July 22, 2016 - Ingham County MSU Extension


July 22, 2016 - Ingham County MSU Extension
Ingham County
July 22, 2016
Weekly Happenings
July 23—3-D Archery—9:00 am—Chief Okemos Club
Next Cloverleaf
August 12, 2016
July 25—Shotgun, Muzzleloading, .22 Rifle—3:00 pm—Capitol City Rifle Club
July 25—Large Animal Barn Set Up—6:30 pm—Fairgrounds
July 27—Small Animal Barn Set Up—6:00 pm—Fairgrounds
July 28—Club Booth Decorating—5:00—9:00 pm—Fairgrounds
July 29—Club Booth Decorating—8:00 am—2:00 pm—Fairgrounds
July 29—Still Life Special Award Display/Essay Due—10:00 am—Fair Office
July 29—Poultry Record Books due to 4-H Office by 5:00 pm
See you at Fair……...
July 29-30—Still Life Exhibit Judging—Fairgrounds
July 31—Ice Cream Social & Dance—6:30 pm—Shirley Clark Pavilion
Contact Us
Aug 1—Livestock Scholarship applications due by noon in 4-H Office
Eric Dobbrastine
4-H Program Coordinator
Pre-County Award Application Due August 15
If you will be applying for a County Award, you must complete the Pre-County
Award application at the end of the Cloverleaf and submit to the 4-H Office by
August 15.
LEADERS…. Please encourage your members to apply
for a County Medal/State Awards.
Mark McCorkle
4-H Program Coordinator
Lori Guy
Office Coordinator
Michigan State University Extension
4-H Youth Development
Ingham County
121 E. Maple Street
PO Box 319
Mason, MI 48854
Ph: 517.676.7207 ● Fax: 517.676.7288
Ingham County 4-H
Michigan State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age,
height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Ray Hammerschmidt, Interim Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias
against those not mentioned. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC
Anna Moser Wins Supreme Champion Dairy Heifer
Dairy Days
Judging Results
Members of the Ingham
County team were: Keagan
Long, Anna Moser, Irene
Nielsen and Caleb
The team placed second
overall in the junior division
and fourth in the oral
reasons division.
Individually, Irene Nielsen
was third overall in oral
reasons and 11th high
individual, Keagan Long
was third high individual
and Anna Moser was sixth
high individual.
As mentioned before,
Keagan Long and Anna
Moser each won their
respective showmanship
class. Irene Nielsen was
second in her showmanship
class and Caleb
Whittemore was fourth
place in his class.
Anna Moser owned the
junior, reserve and
honorable mention
champions in the Holstein
heifer show and the reserve
senior and grand champion
in the Holstein cow show.
Irene Nielsen owned the
junior champion Jersey and
Eric Moser owned the
senior and grand champion
Jersey cow.
Irene Nielsen also exhibited
the first place summer
yearling Holstein heifer, and
Keagan Long exhibited the
first place fall yearling
Jersey heifer and the third
place winter yearling Jersey
Ingham County won the
county herd award.
A Holstein heifer owned by Anna Moser, of Ingham County, was chosen as the supreme
champion dairy heifer at the Michigan 4-H Youth Dairy Days dairy cattle show held July 20 at
Michigan State University (MSU) in East Lansing. Each winner was picked from a field of six
dairy breed junior champions. The dairy cattle show is one of several youth-centered activities
held annually during the week-long Michigan Dairy Expo, the state’s largest dairy event. This
year’s expo, the 19th annual, was held July 18-22. More than 100 youth competed in this
year’s show.
Moser, in addition to the owner of the supreme champion dairy cow, Taylor Bolinger, of
Tuscola County, and supreme showmanship winner, Shelby Berens, of Allegan County,
represented the Michigan dairy industry at the annual Michigan Livestock Expo ‘Sale-abration’
auction held the evening of the show. Champion animals selected the previous weekend at
the Michigan Livestock Expo were also sold at the ‘Sale-abration’ auction. The dairy
champions, however, were represented by dairy product gift baskets.
This year’s gift baskets representing the supreme
champion cow and heifer, showmanship winner,
and grand champion cheese, raised $36,000. A
majority of the funds generated from the sale of the
dairy lots goes into a statewide dairy youth fund of
the Michigan Youth Livestock Scholarship Fund.
The dairy portion of the fund supports dairy youth
programs through educational grants and scholarships. The youth members who exhibited the winning animals or earned the champion showmanship award receive $1,000 each.
