2010 Donors Report


2010 Donors Report
2009 Donors Report
Funding Evans Scholarships For Caddies Since 1930
for caddies
The Evans Scholars Foundation – funded by Par Club
members, Special contributions, the BMW Championship
and other Western Golf Association programs –
provides full housing and tuition college scholarships
to more than 850 deserving caddies Each Year.
Investing in
Tomorrow’s Leaders
eaders on and off the course. With
your help, that’s who the Western Golf
Association is helping to create each day.
Annually, the WGA conducts three of
golf’s most prestigious tournaments – the
Western Junior, the Western
Amateur and the BMW
Championship, the third
of four PGA TOUR
Playoff events in the
TOUR’s FedExCup
Off the course, the
WGA sends more
than 850 deserving
caddies to college
each year on full housing and tuition
scholarships. Talk about the opportunity of
a lifetime.
Since 1930, nearly 9,000 caddies have
graduated as Evans Scholars, many going
on to successful careers in education, health
care, law and business.
This year, 865 Scholars are enrolled at
19 universities across the nation. Most
attend one of the 14 schools where the
Foundation owns and operates
a Scholarship House on
The WGA could not
make such a huge
investment without
the support and
contributions from the
thousands of golfers
across the nation who
also are committed to
investing in education.
This report recognizes these supporters
who, in the past year, have helped us to
create strong leaders both on the golf
course and in the classroom.
I will never be able to thank you enough for
making this scholarship possible. I do not know
where I would be without it, and I am thankful for
every second of it.
-Northwestern Evans Scholar Samantha Jemilo
On the cover, from left: Northwestern Evans Scholars Mike Amofa, Pat McAuliffe, Maggie Sledd, Ryan Parks and Dev Patel. – Photograph by Charles Cherney
WGA Par Club
2009 Operating Revenues and Expenses
Other Contributions:
Bag Tag Membership,
Evans Golf Events,
Memorials and Bequests
Par Club Contributions
BMW Championship
Allocation from
Endowment Fund
Scholars Housing and
Related Costs
Fund Raising
Economic Downturn
Tempers Good News
Dear Friends of the Evans Scholars Program:
s the Evans Scholarship program begins its 80th year, we want to express our appreciation
for the support of the thousands of contributors who have helped make our program
one of the finest scholarship programs in the country. Our supporters can take pride in
knowing that their investment in deserving young caddies is yielding excellent dividends. To cite a
few of the accomplishments of the Evans Scholars:
• Academically, the 865 Scholars at the 14 Evans Scholarship Houses continue to
excel – all Houses have a cumulative grade point average of over 3.0.
• Our graduation rate is 92 percent.
• The almost 9,000 Alumni have consistently supported the program through their
financial contributions – $4.2 million in 2009 alone and $47.8 million total since
the program began.
This good news is counterbalanced by the challenges confronting the program, especially
during the difficult economic conditions of the last two years. These challenges include:
•A continuing escalation of tuition bills, which have increased nearly 30 percent
since 2007 to $10 million.
•An 8.5 percent decline (down more than $600,000) in Par Club contributions in
2009 as many clubs across the country have lost members during the downturn.
•2009 tournament revenue was $1.6 million less than the previous year – another
sign that the economy has affected all aspects of the golf industry.
•As the two pie charts on the facing page illustrate, the combined Par Club and
tournament revenue decline, plus tuition increases, led to an operating deficit last
year for the first time in 30 years. Fortunately, we were able to cover it with funds
from the operating reserve in our Endowment Fund.
To keep pace with the developments in education, we’ve had to upgrade our facilities and
programs while also simultaneously tightening our belts. Last year, a new Scholarship House
was completed at The Ohio State University, and this year, the renovation and restoration of the
historic Northwestern University Scholarship House will be completed to meet present-day code
and Scholar requirements. Scholarship applications are at an all-time high.
The challenges confronting us mean that your continued support is more important than ever.
The Evans Scholarship program has played a pivotal role in providing educational opportunities
for caddies who have excellent academic accomplishments, an outstanding work ethic and proven
financial need. You have also played an important part in providing a life changing experience for
the young men and women who have become Evans Scholars. We thank you on their behalf.
Roger Mohr
John Kaczkowski
President & CEO
WGA Par Club
Raising the Bar
on the Course and in the Classroom
Evans Scholar Blane
Zavesky and his mom
uke Mehmeti and Blane
Zavesky followed in the
footsteps of their older
brothers to the golf course.
nervous,” he says. “I’m not a big fan of
public speaking. I just want to say thank
you to the people who have helped me
along the way.”
Both fell in love with caddying
at The Dunes Club in New
Buffalo, Mich. And now their
hard work on the course
and in the classroom – both
are valedictorians at their
respective high schools – has
been rewarded with an Evans
Luke’s story begins in Kosovo, where
he fled with his family to a refugee camp
before their arrival in America when he
was 7. Once in the States, he faced culture
shock. He recalls his awe of the colorful
elementary classrooms and playgrounds.
“It was like coming to a high-tech world,”
he says. “All the new cars, seeing everyone
out and about was so strange.”
Blane plans to study chemical
engineering this fall at the
University of Michigan, while Luke will
be a pre-med major at Northwestern
For the friends, family support has been
key to their success. Blane had high
standards to live up to – both his brother
and sister were valedictorians. “They made
sure I tried hard in school,” he says.
Now he’s looking forward to giving his
valedictorian speech at graduation. “I’ll be
“It means so much to know that
people have that much trust in me. I
won’t let them down.
- Luke Mehmeti
Luke Mehmeti with WGA
Director Mike Donovan
Assimilating was difficult, but his parents
were encouraging. “They’re always pushing
me to the next level,” Luke says. Now he
has a valedictorian title to show for his
efforts. “It’s really motivational to know
you’re the leader in academics,” he says.
For both, the Scholarship is the greatest
gift they could have imagined. “It means
so much,” Luke says, “to know that people
have that much trust in me. I won’t let
them down.”
Evans Scholar Estefania Vigil with WGA Alumni Director Bob
Webster at the 2009 Colorado Par Club tournament.
A Lesson in Confidence
stefania Vigil knows a thing or two
about overcoming challenges.
Golf was a major one for her. She entered
a new world at Colorado’s Roaring Fork
Club in Basalt when she began caddying –
and it took time to adjust.
“It was confusing for me,” she says. “I
was always trying to remember what I was
supposed to do. I wasn’t very confident.”
Eventually, she got the hang of it, and she
learned to appreciate the game.
Caddying also presented her a life-changing
opportunity – the chance to attend college
for free on an Evans Scholarship.
The second youngest of nine in her family,
Estefania knew money was tight. But she
always dreamed of going to college. “As
a little girl, I always saw myself with a
business suit and a suitcase,” she says.
She was awarded the scholarship to the
University of Colorado in Boulder last fall.
And school, she soon discovered, was her
next big challenge.
“It’s hard living with people from all
different backgrounds,” she says. “There
were times I felt out of place.” That, too,
changed with time. “I really feel like we’re
a family now,” she says.
“I really feel
the Evans
Scholars are a
-Estefania Vigil
Estefania’s confidence only continues to
grow – and she knows caddying has helped
her immensely. “It made me come out of
my comfort zone,” she says, “just because I
did something most Latina girls don’t do.”
Her experiences have taught her a valuable
lesson: “I really can,” she says, “do
anything I want to do.”
WGA Par Club
“The Evans
program takes
a dream and
turns it into a
-Mr. and Mrs. Olivieri
Life Lessons Honored
or Bob and Evelyn Thies, the life
lessons that have served them best
came from their parents.
“We learned that success in life is based
not only on your own hard work but on
the generosity of others, and we wanted
to honor that life lesson,” said Thies, who
earned an Evans Scholarship as a caddie
at Midlothian Country Club, married
Evelyn 18 years ago and now owns a dental
practice with two locations in southwest
suburban Chicago.
Bob and Evelyn chose to honor
their parents by funding two Evans
Scholarships: the Nicholas and Mary Ann
Thies Endowed Named Scholarship at
Midlothian, where Bob and Evelyn now
are members; and the Joseph and Adelaide
Olivieri Endowed Named Scholarship
at Flossmoor Country Club, where the
Olivieris were members for 30 years.
For Mr. and Mrs. Olivieri, the Named
Scholarship provided a confirmation that
their lessons were taken to heart. “Children
don’t come with a manual,” they observed.
“You just try to lead by example. One day
you receive a special honor as this and you
think, maybe you got it right.”
“In our family, college has always been
a given,” the Olivieris added. “In some
families, although this sentiment may
be shared … ‘financially’ it may never
come to fruition. The Evans Scholarship
program takes a dream and turns it into a
reality. Our son-in-law, Dr. Robert Thies,
is but one sterling example of the success
bestowed upon an Evans Scholarship
For Bob’s father, Nicholas, the honor
confirms a decision he made as a young
man when he married Mary Ann. “I had
a wonderful wife and mother. She really
did a good job with our six kids,” he said.
“We promoted basic American principles
of honesty, trust and respect, and to do the
best you can.” Mrs. Thies passed away in
1992, but the values she and Nick shared
live on through their children.
Dr. Thies, a Western Golf Association
Director since 2007, and his wife, Evelyn,
appreciate the inherited nature of their core
values. “With these scholarships,” Thies
noted, “we’re acknowledging that our
parents’ life lessons for us were learned.”
Above left: Joseph and Adelaide Olivieri with their
Named Scholar Grant Stoffle. Right: Nicholas Thies
with son, Bob.
A Compelling Reason to Give
A few kids from his neighborhood went to
the local country club, and he followed.
“The first time I went, I was 8 or 9,” he
says. “It was hard work, and it was hot. I
didn’t go back for a couple years.”
great experience,” he says. “I enjoyed it
immensely. There was nothing about it I
didn’t like.”
He went on to earn a law degree from
Columbia in 1967 and retired in 1997
from a post as Secretary and General
Counsel of Equitable of Iowa Companies.
ohn Merriman’s first experience
caddying wasn’t so great.
“There was
nothing about
Northwestern I
But when he returned to Des Moines
Golf and Country Club, the job stuck. He
caddied, worked in the pro shop, and even
became caddie master. “I enjoyed watching
people play golf and the camaraderie with
other caddies,” he says. “As a teen, it was a
nice way to earn some money.”
The impressions stuck. His work was
rewarded with the opportunity to attend
Northwestern University on an Evans
Scholarship, where he studied political
science and graduated in 1964. “It was a
Now, he’s giving back. Longtime Evans
Scholars supporters Merriman and his wife
Barbara are pleased to be able to pledge
$750,000 to the campaign to renovate
and expand the Northwestern Evans
Scholarship House.
didn’t like.
-John Merriman
“The idea of continuing to provide
Scholarships to attend Northwestern was
compelling,” he says. “The experience
provided me with opportunities I wouldn’t
have had otherwise.”
photo to come
Northwestern Alum John Merriman and his wife, Barbara, at home in Clive, Iowa.
WGA Par Club
Northwestern Campaign
Nearing $6 Million Goal
he Futures on Course campaign,
aimed at renovating and
expanding the Northwestern
Evans Scholarship House, as well as
securing the future for Evans Scholars at
Northwestern University, has received
148 contributions totaling more than
$5 million to date en route toward a $6
million goal.
“We are extremely grateful for the
generous support we have received
thus far,” said Jim Moore, WGA
Senior Vice President of Foundation
Advancement. “However, our work is
far from complete. We are optimistic that
our Evans Alumni will respond to the
challenge, and we will meet our ultimate
A dedication ceremony for the new House
will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday, October
10, at 721 University Place. Northwestern
University President Dr. Morton Schapiro
will speak at the event.
The new building will feature increased
living space and accessibility and an
updated infrastructure. Construction began
in August 2009.
Officials still are seeking gifts from all Evans
Scholars supporters. For information, call
Director of Development Jerry Dudek at
(847) 724-4600, ext. 225.
Save the Date: October 10, 2010
Northwestern Evans Scholarship House
Dedication Ceremony
“Our work is far from
complete. We are optimistic
our Evans Alumni will
respond to the challenge,
and we will meet our goal.
-Jim Moore, Senior VP, Foundation
Indiana Alum Tony Saliba, right, and his family.
Saliba Family Aims to Inspire Giving
ony Saliba and his family, who
made a $2 million donation to the
Evans Scholars Foundation, were
honored at a ceremony on February 5 at
WGA headquarters in Golf, Illinois.
The event speakers included WGA
Chairman Roger Mohr, President and
CEO John Kaczkowski and Indiana
Evans Scholars. The gift is the largest ever
received from an Evans Alumnus.
