amNew York - Time`s Up
amNew York - Time`s Up
ISSUE 156 » VOLUME 002 » WEDNESDAY AUGUST 11, 2004 NEW YORK’S FREE DAILY NEWSPAPER NewYork CHANCE OF »T-STORMS NATIONAL GOSS AS BOSS? 6 » DEMS CRITICIZE BUSH’S CIA PICK, 83º 71º CONFIRMATION MAY BE TOUGH » FLATULENCE ON THE SET Naomi Watts THE BUZZ 14 TRUMPED » DONALD’S CASINOS GO BANKRUPT $400 million bailout MONEY 12 PRINCESS DIARIES »ROYAL ANNE HATHAWAY G-Movie Queen THE BUZZ 14 WEBPOLL WWW.AM-NY.COM Do you think Scott Peterson murdered his pregnant wife Laci? ANIMALREPORT Cat scratch A Belgian airliner made an emergency landing after a cat got into the cockpit and attacked the co-pilot. The flight from Brussels to Vienna had been in the air 20 minutes when a passenger’s pet escaped from its cage. It slipped into the cockpit when meals were being delivered to the crew and became agitated and nervous. The cat scratched the copilot’s arm. To avoid a “cat-astrophe,” the pilot and 58 passengers returned to Brussels. PETERSON TRIAL 6 » SCOTT’S GAL PAL AMBER TALKS OF THEIR TRYSTS ‘Toothless tiger’ Schumer slams Bush proposal for national intelligence chief BY MICHAEL CLANCY amNewYork Staff Writer The White House “is doing a terrible job” on homeland security and President Bush’s proposal for a director of national intelligence would be a “toothless tiger,” Sen. Charles Schumer said yesterday. In an editorial board meeting with amNewYork, Schumer said creating a new director of national intelligence without budgetary power and the ability to hire and fire department heads, including the CIA director, would not improve U.S. intelligence gathering. “It would make it a toothless tiger,” Schumer said. “You may as well have the 9/11 commission report, wonderful document that it is, sitting on a shelf gathering dust.” New York’s senior Democratic senator called Rep. Porter Goss (RFla.), whom Bush nominated yesterday to run the CIA, “a good man.” Schumer noted that Goss has New York roots and said he didn’t have a problem with putting a Republican in that post. But he added that Goss’ confirmation hearings would provide a good opportunity to examine the 9/11 commission’s recommendation to create a national intelligence czar with real power. “My questions to Porter Goss are going to be are you for ceding your authority, or some of it, to the director of national intelligence? What’s your position on that? Why would you take this job, if you were gonna give that up? But if you’re not, I won’t support you,” Schumer said. Schumer also demanded to know who leaked the name of Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan, the Al Qaeda computer guru captured in Pakistan. (KATE GEORGE/AMNEWYORK) GASSY AUSSIE NATIONAL Sen. Charles Schumer told amNewYork that Rep. Porter Goss (R-Fla.), President Bush’s choice to be the new director of the CIA, is a “good man,” but that the United States needs a director of national intelligence who can control this country’s intelligence gathering. Khan’s name was leaked to reporters last week as the administration defended the latest terror alerts that warned of strikes against financial institutions in America. “The leak of this man’s name may have been the greatest mistake in the war on terror,” Schumer said. “The word is that no one knew this guy was caught and they were having him interconnect computers with all sorts of Al Qaeda agents and they were not yet finished. The Pakistani Interior Minister said it’s a disgrace that the U.S. leaked this. They blamed us and said that if we had more time, it might even have led to (Osama) bin Laden.” But Schumer did defend the terrorist warning issued on Sunday, Aug. 1, saying that he also would have made the information public because it involved financial institutions, truck bombs and terrorists crossing land borders at Canadian or Mexico — three Al Qaeda hallmarks. “When you get that kind of information, you have no choice but to tell law enforcement,” Schumer said. “You have to tell five or six hundred law enforcement officials and once you do that, it leaks.” amNY local WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 Feds say tech wiz ran terrorist site out of New Jersey NEW BRUNSWICK — Federal authorities are investigating New Jersey resident Mazen Mokhtar, a technologically savvy Internet whiz who they say operated a Web site soliciting funds and recruiting fighters for the Taliban and other Muslim warrior groups. Mokhtar is listed in Internet directories as the registrant and administrative and technical contact for the Web site, which authorities said is an exact duplicate of one run by Babar Ahmad, who was arrested last week in London and charged with aiding terrorists. A neighbor, William Copprue, said plainclothes law enforcement officers searched Mokhtar’s apartment several months ago, hauling away several large black bags of items in a search that lasted about half the day. The FBI’s Newark field office referred inquiries on Mokhtar to the New Haven, Conn., office, which declined comment yesterday. Ahmad has not been charged with any crime, but an arrest warrant issued July 28 by a federal judge in Connecticut accuses Ahmad of running several Internet sites used to support and raise money for the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and Mujahadeen Islamic militants in other countries. But Mokhtar’s friends paint a far different picture of a devout, peaceful Muslim who taught classes on Islam and sometimes led Friday prayer services. “It doesn’t seem like he was involved with anything like that,” said Asim Uzmani, a board member of the New Brunswick Islamic Center, where Mokhtar volunteered to lead prayers at the small storefront mosque about twice a month. Uzmani said he spoke to Mokhtar a few days ago. (AP) Mosque leaders get no bail in terror case (AP) 02 Yassin Muhiddin Aref, left, and Mosharref Hossain are led out of federal court after being denied bail yesterday in Albany. ALBANY — A federal judge yesterday rejected bail for two leaders of an Albany mosque charged in an FBI sting involving a purported plot to assassinate the Pakistani ambassador to the United Nations. | GO GO BAG $215 Federal Magistrate David Homer said the government has sufficiently shown that Yassin Muhiddin Aref, 34, and Mohammed Mosharref Hossain, 49, are a threat to the community and are a flight risk. A 19-count indictment, unsealed Monday, charges Aref and Hossain with conspiring to launder money and promote terrorism. It did not provide details about allegations they are tied to an extremist group linked to Al Qaeda. The indictment chronicles exchanges of money that authorities allege was for a fictitious missile sale. It claims that in a Feb. 12 meeting, the men believed the attack on the ambassador would take place the following week. Authorities said the men were paid $50,000 and Hossain was to disguise the source of the money by writing checks — $2,000 at a time — back to the informant from his businesses, which include rental properties. An FBI informant who told Aref and Hossain he was an arms dealer asked the two suspects to launder money for profit from the sale of a shoulder-fired missile that would be used to kill the diplomat in New York City, according to the federal complaint. Pakistani officials have protested the FBI’s tactics used in the sting operation. Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Masood Khan condemned the FBI sting operation, saying it was bizarre and dangerous. “This has increased our ambassador’s and our mission’s vulnerability . . . and could have endangered the life of our ambassador,” Khan said in a statement. He said Pakistan had filed a protest with the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad. Aref and Hossain have been jailed since Thursday. Yesterday, defense lawyers Kevin Luibrand and Terry Kindlon asked Homer to set bail, saying their clients were needed by their families. They also called the case entrapment since there was no assassination plot. Aref ’s lawyer, Kindlon, said the entire case is based on government fabrication. “The facts of this case exist in the imagination of the government,” he said. (AP) Contract talks stalemate Police and firefighters announced an impasse yesterday in their contract negotiations with the Bloomberg administration, refusing to rule out a strike or sickouts during the Republican National Convention. 158 ALLEN STREET (Between Stanton & Rivington) Tuesday - Saturday 12 - 8 p.m. | & by appointment Tel. 212.982.7048 | $10 rebate with this ad “Everyone has a limit, and the mayor needs to know we’re close to our limit,” said Stephen Cassidy, president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, at a press conference at City Hall. For the last two weeks or so, off-duty police officers have been showing up at Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s daily public appearances and picketing outside Madison Square Garden, the site of the Republican National Convention beginning Aug. 30. Several other city unions, such as District Council 37, the city’s largest, have already accepted a 5% raise plus $1,000 over three years with 2% coming from productivity enhancements such as lower pay and benefits for new hires. A mayor’s spokesman said yesterday that the city’s last offer to the police and fire unions was a $1,000 lump sum payment plus an 8% pay hike — though 5% of the raise would come from productivity enhancements. The police and firefighter unions said they had no intention of accepting productivity enhancements, which they denounced as “givebacks.” Police have been without a contract since July 31, 2002, and firefighters since May 31, 2002. The situation fits a pattern of retroactive contracts and negotiations that routinely ignore expiration dates and end in arbitration. But yesterday, the police and fire union representatives said they deserve more significant raises than other city employees. The police union declared an impasse in its negotiations several weeks ago, while the firefighters said they reached the same conclusion this week. “Mike Bloomberg says we’re no different than people that push paper,” said Cassidy. “It’s an insult to the firefighters and police officers who risk their lives every day.” (AP) local NEWSDIGEST Empire State Bldg dims for Fay Wray NEW YORK CITY The lights of Empire State Building dimmed for 15 minutes last night in tribute to “King Kong” star Fay Wray. The building and Wray achieved international fame in the 1933 film classic when the big ape appeared to climb the skyscraper with the actress in his hand. Wray died in her sleep Sunday in her Manhattan apartment. She was 96. Albany puts back $332M in cuts to education aid ALBANY The Legislature yesterday restored almost $332 million in cuts to student financial aid and in funding to public colleges while guaranteeing no increase in public college tuition for New York resident undergraduates. But whether Gov. George Pataki would veto the action that’s part of more than $1 billion in spending the Legislature plans to add to his executive budget remained unclear. Pataki said he agreed to provisions of the education bill approved by lawmakers, but that he has concerns about how the Legislature plans to pay for it all. States depend on Medicaid cash ALBANY States lack the political will to scale back Medicaid because they have come to depend on the health coverage for the poor as a federal cash cow to fund some other state expenses while subsidizing hospitals and nursing homes, research shows. Instead, the states facing billion-dollar deficits in recent years cut other programs, increased taxes, or secured even more federal Medicaid dollars through the system that matches state spending levels, according to the study by the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government in Albany. NJ man released in terror trial PATTERSON, N.J. A New Jersey man, the fourth defendant accused of using a Texas-based charity to help finance terrorists, was ordered released from a Dallas jail yesterday by a federal magistrate who noted that instead of fleeing the U.S. he had testified before the grand jury that eventually indicted him. Abdulrahman Odeh pleaded not guilty yesterday to charges including conspiracy, aiding a terrorist group and money laundering. The 45-year-old deli owner in Paterson was ordered to stand trial in October. Odeh was the N.J. director of Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, which prosecutors accused of being a financial support(AMNY and AP) er of Hamas. LOTTERY Here are the winning numbers selected in yesterday’s New York State Lottery drawing: Daily: 8-7-4 Win Four: 0-5-7-7 Pick 10 game: 4-5-6-7-2730-32-39-40-41-43-44-4651-54-62-64-65-67-73 amNY 03 Group ditches highway, calls for protest in park BY ADAM HUTTON Special to amNewYork Three weeks after accepting the city’s alternative to its planned protest of the Republican National Convention on Central Park’s Great Lawn, the antiwar group United for Peace and Justice shifted gears yesterday and said that picketing along the West Side Highway is not acceptable. “This is a frontal assault on the right to assemble by a mayor who wants to protect the Republican party,” said group spokesman Bill Dobbs. “He’s rolled out the red carpet for the delegates while pushing protesters to the fringes.” The city Parks Department denied the group’s second application to protest in the park, this time in the East Meadow. To the protesters’ way of thinking, if what the city said was true and the Great Lawn is too small for the 250,000 people planning to protest, then the meadow should be large enough to accommodate the crowd. The city sees it differently. In a letter denying the second application, the department said United for Peace and Justice was asking for a permit for “essentially the same event” and therefore the department “must deny your application for the same reasons.” (AP) LOCAL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 Children from a Harlem youth group gather in Central Park’s East Meadow yesterday. The Parks Department denied United for Peace and Justice’s second application to protest in in Central Park — this time in the East Meadow — yesterday. “We’re shocked that the city has rejected this application without even seriously considering it,” Dobbs said. “We’re consulting with our lawyers and asking people to contact the Mayor and urge him to change his mind.” A spokesman for Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the protest group would make better use of its time and energy by accepting defeat and focusing on planning Budget’s moving, 41⁄2 months later BY JOEL STASHENKO Associated Press Writer Nearly 41⁄2 months late, the state Legislature finally started passing a new state budget yesterday as lawmakers decried the longest budget impasse in state history. The first of a dozen bills embodying the 2004-05 budget to pass was one boosting state education aid by $740 million in the upcoming school year. Legislative leaders said they would complete the budget adoption process by early Friday, though much of what lawmakers planned to pass hadn’t been agreed to yesterday by Gov. George Pataki. The budget was supposed to have been in place by April 1. Despite the long stalemate between the Democrat-dominated state Assembly and the Republican governor — and the seemingly endless debate about the new spending plan — many legislators as usual grumbled they did not know enough about what they were voting on when they started to see budget measures. “We don’t know what the total cost of this budget is,” Long Island Republican Assemblyman Thomas Barraga said. “What’s the final figure and where do we get all the revenues to pay for it?” After some confusion, state Assembly Ways and Means Committee Chairman Herman Farrell Jr. said the budget will total about $101 billion, or 3% more than the previous state budget. The Legislature has already appropriated more than half that amount through a series of short-term emergency spending bills since April 1. Farrell said improvements such as higher education aid would not have happened in the 2004-05 budget without Assembly Democrats resisting some aspects of the spending plan Pataki advanced in January. their event along the highway. “With less than three weeks to go, the organizers need to concentrate their efforts on making the necessary arrangements and working with the city to ensure a safe event and stop the theatrics,” said Bloomberg spokesman Ed Skyler. That attitude is the most troubling part of this situation, Dobbs said. “This is not about a lawn,” he said. “This is about pure politics.” Queens man: I gave money, equipment to Al Qaeda network A Queens man has admitted meeting with a high-ranking member of Al Qaeda in Pakistan in a scheme to smuggle money, night-vision goggles and other equipment to the terrorist network, officials confirmed yesterday. The terror suspect, Mohammed Junaid Babar, secretly pleaded guilty in June to multiple charges of providing material support to a terrorist organization. He agreed to cooperate with authorities as part of a plea deal. According to a court transcript made public yesterday, Babar told a judge he met with an unidentified Al Qaeda official earlier this year in South Waziristan, a tribal area near the border of Afghanistan. He said he and others had provided money, goggles, sleeping bags and other goods to the terrorist group beginning in 2003. “I understood that the money and supplies that I had given to Al Qaeda were supposed to used in Afghanistan against U.S. or international forces,” he said. Babar, 29, a U.S. citizen of Pakistani descent, also described arranging lodging and transportation for recruits to a “jihad training camp” and providing ammonium nitrate for a bomb plot in London. (AP) 04 amNY local WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 Who’s that boy? Twins face to face for first time along at light speed.” The boys’ pediatrician, Dr. Robert Marion, said, “It’s unbelievable. They’re doing better than almost any kids who’ve had craniofacial surgery, let alone this complex surgery.” The coming days and weeks will bring more milestones. Now that they can sit up, Clarence and Carl will soon be able to eat by mouth instead of through a tube, Marion said. Physical therapists will teach them to walk. (AP) (AP) The two boys from the Philippines, who were connected at the tops of their heads until last Wednesday night, were breathing on their own and propped into semisitting positions in their sideby-side beds at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. An Associated Press reporter and photographer were allowed into the twins’ room in the pediatric intensive care unit yesterday. Though still drowsy and drifting in and out of sleep, the boys occasionally looked at each other. One of the boys, Clarence, reached for a rattle held by a nurse. The eyes of both followed their mother, Arlene Aguirre, and they watched kids’ programs on the television set above their beds. Aguirre gently coaxed them to look at each other. “Carl, where’s your brother?” she murmured at his side. “Clarence, where’s your brother?” Until yesterday, the boys had seen each other’s faces only in mirrors and photo- geon who helped separate them with four major operations over 11 months. “This is by far the earliest time babies like this have been able to come off the ventilator,” Staffenberg said. “They have been moving graphs. Doctors said they were extremely pleased by the boys’ progress. “We really expected them to do well but they’ve exceeded our best expectations,” said Dr. David Staffenberg, the plastic sur- Six days after being separated in a delicate 17-hour operation, the 2-year-old Aguirre twins emerged from sedation yesterday, waking up enough to watch TV and steal their first, tentative glances at each other. Clarence, left, and Carl look at each other as they are visited yesterday by their mother, Arlene, their neurosurgeon Dr. James Goodrich, left, and Dr. David Staffenberg, their plastic surgeon. This was the first day the 2-year-old boys were able to look directly at each other. Hil rocks the vote Judge undermines Sen. Clinton: New voters crucial to this year’s election “I am convinced we are going to win this election, but I also am convinced the other side is going to do everything it can to take it away from us,” Clinton told delegates at the state AFL-CIO convention. She said she has noticed that poll workers tend to be elderly and will eventually have to be replaced. The senator said the 2004 election will be especially (AP) Sen. Hillary Clinton urged union workers yesterday to register as many new voters as possible and to take roles as poll workers and voting monitors because, she said, Republicans will try to disqualify or discourage potential Democratic voters in November. Sen. Hillary Clinton crucial in determining the nation’s immediate course. “There never has been a more important election, with more at stake,” she said. “This election will set the direction of the country because there are two very different visions.” Clinton’s brief appearance at a midtown hotel focused mainly on what she called the Bush White House’s failed economic policies. “This is an administration that believes America became great because of rich people . . . that only people of wealth and means create jobs,” she said. “We’re not unique because of rich people, but because we created the ladder of opportunity . . . with a balance between those with wealth and power and the ordinary people who built the country and keep it going.” She said the Republicancontrolled Congress had stalled a transportation bill that was “the most important job creation bill in the Senate.” (AP) strict ferry policy A judge has ruled that a Staten Island ferry assistant captain should not have been suspended based on results from an alcohol test, casting legal doubt on the city’s zero-tolerance testing policy imposed after a crash last year killed 11 people. The test was irrelevant because the captain, Robert Sander, had been tested while on dock duty and had not been scheduled to pilot any boats or carry out other “safety-sensitive” tasks, Judge Kara Miller ruled July 29. Miller also said the results were flawed because of mechanical problems with the testing equipment, The New York Times reported yesterday. She recommended the results be thrown out. Tom Cocola, a spokesman with the city Department of Transportation, declined to comment on the case to the Times. Transportation Commissioner Iris Weinshall will decide whether to accept the judge’s recommendation not to punish Sander, who was suspended after failing the breath test March 22. The pilot of the ferry that crashed Oct. 15, Richard Smith, has said he blacked out after taking medications that made him lose consciousness at the helm. Smith pleaded guilty last week to 11 counts of manslaughter. Following the crash, the DOT instituted a zero-tolerance policy for ferry employees who failed drug or alcohol tests. (AP) RUSHHOUR REALITY Govs’ on-and-off affair with transit BY JOE RAPPAPORT amNewYork Columnist New York’s governors don’t often get the credit when they do right by transit riders — and they almost never get the blame when something goes wrong, either. For instance, let’s see a show of hands from everyone who thinks former Mayor Giuliani got you those handy monthly and weekly MetroCard passes. In fact, Giuliani had nothing to do with them. He sat on the sidelines during the debate over how to use a transit surplus in 1997 (they actually had a surplus!) and watched as Gov. Pataki ordered the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to introduce the discounts. Pataki can tell the MTA what to do, since he appoints the MTA’s chairman, executive director and many of the MTA board members. Most important, he also decides how much state money to fork over to city subways and buses. More often, though, governors like Pataki and his predecessor Mario Cuomo have distanced themselves from anything that happens in the city’s subways. Such as the last three fare hikes, which Pataki said he didn’t want. But did he do anything to stop them? I think we know the answer to that. This hands-off tactic doesn’t always work. In 1985, Gov. Cuomo was savaged by straphangers and the Daily News when he wouldn’t act to stop a 10-cent hike, from 90cents to $1. The fare went up, but Cuomo appointed a task force that worked to keep the fare at a buck for the next four years. This year, Pataki is once again the target for groups upset by the proposed fare hike. They say he’s to blame, since he stiffed the transit system on funding. Riffing on the MTA’s idea of selling naming rights for subway stations, NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign’s Gene Russianoff has even suggested that the fare hike, if it goes through, be named the “George E. Pataki Fare Hike.” Got transit Peeves? Comments? E-mail: local WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 amNY 05 who flock Senators pitch plans Pigeons to RNC building to keep the lights on are in for a shock Sens. Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton promoted separate energy plans yesterday to prevent another blackout like last year’s summer nightmare that left 50 million people without electricity. Both proposals are meant to keep the juice flowing well enough to meet national needs and prevent economic losses, estimated to be billions of dollars in lost commerce caused by the Aug. 14 blackout. Schumer released a 10-page report suggesting that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) should be eliminated and replaced by a new agency responsible for setting and enforcing reliability standards. He compared the nation’s power grid to its highway system and the proposed agency to the Department of Transportation. “Last year’s blackout made it very clear: We need an office with the authority and the know-how to improve the reliability of the grid,” Schumer said. “This office is going to hold the utilities accountable for providing the quality service New Yorkers and all Americans deserve.” Clinton, meanwhile, is still promoting the Electric Reliability Act (ERA) of 2004, which she introduced with three other senators earlier this year. Similar regulations proposed as part of the Senate’s energy bill last fall were “held hostage” by Republicans who opposed other parts of the energy package, Clinton said. Because the blackout was caused, in part, by tree limbs hanging too close to power lines, in violation of voluntary reliability standards established by the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), what the nation needs are mandatory standards established and enforced by FERC, Clinton said. The ERA would give FERC the authority to make the rules and punish the companies that don’t fall in line. “The critical first step is to get Congress and the administration to implement mandatory standards,” Clinton told amNewYork. “If we can get those underway, then we can begin to establish a whole new system.” The only real roadblock to progress once the standards are in place is the Bush administration, which has packed FERC with people sympathetic to electric companies’ desire to be free from regulation. But the creation of a new agency wouldn’t solve that problem she said. “If we created a different agency that would have appointments by the President, then we’d run into the same problem,” Clinton told amNewYork. That’s exactly the reason, however, why FERC must be eliminated, Schumer told amNewYork. “They’re not going to be their own watchdogs,” he said. Bell Environmental Services of Parsippany to get rid of the birds, postal service spokesman Gary Ferrari said recently. “We did it to avert a safety and health hazard,” Ferrari Pigeons and other birds that said. Work was completed in early 2003. once landed “It’s been very on the hisgood,” he said. toric James A. Bell founder Farley Post and president Office buildPhil Waldorf ing and sent said solar-poww a s t e ered strips his hurtling crew installed down have along ledges been conand columns vinced to find deliver a nonfaanother outtal shock to house, with birds who land the help of a Pigeons, beware of Midtown. on them. After few electric shocks from a New Jersey enough shocks, birds learn to company, the postal service avoid the building, Waldorf said. said. The high-voltage, lowThe post office at 34th Street in Manhattan will be ampere current is similar to the media center for the GOP that used in wires on ranch gathering, which is to take fences to keep cattle off, he place across the street at said. He uses strips about an Madison Square Garden inch and a half wide, with starting at the end of the insulated wires on either side carrying the current. month. “It can be made the color of In June 2002, a half-year before New York was chosen the building,” Waldorf said. He said the contract was for the convention, the post office awarded a contract to worth about $100,000. (AP) Delegates to the Republican National Convention and reporters covering it will be able to avoid one hazard of city life that bedeviled postal patrons for years. (GETTY IMAGES) BY ADAM HUTTON Special to amNewYork (GETTY IMAGES) Mold problem grows at New Jersey schools; families file health suit Crowds walk home over the Brooklyn Bridge during last summer’s blackout, which left 50 million people without power. Sens. Chuck Schumer and Hilly Clinton proposed plans yesterday to enforce energy reliability standards that would prevent such massive blackouts from happening again. Arab Bank in the hot seat Five families of U.S. citizens killed in terrorist attacks in Israel added their names to an $875 million lawsuit filed last month against Arab Bank, accusing it of channeling money to Palestinian terrorist groups. The amended complaint, filed in federal court in the Eastern District of New York early yesterday, claims the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development used the New York branch of the Arab Bank to transfer money to Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization blamed for dozens of attacks in Israel. The U.S. Justice Department last week indicted the Holy Land Foundation for providing millions of dollars in support to Hamas. The lawsuit, Linde vs. Arab Bank, also claims that Arab bank made insurance payments to beneficiaries of sui- cide bombers. The new plaintiffs include a Westchester family, a Florida family and three families living in Israel, bringing the list of families represented to 10. “We’ve made some detailed allegations and intend to prove that the Arab Bank is used to help finance terrorist groups and that its New York branch is helping to launder the money,” said Mark Werbner, the lead counsel for the families, in a statement. Officials with Arab Bank, based in Amman, Jordan, have denied the allegations, calling them “completely false and totally irresponsible.” “Arab Bank is a globally respected and admired financial institution with a deserved reputation for sound, ethical operations,” the bank said in a statement last month. “This litigation is unfortunate and baseless and will be forcefully defended in the courts.” (AP) TRENTON — Bonnie Tuttle watched her adolescent son go from healthy to seriously ill during the school year. Now she and the parents of nine other students are suing the public school district over mold contamination they say made their children sick. The lawsuit, filed Monday in Superior Court in Woodbury, accuses the Washington Township Board of Education of mishandling a chronic mold problem at two middle schools in the Gloucester County community. The suit demands that the district educate the plaintiffs’ children elsewhere, until it can rid their schools of mold. It also wants to make the district pay for medical monitoring for affected students and seeks a new evaluation of the schools’ air quality. It also demands the school district allow any student who becomes ill after classes resume to transfer. Students and teachers at Orchard Valley and Chestnut Ridge middle schools have complained of headaches, rashes, fatigue, difficulty breathing and other symptoms, the lawsuit says, with toxic conditions in the schools reaching “epic proportions” last school year. Tuttle says her son, Jordan, showed symptoms on the third day of sixth grade last fall and that by March a doctor certified him too sick to attend school. By that point, he had missed 33 days, she said. The mold problem surfaced shortly after the schools were built in 1988. Louis Giansante, the Moorestown lawyer representing the parents and children, said yesterday the district’s remediation effort has been slipshod. (AP) 06 amNY national WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 NATIONAL Goss is new boss: GOPer to head CIA NEWSDIGEST Scott’s mistress takes the stand Pakistani man ACLU worried over no-fly lists SAN FRANCISCO The Sept. 11 Commission wants the government to expand the no-fly list airlines now check to keep suspected terrorists off planes, arrested for consolidating as many as 12 secret lists maintained by different intelligence agencies. That worries the American Civil Liberties Union, which has already videotaping sued the government, saying the airlines' effort to keep terror suspects and dangerous people off planes ensnares innocent passengers and subjects N.C. building other them to unnecessary searches and delays. Also, the government provides no (AP) “He knows the CIA inside to a partisan politician to fill what nominally is a nonpolitical position. Bush also was accused of trying to change the subject on a day when more than 100 House Democrats urged the president to call a special session of Congress to deal with intelligence changes proposed by the independent commission that investigated 9/11. day, he gave the girl a children’s book. Then, he cooked seafood lasagna with wine before they had sex again. “He made the comment that there would be many more corks . . . many more bottles to share,” Frey testified. The next day, Dec. 3, she gave Peterson a car seat and Amber Frey, the government’s star witness, described a relationship that quickly developed from sex to a serious relationship. A single mother, she quickly trusted Peterson with her young daughter. Frey said Peterson did not wear a wedding ring when they met on Nov. 20, 2002. He poured champagne in his hotel room, putting a strawberry in her glass, and they had sex later that night. On their second date, he carried her 22-month-old daughter as they went hiking. Later that the key to her house, and asked him to pick up her daughter at day care. Prosecutors have spent much of their case trying to establish that Peterson’s affair with the massage therapist, and hopes for financial gain, were his motives for killing Laci Peterson. (AP) (AP) Scott Peterson’s one-time mistress testified yesterday that their first night together included slow dancing to karaoke and a hotel room tryst — but no mention of the pregnant wife who prosecutors say he later murdered. Amber Frey leaves court after testifying during the Peterson trial yesterday. CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A Pakistani citizen is in federal custody after being arrested by a police officer who spotted him videotaping the 60story Bank of America headquarters and another skyscraper in Charlotte. The officer who arrested Kamran Akhtar, 35, said he tried to walk away when officers approached him on July 20 and gave conflicting statements about what he was doing and where he was going. Videotapes in Akhtar’s possession also showed buildings in Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, New Orleans and Austin, as well as transit systems in those cities and a dam in Texas, according to officials. Akhtar was charged in indictments unsealed yesterday with violating immigration and naturalization laws and making a materially false statement. (AP) (AP) President Bush speaks in the Rose Garden, yesterday along with Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla., left, after he picked Goss, head of the House intelligence committee, to be the new director of the CIA. “The selection of a politician — any politician from either party — is a mistake,” said Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee. “Having independent, objective intelligence going to the president and the Congress is fundamental to America’s national security.” Former CIA chief Stansfield Turner, a supporter of John Kerry’s bid for the presidency, called Goss’ selection “a terrible appointment” and said it was intended “to help George Bush win votes in Florida.” More broadly the nomination reinforced Bush’s efforts to keep the nation focused on the war on terrorism. Bush tried to put Democrats on the defensive about intelligence changes, telling a campaign audience in Pensacola, Fla., “Reform is never easy in Washington. You’ve got a lot of entrenched interests there.” The CIA nomination could put Goss in line to become the nation’s first national intelligence director, if Congress follows the Sept. 11 Commission’s recommendations to create that position, administration and congressional officials said. (AP) and out,” Bush said of Goss, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who served as a clandestine CIA officer during the 1960s in Central America and Western Europe. “He’s the right man to lead this important agency at this critical moment in our nation’s history.” Senior Democrats complained that Bush had turned President Bush chose Porter Goss, a Republican congressman and onetime spy, yesterday to lead the CIA as the troubled agency struggles to repair its tarnished reputation, confront new terror threats and face the uncertainty of a massive intelligence reorganization. Alejandro Torres, 10, eats a tomato yesterday from the produce stand where he and his older brother Jesus, 13 work in Kent, Wash. Police: Teen didn’t have bomb targets RALEIGH A North Carolina teenager charged with possessing more than a dozen pipe bombs did not appear to have any targets for the weapons when he was arrested after fleeing a traffic accident, police said yesterday. Jarrett Brown, 17, was arrested Monday after police found six bombs in a car he was driving and more bombs and explosive-making chemicals in his home. Fewer people killed on U.S. highways WASHINGTON Fewer people were killed or injured on U.S. highways last year, a decline that regulators said owed much to an increase in seat belt use and a decrease in accidents involving drunken drivers. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said yesterday that 42,643 people died in traffic crashes in 2003, down 362 from the previous year. The drop is more striking for the fact that people did more driving in 2003. When measured by the estimated miles driven, the number of deaths per 100 million miles traveled fell to 1.48, the lowest level since record-keeping began in 1966. Painter charged in truck fire INDIANAPOLIS A fire in a paint truck that killed two men and scarred 11 others was ignited when one of the men inside flicked a lighter at lacquer spilled during horseplay, a prosecutor said in filing charges yesterday. Tommy McElroy was among 13 painters trapped in the fire July 29, 2003, as they drove along an interstate highway. He faces two counts of reckless homicide and one count of criminal recklessness. If convicted of the most serious charges, McElroy, 27, faces a prison sentence of two to eight years. He was jailed yesterday on $150,000 bond. way for those wrongly named to get themselves removed. La. jury finds serial killer guilty PORT ALLEN A Louisiana jury took less than two hours yesterday to find a suspected serial killer guilty of second-degree murder in the January 2002 death of a 21-year-old woman. Derrick Todd Lee, 35, faces a mandatory life sentence in Geralyn DeSoto’s death and still faces two first-degree murder charges carrying possible death sentences in other cases. When the verdict was read, Lee was on his feet, leaning on a table. He did not react. His family stared straight ahead as the jury was polled. Kids found in fire had throats slashed COLUMBIA Three children found dead in the ruins of their burned South Carolina home had their throats slashed before one of their parents set the fire, authorities said yesterday. The father had recently been accused of molesting one of the children. York County Sheriff’s Capt. Glenn Williams said officials are awaiting test results and plan to investigate further, but added, “We do believe the person that’s responsible died in the fire.” The bodies of Denia Meza, 14, Denise Meza, 8, and Jayro Meza, 5, were found in their charred beds after the fire at their Rock Hill home was extinguished early Monday, said Williams. ‘Buddy’ Cianci’s conviction upheld BOSTON A federal appeals court yesterday upheld the corruption conviction of former Providence, R.I., Mayor Vincent “Buddy” Cianci, one of New England’s most popular politicians who oversaw a renaissance in his city even as corruption ran rampant in City Hall. The 2-1 decision by the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals came 20 months into Cianci’s five-year, four-month prison (AP) sentence for a single count of racketeering conspiracy. international WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 amNY 09 U.S.: Leave Najaf now or die WORLD NEWSDIGEST 33 migrants found; others feared dead SANTO DOMINGO Dominican fishermen found 33 missing migrants yesterday but dozens of others aboard the same boat headed for U.S. shores were still missing and presumed dead, U.S. Coast Guard and Dominican officials reported. The boat left more than a week ago and was reportedly carrying about 78 people. There were initial reports from the Dominican Navy that some of the migrants who died during the journey could have been thrown (AP) overboard. The call, broadcast in Arabic from U.S. vehicles, came as U.S. helicopter gunships pummeled a multistoried building 400 yards from the golddomed Imam Ali Shrine with rockets, missiles and 30 mm cannons, marking one of the closest strikes yet to what is one of the holiest sites in Shia Islam. Najaf Gov. Adnan al-Zarfi has given U.S. forces approval to enter the shrine, a senior U.S. military official said. But such an offensive would almost certainly cause widespread outrage among the nation’s Shiite majority and exacerbate the crisis. Plumes of thick black smoke rose from the building, which serves as a hotel for visitors to the shrine. Witnesses said insurgents were firing from inside it when U.S. forces returned fire. “We’ve pretty much just Libya shells out $35M to victims and families for Berlin disco attack Libya agreed yesterday to pay $35 million to some victims of a bloody terror bombing at a Berlin disco nearly two decades ago, making another step in Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s effort to rebuild relations with the West. The deal, coming after much larger settlements for the bombings of two U.S. and French airliners, does not cover 169 American victims, including two soldiers who died in the blast at the La Belle disco on April 5, 1986. Lawyers are seeking separate compensation for them in U.S. courts. Agreed to by German lawyers and officials of a Libyan foundation run by Gadhafi’s son, the settlement deals with 163 non-U.S. citizens, including Germans who were wounded and the family of a Turkish woman killed by the bomb. “I’m pleased with this fair compromise,” German lawyer Ulrich von Jeinsen said after the agreement was sealed. “After 18 years of waiting by the victims, we wanted to come to a deal now.” In Washington, State Department spokesman Adam Ereli welcomed the accord, but he emphasized that the claims of U.S. victims also must be met. “We’ve made it clear to the Libyans in numerous meetings . . . that this is an issue of importance to us, and we are following it closely, and we think it needs to be resolved,” Ereli said. After the deal was announced, Germany said that it hoped to improve relations with Libya and that Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder would visit Libya soon. Libyan Ambassador Said Abdulaati called the accord “a step forward for the relations of Libya to Germany and the European Union” but said that Libya did not accept guilt for the disco bombing, calling the settlement “a humanitarian gesture.” (AP) (GETTY IMAGES) Mounir el Motassadeq, a Moroccan, is interviewed as he arrives for the opening of his retrial at the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg yesterday. He is the only suspect worldwide convicted over the 9/11 attacks. Motassadeq was sentenced to 15 years in prison in February 2003 for his alleged role in the attacks, but in March a federal court ordered a retrial because a potentially crucial informant was kept from testifying. U.S. forces adopted a new tactic yesterday in their sixth day of battles in this holy Shiite city, sending patrols armed with speakers into the streets, demanding militants loyal to a radical cleric drop their arms and leave Najaf immediately or face death. Men loyal to Iraqi Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr armed with grenade launchers and AK-47 assault rifles take position during clashes between al-Sadr’s al-Mehdi Army and U.S.-backed Iraqi forces in Najaf yesterday. been patrolling and flying helicopters all over the place, and when we see something bad, we blow it up,” said U.S. Marine Maj. David Holahan, executive officer of the 1st Battalion, 4th Marines Regiment. Nearby, Bradley fighting vehicles swept through a massive cemetery to flush out small pockets of militants hiding in elaborate concrete tombs. Choppers provided support, firing rockets from above, witnesses said. Sporadic explosions could be heard elsewhere in the city, and Holahan said militants from al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army militia attacked three police stations, two with small arms fire, one with eight mortar rounds. Despite the violence, Marines said the clashes were much lighter than in recent days, though few expected it to stay that way. “I think it’s the quiet before the storm,” Holahan said. Parts of Najaf were deserted, but residents ventured out into the streets, driving small cars nervously along palmlined roads as huge eightwheeled Marine vehicles moved through town on “show of force” patrols. The fighting, which began last Thursday, has plagued other Shiite communities across Iraq. In Baghdad’s Sadr City neighborhood, groups of three to five Mahdi Army militants attacked a district council hall repeatedly with mortars, gunfire and rocket-propelled grenades, clashing with U.S. and Iraqi forces protecting the building, said U.S. Capt. Brian O’Malley of the 1st Brigade Combat Team. The Health Ministry said the skirmish killed one person and wounded 18. Other clashes in Baghdad killed a second person and wounded 11 others. Also yesterday, a roadside bomb detonated as a U.S. military vehicle drove on a street in central Baghdad, slightly injuring two soldiers, the military said, and clashes between the Mahdi Army and police in the southern city of Diwaniyah killed three and injured 45. A curfew was imposed on the city, witnesses said. (AP) Istanbul bomb attacks kill 2, injure 11; 2 separate groups claim responsibility A previously unknown Kurdish group claimed responsibility for pre-dawn bomb attacks yesterday against two hotels in Istanbul tourist districts that killed two people and injured 11 others. An Al Qaeda-linked group also claimed responsibility for the bomb attacks in a statement posted on a Web site, but Turkish authorities cast doubt on that claim, saying Kurdish separatists were suspected. Bombs rocked the two Istanbul hotels, inexpensive lodging popular among foreign tourists, before dawn yesterday. Two other explosions at a liquefied petroleum gas plant on the outskirts of the city caused damage but no injuries, authorities said. An Iranian and a Turk were killed in the hotel explosions. The injured included four Spanish tourists, two Dutch tourists, a Ukrainian and two Chinese tourists, Turkish and Spanish authorities said. The Germany-based Mezopotamya News Agency, which often reports rebel statements, said it received a telephone call from an individual claiming responsibility for the attacks in the name of the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons Organization — a previously unknown Kurdish group. It said the group carried out the attacks because of recent Turkish military operations against the rebels. No other details were immediately available. The Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, named for an Al Qaeda commander killed in Afghanistan, also claimed responsibility earlier, saying the attacks were the first of a “wave of operations” in European countries and that worse was to come. “Istanbul is the opening for the bloody war we promised the Europeans,” said the statement posted on an Islamic Web site known for publishing the messages of militant groups. It was not possible to check the authenticity of the claims. (AP) (GETTY IMAGES) American forces call for militants to leave holy city as fighting goes into its sixth day Forensic police examine the site of the Holiday Hotel after a bombing in Istanbul yesterday. Western experts have questioned the credibility of the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, noting it has previously claimed to be behind events for which it clearly didn't play a role, such as power failures in North America and Britain. A senior Turkish police official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Turkish authorities had no information to suggest any links to alQaeda, and police suspected involvement by Kurdish rebels. Interior Minister Abdulkadir Aksu said earlier yesterday that Kurdish rebels could be behind the blasts. He added, however, that police were still investigating the possibility that other groups could have been involved. (AP) OPINION 10 amNY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 STEM CELL RESEARCH BILL SCHORR’S CARTOON BY MARSHA SHYER Holding back progress his week marks the third anniversary of George W. Bush’s “compromise” decision to limit federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. Under this compromise, the government would only support research on stem cell lines derived before Aug. 9, 2001. Three years later we are faced with the reality that only a fraction of the stem cell lines Bush envisioned are available for distribution. Meanwhile, the promise of stem cell research has never been greater. It holds much hope for the development of therapies for diseases like diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Several recent studies underscore the importance of this research as a basis for critically needed therapies for type 1 diabetes. Insulin-producing cells have already been created in stem cells from mice as well as in preliminary studies using stem cell lines from humans. This hope and promise pushes the stem cell debate beyond party lines. Nancy Reagan and son Ron Reagan publicly support increasing availability of embryonic stem cell lines for use by federally funded researchers. In May, Nancy Reagan spoke at a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation event, asserting that stem cell research “may provide our scientists with answers that have so long been beyond our grasps. I just don’t see how we can turn our backs on this — there are so many diseases that can be cured, or at least helped.” At the Democratic National Convention, Ron Reagan spoke of a 13-year old girl with type 1 diabetes and the complications she may face, including “blindness, amputation, diabetic coma.” He asked the question “what excuse will we offer this young woman should we fail her now?” In addition, bipartisan groups of more than 200 House members and 58 senators have petitioned Bush to lift the restrictions on stem cell research. For many people whose children and family members face financially draining, debilitating chronic illness, the Bush’s ‘compromise’ case for expanding federal funding of stem cell has impeded, not research is so obvious that advanced progress it does not necessitate defending. A mix of politics and moral constraint has been imposed on the basis of murky, non-scientific reasoning. This has stymied many researchers, some of whom have found it necessary to pursue their research in labs in other countries. In fact, Bush’s “compromise” has impeded, not advanced progress, although the stated purpose was to create an environment where stem cell research could flourish within a framework of scientific, ethical and practical guidelines. If stem cell research is to be developed to its fullest, the federal limitations must be lifted, making additional, viable human embryonic stem cells available to scientists. These lines would need to reflect a widely diverse background necessary for research impacting a range of diseases and disorders. When is a compromise not a compromise? When you look at a child with diabetes injecting herself up to six times a day with insulin, or you watch a parent, ailing with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, struggling to get through simple daily tasks, “compromise” means a broken heart. (Marsha Shyer is on the Board of Chancellors of the New York Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Her 13-year old daughter has type 1 diabetes and her mother has Alzheimer’s.) T Opinions expressed in this space are of the writer, not amNewYork. LETTERS Are you kidding? I have heard some pretty silly things in my life, but the Aug. 10 letter “Thank Pakistan” by Jeammie Reed has got to top the list. Is this the same Pakistan that is allowing militants to be trained within its borders and sent to fight American soldiers in Afghanistan? Maybe it’s the same Pakistan that allows its nuclear scientists to sell bomb-making technology to rogue regimes. Either way, thanking Pakistan is the last thing I feel like doing. Jacob W. Biddle West Side Address all letters to the Editor to amNewYork, 145 W. 30th St., NY, NY 10001. Or, send e-mails to: Letters may be edited. Please include your phone number and address. A man with values Re Peaceful Cop, Eduardo Delacruz: Delacruz is a 10year vet with a clean record and five children, and refused to arrest a sleeping homeless man. That’s what I call integrity! Sister Maureen Conway Upper West Side Erasing freedom In his Aug. 8 letter “On the watch list,” Tim Caravello suggested that the FBI should “start knocking on the doors” of so-called extremist mosques because they preach “Islamic Extremism” and are a “factory of hatred” that pro- QUOTEENDQUOTE He knows the CIA inside and out. He’s the right man to lead this important agency at this critical moment in our nation’s history. “ ” — Pres. Bush on Rep. Porter Goss, his nominee for new director of the CIA duce terrorists. Should the FBI knock on doors of churches and synagogues because someone believes that they preach and spew extreme rhetoric? During the Crusades and the Inquisition, people were stigmatized, tortured and slaughtered due to their so-called extreme religious beliefs. Mr. Caravello, would you sacrifice the freedoms that this country is founded due to the words of one man? Just because a terrorist may be Islamic does not mean that all Islamic mosques are terrorist breeding grounds. Should we all start wearing our nationalities or religions on our sleeves so that the FBI does not need to knock on the doors of sacred dwellings? Jennifer Fleischman Brooklyn Heights Don’t label Re the Aug. 6 front page headline “Missile Mosque”: It’s so shocking, disappointing and totally irresponsible for amNewYork to brandish such an offensive front page. As if the global continuous discrimination, persecutions and social antipathy against Muslims is not enough, only an insensitive writer or newspaper would print such a provoking headline, blaming a whole community for the misguided actions of some lured individuals. Ayo W. Adedoja Staten Island Stand Up! Before it’s too late; before more illusions are splashed onto our TV screens and throughout our media; and before we become enemies to still more countries, let’s rise up and reclaim our national dignity! Let’s get smart again and stand up for what’s right, and be the nation that sets the good example once again. We need leaders that put things in the right direction. We the people must choose a new Administration now that represents a proud “us” and doesn’t try to strong arm. Let’s start creating a less hostile future, for us and our children. People, it’s time. Wake up! Bob and Susan Velasquez Summit, NJ Publisher: Russel Pergament General Manager: Christopher Barnes Editor in Chief: Alex Storozynski Circulation Director: Don Nizen Design Director: Christopher Sabatini Published and distributed free Monday through Friday except major holidays by Tribune New York Newspaper Holdings LLC, 145 W 30th St. 9th Fl, New York, NY 10001. Phone: 212-239-5555 Fax: 212-239-2827 website: e-mail: For circulation inquiries please call 646-277-3731. Senior Vice President Business Development/External Relations: Floyd Weintraub Retail Sales Director: Brian Rice National Sales Director: Kim Granowitz Asst. Circulation Director: Steve Petersheim Managing Editor: Pete Catapano News Editor: Erica Pearson Photo Editor: Kate George Associate Editors: David Abramowicz, Alexandra Chang, Mina Hochberg, Emily Hulme, Jennifer Martin Reporters: Chuck Bennett, Michael Clancy Designers: Adam Brustein, Bruce Kuo Publishing Consultant: Michael E. Schroeder Home delivery now available for most of Manhattan, Westchester, Brooklyn and Queens. The newspaper is free but there is a $1 per week delivery charge by the participating dealer. 1-800-662-2275 Clearance now save The Famous Filene’s Basement Summer 70 75 -90 % % off original department store prices when you TAKE AN EXTRA 50 -75 OFF % our % ENTIRE STOCK of ALREADY REDUCED SUMMER CLEARANCE* Styles vary by store. plus...going on now Semi-Annual Handbag Clearance Event! % SAVE 80 OFF DEPT & SPECIALTY STORE PRICES when you TAKE AN EXTRA 50% OFF Visit Our Newest Store at CITY CENTER (Former Macy’s Location) at the Intersection of MAMARONECK AVENUE & MAIN STREET in WHITE PLAINS OUR CURRENT MARKDOWN PRICES OF: $ 97 997- 29 199 - 500 $ compare at $ 00 $ 00 assorted colors & styles 2222 BROADWAY AT 79TH•620 6TH AVENUE•1400 NORTHERN BLVD., MANHASSET•187-04 HORACE HARDING EXP., FRESH MEADOWS *Purple sticker is 50% off/orange sticker is 75% off/pink sticker jewelry is 50% off. Discount taken at the register. No adjustment for prior purchases. Not valid with any other promotional discount. Excludes shoes. marketbrief Oil prices fall Crude oil futures fell sharply from a new record high set earlier yesterday on news that Iraq has resumed full exports a day after violence in the south of the country threatened the country’s oil sales. Iraq’s Southern Oil Co. has resumed pumping oil to two key southern export terminals after reaching a deal with the Shiite militia that had threatened to blow up the pipelines. U.S. productivity rose at slow rate The productivity of American workers rose at an annual rate of 2.9% in the spring, the slowest increase since late 2002, the government reported yesterday. The Labor Department said the increase in productivity, the output of workers for each hour worked, in the AprilJune quarter, followed a 3.7% rate of increase in the first quarter. Business boost Mayor Bloomberg yesterday announced the creation of a publicprivate partnership for city womenand minority-owned businesses. The New York City Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Alliance will give M/WBE firms the opportunity to bid on contracts with seven Fortune 500 companies. (AMNY and wire services) DOLLAR CLIMBS Cisco Systems Inc. said fourth-quarter profit rose 41%, bolstered by surging revenue from new businesses such as Internet phone call(Bloomberg) ing and security. The dollar gained against the euro and yen after the Fed raised its benchmark interest rate by .25 and suggested it will boost rates again as soon (Bloomberg) as next month. +130.01 1808.70 S&P 500 +34.06 RUSSELL 1079.04 +13.82 The Federal Reserve boosted a key short-term interest rate by a quarter-point yesterday as the central bank continued its campaign to keep inflation under control. Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan and his colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee, the panel that sets interest rates, boosted the target for the federal funds rate to 1.50%. The funds rate, the interest that banks charge each year, had been at a 46-year low of 1% just six weeks ago when the Fed raised it to 1.25%, the first increase in four years. The Fed action this week had been expected as analysts predicted the central bank would continue with its campaign to raise rates even in the face of last Friday’s report that showed job creation slowed to a near-standstill last month. Analysts said that if the Fed Saddled with double-digit interest rates and unable to keep pace with newer, richer competitors, Trump Hotels will get a bailout from DLJ Merchant Banking Partners — an arm of Credit Suisse First Boston — aimed at reducing the company’s $1.8 billion in debt. Trump, whose image shows up on billboards all over Atlantic City, is worth an estimated $2.5 billion, according to Forbes magazine, which earlier this year rated him among the 400 richest Americans. He would see his stake in his casino company shrink from 56% to 25%, with Credit Suisse owning more than two-thirds of the company. Trump would remain chairman of the board, but would relinquish both his CEO title and his status as majority stakeholder in Trump Hotels. “I’m really happy about it. Even though it’s a small portion of my net worth, it’s an important company to me,” he said yesterday. (AP) +11.45 529.83 Fed bumps key rate up quarter of a point Casinos headed for bankruptcy But Donald Trump’s glitzy, neon-trimmed casinos have busted. Now, they’re headed for bankruptcy court, a $400 million bailout and a new corporate structure in which he surrenders much of his control. The roulette wheels will keep spinning and the nickel slots will keep eating coins at Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Plaza and Trump Marina, but parent corporation Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts may soon have new bosses calling the shots. Under a plan announced late Monday, the company will file for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy next month, emerging within a year. The deal is a “prepackaged” bankruptcy, one that has a plan in place at the start to revive a struggling company. CISCO SURGES Stocks had their biggest gains in two months after the Fed said growth is poised to accelerate and reiterated plans to raise borrowing costs at a “measured” pace. (Bloomberg) NASDAQ 9,944.67 He’s trumped He made millions in real estate, built a casino empire and conquered television with a reality show that turned “You’re fired” into a national catchphrase. STOCKS GET BOOST Walt Disney reported a 20% rise in quarterly profit yesterday as CEO Michael Eisner used attractions like the “Tower of Terror” to boost park (Bloomberg) attendance. STREET STATS NYSE ACTIVES LU GE NT TWX LUCENT TECH GENERAL ELEC CO NORTEL NETW TIME WARNER INC +0.02 +0.24 +0.07 +0.17 AMERICREDIT CP SITEL CORP MAGNETEK INC ALLIANCE GAMING +3.44 +0.27 + 0.76 +1.60 NDCHEALTH CORP ORTHODONTIC 4KIDS ENTNMNT LEHMAN ABS -6.68 -1.05 -3.00 -0.97 GAINERS ACF SWW MAG AGI LOSERS NDC OCA KDE CDC NASDAQ ACTIVES CSCO MSFT INTC DCEL CISCO SYSTEMS MICROSOFT CP INTEL CORP DOBSON COMMS +0.41 +0.54 -0.03 -1.30 UROLOGIX INC DYNAVAX TECHS ENCORE MEDICAL ALKERMES INC +2.07 +1.12 +0.89 +1.82 UTAH MED PRODS INTELLIGROUP ECOLLEGE.COM PTEK HOLDINGS -8.76 -0.96 -2.26 -2.57 GAINERS (AP) BIZ BRIEFS DOW JONES SHORT MONEY money 12 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 MOUSE PROFITS UP Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, moments before the Fed raised U.S. interest rates. had decided to forgo its widely expected rate hike it would have raised concerns in financial markets that the central bank was worried that the current economic slowdown, which Greenspan has termed a “soft patch,” was threatening to become more severe. In explaining its action, the Fed noted that economic growth had moderated somewhat in recent months and “the pace of improvement in Big name, big buildings, big business Donald Trump may be most closely associated with his casino business, which announced bankruptcy plans Tuesday, but he maintains the casinos are less than 2 percent of his net worth. In addition to his hotel-casino and real estate businesses, Trump has had a hit TV show, best-selling books and is coowner of the Miss USA, Miss Teen USA and Miss Universe beauty pageants. Selected properties of the Trump Organization Location Floors * Acquired in 1995 Height Finished 1930* The Trump Building New York 70 927 ft. Trump Tower New York 58 664 1983 Trump World Tower New York 72 861 2001 Trump International Sonesta Beach Resort Florida Not 32 available 2003 Trump Palace Florida 43 551 2005 Trump Royale 550 2007 Florida 44 Trump International Hotel & Tower Nevada 64 645 2007 Trump International Hotel & Tower Illinois 90 1,125 2007 Trump International Hotel & Tower Canada 70 1,066 2008 SOURCES: Emporis; Hoover’s Online AP labor market conditions has slowed.” It blamed this economic slowdown on the jump in energy prices this year but predicted that the economic weakness should be temporary. (AP) ULGX DVAX ENMC ALKS LOSERS UTMD ITIG ECLG PTEK Google’s gonna close IPO sign-up Google Inc. will close the registration process for its IPO auction tomorrow, setting the stage for the online search engine leader’s hotly anticipated stock market debut. The Mountain View-based company posted an online notice yesterday announcing plans to end the registration process at 5 p.m. EDT tomorrow. Google plans to launch an unusual auction to sell 25.7 million shares shortly after closing the registration, the company said yesterday. No further details were provided. Most market observers expect the auction for the initial public offering to be completed next week, clearing the way for Google’s shares to begin trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the ticker symbol “GOOG.” But Google hasn’t spelled out a precise timetable for the auction. In its IPO prospectus, the company stresses it can close the auction “at any time.” The prospectus also raises the possibility that the auction could last two or three weeks, noting that bidders will be asked to reconfirm their bids if the process lasts for more than 15 business days. Once Google is prepared to close the auction, the company must ask the Securities and Exchange Commission to give its final approval of the IPO prospectus. After the SEC signs off on the deal, bidders will have a final opportunity to withdraw their bids. The winning bidders in the auction will be notified by e-mail within 24 hours of SEC approval. To participate in the auction, bidders need a 16-digit registration number to present to one of the 28 brokerages handling Google’s $3.1 billion IPO. The company has been distributing the identification numbers since July 30 when it opened a special site, (AP) Some phone companies don’t think you’re worth it. We do. At Verizon, we’re still committed to you. And we’ve got more products and services than ever. You might have heard that some phone companies are rethinking their business. They’ve decided to no longer invest in residential customers like you. At Verizon, our thinking is quite a bit different. In fact, we’re thinking a lot about our residential customers. We’re coming up with new and better ways to meet their communications needs. And save them money on everything from wireless to DIRECTV® service to high-speed DSL to unlimited calling. Verizon has more to offer you than ever before. It’s worth it for you to call us at 1-877-330-0493. 1-877-330-0493 Consumer Information: Long distance services provided by Verizon Long Distance, where authorized. DSL services provided by Verizon Online. DIRECTV® charges will be billed separately. ©2004. Verizon. All Rights Reserved. VEBUND40302B Janet & Grace buzz THE buzzworthy by Justin Rocket Silverman 14 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 Princess plays “ with big boys starQUOTE Janet Jackson will play herself on “Will & Grace” next month and says the hardest part was not laughing at the jokes with the cameras rolling. Mr. T Anna Nicole Smith’s interior designer, Bobby Trendy, has landed his own reality show, reports Closing Shop Spike Lee‘s 40 Acres And A Mule Filmworks is not doing so hot, and has closed its L.A. offices and cut back at the New York office. Bye Shaggy Matthew Lillard who played Shaggy, said there will be no “Scooby-Doo: Part 3.” He blames Warner Bros. for mistiming the release of Scooby 2, and causing it to flop. with amNewYork wire services. Got hot dish? Give us a buzz: Anne Hathaway scored big with the unexpected hit “Princess Diaries,” and is hoping the sequel will do just as well. But that doesn’t mean the 21year-old star plans on building her carrier around rolls that cater to the bubble gum and braces set. “I’m a 21-year-old in a G-rated movie,” she recently told the AP. This isn’t exactly the kind of artistic choices that I want to be making right now, but at the same time, I’m grateful to be able to make them.” Grateful enough to give up playing the dramatic and musical roles Hathaway spent all those years training for as a singer. After all, she turned down a role in a film version of “The Phantom of the Opera” to finish the Princess sequel. But now she is on to more adult subjects. “Brokeback Mountain” is filming now with Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger, and Hathaway plays Gyllenhaal’s angry and bitter wife. A big difference from the sweet Princess Mia. Apparently director Ang Lee of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon fame” liked sweet Mia, because he hired the cute redhead for “Brokeback Mountain” without so much as an audition. And which one of these roles is the real Anne Hathaway? “I’m not any of these characters that I play. I’m an actor, and if I can say so without sounding arrogant, I think I’m a very good actor.” We know the kids agree with you. Now let’s see how the adults feel. Got gas? Six Feet Under’s Peter Krause played a real, ahem, gentleman to Naomi Watts when the stunning and cunning Aussie let loose a flagrant fragrance on the set of “We Don’t Live Here Anymore.” “We were shooting a scene in bed and Naomi had put the fart machine in the bed,” says Krause, who plays her cheating husband in the film. “At some point I think I started caressing her shoulders and she pressed the button. The sound ensued. I didn’t know whether or not to apologize on her behalf, say sorry and blame it on myself.” Once Watts revealed her remote controlled electronic fart machine, it wasn’t Krause doing the apologizing. (Mina Hochberg) I like being a housewife, but unfortunately I haven’t mastered ironing or cooking. But for all the other household jobs, I help out when I have time. ” Supermodel-turned-mom Claudia Schiffer, 33, who is five months pregnant with her second child. She already has one 17-month-old son, Caspar, and has been married to British film producer Matthew Vaughn for a little over two years. A scholar and a pimp Nelly is a pimp! At least, that’s what the rapper would have us believe and that’s the word he has chosen to brand his image. His Red Bull-like energy drink that hit stores in June is called “Pimp Juice,” and now two students will be selected for the P.I.M.P scholars program. That’s P.I.M.P. for Positive Intellectual Motivated Person, not a man in a purple fur coat who makes wads of cash with his stable of working girls. The P.I.M.P. scholars programs is sponsored by Pimp Juice” and will award $5,000 two students who have “broadened their horizons through leadership roles in extracurricular activities of all genres.” Advice for applicants: demand the cash upfront. Although Pimp Juice stands to tap into the very lucrative energy drink market, community and religious groups are responding like they did when Ice-T encouraged his fans to shoot police officers. “We’re calling for a national boycott of Nelly's Pimp Juice,” said Najee Ali, Executive Director of Project Islamic Hope. “We feel betrayed by Nelly. He’s someone who's trying to make money by using and marketing an energy drink that's supposed to be healthy. But there’s nothing healthy about using the name pimp. It’s a vile name that's really demeaning and insulting to women.” For more information on becoming a P.I.M.P. scholar, email Entries are due in December. Get ready for a new spice A new Brit band is about to hit the U.S. charts, and this one is a whole lot more Spice Girls than it is Beatles. MisTeeq is an R&P-pop sensation that has been thrilling the London kids and wants to do the same in New York. It’s three members range in age from 19-22, and can move as well as they sing. “Scandalous” is the first U.S. single, and a full album is on the way. Their music ranges from almost electronic rave with sirens and whistles to reggae beats and raps. So move over Posh Spice, Alesha Dixon, Su-Elise Nash and Sabrina Washington are about to take it on. $ $2 310 $1 28 99 En M ds U AU ST GU BR ST ING 14 A TH D! ,2 00 4 ! 04 AD 0 G ,2 IN TH BR 14 ST UST MU UG A ds En 199 rly ea en r Y be d y Ou as ere Onl h w lo ays D 3 3 Day Membership Sale & Open House $ Year THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY! Yoga • Pilates • Spin • Aerobics All Classes included In Membership • 2 levels • Open 24 Hours 7 Days • Extensive Cardio • Free Weights • Juice Bar • Towel Service • Overnight lockers Available • Beauty Salon • Free Training Session w/ Memb. • $35 Personal Training Session 24/7 FITNESS CLUB 107 Chambers Street (corner Church Street) 212-267-7949 newyork Don’tMiss edited by Emily Hulme 16 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 PRESS PLAY Talib Kweli The rapper performs, along with The Roots, at tonight’s 2004 Guitar Center Spin Off Grand Finals. What the heck is that, you ask? Why a DJ 9:00pm Virgo 110:00pm Nomi 70 N 6th St, Brooklyn (L to Bedford Ave) 718-782-5188 Knitting Factory — Tap Bar 9:00pm The Beeps 10:00pm Discrete Encounter 11:00pm Levinhurst $10. 74 Leonard St, between Broadway and Church St (1, 9 to Franklin St) 212-219-3006 competition, of course. Sponsored by Guitar Center? Well, yeah . . . 7:00pm, $20. Hammerstein Ballroom, 311 W 34th St, between 8th and 9th Sts (A, C, E, 1, 2, 3, 9 to 34th St-Penn Sta) 212-279-7740 $20. 204 Varick St at W Houston St (1, 9 to Houston St) 212-243-4940 The Tommy Hilfiger at Jones Beach Theater 8:00pm Rush $35-$85. Wantagh L.I. (LIRR to Freeport, then bus to Jones Beach) 516-221-1000 Detour 9:30pm “The Intimate Room” with The Quartet of J. Walter Hawkes FREE, 2-drink min. 349 E 13th St, between First and Second Aves (L to First Ave; N, R, 4, 5, 6 to 14th St-Union Sq) 212-533-6212 Fat Cat 10:00pm Sam Yahel Trio Living Room 7:00pm Keren Ann 8:00pm Chiara Civello 9:00pm Essie Jain 10:00pm Rawles Balls 154 Ludlow St, between Rivington and Stanton Sts (F, V to Lower east Side-Second Ave; J, M, Z to Delancey-Essex Sts) 212-533-7237 Lion’s Den The BoDeans The BoDeans have made a career out of simply being slightly better-thanaverage roots-rockers, a consistency that continues on “Resolution” despite an eight-year recording hiatus. The time away must have done Sam Llanas, Kurt Neumann, et. al., some good; for a band with 20 years on the odometer, “Resolution” feels completely at ease with itself, with nearly TONIGHT MUSIC ROCK, POP & HIP-HOP B.B. King’s Blues Club 8:00pm Jerome Jordan all of life’s possibilities coursing through the album’s 14 tracks. If that sounds simplistically square, well it is. Still, there’s something to be said for a band that can take a corned-out cliche and make it emotionally sound. On “Heaven” and “Sleep,” the band proves its mettle; anyone can crap a love song, but to make it ache is something special. They play the Bowery Ballroom tonight with Bob Schneider. 