nl as ind pgs - Fairfield Union Local Schools
nl as ind pgs - Fairfield Union Local Schools
Volume10, IssuE 2 FAIRFIELD UNION ACCEPTS NEW OFFER FROM OHIO SCHOOL FACILITIES COMMISSION The Good News . . . The Fairfield Union Local School District has agreed to accept the offer from the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) to co-fund a completely new middle school. OSFC recognized the increased renovation costs and has determined that the construction of a new middle school would be in the best interest of both parties. OSFC will continue to provide 72% of the funding for the new middle school. A little history . . . The OSFC assessed all our current buildings in 2001 and again in 2005. At that time, it was determined that the best solution for the district was to replace the two elementary K-5 buildings, discontinue use of the Rushville building, and construct a new 9-12 high school building. The 2005 assessment showed the current high school/junior high school building being renovated into a 5-8 middle school. What has changed . . . As plans continued for the renovation of the current high school/junior high building into a middle school, a more in depth study began on the physical condition of the building. Several major problems surfaced. The cost of these items was not included in the original assessment. The estimated renovation cost was $2.6 million over the original cost of $14.1 million, and these additional costs would have been at the District’s expense. As with any renovation, there could have been many more hidden problems and associated costs. FAIRFIELD UNION LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL COST COMPARISON Estimated Additional Overall District Renovation Costs Contribution $2.6M District = 100% (as of Oct 15, 2007) $11.7 Co-Funded Portion 28% = $3.3M District 72% = $8.4M State $2.4M District =100% $2.4M Project LFI 100% = $2.4M District Overall District Contribution $17.7 Co-Funded Portion 28% = $4.9M District 72% = $12.8M State $17.7M Co-Funded $2.6M Additional Cost 100% = $2.6M District ($4.9M District =28%) ($12.8M State = 72%) NOVEMBER 2007 $11.7M Co-Funded ($3.3M District =28%) ($8.4M State = 72%) TOTAL COST $16.7M $8.3M = District $8.4M = State Exceeds OSFC 2005 New Build Cost of $15,007,315.28 TOTAL COST $17.7M $4.9M = District $12.8M State Project LFI 100% = $0.0 District 0% = $0.0 State New Fairfield Union Middle School As briefly explained on the front page, the Fairfield Union Local School District was faced with substantial increased costs for the renovation of the existing Fairfield Union High School and Junior High School building. Renovation of the existing campus was included in the Facilities Master Plan for the District’s Classroom Facilities Assistance Program project with the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC). The total proposed project costs were $14.1 million; this amount included $11.7 million for improvements that would be co-funded by the District and the OSFC and $2.4 million for improvements related to existing spaces within the building that would be funded solely by the District. The overall renovation efforts would have resulted in a conversion of the existing facility to serve the District’s middle school educational program. A new high school facility and two new elementary school facilities were also included in the overall building program. As the design of the renovations progressed, additional repairs not covered by the initial facility assessment were discovered. Discovering additional repairs is normal during the course of renovations to an existing facility. These repairs were essential to the complete renovation of the building to serve as a middle school facility. The initial cost for these additional repairs was estimated at $2.6 million, which would have been the District’s responsibility to fund. These additional costs included repair and replacement of lintels in the Junior High building, replacement of doors, adding weep holes and repairing and replacing other weep holes in the exterior brick walls, removing and replacing the face brick on the Junior High building to address spalling, and replacing the entire roofing system. In addition, other improvements, such as added turn lanes for access to the building and the addition of control/expansion joints for both interior and exterior masonry systems had been identified but not priced to date. These amounts would have increased the project costs for which the District was responsible, already estimated at approximately $8.3 million when the District’s local share of the project was included. If the current renovation had proceeded, the total cost for the renovated middle school facility could have exceeded $16.7 million. The total State share of the middle school renovation project was estimated at $8.4 million, while the District share was estimated at $8.3 million when all of the additional repairs identified and priced to date were added to the project costs. The District’s responsibility for additional costs was triggered when the total costs for the renovation exceeded the cost to build a new facility. OSFC’s new build cost for a middle school facility is approximately $15 million, based on the Commission’s 2005 cost set for construction (which is the same basis for the renovation costs included in the District’s current OSFC Facilities Master Plan). The OSFC proposed that the District proceed with a new middle school facility, rather than continue with the renovation of the existing facility, as a way to address these added costs and provide some relief to the District from a financial perspective. The cost for proceeding with a new building is based upon current (2007) construction costs. The total cost for a co-funded new middle school for Fairfield Union Local School District is approximately $17.7 million. When the costs are divided based upon the State and Local share contributions, the District’s 28% share is $4.9 million, and the State’s 72% share is $12.8 million. A new middle school will actually include more academic space than the proposed renovations of the existing facility. The total academic space for the new middle school building will be 34,020 square feet, while the renovation would have resulted in 31,189 square feet of academic space. The benefits of a new building include being able to plan and organize the academic space in the new design, instead of having to deal with existing floor plans and locations of rooms throughout the building. Included in this analysis was whether a new building made sense from a financial perspective. The District’s share of the proposed new middle school facility is $4.9 million out of the total $17.7 co-funded costs. In addition to increasing the dollars available for the project from the State due to using a current cost basis for calculating these costs, the District will no longer be responsible for mandated costs associated with those improvements that the District would have had to fund on its own, currently estimated at $2.4 million. But this figure did not include the current estimate of $2.6 million in additional District costs required to address additional repairs that would have been needed to make the building into a usable and safe space for educating middle school students. Based solely on the $2.4 million in required costs to be funded by the District, proceeding with design and construction of a new middle school will result in a savings of approximately $800,000 to the District. The Board held a community meeting on October 16 to review the options and address questions. Input from that meeting, along with input from the OSFC staff was considered by the Board when they accepted the offer from OSFC to construct a new $17.7 million co-funded Middle School. NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT (NCLB) Federal NCLB legislation was signed into law in 2002. This legislation mandates certain requirements of public schools across America. Specific NCLB notifications require that parents and the community must be made aware of the following: Notice of Status Toward Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) – All Fairfield Union School buildings have met the AYP requirements. Annual Notice: Right to Request Teacher Certification – A request for teacher certification may be made to the District Office. Notice of Parent Involvement Policies – Federal Public Law 107110 Policy (6335) meets this requirement. Call the District Office if interested in a copy of the policy. Assignment of Student to NonHighly Qualified Teacher – Unless notified by your principal, all Fairfield Union teachers meet the definition by the Ohio Department of Education as “highly qualified.” Notice of Unsafe Schools – All Fairfield Union Schools have been categorized by the Ohio Department of Education as “safe schools.” Access to Student Information by Military or College Recruiters – Federal Public Law 107-110 Policy (6335) meets this requirement. Annual Principal Verification of Highly Qualified Staff Members – Each principal is required to verify that staff members are qualified for their respective positions. Verifications are signed each year by the principal assuring that staff members meet the definition of “highly qualified.” Questions pertaining to these regulations should be directed to Michael Destadio, Assistant Superintendent. PUBLIC’S RIGHT TO KNOW The Fairfield Union Board of Education supports the right of the people to know about programs and services of their schools and makes efforts to disseminate appropriate information. Records pertaining to individual students and other confidential materials are not released for inspection. Student records that consist of “personally identifiable information” generally are exempt from disclosure. Only that information deemed “directory information” may be released from an individual student’s file. Student Directory Information includes student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, participation in school activities, achievements, awards, honors, weight and height if a member of an athletic team, major field of study, and dates of attendance and graduation. This information will be disclosed without prior written consent. If the parents, legal guardian, or adult student prefer that such information not be released, they must notify the Principal in writing. THE MCKINNEY-VENTO ACT The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act was designed to address the problems that homeless children and youth face in enrolling and attending school. Under this Federal law, school districts are required to designate a district liaison to help remove barriers that homeless children frequently face. If you are aware of any families in our school district who are facing this difficult problem and who have children who are not enrolled in school, please contact Mike Destadio at 740-536-7384. PLEASE LISTEN TO THE FOLLOWING RADIO AND TV STATIONS FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS REGARDING SCHOOL CANCELLATIONS AND DELAYS Radio K-95 and QFM-96 WNCI, 610 WTVN, WCOL Sunny 95 & Affiliates WFCO (90.9) WLRY (88.5) WCLT T-100 Television Channel 4 Channel 6 Channel 10 REMINDER OF SPRING 2008 TEST DATES Please mark your calendars and plan for these important state testing dates: Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) – March 3-14, 2008 for students in grades 10, 11 and 12 Ohio Achievement Test (OAT) – April 28-May 9, 2008 for students in grades 3 through 8 C Proud to be a Fairfield Union Falcon NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE P A I D WEST RUSHVILLE, OH PERMIT NO. 2 District Board of Education 7698 Main Street P.O. Box 63067 West Rushville, Ohio 43163-3067 Fairfield Union Local Schools Financial Report FY 2007 Where the Money Comes From RECEIPTS Local Sources Property Tax Income Tax Other Total Local . State & Federal Sources . Total Receipts AMOUNT PERCENT $ 3,412,872 $ 2,239,382 $ 1,621,700* $ 7,273,954 21.20% $ 8,833,043 54.80% $ 16,106,997 100.00% 13.90% 10.10% 45.20% Where the Money Goes EXPENDITURES Employee Salaries / Wages Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies Capital Outlay , $ 8,722,355 $ 3,063,450 $ 2,319,899 $ 550,332 94,932 $ Directory Board of Education Darrell Myers, President David Rodenbaugh, Vice President Jim Bope Doug Barr Kevin Kemmerer Administration Jim Herd, Superintendent (740) 536-7384 Kevin Miller, Treasurer (740) 536-7384 Mike Destadio, Assistant Superintendent (740) 536-7384 Dale Ferbrache, Principal-JH/HS (740) 536-7306 Matt McPhail, Asst. Principal (740) 536-7846 55.60% 19.50% 14.82% 3.50% 6.00% 100.00% Total Expenditures $ 15,698,780 SUMMARY Beginning Cash Balance $ 620,871 Receipts $ 16,106,997 Expenditures $ 15,698,780 Ending Cash Balance $ 1,029,088 * Other Receipts includes revenue from open enrollment, interest income, and fees. George Shreyer Athletic Director/Assistant Principal (740) 536-7306 Mike Myers, Principal-Rushville (740) 536-7321 Frederick Burns, Principal-Bremen (740) 569-4135 Rebecca Parrott, Principal- Pleasantville (740) 468-2181 Rhonda Gonzalez, Transportation (740) 536-7820 Sally McCandlish, Food Service (740) 536-7384 Published by the Fairfield Union Schools Designed by Cathy McCullough (740) 468-3312 Prepared by Jim Herd, Christy Smith & Mike Destadio j i m h e r d @ f a i r f i e l d - u n i o n . k 12 . o h . u s