA 91786, (909) 931-2180, (888) 408-9909, FAX (909) 985-6560 www.thervspa.com thervspa@yahoo.com RV Specialists Inc. 8618 Miramar Place, San Diego, CA 92121, (858) 455-9898, FAX (858) 455-7897 www.myrvspecialists.com mark@myrvspecialists.com RV Travel World - Sacramento 5650 66th Ave., Sacramento, CA 95823, (916) 392-1872, (800) 782-7469, FAX (916) 392-1880 www.rvtravelworld.com phil@rvtravelworld.com RV Rent Net Inc. 1903 W. Vista Way, Vista, CA 92083, (760) 631-2642, (800) 453-9531, FAX (760) 631-0621 www.rvrent.net vista@rvrent.net San Diego RV Center 9398 Bond Ave., El Cajon, CA 92021, (619) 561-3531, FAX (619) 561-3534 www.sandiegorvcenter.com San Diego Trailer Supply 6881 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego, CA 92115, (619) 466-1337 www.sandiegotrailer.com San Diego Ultimate RV 8839 N. Magnolia, Santee, CA 92071, (619) 459-8173, FAX (619) 956-7055 www.sdurv.com ginny@sdurv.com Santa Rosa RV Sales 2885 Santa Rosa Ave., Ste. A, Santa Rosa, CA 95407, (707) 569-7000 www.santarosarvsales.com S.C.A.T.T. Recreation 824 Atlantic St., Roseville, CA 95678, (916) 773-6614, (888) 232-8538 www.scattrecreation.com scattrec@yahoo.com S.C.A.T.T. Recreation 242 Griffin St., Salinas, CA 93901, (831) 758-5663, (888) 232-8538 www.scattrecreation.com scattrec@yahoo.com Scott's RV Sales 1200 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422, (805) 462-2164 www.scottsrvsales.com scottsrvinfo@yahoo.com See Grins RV 7900 Arroyo Circle, Gilroy, CA 95020, (408) 683-4652, (888) 683-4652, FAX (408) 686-3956 www.seegrinsrv.com randy@seegrins.com See Grins RV 13635 Sycamore Ave., San Martin, CA 95046, (888) 683-4652, (888) 683-4652, FAX (408) 695-0059 www.seegrinsrv.com contact@seegrins.com SF Bay Area Private RVs 44799 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538, (855) 438-6978 RVs of Sacramento 1051 El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA 95815, (877) 332-1769, FAX (916) 979-5471 www.rvsofsac.com dobrian@mantecatrailer.com RV’s-4-Less, Inc. 14334 Hwy. 41, Madera, CA 93638, (559) 822-7848, FAX (559) 822-2478 www.rvs4lessca.com rvmandan@aol.com Directory ShareMyCoach.com 12210 Beach Blvd., Stanton, CA 90680, (714) 747-6684, FAX (714) 899-4676 www.sharemycoach.com joehill@sharemycoach.com Shasta Trailer Sales 3140 Esplanade, Chico, CA 95973, (530) 342-8747 www.shastatrailersales.com Sierra RV Center Winners Chevrolet 962 S. Canyon Way, Colfax, CA 95713, (530) 346-7814, (800) 239-7195, FAX (530) 346-6059 www.sierrarvcenter.com sierrarv@sierrarvcenter.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 103 ▼ ▼ ▼ CALIFORNIA CONTINUED Sierra RV 11473 Penrose St., Sun Valley, CA 91352, (818) 252-7712, FAX (818) 252-7713 www.sierra-rv.com ivan@sierra-rv.com Southwest Coaches 83-386 Hwy. 111, Indio, CA 92201, (760) 863-5330, FAX (760) 863-5322 www.southwestcoaches.com stevesouthwest@live.com Simi RV & Offroad 1568 Los Angeles Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93065, (805) 522-1221, (888) 274-9910 www.simi-rv.com Sundown RV Center Parts & Service Dept. 4041 Ashby Rd., Atwater, CA 95301, (209) 723-1076 www.sundownrv.com Six-Pac Campers Inc. 109 Pioneer Ave., Woodland, CA 95776, (530) 666-1442, (800) 242-1442, FAX (530) 666-1486 www.six-pac.com info@six-pac.com Sundown RV Center Sales Dept. 2022 Ashby Rd., Atwater, CA 95301, (209) 723-3128 www.sundownrv.com Sky River RV 6700 Golden Gate Dr., Dublin, CA 94568, (925) 447-7200, FAX (925) 803-1392 www.skyriverrv.com sales@skyriverrv.com Sky River RV 2525 Theatre Dr., Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 226-9292, FAX (805) 227-1555 www.skyriverrv.com sales@skyriverrv.com Sky River RV 444 S. Dolliver, Pismo Beach, CA 93449, (805) 779-7700, FAX (805) 779-7701 www.skyriverrv.com sales@airstream-rv-dealer.com Snells RV Repair Inc. 12223 Valley Blvd., El Monte, CA 91732, (626) 448-8921 www.snellsrv.com So-Cal Teardrops 1431 W. 9th St., Bldg. F, Upland, CA 91786, (909) 982-1199 www.socalteardrops.com info@socalteardrops.com Sonrise RV 1931 Don Lee Pl., Escondido, CA 92029, (760) 745-2444, FAX (760) 745-4605 www.sonriserv.com jrashforth@sonriserv.com South City RV 6145 Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95824, (916) 422-9495 South Coast RV 801 Broadway, Chula Vista, CA 91911, (619) 476-7195, (877) 964-7278 www.scrv.com scrv@scrv.com Southwest Coaches 231 S. Lincoln Ave., Corona, CA 92882, (951) 493-6784 www.southwestcoaches.com southwestcoaches@hotmail.com 104 Temecula Valley RV 26240 Jackson Ave., Murrieta, CA 92563, (951) 894-2347 www.temeculavalleyrv.com info@temeculavalleyrv.com Terry’s Cherokee RV Service 2460 N. Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95205, (209) 465-1425 cherokeervservice@yahoo.com The RV Service Master Inc. 11137 Pierce St., Riverside, CA 92505, (951) 688-8322 The RV SPA 2106 W. Foothill Blvd., Upland, CA 91786, (909) 373-1527, (888) 408-9909, FAX (090) 985-6560 www.thervspa.com thervspa@yahoo.com The Village RV 625 Trade Zone Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035, (800) 987-4710 www.thevillagerv.com thevillagerv@me.com Toscano RV Center 2531 East Pacheco Blvd., Los Banos, CA 93635, (877) 485-0190 www.toscanorv.com dmorse@inreach.com TowTally Camping 2806 Tarmac Rd., Redding, CA 96003, (530) 355-5870, FAX (888) 860-7006 www.towtallycamping.com rentals@towtallycamping.com Trailer Hitch RV World Parts Dept. 1530 W. Grand Ave., Grover Beach, CA 93433, (805) 474-1603, (800) 847-2989 www.trailerhitchrv.com trailerhitchrv@gmail.com Travelon RV Inc. 8090 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91941, (800) 410-5760 www.travelonrv.com info@travelonrv.com Travln Toys 21200 S. Paradise Rd., Tracy, CA 95304, (209) 833-9111, (888) 553-5228 www.travlntoys.com Valencia RV Rental 21241 Placerita Canyon Rd., Newhall, CA 91321, (661) 259-2501, FAX (661) 259-0086 www.valenciarvrental.com scot@valenciarvrental.com Valley Palms Trailer Supply 8401 E. Hobsonway, Blythe, CA 92225, (760) 922-7335 www.campingfriend.com/valleypalms chuckgrotke@aol.com Vern's Camper Shell Sales 1901 Sepulveda Blvd., Torrance, CA 90501, (310) 326-4166, FAX (310) 326-6616 Visalia RV Sales & Service 6603 Betty Dr., Visalia, CA 93291, (559) 651-2300, (800) 638-0038 www.visaliarv.com sales@visaliarv.com Vogel’s RVs 1320 S. State St., Ukiah, CA 95482, (707) 468-5635, FAX (707) 462-3492 www.vogelsrvs.com sales@vogelsrvs.com Webb’s RV 10030 Maine Ave., Lakeside, CA 92040, (619) 443-5073 www.webbsrvsupply.com sales@webbsrvsupply.com Wipperts RV Whips RV Sales 32645 Yucaipa Blvd., Yucaipa, CA 92399, (909) 790-9598, FAX (909) 790-3634 www.whipsrv.com jay@whipsrv.com Trailer Hitch RV Center 215 N. Frontage Rd., Nipomo, CA 93444, (805) 929-8095, (800) 847-2989 www.trailerhitchrv.com trailerhitchrv@gmail.com COLORADO ▼ Trailer Hitch RV Service Dept 545 Sandydale Dr., Nipomo, CA 93444, (805) 929-2254, (800) 847-2989 www.trailerhitchrv.com trailerhitchrv@gmail.com Adventure Camper Rental 14051 E. Davies Ave., Englewood, CO 80112, (303) 680-3670, (800) 250-3184 www.adventurecamper.com info@adventurecamper.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Adventure RV Rentals, Sales & Service 6540 W Colfax Ave., Lakewood, CO 80214, (303) 274-0804, (877) 635-6171, FAX (303) 233-0054 www.advrvrentals.com bjcoan@comcast.net All Stars RV 5989 Main St., Louviers, CO 80131, (720) 348-0404, FAX (720) 348-0712 www.allstarsrv.com service@allstarsrrv.com Apollo Motor Home Holidays 3280 Chambers Rd., Aurora, CO 80011, (310) 675-1335, (800) 370-1262, FAX (310) 675-1366 www.apollorv.com info@apollorv.com B&B RV Inc. 6960 Smith Rd., Denver, CO 80207, (303) 322-6013, FAX (303) 322-5355 www.bb-rv.com info@bb-rv.com Big John’s RV Sales and Service 10725 W. I-25 Frontage Rd., Longmont, CO 80504, (303) 880-3927 www.bigjohnsrv.com bigjohnsrv@peoplepc.com Bob Scott RV’s Inc. 2322 Hwy. 6 & 50, Grand Junction, CO 81505, (970) 245-2175 www.recvehicle.com bobscott@recvehicle.com Camping World RV Sales Colorado Springs 6830 Bandley Dr., Fountain, CO 80817, (888) 792-5278 www.campingworldofcoloradosprings.com sfolkman@campingworldrvsales.com Camping World RV Sales Denver/Golden 1600 W. Colfax Ave., Golden, CO 80401, (877) 378-6885 www.campingworldofdenver.com dwagner@campingworldrvsales.com Carson Trailer - Eaton 17945 W. C.R. 76, Eaton, CO 80615, (970) 454-0233 www.carsontrailer.com customerservice@carsontrailer.com Cedar Creek RV Rentals 126 Rose Ln., Montrose, CO 81401, (970) 249-3884, (877) 425-3884 www.cedarcreekrv.com rv@cedarcreekrv.com Centennial RV 2429 Hwy. 6 & 50, Grand Junction, CO 81505, (970) 245-8886, FAX (970) 245-0269 www.centennialrv.com sales@centennialrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Century RV Inc. 10400 E. I-25 Frontage Rd., Longmont, CO 80504, (303) 453-1111, (866) 881-0705, FAX (303) 678-1382 www.centuryrv.com centuryrv@yahoo.com Colorado’s Ride The West RV Rentals 1207 S. Platte River Dr., Unit B, Denver, CO 80223, (303) 806-0132, (800) 736-8778, FAX (303) 806-0122 www.coloradorv.com ridewest@coloradorv.com Cruise America/Norwest Auto Sales Cruise America 3003 Williamette Pl., Colorado Springs, CO 80909, (719) 635-1411, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America Cruise America 8950 N. Federal Blvd., Federal Heights, CO 80260, (303) 650-2865, (877) 784-3733 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Swinging H Inc. Cruise America 1500 Park St., Castle Rock, CO 80109, (303) 814-6865, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Smart Way Truck & RV Rental Cruise America 172 Spaulding Ln., Fort Collins, CO 80524, (970) 493-9509, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cummins Rocky Mountain, LLC Coachcare 8211 E. 96th Ave., Henderson, CO 80640, (800) 927-7201 www.rockymountain.cummins.com Dee’s RV - Naegele Road 2330 Naegele Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80904, (719) 634-7606, (800) 634-7601 www.deesrv.com sales@deesrv.com Dee’s RV - Sinton Road 4011 Sinton Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80907, (719) 634-7606, (800) 634-7601 www.deesrv.com sales@deesrv.com DM RV Repair 3466 ECR 20C, Loveland, CO 80537, (970) 461-2424 www.rvmobilerepair.com infotech@rvmobilerepair.com Eagle Canyon Sales 1802 E. Pikes Peak Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80909, (719) 575-0660, FAX (719) 575-0236 www.eaglecanyonrv.com sales@eaglecanyonrv.com El Monte RV Rentals/Denver RV Rentals 5989 Main St., Louviers, CO 80131, (303) 426-7998, (800) 337-3418 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonterv.com Express Auto Repair 3655 Galley Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80909, (719) 630-8729 www.expressengineexchange.com expressengineexchange@mechanic Five Star RV Center Inc. 12202 Brighton Rd., Henderson, CO 80640, (303) 659-1725, (800) 222-6737 www.fivestarrv.com Five-R-Inc. 15590 W. Colfax Ave., Golden, CO 80401, (303) 278-1830, (800) 278-1830, FAX (303) 278-3431 www.fivertrailer.com sales@fivertrailer.com Funshares RV Sales & Leasing Inc. 2583 Hwy. 6, Grand Junction, CO 81501, (970) 241-2702, FAX (970) 255-9894 www.funshares.com funshares@aol.com Gateway RV 821 W. Vermijo Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 90805, (719) 447-1011, FAX (719) 447-1014 www.gateway-rv.com Gibson RV’s 3990 I-70 Business Loop, 540 Hoover Dr., Grand Junction, CO 81501, (970) 241-1190, FAX (970) 241-0535 Golden’s RV Sales 1815 E. Bijou St., Colorado Springs, CO 80909, (719) 448-0200, FAX (719) 448-0488 www.goldensrv.com goldensrv@gmail.com Hallmark RV Manufacturing 12524 Weld C.R. 25 1/2, Fort Lupton, CO 80621, (970) 785-6005, (877) 659-5753, FAX (970) 785-6020 www.hallmarkrv.com info@hallmarkrv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Holiday RV 10132 Hwy. 50, Poncha Springs, CO 81242, (719) 539-3577, (877) 348-4200, FAX (719) 539-3570 www.holidayrv.net Humphrey RV & Trailer 800 Hwy. 50, Grand Junction, CO 81503, (970) 256-7338, FAX (970) 255-0121 www.humphreyrv.com brad@humphreyrv.com Intermountain Coach 3204 E. Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80909, (719) 570-1122, (800) 926-2249 www.intermountaincoach.com Intermountain Coach 7219 Bandley Dr., Fountain, CO 80817, (719) 499-8981, (800) 926-2249 www.intermountaincoach.com Directory Pikes Peak Traveland Inc. Route 66 RV Network 4815 E. Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80915, (719) 596-2716, (800) 458-9622 www.pikespeakrv.com rwbiles@pikespeakrv.com Rimrock Trade Center 2541 Hwy. 6 & 50, Grand Junction, CO 81505, (970) 241-4545 www.rimrocktc.com rimrocktrade@aol.com Rimrock Trade Center 2487 Hwy. 6 & 50, Grand Junction, CO 81505, (970) 245-1288 www.rimrocktc.com rimrocktrade@aol.com Road Bear RV Rentals & Sales 7685 Dahlia St., Commerce City, CO 80022, (866) 491-9852 www.roadbearrv.com info@roadbearrv.com JDL Trailer Sales 2735 Lake Ave., Pueblo, CO 81004, (719) 564-0421, FAX (719) 564-0306 www.jdltrailersales.com rv@jdltrailers.com Roberts Sales 741 S. Federal Blvd., Denver, CO 80219, (303) 922-6221 www.robertssales.com mark@robertssales.com Johnson RV 10300 E I-25 Frontage Rd, Firestone, CO 80504, (303) 433-4919, (866) 725-8996 www.johnsonrvsales.com heatherf@johnsonrv.com K&C RV and Camping World 14504 I-25 Frontage Rd., Longmont, CO 80504, (877) 632-5278 www.kcrv.com bbeard@kcrv.com Ketelsen Campers of Colorado Route 66 RV Network 9870 W. I-70 Service Rd. S., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, (303) 431-2211 www.wegocamping.com randyketelsen@ketelsen.com Mattas Marine & RV 2308 Hwy. 6 & 50, Grand Junction, CO 81505, (970) 241-8517 www.mattasmarine.com brad@mattasmarine.com RV America/East Denver 3640 Chambers Rd., Johnstown, CO 80011, (303) 360-0252, (877) 229-9262, FAX (303) 343-8901 www.rvamericainc.com info@rvamericainc.com RV America/Northern Colorado 4777 Marketplace Dr., Loveland, CO 80537, (970) 278-1900, (877) 578-1900, FAX (970) 248-1905 www.rvamericainc.com marketplaceinfo@rvamericainc.com RV World LLC 4401 E. Prospect, Fort Collins, CO 80525, (970) 493-5400, (888) 496-9779, FAX (970) 493-5407 www.rvworldllc.com info@rvworldllc.com Mountain States Fifth Wheel RV 10765 Turner Blvd., Bldg. A, Longmont, CO 80504, (303) 261-3399 www.mountainstatesrv.com RVStealsandDeals.com Holiday RV South 26076 W. Hwy. 160, Southfork, CO 81154, (719) 873-1800, (888) 386-2293, FAX (719) 873-1801 www.rvstealsanddeals.com Phoenix Pop Up 8095 Oneida #4, Denver, CO 80022, (303) 286-3921, FAX (866) 496-0094 www.phoenixpopup.com cari@phoenixpopup.com Snowy Peaks RV Park & Rentals 30430 U.S. Hwy 24 N., Buena Vista, CO 81211, (719) 395-8481, (800) 954-8481 www.snowypeaksrvpark.com info@snowypeaksrvpark.com Nolans RV & Marine 6935 Federal Blvd., Denver, CO 80221, (303) 429-6114, (800) 232-8989 www.nolansrv.com Sterling RV Center 16718 Hwy. 14, Sterling, CO 80751, (970) 522-7541 www.sterlingrvcenter.com sterlingrv@hotmail.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 105 ▼ ▼ ▼ COLORADO CONTINUED Steve Casey’s - Loveland 900 E. Hwy. 402, Loveland, CO 80537, (970) 669-6444, (888) 485-2949, FAX (970) 663-3699 www.stevecaseys.com caseysales@stevecaseys.com Steve Casey’s - Wheat Ridge REDEX/Priority RV Network 4120 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, (303) 422-2001, (888) 439-6062, FAX (303) 463-1994 www.stevecaseys.com caseysales@stevecaseys.com Sun City Trailers 6302 10 E. Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80915, (719) 573-0807 www.suncitytrailers.com suncitytrailers@earthlink.net Tarpley RV 25871 Hwy. 160, Durango, CO 81301, (800) 356-8701, FAX (970) 247-8707 www.tarpleyrv.com tarpleyrv@frontier.net The Car Show, Inc. 3015 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80907, (719) 635-7311 www.thecarshowinc.com The Great Outdoors RV Co. 3511 W. Service Rd., Evans, CO 80620, (970) 339-1997, (866) 912-0340 www.thegreatoutdoorsrv.com sales@thegreatoutdoorsrv.com Topper Factory Inc. & RV Center 2010 U.S. Hwy. 50 W., Pueblo, CO 81008, (719) 543-2960, (800) 743-2960 www.topperfactory.com reedtopper@msn.com Trailer World of Denver 7930 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80220, (303) 329-3006, FAX (303) 329-0065 www.trailerworlddenver.com trailerworlddenver@gmail.com Transwest Truck Trailer RV 7550 E. I-25 Frontage Rd., Frederick, CO 80516, (303) 684-3400, (800) 909-7071, FAX (303) 684-3401 www.trailerwest.com jmullins@transwest.com Turbo’s RV Service, LLC P.O. Box 523, Monument, CO 80132, (719) 487-9119, FAX (866) 351-6609 www.turbosrv.com service@turbosrv.com 106 Western Slope Trailer Sales 3150 Airport Rd., Rifle, CO 81650, (970) 625-2624 www.wstrailers.com Windish RV Center 11225 W. 6th Ave., Lakewood, CO 80215, (800) 748-3778 www.windishrv.com ccwi47@aol.com Windish RV Center 10571 W. I-25 Frontage Rd., Longmont, CO 80504, (866) 989-3022 www.windishrv.com ccwi47@aol.com Zabukovic Motors Inc. 701 E. Spaulding Ave., Pueblo, CO 81007, (888) 384-7572 www.zabukovicmotors.com sales@zabukovicmotors.com CONNECTICUT ▼ All RV DBA All Truck -N- RV 239 W. High St., Rte. 66, East Hampton, CT 06424, (860) 267-0000, FAX (860) 267-7777 www.allrv.net amber.allrv@yahoo.com Crowley RV Center 9 Barber St., Bristol, CT 06010, (860) 261-3050, (800) 779-3083 www.crowleyrv.com Cruise America/Neligons Auto Care Center Cruise America 1213 Blue Hills Rd., Bloomfield, CT 06002, (860) 726-9073, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Ness Automotive Cruise America 92 Federal Rd., Danbury, CT 06810, (203) 739-0657, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Aamity Car & Truck Repair Cruise America 129 Whalley Ave., New Haven, CT 06511, (203) 782-0023, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cusson Automotive 29 Mascolo Rd., South Windsor, CT 06074, (860) 289-2389 www.cussonautomotive.com service@cussonautomotive.com Custom Camper Inc. 1144 Queen St., Southington, CT 06489, (860) 747-2473 www.customcamperinc.com mike@customcamperinc.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Dave’s RV Center 2 Industrial Plaza Rd., Danbury, CT 06810, (877) 483-3866 www.davesrvcenter.com davesr@davesrvcenter.com Redmans Trailer Sales Inc. 497 Broad St., Rte. 72, Bristol, CT 06010, (860) 584-9760 www.redmanstrailers.com Freedom RV of CT 892 Rte. 32, North Frankline, CT 06254, (860) 450-8475, (860) 228-0533 www.freedomrvofct.com mark@freedomrvofct.com Thayers Marine & RV 14 Falls Ave., Norwich, CT 06360, (860) 887-8315, FAX (860) 889-1163 www.thayersmarine.com richiethayer@thayersmarine.com Glynn Marine and RV 764 New London Tpke., Stonington, CT 06082, (860) 535-4976 www.glynnmarineandrv.com glynnmrrv@aol.com Gustines RV Sales & Service 71 Mott Hill Rd., East Hampton, CT 06424, (860) 267-5364, (888) 470-2267, FAX (860) 267-5312 www.gustinesrvsales.com gustinesrv@msn.com Hemlock Hill RV Route 66 RV Network 2123 Meriden Waterbury Tpke., Southington, CT 06479, (860) 621-8983, (800) 942-0065, FAX (860) 621-8943 hemlockhillrv.com chrisa@hemlockhillrv.com Highland Orchards RV 120 Pendleton Hill Rd., N. Stonington, CT 06359, (860) 599-8922, (877) 599-8922 www.highlandorchards.com sales@highlandorchards.com Hi-Way Campers Inc. 992 Norwich Rd., Plainfield, CT 06374, (860) 564-0141, (800) 524-8978, FAX (860) 564-0145 www.hiwaycampers.com ken@hiwaycampers.com Keith’s RV & Trailer Repair 103 West Main St., Clinton, CT 06413, (860) 669-2221, FAX (860) 669-2280 keithsrv@sbcglobal.net Lee's Auto & RV Ranch 171 West Rd., Rte. 83, Ellington, CT 06029, (866) 431-8210 www.leestrailerranch.com brianl@leesautoranch.com Lone Oak, Inc. 360 Norfolk Rd., East Canaan, CT 06024, (860) 824-7051, (800) 422-2267 www.loneoakcampsites.com info@loneoakcampsites.com Long View RV SuperStores REDEX/Priority RV Network 27 Lawnacre Rd., Windsor Locks, CT 06096, (800) 516-9058 www.longviewrv.com fran@longviewrv.com Vans RV Center 417 John Fitch Blvd., Rte. 5, South Windsor, CT 06074, (860) 528-9800, (800) 298-7280, FAX (860) 528-7966 www.vansrv.com sales@vansrv.com DELAWARE ▼ Alexander RV Center 1271 S. DuPont Hwy., Smyrna, DE 19977, (302) 653-1166, FAX (302) 653-3570 www.alexanderrv.net info@alexanderrv.net Alexander RV Center 5710 N. DuPont Hwy., Smyrna, DE 19977, (302) 653-3250, FAX (302) 653-3260 www.alexanderrv.net info@alexanderrv.net All Star Coaches DE , (866) 838-4465 www.allstarcoaches.com info@allstarcoaches.com Brintons RV Inc. 17370 Coastal Hwy., Lewes, DE 19963, (302) 827-2286, FAX (302) 827-2241 jwbrinton@comcast.net Delmarva RV Center in Milford 702 Milford-Harrington Hwy., Milford, DE 19963, (302) 424-4505, (800) 843-0003 www.delmarvarvcenter.com info@delmarvarvcenter.com Delmarva RV Center in Seaford 25939 Campers Ln., Seaford, DE 19973, (302) 629-3606, (800) 843-0003 www.delmarvarvcenter.com info@delmarvarvcenter.com Ocean RV Center 30387 Cedar Neck Rd., Ocean View, DE 19970, (302) 539-3244, (855) 892-2426, FAX (302) 539-2344 www.oceanrvcenter.com oceanrv@mchsi.com 2013 RV DEALER Parkview RV Center REDEX/Priority RV Network 5511 Dupont Pkwy., Smyrna, DE 19977, (302) 653-6619, (800) 433-1348 www.parkviewrv.com rhorsey@parkviewrv.com Slicer’s RV Service & Truck Accessories 773 S. Dupont Hwy., New Castle, DE 19720, (302) 836-4110, FAX (302) 836-4781 www.slicersonline.com Spencer’s RV Sales & Service 36923 Brittingham Rd., Delmar, DE 19940, (302) 846-3555 FLORIDA ▼ A1 RV Repair 1050 S. U.S. Hwy. 1, Site 22, Malabar, FL 32950, (321) 506-1819 a1rvrepair@yahoo.com ABC Companies 17469 W. Colonial Dr., Winter Garden, FL 34787, (407) 656-7977, (800) 222-2871, FAX (407) 905-7010 www.abc-companies.com abcinfo@abc-companies.com Adventure RV 8211 Blaikie Ct., Sarasota, FL 34240, (941) 371-9418, FAX (941) 371-9428 www.adventurervsarasota.com adventurervinc@verizon.net All Star Luxury Coaches 3001 S.E. 16th Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316, (866) 838-4465 www.allstarcoaches.com info@allstarcoaches.com All Star Coaches 1645 S.W. 45th Way, Pompano Beach, FL 33066, (866) 838-4465 www.allstarcoaches.com info@allstarcoaches.com Alliance Coach, Inc. RV Sales & Service 4505 Monaco Way, Wildwood, FL 34785, (352) 330-3800 www.alliancecoach.com brett.howard@alliancecoach.com America Choice RV 3040 N.W. Gainesville Rd., Ocala, FL 34475, (352) 368-2451, (800) 787-2537 www.americachoicerv.com efasci@americachoicerv.com America Choice RV 3332 Paul S. Buchman Hwy., Zephyrills, FL 33540, (352) 429-2121, (800) 787-2537 www.americachoicerv.com efasci@americachoicerv.com American RV Online 2190 W. Fairbanks Ave., Winter Park, FL 32789, (407) 832-6888 www.americanrvonline.com matt@americanrvonline.com Directory Americas Best Motorhome & RV Rentals 13791 N.W. 19th Ave., Bay #1, Miami, FL 33054, (305) 681-4811, FAX (305) 397-1973 www.americasbestrv.com rentals@americasbestrv.com Campbell RV Inc. 617 Cattlemen Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232, (941) 342-4330, (941) 342-4313 www.campbellrv.com kevin@campbellrv.com Camping World RV Sales Jacksonville 9012 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32216, (877) 261-4327 www.campingworldofstaugustine.com mbateh@campingworldrvsales.com Camper Depot RV 12657 Tamiami Trl., Punta Gorda, FL 33955, (941) 639-6000, (877) 698-3596, FAX (941) 637-5711 www.camperdepotrv.com Camping World RV Sales Lake City 530 S.W. Florida Gateway Dr., Lake City, FL 32024, (888) 347-0448 www.campingworldoflakecity.com Arrow RV 2892 Gulf to Bay Blvd., Clearwater, FL 33759, (727) 796-7336 www.arrowrvs.com info@arrowrvs.com Campers Connection 1152 Bell Ave., Fort Pierce, FL 34982, (772) 467-1166, (877) 265-5500 www.campersconnection.net Atlantic Mobile RV Service P.O. Box 1291, Flagler Beach, FL 32136, (386) 439-7378 www.atlanticmobilervservice.com Campers Corner 2354 U.S. Hwy. 441, Fruitland Park, FL 34731, (352) 728-6296, (866) 399-6506 www.camperscornerrv.com thecamperscorner@aol.com Camping World RV Sales Tallahassee 31300 Blue Star Hwy. U.S. 90, Tallahassee, FL 32343, (866) 413-0741 www.campingworldoftallahassee.com ltaylor@campinworldrvsales.com Campers Inn of Leesburg 3230 U.S. Hwy. 441/27, Fruitland Park, FL 34731, (352) 787-7744, FAX (352) 787-1294 www.campersinn.com ggrimm@campersinn.com Camping World RV Sales Winter Garden 12201 W. Colonial Dr., Winter Garden, FL 34787, (888) 791-5266 www.campingworldoforlando.com Baissline RV Inc. 10716 E. US HWY 92, Tampa, FL 33610, (813) 999-4909, (888) 541-4681 www.baisslinerv.com mbaiss@baisslinerv.com Bates RV 4656 McIntosh Rd., Dover, FL 33527, (813) 659-0008, (888) 228-3778, FAX (813) 659-0308 www.batesrv.com info@batesrv.com Beach RV 8319 Panama City Beach Pkwy., Panama City, FL 32407, (850) 233-6444 www.beach-rv.com roy@beach-rv.com Bocor Coach Sales 914 Almond Tree Circle, Orlando, FL 32835, (407) 294-1999, FAX (407) 294-2299 www.bocor.com bocor@bocor.com Camp Out Inc. 23905 S.W. 132nd Ave., Miami, FL 33032, (305) 257-9900, FAX (305) 257-1281 www.campoutinc.com greg@campoutinc.com Camp USA Motorhome Rental South 2851 Hammondville Rd., Pompano Beach, FL 33069, (954) 971-8188, (800) 971-8840, FAX (954) 971-9993 www.campusarv.com reservationinfo@onfreewheels.com Camp USA Motorhome Rental North 4560 Old Tampa Hwy., Kissimmee, FL 34746, (407) 944-0009, (888) 647-6665, FAX (407) 944-0093 www.campusarv.com reservationinfo@onfreewheels.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Camping Connection 9140 W. Hwy. 192, Kissimmee, FL 34747, (407) 397-2267 www.campingconnectionrv.com Camping World RV Rentals Ft. Lauderdale 3901 N.W. 16th St., Lauderhill, FL 33311, (800) 278-2275 www.moturis.com Camping World RV Rentals Orlando 5175 W. Hwy. 192, Kissimmee, FL 34746, (800) 327-9153 www.moturis.com Camping World RV Sales - Bartow 7400 State Rd. 60 E., Bartow, FL 33830, (866) 906-9517 www.dustysrv.com Camping World RV Sales Fort Myers 4681 Waycross Rd., Fort Myers, FL 33905, (888) 306-2356 www.campingworldofftmyers.com rhollan@campingworldrvsales.com Camping World RV Sales Greater Orlando 5175 W. Hwy. 192, Kissimmee, FL 34246, (888) 253-3918 www.campingworldoforlando.com jcrum@campinworldrvsales.com Camping World RV Sales Gulf Breeze 6240 Gulf Breeze Pkwy., Hwy. 98, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563, (866) 413-6348 www.campingworldofgulfbreeze.com cbishop@campingworldrvsales.com Camping World RV Sales St. Augustine 600 Prime Outlet Blvd., St Augustine, FL 32084, (866) 413-8680 www.campingworldofstaugustine.com srobb@campingworldrvsales.com Carpenter’s Campers 8450 Pensacola Blvd., Pensacola, FL 32534, (850) 477-6666, (800) 477-6630, FAX (850) 477-2803 www.carpenterscampers.com mark@carpenterscampers.com Cash4RVS.com 1730 S. Federal Hwy. # 321, Delray Beach, FL 33483, (760) 420-8039 www.cash4rvs.com Cecils RV Parts & Repair 2640 U.S. 1, Edgewater, FL 32141, (386) 428-9244, FAX (386) 427-4498 cecilsrv@yahoo.com Charlotte RV Center 4628 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, FL 33980, (941) 883-5555, (877) 883-5555, FAX (941) 883-5556 www.charlottervcenter.com info@charlottervcenter.com Citrus RV, LLC P.O. Box 429, Homosassa Springs, FL 34447, (352) 302-1742 www.citrusrvrental.com info@citrusrvrental.com Classic Coach Works 3340 U.S. Hwy 92 E., Lakeland, FL 33801, (863) 510-0017 www.classiccoachworks.com Coach House, Inc. 3480 Technology Dr., Nokomis, FL 34275, (941) 485-0984, (800) 235-0984 www.coachhouserv.com tiffany@coachhouserv.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 107 ▼ ▼ ▼ FLORIDA CONTINUED Coastal RV 3515 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Cocoa, FL 32926, (321) 636-2010, (800) 842-0990, FAX (321) 638-4345 www.coastalrvonline.com coastalrv@coastalrvonline.com Cruise America/Ro-Lin Rentals II Cruise America 20771 S. Tamiami Trail, Estero, FL 33928, (239) 495-9599, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Coastal RV Service 4620 Carthage Cir N., Lake Worth, FL 33463, (561) 965-7825, FAX (561) 641-5873 coastalrv@bellsouth.net Cruise America/Bush Auto Service Centers Cruise America 2525 N. Main St., Gainesville, FL 32609, (352) 372-6168, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Como RV 3335 S. Suncoast Blvd., Homosassa, Fl 34448, (352) 628-1411, (866) 344-1411, FAX (352) 382-4966 www.comorv.com Como RV 1601 W. Main St., Inverness, FL 34450, (352) 344-1411, (866) 344-1411, FAX (352) 726-4966 www.comorv.com Conibear RV Center 11636 N. U.S. 98, Lakeland, FL 33809, (863) 858-4455, (800) 981-2787, FAX (863) 577-0572 Conley RV Center 704 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton, FL 34207, (941) 756-2247, (800) 477-9644, FAX (941) 827-0088 www.conleyrv.com Copley’s RV 9795 S. U.S. 1, Hobe Sound, FL 33455, (772) 546-6416, (888) 546-6416, FAX (772) 546-8331 www.copleysrv.com copleyrv@bellsouth.net Cruise America/Orlando Cruise America 2915 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Kissimmee, FL 34744, (407) 931-1409, (888) 567-8702 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Delray Automotive & Marine Cruise America 13400 S. Military Trail, Delray Beach, FL 33848, (561) 496-2585, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/JJ Kelly Used Bus Equipment Cruise America 2490 S.W. 32nd St., Dania, FL 33312, (954) 583-7363, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com 108 Cruise America/Tubel's Tire & Service Cruise America 5500 Jammes Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32244, (904) 778-8777, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Bueres Auto Service Cruise America 8201 N. Miami Ave., Miami, FL 33150, (305) 232-2060, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/FX Outdoors Cruise America 17680 S. Dixie Hwy., Miami, FL 33157, (305) 232-2060, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Smiley's Auto Sales & Service Cruise America 6710 S. Pine Ave., Ocala, FL 34480, (352) 840-5499, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/J A Michael Inc. Cruise America 1116 E. State Rd. 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708, (407) 327-7545, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Quality Discount Motors Cruise America 8606 N. Palafox St., Pensacola, FL 32534, (805) 484-7585, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Kelly Net Cars Inc. Cruise America 3122 W. Tennessee St., Tallahassee, FL 32304, (850) 765-0272, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Cruise America/RV Rentals of Tampa Bay Cruise America 3210 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33603, (813) 221-4135, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Daytona RV Rentals & Sales 5858 S. Ridgewood Avenue, Port Orange, FL 32127, (386) 767-1573, FAX (386) 767-1573 www.daytonarvs.com daytonarvs@aol.com Dick Gore’s RV World Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 14590 Duval Pl. W., Jacksonville, FL 32218, (800) 635-7008 www.dickgoresrvworld.com goretwo@aol.com Dick Gore’s RV World Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 2305 S.R. 16, St Augustine, FL 32084, (877) 376-0628 www.dickgoresrvworld.com dickgorestaug@aol.com Dixie RV Superstores REDEX/Priority RV Network 328 Green Acres Dr., Defuniak Springs, FL 32435, (850) 951-1000 www.dixierv.com aguidry@dixierv.com El Monte RV Rentals El Monte RV 18645 S.W. 103rd Ct., Miami, FL 33157, (305) 231-4230, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonterv.com El Monte RV Rentals El Monte RV 3702 Rio Vista Ave., Orlando, FL 32805, (407) 872-7730, (888) 337-2214, FAX (407) 872-7033 www.elmonterv.com El Monte RV Rentals El Monte RV 1015 Illinois Ave., Palm Harbor, FL 34683, (727) 712-2333, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonterv.com First RV 4302 Gall Blvd., Zephyrhills, FL 33542, (813) 788-6385, FAX (813) 788-6385 firstrvsupply@aol.com Five-R Custom Trucks and Trailers 680 Hickman Circle, Sanford, FL 32771, (407) 688-9484 www.fivertruckandtrailer.com keith@fiverfl.com Dream RV 6120 E. State Rd. 64 E., Bradenton, FL 34208, (941) 748-8889, FAX (941) 748-0779 www.dreamrvfl.com Florida Luxury Coach 1930 Bobby Lee Point, Sanford, FL 32771, (407) 324-3434 www.floridaluxurycoach.com lon@floridaluxurycoach.com Dream RV 9260 Daniels Pkwy., Fort Myers, FL 33912, (239) 275-4200, FAX (239) 275-9155 www.dreamrvfl.com Florida Outdoors Ent. Inc. Route 66 RV Network 1160 S.E. Federal Hwy., Stuart, FL 34994, (772) 288-2221, (800) 556-7771, FAX (772) 288-4049 www.floridaoutdoorsrv.com john@floridaoutdoorsrv.com Eagle Ridge RV Center 14694 U.S. Hwy. 27, Lake Wales, FL 33859, (863) 638-1908, (877) 306-7878, FAX (863) 638-0860 www.eagleridgerv.com Eagles Pride RV Sales & RV Service 98 Plantation Dr., Titusville, FL 32780, (321) 383-4495, (800) 552-3555, FAX (321) 383-4849 www.eaglespride.com Edwards Motors & RVs 5247 U.S. 27 S., Sebring, FL 33870, (863) 382-8985, FAX (863) 382-8985 www.emotorsrv.com emotorsrv@centurylink.net El Monte RV Rentals El Monte RV 14590 Duval Pl. W., Jacksonville, FL 32218, (904) 213-8488, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonterv.com Florida Outdoors RV Center 4300 US Hwy 441 South, Okeechobee, FL 34974, (863) 271-9988 www.floridaoutdoorsrv.com john@floridaoutdoorsrv.com Florida RV World Inc. 4260 U.S. 92 E., Plant City, FL 33566, (813) 754-6171, (800) 346-6171, FAX (813) 752-1046 www.floridarvworld.com flrvworld@aol.com Fort Lauderdale RV Inc. 1545 S. State Rd. 7, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317, (954) 797-9553 Fountain RV 8345 State Rd. 33 N., Lakeland, FL 33809, (863) 984-9764, (888) 264-6523, FAX (863) 984-0945 www.fountainrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Freedom RV Center 9224 Ideal Ln., Hudson, FL 34667, (727) 841-8074, FAX (727) 378-5845 www.freedomrvctr.com info@freedomrvcenter.net FWB RV Brokers 1740 98 W Highway, Mary Esther , FL 32569, (850) 362-6978, (877) 366-6978 www.fwbrvb.com keithnavarre@aol.com General RV Center 1577 Wells Rd., Orange Park, FL 32073, (904) 458-3000, (888) 904-0104, FAX (904) 278-8808 www.generalrv.com Giant Recreation World-Melbourne REDEX/Priority RV Network 5270 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Melbourne, FL 32940, (888) 662-8035 www.giantrecreationworld.com dave@grwrv.com Giant Recreation World-Daytona REDEX/Priority RV Network 1385 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Ormond Beach, FL 32174, (888) 662-8032 www.giantrecreationworld.com tim.k@grwrv.com Giant Recreation World-Orlando REDEX/Priority RV Network 13906 W. Colonial Dr., Winter Garden, FL 34787, (888) 662-8031 www.giantrecreationworld.com dennis@grwrv.com Gibson & Sons Camping Solutions 25199 Hwy. 27, Lake Wales, FL 33859, (863) 439-2977 angie_ahrv08@yahoo.com Global Auto & RV 90 N. Harbor City Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935, (321) 622-8973, FAX (321) 622-8974 www.globalautoandrv.com info@golbymotorcom.com Golby Motor Company 485 E. Donegan Ave., Kissimmee, FL 34744, (407) 859-9000, FAX (407) 279-5003 www.golbymotorcorp.com Great Escape RV Center 15064 U.S. Hwy. 19 N., Clearwater, FL 33764, (727) 538-2232, FAX (727) 538-2223 www.greatescaperv.com Great Time RVs 3850 Burns Rd., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410, (561) 799-7078, (800) 330-6978, FAX (561) 622-2118 www.greattimervs.com gtrvsinfo@comcast.net Gulf Coast Mobile Services 3312 Mona Dr., Navarre, FL 32560, (850) 240-6857, FAX (850) 936-6276 Harberson RV - Pasco LLC 2112 U.S. Hwy. 19, Holiday, FL 34691, (727) 937-6176, (800) 782-1551, FAX (727) 942-4022 www.harbersonrv.com r.hollan@harbersonrv.com Harberson RV - Pinellas LLC 17028 U.S. Hwy. 19 N., Clearwater, FL 33764, (727) 539-8714, (800) 782-0881, FAX (727) 539-1714 www.harbersonrv.com nforgang@herbersonrv.com Harvey Trailer Sales 12374 W. Colonial Dr., Winter Garden, FL 34787, (407) 656-7688, (800) 854-9103, FAX (407) 656-7688 www.harveytrailersales.com dharvey@aol.com Henkels RV 8640 U.S. 19, Port Richey, FL 34668, (727) 847-9800 henklesrv@yahoo.com Hitech Autos & RV 3650 Havendale Blvd., Winter Haven, FL 33881, (863) 967-5463, FAX (863) 967-3268 www.hitechautosrv.com rebuildwrecks2@gmail.com Holiday RV’s Inc. 100099 Overseas Hwy., Key Largo, FL 33037, (305) 451-4555, (800) 458-0531, FAX (305) 451-3030 www.holidayrvs.com holidayrvs@msn.com Horizon Coach 1442 S.W. Hwy. 17, Arcadia, FL 34266, (863) 993-1600, FAX (863) 993-1601 www.horizoncoach.com sales@horizoncoach.com Independence RV 12705 W. Colonial Dr., Winter Garden, FL 34787, (407) 877-7878, (877) 281-8452, FAX (407) 573-0127 www.independencerv.com sales@independencerv.com Interstate RV Sales, Inc. 2660 N. U.S. Hwy. #1, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, (888) 489-8399 www.interstatervsales.com K & K RV & Mobile Home Supplies 5882 Stirling Rd., Hollywood, FL 33021, (954) 962-8558, FAX (954) 962-8041 www.kandkrv.com kandkrv@aol.com K & K RV &Trailer Supplies 23215 S. Dixie Hwy., Homestead, FL 33032, (305) 258-1212, FAX (305) 258-0820 www.k-krv.com kkrvinc@aol.com Kelly Superstore 3122 W. Tennessee St., Tallahassee, FL 32304, (850) 575-6166 Kimball’s RV Sales 6425 U.S. 27 S., Sebring, FL 33876, (863) 273-1910, FAX (863) 314-0161 www.kimballrvsales.com kimballrv@yahoo.com La Mesa RV Center 3945 Fiscal Ct., Riviera Beach, FL 33404, (561) 328-2900, (888) 509-4199 www.lamesarv.com sales@lamesarv.com La Mesa RV Center 4441 Orange Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771, (407) 710-4800, (888) 509-4199 www.lamesarv.com sales@lamesarv.com Directory Longstreet RVs 5946 S. Ridgewood Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127, (386) 788-6321, FAX (386) 788-6321 longstreetrvs@aol.com M&M RV Rentals & Sales, Inc 16123 S. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers Beach, FL 33908, (239) 985-7368, FAX (239) 985-7364 www.mmrvrentals.com mandmrvrentals@comcast.net Marathon Coach - Florida Marthon Coach 11623 Corporate Lake Blvd., San Antonio, FL 33576, (352) 588-4500, (800) 437-8295, FAX (352) 588-2470 www.marathoncoachflorida.com sales@marathoncoachflorida.com Millennium Luxury Coaches 1601 Dolgner Pl, Sanford, FL 32771, (407) 328-0190, (877) 322-0190, FAX (407) 323-0013 www.millenniumluxurycoaches.com info@mlcy.com Nature Coast RV, Inc. 9800 N. Citrus Ave., Crystal River, FL 34428, (352) 795-7820, FAX (352) 795-1224 www.naturecoastrv.com randy@naturecoastrv.com Nelson’s Truck & Trailer Sales 4131 N.W. Blitchton Rd., Ocala, FL 34482, (352) 732-8908, (888) 847-2454, FAX (352) 732-2735 www.nelsonstrailers.com sales@nelsontrailers.com Land Yachts 1414 Commerce Ln., Jupiter, FL 33458, (561) 745-0242, FAX (561) 745-1725 landyachtsinc.com contact@landyachtsinc.com New Horizon RV 617 S. U.S. Hwy. 17, San Mateo, FL 32187, (386) 326-8900, FAX (386) 326-8903 www.nhrv.com monica.nhrv@gmail.com Lazydays RV Center 6130 Lazydays Blvd., Seffner, FL 33584, (800) 306-4002 www.lazydays.com spadley@lazydays.com Leisure Time RV Route 66 RV Network 14100 W. Colonial Dr., Winter Garden, FL 34787, (407) 656-4300, (800) 336-6565 www.leisuretimerv.com admin@leisuretimerv.com North Trail RV Center Ft. Lauderdale 4300 Ravenswood Rd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312, (877) 2893127 www.northtrailrv.com don.sisler@northtrailrv.com North Trail RV Center - Ft. Myers 5270 Orange River Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33905, (888) 798-8878 www.northtrailrv.com steve.graham@northtrailrv.com J. D. Sanders Inc. Route 66 RV Network 12380 U.S. Hwy. 441, Alachua, FL 32615, (386) 462-3039 www.sandersrvs.com jdsrv@att.net Liberty Coach of Florida Inc. 635 S.E. Monterey Rd., Stuart, FL 34994, (772) 463-2701, (800) 554-9877, FAX (772) 463-2705 www.libertycoach.com coachsales@libertycoach.com Johnsons Camper Sales 3201 1st St. E., Bradenton, FL 34208, (941) 748-1427, (800) 424-1427, FAX (941) 748-0678 www.johnsonscampersales.com info@johnsonscampersales.com North Trail RV Center - RV Collision Centr 5500 Enterprise Pkwy., Fort Myers, FL 33905, (888) 798-6678 www.northtrailrv.com Long View RV SuperStore REDEX/Priority RV Network 4811 McIntosh Rd., Dover, FL 33527, (813) 982-1600 www.longviewrv.com frank@longviewrv.com Ocean Grove RV Supercenter 6775 US Hwy. 1 S., St Augustine, FL 32086, (904) 797-5732, (800) 635-2926 www.oceangrovervsales.com info@oceangrovervsales.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 109 ▼ ▼ ▼ FLORIDA CONTINUED Open Road Inc. 135 E. Miracle Strip Pkwy., Mary Esther, FL 32569, (850) 244-4020 www.openroadinc.com Optimum RV 3725 SE 58th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34480, (352) 622-2886, (877) 551-1115 www.optimumrv.com rvandmarine@gmail.com Orlando RV 860 W. Fairbanks Ave., Winter Park, FL 32789, (407) 409-7707 www.rvone.com dons@rvone.com Palm Beach RV Inc. 5757 N. Military Trl., West Palm Beach, FL 33407, (561) 689-5788, (888) 318-3782, FAX (561) 689-2722 www.palmbeachrv.com palmbeachrv@aol.com Palm RV Service Center 2441 S. State Rd. 7, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317, (954) 584-3200, FAX (954) 584-3228 www.palmtruck.com rdemers@palmtruck.com Park Model City & RV Sales 6061 Hamilton Dr., N. Ft. Myers, FL 33905, (239) 690-1645, (877) 857-9921 www.parkmodelcity.com Parliament Coach Corp. 4455 Ulmerton Rd., Clearwater, FL 33762, (727) 571-1899, (888) 571-5775, FAX (727) 561-0227 www.parliamentcoach.com stevem@parliamentcoach.com Pro-Tech Mobile RV Service 17720 US Highway 27 N, Clermont, FL 34715, (352) 404-6936, (800) 710-1660, FAX (352) 404-6938 www.protechrvsales.com protechrvparts@gmail.com Quality Motor Coach 2091 Sprint Blvd., Apopka, FL 32703, (407) 889-5688, (800) 393-1221, FAX (407) 889-5682 www.qualitymotorcoach.com qualitycoachfl@aol.com Register RV Center 14181 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville, FL 34613, (352) 293-2984 www.registerchevrolet.net Rick Baker’s RV & Camping Center 327 N. Orange Ave., Green Cove Spings, FL 32043, (904) 284-4041, (866) 284-8277, FAX (904) 284-4241 www.rickbakersrvcenter.com sales@rickbakersrvcenter.com 110 Rick’s RV LLC 2053 Mayport Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32246, (904) 400-7425, FAX (904) 854-2288 www.ricksrvs.com ricksrv@yahoo.com Right Trailers Inc. 7220 U.S. Hwy 98 N., Lakeland, FL 33809, (863) 667-4488, FAX (863) 223-1589 www.righttrailers.com Rivers RV Sales 10626 General Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32220, (904) 783-0313, (800) 253-0224 www.riversrv.com tbild@riversrv.com Robbins Camper Sales 1112 N. U.S. Hwy. 1, Ormond Beach, FL 32174, (386) 677-5588, (866) 953-1719, FAX (386) 672-4974 www.robbinscampers.com sales@robbinscamper.com RV Collision & Restoration 2540 W. County Rd. 48, Bushnell, FL 33513, (352) 569-5870 RVCR of Ocala 5460 Hwy. 441 N., Ocala, FL 34475, (352) 569-5870 www.rvcollisionandrestoration.com rsmith7011@gmail.com RV Connections Route 66 RV Network 1915 Hwy. 231 N., Panama City, FL 32405, (850) 763-9400, (800) 958-6886, FAX (850) 763-9409 www.rvconnections.com rvmekay@msn.com RV Connections Route 66 RV Network 3926 E. 15th St., Panama City, FL 32404, (850) 763-6910, (866) 441-4678, FAX (850) 763-6920 www.rvconnections.com sales@rvconnections.com RV Kountry 5236 Orange River Blvd., Fort Meyers, FL 33905, (239) 290-2510 www.rvkountry.com rvkountry@aol.com RV Parts Mall 1250 S. Commerce Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34243, (941) 359-2581, (888) 941-3533 www.rvpartsmall.com partsmanager@rvpartsmall.com RV Rentals of Orlando 751 S. Hwy. 17-92, Longwood, FL 32750, (407) 473-9311, FAX (407) 637-2079 www.rvrentalsoforlando.com info@rvrentalsoforlando.com RV Sales of Broward 1955 S. State Rd. 7, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33317, (954) 583-3382, (888) 587-3337, FAX (954) 583-9211 www.rvsalesofbroward.com RV Swap Shop 8680 S.E. 143 Ln., Summerfield, FL 34491, (352) 347-6157, (888) 492-7870, FAX (352) 307-8999 www.rvswapshop.com rvinfo@rvswapshop.com RV Tech LLC 9086 Prosperity Way, Fort Myers, FL 33913, (866) 788-3249, FAX (239) 768-0994 www.rvtech.com rvtechservice@comcast.net RV Trax 631 16th St., Panama City, FL 32413, (850) 866-6999, FAX (850) 708-8865 www.rvtrax.com ron@rvtrax.com RV World, Inc. 14900 U.S. Hwy. 19 N., Clearwater, FL 33764, (727) 536-0900, (888) 473-3158 www.rvworldinventory.com rvworldinventory@gmail.com RV World of Lakeland 940 Lakeland Park Center Dr., Lakeland, FL 33809, (863) 853-9177, (877) 663-7506 www.rvworldinc.com info@rvworldinc.com RV Having Fun 807 N. State St., Bunnell, FL 32110, (386) 586-4133 www.rvhavingfun.com jschiller@bellsouth.net RV World of Nokomis 2110 N. Tamiami Trl., Nokomis, FL 34275, (941) 966-2182, (800) 262-2182 www.rvworldinc.com info@rvworldinc.com RV Kountry 1660 N. Tamiami Trl., N. Fort Myers, FL 33903, (866) 439-0359 www.rvkountry.com rvkountry@aol.com RV’s R Us Inc. 11315 66th St., Largo, FL 33773, (727) 544-4562, FAX (727) 498-8897 www.rvsrusfl.com jrvsrus@aol.