7:00pm A Brief Smile 8:00pm Squeezetoy 10:00pm Red Velvet Razor $8. 214 Sullivan St, between Bleecker and W 3rd Sts(A, C, E, B, D, F, V to W 4th St) 212-477-2782 TIME: 9:00PM Lit TICKETS: $8 ADDRESS: 6 DELANCEY ST, BETWEEN BOWERY AND CHRYSTIE ST (J, M, Z TO BOWERY; 6 TO SPRING ST) (James Doolittle, Morning Call) 212-533-2111 9:00pm Sharief in Burgundy 10:00pm Cody Chesnutt 11:00pm Martin Luther $15. 237 W 42nd St, between Seventh and Eighth Aves (A, C, E to 42nd St-Port Authority; N, Q, R, W, S, 1, 2, 3, 9, 7 to 42nd St-Times Square) 212-997-4144 B ROADWAY WIRELESS CENTER The Bowery Poetry Club 9:00pm Knee-Coal Beth $8. 308 Bowery, between Bleecker and Houston Sts (6 to Bleecker St; F to 2nd Ave) 212-614-0505 Galapagos Art Space 8:00pm Vortex MUST SEE 9:00pm Plank Boys 10:00pm The Living Things 11:00pm The Starvations $5. 93 Second Ave, between 5th and 6th Sts (F, V to Lower East Side- Second Ave) 212-777-7987 “La Pena Maxima” Mercury Lounge TIME: 7:00PM 8:30pm Phaser 9:30pm Army of Me 10:30pm MYTVs 11:30pm The Bamboo Kids $8. 217 E Houston St at Essex St (F, V to Lower East Side-Second Ave; J, M, Z to Delancey-Essex Sts) 212-260-4700 TICKETS: FREE S.O.B.s 9:00pm 10:00pm Contramano Bajafondo Tango Club WhereCan You Find All This Good Stuff on Saturday & Sunday? This film, a story of a Colombian soccer fan’s obsession with his country’s upcoming World Cup match against Argentina, screens as part of the Queen’s Culture Fest at Socrates Sculpture Park tonight. ADDRESS: BROADWAY AND VERNON BLVD, LONG ISLAND CITY, QUEENS (N, W TO BROADWAY, QUEENS) 718-956-1819 WWW.SOCRATESSCULPTUREPARK.ORG JAZZ & EXPERIMENTAL Café 111 8:00pm Russ Spiegel’s Big Bad Big Band 10:00pm Joel Newton Situation FREE. 111 Court St, between Schermerhorn and State Sts, Downtown Brooklyn (A, C, F to Jay St-Borough Hall; M, R to Court St; 2, 3, 4, 5 to Borough Hall) 718-858-2806 6:00pm Jazz House Summer Nights $3. Featuring the Tomas Janzon Trio. 58 Park Ave, between 37th and 38th Sts (4, 5, 6, 7 to 42nd St-Grand Central) 212-879-9779 8:30pm Rick Bogart Trio FREE. 123 W 56th St, between Sixth and Seventh Aves (F, N, R, Q, W to 57th St) 212-708-7444 COUNTRY, FOLK & BLUES Free Yoga! Holsters Leather Cases Hands-free Chargers Face Plates and more Sunset Yoga, 7-8:30pm. A lesson by sunset for yoga enthusiasts and beginners alike, hosted by Eclectic Yoga. Billings Lawn, Fort Tryon Park. Fort Wash Ave and 190th St (A to 190th St) 212-927-0300 Free Music! We’re open every day...including Saturday and Sunday. Come on over...we’re right on 7th Avenue a block from the subway. We’ve got arts and crafts and yarn and notions and all the other good stuff you need to knit up a sweater, paint a portrait, draw a cityscape or design a new hot handbag. All at terrific prices! Specials This Weekend With This Coupon! 10% off any Knitting Materials. TEL: (212) 252-0905 • CELL: (718) 290-4944 FAX: (212) 252-0057 Scandinavia House Seppi’s — Le Parker Meridien Hotel Wholesale Accessories for all Cellphones 49 W. 27th Street (Bet. Broadway & 6th Ave.) $10, 1 drink min. 75 Christopher St at Seventh Ave (1, 9 to Christopher St) 212-675-7369 Design Partners. 343 7th AVENUE (29th St) 646.674.0954 M/F 9-7 SAT11-6 SUN 12-6 Angelique Kidjo, 6-9pm. One of the spunkiest, most electrifying performers in the pop world today, Kidjo has crossed musical boundaries by blending a variety of styles, including funk, salsa, jazz, rumba, souk and makossa. South Street Seaport, Pier 17, East River at Fulton St (2, 3, 4, 5, J, Z, M to Fulton St; A, C to Broadway-Nassau St) 212-SEAPORT Rodeo Bar 10:00pm Millers Farm FREE. 375 Third Ave at 27th St (6 to 28th St) 212-683-6500 WOLD & OTHER Satalla 10:00pm Pablo Mayor $12. Afro-Columbian Music. 37 W 26th St, between Sixth Ave and Broadway (F, V to 23rd St) 212-576-1155 Sips Cafe and Wine Bar 8:00pm Francis Re and Friends FREE. 933 Second Ave, between 49th and 50th Sts (6 to 51st St; E, V to 53rd StLexington Ave) 212-832-3500 CLUBS & LOUNGES Free Dancing! Bar Below Digital Days, 7pm. Angel, 174 Orchard St, between Houston and Stanton Sts (F, V to Lower East SideSecond Ave) 212-780-0313 9:00pm, FREE. Salsa in Brooklyn! DJ Tom K spins. Tom S holds a beginners’ class starting at 9:00pm. 209 Smith St at Baltic St (Below Faan Restaurant), Brooklyn (F, G to Bergen St) Free Film! “Creepshow,” 8:30pm. Pier 54, Hudson River at 13th St (A, C, E to 14th St) Cielo Roots 10:00pm, $10. pmnewyork AT THE MOVIES Uplifting romance delights MOVIEREVIEW BY JOHN BLACK DANNY DECKCHAIR RATING ᑹᑹᑹᑹ “Danny Deckchair” is a fresh, funny and utterly charming romantic comedy about a small-town construction worker who gets a chance to reinvent himself when one of his crazy inventions — which consist of a lawn chair and a lot of helium-filled balloons — actually works better than he ever expected. The film stars Rhys Ifans — who first came to fame, at least in America, playing Hugh Grant’s quirky roommate Spike in “Notting Hill” — in the role of Danny Morgan, a man who dreams of better things than the day-today routine he’s been living for most of his adult life. When the winds of change LISA TOMASETTI Directed by Jeff Balsmeyer, screenplay by Balsmeyer Starring Rhys Ifans, Miranda Otto, Justine Clarke The eponymous Danny (Rhys Ifans) gets a little carried away in the romantic comedy “Danny Deckchair.” blow him, literally, to a town far away from his own, Danny makes the best of his anonymity to become the man he always knew he could be if the people around him didn’t already assume he was the man they’ve always known. The results are very funny and, thanks to some great screen chemistry between the two leading characters, quite romantic. Ifans has built a respectable career out of playing quirky sidekicks in films like “The Replacements,” “Little Nicky” and “Formula 51.” And although he starts out playing just another variation of the same sort of guy in BIZARRO by Dan Piraro “Danny Deckchair” — complete with scraggly beard and long stringy hair — the plot gives him a chance to clean up his act and prove that he can carry a film on his own. His co-star, Miranda Otto — who shot to global fame playing Eowyn in the “Lord of the Rings” movies — proves there’s another side to her, too. She plays Glenda, a timid traffic cop whose backyard Danny crash-lands in. Watching her character come out of her shell is one of the highlights of the film, particularly in the way she avoids all the clichés such a role could have been propped up with. The rest of the cast does a great job supporting Ifans and Otto as they discover who they are and how those people fit together, and writer/director Jeff Balsmeyer does a fantastic job of keeping it rooted in enough reality to make even the more fantastic aspects of the story feel true. The end result is a joyful film that will stay with you long after you leave the theater. IBT TOURS 250 W. 27th St. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 amNY 17 ROME $335 LONDON $205 PARIS $217 AMSTERDAM $275 FRANKFURT $295 PRAGUE $325 MADRID $305 212-633-0122 Add $100 for High Season: June-August Please call for more destination. One way prices based on round trip purchase. Taxes are not included. Fares subject to change w/o notice. All prices based on availability The WORLD FAMOUS LAUGH FACTORY presents Cable Ace® Award Winner DOM IRRERA AUGUST 12th Caravas and others. 1118 First Ave at 61st St (N, R, Q, W 4, 5, 6 to 59th St) 212-593-1650 TALKS & READINGS Clara E. Rodríguez Barnes and Noble - Upper West Side 7:30pm, FREE. Fordham University professor of sociology Clara E. Rodríguez discusses “Heroes, Lovers, and Others: The Story of Latinos in Hollywood,” featuring the lives of legends Rita Hayworth, Ramon Navarro, Desi Arnaz and others who’ve made movie history 2289 Broadway at 82nd St (C, B to 81st StNatural History Museum; 1, 9 to 79th St) 212-362-8835 A Special Evening with ANDREW DICE CLAY AUGUST 14th “The Illiad” Louie Vega and Kevin Hedge spin soulful dance music 18 Little W 12th St, between Ninth Ave and Washington St (A, C, E to 14th St; L to Eighth Ave) 212-645-5700 The Delancey 10:00pm. Hiding in the shadows of the seedy Williamsburg Bridge, The Delancey is a new club on the Lower East Side hoping to be the next big thing. 168 Delancey St at Clinton St (J, M, Z to Essex St) 212-254-9920 Lower East Side- Second Ave) 212-777-5454 Lot 61 10:00pm-til late. Hip-hop to spice up your Wednesday. 550 W 21st St, between Tenth and Eleventh Aves (C, E to 23rd St) 212-243-6555 Otto’s Shrunken Head 10:00pm, FREE. Sammy Yaffa spins an eclectic mix at this crazy tiki bar. 538 E 14th St, between Aves A and B (L to First Ave) 212-228-2240 Filter 14 Pianos Static 10:00pm, $10. DJs Satamile, Sara Walker, Prozac, Coin Operated and Bruce Tantum will be your sonic authors for an evening of fat breaks, electro mayhem and sci-fi beats. A night of awesome tunes and cheap drinks in the stinky meat market! 432 W 14th St at Washington St (A, C, E, 1, 2, 3, 9 to 14th St; L to Eighth Ave) 212-366-5680 OK Cola 9:00pm, FREE. DJs Doug Mosurock and Red Menace spin grunge, industrial and more. ’90s nostalgia abounds. 158 Ludlow St, between Rivington and Stanton Sts (F, V to Lower East Side-Second Ave) 212-505-3733 Le Souk Re: Fuge 10:00pm, FREE. DJs Sean Cormac and John Cacciatore spin jazz-inflected tribal house. 47 Ave B, between 3rd and 4th Sts (F, V to Sapphire The Darkroom 10:00pm; FREE; $5 after 11pm. Admission gives you one free drink before midnight, ladies free, two for one drink specials all night. Get ready to dance when resident DJs Adam Goldstone, Pal Joel, Dana Byrd, Ron V, Rob Lewis, and Al Rivera bring you the best in house, soulful house, disco and classics. 249 Eldridge St, between Houston and Stanton Sts (F, V to Lower East Side-Second Ave) 212-777-5153 The B3 Comedy Lounge Seventeen Home The Front Room at Dillon’s 8:30pm The Clean Show; 10:00pm The Dirty Show; $5, $5 min (includes both shows). A pleasing variety of talent representing different ages, cultures and points of view. 245 W 54th St, between Broadway and Eight Ave (C, E to 50th St-Eighth Ave) 212-307-9797 Less = More 10:00pm, FREE. Electronica by Alexander Kass and Rex. 17 Stanton St, between Bowery and Chrystie St (F, V to Lower East Side-Second Ave) 212-598-2145 Spill Bar and Lounge Recess 9:30pm, FREE. Special Guest DJs spin drum ’n’ bass so you don’t have to. 196 Orchard St, between Houston and Stanton Sts (F, V to Lower East Side-Second Ave) 212-477-1550 COMEDY Joan Rivers Fez Under Time Cafe 8:00pm, $25. Back in the day, she was known for way more than just making fun of famous people’s outfits. 380 Lafayette St, at Great Jones St (B, D, F, V to Broadway-Lafayette St; 6 to Bleecker St.) 212-533-2680 B3 basement 8:00pm, one-drink min. 33 Ave B at 3rd Ave (F, V to Lower East Side-2nd Ave) 212-614-9755 Comedy for All Rififi Invite Them Up 8:00pm, $5. Stand-up and sketch comedy hosted by Eugene Mirman and Bobby Tisdale. 332 E 11th St, between First and Second Aves (L to First Ave, 6 to Astor Pl) 212-677-1027 Upright Citizens Brigade Theater Hump Night 11:00pm, FREE. You can’t beat free comedy on a Wednesday night. 307 W 26th St, between Eighth and Ninth Aves (C, E to 23rd St) 212-366-9176 Dangerfield’s 8:45pm, $12.50. With Dean Obedallah, Rob Magnotti, Carrie Cornelia Street Café 6:00pm; $6, one drink min. Ted McCrorie reads from the epic tale of war by Homer. 29 Cornelia St, between 4th and Bleecker Sts (A, C, E, B, D, F to W 4th St; 1, 9 to Sheridan Sq) 212-989-9319 Heeb Storytelling Joe’s Pub 7:00-9:00pm, $15. The magazine that refers to itself as “the new Jew review” hosts a reading tonight, featuring Wendy Shanker, Mike Albo and Marc Maron. 425 Lafayette St, between Astor Pl and E 4th St (N, R, W to 8th St-NYU) 212-539-8770 The "7-Up" Guy Black Derek of "Zoolander" MTV's "I Bet You Will" GODFREY AUGUST 19-22 Christa Donner Bluestockings 7:00pm, FREE. The alternative bookstore hosts the zine editor of Ladyfriend and contributors Jessica Dellecave and Lora Grillo. 172 Allen St at Stanton St (F, V to Lower East Side-Second Ave) 212-777-6028 Steve Dollar Makor 7:30pm, $15. The author discusses “New York: Jazz Capitol of the World.” 35 W 67th St, between Central Park West and Columbus Ave (1, 9 to 72nd St) 212-601-1000 continued on page 18 For more information call 212-586-7829 303 West 42nd Street at 8th Avenue New Hope (Goodland) 18 amNY pmnewyork WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 Martial Arts Supplies 10 % Off with Ad Tel : 212-643-8216 Fax : 212-643-8273 823 6th Ave 2nd Floor New York, NY 10001 Bet 28th & 29th ST Http:// Email: AT THE MOVIES Gimmicky ‘Diaries’ is a royal mess MOVIEREVIEW BY JOHN BLACK THE PRINCESS DIARIES 2: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT RATING ᑹᑹᑹᑹ Back to School Is Around The Corner 15 % off Clothing, Shoes, Accessories We also have new brand name’s such as: Rocawear, Timberland, Steve Madden, Skechers, Kenneth Cole, G-Unit, Many Italian Brands at very low prices... 15% off with coupon this offer cannot be combined with any other offer (212) 868-NYCK (6925) 495 Seventh Ave. Bet. 36 & 37th St. “The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement” is an annoying movie that, in a summer marked by great sequels (“Spider-Man 2,” “The Bourne Supremacy”), stands out as a shining example of just how foul a follow-up to a hit can be. For those who missed the original film when it was released in 2001, “The Princess Diaries” told the tale of Mia Thermopolis, a San Francisco teen who, unbeknownst to herself, was the crown princess of the tiny European country of Genovia. Now, five years later, Princess Mia (Anne Hathaway) finally arrives at her new country to be crowned queen, only to find out there is an ancient law in Genovia that declares a princess can only be a queen if she is married. With a script that plays like it wasn’t so much written as copied out of a Cliff Notes cheat sheet for fairy tales, “Princess Diaries RON BATZDORFF Directed by Garry Marshall, screenplay by Meg Cabot and Gina Wendkos Starring Julie Andrews, Anne Hathaway, Hector Elizondo, Heather Matarazzo 2” offers its audience virtually nothing that wasn’t milked to death for cheap laughs and even cheaper sentiment in the first movie. In fact, there are scenes in this sequel, such as a dance sequence between the Queen of Genovia (Julie Andrews) and her love-sick head of security, Joe (Hector Elizondo), which feel like they were cut and pasted directly from the first film. Director Garry Marshall, whose motto seems to be “I’ve never met a cliché I wouldn’t use,” seems to know he’s got nothing in terms of plot with this one, so he fills the film with lots of inappropriate sight gags, like a poodle chasing a cat and a footman dancing in the hallway. The gags are almost distracting enough to keep the audience from being bored while waiting nearly two hours for this silly bit of fluff to reach its predictable conclusion. Almost. Graham Nash screen. Svedka Vodka hosts the launch premovie party, transforming the theater into a nighttime playground. An adult version of “Spin the Bottle” and Tarot Card Readers revealing love-connection futures will be entertaining singles, along with complimentary cocktails, sexy surveys and seductive music to encourage interaction. Tonight’s movie is “The Manchurian Candidate.” 312 W 34th St, between Seventh and Eighth Borders Columbus Circle 7:00pm, FREE. “Eye to Eye” gathers for the first time more than 150 photographs by rock musician Graham Nash. While best known as a founding member of the rock band Crosby, Stills, Nash, and (sometimes) Young, Nash also developed a parallel career as a photographer, collector and pioneer of digital imaging. Time Warner Building, 2nd Fl One Columbus Circle (1, 9 to 59th St-Columbus Circle) 212-823-9775 Nora Johnson Barnes & Noble 7:00pm, FREE. A young girl deals with her parents divorce and comes of age in 1940-50s in Johnson’s “Coast to Coast.” 1972 Broadway at 66th St (1, 9 to 66th St-Lincoln Center) 212-595-6859 Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child MUST SEE TIME: 8:00PM Barnes & Noble 7:00pm, FREE. The authors read from “Brimstone,” a thrilling tale of murder. 675 Sixth Ave, between 21st and 22nd Sts (F, V to 23rd St) 212-727-1227 TICKETS: $12 Poet to Poet Ming & FS The DJs hit NorthSix tonight with Mission on Mars in tow. Barnes & Noble 7:30pm, FREE. ADDRESS: 66 N 6TH ST, BETWEEN Kathryn Falco is the featured poet. Her reading is followed by KENT AND WYTHE AVES, an open mike. WILLIAMSBURG, BROOKLYN (L TO Bay Terr Shopping Center, 2380 Bell Blvd, Bayside, Queens BEDFORD AVE) 718-599-5103 (7 to Flushing-Main St, then take Q13 bus to shopping center at 26rd Ave) 718-224-1083 continued from page 17 Kenji Jasper Barnes & Noble 7:00pm, FREE. The author reads from “Seeking Salamanca Mitchell.” 106 Court St, between Schermerhorn and State Sts, Brooklyn Hts (A, C, F to Jay StBorough Hall; M, R to Court St; 2, 3, 4, 5 to Borough Hall) 718-246-4996 SPECIAL EVENTS Click at a Flick and pre-movie party Loews’ 34th Street Theater party at 6:30pm, film at 8:00pm; $10. True love at the movies, and it’s not on BestBets Clubs & Lounges Underground Dance Grooves Club Shelter 8:00pm; $5, FREE before 10:00pm. So you probably won’t hear any Jay-Z here. DJ Tyrone Francis mans the decks with hip-hop, reggae and house. 20 W 39th St, between Fifth and Sixth Aves (B, D, F, V to 42nd St-Bryant Park) 212-719-4479 Special Events Pagan Movie Night The Raven Cafe 6:30pm; $5 Suggested Donation. A fundraiser for the New York City Pagan Pride Project. Calling all pagans, witches, druids and pagan friendly people to come out and join us for a nice relaxing mid-week viewing of the 1973 classic film “The Wicker Man.” 194 Ave A at 12th St (L to First Ave) 212-561-0491 pmnewyork Aves (A, C, E, 1, 2, 3, 9 to 34th StPenn Sta) 212-244-8850 amNY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 19 STORE HOURS: M-F 10AM -7:30PM, SAT 12 PM - 6PM, SUN OPEN MUST SEE “Going Coastal: The Beaches of New York City” ALL PHONES BRAND NEW FACTORY SEALED WITH ONE YEAR WARRANTY/NO HIDDEN OR PROCESSING FEES! Roy Hargrove and RH Factor Arsenal Gallery Mon-Fri 9:00am5:00pm, FREE. Through Sept 2. An exhibit that tells the rich story of New York City’s many beaches through classic and contemporary photographs, vintage postcards, renderings and other historical materials. 830 Fifth Ave at 64th St (6 to 68th St-Hunter College) Call 311 PLANS ANYTIME MINUTES ADDRESS: BATTERY PARK CITY AT CHAMBERS ST (A, C, 1, 2, 3, 9 TO CHAMBERS ST) 212-528-2733 60 500 FREE $29.99 300 Unlimited FREE $39.99 600 45th Street Theatre 7:30pm, $15-$25. Featuring “The Diary of Adam and Eve” and “Marry Me a Little.” 354 W 54 th St, between Eighth and Ninth Aves (1, 9 to 57th St) 212-868-4444 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Central Park 6:00pm, FREE. Described as a commedia dell’arte style production of the Shakespeare classic. At Cherry Hill in Central Park, southwest shore of 72nd St Lake (1, 2, 3, 9 to 72 nd St) 646-554-3051 Blood of the Bear WorkShop Theater Company 8:00pm, $10$15. The story of 17-year-old William Faulkner. 312 W 36th St at Eighth Ave (A, C, E, 1, 2, 3, 9 to 34th St) 212-352-3101 Legends of Laughter 13th Street Repertory Company 7:00pm, $12-$15. Hootch Hoolahan impersonates Jack Benny, Bob Hope, Jackie Gleason, Red Skeleton and more. 50 W 13th St, between Fifth and Sixth Aves (1, 2, 3, F, V to 14th St) 212-352-3101 Ritalin for Two Under St. Mark’s 8:00pm, $15. Two schoolgirls trapped in a basement dissect their lives. 94 St. Mark’s Place (N, R to 8th St-NYU) 212-868-4444 State of the Union 45 Bleecker 8:00pm, $15. Described as follows: “The world has gone insane. Our president is an alien…” 45 Bleecker St at Lafayette St (6 to Bleecker St) 212-330-7122 onstage and John Wilkes Booth is projected by video. 59 E 59th St, between Madison and Park Aves (N, R, Q, W, 4, 5, 6 to 59th StLexington Ave) 212-279-4200 EAT Space 8:00pm, $15. One-act psychological drama by Jean Genet. 432 W 42nd St, between Ninth and Tenth Aves (1, 2, 3, 9, 7, N, R, W, Q to 42nd StTimes Sq; A, C, E to 42nd St-Port Authority) 917-568-1555 The Ruffian on the Stair 78th Street Theatre Lab 8:00pm, $15. Joe Orton’s one-act classic plus a new play titled “Theme and Variations.” 236 W 78th St, between Amsterdam and Broadway (1, 9 to 79th St) 212-868-4444 59E59 Theaters 8:00pm, $30. A multimedia piece in which Edwin Booth is E-mail events to Deadline is one week before publication. Event submissions will only be taken by e-mail; no faxes or letters please. 212-869-8600 SAVE UP TO 60% ON BIZ/FIRST CLASS SAMSUNG D415 99 Tocca Calypso Velvet Cynthia Rowley Kooba Store Hours: Mon–Sat: 10am-7:30pm Sun: Closed Please call for an appointment Microdermabrasion $140 Acne Treatment SPECIALIZING IN PROBLEM SKIN TREATMENTS & FACIALS w/Glycolic sun damaged skin, fine lines, wrinkles, For oily and blemished skin with pigmentation, discoloration, blackheads excessive blackheads/ white heads, Deep Cleansing Facial Reg $60 Special $45 Deep cleans and refreshes all skin types Improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Provides a deep hydrating and firming effect that is long lasting. FREE 2 FREE v300 phones or Samsung e105 & 800 anytime minutes Unlimited Mobile to Mobile Unlimited Nights & Weekends FREE Long Distance NOKIA 3200* NOKIA 3100* FREE SAMSUNG * X426 FREE LG 4011* FREE FREE BUILT-IN CAMERA MOTOROLA T721 LG 4015* FREE FREE LG 1105 MOTOROLA v600 99.99 $ FREE CAMERA PHONE BLUETOOTH CAMERA PHONE PLANS ANYTIME MINUTES *$29.99 700 *$39.99 800 *$49.99 1050 INCLUDES FACIAL for scars, acne scars, Acid Peel Reg $90 Special $175 NOKIA 3660 75.99 $ 299.99 The best family plan in town. $ 99 207 E. 14th Street (between 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10003 Tel: 212-253-9693 Reg $115 Special $95 NOKIA 6600 TREO 600 129.99 TRAVEL VISION 56 W 45 ST #1205 NY, NY 10036 FREE +$50 CASH BACK $ O/W ON R/T PURCH TAX EXTRA REST APPLY Anti-Aging Collagen Facial CAMERA PHONE BUILT-IN $ CAMERA PHONE BLUETOOTH FREE FREE 99 BLACKBERRY 7230 75 $ +$50 CASH BACK SIDE KICK MOTOROLA V300 & V400 49. OROLA V600 SIEMENS SL55 F +$75 R CASH E BACK E R E +$100 E CASH BACK Built-In Speaker $ SAMSUNG E105 ERICSSON T610 t-In e F Bueilra Phon Cam +$50 CASH BACK SAMSUNG E715 era C am t-In Buil $ $100 Unlimited Nights & Weekends FREE 69 DISCOUNTED AIRFARES ITALY $199 FRA/AMS $209 AFRICA $399 AUSTRALIA $549 TOKYO $299 CANADA $79 Built-In Speaker Camera Phone COLOR The Maids The Booth Variations NOKIA 6610i MOTOROLA D878 WEEKEND MINUTES ROAMING & LONG DISTANCE $19.99 F R E E 99 COLOR +$50 CASH BACK G NOKIA 7250i F R E E $ FREE Lots of parking available ERICSSON Z600 SAMSUNG D415 T-Mobile Motorola V300 Color Screen 212-869-8885 212-717-2077 TICKETS: FREE 4th Interval’s Dark Night Series $149 $189 $249 $149 $299 $449 (Btwn 74th & 75th St.) TIME: 7:00PM THEATER LON/PAR SPAIN MOW/IST MEXICO SIN/HKG INDIA (Btwn 6th & 7th Ave.) FREE GETTY IMAGES Instituto Cervantes at Amster Yard 12:20-6:30pm, FREE. 150 years boils down to 52 photographs, but they’re good photographs. The show, curated by Publio Lopez Mondejar, looks at both the history of Spanish photography and the history of Spain itself. 211-215 E 49th St, between Second and Third Aves (E, V, 6 to 51st St-Lexington Ave) 212-308-7720 LOCATION 2 109 W45th St. 1433 1st Ave. Jazz superstar Roy Hargrove incorporates rock, funk and hip-hop elements into his music, and it doesn’t sound half bad. On his latest album, “Hard Groove,” he’s joined by more mainstream contributors ranging from D’Angelo to Erykah Badu to Common. He plays at Nelson A. Rockefeller Park tonight. 150 Years of Photography in Spain LOCATION 1 WKND MIN & LONG DISTANCE UNLIMITED NIGHT & WEEKENDS UNLIMITED NIGHT & WEEKENDS START AT 7:00PM *After $120 rebate. acne scars and discoloration i830 Hydrating Facial Reg $75 Special $65 only $39.99 For all skin types, deep cleans and Unlimited Direct Connect Unlimited ghts Ni & Weeke nds Roaming Outgoing Ce llular Minutes hydrates with two layer mask. Back Cleansing Treatment $ 85 Provides thorough cleansing and extration to keep your back clean and clear All procedures done by licensed cosmetologist per month FREE FREE FREE 500 only $59.99 per month Incoming llular Ce Calls Unlimited ghts Ni & Weeke nds Unlimited Di rect Conn ect Outgoing Ce llular Minutes Nationwid e Long Caller Di st.ID & Voicemail Unlimited Free Free 400 Free 199 $ i530 FREE MOTOROLA i730 $ 49.99 Additionalcharge pf $40 for phoneson $39.99 plan SOME PHONES MAY REQUIRE A REBATE AND SOME MAY REQUIRE SPECIAL ORDER. CREDIT CHECK AND NEW ACTIVATION REQUIRED WITH CONTRACT. PRICES & CASH PLANS $39.99 OR HIGHER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHIC ERRORS. PLANS AND PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. SEE STORE FOR MORE DETAILS *ON SELECTED PHONES LIC #1128687 20 eatingwell » FOOD » WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 RECIPE RADISH AND GOAT CHEESE CANAPES Serves 4 Ingredients: • 2 bunches radishes • 9 ounces fresh goat cheese • 1 baguette loaf • coarse salt Q&V QUALITY & VALUE asks the people who buy fresh produce for New York’s best food purveyors to recommend what is going to be fresh, plentiful and a value to buy for the week ahead. MEAT AND POULTRY Porterhouse steak rim the tops from the radishes and wash and pat dry. Chop some of the brightest and freshest tops to make two-thirds cup. Pulse the chopped tops with the goat cheese in a small food processor until nearly smooth. Thinly slice the radishes. Slice the baguette thin and lightly toast. Spread two to three teaspoons of the goat cheese mixture on each slice. Top each slice with three or four radish slices and sprinkle with coarse salt. Serve on a platter lined with remaining radish tops. ( L.A. TIMES) T More than a garnish BY RUSS PARSONS The L.A. Times Round and red and crisp, they’re casually tossed on the plate at your favorite taco stand or jumbled in a jar at the salad bar, full of color and crunch but ultimately signifying nothing. But hold on — there’s more to the radish than you might think. The simplest way to prove it is to set out a chilled bouquet of them on a plate with a tub of softened butter and some coarse salt. Smear a radish in the butter and then dip it in the salt. Take a bite. Quarter radishes lengthwise and sprinkle them with lemon juice and salt for another quick nibble. Slice them thin and toss the little red-rimmed moons with butter lettuce; notice how the crisp spice plays against the tender greens. Use a toothpick to spear together a radish half and a bite of silky smoked salmon. You can even eat the leaves. They have the texture of watercress and a bit of its flavor, but with that great mustardy radish bite as well. If you’re roasting or grilling meat, serve it with a simple salad of radishes quartered lengthwise with their tops attached and dress it with vegetable oil, red wine vinegar and a couple tablespoons of the carving juices. Although you can find radishes in the market all year round, this is really the season to get them at their best. While our radish selection most of the year is limited to the familiar round red varieties (“Cherry Belle,” or one of its cousins), in the spring and early summer we get to meet the rest of the family. The so-called “Easter Eggs” aren’t actually a single type of radish, but a seed assortment of various round radish varieties in colors including white, pale pink, purply pink, red and crimson. The long, tapering “French Breakfast” has a mild bite and a red and white color scheme that brings to mind strawberries dipped in cream. Another radish that pops up in the summer is the pure white, very thin “White Icicle,” which is nearly sweet. You might also find the last of the winter varieties, like the black radish, the Central European favorite with a powerful bite, and the Asian radishes, such as the giant daikon and the smaller “shinrimei” (often called watermelon radish in the West due to its pale red heart). Each serving: 148 calories; 7 grams protein; 15 grams carbohydrates; 1 gram fiber; 1 gram fat; 4 grams saturated fat; 12 mg. cholesterol; 268 mg. sodium. (L.A. Times) RADISHTIPS • Look for radishes that are the size of a nickel and no bigger than a quarter. • Braise, roast or glaze radishes in butter to have them lose some of their bite. • Radishes are fast growers that prefer the cooler weather (less than 70º). If they grow too fast they tend to crack or become hollow, which makes for an undesirable radish. RADISHFACTS • Radishes and turnips are members of the same family: brassicas, or mustardy vegetables (along with arugula and broccoli). • The radish’s flavor comes from the chemical isothiocyanate, which can make a nice organic pesticide. Porterhouse steak, also called T-bone, is the best of both worlds. This superior cut is part tenderloin or filet and part shell, giving you both a tender and flavorful steak. Buy a one-and-a-half inch thick steak; one porterhouse steak can generously serve two people. Coat a grill pan with olive oil over high heat; place the steak in the pan and cook for just five minutes on each side for medium rare. When done to your liking, crack a little freshly ground black pepper on top and allow to rest for just a few minutes before serving. Joe Gurrera, Owner, Citarella VEGETABLE Heirloom tomato Heirloom tomatoes’ heritage can be traced backed to the early settlers, who brought this variety to America from Europe. And because they’re so unique, so to are their color, shape and taste. No two look alike. Two examples are Brandywine and Zebra. They’re ideal for grilling or as the main attraction in an heirloom salad. Jeff Piering, Director of Produce, The Food Emporium FRUIT Tree ripe stone fruits Season: Mid June-Sept Shipped from: California The “stone” in a stone fruit actually refers to the pit in tree fruits such as peaches and nectarines. But don’t let the stone throw you. Our extra large (jumbo) tree-ripe stone fruits are extra-flavorful, sweet and juicy because they’re left on the tree longer. Perfect for out-of-hand enjoyment, or slice and add to your favorite cottage cheese. Jeff Piering, Director of Produce, The Food Emporium VEGETABLE Asparagus Warm weather has produced asparagus that is uniform in size, height and color with ample supplies. It is a perfect time to enjoy asparagus whether you steam, microwave or stirfry it. It is packed with nutrients and easy to prepare for a crowd. To maintain freshness, wrap a moist towel around the stem ends or stand upright in two inches of cold water. Asparagus has no fat or cholesterol and is low in sodium. Terry Rodes, Produce Department, New York’s quintessential gourmet destination! eating well WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 VINOFILE Serve Greek whites for the games amNY 21 Shrimp and radishes RECIPE SHRIMP CEVICHE WITH RADISHES Serves: 8 to 10 Ingredients: • 1 pound large raw shrimp, peeled and deveined • 1⁄3 cup chopped green onions • 1 teaspoon salt BY ANTHONY GIGLIO Special to amNewYork • 2 bunches radishes, tops removed, roots trimmed Naoussa, a spicy, fruity, medium-bodied red; the Peleponnese, a peninsula in the south and home to many noteworthy wines, including dry whites with names like Patras and Mantinia and soft, fruity reds such as Nemea, along with sweet dessert wines of both colors, such as the white Muscat de Patras and the red Mavrodaphne de Patras; and Crete, the largest of the Greek isles, which produces both whites and reds, some with varietal names on the label, some simply with the appellation “Crete.” This week we’ll cover the whites; next week the reds. White grapes to know include assyrtiko (ahs SEER tee koh), used to make the aforementioned Santorini; rhoditis, used to make Patras white; and savatiano, a grape grown throughout the country. Retsina, by the way, is a traditional wine made with Savatiano to which pine resin is added, giving it a woody flavor. THE WEEK IN WINE Seven sippers for the games: • Thursday: 2003 Boutari Santorini $10 • Friday: 2003 Estate Hatzi Michalis Chardonnay, Atalanti Valley $11 • Saturday: 2002 Gaiıa Thalassitis, Santorini, $13 • Sunday: 2003 Boutari Moshofilero $15 • Monday: 2002 Boutari Kalisti $16 • Tuesday: 2003 Boutari Kretikos $8 • Wednesday: 2002 Estate Hatzi Michalis Domaine White, Opuntia Locris $8 Prices provided by Grand Wine & Liquors, 30-05 31st St. (30th Avenue), Astoria, (718) 728-2520, which delivers throughout New York City; • 2 ears corn • 1 avocado, ripe but still firm • 12 mint leaves ut the shrimp into one-inch pieces and combine it in a bowl with the onions, salt and lime juice. Cover tightly and refrigerate until the shrimp is firm and white, about three hours. Cut the radishes into halfinch wedges and add to the ceviche. Cut the corn kernels from the cob and add to the ceviche. Peel and pit the avocado, dice the flesh and add it to the ceviche. Tear the mint leaves into quarters and gently stir everything together. Serve in juice or martini glasses or in a bowl with tortilla chips. (L.A. Times) C August 19th between 7:15 and 8:30 at Barnes & Noble, 1940 Route 10 West, Morris Plains, N.J. Tastes and Tales from Russia (America House, $19.95 ISBN 1-4137-2320-9) A good cookbook is a priceless addition for food connoisseurs. This one-of-a-kind cookbook consists of recipes rich in Russian culture and tales of old Russian folklore. Each page features a unique recipe, along with a folklore tale. The whole family can enjoy the taste with the tale. Beef Stroganoff and Chicken Kiev will take the reader back to the glamour and decadence of Czarist Russia. Now available on Garfield Kitchens and Baths., Inc. 718-783-2800 Park Slope, Brooklyn Meet the author and sample some of the delicioius recipes on KITCHEN CABINETRY • Rich Maid Cabinetry • Wellborne Forest Cabinetry • Teddwood Cabinetry • Luxor Cabinetry of Canada • Hanssem Cabinetry Introducing Mobara Kitchens of Spain • Granite Countertops • Tile • Cork • Bamboo Flooring • Cabinet Hardware FEATURING... • KOHLER • BARCLAY • SONIA • SOHO • TOTO • ST. THOMAS • JACUZZI • LE BIJOU • GROHE • GINGER • PORCHER • AQUADIS UNBELIEVABLE QUALITY • INCREDIBLE PRICES (L.A. TIMES) The wines of Greece have made amazing strides in quality, especially in the last decade, and are finally getting the international recognition and respect they deserve. Of course, this sounds ridiculous if you consider that Greece has been making wine for, oh, 3,000 years. Despite the fact that in antiquity Greek traders and colonists pollinated the entire Mediterranean with their wine culture, many wine drinkers today dismiss Greek wine as little more than thin, bitter reds or pinescented white retsinas. Discovering them, however, is a bit of a challenge. Greece’s abundance of native grapes is dizzying, and adding to the confusion is the use of international grapes like chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon. Look for these three regions on labels as guides to quality: Macedonia, in northernmost Greece, which produces a well-known wine called • 3⁄4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice (about five to seven limes) Serve your shrimp ceviche with radishes in an elegant martini glass for a quick and easy way to dress up your dish. Kitchengadget Helpful reading! We all know the Zagat surveys for restaurants around town. Now Zagat has come out with a handy guide to gourmet markets including wine, caterers, florists and produce. The entries are rated for their quality, variety and service on a scale of zero to 30. Cost is rated as inexpensive, moderate, expensive and very expensive. You can go online to purchase the book at for $11.16. 22 amNY eating well WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 Tastings GUILTY PLEASURES Join Us On An Exciting World Tour That’s Italian &Events RECIPE TART SHELLS WINE TASTINGS Fill these up with creme and fruit for a delicious dessert Serves: 32 Ingredients: As cool as a summer breeze, NEOPOLITAN PASTA SALAD, straight from the fridge to the table. Man this is good. A complete meal. Wednesday, Aug. 11: Best Cellars 5 PM to 8 PM 1291 Lexington Avenue; 212-989-2540 • 6 tablespoons butter Thursday, Aug. 12: Astor Wines & Spirits • 1⁄4 cup sugar 5 PM to 8 PM 12 Astor Place; 212-674-7500 • 1 egg Cheerio and a pip pip A tip of the hat for old England for big chunks of BATTER FRIED FISH AND CHIPS as good as found anywhere. Buy one of these new dishes, say “Ambrosia” to the cashier and receive a healthy gift. GRAMERCY 310 3rd Ave. New York, NY 10010 212-228-4681 fax: 212-228-4627 UNION SQUARE E. 14th St. New York, NY 10003 212-255-4200 fax: 212-255-4159 CHELSEA 162 W. 23rd St. New York, NY 10011 212-675-6300 fax: 212-675-2559 BROOKLYN HEIGHTS 180 Montague St. Brooklyn, NY, 11201 718-222-1515 fax: 718-222-9070 • 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons cake flour Cream the butter and sugar. Add the egg and vanilla and mix. Sift the flours together. Add the flours to the butter mixture and mix. Form the dough into a flat disk and wrap in plastic. Let it rest in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface to oneeighth-inch thick. Using a 2 1 ⁄4-inch round cookie cutter, cut circles. Press the dough circles into mini muffin tins to form tart shells. Chill. Fill with cream or custard and berries to serve. (L.A. Times) Customize your tart shells with homemade custard or cream Friday, Aug. 13: Astor Wines & Spirits 5 PM to 8 PM 12 Astor Place; 212-674-7500 Best Cellars 5 PM to 8 PM 1291 Lexington Avenue; 212-989-2540 EXOTICEDIBLES Saturday, Aug. 14: Astor Wines & Spirits Figs 3 PM to 6 PM 12 Astor Place; 212-674-7500 What they are: Figs have a plump teardrop shape, a satiny pulp punctuated by the jolt of hundreds of tiny seeds and a honeyed sweetness. Tribeca Wine Merchants 1 PM to 5 PM 40 Hudson Street; 212-393-2400 Best Cellars 4 PM to 6 PM 1291 Lexington Avenue; 212-989-2540 Nancy’s Wines How to prepare: It seems obvious what to do with the perfect ones. (Eat them unadulterated or spoon them up with yogurt and honey.) Classic pairings include assertive flavors and creamy textures: Fig and arugula salad with balsamic vinegar and figs wrapped in paper-thin slices of cured prosciutto or serrano ham that crisp and sizzle when grilled or broiled briefly. Figs pair exceedingly well with chocolate as well. (Renee Schettler/The Washington Post) Free Cocktail Tasting Tonight Designer Kitchen and Bath Sunday, Aug.15: Vintage New York 11AM to 9 PM 482 Broome Street; 212-226-9463 2492 Broadway; 212-721-9999 Monday: Aug. 16: Best Cellars 5 PM to 8 PM 1291 Lexington Avenue; 212-989-2540 Tuesday, Aug. 17: Best Cellars 5 PM to 8 PM 1291 Lexington Avenue 212-989-2540 CIGAR TASTING Thursday, Aug.12: De La Concha 5 – 8 PM 5 PM to 8 PM 1390 Sixth Avenue (btw. 56th & 57th); 212-757-3167 Mixologist Pam Govinda will be mixing up her own gin creation. High and Dry EVENTS Pam actually created this for the British recording artist Jamie Cullen. It is named after the Radiohead song of which Jamie Cullen does a cover on his latest album Twentysomething, just released in the US in May. This is aptly named since the drink is dry and is bound to leave you feeling high because of its alcohol content. Join us and receive a sip and a recipe. Many gins are on sale, including Beefeater, Bombay, Tanqueray and Bombay Sapphire! 