Members of the buying syndicate who purchased
the Supreme Champion Dairy Heifer for $14,000
were: Caledonia Farmers Elevator, Cobank, Dairy
Farmers of America, the law firm of Foster, Swift,
Collins & Smith, P.C., Zeeland Farm Services, Inc.,
and the United Dairy Industry of Michigan.
State 4-H Goat Expo
April 16, 2016
71 exhibitors
12 entries
Ingham County Champion:
Magdalene Callender of Red Cedar Kids 4-H Club—
9th place—Jr. Skillathon
1st place—Jr. Illustrated Talk
1st place—Jr. Educational Poster
2nd place—Creative Writing
Congratulations to all Ingham County 4-H members who participated at the 2016 State Goat
Livestock Committee Scholarships
Applications Due August 1, 2016
Ingham County Livestock Committee will again be sponsoring up to eight, $500
scholarships to be awarded during the 2016 Large Animal Auction. This is open to
any senior (2016 graduate) who has or still is exhibiting in the livestock project area
for at least three years and plans to further their education after high school.
For application and details, visit: http://
Important Upcoming Early Fair Dates
July 23—3-D Archery—9:00 am—Chief Okemos Club
July 25—Shotgun, Muzzle Loading and .22 Rifle Shoot—3:00 pm—Capitol City Rifle Club
2016 Barn Set Up Times
Large Animals: Monday, July 25, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Small Animals: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at 6:00 pm
Your participation is needed.
July 28—Club Booth Decorating—5:00-9:00 pm
July 29—Club Booth Decorating—8:00 am-2:00 pm
July 29-30—Still Life Exhibit Judging - See Fairbook for dates/times/locations for project areas
July 29—Poultry Record Books due to 4-H Office by 5:00 pm
July 30—6:30 pm—Ice Cream Social and Dance—Shirley Cark Pavilion
Aug 1—Livestock Scholarship applications due to 4-H Office by noon
Visit the 4-H Website for all your Fair needs...
Be sure to visit our website for all of the updates you need for the fair and your 4-H projects…..
Links to:
Links to:
• Report Forms
• Brochures
• Superintendents & Evaluations
• Sale Bills
• Biosecurity Plans
• Writing Buyer Letters
• Entrepreneurship Silent Auction
• Judging Schedules
Project Report Forms
• Fair Awards (horse)
Project Guidelines
• Livestock Committee Scholarships
Project Handbooks
• Tom Stid Award (swine)
Record Books
• Troy Nealey Award (showmanship)
• Rabbit Scholarship
Record Keeping Books
As a 4-H member you may find it very beneficial to keep a personal record of your 4-H
experiences. A 4-H record book can be useful to you for planning your 4-H career. It also allows
you to document your development and accomplishments during your time in 4-H. Additionally,
when shared with parents and leaders it can help them guide the you through decision making
Record keeping ensures that you have accurate documentation of your experiences and the
skills you have learned through 4-H. Completed records will allow you to easily recall information
in the future when completing applications for jobs, scholarships, or awards. Record keeping also
allows you to track how your interests, goals, and responsibilities have changed over your 4-H
career. It will be fun in the future to remember your 4-H activities and share them with others.
Personal Record Book
Livestock Record Book—Beginner
Livestock Record Book—Intermediate
Livestock Record Book—Advanced
Horse Record Book
Rabbit Meat Pen/Fryers Record Book
Poultry Market/Production Record Book
REQUIRED AT 4-H Office by 5:00 pm on Friday, July 29 (***NEW DATE***)
Poultry Backyard Record Book
REQUIRED AT 4-H Office by 5:00 pm on Friday, July 29 (***NEW DATE***)
Please start your record books as soon as you start your project. Please do not wait until fair
starts to ask for a record book, you should be recording
your project as you raise your animals.
Food Booth
Ingham County 4-H Council exists to promote, implement and guide the 4-H Youth Programs in Ingham County. 4-H Council has
identified promoting training and workshop events for members and leaders as a high priority. The 4-H Council is committed to
helping all Ingham County 4-H members and leaders to take part in 4-H opportunities by providing scholarship funding to help offset
the cost of registration fees. In return for receiving scholarship funds, there is an expectation that all 4-H members and leaders
help raise funds by volunteering at a 4-H Council fundraiser. Examples of funded activities include: 4-H Exploration Days,
Kettunen Center workshops, National Congress, Capitol Experience, Livestock Camp, Participation Fee, etc.