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Sarasota RV Center, Inc. 4379 Clark Rd., Sarasota, FL 34233, (941) 922-7523 www.sarasotarv.com howard@sarasotarv.com Skip Eppers RV's 12705 Tamiami Trl., Punta Gorda, FL 33955, (941) 639-6969, (888) 405-4387 www.skipeppersrvs.com skipeppersrv@embarqmail.com Snider's RV 1231 S. Hopkins Ave., Titusville, FL 32780, (321) 269-6807 www.snidersonline.com Southern RV CenterOcala 4250 S.E. Pine Ave., Ocala, FL 34480, (352) 368-1058, FAX (352) 368-6990 www.southernrvocala.com Southern RV 1642 E. New York Ave., DeLand, FL 32724, (386) 734-5678 www.southernrvrentals.com mysouthernrv@yahoo.com Stewart’s RV 1116 U.S. Hwy 27 S., Avon Park, FL 33825, (863) 453-3849, FAX (863) 453-6357 www.stewartsmobilevillage.com stewarts@mobilervservice.comcastbiz.net Sun Camper Liquidatiors LLC 3462 N. U.S. #1, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, (772) 468-1166 www.suncampersrvs.com Sun Coast Trailer Sales 3081 Cavel St, Melbourne, FL 32904, (321) 327-2972, (800) 595-2443, FAX (512) 597-3835 www.suncoasttrailersales.com sssuncoastrv@aol.com Sunshine RV of Bradenton Inc. 5515 - 15th St E, #D, Bradenton, FL 34203, (941) 755-2843 mae3139@aol.com Tampa South RV Sales 4448 Old U.S. Hwy 41 S., Sun City, FL 33586, (813) 645-1083, FAX (813) 645-1083 www.tampasouthrvsales.net GeneHolcomb@tampasouthrvsales.net Top Notch Marine and RV 2450 N. U.S. #1, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, (772) 466-3119, (888) 278-1991, FAX (772) 466-3929 www.topnotchrv.com sales@topnotchmarine.com Top Notch Marine and RV 6000 N. U.S. #1, Melbourne, FL 32940, (321) 253-4050, (888) 425-0093, FAX (321) 253-3389 www.topnotchrv.com sales@topnotchmarine.com 2013 RV DEALER Toy Doctor LLC 11131 U.S. Hwy. 98, Dade City, FL 33525, (352) 584-0950 www.toydoctormobilerv.com toydoctor@live.com Tradewinds RV 7677 S. U.S. Hwy. 441, Ocala, FL 34480, (800) 786-2252 www.tradewindsrv.com rickcouch@rvhelpme.com Trailer Factory 11950 S.W. 222 St., Miami, FL 33170, (866) 535-3369, FAX (305) 257-5778 www.trailerfactory.com Treasure Coast RV Center Inc. 4651 S. U.S. Hwy. 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982, (772) 460-2424, FAX (772) 460-2203 Tri-Am RV Center Inc. Route 66 RV Network 5441 N.E. Jacksonville Rd., Ocala, FL 34479, (352) 732-6269, (800) 848-7426, FAX (352) 368-7992 www.triamrv.com sales@traimrv.com Triple F Trailers Inc. 8050 Bayshore Rd., N Fort Myers, FL 33917, (239) 731-9900, FAX (239) 731-9902 Tropical RV Sales 2777 S. U.S. Hwy. 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982, (772) 464-0753, (877) 559-8634, FAX (772) 464-9778 www.tropicalrv.net Winter Haven RV 24691 U.S. Hwy 27, Lake Wales, FL 33859, (863) 439-7576, FAX (863) 439-6844 www.winterhavenrv.net tklittle68@msn.com Apalachee RV Center 1364 Duncan Ln., Auburn, GA 30011, (770) 868-0999, FAX (770) 868-0440 www.myarv.com dave@myarv.com Camping World RV Sales Woodstock 505 Pkwy. 575, Woodstock, GA 30188, (888) 692-1201 www.campingworldofatlanta.com jgrotz@campingworldrvsales.com Atlanta RV Rental by Gwinnett Properties 4244 Sudderth Rd., Buford, GA 30518, (855) 462-8578, FAX (678) 804-1839 www.atlanta-rv-rental.com markspears@atlanta-rv-rental.com Coachcraft by Mac Donald 1430 Jacqueline Drive, Columbus, GA 31907, (706) 562-0510, FAX (706) 561-7877 www.coachcraftbymacdonald.com service@coachcraftbymacdonald.com Augusta RV 801 Industrial Park Rd., Evans, GA 30809, (706) 855-5220, FAX (706) 855-8622 garv@bellsouth.net Boyette Camper Sales 414 J.L. Tyre Street, Screven, GA 31560, (912) 579-2224, FAX (912) 579-2572 www.boyettecamper.com jl@boyettecamper.com Brown’s Camping Sales Inc. 9726 Tara Blvd., Jonesboro, GA 30236, (770) 477-7718, (866) 477-7718, FAX (770) 477-7719 www.brownscamping.com bcamping@bellsouth.net CSRA Camperland Inc. Route 66 RV Network 3844 Washington Rd., Martinez, GA 30907, (706) 863-6294, (800) 568-2772, FAX (706) 860-5728 www.csracamperland.com info@csracamperland.com Camper City 4707 Friendship Rd., Buford, GA 30519, (770) 945-2435, (877) 848-0065, FAX (770) 945-5319 www.campercityga.com Kamper Korner of Cleveland Inc. 3158 Hwy. 129 N., Cleveland, GA 30528, (706) 865-9591, FAX (706) 865-0786 www.kamperkorner.com Columbus Camper Center 1781 Box Rd., Columbus, GA 31907, (706) 507-2179, (877) 350-6606, FAX (706) 507-2195 www.columbuscampercenter.com gmccormick@coachcraftbymacdonald.com Crown RV 2102 Iris Dr. S.W., Conyers, GA 30094, (770) 483-5057, (800) 746-1633 www.crownrv.com sales@crownrv.com Cruise America/Gwinnett Rental Cruise America 3446 Buford Hwy., Duluth, GA 30096, (770) 495-7186 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Atlanta RV Cruise America 7008 Jonesboro Rd., Morrow, GA 30260, (770) 961-5699 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Dick Gores RV World Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 250 Longwood Dr., Richmond Hill, GA 31324, (912) 756-6606, (888) 756-7556 www.dickgoresrvworld.com dickgoresgeorgia@aol.com Campers Inn - Macon 125 Peachtree Pkwy., Byron, GA 31008, (478) 956-6111, FAX (478) 956-4200 www.campersinn.com Ellis Travel Trailers Inc. 23060 U.S. Hwy. 80 E., Statesboro, GA 30461, (912) 764-2043, (888) 503-8933, FAX (912) 489-2905 www.ellistraveltrailers.com ellistt@frontiernet.net Camping World RV Sales - Macon 225 W.E. Green Jr. Pkwy, Byron, GA 31008, (888) 270-8505 www.campingworldofmacon.com jwright@campingworldrvsales.com Gause RV Center 501 Sunnyside Shores, Hiawassee, GA 30546, (706) 896-7897 www.gauservcenter.com gauservcenter@windstream.net GEORGIA ▼ Camping World RV Sales Oakwood 4696 Smithson Blvd., Oakwood, GA 30566, (888) 525-7215 www.campingworldofatlanta.com jcline@campingworldrvsales.com Interstate RV Center 305 Chapman Rd., Byron, GA 31008, (478) 956-5511, (888) 817-0906, FAX (478) 956-4681 irvcenter@windstream.net All-Rite Georgia 2580 Jeremiah Ind. Way, Conyers, GA 30012, (831) 636-9566, FAX (831) 636-9464 www.all-rite.com sales@all-rite.com Camping World RV Sales Savannah 129 Continental Blvd., Savannah, GA 31322, (866) 886-7694 www.campingworldofsavannah.com cfuller@campingworldrvsales.com JTF RV Service & Repair 1921 Eastview Rd., Conyers, GA 30012, (770) 388-0985, FAX (770) 388-0735 www.jtfservice.com jtfmser@bellsouth.net Winter Haven RV 3001 N.W. 10th St., Ocala, FL 34475, (352) 369-4414, FAX (863) 369-6224 www.winterhavenrv.net tklittle68@msn.com Winter Haven RV 5335 Hwy. 441, Okeechobee, FL 34972, (863) 763-0020, FAX (863) 439-6844 www.winterhavenrv.net tklittle68@msn.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Directory Lightnin RV Rentals 2555 University Pkwy., Lawrenceville, GA 30043, (770) 963-9889, FAX (770) 338-4150 www.lightninrv.com rentals@lightninrv.com Midstate RV Center 131 Peachtree Pkwy., Byron, GA 31008, (478) 956-3654, (800) 226-3654 www.midstaterv.com lee@midstaterv.com New Horizons Outdoors 4429 Bankhead Hwy, Douglasville, GA 30134, (770) 949-9644, (877) 862-8589 www.newhorizonsoutdoors.com Newcastle RV Sales 4718 New Jesup Hwy., Brunswick, GA 31520, (912) 264-5187, (855) 264-5187, FAX (912) 264-4810 www.newcastlerv.com Norman Campers 1722 Austell Rd., Marietta, GA 30008, (770) 424-7922, FAX (770) 424-1604 www.normancampers.com sales@normancampers Northgate RV Center Inc. 442 Candy Ln., Ringgold, GA 30736, (706) 935-8883, FAX (706) 935-6404 www.northgaterv.com ringgold@northgaterv.com Parkway RV Center 5568 Battlefield Pkwy., Ringgold, GA 30736, (706) 965-7929, FAX (706) 965-7990 www.parkwayrvcenter.com Peco Campers 1825 Tucker Industrial Rd., Tucker, GA 30084, (404) 377-8000, (800) 969-4080, FAX (770) 270-9464 www.pecocamping.com info@pecocamping.com RV Sales & Service 2273 Atlanta Hwy., Cumming, GA 30040, (678) 455-7574 www.rvsalesandservice.com management@rvsalesandservice.com RV World of Georgia REDEX/Priority RV Network 2289 E. Rock Quarry Rd., Buford, GA 30518, (770) 945-2112, (877) 945-2112, FAX (770) 945-7512 www.rvworldofgeorgia.com mark@rvworldofgeorgia.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 111 ▼ ▼ ▼ GEORGIA CONTINUED RW Sales 801A E. Walnut Ave., Dalton, GA 30721, (706) 529-3300 www.daltonrv.net wayne@daltonrv.net Southern RV 9672 Tara Blvd., Jonesboro, GA 30236, (770) 477-0552, (800) 633-9940, FAX (770) 473-0467 www.southernrv.com bradwalden@southernrv.com Southland Motorhome Center & RV 4244 Sudderth Rd., Buford, GA 30518, (770) 271-7502, FAX (770) 945-2572 www.southlandrv.com southlandrv@bellsouth.net Tall Paul’s Campers 4425 Pio Nono Ave., Macon, GA 31206, (478) 788-7100, (800) 257-6024 www.tallpaulscampers.com readyeddie@tallpaulscampers.net Team RV Inc. 1218 Liberty Expwy. S.E., Albany, GA 31705, (229) 435-5852, (800) 424-6301, FAX (229) 439-0175 www. teamrvinc.com sales@teamrvinc.com Three Way Campers Inc. Route 66 RV Network 1400 Cobb Pkwy N., Marietta, GA 30062, (770) 422-9300, FAX (678) 819-5225 www.threewaycampers.com Town & Country Campers 1230 Dawson Rd., Winterville, GA 30683, (706) 742-8914, FAX (706) 742-7554 www.tandccampers.com tandccamper@aol.com Trailers for Less Inc. 949 GA Hwy. 85, Fayetteville, GA 30215, (770) 460-0314, (888) 461-3033 www.trailersforless.com sales@trailersforless.com Trailers for Less Inc. 1226 Hwy 16 E., Newnan, GA 30215, (770) 304-9943, (866) 270-5282 www.trailersforless.com sales@trailersforless.com Wild Willy Service & Parts 415 N. Grove St., Dahlonega, GA 30533, (706) 867-9978 www.wildwillyrvs.com service@wildwillyrvs.com Youmans Trailer Sales Inc. 2560 Spring Creek Rd., States Boro, GA 30461, (912) 587-7303 112 HAWAII ▼ Island RV 75-5785 Kuakini Hwy., Kailua-Kona, HI 96740, (808) 960-1260, (800) 406-4555 www.islandrv.com info@islandrv.com IDAHO ▼ 2U Mobile RV Repair LLC 5580 S.E. 2nd Ave., New Plymouth, ID 83655, (208) 880-8273 www.2umobilervrepair.com Airstream Adventures Northwest 1412 N. Franklin Blvd., Nampa, ID 83687, (208) 467-9218, FAX (208) 467-9176 www.boiseairstream.com Allan Marsh Travel Center 4033 Chinden Blvd., Boise, ID 83714, (208) 322-2730, (877) 500-2628 www.allanmarsh.com sales@allanmarsh.com American RV Adventures 4648 Fenton St., Boise, ID 83714, (208) 639-9343, (800) 948-8147, FAX (208) 639-9338 www.americanrvadventures.com reserveit@americanrvadventures.com Angell RV & Repair 2590 E. 600 N., Saint Anthony, ID 83445, (208) 624-3325 Bish’s RV Supercenter-Idaho Falls Route 66 RV Network 3855 N. 5th E, Idaho Falls, ID 83401, (208) 529-4386, (800) 759-4386 www.bishs.com ray.byington@bishs.com Bish’s RV Supercenter-Nampa Route 66 RV Network 1608 Industrial Rd., Nampa, ID 83687, (208) 888-1111, (800) 743-9567 www.bishs.com Erickson’s RV Inc. 425 E. Borah Ave., Coeur D Alene, ID 83814, (208) 664-8902, FAX (208) 667-8101 www.ericksonsrv.com ericksons@ericksonsrv.com Blue Dog RV - Post Falls 714 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls, ID 83854, (208) 773-7878, FAX (208) 773-8919 www.bluedogrv.com info@bluedogrv.com Extreme Warrior RVs 710 W. Simplot Blvd., Caldwell, ID 83605, (208) 806-0243 www.extremewarrior.com info@extremewarrior.com Blue Dog RV - Hayden 11300 N. Warren St., Hayden, ID 83835, (208) 772-7100, FAX (208) 772-7114 www.bluedogrv.com info@bluedogrv.com Bretz RV REDEX/Priority RV Network 4180 Broadway, Boise, ID 83705, (208) 388-4678, FAX (208) 258-2237 www.bretzrvidaho.com pbull@brtzrv.com Brockmans RV Sales, Inc. 20 E. Frontage Rd. N., Jerome, ID 83338, (208) 324-4203, (800) 773-3167 www.brockmansrv.com Camping World RV Sales - Boise 1580 W. Overland Rd., Meridian, ID 83642, (877) 847-5681 www.campingworldofboise.com Crossroads RV - Circle Inn 174 Circle Inn St., Chubbuck, ID 83202, (208) 237-8900, (888) 237-8909, FAX (208) 238-9575 www.crossroads-rv.com Crossroads RV - Yellowstone 5240 Yellowstone Ave., Chubbuck, ID 83202, (208) 237-8900, (888) 237-8909, FAX (208) 238-9575 www.crossroads-rv.com Bish’s RV Supercenter-Pocatello Route 66 RV Network 3385 Hawthorne Rd., Pocatello, ID 83201, (208) 232-4386, (800) 759-4386 www.bishs.com rayb@bishs.com Cruise America/Beckham Collision Center 117 N. 21st Ave., Caldwell, ID 83605, (208) 455-6289, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Bish’s RV Supercenter-Twin Falls Route 66 RV Network 21318 Hwy. 30, Flier, ID 83328, (208) 293-9100, (800) 759-4386 www.bishs.com D&C RV Repairs, LLC 17681 Willis Rd., Caldwell, ID 83607, (208) 453-9966 Bish’s RV Supercenter-Boise Route 66 RV Network 3880 Chinden Blvd., Boise, ID 83714, (208) 343-6203, (800) 743-9567 www.bishs.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Dennis Dillon RV & Marine Center 6560 W. Targee St., Boise, ID 83709, (866) 784-3246 www.dennisdillonrv.com Eagle Rock RV Service Center 1910 S. Yellowstone Hwy., Idaho Falls, ID 83402, (208) 523-7709, FAX (208) 523-0025 Happy Camper RV Sales 4770 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, ID 83714, (208) 658-8300, FAX (208) 658-1196 www.happycampertrailers.com Henggeler Home & RV Center 13849 Hwy. 55, Mccall, ID 83638, (208) 634-5310, FAX (208) 634-5310 Hollis RV Repair Inc. 515 S. 16th St., Payete, ID 83661, (208) 642-9546, FAX (208) 642-9546 hollisrv@qwestoffice.net Intermountain Motor Homes & RV Camp 1894 N. Frontage Rd., Wendell, ID 83355, (208) 536-2301 www.idahorv.com Lesh’s Travel Center 3987 Chinden Blvd., Boise, ID 83714, (208) 342-8679, FAX (208) 342-8728 leshsrv.com leshsrv@cableone.net Lewiston RV Center 3306 Hatwai Rd., Lewiston, ID 83501, (208) 746-8632, (800) 876-3426 www.lewistonrvcenter.com lrvinfo@lewistonrvcenter.com Major Tire & Hitch, Inc. 106 W 40th St., Boise, ID 83714, (208) 377-4730 www.majortireandhitch.net hitchit@cableone.net Merrick RV Sales & Service 474 W. Hwy. 26, Blackfoot, ID 83221, (208) 785-7990, FAX (208) 785-7988 www.merrickrv.com merrickrv@qwestoffice.net Nelson’s RV’s Boise 4911 Chinden Blvd., Boise, ID 83714, (208) 322-4121, (800) 877-8893, FAX (208) 322-7837 www.nelsonsrvs.com tom@nelsonsrvs.com Nelson’s Outwest RV’s. 5500 E. Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, ID 83607, (208) 795-5999, (866) 870-6651, FAX (208) 795-5997 www.nelsonsrvs.com sales@nelsonsrvs.com 2013 RV DEALER Nelson’s RV Outlet 5309 Chinden Blvd., Boise, ID 83714, (208) 287-3234, (877) 322-4121, FAX (208) 287-3233 www.nelsonsrvs.com sales@nelsonsrvs.com Nelson’s RV’s Hitch Shop 4960 Chinden Blvd., Boise, ID 83714, (208) 377-1770, FAX (208) 377-1702 www.nelsonsrvs.com sales@nelsonsrvs.com North Idaho RV & Motorsports 31557 Hwy. 200, Ponderay, ID 83860, (208) 255-7951, FAX (208) 255-7953 www.northidahorv.com OK Trailer Sales 480 N. State St., Shelley, ID 83274, (208) 357-7477, (800) 292-3581 oktrailer.com info@oktrailer.com Park-A-Way RV & Marine 170 Siphon Rd., Chubbuck, ID 83202, (208) 238-5857, (877) 387-1665 www.parkaway.com R & J RV Sales And Service Inc. 100 S. 207 W., Rupert, ID 83350, (208) 436-3724, FAX (208) 436-9345 rjrv@pmt.org R & L RV Sales 10789 N. Hwy. 95, Hayden, ID 83835, (208) 772-7634, (800) 335-7634 www.rlrv.com Rex’s Car & RV Sales 3195 N. Yellowstone, Idaho Falls, ID 83403, (208) 522-0768 http://rexsrv.com/ Travelland RV 355 Thain Rd., Lewiston, ID 83501, (208) 746-0559, (888) 746-0559, FAX (208) 746-4743 www.travelland-rv.com travellandrv@cableone.net Brown & Brown RV Supercenter 1400 Locke Dr., Bourbonnais, IL 60914, (815) 933-2251, (855) 602-7696, FAX (815) 933-9710 www.brownbrothersrv.com rvsales@brownbrothersrv.com Cruise America/A & G Rental Cruise America 10 S. 241 Schoger Dr., Naperville, IL 60564, (630) 236-4775, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Wilson’s RV Repair & Parts 4520 S. Federal Way, Boise, ID 83716, (208) 336-9122 www.wilsonsrvrepair.com ghughes@wilsonsrvrepair.com Burgett Camper Sales Inc. 9608 State Rd. 150, Coal Valley, IL 61240, (309) 799-3402, FAX (309) 799-3402 www.burgettcampersales.net Cruise America/Robert Auto,Truck & RV Service Cruise America 13854 S. Cicero Ave., Crestwood, IL 60445, (800) 549-2294, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Woodside Motorsports 4040 Glenbrook Dr., Hailey, ID 83333, (208) 788-4005, FAX (208) 788-9648 www.woodsidemotorsports.net Xtreme Motorsport & RV 1168 E. 990 S., Eden, ID 83325, (208) 825-9876, FAX (208) 825-5142 www.xtremerv.com ILLINOIS ▼ 120 RV - Sales - Service - Storage 746 W. Belvidere Rd., Round Lake, IL 60073, (847) 546-0026, FAX (847) 546-7805 www.120rv.com 83 RV Inc. 25514 N. Rt. 83, Mundelein, IL 60060, (847) 566-8383, FAX (847) 566-8406 www.83rv.com bob@83rv.com Abel RV Center 1180 W. Lake St., Bartlett, IL 60103, (847) 931-5100, (888) 281-4468, FAX (847) 931-0622 Adventure Touring - Chicago 1315 Lake St., Chicago, IL 60506, (866) 672-3572 www.adventuretouring.com Rocksprings RV Repair 30406 N. Hwy. 95, Athol, ID 83801, (208) 683-1735 Airstream of Chicago 1697 New Lennox Rd., Joliet, IL 60432, (815) 726-1900, FAX (815) 726-1929 www.airstreamofchicago.com Smith RV Adventure 1523 N. 25th E., Idaho Falls, ID 83401, (208) 535-2500, (877) 535-1360 www.smithrvidaho.com Art’s RV 21 W 700 N. Ave., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137, (630) 469-1936, FAX (630) 469-1942 www.artsrv.com dguthrie@artsrv.com Southern Idaho RV & Marine LLC 60 Bob Barton Rd., Jerome, ID 83338, (208) 324-4661 www.soidrvmarine.com sales@soidrvmarine.com Barrington Motor Sales 1201 W. Lake St., Bartlett, IL 60103, (630) 830-6200 www.bmsrv.com Tad RV Sales & Service 1411 N. Washington Ave., Emmett, ID 83617, (208) 365-1376, FAX (208) 365-2295 Directory B & L Sales Company 1501 S.W. Adams St., Peoria, IL 61602, (309) 676-5813, FAX (309) 676-3347 blrvpartshitchesservice.com info@blrvpartshitchesseervice.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Cache River Chevrolet - RV 943 Shawnee College Rd., Ullin, IL 62992, (618) 845-3431 www.cacheriverchevrolet-rv.com cacheriverchevy@yahoo.com Camper Exchange Inc. 1401 S. Illinois St., Belleville, IL 62220, (618) 233-2876, (800) 879-2161, FAX (618) 233-5836 www.camperexchange.com Camping World RV Sales Chicago 27794 N. Darrell Rd., Wauconda, IL 60084, (866) 885-7644 www.campingworldofchicago.com pcarr@campinworldrvsales.com Carnes Trailer World 26894 U.S. Hwy. 54, Pittsfield, IL 62363, (800) 291-4076, FAX (217) 285-5989 www.carnestrailerworld.com Colman’s Country Campers #2 Fun St., Hartford, IL 62048, (618) 254-1180 www.colmanscampers.com hartford@colmanscampers.com Cruise America/North Park Rental Services Cruise America 9624 N. 2nd St., Machesney Park, IL 61115, (815) 282-4347, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Three Rivers RV Cruise America 4615 Hedge Rd., Roxana, IL 62024, (618) 254-3650, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Double J RV Sales Cruise America 9683 Palm Rd., Chatham, IL 62629, (217) 483-5160, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Custom Connection, Inc. 55 W. Irving Park Rd., Roselle, IL 60172, (630) 351-8267 www.customconnections.com info@customconnections.com Collier RV Supercenter Route 66 RV Network 7373 Harrison Ave., Rockford, IL 61112, (815) 332-3322, (866) 323-7864 www.collierrv.com customerservice@collierrv.com Diamond Trailer Sales 1117 N. Old Rte. 66, Litchfield, IL 62056, (217) 324-2452, (877) 362-9639 www.diamondtrailer.net diamondtrailer@consolidated.net Crossroads RV 615 E. Rickelman Ave., Effingham, IL 62401, (217) 342-3558, FAX (217) 347-7088 Double J Parts & Accessories 9683 Palm Rd., Chatham, IL 62629, (217) 483-9998, FAX (217) 483-2268 www.doublejcampground.com camping@doublejcampground.com Cruise America/The Truck Shop Cruise America 2732 Mannheim Rd., Franklin Park, IL 60131, (847) 451-9662, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Discount Car Rental Cruise America 895 Richardson Rd., East Dundee, IL 60118, (847) 426-3300, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Ehrhardt's Trailer Sales 776 W. Oakton St., Des Plaines, IL 60018, (847) 437-3421, (888) 849-0689, FAX (847) 437-3459 www.etstrailers.com sale@etstrailers.com El Monte RV Rentals - Chicago RV Rentals 277 E. North Ave., Villa Park, IL 60181, (630) 279-3509, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonterv.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 113 ▼ ▼ ▼ ILLINOIS CONTINUED El Paso RV 100 Recreation Blvd., El Paso, IL 61738, (309) 527-8400 www.elpasorvsales.com elpasorv@elpasorvsales.com EZ Living RV Sales 90 S. Overton Rd., Diamond, IL 60416, (888) 458-9103 www.ezlivingrv.com ezliving@inetusa.tv Finnegans’ RV Center Inc. 1777 Gardner St., South Beloit, IL 61080, (815) 389-9630, (800) 383-2267, FAX (815) 389-9631 www.finnrv.com finnrv@inwave.com Fourwinds RV Route 66 RV Network 15277 N. Wood St., Maroa, IL 61756, (217) 794-2292, (800) 528-9787, FAX (217) 794-3706 www.fourwindsrv.com sales@fourwindsrv.com Fourwinds RV Route 66 RV Network 3104 N. Main St., East Peoria, IL 61611, (309) 699-6231 www.fourwindsrv.com sales@fourwindsrv.com Fun Times RV Center Inc. 41517 N. Hwy. 45, Antioch, IL 60002, (847) 838-3000, (877) 210-1074 www.funtimesrvcenter.com sales@funtimesrvcenter.com Funk Trailer Sales 802 E. U.S. Rte. 6, Morris, IL 60450, (815) 942-6688, (815) 942-6633, FAX (815) 941-9374 www.funktrailersales.com gene@funktrailersales.com General RV Center 14000 Automall Dr., Huntley, IL 60142, (847) 669-5570, (877) 597-0817 www.generalrv.com Holiday Hour RV 350 W. Lincon Hwy., Cortland, IL 60112, (815) 756-9438 www.holidayhour.com info@holidayhour.com Hometown RV 110 E. North Ave., Carol Stream, IL 60188, (630) 682-4444 www.hometownrv.com Hopper RV Inc. 298 Moeller Rd., Jacksonville, IL 62650, (217) 243-3374 www.hoppersrv.com House of Camping 8424 S. Harlem, Bridgeview, IL 60455, (708) 599-2650, FAX (708) 599-9338 www.houseofcamping.com 114 i94RV/Collier RV Route 66 RV Network 16125 Russell Rd., Russell, IL 60075, (847) 395-9500, (800) 340-9500 www.collierrv.com Liberty Coach 1400 Morrow Ave., North Chicago, IL 60064, (847) 578-4600, (800) 332-9877, FAX (847) 578-1053 www.libertycoach.com R & S Sales & Service 218 S. Lake of the Woods Rd., Mahomet, IL 61853, (217) 586-2055, FAX (217) 586-2382 www.rsrvsales.com jrjones@rsrvsales.com Illinois Mobile Home & RV Supply Inc. 3020 W 147th St., Posen, IL 60469, (708) 388-0008 McElroy Recreational Sales W. Rte. 16-128, Shelbyville, IL 62565, (217) 774-3960, FAX (217) 774-5968 www.mcelroyrec.com mcelroys@consolidated.net R C Service Co. 904 Main St, Mendota, IL 61342, (815) 538-6311 Indian Creek RV Service 805 Spence Ave., Norris City, IL 62869, (618) 378-2100 J & J Camper Sales 1501 Illinois Rte. 5, East Moline, IL 61244, (309) 792-2795, (800) 728-9636, FAX (309) 792-4783 www.jjcamper.com info@jjcamper.com J & R Marble & Trailer 14148 State Hwy. 29, Athens, IL 62613, (217) 636-8536, FAX (217) 636-8598 www.jrtrailers.com steve@jrtrailers.com Jeff Bright RV Center 2109 Industrial Park Rd., Rock Falls, IL 61071, (815) 626-7878 www.jeffbrightrv.com jeffbrightrv@comcast.net Jerry Pressley RV Center 1565 N. 22nd St., Decatur, IL 62526, (217) 423-5588, (800) 526-7695 www.jerrypressleyrv.com Kamper’s Supply 400 W. Plaza Dr., Carterville, IL 62918, (618) 985-6959, FAX (618) 985-2010 www.kamperssupply.com marv@kamperssupply.com Kapp Trailer Sales & Service 111 Old Rte. 50 E., Beckemeyer, IL 62219, (618) 227-8814, FAX (618) 227-8815 www.kapptrailersales.com dnrkapp@yahoo.com Kramer’s Kampers 5780 Rte. 173, Zion, IL 60099, (847) 746-5267, FAX (847) 746-5667 www.kramerskampers.com kamping@kramerskampers.com Kuhl’s Trailer Sales Inc. 1023 N. 500th St., Ingraham, IL 62434, (618) 752-5473, FAX (618) 752-5473 www.kuhlstrailers.com kuhls@kuhlstrailers.com Larry’s Trailer Sales Inc. Route 66 RV Network 3757 Hwy. 148 N., Zeigler, IL 62999, (618) 596-6414 www.larrystrailersales.com sales@larrystrailorsales.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Merritt RVs 1875 E. County Rd. 2000, Carthage, IL 62321, (217) 746-5331, FAX (217) 746-3911 www.merrittrv.com merrittrv@frontiernet.net Mid-State Camper Sales Rt. 1 Box 249, Vandalia, IL 62471, (618) 283-4396 www.midstatecampersales.com mscamper@swetland.net Myers Cycle & RV Center 1002 W. Pine St., Percy, IL 62272, (618) 497-2241, FAX (618) 497-2024 www.myerscycleandrv.com myersrv@egyptian.net Obies RV 907 W. Rte. 120, Lakemoor, IL 60051, (815) 385-3355, (800) 624-3778, FAX (815) 385-3326 www.obieone.com obieinfo@obieone.com O’Connells Inc. 970 Green Wing Rd., Amboy, IL 61310, (815) 857-3860, (815) 857-3333, FAX (815) 857-2916 www.jellystoneamboy.com Pearl Lake RV 1220 Dearborn Ave., South Beloit, IL 61080, (815) 389-1479 www.pearllake.com info1@pearlake.com Phil Cooper Motorhomes 1609 Cherokee Ln., Urbana, IL 61802, (217) 384-2233, FAX (217) 384-2244 www.philcooper.com phil@philcooper.com Pontiac RV REDEX/Priority RV Network 15481 E. 2000 N. Rd., Pontiac, IL 61764, (815) 844-5000, (800) 729-5419 www.pontiacrv.com courtney@pontiacrv.com Quad Cities Camper Service 5443 3rd Ave., Moline, IL 61265, (309) 797-4390 Quality RV 5518 E. 200 N. Rd., McLean, IL 61754, (800) 260-3859 www.qualityrv.com Randy’s Trailer Town 2020 Mall Rd., Collinsville, IL 62234, (618) 345-7755, (877) 438-6555 www.randystrailertown.com randystt@randystrailertown.net Rend Lake RVæ Route 66 RV Network 11381 Rend City Rd., Benton, IL 62812, (618) 724-2501 www.rendlakerv.com Recreation Plantation RV Center 19660 Stoney Island Ave., Lynwood, IL 60411, (708) 895-0660, FAX (708) 895-0673 www.recreationplantationrvsales.com info@recreationplantationrvsales.com Rick’s RV Center Route 66 RV Network 4360 W. Jefferson St., Joliet, IL 60431, (815) 725-4061 www.ricksrv.com rvmail@ricksrv.com Rieco-Titan Products Inc 965 Lambrecht Rd., Frankfort, IL 60423, (866) 403-9803, FAX (815) 469-4705 www.riecotitan.com customerservice@riecotitan.com S & S RV’s I-57 Rte. 185, Exit 135, Farina, IL 62838, (618) 245-3533 www.sandsrvs.com Shabbona Creek RV 17982 E. 2350 St., Atkinson, IL 61235, (309) 936-7878, (800) 323-6715 www.shabbonacreekrv.com Sunny Island RV 3442 Merchandise Dr., Rockford, IL 61109, (815) 874-7226, (800) 345-7003, FAX (815) 874-5875 www.sunnyislandrv.com info@sunnyislandrv.com Terry’s RV Center 20450 S. LaGrange Rd., Frankfort, IL 60423, (815) 464-7510, (800) 603-8600 www.terrysrv.net sales@terrysrv.net Three Rivers RV, Inc. 4615 Hedge Rd., Roxana, IL 62085, (618) 254-8856 www.threeriversrv.com info@threeriversrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Timberview RV Center 9801 191st St., Mokena, IL 60448, (708) 479-2400 www.timberviewrv.com Travel Trailers Sales & Service 2103 Georgetown Rd., Tilton, IL 61833, (217) 442-8131, (800) 8347944, FAX (217) 442-8164 www.traveltrailersusa.com tt@traveltrailersusa.com Tri County RV 10640 N. Galena Rd., Mossville, IL 61552, (309) 692-0278, (800) 7910100 www.tricountyrv.net tricountyrv@comcast.net U-Camp Camper Co. 13770 Beckemeyer Rd., Carlyle, IL 62331, (618) 227-8000 www.carlylelake.com/U-Camp info@ucampcamperrental.com Vacationland 47W529 U.S. Route 30, Big Rock, IL 60511, (630) 556-3211, FAX (630) 556-3215 www.vacationlandrv.com info@vacationlandrv.com Westside Motorcoach 11201 S. Grant Hwy., Rte. 20, Marengo, IL 60152, (847) 812-2972, FAX (815) 923-0101 www.westsidemotorcoach.com rjdhomes@aol.com Wheel-Go 13515 W. 159th St., Homer Glen, IL 60491, (708) 301-9110, FAX (708) 301-9113 www.wheel-go.com info@wheel-go.com Winnebago Motor Homes 6841 Auburn St., Rockford, IL 61101, (815) 964-5591, (866) 964-5591 www.winnebagomotorhomes.com tfran59341@aol.com INDIANA ▼ A & H Hillview RV Center 1706 Old Potter Rd., Clarksville, IN 47129, (812) 282-3500 Aaron RV Rent & Sales 5701 Elmwood Ave., Suite C, Indianapolis, IN 46203, (317) 2897368, (866) 535-6700, FAX (866) 423-8359 www.aaronrvrent.com ebarrett@aaronrv.com Barton Lake RV Sales 15 Ln. 201 Barton Lake, Fremont, IN 46737, (877) 289-7888 www.bartonlakervsales.com stevervs@hotmail.com Basden’s American RV Route 66 RV Network 600 E. Baseline Rd., Evansville, IN 47725, (812) 867-5200, (800) 365-9220, FAX (812) 867-4398 www.americanrvcenter.com info@americanrvcenter.com Ben Davis RV Supercenter 801 W. 7th St., Auburn, IN 46706, (260) 925-3715, (800) 425-2438, FAX (260) 925-8030 www.bendavisrv.net rvsales@bendavisrv.net Bill Gardiner RV 510B Veterans Memorial Pkwy., Lafayette, IN 47905, (765) 447-5111, (800) 905-7234, FAX (765) 447-8822 www.billgardinerrv.com Bluestar Camper Rental, LLC 5157 S. Eastern School Rd., Pekin, IN 47165, (812) 620-5897 www.bluestarcamper.com chad@bluestarcamper.com Braun’s Fun Time Campers 9702 Pendelton Pike, Indianapolis, IN 46236, (317) 890-0791, (800) 541-7908 www.funtimecampers.com matt@funtimecampers.com Camp-Land RV REDEX/Priority RV Network 1171 Lions Dr., Burns Harbor, IN 46304, (219) 787-1040 www.camplandrv.com davepashen@camplandrv.com Campers Inn of Elkhart 2503 Cassopolis St., Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 343-2272, FAX (574) 343-2274 www.campersinn.com Cargo Plus Sales & Service 511 South Main Street, Middlebury, IN 46540, (574) 825-0900, (800) 825-4718 www.cargo-plus.com steve@cargo-plus.com Carl’s Autobody Repair Service Inc. 9938 Express Dr., Highland, IN 46322, (219) 924-3347 www.carlsautobodyrepair.com carlsautobody@yahoo.com Colerain RV 5701 Elmwood Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46203, (317) 786-6102 www.colerainrv.com ray@colerainrv.com Coplen’s Coleman Camper Center 9810 Lima Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46818, (260) 489-9811, FAX (260) 489-0664 www.coplens.com funstore@coplen.comcastbiz.net NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Cruise America/Schwartz’s Inc. Cruise America 118 Cicero Rd., Noblesville, IN 46060, (317) 773-6020, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Julie’s Auto Sales Cruise America 612 Indianapolis Blvd., Schererville, IN 46375, (219) 864-8401, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Techworks, Inc. Cruise America 2500 S. Nappanee St., Elkhart, IN 46517, (574) 293-3495, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cummins Onan Elkhart Coachcare 5125 Beck Dr., Elkhart, IN 46516, (574) 262-4611, (800) 589-9027, FAX (574) 295-8000 www.cumminsonanelkhart.com Cunningham Campers 5201 Hwy. 62 E., Jeffersonville, IN 47130, (800) 778-9411 www.cunninghamcampers.com ccisales@cunninghamcampers.com Customers First RV Inc. 307 Crone Rd., Memphis, IN 47143, (812) 294-1663, (866) 396-7044 www.customersfirstrv.com info@customersfirstrv.com Duncan RV Service & Repair 29391 Old U.S. 33, Elkhart, IN 46516, (800) 551-9149, FAX (888) 294-2940 www.duncansys.com harveyd@rvglass.com Elkhart RV Center 2010 Cassopolis St., Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 343-1733 www.elkhartrvcenter.com Elkhart RV Sales 200A Orpha Dr., Middlebury, IN 46540, (574) 215-0873, (866) 390-1388 www.elkhartrvsales.com sales@elkhartrvsales.com Elkhart Supply Corp./ESCO 1126 Kent St., Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 264-4156, (800) 456-3726, FAX (574) 264-4303 www.escousa.net info@escousa.net Evans & Son RV Sales Hwy. 57 S., Petersburg, IN 47567, (812) 354-2979, (877) 382-6778, FAX (812) 354-2493 www.evansrvsales.com evansrvsales@live.com Factory RV Surplus 1611 W. Bristol St., , Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 262-3327, (800) 325-1461 www.factoryrvsurplus.com Family RV Rentals 5049 N. 300 E., Whiteland, IN 46184, (317) 535-9777, (888) 535-9777, FAX (317) 535-9909 www.familyrvrentals.com gene@familyrvrentals.com Fleming Sales Co., Inc. 2101 Industrial Pkwy., Elkhart, IN 46516, (574) 295-0234, FAX (574) 522-0785 www.flemingsalesoem.com Garrett Camper Sales 1211 Indiana 8, Garrett, IN 46738, (260) 357-4456 www.garrettcampersales.com robbmurley@garrettcampersales.com Great Lakes RV Center 1045 N. Nappanee St., Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 293-4500, (866) 386-7848, FAX (574) 293-4509 www.greatlakesrvcenter.com sales@greatlakesrvcenter.com Dr. Bob’s RV Service Inc. 5111 E. 900 N., Fair Oaks, IN 47943, (219) 345-3031, FAX (219) 345-3060 Edmundson RV Sales Inc. 14501 N. U.S. Hwy 31, Edinburgh, IN 46124, (888) 526-7878, FAX (812) 526-7878 www.edmundsonrv.com sales@edmundsonrv.com Directory Indiana RV Connection REDEX/Priority RV Network 503 N. Main St., Middlebury, IN 46540, (574) 825-9990, (888) 640-3110 www.yourrvconnection.com K & D Custom Coach 2313 Eisenhower Dr., Goshen, IN 46526, (574) 537-1716 www.kdspecialtyvehicles.com Koester’s Sales & Service 6818 U.S. Hwy. 30 E., Fort Wayne, IN 46803, (260) 748-4583, (800) 835-3344, FAX (260) 748-4593 www.koestersales.com info@koestersales.com Jordan Ford 609 E. Jefferson Blvd., Mishawaka, IN 46545, (574) 259-1981, FAX (219) 255-0984 www.jordanauto.com Lee’s Country RV 7211 E. State Rd. 46, Batesville, IN 47006, (800) 232-3841 www.leescountryrv.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 115 ▼ ▼ ▼ INDIANA CONTINUED Makarios RV 2001 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. D, New Castle, IN 47362, (888) 340-7837 www.makariosrv.com dennish@makariosrv.com Recreational Customs/Wave Express 67952 U.S. 33, Goshen, IN 46528, (574) 642-0632 www.rciwave.com T D Wall Inc. 1901 Hickory Ave., Huntington, IN 46750, (260) 356-6970, FAX (260) 356-5990 www.wallsmh.com tommy@wallsmh.com Mark’s Happy Campers 8745 Hwy 135 S., Mauckport, IN 47142, (812) 732-1000 www.markshappycampers.com mark@markshappycampers.com Root’s RV & Sales Inc. 1559 Wesley Chapel Rd., Mitchell, IN 47446, (812) 279-6737, (877) 766-8778 www.rootsrv.com rootsrvandsales@netsurfusa.net Terry’s RV Sales & Service 9825 N. S.R. 67-28, Albany, IN 47320, (765) 289-9704, FAX (765) 289-7938 www.terrysrvservice.com terryrvsales@aol.com RV Capital Service Center 1045 N. Nappanee St., Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 970-0120, (866) 970-0120, FAX (574) 970-5524 www.rvcapitalservicecenter.com Thatcher RV Sales Inc. 45 S. State Rd. 59, Center Point, IN 47840, (812) 835-4581 www.thatcherrv.com sales@thatcherrv.com RV One Inc. 56700 Elk Park Dr., Elkhart, IN 46516, (574) 295-7515, FAX (574) 295-7615 www.rvoneinc.com dave@rvoneinc.com The Outpost RV 57756 County Rd. 37, Middlebury, IN 46540, (866) 338-9845, (866) 322-0861 www.theoutpostrv.com sales@theoutpostrv.com RV Parts Nation 3267 Northview Dr., Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 264-5575 www.rvpartsnation.com The RV Center 3360 E. Lincolnway, Columbia City, IN 46725, (888) 414-3414 www.thervcenter.com Master Tech RV 28717 Holiday Pl., Elkhart, IN 46514, (866) 895-4556 www.mastertechrv.com info@mastertechrv.com Midwest RV 2101 E. Harlan Dr., Terre Haute, IN 47802, (812) 299-5432, (800) 668-8549 www.midwestrvonline.com admin@midwestrvonline.com Modern Trailer Sales Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 2730 W. 53rd St., Anderson, IN 46013, (765) 644-4497, (800) 783-4497, FAX (765) 643-3487 www.moderntrailer.com info@moderntrailer.com Monroe City RV 4091 S. State Rd. 241, Monroe City, IN 47557, (812) 743-5267, (888) 743-5267, FAX (812) 743-5211 www.monroecityrv.com wecamp@wvc.net Mount Comfort RV 5935 W. 225 N., Greenfield, IN 46140, (317) 898-6676, (800) 899-6676 www.mountcomfortrv.com keckstein@mountcomfortrv.com Nexus RV 3400 Reedy Dr., Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 970-0848, (855) 786-3987 www.nexusrv.com sales@nexusrv.com Pete’s RV 500 U.S. Hwy. 30, Schererville, IN 46375, (219) 865-1656, (855) 463-9787, FAX (219) 322-0349 www.petesrv.com Phoenix Cruiser 53217 Marina Dr., Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 266-2020, (877) 754-8535 www.phoenixusarv.com stuart@phoenixusarv.com Ray Harris Chrysler Jeep RV Center 6037 E. Big Play Way, Marion, IN 46952, (765) 662-6643, (877) 275-4306, FAX (765) 664-3953 www.rayharrischryslerjeep.com rayharrischryslerjeep@gmail.com 116 S & H RV Superstore 625 E. U.S. 20, Michigan City, IN 46360, (219) 872-1023, FAX (219) 872-1163 www.shrv.com shrv@adsnet.com Smith & Son Auto Repair Inc 3101 W. Venture Blvd., Bloomington, IN 47404, (812) 335-8397 www.smithandsonautorepair.com Smith Trailer Sales 446 W. Washington St., Monroe, IN 46772, (260) 692-6630, (877) 709-7763 www.smith-rv.com salesmanager@smith-rv.com Southern Indiana Bodyworks Inc. 5716 E. Morgan Ave., Evansville, IN 47715, (812) 474-0030, (888) 846-7991, FAX (812) 474-0831 www.sibwinc.com ronnie_markham@sibwinc.com Stoops Freightliner 1851 W. Thompson Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46217, (317) 788-1533, (800) 899-1533, FAX (317) 781-4367 www.stoops.com Sullivan RV Center 7982 N. U.S. Hwy. 27, Decatur, IN 46733, (260) 724-0484, (800) 720-0484, FAX (260) 724-2138 www.sullivanrv.com rick@sullivanrv.com Tailgating Express 5301 Grantline Rd., New Albany, IN 47150, (502) 599-3140 www.tailgatingexpress.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Tiara RV Sales 3260 Cassopolis St., Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 266-2136, (866) 880-3093, FAX (574) 262-4358 www.tiararvsales.com sales@tiararvsales.com Tom Raper Inc. 2250 Williamsburg Pike, Richmond, IN 47374, (765) 966-8361, (800) 727-3778, FAX (765) 966-1840 www.tomraper.com dbane@tomraper.com Tom Stinnett Derby City RV 520 Marriott Dr., Clarksville, IN 47129, (812) 282-7718, (800) 583-5685, FAX (812) 288-9424 www.stinnettrv.com tstinnett@stinnettrv.com Total Value RV of Indiana 25610 County Rd. 4, Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 262-4460, (866) 282-4460, FAX (574) 262-4243 www.totalvaluerv.com ivan@totalvaluerv.com TRV Trading Corp. 25416 County Rd. 6, Elkhart, IN 46514, (574) 266-0052, FAX (574) 266-1390 www.trvtrading.com dt@trvtrading.com Vintage Campers 2574 S. Strawton Pike, Peru, IN 46970, (765) 473-8088 www.vintagecampers.com info@vintagecampers.com Walnut Ridge Family RV Sales Route 66 RV Network 87 N. County Rd. 300 W., New Castle, IN 47362, (765) 533-2288, (800) 607-8827 www.walnutridgerv.com nhart@walnutridgerv.com Wana RV Center 1180 N. Van Buren St., Shipshewana, IN 46565, (260) 768-4165, FAX (260) 768-4738 www.wanarv.com gary@wanarv.com Wetnight RV’s & RV Salvage 4401 N. U.S. Hwy. 41, Terre Haute, IN 47805, (812) 466-3961, (800) 937-4079, FAX (812) 466-6851 www.wetnightrvs.com donhwetnightrv@gmail.com Whitewater Valley RVs 853 S. Rte. 101, Liberty, IN 47353, (765) 458-7414 www.whitewatervalleyrvs.com whitewaterrv@aol.com IOWA ▼ A to Z RV Rentals LLC 6111 S.E. 14th St., Des Moines, IA 50320, (515) 229-4949, FAX (515) 285-1069 www.atozrvrentals.com steve@atzrvrentals.com A-1 Vacationland, Inc. 4100 Symons Rd., Cedar Falls, IA 50613, (319) 266-6968, FAX (319) 266-6982 www.a1-vacationland.com info@a1-vacationland.com Ace Fogdall RV 7805 Ace Pl., Cedar Falls, IA 50613, (319) 277-2641, (800) 747-0747, FAX (319) 277-7390 www.acefogdallrv.com don.king@fogdallrv.com Autorama RV Center - Motorhome Sales & Rentals 2227 S.E. 14th St., Des Moines, IA 50320, (515) 282-0443, (800) 478-3883, FAX (515) 282-3314 www.autoramarv.com autorama2@radiks.net Avalon Service Center 20756 Hwy. 52 N., Rickardsville, IA 52039, (563) 552-1551, (800) 866-1552, FAX (563) 552-1555 www.avalontrailers.com info@avalontrailers.com Bob & Jo’s RV Center 2102 State St., Guthrie Center, IA 50115, (641) 332-2160, (800) 949-4787, FAX (641) 332-2161 www.bobandjosrv.com info@bobandjosrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Born Free Motorcoach 1505 13th St. N., Humboldt, IA 50548, (515) 332-3755, (800) 247-1835, FAX (515) 332-3756 www.bornfreemotorcoach.com info@dodgen-bornfree.com Gansen Auto & RV Sales Inc. 104 E. Main, Riceville, IA 50466, (641) 985-2034, (888) 985-2002, FAX (641) 985-2082 www.gansenautoandrv.com kari@gansenautoandrv.biz Bowling Motors & RV Sales 14270 Sycamore Rd., Ottumwa, IA 52501, (641) 682-5497, (800) 246-5497, FAX (641) 682-1082 www.bowlingrvs.com rbowling@bowlingrvs.com Harrison RV Land Hwy. 4 N., Jefferson, IA 50129, (800) 397-8206, FAX (515) 386-3266 www.harrisonrv.com rvland@netins.net Brown Sales & Leasing 202 S. Hwy. 52, Guttenberg, IA 52052, (563) 252-1611, (800) 747-1611, FAX (563) 252-1053 www.brownsrvonline.com brownssl@alpinecom.net Buscher Bros 1015 N. Main St., Algona, IA 50511, (515) 295-3588, FAX (515) 295-5051 www.buscherbros.com info@buscherbros.com Camping World RV Sales - Omaha 2802 S. 21st St., Council Bluffs, IA 51501, (712) 352-1624, (888) 896-9850 www.campingworldofomaha.com Camp-Site RV Inc. Hwy. 9 W. 10036 Valley Ave, Cresco, IA 52136, (563) 547-5100, (800) 556-0266, FAX (563) 542-2500 www.campsiterv.com campsiterv@iowatelecom.net Cheyenne Camping Center REDEX/Priority RV Network 2960 Plainview Rd., Walcott, IA 52773, (563) 284-6868, (800) EXPLORE www.cheyennecampingcenter.com info@cheyennecampingcenter.com Couler Valley RV 11019 Rte. 52 N., Dubuque, IA 52001, (563) 583-5730 www.coulervalleyrv.net coulervalleyrv@aol.com Des Moines RV 2401 S.E. 14th St., Des Moines, IA 50320, (515) 280-1026 www.desmoinesrv.com Easy Camping RV 1643 S. G Ave., Nevada, IA 50201, (515) 382-3258, (800) 944-8037 www.easycampingrv.com Dave@easycampingrv.com Fedders Marine & RV 16155 hwy 75, Le Mars, IA 51031, (712) 546-7071, (800) 432-7071 www.fmrv.com Herold Trailer Sales 1806 W. 2nd Ave., Indianola, IA 50125, (515) 961-7405 www.heroldtrailersales.com Highview Truck & RV 1307 220th St., Webster City, IA 50595, (515) 832-1904, (866) 933-6787, FAX (515) 832-1945 www.highviewtruckandrv.com highviewrv@wmtel.net Hitches Trailers & More 3404 Hwy. 75 N., Sioux City, IA 51105, (712) 252-1660, (800) 478-1660 www.htm-inc.com Holiday RV 1903 N. Mulberry St., Jefferson, IA 50129, (515) 386-4465, (866) 866-4465, FAX (515) 386-2454 www.holidayrvusa.com gcmotors@netins.net Imperial RV Center 1727 S. Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny, IA 50023, (515) 964-1424, (800) 444-1424 www.imperialrvcenter.com contact@imperialrvcenter.com Jasper’s RV Center Hwy. 150 S., Hazleton, IA 50641, (877) 636-9191 www.jaspersrv.com Ketelsen RV Inc. Route 66 RV Network 1500 Ketelsen Dr., Hiawatha, IA 52233, (319) 377-8244 www.ketelsenrv.com sales@ketelsenrv.com Lasso E RV Inc. 12942 Amber Rd. X44, Anamosa, IA 52205, (319) 462-3258, (800) 798-3511, FAX (319) 462-4513 www.lassoerv.com jeff@lassoerv.com Leach Camper Sales Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 1629 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Council Bluffs, IA 51501, (712) 366-2581, (866)621-0821, FAX (712) 366-2584 www.leachcamper.com edd@leachcamper.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Directory Lee’s Campers Inc. 47 33rd St., Mason City, IA 50401, (641) 423-5860, FAX (641) 424-1255 www.leescampersmc.com jaylee@rconnect.com Story City RV Route 66 RV Network 1543 Broad St., Story City, IA 50248, (877) 388-9797 www.storycityrv.com gary@webstercityrv.com Lichtsinn Motors Inc. 826 Hwy. 69 N., Forest City, IA 50436, (800) 343-6255 www.lichtsinn.com sales@lichtsinn.com Sun & Fun Inc. 4821 Hwy. 6 S.E., Iowa City, IA 52240, (319) 337-4996, FAX (319) 351-4134 www.sunandfunrvs.com sunandfun@sunandfunrvs.com McKee RV 400 1st street, Perry, IA 50220, (515) 465-3564, (800) 248-4489 www.mckeerv.com Terry Frazer’s RV Center 2000 E. LeClaire Rd. , Eldridge, IA 52748, (563) 285-6616, FAX (563) 285-7147 www.terryfrazersrv.com inforv@terryfrazersrv.com McKinley Chevrolet & RV 1601 Main St., Osage, IA 50461, (641) 732-5561, (800) 397-0011 www.mckinleyautoandrv.com Thompson Family RV 14040 110th Ave., Davenport, IA 52804, (563) 381-1023, (866) 787-4386, FAX (563) 381-2871 www.thompsonfamilyrv.com mark@thompsonfamilyrv.com Mobility RV Inc. 818 Hwy. E., Hanlontown, IA 50444, (641) 896-2222, (800) 933-7742, FAX (515) 896-2223 www.winnebagoparts.com winnebagoparts@yahoo.com Outdoor Recreation Center 3002 S. 11th St., Council Bluffs, IA 51501, (712) 366-9144, (877) 366-9178, FAX (712) 366-9178 www.orcrv.com jeffa@orcrv.com Paine’s RV 190 Plaza Dr., Waterloo, IA 50707, (800) 286-3039 www.painesrv.com todd@painesrv.com Plaza RV LLC 1409 2nd St. N.E., Bondurant, IA 50035, (515) 957-9393, FAX (515) 957-9619 www.plazarv.com sales@plazarv.com RV Revive Inc 3926 W. Airline Hwy., Waterloo, IA 50703, (319) 235-1115, FAX (319) 235-9411 www.rvrevive.com rvrevive@aol.com Shorewood RV South 4975 Hubbell Ave., Des Moines, IA 50317, (800) 917-2254 www.shorewoodrv.com sales@shorewoodrv.com Smith’s RV 1000 Lake Shore Dr., Okoboji, IA 51355, (712) 332-7323, (800) 433-1861 www.smithsrv.com kory@smithsrv.com Southwest Wholesale RV 90 N Runger, Sheldon, IA 51201, (712) 324-4218, (877) 324-4218 www.swrv.com sales@swrv.com Truck Country 10785 Rte. 61 S., Dubuque, IA 52003, (563) 556-3773, (800) 553-3642, FAX (563) 556-3420 www.truckcountry.com Truck Country 1653 State Hwy. 9, Decorah, IA 52101, (563) 382-6551, (888) 545-9297, FAX (563) 382-6557 www.truckcountry.com Truck Country 2350 W. 76th St., Davenport, IA 52806, (563) 445-5870, (800) 397-3399, FAX (563) 445-5873 www.truckcountry.com Truck Country 8515 6th St. S.W., Cedar Rapids, IA 52404, (319) 365-0531, (800) 332-6158, FAX (319) 362-0570 www.truckcountry.com billroth@truckcountry.com Twin Anchors RV Sales & Service 68054 U.S. Hwy. 30, Colo, IA 50056, (641) 377-2244, FAX (641) 377-2877 www.twinanchorsrv.com randy@twinanchorsrv.com US Adventure RV 5120 N. Brady St., Davenport, IA 52806, (563) 468-4678, (877)768-4678, FAX (563)468-5191 www.usadventurerv.com Vaughan’s Mobile Home & RV Repair Service Inc 1609 N. 14th St., Indianola, IA 50125, (515) 961-6961, FAX (515) 961-0563 www.vaughansrvrepair.com bryan@vaughansrvrepair.