12 Astor Place, NY 10003 (corner of Astor Place and Lafayette) 212-674-7500 Hours: Monday — Saturday 9AM - 9PM Directions: Take the 6 to Astor Place or the R 2 PM to 5 PM 313 Columbus Avenue; 212-877-4040 How to pick and to store: Steal a quick squeeze — a reliable indicator of readiness. It shouldn’t be too mushy or too hard. (PHOTO BY FRESHDIRECT) An authentic Creole favorite, this New Orleans JAMBALAYA boasts a delectable mix of andoulle, shrimp and rice. Excellent for parties too. Rain not included. 5 PM to 8 PM 1291 Lexington Avenue; 212-989-2540 • 1 cup flour (L.A. TIMES) From Our Own Heartland Best Cellars • 1 teaspoon vanilla W to 8th Street Wednesday, Aug. 11: Macy’s Herald Square 1 PM @ The Cellar Kitchen Executive chef Abraham Jimenez of Citrus will give a demonstration. Thursday, Aug. 12: Macy’s Herald Square For millions of homes the kitchen is the center of activity, not just a place to cook meals. The kitchen serves as a gathering place for friends, families... life. It is indeed the heart of the home. 1 PM @ The Cellar Kitchen Lora Zarubin, author of “I Am Almost Always Hungry: Seasonal menus and Memorable Recipes” will give a presentation. Come to our showroom and see why so many people trust Designer Kitchen and Bath to renovate & update their kitchens and baths, install new ones, and improve their quality of life. Resale value goes up, along with your comfort level. 4 PM to 5PM “The Art of the Impossible” — Summer Magic Class and Ice Cream Party for Kids $10, class only / $16, includes ice cream sundae bar 1011 60th Street and Third Avenue; 646-735-0078 20 years of expert service 477 Tenth Avenue, New York, NY 212 239 6114 Dylan’s Candy Bar Tuesday, Aug. 17: Macy’s Herald Square 1 PM @ The Cellar Kitchen Personal Chef Steven Roberts will give a demonstration. Please send all listing requests to: REACH 470,000 PEOPLE EVERY DAY Announcements TO PLACE AN AD CALL 212-385-AMNY lines days 25 $7.10 * * Private party /sell your car, boat, truck, motorcycle, merchandise Adoptions 007 ADOPT Young married couple hoping adoption angel chooses us to provide newborn with happy home, security & love. Legally authorized expenses paid Call Carmela & Stephen 1-888-619-7709 Public Notices 037 THIS IS TO STATE THAT NICOLA MC DONALD is doing business under the DBA of NewN Publishing. Pets/Livestock DogsCats 060 MALTESE-YORKIES Beautiful toy & teacup. 718-372-6238 PERSIAN Kittens, 7wks, m/f, shots, CFA regist, ready to go. 718-891-3065 Birds 075 CANARIES male & female with cage, 212-304-9833 look for other classified sections MONDAY CAREER BUILDER THURSDAY CITY LIVING TO PLACE AN AD (2669) 212-385-AMNY CALL Horses & Livestock 080 QH Gelding, Chestnut, 15.1H, 6 yrs, sound, $2700; Hackney pony, Bay, 13.3H, 11 yrs old, sound, $1500. 631-240-9691 SHEEP & GOATS For Sale, gd breeders, very healthy. 917-755-6012 STALLS, Islandia vry clean, Lg indoor, round pens, turnout, trails, heated washed stalls, easy access 631-445-0155 Merchandise Miscellaneous Home Furnishings 100 BELLMORE S. Sat 8/14, 10-4. (RD Sun 8/ 15) 3099 Judith Dr. Baby furn, in/outdr furn, cust desk, end tables, bric a brac, loads bake/cook items, linens, more FURNITURE- Black leather sofa w/ recliner chair, Bed & mattress. Very good cond, Price negotiable. 718-261-6007 HUNTINGTON STA TAG/MOVING SALE 47 Peachtree La. 8/14-15, 10-4. Furn, kit, LR, DR, BR, pictures, lamps, more. Employment NOTICE Federal and State law make it unlawful for employers and employment agencies to advertise prospective employment where the job is limited as to age, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability,genetic disposition or carrier status or, marital status, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ). amNewYork does not knowingly accept advertising in violation of these laws. When you suspect employment discrimination, call the NYC Commission on Human Rights Hotline at 212-306-7500 (or, the Nassau County Commission on Human Rights at 516-571-3662, or the Suffolk County Commission on Human Rights at 631-853-5480). 305 ACTORS and MODELS earn $2,000/day MEN and WOMEN ALL AGES/SIZES Fashion/Film No exp required NO FEE! 248 W. 35th St. 12th Flr 212-563-6372 ACTORS/MODELS Earn $2000/Day! 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Send cover letter incl sal requirements & res to Charlener@egcgroup. com or fax 516-942-3915 WEB ID ND13050241 A/C SERV TECH, JUNIOR MECH Residential A/C Co. Top pay, full bnfts, & truck. Call 631-254-4900 WEB ID ND13048480 A/C TECHS - EPA Cert’d for res sys (central, ductless split, PTAC units). Valid NY driver’s lic nec. Fax res to 718932-8042 or e-mail WEB ID ND13044901 ASSISTANTS NEEDED P/T or F/T If you are free eves & wknds, earn $350 -$850 wkly comm. Immediate openings to assit managers in busy office. Call 718-997-7327 EAST NORWICH. SAT 8/7, 10-3. MULTI FAM 1 day only MOVING SALE, Designer Clothing, Pottery Barn Accesories. 55 Walnut Ave, off Route 106. Own tools.Also, Exp’d Plastic & Painting Personnel needed. Call 718-658-7442 MERRICK HUGE 3 fam, toys, books, radiators, refrig, bikes, EVERYTHING! 25 Woodbine Ave, 8/15, 10-4 Generators 175 ONAN generator 25KW 3 phase, $5000 631-692-2877 Musical Instruments 214 ORGAN General Music D210, all features & keys, make offer 718-291-1032 Records 240 RECORDS All types WANTED. Must be in excellent cond. 212-604-9645 Tools & Machinery 280 HOME Wood Shop Tolls Gen’l 10’’ tbl saw w/52’’ Bisesmeyer fence $1250; Craftsman 10’’ radial arm saw w/ cabinet $320, flr drill press $150 & dust collector $180. Craftsman osc tbl drum sander $90. 631-842-9249 amNewYork CLASSIFIED Read for savings Advertise for results amNewYork CLASSIFIED Read for savings Advertise for results Help 305 Wanted CUST SVCE MGR Fast-paced prof’l co seeks F/T Cust Svce Rep to troubleshoot, dispatch & answer incoming calls. Must have 2+ yrs exp & have a positive attitude. Compet sal. Fax res 631-209-9411, email: jschullerman@, or call 631-209-9460 WEB ID ND13034318 DELI CLERK COUNTER PERSON F/T 11am-8pm Mon-Sat. Must have deli exp. Apply in person 82-17 Elliot Av Middle Village DENTAL ASSITANT PT leading to FT for busy Massapequa office. Willing to train. Fax resume to 516-798-8164 DENTAL CHAIR SIDE ASST New practice, Long term committment. Fax res 516-561-2603 WEB ID ND13048366 DENTAL HYGIENIST Manhattan Perio / Implant Practice. Tues and/or Thurs 212-754-1240 Help Wanted 173 Garage Sales Help Wanted AUTO MECHANIC, MECH ASST AUTO MECH/MANAGER prime loc Inspect lic Comm/Bnfts Will train for Mgr $950/wk. 516-877-1352 x37 WEB ID ND13049781 BKKPR Responsible for all banking/ related accting duties. Must handle all bank recs & GL. Computer lit, Excel/ Word. Blums of Patchogue 631-475-0136 WEB ID ND13048943 CABINET MAKER Asst for closet co. Heavy exp w/tools, steady, O/T, bnfts. Deer Park. Call Cy 631-254-2424 WEB ID ND13048361 CARPENTER Exp’d Finish. Immediate Hire. Call 631-943-0714 WEB ID ND13050380 CHEF Sous chef, line cook, immediately. Exp needed. Busy Long Beach restaurant. 516 431-3540 WEB ID ND13049802 COLLECTOR Nat’l comm’l agcy seeks exp’d indiv w/min 3-4yrs exp. Comm’l pref’d but will consider consumer exp. Sal, bnfts, comm. Fax res 516-752-3030 WEB ID ND13048915 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR For comm GC. Must have strong working knowledge in reading blue prints & doing take offs for public works projects. Must be comp literate & have gd comm. skills. Sal comm w/exp. Hlth bnfts avail. Fax res to: 631-366-2556 WEB ID ND13048692 COOK DINER EXP’D EXP D Broiler Grill day/night F/T Immed apply in person Windmill Diner, 530 William Floyd Pkwy, Shirley 631-399-6309 WEB ID ND13049863 FINANCIAL BANKING OPPORTUNITIES MORTGAGE Exp’d final docs specialist w/excel follow up skills needed to track docs; record assignments/correction docs & work closely with investors/ title companies to clear exceptions. Knowl of CEMA’s req. Word & Excel a must. NYS notary a plus. Excel salary & bnfts. FAX resume 516-570-4190 WEB ID ND13029525 DENTAL OFFICE FRONT DESK FT Highly motivated w/excel organizational skills, exp pref. Fax res 516-651-2603 WEB ID ND13048352 DENTAL TECH-CERAMIST F/T guar never laid-off, exp’d only-bridge work & laminates. 516-889-3501 WEB ID ND13049997 DRIVERS/OWNER OPERATOR Immed. Drive own car or lease ours. Start working & earning immed. Sign On Bonus. Very busy base. $1000&more. Must have TLC Lic. 212-501-7400 WEB ID ND13049775 ELECTRICIAN/MECHANICS for electrical contract. Must have knolwedge of fire alarm sys & boiler connector. Min 7yrs exp. Clean driver lic req’d. Please fax res 718-721-5596 Attn HR ELECTRICIAN-RESIDENTIAL/COMMí L, Nass/Suff. 4 yrs exp. Yr round w/ established co. Ins, pension, pd holiday/vac. Start immed. 516-826-3345 WEB ID ND13049465 EXTERMINATOR Several positions avail. ɀ F/T Technicians ɀ Saturday Techs Complete training program. Excellent advancement opportunities. Health & Co bnfts, 401K plan. Must have car. Call 718-392-1322 FRONT DESK FT Highly motivated w/excel organizational skills, college pref. Fax resume to 516-561-2603 WEB ID ND13048346 LEGAL SECRETARY - NO FAULT For busy Nassau Personal Injury firm. Minimum 2yrs experience Fax res w/sal req 212-879-3374 WEB ID ND13049219 LEGAL SECY FT For bayshore matrimonial/RE practice, non smoking. Fax res 631-968-6523 WEB ID ND13049862 MACHINIST - LATHE HAND Min 10yrs exp. Must be able to work from blueprints. Union bnfts. Fax resume 516-676-6751 Attn John Martinson WEB ID ND13048377 MAINTENANCE/TOOL & DIE 5yrs exp mach, die repair & plant maint. Mach repair, elec’l, hydraulic & mech’l. Union bnfts. Metpar Fax 516-333-2618 WEB ID ND13049551 Houses 305 For Sale OFFICE ASST 1 FT pos & 1 PT pos-nights & wkends, mutli task, comp lit, $10/hr firm. Please fax res 516-694-1685 WEB ID ND13048756 PAINTER WANTED Exp’d. $15-$20/hr. Must have drivers lic. Call 718-762-7146 PARALEGAL/LEGAL ASST Deer Park offc seeks self starter, knwlge of foreclosures & NYS court procedure helpful. Fax res w/sal 631-667-0302 WEB ID ND13048523 PARTS DEPT Sales & Clerical positions. Job incl inventory control, sales, cust svc, admin. Exp pref’d. Fax resume 631-244-8660 or call 631-244-8659 WEB ID ND13050041 PLUMBING MECHANIC Min 7yrs exp. Must have valid NYS drivers lic & legal working papers. Must be familiar with service work. Call Tony 718-392-0044 PROPERTY MANAGER Major Tri-State comm’l real estate co seeks exp’d Property Mgr knowledgeable all aspects shopping center maint incl contracts & budget prep. Supervisory exp a must. Kindly submit res & sal req’s to Newsday Box Mail 114108, 235 Pinelawn Road, Melville, NY 11747 WEB ID ND13048221 Real Estate is HOT! Free Training Learn to sell or invest in real estate Exciting career. No car nec. Get paid weekly. P/T or F/T. Call 718-663-2186 RECEPTIONIST To handle busy phone system & lt paperwork Pay to be determined F/T P/T Exp nec. Call Rich K. 516-752-9200 WEB ID ND13049592 RESTAURANT- upscale Italian Caffe. Chef exp’d or Entry level, gd kit skills, Also Wait Staff needed E Setauket LI. Call 631-689-2235 Fax 631-689-6773 WEB ID ND13050469 SECRETARY Clerical, phones, typing, filing, computer skills a must. QuickBooks a + LIC loc. Fax res 718-786-8643 SERVICE ADVISOR Exp’d w/gd CSI & exp’d tech. Fax res 516-771-5596 WEB ID ND13050544 WAITERS & BARTENDERS Needed to staff one of NYC’s most exciting sporting events in Queens for 2 weeks starting late August. Catch all the action on the hard court while serving in corporate hospitality settings. Flexible rotations, multiple opps. A GREAT GIG. Come talk availability this Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri (Aug 10, 11, 12, 13) from 10am to 6pm at 451 Greenwich St (In Tribeca) Info: 212-965-9781 Ext 501 WAIT STAFF, BARTENDERS, COOKS Exp’d. Lombardi’s on the Sound Restaurant restaurant & catering. Port Jeff loc. All shifts avail. Pls call 631-473-1440 WEB ID ND13050008 WAREHOUSE Asst Warehse Mgr Rm for advancement Multi lingual staff. Give direction & be responsible, gd pay & bnfts. Call Rich K 516-752-9200 WEB ID ND13049609 WAREHOUSE F/T Hi-lo exp a must, lifting, pick & pack material, bnfts. Commack 631-543-3070 WEB ID ND13048170 WAREHOUSE- Tire Warehouse MECHANIC/ASSEMBLER Truck body upfitters seeks exp’d Installers on all types of accessories & snowplows. Knwlge of electrical a must. Own tools. F/T. Pd med & life ins bnfts, uniforms & 401k. W. Suff. Call Tom at 631-549-0944 WEB ID ND13049151 MECHANIC HANDS ON HEAD MECHANIC Packaging machinery. 10yrs exp. Candy factory, Bklyn. Responsible for operation & maint of all plant equip. Excel sal, bnfts, medical. Fax res 718-499-4918/ Email res to: employment@ F/T P/T avail Room for advancement Call Rich K 516-752-9200 WEB ID ND13049605 WELDER/FABRICATOR Exp necessary. Deer Park loc. Call 631-254-2915 WEB ID ND13048684 Educational Opportunities 340 ASST TEACHERS & TEACHERS: 8wk intensive prog to pass October NYS Teacher/Asst Teacher cert exams. Enroll now! Poss employment from mid Oct. Limited English okay. 212-227-6620 MEDICAL ASST F/T Internist’s office. Alternate Sats. Exp nec. 516-354-8684 WEB ID ND13048364 MERCHANDISER For Bklyn distribution co. Exp a +, but not nec. Car a must. FT/PT. Fax resume with sal reqs to 718-272-3359 NAIL TECHNICIAN PT/FT For new Dominican beauty salon in Bed Stuy. Call Paul 718-230-4135 OFFICE HELP F/T For garment showroom. No exp nec, Will train. Fax res 212-685-3534 HEALTHCARE OPPORTUNITIES NUCLEAR CARDIOLOGY TECH-F/T CNMT or ARRT (N) certified. Busy Smithtown/Bay Shore Cardiology practice, exp’d only, Fax resume Att Stephanie 631-265-3304 WEB ID ND13049961 NUTRITIONIST NEEDED Leader in weight loss industry seeks nutritionist for Grdn City ofc. Exp not nec. Call Dr Singh 516-624-9504 Fax res 516-624-9509 WEB ID ND13048904 PHYSICAL THERAPIST F/T Outstanding oppty for highly motivated team player. Pvt ortho/sports/neuro practice. 3-5 yrs exp. Fax res 516-454-6520 WEB ID ND13050139 X-RAY TECH F/T Urgent Care Facility. Compet sal, profit sharing, medical bnfts. Call 631-757-5400, Fax res 631-757-4178 Northport WEB ID ND13048494 Houses For Sale 400 ASTORIA 2 family, prime location, close to Broadway. $699k. Call Irene for more info. Remax 718-274-0404; 917-686-7345 BAYSIDE 1 Fam Brk Col 3BR, 1½bth, fin bsmt, SD26, renov, granite flrs, cherry kit/SS applc $689K ownr 718-357-7434 BAYSIDE 2 fam Brick Triplex 2BR & 3BR apts with own sep yards, fplc, Better than new yards. $849K Ownr 718-423-1212 RETAIL OPPORTUNITIES SALES ASSOCIATE expí d in bras & lingerie, upscale store, FT/PT, Blums in Patchogue 631-475-0136 WEB ID ND13048923 SALES OPPORTUNITIES SALES One of LI’s largest Beverage Coí s seeks dynamic, aggressive indivs. Sal + comm. Beverage exp a +. Fax resume 631-549-4948 WEB ID ND13048294 SHOE SALES Family shoe store looking for shoe sales people. Call 1-800-681-7463 Queens loc. Houses 400 For Sale BAYSIDE Brick 2fam, 6 over 6, balcony, marble ba/jacuzzi, fin bsmt, pvt drive, hdwd flrs, 1 yr warr, 10 yr tax abatement. Brkr 718-523-8000; cell 347-446-2255 BAYSIDE By owner. Semi-det 2 fam hse, brk, 3BR/2BR, gar, gas heat, sprklrs, fin legal bsmt, backyd, $719K 40-34 217th St. 516-365-3521 BELLEROSE By owner, wideline cape, 5BR, 2ba, fin bsmt, dormered, 60x100 corner prop. Low $600k’s. 718-347-8113 BELLEROSE, Newly renov’d Legal 2 fam Lux brk, all new, $2300/yr tax, Move in tomorrow. Prin only $575K. 917-577-8692 COLLEGE POINT 2 family House for sale M2-1 zone 2+2 BR, new roof, $525K Call RE Linda 917-583-8677 COLLEGE PT No. 1Family Det’d on beautiful blk near water & park, poss 2 fam, new kit+ more $619K Ownr 718-791-9245 CORONA 3 Family det’d. 1st flr 3BR, 2bth. 2nd fl, 2 apts 1BR each. Fin bsmt 2BR, $639k. Platinum Homes Realty 718424-7861/917-482-0130 CORONA HGTS OPEN HOUSE 8/7-8, 2-4 By Owner, Huge Yard, det gar, mint EIK, 4BR, 2ba, LR, $539k 516-815-1154 CORONA Spacious 3fam, 7br, 3fl+2hf ba, new roof, yard, full bsmt. $799K neg. Good rental! Owner 888-511-8030 Ext 10 DOUGLASTON Manor Open Hse 8/8, 1-3 233-32 41st Ave, Large 1fam CH Col Lux Home, Tax red, $1.29M Brkr 917-681-7009 EAST ELMHURST Att 3BR, FLR/frplc, EIK, 2.5ba, fin bsmt, 1 car gar, driveway. $498K. By Owner 917-747-8565 FLORAL PK Legal 2 fam, all new, 4BR, 3ba, 2 kits, 22x130 lot, hdwd flrs, mrble bths, jacuzzi, AGP, excel rental income, SD#26, nr all. $585K. Owner 917-685-9231 FLORAL PK OPEN HOUSE Sat/Sun 14pm 87-11 259th St. 3BR/3BA col. LR, FDR, fin bsmnt, $599K Ownr 718-343-9285 FLUSHING 1fam brick col, grand, stunning, spacious, classic details, 3BR/2ba, FDR, fireplace, French doors, fin bsmt, new EIK, all new appls, Florida rm, new laundry room, alarm, 40x100, garage, mint, move-in cond, low taxes, $699K. Michael P. Carfagna, Bkr 718-446-6787 FLUSHING, 1 fam semi att, 3BR, EIK, DR, 1.5 ba, new windows, new porch, $450k. 718-428-9706 or 516-561-0176 FLUSHING/AUBURNDALE By Owner 1 fam house, 3Br 1.5bth, new kit fin bsmt, sep 1½car gar. SD#26 $465K 718-358-3197 FLUSHING beautiful 1 family hse, fully renov’d, 4Br 3Bth, full bsmt, 2 car gar, 40X100, $710K LL Realty 646-361-1504 FLUSHING OPEN HOUSE 8/8, 1-4, 130-46 60th Ave, 2fam, 5BR, 3ba, hdwd flrs, fin bsmt, 1 car gar $759k Owner 646-206-0843 FRESH MEADOWS - 2 fam det, brick, walk in bsmt, 26x41 bldg, 40x120 lot. R3-2. $739k. Agent Mike 917-642-3797 FRESH MEADOWS Det’d raised Ranch, 3Br, fin bsmt w/OSE, gar, close to all $575K Agent 917-703-4141 GLENDALE/UPPER 2Fam, 6/5, fin bsmt/ attic, both w/sep entr, lg yd. very gd cond $548K 718-507-4561/516-369-4659 HOLLIS 1 family house on 50x100 lot, 4BR, bsmt, det’d gar. Call owner, 718-464-6277; 718-464-6137 HOLLIS Mansion, 1 fam, det, 6BR, 3.5ba, pvt drive, 2 car gar, 50x100 lot, hdwd flrs, frpl, Ask $499K. Agent, 646-246-7410 HOWARD BEACH 1 Fam California split 3BR fin bsmt 2full bth AGP deck cath ceils. For free info call 1-888-826-5080 X3 HOWARD BEACH/Gold Coast Waterfront Home, 80x110. R2-3. Can subdivide, to (2) two family. Bkr 516-228-8222 x266 HOWARD BEACH; Rockwood Park, Exp’d Cape on lrg prop. 4 br, 4ba, igp, igs, $795k Parkside Realty. 718-846-3008 JAMAICA 3 flr Colo, 4br, 1.5ba, newly renov kit/new appls, porch, backyd, full bsmt, excel cond $325k ownr 718-523-0771 JAMAICA - A Buyers Market Buy This 3BR, 1.5ba, extra space, near all, $290’s Call now! New Sights RE 718-658-8400 JAMAICA ESTATES Opn Hse 176-41 80th Dr. 8/7-8, 10-1. 1 Fam 40x126, 4BR 2ba Cape, fin bsmt $729K ownr 917-885-4656 JAMAICA like new completely renov 3BR col w/fin bsmt apt lo down no close costs. Open Hse Sa Su 2-5 516-848-9999 L.I.C. - M1 Zoning, 2 family, 40x100 lot, good income, 10 car parking. Call Irene for info 718-274-0404 or 917-686-7345 MIDDLE VILL 2Fam Brk 4 rooms box ea flr, modern kit/bath huge yard $539K Montalbano RE, Carmen 646-302-7206 MIDDLE VLG 1-fam, 3 lg BR, 2.5ba, LR, DR, granite kit, fin bsmt, nice yd, totally renov, 25x100. By Owner 718-416-4252 MIDDLE VILLAGE 1fam att brk rnch, 2BR, LR, DR, 2ba, CAC, fin bsmt, pvt backyd, gar. $475K. Owner 718-899-7025 MIDDLE VILL OPEN HOUSE Sat/Sun 1-3PM. 2 Fam, architectural design, 3BR, LR, DR, Kit, new baths + 2BR duplex with pot’l for 2 more on 2nd flr, all new. Corner, brick, terr. etc. $699,500. 69-28 79th St. Owner/broker 212-421-7000 MIDDLE VLG corner property, 3br, 1.5ba, lr, dr, kitchen, full bsmt, 2 car gar, $549,000 owner 516-627-4733 QUEENS VILLAGE - 3 BR Colo, cozy living, garage, close to all. $319,990. Come see & make offer. Broker 718-776-6700 QUEENS VILL Great buy! Mint det 1fam 4br, 2 ba, fin bsmt, pvt drive, 1car. Broker Kevin, $339k 917-847-0123 RICHMOND HILL N, 5BR, det’d col, custom 1.5 bths, eik, fdr, lr, 25x100, $429k, Parkside RE 718-846-3008 RIDGEWOOD 3fam, solid brick, 3BR/2ba each flr, fin bsmt, hdwd flrs, 1 yr warr, 10 yr tax abatement. Brkr 718-523-8000 ROCKAWAY BEACH Huge fully renov 2 fam, 3 story, det’d Col, 103x40 lot, 7BR, 3 kit, 3.5 bth, full fin bsmt, porch, 2 rear decks, pvt driveway, great view, nr all. Call Paul 917-304-8852 ROSEDALE Mint 2 fam Col, 3br over 1br 3BR, LR, DR, EIK + Large 1BR with fin bsmt. $420k. Call Sharon 718-468-1427 SAINT ALBANS 3BR, 1.5ba, full bsmt, yd, gar, close to all, quiet area. $339K Imperato Rlty 718-672-2500 Co-Ops/Condos 400 For Sale ST. ALBANS Beaut 3BR, 2ba, fin bsmnt, priced under $300K. Lg LR, FDR, kit, centrally loc. Princ only Owner 718-279-4349 ST. ALBANS Beautiful tudor, nice quiet neighborhd, 3BR, LR, FDR, kit, bth, full fin bsmt/OSE. $319,900. Brkr 631-716-4000 SPRINGFIELD GARDENS 2 Fam, 25x100 lot, semi det’d, driveway, excel cond, A must see, $359K. Call Paul 917-440-3994 SUNNYSIDE 1 Fam brick att’d w/fin bsmt. 3br, 3ba, car gar, back yrd, good cond. $595k Broker, Doreen 917-337-2366 SUNNYSIDE- 2 family brick attached, 4.5 over 3.5 rooms, Gar, Driveway, Garden Modernized Br’s, $564K Sunnyside R.E. 718-392-7494 WHITESTONE 2 Fam brick, semi att, 5½ over 4, fin bsmt, 2 car gar, very gd cond Ownr 718-461-4649; 917-678-0824 WHITESTONE 4BR, 4BA, 2 kits, Mint, 50x100, fully fin basement Very large home. $785K. 917-476-9200 WHITESTONE Cape, by owner. $649K. LR, DR, kit, 4BR, full bsmt, patio. Principals only. 631-269-5736 WOODHAVEN 1fam det 5BR, 3 full ba, new EIK, fin bsmt, mint cond, lrg yd, $449K Guiseppone RE Inc. 718-805-8282 WOODSIDE 1 Fam Att’d Col. 3BR, 1ba, FDR, fin bsmt, 1 car gar. Asking $465K Owner 718-396-2477 Houses For Rent 407 BAYSIDE GEORGEOUS 3BR, det col. New kit/bths. New appls. Cac, oak flrs, pvt yd, SD26. $2850. Owner 631-864-6321 FLUSHING New home, 3BR, 2ba, jacuzzi, hdwd flrs, $1695+ utils. Optional attic 1 gar, $100. Owner no fee 718-393-7841 FLUSHING NO. M/D hi ranch, 3 BR, 4 bth, DR, LR, kit, ea flr, backyd w/patio, 2 car gar. Ask $4500. Owner 718-445-0848 JAMAICA ESTATES Beaut Det’d 3BR, 1 bath, Library, big backyd w/garden, cor prop, avail now, nr univ. $2700. Broker 212-683-2673 MALBA/WHITESTONE 1-fam 4BR, 3ba, renov EIK, beautiful yd, 2car gar. $3400. Owner 212-591-0446 WHITESTONE 3BR, 1.5bth, all new, no pets, $2400 util incl yard, & much more. Call Owner 917-596-8518 WHITESTONE 3BR semi-det house, 1.5 ba, laundry rm, 1 car gar, front porch, nice backyd. $1950. Martha, 718-358-4363 Co-Ops/Condos For Sale 415 BAYSIDE Bay Terrace Sect 10, lge sunny 1BR + sep dining area, great closets, excel view, parking avail, lo maint, $150k. Exclusive Broker 718-706-7755 x49 BAYSIDE Bay Terr Birchwood Duplex twnhs co-op, corner unit, 3BR, 2 1/2 bth updated kit/lr, SD25, prin only, 24hr sec, parking avail, ownr $339k, 718-631-2845 BAYSIDE, Cambridge Hall, 2 brs, renov’d kit and bath, Lg EIK, hrdwd flrs, pool, doorman, Ownr $245K. 718-479-4959 BAYSIDE-Estates, 2 Br Co-op cor 1st flr, small EIK, lge LR, full bth, only $170K Broker 917-750-7842 BEECHHURST Cryder Pt. Co-op, 2BR, 1.5ba renov, wtr & gdn view, 24hr sec, terr, pool. $345K Owner 917-885-8985 BEECHHURST Towers spacious 1BR,hge LR,new ba,EIK,nr shops/trans. $185,500. Bkr/Owner 718-767-1623 or 718-517-1001 BEECHURST/Le Havre co-op, renov 2BR LR DR 5th flr, terr, hi-hats, w/w, amenities For Sale by Owner 718-357-8170 BEECHURST Towers Bright 1BR, beaut new kit, near express bus to Manhattan & shop. Lo maint.$175K Brkr 718-767-1623 BELLEROSE Bell Park Manor, sunny 2BR, 1st fl garden apt, eik, fdr, bth, excel cond, nr all, $135k, ownr 718-217-1739 BRIARWOOD 1br w/TERRACE, bright, spacious, nr F trn/shops, easy parking. Won’t last! $109K Broker 718-297-7799 CORONA/REGO PK, lg 2BR/1.5ba co-op, fully renov, hdwd flrs, doorman, maint $600/all. $199K. Owner 718-592-7414 DITMARS (Upper)- 1 Br condo, fully renovated, approx 700 sq ft, 25 mins to Mahattan $260K Call 718-274-4474 DOUGLASTON, 3 1/2 rm, 2nd flr co-op, L-shaped LR/DR, a/c, near LIE/pkwys/ LIRR. $144,990. Owner 516-639-4038 DOUGLASTON/BEECH HILLS. Fully Renov! 1BR, upper cor, many xtras, nr all, lo maint, $189K. Owner 718-229-0711 FLUSHING 1BR $400/mo Maint OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN, 1-3 139-15 28th RD #1F 29-14 139th ST #3F ZITO REALTY 718-762-7080 FLUSHING 1BR co-op, full bth, hdwd flrs, lots of closet space, laundry facilities, nr bus, $121k owner, 646-623-7515 FOREST HILLS lge studio, 3rd flr w/view, move in cond, close to transp/ shops. Maint $286. Ask $85k. 718-938-9644 FOREST HILLS Lge 1BR co-op, charm foyer, new EIK, spac LR, hdwd flrs, e-z prkg, nr sub/RR. ownr $199K 917-232-7527 FOREST HILLS Lge Jr 4, great loc nr Xpress train, P/T drmn, poss prkg, w/w, new bth, owner $229K. 718-544-4519 FRESH MEADOWS Open House 8/14-15, 1-4 Condo 3BR, 2bth, gar, lo maint, mint, Owner $369k Princ Only 347-581-7346 GLEN OAKS 3br close to transportion & Uniondale Pike $249K 917-655-1282 GLEN OAKS mint 1BR upper, new w/w, a/c, d/w, w/d, attic, $187,900, princ only. Call for more info 516-445-4124 JACKSON HTS Uppr Ditmars Immac 2BR condo, fully renov. Express bus to Manhattan. $329K Agent 718-216-0596 KEW GARDEN HILLS Georgetown Mews, lge 1BR, 2nd flr, facing courtyd, $118K. By owner Jodee 917-517-4455 KEW GARDENS 1 br, Mint! Pre-war beauty! Hrdwd flrs, hi ceil, lrg windows, door man, only $129k 347-200-9481 KEW GARDENS Beautiful 1BR co-op, renov, new kitchen, Sec, close to LIRR and subway, by Ownr $140K 917-304-6094 415 LITTLE NECK/Deepdale Gdns, 3½ rms lower cor maint $416 furn avail hdwd flrs $170K Owner 718-224-1802 WHITESTONE Clear View great find! 2 br, upper, BRIGHT, spacious in lovley court yrd, Won’t last! $229k 718-297-7799 WOODSIDE 2 BR, 2 bth co-op, mint cond, enclosed balcony, hardwd flrs, sky line views of Manhattan/Brooklyn/ Queens. $330K. Owner 917-209-0985 Apartments For Rent 419 ASTORIA 10 MINS MANHATTAN Brand New & renov apts, rent stabilized, wood flrs, laundry, near N/R trains. Studios $750-$850; 1BR $925-$1300; 2BR $1200-$1600; 3BR $1500-$2100 Open 7 days Low Fee. Call Angelica at Capital RE: 718-278-0200 718-930-4141 ASTORIA 1BR $850 Nice Area. Ht Incl., sm fee. 888-531-6139 ASTORIA 2BR $1250 Pets Ok. sm fee. 888-531-6139 ASTORIA 2nd flr, 4RM Rail Road apt, Near trans. No Pets. $950. Call Owner 718-626-5415 ASTORIA 3BR apt, 2baths in private house, w/w, close to all. Call Owner 718-728-3099 ASTORIA 6 rms, 3BR in 3-fam hse, 2nd flr, near transp/30th & Steinway St. Avail now. Ownr 718-267-0915 ASTORIA apts, 2BR or 3BR All new. $1300-$1600. Call Owner 516-431-8055 ASTORIA/Ditmars Modern 2BR, 1st flr 2-fam, use of bkyd, walk to Ditmars Blvd, N/W train/shops. Street prkng always avail, $1400. Avail 9/1 718-352-8567 BAYSIDE 1BR $960 Ht Incl. sm fee. 888-531-6139 BAYSIDE 1BR, new kit & bath, hardwd flrs, EZ parking, near LIRR, absentee landlord, $1100/mo. Broker 646-338-1861 BAYSIDE 3BR, 2bths, duplex mint W/D, CAC, 2pking spaces, Immed Occup No smoking/pets $1750 Owner 718-428-0769 BAYSIDE By Owner. Lux, super lge, totally renov, new kit/appls/bth, cath ceil, 3br/2ba $2100. For appt 718-224-6586 BAYSIDE/FLUSHING NORTH 3BR, 2ba, wood flrs, EIK, 2 BLKS TO LIRR $1650 Ownr 917-704-0302 BAYSIDE N. 3BR 1.5 bth, gar, W/D. $1650; Also 1BR, ba, eik, yard $1200. Heat included. No pets 718-224-9290 BAYSIDE new 3BR, 2bth, LR, DR, kit, close to LIRR, no pets, no fee, owner, $2100 + utilities, 718-496-3908 BAYSIDE NORTH - 2 BR, 2nd floor, Renovated, new carpeting, totally reno kitchen Rent $1600 Owner 718-352-1556 BELLEROSE N. 3BR, 1.5bth, LR, DR, EIK, new appl, heat included, off Little Neck Pkwy By Owner $1800 718-343-2927 CAMBRIA HGTS Updtd 3BR apt w/terr, LR, DR, kit, 2 bths, mstr BR w/ whirlpool, W/D, immed occ. $1650/mo+ utils. Just Real Estate 718-723-4646 COLLEGE POINT 114 14th Dr. 3br, kit, dr lr, 2ba, 2nd or 3rd flr. 646-591-7502 After 5pm 646-247-5634 COLLEGE POINT, 2BR, W/D. parking, 2 fin big rooms in attic for storage, By Owner Cell 917-371-3272, 718-358-3195 CORONA 2BR, duplex $1100. Owner 718-459-7040 or 917-684-4405 CORONA HEIGHTS 2BR, rear yard, near park/shopping/trans. Immed occupancy $1300 Owner 516-775-6821 DOUGLASTON 3BR, 2ba, terr, incl gar, bsmnt, heat incl, nr transp/stores. No pets. Avail immed. $1850. 718-229-3710 DOUGLASTON 3BR/2BA, top flr, LR, DR, EIK, new carpet & paint, no pets $1750 + electric. By Owner 516-922-6309 DOUGLASTON/Little Neck Lux 2BR apt 1ba, patio, bkyd in 2-fam hse. Easy prkng, walk to all. $1450. 646-263-4275 ELMHURST, 3 brs, 1½ ba, EIK, Dr, Lr, balcony, share backyard, convenient to shopping/subway/laundry. Avail 9/1, $2200 util inc. 516-537-2154 FAR ROCKAWAY, Queens. 2BR apt in nice Elevator building, $1068/mo. Owner 718-375-6302 or 917-757-7269 FLUSHING 1BR studio, near NY Hospital, Kissena Prk Util incl no smok’g/ pets $750/mo Ownr 718-358-2129 ᔥ FLUSHING- 1 dorm, combo cocina/sala en casa priv 2 fam, limpio, calle tranquila, no mascotas $850/mes, 1 mes dep 718-445-2001 FLUSHING, 2BR apt, near all transp, Kissena Park area. Ready Sept 1. By owner. No pets. $1350/mo. 718-460-8540 FLUSHING 2BR, fully renov, incl heat & hot water, full kit & bth. Nr all trans $1200 Call Owner aft 10AM 917-533-8839 FLUSHING 3BR, 2bth 1min walkto LIRR, 22 min to Penn Sta, hardwd flrs $1700 gar avail 718-274-3559 FLUSHING 3BR apt, near everything. No pets. $1600 By Owner 718-353-2689 FLUSHING near Kissena Park, 4rms, 2BR, 2 Family house, new kitchen, $1200/mo. Own utilities. 718-461-8596 FLUSHING studio, nice & modern, sep entr, carpeted, furn, nr schl/hospital/ transport. Util incl $675 718-961-8087 FOREST HILLS 1BR apt, Nr Trans, All New, 1 Full bth, Kit, Appls & Carpet, Avail immed. $1250. Owner 646-591-1335 FOREST HILLS Austin St pvt home, 2br, 2ba, eik, dr/frp, elec not incl. Near all. $775 By Owner $975 718-740-4573 FOREST HILLS Pvt hse, (2) 1BR, w/w, incl util. Near all. No pets/no fee. Owner 646-773-7590 FOREST HILLS STUDIO $800 New renov. Util incl. sm fee. 888-531-6139 FOREST HILLS, Sunny 2BR, w/w carpet, CAC, W/D, nr shops/trans/Forest Hills HS. $1495/mo. 718-997-1309 Apartments For Rent 419 Rentals Houses 436 For Sale Manhattan’s Most Affordable Apts Manh: Stu W170st nr B’way $850 1Br W151st $900,2Br W156st $1200 Bronx:1Br Lux Grant Ave $850 ,2Br K’bridge $1000 Also accpt Sect 8 CE Realty 212-568-9900 Luxury Apts 159-10 71st Ave. PARK TERRACE West/INWOOD, pre1 & 2BR avail. Gas & heat incl. Indr war studio, w/lg closets, walk to train/ pking avail. No Fee. Call Rose bus/shop, no pets, $1000 212-304-9833 718-380-8882 ext 11 or 347-612-0232 SOHO New Renov. NO FEE FRESH MEADOWS Studio bsmt apt 3BR $3250, 2BR $2395,E.V/Usq 2BR $2295 walk in. Free util $850. Owner 917-304- LOW FEE E. Vill 2BR $1800,3BR 2BA w/ 9224 or after 4pm 718-463-6232 terrace $3500, LES 2BR w/terrance $2250 4BR 3BA Duplex $4400 KEW GARDEN HILLS garden apt 1.5Br, Call Kristi 917-496-7500 lr, dr, 24hr sec, parking, avail now $1250 Owner 631-888-0426 917-287-1440 KEW GARDEN HILLS 3BR, 2 full bath, UES 70’s Studio util. incl $1225-$1395 1 car gar $1500. Also 2BR, 2bath, 1 car 80’s One Bedrooms from $1400-$1600 91st DM 2BR,balc,free gym,pets ok$2550 gar $1250/mo. Avail now. 516-625-6276 Call Amy @ 212-239-8299 LAURELTON Newly renov bsmt studio apt, pvt entry, nr trans $750/mo. Utils incl. Avail Immed. Owner 718-978-1123 MASPETH Lge 2BR, EIK, fplc, skylts, porch, yard. Avail Immed $1675 incl utils. Owner No fee. 631-421-3475 MIDDLE VILLAGE Brand new 3BR, 2bth, 2 terr, 3 blocks to subway. $1500/mo. Owner 718-459-7040 or 917-684-4405 OZONE PARK, 1 & 2BR apts, convenient location, new carpet, fresh paint, no pets. Owner. 718-738-5651 BEDFORD STUYVESANT/E. NY 2 fam OZONE PARK- 1 Br apt, 2nd flr of pri- brk, all new, 6br, 4bth, 1 yr warr, 10 yr vate home, LR, Kit, Br, new carpet. tax abatement. $449k. Ownr 516-328-1959 $1050 Util incl Call ownr 347-432-3081 BEDFORD STUYVESANT 3 fam frame, near transportation/shops, great OZONE PARK 2.5BR MINT! investment. For more info 718-715-1376 New Kitchen & Bath, wd flrs in BRs, nr transit/shops. Won’t last! $1200 BUSHWICK 4 fam brick, near train/ Broker 718-297-7799 shops, 15mins from NYC, great investment. For more info call 718-715-1376 OZONE PARK, 5rms, 2BR in 2fam house, close to all transit & shops. No washer. CYPRESS HILLS huge 2 fam att brick , No pets. No fee. $1350/mo. 718-323-8767 big rms, gd income, nr trains/schools, OZONE PARK All new 2BR, 1st flr of le- Mint comd. Immed occupancy. Lo down. Must see. $389k. Agent 718-850-7873 gal 2 family. EIK, full bth. Nr all trans. Owner $1300 718-283-8791/718-694-1499 REGO PARK 1BR $950 Nice Area. DW, sm fee. 888-531-6139 RICHMOND HILL 2BR & den room for CONEY ISLAND rent, near train/school/hosp $1250/mo. 2BR apt, 2nd flr. Avail now. $1100’s. Call Owner 7pm-11pm 917-207-7863 Call Owner 516-827-9336 RICHMOND HILL Myrtle Ave, CYPRESS HILL, nr shops/transit/park, well maint’d, 2 br apt, $1,000 inc utils, Nr J train and rent stablized bldg. 2BR for $1200. bus. Owner. 718-827-1106 Agent 718-657-1085 WILLIAMSBURG (2) 4 rm apts, newly RIDGEWOOD 2BR 1st flr apt. EIK, LR. renov’d, in 6 family house, near L train. Close to train/park/shops. $1,200/mo. $1234 & $1360. No fee. Owner 718-314-7712 Call Sal 917-685-8194 RIDGEWOOD 2BR, 5 rms, newly renov kit & bth, no pets, 3rd flr, near transp $1050 incls heat only. Owner 718-352-8847 RIDGEWOOD 3BR, 3rd flr, new bth/kit/ flr, freshly painted, No washing mach. Avail 8/15. $990. Owner 718-225-1471 ROSEDALE 3BR apt, 2bth, LR, DR, Eik, 2nd flr, $1500 per month Call Owner 718-276-7682 ROSEDALE 6rm apt, carpeting, window BRONX OPEN HOUSE Open 2 Public Brokers Welcome Thur&Sun 8/12&8/15 treatments, a/c, D/W, driveway, yd w/sundeck, W/D optional, school 1 blk, 3-6PM 928 Wheeler Ave 3BR Colonial fin/bsmt $339K LSA Darlene 917-523-8410 no pets/smoking, G&E included. Avail Sept 1. $1800 516-223-8331 BRONX OPEN HOUSE Thur. & Sun. ROSEDALE Mint 3br, 2ba in 2 fam, near 8/12 & 8/15 11-2PM 3131 Grand Concourse Woodmere, near all, no pets/smoke. Exclusive spac STUDIO Lo maint $75K Move in Cond...LSA Darlene 917-523-8410 $1500 incl heat/gas Owner 516-488-5112 ST ALBANS Nice 3BR apt, lge attic pvt house, excel loc, $1350 mo. Call Owner 718-217-0335; cell 718-926-3648 SPRINGFIELD GRDN 3BR apt 2 full bth, lge Eik, w/w, pvt entry. 2nd flr, $1200+ RIVERDALE 1BR apt, laundry in bldg, utils Ownr 718-949-6769 917-862-2888 near train/shops, 30 mins from Manh, WAKEFIELD/OZONE PK new 2 or 3 BR, no smoking/pets $1200/mo 917-206-2185 2 ba, LR, DR, kit, nr all/JFK. No pets. $1050 & $1325. Owner/bkr 718-738-4338 WHITESTONE 5 rooms, 2br, lr, dr, kit, bath, balc, elec & gas incl, no pets. $1500/mo. Call Owner 718-767-7662 WHITESTONE Beechhurst Waterfront, 2 rm walk in, kit, ba, free boat mooring/ dock privileges. $1200/mo 718-767-7749 FRESH MEADOWS 2br, hrdwd flrs, balcony, near universities. Owner 718-591-6793 FRESH MEADOWS ATRIA 2000 Houses Co-ops & Condos For Sale 442 Rentals 446 Houses Co-ops & Condos For Sale 452 Rentals WHITESTONE N Flushing Brite 3Br 1½new ba, eik/new appl bkyd gar+drvwy prkg $1850all 347-392-1188 WOODHAVEN Lg 1br in 2 fam house, incl util. Nr all, $1K/mo. Owner d, 212688-4000 x593, e/wkend 718-847-0054 WOODHAVEN lovely studio, pvt hse, nr sub/bus, $800/mo cable & util incl. Avail now. Carlos 718-847-5578 after 4pm WOODHAVEN N., 2BR apt, kit, lr, full ba, 3rd flr, pvt house, near parks/trnsp. $1100/mo. Owner 718-441-8877 WOODHAVEN near Atlantic Ave, 1br, excel cond, top floor of lovely small bldg, open kit, hi ceilings, lots of light. Affordable at $850 Broker 718-297-7799 WOODHAVEN NORTH 2BR, lge LR, FDR, full kit, full ba, closets, convenient to all. No pets. $1400. Owner 718-296-8106 WOODSIDE 69th St & Northern Blvd, 2nd flr 3br, lr no pets $1500 incl heat/hot wtr/gas Ownr 917-301-3088 718-426-7522 WOODSIDE New 3BR, 2 full bath, LR, DR, big kit, balcony. Near subway, 15 min Manh. $2000 + util. 917-392-5567 Furnished Rooms 422 ASTORIA/LIC Room in 3br apt. $625 deposit + $525 rent. No smoking. Clean apartment. Call 718-268-0923 FLUSHING Attic rm in pvt house, mini kit & full bth, utils incld. 2 blks Queens College. Avail Now $600. 