Working at the 4-H Food Booth during fair is one opportunity to ensure that you are helping 4-H Council to raise the funds that
provide the scholarships for members and leaders to continue attending great leadership trainings. Youth working at the Food
Booth gain great skills in customer service and food preparation; you will be able to add these skills to your
resume as well as your 4-H record book.
Club Booth Watch
Each club will be responsible for one booth watch shift during the week of the fair. During the booth watch shift, the club will
need a minimum of 3 watchers (one at each entrance) in the building the entire time. Please be sure to mark your calendar
with your booth watch time/s.
And the Award Goes to . . . !!
Summer is a busy time when 4-H members may receive awards for their past year’s achievements.
The following is news about a few of the awards for which Michigan 4-H (http://4h.msue.msu.edu)
members may be eligible.
The State 4-H Awards Program is the highest honor bestowed on Michigan 4-H youth aged
13 and up who have at least three years of 4-H
experience. After careful review of the nominees’
applications by selection committees, delegates were invited to participate in either an advanced
leadership development program (juniors) or competitive interviews (seniors). The 2016
winners (http://bit.ly/29UAdHT) (juniors, pictured left and seniors, pictured
right) were
announced at the 4-H Recognition Program during 4-H Exploration Days
4-H’ers who are 11 or 12 years old are eligible to apply for the 4-H Mark of Excellence Award.
To enter, a young person needs to write an essay on the theme, “Because of 4-H
I can . . . .” Counties select their representatives, and submit
names and essays to the State 4-H Awards Committee. The 2016
winners (http://bit.ly/29UAWZD) received a certificate and a
medal through the mail. Additionally, their essays will be added
to the Mark of Excellence history book at Kettunen Center
(http://www.kettunencenter.org) and will be used by both the
Michigan 4-H
Foundation (http://www.mi4hfdtn.org) and the State 4-H Office.
We are excited that in 2016, Michigan 4-H Youth Development will award one volunteer leader and
one 4-H member with the second annual Michigan 4-H Animal Science Sportsperson of the
Year Award. If you know a 4-H’er (last year’s winner, Cassie Holladay, left) or an adult (last year’s
winner, Mary Adams, right) who exemplifies the definition of good sportsmanship (bit.ly/1OezfgH)
in any of the 4-H animal science project
areas (http://bit.ly/1p0ET1o), consider nominating him or her by
completing and sending in the nomination form
(http://bit.ly/29C9C01), which includes a nomination letter and a letter of support
from county 4-H staff, by October 1, 2016. Find more information from:
These articles:
4-H Workshops
Make The Match
$40 for 4-H Drive
We have an extraordinary
opportunity to be a part of
history and create a legacy for
4-H’s financial future in
Ingham County.
Did you know? Over fifty
people and organizations
campaign and helped us reach
the $42,385.54 mark on the
way to our $50,000 goal! We
have asked our community
members, our businesses and
organizations, our retired staff
and our 4-H Clubs; now we
ask YOU.
As a volunteer, you understand
value that 4-H provides for
our over 1100 youth each
year. You also know the time,
the energy and financial cost
it takes to manage a successful 4-H Club and county
program. That’s why we’ve
created the affordable “$40
for 4-H” drive. If every 4-H
Volunteer in Ingham County
gave just $40, we would reach
our goal for individual
We don’t need to tell you to
stop buying that specialty
coffee or to give up a family
movie night. We simply ask
you to consider the enormous
impact that your $40 could
have on our county program
for decades to come.
Visit the campaign web site at
countymatch or contact the 4-H
Office at (517) 676-7207.
August 22: 4-H Teen Spokesperson Training
Bridge Vista Hotel, Mackinac City
September 14-16: Facilitative Leadership Workshop for Youth-Serving Professionals & Volunteers
Louhelen Baha’I School Retreat and Conference Center, Davison Township
October 5-6: Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference
Port Huron
October 15-16: Michigan 4-H Goat Workshop
Kettunen Center, Tustin
October 29-30: 4-H Visual Arts, Crafts, Sewing & Textiles Workshop
Kettunen Center, Tustin
Other 4-H Events
July 31-August 6: 4-H Great Lakes & Natural Resources Camp
Camp Chickagami, Presque Isle
August 2-4: 4-H Health & Food Science Camp
Shaw Hall, Michigan State University
August 6: 4-H State Shooting Sports Tournament