“Tony’s leadership and foresight in
providing this generous gift hopefully
will influence other Alumni and program
friends to follow suit,” Kaczkowski said.
graduating from Indiana University in
1977 with an accounting degree, he went
on to become one of the nation’s top
options traders, and the only options trader
profiled in the bestselling investment book
Market Wizards.
“I want
to give
to other
He and his family made their $2 million
pledge to the Evans Scholars Foundation
in 2008 for Chicago-area students to
attend Indiana University on an Evans
Scholarship. The Indiana House has been
renamed in honor of the Saliba family.
people like
-Tony Saliba
The decision to give back just makes sense,
Saliba said. “I want to give opportunities to
other people like myself,” he said.
Saliba caddied at Northmoor Country
Club in Highland Park, Illinois. After
WGA Par Club
BMW Championship
Scoring Dollars
for Scholars
iger Woods and Camilo Villegas
have earned the victor’s trophies
the past three years, but the
BMW Championship also has benefited
some lesser known champions – the
865 caddies attending college on Evans
Scholarships funded partly through
proceeds from the annual PGA TOUR
Playoff event.
Since 2007, the WGA-run BMW
Championship has raised $7.3 million
for the Evans Scholarships. Overall,
WGA championships have raised more
than $46 million to help send deserving
caddies to college since the first two
Evans Scholars enrolled at Northwestern
University in 1930.
“Our efforts continue to be focused on
funding college scholarships for caddies
through the generosity of golfers, and a
vital part of our effort includes conducting
nationally-recognized golf championships,”
said WGA President and CEO John
Kaczkowski. “This year, thanks to our
partnerships with BMW and the PGA
TOUR, we’re anticipating a major financial
contribution from the fourth BMW
Stan Badz/PGA TOUR/Getty Images
Championships for Scholarships
Stan Badz/PGA TOUR/Getty Images
2010 BMW Championship
Monday, Sept. 6 – Sunday, Sept. 12
Where: Cog Hill Golf & Country Club, Lemont, Ill.
Third of Four PGA TOUR Playoff Events
Top 70 Pros in the FedExCup Standings
At Stake:
$7.5 Million – Winner’s Share: $1.35 Million
$45 Any Championship Day or $150 Weekly Badge
Skyboxes, Corporate Tents, Tables, Pro-Ams
For more information, call (847) 724-4600 or visit
2007 – Tiger Woods
2008 – Camilo Villegas
2009 – Tiger Woods
All net proceeds benefit
the Evans Scholars Foundation
WGA Par Club
09 Champion
John Hahn, 20
Western Amateur Championship
he Western Amateur, presented by
Callaway, features an international
field of top-ranked amateur golfers
in a grueling medal and match play format.
First held in 1899, the Western Amateur
is the third-ranked amateur golf
championship in the world.
John Hahn, of Hudson, Ohio, won the
2009 championship, hosted by Conway
Farms Golf Club in Lake Forest, Illinois.
The 108th Western Amateur will be played
August 2-7, 2010, at Skokie Country Club
in Glencoe, Illinois.
“We enjoyed one of the finest-ever Western
Amateurs, thanks to the hospitality of
the Conway Farms officials, members
and staff,” noted Vice President of
Tournaments Vince Pellegrino. “Based on
the enthusiasm shown by Skokie Country
Club officials in our meetings to date, we
are looking forward to another excellent
championship this August.”
The 2009 Western Amateur field included
competitors from more than 30 states and
five foreign countries, including many
national, collegiate and junior champions.
Past champions include Jack Nicklaus,
Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, Ben
Crenshaw, Curtis Strange, Hal Sutton,
Lanny Wadkins, Justin Leonard and eighttime winner Chick Evans, founder of the
Evans Scholarships.
Matthew Mabrey tees off
at the 2009 Western Junior
Western Junior Championship
Future Stars
he Western Junior, presented by
Callaway, is the oldest national
junior tournament in the United
States and annually attracts the top junior
players from more than 40 states and
Zack Fischer, of Wake Village, Texas, won
the 2009 Western Junior hosted by The
University of Texas Golf Club in Austin,
The 93rd Western Junior will be held
June 21-25, 2010, at Blue Mound Golf &
Country Club in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.
“Watching these young golfers compete,
you can see the promise so many have
Zack Fischer
2009 Champi
to someday join the professional ranks,”
said Vice President of Tournaments
Vince Pellegrino. “Just five years ago,
Rickie Fowler won this championship at
Blythefield Country Club in Michigan.
Today, he’s challenging the world’s best
golfers on the PGA TOUR.”
The Western Junior field is limited to 156
entrants. Exemptions into the Western
Amateur are awarded to the champion,
runner-up and third-place finishers.
The tournament has been a testing ground
for stars of the future, such as Tiger
Woods, Phil Mickelson, Steve Stricker,
Ben Curtis, Hunter Mahan, Rickie Fowler,
Brandt Snedeker and Fred Couples.
WGA Par Club
Planned Giving
Today’s Commitments
to Tomorrow’s Scholars
s friends of the Evans Scholarships
consider making larger
commitments to help preserve
the 80-year-old caddie scholarship
program, planned giving offers an effective
alternative means of support.
For information
on planned giving
contact Jerry
Dudek or Jim
Moore at (847)
724-4600 or
com and moore@
Planned gifts can help maximize the value
of contributions to the Evans Scholars
Foundation and provide possible tax
savings for the donor.
“We must find new revenue to guarantee
that future caddies will have the same
opportunity to attend college as has been
enjoyed by over 10,000 caddies since the
Western Golf Association first agreed to
sponsor the program in 1930,” WGA
President and CEO John Kaczkowski said.
“While we are struggling to keep up with
our annual commitments, we understand
that many would-be donors rely on their
savings and investments to provide current
income,” he said. “By deferring a major
gift through planned giving, donors are
able to obtain present benefits while
knowing that ultimately their invested
funds will support their favorite charities.”
Some planned giving programs provide
for a continuing income to the donor and
a second beneficiary, noted Jim Moore,
WGA Senior Vice President of Foundation
“Because the laws governing planned
gifts can be complex and are constantly
evolving, a donor’s attorney or tax advisor
should be consulted when a planned gift is
under consideration,” Moore said.
The WGA development office is expanding
the Evans Scholarships planned giving
program, including establishing a means
of formally recognizing all planned gifts,
added Moore.
“As we face continued increases in our
college costs, and as more families face
hardship due to a tightening economy,
securing the future financial success of the
Evans Scholarships is now more important
than ever before,” Moore said.
coming soon!
The New WGA/ESF Web site
WGA is in the process of upgrading its Web site to better connect with donors,
Evans Scholars, Alumni, future and current caddies and friends of the Evans
Scholars Program.
Look for changes at www.wgaesf.com in the coming months. New
features will include Par Club membership management, social
networking, expanded Evans Scholar and Alumni content and
calendar and event registration!
In the meantime, please send a note to
enewsletter@wgaesf.com with your e-mail address to
sign up to receive our new e-newsletters!
changing the
Course of a Lifetime
We need your help now more than ever. The cost of college tuition continues to increase – and so do the
challenges facing the Evans Scholars Foundation in meeting these costs. With your 2010 donation, you
can help give the gift of the Evans Scholarship to today’s students. It’s a gift that not only represents an
excellent education, but the opportunity to develop leadership skills, a commitment to service and the
beginning of lifelong friendships.
Please make your donation to the Evans Scholars Par Club or Evans Alumni Annual Fund using your giving
envelope or by visiting www.wgaesf.com. With your help, future Scholars will excel, inspire and lead.
WGA Par Club
Preparing for Uncertainty
he Roland F. McGuigan Endowment Fund was
established in 1989 to provide protection against
unforeseen fiscal challenges which could threaten the
financial viability of the Evans Scholarship program.
The fund is named in honor of Roland F. “Mac”
McGuigan, the Evans Scholars Foundation’s first
educational director, whose visionary guidance and
tireless spirit fueled the program’s growth during his
41 years with the Foundation.
“With tuition increases on the rise and uncertain
economic conditions ahead, it is vital that the
Endowment Fund remains healthy and prepared to
protect future funding of the Evans Scholarships,”
WGA President and CEO John Kaczkowski notes.
The Roland F. McGuigan Endowment Fund of the Evans Scholars Foundation
2009 Leader Board Honor Roll
he Leader Board Honor Roll listings reflect cumulative lifetime giving to the Roland F. McGuigan Endowment Fund,
for cash and deferred commitments. Names of endowment contributors who made an initial gift, pledge payment or
ongoing gift in 2009 are listed in bold type. Evans Scholars Alumni are indicated by an asterisk.
($250,000 or more)
Robert M. Alsteen*
Mitchell A. Arnold*
Robert G. & Ruth W. Bohnen
Memorial Scholarship
(Robert G. Bohnen Family)
Herbert A. Bruckner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Dapp*
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Drumm
Maxine S. Ellend
Bruce K. Goodman
Thomas E. McAuley*
McMasters-Koss Company*
Brian E. Mills
Thomas F. Moran*
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Ormsby*
John J. Ply*
Arthur C Prine, Jr.
Anthony J. Saliba*
Timothy R. Schwertfeger*
and Gail Waller
David J. Shaw*
W.F. Souder, Jr. Memorial
Cecil B. Stevens Memorial
Paul F. Sullivan & Marsha C.
George Merrick Tisdale
& Genevieve Tisdale
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Thies*
James R. Utaski*
($100,000 to $249,999)
Eddie Barr Memorial Scholarship
(Beverly Country Club Members)
William C. Bartholomay
Biltmore CC Memorial Fund
Thomas R. Binzer*
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Blesi
Charles H. & Bertha L.
Boothroyd Foundation
Butterfield/Sonny Meike Fund
In honor of Michael T. Byrne*
Robert S. Campbell
Named Scholarship
Jim Chesrown Named Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. H. Grant Clark, Jr.
Steven J. Colnitis*
Thomas P. Danis
Sam DiGiovanni
Named Scholarship
(Olympia Fields Country
Club Members)
Thomas A. Dutch Scholarship Fund
Eagle Ho Group
David W. Ellis Memorial Scholarship
(David W. Ellis Family)
Gordon H. Ewen
Robert W. Flynn
Named Scholarship*
Thomas E. Gorman
Named Scholarship
(Beverly Country Club Members)
Lawrence G. Haggerty Memorial
Scholarship Fund
(Haggerty Enterprises, Inc.)
Dr. Louis M. Haley Memorial
Scholarship Fund
(Dr. Louis M. Haley Family)
Gardner W. Heidrick, Sr.
Scholarship Fund
(Gardner W. Heidrick Jr. &
Robert L. Heidrick)
James E. Herbert
Memorial Scholarship
Dave Hettinga Named Scholarship
(Dunes Club #1)
Dave Hettinga Named Scholarship
(Dunes Club #2)
Richard E. Johnson
Lewis Kenneth & Iris Violet Kett
Named Scholarship
(Dr. Terence K. Kett*)
J. Edward & Robert E. King
Scholarship Fund
(Mr. & Mrs. R.E. King)
Lester B. Knight Charitable Trust
James J. & Karen A. Kregel
Robert M. & Diane vS Levy
Named Scholarship
Michael W. Louis
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Charles
(J. Philip Luetkemeyer*)
Mitch Mars Named Scholarship #1
Mitch Mars Named Scholarship #2
Ralph E. Mayerstein
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd McGlincy
John A. Merriman*
Mesirow Financial
Named Scholarship
(Beverly Country Club Members)
John C. & Julie A. Meyer*
Michigan Evans Scholar
Alumni Association
Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Mohr*
Hubert C. Moog
Named Scholarship
(Hubert Moog Family)
James E. Moore
Named Scholarship
(Beverly Country Club Members)
Frank and Susan Morley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Navratil*
Rita and Pete Peterson
Named Scholarship*
Frank S. Polizzi*
Bernard Pollack Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Al Purdy Named Scholarship
(continued on page 17)
(continued from page 16)
Michael & Teresa Reilly
Named Scholarship
(Beverly Country Club Members)
Ronald H. Ringer
Named Scholarship
Bob & Kay Ritchie
Named Scholarship
Richard P. Ryan
& Kathleen O’B. Ryan
S. Jack Sauer*
Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Fund
William F. Shean, Jr.*
Charles E. Simmons
Ed & Marti Slowik
Named Scholarship
George H. Solich
Marvin D. Stahl
John C. Stahler
Edward J. Stegner
Darrell F. Voitik*
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick F. Webster Jr.
David P. Weiner
Walter H. Wolf*
Milt Woodard
Kenneth F. Yontz
James F. Ashenden
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Bard
David B. Barnett*
Mark E. Cleve*
Thomas A. Cully*
Richard H. Driehaus*
Harold E. Foreman, Jr.
Scholarship Fund
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Paul F. Frymark*
In memory of James L. Garard, Sr.
(James L. Garard, Jr.)
