Achievement of ECN - Energy Commission of Nigeria


Achievement of ECN - Energy Commission of Nigeria
Professor A.S. Sambo, OON, NPOM, FAS, FNSE
Director General/CEO
Energy Commission of Nigeria,
e-mail: or
*Abuja, 26th May, 2009
• Introduction
• Brief on ECN
• Major Achievements:
Development of National Energy Policy
Development of Renewable Energy Master Plan
Development of Overall National Energy Master Plan
Energy Demand and Supply Projections
Other notable R &D achievements(ECN & Research Centres)
• Major Challenges
• The Way Forward
• Conclusion
The Enabling Acts
- No. 62 of 1979, as amended by Act No. 32 of 1988 and Act No. 19 of 1989
The primary legal mandate of the ECN is to produce strategic plans and coordinate national policies on energy in all its ramifications. The Commission’s law
also mandates it to:
– Serve as a centre for gathering and disseminating information relating to
national policy in the field of energy development;
– Serve as centre for solving any inter-related technical problems that may
arise in the implementation of any policy relating to the field of energy;
– Advise the Government of the Federation or a State on questions relating to
such aspects of energy, as the Government of the Federation or a State,
may from time to time refer to it;
– Prepare, after consultation with such agencies of government whose
functions relate to the field of energy development or supply as the
Commission considers appropriate, periodic master plans for the balanced
and coordinated development of energy in Nigeria and such plans shall
• Recommendations for the exploitation of new sources of energy as and
when considered necessary; and
• Such other recommendations to the Government of the Federation
relating to its functions under its Act and as the Commission may
consider to be in the national interest;
– Lay down guidelines on the utilization of energy types for specific purposes
and in a prescribed sequence;
– Inquire into and advise the Government of the Federation or a State on the
adequate funding of the energy sector including research and development,
production and distribution;
– Advise the Government of the Federation or of a State as to grants and
other financial disbursements to authorities charged with production and
distribution of energy and other similar institutions in Nigeria;
– Collate, analyze and publish information relating to the field of energy from
all sources, where such information is relevant to the discharge of its
function under the Act;
– Monitor the performance of the energy sector in the execution of
government policies on energy;
– Liaise with international organizations on energy matters such as
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), World Energy Council (WEC),
African Energy Commission (AEC) and other similar bodies such as the
International Renewable Energy Agency(IRENA) whose Founding
Conference was on 26th January, 2009 in Bonn, Germany.
• Vision and Mission of the ECN
Vision: “To put in place energy plans for the nation that are
coordinated, comprehensive and cost-effective”.
Mission: “The ECN is to ensure the development of the nation’s
energy resources, conventional and renewable, in a
sustainable manner consistent with the the nation’s
economic development aspirations”.
Brief on ECN – Composition of Board and Others
Board for the Commission
President, C-in-C as the Chairman
Members: Ministers charged with the responsibility
Agriculture & Water Resources
Foreign Affairs
Mines & Steel Development
Science & Technology
The Director-General of the Energy Commission of
Nigeria is the Secretary to the Commission.
F. M. of Science & Tech.
Energy Commission of Nigeria
Technical Advisory
Committee (TAC)
General Public and NGOs
Energy Sector Agencies/
Energy Research
Brief on ECN – Organizational Structure
Finance Dept.
System Dept.
Energy Management
& Training and
Development Dept.
Energy Planning
Analysis Dept.
UN, Nsukka.
UDU, Sokoto
Internal Audit
National Centre for
Energy Efficiency
and Conservation,
& Anti-Corruption
Nuclear Science
Technology Dept.
Renewable Energy
Units under the
Director-General’s Office
National Centre for
Research and Dev.
Linkages &
Services Unit
Nat. Centre for
Petroleum Research
and Dev., ATBU,
Publicity and
Protocol Unit
Service Delivery
Coordination &
Monitoring Unit
Major Achievements and Activities
Development of the National Energy Policy (NEP)
The NEP, approved by the Federal Executive Council in April, 2003, was presented to
stakeholders and the general public at a national workshop in June 2005.
The NEP is serving as the “umbrella” energy policy document from which all national
stakeholder organizations/ministries derive their respective policies.
The NEP is aimed at ensuring that the abundant energy resources are exploited in a
co-ordinated manner for a balanced and optimal national energy supply mix.