516-485-1034 HOLLIS 2 Furn Rooms, newly renov, new w/w carpet, male pref’d, tenants share bath & kit, $125/wk 718-776-9529 RICHMOND HILL rm in pvt hse, inclu fridge,micro,cable ready. Avail Immed. $140/wk 718-849-7740 or 917-518-0151 SPRINGFIELD GARDENS Share kitch & bath, $120/wk + 2 wks rent & security 917-873-0512 Roommates Wanted 425 OZONE PK Share pvt house, own BR, share kit & bth, close to all, prefer no smoking/pets. Avail now. 917-584-7857 Rentals 436 150th & Broadway Newly Renovated! Spaceous 2,3,4BR’s doorman,elev Bldg w/new hdwd flrs,kit(+applcs) and bths. $1,500-$2K Call agent Alisa 917-642-3054 456 Houses Co-ops & Condos For Sale 462 NEW DORP Open Hse 8/7, 12-3, 570 Clawson St, 1 fam rnch, det brk, 3 br, lr, fdr, eik, 1.5 bth, fin bsmt, 1 gar. Ask $449k. Metro Home Finders 718-505-4120 Houses For Sale 500 AMITY HARBOR 1/2BR "Cottage by the Sea", waterview, lo taxes, move-in cond. $297,000. Princ only. 631-842-8934 ATLANTIC BEACH New Cust home. 5BR, 3ba. Unbelievable extra’s, move in ready, must see! 183 Bermuda St. Brokers protected. Low $900K’s 516-255-4321 ATLANTIC BEACH ESTATES newly reno 3br, 3.5ba/jac, skylts, fin bsmt w/entr, pvt beach, oceanview $625K 516-371-5624 BABYLON N. 4BR, 2.5ba, $389K. New granite kit, LR/fplc, igp, deck, N. Babylon schls, att gar. Broker 631-253-2952 BABYLON N Newly renov W/L rnch, 2BR, 1bth, kit, LR, DR, bsmt, gar, sided, low tax, Like a model $329K 631-286-8727 BABYLON N. Open House Sun, 1-4, 1203 August Rd, 3BR rnch, 2bth, full bsmt, low tax. $314,990. Broker 631-893-4400 BABYLON W 4BR cape half dormered 2½ba LR kit den gar legal apt w/permit new roof/siding. $399,990 516-902-6909 BALDWIN- 2-story Hi Rnch, 4BR, 3ba, encl deck area. Mid $400’ s. Blackmore-Graham RE, 516-538-6500 BAYPORT SO., Must See. Diamond 4BR Colo, 3 full ba, 2 frpl, CAC/vac, parklike grounds, IGS, pond. $825k. 631-472-5176 BAYPORT S, craftsman style w/deeded beach rts, 3BR, den, 3bth, lr w/frpl, fdr, 3+ gar, leaded wndws, hdwd flrs, encl front porch, owner, $624k 631-244-6117 BAY SHORE 4BR Cape investors wanted, newly renov, lge rms, gar, wd flrs,new windows/ba.$280K 631-831-4108 BAYSHORE mint exp’d 7BR cape nr Queens, new siding/windows, 4 full ba, FDR, nice yard. Terrace R/E 631-224-4300 BAY SHORE SO. Open House 8/8 1-4. 1026 S Thompson Dr 3BR 2ba, cac, rm for Mom $349K Crown Homes 631-893-4400 BAYVILLE Mint 3BR 2ba rnch, cac, 1 car att gar, wood stove, LR, ofc, 80x100, hdwd flrs, side deck, $520k 516-236-5730 BAYVILLE OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN, 2-4 28 E. Slope Rd. mint, 3br rnch, 2ba, fplc, deck, new EIK $524k Broker 516-721-5182 BELLMORE NO. Diamond split, 3BR 2bth updated kit, ext den, fplc, CAC, alarm, IGS. Open House Sat/Sun 12-4pm 2851 Ammel Dr $549K Ownr 516-690-0606 Houses 500 For Sale BELLMORE N Must See Beat Manicured 4BR Col huge DR huge MBR w/2 wlk in closets bsmt apt $535K 516-783-3004 BELLMORE S. 4/5br splannch, 2.5ba/ steam rm, skylts, frplc, IGP, 2car gar & more. Princp only. $699K 516-785-0921 BELLMORE S. deep so, o’sz rnch, 4/5br, 2.5ba, fin bsmt, cac, updated kit, builtins, many extras $849,900 516-781-5017 BOHEMIA $449k 4BR, large EIK, FDR & LR, den, hdwd flrs, igs, ½ acre+, great loc & schools, lo taxes Ownr 631-567-0918 BROOKHAVEN HAMLET never lived in 4200sf col on 1ac 5BR 3ba 3car FLR FDR granite kit hdwd flrs CAC/vac IGS grt room/frpl bsmt/ose. $649K 516-808-0616 CARLE PL SD Nice area 4BR/3 updtd full bth incl master, fdr, den w/fplc, eik, 62x110 poss M/D $650K 516-354-7225 CENTEREACH Open House Sat 8/7, Sun 8/8, 12-4, 9 Daell La. 4BR, 2.5 bth C/H col DR, bsmt, bonus rm. $499k. 631-467-9589 CENTER MORICHES WATERFRONT 3 BR, 2 bth, includes legal apt, 2 car gar, deck, oak flrs. $575k. Owner 631-878-6845 CENTERPORT SD#6, 4BR, 2.5ba, Renov Col, den/frpl, new ba/kit/heat/appls/ siding, deck $585K Owner 516-242-3326 C ISLIP Lge 4BR, 2bth, all newly renov, det 1¾ gar w/elec. $353k Must See Unbelievable Call Bill 631-434-3493 COMMACK 3/4BR RNCH, eik, f/fbsmt w/OSE, skylts, agp, deck, igs, new: 2.5bth, SS appl., CAC/ht, Roof, wndws, prof lndscpd $539,990 Owner 631-543-0617 COMMACK Diamond ++ Tulipwood sect. 5BR, 2.5 ba, CH col, new gourmet kit, wd flrs, new roof/drs/wndw. All hi end upgrades, IGP. $625k. By appt 516-317-6261 COMMACK Reduced. Beaut 5BR, 3ba, 2864sf Cust Col Huge kit, lg lot, igs, fin bsmt, gar, fplc $559K owner 631-543-7269 COMMACK SD10, 3BR Rnch, many updates & amenities, 2 bths, whirlpl, IGS, IGP, CAC/alrm, bsmt, $485k. 631-864-2767 COMMACK updated exp’d rnch 3BR/2ba, granite eik, huge fam rm, fin bsmt, igp, cac, igs, deck, $539K 631-670-7086 COPIAGUE Open House 8/7 & 8/8, 11-4. 4br, new bth, full fin bsmt, 1 car gar. Excel. By Owner $325K. 631-871-5665 COPIAGUE Waterview, Owner anxious, gorgeous contemp vaulted ceils + every amenity mid $400K’s ownr 516-351-2003 DEER PK prime west side 4BR, 3bth, cac frpl, new roof, legal apt to rent, many xtras, $424k, owner 631-586-2662 DEER PARK Open House 8/7 1-4. 5 Lana Ct. Huge Cust 4br, 4bth Hi rnch on cul de sac $469,990 Crown Homes 631-893-4400 DEER PK Open Hse Sun 1-4, 6 Steven Ct. updtd 3Br Rnch, cul-d-sac, circ drv, EIK, LR, DR, bsmt/ose, agp $389k 631-254-2044 DIX HILLS 3BR, 2ba ranch, 1 ac, LR, DR, fam rm, EIK, igp, cac, updated bths, skylts, SD#5, lo tax, $770K 631-462-1023 DIX HILLS Open House 8/7 & 8/8 2-5pm, 24 High Pasture Circle. 5br, 3ba, ranch, 1ac+, asking $1million+ 516-779-7284 DIX HILLS OPEN HOUSE SAT 1-4. 20 Buttonwood Dr. SD5. Totally renov, 3BR/2bth Diamond+++ Rnch, granite EIK, LR, DR, Den/fprlc, cac, full bsmt, flat 1+ ac, Owner $829K. 631-645-6162 DIX HILLS SD5 Spac Col, 5BR, 2.5ba, EIK, frplc, hardwd flrs, CAC, acre. $810K 56 Arbor La. Owner 631-673-0410 DIX HILLS Vanderbilt area, SD10, lg updated col, 1ac+, 5br, 3.5ba, cac, full fin bsmt, extras. $869K Owner 631-499-0712 E ISLIP 5BR Col, E Islip Schls, EIK, DR, Fam rm, full bsmt, frplc, 2½ bths, S of Montauk Won’t last $429K. 631-466-1061 E. MEADOW expn’d rnch, all new, 4 BR, 3 bth, granite EIK, fin bsmt, IGS, CAC, gar. Lo tax, $469k. Ownr 516-476-5600 EAST MEADOW by Owner 5Br 2Bath Hi Rnch, 2 car gar, poss M/D, handicap access, good prof’l loc $479K 954-788-0311 EAST MEADOW - OPEN HOUSE - $429K 1667 Meadow La - Sat 8/14, 12-3PM Barnum Woods SD, great loc, plush grounds, Mint 3BR, 1 1/2ba, EIK, fin bsmt, CAC, IGS. By Owner 516-292-1668 E NORTHPORT Opn Hse 8/15 12-4. 3 Roderick Ct. 5BR col, 2.5ba, LR, DR, EIK, den w/frplc, spare rm, .5acre, great neighborhood, SD, $495k 516-742-2095 EAST NORTHPORT, SD#4, 4 brs, 2½ ba Col, EIK, FDR, Fin bsmt, Central Vac, pool, IGS, Owner. $925K. 516-457-7594 E. NORTHPORT Better Than New 3-4BR col, 2full bth, cac, SD#4, granite kit, fin bsmt Must See $589K Ownr 631-266-1178 EAST NORWICH Spectacular 3BR 2full bth Cape, ext’d Eik, fin bsmt, IGS, gas heat, $569K Ownr 516-659-7343 EAST ROCKAWAY wtrfrnt Bay Park 5BR 2bth, 2 car gar, buildable lot 120x90, SD19, ask $850k, Ownwer 516-887-3387 ELMONT Expanded cape, 4BR, 2 new baths, mint cond, fin bsmnt, new roof $399,000 Owner 516-488-7205 Leave msg ELMONT Floral Pk SD Opn Hse 8/8 1-3, 4BR 1ba, 1car Move in! $369K 1544 Marshall St. Owner 516-526-7581 ELMONT lg 2 story, 1st flr 2BR, kit, ba, DR; 2nd flr 3BR, kit, LR, DR 1ba fin bsmt $490k ownr 516-352-3423/718-551-5196 ELMONT - SD#13, Mint M/D Cape w/ permits, 4BR, 3 f/bths, 2kits, gar, fdr, fin bsmt, Owner $489K 516-532-6021 FARMINGDALE Mint Lenox Hills split, 9 rms, 2bth, updates, fbsmt, deck, cac, igs, poss M/D. Ownr $469k. 516-586-4106 FARMINGVILLE Rnch 1/2 ac, porch, 4BR, lg EIK, mastr ste, 2bth, fin bsmt, 2 gar, updated lo taxes SD5 $399K 631-736-0912 FLORAL PARK VLG Legal 2, 12 rms, 2 car garage, close to all, $525K Principles only 516-326-0776 FRANKLIN SQ totally renov, 4BR, 2 LR, fplc, 2 new EIK, 2 full ba, ose, SD17, 54x136 DANIN R/E $530k 516-297-3350 FREEPORT 10 Mayfair Ct. spotless 3BR cape, cul-de-sac, fin bsmnt, $370K Owner 347-524-1197 GLEN GOVE legal 2 fam, brick CH col, 5br, 2ba, 2 kit, totally renov, frplc, great rent $749K neg. princp only 516-287-4396 HAUPPAUGE bird sect, updted hi-rnch, 5br, 2ba, jac., den/frp, hrdwd flrs, cac, pool $549K Ronni Tranes 631-462-1800 HEMPSTEAD 1 fam rnch, 3BR, driveway, yard. Open House Sun 8/8, 12-6. 82 Vancott St. $250K Ownr/Bkr 718-454-5540 HEMPSTEAD Open House Sun 12-2, 111 Harvard St. Col, 4BR, 2.5bth, totally renov. $299K Owner 516-322-1056 HICKSVILLE 3600sf+ 7BR, LR/DR 13x45, fam rm 16x24, MBR 14x24, 3 full ba, 2 jacs, gar, frp, cac, igs, 12 skylts, 42 Anders wind, poss M/D, $659K 917-353-0957 HICKSVILLE Renov Cape Open House 8/7-8 & 8/14-15, 1-3. 20 Stanford La. $465k. Owner. By appt only 516-939-0726 Houses 500 For Sale HICKSVILLE JUST REDUCED - MINT COND 4BR/2 ba w/jacuzzi, LR, DR, EIK, fin bsmt, pool, IGS, alarm, lndscpd. 42 Gardner Ave. $499K. 516-433-2640 HOLBROOK 3yr 4BR Col, wd flrs, lr, dr, kit, fam rm/frpl, 3.5ba, fin bsmt, cac, igs, pool, Trex decking $674k 631-471-4967 HOLBROOK "The Colony" Spectacular lakeview end unit for sale by Owner. 4BR, 2.5ba, 2004 upgraded designer kit/ neutral granite countertops & new carpeting thruout, immac cond. Must see! Asking $539K. 631-877-7797 HUNTINGTON/GREENLAWN Diamond Rnch 3Br 2 Bth, 1+ acre, cath ceil, SD1 $699K Open Hse Sun 11-1 631-827-1142 HUNTINGTON 22 North Street, Huntington Station. 6 BR, 3 BA, 2 KIT, 100x200 Needs TLC. $450K/neg 480-241-5849 HUNTINGTON, 5 Hilary Ct, Sun filled Custom 4000sf 11rms 1/2 ac, huge home office, near park $829K 516-456-9123 HUNTINGTON Charm. Cape pvt beach/ dock assoc, 3br/2ba, frp, hdwd flr, .4 ac $609K 7 Croft Pl. Ownr 631-425-0473 HUNTINGTON/Greenlawn 4BR, 2.5ba, SD6, huge great room, fpl, CAC, 2car, Owner motivated, $615K. 516-551-5559 HUNTINGTON/Greenlawn Elwood SD1, Contemp 4Br 3Bth, fin bsmt, igp, igs, cul-sac, Bst ofr over $500K 631-757-7079 HUNTINGTON Open House 8/8 2-4 37 Weston St. ext’d rnch, 5br, 1/2ac, SD 13 Asking $550K 917-992-0053 HUNTINGTON Pvt Beach/Mooring 2BR, 1ba, lr/frplc, $399K tax $3k, Princ Only. Avail while under renov. 7 Blackberry Ln 631-271-3304 HUNTINGTON SD 6. New 4/5br, 3.5ba Salem Ridge area, Arts & Crafts style home on prvt parklike acre, top of the line everything. ask $1.45mil 631-423-3312 HUNTINGTON S. like new hi rnch, 6 over 4, 3bth, cath, 2car, CAC, hardwd & more, great M/D. $429k Ownr 631-425-7590 HUNTINGTON STA like new 2 story w/1 car gar, 3BR/2 full ba, hdwd flrs thruout, LR, DR, $450K, 631-363-0031 HUNTINGTON STA, 3 br ranch, kit, Lr, CAC, deck, det gar, New roof/gutters, Well maintd. $295K. 631-271-6774 HUNTINGTON Waterview 3mo old custom Victorian, 3/4 acre, 5Br/3.5ba $1.8 million Owner 631-261-6505 INWOOD 4BR Cape,LR,DR,ovz’d yd, deck, AGP & more! Excel cond. $445K. Call Broker 917-922-7407 or 718-868-0484 INWOOD/Five Towns, Cust, open, spacious,kit,LR,DR,frp,4 BR, MBR w/ jacuzzi, $400’s Ownr 516 374-8511 516-569-0724 ISLANDIA Complete New Renov M/D, 5 BR, 3 ba, 45 x 15 LR, Huge EIK, Deck, Walk to Shops, $369K. Ownr 631-234-6312 ISLANDIA Opn Hse 7/31 & 8/1, 1-4. 71 Split Cedar Dr. 10 rms, 2 ba. Totally renovated. $339k. By Owner 631-630-1539. ISLIP So of Montauk, lo taxes, mint 3BR, 2 full ba cape on quiet street, new EIK w/snrm. $409,900 Brkr 516-319-2252 ISLIP Totally updated Hi Rnch top of the line, 5br, 2bth, eik, lr, den, poss M/D, too much to list $490K. 631-224-9556 JERICHO/E Birchwood JERICHO SD OPEN HOUSE Sun 8/8 11:30- 1:30, 4 Birchwood Pk Ct. Perfect 4BR 3BA exp ranch, cul-de-sac, lovely yard, $800K’s TARLIN 516-526-3226 KINGS PARK Col, .23 acs, 4BR, 2.5ba, den/fplc, cac, IGP, IGS, brk patio, full bsmt, oak flrs. $625,000. 631-834-7393 KINGS PK Open House Sun 2-4, Mint Col w/Vict porch, waterview, 3BR, 118 Longfellow Dr. $469K owner 631-361-5342 KINGS PARK- Victorian, 4 Br, 4 Ba,2 frp, LR, FDR,den, laundry rm, EIK w/ granite tops, Central Vac/AC, fin bsmt, 2 car, Prof landscaped,Htd IGP, Too much to list!! Immac home! $699K 631-979-8274 LAKE GROVE New cul-de-sac Col 5BR 3 full bth/jacuzzi, hardwd flrs, CAC. full bsmt/ose, $559K 631-736-9307 LAURELTON- 1 fam det brick cape 4 Br, FDR, 3 Ba, fin bsmt,det 1 car gar, must see! $379,999 Lee’s Realty 718-341-1100 LEVITTOWN Charming 6 room Cape, 3BR, LR/DR, EIK, patio, many updtes, Move in cond $340k Owner 516-735-1174 LEVITTOWN / ISLAND TREES 4br, lr, dr, EIK, gar, deck, cac, 2ba, lndscaped. $460K Owner 516-735-3815 LINDENHURST 2 fam by CO waterfront, 11 boat slips, 15rms, 6br, all updated, 125x122 prop, lo taxes, $724K 516-315-5466 LINDENHURST 4BR waterfront, 2 lge full bths, completely renovated, 60’ bulkhead, owner, $479k 516-316-5010 LINDENHURST 4BR 2Bth Cape, EIK, Lr, frplc, poss M/D, 1-car, lge lot $359K BKR 516-225-8618 LINDENHURST N. Open House Sat/Sun 8/7-8, 12-4, 63 Farmers Ave. 4+BR Cape, 3ba, gar, rm 4 mom. $459,990 631-365-6162 LINDENHURST Renov 4br, 3ba, Cape Cod w/11rms, fin bsmt & conv gar, close to LIRR $359K neg. Call Abe 631-664-4080 LINDENHURST 8 yr Ultra cust contemp 3900 sq ft, 5BR, 4 bath, 18’ ceils, pool & jacuzzi, separate apt, south of Montauk $659,999. 631-226-5302 LOCUST VALLEY-LATTINGTOWN4BR/2ba, Hideaway in Peaceful Country Setting. Low Taxes $699,000 516-674-2263 LONG BEACH contemp 2 BR, 1.5 bth, 3 skylt, bright, charming, steps to beach, mint cond. $379k. Owner 516-897-5923 LONG BEACH E., Exceptional 4BR, 2.5ba Contemp, near beach. Serious inquiries. Owner $615K. 347-200-8161 LYNBROOK SD#20 3BR, 1.5ba, FLR, DR, den, EIK, fin bsmt, deck, vinyl wndws, many updates. $479K. Ownr 516-887-9502 LYNBROOK-SD20, 3/4br, 2 full ba, new kit/dining, full bsmt-½ fin, gar, new rf & furnace. Owner $479K 516-887-9549 MALVERNE SD13, total renov dormered cape, immac, 4 BR, 3 bth, granite kit, marble bth, hardwd flrs, new windows, fin bsmt. Mint cond. $529k. 516-593-4775 MANHASSET Open Hse 8/8 & 8/15, 12-4 5BR, 2ba, LR, DR, walk RR & shops. $799K. 51 Andrew St. Ownr 516-365-5347 MANORVILLE COUNTRY PTE mint 3 yr, 4BR, 2½bth, hrdwd flr, igs, paver patio, backs/preserve $499K Ownr 631-928-2161 MANORVILLE Pristine 12rm 3M sq ft 2 story 10yr ctr hall 6br 3ba, vaulted ceils, alarm, 1 acre, lo taxes $575K 631-874-5144 MASSAPEQUA 4BR, 2bth cape, dr, full bsmt, SD23, walk LIRR, new boiler/roof, $449k, owner, 516-541-4013 Houses 500 For Sale MASSAPEQUA E., 4BR, 2ba, fin bsmt, den, garage, low taxes, poss M/D. $320k Dreyfuss Homes 516-287-6164 MASSAPEQUA Nassau Shores. Waterfront Open House 8/8, 12-2. 62 Waterview Ave. Bkr 516-228-8222 x266 MASSAPEQUA Open House Sun 12-4 4BR Col, all renov, 2full bth, 1.5 det gar. $439K 29 Sycamore St Ownr 516-521-2252 MASSAPEQUA Open Hse 8/14-15, 12-4p, 218 N. Wisconsin Av. Diamond 3BR, 3ba, fplc, fin bsmnt, deck $475K 516-454-8862 MASSAPEQUA PK Bar Harbor 4BR, 2.5 new bth, LR, DR, den, new kit, 2.5 car gar, new CAC/deck. $825k. 516-798-0852 MASSAPEQUA Updated cape, SD23, 4br, 3new ba, cac, new kit/wndws/roof, fin bsmt, tax $5400. $499K 516-798-6907 MASTIC 4BR Lg Col, 2ba, DR, LR, EIK, fam rm, 1/3 acre, garage, part fin bsmt, agp, move in cond, $329,999 631-281-6436 MASTIC BEACH 3BR Rnch 2bth, full bsmt/OSE, new carpet/paint 100x100, $254,900 Owner/Agent 631-921-6375 MEDFORD BIG HOUSE, BIG LOT! 4/5br col, new eik/2.5 ba, fin attic, bsmt 3/4ac. $379K. Ownr/Bkr 516-489-9446 MEDFORD Spacious 3br Col, 1½ba, FDR, LR, EIK, den, 1 car, Fla. rm, complete interior renov $359,900 516-797-1150 MELVILLE-SD5-Gated Comm 6 yrs, 6BR, 3.5 bth, CAC/vac, frplc, jac, fin bsmt, 2 car, cul de sac, Owner $809K 631-501-1031 MERRICK S. Open House Sat, Aug 14, 12-2pm. Mint cond, expnd split 6BR, 4ba, LR/skylt, den/frpl, new lg kit w/lg deck, ofc, cac, hi-hats, igs, ovrszd prop, many updated features Must See! $749K Owner, PRINC ONLY 516-551-4445 MERRICK S. Immac 4BR split, 3full ba, gourmet EIK, CAC, frpl, pool, pvc fence, igs, deck. $799K Owner 516-379-9331 MILLER PLACE Diamnd Cape MPSD dead end, hdwd flrs frpl 4BR 2 full ba fin bsmt new roof/kit/ba $359k 631-744-2547 MILLER PLACE L.I. Sound Waterfront ½ ac, 3/4 BR, 2 bth, great rm, pvt beach Ownr finance. Princ $994,900 631-331-1882 MILLER PLACE-No. of 25A, cul-de-sac, brk C/H, 3600sf, 5BR w/mstr suite, 3ba, hdwd flrs thruout, marble & ceramic, CAC, gunite pool, 2car, fully lndscp’d, Princ only. $719,000. 631-821-6717 MILLER PL N.- CH Col, 4BR, 2½ bth, LR, FDR, den, frpl, EIK, fin bsmt w/OSE, CAC, 2car IGS, xtras $574K. 631-474-0231 MT SINAI N. of 25A 3BR Cape 2 Bths, lr, EIK, frplc, gar, igs, renov’d in & out, deck, low tax $489,990 Ownr 516-650-1513 MUTTONTOWN Jericho SD, 2 pvt acres, 6BR, 6.5ba, 5000sf, igp/tennis, fin bsmt, 3-car, $1.899M. Owner 516-364-4548 NEW HYDE PARK Great Neck SD, spac CH col, 4/5BR, new EIK, lg LR, DR, den/ fplc, cac, igs, porch, $709K. 516-270-2072 NEW HYDE PARK M/D 4BR, 3 new baths, agp, new garage, great loc, $589k Ownr 516-270-2584 NORTHPORT, ASHAROKEN Wtrfrt 4BR Contemp w/140’dock,pool,beach.Loaded w/amenities! Low taxes! $1.75M. Karen, DISTINCTIVE PROPERTIES 631-261-0300 NORTHPORT VILLAGE Woodbine Ave Waterview, 3BR, 2bth, EIK, LR/frpl, DR, CAC, 2 car + barn $779K.IN CONTRACT OAK BEACH Wtrfrnt Gated Community Beautiful 4400 sqft hse, magnificent views of ocean, bay, inlet. Pvt beach front, 2decks, 3frpl $1.5M 570-775-6555 OAKDALE Idle Hour mint 4/5BR col, 2 ba lg eik, dining area/lr, den/frpl, updated, lo tax, poss M/D. $479,990 631-589-8122 OCEANSIDE expd cape, 4BR, 2 full bth, new granite eik, fdr, marble flrs, igs, new Andersens/rf gar $479k 516-369-6944 OCEANSIDE/Oceanlee split, 4 brs, 2 ba, new siding/windows, lg deck, lo taxes, Prime cond, $529K. 516-770-6163 OCEANSIDE Open Hse Sat/Sun 12-2 2664 Locust Ave. Cape 3/4BR, 2Bths, fplc, fin bsmt, hdwd flrs, igs, ¼ ac, lrg gunite igp,mid $500k’s Princ only! 516-764-0845 OCEANSIDE Waterfront Magnificent Contemporary Diamond Condition, 4br, 3bth, $799,000, Owner, 516-459-5594 PATCHOGUE 4br cape, lr, dr, den, kit/ nook, oak floors, 2car, full bsmt, cac. $495K Owner 631-363-5722 or 631-236-6477 PATCHOGUE Democratic Hill 4BR, 2bth Cape full bsmt w/OSE, many updates, $319,500 Ownr 631-774-0208 PATCHOGUE E Cust Vict 3yrs, 4/5br, 2.5ba, cust kit, fdr, 3500+ sq ft, igs, cac, 1ac, low taxes! near Bellport Village, $579,900 516-779-8238 PATCHOGUE Lakefront E Tudor 3BR/ 3.5ba FDR Tile/Mrble IGP IGS 3400sf pvt Lg kit & den $699K 631-758-9390 PATCHOGUE VLG near bay, mint, all new, 1br+, 1ba, cath ceil, lo taxes, pvt st. Principals only, $209K 516-978-3791 PLAINVIEW/Old Bethpage hi-ranch, SD#4 4-5BR, 3ba, EIK, cac, new rf/ siding/wndws. $549K. Ownr 516-293-2532 PT JEFFERSON/E.SETAUKET SD#1, 4BR 3bth, o’sized ranch, igp, bsmt, many xtras, 2 car, owner, $529,990 631-928-8274 PT WASHINGTON Open Hse Sun 12-4, 12 Levi Pl. 2br/1ba Col, deck, great cond, walk to RR, $375,000/neg 516-214-8372 RONKONKOMA 3BR/3BA, newly renov, room for mom, OSE, fin bsmnt, dead end, low tax, $425K Owner 631-484-6800 RONKONKOMA Charming Newly restored w/great loc, commute, neighbors, schools, 3 BR/hrdwd flr, 2bth, cac, fin bsmt, gar, fenced yd Move in cond. A steal at $369,990. Owner 631-758-6953 RONKONKOMA Sprawling 3br, 3ba rnch w/stone & brick accents, mstr ste w/ba & pvt sit rm, fin bsmt $425k 516-314-9007 ROOSEVELT 3BR LR FDR bath, EIK spacious bsmt & yd, close all, sold as is, must see $299k neg Bkr 718-206-9622 ROSLYN HGTS Open Hse 8/7-8 & 8/14-15, 12-4, 39 Roslyn Rd: 2/3BR col, 2 full ba, lge 2+ car gar. $399K. Owner 516-621-3676 ST JAMES Must Sell, hi ranch, 4br, 2 ba, eik, dr, lr, new furnace/cac/rf/wndws, poss m/d, $435k Owner 631-584-7147 SEAFORD Expn’d Splanch hidden harbor 4Br 2.5Bth, bsmt, 2 car, 2700sf, frplc, igp/wetbar, new roof/winds/doors, cac $600K’s ownr 516-221-2885 SEAFORD Opn Hse Sun 8/8 12-3 Updtd Split 3+BR new kit/roof/cac/brk, 20x20 den $449K. 3958 Demont Rd 516-826-3494 SELDEN 3BR, 2ba rnch, LR/brk frpl/cath ceil, gar, IGP w/wraparound patio, IGS. $330K Owner 631-732-1959 SELDEN Must sell. Hi Ranch, 4br, 1½bth, poss M/D w/permits, corn prop, nice loc $340K. Ownr/Brkr 631-766-9562 Houses 500 For Rent SETAUKET 2BR,1ba on pvt .86 Park like acre, overlooking golf course. Spectacular setting. $575K. Owner 631-751-0636 SETAUKET S, beautiful 4BR 3bth splanch, .4ac, many updates, low tax, great view, owner, $415k 631-588-7049 SHIRLEY 1 ac, 5br, 3 full ba, 2 kits, den, sep mstr/full ba, 3-zone heat, bsmt/ OSE, det 2 car gar $377,990. 631-398-2262 SHIRLEY William Floyd SD, Wideline 3 BR Ranch, Huge Kit, Large Prpty, $279K. Owner 516-532-7525 SHOREHAM 3br Ranch, 3 ba, lr, eik, dr, fam rm w/frpl, skylts, igp, full bsmt, 1/3 acre, 1.5 gar. $427k Ownr 631-744-4288 SMITHTOWN Opn Hse 8/8 1-3, 114 Brooksite Dr, Diam Rnch, 4BR/2ba, .50 ac. 2 car Fully Renov! $559K 516-318-1304 SMITHTOWN Windcrest Townhse, end unit, 3BR, EIK, DR, LR, bsmt, 1 car gar, 2.5 ba, pond front Mid $500s. 631-767-2696 SOUND BEACH 2yr old cape mint cond 3Br 2ba, lg LR, lge EIK, Fin bsmt, 1att gar. Rocky Pt SD. $365K onr 631-734-5713 SOUND BEACH Open Hse, Sun, 12-5, 3BR, 1.5ba, Miller Pl SD, lo taxes. $309K. 256 Rocky Pt Rd. Owner 631-744-3225 STONY BROOK Beaut 4BR, 2.5ba cape, many extras & improvements in/out, M sect. Owner $419K 631-751-8838 STONY BROOK Expn’d CH Col, 10rms, 4Br, 2.5Bths. .58 acre, many updates & xtras, cul-d-sac, Immed occpcy, Must see $485K Owner 631-751-2640 Open Hse Sun 11-2 4 Harmon Ct STONYBROOK Open Hse 8/8, 10-3pm, 4 Fraternity Ln, Diamond 3BR Col, 2ba, gar, All new, $418k Owner 631-331-6973 SYOSSET N/Muttontown area, very lge French Col, prklke, 2.4ac, 30x35 grt rm, o’sz 3.5 car, Berry Hill Elem, pool, lighted tennis $1.599K 516-921-0095 SYOSSET Open Hse Sat/Sun 1-4pm 4-01 Jean Pl updated 4BR, 2.5bth split, lge rms, cac, fin bsmt. Ownr 516-921-2073 SYOSSET Open Hse Sat/Sun 1-4. 8 Sunbeam Rd. Lge Clearview split 3br, 2½bth, eik, skylts, igp $670k 516-433-8583 UNIONDALE Excel cond. Split level, hi rnch, 4BR, 2bth, gar, fenced, 40x100, extras. $402K Owner 516-946-9845/ 292-6687 UNIONDALE Newly renov $300’s. 5/6 BR w/all new kit/bth/fam rm/heating/ sewers. poss M/D, lo tax, overs’d lot, nr everything. Owner 516-639-2609 VALLEY STREAM 1 fam brk 3BR, 1.5ba, fin bsmt, 1.5 car garage. $369K. FIL-AM HOMES 718-658-4886, 718-578-1572 VALLEY STREAM 6 Lake Dr. N. Open Hse Aug 8, 14-15, 12-4pm. 3BR, 1.5 ba Col, hdwd, near park $455k. Bkr 631-476-5871 VALLEY STREAM N./Fritchie Pl. Mint corner cape, 4BR, 2 f/bth, FDR, fin bsmt, gar, all new! Bkr 516-228-8222 x266 VALLEY STREAM SD#13 M/D, 11 rms, 6down, 5up, 2.5 ba, fin bsmt, gar, 40x100, pool, park area. $470K 516-872-8947 WADING RIVER 4BR/MBR suite, 4.5ba, SWR SD, Birchwood, 4600 sq’ Diamond +. Too much too list. $950K 631-886-1026 WADING RIVER Legal 2-family ranch, large corner lot, walk to beach, $310K. Riverhead schls By Owner 631-805-4168 WANTAGH OPEN HOUSE SUN, 1-4pm. SD#23 BRIGHT SPACIOUS 4BR SPLIT, 3BTHS, FIN BSMNT, LR w/gas FPLC, CATH CEIL & LOFT, HARD WOOD FLRS, DEN, IGS, HEATED IGP, VERY PVT BACK YD. NEAR LIRR $599k. 516-785-3225 WESTBURY Jericho Grdn Open House By Owner Sat Sun 2-5pm Mint 4BR 3bth split, 6 Maxwell Dr, $520K 516-333-6996 WESTBURY/Salisbury Open Hse Sat, 8/14, 12-4p, 812 Merillon Av. SD#3 Mint 4BR, $395K. Station RE 516-741-5960 WESTBURY Split Ranch, 3BR, 2 1/2 bth, IGP, huge backyard, modern upgrades, $548k, Call REMAX 2000 718-848-2500 WESTBURY Split, Sherwood Gdns 3br, 3.5ba, den, patio, cac, fin bsmt, 2car, fenced yd. $479,900K 516-334-2078 W. HEMPSTEAD, 100% renov, 3 brs + Mstr Suite, 3 full ba, Lr w/fplc, dr, granite Kit, den, 2½ car $699K 516-485-8492 W. HEMPSTEAD Presidential Sect M/D, 6BR, 3bths, 2 kits, 2-car gar, 100x100 covered patio $695K Owner 516-538-1322 W. HEMPSTEAD Open Hse 8/15 1-4 SD17 DIAM. 3BR 2ba SPLIT. All New Granite EIK, IGS, AGP $549k Owner 516-481-1357 W ISLIP Open House Sun 1-4 or by appt, $529K, 711 Center Bay Dr, top loc, s of Montauk, Bch, dock, 4Br, 2Bth, 2car, dr, huge fam rm/frplc, Owner 631-321-4971 WEST ISLIP 228 Curtin Ave. Poss M/D, 6br, 3 full bth, EIK, FDR, LR, den, summer kit, 1/4 ac, Lo tax. $515K Owner 631-661-7058 Houses For Rent 507 BELLMORE S. WATERFRONT, 3BR Col, 1.5 jacuzzi bth, granite kit, WD, D/W, a/c, patio. $2700 Immed! 516-623-0094 BETHPAGE 3BR, 2ba, EIK, FDR, LR, den, fplc, cath ceils,IGP, tub rm, skylts, walk to RR. Princ Only. $2700/mo 516-510-4188 BROOKHAVEN/YAPHANK 3BR Main Flr Hi Rnch & yard, renov. No pets. $1500 + utils. No fee. Immed occup 631-423-9661 COMMACK 3BR, 2bth, new maple granite kit, LR, DR, fenced yd, gar, bsmt, deck, $2200+. 631-499-7944 or 631-864-4210 COPIAGUE 7BR Expanded Ranch, 3 kitchs, 3bths, fenced yd, $3350 plus utils. 631-484-2159 or 631-243-5246 DEER PARK kit, DR, LR, 3 BR, deck, yd, gar, no smoking, no dogs. $2100 heat & elec not included. By owner. 516-476-3011 E. ROCKAWAY Waterfront immac 1 BR w/loft, int completely refinished deep canal, includes boat slip, parking, W/D, frplc, Avail 9/1. $2150. 516-593-7940 EAST ROCKAWAY Waterfront 2 BR, EIK, W/D, a/c, D/W, rear deck, very clean, pvt parking. $2200. 516-805-9786 GREAT RIVER NORTH, 3BR, lg yard, off st. prking. $1600 + util. Jimmy 631-831-2176 HOLBROOK Open House Sat/Sun 8/148/15 11-2pm. 819 Main St. 3/4BR, 2ba, LR, EIK, w/d hook up. $1800/mo. Avail 9/1. LAKE GROVE 3br, 1ba, ranch, fenced yard, $1495 + util, 2 mo sec, no pets. Avail 8/15 owner 631-979-9244 LAKE RONKONKOMA, Pvt home 3BR, 1ba, EIK,DR, DW, lge deck, Sachem SD, incl heat & water. $1600/mo. 516-857-8887 LEVITTOWN 3BR, 2ba, EIK, W/D hook-up, fenced yd, Island Tree SD. $1,950 + util. 718-762-8357 LINDENHURST Private Bch, bayviews, 2/3BR’s, 1Bth, newly renov’d $1900+ util Owner 631-957-7051 Apartments 507 For Rent LONG BEACH E. Walk to Beach, 3BR, 2ba, LR, DR, EIK, full fin bsmt, deck, cac no smoke/pets $2800 Ownr 516-578-7076 MASTIC BEACH 2 br house, Lr, kit, bath, gar, lg property, W/D, Screened porch, $1600 + Utils. 631-478-7643 MASTIC BEACH 4br, 2ba, lg kit, lg lr, w/w new carpet, porch, tool shed, fenced yard, immed occup $1800 + no fee 631-475-1684 MASTIC Charming 3BR ranch, totally renov, new appls, W/D, fenced yd, $1800 + util. No smoking/pets. 516-982-1398 MASTIC - New 3BR, 1ba, LR, DR, kit, laundry rm, elec & oil included. $1900/mo. 631-874-2861; 516-903-1696 SAYVILLE 4 BR, 2 bth, EIK, gas frplc, W/D, lg fenced yd. $2300. Sec, Refs. Owner 203-438-9582 SHIRLEY Large duplex 2BR, LR, EIK, bsmt, driveway, yard. MINT! $1250 + util. Owner 718-946-4139 SMITHTOWN 2BR 1Bth, lr, kit, W/D, close to town $1500/mo Owner 631-543-7444 Co-Ops/Condos For Sale 515 BAITING HOLLOW WATERFRONT Best of the Bluffs, Open Hse Sun 1-3. 403 Fox Hill Dr. Spectacular Sound views/sunsets, 2BR/2ba condo, wd burng frp, deck, golf, pool, tennis, mint cond. By Owner. Ask $540K. 212-988-5656 BAITING HOLLOW Willow Pond Condo Upper 2BR, 2bth, frpl, pvt beach pond view, club hse, pool $310k 631-495-2953 BAY SHORE Windemere Diamond 2 Story Gated Community 2BR, 2.5ba, LR, DR, den, fplc, EIK. gar cac $525K 631-969-1604 CORAM Co op, 2BR, 1.5Bth, encl patio, pool/tennis, BBQ, clubhouse & more $150K Owner 631-732-0595 FARMINGDALE 1BR co-op, newly renov, EIK, walk LIRR, $615 maint incl heat/ water/gas. $159K. Owner 516-293-4051 FREEPORT 1BR corner apt on canals, swans, dock privileges, terr, pool, prkng. $229K. Owner 516-379-0687 GLEN HEAD Spac upgraded 2BR, 2.5ba secluded twnhse. Gourmet kit, hdwd flrs, walk RR/shops. $585K. 516-674-9265 HAUPPAUGE Spring Meadow Co-Ops Extra lge 1BR upstairs, corner unit. All appls. Furn’d. $195K 631-979-9616 HOLBROOK Woodgate Vill. Diamond 2br, 1.5bth condo, all redone, cac, patio pool/tennis Owner $295K 516-996-7605 HUNTINGTON VLGE Diamond 2br Co-Op beautiful new kit/bath, sunny ground flr corner, $359K. 631-427-0116 ISLIP Emerald Wds, Mint twnhse, 2Br. 2½bth, den, LR/frplc, DR, EIK, cac, owner $435K. D 631-666-8000; Nite 631-277-6914 LONG BCH Reduced Parker DeVille 1Br new kit/Ba, new flrs/terr, Gym/pool, on boardwlk, $259k Owner 516-902-5312 MANORVILLE/Silver Ponds, Ashton II 1999 2BR, 2ba, gar, loft, cac, extras, $339,000. 631-874-0835 MANORVILLE/The Greens Open Hse, 8/7 1-3, 8/8, 12-4. best vus, 2BR, 2ba, fplc, skylts, cac, gar $324,900 631-219-6069 MORICHES Waterways 55, newer, 3BR, 2fbth, frpc, chair elev, gar, pond, all amenities pvt marina $375k. 631-878-7890 PLAINVIEW Hamlet on Old Oyster Bay Luxurious 2BR Villa Open Hse Sun 11-2. or call for appt, $739,999. 516-367-3715 PLAINVIEW Hamlet 3br, 2bth end unit, eik, hdwd/ceramic flrs, gated, bbq, pool/gym/rest. $615K 516-361-3100 PORT JEFF STA Fox Meadow 1BR ranch sunny end unit w/gar, Open Hse Su, 1-3, 109 Sara Circle $289K. 631-928-1439 PT JEFF STA/SAGAMORE HILLS Updated 2BR Condo, EIK, 1½bth, new w/ w, cac, $265k. 631-476-1901; 631-588-0970 RIDGE Leisure Village 2BR Regency, cac, gar, gated, amenities, excel loc. $289K. Day 516-242-0015/Eve 631-472-0906 ROSLYN HGTS/Summit at High Pt. Open Hse 8/8, 12-2pm, 57 Center Ct. 5BR, 3.5ba, LR/fplc. $885K Ownr 516-902-1073 Co-Ops/Condos For Rent 517 CORAM wooded condo ranch partly furn 2BR/1BA,LR,EIK,clubhouse/pool/gym/ golf/bowling Avail 9/1 $1400 516-729-5325 Apartments For Rent 519 AMITYVILLE, 1 lge BR, EIK, LR, bath, 1mo rent 1mo sec, No pets/smoking. $850/mo incl all. Refs. Ownr 917-371-0381 AMITYVILLE SOUTH Mint 1BR, LR, EIK, bth, 1st flr, large closets, $1050 incl all. 917-509-1551 AMITYVILLE VLG lge luxury 1BR Townhouse, storage rm, washer/dryer, no fee, Immed occup. $1575. 631-225-6338 519 BABYLON N. Lge 2BR, 2ba, 2nd flr apt, $1450 incl all utils. No pets/no smoking. Call owner, 631-254-5621 BABYLON NORTH 2BR, LR, EIK,full bathroom, No Pets. $1100 + Owner 631587-7532 BABYLON W. Brand new lg 1BR, cac, pvt entry, $1250/all. No pets/smoking. Close to shops. Owner 516-322-3120 BALDWIN 700 Merrick Road Large 1BR’s $1250-$1300; NO FEE! Call Super 516-379-1756 or 516 486-1010 BALDWIN HRBR Magnif Hi Rnch, opp water, x-lge: kit, DR, LR, deck. 1BR, magnif bth, a/c, all utils incld. Furn’d or unfurn’d. Owner 516-623-6886 BAY SHORE Beautiful brand new, 2BR, sep kit & LR, off street pking, walk LIRR. $1250/mo + 1mo sec. 631-665-4100 BELLEROSE VLG Newly renov 2BR, new kit/bth, walk to LIRR. Avail immed. $1350. 516-354-8507 BETHPAGE 2BR apt, 2nd flr, LR, EIK, 1 bth, use of yard, very clean. $1650 incl all. No smoking/no pets. 516-922-7381 BETHPAGE 2BR main flr, lr, kit, bth, use of yard/pool, no smoking/pets $1400/all & cable Ownr 516-551-9980 BRENTWOOD New 2BR, all incl. No pets/smoking. Avail Immed. Sec/refs $1300/mo 631-277-6077 BROOKHAVEN HAMLET 1.5BR cottage on the water, EIK, LR, skylts, porch, no pets/smoke $975 (631)831-6032/475-3815 CARLE PLACE Schl Distr, 2BR, EIK, LR, all new, parquet flrs, cac, pvt entry, drvwy. $1600. Owner 516-319-8120 CORAM 1BR, kitchen, LR, ofc, full ba, cable, sep entr/therm, no pets, 2mos sec, $1000/all. Owner 631-451-6065 eves DIX HILLS 1BR, LR/fplc, DR, EIK, full bth, cac, W/D, cable. No pets. $1195/all. Avail immed. 631-595-2080 EAST MEADOW 3½rms, lge EIK, full ba, lge beaut garden. No pets. Avail 9/1. $995 + util. By Owner. 516-364-3386 EAST MEADOW New 3BR, EIK, FDR, LR, 2 bth, CAC/CVac, incl cable, yard $2300. No smoke/pets. 516-316-8951 EAST NORTHPORT 2nd flr, lrg 2BR, full ba, D/W, lrg closets, driveway prkg, cac, no pets/smoking $1650 631-269-4197 EAST SETAUKET, 1BR, LR/kit combo, full bth, grnd level, sep entry. $1000/mo. Owner 631-484-5929 ELMONT 2BR, Lg LR, eik, dining area, full ba, bright, clean, pvt entry. Heat/ hot water included. $1550. 516-333-6390 ELMONT 5 rooms, 2BR, carpeting, skylite, upstairs, $1500 incl all ownr 516-322-5143 ELMONT Brand New apt. 1BR, LR, full kit/ba, pvt entry, near all. All inclusive $1000. No pets/smoke. Ownr 516-610-4132 FARMINGDALE Bright 1BR bsmt apt, pvt ose, EIK, LR, bth, storage rm, $950 all & cable. No smoke/pets 516-694-3824 FARMINGDALE Gorgeous 6 rms, 3BR, 1st flr, W/D, $2000+ utils; Also 2nd flr, 5rms, 2BR, $1650+ utils. 516-458-9658 cell FARMINGVILLE huge 2BR, pvt home, pvt entry, EIK, frpl, nr shops/sch/major hwys. Nice area $1350 + util. 631-846-3522 FLORAL PARK 1st flr 3BR, Nr RR/shops. 2full ba w/jacuzzi. W/D, D/W, inclu.Use of drvwy/yd. Mint! $1,900 917-549-6768 FLORAL PARK 66-70 Tulip Ave Garden Apt - 1 Bedroom $1225. NO FEE! Super 516-328-0443 516-486-1010 FRANKLIN SQ Mint 2BR, xtra lg LR, DR, kit, new appls/hdwd flrs, 1st flr, yard $1475 incl heat, 2 mo sec 516-538-4933 FRANKLIN SQ 1st flr, pvt entry, 2BR, LR, EIK, patio, a/c, incl heat. No pets/ smoke $1550+ elec. Avail 9/1 516-825-0559 FREEPORT 1br, lr, eik, full ba, $900 + util 516-244-3445 FREEPORT waterfront 1BR pvt entr, W/D, no Pets, 1 mo sec $1000 Refs Avail 8/15 or 9/1 Owner 516-868-0817 GLEN COVE Luxury Apt’s NO FEE Carpet, AC, DW, Balcony, Parking Studio $1100; 1BR $1250; 2BR $1600; 2131 Brewster Street ... 516-759-9210 GREAT NECK (2) apts, avail 9/1. 2nd flr pvt bldg. 2BR, $1500. 1BR, $1200. Walk shops, pvt parking, Ownr 631-730-2891 HICKSVILLE 1BR, LR, EIK, walk up attic, no pets/smoking, avail 9/1/04. $950 incl utils. No fee. owner 516-921-7624 HUNTINGTON - Large 2BR, frpl, hi ceil, pvt parking, close to all. No fee. $1750/incl all. 516-903-1478 HUNTINGTON Lg 3BR, 1.5ba, kit, lr, dr, 1st flr, w/d, new carpet, yard, off st pking No smoke/pets $1850+ 631-351-1589 HUNTINGTON SO Cozy 1BR, new kit/ bth, only 1 closet, cable, internet, alrm, a/c, very quiet $900. Owner 631-897-0717 HUNTINGTON VILL 1/2 house Col charm 3Br Lr, Eik excel cond Wash/dryer hook up patio lg yrd, $1650 ownr 516-626-3338 ISLANDIA 2BR, new apt/appls, CAC, cntrl heat. $1500/mo incl util + 2mo sec. Avail immed. Owner 631-273-5752 KINGS PARK Waterview 2BR, Lr, Dr, den, lge kit, 1.5Bth, $1700+ elect. No smok’g/pets Owner 631-265-1922 COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES Office Space 675 ELMHURST MEDICAL OFC FOR RENT Queens Medical Center. Walk in, near transp and hospital. 420 sq ft. ground flr $1,250 mo. Agent Anthony 917-416-5053 WANTAGH amNewYork Commercial OFFICE FOR RENT Property 1750 sq’, off S State Pkwy, pvt entr, will divide, avail immed. 516-409-1400 x301 Retail Space WOODHAVEN store nr Atlantic Ave, spacious, hi ceiling, ideal for retail/ wholesale/prof’l, busy traffic area, extra amps. Only $900 Broker 718-297-7799 686 ALL NYC/QUEENS 500-20,000 SF WE FIND YOU OFFICE, RETAIL, WAREHOUSE SPACE 683 EAST MEADOW/NO. BELLMORE For rent main Rd. Ideal franchise food, Bagle, Pizza, Cleaners. 516-997-7381 RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE New in Clintonville Plaza Mall. 12-40 Clintonville St. Starting at $1500 per unit. Deal w/owner & save. 718-445-0848 WHITESTONE/BEECHHURST Ofc Space Street level, near all, approx 150sq ft. Avail immed $500/mo 718-746-3590 NO FEE FOR NYC CALL PAUL 212-947-5500 x100 FOR QUEENS CALL ERICA 718-598-4110 FOR BKLYN CALL DON 917-817-4805 Midtown Commercial Real Estate UNION SQ/CHELSEA/FLATIRON 2500 - 5000 SQ FT FULL FLOORS OFFICE/SHOWROOM LOFTS No Fee. Hi ceilings. Newly renov’d, See today! 212-808-4000 X238 Apartments For Rent Apartments 519 For Rent Roommates 519 Wanted LAKE GROVE- Large studio - $650. Large 1 Br apt- $950. Both have kitchen & bath. Private entrance. On main floor. Call 631-457-9385 MERRICK NO. 1BR bsmt apt, brand new kit & bth, lg LR, walk in closet, W/D avail, mint cond. $1100 incl all, 2 mo sec, 1 mo rent. Owner 516-816-5960 LAKE GROVE- New 1 Br apt- $1100 all. New 2 Br apt- $1400 all. 1 mo security. Avail Sept 1 631-981-4621 MIDDLE ISLAND Luxury Studio apt, pvt entr, big kit, full bth, great area, incl all w/parking $800. 516-852-5588 LEVITTOWN 2nd flr 1BR apt, sep entr/ therm, EIK, full bth, no pets/smoking, all new, avail 10/1. $1150. 718-874-8450 NORTHPORT Village Apts (Huntington) LINDENHURST N. 4br, DR, new kit/ bath, basement, yard, w/d, 1st floor, no pets $2000 + util 631-422-6850 LINDENHURST VILL - 2BR, pvt entry, LR, kit, cul de sac, no smoking, no pets. Nr shopping. $1250 incl elec. 631-987-7339 LONG BEACH 1BR, pvt entry, steps to beach, rear deck, remodeled, $1400 no pets; 2BR, hardwd flrs, w/d, driveway, yd $1700+utils. Avail 9/1. 516-225-5871 LONG BEACH 2BR, 1 bth, LR, EIK/dw, hrdwd flrs, w/d, steps to beach, 3 prkg spots, hrdwd flrs $1900. 516-672-2495 LONG BCH E. Must see 1 blk fr bch, 3br, 1½bth, new Euro kit, lge L-LR/DR, den, w/d, a/c, new deck, 1 prkg. 516-263-8480 LONG BEACH E. Lg 3 BR apt. Main flr, 2 Ba, DR, Deck, Yard, Prkg. Occupancy Sept 1st. No pets $2300 516-872-3717 LONG BEACH Lg 1BR, LR, kit, 2 walk in closet, near all, $1300 incl heat. Avail Immed. Owner 631-455-4954 LONG BEACH Magnificent 3br/2ba, cath ceil LR, FDR, EIK, W/D, porch, beachside/near all, incl heat $2295 516-889-1446 MASSAPEQUA N- 1 Br, 2nd flr, EIK, LR, Full Ba, 1 mo security, No smoking/ pets. $900 incl all 516-603-2239 MASSAPEQUA Newly renov 3BR, 1ba, EIK, LR, DR, w/d, use yd, pvt drvwy, 3ac’s. $1950 + util Ownr 917-703-9800 MASSAPEQUA Studio, Furn, pvt entry, bath, deck, mini kit, a/c, Dish, quiet neighborhood. $700/mo. 516-541-8955 MASTIC/Golf Course New Lg 1BR, full Ba, LR, EIK, thermo, near RR, no smoking, $1075 all. 631-395-4592 or 631-236-3073 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business Opportunities 755 Absolutely A Hot Deal! Earn $1,500 a week? Restock local TOY route. Work 6hrs/wk. $0 dn. oac. Call 1-800-613-0250 (24 hrs) CHICKEN/PIZZA PLACE Top Bronx loc. Huge pot’l. Fast sale @ $75,000. Call Eric, 917-892-9444 DISCOUNT STORE FOR SALE. Owner leaving town. Asking $50K w/merchandise or best ofr. 646-436-2935 ELMONT- Kiefer Ave, recently closed. Needs minor work. 3-6 months free rent. Only $1200 a month! Call516-606-3773 RESTAURANT & Catering Hall For rent on Route 112, Medford, LI. No down payment, 2 bars, seats approx 300. Must know restaurant business. 631-543-1796 O’sized 1BR & 2BR, residential area walk to Historic Vlg, prkg. 631-261-7662 OYSTER BAY Immac 1BR, LR, kit wd flrs , $1285 w/heat, lndry, gar walk bch/ town No pets/smoke/fee 516-671-8122 PT WASHINGTON 3 huge BR, 2 full ba, lg LR, DR, d/w, w/d, bsmnt, bkyd. $2200. Day 212-221-9888 x16/Eve 516-466-9525 Real Estate 525 Services COPIAGUE South, Share 2BR apt w/ prof’l M, CAC, walk LIRR. No smoking. No pets. Immed. $650/ALL. 631-264-7207 EAST MEADOW pvt BR, share kit/bth, Male prefd, W/D, yd, near all. $500/mo, plus 1 mo . Avail immed. 516-414-1773 MASSAPEQUA $150/wkly PVT Studio room, fridge, I/O, TV, share apt, home ofc, near RR, 516-541-5972 No fee Summer Homes HOUSES WANTED I Buy Homes. All cash or terms. 1 to 4 family, condos & townhouses. Call 917-716-5758 Time Shares ROSLYN HARBOR New 1BR, hg closets, DW, parking. Avail Sep 1, No smoking/ pets. $1150 incl all. Owner 516-671-6039 529 LONG BEACH-LIDO Oceanfront 1/2 house, 2BR, 2ba, lr, beaut furn, prking, $2200/mo. 516-897-9257 SELDEN New 1BR, pvt entry, all new appls, full ba, avail immed. $1,000/all. Owner 631-696-5152 SHIRLEY 3BR 1ba kit LR DR D/W, fresh paint wd flrs, sep entr lg yd, nr schls/ town pool $1800/all. Also, lrg 1BR, bth lrg EIK LR sep entr $1200/all 631-467-1668 SMITHTOWN lg L-shaped studio, EIK, full bth, skylts, pvt ent, no smoke/pets, nr RR/shops. $850all. 631-979-5066 lv msg STONY BROOK- Sunny 1 BR, LR & Kit combo. Lots of closets, off street prkg & side yard $950 incl all 631-751-3788 SYOSSET 1BR bsmt, lrg LR, kit, ba, near all, no smoking $1200 incl all. Ownr 516-343-6715 540 HAMPTON BAYS Calif Ranch, off Tiana Bay, 100’ bulkhead, 2 boat, 2 jetski docks, 1/2 ac, lovely neighborhood, pvt beach club, partially remodeled, approx 1800 sq’, 3BR, lge mstr, 1.5 ba, open flr plan w/fplc, 1/2 bsmt, carport, lge shed, cac, IGS. By appt. $960K. 631-594-1047 LAUREL Lge 3br/2th Rnch, lr/frpl, eik, heated full bsmt/2 car, deed bch rts, adjoin golf course $479k ownr 631-298-5731 Out of Town Real Estate WESTBURY BREEZY HILL 3BRS, Lr, Dr, EIK, bsmt, W/D, $2100/all. 2 mos sec, No fee. 516-526-2141 LIDO BEACH Sarasota FL Bchfront condo for rent. Avail 9/1. 