William R. Heerman*
Simon W. Heitmeyer*
Jack Holland*
Vicki & Thomas Horwich
Jerry R. Iverson
Mr. & Mrs. Jaime J. Javors*
Stephen C. Johnston
Jeffrey A. Kallman
Memorial Tournament*
Kemper Lakes GC/Kemper National/
Kemper Sports
Management, Inc.
Leonard M. Landsbaum
Dominic Mangone
Robert L. McMasters*
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Mendesh*
Thomas M. Mints, Jr.
Joseph D. O’Connor III*
The Offield Family Foundation
($50,000 to $99,999)
E. Peter Ohlwein*
Christopher P. Pellington*
Mary & Scott Petrovich*
James G. & Heide M. Reilly*
Thomas A. Reynolds, Jr.
Richard Sawicki*
Gerald J. Schubert*
Martin H. Snitzer
William J. Sullivan, Jr.*
James D. & Ann H. Zielinski*
($25,000 to $49,999)
Thomas J. Allison
Mr. & Mrs. Carlyle E. Anderson
Donald J. Barr*
Albert D. Beedie Memorial
Robert C. Brown*
Butz Foundation
Peter B. Carey
Richard P. Carmody*
Philip A. Carraro*
Doug Castek*
Bill Daniels & Ellen Carnahan
Tom Davitt
James & Catherine Denny
Nick J. DiGiovanni
Anthony DiTommaso
EGC Associates
Bill Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fahey*
Raymond L. Fahrmeier*
Eugene F. & Sallyann Fama
John N. Fix
Kevin Flynn
Robert E. Foss*
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett R. Glass
John J. Gleason
Gooder-Henrichsen Co.
Roger D. Gordon*
The Gregg Brothers*
John A. & Kathy L. Gregg*
Gordon Hall
John P. Hanna
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Harrison*
In honor of Tom Horwich
(Klaff Family Foundation)
Edward R. James
John J. Joy*
Edward T. Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Keiser
Dennis Kerber*
William C. Kingore
In memory of George &
Beverly Laubacher
(Mark J. Laubacher*)
Terrence J. Lavin
Makray Family Foundation
Ardel V. McKenna
John J. McNicholas*
Donna Milburn Memorial
Mulvihill Family Foundation
Michael & Maureen Naset*
Irene A. Papp
Peer Pedersen
James N. Perry, Jr.
Joy Phipps
In honor of Harold “Red” Poling
Pullman Bank
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Roach II*
Richard M. & Elizabeth M.
Ross Foundation
George W. Rourke
David Rubin
Larry & Jan Ryan*
Gary V. Sagui
St. Louis Directors
Caddies To College
Evans Scholars Golf Tournament
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sasaki*
Rand W. Scarbrough*
Dr. Thomas G. Slama
Jerry Thomas
Robert Topel
Phillip J. Trainor*
Jim Tyree
John F. Vitt*
Robert H. Wood
($10,000 to $24,999)
Andersen Worldwide
Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Arenberg
Newell A. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Batliner*
Jim Boyd
Kevin Boyd
Robert R. Bourke
Craig & Susan Bruya*
Thomas J. Clunie*
Matt & Jan Cohoat*
Lester Crown
Denis J. Daly, Sr.
Gary Davey
Allison Davis
Diermeier Family Foundation
Burtis J. Dolan, Jr.
Michael Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ervasti
Joseph M. Ferraro*
Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Feuerzeig*
James E. Finn*
Collins T. Fitzpatrick*
Frederic B. (Fritz) Franz Memorial
The Frye Foundation
In memory of James S. Gabelman
(Andrew Gabelman)
Steven A. Goldberg*
Michael J. Grear*
The Guth Foundation
Michael J. Hainer*
Richard F. Hesemann*
Jerome E. Hickey
Hickory Stick Invitational
Joel S. Hirsch
Walter C. Hiser
George W. Hoaglin, D.D.S.*
Tom Hynes
Illinois Evans Scholars
Mrs. Harold James
Brion and Sandra Johnson*
Tom & Mary Kay Kaufmann*
Thomas P. & Susan D. Kearney*
Dr. William R. Kehoe
Atty. & Mrs. John W. Knuteson*
Gerald A. & Karen A. Kolschowsky
Martin & Karen Koss*
Jim Kramer
Melissa & Ted Lagreid*
Roy Lang
The Lannon Brothers*
Peter & Diane Lannon*
Thomas C. Lawson*
Stephen F. Libby*
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Luigs
Robert H. Lusk*
(continued on page 18)
WGA Par Club
($100,000 to $249,999)
($10,000 to $24,999)
(continued from page 17)
John & Peggy Malloy Memorial
Marquette Evans Scholars
Robert R. McCormick
Tribune Foundation
Jeanne Davis McIntyre
Michigan Evans Scholars
Michigan State Evans Scholars
Dale W. Miller*
Modestus Bauer Foundation
Andrew C. Morris*
Timothy R. Morris*
Michael F. Morrissey
Robert Mudd
Larry E. Mustard*
Dr. Donald A. Newgren*
Milton A. Newton*
Joe Novak*
John & Donna Novitsky*
Ohio State Evans Scholars
James M. O’Keane*
Robert & Mary O’Leary*
Robert F. Opeka*
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Regan, Jr.*
Theodore Pasquesi*
Thomas C. Prentice*
Douglas Rasmussen
Timothy J. Reardon*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reilly*
Patrick Roche*
Kathryn M. Rockwell Memorial
In honor of John F. Schaefer
(Mrs. James D. Farley )
Robert Schedel*
John E. Scherer
Frederick J. Schwab*
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scotellaro*
Raymond A. Seng
John D. Senne, Jr. Memorial
Lawrence K. Silbart*
Sidney B. Slocum
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Snyder*
Geoff C. Solich*
Tom Stahlschmidt
John Steimle
M/M William J. Stroh*
Steven W. Stroker*
In Memory of Donna Sullivan
(Peter Pampusch, Amy
Pampusch Olson & Ann
Peter Q. Thompson
Jack F. Townsend*
John P. VerBockel*
William L. Viands*
Clifford L. Weaver*
Robert N. Webster*
Gannon Wegner*
Murray Wikol, U.S. Open Event*
Wisconsin Evans Scholars
In memory of R. Arthur Wood
(Arthur M. Wood)
In memory of
Ronald W. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zlotocha*
($5,000 to $9,999)
Douglas A. Albrecht
Raymond B. Anderson
Mrs. Edmond S. Bauer
H. M. Benstead, Jr.
Edward Bernardi*
The Bill Bass Foundation
Jim Beedie
Tom Boyd
Gordon F. Brunner*
Vernon A. Brunner*
Capricorn Capital Group, Inc.
Karen A. Chesrown
Richard & Pat Cohn
Cole Taylor Bank
Colorado Evans Scholars
John J. Darin*
Linden Davis*
Matthew J. Desch*
Sam J. DiGiovanni
Jerry & Debbie Dudek*
Barbara & John Easter
Anthony G. Fabaz
William A. Geoppinger
Kenneth A. Halverson, Jr.
Earl Hamilton
Glennon W. Healey*
Eric Heneghan
Heritage/Pullman Bank
Robert N. & Debra J.
John R. Higgins
Walter V. Holt
Michael E. Holtzleiter*
William P. Horal, D.D.S.*
Indiana Evans Scholars
John T. & Suzann S.
Jacobus Family Foundation
The Joyce Foundation
David Kallman*
J. Kimball Kehoe, Ph.D.*
John J. Kelly, Jr.
David & Lesly Koo
Edward F. Korff III*
Sheldon Lavin
Richard & Kathryn Lenter*
Andrew Lutsey
John Malone
Mitchell J. Manassa*
Mark E. Marek*
Steve Martell
Dr. & Mrs. Sam J. Marzo*
John M. Matovina*
McAndrews, Held
& Malloy Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. John L.
Miami Evans Scholars
Minnesota Alumni Association
Minnesota Evans Scholars
Missouri Evans Scholars
William C. Mitchell
James E. Moore
Rich Moriarty
Sean Moriarty
Ed Murray*
Theodore Nordahl
Northern Illinois
Evans Scholars
Northwestern Evans Scholars
M/M James W. O’Neill*
Thomas S. & Dorothy Paluck*
M/M Walter L. Pfeffer II*
W. Earl Phillips
Dr. James E. Piereson*
John G. Puder
Purdue Evans Scholars
A. J. Pyle*
Sam K. Reed
Johnny Revolta
Lewis A. Rockwell
Randy J. Rogers*
Robert D. Scallan
Francis A. Serwe Memorial
Mrs. Thomas B. Singleton
John D. Standish
Susan R. & John W. Sullivan
Edward R. & Honoria E. Teske
Dr. Thomas F. Voelker
Bill Van Hoene
William Walter
Douglas M. West
Raymon and Linda Whitney*
J.P. Wleklinski
John Wyma
($1,000 to $4,999)
Robert J. Adams*
ADP Foundation
Walter H. Albrecht
Stu Alexander
Anwar Alimumal
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Allen*
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M.
American National Bank
of Chicago
David L. Amory
Kathy M. Antaya*
Eddie Arauco*
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Arndt*
A.W. Management
Charles Baer
Robert H. Baker, Jr.*
Michael & Vickie Balchunas*
Richard J. Barry*
Jerry & Anne
Barrett Doorhy*
Henry Bartholomay III
Thomas P. Bartosz*
Thomas Battistoni & Emilia
Roland M. Baumann*
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Bava
In honor of the Becker Family
Patricia Berdan
Roger and Joyce Berg
Charles M. Berlin*
Alan M. & Nancy Berry
James J. Berus*
Paul P. Biebel, Jr.*
Joseph J. Bileti
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Binder*
Joe Binzer*
Cushman B. Bissell, Jr.
Gregory W. Blaine*
G. Peter Blom
Carleton Blunt
Anthony W. Bohnert*
Mark D. Bomia*
Joseph M. Bonini*
Scott Boschert*
Boulevard Bank Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Bramson*
Brian Branca*
James J. Brennan*
James Brocksmith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P.
Bernard J. “Sandy“ Browe*
Jeff & Susan Bryden
James T. Bunch
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Burke*
Joseph L. Burke, Jr.*
Robert M. Callero*
Sergio Calvo*
Ron Canham*
Daniel J. Caplis*
Randall L. Carpenter*
Anthony B. Char*
Craig M. Chester*
Thomas W. Chisholm
David J. Cognata*
Colorado Golf Association
Computer Leasing, Inc.
Brian R. Conner*
Consortium Capital
& Marketing
Richard Corzatt*
John R. Costello*
Jack Coury*
Daniel W. Coyne*
Robert A. Creamer*
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Crishman*
Joe Crisham*
Michael M. Cully*
Thomas A. Cully*
Erich J. D’Andrea
Tom Danis, Jr.
Thomas G. Davis*
J. Daniel Demichelis*
Robert J. Dent*
V.F. DeRose
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P.
David C. Devendorf*
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Devendorf*
Charles F. Doyle*
Anthony D. Drabik*
Keith & Ann Dronen*
Roland L. Eckstein*
Dr. Christopher W.
Dennis E. Egan*
Mark D. Ehrmann*
El Camino Resources Ltd.
Eugene C. Ernsting
Richard Excell*
The Exchange National
Bank of Chicago
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Fagan*
Margaret A. Fahrmeier
Joseph P. Falcone*
In honor of Kelly & Casey
Feight (Craig W. Feight*)
Kenneth W. Feldmann*
Aaron P. Feyes*
Kenneth Filippini*
Philip C. Finn*
Robert B. Fitzgerald*
Richard A. Forsythe
(continued on page 19)
(continued from page 18)
M & J Kennelly Foundation
Brendan & Priscilla
In honor of Jim Reilly
Patrick & Mary Anne Kielty*
(Center Street Foundation)
Brendan & Eileen Killeen*
Michael L. McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Reilly*
Joseph F. Kindlon
Richard D. McEvoy*
Matthew Renninger*
Harvey Kinzelberg
David R. McLellan*
Daniel J. & Cary C. Renz*
John S. Kirby*
Mary (McMahon)* & Kirk
Jack & Ede Rice
Robert A. Kleewein*
Jerome & Betty Ann Rich
Kevin H. Klingbeil*
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy K.
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance
Napoleon Knight*
John A. Knorr
Tim & Aimee McVady*
Robert Thomas Securities Inc.
Warren Knudson*
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mees*
Mervin H. Roberts, Jr.*
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Koldyke Michael T. Merucci*
Don W. Robinson
Lawrence S. Kolinski
George & Janet Metzger
Dan & Mary Lou Roche*
Patrick W. Kolzow*
Dr. Michael T. Meyer*
The Rodel Foundation
Ernest Koneck*
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Mickey* Paull J. Rukavina*
Lee M. Kornfield*
Millway Nursing Home
Dennis P. Ryan*
Francis B. Kotzman*
Thomas J. Miske*
Nicholas B. Ryan*
Mr. & Mrs. John R.