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 117 ▼ ▼ ▼ IOWA CONTINUED Webster City RV Route 66 RV Network 301 Closz Dr., Webster City, IA 50595, (515) 832-5715, (800) 658-5557, FAX (515) 832-2189 www.webstercityrv.com sales@webstercityrv.com KANSAS ▼ Adventure RV & Truck Center 4650 South Broadway, Wichita, KS 67209, (316) 721-1333, (800) 333-8821, FAX (316) 721-2712 www.adventurervs.com swilliams@adventurervs.com Anderson RV Center 5050 S. Topeka Blvd., Topeka, KS 66609, (785) 862-2207, FAX (785) 862-2207 www.andersonrvcenter.com andersonrvcenter@sbcglobal.net A-Z Mobile RV Repair 32747 Lone Star Rd., Paola, KS 66071, (913) 294-2733, FAX (913) 294-9185 www.azmobilerv.com azmobilerv@yahoo.com Brock Geist RV Sales 3200 S. Broadacres Rd., Hutchinson, KS 67501, (620) 662-4380, (866) 434-7878, FAX (620) 663-2100 www.brockrvs.com Camperland of Wichita LLC 4650 S. Broadway ave, Wichita, KS 67216, (316) 522-5474, (888) 454-4840, FAX (316) 522-4302 www.camperlandllc.com camperlandllc@att.net Chetopa RV Center 529 N. 11th St., Chetopa, KS 67336, (620) 236-7928, FAX (620) 236-7947 www.chetoparv.com chetoparv@yahoo.com Cruise America/Andover Rental Center Cruise America 328 N. Andover Rd., Andover, KS 67002, (316) 733-4720, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Docks Boat & RV 65 S. Fossil, Russell, KS 67665, (785) 483-5807 www.docksboat-rv.com docks@eaglecom.net Flint Hills RV 1523 Ledgerwood Dr., Andover, KS 67002, (316) 733-8300, (800) 748-7306, FAX (316) 733-8346 www.flinthillsrv.com tkimble@flinthillsrv.com 118 Flint Hills RV Center Inc. 11080 Legion Dr, St. George, KS 66535, (785) 494-2472, FAX (785) 494-2248 www.flinthillsrvcenterinc.com flintrv@wamego.net Four Seasons RV Acres Inc. 2502 Mink Rd., Abilene, KS 67410, (785) 598-2221, FAX (785) 598-2223 www.4seasonsrv.com sales@4seasonsrv.com Go Rving Inc. 2617 E. Kellogg Dr., Andover, KS 67002, (316) 733-6454, FAX (316) 733-4404 www.gorving.com gorvinginc@gmail.com H&K Campersales Inc. 612 N.E. Ave., Columbus, KS 66725, (620) 674-3400, (866) 440-3896, FAX (620) 674-3500 www.hkcampersales.com hkcampersales@ckt.net Harper Camperland Inc. Route 66 RV Network 117 W. 14th St., Harper, KS 67058, (800) 658-1781, (620)896-2862, FAX (620) 896-2858 www.harpercamperland.com mikefox@harpercamperland.com Harper Camperland Inc. Route 66 RV Network 1200 E. 10th St., Great Bend, KS 67530, (620) 792-5170, (800) 658-1765, FAX (620) 792-8466 www.harpercamperland.com danlear@harpercamperlandrv.com Hawley Brothers Inc. 11347 U.S. Hwy. 50, Dodge City, KS 67801, (620) 225-5452, (866) 897-1392, FAX (620) 225-0452 www.hawleywoodrv.com wildbill@pld.com Innovative Coach Works 1035 S. 183rd St. W., Goddard, KS 67052, (316) 794-2831, (800) 333-2525 ext.139 www.icoachworks.com icw@iai-online.com New Horizons RV Corp. 2401 Lacy Dr., Junction City, KS 66441, (785) 238-7575, (800) 235-3140, FAX (785) 238-4992 www.horizonsrv.com Delightful Days RV 13080 Walton Verona Rd., Walton, KY 41094, (859) 485-4044, (888) 485-4044, FAX (859) 485-4040 www.delightfuldays.com Olathe Ford RV Center Inc. 19310 S. Gardner Rd., Gardner, KS 66030, (913) 856-8145, (800) 835-0411 www.olathefordrv.com rvsales@olathefordrv.com Dobson Camper Sales 150 Old U.S. 68, Campbellsville, KY 42718, (270) 465-6919 www.dobsoncamper.com Re Max RV 4118 N.E. Seward Ave., Topeka, KS 66616, (785) 235-5900, FAX (785) 235-0817 www.remaxrvs.com remaxrv@aol.com Wichita RV & Outdoor 12828 S.W. Hwy. 54, Andover, KS 67002, (316) 733-7777 www.wichitarv.com KENTUCKY ▼ 23 Camper Sales 2982 US Hwy. 23, Ulysses, KY 41264, (606) 673-4717 Arrowhead Camper Sales Inc. 2574 E. Broadway, Mayfield, KY 42066, (270) 247-8187, FAX (270) 247-9264 www.arrowheadcampers.com tracy@arrowheadcampers.com Bluegrass RV Supercenter 1675 N. Broadway, Lexington, KY 40505, (859) 253-1777, (800) 759-9452, FAX (859) 231-9369 www.bluegrassrv.com sales@bluegrassrv.com Camp-A-Rama Inc. 481 U.S. Hwy. 68 W., Benton, KY 42025, (270) 527-1374, (888) 728-9944, FAX (270) 527-1375 www.camparama.net info@camparama.net Candys Campers 5905 Veterans Memorial Hwy., Scottsville, KY 42164, (270) 622-2010, FAX (270) 622-2014 www.candyscampers.com candysinc@yahoo.com K C Home Trailer Co. 1115 Merriam Ln., Kansas City, KS 66103, (913) 262-8722 kchometrailer@live.com Cave Run Lake RV Outlet 221 Cave Run Lake Rd., Salt Lick, KY 40371, (606) 683-2100 www.caverun.org/go/caverunlakervoutlet.htm Lacy RV Ranch 2475 E. Kansas Ave., McPherson, KS 67460, (620) 245-9608, FAX (620) 245-9854 www.lacyrv.com lacyrv@ks-usa.net Day’s RV and Auto Sales LLC 1180 Hwy. 770, Corbin, KY 40701, (606) 523-1381, (888) 659-1318, FAX (606) 258-1122 www.daysrvsales.com daysrvfinancing@att.net RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 East Kentucky RV 151 Market Pl. Spur, London, KY 40741, (606) 862-8289 www.eastkentuckyrv.com Louisville RV Center Inc. 2101 Outerloop, Louisville, KY 40219, (877) 849-3743 www.louisvillerv.com Murphy’s RVs Inc. 4481 Hwy. 93 S., Eddyville, KY 42038, (270) 388-0455, FAX (270) 388-0456 www.murphysrv.com info@murphysrv.com Northside RVs Inc. 1630 N. Broadway, Lexington, KY 40505, (859) 299-8386, (888) 390-5702, FAX (859) 299-4281 www.northsidervs.com gecklar@northsidervs.com Pikeville RV Sales 7349 N. Mayo Trail, Pikeville, KY 41501, (606) 478-5430, FAX (606) 478-5431 www.pikevillerv.com Right Stop RV Center 5874 S. Preston Hwy., Lebanon Junctiion, KY 40150, (502) 955-7484, (866) 955-7484, FAX (502) 543-7488 www.rightstoprv.com Riley’s RV World 2018 State Route 45 N., Mayfield, KY 42066, (270) 247-0333, (888) 481-4639, FAX (270) 251-9920 www.rileysrvworld.com RV Parts Country 151 Market Pl. Spur, London, KY 40741, (606) 864-2598 www.rvpartscountry.com support@rvpartscountry.com Skaggs RV Country 301 Commerce Dr., Elizabethtown, KY 42701, (270) 765-7245, (888) 223-6435, FAX (270) 769-2151 www.skaggsrv.com skaggsrv@aol.com Summit RV Sales Inc. 6611 U.S. 60, Ashland, KY 41102, (606) 928-6795, (866) 831-6350, FAX (606) 928-4102 www.summitrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Throughbred RV Sales 112 Thurston Dr., Russellville, KY 42276, (270) 726-7110 www.thoroughbredrv.com info@thoroughbredrv.com Berryland Campers Holden 27030 James Chapel Rd., Holden, LA 70744, (225) 567-7085, (877) 567-7079 www.berrylandcampers.com Trailer World, Inc. 800 Three Springs Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42104, (802) 834-4587, (800) 872-2833 www.trailerworld.com Blanchard Trailer Sales Inc. 6632 Airline Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70805, (225) 355-4449, FAX (225) 355-6300 www.blanchardbr.com btsrv@hotmail.com Valley RV Sales Llc 275 E. Cumberland Gap Pkwy., Corbin, KY 40701, (606) 528-6099, (800) 640-1849, FAX (606) 528-6491 valleyrvsales.com valleyrvsales@bellsouth.net Vans Camper Sales Inc. 1200 Levanon Rd., Danville, KY 40422, (859) 236-1723, FAX (859) 236-1537 Visone RVs 243 Fields Ln., East Bernstadt, KY 40729, (606) 843-9889 www.visoneautomart.com Youngblood’s RV Of Paducah 5146 Heartland Dr., Paducah, KY 42001, (270) 443-8211, (800) 542-8206, FAX (270) 443-8277 www.youngbloodrv.com gary@youngbloodrv.com Youngblood’s RV Supercenter 2132 State Rte. 45 N., Mayfield, KY 42066, (270) 247-8591, (877) 735-5386, FAX (270) 247-0604 www.youngbloodrv.com roger@youngbloodrv.com LOUISIANA ▼ Bates RV Rentals 1-10 at Exit 309, Breaux Bridge, LA 70517, (337) 332-4444, (866)579-2345, FAX (337) 332-5552 www.rvrentalsplus.com rentals@rvrentalsplus.com Bayou Outdoor Supercenter 1800 Barksdale Blvd., Bossier City, LA 71111, (318) 629-2628, FAX (318) 629-1219 www.bayououtdoor.com rvstore@bayououtdoor.com Bent’s RV Rendezvous Route 66 RV Network 8057 Airline Dr., Metairie, LA 70003, (504) 738-2368, (888) 455-0297 www.bentsrv.com brian@bentsrv.com Berryland Campers 42775 Pleasant Ridge Rd. Ext, Ponchatoula, LA 70454, (985) 370-7000, (877) 370-7001 www.berrylandcampers.com Campers RV Center 7700 W. 70th St., Shreveport, LA 71129, (318) 938-5441, (800) 426-1352, FAX (318) 938-5477 www.campersrvcenter.com sales@campersrvcenter.com Cenla Camping Center Inc. 1916 N. Bolton Ave., Alexandria, LA 71303, (318) 445-6981, (800) 301-1757, FAX (318) 449-1628 www.cenlarv.com raymond_cenlarv@yahoo.com Clay’s RV Center 207 Franklin Dr., West Monroe, LA 71292, (318) 329-9201, (888) 331-4933, FAX (318) 329-7924 www.claysrv.com dan@claysrv.com Country Campers 15578 LA Hwy. 3235, Cut Off, LA 70345, (985) 325-3600, FAX (985) 325-3603 www.countrycampers.net ccsales@countrycampers.net Courvelles RV Inc. 3629 I-49 S. Service Rd., Opelousas, LA 70570, (337) 942-7795, (800) 850-6348, FAX (337) 942-8820 www.courvellesrv.com sales@courvellesrv.com Dixie RV Superstores REDEX/Priority RV Network 10241 Destination Dr., Hammond, LA 70403, (985) 542-0324, (800) 299-0321, FAX (225) 567-4483 www.dixierv.com greglala@dixierv.com DJM Enterprises LLC 43380 Happywoods Rd. Ext., Hammond, LA 70403, (985) 429-0706, (888) 732-8444, FAX (888) 635-3337 www.thervservicecenter.com rvpartsandservice@onebox.com Frost Trailer Parts Inc. 455 Well Rd., West Monroe, LA 71292, (318) 322-5107 Gauthiers’ RV Center Inc. 124 N. Ambassador Caffery Pkwy., Scott, LA 70583, (337) 235-8547 www.gauthiersrv.com sales@gauthiersrv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Good Time RV Repair LLC 17884 Lake Charles Hwy., Leesville, LA 71446, (337) 462-3232, (877) 462-3232 www.goodtimervrepair.com sales@goodtimervrepair.com Gulfgate RVs Plus 4753 E. Napoleon (Hwy. 90), Sulphur, LA 70663, (337) 433-8967, (800) 787-8967, FAX (337) 533-8660 www.gulfgaterv.com Directory Playtyme RV’s Sales & Service 1415 Hancock St., Gretna, LA 70053, (504) 362-1318 www.playtymerv.com Primeaux RV 4715 N.W. Evangeline Thruway, Carencro, LA 70520, (337) 886-3330, (337) 381-5373, FAX (337) 886-3325 www.primeauxrv.com mark@primeauxrv.com R. Alan Kite LLC 1394 N. Hwy. 171, Lake Charles, LA 70611, (337) 855-6994, FAX (337) 855-6838 www.ralankite.com admin@ralankite.com Hope’s Camper Corner 6120 Frontage Rd., Monroe, LA 71202, (318) 345-1691, (877) 619-0447, FAX (318) 345-0224 www.hopescampers.com lloyd@hopescampers.com I-49 RV & Marine 7205 Hwy. 1, Boyce, LA 71409, (318) 793-5093, FAX (318) 793-5099 i49rvmarine@yahoo.com Kent Mitchell RV 41430 E. I-55 Service Rd., Hammond, LA 70403, (985) 375-9900 www.kmrv.com R Williams RV & Auto 15840 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70819, (225) 272-9699, FAX (225) 272-8522 www.rwilliams-paint-body.com rwilliamsrv@yahoo.com Rick’s RV Sales 1571 E. Main St., Ville Platte, LA 70586, (337) 363-7925, (800) 350-7925, FAX (337) 363-7926 www.ricksrvsales.com Kite Brothers RV 1940 N. Pine St., Deridder, LA 70634, (337) 463-5564, (800) 465-2724 www.kitebros.com jeff@kitebros.com Margot RV 7700 Airline Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70815, (225) 927-3700, FAX (225) 925-3354 McKenzie RV Sales & Service 24057 Seven Mile Rd., Franklinton, LA 70438, (985) 848-5752 mckenzierv@yahoo.com RV Masters 2504 Lexington Ave., Kenner, LA 70062, (504) 466-3431, FAX (504) 466-3481 www.rv-masters.com info@rv-masters.com RV Shop Inc. 14340 S. Choctaw Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70819, (225) 272-8000, (866) 920-7230 www.rvshoponline.com briggs@rvshoponline.com M&D Campers 4478 N.E. Evangeline Thruway, Carencro, LA 70520, (337) 886-2821, (800) 681-5143, FAX (337) 886-2882 Scotty’s Camper Sales Inc. 1401 St. Peter St., New Iberia, LA 70560, (337) 364-1935, FAX (337) 364-3078 www.scottyscampersales.com scottys@bellsouth.net Miller’s RV Center - Parts & Service 12912 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70815, (225) 275-2940, FAX (225) 275-6807 www.millersrv.com Southern RV Supercenter 3625 Industrial Dr., Bossier City, LA 71112, (318) 746-2267, (888) 457-7009 www.southernrvsupercenter.com jim@southernrvsupercenter.com Miller’s RV Center - Sales 16011 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70819, (225) 810-4056, FAX (225) 810-4057 www.millersrv.com sales@millersrv.com Motorhome Rentals of Louisiana LLC 2816 Kingston St., Ste. A, Kenner, LA 70062, (504) 469-8374 www.rentalmotorhome.com reservations@rentalmotorhome.com Southern RV Supercenter 3030 N.E. Evangeline Thruway, Lafayette, LA 75706, (337) 232-4308, (800) 232-4308 www.southernrvsupercenter.com sales@southernrvsupercenter.com Specialty Hitches & RV Center 2315 N. Bolton Ave., Alexandria, LA 71303, (318) 445-8595, (888) 445-8595 www.specialtyhitches.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 119 ▼ ▼ ▼ LOUISIANA CONTINUED Steve’s RV Center 29671 N. Dixie Ranch Rd., Lacombe, LA 70445, (985) 882-9911, FAX (985) 882-9966 www.stevesrv.com stevesrv@bellsouth.net J&M Camper & Marine 653 Civic Center Dr., Augusta, ME 04330, (207) 623-4047, FAX (207) 621-2351 www.jmcamper.com Tilley’s RV Super Show 9660 Mansfield Rd., Shreveport, LA 71111, (318) 747-7600, (800) 253-7600 www.tilleyssupercenter.com scott@tilleyshomes.com Lee’s Family Trailer Sales & Service 480 Roosevelt Trl., Windham, ME 04062, (207) 892-8308, (800) 640-9276 www.leesfamilytrailer.com sheri@leesfamilytrailer.com MAINE ▼ Augusta-West Lakeside RV Sales & Service 183 Homlmes Brook Ln., Winthrop, ME 04364, (207) 377-9993 Boucher’s RV Sales 1773 Alfred Rd., Lyman, ME 04002, (207) 499-7713, FAX (207) 499-2728 www.bouchersrvsales.com Call of The Wild Inc. 848 Main St., Oxford, ME 04270, (207) 539-4410, FAX (207) 539-2225 www.callofthewildrv.com info@callofthewildrv.com Cruise America Cruise America 214 Topsham Fair Mall Rd., Topsham, ME 04086, (207) 729-8859, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Destination RV Rentals & Sales 204 Roosevelt Trl., Casco, ME 04015, (207) 655-9608, (800) 390-7902, FAX (207) 221-1455 www.destinationsrentals.com kit@destinationsrentals.com Ellsworth RV 314 Bucks Port Rd., Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 667-9609, FAX (207) 667-3509 Good Times Unlimited 372 Farmington Falls Rd., Farmington, ME 04938, (207) 778-3482, FAX (207) 778-9555 www.goodtimesrvsales.com davis@goodtimesrvsales.com Harvey RVs 2992 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401, (207) 990-5081, (888) 990-5081, FAX (207) 990-5088 www.harveyrvs.com Holden Family RV Inc. 128 Main Rd., Holden, ME 04429, (207) 989-3851, FAX (207) 989-7518 www.holdenfamilyrv.com hfrvinc@aol.com 120 Leisure Maine Motorhomes 43 Farwell Dr., Rockland, ME 04841, (877) 596-5994, (207) 596-5994 www.leisuremaine.com rene@leisuremaine.com McCluskey’s RV Center 29 Houlton Rd., Presque Isle, ME 04769, (207) 762-1721 www.mccluskeys.com info@mccluskeys.com McKays RV 102 Main Rd., Holden, ME 04429, (207) 989-4300, (800) 924-4309 www.mckaysrv.com sales@mckaysrv.com Mountain Road RV 31 Mountain Rd., Sabattus, ME 04259, (207) 375-4091, FAX (207) 375-4014 www.mountainroadrv.com mountainroadrv@yahoo.com Profile State Line Superstore 1545 Carl Broggi Hwy., Rte. 202, Lebanon, ME 04027, (207) 339-0032, FAX (207) 339-1550 www.statelinesuperstore.com Rod’s Cycle & RV 837 Lakewood Rd., Madison, ME 04950, (207) 474-6637, FAX (207) 474-6637 www.rodscycleandrv.com info@rodscycleandrv.com MARYLAND ▼ Annapolis RV Center 117 Rental Ln., Grasonville, MD 21638, (410) 280-0800, FAX (410) 266-1118 www.annapolisrv.com Beckleys Camping Center 11109 Angleberger Rd., Thurmont, MD 21788, (800) 615-6171, FAX (301) 898-7093 www.beckleysrvs.com kelly.sales@beckleysrvs.com Brooks Ramsey RV Center 11345 Pulaski Hwy., White Marsh, MD 21162, (410) 335-1502, FAX (410) 335-3287 www.brooksramseyrv.com info@brooksramseyrv.com Charlie’s RV & Camping Center Inc. 10100 Liberty Rd., Randallstown, MD 21133, (410) 655-5200, (888) 655-3899 www.charliesrvcenter.com keith@charliesrvcenter.com Chesaco RV Inc. 911 Pulaski Hwy., Joppa, MD 21085, (410) 679-0000 www.chesacorv.com sales@chesacorv.com Chesapeake Motor & RVs 1138 Shopping Center Rd., Stevensville, MD 21666, (410) 643-6038 www.chesapeakemotors-rv.com captain@chesapeakemotors-rv.com Cruise America/Towson Economy Auto Rental Cruise America 1028 York Rd., Towson, MD 21204, (410) 823-0118, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Seacoast RVs Inc. 729 Portland Rd., Saco, ME 04072, (207) 282-3511, FAX (207) 282-9571 www.seacoastrv.com sales@seacoastrv.com Cruise America Cruise America 19590 Frederick Rd., Germantown, MD 20876, (301) 972-4207, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Webb’s RV Center 1206 Hammond St., Bangor, ME 04401, (207) 942-2900, (800) 339-5668, FAX (207) 947-3119 www.webbsrvcenter.com webbsrv@myfairpoint.net Cummins Power Systems Coachcare 1907 Park 100 Dr., Glen Burnie, MD 21061, (410) 590-8700, (800) 783-7061, FAX (410) 590-8722 powersystems.cummins.com Whited Truck And RV Center 2160 Hotel Rd., Auburn, ME 04210, (207) 786-3673, FAX (800) 235-3613 www.whitedrv.com gary@whitedrv.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Economy RVs 29020 Three Notch Rd., Mechanicsville, MD 20659, (301) 884-8400, (800) 226-0226 www.economyrvs.com economyrvs@economyrvs.com El Monte RV Rentals/Jim Donnies Inc. 1223 Dorsey Rd, Glen Burnie, MD 21061, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com Endless Summer RV 7633 Devilbiss Bridge Rd., Frederick, MD 21701, (301) 898-9848, (800) 301-4787, FAX (301) 898-0630 www.endlesssummerrv.com info@endlesssummerrv.com Jim Donnie’s RV Service Center 1223 Dorsey Rd., Glen Burnie, MD 21061, (410) 766-5509 www.jimdonnies.com La Grande Resort RV 23285 Point Lookout Rd., Leonardtown, MD 20650, (301) 475-8550, FAX (301) 475-5759 www.lagranderesort.com Leo’s Vacation Center 729 N. Bound Ln. Md. Rte. 3, Gambrills, MD 21054, (800) 559-4793, FAX (410) 923-0311 www.leosrv.com MidAtlantic RV Service P.O. Box 23, Abingdon, MD 21085, (410) 679-1155 www.midatlanticrvservice.com patrick.wright1002@gmail.com Queenstown RV & Marine 9533 Baltimore Ave., College Park, MD 20740, (301) 474-4900, (888) 474-4900, FAX (301) 474-4927 www.queenstownrv.com sales@queenstownrv.com Silver Maple RV Center 15204 B Marlboro Pike, Upper Malboro, MD 20772, (301) 627-8080 www.silvermaplervcenter.com The Custom Coach Co. 8332 Pulaski Hwy., Baltimore, MD 21237, (410) 687-7200, FAX (410) 686-1486 www.customcoachonline.com The Motorhome Brokers 710 Friar Tuck Ln., Salisbury, MD 21804, (410) 860-9006, (888) 294-9669, FAX (410) 749-6438 www.themotorhomebrokers.com info@themotorhomebrokers.com Triangle RV World 1501 E. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, (301) 662-5722, (888) 736-5734 www.trianglervworld.com 2013 RV DEALER MASSACHUSETTS ▼ Adventure Vehicle Rental 1040 Main St., Waltham, MA 02451, (866) 625-6007, (781) 899-2000, FAX (617) 623-7461 www.adventurevehiclerental.com dcogan@avrne.com Airstream of New England 1776 Washington St., Stoughton, MA 02072, (888) 731-7101 www.airstreamofnewengland.com ksoares@baystateford.com Atlantic Coast Trailer Sales 10 Boulder Parkway, North Oxford, MA 01537, (888) 414-2287, FAX (508) 987-1552 www.actrailers.com info@actrailers.com Beaver Camper Service 721 Springfield St., Feeding Hills, MA 01030, (413) 786-0596, (800) 310-0596, FAX (413) 786-1139 www.beavercamper.com beavercamper@aol.com Bob’s Camper & RV Inc. 2810 Hancock Rd., Williamstown, MA 01267, (413) 458-3093, (888) 262-7226 www.bobscamper.com Bob’s RV Repair 58 C Main St., Salisbury, MA 01952, (978) 609-5571, FAX (978) 462-0928 www.bobsrvrepair.com rcook209@verizon.net Bradford RV - Raynham 778 New State Hwy., Raynham, MA 02767, (508) 822-3800, (800) 339-3801, FAX (508) 823-3045 www.bradfordrv.com Bradford RV - Brockton 1906 Main St., Rte. 28, Brockton, MA 02301, (508) 583-1440, (800) 696-4137, FAX (508) 583-9275 www.bradfordrv.com Breezy Bend RV Center 1655 Main St., Leicester, MA 01524, (508) 892-1999 www.breezybendrv.com breezy@breezybendrv.com Buds Trailer Repair Inc. 16 Cushman St., Middleboro, MA 02346, (508) 947-0980 Campers Inn of Raynham Campers Inn 720 Church St., Raynham, MA 02767, (508) 821-3366, FAX (508) 821-1670 www.campersinn.com dchouinard@campersinn.com Camp Out Inc. 133 Rte. 20, North Oxford, MA 01537, (508) 987-0765, FAX (508) 987-0766 www.campoutinc.com Camping USA 815 Bedford St., East Bridgewater, MA 02333, (508) 378-3640, (888) 800-0309 www.campingusasuperstore.com campingusa@campingusasuperstore.com Certified Sales 19 Uxbridge Rd., Rte. 16, Mendon, MA 01756, (508) 478-0200, FAX (508) 473-2021 www.certifiedsales.com brian@certifiedsales.com Cruise America/Forrest Maine & RV LLC Cruise America 426 Middlesex Rd., Tyngsboro, MA 01879, (978) 649-6252, (800) 6718042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/Baystate Ford inc. Cruise America 1776 Washington St., Stoughton, MA 02072, (781) 341-0494, (800) 6718042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Daves Truck Repair Inc. 1023 Page Blvd., Springfield, MA 01104, (413) 734-8898, (413) 7348892 www.davestruckrepairinc.net info@DavesTruckRepairInc.Com Diamond RV Centre Inc. 188 W. St., West Hatfield, MA 01088, (413) 247-3144, (888) 784-5377, FAX (413) 247-9249 www.diamondrv.com info@diamondrv.com Dufours RV Center 650 John Fitch Hwy., Fitchburg, MA 01420, (978) 345-6047, (800) 3476047 www.dufoursrv.com Eastacres RV 10 Cape Rd., Mendon, MA 01756, (508) 473-3265, (877) 712-3265 www.eastacresrv.com sales@eastacresrv.com Flagg RV Center 66 W. Boylston St., Rte. 12, West Boylston, MA 01583, (508) 835-3190, (800) 678-9278, FAX (508) 835-2573 www.flaggrv.com brigitte@flaggrv.com Flagg RV Center 867 Quaker Hwy, Rte. 146A, Uxbridge, MA 01569, (508) 2784411, (888) 352-4478, FAX (508) 278-4450 www.flaggrv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Forrest Marine & RV 426 Middlesex Rd., Tyngsboro, MA 01879, (978) 649-7211 www.forrestmarine.com Fuller RV Sales & Rentals 150 Shrewsbury St., Boylston, MA 01505, (508) 869-2905, (800) 338-2578 www.usamotorhomerentals.com fullermh@charter.net Macdonald’s RV Center Inc. 171 Washington St., Rte. 1, Plainville, MA 02762, (508) 695-9241, FAX (508) 695-2287 www.macdonaldsrv.com kmac@macdonaldsrv.com Major’s RV Service Center 150 MacArthur Blvd., Bourne, MA 02532, (508) 759-2833, (800) 287-2833, FAX (508) 759-1361 www.majorsrv.com david@majorsrv.com Mann’s RV 52 Barre-Paxton Rd., Rutland, MA 01543, (508) 886-4745, (800) 677-4476, FAX (508) 886-0207 www.mannsrv.com Trailers of New England Boston Rd., Rte. 20, Palmer, MA 01069, (413) 289-1211, (800) 628-9982, FAX (413) 289-1292 www.trailersofnewengland.com Travel Town Trailers 303 College Hwy., Southwick, MA 01077, (413) 569-5548, (800) 356-6721, FAX (413) 569-3531 www.traveltowntrailers.com traveltownrv@aol.com Vassar’s Complete Automotive 14 French King Hwy., Greenfield, MA 01301, (413) 773-7770, FAX (413) 773-1802 www.vassars.com info@vassars.com Western Mass RV Rental 376A Chicopee St., Chicopee, MA 01013, (413) 782-5712, (617) 513-9337 www.westernmassrvrental.com shawnellenl@aol.com MICHIGAN ▼ A & B Camperland Inc. 36 S. Meridian Rd., Midland, MI 48640, (989) 832-7088, (800) 309-8393, FAX (989) 832-8539 www.abcamperland.com Marty’s U.S.R.V. Inc. 137 Myricks St., Berkley, MA 02779, (508) 823-7571, (800) 723-8778, FAX (508) 823-7583 www.martysusrv.com danielle@martysusrv.com MCD Corp. 14 Iyanough Rd., Rte. 28, West Yarmouth, MA 02673, (508) 775-6311 www.mcdcorp.com trailmanor@mcdcorp.com Moturis RV Rentals of Boston 274 Newburyport Tpke. Rd., Rowley, MA 01969, (800) 890-2909 www.moturis.com/RV-RentalLocation/MA/Boston/BOS/ Oakham Trailer Sales & Service 203 Bechan Rd., Oakham, MA 01068, (508) 882-9511, (508) 882-9509 www.oakhamtrailersales.com Pinewood Lodge RV Service 190 Pinewood Rd., Plymouth, MA 02360, (508) 746-3548, FAX (508) 747-8310 www.pinewoodlodge.com camp@pinewoodlodge.com Rousseau’s Recreation Rentals 150 Bedford St., Lakeville, MA 02347, (508) 947-7700, FAX (508) 947-4538 www.rousseausrv.com Stearns RV 71 Mechanic St., Bellingham, MA 02019, (508) 966-1220 Directory A & S RV Center Inc. Route 66 RV Network 2375 N. Opdyke Rd., Auburn Hills, MI 48326, (248) 373-5811, FAX (248) 373-2770 www.asrvcenter.com After the Fact RV Center 5229 W. M-80, Kincheloe, MI 49788, (906) 495-7242, FAX (906) 495-2717 www.afterthefactrv.com sales@afterthefactrv.com All Seasons RV 4701 Airline Rd., Muskegon, MI 49444, (231) 739-5269, (888) 837-5544, FAX (231) 737-6168 www.allseasonsrv.com Al’s Trailer Mart Inc. 1234 Leonard N.W., Grand Rapids, MI 49504, (616) 459-0727, (888) 242-6665, FAX (616) 459-3893 www.alstrailermart.com alstrlrmart@sbcglobal.net American RV 201 76th St. S.W., Grand Rapids, MI 49548, (616) 455-3250, (877) 863-9527, FAX (616) 455-8608 www.americanrv.com info@americanrv.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 121 ▼ ▼ ▼ MICHIGAN CONTINUED Annie Rae RV Stores 12909 N. U.S. 27, Dewitt, MI 48820, (517) 669-2755, (800) 328-0158 www.annieraerv.com Apache Sales Corp 587 South Court St., Lapeer, MI 48446, (810) 664-9961, FAX (810) 664-9962 www.apacheowners.com/sales/ apachesalescorp@aol.com Atkins RV 6144 Corunna Rd., Flint, MI 48532, (888) 811-7305, (810) 444-9191 www.atkinsrv.com Beech Grove Trailer Sales 51439 M 40, Marcellus, MI 49067, (269) 646-7845, FAX (269) 646-2012 Blue Star Supply 04971 Blue Star Hwy., South Haven, MI 49090, (269) 637-7763, (800) 531-5039 www.bluestarsupply.com Bontrager’s Surplus Inc. 18719 E. U.S. Hwy. 12, White Pigeon, MI 49099, (269) 483-7017 www.bontragers.com Brady’s RV 6829 S. M-129, Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783, (906) 635-5505 Brewbaker Housing & RV 20935 Washington Ave., Onaway, MI 49765, (989) 733-8535, (888) 874-5723 www.brewbakers.com Bud’s Trailer Center Inc. 6149 Lapeer Rd., Burton, MI 48509, (810) 742-0016, FAX (810) 742-0039 www.budstrailercenterinc.com By Owner RV Rentals 18713 Philomene, Allen Park, MI 48101, (734) 560-9292, (888) 973-6878 www.byownerrvrentals.com info@byownerrvrentals.com Camp America RV Centre 11053 Watertower Ct., Holland, MI 49424, (616) 392-2596 www.campamericarvcentre.com info@campamericarvcentre.com Camping World RV Sales Northern Michigan 2735 W. Houghton Lake Dr., Houghton Lake, MI 48629, (866) 473-1052 www.campingworldofnorthernmichigan.com D & M Trailers Plus 12315 Northland Dr., Cedar Springs, MI 49319, (616) 696-9961, FAX (616) 696-9963 www.dmtrailersplus.com sales@dmtrailersplus.com General RV Center 12410 Dixie Hwy., Birch Run, MI 48415, (989) 624-7000, FAX (989) 624-2035 www.generalrv.com sdodge@generalrv.com Caswell RV 260 S. Dexter St., Ionia, MI 48845, (800) 435-0877 www.caswellrv.com martyweave@hotmail.com Dolney RV Center 1171 S. Huron Rd., Kawkawlin, MI 48631, (989) 686-6291, (866) 476-6619, FAX (989) 686-1166 www.dolneyrv.com sales@dolneyrv.com General RV Center 48500 12 Mile Rd, Wixom, MI 48393, (248) 349-0900, (800) 778-4878 www.generalrv.com Circle K RVs Inc. 1879 N. Lapeer Rd., Lapeer, MI 48446, (810) 664-1942, (800) 247-5787 www.circlekrvs.com sales@circlekrvs.com Clark RV Center 9826 E. Pickard, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858, (989) 772-2703, FAX (989) 773-0993 www.mtpleasantrvcenter.com info@clarkhomesrv.com Cloverleaf RV 15351 S. U.S. Hwy. 131, Schoolcraft, MI 49087, (269) 679-3830, FAX (269) 679-3380 www.cloverleafrv.com info@cloverleafrv.com Cruise America/Feister Auto Sales 37401 Ford Rd., Westland, MI 48185, (734) 729-7499, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/D&M Trailers Plus 12315 Northland Dr., Cedar Springs, MI 49319, (616) 696-0959, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cummins Bridgeway Inc. Coachcare 43575 N. Gratiot Ave., Clinton Twp, MI 48036, (586) 469-2010 www.bridgeway.cummins.com Cummins Bridgeway Inc. Coachcare 54250 Grand River Ave., New Hudson, MI 48165, (248) 573-1900, (800) 486-4308, FAX (248) 573-4010 www.bridgeway.cummins.com Campers Paradise 4941 White Lake Rd., Clarkston, MI 48346, (248) 922-9026 www.campersparadiserv.com Cummins Bridgeway Inc. Coachcare 7580 Expressway Dr. S.W., Grand Rapids, MI 49548, (616) 281-2211 www.bridgeway.cummins.com Camp & Cruise 1613 Hayes St., Marne, MI 49435, (616) 677-1274, (866) 766-8666, FAX (616) 677-3220 www.campandcruise.com boatsales@campandcruise.com Curtis Trailer Center 12515 U.S. 131, Schoolcraft, MI 49087, (269) 679-4485, (800) 606-4485, FAX (269) 679-5925 www.curtistrailercenter.com information@curtistrailercenter.com 122 RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Done Right Auto & RV Inc. 2377 Kipp Rd., Mason, MI 48854, (517) 676-8831 www.donerightautorv.com info@donerightautorv.com Eastside RV 26288 Groesbeck Hwy., Warren, MI 48089, (586) 771-1480, FAX (586) 771-7360 www.eastsiderv.com trailersales@eastsiderv.comcastbiz.net Feister RV Center And Camping 37401 Ford Rd., Westland, MI 48185, (734) 721-2400, FAX (734) 721-6937 Freeway Auto & RV 1983 E. Airport Rd., Midland, MI 48642, (989) 835-7878, (877) 232-2588 www.freewayrv.com Fun-N-Sun RV 66 N. Dennis Rd., Ludington, MI 49431, (231) 845-8282 www.fnsrv.com sales@fnsrv.com General RV Center 17277 Rancho Rd., Brownstown, MI 48192, (734) 284-5500, (888) 488-4878, FAX (734) 284-5568 www.generalrv.com General RV Center 24583 N. River Rd., Mount Clemens, MI 48043, (586) 954-3600, FAX (586) 954-0183 www.generalrv.com websales@generalrv.com Gillette’s Interstate RV 7210 E. Saginaw Hwy., East Lansing, MI 48823, (517) 339-8271, (800) 949-8271 www.gillettesinterstaterv.com Hamiltons RV Outlet 1580 Tittabawassee Rd., Saginaw, MI 48604, (989) 752-6262, FAX (989) 752-6085 www.hamiltonsrv.com mary@hamiltonsrv.com Happy Camper RV Service LLC 1085 Vanvleet Rd., Flushing, MI 48433, (810) 397-5927 www.happycamperrvservicellc.com Haylett Auto & RV Supercenter 891 E. Chicago St., Coldwater, MI 49036, (517) 278-5196, (800) 256-5196, FAX (517) 278-7072 www.haylettautoandrv.com Hillsdale Travel Center 5100 S. Hillsdale Rd., Hillsdale, MI 49242, (517) 437-3859 www.hillsdaletravelcenter.com hillsdaletc@yahoo.com Hilltop RV Superstore Route 66 RV Network 2905 N. Lincoln Rd., Escanaba, MI 49829, (906) 786-7986, (800) 676-7848 www.hilltoprv.com steve@hilltoprv.com Hilltop RV Superstore Route 66 RV Network 600 U.S. 41, Ishpeming, MI 49849, (888) 346-7848 www.hilltoprv.com Hitch House 12855 Levan Rd., Livonia, MI 48150, (734) 293-1000 www.hitchhouseusa.com General RV Center 476 Reno Dr., Wayland, MI 49348, (269) 792-9118, (800) 792-9118, FAX (269) 792-6210 www.generalrv.com lproulx@generalrv.com Holland Motor Homes 670 E. 16th St., Holland, MI 49423, (616) 396-1461, (800) 221-7197, FAX (616) 396-1391 www.holland-motorhomes.com sales@holland-motorhomes.com General RV Center 8285 Highland Rd., White Lake, MI 48386, (248) 886-0015, FAX (248) 886-0094 www.generalrv.com fkrawczyk@generalrv.com HW Motor Homes, Inc. 5390 Belleville Rd., Canton, MI 48188, (734) 394-2000, (800) 334-1535, FAX (734) 397-3331 www.hwmotorhomes.com 2013 RV DEALER International RV World Michigan 2717 E. Delta Rd., Bay City, MI 48706, (989) 667-9840, (877) 674-4471, F AX (989) 667-9843 www.internationalrvworldmi.com Lloyd Bridges Traveland 1603 S. Main St., Chelsea, MI 48118, (734) 475-1347, (800) 475-1347 www.funrving.com sales@funrving.com New Horizons RV Center Inc. 4272 N. Linden Rd., Flint, MI 48504, (810) 720-1122, FAX (810) 720-2222 www.newhorizonsrvcenterinc.com jsjnewhorizons@aol.com International RV World Gaylord 277 Expressway Ct., Gaylord, MI 49735, (989) 448-8700, FAX (989) 448-8704 www.irvwgaylord.com M & M Camping Center 2960 W. Jefferson Ave., Trenton, MI 48183, (734) 676-2383, (800) 523-6876 www.mm-rvcenter.com Northern RV Center Inc. W7081 U.S. Hwy. 2, Quinnesec, MI 49876, (906) 774-1052, (800) 252-1340, FAX (906) 774-3732 www.northernrvs.com sales@northernrvs.com Jay’s RV Centre 1554 U.S. 23 N., East Tawas, MI 48730, (989) 362-2910, FAX (989) 362-6611 www.jaysrv.com JD’s RVs 6684 Whitmore Lake Rd., Ste. 2, Whitmore Lake, MI 48189, (734) 769-8888, (866) 500-1955, FAX (734) 222-7063 www.jdsrvs.com jdsrvs@yahoo.com Kitsmiller RV 1211 N. Cedar Rd., Mason, MI 48854, (517) 694-7500, (888) 723-6963, FAX (517) 694-3542 www.kitsmillerrv.com kstsmiiler@aol.com Kline’s RV Center 2001 E. Thirteen Mile Rd., Warren, MI 48092, (877) 217-6994 www.klinesrv.com klinesrv@hotmail.com Krenek RV Super Center Route 66 RV Network 6542 Ryno Rd., Coloma, MI 49038, (269) 468-7900, (800) 543-8267 www.krenekrv.com sales@krenekrv.com Lakeshore RV Center 4500 E. Apple Ave., Muskegon, MI 49442, (231) 788-2040, (888) 743-8278, FAX (231) 788-5205 www.lakeshore-rv.com Maddox RV Sales & Service 13900 Telegraph Rd., Taylor, MI 48180, (734) 287-6067 www.maddoxrv.com Marshall RV 14805 W. Michigan Ave., Marshall, MI 49068, (269) 781-2851, (800) 781-2851 www.marshallrv.com McDowell RV Sales & Service 5860 N. Lapeer Rd., North Branch, MI 48461, (810) 793-4454, FAX (810) 793-6208 www.mcdowellrv.com info@mcdowellrv.com M&W Tire 2216 M-139, Benton Harbor, MI 49022, (800) 300-9007 www.mandwtire.com family@mandwtire.com Master Techs, Inc. 17111 F Dr. S., Marshall, MI 49068, (800) 848-0558, FAX (269) 789-1145 www.mastertech-inc.com Michigan RV Broker USA 7540 Whitmore Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116, (810) 231-0276, FAX (810) 360-1090 www.michiganrvbrokerusa.com Midland RV Sales Inc 607 S. Saginaw Rd., Midland, MI 48640, (989) 631-1231, FAX (989) 631-1292 www.midland-rv.com midlandrv@aol.com Larry’s RV Shop 6900 E. 14 Mile Rd., Warren, MI 48092, (586) 979-9442, FAX (586) 979-9443 rvshop@sbcglobal.net Midway RV Center 5590 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49548, (616) 534-9641, (800) 875-4787, FAX (616) 534-6869 www.midwaymotorhomes.com mnaber@midwaymotorhomes.com Leisure Days Travel Trailer Sales 1354 E. Vienna Rd., Clio, MI 48420, (810) 686-2090, FAX (810) 686-2091 www.leisuredays-rv.com leisuredaysrv@aol.com Modern RV Center 7834 Division Ave. S., Grand Rapids, MI 49548, (616) 281-3010, (800) 633-7163, FAX (616) 281-3449 www.modernrv.com modernrv@sbcglobal.net Leisure Time Auto & RV 2859 Benzie Hwy., Benzonia, MI 49616, (231) 882-1353, (231) 882-5372, FAX (231) 882-1353 www.leisuretimeautorv.com Muskegon RV 3555 E. Apple Ave., Muskegon, MI 49442, (231) 767-9000, (800) 898-1125, FAX (231) 767-9080 www.muskegonrv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Northtown Motor Homes 10947 Northland Dr., Rockford, MI 49341, (616) 866-4300, (866) 243-1716 www.northtownmotorhomes.com Parshallburg Campers 15775 Oakley Rd., Chesaning, MI 48616, (989) 845-3189, FAX (989) 845-7062 www.parshallburgcampers.com parshallburgcampers@yahoo.com Pete’s Camping Service 4631 Lapeer Rd., Kimball, MI 48074, (810) 984-3333 www.petescamping.com Petoskey RV USA 2215 U.S. 31 W., N. Petoskey, MI 49770, (866) 869-2755 www.petoskeyrvusa.com Phillips RV Center G7101 N. Saginaw St., Mt. Morris, MI 48458, (810) 687-0030, FAX (810) 687-7520 www.phillipsrv.com Pines Truck Accessories 2010 S. Huron Rd., Kawkawlin, MI 48631, (989) 684-5707, FAX (989) 684-2292 www.pinestruckaccessories.com sales@pinestruckaccessories.com Preferred RV 8669 Mason Dr., Newaygo, MI 49337, (231) 652-1321, FAX (231) 652-4267 www.preferredrvinc.com sales@preferredrvinc.com Quality Products Sales & Service 277 12th St., Plainwell, MI 49080, (269) 685-8781, FAX (269) 685-1976 www.qualityproductsplainwell.com Ranch RV 6825 M-68, Alanson, MI 49706, (231) 548-5443, (800) 358-1582, FAX (231) 548-2202 www.ranchrv.com ranchrv@racc2000.com Redskin Auto Sales & RV 21000 Van Dyke Ave., Warren, MI 48089, (586) 755-9620 Directory Richards Motor Ltd 749 S. Main St., Reading, MI 49274, (517) 283-2114, FAX (517) 283-2116 www.richardsrvsales.com Richfield Trailer Supply - Flint 2535 Richfield Rd., Flint, MI 48506, (810) 736-2680, (800) 456-7811 www.richfieldtrailer.com flint@richfieldtrailer.com Richfield Trailer Supply Grand Rapids 7245 S. Division, Grand Rapids, MI 49548, (616) 281-3220, (800) 456-7813 www.richfieldtrailer.com grandrapids@richfieldtrailer.com Richfield Trailer Supply Traverse City 470 U.S. 31, South Traverse City, MI 49684, (231) 943-4700, (800) 456-7812 www.richfieldtrailer.com traversecity@richfieldtrailer.com Ridgeway RV A-4220 Bluestar Hwy., Holland, MI 49423, (616) 396-5575, FAX (616) 396-0265 www.ridgewayrv.com Rose City RV Center 2228 N. M-33, Rose City, MI 48654, (989) 685-3461, (800) 295-3461, FAX (989) 685-3134 www.rosecityrv.com RV Doctor of Grayling 1069 Glenn Rd., Grayling, MI 49738, (989) 390-4600, FAX (989) 348-7348 www.rvdrofgrayling.com dalemetzer@yahoo.com RV World of Michigan 7303 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49548, (616) 301-6920, (800) 596-0193, FAX (616) 301-6924 www.rvworldmi.com TC-RV, Inc. 705 N. U.S. 31 S. , Traverse City, MI 49684, (231) 943-4050, (800) 9688278 www.tcrv.com Terry Town Superstore 7145 Division Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49548, (616) 455-5590, FAX (616) 455-1004 www.terrytownrv.com jared@terrytownrv.com Tradewinds RV Center 4325 W. Vienna Rd., Clio, MI 48420, (810) 686-0710, FAX (810) 686-0711 www.tradewindsrvcenter.com tradewindsrvmark@yahoo.com Travel Land RV Center 2424 W. Houghton Lake Dr., Houghton Lake, MI 48629, (989) 366-5320 www.travellandrvcenter.com travelland@charterinternet.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 123 ▼ ▼ ▼ MICHIGAN CONTINUED Tri City RV 4501 E. Wilder Rd., Bay City, MI 48706, (989) 684-3123, (989) 684-9050 www.tricityrv.com Adventure RV Rental 1400-1/2 W. Third Ave., Shakopee, MN 55379, (952) 496-3370 www.adventurervrental.org sales@adventurervrental.org Vacation Land Sales 2746 136th Ave., Hopkins, MI 49328, (616) 896-8371 www.vacationlandsales.com sales@vacationlandsales.com Alexandria Recreational Vehicle 5701 State Hwy. 29 S., Alexandria, MN 56308, (320) 763-7701, (888) 875-5553, FAX (320) 763-1728 www.alexrv.com sales@alexrv.com Vacation Trailer Sales 10991 N. U.S. Hwy. 31, Manistee, MI 49660, (231) 398-0400 www.vacationtrailer.com camping@vacationtrailer.com Vacation Trailer Sales & RV Supplies 1776 Benzie Hwy., Benzonia, MI 49616, (231) 882-0450 www.vacationtrailer.com camping@vacationtrailer.com Veurinks’ RV Center 7144 S. Division, Grand Rapids, MI 49548, (616) 281-5111, (800) 822-5292 www.veurinksrv.com rvsales@veurinksrv.com Vicars Trailer Sales 9080 Pelham Rd., Taylor, MI 48180, (313) 291-9000, (888) 349-1424 www.vicarstrailersales.com info@vicarstrailersales.com Waters RV & Storage Center 10722 Waters RV Dr., Waters, MI 49797, (989) 732-0677, FAX (989) 731-5337 www.watersrv.com sales@watersrv.com Westland Company Center Inc. 1475 S. Newburgh Rd., Westland, MI 48186, (734) 326-7700, FAX (734) 326-3056 www.westlandcamping.com sales@westlandcamping.com Woodland RV Sales & Service 1229 S. U.S. 23, Tawas City, MI 48763, (888) 889-7868 www.woodlandrv.com bizwoodlandrv@hotmail.com Woodland Travel Center 5190 Plainfield Ave. N.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49525, (616) 363-9038, (800) 968-8688, FAX (616) 363-7747 www.woodlandtravelcenter.net sales@woodlandtravelcenter.net B & B Sports & RV 20271 Hwy. 15 N., Hutchinson, MN 55350, (320) 234-7669 www.bbsportsinc.com bbsports@hutchtel.net Beaver Bay Sports 4878 Hwy. 61, Beaver Bay, MN 55601, (218) 226-4666, FAX (218) 226-4670 www.beaverbaysports.com bbsport@lakenet.com Brambillas Inc. 550 Valley Park Dr., Shakopee, MN 55379, (877) 377-0811 www.brambillasinc.com info@brambillasinc.com Breezee’s RV Center 36349 Old Homer Rd., Winona, MN 55987, (507) 452-8916 www.breezeesrv.com info@breezeesrv.com Bullyan RV Center 4956 Miller Trunk Hwy., Duluth, MN 55811, (886) 632-2849, (800) 955-4945 www.bullyan.com jbullyanjr@bullyan.com Can Am Recreation Vehicles 16701 Greystone Ln., Jordan, MN 55352, (952) 492-5310, (888) 492-5310, FAX (952) 492-5630 www.canamrv.com minneapolis@canamrv.com Coates RV Center Route 66 RV Network 14025 W. Freeway Dr., Hugo, MN 55038, (651) 488-0234, (877) 778-9874 www.coatestrailers.com MINNESOTA ▼ Complete RV & Automotive Service 1500 99th Ln. N.E., Blaine, MN 55449, (763) 862-0300 www.blaineautorepair.com ABC Companies 1506 30th St. N.W., Faribault, MN 55021, (507) 334-1871, (800) 222-2875, FAX (507) 334-0246 www.abc-companies.com sahlers@abc-companies.com Cruise America/Allied Rental Cruise America 1654 Livingston Ave., West St. Paul, MN 55118, (651) 455-4702, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com 124 RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Curtis Camper Sales Inc 7050 11th Ave. S.W., Rochester, MN 55902, (507) 252-1481, FAX (507) 252-5602 www.curtiscampersales.com curtiscampersales@myclearwave.net Joe’s Camper Sales 2417 S. Broadway, New Ulm, MN 56073, (507) 354-8106, (800) 607-7887 www.joescampers.com joes@joescampers.com D&K RV Sales 1906 180th Ave., Canby, MN 56220, (507) 223-7518 www.dkrvsales.com Keepers RV Center Ltd. 19989 584th Ave., Mankato, MN 56001, (507) 625-4647 www.keepersrv.com lisa@keepersrv.com E-Z Riding RV Center 2295 Mcknight Rd. N., North St Paul, MN 55109, (651) 770-3670, (800) 358-7006, FAX (651) 779-7733 Featherlite Coaches Rochester 103 20th St. N.E., Ste. 2, Stewartville, MN 55976, (507) 533-2000, FAX (507) 292-1006 www.featherlitecoaches.com Gag’s Camper Way Inc. 55151 210th Ln., Mankato, MN 56001, (507) 345-5858, (800) 714-7895, FAX (507) 345-5852 www.gagscamperway.com sales@gagscamperway.com Hart Trailer Sales Inc. 22783 U.S. 71, Long Prairie, MN 56347, (320) 732-6106, (800) 247-0687, FAX (320) 732-6108 www.hartrv.com hart@hartrv.com Hemmingsen RV Center 700 Craig Ave., Tracy, MN 56175, (507) 629-4160, (888) 363-6321, FAX (507) 629-4163 www.hemmingsenrv.com hemmingsenrv@iw.net Hilltop Trailer Sales 7810 University Ave. N.E., Fridley, MN 55432, (763) 571-9103, (800) 642-2649, FAX (763) 571-2536 www.hilltoptrailers.com Hilmerson RV & Marine 14884 113th St., Little Falls, MN 56345, (320) 632-4065, (800) 856-4065, FAX (320) 632-9302 www.hilmersonrv.com jim@hilmersonrv.com Hulberts Camper Corral 22478 161st Ave., Spring Valley, MN 55975, (507) 346-2355 evansandyh@centurytel.net Imperial Camper Sales 1156 Hastings Ave. N., Newport, MN 55055, (651) 459-1804, (800) 999-1804, FAX (651) 459-5952 www.imperialcamper.com karllindstrom@imperialcamper.com Jim’s Camper Sales 28952 County Rd. 3, Merrifield, MN 56465, (218) 765-3291 Klasse Sales & Service 702 1st Ave., Westbrook, MN 56183, (507) 274-6166 www.klassesalesandservice.com klasse@centurytel.net Kroubetz Lakeside Campers Route 66 RV Network 351 E. Hwy. 60, Lake Crystal, MN 56055, (507) 726-6454, (888) 215-1733, FAX (507) 726-6436 www.kroubetz.com kkroubetz@kkroubetz.com Kuehn Motor Co. 5020 Hwy. 52 N., Rochester, MN 55901, (507) 282-7700, (800) 657-3208, FAX (507) 282-7686 www.kuehnmotors.com internetsales@kuehnmotors.com Lake Country RV Inc. 7717 Lake May Rd., Walker, MN 56484, (218) 547-3381, (888) 452-2126, FAX (218) 547-7512 www.lakecountryrv.com dodie@lakecountryrv.com Lakes Trailers & RV Center 1123 N. Dewey St., Fairmont, MN 56031, (507) 238-1272, FAX (507) 238-2163 www.lakestrailers.com sales@lakestrailers.com Larry’s RV Sales 3002 24th Ave. S., Moorhead, MN 56560, (218) 233-2434, FAX (218) 233-5866 www.larrysrvsalesmoorheadmn.com donnag@702com.net Leisureland RV Inc. 1819 Central Ave. N.W., E Grand Forks, MN 56721, (218) 773-7464, (800) 850-0056, FAX (218) 773-6023 www.leisureland-rv.com info@leisureland-rv.com Lesmeister Truck Center, Inc. 31 Rockport Ln., Rochester, MN 55904, (507) 288-4965 www.thetrustedname.com mike@thetrustedname.com Lewie’s RV Center Inc. Route 66 RV Network 7324 Novotny Rd., Brainerd, MN 56401, (218) 829-3695, (800) 627-2160, FAX (218) 829-1830 www.lewiesrv.com teresa@lewiesrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Marv’s Camper Sales 406 W. Main St., Spring Grove, MN 55974, (507) 498-5594, (800) 944-5502, FAX (507) 498-5529 www.marvscampersales.com marvs@springgrove.coop Northwest Campers Route 66 RV Network 609 Barbaree Ln., Byron, MN 55920, (507) 775-2361, FAX (507) 775-6321 www.northwestcampers.info dj@northwestcampers.info McLaughlin’s RV & Marine REDEX/Priority RV Network 12211 U.S. Hwy. 59, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501, (218) 846-9950 www.fundealer.com scott@fundealer.com Oak Lake RV Sales & Service 52777 Hoffman Dr., Kerrick, MN 55756, (218) 496-5678, (888) 723-5218, FAX (218) 496-5678 www.oaklakerv.com info@oaklakerv.com MDH Trailer Rental 36414 Hwy. 52, Cannon Falls, MN 55009, (507) 271-7996 www.gorvmn.com mark@gorvmn.com Mike’s RV Rentals Inc. 6372 5th Ave. N.E., Sauk Rapids, MN 56379, (320) 393-4686, (888) 384-7535, FAX (320) 393-4581 www.mikesrvrentalsinc.com mikesrvrentals@clearwire.net Minneapolis Trailer Sales 12975 George Weber Dr., Rogers, MN 55374, (763) 428-2201 www.minneapolistrailer.com sales@minneapolistrailer.com Mobile Housing & RVs 4859 Miller Trunk Hwy., Duluth, MN 55811, (218) 722-0871, (800) 479-0871, FAX (218) 722-0873 www.mobilehousingandrv.com Monticello RV Center Inc. 1101 Elm St., Monticello, MN 55362, (763) 295-3434, FAX (763) 295-3033 www.monticellorvcenterinc.com brucem@montriv.com Niemeyer Trailer Sales 7918 Troy Ln. N., Maple Grove, MN 55311, (763) 420-2727, (877) 949-2727 www.niemeyers.com Niemeyer Trailer Sales 10405 E. 260th St., Elko, MN 55020, (951) 461-2525, (800) 340-8724 www.niemeyers.com Noble RV Inc. 3627 N. County Rd. 45, Owatonna, MN 55060, (866) 444-0004, FAX (507) 444-0099 www.noblerv.com info@noblerv.com North Country RV Inc. 14525 Hwy. 65 N.E., Ham Lake, MN 55304, (763) 757-0550, (800) 570-0551 www.northcountryrv.com sales@northcountryrv.com Pleasureland RV Center REDEX/Priority RV Network 7900 Riverdale Dr., Ramsey, MN 55303, (763) 422-4171, (800) 725-7740 www.pleasurelandrv.com d.pearson@pleasurelandrv.com Pleasureland RV Center REDEX/Priority RV Network 25064 St. Augusta Dr., St. Cloud, MN 56301, (320) 251-7588, (800) 862-8603 www.pleasurelandrv.com d.pearson@pleasurelandrv.com Richmond RV Center 22593 County Rd. 23, Richmond, MN 56368, (320) 597-3583, FAX (320) 597-4242 www.richmondrvcenter.com richmondrvctr@aim.com RV World Inc. 7405 Hwy. 10, Ramsey, MN 55303, (763) 712-1393, (800) 934-1393 www.rvworldmn.com Scholtes Auto World 1215 Sherwood Ave., Worthington, MN 56187, (507) 376-3136, (866) 557-6001 www.scholtesauto.com Shorewood RV North 8390 Hwy 10 N.W., Anoka, MN 55303, (800) 784-2505 www.shorewoodrv.com sales@shorewoodrv.com Steinbring Motorcoach 7390 County Rd. 82, Garfield, MN 56332, (320) 834-6333, (877) 880-8090 www.steinbring.com newmar@steinbring.com Stenzel’s Campers 4701 Hwy. 169, Elmore, MN 56027, (641) 948-3204, (800) 951-3204, FAX (641) 948-3204 www.stenzelscampers.com sales@stenzelscampers.com Pleasureland RV Center Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 5102 Hwy. 71 N.E., Wilmar, MN 56201, (320) 231-0431, (800) 514-1130 www.pleasurelandrv.com d.pearson@pleasurelandrv.com Ted’s RV Land 28501 State Hwy. 55, Paynesville, MN 56362, (320) 243-3288, (800) 903-3288, FAX (320) 243-3688 www.tedsrvland.com sales@tedsrvland.com Quality RV 8170 Hwy. 10 N.W., Ramsey, MN 55303, (763) 441-6657, (800) 898-7331 www.quality-rv.com Toppers & More 1000 9th Ave. S., South St Paul, MN 55075, (651) 451-1808, FAX (651) 451-1899 www.toppersandmore.net info@toppersandmore.net R & R Camper Center 318 E. Hwy. 12, Litchfield, MN 55355, (320) 693-2600, FAX (320) 693-2600 www.rrcampercenter.com rrcamper@hutchtel.net Universal Marine & RV 2850 Hwy 14 W., Rochester, MN 55901, (507) 288-4000, (800) 554-5033, FAX (507) 285-0136 www.2universal.com B & B Camper Sales 604 Hwy. 365, Burnsville, MS 38833, (662) 427-8246, (888) 454-2267, FAX (662) 427-8700 www.banbcampersales.com Back Country RV Center 400 N. Frontage Rd., Meridian, MS 39301, (601) 483-4301, (800) 782-9014 www.backcountryrvcenter.com backcountryrvcenter@yahoo.com Break-A-Way RV 1360 Sandersville Sharon Rd., Laurel, MS 39443, (601) 428-1127, (601) 428-1180, FAX (601) 428-1169 www.breakawayrv.com Bus Supply Co., Inc. 2084 Hwy. 98 E., Mccomb, MS 39648, (601) 684-2900, (800) 748-8681, FAX (601) 684-0393 www.bussupply.com rv@bussupply.com Camper Corral Inc. 381 Distribution Dr., Madison, MS 39110, (601) 856-6070, (800) 959-2098, FAX (601) 856-8426 www.campercorralms.com debra@campercorralms.com Corinth RV Center 1511 Hwy. 72 W., Corinth, MS 38834, (662) 284-9996, (877) 284-9996, FAX (662) 284-9959 www.corinthrv.com Country Creek RV Super Center 7696 U.S. Hwy. 49 N., Hattiesburg, MS 39402, (601) 268-1800, (888) 696-CAMP, FAX (601) 268-1826 www.countrycreekrv.net snuffy@countrycreekrv.net Von Ro Corp. 2180 Prokosch Road, Mora, MN 55051, (320) 679-5173, FAX (320) 679-5525 www.von-ro.com info.von.ro@gmail.com Rebel Camper Sales & Service P.O. Box 577, Clara City, MN 56222, (320) 847-3545, (866) 447-3235, FAX (320) 367-2109 www.rebelcamper.com MISSISSIPPI ▼ Rent-N-Travel 970 County Rd. 10 N.E., Spring Lake Park, MN 55432, (763) 783-8873, (800) 784-8863, FAX (763) 783-8517 www.rent-n-travel.com info@rent-n-travel.com Aberdeen RV Center 21191 Hwy. 45 Alternate, Aberdeen, MS 39730, (662) 369-8745, FAX (662) 369-9304 www.aberdeenrv.com chris@aberdeenrv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES American RV Centers, Inc. Route 66 RV Network 8150 New Craft Rd., Olive Branch, MS 38654, (662) 893-3040, (888) 757-0886, FAX (662) 893-3044 www.americanrv.biz palbano@americanrvcenters.com Bilt Rite 293 Saints Trail N.W., Brookhaven, MS 39601, (800) 947-1434 www.biltrite.net info@biltrite.net Pleasureland RV Center Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 16599 State Hwy. 371, Brainerd, MN 56401, (218) 828-1709, (800) 514-1129 www.pleasurelandrv.com d.pearson@pleasurelandrv.com Quality RV 752 Aspen Ave. S.E., Menahga, MN 56470, (218) 252-5276, (888) 406-6588 www.quality-rv.com Directory Grenada Camper Sales 22087 Hwy. 8 E., Grenada, MS 38901, (662) 226-8546 keithrester@yahoo.com Johnny Bishop Inc. 8971 Hwy. 45 N., Columbus, MS 39705, (800) 569-9847 www.johnnybishoprv.com sales@johnnybishoprv.