1BR, 1.5ba. 941922-0770 or email: NORWICH, NY scenic upstate 2 story Ranch, 3Br, 2Bth, full fin bsmt, 1 car att’d gar, deck, shed $162K 607-965-2462 POCONOS 2-3 BR, 2 ba, furn’d, deck, move in cond, pvt community, nr track, $120K. Open House 8/21. 631-724-7313 READING, PA 3BR, 1ba, row home, great loc, oil heat, new roof. $47,000. Owner 908-507-3324 WILMINGTON, NC, Cust built home 3000 sf, 10 min from beach, 3 BR, 3 bth, many extras. $425k. Owner 910-392-7150 WEST HEMPSTEAD GARDENS Extra-lge 1BR luxury apt, hdwd flrs, lge closets, prkg, laundry. $1200/mo. No fee. Call owner, 201-368-5900 WEST HEMPSTEAD 2BR, full ba, LR, EIK, snrm, deck, gar. driveway, W/D, storage. heat/hot wtr $1650. 516-333-6390 WILLISTON PK- Duplex 2nd floor apt, EIK, 3 rooms. near LIRR no pets/smoke Private entrance. $1300 646-206-0158 583 WOODMERE 3blks to RR, 2BR apt, LR EIK a/c D/W W/D. $1400/mo 1mos Rent 1mos Sec. Call Owner 516-569-6846 Furnished Rooms 522 Foreclosures HUNTINGTON VILL Lge furn studio. Pvt entr & ba, all util incl. $700/mo. Call ownr 516-382-1988 NOWPLAYING CITY CINEMAS ANGELIKA FILM CENTER212-995-2000 18 W. Houston St. BEFORE SUNSET.(R)11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30.CODE 46.(R)11, 1:10, 3:30, 5:45, 8, 10:10. INTIMATE STRANGERS.(R)12:30, 3, 5:25, 7:55, 10:15. OPEN WATER.(R)11, 11:45, 1, 1:45, 3:15, 4, 5:30, 6:15, 7:45, 8:30, 10, 10:30.ZATOICHI AND THE CHEST OF GOLD.(Not Rated)12, 2:30, 5, 7:35, 10. 642 BUY FORECLOSURES! Use Investors $$! Split Profits! Training! Info: 1-800-331-4555 ext. 2803 LITTLE BLACK BOOK.(PG-13)11:20, 1:55, 4:40, 7:15, 10.THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. (R)11, 1:50, 4:40, 7:35, 10:35.THE PRINCESS DIARIES 2: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT. (G)11:10, 2:05, 4:55, 7:45, 10:35.SINBAD: LEGEND OF THE SEVEN SEAS. (PG)10.SPIDER-MAN 2.(PG-13) 11:05, 2, 4:55, 7:45, 10:25. THE VILLAGE.(PG-13)11, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 813 CAMARO 2001 SS, DALE EARNHARDT Spec Ed, #60 of 82 made. 631-478-1004 CAMARO 1968 RS 327 a/t, a/c, show winner, mint cond, $22K 516-931-5318 CHEVY 1971 Nova 307 a/c, a/t, excel int, no rust, 57k orig, $6900 917-882-9048 CORVETTE 1969 350 eng, 300hp, 4spd manual, a/c, Monza Red w/leath, only 900 mi on eng & trans, #’s match, 95% restored, $20,500. 914-772-2453 MUSTANG 1967 conv, 6cyl, new paint/ chrome, runs excel $13,500 917-882-9048 PLYMOUTH 1967 Baracuda 85% rest’d New paint/eng, $6k/neg 631-462-1171 PORSCHE 1989 911 Speedster red/tan lthr, 17k, climate controlled gar’d, orig owner, pristine cond, $49K 631-384-1120 VW 1978 Beetle Conv 5spd, red/blk, mint, orig 28k mi. $9600. 516-721-0333 Autos For Sale VALLEY STREAM 4½ rms, newly decorated, nr all, $1300 + util. No pets/no smoke. Immed occ. Owner 516-825-1974 WESTBURY new 2BR, EIK, LR, full bath, W/D, pvt prkg $1600 includes utils and cable. No pets. 516-414-8197 Automotive Collectible Cars Houses For Sale 674 CANCUN, MEXICO slps 6, view of ocean, 1wk avail. for sale. Can exchange internationally. By Owner $30K 917-206-2185 PORT WASHINGTON 1BR 1.5Bth, mint garden apt, walk shops/transp, no pets. Owner 516-944-2780 or 631-421-8819 PT JEFF VLG, free rent till Labor Day if tenant paints, 2BR/1 tiny, 2nd flr, pets ok, gar avail $995. Owner 631-645-5172 Autos 667 For Sale 815 ACURA 2002 TLS nav slvr/blk lthr tint snrf 60k hwy mint $19k/neg 516-313-3926 ACURA 2002 TL 3.2 red, loaded, 23k $17,500 917-575-9133 ACURA 1990 Legend runs good, excel cond, no rust, $2500/neg 718-510-4612 AUDI 2003 A6 3.0, blue 25k, exec driven, non smoker,flawless $30,500 631-698-1479 BMW 2001 325Ci metallic slvr, sport pkg, 100k mi, ext warr, mint cond, $25,500 631-664-6655 or 516-330-1375 BMW 2001 330ci convert, premium pkg, 23k slvr, all opts, nav $33,000 516-316-5852 BMW 2000 M coupe 5spd blue/blk, 36k, 4 new tires CD gar excel $26k 516-829-5640 BMW 2000 528IA Silver/blk. Good cond! 88K, loaded, $21,000/neg 718-323-1464 BMW 2000 323Ci 90k hwy, mint, silv/blk lthr snrf CD loaded, $15,500. 631-269-4409 BMW 2000 323i 5spd, 42K, 4dr, blk/tan lthr, htd/pwr seats, snrf, ext’d warr, excel cond $20,900 516-884-3585 BMW 1993 325is slvr/blk, all orig, very clean, 124k mi, $6500 516-295-3379 BUICK 1999 Regal GS blk/slvr lthr, all opts, 35k, mint cond, $11,300 718-358-7678 CADDY 2004 DeVille 14k, metallic grey, loaded. Excel cond. $28k. 631-363-2000 CADDY 1994 Sedan De Ville blk,lthr, mint cond, loaded, $3450 516-322-6044 19TH STREET EAST 6212-260-8173 890 Broadway THE BOURNE SUPREMACY.(PG-13)11:30, 1, 2:15, 4, 7, 9:45.COLLATERAL.(R)11, 1:45, 3, 4:30, 7:30, 9:15, 10:45.FAHRENHEIT 9/11.(R)11:05, 1:50, 4:45, 7:45, 10:50.THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. (R)11:20, 12:30, 3:45, 6, 7:15, 10:30. Autos 815 For Sale CAMARO 1994 Z28 red, mint cond, chrme whls, gar’d, Must See! $7K 516-680-5900 CAMARO 1985 red, V8, 2nd owner, alrm, stereo, a/t, p/s $800/neg 631-412-3200 CHEVY 2003 Malibu LS. V6, 4 dr, grn, a/t, 15K, 5 yr warr $13,995/neg. 917-621-5115 CHRYS 2002 Sebring conv 14k MI, 6cyl, MINT! $13,000. 516-794-7507 DODGE 1998 Intrepid immac in/out, orig ownr, maint & documented new trans/ brks/a/c comp/oil pan, abs, cruise, candy apple red 92k $4400 631-384-9930 DODGE 1997 Stratus 2.4L, mint, a/t, a/c, 4dr, very clean in/out $3250 917-446-5925 FORD 2001 Focus SE 30K Mint cond. $6200 631-744-4194 631-334-4194 FORD 1999 Taurus Wgn, 44K, full pwr, orig ownr, gar, Mint! $6195 718-352-7905 FORD 1995 Probe red, a/t, LOW MILES 49k, excel cond, $3k 212-3489-012 HONDA 2002 Accord SE Great cond, 52K, a/t, snrf, CD, $13,500 516-621-1571 HONDA 2000 Civic EX 2dr blk, a/t, p/w/snrf, 25k, $11,000 516-783-6537/eves HONDA 1999 Civic. 4 dr, grey, alarm, 60K, excel cond, $5900 neg. 718-757-1915 HONDA 1996 Accord LX p/w/l, a/c, mint cond, 63k, Must See $5800 631-793-5318 LINC 2000 LS mnrf, all pwr, lthr, 99K, ext’d warr, CD $11,500 631-922-1958 MAZDA 2003 6S 3.0l V6, 6k, red metallic, loaded, like new. $18,200 631-608-3271 MERCEDES 2001 E320 4Matic Wgn metallic blue 6cd, lthr snrf, 25K $33K neg 917-406-7597 MERCEDES 2000 S500, beautiful in/out, loaded, nav, 6CD, $36,900 516-884-3346 MERCEDES 1998 E320 blk, 41K mi, fully loaded $21,500neg 917-406-7597 MERCEDES 1998 SLK230 Kompressor, hdtop conv; perfect cond; 32k; slvr body; red lthr int; $21,500; call 516-626-1531 MERCEDES 1998 SL500 conv, loaded, 6CD beaut in/out. $29,900 neg 516-510-7405 MERCEDES 1990 560SEL smoke slvr, 111k, perfect motor, $5600 631-473-4140 MERCEDES 1985 Turbo diesel, dark brown/tabacco int, gar’d, excel, excel shape, 185k mi. $3k 914-779-5571 MERC 1992 Grand Marquis, 73k sec sys new trans/cat conv $2900. 212-673-9453 MITSU 2001 Montero Sport LS fully loaded, mint in/out, many opts, gold/ beige int, $9200/neg 917-412-3643 MUSTANG 1998 GT Convert, mint cond, 5 spd, light bar, chrome cobra- R- rims, side exhaust, Mach 460 stereo, loaded w/all options, white/black interior and top, $12,995. D-516-541-7264/516-860-4082 MUSTANG 1995 GT wht, a/t, 115k, many xtras, dlr maint’d $5,000 631-451-1441 MUSTANG 1993 LX Hatchback wht/grey intr, body excel many extras! Car fast, Serious inquiries only $7800. 631-642-2033 NISSAN 2002 Sentra Spec V slvr/red, 6spd, 13k, loaded, 6-CD, $14K 516-610-8541 NISSAN 2000 Altima GXE 4 dr, 26k, excel cond, Must sell! $10K. 631-433-6996 NISSAN 2000 Altima GXE, slvr, 44k, cust whls. Mint! Must see $7700 917-604-1344 PONT 1997 Grand Prix GT, mint, 2dr, red, loaded, orig ownr, 66k, $5900 516-781-9316 PONT 1995 Grand Prix SE, car runs, needs tranny, bst offer 516-662-1178 SAAB 2001 93 SE lthr, snrf, 5dr, excel, 38k mi, $13,400 631-499-2149 SUBARU 1996 Legacy L, AWD, new tires/batt/brks 127k, $2600 516-581-5763 TOYOTA 2001 Camry LE pearl 2 tone, Gallery Ed. loaded, 25K hwy, 1 ownr, excel in/out, $12,000 646-379-5954 TOYOTA 1994 Corolla 146k, blue, a/c, a/t, excel cond, $2,500 631-864-2179 VW 2004 Passat GLS 1.8T Luxury pkg, lthr, 5spd, orig ownr $24,500 212-889-5701 VW 2003 Beetle GLS Conv, 5spd, blk/blk lthr, pwr, 6k. Asking $17,499. 917-689-3791 VW 2002 Passat, 1.8 turbo, 46k, p/snrf, CD, auto, excel cond, remote entry. $15,800 neg. 845-987-0588 VW 2000 Beetle Spec Edition yellow, a/t, turbo, loaded, excel cond, orig owner, 15k mi, $11,500 718-444-3056 VW 1998 Golf 75k mi, blk, 5spd, cd stero sys, alloys, Must See! $5500 631-790-8135 VW 1995 Jetta 79k, pw, snrf/mnrf, heated seats, 12 CD. $4k/bst ofr. 347-742-5565 VOLVO 2000 S80 Turbo bright silver, dark gray int., 50K, $15,495 516-785-2103 VOLVO 1993 850 GLT a/t, a/c, pwr, alloys, excel cond, 135k, $3995 631-567-8547 Sports Cars 817 CORVETTE 2001 conv, a/t, slvr/blk, loaded, 9k, 6yr warr $31,000. 516-997-7046 JAGUAR 1987 XJS, 88k, a/t, all pwr, excel cond. $4500. 718-945-0070 MERCEDES 1999 SL500 sport pkg, blk/blk, excel cond $28K 917-328-0777 MUSTANG 1994 Cobra TOTALLY RESTORED. 375hp, red/blk lth, 5spd, all pwr, Mach 460 sound sys, too much to list. Must See $14,750 neg. 718-986-2892 MUSTANG 1992 GT, 69k, mint, Rare Green/Titanium, Cobra mags, 5spd, 373 gears, Flowmasters, sunrf, adult owned $6500. 516-903-3349 PORSCHE 1994 911 3.6 Turbo, Red, Cashmere int, 22k mi, $58K. 516-662-6699 PORSCHE 1977 911S, 150k orig, beautiful classic, $8700 neg. 917-573-6830 Vans & Mini-Vans Sport Utility Vehicles CLEARVIEW ZIEGFELD212-505-2463 141 West 54th St COLLATERAL.(R)10, 1, 4, 7, 10. LOEWS 42ND ST. E WALK212-840-7761 247 W. 42nd St. ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND OF RON BURGUNDY. Trucks & Light Trucks 900 GRADY WHITE CHASE 1999 263 CC T/’99 Evinrudes 225hp, 80 hrs, windlass, outriggers, cushions, GPS, FF, radar, potty w/tank, stereo, FWC/salt washdown, swim ladder, live well, loaded, warr 12/04. Ask $61,500. 631-722-4175 MERCURY 2002 Mountaineer 15k, v8, loaded, Mint ! ask $23,850 631-433-2794 MERC 2000 Mountaineer blk/gray lthr, CD, 60k, mnrf, awd, $13,500 516-819-7531 SUZUKI 2000 Vitara convert 4x4, 62k, 5spd, ext’d warr, remote start, alrm, excel, $6500 631-666-7687/516-848-0727 TOYOTA 1998 Rav4 L, all pwr a/t abs alloys excel cond 100k $7695 631-226-1599 GULFCOAST 1969 23’,roller furling, new spinnaker & sock, 6hp O/B, head, spls 4, big cock pit. Great starter boat for crusing/racing. $2,300 516-944-0622 PACEMAKER 1980 26ft CC w/tower,Twin 4cyl Volvos, 50hrs, good cond, fighting chr, 2nd boat. In Montauk. Must sell. Best Offer This Weekend 718-767-1165 829 SEA RAY 2001 225 Weekender Like new! 60hrs,xtras. In water $26,900 516-779-0118 CHEVY 1995 S10 Low Rider 62k, full air susp, smoke rims, $7k 631-379-2953 FORD 2002 Ranger XL slvr, 4cyl, a/t, a/c, cd, 24k, warr, bedliner $8200 917-930-8644 FORD 2000 F250 SD 4x4, shortbed, 4 dr, crew cab, 7.3 turbo diesel, wht, Lariat, lthr, CD, bedliner, xtras new brakes/ tires, 79k excel $24,499 347-886-7225 INT’L 1993 DUMP TRUCK 23 YD Diesel, a/t, approx 130K, excel cond, must see, $20,000. 631-271-6444 SEA RAY 1985 26’ Weekender, All New 2001, Under 100 hrs, $8,900. 516-628-9321 MotorcyclesMopeds-Go Carts WELLCRAFT 2002 24’ W/A Cuddy, 200Hp Evinrude O/B w/45 hrs, Bimini w/Full Encl, Color GPS, FF, DF, am/fm CD, Vacuflush Toilet, Sink, Burner, Transom Shower, Dual Batts, Live well, Excel Cond Xtras $34K/neg 516-551-0329 Boats For Sale Over 26ft 865 BMW 2002 R1150 RTA, police bike, blk & wht, code 3 lights, $11,995. 917-662-6628 BMW 2002 R1200C 3,200 mi, Mint, loaded w/xtras $10,800 516-380-1302 HARLEY 1988 Sportster 883, blk, orig owner, 12k mi, $4200 516-326-7562 905 AZIMUT 2003 39’ Motor yacht, 3126 Cats bow thruster, cherry wd, lthr, plasma TV, 100 hrs. Mint! $335K 631-912-9629 BLACKFIN 1995 31’ Combi twin 300hp Cats full tower complete electrs gen air Boat shows as new $130K 917-750-6058 CARVER 1996 370 Aft Cabin 2 state rooms, T454 Crusader XL engs, 435hrs, Excel cond, loaded $155K 201-396-7625 SUZUKI 2002 Katana 600, like new, 190 mi, D&D, C/F, exhst $5K 631-264-3326 CARVER 1988 32" Mariner T-270 FWC, new a/c int & extnd bridge enclosure , Pristine cond, $59,900. 631-754-1522 SUZUKI 1998 GSXR750 mint cond, w/7200 gentle mi, must sell $5750 516-804-2656 YAMAHA 2001 YZ250 15 hrs, Like New, $3,000 631-547-1749 YAMAHA 1998 Vstar 650 Classic 15k mi, mint, blk, $3400 516-316-5852 CIGARETTE 1990 35’ Cafe Racer, T/560hp big block w/30 hrs, Bravo drives, SS props, extras, very gd cond. $69k. Days 516-790-1897; Eve 631-563-7596 871 DONZI 2000 38ZX 110hrs, T-500hp EFI Bulldog engs, 6í 3" headroom, ac, too many options to list. Mint cond, docked on boat lift. Owner anxious $139K 631585-9000 before 5pm 631-277-6688 aft 5pm YAMAHA 2001 Blaster (2), Super Fast, with MFM exh, $2300/ea. 631-286-2730 FOUNTAIN 1997 47’ Tall Deck, ’00 Trpl 502 mpi, loaded. $139k 516-316-5852 Marine LUHRS 2003 36’ Open 150 hrs, full electrons, 450hp Cats, $299K 631-968-4161 Boats For Sale 825 26ft & Under CHEVY 2003 Avalanche Northface Ed, 16k, mint cond, loaded, $28K 631-384-6115 CHEV 1992 Suburban 2WD 350 a/t ac pw pl 9pass, fair cond runs well new trans/ xhst, $3400 neg 718-493-0055 201-747-3100 FORD 1999 Explorer Ed Bauer, grn, snrf, lthr, all opts, 67k, $10K/neg 516-804-9720 GMC 2001 YUKON XL loaded, beige, 150k, great cond, $19k orig ownr 631-752-2030 ISUZU 1999 Amigo a/t, 4WD, 47K, V6, pwr all, cd, excel, $6995 516-887-1503 JEEP 1991 Cherokee Ltd blk, loaded, 132k mi, gd cond, $2500 631-298-4208 Boats For Sale 825 26ft & Under JEEP 2001 Grand Cherokee LTD 29K, blk tan lthr int, 6cyl, 6cd chgr htd seats, loaded Queens $20,250 516-250-9871 Snowmobiles 821 & ATV’s DODGE 1998 Grand Caravan SE 5dr, 10CD, orig ownr 64k $6995 516-694-7356 FORD 1992 E150 conv fully handicapped, mtr wheelchr, reblt eng $5k 631-379-6325 TOYOTA 2004 Sienna only 14k mi! 7yr 100k fact warr lk new $21,900 516-694-7356 (PG-13)11:05, 1:30, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20. CATWOMAN. (PG-13)11:10, 2, 5, 8:05, 11:10; 12:10, 3:10, 6:10, 9:10.THE MANCHURIAN ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND OF RON CANDIDATE. (R)11, 11:45, 12:25, 1, 2:10, 3, 4, BURGUNDY.(PG-13)7:20, 9:45.THE BOURNE 4:30, 5:45, 6:40, 7:30, 8, 9:15, 10:15, 11, 11:30. 8, 10. SUPREMACY.(PG-13)10:45, 12:45, 1:30, 3:45, SPIDER-MAN 2.(PG-13)11:40, 12:45, 3:20, 4:15, 4:20, 6:30, 7:10, 9:15, 10.CATWOMAN.(PGREGAL UNION SQUARE STADIUM 147:10, 8:05, 10:25, 11:25.THE VILLAGE.(PG-13)11, CINEMA VILLAGE 12TH STREET13)2:45, 8:15.COLLATERAL.(R)10:30, 1:15, 4, 7:15, 11:30, 12, 12:30, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 3:45, 5:30, 6, 212-253-6266 850 Broadway 212-924-3363 22 E. 12th St. 10:30; 12:30, 3:15, 6:15, 9:25.FAHRENHEIT 9/11. 6:30, 9, 9:30, 10, 10:30. ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND OF RON BURGUNDY. CASTING ABOUT.(Not Rated)12.DONNIE DARKO: (R)11:10, 1:55, 5:05, 7:55, 10:45.HAROLD & (PG-13)12:10, 2:35, 5, 7:25, 9:50.DANNY CLOSED LOEWS ASTOR PLAZA 1THE DIRECTOR'S CUT.(R)1:40, 4:25, 7:10, DECKCHAIR.(PG-13)11, 12, 1:25, 2:25, 3:50, 4:50, KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE.(R)11:45, 2, 4:30, 9:55.GOZU.(Not Rated)4:25, 7:05, 9:45.HOWARD 212-575-1454 1515 Broadway 7, 9:20.I, ROBOT.(PG-13)11, 1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 6:15, 7:15, 8:40, 9:40, 11.FESTIVAL EXPRESS. ZINN: YOU CAN'T BE NEUTRAL ON A MOVING Call for schedule. 10:40. LITTLE BLACK BOOK.(PG-13)11:40, 2:15, (R)12:25, 2:50, 5:15, 7:40, 10:05.GARDEN TRAIN.(Not Rated)2:30.LAST LIFE IN THE LOEWS STATE THEATRE 4STATE.(R)11, 11:40, 1:45, 2:25, 4:30, 5:10, 7:15, 8, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10.THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. UNIVERSE.(R)1, 3:15, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10. (R)10:40, 11:20, 1:35, 2:30, 4:45, 6, 8, 9, 11:10.THE 10, 10:45.HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO WHITE 212-391-3960 1540 Broadway NOTEBOOK.(PG-13)12, 5:20, 11.THE PRINCESS LANDMARK SUNSHINE CINEMACASTLE.(R)11:45, 2:10, 4:35, 7, 9:25.HARRY THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK.(PG-13)1:30, 4:45, DIARIES 2: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT.(G)11, 1:50, POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN. 212-330-8182 141-143 E. Houston St. 7:45, 10:40.HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER MARIA FULL OF GRACE.(R)1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:30, (PG)12:30, 3:45, 7, 10:10.I, ROBOT.(PG-13)12:20, 4:40, 7:20, 10.SPIDER-MAN 2.(PG-13)12:05, 3, OF AZKABAN IMAX.(PG)12:45, 4, 7:15, 10:30. 6:50, 10:15. THUNDERBIRDS. (PG)11:50, 2:10, 5. 3:10, 6, 8:50. LITTLE BLACK BOOK. (PG-13)11:20, 9:45.METALLICA: SOME KIND OF MONSTER.(Not KING ARTHUR.(PG-13)1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:25. THE VILLAGE. (PG-13)11:30, 2:20, 5:20, 8:30, 11:20. 12, 2, 2:40, 4:40, 5:20, 7:20, 8, 10, 10:40.THE Rated)11:15, 2, 4:45, 7:40, 10:30.NAPOLEON MUJHSE SHAADI KAROGI.(Not Rated)2, 6, 9:30. PRINCESS DIARIES 2: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT. DYNAMITE.(PG)11, 1, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 9:50. LOEWS 34TH STREETPARIS THEATRE(G)11:10, 2, 4:55, 7:50, 10:45; 1, 4, 7, 10.SPIDERRIDING GIANTS.(PG-13)11:45, 2:15, 4:30, 7, 212-244-8850 312 W. 34th St. 212-688-3800 4 W. 58th St. MAN 2.(PG-13)11, 1:55, 4:55, 7:55, 11. 9:15.STANDER.(R)12, 2:30, 5, 7:35, 10. THE BOURNE SUPREMACY.(PG-13)11:05, 1:40, 3, A HOME AT THE END OF THE WORLD.(R)12, 2:20, 4:40, 6, 7:45, 9:05, 11.CATWOMAN.(PG-13)12, CITY CINEMAS VILLAGE EASTLOEWS THEATRES VILLAGE VII4:40, 7:15, 9:30. 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30.COLLATERAL.(R)11:15, 212-529-6799 181-189 Second Ave. 212-982-2116 66 3rd Ave. CITY CINEMAS SUTTON 1-2CATWOMAN.(PG-13)1:15, 5:35.THE DOOR IN THE 2:15, 5:35, 8:55; 12:45, 3:55, 7:20, 10:35. THE BOURNE SUPREMACY.(PG-13)11, 11:30, 2, FAHRENHEIT 9/11.(R)11:45, 2:40, 6:05, 9:20. 212-759-1411 205 E. 57th St. FLOOR.(R)12, 2:25, 4:50, 7:25, 9:50.JU-ON. (R) 5:15, 8:15, 10:30, 11.COLLATERAL.(R)11:15, 1, CATWOMAN.(PG-13)4:10, 8:20, 10:25. 2:30, 4:15, 6, 7:30, 9:30, 11.FAHRENHEIT 9/11. (R) 12:10, 2:10, 4:15, 6:20, 8:25, 10:35. PROTEUS.(Not HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE. (R) 11, 1:20, 4:10, 7:05, 9:50.I, ROBOT.(PG-13) 11:20, A CINDERELLA STORY.(PG)12, 2:05, 6:20.THE Rated)3:30, 7:50, 9:55.SUPER SIZE ME. (PG-13) 12, 3:15, 6:15, 9:15.THE MANCHURIAN 2, 5:10, 8:20, 11:25.LITTLE BLACK BOOK. (PG-13) NOTEBOOK.(PG-13)12, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45, 10:20. 1:15, 3:25, 5:35, 7:45, 10. THE VILLAGE. (PG-13) CANDIDATE. (R)11, 12:30, 2:15, 3:45, 5:30, 7:15, 12:50, 3:45, 7:10, 9:15.THE MANCHURIAN 12, 12:35, 1:20, 2:20, 3, 3:40, 4:40, 5:25, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:30.SHE HATE ME.(R)1:40, 4:30, 7:45. CITY CINEMAS 86TH STREET EASTCANDIDATE.(R)11, 12:15, 2:10, 3:30, 5:40, 7, 9:10, 8:35, 9:25, 10:25, 10:55. QUAD CINEMA212-734-4427 210 E. 86th St. 10:30.SPIDER-MAN 2.(PG-13)11:10, 2:05, 5:25, CLEARVIEW CHELSEABEFORE SUNSET.(R)1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:35, 9:30. 212-255-8800 34 W. 13th St. 8:50.THE VILLAGE.(PG-13)11:30, 12:40, 2:20, 4, 212-505-2463 260 W. 23rd St. A CINDERELLA STORY.(PG)11, 12:30. CONTROL ROOM.(Not Rated)1, 2:55, 4:45, 6:30, 5:20, 7:15, 8:45, 10:40. BEFORE SUNSET.(R)11:40, 1:30, 3:40, 5:40, 7:45, FAHRENHEIT 9/11.(R)2:30, 5, 7:30, 10:05. 8:20, 10:10.OUTFOXED: RUPERT MURDOCH'S AMC EMPIRE 259:45.A HOME AT THE END OF THE WORLD.(R)11, HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE.(R)12, WAR ON JOURNALISM.(Not Rated)1, 2:35, 4:10, 212-398-3939 234 W. 42nd St. 1:10, 3:30, 5:50, 8:10, 10:30.I, Robot.(PG-13)11:05, 5:45, 7:20, 9, 10:30.TOUCH OF PINK.(R)1, 2:50, 2:05, 4:10, 6:15, 8:20, 10:25.MARIA FULL OF 1:40, 4, 7, 10.LITTLE BLACK BOOK.(PG-13)11:50, Call for schedule. 4:40, 6:35, 8:25, 10:20.TRANSFIXED.(Not Rated) GRACE.(R)12:15, 2:30, 5:05, 7:30, 10. 2:20, 4:50, 7:10, 9:40.MARIA FULL OF GRACE. 12:55, 3:10, 5:30, 7:40, 9:55. CITY CINEMAS 1, 2 & 3CLEARVIEW FIRST & 62ND(R)12, 2:30, 5, 7:40, 10:10.NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. 212-753-6022 1001 Third Ave. REGAL BATTERY PARK STADIUM 16212-777-3456 400 E. 62nd St. (PG)11:50, 1:50, 4:10, 6:40, 9. STANDER.(R)11:30, THE DOOR IN THE FLOOR.(R)12, 2:30, 5, 7:30, 212-945-4370 102 North End Ave. ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND OF RON BURGUNDY. 2:10, 4:45, 7:20, 9:50.THE VILLAGE.(PG-13)11:20, 10.MARIA FULL OF GRACE.(R)12, 2:20, 4:45, THE BOURNE SUPREMACY.(PG-13)12:10, 2:50, (PG-13)7:20, 9:45.BEFORE SUNSET.(R)1, 3:30, 6, 12:30, 2, 3, 4:40, 5:45, 7:30, 8:30, 10:15. 7:15, 9:45.THE VILLAGE.(PG-13)12:30, 2:55, 5:20, 5:20, 8, 10:35.COLLATERAL.(R)11:05, 1:55, 4:45, 8:15, 10:20.DE-LOVELY.(PG-13)12:30, 3:15, 6:15, 7:45, 10:15. CLEARVIEW CHELSEA WEST7:35, 10:30.FAHRENHEIT 9/11.(R)11, 1:45, 4:30, 9:30. FAHRENHEIT 9/11.(R)3, 4:15, 7, 10. 212-989-0060 333 W. 23rd St. 7:25, 10:15.Free Family Film Series Tuesday & THE IMAGINASIANGARDEN STATE.(R)12:05, 2:30, 5:05, 7:30, 10:15. HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE. (R)11, Wednesday 10AM..HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO STANDER.(R)12, 2:45, 5:20, 8, 10:30. 212-371-6682 239 East 59th St. 1:10, 3:10, 5:20, 7:40, 10.SPIDER-MAN 2. (PG-13) HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE.(R)12, THUNDERBIRDS.(PG)12:15, 2:15, 4:30. WHITE CASTLE.(R)11:05, 1:20, 3:30, 5:45, 7:55, 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30. 10:10.I, ROBOT.(PG-13)11:15, 2, 5, 7:40, 10:20. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. LOEWS KIPS BAY THEATRE212-447-0638 570 Second Ave. Sport Utility 815 Vehicles MAINSHIP 1988 36’ Nantucket DC, 7.5 KW gen, full galley, 2 heads, slps 8, new carpet/canvas/eng., 270HP T Crusaders FWC, dual stations, $69K (631)345-3356 900 AQUASPORT 1976 24í , Evinrude 91 200hp O/B, Vry Gd Cond. 2yr old canvas, Garmin GPS: 182, FF, $5000. 631-675-6521 CHRIS CRAFT 1997 18’ SeaSkiff, 90hp Evin, all electr, trlr $9500 631-922-1958 CHRISCRAFT 1975 25’ Catalina slps 4, Totally redone, standup head, excel for fishing, Sac $5350. 631-281-4108 FORMULA 1987 223 LS new eng/ outdrive/cabin, trailer, too much too list. $7500 best offer 516-644-1875 REGAL 1985 200 XL Mint new reblt Merc, Cuddy, xtras, trlr $4500 646-335-7748 CLEARVIEW BEEKMAN212-737-2622 1254 Second Ave. COLLATERAL.(R)10, 1, 4, 7, 10. CROWN NEW YORK ONE & TWO212-249-4200 1271 Second Ave Call for schedule. LOEWS ORPHEUM 7212-876-2111 1538 Third Ave. THE BOURNE SUPREMACY.(PG-13)11:10, 1:50, 4:45, 7:25, 9:55.CATWOMAN.(PG-13) 7:20. COLLATERAL.(R)1:15, 4, 7, 9:45, 10. LITTLE BLACK BOOK.(PG-13)11:30, 2:15, 5, 7:45, 10:45. THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.(R)1, 4:15, 7:30, 10:30. SPIDER-MAN 2.(PG-13)12, 3, 6, 9. THUNDERBIRDS.(PG)12, 2:25, 5. THE VILLAGE. (PG-13)11:15, 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:10. LOEWS 72ND STREET EAST 1212-472-0153 1230 Third Ave. THE BOURNE SUPREMACY.(PG-13)1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:45. UA 64TH AND 2ND GEMINI212-832-1671 1210 Second Ave. I, ROBOT.(PG-13)11:30, 2:15, 5, 7:40, 10:20. LITTLE BLACK BOOK.(PG-13)11:45, 2:20, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05.SPIDER-MAN 2.(PG-13)1, 4, 7, 10. UA EAST212-249-5488 1629 First Ave. I, ROBOT.(PG-13)1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:45. CLEARVIEW 62ND & BROADWAY212-505-2463 1871 Broadway Call for schedule. LINCOLN PLAZA CINEMAS212-757-2280 1886 Broadway THE BLIND SWORDSMAN: ZATOICHI.(R)11:05, 1:20, 3:45, 6:10, 8:35, 10:55. FAHRENHEIT 9/11. (R)11:20, 12:30, 1:40, 2:55, 4:15, 5:30, 7, 8:05, 9:35, 10:35. INTIMATE STRANGERS. (R)12:25, 2:35, 5, 7:35, 10. MARIA FULL OF GRACE. (R) 11:10, 12, 1:05, 2:10, 3:15, 4:20, 5:40, 6:45, 8, 9, 10:15, 11. LOEWS 84TH STREET THEATRE 6212-877-3892 2310 Broadway THE BOURNE SUPREMACY.(PG-13)11:45, 1:15, 2:45, 4:15, 6, 7:30, 9:15, 10:30.I, ROBOT.(PG-13) 11, 1:40, 4:35, 7:25, 10:20.SPIDER-MAN 2.(PG13)12, 3:05, 6:15, 9:30.THE VILLAGE.(PG-13)11, 12, 1:30, 2:35, 4:15, 5:45, 7:15, 9, 10:15. PEARSON 1990 34ft Conv, Twin Diesels, 23 knot cruise, hardtop, gen, full electronics, clean. $127,500. 631-265-3990 POST 1982 42’ Low hrs, loaded $199,500 631-283-4078 SEA RAY 2000 480 Sedan Bridge Mint cond, prof’l maint’d, fully warranteed, 3196 Cats, Satellite TV in every room, alarmed, life boat, raised helm seats, $495,000 516-650-0600 SEA RAY 1996 37’ Sundancer. If you’re looking to get in the water now and you a want a 37’ Sundancer you found it. Excel cond, too many extras to list. $134,900. Call Bob 917-731-5572 MAGIC JOHNSON THEATRE - HARLEM212-665-6923 2309 Frederick Douglass Blvd. CATWOMAN.(PG-13)11:05, 1:50, 4:40, 7:35, 10:25.COLLATERAL.(R)11, 12:15, 1:55, 3:15, 4:55, 6:20, 7:45, 9:25, 10:40. I, ROBOT.(PG-13)11:25, 2:40, 5:40, 9. THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. (R) 12:15, 2:05, 3:20, 5:15, 7, 9:05, 10:15. SHE HATE ME.(R)2:30, 7:10, 10:20. SPIDER-MAN 2.(PG-13)3:35, 6:40, 9:50. THE VILLAGE.(PG-13)12:50, 4:05, 7:15, 10:05. LOEWS LINCOLN SQUARE 12212-336-5020 1998 Broadway ACROSS THE SEA OF TIME.(G)12. BEFORE SUNSET. (R)11:10, 1:50, 4:10, 6:40, 9:15. CATWOMAN.(PG-13)2:10, 11. A CINDERELLA STORY.(PG)11:40. COLLATERAL.(R)1:15, 4:45, 7:50, 10:50; 12:10, 3, 6, 9.GARDEN STATE. (R)12:05, 3:20, 6:30, 9:20.HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE.(R)12:40, 3:10, 5:40, 8:40, 11:20. HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN IMAX.(PG)4:45.LITTLE BLACK BOOK. (PG-13)11, 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10.THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.(R)12:20, 2:50, 3:30, 6:10, 7, 10:15.NASCAR 3D: THE IMAX EXPERIENCE. (PG)10:30.Open Water.(R)12, 2:30, 5, 7:30, 10:10. THE PRINCESS DIARIES 2: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT. (G)11, 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 10:15. SHE HATE ME.(R)11:30, 9:30. SPIDER-MAN 2.(PG-13)1:45, 8, 11. STANDER.(R)12:30, 3:50, 6:50, 10:30. BAM ROSE CINEMAS718-623-2770 30 Lafayette Ave. FAHRENHEIT 9/11.(R)4:30, 7, 9:30. A HIGHWIND IN JAMAICA.(Not Rated)4:30, 6:45, 9:30. MARIA FULL OF GRACE.(R)4:45, 7:15, 9:40. SHE HATE ME.(R)5:30, 8:30. PAVILION BROOKLYN HEIGHTS CINEMA718-369-0838 70 Henry St. THE BOURNE SUPREMACY.(PG-13)3, 5:30, 8. THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.(R)2:25, 5, 7:40. UA COURT STREET STADIUM 12718-246-8170 108 Court St. Call for schedule. COBBLE HILL CINEMA718-596-9113 265 Court St. COLLATERAL.(R)1, 3:30, 6, 8:30. THE DOOR IN THE FLOOR.(R)1, 6. FAHRENHEIT 9/11.(R)3:30, 8:30. MARIA FULL OF GRACE.(R)1, 3:20, 5:40, 8. THE PRINCESS DIARIES 2: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT. (G) 1, 3:30, 6, 8:30. THE VILLAGE. (PG-13)1, 3:30, 6, 8:30. 26 amNY CROSSWORDPUZZLE 1 5 9 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 29 32 34 35 39 41 weather WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 43 Ceremonial accessory 44 Ventilate 46 Asparagus tips 47 Barked 50 A Muppet 51 Worries 54 Take flight 56 Bright stars 57 Superior 62 Pop up 63 Cores 64 Neck of the woods 65 Nature trails 66 Stet opposite 67 Loose-fitting dress 68 Fodders 69 Notion 70 Covers with grass ACROSS Flowerless plant Go it alone Persian ruler Piano piece Out of control Ocean motions Some nest eggs Zhivago’s love Ancient bazaar Apiarist’s offering Pulsate Army outfit Papas or Cara Knitted wrap House’s exterior finish Forward pass Santa __, CA Lo-cal Urged Develops slowly DOWN 1 Bank watchdog org. Edited by Stanley Newman 28 Irresolute 30 Half of deux 31 Cleveland NBAers 33 Vault 36 Novelist Turgenev 37 Garr of Mr. Mom 38 To be, to Caesar 40 Scoop 42 Wagner output 45 Got out of trouble 48 Evaluate 49 Stand-in 51 Velcro alternative 52 Bar mitzvah scroll 53 Lloyd Webber musical 55 Confused 57 The King __ 58 Bruce Wayne’s cavemates 59 Sandwich cookie 60 Sell 61 Diner sign 2 Post-mark currency 3 Juice a grapefruit 4 Airline regulatory agcy. 5 Beauty parlor Yesterday’s solution 6 Muscat residents 7 Swit of M*A*S*H 8 Hunky-dory 9 Radio noise 10 Big spender 11 Dote on 12 Wading bird 16 Kemo __ 21 Luau n umbers Stan Newman’s latest book of 100 25 Patsies daily puzzles is available for $8.95, 26 Mother of postpaid, autographed upon request. 27 Down Send check to: Crosswords, PO Box 27 Greek god of 69-A, Massapequa Park, NY 11762. war To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. hidden advantage. Rely on someone 7 who loves you instead of someone (June 22-July 22) who has what you want. Your sense of confidence is growing stronger. The really nifty part is that 6 you’re taking on more authority, yet (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) you’re still staying nice. It’s not an A budget is not something you genereasy trick. ally will get into when you’re looking for a good time. Finances will be more 7 enjoyable now, though, so you might (July 23-Aug. 22) want to give it a try. The pressure’s rising, and a deadline’s coming closer. Strangely, you feel 7 more calm. You focus carefully, breathe (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) deeply and walk away with the prize. Somebody who knows more than you do about a specific subject can teach 7 you. This way you won’t have to learn (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) everything the hard way. Listen. A minor setback occurs when you think you don’t have everything you need. 8 Don’t let a sense of panic set in. Your (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) friends are coming to your aid. If you stick to the schedule, you’ll get an awful lot done. It could even turn 6 out to be enjoyable, a nice fringe ben(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) efit. You like to make a good impression, and generally, that’s easy. This time, 7 however, be forewarned. You’ll be held (Feb. 19-March 20) to a higher standard. It’s funny how making a commitment can actually make you feel freer, 8 instead of more confined. Go ahead (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) and do it. Over the next few days, you’ll have a YOUR HOROSCOPE BY LINDA BLACK TODAY’SBIRTHDAY Aug. 11 • Friends help you achieve your goals this year, but discipline is required. Pay off all your debts. You’ll find that security is worth a lot more to you than toys. Aries 6 (March 21-April 19) You can try to do what you think a loved one wants. That’s an admirable trait. It’s also a very good idea to ask exactly what they want, however. What he or she wants may not be what you’d assumed. Taurus 6 (April 20-May 20) When you get into studying something you really like, there’s simply no prying you away. Make the time for the next few days. Gemini 8 (May 21-June 21) Money may be the root of all evil, but it can also be used to do enormous good, as you may already know. Figure out how to do that in your own household first. TODAY’SWEATHER REGIONAL FORECAST Leo Capricorn Virgo Aquarius Scorpio Montauk 79/68 Huntington 81/70 Central Park 83/71 Hoboken 83/70 Hicksville 81/70 Jamaica 83/71 Newark 84/71 Air Quality Today: Moderate Long Beach 81/71 Source: New York Department of Environmental Conservation A cold front will bring a chance of afternoon showers and thunderstorms to the area today, with a better chance of showers and thunderstorms overnight. Expect scattered showers and thunderstorms to continue Thursday and Friday due to the slow movement of this storm system. High pressure will return this weekend and provide some sunshine along with dry and seasonable conditions. REGIONAL TEMPS City Wednesday Bridgeport Hicksville Hoboken Huntington Jamaica Jersey City Long Beach Mineola Montauk New Haven New York City Newark Stamford White Plains TODAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Chance of afternoon thunderstorms. Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Thursday 81/70/t 81/70/t 83/70/t 81/70/t 83/71/t 84/71/t 81/71/t 81/70/t 79/68/t 80/69/t 83/71/t 84/71/t 81/70/sh 82/68/t 79/68/t 78/68/t 80/68/t 78/69/t 77/68/t 81/68/t 77/68/t 78/68/t 76/68/t 77/68/t 80/68/t 81/68/t 79/66/t 77/65/t 83 Last New 71 80 68 78 67 SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY Partly cloudy and seasonably warm. Partly cloudy and seasonably warm. Partly cloudy and seasonably warm. 82 SUN & MOON Sunset today Sunrise tomorrow Moonrise today Moonset today 68 81 66 82 66 NATIONAL FORECAST 7:59 p.m. 6:03 a.m. 1:29 a.m. 5:34 p.m. First Aug. 15 Aug. 23 Aug. 29 Full Sept. 6 ALMANAC Statistics through 6 p.m. yesterday Temperature High/Low Tuesday 84/71 Normal High/Low 84/69 Record High 98 in 1949 Record Low 55 in 1879 Precipitation Total Tuesday 0.00" Month to date 0.28" Year to date 28.61" Normal month to date 1.40" Normal year to date 30.48" Cooling Degree Days Yesterday 13 Month to date 94 Year to date 693 Last year to date 635 Normal year to date 790 Libra Pisces Stamford 81/70 White Plains 82/68 Cancer Sagittarius New Haven 80/69 Bridgeport 81/70 Forecast weather conditions for 3:00 p.m. today. City Albuquerque Atlanta Baltimore Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Des Moines Detroit Honolulu Houston Jacksonville Las Vegas Los Angeles Memphis Today 91/66/pc 85/70/t 87/68/t 82/67/t 66/51/c 88/66/t 69/49/c 68/50/pc 68/54/sh 89/78/pc 94/72/t 87/74/t 109/86/s 78/66/s 84/65/t Thursday 87/66/pc 85/63/t 80/67/t 80/67/t 69/53/c 85/65/pc 72/53/pc 69/55/pc 70/54/sh 89/77/pc 90/66/t 86/73/t 107/83/s 76/65/s 79/61/pc City Today Miami 90/79/t Minneapolis 64/51/c New Orleans 91/75/t New York 83/71/t Omaha 71/52/pc Orlando 91/74/t Philadelphia 87/68/t Phoenix 109/88/s Pittsburgh 74/57/t Salt Lake City 94/66/s San Diego 77/68/s San Francisco 70/58/s Seattle 84/59/s St. Louis 75/56/pc Washington 88/70/t Thursday 91/78/t 71/54/pc 87/75/t 80/68/t 73/55/pc 91/74/t 82/69/t 107/86/pc 70/54/sh 94/64/s 75/67/s 68/56/s 84/58/s 75/57/pc 81/69/t INTERNATIONAL FORECAST City Acapulco Baghdad Berlin Bermuda Brussels Cancun Dublin Today 90/74/t 112/76/s 82/62/t 86/74/t 76/60/r 97/74/t 69/55/sh Thursday 89/72/pc 107/75/s 78/59/c 87/75/t 75/56/r 98/76/pc 67/56/r City Jerusalem Kingston London Mexico City Moscow Nassau Paris Today 89/73/pc 89/75/t 74/59/sh 80/56/t 72/53/sh 89/76/t 76/57/sh Forecasts, maps and data ©2004 Weather Central, Inc., Madison, Wis. Thursday 85/71/s 88/76/t 70/56/r 78/59/t 69/51/sh 88/75/pc 73/55/r City Rio Rome Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto Vancouver Today 76/60/s 90/67/pc 89/78/t 62/44/pc 89/67/pc 72/57/sh 81/54/s Thursday 78/61/pc 91/66/pc 87/76/pc 60/43/pc 88/66/pc 67/55/c 79/54/s NO LAWYERS! SAVE MONEY! The People Saturn GiveawayFirst We help you represent yourself with low cost, fast, accurate document preparation service. 1 1-800-530-0290 Linda Distenfield, President We The People Document Preparation Service Est. 1985 130 Offices Nationwide Offices In Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx & Westchester County GRAND PRIZE WINNER will receive a nicely equipped, fun-to-drive 2004 Saturn Ion™! 5 RUNNER-UP WINNERS will receive a pair of tickets to a New York Mets home game! Bring the entry form below to your local Saturn Retailer for your chance to win. While you're there, take a test drive in this or any other Saturn vehicle. Terms and conditions: • No purchase/test drive necessary • Obtain official entry blanks in amNewYork until 8/13/04 or on until 8/15/04 • Bring this entry form to your local tri-state Saturn Retailer on or before 8/15/04 •The Sweepstakes is open to legal residents of CT, NJ, and NY who are licensed drivers aged eighteen (18) and over as of 8/2/04. • Grand prize - A 2004 Silver Saturn Ion™ 2 Sedan (4 cylinder automatic - 140 HP) • Runner-up prizes - A pair of tickets to a New York Mets home game • Complete rules and list of Saturn retailers available at Saturn Retailers Saturn of Bay Ridge 714 65th Street Brooklyn, NY 11220 718-921-1234 Saturn of Staten Island 1632 Hylan Blvd Staten Island, NY 10305 718-979-5803 Saturn of Long Island 4801 Northern Blvd. L.I. City, NY 11101 718-721-1300 Saturn of Roslyn 1043 Northern Blvd. Roslyn, NY 11576 516-365-5055 Saturn of Bronx 271 East 233rd Street Bronx, NY 10470 718-324-9000 Saturn of Brunswick 1500 US Route 1 N. Brunswick, NJ 08902 732-418-1888 Saturn of Eatontown 67 Highway 36 Eatontown, NJ 07724 732-389-8822 Saturn of Freehold 4039 Route 9 North Freehold, NJ 07728 732-303-8700 Saturn of Denville 3103 Route 10 East Denville, NJ 07834 973-361-0400 Saturn of Livingston Rte 10 Livingston Circle Livingston, NJ 07039 973-992-0600 Saturn of Morristown 108 Ridgedale Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 973-538-2800 Saturn of Mt. Olive 480 Route 46 West Hackettstown, NJ 07840 908-979-3030 Saturn of Jersey City 943 Communipaw Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07304 201-433-2121 Saturn of Paramus 101 Route 4 West Paramus, NJ 07652 201-291-6800 Saturn of Larchmont 2500 Boston Post Road Larchmont, NY 10538 914-636-4200 Saturn of Stamford 85 Magee Ave Stamford, CT 06902 203-961-8425 Saturn of White Plains 358 Central Avenue White Plains, NY 10606 914-761-5000 Saturn of Massapequa 5715 Merrick Road Massapequa, NY 11758 516-795-3300 Saturn of Smithtown 726 Middle Country Road St. James, NY 11780 631-360-8900 Saturn of Poughkeepsie 2309 South Road, Rte. 9 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 845-462-1400 Saturn of West Nyack 250 Route 303 North West Nyack, NY 10994 845-353-1919 Saturn of Ramsey 815 Route 17 South Ramsey, NJ 07446 201-327-2500 Saturn of Route 23 561 Route 23 South Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 973-839-2222 Saturn of Hempstead 265 North Franklin Street Hempstead, NY 11550 516-565-2400 Saturn of Lynbrook 931 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, NY 11563 516-596-0800 Saturn of Toms River 1199 Route 37 East Toms River, NJ 08753 732-506-0500 Saturn of Union 2675 Route 22 West Union, NJ 07083 908-686-2810 Saturn of Green Brook 270 Route 22 West Green Brook, NJ 08812 732-752-8383 Saturn of Fairfield 421 Tunxis Hill Road Fairfield, CT 06825 203-384-0006 Contest Entry Form Bring this entry form to your local Saturn Retailer for your chance to win. Name Address City, State, Zip Code Email Address Daytime Phone Evening Phone Age Date of Birth health 28 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 HEALTHQUOTE: “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.”