George & Susan Mitchell*
P. Sean Ryan*
Michael E. Moran*
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Kulig*
Jennifer Antonietti*
Richard N. Ryan*
Ronald and Joan Kurucz
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher
Richard T. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lafkas*
M/M Thomas W. Ryan*
Hal Laman
Glen Mueller*
Drs. Jill & Garnet
Douglas P. Landwehr*
Thomas M. Murphy
Kevin M. Langford*
Mr. & Mrs. Gino P.
Jerome S. Rydell*
LaSalle Computer
Roger W. Sandstrom*
Mr. & Mrs. Casey Newell
Dr. & Mrs. Michael G.
LaSalle Northwest
Peter S. Nicolazzo*
National Bank
Gerald T. Noce*
William A. Schaefer*
Peter & Barbara Laux*
Donald J. Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce O. Scheer*
Jack Lawlor*
Thomas Nolan*
Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Scheller*
Clyde C. Lawnicki*
North Oaks Golf Club
Daniel J. Schewe*
John F. Lemker, Jr.*
Marcus J. Nunes*
Charles A. Schmitt*
Michael E. Leonard*
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby A. Oare*
James M. Schmitt*
B.P. Leone Family
Jim & Megan O’Brien*
Scholars Adventure IV
David R. Levin
Richard Oeters*
Scott Foresman & Company
C & R Levy Foundation
James J. & Helen Ogorek*
Frank & Eda Sekula*
Eric London* & Sheila
James R. O’Hare*
Brendan & Jori Shea*
Timothy E. O’Hea
The Seniors Players
M/M Terence G. Lord*
Old Colony Group, Inc.
Barton Love
Ed Oldfield
William F. Shean*
James G. Love
Jim Omastiak*
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Shell
Walter R. Lovejoy
Robert J. Panozzo*
Walter G. Shifrin
George W. Lutz
Dave & Kathryn Parker*
James A. Shupe
John P. Lynch Family
Garry L. Patrick*
M/M Joseph M. Siciliano*
Jon F. Paul*
Gregory D. Sigman*
R. E. Lynch*
Matthew L. Pekarek*
George S. Simonian*
Thomas J. Lyons*
David L. Pemberton*
Frederick S. Simonie*
Reynold C. MacDonald
Bob & Kristin Perry*
T. Craig Simpson*
Dennis W. Machuga*
David D. Peterson
Gene Sinclair*
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Madden
Richard E. Peterson
W. Lee Singleton*
In memory of Sam Madorsky Mrs. Adelor J. Petit, Jr.
Timothy R. Smasal*
(M. David Madorsky*)
David J. Phelan*
John F. Smiekel Foundation
Michael Magluilo*
Anthony Piazza
Bruce Smith*
Kevin & Tina Mahoney*
R. Bradley Pike
Darryl R. Smith*
William G. & Linda S.
Gary M. Planos*
Fred B. Snite Foundation
Richard G. Pogvara
Daniel R. Spaeth*
Thomas L. Mallman*
Polo Ralph Lauren
Steven A. & Janet L. Speise*
John F. Maloney
Joe Poskin*
John G. Spencer
Michael and Mary Maloney*
Richard A. Prinz*
William & Doris Spitzig
Management Compensation Patrick & Lisa Purcell
Ronald P. Splinter*
and Family*
Jim Springer*
Nick Manning*
Terrence F. Pyle*
T. Richard Stahler*
Manufacturer‘s Bank
Wade Rademacher
John A. Stann*
J. Kurt & Christy Marrs*
William Rakowski*
Bill Stasior*
Eugene Mathias*
Kevin C. Randall*
Paul D. Staubach*
Paul & Colleen Mazzetta*
Carl D. Ray*
Thomas A. Stern
Don L. McAvoy*
James H. Stevens
Legend: * = Alumni, Bold Type = initial gift, pledge payment or additional gift in 2009
Al Stickel
M/M Joe Stirparo*
Joseph A. & Jean K. Stojak*
Glenn C. Strebeck, Jr.*
Suburban Trust & Savings
Katharine V. & Edmund Q.
Systems Leasing Corporation
Richard J. Szczepaniak*
Michael & Neena Szuch*
Steven D. Szuch*
James R. Szymczak*
Lee E. Tenzer
The Community Foundation
Kenneth J. Theine*
Larry J. Thiemann*
Roger P. Thiemann*
Gary L. Thompson
Augie Tonne*
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Q. Tran*
Richard W. Treleaven
James A. Trenda*
James P. Tully*
Dominic C. Tumminello*
Jim & Galinda Tunney*
Dennis & Erin Twomey*
Leonard F. Tworek*
United Insulated Structures
Stevan Uzelac*
Leander R. Valent*
Joseph E. Valenti, Jr.
Renee Vanderhagen*
Jason Vandermause*
Jim & Karen Van Garsse*
Atty. Greg E. Vollan*
James F. VonKaenel*
Roger F. Vrabel*
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Robert O. Walcott
Robert Walter* & Maria
George H. Webb
Michael C. Welling
Wells Fargo Foundation
Jerome M. Welsch*
Charles R. Wentzel*
Thomas G. Wieclaw*
Scott A. Wilson*
Scott & Anna Wilson*
L. J. Winzer
Thomas W. Woike, Ph.D.*
Mr. & Mrs. Don Wolf*
Thomas Wrightson Memorial
Xerox Corporation U.S.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Yamasaki*
Dr. & Mrs. Charles M.
Mark L. Yeager
Larry Yellen* & Susan
Fisher Yellen
Roland C. Zagnoli*
Jim Zaleski*
Mark M. & Ellen Reed
Rev. William E. Zimmer*
Lee H. Zimmerman*
WGA Par Club
James A. Fourness*
Frank B. Fuhrer
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Furjanic*
Ross T. Galarneault*
Sean C. Gallagher*
John & Barbara Gallina*
Donald A. Gardner*
Greg & George Gee/
Big Run Golf Club
Matt Geiger*
Mark and Maria Gentuso*
Frank J. Gerleve*
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gillen*
Jere B. Gillette
Norman A. Gjostein*
Larry J. Gorrell*
Richard J. Grbavac*
Michael Gregg*
Griffith Family Foundation
Kenneth J. Guerrini*
Joseph G. Haffner*
Brian E. Haigh
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hall*
Paul E. & Linda J. Hammes*
Bruce H. Hanley*
David C. Hanson*
Harbor Capital Classic
John G. Harnishfeger*
J. Ira Harris
Michael M. Harrold*
Andy & Maria Harwood*
Gaylord Hatch
Lawrence J. Hayes
Michael J. Hayes*
Raymond P. Hearn*
Kenneth A. Heinzel*
Edward L. Helminski*
Mark Herbers, M.D.*
Heritage Bremen Bank
Dr. Gailen L. Hite*
Mark & Christine Hodge*
Leo J. Hojczyk*
Brian G. Horn*
In memory of John R. Horn*
John E. Houtsma*
F. Boyd Hovde
Mrs. Louella C. Howard
Tom & Mary Hrynik*
John W. Hust*
Jim & Jamilah Huyer*
In memory of
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hynes
(Dr. Kevin P. Hynes*)
International Finance Corp.
Jack A. Jackson*
George Jacobsmeyer
Larry G. Jeffers*
Gregory B. Jenkins*
Jenner & Block
Vic Johnson*
Earl C. Jordan
Jordan Thomas, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J.
Burton Kaplan
Morris Kaplan
Lawrence M. Kean*
($1,000 to $4,999)
Platinum, Gold Par Club Members
n 2009, the WGA Par Club received contributions from the following donors at the highest giving levels, Platinum and Gold.
“We appreciate these select donors’ generosity,” noted John Kaczkowski, WGA President and CEO. “Their gifts represent a
major commitment to our continuing mission to change lives through the education of caddies.”
M/M Steven J. Colnitis*
M/M Robert W. Flynn*
M/M Robert E. Foss*
M/M Mario F. Greco*
M/M R. Anthony Greiner*
M/M T. Joseph Halwax*
M/M Ross Hays, Jr.
M/M Glennon W. Healey*
Marcus L. Kupferschmidt*
Joseph M. Mikrut*
M/M Frank W. Nessinger*
Mary* & Scott Petrovich
James J. Roppel
Mrs. James J. Roppel
Gary V. Sagui
Atty & Mrs. Peter J. Brown*
M/M F. W. Corrigan
William J. Doyle
Joseph M. Ferraro*
M/M Patrick Gaughan*
M/M John F. Gehring*
John G. Harnishfeger*
Eileen* & Terry D. McCann
M/M Jack Holland*
Charles B. Johnson
Mike Karras*
Martin L. Kolinski, D.D.S.
Herbert A. List, Jr.
M/M Thomas L. Mallman*
John S. Mendesh*
John A. Merriman*
Dr/M David Monson
LTGEN George K. Muellner*
M/M John J. Nedelka*
John P. O’Connor*
M/M James P. Roach II*
Timothy Schwertfeger
& Gail Waller*
Jason A. Stroiman*
M/M William J. Sullivan, Jr.*
M/M James C. Tunney, Jr.*
James V. Zaleski*
* – Evans Scholar Alum
Endowed Named Scholarships
or individuals interested in providing long-term support for the Evans Scholars Foundation, the establishment of an
Endowed Named Scholars Fund is a personalized opportunity to change lives. With a contribution of $125,000, a
Named Endowed Scholarship is established. Following are donors who have funded Endowed Named Scholarships or
who have had Named Scholarships funded in their honor.
The Bartholomay Family
Robin A. Bell
Eddie Barr Memorial (Beverly CC)
Robert G. & Ruth W. Bohnen Memorial
Robert S. Campbell
Jim Chesrown
Mary and Grant Clark
Frederic H. “Fritz” Corrigan
Sam DiGiovanni (Olympia Fields CC)
Burtis J. Dolan, Sr.
Thomas E. Gorman (Beverly CC)
Dave Hettinga (Dunes Club #1)
Dave Hettinga (Dunes Club #2)
Eagle Ho
Maxine S. Ellend
Maxine S. Ellend & Alfred W. Salamone
David W. Ellis Jr. Memorial
Robert W. Flynn
Harold E. Foreman
Hubby Habjan
Lawrence G. Haggerty
Dr. Louis M. Haley
Gardner W. Heidrick Sr.
James E. Herbert Memorial
Lewis Kenneth & Iris Violet Kett
Robert E. & J. Edward King
Lester B. Knight
Robert M. and Diane vS Levy
Mitch Mars (#1)
Mitch Mars (#2)
Mesirow Financial (Beverly CC)
Hubert C. Moog
James E. Moore (Beverly CC)
Francis W. and Susan B. Morley
Hilda Nunes
Joseph and Adelaide Olivieri
Joe O’Neill
Pete and Rita Peterson
Frank Polizzi
Bernard Pollack Memorial
Al Purdy
Michael & Teresa Reilly (Beverly CC)
Allison Reindl
Ringer Foundation
Bob and Kay Ritchie
Alfred W. Salamone
Alfred W. Salamone - Westchester
Charlotte R. Schmidlapp (Fifth Third Bank)
Ed & Marti Slowik
Nicholas and Mary Ann Thies
Frederick Webster
George Webster
David P. Weiner
Kenneth F. Yontz
Special Contributions
he Evans Scholars Foundation appreciates those corporations, foundations, individuals, clubs and associations
that provided special contributions in 2009. Often, these gifts are in addition to generous Par Club support and
participation in other Foundation programs and development activities. Note: This list does not include Endowment Fund
gifts, which are listed in the Roland F. McGuigan Endowment Fund Leader Board Honor Roll on p. 16-19.
& Foundations
$10,000 - $24,999
Friends of Golf, Inc.
Modestus Bauer Foundation
PGA of America/Chip Beck
PGA TOUR/Chip Beck
Seiler Family Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Best Buy
Burgess Family Foundation
Illinois Tool Works
Pacific Office Automation
Sand Hills Golf Company
Howard L. Willett Foundation
$1,000 - $4,999
The Allyn Foundation
Political Action Committee
Carol Lavin Bernick Family
Cross H Foundation
McMasters-Carr Supply Co.
Miller Verchota, Inc.