Development of Renewable Energy Master Plan (REMP)
The REMP provides a detailed guide for the development of all renewable energy
sources with set targets such as: Solar PV to contribute 5MW, 75MW and 500MW in
2010, 2015 and 2025 respectively;
Wind energy to contribute 1MW, 19MW and 38MW in 2010, 2015 and 2025
Major Achievements (contd…)
– Small scale hydropower is to contribute 56MW, 200MW and 600 MW within
the same period;
– An estimated 40,000, 400,000 and 4,000,000 solar home systems will be
respectively developed by 2010, 2015 and 2025;
– Also, in the plan, a significant expansion of improved woodstoves
dissemination will occur with 300,000; 500,000 and 1,000,000 in the short,
medium and long term periods respectively.
Development of Overall National Energy Master Plan (NEMP)
– ECN undertook the development of the overall National Energy Master
Plan(NEMP)between August 2006 and June 2007.
– NEMP is the guide for the implementation of the National Energy Policy
(NEP) and covers all energy sources; NEP, being a blueprint for the
sustainable development, supply and utilization of the various sources of
energy available within the economy, and for the use of these resources in
international trade and co-operation.
Major Achievements (contd…)
– The timelines in the NEM are the short, medium and long terms
defined as 2009, 2015 and 2030 respectively.
– Monitoring and evaluation strategies for the energy policy
implementation plans have also been developed to ensure early
corrective action on set targets within the timelines.
• Energy Demand and Supply Projections
– The IAEA developed Model for the Analysis of Energy Demand
(MAED), which is scenario based, was used to model the Nigerian
energy sector in four scenarios:
– Reference Growth Scenario
GDP grows by an average of 7% per annum.
The main driver of growth is the manufacturing sector
Manufacturing accounts for 15% of GDP by 2020
Consistent with the MDG objective of reducing poverty by half by 2015.
Major Achievements (contd…)
– High Growth Scenario
• GDP grows by an average of 10% p.a.
• Manufacturing contributes 22% to GDP by 2030
• Nigeria is transiting from an agrarian economy to an industrializing nation
– Optimistic Growth Scenario I
• GDP grows by an average of 11.5% p.a.
• Manufacturing contributes 22% to GDP by 2030
• Nigeria is transiting from an agrarian economy to an industrializing nation
– Optimistic Growth Scenario II
• GDP grows by an average of 13% p.a.
• Manufacturing contributes 22% to GDP by 2030
• Nigeria is transiting from an agrarian economy to an industrializing nation
Major Achievements (contd…)
Electricity Demand Projections Per Scenario, MW
Reference (7%)
High Growth
2010 2015
5,746 15,730 28,360
77,450 119,200
5,746 15,920 30,210
58,180 107,220 192,000
5,746 16,000 31,240
70,760 137,370 250,000
5,746 33,250 64,200 107,600 172,900 297,900
Major Achievements (contd…)
S e n a rio s
R e fe re n c e (7 % )
5 ,7 4 6
1 5 ,7 3 0
2 8 ,3 6 0
5 0 ,8 2 0
7 7 ,4 5 0
1 1 9 ,2 0 0
H ig h G ro w th (1 0 % )
O p tim is tic I
(1 1 .5 % )
5 ,7 4 6
1 5 ,9 2 0
3 0 ,2 1 0
5 8 ,1 8 0
1 0 7 ,2 2 0
1 9 2 ,0 0 0
5 ,7 4 6
1 6 ,0 0 0
3 1 ,2 4 0
7 0 ,7 6 0
1 3 7 ,3 7 0
2 5 0 ,0 0 0
5 ,7 4 6
3 3 ,2 5 0
6 4 ,2 0 0
1 0 7 ,6 0 0
1 7 2 ,9 0 0
2 9 7 ,9 0 0
O p tim is tic II (1 3 % ),
P re s id e n tia l
P ro n o u n c e m e n t
E le c tric ity D e m a n d P ro je c tio n s p e r S c e n a rio
3 5 0 ,0 0 0
3 0 0 ,0 0 0
2 5 0 ,0 0 0
2 0 0 ,0 0 0
1 5 0 ,0 0 0
1 0 0 ,0 0 0
5 0 ,0 0 0
R e fe re n c e (7 % )
H ig h G ro w th (1 0 % )
O p tim is tic I (1 1 .5 % )
O p tim is tic II (1 3 % ),
P re s id e n tia l
P ro n o u n c e m e n t
Major Achievements (contd…)
Other Major Notable Achievements of the Energy Commission
and the Research Centres include:
– The development of renewable energy devices by the Centres at Nsukka
and Sokoto and which include solar cookers, solar dryers, solar water
heaters, solar stills, solar PV applications, biogas digesters and Stoves as
well as wind electricity converters most of which are ready for mass
production and commercialization.