- Herophilus Lower cholesterol without drugs? BY DEAN ORNISH The Washington Post The diagnosis is right, but the prescription is incomplete. Millions more Americans will be prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs that many, perhaps most, could have avoided by making bigger changes in diet and lifestyle than this panel recommended. Since about $20 billion was spent on these drugs in the U. S. last year (almost $10 billion on Lipitor alone), a lot is at stake. Statin drugs such as Lipitor are effective ways of lowering (GETTY IMAGES) Reducing cholesterol levels saves lives. A recent report by a panel of experts from the American Heart Association and the government’s National Cholesterol Education Program recommended more aggressive treatment of people with elevated cholesterol levels. I agree. People run on treadmills at a New York Sports Club. Exercise is critical in reducing cholesterol levels. cholesterol levels. I prescribe them for patients when indicated. Several large-scale trials have demonstrated that these drugs can reduce heart attacks and premature death and that they may have additional benefits. Clearly, though, it would be better to accomplish the same goals by changing diet and lifestyle, since all drugs have costs and side effects, both known and unknown. As tens of millions of people begin taking these medications for decades, more longterm side effects are likely to become apparent; the statin drug Baycol was taken off the market in 2001 because of toxic side effects. In contrast, it costs nothing additional to eat a healthful diet, walk, meditate and quit smoking, and the only side effects of these behaviors are beneficial. The panel recommended diet and lifestyle changes as a first step for some people. But the diet it recommended has little effect on cholesterol levels, because it doesn’t go far enough; for most people, cholesterol levels decrease only 5%. The authors advised that adults with LDL-cholesterol levels above 100 mg/dL (which includes most adults in the United States) or even above 70 mg/dL (high-risk patients) be treated with drugs right away before finding out if diet and lifestyle changes are sufficient. The writer is clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and president of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute. FOR YOUR HEALTH: LOCAL 338 BLOOD DRIVE SCHEDULE August 13 11:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Waldbaum’s, 133-11 20th Ave., College Point, NY August 16 11:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Waldbaum’s, 213-15 26th Ave., Bay Terrace, NY *Special Note: NYC Councilman Tony Avella will be attending* August 27 11:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Waldbaum’s, 40 Greak Neck Road, Great Neck, NY Sept. 14 11:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Local 338 Headquarters, 97-45 Queen’s Blvd., Rego Park, NY *Special Note: These activities will commemorate those lost on 9/11* FREE MEN’S HEALTH SCREENINGS Spike TV to offer “Check Up or Check Out” National Men’s Health Initiative August 15 12:00 p.m. – 6 p.m. West 135 St., between 5th Ave. and Malcolm X Boulevard. •Screenings will include blood pressure, weight, body fat percentage, glucose testing, and spirometer tests. A SMILE THAT LIGHTS UP THE ROOM FREE TEETH WHITENING Come in for a cleaning, xrays and exam and we will give you a free teeth whitening. 200 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 (between 35th and 36th Streets) 212-683-2530 Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry health WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 Introducing ABC: amNY 29 ™ Advanced Biostructural Correction ABC is a new and exciting technique. In fact it was performed on Dr. Fazzari. It was so successful, he now uses it exclusively in his practice. Boo-boos all better BY CAROLE GOLDBERG The Hartford Courant It used to be so simple. When you fell down, Mom or Dad came to the rescue, washed off your wound and applied hydrogen peroxide or mercurochrome. Then, depending on the extent of your boo-boo, you got a wide bandage, a skinny little one or a dot. knuckles or medicated to minimize scars or cushioned to heal blisters. And don’t forget the eye-catching bandages for kids, decorated with cartoon characters or tattoo designs, and clear ones that appeal to adults because they don't catch the eye. “At first, it seems like a challenge to navigate” among all Hurt-Free line. We’ve come a long way from the birth of the first BandAids, which company lore says were invented in 1920 by Earle Dickson, a cotton buyer for Johnson & Johnson. By now, more than 100 billion Band-Aids have been made, and the company’s trademarked name has become the shorthand term for any adhesive bandage. According to a report posted on, 60% to 70% of adhesive bandages in the United States are used on children, and those with licensed images account for 15% to 20% of the market. Get We can help improve your overall stability, function, posture and eliminate pain. No matter what your diagnosis • Disc Herniation • Neck Pains • Bursitis • Spinal Stenosis Have you been told you need surgery? Contact Us First! Most major medical insurances accepted, No/fault workers comp. after after before before Center For Spinal Correction • Dominick M. Fazzari, D.C. 308 East 38th St., Suite 200 • New York, NY 10015 212 682-4311 • Straight Teeth and a • Caring & Friendly Office • Early Morning & Evening Hours Available • Knowledgeable Doctor & Staff Great Smile! • Referral Based Practice • Free Tooth Whitening at end of Treatment • State of the Art Facility ORTHODONTICS FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS CALL Rolland Rogers, DDS 108-50 71st. Ave. Forest Hills, NY Member of the American Assoc. of Orthodontists Subway, E, F, R, V, G, 71st Ave. Call Today For Your Buses, Q60, Q55A Free Consultation L.I.R.R. (GETTY IMAGES) Healthy meals put issues on the table BY KELLY YOUNG Los Angeles Times A family meal, whether it’s loaded with brussels sprouts or carrots, might provide more than just nutrition. It might also improve teenagers’ emotional health. “The family mealtime could provide kind of an informal check-in time, a little reminder that you’re part of a group of people that care about you,” said Marla Eisenberg, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota and the lead author of a new study on the effect of dining as a family. Adolescents who ate five or six meals a week with their families were 7% to 24% less likely to smoke cigarettes or marijuana, drink alcohol, get lower grades, show signs of depression or think about or attempt suicide than teens who had three or four family meals a week, the study found. The more meals the teens ate with families, the less likely they were to have these problems. Family meals appeared to have a more positive effect on girls than boys. Girls who said they ate more than seven meals a week with their families were almost half as likely to report attempting suicide as girls who said they never sat down to eat with their families. Boys who ate more family meals did not have a significantly different risk of suicide than those who ate fewer. Previous studies have shown that family meals were associated with how much children felt their parents cared about them. Children who feel close to their parents have a reduced risk of drug use, emotional problems, violence and sexual activity. In the study, conducted in 1998 and 1999, researchers at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis surveyed 4,746 11- to 18-year-olds in the Twin Cities about their families’ eating habits, their grades, drug use and mental health. Meals didn’t have to be in the evening nor be home-cooked to qualify as family meal. Have you been diagnosed with Angina, Chest pain or other Heart Conditions? Don’t want or are not a candidate for Heart Bypass Surgery? If so, you owe it to yourself and your family to consider EECP Therapy. EECP is Enhanced External Counterpulsation—a new NON-INVASIVE, Non-Surgical treatment for many heart conditions. EECP therapy has been shown in dozens of scientific research studies to be safe, effective and long lasting. EECP is FDA-Approved and is: Non-Invasive Non-Surgical No Drugs No Needles or IV’s No Sedation Outpatient therapy After EECP® treatment, patients may find that: they can walk farther; carry heavier packages and be more active without having angina; they have fewer attacks of angina; their episodes of angina are less intense; they need less anti-anginal medication; they can return to work, go out to dinner, garden, travel, or enjoy golf, tennis, or bowling once again; they no longer restrict their social lives, volunteer activities, or exercise because they are worried that they will cause angina. At Comprehensive Healthcare & Medical Services, PLLC we specialize in EECP as well as most of your other healthcare needs. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call: Comprehensive Healthcare and Medical Services, PLLC 595 Madison Ave. 27th Floor (corner 57th St.) New York, N.Y. Phone: 212-688-2650 Toll FREE: 1-888-688-2650 Hablamos Español We also have offices in N.J. 718-268-3666 But today’s bandage choices go far beyond just size and shape. The consumer market for adhesive bandages has exploded, driven by technological advances in hospitals. Lisa Corbett, a nurse at the Center for Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut, says the improved treatment of chronic non-healing wounds, those that persist longer than 30 days, has spun off products now available to the public. As a result, store shelves are these choices, says Todd Andrews, a spokesman for CVS Corp. “But it’s a real benefit to consumers.” As hospital stays grow shorter, he notes, postoperative wound care is increasingly being managed at home. “Our customers have told us, through studies, that they want these products,” Andrews says. Michael Sweeney, a spokesman for 3M’s Nexcare line, says liquid-bandage products are among the newest to catch the interest of consumers. Although they may be more expensive per application, he says, they last longer, which helps bring their cost closer to that of strip bandages. Further refinements will make such innovations more convenient and affordable, Sweeney says. Fred Tewell, product director for Johnson & Johnson’s Band-Aid Brand Adhesive Bandages, says older consumers, a growing group, are buying bandages that are gentle to the skin, such as the liquid type or Band-Aid’s jampacked with products: liquid and spray-on bandages, ionized-silver bandages, waterproof bandages, moistenvironment-promoting bandages and easy-to-remove bandages. Then there are the anti-itch, anti-bleeding and anti-bacterial bandages. Not to mention bandages shaped to fit fingers or Stop Managing Your Pain. My goal is to Eliminate It! NATURAL BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT Free Lecture Presented by Natural Healing of New York September 22nd & October 20th @ 6:45pm 78 Fifth Avenue (14th St) 2nd Floor Limited Seating Reservation Required 212-414-1234 30 amNY health WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 Trapeze New York: The only way to fly BY MARY MCGUIRE-WIEN Special to amNewYork 8,000 $ j You’re healthy, compassionate and generous. Through egg donation you can give a couple one of the greatest gifts — the chance for them to fulfill their dream of parenthood. Donors will receive $8,000 in compensation as well as a free, comprehensive medical evaluation. All applicants must be in good health and between the ages of 21 and 32. All treatment will be administered by board certified physicians at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York, a division of Mount Sinai Medical Center. Anonymity and confidentiality guaranteed. Please call (212) 756-5775. Or, visit us at When I first walked into Trapeze School New York I saw a low practice swing, which naturally I envisioned as the place for my first lesson. But when I heard the instructions, my jaw dropped and my heart quickened. Climb 23 feet high, grab a trapeze and swing, then loop knees over the bar, let go and swing upside down, then grab the bar with your hands and let go, tumbling down to the net below. The dumbfound- (GETTY IMAGES) Your chance to make a difference Become an Egg Donor. New Yorkers are taking fitness out of the gym and finding fantastic new challenges outdoors. On Hudson River Drive and Vestry Street, there is an incredible, only-in-New York way to take the strength and agility gained from pumping iron or yoga class out to play. Warning: You will need to be in reasonably good shape to begin with! Trapeze New York offers classes for those with the spirit of an adventure and the will to fly over the Hudson. ed and incredulous look on my face went completely ignored by the three instructors, Frederique Jacquot, Paul Cannon and Jason Corkum. High on the platform, Frederique hooked me up to PERSONAL TRAINING 30-Minute Certified SuperSlow® Strength Training Improves • Strength & Stamina • Mobility & Joint Stability • HDL & Blood Glucose Levels • Cardio-Vascular Effeciency • Bone Mineral Density • Metabolic Efficiency For more information please contact 532 Madison Avenue 7th Floor By Appointment Only CHRISTOPHER MOLLOY IF YOU GO Trapeze School New York (917) 797-1872 West Side Highway at Vestry Street $57, two-hour lesson Maximum class size: 6. Class packages are also available online. (212) 935-8448 Help another woman get pregnant. GOT AN HOUR? GET A WHITER SMILE. the safety rope and handed me the trapeze. Down below, the no-nonsense Paul shouted commands for timing while pulling me around with the safety rope. On another trapeze, the upside-down Jason waited to catch those of us who qualified for this experience. Terrified on my first try, I gained confidence with each successive attempt. Even so, I didn’t achieve the precision required for the coveted catch. In the meantime my arms, shoulders and whole body felt completely toned and alive. Not to mention my soaring spirit. This is the only way to fly. Dr. Paulina Giraldo CHIROPRACTOR • Neck Pain • Shoulder/ArmPain • Mid & Low Back Pain • Free Initial Consultation with this AMNY Ad 212-228-5554 Most Insurances Accepted Become an egg donor 928 Broadway Suite 505 Women between the ages of 22 and 32 can help make a woman’s dream come true. Total beauty salon. From head to toe. betweeen 21st/22nd Japanese Magic Straight Perm $50 off Nail, Waxing, Massage Egg donors are compensated $8,000 For more information, please call our toll-free number 1-866 GIVE EGG HANSON PLACE DENTAL ASSOCIATES One-Stop Complete Dentistry for the Entire Family Columbia University 4 MetroTech Center (Lobby), Brooklyn, NY 718-403-0700 (at the corner of Flatbush Ave. and Myrtle Ave.) 801175300 Kayi Day Spa 10 E. 33rd St. New York, NY 10016 Tel. 212.239.8310 • health WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 amNY THE TALENTS OF A SCULPTOR THE SKILLS OF A SURGEON 31 PLASTIC SURGERY by Stanley Taub, M.D. Blepharoplasty Eliminate puffiness and wrinkling around eyes. Rhinoplasty Nose re-shaping and breathing correction. NEW! Fat Grafting For Facial Rejuvenation (GETTY IMAGES) Face Lift Learning to forgive others — even without an apology from the offender — can improve your mental, emotional and physical health, studies have shown. Using the ‘f’ word will help you heal stress-promoting anger and improve mental, emotional and physical health. On the other side are critics of the movement, such as Jeffrie G. Murphy, a professor of law, philosophy and religious studies at Arizona State University. Murphy and other contrarians aren’t against forgiveness itself, but against a theory of forgiveness that they see as, well, unforgiving. Murphy, the author of last year’s “Getting Even: Forgiveness and Its Limits,” has no doubt that, for some people, forgiveness brings healing and allows them to move on. “But sometimes,” he said “getting mad and getting even brings closure.” One Connecticut psychotherapist, who asked that her name not be used, found herself consumed by anger and violent revenge fantasies when she discovered that her husband had been having sex with prostitutes — sometimes in the couple’s home while she was away with the children. She was not only betrayed but infected with a sexually transmitted disease. “I thought, ‘I don’t want to live with this anger,’” she said. Following the writings of Enright, other psychotherapists, Buddhist teachers and one-on-one therapy — she was able to forgive her husband and let go of much of her anger. As a therapist, she said, she better understands the power of forgiveness and the importance of not trying to push patients into forgiving. As a result of her own experience, she said, “I think I have more tolerance for people to be angry for a very long time.” Protect your eyes BRAZZO UV, or ultraviolet rays, are a type of energy that is emitted by the sun. BY JENNIFER MARTIN amNewYork Staff Writer AMNY Exactly how do they affect the eyes? exposure to UV light over many years. It is good from an early age to protect your eyes with sunglasses with UV filters and wear a hat with a brim. It’s summer, and the sun has been shining quite brightly. BRAZZO It has been suggested by researchers that high doses of UV light can cause problems with the eye, including macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of blindness in the U.S. BY GARRET CONDON The Hartford Courant Forgiveness isn’t always easy, but it’s simple, right? Not really, as it turns out. A number of psychotherapists and academic psychologists have championed the healing power of forgiveness. But the trend also has bred a group of unrepentant critics. On one side is the “forgiveness movement,” a twodecade effort to study the health effects of forgiving. Proponents of therapeutic forgiveness, especially psychologist Robert D. Enright of the University of Wisconsin, have proposed that injured parties can learn to forgive their offenders — with or without an apology from them. Studies show that forgiving those who trespass against us can reduce Q /A: It’s always nice to enjoy a sunfilled view, but if you’re looking without your sunglasses, there may come a day when you won’t enjoy any views. That’s why, all fashion reasons aside, amNewYork talked to Dr. Brian G. Brazzo, MD, of Cornell Medical University Center about the real reasons why it’s cool to wear sunglasses. AMNY What are UV rays? AMNY Do UV rays become harmful to the eye as you age or do they affect you from birth? BRAZZO Most of the damage caused by UV light is caused early in life and tends to be the cumulative effect of AMNY When buying sunglasses, is there a difference in quality between glasses from your local drugstore and those from a specialty store? BRAZZO When you buy a high quality lens, you know that it has the UV filters in it. Most sunglasses bought at department or drugstores, if they have the filter stamp on them, are reliable, but it’s tough to say for sunglasses sold on the street, even if they may have the stamp on them. And contact lenses, as far as I know, do not provide UV protection. Re-contours the face & neck, eliminating wrinkles & tightening the skin & jowls. Look years younger! Breast Enlargement Using saline and silicone implants. Breast Reduction Reduces overly large breasts. Tummy Tuck Tightens the abdomen. Removes loose, wrinkly skin, including stretch marks. Liposuction THE Permanently removes fat tissue from the body. Slims and re-shapes difficult-to-reduce areas. LATEST WRINKLE FILLERS 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE BOARD CERTIFIED *RADIANCE *RESTYLANE *BOTOX Call for Consultation (212) 758-1128 30 Central Park South, NYC. Outpatient Surgical Facility AFFORDABLE FINANCING w w w. d r s ta n l e y ta u b . c o m Give Your Feet a Break From Pain! Heel Spur Bunion Painful Corn Fungal Nail We treat all foot disorders. Take Action Now! If you have problems with your feet don’t suffer needlessly. Immediate Appointment available Offices located in Manhattan, close to Port Authority, Penn Station, the Upper East Side, and Wall Street at 42 Broadway. Also located in Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens Free Consultation Call 1-800-Foot-123 or visit our website at As seen on the New York Subways All Insurance Plans Accepted 32 amNY health WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 HEALTH BRIEFS NJ’s rapid HIV test AIDS drugs OK’d West Nile vaccine Breast cancer Hospital’s quality White wheat bread TRENTON Rapid HIV tests that give results in minutes rather than days are now available at 18 publicly funded counseling and testing sites in New Jersey, state officials said last week. The new blood tests gives (AP) results in about 20 minutes. LOS ANGELES As public concern about West Nile virus has intensified, so has the push to create a vaccine. Several drug companies are considering developing new medical protections against the virus, including Calif.-based Chiron Corp. (L.A. Times) HARTFORD African-American women are four times more likely than white women to have a genetic mutation that makes breast cancer tumors more deadly, a new study by researchers at the Yale School of (Hartford Courant) Medicine shows. WASHINGTON The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations has launched, a Web site that lets consumers compare patient care at hospitals statewide (L.A. Times) and nationally. OMAHA Everyone knows wholegrain bread is healthier. But try getting a kid to eat it. ConAgra Foods says it has a solution: flour that retains whole-grain fiber nutrition while delivering the soft, sweet tex(AP) ture of white flour. WASHINGTON Two new AIDS drugs, each of which combines two medications within a single tablet, have been approved by federal regulators, the Food and Drug Administration said last week. They are (AP) Emtriva and Viread. MEDICAL RESEARCH STUDIES Do you have erectile dysfunction? Do you also have any of these symptoms when you urinate? Weak or intermittent stream Straining or hesitancy Sensation of not emptying your bladder completely Increased frequency or urgency of urination Getting up multiple times during the night to urinate We are conducting a research study to evaluate the safety and effects of an investigational drug used to simultaneously treat Erectile Dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms. Men with both these conditions who are age 45 or older and in an active sexual relationship may qualify to participate. Qualified participants will receive study-related medical exams, laboratory tests and study medication at no cost. Have you ever had a time, when all of a sudden you felt extremely frightened, apprehensive, as if you were in great dander? Were you also short of breath, lightheaded, sweating and afraid that you might lose control or die? Was your heart racing or was your stomach upset? Did you shake or tremble? Did you feel tingling or numbness in parts of your body? Did things around you seem unreal? If you are between the ages of 18 and 65, and identify with one or several of these symptoms, you may be eligible to participate in a prospective research study of relapse predictors in Panic Disorder at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Please call for further information (212) 241-5880 University Urology Associates 212-686-9015 ext 15 ® for Trauma and Stress for adolescent girls (aged 14-21) and adult women who have experienced childhood physical/sexual abuse. Women and girls with symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, sleep problems, difficulty with trust, may be eligible for a research-based psychotherapy treatment at no cost. For info call: 212-263-2786 (adolescents) or 212-263-2481 (adult women). FIEVE CLINICAL SERVICES Have you experienced: • Elevated, excitable or irritable moods? • Racing thoughts? • Loss of sleep and less need for sleep? or • Feeling hopeless, worthless, down in the dumps? • Loss of interest in usual activities? • Fatigue, loss of concentration? Free research study related treatment available for eligible patients with bipolar disorder (”Manic Depression”). Call for more information 212-772-3570 NO INSURANCE NECESSARY GCO# 02-1244; MSSM IRB Approved through 02/28/2005 If you are interested or for more information, please contact; Psychotherapy treatment at the NYU Child Study Center Institute Mood Swings? To find out about additional clinical trials at The Mount Sinai Medical Center visit 1-800-MDSINAI Clinical research studies are available at New York University Department of Dermatology for the following diseases: • Psoriasis • Alopecia Areata, Totalis or Universalis Men Only • Molluscum Contagiosum (2-12 years old) • Eczema (Male Only) Contact Judy Wang at (212) 263-6881 New York University School of Medicine Department of Dermatology 560 First Avenue, H-158 New York, NY 10016 I’m Sad All The Time. Will I Ever Feel Good Again? ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION? IS YOUR MEDICATION NOT WORKING FOR YOU? We are conducting a clinical research study of an investigational drug for difficult-to-treat depression. You may be eligible if you’ve experienced symptoms of depression and have not responded to medication your doctor has prescribed. Symptoms of depression may include: • Feeling sad or depressed • Losing interest in your usual daily activities • Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness or guilt • Sleeplessness or lack of energy If you are eligble and are enrolled, you may receive study-related investigational drug and medical evaluations at no charge. To learn more call us now. ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Healthy Overweight Men & Women 30-65 Needed to Study The Effect of Low Calorie HIGH CARB VS. HIGH FAT Diets On Weight Loss • Sleep over for 16 weeks and continue to go to work or school • Private room with cable TV and VCR • Compensation will be provided You may qualify if: Potential Benefits: • you are 30-65 years old • you are generally healthy • you are overweight • Comprehensive physical exam at no cost • Meals • Weight loss 212-327-7445 . To advertise in tne Medical Research Studies section, please contact Matt Parisi at 212-239-5453 or email health WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 amNY When Your Feet Feel Good…So Do You! 33 ACTIVE NY Take the Foot Health Checkup I My toenails are streaked, discolored and thickened. I I have a large bump behind my big toe (or little toe) which is always red. I My toes aren’t straight–they are all cocked-up, bent and hurt. I My ankles are swollen most of the time. I I have corns on my toes which get thick no matter what shoe size I wear. I I get an extremely painful “cramp” in the area of my third and fourth toes when wearing shoes. I The bottom of my heel hurts all day, but it’s worse when I step out of bed in the morning. (GETTYIMAGES) I My feet just hurt all over when I stand or walk a lot. Biking as activism BY ALEXANDRA CHANG amNewYork Staff Writer Time’s Up! has been dedicated to promoting the environment and non-polluting transportation for the past 16 years as a non-profit in New York City. With such ambitious goals as creating a community space (a large storefront on East Houston called the BIKE NATIONAL CONVENTION EVENTS Friday August 20 Prospect Park Traffic-calming: 6 PM Grand Army Plaza The ride lasts for one hour and the park will be closed to cars. Time’s Up! Bike Space) for biker activists to meet up and volunteer, the organization is presenting a Bike National Convention this month. With the Republican National Convention coming to the city, Time’s Up! is planning on hosting several events to highlight the importance of finding non-polluting methods of transportation and spotlighting the need for elected officials to work on legislation that promotes the well-being of the environment. Past events that the group have participated in include the Critical Mass bike tour that meets up at the end of each month en masse, as it were, for a ride across the city. The Critical Mass tours have become a huge underground phenomenon in the city. If you are looking for a bike yourself to participate in the Bike National Convention, you can always rent bikes, such as at Gotham Bikes (112 W. Broadway, 212-732-2453), or you can try some more unconventional tactics and swing by the 10th Street Bazaar at 10th Street and Avenue A on Saturdays. You can pick up a good old fashion one-speed Schwinn cruiser for just $35. Get there early for the best selection. You can always customize your bike later with accessories on eBay, such as with original leather messenger seats, fenders or bike baskets. For more information, see the Web site Times Up! is located at 49 E. Houston St. between Mott and Mulberry, 212-802-8222. Cyclone Ride 7 PM The Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge to Coney Island. Bring a towel and bike locks. Saturday, August 21 Environmental Tour of South Bronx 2 PM Brook Park Nature Preserve at E. 141st and Brook Ave., Bronx. Friday, August 27 RNC Critical Mass 7 PM Union Square Park North Ride in the Critical Mass and then go to an RNC Group-InfoSharing after-party. For more events go to: KEEP THE BODY TONE This is a popular exercise to target the muscles in your upper body and shoulders. It adds shape and firmness to your back muscles and develops strength that is especially valuable to swimmers or rock climbers who need powerful upper bodies. 1 Lie on a sturdy bench or position your head and shoulders on top of a Bosu trainer. Bend your knees with your feet hip-width apart and flat on the floor. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, bend your elbows with the dumbbells close together and just above your chest. Pull your abdominals and keep your back straight. 2 Keeping your elbows in the bent position, inhale and move the dumbbells behind your head. On an exhale, squeeze the muscles in the outer sides of your back as you slowly bring the dumbbells back over your upper chest. Pause for a moment and repeat 12 times. Rest for 20 seconds and repeat for a total of three sets. (L.A. Times) • Most Insurance Plans Accepted • Complete Family Foot Care • Laser Surgery Available Patients responsible for co-pay and deductible I I have numbness, burning, infection, persistent pain, skin rash, or open sores. Dr. Ernest Levi Dr. Paul Drucker 40th St., between Madison & Park Avenues (Around the corner from Grand Central Terminal) 60th St., between Park & Lexington Avenues 1-212-685-5100 1-212-772-3500 34 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 METS SNAP SKID SPORTS CHATTER “ Giambi cleared to play Rick Fox, traded last week by the Los Angeles Lakers to the Boston Celtics, filed for divorce yesterday from singer-actress Vanessa Williams. The two, above, have been married for five years and have a 4-year-old daughter. Williams, who won the Miss America pageant in 1984, has three children from her first marriage, and Fox has a son from a previous relationship. The two had been separated. Pepe’s pitch Maria Pepe, whose lawsuit in the early 1970s forced Little League to allow girls to play baseball, will throw out the opening pitch of the Little League World Series. Pepe, of Hoboken, N.J., was 12 when she earned a spot on a team in the Hoboken Little League. But league officials forced the team to take her off the roster, prompting a lawsuit by Pepe’s family and the National Organization of Women. They won the lawsuit in 1974, but by then Pepe was too old for Little (AP) League. (AP) (GETTY IMAGES) Divorce for Fox “ sports Cliché of the day: “I think we’re 1,000% better than when we started.” — U.S. Olympic men’s basketball player Tim Duncan Houston’s Jeff Kent was safe at home on this play last night, but the Mets snapped a three-game losing streak with a 7-3 win over the Astros. David Wright homered, and Jose Reyes hit a two-run triple Mike Piazza and Kaz Matsui sat out with injuries for the third straight game. Crash costs ace 2 teeth Mets pitcher Tom Glavine lost his two front upper teeth in an automobile accident yesterday while going from LaGuardia Airport to nearby Shea Stadium in a taxi cab. Glavine, who is 8-10 with a 2.92 earned run average, also got stitches for a cut lower lip. He was to be released from a hospital last night and miss his scheduled start tonight Economy Foam & Futon — Established 1937 — LAY DOWN WITH THE BEST Foam Mattresses Cut To Size While You Wait Mattresses In Every Size Heavy Duty Cotton Futons at $39.95 Convertible Futon Frames $74.95 10% OFF with this ad exp. 8/31/04 against Houston. Matt Ginter will take his place. The accident occurred at 2:15 p.m. as Glavine headed to the ballpark for New York’s game against the Astros. The left-hander had spent Monday’s off day with his family in Atlanta, where he used to play. Glavine was leaving LaGuardia in a taxi that collided with a sport utility vehicle on the overpass of the Grand Central Parkway as he left the airport grounds, the Mets said. Police responded to the crash, and the Emergency Medical Service took Glavine by ambulance to a hospital in Manhattan. Glavine, who was conscious, was treated by Mets oral surgeon Dr. Robert Glickman. He was resting comfortably STUCK IN A CONTRACT? WANT OUT? WE PAY CANCELLATION FEE! • Free Phones • Free Accessories • Cash Back • Latest Phones FREE PHONE! 1000 Peak Minutes FREE NIGHTS & WEEKENDS! $39.99 Custom Made Cushion Covers Choose From Our Selection of Exotic & Designer Fabrics Special Foam For Sound Proofing GRAND OPENING GREENWICH VILLAGE 56 W. 8th St. between 5th & 6th 212-475-4800 LOWER EAST SIDE 175 E. Houston at 1st Ave. 212-473-4462 Open Sun 11-6 • Mon 10:30-7:30 Tues Closed • Wed–Fri 10:30-7:30 • Sat 11-7:30 Open Sun 10-5 • Mon Closed Tues–Fri 9-6 • Sat 10-6 WWW.ECONOMYFOAMANDFUTON.COM DELIVERY AVAILABLE per month AT&T, T-Mobile, Nextel, Cingular Rollover minutes! Best Prices Guaranteed!! 