Ohio National Foundation
$200 to $999
Boeing Charitable Trust
BP America
Brian Henninger Foundation
Ida M. Faigle Charitable
Schwartz Brothers Insurance
Golf & Country Clubs
$1,000 - $9,999
Cascade Hills Country Club
Elgin Country Club
Great Oaks Country Club
Indian Hill Club
The Kahkwa Club
The Minikahda Club
$200 to $999
Barton Hills Country Club
Bend Golf & Country Club
Forest Lake Country Club
Glenhurst Golf Course
Grosse Ile Golf & Country Club
Makray Memorial Golf Club
Oak Park Country Club
Portland Golf Club
Wynstone Golf Club
$10,000 - $24,999
M/M Craig J. Duchossois
Gary V. Sagui
Mrs. George H. Webb
$10,000 - $24,999
Minnesota Evans Scholars
Ladies Am at Crooked Stick Golf Club
$1,000 - $9,999
American Junior Golf Association
Country Club Skeet League
GAM Member Relations Day
Illinois Seniors
Golf Association
McMinnville Senior
Men’s Golf Club
Old Tyme Caddies,Town
& Country Club
Senior Golf
Association of Wisconsin
Western Pennsylvania
Golf Association
Women’s Western
Golf Association
$200 to $999
Catalina Evans Seniors
Chenequa Senior District
The Century Club
Club Green Meadows Women
Miami Valley Golf Association
St. Louis Seniors
Golf Association
USGA Wo Am Qualifier
Wisconsin Caddie Cup
Women’s Twin City League
$25,000 Or More
Anthony J. Saliba
$5,000 - $9,999
M/M Thomas P. Danis
William D. Hewit
Donald D. Johnson
John Lynch
June & Cecil McDole
$1,000 - $4,999
James F. Ashenden
Lawrence Jay Bernstein
Vasanti Brandl
Jeffrey W. Cox
Bruce A. Czyl
George & Karen DeHuff
M/M Paul E. Hammes
M/M Joel S. Hirsch
Katherine Jemsek
Ron & Lisa Lavin
M/M Navid J. McIlhargey
Timothy G. McVady
M/M Donald Mintmire
Chris Newkirk
John Oster III
Richard E. Peterson
Timm R. Reynolds
M/M Thomas L. Ryan
Dr/M Paul J. Scherer
M/M John P. Scotellaro
Denny Shute Memorial
Michael Silverman
Matthew & Christina Skally
Mrs. Jacque D. Vallier
Ken Weiss
$200 to $999
Dr. Mark Akers
Tony J. Aukett
Gerry Barad
Phil Campoli
Daniel D. Callahan
Corlene H. Cathcart
Renee D. Chorzempa
Taren A. Coghill
Edward W. Collins
Bill Emberlin
Gary Fields
Mary & John T. Franke
M/M D. Wayne Gittinger
Brian Giunta
Richard Godfrey
M/M Scott Goldstein
M/M John C. Goodall, Jr.
Bruce K. Goodman
M/M Robert M. Harbrecht
M/M Kenneth Haughey
M/M Laban P. Jackson, Jr.
Kenneth W. Kraft
M/M John L. Kramer
Chris Kysela
M/M Terry Lanzen
William LeBoeuf
M/M James Liggett
M/M George W. Locasto
Richard J. Loewenthal
M/M James F. Lusk, Jr.
M/M Michael A. Maher
Roger Majak
M/M James J. McNulty
M/M C. Alex Moore
M/M Lawrence A. Oberman
James C. O’Brien, Jr.
Agostino Orlando
Adam G. Perry
Michael P. Phelan
Gary Planos
Joseph L. Rand
Jude Reyes
Larry Russell
Mrs. Henry Schiele
M/M Robert W. Smith
James F. Solari
Kathy & Mike Spedale
George & Carol Solich
Dan Suedbeck
Frank Travetto
Brett Upper
Jeffry Veenhuis
Bob Verdi
James & Erica Wells
Bob Wertheimer
Paul R. Wloszek
R. Bruce Yacko
WGA Par Club
$25,000 Or More
Spencer Stuart SSI (U.S.) Inc.
Tournament Golf, Inc.
Onwentsia Club/R.J. Hubby
Habjan Fund
Rolling Green Country Club
Evans Tournaments, Events
ne-day tournaments and special events serve as major fund-raising vehicles, giving added recognition to Par Club
members and enrolling new members. In 2009, $979,000 was raised by fund-raising tournaments that benefit the
Evans Scholars above and beyond Par Club memberships. Following are fund-raising events reported in 2009:
$25,000 or more
Evans Scholars Day
The Beverly C.C., Chicago, Illinois
East Coast Alumni Classic
Hawk Pointe G.C.,
Washington, New Jersey
ESF Charity Golf Retreat
Bandon Dunes Golf Resort
Bandon, Oregon
Eisenhower-Evans Par Club
Golf Tournament
Columbine C.C., Littleton, Colorado
Evans Cup of Washington
Sand Point C.C., Seattle, Washington
Evans Cup of Oregon
Royal Oaks C.C., Vancouver, Washington
Evans Scholars Classic
West Bend C.C., West Bend, Wisconsin
Evans Scholars Golf Classic
Red Run G.C., Royal Oak, Michigan
Evans Scholars Invitational
Olympia Fields C.C., Olympia Fields, Illinois
Evans Scholarship Day
River Forest C.C.
Elmhurst, IL
Evans Scholarship Golf Classic
Maple Bluff C.C., Madison, Wisconsin
Evans Scholars Caddie Classic
The Heritage Club, Cincinnati, Ohio
Indiana Alumni Golf Classic
French Lick Resort, French Lick, Indiana
Safeway LPGA Golf Classic
Tournament Golf, Inc., Portland, Oregon
St. Louis Directors/Caddies to College
Evans Scholars Golf Tournament
Norwood Hills C.C., St. Louis, Missouri
Chick Evans Memorial
Seven Club Tournament
White Bear Yacht Club,
White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Evans Memorial Fund Tournament
Midlothian C.C., Midlothian, Illinois
Evans Scholars Day
Biltmore C.C., Barrington, Illinois
Evans Scholars Day
Edgewood Valley C.C., La Grange, Illinois
Evans Scholars Day
McHenry C.C., McHenry, Illinois
Evans Scholars Day
Ridge C.C., Chicago, Illinois
Evans Scholars Day
Tuckaway C.C., Franklin, Wisconsin
Evans Scholars Day
Waupaca C.C., Waupaca, Wisconsin
Hickory Stick Invitational
Forest Lake C.C.,
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Jeff Kallman Memorial Golf Tournament
Rolling Green C.C.,
Arlington Heights, Illinois
Joe O’Neill Memorial
West Bend C.C./Oshkosh C.C., Wisconsin
$5,000 to $9,999
Evans Scholars Day
Butte des Morts C.C.,
Appleton, Wisconsin
North Carolina Alumni
Brier Creek C.C., Raleigh, North Carolina
Southern California Evans Scholars
Alumni Golf Tournament
Pacific G.&C.C.,
San Clemente, California
Toledo Golf Hall of Fame Outing
Toledo C.C., Toledo, Ohio
$10,000 to $24,999
Alumni White Sox Outing
Chicago, Illinois
$1,000 to $4,999
Don Erdmann Evans Scholar Classic
Fox Valley G.C., Kaukauna, Wisconsin
Canterbury Golf Classic
Canterbury G.C., Cleveland, Ohio
Evans Event
NorthBrook C.C., Luxemburg, Wisconsin
Evans Event
Riverdale C.C., Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Evans Scholars Classic
Mascoutin G.C., Berlin, Wisconsin
Evans Scholar Day
Crystal Tree G.&C.C.,
Orland Park, Illinois
Evans Scholars Day
Wausau G.C., Wausau, Wisconsin
Evans Scholars Day
Oak Park C.C., River Grove, Illinois
Exmoor C.C. Jerome P. Bowes
PAR CLUB Classic
Exmoor C.C., Highland Park, Illinois
Mark Cushman Evans Scholar Classic
Stevens Point C.C.,
Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Northwestern Alumni
Ex-Caddie Championship
Southwest Michigan
Oshkosh Invitational Golf Tournament
Oshkosh C.C., Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Park Ridge Country Club
Park Ridge, Illinois
Toledo District Golf Assn.
Shambles Tournament
Fremont G.C., Fremont, Ohio
Other Events
Evans Scholars Day
Flossmoor C.C., Flossmoor, Illinois
Hot Dog Fundraiser
Indianapolis, Indiana
Northern Illinois Alumni Outing
Food and Beer with a Cause
Merrionette Park, Illinois
Scholar House Invitational
Plum Tree National G.C., Harvard, Illinois
Southside Evans Scholars Classic
Lincoln Oaks Golf Course, Crete, Illinois
Wisconsin Alumni Golf Outing
The Bridges Golf Course
Madison, Wisconsin
Regular Par Club Giving Levels
Membership Categories
Evans Alumni Giving Levels
(Par through Platinum Levels Include Spouse)
$200 or $250 Member/Spouse
$300 or $350 Member/Spouse
$400 or $450 Member/Spouse
Double Eagle
$5,000 (includes Spouse if desired)
$10,000 (includes Spouse if desired)
$2,000 or $4,000 Member/Spouse. Age 60 or over. Add $200 for each year under age 60. $2,500 or $5,000 Member/Spouse
Age 60 or over. Add $250 for each year
under age 60.
Sustaining Life $200 or more annually by a Life Member
$200 or more annually by a Life Member
$200 by one or more donors in memory of a friend or loved one
$200 by one or more donors in memory
of a friend or loved one
Perpetual Memorial $5,000 or more from one or more donors in memory of a friend or loved one. $5,000 or more from one or more donors
in memory of a friend or loved one.
Endowed Funds Contributors may also establish named funds within the Foundation’s Roland F. McGuigan
Endowment Fund. Contact: McGuigan Endowment Fund at (847) 724-4600.
The name is listed in perpetuity in the Par Club donors report.
Donor Premiums
NEW FOR 2010
Par Club Logo Golf Balls
Birdie Level and Higher
Newsmakers 2009
GA Par Club members receive the distinctive Par
Club bag tags each year and, upon request, may
receive a Par Club hat, visor, umbrella, one-year Golf World
subscription, driver head cover or putter head cover. Birdie
Level and higher members also may select from a WGA belt
or – NEW for 2010 – a set of six Par Club logo golf balls.
Life members may select any two gift items, Gold members
may select three, and Platinum members may select four.
If husband and wife are members, each may receive a
choice. Par Club caps available to all members in 2010 are
black or khaki. The men’s visor is dark green with white
lettering; the women’s visors are white with green lettering.
november 30, 2009 • golfworlD.com
The Year
of the
The game’s #1 newsweekly / a golf DigesT publicaTion • $2.95
For more information, contact the WGA at (847) 724-4600
or visit www.wgaesf.com. Contributions may be made
Stewart Cink’s
British Open win
highlighted a
season of
unexpected major
Note: Under Internal Revenue Service guidelines, the estimated
value of Par Club premiums is not substantial; therefore the full
amount of your payment is a deductible contribution.
WGA Par Club
Affiliated Associations
he Evans Scholars Program is sponsored by the WGA in association with more than 400 member clubs and 23
affiliated golf associations. Candidates for Evans Scholarships are sponsored by these associations and by the Par
Club in their particular state. The Western Golf Association and the Foundation recognize these affiliated associations
and member clubs of the Evans Program with gratitude.
Arizona Golf Association
Buffalo District Golf Association
Chicago District Golf Association
Colorado Golf Association
Colorado Women’s Golf Association
Golf Association of Michigan
Greater Cincinnati Golf Association
Indiana Golf Association
Kansas City Golf Association
Kentucky Golf Association
Minnesota Golf Association
Northeastern Wisconsin Golf Association
Northern California Golf Association
Northern Ohio Golf Association
Ohio Golf Association
Oregon Golf Association
South Dakota Golf Association
St. Louis District Golf Association
Syracuse District Golf Association
Toledo District Golf Association
Washington State Golf Association
Western Pennsylvania Golf Association
Wisconsin State Golf Association
The following golf associations and organizations also contributed to the Evans Scholarships in the past year:
Catalina Evans Seniors
The Century Club
Country Club Skeet League
Friends of Golf
Illinois Seniors Golf Association
Jackson Park Golf Association
McMinnville Seniors Men’s Golf Club
PGA of America
PGA TOUR Charities, Inc.
Power Distribution Service Century Club
St. Louis Seniors Golf Association
Saguaro Evans Seniors
Senior Golf Association of Wisconsin
Tournament Golf Inc.
Western Seniors Golf Association
Women’s Western Golf Association
Par Club Charter Members
he Par Club was created in 1950 by WGA President Jerome P. Bowes Jr. to help the Foundation offset the cost
of Evans Scholars tuitions. He enlisted 100 Charter Members. The Par Club has grown to become the major
source of revenue for the Evans Scholars Foundation. Charter Members whose memberships have been maintained
are listed here.