– The acquisition of the first nuclear reactor in Nigeria, the 30kW tank-in-pool
Miniature Neutron Source Research Reactor for CERT Zaria which was
commissioned in September 2004.
Major Achievements (contd…)
Nigeria’s Nuclear Research Reactor at CERT, ABU, Zaria
Liquid Nitrogen Plant at
CERT, ABU, Zaria
Transmission Electron
Microscope at CERT,
ABU, Zaria
Major Achievements (contd…)
The acquisition of the Tandem Accelerator for Centre for Energy
Research and Development, Ile-Ife which was commissioned in
September 2008.
1.7 MeV Pelletron Tandem Accelerator
Major Achievements (contd…)
The Co-ordination of 65 IAEA Technical Cooperation
Projects to promote the use of nuclear S&T in training
and manpower development, agriculture, human health,
water resources, management and general R&D.
Popularization of new and renewable energy
technologies through the construction of more than 70
pilot projects.
Co-ordination of World Energy Council (WEC) and
World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) activities
in Nigeria.
The development of a 500W solar PV vaccine
refrigerator at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Clinic in
Major Achievements (contd…)
Title: Solar PV Vaccine Refrigerator
Location: UDU, Clinic
Capacity: 500 W
Cost: N500,000
Year: 2006
Objective: Storage of Vaccine
Sponsor: SERC
Beneficiary: UDU, Clinic
Major Achievements (contd…)
– The construction of a 5.0 kWp Solar PV power plant at the comprehensive Health
Centre in Laje Village Ondo West LGA, Ondo State.
PV Panel
Major Achievements (contd…)
The development of a 1.5 kWp solar power project for solar refrigeration and
lighting for the Community Health Centre, lighting for Mosque and Church ,
some street, lighting within the community and the lighting of the Chief’s
house at Igbindo Village, Ondo West LGA Ondo State.
5kW wind power for village electrostriction at Sayya Gidan Gada, Sokoto.
5 kW Wind Power for Village Electrification, Sayyan
Gidan Gada, Sokoto State built by SERC
Wind Electrification at Sayya Gidan Gada, Wamakko
LG, Sokoto State
Major Achievements (contd…)
The development of a solar PV Internet power supply Back-Up at Nunet
Usmanu Danfodiyo University (UDU) Sokoto.
Solar PV Internet Back-up at Nunet, UDU, Sokoto
Major Achievements (contd…)
– The construction of solar PV water pumping systems at UDU, Kilgori, and
Birjingo all in Sokoto State.
Solar PV Water Pumping at SERC,
Solar PV Water Pumping at
Students Hostels, UDU, Sokoto
Solar Water
Pumping at
Kilgori, Yabo LG,
Sokoto State
Solar PV water pumping at Birjingo
Village, Goronyo LG, Sokoto State
Major Achievements (contd…)
– The construction of solar dryers at Sokoto Energy Research Centre with
the capacity of 5-10 kg of drying product for staff, students and investors.
Solar Still
Title: Solar Dryers
Location: SERC,
Demonstration Area
Capacity: 5-10kg of drying
Cost:: 10,000:00
Year: 2006
Objective: Research,
Development &
Sponsor: SERC
Beneficiary: Staff, Students
& Investors
Solar Dryer
Major Achievements (contd…)
– The development of a 2-tonne solar rice dryer at Adarice Company, Enugu and 2tonne dryer at NAPRI in Zaria.
2-Tonne Solar Rice Dryer at Adarice Co. Enugu state,
built by NCERD
A 2-Tonne Dryer at NAPRI, Zaria, constructed by SERC
Large Scale Solar Dryer
Major Achievements (contd…)
The construction of a parabolic solar cooker and single and double box type
solar cookers at the Sokoto Energy Research Centre, Sokoto.
Title: Parabolic solar
Location: SERC
Demonstration Area
Capacity: Average of 2-3
Cost: N47,000:00
Year: 2006
Objective: Research,
Development &
Sponsor: SERC
Beneficiary: Students, Staff
& Investors
Parabolic Solar Cooker - I
Title: Single and double box
type solar cookers
Location: SERC, UDUS
Capacity: average of 3-5
Cost: : N5,000:00
Year; 2006
Objective: Research,
Development &
Sponsor: SERC
Beneficiary: Staff, Students
Major Achievements (contd…)
– The construction of a solar chicken brooder developed by NCERD Nsukka
Major Achievements (contd…)
– The construction of a 10m3 dome type biogas pilot plant at Danjawa Village
Wamakko LGA Sokoto State
Title: Dome Type Biogas
Pilot Plant
Location: Danjawa
Village, Wamakko LG,
Sokoto State
Capacity: 10m3
Cost: N430,000
Year: 2006
Objective: Production
Of cooking gas.