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 125 ▼ ▼ ▼ MISSISSIPPI CONTINUED Michael’s RV Center 1661 Hwy. 98 E., Columbia, MS 39429, (601) 736-0468, (877) 736-0468, FAX (601) 736-7345 www.michaelsrvcenter.com Southaven RV Center 5485 Pepper Chase Dr., Southaven, MS 38671, (662) 393-9948, (888) 902-9948, FAX (662) 393-6986 www.southavenrv.com mhixson@southavenrv.com Paw Paw’s Campers & Cars 808 Memorial Blvd., Picayune, MS 39466, (601) 799-0696, (800) 728-2267 www.pawpawsrvs.com Southern Camper Sales 2743 Pass Rd., Biloxi, MS 39531, (228) 896-4742 www.southerncampersales.com Reliable RV Center 8010 E. Oaklawn Rd., Biloxi, MS 39532, (228) 396-4442, (800) 748-8741, FAX (228) 396-4432 www.reliablervcenter.com reliablervcenter@aol.com S & S Apache Camping Center Inc. 1820 Terry Rd., Jackson, MS 39204, (601) 372-6426, (800) 642-0033 www.ssapache.com sam.hogue@ssapache.com Sherman RV Center 485 3rd Ave., Sherman, MS 38869, (662) 842-0310, (866) 842-7620, FAX (662) 842-4572 www.shermanrv.com MISSOURI ▼ 3R RV Service Center 7819 Hwy. 47 S., Union, MO 63084, (888) 733-3778 www.3rrv.com info@3rrv.com Apache Village RV Center Route 66 RV Network 9001 Dunn Rd., Hazelwood, MO 63042, (314) 895-4567, (877) 665-4449, FAX (314) 895-3998 www.apachevillagerv.com Bruce Griffon’s Trailer Town 10 E. Woodlawn Dr., Leadington, MO 63601, (573) 431-7790, (866) 401-7790 www.bgtrailertown.com sales@bgtrailertown.com Beilstein Camper Sales 28248 327th Ave., LaGrange, MO 63448, (573) 655-2254, FAX (573) 655-4374 www.beilsteincampersales.com rvsales@beilsteincampersales.com Buff’s RV 2085 Hwy. 67, Festus, MO 63028, (636) 937-9183, (800) 345-2833, FAX (636) 937-3307 www.buffrv.com sponder@buffrv.com Bill Thomas Camper Sales, Inc. 101 Thomas RV Way, Wentzville, MO 63385, (636) 327-5900 www.btcamper.com g.thomas@btcamper.com Bill’s Camper Sales 6201 N. Belt Hwy., St Joseph, MO 64506, (816) 279-0365 www.billscampers.com 47 West Trailer Sales 2294 W. Hwy. 47 W., Troy, MO 63379, (636) 528-4301, (866) 464-5434, FAX (636) 528-4366 www.47westtrailers.com 47westsales@centurytel.net Bison Campers 6388 N. 19th St., Ozark, MO 65721, (417) 581-6773, FAX (417) 581-7449 www.bisoncampers.com ivan@bisoncampers.com AOK RV 621 North Main St., Laurie, MO 65037, (573) 374-8113, (800) 769-9990 www.aokrvs.com info@aokrvs.com Bourbon RV Center Inc. 133 W. Old Springfield Rd., Bourbon, MO 65441, (573) 732-5100, (800) 343-5795 www.bourbonrv.com steve@bourbonrv.com Busenbark RV & Trailer Sales 220 Busenbark Rd., Farmington, MO 63640, (573) 431-4444, (573) 431-4195 www.busenbarktrailers.com info@busenbarktrailers.com Byerly RV REDEX/Priority RV Network 295 E. 5th St., Eureka, MO 63025, (636) 938-2000, (800) 878-3325 www.byerlyrv.com rpatton@byerlyrv.com Camping World RV Sales Springfield 373 E. Evergreen Rd., Strafford, MO 65757, (888) 395-1603, (888) 515-0082 www.campingworldofspringfield.com Industry News Changes Quickly These Days... Keep Up-To-The-Minute with RVBUSINESS.com © 126 RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 2013 RV DEALER Coachlight RV Route 66 RV Network 5327 S. Garrison Ave., Carthage, MO 64836, (417) 358-7444, (800) 799-7444, FAX (417) 358-0856 www.coachlightrv.com M.B. Thomas RV Sales 275 Lemay Ferry Rd., Lemay, MO 63125, (314) 631-5600, (800) 392-5655, FAX (314) 544-3251 www.mbthomasrvsales.com sales@mbthomasrvsales.com Cruise America/Express Stops 1650 S.W. Market St., Lees Summit, MO 64063, (816) 347-9662, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com McDowell South 4670 E. Jackson Blvd., Jackson, MO 63755, (573) 204-0800, (888) 232-6001, FAX (573) 204-0856 www.mcdowellsouthrv.com Cruise America/Springfield KOA 5775 W. Farm Rd. 140, Springfield, MO 65802, (417) 866-1222, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Mid America RV Inc. 5439 S. Garrison Ave., Carthage, MO 64836, (417) 358-4640 www.midamericarv.com Cuno Pickup Coach & Trailer Sales 110 E. Bell St., Montgomery City, MO 63361, (573) 564-2160, (800) 281-2160 www.cunotrailersales.com EJ’s RV Sales 3852 Hwy. 63 N., West Plains, MO 65775, (417) 256-8444, FAX (417) 256-8473 www.ejsrvsales.com ejrv@centurytel.net Happy Trails RV Center Inc. 18256 Campground Rd., Phillipsburg, MO 65722, (417) 533-7530, (800) 743-6065, FAX (417) 533-1268 www.happytrailsrvcenter.com office@happytrailsrvcenter.com Klein Motors & RVs 1209 S. Belt Hwy., Saint Joseph, MO 64507, (816) 232-5739 www.kleinmotorsandrvs.com kleinmotorsinc@yahoo.com Kris Willis RV, LLC 1108 N. Outer Rd., Dexter, MO 63841, (573) 624-1600, (866) 527-5958 www.kriswillisrv.com kris@kriswillisrv.com Liberty RV 330 N. 291 Hwy., Liberty, MO 64068, (816) 415-2267, (877) 451-2267, FAX (816) 415-3884 www.libertyrvmo.com libertyrv@aol.com Lifestyle RVs 1100 N.W. Pamela Blvd., Grain Valley, MO 64029, (816) 847-1699, FAX (816) 867-2076 www.lifestylervs.com gail@lifestylervs.com Loveall RVs 8877 E. I-70 Dr. N.E., Columbia, MO 65202, (573) 474-9584 www.loveallrv.com info@loveallrv.com Middleton RV 3441 U.S. Hwy. 67 S., Festus, MO 63028, (636) 586-7600, (866) 583-7600, FAX (636) 586-7601 www.middletonrv.com info@middletonrv.com Midwest RV Center Route 66 RV Network 6200 Heimos Industrial Pk. Dr., St. Louis, MO 63101, (314) 487-8000, (800) 422-8089, FAX (314) 487-2726 www.mwrvcenter.com Nationwide RV, LLC 3001 N.E. Jefferson St., Grain Valley, MO 64029, (816) 847-8888, (888) 847-5538, FAX (816) 847-5538 www.nationwiderv.com john@nationwiderv.com Parkland Enterprises, LLC 950 Woodlawn Dr., Farmington, MO 63640, (573) 431-2226, (800) 431-8854, FAX (573) 431-9490 www.parklandtrailer.com admin@parklandtrailer.com Premier Coach Services 3423 N.W. Tullison Rd., Riverside, MO 64150, (816) 587-1500, (866) 426-2247, FAX (816) 587-3450 www.premiercoachservices.com linda@premiercoachservices.com Quality RV Inc. 309 E. Valley Dr., Linn Creek, MO 65052, (573) 317-1001, (888) 424-0104 www.qualityrv.net Reliable RV 438 S. Ingram Mill Rd., Springfield, MO 65802, (866) 589-8582, FAX (417) 864-0830 www.reliablerv.com Rock Road Trailer Parts Sales 12725 Saint Charles Rock Rd., Bridgeton, MO 63044, (314) 739-5775, (866) 643-4666, FAX (314) 739-5779 www.rockroadtrailer.com info@rockroadtrailer.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES RV Anywhere Mobile RV Service 1405 S. Baker, Independence, MO 64050, (816) 462-3993, (888)797-8269 www.rvanywhere.net RV Incidents LLC 2042 James River Ct., Nixa, MO 65714, (417) 725-2900, FAX (800) 830-4805 www.rvincidents.com service@rvincidents.com Youngbloods Capetown RV 229 Airport Rd., Cape Girardeau, MO 63703, (573) 334-7152, (800) 455-2267, FAX (573) 334-9059 www.capetownrv.com MONTANA ▼ American Spirit RV & Marine 923 U.S. Hwy. 87 E., Billings, MT 59101, (406) 245-0456, FAX (406) 245-6025 www.americanspiritandrv.com Scott’s Holiday Corral 504 S. Hwy. 13, Lowry City, MO 64763, (417) 644-2246, (800) 743-5799, FAX (417) 644-2363 www.scottsholidaycorral.com Space Craft Mfg Inc. 28115 W. Hwy. 40, Concordia, MO 64020, (660) 463-7520, FAX (660) 463-7829 www.spacecraftmfg.com/index.html sales@spacecraftmfg.com Sullins RV’s Etc. 3271 Ridgedale Rd., Ridgedale, MO 65739, (417) 332-2890, FAX (417) 334-1773 www.sullinsrv.com info@sullinsrv.com Thomas & Sons RV Supply 1930 N. Glenstone Ave., Springfield, MO 65803, (417) 865-6125, (800) 903-1114 www.thomassonsrv.com parts@thomassonsrv.com Trailside RV Center Route 66 RV Network 700 R D Mize Rd., Grain Valley, MO 64029, (816) 229-2257, (888) 860-7802, FAX (816) 224-4486 www.trailsiderv.net US RV Center 1513 Industrial Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65109, (573) 635-6171, (800) 324-4846 www.usrentsit.com US RV Center 1600 Old Hwy. 63 S., Columbia, MO 65201, (573) 449-0066, (800) 391-2990 www.usrentsit.com Van City RV 3100 Telegraph Rd., Saint Louis, MO 63125, (800) 467-3905 www.vancityrv.com Wheelen RV Center 4301 S. Rangeline Rd., Joplin, MO 64804, (417) 623-3110, (888) 622-3110, FAX (417) 624-7806 www.wheelenrv.com marty@cstn.net Wilder RV Inc. 1011 Clark St., Clinton, MO 64735, (800) 357 5790 www.wilderrv.com Directory Amunrud’s RV Inc. 2656 S. Central, Sidney, MT 59270, (406) 433-2226, (800) 399-2226, FAX (406) 433-1013 www.amunrudsrv.com amunruds@midrivers.com Big Sky RV Inc. 8466 Huffine Ln., Bozeman, MT 59772, (406) 587-0039, (800) 877-9606, FAX (406) 587-5986 www.bigskyrv.com sales@bigskyrv.com Billings RV, Inc. 2790 Gabel Rd., Billings, MT 59102, (406) 652-6339, (866) 906-3020 www.billingsrv.com Bozeman Ford & RV Superstore 2900 N. 19th St., Bozeman, MT 59718, (406) 587-1221, (800) 745-3673 www.bozemanrvsales.com info@bozemanrvsales.com Bretz RV & Marine REDEX/Priority RV Network 4800 Grant Creek Rd., Missoula, MT 59808, (406) 541-4800, (800) 359-3176 www.bretzrv.com mbretz@bretzrv.com C & T Motorhome Rentals inc. 31908 E. Frontage Rd., Bozeman, MT 59715, (406) 587-8610, (800) 481-8610 www.ctrvrentals.com bozmt@ctrvrentals.com Crawford Auto & R V 2504 W. Broadway St., Missoula, MT 59808, (406) 542-7705 Cruise America/Nuttree Enterprises Inc. 720 Central Ave., Billings, MT 59102, (406) 245-1161, (800) 549-2301 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America/VEM Enterprises 700 W. Madison Ave., Belgrade, MT 59714, (406) 388-2330, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 127 ▼ ▼ ▼ MONTANA CONTINUED Cruise America/Sport Land Inc. 12787 U.S. Hwy. 93 S., Lolo, MT 59847, (406) 273-4994, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Perry’s Trailer Sales 1738 King Avenue W., Billings, MT 59102, (800) 756-4048 www.perrystrailers.com pts@fiberpipe.net D&D RV Center 2300 E. Missoula Ave., Helena, MT 59601, (406) 442-8542, (800) 246-8542 www.ddrvcenter.com sales@ddrvcenter.com Pierce RV Supercenter - Kalispell Route 66 RV Network 3138 Hwy 2 E., Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 752-8050, (888) 896-0889, FAX (406) 752-8055 www.piercerv.com Gardner RV & Trailer Center 3100 Hwy. 93 S., Kalispell, MT 59903, (406) 752-7683, (877) 696-3978, FAX (406) 752-9674 www.gardnerrv.com info@gardnerrv.com Pierce RV Supercenter - Billings Route 66 RV Network 3800 Pierce Pkwy., Billings, MT 59106, (406) 655-8000, (888) 881-2745, FAX (406) 254-0502 www.piercerv.com GFK Trailer Sales Inc. 2531 Old Hardin Rd., Billings, MT 59101, (406) 254-0285, (406) 698-2155, FAX (406) 254-0299 www.gfktrailersales.com info@gfktrailersales.com Pierce RV Supercenter Great Falls Route 66 RV Network 4200 10th Ave. S., Great Falls, MT 59405, (406) 761-3520, (888) 682-5411, FAX (406) 761-2302 www.piercerv.com Gull Boats & RV 2601 W. Broadway, Missoula, MT 59808, (406) 549-6169, (800) 525-4855 www.gullboatsandrv.com gull@gbrv.net Harts RV 5200 Harrison Ave., Butte, MT 59701, (406) 494-2440, FAX (406) 494-2549 www.hartsrv.net sales@hartsrv.net I-90 Motors & RV 8810 Sundance Dr., Billings, MT 59102, (406) 656-1122, FAX (406) 656-1182 www.i90motors.com Preferred Auto & RV 2028 N. Montana Ave., Helena, MT 59601, (406) 449-4599, (866) 784-5377, FAX (406) 449-4711 www.preferredauto.biz store@helenarv.com Rangitsch Brothers Route 66 RV Network 2001 W. Broadway, Missoula, MT 59808, (406) 728-4040, (800) 823-2221 www.rangitschbrosrv.com sales@rangitschbrosrv.com Ratco Trailer & Hitch 3404 1st Ave. S., Billings, MT 59101, (406) 259-4015 www.billingstrailerandhitch.com Travel Time RVs 4035 10th Ave. S., Great Falls, MT 59405, (406) 454-0777, (800) 823-0777, FAX (406) 454-2516 www.traveltimerv.com information@traveltimervs.com Western Trailer & Marine Sales 1865 U.S. Hwy 2 E., Havre, MT 59501, (406) 265-4572, (800) 216-4572, FAX (406) 265-7527 www.westerntrailersales.com clyde@bresnan.net NEBRASKA ▼ A & D Auto-Truck Service 5940 Colfax Ave., Lincoln, NE 68507, (402) 464-3211, FAX (402) 464-1693 www.adautotruckservice.com adauto@winstream.net A.C. Nelsen RV World 11818 L St., Omaha, NE 68137, (402) 333-1122, (888) 655-2332, FAX (402) 333-1054 www.acnrv.com sales@acnrv.com Apache Camper Center - Lincoln Route 66 RV Network 1040 Saltillo Rd., Roca, NE 68430, (402) 423-3218, (800) 753-9158, FAX (402) 423-3661 www.apachecamper.com dsothan@apachecamper.com Kohle’s Camper Sales 109 Greene St., Stuart, NE 68780, (402) 924-1300, FAX (402) 924-1301 www.kohlescampers.com kohlescampers@yahoo.com Larry’s RV Sales & Service 1802 E. 4th St., North Platte, NE 69101, (308) 532-5474 www.larrysrvsales.com sales@larrysrvsales.com Leach Camper Sales of Lincoln REDEX/Priority RV Network 2727 Cornhusker Hwy., Lincoln, NE 68504, (402) 466-8581, (866) 643-9163 www.leachrv.com info@leachrv.com Maddox Motor Co. & RV Sales 564 Glover Rd., Sidney, NE 69162, (308) 254-5577, (800) 437-4811 www.maddoxmotor.com Cruise America 4114 S. 90th St., Omaha, NE 68127, (402) 592-1118, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Nu-Trend Homes 6303 L St., Omaha, NE 68117, (402) 733-8900, (800) 848-7363, FAX (402) 733-1313 www.nutrendomaha.com info@nutrendomaha.com Rich & Sons Camper Sales Route 66 RV Network 5112 S. Antelope Dr., Grand Island, NE 68803, (308) 384-2040, (800) 439-2040, FAX (308) 384-2043 www.richsonsrv.com tony@richsonsrv.com Montana RV Center 3384 U.S. Hwy 12 E., Helena, MT 59601, (406) 449-5510, (877) 996-8787, FAX (406) 449-5619 www.mtrv.net Rocky Mountain RV 5001 Harrison Ave., Butte, MT 59701, (406) 494-2555, (800) 822-1114 www.rockymtnrv.com sales@rockymtnrv.com Montana RV Company 1902 1st Ave., Billings, MT 59101, (406) 245-0811, (406) 690-2868, FAX (406) 245-0821 www.montanarvcompany.com montanarvcompany@gmail.com S & S Camper Manufacturing 2740 U.S. Hwy 93 S., Kalispell, MT 59901, (800) 735-6909, FAX (406) 756-5781 www.s-scampers.com sales@s-scampers.com Eagle Crest Homes Inc. RV Sales 2318 Kent Ave., Grand Island, NE 68803, (308) 382-3866, (800) 792-4539, FAX (308) 384-0162 www.eaglecrestrv.com eaglecrest.ne.grandisland@chiefind.com Tour America RV Center Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 2220 Old Hardin Rd., Billings, MT 59101, (406) 248-7481, (800) 735-1330, FAX (406) 248-2149 www.touramericarv.com Eagle Crest Homes Inc. RV Sales 1210 N.E. Hwy. 61 N., Ogallala, NE 69153, (308) 284-6200, (800) 341-3985, FAX (308) 284-6300 www.eaglecrestrv.com eaglecrest.ne.ogallala@chiefind.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Jerry’s Trailers & Campers 2601 S. 13th St., Norfolk, NE 68701, (402) 371-1306, (877) 371-1306 www.jerrystrailers.com sales@jerrystrailers.com Mountain Home RV Inc. 25710 Reichmuth Circle, Valley, NE 68064, (402) 359-5303, FAX (402) 359-2728 www.mountainhomerv.com mountainhomerv@aol.com Rick’s Auto Body 2008 W. Broadway, Missoula, MT 59801, (406) 549-5400 www.ricksautobodymissoula.com 128 Hasting’s Motor Sales Inc. DykemanÕs Camper Place 909 W. J St., Hastings, NE 68901, (402) 463-1338 www.dykemanscamper.com hastmtrslsdcp@gtmc.net Apache Camper Center - Bellevue Route 66 RV Network 1120 Fort Crook Rd. S., Bellevue, NE 68005, (402) 292-1455, (800) 756-7344, FAX (402) 292-9518 www.apachecamper.com dsothan@apachecamper.com Metra RV Center 850 U.S. Hwy. 87 E., Billings, MT 59101, (406) 259-2238, (888) 311-2324 www.metrarv.com sales@metrarv.com Motorcoach Maintenance Repair Inc. 70 Rock Rd., Belgrade, MT 59714, (406) 338-7448, (888) 331-5796 www.motorcoachmaintenance.com Fremont RV Center Inc. 2405 Hwy. 75 Bypass, South Sioux City, NE 68776, (402) 494-5349, (888) 494-5357 www.fremontrv.com Stahla Homes & RV W. Hwy. 275, Norfolk, NE 68701, (402) 644-8417, (800) 700-2985, FAX (402) 644-8427 www.stahlahomes.com stahlahomes@telebeep.com 2013 RV DEALER Stephenson Truck Repair Inc 4201 Industrial Ave., Lincoln, NE 68504, (402) 466-8532, FAX (402) 466-0675 www.stephensonrepair.com contact@stephensontruckrepair.com Cruise America 551 N. Gibson Rd., Henderson, NV 89011, (702) 565-2224, (888) 980-8282 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Yeck’s Auto Repair 203 Fort Crook Rd. N., Bellevue, NE 68005, (402) 293-1200 www.yecksautorepair.com info@yecksautorepair.com Johnnie Walker RV 3700 Boulder Hwy., Las Vegas, NV 89122, (702) 458-2092, (800) 879-7720, FAX (702) 458-1842 www.johnniewalkerrvs.com dfitch@jwrvlv.com Ed’s RV Repair 10087 U.S. Hwy. 50 E., Mound House, NV 89706, (775) 246-0777 edsrvrepairnevada.com Johnnie Walker Travel Homes 5800 Boulder Hwy., Las Vegas, NV 89122, (702) 451-3565, (800) 879-7782, FAX (702) 454-0537 www.johnniewalkerrvs.com dfitch@jwrvlv.com NEVADA ▼ Airstream 2 Go 123-125 N. 10th St., Las Vegas, NV 89101, (800) 780-9880 www.airstream2go.com journeys@airstream2go.com Bates International MotorHome 3690 S. Eastern Ave., Ste. 220, Las Vegas, NV 89169, (702) 737-9050, (800) 732-2283, FAX (702) 737-9149 www.batesintl.com headquarters@batesintl.com BJs Mobile RV Service & Repair 989 Bollen Circle, Gardnerville, NV 89460, (775) 790-0661 bjsmobilervservice@yahoo.com Camping World - Henderson 1600 S. Boulder Hwy., Henderson, NV 89015, (702) 565-6525, (800) 646-4093 www.campingworld.com El Monte RV - Henderson Las Vegas So. RV Rentals 13001 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Henderson, NV 89044, (702) 269-0704, (888) 337-2214, FAX (702) 269-8600 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonte.com El Monte RV - Las Vegas Las Vegas RV Rentals 3800 Boulder Hwy., Las Vegas, NV 89121, (702) 269-8000, (888) 337-2214, FAX (702) 641-9505 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonte.com El Monte RV - Reno Reno RV Rentals 85 Gentry Way, Reno, NV 89502, (775) 825-0100, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonte.com Camping World - Las Vegas 13175 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Las Vegas, NV 89044, (888) 518-5639, (877) 594-3353 www.lasvegasrv.com jmckibbin@campingworldrvsales.com Findlay RV Center Inc. 4530 Boulder Hwy., Las Vegas, NV 89121, (888) 307-5601, (888) 232-3519 www.findlayrv.com sales@findlayrv.net Camp-Out Inc 911 E. Cheyenne Ave., North Las Vegas, NV 89030, (702) 399-1027, FAX (702) 399-00858 www.campoutinc.com Four Seasons RV Service 4121 Sally Circle, Pahrump, NV 89048, (775) 727-1234 fourseasonsrv05@hotmail.com Camp-Out Inc 2169 E. Tropicana Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89119, (702) 795-0235, FAX (702) 597-9544 www.campoutinc.com Carson City RV Sales 4550 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89706, (775) 882-8335 www.carsoncityrv.com rick@carsoncityrv.com Classic Adventures RV Rentals 2802 Kietzke Ln., Reno, NV 89511, (775) 825-1200, (866) 825-8141, FAX (775) 825-2068 www.classicadventuresrv.com info@classicadventuresrv.com Country Roads Recreation Inc. 1651 S. Hwy. 160, Pahrump, NV 89048, (775) 751-9912, (866) 819-7695, FAX (775) 751-9918 countryroadsrecreation@yahoo.com Gateway RV Center 1377 W. Idaho St., Elko, NV 89803, (775) 738-8071, FAX (775) 738-5416 www.gatewayrvnevada.com gatewayrv@hotmail.com Las Vegas RV Doctor 7770 S. Dean Martin Dr. #402, Las Vegas, NV 89139, (702) 473-5362 www.lasvegasrvdoctor.com Michael Hohl RV Center 4500 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89706, (775) 885-1701, (775) 885-1777, FAX (775) 885-1709 www.michaelhohlrvcenter.com rv-sales@michaelhohl.com Paramount RV Repair & Auto Body 2570 Tacchino St., Reno, NV 89512, (775) 329-6691 www.paramountrvrepair.com info@paramountrv.com Paul Evert’s RV Country Inc. 1725 S. Casino Dr., Laughlin, NV 89029, (702) 298-0488, FAX (928) 704-5136 www.rvcountry.com sales@rvcountry.com Road Bear RV 4730 Boulder Hwy., Las Vegas, NV 89121, (702) 453-1109, (866) 491-9853, FAX (702) 453-1108 www.roadbearrv.com las@roadbearrv.com RV Superstore 4427 E. Dandelion, Pahrump, NV 89048, (775) 727-7600, (866) 855-5565 www.rvsuperstorenv.com Sprad's RV 10000 S. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89511, (775) 853-7170, FAX (775) 852-0770 www.spradsrv.com sales@spradsrv.com SunShare RV 1919 Waldman Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89102, (702) 900-3577 www.sunsharervlasvegas.com sunsharelasvegas@gmail.com Unique RV 641 Middlegate Rd., Henderson, NV 89015, (702) 566-6193, FAX (702) 566-6194 www.uniquemoviecarslasvegas.com info@uniquemoviecarslasvegas.com NEW HAMPSHIRE ▼ Absolute Powersports & RVs 461 Main St., Gorham, NH 03581, (603) 466-5454, FAX (603) 466-3856 www.absolutepowersportsnh.com sales@absolutepowersportsnh.com Adventure Vehicle Rental 3 Highlander Way, 2nd Floor, Manchester, NH 03103, (617) 783-3000, (866) 625-6007, FAX (617) 903-4385 www.adventurevehiclerental.com reservations@avrne.com American Adventure RV 121 Lafayette Rd., North Hampton, NH 03862, (603) 964-7333, FAX (603) 964-2228 B & B Campers & RV’s P.O. Box 614, Newport, NH 03773, (603) 863-3757 Bill’s RV Service Inc. 27 Dover Rd., Chichester, NH 03258, (603) 798-3000, (800) 714-1308, FAX (603) 798-3015 www.billsrvservice.net billsrvservice@aol.com Safari Stores 2802 Kietzke Ln., Reno, NV 89502, (775) 825-4722, FAX (775) 827-0538 www.safaristores.net info@safarirv.net Hitchin’ Post Trailer Sales 3640 Las Vegas Blvd. N., Las Vegas, NV 89115, (702) 644-1819, (888) 433-8407, FAX (702) 651-6358 www.hitchinpostrv.com hitchinpostrv@hitchinpostrv.com Sahara RV Center 1518 Scotland Ln., Las Vegas, NV 89102, (702) 384-8818, (877) 748-6494 , FAX (702) 384-9573 www.sahararv.com sahararv@aol.com Johnnie Walker RV Center 4784 Boulder Hwy., Las Vegas, NV 89121, (702) 436-2495, (877) 879-4750, FAX (702) 433-0227 www.johnniewalkerrvs.com jwrvlv@gmail.com Sierra RV Route 66 RV Network 9125 S. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89511, (775) 324-0522, (800) 972-8760, FAX (775) 324-0994 www.sierrarv.com info@sierrarv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Directory Campers Inn Of Kingston 146 Rte. 125, Kingston, NH 03848, (603) 642-5555, FAX (603) 642-9931 www.campersinn.com jhirsch@campersinn.com Campers Inn of Merrimack 35 Robert Milligan Pkwy., Merrimack, NH 03054, (603) 883-1082, FAX (603) 262-2007 www.campersinn.com dchouinard@campersinn.com Camping World RV Sales Chichester 165 Dover Rd., Chichester, NH 03258, (888) 461-7764, (866) 393-6437 www.campingworld.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 129 ▼ ▼ ▼ NEW HAMPSHIRE CONTINUED Camping World RV Sales Conway 1571 E. Main St., Center Conway, NH 03813, (877) 855-4216, (855) 530-1773 www.campingworld.com C.H. Dana RV Inc. Rte. 135, Monroe, NH 03771, (603) 638-2200 www.chdanarv.com Chocorua Mountain RV LLC 609 White Mountain Hwy., Chocorua, NH 03817, (603) 323-7214, FAX (603) 323-2032 www.chocoruamountainrv.com cm.rv@live.com Old Bay RV Trading Post 160 Farmington Rd., Rte. 11, Rochester, NH 03867, (603) 335-9378, FAX (603) 335-9393 www.oldbayrv.com mike@oldebayrv.com Outdoor Sports Center Inc. 79 Manchester St., Concord, NH 03301, (603) 228-8600, FAX (603) 224-3332 www.outdoorsportscenter.net leah@outdoorsportscenter.net Park Models Plus 35 Kearsarge Ave., Contoocook, NH 03229, (800) 603-7889 www.parkmodelsplus.com City Auto RV Superstore 2 McDonough Rd., Newport, NH 03777, (603) 543-3579, FAX (603) 543-3621 www.cityautorv.com sales@cityautorv.com Polar RV Sales Inc. 51 Pelham Rd., Salem, NH 03079, (603) 893-2722, FAX (603) 893-1588 polarrvsales.com polarrvsales@myfairpoint.net Cold Springs RV 530 S. Stark Hwy., Weare, NH 03281, (603) 529-2222, (888) 277-8948 www.coldspringsrv.com scott@coldspringsrv.com Profile State Line Superstore 233 Main Dunstable Rd., Nashua, NH 03062, (603) 880-0032, FAX (603) 880-7107 www.statelinesuperstore.com Complete RV Parts & Service 2 Rte. 125, Kingston, NH 03848, (603) 642-3800, FAX (603) 642-3888 www.completerv.net sales@completerv.comcastbiz.net Dean Hill RV Center 3791 Claremont Rd., Rte. 12, Charlestown, NH 03603, (603) 5426767, FAX (603) 542-6768 www.deanhillrvcenter.com deanhillrv@yahoo.com Deschenes Auto & RV Center Inc. Rte. 202, Jaffrey, NH 03452, (603) 532-4451 www.deschenesautorv.com deschenesautorv@yahoo.com Hill's RV’s 738 Eastman Rd., Center Conway, NH 03813, (603) 356-4111, (888) 445-5778, FAX (603) 356-0404 www.hillsrvs.com info@hillsrvs.com National Wrecker Service 295 W. Rd., Portsmouth, NH 03801, (603) 436-3200, FAX (603) 433-1256 www.nationalwrecker.com truckrepair@nationalwrecker.com Northwood RV 409 1st NH Tpke., Northwood, NH 03261, (603) 942-8466, FAX (603) 942-8683 www.northwoodrv.com sales@northwoodrv.com 130 Rays Marina & RV Center 584 White Mountain Hwy., Milton, NH 03851, (603) 652-4523, (800) 253-4523, FAX (603) 652-7071 www.raysmarina-rv.com amptjc@gmail.com Reynold’s RV Parts Store 112 Rte. 125, Kingston, NH 03848, (603) 642-5175 www.reynoldsrv.com reynoldsrv@comcast.net Riverbrook RV Dealership Center 1120 Rte. 25, Rumney, NH 03266, (888) 786-2333 www.riverbrookrv.com info@riverbrookrv.com Route 125 RV & Marine Rte. 125, Rochester, NH 03867, (603) 335-0112, (800) 266-7446, FAX (603) 335-0531 www.theroadiscalling.com NEW JERSEY ▼ 84 RV Rentals & Service Rayewood Company 120 Clove Rd., Sussex, NJ 07461, (973) 875-4961, (800) 875-7101, FAX (973) 875-4931 www.84rv.com rvrentals@84rv.com Adventures On Wheels Inc 42 State Rte. 36 E., North Middletown, NJ 07748, (732) 495-0959, (866) 787-3682 www.adventuresonwheels.com info@adventuresonwheels.com Art RV Sales 1965 Rte. 9, Toms River, NJ 08755, (732) 349-0094, FAX (732) 349-1149 Belhaven Resort Campground 1213 Rte. 542, Green Bank, NJ 08215, (609) 965-2827 www.belhavencampground.com belhavenlake@comcast.net Bornmanns RV’s 131 S. Delsea Dr., Glassboro, NJ 08028, (856) 881-7979, FAX (856) 881-1611 www.bornmannsrv.com bornmannsrvs@verizon.net Camping World RV Sales Bridgeport 602 Heron Dr., Swedesboro, NJ 08085, (800) 889-8923 www.campingworld.com Camping World RV Sales Lakewood 1359 River Ave., Lakewood, NJ 08701, (888) 463-2670, (800) 746-7787 www.campingworld.com Camp-Out Inc 911 Jefferson Ave., North Plainfield, NJ 07060, (908) 757-1700, FAX (908) 757-7296 www.campoutinc.com Crossroads Trailer Sales 1230 Harding Hwy., Newfield, NJ 08344, (856) 697-4497, FAX (856) 697-3835 www.crossroadstrailers.com sales@crossroadstrailers.com Cruise America 985 U.S. Hwy. 202 N., Branchburg, NJ 08876, (908) 707-0005, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 574 U.S. 46, Kenvil, NJ 07847, (973) 252-6880, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 2969 Mame Hwy., Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054, (856) 866-7422, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 1726 State Rd. 35, Wall, NJ 07719, (732) 974-6250, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Driftwood RV Center-Atlantic City 6623 Rte. 322, Egg Harbor Twp, NJ 08234, (888) 350-4678 www.driftwoodrvcenter.com parts@dirftwoodrvcenter.com Driftwood RV Center-Cape May 1975 Rtes. 9 & 83, Clermont, NJ 08210, (800) 624-3743 www.driftwoodrvcenter.com sales@driftwoodrvcenter.com Dylans RV Center 2190 Delsea Dr., Sewell, NJ 08080, (856) 228-0090, (855) 395-2678, FAX (856) 228-9030 www.dylansrv.com info@dylansrv.com East Coast RV Rentals 2619 Rte. 206, Ste. C, Eastampton, NJ 08060, (609) 915-6379 www.eastcoastrv-rentals.com Thompsons Mobile RV Service P.O. Box 7573, Laconia, NH 03247, (603) 528-6665 CJPMS, LLC 105 Friendship Rd., Cranbury, NJ 08512, (732) 274-0496 www.cjpmsllc.com cjpmsllc@yahoo.com Wilderness Trailer Sales LLC 734 Central St., Franklin, NH 03235, (603) 934-6607, (800) 840-6607 www.wildernesstrailersales.com dreed1@msn.com Classic RV 770 Rte. 40, Monroeville, NJ 08343, (856) 358-2121, FAX (856) 358-1091 www.classicrvsales.com ask.classicrv@gmail.com El Monte RV - New Jersey Linden RV Rentals 3401-B Tremley Point Rd., Linden, NJ 07036, (908) 474-9000, (888) 337-2214, FAX (908) 474-9009 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonterv.com The Trailer Place of New England Inc. 65 Rte. 125, Kingston, NH 03848, (603) 642-3100, FAX (603) 642-3440 www.trailerplacene.weebly.com deschenesautorv@yahoo.com Colonial Airstream 1121 Rte. 88, Lakewood, NJ 08701, (732) 367-4499, (800) 265-9019, FAX (732) 367-5777 www.colonialairstream.com sales@colonialairstream.com Escape RV 109 Rte. 206 S., Branchville, NJ 07826, (973) 948-3800, (800) 988-4884, FAX (973) 948-2041 www.escaperv.com rvpros@escaperv.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 2013 RV DEALER Fitzgeralds RV Sales Hwy. 36 at Ave. D Jughandle, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716, (732) 291-1883, FAX (732) 291-1883 www.fitzgeraldrv.com fitzrv@aol.com Fun Time Vacations LLC 4 Hardwood Dr., Jackson, NJ 08527, (732) 833-9203 www.ftvacations.com manager@ftvacations.com Garick RV 3134 State Rte. 23 N., Oak Ridge, NJ 07438, (973) 208-9200, (877) 442-7425, FAX (973) 208-9203 www.garickrv.com gary@garickrv.com Gerber RV 60 Burlews Ct., Hackensank, NJ 07601, (201) 880-7124, FAX (201) 880-7128 www.gerberauto.com Hitch RV 4121 Rte. 42, Turnersville, NJ 08012, (856) 629-7400, (888) 448-2478, FAX (856) 629-5225 www.hitchrv.com sales@hitchrv.com J and C Campers LLC 540 Rte. 539, Cream Ridge, NJ 08514, (877) 286-1621 www.jandccampers.com Kadco Trailer Sales 1214 Rte. 130, Robbinsville, NJ 08691, (609) 443-1133, FAX (609) 443-1240 www.kadcorv.com service@kadcorv.com Kastco RV 114 South Ave. W., Cranford, NJ 07016, (908) 875-6375, FAX (201) 670-4809 www.rvfun.com Ocean View Trailer Sales Inc. 2555 Rte. 9, Ocean View, NJ 08230, (609) 624-0370, FAX (609) 624-1125 www.oceanviewtrailersales.com ovts@comcast.net Pleasant Acres Trailer Sales & Service 61 Dewitt Rd., Sussex, NJ 07461, (888) 547-4700, FAX (973) 875-1434 www.pleasantacres.com sales@pleasantacres.com RV Rental NY Best Day Management 540 Bordentown Ave., Ste. 4A, South Amboy, NJ 08879, (732) 952-5480, FAX (732) 952-5837 www.rvrentalny.com rvrental540@optonline.net Scott MotorCoach RV Center 1133 Rte. 88, Lakewood, NJ 08701, (732) 370-1022, (866) 340-0650 www.scottmotorcoach.com bscott@scottmotorcoach.com Stone's Camping World 127 N. Rte. 73, Winslow TWP, NJ 08009, (856) 767-5422, (888) 5403829, FAX (856) 210-1136 www.stonescampingworld.com White Horse RV Center 309 E. White Horse Pike, Galloway, NJ 08205, (609) 404-1717, (877) 573-0959, FAX (609) 404-0413 www.whitehorserv.com whlrv@aol.com White Horse RV Center 980 N. Black Horse Pike, Williamstown, NJ 08094, (856) 2621717, (877) 297-2166, FAX (856) 629-8177 www.whitehorserv.com whlrv@aol.com Willingboro RV 4175 Rte. 130 S., Edgewater Park, NJ 08010, (609) 877-9200 www.willingrv.com York Motors 1212 Rte. 23 N., Butler, NJ 07405, (973) 492-0110, FAX (973) 492-9101 www.yorktrailer.com NEW MEXICO ▼ About Boats 'N Sports 903 Hwy. 195, Elephant Butte, NM 87935, (575) 740-5540, (877) 3746798 www.aboutboatsnsports.com aboutboats@yahoo.com Albuquerque Freightliner-Lonestar Truck Group 12901 I-40 W. Frontage Rd., Albuquerque, NM 87121, (800) 5358616, FAX (505) 833-1064 www.lonestartruckgroup.com Risco Inc. 25 W. Highland Ave., Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716, (732) 872-7722, FAX (732) 872-7664 www.riscorv.com Aloha RV 8300 Pan American Frwy, Albuquerque, NM 87113, (505) 7978444, (866) 797-8444, FAX (505) 797-3999 www.aloharv.com aloharv@msn.com Road Bear RV 42 State Rte.. 36 E., N Middletown, NJ 07748, (866) 491-9853 www.roadbearrv.com Al's Trailer Sales Inc. 301 S. Miller, Farmington, NM 87401, (505) 325-2806, (800) 530-8728 www.alstrailer.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES American Dream Vacations 2001 Randolph Rd. S.E., Albuquerque, NM 87106, (505) 433-4650 www.americandreamvacations.net Directory Franciscan RV 661 Franklin St., Hatch, NM 87937, (575) 267-1508, (800) 605-2280, FAX (505) 267-5929 www.franciscanrv.com airstream@zianet.com B & B Sales 1070 E. 3rd Ave., Truth or Consequences, NM 87901, (575) 894-7382, FAX (575) 894-6240 Hal Burns Truck & Equipment Service 14 Camino Charro, Santa Fe, NM 87055, (505) 471-1671 www.halburns.com info@halburns.com Bison RV Center 1200 E. First St., Clovis, NM 88101, (575) 762-7200, (866) 247-6678, FAX (575) 762-7941 www.bisonrv.com bison@plateautel.net Camping World RV Sales Albuquerque 14303 Central Ave N.W., Ste. B, Albuquerque, NM 87121, (888) 689-3951, (866) 393-6446 www.campingworld.com Carlsbad RV Service Center 4307 National Parks Hwy., Carlsbad, NM 88220, (575) 887-1786, (800) 748-2452, FAX (575) 885-0049 www.carlsbadrvcenter.com Chisolm Trail RV 12020 Central Ave. S.E., Albuquerque, NM 87123, (505) 296-1800 www.chisolmtrailrv.com chisolmtrailrv99@yahoo.com Holiday Travel Trailers New RV Sales 11810 Central Ave., Albuquerque, NM 87123, (505) 294-8280 www.holidaytraveltrailers.com hl101@aol.com Holiday Travel Trailers Used RV Sales 11100 Central Ave., Albuquerque, NM 87123, (505) 294-8280 www.holidaytraveltrailers.com hl101@aol.com Kays RV 2107 W. Hwy. 66 W., Moriarty, NM 87035, (505) 220-5796 www.kaysrv.com kaysrv@comcast.net LaMesa RV Center 401 Cordero Mesa Dr. N.W., Albuquerque, NM 87120, (505) 717-3900, (888) 509-4199 www.lamesarv.com sales@lamesarv.com Clovis Cycle & RV Inc. 400 E. First St., Clovis, NM 88101, (575) 762-1781, FAX (575) 762-2142 Cruise America 12400 Skyline Rd., Albuquerque, NM 87123, (505) 275-3550, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Desert RV Sales Consignment Store 9223 Central Ave. N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87123, (505) 291-0033, (866) 591-0033, FAX (505) 296-9091 www.desertrvsales.com sales@desertrvsales.com Diesel Tune 1350 W. Murray Dr., Farmington, NM 87401, (505) 325-7100, FAX (505) 325-2829 Lowe’s RV Sales and Service 3124 N. Lovington Hwy., Hobbs, NM 88240, (575) 392-3412, FAX (575) 392-5962 Main Trailer Sales Inc. 2900 W. 2nd St., Roswell, NM 88201, (575) 622-1751, (800) 929-0046 www.maintrailersalesinc.com Myers RV Center Inc. Route 66 RV Network 12024 Central Ave. S.E., Albuquerque, NM 87123, (505) 298-7691, (800) 748-2078, FAX (505) 293-7172 www.myersrv.com j.myers@myersrv.com Farmington Freightliner-Lonestar Truck Group 611 S. Carlton, Farmington, NM 87401, (800) 836-8130, FAX (505) 327-7445 www.lonestartruckgroup.com Navajo Tractor & Trailer Sales 221 Hwy. 491, Gallup, NM 87035, (505) 863-3806, (800) 863-3806, FAX (505) 863-3388 www.navajotractor.com jsherman@navajotractor.com Farmington RV Sale Inc. 1603 W. Main St., Farmington, NM 87401, (505) 327-0353, FAX (505) 325-3999 www.farmingtonrvsales.com sales@farmingtonrvsales.com Rocky Mountain RV & Marine 12700 Central Ave. S.E., Albuquerque, NM 87123, (505) 292-7800, (800) 677-5984 www.rmrv.com sales@rmrv.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 131 ▼ ▼ ▼ NEW MEXICO CONTINUED RV Sales of Moriarty 2109 W. Rte. 66, Moriarty, NM 87035, (505) 832-2400, (877) 932-2400 www.rvsalesnm.com info@rvsalesnm.com Shaw RV 450 Bosque Farms Blvd., Bosque Farms, NM 87068, (505) 869-0414, FAX (505) 869-6436 www.shawrv.com monty@shawrv.com Smith RV & Marine 920 E. 1st St., Clovis, NM 88101, (575) 769-0596 www.smithrvandmarine.com Holiday World of Las Cruces 1285 Avenida De Mesilla, Las Cruces, NM 88005, (575) 523-0715, (800) 388-5995 www.hwhrv.com Tom’s RV Service & Sales 136 Moon St. N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87123, (505) 323-5947, FAX (505) 323-4468 www.tomsrvnm.com tomsrvservice@yahoo.com Traveltown Santa Fe 4594 State Rd. 14, Santa Fe, NM 87055, (505) 474-5354 www.traveltownsantafe.com sales@traveltownsantafe.com United RV Sales-Las Cruces 700 Stern Dr., Las Cruces, NM 88005, (575) 528-2800, (888) 279-9863 www.unitedrvsales.com blamey@unitedrvsales.com Vantastic Vans Inc. 525 Wyoming Blvd. N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87123, (505) 268-5009 www.vantasticvans.com sales@vantasticvans.com NEW YORK ▼ Adkcamper Rentals P.O. Box 405, Old Forge, NY 13420, (315) 369-8188 www.adkcamper.com adkflan@yahoo.com Albany RV 1101 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12212, (518) 459-4695, (800) 426-9021 www.rvone.com dons@rvone.com All-Season RV 4938 Genesee St., Buffalo, NY 14225, (716) 684-3003 Alpin Haus RV of Amsterdam 1863 State Hwy. 5S W., Amsterdam, NY 12010, (518) 842-5900 www.alpinhaus.com aheck@alpinhaus.com 132 Alpin Haus RV of Port Jervis 36 Rte. 6, Port Jervis, NY 12771, (845) 672-0255 www.alpinhaus.com Alpin Haus RV of Saratoga 30 Gordon Ln., Gansevoort, NY 12831, (518) 226-8000 www.alpinhaus.com Ballantyne RV & Marine 5203 Camp Rd., Hamburg, NY 14075, (716) 648-1592 www.ballantynerv.com sales@ballantynerv.com Ballantyne RV & Marine 7447 Rte. 96, Victor, NY 14564, (585) 924-9161, (866) 924-9161, FAX (585) 924-8762 www.ballantynerv.com sales@ballantynerv.com Ballard’s Camping Center Inc. S-5849 Southwestern Blvd., Hamburg, NY 14075, (716) 649-9654, (888) 236-4365 www.ballardscampingcenter.com ballardscampctr@aol.com Barrett RV 674 Quaker Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804, (518) 745-8793, FAX (518) 792-1988 www.barrettrv.com info@barrettrv.com Bill’s Vacation Trailers 100 W. Sunrise Hwy., Lindenhurst, NY 11757, (631) 957-8810, FAX (631) 226-9426 www.billstrailers.us camping@billstrailers.us Blevins RV Center 6683 State Hwy. 56, Potsdam, NY 13676, (315) 265-9300, (800) 253-8467, FAX (315) 265-7622 www.blevinsrvcenter.com Boat-N-RV Warehouse 12634 State Rte. 9 W., W Coxsackie, NY 12192, (518) 731-9900, (800) 262-2878, FAX (518) 731-7140 www.boatnrv.com steagall@boatnrv.com Bob McKerrow Sons Inc. Rte. 98, Sandusky, NY 14133, (716) 496-5560, FAX (716) 492-5199 www.mckerrowsrv.com mckerrowsrv@roadrunner.com Boulevard Trailers Inc. 2 Oriskany Blvd., Whitesboro, NY 13492, (315) 736-5851, FAX (315) 736-0346 www.boulevardtrailers.com blvdtrailers@aol.com Brad’s Trailer Supply 1950 Lyell Ave., Rochester, NY 14606, (585) 458-4498, FAX (585) 458-5761 www.bradstrailer.com info@bradstrailer.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Buffalo RV 1200 Southwestern Blvd., West Seneca, NY 14224, (716) 652-4500 www.rvone.com dons@rvone.com Colton RV 3443 Southwestern Blvd., Orchard Park, NY 14127, (716) 957-3250 www.coltonrv.com jcolton@coltonrv.com Burdick’s RV Center 8560 Brewerton Rd., Cicero, NY 13039, (315) 652-3764, (855) 782-8774 www.burdicksrvcenter.com rvsales@burdickcars.com Commack Trailer Sales 1100 E. Jericho Turnpike, Commack, NY 11725, (631) 421-0660 www.commacktrailersales.com commacktsales@aol.com Caledonia RV Center 3342 Caledonia Avon Rd., Caledonia, NY 14423, (585) 294-5088 www.caledoniarv.com don@caledoniarv.com Camping World RV Sales - Bath 500 West Morris St., Bath, NY 14810, (607) 776-7700, (888) 695-9505, FAX (507) 776-4233 www.campingworldofbath.com Camping World RV Sales - Buffalo 5533 Camp Rd., Hamburg, NY 14075, (716) 312-6692, (888) 451-9286 www.campingworldofbuffalo.com Camping World RV Sales Caledonia 3338 State Rd. Rte. 5, Caledonia, NY 14423, (585) 538-2026 www.campingworld.com Camping World RV Sales Kingston 124 Rte. 28, Kingston, NY 12401, (877) 466-0233 www.campingworldofkingston.com Camping World RV Sales Rochester 1000 Sanford Rd. N., Churchville, NY 14428, (585) 293-1740, (888) 461-9063 www.campingworldofrochester.com Camping World RV Sales Syracuse 7030 Interstate Island Rd., Syracuse, NY 13209, (315) 413-0401, (888) 803-3193 www.campingworldofsyracuse.com Continental RV Inc. 25 Rome St., Farmingdale, NY 11735, (631) 756-8020, (888) 501-0762, FAX (631) 756-8022 www.continentalrv.com contrv@optonline.net Countryside RV & Truck Center 788 State Rte. 13, Cortland, NY 13045, (607) 758-7878 Cross Country Trailer Sales 670 Fort Salonga Rd., Northport, NY 11768, (631) 912-0204 www.crosscountrytrailersales.net crosscountry1@verizon.net Cruise America 1690 Roosevelt Ave., Bohemia, NY 11716, (631) 244-7592, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 342 U.S. Rte. 11, Central Square, NY 13036, (315) 668-1052, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 391 Olean Rd., E. Aurora, NY 14052, (716) 714-5749, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 24 Violet Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, (845) 473-0573, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Caps & Campers RVs 8534 Brewerton Rd., Cicero, NY 13039, (315) 699-5257 www.cnyrvs.com cnyrvs@yahoo.com Cruise America 1045 Northern Blvd., Roslyn, NY 11576, (516) 365-1054, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cobra Motorhomes & Trailers 6311 Lakeside Rd., Ontario, NY 14519, (315) 524-4436, FAX (315) 524-3996 www.cobramotorhomesandtrailers.com hebing45@aol.com Cruise America 205 North Ave., Webster, NY 14580, (585) 872-0522, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Colton RV 3122 Niagara Falls Blvd., N. Tonawanda, NY 14120, (716) 694-0188, (800) 628-4889, FAX (716) 694-2201 www.coltonrv.com jcolton@coltonrv.com Cummins Northeast Inc. Coachcare 101 Railroad Ave., Albany, NY 12205, (518) 459-1710, FAX (518) 459-7815 www.cumminsnortheast.com robin.riewaldt@cummins.com 2013 RV DEALER Cummins Northeast Inc. Coachcare 700 Aero Dr., Buffalo, NY 14225, (716) 829-1700, FAX (716) 632-0640 www.cumminsnortheast.com david.r.thompson@cummins.com Cummins Northeast Inc. Coachcare 6193 Eastern Ave., Syracuse, NY 13211, (315) 437-2751, FAX (315) 437-8141 www.cumminsnortheast.com robin.riewaldt@cummins.com Curren RV Center 1365 Pennsylvania Ave., Pine City, NY 14871, (607) 733-4722 www.currenrv.com help@currenrv.com DeAngelis RV 5260 Sunrise Hwy., Sayville, NY 11782, (631) 589-5295, FAX (631) 563-1563 www.deangelisrv.com info@deangelisrentals.com Diederich’s RV 12319 Rte. 9 W., West Coxsackie, NY 12192, (518) 731-6492, FAX (518) 731-8033 www.thervmart.com rvmart@copper.net East End Campers 3585 Youngs Ave., Southold, NY 11971, (631) 765-1333 www.eastendcampers.com Family Fun RV Rental of WNY Corp. 832 Edgewater Dr., Amherst, NY 14228, (716) 698-3277 www.familyfunrvrental.com rentals@familyfunrvrental.com Family RV Center 5140 Rte. 31, Newark, NY 14513, (315) 331-0800 www.familyrvnewark.com Gamlens Trailer Sales Inc. 8453 Brewerton Rd., Cicero, NY 13039, (315) 699-2991, (800) 342-6536 www.gamlens.com gamlens1953@yahoo.com Grand Am RV 147 Mastic Rd., Mastic Beach, NY 11951, (631) 395-3377, FAX (631) 395-5062 www.grandamrv.com grandamrv@aol.com Happy Camping RV 8089 State Rte. 3, Vermontville, NY 12989, (518) 891-5779 www.happycampingrv.com happycampingrv@roadrunner.com Happy Trails RV Parts & Service 105 Valley Ct., Cobleskill, NY 12043, (518) 234-0977, FAX (518) 234-0977 Herman’s Trailer Sales 690 E. River Rd., Walton, NY 13856, (607) 865-6191 hermansrvsales@citlink.net Northside Collision Centers 8025 Brewerton Rd., Cicero, NY 13039, (315) 699-3148 www.northsidecollision.com Howard Trailers Sales 85 E. St., Edmeston, NY 13335, (607) 965-8422, FAX (607) 965-8491 Oliver’s Campers Inc. 6460 State Hwy. 12, Norwich, NY 13815, (607) 334-3400, (888) 334-3400, FAX (607) 334-3400 www.oliverscampers.com Imperial Trailer Sales & Service Ltd. 1629 NY Rte. 7, Troy, NY 12180, (518) 279-9345 imperialtrailersales.com rvwme@aol.com Jims RV Center Route 66 RV Network 67 Sacketts Creek Rd., Nichols, NY 13812, (800) 634-2357 www.jimsrv.com scott@jimsrv.com Tantivy Farm Trailer Sales 5621 State Rte. 5, Vernon, NY 13476, (315) 829-4408, (877) 820-2216, FAX (315) 829-4240 www.tantivytrailer.com Paul Congelosi Trailer Sales 2201 Rte. 