E. P. Allis+
Arthur I. Appleton+
Henry C. Bartholomay+
Jerome P. Bowes, Jr.+
Mrs. Jerome P. Bowes, Jr.+
Carleton Blunt+
Mrs. Carleton Blunt+
Theodore C. Butz+
C. P. Clare+
Harry B. Clow, Jr.+
Bing Crosby+
Walter W. Cruttenden+
Cameron Eddy+
Charles “Chick” Evans, Jr.+
M. G. Fessenden+
Clinton E. Frank+
James L. Garard+
Charles J. Haines+
Robert A. Hudson+
John S. Hutchins+
Jock Hutchison+
Jerry S. James+
Jean Butz James+
Walter L. Lingle, Jr.+
George S. May+
Mrs. George S. May+
Andrew McNally III+
Roy D. Moore+
Walter Mullady+
W. I. Osborne, Jr.
William P. Pope+
Stuart B. Smithson+
Roy W. Walholm+
+ - Memorial Membership
Matching Gifts
he Evans Scholars Foundation receives matching gifts from organizations and foundations listed below. For more
information on the matching gifts program, please call the Western Golf Association at (847) 724-4600.
Babson Capital Management
Bank of America
Bank of the West
BCD Travel
C.R. Bard Foundation Inc.
Bemis Co. Foundation
B P Amoco Foundation
Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund
Briggs & Morgan
Brookfield Properties Corporation
Leo Burnett Company Inc.
Callaway Golf Co. Foundation
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Cardinal Health Foundation
W.P. Carey & Co. Inc.
CCH Incorporated
CDW Computer Centers Inc.
Celanese Americas Foundation
Cengage Learning
Champion International Corp.
Chicago Tribune Foundation
The Chubb Corp.
CITGO Petroleum
Citizens Bank
Coca-Cola Company
Coghill Capital Management
Colson Casters Corporation
Compaq Computer
Computer Associates
International Inc.
ConAgra Foods Foundation
Cooper Industries Inc.
CoreMatter Inc.
Corn Products International Inc.
CSG Systems, Inc.
CUNA Mutual Insurance Group
Cysive Inc.
Dain Rauscher Foundation
Dell Direct
Delta Environmental
Consultants Inc.
Deutsche Financial Services
The Donaldson Foundation
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
Dow Agrosciences, LLC
EDF Trading North America, LLC
Emerson Electric Company
Encana Corp.
EOG Resources Inc.
Ericsson Inc.
Essex Group Inc.
Ewing Marion
Kauffman Foundation
Exelon Corporation
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Fair, Isaac & Co., Inc.
Federated Department Stores
First American Bank
First Bank System
First Data Corporation
First Financial Bank
FM Global
Follett Corporation
Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Fortis Insurance Foundation
Fortune Brands
Frey Foundation
Arthur J. Gallagher Company
Gannett Co. Inc.
GATX Corporation
GE Foundation
Gelber Foundation
General Re Corporation
Goldman, Sachs & Company
Goodrich Foundation
Gorter Family Foundation
W. W. Grainger
Greater Kansas City Foundation
Guardian Industries
Handleman Company
Harris Bank Foundation
The Hartford
Hewitt Associates
The Home Depot
Hormel Foods Corp.
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Household International
Humana Inc.
Hyperion Solutions
ICI Human Resources
Shared Services
IDEX Corporation
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Imperial Nurseries Inc.
Infinium Capital Mgt. LLC
ING Foundation
Interstate Brands
Invest in Others
Charitable Foundation
Irwin Union Bank
Jackson National Life Ins. Co.
Johnson Controls Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Family of Companies
Jones Lang LaSalle
W. K. Kellogg
Key Foundation
Kimberly-Clark Foundation
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Krause Family Foundation
LandAmerica Foundation
Lawson Software
Lehman Brothers Inc.
Lincoln Financial
Group Foundation
Liz Claiborne Foundation
Lorillard Tobacco Co.
National Service Foundation
Newedge Financial Inc.
Nicor Gas
Nissan North America Inc.
The Noble Foundation
Northrop Grumman
Norton Co. Foundation
Norwest Foundation
Nuveen Investments
OppenheimerFunds Inc.
Oracle Corporation
Orthodyne Electronics
OTA Ltd. Partnership
PepsiAmericas Foundation
PepsiCo Foundation
Peregrine Capital Management
Pfizer Inc.
Pharmacia Inc.
& Upjohn Foundation
Phoenix Foundation
Pitney Bowes
Potash Corporation
Prudential Foundation
Stellent Inc.
Strong Capital Management
Success Financial Group
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Susquehanna Partners
Synopsys Foundation
TEC Systems (W. R. Grace)
Teleflex Foundation
Tennant Co. Foundation
Tetra Tech EM Inc.
Thomson Financial
Thomson Learning
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Tiger Management Corporation
Time Warner Incorporated
Times Mirror Foundation
Tomkins Corp. Foundation
Toro Foundation
Trans Union
UBS Warburg
Union Pacific
Universal Studios
The UPS Foundation
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
U.S. Oil/Schmidt
Family Foundation
Quaker Oats
Quest Diagnostics
Verizon Foundation
Volkswagen of America, Inc.
Vulcan Materials Company
Ralston Purina Co.
Ranger Insurance
RBC Centura
Reader’s Digest Foundation
Regency Centers Corp.
Residential Funding Corp.
Reuters America Inc.
Macquarie Group Foundation Ltd. Robbins & Myers Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
Roche Colorado Corp.
Manulife Financial
Marathon Petroleum Co. (P.A.C.) Ryan Foundation
MasterBrand Cabinets
May Stores Foundation Inc.
McDonald’s Corporation
Safeco Insurance Company
McKesson Foundation
The St. Paul Companies, Inc.
Supply Company
Schott Home Tech North America
The Mead Corp. Foundation
Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.
The Medtronic Foundation
Scripps Howard Foundation
Meredith Corporation
Scudder Kemper Investments
Merrill Lynch
Simpson Manufacturing Co.
Microsoft Corporation
The Skillman Foundation
Mobil Foundation
A.O. Smith Foundation
Monsanto Fund
Smurfit-Stone Container Corp.
MONY Foundation
SPX Foundation
J.P. Morgan Company
Square D Foundation
Morgan Stanley & Company
The Standard
Motorola Foundation
Star Tribune
Mueller Company Foundation
Statprobe Inc.
Mutual of America
Wausau Paper
Wachovia Foundation
Washington Mutual
Waters Corporation
Wells Fargo Bank
West Bend Mutual Ins. Co.
West Group
Whiteway Sign Company
Whitman Corporation Foundation
Williams-Manny Charitable Trust
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
Winn-Dixie Stores Foundation
Wiremold Foundation
Wisconsin Energy Corp.
Wrightwood Capital
Whiteway Sign Company
Whitman Corporation Foundation
Williams-Manny Charitable Trust
Wiremold Foundation
Wrightwood Capital
Xerox Foundation
WGA Par Club
Abbott Laboratories
Accident Fund
ACCO Brands Inc.
Adams Street Partners
Aetna Foundation
AK Steel Corporation
Alliance Capital Mgmt. Corp.
Alliant Energy Foundation
AlliedSignal Foundation
Allstate Giving Campaign
Altria Group
American Brands Inc.
American Express Foundation
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
Andarko Petroleum Corp.
AON Foundation
Aptar Group
Charitable Foundation
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership
Ashland Inc.
AT&T Foundation
Avaya Communication
AXA Foundation
Golf Professional Par Club Members
he support of golf professionals is especially gratifying to the Evans Scholars Foundation. The cooperation of professionals,
especially the club professionals, is essential to the continued growth of the Evans Scholars Program. They are primarily
responsible for the continued use of caddies and have the closest contact with potential Scholars. Their desire to give back to
the game by helping send caddies to college is recognized with great appreciation.
PGA Professionals who are current
WGA Par Club members include:
Gabriel Adducci, Green Acres CC
Marc Adduci, South Shore GC
Jim Arendt, Naperville CC
Tom Babb, Inverness GC
Ralph N. Backe, Boulder Ridge CC
David Bahr, Maketewah CC
Jack Barber, Meridian Hills CC
Eric Barnes, Evanston GC
Doug Bauman, Biltmore CC
Garth E. Bayer, Old Warson CC
Scott Beaugureau, McHenry CC
Todd Bertermann, Losantiville CC
Edward Bialek, Bay City CC
Matt Bodde, CC of Detroit
Karl J. Bollnow, Jr., Riverside GC
Charles Bowie, Quail Ridge CC
Casey Brozek, Crystal Lake CC
Terry M. Carlson, The Estancia Club
Fred B. Challen
Alexander H. Childs, Fox Chapel GC
Hank Childs, Rose City GC
Jim Childs, Terrace Park CC
Robert B. Clark, Monroe G&CC
Randolph J. Cochran, Briarwood CC
Clayton Cole, Cherry Hills CC
Paul Colton, Ridgemoor CC
Anthony DiPaolo, Dearborn CC
John Dunham, Highland G&CC
Steve Dunning, Oak Park CC
David Engram, Barrington GC
Don Erdman, Fox Valley GC
Mark W. Esler, Barrington Hills CC
Don Essig III, Mid City GC
Lee Federico, Miami Valley GC
Dow Finsterwald, Broadmoor GC
John D. Fleming, CC of Florida
William C. Folkes, Majestic Oaks GC
Robert J. Foppe, Kenwood CC
Bob Ford, Oakmont CC
Jim Gallagher, Sr., Meshingomesia CC
Trace Gardiner, Oshkosh CC
John Gart, Cherry Hills CC
Don Gleason, Maketewah CC
David S. Graf, Inverness Club
Bill Graham, Chenequa CC
Rick Groessl, Park Ridge CC
Chris Gumbach, River Forest CC
Wade Gurysh, Knollwood Club
Don Habjan, Makray Memorial GC
R. J. Hubby Habjan, Onwentsia Club
Matthew Stang, 2009 PGA of America Chip Beck Evans
Scholar, displays his award. With Stang are Minnesota
Section PGA of America Past President Kathy Swanson
and WGA President and CEO John Kaczkowski. Stang is
a freshman at the University of Minnesota.
Bob Hamrich, Champaign CC
Fred Haney, The Reserve Vineyards & GC
David Hannon, La Grange CC
Daryl Hartig, Westwood CC
Robert Hauer, Losantiville CC
Nash Haxel, Glen Echo CC
William P. Heald, Riverside GC
Don Hill, West Bend CC
Jim Holmes, Ravinia Green CC
Gary Huebner, Lafayette CC
Wally Hynes, Cress Creek CC
Ryan Johnson, Sunset CC
Rodney B. Johnston, Portage CC
Greg Jones, Baltimore CC
Mike Jones, Kapalua GC
William H. Kidd, Interlachen CC
Jim Kincaid
Tim Klauck, Princeton Valley GC
Chuck Kletcke, Jr., Edgewood Valley CC
Robert Koschmann, Lake Shore CC
Don Kotnik, Toledo CC
Marty Lass, Edina CC
Bill Ballew, Pine Lake CC
Kevin H. Lewis, Machrihanish Dunes
Jim Manthis, Midland Hills CC
J. Kevin Marion, Old Elm Club
John D. Marschall, Shoreacres
Alex Mendez, Butterfield CC
Vincent Milewski
Erroll Miller, Breckenridge GC
Steve Miller, Indian Lake Hills GC
Allan Mitchell, Nakoma GC
Chris Mitchell
Rob Moss, Pepper Pike Club
Bryan J. Mulry, Fox Valley GC
Brent Murray, Oswego Lake CC
George Nackel, North Shore GC
Eric Noble, Orchard Ridge CC
Ed Oldfield, The Glen Club
Tim O’Neal, North Shore CC
Harvey Ott, Northmoor CC
Anthony Pancake, Crooked Stick GC
Bill Parisi, Green Valley GC
Carl Patron, Birmingham CC
Brad Peck, Nakoma GC
Verne Perry, Jr., Pumpkin Ridge GC
Danny Pesch, The Oaks GC
Donald Pieper, Merit Club
Gary Planos, Kapalua GC
Robert J. Powers, Skokie CC
Thomas J. Purcell, Keller GC
Jim Ralph, Four Lakes CC
Ray Rash, Miami Valley GC
Ron Rebrovich, Alexandria GC
Ryan M. Rindels, Town & CC
Randy Robel, Chenequa CC
Ronald J. Romack, Exmoor CC
Adam Rosuck, Northmoor CC
Terry D. Russell, Bryn Mawr CC
Howie Samb
Scott Sandfort, Elgin CC
Keith Schneider, Castle Pines GC
Michael J. Schultz, Hazeltine National GC
Rob Shelton, Kapalua GC
Andy Shuman, Twin Orchard CC
Walter F. Sierakowski, III, Red Run GC
George D. (Skip) Simonds III,
Milwaukee CC
Jeff Simonds, Bandon Dunes GR
Brent A. Sipe, Moraine CC
Jeff Sorenson, Columbia GC
Steve Spray, St. Louis CC
Tim Surlas
J. A. Sutherland, CC of Buffalo
Jim Sutherland, St. Charles CC
Gary Sutton, Macomb CC
Pat Sutton, Riverside G&CC
Thomas W. Tatnall
Jim Thompson, Oneida G&CC
John Trenck III, Castle Pines GC
Butch J. VanBeversluys
John Varner, The Beverly CC
Dick Wagley, Indian Hill Club
John A. Wallrich, Pine Hills CC
Richard J. Walters, Wayzata CC
John Wells, Waverley CC
Tom Wilcox, Quintero G&CC
Jim Wilkinson
Bill Wood, Cincinnati CC
Brad Zeitner, Brookside G&CC
Pat Zuk
Players who are current WGA Par Club
members include:
Stephen Ames
Chip Beck
Fred Couples
Ben Crenshaw
Jay Delsing
Luke Donald
Jim Furyk
John Harris
Trevor Immelman
Hale Irwin
Jerry Kelly
Jack Nicklaus
Arnold Palmer
Jeff Sluman
Sherri Steinhauer
Camilo Villegas
Bubba Watson
Mark C. Wiebe
Mark Wilson
Tiger Woods
Larry Ziegler
ach year, family members and friends remember deceased loved ones through Par Club Memorial Membership contributions
to the Evans Scholars Foundation. In 2009, the following friends of the Evans Scholars were remembered through Par Club
Memorial Memberships ($200 annually) or Perpetual Par Club Memorial Memberships ($5,000).