Sponsor: NBTRA
Beneficiary: Danjawa
Dome Type Biogas Pilot Plant at Danjawa Village,
Wamakko LG, Sokoto State
Major Achievements (contd…)
The construction of a fixed dome biogas digester at May-flower Secondary
School Ikenne, Ogun State.
Fixed dome Biogas digester at Mayflower
Secondary School, Ikenne, Ogun state
Samples of Household Biogas Digesters – NCERD, Nsukka
Major Achievements (contd…)
– The production of family based improved wood burning stoves at SERC
Title: Single Hole Improved
Wood burning stove
Location: GGSS, Argungu,
Kebbi State
Capacity: Average family of
15-20 persons
Year: 2006
Objective: Cooking
Sponsor: SERC
Beneficiary: School
Title: Improved Wood stoves just
constructed before firing
Location: Danjawa Village,
Wamakko LG, Sokoto State
Title: Pilot Double hole
improved wood stove
Location: GGCSS
Capacity: Average of 4040 person
Cost: N5,000
Year: 2006
Objective: Cooking
Sponsor: SERC
Beneficiary: School
Improved Wood Burning Stove
Major Achievements (contd…)
Additional Attainments include:
– The implementation of a 1.565 kWp solar powered borehole and some street
lighting at Malarin Gamma Village, Malam Madori LGA, Jigawa State.
– The construction of a 1.820kWp Village electrification project at Gui in Abuja
Municipal Area Council.
– The development of a 1.75kW solar electricity system supplying electricity to the
Local Government Computer Centre, offices and street lights in Ini Local
Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
– The development of a 2.85 kWp solar PV plant at the Centre for Mentally Ill
Destitutes at Itumbuzo in Abia State.
– The ECN and the NYSC have continued with the programme of training youth
corps members in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of simple
energy technologies by doing one training workshop at the Kaduna Polytechnic in
June 2006. The workshop for 2008 was held on 20th- 24th October, 2008 at the
Federal University of Technology, Minna. The programme, apart from introducing
energy technologies to the corps members also has been trying to get some of them
to make the construction and sale of the devices as their business.
Major Achievements (contd…)
The ECN in conjunction with the ECOWAS and a representative of the
Cuban Government has embarked on an energy efficiency project in
Abuja. The project will involve the replacement of one million
incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps. The project has a
potential for saving 40MW of electricity consumption in Abuja.
The ECN secured approval for the establishment of the following three
new energy research centers which have just taken off:
National Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation at
University of Lagos.
National Centre for Hydropower Research and Development at
University of Ilorin.
National Centre for Petroleum Research and Development at
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi.
Major Challenges
• Low public awareness of sustainable energy methodologies.
• Appreciable energy R & D results but yet to be commercialized.
• Investors appear reluctant to establish manufacturing plants to
locally produce:
Energy end-use technologies.
Power plant components.
• Energy utilization in the economy appears unco-ordinated.
• Funding for Research, Development, Demonstration and Diffusion
(R,D,D and D) activities is grossly inadequate
The Way Forward
Intensifying R & D and establishment of more pilot projects to further promote
sustainable energy use.
Developing partnerships with the private sector to establish manufacturing plants
to market energy R&D results and to locally produce energy end-use technologies.
Enlightening State Governments to adopt sustainable & RE technologies.
Establishing a one-stop-shop to provide information to would-be-investors in the
energy sector.
Laying down guidelines on the utilization of energy types for specific purposes and
in a prescribed sequence.
Monitoring the performance of the energy sector in the execution of Government
policies on energy.
Entrenching energy planning in the economy by getting the National Energy Policy
(NEP) and the National Energy Masterplan (NEM) to be passed into law by the
National Assembly and mainstreamed into the overall national development
programmes. These will include the National Energy Databank and the National
Energy Manpower Development Plan, for the Sector.
Dedicating 2% of the income from the energy sector to fund Research,
Development, Demonstration and Diffusion programmes in the sector.
• The Energy Commission of Nigeria is moving towards
achieving its vision and mission by developing the
NEP, NREM & NEM as well as through numerous
activities like pilot projects, public enlightenment
workshops, seminars and conferences in addition to
supporting R & D.
• Full achievement of ECN’s vision and mission will
—Passage of the NEP & NEM into law
—Implementation of the NEP & NEM
—Increased funding of energy R,D,D and D.