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549, (845) 361-2246, (888) 310-2246 www.congelositrailersales.com paul@congelositrailersales.com Price Rite RV Sales & Service 1128 St. Rte. 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549, (845) 457-3127 www.priceriterv.com Johnston RV Country Route 66 RV Network 2311 Rte. 21 N., Palmyra, NY 14522, (315) 597-5388, FAX (315) 597-3516 www.jrvcountry.com ajohnston@jrvcountry.com Price-Rite Boat & Camper Sales 3802 State Rte. 52, Youngsville, NY 12791, (845) 292-5943, FAX (845) 292-2069 www.priceritervsandmore.co Johnston RV Country Route 66 RV Network 784 Ridge Rd., Webster, NY 14580, (585) 787-4600, FAX (585) 787-4605 www.jrvcountry.com ajohnston@jrvcountry.com S & S Mobile RV Repairs & Rentals 11 Circle Dr., Gansevoort, NY 12831, (518) 858-2430 www.ssmobilervrepair.com ssmobilerv@yahoo.com Ken Asel RV’s Rte. 60, Gerry, NY 14740, (800) 541-5353 www.kenasel.com kenasel@netsync.net Mantelli Trailer Sales Inc. 6865 S. Transit Rd., Lockport, NY 14094, (716) 625-8877 www.mantelli.com info@mantelli.com Mark’s RV Supplies 14485 Puzzey Rd., Albiion, NY 14411, (585) 589-1609 www.marksrv.com sales@marksrv.com Momot Trailer Sales REDEX/Priority RV Network 240 Tom Miller Rd., Plattsburgh, NY 12901, (518) 563-1983, FAX (518) 561-4355 www.momot.com jm@momot.com Nomad Airstream 167 Willow Dr., Plattsburgh, NY 12901, (518) 324-6225, FAX (518) 324-6202 www.gsmvehicles.com justin@nomadespace.com North Norwich Motors & Trailer Sales LLC 7044 State Hwy. 12, North Norwich, NY 13814, (607) 334-6956, FAX (607) 336-7426 www.nonomo.com nonomo@citlink.net NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Service Van Equipment & RV Specialist 724 Old Liverpool Rd., Liverpool, NY 13088, (315) 453-7557, (315) 457-4746, FAX (315) 457-6016 www.servicevanequipment.com Seven O’s RV Sales 7917 Devaul Rd., Kirkville, NY 13082, (315) 687-7777 www.sevenos.com sales@sevenos.com Skyline RV & Home Sales Inc. 10933 Town Line Rd., Darien Center, NY 14040, (800) 724-3619 www.skylinervresort.com sales@skylinervresort.com Tag Motors 1601 Rte. 112, Medford, NY 11763, (631) 289-6420 www.tagmotors.com The Great RV Outdoors Supertore Route 66 RV Network 1122 County Rte. 57, Fulton, NY 13069, (315) 695-5020, (800) 933-4386 www.greatoutdoorsrv.com sales@greatoutdoorsrv.com Trailer City Commack 1100 E. Jericho Turnpike, Commack, NY 11725, (631) 864-9494 www.trailercity.com trailercitycommack@yahoo.com Trailer City Hempstead 236 Front St., Hempstead, NY 11550, (516) 486-0960 www.trailercity.com trailercit@aol.com Trailer City Riverhead 1064 Rte. 58, Riverhead, NY 11901, (631) 208-1999 www.trailercity.com trailercityriverhead@hotmail.com Transatlantic Auto & RV Center 1245 Park St., Peekskill, NY 10566, (914) 739-8314, FAX (914) 739-8987 www.transatlantic-rv.com rent@transatlantic-rv.com Travel Trailer Center Inc. 10320 Maple Ridge Rd., Middleport, NY 14105, (877) 735-7779, FAX (585) 735-3000 www.traveltrailercenter.com info@traveltrailercenter.com W.E.S. Trailer Sales Inc. 6166 Rte. 25, Wading River, NY 11792, (631) 727-5852, FAX (631) 727-5396 www.westrailersales.com wesparts@optonline.net Seven O’s RV Way 8700 Brewerton Rd., Cicero, NY 13039, (315) 699-4441 www.sevenos.com rvsales@rvway.com Steve’s RV Center Inc. 7364 U.S. Hwy. 11, Potsdam, NY 13676, (315) 265-3211 www.stevesrvcenterny.com stevesrvcenter@hotmail.com Directory Wilkins RV Inc. 7520 State Rte. 415, Bath, NY 14810, (607) 776-3130, (800) 724-2105, FAX (607) 776-5295 www.wilkinsrv.com bwilkins@wilkinsrv.com Wilkins RV Inc. 111 S. Main St., Churchville, NY 14428, (855) 713-3396, FAX (585) 293-1045 www.wilkinsrv.com Wratten’s RVs 9209 Rte. 11, Adams, NY 13605, (315) 232-4535, FAX (315) 232-3445 www.wrattenrvsales.com sales@wrattenrvsales.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 133 ▼ ▼ ▼ NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA ▼ A & M Services 1594 U.S. Hwy. 1 S., Kittrell, NC 27544, (252) 433-8096 www.campersplus.com info@campersplus.com AdventureQuest RV Rentals 7200 Creedmoor Rd., Ste. 102, Raleigh, NC 27613, (919) 799-2191, FAX (919) 400-4472 www.adventurequestrvrentals.com kperry@adventurequestrvrentals.com Affordable RVs 768 Hickory Tree Rd., WinstonSalem, NC 27127, (336) 764-4688, FAX (336) 764-4689 www.ncrvs.com Allen’s Mobile Home & RV Supplies 1626 N. Chester St., Gastonia, NC 28052, (704) 852-4090, FAX (704) 852-4074 www.allensmobilehomeandrvsupplies.com Americamp RV Sales 144 Faith Rock Rd., Franklinville, NC 27248, (336) 824-4600, FAX (336) 824-4606 www.americamprv.com contact@americamp.com Bill Plemmons RV World 4208 New Bern Ave., Raleigh, NC 27610, (800) 820-8710 www.billplemmonsrv.com rvsales@billplemmonsrv.com Bill Plemmons RV World 6725 University Pkwy., Rural Hall, NC 27045, (888) 746-2351 www.billplemmonsrv.com rvsales@billplemmonsrv.com Bradford Creek Coach 2773 Sunny Side Rd., Greenville, NC 27834, (252) 752-8886, FAX (252) 752-9966 www.bradfordcreekcoach.com john@bradfordcreekcoach.com Buchanan RV Rental 12820 100 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, NC 28273, (704) 588-6508 www.sites.google.com/site/buchananrvrental cbbuch1111@gmail.com Bumgarner Camping Center 2206 Hickory Blvd. SW, Lenoir, NC 28645, (828) 728-5112, (866) 690-8881 www.bumgarnercamping.com info@bumgarnercamping.com Campers Inn of Kings Mtn 615 Broadview Dr., Kings Mtn, NC 28086, (704) 750-7295 www.campersinn.com Campers Inn of Mocksville 462 Interstate Dr., Mocksville, NC 27028, (866) 369-7435 www.campersinn.com 134 Camping World RV Sales Asheville 2918 N. Rugby Rd., Hendersonville, NC 28791, (877) 584-7431, (855) 530-1772 www.campingworld.com Countryside RV 2100 Hinshaw Rd., Yadkinville, NC 27055, (336) 468-6774, FAX (336) 468-6750 www.countrysidervcenter.com countryside@yadtel.net Howard RV Center 6811 Market St., Wilmington, NC 28405, (910) 791-5371, (800) 516-1994 www.hrvc.com sales@hrvc.com Camping World RV Sales - Colifax 8615 Triad Dr., Colfax, NC 27235, (336) 996-6661, (888) 551-6152 www.campingworld.com Crisp RV Center 2042 U.S. Hwy. 17 S., Chocowinity, NC 27817, (888) 462-7477, FAX (252) 946-7656 www.crisprv.com mailbox@crisprv.com Jim Campen Trailer Sales #14 Airport Rd., Arden, NC 28704, (828) 684-4284 www.jimcampen.com mcampen@jimcampen.com Camping World RV Sales Fayettville 5117 U.S. Hwy. 301 S., Hope Mills, NC 28348, (888) 409-8312, (855) 872-5503 www.campingworld.com Camping World RV Sales - Raleigh 2300 U.S. Hwy. 70 E., Garner, NC 27529, (877) 883-2267, (855) 872-5504 www.campingworld.com Camping World RV Sales Statesville 1220 Morland Dr., Statesville, NC 28687, (888) 380-0279, (888) 224-3059 www.campingworld.com Camptown RV 12856 U.S. Hwy. 70 W., Clayton, NC 27520, (919) 553-7277, (877) 760-1348 www.camptown-rv.com Carteret RV 1082 Cedar Point Blvd., Cedar Point, NC 28718, (252) 393-2306 www.carteretrv.com Carolina Coach & Marine 3300 Centennial Blvd., Claremont, NC 28610, (800) 305-9045, FAX (828) 459-2456 www.carolinacoach.com johncathey@carolinacoach.com Charlie's Garage Inc. 5495 Bethania Rd., Bethania, NC 27010, (336) 924-5629 www.charliesgarage.com Country Camping Corner 101 Oak Grove Rd., Kings Mtn, NC 28086, (704) 734-0595 www.countrycamping.com sales@countrycamping.com Country Camping Corner 14003 E. Independence Blvd., Matthews, NC 28104, (704) 882-1173 www.countrycamping.com sales@countrycamping.com Country Roads RV Center 2609 Enterprise Rd., Lexington, NC 27295, (336) 775-2100, (866) 881-2531 www.crrvc.com sales@crrvc.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Cruise America 8533 Old Concord Rd., Charlotte, NC 28213, (704) 921-4844, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 5412 U.S. Hwy. 70 W., Durham, NC 27705, (919) 384-8645, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 5216 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27409, (336) 292-8420, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cummins Atlantic Inc. 3700 Jeff Adams Dr., Charlotte, NC 28206, (704) 596-7690, (800) 958-9972, FAX (704) 596-3038 www.cumminsatlantic.com Cummins Atlantic Inc. Coachcare 512 Teague St., Greensboro, NC 27406, (336) 275-4531, (800) 698-5615, FAX (336) 275-8304 www.cumminsatlantic.com Cummins Atlantic Inc. Coachcare 350 Cummins Dr., Kenly, NC 27542, (919) 284-9111, (800) 548-0691, FAX (919) 284-9375 www.cumminsatlantic.com Daly RV 3369 U.S. Hwy. 70 W., Goldsboro, NC 27530, (919) 734-4616, (888) 972-8995, FAX (919) 580-7272 www.dalyrv.com brandy@dalyrv.com Dixie Camper Sales Inc. 2718 Hwy. 52 N., Albemarle, NC 28001, (704) 983-2158, (800) 249-7221, FAX (704) 983-1274 www.dixiecampersales.com East Coast RV Rentals 351 N. Pleasant Coates Rd., Benson, NC 27504, (919) 630-3500 www.eastcoastrvrentals.com Jim Campen Trailer Sales 6037 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonvlle, NC 28791, (828) 684-8889, (866) 477-3589 www.jimcampen.com mcampen@jimcampen.com Kelly’s RV Supply Store 2773 Sunny Side Rd., Greenville, NC 27834, (252) 752-8886 www.rvlifestyles.com Miles Motors Inc. 15 Patton Cove Rd., Swannanoa, NC 28778, (828) 686-3414, (800) 982-5315 www.milesrvcenter.com Mountain Top RV-Marine 4000 W. Hwy. 74, Monroe, NC 28110, (877) 637-7549 www.boats.com/sites/7042380777 National Recovery Service Inc. 3241 Leonard Dr., Staley, NC 27355, (336) 622-7285, FAX (336) 622-5028 www.nationalrecoveryservice.com john@nationalrecoveryservice.com Out-of-Doors Mart 8510 N. Cross Rd., Colfax, NC 27235, (336) 993-4519 www.outofdoorsmart.com Jason@odmrv.com Rex & Sons RV’s Inc. Route 66 RV Network 1546 S. College Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403, (910) 793-2894, (800) 630-9938 www.rexandsonsrvs.com info@rexandsonsrvs.com Robert Handy Camping Center Inc. 4387 W. U.S. Hwy. 421, Wilkesboro, NC 28697, (336) 973-4109 www.handycamping.com Quality RV 719 Cason St., Belmont, NC 28012, (704) 827-9299, FAX (704) 827-1914 www.qualityrvnc.com S & M Wheelestate Sales Inc. 4044 U.S. Hwy. 70 W., Princeton, NC 27569, (919) 580-1184 www.wheelestatervs.com Sarasota RV Center Inc. 6269 Highlands Rd., Franklin, NC 28734, (828) 369-8977 www.sarasotarv.com howard@sarasotarv.com 2013 RV DEALER Sonny’s Camp N Travel Route 66 RV Network 304 Executive Park Dr., Concord, NC 28025, (704) 723-4700, FAX (704) 723-4770 www.sonnysrv.com Springs Creek RV & Outdoor Center 2678 Harmony Grove Rd., Nebo, NC 28761, (828) 659-6733, (888) 659-6733 www.springscreekrv.com info@springscreekrv.com Sunrise Camping Center 1120 Hwy. 70 S.E., Hickory, NC 28602, (828) 855-9446, FAX (828) 855-9006 www.sunrisecampingcenter.com paul@sunrisecampingcenter.com Terrell Camping Center Inc. 7995 NC Hwy. 150 E., Terrell, NC 28682, (828) 478-2651, (888) 633-1007 www.terrellcampingcenter.com clineberger@terrellcampingcenter.com Terry Labonte RV 7100 Landmark Center Blvd., Greensboro, NC 27409, (866) 432-4708, (888) 262-4709 www.terrylabonterv.com trvr990@hotmail.com Thomas RV Rentals 6724 Wilgrove Mint Hill Rd., Charlotte, NC 28227, (704) 545-2452, (866) 602-2452, FAX (704) 545-2408 www.thomasrvrentals.com sales@thomasrvrentals.com Xtreme Campers 1588 Prospect St., High Point, NC 27260, (336) 887-0048, FAX (888) 230-0064 www.xtremecampers.com info@xtremecampers.com NORTH DAKOTA ▼ Adventure RV Center 1220 Main Ave. W., West Fargo, ND 58078, (701) 277-1165, FAX (701) 277-1275 www.adventurervsales.com contactus@adventurervsales.com Budget RV Inc. 5200 Gateway Dr., Grand Forks, ND 58203, (701) 772-7233, FAX (701) 772-5956 mike@budgetrvgf.com Capital RV Center Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 2305 Elk Dr., Minot, ND 58701, (701) 838-4343, (800) 488-7896 www.capitalrvcenter.com sales@capitalrv.com Capital RV Center Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 1900 N. Bismarck Expy., Bismarck, ND 58501, (701) 255-7878, (877) 252-9810 www.capitalrvcenter.com sales@capitalrv.com Coates RV Route 66 RV Network 321 Gate Ave., Williston, ND 58801, (701) 572-2250 www.coatesrvnorthdakota.com Tom Johnson Camping Center 1885 U.S. Hwy. 70 W., Marion, NC 28752, (828) 724-4105, (800) 225-7802, FAX (828) 724-4195 www.tomjohnsoncamping.com marionsales@tomjohnsoncamping.com Corral Sales RV Superstore 617 6th Ave. S.E., Mandan, ND 58554, (701) 663-9538, (800) 578-2267, FAX (701) 663-2838 www.corralrv.com info@corralsales.com Tom Johnson Camping Center 6700 Bruton Smith Blvd., Concord, NC 28027, (704) 455-1440, (888) 450-1440, FAX (704) 455-1431 www.tomjohnsoncamping.com concordsales@tomjohnsoncamping.com Country Side RV 3876 Hwy. 281 S.E., Jamestown, ND 58401, (701) 252-3444, FAX (701) 252-0861 www.countrysidervnd.com jeffcountrysiderv@daktel.com Van and RV Sales & Service 1300 S. Wesleyan Blvd., Rocky Mount, NC 27803, (800) 326-0713 www.vanandrvsales.com Willies Camping Center Inc. 3727 U.S. Hwy. 421 N., Clinton, NC 28328, (910) 564-6900, FAX (910) 564-2009 www.williescampingcenter.com willies@intrstar.net Wilmington RV 3709 Carolina Beach Rd., Wilmington, NC 28412, (910) 352-7732, (877) 267-9875 www.wilmingtonrv.net matt@wilmingtonrv.net Kuntz RV 1154 1st Ave. S.E., Dickinson, ND 58601, (701) 483-5451 www.kuntzrvnd.com Lakota RV Service & Repair 412 4th Ave. S.E., Lakota, ND 58344, (701) 247-2470, FAX (701) 247-2478 www.lakotarv.com lakotarv@polarcomm.com Magic City RV 3915 S. Broadway, Minot, ND 58701, (701) 852-4007, (800) 657-5909, FAX (701) 852-4008 www.magiccityrv.com info@magiccityrv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES McLaughlin’s RV & Marine REDEX/Priority RV Network 325 25th St., Fargo, ND 58103, (701) 237-6046, (866) 531-0123 www.fundealer.com Minot Motor Marine Inc. 3400 S. Broadway, Minot, ND 58701, (701) 852-4029 www.minotmotormarine.com mmboats@minot.com RiverWood RV 101 Riverwood Ave. S.E., Mandan, ND 58554, (701) 663-0050, (888) 200-7377 www.riverwoodrvs.com Roughrider RVs 6071 Hwy. 200, Beulah, ND 58523, (701) 873-2103, (888) 873-2103 www.roughriderrvs.net/ roughrider@westriv.com Adventure RV Service Inc. 220 Tahlequah Tr., Springboro, OH 45066, (937) 746-1871, FAX (937) 746-1174 www.adventurervservice.com info@adventurervservice.com All Seasons RV Route 66 RV Network 9043 State Rte. 14, Streetsboro, OH 44241, (330) 564-0222, (800) 948-2100 www.asrvs.com asrvs@rrbiznet.com All-Pro RV Service & Storage 1680 Freshley Ave., Alliance, OH 44601, (330) 823-6776, FAX (330) 823-7228 www.allprorvservice.com lwonner@rhsonline.net Amos Motor & RV 109 S. Main St., Bradner, OH 43406, (419) 288-2700, FAX (419) 288-3273 www.amosrv.com amosrv5@yahoo.com Roughrider RVs 975 38th Ave. E, Dickinson, ND 58601, (701) 483-9844, (800) 803-9844 www.roughriderrvs.net roughrider@ndsupernet.com Rugby Homes & RV Center 1040 Hwy. 3 S., Rugby, ND 58368, (701) 776-5878 www.rugbyhomesandrvcenter.com info@rugbyhomesandrvcenter.com RV Rentals of North Dakota 1601 Division St. N.E., Mandan, ND 58554, (800) 472-2973 www.rvrentalsnd.com Ryba RV 321 Wisconsin Ave. S., Michigan, ND 58259, (701) 259-2227 www.rybarv.com rybarv@polarcom.com Swenson RV & Equipment 1945 20th Ave S.E., Minot, ND 58701, (701) 839-8878, (800) 735-5846, FAX (701) 852-8603 www.swensonrv.com swensonrv@srt.com OHIO ▼ All American Coach Co. Route 66 RV Network 5080 Alexis Rd., Sylvania, OH 43560, (419) 885-4601, (877) 506-7938 www.aacoach.com sales@aacoach.com Outlet Recreation 2249 E. Main, West Fargo, ND 58078, (701) 478-6699, (888) 478-6690 www.outletrecreation.com outrecml@yahoo.com Sakakawea RV 250 5th Ave. S.E., Garrison, ND 58540, (701) 463-3333 www.sakakawearv.com sales@sakakawearv.com Directory Atwood Trailer Sales & Services 5071 New Cumberland Rd. N.E., Mineral City, OH 44656, (330) 343-5006, (800) 310-4994 www.atwoodtrailersalesandservice.com atwoodtrailer@roadrunner.com Avalon RV Center REDEX/Priority RV Network 1604 Medina Rd., Medina, OH 44256, (330) 239-2131, (800) 860-7728 www.avalonrvcenter.com avalonrv@aol.com Brunk’s RV Sales 10460 Salem-Warren Rd., Salem, OH 44460, (330) 332-0359, (800) 522-7865, FAX (330) 332-9768 www.brunks.com brunksrv@brunks.com C & C Dodge-Toyota 1305 Pike St., Marietta, OH 45750, (888) 827-7970, (800) 758-1048 www.ccauto.com Camper Care 3143 State Rte. 14, Edinburg, OH 44272, (330) 947-3210 www.campercare.net Camping World RV Sales - Akron 1005 Interstate Pkwy., Akron, OH 44312, (330) 645-1991, (888) 689-2751 www.campingworld.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 135 ▼ ▼ ▼ OHIO CONTINUED Caudill Trailer Sales 6679 Gallia Pike, Franklin Furnace, OH 45629, (740) 574-0704, (800) 937-2150 www.caudilltrailersales.com caudillrichard11@gmail.com Cruise America 7897 Cincinnati Dayton Rd., West Chester, OH 45069, (513) 777-0094, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Fortman’s Auto & RV 207 E. Water St., Kalida, OH 45853, (419) 532-3184, FAX (419) 532-2184 www.fortmanrv.com fortmanrv@fortmanrv.com Circle K RV P.O. Box 53091, Pettisville, OH 43553, (419) 445-7071 Cummins Bridgeway Inc. Coachcare 7585 Northfield Rd., Cleveland, OH 44146, (440) 439-6800, FAX (440) 439-7390 www.cumminsbridgeway.com cleservice@cumminsbridgeway.com Fort Ball RV & Auto Sales 582 N. Sandusky St., Tiffin, OH 44883, (419) 448-0901, FAX (419) 448-9718 www.fortballrv.com sales@fortballrv.com Clare-Mar Lakes Sales & Service 47571 New London Eastern Rd., Wellington, OH 44090, (440) 647-3318, (800) 589-5789, FAX (440) 647-6182 www.claremar.com bj1claremr@aol.com Coleman Sales & Service 5353 Lewis Ave., Toledo, OH 43612, (419) 476-4478 www.colemansales.com Colerain RV - Cincinnati Route 66 RV Network 3491 Struble Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45251, (513) 923-3600, (800) 332-4270, FAX (513) 245-5145 www.colerainrv.com Colerain RV - Columbus 5742 E. St. Rte. 37, Delaware, OH 43015, (740) 548-4068 www.colerainrv.com Colerain RV - Dayton Route 66 RV Network 1100 Brandt Pike, Dayton, OH 45404, (937) 236-0200, (888) 394-6650, FAX (937) 236-3928 www.colerainrv.com Couch’s Camper 5757 Hamilton Middletown Rd., Middletown, OH 45044, (513) 539-0000, (866) 539-4678, FAX (513) 539-3000 www.couchscampers.com Craig Smith RV Center 315 Gelsanliter Rd., Galion, OH 44833, (866) 462-1746 www.craigsmithrv.com Cruise America 1640 Industrial Pkwy., Brunswick, OH 44212, (330) 558-0774, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 25080 Lakeland Blvd., Euclid, OH 44132, (800) 549-2261, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 4200 Scioto Darby Rd., Hilliard, OH 43026, (614) 876-0599, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com 136 Cummins Bridgeway Inc. Coachcare 4000 Lyman Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026, (614) 771-1000, FAX (614) 771-0716 www.cumminsbridgeway.com colservice@cumminsbridgeway.com Cummins Bridgeway Inc. Coachcare 801 Illinois Ave., Maumee, OH 43537, (419) 893-8711, FAX (419) 893-5362 www.cumminsbridgeway.com tolservice@cumminsbridgeway.com Cummins Bridgeway Inc. Coachcare 9373 State Rd. 250 N.W., Strasburg, OH 44680, (330) 878-4200, FAX (330) 878-4201 www.cumminsbridgeway.com tolservice@cumminsbridgeway.com Cummins Bridgeway Inc. Coachcare 5400 Rialto Rd., West Chester, OH 45069, (513) 563-6670, FAX (513) 563-0954 www.cumminsbridgeway.com cinciservice@cumminsbridgeway.com D & D RV and Auto Sales 3376 U.S. Rte. 35 E., W. Alexandria, OH 45381, (937) 839-4555, (888) 643-5295 www.ddrvandauto.com darlene@ddrvandauto.com Dave Arbogast RV 3540 S. County Rd. 25A, Troy, OH 45373, (937) 335-0068, (888) 716-0645 www.arbogastrvs.com Davis Camper Sales Inc. 101 N. Main St., North Star, OH 45350, (419) 336-7141 www.daviscampersalesinc.com sales@daviscampersalesinc.com Evergreen Lake Sales 703 Center Rd., Conneaut, OH 44030, (440) 599-8802, FAX (440) 599-1122 www.evergreenlake.com camper@suite224.net Finks Quality Cars & RVs 2 Merriam St., Zanesville, OH 43701, (740) 453-1772 www.finksqualityautos.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 General RV Center 3063 Greensburg Rd., North Canton, OH 44720, (330) 896-8977, (800) 996-9945 www.generalrv.com jweider@generalrv.com Glacier Hill Lakes 11675 Wapak Freyburg Rd., Wapakoneta, OH 45895, (419) 738-3005, FAX (419) 738-9392 www.glacier-hill-lakes.com ghl@watchtv.net Greenlawn RV Sales 4338 Westerville Rd., Columbus, OH 43231, (614) 471-9325 www.greenlawnrv.com rvsales@greenlawncompanies.com Greenlawn RV Sales 1390 Duvall Rd., Lockbourne, OH 43137, (614) 301-3811 www.greenlawnrv.com rvsales@greenlawncompanies.com Hartville RV Center 540 S. Prospect Ave., Hartville, OH 44632, (800) 686-0201, FAX (330) 877-1195 www.hartvillerv.com Harvey Homes & RV Sales & Supply 385 N. Main St., Andover, OH 44003, (440) 293-6229, FAX (440) 293-6338 www.harveyhomerv.com harveyrvs4u@yahoo.com Holman Motors Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 4387 Elick Ln., Batavia, OH 45103, (513) 752-3123, (800) 323-8677, FAX (513) 943-8391 www.holmanrv.com jeff@hartvillerv.com Homestead RV Center 2265 N. Main St., Hubbard, OH 44425, (330) 534-4044, FAX (330) 534-4045 www.homesteadrv.net info@homesteadrv.net Irvine’s Camper Sales Inc. 17 State Rte. 555, Little Hocking, OH 45742, (740) 989-2291, (800) 987-4275, FAX (740) 989-2606 www.irvinescamper.com info@irvinescamper.com Jim’s Trailer Sales 11920 Avon Belden Rd., Grafton, OH 44044, (800) 394-5467 www.jtsrv.com jtfrv@glwb.net Kamper City 5549 Akron Cleveland Rd., Peninsula, OH 44264, (330) 650-1491 www.kampercity.com Lakota of Ohio 769 U.S. Hwy. 42 S.E., London, OH 43140, (740) 852-7878, FAX (740) 852-9686 www.lakotaofohion.com Leonard Truck & Trailer 12800 Leonard Pkwy., North Jackson, OH 44451, (800) 455-1001, FAX (330) 538-9780 www.leonardtrailers.com Lewis RV 4640 Linden Ave., Dayton, OH 45432, (937) 253-8816, (800) 344-2344 www.lewis-rv.com gel714@aol.com Mentor RV 145 RW Parkway Dr. , Madison, OH 44057, (440) 417-0092, (888) 659-7724, FAX (440) 417-0093 www.mentorrv.com sales@mentorrv.com Mid Ohio CamperSales 413 National Rd. S.E., Hebron, OH 43025, (740) 928-7555 www.midohiocamper.com Mike Jones Motors/RV 1777 State Rte. 125, Hamersville, OH 45130, (937) 379-2277 www.mikejonesmotors.com sales@mikejonesmotors.com Mobile RV & Marine Ltd. 5881 State Rte. 590, Oak Harbor, OH 43449, (419) 898-0483, FAX (419) 898-4025 www.fixthisboat.com fixthisboat@gmail.com Mohican RV Center Atwood Trailer Service 3036 County Rd. 3A, Loudonville, OH 44842, (419) 994-5007, (866) 290-4994 www.atwoodtrailersalesandservice.com mohicanrv@hotmail.com Moore’s RV Inc. 34155 Lorain Rd., N. Ridgeville, OH 44039, (440) 327-6911, (800) 523-1904 www.mooresrv.com mooresrv@aol.com Murph’s RV 1245 State Rd. 43, Richmond, OH 43944, (740) 765-9000, (877) 396-3900, FAX (740) 765-5573 www.murphsrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Neff Brothers RV 7475 Industrial Parkway Dr., Lorain, OH 44053, (440) 282-5600 www.neffbrosrv.com info@neffbrosrv.com Ron Potts RVs 5669 Johnstown Utica Rd., Johnstown, OH 43031, (740) 967-2500 www.ronpottsrvs.com Ohio RV Wholesale 1710 Romick Pkwy., Findlay, OH 45840, (419) 421-8833, (866) 421-8833 www.ohiorvwholesale.com Ruff’s RV Center 25080 Lakeland Blvd., Euclid, OH 44132, (216) 812-3820, (800) 927-7833 www.ruffsrvcenter.com Paul Sherry RVs 8701 N. County Rd. 25A, Piqua, OH 45410, (937) 778-5250, (888) 318-4870, FAX (937) 778-1490 www.sherryrvs.com Performance RV Rentals Ltd. 5468 Cristland Hill Rd., Thornville, OH 43076, (740) 928-2628 www.performancervrentals.com info@performancervrentals.com Phillips Happy Hallow RV Sales 14738 State Rte. 235 N., Lakeview, OH 43331, (937) 842-2301, FAX (937) 842-9802 www.happyhallowrv.com happyhallowrv@yahoo.com Poor Farmer's RV Sales & Service 7211 N. Lostcreek Shelby Rd., Fletcher, OH 45326, (937) 368-2449, (866) 294-1229 www.poorfarmerrvs.com poorfarmersrv@hotmail.com Post’s Traveland 4330 Westerville Rd., Columbus, OH 43231, (614) 471-9325, FAX (614) 471-5994 www.postrv.com Pratt’s RV Center 3668 S. Ridge Rd., Perry, OH 44081, (440) 259-5508 www.prattsrvcenter.com RV Wholesalers 530 N. Main St., Lakeview, OH 43311, (937) 843-9000, (877) 877-4494 www.rvwholesalers.com Sands RV 5267 N. Ridge Rd., Madison, OH 44057, (440) 428-5131 www.sandsrv.com Specialty RV Sales Route 66 RV Network 509 S. Broad St., Lancaster, OH 43130, (740) 653-2725, (866) 841-7421, FAX (740) 652-1929 www.specialtyrvsales.com dean@specialtyas.com Stewart's RV Center 50863 National Rd. E., St Clairsvle, OH 43950, (800) 627-7848 www.stewartsrv.com stewartsrv@aol.com Shafer’s Truck & RV Sales 3293 County Rd. 10, Delta, OH 43515, (419) 337-5851 www.shafertruck.com terryshafer@shafertruck.com Stoney’s RV 11510 E. Pike, Cambridge, OH 43725, (740) 439-7285, (866) 682-0747 www.stoneysrv.com bryan@stoneysrv.com Scheids Enterprises of Middlefield 13680 Old State Rd., Middlefield, OH 44062, (440) 632-6321, FAX (440) 632-5777 www.trucnrv.com andrea@trucnrv.com Suburban RV Center LLC 1878 Ashland Rd., Mansfield, OH 44905, (419) 525-0000, FAX (419) 525-0024 www.suburbanrvcenter.com suburbanrv1609@aol.com Sherwood Auto & Camper Sales 1460 N. High St., Hillsboro, OH 45133, (937) 393-3821, (800) 285-0160, FAX (937) 393-2687 www.sherwoodautocampersales.com Thompson Campers 8976 State Rte. 14, Streetsboro, OH 44241, (330) 626-3021 www.thompsoncampers.com info@thompsoncampers.com Smith Trailers & Equipment 9677 Cincinati Columbus Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45212, (513) 755-2497 www.smithtrailers.com sales@smithtrailers.com RCD RV Supercenter Delaware Motorhomes & Towables 6700 E. St. Rte. 37, Sundbury, OH 43074, (740) 362-1441, (888) 204-4288 www.rcdsales.com Smitty’s Automotive & RV Service 5329 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo, OH 43614, (419) 865-5584 www.smittysautomotive.com RCD RV Supercenter Hebron Motorhomes 1990 Hebron Rd., Hebron, OH 43025, (740) 928-6836, (888) 204-4094 www.rcdsales.com Smitty’s Automotive & RV Service 5750 Jackman Rd., Toledo, OH 43613, (419) 478-1309, (888) 273-1307 www.smittysautomotive.com RCD RV Supercenter Pataskala Towables 10427 Columbus Expwy. Park E., Pataskala, OH 43065, (740) 927-2050, (888) 204-4232 www.rcdsales.com Smitty’s Automotive & RV Service 5916 W. Sylvania Ave., Toledo, OH 43623, (419) 882-4991 www.smittysautomotive.com Ron Gist RV & Auto Sales 169 G St., Caledonia, OH 43314, (740) 389-2516, (800) 886-7478 www.rongistrv.com rongistrv@midohio.twcbc.com Specialty RV Sales Route 66 RV Network 2445 Columbus Lancaster Rd., Lancaster, OH 43130, (740) 652-1918, (866) 841-7421, FAX (740) 653-2729 www.specialtyrvsales.com Southwest RV 4287 Wade Mill Rd., Fairfield, OH 45014, (513) 738-4588 www.southwestrvservice.com Sprang’s Truck & RV Center 320 N. Jefferson St., Loudonville, OH 44842, (419) 994-3027 NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Tom Raper RVs - Columbus 1305 U.S. Hwy. 42 N.E., London, OH 43140, (888) 892-0827 www.tomraper.com Town & Country RV Center 909 W. Mcpherson Hwy., Clyde, OH 43410, (419) 547-0708, FAX (419) 547-9101 www.townandcountryrvcenter.com tcrv@woh.rr.com Travel ’N Camp 3075 Scioto Darby Exec. Ct., Hilliard, OH 43026, (614) 527-0036, FAX (614) 527-0160 cntunlimited@aol.com Wilson RV 8011 Kilbourne Rd., Sunbury, OH 43074, (419) 529-2700, (888) 800-7340 www.wilsonrv.com rvhelpdesk@wilsonrv.com Yonak’s RV Sales & Service 46293 Belmont Cent Rd., Belmont, OH 43718, (740) 686-2999, FAX (740) 686-2788 www.yonaksrv.com sales@yonaksrv.com Young’s RV Center 1450 Dickinson St., Fremont, OH 43420, (419) 334-2648, (800) 447-2385 www.youngsrvcenters.com sales@youngsrvcenters.com OKLAHOMA ▼ American Dream Vacations 8200 S. Shields Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73149, (405) 634-2600 www.americandreamvacations.net randy@americandreamvacations.net Bell Camper Sales 815 N. Washington, Bartlesville, OK 74005, (918) 333-5333, (800) 397-5333 www.bellcampersales.com sbell@bellcampersales.com Tom Raper RVs - Cincinnati 5300 Dixie Hwy., Fairfield, OH 45014, (877) 782-4629 www.tomraper.com Walters Travel Trailers 12525 Airport Hwy., Swanton, OH 43558, (419) 825-5655 www.walterstraveltrailers.net Directory C&L RV Center 3101 S. 32nd St., Muskogee, OK 74401, (918) 687-9537, (800) 964-9093, FAX (918) 687-0776 www.clrvcenter.com clrvsales@hotmail.com Camperland of Oklahoma Route 66 RV Network 8347 E. 11th St., Tulsa, OK 74112, (918) 836-6606, (888) 836-6606, FAX (918) 836-1546 www.camperlandok.com ron_shepherd@camperlandok.com Camping World RV Sales Oklahoma City 13111 N. Broadway Et., Oklahoma City, OK 73114, (405) 463-1054 www.campingworld.com Cowboy RV 7800 S. Perkins Rd., Stillwater, OK 74076, (405) 372-1577 Cruise America 8808 S. Shields Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73149, (405) 632-0272, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Dave’s Claremore RV 24655 S. Hwy. 66, Claremore, OK 74019, (918) 341-0114, (800) 343-6476, FAX (918) 343-6474 www.davesrv.com sales@davesrv.com Dean’s RV Superstore 9955 E. 21st St., Tulsa, OK 74129, (877) 894-6596 www.deansrv.com rcoy@deansrv.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 137 ▼ ▼ ▼ OKLAHOMA CONTINUED Double B Trailers 1124 S. MacArthur, Oklahoma City, OK 73128, (405) 917-1800, (877) 326-2950 www.doublebbtrailers.com doublebtrailers@aol.com McClain’s RV Superstore 7110 W. Reno, Oklahoma City, OK 73127, (405) 789-4773, (888) 813-2732 www.mcclainsrv.com okcinternet@mcclainsrv.com Earl’s Lake Country RVs 2601 S. 32nd St., Muskogee, OK 74401, (918) 682-4504, (800) 422-9677 www.earlslakecountryrv.com earlsrv@emptychair.net Midtown RV Services 959 W. 126th St. S., Jenks, OK 74037, (918) 625-5114 www.midtownrvservices.com Floyd’s RV 912 N. Adkins Hill Rd., Norman, OK 73072, (405) 288-2355, (800) 464-6755 www.floydsrvs.com robert@floydsrvs.com Griffith RV Service 8113 S.W. 15th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73128, (405) 495-2590 www.griffithrvservice.com grvs.tom@juno.com Green Country RV Doctor 14179 S. Hwy. 169, Oologah, OK 74053, (918) 704-8329 www.greencountryrvdoctor.com jim@greencountryrvdoctor.com Hidden Lake RV 4661 Hedges Rd., Ardmore, OK 73401, (580) 220-2900 www.hiddenlakerv.com Hunter RV Center 1501 New Sapulpa Rd., Sapulpa, OK 74066, (918) 224-9444, (866) 366-2203 www.hunterrv.com Idle Time RV Sales/Service 29981 State Hwy. 1E, Allen, OK 74825, (508) 857-2177, (877) 261-9758 www.idletimerv.com Jamatt RV Sales Route 66 RV Network 34329 U.S. Hwy. 59, Poteau, OK 74953, (918) 647-2307, (866) 906-6373, FAX (918) 647-2337 www.jamattrv.com gm@jamattrv.com Kinder Camper & Trailer Sales 2208 N. Ash, Ponca City, OK 74601, (580) 762-8215 Leisure Time RV REDEX/Priority RV Network 4901 S. Anderson, Oklahoma City, OK 73150, (405) 741-9300, (800) 545-0066 www.leisuretimervok.com rwalker@leisuretimervok.com Lewis RV Center Route 66 RV Network 1600 E. Reno Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73117, (405) 232-1800, (800) 217-4865, FAX (405) 232-4843 www.lewisrvcenter.com clifton@lewisrvcenter.com 138 Mobilemart 1701 S. Cherokee, Muskogee, OK 74403, (918) 682-3999 www.mobilemart.com Mobilemart 8001 S. Shields Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73149, (405) 631-2222 www.mobilemart.com Mobilemart 11212 E. Admiral Pl., Tulsa, OK 74128, (918) 438-2222 www.mobilemart.com Motley RV Repair 8300 W. Reno, Oklahoma City, OK 73127, (405) 789-4848, (800) 789-4840, FAX (405) 789-4874 www.motleyrvrepair.com motleyrvrepair@coxinet.net Newell Coach P.O .Box 511, Miami, OK 74355, (918) 542-3344, (888) 363-9355, FAX (918) 542-2029 www.newellcoach.com sales@newellcoach.com Rent A RV Now.Com P.O. Box 141241, Broken Arrow, OK 74014, (918) 707-5676, (877) 891-7368, FAX (877) 891-7368 www.rentarvnow.com support@rvrentalcountry.com Robbins RV Center 1300 N.E. Lincoln Rd., Idabel, OK 74745, (580) 286-6551, (866) 286-6551 www.robbinsrv.com robbinsrv@yahoo.com Route 66 RVs Route 66 RV Network 16051 S. Hwy. 66, Claremore, OK 74017, (918) 342-5169, (888) 698-9883, FAX (918) 342-5161 www.route66rvs.com info@route66rvs.com RV Connection 2202 U.S. Hwy. 281-B, Lawton, OK 73501, (580) 248-5166, FAX (580) 248-1761 www.gorvconnection.com paul@gorvconnection.com RV General Store Inc. 1707 Topeka Dr., Norman, OK 73069, (405) 366-7934, (800) 234-0819 www.rvgeneralstore.com info@rvgeneralstore.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 RV General Store Inc. 11401 S. Portland Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73170, (405) 378-7847, (877) 755-7847 www.rvgeneralstore.com RV Station 411 Sherrard St., Colbert, OK 74733, (888) 466-1384 www.rvstationonline.com thecan-man@sbcglobal.net RV Vaction Rentals of Oklahoma 16051 S. Hwy. 66, Claremore, OK 74017, (888) 706-1519 www.rvvr.com info@rvvr.com Scott’s Trailer Sales 1414 S. Memorial, Tulsa, OK 74112, (918) 835-2785, (866) 253-4089 www.scottstrailersales.com scottstrailersales@sbcglobal.net The Boat House & RV Center 2100 Lake Rd., Ponca City, OK 74604, (580) 762-2414 www.boathouservcenter.com sales@boathouservcenter.com The Trailer Pros 2542 N. Moore Ave., Moore, OK 73160, (405) 692-7242 www.trailers-parts.net johnt@thetrailerpros.com Tulsa RV 16615 E. Admiral Pl., Tulsa, OK 74116, (918) 234-0000 www.tulsarv.net information@tulsarv.net Ugly Johns RV’s 19123 E. Admiral Pl., Catoosa, OK 74015, (918) 266-6633, FAX (918) 266-6630 www.uglyjohns.com Airstream Adventures Northwest 19360 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd., Gladstone, OR 97027, (503) 406-9102, (503) 822-090, FAX (503) 723-5130 www.portlandairstream.com arising@airstreamnw.com All Seasons RV & Marine Route 66 RV Network 20420 Robal Rd., Bend, OR 97701, (541) 382-3186, (800) 574-7337 www.asrvm.com asrvm.sales@bendcable.com All Seasons RV & Marine Route 66 RV Network 63195 Jamison St., Bend, OR 97701, (541) 382-5009, (866) 385-2778 www.asrvm.com asrvm.sales@bendcable.com Al’s Trailer Sales & Parts 4843 Portland Rd. N.E., Salem, OR 97305, (800) 364-4093 www.alstrailers.com alstrailers@alstrailers.com Al’s Trailer Service 3085 Blossom Dr., Salem, OR 97305, (503) 485-0661 www.alstrailers.com alstrailers@alstrailers.com Blue Lake Auto & RV Repair 2650 Fairview Pkwy., Fairview, OR 97024, (503) 491-9871 www.bluelakeautoandrv.com bluelakerepair@frontier.com Apache Camping Center 11021 S.E. 82nd Ave., Happy Valley, OR 97086, (503) 659-5166 www.apachecamping.com B & L Marine & RV 85348 Hwy. 11, Milton Freewater, OR 97862, (541) 938-6560 Wade’s RV Clinic 2440 W. 121st St., Sapulpa, OK 74066, (888) 797-7932, FAX (918) 291-2611 www.wadesrvclinic.com B. Young RV 16803 S.E. McLoughlin, Portland, OR 97267, (503) 305-8685, FAX (503) 305-8806 www.byoungrv.com bruce@byoungrv.com OREGON ▼ Beaver Coach Sales & Service 62955 Boyd Acres Rd., Bend, OR 97701, (541) 322-2184, (800) 382-2597, FAX (541) 322-2190 www.beavercoachsales.com reception@beavercoachsales.com Adventure Trading RV 10820 S.E. Division, Portland, OR 97266, (503) 251-0001 www.adventuretradingrv.com postmaster@adventuretradingrv.com Accessory Center NW 2501 N.E. Evans St., McMinnville, OR 97128, (503) 434-5866 Big Country RV - Bend Sales 63500 N. Hwy. 97, Bend, OR 97701, (800) 537-7841 www.bigcrv.com richs@bigcrv.com Affordable Truck & RV 2805 Crater Lake Hwy., Medford, OR 97504, (541) 535-3043 www.affordabletruckandrv.com affordabletruck-rv@opusnet.com Big Country RV - Redmond Parts & Service 3111 N. Canal Blvd., Redmond, OR 97756, (541) 504-2585 www.bigcrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Big Country RV - Redmond Sales 2795 S. Hwy. 97, Redmond, OR 97756, (800) 584-9019 www.bigcrv.com Brake Systems Inc. 2221 N.E. Hoyt, Portland, OR 97232, (503) 236-2116, FAX (503) 239-5005 www.brakesystemsinc.com brakesystems@brakesystemsinc.com Budget RV Center 218 S.E. 82nd Ave., Portland, OR 97216, (503) 257-4064, (800) 398-0086 www.budgetrv.com budgetrvguy@yahoo.com Camper Outlet 9620 S.W. Tualatin Sherwood Rd., Tualatin, OR 97062, (800) 213-6799 www.camperoutlet.com sales@camperoutlet.com Camping World RV Sales Hillsboro 6503 S.E. Alexander St., Hillsboro, OR 97123, (888) 725-0577, (800) 732-2141 www.campingworld.com Camping World RV Sales Wilsonville 26875 S.W. Boones Ferry Rd., Wilsonville, OR 97070, (800) 446-9039 www.campingworld.com Camping World - Wood Village 24000 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Wood Village, OR 97060, (888) 691-0217, (888) 240-7979 www.campingworld.com Caveman RV 1190 Rogue River Hwy., Grants Pass, OR 97527, (541) 476-1253, (800) 832-1253 www.cavemanrv.com sales@cavemanrv.com Central Point RV Center 900 S. Front St., Central Point, OR 97502, (541) 664-5207, (877) 660-2778 www.centralpointrv.com cprv@centralpointrv.net Comrie RV 80658 N. Hwy. 395, Hermiston, OR 97838, (541) 567-1583, (888) 567-1583, FAX (541) 567-5191 www.comrierv.com Courtesy Auto & RV Center 1405 Crater Lake Pkwy., Klamath Falls, OR 97603, (541) 850-7337, FAX (541) 850-7338 www.klamathrv.com Cruise America 8400 S.E. 82nd Ave., Portland, OR 97266, (503) 777-9833, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cummins Northwest Inc. 5742A Crater Lake Ave., Central Point, OR 97502, (541) 830-4400, FAX (541) 772-2395 www.northwest.cummins.com Cummins Northwest Inc. Coach Care 33070 Roberts Ct., Coburg, OR 97408, (541) 687-0000, 800) 777-0336, FAX (541) 687-1977 www.northwest.cummins.com Cummins Northwest Inc. 223 S.W. 23rd St., Pendleton, OR 97801, (541) 276-2561, (800) 666-2561, FAX (541) 276-2564 www.northwest.cummins.com Cummins Northwest Inc. 4711 N. Basin Ave., Portland, OR 97217, (503) 289-0900, (800) 283-0336, FAX (503) 240-5553 www.northwest.cummins.com Cummins Northwest Inc. 3919 N. Ballast, Portland, OR 97217, (503) 289-8989, (888) 289-0900, FAX (503) 240-5565 www.northwest.cummins.com Curtis Trailers 21525 S.W. TV Hwy., Aloha, OR 97006, (503) 649-8528, (800) 321-8528 www.curtistrailers.com sales@curtistrailers.com Curtis Trailers 10177 S.E. Powell Blvd., Portland, OR 97266, (503) 760-1363, (800) 345-1363 www.curtistrailers.com sales@curtistrailers.com Diesel Motorhome Sales Exit 61 off Interstate 5, Grants Pass, OR 97526, (877) 758-8845 www.dieselrvsales.com Continental Transmission & RV Repair 252 Queen Ave. S.E., Albany, OR 97322, (541) 928-6353 www.continentalrepair.com Florence RV 4390 Hwy. 101, Florence, OR 97439, (541) 902-0741, (541) 997-8287, FAX (541) 997-6532 www.florencerv.com consignments@florencerv.com Courtesy RV 463 E. Antler, Redmond, OR 97756, (541) 504-4523 www.courtesyrv.net Fred’s RV Auto Marine 38415 Proctor Blvd., Sandy, OR 97055, (503) 826-8888 www.fredsrvautomarine.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Frontier Trailer Sales 5013 Washburn Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603, (541) 883-2003, FAX (541) 885-7907 www.frontier-trailersales.com lana@frontier-trailersales.com Funtime RV 18605 S.W. Pacific Dr., Tualatin, OR 97062, (503) 925-9620, (866) 925-9620 www.funtimervinc.com sales1@funtimervinc.com George M. Sutton RV Route 66 RV Network 2400 W. 7th St., Eugene, OR 97402, (541) 686-6296, (800) 256-9832 www.suttonrv.com info@suttonrv.com Directory Henderson’s Line-Up 417 Henderson Ln., Grants Pass, OR 97527, (800) 245-8309 barbara@hendersonslineup.com High Desert RV & Auto Repair 1677 N.W. Gardner Rd., Prineville, OR 97754, (541) 416-0169 www.highdesertrv.com jillhighdesert@prinetime.net Highway Trailer Sales Inc. 3250 Ward Dr. N.E., Salem, OR 97305, (800) 315-4201, FAX (503) 393-3067 www.hwytrailersales.com Hitch Pro & Tow 4701 W. 11th Ave., Eugene, OR 97402, (541) 434-2403, (866) 875-3715 www.hitchproandtow.net support@hitchproandtow.net Gib’s RV Superstore 1845 Ocean Blvd., Coos Bay, OR 97420, (541) 888-3424, (800) 824-4388 www.gibsrvsuperstore.com bill@gibsrvsuperstore.com Guaranty RV - Motorized Showcase 93636 Hwy. 99 S., Junction City, OR 97448, (541) 998-4250, (800) 283-9163 www.guarantyrv.com shannon.nill@guaranty.com I-5 RV Sales & Service 347 Myrtle St., Sutherlin, OR 97479, (541) 459-8436, (866) 385-1035, FAX (541) 459-8445 www.i5rv.com marty@i5rv.com J & B RV Inc. 862 N.W. Highland St., Roseburg, OR 97470, (541) 673-8485 Guaranty RV - RV Service Center 547 W. First Ave., Junction City, OR 97448, (541) 998-4285, (800) 379-5332 www.guarantyrv.com shannon.nill@guaranty.com J & S RV Services Inc. 17437 S.E. Kendall Ct., Portland, OR 97236, (503) 667-4535, FAX (503) 406-2299 www.jandsrv.com jandsrv@gmail.com Guaranty RV - Trailer & Van Center 150 Hwy. 99 S., Junction City, OR 97448, (541) 998-4049, (877) 788-5763 www.guarantyrv.com shannon.nill@guaranty.com Jackson RV Parts & Service 3943 S. Pacific Hwy., Medford, OR 97501, (541) 773-6307, (877) 773-6307, FAX (541) 535-1152 www.jacksonrv.com Guaranty RV - Fifth Wheel Center 325 W. First Ave., Junction City, OR 97448, (541) 998-4049, (800) 818-9344 www.guarantyrv.com shannon.nill@guaranty.com Jerry’s RV Service Center 1165 S.E. Hwy. 97, Bend, OR 97702, (541) 382-2372, FAX (541) 382-0126 www.jerrysrvservice.com Guaranty RV - RV Rentals Center 487 W. First Ave., Junction City, OR 97448, (541) 998-4025, (888) 4549758 www.guarantyrv.com shannon.nill@guaranty.com Johnson RV 41777 S.E. Hwy. 26, Sandy, OR 97055, (503) 668-5400, (855) 581-1984 www.johnsonrvsales.com brandonj@johnsonrvsales.com Guaranty RV - RV Parts & Travel Center 93668 Hwy. 99 S., Junction City, OR 97448, (541) 234-0970, (888) 892-7976 www.guarantyrv.com shannon.nill@guaranty.com Kamper Korner RV Center 7700 Old Hwy. 99 N., Roseburg, OR 97470, (541) 673-1258, (800) 773-1258 www.rv-center.net harlan@rv-center.net Hardcastle’s Trailers 6270 Crater Lake Ave., Central Point, OR 97502, (541) 826-5300 www.hardcastlestrailers.com sales@hardcastlestrailers.com Kemp Auto Sales 16365 Hwy. 101 S., Brookings, OR 97415, (541) 469-7055, FAX (541) 469-3055 www.kempauto.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 139 ▼ ▼ ▼ OREGON CONTINUED Larry’s RV 20630 Grandview Dr., Bend, OR 97701, (541) 388-7552, (800) 487-4978, FAX (541) 388-7526 www.larrysrv.com larrysrv@bendcable.com Porter’s RVs 971 S. Broadway, Coos Bay, OR 97420, (541) 269-5121, (800) 746-2366 www.portersrv.com sales@portersrv.com Lassen RV 1103 Price Rd. S.E., Albany, OR 97322, (541) 917-7395, (877) 373-2678, FAX (541) 917-7396 www.lassenrv.com Portland RV Wholesale 1818 S.E. 82nd Ave., Portland, OR 97216, (503) 777-4299 www.qrvs.com Lukes Mobile RV Service 2400 Hwy. 99 N., Eugene, OR 97402, (541) 554-6245 www.lukesrv.com lukesrv.com@gmail.com Mike’s RV Service 5296 Crater Lake Ave., Central Point, OR 97502, (541) 772-4085, FAX (541) 773-5235 www.mikesrvservice.com mikes-rv@clearwire.net Milburn RV Sales 211 Turtle Ln., Grants Pass, OR 97527, (541) 474-7508 www.milburnrvsales.com Newport Marine & RV Service Inc. 4354 S. Coast Hwy. 101, South Beach, OR 97366, (541) 867-3704, FAX (541) 867-3485 www.newportmarinerv.com newport@casco.net Northwest RV Sales 6492 Portland Rd N.E., Salem, OR 97305, (503) 393-3663, (866) 463-4925, FAX (503) 393-2160 www.northwestrvsales.com russ@northwestrvsales.com Oak Park RV Supply and Service 4180 Silverton Rd. N.E., Salem, OR 97305, (503) 581-5407, FAX (503) 581-5456 www.oakparkrvsupplyservice.com oakparkrv@comcast.net Oregon RV Outlet 4874 S.Monument Dr., Grants Pass, OR 97526, (541) 955-9759, (877) 777-1571 www.oregonrvoutlet.com diane@oregonrvoutlet.com Paul Evert’s RV Country, Inc. 90915 Roberts Rd., Coburg, OR 97408, (541) 686-6044, FAX (541) 686-6208 www.rvcountry.com sales@rvcountry.com Phoenix Auto Center 611 N. Main St., Phoenix, OR 97535, (541) 535-3361, FAX (541) 535-6160 www.phoenixautocenter.com PJ’s Trailer & Reefer Repair 75176 Lorenzen Rd., Pendleton, OR 97801, (541) 276-1717 140 Rally Auto Mart 9106 S.E. 82nd Ave., Portland, OR 97266, (503) 777-4800 www.rallyautomart.com Rent RV LLC 8650 S.E. 82nd Ave., Happy Valley, OR 97086, (503) 655-9876, (888) 321-3067 www.rentrv.com info@rentrv.com Roberson RV 3780 Turner Rd. S.E., Salem, OR 97302, (503) 370-2555, (877) 713-4678 www.robersonrv.net Rocking R Campers LLC 637 Claude Rd., Ontario, OR 97914, (541) 889-7800 www.rockingrcampersllc.com RV Corral 1890 Hwy. 99 N., Eugene, OR 97402, (541) 689-9204, (800) 967-6006 www.rvcorral.com RV Northwest 4350 S.W. 142nd Ave., Beaverton, OR 97005, (503) 641-9140, (877) 641-9140, FAX (503) 641-9150 www.rvnorthwest.com RV Outlet 1740 Prairie Rd., Eugene, OR 97402, (541) 688-0310, (866) 688-0310, FAX (541) 688-3219 www.rvoutletonline.com RV Sales of Oregon 2100 Hwy. 99 N., Eugene, OR 97402, (888) 389-3678 www.rvsalesoforegon.com RV Store Inc. 4425 Main St., Springfield, OR 97478, (541) 741-0555, (800) 404-0556, FAX (541) 741-4755 www.garysrvstore.com Siskiyou RV World 231 N.E. Terry Ln., Grants Pass, OR 97526, (541) 479-3432, (800) 541-1626 www.sisqrv.