Janet Craig
W. W. Cruttenden
Ellwood L. Cushing
Mark A. Cushman
Mary B. Cutting
Robert L. David
Herbert H. Davis, Jr.
William H. Davis
Robert L. Dean, Jr.
S. G. DeLaHunt
Harry C. Demorest
Dr. Christopher Desch
Clyde F. DeWitt
Paul J. DiLorenzo
Marco DiPietro
Burtis J. Dolan, Jr.
Stan D. Donnelly, Jr.
John W. Dorgan
Elizabeth K. Douglas
Herbert V. Douglas
Stu Douglas
Gloria R. Eckstein
John R. Economos
Cameron Eddy
George P. Edwards
William (Bill) Eggers
David W. Ellis, Jr.
Elon E. Ellis
Charles Evans, Jr.
Gordon H. Ewen
Sam J. Feldmar
Irvin M. Ferrel
Robert C. Ferris
Harold H. Fink
John W. Fischer
Robert W. Fischer
Harold E. Foreman, Jr.
Jack Forrest
Frank H. Fowler
Frederick E. (Fritz) Franz
Adrian J. French
Mrs. Marion E. Fritz
Richard J. Fritz
William V. Fritz
James S. Gabelman
James R. Garver
George E. Garvey
Carroll S. Geddes
Dr. Roy F. Gilbert
Jack E. Gillary
Charles H. Glueck
Rachel Jean Glueck
Stephen Gniewek
Bruce K. Goodman Jr.
Roger D. Gordon
Mrs. Howard J. Goss
William M. Grimes
Walter & Agnes Grud
George Guckenberger III
Paul W. Guenzel
A. W. Haarlow III
D. Michael Hackett
Earl L. Hamilton
Robert A. Handley
John P. Hanna
Norman R. Hanson
Earle W. Hardy
Bernard E. Harkins
Glenn Carr Harris
Mary G. Harris
Robert P. Hastey, Jr.
William Randall (Randy)
Jean Hayes
John M. Hayes
Gardner W. Heidrick
John L. Heymann
Felicita W. Higgins
James G. Hirsch, Jr.
Dr. George W. Hoaglin
Robert K. Hogarty
David O. Holmes
Dr. John R. Horn
Alexander Howard
E. A. Howard
Josephine Paluga Hrasko
Paul Hrasko
Dolores A. Huff
Stephanie Lynn Hummer
Glenn L. Humphrey
Scott Hunter
Joseph A. Hybl
Gene S. Iglewski
William Ihlanfeldt
James G. Jackson
William Jacobson
Joe Jemsek
James P. Jennings
A. D. Johnson
Bernie Johnson
Robert D. ‘Bud’ Johnson
Marcus “Cory” Jones
Wallace L. Jones
Ernest A. Jonson, Sr.
John J. Joy
Jeffrey A. Kallman
C. T. Kasmersky, M.D.
Bert Katzenmeyer
Mrs. Victor P. Kayser
Richard M. Keck
Mrs. Richard M. Keck
John C. Kennan
Thomas A. Kennedy
Frank E. Kenney, Jr.
Frank E. Kenney, Sr.
Jack Kenney
Brian P. Kenny
Edward L. Ketchum III
Harold W. Kinander Jr.
J. Edward King
Clinton L. Kinney
Bernard Kirkpatrick
Memorial listing includes contributions through February 1, 2010
Richard A. Klevickis
Charles Kocsis
Richard F. Kohnen
Edward J. Konicki
James J. Kraus
Gordon E. Kummer
Thomas H. Lake
Douglas A. Larsen
Edward L. Larson
Florence S. Lasher
Floyd E. Lasher
Philip Lazzara
Leo Lederer
John E. Lehman
David E. Leichtfuss
Tony Lema
Walter A. Leuenberger
Edward G. Lindenmeyer
Phyllis Bench Litton
Rick Lobert
William Lofgren
H. C. Lutkin
Mrs. Mildred J. Lyman
Paul R. MacDonald
Dr. Thomas F. Maher, Jr.
Robert E. Maxwell
J. W. “Pat” McCloy
Robert J. McCombe
Ralph J. McGinnis
William C. McIntosh
Mrs. Donna Milburn
John E. Miller
Michael E. Miller
Thomas M. Mints, Jr.
Thomas Lee Mitchell
Hubert C. Moog
Gary L. Moore
Francis W. Morley, Sr.
Robert B. Morley
Mrs. Michael F. Morrissey
Jerome C. Most
Wally Mund
Thomas J. Newbold
Milton A. Newton
Frederick A. Nichols
Elker R. Nielsen
Joseph E. Nolan
Martha Nordahl
Henry Norton
James L. O’Keefe
Robert F. Opeka
Alfred A. Overbagh
Bill Owen
Josephine Paluga
Martin Paluga Sr.
Anthony J. Pantelis
Dr. Robert A. Papp
Darrel E. Peterson
Adelor J. Petit, Jr.
Mrs. Helen W. Petit
Garry C. Petoskey
Charles S. Phillips
W. Earl Phillips
Robert W. Pieper
H. C. Piper, Jr.
Virginia L. Piper
John T. Pirie, Jr.
Raymond G. Pitt
Edward T. Prosser
Harry E. Radix
Charles Reimer
Alison Reindl
Robert James Reith, Sr.
Johnny Revolta
Thomas A. Reynolds, Jr.
Leo M. Riley
Bamphen Nait Ritter
Rafael Rivera III
Robert “The Signifier”
Kathryn M. Rockwell
Robert T. Rolfs
Jim Ross
Don A. Rossi
James M. Royer
Samuel A. Rubenstein
F. Bennington Rupert
Robert S. Russell
John O. Saeger
William J. Saielli Sr.
Murray W. Sales III
Archie C. Schendel
Isabel M. Schendel
Mrs. Jack (Donna) Scherer
Milton Schloss
Alton H. Schmidt
William C. Schultz
William J. Seiferth
Jack Selecky
Wilbur W. “Bill” Sellers
John D. Senne, Jr.
Terry L. Sesterhenn
Benjamin M. Sharp
Albert Shepard
Denny Shute
Boyd J. Simmons
Clarence E. Simon
Mrs. Clarence E. Simon
George S. Simonian, M.D.
T. Craig Simpson
Thomas B. Singleton
Mrs. Thomas B. Singleton
Phil Skelton
Veronica Quinn Slater
Wesley R. Small
Mrs. Wesley R. (Isla V.)
John F. Smiekel
Arthur J. Smith
Ben S. Smith
William F. Souder, Jr.
Ronald J. Speed
Robert N. Stein
Richard H. Stoll
Stanley Stone
Carl J. Stotz
George M. Stout
John A. Stout
Charles J. Strader
Henry P. Streicher, Jr.
Carl J. Suedhoff, Jr.
Michael L. Suthard
Robert W. Svendsen, Sr.
Tom E. Taubensee
Arbie O. Thalacker
Hazel A. Tilley
David Scott Timson
Herbert E. Trapp
Joseph Traxler
Jerome D. Truhn
Daniel J. Tuladzieck
Ed Tutwiler
Fred Uihlein
Nels A. Ulseth
Roger T. Ulseth
William J. Van Horne
Lynn Walker
William B. Walrath
Bryan Wardell
Patrick K. Warner
Robert C. Warner
Benjamin A. Watts, Jr.
George and Barbara Webb
John Weisenbach
Frederick Keith Welts
Harold F. Werhane
Ellsworth H. Widerman
John Wilkins
Bob R. Wilmers
A. Douglas Wilson
Mack Wilson
John S. Wineman
Allen K. Wolfe
Wilbur E. Wolfe
Milt Woodard
Ronald W. Woods
Robert Worpell
Bruce A. Wright
Martha Forman Wright
Frank P. Young
Mark M. Youngblood
Mark D. Zintak
John P. Zopp, Sr.
Dr. Frederick M. Adams
Dr. Jerry Adams
Wm. E. Adams
Mary Jane Alan
Walter H. Albrecht
Robert Alexander
Benjamin “Bill” Almvig
(continued on page 28)
WGA Par Club
Gordon Aamoth, Jr.
Kenneth J. Adreani
Leslie P. Aggerbeck
E. P. Allis
John W. Allis
Kenneth R. Almas
Harry & Helga S. Andersen
Carl E. Anderson & Esther
Carlyle E. Anderson
Mrs. Carlyle E. Anderson
Jay and Patty Anderson
Raymond B. Anderson
Mrs. James F. Ashenden
G. M. (Gib) Baccash
John C. Banks, Sr.
Paul W. Baranowski
Ed and Marilyn Barr
Henry Bartholomay III
Edmond S. Bauer
G. John Beck
Arthur Bedrosian
Albert D. Beedie
Mrs. Anna M. Berner
Reynolds Blossom
Carleton Blunt
Mrs. Carleton Blunt
Robert G. Bohnen
Ruth W. Bohnen
O. R. ‘Chuck’ Bolton
William D. Boockford, Sr.
Jack Boss
Fred Bott
George G. Boudreau
Jerome P. Bowes Jr.
Al E. Bowling
Julia Bowling
Joseph S. Bowman
J. Porter Brinton, Jr.
Robert Allen Brod
Herbert A. Bruckner
Vernon A. Brunner
Theodore C. Butz
Bradley Capanyola
Lloyd Cardwell
A. R. ‘Buss’ Carman, Jr.
Mildred A. Christianson
Winton Christianson
Robert H. Christy
Ray Clancy
H. Grant Clark, Jr.
John D. Clarke
Don Claypool
H. Richard Coffey
Edward C. Cohan
Mary Coleman
Dave Conley
Fredric H. Corrigan
Mary L. Corrigan
Mark H. Cox
Memorial Par Club Members
Memorial Par Club Members
(continued from page 27)
John C. Altman
David L. Amory
Mrs. James M. Andrew
William A. Ankeny
Ken F. Ankli
Phillip D. Antibus
Akira Arai
Warren W. Ardapple
Fred L. Artemenko
Charlie Austin
Paul C. Babcock
Andrew E. Baker
James R. Baker, Sr.
Jay Balchunas
Gordon Banerian
Mrs. Alvin H. Baum
Wesley E. Behel
Floyd M. Bentley
Joseph & Rella BeVier
Lawrence W. Bickley
Robert (Blackie) Biolchin
William Blighton
Anthony Blom
Mark William Bobinchuck
John A. Bohne
Willis S. Boice
Bill Bolster
Luke Hunter Bolton
Dr. Robert Bosak
Catherine H. Bova
James W. Bowers
Edwin J. Brach
David Breckheimer
Mark Brennan
Jack Brickhouse
Charles L. Brown, Jr.
Warren W. Browning
Mrs. Herbert A. Bruckner
Rexford E. Bruno
Dennis Buckley
Jack Burchfield
Harlan H. Burgess
Conway Burton
Rosemary E. Byrne
Robert S. Campbell
Teresa Carter
Dr. Charles Casey
Robert W. Casey
Raymond W. Cassady
Anthony R. Cazolas
Kenneth Christopherson
Earl R. Clark
Philip R. Clarke, Jr.
Harry B. Clow, Jr.