718-422-7730 SMART CELL 66 Court St. Brooklyn, NY 11201 and was to go straight to his home in Connecticut, the Mets said. Growing up in Massachusetts, Glavine was a two-sport prep star and was picked by the NHL’s Los Angeles Kings in the fourth round of the 1984 draft. Once asked why he picked baseball over hockey, he joked, “I had all my own teeth and I wanted to keep it that way.” (AP) A smiling and upbeat Jason Giambi arrived yesterday at the Yankees’ spring training complex to start working himself back into playing shape after being diagnosed with a benign tumor. “Definitely, I’m feeling better,” Giambi said when departing the complex. Wearing sweat pants and a white T-shirt, Giambi said he would talk about his situation Wednesday afternoon at a news conference. “Jason Giambi has been cleared to resume baseball activities immediately,” Yankees physician Dr. Stuart Hershon said after consulting with doctors at ColumbiaPresbyterian Medical Center. The first baseman, who has felt weak for most of the season, has not played since July 23. The Yankees at first diagnosed him with an intestinal parasite, then said July 30 that he had a benign tumor, without disclosing where it was located. Giambi had difficulty keeping food down for much of June and July. Giambi struggled before going on the disabled list, batting just .221. (AP) BASEBALL BRIEFS Pink eye benches Yankees’ Vazquez Yankees pitcher Javier Vazquez will miss his scheduled start tonight against the Texas Rangers because of pink eye. The right-hander has been bothered by pink eye for nearly a week. He remained in New York yesterday and could rejoin the team for its series next week in Minnesota.Right-hander Tanyon Sturtze will start in Vazquez’s place. Mets coach suspended, then reinstated Mets pitching coach Rick Peterson was suspended for last night’s game against Houston for violating baseball’s slow pace policy, then was reinstated before the penalty took effect. “The whole thing has been rescinded,” said Bob Watson, vice president of on-field operations in the commissioner’s office. Earlier in the day, Peterson was suspended for one game and fined an undisclosed amount for a run-in with plate umpire Tony Randazzo last Wednesday at Montreal. Peterson had gone to the mound to talk to reliever Tyler Yates after a walk, but argued when Randazzo told him to hurry up. Royals demote top rookie of 2003 The Kansas City Royals sent struggling AL Rookie of the Year Angel Berroa to Double-A Wichita yesterday. Berroa, who signed an $11 million, four-year contract in May, was batting just .249 with five homers and 30 RBIs. Last year, the shortstop hit .287 with 17 homers and 73 RBIs in his first full season on a big league roster. Sosa passes Jackson on career HR list Chicago Cubs star Sammy Sosa hit his 564th homer last night and moved past Reggie Jackson into sole possession of eighth place on the career list. Sosa, in an 0-for-15 slump, connected for a solo shot in the second inning off San Diego’s Adam Eaton. Harmon Killebrew is seventh with 573. Today marks 10 years since strike Ten years ago today, baseball players packed up the bats and balls and went home for the winter, wiping out the World Series and alienating millions. “I hope we’ve all learned our lesson,” commissioner Bud Selig said recently. (AP) sports 35 FOOTBALL BRIEFS Timid Titan MVP McNair maintains low profile Manning’s brace Brown reunites scares teammates with former coach Desperate Miami turns to Freeman Eli Manning raised a couple of eyebrows yesterday when he showed up at the Giants’ morning workout with a brace on his left knee. “We asked him in the locker room if he was all right,” quarterback Kurt Warner said. “He said he had worn it in the past and it was something that he felt comfortable with.” Manning, who’s competing with Warner to be the team’s starting quarterback, said he wears the brace in games. He said he wore it yesterday because it was a new one and he wanted to get used to it. Manning started wearing a brace in his junior year at Mississippi. The Giants, coming off a losing season, are counting on Manning, the top pick in the 2004 draft, to turn around the team’s for(AP) tunes. Receiver Antonio Freeman worked out for the Miami Dolphins yesterday, a day after David Boston had seasonending knee surgery. A former Pro Bowler and once Brett Favre’s No. 1 target in Green Bay, Freeman, 32, caught just 14 passes for 141 yards in 15 games with the Packers last season. He could be more help to the Dolphins, who have little experience opposite Chris Chambers at the receiver position. But the Dolphins were still considering whether to sign Freeman, who has spent his entire career in the West Coast offense, which the Dolphins don’t use. Boston tore a tendon in his left knee Friday, moving Derrius Thompson back into a starting role. Thompson was a disappointment in his first season with (AP) the Dolphins. Tim Brown signed yesterday with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, a move that reunites the former Oakland receiver with ex-Raiders coach Jon Gruden and general manager Bruce Allen. The 38-year-old, nine-time Pro Bowl receiver will be counted on to bolster a receiving corps that is in desperate need of experienced help because of injuries and Keenan McCardell’s holdout. Brown was released last week after 16 seasons with the Raiders, who told him that he was no better than the fourth or fifth best receiver in a group that included starters Jerry Rice and Jerry Porter. With Tampa Bay, Brown could wind up being a starter with McCardell demanding a raise after a Pro Bowl season and Joe Jurevicius out indefinitely after under(AP) going back surgery. McNair has had offers since sharing the NFL’s 2003 prize with Peyton Manning. It’s just that he prefers staying out of the spotlight and enjoying the quiet life with his family on his 643-acre Mississippi ranch when he’s not on a football field trying to improve. McNair led the NFL with a 100.4 passer rating and was the AFC’s Pro Bowl starter. He threw for 3,215 yards with a career-high 24 touchdowns and career-low seven interceptions in just 14 games. But he knows defenses will be looking to shut him down this season. McNair, 31, is healed from February surgery to remove a bone spur from his left ankle. The injury caused him to miss two games last season and left him hobbling at the end of a playoff loss at New England. A bigger concern is the loss of Frank Wycheck and Eddie George, his longtime tight end and running back. With those two gone, McNair and left tackle Brad Hopkins are the only Titans who played in Houston as Oilers. (AP) Nylander signs with Rangers Nylander will earn $2.9 million next season, and $3 million in each of the next two years of the deal that also includes an option for the 200708 season. With a lockout that threatens next season looming, the Rangers — the NHL’s biggest spenders — had been quiet since the free-agent shopping season began July 1. But general manager Glen Sather decided to bring in the 31-year-old center, who has averaged almost a point per game during his 11 seasons. “Michael is a highly skilled, versatile player who we feel will play a significant role on our team,” Sather said. “He is a very intelligent player who will be an inte- gral part of our special teams play.” Nylander, who earned $2.675 million last season, is joining his third team since March, having been dealt by Washington to Boston at the NHL trading deadline. He was limited to only one goal and 13 assists in 18 games last season because of a broken leg in the preseason that ended his streak of 310 consecutive games played — the league’s longest active run. The native of Sweden scored more than 20 goals twice with the Chicago Blackhawks and had more than 50 points in the four seasons before breaking his right leg. Nylander’s best season was in 2000-01 when he posted career highs of 25 goals and 64 points while playing for Chicago. Boston acquired him from Washington for a sixth-round pick in the 2006 draft, and the Bruins were believed to be interested in re-signing him after he had three goals and three assists in a first-round playoff loss to Montreal. (AP) SAME DAY - 24HOURS - 2-3DAYS - 1 WEEK First Time (New) Renewal Replace Lost/Stolen Name Changes Add Visa Pages Obtain Birth Certificate Infant/Child Passport Mutilated Passport New Naturalized Citizens Speed up passports already in process WE PROCESS VISAS FOR FOREIGN TRAVEL TO MOST COUNTRIES 39 West 32nd Street Bet. (Broadway & 5th Ave) Suite 1202 212.244.8948 RUSH Passport and Visas Photos on premises CUT THIS AD OUT, YOU MAY NEED US ONE DAY WIN 50,000 US AIRWAYS DIVIDEND MILES! ENOUGH MILES FOR TWO ROUND-TRIP TICKETS* CHOOSE YOUR DESTINATION FIND THE MAGIC WORDS ENTER TO WIN TODAY ONLINE MAGIC WORDS REEL MEMORIES Contest #11 August 10 - August 16, 2004 *50,000 Dividend Miles maybe redeemed for two Coach Class award tickets valid anywhere in the continental United States or Canada on US Airways or Dividend Miles partner airlines. Please visit for additional details. All Dividend Miles terms and conditions apply. US Airways is not responsible for products and services offered by amNew York and Loews Cineplex Entertainment. Bring Your Baby to the Movies (GE TT Y IM AG ES ) Free agent forward Michael Nylander signed a three-year deal with the Rangers yesterday worth $8.9 million. RUSH Passport & Visas for “REEL MOMS” Every Tuesday and Saturday at Participating Theatres V V Today’s Hottest Movies Special Events & Giveaways V V Dads & Caregivers Welcome Babies get in FREE! Visit ENJOYTHESHOW.COM/REELMOMS for participating theatres, showtimes and movies Lov e Winning an MVP award usually translates into commercials, magazine covers and appearances on the front of cereal boxes. Not for Tennessee quarterback Steve McNair. • ugh • Liv La e fe Steve McNair is one win away from matching Warren Moon’s total for career wins (70) with the Titans’ franchise. La presented by Li Giants co-owner Robert Tisch has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. New coach Tom Coughlin informed the team of Tisch’s illness after the morning practice, the Giants said. “Very few of us in the organization knew there was any issue with Mr. Tisch,” Coughlin said. “We are very, very upset about the news. The team is upset. Mr. Tisch is a wonderful guy.” Neither the Giants nor Howard Rubenstein, a Tisch family spokesman, would give specifics about the tumor. Tisch bought half of the team in 1991 from Wellington Mara’s nephew, Tim Mara. The 78-year-old is the chairman of Loews Corp. He served as postmaster general of the U.S. from 1986-88. Since buying a share in the NFL team, Tisch has attended most games. He also has made almost weekly visits to Giants Stadium to watch practice and talk to players. “It’s a jolt,” Pro Bowl defensive end Michael Strahan said. “He’s a great man. I remember some of the things we’ve gone through since I’ve been here and how good he’s always been to me. I’m definitely praying for him.” (AP) amNY (AP) Tisch is fighting tumor WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 rg er tha n MOVIES WEDNESDAY’S TELEVISION NEWS SPORTS KIDS BROADCAST 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 CBS News Hollywood Sq. Ent. Tonight 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) King of Queens King of Queens 48 Hours Mystery (N) ’ (CC) News (:35) Late Show ’ ^ WCBS News (CC) NBC Nightly News Extra (N) ’ (CC) Access Hollywood Outrageous Game Show Moments NewsChannel 4 The Tonight Show Law & Order “Veteran’s Day” ’5 Law & Order “Vendetta”5 (CC) $ WNBC NewsChannel 4 The Simpsons ’ The Simpsons ’ Seinfeld ’4 FOX 5 News at 10 The Simpsons ’ The 2004 Teen Choice Awards (N) ’4 (CC) Seinfeld ’4 % WNYW Fox 5 News ABC Wld News Jeopardy! (CC) Wheel of Fortune My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids Drew Carey Drew Carey In the Jury Room (N) (CC) News (CC) (:35) Nightline _ WABC News (CC) ’ 4 ’ 4 King of Queens King of Queens UPN 9 News With Brenda Blackmon Steve Harvey Drew Carey The Parkers4 The Parkers4 Amish in the City (N) (CC) The Player (N) (CC) ) WWOR Will & Grace (CC) Friends ’5 Every-Raymond Smallville “Asylum” ’4 (CC) WB11 News Every-Raymond Smallville “Whisper” ’4 (CC) Friends ’5 + WPIX Dharma & Greg The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer (N) Great Performances: All-Star Piano Extravaganza Charlie Rose (CC) Sinatra: The Classic Duets3 (CC) ` WNET BBC World News Business Rpt. Umoja: The Spirit Umoja: The Spirit of Togetherness ’4 (CC) Dion: Live ’3 (CC) 5 WLIW The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer (N) BBC World News Visions of Italy On the Cover ’ Balderdash ’ Early Edition “Pilot” (iTV) ’ (CC) News Diagnosis Murder ’4 (CC) It’s a Miracle3 ? WPXN Weakest Link3 Shop ’Til You Drop Weakest Link3 Family Feud ’ Noticiero Univisión La Mujer de Madera Mariana de la Noche Amarte es Mi Pecado Don Francisco Presenta Primer Impacto Noticiero Univisión I WXTV Noticias XXVIII Summer Olympics Desde Atenas, Grecia. (En Vivo) Pasión-Gavilan. Prisionera Gitanas Protagonistas de la Fama VIP Noticias Lo Que Faltaba O WNJU Noticias ›› Angel’s Dance (1998, Comedy) James Belushi, Sheryl Lee, Kyle Chandler. Judge Judy (CC) Judge Judy (N) ’ News Wheel of Fortune Oprah Winfrey Detoxification.4 Inside Edition (N) W WLNY Jeopardy! (CC) CABLE 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 American Justice: Dancing Biography “Paul Lynde: Off Center” American Justice “The Cult Murders” Growing Up Gotti Growing Up Gotti Crossing Jordan “Wild Card” ’5 City Confidential4 (CC) A&E ››› Winchester ’73 (1950, Western) James Stewart, Shelley Winters. (5:15) ›››› The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) James Stewart. Into Character (N) ›››› The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) AMC 106 & Park: BET’s Top 10 Live “Top 10 Countdown” Count How I’m Living Music Special Club Comic View BET Nightly News How I’m Living The Parkers4 The Parkers4 BET (5:00) Celebrity Poker Showdown Celebrity Poker Showdown Celebrities compete for charity. (CC) Things I Hate About You (CC) The West Wing “Game On” ’4 The West Wing “Game On” ’4 BRV Bullseye (CC) Capital Report (CC) The Restaurant ’ (CC) Dennis Miller (N) McEnroe A.C. Newman. (N) The Restaurant ’ (CC) CNBC Lou Dobbs Tonight (CC) Anderson Cooper 360 (CC) Paula Zahn Now (CC) Larry King Live (N) (CC) NewsNight With Aaron Brown (CC) Lou Dobbs Tonight CNN The Daily Show Crossballs (N) Insomniac “Boise” South Park6 Reno 911! (N) The Daily Show Tough Crowd Late Night ’5 (CC) Mad TV ’5 (CC) South Park6 COM Nancy Grace Live Peterson trial. (Live) Forensic Files (N) Forensic Files The Investigators “Naked Ambition” Crime Stories “A Body to Die For” NYPD Blue ’5 (CC) Cops5 (CC) Cops5 (CC) COURT (2:00) House of Representatives (Live) Prime Time Public Affairs Prime Time Public Affairs CSPAN That’s So Raven Tiger Cruise (2004, Drama) Hayden Panettiere, Bill Pullman. (CC) That’s So Raven Sister, Sister3 Lizzie McGuire Bug Juice G Even Stevens3 Lizzie McGuire Sister, Sister3 DISN Attack Sub USS Pittsburgh. Mountain Marines (N) Widening the Panama Canal (CC) Great Biker Build-Off Mountain Marines Deep Inside the Titanic3 (CC) DSC Famous Last Names E! News (N) It’s Good to Be Tom Cruise The life of the actor. Dr. 90210 Dr. 90210 Scream Play Climbing competition. Howard Stern (N) Howard Stern E! SportsCenter (Live) (CC) MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Florida Marlins. From Pro Player Stadium in Miami. (Live) (CC) Gold and Glory: 2 on 2 With Jim Gray SportsCenter -- Old School (CC) ESPN 2004 World Series of Poker (N) NFL Live (CC) Interruption Little League World Series Northwest Regional Final -- Teams TBA. (CC) MLB Baseball Baltimore Orioles at Anaheim Angels. (Live) (CC) ESPN2 ››› Good Will Hunting (1997, Drama) Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck. Whose Line? The 700 Club (CC) Full House3 Full House3 7th Heaven “Peer Pressure”3 (CC) FAM Special Report (Live) (CC) The Fox Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (Live) (CC) Hannity & Colmes (Live) (CC) On the Record-Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor FNC I, Max (N) Mets on Deck MLB Baseball Houston Astros at New York Mets. In Spanish. From Shea Stadium in Flushing, N.Y. (Live) I, Max (N) Best Damn Sports Show Period (Live) (CC) FSNY ›› Commando (1985, Adventure) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rae Dawn Chong. Rescue Me “DNA” (N) (4:00) ››› Enemy of the State Rescue Me “DNA” Fear Factor ’4 (CC) FX ›› White Oleander (2002) Alison Lohman, Robin Wright Penn. ’ (CC) (5:00) Noises Off Alien/Predator Entourage (CC) Da Ali G Show ’ Simmons-Poet Real Time (CC) Six Feet Under ’6 (CC) HBO The XY Factor (CC) The Winchester3 (CC) Modern Marvels “Forts”3 (CC) Modern Marvels3 (CC) Modern Marvels “Oil Firefighting”3 Modern Marvels “Oil Tankers” (N)3 HIST The Golden Girls The Golden Girls ›› On the Line (1998, Drama) Linda Hamilton, Jeff Fahey, Coolio.5 (CC) Killer Instinct: From the Files of Agent Candice DeLong (2003) Jean Smart. The Golden Girls The Golden Girls LIFE ››› Crimson Tide (1995) Denzel Washington, Gene Hackman. ’ (CC) ›› Le Divorce (2003) Kate Hudson, Naomi Watts. Premiere. ’ (CC) ›› American Wedding (2003) Jason Biggs. ’ (CC) Black Tie Nite MAX The Sports List (N) (:35) Mets on Deck MLB Baseball Houston Astros at New York Mets. From Shea Stadium in Flushing, N.Y. (Live) SportsDesk (CC) Blueshirts I, Max (N) SportsDesk (CC) MSG The Abrams Report (Live) Hardball (CC) Countdown With Keith Olbermann Deborah Norville Tonight Scarborough Country (Live) Hardball (CC) MSNBC ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ The Assistant The Assistant Direct Effect Hard Rock Live Nick & Jessica Nick & Jessica Nick & Jessica Nick & Jessica MTV Cribs The Assistant The Assistant ’ MTV SPLAT! ’ Amanda Rugrats Y (CC) Jimmy Neutron Fairly Oddparents SpongeBob Full House ’3 Full House ’3 Who’s the Boss? Who’s the Boss? Who’s the Boss? Who’s the Boss? NICK News Inside City Hall News N.Y. Close-Up News Non-Stop News Inside City Hall Sports on 1 NY1 ››› Longtime Companion (1990) Bruce Davison, Campbell Scott. iTV. (CC) (5:30) ›› The Favor (1994) iTV. ’ (:15) ››› Evelyn (2002, Drama) Pierce Brosnan, Aidan Quinn. iTV. ’ (CC) Bob and Rose Holly has information. SHOW › ’ 5 ’ 5 Heatseeker (1995) Norbert Weisser. Stargate SG-1 “Last Stand”4 Primal Force (1999, Science Fiction) Ron Perlman, Roxana Zal. (CC) Code Red: The Rubicon Conspiracy (2001) Brian McNamara. (CC) SCIFI World’s Wildest Police Videos (CC) World’s Wildest Police Videos (CC) Spike 52: Most Irresistible Women Irresistible women. (N) ’ Spike 52: Most Irresistible Women ’ Real TV ’4 Real TV ’4 SPIKE Every-Raymond Seinfeld ’4 Sex and the City Sex and the City ›› Stepmom (1998) Julia Roberts. Seinfeld ’4 Friends ’4 Family Guy5 Family Guy5 Seinfeld ’4 Seinfeld ’4 TBS In a Fix “Jeweled Retreat” (N) Clean Sweep3 (CC) While You Were Out3 Trading Spaces3 What Not to Wear “Celita”3 (CC) While You Were Out3 TLC › Clifford (1991) Martin Short, Charles Grodin. ’ (CC) ››› Igby Goes Down (2002) Kieran Culkin. ’ (CC) (:05) ›› Clean Slate (1994, Comedy) Dana Carvey, Valeria Golino. (:15) ››› Gorky Park (1983) TMC ›› Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes. Premiere. ›› Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes. Charmed “Womb Raider”5 (CC) Law & Order “Doubles” ’4 TNT Mutant Turtles Teen Titans Ed, Edd n Eddy Grim Adventures Pokémon ’ (CC) Yu-Gi-Oh! Y7 Codename: Kid Totally Spies Y7 Teen Titans Jackie Chan Family Guy5 Futurama4 TOON Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Monk4 (CC) The 4400 “White Light” (CC) Walker, Texas Ranger ’5 (CC) JAG “First Casualty” ’4 (CC) USA (5:30) Driven ’ 40 Greatest Reality Show Moments 50 Greatest Reality Show Moments ›› Footloose (1984) Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer. Small-town teens fight for their right to dance. ’ Fabulous Life Of... Man in Mirror VH1 ››› Baby Boom (1987, Comedy) Diane Keaton, Sam Shepard. (4:30) ››› The Russia House (1990) This Matter of Marriage (1998, Drama) Michael Nouri, Leslie Hope. (CC) Promise Kept: Oksana Baiul Story WE Home Improve. Will & Grace (CC) Will & Grace (CC) Home Improve. McCloud “Our Man in the Harem” WGN News at Nine ’ (CC) Becker ’4 Becker ’4 WGN Mike-Mad Dog CenterStage ’ Yankees Pre. MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Texas Rangers. From Ameriquest Field in Arlington, Texas. (S Live) (CC) Yankees Post. MLB Baseball YES Sat Only Fri Sat Sat Sat & Mon 7 Days Only 7 Days Only 7 Days 5:30 5:35 5:40 6:00 6:20 7:25 8:00 8:05 8:15 — 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:55 9:00 6:30 6:35 6:40 7:00 7:20 8:25 9:00 9:05 9:15 — 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:55 10:00 7:30 7:35 7:40 8:00 8:20 9:30 10:00 10:05 10:15 — 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:55 11:00 8:00 8:05 8:10 8:30 8:50 — 10:30 10:35 10:45 — — 11:00 11:10 — 11:30 8:30 8:35 8:40 9:00 9:20 10:30 11:00 11:05 11:15 11:20 11:20 11:30 11:40 11:55 12:00 A HJ RIDER ALERT Eastbound Westhampton Line ARRIVING DEPARTING Westbound Montauk Line ARR. DEPARTING READ DOWN AM Light PM Bold Montauk Napeague Amagansett East Hampton Wainscott Sag Harbor Bridgehampton Water Mill Southampton Manorville Airport Connection Manhattan READ DOWN AM Light PM Bold NYC / 86th betw Lex & Third NYC / 69th & Lex NYC / 59th & Lex NYC / 40th betw Lex & Third Airport Connection Manorville Westhampton Quogue East Quogue Hampton Bays Fri Sat & Mon 7 Days Sat Only 9:00 9:05 9:10 9:30 9:50 — 11:30 11:35 11:45 — — 12:00 12:10 9:30 9:35 9:40 10:00 10:20 11:30 12:00 12:05 12:15 — 12:20 12:30 12:40 — 12:55 12:30 1:00 7 Days 6:30 6:35 6:50 7:00 7:05 — 7:15 7:20 7:30 7:55 9:35 9:45 Fri Sat & Mon 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days Mon thru Sat Sun thru Fri 8:30 8:35 8:40 9:00 9:20 10:30 10:50 10:55 11:05 11:10 3:30 3:35 3:40 4:00 4:25 6:05 6:20 6:25 6:35 6:40 4:30 4:35 4:40 5:00 5:25 6:35 6:50 6:55 7:05 7:10 9:30 9:35 9:40 10:00 10:20 11:30 11:50 11:55 12:05 12:10 11:30 11:35 11:40 12:00 12:20 1:30 1:50 1:55 2:05 2:10 1:30 1:35 1:40 2:00 2:25 3:30 3:50 3:55 4:05 4:10 7 Days Fri Only 7 Days Sun Only 7 Days Fri Only Sun thru Fri Wed thru Sat 7 Days Mon thru Sat 7 Days Thur & Fri 1:30 1:35 1:40 2:00 2:25 3:30 4:00 4:05 4:15 4:20 4:20 4:30 4:40 4:55 5:00 2:00 2:05 2:10 2:30 2:55 — 4:30 4:35 4:45 — 4:50 5:00 5:10 5:25 5:30 2:30 2:35 2:40 3:00 3:25 4:50 5:15 5:20 5:30 — 5:35 5:45 5:55 6:10 6:15 3:00 3:05 3:10 3:30 3:55 — 5:30 5:35 5:45 — — 6:00 6:10 — 6:30 3:30 3:35 3:40 4:00 4:25 6:05 6:30 6:35 6:45 6:50 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:25 7:30 4:00 4:05 4:10 4:30 4:55 — 6:45 6:50 7:00 — 7:05 7:15 7:25 7:40 7:45 4:30 4:35 4:40 5:00 5:25 6:35 7:00 7:05 7:15 — 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:55 8:00 5:00 5:05 5:10 5:30 5:55 7:05 7:30 7:35 7:45 7:50 7:50 8:00 8:10 8:25 8:30 5:30 5:35 5:40 6:00 6:25 7:35 8:00 8:05 8:15 — 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:55 ♦ 9:00 ♦ 6:00 6:05 6:10 6:30 6:55 — 8:30 8:35 8:45 — — 9:00 9:10 — — 6:30 6:35 6:40 7:00 7:25 8:35 9:00 9:05 9:15 9:20 9:20 9:30 9:40 9:55 10:00 7:00 7:05 7:10 7:30 7:55 — 9:30 9:35 9:45 — — 10:00 10:10 — 10:30 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days Mon thru Sat 7 Days w Sun Only 7 Days Sun & Mon w Sun Only 7 Days 7 Days 11:30 11:35 11:50 12:00 12:05 — 12:15 12:20 12:30 12:55 2:20 2:30 — — 2:20 2:30 — — 2:45 2:50 3:00 — 4:50 5:00 2:45 2:50 3:05 3:15 3:20 3:15 3:30 3:35 3:45 4:10 5:35 5:45 — — — 3:45 — 4:00 — 4:15 4:30 — 6:35 6:45 3:45 3:50 4:05 4:15 4:25 4:30 4:35 4:45 5:00 5:25 6:50 7:00 — — 4:35 4:45 — 5:00 — 5:10 5:30 — 7:20 7:30 4:45 4:50 5:05 5:15 5:20 — 5:30 5:35 5:45 — 7:35 7:45 5:30 5:35 5:50 6:00 6:05 6:05 6:15 6:20 6:30 6:55 8:20 8:30 Mon Only 7 Days 7 Days — — 8:50 9:00 9:05 — 9:15 9:20 9:30 — 11:20 11:30 Sun thru Fri A — — 7:20 7:30 7:35 — 7:45 7:50 8:00 8:25 9:50 10:00 — — 7:50 8:00 8:05 8:00 8:15 8:20 8:30 8:55 10:20 10:30 — — 9:20 9:30 — — 9:45 9:50 10:00 — 11:45 12:00 A Fri Only Mon thru Sat 7 Days Mon thru Sat Sun Only 5:15 5:20 5:25 5:45 6:10 7:20 7:35 7:40 7:50 7:55 5:30 5:35 5:40 6:00 6:25 7:35 7:50 7:55 8:05 8:10 6:30 6:35 6:40 7:00 7:25 8:35 8:50 8:55 9:05 9:10 9:00 9:05 9:10 9:30 9:50 11:00 11:15 11:20 11:30 11:35 9:30 9:35 9:40 10:00 10:20 11:30 11:45 11:50 12:00 12:05 9:30 9:35 9:50 10:00 10:05 10:00 10:15 10:20 10:30 10:55 12:20 12:30 — — 10:50 11:00 11:05 — 11:15 11:20 11:30 — 1:20 1:30 11:00 — 11:20 11:30 — — 11:45 11:50 12:00 — 1:45 2:00 12:45 12:50 1:05 1:15 1:20 1:15 1:30 1:35 1:45 2:10 3:35 3:45 1:45 1:50 2:05 2:15 2:20 — 2:30 2:35 2:45 3:10 4:35 4:45 READ DOWN AM Light PM Bold Hampton Bays East Quogue Quogue Westhampton Manorville Airport Connection Manhattan Thur Thur § & & Fri 7 Days Fri 7:30 7:35 7:40 8:00 8:20 9:35 10:00 10:05 10:15 — 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:55 11:00 8:00 8:30 8:05 8:35 8:10 8:40 8:30 9:00 8:50 9:20 10:00 — 10:30 11:00 10:35 11:05 10:45 11:15 — 11:20 10:50 — 11:00 11:35 11:10 11:45 11:25§ — 11:30§ — A A A Sun Only 7 Days 7 Days w 800 936-0440 A Sun thru Fri 12:30 12:35 12:40 1:00 1:20 2:30 3:00 3:05 3:15 — 3:20 3:30 3:40 3:55 4:00 Sun Only 7 Days 9:30 9:35 9:40 10:00 10:20 11:30 12:00 12:05 12:15 12:20 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:55 1:00 11:00 11:05 11:10 11:30 11:50 1:00 1:30 1:35 1:45 — 1:50 2:00 2:10 2:25 2:30 w w Sun Only 7 Days w Sat thru Mon w Sat thru Mon Sun Only 7:00 — 7:20 7:30 — — 7:45 7:50 8:00 — 9:50 10:00 7:45 7:50 8:05 8:15 8:20 8:15 8:30 8:35 8:45 9:10 10:35 10:45 8:45 8:50 9:05 9:15 9:20 — 9:30 9:35 9:45 10:10 11:35 11:45 9:30 9:35 9:50 10:00 10:05 10:00 10:15 10:20 10:30 10:55 12:20 12:30 10:30 10:35 10:50 11:00 11:05 — 11:15 11:20 11:30 11:55 1:20 1:30 w 6:30 6:35 6:50 7:00 7:05 — 7:15 7:20 7:30 7:55 9:20 9:30 Mon thru Sat 9:00 9:05 9:10 9:30 9:50 11:00 11:30 11:35 11:45 11:50 11:50 12:00 12:10 12:25 12:30 w 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days Sun & Mon A w Sun Only 7 Days w Sun Only 7 Days w Sun Only 6:05 6:10 6:20 6:30 6:45 8:50 9:00 4:45 4:50 5:00 5:10 5:25 6:50 7:00 5:45 5:50 6:00 6:10 6:25 7:50 8:00 7:15 7:20 7:30 7:40 7:55 9:20 9:30 8:30 8:35 8:45 8:55 9:10 10:35 10:45 9:30 9:35 9:45 9:55 10:10 11:35 11:45 8:15 8:20 8:30 8:40 8:55 10:20 10:30 NEW MANORVILLE STOP: North Fork Bank, 485 County Road 111 RESERVATIONS: Reservations are required to guarantee a seat. Please call if you must change or cancel a reservation; please do not double book.“No shows” may be charged full fare. CELL PHONE POLICY: All phones must be turned off. Urgent calls only; limited to a total of 3 minutes. TICKETS AND PAYMENT: Payment on board may be by cash, ticket, credit card; or by check if you are an Express Club member and have your membership card with you. American Express, Visa and MasterCard may be used for payment only if the credit card is on board with the passenger. ALL LUGGAGE must have ID tag. HJ liability maximum $250. All checked luggage & packages are subject to search. ♦ 631 283-4600 A 1:00 1:05 1:10 1:30 1:50 — 3:30 3:35 3:45 — — 4:00 4:10 — — 11:30 11:35 11:40 12:00 12:20 1:30 2:00 2:05 2:15 2:20 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:55 3:00 w — — 6:20 6:30 — — 6:45 6:50 7:00 7:25 9:00 9:10 | | | | | | | | M A 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days A Mon thru Sat — — 5:50 6:00 6:05 — 6:10 6:15 6:20 6:45 8:50 9:00 | | | | | | | | M A 10:30 10:35 10:40 11:00 11:20 12:30 1:00 1:05 1:15 — 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:55 2:00 A 7 Days 7 Days 4:30 4:35 4:50 5:00 5:05 — 5:10 5:15 4:00 4:45 5:15 5:20 4:20 5:05 — 5:45 5:35 6:35 6:45 7:10 5:45 6:45 7:00 7:30 | | | | | | | | M Mon thru Sat 10:00 10:05 10:10 10:30 11:50 — 12:30 12:35 12:45 — — 1:00 1:10 — — A Open (unreserved) tickets, including Value Pack ticket books, can be purchased at The Omni in Southampton or through our accounting office. Trip availability is subject to change—always call to confirm schedule. Ask about our additional holiday weekend trips. 10:15 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:55 12:20 12:30 12:15 12:20 12:30 12:40 12:55 2:20 2:30 2:30 2:35 2:45 2:55 3:10 4:35 4:45 3:30 3:35 3:45 3:55 4:10 5:35 5:45 6:15 6:20 6:30 6:40 6:55 8:20 8:30 w A Ambassador Class Service NOTES Airport Connection Manorville Southampton Water Mill Bridgehampton Sag Harbor Wainscott East Hampton Amagansett Napeague Montauk A A ARR. DEPARTING READ DOWN AM Light PM Bold NYC / 86th betw Lex & Third NYC / 69th & Lex NYC / 59th & Lex NYC / 40th betw Lex & Third A July-August 2004 Westbound Westhampton Line Eastbound Montauk Line ARRIVING DEPARTING Hampton Jitney Schedule ♦ This trip goes to Napeague & Montauk THURS.through MON. § This trip goes to Napeague & Montauk THURS. & FRI. ONLY w Upper West Side Service Montauk Block Island Ferry Connection via Viking Fleet sports Accuser files civil lawsuit against Kobe Tense day ends with U.S. victory U.S. TURKEY 80 68 The Americans’ final Olympic tuneup was similar to many others during an upand-down tour through Europe. They were unable to dominate an opponent that figured to be vastly overmatched, but they got the job done in the end. What made this day different was a major off-the-court event that tested their focus. The team learned early in the morning that bombs had exploded at two tourist hotels and a fuel depot a few miles from their hotel, but team and U.S. government officials reas- (AP) By the time U.S. Olympic basketball players finished an 80-68 victory over Turkey in front of a jeering and whistling crowd yesterday, they pronounced themselves ready for Athens — but still jittery from the events of an anxious day. Coach Larry Brown directs the U.S. men’s basketball team through its final game before the Olympics. sured them it would be safe to go ahead with the game. After failing to shake Turkey for three quarters, the U.S. team hit its stride in the fourth — but not before the crowd gave them an earful. The play that turned the fans against them came when LeBron James swiped at the ball and hit Turkey guard God's messenger who guarantees to heal the sick & ailing. To remove all suffering & bad luck. Sister Lila helps you with all kinds of problems. For ways and answers about love, health, happiness and good luck, call Sister Lila (212) 472-0505 • Back Pain • Neck Pain • Disc Problems • Headaches Over 12 years experience in NYC Day, Evening & Saturday hours. Immediate Emergency Appointments. Participating Provider In: Oxford, AETNA/US Healthcare, Guardian, BC/BS, GHI, CIGNA, Medicare, United Healthcare, HIP and more. Workers comp./No fault cases accepted. Reasonable rates for the uninsured. 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The Mets and Yankees continue their series against Texas teams that have defied expectations. Houston was supposed to contend for first place, but is now stuck in third. Texas was lightly regarded in the preseason, but is now competing for the American League West title. **BANKRUPTCY** $ 899.00 COMPLETE* All Boros/Nassau FREE CONSULTATION Garret Rubin, Esq. 718-210-4813 111 Livingston St., Bklyn. *Chapter 7 NYC MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Bruce G. Clark & Associates 233 BROADWAY, NYC 22 SOUTH BAYLES, PORT WASHINTON 1-800-675-5275 Accident Victims...Need Money Now? Get Money Against Your Pending Lawsuit: 3 Personal Injury 3 Motor Vehicle Accidents 3 3 Slip and Fall 3 Malpractice 3 3 Structured Settlement “Buyouts” 3 and more 1-800-790-9992 IMMIGRATION WE CAN HELP CONTRACTS 212-964-7700 Call Saville Mallach at (646) 442-3450 FREE CONSULTATION Law Offices of Saville A. 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KIMMEL CALL MARC 212-239-5505 Randee Elaine Salon OUTOFBOUNDS SERVICES Defective Product Dog Bites Elevator/Escalator Death Claims 37 Florida authorities are investigating charges that four coaches of an elite Tampa soccer team let their players, ages 13 and 14, have sex with prostitutes while (AP) on a recent trip to Amsterdam. LEGAL • • • • TO ADVERTISE IN THIS DIRECTORY Sister Lila The 20-year-old woman accusing Kobe Bryant of rape filed a federal civil lawsuit against the NBA star yesterday, seeking unspecified damages for pain, suffering and “public scorn, hatred and ridicule” she has suffered as a result of the alleged attack. The attorneys asked for a jury trial and compensatory damages of at least $75,000, with punitive damages to be determined later. The woman was identified only as Jane Doe. A prosecution spokeswoman said the civil lawsuit won’t affect the criminal trial. (AP) Ibrahim Kutluay in the eye. Kutluay, who scored 26 points, lay writhing on the floor before walking off. He eventually returned. Another Turkish player went down moments later, and the whistles and shrieks from the crowd reached earsplitting levels whenever the U.S. had the ball thereafter. (AP) FEELING & LOOKING G O O D Chiropractor amNY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 Specialists in medical malpractice for 30 years. Millions collected for clients 11 Park Place Suite 612, New York, NY 10007 WILLS amNY Medals get chic & Greek Stereotypes don’t apply to U.S. swimmer Correia The gold, silver and bronze medals have a new look for the Athens Olympics — a redesign that’s unique, Greek and even a little chic. For the facelift, the first for the Summer Games in 76 years, organizers asked artists to submit proposals that included two distinctly Greek elements: a depiction of Nike, the goddess of victory, and the Panathinaikos, the Athens stadium where the first modern Olympics were held in 1896. Ever since the 1928 Olympics, Nike had been shown on the medals, seated on a chariot holding a wreath and an ear of corn, symbolically honoring winning athletes. Next to the goddess was usually a stadium that looked like a Roman amphitheater. (AP) BY MIKE WISE The Washington Post This Olympics will see the first change to the front side of the Summer Olympic medal since the Amsterdam Games in 1928. Nike, goddess of victory Panathinaikon Stadium held the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 (AP GRAPHICS) Olympic flame As rough stereotypes go, America’s greatest swimmers were born privileged white children who grew up on cul-de-sacs sandwiched between California and Florida. Maritza Correia did grow up in Florida, “but that’s about it as far as the regular path goes,’’ she said. Excerpt from Pindar’s Eighth Olympic Ode (460 B.C.) “Let’s see,’’ she continued. “I was born in Puerto Rico and my parents are Guyanese. I was diagnosed with scoliosis at 6 years old and my doctor said I should take up the sport for my back problems. And then I just started getting serious about it.’’ Sleek and powerful in the water, “Ritz,” 22, has already broken freestyle sprint records held by Olympians Amy Van Dyken and Jenny Thompson. And though six world records were set at last month’s U.S. Olympic trials in Long Beach, Calif., Correia made another bit of history: She became the first black woman to swim for the U.S., qualifying for the 400-meter freestyle relay, a year after winning a gold medal for the U.S. in the same event at the 2003 world championships. Maritza began swimming as a child after doctors told her it would help her avoid surgery to repair a 15-degree curvature of her spine. Growing up in Tampa, Maritza’s classmates kept encouraging her to join them socially after school. She always ended up at the pool. “I got a lot of, ‘Ohmigosh, you gotta go to swim practice again?’” Correia said. “But I just kept swimming. It was important to me.’’ She won a scholarship to the University of Georgia, where she set American records in the sprint freestyles and won multiple NCAA championships. Correia said she doesn’t want to be known merely as the “girl from the ’hood who took up swimming.’’ But if her inclusion into an almost all-white sport inspires a minority child to swim competitively, “I’m OK with that. It’s a little bit of a shame more minorities aren’t involved.’’ Correia knows the gantlet of race-related questions is soon to follow, but she is embracing it. “I think there will be a little bit of pressure on me,’’ she said. “But I’m ready to handle it. I know the public eye is coming, and I’m ready.’’ “She allowed me to pursue my dreams,” Candrea said yesterday at a news conference. “She was my wife, my friend. You don’t realize how much you miss someone until they’re not there.” For nearly three decades, Sue Candrea was there for her husband, handling the checkbook and running their home as he turned the Arizona softball program into a six-time NCAA champion. Sports was a constant; their wedding date paid homage to Mike’s favorite baseball player, Mickey Mantle. If Mike was in the dugout, Sue was generally nearby in the stands. The couple was to mark their 28th anniversary in Athens, where Candrea — who took over as national team coach two years ago — would go for a gold medal. Two special moments at a single Summer Games. Sue’s dedication prompted her retirement earlier this year. She gave up her accounting job to travel with her husband and his team. They were on a pre-Olympic “Aiming for Athens” tour, with a stop in Stevens Point, Wis., when Sue fell ill while awaiting a July 16 flight to Connecticut. The 49-year-old was rushed to the hospital, but died two days later. “This was a bolt of lightning out of the sky,” Candrea said. “One morning, she’s walking on the treadmill. And the next moment, she’s gone.” (AP) James Stillman Rockefeller, the oldest known U.S. Olympic medal winner and the former head of the bank that became Citigroup, died in New Haven yesterday, his family said. Rockefeller, who was 102, had lived in Greenwich. Rockefeller captained an eight-man crew with coxswain from the Yale University rowing team to win gold at the Paris Olympics. Another member of the crew was Dr. Benjamin Spock, the renowned pediatrician. Rockefeller was a grandson of William Rockefeller, who founded Standard Oil with his brother, John D. Rockefeller. Women’s soccer team plays today Women’s soccer will kick-start Olympic festivities today, two days ahead of everything else. The U.S. opens against Greece today on the island of Crete, one of eight games two days before the opening ceremony for a sport that has to start early to squeeze everything in. Capriati pulls out, Raymond steps in Jennifer Capriati was forced to pull out of the Athens Games with a hamstring injury and was replaced by Lisa Raymond, a team spokesman said yesterday. Capriati won a gold medal at the 1992 Barcelona Games, but she missed the 1996 and 2000 Olympics. She told coach Zina Garrison on Sunday she couldn’t play in the Olympics because of the injury, which she sustained in July. Raymond, who was to play doubles with Martina Navratilova, was picked for the singles spot vacated. Javelin thrower ignores torn ACL Breaux Greer would never let a little thing like a torn knee ligament keep him out of the Athens Olympics — especially since he has a decent chance to become the first U.S. javelin thrower in more than a halfcentury to win a gold medal. Greer tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee, the one he plants hard to the ground as he lets go of the javelin, on June 11. But he said yesterday that he’ll compete anyway. Kenyan boxer is first official doper (AP) Their day of celebration had become yet another day of mourning. Less than a month ago, Mike Candrea buried his wife, Sue, who died from a sudden brain aneurysm. And now, as he readied his goldmedal favorites for the Athens Olympics, Candrea remembered the woman who made his life better in so many ways. Rockefeller, oldest U.S. medalist, dies Anti-Olympic protesters gathered in central Athens yesterday to hold an open-air memorial service for 13 workers killed during round-the-clock construction of venues for the Olympics. About 500 demonstrators stood in silence as the names of the workers were read out and olive wreaths placed on 13 crosses erected outside Greece’s parliament three days before the games’ start. Coach is alone in Athens As tears welled up in Mike Candrea’s eyes, he slowly removed his glasses. His voice choked up, and the words about his wife came haltingly.“It’s tough,” the coach of the U.S. women’s softball team said, wiping his eye. “You know, Aug. 7 was our anniversary.” OLYMPIC BRIEFS Protesters honor 13 dead workers Maritza Correia, above, is the first black woman to swim for the U.S. Olympic team. In 2000, Anthony Ervin, whose mother is white, became the first black male swimmer to represent the U.S. He shared the gold medal in the 50-meter freestyle with Gary Hall Jr. before retiring earlier this year. New Summer Olympic medals The Acropolis and Parthenon sports WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2004 (GETTY IMAGES) 38 U.S. softball coach Mike Candrea discusses his grief at a news conference in Athens yesterday. His players, two-time defending gold medalists, have dedicated their 2004 effort to his wife’s memory. In the first doping case of the Athens Olympics, a Kenyan boxer was barred from the games yesterday after failing an out-of-competition drug test in the athletes’ village. Bantamweight David Munyasia, 24, tested positive for the banned stimulant cathine, the International Olympic (AP) Committee said. PHONE COMPANY SHOWDOWN Round N o 15 AT&T CUSTOMERS: FEELING DISCONNECTED? PERHAPS IT’S TIME TO CONNECT WITH A BETTER PHONE COMPANY. Ever since AT&T announced they’re no longer focusing on home phone service, people like you have been feeling a little, well, disconnected. Being a phone company ourselves, we couldn’t imagine putting our customers in such an uncertain position. But then again, we’re IDT, and we’re different. We don’t overcharge our customers, we don’t take them for granted, and we don’t spend their money on corporate jets and swanky offices. What we do is save people money—at least $15 a month, or in your case, probably a whole lot more. 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