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Skipanon Marine & RV Supply 69 N.E. Heron Ave., Warrenton, OR 97146, (503) 861-3626 Smiley RV Sales & Service Inc. 53816 W. Crockett Rd., Milton Freewater, OR 97862, (541) 938-6562, (800) 338-6562 www.smileyrv.com smileyrv@gmail.com Southern Oregon RV Rentals 361 Peach St., Merlin, OR 97527, (541) 471-4436 www.sorvrentals.com Southside RV/Auto Repair & Shelter Factory 1750 S.W. Allen St., Corvallis, OR 97333, (541) 754-9390, (800) 200-9390 www.southsiderv.com woodpeckerlips@hotmail.com TJ’s Auto Repair 1085 Alt. Hwy. 101, Warrenton, OR 97146, (503) 861-2886 www.tjsautorepair.com Thompson RV 1201 Southgate, Pendleton, OR 97801, (541) 276-4836, (800) 459-4836 www.thompsonrv.com sales@thompsonrvinc.com Thunder RV 10401 S. Walton Rd., LaGrande, OR 97850, (541) 962-2975, (888) 532-3422, FAX (541) 962-8700 www.thunderrv.com thunderrv@wbyte.com Tillamook RV Repair 4190 Hwy. 101 N., Tillamook, OR 97141, (503) 842-7702, FAX (503) 842-8613 www.tillamookrvrepair.com Tim Miller RV Repair 19655 S. Meyers Rd., Oregon City, OR 97045, (503) 655-7967 www.timmillerrvrepair.com Tom’s Travel Homes Inc. 3707 State St. S.E., Salem, OR 97301, (503) 362-5545 www.toms-rvs.com Trailer & RV Parts Warehouse 5855 Crater Lake Hwy., Central Point, OR 97502, (541) 770-5922, (541) 772-6182, FAX (541) 879-9342 trailerandrvparts.com sales@trailerandrvparts.com Turn Key RV Rentals Inc. 4435 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, OR 97403, (541) 746-1502, FAX (541) 741-0112 www.turnkeyrv.com rentals@turnkeyrv.com Triple A RV Center Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 938 Chevy Way, Medford, OR 97504, (541) 772-1938, (800) 545-7808 www.triplearv.com tlewis@triplearv.com Wagers Trailer Sales 3282 Silverton Rd. N.E., Salem, OR 97301, (503) 585-7713, (800) 546-7713 www.wagersrvs.com Wine Country RV 3190 S.E. Dayton Bypass Hwy., Dayton, OR 97114, (503) 864-9513, FAX (503) 864-9519 www.winecountryrv.com tstout@winecountryrv.com PENNSYLVANIA ▼ Adventure RV Rental 184 Baker Rd. , Coatesville, PA 19320, (610) 517-0990 www.fiorervrental.com TSTData@aol.com Airstream of Western PA 627 U.S. 119, Greensburg, PA 15601, (724) 836-4444, (866) 925-5928 www.airstreamwpa.com All Seasons Recreational Vehicles 2867 Nazareth Rd., Easton, PA 18045, (610) 253-7700 www.allseasonsrvs.com All Star Coaches 650 S.W. End Blvd., Quakertown, PA 18951, (866) 838-4465 www.allstarcoaches.com info@allstarcoaches.com Ansley RV 1280 Nazareth Rd., Duncansville, PA 16635, (814) 695-9817, (800) 231-9817, FAX (814) 695-9814 www.ansleyrv.com sales@ansleyrv.com B & R Camper Sales 777 Rte. 422 E., Butler, PA 16002, (724) 287-8481, (888) 287-8481 www.b-rcamper.com Battlefield RV Camp & Sports Center 1958 Emmitsburg Rd., Gettysburg, PA 17325, (800) 735-6671, FAX (717) 334-4371 www.battlefieldrv.com Ben’s RV Center 1590 Whiteford Rd., York, PA 17402, (717) 755-9669 www.bensrvcenter.com info1@bensrvcenter.com 2013 RV DEALER Berks Mont Camping Center Inc. 890 Sweinhart Rd., Boyertown, PA 19512, (610) 369-9533, (877) 863-5670 www.berksmontcamping.com Camping World RV Sales Grumbine's RV Center 7501 Allentown Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17112, (888) 461-7757 www.campingworld.com D.J. RV Center 1720 Montour Blvd., North Danville, PA 17821, (570) 275-9620, (888) 799-6997 www.djrvcenter.com Big Bee Boats & RV 1617 State Rd., Duncannon, PA 17020, (717) 957-3838, (888) 645-3213 www.bigbeeboats.com Clem’s RV & Trailer Sales 1580 State Rte. 65 S., Ellwood City, PA 16117, (877) 818-4948, (877) 818-4944 www.clemstrailersales.com sdeffenbaugh@clemstrailersales.com East Coast RV Specialists 7011 Lincoln Hwy., Bedford, PA 15522, (814) 623-7007, FAX (814) 623-7008 www.eastcoastrvs.com sales@eastcoastrvs.com Cooper’s RV Center Inc. 4000 Golden Mile Hwy., Murrysville, PA 15668, (412) 793-8080, (800) 300-8058 www.coopersrv.com East Coast RV Specialists 7390 Woodbury Pike, Roaring Springs, PA 16673, (814) 729-7007, FAX (814) 729-7008 www.eastcoastrvs.com sales@eastcoastrvs.com Big Bee Boats and RV 2016 U.S. Rte. 522 , Selinsgrove, PA 17870, (570) 374-0559, (888) 645-3213 www.bigbeeboats.com Blue Ridge Trailer Sales & Service Rte. 115, Saylorsburg, PA 18353, (570) 992-7425, FAX (570) 992-7928 www.blueridgetrailersales.com Boat-N-RV Superstore 20 Industrial Dr., Hamburg, PA 19526, (610) 562-7057, (866) 262-8678, FAX (610) 562-5887 www.boatnrv.com jeppley@boatnrv.com Council Cup Trailer Sales Rte. 239, Wapwallopen, PA 18660, (570) 379-3751 www.councilcuptrailersales.com Cruise America 1122 Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle, PA 17013, (717) 386-5370, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Directory Harbolds RV Trailer Sales 4803 Carlisle Rd., Dover, PA 17315, (717) 292-3231, FAX (717) 292-1050 www.harboldsrv.com harbolds@comcst.net Harold’s RV Center 7514 Bath Pike, Bath, PA 18014, (610) 837-9880 www.haroldsrvcenter.com info@haroldsrvcenter.com El Monte RV - Kingston Kingston RV Rentals 445 Pierce St., Kingston, PA 18704, (570) 288-3709, (888) 337-2214 www.elmonterv.com reservations@elmonterv.com Huffy’s RV & Trailer Sales 2419 State Rte. 88, Finleyville, PA 15332, (724) 348-6655 www.huffys.com sales@huffys.com Hufnagel & Majors Trailer Sales 265 Perry Hwy., Harmony, PA 16037, (724) 452-7593, (888) 287-0976 www.hufnagel-majors.com info@hufnagel-majors.com Indian Valley Camping Center Inc. 3400 Bethlehem Pike, Souderton, PA 18964, (215) 723-4852, (800) 774-8330, FAX (215) 723-7799 www.ivccrv.com info@ivccrv.com Fame RV Center 329 Mill St., Saegertown, PA 16433, (814) 763-5645, (866) 763-3263, FAX (814) 763-2177 www.famerv.com famervcenter@zoominternet.net Bonner Sports & RV 5335 N. Rte. 44, Jersey Shore, PA 17740, (570) 753-3801 www.bonnersports.com Cruise America 1110 Township Line Rd., Chester, PA 19013, (610) 485-6119, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Boyer RV Center 8495 Peach St., Erie, PA 16509, (814) 868-7561, (800) 343-7561 www.boyerrv.com ken@boyerrv.com Cruise America 9003 University Blvd., Coraopolis, PA 15108, (412) 299-0823, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Family Camping Outlet 1809 West High St., Pottstown, PA 19464, (610) 327-4167, (866) 806-3196, FAX (610) 327-9824 www.familycampingoutlet.com campfco@comcast.net Brooks Camper Sales 1028 Memorial Blvd., Connellsville, PA 15425, (724) 628-5625, (888) 628-5627 www.brooksrv.com brooksrv@zoominternet.net Cruise America 1404 Ben Franklin Hwy., Douglassville, PA 19518, (610) 326-5005, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Farnsworth Camping Center Inc. 279 N. Market St., Elysburg, PA 17824, (570) 672-2332, (800) 837-3890 www.farnsworthrv.com rvsales@ptd.net Juniata Valley RV 285 Industrial Circle, Mifflintown, PA 17059, (717) 436-8883, (877) 714-0415, FAX (717) 436-6471 www.juniatavalleyrv.com Cruise America 8521 Easton Rd., Ottsville, PA 18942, (610) 847-1148, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Freedom RV Rentals 360 Travelers Rd., East Freedom, PA 16637, (814) 695-9408, (866) 876-7368, FAX (814) 696-2620 www.freedomrentals.com K Rentals 508 Rte. 30, Irwin, PA 15642, (724) 523-0545, (866) 787-5466, FAX (724) 523-0547 www.k-rentals.com krentals@msn.com Bryant’s RV 4255 Memorial Hwy., Dallas, PA 18612, (570) 639-3100 www.bryantsrv.com Bully Cap & RV Center 1447 Scott St., Wilkes Barre, PA 18705, (570) 822-2448 Fretz RV Enterprises Inc. 3479 Bethlehem Pike, Souderton, PA 18964, (800) 673-7389 www.fretzrv.com sfretz@fretzrv.com Butler RV Center 196 Pittsburgh Rd., Butler, PA 16001, (724) 282-8600 www.butlerrvcenter.com Dale Smith Camper Sales 1648 Rte. 36, Brookville, PA 15825, (814) 849-2911, (877) 602-0101, FAX (814) 849-1220 www.dalesmithcampersales.com C. Neer RV Inc. 2496 Hancock Hwy., Equinunk, PA 18417, (570) 224-8606, (800) 881-6337 www.newcampers.com Daley Camper Sales 4487 State Rte. 8, Titusville, PA 16354, (814) 827-2637 www.daleycampersales.com daleycampersales@zoominternet.net Gayle Kline RV Center Inc. Route 66 RV Network 444 E. Main St., Mountville, PA 17554, (717) 285-2008 www.gayleklinerv.com gaylekline@gayleklinerv.com Camping World RV Sales Hanover 2100 Baltimore Pike, Hanover, PA 17331, (888) 899-0663, (877) 786-0643 www.campingworld.com Dennis Trailers Inc. 989 Old Rte. 8, Harrisville, PA 16038, (814) 786-7959, (866) 375-9597, FAX (814) 786-7031 www.dennistrailersinc.com Gold Rush Custom Trailers 920 Stone Hill Rd., Denver, PA 17517, (717) 484-2424, (866) 478-7245, FAX (717) 484-4343 www.goldrushinc.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Joe’s Marine Inc. 209 Spring St., Sayre, PA 18840, (570) 888-2255, FAX (570) 888-1854 www.joesmarine.com Jones RV 34 Gypsy Dr., Eighty Four, PA 15330, (724) 225-8876 www.jonesrv.com Kelly Mobile Homes & RV Sales 60 Old Rte. 15, West Milton, PA 17886, (570) 568-6984, FAX (570) 568-1801 www.kellymobilehomesandrv.com Kennedy RV & Power Sports 1394 Old York Rd., Dillsburg, PA 17019, (717) 432-9741 www.kennedyrvandpowersports.com Keystone RV Center 15799 Young Rd., Greencastle, PA 17225, (717) 597-0939, (800) 232-3279, FAX (717) 597-0639 www.keystonervcenter.com sales@keystonervcenter.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 141 ▼ ▼ ▼ PENNSYLVANIA CONTINUED Kieffer's RV Sales Ltd. 1404 Ben Franklin Hwy., Douglassville, PA 19518, (610) 326-5998, FAX (610) 970-2062 www.kiefferrv.com sales@kiefferrv.com L. Smith & Son RV 9090 522 S. 22 W., Lewiston, PA 17044, (717) 248-8142, FAX (717) 248-8142 Lancaster Country RV 122 Prospect Rd., Landisville, PA 17538, (717) 898-9656 www.lancastercountyrv.com Lehigh Gorge RV Center 4585 State St., White Haven, PA 18661, (570) 443-9876, FAX (570) 443-5791 www.lehighgorgerv.com jay@lehighgorgerv.com Lerch RV 70 Commerce Dr., Milroy, PA 17063, (717) 667-1400, (800) 722-1236, FAX (717) 667-1401 www.lerchrv.com rvsales@lerchrv.com Long’s Mobile Homes & RV Sales 406 Lutz School Rd., Indiana, PA 15701, (724) 463-3409, FAX (724) 463-1990 Martin Camper Sales 6785 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050, (717) 766-5569 www.martincampersales.com martincampersales@comcast.net Media Camping Center Inc. 1243 W. Baltimore Pike, Media, PA 19063, (855) 554-1050 www.mediacampingcenter.com Mellott Brothers RV 2718 Willow Street Pike, Willow Street, PA 17584, (717) 464-2311, (717) 464-4855 www.mellottbrothers.com sales@mellottbrothers.com Miller’s Service Center Inc. 1990 Horseshoe Pike, Honey Brook, PA 19344, (610) 942-3034, FAX (610) 942-9579 www.millers-rv.com millerserviceinc@aol.com Moore’s Auto & RV Sales U.S. Rte. 6 E., Towanda, PA 18848, (570) 265-2670, (800) 810-1106 www.mooresauto.com sales@mooresauto.com Pocono RV Sales & Service Inc. 489 Bushkill Plaza Ln., Wind Gap, PA 18091, (610) 863-5239 www.poconorv.com info@poconorv.com 142 Radabaughs Camping Trailers Inc. 2464 Valley Rd., Marysville, PA 17053, (717) 957-3667, FAX (717) 957-3612 www.radabaughsrvs.com Stivenson Camper Sales 649 Freeport Rd., Butler, PA 16002, (724) 352-2140 www.scscampersales.com info@scscampersales.com Wise Trailers Sales & Service 211 Jayco Dr., Ebensburg, PA 15931, (814) 472-5561, FAX (814) 472-5565 www.wisetrailer.com Ranger Trailer & Coach Sales LLC 125 Theobold Ave., Greensburg, PA 15601, (724) 837-2753, FAX (724) 837-9310 www.rangertrailer.com Stoltzfus RV Rte. 272, 3280 N. Reading Rd., Adamstown, PA 19501, (717) 484-4344, (800) 752-2988 www.stoltzfusrvs.com sales@stoltzfusrv.com Ziegler’s RV 440 Lehigh St., Allentown, PA 18103, (610) 435-6920, (888) 898-9787 www.zieglersrv.com brandon@zieglersrv.com Ray Wakley’s Car Care & RV Center 10261 W. Main Rd., North East, PA 16428, (814) 725-9608, (800) 248-0079 www.wakleyrv.com saleswakleyrv@aol.com Rhone’s Travel Trailers Inc. 4368 Lycoming Creek Rd., Cogan Station, PA 17728, (570) 494-1364, (800) 494-1001, FAX (570) 494-1468 www.rhonesrv.com rhones@verizon.net Roadhouse Camper & RV 196 Beach Lake Hwy., Honesdale, PA 18431, (570) 503-6817 www.roadhousecamper.com info@roadhouse.com RV Value Mart Inc. 647 E. 28th Div. Hwy., Lititz, PA 17543, (717) 738-0385, (888) 356-9218 www.rvvaluemart.com rvvaluemart@yahoo.com S & S Enterprises 40 Knight Rd., Gettysburg, PA 17325, (717) 334-0149 sns4rvs@comcast.net Salem RV Center, Inc. 387 Clifford Rd., Selinsgrove, PA 17870, (570) 374-2300, (800) 720-3678, FAX (570) 374-9145 www.salemrvsales.com salemrv2@ptd.net Schrek RV 4616 Rte. 66, Apollo, PA 15613, (724) 727-3444 www.schreckrv.com Schwen Camper & Marine Sales 2235 Kiser Wagner Rd., Shippenville, PA 16254, (814) 226-6961 www.schwen.com mail@schwen.com Shady Maple RV 4536 Division Hwy., Rte. 322, East Earl, PA 17519, (717) 351-0087 www.shadymaplerv.com rentals@shadymaplerv.com Starr’s Trailer Sales Route 66 RV Network 3673 Rte. 219, Brockway, PA 15824, (814) 265-0632, FAX (814) 265-8097 www.starrstrailersales.com greg@starrstrailersales.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Stoltzfus RVs & Marine REDEX/Priority RV Network 1335 Wilmington Pike, West Chester, PA 19382, (866) 755-8858, FAX (610) 399-1436 www.stoltzfus-rec.com sales@stoltzfusrv.com Susquehanna Valley RV 2084 Rte. 522, Selinsgrove, PA 17870, (570) 374-2267, FAX (570) 374-2281 www.susqrv.com info@susqrv.com Tom Schaeffer’s RV Super Store REDEX/Priority RV Network 1236 Pottsville Pike, Shoemakersvle, PA 19555, (610) 562-3071, (877) 217-2444, FAX (610) 562-3860 www.tomschaeffers.com Total Recreation RV 973 Rte. 6, Shohola, PA 18458, (570) 504-7576, (888) 855-1564 www.totalrecreationrv.com Ulitmate RV 10070 Allentown Blvd., Grabtville, PA 17028, (717) 469-4331, FAX (717) 469-4332 ultimaterv.net chad@ultimaterv.net Valero RV Mega Center 2718 Rte. 66, Delmont, PA 15626, (724) 468-1010, FAX (724) 468-8873 www.valerocentury.com Vernon Auto & Camper Sales 2700 S. Queen St., York, PA 17403, (717) 741-5511 www.vernon-auto.com Weimer’s RV 297 Spencer Creek Dr., Duncansiville, PA 16635, (814) 695-0932 www.weimersrv.com RHODE ISLAND ▼ Adventure Vehicle Rental 120 Dewey Ave., Warwick, RI 02886, (617) 783-3000, (866) 625-6007, FAX (617) 903-4385 www.adventurevehiclerental.com reservations@avrne.com Arlington RV Super Center 966 Quaker Ln., E. Greenwich, RI 02818, (401) 884-7550, (888) 787-8737 www.arlingtonrv.com mark@arlingtonrv.com Coletta’s Garage & Towing 425 Richmond St., Providence, RI 02903, (401) 421-3232, FAX (401) 331-2595 www.colettas.com john.mosesian@colettas.com Coletta’s Collision Center 283 Allens Ave., Providence, RI 02903, (401) 467-0900, FAX (401) 461-9212 www.colettas.com john.mosesian@colettas.com Rhode Island RV Service Center 48 Shun Pike, Johnston, RI 02919, (401) 946-9610 www.rirv.com SOUTH CAROLINA ▼ Boat-N-RV Megastore 401 Sycamore Dr., Ridgeland, SC 29936, (843) 717-9538, (877) 783-8672, FAX (843) 717-9541 www.boatnrv.com humphries@boatnrv.com Wide World RV Center Inc. 1570 Hwy. 315, Wilkes Barre, PA 18702, (800) 501-0049 www.wideworldrv.com Bob Ledford’s Adventure Motor Homes 198 Bob Ledford Dr., Greer, SC 29651, (864) 848-0098, FAX (864) 879-9896 www.adventuremotorhomes.net pam@adventuremotorhomes.net Wiest RV 8178 Rte. 25, Spring Glen, PA 17978, (717) 365-3133, FAX (717) 365-3134 www.wiestrv.com wiestrv@epix.net Browns RV Superstore 30049 Hwy. 151, McBee, SC 29101, (843) 335-8829, (877) 805-3658, FAX (843) 335-8832 www.brownsrvsuperstore.com 2013 RV DEALER Camper Country of Myrtle Beach 5500 Hwy. 17 S., Myrtle Beach, SC 29587, (843) 238-5678, (877) 929-2267, FAX (843) 232-8017 www.camper-country.com Cummins Atlantic Inc. Coachcare 3137 Hwy. 701 S., Loris, SC 29569, (843) 716-7072, FAX (843) 756-6112 www.cumminsatlantic.com Camping World RV Sales Charleston 8155 Rivers Ave., Charleston, SC 29406, (843) 553-5456, (888) 549-9834 www.campingworld.com Cummins Atlantic Inc. 260 Commercial Rd., Spartanburg, SC 29303, (864) 208-2657, (866) 746-2684, FAX (864) 208-2658 www.cumminsatlantic.com Camping World RV Sales Columbia 3634 Fernandina Rd., Columbia, SC 29210, (803) 772-1791, (888) 818-7834 www.campingworld.com Camping World RV Sales - Myrtle Beach 3632 Waccamaw Blvd., Myrtle Beach, SC 29579, (800) 845-3571 www.campingworld.com Camping World RV Sales - Myrtle Beach/Surfside 2295 Dick Pond Rd., Myrtle Beach, SC 29575, (843) 215-1565, (888) 591-1991 www.campingworld.com Camping World RV Sales Spartanburg 114 Best Dr., Spartanburg, SC 29303, (888) 427-8987, (866) 999-3164 www.campingworld.com Coastline RV 2340 Hwy. 17 S., Garden City, SC 29576, (843) 651-5510, (843) 504-5447 www.coastlinervrentals.com coastlinerv@yahoo.com Cruise America 1200 Broad River Rd., Columbia, SC 29210, (803) 772-2549, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cruise America 2160 N. Hwy. 101, Greer, SC 29651, (864) 877-9180, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Cummins Atlantic Inc. 231 Farmington Rd., Summerville, SC 29483, (843) 851-9819, FAX (843) 875-4338 www.cumminsatlantic.com Cummins Atlantic Inc. Coachcare 2791 Shop Rd., Columbia, SC 29209, (803) 799-2410, (800) 695-5383, FAX (803) 779-3427 www.cumminsatlantic.com Easley RV Center 408 Ross Ave., Easley, SC 29640, (864) 855-5653, (877) 532-7539 www.easleyrv.com info@easleyrv.com Happy Trails RV Sales & Service 3675 Broad St., Sumter, SC 29154, (803) 494-2055, FAX (803) 494-2055 www.happytrailsrvs.com happytrails@ftc-i.net Holiday on Wheels 8015 Garners Ferry Rd., Columbia, SC 29209, (803) 776-3752, FAX (803) 776-4617 www.holidayonwheelssc.com Jody’s RV 1425 Hwy. 72/221 E., Greenwood, SC 29649, (864) 227-6500, (866) 563-9778 www.jodysrv.com jody@jodysrv.com John’s RV Sales & Service 242 Glassmaster Rd., Lexington, SC 29072, (803) 359-2957, (877) 709-5789 www.johnsrv.com carawl@johnsrv.com Karolina Coaches 601 Shiloh Rd., Piedmont, SC 29673, (864) 845-1462, (866) 381-4279 www.karolinakoaches.com Ocean Lake RV Center 6003 S. Kings Hwy., Myrtle Beach, SC 29575, (800) 226-7716 www.oceanlakes.com olrv@oceanlakes.com Palmetto RV 1131 Hwy. 41, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466, (843) 416-8357, (866) 494-9166 www.palmettorv.com Parkway Campers 7098 Hwy. 11, Westminster, SC 29693, (864) 647-5556 www.parkwaycampers.com hazelparkway@yahoo.com Tiger Adventure Vehicles 4837 Edmund Hwy., West Columbia, SC 29170, (803) 955-3001 www.tigermotorhomes.com Richard’s RV Servicenter 2221 Hwy. 101 S., Greer, SC 29651, (864) 879-2067 www.richardsrvservicenter.com info@richardsrvservicenter.com RVMAX.US 192 Industrial Park Rd., Greer, SC 29651, (888) 352-2316 www.rvs4less.com Sonny’s Camp ’N’ Travel Route 66 RV Network 333 Frontage Rd., Duncan, SC 29334, (864) 433-0887, (800) 356-7747, FAX (864) 433-8844 www.sonnysrv.com darrell@sonnysrv.com The Trail Center Route 66 RV Network 5728 Dorchester Rd., N. Charleston, SC 29418, (843) 552-4700, (866) 896-6543, FAX (843) 552-4703 www.trailcenter.com gmorgan497@aol.com Tony’s RV Parts & Service Inc. 130 Pond Branch Rd., Lexington, SC 29073, (803) 894-3071, (803) 894-4866, FAX (803) 894-5385 www.tonysrv.com darlene@tonysrv.com Lester’s RV 14620 C.R. Koon Hwy., Newberry, SC 29108, (803) 276-8201, (800) 384-1678, FAX (803) 276-8163 www.lestersrv.com Twin Lakes Campers 645 Twin Lakes Rd., Seneca, SC 92678, (864) 972-7830, FAX (864) 972-7709 www.twinlakescampers.com Mobile Mechanic Inc. 210 Fish Hall Rd., Hilton Head, SC 29926, (843) 342-3499 NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Advantage RVs 922 23rd St. S.W., Watertown, SD 57201, (605) 753-5022, (877) 880-4878, FAX (605) 753-5023 www.advantagervs.com Cruise America 13620 S. Hwy. 169, Rapid City, SD 57702, (605) 343-3358, (800) 671-8042 www.cruiseamerica.com info@cruiseamerica.com Lakeside RV Sales 3207 Hwy. 24, Anderson, SC 29626, (864) 231-7258, (888) 601-2267, FAX (864) 261.9740 www.lakesidervsales.com Masters RV Centre 104 Hwy. 246 S., Greenwood, SC 29649, (864) 223-2267, FAX (864) 223-2289 www.jayco.com/mastersrvcentregreenwood/index.php Directory SOUTH DAKOTA ▼ A Bar K Trailer Sales 1003 East Rice St., Sioux Falls, SD 57103, (605) 335-8934, FAX (605) 335-3091 www.abarksd.net abarksd@hotmail.com Dakota RV 3831 N. Deadwood Ave., Rapid City, SD 57702, (605) 348-1212, (800) 788-0341 www.dakotarv.com Dakota Discount RV 3330 E. Mall Dr., Rapid City, SD 57701, (605) 388-8243 www.dakotadiscountrv.com kjb96@aol.com Fireside Camper 914 43rd St. Cir. E., Watertown, SD 57201, (800) 504-0528, FAX (605) 882-9901 www.firesidecamper.com info@firesidecamper.com Goos RV 26036 466th Ave., Hartford, SD 57033, (605) 528-3983 www.goos-rv.com Great Plains RVs 28020 Boondocks Ave., Worthing, SD 57077, (605) 372-5000, (800) 697-3140 www.greatplainsrvs.com sales@greatplainsrvs.com Green Star Camper Center 120 N. Cambell St., Rapid City, SD 57701, (605) 343-6877, (800) 817-4879 www.greenstarcampers.com greenstar@midconetwork.com High Plains Trailer Sales 3325 Sturgis Rd., Rapid City, SD 57702, (605) 355-8800, FAX (605) 355-9661 www.highplainstrailersales.com trailersales@rapidnet.com I-90 RV Auto Super Center 4505 S. I-90 Service Rd., Rapid City, SD 57703, (605) 341-4141, (888) 374-2886 www.i90rvandauto.com Jack’s Campers 1313 W. Norway Ave., Mitchell, SD 57301, (800) 356-1812 www.jackscampers.com bob@jackscampers.com Jack’s Campers 13203 High Plains Pl., Piedmont, SD 57769, (877) 356-1812 www.jackscampers.com jamie@jackscampers.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 143 ▼ ▼ ▼ SOUTH DAKOTA CONTINUED Jerry’s Auto Sales & RV Center N. Hwy. 17, Lennox, SD 57039, (605) 647-2980, (888) 537-7976 www.jerrysautosales.com Liebelt RV 2821 W. Hwy. 12, Aberdeen, SD 57401, (605) 225-8400, FAX (605) 225-8405 www.liebeltrv.com Mid-States Campers Route 66 RV Network 10400 Recreational Dr., Summerset, SD 57718, (866) 531-6942 www.midstatescampers.com marty@midstatescampers.com Northern Hills Homes & RVs 12173 Hwy. 34, Whitewood, SD 57793, (605) 269-2225, (800) 622-4579 www.nhhrv.com NorthView Campers 4705 N. Northview Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57107, (605) 339-0436 www.northviewcampers.com bob@northviewcampers.com Schaap’s RV Traveland Route 66 RV Network 3100 W. Russell St., Sioux Falls, SD 57107, (605) 332-6241, (800) 622-6560, FAX (605) 332-5422 www.rvtraveland.com service@travelland.com Spader’s RV Center 1601 E. Robur Dr., Sioux Falls, SD 57104, (605) 339-3230, FAX (605) 331-6396 www.spadersrv.com rvs@spader.com Tebben’s Campers 47504 271st St., Harrisburg, SD 57032, (605) 743-2166 www.tebbenscamper.com TENNESSEE ▼ A & L RV Sales 4503 Bristol Hwy., Johnson City, TN 37601, (423) 282-5861, (866) 463-9242, FAX (423) 282-2434 www.alrvsales.com rustys@alrvsalse.com A & L RV Sales 130 Capital Way, Christiana, TN 37037, (877) 224-6789 www.alrvsales.com rustys@alrvsalse.com Adventure RV Center 2910 Newport Hwy., Sevierville, TN 37862, (865) 429-3698 www.adventurervtn.com American RV Sales and Service 3019 E. Lamar Alexander Pkwy., Maryville, TN 37804, (865) 379-9700, (866) 455-2678 www.amerv.com americanrv@amerv.com 144 Bankston Motor Homes 2588 Music Valley Dr., Nashville, TN 37214, (615) 883-6800, (800) 838-1913, FAX (615) 883-6843 www.bankstonmotorhomes.com nashville@bankstonmotorhomes.com Chilhowee RV Center 4037 Airport Hwy., Alcoa, TN 37701, (865) 970-4085, (800) 423-9580, FAX (865) 984-6213 www.chilhoweerv.com info@chilhoweerv.com Boat-N-RV Supercenter 2475 Westel Rd., Rockwood, TN 37854, (865) 354-2140, (888) 262-8678 www.boatnrv.com Crowder RV Center Inc. 4533 Bristol Hwy., Johnson City, TN 37601, (423) 282-5011, (800) 542-4546, FAX (423) 282-0930 www.crowderrv.com croderrv@crowderrv.com Bomar RV 3582 Drummonds Rd., Drummonds, TN 38023, (901) 835-3950, FAX (901) 835-3952 bomarrv@bigrvs.net Buddy Gregg RV 11730 Snyder Rd., Knoxville, TN 37932, (865) 675-1986, (800) 421-0031, FAX (865) 966-0701 www.buddygregg.com Rbarron@buddygregg.com Bus For Sale 813 Louisville Hwy., Goodlettsville, TN 37072, (615) 859-1998, FAX (615) 859-1995 www.busforsale.com spellings@busforsale.com Camper’s Corner 4723 Clinton Hwy., Knoxville, TN 37912, (865) 688-4733, (866) 263-7350, FAX (865) 687-6651 www.jaycorvs.com rbrody2088@aol.com Camping World RV Sales Chattanooga 6728 Ringgold, Chattanooga, TN 37412, (423) 892-8275, (800) 222-4551, FAX (423) 892-8279 www.campingworldofchattanooga.com mcutler@campingworldrvsales.com Camping World RV Sales Knoxville 4223 Airport Hwy., Louisville, TN 37777, (877) 295-2202 www.campingworldofknoxville.com Camping World RV Sales Nashville 2620 Music Valley Dr., Nashville, TN 37214, (877) 827-2398 www.campingworldofnashville.com Candys Campers TN 4358 Shelbyville Pike, Murfreesboro, TN 37127, (615) 895-5505, FAX (615) 895-5574 www.candyscampers.com jasonb@candyscampers.net Celebration Trailer & RV 324 Ragsdale Rd., Manchester, TN 37355, (931) 607-1221 Charlie Tatum Campers 304 Carver Ln., Lebanon, TN 37087, (615) 444-3435 www.charlietatumcampers.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Cruise America/B & C Rentals Cruise America 201 Donelson Pike, Nashville, TN 37214, (615) 885-4281 www.cruiseamerica.com cl448@cruiseamerica.com Cullum & Maxey Camping Center 2614 Music Valley Dr., Nashville, TN 37214, (615) 889-1600, FAX (615) 884-7925 www.cullummaxey.com sales@cullummexy.com D&N Camper Sales 1160 E. Brooks Rd., Memphis, TN 38116, (901) 345-2267, FAX (901) 345-1111 www.dandncampersales.com sales@dandncampersales.com Davis Motorhome Mart 1145 E. Brooks Rd., Memphis, TN 38116, (901) 332-3414, (800) 772-3414, FAX (901) 332-3421 www.dandncampersales.com jody@dandncampersales.com Dunlap RV Center 1000 Murfreesboro Rd., Lebanon, TN 37090, (615) 444-6161 www.dunlaprvcenter.com Dunlap RV Center 6031 Hwy. 28 S., Dunlap, TN 37327, (423) 949-7007 www.dunlaprvcenter.com Family Campers 101 Southside Park Dr., Lebanon, TN 37090, (615) 547-0000, (866) 395-0009, FAX (615) 449-8178 www.familycampers.net ffry@familycampers.net Knoxville Coach & RV, LLC 14395 Hickory Creek Rd., Lenoir City, TN 37771, (865) 986-4260, (865) 986-4261 www.knoxcoach.com kevin@knoxcoach.com Lazy Days RV 3506 E. Andrew Johnson Hwy., Morristown, TN 37814, (423) 586-1147, FAX (423) 586-1147 www.lazydaysrv.com lazydays56@gmail.com Mid South RV 1016 Hwy. 45 S., Selmer, TN 38375, (731) 645-9640, FAX (731) 645-7099 Newby’s RV Sales 4840 Manchester Hwy., McMinnville, TN 37110, (931) 815-5100 www.newbysrvsales.com Northgate RV Center Inc. 3845 Airport Hwy., Alcoa, TN 37777, (865) 984-5953, FAX (865) 984-5981 www.northgaterv.com alcoa@northgaterv.com Northgate RV Center Inc. 3332 Wrights Ferry Rd. , Louisville, TN 37777, (865) 681-3030, FAX (865) 684-8805 www.northgaterv.com Price Rite Of Tennesse Inc. 3506 Hwy. 11 S., Riceville, TN 37370, (423) 462-2173, FAX (423) 462-2383 h37322@yahoo.com RV Chassis Master Inc. 2364 Hwy. 91, Elizabethton, TN 37643, (423) 474-2068, FAX (423) 474-2068 www.motorhomechassis.com pete@rvadvice.com RV Service Inc. 445 Industrial Blvd., La Vergne, TN 37086, (800) 793-4043 www.rvserviceandsales.com info@rvserviceandsales.com Scenic Roads RV Center 378 Expressway Dr., Manchester, TN 37166, (931) 723-1501 www.scenicroadsrv.com sales@scenicroadsrv.com Smallwoods Custom Trailers and Camper 4305 Hwy. 45 N., Jackson, TN 38305, (731) 668-3288, (888) 298-6296, FAX (731) 664-9089 www.smallwoodstrailers.com tammy@smallwoodstrailers.com Southern RV Center LLC 324 Ragsdale Rd., Manchester, TN 37355, (931) 723-6800, FAX (931) 723-8980 www.southernrv.net southernrv@hotmail.com Staley Sales LLC 933A W. Old Hickory Blvd., Madison, TN 37115, (615) 860-9485, FAX (615) 860-9486 www.staleycoach.com staleycoach@aol.com Tennessee RV Sales & Service 835 Huckleberry Springs Rd., Knoxville, TN 37924, (865) 933-7213, (800) 678-2233, FAX (865) 933-0091 www.tennesseerv.com sales@tennesseerv.com Tri-Am RV Center of East Tennessee 1202 Idell Rd., Bulls Gap, TN 37711, (423) 235-1167, (877) 635-1167 www.triamrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Weekend RV Center 1458 Clinton Hwy., Clinton, TN 37716, (865) 457-4424, FAX (865) 457-0426 www.weekendrvcenter.com info@weekendrvcenter.com TEXAS ▼ A & P RV Rentals 14080 I-10 E., Converse, TX 78109, (210) 667-1838 www.anprvrentals.com anprvrentals@aol.com All Star RV Center 1700 E. Plano Pkwy., Plano, TX 75074, (972) 516-2222 www.allstarrvcenter.com American Dream Vacations 28840 I.H. 10 W., Boerne, TX 78006, (830) 981-8835, FAX (830) 755-8836 www.americandreamvacations.net steve@txrvrent.com American Dream Vacations 3634 N. Main St., Cleburne, TX 76033, (817) 641-5701, FAX (817) 641-5703 www.americandreamvacations.net marty@americandreamvacations.net Ancira Motorhomes 30500 IH 10 W., Boerne, TX 78006, (830) 981-9000, (800) 299-1199, FAX (830) 981-9606 www.ancirarv.com Bailey’s R.V. Sales Inc. 500 N. John Redditt Dr., Lufkin, TX 75904, (936) 639-1800, (877) 799-6137 www.baileysrv.com baileyrv@eastexas.net Camper Clinic RV Super Center 15855 S. IH-35, Buda, TX 78610, (512) 312-1478, (800) 781-7848, FAX (512) 295-7878 www.camperclinic2.com salesmgr@camperclinic.com Bayer RV 18417 S. U.S. Hwy. 377, Dublin, TX 76446, (800) 859-9205, FAX (254) 445-4837 www.bayerrv.com lamont.freeman@bayermotor.com Camper Clinic RV Super Center 302 W. Market St., Rockport, TX 78382, (361) 729-0031, (877) 888-9444, FAX (361) 729-2008 www.camperclinic.com sales@camperclinic.com Bennett’s Camping Center 2708 E. Hwy. 377, Granbury, TX 76049, (817) 279-7500, (800) 281-1711, FAX (817) 279-1141 www.bennettsrv.com sales@bennettsrv.com Bert Ogden Rio Grande Valley RV Center Burt Ogden Chevy 1400 E. Expressway 83, Mission, TX 78572, (956) 581-1111, FAX (956) 584-3936 www.bertogden.com Bills Custom Campers 930 S. Hobart, Pampa, TX 79065, (806) 665-4315, FAX (806) 665-4315 johnson.jody@att.net Billy Sims Trailer Town 520 E. 2nd St., Odessa, TX 79761, (432) 580-3000, (800) 473-4678, FAX (432) 333-4705 www.anrv4u.net billysims@anrv4u.net Camper Coaches RVs 1701 S. Loop 289, Lubbock, TX 79423, (806) 748-7274, FAX (806) 748-7277 www.camperrcoaches.com info@campercoaches.com Camper Depot 5688 S. IH-45, Corsicanda, TX 75109, (903) 872-6065, (888) 870-6065, FAX (903) 872-6053 www.camperdepot.com info@camperdepot.com Camperland Trailer Sales Inc. 15340 IH-45 S., Conroe, TX 77384, (936) 273-5778, (800) 460-3095, FAX (936) 273-5779 www.camperland.net camperland@ev1.net Camping World RV Sales - El Paso 8805 N. Desert Blvd., Anthony, TX 79821, (915) 298-5400, (800) 293-1983, FAX (915) 298-7991 www.campingworldrvsales.com jkohibeck@campingworldrvsales.com Camping World RV Supercenter Houston 27905 Katy Frwy., Katy, TX 77494, (281) 574-1335, (866) 681-7978, FAX (281) 693-2815 www.campingworldrvsales.com gparker@campingworldrvsales.com Directory Class A RV Repairs 9500 State Hwy. 6 S., Pipe Creek, TX 78063, (830) 535-6007, (800) 741-7038, FAX (830) 535-4032 www.classarvrepairs.com classarvrepairs@78063.com Cliff Jones RV I-10 at Hwy. 36, Sealy, TX 77474, (281) 463-2000, (800) 299-7848, FAX (979) 885-2111 www.cliffjones.com sales@cliffjones.com Cliff Jones RV 27725 Katy Frwy., Katy, TX 77494, (281) 392-0111, FAX (281) 444-6481 www.cliffjones.com sales@cliffjones.com Colonia Del Rey RV Sales 10030 S. Padre Island Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78418, (361) 937-5703, (866) 661-0067, FAX (361) 937-0728 coloniadelreyrv.com coloniadelreyrv@sbcglobal.net Countryside RV Sales 9618 U.S. Hwy. 271, Gladewater, TX 75647, (903) 845-6388, (800) 988-5426, FAX (903) 845-1512 www.countrysiderv.com crvsales@etex.net Crestview RV Center 15700 S. IH-35, Exit 220, Buda, TX 78610, (512) 282-3516, FAX (512) 295-3740 www.crestviewrv.com scott@crestviewrv.com Ancira Travel Villa IH 35 W., Alvarado, TX 76009, (817) 790-2902, (800) 299-1158, FAX (817) 783-8941 www.ancirarv.com Bishop RV Center LLC 1122 S. Padre Island Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78416, (361) 855-4095, FAX (361) 855-1541 www.bishoprvcenter.com bishoprvcenter@yahoo.com Anthony RV Center LLC 8600 S. Desert Blvd., Anthony, TX 79821, (915) 886-5566, (866) 886-5566, FAX (915) 886-5586 www.anthonyrv.com carolyn@tlctrucks.net Blue Moon Mobile RV Repair 1501 Halsey Way, Carrollton, TX 75007, (972) 323-5050, (888) 800-5050 www.bluemoonrv.com sales@bluemoonrv.com Camping World RV Supercenter San Antonio 3887 I-35 N., New Braunfels, TX 77494, (830) 620-1782, (800) 648-0603, FAX (830) 625-2885 www.campingworldrvsales.com blay@campingworldrvsales.com Archer Dodge/RV 10711 S.W. Freeway 595, Houston, TX 77074, (713) 995-8585, (877) 218-5108, FAX (713) 995-0914 www.archerrvs.com lbuell@archerauto.com Budget RVs of Texas 6680 I-30, Royse City, TX 75189, (972) 636-2626, FAX (972) 636-9251 www.budgetrvsoftexas.net budgetrvs@msn.com Caseys Campers Inc. 1607 E. 3rd, Big Spring, TX 79720, (432) 263-8452, (800) 274-2182, FAX (432) 263-8454 www.caseyscampers.com ccparts@crcom.net Cummins Rocky Mountain Inc. Coachcare 14333 Gateway Blvd. W., El Paso, TX 79928, (915) 791-6600, (800) 800-4240, FAX (915) 852-3295 www.cumminsrockymountain.com Arvee RV Service 3902 S. U.S. Hwy. 69, Lufkin, TX 75901, (936) 824-2385, FAX (936) 824-3689 arvee@consalated.net Burditt RVs Inc 28485 Tomball Py #183, Tomball, TX 77375, (281) 356-3013, FAX (281) 356-3013 burditt1@netzero.com CCRV 8045 IH-37, Corpus Christi, TX 78418, (361) 937-8888, FAX (361) 289-5401 www.ccrv.net ccrv@sbcglobal.net Del Air RV Center 2334 Pollex Ave., Corpus Christi, TX 78415, (361) 855-1602, (800) 659-2016, FAX (361) 853-3687 www.delairrv.net Athens RV Sales 4031 State Hwy. 31 E., Athens, TX 75752, (903) 675-9092, (877) 284-3677, FAX (903) 675-9332 www.athensrv.com sales@athensrv.com Camper City 12202 N. Navarro St., Victoria, TX 77904, (361) 573-6911, (800) 675-6911, FAX (361) 573-6999 www.camper-city.com sales@camper-city.com Channelview Supply 15450 I-10 E., Channelview, TX 77530, (281) 452-7760, FAX (281) 452-3618 www.channelviewsupply.com rv-svc@msn.com Del Tex RV & Auto Repair Center 4220 W. U.S. Hwy. 90, Del Rio, TX 78840, (830) 775-9715, FAX (830) 774-6437 www.deltexrv.com deltexrv@wcsonline.net NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Crestview RV - Georgetown N. IH-35, Exit 268, Georgetown, TX 78626, (512) 931-7500 www.crestviewrv.com Crestview RV Superstore Redex 16473 IH-35 N., Selma, TX 78154, (210) 651-6300, FAX (210) 651-6580 www.buyrv.net sspearing@msn.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 145 ▼ ▼ ▼ TEXAS CONTINUED Demontrond RV-Conroe 888 I-45, Conroe, TX 77304, (281) 443-2500, (866) 336-7018 www.demontrondrv.com Demontrond RV-Gulf Freeway 3220 Gulf Freeway, Texas City, TX 77090, (888) 659-0380 www.demontrondrv.com Demontrond RV-Houston 14101 North Freeway, Houston, TX 77090, (888) 772-3128 www.demontrondrv.com Double B RV P.O. Box 671, Cleburne, TX 76033, (817) 556-2800 Dues Camping Conder 2619 Gulf Frwy., Dickinson, TX 77539, (281) 337-1537, FAX (281) 337-2180 www.duescampingcenter.com duescampingcenter@live.com Earl Owen Co. 334 N. Hall St., Dallas, TX 75226, (214) 747-7549, (800) 527-2006, FAX (214) 748-5124 www.earlowen.com sales@earlowen.com Evergreen RV Center 1710 IH-35 N., New Braunfels, TX 78130, (830) 625-5500, (800) 615-5366, FAX (830) 625-5599 www.evergreenrv.com sales@evergreenrv.com Exit 415 RV Center Inc. 4026 I-20 E., Willow Park, TX 76087, (817) 596-8471, FAX (817) 613-9345 www.exit415rvcenter.com 415rvcenter@att.net ExploreUSA RV SupercenterBoerne 29397 IH-10 W., Boerne, TX 78006, (830) 981-5618, (866) 648-6924, FAX (830) 755-4694 www.exploreusa.com ExploreUSA RV SupercenterCanton 22719 I-20, Wills Point, TX 75169, (903) 865-1130, (800) 552-5604, FAX (903) 865-1332 www.exploreusa.com ExploreUSA RV SupercenterDallas 4300 I-30, Mesquite, TX 75150, (214) 420-2600, (866) 909-2626, FAX (214) 420-2601 www.exploreusa.com ExploreUSA RV SupercenterDenton 4001 S. I-35 E., Denton, TX 76210, (940) 243-0405, (888) 447-8872, FAX (940) 484-9401 www.exploreusa.com 146 ExploreUSA RV Supercenter Ft. Worth 10600 S. Fwy., Ft. Worth, TX 76140, (817) 720-1000, (877) 958-7278, FAX (817) 720-1001 www.exploreusa.com ExploreUSA RV Supercenter-Kyle 21320 IH-35, Kyle, TX 78640, (512) 262-2777, (866) 898-2777, FAX (512) 268-7744 www.exploreusa.com ExploreUSA RV Supercenter-San Antonio 3115 S.W. Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78227, (210) 673-4678, (877) 726-8671, FAX (210) 673-4709 www.exploreusa.com ExploreUSA RV SupercenterSeguin 3654 IH-10 W., Seguin, TX 78155, (830) 303-2040, (866) 813-2770, FAX (830) 303-2036 www.exploreusa.com Golden RV Parks 4165 N. U.S. Hwy. 69, Mineola, TX 75773, (903) 768-2855 Gooding RV Center 1601 E. Expwy. 83, Mission, TX 78572, (956) 585-4481, FAX (956) 585-4595 www.goodingrvcenter.com goodingrv@aol.com Quest RV 311 National Dr., Rockwall, TX 75032, (972) 722-8311, (866) 721-5048, FAX (972) 722-8711 www.questrv.com info@questrv.com Hanner Trailer And RV I-20 FM 2047, Baird, TX 79504, (325) 854-1133, (800) 504-9787, FAX (325) 854-1132 www.hannerrv.com rickyoung@hannerrv.com Felton’s RV Service 1321 Riggs Rd., Houston, TX 77022, (713) 695-0067, FAX (713) 695-8016 www.feltonsrvservice.com rvmitchtips@msn.com Happy Trails RV Inc. P.O. Box 8777, Lumberton, TX 77657, (409) 751-3500, (866) 515-3500 www.happytrailsrvinc.com sales@happytrailsrvinc.com Foretravel Of Texas Inc. Foretravel Inc. 1221 N.W. Stallings Dr., Nacogdaches, TX 75964, (800) 955-6226 www.foretravel.com service.texas@foretravel.com Hayes RV Center 5009 Judson Rd., Longview, TX 75605, (903) 663-3488, (800) 945-4239, FAX (903) 663-2292 www.hayesrv.com dhayes@hayesrv.com Franklin’s Big Country RV 6662 E. I-20, Abilene, TX 79601, (325) 677-1401, (877) 677-1401, FAX (325) 677-4896 www.bigcountryrv.com sales@bigcountryrv.com Hill Country RV Center 5681 Hwy. 290 E., Fredericksbrg, TX 78624, (830) 990-9920, (877) 427-8248, FAX (830) 990-1313 Fun Country RVs & Marine 8800 S. Desert Blvd., Anthony, TX 79821, (888) 530-7377, (915) 886-3500, FAX (915) 886-3517 www.funcountryrvs.com Fun Town RV 1524 S. Bryant Blvd., San Angelo, TX 76905, (877) 898-9981 www.funtownrv.com Fun Town RV 777 Enterprise Blvd., Waco, TX 76603, (877) 256-2704 www.funtownrv.com Fun Town RV 1726 N. Main, Cleburne, TX 76033, (817) 645-8100, (817) 666-1177 www.funtownrv.com Golden Coach & Marine 420 E. 2nd St., Odessa, TX 79761, (432) 332-1284 www.goldencoach.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Hilltop Travel Trailers I-35 at Red Oak Rd., Red Oak, TX 75154, (972) 617-8311, (800) 722-0805, FAX (972) 617-7065 www.hilltoptraveltrailers.com hilltoptt@sbcglobal.net Holiday World of Dallas REDEX/Priority RV Network 4630 I-30 E., Mesquite, TX 75150, (214) 328-4151, FAX (214) 328-8369 www.hwhrv.com Hunt Kapital Kampers 801 College Ave., South Houston, TX 77587, (713) 946-0300, FAX (713) 946-3126 www.kapitalkampers.com jchco@flash.net I-35 RV Center 4901 I-35 N., Denton, TX 76210, (940) 891-4155, FAX (940) 382-7766 www.I-35rvcenter.com Iron Horse RV 6414 Randolph Blvd., San Antonio, TX 78233, (210) 657-1996, FAX (210) 657-3880 www.ironhorse-rv.com ironhorserv@yahoo.com Island RV Repair 421 Mesquete Dr., Laguna Vista, TX 78578, (956) 943-6001, FAX (956) 943-6192 islandrv@rgv.rr.com J & S Services 5430 N. Hwy. 146, Baytown, TX 77520, (281) 383-3242 www.jsrvrental.com Jack Sisemore Traveland L.P. 4341 Canyon Dr., Amarillo, TX 79110, (806) 358-4891, (800) 538-7782, FAX (806) 358-4975 www.sisemoretravelland.com Jerry’s Campers 118 Arnold Blvd., Abilene, TX 79605, (325) 698-0600 www.jerryscampers.com jerryscampers@sbcglobal.net Keckners RV Service 1910 W. Market St. , Rockport, TX 78382, (361) 729-6543, (866) 739-1477, FAX (361) 729-8184 www.rvology.com Kennedale Camper Sales 429 W. Kennedale Pkwy., Kennedale, TX 76060, (817) 478-6071, (877) 322-6737, FAX (817) 483-9139 www.kennedalecampersales.com kcampers@gmail.com Lake Fork RV & Auto 2810 N. Fm 17, Alba, TX 75410, (903) 765-1128, FAX (903) 765-3338 Holiday World of Houston REDEX/Priority RV Network 1231 Gulf Fwy. S., League City, TX 77573, (281) 724-2050, (800) 598-1331 www.hwhrv.com Lloyd’s Trailer Sales 12273 IH-10 E., Orange, TX 77630, (409) 745-2904, (800) 854-7921 , FAX (409) 745-2984 www.lloydsrv.com rgh9935@gmail.com Holiday World of Housont - Katy REDEX/Priority RV Network 28909 Katy Fwy., Katy, TX 77494, (281) 371-7200, (800) 983-7866 www.hwhrv.com Lone Star RV Center 611 E. Central TX. Expwy., Harker Heights, TX 76542, (254) 953-4360 www.lonestarmotors.com service@lonestarmotors.com 2013 RV DEALER Lone Star RV Sales Inc.-North 14444 North Fwy., Houston, TX 77090, (281) 443-6565, (800) 383-9561 www.lonestarrv.com service@lonestarmotors.com Lone Star RV Sales Inc.-South 14150 Gulf Fwy., Houston, TX 77034, (281) 481-4488, (800) 779-0772 www.lonestarrv.com service@lonestarmotors.com M & G Trailer Ranch 777 Hwy. 288 S-B, Clute, TX 77531, (979) 265-8166, FAX (979) 265-8168 www.mgtrailerranch.com Macks Camper Sales 403 N. Robinson Dr., Robinson, TX 76706, (254) 662-0325, FAX (254) 662-5238 www.mackscampersales.com mail@mackscampersales.com Marathon Coach - Texas 1175 Post And Paddock St., Grand Prairie, TX 75050, (800) 448-8881 www.marathoncoachtexas.com sales@marathoncoachtexas.com Marshall’s RV Centers Inc. 9474 E. U.S. Hwy. 175, Kemp, TX 75143, (903) 498-3711, (800) 232-5885, FAX (903) 498-5482 www.marshallsrv.com marshrvkemp@aol.com Maximum RV 10754 IH-37, Mathis, TX 78368, (361) 547-5600, FAX (361) 547-5603 www.maximumrv.com Mays RV Inc. 1212 N. Stemmons Fwy., Lewisville, TX 75067, (972) 434-1656, FAX (972) 219-0508 www.maysrv.com McClains Longhorn RV I-75 N., Exit 40A, McKinney, TX 75070, (972) 562-1867, (800) 562-4694 www.mcclainsrv.com Mid-Town Campers Inc. 3720 Hwy. 180 E., Mineral Wells, TX 76067, (940) 325-8281, FAX (940) 325-8282 danddmotorcp.com Pittsburg RV LLC 1242 Loop 179, Pittsburg, TX 75686, (903) 855-1707, FAX (903) 855-1747 www.pittsburgrv.com pittsburgrv@aol.com Mid Valley RV Inc. 214 W. Expy. 83, Donna, TX 78537, (956) 464-0378, FAX (956) 464-7976 www.midvalleyrv.net midvalleyrvoffice@yahoo.com Potranco Automotive 12034 Potranco Rd., San Antonio, TX 78253, (210) 679-6620, FAX (210) 679-8255 www.potrancoautomotive.com Miller RV Specialties Inc. 1600 E. 2nd St., Odessa, TX 79761, (432) 337-1424 PPL Motorhomes 5270 IH-35 N. (Exit 193), New Braunfels, TX 78130, (830) 608-0555, (800) 755-4775 www.pplmotorhomes.com sales@pplmotorhomes.com Momentum Motorsports & RV 2306 W. Ferguson Rd., Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455, (903) 572-3681, (800) 333-7145, FAX (903) 572-5288 www.momentummotorsports.com parts@momentummotorsport.com Motor Home Specialist 5411 S. I-35 W., Alvarado, TX 76009, (817) 790-7771, (800) 335-6054, FAX (817) 783-6395 www.mhsrv.com jdobanion@msn.com Nichols RV & Trailer Ranch 2764 I-30, Mesquite, TX 75149, (972) 279-8110, (877) 647-5630 www.nicholsrv.com gward@nicholsrv.com North Dallas RV Inc. 2630 N. I-35 E., Carrollton, TX 75007, (972) 242-0404 www.northdallasrv.com North Texas RV Inc. 2005 S. Sam Rayburn Fwy., Sherman, TX 75090, (903) 564-1700, (866) 829-8141, FAX (903) 868-3739 www.northtexasrv.com info@northtexasrv.com Ontelaunee Mobile RV Repair Inc 113 Rainbow Dr. #1392, Livingston, TX 77399, (800) 781-9188, FAX (941) 847-0868 www.rv-repair.net automoting@yahoo.com McClain’s RV McClain's RV Inc. 10100 S. I-35 W., Ft. Worth, TX 76140, (817) 568-1999, (800) 303-2330, FAX (817) 568-1490 www.mcclainsrv.com Outdoors And More 10661 Hwy. 242, Conroe, TX 77385, (936) 273-4555, FAX (936) 273-0948 www.houstonarearvrentals.com outdoorsandmorerv@gmail.com McClain’s RV McClain'S RV 2505 E. I-30, Rockwall, TX 75087, (972) 722-3395, (877) 622-5007, FAX (972) 722-1136 www.mcclainsrv.com Patterson Recreational Vehicles 2606 Jacksboro Hwy., Wichita Falls, TX 76302, (940) 767-1234, (800) 552-6878, FAX (940) 767-1108 www.pattersonrv.com smccarthy@pattersonauto.com McClain’s RV Superstore REDEX/Priority RV Network I-35 E., Exit 460, Corinth, TX 76210, (940) 497-1000, (800) 497-3586, FAX (940) 497-3587 www.mcclainsrv.com Pharr RVs 320 N. Loop 289, Lubbock, TX 79403, (806) 765-6088, (800) 952-2389, FAX (806) 765-9541 www.pharrrvs.com mike@pharrrvs.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES PPL Motorhomes 10777 S.W. Fwy., Houston, TX 77074, (713) 988-5555, (800) 755-4775 , FAX (713) 988-8447 www.pplmotorhomes.com sales@pplmotorhomes.com Princess Craft Campers and Trailers 102 1st St., Pflugerville, TX 78660, (800) 338-7123 www.princesscraft.com pj@princesscraft.com Professional Sales RV 1809 John Mccain Rd., Colleyville, TX 76034, (817) 488-9542, (800) 899-2800, FAX (817) 488-1523 www.prosalesrv.com sales@professionalsalesrv.com Quality RV Service Parts and Sales 402 N.W. Stallings Dr., Nacogdoches, TX 75964, (936) 559-1661, FAX (936) 559-1712 www.qualityrvservice.net qualityrvservice@yahoo.com Ron Hoover RV-Boerne 29277 IH-10 W., Boerne, TX 78006, (830) 981-9543, FAX (830) 755-8644 www.ronhoover.com Ron Hoover RV & Marine - Corpus Christi 1314 SPID, Corpus Christi, TX 78416, (361) 814-8770 www.ronhoover.com Ron Hoover RV-Donna 101 Expwy. 