Lyle Cobb
Mildred P. Colbert
Carol Jean Collier
Barbara Singleton Connor
C. Lee Cook, Jr.
Dr. Ronald Cranford
Bennett C. Creed, Jr.
James P. Cuppy
Dr. Joseph T. Curti
Richard Daniels
Betty A. David
John E. Davies
Dr. Peter A. Del Giudice
Louise Devendorf
Carmella DiCanio
Thomas M. Diggins
Mrs. Sam J. DiGiovanni
John Dinzole
G. Grant Dixon, Jr.
Jean McGregor Dodds
Jim Donahue
Dean Doose
Sam Drake
Andrew Dutton
Thomas W. Early
Donald A. Eckstein
Allen C. Edwards, Jr.
Robert F. Edwards
John Egbert, Sr.
Gerald J. Entringer
Eugene Ernsting
Mrs. Gordon H. Ewen
Richard W. Fairgrieve
Michael D. Fenton
Joseph M. Fern
John D. Fischer
William G. Ford
James F. Fox
Peter W. Fox
Adrian J. French
Sheila L. Fritz
Dr. Robert E. Funderlic
Richard Fynke
Mrs. Donald F. Gardner
Gerald P. (Jerry) Gicewicz
Jack Gillespie
Harry Givan
Tom Goeppner
Thomas Gossett
John P. Grahovec
Phil Greenwald
John T. “Sean” Griffin
Jane S. Griggs
Paul Hayden Grimstad
Nelson Milo Hagan
Dr. Louis M. Haley
James M. Hall
Robert C. Hall
Thomas D. Hall, M.D.
Bruce H. Hanley
Edward K. Hardy III
Bill Harrison
Alfred John Hart
Thomas B. Harvey, Jr.
Mannie Hassel
Kevin J. Hayes
John Haynes
R. Freeman Haywood, Jr.
Simon W. Heitmeyer
James Ballard Henderson
Robert E. Hering
Howard P. Herrmann
Jack Hesler
Betty Lee Hickson
Jack G. High
Hugh C. Higley
Burd Hikes
Otto L. Hilmer
Ivan Hjortness
Edward H. Hoglund
William Holder, Jr.
Richard S. Holson, Jr.
William D. Holtzleiter
Edward J. Holzrichter
R. J. Horgan
Norman E. Horne
Ernest Horvath
Arthur D. Hudnutt
Douglas E. Huncke
Cynthia M. Hurley
Vernon Z. Hutchings, M.D.
Todd M. Hutchison
Bill Hyde
Matthew E. Hyland
Roy Iceberg
James J. Jablonski
Kenneth W. Jacobs, Jr.
Norton Jamar
Donald J. Janak
Malcolm D. Jeffrey
E. Clem Jensen
Bob Jewell
Curt G. Joa, Sr.
J. Lennart Johnson
Michael A. Johnson
Robert C. Johnson
Frank A. Jones
Jeff “Shadow” Jones
Katie Jones
Robert L. Jones, Jr.
W. Richard Jones
Victor S. Joseph
Robert D. Judson
Gary A. Juengling
Dr. Donald R. Kaplan
Robert S. Karger
Stephen E. Karpus
Dr. Carleton Keck
Donald E. Kelly
Dr. Mark R. Keltner
Donald A. Kennedy
Keith Gregory Kepley
Joan M. King
John A. King
Joan M. Klicka
Kevin H. Klingbeil
Jerry Kloppenburg
Gary E. Koecheler
William E. Kohr
Phil Kosin
John Kraft
Thomas Krebs
Kristopher Krupinski
J. Robert Kuntz
Herman J. Lang
Jack Lazard
Dr. Joseph R. Lehman
Bob Lemon
Robert Lesker
Robert Lockwood
M. Philip Long
Monte Lopata
Lionel M. Lorance
L. J. Loughlin, Jr.
James G. Love
Dan Lovinger
Edward Loyer
Albert Lund
Theodore Lusch
Wallace Machesney
Mrs. Frances T. MacLean
Lester D. MacLean
Jerry Madrzykowski
David S. Magnuson
Joyce Binney Magnuson
Eva D. Maiorano
William D. Maloney
Dennis Manic
Samuel R. Marotta
Chuck Alan Marshall
Norman Maves
Mrs. George S. May
John W. McCotter
R. E. McCreary, Jr.
H. Alexander McDonald
John E. McEnroe
James A. McFadden
Michael P. McIlhany, M.D.
Robert O. McKendrick
John J. Mercep
Ralston Merchant
Raymond L. Miller
Thomas W. Miner
Charles R. Mingo
Harry L. Moffitt
Lloyd E. Monson
Monty Montesino
Dr. Douglas P. Moore
Harold A. Moore
Henry Donald Moore
Marion P. Moran
Patrick S. Moran
Robert W. Morgan
Frank E. Mosetick
Ronald C. Mottl
Albert Mueller
Clifford W. Murphy
Stephen Muryn
Timothy A. Myers
Robert Earl Nason
Howard F. Neilson
Louis G. Netzel
Dick Niehaus
John F. Nolan
Michael S. Nolen
A. L. Norrbom
Mary P. Obetz
Robin C. Obetz, M.D.
Samuel O’Brien
Charles W. Olson III
Mrs. Philip A. Olson
Donald W. Osenga
Marvin W. Ott
Curt Palmgren
Peter D. Pankow
Harry Pauly, Jr.
Mrs. Darrel E. Peterson
Sherman E. Peterson
Glendon L. “Dave” Phillips
Norbert A. Piasecki
Alan E. Pick
Mrs. Ray Pierson
Bob Ping
Joe Planos
Nicholas Popa
Earl Edward Pope
Joseph D. Poskin
Richard Poth
Timothy Pressentin
Elmer F. Prieskorn
Gail P. Pugh
Michael F. Rajkowski
Mrs. Michael P. Rau
Richard L. Rausch, Sr.
Jerry W. Ray
Robt. Raymond
Lawrence A. Reagan
Jack F. Reichert
William A. Reilly
Eberhart (Eb) C. Rendahl
John F. Riordan
James C. Rivest
Bernadette Roach
James P. Roach
Lewis A. Rockwell
Thomas J. Rolando, Jr.
William S. Ross
Fred H. Sampsell
Dr. Edward F. Sarsha
Willard S. Sayles
Norma Schantz
Robert E. Scheeffer
Wendell Schindler
William P. Schiang
W. C. Schmidt
Robert M. Schrayer
Harvey W. Schrenk
Nikolaus (Nick) Schwander
David A. Schwartz
F. Joseph Sensenbrenner
Ed Sergey
Agnes Shalgos
Robert E. Shamburg
F. Walter Shields
Bruno Showtis
Harry E. Simpson
Robert W. Singer
Mary Ann Sittinger
Robert C. Sittinger
Everett G. Smith
Brian Smith
Hal H. Smith III
William J. Smith
Joseph “Walt” Speed
David F. Spehar
Francis M. Spencer III
Nancy J. Spencer
Walter W. Spreen
Dr. John C. Stahler
Mrs. John D. Standish
Marvin Andrew Stearn
Paul C. Sternberg
Noyce Strait, Jr.
Kenneth H. Straub
Charles I. Sugarman
Robert H. Swanson
Terrence E. (Terry)
Joseph C. Szabo
Thomas J. Taschwer
Robert E. Templin
Barbara Thayer
Vern Thelen
Tom Thiel
Robert A. Thorsen
Jerry A. Thrall
Allan S. Tomaszewski
Virginia Grace Tonne
Jim Topliff
Albert J. Torstrick
Eugene C. Tower
James D. Tracy
Mrs. Philip Tuzzolino
Robert E. Urich
Robert E. Vadnais
Dennis Van De Yacht
Adrian Verhoeven
James W. Vickers
John E. Viglietti
Robert Vinent
Charles B. von Doersten
Raymond J. Von Hagel
Frank J. Voss
William Charles Wagner
George Wahl
Cam Warren
Robert F. Wersel
Richard J. Wesley
B. Kenneth West
David E. White
George K. Whyte
James G. Williams, Jr.
Robert W. Willits
Wayne (Whitey) Windahl
Thomas K. Wirth
Donald T. Woerner
Mrs. Albert H. Wohlers
John Wood II
Dennis R. Woolley, Jr.
W. Howard Zachritz
Raymond A. Zanarini
Bernard C. Ziegler
David M. Zimmerman
Marietta R. Zimmerman
Frank E. Zorniger, Jr.
William H. Zylstra
Memorial listing includes contributions through February 1, 2010
The Century Club
estern Golf Association member clubs provide support for the Evans Scholars Foundation by promoting individual
Par Club membership. The Century Club recognizes WGA member clubs with 100 or more individual Par Club
members. As of Feb. 1, 2010, Medinah Country Club in Illinois led all clubs in membership with 950 members, followed
by The Minikahda Club in Minnesota with 671. Glen Oak Country Club, Northmoor Country Club and Hinsdale Golf Club
in Illinois, and Cherry Hills Country Club in Colorado all had more than 400 Par Club members.
600+ Members
The Minikahda Club, Minnesota
400+ Members
Glen Oak Country Club, Illinois
Northmoor Country Club, Illinois
Cherry Hills Country Club, Colorado
Hinsdale Golf Club, Illinois
300+ Members
Knollwood Club, Illinois
Olympia Fields Country Club, Illinois
Interlachen Country Club, Minnesota
Oak Park Country Club, Illinois
La Grange Country Club, Illinois
Sunset Ridge Country Club, Illinois
Butterfield Country Club, Illinois
Crystal Tree Golf & Country Club, Illinois
Exmoor Country Club, Illinois
Briarwood Country Club, Illinois
The Beverly Country Club, Illinois
Twin Orchard Country Club, Illinois
Red Run Golf Club, Michigan
North Shore Country Club, Illinois
Milwaukee Country Club, Wisconsin
Bob O’Link Golf Club, Illinois
Conway Farms Golf Club, Illinois
Roaring Fork Club, Colorado
Evanston Golf Club, Illinois
Bryn Mawr Country Club, Illinois
Westmoreland Country Club, Illinois
Ruth Lake Country Club, Illinois
200+ Members
Ridgemoor Country Club, Illinois
Hazeltine National Golf Club, Minnesota
Meadowbrook Country Club, Michigan
Park Ridge Country Club, Illinois
Oakland Hills Country Club, Michigan
Green Acres Country Club, Illinois
Glen View Club, Illinois
Detroit Golf Club, Michigan
Midlothian Country Club, Illinois
River Forest Country Club, Illinois
Skokie Country Club, Illinois
Rolling Green Country Club, Illinois
Moraine Country Club, Ohio
Old Warson Country Club, Missouri
Biltmore Country Club, Illinois
Lochmoor Club, Michigan
Butler National Golf Club, Illinois
Indian Hill Club, Illinois
The Ivanhoe Club, Illinois
Riverside Golf Club, Illinois
Algonquin Golf Club, Missouri
Lake Shore Country Club, Illinois
Wynstone Golf Club, Illinois
Maple Bluff Country Club, Wisconsin
St. Charles Country Club, Illinois
Inverness Golf Club, Illinois
Norwood Hills Country Club, Missouri
Pine Hills Country Club, Wisconsin
Blue Mound Golf & Country Club, Wisconsin
100+ Members
Flossmoor Country Club, Illinois
Edgewood Valley Country Club, Illinois
Kenwood Country Club, Ohio
Plum Hollow Country Club, Michigan
Westwood Country Club, Missouri
Spring Hill Golf Club, Minnesota
Birmingham Country Club, Michigan
Lakewood Country Club, Colorado
Denver Country Club, Colorado
Big Foot Country Club, Wisconsin
Chenequa Country Club, Wisconsin
Hyde Park Golf & Country Club, Ohio
Ridge Country Club, Illinois
Idlewild Country Club, Illinois
Dearborn Country Club, Michigan
North Hills Country Club, Wisconsin
North Shore Golf Club, Wisconsin
Prestwick Country Club, Illinois
Grosse Ile Golf & Country Club, Michigan
Calumet Country Club, Illinois
Bellerive Country Club, Missouri
Country Club of Detroit, Michigan
Inverness Club, Ohio
Wayzata Country Club, Minnesota
West Bend Country Club, Wisconsin
Country Club of Jackson, Michigan
Sylvania Country Club, Ohio
Westmoor Country Club, Wisconsin
Scioto Country Club, Ohio
Oak Ridge Country Club, Minnesota
Onwentsia Club, Illinois
Fort Wayne Country Club, Indiana
WGA Par Club
900+ Members
Medinah Country Club, Illinois
for Scholarships
The BMW Championship, Western Amateur and Western
Junior are conducted annually by the Western Golf
Association. All proceeds from the BMW Championship
benefit the Evans Scholars Foundation.