83, Donna, TX 78537, (956) 464-4403, FAX (956) 464-5684 www.ronhoover.com Ron Hoover RV-Galveston 8126 Broadway , Galveston, TX 77554, (409) 935-7101, FAX (409) 572-2479 www.ronhoover.com Ron Hoover RV - Houston 16435 Katy Fwy., Houston, TX 77094, (281) 829-1560, FAX (281) 829-9562 www.ronhoover.com Directory Ron Hoover RV - Lamarque 1903 Gulf Frwy., LaMarque, TX 77568, (409) 935-7101 www.ronhoover.com Ron Hoover RV - Rockport 1510 W. Market St., Rockport, TX 78382, (361) 729-9695, (800) 545-8818, FAX (361) 729-9698 www.ronhoover.com Ronnie Bock’s Kerrville RV 1600 Sidney Baker, Kerrville, TX 78028, (888) 412-5711, FAX (830) 792-5909 www.kerrvillerv.com todd@kurlrv.com RV Liquidators Inc. 4045 Forest Ln., Garland, TX 75042, (972) 494-1391, FAX (972) 272-3049 www.rvldinc.com rvliquidators5@hotmail.com RV Masters Inc. 9052 Long Point Rd., Houston, TX 77055, (713) 461-2300, (877) 831-5528, FAX (713) 461-2337 www.rvmastersinc.com CustomerService@rvmastersinc.com RV Mobile Home Center 1713 S. F St., Harlingen, TX 78550, (956) 425-1986 RV Outlet Mall 4500 S. I-35, Georgetown, TX 78628, (512) 930-4922, (800) 275-6555, FAX (512) 819-9006 www.rvoutletmall.com info@rvoutletmall.com RV Service Center 1303 W. Business 83, Alamo, TX 78516, (956) 787-6051 RV Station-Bryan/College Station 2815 N. Earl Rudder Fwy., Bryan, TX 77803, (979) 778-8000, (888) 877-8088, FAX (979) 778-8020 www.rvstationonline.com cannon@rvstationonline.com RV Station-Cleveland 870 Hwy. 59 S., Cleveland, TX 77327, (281) 432-8178, (877) 577-8178, FAX (281) 432-8399 www.rvstationonline.com cannon@rvstationonline.com RV Station-Macogdoches 1104 N.W. Stallings Dr., Nacogdoches, TX 75964, (936) 569-0702, (800) 272-3586, FAX (936) 569-0798 www.rvstationonline.com cannon@rvstationonline.com RV World 5213 Airport Fwy., Fort Worth, TX 76117, (817) 831-2526, FAX (817) 834-3900 rvworldtexas@aol.com RV World At Koa 2203 Tin Top Rd., Weatherford, TX 76087, (817) 594-0091, FAX (817) 598-0414 J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 147 ▼ ▼ ▼ TEXAS CONTINUED RV World Of Texas 26304 Katy Fwy., Katy, TX 77494, (281) 392-7963, FAX (281) 392-2255 www.autorvworldoftexas.com sales@autorvworldoftexas.com Safari RV 4600 N. 1st St., Abilene, TX 79603, (325) 676-7770, FAX (325) 676-7780 Seguin Chevrolet 509 W. IH-10, Seguin, TX 78155, (830) 303-4381, FAX (830) 303-0811 www.seguinchevrolet.com Shamrock RV 1620 N. Hwy. 123 Byp., Seguin, TX 78155, (830) 379-4100, FAX (830) 379-6812 Shandypines RV Center Inc. 9956 W. 7th St., Texarkana, TX 75501, (903) 838-5486, FAX (903) 832-8678 www.shadypinesrv.com sptrlsls@aol.com Sherrod RV Center 975 Hwy. 96 S., Silsbee, TX 77656, (409) 385-5689, (866) 385-5689 www.sherrodrvcenter.com Smitty’s RV & Welding 1500 Brittmoore Rd., Ste. 102A, Houston, TX 77043, (713) 461-9435 www.smittysrvwelding.com South Texas RV Sales 4510 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Spring Branch, TX 78070, (830) 438-7111, FAX (830) 438-3545 South Texas RV Super Store 105 S. Parkway Dr. , La Vernia, TX 78121, (830) 372-4200, (888) 372-7571, FAX (830) 372-4300 www.southtexasrv.com mark@southtexasrv.com Sunbelt RV Center Inc. 2909 S. Main St., Belton, TX 76513, (254) 939-1792, (800) 491-7801, FAX (254) 939-9166 www.sunbeltrv.com aloltmer@sunbeltrv.com Swenson RV 26421 N. White Ranch Rd., La Feria, TX 78559, (956) 797-9223, (800) 967-0788, FAX (956) 797-1683 www.swensonrv.com Terry Vaughn RV 22930 I-45 N., Spring, TX 77373, (281) 350-2267, (866) 758-3779 www.tvrvs.com sales@tvrvs.com Terry Vaughn RV 25209 W. Hwy. 6, Alvin, TX 77511, (281) 331-0469, (800) 538-3779, FAX (281) 331-7128 www.tvrvs.com sales@tvrvs.com Texas RV Center 3010 N. Main St., Cleburne, TX 76033, (817) 517-7867, (888) 947-6200 www.texasrvcenter.com Texas RV Supply Co 2211 Austin Hwy., San Antonio, TX 78218, (210) 655-1761, (800) 449-8787, FAX (210) 655-6448 www.texasrvsupply.com Texas Trader 600 W. Express 83, La Feria, TX 78559, (956) 797-3000, (800) 839-7355, FAX (956) 797-2624 www.texastrader.com rvtrader@earthlink.net Toledo RV Sales R.R. 1, Box 1438, Hemphill, TX 75948, (409) 625-0200, FAX (409) 625-0134 toledorv@sabinenet.com South Texas Trailers & Supply Inc. 6219 Hwy. 77 S., Sinton, TX 78387, (361) 364-1118, FAX (361) 364-1172 stts1@aol.com Toppers’ Camping Center Route 66 RV Network 38002 U.S. 290, Waller, TX 77484, (936) 372-1119, (800) 962-4839 www.toppersrvs.com rvsales@toppersrvs.com Southern RV Super Center 11271 Hwy. 69 N., Tyler, TX 75702, (903) 882-3225, (877) 331-2267, FAX (903) 882-1396 www.southernrvsupercenter.com charles@southerrnsupercenter.com Traylor Motor Homes Inc. 1216 N. I-45, Palmer, TX 75152, (972) 291-2067, FAX (972) 291-7680 www.traylormotorhomes.com jdtraylor@traylormotorhomes.com Stahmann Sales Company 5631 IH-35 S., New Braunfels, TX 78132, (830) 606-3662, (800) 282-0882, FAX (830) 629-9290 www.stahmannrv.com stahmann@nbtx.com Stater’s Acres RV 14301 Interstate 27, Amarillo, TX 79119, (806) 622-1544 www.stateracresrv.com 148 Tyler RV Center 985 E. N.E. Loop 323, Tyler, TX 75708, (903) 597-1471, (800) 256-8953, FAX (903) 592-1579 www.tylerrv.com United RV Center 5100 Airport Fwy., Fort Worth, TX 76117, (817) 834-7141, (888) 648-3378, FAX (817) 834-7145 www.unitedrv.com unitedrv@unitedrv.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Valley Traveland Inc. 1320 West Expressway 83, Alamo, TX 78516, (956) 283-1090, FAX (956) 702-8644 www.valleytraveland.com Valley Traveland Inc. 6201 W. Business 83, Harlingen, TX 78552, (956) 423-2755, FAX (956) 423-6240 www.valleytraveland.com jvinger@aol.com Vogt RV Center 5301 Airport Fwy., Fort Worth, TX 76117, (817) 831-1800, FAX (817) 222-1057 www.vogtrv.com vogtrv@vogtrv.com Vogt RV Clearance Center 5624 Airport Fwy., Ft. Worth, TX 76117, (817) 831-4222, FAX (817) 834-9871 www.vogtrv.com vogtrv@vogtrv.com Webbs RV Company 14300 W. Hwy. 80 E., Odessa, TX 79765, (432) 561-5699, FAX (432) 561-8847 www.webbrv.com Western Campers 8383 Camp Bowie W., Fort Worth, TX 76116, (817) 244-3066, (800) 588-9378, FAX (817) 560-9750 www.westerncampers.com sales@westerncampers.com Wichita Falls RV Center Inc. 1351 Loop 47, Wichita Falls, TX 76310, (940) 851-6818, (866) 203-1606, FAX (940) 851-6990 www.wichitafallsrvcentertx.com UTAH ▼ Access RV Inc. Route 66 RV Network 2240 S. State St., N Salt Lake, UT 84054, (801) 936-6910, (800) 327-6910 www.accessrv.com info@accessrv.com All Seasons RV Center 2550 S. 2050 W., Ogden, UT 84401, (801) 731-3442 www.allseasonsrvcenter.com robo6@aol.com American Car Care Center/Chevron 1000 S. Hwy. 63, Bryce, UT 84764, (435) 834-5222, FAX (435) 834-5095 Arvs Trailer Repair 1688 S. 1900 W., Ogden, UT 84401, (801) 731-2316, FAX (801) 731-4862 afackrell4862@msc.com Barber Bros RV 1341 N. Main, Spanish Fork, UT 84660, (801) 360-3769, (866) 520-0342 www.barberbrothersrv.com sf.sales@barberbros.com Bestway Trailer & Camper 645 W. 3410 S., Salt Lake City, UT 84104, (801) 268-1412 www.bestwaytrailer.com Blaine Jensen RV Center & Camping World 780 N. 900 W., Kaysville, UT 84037, (888) 525-1297, (800) 424-8844 www.campingworldrvsales.com Bountiful RV Service Center 1295 N. Main St., Bountiful, UT 84010, (801) 298-0081, FAX (801) 298-9037 www.bountifulrv.com daren@bountifulrv.com Camping World RV Sales - Draper 13111 Minuteman Dr., Draper, UT 84020, (888) 484-6190, (800) 294-1240 www.campingworldofsaltlakecity.com Camping World RV Sales St. George 1500 Hilton Dr., St. George, UT 84770, (888) 380-7185 www.campingworldofstgeorge.com Canyonlands RV Rental and Sales Inc. 58 N. 700 E., St George, UT 84770, (800) 597-3370, FAX (435) 674-3612 www.rentrvutah.com rvrentals@infowest.com Desert Coach RV 16 N. 1100 E., St George, UT 84770, (435) 656-2203 www.desertcouch.com Esquire RV 1285 W. 600 S., Vernal, UT 84078, (435) 789-4859 www.esquirerv.com General RV Center 14295 S. Minuteman Dr., Draper, UT 84020, (801) 307-1017, (877) 570-7708, FAX (801) 307-1087 www.generalrv.com Golden Spike Motors 1125 S. 450 W., Brigham City, UT 84302, (435) 723-9596, FAX (435) 723-9590 www.goldenspikemotors.com Gordons RV 2944 N. Main St., Logan, UT 84341, (435) 752-0054, (800) 257-3765, FAX (435) 752-3642 www.gordonsrv.com info@gordonsrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Heinz RV 3200 S. State St., Salt Lake Cty, UT 84115, (801) 485-4914, FAX (801) 485-6235 www.heinzrv.com heinzrv@qwest.net Motor Sportsland 4001 S. State St, Salt Lake Cty, UT 84107, (801) 713-1151, (866) 431-6182 www.motorsportsland.com Pappy’s Motorhome Rentals 6068 Redwood Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84123, (801) 262-2100, (800) 888-2230, FAX (801) 565-1949 www.rentmotorhomes.com info@rentmotorhomes.com Parris RV 4360 S. State St. , Murray, UT 84107, (801) 268-1110, FAX (801) 268-1115 www.parrisrv.com brett@parrisrv.com Purco Fleet Services Inc. 136 S. Main St., Spanish Fork, UT 84660, (801) 798-2400, FAX (801) 798-1115 www.purco.com sashton@purco.com Ray Citte Inc. 1677 Riverdale Rd., Roy, UT 84067, (801) 773-4951, FAX (801) 926-1066 www.raycitte.com info@raycitte.com Sierra RV Corp. 1200 N. Main St., Sunset, UT 84015, (801) 728-9988, FAX (801) 728-9990 www.sierrarvsales.com carl@sierrarvsales.com State Trailer Supply 3088 South Washington Blvd. , Ogden, UT 84401, (801) 334-0700, FAX (801) 887-7494 www.statetrailer.com slc@statetrailer.com Stewart’s RV Inc. 854 E. 1100 S., American Fork, UT 84003, (801) 492-1428, FAX (801) 492-0144 www.stewsrv.com chuck@stewsrv.com Terry’s RV Center 5545 S. State St., Murray, UT 84107, (801) 262-2486, (800) 265-1186, FAX (801) 265-1186 www.terrysrvcenter.com scottie@terrysrvcenter.com Vacation World RV Center 960 S. Bluff St., St George, UT 84770, (435) 673-7283, FAX (435) 673-0726 VERMONT ▼ Dan Kearney’s Used Cars 770 Business Rte. 4A, Center Rutland, VT 05736, (802) 775-2915, (802) 774-7930 www.dankearneys.com info@dankearneys.com Exit One RV Center 1210 Prospect St., Fair Haven, VT 05743, (802) 265-3400, (877) 394-8663 www.exitonerv.com exitone@together.net Mekkelsen RV & Trailer Sales 2419 U.S. Rte. 2, East Montpelier, VT 05651, (802) 223-3684, FAX (802) 229-6139 www.vtrv.com sales@vtrv.com M's RV Sales & Service 5010 VT Rte. 12, Montpelier, VT 05602, (802) 229-4741 Pete’s RV Center Route 66 RV Network 4016 Williston Rd., S Burlington, VT 05403, (888) 738-3778 www.petesrv.com rvs@petesrv.com TC’s RVs 457 Swanton Rd., Saint Albans, VT 05478, (802) 527-1000, (800) 796-0011, FAX (802) 524-4650 www.tcsrvs.com tcsrv@comcast.net Vermont Country Campers 1498 U.S. Rte. 2, E Montpelier, VT 05651, (802) 223-6417, (888) 223-9299, FAX (802) 223-3561 www.vtcountrycampers.com layne@vermontcountrycampers.com Vermont RV Sales & Service 169 Marlboro Rd., Brattleboro, VT 05301, (802) 254-4881, FAX (802) 254-3838 www.vtrvsales.com vtrvsales@gmail.com VIRGINIA ▼ Tip’s RV 2811 N. Fairfield Rd., Layton, UT 84041, (801) 771-2703, FAX (801) 771-2700 www.tipsrv.com contact@tipsrv.com B & G RV 2611 Front St., Richlands, VA 24641, (276) 964-6855, (888) 964-6855 www.bandgrvonline.com bgrv@netscope.net Utah RV Rentals & Sales 2788 W. 7800 S. , West Jordan, UT 84084, (801) 568-0660, (888) 881-0660, FAX (801) 568-0644 www.utahrvrentals.com Berglund Outdoors 2590 Lee Hwy., Troutville, VA 24175, (540) 992-5777, FAX (540) 992-5779 www.berglundoutdoors.com phonaker@berglundcars.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Directory C & L Camper Sales 7202 Lee Hwy., Fairlawn, VA 24141, (540) 639-1708, (800) 626-9102, FAX (540) 639-4699 www.candlrv.com rls@candlrv.com Dodd RV of Portmouth 4705 Portsmouth Blvd., Portsmouth, VA 23701, (757) 488-2721, (877) 936-3378, FAX (757) 488-2953 www.doddrv.com salesnn@doddrv.com Camping World RV Sales Roanoke 8198 Gander Way, Roanoke, VA 24019, (877) 464-5709 www.campingworldrvsales.com ahaynes@campingworldrvsales.com Dodd RV Of The Peninsula 7023 G. Washington Mem. Hwy., Yorktown, VA 23692, (757) 833-3633, (877) 363-3778, FAX (757) 833-3222 www.doddrv.com Centreport RV 1132 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Fredericksbrg, VA 22405, (540) 659-5800, FAX (540) 659-1055 www.centreportrv.com CorbinsRV@yahoo.com Chances Creek RV Services 6805 Chances Creek Rd., Fancy Gap, VA 24328, (276) 728-5400, FAX (276) 728-5466 www.chancescreekrv.com info@chancescreekrv.com Cheek & Shockley Auto Trailer 2600 Mechanicsville Pike, Richmond, VA 23223, (804) 649-7508, FAX (804) 649-0052 www.cheekandshockley.com info@cheekandshockley.com Cheseapeake RV Solutions 3360 Battlefield Blvd. S., Chesapeake, VA 23322, (757) 432-0222, (866) 432-0222 www.chesapeakervsolutions.com Coastal RV 21373 Brewers Neck Blvd., Carrollton, VA 24175, (757) 238-9651 www.coastalrv.net Doves Camper Sales 2136 Rawley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, (540) 434-1505, FAX (540) 434-3946 www.dovescampersales.com dovescampersales@verizon.net Duffy’s Repair Service 9974 Lickinghole Rd., Ashland, VA 23005, (804) 798-5922, FAX (804) 798-2571 www.duffysrepair.com drswnd@aol.com El Monte RV Rentals & Sales 2590 Lee Hwy., Troutville, VA 24175, (540) 966-4749 Eric’s RV Center 266 Jersey Ave., Virginia Beach, VA 23462, (757) 473-9383, FAX (757) 473-9384 www.ericsrv.webs.com ericsrv@cox.net Forest RV Sales and Service 20795 Lunchburg Hwy., Forest, VA 24551, (434) 534-0609, FAX (434) 534-0605 www.forestrv.com Freedom RV Rentals Inc. 12141 Washington Hwy., Ashland, VA 23005, (804) 798-3379 www.freedomrv.com Colonial RV 8063 Mechanicsville Tpke., Mechanicsville, VA 23111, (800) 889-2590, (804) 746-2590, FAX (804) 746-7916 www.colonialgroupltd.com Crouch Campers Inc P.O. Box 193, Blue Ridge, VA 24064, (540) 947-2686, FAX (540) 947-2686 www.crouchcampers.com crouchcampers@hotmail.com Cummins Atlantic Inc. Coachcare 263 Simmons Dr., Cloverdale, VA 24077, (540) 966-3169, (800) 280-4582, FAX (540) 966-3749 www.cumminsatlantic.com available@cumminsatlantic.com Dixie RV Superstore 11963 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23606, (888) 880-3208, FAX (757) 249-5531 www.dixiervsuperstore.com info@dixiervsuperstore.com Gloucester RV Sales & Service 4579 George Washington Memorial Highway, Hayes, VA 23072, (804) 642-3331, FAX (804) 642-3332 www.gloucesterrv.com gloucesterrv@yahoo.com Grandview Trailer Sales 2486 W. Lynchburg Salem Tpke., Bedford, VA 24523, (540) 586-3590, FAX (540) 586-4539 www.grandviewtrailersales.com kenneth@grandviewtrailersales.com Hayden’s RV 8910 Burge Ave., Richmond, VA 23237, (804) 279-8700, (866) 675-6503, FAX (804) 279-8701 www.haydensrvs.net mwalsh8318@aol.com Holly Acres RV & Marine Inc. 13270 Minnieville Rd., Woodbridge, VA 22192, (703) 494-5600, (800) 800-7537, FAX (703) 494-9848 www.hollyacres.net J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 149 ▼ ▼ ▼ VIRGINIA CONTINUED Hughes Camper Sales 19184 Lee Hwy., Abingdon, VA 24210, (276) 628-7619, (800) 995-9887, FAX (276) 628-6858 www.hughescampersales.com hughescamper@gmail.com Safford RV 6101 Mallard Rd., Thornburg, VA 22565, (540) 735-1100, (800)719-3507, FAX (540) 582-5151 www.saffordrv.com McGeorge Rolling Hills RV 11525 Sun Shade Ln., Ahsland, VA 23005, (804) 550-7323, FAX (804) 550-9596 www.mcgeorgerv.com sales@mcgeorgerv.com Mt. Joy RV Sales & Service 17573 Main St., Buchanan, VA 24066, (540)254-2360, (800) 868-6859, FAX (540) 254-2566 www.mtjoyrv.com Outdoor Escape RV 2091 S. Amherst Hwy., Amherst, VA 24521, (434) 946-7846 www.outdoorescaperv.com info@outdoorescaperv.com RB Taylor & Sons 4008 Wards Rd., Lynchburg, VA 24502, (434) 239-1122, FAX (434) 239-4239 www.rbtaylorandsons.com info@rbtaylorandsons.com Reines RV Center 10850 Balls Ford Rd., Manassas, VA 20109, (703) 392-1100, (800) 785-4642, FAX (703) 392-7271 www.reinesrv.com reines@reinesrv.com Restless Wheels Inc. 8104 Centreville Rd., Manassas, VA 20111, (703) 257-1067, FAX (703) 257-1176 www.restlesswheels.com Valley RV 314 Lee Jackson Hwy., Staunton, VA 24401, (540) 886-2357, (888) 853-4505, FAX (540) 213-2218 www.myvalleyhonda.com blinen@myvalleyrv.com RV Outlet USA 4170 S. Boston Hwy., Ringgold, VA 24586, (434) 799-8721, (888) 299-8565, FAX (434) 799-8725 www.rv007.com officemanager@rv007.com RV Service of VA Inc. 12297 Washington Hwy., Ashland, VA 23005, (804) 798-1433, FAX (804) 798-0166 www.rvserviceofva.com rvofva@aol.com Sawyers Bus Sales 2500 Brammer Ln., Christiansbrg, VA 24073, (540) 394-8000, FAX (540) 394-5020 www.sawyersbussales.com sales@sawyersbussales.com 150 Scenic View RV LLC 197 Ewell Rd., Ste. J, Williamsburg, VA 23188, (757) 345-2909, FAX (757) 345-5605 www.scenicviewrv.net Apache Camping Center Inc. 12517 Hwy 99 S., Everett, WA 98204, (425) 710-9843, FAX (425) 710-9843 www.apachecamping.com Snyder's RV 2011 W. Main St., Salem, VA 24153, (540) 389-8000, FAX (540) 389-0980 www.snydersrvsalem.com Aubrey’s RV Center 2010 Landon Ave., Union Gap, WA 98903, (509) 453-4709, FAX (509) 453-2426 www.aubreysrv.com info@aubreyrv.com Snyder's RV 5632 Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Bch, VA 23462, (757) 499-3300, (800) 222-8078 www.snydersrv.com srvinfo1@snydersrv.com Southern Recreation Vehicles 7001 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Richmond, VA 23237, (804) 275-8345, (800) 322-8207, FAX (804) 275-8379 www.southernrv4u.com jpatterson@southernrv4u.com Superior Trailer 4999 Euclid Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23462, (757) 497-5557, FAX (757) 497-1314 www.superior-trailer.com Tonie’s RV’s Inc. 1102 Tennessee St., Salem, VA 24153, (540) 375-5060, (877) 375-5060, FAX (540) 375-5061 www.toniesrv.com toniesrv@gmail.com Trailer Time Recreational Vehicle Service LLC 8415 New London Rd., Mechanicsville, VA 23116, 804) 727-9190 www.trailertimervservice.com Trips Auto Sales P.O. Box 342, Berryville, VA 22611, (540) 955-1367, FAX (540) 955-0807 www.tripsautosales.com sales@tripsautosales.com WASHINGTON ▼ 5th Wheel Place 12227 Hwy. 99, Everett, WA 98204, (425) 355-9146, (800) 905-2101, FAX (425) 348-0978 www.5thwheelplace.com pat@5thwheelplace.com All Seasons RV 4182 State Hwy. 97A, Wenatchee, WA 98801, (509) 663-6551, (800) 835-5049, FAX (509) 664-3619 www.allseasonsrvsales.com info@allseasonsrvsales.com Apache Camping Center Inc. 9402 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, WA 98444, (253) 535-6522 www.apachecamping.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Auburn Motorama 4305 Auburn Way N., Auburn, WA 98002, (253) 520-0500, FAX (253) 520-0525 autoplex@comcast.net Auburn-Kent Valley RV LLC 1213 4th Ave. N., Kent, WA 98032, (253) 867-0982, FAX (253) 867-5941 www.auburn-kentvalleyrvcenter.com service@auburn-kentvalleyrvcenter.com Baydos RV Center 4819 20th St. E., Fife, WA 98424, (253) 896-4500, (800) 422-9367, FAX (253) 889-6430 www.baydos.com info@baydos.com Blade Chevrolet & RV Center 1100 Freeway Dr., Mount Vernon, WA 98273, (360) 424-3231, (877) 557-5422, FAX (360) 424-1155 www.bladechevy.com rvs@bladechevy.com Brazel’s RV Perfomance Center 3912 Harrison Ave., Centralia, WA 98531, (360) 736-9494, (877) 786-1576 www.brazelsrv.com Broadmoor RV Super Store Inc. 9145 Saint Thomas Dr., Pasco, WA 99301, (509) 545-4776, (888) 343-8800, FAX (509) 545-3877 www.broadmoor-rv.com jramsey@broadmoor.com Brumback Rentals Inc. 8915 E. Montgomery Ave., Spokane Vly, WA 99212, (866) 927-3067 www.brumbackrvs.com Matt@brumbackrvs.com Camping World RV Sales Burlington 1535 Walton Dr., Burlington, WA 98233, (360) 757-8100, 866) 857-8200, FAX (360) 707-0679 www.campingworldrvsales.com landerson@campingworldrvsales.com Canopy Country RV Center 2904 Main St., Yakima, WA 98903, (509) 248-7050, (800) 777-7050, FAX (509) 248-8118 www.canopycountry.com todd@canopycountry.com Canopy Country RV Center 2502 W. Dolarway Rd., Ellensburg, WA 98926, (509) 925-9545, (866) 925-9545 www.canopycountry.com todd@canopycountry.com Chief’s RV Center 1120 N. 28th Ave., Pasco, WA 99301, (509) 547-1198, (800) 345-1819, FAX (509) 542-2659 www.chiefsrv.com chiefsrv@chiefsrv.com Chuck’s RV Company 4004 E. Peone Rd., Mead, WA 99021, (509) 534-3069 www.chucks-rv.com john@chucks-rv.com Clear Creek RV Center 11572 Clear Creek Rd. N.W., Silverdale, WA 98383, (360) 692-1098, (888) 692-1098, FAX (360) 698-0394 www.clearcreekrvcenter.com sales@clearcreekrvcenter.com Clearview RV 17104 Hwy. 9 S.E., Snohomish, WA 17104, (425) 481-7877, (800) 289-7870, FAX (360) 668-1665 www.clearviewrv.com Country Motors 1200 Riverside Dr., Mount Vernon, WA 98273, (360) 428-5040, (888) 232-9364 www.cmrvs.com john@cmrvs.com Cruise America Cruise America Inc 12201 Hwy. 99 S., Everett, WA 98204, (425) 355-8935, (888) 541-8222, FAX (425) 347-6464 www.cruiseamerica.com evtsales@cruiseamerica.com Cummins Northwest LLC 11134 W. Westbow Blvd., Spokane, WA 99224, (509) 455-4411, (800) 825-2122, FAX (509) 624-4681 www.northwest.cummins.com Cummins Northwest LLC 811 S.W. Grady Way, Renton, WA 97801, (425) 235-3400, (800) 274-0336, FAX (425) 235-8202 www.northwest.cummins.com Cummins Northwest LLC 1905 E. Central Ave., Yakima, WA 98901, (509) 248-9033, (800) 688-9033, FAX (800) 688-9033 www.northwest.cummins.com D & L’S RV Center 3820 State Hwy. 97A, Wenatchee, WA 98801, (509) 662-1668, (800) 280-0851 www.dlsrv.com dale@dlsrv.com Dougs RV Inc. P.O. Box 143, Startup, WA 98293, (360) 793-1248 Duratain Inc. 24219 38th Ave. Ct. E., Spanaway, WA 98387, (253) 847-5054, (866) 500-5054 , FAX (866) 504-4213 www.duratain.com info@duratain.com 2013 RV DEALER Emerald RV 269 Hamilton Rd. N, Chehalis, WA 98532, (360) 748-2110, FAX (360) 748-2925 www.emeraldrv.com emeraldrv@yahoo.com Fife RV Center: Bonney Lake 21514 Highway 410 E. , Bonney Lake, WA 98391, (253) 299-1080, (877) 410-1777 www.fifervcenter.com Fife RV Center: Gig Harbor 5304 Point Fosdick Dr. N.W. , Gig Harbor, WA 98335, (253) 432-4222, (877) 284-6640 www.fifervcenter.com Five Corners RV/NW Van Motorhome Rental 16068 Ambaum Blvd. S., Seattle, WA 98148, (206) 243-3500, (800) 249-6860, FAX (206) 243-4000 www.fivecornersrv.com rentals@fivecornersrv.com Five Star RV Center 13210 Hwy. 99, Everett, WA 98204, (425) 741-9600, (866) 423-9595, FAX (425) 741-9605 www.fivestarrvs.com info@fivestarrvs.com Genesis Automotive & RV Repair Inc. 6220 S Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98424, (253) 473-2336 www.genesisautorv.com Helgeson’s Trailer Exchange, Inc. 21050 Pacific Hwy. S., Seattle, WA 21050, (206) 824-0224 High Times RV 8611 312th St. S., Roy, WA 98580, (360) 456-0344, (866) 556-0344 www.hightimesrvservice.com High-Line Rentals 27802 Pacific Hwy. D, Ste. D, Federal Way, WA 98003, (253) 921-0661, (866) 921-0661, FAX (253) 946-4358 www.elmonterv.com rentmyrv@yahoo.com I-90 RV Inc. 658 Redlne, Moses Lake, WA 98837, (509) 765-6567, FAX (509) 766-9191 Infinity Coach Inc 1710 Fryar Ave., Ste. 105, Sumner, WA 98390, (253) 891-0879, FAX (253) 891-1777 www.infinitycoach.com bob@infinitycoach.com Island RV Center, Inc. 8584 S. March Point Rd., Anacortes, WA 98221, (800) 626-7800, FAX (813) 246-4659 John Henken RV Center 17201 51st Ave. N.E., Arlington, WA 98223, (360) 435-2341, FAX (360) 425-3873 Johnson RV, Inc. 5928 E. Boone Ave., Spokane, WA 99212, (509) 534-3713 www.johnsonrvcenter.com JR’s RV Repair Inc. 13126 Beaver Lake Rd., Mount Vernon, WA 98273, (360) 854-9722 www.jrsrvrepair.com Krueger’s RV 1427 Bridge St., Clarkston, WA 99403, (888) 747-9659 www.kruegers-rvs.com Liberty RV Center 1621 W. Valley Hwy. E., Sumner, WA 98390, (253) 862-4272, FAX (253) 862-4540 Lifestyles RV LLC 3004 Cedardale Rd., Mount Vernon, WA 98274, (360) 428-0980, FAX (360) 424-8544 rvrobin@msn.com Poulsbo RV of Everett 12218 Hwy. 99 S., Everett, WA 98204, (425) 353-6122, (800) 556-3878, FAX (425) 348-7623 www.poulsborveverett.com Poulsbo RV of Kent 23051 Military Rd. S., Kent, WA 98032, (206) 824-7170, (800) 562-2323, FAX (206) 878-7050 www.poulsborvkent.com steve.perry@poulsborv.com Poulsbo RV of Mount Vernon 507 Jacks Ln., Mount Vernon, WA 98273, (360) 424-4656, (888) 413-1112 www.poulsborvmtvernon.com Rightway RV 1290 Walnut St., Kelso, WA 98626, (360) 636-1330 www.rightwayrv.com email@rightwayrv.com McCord’s Vancouver RV 10455 N.E. 53rd St., Vancouver, WA 98662, (360) 253-7199 www.vancouverrv.com R’n’R RV Center 23203 E. Knox Ave., Liberty Lake, WA 99019, (800) 873-9002, FAX (509) 891-7471 www.rnrrv.com sales@rnrrv.com North Beach RV Parts & Service 2268 State Rte. 109, Hoquiam, WA 98550, (360) 289-3593 www.northbeachrv.com R’n’R RV Center 13915 W. Sunset Hwy., Airway Heights, WA 99001, (888) 280-9944 www.rnrrv.com Northstar Industries 1616 N.E. Dawn Rd., Ste. C, Bremerton, WA 98311, (360) 373-4805 Roadrunner RV 1290 Basin St. N.W., Ephrata, WA 98823, (509) 754-2418 Northwest Camping Center 7100 Pacific Hwy E., Milton, WA 98354, (888) 926-2626, FAX (253) 926-0707 www.nwcampingcenter.com ezeitner@nwcampingcenter.com Pacific Travel Center 10211 Pacific Ave. S., Tacoma, WA 98444, (253) 531-4774, (877) 525-2623, FAX (253) 531-4794 www.pacifictravelcenter.com pacifictravelcenter@yahoo.com Parkway RV 1121 S. Frontage Rd., Deer Park, WA 99006, (509) 276-2925, (800) 462-1881, FAX (509) 276-2925 www.parkwayrv.com parkwayrv@hotmail.com Peninsula Fleet Services Inc 5217 1st St., Bremerton, WA 98532, (360) 478-2063, (866) 972-0875 , FAX (360) 478-2064 www.peninsularv.net pennfleet.brad@comcast.net Poulsbo RV of Auburn 3905 Auburn Way N., Auburn, WA 98002, (253) 852-4383, (888) 355-7491, FAX (253) 852-0703 www.poulsborvauburn.com clay.sholes@poulsborv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Roy Robinson Chevrolet & Motorhomes 6616 35th Ave. N.E., Marysvile, WA 98270, (360) 659-6236, (866) 662-2814, FAX (360) 659-5959 www.royrobinsonrv.com rvsales@royrobinsonrv.com Russ Deans Family RV Center 3200 W. Octave, Pasco, WA 99301, (509) 545-9500, (800) 821-3321, FAX (509) 542-3014 www.russdeanrv.com rvsales@russdeanrv.com RV Rentals Seattle 15207 S.E. 224th St., Kent, WA 98042, (253) 740-3030 www.rvrentalsseattle.com rvrentalsseattle@comcast.net RVs Northwest Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 10006 N. Division St., Spokane, WA 99218, (509) 891-5545, (877) 893-4302, FAX (509) 466-4359 www.rvsnorthwest.com ron@rvsnorthwest.com RVs Northwest Inc. REDEX/Priority RV Network 18919 E. Broadway Ave., Spokane Vly, WA 99016, (509) 924-6800, (509) 924-6817, FAX (509) 921-2780 www.rvsnorthwest.com ron@rvsnorthwest.com Directory Ryan’s RV Town 12715 Hwy. 99 S., Everett, WA 98204, (425) 610-4270, FAX (425) 710-0460 www.rvtown.com sales@rvtown.com Seattle RV 12227 Hwy. 99 S., Everett, WA 98204, (425) 741-3860, (877) 741-3860, FAX (425) 348-0978 www.seattlervcenter.com info@seattlervcenter.com Selah Trailer Sales Inc. 518 S. 1st St., Selah, WA 98942, (509) 697-7156, (866) 697-7156, FAX (509) 697-7380 www.selahrv.com selahtrailer@elltel.net Signal Trailer Sales 1871 Ross Ave., Ste. E., Everett, WA 98205, (425) 388-0144, FAX (425) 252-8041 www.signaltrailer.com info@signaltrailer.com Sonnys RV 10964 Rhody Dr., Port Hadlock, WA 98339, (360) 385-4819, FAX (360) 385-5128 sonnysrv@hotmail.com South Hill RV Sales 12414 Meridian E., Puyallup, WA 98373, (253) 435-7751, FAX (253) 435-1730 www.southhillrv.com info@southhillrv.com Sumner RV Center 4309 E. Valley Hwy. E., Sumner, WA 98390, (253) 863-5644, (888) 863-5644, FAX (253) 891-9690 www.sumnerrv.com info@sumnerrv.com Sun Auto RV & Marine Sales 5961 E. State Rte. 3, Shelton, WA 98584, (360) 426-2907 Sun Country RV LLC 999 Road M S.E., Moses Lake, WA 98837, (509) 766-9964, FAX (509) 765-3044 Tacoma RV Center - RV Sales 6300 Pacific Ave., Fife, WA 98424, (253) 896-4401, (866) 949-7725 www.tacomarv.com Torklift Central RV 917 Central Ave. S., Kent, WA 98032, (253) 479-5299 www.tlcentral.com support@tlcentral.com Uhlmann RV 173 Hamilton Rd. N., Chehalis, WA 98532, (360) 748-6658, (800) 245-5378, FAX (360) 748-8186 www.i-5rvs.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 151 ▼ ▼ ▼ WASHINGTON CONTINUED Vacationland RV Sales 1400 Iowa St., Bellingham, WA 98229, (360) 734-5112, (800) 8915323, FAX (360) 734-9653 www.vacationland-rv.com sales@vacationland-rv.com Valley RV 315 Freeway Dr., Mount Vernon, WA 98273, (360) 336-3164, (800) 525-9849 www.rvinthevalley.com Valley RV Supercenter 2712 Auburn Way N., Auburn, WA 98002, (252) 737-2090, (888) 260-4509 www.valleyrvsupercenter.com Valley RV Supercenter 619 Washington Ave. N., Kent, WA 98032, (252) 737-2090, (888) 260-4509 www.valleyrvsupercenter.com Westgate Home & RV Center 34264 S.R. 20, Oak Harbor, WA 98277, (360) 675-1366, (800) 390-9586, FAX (360) 675-4760 www.westgatehomes.com westgaterv@frontier.com Whispering Pines RV Center 100 Whispering Pines Dr., Cle Elum, WA 98922, (509) 674-7278, FAX (509) 674-7116 www.whisperingpines.cjb.net whisperingpines@inlandnet.com White River RV Inc. 310 Chamberlain Rd., Buckley, WA 98321, (360) 829-0650 www.whiteriverrv.com White River RV Sales 10512 262 Ave. E. Hwy. 410, Buckley, WA 98321, (360) 829-5252 www.whiteriverrv.com Wilder RV 1536 E. Front St., Port Angeles, WA 98362, (360) 457-7715, FAX (360) 457-5534 www.wilderauto.com/rv WEST VIRGINIA ▼ Burdette Camping Center, Inc. 197 Orchard Park Rd., Hurricane, WV 25526, (304)-562-2267, FAX (304) 562-5937 www.burdettecamping.com Fort Ashby Camper Sales and Truck Accessories, Inc 1 Mile N. RR 28, Fort Ashby, WV 26719, (304) 298-3636, FAX (304) 298-3634 www.fortashbycampersales.com facs@atlanticbb.net Loudermilks Trailer Sales Rte. 1, Box 1, Lewisburg, WV 24901, (304) 645-7187, FAX (304) 645-7187 ltsale@ntelos.net Outdoor Express RV 128 Recreation Ln., Falling Waters, WV 25419, (800) 700-4787, FAX (304) 274-9155 www.oerv.com sales@oerv.com PKB RV’s 100 Sharon St., Mineral Wells, WV 26150, (304) 489-1206, (304) 482-7369 www.pkbrvs.com tgraham@casinternet.net Roys Home Sales Roys Travel Trailers P.O. Box 146, Harman, WV 26270, (304) 227-4100 Roy’s RV Supercenter LLC U.S. 219 & 250 S., Elkins, WV 26241, (304) 636-1690, (800) 447-7697, FAX (304) 636-2190 www.roysrv.com Setzer’s World of Camping Inc. 5319 Cherry Lawn Rd., Huntington, WV 25705, (304) 736-5287, FAX (304) 736-5992 www.setzersrv.com sales@setzersrv.com Trailer City Inc. 2386 Whitehall Bol., Whitehall, WV 26554, (304) 366-7104, (877) 966-7104, FAX (304) 363-9345 www.trailercityinc.com rick@trailercityinc.com Wolfe Camper Sales Inc. 974 Lake Washington Rd., Washington, WV 26181, (304) 863-3279, (800) 766-3992, FAX (304) 863-3900 www.wolfecampersalespwv.com info@wolfecampersaleswv.com Appleton Camping Center Inc. 2100 N. Mccarthy Rd., Appleton, WI 54913, (920) 757-6112, (800) 924-7566, FAX (920) 757-5471 www.appletoncamping.com info@appletoncamping.com Bubnich Motors And RV LLC 935 N. Superior Ave., Tomah, WI 54660, (608) 372-9160, FAX (608) 372-7823 www.bubnichrv.com sales@bubnichrv.com Burlington Camping & Travel Inc. 3145 Wegge Dr., Burlington, WI 05305, (262) 857-9696 Burlington RV Superstore 390 S. Sylvania Ave., Sturtevant, WI 53177, (262) 321-2500, (888) 783-2645, FAX (262) 321-2503 www.burlingtonrv.com twegge@burlingtonrv.com Busy Bee RV 3510 W. Howard Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53221, (414) 281-8858 rctard@global.net Camper Corral 1922 Hwy. MM, Fitchburg, WI 53575, (608) 835-5398, FAX (608) 835-9233 www.camper-corral.com info@camper-corral.com Camperland RV 5498 County Rd. CV, Madison, WI 53704, (608) 241-1636, (888) 4400692, FAX (608) 241-0717 www.camperland-rv.com camperlandrv@msn.com Canvas Replacements W. 2299 State Hwy. 98, Loyal, WI 54446, (715) 255-8142, (800) 232-2079, FAX (715) 255-9332 www.canvasreplacements.com info@canvasreplacements.com Chippewa Valley RV 1864 Hallie Rd., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729, (715) 833-0066, (877) 276-4715 www.prestigervauto.com chippewavalleyrv@yahoo.com Claussen RV Rentals 2118 S. Stoughton Rd., Madison, WI 53704, (608) 244-7411, FAX (608) 221-0915 www.clausenrentals.com clausenauto@yahoo.com American Campers Rtes. 16 & 19, Bradley, WV 25818, (866) 878-3502, FAX (304) 877-3130 www.americancampers.com americancampers@suddenlinkmail.com WISCONSIN ▼ Country Campers W7419 County Rd. V, Lake Mills, WI 53551, (920) 648-8028, (888) 308-8028, FAX (920) 648-5992 www.countrycampers.com campersales@countrycampers.com Burdette Camping Center Inc. 3749 Winfield Rd., Winfield, WV 25213, (304) 586-3084, FAX (304) 586-3087 www.burdettecampingcenter-rv.com walt@burdettecampingcenter-rv.com Advance Camping Sales Inc. 6606 W. Layton Ave., Greenfield, WI 53220, (414) 281-6330, (866) 708-7256, FAX (414) 281-3360 www.advancecamping.com sales@advancecamping.com Country RV 12665 County Hwy. B, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729, (715) 288-6996, FAX (715) 288-6967 www.countryrvwi.com country.rv@hotmail.com 152 RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Countryside Trailer & RV LLC E7098 Three Chimney Rd., Viroqua, WI 54665, (608) 637-8895, FAX (608) 634-4922 www.countrysidetrailer.com CSTrailerRepair@yahoo.com Craft’s Trading Center Inc. 10566 S. Washington Ave., Marshfield, WI 54449, (715) 591-1000, FAX (715) 591-5273 www.craftstrading.com info@craftstrading.com Custom RV Service Inc. 4165 Anderson Rd., De Forest, WI 53532, (608) 241-1412, FAX (608) 241-1798 www.customrvservices.com custom@aol.com D & J Toppers & RV 37792 U.S. Hwy. 18 S., Prarie Du Chien, WI 53821, (608) 326-4766 Dehaan RV Center 9 Deere Rd., Elkhorn, WI 53121, (262) 723-2260, (800) 947-2260, AX (262) 723-2503 www.dehaanrv.com dehaanrv@dehaanrv.com Dick’s RV W6719 County Rd. D, Arkansaw, WI 54721, (715) 672-4218, (800) 445-3037, FAX (715) 672-4219 www.dicksrv.com DNL Recreation Inc. 3731 8th St. S., Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, (715) 424-2526, (877) 226-7465, FAX (715) 424-7722 www.dnlrec.com dave@dnlrec.com Ewald’s Airstream of Wisconsin 6319 South 108th, Franklin, WI 53132, (888) 769-1865 www.ewaldauto.com FMB Trailer Sales 306 N. Holman Dr., Holmen, WI 54636, (608) 526-3336, FAX (608) 526-3337 www.fmbtrailersales.com dan@fmbtrailersales.com Freedom RV Travel Center Inc. 825 Addison Rd., Slinger, WI 53086, (262) 644-7722, (877) 644-7722 www.freedomrvwi.com sales@freedomrvwi.com Greeneway Campers 8220 State Hwy. 13 S., Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, (715) 325-5170, (800) 758-2272, FAX (715) 325-5577 www.greenewayrv.com mail@greenewayrv.com 2013 RV DEALER Hanna Trailer Supply 7575 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, WI 53154, (414) 762-7950 www.hannarv.com paul@hannarv.com Heritage Chevy 1227 N. 4th St., Tomahawk, WI 54487, (715) 453-2119, (800) 601-6960, FAX (715) 453-4323 www.heritagerv.com sales@heritagerv.com Hiway RV N15275 State Hwy. 13, Abbotsford, WI 54405, (715) 223-3344 www.hiwayrv.com sjmklm8@frontier.com Horn’s RV Center 8120 S. Frontage Rd., Sheboygan, WI 53083, (920) 564-2381, (800) 455-1259, FAX (920) 564-2385 www.hornsrvcenter.com sales@hornsrvcenter.com Hubert Trailer Sales Inc. 1842 Hwy. MM, Oregon, WI 53575, (608) 835-3002, (800) 365-7126, FAX (608) 835-3002 www.huberttrailersales.com hubert_1@frontier.com Interstate RV Sales & Service Inc. 401 N. U.S. Hwy. 51, Poynette, WI 53955, (608)635-7211, (877) 792-1960, FAX (608) 635-7212 www.interstaterv.com info@interstaterv.com J & J RV Sales of Hallie 2048 Hallie Rd., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729, (715) 720-8720, (877) 720-8720, FAX (715) 720-8722 www.jandjrv.com Janesville RV Center 1710 Hwy. 14 W., Janesville, WI 53545, (608) 757-2700, FAX (608) 757-1513 www.janesvillerv.com info@janesvillerv.com Janesville RV Center 360 Goede Rd., Edgerton, WI 53534, (608) 884-7881, FAX (608) 757-1513 www.janesvillerv.com info@janesvillerv.com Jerry’s Camping Center 4506 E. Broadway, Madison, WI 53716, (608) 222-1507, (608) 222-2929, FAX (608) 222-1108 www.jerryscampingcenter.com jerryscampingcenter@sbcglobal.net Kings Campers 5507 Lilac Ave., Wausau, WI 54401, (715) 355-5556, (800) 818-5464, FAX (715) 355-4654 www.kingscampers.com sales@kingscampers.com Knutsons Camping Center 4621 State Hwy. 73 S., Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, (715) 325-5155, (866) 325-5155 www.knutsonrv.com Kountry Rhode RV Center Inc. 624 French St., Peshtigo, WI 54157, (715) 582-3777, FAX (715) 582-1187 www.kountryrhode.com kountryrhoderv@centurytel.net Lake Country RV Sales And Service Inc. 964 State Hwy. 73 S., Wisc Rapids, WI 54494, (715) 325-3540, FAX (715) 325-3503 www.lakecorv.com lakecorv@hotmail.com Lakeland RV Center 2803 E. State Rd. 59, Milton, WI 53563, (608) 868-4701, (800) 582-2671, FAX (608) 868-5770 www.lakelandrv.com info@lakelandrv.com Leisure Camper Rentals N7654 Neitzel Dr., New Lisbon, WI 53950, (608) 562-3650, FAX (608) 562-3650 camprent@mwt.net Link Brothers RV Chippewa Falls 2031 S. Prairie View Rd., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729, (715) 514-4370 , (877) 334-8514, FAX (715) 466-5101 www.jacklinksautoandrv.com Link Brothers RV 2700 Decker Dr., Rice Lake, WI 54868, (715) 234-8196, (877) 505-1900, FAX (715) 466-5101 www.jacklinkautoandrv.com Link Brothers RV Minong 660 Hookah St, Minong, WI 54859, (715) 466-2222, (800) 332-3410, FAX (715) 466-5101 www.jacklinkautoandrv.com Lundmark Camper Sales 2236 U.S. Hwy. 63, Cumberland, WI 54829, (715) 822-8714, (800) 8228714, FAX (715) 822-8717 www.lundmarkcampers.com lcampers@chibardun.net Directory Pettibone RV 333 Park Plaza Dr., La Crosse, WI 54601, (608) 782-5858, FAX (608) 782-5884 www.pettiboneresort.com hello@pettiboneresort.com Schiek’s Camping Center 707 N. 3rd Ave., Redgranite, WI 54970, (920) 4566-0700 www.clickcampers.com schiekcampers@hotmail.com Prairie Camper Sales 1834 S. Marquette Rd., Prarie Du Chien, WI 53821, (608) 326-2014, FAX (608) 326-5547 www.prairiecampersales.com Schiek’s Camping Center 16108 Hwy. X, Kiel, WI 53042, (920) 693-3398 www.clickcampers.com schiekcampers@hotmail.com Prosser RV, Inc. 6146 S. Howell Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53207, (414) 766-1079, (866) 820-7243 www.prosserrv.com mike@prosserrv.com Schiek’s Camping Center 406 E. Main, Eden, WI 53019, (920) 477-4561, (800) 325-4182, FAX (920) 477-6602 www.clickcampers.com schiekcampers@hotmail.com Quietwoods RV Sales & Service 6968 Hwy. 42/57, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235, (800) 354-5102, (800) 354-5102, FAX (920) 743-8706 www.quietwoodsrv.com accounting@quietwoodsrv.com Quietwoods RV Sales & Service 9042 Campers Way, Neenah, WI 54956, (920) 836-2950, FAX (920) 836-2960 www.quietwoodsrv.com accounting@quietwoodsrv.com Quinnettes RV Center 225 E. River Dr. #7, De Pere, WI 54115, (920) 339-0540 phdrv@aol.com Shoeder’s RV & Marine 2230 Hwy. 17 N., Rhinelander, WI 54501, (715) 365-7722, (888) 311-1534, FAX (715) 365-7690 www.shoedersmarine.com sales@schrodersmarine.com Siren Camper Corral 25022 State Rd. 35, Siren, WI 54872, (715) 349-8112 www.sirencampercorral.com Sun Ray RV Service 11103 N. Hillside Rd., Edgerton, WI 53534, (608) 884-3406 Rapids RV Sales & Service Inc. 8410 State Hwy. 13 S., Wisc Rapids, WI 54494, (715) 325-5512, FAX (715) 325-4188 www.rapidsrv.com sales@rapidsrv.com Superior Camper Inc. 2801 Hill Ave., Superior, WI 54880, (715) 394-5000, FAX (715) 394-5074 www.superiorcampers.com webmaster@superiorcamper.com Ron Hanson RV 1008 Union St., Stevens Point, WI 54481, (715) 344-3573, FAX (715) 342-1411 Truck Country 2401 Progress Way, Kaukauna, WI 54130, (800) 236-5271, FAX (920) 766-5299 www.truckcountry.com Merz RV Center Inc. 1140 U.S. Hwy. 151 S., Fond Du Lac, WI 54935, (920) 921-1164, FAX (920) 921-4830 www.merzrv.com rvsales@merzrv.com Roskopf’s RV Center Ltd. W. 164 N9306 Water St., Menomonee Fls, WI 53051, (262) 255-2240, (800) 750-5755, FAX (262) 255-4244 www.roskopfsrv.com roskopfsrv@sbcglobal.net Truck Country 2435 Trailwood Ln., Mosinee, WI 54455, (803) 348-9195, FAX (608) 965-3289 www.truckcountry.com Mound View RV Inc. 769 W. Liberty St., Belmont, WI 53510, (608) 762-6957, (866) 825-4858, FAX (608) 762-5949 www.moundviewrv.com sales@moundviewrv.com Saunders RV Rental Inc. 601 S. 93rd St., Milwaukee, WI 53214, (414) 438-0799, FAX (414) 774-7465 www.saundersrv.com john@saundersrv.com North Point RV 11720 22nd Ave., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729, (715) 723-5380, (800) 962-4495, FAX (715) 723-3244 www.northpointrv.com pauld@northpointrv.com Scenic Traveler RV Centers 3155 Scenic Rd., Slinger, WI 53086, (262) 677-9026, (800) 568-2210, FAX (262) 677-3186 www.scenicrv.com mail@scenicrv.com Pauls Trailer & RV Center 3213 Mill Rd., Greenleaf, WI 54126, (920) 864-3400, (888) 343-4171, FAX (920) 864-2244 www.ptrv.net info@ptrv.net Scenic Traveler RV Centers E. 10879 Deer Run Rd., Baraboo, WI 53913, (608) 356-2429, (877) 898-7236, FAX (608) 356-0826 www.scenicrv.com mail@scenicrv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Truck Country 119 State Hwy. 11, Shullsburg, WI 53536, (800) 362-1313, FAX (605) 965-3289 www.truckcountry.com US RV Supercenter 8500 Chayne Drive, Eau Claire, WI 54701, (715) 874-4525, FAX (715) 834-1369 www.usrvsupercenter.com info@usrvsupercenter.com US RV Supercenter 3115 Oak Knoll Dr., Eau Claire, WI 54701, (715) 834-8552, FAX (715) 834-1369 www.usrvsupercenter.com info@usrvsupercenter.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 153 ▼ ▼ ▼ WISCONSIN CONTINUED Van Boxtel RV Supermart LLC 1956 Bond St., Green Bay, WI 54303, (920) 497-3072, (888) 831-5267, FAX (920) 405-2632 www.vanboxtelrv.com rvsales@vanboxtelrv.com Wagners RV Center 1751 Wildwood Dr., Suamico, WI 54173, (920) 434-2380, (888) 558-2380 www.wagnersrv.com sales@wagnersrv.com Wagners Trailer Sales Inc. 14369 Westview Rd., Cleveland, WI 53015, (920) 693-2150 www.wagnerstrailersales.com sales@wagnerstrailersales.com Wilderness RV Sales & Service N1503 State Rd. 22, Montello, WI 54729, (608) 297-8899 Willie’s RV Center 8234 State Hwy. 64, Bloomer, WI 54724, (715) 568-4947, (888) 529-2688, FAX (715) 568-4933 www.williesrv.com Wills RV Center 10500 Durand Ave., Sturtevant, WI 53177, (262) 886-2226, FAX (262) 886-2391 www.willsrv.com willsrv@bizwi.rr.com Wisconsin RV World 5920 Haase Rd., Deforest, WI 53532, (608) 244-6228, (866) 571-8163, FAX (608) 244-1699 www.wisconsinrvworld.com info@wisconsinrvworld.com WYOMING ▼ Adams RV Parts & Service 4343 Hwy. 374, Green River, WY 82935, (307) 875-2674 Adventure RV 2616 Lincolnway, Cheyenne, WY 82001, (307) 634-9898, (866) 475-3800 www.greatrvdeals.com Adventure RV 917 Lincolnway , Cheyenne, WY 82001, (307) 638-3800 www.greatrvdeals.com Arrowhead RV 438 Alan Rd., Powell, WY 82435, (307) 754-4678, (877) 208-5232, FAX (307) 754-0134 www.arrowheadrvinc.com mike.arrowheadrv@gmail.com Don’s RV & Repair 1901 Foothill Blvd., Rock Springs, WY 82901, (307) 362-7646, FAX (307) 382-1142 dondrv@sweetwaterhsa.com 154 Eastside Motors & RV 1200 E. 2nd St., Gillette, WY 82716, (307) 686-1435, (800) 894-1435, FAX (307) 682-1435 www.eastsidervs.com Haller’s Repair 521 W. Lincolnway, Cheyenne, WY 82001, (307) 778-8880, FAX (307) 778-8208 www.hallersrepair.com shop@hallersrepair.com Jolley Rogers RV 6102 U.S. Hwy. 30, Cheyenne, WY 82001, (307) 634-8457, (800) 458-7779, FAX (307) 778-8208 www.jolleyrogers.com info@jolleyrogers.com Riverton RV Sales & Service 1420 S. Federal Blvd., Riverton, WY 82501, (307) 856-6010, FAX (307) 856-2023 www.rivertonrv.com rivertonrv@wyoming.com Smith RV Sales & Service Inc. 3500 E. Yellowstone Hwy , Casper, WY 82601, (307) 234-5617, (888) 234-5617, FAX (307) 234-3172 www.smithrv.com smithrv@bresnan.net Sonny’s RV Sales Inc. 5000 E. Yellowstone Hwy., Evansville, WY 82636, (307) 237-5000, (877) 893-4198, FAX (307) 237-6750 www.sonnysrvs.com sales@sonnysrvs.com Stalkup’s RV Superstore 501 W. Yellowstone Hwy., Casper, WY 82601, (307) 577-9350, FAX (307) 237-0732 www.stalkupsrv.com info@stalkupsrv.com Stalkup’s RV Superstore 300 Frontage Rd., Gillette, WY 82716, (307)682-9600, (855) 682-9600 , FAX (307) 685-6525 www.stalkupsrv.com info@stalkupsrv.com Wyoming Auto & RV LLC 600 W. Collins Dr., Casper, WY 82601, (307) 266-5555, FAX (307) 266-9920 CANADA ALBERTA ▼ Affordable RV Used Rentals Ltd. 2550 Centre Ave. N.E., Calgary, AB T2A 2L2, (403) 207-6877, FAX (403) 207-5535 www.affordablerv.com All Star RV Center 137 Turbo Dr., Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2J6, (780) 449-6177, (888) 449-6177, FAX (780) 416-0188 www.allstarrv.ca RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Arrkann Trailer & Sport Centre 1904 80 Ave. N.W., Edmonton, AB T6P 1N2, (780) 440-4811, FAX (780) 440-2019 www.arrkannrv.com inquires@arrkannrv.com Arrkann Trailer & Sport Centre 13105 St. Albert Tr., Edmonton, AB T5L 4H5, (780) 440-4811, FAX (780) 451-6676 www.arrkannrv.com inquiries@arrkannrv.com Bottomleys RV World 117 Simcoe View S.W., Calgary, AB T3H 4N4, (403) 804-9930, FAX (403) 228-3751 bottomleyj@shaw.ca Bucars RV Centre 262109 Range Rd. 10, Balzac, AB T0M 0E0, (403) 207-1666, (888) 845-6643, FAX (403) 272-6700 www.bucarsrv.com info@bucarsrv.com Canadian Leisure RV Inc. 8415 31st St. S.E., Calgary, AB T2C 4S8, (403) 243-9900, (800) 669-5855, FAX (403) 236-5141 www.canadianleisurerv.com clrv@canadianleisurerv.com Canadream 2510 27th St. N.E., Calgary, AB T1Y 7G1, (403) 291-1000, (800) 4617368, FAX (403) 291-5509 www.canadream.com res@canadream.com Carefree Coach & RV Ltd. 4510 51st Ave., Edmonton, AB T6B 2W2, (780) 438-2008, (877) 217-2008, FAX (780) 438-2009 ww.carefreerv.ca info@carefreerv.ca Carstairs RV Centre P.O. Box 549, Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0, (877) 948-4604, FAX (403) 226-5464 www.carstairsrv.com carstairsrv@telus.nt Cruise Canada Cruise America 2980 26th St., Calgary, AB T1Y 6R7, (403) 291-4963, FAX (403) 250-2421 www.cruisecanada.com Deluxe RV Service & Sales 706 9th Ave. N., Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0, (403) 337-0005, FAX (403) 337-0017 www.deluxerv.ca kurtis@deluxervservice.com Eldorado R.V. Sales Ltd. 711 - 2nd Ave. A N., Lethbridge, AB T1H 0E1, (403) 329-3933, (866) 329-3933, FAX (403) 327-9942 www.eldoradorv.com info@eldoradorv.com Fraserway RV LP 536 Kingsview Way, Airdrie, AB T4A 0B3, (403) 948-5051, (877) 782-3434, FAX (403) 948-5171 www.fraserway.com calgarysales@fraserway.com Fraserway RV LP 22050 Stony Plain Rd., Edmonton, AB T5S 2C3, (780) 447-5681, (866) 447-5681, FAX (780) 447-4205 www.fraserway.com edmonton@fraserway.com Guarantee RV Centre Inc. 34 Commercial Ave., Calgary, AB T2A 2N6, (403) 273-1000, (800) 265-7064, FAX (403) 569-0739 www.guaranteerv.com contact@guaranteerv.com Happy Trails RV Inc. 15211 100th St., Grande Prairie, AB T8V 7C2, (780) 538-2120, (877) 538-2120, FAX (780) 538-1236 www.happytrailsrv.ca High River Autoplex & RV 102 24th St. S.E., High River, AB TIV OB3, (403) 652-3171, (888) 565-0493, FAX (403) 652-3129 www.autoplexrv.com Lacombe RV 96-27211 HWY 12, Lacombe, AB T4L 0E3, (403) 782-4544, (888) 377-2916, FAX (403) 782-4478 www.lacomberv.com reception@lacomberv.com McGoverns RV & Marine 14525-100 St., Grande Prairie, AB T8V 7C1, (780) 539-1814, (855) 539-1814, FAX (780) 539-0941 www.mcgovernsrv.com info@mcgovernsrv.com Northern Light RV Sales 18320 107 Ave., Edmonton, AB T5S 2J8, (780) 483-9267, FAX (780) 483-9276 www.northernlightsrv.com nlrv@telusplanet.net Olds RV, Inc. 208-32580 Range Rd. 11, R.R #2, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0, (403) 512-3632, (866) 938-0206, FAX (403) 556-1756 www.oldsrv.com sales.oldsrv@gmail.com Outback Country RV 23213 RR 231, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 4V2, (780) 417-3949, (888) 377-0335, FAX (780) 417-3981 www.outbackcountryrv.com Pauls RV Service P.O. Box 2602, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0, (403) 823-7112, FAX (403) 823-7113 www.paulsrvservice.com paulsrv@telus.net Prairie Sky RV LTD. 2117 20th Ave., Coaldal, AB T1M 1C2, (403) 345-7791, (888) 345-7783, FAX (403) 345-7793 www.prairieskyrv.ca abraun@prairieskyrv.ca 2013 RV DEALER Racetrack RV Inc. 68 Eastlake Cres N.E., Airdrie, AB T4A 2H4, (403) 948-4740, FAX (403) 948-4783 www.racetrack-rv.com dustin@racetrack-rv.com Racetrack RV Inc. 159 Eastlake Blvd. NE, Airdrie, AB T4A 2G1, (403) 948-4740, (888) 948-4740, FAX (403) 948-4783 www.racetrack-rv.com dustin@racetrack-rv.com Rangeland RV & Trailer Sales 121 Hwy. 2 N. Balzac Service Rd., Balzac, AB T0M 0E0, (403) 279-5200, (888) 711-9040, FAX (403) 279-8515 www.rangelandrv.com sales@rangelandrv.com Roadmaster RV 7714 Sparrow Dr., Le Duc, AB T9E 8A5, (780) 980-1188, (888) 504-6109, FAX (780) 980-1189 www.roadmasterrv.com RV City 8704 100 St., Morinville, AB T8R 1K6, (780) 939-2900, (888) 438-8588, FAX (780) 939-3287 www.rvcity.ab.ca RV Country Services Inc. 12523 60 St., Edmonton, AB T5W 5J5, (780) 415-5015, FAX (780) 475-5517 www.rvcountry.ca info@rvcountry.ca Skyline Travel Centre 2325 43rd St. S., Lethbridge, AB T1K 6Z7, (403) 320-6454, (877) 320-6454, FAX (403) 327-5539 www.skylinetravelcentre.com info@skylinetravelcentre.com Southside Dodge Chrysler Jeep & RV Centre 2804 Gaetz Ave., Red Deer, AB T4R 1M4, (403) 346-5577, FAX (403) 346-8317 www.southsidereddeer.com rvsales@southsidereddeer.com Sterling Trailer Sales 1935 2nd Ave. N., Dunmore, AB T0J 1A0, (403) 526-0187, (855) 340-0187, FAX (403) 526-0186 www.sterlingtrailer.ca markserau@shaw.ca Stettler Dodge And RV 4406 44th Ave., Stettler, AB TOC 210, (866) 693-7961, (888) 742-3230, FAX (403) 742-3230 www.stettlerdodge.com info@stettlerdodge.com Trillium Trailers Parts & Service 6814 30th St. SE , Calgary, AB T2C 1N9, (403) 272-3929, FAX (403) 569-8008 Uncle Ben's RV And Auto Center 37467 Hwy. 2, Red Deer, AB T4E 1B3, (403) 347-5546, (800) 300-8551, FAX (403) 346-1055 www.unclebensrv.com info@unclebensrv.com Vellner Leisure Products 1890 49th Ave., Red Deer, AB T4R 2N7, (403) 343-1464, (877) 572-7965, FAX (403) 340-8135 www.vellner.com info@vellner.com Vision RV Corp. 26301A Twp. Rd. 531A, Acheson, AB T7X 3G3, (780) 962-0012, (877) 980-5074, FAX (780) 960-3836 www.visionrv.com service@visionrv.com Western RV Country - Airdrie 61 E. Lake Ramp, Airdrie, AB T4A 2K4, (403) 912-2634, (800) 668-2882, FAX (403) 912-2638 www.westernrvcountry.com airdrie@westernrvcountry.com Western RV Country - Leduc 7503 Sparrow Dr., Leduc, AB T9E 0H3, (800) 734-6809 www.westernrvcountry.com Western RV Country - Red Deer 65 Burnt Park Dr., Red Deer, AB T4P 0J7, (877) 356-9399 www.westernrvcountry.com Western RV Country Grande Prairie 14415 100 St., Grande Prairie, AB T8V 7C1, (780) 532-4883 www.westernrvcountry.com Woody’s RV World 11700 29th St. S.E., Calgary, AB T2Z 3W9, (403) 258-2727, (866) 383-2727, FAX (403) 279-7444 www.woodysrv.com Woody’s RV World 14510 Mark Messier Trail N.W., Edmonton, AB T6V 1H5, (780) 455-3380, (800) 798-3380, FAX (780) 455-3380 www.woodysrv.com jiubasco@shaw.ca Tirecraft Auto Centers 101 Rowan St., Hinton, AB T7V 1N1, (780) 865-2809, FAX (780) 865-1884 www.tirecraft.com Woody’s RV World 14320 100 St., Grande Praire, AB T8V 7C7, (780) 532-1933, (800) 565-8888, FAX (780) 532-9469 www.woodysrv.com info@leisurelandrv.com Trailer Town Canada LTD. 5303 Blackfoot Trail S.E., Calgary, AB T2H 1M2, (888) 903-7660 www.trailertownrv.ca Woody’s RV World 7503 Sparrow Drive, Leduc, AB T9E 0H3, (780) 986-2880, (800) 734-6809 www.woodysrv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Directory Woody’s RV World 1702 49th Ave., Red Deer, AB T4R 2N7, (403) 346-1130, (800) 267-8253, FAX (403) 341-4380 www.woodysrv.com Candan RV Center 20257 Langley Bypass, Langley, BC V3A 6K9, (604) 530-3645, (800) 922-6426, FAX (604) 530-1696 www.candan.com sales@candan.com BRITISH COLUMBIA ▼ Chemo RV Sales & Service Chemo RV 3057 Hwy 97 S. 150, 150 Mile House, BC V2G 2W5, (250) 296-4411, FAX (250) 296-4208 www.chemorv.ca infowl@chemorv.ca Access RV 1778 Alberni Hwy., Coombs, BC V0R 1M0, (250) 248-9444, FAX (250) 248-9411 www.accessrv.net accessrv@yahoo.ca Arbutus RV - Sidney 10040 Galaran Rd., Sidney, BC V8L 3S1, (250) 655-1119, (888) 272-8888, FAX (250) 655-1424 www.arbutusrv.ca Arbutus RV - Mill Bay 3430 Trans Canada Hwy., Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L2, (250) 743-3800, (800) 665-5581, FAX (250) 743-1938 www.arbutusrv.ca Arbutus RV - Nanaimo Next to Nanaimo Airport, Cassidy, BC V9X 1T1 , (250) 245-3858, (888) 272-8887, FAX (250) 245-2538 www.arbutusrv.ca Arbutus RV - Courtenay 2603 Sackville Rd., Merville, BC V9N 8M9, (250) 337-2174, (866) 330-2174 , FAX (250) 337-2175 www.arbutusrv.ca Arbutus RV - Port Alberni 5540 Beaver Creek Rd., Port Albern, BC V9Y 8X6, (250) 724-4648 www.arbutusrv.ca BC RV Sales 40990 Yale Rd., Chilliwack, BC V2R 1A9, (604) 823-4848, (888) 846-7566, FAX (604) 823-4803 www.bcrvsales.com sales@bcrvsales.com Big Boy’s Toys Ltd 1421 E. Island Hwy., Nanoose Bay, BC V9P 9A3, (250) 468-1500, (800) 492-2869, FAX (250) 468-1599 www.bigboystoys.ca rvsales@bigboystoys.ca Bruce Coach Custom Conversions 6250 Trans Canada Hwy., Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N3, (250) 832-7037, FAX (250) 832-7069 www.brucecoachinc.com sales@brucecoachinc.com Chemo RV Sales & Service Chemo RV 1666 Jasper Ave., Quesnel, BC V2J 4L6, (250)747-4451, FAX (250) 296-4208 www.chemorv.ca infowl@chemorv.ca Coast RV Sales & Service Ltd. 1458 Industrial Way, Parksvile, BC V9P 1W3, (250) 248-3602, FAX (250) 248-7305 www.coastrv.ca jemanoin@shaw.ca Country Camping Leisure Products 3101 10th Ave. S.W. (T.C.H.), Salmon Arm, BC V1E 3K1, (250) 832-6688, (888) 858-8594, FAX (250) 832-1589 www.countrycampingrv.com Country RV Centre Ltd. 3732 Hwy. 97 N., Kelowna, BC V1X 5C2, (888) 456-1808, FAX (250) 807-2858 www.countryrv.net sales@countryrv.net Country RV Centre Ltd. 1300 Chief Louis Way , Kamloops, BC V2H 1J8, (250) 828-0093, (866) 939-1643, FAX (250) 828-0583 www.countryrv.net billpowell@countryrv.net Country RV Centre Ltd. - Winfield 7840 Highway 97 N., Winfield, BC V4V 1T3, (250) 766-3100, (888) 554-6008, FAX (250) 766-3102 www.countryrv.net garry@countryrv.net Country RV Centre Ltd. - Penticton 249 Westminster Ave. W., Penticton, BC V2A 1K1, (250) 493-4127, (877) 711-1303, FAX (250) 492-6110 www.countryrv.net almullins@countryrv.net Butler Auto & RV Centre 142 Tranquille Rd., Kamloops, BC V2B 3G1, (866) 710-6380 www.butlerautoandrv.ca Enterprise RV 2767 Hwy. 97 N., Kelowna, BC V1X 4J8, (250) 448-7777, (866) 940-7777, FAX (250) 448-7778 www.enterpriserv.com info@enterpriserv.com Canadream RV Inc 7119 River Rd., Delta, BC V4G 1A9, (604) 940-2171, (800) 923-2331, FAX (604) 940-2183 www.canadream.com booking@canadream.com Fraserway RV LP 747 Cliveden Place, Annacis Island Delta, BC V3M 6C7, (604) 527-1102, (800) 661-2441, FAX (604) 527-1105 www.fraserway.com fraserway@fraserwayrv.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 155 ▼ ▼ ▼ BRITISH COLUMBIA CONTINUED Fraserway RV LP 30440 S. Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6L4, (604) 850-1976, FAX (604) 852-8697 www.fraserway.com sales@fraserwayrv.com Nor-Burd RV 5012 Hwy. 16 W., Terrace, BC V8G 5S5, (250) 635-6945, FAX (250) 635-7337 www.nor-burdrv.ca sales@norburdrv.ca Go West Campers 32 Fawcett Rd., Coquitlawn, BC V3K 6X9, (604) 528-3900, FAX (604) 528-3901 www.go-west.com info@go-west.com O’ Connor RV Centre 44430 Yale Rd. W., Chilliwack, BC V2P 6JI, (604) 792-2747, (877) 912-3909, FAX (604) 792-6732 www.oconnorrv.com saleschilliwack@oconnorrv.com Jubilee RV Centre 1302 B Salish Rd., Kamloops, BC V2H 1J9, (800) 497-4851, (888) 458-5489, FAX (250) 851-9775 www.jubileerv.com Okanagan Travel Land 101 1720 Wharf St., Summerland, BC V0H 1Z9, (250) 494-5077, (888) 377-5989, FAX (250) 494-1211 www.okanagantravelland.com sales@okanagantravelland.com Kustom Koach RV Centre 26875 Fraser Hwy., Aldergrove, BC V4W 3E4, (604) 856-5722, FAX (604) 856-2397 www.kustomkoachrv.com sales@kustomkoachRV.com Rock Island RV 8023A Old Waneta Rd., Trail, BC V1R 4X1, (250) 364-2323, (888) 579-0752, FAX (250) 364-2319 www.rockislandrv.com rockislandrv@shawviz.ca Melody Motors Ltd. 388 316 Ave., Kimberley, BC V1A 3G9, (250) 427-4224, (888) 703-2211, FAX (250) 427-4188 www.melodymotorsltd.com j-chale@dealeremail.com Runners RV & Marine 2813 23rd St. N., Cranbrook, BC V1C 3N9, (250) 489-4141, (800) 663-4824, FAX (250) 489-8430 www.runnersrv.com sales@runnersRV.com Meridian RV Mfg. 1690 Coast Meridian Rd., Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3T8, (604) 941-8635, (877) 941-8635, FAX (604) 524-8635 www.meridianrv.com info@meridianrv.com Tedco RV Supplies 4053 208th St., Langley, BC V3A 2H3, (604) 532-3182, FAX (604) 532-3184 Meridian RV Mfg. 5430 Industrial Flats Rd., 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E2, (250) 395-3090, (877) 395-3090, FAX (250) 395-3098 www.meridianrv.com info@meridianrv.com Midtown RV Ltd. 310 Industrial Ave. W., Penticton, BC V2A 6M2, (800) 667-4667, FAX (250) 494-0430 www.midtownrv.com kalvin@midtownrv.com Mike Rosman RV Sales 6255 Hwy. 97 N, Vernon, BC V1B 3R4, (250) 545-1611, (800) 667-0024, FAX (250) 545-6932 www.rosmanrv.com sales@rosmanrv.com Mike’s RV Ranch 1685 Columbia Ave., Castlegar, BC V1N 1J1, (250) 365-5741, (800) 652-6633, FAX (250) 365-3358 www.mikesrv.com sales@mikesrv.com N R Motors Ltd. 805 1st Ave., Prince George, BC V2L 2Y4, (250) 563-8891, (800) 563-8893, FAX (250) 563-4428 www.nrmotors.ca contact@nrmotors.ca 156 Traveland Leisure Vehicles 20529 Langley Bypass, Langley, BC V3A 5E8, (604) 530-8141, (800) 513-9434, FAX (604) 530-9576 www.travelandrvcanada.com info@travelandrvcanada.com Travelhome 20383 Langley Bypass, Langley, BC V3A 5E8, (604) 533-1566, (800) 513-9434, FAX (604) 533-0109 www.travelhome.com sales@travelhome.com Voyager RV Centre 9250 Hwy. 97, Winfield, BC V4V 1P9, (250) 766-4607, (800) 668-1447, FAX (250) 766-4711 www.voyagerrv.ca Westcoast Mountain Campers 150 - 11800 Voyageur Way, Richmond, BC V6X 3N8, (604) 279-0550, FAX (604) 279-0527 www.westcoastmountaincampers.ca reserve@wcmcampers.com Western RV Country 1638 Cary Rd., Kelowna, BC V1X 2B9 , (250) 860-8800, (888) 958-8800 www.westernrvkelowna.com Westgate RV Centre Ltd. 1460 Byland Rd., Kelowna, BC V1Z 1A7, (250) 769-4525, (888) 375-9285, FAX (250) 769-5766 www.westgaterv.net rvsales@westgaterv.net RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Wheels West RV Ltd. 21697 Fraser Hwy., Langley, BC V3A 4H1, (604) 533-4011 www.wheelswestrv.com wwrv@telus.net Steinbach Holiday RV PTH 12 N., Steinbach, MB R5G 1T1, (204) 346-7100, (866) 746-2386, FAX (204) 346-7101 www.holidayrvsales.net holidayrv@mts.net MANITOBA ▼ Sun Valley RV Hwy. 3 E., Morden, MB R6M 1A9, (204) 325-7999, (888) 461-6240, FAX (204) 325-5757 www.sunvalleyrv.com sales@sunvalleyrv.com Big Country RV 30 Erb Blvd., Oak Bluff, MB R0G 1N0, (204) 883-2547, FAX (204)832-9978 www.bigcountryrv.ca info@bigcountryrv.com Can Am Recreational Vehicles 5130 Portage Ave., Headingley, MB R4H 1E1, (204) 895-8882, FAX (204) 895-3519 www.canamrv.com sales@canamrv.com Classic Trailer Sales Ltd 4285 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB R4H 1C6, (204) 895-9246, (866) 377-5958, FAX (204) 895-9257 www.classictrailers.ca classict@mts.net Four Seasons Sales 1 Hwy. W., Virden 1, MB R0M 2C0, (204) 748-1539, (888) 934-4444, FAX (204) 748-1650 www.fourseasonssales.com salesdept@fourseasonssales.com Funk’s Motors and RV 57 PTH 12 N., Steinbach, MB R3T 1T3, (204) 346-9715, (877) 524-4152, FAX (204) 326-4123 www.funkstoyota.ca GNR Camping World 1370 Dugald Rd., Winnipeg, MB R2J OH2, (204) 233-4478, (800) 448-4667, FAX (204) 235-1228 www.gnrcw.com sales@gnrcw.com Len’s Alternative RV Parts & Service Box 5 Site 400 R.R. 1, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y1, (204) 728-4457, FAX (204) 727-5471 www.lensrv.ca info@lensrv.ca Overland Truck Campers 102 Aviation Blvd., St. Andrews, MB R1A 3N5, (204) 338-4292, FAX (204) 338-6701 Pik A Dilly RV Centre 320 Highland Ave., Brandon, MB R7C 1A9, (204) 728-8570, FAX (204) 725-3312 www.pikadilly.com info@pikadilly.com Portage Toyota & RV Hwy. 1A W., Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3N9, (877) 218-9791 www.portagetoyota.com Transcona Trailer Sales 1330 Dugald Rd., Winnipeg, MB R2J 0H2, (204) 237-7272, FAX (204) 237-1264 www.transconatrailers.com partsservice@transconatrailers.com Walts Trailer Sales 5195 Portage Ave., Headingley, MB R4H 1E1, (204) 837-8388, FAX (204) 831-8674 www.waltstrailer.com info@waltstrailer.com Willards RV Centre 215 Cessna Way, St. Andrew’s, MB R1A 3N6, (204) 338-0264, FAX (204) 339-1245 mbtwillard@mts.net NEW BRUNSWICK ▼ C R C RV Centre Ltd. 46713 Homestead Rd., Salisbury, NB E1G 4H8, (506) 372-4588, FAX (506) 372-4590 www.crcrv.ca crcrv@nbsympatico.ca C R C RV Centre Ltd. 10 Bishop Drive, Fredericton, NB E3C 1B2, (506) 474-1222 www.crcrv.ca Autoplex 2000 Ltee 3037 Rue Principale, Tracadie-Sheila, NB E1X 1A2, (506) 393-6745 www.autoplex2000.ca Doug’s Recreation Centre LTD. 116 Cougle Rd., Sussex Corner, NB E4E 2S6, (506) 433-4222 www.dougsrecreation.com Ed’s Travel Trailer Parts & Service 1500 Shediac Rd., Moncton, NB E1A 7A7, (506) 856-5001, FAX (506) 856-8597 www.edstraveltrailer.com edsparts@rogers.com Leisure Time RV Center 929 Hampton Rd., Quispamsis, NB E2G 1Z5, (506) 849-3363, (888) 388-7878, FAX (506) 847-4377 www.leisuretimervcenter.com 2013 RV DEALER L.J. Patterson Sales & Service Ltd. 766 North Napan Rd., Hwy. 11, Miramichi, NB E1N 4W8, (506) 778-8319, (888) 787-9747, FAX (506) 773-9648 www.ljpattersonsales.com Islander RV Sales & Parts Exit 40 On Hwy. 1 8036, Ste. A, St. John’s, NL A1B 2M7, (709) 364-7368, (888) 848-2267, FAX (709) 364-7333 www.islanderrv.com salessj@islanderrv.com Lyle Bongard’s RV Sales Ltd. 2984 Woodstock Rd., Fredericton, NB E3C 1P8, (506) 450-6080, FAX (506) 459-1810 www.bongardrv.com lbongard@nb.aibn.com Islander RV Sales & Parts 1 Grenfell Heights, Grand Falls, NL A2A 1W3, (709) 489-9489, (866) 944-9489 www.islanderrv.com salesgfw@islanderrv.com Moncton RV Center 800 Edinburgh Dr., Moncton, NB E1E 4C2, (506) 861-0993 www.monctonrvcenter.com sales@monctonrvcenter.com Maloney’s RV And Golf Center 1382 Topsail Rd., Paradise, NL A1L 1C2, (709) 782-5231, (877) 747-5231, FAX (709) 782-5280 www.maloneysrv.com Pine Acres RV (MONCTON) Ltd. 80 Commerce St., Moncton, NB E1H 0A5, (506) 388-5751, FAX (506) 388-9265 www.pineacresrv.com Rae’s Trailer & Sports Center 291 French Fort Rd., Miramichi, NB E1V 5N1, (506) 622-3141 www.raestrailerandsports.com scotttrevors@nb.aibn.com Rene Service & Trailer Sales Ltd. 31 Rue Vanier, Campbellton, NB E3N 1T8, (506) 753-6440, FAX (506) 759-8806 www.renetrailer.ca renetrailersalesltd@nb.aibn.com Roulettes Acadie Trailers Inc. 1293 Rue Principal, Beresford, NB E8K 1A1, (506) 546-8802 www.acadietrailers.com sales@acadietrailers.com RV World 15 Chaparral Rd., Waasis, NB E3B 9Z4, (506) 446-3799, (866) 768-7700 www.rvworld.nb.ca Sackville Auto Sales & RV 6 Cattail Ridge, Unit 1, Sackville, NB E4L 3S1, (506) 364-0006, (888) 480-5577 www.sackvillerv.com sackauto@nbnet.nb.ca NEWFOUNDLAND/ ▼ LABRADOR ▼ C & C Enterprises 25 Grand Bay W. Rd., Port Aux Basques, NL A0M 1C0, (709) 695-3313, FAX (709) 695-3622 Coastal Marine & Recreation 1256 Topsail Rd., Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4L5, (709) 747-0159, (888) 353-2568, FAX (709) 747-5910 www.livelifeoutdoors.com Jerry’s RV Trailer Sales & Service 9384 Commercial St., New Minas, NS B4N 3E9, (902) 681-9501 www.jerrysrv.com Ken Smith Trailer Sales Ltd. 20611 Hwy. 2, Shubenacadie, NS B0N 2H0, (902) 758-2663, FAX (902) 758-4188 staff@kensmithrvsales.ns.ca Park St. Motor Company 7006 Hwy. 1, Coldbrook, NS B4N 4H8, (902) 678-8678, (800) 567-9070, FAX (902) 679-2772 www.parkstreetrv.ca parkstreetrv@partstreetrv.ca NOVA SCOTIA ▼ Parsons Motors 1995 Ltd. 13640 Hwy. 1, Middleton, NS B0S 1P0, (902) 825-3455, (877) 472-7766, FAX (902) 825-2450 www.parsonsmotors.ca Adventure Sports 802 Main St., Dartmouth, NS B2W 3V1, (902) 434-0227, FAX (902) 462-7583 www.adventuresportsrv.com adventure@adventuresportsrv.com Plantation Campground 1997 Ltd. 210 West Steadman Rd., RR 2, Berwick, NS B0P 1E0, (902) 538-8888, (888) 363-8882, FAX (902) 538-0888 www.plantationcampingresort.com Bluenose RV Centre 55 Harold Whynot Rd., Bridgewater, NS B4V 2W8, (902) 543-2519, (800) 661-2892, FAX (902) 543-2209 www.bluenoserv.com info@bluenoserv.com Roymac Mobile Homes Ltd. P.O. Box 321, Amherst, NS B4H 3Z5, (902) 667-8934, FAX (902) 667-8620 www.roymac.com information@roymachomes.com Cain Camper Sales 1356 HWY #2, Brookfield, NS B0N 1C0, (902) 673-2863 www.caincampers.com cainp@eastlink.ca Stones RV & Homes Centre 2689 Westville Rd., New Glasgow, NS B2H 5E7, (902) 752-3164, (800) 352-4419, FAX (902) 755-3029 www.stonesrv.com stonesrv@stonesrv.ca Canadream Inc. 221A Waverly Rd., Dartmouth, NS B2X 2C3, (902) 435-3276, (866) 586-6227, FAX (902) 435-7817 www.canadream.com booking@canadream.com Stones RV & Homes Centre 2400 Kings Road, Cape Breton, NS B1P 6T7, (902) 564-9095, (877) 452-6111, FAX (902) 564-5404 www.stonesrv.com stonesrvsyd@stonesrv.ca Cape Breton Trailer Sales 1663 Trans Canada Hwy., Bras d'Or, NS B1Y 3Y6, (902) 544-0157, FAX (902) 736-2025 www.capebretontrailersales.com CRC RV Centre 231 Truro Heights Rd., Truro, NS B6L 1X2, (902) 893-1152, FAX (902) 893-6318 www.CRCRV.ca ONTARIO ▼ 1000 Islands RV Centre 409 County Rd. #2, Gananoque, ON K7G 2V4, (613) 382-4400, (800) 837-6556, FAX (613) 382-2466 www.1000islandsrv.com info@1000islandsrv.com Dave Coggins Auto & RV Sales 9865 Hwy #1, Saulnierville, NS B0W 2Z0, (902) 769-2500, FAX (902) 769-0168 www.cogginsrvsales.com Adventure RV Center 299 Thompson Rd. W., Waterford, ON N0E 1Y0, (519) 443-0291, (888) 321-6661, FAX (519) 443-0289 www.adventurervctr.com sales@adventurervctr.com Fraserway RV LP 726 Rocky Lake Dr., Bedford, NS B4A 2T7, (800) 263-5558, FAX (902) 835-8376 www.fraserway.com halifax@fraserway.com Aikman Trailer Sales Ltd. 12459 County Rd. #2, Box 146, Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0, (613) 543-2856, FAX (613) 543-4452 www.aikmantrailersales.com info@aikmantrailersales.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Directory AJ Howk RV Sales & Services 2035 Rankin St., Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5Z8, (807) 622-7214, FAX (807) 345-0021 ventrudo@tbay.net Alexandria Camping Centre 3875 County Rd. 34, Alexandria, ON K0C 1A0, (613) 525-5000, FAX (613) 525-5525 alexandriacampingcentre.com info@alexandriacampingcentre.com B & J Trailer Sales Service 103 County Rd. 2, Belle River, ON N0R 1A0, (519) 728-2231, (888) 825-0335, FAX (519) 728-2720 www.bjtrailer.com sales@bjtrailer.com Bella Vista RV Centre Inc. 31 Booth St., Hawkestone, ON L0L 1T0, (705) 487-2878, (888) 378-5193, FAX (416) 631-0059 www.bellavistarv.com bruno@bellavistarv.com Big Pines Trailer Sales Limited 344 Cumberland St. N., Thunder Bay, ON P7A 4P2, (807) 345-9721, (800) 650-5644, FAX (807) 345-6787 www.bigpinespropane.com sales@bigpinespropane.com Camper’s World 1621 Victoria St. N., Kitchener, ON N2B 3E6, (519) 745-0387, (888) 571-2267, FAX (519) 745-8926 www.campersworld.ca briand@campersworld.ca Camping In Style 7775 Baldwin St. N., Brooklin, ON L1M 1Y5, (866) 655-8198, FAX (905) 655-8462 www.campinginstyle.com info@campinginstyle.com Campkins RV Centre 9760 Baldwin St. N., Myrtle Station, ON L0B 1A0, (905) 655-8613, (888) 743-9378, FAX (905) 655-8642 www.campkins.com sales@campkins.com Campout RV RR 5, Stratford, ON N5A 6S6, (519) 393-5938, (866) 667-6615, FAX (519) 393-6959 www.campoutrv.com les-campout@hotmail.com Can-Am RV Centre 6068 Colonel Talbot Rd., London, ON N6P 1R1, (519) 652-3284, (866) 226-2678, FAX (519) 652-2695 www.canamrv.ca info@canamrv.ca Carlson Sports 11 Couchie Industrial Rd. Hwy. 17 W., North Bay, ON P1B 8G5, (705) 472-9212, (888) 661-1965, FAX (705) 494-941 www.carlsonsports.com office@carlsonsports.com J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 157 ▼ ▼ ▼ ONTARIO CONTINUED Carl Cox RV 4091D Old Hwy. #2, Belleville, ON K8N 4Z4, (613) 966-9200, (800) 463-9200, FAX (613) 966-7560 www.carlcoxrv.com sales@carlcoxrv.com Ferguson RV World 1249 Talbot St., St.Thomas, ON N5P 1G8, (519) 631-1092, (800) 668-4903, FAX (519) 631-9166 www.fergusonrvworld.com sales@fergusonrvworld.com Kelders Trailer Sales 9921 Lakeshore Rd., Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0, (519) 238-2647, (800) 459-0048, FAX (519) 238-6295 www.kelders.on.ca klondyke@hay.net McKenzie RV Trailers 2 Cardico Dr., Gormley, ON L0H 1G0, (905) 888-8080, (888) 933-7707, FAX (905) 888-7007 www.mckenzietrailers.com email@mckenzietrailers.com Chemong RV 1467 Chemong Rd., Peterborough, ON K9J 6X2, (705) 742-1900 www.chemongrv.com sales@chemongrv.com Gimme Shelter 635605 Hwy. 10, Mono, ON L0N 1S5, (519) 925-5261, (888) 387-8881, FAX (519) 925-6187 www.gimmerv.com sales@gimmerv.com Kingston RV Centre 538 O'Connor Dr., Kingston, ON K7P 1N3, (613) 389-9953, (800) 420-1601, FAX (613) 389-7744 www.kingstonrv.com info@kingstonrv.com McNaughton Dodge/RV 22877 Hagerty Rd., Newbury, ON N0L 1Z0, (519) 693-4491, FAX (519) 693-4980 www.ncnaughtondodge.com tmcnaughton@odyssey.on.ca Globetrotter RV 12563 Hwy. 50, Bolton, ON L7E 1M4, (905) 951-0552, (800) 447-8570, FAX (905) 951-7587 www.globetrotter-rv.com info@globetrotter-rv.com LakeView RV Centre Inc. 063020 Sunny Valley Rd., RR 4, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N6, (519) 794-3300, (866) 461-3100, FAX (519) 794-3301 www.lakeviewrvcentre.com jim@lakeviewrvcentre.com Christie’s Camper Sales Ltd. RR 2, 9 Trout Lake Rd., Sault Ste Marie, ON P6A 5K7, (705) 777-2200, (800) 457-9199, FAX (705) 777-2367 www.christiesrv.com info@christiesrv.com Cornwall Camping Centre Inc. 2525 Brookdale Ave., Cornwall, ON K6J 5X9, (613) 933-2267, (866) 248-5152, FAX (613) 933-8653 www.cornwallcamping.com denyse@cornwallcamping.com Cruise Canada Inc. Cruise America 12275 Hwy. 50, Bolton, ON L7E 1M1, (905) 951-3102, (888) 278-1736, FAX (905) 951-3370 www.cruisecanada.com yyy@cruiseamerica.com Don’s RV 890 Newgate Ave., Sudbury, ON P3A 5J9, (705) 524-1912, (877) 524-1912, FAX (705) 524-9997 www.donsrv.on.ca don@donsrv.on.ca Don’s Trailer Service 350 Shirley Ave., Kitchener, ON N2B 2E1, (519) 743-1162, (877) 743-3667, FAX (519) 743-1154 www.donstrailerservice.com sales@donstrailerservice.com Fantasy Holidays Inc. 5824 Main St., Niagara Falls, ON L2G 5Z5, (905) 354-1040, FAX (905) 357-4850 Forest City Motorhomes 4292 Dundas St. E., Thorndale, ON N0M 2P0, (519) 268-3951, FAX (519) 268-2534 www.forestcitymotorhomes.com forestcity@goertz.ca Fraserway RV LP 5362 County Rd. 27 N., RR 1, Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0, (705) 458-0001, (866) 691-1115, FAX (705) 458-0071 www.fraserway.com torontosales@fraserway.com Freedom Coach RV 85 Biscayne St. , Kingston, ON K7K 7K1, (613) 546-4261, (877) 328-7787, FAX (613) 546-1081 www.freedomcoach.net info@freedomcoach.net 158 Gordon Trailer Sales & Renta P.O. Box 20087, Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6P2, (807) 939-2631, (877) 939-2631, FAX (807) 939-1758 www.gordontrailersales.ca salesgta@gordontrailersales.ca Landmark RV 24 Vineden Dr., St Thomas, ON N5P 2M6, (519) 633-1831 olofchuk@sympatico.on.ca Mcphails of Harriston 6332 Wellington Rd. 109, Harriston, ON N0G 1Z0, (519) 338-3422, (888) 665-2025, FAX (519) 338-2770 www.mcphails.on.ca mcphails@wightman.ca Mobilife RV Centre 4166 King St. E., Kitchener, ON N2P 2G5, (519) 653-5788, (866) 653-5886, FAX (519) 653-5885 www.mobilife.on.ca evandberg@mobilife.on.ca Harry Ferguson Sales 154 Campground Rd., R.R. 4, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z7, (613) 432-5783, FAX (613) 4324794 Leisure Days RV 2522 Cedar Creek Rd., Ayr, ON N0B 1EO, (519) 622-7197, (866) 623-4678, FAX (519) 622-5320 www.leisuredays.ca Morry’s Wiarton Yard RR #2 Walkerton, Wiarton, ON N0G 2V0, (519) 534-0014, FAX (519) 534-4058 www.morrystrailersales.com sales@morrystrailersales.com Hayes RV Sales 3923 Hwy. 28, Port Hope, ON L1A 3W4, (905) 885-6939, (888) 652-7192, FAX (905) 885-4767 www.rvsonline.ca hayesrv@eagle.ca Leisure Mart and RV Canada Corp. 2098 Prince Of Wales Dr., Ottawa, ON K2E 7E5, (613) 226-8228, (877) 822-6238, FAX (613) 224-3445 www.rvcan.ca Niagara RV & Trailer Center 6471 Kister Rd., Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X8, (905) 357-3831, (888) 357-3831, FAX (905) 357-9526 www.niagararvcenter.com info@niagarvcenter.com HB Cycle & Outdoor Centre 66 Mclarens Cric Rd., Cameron, ON K0M 1G0, (705) 328-2453, FAX (705) 328-3504 www.hbcycle.com email@hbcycle.com Leisure Time Park and Trailer Sales Inc. 8431 Hwy. 9, Palgrave, ON L7E 0E8, (905) 880-4921, (888) 280-0018, FAX (905) 880-1995 www.leisuretime.ca information@leisuretime.caæ Nickel Belt Camping 401 Joanette Rd., Chelmsford, ON P0M 1L0, (705) 855-7659, (800) 575-1292, FAX (705) 855-1723 www.nickelbeltcamping.ca guyb@nickelbeltcamping.ca Heidi’s RV Superstore 3982 Hwy. 11 S., RR 2, Hawkestone, ON L0L 1T0, (888) 322-3614, (888) 322-3614, FAX (705) 487-1173 www.heidisrv.com heidis@heidisrv.com Hughes RV 431139 19th Line RR 2, Orangeville, ON L9W 2Y9, (519) 940-4252, (866) 344-8944, FAX (519) 940-4241 www.hughesrv.com information@hughesrv.com Ingleside Trailers 14236 Anderson Rd., Ingleside, ON K0C 1M0, (613) 537-2102, FAX (613) 537-2499 ingtrail@sympatico.ca Johnson’s RV 1100 Great Northern Rd., Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 5K7, (705) 945-1500, FAX (705) 945-0707 www.johnsonsrv.com johnsonsrv@hotmail.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 Leisure Trailer Sales Ltd. 204 Patillo Rd., RR 1, Tecusevh, ON N8N 2L9, (519) 727-3400, (800) 363-8925, FAX (519) 727-5900 www.leisuretrailers.com sales@leisuretrailers.com Log Cabin 23 Four Mile Creek Rd., St. Davids, ON L0S 1PO, (905) 262-4562, (800) 563-4562, FAX (905) 262-5620 www.logcabinrv.ca Northern RV - Sudbury 2164 Falconbride Road, Garson, ON P3L 1M2, (705) 525-0779 www.northernrv.ca Northern RV - North Bay 42 Lakeshore Dr., North Bay, ON P1A 2A3, (705) 840-2886 www.northernrv.ca Northern Trailer Sales 2164 Falconbridge Rd., Garson, ON P3L 1M2, (705) 525-0779, FAX (705) 525-1162 www.northernrv.ca Luxury Motorhomes 7389 Hwy. 15, Carleton Place, ON K7C 3P2, (800) 866-7677, FAX (613) 257-4586 www.luxurymotorhomes.com info@luxurymotorhomes.com Ottawa Camping Trailers 4815 Bank St., Ottawa, ON K1X 1G6, (613) 822-2268, (888) 346-7878, FAX (613) 822-2291 www.ottawacamping.ca info@ottawacamping.ca Martin’s Trailers & Accessories 32 Powley Rd., Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 5K7, (705) 942-4666, (866) 942-4666, FAX (705) 942-4667 elof@bellnet.ca Outdoor Travel 110 E. Port Blvd., Pier 25 , Hamilton, ON L8H 7S4, (905) 548-8585, (888) 539-3333, FAX (905) 548-8566 www.rvvacations.com 2013 RV DEALER Owasco RV 2000 Champlain Ave., Whitby, ON L1N 6A7, (905) 683-2267, FAX (905) 579-5802 www.owascorv.com rvsales@owascorv.com Recreational Vehicle Warehouse 1919 Kilborn Ave., Unit 1203, Ottawa, ON K1H 6N6, (613) 260-2305, FAX (613) 260-2386 Peterborough RV Centre 1085 Hwy. 7 E., Peterborough, ON K9J 6X8, (705) 745-4313, (877) 489-8637, FAX (705) 745-8372 www.peterboroughrv.com info@peterboroughrv.com Primo Trailer Sales 995 Moodie Dr. S., Nepean, ON K24 1H4, (613) 596-9696, (800) 558-5178, FAX (613) 596-3918 www.primotrailersales.com primo@primotrailersales.com Quesnel RV Inc. 1225 Main St., Hawkesbury, ON K6A 1C2, (613) 632-2114, FAX (613) 632-0461 www.quesnelrv.com info@quesnelrv.com Quinte's Isle Campark & Trailer Sale RR 1, Cherry Valley, ON K0K 1P0, (613) 476-6310, (800) 579-1536, FAX (613) 476-7533 www.qicampark.com info@qicampark.com Recreation World RV’s 2320 Dawson Rd., Thunder Bay, ON P7G 2G2, (807) 767-3455, (888) 967-3455, FAX (807) 768-2438 www.recworld.brickhost.com Royal RV Center 6203 Boundary Rd., Cornwall, ON K6H 5R5, (613) 933-1777, FAX (613) 933-1778 www.royalrv.com Ruston RV Centre 1428 Plains Rd. West, Burlington, ON L7T 4H1, (905) 525-8760 www.rustonrv.com S ’n’ E Winnebago 21859 Highbury Ave., London, ON N0MIC0, (519) 659-7000, (800) 265-1037, FAX (519) 659-8288 www.snewinnebago.com info@snewinnebago.com Sicard Holiday Campers Ltd. 7526 N. Hwy. 20, Smithville, ON L0R 2A0, (905) 957-3344, (800) 688-2210, FAX (905) 957-7855 www.sicardrv.com Smith’s RV Centre 940 Cobalt Crescent, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5W3, (807) 346-9399, (800) 465-5322, FAX (807) 346-4002 www.smithsrvcentre.com sales@smithsrvcentre.com Springmount RV Centre Hwy. 6 N., Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P1, (519) 372-3485, (800) 909-1115, FAX (519) 372-0386 www.springmountrv.com bestbuyrv@bmts.com Stevenson RV Sales 38 Jonathan St., Uxbridge, ON L9P 1B7, (905) 852-6888, FAX (905) 852-4105 bob@srvsales.com Stormrunner Inc. 2 Cameron St., Bayfield, ON N0M 1G0, (519) 565-5666, FAX (519) 565-5658 www.stormrunner.ca diannemero@hotmail.com Stratford RV Centre 5499 Hwy. 8, Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0, (519) 348 5004, (800) 881-0036, FAX (519) 348 5007 www.stratfordrv.ca stratfordrv@quadro.net Summer Place Resort and RV Sales Hwy. 25 N., RR 2, Grand Valley, ON L0N 1G0, (519) 928-5408, FAX (519) 928-2458 www.summerplacepark.com info@summerplacepark.com The Hitch House 1490 Hwy. 11, Shanty Bay, ON L0L 2L0, (705) 722-0008, FAX (705) 725-7953 www.thehitchhouse.com sales@thehitchhouse.com Directory The RV Warehouse Inc. 65 Reive Blvd., Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0, (705) 458-4774, (877) 421-4600, FAX (705) 458-4446 www.thervwarehouseinc.com info@thervwarehouseinc.com Tilbury Auto Sales 20600 Hwy. 42 W., Tilbury, ON N0P 2L0, (519) 682-2407, (800) 387-3280, FAX (519) 682-2683 www.tilburyautosales.com sales@tilburyautosales.com Toronto Camping Centre 1841 Hwy. 7, Concord, ON L4K 1V4, (905) 738-1421, (888) 668-7852 www.torontocampingcentre.com sales@tccrv.com Trailer Centre 175 Hudson Dr., Dorchester, ON N0L 1G5, (519) 268-6622, FAX (519) 268-6624 www.trailercentre.on.ca info@trailercentre.on.ca Travel-Mor Trailer Sales 4863 Bank St., Ottawa, ON K1H 6N6, (613) 822-1666, FAX (613) 822-3666 www.travel-mortrailersales.com info@travel-mortrailersales.com Under the Sun Trailers Ltd. 974 Syer Line, RR1, Fraserville, ON K0L 1V0, (705) 944-5000 www.underthesuntrailers.com Things Happen Quickly in the RV Industry. Stay Informed – and Save Time – by Subscribing to the RVBusiness.com Daily News Feed* Information is power — and no Website delivers that knowledge to you faster than RVBusiness.com. Updated continually throughout the day, RVBusiness.com keeps executives, managers and sales personnel informed about events that affect their business — and the way they do business. Stay Connected with *Go to RVBUSINESS.COM and click on “SUBSCRIBE TO RVBUSINESS DAILY NEWS” ▼ ▼ ▼ ONTARIO CONTINUED Vos Trailers Ltd. 1560 Main St., Box 800, Stittsville, ON K2S 1A9, (613) 836-4841, FAX (613) 836-6134 www.vostrailers.ca sales@vostrailers.ca Woody’s Trailer World Ltd. 1520 W. Arthur St., Thunder Bay, ON P7K 1A5, (807) 577-5122, (888) 249-5545, FAX (807) 577-0055 www.woodystrailerworld.com woody's@tbaytel.net PRINCE EDWARD ▼ ISLAND ▼ Pei Home & RV Centre 86 Kensington Rd., Charlottetown, PE C1A 5J4, (902) 566-1440, FAX (902) 566-1077 www.hamblys.ca sales@hamblys.ca QUEBEC ▼ Alco VR 2380 MontŽe Masson, Laval, QC H7E 4P2, (450) 666-2444, (800) 465-6444, FAX (450) 666-3684 www.alcosports.com Auto Richard Nadon Inc. 1435 Rte. 158, St-Jerome, QC J7Z 7M1, (514) 946-7367, FAX (450) 431-5983 www.richardnadon.com info@richardnadon.com Caravanes Cruise Canada Cruise America 198 Cure-Labelle, Ste-Rose Laval, QC H7L 3A1, (450) 628-7093, FAX (450) 628-7103 www.cruisecanada.com montreal@cruiseamerica.com Centra Du Camping Remillard 13 Rune Du Costa-Rica, St Jean Sur Richel, QC T2Y 1A5, (450) 348-8794, (877) 388-3885, FAX (450) 348-6617 www.roulettesremillard.com Centra Du Camping Remillard 1290 Blvd. St-Luc, St. Jean Sur Richelieu, QC J2Y 1A5, (450) 348-3485, FAX (450) 348-0575 www.roulettesremillard.com Centre Camping Propane D’Amos 6 4E Rue Est Amos, Amos, QC J9T 1C4, (819) 732-5998, FAX (819) 727-5999 www.centrecp.qc.ca Centre De La Raulotte 1444 Inc. 14303 Boul La Belle St. Janier, Mirabel, QC J7J 1M2, (450) 430-1444, FAX (450) 435-3646 www.centre1444.com info@centre1444.com Centre Du Pneu St-Louis Sport 442 Rte. 132, Matane, QC G4W 7C4, (418) 562-3626, FAX (418) 562-7694 www.st-louissports.com piecesstlouis@globetrotters.net Charest Expert Inc. 770 Boul. St. Louis, St-Louis-DeFrance, QC G8T 1G1, (800) 697-3000, (888) 310-2193 www.charestexpert.com Autos A St. Hilaire & Fils Inc. 2082 Rte. 122, St Albert, QC J0A 1E0, (819) 353-3000, FAX (819) 353-3009 Chartier D E N Inc. 1051 Boulevard St. Laurent Est, Louiseville, QC J5V 2L4, (819) 228-5161, FAX (819) 228-5829 Beric Sport Inc. 50 3E Ave., Val d'Or, QC J9P 1R2, (819) 825-5822, (877) 925-5922, FAX (819) 825-9252 bericsport@cablevision.qc.ca Dallaire Equipement 560 Rue Melancon, St-Bruno, QC G0W 2L0, (418) 343-3758, FAX (418) 343-2506 www.dallairest-bruno.com dallaireequibement@cgocabel.ca Campeurs Frederic Inc 4615 Montee Gagnon, Terrebonne, QC J6Y 0G7, (450) 434-6653, (877) 433-1014, FAX (450) 433-1014 www.campeurfrederic.com Caravane Marco Inc. 1540 Jean Talon Nord, Ste Foy, QC G1N 2E5, (418) 687-5757, (888) 867-5757, FAX (418) 527-6442 www.caravanemarco.com info@caravanremarco.com Caravane Sharlevoix 3 Rue Desbiems, Clermont, QC G4A 1B8, (418) 439-2727, (866) 439-9393, FAX (418) 439-4848 ww.vrdanielemond.com info@vremond.com 160 Distribution Martin Lajeunesse, Inc. 108 4E Rang Est., St. Ambroix de Kildare, QC J0K 1C0, (450) 753-2055, FAX (450) 755-2103 www.vrmartinlajeunesse.com Ghislain Gagne 504 Rue Du Golf, Mont St Hilaire, QC J3H 6A5, (450) 446-4681 Granby Caravane 320 Denison E., Grandby, QC G2H 2R6, (450) 378-4229, FAX (450) 378-4891 www.cranbycaravane.ca cranbycaravane@qc.era.com Horizon Lussier 1155 Church St., Marieville, QC J3M 1N9, (450) 460-3666, (800) 387-4100, FAX (450) 460-0312 horizonlussier.com philippefrechette@horizonlussier.com Import Export RV 2785 Boul. St. Elzear Ouest, Laval, QC H7P 4J8, (450) 686-2785, FAX (450) 686-2786 www.importexportrv.ca Jean Caron Vr 777 Rte. Kennedy, Pintendre, QC G6C 1C9, (418) 833-5777, FAX (418) 833-9868 www.jeancaronvr.com jeancaron@mycybernet.net L.M. Cossette 870 Thibeau Blvd., Trois Rivieres, QC G8T 7A6, (819) 378-2491, (800) 863-3767, FAX (819) 378-0248 www.lmcossette.com info@rouletteslmc.com Lajeunesse RV Inc. 1890 158 Rd., St-Jrome, QC J7Z 7M2, (450) 431-0935, FAX (450) 431-0054 www.lajeunessevr.com info@lajeunessvr.com Le Geant Motorise Inc. 173 Rte. 172, St Ambrose, QC G7P 2N5, (418) 672-4744, FAX (418) 672-4748 www.legeantmotorise.com Les Roulottes 376 Duvallow #9, St Romuald, QC G6W 3R5, (418) 834-5150 Les Roulottes Rive-Sud Inc. 70 Du Vallon Ouest, Levis, QC G6V 9J4, (418) 833-8814, FAX (418) 833-8687 www.roulottesrive-sud.com Motorises De La Capitale 601 Rte. Lagueux, Ste. 100, St. Nicolas, QC G7A 1A7, (418) 836-8675, FAX (418) 651-2241 www.mdlc.ca motorisesdelacapitale@bellnet.ca Motorises Leblanc Inc. 991 Raug 2 Est., Neuville, QC G0A 2R0, (418) 876-3319, (800) 383-8586, FAX (418) 876-3319 www.locationleblanc.ca Motorises Multi Concept 1245 Marie Victorin, St Nich, QC G7A 4G2, (418) 836-4188, FAX (418) 836-3681 www.motorisesmulticoncept.com info@motorisesmulticoncept.com Pierre St-Cyr Auto Caravans 3465 Chemin D'Industrie, St-Mathieu-De-Beloeil, QC J3G 4S5, (450) 446-3660, (877) 652-6555, FAX (450) 446-8546 Primo Trailer Sales 23 Chemin Du Ravin, Chelsea, QC J9B 1N1, (819) 827-8517 www.primotrailersales.com campeauarw@videotron.ca R.T. Automobile 1206 Boul. Laure, Sept-Lles/ Baie Comeau, QC G4S 1S1, (418) 962-3031 www.roulottesrt.com Richard Auto Ltd. 1571 Danielette Johnson, Laval, QC H7V 4C2, (514) 794-3595 richardrickhemiln@comercialvideo.ca Roulottes A.S. Levesque 430, Rue Couture, Ste-Helene de Bagot, QC J0H 1M0, (450) 791-2727, (888) 791-2727, FAX (450) 791-2535 www.roulotte.ca Roulottes Euclide Turmel 7020 Boul. Ste.-Anne, ChateauRicher, QC G0A 1N0, (418) 824-3401 Roulottes Evasion 55 600 Ch Du Parc Industriel, Bromptonville, QC J0B 1H0, (800) 548-0878 Roulottes Gilbert Inc. 25 Industrial Blvd., Chateau Guay, QC J6J 4Z2, (450) 691-5860, FAX (450) 691-7510 claim@roulottesgilbert.com Equipments De Plaisance G Boisvert 4121 Rte. Marie-Victorin, St Robert, QC J0G 1S0, (450) 782-3391, FAX (450) 782-3393 Liberte 55th Inc. 15 Iberville, Bromont, QC J2L 1L1, (450) 534-1101 lpepino2000@yahoo.ca Roulottes Gilles Ouellet 795 Denison Est., Granby, QC J2G 8C7, (888) 793-9343 Locations Granby Inc./Rentals 1 Rue Des Carrieres, Bromont, QC J2L 1S1, (450) 521-7999, FAX (450) 776-7922 Roulottes R.G. Gagnon 700 Boul. IIndustrie, St-Paul De Joliette, QC J0K 3E0, (450) 756-1029, FAX (450) 756-1303 Evasion Plein Air 1207 Chemin St. Joseph, St Nicl, QC G7A 2B1, (418) 831-7786, FAX (418) 836-2848 www.evasionpleinair.com jcgspirit@hotmail.com Monaco Of Montreal (Nextri) 13500 Henri-Favre, Mirabel, QC J7N 0A6, (450) 476-0057, (877) 435-1827, FAX (450) 476-0087 www.monacomontreal.com apearce39@hotmail.com Roulottes Real Blouin 32 Montee Morris, Riviere-AuRenard, QC G4X 5M4, (418) 269-3350, (800) 607-3350, FAX (418) 269-5288 rrblouin1@hotmail.com RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 2013 RV DEALER RV Sales 1290 Boul St. Luc, St Jean Sur Richel, QC J2Y 1B8, (450) 348-3485, FAX (450) 348-0575 www.camping-remillard.com m.landry@camping-remillard.com Sports B.G. 148 Boul. Perron Est., New Richmond, QC G0C 2B0, (418) 392-5017 VR Daniel Emond 1250 Ch. Dela Cooperative, St. Nicolas, QC G7A 1A1, (418) 836-5050, FAX (418) 836-2548 www.vrdanielemond.com carole@vrdanielemond.com VR Daniel Emond 2650 Dalton, Quebec, QC G1P 3S4, (418) 527-2726, FAX (418) 527-2991 www.vrdanielemond.com daniel@vrdanielemond.com VR Depot 2505 Chemin De La Petit Riviere, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC J7V 8P2, (450) 455-6999, FAX (540) 455-6998 www.vrdepot.net vrdepot@bellnet.ca VR Depot 607 Chicoine, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC J7V 9J3, (450) 510-9991, FAX (540) 510-9987 www.vrdepot.net vrdepot1@bellnet.ca VR La Clef Des Champs 3275 King Est., Fleurimont, QC J1E 3Y7, (819) 823-5556, FAX (819) 564-1883 VR Rive Nord 401 St. Paul, Repentigny, QC J5Z 2H9, (450) 932-3625, FAX (450) 932-3627 www.vrrivenord.ca marcyuan.loiselle@vrrive-nord.ca VR St-Cyr Ltee 3465 Ch Industry, St-Mathieu-deBeloeil, QC J3G 4S5, (877) 652-6555 www.vrstcyr.com Yvon Boucher RV 262 Rte. 335, St Lin Luaren Tide, QC J5M 2C1, (450) 439-3770 SASKATCHEWAN ▼ #1 RV Centre #1 Hwy. & Thatcher Dr. E., Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4N9, (306) 691-7770, FAX (306) 691-1056 www.1rv.ca Boundary RV And Marine Boundray Ford 2405 50 Ave., Lloydminster, SK S9V 1Z7, (306) 825-4481, (800) 561-4481, FAX (306) 825-3208 www.boundaryrvmarine.com dave@boundaryrvmarine.com Boychuk Sales & Service Hwy. 7 E., Box 1958, Kindersley, SK SOL 1S0, (306) 463-6511, FAX (306) 463-3511 Canada West RV 3750 Idywyld Dr. N., Saskatoon, SK S7L 6G3, (306) 934-1110, FAX (306) 934-6135 www.cwtc.ca Carlyle RV And Leisure Ltd. P.O. Box 306, Carlyle, SK S0C 0R0, (306) 453-6773, FAX (306) 453-6204 www.carlylerv.com info@carlylerv.com Centennial Ford Sales Ltd. 402 1st Ave. W., Watrous, SK S0K 4T0, (306) 946-3353, FAX (306) 946-3966 www.centennialford.sk Chegus RV Sales LTD. PO Box 487, Watson Lake, SK S0K 4V0, (306) 287-3999, (866) 781-3999, FAX (306) 287-3799 www.chegusrvsales.ca Cropper Motors Hwy. 6 N., Box 430, Naicam, SK S0K 2Z0, (306) 874-2011, (877) 339-9998, FAX (306) 874-2227 www.croppermotors.com info@croppermotors.com Estevan Motors Limited 1023 4th St., Estevan, SK S4A 0W4, (306) 634-3629, FAX (306) 634-8712 www.estevanmotors.com doug@estevanmotors.com Fast Toys For Boys Hwy. 11, Box 279, Davidson, SK S0G 1A0, (306) 567-3033, (888) 431-2945, FAX (306) 567-4280 www.fasttoysforboys.com Frank Dunn Trailer Sales 205 S. Industrial Dr., Prince Albert, SK S6V 7L7, (306) 764-6451, FAX (306) 922-6015 www.frankdunntrailersales.com psimpson@frankdunn.toyota.ca General RV Centre Ltd. 3510 Idylwyld Dr. N., Saskatoon, SK S7L 6G3, (306) 933-4232, FAX (306) 934-4493 generalrv@shaw.ca Happy Camper RV Hwy. 2 S., Prince Albert, SK S6V 6V4, (306) 763-1888, FAX (306) 763-8336 www.happycamperrv.com gorv@sasketl.net Jerry’s Trailer & RV Center 1004 Thatcher Ave., North Battleford, SK S9A 3N8, (306) 937-7550, FAX (306) 937-7829 Kehoe RV 3010 Idylwyld Dr. N., Saskatoon, SK S7L 5Y6, (306) 934-6140, FAX (306) 934-6044 www.kehoerv.com sales@kehoerv.com Lake Boyz RV RR5, Site 16 Comp 10, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5R3, (306) 763-6993, FAX (306) 763-0676 www.lakeboyzrv.com lakeboyzrv@sasktel.net Lardners Trailer Sales 3630 Idylwyld Dr. N., Saskatoon, SK S7L 6G3, (306) 374-3738, (800) 463-4447, FAX (306) 955-4853 www.lardners.com glardner@lardners.com Leisure Wheels 77 Ponderosa Trl. N., Swift Current, SK S9H 5M5, (306) 773-7700, (800) 268-7700, FAX (306) 773-6177 leisurewheelsrv@yahoo.ca Minards Leisure World 921 Government Rd. S., Weyburn, SK S4H 2B6, (877) 842-3288, FAX (306) 842-0307 www.minardsleisureworld.com mlw@sasktel.net Regina RV Centre Hwy. 1 W., Regina, SK S4P 3C2, (306) 586-4747, FAX (306) 586-4001 www.reginarv.com reginarv@sasktel.net Sellers RV Center Ltd. 3105 50th Ave., Lloydminster, SK S9V 0N7, (306) 825-8963, (800) 825-8963, FAX (306) 825-7754 www.sellersrv.com sellersrvsales@sasktel.net Glenwood RV Centre 502 Cynthia St., Saskatoon, SK S7L 7K7, (306) 242-9028, FAX (306) 665-3302 www.glenwoodrvcentre.com sales@glenwoodrvcentre.com Sherwood RV Center 540 Brand Rd., Saskatoon, SK S7J 5J3, (306) 374-6330, FAX (306) 477-2502 www.sherwoodchev.com rlucyk@sherwoodchev.com Great West Chrysler And RV Joey Holdings Inc. 1420-S. Service Rd. E., Swift Current, SK S9H 3X6, (306) 773-9301, FAX (306) 773-0909 sales.gwb@sasktel.net Silvester RV Centre 2701 99th St. Hwy. 4 N., North Battleford, SK S9A 3W8, (888) 373-7878, FAX (306) 445-9788 www.silvesterrv.com sales@slviesterrv.com NEW USED RENTAL SERVICE PARTS\ACCESSORIES Directory Silvester RV Centre Ltd. 2701 99th St. Hwy. 4 N., North Battleford, SK S9A 3W8, (306) 445-2079, (888) 373-7878, FAX (306) 445-9788 www.silvesterrv.com admin.office@silvesterrv.com Success RVs Inc. Box 910, Waltrous, SK SOK 4TO, (306) 946-2499 www.successrv.ca success.rv@sasktel.net Sunridge RV Hwy. 16, Radisson, SK S0K 3L0, (306) 827-4800, (877) 827-4845, FAX (306) 827-4845 www.sunridgervs.ca Traveland RV Hwy. 1 & 6 S., Regina, SK S4P 5A8, (306) 789-3311, (888) 789-3311, FAX (306) 761-2452 www.travelandleisurecentre.com kbrowntraveland@sasktel.net Village R.V. Hwy. 1 E., Regina, SK S4P 3E1, (306) 525-5666, (306) 757-3670 www.villagerv.ca sales@villagerv.ca YUKON TERRITORY ▼ Bee Jay's Services & Cafe Box 559, Watson Lake, YT Y0A 1C0, (867) 536-2335, FAX (867) 536-7852 beeyays@northwestel.net Fireweed RV Services 17 Lorne Rd., Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S7, (867) 668-5082, FAX (867) 668-5046 www.fireweedrv.com fireweed@northwestel.net Fraserway RV LP 9039 Quartz Rd., Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4Z5, (867) 668-3438, (866) 269-2783, FAX (867) 668-3449 www.fraserway.com whitehorsesales@fraserway.com Northern Superior Mechanical Kilometer 717 Klondike Hwy., Dawson City, YT Y0B 1G0, (867) 993-5710, FAX (867) 993-5089 Philmar Enterprises 91280 Alaska Hwy., Whitehorse, YT Y1A 6E4, (867) 668-6129, FAX (867) 668-4927 philmarrv@yukon.net J U LY/AU G UST 2 0 1 3 RVBusiness 161 2014 RV DEALER DIRECTORY Please take a moment to double-check your dealership’s listing(s) in this directory. If your company’s information needs to be updated — or if it has inadvertently been omitted — and you would like to be included in our 2014 RVB Dealer Directory, please complete and return this profile to the address or fax number below. Don’t Delay! Company Name ______________________________________________________________ P.O. Box______________________________________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________State ____Zip _________ Phone Number(s) ( ) _______________________________________________________ Fax Number(s) ( ) ________________________________________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________________ Web Address _________________________________________________________________ Please mark the categories which best describes your dealership. ❑ New Unit Sales ❑ RV Rentals ❑ Used Unit Sales ❑ Service Center ❑ Parts & Accessories In the space below, please make any suggestions for improvements to this annual dealer directory. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Mail to: 2014 RVB Dealer Directory 2901 E. Bristol St., Suite B, Elkhart, IN 46514 Fax to: (574) 266-7984 PLEASE NOTE 162 RVBusiness J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 3 — THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THE DIRECTORY LISTING
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Hall’s RV Inc.
9184 U.S. Hwy. 431, Albertville,
AL 35950, (256) 894-6235, FAX